#as usual i have zero authority on any of this i just like to google and i welcome any more knowledgeable thoughts
recurring-polynya · 1 year
My brain is back on the exact same bullshit that led me to declare Soul Society should have a train, but I suddenly, desperately need to know if Shin'ou students have a winter uniform.
I am honestly split six different ways over this. First of all, is there a standard-issue over-garment of some sort that is permitted when it's cold out? The uniforms have 3/4 sleeves for Pete's sake, and what could be more picturesque than your little students sashaying around campus in sort of matching cloaks?
As far as I know, there were two forms of outerwear in the Edo era: the haori and the hanten. The haori is lighter, longer, and worn by generally fancier people (and originally only men). The hanten is padded and worn by the working class. According to Wikipedia, in the 1910s, a unisex overgarment called a shosei haori became popular among students, but this was also associated with a movement towards western clothing, so I can't really imagine this trend hitting Soul Society*. On the other hand, this is the same period of time that female students started wearing hakama, although they would do so in the high-waisted style, whereas female Shin'ou students wear male-style hakama. (Complete aside, but I also found a reference to a garment called a tombi coat, popular in the early 1900s, that was very Sherlock Holmes-esque, and anyway, I feel in my heart that Byakuya own wore one of these in his delinquent era)
*[(1)There's a picture of a young man dressed as a shosei about 1/3 of the way down this page. (1) the section of this page labeled "Mixing of Japanese and Western fashion" says shosei haori were also worn over western suits. (3) Wikipedia claims they were padded, but I didn't find reference to that elsewhere.]
Back to the topic at hand. I feel like Shin'ou would be more inclined toward haori over hanten, because they want to cultivate an air of culture and exclusivity over practicality (and also they don't want to make it seem like the classrooms aren't adequately heated, which they are not). Does everyone get the same color, or it gender-split again? It might look kind of nice to have a darker shade of blue for the boys and maroon for the girls. They could also be the same color with different color linings, although...brown? I guess? Black or white are both right out, since those are Court Guard colors. Shin'ou surely has a seal. Big seal on the back? ::nods:: Big seal on the back.
The other option, of course, is that no, there is no standardized coat. One possibility is that coats are simply not allowed. Another is that you can wear your own outer garment, at least when you're walking around outside of class. This has the nice advantage of allowing the upper class students to display their wealth and also be warm, since Soul Society very rarely lets an opportunity for class discrimination to go by.
(Does Shin'ou have clubs??? Is it possible that there are haori associated with particular clubs, you know, like a varsity jacket? That would slap. Could they at least have patches?)
As far as we know, actual shinigami don't seem to have any sort of official cold weather gear. There is the time that the leadership of Squads 5 and 10 went up on the roof to watch fireworks together-- they all seem to be be wearing something on the spectrum between scarf and shawl; Matsumoto's is furry because she has taste.
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On one hand, this might lend credence to the idea of bring-your-own-coat, but maybe not? Do people in the ghost military have more or less dress-flexibility than students (keeping in mind that even the barkeepers in this town wear shihakushou). Shinigami also seem to be generally free to accessorize, which we don't see much of among students.
Maybe the students just wear scarves? Soul Society seems pretty pro-scarf, generally.
I hope you weren't expecting a conclusion to this post, because I don't have one, and my final answer is going to have more to do with whether I decide I want Renji to be wearing a coat in the fanfic that I am working on or if I want him to suffer, but if anyone else has insights or opinions on this topic, I would love to hear them.
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anonymityisfunwriter · 3 months
The Birds and The Bees
A.N. I don't usually do many author's notes in Tumblr, but never, never, not once, has a fic ever been so requested, by so many different people, that I feel like I have to.
@i-love-mommy-wanda "Being that she stayed in a room most of her life- just hear me out- a oneshot - of Sam giving her the" TALK!" like birds and bees and where baby's come from I think that would be funny" @/thequeeranarchist "I don't know if you take requests, but I thought about if someone had to explain the birds and the bees to sunshine considering she probably never had been told about it. Idk, I thought about sunshine and Bucky's first time together too, but I don't know your comfortability with what you write and what you don't. And grumpy x sunshine is officially my favourite trope now bc of this series."
I don't even - I just don't even know what to say. (Please note, that as I write this, I'm quite literally giggling to myself and have quite literally reverted to my awkward 16 year old self) I get requests somewhat regularly, but this, this is the most requested topic. You guys just really wanted to know about this.
Listen, here's the thing, reading second hand embarrassment is one thing. WRITING IT? I was in physical pain, but the scene wasn't going to write itself. I tried, it really didn't write itself.
But I did it. Because I love you guys. And now, it'll be another 5 to 7 business days before I can log back on.
P.S. I know there's other people who requested it too, but I can't find the requests, but please know I didn't forget about you!
Anon's 1K Celebration
Pairing: Grumpy!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Reader Summary: Falling in love is easy, as natural as breathing, so why is talking about it so embarrassing?
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"Sam," you frantically call from the doorway, clutching your racing heart, "I think I'm dying."
"What? Why? What happened?" Sam rushes out, frantically searching you for signs of duress.
You double over, hands clutching your sides, "Well, I'm not sure, but I did Google it and I think I'm having a heart attack."
Sam takes a long sigh, resting his hands on his hips in mild exasperation. At least he knew you weren't actually dying. "And why do you think you're having a heart attack?"
"I just," you dramatically clutch your chest, finally standing upright, "My heart feels like it's in my stomach, and- and I'm all sweaty, and fluttery. And I want to curl up into a little ball and die, but maybe also listen to every Taylor Swift song ever written."
"Well, that was," Sam clears his throat, "That was very descriptive."
You flop down on your couch and groan into one of the cushions, "Just leave me here to die."
"You're not dying."
You lift your head to glare at him, "You don't know."
"I do know," Sam insists. "You're a healthy, 25 year old woman, the chances of you having a heart attack are almost zero."
"But not zero," you point out.
Sam sighs, grabbing your hand and pulling you up off the couch, "You're not dying, and you're not having a heart attack."
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
"If you're wrong, I'll haunt you."
"I'll take my chances," Sam playfully rolls his eyes, "So what were you doing right before you thought you were having a heart attack?"
"I-" you clear your throat, a furious blush warming your entire face, "I don't want to tell you."
He should've known something was wrong right from the get go. You were always so open, so honest about everything. You weren't raised under the same social contract, or any social contract, and you were still learning basic social norms and customs. For better or worse, you were the most honest and open person Sam had ever known.
So for you to be this flustered, this shy and jittery, it had to be something pretty important.
He should've left it at that. He really should've left it at that. But no, like the concerned friend he was, he pressed the topic even more.
He gently nudges your shoulder, taking a seat beside you, "I can't help you if you don't tell me."
You abruptly stand up, awkwardly chuckling. You inch away from him, jutting your thumb back to your room, "You know, now that I think about it, I'm all better, heart attack healed. Good talk, thanks, Sam."
"Come on, just tell me," Sam cajoles, patting the seat beside him. "We tell each other everything."
"I was on the phone."
"Okay..." Sam could count on one hand the number of people that had any means to communicate with you. Hell, he could count exactly how many people had knowledge of your existence with both hands.
It takes Sam a second to realize that he's too lost in his worry to actually hear what you're telling him, "... so Bucky told me we could practice-"
He already doesn't like where this is going. "Practice what?"
"Texting, Sam." You quirk an eyebrow at him, "Are you even listening to me?"
Sam suspiciously nods, settling back into the couch, "Right."
"And we've sort of been texting each other."
"Uh-huh," Sam nods along, though he gets the distinct feeling that he won't like where this is going. Not in the slightest. He physically braces himself as he asks his next question, "So, um, what were you guys talking about?"
You timidly shrug, twisting and untwisting your fingers, "Just stuff."
"Stuff?" Sam dubiously repeats. "Talking about stuff made you think you were having a heart attack?"
"Yes..." It's clear to him that you're lying through your teeth. It's clear that this is as weird for him as it is for you. You clap your hands down on your lap, abruptly standing with up a fierce blush painting your face, "You know what? I completely forgot I have to water my plants!"
"I know you're lying!" Sam calls after you as you scramble away.
"No, I'm not!" you shout over your shoulder. "I'll be back! Maybe! Probably! Definitely at some point!"
This wasn't the first time something like this happened, a strange, slightly uncomfortable situation happening.
This whole living arrangement with you and Sam would probably be called a strange, slightly uncomfortable situation by most people. Most of the time, Sam was able to handle these things on his own.
Having grown up with a younger sister, Sam was fairly comfortable talking about and dealing with certain things. That did not mean he was even remotely prepared or even qualified to explain those things to you.
The first time it happened was about a month into living with each other.
It was just cramps. Until it wasn't.
He phoned it in to Maria Hill.
Crisis averted. Mostly.
Because a couple of months later, another of those awkward situations arose.
The second time was an awkward encounter with a barista at your local cafe.
Apparently, getting breakfast and coffee with a person of the opposite sex first thing in the morning day in and out meant that people could just assume the nature of your relationship. And it wouldn’t have been the most ridiculous assumption if it weren’t for the fact that it absolutely was the most ridiculous assumption.
Sam was just thankful that he was as certain of your feelings as he was of his own.
He'd handled that situation fairly well on his own, even if it did take several days for you two to be within five feet of each other.
And now here he was again. Sitting all alone in your living room, wondering what the hell he was supposed to do with this. And that's when he sees it. The scene of the crime sat right before him, right on the coffee table. Your phone. 
"You forgot your-" He stops himself from finishing that sentence. Because this wasn't your run of the mill awkward situation, no, this was worse. A lot worse than some nosey barista. So much worse that he thinks about doing something stupid. An overprotective, older brother sort of stupid. He tries to rationalize it, after all, you’d left the phone right there. Right there. Right in front of him. Within his reach. What kind of handler would he even be if he wasn’t keeping a close eye on you?
“No.” Sam suddenly changes his mind, softly muttering to himself, “That is an invasion of privacy. What kind of friend-“
And before he even knows it, your phone is in his hand. And he’s clicking on your messages.
And he’s reading your texts to Bucky.
JBB: What does 'lol' mean? You: It's either lots of love or laugh out loud. Idk. JBB: What does that mean? The idk? You: I don't know. JBB: I'll ask. You: No, it means I don't know. JBB: Oh. JBB: I know you can't see me, but I'm frowning right now. You: You make me laugh. JBB: I like making you laugh. JBB: But if you tell anyone that, I'll deny it. You: lol JBB: Which version of lol was that? Lots of love or laughing out loud? You: That’s for me to know. JBB: And for me to find out? You: lol
"That was smooth as hell," Sam mutters to himself. Sam has to stop at that point. He can’t read any more. He scoffs to himself, “She’s been out a year and flirts better than I do.”
