#but like.. gender means something different to wade than it does for peter.
sciderman · 27 days
(Idk if someone asked this already) since we’re on the topic of gender
sci what is gender to you and how do you see it in you and how you express it in your art?? (Just a young queer artist who wants some light shined upon them 🥺)
i 'unno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#gender is soup#sci speaks#i'm so sorry i know you might hope for something profound but... i think when i'm put on the spot like this i can't say anything really#i think whatever i am is definitely pervasive in everything i write#but like.. gender means something different to wade than it does for peter.#just like it'll be different for everybody. we make different associations based on our experiences and our trauma.#like.. wade associates femininity with love. because of his mother. associates masculinity with violence. because of his father.#peter associates masculinity with responsibility. because of uncle ben. associates femininity with confidence. because of aunt may.#i think there's all kinds of reasons why we choose to present the way we do. and what gender means to us.#just like we'll associate a colour with something. or a smell with a memory. it's complicated.#i don't think i'm some kind of expert on gender things but... i just find it interesting to explore. the psychology of it.#i don't think it's supernatural. it doesn't come from nowhere. but it should be a playground.#i don't think anyone in this world should be restricted to a certain role to play. i want to try all the roles and see how it fits.#see how well i can play them.#maybe because i haven't found one that quite fits. so i want the opportunity to try whatever i can. see what feels right.#i think it would be fun to be a wife. i think it would be fun to be a husband. i think it would be fun to be a firefighter. i think it wo#shrugs. different outfits for every day. different roles to play.#today i'd like to try...#i think it's like kids learning how to be adults by playing pretend. by playing roles.#i'm learning more about myself and other people and fitting into the world by trying on different roles.#kids playing house. you be the mom. i'll be the dad. yadda yadda.#i still feel like a bit of a kid who hasn't figured out how to be an adult yet. so i'm still trying out roles to see what fits.
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shititbe · 3 years
Anyway, Peter Parker is Bi, and I Won’t Be Convinced Otherwise.
Firstly, we have to get our bases covered. What exactly is Bi-sexuality? What is sexuality? 
Sexuality is defined as a persons identity in relation to gender(s) they are attracted to. Why is this important? Peter’s sexuality has never been specifically stated in the comics, nor in any other form of media. It’s assumed that he is straight because of his popular relationship with Mary Jane Watson in the comics, and the movies. 
Now that we have a bases for what exactly sexuality is and how it’s defined, let’s go over Peter’s partners. 
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Obviously Peter and Mary Jane are a piece of comic book history. They eventually get married, though sadly, during the events of Civil War II (I think, don’t quote me) Peter and Mary Jane sell their marriage to Mephisto in order to save Aunt May
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They later had their memories of their marriage restored, they have yet to get back together and it’s been a few issues if I remember correctly. Next we have Peter’s first, and most unfortunate love, Gwen Stacy. 
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They dated in high school where she later died. Of course, Peter has dated other people (namely, Black Cat, Betty Brant, Carol Danvers, Anna Maria, Cindy Moon, Lian Tang, and so on). Since we have his known history of heterosexuality out there, we need to move onto another important part of Peter’s Bi-sexuality. An important implication in any media, especially queer media though, and that is the homoerotic subtext. 
Homoerotic subtext is important part of queer culture, a lot of the time it’s used to portray a characters queerness without saying it out (see: Dorian Gray by Oscar Wild or Great Gatsby By Fitz). In current decade, homoerotic subtext is often used for queer baiting or creating more realistic male friendships. 
So what’s the difference between someone creating a health male friendship (or a character comfortable in their heterosexuality) and implying a character is queer? 
Here are some examples of a healthy male character, both with himself and his friendships.  
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Clearly he’s just taking the shit, and messing around with Reed. He’s comfortable enough (or as I like to see it, so traumatized because good god this guy has been Spider-Man since he was 15 good god that’s awful. He probably doesn’t care anymore). Here are some examples of Peter a little more than just a straight man shooting the shit. 
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This has three meanings. Two of which I will take, one of which is just deeply embarrassing. Despite Peter’s history with humiliating events, I don’t think he would get his own spunk in his eyes. Leaving the other two options, he has experience getting spunk of - some kind - in his eyes, and/or he’s taking the shit again. Which is very likely. 
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Kissing a cop? For....no reason? A little not so hetero of you Peter. 
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You can practically hear his disappointment in his voice. Also could be read as taking the shit, but why would you. 
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Making out with The Thing? Gay. 
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This one is the most important. Peter is clearly tired, annoyed by his teammates (see wolverine being wolverine in the corner). Shits on fire, its mid battle, and Peter has the audacity to mutter “I hate men” to himself. The only people I have every heard say this in that was are lgbt and straight women, and lgbt men. This kind of expression only comes from people who date, or deal with men in a completely different world than straight men. Straight men use this phrase as an endearment, “Oh have you seen Bill today, I hate that guy.” “Man Jerry can do so many push-ups, I hate that guy.” Very different language, and implications (I also, obviously don’t know how straight men speak). 
 Now that we’ve gone over our bases, and homoerotic subtext. How else could we gather that Peter Parker is Bi? There are many tropes in media - queer media - that allure to a characters queerness. Like homoerotic subtext, there are ways to tell an audience something without specifically saying it. 
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This is a gay wedding Peter went to in the recent comics. I don’t know if any of you have been to a gay wedding recently, but Peters face (the first panel above the wedding) is the same exact face I made at my first gay wedding. It’s the face of excitement for not only the couple, but for yourself. The hope that maybe, you too can actually be in a same-sex relationship. 
I’m also going to allure to queer tropes as stated previously. Such as the real, and fictional trope of lgbt people sticking together. Thousands of years of belittlement and oppression will make groups of people not want to wonder out, and subconsciously look for others like them. 
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Johnny Storm (and Wade Wilson since he comes in later but I couldn’t find a picture of the confirmation) is cannon Bi-sexual (Pan-sexual). 
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Their friendship is deeply homoerotic as most queer friendships in media and real life are. Johnny flirts with Peter on many occasions (saying his ideal women is a female version of Peter, inviting him over to watch is sex tape, and so on) and of course oh my god they were roommates. 
Some other popular queer tropes are: Found Family, Soulmates, and Enemies to lovers. Because it’s superhero related, this includes the Identity Porn tag as well.  
Peter Parker and Wade Wilson have a famous Love/Hate relationship. I mean, how could you expect anything less when your first meeting with this known mercenary is him throwing your civilian persona out the window of a car. Now, Wade still doesn’t know Peter is Spider-Man in the current run of comics, but that doesn’t make anything about them any less gay. 
For the Found Family Trope: 
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Because it’s Peter and Wade, their whole development can be read as Enemies to Friends to Lovers, so I wont bother backing that up because, uh, it speaks for itself. One panel really does to add that cause though 
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I’m not going to explain what a free-pass list is.
The Soulmates part I know I have to back up. 
For SoulMates:  
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Now this panel requires a little explanation. Wade kills Peter, not knowing he’s Spider-Man. Weasel takes over for Peter (they don’t know its him) so no one suspects he’s dead. Deadpool begins to feel guilty he killed his best buds best bud, so he tries to bring Peter back to life. Losing his stunning good looks (switching back to how he looked before Weapon X making his wife Shiklah estranged (then she married Dracula but thats beside the point)). Spider-Man is Peter’s “true self” or patronus for Harry Potter fans. Wade is stupid and hasn’t connected the dots yet, effectively making him the biggest simp in history. Seriously, who destroys their marriage for the c h a n c e for getting some with their idol? A Simp, that’s who.
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Peter forgives Wade for killing him (and for saving him from killing their genetic daughter itsy-bitsy). If someone killed me they better be hot as fuck before I even thing about forgiving them. Ignoring Peter’s super sexy forgiving nature, uh, he’s kinda simping. 
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Died in each others arms. Nothing else is needed. 
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They’re heartmates. From what I read, the feeling has to be mutual in order for it to work. The witches (long story, comics are hard to explain) that captured deadpool were expecting his wife so they could get the headmistress back. Instead, they got Peter. Basically Heartmates = soulmates but chosen for you instead of chosen by you. 
To conclude my point: 
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Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. 
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jenetica · 3 years
A Brief Note from Our Sponsors: Us.
Greetings! If you’re here, it’s likely that you have questions or complaints about our decisions regarding the Calendar Girls series. An ominous start to this discussion, but truly, we welcome you! If you’re here, it means you have been emotionally impacted by our work and, even though this context isn’t the cheeriest, we are so, so grateful you (1) enjoyed our work enough to care about it, and (2) want to develop a better understanding of our process so that you can engage with Calendar Girl more.
First of all, we understand why you’d be upset with us! The cliffhanger at the end of AotM was a DOOZY and leaves a LOT of important questions unanswered, and we left you readers hanging for a LONG time. This post will, hopefully, assuage the worst of your fears without giving away too many plot points.
That being said, please note that there WILL be spoilers ahead. If you want to see the story unfold as we intended, do NOT read this post further. We will tell you now that the post addresses the Deadpool’s identity, our decisions regarding the construction of AotM and the final cliffhanger, our decisions regarding developing the sequel as a prequel, and our plans for future installments. And, naturally, the accusations of “queerbaiting.”
Let’s get started.
