#but at the same time he makes doing normal people pose looks weird
swanpit · 1 year
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so something i just noticed today, looking back :  you know lots of animated characters, they can get very animated with their hand gestures, in puss in boots the last wish, it’s no exception, we saw various character doing it except somehow, this guy
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like he got lots of long dialogue shots but very rarely i saw his face and his free, empty hand doing whatever on the same frame? also some examples below under readmore so it’ll be a long post
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meanwhile with other characters, it's business as usual
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but i also noticed that his hands seems to do more movement/gesturings when he's holding an object, like the mug/coins/mainly his weapons
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yeah so interesting detail that separate him from others there but i'm still not sure if this is more just for personality trait (as in the lack of hand gesturing isnt bad because in this case it's supposed to be something in character with him) or if there's deeper meaning i'm started to think about this because when i was drawing him sometimes i was thinking what pose i should give him when he's talking and i was like....huh have he ever done this kind of pose? not even normal people pose you see often other people/characters do?  especially the ones you saw during conversations?
 and turns out, he never did. 
 so yeah, that was a "huh" moment right there
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luffyvace · 4 months
Her brook Idk if your req are closed so read this at your convenience 🙏
I wanted to ask for a male harpy reader strawhat hc or if not just hc with luffy, more specifically based off a bird with heavy feathers like a snowy owl cause I’d love to imagine that he complains about the heat a lot and wonders why he’s sweating more then usual but it’s just luffy hugging his legs cus he’s so soft
Love your work brook 🙏☺️
nope! Still open lovely anon<3
when I tell you I did NOT know what a harpy was 🤦‍♀️ I had to do research for accuracy 😅😋
but don’t worry it’s all good I’ll be more than happy to do your request!
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I’m telling you right here right now luffy would most definitely be interested in a reader like this!! You know how many unique animals and such he tried to recruit into the crew that weren’t even human?? 😂💗
and thank you!! I’m so happy you enjoy my headcanons :) that makes me very happy!
Okay I’m just saying…….like chopper…if you look more animal than human….his first thought is to eat you
”you think he tastes good?” 😋
moving on…♡
He thinks your wings are really cool
I mean a 6.5 ft wing span…….I do too!!
definitely wanted to measure them to check after he learned that
to which he got himself wrapped up in the measuring tape
Both you and luffy eat “strange” animals
such as sloths, monkeys, porcupines, squirrels, opossums, armadillo’s, anteaters and sometimes parrots…..other birds too 😋🍴
No animal is safe 😭
every island you go to the two of you immediately start scouting for whatever variety of yummy foods you could find
”I’ve got news for you two—normal people don’t eat those animals”
- Nami ♡
it taste absolutely delicious to you!!
honestly you probably got Luffy into eating them
which so funny because he already loves eating all types of weird things
which is probably why he was so easy to convince him to eat it too
like he would normally see a monkey and go oh cool a monkey!
but now….😈😈
not all the time tho
mostly when he’s hungry
……….so I guess I lied, yes all the time 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
he saw you eating a armadillo with some sloth on the side and was like
oooo I gotta try that 🤪🤪
you might dislike for cats seeing as though a harpy’s predator is a jaguar
Least baby harpy’s anyway…
still! 😠
it’s good for you that the sunny is big once y’all upgrade from merry
it has plenty of rooms with shade for you, since a harpy’s natural habitat is rainforests
and they mainly stay in the shade anyway :)
franky probably had a room built that simulates a rainforest for your comfort 💕
like how he simulated the grass
once Luffy found out harpy’s are rare to find and you found the tori tori no mi - model: harpy- it was pretty much settled for you to join the crew :)
like he loves rare stuff!
it’s like treasure!
and you know darn well a pirate will fight for his treasure! 😼
you use your high pitch bird call to reunite the strawhats whenever you guys get separated (which is like- every time you go on an adventure 😀 besides the point-)
it’s loud enough and ranges far enough to the point where it’s more efficient than yelling
very much so comes in handy when your in danger too
also not to mention luffy is 100% gonna wanna fly on your back since you have wings
he probably won’t even ask
he’ll just rocket onto your back while your flying one day and refuse to get off cuz it’s fun
it likely ends with him spotting something cool, telling you to go over to it and getting you two into trouble
just be ready for the
😬😁 ✊😠 💥💥 😖😓
sequence again
flying also comes in handy when saving the strawhat’s BUTT!
You and Robin like 🦅🦅
but no fr you literally just swoop in and save the day 🦸
SUPERRRRRRR M/N!! *super man pose* better yet *franky pose*
Zoro will also appreciate it if you catch him while falling because I swear that man is always getting smacked around-
same with Nami 🧡
another time
Robin was stating facts about harpy’s when the strawhats first met you, and you were confirming
she mentioned that they typically lived 35-45 years (but she was talking about the ANIMAL.)
Luffy—of course—mistook this
*Nami steps in*
“……..and besides..! M/n’s not an animal! He’s still a person you know?! Sheesh…..of course he’s gonna live the lifespan of a human”
Sanji will of course cook any animal of your request into your meal
if it’s more nutritious for you—then certainly he’ll do so!
he always prioritizes nutritional value in his meals, and thats different for everybody!
Luffy however….he will get annoyed with 😂
your like one of the few men in his life Sanji doesn’t hate
okay I know that was more harpy facts related so now I’ll get into the scenario you mentioned 😅💗
Luffy uses you for warmth in the winter (all the strawhats do)
like chopper ;P
especially with your large and soft wings
”M/n…spread your wings out..we need your warmth..”
you’ve been complaining about the heat all day
You felt like you were ON FIRE.
like seriously?! What was gon on today?!
it’s not like birds need to shed……so why are you burning up!??
”mmmm…your so warm M/n!”
”no wonder I felt heavier than usual!! Get off me Luffy!”
”awwhhhh WHYYYYYY?”
”what?! Why?! Because I’m burning up! I already have all these feathers! You’ve got to get off of me Luffy!”
*whines* “but mmmmm/nnnnnn! Your so waaaarrrrm!”
*sighs and face palms* *attempts to pry him off*
“noooooo m/nnnnnn! I don’t waaaaanna get ooofff!!”
Luffy practically had you in a literal choke hold
he was not about to let you go.
and you know he’s got himself wrapped alllllll the way around 😂😂
once again thank you for the compliment my dear!!
Hopefully I did your hcs justice and that you enjoyed them! <3
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jishyucks · 2 years
B. Material ‣ cbg
‣ pairing: best friend!Beomgyu x female!reader
‣ genre: f2l, fluff
‣ wc: 1.7k
‣ summary: In which the B in 'boyfriend material' stands for Beomgyu; alternatively, where you've fallen for Beomgyu's weird love language and you need to make that clear to him before he thinks otherwise
‣ warnings?: nothing really bad, misunderstanding and accidental eavesdropping, beomgyu being weird, slightly cheesy lmaooo
‣ an: this was just a random draft in my docs and I just wanted to post something real quick so quality might not be there, actually cute imo, the ending is very low-key rushed but it wasn't meant to be longer than 1k lmaooo
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“My lady~” 
You look at Beomgyu as if he was crazy, “What the fuck?” Your best friend gestures for you to step out of the car, holding the door open wide enough for you to exit but just enough so it wouldn’t hit the neighbouring vehicle. You can’t tell if he was joking or not. 
“My lady~” Beomgyu repeats. Then he leans forward and whispers, “This is when you get out of the car.” Oh, he was being serious.
Sliding out of your seat, you do just as he suggested, still giving him a puzzled look. What is he on?
Obviously, it isn’t the first time you’ve witnessed Beomgyu act off. It was different this time because he was acting his normal, goofy self before you arrived at your destination. 
Shutting the door, Beomgyu sprints to the front door of the building, opening it before using the same gesture as earlier, “My lady~”
Although your heart should be going crazy at the fact that Beomgyu’s basically calling you his, there was not one inch of you that could take him seriously right now. Not when he looked adorably stupid, “Gyu, we’re at McDonald’s.”
He chooses not to reply, holding the door open as he waits for you to go through. There are people entering and exiting the restaurant, but he doesn’t shift his gaze away from you. He’s waiting patiently, posing as if he were in some kind of ad. 
You sighed and walked through the open door, letting yourself in through the second set. Beomgyu hurriedly follows, sticking to your side and linking your arms. You cock a brow. Skinship between the two of you was certainly not out of the ordinary. Beomgyu has just never linked arms with you before. 
“What do you want to order?” He questions, eyeing the menu, “The same as always?” 
“Yeah, I’m not in the mood for trying anything new right now,” you reply, nodding. 
Beomgyu grins. “Okay, I’ll order for you.” 
Stepping up to the cashier, he almost drags you with him, forgetting that his arms are linked with yours. He chooses to ignore this, ordering for the both of you before bringing his card to the reader to pay. At that, he drags you to pick up counter, joining a few others who were waiting.
“Remind me to pay you back later,” you say quietly. A number is called out, prompting one of the other customers to pick up their food. 
Beomgyu gasps, bringing a hand up to his chest as if you just said something outwardly offensive. You want to laugh but you would be lying if you said you weren’t slightly worried about the boy. 
“What do you mean—” And you imitate Beomgyu’s gasp while giving him a puzzled look. 
Another number is called, leaving you, Beomgyu, and one last customer at the counter. Beomgyu replies, “I’m a gentleman, and a gentleman never lets his lady pay for her meal.” He closes his eyes and smiles proudly and at this point, you’re real close to smacking him on the side of the head to knock out whatever has possessed him. 
You give him a look, holding it in hopes to reel out the reason why he was acting like this. And although you’re burning holes through the side of his face, Beomgyu acts as if nothing’s up, watching the employee gather all of your guys’ food onto a tray. 
Recalling recent events, you try to narrow down why the hell Beomgyu was acting like those dudes in old movies. You don’t put the effort into coming up with a reason this could be happening, but the only possible cause of his behaviour could be that he joined the school’s drama production without your knowledge and he’s doing some sort of method acting. 
Your order’s number is finally called out by the girl at the counter. She pushes the tray towards the both of you before turning back to the kitchen to collect the next order. 
“I got it.” Beomgyu unlinks your arms and picks the tray up. You both decide to sit near the back of the restaurant, next to some windows. 
Just as you’re about to grab your food, Beomgyu takes your food into his hands and places it in front of you himself. Then, he grabs one of the straws, taps it against the table to poke it out of the wrapper, before sticking it into your drink’s cap. He places this in front of you too. 
You look at him, raising a brow, “You know… I could’ve done all of that myself, right?” 
Beomgyu looks completely clueless as he sets his own food, “Yes. But a gentleman always helps his lady out.” 
“Beomgyu…” At this point, it’s getting ridiculous. Method acting or not, you want an explanation from Beomgyu. He’s chewing on his food, eyes set at the centre of the table, obviously trying to avoid any sort of eye contact. 
“Choi Beomgyu,” you repeat. This time you lean down towards the table and try to catch his gaze. Granted that Beomgyu’s attention span was shorter than the average adult, his eyes flicker up to you. 
“Y-yes, my lady?” He lets out a nervous chuckle, grabbing his drink. 
You sit up straight, “Why are you being weird?” You’re straight to the point, but only because you’ve endured this long enough (because 10 minutes is long enough). 
“I’m not being weird,” Beomgyu sips on his drink, putting it back down before moving back to his fries, “This is how I am.” One corner of his mouth quirks.
You quote him, “‘My lady’? ‘Gentleman’? Gyu, I swear in all the years I’ve known you, you’ve never said those words once.” Then you add, “You opened the car door for me, you opened the front door for me… not to mention what you did just now…”
Beomgyu laughs, trying to play it off, “Can’t I just be the nice friend that I am?”
“You know I won’t judge you if you tell me the truth, right?” you say a bit calmer. It’s your turn to take a sip out of your drink.
Beomgyu hesitates to speak, eyes turned down at the table. He wonders if it would be odd to tell you the reason. It did involve him eavesdropping (though he claims it was more of a moment of overhearing). The root of his behaviour wasn’t his business in the first place. What if you got mad at him because of it?
“Do you swear that you won’t judge me?” Beomgyu’s voice is so quiet that you have to lean forward in your seat to hear him clearly, “Do you swear that you won’t get mad at me?”
Now he’s scaring you. But you nod anyway, “I swear.”
Beomgyu takes this as his cue to explain himself. Mentally, he could piece it all together easily. But trying to find the words to explain everything was something else. It all made sense to him personally, but he knew that once he begins speaking, you would be understandably lost. 
“The other day… when I came over without you knowing,” he begins, “I was making my way to your room and you were on a call with your friends.” 
You know exactly where this is going. You only know because Beomgyu was the topic of the night that night. 
“I swear I didn’t want to eavesdrop on purpose but hearing my name, it made me curious.” Beomgyu pauses and crosses his hands, bringing them to his lap out of nervousness. He’s swinging his feet but you don’t notice, “So I listened. And I heard you say that… that you couldn’t see me doing things a boyfriend would do. So, I did all of this to show you that I’m…” He thinks of the perfect way to put it, but unsure with his words, he lowers his volume, “Boyfriend material?”
You take in what Beomgyu just said, not knowing whether you should laugh or reassure him that his problems weren’t as serious as he thought they were because they weren’t. Beomgyu’s assumptions were entirely untrue, being that he did miss a huge chunk of your conversation. He simply misheard and misunderstood what you were going on about that night. 
“Why do you want to prove that you’re boyfriend material that bad?” 
Beomgyu avoids eye contact, shaking his head, “It’s nothing… just… it just hurt my ego a bit.” But you know damn well that Beomgyu’s lying. All the signs were there, but you didn’t want to fish out what he was truly feeling yourself. You wanted him to tell you himself. 
“We were talking about stereotypical boyfriend things,” you start, “Like what you just did. Holding the door open, ordering for me, just the things you’d typically see in movies or shows… but I said that I couldn’t see you doing those things because they weren’t you.
