#dark!mike Weiss x reader
georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Unfaithful, Part 1
Summary: married to Mike Weiss, but once a week you have lunch with Andy Barber, until it’s not enough
Pairings: Mike Weiss X Reader, Andy Barber X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  dark, explicit language, mentions of drug use (needles), cheating, explicit sexual content, smut, bondage, unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, kidnapping, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2.5K
Series Masterlist
*divider created by @firefly-graphics​
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You rub the back of your neck, taking a deep breath, and count to five before releasing it. Repeating this process over and over again. Thinking about last night, and just the draining life that you live. This isn’t how you thought it was going to be.
You never envisioned yourself where you are now.
Twisting you rings around your finger with your thumb, you start to take them off, before pausing, remembering happier and less complicated times.
You loved him, but that was the problem. The love had grown stale. It didn’t grow with your marriage, and therefore, you were drifting apart. If it wasn’t for the constant arguing, vile accusations, or those tell tell marks on his skin, it would be different.
Your husband had changed. The world he lived in had tainted his vision of your life. Spending more money than needed. Racking up bills because most his money went to his nasty habit. Refusing to even have sex with him, because you didn’t trust him.
He tried to reassure you that there were no other girls, and he wasn’t the common junkie. He didn’t share needles and they were always new. But too many nights left you in the bed alone. Days would pass before he would walk through the front door.
Bags under his eyes, blotchy skin, a constant sniffling, and you just said nothing. Refusing to start an argument because you were a shell of who you once were. Except for those weekly meetings. They were what kept you moving.
Mike looks at the calendar, noting the day before turns and jeers at you, “You got nothing to say because you’re going to meet with your precious Andy. The same Andy that couldn’t make the time of day for you that I did. You do know he’s married, too?”
You slam the fridge close, and start to walk out the door, but he catches your wrist. “You keep our secrets. You are my wife. Go have your fun. Fuck a married man, but you won’t fuck your husband.”
“I have never once cheated on you, Mike. You’re the one that is gone for days, and our cards are charged with cheap motels. What whore you got sleeping in the bed with you this week?”
“Well if my wife would lay down and take it the way a wife is supposed to,” you scowl at him, prying his fingers off of you. “Remind me to ask Andy how my wife’s pussy tastes when we’re in court tomorrow.”
“You’re disgusting,” you spit at him. Turning on your heels, you go to leave. Not caring to hear another word.
Placing your chin in your in your hand, you stare blankly at the door. Not really focusing on anything, just trying to forget the morning.
Andy walks into the cafe, his eyes scanning the area until he spots you. Nearly jogging over to you, before he pulls you up into a tight hug. You have never felt as loved or as safe as when you’re in his arms. And that terrifies you. Mike once made you feel that way. Now you hate the days he comes home.
Andy pulls you body back, and gives a regretful smile, “What did he do this time?” he asks, leading you both back to the table.
“I believe it was a ten days away. It keeps getting longer,” you drift your eyes to the table, and his hand moves to cover yours. You don’t have to tell him there’s more he just knows. “He accused me of having an affair.”
“Seriously?” Andy chuckles, shaking his head. “With who?” you lift your eyes to look at him, before sliding your own hand out from under his. “Oh…well…” he begins, reaching for your hand again.
Andy ever the careful one with his words, licks his lips slowly. His thumb starts making circles on the back of your hand, and even your own breathing picks up. “I wouldn’t say there’s nothing.”
“You’re very funny, Andy.”
“It’s just, every week. Every damn Thursday we meet, we talk, and we get very personal with our conversations,” he gives you a wicked grin and you roll your eyes.
“Admit it,” you shake your head no. “No? Have you never heard of an emotional affair? And we’ve got history.”
“Yep, you wanted to focus on your school and dumped me, then married Laurie two years later,” you cock up an eyebrow noticing how Andy never responds.
His fingers slowly trace the outline of his beard, and you clench your thighs together; remembering the times he would do that raising up from between your legs.
“I deserve that. It was the worst mistake of my life. By that time you and Mike were married, and I didn’t want to be alone,” he stifles out a laugh, his hand going to yours, and you had yet to quit playing with your rings.
Andy takes a quick gulp, removing his wedding band, and looks up at you, “Lets give them a reason to think we’re having an affair.”
“You’re crazy,” you reach to grab your purse. Andy was truly your love, but this…it can’t happen. It shouldn’t happen.
“No, no I’m not. Laurie thinks I’m cheating on her, too. Threatened a divorce last night, if I came here today. If I’m being accused of a sexual affair, I’d at least like to have sex. Wouldn’t you? Mike already assumes that we fuck every week. Makes snide comments while in court. Disrespecting you every time we’re alone, and I’m tired of it, Peanut. You deserve better. We…we deserve better, and you’ve always been my one. That’s why I can’t let you go. I won’t.”
“I always hate when you call me that.”
“You didn’t say no,” his dark blue eyes roll up to meet your own. Whispering your name, he goes to remove your rings, and you don’t argue. He slips them into his pocket, and watches you expectantly. “Where?”
“There’s a hotel down the road.”
“They’ll start asking about the charges.”
“I’ll do what Mike does, and deny it,” standing up, you hold out your hand for Andy to take, and he grips it firmly. Following you to the car. You don’t even feel guilty. This feels right.
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Sitting at breakfast, alone again for the fourth day in a row. Your rings had been sitting on Mike’s bedside table for all of those days. You were tired. Tired of pretending to live this perfect life, when your husband couldn’t bother to come home.
When you go to clean up, a knock on the door, leads you to pause in confusion. No one ever comes here, everyone is tired of Mike’s shenanigans. Walking to the door, you stand their mouth agape, and tears already forming in your eyes.
Andy lifts up his left hand, showing you only a faint tan line, “I can’t do it. I filed yesterday. This past month has been everything I’ve always wanted, because it’s with you.”
“You have a case in two hours,” both Andy and Mike had told you such.
“Give me one,” he hums already walking through the door, slamming it shut he locks it behind you. His hand smooths down your side before you wrap your own around his neck.
Animalistic in your need to have him, your hands already pull off his jacket. Carefully trying to undo every button, as Andy backs you towards you bedroom. “Andy, no,” you pull back looking at him.
“When was the last time he slept in it?”
“Months ago,” he picks you up, slamming your body on the bed, before he’s ripping off your dress. His hands begin to knead your breasts, before he harshly removes your bra. Getting to your panties, Andy leisurely removes them, placing the drenched lace in his pocket. “Andy, you’re playing with fire.”
“I’m playing with what’s mine,” he groans, undoing his belt, he jerks it out, and quickly uses it to tie up your hands. “Should leave you like this, for Mike to find,” scowling at him, he chuckles. “Better not, he stays gone so long you might die of starvation before he returns.”
“Andy, shut up!” your legs go to spread, and he watches your drenched cunt leak out on the duvet, and moans. “You gonna leave me hanging?”
“Never,” finally removing his pants, he crawls over your body, and it’s almost cruel that you can’t run your fingers through his hair. Can’t bring those succulent lips closer to yours. And can’t even pull his hips closer to your weeping cunt.
Andy runs his tip through your glistening folds, almost laughing at how much every part of your body is begging for him. You look over to the clock, but he doesn’t stop. “Andy, please, baby, I need you.”
“Getting greedy, huh? Every fucking day for over a month. You need it so bad don’t you?” you anxiously nod your head, and he pushes the tip through your entrance. You moan at the severe stretch, but then grunt when he doesn’t push through.
“You have become my needy little girl haven’t you?” with a single whispered yes, he pushes through an inch more. “You never stopped did you?”
“Say it,” he almost screams, needing a vocal confirmation. “Tell me.”
“I love you.”
He pushes in a bit more, “Do you regret what we’re doing?”
“I love you, too,” his voice thick and hungry as he slides his remaining length all the way through. Bottoming out, and your back arches, wrapping your legs around him, you hold him there. “What do you want?”
“You. It’s always been you. That’s why…I couldn’t let you go,” your voice soft, but sure.
His mouth crashes into yours with as much fervor as his hips as he thrusts into you harshly. Pulling in and out of your squelching heat. Both of your mouths swallowing the other’s sweet sounds, and you have never felt better.
Your skin heats up and becomes raw from his beard, but you don’t care. The only thing you care about is Andy. Every inch of his skin on you. Every bit of him stretching you out deliciously. His pounding pace hurting so good, as your juices soak the bed. Giving him his sick need for a job well done.
No one has ever done it better than Andy. No one has ever made you sob out their name like he does. And no one has ever made you feel so raw and loved. He was perfect. And he was yours.
Andy pushes into you with such force, your body becomes limp. Pliant to the man, and you blink away stars that cover his beautiful sculpted body. Your body aching for the need to fill you up.
Your walls start to flutter around him, and he only drives into you faster. Jack hammering into you like it was his job, and Andy always takes his job seriously.
Your legs clench around his waist, much like your cunt clenches around his girthy length. Breathily whispering his name like a prayer. With a few more staccatoed stabs into your abused hole, the two of you cum together, and Andy collapses on top of you.
His hands reach behind you as he undoes his belt, and your arms fall on his back. Running your hands up and down his freckled and sticky skin. “I’ll keep doing this until it sticks. I’ve filed for your divorce along mine. Laurie signed a prenup, but you want nothing from him.”
“There’s nothing to have.”
“Good. You’re mine. And I won’t have him touching what belongs to me.”
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Andy smirks at Mike as he walks out of his office. Starting to head to the courtroom, but Mike let’s out a grumbled, “How did she feel this morning?”
“Excuse me?” Andy asks turning back around to glare at Mike.
He holds up the divorce papers he was served, shoving it into Andy’s chest, “I knew it was only a matter of time before you tainted her view on me.”
Swiftly Andy jerks up Mike’s shirt revealing the track marks, “I think you did that all on your own.”
“I wasn’t like this before her. She’s been cheating on me for years. She can’t stay away from you. Home wrecker. How. Did. She. Feel?” Mike flips around his phone, revealing the compromising position you and Andy were in this morning. “Trying to knock my wife up, Barber? Just wait until I get home, I’ll fucking have my wife.”
Andy grabs Mike’s shirt by the collar, shoving him up against the wall. Pulling him forward, he slams him back, but Mike only laughs manically. “You won’t see her again.”
“Won’t I?”
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After waking up in a stupor with Mike sinisterly smiling over you, he points out the hidden camera. Yours and Andy’s love making on display on the television. “I thought you said you didn’t fuck him. Should have known you little slut. I love you, and I have a little surprise for you.”
You gulp as Mike all but drags you down the stairs to the basement. Time feeling off as it moves quickly but also painfully slow. He shoves you on the floor, slamming a new door closed. Looking up, you see his beautiful face bloody and bruised. His arms bound behind him, and a gag over his mouth, but that doesn’t stop Andy from mumbling expletives at Mike.
“You wanted him. There he is. You’re not going anywhere, and neither will he. I brought you, you’re own little plaything, honey,” you turn to look at him with your tear streaked face and shake your head.
“I thought you’d be happy. You have everything you ever wanted. That is if my junkie ass doesn’t stay gone too long,” he sneers at you, and presses his hand over your stomach.
“He wanted it to take, did it?”
“Mike, let him go. I’ll do whatever you want. Just please, let him go.”
“Aw, Honey, it’s not that easy. Oop,” he gleefully screeches out when your phone rings. “Looks like Laurie is calling you. Should I tell her I caught you two? Tell her what a fucking whore you are? Have fun playing house, while I play the distraught husband because my wife ran off and left me with her best friend. Laurie knows. She’s already told me her suspicions. That’s the only reason that I started asking. Laurie knew first.”
He walks to the door, slamming it shut, and you hear a thick lock go into place.
Rushing over to Andy, you jerk down his gag, and move to his hands. Once free, you cling to each other. His mouth kissing all over your head.
“I’m so sorry Peanut. He knew, he-he…”
“I saw it. Andy what’re we gonna do?”
“I don’t know.”
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Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @donutloverxo @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @thedarkplume @duuhrayliegh @rebekahdawkins @johndeaconshands @harrysthiccthighss
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jtargaryen18 · 2 years
Barber & Weiss ~ Chapter 4
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Chapter 4
Series Masterlist
Words: 4.7K
Pairing: Dark Andy Barber x Dark Mike Weiss x Reader
Warnings: Expletive use. References to drug dealing, drug use, and embezzlement. Dubious consent, mild coercion, sexual blackmail, contract for sex as repayment, theft. Explicit sexual content to include face-sitting and double penetration.
Disclaimer: The author of this work claims no ownership of characters aside from the reader, and original secondary characters mentioned. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and darker themes. By reading this work or any works on my blog (jtargaryen18), you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but archiveofourown and tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission.
Summary: You run the office at Barber & Weiss and love your job and employers. When your drug-dealing boyfriend gets in trouble with a loan shark, you’re hesitant to embezzle money from the law firm to bail him out. But he promises you he’ll be able to return the money quickly, before someone notices it’s gone. What’s going to happen to you when your boyfriend is arrested and your bosses know about your theft?
The day your firm won the Fields’ case was cause for celebration.
The three of you had spent many nights at Andy’s house working long hours on that case, going over endless possibilities and theories. Mike could unearth anything anyone tried to keep hidden with uncanny precision. Last week he had brought a huge dry-erase board over to Andy’s house, marking it up with your combined ideas.
Andy didn’t seem to mind that. He got into it. Did it bother him Mike ended up shirtless in those suspenders he loved so much?
It did. Oh, you could tell. Eventually, it was time for each evening to end. You stayed there with Andy, and neither you nor Mike missed the smirk he wore as he watched his partner leave each night.
Yeah, there was some underlying tension there as the weeks passed.
As the court dates approached, the three of you spent a lot of time together working on that vital case there in Andy’s home. The evening usually ended the same way. The three of you in the guest room. In the living room. In the kitchen. One night they laid you out on Andy’s dining room table like a buffet, tormented and fucked you until you were dozing. You slept through someone carrying you to bed, slept through to the next morning.