It makes sense to open with the most serious issue, so let’s talk about queerbaiting. For anyone here who doesn’t know, queerbaiting is defined as the purposeful insinuation of a homosexual/queer relationship, only to backtrack/subvert that insinuation to avoid the queer relationship. For an example, see: Supernatural from Season 4 and on. 
We have received accusations of queerbaiting for about four years, based exclusively on the reveal at the end of the final chapter. Similarly, we have received complaints that we duped readers into reading hetfic. So, to get things out of the way, yes, Deadpool is Gwen. No, it’s not a trick of the light, or a mistake, or some odd resemblance. They are one and the same. HOWEVER, that does NOT mean that we have queerbaited anyone.
First of all, the tags of the story are honest, and they always have been. AotM is tagged as a “Multi” fic, meaning that there are relationships of multiple orientations involved, and it is tagged with Peter/Gwen as well as Peter/Wade. Careless Whisper is tagged as F/M. We have never suggested or implied that the story would exclusively be slash fiction. We actually left multiple hints that Wade enjoyed femininity, at least as a practice, if not an identity. iFlail and I discussed this issue at length as we wrote/edited AotM and carefully crafted the story with queerbaiting in mind. 
Peter is an unreliable narrator, he always has been, and he always will be. In AotM, Peter assumes Wade is a man and thus, for the purposes of the narrative, Wade is one. The truth, however, is less clean than that. We won’t get into the details here, but safe to say, gender is not binary, it is not permanent, and it is not inexorably linked to one’s biology. Wade has a complicated history and a complicated/unique sense of identity. We have always intended for him to be that way, just as we always intended for him to be notably, pointedly smaller than Peter. 
The accusations of queerbaiting and/or conning readers into reading “het” fic are exclusionary of the greater conversation of gender identity. It was, frankly, disheartening to see so many people assume heterosexuality based exclusively on the last word of AotM. We hope that our work will challenge readers to be more mindful of the expansive world of gender, and to avoid assuming that a specific kind of pairing might involve specific kinds of body parts.
If you have any questions or reservations about our queerbaiting at this point, you are either welcome to keep reading future installments of this work to learn more, or you are welcome to stop altogether. The choice is yours. 
With that hot-button topic out of the way, let’s talk about the greater concept of ending a story of a cliffhanger, our thoughts behind building this series, and our goals for future installments. 
The second part of the Calendar Girl series, Careless Whisper, was written first, and it comes first chronologically. I (Jenetica) initially worked on the story by myself, as an exploration into the concept of “Gwen becoming Deadpool” to see how it might play out. I ended up writing a story I loved, so I moved onto the next part of the story, set four years later. This ended up becoming Angel of the Morning. 
@iflailfic, a good IRL friend of mine from college, came onboard (after I wooed her with several stories worth of porn, as you can see through a jaunt through my posted works) to help me edit. She fell in love with AotM and, as we worked on first draft edits, she floated the idea of AotM coming before Careless Whisper. Honestly, I rejected the idea at first (not sure if she actually knows/remembers that part, lol), because I couldn’t fathom how we would be able to link the parts of the story together. But, eventually, I began to realize her point: AotM introduces our protagonists, develops the “current” world for the series, and has a more dynamic/engaging plot. 
The cliffhanger was a joke at first. My idea. I think my exact words were something like, “LOLOL what if we just ended on ‘GWEN?’ OMG IMAGINE hahahahaha.” But, as we continued to edit… it became the perfect way to end things. Anything that came after that point felt like trash. If we’d expanded any further, we ran the risk of falling headfirst into Part 3 and doubling the size of AotM. Let’s be real, the ending is, all waiting aside, an absolute nuclear bomb on the rest of the story. 
We talked about the likelihood of enraged readers. But we rationalized it by telling each other/ourselves that we had Careless Whisper written, so the wait wouldn’t be too killer.
Best laid plans.
I (Jenetica) take full responsibility for the time it took to start posting again. Over the last four years, I have gone through a number of experiences that challenged my sense of self and pushed me to become a different person, including moving halfway across the country, attending a relatively prestigious law school where I was no longer “the smart kid in the room,” and losing the relationship that I later learned was toxic and abusive. I lost my confidence in a number of ways, including my confidence as a writer. I became terrified that I would never produce anything that lived up to AotM, and that I would disappoint the many (many!) readers demanding answers. Luckily for me, through that adversity I found rewarding friendships, a beautiful partner who treats me the way I’d always fantasized/written about people like me getting treated, and an engaging career that leaves me with enough energy to write. My experiences are mirrored by iFlail, who went through a different, but similarly life-changing, series of events. But through this all, we never lost hope in this story, and we always planned to complete the series. We are wiser, stronger people now, and we both believe that the story will be richer for it. 
Which brings us to now, and our plans for the future. We do NOT intend to wait another four years to post X Gon’ Give It To Ya, the third and final installment of the series. We have spent countless hours brainstorming the plot, and all that’s really left to do is put it to paper. But, for people who are afraid of being burned twice, we will warn you now that Careless Whisper is JUST a prequel. If you want to know what happens after the “Gwen?” reveal, you will not get any answers until XGGITY (which I have, as of just now, decided to pronounce as “Ziggity”). We hope you stick around to watch Careless Whisper unfold, but we will understand if you want to wait until XGGITY to start reading again.
The Calendar Girl series has received more attention than we’d ever dreamed, and regardless of whether you liked or disliked our work, we want to thank you for taking the time to read it. If you made it to the end of AotM, we did something right, and again, we are so grateful that so many people have stuck with us this far.
We encourage everyone, moving forward, to keep a close eye on the tags that we use for our stories. We may not tag everything relevant, for the sake of preserving mystery about the plot, but we will be sure to tag everything that may be triggering or concerning, like self-harm, violence, or expected brand of romantic/sexual interactions. We will be adding this warning to the beginning of each story in the series.
Additionally, we want to acknowledge that there is a stark difference between legitimate concerns about the story and unfounded attacks on our character. Our decision to make this post is our attempt to dissuade the latter: We are not queerbaiting, and we have no interest in “forcing” people to read content that is not to their taste. However, that doesn’t mean that our execution of AotM, Careless Whisper, and/or XGGITY will be beyond reproach. The conversation on gender politics has evolved tremendously over the years that we’ve been working on this series, and it will undoubtedly continue to evolve as we progress into the future. We encourage constructive (!!!) criticism and open conversation on ways that we can improve our story, even if it involves tweaking published work to avoid mishandling deeply personal issues.
That said, if, after reading this post, you are still upset and/or unconvinced about our intentions for this series, we encourage you to stop reading it. We are not compensated for this work, and we have spent hundreds (probably thousands, by now) of hours striving to make the Calendar Girl series the best that it can be, for our own benefit. We believe that it may be the best fanfiction we will ever produce, and our satisfaction with our work is our priority. We will continue to post with that priority at the forefront, and with the demands of our reader base playing second fiddle. Similarly, we expect our readers to prioritize their needs above all others. We ask for your patience and your kindness moving forward and, if you cannot give us that, you are welcome to close the tab and move on with your life to other ventures that suit your interests better.
For those of you that choose to stay: You are in for a hell of a ride. We are both anxious to get through Careless Whisper, because we are both SO excited to share XGGITY with you. We believe it’s going to knock your socks off. We hope to see you there. 
Thanks, everyone, and happy reading!
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peniabeset · 6 years
Still your baby boy
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Bucky Barnes x trans reader.
(Warnings- mild gender dysphoria, fear of rejection and implied sex.)
You and Bucky have been in a relationship for a little over six months and he still doesn't know that you're transgender. He respects you when you say you're not ready to have sex with him, he's fine with that, not even questioning it. 
That is until Natasha slips up and almost outs you.
The bed frame creaks as the weight of a body shifts behind you. Arms wrap around your middle, one is warm flesh, the other lukewarm metal that hums softly against your ribs. 
There's soft light filtering through the tinted windows of the Avengers tower, giving the room an almost glowing feeling. Your chest swells with warmth when he pulls you closer to his chest, skin and more metal pressing into your back.
You role over to look at the person who's arms they belonged to, metal plates shifted against your skin- leaving goosebumps in its wake as they lifted their arm up so you could shift easier to face them. His eyes are closed, his breathing coming slow and steady. His shoulder length brown hair is fanned across half of your pillow that his head is buried in. 
If there was anyone else that saw him like this they would think that he was fast asleep. You knew better though as you reached a hand up to rest against his cheek, rubbing your thumb against his stubble. His lip twitched upwards, pulling you closer into him. "'Morning, sunshine," He mumbles. His voice was always gravelly in the morning. 
It was 7:30. You knew because the windows were on a timer so that they would no longer be tinted. The new light that was slowly being let in lit up his face, letting you admire all of the little flaws in his face. You could see every little scar, freckle- today there were two small pimples on the left side of his face. He opened his eyes to look at you, blinking a few times to adjust to the light.
"You're so pretty," You say to him, making him roll his eyes. He leans forward to kiss you on your nose.
"And so are you, baby boy," He replies when he pulls away, plopping his head back down on the pillow, mused hair fanning out, some of the strands falling onto his face. You moved the strands out of his eyes, tucking them behind his ear. "I need a haircut," He huffed when the strands fell back into his face. 
You shake your head, biting your lip, trying not to smile. "I like it like this though," You state while running your fingers through his bed head.
