#animes br
iniarya-lux · 2 years
Vou escrever sobre o menino Lucci, porque senti vontade, e o cabelo cacheado dele é muito lindo 🙆🏻‍♀️
[I'm going to write about the boy Lucci, because I felt like it, and his curly hair is very beautiful 🙆🏻‍♀️]
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Alguns Headcanons de Rob Lucci
Boa leitura 🍃
[Good reading 🍃]
Rob Lucci cresceu nas periferias de alguma ilha sórdida da Grand Line, esquecida pelo governo.
[Rob Lucci grew up on the outskirts of some sordid island on the Grand Line, forgotten by the government.]
Ele aprendeu a lutar, muito desde criança, tendo que lutar por sua vida, e sobreviver à fome que o rodeava.
[He learned to fight, a lot from a young age, having to fight for his life, and survive the hunger that surrounded him.]
Nesse meio tempo ele conheceu sua pomba, e ela serviu de muito consolo para ele, posso até dizer que de alguma forma sua pombinha o salvou na infância. Enquanto ele definhava de fome em algum canto sombrio, sem esperança, solitário, ela o trouxe algum pedacinho de pão sujo, colocou na sua frente, e com os olhinhos cansados ele observou o pão e a pomba, ela foi a primeira a se preocupar com ele, a primeira a lhe mostrar bondade naquele ambiente duro e frio, e isso o deu forças para continuar lutando para sobreviver.
[In the meantime he met his dove, and she was a great comfort to him, I can even say that somehow his little dove saved him in childhood. As he languished with hunger in some dark, hopeless, lonely corner, she brought him some piece of dirty bread, placed it in front of him, and with tired little eyes he watched the bread and the dove, she was the first to worry about him, the first to show him kindness in that harsh and cold environment, and that gave him the strength to keep fighting to survive.]
A pomba ganhou sua confiança e tornou-se sua parceira. Ele compartilhava tudo com ela, qualquer coisa que encontrasse, desde comida, bebidas, roupas, esconderijos e encrencas. Os dois sempre se protegeram, e se defenderam de pessoas mal intencionadas.
[The dove gained his trust and became his partner. He shared everything with her, anything he found, from food, drinks, clothes, hiding places, and trouble. The two always protected each other, and defended themselves from malicious people.]
Conforme Lucci foi crescendo, sendo recrutado na marinha, especificamente sendo treinado para fazer parte da organização secreta CP9, ela permaneceu ao seu lado. De acordo com seu progresso, sua pombinha não precisava mais se preocupar tanto com o menino da sua infância, ele podia se defender sozinho, além do mais, ele era capaz de matar seus inimigos.
[As Lucci grew up, being recruited into the navy, specifically being trained to be part of the secret organization CP9, she remained by his side. According to his progress, his little dove no longer had to worry so much about the boy from his childhood, he could defend himself, moreover, he was able to kill his enemies.]
Lucci pode não admitir, mas ama ser bajulado, ele não se importa tanto, tendo crescido de forma tão dura, não é tão carente de elegios, pois nunca teve isso enquanto crescia, e, porque sabe que sempre faz um bom trabalho, no entanto, receber um elogio dos seus superiores ou subordinados faz algo ao ego dele. Ele não é totalmente indiferente.
[Lucci might not admit it, but he loves being flattered, he doesn't mind that much, having grown up so hard, he's not so lacking in celebs as he never had that growing up, and, because he knows he always does a good job, however, receiving a compliment from his superiors or subordinates does something to his ego. He is not entirely indifferent.]
Ele é um homem clássico, mas se eu fosse dizer, ele ama teatro e tem uma queda por automotivos.
[He's a classic man, but if I were to say, he loves theater and has a thing for automobiles.]
Tem uma coleção de chapéus e cartolas, de variadas cores, de todos os tipos, porém pela estética da CP9 e CP0, sempre combinará as cores com as roupas que estiver usando.
[It has a collection of hats and top hats, in different colors, of all types, but due to the aesthetics of CP9 and CP0, it will always match the colors with the clothes you are wearing.]
Ele também é um grande apreciador das artes, como eu disse, ele é um homem clássico, sabendo muito sobre os variados tipos de linguagens artísticas. Um grande apreciador de música clássica.