It was a tired you’d grown accustomed to. You yawned there at your desk, waiting for them to get back. You probably could have learned the verdict of the case on social media. But you couldn’t fool either of them. Especially, Andy. They’d know if your reaction to the verdict wasn’t genuine and you didn’t want to disappoint them.
Mike strutted into the office first that evening and you grinned. Andy followed him, barely holding back a smile and confirming your suspicions.
“You won?” you asked excitedly.
“We won,” Andy told you, grinning.
Running out from behind the desk, you gave each of them a hug. You had to keep it polite because there were others in the office. A couple of secretaries, various interns. It was the reason all three of you made an effort not to act any differently than you had before your private arrangement.
It was almost the end of the day. All of you who worked for the firm gathered as the two of them went over the verdict and the likely sentencing. They thanked you all for your efforts and told you all to go home early.
When you caught Andy’s eye, thinking to go back to your desk, he winked at you. “That goes for you too.”
You went back around your desk to get your things. Andy followed you.
“We’ll be right behind you,” he said low in your ear. Then he pressed a credit card into your hand. “Order takeout. Anything you want. We’re celebrating tonight.”
You smiled, nodded. “Thank you.”
You left with the others, getting in your car, and headed first for the store to get some things you were aware you needed. Your mind was on what would make a good dinner tonight. Winning the case was special.
In the last few weeks since your arrangement began, you were learning a lot about your bosses. Mike loved spicy food, lighter and healthier dishes. Then he indulged in expensive scotch. Andy favored decadent dishes, rich in flavor and heavier. His poison was good whiskey, particularly fine bourbon.
When it came to sex? You grinned to yourself as you thought about their individual preferences there.
Your younger boss was up for anything all the time. He enjoyed tormenting you with his mouth and hands until you were incoherent mess and then he’d fuck you. Mike loved pushing you to the edge until you were in tears, until you were so eager for the release he withheld from you that you’d beg him to let you come. And if you tried to get Andy to intercede for you, he’d get Andy to hold you down and torture you even more.
Andy was a little older and more romantic. It was important to him to set the mood. Even on crazy busy nights when you were all sorting through notes, trying to find a new angle on the case, it was the little things Andy did. He’d sit next to you on the couch, pull your feet into his lap to massage them and he was so good at that. When he knew you were tired from a long day at the office, or from their attentions the night before, he’d serve you dinner or run you a bath. Andy enjoyed sex as much as any man, but he appreciated intimacy. And he had the advantage of having you live in his home. No matter how the evening went, if Andy was there, you felt taken care of, safe.
More than once you felt grateful that it was a temporary arrangement and that feelings weren’t involved. How would a woman ever choose between the two gorgeous men?
As you got back into your car, some ideas came to you. You were so caught up in coming up with a celebratory dinner, that you weren’t as aware of your surroundings as you should have been.
There was a wonderful Spanish restaurant that Andy talked about, but you’d never been there. The staff were so friendly. All you’d had to do was drop Andy’s name and they helped you put together a dinner of sumptuous, exotic Catalan coast seafood. They’d even sold you white wine that they recommended with the meal. Oh, it cost a fortune but from what they told you it was light and flavorful which would make Mike happy. But it was upscale and from one of Andy’s favorite restaurants.
In short, you were pretty damn proud of yourself.
It wasn’t until you’d pulled up in the driveway with everything that you felt it. You felt like someone was watching you.
Before it could occur to you to be nervous about that, Andy pulled in behind you with Mike next to him in his Audi. They were talking away in there, no doubt still preening about the case. Everything else was forgotten as you climbed out of your car, running around to the other side to grab dinner.
Strong arms came around, grabbing the larger bags. Andy snuck a kiss before letting you get the rest.
“I love your idea for dinner,” he told you. That smile had your heart racing. You loved making Andy happy. Of the two of them, he was always harder to impress.
“I was hoping so,” you told them, smiling.
Mike led the way, opening the door and disabling the alarm system. The case was all they could talk about as you all headed for the kitchen, working together to get dinner unpacked and served up. Mike was quick to get into the wine, encouraging you to drink up as you helped get everything plated.
Over dinner, they told you how everything went leading up to the verdict. Both were pretty proud of themselves, and they deserved to be. You’d all been working on the case for months.
“With this we should be able to get bigger cases,” Mike mused as the three of you got seated at the dining room table. “This is next level.”
Andy cocked a brow at him. He was always the realist, but he was having a trouble keeping a smile from his lips at the thought. “Maybe so,” he said after a moment.
“We can take on other cases that matter,” Mike pointed out. “We’ve got a winning team.”
You had to agree with that. Each of them was good lawyers but together? They were a pretty formidable force in the courtroom.
You raised your glass to them. “The best team I’ve ever worked for.”
They cut each other a look and you quickly took a drink. You’d meant it. Or did they think you only said it because of the arrangement?
Andy shook his head. “You’re part of this team. You put in as many hours as we did on the Fields case. Not sure we could have pulled it off without you.”
You had to laugh. “I’m not a brilliant lawyer like the two of you. If I was able to help, I’ll take that.”
“You’re still important to us,” Mike told you, charming you with a grin.
By the time you’d finished eating, you were all a couple of glasses of wine in, which was plenty for you. Still, you gathered the dishes and tried to clean up. You’d just put your own plate in the sink when someone pressed into you from behind and carefully took it from your hands and placed it in the sink.
Heated kisses pressed into the side of your neck. Something else that was heated pressed into your lower back.
“Leave them,” Mike purred into your ear.
Andy had said you were all celebrating tonight. What did they have in mind for you?
When Mike ground himself into you, you shivered. All their attentions over the last few weeks had you conditioned to their touch. There were times in the office when one of them winked at you passing by your desk and you turned into a needy puddle in your chair.
What had you become?
Normally, this was the part where they took this to Andy’s guest room unless one or both of them were too impatient. But something felt different tonight, you just couldn’t put your finger on it.
Mike’s hands slid up your waist, sliding over your breasts as he continued to layer kisses down your neck. Your thighs clenched in anticipation, you just couldn’t help it.
When Mike scooped you up to carry bridal style, you licked your lips to watch Andy loosen his tie and pull it free from his shirt. He followed Mike who carried you back into the living room where Andy had built a nice fire in the fireplace. It was cooler this evening, the chill of fall in the air.
When Andy went to pull the drapes closed, you knew they meant to stay there. It wasn’t the first time. But the coffee table had been moved and a comforter had been put down in front of the fire.
Carefully lowering you onto it, you shivered at the warmth from the cheery blaze in front of you. From the hunger in two sets of blue eyes on you.
What were they up to?
“Hang on,” Mike told you, dashing out of the room.
Andy toed off his shoes and sat next to you on the comforter. His smile did things to your insides as he toyed with the strap of your dress shoes, careful in removing it. Then he removed the other, pressing a kiss to your knee as he did.
As his hands smoothed up your calves, fingertips just skimming under the hem of your skirt, Mike returned with the unopened bottle of wine in an ice-filled bucket. There were three fresh glasses in his hand.
“You’re trying to get me drunk,” you teased them. “Is that it?”
“No.” Andy crawled closer, a long arm reaching behind you to unzip your skirt. “Today was a good day for us. Tonight is all about you.”
Mike filled a glass for you, held it to your lips as Andy worked the skirt down your body. The wine was sweet on your tongue, almost as sweet as the grin Andy wore when he saw what was under your skirt.
And what wasn’t under there.
Hooking one long finger at the edge of your black stocking, he pulled it to snap back against your skin. The lace tops gripped your thighs, but there were no panties to hide the glistening flesh between them. You sucked in a breath at the excited look that earned you.
“The whole day?” Andy wondered aloud with a grin.
You nodded. “If we didn’t win the Fields case, I thought maybe it would cheer you up.”
And you were a little nervous about it because you’d never done anything like that in your entire life.
Mike joined the two of you on the comforter, encouraging you to finish your wine. Once you had, he took the glass from you with one hand as the other slid up your thigh and into your wet heat. You gasped as his fingers explored you, teasing circles around your clit.
“You’ve been thinking about celebrating too, huh?” Mike looked so pleased.
Leaning in, Mike claimed your lips in a heated kiss as Andy moved closer. Someone was unbuttoning your blouse as Andy’s lips teased your neck. The brush of whiskers and heated lips, the feel of Andy’s hands as he pulled off your blouse and bra pushed up the need you’d battled all day. Had your body weeping, clenching for them.
You’d never been that into sex until now. Before sex was good, depending on your partner, but it had been almost as transactional as your current situation. Sex helped you move things from a hook up to a relationship. Maybe one day you’d find someone that cared about you, wanted to spend their life with you. If the sex was good, all the better.
Now? Either of your lawyers could make you melt with a glance.
Two sets of hands skimmed over your body, and you shivered. When Mike’s lips blazed a trail down your jaw to your neck, Andy’s mouth claimed yours as a finger traced around one of your nipples. When it tightened into a hard little peak, he covered it with his mouth. As Mike chained kisses over your neck and shoulder, he slid a finger into your channel. And you tried to clench around that digit. It wasn’t enough.
You didn’t mean for the whine to escape your lips, but it did. Mike eased back from you with a knowing smirk. His fingers made quick work of the buttons of his dress shirt, and you couldn’t take your eyes off him as he stripped it off. While Andy teased your breast, his fingers skimming the tender flesh at your inner thigh, Mike resumed teasing your pussy. When he slid two fingers inside you, teasing your walls, you were breathless and needy.
Mike stole a kiss. “Want to try something new tonight?” he whispered against your lips.
Andy paused at the question before stripping off his own shirt.
Mike’s fingers slid in and out of you in a way he knew would make you squirm. His lips were warm on yours.
“Use your words, beautiful,” he prompted you.
“What did you… want to try?” you managed to ask.
His large fingers pulled free of you, and you whined again. A single finger slid on the wetness between your lower lips, carefully, and slid back to your other entrance. You froze at the unfamiliar touch.
You didn’t miss the warning look Andy shot him. Wrapping his arms around you, he eased you back into his solid warmth. His lips were gentle on your shoulder. “Easy,” he whispered.
Mike was nothing if not tenacious. His finger lightly traced around that tight ring as he brushed more careful kisses over your lips.
“Never tried anything like that, huh?” he asked.
“No,” you whispered as his finger continued his campaign.
“Mike…” Andy started.
Pulling back to gaze into your eyes, Mike’s smile was gentle. “Want to try? If you really don’t like it, we’ll stop.”
Andy cut him another look.
“I’ll stop,” he corrected. “But if you relax, and trust me, this just might be amazing for all three of us.”
It was then when it occurred to you what he wanted. And Andy wasn’t interfering yet. You knew he absolutely would if he thought you were uncomfortable. It was the biggest reason that you nodded.
“Lay back, Andy,” Mike directed.
And Andy did, keeping his gaze on you. His gaze was caring, willing you to trust him.
“Okay, baby,” Mike purred in your ear. “Why don’t you sit on Andy’s face? Be a good girl for him while I go get something.”
Tipsy on lust and wine, you didn’t resist when they moved you over Andy. Embarrassment burned and gave way to desire as his strong hands wrapped around your thighs and situated you just where he wanted you. With his mouth, he started burning you down. The tip of his tongue traced around your clit until you were fighting his hold. He held you there to tease around your entrance, making you desperate for more in a short period of time.
You weren’t even aware that Mike had returned until you felt him behind you, the heat of his excitement drawing your attention to the way his hands skimmed over your back, feather light. While Andy took you apart with his mouth, started fucking you with that talented tongue, Mike had goose flesh rising down your back. Those hands smoothed over your hips, and ass. The delicacy of his touch combined with the wicked slide of Andy’s tongue to make you crazy. Your hands clawed at Andy’s thick hair, and you unwittingly moved your hips with him, wanting more of that.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the small white tube in Mike's hand. When Mike’s finger slid slowly between the globes of your ass, you shivered. Tingles of pleasure were already racing through your bloodstream from Andy’s efforts. That finger was slick, circling the untried ring of your ass with care. Mike kept that touch light, tempting.
Their attentions pushed you to the edge of release. You were a desperate thing straddling Andy’s face with Mike’s finger pushing carefully into your other opening. You felt good. You were so close…
Pressing up against you, Mike’s heat seeped into you. His lips teased your ear. “You gonna come on Andy’s tongue, beautiful?”
You gasped when he pulled the lobe of your ear between his lips. His finger pushed a little deeper into your ass.
“The sooner you come for us, the sooner you can ride his cock, baby,” Mike whispered. “I know you want him to fill that little pussy right now.”
Between those words and Andy’s teasing tongue, you came hard. Your cries had Andy moaning into the center of you, intensifying the waves that shook you to your core. While you rode out that euphoria, Mike worked a second finger into your ass. By the time you were aware of that slight stretch and burn, it wasn’t uncomfortable. It did remind you how empty your pussy felt.
Mike held you there and you felt Andy shifting beneath you. He was frantically undoing his slacks, pushing them down with his boxers. With Mike’s help, he eased you down his body until you felt the heated stalk of his cock against the wet flesh that craved it.
“Andy, please…” you begged. You wanted more and Mike’s teasing fingers were doing a lot to push your craving higher.
“I’ve got you,” Andy whispered with your juices shining off his lips and beard. His color was high as he positioned you over his cock, he and Mike guiding you to sink down on it. Andy stretched your walls, filled you up just the way you needed right now.
You were so full, rotating your hips to take all of Andy and reveling in how fucking wonderful he felt. His hands gripped your hips, guiding you to slowly start moving on him. Your movements didn’t dislodge Mike’s fingers. The fullness as he pressed a third finger into you, combined with Andy’s length, had your heart racing in excitement.