"You just want to be able to braid my hair and put it up into," He removes his metal hand from under the blanket to make quotation marks, ""Man buns.""
"Not true." A smile creeps onto his face as he sits up, blanket slipping off and pooling on you and his lap. He's wearing boxer shorts, same as you. His are light blue and yours are grey. 
Bucky stretches his arms over his head, you can hear the gears and plates shifting over his yawn. When he looks back down at you he notices that your nose is crinkled. "What?" 
"I can smell your breath all the way down here." You didn't actually smell anything, but you still pretended to gag as he swooped down to catch your lips with his- effectively shutting you up. It was nothing more than lingering peck on the lips. His hand had slips back under the blanket to rest on your lower stomach, sending chills up your back. "Alright, go make yourself some coffee or something," Say as you role back over and stealing the rest of the blanket. You close your eyes just as you feel the bed shift and he's nuzzling his nose against your neck.
"Aren't you coming down with me?" There was something more in what he was asking. It didn't sound like he was upset and he definitely didn't wake up from any sort of nightmare or episode. You shake your head no and he hums in response.
He's okay. He's good for right now.
"Someone's in the kitchen already," He lets you know as he stands to get clothes on. Other people made him nervous most of the time.
You crack an eye open to watch his backside as he leaves. He's wearing baggy sweats and a white tank top. He grabs one of the key cards that are on a hardwood desk that's by the front door before opening it, he pauses, "Stop ogling my ass." You can't help the smirk that spreads across your face, snuggling back into the bed as the door shuts.
Bucky made his way down the hall, sure steps carrying him to the kitchen where Natasha sat perched on one of the bar stools at the island counter. She was tapping away at her phone while sipping something steaming in a white mug that said 'Yeet' in cursive on the side; most likely one of Parker's mugs that had sayings on them that made little to no sense.
"Morning," She said when she finished swallowing her mouth full of liquid. He can smell that it's coffee- it has a slight milky sweetness to it. French vanilla maybe?
"Morning," He replies as he moves around her to grab a cup of his own from the cupboard. He grabs the first mug that his hand makes contact with and takes it out. It's pink and white with a hello kitty face on the side; Bucky doesn't care. He's been here long enough to accept the constant nonsense that happens here. 
Bucky pours the black steaming liquid into the cup, only putting a spoonful of sugar in and nothing else before he's leaning his back against the sink. He looks up from his cup just as he's about to take a sip, only to make direct eye contact with Natasha.
"That's Wade's cup," She states. Bucky shrugs, taking a gulp anyway, not even wincing when it burns his mouth and the back of his throat. 
"He hasn't been here in two weeks. He's too busy bothering Peter on his patrols. I doubt he's going to notice." Natasha tilts her mug back so she can get the last of her coffee, almost like she's doing a shot, Bucky notes. She sets it down on the marble countertop with a soft clink.
"See," She starts, "That's what Tony said that one time a few months back. Somehow Wilson had found out and showed up while he was sleeping and woke him up saying, 'You drank out of my mug which has had my mouth on it. So technically that means we've kissed'." 
"I remember that," Bucky replied. "Tony barely slept for almost three weeks," He chuckles, looking down at the mug, swirling the contents briefly and then taking another drink. 
"By Wade's standards, now you and Tony have kissed him," She laughs. Bucky just rolls his eyes, finishing off his coffee, taking her cup away from her and setting both glasses in the sink to be washed later.
"I've literally shared my cup with ten different guys when I was in the military without washing it for days," He replies, snorting when Natasha makes a disgusted face. Her face shifts then, putting her phone down on the counter.
"Speaking of kissing people. How are you and (y/n) doing?" She gestures to his hair, "I noticed you've got quite the bed head," She states. Bucky pulls up a stool so he could sit across from her.
"Everything's really good," He leans forward so he can rest his elbows on the table, intertwining his fingers. "Why?" She shrugs, copying his movements.
"I don't know. No offense, but you've always seemed like a ladies man." Bucky's eyebrow twitched up in annoyance at her comment. "Oh come on, Bucky you know what I mean. Steve told me that he's never once seen you go after a guy." Bucky let out a lighthearted laugh before responding.
"Yeah, well things were a lot different in my day. Someone catches you with a guy you're royally fucked."
"Have you ever been with one? Like physically?"
"I honestly don't remember," He shrugs. Natasha looks at him confused.
"Not even with (y/n)..?" Bucky furrows his brows and shakes his head hesitantly. "Seriously? Bucky Barnes, the guy who got tail almost every night back in the day hasn't banged his boyfriend yet?" Bucky frowns at her response.
"No? Last time I checked there wasn't a specific timeframe that you're supposed fuck your significant other," He snaps defensively. He could feel his fight or slight response kicking in, and it was screaming at him to do the former.
Natasha brought her hand up, "Bucky I didn't mean it that way. You need to calm down. It was just a joke," She said in a soothing voice. "But seriously. I've seen the way you look at each other. He's clearly head over heels for you and half the time you look like you're about to pounce on the guy."
Bucky didn't think it was that obvious. At least he tried for it not to be. 
"He doesn't want to," Bucky admits quietly after a moment, shifting his gaze down to his hands. Something shifts in her face, almost like she's taking pity on him.
"Do you want to?" She asks after a moment. Bucky shrugs, shrinking into himself more. "Have you talked to him about it?" 
"Briefly. He said he's okay and that I don't need to give him anything in return and I’m okay with that-”
"So he's done stuff to you," She interjects. Bucky's nose twitches with annoyance from her cutting him off. "But doesn't let you do stuff to him-" She does that thing with her face again when she realizes what's going on. "Oh. Oh. You don't know, do you?" 
"I don't know what?" He asks her, completely and utterly confused. She's getting up now from the counter simultaneously grabbing her phone and stuffing it into the pocket of her sweats.
"This something you should be discussing with him." Bucky gets up from his seat, stool screeching against the floor, making Natasha cringe.
"You didn't seem to have a problem talking about my sex life thirty seconds ago, why does it matter now? What don't I-" Bucky could sense two figures approaching them coming from the south hall. His automatic response being to shut his mouth with enough force for it to make an audible noise just as Sam and Clint walked into the room.
"What's all the noise this early in the damn mornin'?" Clint asks looking accusingly at them. "I'm deaf and I can still hear you two bastards squawking."
"Heard something about Bucky's sex life," Sam whispered into Clint's ear. Clint tapped to his ear as Sam pulls away.
"Too early for hearing aids, my dude," Clint laughs. 
"Shit, sorry, I'll tell you later," Sam replies.
Bucky takes that as his cue to go back to your room. He slips away almost unnoticed by the others, Nat only sending him a quick glance.
You're fully awake when Bucky finally comes back. He slides the keycard into the lock, light turning green and slips in. You look up from your phone as he's closing the door behind himself.
"'Morning, Sergeant. Barnes," You salute. He smiles at what you'd said, setting the card back where you two kept them on the table. He's walking towards the bed- something is wrong. You can tell by the way he's walking. He's always carried himself differently when he was upset. "What's wrong?" You ask, sitting up straighter and putting your phone down on the bed.
He doesn't respond at first, just climbing into bed and smashing his face into the pillow on his side of the bed. When he finally does respond it's muffled by the stuffing. 
"Bucky I can't understand you with your face smashed in that pillow." You move over so you're closer to him and set your hand on his bare shoulder. "You can talk to me, baby." 
He rolls over onto his side so he can look at you. He takes in your appearance- how your hair is sticking up in all sorts of directions, lightly tanned skin that has freckles here and there. "Natasha and I were talking in the kitchen."
"Okay. What were you two talking about?" You grow even more concerned when he swallows thickly before he responds.
"You- well, actually us." He sits up fully as soon as he hears your breath hitch. "It wasn't anything bad- at least I don't think so," He blurts out. "I went into the kitchen and she was drinking coffee, and then I got coffee, and then she made a comment about I had bad bed head, and then started asking about why we haven't had sex yet? Then she didn't realize that I didn't know something and told me to talk to you about it-" You cut him off by slapping your hand over his mouth.
"You're mouth vomiting again, dear," You smile, soothing your hand through his hair. Bucky mumbles out an apology, leaning into your hand.
You knew this conversation would have come up at some point. You didn't even know how to approach the subject, so maybe Natasha being nosy was a blessing? Maybe. You inhaled deeply, taking Bucky's hand into your own. "I'm not really sure how to explain this," You admit nervously. He just smiles at you and kisses the palm of your hand.
"Just do your best. I may be old, but I catch on quick." That earned a laugh from you, helping ease your current anxiety. 
"I'm... Trans," You say slowly. The words sounded strange, almost wrong coming out of your mouth. You didn't like thinking about it, let alone saying it. His face went completely blank for a split second, and then you swear you saw a dozen different emotions cross his face, the last being confusion. 
"Oh." Your heart sank at his response. "Oh,"  He repeats, sitting up all the way, your hand falling to rest on his thigh. Bucky grabs your face with both of his hands and smashes his mouth against yours, speaking in between kisses. "I- love- you-" He pulls you onto his lap, making you yelp, "So fucking much," He finishes. "(y/n), why didn't you tell me?" 
"I didn't want you to think differently off me," You say as you bring your hands up to rest on the nape of his neck as his hands fall to your hips. He leans into get another kiss, smiling when he pulls away.
