#baby dragonflies
kabutoden · 4 months
In the au do they still look the same as fresh born(hatched? laid?) grubs? Like premolt absolute baby baby, what do they look like??
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these designs r probably way overly complicated compared 2 the originals.... but im super crazy about adorable bug larva are!!!!!!!!!!!! how many different shapes they have!! some of these are less like real larva and more of a mix between how larva appear and the adult species. i... put a lot of thought into these...
unfortunately i didnt put any thought into the segments aligning with legs (which is very significant in how an insect goes through metamorphoses.) tbh grubs and babies are two things that are kinda horrifying, this concept in real life would be traumatizing. it already is vaguely creepy even just like this. anyway i thiiiiiiiink Ive already stated everyone's species and the reasons behind choosing them but go ahead and guess if you don't know!
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frenchfry99 · 7 months
Looks can be deceiving, aren't they?
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Her main job is to gather information for the mob, so same as her original version, Daria always knows the weather, just in a bit different way, assisting in planning missions and making sure the environment for them is safe, including getting rid of targets that get in the way of the "family's" success.
Has a habit of calling others pet names. If you're her victim too dw. Will call you "sugar" in your face and then stab you in the back lol-
Daria always wears her usual ambitious and flamboyant personality, though , for example, Frank would rather call her pretty insufferable (pretty AND insufferable as I like to say:3 ).
I mean he's not wrong, you gotta have some strong nerves or similar personality so her company would be bearable- still her humorous and energetic self, her kindness and care are rather performative than her original version, Daria would help someone else only if they're part of the family/it's in her interest and she'd get something in return. But if you really caught her eye, you're cherished as the most precious thing in her life-
Convinced she can get whatever she wants.. And she will! One way or another, bad or good - Daria will get to her goal
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"Me? A journalist? You're making me laugh, darlin'. " But they're not joking, Daria! Oh if only you remembered- well, at least now you'll always remember what you get for being too nosy
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Template by @/clownsuu
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little-moonbeam-666 · 2 years
Dragons And Butterflies And Dragonflies... Oh My!
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Soooo 9k words later and I’ve produced an Aegon Targaryen smut.... holy shit! Warnings: SMUT, fingering, oral (fem receiving), loss of virginity, Aegon being vulnerable as fuck (yes that’s a whole ass warning), Aegon also radiating SWITCH energy
ALSO: Tell me if I should do a continuation of this? Or like just a small spinoff of this? Ideas?
High Valyrian Translations:
Ñuhon - mine
ñuha jorrāelagon - My love
gevie riña - beautiful girl
Ao sagon sīr gevie skori ao limagon syt nyke - You’re so beautiful when you cry for me.
Being Helaena’s lady in waiting had its perks. Not only had Helaena become one of your best friends over the years, but so had her brother, Aemond. The only one you hadn’t gotten close to was their older sibling, Prince Aegon. He practically acted as if you didn’t exist. 
“Why don’t you just talk to him instead of staring at him from across the table?” Aemond whispered, leaning close to your ear. You quickly took a sip of your wine to calm yourself. He had a point but you could never bring yourself to speak to him.
“Because he makes me nervous. I can’t talk properly around him.” you whispered back, moving the food around on your plate, never actually eating anything.
“Why would my drunken whore of a brother make you nervous? If you show him any bit of interest, I’m sure he’d bed you without a second thought.”
You sighed heavily, becoming irritated with your best friend.
“I don’t want to be just another notch on his bedpost… if there’s even room for another notch. I care about him, Aemond.” you said bitterly, gulping down the rest of your wine.
“You just need to make him see you, Y/N.”
“And how the fuck am I supposed to do that? Please enlighten me, my prince.” you said sarcastically.
He smirked, taking a sip of wine before speaking again.
“I have an idea, but you won’t like it.” he warned.
At this point you didn’t care if you’d like it or not. You wanted Aegon to notice you.
“Tell me.”
“I’ll pretend to like you. He always wants what he can’t have. If we pretend to have feelings for each other, he’ll at least see you. Then once you have his attention, you can confess your feelings to him.” he said simply, as if it was going to be the easiest task.
You sighed and pursed your lips, hating the idea of pretending to have romantic feelings towards your friend, but you were willing to do it if Prince Aegon noticed you.
“Fine. We start now.” you whispered, smirking at him and letting out a loud giggle before grabbing Aemond's hand and lacing your fingers with his. You could see the initial shock on his face before he played along, gripping your hand tight and giving you a smile. Your laugh must have been heard by the eldest prince because when your eyes glanced around you saw a confused look on Aegon's face, his gaze focused on yours and Aemond's interlocked fingers.
Throughout the rest of dinner, you and Aemond made small talk, your hand never leaving his and your false giggles and smiles just fueled the fire. Aemond put on the best show he could, leaning close to you to whisper in your ear. To the others it looked like it was shared secrets between lovers, but in reality it was just Aemond pointing out the fact that Aegon’s eyes hadn’t left the two of you the entire time.
The next week continued on just the same. You and Aemond spent every waking moment together, making sure you were always in the line of sight of his brother. And with every day that passed, the more pissed off Aegon looked. You couldn’t help but notice the way he stared longingly at you every time you laughed at something Aemond had said or the way he glared at Aemond with pure hatred every time he touched you.
It was day nine of making Aegon jealous when the plan finally began to pay off. You were walking one of the main corridors alone, prepared to go back to your chambers to get ready for supper. You didn’t hear the footsteps behind you and almost screamed when your shoulder was grabbed to stop you. When you whipped around to see who it was, your heart almost stopped.
“Aegon,” you breathed out “My prince, is something the matter?” you asked, praying your words didn’t crack as you spoke. You could tell he looked a bit flustered.
“Lady Y/N, may I ask you something?” he questioned, fidgeting a bit, unable to keep still.
“Why of course, my prince.”
“Why do you like my brother?” he asked. You could see the disappointment in his eyes when he spoke to you. You froze at the question, not sure how to answer. 
“I… I’m not quite sure I understand.” you muttered, feigning confusion.
“You like my brother, do you not?” he continued.
“Of course I do, he’s my friend.” you admitted. And you weren’t lying. Aemond was your friend and always had been.
