#but the MOMENT we got new flower pots
tendebill · 8 months
SURE when i water my plant regularly and take care of her she is at rock bottom. call that bitch a sickly victorian child the way she brightens up the room for a day then shrivels up and dies. but the MOMENT i give up on her and leave her to perish OH, SUDDENLY she's an entrepreneur, she's starting her own company, she just birthed five new children and ended world hunger. whore.
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blackhairedjjun · 1 month
alright i have an imagine scenario right now:
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you're an employee at a jewelry company, nowhere near rich enough to buy the products you market. you're at your company's flagship store for the launch of its new jewelry line, and you've got none other than famous model choi yeonjun as its brand ambassador. he arrives with his hair slicked back, wearing a pristine white suit and sporting a few key pieces from the line; though he gives the cameras his best smoldering looks, you aren't particularly impressed. you've met enough rich assholes at your job to last you a lifetime, and yeonjun doesn't seem much different. you watch him pose for the photographers and chat with other guests for a few moments, but shift your mind back to work.
he talks to you exactly once, to ask where the bathroom is. at least he was polite to you, unlike a lot of the VIPs you've met.
the next day is a weekend and you spent it at the plant market, looking at freshly potted flowers about to bloom and seedlings of vegetables ready to be cared for. you might not be able to afford the fancy necklaces and rings that you sell, but at least you have the luxury of growing your own veggies and flowers in your tiny apartment balcony.
you were not expecting it to rain that day, but it does. it's a downpour crashing down from the sky, and though you consider running for it, you're also weighed down by two bags of plants in both hands. so you stand under one of the market tents next to a row of tomato plants, waiting for the rain to stop. it doesn't.
just then you feel a tap on your shoulder and turn to see a young man in a hoodie and cap, sunglasses perched on top of his head. he's carrying an oversized umbrella, large enough for two. "um, hi, excuse me," he says, stumbling over his words, "you were the employee at the jewelry store yesterday, right? do you want help? we can share my umbrella..." he glances down at your bags of plants, then back at you.
it takes a while for you to recognize him until it hits you: choi yeonjun. three things run through your mind at once: first, you're impressed that he managed to remember you when all you did was tell him where the bathroom is. second, you feel a pang of shame for assuming he's a rich asshole when he's making such a kind offer to you. and third, even in a worn-out black hoodie, he's still ridiculously handsome.
you step into the umbrella with him; you feel his fingers brush against yours as he takes one of your bags to carry. "thank you," you tell him. he smiles at you and butterflies erupt in your stomach.
it doesn't feel so bad to be wrong about him this time.
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dreamwritesimagines · 9 months
Garden of Secrets [39] - Lotus Flower
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback and support my loves, it made my whole week, you’re amazing!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think, thank you! ❤
Summary: Everything has its time.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, some gender specific language and terms, mentions of sex, mentions of threats, mentions of pregnancy.
Word Count: 2400
Series Masterlist
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After waking up around dawn and coming down to the greenhouse to work in it, you were sure of one thing;
This was the most beautiful place you’d ever been.
You hummed a song to yourself as you carefully took the jade vine out of its pot and put it into the new, bigger pot, paying attention to the roots. You pressed on the soil inside the pot, making sure it surrounded the roots but before you could do anything else, you felt a pair of arms sneaking around your waist and pull you back to a hard chest, making you gasp.
“Benedict!” you said, a giggle escaping from your lips as you gently elbowed him, then took off your gardening gloves. “You scared me!”
“Morning darling,” he muttered, pressing a kiss to the crook of your neck, sending a hot spark down your spine. You heaved a pleasant sigh, then turned around in his arms and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him.
“Good morning,” you said. “You’re up early.”
He tilted his head. “Am I?”
“Yeah, it’s only…” you trailed off. “What-what time is it?”
“What?!” you exclaimed. “It’s not eleven, surely!”
“It is, I’m actually going outside to meet—” he paused for a moment. “To meet Anthony. You know, perhaps we should put a clock here somewhere.”
“I lost the track of time,” you said, shaking your head and he smiled.
“What time did you get here?”
“Around six o’clock.”
His eyes widened. “We’re definitely putting a clock here,” he said, coaxing a laugh out of you.
“I was planning on coming back before you woke up,” you said, scrunching up your nose. “Sorry.”
“Well, even if I’d rather wake up with you by my side, obviously…” he muttered, stealing a kiss from your lips. “I’m glad you like it here.”
“Understatement of the century. I’m planning on spending the rest of my life here, I’ll have you know.”
“Am I invited as well?”
You hummed, pretending to be considering it with an exaggerated serious look on your face.
He chuckled. “Maybe?”
“You might have to convince me,” you said with your nose in the air and he grinned, dipping his head to brush his lips against yours.
 “I’ll do my best,” he murmured as he pulled back, resting his forehead against yours. You stood on your tiptoes again to steal a kiss from him.
“When you come back then?”
He let out a sigh and dropped his head to your shoulder as if it was going to take him a tremendous amount of willpower to wait for when he came back, making you giggle and reach to run your fingernails over the nape of his neck.
“When I come back,” he repeated and pulled back.
“Go,” you said with a smile, pushing at him gently. “I’m still not done here and you’re distracting me.”
“I’ll tell the maids to bring your breakfast here,” he said and pressed a kiss on your forehead before walking to the door. “Make sure to eat!”
“Give Anthony my regards!” you called back, turning around to put your gloves back on and heard him close the door behind him. You dragged the tip of your tongue over your lip before you bit down a smile, then grabbed the pot again.
 Going to Josie hadn’t been in the plans when you first woke up but during your very late breakfast, Josie had sent you a small note, telling you Teddy was there and that you should join them for tea. Since it had been a couple of days since you had last seen Teddy or her, you figured you could take a break from the greenhouse, after all as Benedict said; the greenhouse wasn’t going anywhere.
When you got off the carriage and walked through the gate, you heard a very familiar and cheerful voice calling out your name, making you turn your head. Teddy wheezed through the garden and flung himself at you and you caught him mid-air, a skill you had developed in time.
“Well hello there!” you said, hugging him back. “I take it you missed me?”
“I missed you so much!” he whined, “Where have you been?!”
“I was a bit busy,” you said as you pulled back to look at him better. “And you? Have you made any sculptures for me lately?”
He gave you a bright smile. “So many!”
“When can I see them?” you asked while Bess made her way to you to offer you a tentative smile.
“Hello Bess,” you smiled at her. “Where’s Josie?”
“She um…she’s inside,” she said after a pause and you frowned slightly at the expression on her face.
“Is everything alright?”
“Josie has a guest,” Teddy said helpfully. “A lady!”
Your frown deepened. “What lady?”
Bess leaned in slightly to mutter into your ear. “Your mother.”
You could feel your smile being wiped off of your face as your head shot up, your heart dropping to your stomach. Bess cleared her throat.
“I took Teddy outside just in…just in case.”
“Thank you,” you murmured and turned to Teddy. “I’ll be back alright? Wait here.”
Teddy opened his mouth like he wanted to protest but you walked away from him in a haste, almost rushing to the house. You passed through the foyer and climbed the stairs, following the voices until you reached the drawing room.
“You have no right—” Josie stopped talking as soon as she saw you and took a deep breath. “Y/N.”
“What are you doing here?” you growled, looking at your mother and she had the audacity to look surprised.
“Can I not say hello without you two attacking me?”
“Mother dearest is here to blackmail me,” Josie said, crossing her arms and you clenched your teeth.
“I’m not blackmailing you Josie,” your mother said. “I’m merely telling you what might happen—”
“If I don’t give you the money,” Josie finished her sentence for her. “That’s exactly what blackmail is.”
“Do not blame me!” she snapped. “I do not like this either, but you made it necessary Josie.”
“I made it necessary?” Josie repeated with a bitter laugh and you shook your head.
“Just leave, mother.”
“You two are having such luxurious lives with not a care in the world while your father and I are suffering,” she insisted. “You need to pull your weight—”
“For what?” you asked. “We don’t even live with you anymore.”
“You did, and you were very comfortable eating at our table.”
“I’ve never been comfortable there,” Josie growled. “You two made sure of that.”
She shot her a glare.
“Well, unless you want that letter to come out—”
“You’re actually threatening your daughter,” you cut her off. “What kind of a mother does that?”
“One with ungrateful children.”
Josie opened her mouth, but was cut off when the familiar footsteps approached before you heard Bess.
“Teddy honey, wait!”
“Y/N, when can we go look at my statues?” he asked as he appeared at the doorstep, and both you and Josie reacted at the same time. You straightened your back, your body completely on alert just like Josie as your mother smiled at him.
“Hello Teddy,” she said. “I’m—”
“No!” you cut her off, anger pulsing through you. “No, you don’t get to do that. Teddy, go to your room with Bess.”
“Now!” you snapped without taking your gaze off your mother and Teddy pouted, then ran away with Bess following him. You could feel the guilt crashing upon you but you tried to focus as your mother scoffed.
“Are you planning on keeping him from his parents forever?”
“Not much of a loss there,” Josie stated and your mother shook her head.
“He’s my son.”
“Your son that I grabbed from you that one time because of how hard you were shaking him,” you said through your teeth. “Because he was crying too much and you were annoyed. Do you remember that?”
She shifted her weight.
“I don’t expect you to understand Y/N,” she said almost in a hiss like a snake. “You have no children, you’re not even pregnant even if it’s been months since your wedding. Perhaps you have issues with that, hm? It would serve you right, and God knows people will start talking soon.”
“Get out of my house,” Josie ordered as you pulled back, swallowing thickly. “I’m serious, mother. I’ll tell the butler to drag you out and I’ll enjoy watching that, you have five seconds.”
You threw your shoulders back, trying to pull yourself together.
“Teddy is my son,” your mother said, her eyes on you. “I can get him back any time I want.”
You gritted your teeth, your eyes narrowing into a cold glare.
“Over my dead body,” you growled and your mother shook her head.
“Remember the letter, Josie,” she spat and walked out of the drawing room. You could hear her going downstairs and you fell back on the sofa, cradling your head with your hands.
“Are you alright?”
You took a shaky breath before looking up at Josie.
“I could ask you the same question,” you muttered as she sat beside you. She let out a bitter laugh.
“Just when I thought she couldn’t be more terrible…”
“Full of surprises, that one,” you said. “The only thing certain about her is the fact that she will continuously disappoint us.”
Josie hummed and turned to look at you better.
“You know she was just looking for the ways to make you feel bad, right?” she asked. “With the…you know.”
A sinking feeling appeared at the pit of your stomach and you scoffed.
“Uh huh.”
“You said you and Benedict consummated what? Two weeks ago?” she asked. “It’s way too early to think about that. Did you two even talk about it?”
“Babies?” you let out a nervous laugh. “Absolutely not. But…you know. Benedict had a great family, my guess is that he wants them some day.”
“And you?” she asked. “I mean the last time we talked about this you said no but circumstances obviously changed, what with you being in love. Do you want babies?”
You bit inside your cheek, the image of you and Benedict having a baby was almost a surreal, happy dream but you shook your head before you could get lost in it, clearing your throat.
“I just don’t want to be like mother,” you rasped out, making her frown.
“What?” you asked. “Think about the example we both had growing up. What if—”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“You don’t know that—”
“I do know that because you’re not her, and Benedict is nothing like father,” she said. “Besides, I saw you with Teddy. There is no way you’d be anything like mother.”
You nibbled on your lip, then let out a groan.
“I snapped at Teddy,” you said and pushed yourself off the sofa. “I need to go apologize, I’ll be back alright?”
Josie smiled slightly and you walked to the door but stopped when you heard her say your name and turned your head.
“What?” you asked and Josie’s smile widened.
“Do you need any more proof that you’re nothing like mother?” she asked. “Remind me again, when was the last time mother apologized to either one of us?”
A small smile curled your lips and you rolled your eyes at her.
“You’re getting emotional Jo,” you said. “Must be the age.”
She threw you the nearest pillow that you expertly dodged and you let out a laugh, then made your way down the hallway.
By the time you got back home, you were absolutely exhausted. Teddy had forgiven you quite easily, you doubted he was even capable of holding grudges but you, Bess and Josie still had spent the entire day playing games with him that required a lot of running around the house. You went straight to Benedict’s bedroom—though it had become your bedroom as well lately- and flung yourself on the bed, but no matter how tired you were, you still couldn’t fall asleep even for a nap.
When Benedict walked inside, you were still curled up in the bed and he paused for a moment at the door.
“My love?”
“Are you alright?”
You heaved a sigh and rolled onto your back, a frown pinching your brows together.
“Mm hm.”
Benedict bit back a smile and walked to sit beside you on the bed, an amused light playing in his eyes.
“You sound completely alright,” he teased you. “But you know, just in case…How was your day?”
You nibbled on your bottom lip and pulled yourself up to sit on the bed.
“I have a question for you.”
“Ask away.”
“Do you want to have babies?” you asked, making his eyes widen and he cleared his throat.
“Come again?”
“When you think about your future, are there babies there?” you asked. “With me, that is.”
“Yeah I figured as much,” he said with a small chuckle. “What brought this on?”
“Try again,” he said and you pursed your lips.
“I saw my mother today,” you said as he pulled back slightly, frowning. “At Josie’s house. There was an argument and she brought up the fact that…” you trailed off and he tilted his head.
“Nothing just—answer the question please?” you said and he thought for a moment, then took a deep breath.
“Eventually, yes.”
You let out a relieved sigh and nodded your head. “Alright. Good.”
“Do you?”
“Eventually,” you said and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I mean if it happens it happens, but until then—”
“What if the ton starts talking about us?” you felt the need to ask and Benedict let out a small laugh.
“Ah well that changes things because I lose sleep every night worrying about what the ton might say about us,” he said with a grin. “Y/N, come on. You know me better than that.”
You smiled slightly. “Just making sure.”
“Besides, we haven’t even gone on our honeymoon,” he joked, making you giggle. “We can’t possibly have a baby before going on our honeymoon, that would be a scandal.”
You tried to adapt a serious expression.
“Absolutely,” you said. “And as you said, we both care so much about the ton.”
“We do,” he said and leaned in to brush his lips against yours, making you heave a sigh.
“I’m glad we agree on this,” you murmured, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Really.”
He smiled and stole another kiss from you.
“I just want you,” he said. “Alright? Everything else can wait, no matter what it is.”
You felt a familiar warmth within your chest before you leaned in to kiss him, happiness making you feel almost giddy.
“Yeah,” you murmured. “I like that idea. Everything else can wait.”
Chapter 40
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sukiipjs · 4 months
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↳ matt sturniolo x fem reader
↳ words - 1539
↳ summary - you have POTS it’s hard but you try your best, matt always by your side to help. you and him go to a concert tonight and unfortunately for you, your POTS flare up, but then again, matt’s here to help.
↳ contains - swearing, pet names (baby), use of y/n, idk it’s just fluff
↳ song - here with me by d4vd
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i have POTS, it’s hard to manage but i do the best i can as i have for most my life, and luckily matt’s always by my side to help me whenever i need. he always makes sure i’m comfortable and set for whatever, whenever, and not just with my POTS.
matt said he has a surprise for me, he also said that he’ll be picking me up soon. i make sure to dress nice, but not that nice, casual but still trying. i decide on some baggy cargo pants, a random graphic tee, and a zip up hoodie. okay maybe i like comfort over look but whatever.
just as i finish touching up my hair i hear knocks on my door, i add a cute necklace, one matt got for me and make sure i look good. another knock from the door as i walk over, opening it up to see matt standing there with a blue bouquet of flowers, a few white ones too. his smile widens and he sticks out his hands that are holding the bouquet to me.
“maaaaatt!!!” i smile and and take the bouquet as matt walks inside, closing the door behind him. “stop. thank you” i smile more as i lean to him, giving him a kiss, “nice necklace,” i laugh a little then give him another kiss, “i love you baby,” he says as he pulls away.
“i love you too,” i tilt my head a little smiling, then walking over to my kitchen grabbing a cup for the flowers, we talk as i fill up the cup with water and take the flowers out, putting them in the cup. “they’re so pretty,” i place the flowers on a windowsill then look at them for moment before turning around and sitting where matt is.
“so… where are we going?” i smile as he laughs, smiling back at me. “you think i’m gonna tell you?” i roll my eyes, “whatever. how about when are we going?” he picks up his phone to check the time, “uhhh, few minutes,” we wait the ‘few minutes’ and then get our stuff and head out the door.
we make our way to his car and we get inside. matt starts driving us somewhere as i constantly ask where we’re going and him telling me to be patient, “okay, we’re here,” he smiles at me as he parks the car. i look out the window, seeing a concert venue then turning back to matt, “oh my god, who?” my face smiles as i stare at matt, “d4vd.” my eyes widen as i smile even more, “no fucking way, this amazing,” i pull matt in for a kiss, “thank you so much matt,” we both smile as we get out of the car and stand in line to get inside the venue.
finally we get inside, they check our tickets and bags then we stand by the merch before the show starts, “want anything?” he asks, “really? you’ve done so much already, the concert alone,”
“of course y/n, just pick something,” he laughs a little and nudges my shoulder. i pick out a shirt and he does too, i have him hold my zip up hoodie as i put the new shirt over mine, then i put on my hoodie again. “well? do i look good?” we smiles and kisses my cheek, “you look amazing, let’s go find a good place to stand, the openers should be playing soon,”
he takes my hands and we get into the room, we find a place to stand near the wall and left side of the stage maybe in the middle ish of the room, a great view. we wait a little longer before the two opening bands play, they were pretty good.
finally d4vd comes out and starts playing, i can’t stop smiling as me and matt move and sway with the songs, me singing along to almost every song. i can see matt in the corner of my eye almost always looking down at me smiling as i just enjoy the concert.
maybe around the middle or so of the concert i start to feel the slight migraine i had before intensify and my body have a random flush of blood flowing in my body, i stop moving with the music and try to lean against the wall but it’s too far and there’s too many people blocking it, i try to focus on the music and take deep breaths but my body tenses up, and i start to feel like my body’s covered in icy hot, then white and black static and spots in my vision come along, i try to ignore it but i cant. the headache, the spots, the aching, nausea, blood flowing, it’s too much, i’m either going to throw up or pass out.
i try to speak to matt but i can only whisper, which definitely won’t work at a concert, i focus on my breaths trying my best to not fall right there right then. i tug on his shirt which works and he turns to me, seeing me trying to breathe and my body shaking, “y/n? are you okay,” he yells, trying to have me hear him at the concert which i hear but i still can’t speak, i shake my head and point my finger to the door, i only whisper, hoping he can hear me, “please,”
he puts his arm around my shoulder and my arm around his, he leads us through the crowd and to the door as my legs feel weak, barley moving as my head leans down, trying to close my eyes but also not pass out.
he leads us out the venue and on the sidewalk as i immediately sit down on the ground, leaning my head on the building breathing and hoping i stay conscious, matt kneels beside me, my eyes flicker open and the spots are gone, my headache softer now and i feel better, i think i’m going to be okay. my hands are still shakey and i turn my head to matt, “i think i’m okay now,” he grabs one of my hands and takes it in his, “okay good, was it’s pots?” i nod, “i’m pretty sure i was going to pass out,” i laugh a little as he does too, “okay well i’m glad you didn’t,”
“can we stay out here for a moment? i just want to make sure i’m okay for sure,” he nods, “of course, take your time,” he smiles, kissing my forehead and sitting next to me as i extend my legs and grab my bag, taking out a little salt packet, ripping it open and pouring it in my mouth, “i don’t think i’ll ever get over how you just eat salt,” he laughs, “hey if it helps me live better,”
we sit, the breeze hitting us as staring at the stars in the sky, i try to build myself up to stand up again but then suddenly the door to the venue opens and a bunch of people start walking out, “is it over?” i ask softly, matt takes out his phone checking the phone, “ehh, probably..?” my face softens and i start to feel like i’m on the verge of tears, “matt i’m sorry,”
“why would you be sorry?” he turns his head to me as he looks at me, “we spent the last of the concert out here, we missed it,” i don’t even know but a tear falls down my cheek as i lean my head on the cold building, matt’s hand comes up to my cheek and wipes off the tear, his smile still wide, “follow me,” he gets up and holds his hand out for me, i take it and stand up too, a wave of dizziness hitting me for a moment, “you good?” i nod.
he continues to walk us somewhere as i try to suck up my dumb tears, he stops at a nice park, a few trees and a bench right next to the path. he grabs my other hand, now holding both as he smiles at me. “what’s this?” he doesn’t answer and pulls me in for a kiss, moving his hands to my face then pulling away, “loosen up,” he laughs a little.
he pulls out his phone and goes to spotify, going to d4vd and playing some of our favorites songs and putting it back in his pocket, playing to music out. “maaaatt” i tilt my head a little as he grabs my hands once again, “shhh, don’t think,”
‘watch the sunrise as we’re getting old, i cant describe, i wish i could live through every moment again’
he smiles and pulls me closer then out as we do some shitty dance, he twirls me around as the music plays out loud, we both laugh as the twirl leads me into his arms. as he leans me in his arms, him looking down at me, he leans down more kissing me then moving me back onto my feet, continuing the kiss.
‘i don’t care how long it takes, as long as i’m with you, i’ve got a smile of my face’
☆ °:. *₊ ° . °
taglist : @slutforchriss @mattsleftnipple03 @mattsdinosweater @ccolleenn @mixvchelle @leah-loves-lilies @sturn-wrld
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theblueflower05 · 1 year
You Get Me So High
Drabble in the First Love/Late Spring series
A/N: A little bit of a filler- I just wanted an excuse to fit this little scene into this story. It didn't fit in the last part but I loved it too much to let it go.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: FLUFF(I know we’re all surprised, but I need a break from the angst) Minors can interact with this one. PG-13 forsure.
Summary: You unearth a gift that you forgot to give your mate. A small peek into You and Neteyam’s slow mornings. Domestic bliss and herbal tea flavored kisses. Neteyam x Reader
If you want to catch up on how we got here, here's the Series Masterlist
Previous<: Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea
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The morning eclipse washes over Awa’atlu, drenching it in the striking colors of the peaking sun. The sea glitters, awake before the village. Never ceasing its constant, rhythmic movement even as the people still lay dormant, tucked in tight with their loved ones.
Your status in the clan and the duties that came with it had always forced you into being an early riser, though there is nothing you loved more than digging yourself deep into your bed and slumbering for as long as possible.
You loved being comfy, feeling safe. Got stuck in behind your eyelids, in that hazy peace that only moments before the dawn could bring. Many times Ronal had dragged you from the family Mauri, huffing about the late hour and fretting with your unruly hair.
You don't wake to the hustle and bustle of your childhood home anymore.
It had been that way for the past month or so. Fertility Season had come and gone, and you and Neteyam had spent the time after adjusting to the new normal.
Both of you had grown up in loud, full homes. Surrounded by family, never a moment of quiet to be found. The still silence in your shared Mauri had been a bit unnerving at first. It was just the two of you in these walls after all.
Now though, you craved these moments. They felt private and sacred as you and Neteyam prepared for the day, for the long hours usually chalked full of duties that would keep you busy and separated.
Your mate is a man of routine, you’d picked up on the fact quickly.
He woke as soon as light begin to dance in the many sun catchers and wind chimes that littered the entrance to your Pod. Once the Fkio(birds,gulls) began to squall, he was rising. Gently untangling his limbs from your own and hurrying over to the firepit to bring it back to life.
He’d open all of the blinds to let the air in, the salty ocean breeze filling the space with a freshness that could only come with a new day.
Then comes washing up, changing into a clean tweng and re-adorning all of his jewelry, leaving the intricate battle band and layered choker for last. He liked it when you helped him fasten all of those hard-to-reach ties.
He brews strong tea in the clay pot that his mom had passed down to him. It reminds him of the ones that his grandmother had kept in her hut. Extremely detailed, crafted by an Omaticaya Ceramist. Jade green in color, jungle flowers etched into its sides.
Neteyam lets you get your fill of slumber. Enjoys watching you as you doze, curled up on the bed mat. Your features loose and lost to dreams, occasionally tensing with off scrunches or your nose or twitches of your ears. It’s only when the sun reaches a certain place in the sky that he goes to wake you. Knowing he can wait no longer before you’re late.
You love to sleep, but you absolutely hate being late.
His difficult little munxtate(wife).
He’s so gentle, every time.
Rousing you with soft touches and hums right into your skin. Even before you’re fully coherent you reach for him, greedy fingers. Pursed lips.
The piping hot tea is energizing, you nurse your cup as you go through your own little patterns.
Neteyam knows, now, that you are not particularly chatty until you’ve fully woken up. He doesn't mind the comfortable quiet, busies himself with cleaning his riding gear, readying for a day of patrolling and hunting.
You prepare a quick breakfast before bathing and dressing. Easily clocking the way Neteyam’s amber gaze fixes on your hips when you shimmy into your skirt. Reach behind yourself to twine the strings around your tail. Heat blooms across your cheeks, it’s too early for him to look at you like that. He grins when you roll your eyes and mutter something that sounds a lot like “insatiable skxawng”
The two of you have been working on getting everything organized, and the Mauri is finally coming together. Homey and colorful, filled with little trinkets and pieces of both of your cultures. You were still working on cataloging your wardrobe, untangling the many dangling tops and layered necklaces- it was a pain and you really needed to make time to get it done.
So focused on getting your herbs straightened, prioritizing assisting your heavily pregnant Aunt with healer’s errands that you’d honestly put it off.
It’s your own fault that you need to untangle the top you want to wear from various other pieces of jewelry. You can't be frustrated with anyone but yourself, you fingers work at the knots until you free the article of clothing.
You’re working the crocheted straps over your shoulders when it catches your eye.
Gleams in a beam of sunlight that streams in from the opened windows.
A low gasp escapes you as you reach for it fast.
Between the emotional chaos that had come with the misunderstanding between yourself, Neteyam and Seychelle and then haze of Fertility Season, you’d forgotten.
In the quick paced move into the new Mauri- it had been lost, buried in the messy overfilled baskets of your belongings.
It’s the armband that you’d made for Neteyam.
You enjoy making jewelry, liked the way it kept your hands from being idle. Could string delicate shells into a multitude of necklaces and bracelets and hairpieces that made good gifts for family and friends. There were villagers with more talent than you at the craft, sure, but you thought your creations were pretty enough.
This particular piece had given you a run for your money.
You'd wanted to make something that would remind him of home but the jewelry that the Sully’s wore were extremely intricate, daunting to even look at. The Omiticaya are known for their weaving skills after all.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
You’d enlisted the youngest Sully to help you, a bit too shy to share the planned project with anyone else. Tuk loved crafting, frequently giving her creations to any and everyone. She had been thrilled when you approached her, practically shaking with excitement when you promised to take her out to the distant sandbars by Ilu back in exchange for her help.
Omiticayan patterns are hard to master, complex and layered. Leather isn't a medium you usually worked with and your fingers had felt clumsy as you’d attempted the multi strand braiding.
Tuk is patient and friendly. A brilliant teacher even at her young age. She’d spent hours tucked away on that private beach with you. Chattering excitedly as you began to pick it up and the band starts to take shape.
“Who’re you making it for?” She’d questioned, pressing in that innocent, instant way that only a child could “I don't see anyone here wear jewelry like this, it's all so different from back home”
“Just for a friend” You’d paused for a moment, staring down at your slow working fingers. “I think these designs are beautiful, you’ll have to help me make more. I want an anklet just like yours”
She’d beamed, happy to show off the dangling jewels on her feet. She’d made it herself! She could make you one to match, easy!
Only when the horns had sounded, dinner going to start soon, did the two of you gather your belongings and head back in. Tuk had told her parents she would be with you, Jake and Neytiri had deemed you responsible enough to get her back safely. You wouldn't disappoint.
“I hope your friend likes it, Y/N! See ya tomorrow! Don’t be late- you promised we’d race to the sandbar! You can't go back on a promise!” She’d called to you as you’d reached the village, running off in a flurry. Energetic as ever.
“I would never! Get ready to lose, Tuktirey!”
Her twinkling laugh all the response she’d given you.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
You’d worked so hard on the band. Meticulously incorporated pieces of shells into the leather. Turquoise, carnelian and topaz toned, to match the beads of Neteyam's choker. The shells were hard to find, but you’d scoured the shore for days, discarding the ones that weren't the right color.
A large blush colored pearl hangs from the center, the patterns of the banding circling it in delicate loops.
You run your fingers over it, recalling how much hard work you’d put into it. How many hours you’d spend having to undo and we braid the patterns-
You plop down next to your mate, near the fire. Legs criss crossed neatly and an eager smile on your face. Clutching something hidden in your fist.
“What?” Neteyam wonders as he eats his breakfast. He’d quickly become fond of the milky sweet rice and fruit that you made in the mornings, he shovels it eagerly into his mouth every time.
“I have a present for you”
That was the last thing he was expecting to hear. His eyebrows raise and his tail flicks, interested, behind him.
“Really?” he speaks with his mouth still full. He’s endearing, even when he’s gross.