“In movies, the guy would lend his sweater, but you, you push for me to share the sweater with you because body warmth is ‘one-hundred-percent better’ than the warmth of the sweater itself. Other boyfriends, they’d agree to watch whatever his girlfriend wants to please her, but you, you choose to go for something I’ve never watched, and that led me to discover new shows that are actually really good.”
Beomgyu’s starting to feel more confident, eyes flickering between his food and you. 
“You spam me with tiktoks, take the nastiest photos of me without my knowledge, and eat my food without asking me—which some of those things, a typical, picture-perfect boyfriend would never do,” you go on, “You don’t care if you beat me in video games, you untie my shoes when I’m not looking, and you tease me until your heart’s content, but you know what? All those things, to me, are what makes you more boyfriend material than what people usually perceive as boyfriend material.”
“What are you saying?” Beomgyu’s riding a rollercoaster of emotions. He’s unsure whether all of this is a good or bad thing. He needs a direct explanation. 
“I’m saying that you’re boyfriend material in a different way, Gyu. There’s no need for you to do all those things because I’ve fallen for you and the way you show affection.” You feel laughter erupting in your stomach, not believing what you just indirectly confessed. 
Beomgyu’s still in a state of shock from what you just said, jaw nearly dropping onto his lap, “You’ve fallen… for me?” He doesn’t know how to react. He didn’t plan any of this. He simply wanted to show you how he can be boyfriend material. 
You nod sheepishly. 
“Good,” he replies quietly, “Because I’ve fallen for you too.”
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insuke69 · 1 month
What's in a name? P3
✰⁂ Hobie brown × Rich!Osborn!reader
Part I, Part II, Part III
Synopsis: Osborn is almost a disgusting name because of the messed up things it has and the dirty money that holds it up by threads. And here is the child that sneaks out one night and meets a punk that goes directly against her father.
✩Warnings: cussing, Some angst, 'crybaby' reader, depictions of smut, ‘tantrum’
Rated 13+(??)
✰6.5k words.
⚥Afab/fem reader
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The last month has been.. Blissful.
Relaxing and calm for you, Hobie making you feel things you’ve never experienced with his tongue, hands, and words.
Something about him as the punk he is almost leveled out your expensive life, humble houseboat compared to your marble mansion. Some nights were spent planning, some were small date-like hangouts, some were spent with his lips locked in yours and his tongue teaching you how kissing should feel.
But you didn’t realize how little he mentioned or even acknowledged (y/n) in your presence. You didn’t know if he was fully alright with everything that went down between you two though. He would stop wearing his spiderpunk mask around you and you’d stop wearing your balaclava which probably- or hopefully meant he still trusted you.
You even started taking more money from your dad and buying even more things to donate with less fear of being caught, you and Hobie would go to large corporations disguised as a cute couple that definitely wouldn’t pocket a particularly enticing trinket.
You kind of feel like robin hood, but instead of stealing actual gold and riches, you spend what's given to you for different purposes, one step at a time. Hobie has shown you the differences between real and fake silver, obviously you know how to tell in your jewelry by seeing its shine, but now he’s explained the more simpler ways and reasonable prices for normal people since way back then you never had to look at the multiple thousands on a cute bracelet.
Your shoebox of polaroid pictures grew and so did your relationship with Hobie. You began learning about your own pleasure along with learning of his, what movements you can do with your tongue or hips that makes him whimper beautifully throughout the bedroom of his small houseboat.
And Hobie hasn’t hesitated with taking his pictures and tucking them into the waistband of your panties for ‘memorabilia’, So now that shoebox consisted of pictures of you and him spray painting, your masked smile posing beside another one of your fathers now vandalized buildings, and some of Hobie’s favorites.
Ones where he’s bottomed out, hips against your plush ass and his hand holding your hair in a make-shift ponytail, the other taking the picture. Another one where you’re looking up at him with your eyes doe and tongue out, his seed stained on your lips and chin. The list goes on and on about the lewd adventures you and Hobie have done. Each picture is more intimate than the last.
The knock on the door makes your chest tense, immediately shoving the pictures and shoebox under your bed and leaning your hips against the mattress, looking over at the door.
Roxanne opens it and comes in with a clipboard in hand, head dipped downwards as she began rambling about another event your father is planning to host in your mansion.
“Alright so, security will be tighter but your father will be making a party to celebrate the new opening of a bank, so you’ll be wearing a mostly green dress and most of the house will be open to guests. Unlikely anyone will come to your room but the housemaid will be sure to clean everything top to bottom, left to right.”
You were practically tuning her out since she often covered this information for every event, the same information.
For every event.
The only difference was that this was going to be held at your house for the first time since your mothers funeral. It was weird but you remembered the procedures: Big guard watching your every move, random people whose gross hands you have to shake, rinse and repeat.
“So when is this thing gonna be?” You ask Roxy with a tilt of your head and sitting on the edge of your bed as she remained in her spot where she stood.
“Soon, around the twenty-second.” She answered without her gaze moving from her clipboard, her pen tapping it in a senseless rhythm which expressed her deep thoughts on the subject, Likely thinking about some things more important than your petty dress or makeup.
“That will be all. Your father will give you his black card so you could buy a dress of your liking. Special event means that-”
“I can’t risk re-wearing something I’ve worn before, yeah yeah.” You cut her off with an eye roll, knowing what she was gonna say.
Roxy raised her eyebrows at this attitude but shrugged it off, “Precisely, you’ll be sent out around the afternoon, let's say at around two-thirty.” And with that, Roxanne nodded and walked right out, leaving the door open on her way out.
You stand from your bed and shut the door, pulling out your phone to text Hobie once the click of the knob confirmed its closed position.
“Im going out later with Normans money” It felt weird to refer to your dad by his first name, but referring to him as your dad didn’t feel right either, and calling him ‘Osborn’ had too much association with you.
“K” Hobie messaged back, “what time”
“I’ll actually have to buy something. A pretty dress so do you wanna tag along for that too?” You smiled to yourself, knowing Hobie wouldn’t really want to be in a fancy dress shop and have to judge each and every dress that's even a shade of green-
“Why not”
You can feel the shrug from past the screen, his usual gesture whenever he says something like ‘why not’. And before you knew it, by the time you ran off from your secret service-like bodyguards, you spotted Hobie.
Not spiderpunk- You spotted the handsome man beneath, face covered in piercings and hair being as lawless as his other punk persona. He grins down at you and offers you his arm and with a mocking tone, says “Alrigh’ M’lady, Where we goin’ first?”
“What are you playing at, Hobie?” You ask as your head shook and your arm intertwined with his, walking down the street towards your usual dress shop you’ve gone to since you were thirteen. No other place was ‘trustworthy’ as your father put it, and you’ve never liked the hassle of exact measurements.
“Whatever could you mean, Ms Osborn?” He grinned, looking around the streets at the peoples heads turning because of some random punk star with the daughter of the richest and most powerful man in the city.
You two were in the main street where more expensive shops were, you had your dads credit card so you couldn’t spend it in the smaller businesses Hobie had shown you in his part of town because they would show up in the statements, or because they didn’t even take card. Hobie felt like a fish out of water when he was walking down these sidewalks with smooth brick tiles instead of cracked pavement for once.
“You know damn well.” You scoffed in response, “Do you seriously want to do dress shopping with me instead of.. Emily?” Your voice lowers as you mentioned your masked persona which makes Hobie chuckle and shake his head.
“Well, I wouldn’t be able to spend time with either. Plus, It doesn’ matter now, Wha’ dresses are we gettin’ you now, princess?” He teased in a lower voice with a stupid smirk as the arm that was intertwined with yours slid to your waist. You could feel your face heat up but you keep your head up and continue walking with him beside you, him walking on the part of the sidewalk closest to the road.
“Fucking hell, just.. Okay so the plan is that I’ll try on dresses and you’ll boost my ego in every one and you’ll tell me which one is the best look for me.” You told him, trying to brush off how he called you princess, how you can swear he knows what he’s doing.
He raised his eyebrows then his hands in a faux surrender gesture, “Yes ma'am.” His voice is smug and it’s as if he’s coming along to humor you.
Your eyes roll and you shake your head, walking beside him with his arm intertwined with yours in a playfully chivalrous manner, as if he wasn’t already polar opposites with you. You seem like an elegant quartz and he was a stone pulled out of a vandalized building. Your height differences making you either unfortnately shorter or him somehow taller.
“Here’s the place, just-” You began, almost getting to the dress parlor but Hobie soon pulled you into an alley right beside the building and kissed you, which made you squeak and your hands moving to his chest.
“What the fuck?!” You asked as you looked up at him and he just smugly grinned and looked down at you, his hands on your waist as you continued, “Anyone could have seen. I would be fucked if anyone saw that, neither of us have a mask and unlike you, if my reputation gets a single mark, that would get my dads attention and-”
He rolled his eyes and kissed you again, as if to stop your worries. “It’s fine, tell me: Do you ever look into alleyways when you’re shopping?” He asks rhetorically to get his point across, most people like you wouldn’t care for smaller details and excuse the alleyways whilst on their errands
“.. What if someone decided to look? We’d be screwed.” You retort, shaking your head, which made Hobie shake his head back with a chuckle.
“You’re paranoid.” He scoffed as he took your hand and brought you back out to the sidewalk and towards the shop you had mentioned.
Hobie brown will be the death of you, but spiderpunk always made you feel alive.
You got the dress and Hobie let you go on your merry way before you got picked up so that you dad’s men wouldn’t see you with anyone.
The event had arrived and like you assumed, random rich womanizers with their trophy wives and laughing as if they owned the world. Well, they practically do, But there's one specific couple that makes you seeth.
Your father has always been family oriented so now that an event is at your house, your uncle and aunt will be coming over to be more heads to count at the party. There's nothing wrong with your uncle Wilson or aunt Doris on paper but it’s the kid they have that makes your blood boil.
The kid is named Elizabeth as if she were a respectable person, but she was barely a freshman in highschool who has as much as you did financially, except she wasn’t homeschooled like you were and her ego was as big as the numbers in her parents bank account. She never grew out of her brat phase and she’s more spoiled than you because if she sees someone with something she wants she asks for it tenfold.
“Oh my god! Where did you get those earrings?” She grinned as she ignored your concept of personal space and reached out to grab the shiny jewelry that hung from your ear.
You pull away from her and awkwardly smile once you avoid her touch, “Your Aunt Emily gave them to me.” You answered with almost exaggerated politeness, referring to your own mother as her aunt because there’s no way she’d remember her as your mom.
“Oh yeah! She’s dead right?” She frowned, “She can’t get me anything like that? Where did she get them? Do you know?” Her tone was laced with disappointment.
You almost froze at her words. You never minded much about who spoke about your mom but the way she said it as if she were simply talking about a show that was canceled.
“..Yeah, Last time we saw each other it was literally her memorial ceremony.” You mumbled with slight snark to which your aunt chimed in a half apology before ushering your cousin away.
“But Mom! Why does she get cool things? I wish I were homeschooled and that my daddy was the president! It’s not fair!” She whined dramatically as she threw her arms around, as if throwing a mini tantrum for her mother.
And you think that's the only time anyone has been understanding of your situation, because your aunt swatted her on the back of her head and began telling her to calm down, and that homeschooling would take away her reputation as the popular girl at school which shut Elizabeth right up.
They fade into the crowd and you stand aside, eating an appetizer of a snack before suddenly a large suited man recognized as your bodyguard approaches you and quietly says into your ear, “Have you allowed Ms. Elizabeth into your bedroom?”
When he says this you decide to play it cool and softly shake your head, placing your hand on his shoulder once he begins walking back towards the hall of your room then stopping him. Walking to your room instead, and once you were out of sight from the party, you bolted up the stairs towards the creaked open bedroom door.
You shove open the door and feel your heart drop, you knew your cousin was snooping around your room but what need did she have to look under the bed?
And in your goddamn shoebox.
“What the hell are you doing?” You yelled as you went over to her and snatched the pictures out of her hands, which she sarcastically surrendered with a dramatic gesture of her hands.
“What are you doing? Actually, who are you doing?” Elizabeth grinned as she held out another picture where it was you on top of Hobie, a loose shirt adorning your torso which luckily hid where he disappeared inside of you.
“Shut up! You’re just- you aren’t even supposed to be in here!” You snatched the picture and quickly shoved it into the shoebox, then the box under your bed.
“I was looking for any extra earrings you could give me, not like you have anyone to look good for other than that rando.” She commented with childish snark as she vaguely gestured in the direction of the intimate box and images. “I didn’t realize you had a little boy toy you’ve kept hidden, Does my uncle know?”
Your eyebrows furrow as she asks if your dad knows about him, About Hobie. You keep your mouth shut and glance away as you struggle to hold in your genuine frustration at how this is how you ended up caught.
“.. Still doesn’t explain why you’re looking under my bed for some earrings.” You change the subject off of Hobie and back to how she’s in the wrong for snooping around your bedroom in the first place.
“You still haven’t told me who this guy is! I’m guessing he’s just some booty call, not even a boyfriend to you?” Ellie said with a smirk, but more in a condescending way as if she were better than you for having some kind of relationship that wasn’t based on sex.
“He isn’t just ‘some booty call’-” You began before the teenager continued, looking over another picture.
“He’s hot though, but too many piercings. Does he have a piercing on his tongue? Can’t see your face well on this one but wow, big hands-” She teased which made you snatch the next polaroid from her hand and your cheeks flush red at what that one was this time.
It showed Hobie’s unruly hair between your thighs, which were being held tightly by his ringed hands to keep them open, his eyes straight up into the camera where you took a picture of him feasting on your core. You’re so grateful she was on the more basic side of popularity where she didn’t know punk stars, Hobie seemed like some random emo to her. Luckily.
You could see on her expression that she had a request and something to say, so you gestured your hand ironically, “Go ahead, take your time. Go ahead.” You prompted sarcastically.
“So, It would suck if your dad found out about this.” Her head tilts, “So, Just give me your earrings. Unless you want your dad finding out you have some other ‘daddy’?”
