#and they didn't really know Why they kept putting off going back to their lair
headcanon that alex fell in love with morgan during those six months they crashed at their apartment
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appleblueberry-pie · 1 month
hear me out- yandere Miguel capturing us after we managed to escape from his lair (he kidnapped us) and us dealing w/ the consequences he put up for us 👀
Anyways thank youuu 🤭
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I Thought You Knew Better Than This.
You've never thought your own home could look so ruined. He threw and destroyed everything. Your walls covered in claw marks in certain places with big and heavy pieces of furniture destroyed and laying on the opposite side of the room it's supposed to be on. You tried to make minimal sound as his hand on the back of your shirt continued to hurt you. Miguel hasn't stopped breathing heavy since he found you hiding in your little corner. He was seething. Absolutely furious with how the way things have turned out. It was supposed to be a simple day today. He drowns you in his luxury and money while he also indulges in the feelings of happiness that your happiness gives him. But when he was distracted and had his back turned, you disappeared without a second to spare, taking his patience and mercy with you.
Even though he wasn't wearing the symbol of his power, his spider-suit, something about him wearing just regular clothes while chasing you as if he was a predator catching his prey made your heart pang in fear. You said nothing and kept to yourself as he practically shoved you into the fully formed portal.
When you two were back into your very carefully decorated and designed (he would call this your real bedroom in your real home)bedroom meant for your comfort and safety, Miguel sat on the edge of the bed and had you planted on his lap. Your back touched his hot chest and your each of your legs were spread out with the outer sides of his own.
You swallowed thick bile and continued to keep your mouth shut. Your eyes roamed around your room in hopes of self soothing your erratic inner turmoil. Miguel grabbed the lower part of your face and turned you to make eye contact with him. His eyes held some sense of control within him, but you knew his heart was telling an entirely different story. You tried your best not to look away, knowing how he feels about eye contact.
"Por qué te fuiste?"(Why did you go?) His voice was quiet as he asked. He spoke to you as if you were a child, and truth be told, you really really didn't want to tell him why. But the last thing you should ever do is lie. Especially to him. "I just.....I didn't want to be with you." You silently croaked out the answer, guilt showing in your eyes, but he didn't care. "Hm? Don't I give you everything? Don't I take good care of you? Papi no te cuida bien?"(Doesn't daddy take care of you?)
You slowly nod and he shakes his head. "I don't understand. Help me understand why you thought it was a good idea to run away. Please." You stutter as you try to answer as his hand somehow sneaked past your pants to rub his cold fingers on your clit through your underwear. ".......B-because I-" "Because you don't think. You just act immediately on your thoughts and leave me to clean up your mess. This is why I make you stay home."
No matter how hard you tried to ignore his fingers, your body somehow managed to build pleasure from the constant stimulation he was giving you. "I'm sorry." He rolls his eyes and begins to take off your pants. "Yeah." You didn't want to think about what he wanted to do with you. You drop the pants onto the floor once they pool around your ankles and Miguel manhandles you over his lap.
"Wait, no, Miguel. I don't wanna do this, I'm not ready!" You feel his digits prod at your entrance as best as they could through the small and unnecessarily damp part of your underwear that he caused. "It never seems like you're ready for me to give you any of your punishments, mi cielo. But don't you think it's time for me to give you what you deserve?" You squirm under his hold, and he rightfully continues to hold you down.
"No!" He coos at you while staring down at your panties, shoving the piece of the cloth to the side to access you more easily. "Mmmm, I think I should." Two of his digits poke at your hole and your shame drastically increases as you automatically whine at the feeling, squirming in his arms.
You hated, hated getting sexual with him. It wasn't fair that he had more experience than you and could play with you like an instrument, making you sing every song known to man. He was so good at touching you, you never wanted to try it again since the first time it happened. Knowing how hard it was to not only ignore him, but also how hard it was to go against his word when you and him both knew he could make you feel so good in ways you didn't think was humanly possible.
Miguel looks back up to see your reaction as he inserts his fingers and you immediately go silent. His fingers thrust inside of you two, three times and then on the fourth time, curls on that spot and you squeeze your eyes shut. A very small upward curve makes itself known on Miguel's face. He softly praises you and continues working your pussy out. "There, we go, bebé. No se siente increíble? Déjame escucharte."(Doesn't that feel amazing? Let me hear you). Your hands tighten their hold on his thigh and you shake your head no. He suddenly pulls his fingers out, licking them clean before tossing you onto the bed, immediately taking his hard cock out of his pants. "Está bien, nena."(That's okay, baby) He almost seems to say his words excitedly, rushing to mount your ass, one of his hands on the small of your back to keep you in place, his head hanging to watch the hot tip of his cock slip between the plush doors to his only escape to reality, indulging in you entirely. "........Tengo otras maneras de hacerte cantar."(I have other ways of making you sing.) He was gone, too far gone to stop and it was all of your fault.
He lets out a shaky sigh, leaning down to connect his chest to your back, now moving the hand that once was restricting you so that his body can take that role, and instead putting his hand in your hair to move your face to meet his. You look up at him with those adorable glossy eyes, the tears threatening to drop down your pretty cheek only makes him smile. "You did this to yourself, baby. Don't be so sad. All you have to do is let me do the work, okay? Just relax." Then his lips connect with yours in a sweet, loving kiss that you fucking hated. But your opinion never mattered in these moments, and it especially didn't matter when he kept deepening the kiss, groaning into your mouth as you felt him very gently intrude your entrance.
His kisses. His kisses successfully distracted you. Those plush lips making you forget your words. And when his tip oh, so gently kissed that spot inside of you when he was fully in, you felt your mind begin to buzz and didn't even realize you stopped trying to resist. Miguel took that moment to let his hands roam your heavenly body. There were only a few times he got to do this, and sadly, it was only when he was having sex with you. He wanted to be able to touch you every day. He wanted his hands to touch your stomach, your sides like this every morning and every night. He wanted to soothe your mind and body like this every day in any way he could, outside of a sexual context, because he knows he could. He just wishes you would love him back so he can give you what you truly deserve. Own him like you truly deserve.
But then he remembers you telling him he wasn't shit, his love wasn't shit, you wanted him dead, wanted him gone, he was worth nothing and the only thing you'd enjoy would be him in the dirt. Dead, gone, cold and forever silent, out of your mind. But what about all of this he built for you? What about those mornings you'd be in his arms and immediately realized you cuddled him all of the damn time in your sleep? What about those times he had to help you cook, had to help you with those weirdos who cat-called you outside, had to help you with your stress? Your pain that he took away from you? Just like this?
What about that? "Nothing I do is ever enough for you." His hips slowly roll into yours and you focus on the sheets in front of you, ignoring his crazy talk. "Maybe I should try giving you all that I got. Maybe then, you'll learn to be thankful." He grabs you by the waist and pulls you to the edge of the bed. Both pairs of feet touch the ground, but you both remain bent over the bed. His hands grab onto yours and pulls them up, giving you no space or peace of mind to be able to ignore anything he's doing to you.
The soft rolling picks up speed and force, the jabs he makes inside of you increasing in pleasure with each thrust. You begin making sounds you can't control, and Miguel smothers you with kisses on your neck, praising your actions.
You hated him. You hated how you began leaning into his affection and relaxed at his words as he fucked the logic out of your mind. You hated how he numbed your tongue and continued to abuse your sweet spot constantly, knowing how sweet you'll be to him afterwards. And even when you grind back into him, all of your muscles tensing as he rubs at your clit during your orgasm, you still find a way to try and curse his name, only for it to come out of your mouth as if he was an angel from heaven.
Miguel pulls out to shoot his load onto the sheets, knowing the relationship you two have isn't something he wanted his child to see. It'd take a few more months.
You let him clean you, wash the sheets, feed you and put you to bed. And you couldn't find it in you to complain, let alone have any kind of opinion of what just happened. Not when you were this tired. Miguel decided to skip work for the rest of the night to sleep with you. You don't say anything.
You curled into his arms, knowing the next morning will just be a mental battle with yourself over giving in or continuing this exhausting fight you were putting up. His hand softly caresses your head, the other one holding your body close to his. He is whispering to you in such a soft and lovely tone, it just makes you wonder how obsessed he really is with you. Skin to skin. He lulls you to sleep and stays awake for a good while, just to embrace the moment he's never given. Then follows you into his subconscious.
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888-fr · 5 days
Disclaimer that I'm speaking from a point of being established here, because not everybody can afford to run their skin shop like I do. I don't judge less established artists for needing to limit their skins because they can't afford to print a run with only 2 people on it. I'm also not judging anybody who does retire their skins after a set number of prints - whole different matter! I'm giving an opinion piece based on my own personal thoughts about running my own skin shop.
Okay, now that's out of the way. I really dislike the idea of time-limiting my skins. There's just no actual justification for me, as an established skin artist, to limit skins I know will sell... aside from prestige, and putting buying pressure on my customers. So there's a couple of reasons I don't like that:
1) Erodes trust in the artist.
Yes, I could probably make more money if I kept my skins limited so people HAD to pick up my skin on release. Maybe even all 4 colors of the skin, including the one they don't really keep in their hoard. Just in case they want it down the line but it won't be available anymore.
Is this good business practice though? Do I want people to start feeling panicked every time I ping for a release, because they just picked up a new project and really really CAN'T afford to be buying skins right now but there's 5 colorways of my skin available and they'll probably be resold for 2kg as soon as they retire?
Personally, no! I want people excited when I ping, not feeling dread in their hearts and budgets. I want people to be thinking: 'Awesome, a new skin! I can't afford that right now but I know he always keeps a few on the AH at print price even after preorders end. Even if I can't buy a skin just this moment, I'll be sure to keep an eye on his thread for when I have gems again.' Or: "Awesome, a new skin! This one doesn't appeal to my lair aesthetic, so I will just nod and smile. I don't feel the need to buy it in case it gets popular for resale, because it will always be on the AH for print price."
People tell me about unsubscribing from GASP because they get anxiety being pinged for skins they want but can't have. So I want people to stay on my pinglist because there's no pressure on them whatsoever to purchase anything. It'll always be here, okay? In the meantime, just enjoy the art, maybe preview it on a scry or two. I'll be here if you're back in three weeks, or three months.
2) Passive income!
I lied. I probably would've made less money time limiting all my skins than by keeping my skins restocked. A couple of reasons for this:
- My earlier skins sold worse. This isn't psychology, it's just numbers. Some of my most popular stock were made early on in 2021/2022. I didn't have that many sales then, so could you imagine if I had retired them immediately after that? There's 230something copies of SAILOR'S WARNING out in the world right now. If that skin was time limited after preorders died down, I would've sold "only" 50 forever.
- People see my shop stock whenever you ping for a new releases. I get 3-4 sales off auction house whenever I release something new and people check my front page. It's not a lot but it's consistent.
- It's a win-win situation, okay? If a skin is popular, there's no reason to time limit it to drive up sales. If it IS popular, then people are going to see it on other people's dragons, go "damn that's a nice skin," and maybe do an AH search for it. And if there's a cheap print price copy available, they're gonna buy it.
2) Reprints are easy!
It was a lot more annoying to keep track of queue numbers and inventory back when reprints had to go through regular queue for a week. Did I put in 10 copies of SUNHEAVEN already? Wait, are my kitsune aethers back yet? How many of MOLOCH are still listed?
Now I can put in a blueprint and get my reprint instantly. No fuss at all.
3) I don't want to buy into the 'this is a retired skin' hype...
This is just personal preference. It makes me feel a little bad when a public skin I made is popular and people can't afford to have it. I'm not judging anybody who does like it when their skins are rare, special, and sought after.
It's just... I get that part of my brain scratched from my customs. They're gorgeous, they're 5 prints, they're on the AH for 30kg if you really want one. Most importantly they're niche and high coverage enough that even if someone hadn't paid me to draw an exclusive skin specifically for their dragon, they'd never do well as a public skin anyway.
Here are some tips for people looking into keeping their skins unlimited:
- You don't need to do it like I do.
Blueprints are expensive. Even I don't have my entire catalogue stocked, only the ones I noticed always have reprint requests. For example, only SAILOR'S WARNING out of 4 total colors for my impm skins is kept stocked because the others don't sell enough to justify it.
If you can't afford to stock them 10 at a time, have the customer provide the blueprints. Shelving your skins but having them be reprintable with a BP and a fee (350g is good for 850g print prices; remember, 500g of that went to you purchasing blueprints in the public run, so it doesn't make sense to charge customers a whole 850g when they're already providing the blueprint) is a good alternative to permanently retiring your skins. You don't get a ton of people who can afford that, but the option is there for people who want it.
- Notice which skins sell!