“Yes, I am very late. I meant to give it to you long ago. But with the move and everything else it got lost. So lost, you’ve seen the chest where I keep my clothing. It really is a mess” you wave your free hand in the air, gesturing almost wildly as you ramble”- ugh. I forgot, I truly did”
He waits patiently throughout your little special, a small smile on his lips.
“You didn't need to get me anything…” he says, but you can see the concealed intrigue in his eyes. Dare you say it was excitement?
You're a bit nervous as you open your hand, revealing the contents inside, resting against your palm. Holding it out to him in offering. “I wanted to. Here, I really hope you like it”
Neteyam takes the armband between his thin fingers, brings it close to his face to inspect it. The whole time your heart races wildly and you stare at him for any inclination that he might not like it-
“Did you make this?”
“I did” you nod.
“But it’s- it’s Omiticayan design? How did you do this?”
“Oh, I know. It’s why it’s a little bit rough- I’d never made anything like it before. But Tuk was tons of help! She pretty much walked me through it all. We did it months ago but like I told you, I misplaced it”
Neteyam continues to stare at it, his eyes swimming with emotion. He runs his thumb along the weaved leather, over and over again. “The pearl?..”
“The one you found at the beach, in the clam, remember? You gave it to me but I wanted you to be able to keep it. I wasn't lying when I said they’re good luck when they’re that big”
His eyes go from the gift in his hand, meet yours instead. They’re shining. Happy, clearly and a grin breaks out across your face, able to read the wordless que's.
“Get over here” Neteyam reaches for you, hand cupping your face as he clutches you to him, almost right into his empty lap. Claims your willing lips with his own.
The kisses are smothering, consistent little pecking that makes you gasp. He tastes like creamy rice and sweet Yovo- you can feel his canines as he grin. Your hands tangle into his braids, clutching him right back. Your stomach flip flopping with the sheer joy of it all.
“You like?” you’re muffled by his lips, speak the question into his mouth.
“I” kiss “Love” kiss “It”
He doesn't bother to pull away until he's kissed you stupid. Long and thorough. Your head is spinning and theres butterflies erupting in your chest. Your lips feel a bit raw as you pant and lean against him heavily.
“I can't believe you took the time to do this. You are the sweetest, you know. So sweet to me I don't even know what to do with you” He beams and your heart skips one beat. And then two. His smile is a bright thing, his front teeth just a bit longer then the rest-
You hope your children look like him. You wish you could have seen him as a little one.
You caress his face, knuckling lightly at his cheeks. Watching, your hindbrain lighting up, as he slips the band up his arm until it sits snug around his bulging bicep, secured tight.
It looks so good.
You have the urge to make him endless ornaments. Maybe you'll start something for his hair? You could probably find feathers similar to the ones he wore now...
Everytime you think that you couldn't possibly get any happier, you do. You think that you might float away one day- filled to the brim with all of the buoyant love you have for him.
“Thank you, really Y/N. I-” his voice wavers a bit as your nose rubs against his. You’re content like this, in his lap. Pressed in close with your lover. “I don't know how I lived so many years without you. You bring me joy I didn't know existed”
His words echo your frequent thoughts.
The morning is soft and syrupy slow, like all mornings spent with your mate.
Waking up early did have its perks, after all.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
So Neteyam’s sisters X Y/N are some of my favorite dynamics. I can’t wait to write more Tuk & Kiri.
I got some asks after Part Three and I was like ohhhh no, everyone thinks they’re toxic but they’re really not lol they just need to learn how to not be idiots and communicate with each other.
Can we talk about how Y/N's love language is offering her self up to Neteyam on a silver plate? I'm pretty sure that could be translated to Gift Giving.
I’m thinking about doing a little filler/drabble like this every few chapters as a kind of pallet cleanser? There’s just so much about this world and these characters that I want to share with you all.
Also mango sticky rice is my absolute favorite and I’m a green tea girly. Of course I had to incorporate them somewhere😂
What are some of your favorite things that you’d like to see in this universe? Let me know!
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thewalkingwillowtree · 9 months
Safe Haven
Series Part Listing Found Here
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Neteyam x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Seeking refuge, Xilä and her father venture to the lands of the Omatikaya clan, in the hopes that the Toruk Makto would be generous in allowing them to stay. This is her story about not only finding her strength, but finding love. 
I feel like the above image needed to make a comeback for this part. Tehehe. Special thanks of course to @cinetrix
Warning: This story contains smut, violence & abuse (please don't read if these topics will affect you)
PART WARNING: Contains mentions of childbirth
Some characters have been aged up. Neteyam in particular is 23.
Xilä is my own creation.
Part 12 - The One After Iknimaya
Niwan Loreyu was just as beautiful as Xilä remembered. 
The moment they stepped through the vined wall she felt the calming waves of that familiar feeling of being hugged lovingly. 
Scanning the scenery before her, Xi squinted when she noticed a few new and somewhat out of place items littered around the small area.
“What’s-” she started, but Neteyam simply pulled her along until they drew nearer to the far right corner where there sat the base of a massive, thick tree trunk- its branches not visible since it grew out of the hideaway. 
“Is that my satchel?” she asked, confused, noting it along with a couple others hanging from the trunk. 
Stepping away from him, she surveyed the area properly, lighting up as she did. 
Connected to the trunk and the side of a wall of strange vegetation, was a lush canopy of beautiful flowers. A large soft pelt was spread underneath it, creating a romantic and intimate looking bed. Xi even spotted a few stolen blankets from her own bed back home, rolled neatly at the edge of the pelt. 
Turning around, she saw a basket filled with a few little pots and washcloths which was placed on a rock by the pool of rippling water. 
A small wood crafted folding table sat nearby with two patched cushions as seats- one on either side of the table. And in addition to the glimmers of the bioluminescent plants and the on and off blinking of flying glowbugs, there were tiny lit lamps scattered across the space. 
“Neteyam?” she asked, turning to him with a sweet but curious smile. 
He scratched his temple sheepishly. “I was um, hoping we could maybe stay a few days? Just the two of us, spending time together? I don’t think one night alone with you is enough for me honestly,” he admitted quietly. “But only if you want to of course,” he added quickly. 
She stared at him. He was shy right now and it was honestly the cutest thing ever. 
“What about food?” she asked in faux seriousness, enjoying the way he was all squirmy at the moment- a far cry from his usual self assured disposition. 
He pointed to one of the hanging satchels. “Enough for hopefully a week,” he said. “And we’ve got drinking water,” he continued, gesturing to the small trickling waterfall. 
“Bath,” he said, walking over to the pool, showing her the soap balms and washcloths. “Bed,” he added, jerking his head to the pelt under the canopy. 
“And if we get bored, which I highly doubt we will, I packed a few games as well. I even borrowed a deck of UNO from one of the lab guys,” he finished with a tiny smile, tail wagging behind him, seeming eager to know what she was thinking. 
“Wow,” Xi said, impressed. “What about clothes?” she asked, trying to prolong her teasing.
His brows narrowed as if he realized what she was doing, so he turned the tables on her instead. “They’re in your satchel, but I don’t think you need them since I’m planning on keeping you naked the entire time,” he said matter of factually. 
“Right,” she replied with burning cheeks. “Um, one last question. Did you ah- tell our families? Sal and Jxo aren’t going to show up thinking you kidnapped me are they?” she joked. 
“No.” He laughed and shook his head. “There’s a big trip planned for tomorrow, you know the one Lo’ak was boasting about last week?” 
She nodded, remembering how excited her friend was about finally getting a vacation.
“They’re leaving tonight, maybe after the party- spending a week away near an old RDA base. It’s um, kind of a secret tradition to take the new recruits out to bond a bit, but it’s really just an excuse for the warrior’s to get drunk and let loose for once.” 
Xi shot him an amused look. 
“Anyway….uh, our families may be under the impression that I’m surprising you and taking you along on the trip with the others. So we’re free to stay here…none the wiser. Lo’ak. Um, he'll cover for us.” 
“Sounds like you have it all figured out….” She bit her lip, feeling herself practically swoon at the sweetness of the man in front of her. “Teyam this is all incredibly sweet. I love it…Thank you,” she whispered. “When did you even plan all of this?” 
Having enough of their distance he moved towards her, eyes gleaming with intention. Titling her chin up, he leaned forward to trace his lips over hers. “Since the moment you agreed to be mine, Xilä.”
And then he was kissing her, feverishly, demandingly, soul sucking, breathtakingly. 
Xilä gasped when he bent her backwards, taking from her what he wanted. He pulled away too quickly for her liking, but then he was suddenly scooping her up from under the thighs and his lips were back on hers again. 
Xi squeezed her legs into his sides while her arms twisted behind his neck as they kissed with abandon, tongues and teeth clashing unceremoniously. 
Neteyam blindly walked towards their canopy, his footsteps illuminated with every step against the soft mossy flooring, until he reached the pelt. 
Keeping her enclosed in his arms he kneeled, then sat back, settling her into the cradle of his folded legs. He broke their kiss and nuzzled her cheek, lovingly caressing down the column of her neck with his nose and lips as she sighed against him. 
“I love you,” he said into her skin, so quietly she thought she imagined it. 
“I love you too.” 
Sitting straight, he reached behind and grabbed his queue, bringing it between them. Xi followed and did the same, watching, entranced as the pinkish tendrils revealed themselves. 
Neteyam’s eyes darted between hers for a fleeting moment, quickly checking for that final sign of confirmation and Xilä’s free palm soothed down his chest in response.
Eyes locked on the ends of their queues, they made Tsaheylu. Tendrils entwining, they glowed in unison, joining as one. 
Pupils blown wide, they inhaled simultaneously, consumed by the rush of emotions filling them- both in awe by the intensity of each other's feelings.
They remained still for a moment, enthralled by the connection. 
Xilä smiled up at him. Then, pulling him towards her by the nape, she kissed him, slowly. She tried to look into his eyes when they broke apart but he averted his, choosing instead to lick a path down the soft of her skin, tasting and savoring the feeling of her in his arms. 
Laying her onto her back, Neteyam followed, continuing his feast as he lapped and kissed his way down her clavicle. 
Xi purred, absorbed by his affections. 
She let him undress her, smiling when he nipped her ankle after he’d removed her extravagant anklets. Her hips jumped when he playfully tested the pool of liquid between the valley of her thighs after removing her skirt and undercloth. And when her top was gently pried away, he tasted each of her dark blue hardened nipples, just because. 
When she was completely bare, he sat back and stared unabashedly. He took his time, gazing appreciatively at her soft but toned lines- her months of training, hard work and proper nutrition was clear as day. 
A heated flare of raw deep rooted possession filled him and Xilä gasped almost inaudibly when she felt it through their bond.
The longer he stared the deeper her blush turned. Her dark spiced coloured hair looked almost as black as his tonight, and her once overly pale dusty blue skin, now had a healthy and darker hue to it from all her days in the sun. 
She was breathtaking. 
Sitting up on an arm, Xi tugged on his loincloth and he complied, quickly undoing the tie to fling the cloth away, along with his belt and knife holder. 
Now it was her turn to stare. Almost impossibly, Xi’s blush ran even deeper. Biting down on her bottom lip she peered up at him with an innocence mingled with a wanton neediness.
“Um, this might be a really stupid question,” she whispered, sending another somewhat nervous glance down to the hardened appendage currently sweeping along his lower abdomen. “I’ve been wondering for a while, but we’re here now so…I kind of need to ask…um, will it…fit?” 
Pushing her completely onto her back once more, he hovered over her and grinned against her lips. “Yes,” he assured as he slipped a hand between her legs to cup her. “If I do it right.” 
She gasped into his mouth when two of his fingers instantly slid into her, curving with a pleasurable pressure. 
Neteyam used his tail to nudge her thighs further apart, allowing more room for his working hand and throaty noise filled the air when he sped up his pace. 
Xilä’s moans were like music to his ears as she rocked her hips against his fingers. 
“Neteya- mmm, shit.”
In quick succession and with a single circle of his thumb to her clit, she was clenching around his fingers and coming with a breathy sigh. 
“Good?” he asked, withdrawing his hand to suck his fingers clean.
“Good,” she echoed, feeling her body tingle and relax from the orgasm he’d given her. 
His fingers were back now, dipping between her folds, pressing against her entrance. All three, thick digits were sheathed inside her this time, slowly stretching her with every stroke and curl. 
“More,” she begged. “More. Please Teyam.”
Greedy for more, Xi took matters into her own hands. She reached between them and gripped him causing him to gasp in shock and bite down hard on the breast he had just sucked into his mouth. 
“AH!” she yelled, arching in pain, making her accidentally tighten her hold on his length. 
“FUCK!” he grunted, in not only surprise but mostly from the sudden pressure on his poor dick.
Groaning out loud, he sucked in a breath of air, screwing his eyes shut when she began to stroke him. 
Fingers barely meeting her thumb, Xilä began to move her hand up and down the way she often saw him do. She peered down between them, loving the feeling of him all hot and hard and heavy. She glanced up at him with a grin, the same time he glared down at her with flaring nostrils. 
But then he was quickly averting his eyes from hers and her fun was halted when his sticky coated fingers suddenly tugged her bandaged wrist away. 
“Fuck,” he muttered again with closed eyes and a clenched jaw- straining to gain control of himself as he breathed heavily. 
“Are you okay,” she asked, trying to push him back to see his face. He looked pained and a pang of guilt clouded her when she figured she must have done something wrong.
“Mm. Yeah just give me a minute, baby.” 
“Alright,” she hushed, palming his biceps in comfort. 
Xilä could feel the push and pull of his raging emotions…but then, eyes narrowed on the man between her thighs, something else occurred to her. Lips parting to say something, a little noise escaped her when three fingers entered her once more without a word. 
“Neteyam,” she called, but he ignored her, choosing to focus on the squishing mess between her legs.
Doing her best to stay immune to the delicious pleasures quickly consuming her, she pushed at his chest. “Neteyam, look at me,” she said. 
He glanced at her for a fraction of a second before finding her breasts far more interesting, leaning down to sooth his tongue over the deep indents he’d made on the right one. 
“Nete-yam,” she tried again, voice breathy and strained and pleading. 
“Hmm?” he hummed in faux interest as he curled his fingers deeper. 
“Why won’t you- f-fuck!” she stuttered out when he found that one particular spot inside of her, but she stayed strong. “Why won’t you look at me?”
“Leave it, Xi.”
She didn’t like his response, so she tried a different tactic. 
“Eyes, Neteyam,” she ordered, causing him to freeze. A frustrated mewl left her when his fingers stilled too, she was so close to coming. 
“I can’t,” he said, almost as if he were mad at himself. 
“Why not?” she asked, biting her cheek to stop from laughing at his stubbornness. “Tell me why you can’t look at me in the eyes, handsome.”  
“Stop,” he warned.
“Unless…they're bothering you?” she teased in a sing-song voice. “Are my eyes too mu- AH SHIT!” 
He had effectively shut her up by grinding the heel of his palm on her clit while rubbing right against that one particular spongy spot again. 
“Come for me, Xilä,” he ordered.
Her breath hitched and Neteyam smirked against her collarbone when he felt her tensing up. 
Fire licked her inside out as a coil tightened low in her abdomen. Xilä’s thighs quaked and her back bowed, then a sharp cry ripped from her lips as she gushed all over his hand. 
More than pleased with himself, he helped her through the waves, whispering words of praise into her pointed ear. 
“Good?” he eventually asked once again, checking in on her as the pads of his fingertips rubbed her along her swollen folds.  
“Good,” she replied with a happy hum. 
Feeling his movement, Xi looked down to see him slathering his shaft with her slick- the arousing sight alone brought back that flickering coil in her lower abdomen to life once more. 
“I’ll go slow, alright?” he assured, when he caught her staring. “Tell me if you need me to stop, okay?”
She nodded. 
“Yes. Yes, okay,” she said quickly, giving him the verbal confirmation he was seeking. 
She inhaled deeply when she felt him plunge his fingers into her one last time for good measure before pulling out to guide his tip to her entrance. 
“Relax, sweetheart,” he soothed, feeling her nerves through the bond. “Don’t tense up.” It was a hypocritical thing to say he knew since he was nothing but tense.
Xilä forced her muscles to relax. She winced when he gave that first push forward, he was much thicker than all three of his fingers combined so it was a bit of a squeeze. 
“Fuuuck,” Neteyam breathed.   
Xi squirmed uncomfortably at the foreign sensation, holding in a whimper at the slight twinge of pain. While Neteyam, although extremely tense and raging to keep control of himself, took his time to ease his way in- slowly stretching her, molding her around him to perfection. 
Dragging, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out.
He’d only pull out just enough so that his tip still kept her entrance open, before delving back in- each time, deeper than the last. 
Xilä’s jaw fell open when he was finally fully seated inside of her.
“Oh Eywa. You’re so deep,” she said in awe, struggling to control her breathing. Fingers creeping downward to rest on her lower abdomen, she gasped. “I can feel you. Right here,” she said, showing him the slight bulge. 
It took a few moments for her to adjust to having him inside of her, but once the slight pain turned into a dull tingle, Xilä couldn’t help but marvel at the feeling of their connection. 
It was incredible. 
“Fuck, fuck. Xilä I can’t. I need to move. Please. I need-”
“Take me,” she said, giving him the okay. “Make me yours.”
Xilä grunted from the first slam of his hips. She gasped with the second and moaned loudly at the third. 
And then Neteyam was wild and relentless. Her breasts shook with each roll, each rut as he growled into the skin of her neck. 
Palms flat against his back, her nails dug deep into his flesh.
It didn’t take very long for her to feel the familiar spring inside of her come to life again, twisting and turning, coiling tighter each time as it prepared to snap- to break, to explode. 
“Shit. I’m going to come,” he cried hoarsely, feeling her clenched firmly around him, locking him in a sweet but tortuous grip.  “Are you close?”
“A-Almost,” she panted.
Sneaking a hand between them, Neteyam worked his fingers against her swollen clit, quickly drawing her closer to her impending rapture.
Eyes rolling, toes curling and body quivering, Xilä screamed his name. What felt like an eruption of molten fire, began to spread through her body like never before, sending rippling shockwave after shockwave. 
Breath erratic and wild, Neteyam chased after her, cursing when his entire body turned taut. He twitched inside of her as hot spurts of come filled her, groaning when her walls continued to pulse, practically milking him of everything he had. 
“Oh fucking hell, Xilä,” he rasped, collapsing completely on top of her with an awed laugh. 
“Oof! ‘Teyam! I can’t breathe!” Xilä exclaimed with a breathy laugh that instantly turned into a wince when he shifted, his pelvis dragging along her already throbbing clit.  
“Sorry,” he apologized, gently easing up onto his forearms as he caught his breath.
“No, I didn’t mean go away,” she protested, locking her propped up thighs to his hips and capturing his cheek in her palm. 
Xilä smiled. “You’re looking at me now,” she teased, loving the intimacy of him still fully sheathed inside of her as his eyes bore into her soul. 
“How do you feel?” Neteyam asked, gaze soft on her as he drew a palm down to caress the skin of her thigh. 
There were remnants of a dull twinging ache between her thighs but the bliss Xi was feeling at the moment countered it all.  
“Like I want to do that again soon,” she answered with a purred hum, eyes closed as if in pure ecstasy. 
His eyes darkened at the sound of her voice and he felt himself begin to harden again. “I think I can make that happen,” he said, surging down to steal a kiss. 
Later that night, after a few more rounds of intense lovemaking, Xilä was exhausted. 
She had had a long day after all. 
After Iknimaya, there was the ceremony and feast. Then there was the pairings festivity where she danced to heart’s content followed by a slew of the most brain numbing orgasms she’d ever experienced. 
So suffice to say she was completely beat and extremely sore. 
“Hey, no sleep just yet sweetheart,” Neteyam called softly, rousing her from her doze. 
“Teyam,” she whined unhappily, when he pulled her to sit in front of him, jelly thighs draped over his as their still connected queues draped beside them. 
Neteyam stretched to the side, producing a little pouch he had stashed away, and Xilä, too tired to even be curious at what he was up to, slumped into his chest, cheek finding a comfortable spot to rest. 
“How do you feel, Xi?” he asked, lifting her hand to unwrap her compression bandage. 
“Sore,” she rasped, voice scratchy since she’d done a lot of screaming that night. “But not bad,” she answered with a yawn as she cuddled further into his warmth. 
Moving quickly and with precision, he treated her bruised wrist with the balm his grandmother had given him, clenching his jaw to contain his bubbling anger at the sight of the ugly marks still there. 
When he finished, he rewrapped her wrist with a new bandage. 
“Back up, baby,” he said gently, pushing her off his chest. “Drink,” he ordered, handing her a vial of pain tonic before stretching over for a water skin and making her drink half of it in one go too. 
“I love it when you do this. It makes me feel all fluttery inside,” she admitted through squinty eyes after a gulp of water. 
“Do what?” he asked, unable to keep the grin off his face at the sight of her sex mused hair, kiss swollen lips and soft sleepy expression. 
“Take care of me.”
“Oh yeah?” he hushed out, feeling himself melt at her confession. “Well I’m all yours now, Xi. You’ve locked me down. So I’m going to be taking care of you for the rest of your life.” 
“Sounds terrible,” she sassed in mock sarcasm while simultaneously swooning on the inside. 
Neteyam laughed. 
“What’s so funny?” she mumbled with a grumpy frown. 
“Nothing. You’re just really cute when you’re half asleep,” he said, taking the water pouch from her hands and guiding her to lay down.  
Hydrated and unable to keep up any longer, Xilä was asleep within seconds. 
Quite tired himself, Neteyam stretched out alongside his wife and pulled her into his arms. 
His wife. 
How’d he get so lucky? 
He peered down at her, eyes tracing over her relaxed features. He could feel her calm through their still connected bond. It washed over him, subduing him into a lulled trance, until he too drifted off. 
“You’re kidding!” Xilä snapped with an angry scoff. “But they were the assholes that started it in the first place! They were picking on Kiri! Why did you guys have to apologize?”
Neteyam smirked up at his gorgeous mate. She was seated on top of one of the nearby boulders, removing the tangles from her clean damp hair with a whittled comb while he continued to relax in the warm rippling water after their shared bath. 
“Dad’s orders,” he shrugged. “We were the ones visiting their clan, so it was our responsibility. Dad had warned us beforehand that we had to be on our best behaviours and in his eyes since Lo’ak struck the first punch, it was on us.”
“Well that’s just stupid. You were their guests. They should have been more welcoming and not judgmental little assholes,” she said defiantly.  
“It’s in the past anyway,” he said, more for her comfort, seeing the flicker of her protectiveness begin to spark and enjoying it way too much. “We were just all idiot teenagers back then,” he smiled. 
“Well,” she sniffed, “if I ever come across this Ao’nung and his skxawng friends, I’ll be sure to give him a piece of my mind,” she said, combing the strands a bit harder than before. 
“Oh yeah?” Neteyam teased, getting to his feet to close the short distance between them. 
With her seated on the high boulder, they were at eye level now. “Don’t talk too soon sweetheart, you might just get your chance,” he said, spreading her thighs so he could slot between them. 
“W-what do you mean?” Xi asked, slightly distracted, swallowing hard at the sight of water droplets rippling down her husband’s delicious build. Eyes swooping lower, she sucked in her bottom lip with a deep inhale. 
“Dad’s got a few talks in the works. Majority of the well connected clan leaders are looking to get together for a meeting sometime early next year. They want to create a network- more trading, better and easier communication methods, cross training and sharing of knowledge, just an all round discussion of change for the future ahead.”
“Wow,” Xilä said awed. “But wait, how will that give me a chance to speak to Ao’nung?”
“Tonowari, the Metkayina’s olo'eyktan, offered to host the meeting at his clan...I'm going to be in attendance, and I’d love it if my wife were at my side,” he said, tucking a strand behind her ear. 
“She would be honored,” Xilä whispered, smoothing her hands down his chest to palm at the panes of his abdomen. 
Dragging her forward until she was seated at the edge of the rock, Neteyam kissed her. Pulling his queue over his shoulder, he broke their kiss and jerked his head, gesturing for her to do the same. 
Tsaheylu made, Neteyam fucked her right there. He made her come twice before allowing himself to follow, filling her full of his seed, fingers reaching down to make sure she was stuffed with every last drop. 
It was already their fourth day of marital bliss and every single moment had been incredible so far.
Xilä was a fucking dream and Neteyam was addicted. 
He had stayed true to his promise and kept her naked the entire time. 
Sex to her, he soon realized, was just like their training lessons. She was a quick learner- eager to please, eager to explore...and eager to kill him, he thought. 
The moment her stare pierced him the first time she wrapped those pretty pouty lips around his swollen mushroom tip, he exploded. He had come in an instant, as if he were once again a fucking horny teenager. 
And when he thought that was already bad enough, his little mate continued her torture by sucking him dry- eyes watering as her mouth swallowed him as far as her throat would allow before hollowing her cheeks as she released him with an audible POP. 
Then while his poor soul was gasping for air, wondering what the fuck had just happened, she had the audacity to smile up at him and ask if she’d “done it right?” 
Suffice to say he had her on her back within seconds. Her voice turned hoarse that night from all the screaming she’d done as his head stayed buried between her thighs. Tongue and fingers relentless as they teased, denied, edged and then finally gave her orgasm after orgasm.  
Sex with Xilä was a whole new world for Neteyam. Her body was his map to explore and their bond, their connection- Tsaheylu, only made things intensely better. 
Her pleasure was important to him, he was addicted to learning what did it for her. 
Like how she loved her tail tugged on while she bounced on his lap, or how she’d mewl and moan and pant and beg whenever he edged her with his tongue and fingers, even how she’d clench around him in a vice like grip if he whispered words of praise in her ear. 
There weren’t many things that she disliked, but he learned that lesson quite quickly after he made the mistake of wrapping his hand around the front of her throat. She had completely freaked out, gasping for air even though he hadn’t even given the slightest squeeze. 
Feeling terrible, Neteyam had apologized profusely even after she assured him it was fine. 
The turn out after that wasn’t bad though. Because that day he learned another thing about her…he could make her come by sucking on her tits alone if he gave them attention long enough. 
And it was a fucking glorious sight to see. 
On their fifth day, they agreed it would be their last. With all their lovemaking, they burned through their calories and so too their food. Neteyam had mentally berated himself for not packing more to last the entire week.
“How do you think our tent’s coming along?” Xi wondered as they sat across each other at the folding table. “Oh, UNO!” she yelled quickly, placing a red number three card in the pile with a happy tail wag.
“Sorry sweetheart, draw four,” Neteyam smirked with a “ha! Got you,” raise of his eyebrows, grinning at her pout and little nose scrunch. “I hope it’s finished,” he replied to her question.  “Our families are going to go crazy when they find out we came back mated. We’ll need a place to hide,” he joked. 
“I can’t wait to decorate it. One of Sal’s friends makes these amazing tapestries. I think I’ll ask her to make one for us if she’s got free time- one with all the colours, I like those the most. Oh and I was thinking we could maybe reuse your hammock- if that’s okay? I think I actually prefer it to my bed, and it’ll be big enough for the both of us anyway,” she rambled with an excited expression as she rearranged her new drawn cards. “Also where do we get the hanging chimes from? You know the ones that jingles to let you know you have compan- What?” Xi asked, flushing when she caught him staring. 
“Nothing,” Neteyam said with a soft smile. “I just can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, is all.”  
Xilä melted. “I can’t wait either.” 
After he won that round, they continued discussing their plans for their home. He loved that she was so opinionated on what she wanted for it. He knew it would be her first official home- one that she created and he was more than happy to make sure she got everything she wanted. 
Midway conversation, he noticed her squirm a little, glancing down at her lap a bit uncomfortably. 
“C’mere baby,” he said, trying to quash his knowing grin. “Are you dripping?” he asked, as she settled against his chest. 
“Mm,” she hummed in acknowledgment. “So, is this a thing that’s usually done?” she asked curiously. She noticed over their stay so far, he developed a habit.  
She felt him shrug as he slipped a hand between her parted thighs, thick digits stuffing back his leaking seed into her. 
“Never done this with another girl before, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
“You seem to like doing it,” she noted in amusement, jerking in his hold when he accidentally grazed her still over her sensitive clit. 
“I like everything with you,” he answered, in complete honesty, pressing a tender kiss to her pointed ear. 
But it was the truth. There was just something about having her full of his come that he loved. It was intoxicating was all he could explain it as. 
Xilä released a leisured sigh, relaxing into his arms as she took in the beauty of their hideaway. “I’m going to miss this place,” she said. “I’m also not looking forward to our journey home,” she grumbled somewhat, squeezing at her aching thighs knowing fully well the ride back wouldn’t be any help. 
“Want a massage?” Neteyam offered, fingers still playing between her folds. 
Xi snorted. “No thank you. I know well by now what your massages lead to. I’ve learnt my lesson after you offered last night. You’re the reason they ache in the first place,” she sassed. 
“I’m offering a serious one this time. I don’t want you hurting on the ride back,” he said with a concerned frown. 
“Alright,” she agreed. “After lunch though. I’m getting peckish,” she said, halting his wrist when his playing became a bit too deliberate. She was still recovering from being pounded on her hands and knees not even an hour ago. 
Tilting her head up along his shoulder to meet his gaze, she brought his fingers to her lips, sucking each one clean. 