Like any woman, you’d thought about taking two men at once. You never thought you’d ever have the opportunity. But as you slid up and down on Andy’s cock and Mike’s fingers fucked your ass, you wanted more. You needed more.
When those fingers left you, you unapologetically whined. Andy took advantage of the moment to fuck up into you with firm quick strokes. You heard the sound of a zipper, felt Mike shifting behind you. When he moved behind you, pressing the head of himself at the opening of your ass you froze. Andy slowed down, his heated gaze meeting yours.
“Anything hurts,” he said in a breathy voice, “or you don’t like it, tell me. We’ll stop.”
You were struggling to breathe as Mike pushed past that tight ring. It stung.
“Tell me you understand,” Andy said gently.
You winced, as Mike’s slick cock pushed in a little further. But you nodded.
You clenched around Andy as Mike worked his way into you. It was uncomfortable at first and your hands clutched Andy’s shoulders tightly.
“Look at me,” Andy bid you. “Breathe, okay? Breathe. Try to relax.”
You did and once Mike was fully seated in you, the sting eased. When Mike began to move, he slid easily enough with the help of the lubricant. Andy watched you but didn’t move, allowing you to adjust.
“Oh, fuck,” Mike muttered behind you. “Your ass feels incredible, baby.”
It was feeling a lot better and after a couple of moments, you were moving with him. At that, Andy started moving in you again and the feeling of being impaled on both of them was unreal. The thought of what you were doing made you a slave to whatever they wanted. Two sets of hands gripped your ass. Two cocks worked into you, hitting every pleasure point you possessed.
Mike’s hand clutched in your hair, using it to pull your head back. With your neck bared to his teasing mouth, he took advantage as Andy bounced you on his cock. Mike worked into you from behind with care. You could tell he was holding back.
“You’re so good to us, baby,” Mike whispered into your skin. “Taking us both. You look so good riding our cocks… You feel like heaven.”
Andy, like you, seemed beyond speech. His lips gaped open as he watched you, pulling you down on his cock again and again. When he eased you down to him, his mouth claimed yours. You could taste yourself on his lips. When you couldn’t breathe anymore, you broke the kiss. Andy dipped his head to capture one of your nipples with his mouth. The wet lash of his tongue had you unraveling again, clenching around both of them as the orgasm rode you as hard as your two lovers were.
You were wilted between them, but they weren’t done. Their motions intensified as they chased their own release. Lying against Andy, you let them dominate you as they thrust into you faster and faster.
Mike reached his end first, pulling free of you and shooting his warm release all over your ass. Andy stayed seated inside of you, his cock punching up into you until a sob tore from his throat and he pumped his release into you like it was the last thing he’d ever do.
Andy’s heart was a steady cadence in your ear once you collapsed over him. His breath was as rushed as yours and his hands skimmed over your back with infinite care. Soft kisses pressed into your hair as he held you.
You felt the linen of Mike’s shirt as he wiped his release from your skin. Leaning up, he pressed a kiss to your shoulder. You knew he was about to leave and you felt bad you were so out of it at the moment.
“You heading out?” Andy’s voice was a rumble beneath you.
“I think I’ll crash here for the night,” Mike sounded tired.
Andy’s hands froze. Blowing out a sigh, he rolled to his side and eased you onto the comforter. You stretched, got comfortable. Andy pulled the comfort over you to keep you from being chilled without him.
“I’ll be back for cuddles in just a minute,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your ear. You heard a little shuffling before you drifted off to sleep.
Andy pulled on his slacks as he led Mike from the living room. It wasn’t a conversation their girl needed to hear.
His girl.
Mike had pulled on his boxers, followed Andy to his home office.
Scrubbing a hand down his face, the smell of her was all over him, Andy regarded his partner.
“Is there a problem?” Mike asked, arms folded across his tatted chest. “With me staying over?”
“We didn’t talk about that,” Andy pointed out.
“There are a lot of things we didn’t talk about,” Mike came back.
Andy shook his head, heading for the mini bar to the side of his desk. He knew where this was going. He just didn’t want to have this discussion.
“Such as?” he asked, pulling out two glasses and pouring bourbon.
“When we came up with this, deal,” Mike said, “I guess I just assumed we’d get equal time with her.”
Handing him a glass, Andy drank from his own. “You know why she has to stay here, Mike. Your place isn’t safe. No offense.”
His partner nodded, his gaze dropped. He had no argument to make there.
“That’s why I don’t see why my staying here is a problem,” Mike went on. “It would give me more time with her. Even the playing field.”
“You want more sex?” Andy tried, hoping that was what Mike was getting at but suspecting that wasn’t his motivation.
“No. I want more time with her,” Mike explained. “It’s not just about sex. Not anymore. She’s more than that to me.”
Andy knew.
“I don’t know,” Andy stalled, having more bourbon.
“What’s the problem?” Mike wanted to know. “We have three-way sex pretty often. Why would actually sleeping together be an issue?”
Mike went further than Andy expected. He could see the younger lawyer asking to sleep next to her in the guest room. But was he really suggesting they all share a bed?
Tired as he was, Andy’s mind still spun. “Here and there I guess it would be okay. But often? People talk.”
Mike rolled his eyes, setting the glass of alcohol on Andy’s desk untouched. “How many nights have I been over here until midnight or after, huh? We’re partners in a law firm. No one would give a shit.”
“I really don’t want some of your friends showing up,” Andy admitted. "I don't want them around her."
“Fuck, are you really going to bring up Ali stopping by here last week?” Mike asked, his frustration growing. “It wasn’t drugs. I paid him to dig up some dirt for me. It was part of the reason we won the case today in case you don't remember.”
“I still don’t want anyone like that around my house,” Andy warned. “Or her.”
That stopped him, had Mike pacing and raking a hand through his sandy hair.
“Look,” Mike said after a minute. “When we came up with this idea, it sounded great. But I didn’t immediately grasp the advantages you have in this situation. I want more.”
Draining his glass, Andy regarded his partner.
“She can’t be at my place,” Mike said before he could. “I know that. But I’m sick of being a guest star in the bedroom while we ride this contract out. I want equal time. I deserve that.”
“Mike,” Andy struggled with what he wanted to say. “If I agree to this, it’s just until the six months is up.”
Mike stopped, his brows rose. “And then?”
Andy blew out an exhale.
“And then the contract is up,” Andy told him. “She will have kept her end of the arrangement. She’s then free to do what she wants. Choose who she wants.”
Andy just hoped to God she chose him.
“That include living here?” Mike demanded.
Yes. Andy hoped she’d want to stay.
Mike shook his head. “I can’t match that. And I’m… I’m sorry, I’m not willing to just let you have her.”
“Excuse me?”
“I have a lot to offer her too.” Mike meant it.
Andy knew he did and he was younger.
But how were they going to deal with the situation?
“So how does this play out?” Andy threw it back at him.
Mike studied him for a moment, thinking. That razor-sharp mind was going a mile a minute. It was one of Mike’s strengths. And weaknesses. Mike so easily got lost in his head. Feelings? He didn’t navigate so well.
“When the contract is over,” Mike said finally, “we leave it up to her.”
Oh, it sounded good. But Andy knew it wasn’t going to be that easy.
“Whoever she chooses, the other one just needs to accept it,” Mike said flatly. And with the way his chin lifted when he said it, Andy knew he intended for their girl to choose him.
Andy nodded.
But he had a very different plan.
@21stcenturywitchcraft @abyssaint @alyssaforever2671   @buckybarnesplumwhore @bval-1 @caffiend-queen @candy-and-writing @capsicle-shield @chaoticfiretaconerd @chrisevansgirl @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @coldmuffinbanditshoe @daughterofthenight117 @hv-chw3 @iheartsebandchris @imanuglywombat @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @justrae9903 @lok1sgrl @lokislastlove @mariaenchanted @marvelouspottering @maxwelllee2020 @nannies-dont-date @nekoannie-chan @nerdwholikesword @notyourtypicalrose   @peaceinourtime82 @rainbowkisses31 @rayofdawnworld @richonne4life @rissysthoughts-blog @saiyanprincessswanie @scarletsoldierrr @shygirl-00 @stargazingfangirl18 @supernaturaldean67 @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @team-iron-wannabe-man @titty-teetee @tonib666 @villanellevi @weebid @what-is-your-backupplan-today @what-is-your-wish @xoxabs88xox @onetwo3000 @rosalynshields @naturalthrone22 @marvelovernfan @made-ofsilkandroses @mustangshelby04 @starlightcrystalline @gotnofucks @nerdygirl8203 @princesssterek @vampy-doll @alexakeyloveloki @littlelurkinglark @bluemusickid @tenaciousperfectionunknown @marvelovernfan @violentyoshi
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 2 years
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We made it to September ✨ another month, another rec list. Please make sure you give these gorgeous stories and writers the love they deserve. As always, you are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog along with the majority tagged are 18+ only and contain adult themes.
*marks a series of multi part fic
Lloyd Hansen ✨
69'ing and pussy slapping by @ozarkthedog
Lloyd Hansen x reader
Boys in bed with books by @jobean12-blog
Lloyd Hansen x reader
Bucky Barnes ✨
Stay by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
ex-fiance bucky barnes x fem!reader
Dancing with the devil by @bonky-n-steeb
dark! mafia! bucky barnes x undercover! reader
Everything by @jadedvibes
Bucky x reader
*CEO/DBF Bucky by @bucky-barnes-diaries
CEO+Dad’s Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Bad date by @firefly-in-darkness
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Bite your tongue by @musingsinmoonlight
Mob boss!Bucky Barnes x female reader
The boy is mine by @jobean12-blog
Bucky x reader
*A hundred years from today by @jettia
Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Cosmic love by @barnesafterglow
noble!bucky x princess!reader
Got your chemicals all in my veins by @bonky-n-steeb
husband! bucky barnes x wife! reader
*Sweetest nectar by @navybrat817
Florist!Bucky Barnes x female reader
*This must be my dream by @lunarbuck
bestfriend'sbrother!Bucky x f!reader (any race)
Twisty by @musingsinmoonlight
Bucky Barnes x female reader
*Pretty little thing, pretty little peach by @angrythingstarlight
Chubby!Baker Bucky x Reader
The perfect place to sit by @angrythingstarlight
Beefy!Trainer Bucky x Plus size reader
Ari Levinson ✨
Knead to relax by @mjolnir-steve
Ari Levinson x fem!reader
Firefighter!Ari by @angrythingstarlight
Firefighter!Ari x Reader
It's about time by @xxindiglow
Ari Levinson x Female Reader
Afternoon delight by @sagechanoafterdark
Ari Levinson x Reader
Under the blue by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
Park Ranger!Ari Levinson x Female Reader
Steven Grant ✨
To the rescue by @ofstarsandvibranium
Steven Grant x F!Reader
What you've been waiting for by @full-time-make-believer
Steven Grant x female reader
Nick Fowler ✨
Falling apart for you by @navybrat817
Nick Fowler x female reader
Steve Rogers ✨
Liar liar by @geminixevans-stan
Mafia!Steve x Black Reader
Wife worship by @labella420
mob!steve rogers x fem!reader
*His inheritance by @jtargaryen18
Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader
*Herbal illusion by @sweetflowerdreams
King!Alpha! Steve Rogers x Servant!Omega! Reader (Female!Reader)
Andy Barber ✨
A butterfly will fly by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
Andy Barber x ballet dancer!Reader
Ari Levinson x Steve Rogers ✨
I'll be seeing you by @navybrat817
Spy!Ari Levinson x Female Reader, hint of dark!Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Lee Bodecker x Steve Rogers ✨
Tempting fate by @dreamlessinparis
Semi!Dark!Mob!Lee Bodecker x F!Reader, Mob!Steve x F!Reader
Sam Wilson ✨
Only an echo by @the-witty-pen-name
Rockstar!Sam Wilson x f!reader
Andy Barber & Mike Weiss ✨
*Barber & Weiss by @jtargaryen18
Dark Andy Barber x Dark Mike Weiss x Reader
Steve Harrington ✨
Next time by @pillow-titties
Steve Harrington x Reader
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
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My cherry pie (lee bodecker x fem!reader)
Moon of my life (Jake Jensen x Plus size Fem! Reader)
Mine to keep // for geminixevans-stan Aphrodite's manor challenge (Mike Weiss x sexworker !reader)
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Kinktober 2021 : Fem!Reader x Dark!Ari Levinson, Fem!Reader x Dark!Andy Barber, Fem!Reader x WinterSoldier, Fem!Reader x Dark!Steve x Dark!Bucky Barnes
Classic horror inspired stories, and some more contemporary, and embelished with a kinkyness
Alternative Universe
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Basement wives' club: Dark!Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader, Dark!Lee Bodecker x Fem!Reader, Steve Kemp x Fem Reader, Dark!Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
What does the special agent Ari Levinson, the lawyer Andy Barber, the town’s sheriff Lee Bodecker and the doctor Steve Kemp have in common?
This is the story about each one of them, and the club they formed sharing his common interests
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years
I just wanna ask would you ever consider adding more of CE characters in your HCs in future…
You know I love your HC perspective and would want more of his characters may be in them
Bye bye
I mean, there aren’t many good characters left? 😂 (jk, jk)
Originally thought of adding Colin Shea from ‘What’s your number’, but after a thorough consideration I turned the idea down because to me he’s basically a sweeter version of Johnny and without powers.
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Colin’s SO FUCKING PRETTY but it’s so easy to just imagine him as Johnny in these scenes. He’s a matured version of Johnny basically. Still love him tho as a rom com character. 🥰
Also I unironically like Jake Wyler. But I’m unfortunately not motivated to include him.