If you already have a good amount of skins in catalogue and have trouble figuring out which ones to begin stocking, you can start by checking in with your pinglist. Poll them and see which ones you'd want to rerun.
- Don't have so many recolors.
It's a law of the universe that they more recolors you have, the worse they sell collectively. I usually do 2, no more than 3. If you have to time limit your skins to get 6 recolors to hit print, then it's time to cut those recolors down.
There's reasons for this: it's choice paralysis, people may want 'complete sets' and will skip out if you're making that complete set cost 4kg total, and it just plain doesn't make sense for very similar color schemes to cover 4 different skins. Feel free to print personal recolors or have custom recolors open.
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lildrabbles · 10 months
Chapter 2: The Nightwatcher
2007! Raph x Female Reader
Summary: You couldn't stop thinking about eachother. You just had questions about the mysterious NightWatcher. But why can't the man himself stop thinking of you?
Warnings: Some swearing, and a lil Gore but just barely, that will be worse in the next chapter tho. not really proofread either. Let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: this ones a lil long, but not too bad <3
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After the incident, you had talked to the police about what had happened and explained what the mysterious man had done for her. After explaining him, the police had confirmed that they were aware of who he was and what he had a tendency to do. They said he went by "The Nightwatcher." Even more reason to call him mysterious.
They said they didn't have much information about him, besides that before the police could ever get to a crime, he had already dealt with it. Well, tying up the criminals for the police to take away, at least.
When you went home that night, you wanted to learn more about him, so you pulled out your computer and did some research. There were a bunch of news reports, and interviews with people who had seen him. Some people thought he was doing better than the police were, and some thought that he should just leave it up to the police to deal with.
You still had unanswered questions though. So many questions. You wondered where he was right now. ------------------------------- Raph quietly entered the lair while taking off his helmet, walking past Mikey who had fell asleep on the couch with a pizza box on his chest. He rolled his eyes before heading towards his room, making sure to be quiet since everyone else was sleeping.
He softly closed his bedroom door behind him, and sighed. He started to take off the suit, placing his helmet on his desk for now.
He flinched from pain, looking down at his arm. He had a decent size cut on his forearm, assuming from the glass from the door he smashed through at the convience store.
He groaned, then kicked the suit under the bed, and walked over to sit at his desk. He pulled out his first aid kit, and started to tend to his arm. He wrapped it up, the blood just barely soaking through. He flexed his arm to check, winching a bit. Probably not a good idea to move it just yet.
He stood up, stretched, and fell onto his bed. He was exhausted. He glanced at the clock hanging on his wall. It was currently 12:35 in the morning. He turned over onto his side, letting his wounded arm hang off the side of the bed.
He always had a hard time falling asleep, and refused to ask Donnie for melatonin. So he just let his thoughts wander, until it wandered to the girl at the convenience store.
She was in shock of course, but he couldn't help but notice that she was gawking at his hands. He looked down at his three fingered hands. No one usually noticed them, maybe she was just more observant. He sighed and put his hand back down. It's not like he would ever see her again, New York was a pretty big city. He closed his eyes and tried to fall back asleep, but his mind kept going back to her. He eventually fell asleep, but not without thinking about her. He felt like a creep, but it's fine, he's just thinking about his day, he would forget about her eventually. -------------------------------- You could barely sleep that night. Mostly you were still shook about the events that had happened, but at some point you couldn't stop thinking about that man. At about 1 in the morning you managed to fall asleep, but not a very good sleep. You had contacted your boss and he let you take the next day off because of the previous situation.
In the morning, you slept until 11 am. But at least you were actually on your bed this time. You sat up, trying to rub away your blurred vision and eye bags. You swung your feet off the side of the bed, and started making your way to the kitchen. You were starving, so you looked through your fridge and decided to make some scrambled eggs and toast.
You were munching on them when you got a text message from your mom. Mom: Honey, are you okay?! I heard about what happened and how you refused to do an interview and I'm just so worried, please get back to me when you can. Love you lots sweetie. ❤ You sighed, before replying, telling her everything was okay and that you were doing just fine. You guys talked for a bit before you said you had to go, so once you said goodbye you went to wash your dishes.
Once you were finished, you went to get ready for the day ahead of you.
After you got ready you headed outside for a quick jog. You didn't know what to do with yourself for the rest of the day.
"I guess I could clean the house a bit..." You thought to yourself as you put in your earbuds to listen to music. After jogging around the block twice, you were tired, so you stopped at a stand for a bottle of water. You sighed as you sat down on a bench, looking up at the tall buildings surrounding you. It was a pretty muggy day, and it was dark and grey.
You wiped away the sweat from your forehead and stood back up, finishing the last of your water and started walking back to your house, throwing the bottle away in a trash can you passed. You just walked back, since you didn't see the need to jog or run back now.
By the time you got back, it was 2:30. You kicked off your shoes, tied your hair back into a messy bun, and started cleaning.It took a few hours to clean the entire house, taking necessary breaks in between, but the end results are always worth it.
You plopped down on the couch to rest your feet for a bit. It was starting to get dark, so you decided to jump in the shower. You stood up and stretched, catching a glimpse out of the window. You saw flashing red and blue lights, and opened your window to take a peak. It was a police chase. Of course it was. Just normal New York at night. You closed your Windows and shut your blinds before going to take a shower. ------------------------------------- Raph had decided to go back out again to do his duty as The Nightwatcher despite the wound in his arm. He barely felt anything anyways, so he's fine.
He sat in an alleyway on his bike, he made sure it was running so he could be quick. Raphael was sitting for what felt like forever before he finally got some static from the police station.
He heard them talking about a police chase with a man who had stolen someone's purse. He revved up the engine, listening for a street name, and started down to that street.
Raph was quick to figure out where they were, hearing the sirens. He took some shortcuts to avoid getting caught by the police. When he heard on the station that they had lost sight of the man, he turned down a street to look for him himself.
When Raphael caught sight of the car, he sped up, driving beside it. He looked in at the guy, waving, before swerving to the side in front of the car, causing him to swerve into an alleyway, smashing into a wall. Raph parked behind him, slowly stepping off the bike while the man stumbled out of the car.
He fell to the ground, having a coughing fit. Raph stepped over him to peek into the car. On the passenger side, there was a fancy cream coloured bag. He leaned in and grabbed it before leaning down and grabbed the man by the scruff of his jacket.
"G-get off me you f*ck!ng weirdo!!" The man yelled, attempting to kick him in the groin.
Raph chuckled, "Well aren't you a feisty lil fella?", before throwing him against the side of the car and pinning him to it. "You look familiar. Haven't I already dealt with you? God this job can be annoying sometimes.." Raph said before kicking him, causing him to yelp in pain.
"No more stealing bags or anything, got it? I'm sick and tired of reporting to stupid and silly jobs like this." He let go of him with one hand still holding him to look for any spare rope, but he obviously wasn't paying enough attention, because the next thing he knew the man had bolted up a fire escape.
"Hey! Get your @$$ back here!!" He yelled, and started chasing him up the building. When he reached the top, he looked around. He couldn't see him anywhere, and he walked out into the middle of the rooftop.
"Hey buddy!" He heard the man's voice, turning around to face him. But to his surprise, he had a gun. Raph rolled his eyes. That thing probably wasn't even loaded, and its not like his aim was that good anyways- BANG! He felt a sudden sharp pain right above his plastron. He stumbled back a couple steps, cursing as he clasped his hand up to the wound. He started to hyperventilate, his vision going blurry, and before he knew it, he had stepped back too far and fell down.
He was lucky enough to land back onto the fire escape in front of a window. A window of an apartment that belonged to a girl.
That girl?
That girl was you.
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Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
There is. a lot.
Spoilers for Spider's Web With Strings Attached (and a really long rant) below the cut
When she took Donnie's mask after Heinous Green bashed his head in, she kept it in her vault in case she needed to perform some sort of magic that required his DNA some day.
Big Mama never intended for Donnie to die.
That being said, she still recorded and sold copies of Donnie's death. It's her most sold recording ever.
Viper requested to fight Leo. Big Mama only agreed if she kept him alive and able to fight.
Like she got the orb that she captured all of New York in from Draxum, Big Mama got the spider brooches from Draxum many years ago. She only had two; she was lying about the other two for Raph and Mikey.
Before he knew where the twins were, Mikey kept having visions of them fighting people and getting hurt. He thought they were just nightmares.
Heinous Green was in the arena because Big Mama often partners with the Hidden City police. Criminals can work of time by serving the community. In this case, they serve the community by providing entertainment Roman Coliseum style.
Big Mama's family introduced arena fights to the humans.
There was going to be a fight where Tyrian fought a scorpion and writhed with agonizing poison for a chapter, but I forgot about it until it was too late to add it -_-
Raph and Mikey's arena names would have been Rouge and Terracotta.
Big Mama was panicking the majority of the fic. Because she kidnapped them very illegally, she had to manage their food, housing, medical care, and fight arrangements herself so none of the people who normally do that (legally) would get suspicious. Honestly, Big Mama didn't expect them to become SO well loved, and then worried about keeping audience interest by putting the twins in harder fights, but not killing off her greatest assets. She, like everyone else, thought that Leo would snap first. When Donnie snapped first and proved to be a very effective killer, some of the audience grew worried about what was happening behind the scenes and raised questions Big Mama couldn't answer. Panicking, she set up the death bracket, hoping that becoming the champion would turn public opinion of Tyrian positive again. She miscalculated, and Donnie died. She also didn't intend for Leo to get mixed up in the bracket. A LOT of people lost a LOT of money, and her stocks dropped. At that point, it became less about business and money making and much more about getting revenge via torture. By the time she offered Astros the 'out' that was one final fight, she was stressed out of her mind with upholding her reputation. Had Leo been in his right mind, he would have seen how much she was unraveling.
Todd turned his non profit lemonade into a fundraiser to find the twins back when they were first missing. There were a LOT of posters and Big Mama had a FIELD DAY trying to take them all down.
Mikey and Raph tried for DAYS to get the trackers back online, but it never worked.
After hearing that Donnie had died, Hypno, Warren, Meat Sweats, and Repo got together and made the Hamatos a gift basket.
April is failing most of her classes right now.
At some point during the recovery arc, Donnie snuck out to secretly turn every blinking red light in the Lair green. You know exactly why.
Raph was wrong when he said crime had been way down since the invasion. Casey Jr had been handling it without anyone knowing. The Purple Dragons hate him a lot now.
Draxum learned slang words from school, but April taught him what they meant
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naussensei · 2 months
In Satoru's Room
The door of Satoru’s room opened to reveal a neat and clean place, much to Suguru’s dismay. He had almost expected food wrappings and dirty laundry all over the place, but instead, found himself in front of one of the most elegantly decorated rooms he’d ever seen.
“What the hell?” Are you like… rich or something?”
“Yeah.” Satoru said, with utmost simplicity, which had Geto’s jaw dropping. He was only joking when he asked the question.
Suguru entered the place willingly now, to inspect it carefully, as one enters a museum. The space was exactly the same as his room in terms of size, except Satoru’s seemed like a place where someone actually lived there, and not some cheap, tasteless motel room like Suguru’s. The closet was filled with several sets of school uniforms and the most expensive brands of clothes, some of which Suguru had never even heard of before. There were also some posters of bands hung on the walls, mostly popular rock bands like L'Arc en Ciel or Miyavi, and a few American bands, among which Suguru could only recognize the names “Blink 182” and “The Offsprings”, and only because some emo kid in his previous school was obsessed with them. Suddenly, Suguru’s plain, empty room felt lame, and wondered if he should maybe start hanging up band posters. Not like he knew many anyway. He didn’t really listen that much to music, other than whatever was popular on the radio. The only CD he owned was an Utada Hikaru CD that a girl in his previous school had lent him, which he didn’t particularly like, but just happened to keep listening to because he never got the chance to return it before he changed schools and houses.
In his exploration, Suguru made his way through the room as if it was a lion's lair he was entering, and continued to the bed now. In front of it, there was a TV with a DVD player, and a large shelf with a wide collection of CDs, movies, video games, and every single gadget that Suguru could ever think of, and more.
The only thing that seemed out of place was a poster of a girl in a bikini on the ceiling. Strange . For some reason, Satoru did not strike him like the kind of guy that would put up a picture of a girl in his room. In fact, he didn’t strike him as the kind guy who would be interested in girls at all. Or men. Or… humans, for that matter. But who knows? There was no denying he was handsome, surely he’d broken some hearts out there. Maybe he had a secret girlfriend waiting for him somewhere and kept a picture to remember her. Or, maybe he simply liked to jerk off to a picture at night, like all his classmates back home did. 