Neteyam groaned at the sight. “Oh you are such a spicy little minx you, know that?” 
Xilä laughed. “So you’ve said a few times,” she teased, twisting up onto her knees to plonk herself in his lap. She hugged him around the waist, face snuggled into the crook of his neck- just wanting to be close to him. 
“I thought you were hungry,” he smiled, pulling her in closer. Ever since their very first hug, he always marveled over just how perfect she fit in his arms. 
“Mmm yeah, but this is better,” she sighed in content. “Just a little longer please.” 
A comforting silence passed between them as they stayed wrapped up in each other. Only the sounds of the trickling waterfall, the dull roar of the wind and distant cries of creatures could be heard. It was peaceful and all was calm. 
“Sometimes I think I’ll wake up and realize it was all a dream,” Xi murmured against his skin. 
“What was all a dream?” 
“You. Sal, Jxo. Everything that’s happened since I arrived here…Teyam, I never thought I’d be blessed like this…I don’t know what I did to deserve it. I get these feelings sometimes that I’d wake up back in Li’ona and realize it wasn’t all real, and you were gone, and you weren’t really mine.” 
“Xi,” he frowned, trying to tilt back to see her face, but she didn’t budge. 
“I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s stupid I know-”
“It’s not stupid,” he said firmly. “It’s not. Xilä, please look at me.” 
“Let’s forget it, I don’t mean to be a downer during our time together,” she said, sitting to face him with a forced smile.
“No, we are not dropping this. Xi, babe, I want you to tell me these things- I need you too, okay? So that not only do you get it out of your system, but so I can talk you out of thinking you're not worth any of it. To tell you that those tiny whispers in your head are wrong.” 
Looking down, he shifted her on his lap so that he could tear off a string of beads from the front of his loincloth. 
Taking a section of her hair, he began braiding the strands, weaving in the beads as he did. 
“I carved these myself years ago,” he said quietly as he worked. “Here.” He gently guided her fingers to the coloured pieces. “Do you feel that? Look. Do you see them? Do they feel and look real to you?” he asked, peering down at her, pointed ears twitching earnestly. 
Xilä nodded, brows pinched together in confusion. 
“If I’m not around whenever you get those feelings again. Use this. Look at them, feel them. They’re real Xilä Sully. I am real. And I am happy to remind you of it whenever you need me too,” he said seriously. 
At a loss for words, Xilä simply smiled- a real one this time, then said, “I love you Neteyam Sully.” 
After their lunch, a massage that led to one last round of lovemaking and bath, they began to pack up their things- loading up his direhorse who had spent the few days roaming free around the area just outside niwan loreyu.
The moment they crossed the border, reaching the first cluster of communities, Neteyam could tell something was off. 
Hearing his name yelled, Neteyam spotted Spider chasing wildly after them and instantly pulled on Antoyle’s reins. 
“Seriously man, why the hell is your comm off?” Spider spat as he ran to close the distance. “Look never mind, just go! It’s D’avi. She’s in labor and asking for Xi.”
“Oh Eywa!” Xilä exclaimed from her seat in front of him. 
Charging off, Neteyam got them there in record speed. 
Without a glance at the gathered friends and family members, Xilä flung herself off the direhorse and headed straight into her sister’s tent. 
The interior had been rearranged somewhat- the usual way the healers normally did in order to prepare for a birth. 
Mo’at was stooped between a panting D’avi’s spread legs, chanting quietly. Yalnïk sat behind his wife, keeping her propped up- dabbing at her forehead with a cloth while Sal and Yalnïk’s mother were on either side of her, holding her hands, fussing over her as they spoke soothing words of encouragement. And then there was Kiri, who shuffled around, assisting her grandmother from the side lines. 
“Oh D’av, I’m here, I’m here,” Xilä cooed, moving to crouch on the same side as Sal, who let her hold D’avi’s hand instead. The mother kissed her adoptive daughter on the temple, more than happy to have her back home. 
“Well you sure took your time,” her sister sassed between labored breaths, accepting the kiss on the cheek Xilä gave her in greeting. “You are lucky my children decided to wait for their aunt to arrive.”
“They love me already,” Xi teased easily, brushing away a sweat soaked strand of hair from D'avi's forehead. “You alright there Yalnïk?” she asked, noticing her brother-in-law’s greenish hue. 
Before he could respond however, his wife snapped. 
“Why do people keep asking him if he is okay? I AM the one birthing not one but two of his massive babies! Have you seen his head? Two of those are about to be pushed out of me right now! Do I look okay? Ask me! Not him! Ask me! Because I am not okay, alright? It has been HOURS and they refuse to come out! He is the reason I am here! The idiot put two of his massive headed babies in me and I am not okay! It’s all his fault! Him and his stupid big fat dick- OH EYWA!” she cried out as a wave of pain hit her. 
Xilä was biting down hard on her cheek as her sister ranted hysterically. Glancing around she could tell the two mothers and even Kiri were also highly amused, and like her were trying their best to school their features. Her brother-in-law on the other hand, turned crimson. 
“Breathe D’av, breathe. Hey, look at me,” she whispered, while D’avi panted. “You’re going to do great, okay? You’re one of the strongest women I know. You’ve got this.”
Tears welling in her eyes, D’avi tightened her grip on her hand. “I'm so happy you are here with me, Xi. I don’t think I could do this without you,” she admitted softly. “You’ll help me right?” she pleaded, showing off a rare side of being vulnerable. 
“Every step of the way,” Xilä assured, kissing the back of her clammy hand. 
“It is time,” Tsahìk declared. 
When Neteyam returned to the outskirts of D’avi and Yalnïk’s tent after unloading Antoyle of their packed belongings, he was surprised to see the man standing outside- staring at the closed flap where D’avi’s cries could be heard.  
“Yalnïk?” he said as he drew near. “Why are you out here?” Neteyam asked quietly, sending a hesitant nod in greeting to a pissed off looking Jxo who stood nearby with Yalnïk’s father and twin brother. 
Yalnïk, who seemed a bit queasy, side-eyed him guiltily. “I got kicked out,” he whispered reluctantly.
“What? Why?”
Rubbing the back of his neck, the soon to be father released an embarrassed sigh. “I looked…..then I fainted. So the women kicked me out,” he admitted, frowning helplessly at the closed flap when D’avi cried out again. 
“Ah….Right,” Neteyam said, nodding in sympathy before giving him a pat on the back in comfort. 
“Is he still glaring?” the fisherman asked under his breath, lips barely moving.
Catching his meaning, Neteyam found Jxo’s cold hard stare before quickly averting his eyes with a fake cough. “Yep.”
“Fuck. He’s never going to let me live this down…Hey can you piss him off again like last time, so I can get off the hook?” he joked half seriously. 
They both chuckled then instantly sobered up when their father-in-law made his way over to them. 
“How was the trip?” the elder asked, gruffly, glare cutting into the side of poor Yalnïk’s head once more. 
“Um, good. I’d say it was good,” Neteyam said awkwardly, avoiding the man’s obvious appraisal, hoping he couldn’t suddenly read minds and see the flashes of what exactly happened between him and Xilä on said trip. 
There was no way in hell he was mentioning that he’d taken the man’s daughter as his mate while he was in this pissed a mood. 
Neteyam was saved from Jxo’s further questions however, when the cry of a baby’s voice rang out, startling them all. 
A girl and a boy. 
D’avi birthed two healthy, gorgeous babies, and Xilä was already in love. 
She was not the only one it seemed. Sal, Jxo and both of Yalnïk’s parents were completely smitten with their grandbabies. 
When the okay was given for them to come in, Xilä stood on the sidelines as she witnessed their joys of pure unconditional love.
Big, gruff Jxo was soft and tender as he greeted his daughter first. Kissing a still sobbing D’avi on the forehead, telling her how proud he was of her. Sal was also a slew of tears as she held out baby L’eo to meet his grandfather for the first time. 
Meanwhile tiny baby L’eya who was nestled in the arms of her tearful father was being cooed and awed over by her other grandparents. Yalnïk’s brother grinned widely as he welcomed his twin to fatherhood, teasing him that his own twins now each had their own little playmate. 
These two babies had not even been in the world a full hour, and yet they already had so many people who loved them. 
It was a beautiful sight and Xilä’s heart felt full. 
An arm wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her in for a comforting side hug. It was Tsahìk. Kiri had left not too long ago, carrying their supplies back to the healer’s tent. 
“Congratulations to you too my dear,” Mo’at murmured, causing Xi’s head to flick to hers in surprise. “Oh come now child, don’t look at me like that. Did you honestly think I could not sense your bond to my grandson the minute you stepped into this tent?” 
Xilä flushed, pointed ears tingling with embarrassment that it had been so obvious to the elder. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t say a word until you two are ready,” the grandmother continued, turning back to survey the sweet affair before them. “But this means I can begin to advance your training even further now.” 
“My training?”
“Mm yes...It won’t be for years of course, but you will make a fine Tsahìk when the time comes,” Mo’at said frankly. 
Xilä’s jaw dropped. 
“Xi darling,” Sal called softly when she re-entered the tent much later that night. “Neteyam is outside for you,” she said, reaching out to take the drowsy baby girl from her arms.
The tent was quiet, save for the suckling sounds of L’eo feasting on an exhausted D’avi’s breast and the low snores of Yalnïk at her side. The poor man had been up with his wife since the night before when her contractions first began. 
“Alright thanks, I’ll be right back,” Xi whispered in response, easing the tiny baby into her grandmother’s arms.  
Heading outside, Xilä flung herself at Neteyam the moment she was within reach and he caught her around the waist with ease.  
Feet dangling off the ground, Neteyam took advantage of the position to walk them into the shadows between two tents. 
“Hi sweetheart,” he murmured, hiking her higher to steal a kiss. 
“Hi handsome,” she smiled, titling her jaw to grant him further access when his lips began to make a path across her skin.  
“How’s D’avi and the twins?” he asked, settling her back down on the low grass, keeping her locked in his arms. 
“They’re great. D’av is resting and the twins- gosh Teyam, they’re the sweetest little things. I can’t wait for you to meet them,” she whispered with gleaming eyes. 
“That’s amazing,” murmured, pecking her on the lips again, like the addicted man he was. “Did you have dinner? I can go get you something- and for D’avi too of course,” he offered, ears twitching in concern as he peered down at her.
She shook her head, heart fluttering at his sweetness. “Sal’s cook mates brought us a really nice spread a couple hours ago. I had two entire bowls of hot stew.”
“Okay good. Are you staying here tonight? To help out?” he asked.
Xi bit her lip and nodded in response. It was on the tip of her tongue to apologize for choosing to stay the night here, instead of with him, but the knowing look he shot her had her swallowing the apology. She knew he didn’t mind, but she still couldn’t help feeling a small pang of guilt. 
“Listen,” she started a bit apprehensively. “I was thinking…so this is a really big moment for D’avi right now…and I don’t-” her mouth twisted, unsure how to word what she was trying to say. 
“Baby, it’s fine,” Neteyam assured, reading her worry all too well. “I don’t mind waiting to tell our families about us. It’ll be a good thing- Hey I’m serious,” he emphasized, seeing her uncertainty. “I honestly don’t mind stalling all the impending fuss and lectures waiting for us,” he joked. “But you’re right. This is your sister’s moment.” 
She mentally sighed in relief, sending a quiet thank you to Eywa for blessing her with the most thoughtful mate in the universe. “Thank you…Um, also, Teyam, it's your birthday’s next week. What’s the council going to say?” she frowned, worrying her bottom lip. 
“That’s for me to handle Xi. Don’t worry about them, alright? How about we go see our tent later tomorrow?” he asked instead, steering the conversation to a lighter topic. 
It seemed to work because Xi lit up the way he loved to see. “Okay,” she agreed quickly. “Oh and maybe after we can go for a quick fly around? I want to see my Journey again.”
“Whatever you want, baby,” he sang, bending at the waist to lift her by the thighs, just because he could. “Now, listen here wife. I’m going to be sleeping all alone tonight. So I’m going to need something to remember you by,” he said in mock seriousness, nudging her nose with his expectantly. 
Xilä laughed at his dramatics, but eagerly leaned in anyway to kiss her husband goodbye. 
Before Neteyam knew it, three fast weeks flew by.
His days were filled with the tedious works of reinforcing their borders, upping their security from roaming palulukans and heading numerous planning and development strategy meetings. 
Whereas Xilä’s days were split between helping D’avi settle into motherhood and continuing her studies with his grandmother. 
On those few nights when Xi wasn’t at her sister’s, or he wasn’t on watch, Neteyam would sneak into her room at Sal and Jxo’s, where they were back to being as silent as possible. 
Jxo however, seemed to have developed a sixth sense overtime and would often drop smartass remarks to him. 
“You dragged your feet last night. I thought you were a highly skilled warrior?” or “Why don’t you just save yourself the trouble and wake the whole village with all that racket you make sneaking in. You’re not fooling anybody.” 
Suffice to say and much to Xilä’s displeasure, Neyetam refused to touch her in any sexual capacity while under Sal and Jxo’s roof. And so they had become creative when it came to their lovemaking. 
Then there was Neteyam’s birthday. 
Twenty-four years of life. 
It had been a quiet affair after much begging on his part. He really didn’t want any grand celebrations or masses of attention. 
His family held an intimate gathering at their home tent where halfway through, he and Xi snuck out and made their escape from Camp. They spent the remainder of the day, flying, relaxing and enjoying gratuitous amounts of extremely loud sex- niwan loreyu had been a most welcomed hideaway once more. 
When he revealed he was officially a taken man to the entire Council the day after, almost all of the members congratulated him- most looking relieved he was finally in a secure match- others not as pleased with who he had chosen.
Fe’ska, Leati’s mother had turned sour. He knew even after admitting his betrothal to Xi, the woman still held out the hope that he’d end up with her daughter. 
Jake, who was seated at the head of the table however, simply smirked and sent his son a “good on you,” nod as his eyes shined proudly. 
The Council however were against Neteyam putting off the announcement of his pairing with Xilä, but his father had finally put his foot down and overruled them all, citing that his son would do that on his own terms and that now they were all being “fucking ridiculous” with their demands. 
Neteyam appreciated it when Jake then held them all to an oath of secrecy. 
But that was two weeks ago…
Now, however. 
The jig was up. 
The moment Neteyam walked into D’avi and Yalnïk’s tent that morning to check in on Xi, he stopped dead in his tracks. 
‘Shit. Here we go,’ he thought with an accepting sigh of defeat, feeling the sting of the stares from the women seated around the table before him. 
They knew…. 
Oh my goodness. This took way too long to write and edit and I lost some of it- just DRAMA with this part.
But enough about that....you guysssss. They're mated! Gah I could cry because it's been such a journey.
I hope I did the love scenes justice. I just really wanted fluff Fluff FLUFFY throughout this part.
Also, I did that thing again when the part was getting way too long. So I had to cut and put it in the next one.
Anywhoo...I hope you guys enjoyed it.
Please let me know your thoughts, you already know I love hearing from you all :)
Ps. I have no full knowledge about the Na’vi and their body anatomy and how everything works. So I used my imagination for the first time sex and baby birthing scene.
Ps. Ps. So it ended on a bit of a cliff hanger which I absolutely hate doing. But I figured you guys could get involved and share how you think the women in Neteyam and Xi's life may react to them hiding the fact that they're already mates.
Tags: @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @granddearduck @riatesullironalite @strawberri-blonde @earthling55 @innercreationflower @duckworthbean @gyuventure @btsiguess-kpop @blkmystery @neteswife
If you'd like to be tagged or I forgot you by accident, please let me know.
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lifblogs · 10 days
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Week 1: Water Gun Fights and Dad Voices
Prompt: Water Gun Fight
Alt. Prompt: “It’s not what you think.”
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Minor TechPhee (just one mention)
Word Count: 1153
Summary: On a hot afternoon on Pabu Omega and Hunter decide to have a water gun fight, though their method of doing so is a bit alarming.
A/N: I wanted to wait till my cast/splint-thing was off, but this gave me instant inspiration, so I managed with using just my phone.
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Omega shrieked with laughter, hiding behind a chair as Hunter fired at her. Water sprayed past her position. She supposed she was lucky Crosshair wasn’t playing or else she’d be soaked by now (which, she almost was anyway).
She could see and hear Hunter rushing for her, and she ran, firing behind her without aiming.
She took the fight outside, to their patio they had in their new home on Pabu. It might be better this way. She could already imagine Wrecker asking why their kitchen floor was soaked.
Hunter fired near Omega’s feet, which he clearly didn’t think through because she slipped against the wet stone, falling backwards. Her body gave her a shock of adrenaline, but before she could crack her head on the stone Hunter grabbed her.
“Got you.”
And then he sprayed his repurposed water gun right in Omega’s face.
She spluttered and then started laughing. Hunter was laughing too, a sound Omega cherished more than seeing the sun rise and knowing it was there to provide them with life. His laughter did that all on its own.
“Let me go,” she complained, trying to wriggle out of his grip.
He placed a kiss on the top of her head that she pretended to be annoyed about, and then he righted her, releasing her.
Omega squirted water right into his face.
As she rushed away from him this turned into a little dance across the patio, around their table.
Omega didn’t know who was winning this fight anymore. They were both dripping with water, and the table was soaked, more water dripping off the edges and onto the stone.
This was certainly one way to cool off from the hot afternoon sun, despite the way Omega’s breaths were coming hard and fast from dodging around the table and firing at Hunter.
Batcher, who had probably come to see what this was all about, started wagging her tiny, adorable tail. She jumped up, eyes going big as she recognized this as some form of play.
She splashed over to Omega and headbutted her arm, throwing off her aim so that one of their pots of flowers ended up getting watered early.
Hunter sprayed her again.
She giggled.
“No fair. Batcher’s distracting me.”
At first Hunter looked like he was about to reply with some quip about soldiers having to be ready for anything, his mouth open and face hard, and then realized they weren’t soldiers anymore. He still had his moments. They all did.
Batcher was curious about the old, repurposed blaster Omega was holding, so she let her sniff it. To give her more information, Omega gently squeezed the trigger, eliciting a gentle stream of water. Batcher jumped away, startled, and Omega tried to hold in her laughter. Hunter didn’t.
He went over to pet Batcher, both of them explaining this to her. Batcher came closer, sniffing Hunter’s repurposed blaster.
And then she promptly snatched it and ran off.
Omega saw her chance and took it, firing right at the back of Hunter’s head as he went after Batcher.
She laughed, following.
Batcher circled around, nudging Omega. As Omega pet her under her chin, blaster still focused on Hunter and spraying mercilessly, Batcher deposited Hunter’s blaster into her hand.
“Good girl.”
“Now wait a minute!”
Omega used his blaster to fire right at his mouth.
A gurgling sound came from him for a second before he swallowed, which set Omega off laughing again.
“We don’t know how dirty these are,” Omega exclaimed.
Hunter shrugged. “Water is water.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Maybe give me my blaster back and we can argue about this like civilized people.”
Omega snorted.
Hunter lunged for her, and she shrieked. She jumped back and fired at him till he was even more wet than before. Batcher jumped around, barking.
Omega slipped again, and Batcher held her up.
She looked back.
“Thanks, girl.”
Hunter took that opportunity to try and snatch both blasters from her.
She relinquished his so she could shove him back and fire again.
“Omega, I think that’s enough.”
“You’ve slipped twice.”
“Well then come and get my blaster,” she teased, rushing to the far side of the table, Batcher at her heels.
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Tech was on his way back from his market trip with Phee. He’d said bye to her already with a quick kiss and a promise that she was invited for dinner. When he stepped onto his patio, he almost dropped his basket.
Hunter and Omega were soaking wet for some unknown reason, hair dripping water into their faces. Batcher was under the table, lapping up water from a large puddle. The strangest thing, and the most alarming, was that Hunter and Omega were pointing blasters at each other!
Hunter lowered his, a hand out. “It’s not what you think.”
“Oh? Because it looks like—”
Tech was promptly interrupted by Omega pointing her blaster at him and firing. He couldn’t help the startled yelp he let out, adrenaline flooding his system.
He dropped his basket (which also had his datapad in it), fruit rolling out onto the stone. And he crouched down, making himself a smaller target.
Where am I injured?
He felt along his torso for any injury, thinking the pain hadn’t hit yet, and he found only… water.
Omega was laughing.
Tech stood up, an eyebrow raised.
Omega answered his question before firing at herself, laughing as more water dripped off of her.
“Water,” Tech stated again.
“Yep! Hunter and I found some old blasters, and it was so hot, so we thought we’d repurpose them.”
“You need a talking to, young lady,” Tech said, not exactly pleased that she’d fired at him, making him believe he would be hurt.
She groaned. “But that was the funniest scream I’ve ever heard.”
“Well, excuse me for thinking my life was in danger.”
“And now you’re using your dad voice,” she said as she handed her blaster over and went to pick up Tech’s basket.
He snatched it out of her hands, not wanting her to get his datapad wet.
“I don’t have a dad voice,” he argued.
“You do,” Hunter said.
Omega went and pressed a finger into Hunter’s chest. “You do too.”
“But Crosshair is the worst with it.”
“Speaking of,” Hunter started, “we should clean up before—”
A surprised shout reached them through the open door and windows. “Why is the kitchen floor soaking wet?!”
“—that,” Hunter finished.
Omega laughed and went inside, probably to start cleaning up, and to deal with Crosshair and his “dad voice.”
“Sorry, Tech,” Hunter said, taking his basket from him. “I’d better get in there, explain this was my idea.”
“Was it?” Tech asked, following after his brother, being mindful of the wet stone.
Hunter smirked. “As if I’d tell you.”
Tech and Hunter laughed as from inside the house came the cry of, “Young lady!”
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daughterofcain-67 · 7 months
𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 (pt.1)
(Beau Arlen x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Every day the sheriff comes into your coffee shop, and every day you both seem to put a smile on each others face, even when Beau is working his saddening cases. You’d be lying of you said you didn’t have a thing for the sheriff- but what woman with a working set of eyes didn’t? What you didn’t know was who you would meet in your cafe later that day…
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mentions of kidnapping because of the case Beau is working on
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The smell of coffee was all around you since you were in the process of brewing some pots or some of your early morning customers. You were wearing your cream colored polo with your purple apron. The apron as well as the polo had the name of your business on the top left corner called ‘Morning Glory Coffee’ in cursive on a white mug along with the flowers by the same name beside it.
You heard the bell on the door ringing out, signaling that someone else was walking into your little cafe. Wrapping up your last to-go order, you glanced over to see who was there and you smiled when you saw the familiar stature of the sheriff.
“Sheriff Arlen! You’re here early.” You grinned as you turned around to get his typical order started.
“Ms. L/N, you know you don’t have to be so formal with me.” Beau said as he pulled out his wallet.
“Now you know I can’t do that. And don’t worry about payin’ this time. It’s on the house.” You insisted as you handed him his cup of coffee.
“Well, if you’re insisting on the coffee, I insist that you call me Beau from now on.” You saw the smirk on his face, causing you to grin.
“Alright, Beau.” You said, accepting the little compromise.
When he took the coffee, your fingers grazed and you pulled away when he had a grip on his cup. As he took a sip, he let out a low hum. “My, my, Y/N. I swear you make the best coffee I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Awe, well thanks! I’m glad you like it so much.” You insisted, but honestly you just loved that he seemed to come in practically every day. It was honestly when made your mornings happier, that boost you needed just a little more than caffeine.
“How are things going? Got any new cases you’re working on?” You asked curiously as you grabbed a rag to start cleaning up the counter. It was a slow Wednesday morning so far so every once in a while you liked to talk to your customers when you had the time. No one was even there at the moment since it’s been mostly to-go orders.
“Yeah, kind of a big one. You heard about those missing women?” He asked and you lifted a brow.
“No? Then again I haven’t had much time to watch the news.”
“Well, two women have gone missing. We don’t really have any leads yet but I’ve got some interviews today with the missing persons’ loved ones. Conversations like that are always hard.” He sighed and you frowned, knowing he’s been in those shoes before.
“I can’t imagine having a job like yours. You see a lot of dark things from day to day and it’s gotta be a difficult thing.”
“It can be. But in the cases where I’m actually able to get those families reunited, it makes it so worth it in the end. It’s worth it when the right justice is being served and we get the guy.”
“Well, I won’t keep you from getting one step closer to justice. Just do me a favor and be careful out there, alright?”
Beau smiled at you, that same smile that made you feel oddly warm and fuzzy on the inside, “Will do, Darlin. See you around.”
When Sheriff Arlen left your business partner, your little sister named Cadence, was holding a tray of banana bread and some muffins with some sort of knowing smirk on her face.
“What?” You asked as you went back to cleaning up the counter.
“You have it for him so bad.” Cadence teased.
“What? No I don’t! And even if I did, he’s a cute enough guy that would have more people interested in him than just me. I wouldn’t stand that much of a chance. Plus he hangs out with Cassie and Jenny a lot anyways.” You reminded just to hear the exasperated sigh from Cadence as she set the tray in the display case.
“Are you kidding me?! You both have a thing for each other! ‘Oh Y/N, this is the best coffee I’ve ever had!’ ‘Oh promise me you’ll be careful, Beau, my love!’” Your sister began to swoon dramatically while you shook your head.
“I didn’t sound like that. And Beau just likes the coffee. It’s not a big deal.”
“Oh yeah? Well you guys should at least give it a shot. I mean you haven’t dated in three years ever since… well you know. And Beau’s single too. You guys hit it off just fine and you talk almost every morning every time he comes in here.”
“I can’t date him. He’s got too much on his plate with being the sheriff and all. He sees a lot and he has a lot of things to do and a lot that he goes through and he probably doesn’t even have the time for a girlfriend.” You tried to reason and Cadence lifted a brow.
“Really? You’re trying to use that as an excuse? You realize that when Beau got married he was in law enforcement anyway, right? Clearly he’s done it before and I bet he’d be willing to give it another shot rather than being alone and unhappy.”
You listened and tried to think. You knew she was right, but you also knew men like Beau Arlen didn’t go out with women like you. You’ve gotten your hopes up for relationships before and you knew what it was like to be rejected when you first started dating again after unspoken chapter of your life. You weren’t exactly open for that kind of rejection again.
“What if I talked to Jenny and Cassie to set you up with him? I’m sure they’d love that!”
“Are you insane?! No, I don’t think that’s really a good idea.” You shook your hands in front of you.
Your sister groaned, clearly unhappy that you were being so stubborn about this. You really did appreciate her efforts in trying to get you back in the dating game. Couldn’t she try to set you up with someone that’s more realistic for you in stead of someone like Beau?
The door opened up again and there were more customers coming back in, interrupting your conversation with Cadence about the Beau situation - thank goodness.
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Beau strode into the office with his coffee in hand. He enjoyed going to your shop in the morning. Seeing your smiling face always gave him a bit of a jump start he needed.
“Well, well, well! Did you go over to see your girlfriend again?” Hoyt greeted as she put her hands in the pockets of her jeans. She had this smirk on her face like she was trying to tease Beau, who only smirked and shook his head.
“Yeah, you wish.” He said as he started walking to his office, just for Jenny to follow behind him.
“Oh come on, just admit that you have a thing for her! When was the last time you went on a date, huh?”
“Instead of questioning me about my nonexistent love life with the coffee shop owner, can you tell me if we’ve got any more information on those missin’ women? And where’s Pompernickle?”
“Right here, boss!” Poppernack called as he held up a file and made his way to Beau’s office as well.
The three of them walked inside and Beau shut the door, “What do we got?”
“Well, we’ve found the families that way we can ask them if they’ve seen anyone in the womens’ friend groups that were a little peculiar. Maybe the family members noticed something that the missing two didn’t see in them?” Poppernack said.
“Oh if only it was that easy. Yeah, sometimes it’s someone the victim knows - hell half the time that’s the case. But then there’s those small percentages where it really is a complete stranger.” Beau reminded.
“Woah, they aren’t victims yet. They’re captives. Hopefully they’re still alive.” Jenny interjected, Beau nodded.
“Yeah, that’s always the hope that’s why we’ve gotta step on the gas with this before things get worse and someone else goes missin’.’ Is that all we’ve got?”
“No. I’ve got a witness from a gas station that said they saw one of the girls, Sidney Ferguson, filling up some gas in some green SUV.” Hoyt began.
“From what he said, it looked like a Hyundai. Couldn’t tell you the license plates because the manager said the security cameras were out and they’re in the process of replacing them.”
“Great, a green SUV with no plates to track them down with. Are we even sure she drives that kind of vehicle?”
“I’ve seen Ferguson around before she went missing. She didn’t drive that from what I can remember. A white Jeep Wrangler. 2015 I think.” Poppernack said, “Issued a warning once. Speeding.”
“There’s a lead. Pops, why don’t you do some research and see how many of those SUVs are runnin’ around town. Jenny, you take Ferguson’s family this morning and ask some questions and I’ll talk to the other girls family. Hopefully there will be a lead on Ember O’Riley here soon so we have somethin’ to tell that family.” Beau said.
“Maybe one of the families or even some of their friends know something about that SUV. It’s worth a shot to ask about that too.” Hoyt reminded as she started walking towards the door so they could start their morning.