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Side note, I used to read some dark fics with Jake before I ever considered writing here myself and I love them so much, — Here’s a few of these that came to mind and I recommend because they are so good:
Teddy bear - dark!Jake Wyler x Christian!reader by @stuckysdumbbitch
Peaches & cream - dark!soft!Jake Wyler x reader by @mypoisonedvine
I really like Lloyd Hansen but I have yet to be really attracted to the character to the point where I’m actually interested in writing him so…we’ll see? I’ve given him one special appearance in a HC so I might continue with that of adding him as a bonus character.
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Nick Gant is so sweet from what I’ve seen, I want to see the movie with him because I bet I’ll love him. Maybe I’ll add him if I like him enough. ;)
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Saw ‘fierce people’ with Bryce Langley recently and considered on making a fic with him or add him to some dark upcoming HCs because he is like…perfect dark fic source material. He’s so fucked up and I’m ashamed to say I find him kind of hot…if we ignore the specific things he did. But idk I have mixed feelings. Let me know if I should.
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Otherwise —
I haven’t seen the movies with Lucas Lee, Robert Pronge or Curtis Everett (not interested in seeing them either), already made up my mind on not writing Mike Weiss because he’s based on a real person and that bothers me a bit, I don’t really care for Frank Adler (sorry, haha), and lastly while it’s a good movie Chris directed and playing the character Nick Vaughan, the character himself is bland to me, I’m sorry. 😭
Hope that clears up my thoughts and status of other CE characters, tho I’m curious which specific characters you were hoping I’d add @elle14-blog1 👀
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stuckysdumbbitch · 3 years
Love and Lost
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Summary: Daddy was there to take care of you, so why did he left you with that mean old man in that sour house?
pairings: Dark! Sebastian Stan Characters x little!reader x Dark!Chris Evans characters
warnings: 18+ content, smut (noncon/dubcon), prostitution, abuse of power, dark topics
Lost and Love
the painful praise
what am I?
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
SDAU, Red Light Baby, Pledge Week
Word Count: 1.5k
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“This is the kid that they’re paying a whore to live off campus for?” a heavily accented country voice asked, “the hell did he do so right?”  
“Told you he’d pledge with us,” the president smirked as he started down the line of pledges, “Pledge Weiss, step forward.”
Mike swallowed his nervousness and stepped forward until he was in line with a few other guys that weren’t pledges, but brothers in the frat.  An alpha bear stepped in front of him, “pledge Weiss, is that true?”
“Y-yes Brother Lee,” Mike admitted quickly to the heavily accented man, “the school pays for Kitten to remain at my disposal at all times…she’s not a whore so I’d appreciate you not calling her that.”
He chuckled and another one of the guys came up, a smug look on his face as he crossed his arms, “so you’re her personal pimp, or what?  Does she fuck anyone else on the side, pledge?”
Mike’s jaw ticked.  In the half a year he’d known Kitten the school had been paying for her apartment and living expenses, meanwhile, she was wholeheartedly at his disposal.  There was even a time when he won the state championships for his high school that the college flew her out and they spent the night celebrating in the way that he had grown accustomed; with her taking him the whole night.  He knew that she didn’t fuck other shifters, but he’d never asked her if she was having sex with humans. 
“Sounds like Bobby wants to put your girl in one of his little videos,” the president, Curtis, chuckled as he clapped Mike’s shoulder, “gonna let us use your little slut if we let you in, Pledge Weiss?  Gonna share that little bitch and all her holes with us…be a good brother?”
Mike’s jaw ticked again, “don’t talk about her like that.”
A few of the guys ‘oohed’ in a chorus and they circled around the young pledge.  Curtis stood up a little straighter and narrowed his eyes at him, “what’d you say to me, pledge?”
“She’s not a whore…and she’s not your slut, and she definitely not some bitch to be bred by any of you.”
“No,” Curtis smirked, “but she’s yours…and the school is paying for her…only fair that if we let you in, you be a good brother and offer her to your fellow brothers…matter of fact, you should call her up for us right now…have her come down and give us her own little personal welcoming party…get to know each other the right way with one big, long train.”
“With all due respect, I don’t think I’m going to do that, Brother Curtis.”
This time it was Curtis’ jaw that twitched as he crossed his arms, “you want in, don’t you?  Want to be an Alpha Chi Rho?  All we’re asking for is a taste of that tight little cunt you’re tapping!”
“Kitten is mine,” he snarled, glaring the other alpha down, “I don’t share…”
“Pledge Storm…step forward!”
Another younger man stepped forward as he kept his eyes trained ahead of him.  Curtis and Mike continued their little stare down, “Yes brother Curtis?”
“Are all dragons this possessive, pledge Storm?  Or is it just Pledge Weiss that’s refusing to share his little extra kick-back from the school?”
“Fuck,” he chuckled, “only the uptight ones…I’ll share my girls if you good brothers share yours!”
The men on the lawn laughed, and Mike frowned.  Curtis stepped up to him and squared his shoulders, “Pledge Weiss…give me your phone.”
“What?  No!” he almost yelled, “Why?”
“We’re going to use your little whore…and then you’re going to become one of us…now give me…your phone…and maybe I’ll only let the current brothers use her up and not the other pledges too.”
“She’s not yours.”
“I said give me your phone,” he growled, projecting his aura.  Mike snarled, feeling the pressure of Curtis’ force, but he didn’t break, “Give me your phone, pledge…we’re going to use your whore.”
Mike snarled, and instead of reaching for his phone, he lashed out, launching his fist into Curtis’ jaw.  The larger alpha stopped projecting his aura when his head snapped in the direction of where Mike’s fist pushed him.  The laughter from the other Rho’s stopped as they realized that the pledge just hit their president. 
A few of them started growling, until Curtis held his hand up.  He stood back up to his full height and stared at the younger alpha, wiping some blood away from his lipt.  The two of them seemed to glare for a few seconds, before Curtis’ look softened into a smile and he wrapped his arm around the alpha dragon, “that’s what a real alpha does.  I’m proud of you kid!”
“A real alpha is a man about these things!” Curtis cheered, messing with his hair, “stands up for his omega…whether she’s a human or not.  Takes care of business.  You get to bypass hell week kid…you’re one of us!”
Mike smiled, “r-really?”
“Hell yeah!” he grinned, “Pledge Kemp, grab Weiss a beer!”
The other pledge bolted, making his way into the house to accommodate what the bear was asking as the rest of his new brothers began congratulating him.
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“Come on omega,” Curtis growled at the young, freshman gymnast, “present like the little bitch you are!  DO IT!” 
The gymnast, who was completely mortified, tried to ignore the alpha command, but as the muscles in his neck flexed and the veins started to pop, he wailed as his body forced itself over the bench, his ass arching high in the air so that he fulfilled the request, presenting for the bear. 
“Please-Please, stop,” the omega whimpered as he clung to the bench, far too embarrassed to look at his aggressors, “j-just leave me alone.  I didn’t do anyth-“
“Shut up, omega!” Lee growled, spitting on the man, “What you thinking, Curtis?  Drag Storm in here, having him spine the omega bitch…have Bobby record it…you know Storm will fuck anything…even a worthless litt-“
“What the hell is going on?”
Curtis and Lee turned to see Mike dropping his gym bag at the door of the locker room and they instantly relaxed. 
“You won’t believe this,” Lee laughed as he snarled at the omega who still clung to the bench, “little fucking omega gymnast here…took up space in the hockey teams lockers…”
“Why the fuck is he bent over the bench presenting for you?”
“Come on, Weiss…it’s just a little hazing to put the omega in his place…” Curtis laughed as he stalked towards the dragon, “what else is there to do with an omega that doesn’t know his place, other than fucking them into submission?  We were gonna call Storm up and have Bobby record it…but I won’t judge if you wanna tap that…after all a good brother shares…speaking of sharing…when are we gonna get a little taste of your kitten?”
The omega in question whimpered as he looked away from the trio.
“Let him go,” Mike growled, his jaw twitching as he ignored Curtis’ former questions, “omega are you okay?”
Curtis’ head snapped to the younger dragon, “excuse me?”
“Don’t fucking treat him like he’s less than you because he’s an omega,” Mike growled.  He looked at the omega in question, “get up and get dressed.  Ignore anything they tell you and leave with me when you get dressed!”
“What the hell do you think that you’re doing?” Lee asked as he watched the omega scurry off with his bag towards another part of the locker room to get dressed.
“You’re going to let him go…” Mike said firmly, “and I’m going to make sure that you two don’t fuck with him again.”
“Look out…” Curtis laughed, “champion to whores and omegas alike…you fucking that worthless thing too?  I know you’re not good at sharing.  That why you got all pissy when you saw him presenting?  You’re human whore isn’t enough so you have to fuck an omega too?”
Mike snarled at him, but the three settled down when the omega ran behind Mike, now fully clothed in his red sweatsuit, “you ready to go, omega?”
The man nodded and Mike turned.
“You walk out that door with him, you’re not a Rho, Weiss.”
“I don’t need to be a god damned Rho, you fucking prick,” he growled, leading the omega out by his elbow.  The door slammed hard behind him, and he started walking with the omega out to the common area, “you got somewhere you can go?  Somewhere safe I can take you?”
He nodded, unsure of what to say, “I-I’m pledging at the Sigma house….I-“
“I know where that is,” Mike confirmed, he started towards Greek Row, “they didn’t hurt you, did they?  Because if they did I’ll take you to the medical wing or the hosp-“
“I-I’m fine,” the man said appreciatively, cutting the alpha off.  He nodded and they walked for another second in silence, “th-thank you…not too many people would step in and help me…because you know…well...omega…and a guy…a lot of peop-“
Two men ran up to the pair and Mike snarled, immediately placing himself between the gymnast and the new people.  He could smell that one of them was an alpha, and another was an omega. 
“Do you know these people?”
“Ari…Steve…” he smiled, stepping forward.  The gymnast turned back to Mike, “th-this is the vice president of the Sigmas, and the secretary.  Ari…Steve…this is…”
“Mike…Mike Weiss…”
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
softdark!mike weiss with the sweet nurse at rehab
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“Is everything alright?” you asked when you noticed his hand was shaking while you tried to put in the IV, and you looked up to realize he was silently crying.  “Oh no, Mr. Weiss, what’s wrong?  Is it pain?”
“No, no,” he shivered, “I just... I can’t remember the last time somebody took care of me.”
Your heart sank.  A young, smart, kind man like him fending for himself for so long... it just didn’t make sense.  “That’s what I’m here for, that’s my job,” you nodded, and he seemed disappointed by that answer.  “But I love it,” you added.  “I love taking care of you, Mike, you always brighten my day and make me laugh.  Nobody else makes me laugh in this place.”
“Really?” he whispered, looking you dead in the eyes.
“Yes, really,” you smiled, “you’re wonderful, and I’m so glad you’re here... because you’re getting help, but also because I get to see you.”
He grinned, looking down shyly.  “I’m glad you feel that way...”
You jumped when you felt a prick at your hand, and you looked down to realized he had stuck the IV in you, and you watched horrified as the sedative started to flow in.
“I’m glad to know you want this, too.  I need to have you all to myself...”
“M-Mike,” you mumbled, trying to stay conscious, but he held your hand tight so you couldn’t get away.  
“It’ll kick in soon, and when you wake up you’ll be all mine, forever,” he whispered just as the fluorescent lights faded into darkness.
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jtargaryen18 · 5 years
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Master List  (January 11, 2024)
I write about MCU characters, their actors, and their various characters outside the MCU. 
* NSFW/Explicit Content ~ # Series ~ ^ One-shot
New! His Inheritance: Under Pressure Chapter 33^#
New! One Night With You Part 3*#
New! One Night With You Part 2 *#
New! One Night With You Part 1#
New! His Inheritance: The Rising Chapter 32^#
New! His Inheritance: Girl on FIre Chapter 31^#
New! HIs Inheritance: Illusions Chapter 30^#
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Avenger Tales
Claiming the Queen*# (Reader x ?) In Progress (MCU x GoT crossover)
Dance Hall Days*^ (Steve Rogers x Reader) Complete
Fill Me Up*^ (Steve Rogers x Reader) Complete
How Blue, How Beautiful*# (Steve Rogers x Nebula) Complete
How to Dismantle Steve Rogers*^ (Steve Rogers x Reader) Complete
The Little Things That Give You Away*# (Pre-Serum Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes AU) Complete
Loki’s Holiday Lesson*^ (Loki x Reader x Bucky Barnes AU) Complete
Lost Boy’s Life*^ (Pre-Serum Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes AU) Complete
My Winter Romance: Helena *# (Bucky Barnes x Reader) In Progress
Pyramania*# ~ Pyramania (Bucky Barnes x OC) Complete + Sign of Fire (Steve Rogers x OC) In Progress
The Shape of My Heart*# (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x OC) In Progress
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Dark Avenger Tales
Innocence Series
All Heaven in a Rage*# (Steve Rogers x Reader) Complete
Waves That Beat on Heaven’s Shore*# (Bucky Barnes X Reader) In Progress
Other Titles
Bad Intentions*# (Tony Stark x Reader) Complete
Clint’s Seaside Christmas*^ (Clint Barton x Reader) Complete
Dancer in the Dark*# (Steve Rogers x Reader) Complete
Dark Commander*# (Dark Steve Rogers x Reader) In Progress
A Gentle Frost*# (Steve Rogers x Reader) In Progress
His Inheritance*# (Mobster Steve Rogers x Reader) In Progress
Misled*# (Steve Rogers x Reader) Complete
Project Venus*# (Steve Rogers x Reader) In Progress
Someone You Loved*# (Bucky Barnes x Reader) Complete
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Stand Alones
Barber & Weiss*# (Andy Barber x Reader x Mike Weiss) In Progress
Black Invitation*^ (Werewolf!Ransom Drysdale x Reader) Complete
Darkness on the Edge of Town*# (Charles Blackwood x Reader) Complete
Dynamite & Whiskey*# (Andy Barber x Reader) Complete
Final Girl*^ (Robert Pronge/Mr. Freezy x Reader) Complete
A Gentleman and a Scholar*# (Bryce Langley x Reader (Finn!Female)) In Progress
Getting Clean*# (Mike Weiss x Reader) In Progress
Hot Girl Bummer*# (Jake Jensen x Reader) Complete
Jealous Guy*# (Chris Evans x Reader) In Progress
Johnny Storm and the Blizzard*# (Johnny Storm x Reader) In Progress
Midnight in the Garden of Evil *# (Charles Blacwood x Reader) Complete
Naughty Ransom Holiday Tales*# (Ransom Drysdale x Reader (Marta’s sister)) In Progress
Out of Darkness*# (Curtis Everett x Reader) In Progress
Pretty Baby*# (Robert Pronge aka Mr. Freezy (The Iceman) x Reader) In Progress
Tonight I’m Yours*# (Ari Levinson x Reader) Complete
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The Aphrodisiac*^ (Steve Rogers x Reader) Complete
The Intern*^ (Mike Weiss x Reader) Complete
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Dark Curtis Holiday Stories* December 2019
30 Days of Chris Stories* June 2020
4K Challenge Stories* August 2020
J’s Haunted House* October 2020
60 Days of Chris Stories* June-August 2021
Friday the 13th Flash Fiction* August 2021
Out of this World Halloween* October 2021
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Concept art by Stitch Kingdom
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SaiyanPrincessSwanie Reading List - Week 5
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Hey all, Missy here. As promised here are the works that I was tagged in by some amazing authors over the last week or so.