“Your actions as of late make it seem like the two of you are a bit more than friends.” he grumbled. “What’s going on between the two of you?”
“Nothing.” you answered.
“Don’t lie to me, Y/N. I confronted Aemond about what was going on and he told me to come ask you myself.”
Of course Aemond sent him straight to you. It was now or never.
“I’m not lying, my prince. Prince Aemond and I are just friends. He was only helping me get the attention of someone I have very strong feelings for.”
“And who might this lord be? I highly doubt that he’s worthy of your time. You’re far too pretty for any of the lords here in Kings Landing.” he scoffed, trying to seem unfazed. But you saw right through him. You could practically feel the jealousy radiating off of him. And he thought you were pretty… you had to fight to keep the smile off your face. You opened your mouth to speak but were cut off by Aemond rounding the corner.
“Ah, there you are, Lady Y/N. Come now, it’s time for supper. We wouldn’t want to be late.” he said, quickly linking his arm with yours before glancing at his brother. “You too. Wouldn’t want mother to scold us all for being late.”
Aemond pulled you away before you could even say anything, leaving Aegon standing in the corridor alone. You waited until you were out of earshot to speak again.
“What are you doing? I was about to tell him!” you huffed. He laughed as he continued to drag you through the long corridors.
“Just trust me, Y/N. This is just to make him sweat a little and ensure that he truly wants you.”
You arrived at dinner, about to take your usual spot on the left on Aemond but he quickly stopped you, moving you to his right. You gave him a suspicious look but sat down anyway, assuming that Aegon would now be sat to your right. And of course, as expected, when Aegon arrived he took his usual seat that was next to you.
You glanced over at him as he sat down only to find his gaze already on you. You gave him a shy smile before looking away, causing you to not see the faint smile he gave in return. But Aemond saw and he wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to tease his brother… or you.
“Dear brother, what are you smiling at?” Aemond asked, giving Aegon a knowing smirk.
“I was smiling at Lady Y/N, brother.” he said matter of factly.  “I’m just pleased that for once she’s close enough for me to have a conversation with her. You seem to have been stealing all of her time as of late. It has proven difficult to find her without you at her side.”
“I apologize. If it’s Lady Y/N’s time that you want, all you need to do is ask. I’m sure she’d love to spend some time with you. Isn’t that right, Y/N?” he said, giving you a knowing smirk. In that moment you wanted to slap that smirk right off Aemond’s face, but you gave him a smile anyway.
“Yes, of course.” you said, turning your attention towards the eldest prince with a blush on your face. “I’d love to spend time with you, if that’s what you wish, my prince.”
Aegon smiled before forming a smirk and leaning closer to you so only you could hear him.
“I’d very much like to see you later tonight.” 
You could feel heat rising to your face and your heart began hammering in your chest. You composed yourself as best you could before smiling and nodding your head shyly. Aegon’s gaze directed towards Aemond, a wicked and almost triumphant smirk on his face as he sat back in his chair while dinner was beginning to be served.
The rest of dinner you felt tense. Aemond could see it and kept trying to make small talk with you and giving you and Aegon knowing glances. You could tell he was proud of himself for his plan had worked. And then there was Aegon, who kept finding any excuse to touch you. Whether it be his hand on your shoulder while he talked to you or his knee nudging gently against yours, he found a way to make it happen. You couldn’t contain the butterflies you felt at every touch. You’d even noticed he’d paced his drinking during dinner, only having two goblets of wine instead of his usual five or six.
When dinner was finally finished and the table was being cleared, Aegon pulled you aside. You must have looked a little panicked because you could see Aemond trying not to laugh out of the corner of your eye before he turned to speak to Helaena. Aegon’s voice pulled your attention back to him.
“I meant what I said earlier, Y/N. I’d like to see you later tonight. Meet me in my chambers after everyone’s asleep. I’ll send my guards away, so just knock.”
“Ok, yeah. I can do that.” you said quietly, giving him a smile. He grabbed your hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed your knuckles before locking his eyes on yours.
“I look forward to seeing you later.”
You watched silently as he walked out, only being brought back out of your daze by Helaena and Aemond approaching you.
“It’s so nice to see you and Aegon finally speaking, Y/N.” Helaena said, a grin on her face. She’s known about your feelings towards her older brother for a couple years now and has always silently encouraged you from the sidelines to approach him, but never pushing you. “What did he say?”
“He, um… he wants me to meet him in his chambers later tonight after everyone’s gone to bed.” you whispered, only loud enough for Helaena and Aemond to hear you. Helaena grinned, obviously excited for you, and Aemond tried to contain his laughter at how nervous you seemed.
“Should we expect a babe in your belly by the end of the night?” Aemond chuckled, enjoying how red your face became at his comment.
“Aemond!” Helaena scolded, making her brother look only half sorry about his comment. Tormenting you was one of his favorite past times and he knew you really didn’t mind the comment.
“No! We’re just spending some time together, that’s all.” you said.
“Dragons and butterflies will soar together.” Helaena mumbled under her breath, zoning out for a moment before her eyes locked back on you, a smile on her face as if she didn’t just say something totally off the wall. You and Aemond were used to her ramblings by now and chose to ignore it like you almost always did.
“Y/N, Aegon isn’t known for just ‘spending time’ with anyone… especially a beautiful woman like yourself. He has motives behind this, and I hate to admit it, but I don’t know what they are. I know you care for him deeply but I don’t want to see you get hurt. It’d be such a nuisance to have to kill him for hurting you. Be careful when you go to see him tonight. Please.” Aemond said, his tone switching to a more serious one. You grabbed Aemond’s hands in yours in an attempt to soothe his worries.
“I’ll be careful. I promise.” you assured him before bidding both him and Helaena goodnight, giving each of them a hug and kiss on the cheek before you left.
Your mind was racing the entire way back to your private chambers, wondering if you should change into your nightclothes or stay in your dress. What would you and Aegon even talk about? You’d hardly spoken to him at all… especially whilst alone with him. You mentally prepared yourself for the worst, hoping he didn’t want to just bed you and then toss you aside like one of his whores. You were still a maiden after all. If you laid with him, it would be out of love… at least on your end. You weren’t sure you could handle being discarded when he was done with you. It would truly break your heart. And if that happened you didn’t want to see what would happen to Aegon when Aemond found out about it.