Beau watched as his two deputies left. Then he looked down at the cup you gave him. That was when he noticed you actually left a note for him, ‘Have a good day, Sheriff.’ He had never seen your handwriting before but it was cute that you put a sheriff’s star to dot the ‘I’ in your note.
He smiled fondly to himself before he took another sip and made his way out of the door of his office. Yeah Hoyt may have teased him once in a while about the fact that maybe he liked more than just your coffee, and maybe she wasn’t exactly wrong. It’s just that while he was friendly with people, he didn’t want to get close. Not after losing his partner, not after losing his wife and daughter to Avery. He didn’t want to get attached and lose anyone else no matter the circumstances. Death or otherwise.
Once he snapped out of his thoughts, Beau found himself already outside and he felt his phone buzz in his hand. When he pulled out the device while walking to his car, he saw that Poppernack gave him the address to the O’Riley household.
“And off we go.”
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It was noon and your sister just left for her lunch break since you had already come back from yours. You had put out some baked goods in the display case for whoever would stop by and decide they may want something more than something to drink. As you were doing this, you heard the door bell sound out again.
You turned around and you saw someone walking in. You hadn’t seen this person before but he seemed nice. Then again you tried to see the good in all your customers. Everyone had a good quality about them and this man? Well he seemed to have a nice smile.
“Hi there, what can I get for ya?” You asked with a grin.
“Actually, this is my first time coming in here. Can you give me some kind of recommendation?” He asked. He had a kindness in his voice. His hair was dark brown, his eyes were a hazel and his skin was tanned like he tended to spend a lot of time in the sun.
“Well, I have the typical black coffee with an assortment of creamers. I can get you an americano, latte, cappuccino if you want something a little on the warmer side. For some colder options I’ve got cold brews with different flavored cold foams like Irish cream, hazelnut, sweet cream. Then I’ve got some energy drink options. Just a little of everything really. So what’s your poison?”
“A little of everything, huh?” He asked, “I think I’ll take a cold brew. With some of that Irish cold foam if you don’t mind?”
You smiled at him, “Of course. Can I get a name for that order?”
“Andre… Nice name. Actually you’re the first one I’ve met.” You admitted and he chuckled.
“Yeah, I hear it’s not exactly a common name, especially around here.”
“Let me go ahead and get that drink started for ya, Andre.” You insisted and walked off.
As you got started on making the cold brew, you could hear some of your other customer’s talking in the corner.
“So the police came and talked to your family? What did they want?” Said one teen. You stayed quiet as you continued with your task, “Yeah. They said they may have some kind of a lead to find Sid. But they didn’t say anything about what that lead was. I guess they didn’t want my family to get involved.”
“Yeah, That’s fair. I mean your mom and dad are going through a lot as it is with her going missing and all. I feel bad for the O’Rileys too.. I heard Ember was an expectant mom to be too… She must be terrified.”
“Yeah if she’s not dead already.”
“Guys, it’s only been a week! Mrs. O’Riley and my sister will both be fine, I’m sure. Sheriff Arlen and Deputy Hoyt are really good at their jobs, I’m sure they can find something if they’re the ones on the case.”
Your heart ached at hearing those girls talk about the case. It was even more heartbreaking that one of them had a sister that was missing. You were glad that she was still hopeful and you really hoped that Beau would be able to find this Sid girl as well as Ember as soon as he could before it was too late.
“Here you are, Andre. One cold brew with cold foam.” You smiled once more and handed him the cup and a straw.
“Thanks.” He grinned and you could notice a dimple on his left cheek. He handed you the card and you took it for the payment before he spoke again.
“By the way… can I ask what your name is?” He asked.
You looked up at him. You were a little skeptical as to why he wanted to know your name, but you didn’t think too much of it. Maybe he was just new around here and wanted to make some friends or something.
“Y/N. I’m glad you came in today, and I hope you enjoy.” You grinned as you handed him the card back as well as his receipt.
“Thanks! You have a good one.” Andre said and he left.
“You too!” You called as he walked out of the door just as Cadence was walking in.
You watched your sister do a double take and her gaze lingered before she looked at you, tilting her head and she walked behind the counter again, “So who was that? He’s new to coming here isn’t he?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“He’s pretty cute though. Nice ass too.” She smirked and you rolled your eyes, grinning.
“Don’t you have a boyfriend already?”
“Uh, I didn’t mean cute for me. Even if he does have a nicer ass than Corbin’s.” Cadence said, “I meant for you.”
“What happened to the whole Beau thing?”
“Oh are you kidding me? That’s my number one option for you. He’s totally unbeatable. But since you’re being so stubborn about not going out with him, it’s always good to keep your options open.”
“Cadence, this was literally the first time he’s ever been in this shop. We don’t know if he was visiting town or what his deal is.” You reminded and you watched your sister cross her arms, wanting to sulk like a child.
“Why do you always want to burst my bubble!?”
“Well don’t say I popped it just yet. He did ask what my name is, so maybe he’s moving here, or he already has moved here and is trying to make some kind of acquaintances or something.” Then Cadence’s eyes lit up almost like a Christmas tree.
“He asked you your name!?” She practically squealed, causing you to cringe a little.
“You don’t think it’s odd or anything?”
“What? No. How else are you supposed to meet people if you don’t talk to them or if you don’t know their name! So what was his name?”
“Andre!? Ugh, that’s so dreamy! If he comes in again you have to take a shot.”
You smiled, shaking your head at your sister’s nonsense, “Oh go clock in now, would you?”
“This is where the love triangle starts, Y/N! I’m tellin’ ya!”
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Hi everyone! Here’s the start of a new little series I’m starting and I hope you like it! There’s more to come with this series.
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@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92
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pega7sus · 1 year
Jealous (Professor Longbottom x Fem!Reader)
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“Sorry? I didn’t quite catch what you said, Y/N/N.”
“I was jealous, Nev.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHEN Y/N overhears a few seventh-year girls giggling about the oh-so handsome Professor Longbottom, she can’t help but feel jealous.
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Wife!Reader, Pureblood!Reader, mentions of blushing, fluff, jealousy, unedited writing, and that’s about it :)
I’m still kinda new to Tumblr, since I’m mostly on Wattpad (follow me on there @/sage-like-the-herb if you want to), so don’t judge this too harshly. Also, I felt bored when I wrote this, so the idea is pretty underdeveloped. Because I’m not as active here, don’t expect stuff like this too often 😂 I hope y’all like it, though!
(Edit: It’s sooo short…)
(Third-person POV)
Y/N was besides herself with excitement. After months of being away from her husband, she finally got an owl with a time and date to meet up. So, that’s how she found herself waiting outside his classroom.
As the bell rang, and students came out of the room in swarms, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward.
“Aunt Y/N?” a voice asked suddenly.
Head snapping upward, she met the familiar eyes of Albus Potter. After being introduced to her as if she was family, the whole lot of Potter children had taken to calling her their aunt.
“Albus!” she exclaimed, hugging him. She felt relieved upon realizing that she was still tall in his eyes; he was about shoulder-level to her. “Merlin, you’ve grown! I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Lily keeps talking about you,” Albus commented, breaking out of the embrace. “She wants to know when you and Uncle Neville will come by again.”
“Hopefully soon,” Y/N promised. “Now, run along to lunch, I want to drop by Nev’s office for a bit.”
“There are students inside,” Albus informed her. “A rather annoying lot of seventh-years. They just burst in during class! I’d wait out here for a bit, if I were you.”
“Well then, I suppose I’ll do just that.”
So, she waited.
Thankfully, she didn’t stand for too long. Moments later, a trio of girls came walking out of the room, giggling away madly.
“He’s so cute!” a blonde-haired girl squealed. (Admittedly, the girl reminded Y/N of a prepubescent Hannah Abbott, who had harbored a crush on Neville for years until he rejected her in favor of Ginny Weasley as his Yule Ball date.)
Jealousy slapped a bewildered Y/N across the face.
“Yeah!” the blonde girl’s friend agreed. “I don’t care if he’s married, I’d smash him, for sure.”
Y/N felt disgusted.
“Don’t steal my man,” the third girl joked. “I did the research; our Zodiac signs are compatible. Do wizards even believe in Zodiacs?”
“Whatever,” the blonde girl rolled her eyes. “He’s still eye candy.”
“Excuse me,” Y/N said loudly, unable to take this talk of her husband any louder. “Could you young ladies move, please?” When the girls only gave confused and slightly disgusted looks, she continued. “I’d like to see my husband.”
All three girls stopped mid-conversation.
The second-girl’s face paled. “Y-you’re Professor Longbottom’s w-wife?”
“We don’t mean any harm!” the third girl squeaked, eyes widening in fear. “We were only joking! Right, Jessica?” she nudged the girl beside her.
The blonde girl, Jessica, was at a loss of words. She opened her mouth, then closed it once more. “Sorry, Mrs. Longbottom,” she apologized immediately.
“It’s Mrs. Y/L/N, actually,” Y/N scowled. “Mrs. Longbottom is my mother-in-law. Now move,” filthy mudbloods. Thankfully, she didn’t let the last two words slip out her mouth.
Merlin, marrying a Longbottom sure smacked the pureblood supremacist out of Y/N.
However, Y/N didn’t feel the slightest bit ashamed of herself as she slammed her shoulder against Jessica’s on her way into Neville’s classroom.
Y/N twisted the door handle, and rather aggressively slammed the door open. “Nev?” she called out.
“Y/N/N!” Neville exclaimed, accidentally knocking an empty flower pot off his desk in excitement. “Whoops.” He muttered a quiet Reparo and fixed it, before setting the pot back on his desk.
He was quick to wrap his arms tightly around his wife. They stayed like that for a moment, breathing in the moment, before breaking apart.
“I missed you, Nev,” Y/N sighed, looking her husband in his warm honey-like eyes. She must’ve looked the slightest bit irritated from her encounter with the seventh-years, since he gazed at her in worry.
“What’s wrong, flower?” he asked, concern written on his now angular face (all the chubbiness of his youth had abandoned his post-pubescent figure).
Y/N stayed quiet, feeling too embarrassed to admit it. She could feel a flush creeping up her face.
Merlin, it sure felt weird to be jealous of bloody seventh-years.
“Iwaskindajealousofthosegirlsthatwereherebefore,” Y/N blurted out, hoping that Neville would drop the subject.
However, her sweet Nev, her sweet, caring Nev, could sense the situation gnawing at her insides, so he wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders.
“Sorry? I didn’t quite catch what you said, Y/N/N.” Noticing Y/N’s awkward expression and clearly flustered face, he added a soft, “it’s okay, flower, you can tell me. I won’t judge.”
At this point, she wanted to cry. From embarrassment of her predicament, or pure adoration toward her loving husband, Y/N didn’t have a single clue.
“I was jealous, Nev.” Her face must’ve been a tomato by that point.
At his confused look, she elaborated her statement.
“These really pretty seventh-years were leaving your classroom, while talking about how good-looking you are, and I felt jealous. It’s just that— they were gorgeous!” Y/N ranted.
Neville blinked at her. Then, he burst into a fit of laughter. Well, what she assumed was laughter. Neville must’ve been holding back the full brink of his amusement for her sake, since his chuckles sounded rather like wheezes of desperation.
“You were jealous of those girls?” he laughed. “I don’t normally want to talk bad about my students, but they’re the worst group of people I’ve ever encountered. The ironic thing is, they were visiting my room to get some herbs for a Glamour Potion.”
At Y/N’s doubtful look, he spun her around to place both his hands on her shoulders.
“Y/N/N,” he said seriously. “Flower. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on— sorry, Gran,” he joked. Y/N cracked a smile. “I’m so lucky to be married to someone as wonderful as you. You’re kind, loving, appreciative, considerate, and just about every quality that girls like them lack.”
“Don’t compare yourself to them,” Neville warned. “Otherwise I’ll have to muster up all my Gryffindor courage just to come up with another motivational speech.” His so-called ‘Gryffindor’ courage must’ve been given a boost by Y/N’s growing smile, since he finished with a passionate “I love you. You. Not them.”
Y/N leaned forward just a bit to press her lips against her husbands.
“I love you too, Nev,” she murmured while kissing him.
The End.
Not me ending the story in the most third grade-me way ever 💀💀 i haven’t ended a story with ‘the end,’ in a while, but I’ve never actually been motivated to finish my stories in a while, either. Anywho, thoughts on this?? The writing and plot aren’t too bad, right?
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tavyliasin · 3 months
Bouquet of the Frontiers - Wyll Week One Shot
Wyll Week Day 2 - Flowers
This is my entry to the Wyll Week Fanworks event that's running from 3rd-9th March - Please take a look at the other wonderful entries!
It's the night of the Tiefling Party, and despite being a true hero and helping keep all of them safe, Wyll finds it difficult to join the merrymaking. He chooses a quiet spot by the water, away from the noise and celebration, reflecting on everything that's happened in the last tenday. His friends, however, don't want to let him sit out there alone. One by one they drop by, giving him gifts that mean more than they first appear.
Click Here to read on AO3 5,701 words
Spoilers Act 1 only.
Canon Compliance The party is canon, most of the rest isn't. Though all of the flowers are real, and the symbolism matches mostly to modern European interpretations.
Other Notes I'll include pictures of all the different flowers at the end of the piece!
Mood/Song Life is a Flower by Ace of Base
"When every race is run And the day is closing in I don't care about the world I'm living for the light Don't cry for me today' ah ah ah
We live in a free world I whistle down the wind Carry on smiling And the world will smile with you Life is a flower So precious in your hand Carry on smiling And the world will smile with you"
Bouquet of the Frontiers
The sounds of the celebrations were filling the camp. Songs and laughter, drinks raised, stories swapped between old friends and new ones. But for Wyll… It was all a little too much, at least for now. He slipped away not long after the first bottle was opened, taking a lesser vintage for himself and a few pieces of simple food from the table. 
It was quieter to sit by the water’s edge, looking out at the moonlight reflecting on the rippling surface, grateful that it wasn’t mirror-smooth to show his reflection. He subconsciously reached up and touched his horns, pulling back in an instant as if he had touched a heated pot on the stove. His head ached, still unused to the balance of extra weight curling around and back;, the horns themselves were sensitive at times, too. 
Everything had changed. Again. 
Wyll had just about accepted his fate in leaving his home behind and taking up the mantle of the hero, stepping in to help the refugees from Elturel the moment he found them after escaping the grasp of the mindflayers. Out of the frying pan, into the fire, though. Or in this case, out of Avernus and into the pitfalls of a contract written by one who stretched the truth to its limits.
He didn’t regret it, not for a second. The loud laughter booming from the Tiefling woman in the middle of the party was a comfort. He would gladly accept the torture of feeling his entire body being transformed before killing Karlach, who was a victim of the Blood War as much as he was. She was having fun. Laughing, smiling, making friends with anyone who took long enough to realise she was more than she appeared to be on the surface. The irony of the thought escaped him as he continued to fret over his own changed looks. 
“He looks sad.” The voice of one of the children - he couldn’t remember which - broke him out of his thoughts. 
“Come on, quickly!” Several more followed, giggling, the sound of small footsteps carrying mischief quickly came closer. 
“Now hold on just a moment-” Wyll tried to stop them, though he feared reaching out in case one of them got hurt. 
“Not gonna!”
“Come on, Mister, you’ll look nice!” 
The group of them were working like a terrifyingly efficient team, leaping and scampering around him, weaving vines around his horns before taking his hands and pulling him to his feet. 
“Careful, I don’t want to-” They cut him off again with their giggling, as the vine wove around his outfit, each of the children swapping around to dance with him as he was wrapped and decorated. “What is all this?”
“You weren’t at the party.” 
“So we brought the party to you!”
“You look pretty…” 
Wyll couldn’t help but laugh. “Pretty? The stone eyed monster is pretty now?” 
“Mmhmm.” The children nodded, all in agreement with their assessment.
“Thank you, I think.” He patted each of them on the head in turn, a little regretful that he didn’t have any treats to give them. 
“Alright, tiny soldiers, hup hup!” Karlach appeared with a beaming smile, ordering her small army to line up with sharp salutes. “At ease, now go on back to the party - Gale and Rolan said they’re going to do some magic tricks soon!”
“Magic’s a bit boring…” 
“Everyone will be distracted though, not looking at their pockets.” 
“Oooh! You’re right!” 
Before either of the adults could stop them, the miscreants scampered off back to the main party, giggling and conspiring with one another as they went. “Are you sure it’s safe to let them go pickpocketing?” Wyll raised an eyebrow towards Karlach, but her smile didn’t fade.
“Oh, they’ll be just fine! Didn’t you get into a little trouble at their age? Or were you running around with a pot lid and spoon playing the hero to stuffed toys?” She gave him a playful nudge with her elbow.
“I didn’t go around stealing from anyone, if that’s what you’re asking.” He sighed a moment, taking a seat back on the fallen log he’d been on before. “Sorry, Karlach, I’m not the best company right now. Go on and enjoy the party, please - don’t stay out here on my account.” 
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” She took a seat nearby, leaving enough space to not worry about an accidental touch burning him. “So, what’s eating you? Is it the horns? Gods, they’re a pain sometimes.” 
Wyll watched her as she talked a mile a minute, the brightness of her eyes never dulled, her gestures adding to the feeling of how passionate she was as she spoke. 
Karlach pointed to the stump of her horn, rough from the break. “When I first lost this one, gods it was so hard to get used to. My balance was off for weeks! And I kept reaching up or ducking through doorways on that side like it was still there - ridiculous, right?” 
“No, not ridiculous at all.” He looked at her with concern. “Does it still hurt?” 
“Come on, Wyll, that was meant to make you smile at least a little!” She poked the stump of her horn. “I feel it, a little, but less and less with time. Part of my devilish charm now, might as well own it.” 
“You’re not a devil, Karlach.” He looked deep into her eyes, the softness in them clearer than ever as she blinked, perplexed. “I wish I had seen that sooner.” 
“No use dwelling on the past, soldier. Plenty more problems ahead to kick us in the arse all over again.” She looked over his shoulder for a moment, leaning around and plucking something from the bushes behind him. “Well, will you look at that. Just like us!”
The flower she quickly placed in his hand - before it could char in her grip - was strangely familiar. The centre of the blossom was a large pale yellow petal that curved in an almost egg-like shape, with a hole like an open hood in the middle. At one end of the oval, there were three dark burgundy petals, one rounded and curled, but the other two were thin and twisting, curled out to the sides-
“Just like our horns.” She repeated, quieter this time, her eyes fixed on the delicate bloom. “Well, you’re already decorated with leaves, why not add that one too?” 
“An infernal flower for a cursed fiend?” He contemplated it, hesitating until she corrected him.
“Enough of that. You know already, don’t you - it’s not what we look like that makes us who we are. Besides, it’s pretty, right? So it suits you.” Karlach patted him on the shoulder, standing up to leave again. “I’ll leave you to it, but you know they’d love to see you. Out there. Where the actual party is.”
“I’ll…” He paused, looking at the flower once more before tucking the stem into his hair at the base of his horn. “I’ll think about it. Thank you, Karlach.” 
“Don’t mention it, soldier!” She beamed, smile brighter than the moon, tail swishing behind her with a spring in her step as she left him to his thoughts for a while.
He didn’t have long to himself before another voice cut through the bubble of quiet by the water. “So this is where you’ve been? And you took the good wine, I see.” Wyll turned to see Shadowheart approaching, empty chalice in hand and a wry smile. “Mind sharing a drop?” 
“I’m sure they have a better vintage back there.” He said, even as he was picking up the bottle to top up her goblet as well as his own. 
“Maybe.” She replied, already taking a seat beside him. “But then you’d be out here on your own, wouldn’t you?” 
“You don’t need to be here on my account.” He countered, watching her expression for any clue as to what she was really thinking. The cleric kept everything close to her chest, so it was hard to tell what she really wanted.
“You don’t need to be so suspicious - Karlach mentioned you might be getting some headaches from your…situation.” She gestured to his horns, pulling a couple of herbs from her pack. “The wine certainly won’t help with that, not by morning anyway. So take these, and make them into a tea. Consider the drink as payment, if you must.” A wry smile pulled at the corners of her mouth. “Oh, cheer up, Wyll. They’re celebrating all of us, you know.” 
“I feel more like a decoration than a guest right now.” He gestured to the new adornments to his outfit.
“So you do.” She smiled, reaching back into a pouch at her side and drawing out a stem of large violet flowers. “Do not touch this one with your bare hands, and definitely don’t get it near your food.” 
“You’re giving me poison?” Wyll leaned back involuntarily as her gloved hand came closer with the plant. 
“It’s not poison if you treat it with care.” She took a little of the vine that was around his right horn and wrapped it gently around the blossoms, being cautious to secure the stem without damaging them. “Call it…a reminder. That even though something might be dangerous, it can also be quite beautiful.” She wiped her glove carefully with a clean cloth, rinsing with a little water from her flask. 
“Are you still talking about the flowers?” He took a sip of his wine as he watched her stand. 
“Maybe,” she smirked. “Hold still.” She laid her bare hand on his forehead for a moment, a wave of cooling and soothing magic washing through him, the dull throb at the base of his horns melting away, and even a few lingering bruises from the day’s battles healing in an instant.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Wyll looked up at her, trying to find the right words for gratitude but falling somewhat short.
“No, I didn’t. But I wanted to.” Shadowheart began to walk away without leaving a chance for him to reply, though she did call back over her shoulder. “Thanks for the wine, Wyll. Perhaps next time we can share more time with it as well.” 
The next voice to disturb the peace carried a familiar lyrical quality. “Wyll, darling, why are you out here all by your lonesome? No dance partner catch your eye for the evening?” 
He looked up to see the owner of the voice sauntering over, carrying with him half a bottle of wine and a few white flowers. “Not you as well - is this entire camp determined to turn me into a bouquet?” 
“And what would be wrong with that?” Astarion grinned, a hint of sharp fangs glinting in the moonlight. “Have you forgotten the old tradition of fair maidens giving flowers to their gallant knights on the eve of battle?” 
“You’re not a maiden, it’s not the eve of battle - it’s the night after it - and I’m hardly a knight.” Wyll argued, though he made no move to get up or leave as the pale elf began to place the blossoms at different points on his outfit.
“Oh, details, details. Does it matter? They suit you.” Astarion took a couple more moments to check the positions of the flowers, before standing back with a satisfied nod to himself. “And you, my dear warlock, have plenty of the qualities of a knight. Heroic, chivalrous, and that dreadful habit of being all too ready to throw yourself onto the sword to save someone else’s sorry hide.”
“We all have a duty to protect those who are weaker than us, to stand up for what’s right.” Wyll sat up a little straighter, feeling the slight swell of an older pride stirring in his chest. “You would do well to remember that, yourself, sometimes.” 
“Perish the thought - no, I’ll leave the good deeds to you, darling. The whole shining armour thing never suited me anyway. Clashes terribly with my complexion.” He ran his fingers through his hair for a moment for emphasis on the last part, smoothing it to just the way he preferred his waves to fall. “It suits you, though. Better than that stern look, at least.” 
“It’s never too late to change, Astarion.” The warlock tried to appeal to the vampire’s better nature - if he had one. The man didn’t seem entirely evil, but he was harder to read than Shadowheart.
“That wine really is going to your head isn’t it~” Astarion laughed, brushing off the comment and turning to leave once more. “Do remember to have a little fun sometime, Wyll. Happiness isn’t deadly, you know.” 
Wyll leaned back, taking a moment to look up at the stars. He wasn’t unhappy, not entirely. But if even Astarion was trying to cheer him up then maybe he should at least make more of an effort.
The sounds of the party grew louder again, the bard starting a new bawdy tune, with the crowd clapping along. 
Later. An effort can be made later, when it is a bit calmer. He reasoned to himself. Plenty of night left. 
Dammon’s footsteps were so soft that Wyll barely noticed the Tiefling approach until he was standing right next to him.
“Do you know what they mean?”  The blacksmith asked quietly, gesturing above. “The stars, that is.” 
“I have no idea,” Wyll laughed, the warmth of the wine making the corners of his mind just a little fuzzy around the edges now. “Do you?”
“They’re beautiful, I know that much.” Dammon turned to look down towards him, the sparkle and warmth in his expression not so dissimilar to the twinkling of the constellations above. “We can give them our own meanings, though, can’t we?”
“Then what meaning do you see up there, out in the dark?” He couldn’t help the curiosity, and the blacksmith’s presence alone felt somehow calming.
“Freedom.” Dammon replied simply, a hint of something deeper behind bright eyes. “To be out here, looking up at the stars - it means we’re still alive. And that we’re no longer trapped in Avernus.”
“We’ll get you all to the city, somehow.” Wyll felt the need to reassure him, noticing the edge of fear between calm words. 
“We should be able to make it most of the way.” A new voice joined them, as Zevlor strode into view. “So this is where the man of the hour had disappeared?” 
“It is quieter here, at least.” Dammon reached into the pocket of his apron, pulling out some small pinkish red flowers, similar to daisies but with a deep orange centre of pollen, the petals curling back a little. “These make a nice addition, if you don’t mind?” 
“Please, go ahead.” Wyll shrugged, accepting his fate to become a walking bouquet, but not averse to the gentle nature of the Tiefling threading them into the back of his locs with care.
“A fitting choice,” Zevlor hummed, nodding his approval.
“Our Blade needs to remember that the same sword that cuts flesh can also slice a cake.” Dammon stood back, looking to be in deeper thought for a moment. “I hope someday that’s all you’ll need it for, and that I can go back to making tools and decorations, rather than instruments of war.” 
“Your steel has been a great help to all of us.” The old warrior patted his shoulder kindly. “Go and check on the young ones, won’t you? They’ve been giggling to themselves a little too much for comfort. I need to rest my old bones a while, and that looks like as good a place as any.” 
“I’m not sure I can keep that lot out of trouble, but maybe I can distract them for a minute or three.” Dammon gave Wyll a short bow, his tail raising behind him as part of the gesture. “Take care of yourself, my friend. I hope we meet again soon.” 
“You, too.” Wyll replied, a little lost for words for a moment as he considered how easily, and sincerely, Dammon had called him friend. 
“Good fortune is hard to come by, but serendipity found us with both of you.” Zevlor mused, watching the blacksmith leave before taking a seat next to Wyll.
“Serendipity? It feels more like one long nightmare to me.”
“I know nightmares. Mine are filled with my mistakes…” The old warrior softened, the edge of pain carefully hidden again behind a kind sincerity. “You are no mistake, Wyll, nor are you a nightmare. Only a knight, and a fine one at that.” 
“That might depend on who you ask.” He felt the old conflict in the shadows of his mind - the wish to live up to an impossible standard, and the fear that he had already lost that chance.
“We’re the only two on this log - and of the two of us, you’re far more worthy of the title.” Zevlor laid a hand on his back for a moment, careful to avoid the vines and flowers, a gesture akin to a proud parent. “You will find your way, in time. Ah, and of course there is this.”
“Not you as well…” Wyll sighed with half a smile as the paladin pulled out a single beautiful violet flower. Three larger petals on the outside - with dark veins, a white band, and a yellow centre - surrounded narrower violet and white striped petals in the centre.
“I’m afraid so. If you’ll allow an old man to be nostalgic for just a moment, I’ve always been fond of these.” The tiefling fixed the stem to Wyll’s shirt over his heart with a small pin. “They suit you perfectly.”
“You make it too hard to argue.” He looked down at the new addition to his outfit, a question tugging at the back of his mind. “Do they mean something to you?” 
“A simple flower can mean a lot.” Zevlor smiled, a far off look returning to his eyes again. “But I think perhaps you should make them mean something to you.”
Wyll touched the edge of the petal with a careful thumb, thinking over for a while what a blossom might mean beyond just something pretty to look at. 
The two sat quietly for a while together, sharing a bit more of the wine and enjoying the sounds of their friends having a much louder gathering in the centre of camp. The laughter, cheers, and even the sounds of pointless arguments between friends who didn’t mean a word of insults thrown with drunken vigour - it was a comfort just to be near.
“It has been a pleasure, Wyll. I should go and make sure that everyone stays in one piece until morning at least. Should our paths cross again, I would consider us to be more than fortunate.” Zevlor groaned quietly as he stood up with a stretch. “Perhaps it would be even more fortunate should we meet again somewhere with comfortable seats.” 
“I’d settle for a rickety bed at this point.” Wyll complained with a smile.
It was a little longer before the next visitor arrived to Wyll’s little corner of serenity. “Lae’zel? I didn’t expect you to drop by” 
“Tchk. Expectation would mean being predictable. A swift way to earn defeat.” She admonished him for his words, but not unkindly. A hint of playfulness flickered across her eyes. “I hear we are to pay tribute. With these.” 
“Is everyone in on this?” He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly as if trying to work out who had come up with this devious plot. Not that he was going to complain; it felt rare for the Gith before him to make such a gesture, and he had no intention of insulting someone who wielded a sword that large without breaking a sweat. 
“Perhaps. I was intrigued. Is this a usual custom?” Lae’zel came closer, carrying several long stems with a ball of tiny blossoms at the top of each. The smell of onions was strong which he quickly realised were from the flowers themselves.