[He's also a big fan of the arts, as I said, he's a classic man, knowing a lot about all kinds of artistic languages. A great fan of classical music.]
Tem cuidados restritos e específicos com seus cabelos, e não permite que ninguém toque em suas mechas sem sua permissão, a única que permite se esfregar e tocar é a sua pomba. Aprecia muito o autocuidado, ele é um homem vaidoso e gosta sempre de estar apresentável.
[He has strict and specific care for his hair, and he doesn't allow anyone to touch his locks without his permission, the only one that allows him to rub and touch is his dove. He really appreciates self-care, he is a vain man and always likes to be presentable.]
Realmente gostou de fingir não falar enquanto estava infiltrado em Water 7, não precisou gastar energia, e também pôde prestar mais atenção ao que as pessoas diziam e como diziam, aprendeu ainda mais, além de ter ganhado a habilidade de fazer análises mais assertivas sobre os outros.
He really enjoyed pretending not to talk while infiltrating Water 7, he didn't have to spend energy, and he was also able to pay more attention to what people said and how they said it, learned even more, in addition to having gained the ability to make more assertive analyzes of others.
Odeia mediocridade, ele é um homem de altos padrões. Se orgulha muito de ter chegado aonde chegou, principalmente pelas habilidades que foi herdando com o tempo.
[He hates mediocrity, he is a man of high standards. He is very proud of having gotten where he is, mainly because of the skills he has inherited over time.]
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fer7adami · 4 months
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The cambrian period
With the lil dudes that inhabit Earth this time
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junasceu · 3 months
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oh to be held by your monster gf
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endlesspaint · 2 months
"I had to save them"
Rest in peace, Liam. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. 😔✊
I finally finished this, YAY! This animatic is a mix of digital and traditional art. I definitely learned a lot of tricks while making this (also, can you notice the slight difference between art styles??).
This animatic singlehandedly explains what happened to JD after his mom sacrificed him. He was definitely ready to accept his faith until he discovered Branch's was with him (which almost gave him a panic attack). It was a good thing that everyone decided to help him, and Liam (a troll around his age, maybe older?) helped him escape.
For more context about my au check this post!
I obviously don't own the audio, only the animatic. "Bruno is Orange" by Hop Along featuring Francis Quinlan, so credits to them. Here's the link
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littlebunno · 4 months
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beluza · 3 months
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did you pet your Bulbasaur today? 🌿
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figurecollection · 7 months
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dailyfigures · 7 days
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Dead Master ; Black ☆ Rock Shooter ☆ Good Smile Company
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stinkypeanutbutter · 19 days
i feel like Aiden was such an animation meme kid
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dimiicons · 1 month
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★ random icons | memes
créditos ou reblogue se salvar! icons 120x120 por @ifdimpeul ★ psd by yiza
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iniarya-lux · 2 years
Já faz um tempo que venho flutuando sobre a personalidade distorcida do Donflamimgo e sinto muita vontade de escrever sobre o personagem.
Bom, hoje é o dia.
Além do mais ele vai ser o primeiro persona que escreverei aqui
[It's been a while since I've been floating around Donflamimgo's twisted personality and I really want to write about the character.]
[Well, today is the day.]
[Besides, he's going to be the first persona I'll write here]
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Alguns Headcanons de Donquixote Donflamimgo:
Esse post não é uma análise profissional da persona do personagem, é apenas a minha opinião perspectiva do personagem como uma apreciadora da obra One piece!
Boa leitura🍃
[This post is not a professional analysis of the character's persona, it's just my opinion from the perspective of the character as a fan of the One piece work!]
[Good reading🍃]
Se o Doffy é cruel todo mundo sabe, ele não poupa ninguém, usa quem precisar para seu próprio benefício, manipulando e enganando.
[If Doffy is cruel, everyone knows, he doesn't spare anyone, he uses whoever needs it for his own benefit, manipulating and deceiving.]
De fato ninguém é 100% bom e nem 100% ruim, mas acredito que se nele residir algum resquício de bondade para matar a sede de algum necessitado pela sua "misericórdia", seria como cuspe, nojento, gosmento, te dando a breve ilusão de saciar sua ânsia, quando na verdade o fluido secaria rapidamente.