You opted to change into a thin, floor length nightdress, throwing a thick blue and gold velvet robe on top to maintain your modesty around the prince. Standing in front of your small vanity mirror, you unpinned your hair, letting it fall in precise waves down your shoulders. You proceeded to take off your jewelry, just to procrastinate just a little bit longer. You held the jewelry in your hands, thinking about all the things that may occur tonight. By the time you were done doing a handful of menial tasks, it had been close to an hour. Surely everyone should be in their respective chambers by now, getting ready for bed.
Quietly, you snuck out of your chambers, your bare feet padding gently against the cold stone floor. You made your way down several corridors and up a flight of stairs before making a sharp left turn down a long hall. You knew exactly where the eldest prince's room was. It was at the exact opposite end of the extremely long corridor from Helaena’s chambers. You were sure to make no noise as you continued to walk until you stood in front of the large wooden door. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you raised your hand and knocked twice. Your knocks were so gentle you weren’t sure the prince would have even heard them. But alas the door opened, revealing Aegon in a loose tunic and equally loose fitting trousers.
“Lady Y/N, come in.” he said, ushering you inside and peeking his head out the door to make sure that nobody had seen you before shutting the door and barring it shut. You stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say. But Aegon spoke before you could think of anything. “I wasn’t sure if you were gonna come. I know most women don’t necessarily trust me enough to be alone with me. And I’m sure my brother warned you to be cautious around me…. But I’m glad you came.”
You could hear the sadness and a bit of disappointment in his voice as he spoke, sounding so unsure of himself. You weren’t used to hearing him use that tone, as he normally oozes confidence and cockiness.
“I’m glad I came too, my prince.” you said quietly.
“Please call me Aegon. No need for formalities while we’re alone.” he said, looking in your direction.
“Alright, Aegon.” you said, unable to keep the smile off your face. He smiled back, a genuine smile that radiated warmth and happiness. Those were other emotions you never saw the prince display. It made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“Do you, um, do you know why I wanted to see you?” he asked, taking a tentative step towards you. You stayed in place, keeping your eyes locked on his.
“No, Aegon, I don’t.” you admitted, nervousness washing over you as he stepped even closer. Before he could close the gap between the two of you, he stepped around you and moved to sit on the sofa next to the fireplace.
“Come sit, Y/N.” he said, gesturing to the spot next to him.
You did as he asked and slowly walked over before sitting down next to him, closer than you intended, your knee brushing against his. He smirked and the two of you sat in silence for a few minutes before you spoke up.
“Aegon, I’m not sure why you wanted to see me, but I will say I’m not interested in just jumping into bed with you just for you to forget about me in the morning. That’s not who I am.” you rushed, wanting to get the words out before you became too shy to say them. Aegon seemed to freeze, his eyes going wide in shock at your little outburst. You watched him for a few seconds watching his expression change, the hurt clear on his face.
“Is that what you think of me, Y/N? You think all I wanted from you was a quick fuck?” he grumbled, looking at you. He honestly looked like he was about to cry.
“No, Aegon, I just… I know…” you started, stumbling a bit over your words, not sure what you really wanted to say.
“I know I have a reputation, Y/N. And I know that Aemond probably told you that’s all I’d want from you… but he’s wrong. I just want to get to know you better.” he said, seeming genuine.
“Because I like you. Is that not enough?” he asked, clearly beginning to feel wounded.
“You like me? Aegon, I’ve been serving your family for years and you’ve never once talked to me until now. You didn’t want anything to do with me until you thought that Aemond was interested in me.” you said. You didn’t mean to sound rude, but it was true. There was a long pause and deafening silence.
“You came here right after your twelfth name day to be my sister's lady in waiting. Helaena absolutely adores you, loves you even. She calls you her butterfly… whatever that means.” he said, causing shock to cross your face. Helaena only called you that in private. She gave you the nickname the first week you’d come to the Red Keep and has called you that ever since. “Then there’s my mother and father who always tell us that you should’ve been born a princess and say whoever you marry will be the luckiest man in the seven kingdoms. And Aemond, who attached himself to you when he lost his eye and claimed Vaghar. You helped nurse him back to health and never left his side. And you were terrified when he finally forced you to take your first ride on Vaghar with him. He didn’t know you were afraid of heights. Then a bouquet of wildflowers showed up in your room the next day to help ease the fear that Aemond had accidentally made you feel. Then on your sixteenth name day you received a gift, a black onyx and emerald necklace straight from Dorne. Then on your seventeenth name day you received the matching earrings… and last year, on your eighteenth, the matching bracelet. Three of the most expensive pieces of jewelry in the entirety of Kings Landing. You wear them more often than not. You were wearing them tonight at dinner. But you never knew who they were from… or the flowers… you could never figure it out. It took everything in me not to tell you.”
His tone was hushed, barely a whisper by the time he’d finished talking and there were silent tears yet to be shed shining in his eyes. Your eyes began to tear up at the realization that you were never invisible to Aegon after all. He’d always seen you… he’d always cared for you. 
“Aegon…” you whispered, not knowing what to say. Words couldn’t begin to express how you were feeling, so you did the next best thing. You leaned forward and pressed your lips against his. You felt him slowly leaning into the kiss before he abruptly pulled away, looking almost angry.
“Don’t toy with me, Y/N.” he said through gritted teeth, trying to keep the tears at bay.
“What? Aegon, I’m not toying with you.” you said softly, reaching for his hand. He pulled it away before you could grab it.
“I don’t want your pity just because I laid my heart out on a silver platter for you. You said it yourself, Aemond was only helping you get the attention of someone else.”
“Are you really that daft, my prince? I was trying to get your attention… not some random lords. Just you. It’s always been you, Aegon.” you admitted, moving your hand up to caress the side of his face and giving him a soft smile.
He immediately leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut at the contact. You’d never seen him look so calm… so at peace. His hand came up to cover yours, holding it captive against his cheek.
“You mean it?” he asked, his eyes still closed and his hand still covering yours.
Again, you didn’t answer. You only leaned forward and kissed him once more, slowly, showing him that you truly meant it. He kissed you back, his lips moved slowly against yours, your hot breath mixing with his as the seconds went by, slowly turning into minutes. The only noises in the room were the crackling fire, the wet smacking of lips, and the soft gasps you both let out. Reluctantly, Aegon pulled away, breathing heavily.