There’s a part of him that’s a little mad. Mostly about your shockingly incredible ability to flirt.
But it also grates on that older brother nerve. The same one Sarah used to love to poke and prod at when they were younger.
He's still sort of in his right mind. At least enough to know that he's out of his element with this one. There’s no way that he can approach you about this. Especially not after reading through your messages.
What even was this? Was it just harmless flirting? Was it you just trying to get out there and socialize with the few people you were allowed contact with?
Or were there feelings there? And, if there were feeling, what kind of feelings?
He rapidly shakes his head trying to rid himself of the idea. That was not an image he needed in his head.
Sam decides in that very moment, this is too far out of his league. He can't handle this. An while might not be able to handle this, he knew someone who could, someone much more qualified than he was. He dials her number right away. She answers on the third ring. 
"I need your help," Sam sharply whispers into his phone.
"Why? What's wrong?"
"There is flirting happening over here!"
Maria sighs in relief, "Oh, good, I thought there was a real problem happening."
"Did you not hear me? Flirting, Maria! Flirting!"
"Do you know what flirting leads to?" Sam wildly questions. 
"It leads to... other things - I don't know! And that's why I need your help! I can't deal with this!"
"You can't call me over for things like this."
"I thought you said you were happy to help!"
"I was! I am, but you're supposed to be keeping a low profile. Having me walk in and out of your front door in broad daylight is not low profile."
"So then come in through the backdoor!" Sam pleads. 
"Sam," Maria deadpans.
"I know, I know, you're right."
"I know it's a little... uncomfortable, but you just have to deal. Nick wouldn't have picked you if he thought even for a second that you couldn't handle this. It might be a little weird at first, but you've got this."
And he used to be sure that he could.
He used to be great at this job. Catching you up on pop culture? No one better than Sam. Healthy dialogue? Second nature to Sam. Ability to keep you safe? He was doing a damned good job at it if he could say so himself.
Then came the Bucky of it all.
Bucky fucking Barnes.
Sam had half a mind to kick Bucky's ass for making you feel... whatever you were feeling.
Sam's only saving grace was that you'd pretty much become self sufficient in most areas of your life when Bucky came into the picture a few months ago. Since then, things were different. You were different. At first, Sam was sure it was just the excitement and thrill of having a new friend.
He could kill Bucky for making your life more complicated. For making his life more complicated.
Bucky fucking Barnes.
He's so lost in his plot to murder Bucky Barnes that he almost doesn't realize it when you shuffle back into the living room. "Sam?"
Sam's head snaps up, "Huh?"
"I said what are you doing?"
"Um... Just thinking."
"What's going on with you and Bucky?" Sam abrasively blurts out. 
Your eyes blow wide. "What?"
"Sorry, what I meant to say was - what's going on with you and Bucky?" Sam demands with equal fervor. 
"Nothing!" you exclaim. 
"Well, I know you're lying!"
"I'm not lying!" you insist.
"I saw you two flirting over text!"
"You read our texts?" Your eyes snap over to the coffee table where you left your phone. Sure enough, it's upright and in a completely different spot. "Are you crazy?"
"No, no, I am not crazy because you two are over there flirting and- and- and flirting and I'm not ready to be an uncle again!"
Both your hands cover your flaming face as you turn to leave the room again, "Oh my God!"
Sam reaches out, grabbing your arm to guide you back to the conversation that he knew deep down just had to happen, "No, no, we are going to sit and we are going to talk about this."
"About what?!" you shriek. 
"About this! You know this. The flirting. Dating. Other things. You know what so please don't make me say it," Sam pleads with you, looking every bit as awkward as you feel. 
"No, I don't, so no, we're not!"
"You not knowing is the literal reason we have to talk about this!" Sam rants. 
You turn to try to leave again, "I'm leaving."
Sam wedges himself in the doorway, physically blocking you from leaving, "Oh, no, you're not."
You try to squeeze past him, "Oh, yes, I am."
"No, you're not!"
"Why not?"
"Because we have to talk about this."
"Why?" you exclaim with a particularly shrill tone.
"I don't know!" Sam throws his hands up. "But we are. And we are going to hate every single second of it. And then we never have to talk about it ever again."
"You swear?"
"I swear," Sam promises, raising his right hand. He gestures to the couch, "If you sit and we have the talk, we will never speak of it again."
"Fine," you grumble under your breath, huffing as you slump onto to the couch. 
So you sat.
And you listened.
And you did your best not to cringe at what Sam was telling you. And then it was over. The silence palpable. Your face burning with embarrassment. Sam's face burning with embarrassment. But it was over. It was all said and done. 
You both sit on the couch with your hands in your lap, several feet away from each other, not even looking at each other but staring at the turned off television before you. After many, many long minutes of sitting in awkward silence, you turn to Sam with a questioning look, "Sam?"
"Do you think we know too much about each other?"
"Definitely starting to."
"Glad we're on the same page."
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Grumpy Sunshine Series Anon's 1K Celebration
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez@ludicbouquetfromearth@matchat3a@famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff@valoraxx@blue786sworld@buckyandgeraltsupremacy@geminigengar@ansaturn@ecolle@lexhalstead3@ybflkmj@mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112@thegirlnextdoorssister@toomanyfanficsbruh@moonlightreader649@breathtaking-cynthia@mirikusashes@beans-and-toast@niyahcoca@katiechikin@elxvrr@antiheroxsblog@infamouslyclumsy@krissydclayton93@buckysbarne@deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic@whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy
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empressofthelibrary · 9 months
💭😊 - for bailey?
what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
...One sec, lemme google somethin real quick...
Okay, so Bailey turned up as INFP-T, though I hesitate to call her a 'mediator' of any sort.
She is introverted, and she's not great at understanding people. Most of the time, she feels like she has to fit a role to meet expectations and... Get a good score in the social interaction. But there are a few people she just clicks with -- Wally and Linda, Kyle, Dick... Ironically, she wears fewer masks once she becomes a superhero.
She's also very curious and loves learning. She has insomnia and nightmares, and spent countless nights surfing Wikipedia until sunrise. She does that less these days, but her brain is still stuffed full of useless trivia that nobody but her cares about.
She was also doing a double-major in college, until she dropped out after losing her older brother. This started out as Exocultural Studies and Art History, turned into Art History and Fine Arts, then Literature and Museum Studies... She has six half-finished degrees.
Bailey struggles with understanding how people feel at a glance. She has to stop and think about things from someone else's perspective. But once she realizes someone else is in pain, her big bleeding heart takes over. She's very emotionally driven, and her feelings run deep and strong. She just doesn't get why someone would do something that would hurt someone else, and she will yell at the guy she's arrested before she hands him over to the cops
She absolutely despises being told what to do, especially when she can't see the reason for it. She has zero automatic respect for authority and even less of a problem with saying so. As far as she's concerned, if you can't tell her why she ought to do something -- and phrase it politely -- she's just not gonna do it. There are exceptions, naturally, for people she trusts. But if someone hasn't earned her respect, faith, and loyalty, she will absolutely question their authority. This goes from everything to standard social rules (eg: discomfort with high society dress codes) to superheroic matters (eg: when Batman starts to give her an order, she looks to Nightwing or one of the other Titans for confirmation).
(No she and Bruce do not get along)
She is also a walking ball of anxiety, ultimately. She's constantly afraid she isn't pulling her weight among the other heroes, afraid she isn't doing enough. She wants to know she's earned her status as a Titan, as part of this big weird, complicated family she stumbled into. Wants to know she's good enough to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the people who save the world on a biweekly basis. Who, again and again, prove that there's a way forward. Who gave her courage, inspiration, and hope, when she didn't have any.
(She's got a little bit of imposter syndrome, yeah)
what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
Bailey: "...I dunno, survive?"
Bales... Doesn't know what she wants, really. When she was in school, it seemed so clear.
Doule-major in Exocultural Studies and Art History
Become a Space Archeologist
Live out her "Star Trek meets Indiana Jones" fantasies
Kiss cute aliens
Then Bison City State canceled the ExoStudies program. She switched majors once, twice, three times... And then her brother passed, followed by her mom.
Bailey was pretty lost and directionless after that. And while she genuinely loves being Golden Eagle... She knows this isn't a profession people usually get old in. Jay and Ted and the senior JSA are exceptions, not the rule. And while she never really thought about it before, well...
Sometimes she sees Jay and Joan look at one another, and she starts to realize that growing old? It might not be so bad.
...Especially if she's not doing it alone.
But that means wanting something for herself, and letting herself want things for herself. It's selfish. It's greedy. It's not what she's supposed to do.
So she'll shove that hunger down until it dies. She'll keep her family and her world safe. Live in the present. That's all she has, and all she needs.
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https-hunter · 7 months
I was tagged by @babsvibes for a fanfic 20 questions!
How many works do you have on ao3? 11. It says 12 because my friend made me co-author so I could edit the formatting & help with ao3 problems
What's your total word count? 79,148
What fandoms do you write for? A few, actually! The most amount of fics I’ve written for would be ride the cyclone, but I have bob’s burgers, the breakfast club, clone high, and cobra kai in there. I just got into writing ghosts (cbs)
Top 5 fics by kudos: something happens and i’m head over heels, never, ever, ever getting rid of me, so on monday, what happens?, o hear the angels’ voices, the one and the zero
Do you respond to comments? I don’t do it as much as I’d like to
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don’t really do angst? Not with endings, anyway. I might in the future though :)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Oh I love a good happy ending! Probably o hear the angels’ voices. Just the saint cassian choir having some fun holiday times together <3
Do you get hate on fics? I can’t say that I have, thankfully
Do you write smut? Nah, that’s not really my thing. Y’know, sex repulsed asexual, so, yeah, no thanks.