"I could never," He starts. "This is why you never let me touch you," He realizes. You laugh, rubbing your thumbs against his jawline. 
"Yes, Bucky." He looks down you chest then, you can tell that he wants to ask questions. He'd never asked about the thin light scars on your chest that were only really visible in certain light or cooler temperatures that made them turn a light purple. Probably due to the fact that he didn't like talking about his own scars that were on his chest where metal met skin. "You can ask. It's okay." He swallows, nodding. 
You reach down to take his metal hand into your own and placing it against your chest the tips of his pointer and middle finger resting directly over one of the scars, the cool humming from his arm giving you goosebumps. "Double mastectomy?" He asks as he bring his other arm up to run over the other white line. 
"Mhm." He runs his hands up and down your sides a few times before bring them up to feel your neck and face, turning your head slightly this way and that. "What are you doing," You giggle when he scratches behind your left ear.
"I'm just amazed on how far we've come from how it used to be. Here I am sitting in bed with the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on in my lap. If this was seventy years ago-"
"It's not like that anymore. We're safe," You remind him. He's always so concerned, always asking to make sure you're okay. God, as if you didn't love him enough already. 
"I know- I know. I just- holy shit I love you." You kiss him deeply, threading your fingers into his hair.
"I love you too."
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
rEEE writers inbound
hey there! i’m rhys. i am 22, live in the ct, and love ooc chatter! my ooc is pretty lax, but i promise my writing is a helluva lot more formal. i write in third person, past/present tense, and paragraph form. im not a rapid-fire writer, and won’t be able to constantly get replies in every day (i can get responses in anywhere between every couple of days to a week or two). however, i will ALWAYS put tlc into all of my posts and characters! i write anywhere between 300-900 words. it’s definitely alright if you don’t feel up to that amount at any given point, but i do appreciate keeping it somewhere in this range. im very wordy, and can spew out a novel if im excited enough lmao
  my limits are pretty general; i will not do beastiality, pedophilia, vore, or scat. i can indulge in a variety of kinks, but if it’s a little much for any average person, i’m less likely to write it out (i.e extreme ddlg or adult babies, furries, extreme pet play, etc.) but i can be persuaded to lightly touch on certain kinks as long as they’re not 10000% filth lmao i cannot, and will not, do seme/uke or top/bottom dynamics. absolutely not. queer relationships shouldn’t be defined by whose taking the D. i dont want to interact with squeamish little femboys, or awful macho men with downright rapey tendencies. versatility is key, and power struggles are what i live for! i will, however, indulge in BDSM dynamics with certain plots— although, domination isn’t always about penetration, you know?
  give me characters with aspirations, hopes and dreams, and crushing past experiences that flesh them out into who they are. no one is perfect, and we all have things that rear their ugly heads in the dark. problematic characters, male or female or anything in between, are everything. i love lgbtq+ characters, as i am part of the community myself, and will almost always be more inclined in writing queer characters. not to say i won’t write for strictly straight pairings, m/f, but usually i am iffy when approached with it if i am just meeting you.
  i write for all genders, ethnicity, and orientations! you can find a few writings examples of mine here. i am pretty welcoming of most things. smut, of course. some kink a little out there that you want to suggest? let's do it, dude. i am super OOC friendly and i am pretty much a garbled mess when i get to know you!  i’m a social person— i feel like a burden if you’re not into chatting with me, so please, if you’re not looking to be both a writing partner as well as a friend, i might not be the gal for you. i am open to crooked relationships, ones that don't function right, dark/morally corrupt characters, unconditional love, etc. my interests fluctuate! i am down, 24/7, guys! i only roleplay over email, but will ooc chat over discord or hangouts! here's a list of fandoms and pairings below that i am looking to write for atm. i do have many more, but these are just the ones off the top of my head!
Handsome Jack/Rhys
Handsome Jack/Rhys/Nisha
  Life is Strange
Max Caulfield/Chloe Price
Max Caulfield/Kate Marsh/Victoria Chase
Nathan Prescott/Warren Graham
Rachel Amber/Chloe Price
Frank Bowers/Damon Merrick
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson
Dick Grayson/Wally West
Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley
  Batman: Telltale Series
Bruce Wayne/John Doe
Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Bruce Wayne/Harvey Dent/Selina Kyle
Stephen Strange/Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Thor/Bruce Banner
Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson/Vanessa Carlysle
Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson/Vanessa Carlysle
Nathan Drake/Samuel Drake
Nathan Drake/Harry Flynn
Chloe Frazer/Nadine Ross
Asher Forrester/Gwyn Whitehill
Rodrik Forrester/Arthur Glenmore
Mira Forrester/Margaery Tyrell
Gryff Whitehill/Elaena Glenmore
Gared Tuttle/Finn
Gared Tuttle/Josera Snow
  The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes/Negan
Javier Garcia/David Garcia
Clementine/Gabriel Garcia
Javier Garcia/Paul “Jesus” Rovia
  Far Cry (3-5)
Jason Brody/Vaas Montenegro
Jason Brody/Bambi “Buck” Hughes
Ajay Ghale/Pagan Min
Ajay Ghale/Sabal
Ajay Ghale/Sabal/Amita
Rook/Joseph Seed
Rook/John Seed
Rook/Faith Seed
Frank Castle/David Lieberman
Frank Castle/Billy Russo
  Mass Effect: Andromeda
Scott Ryder/Reyes Vidal
Scott Ryder/Gil Brodie
Scott Ryder/Peebee
Sara Ryder/Peebee
Sara Ryder/Vetra Nyx
  Kill Your Darlings
Lucien Carr/Allen Ginsberg
Onto original plots!
  Office romances/BDSM/Friends with benefits-turned-lovers
okay, so, i had this type of roleplay with someone a while back. maybe more than two or three years back that i fell out of contact with and i could never really get it out of my head because it was probably one of the best character-building stories i’ve ever taken part of. :’) i don’t remember their name, but i do hope they’ll contact me again if they ever see this. while some of this may seem specific, none of it is concrete and i promise i am very easy to get along with and very accomodating! the plot i remember had three different relationships— completely different people, with different lives and different worlds, with only one common thing between them being that they work in the same building. we can do all three, or we can do a few, or even  one! i dont mind.
  **pairing A; M/F preferred (lol i know broke my own rule, but i adore femdoms! extra: please come with an open mind. this is not a 50 shades AU, and i do not want it to be.) this one is between a CEO and an intern in their senior year of college. The CEO is a femdom, and freshly out of divorce, takes a liking to the clumsy intern who’d spilled coffee on her more than once. The intern has never been in a relationship with an older woman, let alone one running a multi-million dollar company, but hey, isn’t that the dream for some broke twenty-something down on his luck? She introduces him to BDSM, and while he’s hesitant, the idea is as exciting as it is frightening. He accepts her offer— while it’s difficult at times, he begins to learn more about her. Her ex-spouse, her young child, and her unwillingness to develop a sincere relationship with him. She’s had subs before, and while she tells him he isn’t disposable, he begins to feel it was the truth. He grows to have feelings for her, and while she isn’t too keen on admitting it, the feeling is mutual. I’d love to explore their dynamic in and out of sex, and the conflict between the intern and her ex-spouse. I love age gaps, and think it would be awesome to see them develop over time to find common ground to establish a personal relationship and trying to even out their power imbalances. I don’t mind playing either the CEO or the intern, but I am leaning more towards the CEO. :V**
  **pairing B; M/M preferred (this one is waaay more gritty and more dub-con than anything so please beware!) this one is between two higher-ups who have been butting heads for years— and occasionally, sexual tension neither have acted on. A is a snarky, openly gay man, and probably what some would consider shallow and noncommittal. B is a brooding, closeted ‘by the book’ type well into his thirties, and refuses to engage in anything sexual with men despite his obvious attraction; B has younger siblings he takes care of as well as his mother, and being the oldest son and only provider, hasn’t done a thing for himself in twenty years. A lives completely alone, complete with a bachelor pad and, the influx of flings that went nowhere past sex, and has risen to the top with his own sheer will. they have conflicting motives, and while both of them have an intense hatred for each other, they’ve never engaged in physical altercations in fear of losing their jobs. one day, A jabs a little below the belt, and finally, B starts swinging. this fight turns into something way more heavy in the company parking lot. what happens between them in the long run is something desperate, needy, and longing for real affection. it began as a mindless need for sex, angry and mean and formal, with B being especially unwilling to ‘give up’ his masculinity and ever be on the receiving end in fear of losing the control he needs to keep this up. i’d love to see them begin to see each other in a different light, and changing each other for the better. i’d also love to see A showing B that sex doesn’t have to be meaningless, and that he doesn’t need to fear letting A be in control. And B showing A that commitment isn’t as terrifying as it may be, with them gradually going from rivals, to friends with benefits, and eventually lovers. i, again, don’t mind writing for either! **
  **pairing C; F/F preferred. (aaa this pairing is way more fluffy and sweet, with hurt/comfort as a stable of their dynamic.) this one is between two small-office employees in the company. A is fairly tame at work in order to support her sibling(s), of which she has adopted from her father’s custody years ago. she is fairly confident with her sexuality, and while not being the type to frequent clubs, is dragged along by a few friends and there, meets B. B is a young woman who just recently got out of a relationship with an abusive ex fiance— B has only ever been with that man, and was never confident in exploring her sexuality due to a religious upbringing and parents who were dead set on traditional values. she’s never strayed from her ex, and while he wasn’t faithful or remotely good to her in return, she was heartbroken with their split. months after, he returns to the city and B’s close friends decide to take her out on a girls’ night to make her feel better— B coincidently sees her ex, and feeling childish and unattractive, heads off to the bar to get a drink. she’s nowhere near a drinker, and just before she does drown her sorrows, is hit on by A. while initially shocked, B is flustered and finds herself immediately attracted to A. they have a one-night stand, and while B believes that A would just leave in the morning, A instead lays with her until she wakes up, and leaves her number. B is too anxious to text her. they bump into each other at the elevator that Monday. they agree to be just friends, until B knows what she wants. A is willing to wait. B might have a crush, and A is intent on building B up to love herself and her body. i would overall prefer to write for A, but if you’re dead set, no prob!**
  Serial killer/1960’s/Small town sheriff