The image of it made Suguru squirm. He did not want to remember that. Least of all picture Satoru in that state.
“Sit,” Satoru patted the bed, signaling Suguru to sit by his side, which, right now he really didn't feel like doing. Not with the ever present picture above his head, and the lewd image he tried so hard to get rid of.
“Is that your girlfriend?” Suguru asked, in a lousy effort to keep the intrusive thoughts away.
“Pff, I wish.” Satoru dropped on his back in the bed. “You seriously don’t know who Waka Inoue is?”
“Should I?”
“Dude, she’s like, all over the TV and the streets.”
It was no wonder that he hadn’t seen her, since he hadn’t gotten a TV for his room yet. Although her face did seem to ring a bell, maybe from one of the dramas that his mother used to watch. Suguru titled his head to take a better look, which was apparently funny, because Satoru let out a laugh.
“She’s a model,” he said.
“Oh,” Suguru hummed, trying to sound impressed. “She’s, uh… she’s hot.” 
He didn’t really think so, but it seemed like the right thing to say, given how into it Satoru seemed.
After carefully assessing that the bed covers were clean and not stiff, Suguru finally took a seat at the other end of the bed.
“I haven’t been to the city yet, that’s why I haven’t seen her. But I'm thinking I should get a TV when I go.” He confessed.
From the bed, Satoru turned his head to look at him with furrowed brows. “You’ve never been to Tokyo?”
Suguru simply shrugged, somewhat embarrassed for some reason, wishing he hadn’t said that. He was not there to be judged, especially not by him .
“So, anyway, why are we here?” 
With a swift movement, Satoru got on his feet, then searched for something on the TV stand. The screen went on with the words “Play Station 2” on it.
“Because… I got this game, but it’s a co-op.”
“A what?”
“A co-op. You know, like, two or more people playing it. I’ve been meaning to play it for ages, but Shoko doesn’t want to play. She only likes to play Mario Kart.”
Suguru frowned in confusion. What did any of that have to do with him?
“And,” Satoru handed him a controller, “you and I are going to play it.”
Suguru raised an eyebrow at him, reluctantly.
“I don’t even know this game. I’ve never played it. Actually, I’m not really good at any games at all.”
“Oh, come on, it’ll be fun!” 
The genuine enthusiasm in Satoru’s face really had him speechless, wondering if his frustration was only one-sided, because Satoru seemed oblivious. Perhaps Suguru was delusional and he was the only one staying up at night dwelling about these unimportant things. But a few days ago Satoru didn’t want to talk to him, and now he had dragged him into the intimacy of his room to play games with him, like they’ve been doing this since the beginning of times. Suguru might not have been an expert in the art of making friends, but he was pretty sure that was not how it worked. They were not little elementary school kids that would fight and make up like nothing happened the next moment, but he wasn’t sure Satoru was aware of that.
“Come on,” Satoru insisted with the most honest smile and the biggest puppy eyes. “I would really appreciate it if you played with me.”
It struck him then. That this was probably Satoru’s own strange, immature way to apologize.
Hesitant, Suguru looked at the clock on the wall. They would have to wake up in just a couple of hours. “It’s late.”
“Please?” Satoru titled his head, his smile was charming. Surely he knew it was, and the effect it had on people, because it was having the same effect on him right now, and Suguru half-hated him for it. 
In spite of himself, Suguru sighed in defeat, taking the controller. “Alright. But first...”
Suguru cocked an eyebrow at him. “You said you had tea.”
Satoru flinched, suddenly all signs of softening around his edges dissipated, yet did not protest. He simply moved to the kitchenette to grab the kettle, put on a sarcastic smile and said, “Anything else your majesty would like?” 
“A sandwich would be nice too.”
“Ok, now you’re pushing your luck, bro...”
Putting the controller down, Suguru opened his eyes wide at him, arms crossed and a wicked smirk growing on his lips.
“Fuck— fine…” 
Satoru took in a deep breath, then turned to grab a bag of bread and nearly smashed it on the counter to prepare a sandwich. Suguru watched him do so with delight.
When he was done improvising two cups of tea and a ham sandwich for each, Satoru moved everything to the night stand next to the bed. It took one flick of his fingers for the items to travel smoothly across the room. It was just as amusing to watch as the first time.
“How do you do that?” Suguru shook his head, not caring to hold back his amazement. “That’s so convenient. You think you can teach me to do that?”
“Nah. I was born like this,” he said, placing a plate with Suguru’s sandwich before him.
“Why, thank you, how very thoughtful of you.”
“Yeah, yeah, now shut up and eat. Unless you want me to feed it to you too.”
Suguru’s silent grin was answer enough.
“Oh god, you gotta be kidding me…”
“You shouldn’t give me ideas, Satoru.”
“Dude, I’m not gonna feed you.”
Still smiling, Suguru put the controller down again, and opened his mouth the slightest, ready to take a bite.
“Fucking unbelievable…” Satoru grumbled, yet took the sandwich in his hand violently, and brought it to Suguru’s mouth. Blue eyes gleamed at him with spite. “God, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.”
Without breaking eye contact, Suguru took the smallest, most delicate bite, savoring the moment. Satoru’s lips parted as he watched him eat, hungry eyes fixed on Suguru’s lips now, as though he could taste the bread in his own mouth. When Suguru swallowed, Satoru swallowed. When Suguru licked the crumbs off his lips, Satoru’s tongue mirrored his. He must have been really hungry, because he seemed about to drool.
“That's a more than decent sandwich,” Suguru said, running his thumb over his lips to wipe the crumbs. Satoru followed his movements with his eyes, speechless, still staring at him with his mouth open. The way his Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed didn’t feel right, and it suddenly became less fun to tease him now for some reason. So Suguru took the sandwich in his hand, and Satoru’s eyes went from Suguru’s lips to his eyes again, his mouth closing instantly as he cleared his throat.
“You know what goes really well with it, though?” Said Suguru, to ease the tension, his eyes going to the full cup of tea on the table. Satoru was less than amused. 
There was horror in his face, and joy in Suguru’s.
“I swear to god I’m gonna shove that cup up your ass if you keep this up.” 
He reached for Suguru’s neck, and Suguru had to catch his hands to stop him from strangling him. 
“I’m joking, I’m joking,” Suguru was laughing now, which made it all the more difficult to resist Satoru’s strong hands, so he had to twist a little in the bed to avoid him. Luckily, Satoru seemed to have calmed down with his words. He was shaking his head now, giving him the most bombastic side-eye, but Suguru was certain he could see his lips curving upwards.
“We better start playing now,” Satoru said, taking his controller. “Or else I’m gonna end up either killing you, or myself.”
“Alright, I’ll try.” Suguru mirrored him, the grip feeling awkward in his hand. “But I don’t promise anything.”
(From Our Last Summer by Naus) Continue reading here
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sibillascribbles08 · 1 year
23. “You can’t just sit here all day.”
Finally back to these. Bath time.
Jason slipped down into the old subway. The barricade that blocked the entrance looked normal, like the tunnel caved in, but by now Jason new part of it was just a hologram. He slipped through it, let Donnie's camera scan him, and then headed into the proper lair.
A small paper bag hung off his wrist as he descended the stairs. The main hall was barren, but he could hear Donnie's brothers hollering at each other. Probably playing video games.
A correct guess. He walked in on Raph, Leo and Mikey all competing hard on the DDR machine. They'd been using it a lot since Jason and Donnie finished repairing it.
Leo was in the middle of dancing, Raph cheering him on. Only Mikey glanced back, face brightening.
"Jase!" He shouted and ran over.
The announcement made Leo lose his focus. He missed a step, and then in his attempts to recover he lost his footing entirely, falling off the machine.
Raph laughed at him.
"I got distracted." Leo cursed, glaring. "Thanks, Jase."
"Your fault, not mine." Jason shrugged and let Mikey pulled him into a quick hug. "Donnie in his room?"
"You sure you want to see him today? He's in quite a mood." Leo stood and stretched his arms.
"I'm aware." Jason held up the bag. "I brought something to help."
"Aw, you shouldn't have." Leo waved a hand. "I think he could suffer for another day."
Raph glared at him. "Leo, we all know how much shedding sucks."
Mikey snorted. "Leo's just jealous that Donnie is getting taller than him."
"Yeah," Leo forced a grin. "What he gets for sprouting up so quick all of a sudden."
Jason rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I'm going to see him. See you guys at dinner, probably."
"I'm making ravioli." Mikey called after him.
Jason gave him a wave and kept moving down the hall to Donnie's room. The door was shut, and didn't open with a knock either. Jason sighed and put a finger on the speaker button.
"Donnie, it's Jase. Open up... please."
It took a few beats, but eventually the door hissed and slid open. Jason stepped inside, glancing at the closed doors of the lab and heading into the room.
Donnie sat on the bed, curled up. He didn't have on his shell, gloves, mask, or anything really. Even from a distance the shedding was obvious, bits of old scales flaking upwards. Donnie scratched at a few of them before clenching his fists and forcing himself to stop.
"What are you doing here, Jase?" The softshell grumbled. "I told you it wasn't a good time."
"Yeah, and you also made the mistake of telling me why. I have something that might help." He held the bag up again, but left it on the desk as he stepped over to the bed. "Like, no promises, but even if it doesn't I'm here to help."
"What did you bring?"
"A gentle, unscented salt scrub. My dad uses something similar a lot, and I steal it from time to time."
Donnie wrinkled his nose. "That explains why you sometimes smell like sea water."
"Are you willing to try it or not."
"I don't want to move." He somehow glared harder as he looked at the wall. "Every time I do everything itches all over again."
Jason sighed. "You can't just sit here all day."
"Try me."
He narrowed his eyes. No way Donnie was actually going to be as stubborn about this as he was acting. He decided to test the theory, reaching out a careful hand and gently scratching the side of his boyfriend's neck.
Donnie's eyes went wide before they fell shut. A few squeaks escaped his throat as he leaned into the touch.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." Jason smirked. He hated the feeling of the old scales on his fingers, but it was worse when it got into his hair that one time because Donnie failed to mention it was happening before they took a nap.
"Come on." Jason trailed his fingers under Donnie's chin. "I think you can make it to the bathroom."
Donnie went back to grumbling, but actually stood when Jason did. Jason picked up the bag again and lead the way to the bathroom.
As soon as he got there he started the water to the bath--always jealous of this homemade tub--and made sure it was warm enough. Donnie said more than once that he and his brothers liked the water pretty hot, but not scalding.
Donnie sat down in the tub as it filled up, sighing from the warm water. Jason left him to it as he pulled out the scrub container and grabbed a couple of soft brushes. Then he pulled off his jacket and hung it up, just to insure it didn't get wet.
The tub was half full when he came back over--filled up fast with three spouts--and Donnie was already sinking into it, nose under the surface.
Jason tapped him on the forehead to get his attention.
Donnie opened one eye and sat up a bit. "So, what gave you this idea?"
"Well, not to sound weird, but when you start dating a biped softshell turtle you start doing some research." Jason unscrewed the top of the container. "Obviously not all of it applies to you but, you know."
Donnie stared at him. "Curious to know what you found out that I didn't."
"Oh, I'm sure you already know that softshells dig in sand in order to clean off dead skin and stuff." He dug out some of the scrub. It felt gritty, but also soft. He hoped the oils wouldn't end up irritating Donnie's skin. "I thought this might do something similar."
Donnie let out a long sigh. "I've never gotten the chance to try it much. I mean, Dad did take us to the beach once when we were younger. We had to go late at night, with no one around, so it was kind of cold." He chuckled as his gaze moved to the ceiling. "I quickly became enamored with being buried in the sand. At one point I was covered entirely and Dad panicked until he found me."
Jason smiled, leaning on the tub. "Maybe you should build a sand pit in here."
"Perhaps, but could you imagine how awful it would be to clean." He groaned.
"Hah, right. Okay, let me know if you hate this or not."
Jason smeared the product right over Donnie's left shoulder. He didn't apply a lot of pressure as he rubbed it in gentle circles, and marveled for a second how the light reflected differently off his green scales and the ones where the magic scar was seared into his skin.
Donnie sat up straight, eyes focused on the space in front of him, but bit by bit he relaxed and even rolled his shoulder to increase the range.
Jason chuckled and grabbed some more. "Doesn't feel too bad?"
"It feels a bit strange." Donnie admitted. "But not bad, no. It's also doing wonders for the itching."
"I can imagine." Jason gently tugged his boyfriend's arm to convince him to lift it up. Using both hands this time he applied more of it, trying not to gag when he saw how much shed it lifted. Normally when you used it on human skin you could see clumps of it on the surface before you rinsed it off, but not like this.
Whatever, that meant that it was working.