“These are…unusual?” He stayed still as she threaded them through the vines on his shoulder, like a decorative pauldron of petals. 
“And what exactly is usual?” She hissed, though without any malice in her meaning. “Should we not be celebrating? There is strength in knowing what you’ve won…and enjoying it.”
Wyll shifted slightly as he caught her eye and the hint in her words, a little unsure of what to do with it. “Hard to join the party when I look like this. Like a monster.” 
Lae’zel laughed, her face breaking into a genuine and wide smile of amusement. “This? These horns, a few scars and ridges? Your horns are weapons, should you need them, and scars proof you are alive. That’s no bother to me, no more so than the fleshy noses and small ears of your kin.” She peered closely at his face for a moment, a little too closely. “As long as there are no ghaik tentacles, you are just fine.” 
“Well, that’s…reassuring?” The smell of the flowers was clearer now they were so close, but he found himself not minding the unusual scent. It was interesting to learn more about what his companions liked, and to a degree how they saw him.
“They suit you.” She stepped back, nodding firmly with her choice. “Come and find me later, if you want to share a fresh bottle.” She indicated the empty wine by his feet, long since emptied with Zevlor’s help.
“I’ll keep it in mind.” He gave an appreciative nod as she turned and walked back to the main celebration, seemingly satisfied with the brief conversation.
“Would you like to see a magic trick?” Gale’s smile was wide as the great Wizard of Waterdeep stood in front of Wyll dramatically, cheeks a little flush from the evening’s events.
“Don’t tell me - there’s something up your sleeve? Behind my ear?” He teased, already checking behind his head just in case.
Gale rolled up his sleeves with more performative flair, demonstrating there was nothing there. “Not at all, my dear warlock! That would be far too derivative and predictable, so no, far be it from me to bore you with those old parlour tricks.” 
“You do remember I know magic as well, don’t you?” Wyll smiled, still wondering where this was going, but entertained nonetheless.  
“Well, yes. But do you know…THIS!” Gale’s hands moved in the quick gestures of prestidigitation that Wyll knew well, the faint hum of an old melody singing through the Weave around them as the Wizard looked perplexed. “No, wait, that’s not right…it was…THIS!” A rather crude symbol appeared on Gale’s own forehead this time.
He stifled a laugh, as best as he could. “Are you sure that’s what you-”
“No, no… No idea what that just did, but I’ve got it this time!” The third casting produced a shimmering blossom in the Wizard’s fingers, the illusion sparking around the edges with the frayed Weave pulled into shape by his drunken spell. “There. This will do just perfectly.” 
The rich pink petals were soft and layered on each bud, open and closely packed around the stem. Wyll took it and fixed it to one of the few remaining spaces on his outfit carefully, hoping the magic might stabilise a little more. “But this one is an illusion, it’ll only last an hour, won’t it?” 
“Well, that’s the beauty of all flowers, is it not? Are they any less beautiful just because you know they’ll be gone in a few days? Are the petals less bright because they’ll wilt?” He wasn’t sure if Gale was still talking just about the plant any more, as his smile slipped for just a moment into a far off look. “Personally, I think they’re more special because we only have them for such a short time. We treasure them whilst they’re there, make the most of every moment we have to admire their beauty, burning them into our memory where they can never truly wilt.”
“I must admit, I’ve never thought of it like that.” He found himself a little lost for words, fingers lingering on the edge of soft petals.
“Well, it would also be a shame for them to be all gone before the night is over, so I did bring some real ones too.” The spectral form of Mage Hand floated out from where it had been hidden behind the wizard, carrying three more of the same flowers in a small bouquet of pale pink, rich magenta, and a vivid violet. 
“You are full of surprises, Gale of Waterdeep.” Wyll couldn’t quite hide the genuine astonishment at the gesture. 
“I told you so.” The wizard winked. “I dare say there’s plenty to all of us that we don’t yet know - some more than others, of course - but that’s where the fun is. Although, it really is more fun out there, with all of our companions and their secrets. Who knows what Shadowheart might let slip if we give her just a bit more wine!” 
“Soon.” Wyll nodded. “I just need a little more time, if that’s alright.” 
“I shan’t force you.” Gale smiled, leaning down a moment to straighten the magical flower, the magic symbol still on his forehead. Wyll contemplated telling him, knowing the spell would last an hour if not erased, but truthfully he didn’t want to ruin the moment. “Thank you for allowing a humble wizard to entertain you for a while, at least.”
It was hard not to laugh again at the bow and flourish that followed his parting words, but perhaps it was intentional after all? Well, he thought, someone’s going to tell him soon enough. 
Sure enough, the laughter from the camp - and the indignant cry of mock-injured pride that - followed it carried clearly on the night air.
“You could have told him.” Halsin chided gently, sitting comfortably on the log beside Wyll.
“And deprive everyone of the fun?” He replied, a hint of a mischievous smile playing on his lips. 
“You sound brighter than you did earlier - and you look it, too.” Halsin gestured to the array of flowers adorning Wyll’s body and outfit. 
The look brought forth a question, one that had been playing on the back of his mind for a while now. “Did you put them up to this, Halsin? Turning me into a walking bouquet?” 
“Don’t you think I am a bit old for pulling pranks?” The druid smiled warmly, his deep voice just as welcoming and soft.
Wyll nudged the large elf gently with his elbow. “You’re only as old as you feel, or so they say.” 
A low laugh bubbled up with the response, still neatly evading the question. “In that case, I must be older than the Oakfather himself!” 
“He’s preserved you well.” The wine brought the words forth without much more thought beyond how the moon lit the druid’s admittedly handsome face. “Sorry, what I meant to ask was why? Why has everyone been so insistent on giving me flowers?”
“The children started it, I believe, when they decided to cheer you up with some games. They remember you looking out for them in the Grove, standing up for them, telling them all sorts of stories in the short time you were there.” Halsin began. “Did you know that ivy is known to represent loyalty? One of your many strengths. A fine choice.” 
“Plants have meanings now?” Wyll looked across the array of leaves and petals again, already wondering what they might be. 
“They do, and they always have.” The druid pointed to the first, the one Karlach had plucked from nearby. “This one here, Cypripedium, the Lady’s Slipper Orchid. It means protection against curses, hexes, and malevolent spells.”
“Isn’t that ironic? That something that looks so devilish is meant to be protective against them?” Even the petals looked like the curling horns of an infernal beast…
“Are your horns, or Karlach’s, or even Zevlor’s, are any of them a mark of true evil? There is more to nature than what is on the surface.” Halsin reminded him of how Karlach had spoken, how there really was no match between her hellish traits and the boundless positivity and kindness that radiated even brighter than her mechanical heart.
“Then what of this one? Shadowheart told me it carries deadly poison, hiding behind the pretty appearance.” Wyll was careful not to touch the flower that the cleric had carefully bestowed on him, just in case.
“Fitting for her, isn’t it? Look at the layers. A beautiful flower, hiding deadly poison, almost the opposite of your devil horned orchid. Aconitum Napellus, monkshood. To some it might mean misanthropy or treachery-”
“That’s hardly a comforting thought.” A slight shiver chilled his spine, fears yet to ease until Halsin continued. 
“But to others, it represents chivalry and knights who stand against those principles.”
“I wonder which she will turn out to be…” Wyll wondered aloud.
“No doubt your influence may be of help there.” Halsin patted his shoulder gently, cautious to avoid the various carefully woven plants. “Similar to Astarion, perhaps - those ones were his, were they not?” 
The warlock looked to the delicate white flowers, placed carefully and deliberately to balance the aesthetic like a florist arranging a bouquet. Quite unlike how some of the others had simply found a space to add their own offerings. “They remind me of stars.” 
“As well they should, they’re often called the starflower. Ornithogalum umbellatum, they represent trauma, mourning, but more importantly welcoming pain without repressing it.” Halsin’s voice grew quiet for a moment, dropping to almost a whisper. “I cannot tell you if they are more for you or for himself, but it wouldn’t harm you to work through everything that troubles you, unlike the man who hides it all behind an easy smile.”
“That’s not a very comforting thought.” Wyll felt a pang of that pain sting at his heart like a thorn. There was a lot he still needed to mourn, and that was no secret. And they had all witnessed… He wasn’t quite ready to think about that just yet. “Please tell me that at least Dammon’s isn’t so depressing?”
“The starflower is still beautiful despite the pain, and perhaps it is more symbolic that Astarion trusted you with something so personal…but the blacksmith’s gift was far more positive, much like the giver.” The druid’s voice grew a note more hopeful again, along with his words. “Echinacea, the coneflower. It represents a spiritual warrior and a shield, and the blossom is also well renowned for its healing properties. It represents protection as much as strength.” 
“Almost like he gave me a shield…”
“Your well-being is important to your friends, Wyll, you would do well to keep that in mind before you make any risky decisions.” Halsin seemed to be looking right through his eye in that moment, past the flame-tinted iris, and speaking directly to his heart. “Zevlor, too, his gift is one of protection. The Iris may have a simple name, but the meaning is layered. There are some who see it only as hope, valour and victory, but it may also represent pain, wisdom, and protection from evil spirits.” 
“A gift as complex as the one who gave it,” Wyll smiled. “I can think of none better from a paladin of his experience.”
“And I am certain he would be grateful you called it experience instead of age.” The druid smiled and pointed to the next flowers, the faint smell still clear in the night air. “Lae’zel chose an interesting one for you, Allium, the same plant as the onion in your stew.” 
“That explains the aroma.” He had to admit it was surprising for a beautiful flower to have such a strange scent, but it was beginning to grow on him as the night wore on. 
“The interpretation is fitting too. Mostly referred to as simply strength, those little blossoms are also nature’s way of saying you’re elegant, you’re perfect. You do not have to be a rose to be admired by those who appreciate you.”
“That is…surprising.” Wyll considered the words, wondering if she knew all of those meanings when the gift was presented.
“I should say that your companion is more surprising than you give her credit for, too.” Halsin winked, the meaning behind it completely lost on the warlock who was already looking at the next flowers.
The last ones to be given, one magical, and three more entirely natural. “Gale already talked more about these a little, though I couldn’t tell you if that was anything accurate or just the wine making its what into his thoughts.” 
“Those come from the same family as the humble cabbage.” Halsin began, already hinting a little of his own interpretation in the origin. “Matthiola incana, to give it the proper name, quite simply represents lasting beauty. His way of saying you'll always be beautiful to me.” 
Wyll felt the blush rise to his cheeks, each and every person who had visited him had given him something quite wonderful and filled with meaning. Whether they knew it or not, they had covered him head to toe in affirmation, validation, and a warm feeling of acceptance that threatened to sting at his eye with tears…he could probably blame that one on the onion, at least.
“There is one more.” Halsin held out his palm, a small seed growing in his hand and rising to a tall stem with a cone of tiny pink flowers. “Epilobium angustifolium, fireweed. I think this one most fitting for you. Bravery and humanity, Wyll, qualities that you embody entirely.” The druid fixed the flower front and centre, before standing up and offering a hand. 
“I’m not sure…” Wyll hesitated still. The party was still loud, and he felt almost a fool to walk in there as a living bouquet. Reluctantly he stood, careful not to let a single petal fall to the ground.
“Just for one song?” Halsin offered hopefully. “Although you may find yourself hard pressed to leave after one alone… You will not find yourself lacking in dance partners.” --- ---
This was a lovely prompt to work on, so I'd like to add in the flowers for you here at the end so you have a better idea of how they look.
Please keep in mind that many of these flowers might be pretty but are actually poisonous. There are poison cures in BG3, magic, potions, and resistances. We don't have those in real life! Please do not pick, touch, eat, or even sniff any flowers that you are not certain are safe. This is also just general life advice!
Karlach's Flower - Cypridedium, the Lady’s Slipper Orchid.
Shadowheart's Flower - Aconitum Napellus, Monkshood
Astarion's Flower - Ornithogalum umbellatum, Starflower
Dammon's Flower - Echinacea, Coneflower
Zevlor's Flower - Iris, Iris
Lae'zel's Flower - Allium, Onion
Gale's Flower - Matthiola Incana, Cabbage
Halsin's Flower - Epilobium angustifolium, Fireweed
Ok and that's your floral lesson for the day! I hope you enjoyed my entry to Wyll Week - please do go and give all the other creations over on @lovewyll and on the tags some love, there are some absolutely beautiful pieces that deserve to be shared and seen~
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baldursgat3 · 7 months
we're slowly finishing things out here boys. companion piece to this one.
we got 4.3k more words of childhood best friend Tav (who I made a wizard because). act 3 edition this time 🎉
There it was: home. The city you had grown up in. How long had it been since you'd seen these streets? How many months had you been venturing across the Sword Coast with a mission to stop some gods? However long it had been, you were here now.
It was a bittersweet reunion, though. After your meeting with Gortash mere moments ago, no one was feeling particularly at ease. Wyll and Karlach in particular were half seething about the tenuous alliance you'd formed with the new archduke. You had no intention of making good on his offer, but safety from the Steel Watch was the only way you were going to get anything done.
Gale led the charge, his targets set on Sorcerous Sundries. He chatted away about the various books and baubles he'd found there over the years as you walked the busy streets.
Glancing back, you noticed your favorite vampire lagging behind the group. He stared up at the buildings and at the bushes that lined the pavement, all with stars in his eyes. They dimmed when he caught you watching him as he glanced away, awkwardly.
You slowed your pace to fall in step with him, leaning in to whisper as you walked. "You never look at me like that."
"Nonsense." He scoffed, waving a hand at you, dismissively. "Have you seen yourself after a battle? Half the time it takes all my focus not to look at you like you're my next meal."
"Half the time I am your next meal." You gently bumped your shoulder against his. "What's up?"
"Nothing, it's just… it's been two hundred years since I've seen these streets in the sunlight. It's all so… colorful." His gaze drifted back to a small pot of lovely blue flowers as you passed by.
It was so genuine, you couldn't help yourself. You reached down to link your fingers with his, giving his hand a soft squeeze. "Do you remember the last time we were here?"
"Oh, darling, of course I don't."
"That's all right, neither do I. Why would I have taken you to the magic trinket shop?" You tossed him a cheeky grin as he rolled his eyes and yanked his hand away.
"I can't fucking stand you, you know that?"
"I know."
"If you two are done flirting back there," Gale's voice stopped you as you both became aware of all the attention now of you. "As our intrepid leader and person with all our gold in their bag, I do believe Tav should be heading this mission."
"You just don't want to talk to Rolan." Shadowheart chided, continuing past Gale and into the magic shop.
He turned on his heel, following after her, his voice dropping to a hissed out whisper. "We don't want the person selling us things to be angry with us and I can't keep my mouth shut, you know that."
Every so often you forgot you were still on a mission. Sometimes, as you perused a bookshelf and your companions squabbled over who should get to use a certain magic item, it all felt so mundane. Like it was any other day out with some friends.
Astarion was stood beside you, flipping through a book absentmindedly as you debated whether the magical benefit of the boots you were holding outweighed the fact that they didn't really match your outfit.
"You bought me a ring here." He broke the comfortable silence between you, without looking up from the book. You glanced over at him, tilting your head and humming a curious note in response.
"I remember." He continued. "When you had first started learning magic. You brought me here and I didn't understand anything you were saying. I remember you being so excited, though."
He'd stopped turning the pages of the book, just staring at it like he was reading the memory off it's pages. "You bought me a ring, a cheap little thing, because you wanted me to feel what it was like, casting spells, and you couldn't get me to figure out how to do it without an item to help."
A wistful smile found it's way to his lips as he glanced up at you. "I'd entirely forgotten. I always kept it, you know. Even though I absolutely did not get what you felt with magic. It was a nice gift, though."
You laughed softly, reaching out to grab his hand again. "Well, I'm glad you liked it." He didn't remember much about the specifics of your past together. You couldn't blame him, he'd been through so much. Every so often though, something would trigger a memory for him.
He smiled at you warmly for a moment before pulling back to put his book away. "Don't get those boots, by the way, they're hideous."
It was a gorgeous night. There was a faint chill to the air that left your cheeks a bit flushed, but nothing unmanageable. It was comfortable and quiet. The stars were beautiful, twinkling like little diamonds in the sky. Perhaps you should've been a bard, with thoughts like that.
The rest of your companions had gone to bed, while you and your ice cold vampire lingered by the fire. He was laying on his side with his knees drawn up close. His head rested in your lap as your fingers brushed lazily through his curls.
Neither of you minded the silence, you just enjoyed the comfort of being next to each other. He was still pretty averse to taking your intimacy too far, not that you minded. He had plenty of reason to be and you felt no need to push it. These moments were more than enough for you. The two of you had centuries of quiet, lovely moments to make up for.
Of course, nothing lasts forever. Eventually he broke the silence, turning his head to glance up at you. "Can I ask you a… strange question?"
Well that could be literally anything. "Sure?"
He turned back to the fire, settling back in. "Do you remember what color my eyes were? I know they're red now, I've been told so many times. I've heard they're gorgeous." He drolled, sarcastically.
That wasn't exactly what you were expecting but it did melt your heart a little. You obviously knew, though you felt it was probably wise to pretend you didn't have that answer already nocked on your bow. "Oh, um…" Nailed it. "They were brown. Like a deep, cool brown." That was probably too much.
He just hummed in response, seemingly unbothered that you would remember the undertones of his eyes after two centuries. "See, I couldn't remember. I've tried to picture it but I always felt it was either brown or an icy blue. I think my mother had blue eyes like that."
"I think so." You could probably count the number of times you'd spoken to his mother since you moved out of her home at 20. You did not know the color of her eyes.
"It doesn't help, I really don't think I even know what I look like anymore. I haven't seen my own face since I became a vampire." You hadn't really thought about that, honestly. He'd mentioned being unable to see his reflection once or twice but you'd never actually grasped what that must be like for him.
"Oh. Get up, get up. Stand up, I have an idea." You gently pushed on his shoulder, getting an irritated whine in return.
"I'm comfortable."
"I know but get up."
He groaned, pushing himself off the ground with a huff as you quickly followed suit. Your eyes sparkled as you quietly muttered an incantation. Astarion tried to raise a question but was silenced as you finished the somatic component of your spell.
All of a sudden, standing in front of him, reflecting his shock, was a mirrored image of himself. Just as perfect and lovely as he was. He just stood there for a moment, staring at himself in the firelight. "Oh… Gods, do I really look that old?"
You couldn't help laughing at him softly as he reached up to touch his face. He stared intently at his copy as it mimicked his movements. "We are almost 250 years old."
"I look older than Halsin!"
"You do not. And I know you think he's gorgeous, don't even act like that's an insult."
"You never let me bitch the way I want."
"I don't let you pretend you're blind, apparently." You were so glad this went well. There had been a vague worry that he might be more upset at seeing himself as a vampire but he mostly just seemed fascinated by his features.
"Well, all I can say is gods no wonder everyone always said they were 'blood red.' Seems a little on the nose though, don't you think?"
"I think they're beautiful."
"Of course you do, you have to or I'll cry." He threw you a grin before turning back to the reflection. "Thank you, for this. I always knew supporting your studies would be useful to me some day."
You rolled your eyes at him, a warm smile lighting up your face. "I am ever at your service, my love."
If you were being honest, you wanted to be a little selfish. Astarion had told you enough stories of his time with Cazador that you could feel the ache to end his pathetic life deep in your bones. You knew Astarion had far more claim to the act than you did, but that didn't stop you from craving it.
It didn't help that there was a part of you that wanted to beg Astarion just to stay at camp. You would take the party and destroy Cazador without him being able to even look at your darling again, let alone hurt him.
But you also knew that wasn't what Astarion wanted or needed. He had to be there, he had to be the one to kill Cazador. Besides, ever since Raphael had told you the nature of the ritual, he'd been obsessed with the idea of stealing that power from him.
You didn't care for that aspect of things. It was a delicate subject and you knew how fragile Astarion was when it came to Cazador. You had to tread lightly every time the subject had come up.
As you stood there in front of the door to the ritual chamber, everything was coming to a head. The uncertainty of the situation gripped your heart, you had no idea what world you would be walking back into once you stepped through those doors.
Over the months you'd been together, you had gotten better at reading Astarion's body language and expressions. He was still difficult to pin down at times and, when he really didn't want to be read, it was like staring at a blank wall.
Now was one of those times. He was stiff as a board, staring at the door ahead of you all. His jaw was locked and his fists clenched so tight at his sides you could see them starting to tremble.
"We'll follow your lead." Your voice was gentle, as you covered one of his fists with both of your hands. "I'm here, I won't let him have you no matter what. We're going to destroy him."
He drew in a shaky breath, his hands stilling in your hold. "Make him suffer." Without another sound he forced the large doors open, drawing the attention of everyone gathered at this Black Mass.
After a moment of stillness that settled in the enormous chamber, Astarion began to move down the stairs. He held his shoulders squared as you followed directly behind, the rest of your party in tow.
"Can it be?" You'd never heard Cazador's voice before. You didn't expect such a slimy, petulant tone but, then again, it was so fitting for such a repulsive man. "Has our prodigal son truly returned to us?"
You watched with building pride as your love held his ground. As he spoke out of turn and insulted the man who had ruined his life. He deserved it, and you did your best to be an imposing figure behind him, though you suspected Halsin was doing a better job of it.
It wasn't until he threw a punch that you realized how dangerous this endeavor truly was. You saw how easily Cazador controlled his body, despite the parasite granting him some level of autonomy. It clearly wasn't enough as you'd hoped.
He was ripped away from you, thrown helplessly into this ritual. A countdown started, you only had a matter of moments before he would complete this ritual. You had to move. So why were your feet locked to the floor?
You stood there, staring in horror at Astarion, locked into this ritual, desperately watching you. Your mind flashed with images of him being destroyed right in front of you. The idea of losing him again, especially now that you were closer than you ever could've dreamed, it paralyzed you.
You felt someone push you forward, you heard Gale's voice. "Move!" He sent a bolt of lightning straight past you, directly into the chest of one of the creatures that fought to defend Cazador.
It was all you needed. Your mind snapped back to the present, a fire burning in your eyes as you and your party waged a bloody battle against the vampire lord. Someone had managed to pull Astarion out of the ritual, buying more time for you all to kill the monsters and bats that defended Cazador from your attacks.
You heard it before you saw it, a choked out sound as Astarion ran a blade through that vile man's chest. You watched him discorporate as he was pulled back to his coffin to regenerate.
Now that he was gone, you made quick work of the remaining threats, until the room was nearly silent. You could hear Astarion's footsteps splashing through all the blood that was spilled as he sprinted towards the coffin.
No one was doing well. It was a vicious, bloody battle that you narrowly managed to win. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Shadowheart pouring healing magic into a half dead Karlach. Gale had immediately collapsed against the nearest wall, clutching at a wound in his side. Halsin was the only one doing even remotely well and that was only because he could turn into a bear over and over. You knew this fight had wiped him of all his wild shapes, though, and he still was battered and bruised.
Astarion wasn't faring any better, but he didn't seem to care. He shoved the lid of the sarcophagus open, ripping Cazador out and throwing him to the ground. You saw a fury, a bloodlust in his eyes that you'd never seen before. It was terrifying really. He clutched the ritual dagger in his hand as he stalked towards the now pitiful looking vampire.
You didn't know what to do, honestly. You didn't know what Astarion was going to do. You watched as he threatened the man before him, as he taunted him with the idea of taking his place in the ritual.
It didn't feel great, but you felt a spark of hope in your chest when Cazador explained that the ritual would just destroy him if he tried to replace him. Maybe this would convince him he couldn't ascend.
That hope was dashed as he turned to you. "I need your help. I can use the parasite to look through your eyes, copy my scars onto him. I'll complete the ritual, then I can protect you." His eyes looked so gentle and hopeful. It was so sweet compared to what he was asking of you.
"Please. I know you think it's a bad idea but I need you to trust me. I'll be free. Powerful. Strong enough to protect you. To protect myself." He looked so desperate. "If I do this I won't ever, ever have to leave your side again. No one would be able to separate us again."
It was so rare that one could recognize a life-changing moment from within it, let alone have time to prepare. And here you were in that exact position, no more prepared than the moment you first learned what was to come. You had to respond to him and you still didn't know what you were going to do. "I… can't…"
You could see the heartbreak in his eyes as he stepped closer to you, still keeping his blade pointed towards Cazador. "My love… this is the only chance we'll ever get at this. Help me with this, we can be free forever. Together."
"Astarion, this isn't you."
"No." He hissed, his eyes darkening. "This isn't what you want me to be. You still want me to be the old Astarion. The best friend Astarion. Awkward little pathetic weakling Astarion. That Astarion is gone don't you fucking get that, after all this?"
He was so angry, you were so scared.
"I don't want old Astarion. He's not you, I know that. I'm sorry if I ever make you feel like that's who you have to be." You stepped a bit closer, reaching a hand out, tentatively. "I buried him 200 years ago, he's gone.
"But there's a new Astarion. Right in front of you. Whatever happens now, you're not going to walk out of here the same. I- I'm going to leave this room, hand in hand with a brand new Astarion. You have to choose right now who he's going to be." Your eyes filled with tears as you spoke. You'd made your decision. It didn't matter that you could feel the others hanging on your words with varying levels of disapproval.
Your voice was so soft, nearly getting lost in the vast, open chamber. "I love you, Star. I trust you. Whatever you need, I just want you to be someone you're proud of."
You watched his face flood with emotions that you couldn't begin to keep up with. Truly, you couldn't imagine what he must be feeling but you imagined it felt a lot like drowning. The hand that held the dagger trembled. His eyes flicked between it, you, and the cowering worm at his feet.
He was so obviously torn, split between a decision that would change him forever. Your heart thumped loudly in your chest, you hoped against hope he would make the right choice.
For a moment, as his face hardened, you feared he was about to choose this ascension. To destroy seven thousand souls and marr his own beyond repair. Then he turned, gripping Cazador by the hair as he rammed the blade into his chest.
Over and over and over, you watched as Astarion eviscerated his tormentor, coating his hands in Cazador's vile blood. Your heart broke, hearing the way he screamed. Two centuries of anguish ripping it's way out of his lungs and it wasn't enough.
He stopped gutting the man long after he had stilled underneath him, finally sitting back on his heels. The air was still and heavy, broken only by an agonized sob that struck you straight to the core.
In an instant, you were at his side, kneeling into the pool of blood that surrounded him. You weren't sure what to do, exactly. If you should try to comfort him or just let him get it out. You reached a hand out, ever so tenderly touching his shoulder, just enough to let him know you were there.
He didn't even look at you, he just collapsed into you. He clung desperately to your shirt as sobs wracked his body. Every emotion that had his heart clutched in their grasp bubbling to the surface and spilling over. It broke your heart to hear him cry like this, even if you knew the core of it was finally, finally relief.
After a minute or so of weeping into your arms, he pushed himself back. He swiped at the tears that stained his face, only succeeding in smearing blood everywhere. "Gods… you've got to stop letting me do that."
"I won't." You reached out to try to clean some of the blood from his face. You all needed a good bath.
The camp was quieter than normal. The battle has taken its toll on all of you. Everyone was dead asleep as far as you could tell. Save for you and your darling.
You were curled up together in your tent, he was practically laying on top of you, with a leg tossed over yours and an arm wrapped tight around you. His head rested comfortably against your chest as you ran your fingers lazily through his hair.
It was so soft and wonderful. You had been so afraid of what today would bring but you couldn't have wished for a better ending. Your mind wouldn't still, though. Replaying the battle, the choices you made, the choices he made.
"Your heart is racing, love." Astarion's voice shocked you out of your thoughts, pulling you into the quiet present.
"Mm… I just keep thinking about today." You kept your voice so soft, as though you could shatter the moment if you spoke too loud. "Do you think freeing all of the spawn was the right choice?"
"I do." That was shocking, actually. He sounded so confident, especially after being the one to initially raise the valid concern of how dangerous they could be.
"You're the one who made it." He continued. "Do I sometimes think you're too liberal with who you help and why? Sure. But… you've kept all of us safe. And we have so many allies that I would've never made on my own. Because you're so painfully nice. I trust your choices."
That was so much more reassuring than you'd expected. You didn't really know what to say. "Well… thank you." You absentmindedly twirled one of his curls between your fingers.
"That's not really what you want to talk about, is it?"
Of course you wanted to talk about the decision he made. You weren't exactly sure what you wanted to say and you hadn't planned on bringing it up but it was nearly all you could think about. "Only if you want to talk about it."
"I think we ought to." He didn't sound thrilled about the idea but it was kind of a big deal.
You hummed softly in response as the quiet night settled between you again. Neither of you were exactly sure what could even be said.
"Thank you." He whispered, finally, after a few moments of silence. "For… believing… in me. I don't deserve you."
"You deserve the world, Star."
"Maybe. I don't need it though." He sighed softly, his fingers tightening their hold on your shirt. "I was angry with you, at first, you know? I wanted you to say yes. I wanted you to support me with your whole heart. I needed that power so badly, and you wouldn't tell me that was okay. I was furious.
"But, and you do have to bear with me because it's horribly cheesy, but I walked outside with you. I was free, we were together and I just- ugh.” He sighed. “I really did realize that I didn’t need it.”