no preferred pairing! would love, love, love to see something between a serial killer and a small town sheriff in the mid-to-late sixties. we could make up a new little town, or find one to our liking! A is the sheriff who had been born and raised in this town with a good home life, loving parents, and a steady moral compass, albeit trapped in a loveless marriage. they know everyone, and every nook and cranny of the place like the back of their hand. this is the type of place where people don’t have to lock their doors at night, or constantly watch their kids when they’re out in the yard playing. that is, until people start going missing and horrifyingly mutilated bodies began to pop up around town. B is a well-liked baker in town; known to be genuinely friendly and kind, B has a very corrupt past. both of their parents were heinously abusive, and as a child, B developed sociopathic tendencies. B was inherently spiteful of the town and the people in it, for leaving them to rot in hell for eighteen years, and for never reaching out. B formed a god complex, his intentions to ‘purify the corrupt’. they keep tabs on almost everyone in town, and the victims they do take are put in the soundproof basement of his home to be ‘baptized’; tortured, beaten, and mutilated beyond recognition. A and B are friendly with each other as A comes to the bakery every morning, with B’s motives completely unbeknownst. one night, A, frustrated and pissed from the dead ends of the case of the decade, decides to head to the bar and relax. B is the one face A didn’t mind seeing that night, and one thing lead to another, with A and B in a dark alley getting each other off— i definitely see this as B grooming A to be a complicit pet, and when A gets closer and closer to figuring out who the killer is, he forms a deep connection with B. B develops a possessiveness over A, along with that sense of ownership he’d established between them. B manipulates A, coerces him into a false sense of security, and eventually— A finds out, and while B initially thinks to kill A, A is corrupted by B and forms some kind of stockholm syndrome for B. it’s up to A on whether or not they turn B in, or cover the killer’s tracks. B, despite his very sick and repulsive nature, develops a true infatuation for A, as close to love as they were ever going to get, and A is desperate enough to please B that they’ll do anything to not disappoint them.
  Post apocalypse/decades later/immunity
no pairing preferred! the plot I had in mind is loosely based off of a video game called "The Last of Us", which i am sure most of you have a general knowledge of! (definitely check it out if you don’t :O it’s a great game!!) the prompt i was shooting for goes something like this; in a post-apocalyptic world where a pandemic has killed off most living species, character A is a lone wolf with little to do with other people that don't benefit him, except for a select few. A is especially rough around the edges, as he's lived through some sick shit and lived to tell the tale. A had once been part of a group dedicated to finding a cure, but things went south, and a lot of people died. A had a close bond with the leader of said group, and coincidentally they were the only survivors. their past together, having been deeply demented and twisted, caused them to fall out. said leader has rebuilt a new group in the ten years since the last time they'd seen A. character B is the only known immune person alive, and has dedicated their life to being a resource to finding a cure. A and his (current) contact/partner in crime have something taken from them, and are determined to get it back. they do some searching, and are confronted with this group-- they have what they need, but are only willing to give it to them for a favor in return. no one can outrun their past forever. so, this plot isn't concrete. things can be changed, we can do whatever we want, and i am happy to comply to any revisions or suggestions! i'd really enjoy taking on A, if that's alright!
treasure hunters!!!! yES!! think Uncharted or Tomb Raider. an architect/treasure hunter is being funded an expedition to find a lost treasure and they are forced to bring along a reporter in order to receive the funds. the reporter and architect certainly dont get along in the beginning— they bicker, and clash on most fronts. the expedition wasnt meant to be dangerous. what was initially thought to be a simple job turned into something treacherous; bandits, a team of hired hitmen and their leader looking to take the treasure for themselves, and some rather supernatural elements that they both couldnt quite put a finger on. the treasure hunter and the reporter have to work together to get out of this alive, and get to the artifact before someone else does. (the “treasure” is definitely up for debate!! we can chose a real life lost treasure, or just make one up!! it can be anywhere around the world, and everything is at our disposal).
character A has an awful time living in the city— alone, and without mom's guidance, completely lost. one day they receive a call about a deceased relative, one they'd never heard of, one that apparently left their estate and everything in it in their will to A. with nothing but the clothes on their back, A took a shot in the dark and drove out to this presumed "estate" come early summer, only to find that it's a mansion in a tiny little town with an eerie vibe and populated by the typical small town churchgoers and farm folk. living in this town was a hell of a challenge; everyone was nice, too nice, and people started to go missing. character B is an exceptionally charismatic, charming person and the only mechanic/handyman in town. A and B become friends, partially, when A needs to fix up the piping in their estate. A stumbles upon the attic one day, and for once, they start to get why this whole town reeked to the roots in weird shit-- their deceased relative was tracking something here in this town, having to do with all of the MIA townsfolk. DR has a board of possible suspects, and at the center? B. A shrugs it off as their relative having been paranoid, but the longer A stays in this town, the more apparent it becomes that DR wasnt crazy. B is, in fact, not the murderer, instead a supernatural being (open for debate! im on the fence with demons, vampires, etc.) on a mission to track down the monster, same as DR. i am so down for internal struggles, sweet gestures, and overall, two people just trying to make it work! i could also see A being hella paranoid that B is the monster, and maybe tries to throw cloves of garlic at them only to realize thats not exactly how this monster hunter business works lmao
  DEPRESSED WRITER/YOUNG MUSE/between 1920’s-1960’s/sex, drugs, & the american dream
m/m preferred! A is a severely depressed middle-aged man believing his life has been wasted. his wife left him with their child at her hip, his career was in a rut, and he had nothing left to live for. opting for suicide, he goes out one evening to purchase a bottle of gin to down with a handful of prescription sleeping pills when he returned to his apartment. instead of going directly home, he’s swept in by the music in an underground club for queers. there he meets B; all encompassing, angel faced, and the only person A didn’t know how to look away from. B is a former US Navy Seal, aspiring musician, and avid indulger of the human body— A stays a little too long, owlish and red, and after the show, B approaches him with a cattish smile. they spark a friendship, and A is thrown down the rabbit hole when B introduces him to his social circle, filled to the brim with drag queens, junkies, queers, and the overall unusual— he integrates into this community, his contemplation of suicide only a distant memory, and begins to find himself extremely attracted to B. he lights a fire in A, something dangerous and unquenchable, and A finds himself drawn in by the unpredictability. A embarks with B on a journey of self exploration, passion, and inevitable love in a world that scorned the oddities of human attraction and anyone who dared to be free.
  thanks for your time! if you've read through, please contact me at [email protected] on email or rhys#3615 on discord and mention kiwi somewhere in your initial message. n_n
  Rhys xoxo
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Flags (Part Three)(#PrideFic)(Spideypool)
(Keep in mind reading this chapter, that this is my own personal view of my pansexuality and sexual identities--filtered through Wade Wilson’s mouth, so take it with a grain of salt-- and it might not line up with other peoples view or definitions, but that’s the beauty of different sexual identities, we all live them a different way.)
Part One     Part Two ******************** “So.” Peter took a bite of the ice cream Wade offered him. “So pansexual means you are attracted to everyone.” “No.” Wade shook his head. “No it means I can be attracted to everyone. Lots of people assume pansexuals are real easy, that we will sleep with anything with two legs but that's not true.” He shrugged a little. “I once dated a girl with one leg. No problem.” Peter burst out laughing and Wade leaned down to press a cold kiss to his lips. “Love that laugh, baby boy, glad you enjoy my jokes.” Peter's lips tingled a little from the unexpected kiss and he looked up shyly. “So you can be attracted to anyone? I guess I don’t see how--” “It's like this.” Wade slipped a thick arm around Peter's waist and steered him through the small crowd. “If I had seen you from the back, and fell in love with this ass--” He patted Peter's butt lightly. “when you turned around and I got a look at the rest of you, it wouldn't matter if you were a guy, a girl, non binary, gay, straight, asexual, bisexual, polyamorous, whatever it wouldn't matter. I'm already attracted to you so that's just that. It’s not that I WILL be with anyone, its just that I could be with anyone because I’m attracted to---” he thought about it for a second. “--I’m attracted to people beyond their gender or sexuality. Does that make sense?”  “Asexuals? Are they a real thing?” 
“Good god, its a good thing you’re cute.” Wade laughed and booped his nose. “Yeah, of course they are real. What does that even mean?”
“And you’d be with someone who was like that?” 