If you see multiple authors it’s because I was tagged by them over this period of time. If you wish to have your work signal boosted by me please tag me in your work or DM me. If you have tagged me recently your work will be on next Sundays list. My cut off days will be on Fridays (or when I reach 25 stories) that way I have enough time to read everything. 💜💜
These will all be listed in no particular order. My goal is to highlight/signal boost writers in the Marvel fandom. I feel like there needs to be more comments, kudos and reblogs for all the hard work everyone does in our community.
None of these stories are mine and these are all reblogs from people who tagged me. The author is listed next to the title of the fic.
Happy Reading - Missy 💜
Each story will have their own warnings on them. Please read them carefully before you read them.
Stuck on you - @jtargaryen18​
Smother: Scene 1 - @ozarkthedog​
Earn it - @cake-writes​
Dry July (One Shot) - @imanuglywombat​
Growing Pains - @strawberrysoup​
A Sweet struggle part 1 - @ozarkthedog​
Time to yield - @ozarkthedog​
Don’t Worry, Be Snappy - @what-is-your-plan-today​
Our Secrets, Pt. 1 - @notyetneedcoffee​
Our Secrets, Pt. 2 - @notyetneedcoffee​
The perfect life Chapter 1 - @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​
Insensitive - @buckys-other-punk​
Stronghold - @holylulusworld​
Stark Spangled Forever: She Is Worthy - @what-is-your-plan-today​
Siren *Mob Boss Loki AU* Part 1- @opheliadawnwalker3​
Ocean eyes pt 6 - @barnesandrogersfanfics​
Ocean eyes pt 7 - @barnesandrogersfanfics​
Running to a standstill chapter 1 - @avengerscompound​
On his shoulder - @whateveriwant​
Little Pet - @imdarkinme​
Trust - @deceitfuldevout​
Morning cup - @iwantutobehapppier​
I want you back - @imdarkinme​
Three’s Company: Marvel Roomate AU - @captain-rogers-beard​ 
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onsunnyside · 3 years
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❝𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐸𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑠 & 𝐶𝑜. 𝐹𝑖𝑐 𝑅𝑒𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑠𝑡❞
☀︎︎ 𝐒𝐎𝐋
ꨄ Author rec at the bottom!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Chris Evans
Steve Rogers - MCU
Ransom Drysdale - Knives Out
Andy Barber - Defending Jacob
Curtis Everett - Snowpiercer
Mr. Freezy (Robert Pronge) - The Iceman
Ari Levinson - The Red Sea Diving Resort
Jake Jensen - The Losers
Frank Adler - Gifted
Johnny Storm - Fantastic Four
Colin Shea - What’s Your Number
C.E. Misc.
Including: “Me” (Playing It Cool) - Jake Wyler (Not Another Teen Movie) - Harvard Hottie/Hayden (The Nanny Diaries) - Bryce Langley (Fierce People) - Mike Weiss (Puncture)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes & Stucky x Reader
All Dark Fics (all characters)
All Crossovers
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
ꨄ C.E. & Characters Author Rec:
Each and every writer mentioned is talented and I strongly recommended following them and giving them the recognition and gratitude they deserve by reblogging and liking their work!
@afriendlyblackhottie - masterlist
@agentofbarnes - masterlist
@angrythingstarlight - masterlist
@boxofbonesfic - masterlist
@buckyownsmylife - masterlist
@cherienymphe - masterlist
@cloudystevie - masterlist
@cockslut-padalecki - masterlist
@dadplease - masterlist
@darkmasterlistyouneveraskedfor - masterlist
@donutloverxo - masterlist
@geniedetails - masterlist
@gotnofucks - masterlist
@jtargaryen18 - masterlist
@kinanabinks - masterlist
@mypoisonedvine - masterlist
@nsfwsebbie - masterlist
@ozarkthedog - masterlist
@punani - masterlist
@sagechanoafterdark - masterlist
@shellbilee - masterlist
@stargazingfangirl18 - masterlist
@strawbeariefaerie - masterlist & @strawbeariediary
@sweater-daddiesdumbdork - masterlist
@the-iceni-bitch - masterlist
@you-are-my-sanctuary - masterlist
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stuckysdumbbitch · 3 years
love and lost
Summary: You’ve always been daddy’s good girl, praised and cherished. Then why did he left you with the mean old man?
warnings: 18+ content, prostitution, human trafficking, noncon, dubcon, smut, glory hole, purely unethical practices, drugging, force regression, manipulation, pain kink, little!naive reader being taken advantage of, blood, gay sex, painful sex, crying, abandonment, whipping, and more (detailed in each chapter) a
pairings: a shit ton of Sebastian Stan characters, Chris Evans characters x a little! reader
love and lost masterlist
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Ransom’s thigh was warm, but not cushy enough for you to fall asleep in your drugged state. The man in front of you, with long wavy hair and glasses, couldn’t stop his gaze from coming to look down at you, kneeled between your Daddy’s thick thighs. You were too immersed at the deer head on the wall to listen at what they were talking. You caught some things; his name was Robert and they were bargaining something.
“Unusual to bring me a virgin,” He declared, taking another sip of his scotch. “You always fuck them before you bring them.”
Ransom rolled his eyes, even though Mr Freezy wasn’t wrong.
“I fucked that pretty mouth, that I’m sure of.” He contradicted, as if his masculinity was to question. Robert shifted, his cock straining against his pants at the idea of her plump lips around something. “I’m not offering a test ride, you either hand the money or I’ll go to Blackwood’s.”
Robert groaned, looking intensely at you as if he was deciding if you were worth it.
“She’ll look awfully pretty with the puppy, you think?” He finally sighed, and you perked your at the mention of a dog.
“Puppy?”you gleefully asked the man, eyes slightly lidded. He smiled at you, baring his razor sharp, white teeth. Ransom’s fingers intertwined through your locks, scratching your head encouragingly.
“Yes baby, you gonna get a puppy to play with.” He grinned, mostly because of the huge amount of money he knew was getting his way. His eyes twinkled as he faced Robert. “What about a glory hole?”
You whimpered when Ransom stood up, took a black briefcase Robert handed him, and started walking out the door. You got on your knees to follow him, but as the door slammed shut, two big hands wrapped around your waist. You squealed as cigarettes and alcohol wafted over you, big arms pressing you against a solid chest.
“Hi little kitty,” Robert whispered in your ear, making you recoil as he pressed the hot muscle of his tongue against your cheek. “Just have to check something.”
His hairy hands slid over your bare thighs, underneath your short skirt and under your white lacy underwear. His hand ran down the smooth side, fingers parting through curls effortlessly until he found your slit. Dry, as he suspected.
You squirmed when his calloused fingers looked for your opening, the other hand keeping your legs apart. He prodded your entrance slowly until he found the barrier, then retreated his hand to place it on your thigh. He verified what he needed.
“Where’s Ran?” you questioned, confused at what the man has just done. Robert didn’t answer, just ignored you as he deftly undid your skirt. “Mr, where’s my daddy?”
Growing irritated, Robert retreated a ball gag from his desk, shuffling it inside your mouth before you could ask “Mr? what is that?”.
You wiggled when you felt him tear at your clothes carelessly, the gag digging into the sides of your mouth. You started to fret, screaming for your Ran at the top of your lungs, legs flailing frantically.
“Fucking bitch,” he groaned,
He dragged you to the hall by your hair, now naked. The rich red carpet burned your bottom, and through tears, you saw him.
His tan coat and expensive scarf, slicked back hair and broad shoulders that gave you comfort. He had turned around at your cries, going to the other side of the long hall. Time seemed to freeze as you dug your nails into Robert’s arm, trying to stab your heel against the floor so you could free yourself and run towards him.
His emotionless face shifted, lips curling into a playful smile as his hand reached over to wave at you.
You continued to fight, but the intension just wasn’t there anymore. Robert managed to pull you into a dark room, with a flickering lightbulb enlightening the weird figure of the room. A young boy was there, and also wasn’t. His lower torso seemed to disappear into a hole in the wall, and his cheek was pressed against a metal surface. He instantly looked at the floor, as if he was fidgeting with his tied hands. Robert slapped you, getting you slightly dizzy so he could easily maneuver your body into the hole next to the boy. He secured your wrists, making you winced at the harshness.
“Behave.”He ordered before standing up and leaving. It wasn’t quick before you made out his hands, now unmistakable, pry your legs open on the other room and secure them to the side.
The tears were hot against your skin, your thumping heart beating against the cool metal as you jumped at every drift of air that passed through your lower region.
“It’s not really that bad,” the boy next to you spoke, voice tinged with awkwardness. His glasses sat uncomfortable on his face due to the fact that he had to constantly lay his face to the side or suffocate. “They are usually done before you know it.”
You frowned, confused about what he was talking about.
“The men,” he explained. “I’m Justin, not the best place to meet huh?”
Before you could even begin to comprehend what he meant, you heard the steps coming from the other room. Three pairs now.
“And we got something special here,” Robert chanted, his hand slapping against the flesh of your ass. You cried beneath the gag. “A virgin!”
“You can have her Buck,” a new york accent drawls, and you hear more footsteps. “I wanna get a piece of my favorite boy.”
You hear Justin whimper, face scrunching up in disgust, or fear, or pain.
“She’s a bit more expensive than the fat bitch,” Robert explained, caressing your folds to pull them apart. “But look at that, still has a hymen, and you know how virgins are, so easy to get wet.”
A few moments of silence before you heard a chuckle.
“I’ll take her.” A third voice answers, and a pair of contrary hands are placed in your ass cheeks, one hot and the other cold.
“Pleasure making arrangements with you gentlemen,” Pronge laughs, almost manically, and then his steps are out of sight-well, hearing?
You feel the hands wander down your slit to cup your pussy, and you jolt. You remembered the time Ransom caught you touching yourself there, and spanked you raw. When his cold metallic hand reached to rub your nub, you shuddered. His ministration had made you slick, and you sniffled at the weird sensation. You heard a zipper go down, and as you didn’t expect anything, you turnt to see Justin.
His cheeks were flushed and he rocked harshly forward. His little squeals had his tongue hanging, eyes bulging underneath his glasses.
Until something big and thick slaps against your clit and you mewl against the red cherry ball. It’s slowly pushes in, pulling your walls apart until you realize the pleasure had subsided and it’s started to hurt. You were sloppy, but the stretch was deliriously burning you. Again, you began to squirm, but the two hands pressed against your hips to pull you even closer.
“Fuck,” the voice curses “For sure she’s a virgin.”
It seemed it would never stop, never reach its limit. He pushed through your barrier and you tensed, walls throbbing. You wanted Ransom, needed to have him coo away the pain and tell you you were his brave, pretty girl.
You felt a hip press against your ass and two balls slap your clit. For a second, the pain ceases, and then your face slammed against the metal.
Ransom was holding you in his arms, pressing wet kisses against your skin as he caged you to the bed. His chest was cold against yours, as if lowering the temperature you were suffering from. His thrusts, deep and short, were hammering into your sore pussy. His arms slid over your back, pulling you even closer as he murmured sweet nothings into your waiting ears. You felt a knot building up in your core, delicious from the friction, but you wanted more. Until it snapped, and you gushed all over him. The duvet was so soft, like clouds…
You felt hairs tickling your face, itching you awake. The second you regained consciousness, you realized how similar Robert was to Ransom. His hands felt similar too, as Robert untied you from the contraption. He picked you up slowly, and the movement made you sense the pain that fulfilled your weak body. A warm liquid spilled down the middle of your thighs, and an ache settles on your lower back. You unconsciously nuzzle into Robert’s chest, his long strides lulling you to sleep.
You don’t recognize the room you are in, with red silk beds and dark furniture. All you could find faintly familiar was the boy from before, Justin, wiping his legs.
You are laid in the bed and a bottle of water is pushed into your lips. Drowsy eyes stare up at the man, drinking it gratefully.
“You did so well,” Robert told you, cleaning down the fluids you didn’t dare to look at with a warm rag. “Everyone wanted to fuck the pretty little virgin,”
You felt tears prickle your eyes and roll down the sides of your face at this, a hand involuntary going down to cup your sore pussy.
“My little girl,” Robert cooed with fake sympathy. “You just need to behave in the future, and you won’t get out there again. Okey pretty baby?”
You nodded, and he observed the way your lips wrapped around the bottle as if it was a nib. Soft, pink lips.
“What do you mean?”Justin pondered, as he tried to get up without faltering. “I have to do Glory holes every Friday, and she doesn’t?”