Do you write crossovers? I think once, if it counts. In so on monday, what happens?, I wrote a bit with the Ferris Bueller gang because they canonically exist in the same universe
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but that would be cool. I’m not fluent in any other languages besides English, though
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but it sounds like fun! I would be open to it, I’ve talked about it with some friends before
What's your all-time favorite ship? I can’t pick just one! I’m narrowing it down to tinimmy, Andy/Allison, nisaac, and hanleia
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will? Okay. So I wrote we are not alone to be a series of one shots, but if I continue with that, they’d just be their own works
What are your writing strengths? Titles (they’re usually song lyrics but whatever), writing in character, humor
What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue (only sometimes), variations of “said”, and translating lyrics into dialogue when writing a songfic or au. Sometimes just writing the word and making the word sound good
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? Be respectful. Also, research what you’re writing!! Make sure it means what you want to put. You can’t always trust google translate. I did when I wrote for Mischa, but those were for single word phrases. Just, know what you’re writing
First fandom you wrote for? Frozen. Let me set the scene for you. It’s 2015. I was reading kristoff and anna fics on fanfiction.net on the family computer. Then, middle school Hunter gets her first phone and downloads wattpad. I wrote a multi-chaptered first person pov modern high school fic, featuring other disney characters
Favorite fic you've ever written? I’ve answered this before, but it’s gotta be between so on monday, what happens? and wagstaff side story
I believe a lot of my fic writer mutuals have been tagged, so I’m tagging @luckynature @johnmurphyisqueer @try-cry-why-try
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lanterne · 1 year
I’M ALIVE ! (Leuwers student anon)
First of all, I’m in the process of looking up which books from his bibliography are translated so I can give you « Leuwers’ intro to frev faves » lol
Let me find the exam paper and I’ll tell you about it !
About him : he is the grandpa-iest grandpa looking man you will ever see. I say this with the utmost affection but he’s like a little kitten in a cardboard box with a little bow around his neck playing in the yarn. Zero authority, only vibes. Also you can tell. SO BAD. that Robespierre is his blorbo. He can talk about anything and then somehow end up talking about Robespierre, it’s so funny. You said chill vibes and yeah, it’s kinda like that, but in even more mellow (like his grading, thank the go- wait, thank the Supreme Being). Also I’m very thankful for your frev posting because it prompted me to search him on Google and I discovered a CAPITAL information thanks to you (we have the same birthday, Valentine’s Day).
Which is very funny because his TD prof, Brassart, is the complete opposite. (idk if you know but just in case : in french unis, classes are divided between CM (magistral classes) during which the teacher just talks and TD (directed work) during which the teacher helps the class do a hands-on assignment (in history it’s usually critiquing a document, or doing a presentation)) The guy is very funny, very quick and his classes are kinda like going to the theatre as he has a lot more « stage presence » yknow. Also he can digress/has knowledge on basically any topic you can think of. He ended up talking about Japanese temples and mushroom foraging the other day ??? I know a whole bunch of people that take his classes just for him (I plead guilty of that one lol). He can definitely lack tact sometimes but he’s very nice and you actually don’t notice his class is almost over until it is, which has put him in a lot of Lille history students top 5 teachers.
Jdjsjsjs thank you anon this was very hilarious to read, he does give that vibe in the lectures I've watched (also he speaks so clearly I can follow him easily even tho my French is bad) can't wait for the bibliography 👀
Also i know what you mean, it worked the same way in my uni (I took some local history classes but nothing french related) I can't imagine the whiplash from a long Leuwers lecture and then going to Brassart next class 😭😭😭 he sounds like a really cool prof (both do tbh)
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earthtooz · 1 year
hi earth! i was wondering if you possibly had any advice for anyone who wants to start a writing blog or general tips. if you’re comfortable with it, it would also be cool to know what your writing process is like! you write very well so i’m just curious. thank you for taking the time to read this and i hope you have a lovely day!
first of all, this ask was what got me out of bed in the morning to go to my laptop where i did nothing for like 2 hours.
ANYWAYS I’ve been awake for seven hours now and i still haven’t answered it LOL, but thank u for taking the time to pop into my inbox anon!! so honoured u thought of me 🤭🤭
i’m more than happy to answer any questions u may have!! i’ve only been writing here for like one and a half years but I’ll gladly share some tips for new writers <3
tips for new writers - writing on tumblr in general:
formatting and your writing style is very important!!! people most of the time will like stories that have good grammar and are easy to read, so know your punctuation- duh, i mean, most people know where to put their commas, full stops, and shit, but as even a native English speaker i still need to double check sometimes 😭😭😭
ALSO, figure out if you’re a writer who likes to write with proper punctuation or in lower case like i am rn. people on tumblr don’t care which one you opt for so it’s a matter of personal preference!!
personally, i like to use proper punctuation for longer fics with more plot, and lower case writing for normal drabbles, headcannons, etc, all up to you :3 depends on what i feel like tho, i just like the look of lower case hehe
also, you can totally write drafts on tumblr or another platform - i switch between docs and tumblr. shorter pieces on tumblr and longer pieces on Google docs !!
how to get attention on tumblr as a new writer - the importance of tags:
USE THE TAGS - DON’T BE SHY !!! USE A VARIETY !!!! it’s so easy to get reads on tumblr if you just know your tags. i also will say: be mindful of whether or not you stay in tags bc your post can suddenly just disappear- this has happened to me so many times 😭😭 to do that just search if your fic is still popping up in the ‘recent’ section of the tags AND EVERY TIME AFTER U POST SOMETHING, TAKE THE TIME TO SEARCH IF IT’S IN THE ‘RECENT’ TAGS.
(this part might make zero sense, but if it’s been a couple hours and your post still is not popping up, you can either edit it again, make no changes, and press ‘save’.)
general tips:
have an aesthetic layout.
obviously it’s not ‘essential’, but i always find myself more likely to follow blogs that are pretty or have an aesthetics
it takes so long to do but it’s so worth it 😭 if you looks at the fics that do very well, the formatting it very beautiful and pleasing to the eye.
if you’re struggling with a layout, there are so many inspos available on tumblr, just search up ‘blog inspo’ or ‘layout inspo’ and you’ll generally be pretty successful. if all else fail just go to your fav blogs and see how they set up their blog/navigation/aesthetic!!!
having a set colour for your blog can also look nice and less chaotic. for example; mine is red and it’s my (usually) go-to colour for a lot of stuff. just make sure u like the colour tho ☝️
also don’t be afraid to talk to people! AUTHORS LOVE WHEN YOU COMPLIMENT THEIR WORK!! getting mutuals is such a great feeling so PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE !!!!! MAKE FRIENDS 😮😮
my writing process:
i am that writer that likes to have a plot before i start anything, but it’s never complete. normally when i’m going abt my day, i suddenly think of a piece of dialogue or scenario that makes me go ‘hold on. let me write that down’.
for example, recently i thought of a piece of dialogue for an angst fic (that i don’t know if i’ll use) that goes:
‘no i’m not upset that you forgot about our anniversary, in fact, i already predicted you would.’
another idea i had was: you don’t ever want to leave nagi seishiro hungry.
sometimes I get these ideas when i’m in bed like bro 😐 let me rest…
if i feel inspired enough to continue said ideas, i do, but i never force the fic from happening bc then it’ll be mediocre and just… okay. not something i want on my blog 😭
but then i decide the wordlength, how many scenes i want to be in there. for example, my mistletoe todoroki fic i set out for 4k and met my goal. but my itoshi rin Xmas fic only met around 1k when my goal was 2k - sometimes this happens and i cant be mad if i think the story is done there.
it’s never that organised though, if you look at my drafts, it’s a scrabble of words. i jump from scene to scene with big gaps in between that i need to fill in later 😭 but that’s just how i write LOL ! you may be totally different from me which is a-okay :3
then i grind til the fic is done, reread then bam 💪 ! do my usual formatting on tumblr, tags, and then you’ll see the final result!! easier said than done bc when you want to be done with a fic and just post it, you then need to do all the actual presentation of the fic 😭😭😭
anyways yeah, that’s my process summarised lol!! hope it helped u get a little bit of an idea for what the earthtooz blog grind looks like 🫡
so yeah, i think that’s all i rly need to say!! if you wanna follow my advice or not, up to u, but once again, thank u for popping in my inbox anon and asking me!! gave me something to do whilst on my walk 🤭
cant wait to see what you write, always feel free to come back and ask if you need some ‘extra help’, but i believe in you! good luck and have fun writing, and i hope to see u in the tags someday :D
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mightbewriting · 2 years
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
(Also I might have chosen these letters in particular because I'm thinking of making a sandwich and, conveniently, no one has asked them yet. I think. Have a good day!)
hi anon!
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
while i think to some extent everything i write contains some bits of autobiography because i'm not clever enough to fully fictionalize everything, there's no story in particular that's strictly inspired by any personal experiences. beginning and end pulls from some personal experience with a lot of the family dynamics happening, but i definitely wouldn't call it inspired by my anything in my life. it was much more inspired by a desire to write draco's disinheritance.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
a grotesque number of times. i write in drafts so i usually have an outline phase, a zero draft phase, a first draft phase, a first draft review before i share with a beta, a frantic pre-beta-but-now-it's-in-google-docs review, a post beta review, a post beta-has-reviewed-my-changes-review, and then a pre-posting review (in which i usually make more typos changing things and shouldn't have touched it post-beta but i'm a monster and can't be stopped. some of my best lines have happened in this stage lol). in between all those there are definitely tweaks happening too.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
I don't think there's anything i can't stand. i'm very laissez-faire about the fandom experience and i'm happy to let people like what they like even if it's not my cup of tea. there are tropes i haven't enjoyed in the past where it just take the write author and the right fic to get my buy in, so i'm hesitant about absolutes. i love good writing and good storytelling so i'm willing to give pretty much everything a chance.