You cringe at how she referred to Hobie as your other daddy, but your stomach soon drops as you realize that she’s blackmailing you just for a pair of your moms earrings.
Dead Moms Earrings.
“You sadistic bitch!” You cursed as you got closer, about to give her a well deserved slap for her stupid actions, wanting to humble her like she deserved before she stopped you and stepped back.
“Hurt me and I’ll go announce it to the event! Imagine the headlines, ‘Norman Osborn’s daughter caught with a random guy!’, your reputation.” she said with a sarcastic gesture of her hands as she walked towards your door.
“Reputation? Fucking- fine.” You yanked her sleeve to keep her from walking out, soon moving your hands to your ears in order to take off your earrings, “I want you to just.. Take care of the earrings. Please.” You mumbled before passing her the pair of jewelry.
“Whatever.” she shrugged as she looked at the shine of the gold then shoved them in her pocket, “Thank you cousin dearest.” She playfully mocked before walking out of your room, leaving you with your own thoughts and leaving the door open.
You nearly slam the door shut then lean on it with your back, eyes quickly filling with angry tears and hands moving to grip your hair in frustration. At how easily you were manipulated, at how your cousin obviously thought little of you, how she called Hobie a random booty-call.. Familiar feelings erupted in a choked sob from your throat.
Your fist tightened and was about to be tossed back to punch any surface you could to relieve what you could but soon you heard a twhip and a sticky white rope soon surrounded your hand and kept it from going anywhere or doing anything.
You sigh once you realize what caused it, and soon that reason walks- or drops in through your window, pulling off his Spiderpunk mask and heading over to you.
“You alrigh’?” Hobie said softly as he got the web off of you and kneeled beside you, his hand on your shoulder.
Hobie knows that when you cry it's never for no reason, He has learned about your sensitive habits but he has never seen you like this. Tearing up with anger he had only seen the night you two argued, and the second you choked another sob and your arms wrapped around him he quickly hugged you back.
You felt safe in his lanky arms, comforted and as if he could shield you from dangers or people that couldn’t ever treat you as a person. He couldn’t ever be just a booty-call because he's the only feeling of ‘home’ you’ve had since before Osborn industries became a bigger thing.
After you didn’t answer his question as if you were alright, Hobie simply held you close and cradled you like how you deserved.
Once your breathing calmed and relaxed, you soon moved your hands to cradle his face and he quickly met your gaze with his, “Was this jus’ an excuse to hug me?” Hobie joked with a chuckle to lighten your mood, soon being met with a swat to the shoulder.
“..My cousin blackmailed me into giving her some earrings, but they used to be my moms.. And she didn’t care.” You explained softly to summarize, pulling back and running a hand through your hair.
“Blackmailed? That’s.. That’s dumb, what was she using against you?” Hobie asked as he rested his hands on your waist and looked down at you.
“Your pictures.” You scoffed as your hands lowered to his chest, nodding your head towards the shoebox where the picture of Hobie with his head between your legs was faced up. You saw Hobie’s smirk adorn his lips as he looked at the polaroid and bit his lip, making you roll your eyes and softly hit his chest.
“What! What do you mean by my pictures? As far as I’m concerned, all of that was a team effort.” He cooed as his hands lowered to your hips and he pulled you closer where your body flushed against his.
Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck, “You realize that I’m fucked?” You half joke, “She found our pictures, and if she blabs to anyone around here, That will spread like wildfire.”
“Yeah yeah, what if you just stopped worrying? What if I had a solution?” Hobie teased before giving you a peck on the lips.
“Hm?” You question as you kissed him back, “Well, I’ve been fixing my houseboat.. And what if we could sail away together?” Hobie responded smugly.
Your eyebrows raise and you chuckle as if he were joking but his smile remains the same and his eyes gazing into yours. “Seriously? No- I don’t.. I can’t.” you retort with an awkward chuckle, “I don’t have any money without my dad, I wouldn’t be able to contribute.”
“Don’t worry about that, We could run off- spiderpunk can protect another place and you wouldn’t be the daughter of a monster.” He said before kissing you again before you argue and respond. “Think ‘bout it.”
“Hmm.. No.”
As tempting as it was, Seriously tempting, The idea of being able to go away and get out. Be your own person and finally be independent, you couldn’t bear the idea of your dad being heartbroken that you’re gone. He’s a horrible person, a horrible man, But he’s still your father.
And a damn good one.
What he’s done is unforgivable but he always was able to put food on the table for you and never once missed the chance to tell you he loves you. When your mother died it was you and him against the world, even if he was what mostly made up the issues of said world.
Hobie’s expression was like a mixture of confusion and disappointment which makes you sigh and explain yourself with your hands soothing onto his shoulders, “Sorry, It’s just that.. I can’t leave him. He’d be alone without me, and he was already broken when his wife died and no way I’m making him go through everything and worse.”
Hobie smiled at how thoughtful you were, almost too much for your own good.
“Alrigh’, I won’t be able to live with myself if I force you to come with me anyway.” Hobie chuckled before kissing you again, with a softer peck with his lips against yours for a moment.
“Well, okay. I feel like any moment now some random lady’ll knock on your door. You go’a get back to being a princess.” Hobie teased before pulling away from you, soon heading back to the window from which he came in.
“Awh, how will I survive without my knight in shining armor?” You said sarcastically as you followed him, and with a grin he brought you close and kissed your forehead, “You’ll manage.”
And with that, he flopped out and a web shot to a nearby building where he swung.
You watch his figure disappear into the distance and sigh to yourself, taking a breath to mentally prepare yourself and going to your vanity to reapply your makeup that smudged in your earlier ‘tantrum’ as Hobie would tease.
The night breezes by as you stay aside, and thank god it speeds on by as the guests fade away and thankfully all those who are left are your uncle and aunt, and their hellspawn.
Thinking they were in any other place, you go to the kitchen for a snack.
And there was your thirteenth reason.
The hellspawn of satan and the embodiment of one of the seven sins was in your kitchen, sitting on the counter munching on your chips, On your chips you specifically have been saving for a time like this when you were craving them specifically.
She looked over at you before munching loudly on the savory snack, making your blood boil as she seemed to not care she’s eating the snacks you’ve specifically had stored in another part of the kitchen. Clearly implying that they weren’t up for taking.
But before you speak, you notice her wearing the earrings you gave her, her mom obviously knew you didn’t want to give them to her in the first place so how could she just shamelessly wear them?
“Oh, I’m a woman of honor so I won’t need these anymore, they’re heavy and they’re just not my style.” You cousin said as she pushed herself off the counter, with her dusty fingers she removed the earrings and passed them to you, leaving the silver greasy and you’re right about to slap her into the next century until your aunt and uncle walk into the kitchen seeming tense.
Your dad follows behind them, seeming tense as well but his discomfort is much more easily hidden than your aunts.
“We’re going now, say bye to your cousin.” Your aunt said curtly, her hand on Elizabeth's shoulder as your uncle straight up walked out without glancing at you.
“Bye! Good luck.” Your little cousin cooed before leaving with her mom giving you a disappointed glance, then following suit.
“..Dad? What's all that about?” You ask with an awkward laugh that came out more as a nervous outward breath, to which he looked at you and in your hands at the earrings.
“Get those cleaned up from that grease, they were your mothers. At least Elizabeth practically refunded you.” Your dad chuckled dryly before walking past you to the stairs.
You place the earrings on the kitchen counter and follow behind him, his objective clearly being to go into your room.
“Wait! Wait- wait, dad, what are you doing? Remember privacy..! Our rule being I can’t go in your room and you can’t go into mine?” You stumbled on your words as you watched him open your door like a man on a mission, You distinctly remember that when you turned around twelve years old and was learning more about what Osborn Industries do, your dad has done his best to make sure you had little to no part in his business, which meant no more ‘office visits’.
He hadn’t been in your room since you took down your My Little Pony posters and stopped using jewelry boxes with music and rotating ballerinas in them.
He abruptly stood next to your door and gestured for you to go in first. His silent order was enough to shut you up and walk in, your father stepping into your room behind you.
“Anything you want to show me?” Norman asked with a tilt of his head, looking at you in a way you don’t think you’ve ever seen happen in your life. You were always a ‘good kid’, meaning you weren’t always caught.
With your answer: Silence, Norman looked away and took a breath with his tongue in his cheek and his hands on his hips. “Take it out.” He ordered, and before you even tried to act dumb in your answer, he repeated himself with a louder tone and pointed towards your bed.
Digging your own grave, you nod and do as he said, going to your bed and taking out the shoebox, placing it at the edge and sitting beside it.
Your dad came closer and sat on the edge of the bed with the box between you two, “So, Do you want to tell me what's in here?” His hand rests on the top of the shoebox and your hands clench into the lace of your dress.
Your dad never was the kind to ask anything unless he already knew, so you really were practically six feet under. If you say no, he’ll make you open the box. If you confess, you have no idea if anything worse will happen.
“..Pictures..” you murmured,
“Pictures of what?”
“Of me and someone.”
At your vague answer, his hand suddenly moved to the side of the shoebox and he pushed it off the bed, the cover falling off and the photos spilling out. He doesn’t look at the pictures at all and instead looks at the wall in the opposite direction away from them.
“Grab a picture where I see who it is.. Try to find nothing inappropriate.” Norman continued, seeming to wait patiently for you to do as he says. Now you feel like you’re being questioned to the point your teeth or fingers are at risk.
You look at the fallen pictures and back at Norman to make sure he's faced away, and look through them, looking for the least incriminating one of Hobie. Tears of dread and humiliation pooling at your eyes as you place it on the bed in front of your father, one where it's simply one of hobie with his neck craned to show hickeys littered on his slim jawline and collarbone.
Norman hums and nods slightly, “Is this that guy you liked? His music was like rock and his name was.. Harry? Henry? something-brown?”
“Punk music, and uhm.. It’s Hobie.” you mumble, you could never go against your father as if you two were like mixing oil and water.
He hums again before speaking with a firm and cold voice, “You aren’t seeing him again, and you’re not allowed out of the house. Roxanne will make your purchases and do your errands, and I’ll hire a twenty-four hour bodyguard.” He then stood as if your heart wasn’t just shattered by how you won’t be able to help anyone anymore, you’re more trapped than you were even before Hobie was in the picture, literally and figuratively.
You stood along with him and gestured your hands frantically, “What!? No! You can’t just-” You yelled before your words suddenly stop the moment you feel a sting on the side of your face, he just slapped you..
“Osborns don’t yell, and we don’t do disgusting activities with a perverted musician who’s only success in life is his ‘lifestyle’ of acting like a worthless punk.” You’ve never heard such venom in words spat from your father, never directed towards you at least.
And with that, he walked out. You felt like you were going to explode with all the anger boiling and frustration bubbling in your chest and when he walked out of your room, you screamed into your pillow and cried your heart out.
You don’t realize how long it’s been when you wake up, sitting up from your bed and looking over your bedroom where the few things that brought you joy were gone and cleaned out. Like your stereo, record player, Vinyl records, and your phone.
You felt tears prickle at the sides of your eyes and wish that this was a dream, that you can wake up to your father still loving you and hopeful that this really wasn’t happening.
About to lay back and cry again, you hear a thump on your window and then a few knocks.
You stand up and head over to your window to find Hobie awkwardly hanging on the wall while gesturing to the wooden frame of the glassed hole in your room.
You see that there's a lock, but a whole ass padlock that requires a key as if your window were the gates to a junkyard.
You shut your eyes and clasp your hands over your face with an exaggerated gentleness, knowing Hobie would break the window if he saw you physically take your frustration out on yourself or anything around you.
But just then your bedroom door flies open with Roxy standing there, staring at you and the punk by your window. You open your mouth to speak but she stops you with a gesture of her hand.
“Your father sent me up here to tell you that you’re no longer allowed out without your bodyguards, tomorrow security cameras will be installed outside your window, and.. I think you can tell what else I was going to say.” Her eyes fell to the window you were standing next to, hardly getting a glimpse of Hobie before he put his mask on. All she could see was just his skin tone and the dim shine of his piercings, “Window is locked with a key he’s trusting me to keep.”
“Roxy, please..” You mumbled as you went to her, tone pleading and genuine, “You know this is worse than before, couldn’t you have told my dad to go easy? This is my first offense, I always was well behaved for hi-”
“You know as much as I do that these are your consequences, I should have never let you go out so many times.” She sighed in disappointment, directed to either you or herself as she continued, “I’m sorry but it's not that it’s your ‘first offense’, it’s the fact that you’ve gone out and behaved like a borderline slut with a man you know your father despises.”
“..The slut comment wasn’t necessary.” You commented as you looked away and crossed your arms over your chest. You knew she wasn’t wrong but this felt like, “This is overkill, dude.”
“Yeah well, say that to your father when he’s back to being able to look you in the eyes.” Roxxanne didn’t even seem to do it either by how she looked at you but not at you.
“Please, Please at least unlock the window so me and ho-” You pause, “me and him can just say goodbye?”
You knew this sounded dramatic but you knew your dad wouldn’t give you the chance to do anything until you were thirty, maybe longer if he keeps denying the fact that you aren’t a little girl anymore.
“You’re just so.. Dammit.” That was the first time you’ve heard Roxy come close to cussing, but you immediately forget that as you watch her take out a keychain from her pocket, you couldn’t help but grin at her singling out the key that opens the padlock of the locked window.
The padlock soon opened with a click, the window sliding open and Roxy stood aside as Spiderpunk crawled in, flopping on the ground and getting up casually with an awkward nod of his head as a greeting to the woman that let him in.
She looked him up and down before back at you, “Keep this quick, if your father finds this out you’re completely on your own.” Roxy said seriously.
“Thank you so fucking much!” You grinned before latching onto her in a hug, to which she loosely embraced you back. “You’re still on thin ice, alright?” She whispered to you before pulling back and patting your shoulders.
Roxy turned back towards the masked punk stood there, getting face to face–as much as she could with him towering over her–And spoke with a hint of threat. “You have no idea what you’re getting into, keep her safe or so help me god Mr. Osborn will know of everything done.”
