#author qna
milksnake-tea · 3 months
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oh hello there. fancy seeing you here ;) god help me im so bad at this
Okay but for real though, I'm still blinking at this because we've officially reached (and transcended because I'm late) 2,000 FOLLOWERS !!!!! I'm honestly still in shock because I'm still recovering from 1k ..... I can't thank you all enough for the love and support you've given me and my silly writings, I can't believe my silly little blog has gotten this far sniffles
SO. for the event because i am NOT letting you all go empty handed. We are not doing a prompt drabble thing because I learned my lesson from the last event but WHAT WE ARE DOING. is like. this weird Q&A but like not. okay wait i'll explain it's kind of confusing but !!!
TLDR : I want to get to know you guys better (and you guys to know me better !!!), so I'll be doing an ask game! You can ask me about myself, my opinions on characters, and my headcanons on them as well !! It'll be more casual because that's easier for me (so it'll be me talking rather than my writing voice yall know), but I want this to be really fun for all of us :D
duration for asks: 3/19 - 3/26
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ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW. I am here to be silly not horny.
Don't ask me anything too personal or invasive, if you do I'll delete the ask altogether.
Don't ask for romantic headcanons for minor characters, arlan, or welt.
Be respectful, please !!! I just want to have fun guys :(
You can ask me things other than what's on the prompt lists, just as long as it isn't inappropriate.
Don't ask me on my opinions of ships, especially ratiorine (I mean this in the nicest way possible I just don't like that ship).
For my opinions on characters, you can ask about characters outside of HSR (as long as I know them), but for character hcs, keep it to HSR.
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ask prompts - author !!!
What's set as your phone screen?
Do you have any pets?
What's your typical order at a cafe?
Do you prefer coffee or tea?
If you had to pick one character from ___ as your favorite, who would it be?
What's the last song you listened to?
Who's your favorite song artist?
Who was your first fictional crush?
What was the first fic you've written online?
How long have you been on Tumblr?
What's your favorite food?
What's your favorite color?
Name the WIP that's been rotting in your drafts the longest.
Name the WIP that you want to share the most.
What authors do you recommend?
Who are your mains?
What characters do you think you're the most similar to?
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ask prompts - characters !!!
What are your general hcs about them?
What do you think their love language is?
On a scale of 1-10, how healthy are they in a relationship?
What's an unpopular opinion you have? (can be on a character or a fandom!!)
Character Analysis
What do you think ___ is like in love?
What kind of person do you think ___ wants in a relationship?
What's an ick you'd think a character has?
Who do you think would be the best partner, realistically?
How good at cuddling is ___?
What's a really stupid hc you have about a character?
What's a character duo that you really want to see interacting/see more of?
What character do you think is really underrated in the fandom?
What characters do you think would be the best friends or companions to have?
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saltnpepperbunny · 1 year
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It's the first part of the TWE Author Q&A! Patron questions are now released, and we'll release the public questions in two parts. Thanks so much to everyone who asked a question!
NEXT: Public Questions Part 1 (coming soon) >
Read Till World’s End
(Selkie and Shadow heads drawn by @thetruegge)
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writerunderthehill · 1 year
Get to Know the Writer
I guess I should go ahead and try to tell you all a bit more about myself and my writing. So I can go ahead and start by talking about some of my WIPs.
The New Bloods is a modern fantasy/alternate history story that features a large and diverse cast of characters who will eventually have to work together to survive an ancient prophecy. [Estimated length = 13ish Books]
Fisher Moon is a magic school-styled story that follows a group of students learning to master their magic and help make the world a better place, all while sinister forces lurk both beneath the ocean and within their own city. [Estimated length = 3 Books]
Two Girls Named Emily is a modern fantasy that takes place in a peaceful kingdom. The crown princess and a new friend she made at school, are suddenly bestowed magical powers long thought extinct. Can they protect themselves, the kingdom, and their families? Or are some of those goals incompatible with each other? [Estimated length = 1 Book.]
The Queen's Railway (Title Pending) is a post-apocalyptic story of a young girl chosen to be the next queen of her colony. She escapes, and is shocked to find that the world outside her locomotive colony is nowhere near as treacherous or unforgiving as they had been taught. [Estimated length = 1 Book]
Let me know what you think of these concepts. I would love to get feedback and/or questions to help get the creative juices flowing.
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sleepihaven · 2 years
Hi it's me 🦁 anon this is a Lucake moment that's been in my head for a whole week now pls excuse me:>
~Luca's morning with Ike *fluff* (let's just say they sleep tgt with no shirt on hehe) ~
Luca wakes up with Ike in his arms who's still sleeping and he's just staring at his peaceful state. A few mins later Ike slowly wakes up yawning and as usual he stretchs at bit...
(Okay Ike's one of your oshis so you probably already know about those cute kitty-like noises he makes when he stretchs and yawns omg he's so precious🥺🥺)
...that is exactly how he sounds like and lord have mercy Luca literally exploded and he just burried his face into Ike's chest
(As u can see from Ike's model he has a very feminine figure so i imagine his body would be very soft and smol plus the fact that he likes being pocket size god i love him)
Luca feels like he's in heaven rn, everything is just sooo soft, he's like the luckiest man in the world. What a way to start a day:3
(Oh and he also made some really cute noises during Finana's BD stream when they were playing UNO w iPN and Nina, Ivy joins and holy shiet i fall so hard)
It's pretty long i was brainrotting so hard my back hurts i'm sorry:')
Omg thats such an adorable brainrot kyaaaaa
Luca having the cutest softest talented boyfriend and he feels like he’s been blessed in life . Imagine like when Luca buries his face to Ike’s chest, he felt a hand combing through his hair gently, nuzzling to the smaller ones palm. Godd thats such a soft brainrot
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genesisgijinka · 8 months
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Previous || Next
First chunk of Q&A questions! Next part should be up tomorrow
cameo of @xxtc-96xx's Huey
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punsmaster69 · 6 months
How can you hear us?
didn't papyrus answer this one?