You dropped a kiss to the top of his head, tangling your fingers in his hair as you pulled back. “That was cheesy, you’re right.” You couldn’t help laughing as he let go of your shirt just long enough to flash quite the rude hand gesture in your direction.
“I mean it, you bastard.” The irritation in his voice was laced with so much fondness your heart ached. “Just because I’m mysterious and unknowable doesn’t mean I’m not capable of genuine moments.”
“You wish you were unknowable.”
“You’re making it so difficult to love you right now, you know that?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You laughed softly. “I’m done, I promise. I really am so- so proud of you, you know?” Your other hand came up to cover his, gently running your thumb over his knuckles as you spoke. “I would’ve followed you no matter what but… I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t hoped you’d choose this.”
He smiled softly, closing his eyes and just listening to your heart beating in your chest. Every nightmare he’d ever lived through, every night spent in agony, spent wishing for death - it was all over now. He was free, he was here with you, safe and warm and loved. He wouldn’t say it was worth it, there were so many horrors he knew he would never forget. But he was suddenly, perhaps for the first time, so endlessly grateful he had survived it.
Nothing would change the things he had done, nothing would change what had been done to him. He had been irreparably damaged by so much of it but it was finally, finally over. He could start to mend now. And he had you. You didn’t care that he wasn’t the same person you had loved as a child, you loved him now just as he was, broken and all.
“You made me want to be someone worthy of everything you’ve given me. It wasn’t much of a choice, really. I wanted it so badly because I was so… scared.” He gave a soft, breathy laugh. “You made me brave enough to do the right thing, I suppose. You’ve really made a hopeless romantic out of me.”
“Good. I like when you get sappy.” You grinned, giving his hand a squeeze. “Still. Thank you for choosing this.”
“My darling, I simply chose you.”
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usernameforaboredcat · 8 months
Wasn’t Fated To Succeed
{Spy Ace X Marine Reader}
(I thought of this idea from a manga side story where Ace breaks into a Marine headquarters and fucks around n thought “hey, I can make sum angst with this shit🤷🏻‍♀️” so tehe like look at him!!
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He’s such a silly goofy guy I love this mf so much!! Anyway-
Warnings⚠️: Angst, very sad angst, smut, p in v, virginity loss, use of nicknames "princess" "sweetheart" "good girl" ect, fingering, groping, very very slow burn, like this might take a while to read, death, daddy isn’t the best lol
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It didn’t take long for him to notice her.
That young woman maybe a year or two younger than him, sitting at the large table, leaning comfortably in her chair with her arms and legs crossed with an annoyed and tired scowl on her face. Whist on his infiltration mission, Ace got dragged into a Marine meeting. He was more in the back, hiding himself to stay unnoticed while listening in.
Something about her was trying to telling him something he couldn’t hear, and he was trying desperately to make out what it was. To be fair he had been listening to everything, making as many mental notes as possible.
“What about that Straw Hat kid?!”. His ears perked up. “That punk has caused enough trouble as is!”. A loud disgusted “uhg” echoes through the room, drawing all eyes to that girl. She’s wearing a white low cut sailor dress with a beautiful pink flower in her hair. “Is there something you’d like to say?”. She gets asked, the man talking in an angry tone. “First of all I don’t quite appreciate that tone of yours when talking to me”. She starts, her eyes like daggers.
Ace felt a shiver run down his spine, her cold tone freezing the temperature of the whole room. “And second I don’t think that child should be a problem of ours”. She leans forward in her seat, propping her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her laces together fingers. “He is a child, gentlemen. Us marines should be adult enough to not get too affected by him”. She finishes. “But miss! Haven’t you heard all the trouble he’s started! Lougetown! Alabasta! Water 7!?”. A man yells.
The girl rolls her eyes dramatically at his words. “Please, I quite frankly think we have much higher risks and problems than him! And even if we did follow through with his antics and arrest him, what exactly do we do? There’s no laws regarding child pirates so what? Do we execute a child? Just like how if a grown ass man committed theft we just give him a smack on the ass like a child who stole a cookie from grandmas kitchen?”. She questions.
The room goes silent, no one knowing how to respond or even daring to respond. Something switched in Aces mind, something that felt weird and funny and new. Seeing such a ice cold girl with a burning fire of true justice set his heart ablaze. She wasn’t wrong, there aren’t any laws about punishment for pirates under the age of 18. He couldn’t help but let out a quiet chuckle.
The girl stands up from her seat, resting her hand on her hip. “Now, personally I think we have more important things to deal with at the moment! Send a team out on a patrol of the city and see if there are actual problems we should take care of, report them back to me by the end of the day”. She explains as she starts to make her way to the door. “And if I find out that there’s been an incident that hasn’t been reported to me I’ll make sure to serve you at the next hot pot in the hot pot”. She threatens, then exits the room.
The room bursts into whispers and murmurs. The room started to clear out, the meeting ending basic after the girl had left. As Ace starts to make his way out, he hears whispers about her. “I don’t get why she’s here”. “Bitch really think she’s the boss of us”. “Hey! Don’t say that!”. “Why? Scared her daddy will kill you?”. “Yes!”. So her dad has a lot of power in the Marines then. Interesting.
The room had emptied, the halls slowly emptying with people heading off to their jobs. With not real job, Ace scrambles down the hall and walks into a random room. He sighs as he closes the door, the click of a sword being unsheathed makes him freeze. ‘Oh fuck’. He slowly turns around, seeing the girl from before standing behind her desk holding her swords handle in her dominant hand ready to pull out. “You’re not supposed to be in here”. She tells him. “Why are you here? And what’s your rank?”. She asks him.
He straightens up and chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his neck. “I just wanted to say that what you said back there was cool! A real sense of justice, I’ve never seen something like that from a marine”. He admits to her. “I see”. She mutters. She clicks her sword back into place and makes her way over to the little kitchen in the office, opening a cupboard. “Care for a coffee?”. She asks without looking at him. “No thanks, not a fan of bitter stuff”. He answers.
She nods. “Very well”. She only takes out one mug. “Tell me, are you new to the marines? With your wording ‘I’ve never seen something like that from a marine’ implies that you haven’t seen a lot of marines talk or any meetings”. She explains as she puts coffee grounds and sugar in her mug. “Yep! I haven’t been here too long!”. He answers. Technically he’s not wrong. “Tell me then, how are you finding the marines?”. She asks. “Definitely not annoying and sick of people telling me what to do”. He explains in a chuckle.
She lets out a small chuckle as she fills her mug with milk. “I can’t imagine having to listen to marine would be easy for someone like you”. She states as she stirs the milk. “Especially for someone like you, Fire Fist Ace”. She adds. Aces eyes widen, but he gets back his cool demeanour and tilts his marine cap up as if it’s his classic hat, his finger alit. “Guess it was only a matter of time before someone figured me out”. He chuckles.
She lets out a chuckle again, walking over to the kettle. “It only took me a second. Unlike my colleagues I’m good with faces. As soon as you walked in I was able to recognise your face”. She explains as she fills up the kettle with water and set it on the stove. “However I do not wish to report you or arrest you”. She adds. She tries to turn the stove on, but it’s refuses to turn on.
She lets out an annoyed sigh, turning back to the pirate. “Mind giving me a hand?”. She asks, her voice in a more softer tone. “Uh…sure!”. He agrees happily, walking over to her. He places his hand on the kettle and sets his hand on fire, the kettle slowly starting to boil. “So…how come you’re not gonna report or arrest me?”. He asks her. “Because I hate the marines”. She blatantly states.
The kettle quickly starts to whistle causing Ace to move his hand away, the girl grabbing the kettle by the handle and filling up her mug. “I’ve always hated the marines”. She walks towards her desk, taking a seat. She gestures him to take a seat in the chair across from her, which he does. “Ever since a young age we’re all taught the black and white of marines good and pirates bad, however those with a brain can tell you that it’s mixed. I’m only young but I’ve seen good pirates and bad marines”. She explains.
She leans back in her seat and takes a sip of her drink. “For example…That Straw Hat Luffy”. Aces eyes widened. “I had been keeping an eye of what’s been happening in Alabasta for a few months now but because of our affiliations with Sir Crocodile the marines never did a thing. I felt terrible, for the king, Princess Vivi, and their people! I honestly thought that Sir Crocodile was going to distort that poor country, until I heard that Straw Hat arrived and was able to take care of it. I’m honestly surprised someone just a year younger than me was able to take him down, colour me impressed”. She explains.
Ace let’s out a chuckle as he leans back in his chair, arms propped behind his head. “That’s my little brother for ya! He’s full of surprises!”. He laughs loudly. “You’re joking! You and Straw Hat are brothers?!”. She yells out in shock, almost dropping her cup. “Nope, Luffy’s my baby brother”. He confirms. “Hm, you learn something new everyday I guess”. She mutters. “So if you hate marines so much, why become one?”. Ace asks her. “Because like hell I’d let the corrupted marines stay in power and continue to ruin the world government. I’m just waiting for the day the head admirals kick the bucket and I’ll take over! With them gone, I’ll finally be able to fix this twisted government up”. She explains to him.
“Now it’s my turn to ask a question”. She sets her coffee mug down on the table, crossing her legs and setting her hands down on her knee. “Why are you here?”. She asks. “Simple! I’m here to gather information, is there anything else to it?”. He responds. “Well if that’s the case”. She takes a key out her pocket, opening a filing draw at her desk. She grabs a note pad and a pen, sliding it over to Ace. “What would you like to know?”. She asks him with a growing smirk, Ace smirking and chuckling in response as he takes the note pad. “Whatever you know”.
Ace had been around the marine base for over a week now, working as a small team with a very powerful woman in the marine world. (Y/n). That’s the name she told him, he trusts that it’s her real name and not a name she’s giving him just to play with him. They where a team of people from two worlds. Ace had thought she would have outed him by now, but instead she’d always vouch for him if he was ever in trouble and let him sleep in her office. In his eyes she’s truely an amazing person.
The room was quiet, the faint light of a candle lighting up the desk enough for the woman to work. She lets out a sigh as she finishes reading the last of the reports, crossing her arms and laying them on the desk to use them as a pillow. The door to her office opens without a knock, she knows who it is. “Hey hey! There’s my favourite marine!”. She giggles to herself and she looks up, seeing Ace closing the door behind himself. “Evening Ace, how was your day?”. She ask him in a soft tired tone. “Ah ya know! Pretty good! Almost got my ass beat today but I in fact was the one who did the beating!”. He says proudly as he walks over and takes a seat across from her.
“I wouldn’t recommend drawing too much attention to yourself”. She says as she look up at him. “I’ll be fine! I have you!”. He responds. She smiles to herself, tilting her head. “I can only do so much you know, have you forgotten the kind of number that’s on your head?”. She tells him, then letting out a yawn. “Hm? You okay?”. He asks her. “Yes yes, just tired from work is all”. She explains. “You want me to leave and let you rest?”. He asks her, concern in his voice. “No no no, it’s good that you’re here. It’s better when you’re here, I feel like I don’t have a stick up my ass”. She explains to him, laying her head back down.
“Aawww, you chill out around me! Aren’t you cuuuuuute”. He coos at her, heat rising to his face. “I mean you’re not a marine, I don’t have to try to impress you”. She admits in a soft tone, looking back up at Ace for him to see her reddening cheeks. “I wish you never have to leave”. She adds, smiling up at him. “It has been fun, but if I stay here any longer it might start to cause you trouble”. He adds to her statement.
“Hey, how about tonight we drink? To a better future!”. He suggests to her. She hums, smiling at the idea. “That sounds quite nice, I approve”. She agrees. “Actually-“. She gets up from her chair, walking over to the fridge and taking out a bottle of fancy expensive alcohol. “I’ve had this since my 18th birthday and I thought now would be a good time to use it”. She explains, grabbing two glass cups. “Wow! Pulling out that good stuff! Very nice very nice”. He responds, his hand on his chin as he rubs it.
“Only the best…for me!”. (Y/n) says happily as she grabs glasses, shrugging. She walks back over to her desk, popping open the bottle and pouring the liquid into the glasses. She takes a seat, the two taking a glass each. “Well, even with this funny predicament…I’ve enjoyed our time together”. (Y/n) admits, swirling the drink then taking a sip. “Why not come with me?”. Ace suddenly asks. (Y/n) looks at him wide eyed. “What?”. She asks simply. “Leave the marines, come join the White Beard Pirates with me! The old man would love ya, take ya in as if you where his own daughter”. He explains to her.
She continues to look at him in shock, then turning to look away from him. “Ace I-… I can’t just leave the marines! It’s all I know, it’s what I’ve grown up with. Besides, if I left the marines to become a pirate my father would for sure kill me”. She explains, the thought of death sending a shiver down her spine. “By the way, who is your father?”. He asks. “He’s a…an Admiral”. She answers, refusing to look at him. “Damn! No wonder everyone is so shit scared of you!”. Ace yelps, almost spitting out his drink.
“Hey! Don’t spit that out! It’s expensive!”. (Y/n) snapped at him. “You never told me that your dad was a fucking Admiral!”. He snaps back. (Y/n) scoffs and rolls her eyes. “It doesn’t matter anyway. You wouldn’t know what it’s like to have a father like that, especially a father that kills the innocent despite being a “man of justice”, yeah justice my ass”. She mutters, chugging the rest of the drink. “I’m guessing you don’t know my father then”. Ace chuckles. “Hey, I have a lot of people to do background checks on and to keep track of!”. She defends. Ace let’s out another chuckle, chugging down the rest of his drink. “Ever heard of Gol. D. Roger?”. He asks. “Okay now you’re fucking with me! No way your father is the King of Pirates like 20 years ago!”. She snaps. “Yeah…”. He mutters out. (Y/n) leans over and refills both of their glasses up.
“So tell me lil Roger Jr. What do you think about him?”. She asks, taking a sip of her refilled drink. “I don’t really care, I don’t see him as my father anyway! White Beard is my father and always will be”. He answers. (Y/n) smiles softly as she looks at the older man. “That’s cute”. She admits. “What about you? What do you think about your old man?”. He then asks her. “Ah. I don’t know, he treats me like his own personal army toy. He raised me to be a marine and I never really got to have a life. No friends, no other family, no hobbies, no nothing to me! I never wanted to be a marine or even a pirate, I’d rather just be a normal girl”. She goes on. She sees Ace looking at her with a soft smile, causing her to take another sip of her drink to hide her plush.
“I didn’t mean to go on”. She apologises. “No no no, it’s fine”. Ace reassures her. “I just…never really had the chance to talk to anyone like that”. She hums. “Oh Ace, you have no idea how badly I wish I could go with you. Travel the world, find who I am as a person, meet people of all different…well…everything!”. She rants. “But…I’m stuck here”. She chugs her drink again, quick to fill it up again. “Come on kid, you’re drinking a little too much”. Ace states, getting up from his chair and walks over to take her drink from her. “I’m not a kid! Don’t you dare call me that!”. She snaps, quickly chugging the drink before it can be taken away.
“Maybe we should get you to bed”. Ace says, taking the glass from her and placing it on her desk. “I’m fine, okay? I don’t need you to baby me like everyone else!”. She snaps, looking up at him. He chuckles down at her, amused by her cranky face. He reaches and grabs her chin with his thumb and pointer finger. Without thinking, he leans down and presses his lips against hers. Regret immediately flows through him, but it instantly vanishes when he feels her hands on his cheeks to pull him closer.
He could taste the alcohol on her lips, tasting it more when she opens her mouth to let him slide his tongue in. He pulls away from her, looking down at her to see her big pleading begging eyes and kiss puffy lips. “For a marine you’re absolutely beautiful”. He whispers just loud enough for her to hear. “For a pirate you’re incredibly handsome”. She whispers back loudly. This time, she leans up and kisses him. She pulls him closer by wrapping her arms around his neck, Ace leaning over and easily picking her up to wrap her legs around his waist.
He sits down in her chair, letting the younger girl sit on his lap. She pulls away from Ace, the two panting of the lack of air. Fire, want, and need builds up in their bodies, (Y/n) slowly starting to grind herself over Aces growing length. He chuckles at her neediness, rubbing her hips up and down. “Never in my life would I ever think I’d see a marine be so needy for a pirate”. He chuckles as his hands travel to her thighs and going over her dress.
He uses one hand to move her panties aside and the other running a finger through her wet folds. “Ah! Ace~”. She moans out, grinding against his hand. “Jeez you’re so wet already, it makes me want to take you here and now”. He teases. “Then why don’t you?”. She asks in a giggle, running her hand down his chest to his hardened bulge and rubbing it through his pants. Ace hisses at her actions, causing (Y/n) to giggle as she leans in close to his ear. “Although I’d rather be the one to take you~”. She whispers into his ear, then kissing his ear lobe.
“God!”. Ace let’s out in a loud groan. He grabs her chin again with his spare hand and grabs her chin, pulling her in closer. (Y/n) moans into the kiss, letting out a cry of pleasure as she feels him slide two finger inside her warm wet entrance. She pulls away and whimpers at the new slightly painful feeling, her legs shaking as he slowly drags his fingers in and out. “I just realized…you’re a virgin”. Ace states. “Oh shut up”. She gasps, slamming her lips back on his. Ace picks up the speed of his fingers, using his thumb to rub against her clit.
He pulls away from the kiss, moving his hand from her chin to the low cut neck of her dress. He smirks as he pulls the dress neck down, her boobs sliding out from the motion. He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t at least wanna cop one feel of her tits while here. He aggressively grabs her breast and squeezes it, pulling and pinching on the nipple. “A-! Aaaaaace~ please!”. She cries out, needing something more. “Pleeeeease let me feel you inside me!”. She begs. Ace smirks as he lets out a single chuckle, pulling his hands away from her as he goes down to his pants. With ease his undoes his belt buckle, belt and zipper, easily being able to hop with her on top for him to slide his pants and boxers down to his ankles.
(Y/n) feels a shiver go down her spine as she looks down at his erection. He’s so long and thick, probably the first time in her life she’s ever felt intimated. “What’s the matter? Scared?”. Ace chuckles, grabbing the base of his cock. “Quiet!”. She snaps. She puts her hands on his shoulders to use to keep herself stable. She lifts herself up and hovers over his cock, feeling his hot leaking tip against her entrance. “Take it slow princess~”. Ace coos her, his hands back on her hips and rubbing them to comfort her.
She sinks down on his cock, feeling his tip slide inside her aching hole. The aching feeling of need grows stronger and stronger, craving him to fill her up. Without thinking she sinks her whole body onto his cock, his tip slamming painful against her cervix. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”. She cries, feeling as if electricity shock through her body. “Sssshhhhhhit! Ah fuck me! Shit you’re tight”. Ace pants out as he squeezes his eyes shut, feeling his cock getting squeezed so tight inside her he could explode inside her already.
He opens his eyes but his vision isn’t the clearest, light headed from the feeling of her insides. He looks at the girl on his lap, seeing her still trying to catch her breath as tears run down her cheeks, a painful grip against his shoulders. He slowly starts to rock her hips, sliding her up and down on his length. Her cries turn onto moans, starting to move her hips on her own. “That’s it, good girl~”. Ace praises, rubbing circles on her hips over her dress.
(Y/n) picks up speed, smoothly bouncing up and down on the pirates cock. Ace happily leans back in the chair, his limit approaching fast at the feeling of her right pussy sucking him in and trying to milk his cock of every single drop of his cum. More. More. He grips her hips tight, getting a tight hold on her and pulling her up and down on him, using her as a toy. A very pretty, very off limits, very hey she’s literally your enemy, toy.
He can’t help but start thrusting his hips up into her as he slams her down, the two meeting half way as Ace oh so desperately tries to chase his fast growing high. He needs to cum. Specifically he needs to cum in this marines perfect tight pussy. A now strong believer in the idea of if he cums in her it’ll make all his dreams come true. Without warning and a hard slam he releases deep inside her, his hot seed filling up her insides. (Y/n) shutters at the feeling of his warmth.
She pants as she tries to get off of him, but Ace slams her back down, drawing a whimper from her when she whimpers. “I don’t think so”. He pants out. He moves his hands under her thighs, swiftly picking her up and laying her on her desk. Ace smirks as he looks down at the marine, seeing her breasts raise up and down with each breath, her pussy still stuffed with his cock as cum starts to leak out the sides. He reaches over and grabs the forgotten bottle of liquor, taking a massive chug of it till the last little remaining drops are gone.
He leans down with each of his hand on either side of her head, her hips trying to move to chase the aching need of release she still hadn’t gotten. “We’ll be here all night until morning, hope you like the shitty coffee they have here cuz you’ll need it”. He tells her as he slowly grabs her ankles and pushes them up to her chest. “A-Ace~”. She whimpers, feeling him so deep inside her he might just be inside her womb. “You’re in for a looooooong night sweetheart~”.
The wind was cold, giving a gentle touch every time to touched her face. There’re no clouds in the sky, just a blue ocean above and in front of her. The sound of ringing and feet pattering rush over to the young lady’s sitting spot, some marine in a much lower rank than her running towards her with a transponder snail. “Miss! Your father is calling!”. The man calls. She reaches out and answers it. “Hello father”. She greets him. “Hello (Y/n)”. He responds with his bored gruffed voice. “What is the pleasure I have for you to call me out of the blue?”. She asks. “I wanted to check in that you’ve arrived to the base safely”. He answers. “I’d prefer you’d be here but you made the mistake that lead not to”. He adds. Ah yes, a mistake. A living, growing “mistake”. She runs her free hand over her stomach, only a few month’s pregnant by this point. “I’m sure everything would go smoothly without me, besides I’m not really in the mood to see something like an execution”. She informs him. “Yes, I’m sure”. He agrees. “How long now?”. She asks. “8 hours until that Fire Fist is dead”. He answers.
(Y/n)s grip tightened, her hands shaking. “Mr Akainu! We have to go!”. A voice is heard in the background of the call. “These idiots need me, I’ll be leaving”. And without a goodbye, he hangs up. (Y/n) ends the call on her end, shooing away the marine. She takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes, feeling the soft breeze on her face. She starts to hum a random tune as she rubs her stomach, hot tears falling down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, little one. I’m afraid your father won’t get to meet you”. She mutters under her breath. “Oh Ace, I’m sorry that this happened…I hope…I hope somehow that brother of yours saves you so I can see you again…and…and you to meet our little one…”.
The winds where fast, the breeze smelling like sea salt as music rode along the winds. “CAPTAIN!”. The crew pause their antics, looking towards the navigator. “MARINES APPROACHING!”. He yells. The Captain shoots to the head of the ship, sitting on the lions head. “Do we attack?”. The cyborg asks, getting ready to ready for an attack. “THEYRE WAVING A WHITE FLAG!”. The sniper informs them. “What do we do captain?”. The swordsman asks. Their captain looks at the oncoming ship, laughing. “This could be fun!”. He laughs.
The ship slowly gets closer, the two ships setting down their anchors. The pirates watch as the marines look over their ship to look at them. A young woman walks up to the side, a high ranking woman. Without a second thought she jumps down, easily landing on the ship. The woman is wrapped in a long white cloak, maintaining eye contact with their captain. “You’re Straw Hat Luffy, correct?”. She asks him. “Yeah? So what?”. He asks her. “There’s something I’d like to discuss, is there somewhere more private for us to talk?”. She asks. “Don’t worry, if you’re questioning my intentions your crew mates are free to join which I think you’d rather”. She adds. “Yeah sure, we can talk in the kitchen”. He answers.
He leads her to the kitchen and dining room of the ship, the crew following behind them. “So, what’s up?”. Luffy asks, taking a seat at his spot at the head of the table. “If I remember correctly your older brother was Fire Fist Ace, yes?”. She asks. Luffy shivers, looking at her with murder in his eyes. Why would a marine come to him asking about his brother NOW?! “Yeah, what about it?”. He asks. The woman smiles softly as she takes off her coat hanging around her shoulders, setting it on the table to reveal a sleeping toddler in her arms. A little girl, long black hair with freckles. She looks like… “I know Ace never got the chance to meet her, but I thought her uncle should at least know she exists”. The woman explains.
Luffy looks down at the girl wide eyes, his eyes softening as he looks at her. “Wh-what?”. He stutters out. “WHAT?!?!”. The other crew members yell out, causing the baby to stir and begin to wake up. She looks up at her mum, who sweetly looks at her. “Mama?”. She asks. The woman giggles as she points Luffy to her, the little girl turning to look at him with wide eyes. “Rouge, this is your uncle! You know that stretchy guy that grandpa yells about? Say hi”. She tells the little one. “Hi”. The little girl greets, giving a little wave. “Would you like to hold her?”. (Y/n) asks Luffy. He doesn’t answer, just taking the girl from her arms and holding her close to himself. The other crew members crowd around their captain, looking down at the girl with aws and coos.
“Aawww she’s so adorable!”.
“She’s so pretty!”.
“She sure does look a lot like her daddy”.
“Wow! You’re an uncle!
“Uncle Luffy!!”
(Y/n) takes a seat at the table as the Straw Hats coos and laugh at her daughter. “How old is she?”. Robin asks the mother. “She’s two”. She answers. “She’s so adorable! You and Ace really made the cutest baby I’ve ever seen”. Nami compliments, taking a seat next to the mother. “Thank you! A day doesn’t go by that she doesn’t remind me of her father”. She thanks. “Honestly with how much she looks like her dad I’m surprised there hasn’t been anything in the news about it”. Nami points out. “No one’s figured it out yet, which I’m hoping never happens. If anyone asks about her father I tell them it was a random I had a drunk hook up with at a hotel so I don’t know what he looks like”. She explains. “Hey Marine Lady”. Luffy calls, the mother turning to him. “Yes?”. She responds. “What’s your name?”. He asks. “It’s (Y/n)”. She answers. “And hers?”. He asks, referring to the girl in his arms. “I named her Rouge, after Aces mother”. She answers.
“Luffy, I have a request”. She then starts. “Yeah?”. He responds. “If something happens to me, weather I die in war or I get executed for birthing Aces child, no matter what if anything happens to me…please take care of her. Either she’ll get raised to be a marine soldier like I was or killed as well, I want her to live free and I know you and your friends will teach her the right things. I know you’d be an amazing uncle and teacher for her”. She explains to him. He smiles brightly and nods. “Of course!”. He says happily. His expression changes into a more serious one, but still with a smile.
“If anything happens, I’ll make sure to protect and save her! I won’t make the same mistake again!”.
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raylaandcallum · 3 months
Ryomina gardening together on the dorm rooftop? Maybe Ryoji trying to flirt with flower language
Come spring
The rooftop door creaked, and Minato looked up from the bag of soil he was holding.
"Minato!" Ryoji greeted him with a brilliant smile.
He looked as handsome as ever, but the moment he stepped on the rooftop, the wind started whipping his scarf and hair.
Minato allowed himself a slight chuckle.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, still crouching.
"I came by to hang out with Junpei." Ryoji joined him at his side and peered at the bag curiously. "But he said he was busy. I didn't want to leave since I came all this way, so Fuuka helpfully told me you were up here," he finished with that same dazzling smile, but when those eyes were directed only on him...
Minato tried to focus on the conversation again. "Too bad Junpei's not free. The dorm isn't exactly on your way."
Ryoji nodded. "Which is why I decided to find someone else's time to monopolize, namely, yours."
Minato looked up at him, but the sun made him squint, ruining the desired effect. "Did the rest all draw long straws so it fell on me?"
"Har har. I won't bother you if you're really busy, but..."
Minato sighed with dramatic indifference. "I was in the middle of preparing these pots for the new plants, but you can keep me company if you want."
"Really?" Ryoji put a hand on his shoulder as he leaned over him to look at the seed bags on the floor.
"How about I help you? It'll go faster with two people. And before you complain, I promise I won't ruin anything."
Minato gently shook off his hand so he could finally stand up and face him. "I wouldn't say something like that." He was almost insulted and a bit sad that Ryoji thought of him as cold. Maybe he still had himself to blame; he knew he didn't really come off as outgoing to most people.
"You should put your scarf away, it might get in the way."
Ryoji moved to do as directed and then returned to his side once again, rolling his sleeves up.
Minato allowed himself to notice it innocently for half a second.
"Can you get the rest of the pots from there and that fertilizer bag if it's not too heavy? I wanted to plant most of what I had in mind today. I really appreciate your help." He tried to keep his voice even as he looked at Ryoji.
He hated how his nerves betrayed him in such a silly situation, but was determined not to let it show. Nothing good would come from flirting with this infuriatingly attractive ladies' man. He thought he glimpsed beneath the surface of it, but if that was what Ryoji really wanted...
"Um, Earth to Minato?" Ryoji waved a hand in front of his face. He looked concerned. Dammit, dammit, dammit.
"Sorry, I space out for a second. Thank you." He nodded in the direction of the materials Ryoji brought.
Ryoji raised an eyebrow but thankfully didn't pry further.
Once Minato directed him on what to do with each pot, they worked in silence. Minato felt himself growing too nervous to start a casual conversation topic, and he hoped Ryoji was too engrossed in the work to pay it much mind.
"So what are we planting?" Ryoji broke the silence.
That he could handle, Minato thought.