“Yeah. Why not?” 
“But… even like, trans-- um trans...people?” Peter hesitated. “I don't know the right word, I guess. Or people who look like... like one and then identify as another? What about them?  “Petey what's your favorite physical thing about a girl?” Wade asked and Peter made a vague motion around his chest. “And your favorite thing about a guy?” Peter didn't answer and Wade tried hard not to laugh. “Alright, so imagine being with someone who has both those qualities. It's fun and exciting and… fun.” He shrugged a little. “
“And I realize maybe that sounded bad, but its not a weird kink or anything like that, its not that I prefer men with breasts or women with--” Wade raised his eyebrows suggestively. “Really it doesn’t have anything to do with what’s in their pants at all. Its more than that. Sexuality and gender is no hindrance for me when it comes to choosing partners. I can be with whoever catches my eye or piques my interest. If I’m kissing someone and oh hey, they haven’t been able to afford bottom surgery yet? No worries. Maybe they wear a binder and I can’t tell until I get their shirt off? Who cares? It doesn’t bother me. Being pansexual is...its an attraction to people beyond that whole physical thing.  “That sounds… freeing.” Peter admitted.  “It is. But so is deciding on your sexuality, no matter what it is.”
“I guess I'm just not comfortable with a label yet.” Peter reached for the ice cream, but Wade held it out of reach and tapped his lips. Peter had to stand on his toes to reach but he placed a shy kiss on Wade's mouth. “There you go.” Wade handed him the ice cream. “You don't have to label yourself, Pete. That's not what being comfortable with your sexuality means.” “But earlier you said to pick a flag and fly it proudly.” Peter argued. “That doesn't mean you can only have one flag.” Wade prodded him towards a bench in a lesser lit part of the park. “I don't know what that means.” “Look.” Wade sat heavily on the bench, clasping his hands loosely between his legs. “A lot of people think of sexuality as something that can't change. You're either straight or you're not. You're either gay or you’re not. It's like your height. You can pretend to be tall, but you either are or you aren't, right?” “Okay….” “But it doesn't have to be like that. Sexuality can be more like… your weight. Alright? Sometimes you’re big, sometimes you’re small, most of the time you're somewhere in between. Some people are small their entire lives. Some people are big their entire lives. Sometimes you're small and edge towards big as you get older. Sometimes you dive right into being big. Other times you watch from a distance because you're scared to be small.” “That's--” Peter scrunched his nose. “A lot of words. But it makes sense. I think.” “What I'm trying to say is, just because you want to kiss me today, doesn't mean you have to be upset because you want to kiss that hot blond at the ice cream store tomorrow. Sexuality doesn’t have to be a solid thing, it can change as you grow as a person, just like our weight changes. Sometimes it changes day to day, sometimes it takes years. Don’t let labels freak you out. Just be who and what you want to be on any given day.” “But when people ask what I am, what am I supposed to say?” “You tell them that you're smart and pretty and rock skinny jeans like nobodies business. Your sexuality isn't something that has to be talked about. Basically, unless they are trying to get in your pants, why is it any of anyone's business who you prefer to kiss?” “Oh.” Peter blinked. “I never thought about that.” “People attach their sexuality to descriptions like it matters. ‘Oh that's Ron. He's gay and an accountant.’ They wouldn't ever do that with anything else. ‘That's Alicia. She has a brother and is a nail tech.’ Or ‘That's Michelle, she has hemorrhoids and works at Starbucks.’” Wade shook his head. “Its stupid, you know?”  “Nobody cares about your sexuality. And if they do, they are either trying to judge you, or trying to fuck you, you know?” he jabbed Peter in the thigh playfully. “You don't have to announce to the world what side of the rainbow flag you identify with, baby. You don’t have to come out as anything to anyone if you don’t want.  As long as you know.” “As long as I know.” Peter repeated and licked his lips to get the last bit of ice cream from them. “Thank you, this… this helps.” “Pansexual Man is always here to help the citizens.” Wade teased and relaxed back against the bench. “I realize my advice or whatever might not be what you would get from anyone else, but it's what helps me. When I said to pick a flag, I don't mean it has to be trailing behind you like a cloak as you go about your day.” “You mean like you?” Peter retorted and Wade grinned. “Well, I absolutely pull off the cape and cowl look. I'm practically Batman. Except you know, rainbow flavored.”  Peter cracked up all over again and Wade scooped him right off the bench and onto his lap. “Oh!” Peter exclaimed and Wade bumped their noses together. “Pete. Not to ruin this educational little moment, but every time you laugh I feel like it like a legitimate fucking ache in my body. Let me kiss you some more, huh? Please?” “Oh now you're asking?” Peter raised an eyebrow, but he was blushing, dark eyes sparkling and Wade could barely handle it. “I seem to recall you taking a few kisses already.” “And I should have asked.” Wade confessed. “Consent is huge for me, shouldn't have even touched you without permission. I got a little caught up with all this and wasn't asking. I'm sorry.” “You don't have to ask.” Peter mumbled and wiggled a little closer. “I'm going to anyway.” Wade said, tilting his face up. “Can I kiss you?” “God, yes.” *****************
Closer to the end of Pride Month ***************** “Where the hell is Parker? Why is that kid never around when I need--” “Mr Jameson.” someone interrupted. “Peter just walked through the front door. If you would like I will--” “Send him to my office! Irritating. Kids a damn genius, can't even be at work when I want him to.” Jameson was puffing on a cigar irritably, pacing in his office. “Do people not own watches anymore?” “Mr Jameson.” Pete ducked into the office, closely followed by Wade. “So sorry, I was halfway across town when you called me and--” “Who the hell is this?” He interrupted, pointing at Wade “Are we just bringing visitors now? Does this look like bring- your -personal-trainer- to -work day? I don't like new people in here, you know that! What took you so damn long to--to---” his voice actually trailed off when Wade took a step forward and laced his fingers through Peter's, pulling the younger kid back against his chest. “You're interrupting our date.” Wade narrowed his eyes. “So maybe you stop yelling and start--” “Wade.” Peter murmured, trying not to show how thrilled he was about protective Wade. “Sorry sir. What did you need from me?” “Nothing.” Jameson dropped into his chair, still looking a little shell shocked. “You know what, forget it. It's not important. Go enjoy a nice day with your boyfriend. Um--” he scribbled something on a receipt and shoved it at them. “Give this to the girl out front. Happy Pride Month, boys.” “Um, thank you.” Peter said quietly, confused, and quickly tugged a still glaring Wade out of the door and to the secretary. “Heya Pete.” She said with a smile and took the receipt. “Oh. Congratulations.” Her eyes twinkled down at their hands. “Jameson has a soft spot for new love.” “Oh.” Peter blushed a little and took the check she handed him and Wade just grinned. “So all that bluster and bullshit and your editor turns to goo when he sees us holding hands?” Wade opened the door and pushed Peter through to get outside. “Yeah, he's got a real thing for Pride Month.” Peter said, glancing down at the 300 dollar bonus check. “Nobody really knows why.” “Well don't argue about it when the man is giving us money.” Wade wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Let's go get some Mexican food and go back to my place.” “Yours?” Peter stammered, because they hadn't made it past kisses and holding hands these past couple weeks and going to Wade's place sounded like it could be… more. “If you want.” Wade shrugged and squeezed him a little tighter. “We can just watch a movie, eat some dinner no pressure Petey-pie. Just because I want to plant my flag and stake my claim on you doesn't mean that has to happen anytime soon.” He dropped a kiss on Peter's head, relieved to hear him laughing. Sex had been something they had only talked about in passing, and Peter had been fairly sure that he wasn't ready. Wade was fine with that. He'd hold hands and kiss the shit out of this beautiful boy until Pete was ready for more. “I'm not opposed to you planting your flag.” Peter said then, so quietly that Wade had to ask him to repeat it. “Are you serious? You think you're ready?” Wade's eyes lit up and Peter bit his lip nervously. “I--I think so. You'll take care of me, right?” “Baby boy, of course I will. Of course I will.” Ignoring the people shooting them dirty looks for standing in the middle of the sidewalk, Wade snuggled Peter close to his chest. “I'll take such good care of you, honey, if you're going to gift me with your first time, I'm gonna treat you like gold.” “Like gold?” Peter repeated and Wade cupped his jaw to lay a soft kiss on his lips. “Like gold, baby. At least until you're comfortable.” His dropped into a growl, right against his ear. “And once you're comfortable with me and with us, I'm gonna fuck your goddamn brains out.” “Shit.” Peter thought his knees would give out and Wade chuckled a little. “Oh but wait.” Peter pushed him away enough to look up him. “What if I want to fuck your goddamn brains out?” Wade's blue eyes were practically glowing, a flush racing up his neck and his hands clenching into fists in Peter's shirt. “You--you--want--” Wade dropped to one knee with a dramatic sigh and clasped Peter's hand to his heart. “Marry me, photographer man.” “Ask me again next Pride Month.” Peter laughed. “Come on now, I think you promised me Mexican food.” Wade jumped to his feet and tossed Peter over his shoulder. “Pansexual Man awaaaaaay!!!!!” ********************
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shydaydreamer28 · 7 years
Deadpool -Pansexuality
I started not to post, since topics of sexuality, politics, race, and religion are VERY controversial. But I wanted to share my opinion on this. Anytime this aspect of Deadpool’s character is brought up, you have people argue that he’s not pansexual because we have never seen him kiss or sex-up another dude on-screen.