thanks for the questions anon! hope you got that blt lol
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stephensonvazquez21 · 2 years
App Options On The Htc Wildfire S
I has shared my thoughts regarding everyone is able to rumours which usually piling with a advanced popular Window Mobile phone operating computer. At present, the talk-of-the town is that most of your mobile phone companies end up being dropping Window Mobile OS on their next coming series units. According to some people, 50% of HTC phones to uses Android buy. Android is actually definitely an open source system. By way of the openness of the system, many software companies, programmer and senior players are pleased to edit software for out. Android 2.1 comes with highly increasing operation speed and improved user software. It supports Exchange active wall paper and improved virtual keyboard input. What's more, it integrates Google map a lot more.1.2. The world market share is forty one.7%. It has become essentially the most popular smartphone system at this point. In addition, it's in order to noted that Android spy software may only be installed on Android-based phones that you have. Installing it on phones that act like other people is a crime and men and women who sold you the Android spy software will collaborate with the authorities giving them your information. So, just don't achieve it. It's not worth it. As far as Google phones are worried however, you're only in order to be find one. Prototypes may pop up, as they ran the Android platform as well, but these people never released to you. So don't be confused if notice a phone running the platform and find it around shopping connected with your favorite phone vendor. Our lives can get pretty hectic and busy, but ought to you get applications for your Android phone, for free, from the internet, perhaps it is needed you with your everyday circumstances. The Android phone was built for convenience, more like many it is have visited the past, but exactly like all of the other phones that attended out during the centuries, the Android betters the first. The only reason that the Android phone is any different is because of it's numerous applications which you with your everyday challenges. This is the very specific free Android weather software. Population Zero PC Game gives you forecasts regarding snowstorms and after these details. If you're like me and you live in snow country, this is definitely an app I indicate for but you out and approximately during the snow season outings. There are really many features packed into this one device, it's hard not to fall in love with the spec sheet alone. For instance, the HTC Evo 4G posseses an 8-megapixel camera that can record HD video at 720p settlement. Couple that with a front facing camera for video conntacting loved ones, and really should be enough to satisfy even the most tech hungry crowd. Video chat, by the way, is another first for people phones. Can be a doesn't hang on a minute though. Easily incredibly best free Android weather app available on the inside Android Market; it's also the most popular Android app in the weather category. The official Weather Channel app provides weather updates straight in one of probably the most respected weather sources. You will set a default location to get regular updates without having done any anything similar. Population Zero Crack 'll say about this app: great for you . download this app for your Android phone call.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Pelle x reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Danis grief and the things that come with that (crying, heaviness) 
Author’s Note: this was not on my list of things I wanted to write and yet 
I feel held by him okay 
Summary: You and Pelle meet through Dani and Christian (man I suck at summaries) 
Song: Run by Hozier
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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Dani liked you. She liked you a lot. You made her feel sane and that helped her in more ways than one. She liked the fact that you would always listen to her and tell her that she was right, even when she was wrong. She liked that your eyes never once flitted away from her when she spoke. She liked that you understood her grief in a way that most people would never try to. 
She almost had no desire to introduce you to Christian. She loved Christian, she really did, but you didn’t need to meet her boyfriend. 
Dani thought, even though you did appreciate her that you would never understand the way that he loved Christian. Maybe she didn’t even understand it. 
In any event, she wouldn’t be able to explain in an adequate way. 
But still, you pushed.
You were hanging out with her, in her room. She was walking around the room numbly, trying to understand why her head never seemed to be wrapped around the room when people were speaking. A sorrow was still hanging over her. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked. You were sitting on her desk, watching her anxiously pace back and forth. 
“No.” She stopped walking. “I’m sorry, that was blunt.” You shook your head. 
“Don’t worry about it. We don’t have to talk if you don’t want,” you told her evenly. Dani walked up to you and sat down at the chair in front of you. She felt a little more clear headed with you. It helped to be around people sometimes. Tears started to well up in her eyes but she quickly shook them away.
“Christian has been distant lately. I don’t know how to tell him I still need him without being...needy,” she said, avoiding your eyes.
“He should understand.” You gave her a narrow look and she sighed. 
“Yeah yeah. I know you wanna meet him.” 
“I just wanna learn about this guy who supposedly has absolute zero ability to read his girlfriends moods.” She sighed.
“You wanna meet him? Alright. You can meet him. But his friends will probably be there and if you don’t wanna-”
“I’d love to meet his friends as well. You can tell a lot about a person based on the company that they keep.” 
“This is Y/N. Y/N this is Christian, Mark, Josh and Pelle.” You shook their hands, a kind smile on your face. Mark eyed you for a second longer than he should have and you weren’t sure how to feel about them as a whole. A very basic group of boys that may not be all that they seemed. You were all at Christians place which was dirty. Clothes were on the floor and most of his books were strewn around. There was food on the kitchen counters. 
You ignored your initial thoughts and waved slyly.
“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you all.” Truth be told, you didn’t know much about any of them but Christian. You barely knew their names to faces. 
“You’re the only friend of Dani’s we hear about. You go to school here too right?” Josh asked. You nodded.
“Yes. It’s how Dani and I met.” Your eyes looked around the four of them and surveyed their expression. The man at the end, Pelle, had a very neutral and soft looking expression on his face. You admired him immediately. 
But you ignored that so that you were able to assess Christian better. 
“Now Christian, I think it’s about time I teach you how to treat your girlfriend,” you teased gently and the guys raised their eyebrows. Mark patted Christians back.
“She’s got her guns out. How are you going to respond?!” Mark asked loudly. Christian was laughing and so were you but you had been serious. He was a terrible boyfriend. If they had classes on how to be a decent boyfriend, you would force him to take them, for Dani’s sake. 
“You’re Dani’s friend which means you are my friend,” he said finally. Your lips twitched and you nodded slowly. “Can I offer you anything to drink?” 
“No, thank you though.” Dani sat down at the living room area and the boys quickly followed. Her and Christian were on the love seat, Mark in one of the chairs and you, Pelle and Josh on the couch. You were sitting beside Pelle on the left. 
He smelled good. 
“How is school treating you?” he asked. You turned to him, pleased to hear that his voice was as soothing as he looked. He had an accent you couldn’t place - you were hopeless with accents. 
“Well! At this rate, I should get through finals with only a few scratches here and there,” you told him. 
You could hear that Mark had asked Christian a question and they were having a conversation off to the side. 
“How about you?” you asked.
“Good, just about as good as you. I wonder, maybe if we have any teachers in common,” he suggested. You nodded. 
“It’s entirely possible. What are you studying?” 
“I’m in the Anthropology department.” 
“We may overlap. I’ll have to check your schedule.” 
Dani gave you a look but your eyes were not on her. She couldn’t distinguish what you and Pelle were saying because your voices were so calm while the other boys were booming. She was only a few feet away and still...whatever you were laughing about was lost on her.
You didn’t stay long. Dani and you had to get back so that you were able to study for finals. And by that, it was usually you studying with her in the room so she had someone to keep her in check. You didn’t mind. 
“You and Pelle seemed to get along well,” she noted. 
“I was there to make sure Christian seemed like a decent human,” you told her. 
“And?” You thought about it for a moment and she was right. You had talked to Pelle almost exclusively. 
“Pelle was really nice,” you conceded. She laughed gently. At least you were able to be honest with her. 
“I think he likes you. He’s a Swedish exchange student, if he didn’t tell you.” 
“That’s where the accent is from! It was bugging me. I was about to start speaking to Google,” you said laughing. She rolled her eyes playfully.
“You could have just asked him.”
“I didn’t know if it was inappropriate!” 
You ran your hand through your hair as you walked around your little apartment. It had about everything you could ever need and you loved it. Dani was sleeping on the couch you had managed to squeeze in. 
There was a knock at your door. 
You checked the clock on the wall and furrowed your brows in confusion. It was still pretty early in the day. You had to go to class soon.
You opened the door and Pelle stood in front of you, a kind smile on his face. 
“Pelle! What a nice surprise,” you whispered. He looked confused as to your whisper and you opened the door enough to show Dani sound asleep. He nodded understandingly. 
“I hope this isn’t inappropriate,” he said, in the same hushed tone.
“No, no. Although I do have to go to class soon. What is it?” You leaned against the doorframe.
“I thought our conversation the other day was really nice.” He paused for a minute, thinking over his words. You waited patiently. “I would like to take you out for coffee.” 
You were a bit surprised that he had come all the way to your apartment to tell you that. You assumed that Christian had given him the address. He had it so he knew where Dani was, she had given it to him. 
“I would like that very much. Although, you could have just called,” you said smiling.
“I prefer in person. I think it’s more personal.” You nodded but turned around, grabbing a pen off of your desk. You grabbed his hand and scribbled your number onto his palm.
“For when you want to tell me where to meet you.” He smiled and nodded once, pleasantly. 
“Until then.” 
“Until then.” 
Pelle called you that night to tell you where to meet him for coffee. You were pleased and excited. Dani woke up the next morning when you were getting ready to leave. It was Saturday so you didn’t have any classes to attend and you figured you were due a break from studying. 
“Where are you going?” she asked groggily. You cleaned up your bed and turned to her on the couch.
“I have a coffee date,” you said honestly. 
She raised her head up off the pillow and rubbed her eyes.
“Oh?” You nodded, fixing your hair in the mirror. You looked yourself over and nodded nervously at yourself. You looked good. You hoped it wasn’t too much for just a coffee date. “Care to share who it’s with?” 
You sheepishly looked at her through the mirror. 
“Pelle,” you said quietly. She laughed heartily. It was the first time you had heard her actually laugh in weeks. 
“Yes. Go back to bed. I’ll probably be back before you get up.” She laid her head back down. 
“Have fun at your coffee date!” she called but her voice was muffled by the pillow. 
“Yes! I told Dani that but she doesn’t believe me. I don’t know, I think maybe we’re all a little too hard on her.”
The coffee date was going swimmingly. Pelle was funny and he was also able to give you good advice. You were amazed at his kind heart.
As for his feelings for you, he loved you. Dani had spoken about you and your kind heart before but he never thought you would be like this. He never thought he would love you this much so instantly. You were charming and honest and there was some quip left in you. He admired your qualities and was pleased to find that you liked him as well. 
He could never be sure but he thought you may like it back at his home. 
“You’re being a very good friend. Better than most,” he said honestly. He reached a hand forward and laid it on your hands which were sitting on the table. Both of your cups were empty. You looked down at his hand on yours and attempted to suppress your emotions. 
“Thank you Pelle.” 
You moved your hands apart so they were holding his hand between them. He smiled a bit, sheepishly. 
“I really enjoyed this.”
“I did as well.” 
You were very pleased to hear it wasn’t one sided. 
You both stood up and started for the door. His hand still held yours. It was within walking distance of both of your homes but in opposite directions. Before parting he turned to face you. You smiled up at him, trying your very hardest to not let him know how much you had enjoyed the date. 
That was when your phone rang. Your smile fell and you had to know who it was calling. 
“I’m sorry-”
“Don’t worry. I will wait.” 
You picked up the phone and put it to your ear.
“I-I need you.” She was crying. She didn’t like to ask for help so this must have been serious. You nodded stiffly.
“I will be there in a couple minutes. Hold on,” you said kindly. You hung up the phone and turned to him. “Dani needs me, I’m sorry.” He shook his head and before you could say another word, he was hugging you. 
You had thought he might kiss you but this was almost better. It was almost for sure better than a kiss. His arms engulfed your body and held you tightly. He was wearing a soft sweater and it felt so nice against your face. He smelled like herbs and trees. You hugged him back, tightly. He had his hand on the back of your head and he gently kissed your shoulder. 
He pulled away ever so slightly and kissed you softly. You had to pull away to smile. 
“I’ll see you soon Pelle.” He nodded and you were about to walk away when he strengthened his hold on you. 