Jason kept working, getting Donnie to turn or tilt as he did. Now and then those squeaks from earlier would show up if he hit the right spot. And when he did Donnie's shell he swore his boyfriend almost fell asleep.
"Come on, snap out of it." Jason lightly patted his cheek as he laughed. "Because you're going to have to do your legs."
"Aw," Donnie smiled at him. "Not going to pamper me and do those too?"
"That would require me to climb into the tub and I didn't bring a change of clothes, so no."
Donnie's smile vanished and he blinked a few times. "Then don't wear your clothes into the tub?"
Now it was Jason's turn to blink as his whole face heat up. "Uhhhhhhh..."
"Jase. It's not like I haven't--"
"I know!" He snapped, ignoring the urge to cover his face because both of his hands were still covered in salt water. "Just... not this time, okay?"
"Fine, fine." Donnie held out a hand and gestured. "Hand me the container. I am going to request you keep massaging my neck, however."
Jason did and sighed, his nerves settling down. "Fair enough."
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tooaverageofagamer · 7 months
REVIEW: Little Nightmares - Tarsier Studios
Release Date: April 28 2017 Available: PC, PS4, XBOX One, Nintendo Switch, ISO, Android. Genre: Horror, Creepy, Puzzle, Platformer, Adventure, Survival Review Length: Long (~2.8K words) Review Spoilers: Major, but not detailed --------------------------------------
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Little Nightmares is the first instalment of the Little Nightmares series.
Little Nightmares is set on what seems to be a large boat or underwater barge known as 'The Maw', which your little, yellow-coated, lighter-wielding protagonist, 'Six', weaves and scurries her way through to find a way out after having a nightmare about a beautiful woman in a kimono who is wearing a mask.
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'The Maw' consists of different areas that Six has to find her way through by solving puzzles and avoiding warped creatures. The Prison, The Lair, The Kitchen, The Guests Area and The Ladies' Quarters are the areas where the different chapters take place, each coming with their own bosses to sneak by and overcome.
To note, I played through the whole of Little Nightmares with a keyboard and mouse. I'm unsure if it was the keyboard controls, my bad average gaming skills or the game, but I found the controls terribly janky to work with and I found myself dying very stupidly often. Which led to some funny moments, but it did become frustrating at some points. So that's a short note before I get into things so you can see from my POV why I might sound off-putting towards the game. Another thing I might complain about is the camera angles in some areas were a little odd, especially when you crawl from one room to another. But once I got used to it, I like to think I overcame it.
Anyways, the game begins in The Prison, where it seems that other small children are kept in cages, where it is shadowed by a long-armed figure, who is hinted at throughout this chapter.
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The first few puzzles in this chapter I found to be confusing, then again I am not the best at puzzles so I did struggle with solutions all throughout this playthrough. A lot of the puzzles didn't have obvious solutions, especially in the darker areas where things might not be as highlighted or as out of place with the environment. There are climbing hints throughout some of the chapters shown by little black handprints and smears, but they seem to be inconsistent.
The first bigger puzzle which I was really feeling dumb after was the electrified gates. I got through the first gate after shutting the power off and was trying to figure out how to get past the second one in the toy room by finding a switch or something. Pretty sure I was stuck for about 10 minutes before figuring out you can go back to the first toilet room and then you just have to keep running after switching off the switch as it turns off both gates, not just the first one - whoops. I also think I did encounter a glitch here where I did switch off the gates, but the first one was still electrified and I died touching it - whoops x2.
During this chapter, there is a side room that shows a camera that hints at a later chapter, which I think is a nice touch but also shows a darker side that someone will always be watching wherever little Six is going.
There are two puzzles that involve a lit-up eye security light that causes our protagonist (and previous escapees) to turn into statues. I enjoyed this concept. I liked how in the second puzzle involving this there is a wheelie bin that moves with the swaying of the barge, to remind you that you are on one still as you might have gotten used to the constantly swaying camera at this point.
When walking into the room with the sleeping children, I did encounter a weird glitch when the door slammed me back out of the room, but then respawned me back into the room before the long-armed man arrived. Not a big deal, just thought it was funny.
Once you escape The Prison, The Lair is the next chapter where you soon find yourself captured by The Janitor (who I didn't know was a janitor until I looked it up and I thought he was some sort of deli man or butcher because what sort of janitor just chops meat?) after a few short puzzles and you must escape the cage he has trapped you in to continue your adventure.
Since The Janitor is blind, any running or creaking floorboards will alert him. I've always enjoyed the idea of blinded characters who can only hear you to find you (such as the Moth Priests from Oblivion) so I did enjoy The Janitor sections a lot. It did take me a few times to figure out that the creaking floorboards did actually trigger him as I thought it was just ambience, but besides that, I enjoyed the first encounter with this character.
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After escaping The Janitor in the first section you're dropped into a room full of shoes, and as you shuffle your way from one suitcase platform to another, what has been dubbed the 'Shoe Monster' tries to catch you. Once you pass this area it is never seen again, so just a random encounter, which some might say adds to the creepy. This is another area though where I found the climbing to be odd as trying to get onto the platforms was a struggle and I kept getting caught a few times.
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A little bit after the shoe room, you'll spot the room you were originally captured in which I thought was a nice detail that Six is circling around the area and then ends up in an elevator after a short chase with The Janitor. Once out of the elevators, you end up in what seems to be a room with nothing but a box of toys. I was stuck here for a little bit trying to find a way out until I pushed the box around a bit and just fell through the floorboard. I felt like there was zero hinting that that was the solution, but again, I am bad at puzzles.
After another few run-ins with the janitor, trying to create distractions to get by him and continue. You have one last fight with him as you try to escape The Lair through an elevator. A cage stops the elevator doors from fully shutting and as you try to avoid his arms that stick through the gap to capture you, you must yank at the cage bars to finally shut the door and chop off the janitor's arms.
Had another dumb moment during this fight and I thought I was just an 'avoid for a certain amount of time' thing. I was waiting for the cage to collapse and got caught about 3 times before I tried to actually interact with the cage and saw that the bars could be pulled out. Again, zero indication this needed to happen, but I didn't dwell on it too much.
Then began the start of The Kitchen chapter where you encounter a chef character, chopping away at meat in a kitchen. You might have already seen this character already if you looked at the cameras back in The Lair. You make your way to the end of the kitchen to discover a locked door. You then make your way up a shelf and into the kitchen rafters where you end up in a sort of living quarters and discover that there is a second chef asleep in a shared room where you also find a key for the locked door. The Twin Chefs are the bosses you must avoid in this chapter now.
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At this point, you may take notice that the people you're up against are actually wearing some sort of skin mask or suits as you can catch glimpses of The Twin Chefs lifting their masks to itch their real faces underneath. This might get you thinking about the lore of the world a bit more and its darker appearances.
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Avoiding The Twin Chefs throughout this chapter is easy enough honestly. You might get caught a few times trying to set up the distractions or if they start looking under the tables you're hiding under, but you'd always know when they've discovered you by their monkey-like screeches before chasing you down. In the pot-washing area of The Kitchen, you must switch a lever to change the direction of the meat hooks flow, you then climb the top of the central stack of plates and grab on. Once you've been shaken off the hook the first time, a short chase ensues. I struggled at this chase a few times, as the twin that smashes through the door, knocks over items which were thrown about randomly each time it happens and sometimes hit me which in turn stopped or slowed my running. Then my timing for the final hook catch was off a few times, which caused me to fall to my death - whoops x3
After being shaken off your final hook grab, you then begin Chapter 4 with a glimpse of giant cogs churning and hearing seagulls calling. You gain your first glimpse of the outside of the barge, with its guests piling onto the barge and into The Guest Area.
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You then reenter the ship, catching closer-up views of The Guests and the mysterious woman you dreamed about at the beginning of the game. You then find yourself in what seems to be Japanese-styled restaurants or eating areas. With the guests stuffing their faces with mostly raw meats (we love salmonella). You are seen by one of the guests as you go through the rooms, and a small chase begins. The first time I encountered this guest, I was under his table. He threw the table and then proceeded to body slam me, which I then laughed about for 5 minutes before I could proceed to play the game - whoops x4.
Anyways, you then get away and then have to make your way through the top of a table full of The Guests, avoiding their grubby hands. More mini-chases occur with The Guests before you find yourself in living quarters, confronted again by one of The Chef Twins. Smashing the mirror allows you access to the rafters to make your way to the elevator. There are not many puzzles in this chapter, more of avoiding, running and hiding.
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Once up the elevator and make your way into the next room, sliding paper screen doors begin to open and what I think is the most terrifying thing I have ever encountered, a mob of The Guests begin to chase you in one big scrambling pile. You get away nearly by swinging over a gap.
You encounter the mysterious lady again getting into an elevator, and once she has left, you enter the same elevator up to the final chapter.
The Lady's Quarters is the final area in the game. I find it one of the most unsettling areas, the ticking clocks, the mysterious singing and just the overall eerie quietness. You follow the sound of the singing upstairs and make your way into a room where The Lady is seen singing in front of a smashed mirror. You sneak your way past her and into a bedroom, where a white vase you can smash is on a bedside table. As soon as you smash this vase to get the key inside, the singing stops. The strong silence really begins to set in.
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You head downstairs again to unlock the door, and upon entering, the door slams behind you and a chase with The Lady begins. Once escaped, you find yourself in a room full of the mannequins you have been seeing throughout the area, throwing you off and making you anxious if one of them is her. You run across this room and into a side room with the only unbroken mirror you have seen in the area so far on top of a drawer. Grabbing this mirror and going back into the last room, you glimpse The Lady in the centre of the room and as you approach, she disappears and the final boss begins.
The Lady is easy to defeat, running towards the lights and pointing the mirror in her direction. What really gets you during this fight is your nerves. Trying to figure out where she is coming from next, scrambling to pick up the mirror after dropping it. It was intense. Hands were very sweaty afterwards. The Lady's ghostly face that appears during this battle is really both beautiful and terrifying.
Once defeated, Six makes her way out of the barge.
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Throughout the story, you are subjected to your own questioning about Six's true powers. As her hunger pangs lead her to kill a rat, gnome and The Lady then proceeds to absorb some sort of life force from The Guests as she walks out of the barge. This is never really answered in the game as the story concludes with Six shown sitting outside of the barge entrance.
Throughout all the chapters, there are lamps and candles you light, which I thought were being used as checkpoints since a save symbol popped up once you lit them, but apparently, they're just collectables, so I was very confused when I died and ended up nowhere near a lamp, especially if I closed the game and came back later to a point further back than I was.
Art Style/Music:
Little Nightmares is a real mixed bag when it comes to the art directive. I've seen inspiration or comparisons to LIMBO, INSIDE, Coraline and Spirited Away. I personally feel some Alice in Wonder Land and Roald Dahl vibes in some areas, especially with the character designs. I loved the insight through the concept art you can unlock as you go through the game.
The environments really make you feel like a small trapped child just trying to escape. The pan-outs to show off the surroundings really let you take in the vast expansion of The Maw and what else it could have had to offer if our protagonist went a different route.
The soundtrack is similar throughout most of the game, but all the ambient noises and the sounds from characters really make the game unsettling, it doesn't have to rely on the soundtrack too much. The sound design is honestly the real gold in this game. The rumbling and creaking you hear can be felt all throughout the barge. Even the little things such as The Janitor's teeth grinding or Six's coat getting water dripped on it. The developers really went all out with the game's ambience and small sound details.
The Little Nightmares soundtrack can be found on Spotify.
Final Comments:
To start, apologies for all the complaining and WAY too long yappin' review.
Anyways, compared to other games that came out in 2017, Little Nightmares felt a little unpolished. I’ll possibly replay the game again with a controller and see if I go a bit better with that, but I feel like a game should be accessible to many forms of play and I just felt DUMB playing the game with these controls at some points, then again, could be more me being actually bad at games than the game. I did watch a couple of different playthroughs on YouTube to see if I was the only one or not. I did see a couple of people struggling in the same areas and having the same thought processes as me, which made me feel a bit better about things, but no one really commented on the controls themselves.
I’ve also seen a few people have conversations online if Little Nightmares is considered an Indie game or not. I personally, very lightly, wouldn’t. I would consider an indie game to be developed by less than 10 people, maybe 15 people max. But Tarsier Studios had about 20+ working on the game at the time, so I would personally hold them to a higher standard, but I also kinda don’t so much since this would be considered their first (I think) fully developed game. And now with about 77 employed (and hiring currently according to their website – so check that out if you’re into it!) I wouldn’t consider them Indie now and wouldn’t consider Little Nightmares II (review soonish?) to be an Indie game either.