By the glare on Pronge’s face and the way he stood up and made his way to him, you understood how much Justin he just fucked up. He puffed out his chest, craning his neck to look at the older man, and a slap forced him onto the bed. Justin clutched his cheek, glasses had flown away. A veiny hand wrapped around his neck pushing him flush to the bed.
“What’s up little faggot? you get a lady close and suddenly you try to toughen up?” He sneered, his spit splashing against Justin’s cheek. His face went red, either from the lack of air or humiliation, but Pronge loved it. “Acting like you don’t get cocks up your ass every hour, fucking whore.”
He let him go roughly, straightening over him to smile at you, innocently and clumsily. Justin sobs, and you try your best to maintain eye contact with Robert.
“This is the puppy, pretty girl.” He explains, bending over to kiss your forehead. “Your buddy, only if he behaves.”
He left shortly after you were tucked into bed, locking the door behind him. Justin doesn’t want to talk, he faces away from you as he falls asleep. Under the dim moonlight you can slightly make out the angry red marks on his back. You fall asleep thinking of Ransom, hoping he will pick you up tomorrow from this horrible punishment. You can’t really remember what you did wrong, but you know your Daddy won’t leave you here.
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simplystevies · 3 years
flowers on the wall
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pairings || steve rogers x hydra!reader
summary || your new therapist asks you about your past with captain america.
warnings || not too much, angst i guess??
note || this is just a teaser for my new mini series, mike weiss (from the movie puncture not the actual mike weiss) is who i thought the therapist was but, imagine whoever.
wc || 869
“tell me about it.” the voice echoed. a shudder drifted down your spine, lifting goosebumps on your skin.
“about what?” you replied, looking around the darkness.
“you know.”
the quiet hum of chatter was heard beside you. you turned to see a man with a red skull. “then how come you’re running?” captain america yelled. a hand connected with your shoulder and pulled you into the elevator.
you grumbled and waited in silence, crossing your arms as the elevator went up and down. once at the garage, you hopped into the car and drove off. you hummed as you tapped the wheel.
“tell me more about him.”
you watched from the balcony as the infamous howling commandos broke through the door and started shooting at anyone in their way. captain america looked up to you, his eyes connecting with yours.
you swang your legs slightly, your head tilting. he gave you a small smile before turning back to his team. once he left, you slipped down and left the facility.
“when did you know you loved him?” you felt your hair stand on your skin. “i didn’t— don’t love him.” you spat, and suddenly you were back in the room with the flowers on the wall.
“if you didn’t love him, then why did you drop it all for him? why did he ask for you to be pardoned?” the young man asked. he looked to be in his thirties, his hair styled in a quiff, messy beard.
you rolled your eyes, looking straight into his. they were similar to the shade steve’s eyes were, but no one was steve. “just because he asked for my pardon, doesn’t mean i’m in love with him.”
the man, mike, chuckled, shaking his head. “let me rephrase, why didn’t you kill him when you had the chance?”
you had many chances to kill captain america. the one your mind went to was on the plane. you watched as johann schmidt disappeared into the glowing blue cube.
at the same time, both you and captain america looked at each other. you ran for him, tackling him onto the floor. your hand wrapped around his neck, your fist raising.
“please, y/n, please.” he spat out, wincing at the pressure you put on his neck. you gasped, looking into his deep blue eyes. you dropped your hand, releasing his neck.
he groaned and let his head fall back against the floor. his face regained its natural colour, he caught his breath and sighed. you watched as he recovered, sitting back on his lap.
“how did you know my name?” you asked, chewing on your lip. he opened his eyes. “my name.. is steve rogers.. i worked with howard stark.” the name broke your heart.
your eyes teared up as you looked back down to him. “i knew him.” you said, getting off his lap. “yeah, yeah i know, can you tell me where this plane is going?” he stood up, walking to the control panel.
the tears that fell down your cheeks were wiped quickly. “um.. new york, manhattan, all over america really.” you stood up, standing next to him. “why?” he asked.
“well?” mike asked, crossing his leg over the other. “because he wanted to… he wanted to bomb america, take them down.” you shook your head, still trying to think.
steve sighed and sat down, pushing and pulling any button or switch he could find. “can you fly it?” he asked, looking back at you. you shook your head and sighed, sitting on the floor.
“hey, hey, i need you next to me, okay? i need you right here.” steve said, lifting you up. you nodded and held onto the side of his chair. steve grabbed the yoke, moving it slightly to see it still worked.
steve looked over at you with sympathy in his eyes. “i have to bring her down, are you okay with that? will we survive?” he asked, holding onto your hand. you shrugged and looked at the hands.
next thing you knew, steve was pushing the yoke forward and standing slightly, pulling you in and leaning into your body.
“and what happened?” mike asked, sitting forward. you looked down to your thighs and shrugged. “i just.. felt cold, really cold.” you whispered, picking the skin around your nails off.
mike sighed and leaned back. “so, how did you survive?” he uncrossed his legs, checking his watch. “i was injected with the serum, i told you this.” you huffed, feeling like the world had been lifted from your shoulders.
“that’s the end of our session, i’ll see you here again, same time next week?” he sat up, extending his hand to you. you looked down at his hand before looking back up at him.
he smiled and retracted his hand. “i thought i’d try it, have you spoken to steve? since you two went under?” mike asked, scratching the back of his neck. you shook your head and picked up your jacket, putting it on.
“was just checking, you have my number if you need me for anything, y/n.” the name sent shivers down your spine as you nodded. “you made good progress today, you’re doing better.”
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
saturday night sleepover masterlist (always updating!)
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to keep my main masterlist from getting too big (hint: it’s already too big) I will be putting all the headcanon and drabble requests I fill during my saturday night sleepovers here!  I’ll update every week (hopefully on sunday but we’ll see)
lee bodecker with a shy reader
yandere!lance tucker
alpha!ransom and omega!reader
stucky x petite!reader
epilogue for bankrupt
epilogue for the wrong idea (which already has 5 or so epilogues but this is a bonus one and the furthest in the future)
fluff with daddy!bucky and little!reader
dark!bruce banner
follow-up to home for the holidays set on valentine’s day
soft!dark nomad!steve
comforting bucky after a nightmare (but smuttier than the last time I wrote that lol)
epilogue for the perfect fit
dark!ransom kidnaps the reader
dark-ish/yandere alpha!ransom
you find out (dark/yandere) bucky planned your entire lives and manipulated you
alpha!charles blackwood
forced into a breeding experiment with the winter soldier
calling bruce ‘dr. banner’ during sex
daddy!lee x little!reader
unrequited love angst with bucky
dark!therapist!bucky ‘helps’ his married client
kiss prompts:
‘Kiss Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing’ with mafia!bucky
‘When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More’ with jake jensen
‘War’s End Kiss’ with bucky
‘Kiss Under a Full Moon’ with dark!chase collins
‘Needing To Kiss To Hide From Bad Guys’ with johnny storm
‘Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing’ with johnny storm
‘Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up’ with ransom drysdale
dark!lee is inexplicably in 2021
dark!jake is your roommate
gunplay with the winter soldier
sharing a room with stucky
dark!40s!steve is obsessed with a singer
soft!dark alpha!bruce
dialogue prompts:
"do you see them when you look at me?" with bucky
"we should skinny dip" with jake jensen
"on your knees" and "I'm gonna ruin that pretty makeup" with freezy
"I trust you. do it." with bruce
"lipstick's a good look on you" with lance tucker
alpha!40s bucky and omega!reader + part 2
soft!dark mike weiss and his nurse
soft daddy lee helps the reader relax
breeding and jealousy with dark!sam
breeding and biting with alpha!ransom
fluff with soft!lance tucker
yandere prompts: (all dark!)
“that fits you so well! no it’s not too revealing!” + “come here baby” with lee
“stay still! you don’t want to make me angry” with jefferson
“these are yours? I had no idea!” with jake jensen
“baby come out wherever you are” with nat, bruce, and peter
“this hurts? imagine your girl flirting with other men” with soft!dark lee
“I wonder how much more you can take of this until you finally break” + “I love how you beg for me to stop” with daddy!jake jensen
“get up! it’d be a pain to have to drag you” with loki
cuddling with daddy!bucky
soft!dark jake jensen a/b/o
lee bodecker and sister!reader (warning: incest)
soft!dark alphas ransom and andy
soft!dark(ish) jefferson with stepsister!reader (warning: stepcest)
alpha!tony with a breeding kink
more fluff with soft!lance tucker
soft!dark alpha bruce
mini-sequel for the martyrdom of st. valentine (warning: slightly stepcest?  fostercest? is that a thing?)
dark!bucky makes ‘amends’ (slight tfatws ep 1 spoilers)
comforting bucky after he is deprogrammed in wakanda
shower sex with johnny storm
mini-sequel to dishonorable discharge  (warning: incest, dark)
comforting chubby!charles blackwood
hooking up with alt!bucky
soft!lance tucker comforts the reader
dark!chase collins plans to create the perfect heir with his half-sister  (warning: incest)
alpha!zemo and half-sister omega!reader  (warning: incest)
daddy!stucky and little!reader
stepbrother!peter parker (warning: stepcest)
soft!dark zemo takes you with him when he escapes
alpha!zemo and half-sister omega!reader, part two (warning: incest)
dark!steve with breeding and size kinks
sam lets bucky and steve watch
pet play with lance tucker
dumbification kink with jake wyler
dark!daddy!bruce ignores the safe word
yandere!peter parker is your barista
dark!bucky shares you with his friends
sub!zemo with mommy kink 
you only marry zemo to have his heir but catch real feelings (+ part 2)
daddy!zemo and little!reader plus dumbification and aftercare
dark!carter baizen bullies the reader
[brief ramble about dark!laszlo kreizler]
sequel to dark!lee in 2021
sub!laszlo kreizler
soft!dark, brother!jake jensen (warning: incest)
continuation for peaches & cream
random drabble about young!zemo
3-in-1: enemies to lovers with zemo, fake dating with bucky, and sharing a bed with bruce
the return of soft!lance
arranged marriage with zemo
soft!dark sharon (kinda?)
free use with stucky
dark!laszlo kreizler coerces a virgin patient
domme!pepper potts 
epilogue for twice
yandere!alex kerner
hooking up with anthony mackie in his trailer
soft!dark sharon carter
somnophilia and breeding with dark!zemo
aunt may with bondage and mommy kink
yandere!andrea marowski
dark!ransom and mr. freezy kidnapping
headcanons about daniel brühl with an injured SO
dark!din djarin wants a replacement child
dark!charles blackwood and his half-sister (warning: incest/halfcest)
yandere!skinny!steve stalks a stripper!reader
sharon shares her pet with sam, bucky, and zemo
anal with zemo
dark!obi wan ‘trains’ his padawan
pure fluff with jake jensen
yandere!david kern
you and bucky are sharon’s playthings
andy barber freely uses his housewife
somnophilia with daddy!bucky
dark!loki as d.b. cooper
laszlo helps you during a panic attack (male reader)
alex kerner gets angry when you accuse him of cheating (soft!dark...?)
dubcon breastfeeding with natasha
general hux with a breeding kink
how mobius and bunny first got together (prequel to loop)
alpha!zemo in the raft
sub!loki and domme!reader
dark!heike and helmut breed you
a deep dive into bucky’s kinks
mobius and bunny try something new
quick blurbs about (most of) the bruhl bunch
mob!zemo punishes you for hiding something from him
how bucky would react to petnames
making a deal with demon!zemo
just a ramble about laszlo teaching his wife to enjoy sex
alpha!laszlo when you go into heat
free use with peter parker
sub!colonel!zemo has a knife kink
ceo!thor with a naive new secretary
breeding kink with alex kerner
laszlo teaches his sheltered wife to love sex (continuation of this)
2K notes · View notes
nekoannie-chan · 3 years
September masterlist 2021
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This is the list of the fics I recommend and read in September:
Manners and Mischief (Lorna X Loki) by @greasymarshmello​​​
Feeding The Flames: Surprise, Surprise. (Johnny Storm X Reader) by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​​​
Blood must have blood (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @jojjokiwi​​​ 
Wanted: A Date for a Wedding (Frank Adler X Reader) by @secretswiftymarvelfan​​​
Red & Blue (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sinceimetyou​​​
Baby Monitor (original story) by @d-l-dare​​​
Matanawa (Dark!Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @sinceimetyou​​​
Naughty Ransom Holiday Tales chapter 10 (Ransom Drysdale X Reader) by @jtargaryen18​​​
Additional Date Night  (Ransom Drysdale X Reader) by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​​​
Spite (Dark!Curtis Everett x Fem!Reader) by @sweetlyscared ​​
Taking The Risks chapter 4 (Mike Weiss X Reader) by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork ​​​
The Mark of an Angel (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @bluemusickid ​​​
First Class (Dark!Ransom X Reader) by @lokislastlove ​​​
It’s been a long, long time (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @dreamofbetterthings ​​
Six feet under (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @bonky-n-steeb ​​
Executioner (Captain Hydra x Agent Reader x Winter Soldier) by @mirkysconcubinefiction ​
Don’t Be Late (Ransom Drysdale X Reader) by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​​
Three steps above (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @bonky-n-steeb​
A Promise (Brock Rumlow X Audrey Coulson) by @there-goes-thefighter​
My Angel (Steve Rogers X Disabled!Reader) by @saiyanprincessswanie​
Wilfords Demands: It’s Time (Curtis Everett X Reader) by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​
Oh, what a night (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​
Deal with the Devil (Mother X Succubus!Reader) by @nocreditinthestraightworld​
´Cause I remember (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​​
Little white lies (Dark!Catfish!Ransom x Reader) by @cockslut-padalecki​
Late night fun (Ransom Drysdale X Reader) by @stargazingfangirl18​
The moment he knew (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @sunshinebuckybarnes​
Breaking point (Frank Adler X Reader) by @our-marvel-universe​​
Never gonna be the same  (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​​​​
Seduce (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @strawwrites​
134 notes · View notes
jtargaryen18 · 3 years
Barber & Weiss
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Chapter 1
Series Masterlist
Words: 5.7 K
Pairing: Dark Andy Barber x Dark Mike Weiss x Reader
Warnings: Expletive use. References to drug dealing, drug use, and embezzlement. Dubious consent, mild coercion, sexual blackmail, contract for sex as repayment, theft. Sex with multiple partners, oral sex (male and female receiving), spitroasting, duplicity.