“Mark, Josh, Christian and I are going to take a trip back to my home in Sweden for the summer. Dani will likely be invited too. Would you like to come?”
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araekniarchive · 3 years
If you don’t mind me asking, how do you find all these quotes and images and lyrics? You do a really good job at finding ones that fit together perfectly
Oh ty! Generally, I start a web by looking at the work of other web weavers - for example, I'm currently making a web about learning to love yourself, so I whacked 'web weaving, self love' into the tumblr search. How much there is on each one varies from topic to topic, and I've recently started running into my own previous webs doing this, but it often gives me quotes and art to look into further which might well bear fruit. I also often go into the spilled ink tag, which is used for people's original poems and artwork, again with the topic of my web attached.
Next port of call is goodreads, entirely because of the quotes function; although there is a lot of crap irrelevant stuff that comes up - mostly YA novels, fake deep quotes, misattributions - it does have a pretty solid tag function that lets me go through a large catalog very fast, and half the time it'll even tell me which book something is from. If I'm particularly stumped by a topic, I'll often go to TV Tropes which often includes a wide range of examples with quotes and sources under each specific trope, which again gives me some great leads.
All the quotes I have then generally get run through a quick check that they're legit, and not misquotes or misattributions; some I will find that are attributed to the wrong person, but I'll still include them with the correct name. Other times, I can't find a source, or the sources I find aren't definitive - e.g., if the whole internet tells me that somebody called 'Michelle B' wrote a particular quote, but there is no actual original place of 'Michelle B' writing it (and to be honest, I'm not good enough to track down such a vague citation) then there's a non-zero chance that it's a misattribution that's just been repeated so many times that the original source has disappeared, but I will likely include the name anyway, just with (attrib.) next to it, as it's better to do that than slap it with 'unknown' (imo). Sources do sometimes turn up afterward, but generally if I fail to find it on my first search, I won't happen upon it afterwards.
Then, once I'm (relatively) sure who the author of something is, and where it's from, I turn to the Internet Archive. I started using it last year when I was stuck on at home, unable to go to the uni library, and writing my dissertation. It saved my life then, but even though I graduated, I have never gone back to life without it. It's a godsend, a miracle, perhaps the greatest tool you've never heard of. It lets you read books - FOR FREE - legally, as well as listen to audiobooks, look at old web domains, search metadata... it's genuinely amazing and I tell everybody about it. For the webs, I plug in the name of the book/author and 2 out of 3 times, I can find a scanned in copy of the book, which comes with a search function. As in, I can just type in a fragment of the text I'm looking for, and the archive finds exactly which page it's on for me. I then just screenshot the page, paste it onto Paint 3D, and crop it to my desired specifications. For those sources that aren't in the archive, I usually put them into google docs, put them in a nice font and screenshot again, once more turning to my good friend Paint 3D to smarten it up.
If I know of any film or TV shows that touch on the topic, or I think it would be a good addition, I generally look on YouTube for them first (and, you guessed it, screenshot and then move to Paint 3D where I add subtitles manually if they're not already included/look ugly) and if they aren't there I branch out into streaming services and, uh, other sites. That I turn my VPN on for. If I really have no idea what scenes would be relevant, I often look for those really basic, Buzzfeed or Ranker list articles for 'The Best Doomed Romances' or 'Ten Great Sisterly Relationships on Screen' - they're generally scalped from reddit, but they do have some fairly solid recommendations which I can then investigate further. I also do this with songs - there are so many lists of song rankings around - but often you can just search lyrics in Google and they’ll pop up.
There are other steps I use depending on the specific web, but these are pretty much the ones I use every time - I use TinEye and Google Image Reverse Search when I'm trying to find the name of a piece of art or the source of an image, and this often helps me source things that other people have marked as 'unknown'. It doesn't always work, but it gives results more often than not. And, of course, there are things I add that I know about from my own memory - I really should emphasize, however, that in a web of say ten different excerpts, maybe two are ones I know about beforehand. The main process of finding stuff to put in webs is simply searching in the right places, knowing how to spot a promising lead, not giving up, even if you're on like, the fifth page of the goodreads quotes tag and you feel like banging your head against the wall (the best quote is always, always on page six) and referencing as you go.
Web weaving is something I love to do because it's broadened my literary horizons so much, it makes me better at researching, and I find it super satisfying when a web is completed, but it's not something that you can only do if you have super advanced computer programs or technical knowledge or an eidetic memory - this laptop has been on the verge of death for some time, I regularly go to my fifty-nine year old mum for troubleshooting advice, and my memory is absolutely shot to shit. All you really need to do is stick at it, and it comes together.
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impishtubist · 2 years
Woah, that’s so interesting that you have so much stuff shelved away. is it all fanfiction? original fiction? what form does it start off in?
also, kind of tangential, but do you like reading these worlds you’ve created for no reason but that you like it? (as in, not for editing or critique but as if you would any other piece of fiction) or do you write them and then dislike or not care for them like some authors
(sorry for so many questions haha i just got curious after the last ask)
No, no, no, don't be sorry! I like talking about writing! I don't know if what I have to say is useful, because my writing process is unlike anything I've ever seen from other writers, but I'm happy to word vomit about it anyway.
This is a very, very rough estimate, but I'd say that the word count of stories I have shelved away in my Google Docs is probably equivalent to twice what I have on AO3 (and I have 1.3 million words on AO3, so. Yeah.) And I'd say half of what's shelved in my GDocs is fanfic, and half is original stuff. How it starts off depends on the story! If I'm writing original fic, it usually starts out original, and fanfic usually starts out fanfic. It's not often that I take a fanfic and turn it into something original, or vice versa, but it does occasionally happen.
I do like re-reading my fanfic! Whether I post it or not, it's fun for me to re-read because I wrote the kind of stories I want to read and I love playing around in those worlds. My original stuff is different. It's much more geared toward the market, so while I'm generally writing things that I like, I'm not writing exactly the kinds of novels I'd want to read, because those aren't publishable or marketable. They'd just be 100K words of feelings with absolutely zero plot, which doesn't fly in the publishing industry. So I generally don't re-read my original works for fun, because while they're fine, they're not fanfic. :) I re-read them a lot when I'm revising and editing them, though, and tbh that's enough for me.
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kippykasey · 3 years
Grace - Chapter 5: Hydra
Pairing: Howard Stark x F!Reader , Bucky x Reader [Eventually]
Word Count: 3522
Series Summary: A young nurse is recruited by Dr. Abraham Erskine to join the SSR to assist on Project Rebirth. Following her work with the SSR she is drafted into the US Army Nurse Corps in the war against the Nazis...and HYDRA.
Chapter Warnings: violence, torture, bad things because Hydra
Author's Note: Surprise?! I wasn't even expecting to get this done but I literally just finished and thought, eh why not. So here it is! Also I hate hurting my characters so this was a bit eh to write but I hope all is well!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs they are either found on google or under the gif tag provided by tumblr. Any language other than English was translated using Google Translator, and translations will be posted in bolden italics after. I am not a nurse or in the medical field although I may do some research medical treatment written may not be correct.
Grace Masterlist | Snowdrop Masterlist | Masterlist
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Pain. A throbbing, harsh pain echoed through my head from the temple. The throbbing beat opposite that of my heart. The second thing I noticed was how cold and damp it was. After battling with my body to force open my eyes I squint through the dimly lit room. A deep voice spoke in another language… German it was German but my head hurt too much for me to understand it. Seconds passed before I realized that I was sitting on the ground in a cell. The door opened and two men walked in flanked by four additional soldiers than the one that had been watching me.
“Ah Fräulein (L/n) glad you have finally woken up.” Miss.
“Who are you?” I cursed how weak my voice sounded at that moment. Though the man didn’t seem to find me a threat of escape as he spoke. “Johann Schmidt. You see we have a common acquaintance… or, well, had.” The grin he wore made my stomach drop and he didn’t need to verbally admit it for me to realize this is the man behind Abraham’s death.
I raised my head in defiance and although it made the pounding in my head worsen I pushed myself from the ground and stood within the cell. “You’re after the serum.”
“Ah, clever girl. You were Abraham’s assistant when he made the serum.” The second, much shorter man spoke. “Fault in your plans. I don’t know how to make the serum.” Schmidt smiled at me and it took all my self control not to shiver from his intense look. “I was hoping you would say that,” His eyes turned off me to the soldiers. “Bring sie zum Stuhl. Probiere es an ihr aus. Vielleicht wird ein kleiner Elektroschock Ihr Gedächtnis auffrischen.” Take her to the chair. Try it out on her. Perhaps a bit of electroshock will refresh your memory. As Schmidt talked his head also turned towards the shorter man.
I could feel the blood drain from my face as I moved back against the wall. Three soldiers stepped towards the cell. One man opened the cell door before the other two stepped inside to detain me. I managed to elbow one in the face in my struggle but it was useless. The two soldiers dragged me from the cell, out of the room into a brighter lit hall. We were in some kind of warehouse. My eyes zeroed in on a chair that looked right out of a nightmare. Stronger hands forced me into the hard chair and held me down while I was struggling against someone’s attempts to strap me in. My struggling did nothing but get me a slap to the face. The strength of the slap disoriented me long enough for them to strap me in.
The shorter man who followed us now stood next to my head. I could see the reflection of myself in his glasses. “This is only going to hurt a lot, try to hold still.” He instructs lowering two plates down around my face. It was only a few short moments before the electricity forced its way into my head. I had no control over my body as it thrashed in the confines of the chair. An agonizing scream of pain carrying throughout the building went ignored.
That wasn’t my first time in the chair but it was the only time I had passed out in the chair. Spent 30 minutes in the chair 3 times a day, sometimes longer. After a week I had to start muttering things to myself in my cell so I didn’t forget who I was. The Nazi soldiers gave me the bare minimum to survive as far as water and nutrients goes. I cracked halfway through October. I gave the short scientist, Armin Zola, the list of what I would need before I was taken back to my cell after yet another time in the cell. I was given parchment and a pencil to write things down with but it kept coming in flashes.
Nights were the worst. Mouth dry from lack of water, eyes trained on an iron grate in the ceiling. I realized two weeks into my daily chair visits that I had forgotten my brother’s name. When I noticed it caused me to cry to sleep that night. So whenever I could I would mutter to myself facts I could remember starting with my name, rank, and where I was from. The list of facts got shorter every day. Somedays I remembered more than others. There were times all I could bring myself to do was hum Amazing Grace to myself to deal with the pain.