“Aegon, what’s wrong?” you asked, not sure why he stopped.
“You should probably go back to bed, Y/N. It’s getting late.” he said, his eyes locked on yours. His words were telling you to go, but the look he was giving you was begging you to stay.
“Can’t I just stay here with you?” you asked hopefully.
“I don’t want you to think that you have to stay or that you have to do anything with me tonight. If you were caught here in the morning it could tarnish your reputation… your virtue would come into question. I care about you so deeply that it hurts, Y/N. You make me want to be a better person, my love.”
There it was. My love. The words you had always wanted him to call you. But what he didn’t know is that you wanted to stay, to do unholy things with him. You wanted to give yourself to him fully and let him take your maidenhead. Fuck your virtue and fuck what anyone else thought come morning. You wanted to be his.
“Aegon, I want this. I want you. But you need to know that I won’t tolerate sharing you with the women from the silk streets. And I won’t stay if you’re drunk all the time. If I give myself to you, I need you to be mine in return.” you said firmly, laying your terms out on the table. 
“You have me. I’m yours, Y/N. You’ll never catch me wandering the silk streets ever again. And I’ll stop drinking so much. I swear it to you. You have my word. As long as I have you, I have everything I need.” he said, taking your hands in his and rubbing his thumbs soothingly over the tops of your knuckles. You leaned forward until your lips were barely brushing his, causing his eyes to flutter slightly.
“Then let me stay here with you. Take me to bed, Aegon.” you whispered seductively, your lips grazing his as you spoke. 
He pressed his lips firmly against yours as he scooped you up in his arms and walked you both over to his bed. He only stopped kissing you to lay you down, admiring the way your hair fanned across the pillows. When Aegon stood straight again and looked down at you, he could have sworn he’d died and gone to heaven. You looked like an absolute goddess laying in his bed.
“My gods, you’re so fucking pretty.” he mumbled in disbelief, more to himself than to you. 
You quickly sat up and smiled at him before he could join you. He watched you carefully as you moved your hands to the front clasp on your robe, unsnapping it and letting your robe fall loose around your body. You slowly slid your arms out of the heavy fabric and revealed the extremely thin, practically see through nightdress that you were wearing.
“Care to help me with the rest, my love?” you asked, teasingly pushing your breasts out so your nipples strained against the fabric.
He quickly joined you on the bed, sitting on his knees in front of you. He tugged your robe from beneath you and tossed it to the floor before his hands came to shakily rest on your knees, bunching the fabric tightly in his unsteady fingers. He was nervous, that much was obvious. You let one of your hands move to cover one of his, squeezing it reassuringly.
“Y/N, I-I know what I’ve done in the past… and the things that have been said about me. I don’t want to do a-anything that would ever hurt you or make you afraid of me. I couldn’t bear it. The love I have for you is indescribable. I just want things to be different with you.” He admitted, his voice shaking along with his hands as he spoke.
“Aegon, I trust you completely. And I love you too. So much.” you said, causing him to smile. “Now if you would be so kind as to help me remove my nightgown, that would be lovely.”
“Anything for you, sweet girl.” he purred, letting his hands push the fabric up your legs until the tops of your thighs were exposed. You lifted your butt to help him remove your nightgown. And then it was being lifted over your head, exposing you fully to Aegon for the first time. You laid back, tossing your hands carelessly above your head and stretching out so he could see all of you.
“I think you’re extremely overdressed, my prince.” you teased lightly, hoping you were coming off as confident.
“Oh, is that so?” he asked cockily, a smirk on his face as he pulled his tunic up over his head and tossed it to the floor.
“Uh huh.” you hummed, letting your eyes rake over the newly exposed skin. His hands went to gently untie the strings holding up his trousers, but kept his hands still as he found your eyes focused on his crotch where there was a prominent bulge.
“See something you want, sweetheart?”
“Maybe.” you said, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment from being caught. He let go of the fabric, letting his trousers drop down his legs and leaving him as naked as you. You fought to keep your eyes on his face as he crawled over you until his face reached yours.
“Just kiss me, my love. We can go as slow as you want, I promise.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss you once more. 
You eagerly kissed him back and let your arms move to drape themselves around his neck, your lips sliding wetly against his. You couldn’t contain the moan that escaped you when you felt his tongue prodding at your lips, begging for entrance. You shyly opened your mouth, granting him access, moaning louder when his tongue finally came in contact with yours. You could feel him smiling against your lips while his tongue swirled seductively around yours. He pulled away from your mouth, moving his lips down to your neck and sucking hard.
“Aegon!” you squealed, arching your body closer to his.
“Yes, love?” he murmured against the sensitive column of your neck.
“Please…” you whimpered. You knew you probably sounded pathetic, but you didn’t care. “I need you to touch me.”
“Touch you where, my sweet?” he asked, letting his tongue soothingly lick over the purple mark he’d left on your neck.
You let one of your hands come down to grab his wrist and guide his hand from its place beside your head, down your shoulder until his palm rested over your breast. He gave a tentative squeeze, watching as your eyes fluttered shut and the slightest whimper left your lips. His hand continued to gently massage the flesh, enjoying how your whimpers turned into moans as he let his thumb drag repeatedly over your hardened nipple.
“Oh fuck!”
“Such a filthy mouth on my baby girl. And your tits are even better than I imagined.” he groaned, bringing his free hand to your other breast and teasing your other nipple. You couldn’t help but push into his touch, making him smile. “All these years I've fantasized about you and how perfect you’d be, how you’d sound, how perfectly every part of your body would feel beneath my fingers, but not even my imagination could come close to this. This… fuck, this is heaven.”
“Aegon, my love, please.” you whimpered, begging him, although you weren’t sure for what. All you knew was you needed more.
He smirked down at you, loving how your eyes were blown wide with lust and your breathing had become erratic. Without another word he maneuvered himself until his face was level with your breasts, only glancing up at you to give you a wicked smirk and holding eye contact with you as he let his lips wrap around one of the sensitive buds and suckled gently.