“Yes ma’am.” Spiderpunk replied with a surrender gesture of his hand, “She’s in good hands.”
And with that, Roxxanne said something about how you two have an hour, keeping things PG, and so forth. Then, she was gone with a shut of the door behind her.
“..Seems like you were found out.” Hobie commented with a dry chuckle, making sure to lock the door before taking off his mask, soon being attacked with a hug by you, your face in his chest and your arms clinging to him tightly.
“It’s worse than before! There's locks on everything and theres- theres gonna be cameras everywhere, my dad managed to make this place hell even more than it already was.” You sobbed into him, making hobie tightly hug you back with his gloved hand cradling the back of your head.
“I’s alright dove, we can figure something ou’-” He gently began, using the tone he often had to whenever you got like this, but cut off by one of your choked sobs and continuing.
“He’s never yelled at me before, He always was patient and talked about things but it’s like I’m not even his daughter anymore! Treating me like some dog on a leash he thinks he can hit and make the leash tighter.”
You felt him tense, soon feeling him nuzzling into the top of your head, “Shh..shh, Wha’s this abou’ him bea’ing you like a dog?” His voice was over exaggeratedly calm, making you tense as well.
“No no no no no hang on,” You quickly back tracked, moving back to wipe your tears and look up at him, “He didn’t beat me I was just exaggerating..! He just slapped me and he didn’t do anything more than that nor would he ever.”
You were practically biting yourself in the ass at how you were defending the man that even you hated, but Hobie wasn’t the type of man to let anyone get away with hurting you, he already had enough reason to hate everything your father stood for.
“That son of a..” He trailed off and turned around, he would have beaten your dad into a pulp if you didn't grab his wrist to turn him around to look at you.
“Hobie, you know that this wouldn’t help if not make things worse.” You said to him while looking into his eyes, his face furrowed and tense in his moment of blind rage, soon, his fisted hands relaxed and he let out a breath before pulling you into another hug.
“Look, you’re my whole world and you know this place isn’ good for you.” He murmured into your soft hair, “Please.. Come wit’ me.”
You weren't able to think if its because of the need to try and go against your own father, or at how he seemed so genuine, but the idea of leaving everything you knew behind was too much. You just had to get the last word.
“Alright, I’ll do it.”
Hobie let out a breathless laugh, pulling back to cradle your face and look into your eyes, “Seriously? You mean tha’?” He beamed before kissing you, you could feel the grin on his lips as you amorously reciprocated.
You giggled and nodded, your hands moving to his chest to look up at him, “Yeah! Yeah, when do we go?”
“Within the next hour, pack whatever you can and- and I’ll get whatever we can sell, yeah?”
And with that, The next moments are a blur, you filling your pillowcase with any clothing you can that wouldn’t get you mugged, and Hobie filling another with everything you’ve bought with blood money. From old too-heavy tiaras, to rings, to necklaces you’ve worn once.
Hobie webbed the pillow cases shut and together, having you hold them while he focused on holding you and web slinging to his houseboat.
From then on, You’re known as Emily brown.
Not as the daughter of a monster,
Not as the bratty girl with her life handed to her on a silver platter,
Finally your own person.
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onskepa · 3 months
Hey! How about neteyam x human reader? Back on earth, she had been working at a circus and knows lots of tricks. May she show him some?
Ngl it reminded me of the Amazing Digital Circus. BUT! I will stray from that! So I used black butler for reference and other circus stuff to get the idea. So I hope you enjoy this one~!!
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Na’vi are flexible by nature. Running, swinging, swimming, doing so many activities that make their bodies lean and very strong. Broken bones or an injured body part is bound to happen. Neteyam knows this, he has fair share of getting hurt, being scrapped and on close calls breaking bones. 
However, what neteyam can't wrap his mind around is how boneless the humans can be. How flexible they looks, as if their skin is made of rubber or some material that can move freely. 
Best example he can put is his good friend ko’on. She can move in such strange ways that neteyam would believe she has no bones. Bending completely backwards, forwards, or walking around with just her hands. Better yet, do archery with her feet! Ko’on would give brief explanations of how she was able to do such things. But never a full blown explanation or proper reason for how she can be so…movable.
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“Hm, this is pretty good actually,” Ko'on comments as she happily eats some dried meat. Neteyam was sitting across from her, staring down in worry and being slightly weirded out. Ko’on notices his stare and looks up at him, “what? Do I have something on my face?” she asks. 
“Does it hurt?” he asks. 
Ko’on looks to her left and right, shrugging, “what hurts?” 
“Ko’on, you have both of your feet beside your head while bending backwards completely. How does that not hurt?” he wonders. 
“Ooohh, well it is the same as you hanging upside down, it's normal. Nothing hurts” ko’on answers simply as she takes another bite of her little snack. “Wow, looks like i'm going to ask your mom to make more of these tasty treats-”
“Forget the meat for one second and tell me how that works. Do you even have bones??” neteyams interrupts ko’on. She rolls her eyes and sits up normally. “I do have bones. I am just flexible from all my years of being a performer back on Earth”. 
“A performer?” he repeats. The girl nods, her mind swinging into nostalgic mode. 
“Yuppers, I used to be in a circus” 
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“What is a circus?” Neteyam asks after a couple minutes of silence. He and ko’on were taking their time walking around in the forest, him walking calmly as his friend jumps and makes some neat tricks on the branches and vines.
“A circus is a wonderful and even magical place. With a big massive tent that can hold hundreds of people! There is a ringleader, the host and team player. Then you got the stuntmans, the silly clowns and dare devils! There was a whole team of amazing performers”
Neteyam listens happily as ko’on goes on of her time at the circus. And from how she describes, it seemed to be a fun place where everyone was able to enjoy themselves. Perhaps that would be something his family would enjoyed.
And seeing ko’on go on, smile as she explains what roles and shows they had, neteyam wouldn't mind hearing her all day.
“So, what was your role in the circus?” he asks. Ko’on smiles widely, spreading out her arms almost like in a T-pose. “My role was the acrobatic performer. I could jump, lift, swing in tight ropes, walk in thin ones, and almost fly high! And my flexibility made me light as a feather” ko’on said with such enthusiasm.
Neteyam couldn't help but chuckle a bit, “well, if you are as amazing as you say. Perhaps you can show me a few tricks?”. His friend looks down at him, tilting her head a bit, “you want to learn to be flexible?” she asks. Neteyam nods, “as much as I can be”
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 “You make it look so easy…….!!” neteyam stumbles on himself, falling down from trying to copy ko’on. The girl in question giggles as she sits with her legs over her shoulder and walking around with her hands. “I think its your tail, might be in the way of not properly balancing yourself”. 
Both straight up from the failed position practice. Dusting himself off, neteyam wasn't ready to give up. “Is there anything that doesn't have my tail in the way?” he asks, and immediately ko’on nods. “Yuppers! Balancing on a thin rope, or since we are outside, the vines. Your tail might help you alot in this”. 
Ko’on takes the lead in demonstrating him as she easily stands still on one of the nearby vines. “The key is mental control. Try not to think you will fall over cause then you will. Be calm, be in the moment, be in the zen mode and it will be easy”. 
‘Well easy for her to say’ neteyam thought. Seeing ko’on walking around on the vines was amazing truly, but neteyam felt like he might die if he takes one wrong move. 
“Also dont sway-DONT SWAY!!” 
Too late, neteyam swayed too much on the right that he fell. Luckily the fall wasnt that high. He grunted as he landed on the groun, hissing a bit at the pain from landing on his side. Ko’on jumps down with grace and goes over to him. Bending down to examine him, she suggests “how about a break?” 
He nods to that. 
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Eclipse was reaching soon so the two take their sweet time making it back home. 
“Hey, maybe with some stretches and other stuff, you might be able to pull it off. I was going a bit hard on you "Ko'on says, breaking their silence. Neteyam nods to that, but remembers something. 
“The circus…is it still a thing on Earth. When you talk about it, you say it with a bit of sadness” he points out. Ko’on nods, a sad smile matching the mood of her eyes. 
“Unfortunately, circuses is not the same. Heck, when I was in it, it was nothing like how it was 100 or 200 hundred years ago. The circus had different kinds of animals. Wild and exotic animals. But as years go by, those animals would stop being shown…and they would be extinct..” 
“So what happened? No more animals..? 
“In a way, yes. But holographic animals. Its not the same, and before I left, they wanted to change the circus forever. More than usually and I hated it” ko’on says with anger growing in her voice. Neteyam blinks a bit, wondering. 
“Changed it? How?” 
“Getting rid of actual performers and stunts, all what makes a circus, gone! And to replace it with the oh so “The amazing digital circus!” ko’on says in a rather mocking tone. Neteyam contained his inner laughter. Not wanting ko’on to see it. 
“And the ring leader isn't even a real ring leader! Just a talking gummy jaw with floating eyes and a weird ass bubble assistant!” 
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Im sorry, I had to put it in. But that was a goody! Hope you like it! I might come back to fix it cause im writing it while being half asleep. So, until next time! See ya!
ko'on = Ring, oval shape, closed ring
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nukaberries · 2 months
howdy! if this blog is still active, could you do new vegas companions react to courier six being a synth? idk how they'd find out, prolly either six telling them or a close call with a courser. it's up to you!
This puts anything I've ever requested on Tumblr to shame because this is such a cool idea?? I'm obsessed with crossing over the Fallout games - which is probably why MacCready's my favourite companion - so I find stuff like this so fun to write. I also just love requests like this because it gives me the chance to challenge myself, I feel like I write the Fallout 4 companions better (I definitely have more hours in 4 than any game), so I love getting the opportunity to write for New Vegas companions too!
Companions Reacting to the Courier Being a Synth (Includes: Arcade, Boone, Cass, Lily, Raul and Veronica)
Arcade Gannon When the courier reveals the truth to him, he's more embarrassed than anything that he didn't figure it out himself. He's never seen a robot look so unmistakably humanlike before, leaving him with a lot of questions for the Courier. After all, he's seen them eat, drink, sleep and bleed like any normal, breathing human would - can he even be sure this is the same courier that he first met in Freeside? For a while, Arcade will keep a wary eye on the courier, unsure what to believe, whether he can trust the courier, whether he's been able to trust them at all. Eventually, he comes back around, which is arguably worse for the courier, as they spend most of their time answering questions like "do you have an off switch?"
Craig Boone He doesn't think much of the strange man who'd just tried to ambush the courier, even in spite of the odd outfit that was surely far too warm for someone to be wearing in the middle of the desert. It's only when the courier appears shaken up and Boone finds some kind of component when looting the man that he thinks to question anything. The courier is dismissive at first and says that they simply just got caught off guard by the assailant, of course, Boone doesn't believe them but he doesn't see the point in pushing. When the courier inevitably tells him, it doesn't change much for him, he'll naturally be curious at to how the courier's existence is even possible, but as long as they're still willing to take the Legion down with him, he doesn't care what they are.
Cass Similarly to Boone, the revelation of the courier not being as human as they seem doesn't particularly bother her. She'll probably make a couple of jokes here and there, usually ones that the courier has heard a million times before. It doesn't make any difference to Cass though, sure, it's a little weird but she'd seen weirder just by minding her own business at the Mojave Outpost.
Lily Bowen She's fully aware that she's in no place to judge the courier for what they are and she makes that clear the moment that her companion reveals they're a synth. It doesn't necessarily change anything about the courier for her and if anything, she encourages them to talk about what they went through at the Institute, so long as they feel comfortable telling her. She'll remind them that she's still their grandma and she loves them no matter what.
Raul Tejada When you're around for long enough, you hear a lot, specifically whispers of robots posing as humans in the East, spying for their masters and replacing innocent people. Of course, none of that ever sounds like more than old myth to Raul. That is until a run in with what the courier later explains is a courser leaves Raul to deal with a revelation about his new friend. Admittedly, it's a lot for him to take in, especially after hearing so many bad things about synths for so long, but eventually, he figures nobody would want to make a synth replacement of him and if he's been able to trust the courier for this long, then surely he still can.
Veronica Santangelo Being a Brotherhood Scribe, Veronica knows quite a bit about the Institute already, but since hardly any of her fellow comrades have actually gone to the Commonwealth, her knowledge is limited. Still, it causes some uncertainty when the courier tells her the truth about their identity. She's only ever heard bad things about synths and this does seem like the definition of technology gone out of hand. It takes Veronica a while to warm up to the idea that her friend isn't going to bring her or anyone else any harm, but it'll take a bit longer that it would the others to earn back her trust.
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cayenne-twilight · 1 year
Luke design mini-analysis
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I’m a little late to the party so people have been talking a lot about this already, but I wanted to look into Luke’s new design.
First of all, he’s significantly taller! Luke had already grown between 10 and 13, but not this much. And he’s switched from his classic shorts to long pants and from his weird Mary Jane shoes to normal ones. He’s lost his cheek blushes of childhood innocence, which many people are complaining about.
Whether or not they’re retconning the events of the anime, it looks like Luke’s 15 y/o and young adult designs are canon. His eyebrows appear to be slightly thicker than before, but not nearly as thick as they will be. Plus, he has three bangs in his hair instead of one, also consistent with his older design. Not to mention the reddish vest and shoes which are similar to the ones we see on adult Luke.
The first thing you notice in this new design is the bright red bow tie. The first association is that this is in reference to Emmy’s design during the prequels. The red color looks the same as the ribbon on Layton’s hat and could serve to tie their designs together visually. Red ribbon bows are also associated with Flora’s design as she has one in her ponytail and one as a belt. All in all, the bow tie might be an amalgamation of references symbolic of past adventures which Luke wears to remind himself of his life back in England.
Back when the anime came out, people were surprised by how different Luke’s design was, and theorized that he changed his appearance to disassociate himself from Clive after the end of Lost Future. It made sense at the time, and we noticed that he slowly started looking more and more like Clark instead of a bigger version of his past self. But now, interestingly, he looks even more like Clive than he did last year. His hair is in a similar style, he still has his old hat, and that thinking pose is reminiscent of Clive’s puzzle animations. The blazer and vest combo is very similar.