The first time I was in the lab I tried to escape. I was left with just one guard and I thought I could take him. I smashed a beaker using a shard like a knife. I ended up knocked unconscious, my hand bleeding from the self inflicted cuts caused by the makeshift weapon. From then on I was chained to the lab table and three soldiers kept watch. I wasn’t given anything to test the serum on. So I never tested unless I thought it would work because I used myself as a test subject.
I was unconscious for two days once from a failed serum. Others cause excruciating pain. Days came and went and I lost count of days but I knew it was still October. Yet a month was close to passing as November began to be discussed amongst soldiers around me. Pressure was placed on me to recreate the serum. Each day if I didn’t recreate the serum I was sent to the chair for the torturous electroshock. That is how I figured out I had been successful in a recreation. The serum, when tested, did nothing but make me drop to the lab floor in pain. I wasn’t even given time to recollect myself before being dragged off to the chair. I lasted longer in the chair than usual. I heard the instruction to increase the power. I don’t remember what happened after that.
It took me nearly half a day to recover, then as soon as I had I was back working in the lab. Suddenly I was pulled away from my work and escorted quickly back to my cell. “Neue Soldaten wurden gefangen genommen.” New soldiers have been captured. I pressed myself up against the bars for a chance, a glimpse at the soldiers being brought in.
It was silent as the Nazi Hydra soldiers dealt with the new poisoners. Suddenly two soldiers appeared with smiles on their faces. “Komm Mädchen. Zola und Schmidt wollen dich sehen.” Come girl. Zola and Schmidt want to see you. The soldiers yanked me up and practically dragged me to the room where the chair was. My body trembled involuntarily at the sight of the chair. It wasn’t me going in the chair, given someone was strapped in but given the uniform he was American. “Ah, here iz our lovely nurse. You’ve been asking for a test subject. Here you go.” Schmidt waved at the man strapped into the chair. The man lifted his head just barely and my heart went out to him. As soon as the hands left my arms I moved to the soldier in the chair. “What’s your name, soldier?”
“S’rg’nt Jam’s Barn’s,” His voice wasn’t clear but it was clear enough for me to understand what he said. The nurse turned to Zola and Schmidt. “I wasn’t done recreating the serum when you had me pulled from the lab. I will need time to work and he needs time to rest or the serum will kill him.” I tried to give him whatever comfort I could in those brief moments before we were pulled apart. His head rose just slightly and I caught a glimpse of stormy blue eyes as he was dragged out of the room.
I never got to return to my cell that night. As my eyes zoned in on the blue chemical mixture in front of me I felt a haze cloud my mind, it wasn’t abnormal to experience but I also felt like I was losing myself when it happened. Following my own written instructions I was able to continue my work. The only other thing I forced my mind to remember were two things.
I am First Lieutenant (Y/n) (L/n) of the US Army Nurse Corps. Soldier boy is Sergeant James Barnes.
The words became a mantra in the blank canvas my mind was currently in as I blindly worked by instructions of my very own that I don’t even remember writing. My body moved on auto pilot as I was taken to a crude looking examination room. In the center was soldier boy Sergeant James Barnes strapped to the table. As my mind raced to catch up with me, flashes of memories clouded my mind from when Steve Rogers got the serum, the explosion that followed, Dr. Erskine being shot. My body tensed at a passing memory of being in the chair passed through being replaced by the pain I felt giving myself the serum.
A hand pressed firmly in between my shoulder blades pushing me forward. I stumbled to the table catching myself with a hand on his arm. Wasn’t he wearing an army jacket before? My eyes landed on the serum filled syringe in my hands reminding me of what I was about to do. “First lieutenant (Y/n) (F/n) of the US Army Nurse Corps.. You are Sergeant James Barnes.. I’m sorry for what I am about to do. You’ll be okay. I’ve used it on myself. It will hurt.” My voice sounded so… robotic and monotone as I spoke to him. My hands pushing up his sleeve.
My hands worked from memory and out of second nature my mouth moved and the hymn fell from my lips. The melody of the song was the only comfort I could offer as I injected the poor man with the serum that would change his life forever. His eyes looked up at mine until the pain of the serum changing his body caused them to shut tightly. The leather restraints holding him in began to rip as he pulled against them. Discarding the empty syringe I tried to soothe him more but the second my hand touched his head I was shot with a sedative.
Steve Rogers has dressed up performing on stage like a dancing monkey to sell war bonds since he was given the serum. His first time on foreign grounds and he was performing for soldiers he should have been fighting alongside of. All to be booed off the stage by disgruntled men who just wanted to see a pretty dame.
Steve finally looked away from the rain but not quite at Peggy, “At least he’s got me doing this. Phillips would have had me stuck in a lab.” Blue eyes finally met the face of Agent Carter. “And these are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey? You were meant for more than this, you know.” Her wording might have been a bit rude but the point got across. There was a moment of silence between the two but Steve had this look to him. “What?” Peggy inquired.
The man was drawing in the rain when a familiar face popped up. “Hello, Steve.” Peggy Carter approached him from behind, making him turn from his drawing to greet her, “Hi.” She mimed his ‘hi’ back before laying her jacket down to sit on while Steve asked, “What are you doing here?” Peggy looked at Rogers and let out a small sigh, “Officially, I’m not here at all. That was quite a performance.”
Rogers looked away disappointed that she had caught the horrible show that happened earlier. “Yeah. I uh, I had to improvise a little bit. The crowds I’m used to are usually more, uh, twelve.” Steve explained looking out at the drenched ground and falling rain. “I understand you’re ‘America’s New Hope’.” Peggy states watching him. “Bond sales take a 10% bump in every state I visit.” Steve comments like a robot. “Is that Senator Brandt I hear?”
“You know for the longest time, I dreamed about coming overseas and being on the front lines, serving my country. I finally got everything I wanted and I’m wearing tights.” Steve kept looking down at his journal then squinting out through the rain. A horn alarmed behind them as a medical vehicle slid to a stop in the mud. Medics ran from the infirmary tent to help unloaded soldiers on gurneys. “They look like they’ve been through hell.” Peggy turned back towards Rogers. “These men more than most.” Steve looked up at Peggy knowing she had more details. “Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano. Two hundred men were there to back up an already injured fleet, they went up against him and less than 75 returned. Your audience contained what was left of the 107th and 34th.” Steve slowly turned his head feeling bad for the men who were lost but his attention snapped to Peggy at the mention of the divisions involved as she finished, “The rest were killed or captured.”
“The 107th?” The confirmation had him darting out into the rain, Peggy following holding her jacket over her head for coverage from the rain. The two ran all the way to the tent Colonel Phillips was sitting in signing condolence letters. “Colonel Phillips.” Steve called for the man’s attention as he approached. “Well, if it isn’t the Star-Spangled Man With A Plan. What is your plan today?” The colonel responded looking up at the pair now standing in front of him. “I need the casualty list from Azzano.” The tone he used was definitely fitting for the role he plays on stage. Phillips however did not appreciate it. “You don’t get to give me orders, son.”
“I just need one name, Sergeant James Barnes from the 107th.” Rogers responded un phased. Phillips pointed his pen at Peggy, “You and I are gonna have a conversation later that you won’t enjoy.” Steve was insistent though and again requested the information he wanted, “Please tell me if he’s alive, sir. B-A-R..” “I can spell.” Phillips cut him off before muttering, “First Stark and now this.” He stood from the table and paged through the letters he just finished signing. “I have signed more of these condolence letters today that I would care to count. But the name does sound familiar. I’m sorry. To the both of you.” Phillips looks from Rogers to Peggy and the woman knew he was referring to her friend from the 34th.”
“What about the others? Are you planning a rescue mission?” Rogers was something else, optimistic maybe. “Yeah, it’s called winning the war.” The look of disbelief that Steve sent the colonel as he spoke might have been the first red flag for Peggy Carter. “But if you know where they are, why not at least..” Phillips once again cut the man off, “They’re 30 miles behind the lines through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe.” Phillips was eyeing the spot on the map as he talked about it, even pointing the place out directly. “We’d lose more men than we’d save. But I don’t expect you to understand that because you’re a chorus girl.”
The colonels' dig at Roger’s lack of status didn’t seem to phase the man but it did fuel the plan he was formulating in his head while staring at the map, memorizing it. “I think I understand just fine.”
“Well, then understand it somewhere else. If I read the posters correctly, you got someplace to be in 30 minutes.” The colonel walked past him giving Rogers a very clear view of the map marking out exactly where he needed to go, and where he was. “Yes, sir. I do.” Perhaps the time staring at the map was the second red flag that Peggy noticed. As her eyes flickered between him and the map as he left the tent it all clicked into place and she hurried after the taller man.
“What do you plan to do, walk to Austria?” Peg asked as she entered the tent used as the changing room. “If that’s what it takes.” Steve answered not looking up from where he was struggling with boots. “You heard the Colonel. Your friend, and mine, are most likely dead.”
“You don’t know that.” Steve disagreed as he continued to get ready. “Even so, he’s devising a strategy. If he detects..” Steve cut her off as he put on a brown leather jacket, “By the time he’s done that, it could be too late.” He snatched up his bag and shield and headed for the exit. “Steve!” Peggy called following him to the vehicle he tossed his things into. The rain had stopped leaving the sun to rapidly evaporate the water leaving puffs of smoke in the air. Steve looked at the brunette in front of him. “You told me you thought I was meant for more than this. Did you mean that?”
“Every word.”
“Then you got to let me go.” Steve turned to get into the jeep and started the engine before Peggy was at the side. “I can do more than that.” She told him.
Peggy hadn’t lied. She got them a method of transport much faster than the jeep. Howard Stark sat in the pilot seat flying a plane with the slight chance his fiancée may still be alive. Stark was devastated when he first found out that the 34th was attacked and that only doubled when the attack at Azzano took out the 107th as well.
“The Hydra camp is in Krausberg, tucked between these two mountain ranges.” Peggy infomed Rogers as she pointed to the map she was holding. “It’s a factory of some kind.” She gave him as much information as she could. “We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep.” Howard called over his shoulder.
“Just get me as close as you can.” Steve called back up to the pilot. He looked back over at the woman in front of him. “You know.. You two are gonna be in a lot of trouble when you land.” He was worried about her getting into trouble for him but she looked at him just as worried. “And you won’t?” Steve dismissed her worries, turning his head. “Where I’m going, if anyone yells at me, I can just shoot them.” There was a small click of a loaded gun.