"Flowers, mostly. I'm not really confident to keep up with fruits and vegetables with finals so near. And I've got more experience with these."
"Really?" Ryoji perked up. "Which ones?"
"I've got here irises, columbines and some thyme. I'd like to experiment with more different kinds, but those'll wait until spring."
"Interesting combination. Are they for anyone in particular?"
Minato gave a confused shrug. "Not really? Just for us here at the dorm to enjoy."
Ryoji laughed. Minato didn't know what he found funny in that, but his traitorous heart helpfully supplied he'd like to hear Ryoji laugh more.
"I think it's perfect. The symbolism fits."
... Busted.
"You... um, you know much about that?"
"About flowers? Of course, they make the perfect gifts."
He hummed in response.
"I find it fascinating how such small beings can hold so much life, beauty and meaning in them. They can be different for each person, but we can all appreciate them in the end." Ryoji paused, his hands still stuck in the dirt, like he was considering something.
"Yeah. You put it really nicely. It's kind of a comforting presence to have some around."
"I know what you mean. I don't think I've ever bothered having my own since we moved so much, but whenever I'd go out in nature, it was like witnessing another world."
Minato silently nodded, working on autopilot while he processed his words.
"I'm really glad I found you up here," Ryoji suddenly started, turning to look at Minato.
Minato found himself looking back without realizing what devastating effect Ryoji's smile had on him. But it wasn't his usual, brighter-than-light smile. This one was smaller, subdued, but Minato had a feeling it was just as genuine. He hoped it was as a small blush spread across his cheeks.
"If you'd like, I could help you with these again. I'm somewhat attached to them now after planting so many. I want to see them grow."
Damn his foolish heart. It would have its way in the end, so Minato blurted out: "We can grow some other ones too. Do you have any in mind you'd like to see?"
That seemed to take Ryoji by surprise. His eyes widened, and he scratched his cheek, forgetting the dirt that was on his hands and therefore leaving a smear of mud in the middle of it.
"Um... What about tulips? They're gorgeous to see, especially red and yellow ones. Just in time for spring. And maybe... gardenias. They're less subtle than tulips, but together they'll go really nicely. If we plant them just right, it'll be a beautiful arrangement." He smiled again, but there was color in his cheeks like the red tulips he spoke of. His eyes didn't seem to hold his usual loud confidence, but they shone with joy nonetheless.
It was impossible not to return that smile.
"That's a great idea. We can go shopping for them together. I know the lady at Rafflesia might have some helpful tips too, so we can ask her. By the time we see how these ones grow along, maybe I'll have an idea of how good the fertilizer is, so I'll know whether we need to replace it..."
Minato was caught up in the idea of growing flowers with Ryoji. When he realized he was rambling, he trailed off uncomfortably.
Ryoji wasn't looking at him anymore, his gaze was fixated on something on the ground.
Minato furrowed his brows. "Sorry, I can go on for a while when it's about plants. Don't worry though, it won't be too difficult."
Ryoji finally met his eyes. "Rafflesia, huh? I actually heard there that..." He regaled him with useful tips about growing flowers he picked up here and there.
Minato tried to listen, but he couldn't escape a hunch that something was wrong. That Ryoji wasn't feeling well. The way he unconsciously fixed his collar reminded him of the way he'd hide his face in his scarf. A habit he like to observe out of the corner of his eye entirely too much when he had the chance.
They sat with their back to the railing, and Minato found himself enjoying the conversation, and even more if he was being honest, Ryoji's presence and the sound of his voice.
He thought back to the moment Ryoji was full of smiles before he fell silent. He wanted them to grow tulips and gardenias....
Minato widened his eyes. His heart was trying to kill him, as far as he was concerned. The tiny spark of hope he trained so hard to grow in other aspects of his life began to ignite. And it wouldn't let him go.
As soon as there was a lull in the conversation, he casually asked: "Hey, do you mind if we add another flower to the list of ones we're gonna grow?"
Ryoji shook his head. "Not at all. What did you come up with?"
Minato turned his head to look at Ryoji. They were sitting really close, almost shoulder to shoulder. Ryoji looked just as beautiful in profile.
His face was on fire as he laid all his pathetic hopes out for the world to see.
Now it was Ryoji's turn to look at him and widen his eyes.
Just a tilt of his head and he would be...
"Did you know that daffodils have quite a romantic meaning?" His voice was quiet. Minato could only stare.
He swallowed. "Yeah?"
"What are you gonna do with them?"
"I was thinking... maybe I could have some in my room once they've bloomed. You could take some too. If you wanted."
"I'd love that." This smile was as briliant as it was genuine.
"Mhm." Minato finally tored his gaze from Ryoji and turned away.
"I can't wait," he simply said.
"Me neither." Ryoji chuckled.
As their shoulders brushed again each other's, Minato allowed himself to embrace the hope he'd been denying himself. It made him excited for all the days that were to come if Ryoji would be close to him.
thank you so much for the ask!! this has been eating away at me ever since i got it. the idea is so cute, but minato's ghost possessed me and said i have to include pining minato too.
the language of flowers
hope you liked it!
i will be posting these one shots on ao3 too, iwa_chan4
accepting more ryomina prompts!
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quietlyimplode · 7 months
the language of flowers and silent things
Whumptober 2023: Day 31 - take it easy
Warnings: nightmares
Word Count: 3.4K(picture from the amazing @oceanspirit9 )
Summary: the wedding of Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff
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A/N: well shit. I don’t even know where to begin with this. @broken--bow this is yours, without you this wouldn’t be here - from the bottom of my heart thank you so much. @oceanspirit9 I’m still in awe of your art, thank you for it and your entire encouragement this month.
Fic is about community - whumptober gives me a chance to set my mind to something in a month where, there are difficulties and hardships. It gives a whole other place to exist in. Without the communities of fic; life becomes a lot more convoluted and grey. Thank you all for being on this journey - if you’ve liked multiple chapters and followed (even at a distance) - I see you, and thank you. All your commented and likes and reblogs matter to me.
Long live this community. It’s so very dear to me.
(Oh and if we want an epilogue, let me know. It wouldn’t be part of whumptober but may be a nice ending.)
Whumptober Masterlist
Dreykov circles her.
Sitting tied to a chair Natasha is powerless to move.
Fear paralyzes her.
A gun in hand as he points it at her face.
“You think you belong anywhere else but here?”
He places it under her chin.
“I would rather die than let anyone else have you.”
He presses in further, causing her to lift her head, unable to swallow.
“No one will ever love you, not when I’m through with you.”
He bends down and kisses her cheek.
Then stands and backhands her.
“You’ll never escape the Red Room, not even if you tried.”
She wakes alone.
Her chin sore as she touches it gently, trying to wipe away the sensation.
The room is dark and the world still.
The ghosts that haunt her still feeling present.
The dream dissipates as time presses forward.
She turns for Clint to find his side of the bed empty, and she pads out of bed to the bathroom.
Natasha looks at herself in the mirror, her reflection pale.
She did escape.
In the ways that matter.
She thinks of Isla, trapped and alone; fulfilling Dreykov’s prophecy and wonders how to help her. Tomorrow, she thinks, she’ll ask Clint tomorrow.
Glancing at the time, she realises it is the next day.
Her wedding day.
A day that was supposed to be by the beach, in the sun, a day that given the last 3 years grew less likely.
To have it here, Natasha supposes she feels apprehensive, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Something will go wrong.
She feels it.
All this good doesn’t come without bad.
Yelena sits on a chair staring at her.
It takes a moment for Natasha to orient to the time and space but when she does; she grins.
The night had continued to be rocky, but the spate of sleep she’d got from 6-7am would have to be enough.
Clint was staying in his own floor, surrounded by the other boys, whilst she was getting ready with the girls.
Maria, as she was officiating had the luxury of passing in between to keep everyone on time.
“Stop watching,” Natasha mumbles, throwing a pillow at her.
Yelena catches it and throws it back.
“Get up,” she commands, “you’re getting married today.”
She smiles menacingly.
“I’ve also been tasked with getting you dressed.”
Natasha sits up, still sleepy, growing more aware of the tasks ahead and pushing down the apprehension that grows.
Yelena does nothing to help it, except push her into the bathroom and tells her to shower.
The whole scene is surreal.
She wonders if Clint is faring any better.
Pepper greets him in the kitchen, and he’s momentarily confused.
“Yelena is with Natasha,” she tells him, “I’m just finishing up on some details upstairs then I’ll go help them. Where’s Tony?”
Steve enters after him and he holds up the coffee pot, questioning.
Steve shrugs and nods.
“It’s your wedding day, man!”
Clint sucks down the cup of coffee, not waiting to breathe, until he’s finished instead giving Steve a thumbs up with his other hand.
Pepper rolls her eyes and laughs.
“I’ll see you later,” she tells them.
“Make sure you’re here by 10.”
She looks directly at Steve.
He nods and salutes mockingly.
“Come on. Bring that with you,” he ushers, pushing him towards the workshop.
Clint follows, dragging his feet as the time flashing of 8am feeling mocking on the microwave.
If only he got more sleep.
He doesn’t want to think about what it means that sleeping beside Natasha gives him much better sleep than sleeping alone.
The dreams, the overthinking, she just has a way of soothing it, and making it better.
Tony, half dressed in a tuxedo, greets him with a drink and a smile.
“Happy wedding day,” he says, handing him an arrow.
Clint takes it unconsciously, and then hands it back confused.
Tony presses the bottom collapsing it and it opens at the point, revealing a purple flower.
“To sit in your pocket,” he nods, he then pulls on the end and it turns back into an arrow. Handing it back, Clint, he gives it a go, marveling at the weapon turned flower.
“Thanks,” he says, playing with it like a fidget toy.
“You should start getting ready,” Steve prompts responsibility.
Tony laughs.
“He just needs to get dressed, how long do you think it’s going to take him?”
“Yeah, but Pepper has asked him to look at the roof, in like an hour, make sure it’s all okay for Nat, then make any changes. Plus, she’ll be there at like 11 for the ceremony to start at 11.10.”
He looks pointedly at Tony.
“What time do you need to be there?”
Tony waves him off.
“I’ll be there on time, I have alarms.”
Clint shakes his head and walks off arrow in hand feeling nervous at the pressure being placed.
He doesn’t like it.
Instead of heading to his room, he sends a message and heads for the elevator.
She gets a message, a slight code on it, and realises it’s from Clint almost immediately.
“Meet me in the elevator,” it says, “I need to see you.”
Halfway through her make up, she stands and heads for the door.
“I’ll be back,” she tells Yelena and Maria, who are also finishing their make up.
She hasn’t seen Pepper yet, and misses her no nonsense calmness of organisation.
“When you’re back, I’ll do your hair,” Yelena offers, and Natasha nods.
“Wait,” Maria calls, throwing two cupcakes at her.
“Eat something.”
Natasha catches them and makes it a show to take a bite, before backing out and heading to the elevator.
It opens to reveal Clint, still in a tshirt and pajama pants.
There’s a look of relief on his face as he sees her and he pulls her in, kissing her and hugging her close.
“I missed you,” he says, sappily.
She’d call him out on it, but she feels the same. The comfort of each other regulating, Natasha handing him a cupcake and he hands her the pot of coffee he’d taken from the kitchen.
They sit in the stationary elevator, not talking as they eat the cupcakes and drink the coffee.
“Pepper has me looking at the roof to make sure it’s at your standards,” he admits.
“Do you want me to text you photos?”
Natasha nods.
“Yeah, no surprises would be good.”
He nods.
“You’ll be standing ready to walk together right?”
He nods again.
“Everything else is ready, right?”
She nods.
“Only Yelena knows, she won’t tell anyone.”
Clint sighs and checks the time.
“We should go,” he says with a shallow smile.
Slowly they stand.
The elevator opening as if commanded and then, kissing each other, they go their separate ways.
The ribbon is gently braided in.
Both Natasha and Yelena don’t talk, the moment feeling sacred as the tie that bound them in childhood and helped to bring them back together.
There’s nothing really to say.
Shallow smiles and gentle touches as they both seem to understand the significance of the moment.
They’re both alive, against all odds.
Something maybe neither of their mothers expected.
“Thank you for being here, today,” Natasha says quietly.
Yelena doesn’t reply.
“I didn’t think…”
Yelena places a hand on Natasha shoulder.
“The past, I think will always play a part for us. But I am glad to be here with you too.”
It’s not an absolution.
It could never be, neither of them would accept it.
But it’s enough.
The wedding dress fits perfectly.
Pepper and Yelena help.
Pepper shed tears and Yelena just looks pleased. Natasha that leaves for the bathroom, feeling too many emotions and overwhelmed with them.
She needs time to centre herself.
Time is moving too quickly, and she feels almost dissociated and disconnected from the moments that keep happening.
It’s like it’s happening to someone else, or that she’s watching it happen to herself.
She should be happy, not apprehensive and anxious.
The time with Clint was the most centred she’d been since waking, and it just felt compounded.
Pepper knocks on the door.
“I’ve got to go meet Clint, are you okay to meet us on the roof in about 11? It’s about an hour?”
Natasha squeaks out a response, and then keeps staring at herself.
She just needs a moment.
The rooftop is beautiful.
Chairs are placed in a semi circle around an arbour. The archway decorated with blue forget-me-nots as the litter the aisle and decorate all the chairs.
There’s pictures, of Barney and Coulson. There’s not just one of each but multiples, pictures of them Clint and Barney that Gus had given, of Natasha and Coulson, pictures he hadn’t seen before. He stops and sees the tiny one of Natasha’s mother holding her, and feels his breath catch in his throat.
He wanders around and takes a few photos of all of it, before sending it off.
“You did all this? In two days?”
Pepper shrugs.
“Some of you have super powers…”
“You have super powers,” Clint cuts her off, leaving no room for argument.
There’s blue ribbons on the chairs and tiny purple arrows in the bouquets.
He wanders for a moment, taking it all in and gathering himself.
“I didn’t know if you wanted that…” she gestures to the pictures of the people no longer here, “but I wanted to a acknowledge them, in some way I guess.”
He walks back over and stares at Coulson, and nods.
“No, it’s perfect.”
Pepper stands back and looks around.
“Is there anything else, or something more you need?”
Clint shakes his head.
“No, but can you keep a secret?”
He feels it’s only right in telling her after she had put so much effort into this moment.
She nods.
After Clint leaves to get Tony, he messages Natasha.
“Anything else needed? I told Pepper, too.”
A message comes, moments later.
Just one word that makes his heart stop.
Yelena stands at the bathroom door, and shrugs at Clint.
“She was fine.”
There’s a tone of worry he doesn’t think he has ever heard. Always so self assured or matter of fact, Yelena doesn’t seem easily put out.
Now, it’s a worry that bleeds through.
“Can you tell Pepper to get everyone seated and we’ll come together?”
He glances at the time, 10.55.
She doesn’t move, perhaps concerned with this part of Natasha that she’s never seen before.
He tries to dampen down the urgency, reassure her and get her out, he nods and smiles.
“Don’t worry. She’ll be fine, just cold feet maybe. Go, I’ll call you if we need anything, or Jarvis will let you know, okay?”
Yelena looks at Clint, a hard look that tells him she’s trusting him with this.
Backing up, she leaves and Clint knocks.
A secret knock that they use often.
The door unlocks.
He opens it and suddenly can’t breathe.
“You look beautiful.”
It’s an understatement.
Her hair braided, with small wisps coming down, make up done and in a dress that fits her perfectly.
He takes her hand, kisses it and guides her to sit on the side of the bath.
She’s not crying, she just looks sad.
“What happened?” he asks.
He draws circles on her hand, then starts tracing over her fingers.
“It’s going to go wrong. Good things can’t happen to me. If we do this,” she pauses.
“It’ll we do this, you’ll die. Something will happen to you. I’m the Black Widow.”
He shakes his head.
She sighs.
“Tell me what you think will happen.”
“I don’t know. I just know it’s too good. You’re too good. You deserve someone who isn’t a void of bad.”
His heart is angry, and he doesn’t know how to dispute it in a way she’ll accept.
“What happened?”
Natasha glances at him.
“I was looking in the mirror, and nothing had happened. No one had broken in, no one had kidnapped one of us, and I kept thinking, what’s going to happen next?”
He stops the tracing and encourages her to do the same to him.
He sighs.
“I know,” she sighs.
“I know it sounds stupid and we've made it this far, but I can’t help but think it. If you marry me, I’m dooming you.”
He laughs at that.
It seems to shake her.
“It is stupid,” he says seriously.
“Do you want to be with me?”
She looks at him and frowns.
“Of course.”
“Are you willing to risk doom for it?”
She hears her words repeated back at her.
Biting her lip, she looks to him.
“Yes,” she says, with a watery grin.
“I have you, and you have me. You know those stupid vows? You make me brave,” he tells her, “so doom is nothing with you by my side. You deserve good things.
I promise, okay?”
“I’m better because of you,” she thinks, the words of vows they spoke in what seems like a lifetime ago.
“We can do this, yeah? We can do this, and when we do, then…”
“I know… I know.”
Natasha stands.
“ I don’t want you to die.”
Clint smiles, taking her hand.
“If I die Nat, you can say I told you so, okay?”
Natasha nods.
“Are you ready?”
Yelena watches Clint and Natasha walk down the aisle.
Overcome with emotion, she cries openly.
She doesn’t care.
Half the people here she doesn’t know, and the other half look as teary as she does.
Pepper had admitted to her that all of them needed some happiness. That since 2012 every one of the Avengers had been flailing.
Since Clint and Natasha had admitted about being engaged, the wedding had been something they’d planned, kept tabs on, supported and gossiped about. It had provided hope for the future, and sometimes had supported grounding.
They couldn’t die, or break apart because they all had something to live for, to look forward to.
Yelena understood it.
Without hope, without that something to look towards, life became so much more difficult.
The words Maria speaks don’t feel rehearsed, and even Natasha cries as she talks.
Clint wipes away her tear, dabbing gently with a tissue.
Yelena sniffs.
She hadn’t expected to be emotional.
Offered tissues from Pepper (who always seems to know what to do), Yelena takes them and sighs.
She’s never been invited to a wedding.
Crashed them, sure.
Been on missions where they’d fabricated an invite.
But not this.
Natasha is the only family she has, and so this is likely the only wedding she’ll ever be invited to.
She dabs her eyes and takes a moment to look around.
The man with the eye patch, keeps looking at her and she ignores it hoping it’s just because he feels uncomfortable with public displays of emotion.
Steve sits next to Sam, both of them watching on in awe.
Bruce fiddles in his chair and she wonders if other emotions bring out the Hulk.
She turns back to the wedding, taking some candid pictures, even though she’s sure Pepper’s photographer has it handled.
Yelena feels that even though the wedding is small, everyone is here because they want to be.
Friends, found family, it’s a strange group of people.
She wonders if one day she’ll have this.
She hopes.
Natasha stands in front of her family and friends and tells Clint that she’ll be with him til death. He returns the words and finally Maria tells them to kiss.
Amongst the whoops and cheers and throwing of petals at them, Natasha can’t help but smile with Clint at the commitment they’ve just made.
He hugs her and kisses her again, to everyone’s delight and they walk out towards their friends leading the way to the grand room where they’d had Christmas lunch days earlier.
Now transformed, into a room fit for celebration, Natasha has no idea how Pepper did it.
Despite all the anxiety and fear to get to this point, she’s happy.
Glad they did it.
It’s the other shoe, finally dropping.
Except it’s not bad.
It’s good.
Clint glances at Natasha, taking her hand and leading her to the hallway.
“We did it!”
He picks her up and hugs her, relief evident on her face as he spins her and kisses her smiling face.
“You tell me when you’re ready,” he grins, and she nods.
“I want to check on Yelena and Tony, and we need to thank Pepper,” she tells him.
“Okay, I need to just tell Fury a few things, and we should thank Maria for doing such a good job.”
Natasha nods.
“She did. Maybe you can check on Gus too, he’s heading home tonight, I think Tony organised a car; maybe just make sure he’s aware.”
Clint looks past her down the hall.
“We’re so close Nat, just a little longer.”
They kiss again and split up, each with their own little list of things today.
She finds Yelena talking to Tony, and wonders when and how they became talking friends. Maybe being in an ordeal just makes it that way.
She talks to them for a bit, the pulls Yelena away.
“I know what you’re going to say,” Yelena tells her.
“It’s okay, it’s not goodbye,” she smiles.
Natasha shakes her head.
“Now I’ve found you, you’re stuck with me,” she replies.
“Plus, we need to talk about Isla.”
Yelena’s face turns serious.
“Yeah. I was talking to Tony about a weapon, and the trackers.”
Natasha nods, “that’s good.”
She hugs her again.
“Not too long, okay?”
Yelena bumps her head into Natashas.
“No, not too long.”
Clint approaches them, and Yelena spontaneously hugs him too.
“Congratulations, I guess,” she smiles.
“You’ll stick around for a bit?”
Yelena shrugs, “maybe a little.”
It’s a lie but they don’t call her on it.
Clint turns to Natasha.
Natasha smiles.
Okinawa is just as she remembered.
Beautiful beaches, lovely people and a relaxation that felt strange at first.
Her large oversized hat sits just over her head and she smiles as Clint runs in from the water.
Her husband.
What a concept.
“Next, you’re going to tell me that it’s time to build a sand castle,” she goads, handing him a towel.
He laughs ringing his hair out and laying next to her.
“What do you want for dinner?”
She shrugs.
“Whatever you want?”
Clint smiles, the sun shining as it sets.
He looks over to his wife.
He married the black widow.
“Sushi,” he decides.
Natasha nods.
They stand together, Clint holding out his hand and envelopes hers into it, bringing to his lips and kissing it gently.
“After you,” he grins.
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spenglerssweetheart · 10 months
That, Southern thing
In which reader from the south can smell the rain just before it comes.
Pairing: Ghostbusters x reader.
Warnings: none.
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Springtime in New York was always nice, And for the ghostbusters it was certainly something. Having a new recruit is all well, only there’s one small thing about her that the others find somewhat odd. She can smell the rain before it comes.
Y/n was a particular person, had just as much passion in the paranormal just like the others, and a passion for the outdoors and botanics. The others didn’t quite mind, since the few plants around the firehouse simply brightened up the place a little more.
“Y/n, This isn’t a greenhouse, come on you can’t keep bringing these plants in” “it’s literally a small thing that is going to Egon, it’s literally for him. It’s his.” Y/n retorted to Peter, who watched her go up the stairs and assuming into the lab. Y/n and Egon were going to be spending a little time outdoors, even though it was partly cloudy.
Y/n was in a particularly good mood, and Egon could tell the moment she stepped into the lab. “What’s got you in a good mood today Y/n?” “We’re going outside again, and it’s not that sunny” She said as she handed Egon the small potted plant. He was going to be doing some sort of experiment with the plant and how it would react to the ectoplasmic slime left over from one of their recent busts.
“Oh uh Winston and Ray want to join us, maybe Janine if she isn’t so busy? Is that alright with you?” She asked softly, walking over to his small jars that contained growing fungus. “Sure, but I’m hoping things don’t interfere with what we’re trying to collect” Egon said, moving small things around before leading Y/n back downstairs.
They didn’t really need a coat or anything but Y/n still took a light cardigan sweater in case.
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Once they arrived at the park, Y/n went towards the growing bushes that were sporting few flowers here and there. All of the other ghostbusters had decided to join and make it somewhat of a fun day out. The wind was nice and cool but it was starting to become a little more cloudy.
The others watched as Y/n stood up and looked up at the sky, before the familiar earthy scent from back home hit her nostrils. The smell of it made her feel a little bit happier, but she frowned to herself.
“I think we should start heading back, it’s most definitely going to rain in a bit” She started, holding some small flowers as she walked back to the group. “Wait how Can you tell? It’s just cloudy, the sun will come back out” Peter said as he placed his hands on his hips. “You guys don’t smell the rain?…” Y/n asked softly, looking around at the others who had a confused look on their faces before they began shaking their heads.
“Oh-” She said surprised, before a loud strike of thunder was heard. “O-Kay we really should start heading back” Winston said, beginning his walk towards the way they entered. The others following shortly behind.
After that incident, Peter often teased Y/n about it, if not Y/n the others by complete accident. When they catch Y/n outside with her nose in the air and it’s barely clouding over, a small “She’s doing that southern thing again!” Is heard and the others simply just laugh to themselves about it, but most times than not it helps a bunch before the guys go on a bust or coming back from one.
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This is literally a small Drabble because I miss the rain, and it’s just too hot that I need it so very much right now. (Yes I am from the south) And like this idea hit me when my grandma and my aunt were talking about hurricane season, and like the faintest smell of the moist dirt before the rain came hit me and I was like ‘I have to write about this’
Anyway. I hope you guys liked this, again it was a small Drabble, a little idea that I needed to get out. But if anything, like, share, reblog whatever, I would so greatly appreciate it. I love you, have a better day, stay safe! BYE!!
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Polar Opposites - Book 2: Earth - Chapter 6: The Chase
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It’s been three days since Toph joined you and the others and currently, you’re just about to start setting up camp for the night since we’ve been flying all day. “Hey, you guys picked a great campsite.” Toph says as you slide down Appa’s tail only to see Toph standing in Appa’s fur. “The grass is so soft.” she says. “That's not grass. Appa's shedding.” Sokka tells her. Katara jumps, lifting her right foot out of the fur, balancing on her left. “Oh, gross!” “That's not gross; it's just a part of spring.” Aang explains from in the saddle on Appa’s back as a blue bird lands gracefully on his head and a yellow butterfly flutters by his right ear which Momo jumps up in an attempt to snatch. “You know, rebirth, flowers blooming, and Appa gets a new coat!” “Ah, the beauty of spring.” Katara drawls as Appa sticks his tongue out, revealing that fur is covering it.
A second later, the fur on his tongue causes him to sneeze, blowing fur everywhere. “Stop, Appa, stop!” Katara shouts, coughing, waving her arms to stop Appa from covering her in even more fur. “It’s not that bad, Katara.” Sokka says to her, making me to turn to him to see him putting fur on his head. He stands to reveal fur piled on his head to form a tall pillar of hair. “It makes a great wig!” he exclaims with a giant smile on his face. “And a great beard!” Aang says while jumping down from Appa’s back with a large mustache and beard made out of fur on his face. Sokka and Aang point and laugh at the sight of one another. “I’m just glad we finally have another girl in the group because you two are disgusting.” Katara says unamused while you nod in agreement.
“Excuse me,” Toph’s voice begins, causing both you and Katara to turn to the three of them as Toph walks in between the two boys. “does anyone have a razor…” She lifts both arms to reveal a mass of white fur emerging out of both of her sleeves, under her arms. “...because I've got some hairy pits!'' She finishes causing the three of them to laugh at least until he gives one of his powerful sneezes, thrusting him backwards into Appa’s leg and then falling face down on the ground. He lifts his head to reveal his beard and mustache are gone but he now has a large mass of fur sticking jaggedly up on his back. All three of them begin laughing again. You and Katara stand there for a moment in silence before giggling softly. 
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You currently sit next to the fire pit, waiting for Sokka to bring some more firewood over so that you can start the fire, that way you can start making dinner. You see Sokka carrying some more firewood and you tell him to place it on the ground beside you. You’ve always been the one to take care of the fire and make dinner. Personally, you think it’s because you’re the oldest in the group and you used to always make dinner for everyone back home too, with the help of your grandmother and a couple other women just so that you weren't the only one making the meal for everyone in the village.
You’re placing the wood in the fire pit when you see Katara get up from the pot of water that she had gathered, walking over to where Toph sits. “So, Toph, usually when setting up camp we try to divide up the work.” “Hey, don't worry about me,” Toph begins. “I'm good to go.” “Well, actually, what I'm trying to say is, uh, some of us might fetch water while someone else might set up the fire pit or put up the tent.” Katara explains. Momo then flies over to her, dropping a few nuts into Katara’s hand before fluttering in place. “Even Momo does his fair share.” She says, showing Toph the nuts. Toph takes the straw from her mouth. “Katara, I'm fine.” she says. “I can carry my own weight. I don't need a fire, I've already collected my own food, and look,” she sits up and uses her earthbending to create a stone tent. “my tent's all set up.” she finishes. “Well, that’s great for you, but we still need to finish…” Katara says, becoming steadily more annoyed. “I don’t understand.” Toph says irritated. “What’s the problem here?” “Never mind.” Katara says as she walks away from her as she earthbends herself back into her tent. 
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You sit next to the fire, watching as Sokka and Aang take Appa’s saddle off for the night. Using his airbending, Aang lifts the saddle off of his back and attempts to lower it down to Sokka, but accidentally drops it on top of him. “Aaaah!” Sokka yells as he squirms underneath the saddle. Aang leaps down from Appa, lifting the saddle off of him. “Sorry!” You giggle softly before turning to see Katara walking over to Toph again. “Hey Toph, I wanted to apologize for earlier.” Katara says to her. “I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each others' nerves.”