Disclaimer: The author of this work claims no ownership of characters aside from the reader, and original secondary characters mentioned. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and darker themes. By reading this work or any works on my blog (jtargaryen18), you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but archiveofourown and tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission.
Summary: You run the office at Barber & Weiss and love your job and employers. When your drug-dealing boyfriend gets in trouble with a loan shark, you’re hesitant to embezzle money from the law firm to bail him out. But he promises you he’ll be able to return the money quickly, before someone notices it’s gone. What’s going to happen to you when your boyfriend is arrested and your bosses know about your theft?
A/N: Written for an anon ask. 
“Have a good day off yesterday?”
You swallowed hard, your heart flying as Mike Weiss grinned at you over the top of your monitor.
Breathe. It’s okay. He’s just making conversation.
The younger of the two lawyers you worked for looked tired just like he always did, shadows beneath his bloodshot eyes. His skin was too fair, his clothes slightly disheveled. Mike was undeniably gorgeous even so. What would the blond look like if he actually slept and gave up his partying lifestyle? How did he keep that physique with what he put himself through?
“I did,” you told him, smiling back and praying every prayer you knew that he couldn’t tell you were lying. “It was nice to catch up on things around the house.”
You know like giving your druggie boyfriend the money you’d stolen from for the law firm to get him out of trouble with a loan shark.
Jimmy said he had a couple of transactions coming up and that he’d easily be able to get the money back to you before anyone noticed it was gone. And you ran the office so you could conceal it until then, right?
You were scared shitless.
You rented the house, paid all the bills, and Jimmy just came and went as he pleased. He had loser buddies over for parties while you hid upstairs in your room. He took what he wanted from you. Jimmy laid claim to your body, any cash you had around, any food in the house.
But this was the first time he’d asked for something like this. When Jimmy told you he owed a loan shark $25,000, you were stunned. Then you wanted to know why he was making it your problem.
When the loan shark came after you? It was that more than Jimmy’s fate that scared you enough to resort to embezzlement. What he said they’d do to you just for being Jimmy’s girlfriend…
Mike’s gaze on you was assessing and it unnerved you. It wasn’t like him to pay you much attention. Mike had a constant stream of students, interns, and hookers in and out of the office since his divorce, so you knew he wasn’t lacking for company. Why was he looking at you like that?
After a moment, he shook it off. His demeanor was something like his usual version of professional. “What do you have for me?”
That’s more like it.
You gave him his messages, his mail, updated him on the Fields case, and went over his schedule for the day.
Mike had just left you to head into his office when Andy walked in.
Andy Barber was a few years older than Mike and just as handsome. Always immaculate from his sleek dark hair to the tailored suits he wore, Andy was every inch the lawyer you didn’t want to face in the courtroom.
Andy had a great physique too beneath that polished exterior, all those sedate gray and black suits he wore. You’d had to track him down to the fitness club a couple of weeks ago for a case. Watching him climb out of the pool… You saw what was under those suits. Damn.
Andy was also very perceptive and that’s where you needed to be careful.
He looked particularly handsome today and it was all you could do not to give him the once over. Don’t look. Don’t look.
“How was yesterday?” Andy asked you with a smile, those blue eyes intent on you.
Okay, it was rare you got days off and you appreciated it. Well, you would have if you hadn’t had to hand over money that wasn’t yours to get your boyfriend out of trouble with a loan shark.
“It was really good,” you lied with a smile. “Thank you so much.”
Andy knew where you kept his messages, files. He was sorting through them methodically.
“Do anything special yesterday?” Andy asked.
Breathe. Jimmy would get you that $25,000 back before they noticed. You had to believe that.
“Not really,” you said weakly. “Just caught up on chores around the house.”
Andy’s gaze lifted and he studied you. “I’m glad it was a good day… because I’m going to need you to stay late with us tonight. The Fields case.”
Your laugh had a note of nervous in it. You shook your head trying to sound playful. You weren’t sure you hit that note. “Yeah, okay. I’ll call around and change all my big plans.”
Andy still studied you. “Big plans?”
“Yes, if a pint of Häagen-Dazs count as big plans.”
You wondered what was going on in that razor-sharp mind of his.
“No Jimmy?” he finally asked.
That stopped you. Andy usually didn’t ask you anything close to personal. You’d mentioned having a boyfriend here and there. When did you tell Andy his name? You made an effort not to, especially considering Jimmy’s rap sheet.
After a moment of panic that you prayed he didn’t pick up on, you shrugged and left it at that. You hoped Andy would too.
Andy was divorced and rarely saw his son. If he dated, you didn’t know about it.
And you? Well, you had a relationship. Jimmy was about as far removed as you could get from the fairy tale you always wanted for yourself. But it was better than being alone.
You worked hellish hours sometimes at the law office of Barber & Weiss. But you were paid well, worked close to home, and the bosses? They weren’t exactly hard to look at even if they were way out of your league. They treated you very well.
Andy seemed to be thinking about what you said a beat before he headed into his office.
The day was as crazy as you’d expected. You fielded phone calls, found files, did research. You proofread, wrote up correspondence. You ran out to the whole foods store to get Mike spirulina for his smoothies (they were gross and green) and stopped to get Scotch for Andy before stopping at the post office. You picked up subs for lunch for the three of you.
By the time you came up for air next it was after eight and you realized you were hungry. No sooner had you thought that than both of them approached your desk.
“Hey, let’s call it a day and grab dinner,” Andy told you.
He was unrolling the sleeves of his crisp white shirt as Mike checked his phone.
You wanted to finish what you were typing. “You guys go ahead,” you told them. “I’ll lock up. Have a good night.”
Pulling on his suit coat, Andy cut you a look, a grin playing around his lips. “No, you’re going to stop what you’re doing and come have dinner.”
What was this?
When you didn’t immediately respond, Andy walked around the desk to you and leaned in to see what you were working on. Hitting save on the Word document, he closed it out and turned off your monitor. His smirk dared you to countermand him.
Blowing out an exhale, you glanced up at him from your chair. “Okay. Let me get my stuff.”
“Later,” he held out a hand to you. “Let’s go.”
Taking his hand, you followed him and Mike out to Andy’s Audi. Mike took shotgun and you got in the back. You expected a whole-ass argument on where to go but they must have worked that out ahead of time. You ended up at bougie bistro that you’d never been to and the Friday night crowd wasn’t terrible.
The three of you ate, had drinks. You were content to listen to them work out the different facets of the Fields case, making notes on your phone as they thought up things that needed to be done.
You noticed you had no texts at all from Jimmy. Odd.
By the time you were finishing dessert, you and Andy had dessert, Mike watched you with a smirk. It was then you realized they were all done, and they were waiting for you to finish your tiramisu.
“I’m sorry,” you told them, trying to speed up.
“Hey, take your time.” Andy’s hand was a heavy press on your arm. It took you a minute to notice, the alcohol having fogged your brain. You’d had two – no three – slow gin fizzes.
By the time Andy paid the check and you finished your drink, it was time to go and you were all back in his Audi. You’d head back to the office to get your stuff, get in your car and head home. You didn’t know if Jimmy would be there or not.
Considering the stress he’d put you through, you didn’t care. You were fuzzy and sleepy, feeling good.
When you pulled up to a ritzy house in an upscale neighborhood, you were frowning out the window.
“Where are we?” you wanted to know.
“My place,” Andy said simply as they both climbed out. Mike pulled open your door, helping you out.
“Why are we here?”
Neither man answered you as you followed them up the walk to the front door. Andy held the door open for you and Mike, his expression hard to read. He quickly turned on the lights as he locked the door behind him, herding you and his partner into a living room that looked like it came from a magazine.
Pulling your phone from your purse, you saw it was going on ten o’clock. You also had no texts from your boyfriend.
“You won’t be hearing from Jimmy,” Andy’s deep voice grabbed your attention.
He couldn’t have said what you thought he said.
“I’m sorry. What?”
“Jimmy,” Andy replied. “You’ve checked your phone every few minutes to see if you have texts from him.”
You looked from Andy to Mike and back. “You said I wouldn’t be hearing from Jimmy.”
“He got picked up tonight,” Mike told you, his expression grim.
“What?” Your heart started flying. “Who picked up Jimmy?”
“The cops.” Mike dropped onto the couch you stood before, his gaze assessing.
You froze. So many terrible emotions rushed through you. They now knew your boyfriend was a drug-selling thug and that was bad enough. But the panic that twisted in your gut like a knife hit soon after. If Jimmy had been busted, how was he going to get the money back to you? If he couldn’t, how were you going to restore the $25,000 you stole from the two men watching you way too carefully?
Your loser boyfriend had best not be counting on you to bail him out. You couldn’t.
Wait. Why had they brought you to Andy’s house to tell you?
“Did we know about Jimmy?” Mike leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. “We didn’t at first. And I’m personally not judging. I enjoy doing a little coke here and there. I bought from him for years. Before you two were even a thing. Even before you started working at the firm.”
“He and his partner,” Andy said slowly coming to stand behind the couch. “What’s his name?”
“Mark?” You didn’t know Jimmy had a “partner” but if he did, it would have to be Mark.
“Mark,” Andy said, those dark blue eyes on you. “They decided to level up in dealing. They were buying a big haul and planned to get started from there. They’d been working out a network for weeks. But someone ratted them out.”
You gazed from Andy to Mike and back again as they both regarded you coolly.
Your heart felt like it would beat out of your chest. If what Andy said was true, Jimmy lied to you. He wasn’t in trouble with a loan shark. He used the money you embezzled to buy a large shipment of drugs so he could elevate his dealing.
If Jimmy had told you the truth, he knew you wouldn’t have gone along with it. Of course you wouldn’t have. Still, it didn’t lessen the sting of betrayal. And now Jimmy had been arrested? That money was gone. If he went to jail, you weren’t getting it back.
“Who… Who told you this?” You had to ask.
“A friend of mine,” Andy told you. “Neal took my old job as assistant district attorney. He’ll be prosecuting the case.”
Your world was spiraling out of control around you and the fact that the alcohol was still zinging through your veins didn’t help. Your bosses just hit you with a hard truth and you found yourself blinking back tears.
“I am so sorry,” you told them. “I don’t know what to say. I didn’t know…”
“You did,” Andy told you calmly.
“You knew he was dealing drugs.”
You dropped your head in shame. Why lie? You nodded.
“You knew he was using the money for a major haul?” Mike asked.
That got your attention. The money?
They knew.
What were you going to do? There was no way you could repay them aside from small increments. You weren’t going to get it back. If they knew already, your job was gone. And they were lawyers. They could have you arrested for embezzlement.
“Hey,” Andy’s tone was softer when you looked up at him in a panic. “Why don’t you have a seat?” Keeping his movements slow, he walked around the couch to you. “You look like you’re going to pass out.”
At his urging you took a seat next to Mike, trembling like a leaf now.
“Mike’s question,” Andy said gently, taking a knee in front of you. “Did you know he was using the money for a large drug buy?”
You shook your head. Your chest hurt. They knew. Your life was over.
“What did he tell you it was for?”
You couldn’t meet Andy’s gaze. You buried your face in your hands. “He said… h-he got in trouble with a loan s-shark… Jimmy told me that they would c-come after me for being his girlfriend if he didn’t give them the money. He said…”
Mike’s firm hand smoothed over your back. “What did I tell you?” he said to Andy.
“Doesn’t change anything,” Andy told him
“Are you going t-to have me arrested?” You still couldn’t look up at either of them.
Andy’s hands smoothed over the outer sides of your calves below your skirt, over your stockings. You couldn’t stop shaking. How had your world come to this in a matter of two days?
“Shhh,” Andy soothed as he would a child. “No, we’re not going to press charges. You run our office. I’m sure we can work this all out.”
A sliver of hope slid into your heart. Had you looking up through tear-bleary eyes at Andy’s handsome face. “I’ll do anything. I’ll work overtime. Whatever either of you need.”
Mike chuckled next to you on the couch, but you were so lost to your panic it didn’t register why he might be doing that.
“We’ve got a few problems,” Andy said slowly. “First, is the issue of your safety. Jimmy is likely going to try and hit you up for bail. And he will make bail.”
“I don’t have anything.” You looked from him to Mike.
“He’ll assume you can siphon more money off the firm,” Mike’s voice was close to your ear, send a different sensation through your veins to rush against all the adrenaline and alcohol.
“With Jimmy in jail, one of his competitors or clients might decide to pay you a visit,” Andy pointed out. “So staying in that house probably isn’t a good idea. You rent?”
What were you going to do? Guilt for what they both know you did now was a heavy weight. But you were in danger?
You had a small amount in your savings account. You could maybe try to stay in a hotel long enough to explain to the landlord that you needed out of the lease, that you had to go somewhere else.
You finally nodded. “I’ll find a place to stay,” you said slowly. “I’ll try to get out of the lease. I’ll just… have to try to avoid Jimmy and his friends.”
“It’s still a risk,” Andy said, his gaze staying on you. “For the time being, it would be best if you stayed here.”
“I’ve got a good security system and plenty of room,” Andy said like it was the most reasonable solution.
Mike’s warm hand slid over your back in loose circles, drawing your attention to him. “No one’s going to come to Andy’s house looking for you.”