It’s possible that Luke still has respect for Clive, or something happened after LS that made him forgive him. Conversely, it’s also possible that he wants to be better than him. This is kind of stupid, but little Luke has one bang in his hair, Clive has two, and from this point forward Luke has three. It’s also possible that Luke has just been continuing on with his old style, but something happens during or after NWOS that makes Luke want to emulate Clark more.
Either way, the connections Luke built over the last two trilogies shaped him into who he is in his new life in America, and his design reflects that. I do hope we get more explicit reference to this, preferably the characters actually showing up. I expect to see his parents for sure, and hopefully Marina, but surely they have to reference what’s going on back in London after a year and have someone make an appearance. Right?
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bananamarshmallowz · 5 months
I'm here to talk about Destiel...
The internet is a very funny place.
If you're in need of a good laugh, go to your favorite series, show, films what have you and ask what are you unpopular opinions with _said show_.
I have watched dozens of shows and always think I might be the only one, post that and see what happens.
I am a shipper but I normally don't talk or boast about what/who I ship, it's not relevant and it can be weird. I don't ship actors/real humans, that's crossing lines. Characters however, yes. Anyway, I have to bring up this one. One comment said "Destiel shouldn't have happened." Okay, I get that, people can get weird about it. Then they go on to say how every shipper claws and digs for stuff that isn't there.
And again, I'm not saying some people don't dig but not all gay/LGBTQ+ representation is completely shown in media. Mentioned maybe here and there, sure. But there's endless cis-straight-relationship romance movies, romance themes and what have you. Some series make really bad portrayals and give gay people a bad rap because they're the only representation. And don't get me wrong, sometimes we do dig and claw because we feel what they portray, or at least we think so. But sometimes we don't need to dig.
That same thread added the random siren or even the policeman from yellow fever had more chemistry than Dean and Cas ever have. - Him looking at the soldier's ass in Time After Time while walking in the store. Yes, those were weird scenes, why were they even shown? Great question, I don't know I'm just here. - And as for they have no chemistry... They won best chemistry award for TV... It doesn't get better than that.
This is more of a rant than I want but this is certainly one of my favorite shows. And I feel the need to say what's on my mind because I know I can't afford therapy, so this is the next best thing.
Oh yeah before I start this, I have read numerous comments accusing all the actors of horrendous things... - Firstly, they all have kids, and wives and love their kids so much. I don't think they would do anything to jeopardize that. So stop making up messed up shit. - Secondly, I don't want to believe other people make other people uncomfortable for fun, but some people do. But considering that they acted for more than 8 years together, I'm pretty sure working with people that are cool for that long, they all had a strong bond. And all the times that Jensen looks uncomfortable whenever Misha goes into or talks about Destiel, it's because technically they're not even allowed to say anything about the show regarding shipping characters because anything could've been true, it could've not been. If every actor were able to spoil their movie, we'd be out of movies but we aren't. And Jensen is a rather shy individual, funny enough. At the beginning of Supernatural he was 27, and Jared was 23. When Misha joined when he was 34. They were and still are wholesome and great people. Regardless, All of them would pull pranks and stuff on the show, they're friends, not some messed up whatever someone said, I'm blown away that people would even imply some things. You can look up any video of everyone being close with one another from hugs to dancing, to singing to whatever. So don't say "read the room" when they're just being themselves, I shift a lot when in public, does that mean I'm constantly uncomfortable? No. - THIRDLY, they were all lowkey scared of certain parts of supernatural, in 2017 they did an interview with Entertainment Weekly {this one} and said what the scariest episodes or concepts were at the time for them. Jared's was changelings, shapeshifters, demons possessing people, things that could be real but possibly something posing as someone but something's off. Jensen's was people doing really messed up things and that it was the most realistic thing that could actually happen. Humans being psycho. And vintage dolls, lmao, same. And Misha said that everything could give him nightmares. He's so soft, any of it could give him nightmares. These guys are human. Not some terrible against religion people, they play on a show. Pure human. Just like everyone else.
ANYWAY, I think we all know the infamous eye sex scenes LMAO... if you haven't heard of them... {here's 10 minutes of them staring at each other} and that's not even all the seasons
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They always look each other up and down and just stare at each other.
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Above, Dean says "Cas, we talked about this. Personal space." and then Cas backs off. He doesn't know why, he just knows it makes Dean uncomfortable, so to make him more comfortable, he takes a few steps back. But Cas isn't aware of how complicated humans are. Personal space are just words, angels shouldn't care what humans have to say. They're so primal and they need more than just basic shelter and foods, they need the whole pyramid of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. He doesn't understand this until he goes through it himself, but we're getting slightly off topic. Sure, them continuing to stare could be just a funny little thing at the start... no. It still happens up to the last episodes.
This is the musical episode, Fanfiction, Season 10, Episode 5. Destiel, Samstiel and the most dreaded Sam/Dean are mentioned... They're brothers. As someone with siblings... gross.
"You can't spell subtext without S-E-X." Then Jensen gave this look to the camera, I think this is on behalf of many of the people on the show.
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Below, they end a scene after talking but it's about 15 seconds of them just staring at each other then it ends. Personally, I'm not a big fan of eye contact, and try to make at least 5 or maybe 2 seconds of contact in between interacting with someone, anything more than 10 is past uncomfortable... I don't stare at anyone this long. Legit the scene is so long lmao
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I don't remember the context on this but I just don't like eye contact. Both their eyes are gorgeous but I don't stare like this, especially with any of my siblings. When they have a hard time I hug them if they want a hug, talk to them, but I don't make eye contact like that.
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I have never looked at my friends like this, not my best friends, certainly not my siblings. Someone I had a crush on, possibly.
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Next, they are going in as Texas Rangers and Dean explains how to get Cas into character. "Yeah. Look, just act like you're from Tombstone, okay?" "The city?" "With Kurt Russell? I made you watch it." "Yeah, yeah. Yeah. The one with the guns and tuberculosis." [in a deep cowboy voice] "I'm your Huckleberry." [gulps] "Yeah, exactly.-"
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I don't have anything other than I like that scene and how Cas says, "I'm your Huckleberry" :D
When Cas dies Dean tries to pray to God even though he swore off praying to God. One of the lines is "We've lost everything." Mary's gone, correct but everyone else is alive, except Cas. They still had the Bunker, Baby, Jack. Cas and Mary died (she fell through and there was no way to know she was alive.) But considering that Sam is still alive, the guy Dean has fought tooth and nail to save all these years, is standing by him, ready to fight what may come. But Cas is dead... Dean obliterates his hand from punching on a bathroom door. It's frankly the most punches he's made in a single scene I think and even then, God doesn't answer him so he begins to mourn. It creeps in that his friend is gone.
When Cas is being burned, at first it peers to Jack who sees the man who is supposed to be his father, not blood father but someone who promised to look out for him, someone he doesn't even know, he feels the loss but he's just been born and he never really met Cas.
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Then we roll to Sam, he's lost a dear friend and is sad. He's wanting to cry and fidget and be sad.
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THEN we roll to Dean. His face is drained of all emotion. He has lost his best friend. His dear companion and looks like he lost it all despite his brother being right next to him. He can't even move.
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Now I would be sad if one of my brothers died but sadly I don't have that much of a connection with them as Dean and Cas have. And thankfully I haven't yet experienced one of my brothers pass on.
But I have lost a few lovers, and that... That is the face I have felt. When everything else feels irrelevant. You don't care about anything. You can't care about anything. You are numb.
And this all brings us to the finale.
Death is on her way, has them by their hearts, well Dean's in fact. They run/slowly walk over to Basement Storage Room 7B and Cas wards the room, slowing down Death on the other side.
This is the exact moment before he loses Cas for the last time. (I'm copying from the script on the Supernatural wiki, don't hate me, I watched it over and over too, and I've shortened Cas's monologue because I don't want to relive that heartbreak again lmao) But basically Cas realizes this is it, this is the happiest he has been. Everyone was alive and well, he has Dean alone at last. The last exchange they had was this: "You changed me, Dean." "Why does this sound like a goodbye? "Because it is." - "I love you."
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"Don't do this, Cas." - "Cas..." "Goodbye, Dean." "What?"
Cas pushes Dean out of the way and gets taken by the Empty.
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He has to process all these years of interactions with this awkward little man with sensible shoes in less than five minutes and it all crumbles.
Castiel is gone. And he's not coming back.
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Sam keeps trying to call Dean but he's just getting Dean's voicemail and Dean isn't answering. He simply can't.
A few episodes later, Dean fucking dies. Just how he said he would, to a monster, like any other job. It felt rushed and I didn't like it.
But how they ended it could've been so much worse.
Dean makes it to heaven, expecting just memory lane, but Bobby's there and says Jack remade heaven new, everyone's together in heaven where they belong. He offers him a beer and tells him how different heaven is and how it's so much better.
Dean's sold, but it's missing something.
This is directly after Bobby tells Dean that Cas helped Jack rebuild heaven.
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After that, he takes a drive as he waits out Sam's life. He meets Sam on the bridge and that's the end.
For years, Dean didn't have an obvious love interest, here and there a fling maybe but nothing romantic. All the soft scenes were pretty much between him and Cas.
Their bond isn't brotherly, it's very best friend-ish but lovers can be friends too.
And that's my review on Destiel and why it's a thing it's 4 am and I haven't slept well the past two days so what to do other than write about destiel
ok bye :]
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prince's gambit highlights & annotations
chapter 2
indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
With a rabble like this, Laurent’s pretty face wasn’t doing him any favours. Damen must have heard a dozen slurs and sly insinuations before he’d even saddled his horse. No wonder Aimeric had been furious: even Damen, who had frankly no objection to men slandering Laurent, was finding himself annoyed.
“he’s a bitch but he’s OUR bitch” 😤
They would not be riding in a straight line south. Instead, it was to be a two-week journey southwest through the Veretian provinces of Varenne and Alier, their route hugging the Vaskian mountain border. It was a change from the direct route that had been planned by the Regent, and Laurent had already sent out riders to inform the keeps.
already, damen’s involvement in laurent’s life is starting to mess with the regent’s plans. GOOD.
As the night wore on, Laurent had abandoned his deliberate comportment for a relaxed, youthful pose, drawing one knee up to his chest and slinging an arm around it. Damen had found his gaze drawn to the easy arrangement of Laurent’s limbs, the balance of wrist on knee, the long, finely articulated bones. He had been aware of a diffuse but growing tension, a sensation almost like he was waiting . . . waiting for something, unsure what it was. It was like being alone in a pit with a snake: the snake could relax, you could not.
laurent: literally just vibing during a strategy sesh damen: He Is Going To Bite Me So Hard Any Second Now
If Laurent had slept at all, he hadn’t done so in the Regent’s bed.
Laurent’s pre-dawn arrival and whatever cold bitchy remarks he had made—sharpened by a night without sleep—had been enough to eject the Regent’s men out of their beds and into a semblance of lines.
There was no immediate disaster.
really setting your expectations high here, damen
Laurent looked like a figurehead, eye-catching and useless.
There was going to be a fortnight of this, with a fight at the end of it. Damen set his jaw, kept his head down and got on with the work he had been assigned. He saw to his horse and his armour. He pitched the Prince’s tent. He moved supplies and hauled water and wood. He washed with the men. Ate. The food was good. Some things were done well. The sentries were posted promptly, and so were the outriders, taking up position with the same professionalism as the guards who had watched him in the palace. The site of the camp was well chosen.
damen should have a tv show where he yassifies military camps to his personal standards. like queer eye
‘I heard you were good at carrying tales. And what will you be doing while Jord stops that fight?’ ‘Getting massaged,’ said Damen, succinctly.
‘Well? Attend me,’ said Laurent. ‘Attend,’ said Damen. The word sank into him. He felt as he had in the training arena when he had been unwilling to go near the cross. ‘Have you forgotten how?’ Laurent said. He said, ‘The last time, this did not end pleasantly.’ ‘Then I suggest you behave better,’ said Laurent.
It was the normal duty of a body servant to dress and undress his master. Laurent accepted the service with the indifference of one long used to attendance. The opening in the brocade widened, revealing the white of an undershirt pressed warm against skin by the heavy outer fabric, and by armour atop that. Laurent’s skin and the shirt were the exact same delicate shade of white. Damen pushed the garment over Laurent’s shoulders and just for a moment felt, beneath his hands, the hard, corded tension of Laurent’s back.
in a theater au, these two would go fucking crazy doing each other’s mics
On the table was the familiar map, weighted by three oranges and a cup. Arranging himself in the chair opposite Damen, casual in pants and undershirt, Laurent picked up one of the oranges and started peeling it. One corner of the map rolled up. ‘When Vere fought Akielos at Sanpelier, there was a manoeuvre that broke through our eastern flank. Tell me how that worked,’ Laurent said.
this is so domestic ahhhhhhhhhh!!!
He caught the wooden practice sword instinctively when Orlant tossed it to him. ‘You any good?’ ‘Yes,’ said Damen.
yes bitch!
‘That’s right. You don’t like fights,’ said Orlant. ‘You prefer going behind people’s backs.’
is this because he breaks up fights and reports to laurent? tf do you want him to do (fiercely defend his prince, i knowww)
‘Afraid to spar?’ said Orlant. ‘No,’ said Damen. ‘Then what? Can’t fight?’ said Orlant. ‘You’re only here to fuck the Prince?’ Damen swung.