Continuing on, the pop-up prompts like to sprint or that you can swing on objects didn't pop up for me the first times they were available [which I saw a few other YouTube play-throughs experience and comment on] only after I failed a few times, which I thought was odd. The game was trying not the be hand-holdy I guess, but I feel like it hindered my experience when first playing the game.
Besides the jank controls, I enjoyed the art directive. I enjoy the disturbing-looking characters and the damp eeriness of the whole environment, even places that are meant to be homely. Knowing you’re on a boat throughout the whole game before you even see the outside of it really hits the helplessness vibes. The art style really makes this game more than anything.
Stroy-wise, you are left clueless throughout the whole thing besides just playing it. You know your goal is to escape, but how did you end up there in the first place? Why do people look the way they do? How do lighters that small exist? I'm going to say that its just all part of 'the vibes'. Being clueless and wandering around in a warped world.
Anyway, I would recommend this game if you enjoy creepy or unsettling directives with little story or if you enjoy puzzle and platformer games. I might not recommend it to people who aren't too familiar with the game and it might not be the best game for a first-time experience, but give it a go if you wish!
I haven't gotten around to playing the 'Secrets of the Maw' DLC yet, but I will soon and might update this to include that review also, or just make a separate post and link to the DLC review here.
The Average Gamer
If you want to chat or discuss more about games, feel free to PM or Ask me!
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felixcloud6288 · 7 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 91
This chapter is just setting up the last fights against the remaining villains.
Outside Central City, Al is facing against Pride and Kimblee.
Kimblee seems a bit unsettled by Pride killing Gluttony. Remember that he's fighting alongside the Homunculi because they let him be a mad bomber. But he ultimately wants to see if humans or Homunculi are more fit to inherit the future.
Pride's sheer lack of concern for his fellow Homunculus seems a bit off-putting to Kimblee, but it's not a dealbreaker to him. He accepts Pride's excuse for eating Gluttony, however flimsy it might be.
First time I read this, I was so worried for Heinkel. I thought he might die right after I'd decided I wanted the Chimeras to all live.
Pride doesn't attack while Al and Heinkel are trapped in the dust cloud. Maybe all that dust blocking light without making effective shadows limits Pride's abilities?
Ed impressed Kimblee with his resolve to not kill. And now Al has impressed him with his resolve to fight to protect those around him.
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Somewhere in the underground passages, May has encountered an army of the artificial soldiers. More likely than not, Envy revealed some additional secret passage that may could take to enter Father's layer. Still don't know why it took her several months to get to Central City though.
Envy getting tossed around in that jar is cute and funny only because Envy is a little slug.
May had an appropriate reaction to seeing Envy assimilate all the artificial soldiers to recreate itself. Only question I have is could Envy have done that with regular humans or was it able to do that because they were artificial bodies powered by Philosopher's Stones?
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And Envy is super heavy again.
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In Central HQ, Major General Armstrong takes one of the top brass as a hostage to demand Central to withdraw their troops. Surprisingly, the commander refused to yield no matter how much she stabbed him. Not that it saved him.
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And Olivier Mira Armstrong SAYS THE THING!!! Her sword has been passed down the Armstrong line FOR GENERATION!!
Not much to say about team Ed. We're just getting assurance those dolls aren't going to escape into Lab 3.
And Hohenheim has reached Father's lair. He had gone in the same direction Roy and Havoc had gone back during the Super Heist, so he likely walked into that abandoned lab room and walked through the door Lust came out of. Ed's team has to fight a big army of zombie dolls to get to Father, and Hohenheim just casually reached him with no issue.
Upon meeting, Hohenheim is quick to remind Father of who he is. He's just an arrogant little dwarf kept in a flask. And not to be outdone, Father reminds Hohenheim that he was once a slave who didn't even have a name.
Father's insult doesn't really strike as much as Hohenheim's though. Hohenheim has grown and become far more than what he was. Father is still the same conniving thief.
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It thankfully doesn't get bad due to the chapter lengths and Arakawa's quick story-telling pace, but this chapter leaves us with SEVEN major concurrent plot threads. Alongside the 5 we saw in this chapter, we also have Roy's team fighting the Central troops and Foo and Lanfan searching for the rogue Greed.
I think the closest the story has ever gotten to this many major threads happening at the same time was in the aftermath of Heist 3. We had Ed and Lin trapped in Gluttony's stomach, Al and Gluttony visiting Father, Sacar and May searching for Xiao Mei, Roy discovering the corruption in Central City, and a minor thread of Lanfan recovering from her lost arm. And there was only one fight going on prior to any of these threads coming together.
The next several chapters really show how well Arakawa can juggle multiple events simultaneously while making sure each chapter feels like the story is moving forward.
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anonymousfoz · 1 year
Crimson Eclipse #5
Part 4 | Part 6 The light had exited the world, and the child had made her way to the den of the stranger once more. The walk was long, but it was worth it to escape her hellscape. The interaction with the twins from a few days ago had really upset her; it wasn't her fault her parents were gone. Who would want to live in this town? They would come back for her one day! Those two didn't know any better. However, she deeply knew the fact her parents were long gone. They weren't coming back, but she could only hope. But all of that was in the past. "Knock knock." The child made a knocking motion at the entrance of the lair. "Can I come in?" "Yes, you may." The stranger replied as he set up the fire. The little bear doll saw in a broken flowerpot, safe away from the flames. The child sat down near the flames of the fire before remembering she had a gift. She reached into her hoodie pocket and grabbed the gift, a rat she caught, and wrapped it in tin foil since she figured that the stranger survived off hunting prey. It wasn't much, but she figured he could use something to snack on. She was great at catching rats. Her rat-catching expertise was the only reason she could live on the roof of the apartment she stayed at; that was her job. Catching the rats that were in the apartment building. "Here you go, sir." The stranger looked over at the tin foil and saw the dead rat. He smiled and went to put it beside the moose. The two were quietly watching the flame before the child talked again. "I think I can trust you with my name since we are friends, right?" "Why do you have to trust me with your name?" The stranger had a puzzled look on his face and tilted his head. His head tilt reminded the child of a dog or wolf, which made sense due to him appearing more wolf-like than bear-like. It was cute in some way and made her smile. "In the town, betrayal is very common. So most people only share their names out of trust. Mainly you can spare your life by ratting out another."
"Interesting." The stranger added another log into the fire. "I don't really have a name, but the townsfolk call me Malus Ursi."
"But you are more wolf-like than bear-like. That makes no sense." The stranger raised his eyebrows before he realized Latin is probably taught in school if the child had ever gone to school.
"How do you know I'm 'wolf-like'?" The child pointed towards his back; he turned around to see his tail wagging slowly. "Fair point." Most of the time, the stranger had forgotten he had a tail majority of the time. Such a weird concept that people could see how he was feeling based on his tail. "I guess you can name me if you want."
"Well, my name is Lunar Eclipse. But I like to go by Luna. Before you ask, Lunar Eclipse is my full name. I do not have a last name." The stranger shook the child's hand.
"Nice you meet you, Luna." He paused to add a few twigs to the fire; the flame wasn't at the point where it needed another log. "So, what is my name? You get to choose." Luna thought about it for a while. The stranger didn't mind the long wait; coming up with names took a lot of consideration, and he was a very complex figure. Nearly 10 minutes passed before the child responded.
"Your name is Crimson. Like the color." The stranger smiled, and his tail wagged quickly at the new name. "Nice to meet you, Crimson." The two kept talking for the rest of the night until Luna left towards sunrise. Crimson had managed to let Luna take the toy bear and the flowerpot. For the first time, He sat watching her go back to town. Crimson didn't mind that the light was returning to the world or that the sky was a light pink. He felt something he hadn't felt in a long time, and his tail hadn't stopped wagging. It would only be a matter of time before the two would see each other again.
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saga-project · 9 months
They'd asked him to spar. And Saga really should have said no. Should have just walked away, with the excuse that he needed to work on garden planning or security measures for the lair or a million other projects that he felt like attending to. But Mikey had sent those goddamned sad puppy eyes in his direction, like the manipulative little shit that he was, and, well---he couldn't very well say no to Mikey. It was just his baby brother. He could surely tell the difference between a friendly spar and a death match in the Nexus. It would be fine. It would all be fine.
And it had. For a time. He'd been confident enough to cockily grin as he kept dodging around Mikey's attacks, twirling his scythe around--setting it so that it would only give a light electric tingle whenever it touched Mikey, causing his baby brother to let out giggling yelps--and feinting once or twice before hitting him with the staff end as gently as he possibly could. "You're fast, Mikey! But not fast enough."
"Oh yeah? Fast this!" Mikey was coming towards him then, spinning his nunchakus, and Saga ducked into a crouch and swept one leg out to knock the box turtle off balance before he could even consciously think about the move, instinctively moving to---
--to pin his opponent.
.....someone was talking to him. But it sounded like it was underwater, and Saga Cain Saga shook his head to try and clear it, whining under his breath. Why did it sound like that. He wasn't....the fight was. Over. Wasn't it? Someone was pinned underneath them. They knew that much. Was this someone telling them to finish the fight?
Very good, Cain. Now finish it.
He spun, hissing under his breath as Rakshan's voice came to his ears. No. No. Rakshan wasn't here. He wasn't. Hadn't they....was. Was he back in the Nexus? He could have sworn he heard several voices, talking to him. Shouting, maybe. Were they the cheers of the crowd? Were they--
"No. I won't do it. You can't make me. The…the dumb-dumb fight’s over! I won! I did what you asked. You got your stupid show. I’m not killing someone who’s already…."
It didn't feel like he was saying the words, somehow. They seemed detached from him, floating, and all he knew was that someone was pinned under him and--
Fine. Don’t do as you’re told. I’m sure one of your brothers would be much more accommodating.
“Screw you. Don’t you dare touch my brothers. You can’t make me hurt them-” Why did their face feel wet. Had they injured themselves, during the match? That wasn't right. Their opponent hadn't been able to get a hit in. At least they thought--
Everything was too loud. Too loud. Why was everything so loud. Was this a punishment for their failing? Would it go away if they just did as they were told? Saga whined, tears trickling down from their good eye as they trembled like a leaf, feeling like they were coming apart at the atomic level. Like they'd unravel and be nothing but gossamer thread, floating away in the wind. If they finished it, if they did as they were told, the hurt would end. It would end, wouldn't it?
They lifted their bo, twisting it to make the blade attachment come out, feeling more than hearing the ragged sob tear its way out of their throat. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll make it quick, I'm sorry I'm sorry--"
Hands were on theirs, then, wrenching them backwards and taking the staff from their hands, and they screamed and writhed and bit, clawing at whatever was holding them because no, no, they had to complete their mission, they had to do this, they had to or Red and Blue and Orange would be hurt and---
And then recognition came back to Saga, in one startling, white-hot rush. He wasn't there. He wasn't in the arena.
He wasn't a scared ten year old in his first Nexus match. He was home. He was with his family.
....oh god.
He was with his family.
He'd just tried to put a knife through Mikey's skull.
He'd tried to hurt Mikey. And now they would know. They'd know what a monster he was--
Saga couldn't hear their words, then. They sounded like they were coming from underwater as he stood there, wide-eyed, shuddering so hard he thought he was going to come apart. He could feel the shrieking, sobbing wails coming from his throat but he couldn't hear them, and--
He did the only thing he could do, in that moment. He turned. And he ran, like a bat out of hell, not even caring where he was going as long as it was out of the lair. And all the while, the dark thoughts that he'd thought were buried came screeching back into the forefront of his mind, laughing and laughing and laughing.
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ilivelikeimtrying · 11 months
I just woke up from the weirdest turtle dream I have ever read and honestly it was the coolest shit over.
The dream was on Leo's POV the whole time (2D in the design of 2012) and started off cute with Donnie inventing, Mikey playing with a really squishy toy cheese, Raph beating up his boxing bag, and Leo watching them all contently while they did it in a very nice room where the center was Donnie's lab.
I don't remember why, but Donnie and Mikey were suddenly sad, something about Donnie's invention and Mikey's squishy toy, and the two decided to leave and become "villains".
Leo is saddened by this and worried sick and Raph tells him that they should just go and get them back but Leo's still worried.
Suddenly humans that believe that society sucks are involved and there's guns and knives and murderers and such and Donnie makes a deal with Raph, sort of capture the flag style, that if they can come to their home base and bring back what they believe was something that their brothers loved or made them who they are and such and take it back to their own home base that they'll go back.
(There's a brief moment with a viking and a modern pirate ship and me being stranded on a little reef island a bit off the shore but I was fine.)
Suddenly both I (Leo) and Raph were dressed in the coolest ninja/hoodie concept I have ever seen and we teamed up with a human for help, and it was almost time to start.