“Yeah, you do seem pretty tired.” Toph replies. “I meant all of us.” Katara says angrily. “Well, goodnight.” Toph says to her before she turns around, laying down on her chest inside of her stone tent. “Goodnight.” Katara says, half-heartedly before she walks away. Katara sits next to me with a tired sigh. “Don’t worry Katara, she’ll come around.” you tell her. “Yeah, I know.” she answers softly. “Just give her some time to get used to being a part of this team. For now though, let’s get a good night’s rest, we have a long day of flying tomorrow.” She turns to you with a soft smile. “Okay.”
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“There’s something coming toward us!” Toph’s voice exclaims, causing you and your siblings to jolt awake since the three of you were sleeping soundly. “What is it?” Aang asks her as you, Katara and Sokka poke your heads out of the tent, wondering as to what’s going on. Toph kneels to the ground to feel for the vibrations, you’re guessing. “It feels like an avalanche… But also not like an avalanche.” Toph answers, sounding unsure. “Your powers of perception are frightening.” Sokka says to her, tiredly. “Should we leave?” Katara asks. “Better safe than sorry.” Aang answers and you agree whole-heartedly.
After packing up all of our stuff, the five of you mount Appa again, ready to get away from whatever Toph sensed that’s coming straight for us. “Yip yip!” Aang says and Appa takes off into the sky. You sit next to Sokka and Katara in Appa’s saddle, looking back at a large cloud of dust. “What is that thing?” you ask no one in particular, as we all look back at the large cloud of dust in confusion, wondering what it is.
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We’ve been flying for a couple of hours now and you and the others are getting really tired. You’re currently leaning on Sokka who’s supporting his head with his right arm on the side of the saddle as he tries to stay awake. “I think we lost 'em.” you hear Aang say quietly. “We should try and get some rest.” You and the others let out tired groans in agreement and you feel Appa start his descent.
Once all six of Appa’s feet land on the ground, Toph jumps out of the saddle and lays flat on the ground. “Ahh, land, sweet land!” she exclaims as you and the others climb down from the saddle. “See you guys in the morning!” she says to the rest of you as she uses her earthbending to propel herself to her feet and slinging her bag over her shoulder. “Actually, can you help us unload?” Katara asks. “Really?” Toph asks her as she turns to face us again. “You need me to help unload Sokka's funky-smelling sleeping bag?” she continues as you hand down the mentioned sleeping bag to Sokka.
Taking the sleeping bag in his grip, your brother takes a few sniffs, twitches in disgust and falling to the ground. “Well, yeah.” Katara answers, walking toward her, as you jump down from Appa to help Sokka to his feet again. “That and everything else. You're a part of our team now and…” she says but Toph interrupts. “Look.” she says, clearly irritated. She then points at Katara angrily. “I didn't ask you to help unload my stuff. I'm carrying my own weight.” she continues as she turns and walks away. “That’s not the point.” Katara says, putting her hands on her hips, before stomping after Toph. “Ever since you joined us you've been nothing but selfish and unhelpful.” “What?!” Toph asks angrily as she turns halfway, pointing at Katara again. “Look here, sugar queen,” she says as she drops her arm. “I gave up everything I had so that I could teach Aang earthbending, so don't you talk to me about being selfish!” she finishes before she sits down and making another stone tent around herself. “‘Sugar Queen’?!” Katara repeats angrily, only for Toph to close off her rock tent by bringing a slab of earth up to cover the opening. “D-Did you just slam the door in my face?! How can you be so infuriating?!” she asks as she moves around the tent erratically. “Should we... do something?” Aang asks you and Sokka as the three of you watch Katara. “Hey, I'm just enjoying the show.” Sokka replies while you just shake your head at your sister’s actions.
Aang hesitantly walks up to Katara as she pounds on the ‘door’ of the tent. “Okay, okay, you both need to calm down.” he says to her, causing Katara to tense up. “‘Both’?” Katara asks. She turns to face him. “I’m completely calm!” “I… can see that.” Aang says to her hesitantly, as he slowly backs away from her.
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After Katara finally calmed down, you all just decided to unload our sleeping bags, not wanting to waste any more time setting up camp. You lay in between Sokka and Aang, ready to finally get some more sleep. “The stars sure are beautiful tonight.” Katara states making you and Sokka to look at her in aggravation before both of you cover your heads with your sleeping bags, trying to drown out the noise. “Too bad you can't see them, Toph!”
You’re about to say something when you hear a grunt and feel the ground rumble against you. That’s when Katara lands on top of Sokka. “Hey,” Sokka says as he flips Katara off of him, resulting in her landing in between you and Sokka. “how is a guy supposed to sleep with all this yelling and earthquaking!?” You roll your eyes, about to respond when Toph brings down the ‘door’ of her tent. “That thing is back!” she exclaims, making you, Aang, Katara, and Sokka to look at her. “Well, how far away is it?” Sokka asks before he covers his head again. “Maybe we can close our eyes just for a few minutes.”
In the corner of your eye you see something, making you turn your head, only to see smoke coming over the treeline. “I don’t think so, Sokka.” you say urgently. The five of you quickly pack your stuff again and take off. “Seriously, what is that thing?” Katara asks as she, you and Toph look over the back of the saddle at whatever it is that’s following you all. “And how does it keep finding us?” Toph asks, sounding irritated. “I don’t know, but this time I’m going to make sure we lose ‘em.” Aang replies, making Appa fly even faster.
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After flying for who knows how long, Appa lands again. When he does though, he falls over onto his side making all five of you fall out of the saddle. You just stay where you are, too tired to even get into your sleeping bag… “Okay, forget about setting up camp.” Sokka says as he pulls out his sleeping bag, stuffing himself into it. “I'm finding the softest pile of dirt and going to sleep.” “That’s good,” Katara answers as she pulls her sleeping bag under her head to use as a pillow. “because Toph wasn't going to help anyway.” “Oh, I didn’t realize baby still needed someone to tuck her in bed.” Toph replies back sarcastically.
You sigh out of irritation, not wanting to hear yet another argument between your sister and Toph. “Come on guys,” Aang sighs out tiredly. “there's something after us and we don't even know what” he covers his face with the top of his shirt, muffling his voice as he continues. “or who it is.” “It could be Zuko.” Katara says, making your eyes widen at the thought of seeing Zuko again after all this time, especially since you haven’t seen him since we were in the North Pole. “We haven't seen him since the North Pole.” “Who's Zuko?” Toph asks. “Oh, just some angry freak with a ponytail who’s tracked us all over the world.” Sokka answers, making you turn to him, a smirk planted on your face. “What’s wrong with ponytails, ponytail?”
Sokka gestures to his hair, his face still in the dirt, making his voice muffled. “This is a warrior's wolf tail.” “Well, it certainly tells the other warriors that you're fun and perky!” you say before laying your head back onto your sleeping bag again. “Anyway, whoever's chasing us, they couldn't have followed us here.” Sokka says as he sits up, turning to you and the others. “So... now would everyone just- shhh!” he shhh’s you all before laying back down on his back.
Not even a minute after Sokka lays back down and Momo jumps onto his stomach, chirping. “No, Momo, ssh!” Sokka says to the lemur, placing his hand on the lemur’s head. “Sleepy time.” Momo jumps off of Sokka, continuing to chirp urgently, making all of us turn to him. “Aww, don't tell me…” Sokka groans, placing his head onto the ground again as you, Toph and Katara get up from the ground. “That's impossible. There's no way they could have tracked us.” Aang says to you and the others. “I can feel it with my own two feet!” Toph exclaims. At Toph saying that, Aang runs over to Momo, getting a better look. Your eyes widen at the sight of smoke approaching from the distance before you walk up to Aang’s side, seeing some sort of machine made out of metal crawling over a hill as it continues to approaches the five of you. “Let's get out of here!” Katara exclaims to you and the others. “Maybe we should face them. Find out who they are. Who knows, maybe they're friendly.” Aang says optimistically. “Always the optimist.” Sokka groans sarcastically.
A moment later, the machine comes to a stop and the side of the final compartment opens. White smoke pours out and a ramp descends. In the smoke you see three figures. You squint your eyes at the sight of the three figures, wondering as to who they are and what they want with you, considering they’ve been following you all night. The three figures descend the ramp, out of the smoke, the middle one in the lead. Your eyes widen at the sight of the three girls that you and your siblings had faced in Omashu, riding giant lizards. ‘Azula!’ you think, instantly recognizing the princess of the Fire Nation.
The three girls stay stationary for a moment before they start running towards you and the others at a remarkable speed. “It's those three girls from Omashu!” Katara exclaims.
All five of you assume our own unique battle stances, Sokka having to draw his boomerang. “We can take 'em. Three on four.” Toph says. “Actually, Toph, there's five of us.” Sokka corrects her. “Oh. I'm sorry,” Toph apologizes. “I didn't count you. You know, no bending and all.” Sokka drops his stance at that, a furious expression on his face. “I can still fight!” “Okay. Three on four plus Sokka.” Toph corrects which only makes Sokka growl furiously at her, his face turning red with anger. As the Azula and her two friends get closer to you and the others, Toph jabs her arms and fists in the air three times, while on the third time opening her palms, causing a large rumble of earth descend down from her position, blasting rock everywhere and large rock formations rise from the ground to impede them but they simply ride over each one. “Well, we wanted to find out who they were. We found out.” Sokka says while sheathing his boomerang. “Now let's get out of here.” he says as all of us except for Toph run toward Appa.
As you climb up onto Appa, you see a large wall of earth blocking Azula and her friends’ path, which causes you to let out a small breath of relief. That is until Azula literally summons lightning out of her finger tips, breaking a large portion of the wall, in which she and her two friends ride their lizards through to continue their pursuit of you and the others. “Come on guys, we need to go! NOW!” you exclaim, not wanting to get hit with Azula’s crazy blue fire! The others heed your warning, getting into the saddle. Toph literally earthbending herself into the saddle when the girl, who you remember whose name is Mai, shoots some daggers at her. “Appa, yip yip!” Aang says and Appa just begins to fly away from the hill as a blast of blue fire emerges from the dust cloud Toph’s earthbending created.
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You yawn tiredly as you lean up against the side of the saddle, just wanting to go to sleep, but with Azula and her two friends following you and the others… You don’t think that’s going to happen though… “I can't believe those girls followed us all the way from Omashu.” Katara says, making you look at her. “I still think we could've taken them.” Toph says. “Are you kidding?” Katara asks, exasperatedly. “The crazy blue firebending and the flying daggers are bad enough, but last time we saw them one of those girls did something that took my bending away. That's scary.” 
That’s right, you do remember her saying that one of them did something to cause her bending to go away for a while. Now, you weren’t there since you were trying to stop Azula from getting to Aang when he was trying to get Bumi. A bright orange light makes you wince as you look into the distance to see the sun rising over a hill. “Oh no, the sun is rising!” Sokka exclaims. “We've been up all night with no sleep.” You groan softly at the thought of not sleeping for the whole night, wishing that you could land and get at least a couple of hours of sleep. “Sokka, we'll be okay.” Aang says to him. “Are you sure?!” Sokka asks him hysterically. “I've never not slept before! What if I fall asleep now and something happens? And something always happens!” “Every time we land, those girls are there, so we'll just have to keep flying.” Katara says. “We can't keep flying forever.” Aang replies, which makes you nod, knowing that you and the others would have to face Azula and her two friends again sooner or later.
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It’s been a few hours since the sun rose, and you and the others are still flying. You hear Aang let out a yawn. “So, what’s the plan?” You groan softly at the thought of thinking of a plan. “Don't know... too tired to think.” you groan tiredly. “I'm sure we'll come up with something after a short nap.” Katara says. “Yes! Sleep!” Sokka replies, to which you hum in agreement too, thinking that taking a nap would be heavenly right now.
You can feel sleep start to overcome your body when you feel weightless. Your eyes shoot open, seeing that Appa is literally not flying anymore, he’s falling straight towards the ground. Before you get too far away from the saddle, you grab the side of it desperately, not wanting to plummet to the ground to your death… “What's going on?!” Toph shouts over the wind. “Appa fell asleep!” Aang shouts back. You all scream at Aang’s answer. “Wake up, buddy!” you hear Aang exclaim to Appa as you and the others hold onto the saddle desperately. Just as you get to the top of the trees, Appa catches himself, causing all five of you to land in the saddle roughly. Appa starts flying through the trees. As you go through the trees, you cling to the side of the saddle even tighter, knowing that with the tree branches hitting your body you could easily be knocked off of Appa, which would not be a good thing.
The next thing you know, Appa crashes into the ground, finally sliding to a stop. You sigh tiredly, as you slowly get up from your spot in the saddle. You see Aang slide off of Appa’s head, landing on the ground. “Appa's exhausted.” he sighs as you, Sokka, Katara, and Toph get off of Appa, you, Sokka and Katara holding your sleeping bags in your arms, ready to get some rest. “Okay,” Sokka sighs tiredly. “we've put a lot of distance between us and them. The plan now is to follow Appa's lead and get some sleep.” “Of course, we could have gotten some sleep earlier if Toph didn't have such issues.” Katara says, which makes you groan out in irritation, knowing that the two of them are going to argue, again.
Katara’s comment makes Toph spring awake from her spot on the ground, slamming her hands down on the ground causing it to break a little. “What?!” she screams out in anger. “Alright, alright! Everyone's exhausted. Let's just get some rest.” Aang says, trying to make the two of them stop fighting with each other. “No! I want to hear what Katara has to say.” Toph says defiantly. “You think I have issues?” “I'm just saying, maybe if you helped out earlier we could've set up our camp faster and gotten some sleep and then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation!” Katara explains angrily. You groan tiredly, just deciding that you really don’t want to deal with them arguing again, rolling your sleeping bag out, collapsing onto it, Sokka doing the same, beside you. “You're blaming me for this!?” Toph asks her angrily. You groan out again as you sit up from your sleeping bag, just as Katara makes a ‘bring it on’ gesture at Toph, who advances, her fists clenched in anger.
You’re about to intervene when Aang zips in between them to try to stop the fighting between them. “No, no! She's not blaming you!” “No, I'm blaming her!” Katara confirms, which makes me mentally facepalm. “Hey!” Toph exclaims before she throws Aang out of the way, making him land on Appa’s back behind the saddle. “I never asked you for diddly doo da. I carry my own weight! Besides, if there's anyone to blame, it's sheddy over here!” She says, pointing at Appa who’s still sleeping. Your eyes widen at her accusation. “What? You're blaming Appa?!” Aang exclaims from his spot on Appa’s back. “Yeah!” Toph answers as she walks over to Appa’s side. “You wanna know how they keep finding us?” She asks as she grabs a bunch of hair from Appa's side and opens her palm to let it blow away in the breeze. “He's leaving a trail everywhere we go!” Aang jumps down from Appa’s back at her accusation. “How dare you blame Appa! He saved your life three times today!” he shouts. “If there's anyone to blame, it's you! You're always talking about how you carry your own weight, but you're not! He is! Appa's carrying your weight! He never had a problem flying when it was just the four of us!” he exclaims which makes your eyes widen even more. ‘Oh boy…’ you think, knowing that Aang’s going to regret what he just said to her.
Toph walks away at Aang’s words, passing him and Katara, approaching her bag, kicking the ground causing it to fly up into her arms via earthbending. “I'm outta here.” Toph says as she begins to walk away towards the forest. Sokka gets up from his sleeping bag, running in front of her. “Wait.” he says to her as he stands in front of her, his arms raised. All Toph does is tap the ground with her feet causing the ground under Sokka to move to the side along with him, before she continues to walk away without a word.
Toph disappears into the forest and you look over at Aang who just realized what he just did. Aang raises his arms to the sky, his eyes wide in shock. “What did I just do?!” he exclaims as he falls down to the ground. “I can't believe I yelled at my earthbending teacher. Now she's gone.” “I know.” Katara agrees, sullenly. “We're all just trying to get used to each other, and I was so mean to her.” “Yeah,” Sokka agrees as he hands you a cup of tea. “you two were pretty much jerks.” he continues while taking a sip of his own tea. “Thanks, Sokka.” Katara says sarcastically. “No problem.” Sokka answers with a smile. “We need to find Toph and apologize.” you say to the others. “Okay, but what are we going to do about the tank full of dangerous ladies chasing us?” Sokka asks. You get up from the ground trying to think of a plan just as Aang pulls fur off of Appa before letting it flutter away in the breeze. “I have a plan.”
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A little while later, you, Aang and Katara stand on the banks of the river using waterbending, creating spouts of water that are splashing onto Appa’s back, while Sokka stands in the water next to Appa’s head with a scrubbing stick. Once you think that all of the loose fur is off of Appa, you all get ready to find Toph. “Toph was right. Appa's fur was leaving a trail right to us.” Aang says to us. “But now that he's clean, no more trail!” “Are you sure that he's okay to fly?” Katara asks him. “He'll be fine as long as we leave his saddle and all our stuff here.” Aang answers. He then moves to a pile of fur on the ground and places it into a bag. “I'm going to use Appa's fur to make a fake trail and lead the tank off course.” he says. “I’ll go with you, you might need back up.” You say to him as you step forward, not really wanting him to go by himself, just in case Azula finds out what you’re doing.
You and Aang watch as Katara and Sokka take off on Appa. With a grunt, Appa takes off, but he doesn’t manage to clear the closest trees and hits them, causing their tops to break off and crash below. “Alright,” Aang says, making me turn to him. “let’s get moving.” You nod, getting ready to jump on top of his glider. With a running start, Aang opens his glider and the two of you take off into the air, fur dropping out of the bag that he had put it in.
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You and Aang have been flying for hours now… You’re now flying over a desert. “I see a town up ahead.” you say to Aang over the wind. “Why don’t we wait there?” You see Aang nod in agreement as he continues to fly toward the town that you see in the distance. You jump off of Aang’s glider just before he lands. The two of you walk down the main road. As you walk behind Aang, you glance around the town, seeing that it’s been abandoned for a while… ‘I wonder what happened here…’ you think solemnly as you look at all of the damaged buildings.
You and Aang get to the other end of the town, where he shakes the last bits of fur out of the bag. He then opens his glider to leave, but he hesitates. “Aang? What is it?” you ask him. He doesn’t answer, he just turns around, looking back down the trail of fur leading out of the abandoned town. You see a look of determination come up on his face for a moment before he closes his glider and sits cross legged at the end of the trail of fur, waiting to face our pursuers.
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It’s been a couple of hours now and you and Aang have been waiting patiently for one or Azula and both of her friends to find us. I just hope it’s not Zuko’s crazy sister, Azula… You would rather go up against her 2 friends than deal with her crazy blue fire and lightning.
The sun is just over the mountain range in the distance when you see a lone figure riding a giant lizard in the distance. At the sight of the familiar figure of the Princess of The Fire Nation, you internally groan. ‘Of course, it had to be her that followed us and not her two friends…’ you think as she reaches the main drag of the town, dismounting her lizard. “Alright, you've caught up with us.” Aang says to her. “Now who are you and what do you want?” he asks her. You, of course, already know who she really is, but Aang and your siblings don’t. The girl in front of us is Azula, princess of The Fire Nation, the younger sister of Zuko the banished crowned prince of The Fire Nation. “You mean you haven't guessed? You don't see the family resemblance? Here’s a hint.” Azula says to him, a smirk on her face before putting her right hand over her left eye. “I must find the Avatar to restore my honor.” she continues, clearly trying to imitate Zuko’s voice.
You and Aang both stare at her emotionless, neither of you finding what she did or said funny. “It's okay. You can laugh. It's funny.” she says, putting her hand down, smirking in amusement. “So what now?” Aang asks her. “Now... Now it's over.” Azula answers. “You and your little waterbender friend here are tired and you have no place to go.” she states. “You two can run, but I'll catch you.” she finishes. Not frightened by her threat, you and Aang get up from the ground, ready to fight even though you’re both exhausted. “We’re not running.” you state, determined as you cover your arms with the water from my water pouch.
You and Aang face Azula, waiting for her to make a move to attack the two of you, ready for a fight. “Do you really want to fight me?” Azula asks you and Aang, sounding cocky, as if she knows that she’ll win. The sound of an ostrich horse cuts you off from replying to her question, and your eyes widen as the rider that was riding the ostrich horse lands on the ground in a crouching position. “Yes,” the figure answers, your eyes widening even more at the all too familiar voice. The figure stands, throwing the straw hat that he had on his head away, revealing the all too familiar face of Prince Zuko. “I really do.” Zuko continues while glaring at his sister. “Zuko!” Aang exclaims softly, from his spot next to you at the sight of the scarred prince.
You look at Zuko with wide eyes, taking in his appearance. He’s changed a lot since you last saw him at the North Pole: his hair is no longer in a pony tail and he’s a lot skinnier and paler than the last time you saw him. “I was wondering when you'd show up, Zuzu.” Azula states, crossing her arms over her chest, smirking smugly at him. You and Aang both stifle a laugh at her nickname for him. “‘Zuzu?’” you ask at the same time.
You can’t believe you didn’t think of calling him that while you were his ‘prisoner’. You’re going to have to remember to call him that when you get the chance. You’re broken out of your thoughts when Zuko assumes a firebending stance. He faces Azula, but his arms are outstretched, one outstretched towards Azula, and the other outstretched towards you and Aang. “Back off, Azula! He's mine!” Zuko says to her. “I'm not going anywhere.” Azula replies while assuming her own firebending stance. The four of you stand off with one another, eyeing each other closely, looking to see who’s going to make the first move.
For a moment, Zuko’s golden eyes meet mine and I feel my heart skip a beat. You gulp warily, not knowing how this standoff will end, especially with both Zuko and Azula trying to get to Aang. As far as you’re concerned, you need to protect Aang at all cost, even if that means getting myself hurt or killed in the process… “Aang, you need to get out of here.” you whisper to him, hoping that Azula can’t hear you. “What?” Aang asks worriedly as he continues to look at the two firebenders in front of the two of you. “(Y/N), no I-” “No Aang. You need to get out of here as soon as you can. Find Sokka, Katara and Toph and get as far away from here as possible.” You say to him, your eyes not leaving Azula, knowing that she’s going to be the one to make the first move. You see Aang look at you worriedly from the corner of your eye. You know that he doesn’t want to leave you behind, but at this point, that’s the only option that the two of you have right now…
As you predicted, Azula is the one to make the first move. She launches a blast of blue fire at Zuko, who blocks it with a wall of his own fire. Though he blocks the blast, it does knock him back into one of the buildings. “Go Aang! Get out of here!” you say to him. Aang doesn’t hesitate to jump into the air with his glider. You turn to Azula who shoots a long wave of blue fire towards the two of you. You somersault out of the way, just in time, not getting burned by the blue flames. You then turn my head toward where Aang is, only to see him land on the ground, twirling his staff to dissipate the flames as they come down on him. You turn back to Azula, seeing her run along the roofs of the buildings, running towards Aang. you shoot multiple icicles at her, hoping that just one can make her stop going after him. She dodges all of them by jumping off the building and landing near Aang. Aang avoids her by mere inches, getting up as she swings her leg around, shooting fire at him.
In the corner of your eye, you see that Zuko has rejoined the fight and is now firing blasts at Azula. Well, at least you know he’s not going after Aang right now. You launch multiple blasts of water at Azula, which makes her attack you as well as both Zuko and Aang. The four of you, continue trading bending blasts. None of them landing on their targets. After a few moments, Azula chases Aang into the upper floor of one of the destroyed buildings. You and Zuko meet eyes for only a second before running after her. You run up the stairs behind Zuko, your eyes widening when you see him literally fall through the floor with a shout of surprise. You hear him land on the ground with a crash, which makes you wince.
Luckily you didn’t rush in like he did. You focus on Aang again who’s sitting on an air scooter in mid air. He makes a noise of surprise as Azula fires at him. Aang dissolves the rest of the scooter, before bounding over to her on the ledge, knocking her off. Aang runs out of the building with you right behind him as another shot of blue flames shoots through the door of the second floor of the building. You and Aang jump down into the main drag, ready to run when the side of the building is blown open by a blast of blue fire and Zuko is blown out onto the street in front of the two of you.
Azula charges at you and Aang, firing blasts at both of you. Both of you dodge each of them, going in different directions. You glance over at Zuko for a moment, seeing that he hasn’t gotten up yet. You’re about to run over to his side when you see Appa land at the end of the road. You smile at the sight of your siblings as they jump off of Appa, running toward you. “Where’s Aang?!” Katara asks, the worry in her voice, very evident. You point over to the building you had seen him fall into. “In there.” you answer, to which she nods in reply before running towards the building to help Aang against Azula. “Come on! I have an idea.” he says to you, grabbing my hand, dragging you over to an alley.
A few minutes later, Katara runs out of the building, Azula right behind her. Azula passes the alley that you and Sokka are hiding in and you and your brother jump out, attacking her. Sokka with his club and you shooting icicles at her which she dodges. Azula backs up into the street as you, Aang, Sokka, and Katara forming an arc around her, pushing her back. Azula launches herself at Aang, who jumps out of the way. You shoot a blast of water at the princess which makes her turn to you and your siblings shooting a blast of fire at you, making the three of you to dodge before continuing to exchange blasts.
The four of you continue to make her fall back, at least until Azula falls to the ground. You smile at the sight of a very familiar blind earthbender standing behind the princess who is still on the ground. “I thought you guys could use a little help.” she says with a smile on her face. “Thanks.” Katara replies with a genuine smile. Azula gets up and starts to run to get away from the five of you. As she runs off, she fires at you and the others a few times before turning down an alley. You and the others run down the alley after her, seeing her run into Iroh’s stomach. You smile at the sight of the old man as you reach the end of the alley with the others.
The seven of you start to close in on Azula, who is now backing up into a corner of a burnt out building. She has no place to go. “Well, look at this.” Azula smirks as the seven of you spread out around her, making sure that she has nowhere to run. “Enemies and traitors all working together.” “I'm done.” she states a moment later as she raises her hands in surrender. “I know when I'm beaten. You got me. A princess surrenders with honor.”
You glare at the princess from your spot in between Zuko and Toph, knowing that she probably will do something to escape. You glance at Zuko and Iroh for a second, seeing that Iroh’s eyes are focused on you and the others instead of Azula. You turn your focus back on Azula again to see her smirking smugly and in a flash she strikes Iroh with a blast of blue fire square in the chest. Iroh spins around before he falls to the ground. You and Zuko both turn around, Zuko screaming at the sight of him falling to the ground. “NO!” you scream as you and the others simultaneously fire at Azula. Azula makes a shield of blue fire, but the combined blows of the forces directed at her causes a tremendous explosion. You and the others brace ourselves against the explosion as it passes.
After a moment, you get to your feet from your crouched position on the ground. You look at the abandoned town to see the burning debris from the explosion raining down. You turn to where Azula was a moment ago, waiting for the smoke to clear. Once it clears, your eyes widen to see that she’s nowhere to be seen. You grit my teeth in anger, wanting to go after her, but that’s when you remember what had happened to Iroh just moments ago. You quickly turn around to see Zuko to see that he’s no longer beside you but kneeling beside Iroh. You hear him groan out in sadness and anger, his hands clenching his hair for a second before he slumps down. You and the others slowly approach him from behind. Zuko turns to address you and the others angrily. “Get away from us!” Katara steps forward, placing one hand over her heart and stretching out the other in a gesture of aid freely offered. “Zuko, I can help!” Zuko turns and unleashes a wave of fire over their heads. “Leave!” You see Aang and Katara look at each other for a second before they and the other 2 turn away from Zuko and Iroh.
While the others start to run over to Appa, you stay put, staring at Zuko and Iroh with tears threatening to fall down your cheeks, knowing that if you go with the others and not help Zuko take care of Iroh… You don’t know what will happen… You hear the others stop in their tracks, probably wondering as to why you’re not following them. “(Y/N)…?” you hear Katara say from behind you, and from her voice, you know that she doesn’t want you to go with Zuko and Iroh. “What are y-” you cut her off by shaking your head as you turn to face her and the others. “I can’t leave them...” You say softly, your eyes not leaving Zuko’s back as he kneels over Iroh.
You glance over at the others, they look hesitant. You can understand why they're hesitant about you staying with Zuko and Iroh… You mean, Zuko literally captured you multiple times and yet, you’re willing to stay behind to help him for more reasons than you can say and care to admit to them… “You guys go, I’ll be fine.” you tell them. The four of them share glances with one another before running off towards Appa.
Once you know that the others are gone, you slowly make your way over to Zuko. You see his body tense up the closer you get to him, but he doesn’t make a move to tell you to go away. “Zuko…” you say softly as you place your hand on his shoulder. Surprisingly, he doesn’t push you away or tell you to leave him alone, like he just did to the others. “Go away (Y/N)…” he says softly, the sadness and the anger at himself and about what had happened to Iroh very evident in his voice. “I’m not going anywhere Zuko.” you say to him as you kneel down next to him, placing your hand on his shoulder. “Please… Let me help you…” you plead softly.
He turns to you a moment later, and your heart breaks in seeing the immense hurt in his eyes. “It’s going to be okay Zuko…” you say to him, as you pull him into your chest, holding him tightly. “Iroh’s going to be fine. I promise.” you continue as he wraps his arms around you as he sobs into your chest. With the help of your healing abilities, you know that Iroh will survive, well, at least you hope he does… For Zuko’s sake…
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