Damen supposed he should feel flattered that Laurent had set his best swordsmen to guard him in the palace.
they're so "i can't decide" by the scissor sisters
‘You were looking for me?’ Laurent didn’t answer, and Damen couldn’t interpret his expression. ‘What is it?’ said Damen. ‘You’re better than I am.’ Damen couldn’t help his amused breath of reaction to that, or the long, scrolling look from Laurent’s head to his toes and back again, which was probably a little insulting. But really. Laurent flushed. The colour hit his cheeks hard, and a muscle tightened in his jaw as whatever he felt was forcibly repressed. It was not like any reaction that Damen had ever seen from him before, and he couldn’t resist pushing it a little further. ‘Why? Do you want to spar? We can keep it friendly,’ Damen said. ‘No,’ said Laurent.
this might be the first moment where laurent is clearly flustered by damen in a non-disgusted way. the blush!!! i think laurent finds competence very attractive, especially in areas where he also excels. with some people it can just be a matter of platonic respect, but in this case it’s almost certainly hot to him that damen is such an impressive swordsman—even better than laurent himself.
‘When I fought Govart,’ said Damen, ‘I had my lungs full of chalis.’ Another slow nod. ‘I’m not sure how it is in Akielos,’ said Jord, ‘but . . . you shouldn’t take that stuff before a fight. Slows your reflexes. Saps your strength. Just some friendly advice.’ ‘Thank you,’ said Damen, after a long, drawn out moment had passed.
it doesn’t even occur to jord that laurent drugged damen before the fight. shows how highly he thinks of laurent, and gives us a hint about laurent’s typical behavior when he hasn’t just been jumpscared by his brother’s killer in chains
‘Aimeric’s not a child lured in with a honeyed treat. He’s Guion’s fourth son. He knows that his being here splits his father’s loyalty. It’s half the reason he joined me. He wants his father’s attention,’ said Laurent. ‘If you’re not here to talk to me about Aimeric, why are you here?’
laurent offering aimeric this, like, annoying your elders solidary… it’s strategic for sure, but maybe that’s a tiny part of it too?
I can’t believe you fear Govart. If you did, you’d never have set me against him in the ring.
WAIT so we’ve gone from “laurent hates me and wants me dead” to “i know you didn’t want me dead” ?? i guess it could make sense, though—laurent would have wanted to kill damen himself, right?
‘Why do you give me good advice?’ asked Laurent. Isn’t that why you brought me with you? Instead of speaking those words aloud, Damen said, ‘Why don’t you take any of it?’
this is like dirty talk to me. yessss consider each other as intellectual equals with mutual incredulity
He knew by now that Laurent never acted precipitously, but always walked away and gave himself time and space alone to think.
oh, that’s what you think? note to self: remember this line. it’ll be funny
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mercymermaid · 7 months
next stop theatre rtc production rant
@ihavenoideamanokay you're being sacrificed
- jane didn't actually sing during her first verse of karnak's dream of life, she just flung her doll around which was iconic
- karnak unfortunately spoke very quickly and didn't have the comedic timing of 2016 :(
- virgil was this tiny little rat who moved up and down it was so silly
- karnak had little blinds in his booth and the front one got stuck and at first we thought it was a bit until he opened the side one and said "oh that one works-" (and then during the entirety of uranium suite he was trying to fix it 😭)
- ocean and constance both had the same outfit, jane had the same outfit as them but with white socks (instead of black), noel had a whole ass blazer over his dress shirt, mischa was. mischa. and ricky had a normal sweater vest over his dress shirt and a beanie
- during uranium suite constance kept managing to channel Main Character Energy (/pos) and then ocean just went. nope <3 and constance actively looked hurt
- once karnak started speaking and they were all standing there ricky was rubbing his throat like "oh my god-"
- noel was a lot less vocally expressive but damn his facial expressions were on POINT
- constance was just having this huge ass panic attack throughout the entirety of everyone's catchphrases and it's hilarious
- speaking of, during everyone's introductions, they hovered by karnak's booth just in like a video game idle animation
- noel, instead of being disgusted, just kinda shrugged like "okay, me, pop off"
- ricky did a handstand and slayed
- jane sounds a lot more like an actual teenager, which was great
- she also had a ragdoll which slayed and it's head was constantly falling off
- noel looked like he was struggling very VERY greatly to keep it together while ocean talked
- mischa and noel were so nice to jane 😭 - noel was talking to her about nails during ocean's intro and waving ajd shir, and they both like ushered her around and shit oh my godddd 😭 they'd make hand gestures and jane would imitate and they looked so proud oml 😭 
- mischa sounds german 😭 
- ocean started her songs by aggressively blowing a whistle which spurred everyone into choreography
- jane was really out of it and didn't actually know what she was doing until towards the end of what the world needs 
- ocean somehow managed to hurt everyone at the end - noel was hit in the nose, constance was knocked down, ricky was as well, mischa got kicked away, and ocean used jane as a little stepping thing at the end
- they all very much enjoyed that, and as karnak announced the 'unanimous vote' thing, ricky and noel both were trying not to laugh
- noel started dramatically clapping and it was great
- "not all gay people are fun to be around" he stared ocean right down, stuck his middle finger in his mouth and then cornered her into the middle while aggressively flipping her off (as he should)
- noel yelled a LOT more than "sweet jesus christ on a stick" when he was fed up "I LOVE YOU GUUUUUUYS-"
- his idle animation was some really weird sexually invigorating writhing (funnily enough mischa was sitting behind him 😭)
- instead of the gay pose for the "his mother found out two things", this mf all but twerked and showed off his ass to the audience 
- this man. /pos
- during the "i hear it gives you an erection" ocean looked on the verge of tears and smiled and nodded aggressively when constance suggested just moving on
- noel was fruiTEA he was not holding back at ALL 
- the taco bell pic was on thr back of a karnak poster and noel all but sprinted and screamed to stand in front of it and trying to play it cool (he failed miserably)
- oh the flirting with mischa was WILD
- at one point he made some innuendo ("never wrote a novel.. or had sex.." points at mischa with a wink) and mischa immediately started texting talia
- instead of a full-blown kiss scene it was a bit more of a little peck and then mischa going "😍"
- and then right after that he got his wig lmao
- he was laughing like a MANIAC he was FERAL
- he was about to do a split and then after constance refused to pay he gave up
- his "tell the lord im dying like him" moment was less dramatic and more peppy
- he just say up and excitedly started rattling off what he would say
- he walked down a pathway of chairs and boxes to The Box and then did his lovely singing while everyone else was also on chairs and shit lmao 
- ricky's accordion was rapidly falling apart 💀
- karnak danced to every song except wtwn and ballad
- again. more fucking flirting with mischa. this man was WILD-
- everyone was sitting on the sidelines during ocean's lesson rant
- jane was sitting with constance, trying to show her her doll, which constance accidentally threw onto the stage
- jane went to get it and mischa went "no-"
- also when karnak said "not every story has a lesson" constance was motioning for him to stop like "please do not-"
- tsia was dope. he had a fur coat and EVERYTHING. he was slaying hard
- everyone was being extremely sexual which was fuckinf hilarious to watch 💀 
- noel was getting INTO IT
- ricky had a silly little robot head thing
- "i lay my masculinity at the altar of your maidenhood" he offered his rapper dollar sign necklace 😭 ily sm my guy
- someone said "aw" and he focused on them for the rest of the song lmao
- talia was beautiful. the big projection fabric was brought in as a veil by jane, and then they used it to shadow project jane and (i think) noel dancing behind it it was so cooollllll 
- instead of the dance circle they all just started dancing crazily it was great lmao
- mischa fucking THREW himself at ricky and noel that mf was sobbing
- no sped up speech from ocean (thankfully /j)
- however at the virginity bit noel immediately walked over like "fucking SPILL"
- they all collectively nudged ricky forward it was so sweet like "you should go"
- it was. wild.
- as he was explaining his religion, noel was nodding along like "yeah this seems sick dude"
- instead of having ocean, jane, and constance at the beginning, he had jane, constance, and noel (bisexual king) 
- he had a cape for a bit but took it off before the "it gets weird now"
- speaking of there was no backstage or costume change he just played guitar aggressively smh
- everyone had a cat helmet and fluffy cat tail and they all has different color and they all had visors and mischa's was constantly falling off 💀 
- mischa: "dude you are so cool now" ricky: "nobody-" *gives the biggest fattest nastiest side eye to ocean* "-ever listened to me"
- jane gave her doll to karnak 😭 dadnakdadnakdadnakdadnak-
- her voice was so powerful holy SHIT
- the choreography was everyone moving around with masks on their hands like heads before the first chorus, and then after that it was just hands constantly grabbing at her
- she was terrified kf the hands and heads
- oh and there was uv lihting which made everything very very ckntrasty holy shiat
- her voice was torn between fear pain and anger and it was so fucking gorgeous DUDEEEE
- THOSE HIGH NOTES 🤩 best jane ive seen since emily rohm (i say, this being the only other version i've seen-)
- at the end she just kinda stood there, nobody else was on stage, she kicked the floor like a lil pouty child (my sweetheart) but then when the others started singing happy birthday her eyes widened like "what the fuckkkk"
- mischa beat boxed the first half of the og birthday song
- the new birthday song was super awkward but then ocean figured out the beat and it got really fast really randomly for some reason- felt a bit rushed
- they all blew it out together so once she reached for the cupcake it was already put out
- she didn't wander off to eat the cupcake shr went straight to Ricky
- at first he kinda dismissed her but... oh my goD
- her voice was so confident "savannah, with the greenest eyes..!"
- once the focus shifted off of them ricky unwrapped the cupcake and then he took a bite to show her how to eat it then they took turns until she just shoved the entire thing in her mouth-
- mischa was all alone and then he pointed the bottle at noel who came over
- he offered a sip and noel was such a lightweight hetook one gulp and his knees buckles 😭 
- they had their deep convo and then just took turns drinking until they ended up finishing the entire bottle
- the constance ocean situation. goddamn. it escalated to yelling and then constance punched he really hard and ocean sat down and sulked for the entirety of jawbreaker
- mischa was the guy and he had the tattoo and once he was Free the look of disgust on his face as he tried to dust himself off
- everyone was kinda smiling somberly as constance talked
- they all kinda did their own jigs yk
- dadnak had them walk past his booth and grab various sparkly accessories from a bucket for them to dance with it was so cute
- no recorder solo sadly but she did do some wicked scatting
- it was utterly amAZING
- as ocean being the final vote is announced, the choir turns to look at her rhythmically, and then just look at that exact spot for the rest of her monologue
- it is. long. obviously
- as she's turning around to pick the final vote, everyone makes varying faces of some sort of hope, and as she chooses jane, they relax
- jane's life is revealed by a waterfall of photographs coming from the ceiling and everyone crowds around her to point out all the stuff in them as ocean starts its not a game
- eventually she has all the photos and she's shuffling through them quickly on the verge of tears
- she leaves without much fanfare, constance WAVES and jane runs off behind the wings
- karnak gets his ass killed and just leans out the window, very dead (his death scene was.. interesting)
- as they start it's just a ride oh my god 😭 it's so happy because they're just kinda running around and dancing together and everything AUGH MY HEART
- this one chair to the side was used as the breakdown chair because constance had like thirty anxiety attacks on it and noel was barely keeping himself together from tearing ocean to shreds 
- can't remember in which interaction specifically but ocean pisses mischa off and he stomps off to sulk backwards on a chair by ricky
- either at the beginning of lament or tsia jane fucking. chucks. her doll somewhere behind karnak's booth
- at one point jane and ocean are sitting next to each other and jane keeps trying to initiate contact and ocean is leaning away like 'fuck no babes'
- mischa beat boxing was a good bit and he did it twice-
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anyway that's all-
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mchib · 28 days
I need some Rize and Shuu friendship headcanons!
thank u anon!
i want to say ive never written a fanfic or anything of the sort so im not experienced in that field of writing but i do like do do character analasys and like headcanoning things so feel free to share any opposing views!!
first and foremost i feel like they have a common character flaw that they expect nothing less of an extravagant lifestyle even though both of them attempt to uphold and fulfil this different ways i feel like they would find great company in like luxurious or over the top things and they could perhaps be one of the only people that dont harbor distaste or skeptical feelings towards each other upon learning of the others hobbies. they also have certain tastes and are both picky eaters in their own ways so i imagine a lot of discussions would be had about what characteristics make someone more tasty. that being said i think shuu would continuingly tell rize that shes way too messy and she should invest in self control or at least be more private about her eating habits lolol.
i also feel like they would find solace in each others company talking about like art and philosophy although i imagine shuu already had more than enough people to rant to i think that rize would definitely genuinely listen and engage. if they fought or had a disagreement i imagine one of them being stuck head first in a concrete wall and then shuu would refuse to to her for like a day and call her a barbaric hoodlum behind her back but no real feelings or resentment would comply. i feel like a normal person having a conversation with any of the two would somehow contain an interference of something along the lines of 'woah woah woah you cant say that man thats too far' because they both make pretty morbid jokes but if it were just the two i feel like they would feel as though they could freely speak their mind without anyone wondering how they were raised or what set of events led to such absurd jokes being recited in such grim circumstances.
i feel like shuu would feel sort of be offended meeting rize upon hearing that her insides were used to turn kaneki half ghoul as even when kaneki loses all sanity his and rize's personalities are not compatible in the slightest, and so before learning to get over it he would feel kind of awkward around her because he wants to be mad at her but he knows it wasnt her fault at the same time so hes trying to be civil about it. meanwhile she would think of him as an antisocial snob and try to brag to him about how she made something of herself without being spoon-fed and is able to manage her giant appetite while on the run from the ccg and ghouls alike.
when shuu is like in his terminally ill granny state i feel like she would stay by his side but also be discouraging saying stuff like 'men should suffer in silence' and 'a public execution would be more appealing'. i feel like when they go out together shuu would try really hard to convince her to clean up so they can look fresh as hell and go fancy places but rize always ends up consuming some random homeless guy on the street. rize gives off 'i want to be with the bourgeoiseses' vibes but when they come around she just doesnt want to put in the effort. 'just kick reason to the curb and come with me!' (can you tell i do lyric analasys).