The other team had guns, but for some reason I had a lot of knives of varying degrees and took those with me because I did not want to shoot my little brothers.
Me and Raph removed all of the coverings from the windows for an easier escape and got ready.
Mikey and Donnie were also getting ready by candlelight until, around 7:16am (we stayed up all night apparently) Donnie shot out his lights.
I turned off our own and Raph warned me that we were running on no sleep and barely any backup (just that one guy) and that this would be dangerous, I told him I knew and we hugged before we went out separate ways.
I learned then that Donnie and Mikey's lair might actually be closer then we thought. They were our neighbors on the right side, only stopped by a wooden fence and door on the other side. A snuck to where I was sure Donnie was and heard him fight off a purple dragon before throwing his tech bag over the fence. It seemed that while I discovered their location, they still hadn't figures ours out.
I fought off some humans, had to kill a few who tried shooting me, and then went to Raph at the front who was being confronted by the same dude who was helping us pointing a gun on him, I made it in time to distract the guy but he turned the gun on me but I swiftly pulled out one I stole from this guy and shot the dude in the shoulder, he was in shock but shot me anyways but I put my hand in front of me and took at least five shots there. The dude fell and Raph knocked him out and I told Raph that time was up. I ran to where I knew Donnie's tech bag was with all his tech and ran with it to our home and set it their, and then pulled out some ninja moves to get to him and Mikey (who honestly didn't even fight me he was so chill) and grabbed him, telling him "I think you guys forget who helped raise you" and started moving him around like a mascot with a billboard sign. I found his little squishy cheese, but I know that wasn't it and kept flipping him around until he admitted that the object was he himself and we both laughed together. Then Donnie was confronting me and I had Raph carry Mikey like a potato sack back home. I don't know what happened but I managed to take Donnie down and was cradling him because I did not want to hurt him and he told me "you know, the thing that you had to find wasn't my tech." and I told him "I know", I only took it because I know it was something he loved and would probably want to take back home.
He asked me then "Than what is it? What is it that society took from me?" and I looked into his said brown eyes and grinned while saying "... Your smile." and he smiled up at me but I started crying and hugging saying "and I'm so sorry for that."
and then I woke up.
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emptystove · 3 months
The Long Con - Ch 13
One Piece Fanfic (Romance/Drama/Suspense)
Pairing: Nami x Law
Rating: EXPLICIT, 18+ ONLY
CW: trauma, violence
Chapter Summary: Nami confronts Doflamingo, and Law waits for her to return.
Posted to AO3, FanFiction, and Wattpad under HortyCord.
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Chapter 13 - Control
It had only been a few hours when Nami was removed from the cells. She kept as calm as she could as Diamante unlocked her handcuffs in the next room, not wanting to tip him off to how furious she was inside. She nodded graciously as he complimented her on how good of a job she did with the prisoner. He was whole heartedly impressed by her acting abilities and what an incredible show she put on in there.
It became clear rather quickly that Diamante wasn't aware of everything that happened to Nami while in Germa. Either that, or he was too dense to put together that her reaction was completely genuine. Either way, she wasn't going to hold her anger against him. There was only one person she was angry with right now, and she was about to make sure he knew it.
They came to a stop in front of Doflamingo's office, and Nami turned to address Diamante. "I just want to say thanks for having my back during all of that. I know that it's your job but I appreciate it none the less, and I'm sorry for what's about to happen." Before he could get out a response, she looked over his shoulder, eyes widened in surprise. "What the- Is that Vergo in a chicken costume?"
The second Diamante turned back to look down the empty hall, Nami mustered all her strength and kicked open the heavy door to the office.
"Kaido isn't going to wait forever for you to-" Doflamingo promptly hung up the den den mushi, cutting off the voice coming through the transponder snail as Nami stomped up to his desk.
"Lair!" she growled between clenched teeth. The accusatory finger she pointed at him was shaking with rage. Diamante was quick to follow. He pulled her back by her wrist and waist, halting her just before she reached the king.
"That's quite an accusation." Doflamingo's smile was slight, annoyance threatening to overcome his amusement at her display.
"You said you didn't know his name! You knew exactly who he was, you bastard!" She was scrambling and twisting with all her might to break free from Diamante's grip.
"I told you he hadn't spoken his name, not that I didn't know it." Doflamingo stood from his desk and calmly made his way around to her. "You already knew that, though, didn't you?"
Nami stopped struggling but continued staring daggers into the king.
"I understand why you are angry with me, but to be fair, I don't think either of us knew the extent to which you would be affected by him." His gaze fell briefly to her neck before moving back to her eyes, reminding her of her actions in the cell. She pushed a heavy sigh out through her nose, pursing her lips as she looked away from him. She hated how right he was. He knew she would have some kind of reaction, but she hadn't even known herself that she would become so afraid. She really hadn't had any time to process all that happened in Germa, and she didn't want to. She just wanted to move on and forget.
"You could have warned me." Her voice was softer now, shifting from anger to defeat.
Doflamingo sent Diamante a pointed look. He immediately released Nami and moved himself to the back of the room.
"We could have done a lot of things differently, Kitten, but it doesn't do any good to dwell on the past." He put a friendly hand on her shoulder. "What you should be focusing on is what incredible success you had despite it all, and in just a few hours."
She moved out of his reach and slid into a chair with a huff. As much as she was angry with the situation, she had to admit that he was right. She knew it couldn't have gone better. She could have Sanji eating out of her hand in days. She was just angry that it came at her expense. Her stubborn side was winning against reason, though, and she folded her arms across her chest as she pouted like a child. She was ready for him to scream at her, even punish her somehow for the way she boldly insulted the king, but instead, he was comforting her. Arlong would have chained her to a desk or taken to hurting her loved ones. Whether Doflamingo was manipulating her or not, she found that she preferred whatever this was.
"So you were watching, too?" It didn't cross her mind that anyone besides Diamante was watching the footage from the hidden surveillance snail at the time, but it should have been obvious with how eager he was for her to begin.
He hummed in agreement, pulling a chair to take a seat beside her.
"Why don't you take a while to rest. If it's too much, we'll find someone else to-"
"Don't be ridiculous." Her voice was cold and stern as she cut him off. Whether it was a genuine offer or not, Nami didn't really care. The whole situation left her with a sickening feeling of weakness in her gut. If nothing else, she needed to finish this for herself, to know that she could be in control. She needed to prove to herself that her past experiences weren't going to dominate her life or her mission. She needed to know her feelings were temporary, that she wasn't broken.
Nami stood and turned toward the back of the room. "Diamante, are you up for a midnight shift?" She needed to get back in control of herself, and she knew she wouldn't get a wink of sleep until she did.
Diamante grinned. "I'm always ready for an encore."
Nami made a quick stop in the restroom before heading back down with Diamante.
She splashed some water on her face in an attempt to clear her mind. Her next meeting with Sanji would be easier than her first. She was certain of that. She knew what strategy she would take next, and she was more determined than ever to see this through. So, why were her hands still shaking?
She toweled off her face and looked up in the mirror, gasping loudly at the unwelcome form suddenly standing behind her.
"Dammit, Viola! What are you doing? You scared me half to death!" Nami cursed through clenched teeth as she gripped her heart.
This whole situation must have really been getting to Nami. She couldn't remember the last time a regular person was able to sneak up on her.
"I did not mean to frighten you," Viola stated softly. "I just wanted to see if you were alright. After seeing him."
"You were watching the surveillance footage?" Nami questioned. It was clear Viola wasn't referring to her visit to Doflamingo's office.
"No, I- er, Yes," Viola stumbled. "Listen, I also wanted to apologize. For leaving so abruptly. And for suggesting you wear that jewelry."
Nami tilted her head as she continued to study Viola through the mirror. She was uncharacteristically on edge, and Nami was certain that her remorse was genuine. Nami just wasn't sure why someone like Viola would care.
"I'm fine," Nami replied curtly. Even if her apology was genuine, she didn't trust Viola. Besides the fact that there was too much she didn't know about her, Viola was clearly one of the closest of the family to Doflamingo, which made her intentions that much more unclear.
"I will not keep you any longer." Viola let out a short breath and regained her composure.
She lowered her voice and whispered one last thing to Nami before she turned to leave.
"If you find yourself in danger again, if they come for you." Viola's eyes were deadly serious. "You know where to find me."
It had been hours since the sun set, and she still had not returned.
Law was pacing, wearing down a path inside Nami's room. He assumed sneaking in at this hour was the best chance he had to find her here. He was wrong. He hated being wrong. Perhaps this was for the best, though.
We can't keep finding ourselves like this when we're back on Dressrosa.
Nami remaining distant should've been a good thing for him. Distance meant Doflamingo would be less likely to figure out how close she had become to him, which meant she would be less likely to be used against him when it came down to it. In the slim chance that Law failed in his true mission, no one could think that Nami was his accomplice. The best way to do that was to make sure that she truly wasn't involved. He had to keep her in the dark. He had to keep her safe.
I will do everything I can to protect you.
Did he really need to contact her to know she was, in fact, safe? Now that Doflamingo had the research from Germa and Vinsmoke Judge's missing son, he wouldn't need Nami to be involved anymore. He just needed Law to identify why the enhancements didn't work on the blond. No doubt to be sure that it would work when Doflamingo finally ordered Law to perform the procedure on the king. Law was close to solving that mystery, and he was exceptionally pleased with what he had already found. The information he kept hidden from Doflamingo didn't need to be revealed to give the king what he wanted. It wasn't the reason the enhancements failed.
It just makes me that much more grateful that I got to you when I did.
That vital piece of information. As long as he remained in Doflamingo's service, as long as he remained in charge of research, and as long as it remained a secret, it would ensure Doflamingo's ultimate demise.
You have no idea how critical it was that we got you out in time.
Law was the next and final piece of Doflamingo's plan. He was sure of it. But if that was true, where was Nami right now?
She went to the lower levels with Diamante hours ago. He had no way of knowing which level and for what purpose. Surely, whatever they were doing wouldn't take all night. Surely, whatever they were doing wasn't related to his research. There were too many levels to search without anyone becoming suspicious of him. Even if Monet didn't follow him, he didn't have access to all of the floors she could be on. No, the safest way to find out what she was doing was to ask her himself. He needed to be alone with her. The only way for him to know she was still safe was to see her again, to look into her eyes when she wasn't putting on a front for everyone else around. He needed to feel her relax in his arms, knowing from just his touch that she trusted him to keep her safe. He needed to know she still believed in him.
He finally stopped pacing and scanned the room. Even though she wasn't there, everything around him felt like her. Her drafting supplies, her tasteful yet expensive jewelry, her unnecessarily massive clothing collection. The room even smelled like her. His eyes paused on her pillow case, and he frowned, remembering what Monet saw Ichiji take from their apartment on Germa. If he was able to save her from that fate, he could keep her safe through this. He was so close. In the past, he never bothered to think about what he would do after Dressrosa. Now he had no doubts. Once he was finished with Doflamingo, he would fight her demons next. He would keep his promise.
He let out a sigh and ran his hand over his face. He was getting nowhere here. He could always try to get a few hours rest and come back later. He had barely stepped into the hallway when he saw the last person he wanted to see waiting for him.
"In there getting a whiff of her sheets, too?"
Law rolled his eyes at Monet. "I'm starting to think you're as obsessed with me as you think I am with her."
"We all want what we can't have." She flashed a cruel smile. "You were in there a while. Swipe anything interesting or just leave her a love poem?"
"I had a few questions for her." Law shrugged, putting on his best nonchalant façade despite his ever increasing anxiety over the situation. "She complained so much about getting her beauty sleep in Germa that I figured she wouldn't miss it here."
She hummed lightly, a strange mixture of flirty and condescending. "You want to know what the young master has her doing down below."
"I think I have a right to know if it's going to impact my research."
"Lucky for you I know exactly what she's doing."
"Well? Spit it out." Law struggled to hide how interested he was in what she knew about the situation. His worry for Nami had left him sleeping even less than usual, and it was all starting to catch up with him.
"Hmm, what will you give me if I tell you?" She slid her finger suggestively from his chest down to the waist of his pants.
He could tell by her change in expression that she didn't even see his sword until it was unsheathed and resting dangerously at her throat.
"How about I let you keep breathing?" Law wasn't proud of how quickly he lost control, but there was no backing down now.
Monet's shock dissipated in a flash, and she slowly retreated her finger as she let out a light-hearted laugh. "Don't be so dramatic. Diamante is helping her map out the lowest, unused levels underneath the castle. The layout of this place is crazy, and the young master wants to get the most out of her while she's here. She's only good at two things, stealing and drawing her little maps. What did you think he had her doing down there? Stealing his own stuff to give back to him?"