The moans slipped from your lips unwillingly, unable to hold them back. The pleasure Aegon was giving you was too intense to focus on anything else. The suction of his lips over your nipple mixed with his hot tongue flicking over the sensitive bud made your head spin, your eyes struggling to stay open while he toyed with you. Your fingers tangled in his platinum hair, holding him to your chest as he moved to the other breast and sucked even harder.
“What do you want, angel? You can have anything you want.” he said, pulling his head away from your chest to look into your eyes.
“I… I don’t know. Aegon, I just want you.” you whined, trying to pull him closer but he held his ground, not moving an inch. He kept his eyes locked on yours as he slowly moved his hand down your body until his fingers were gently rubbing through the curls between your legs. He watched you gasp at the contact and chuckled before moving to lay on his side next to you, never taking his fingers from your pussy.
“Is this what you need, Y/N?” he asked, letting his middle finger delve between your folds to rub circles over your clit.
“Mmm yes!” you whined, bucking your hips gently against his hand.
“Easy, sweetheart. We don’t want to rush this. I want to take my time with you.” he cooed, continuing to slide his fingers through your folds, dipping lower and lower with every stroke until he was circling your now dripping hole. “Oh, baby girl, you’re so fucking wet. Is all this for me?”
“Mhmm, just for you. Only you. It’s always been for you.” you said, feeling lost in the pleasure. He took his time slowly coating his fingers in your slick and teasing you before finally caving and slowly pressing his long middle finger inside you, enjoying the way you gasped at the intrusion.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. Gonna feel so fucking good around my cock.” he groaned, slowly fucking you with his finger.
You whimpered, trying to catch your breath as he slowly fingered you open. His eyes never left your face, watching your expressions and admiring how cute you looked when your eyes rolled back and your eyebrows scrunched together in pleasure. It wasn’t long before he had added another finger to help stretch you out and your moans were obscenely loud.
“Aegon! Baby, please! Please, I want you… need you… fuck, I need you! My love! Please!” you begged, feeling yourself gushing over his fingers. He slowly pulled the digits out of your weeping cunt and brought them up to his mouth, eagerly sucking your juices from them. 
“Mmm you taste so good, my love. Can I… uh…” he started, seeming to get a bit embarrassed by whatever he wanted to ask you, his previous confidence dissipating and a rosy tint rising to his cheeks.
“Can you what?”  you asked breathlessly. You reached over to brush his hair from his face, giving him a soft smile. “You can ask me anything, my love.”
“I want to, uh, use… my mouth… to give you pleasure.” he stuttered out, his eyes not quite meeting yours. The thought of Aegon’s tongue licking through your folds had you subconsciously rubbing your thighs together.
“Mhmm.”  you mumbled while nodding your head. “Yeah. You can do whatever you want.”
Aegon grinned and quickly moved to situate himself at the end of his bed, placing his hands on your currently closed knees. He looked at you expectantly and you slowly opened your legs, letting Aegon push them open as far as he wanted. You could feel yourself clenching around nothing as the cool air hit your throbbing clit.
 “You have the prettiest little cunt, my love.” he praised, moving to lie down on his belly between your spread legs. Your breathing became heavier with anticipation. “Are you ok?”
“Mhmm. I’m perfect.” you assured, grinning down at him.
Without breaking eye contact, he slowly leaned forward and licked slowly through your folds, the tip of his tongue prodding at your clit. You immediately let your head fall back against the pillows and let out a breathy moan. Your fingers fisted in the sheets beneath you, trying to ground yourself. He noticed and let his hands grab yours, guiding them to his hair, encouraging you to tangle your fingers in the platinum strands. You did, pulling his mouth closer to your cunt and grinding against him. Then he wrapped his arms around your thighs, holding your hips still as he moved his tongue faster.
You could feel the heat building, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body as Aegon lapped greedily at your slit, occasionally sucking on your clit and making you squeal. His moans were muffled, the vibrations making your legs shake. He pulled back and smirked at you.
“Oh, baby girl, you can’t cum yet. I’m not done with you.” he said.
“And what else do you plan on doing to me, my prince?” you asked teasingly, still out of breath.
“I’ll do anything you want me to do.” he cooed, sincerity shining in his eyes as he leaned his head on the inside of your thigh, staring up at you. He looked fucking angelic. You don’t think you’d ever seen such a beautiful sight such as Aegon laying between your naked thighs with your slick coating his lips and chin and staring at you with pure adoration. 
“Aegon, I want you to take me.” you whispered. He sat up, looking slightly concerned.
“Y/N, are you sure?”
“I’ve wanted you for so long. I don’t want to give myself to anyone else.”
“My love, you’re still a maiden. It’s gonna hurt.” he warned, giving you the opportunity to back out. He moved to lay back down beside you and you moved to face him as his hand skimmed gently up and down your side, enjoying the feeling of your soft skin beneath his fingertips. “I don’t mind waiting for you. However long you need, I’ll wait.”
“There’s no need for me to wait, Aegon. I’ve thought about this for years. I’m ready and I want it to be you.” you explained, hoping to convince him that you wanted this.
“You’re absolutely sure?” he questioned, trying his hardest to give you an escape.
You slowly moved your hand between the two of you, letting your hand find his hard cock and wrapping your fingers around him. He groaned at the sudden contact, loving how warm your hand felt. You slowly began moving your hand, stroking him lazily. His eyes shut, focusing on the euphoric feeling. Leaning forward, you pressed your lips against his for a second before pulling back, seeing his eyes still shut while you continued to stroke him.
“Aegon, I’m yours. Now claim me.”
He quickly removed your hand from his cock, grabbing both of your wrists and bringing them up around his neck as he pushed you onto your back and nestled himself between your legs, nudging them further apart with his knees. You couldn’t contain the whimpers as he leaned down, pressing hot open mouthed kisses against your neck, gently nipping at the sensitive skin between kisses.
“Ñuhon.” he growled against your skin. You recognized the High Valyrian immediately. Mine. 
“Yours.” you moaned back, letting him know you heard him. He pulled back, looking at you in wonder. You guessed he was unaware that you could understand High Valyrian.
Without looking away from your face he rocked his hips gently against yours, letting his length glide along your slit, coating himself in your arousal. You moved with him, your eyes fluttering in pleasure as the tip of his cock rubbed deliciously against your clit.