Blowing out an exhale, you looked from Mike to Andy. “I’ve already stolen from you,” you admitted miserably. “Why would you want me in your house?”
“Yeah, you stole from us,” Andy’s expression was hard to read. “But neither of us want anything to happen to you just for making a few bad decisions. We’ve all been there.”
Mike? You didn’t doubt he’d seen trouble in his life.
Andy? You couldn’t see it. What could he possibly have to hide?
But then it occurred to you. Andy had been living alone for a while.
“I could keep house for you,” you offered.
Andy’s hands slid up to your knees, fingers caressing just above them. “I already have someone to come in and clean the house. I’m… We’re interested in other things.”
“Other things?” Your question ended in a squeak when Mike leaned in to nip at the tender flesh of your neck just below your ear, his hand sliding lower on your back.
“It’s your choice,” Andy’s gaze darkened as he watched Mike chaining kisses along the slender column of your neck. “If you’d rather do payroll deductions, that could be arranged.”
Were they serious? They wanted you to repay them with sex?
Surprise must have shown on your face as you stared at Andy stunned. Mike’s quick fingers pulled the zipper at the back of your dress down, his warm hand skimming over your flesh until you were trembling for more than one reason.
“How… would—”
“Would this work?” Andy’s hands slid higher on your thighs. “You borrowed half your yearly salary, yes?”
When Mike flicked your bra open at the back, you knew a moment’s panic before you nodded.
“You stay here,” Andy explained, “and you’re available to us whenever we want, within reason, and you’ll have paid it back in six months.”
It was a lot to take in. Jimmy had been arrested. You’d stolen money from your bosses, and you were caught. They probably weren’t wrong about your safety but…
Mike pressed wet kisses along your collar bone, pulling back the shoulder of your dress so he could reach that skin. It wasn’t easy to think with fear preying on your mind and Mike’s sensual torment. His lips were so soft and his tongue drew wicked circles on your skin.
“Both of us have been interested in you since we hired you.” Mike’s voice was deep and husky. “But I wasn’t in a place to offer you a stable relationship.”
Andy cut him a look before his heated gaze returned to you, his fingers skimming higher up your inner thighs. “I was still technically married at the time.”
“What do you say?” Andy’s fingers reached the lace tops of your stockings. “Is this arrangement acceptable?”
Considering what you’d need to live, it would take you forever to pay them back if you did payroll deductions. This way it was only six months. And you all worked long hours at the firm. They wouldn’t have a lot of time to be demanding.
Would they?
Your heart hammered in your chest because you’d never been with two men at once. And that was very much what it appeared they intended to do.
Slowly, you met Andy’s gaze and nodded. You didn’t know what else to do.
“I already have a contract drawn up.” You didn’t miss the flash of triumph in those blue eyes a beat before his touch left your thighs and he grabbed your chin with rough fingers. “This arrangement is between the three of us, do you understand? I have evidence, including video, of you moving the funds from our operational account to your personal account. I just wanted to advise you of that. Do you understand?”
Your breath came fast from fear, from… You nodded. Did you have a choice?
“Say it,” he commanded.
“I understand,” you managed.
Mike’s hand now slid over your knee.
“Birth control?” Andy’s gaze held yours, his determination not something you were used to seeing.
“The pill,” your voice shook now.
“Any STDs?” he went on.
“Really?” Mike muttered against your shoulder.
“I’ve never had one,” was all you could say.
“You can’t contact Jimmy,” Mike stopped long enough to tell you. “That’s over.”
You didn’t want to contact Jimmy. It was his fault you were in this mess.
“I w-won’t,” you told them.
“And it sounds like we have a deal,” Mike told you both grinning.
It took your breath when he hauled you up over a broad shoulder. The room spun, the alcohol, adrenaline, and anxiety blending and coursing through your body as Mike headed towards a staircase.
“No,” Andy stopped him. “The guest room. This way.”
They were serious. They were both going to fuck you and you’d agreed to it. They could fuck you whenever they wanted for the next six months. Apparently, there was a contract.
The soft light of a lamp flicked on as you were dumped onto a soft, good-sized bed.
Mike wasted no time pulling off the pumps you wore, dropping them to the floor. His grin was wicked as he climbed on the foot of the bed after you.
They were moving fast and a little panicked, you used your elbows to move back towards the headboard. Andy sat on the bed next to you, leaning over you to gently capture your wrists in his hands.
“Relax,” Andy whispered. “No one is going to hurt you.”
You felt Mike grip your knees, hauling your legs up and pulling them apart while Andy’s mouth claimed yours. His kiss was subtle at first like the notes of leather and sandalwood he wore. The brush of his beard on your face almost distracted you from Mike tossing up your skirt, pulling your panties down over the stockings you wore.
Andy’s kiss quickly grew more demanding, tasting like Scotch and need. His tongue had just begun to duel with yours when you felt strong hands press your trembling thighs open, warm breath pelting the most private part of you.
Mike said your name softly. “Relax, baby. You’re going to love this.”
Andy caught your cries in his mouth as Mike dove in, first spreading you open so he could tease your clit relentlessly with his tongue. Jesus, he knows what he’s doing. His finger traced teasingly over your opening, his tongue following not long after.
You broke the kiss when Mike started fucking you with his tongue. Andy held you down for him, seemed to enjoy just watching Mike take you apart.
“You like what he’s doing?” Andy whispered low into your ear.
Maybe you nodded. Mike slid a finger inside you, carefully teasing your walls as he worked it slowly in and out of you. Your juices shined on his beard, but his gaze was riveted on first the one then the second finger he’d slid into you.
A flurry of movement caught you as Andy yanked up your dress and pulled it off you. Your bra was already undone so it easily followed. And all the while Mike carefully worked his fingers into you, his tongue teasing the center of your pleasure ruthlessly above that. You writhed, your hands struggling in Andy’s firm grip. Your heart raced, your cries the only sound in the cool silence of the room.
You were getting close, circling your center in Mike’s face both wanting more and wanting a reprieve from the searing pleasure he’d built between your thighs. You weren’t even aware when Andy let go of you even as you watched one of his elegant hands work at loosening his tie, the other closing over one of your bared breasts as if he couldn’t wait to touch you. It slid slowly down, his gaze following, stopping at your tummy. With gentle pressure, he held you still for Mike to finish you off.
The orgasm hit you hard, left you reeling. You weren’t exactly inexperienced, but you couldn’t remember the last time someone brought you off with his mouth, much less with that sort of finesse.
Mike knew it to, amusement lighting up his blue eyes. While he had you prone beneath him, lust-drunk and panting, he took his time in taking those suspenders down. His fingers made quick work of the buttons before he pulled off the deep blue shirt he wore, showing off impressive muscles you always knew were under there.
And tattoos. Damn. You were eyeing them when Mike grabbed your hips, none too gently flipping you onto your tummy.
Mike hauled you up onto your knees, firm thighs still encased in black slacks pressing into the backs of yours. A quick glance over your shoulder showed you he was smoothing on a condom. It was only a beat before you felt the head of him sliding through the wetness of your folds.
“Pay attention to Andy,” Mike muttered. 
No sooner had you turned back to where Andy had shed his dress shirt than Mike was pushing his way into you, not being leisurely about it. He had you so worked up that he slid in easily enough. He was just a bit bigger than you were used to.It burned, his intrusion stretching you.
You released the breath you hadn’t released you were holding, fingers curling into the comforter under you when Andy climbed up on the bed before you, pulling open his slacks and pushing them down.
He wore nothing underneath and when he pulled himself out, you were staring because he was more than ready for you. And huge. What had you agreed to? His fingers were gentle when they curved around your jaw, pulling you towards his swollen cock as he moved it to your mouth.
“Open wide, Sweetheart,” Andy’s voice was husky above you.
Your lips spread around him as Mike’s hands gripped your hips. You began working Andy further into your mouth as Mike began to move in you, slow and easy at first while you got used to Andy in your mouth.
“Feels fucking amazing,” Mike praised, grinding into you on the end of a couple of strokes like he was savoring the feeling of you.
You were trembling between the two men. You were on sensory overload with the way your slick walls stretched around Mike, his movements caressing hidden triggers inside you. The taste and feel of Andy’s cock in your mouth, the smell of his cologne and his own intimate scent invading your senses.
They found a rhythm, working into you from either end in a way that had you drooling around Andy, squeezing Mike tightly as he moved within you with increasingly powerful strokes. When those strokes had you gagging on Andy here and there, the deep moans you pulled from him were a sinful sound, pushed your own excitement higher.
“You look so fucking gorgeous,” Andy managed breathlessly above you. “Taking us both…”
One of his hands held your hair back from your face while the other smoothed circles over your shoulders and back. You struggled to keep your teeth away, to keep your throat opened. And it was gratifying to see the more controlled of the two of them looking so wrecked above you. His powerful upper body was devoid of tattoos, but the muscular wall of his chest trembled as he fought off his release, his breath growing ragged.
Mike was fucking you hard from behind, his hands a vice grip on your hips as he pulled you back onto his cock again and again. He punched the air from your lungs, Andy stealing your air another way, holding himself a beat in the back of your throat before retreating each time, allowing you air.
“I’m coming,” Mike muttered, one hand sliding under you tease the pearl above where he penetrated you, had you crying out around Andy’s cock.
“Fuck,” Andy muttered, the tension in his body telling you he was getting close too.
You came and clenched around Mike hard, bringing him off. His hips pumped into you firmly, holding you in place and teasing your clit, pulling you under the waves with him, making the entire room spin. You cried out, realizing Andy had pulled back from your mouth. Your gaze locked with his dark one as you shook, collapsing on the bed beneath Mike. His body was a damp hot weight, pressing you into the comforter.
You felt a chill when Mike lifted from you, struggling to breathe. But not for long. Andy gently rolled you onto your back, his shadow consuming you as he moved above you.
“Got one more for me, beautiful?” Andy purred in your ear.
You caught a glimpse of his red, swollen cock a beat before he slotted himself between your thighs and pushed into your still-quivering channel. Andy was heavier than Mike, his cock thicker and sliding into you with determination until he reached the end of you, holding.
His breath exhaled in a rush, his eyes closing in bliss.
“I’ve thought about this so many times,” Andy muttered above you. “So many times.”
Lowering himself above you, Andy caged you on top of the bed, allowing you to wind yourself around his hard body. It only occurred to you as you watched Mike pull the condom off that Andy hadn’t used one. Mike ducked into the bathroom as Andy’s loving started to take your breath away.
“Hey,” Andry drew your attention back to him. “Eyes on me.”
That wasn’t hard to do. Andy kissed you breathless, his hips powering into you until all you could do is desperately claw at his heavily-muscled arms, the sweat-slick surface of his wide back. Your shaking thighs were closed around his slim hips but it didn’t slow him down as he moved in you, changed angles until he hit just the right space at your front wall.
That set you off. You gasped, you begged. Andy’s dark hair was spiked around his head, his color high as he rained hot kisses over your face and neck.
“Not going to last long, baby,” Andy whispered. “Your mouth was too good.. I’ll make it up to you later… Promise…”
The bed next to you dipped from Mike’s weight as he took a seat by your head. He took one of you hands in his while the other smoothed over your hair and Andy pounded you into the bed.
Release rode you as hard as Andy and it wasn’t long before you were coming again, waves of ecstasy that shook you hard. Andy’s body tightened around you as he sought his own release, holding you down and drowning you in yours. Your walls convulsed around Andy as he pumped into you, working himself into you until he was sated.
Strong fingers tipped your chin up to make you look at Mike. 
“You’re beautiful when you come like that,” he told you with an impish grin. When he kissed your lips softly, carefully, even as you tried to catch your breath, your heart shifted at the affection.
Mike rose from the bed, scooping his shirt off the floor. “You going to take it from here?” Mike asked Andy. “She’s living with you, so you’re in charge of after care.” Seeing your gaze was on him, Mike winked. “Well, most of the time.”
“I’ve got this,” Andy muttered, still inside you.
As he pulled on his shirt, Mike came back over to steal another kiss. “Goodnight, gorgeous… You made the right call.”
Right now, it sure as shit felt like you made the best choice you could. You just hoped you were right.
You just hoped your survived them.
“Got a ride?” Andy called as Mike strolled out of the room. 
“Calling an Uber.”
Andy eased himself out of your body, and you winced at the sting.
“Okay?” he asked gently.
You nodded, it was all you could do as he lifted from you, fishing his slacks out of the floor and pulling them on. He’d had Mike bring you to the guest room, so you were guessing that’s where you’d stay. But you were surprised when Andy scooped you up off the bed and carried you out of the room, heading for the stairs.
You didn’t see Mike as you hung on, guessing he’d already walked outside to smoke.
Andy carried you into a cool upstairs bedroom in shades of navy and gray, the masculine scent all his. Carefully he pulled back the covers and placed you in his bed. When he pulled the covers back up over you, he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
“Andy?” you blinked up at him, exhausted and more than a little confused.
“I’m going to get something to clean you up a little,” Andy told you with a small smile. “Then we’ll get some sleep.”
You were too tired to argue and not entirely sure you should. Andy returned from his bathroom with a warm washcloth, using it on your sleepy form, carefully between your thighs.
You were dozing when he climbed into bed behind you, nude as you were. Wrapping a hard arm around you, he pulled you back into the heat of his own body and you welcomed it. Your mind and body having reached their limits, you dropped off to sleep not long after that.
You were blissfully unaware that Andy was awake long after you, making plans.
Phoning in the tip on Jimmy? Best call he’d ever made. Mike was part of that world so he couldn’t have made the call. He’d also never know it was Andy who did. 
While he’d agree to share you with his partner – for now – Andy didn’t intend for it to be a permanent state. By the end of six months, you’d be his. He’d make sure of it.
You were so different from Laurie. And didn’t he deserve a second chance at a family?
Pressing a kiss into your hair, Andy snuggled into his pillow and eventually joined you in sleep.
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