Law waited a moment before retreating his weapon. It made sense. He didn't know everything that took place on the lower levels, but he had heard that the lowest underground had been unused for years. He was actually surprised he hadn't considered that possibility already.
"Glad to know she won't interfere with our work?"
Law gave her a short nod and started retreating back to his quarters.
"Interesting, though, that she isn't in her room now. I saw her come back up with Diamante a few hours ago." Law's feet betrayed him as he froze at her words. He didn't have to turn around to know a devious grin was spread across her face. "He took her straight to Doflamingo's office. I wonder if she's still there now..."
He couldn't move his feet even as he heard her cackling while she walked away. He could feel his fingernails breaking his own skin with the force he clenched his fists. The small relief he felt knowing all Nami was doing was making maps was gone. He knew Monet was only suggesting what she did to rile him up, but his anxiety was winning out against reason. He had to know what was happening to her. He already lost control once. If he didn't get it together soon, he was going to break.
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funnel-webbed-au · 1 year
All's Fair in Love and War
Her lips on his.
It was all that he needed to snap out of the stress-induced coma, but the sight of her vivid fuchsia eyes made his heart skip a beat. The heat in his cheeks faded as quickly as it had come as the vines around his wrists finally registered in his head.
The love of his life had tied him up, and that harsh glare gave away just how much rage boiled within her. Although she rarely let her reborn features show, Lian wanted to scare him now. Her silky, frond-like horns and venom-laced claws truly gave the spider a run for his money. He should have known that mantises were prone to killing their mates... but why hadn't she yet?
"Tell me where my brother is, Pierre." Her voice cut through his ears with its harshness, and the spider flinched from those words. She wasn't going to budge, was she? She'd never understand the fate that had befallen one of the men she loved the most. Pierre took a deep breath, his jade green eyes falling shut for fear of how she may react.
"He's at the spider lair. Don't go after him, Lian, whoever he was, he isn't that person now. He hallucinates, and his haunting screams at night can keep us all awake. His lair is covered in venom-laced webs and filled with chemical weaponry. He fights us on a daily basis, he is not safe to be around. Whoever he used to be, whoever you knew him as, he is not that man anymore, and trying to save him is too risky for all parties involved."
Lian hardly budged, even as Syntax cautiously opened his eyes, one after the other. His mate's expression told him she wasn't backing down, no matter the danger. Even if it meant she would receive horrendous chemical burns and claw marks on her body, she would do damn near anything for her brother.
Even chain up her lover and interrogate him until she got what she wanted: Information.
As the vines withdrew, Syntax sighed and staggered to his feet, only to be pushed against the wall by his partner. Her eyes drilled into his, a warning of what might be to come if he kept such important information from her again. A shiver ran down the spider's spine, but color returned to his face when she loosened her grip on his collar.
"I'm going after him. Don't try to stop me, Pierre, Nezha's my brother, and I'd sooner die than let anything happen to him. We've been all we've really had for centuries, longer than you've been alive. Do me a favor and keep your head down. Don't let Stella know I'm coming."
Pierre released a deep sigh. She really wasn't going to listen to him, but what kind of a partner was he if he didn't trust her abilities? He knew she was a powerful Deity, and could fend for herself if necessary, but she also didn't take care of herself like she should have.
"...fine. I won't stop you. Under one condition. Allow me to place a microchip under your skin. I've specifically tailored it to check for an adrenaline response as well as track your location. It's meant to alert me if you're in any danger." The tech spider swallowed, folding his claws behind his back. He'd always felt small one way or another, and it was worse now than it had been in a while. She was 6'4. It was hard not to be scared of her when she was angry.
To his surprise, Lian exhaled and relaxed.
"Whatever you need to feel better about it, darling. I'm... sorry for snapping at you like that." The nature Deity rubbed her arm as her horn-like antennae disappeared, along with her wrath. She hated having to put him in such a terrifying position, but it was that or not know where the hell her brother was or if he was safe.
Syntax slid the chip underneath her skin once he'd retrieved it, then breathed off the stress from the events prior. She wasn't going to tear him open, to defile his currently pristine body. No, he was safe. She wasn't going to hurt him.
Lian looked away when she realized how severely she'd scared her mate. Her recklessness, it had hurt them both. She wished she hadn't jumped the gun like that, but it was what it was.
There wasn't any turning back now.
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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Scrambled Eggs
Pairing: yan!Ranboo x reader, Yan!Tommy x reader, Yan! tubbo x reader, Yan!Purpled x reader
Request: I raise you: Hnfnnnnnnnnnn more Yandere minors but this time you're with the eggpire already (not on purpose but you get the idea)
Word count: 3k
Warning: yandere, the egg, obsession, cult (egg), kidnapping, cursing
A/n: this is all platonic. Nothing romantic. also oop this went a lot longer than i thought it would- I got really into it. Also uploaded this and didn't proof read it. I know there's at least one mistake in there- sorry in advance.
When this poor lad finds out you’re currently in the Egg’s clutches, he was shocked. Oh my gosh, didn’t you love him? Did you actually love him? If you really loved him, you wouldn’t have let the Egg gain control of you. That’s how “the power of love” works. Right?
He’ll go to you, begging and doing his absolute best to reason with you. In all honesty, trying to reason with you was as productive as asking Santa Clause for that new ferrari model-
But that didn’t stop him. He was too far to properly think things through. Now why don’t you come home with him? It’s not safe for you. This “Egg” doesn’t actually care for you. He cares for you though- You end up chasing him off, saying that you were happier with the Egg than anytime you were with him. Oh how the Egg has brainwashed you. It’s so bad for you, can’t you see? He’ll go through the cycle of attempting to save you a few times before it becomes too much for him.
Eventually he just goes to Phil, ranting about how you were controlled by the Egg now and he was scared for your safety. Oh god Phil what can he do to save you? Phil please help him, give him some guidance- anything! And after Phil? Well, he’d pray to any deity that’d listen. Only asking them to save you from your current plight. You weren’t safe and he loved you so much, he can’t lose you too.
Phil tires of this cycle very quickly. It’s pathetic how much Ranboo is upset by your situation. But he’s your friend and he cares for you so much; you’re a constant in his life. How can he not love you? So he’ll just give in during one of Ranboo’s pleading stages, saying that he’ll help Ranboo rescue you- which makes Ranboo very pleased. If it was this easy to end this toxic cycle, he would’ve done it ages ago.
They plan your rescue for weeks, almost a few months. Everything had to be absolutely perfect; any flaw that could allow the Egg to repossess you needed to be resolved. As time passed, Ranboo grew more anxious. He kept visiting you during the planning process, just to keep an eye on you. Make sure you were safe.
When the plan was finally put into motion, his anxiety grew more. What if there was something that they miss? Something they didn’t account for? Phil had to remind Ranboo, multiple times, that you needed him. And he was here to save you. Ranboo couldn’t afford the time to hesitate, he had to take action. Plus if something went wrong, they always had Techno to fall back on. This got Ranboo back in the mindset, ready to save you again.
Something that was unavoidable was physical conflict. A fight started between the eggpire and the rescuers. It was rather rough and unfortunate that you got involved. You were fighting against them, rather fiercely as well. Leaving you mostly unharmed was nearly impossible when you were so determined to have their heads. But they managed. And they succeeded; they defeated/subdued the eggpire, you came out with only a few scratches and they got you away from the egg. All in a day’s work.
Once they got you “home” (specifically Phil’s house since it was far from the Egg and provided the most on-site protection), they started the recovery process. They had to restrain you to the bed, tying you up so no harm could come to you or them. Another unfortunate thing, but a necessity.
You were feral, thrashing around and snarling. Demanding that they release you. You had to get back to the Egg, the Egg needed you and you needed it. Though time passes with no change and you eventually tire, finally being subdued from exhaustion. Ranboo volunteers to keep an eye on you once you’re deemed “stable” (as in “not trying to actively leave”).
Phil is Reluctant to leave you in Ranboo’s care, but he was tired. The day had been long and rather draining. But Ranboo seemed so eager to help you, stay with you. So he, although reluctant to do so, leaves you in the care of Ranboo. They agreed to work in shifts before he left.
As he leaves, he gives you two a final look. Ranboo moves his chair closer to you, learning in and starts to talk to you. Honestly, Phil could care less about what conversation you two were having. He was only there to rescue you. There weren’t any ties between you two besides Ranboo, a common connection. All that mattered was you getting cured, out of the Egg’s clutches.
This boy? When he’s told the Egg has you in its possession, he vehemently denies it. There’s absolutely no way it could’ve gotten you. I mean do they realize who they’re talking about? They’re talking about you- one of the strongest people on the smp!
Though a small part of him doubts that. Whispers that yes, you’re strong. But not strong enough to protect you from a danger like the Egg.
There’s absolutely no possibility that you were taken by the Egg. I mean come on, as mentioned above, you’re hella strong. You fought in so many wars and never fell for any of Dream’s lies. The last one is mostly why he believes the Egg doesn’t have you. If you can defy Dream’s manipulation, then the Egg should be no different. Right?
And so many people didn’t like him, so this had to be a joke. It was laughable, unbelievable. They thought they could get him so easily? Oh how wrong they were. Here, he can easily prove them wrong. Prove that it’s a prank. Mostly needs to prove it to himself though.
So when he walks around the smp, he keeps an eye out for you. He does it everywhere and eventually wanders to areas less frequented by him. That’s the level of “delusional” he’s at; you’re just hiding somewhere, far from him. This is a mean prank you’re pulling and very effective if the wanted product was a panicked Tommy.
Finally throws in the towel when he can’t find you anywhere after a week. He asked everyone on the smp for your location and got one of two answers; they either haven’t seen you or they saw you in the Badlands, near the Egg’s domain.
Now he wasn’t scared to go into the Badlands to look for you. Oh absolutely not! He was, in fact, absolutely terrified of the Egg. His reasoning for not going there boiled down to “the Egg doesn’t like him and wants him dead” and “there’s no way the egg got them”.
Enough time passes and he finally starts to accept the idea that the Egg may actually have you. When the thought pops up to look for you in the Badlands, he doesn’t question or fight it like before. Now accepting it with open arms, he heads to the Badlands. His worst fear will be laid to rest. You won’t be there.
Oh how wrong he was. When he gets closer to the Egg’s lair, he finally catches sight of you. It’d been weeks since he last saw you, and was ecstatic when he found you. A closer, more in depth look decimated any joy he had.
You were definitely a part of the eggpire with the signature red iris that obscured your natural eye color from the light. And it was also obvious that it was working you to death. Your body looked so much weaker than it ever had, besides grave injuries. Absolutely drained of all, fucking demented, lifeless were just a few things to describe your current state. It was so hard to look at. He knew he had to save you because the Egg was slowly killing you.
He executed the best plan he could conjure up in that little pea-brain of his; he’d “kidnap” you. A very simple plan, in all actuality. When the other eggpire members were away from you, he’d lure you away with just his presence. The Egg absolutely despised him, he was well aware of that. That’s why you were most likely chasing him, but he liked to believe you were coming with him willingly. Breaking from the Egg’s control.
Okay so he hadn’t planned on where he’d take you- BUT he did know you had to be taken far, far away. Far from the smp and especially the Egg. He’ll stop when he believes you’re too far from the Egg’s influence. A place you can finally rest and break free from the Egg. After that? Well it was obvious; he’d do everything in his fucking power to ensure that the Egg could never get ahold of, control or bother you again.
Tying you to the bedpost should be sufficient for now, right? Oh don’t worry about the long chain on it. It’s long enough for you to get into the bathroom and get business done. He’s a really considerate guy, huh? It’s only there to prevent you from running back to the Egg, he swears.
And look! You’re slowly becoming yourself again. It’s happening slowly, but Tommy can see the progress that’s already being made. And that makes him overjoyed.
The news of your disappearance couldn’t have come at a worse time. He had been told about one of the nukes being stolen and then the news that you were kidnapped right under his nose? Absolutely worse. All he felt was absolute rage and despair. First the nuke and now you? How could this get worse!
Finding out how you were taken can, apparently. Jack recounted how he last saw you with Bad. But it wasn’t like “oh they’re just chillin like homies”. No, it was about how Bad was carrying you to… somewhere. It was unclear where they went. Rather unfortunate how Jack had to deliver the news of two horrendous incidents at the same time.
Tubbo wanted to scold Jack for not stopping Bad, but he couldn’t. It wasn’t Jack’s fault. Well it was but wasn’t all at the same time. Telling Jack how he fucked up severely wouldn’t help the situation, and neither would yelling or any other destructive form of anger. Keeping his cool was his best option to solve the current crises.