“My love, are you ready?” he asked, angling his hips so his tip was lined up with your entrance. You let your eyes open and locked your gaze on his.
“Take me, ñuha jorrāelagon. I’m yours, so claim me.” you whispered back, arching your hips in encouragement for him to finally take you.
Not another word was said as his wide eyes stared into yours and he slowly pushed forward, sliding as gently as he could into your wet heat. You whimpered at the stretch, feeling a stinging sensation as he pushed past your maidenhead and claiming you as his own. He continued to sink into your cunt until his hips were flush against yours. You scrunched your eyes shut tight as you tried to breath through the pain.
“Breathe, gevie riña. The hard part’s over.” he cooed, letting his hand come up to stroke the backs of his fingers over your cheek to soothe you. “You’re mine now.”
“Aegon, move!” you whined, arching your hips. He gently pulled out before pushing back in, effectively knocking the wind out of you.
“Like this, baby? Is that what you want?”
“Mmmm yes, my love. Just fuck me!” you moaned, locking your fingers behind his neck and pulling his lips down to yours.
He instantly kissed you back, slowly licking into your mouth before sucking on your bottom lip and gently pulling on it with his teeth. You whined into his mouth as he started moving his hips, feeling his length sliding against your silky walls. You could feel your wetness seeping out of you with every thrust of his hips, sliding down your ass to stain the sheets beneath you.
Aegon’s kisses suddenly stopped and he pulled back to look at you. You were about to ask why, but you were cut off by a sharp, hard thrust of his hips snapping against yours.
“That’s it, my love. Keep moaning for me!” he grunted, picking up the pace and slamming into you. Your moaning was obscenely echoing off the stone walls and you were sure the entirety of the Red Keep could hear you by now. You wondered briefly how Aemond and Helaena hadn’t heard you yet since their rooms weren’t too far away.
“Oh fuck! You feel so good inside me! Need this forever! Forever, my love!”
“You’re gonna be mine forever, my little love. Don’t you worry about that. I’m gonna make you my wife… my queen… I can’t wait to marry you and get you nice and pregnant! Might even get you pregnant tonight, baby.” he huffed out as he continued to fuck you into the mattress. You couldn’t even begin to think about the words he’d said. You were too fucked out to truly listen to them.
“More.. need more, Aegon!” you moaned, desperate for more but not knowing what to ask for.
“Do you trust me, love?” he asked, slowing down his pace until he was barely moving. You could only nod before he smiled at you, grabbing the backs of your knees and pushing them towards your chest before moving again. Your eyes immediately started to roll in the back of your head and you squealed, the new angle making him hit something inside you that had you seeing stars. You were so blissed out that you couldn’t even speak. “Look at you taking my cock so perfectly. That’s my good girl. My perfect girl.”
You forced yourself to hold your eyes open and glanced down at where Aegon’s cock was disappearing into your wet cunt. You moaned at the sight and felt yourself clench around his cock. Aegon could feel you clench and then he noticed your gaze focused on where the two of you were joined and smirked to himself. Who would’ve thought his innocent girl would get turned on by the sight of his hard cock splitting you open?
He carefully placed your legs on his shoulders before lowering himself so he was face to face with you again. Your hands immediately found their way behind his neck, holding on to him for dear life. The pleasure was almost too much to take, so much so that your eyes began to water. You hadn’t even realized you had started fully crying until Aegon was gently kissing away your tears, many words of praise spilling from his lips.
“So good for me” “Taking me so well.” “So tight and so perfect just for me.” “Ao sagon sīr gevie skori ao limagon syt nyke.” “Mine.”
“Aegon, please!” you begged, feeling your legs beginning to shake as heat began to consume your entire body.
“You’re so close, baby. I can feel it! Cum for me, ñuha jorrāelagon!” he moaned against your neck, letting one of his hands come between your bodies to rub at your aching clit that was throbbing for release while he continued to rut into you.
The coil seemed to wind tighter and tighter over what felt like forever but in reality was only a few seconds before finally snapping, a scream leaving your throat and scorching heat spreading through your body as your velvet walls clamped down on Aegon's cock as he bit roughly into the side of your neck. The wet squelching sounds got louder, as did your moans and whimpers, and you felt hot liquid dripping down your ass onto the bed, leaving it uncomfortably wet.
Aegon’s breath was hot on your neck as you slowly came down from your high, beginning to feel overstimulated as Aegon chased his own release. Your broken whimpers were cut short as Aegon’s hips stuttered, cumming inside you and letting out a whine of your name followed by the three words you’d never tire of hearing.
“I love you.” he panted into your ear, trying desperately to catch his breath.
“I love you.” you whispered back, pulling his face to yours so you could kiss his lips.
He gently removed your legs from his shoulders, making sure to keep his cock buried inside. The two of you stayed like that for a few more minutes, saying nothing and sharing gentle kisses. Once Aegon’s cock had softened completely, he slowly pulled out of you and carefully rolled to the side. Looking down, he could see a slight smear of red on his cock and also on your thighs. He grinned to himself, loving that he was your first and silently vowing to be your last. And with that thought he gently gathered you in his arms, pulling you close and kissing the top of your head. You didn’t know how long you laid there in his embrace, but you knew the hour was late and Helaena would come looking for you in the morning. Not only Helaena, but most likely Aemond as well.
“Aegon, my love.” you said, getting his attention.
“Y/N, my darling.” he said back, nuzzling his nose into your hair. You could feel him smiling against your scalp.
“It’s late…” you started. Before you could say anything, he cut you off.
“And you’re going to stay here. Now sleep, baby.”
“But Helaena and Aemond-” you quickly said, but once again were cut off.
“They can come find you here in the morning. They were both aware of your feelings towards me, were they not?” he questioned. You simply nodded your head. Aemond and Helaena had both known for years of your feelings towards Aegon. “Then they shall know exactly where to find you. Now get some rest, my love. We’ll take a hot bath together in the morning before going down to breakfast where I plan to tell my mother I intend to marry you. I’m sure she’ll be delighted.”
“You intend to marry me?” you gasped, almost not believing the words he was saying. He pulled back slightly only to give you an incredulous look.