“They will undoubtedly shoot back.” Peggy surmised. Steve turned to the shield he had been using on stage giving it a knock, “Well let's hope it’s good for something.” Steve turned back to her just as Howard called back, “Agent Carter? If we’re not in too much of a hurry, I thought we could stop off in Lucerne for a late-night fondue.” Howard was teasing the agent, the smile on his face hidden from those being him. Peggy shifted in her seat choosing to ignore him and keep conversation going with Rogers. “Stark is the best civilian pilot I’ve ever seen. He’s mad enough to brave this airspace. We’re lucky to have him.”
Steve however was still not fully over the comment Stark made. “So, are you two… do you…” There was an awkward pause as Steve thought of the proper way to ask if they were seeing each other by reusing Stark’s words, “..Fondue?” Stark tried not to laugh from the pilot’s seat as Peggy simply shook her head and handed him a device. “This is your transponder. Activate it when you’re ready and the signal will lead us straight to you.” Steve took a moment to look at the device now in his hand before calling up to Howard, “Are you sure this thing works?”
“It’s been tested more than you, pal.” Howard defended seconds before gunfire hit the side of the plane. The plane shook as bullets pelted the sides, shaking the aircraft from the force. Steve stood grabbing his shield and heading towards the door. That he opened. “Get back here! We’re taking you all the way in!” Peggy ordered yelling over the wind rushing into the plane. “As soon as I’m clear, you turn this thing around and get the hell out of here!” Steve ordered back over the noise of the wind, gunfire, and the pinging of bullets on the plane.
“You can’t give me orders!” Peggy disagreed.
“The hell I can’t! I’m a Captain!” Steve looked over at her, giving her a smile that made her weak in the knees. He grabbed the goggles from his helmet, lowered them over his eyes and launched himself out of the plane. Peggy watched him fall towards the ground before the red fabric of his parachute was visible in the night sky from the flying bullets. Howard turned back as instructed by the Captain. Now all they could do was wait.
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sadviper · 3 years
Hi, a question about your beautiful fic writing 💕(hope you dont mind!) Do you tend to put in a lot of research while writing fics? 😄
Thank you so much!!!! Of course I don't mind the ask! :3 It would help to know which fandom you are referring to, because the research requirements are different for historical vs. modern-day, but in general there are two answers:
1) The Short Answer: IT'S ALL LIES!!!!! ;;;___;;; like that disclaimer in front of every kdrama, any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence!
2) The Long Answer: It depends! In some ways, research for modern-day is easier, because I'm living it and information is usually readily available. But it's also harder as a result, because there's SO MUCH out there, and I sometimes go down long winding rabbit holes to get background information that only ends up appearing in 1 sentence if at all. For my TKEM fics, I first started carefully rewatching the show, taking notes on all the sets and references made in the dialogue, until I realized that I wasn't getting much return on my investment--the canon was handwaving the worldbuilding quite liberally, and leaving most unsaid or up to interpretation.
For "Before There was Zero", I saved a lot of effort by pulling the little details from what I already knew--the ins and outs of office life and bureaucratic processes. Most of my research time therefore was sunk into figuring out stuff like: how many years it would logically take to reach the rank of captain by age 29 (surprise, you can't, at least not in the US); what can be done to MAKE IT WORK; military merit awards in ancient Korea; wrestling fight moves; districts in Busan w/ great nightlife, etc. Some of these details are major lynchpins to the plot, others are minor details that I probably could've made up, but sometimes it is easier on the brain to use something that exists than to have to create EVERYTHING from scratch.
Research is a great way to give me a premise, especially for specific events or case fic. In "Nil Desperandum", Sung-rok's meet-cute flashback with Yeong-il in Cambodia was me scouring wikipedia about the Khmer Rouge and various events occurring between Cambodia and Vietnam, and then stealing the broad details and shuffling it forward by a couple decades. And each of "The Veritable Records" entries were inspired by things that I read in King Se-jong's Sillok.
Old day research, however, is a whole different beast! To tell you the truth, I dislike reading non-fiction and it's only my perfectionism that made me do as much research as I did. Now add the extra layer of difficulty when libraries are off-limits because of COVID and there is a complete dearth of English-language materials about the lives of Jurchens or daily ancient Korean life online. Research absolutely helps to ground the details of the world, but even that can be trickery. For example, I had no idea what Joseon era Pyongnam harbor looked like nor how to find out, so to write the harbor scene in CH3 of "The Veritable Records: Commitment", I studied a description in a gothic novel called "The Italian" by Ann Radcliffe where she beautifully described an Italian harbor! If I couldn't find relevant information on Korea or Jurchens, I tried to find parallels with Ming Dynasty, Mongolians, or Manchurians, but if it took longer than a 15 minute Google search, then I just Made Sh*t Up, drawing heavily on visuals that I could remember from different cdramas and kdramas that I'd watched over the years. Subject matter experts will see through me, but...if I want to post online, that's the risk I have to take. -_-;;
I had to balance between getting Things Right and not slowing my writing progress down so much that I would lose my motivation to write. Now I completely understand why published authors can spend multiple years on one book, reading tons of books on the topic, traveling and taking photos, etc.
For me, since this is just a hobby, I realized that a story doesn't need all the facts straight in order to be exciting, or emotional, or reach readers in some way. A lot of media we enjoy eschews reality because we're just in it to watch the characters interact and grow together. Not saying my stories will ever stretch disbelief too thin; logic is my life! But it's a way to reason with myself when I inevitably have to make tradeoffs between productivity, quality, and other competing commitments.
I hope this answers your question, and thank you so much for thinking my writing is beautiful! ;;;___;;; <3 <3 <3
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annetteblog · 3 years
I got a very long ask and wrote even longer reply, and now Tumblr for some reason doesn't want to publish it through asks. So I'm making a separate post, because what else can I do? 😀 I hope Anon wouldn't mind
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Thank you for such a long ask! I really enjoy replying those, although it may take some time to actually write whatever I have on my mind 🙂 However, I feel like for every question that you posed, it's possible to write its own big reply or even an essay, so this piece of mine probably won’t give them justice (but I’ll try my best.)
As usual, one big IMO.
1) Ethics, “gueer coding” and discussions
I believe I’ve already partly touched this subject here. Shortly, I think that everything the boys did (and still do) had its own purpose. They decided to put these "undertones" (or whatever one may call them) in their art. They made some statements with a very small room for interpretation. And it didn't happen once or twice. More like, it's been a consistent behaviour throughout years.
I don't buy this excuse some fans write - "oh, he just didn't know about this/didn't understand how it looked like/didn't..." So apparently, JK wasn't able to figure out shit about Troye, didn't give a damn about his GCF, didn't think how his tattoo looked like; JM didn't realize to what conclusions could lead his quite bold words about 4am or waking up and seeing JK; both of them didn't have second thoughts about the Black Swan dance; Bang PD is just a CEO who pays zero attention to BTS in general and KM actions in particular (which sometimes actually backlash, e.g. that stop gay fanservice thing after the Seoul concerts), because he clearly just doesn't care AT ALL; whatever PR service they have in BH is just asleep all the time... Etc etc etc, you got the idea
Well, if one wants to perceive JM, JK and BigHit as a group of complete morons with no brains, this "oh, they just didn't know" explanation may work. But if all of them were idiots, how would BTS become the biggest group on a planet? They are smart enough, deal with this.
And YET. KM still do what they do. It's their choice, so apparently they have their motives. You wrote it yourself too - "Jikook and BH put out all that stuff for a reason."
Keeping this in mind, I truly think it's fair to discuss queer undertones or KM's bond. It's meant to be discussed and speculated. They made it public, and they continue to make it public (and quite obvious, to be honest). Why? Well, I guess they want us to speculate.
From here comes the second point
2) Art and its interpretations
In general, I believe that any good art should allow various interpretations. That's what a good piece of art is supposed to do - provoke a thought. As well as it's quite customary to analyze and (sometimes) overanalyze art. Thousands of universities worldwide have programs which are focused on fine art, literature, theater, music, film, etc.
And why is it okay to write about Avengers or Madonna or whatever weird art you're able to find in the closest Contemporary museum (like a banana taped to a wall), but not okay to interpret BTS' songs and/or performances? Again, I strongly believe that art is meant to be discussed. Especially as cool as theirs 🙂
Actually, some popular fandom theories turned out to be true here. Since Spring Day release on Feb 2017, fans speculated about its connection to the Sewol ferry tragedy based on the song's lyrics, MV and choreo. We got this confirmation like when, December 2020? But before it was also just an interpretation.
Coming back to KM. Combining these with the idea that JM/JK/BH clearly know what they're doing and how it may look like, I don't see a problem in having various interpretation of their art. Including queer ones.
3) Escapism
Isn't all art targeted to escaping in a sense? We want to take a break from reality and/or mundane life or just gain some new experience. In this sense what's the radical difference between staring at pictures or sculptures in a museum, watching a movie, reading a book or scrolling through Tumblr reading BTS/KM centric posts? All of these are means to escape and entertain ourselves.
As for this "if they are a queer couple, is it okay to derive pleasure and 'what a beautiful love story' feelings from two members of systematically oppressed minority?" - and you would prefer doing what - ignoring them? pretending that they don't exist? 🙃 In case if they are a queer couple, I guess showing support and benevolence is even more important. Exactly because, as you mentioned, they are a part of the oppressed minority. And the hatred is/would be definitely in place.
4) Fanfiction
Oh my, what a controversial theme these days.
Firstly, some forget it was not invented in the 21st century. Even slash fanfiction (cough Star cough Trek). As for incorporating real people, it's been a part of literature for like what.. always? There are millions of different writings about emperors, nobles, military figures, lives of saints, etc. And it's not like personal opinion of people in question bothered those, who write or wrote about them. I clearly remember a scene in Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace, where Alexander I [Russian emperor 1801-25] after losing a battle against Napoleon, hits a birch tree with his sword while crying hard and just being kinda hysterical. Would real Alexander be satisfied with such image if he read the book? Idk 😄
About having "the right to comment on such [different from your own] experience". I suppose, if authors wrote only about what they had experienced, our literature would be 95% poorer than it is. How can one write books in historic settings if they didn't live there? How do books about future and space travel exist, if we live in 2021? Is it needed to be a part of mafia to write about mafia? What about other cultures? Should an American author write only about American people and American lifestyle or it's fine to have characters from other countries?
Writing is not about experiencing something and then making a fanfic or a book, it's more about research and compassion. If you have reliable info on your theme and are able to look at the world using different lenses, why not?
I don't perceive fanfiction as a worldwide evil. Sure, there are creepy examples as well as authors, who write fetishizing weird shit. But it doesn't mean that all fanfiction=bad and all slash fanfiction=objectification of male homosexuality. Fanfiction is just one form of fiction, it can be good or bad based on how it's written. But the label itself doesn't define anything, as well as reading it should not be a reason to accusations.