He gets to work on solving both issues asap. Jack volunteers to find the missing nuke which left Tubbo to find you. Jack taking up the nuke issue was a blessing; he’d rather have Jack find the nuke than risk your safety.
Now since he’s left to look for you, he needs a plan to locate you. His best option? Getting help from the other residents, of course! They were more than happy to assist Tubbo. All of them get told the same story; the recount that Jack told Tubbo of the last appearance you made.
It isn’t long into the search before results were made. Puffy came back with your location. Your situation was less than favorable. Adding you being in the Badlands and so close to where the Egg laid, it was all clear. It appeared that you were under the Egg’s thumb. After all, if a friend calls out to you, a normal person wouldn’t just ignore them. And Puffy said she wasn’t too far away from you when she yelled for you. So something was obviously wrong.
Tubbo decides to give the Badlands a little visit. To give his own input on the situation, if you’d call it that. In all honesty, it was just to see you and see if the tales were true. Sadly, they were.
The next best thing would be to plan an escape for you. So the first attempt is him just trying to get you to leave on your own accord. And that plan was unsuccessful, which was less than surprising. Then he tries to physically drag you back. A hilarious sight, but another plan that was doomed to fail from the beginning. As a last resort, for that visit, he pulls out the puppy dog eyes and alligator tears. You were unfazed by his tactics. There go his immediate plans of freeing you.
Eventually you tire of his behavior and chase him away. You spare him some last words before you part ways though. “I don’t need to leave the Egg. I’m perfectly fine, so just leave me alone”.
That really made him upset, but he wasn’t going to give up on you just like that. No, you were his best friend. Best friends don’t give up on each other so easily. They stick with each other and get the other out of a nasty situation. And this was one nasty situation you got pulled into.
When he gets back, he relays all of the discoveries to the others. It was undeniable, unanimous; you had to be rescued. As they all talked it over, a smile grew on Tubbo’s face. Tubbo’s change in mood was dismissed easily; he was just excited to get his friend back. They weren’t half wrong with that.
Tubbo was more happy that it’d be easier to contain you. He could easily get you where he wanted you and keep you there under the pretense of “keeping you there for your safety”. And all he’d have to do is volunteer to care for you…
Surprisingly, he meets you through the Egg. Well, properly meet you. Originally, he joined for the money. Some of the eggpire members were rather wealthy and paid handsomely for his services.
So to elaborate on how he “knew” you. He first found you when you first appeared on the smp. Being toured around by Dream. So logically he goes up to greet the new member. You want to make good impressions on people as soon as you can.
You two only exchange names before Dream starts to shoo Purpled off. Dream gives the excuse that you were his friend. Not Purpled’s. His. He didn’t know you well and this was his server, so he’d obviously give the best tour of it. Plus you two were also catching up on things you two had done.
Dream’s behavior peeved you. He was being rather rude to this stranger and rather irresponsible. If he was trying to seem good, he was doing a poor job of conveying that.
You argued with Dream to allow this other person to come along with y’all. The argument doesn’t last long before Dream finally shoots it down and pulls you away for the rest of the tour.
Purpled was awed, felt so loved. You argued back at Dream of all people, and just for him. To defend him and let you come along with him. God you must be an angel in disguise, a true treasure. People as gracious as you are hard to come by nowadays.
After that, he does his best to become your friend. He does all the research on you that he can and watches your behaviors. Noting what you like and what you do throughout the day. Just the normal stuff, ya’know.
Without you knowing it, you had become such a precious thing to him. You’d become his best friend. Yes you two didn’t talk often at all, but you two were still friends. After all, he knew everything about you. Your favorite color, your favorite place to hang out, which genre of books you like, what muffin you get at Niki’s bakery, how you like your tea and coffee. Just the normal stuff a best friend would need to know.
Also collected things of yours. Things you came in contact with. If you left them, that meant you didn’t want them. And if you didn’t want them anymore, then they were free for the taking. This was all obvious stuff.
Another surprising thing; he became too busy with the egg to even notice your disappearance. With how much he was around you, he would’ve noticed you go missing within seconds. Yet he wasn’t around to keep you safe, now was he? No he wasn’t. He was away collecting some of the dumbest things for the egg.
He was rather annoyed when he was told of the soon-to-be new member of the eggpire. Great, another egg freak he’d have to deal with. Right now, he could really use a pick-me-up. Visiting you wouldn’t hurt- apparently it can because he was almost immediately put to work after being told the news.
After prepping for the initiation process, he was more than peeved. It’d been weeks since he last saw you. It was some of the worst weeks of his life. All he needed right now was you- oh boy.
Well he wishes were granted because there you were, being inducted into the egg cult. Man he should’ve been a bit more careful on what he wished for, but whatever. You were here now. Once it’s all over, he goes to properly greet you as an eggpire member and tours you around. So since you like the egg and he likes the egg, you wanna keep talking?
Will do everything in his power to keep you under the Egg’s control. If anybody comes in hopes of rescuing you, they’d have to deal with Purpled first. They’d usually never get past him, defeated by his hand and sent away.
It was in “your” best interest to stay with the egg. Really it was his, but you believed it too.
Those egg-cult freaks kept preaching about how the Egg would give people anything they asked or craved. Now that you were here, Purpled supposed it was true. After all, you were what he wanted after all. He is best friend by his side forever. What else could he ask for?
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chickenscript · 3 years
hurt (rottmnt x reader headcannons)
Anon: can I request for hcs on how the rottmnt boys would deal with a human friend reader who has abusive family, if that's ok?
A/N: i’ll do my best for this one! i know abuse is a more touchy subject and to those who have undergone it or may even be suffering now, you have all my sympathy and i hope anyone who needs it is able to get help <3                                                     
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There were parts of your life that you decidedly kept from the turtles.
You did it for their own good, or at least that was what you told yourself. Another part of you had decided that you just weren’t strong enough to sit them down and tell them the honest truth, or that you could just deal with it on your own. Even though the brothers were such big parts of your life now.
So, when they found out, you felt more weak than ever.
- He knew bumps and bruises. It was a given being that he was the most training focused of the turtle brothers. He’d seen it all and nothing really fazed him anymore. He couldn’t let it seeing how physically demanding and dangerous he and his brothers’ job was. He had to be ready for anything.
- It meant he took notice of the ones you stepped into the lair with some days.
- At first he brushed it off. You always insisted it was nothing major when he asked so he didn’t want to press it.
- Then you didn’t come to the lair for a few days, and when you finally did, there was pale purple staining the skin around one of your eyes.
- And Raph couldn’t ignore it anymore.
- He confronted you and he quickly realized how you behaved when he did; fidgety and like your flight or fight had just kicked in.
- He immediately tried to reassure you that he would never lay a hand on you unless you were sparring and even then, never with malicious intent.
- Your face had contorted into something so conflicted, as if you weren’t sure what to do with the information in that moment.
- All Raph could do was offer a hug that you acted hesitant about but accepted. 
- You murmured lowly that you were sorry for worrying him but Raph just shook his head.
- Friends worry for each other, don’t they? That’s just what they do.
- You couldn’t help your small laugh at that from sounding wet, as if you were close to tears. 
- Raph didn’t have to coax an explanation out of you after that. You just let it all flow out and by the end, he was furious at your family. But, he contained himself for your sake.
- You shared another long hug and Raph assured you that as long as you were in the lair, no one was going to hurt you like your family had. 
- Ever.
- You'd never spoken highly of your family, but Leo never expected the reason why.
- He only put two and two together when you got off a call with your guardian. You looked ghost white in the face and you were absolutely against the idea of going home that night.
- Leo hadn’t ever seen you so shaken up and tried to ask you what was wrong.
- But you just shook it off and plodded out of the room to ask Splinter if it would be okay for you to stay over for an extra night.
- You’d left your phone on the edge of Leo’s bed and it was vibrating like crazy with messages, and eventually a call.
- Leo wasn’t sure what to do- but he knew he wanted answers about why you looked so freaked out. So, he picked it up.
- The voice on the other end was already furious, but ten times more when they heard Leo’s voice.
- They were shrieking at the top of their lungs about you and all the terrible things they assumed you were up to for whatever reason. They even cussed Leo out and told him to tell you not to come home unless it was to pick up your trash.
- They hung up and Leonardo was left with an angry pit in his gut.
- How you could have possibly endured that sort of verbal abuse, he didn’t know. The thought was enough to make his blood boil. But, he knew you didn’t need that as you stepped back into the room and immediately noticed the change in Leo’s demeanor. 
- It didn't take a guessing game for you to figure out what happened and you seemed a mix of embarrassed and frantic.
- You blurted out, asking what your guardian said and Leo stood up to place his hands on your shoulders.
- He told you none of that mattered. And that he would help make sure everything would be okay from now on. That you would be okay.
- Your hands that lay limply at your sides balled up into shaking fists as tears came without your permission and for the first time, despite the fear in your belly of your what your guardian may do, you felt like you really would be okay.
- Donnie wasn’t dumb, but he had to admit he didn’t see this coming.
- You always had an aversion to certain things, like verbal confrontation, and you could be flighty at times. But he'd only seen you at your worst one night when he visited you at home.
- The turtles didn’t tend to drop by unexpected, but you forgot something at the lair so he decided to pop over and bring it to you so you wouldn’t have to worry about it later.
- He got to your window just as you slammed the door to your room shut- which was followed by angry hollering on the other side.
- He watched you fumble to lock your door and you nearly jumped out of your skin when you turned out to see his face all but pressed up against the window pane.
- Donnie saw that your own face was angry red, as if you just had a screaming match, and that you overall looked disheveled.
- You hurried over to open the window and before you could tell him that he needed to go home, he clambered in with a shake of his head. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but it didn’t sit right with him to leave you on your own.
- There was a sudden smash and more yelling from outside of your room that made both of you jump.
- You immediately took to biting at your cuticle as your eyes bore holes into the wood of your door, and Donnie's brows furrowed as he looked between you and your door once before asking if you wanted to leave.
- You blinked out of your trance at the abrupt question, staring at him before realizing he was being serious and it took maybe a second more of coaxing before you agreed.
- And while you clung to Donnie's shell, you let the cat out of the bag; telling him how much this happened and that today you just couldn't care anymore. Which was why you dared to leave with him and admit everything.
- You didn't go into a great length of detail, but judging by the faint swelling around your jawline that he spotted before you left, he knew things must have escalated at times from just word slinging.
- Besides making his teeth grit, it made him glad he was able to whisk you away. He told you that everyone would find a way to take care of this and you.
- You could only manage a wet thank you as the cool night air stole your tears. You knew that he wouldn't lie about something like that, and you finally didn't feel alone in this.
- The situation made Mikey's stomach churn.
- Family wasn’t supposed to hurt each other; they were supposed to uplift you. They were supposed to be the corner you could turn to when you didn't have anyone else, the people you could laugh and learn and make mistakes with.
- Family was always supposed to mean anata wa hitori janai, and it pained and confused Mikey to know yours hadn’t been that way in the slightest. 
- He'd heard his brothers speaking loudly about something in Raph's room and he wanted to go see what the fuss was about. That was until he was able to properly hear the conversation.
- He listened for a moment, standing on the balls of his feet just outside of Raph's doorway as they discussed what they found out about you, and he was shocked. He didn't stand there for much longer before he made his way to Donnie's room where you were sleeping.
- Or suppose to be.
- Instead you were wide awake from nerves and watched as Mikey came up to you. You already knew he must have found out about everything too.
- So, you sat up and didn't object when he clambered into the bed for a big hug that felt like his way of apologizing for all you've been through. Even though you felt like you should be saying sorry to all of the boys for not being strong enough to do anything a long time ago.
- You held each other tightly- Mikey ugly crying while your sobs came hushed and left your chest sore. You'd held in these tears for a long time and Mikey could tell.
- It hurt to know that and all he could think about was that his family was where you really belonged.
- Once both of you had dried out eyes, you said quietly that you were sorry you hadn't done anything, and that he and his brothers had to be the ones to help you.
- But Mikey vehemently shook his head and rested his chin on your shoulder. He promised you in a now croakier than usual voice that you had nothing to be sorry for and you would always, always be safe here.
- And how could you not feel like maybe that was true when he held you so tight and spoke with more certainty than you'd ever had about anything.
One way or another, you told the news to April too and it wasn’t long before you had plans to stay with her and her mother made some calls. It all happened so fast it felt like a whirlwind and you felt like you could finally breathe again for the first time in forever.
Even if sleeping on an inflatable bed in April's room didn't seem ideal to someone else, you couldn't be more grateful to be somewhere other than what you used to think was home.
Something you knew would never have been possible if not for friends like the turtles.
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