“Of course I do. I love you and you love me. I’m not letting you go. Now stop asking silly questions and go to sleep.” he chuckled, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You closed your eyes and tried to sleep, but sleep never came. You couldn’t help the twitching and rolling around, trying to get comfortable enough to sleep. Apparently your restlessness was keeping Aegon just as awake as you were.
“Baby, it’s been an hour and you’re still awake. Did I not fuck you hard enough?” he joked, letting his fingers graze lightly over your hip.
“I don’t know.” you started, clearly frustrated at your lack of sleep. But then you got an idea, giggling as you voiced it. “Maybe you should fuck me to sleep.”
You heard Aegon chuckle as he pulled you back against him, your back flush against his chest. He was breathing heavily in your ear as he gently lifted your one leg and lined up with your entrance, still sticky with both of your previous releases. In one slow thrust he sheathed his half hard cock inside you. You could feel his length growing in you, slowly stretching your sore, abused pussy. You couldn’t help but whimper.
“Oh, I’ll fuck you to sleep. Nice and slow until you cum. Then we can fall asleep just like this, keep my cock inside you all night long.” he murmured into your ear, pressing chaste kisses there as he slowly began to rock his hips.
The next morning came faster than you would have liked, the sunlight shining in your face waking you up from your few hours of sleep. You smiled remembering the night before, feeling Aegon’s arm draped over your middle and holding you tight, his cock still inside you like he promised. You slowly removed yourself from his hold, hissing slightly as he slipped from your core.
“Where are you going, love?” he mumbled against the pillows, not bothering to open his eyes yet.
“I believe you promised me a hot bath before breakfast.” you said, stretching as you stood up.
“You’re right… I did.” he said, slowly daring to open his eyes.
Your bath had gone smoothly, none of the servants had seen you. You had managed to stay out of sight as they brought the hot water in. Aegon gently massaged your shoulders and back while he helped wash you. And of course he couldn’t help but massage your breasts a bit. You in return helped him, massaging the soap into his hair and washing his body. By the time you were done, you felt refreshed. You could still feel the soreness between your legs but it was slowly dissipating.
The two of you had managed to slip out of his room after putting your nightclothes back on and snuck into your room so you could change. You put on a velvet green dress of Aegon’s choice and quickly pinned your hair half up, leaving half down to attempt to cover the insane amount of lovebites he’d left on you the night before. You put your favorite jewelry on, that you now knew had been gifted to you by Aegon over the years, and readied yourself to face his family.
You clutched onto Aegon’s hand tightly as you made your way through the corridors, the nerves settling in the pit of your stomach. You had no idea how this conversation was going to go. But of course Aegon didn’t seem even the slightest bit worried. The guards at the door gave you two a confused look, but hurriedly opened the large doors, allowing you and Aegon to enter. 
“There you are! I looked everywhere for you this morning!” Helaena chirped, smiling brightly as she saw you.
“Clearly you didn’t check everywhere.” Aegon said, pulling out your chair for you. He’d seated you right between himself and Aemond once again while Helaena was directly across from you.
“Goodmorning, your grace.” you said politely to Aegon’s mother before sitting down, completely ignoring Helaena and Aegon.
“Goodmorning, Y/N.” she said, giving you a smile.
“Oh, where did you find her, Aegon?” she asked her brother innocently, clearly not catching on. You heard Aemond chuckle next to you and you shot him a glare.
“In my bed.” Aegon said simply, beginning to eat the food that was placed in front of him. You immediately hid your face in your hands, not wanting to see the queen's reaction to her son's statement.
“So was I right, Y/N? Should we expect a tiny babe anytime soon?” Aemond laughed. You quickly kicked him under the table, only making him laugh harder. Before you could answer, Aegon answered for you.
“I guess we’ll know in a month or so.” he said, taking another bite of whatever was on his plate.
“Oh, is Y/N having a baby?! How lovely for my little butterfly! Are you the father, Aegon? The baby will be half dragon and half butterfly… a little dragonfly!” Helaena announced excitedly, practically bouncing in her seat.
“Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” Queen Alicent spoke, directing the question at you and her children. Aegon leaned over and whispered in your ear.
“I guess now’s a good time, right?”
Then he stood up, turning slightly to face his mother.
“Mother, I intend on marrying Lady Y/N. I am in love with her and she with me. She has been extremely loyal to our family, especially Helaena and Aemond. You and father have always spoken so highly of her saying she should be a princess. Let me give her that title. Let me have her.” he begged. You grabbed his hand, seeing a bit of raw emotion showing on his face as he spoke. He squeezed your hand gently, silently thanking you for the support. “And as for the possible babe growing in her womb… I see no reason why we should not be married within the month, should you agree.”
Queen Alicent sighed heavily and rubbed her temples, it clearly being too early to deal with her children's bullshit. But alas, she smiled and it was directed at you.
“Y/N, do you truly love Aegon?”
“Yes, your grace. I’ve loved him for years.” you answered.
“Well… we shall make arrangements and the two of you will be married within the month.” she agreed. “Y/N, try to keep him in line, please.”
“I will, your grace. I swear it.” you promised.
Aegon sat back down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and leaning in close.
“All you have to do is show me your tits and I’ll be at your mercy, darling wife.”
“Aegon!” you and the queen both hollered in unison, making Aemond, Helaena, and Aegon laugh. Aegon gently gripped your chin, making you look at him.
“I love you.” he said, inching closer to your face.
“I love you, too.” you replied, closing the distance and pressing your lips gently against his before pulling back slightly. “And our possible little dragonfly.”
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aformerghost · 2 months
Took a cold water plunge in a waterfall in my underwear
Saw a dragonfly hanging out on a frog
was able to get the closest I ever gotten to a baby snake
saw a hawk befriend vultures in the sky
SPRING IS HERE I am ALIVE I am so so grateful even though this world can be so so cruel
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lil-oreo-cookie · 3 months
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Torrence: Seth… you’re a bitch!
Seth: …
Seth: Who taught Torrence that word??
Mylanie: I did, bitch!
So on my non-AU blog I was asked about the relationship between Toffee and Seth in the Septarsis-Dragonfly AU, and I basically stated that their conflict all kind of stemmed from Seth’s relationship with his mother, Mylanie, and what Toffee observed in his youth.