So, I wanna counter that, and explain why I don’t think it proves he’s not pansexual. There’s no deep philosophical reason. It’s really a pretty simple one -despite the post-length. lol And it’s still in theory territory -because obviously, I don’t know everything. lol.
The Reason -Writers Pander to their Demographic. If they’re straight, white, males -then expect most of their work to show things that those types of viewers would wanna see.
Official Deadpool writers credit him as non-straight. Fabian Nicieza says his sexuality simply depends on his brain at the moment, because his mental state is in constant flux. He likes whatever his brain tells him he likes in that instant. Gerry Duggan, writer for current Deadpool solo series, classifies him as pansexual and “ready & willing to do anything with a pulse.” His exact quote. Then he states keeping up to date on Deadpool’s “omnisexual exploits.”
So these things coming from 2 different Deadpool writers seems to point to the fact that he’s not 100% straight. And, just because a person is pan or bi doesn’t mean they can’t have a gender preference. Some men could be bi or pan, but prefer women. Or prefer men. Or prefer one gender in general, but have specific types in others.
It’s canon that Deadpool’s feelings toward Spider-Man aren’t 100% platonic.
While married, Deadpool had a top 5 free-pass list of people he could sleep with. Spider-Man was #5 on his list.
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He wasn’t doing it to be funny, or annoying, because he didn’t intend for Spider-Man to know. When Peter asks who #5 is, Wade tells him never-mind.
We see Peter asking about the list again here.
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What happened? Wade outright lied about him being on it. So again, he wasn’t carrying around a free-pass list with Spider-Man on it just to show him for a punch-line. And it wasn’t a joke to make Spider-Man uncomfortable, because he lied when asked about it. 
Then there’s the final chapter. Now THIS is debatable, When Spider hugs Pool, looking at his face -the almost embarrassed grin, and given his line, it’s very possible he’s got a bit “too excited” here.
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Then there’s the variant covers depicting him trying to kiss Spider-Man
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Now these 2 are only friends. I don’t argue that. We’re not gonna see them dating, kissing, or having sex. But, that’s because Spider-Man is straight, doesn’t mean Deadpool is. lol
This series (Spider-Man/Deadpool) was written by Joel Kelly. Another of Deadpool’s big writers. 
Some doubt Deadpool likes men because we never actually see Deadpool hooking up with other dudes on-screen. So they think his flirting is just casual jokes not to be taken seriously. But you have to consider who the writers are. The writers are most-likely white straight men after all. Lets look at the women Deadpool’s been paired or teased with.
Just pix of the main ones, but they’re all hot white women
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Anyway, women we haven’t seen Deadpool with include -Black, Asian, and Average-looking. Just another example of preference, and going more with your demographic. Like if you have mostly black writers, and a black director, then it’ll be the same thing. A black lead, and black love interests. Just the way media is most of the time.
Now, let me bring up RoguePool as another example of pandering bias.
When Rogue kissed him, she ended up having the same crap he did, but was still hot.
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They didn’t make her as ugly as Deadpool can be portrayed as
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No hair. A nose that seems to have slumped, and grown on to his lip almost, and yellow eyes, with no, or hardly visible, pupils,and WAAAY worse skin.
Why? Again, male viewers wanna see hot women. So, ya gotta have Rogue still be hot. Guys  don’t wanna see a deformed Rogue.
But, nobody cares if the dude is ugly. Look at all the shows or films where hot women were paired with dumpy, if not ugly, male leads. You RARELY see the reverse.
Again for the het male readers, they wanna see hot women and the male leads getting it with hot women. Thus, that’s gonna be the bulk of love interests for any male lead, no matter how ugly he may be.
Going on the writers’ confirmation of DP’s sexuality, but no dude+dude. Sometimes writers or creators will tell you things outright, but will not show it on-screen. To avoid controversy, damaging sales, or the complete awkwardness of writing / filming it. Look at other media. You see lesbians depicted quicker than gay men.
Look at Deadpools ex, Shiklah. She was shown in bed with other female monsters on more than one occasion. Here, we see one running from her room.
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Guys don’t mind seeing or hearing about lesbians, so that’s cool for male writers and directors to get into. But if the male viewers have to see guys who like other guys, they need to be very funny about it -thus sometimes extremely stereotyped, and physical stuff is kept to a low minimum, if not completely off-screen.
“Modesty / Subtlety”
When it comes to same-sex relations with men in media -most of the time, we seem to be in the phase where all sex was in earlier days of media. Lucy and Ricky slept in twin beds -as did all tv couples at the time. They clearly had sex. And Ricky jr. wasn’t planned since Lucy didn't even think she'd be pregnant, and was shocked to find out. But for modesty, you never see them do anything other than have chaste peck-kisses. Then eventually far as media goes, sex was only ever implied. You’d see characters kiss, then a fade to black with them both very happy in the morning while doing other things.
Same-sex among men seems to be here. You’ll see flirting and hear comments / references. But you never see them have on-screen kissing or sex scenes. We haven’t quite progressed to that yet, least not to my knowledge. In terms of seeing it in comics, or anything in Hollywood. Reynolds has said he wants Deadpool to have a boyfriend in the live-action films. We’ll see how far that gets to coming to fruition.
Legend of Korra is famous for this. At the series’ end, Korra + Asami get together. There were little things throughout season 4 that hinted at their feelings. But many thought nothing of them because they weren’t overt enough.  Finally, we have the following screenshot.
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Again, many argued this meant nothing because nothing happened -like a kiss. Again, it’s already progress to show same-sex relations, on Nick. But they showed it with women -not men. And even then, it was met with argument from fans who thought it had no build-up, and even some fans who thought the above screenshot was platonic. 
The show creators however did confirm that the 2 are a couple, and that Asami is Korra’s heart. But are we gonna say that it isn’t serious, or doesn’t count because we didn’t see them kiss? This ending was romantic in nature, and the creators confirmed it after there was still debate. 
They were VERY subtle about what they showed with these two, which didn’t make it non-existent. Unlike the straight couple Zaheer and P’Li who are shown kissing 5 sec. after they see each other.
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Despite the length, at the end of the day, Deadpool will probably not be shown kissing or sexing men ON-SCREEN. But that doesn’t mean his interest in men is non-existent. 
He flirts with guys the same way he does with women. The difference isn’t what Deadpool does. It’s who responds. Any men he flirts with are never interested in him It’s the women who have higher chances of finding him charming or funny, and falling for him. Deadpool is pan, but could largely prefer women. You can be bi or pan and still have a preference.
Chasing Amy is a good example, a decent 90s film. The female lead, Alyssa experimented with guys as a teen. After college, she exclusively dated women for the next 10 years, and identified as a lesbian. She fell in love with Holden-stating that he was the first to ever truly sate her. After they broke up, she went back to dating women. Clearly, she prefers women. But that doesn’t mean a man, or the right man, is off the table. So she’s not a complete lesbian.
Editor, Jordan D. White is active on this site. He received an Ask saying that it’s annoying how many think Deadpool is straight. So, he asks if he’d consider giving Deadpool a boyfriend in canon. 
Here’s the post.
So, no words put in his mouth. He doesn’t deny that Deadpool isn’t straight. And he’s open to the idea of a male love interest. But something more goes on behind the scenes that he can’t call that shot just like that. 
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biofunmy · 5 years
When Dictionaries Wade Into the Gender (Non)Binary
Inspo. Dad joke. Fabulosity! Rhotic. These are among the 533 new terms and definitions that Merriam-Webster added to its dictionary this month.
But none have drawn as much attention as the quotidian pronoun “they,” to which Merriam-Webster has added a new sense, or meaning: “used to refer to a single person whose gender identity is nonbinary.” (Nonbinary people do not identify as either male or female.)
Meanwhile, in a separate lexicological dispute, tens of thousands of people are petitioning the Oxford Dictionary of English to strike derogatory synonyms from its definition of “woman.”
Both episodes made headlines this week, pointing to the enduring relevance of dictionaries — old arbiters of fundamental meaning that are now engaging the public not only with books, but also via apps and (occasionally cheeky) Twitter timelines.
[Read more about dictionaries on Twitter and the perils of politicization.]
Merriam-Webster’s move, announced on Tuesday, reflects the fact that many nonbinary people use “they” as their singular third-person pronoun instead of “she” or “he.” (As an example of usage, the entry cites a June article in The New York Times.)
That the oldest dictionary publisher in the United States has added its imprimatur to this meaning of the pronoun could be seen as a powerful statement about evolving understandings of gender identity.
Or it could be seen as something much more elementary: a reflection of changing times.
The dictionary, after all, is more of a rearview mirror than a vanguard of change, said Peter Sokolowski, an editor and lexicographer with Merriam-Webster.
“If we see that a term is used frequently, then it’s going to get into the dictionary,” Mr. Sokolowski said. “We wouldn’t be doing our jobs if it weren’t reflecting the truth of the way language is used.”
Still, a major dictionary can add credibility to an existing term or definition, said Laura A. Jacobs, a therapist in New York who focuses on L.G.B.T.Q. clients and whose preferred pronouns include she, he and they — or none at all.