[In fact, no one is 100% good or 100% bad, but I believe that if there is any trace of goodness in them to quench the thirst of someone in need for their "mercy", it would be like spit, disgusting, gooey, giving you the brief illusion of sating your craving, when in fact the fluid would dry up quickly.]
Não sei ao certo, mas me parece que desde que ele "precisou" matar o Corazon, sendo ele o último membro da sua família sanguínea, ele decaiu ainda mais. Obviamente porque o Corazon intercedia de alguma forma em seus planos, porém isso foi sentido também por mim pelo fato de que o Corazon era o último membro oficial da sua família e seu braço direito. Sinto que essa perda o atingiu, tanto porque o Corazon teria um uso importante para ele, tanto porque era seu irmão mais novo e braço direito na família Donquixote.
[I don't know for sure, but it seems to me that since he "needed" to kill Corazon, being the last member of his blood family, he has fallen further. Obviously because Corazon somehow intervened in his plans, but this was also felt by me because Corazon was the last official member of his family and his right-hand man. I feel this loss hit him, both because Corazon would have an important use for him, and because he was his younger brother and right-hand man in the Donquixote family.]
Senti esse declínio em relação a mudança do visual do personagem, tudo bem que ele envelheceu com o tempo, é compreensível determinada mudança de estética, mas isso não me impede de pensar que querendo ou não a morte do irmão o atingiu e isso piorou ainda mais o seu lado maquiavélico, além de sua aparência.
[I felt this decline in relation to the change in the character's look, it's okay that he aged over time, it's understandable a certain change in aesthetics, but that doesn't stop me from thinking that whether he wanted to or not, his brother's death hit him and that made his Machiavellian side even worse, in addition to his appearance.]
Acredito que depois de ter perdido tudo na infância, o Corazon era o último "trunfo" que lhe restava, mesmo sendo sádico e um vilão cruel, ele compartilha um laço de confiança com sua família atual, e ter sido traído por um membro tão próximo, - ainda mais com sua personalidade narcisista - isso deve tê-lo frustado grandemente.
[I believe that after having lost everything in childhood, Corazon was the last "trump card" he had left, even though he was sadistic and a cruel villain, he shares a bond of trust with his current family, and having been betrayed by such a close member - even more so with his narcissistic personality - must have frustrated him greatly.]
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animepopheart · 10 months
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★ 【ushas】 「 BRS 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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sabelemelo · 1 year
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love her 🥺🧁🍰🍰🍩🍩🍡🍬🍨🍫
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junasceu · 3 months
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endlesspaint · 2 months
Okay I'm done. It's not my best work but I'm proud of it. JD here is probably intimidating someone by showing that he isn't above violence lol (he's bluffing...kinda) I decided to temporarily call this AU "Beyond Reach"
Here is a poorly done brief summary of what the AU is all about.
This AU has a similar beginning to another AU called "For This You Were Born" by @/blade-that-was-broken. (Where Trolls can sacrifice themselves before Trollstice in exchange for their family to be left alone.) JD's mom begged or dragged him away to sacrifice himself for their family. Unbeknownst to them, Branch was sleeping inside JD's hair at that time, accidentally also bringing him into danger. JD was definitely ready to die until he realized Branch was with him; this made him reconsider dying and actively try to survive. He got sold to a Bergen who lives far away from Bergen Town, and that's how he managed to escape. This is where the similarities end cause after injuring himself for a bit and meeting Rhonda, he decided that he must bring Branch home at all costs. It was his only motivator—to see and be with their brothers again. So imagine the pain and grief he felt when he arrived back at the hollowed-out troll tree with its roots dug out; his brothers were probably dead. The sight alone had made him turn gray (which also turned Branch a bit gray as well). After a while, he decided to raise Branch by himself. He went to the Neverglade Trails and traveled around the Troll Kingdom.
(I suck at explaining lol. Just expect a lot of art of them traveling around and JD angst™)
JD here is a little (okay maybe a lot) different from Cannon!JD. He's very protective and kinda serious here :3
If you guys have any questions about my au feel free to ask :3
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littlebunno · 11 months
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