I also mentioned how Seth (a deeply closeted gay man) got real confused and misinterpreted the thrill he got from debating Mylanie about Mewmans and Politics… as romantic feelings, thus leading to him trying to convince her to become Lady of Septarsis, which she always refuses because they are just friends.
And I alluded to the fact that Toffee is very defensive and protective of his momma.
So, that’s where this little interaction comes in! It’s kinda self explanatory.
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mylittlefusions · 8 months
Skyla x Flurry Heart x Nyx fusion
Princess Flurry Nightsky!
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Translation: I Was Born To Rule The World, in my attemp at toddler talk.
-Mod Dragonfly
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tanunigans · 6 months
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A random dragonfly doodle that ended up looking kinda good
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aurosoul · 1 year
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c-kiddo · 1 year
dragonfly year is my favourite fanfiction of all time and it isn’t even close. its so so lovely and wonderful and means so much to me!! thank you for writing it hehe :-3
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here, have a thank u drawing of dfy cad :'''-3 (because this is a rly sweet message and i appreciate it and it means a lot and im happy you like it!! also, thank yu too :'-) 🌿)
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treesbian · 12 days
being mad at my parents for events long passed hours
#man my mom used to have my sisters help her pin me down so she could pop all the pimples on my face. bruh that fucking hurt. also.#worst thing you can do for those... i was having age-typical acne and i guess she just didn't like to look at it?? idk.#the acne itself didn't hurt but there was a lot of it so just like. you know how it does indeed hurt to pop those. well there were a lot#and she didn't stop even when i was crying and screaming bc she wasn't done??#and she did it to my back too and some of those grew on nerves and hurt even fucking more#and no she was not using properly sterilized equipment or even fresh washed hands thanks for asking <3 she acted entirely on impulse lol#i mean. i guess she knows its wrong **now** bc she hasn't tried anything similar with my baby sister....???#and shes starting to get acne like i used to have.#idk is that dramatic to be upset about. just imagine being pinched and pricked nonstop for like 2 hours. maybe it wasn't 2 hours.#but also physically restrained too like straight up sat on. is that fucked up.... thats not normal right???#and uh. a few years ago they held me still to shave my armpits with my dad's clippers bc mom is completely convinced#it isn’t possible to be hygenic as a 'woman' with pit hair or anything bc of Pheromones!!! and when i say goddamn fine#i'll just use men's hygiene stuff then she says that won't work bc Pheromones!!!!#like having a slightly different endocrine system makes ppl a different species or something#anyway. i cried just a little bit when they did that <3 gave me razor burn#and after my dad asked like 'is growing that hair out like. important to your identity or something' and.#well i dont know but that fucking hurt and you violated the choice that *eye* was making with *my* body#man i know mom still thinks she never physically abused me bc she didn't ever like. beat me up or anything but. thats abuse right??#she still thinks i was calling her abusive out of fucking nowhere.#sometimes she asks 'when was i ever abusive' and i give her an example and she goes 'well that was JUST BECAUSE--' and like. girl.#you think just bc you can justify it to yourself it wasn't abuse? every abuser can justify it to themselves....#talk tag#man i keep forgetting about how she used to physically restrain me to do her not-dermatologist approved extractions.#i guess it mostly didn't hurt that bad but like. the forcefullness and duration of it. lmao#anyway i found her a late mothers day gift today. its a hairstick with a dragonfly charm#abuse tw#sorry if that triggered anyone b4 i remembered to tag it
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noonieboonie · 20 days
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Just a little guy:3 ⋅˚₊‧ ☆ ‧₊˚ ⋅
(Photo @noonieboonie)
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frenchfry99 · 8 months
Today I offer you..
📺Mini Daria and mini Magnolia ✿
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not shaded ver because idk
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While 'Lia was a quiet child, who'd rather spend time with her flower pots, taking care of various plants and sometimes helping out Mrs Barnaby on the farm - Daria was quite the opposite. Adventurous little bug was the regular cause of disturbance for her (and not only) parents, attempting various mischief and ruckus on daily basis.
And no, I didn't forget to draw Daria's wings - little dragonflies just don't really have them :D
She'd also spend most of the time splashing in some nearby pond cuz that's where they live as babies lol
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istarlighti · 3 months
Underrated Pokemon #3
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Yes another bug pokemon but for real, most bug pokemon are underrated. I know people don't like bugs BUT JUST LOOK AT IT
I think it's cute and that's what matters. It's got personality and can fly and that's good enough for me. (Although it would be cooler if it was a dragon type cause it is based on a dragonfly)
For real though when I got the DLC for Pokemon S/V I was so excited to catch a yanma. That was literally my first goal and I accomplished it.
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lil-oreo-cookie · 11 months
It’s Been Six Years Since The Battle For Mewni
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On a Saturday too… :(
Even though it’s been so long I’m still not over how distraught I felt that fateful day… watching my favorite character ever being obliterated before my very eyes in the most painful and grotesque way possible…
ANYWAYS Baby Toffee my beloved!!! <333 I need to draw him more he’s so precious. He deserves the world ❤️
This one post… and any post really could never truly express how much I adore this lizard. He didn’t deserve to go out like he did :(
🥀Toffee of Septarsis, 2015-2017🥀
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fountainpenguin · 9 months
👋 Big Daddy
#ridspoilers - "Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Pixies"
Grandpa folded his hands in his lap. “Poof… I’ve had a good, long run. Most gynes don’t live to see their grandkids like I have. I’m getting older. Steadily weaker. I keep up appearances, but those only run the business so long, know what I’m saying? I’ll be strong a little while longer, but one day it’ll have to end. And that’s where you come in.” “What?” “I want you to kill me. Not yet,” he amended quickly when my brows shot up, raising his hand. “Not for a while still. But consider this your head’s up. I don’t want some random challenger taking me down, which is exactly what’s gonna happen if I don’t retire before long. And if I do retire, no one will accept me passing the business to a kid your age. When I go, I want it to be with glory. You should be the one.” “That’s why you had me take all the grappling classes.” He inclined his head. “You have to make it look real. No, you have to let it be real. If you earn the business by winning it from me, everyone accepts you as my heir regardless of your age. If I pass it without a fight, nobody will.”
Send me a 👋 and a character from a fandom I’m in and I’ll share a relevant WIP snippet if I have one (or a random headcanon if I don’t)
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dragon-inc · 2 years
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