“I think this is a sign of the times,” Mx. Jacobs said. “They’re acknowledging that this is a term that is in widespread use, and it’s a term that’s important to many people.”
The American Heritage Dictionary also mentions gender in its definition of “they,” noting that it can be “used as a singular personal pronoun for someone who does not identify as either male or female.” Both Lexico (which is affiliated with the Oxford Dictionary of English) and Dictionary.com mention the nonbinary use of “they” only in their usage notes for the term.
In the United States, the Merriam-Webster dictionary is particularly prominent, said Bryan A. Garner, a lexicographer and the author of “Garner’s Modern English Usage,” which is published by Oxford University Press.
It’s good at marketing, too. “These publicity campaigns seem to be pretty successful, in the sense of frequently making front-page news in national newspapers,” Mr. Garner said.
Some pop culture news last week made Merriam-Webster’s announcement seem especially apposite; on Sept. 13, the British singer and four-time Grammy winner Sam Smith, who had been referred to as “he,” announced that they were changing their pronouns to “they/them.”
“After a lifetime of being at war with my gender I’ve decided to embrace myself for who I am,” they wrote on Twitter.
“When prominent people make these changes, more people notice,” Mr. Sokolowski said. “And that accelerates the change, too.”
[Read more about people who identify as nonbinary.]
Reactions to the nonbinary meaning of “they” have been mixed, with some critics saying it’s awkward to use the word as a singular pronoun. But Mr. Sokolowski said English speakers already use the singular “they” even when they are not referring to nonbinary people. (As in: “No one has to go if they don’t want to.”)
In that sense, the singular “they” has been in use for more than 600 years, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, a historical dictionary that is distinct from the more modern Oxford Dictionary of English.
Mr. Sokolowski added that languages change all the time, and objections to those transmutations — however loud they may be in the moment — are eventually forgotten. He said the evolution of “they” is something like what happened to “you” centuries ago, when it drifted from plural to singular, nudging “thee” and “thou” into Elizabethan obscurity.
Mr. Garner challenged that comparison. “This nonbinary ‘they’ is a very conscious linguistic change that has resulted from a kind of social movement,” he said, comparing it instead to the campaign, led by the Rev. Jesse Jackson in the late 1980s, to popularize the term “African-American.”
If using the word “they” to describe a nonbinary person feels difficult, Mx. Jacobs said, it’s important to remember that it is a sign of respect. “Choosing not to work on it means you’re O.K. with harming that other person,” they added.
The tension over whether dictionaries are reflective or prescriptive erupted in a different way across the Atlantic, with a petition questioning whether, or when, historic terms should be stricken from the record.
Maria Beatrice Giovanardi, a women’s rights activist in the United Kingdom, said Merriam-Webster’s announcement seemed like a positive step. But she has focused her ire on another major dictionary: the Oxford Dictionary of English.
Ms. Giovanardi said that in January, she looked up the word “woman” on Google, which draws from Oxford’s dictionaries when people ask the search engine to define a word.
She noted that the synonyms included terms like “biddy,” “wench,” and “piece.” (In the screenshots she shared online, the Google search result classified those words, respectively, as “informal,” “archaic” and “derogatory.”) And she noted that in an online version of the Oxford Dictionary of English, examples for the usage of “woman” included phrases like “one of his sophisticated London women.”
Her petition has lately begun to pick up steam because of news media exposure, she said. As of Thursday morning, about 30,000 people had signed it.
Reached for comment, a spokeswoman for Oxford University Press referred to a blog post by Katherine Connor Martin, the head of lexical content strategy.
“These texts are based on the methodologies of descriptive, corpus-based lexicography, meaning that editors analyze large quantities of evidence from real-life use to determine the meanings of words,” the post said. “If there is evidence of an offensive or derogatory word or meaning being widely used in English, it will not be excluded from the dictionary solely on the grounds that it is offensive or derogatory.”
But Ms. Giovanardi said the injudicious material should be removed or replaced. “I think that the dictionary should be a place without all of these biases,” she said.
Oxford is taking the points raised in the petition very seriously, a spokeswoman said, and researching possible uses of “woman” that are not yet covered in the dictionary.
For Merriam-Webster, which seems to precipitate news headlines every time it rolls out fresh batches of new terms, the flurry of attention evinces an enduring interest in denotation, Mr. Sokolowski said.
“If we both agree on what, for example, ‘socialism’ means, or what ‘fact’ means, then we can move forward even if we’re on opposite sides of an argument,” he added. “If we can agree on terms, then we can make some progress. That is a role I think the dictionary has always played. It’s just simply amplified now by the speed of communication.”
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emarie2017-blog · 7 years
In this entry, I will examine my rhetorical artifact with the critical questions: Why/how is it a counterpublic? What is its rhetorical message? How might it be empowering? How might it be limiting?
To investigate this questions, I will analyze the women’s marches, from the article “At 2.6 Million Strong, Women’s Marches Crush Expectations,” by Heidi M. Przybyla and Fredreka Schouten, from USA Today. The article describes the women’s marches that took place over the world, filled with many people, men and women, in order to protest against the new administration that protestors felt would infringe on their rights and issues concerning topics such as Planned Parenthood and the Affordable Care Act. The marches were filled with a variety of different speakers seeking to empower the crowd to take action and stand up for what they believe in.
This article proves to establish the group of people attending and participating in the marches as a counterpublic. Habermas describes the idea of a public sphere in “The Public Sphere: an Encyclopedia Article,” and explains that it is the sphere between the public and the state, and it is representative for the people. As Fraser acknowledges in “Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy,” a counterpublic exists outside of the public that Haberma’s describes in his article. Felski (1989) points out that a counterpublic does not concern itself with the universalist ideology, but instead with the emancipation of particular and marginalized ideologies. Przybyla and Schouten’s article illustrates how those attending and speaking at the marches are speaking up on behalf of women, who are the marginalized group that is fighting for their rights through the marches. Przybyla and Schouten explained that the protesters “called for a ‘revolution’ as a bulwark against the new administration and the Republican-led Congress.” Those that attended the marches demonstrated going against the universalist ideology, or the dominant ideology, by protesting against these ideologies. This is illustrated through the rhetoric of many of the protesters and speakers present. For example, the authors refer to Robin Weiss, a woman at the march, who stated, “‘This election was the first time I really felt like something in me was awakened and stirred […] This was the first time it really felt like I had nothing.’”
The rhetorical message expressed in the article of those attending the marches is showing and fighting for support for women who do not feel like the government is showing concern for any of their issues, and used the march as a chance to protest and send the message that they are not okay with this. The authors refer to Peter Monks, a man who attended the march to support women’s issues “‘to a president who doesn’t seem to recognize or care about them.’” The marches were a way to get noticed and be heard by the government, through taking a stand. The message is empowering in the way that so many people who wanted to stand up for women’s rights got involved, with an estimation of 2.6 million people total. This demonstrates the unity that formed with people getting involved. The article refers to a woman named Claire Phillip, and the authors note that the rally “made her feel ‘powerful and hopeful,’" and she stated “‘It makes me feel that we can get through this, if we love each other and don't let them divide us.’” With so many people onboard, the people at the marches showed their support for women and one another, as well as other oppressed groups, by expanding their message to include other people.
 On the contrary, the rhetorical message may be limiting in the fact that although people were able to show their support for women at these marches, the marches were a short-lived event, meaning that the rhetorical messages must carry on to be effective. Despite the large number of people attending the marches, the message will not be as effective if nothing is being continually done. Przybyla and Schouten inform that organizations at the marches were encouraging those at the event to get involved with more civic participation, yet if people want change to occur for women’s rights, it must be a continual fight.
 Warner (2002) describes publics and counterpublics, by explaining the components that make up each. Warner acknowledges that counterpublics are aware of their subordinate status, and explains that “The subordinate status of a counterpublic does not simply reflect identities formed elsewhere; participation in such a public is one of the ways by which its members’ identities are formed and transformed.” The people that attended the march were aware of the fact that women are at a subordinate status, by being aware of the different issues at stake for women with the new administration. Przybyla and Schouten acknowledge these issues, including a possible overturning of Roe v. Wade, lack of funding for Planned Parenthood, changes with the Affordable Care Act, with direct effects to women from Medicare, since more women receive it than men. Those in attendance at the marches illustrated their identity and support for women through wearing pink, which emphasizes their pride in their gender. On the other hand, the reasons behind the marches establish the need for transformation for the treatment of women. This was demonstrated as Madonna identified the marches as “‘the hallmark of revolution.’”
 Overall, the article by Przybyla and Schouten captures the purpose behind the women’s marches, illustrating how women established themselves as a counterpublic at the marches, by fighting oppressive issues that can limit the rights of women.
Fraser, N (1992). Rethinking the public sphere: A contribution to the critique ofactually existing democracy. Habermas and the Public Sphere. Ed. Craig Calhoun. Cambridge, MA: MIT. 109-142.
Felski, R. (1989). Beyond feminist aesthetics: Feminist literature and social change.Harvard University Press.
Przybyla, H.M., Schouten, F . (2017, January 21). At 2.6 million strong, women’s marches crush expectations. USA TODAY. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/01/21/womens-march-aims-start-movement-trump-inauguration/96864158/
Warner, M. (2002). Publics and Counterpublics. Quarterly Journal Of Speech, 88(4),413.
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