i feel like rize would like use shuu's rich people resources to make stuff like lets pose a hypothetical that ghouls could eat cookies. rize would use shuu's kitchen and ingredients to make the most foul tasting cookies and then put a sticky note on them telling shuu not to touch. then he flips out. rize is also very not used to not having to do dishes or anything in his household so she feels weird about being emptyhanded while others make the food. she'll be trying to hide her pleasure with being treated with such luxury but you can definitely see her grinning at the dinner table. we know she has table etiquette from her and kaneki's date but whats to stop her from completely disregarding all manners when shes in the presence of ghouls? i feel like she'd be kinda gross the first few times over cuz men aint shit but she kind of grows into being at least presentable at dinner.
when they r in the car shuu wants to be passanger princess but he doesnt trust rize behind the wheel. hes not the hero we deserve, but hes all we have right now. irrelevant but if rize was driving she'd like crash on the highway for fun or something. she has a fake license that says something like risse kaminishi from district 12
ok thats all i can think of rn & sorry if i mischaracterized shuu im not nearly as much of an expert on his character but i do enjoy him a lot
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a-sad-machine · 2 years
The Truth (part one)
So as a nice anon once asked for it, here is the first part of my thoughts on which people would find out the truth in the friendly!Impostor sagau, and how/why they managed to do so! :D
 i will probably split this up into multiple posts bc i am kinda new to writing, and also im probably just gonna do general stuff now and specifics later (i really gotta figure out how to work on my posts n stuff as well, i dont even know how to do the ‘read more’ thing qwq)
so first off the city we all began in, cuz its easy to start with uwu
the ones whomst i think would notice that you are actually the real creator: albedo, eula, kaeya, lisa, rosaria, mona, and maybe venti
albedo, eula, kaeya, lisa and rosaria know because they’re all pretty observant, weather it’s because of their instincts and knowledge ganed throughout their lives (eula, lisa and rosaria) or their paranoia born from wanting to protect their home from themself and/or outside forces (albedo and kaeya)
mona would know because of her ability to see the future, she probably tried looking into yours once and suddenly saw the devine creator on their throne, not hard to connect the dots at that point
i think all the archons would know something is off about you from the moment they meet you, thought they’d take different amounts of time to realise what exactly is going on. I believe venti would be the second of the current archons to know, only beated my the archon of knowledge herself. Afterall, he is all about freedom and creativity, so he has an open mind as to why he feels so weird about you, which leads him to the truth earlier than the other archons
the ones who would think something is suspicious, but either wouldnt think of you as the creator or not have proof woud be: amber, bennett, diluc, and jean
diluc and jean notice because they’re also quite observant, thought they are too devoted to the creator to actually think of you being the real one as a solid theory. they might have spend some moments thinking about it, but dismissed it just a few seconds later
amber and bennett are a special case. they mostly notice because of the time they spend with you. i imagine as an outrider and experienced adventurer amber spends a lot of time showing you the best spots of mondstadt. during these times there are bound to be moments where you are just too lucky, which add up to make her question if you are really just a blessed human, or even more. bennett has kind of the same thought process, but mostly since you are able to protect him from all the incidents his bad luck causes. you can’t just be a normal human, anyone else would’ve already gotten badly hurt being around you! maybe you’re just really special, blessed by the creator to be even able to be near him wtihout any unfortunate incidents.
the ones that are too devoted to find anything off with you are: barbara, noelle and succrose
barabara of course is fully devoted to her archon and the church of the divine creator. the thought of Impostor-chan lying or posing as you would never even crossed her mind, since they could never lie to their followers like that (you did tho lol)
noelle is very similar, though less focused on the church and more on just wanting to please people. she has never been able to say no, and probably went to church at leat every sunday to attend the ceremonies in your name. so it’s hard to connect such an unreachable and seemingly perfect being to you, who doesn’t even know how to survive in the wilderness and always returns from expeditions covered in dirt with a smile on their face
sucrose might seem weird at first because she is more into science, but she believes that this is all part of your grand plan. her experiments are only using what was given by the divine creator after all! So while she might like you for your likeness to the ‘divine being’, it takes a while for her to see past the surface and see you for your actual self
the ones that either don’t care or don’t really seem religious are: diona, fischl, klee and razor
diona and klee are honestly just wayyyyyy too young to really care about religion too much. they’re more interested in blowing up fish or creating a horribly tastig drink, so when they meet you, they don’t have too much of an opinion about the divine creator, and just see you as another fun and slightly reckless adventurer
fischl has too much of a chunibyo syndrome. she has always been enraptured in her own fantasy, which didn’t leave too much room for the divine creator. though she has made up a few scenarios with you in mind, they’re all outlandish enough to never connect to you, which means she will adress you as another one of her followers (and freak out if she ever realises who you actually are)
razor just simply doesn’t really know about you. his lupical taught him of a divine being that created all of the lands, far and near, even those which he and the wolves live in! but he thought that the being would be another wolf like andrius, not a human like you, though you do smell kind of strange... he might not think too much of it thought, since he doesn’t know too much of humans yet
(so uh, yeah! hope this kinda was a good thing to read for ppl! if y’all have any requests or questions, send ‘em in and i’ll try to answer to the best of my ability! :D thanks for reading if you’ve even gotten to this point!!)
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the specific scene from the Concept eating my brain that i 100% had to exorcise tonight was: Quentin Coldwater At A Singles Mixer, ft me finally finding an excuse to work in my very passionate belief about teen quentin’s love of donnie darko:
“Nice shirt.”
Quentin says “What?” because he’s wearing a completely normal and boring flannel over a white T-shirt, and then “Thank you,” because that’s what normal people say when someone pays them a compliment, and then “Oh — because — I get it,” because he finally clocks that the girl who said it is wearing what looks to be the exact same one, and finally “Yours, too,” because now that he sees it he can’t just not complete the joke even if it makes him look even less capable of human interaction than he already does.
Miraculously, the girl in the flannel does not start backing slowly away. Instead she says, “My friend dragged me here. And you look like you’re having about as much fun as I am, so I’m guessing — you too?”
Quentin blinks, surprised. “Uh — yeah, kind of.” Close enough, anyway.
Flannel girl rolls her eyes. “These things are so fucking stupid, right?”
He snorts, relieved at least one person in this room shares his feelings. “Yeah, I could think of about five or ten… thousand things I’d rather be doing.”
“Same. Starting with a fucking root canal.”
“Sure,” he agrees. “I was thinking, uh, DMV on a slow day.”
“Calc final.”
“Meta-trig practicum on the full moon.”
“Dragged by wild horses.”
“Burned at the stake.”
“Family reunion with the Florida half.”
“Oof,” Quentin says sympathetically. “I was going to say death by leeches, but I think your thing sounds worse.”
Flannel girl smiles. “So what would you really be doing tonight, if you weren’t here?”
“Honestly?” He rolls his eyes at himself. “Probably something like watching Donnie Darko for the nine hundredth time in bed.”
She strikes a pose. “Never doubt my commitment to sparkle motion!”
Quentin feels himself smile automatically at the phrase. “You a fan?”
“I was like, obsessed with that movie in high school,” she says. “Jena Malone was so formative for me.”
“Theatrical release or director’s cut?”
“Oh, definitely original. The director’s cut is like, let’s take this movie that’s dense and weird and compelling, and just make it some masturbatory sci-fi bullshit. Like, if I wanted to be lectured to about the ins and outs of time travel, I’d just watch Primer, you know?”
“Okay, agreed, but — I do love Primer.”
“Primer’s great. But I find it hard to believe any of the depressed fifteen-year-olds of America are watching Primer every Friday night to feel a little less alone for two hours.”
“No, yeah, it’s a different thing. It’s an intellectual exercise more than anything else, whereas Donnie Darko — theatrical release — the thing that makes it great is it really gets at what it’s like to — feel something. A — a weird, dark, fucked up, adolescent something. But it feels fucking real.”
“It’s a movie for kids who think their problem is their brain, but really it’s that their heart is too big for their body and they’re about ten years from figuring that out.”
“Totally. That’s actually, like, kind of a beautiful way of putting it.”
“I told you. I’ve thought about this movie a lot.” She sticks out a hand. “I’m Maya, by the way.”
“Quentin.” He shakes the offered hand. It occurs to him that he’s actually, like — doing this, maybe? Like he’s — he’s at this fucking singles thing, as a person to meet people to date, and he’s actually kind of — hit it off, with this girl. He’s — not the greatest at picking up social cues, but he’s pretty sure that’s what’s happening. Not like she’s flirting with him, or whatever, because, like, she’s not, but — they’re having a conversation, and it’s not the worst. He’s sort of hoping it keeps going, rather than praying it will end. That’s — not nothing, for him. And she — just introduced herself, so, she probably wouldn’t — mind? And — god, he really doesn’t want to go through this whole ordeal, but he told Eliot he’d give it his best, so, he basically has to at least shoot his shot here, right? He rakes a hand through his hair, trying not to sound nervous. “Hey, um — okay, so I know we were just talking about how stupid this whole thing is, and how we hate it, and like, no pressure, or hard feelings, or anything like that, but — I mean, I don’t hate talking to you, and we — we maybe have some stuff in common, so — did you want to, I don’t know, maybe trade numbers? Or something?”
Her face sags into a pitying look that lets him know immediately he’s made a grave error. “Oh, that’s sweet, but —”
“Sorry,” he rushes to get out, “I’m sorry, forget it, I shouldn’t have —”
“No, it’s fine, it’s just — I’m like, super gay, dude.”
“Oh.” That’s — not the kind of humiliation he was expecting. “Well that’s — cool. I mean, not — I’m not trying to say it is or isn’t any, uh, any thing, like I’m not trying to like, congratulate you, because why would you need my, my approval, or — you don’t —” Stop talking, he pleads with himself. Just stop talking. “Just. You know. Yeah.”
Maya peers at him. “The Jena Malone thing didn’t tip you off?”
Quentin shrugs. “I guess I’m not really thinking about that kind of thing when I talk to people, usually.”
“Ah. Well, if it makes you feel any better —” She smiles. “That’s definitely the least repulsively I’ve ever been hit on by a straight guy.”
He snorts. “I think we both know that’s a pretty low bar to clear.” That gets a laugh out of her, at least. “And I’m actually — not. Straight, I mean.”
“Oh.” She wrinkles her nose in apology or embarrassment. “Sorry. My bad.”
“It’s not like it matters, it’s just — you know. For the sake of accuracy, or whatever.”
She tilts her head. “I mean it… kind of matters.”
“Okay, obviously in like a kind of macro societal sense, yes, this is a facet of human existence that matters in all kinds of, uh, legal and historical and cultural ways,” Quentin says, residual exasperation bubbling to the surface, “but on, like, an individual level, person to person, I feel like it’s one of those things where reasonable people can maybe learn to agree to disagree.”
“Uh huh,” she says, skeptical and amused. “I feel like maybe this is a conversation you’re having with someone who is… not me.”
He sighs. “Sorry. Yeah. It’s a bit of a sore spot right now, maybe.”
“An ex?”
“You… could say that. I guess. Or — kind of. Maybe? I don’t know. It’s complicated. Like, we’re not together, but it’s not necessarily over over, and also he’s one of my best friends and we sort of live together, at least when he’s — in town, so — complicated.”
“It’s too bad this isn’t going to work out, because you would make a great lesbian.”
Quentin laughs. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” She bites her lip. “Actually — if you like movies… there’s this really cool Korean horror movie showing at Metrograph on Sunday that I couldn’t talk anyone into going with me, because somehow I’m friends with people who do this sort of shit” — she gestures ambiently — “for fun. God knows I’m not above going to a movie by myself, but if you wanted to join me, as friends…”
“Oh.” This is about as unexpected as walking away from this with an actual date would be. And — maybe weirdly almost as nice? Maybe even nicer, given that he doesn’t actually want to date anyone not named Eliot Waugh, but he, like, could probably stand to be friends with one person he’s not basically trauma-bonded with at this point. Some might even argue that could be healthy. “Yeah. That sounds kind of great, actually.”
“Awesome.” Maya flashes him a smile. “In the meantime, I think I’m supposed to go mingle, but I think if I stay here another five minutes, I’m going to hurl.”
“I know a hedge bar like three blocks south of here,” he says. “If we leave now I think we can still catch their happy hour.”
“Lead the way,” she says, and gratefully Quentin starts walking towards the exit.
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halliescomut · 10 months
In Defense of Wedding Plan....or Lom, more specifically...
So, I actually don't see a lot of discourse on here about Wedding Plan...maybe I just haven't been on here as much. But also, there are a lot of deeper shows on at the moment that are tackling more ethereal ideas and Wedding Plan is more pulp-y romcom than anything else, so it's not necessarily ripe for deep discussion. But on tiktok where I'm fairly active in the BL community I have seen so much hate on this show. And I understand certain levels of frustration about the choice of storyline, but I also get frustrated because I feel like people are purposely disregarding several things.
(Editors note from right before I post this, I was going to add visuals, but I'm too emotionally exhausted now, so you'll just have to settle for the wall of text.)
I agree that it's not good, or right, or acceptable for Lom to have lied to Nuea. But there's been behavior that acts as though Lom is cheating...he's not in a romantic relationship with Yiwa!! He can't cheat on her. And yes, it does lead Nuea to believe he's at least attempting to cheat, but that's not the same. I recognize that Nuea would not feel great about his feelings towards Lom, both because of their professional relationship and what he is assuming about Lom and Yiwa's private relationship. But that's also a nuanced discussion in and of itself because Nuea knows there's something fishy going on with Lom's engagement. He doesn't know what, but he definitely suspects, I think from as early as episode 2. They go out of their way to set up in episode one his sort of sixth sense about couples with that McDonald's scene. Their intention is for us to see how observant Nuea is.