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Ever since catching up with Malevolent, I have had a wonderful time in the fandom. Seeing beautiful art, reading wonderful fanfics, and watching things like the Q&A and memes on YouTube. As I’ve partaken in this wonderful fandom, however, I’ve grown more desperate. No matter how many times I check the main tag, nor search the fandom’s many amazing creations, the answer eludes me.
Day and night, the question haunts my mind:
Why Gardetto’s???????
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simonambroise · 8 months
K so I got tagged by @deanwax thank ie :)
gently tagging @pb-dot @wmlittlemore-is-writing and @caxycreations
So I'm using the app because formatting is easier (easier is relative and I'm in formatting hell) but it won't let me copy paste in any capacity so these are going to be from memory. Why didn't I just write them down on a physical piece of paper? Cause I'm fun, festive and fruity. Next question.
My OC is............................. ALICE, my lead and my beloved ex-may-sue. Its been a long road folks.
#1) 5 words to physically describe your OC
Tall, strong, scarred, angular and not conventionally attractive.
Sorry for the weird gap. I told you I'm in formatting hell.
#2) Who inspired your OC
I think she started off as a idealized version of me but then I ended up trans masc so she's definitely not that anymore. I can't say for sure who she was supposed to be, but she drew influence from a lot of people in my life.
#3) Song to define OC
The Ballad of Jane Doe from Ride the Cyclone. Alice has amnesia and is surrounded my strangers a lot. It wears on her heavily.
#4) You meet OC on street, how do they greet?
Alice tends to be a little abrasive and headstrong, but she's nice enough. She'd say hi if you said hi to her, maybe wave if you two know each other. She's pretty withdrawn and won't interact with you unless you interact with her first.
#5) Are they bestie?
Like I said, Alice is abrasive and has severe memory loss. You'd need to be incredibly patient with her, (like a stray cat that keeps trying to bite you) but ultimately you could end up friends. You'd just need to constantly remind her who you are.
#6) 1 adjective and 1 noun to describe OC
Strong lady. I'll admit, most of my ladies are physically strong and many are quite large, but there are exceptions. I also seem to make all of my men little twinks but I know that's just projection lmao.
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diastrefo · 3 months
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IMMOLATION: A Dark Fantasy Novel - Q&A
Hello, beautiful. Why yes, I am alive. There is a lot coming up this year for this story. With the book releasing this year, it's going to be the culmination of several years' worth of work, and I hope you'll come along for the ride. With that said, it's time for a Q&A! Your question can be anything! Whether you're curious about the lore of the world, specific characters - or you want to know about more technical things, like how I make animatics or what my writing process is like - now is your opportunity! You can submit your question (or two, or three, even!) with the link below. It is entirely anonymous; so, if you are a lurker, you are just as welcome to slip your notes under the door for me. This form will remain open from 3.8.24 - 3.16.24.
✥ Submit your question here. ✥
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arospecsyourblockdudes · 11 months
When it comes to queer rep in media, I have what I like to call the Grandma Test. If my grandmother sits down to read a book or watch a tv show/movie and can come away from it understanding fully that a certain character is queer, then it passes as decent representation for me. If she doesn’t understand it fully, then it could still count depending on the circumstances but usually I won’t think highly of it
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alexauthorshay · 5 months
uoıʇɐʇǝɹdɹǝʇuı uʍop-ǝpısdn uɐ
Welcome to An Upside-Down Interpretation! What you can find here are short fiction stories and vignettes/experiments from a range of genres with a variety of characters.
I'm an autistic, transgender writer with a goal to join other authors in breaking 2SLGBTQ+ from the confines of the “coming out” narrative as the only queer narrative. I also explore darker themes and characters from an empathetic standpoint; there are no ‘villains’ in my stories, only antagonists. When not procrastinating on writing projects by reading (read: “researching”), I spend my time trying to appease my mischievous cat, Hermione.
genres ┇LGBTQ2S+ ┇psychological thriller/horror ┇scifi ┇mystery ┇urban fantasy
the blog I'm hoping to use this space primarily as a character drabble/q&a space to motivate me to write stuff. But I may also post segments of or links to longer pieces, random ideas, books I've enjoyed, reblogs of things I find inspiring or cool, and of course spam of my cat.
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volfoss · 4 months
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foxwarsofficial · 6 months
Fox Wars Q&A!
Everything you may want to know can find here!
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sleepihaven · 2 years
#asksleepi :>
Who's your oshi in Luxiem and what makes you attracted to them??
Also do you have any ships that you really like in Nijisanji??
(Congrats on 100 fol again honey, we're growing day by day POG:0 But in the end the most important thing is that you enjoy your time, enjoy writing and just have fun so make sure to rest and let's vibe tgt baby you did amazing:D)
My oshii in Luxiem is Ike Vox and Luca! I honestly forgor what made me attract to them in the first place but iirc one of my friends like dragged me and Luxiem gave me USSS vibes (utaite fans iyk yk)
For ships I do have some: Psyborg, IkeAkuma, Lucake and CalamityBird also thank you 🥺🥺🥺 im glad we’re all vibin
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arsonandclaire · 1 year
Rosa Davalos Hawthorne
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punsmaster69 · 6 months
Hey Papyrus! Do you know how these questions show up?
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