5) Jikook, shipping and politics
I'm among those, who perceive pretty much everything as a part of politics. We all exist within some political conventions and have certain political laws over our heads. And yes, it includes art. Even if an artist says something like "oh, I decided to stay away from politics, my work is beyond it". The decision to stay away from politics is also political, because apparently there was something within the political structure what made this artist say that and forced them to make this distinction between them and some institutional conventions.
And that makes me believe that shipping/supporting KM is also political. But I don't think it's necessarily bad? Basically, you decided to support potentially queer people from a country, which doesn't really approve LGBTQ+. It puts you in the opposition towards a particular government. You made a choice. You could google some SK stuff, read all that you mentioned in the beginning of your ask, and say something like "oh, that's not okay there? well, fair enough, I guess their government knows better"🤠 and forget that this KM thing even exists. But apparently you didn't
Imo, is it politics? Yes
Is it bad that it's politics? Well, no? 🙃
P.S. I hope I was clear enough with my ideas. Thank you again for the thought provoking ask, and I hope I'll hear from you again 🙂
And honestly, I don't think that you're problematic in any way :)
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Blood Dahlia
TITLE: Blood Dahlia  CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 1 AUTHOR: Flowerhoe  ORIGINAL IMAGINE:  Imagine you're an assassin in an omegaverse that's been hired to kill Loki but he catches you. Instead of killing or imprisoning you, he binds you to Asgard as one of his personal guards under both princely and alpha authority, hoping to cure his boredom by watching you slowly lose your mind being stuck in his presence. RATING:  Overall: M Current Chapter: PG
NOTES/WARNINGS: This is my first fanfic in a loooooong time so bear with me. I’m new to submissions but hopefully all goes well and you guys can enjoy my stories. 
I occasionally live-write and you can access the google doc here. You can check it whenever for updates or you can pm me and I can add you to a ping list for when I decide to live-write. Emjoy!
  The backwater bars of the galaxy always smelled the same, the scent of piss and cheap ale rising up from the often basement level pubs like smog. Dahlia had come to enjoy these places, seeing as they existed in every realm, they were as if home followed her. Now, whether backwater pubs feeling like home was a good thing was up for speculation, but was a concern she generally ignored.
Other than ordinarily enjoying not being sober, places like this were prime spots for hunting contracts, especially on Vanaheim’s less than lucrative market which drew in smaller but far more simple cases; the most exciting thing you’d usually find in Vanaheim as an assassin were back-alley squabbles and the occasional intimidation job. While small talent gigs generally paid less, there were plenty to be found to make up for the lack of effort they required, as well as the pay difference. 
“Hey Daffodil,” a scruffy-looking Vanir manning the rugged bar chuffed, waiting to continue until she met his eyes.
“It’s Dahlia.”
“Yeah yeah, Dandelion. Look, you’ve been here for hours and ordered one drink. If you keep holding up the bar I’m gonna have to ask you to switch to a table or somethin.” Dahlia just waved the man off, flicking a gold piece across the counter in annoyance. The bartender grumbled, slapping a meaty hand over the coin and dragging it away. “Better keep ordering,” the Vanir groused as he sloshed another tankard her way, nearly hitting her in the chest with the cheap ale within. Dahlia shot him a glare, catching it right before it could ruin her currently dry clothes. “I’m waiting for contracts. I’ll order when I order.”
“Contracts, aye?” the bartender huffed, dropping a few glasses into a tub of gray day-old dishwater. “There’s a Sakaarian that dropped off a datalink looking for someone to take up a job. People’ve been rejecting it for days. I haven’t seen it but it seems like it pays well. I’ll forward the contract your way,” he hummed, nodding towards the datapad on her arm before tapping something behind the counter. 
Dahlia looked down at her arm as the device beeped, tapping the notification that popped up on its surface. Of the many contracts Dahlia had been offered, this one was by far the only one with that many zeros in the pay bar. Unsurprisingly, the zeros had been the first thing she’d seen, instilling a giddy bit of excitement in her; with this kind of money, she’d be able to retire at the ripe old age of nine hundred and thirty-four. Well, retire for the next thousand years or so. Sadly, the next thing she saw was the name a few lines above that wonderfully long series of numbers, Loki Laufeyson. By instinct Dahlia almost hit reject immediately, stopping herself halfway through the motion; those were a lot of zeros.
“Who’d you say offered the contract?” the Asgardian asked, tearing her eyes from the name long enough to meet the Vanir’s gaze. He just shrugged, beginning to wipe the counter with a dirty rag.
“Some Sakaarian. Didn’t leave a name. That serious huh? The rest of em just rejected and left in a tizzy. Gave a generous tip.“ Dahlia could hear the tone in his voice with the last part, feeling the directed intent he put behind it. He continued when she didn’t react. “I don’t read the contracts on principle, but whatever’s on there gotta be pretty serious to spook off so many of you folks.” 
The Asgardian just hummed, downing her drink quickly and standing from her stool. And turning to leave. “Thanks. Though I’d start reading your contracts if I were you. You’d get tried for treason if anyone with any common sense found out this kind of contract cycled through here.” The bartender just shrugged and went back to wiping the counter, apparently having heard similar before. 
Stepping out of the dank pub Dahlia made her way up the steps and over to where she’d hitched her horse, untying the large stallion and swinging into the saddle. Once the pair had left the village proper Dahlia zoned out into her datapad, eyes locked between the zeros and the name. In truth, she was tempted to ask Átthagi what he thought of the job. She knew the horse had no answers, but he’d been along for so many of her money-guided escapades she was sure if he could talk he’d have something to say about the matter. 
On one hand, she was Asgardian, and a well-trained one at that; she’d have easier access to the palace than most. On another, she was Asgardian; if she did this, she’d never be able to go back home again. Of course, that point was moot given just how many zeros were in that pay bar. She wouldn’t really need to come back to Asgard with that much money in her pockets. That didn’t really cover just how far Asgard would extend its power to find her should she kill their prince. Then again, this was Loki. 
Dahlia hadn’t been home in years, favoring the other realms to fill her time and her pockets as compared to the dreariness of Asgard. For some of the other races, Asgard seemed like a paradise of plenty, filled with bountiful feasts and general prosperity. While all of this was reality, Asgard never seemed to change much. Yes, there was an occasional royal scandal or other realmly rabble-rousers, the planet itself was stuck in endless repetition and had been since the fall of Hela. While the peace was nice, Asgard was no home for someone like her. 
She sighed, looking at the datapad again. Fuck it, she thought, pushing the green-hued accept button. She might as well go out with a bang with billions of units on the line than die in some back-alley dump with only a couple hundred to her name. 
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keijifairy · 4 years
first kiss 〃
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♡ akaashi keiji, kuroo tetsurou, kageyama tobio
author's note. this is for u queen @shouyouwrites !! <3 im so sorry i keep deleting the ask LMAO and ur literally the sweetest TYSM 😭 i hope u enjoy it !!!!! <3
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༘ akaashi keiji
when akaashi saw how your eyes soften and your lips tighten seeing a random couple sharing a kiss in the middle of your date, he immediately thought of what it would feel like to have one with you :(
he suddenly felt bad when he noticed how you kept fiddling your fingers while you nibble your lip whilst still trying to give him a weak smile
and perhaps it just wasn't him thinking of it, huh?
during the duration of your date, you had noticed the way his eyes linger on your lips a little longer than usual and the furrow of his brows whenever you open your mouth to tell him something 
you say nothing else but excuse the shade of red spreading on your cheeks because of the heat
it wasn't after your date and the moon is out and the world is quiet, when he walks you back to your house and he's quieter than usual
"keiji, are you okay?"
stopping under a lamppost just in front of your house, his face blank yet there was a different glint in his eyes, it was when you knew
"can i kiss you?" 
his voice is soft and your heart feels warm
perhaps you teared up a bit when you mindlessly nodded your head and he gently tilted your chin with his fingers and finally pressed his lips against yours
you don't know how but the dim orange shade from that lamppost making his face glow, how he held you so gently in his arms, and how a small smile tugged up his lips after your first kiss but — keiji truly looked like an angel
and whenever you would walk by that certain lamppost, you couldn't help but smile
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༘ kuroo tetsurou
when your boyfriend invited you to his house for a study date, you were quick to get suspicious
kuroo tetsurou? study date? at his house?
as soon as you sat down and prepared the textbooks he supposedly needed to study for, his fingers were quick to tickle the delicate spots you tried so hard to hide from him
textbooks long forgotten and potato chips littered everywhere while you laid on the floor, squirming underneath his touch while attempting to keep yourself from laughing
"t-tetsu!! st...stop it!!"
"say tetsurou is the sexiest man in the entire universe!"
but when your face lightened up and he finally heard the uncontrollable giggles erupting from your throat and how your eyes seemed to sparkle, his hands dropped to his sides and the smile on his face only grew wider 
"what are you... looking at...?"
"you're so beautiful."
and in that moment, it wasn't the tickles that stopped your breathing anymore
without waiting for a response, his lips were suddenly moving against yours
it was sudden and you felt like your heart was about to jump off your chest
and it's okay, really
because nothing else in the world mattered — but the feeling of his lips with yours
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༘ kageyama tobio
being the first ever romantic relationship of tobio, he feels nothing but absolute love and... fear
he's just scared that he wouldn't be good enough for you because baby boy really really adores you so he's willing to do anything for you :(
he wants to be your first everything and first being first kiss 
but he's clueless on what to do !!
not like it helps anyway but he still asked hinata for any tips
"the… first kiss should be um...magical!! just uhh go for it...???"
well hinata has absolutely zero experience so that certainly did not help tobio at all !
he didn't want anyone else finding out after hinata bursted out laughing at the gym when tobio asked him the question
so he resorted to google instead
he thinks wikihow articles and uncomfortable yt videos would help better than hinata
so now here you were, at an empty classroom after tobio asked if he could talk to you alone
you were close to shaking in fear until you saw the streaks of pink dusting his cheeks and how his eyes darted on the walls and refused to meet yours
"i… uh…" 
he's mumbling and scared and maybe hinata's advice could work??
"just kiss me already, you big dork!" you tried to stifle a giggle as you watched the poor flustered tobio freeze
it's not like you heard hinata's obnoxious laughter about kisses that one time right? it's not like you saw his history when you were messing around with his phone right? right?
it doesn't seem like he's moving anytime soon, so you stretched up to your tiptoes and gently grabbed his collar
is he dreaming?
no, he's not
your lips brushing with his felt all too real and perhaps he should've asked you for advice instead
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