And watching this most recent episode (episode 6) as soon as Lom revealed that he fell for Nuea at Pai's wedding and said that he watched him, I knew that the comments were going to be out of pocket. It is not weird or stalker-ish to see a person that you find attractive out in the wild and look at them or watch them. That's straight up normal. I have done that. Now do I truly believe it was love at first sight? No, because I don't think you can love a person without knowing them, but this is also romantic fiction and love at first sight is literally the most common trope there is. It's also not weird or gross or stalker-ish for him to get Nuea's company contact info from Pai. If you like someone and you know that your friend has their contact info...asking them is not weird. I'd maybe be a bit iffy on a direct phone number, but a insta or snapchat name, a Line ID, that's not sus...like at all. He didn't hand over Nuea's personal address or something. And let's also remember that Prapai KNOWS Lom. They are friends. He knows that Lom is not a dangerous person, he doesn't pose harm to Nuea.
I'd also like to discuss episode 4/5...the first NC scene. I keep seeing comments about dubious consent or lack of consent altogether, and while I can agree with dubious...it's on Lom's part. When you watch the end of episode 4, Nuea isn't drunk. Like we're not given a clear shot of the table, but you see Lom with 3 empty beer glasses and drinking a 4th when Nuea shows up. Nuea you only see drink one, out of a short, mixed drink style glass, one you'd have like a Rum & Coke in, and the beverage is clear with a lemon wedge, so it's not even clear if it's alcoholic. But even if it was there are 3 total glasses like it on the table, so assuming Nuea drank all three, he'd have had to take them all back to back to back in order to be wasted after that. But beyond the context clues, his behavior does not indicate inebriation at all. He's steady on his feet, he's not slurring, there are no acting choices made that would lead one to believe he's drunk.
The fallout that comes for Nuea after that night isn't because of concerns about consent issues. It's about reconciling a destructive decision. People make bad choices all the time. They'll get caught up in an emotion, an idea, a person, and they'll do something without truly thinking about the consequences. And eventually it's morning and you have to accept the choice you made. Is it heartbreaking to watch that with Nuea? Absolutely. I cried at that scene. Pak did such an amazing job. And Nuea isn't the only one who suffers from that emotional fallout. We see the fear and distress on Lom's face when he wakes up and Nuea is gone. You can see his distress when talking to Nuea's boss. He tries to pull the rich guy privilege BS (which I will absolutely admit I hated), but she's not falling for it. After the boss learns everything, she gives Lom the contact info for Nuea's family, which again pissed a lot of people off. But again, it's not direct contact or access to him. She also knows that Nuea is in a place where he is safe and has a support system around him. Also Lom, while not a super clear thinking dude in that moment, is not a freaking serial killer and Nuea's boss is not an imbecile. She didn't just cave to Lom's puppydog eyes, and it feels kind of dismissive to me for people to act like she did.
So many people were upset that he followed Nuea to Chiang Mai...like...it's the same argument we heard about Pai for several episodes. If those things don't happen, there's no fucking show. If Lom stays in Bangkok and Nuea stays in Chiang Mai until the wedding has happened then the story just ends. And if you feel like there's no redemption for Lom after withholding the full truth from Nuea... why are you even still watching the show? Legitimately why? Because what is your expectation when you don't truly believe there's a way for Lom to be redeemed at all?
And I'll be honest, seeing the pretty dismissive reactions to Lom telling the whole story about him and Yiwa coming to the realization that their parents wouldn't be able to accept their sexuality, it really kind of hurts. I know in a lot of ways it feels easy to believe that the reason they hid it is because they didn't want to lose their inheritance, but have you considered that maybe they do love their parents? At least a little? I know that especially for many people in western audiences it seems easy and simple to say "just leave then" in response to queer people who stay closeted because of their families, but there are always going to be so many layers to that. Especially when you look at through a cultural context lens. It's really just is not that simple. Money creates a lot of privilege, that's very true. But we can also look at real life people for whom that money isn't clearing the way for them to live their life fully openly. You can literally look at PP Kritt and see that despite his privilege, fame, and familial wealth, he is still dealing with consistent societal discrimination.
I also don't love this narrative that Yiwa is being selfish. The arrangement was mutually agreed upon, by both of them. To keep each other's secrets and let Yiwa have her love. Does that seem unfair to Lom? Yeah, but he wouldn't have seen it that way prior to meeting Nuea. He wasn't expecting to ever get anything remotely close to a happily ever after, so it wasn't truly a sacrifice to him when he made that agreement.
And this also circles back to his comment about saying that he wanted Nuea even though he was getting married, because he just wanted that one moment of happiness. Is it a selfish idea? Yes, but to be shocked that a rich, privileged man exhibited selfishness is a bit much. But also, I don't think Lom was expecting to fall for Nuea. Like I said, I don't really think it was love at first sight, but lust. I think the more time he spent with Nuea the deeper he fell. I believe his intention was to have something along the lines of a fling, and that when it was over Nuea would move on from him and find his eventual happily ever after and he would settle for memories. That's part of why I think he withheld the truth even after Yiwa told him it was okay to tell Nuea the full truth. This is a man who never expected to find joy or a true partner but was willing to go to extreme's to help the person he sees as a sister have the opportunity to have her own happiness. But yeah, he's just a shitbag.
And the references to love-bombing...I hate how people have brought that term into the discussion of the last two episodes. So if you're not familiar with the term, it's become more common on social media in the discussion around narcissistic and abusive partners. It generally refers to overwhelming physical displays of affection like gifts and such, especially early on in a relationship, essentially with the intention of creating a power imbalance in favor of the narcissistic partner.
The following are the most common signs of love-bombing:
They give you needless gifts 
They’re in a rush to lock things down 
They’re always available and demanding of your attention 
They can’t take ‘no’ for an answer 
They like you better when you’re alone 
They over-communicate their love for you 
You feel overwhelmed, uneasy or off-balance 
These are not things that Lom is doing. Buying McDonalds and ice cream for someone so they know you care...that's not love-bombing, that's at best wooing. Especially when intent is part of why it matters. Lom is doing it to show he cares, to show he pays attention to what Nuea likes, not in an attempt to make Nuea feel indebted to him for said gifts (that total up to about $10). Lom isn't trying to lock things down with Nuea, he's not attempting to force Nuea to choose him. He just wants Nuea to make the decision to either choose him or not knowing his love is genuine. He wants Nuea to be making an informed decision. He does not demand Nuea's attention, at most he requests it sometimes. He takes 'no' for an answer pretty regularly. He doesn't purposely or intentionally try to get Nuea alone. 'They over-communicate their love'...this one seems iffy, but it's not about saying "I love you" to a person, it's more related to presenting that love to others to cement a relationship. Essentially trying to make it awkward for a person to say 'oh well we're not quite that serious'. And that last one...Nuea is reflective and considering of the situation as a whole, but he's not uneasy, he's not overwhelmed. You could maybe argue afraid, but not of Lom, he's afraid of potential future heartbreak. Love itself is scary. Feelings of that depth and strength are scary. Because we all know that even if that love lasts the rest of your lives, the length of your lives is never guaranteed, and loss is ALWAYS a potential outcome.
I'm not arguing that the show is without flaws, all of Mame's shows/stories are flawed. But I do feel like there was a level of expectation that seems entirely misplaced. Like, these same people who love Payu and Rain to death, had nothing to say to the reveal that Payu had orchestrated at least one instance of a run-in with Rain, a person with whom there was a far larger power imbalance, but Lom pursuing Nuea, a grown ass adult who is never afraid to speak his mind to Lom, that's too problematic???
I don't know anymore. I like the show. It has faults, and flaws, and so do it's characters, but Lom is not a fucking mustache twirling villain out to trick and capture poor, sweet, stupid Nuea. And that's kind of how it feels like the discussions about the show have been going.
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buggyandthebartoclub · 9 months
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Some SFW Goofy / Silly HC's for Shachi!! For my beloved @mandiemegatron - my beloved Shachi mutual <3 THESE HC ARE SFW MY BLOG IS NOT head the warnings above! Ageless blogs without 'adult' in bio will be blocked if you interact!
Goofy/Random Shachi HC's (Silly/Goofy Shachi in love at the bottom as a bonus)
Music taste alternates between heavy rock and the cringiest shit you’ve ever heard bc it made him laugh ( He and Penguin listen to bbno$ and Yung Gravy, and I think that’s hilarious - pry that one from my cold dead hands.)
LOVES puns. I mean, just look at his fucking hat!
Also loves being cheesy/cheesy stuff. Silly poses, cringe outfits, bad puns, b rated movies, tacky patterns, you name it. If it makes a normal person cringe even just a little he LOVES it! (Again.. look at his hat!)
Also likes cute stuff like Law, but not embarrassed by it (see above point) and will go overboard w it if he’s messing w Law (imagine that one post of them all going to see the barbie movie?? Pen made Law promise for them dress up for it but Shachi got the outfits ready that’s how I imagined that happening anyway )
Either super great or absolute dog shit at games. No in between. Avoids the ones he sucks at like the plague. Is a sore loser and WILL pout if he’s lost enough times (still pouts even if he only loses a little but its more subtle and he can get over it quicker lol)
His jokes/humor are also the same as his style and game talents, His jokes are usually cheesy, and either really fuckin funny or absolute cringiest shit you’ve ever heard, almost no in-between 
Loves pranks. Goes without saying really
Has this uncanny knack for finding things people would be unable to decide if they like or not, like say a keychain of their fave character for example, but the character is doing some weird bizarre ooc shit or its some on the most unhinged knock off of the original they’ve ever seen
Will tell you wrong information with his whole ass chest. He believes it. He is a a bit dumbass. Himbo-y if you will. Is shocked when he realizes he is in fact wrong and thinks you’re fucking with him. Always takes a minute to convince him he’s actually wrong even though no one is ever fucking with him when they tell him he’s wrong NOT saying he is rude or mean about it is just genuinely shocked he’s wrong what do you MEAN you’re serious that much salt doesn’t go in there you’re just trying to mess him up haha Ikaku… oh shit Ikaku was serious!! that was too much salt wtf!! 
Hes always joking so he thinks everyone else is too sometimes… to his own detriment occasionally lol, always says sorry after for not taking them seriously after with an embarrassed laugh ————Silly/Goofy in Love Shachi HC’s————
Mad dumb when in love/crushing
Im talking giggly, wiggly, ramp up the funny guy act by 10 (at first, he does chill out the longer the crush lasts/the more he’s around them/the more developed the relationship is)
Mixes up words a lot and says lots of goofy shit, esp when trying to be punny AND flirty, his poor brain can’t always keep up
Heartfelt/over the top romantic, gets pretty cheesy
Cheesy is honestly core staple of his personality, you have to love laughing and having fun to be with him for sure because that’s what fills most of your days together if you’re with him
Is a tickle monster, uses it to his advantage to get more cuddles and/or kisses in And make his partner laugh
If he thinks something about him turns his partner/crush on/they like that about him will go out of his way to try and show off even after getting together. Like his arms? Will tie down the top half of his suit and claim to be hot while working.. when its super cold lol - not subtle at all, plays dumb when teased about it
Dishes it out way harder than he can take it, is a bit of a baby if teased too much- will deny at all costs. Still tells you if it was a good burn tho later on
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maxverstepponme · 1 month
Even though no one asked for it here's my 2 cents on Kelly and max.
Number one: Pushing Penelope more into the spotlight is all on Kelly, she's been called out multiple times for leaving her kid alone while she's runs after Max. So to now prove she's a good mother she's showing she takes P with them.
Number Two: Using P to make people, especially Max fans like her. To begin with and up until Nelson Piquet scandal, fans liked her or at least liked that she gave them Max content. That disliked then again increased when her Vogue cover was revealed and the interview, people didn't like her cosplaying as a driver and making no mention of how hard it is for women to be F1 drivers; her 'magical night' with a fresh faced 18 year old max and her 27; and how it became clear that she was with max for the career opportunities he could bring her, like how cover was for Vogue NEDERLANDS. So once people starting cropping her out of photos with Max, she tried the whole get as close to him as possible so they couldn't (she does this weird sniffing him pose)
seen here https://www.instagram.com/p/C1KPMeOseVw/?img_index=9
and here https://www.instagram.com/p/C0M6M_rMlbX/?img_index=1
Once that failed she started posting just pictures or videos of him and P. Fans fawned over this shouting girl dad from the rooftops, so her ig engagement went up and people started to like her again cause if the P content.
Number Three: She needs P for her ig engagement, most if not all her comments say 'here before max' 'can't believed I liked before max' or something along the lines cause Max (or whoever) likes all her posts. So by pushing P onto her feed the comments turn to 'awwww look at P' or 'so cute'
Number Four: She changing her career direction, instead of being this 'baddie' model she tries to portray herself as she's turning to the 'mommy' influencer route. Exposing and posting P is part of that, an almost 'look at me I'm a mom who's so good and I also model'.
and finally Number Five: Her and Max are falling apart behind the screens of social media and cameras, and this is her last ditch effort to push P to Max so they don't split. Everywhere they've been this year P has been with them, they honestly don't seemed to have been alone since Qatar last year. Which is normal for a couple with a child, you normally go places as a family but this isn't the norm for them. Kelly has no problem leaving P and she still doesn't she went to LA, PFW and probably the Nederlands to shoot that video (as it looks like the hairdresser NL studio) so why does it seem she now can't leave her to be with Max alone?
And with Kelly chronically capturing every moment on her camera and then posting it, it seems Max didn't spend that much time with them in the 2 weeks they were there and went into the city like 4 times.
She also is doing the same thing she did last year where she'll go to a GP but somehow its magically aligned with some 'work' she has there
e.g. before the Barhain GP she had to go to the gym and promote Alo and do a papz walk
Then Australia GP she went to LA before hand so it was like 'oh I had a job in LA and then I've flown to Australia to see my kid'
Japan GP she did a Replay ad in Tokyo and apparently go 'invited' to the Tiffany and Co exhibition, but really it was a 3 week holiday 1 week skiing, then the GP and then the 2 weeks after in Tokyo.
And now for the Miami GP she's got a Patbo dinner that she's 'co-hosting' and so other event she went to.
I can't help but laugh at her caption 'our annual lunch' like girl be for real what do you do for either of those brands, like they do so much for you.
“You won’t crop me out” 😭😭
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