#edward nygma fic
lawrites · 5 months
Rubens Can Suck It!!
Sweet Gotham S1! Edward Nygma x Plus Size! Female Reader
You are having an awful day when someone leaves a note on your desk, describing your figure. It sets you off, and Ed is the one who seeks to comfort you.
This fic features a LOT of insecurities, specifically around being plus size. It talks about the feeling of being seen by others and how shitty some officers at the GCPD are. But Ed is sweet. No warnings beyond that EXCEPT some dirty thoughts from Ed 👀.
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It's been an awful morning and it's only 8 AM.
As a woman who works in a field primarily made up of men, especially a plus size woman, you have made your confidence into your armor. Yeah some of the officers could be pigs, (most of them, actually), but you do love your body and how it looks, so it doesn't bother you.
You enjoy wearing bold colors, pretty dresses, structured pant suits, and even pencil skirts to work most days. They make you feel infallible, and you KNOW you look cute in them. No matter what those tiny men say, you can get through the day feeling good.
And usually...it works. There are some days that you think everyone struggles with their looks, no matter their size. It's what happens when your society is constantly screaming "YOU CAN BE BETTER BUY THIS PRODUCT" at you from all angles.
And so, while you are beating yourself up for letting your confidence slip, you decide to go ahead and make yourself more comfortable while you get it back. Especially because trying to force it wasn't working.
Every glance in the mirror was followed by a critical voice, today. Your hair just didn't sit right, your chosen outfit was too tight and the textures were bothering you, and the high heels you sometimes wear would clack and bring eyes to you. All of that sounded just...exhausting, especially when you just want to get through the day and go home without drawing any attention to yourself.
While usually a pair of eyes on you wouldn't bother you, the thought of Harvey Bullock only staring at your tits when he talks to you, or Jim glancing up and down in what he thinks is a subtle way, or any of the officers giggling when you walk by...yeah it would take only one thing to set you off today, you can tell.
So, while it isn't the most flattering outfit you own, you throw your hair into a ponytail and pull an oversized sweater and linen pants on. Comfy, cozy, still professional enough, and properly disguising your body from any eyes, appreciative or insulting.
After that rollercoaster of emotions while you were getting ready, you don't have time to stop for coffee on your way in, which just adds to your mood. And, of fucking course, some guy decided to begin terrorizing Gotham at 7 in the fucking morning, so all public transport is delayed.
You barely manage to get to your desk by 8 AM with no coffee and already in a bad mood. Setting your stuff down, you dig your palms into your eyes, trying to fight off the urge to just leave. A small slip of paper in neat handwriting makes you smile just a bit, though.
What is always found on the ground
But never gets dirty?
You struggle for a second, your brain moving at a slow pace thanks to the lack of coffee. That is, until you hear footsteps and something blocks the lights streaming in from the windows. You gasp and turn towards Edward Nygma, who is standing right next to you and casting a...
"Shadow!" You blurt out.
He gives you one of his sweet, tight-lipped smiles and nods. "Correct!"
You force a cheery tone to your voice so you don't spoil his mood. Ed may be a bit...odd, but he is one of your best friends here, and he doesn't deserve to be brought down just because you aren't in a good mood. "Great! How many is that so far, Eddie?"
He immediately recites, "That would be 85 riddles correctly guessed out of 90 I have shared with you. 3 you needed a hint for and 2 you did not solve entirely."
You cross your arms in mock anger. "Hey! I did my best! Those ones were hard. It's almost like you wanted me to fail or something."
He hurriedly scrambles to get the next sentence out, "Oh! Oh I would n-never! I j-just..."
Whoops, guess your bad mood made that "mock" anger sound more like actual anger. You take on a placating tone, "Ed, it's ok! I know you just enjoy riddles. And sometimes that big brain of yours makes up a new one that stumps me."
You laugh, maybe a bit bitterly, now, as your bad mood forces itself to the front again. The next sentence is nearly mumbled, "I mean, it must be difficult, sometimes, making puzzles for someone who isn't as smart as you."
Ed seems confused more than anything, now. "I'm...I'm not sure what brought that on, but writing down riddles for you every morning is f-fun for me!"
You sigh, twirling a pen from your desk in your hand to avoid eye contact. "It's just...it's just one of those days, Ed. I couldn't find an outfit that made me look nice..."
Ed interrupts you with his insistence, but he still stumbles over his words, "B-but you always look n-nice!"
Your smile comes out as a grimace, "You're sweet, Ed, but everyone doesn't think so." You glance around to make sure that your next words aren't overheard. "I know that I can usually brush cruel insults away, because I try to tell myself I'm beautiful..." You choke out the last part of your sentence, cutting yourself off before you get too emotional in the middle of the office.
You get up and decide to leave the main lobby to get some of the shitty coffee from the break room. At least there you could better disguise the tears in your eyes. "It's really not a big deal, Ed. I guess I'm just not myself, today. Give it a day or two and I'll be more amusing."
And without waiting for a response, you hurry off.
He stands there awkwardly for a few moments, unsure how to respond to the dismissal you just gave him. Usually the two of you would talk for at least 5 more minutes.
Wracking his brain as he walks away, he tries to think of something to cheer you up.
Flashes of his paintings fly through Ed's mind as he attempts to type out a sweet note to you. Every time he gets a glance of a plush thigh or your soft belly, he thinks of how he painted Venus, the Goddess of Beauty.
A voice he's been trying to avoid for a while now pipes up, Yeah, Goddess of only beauty? I'm sure that's all you're thinking about, Ed. How about Goddess of Se-
Ed cuts the voice off before it can finish that thought, but now he is unfortunately thinking about it, even at work. Rubens didn't paint all of his women clothed, especially Venus. Her nude form fuses with yours in Ed's mind, haunting him, taunting him.
There's just...so much he can play with. Your body...so much he can sink his long fingers into. He goes back to your belly, what he has ascertained to be the main source of your insecurity. He empathizes with that, but all he can think of whenever you wear something tight is bending you over in the medical lab on site and holding onto that plush belly as he-
Again, he cuts himself off. He would like to think that the other voice took over again there, but those thoughts were all him. He adjusts himself a bit as he sits at his desk, trying to be subtle.
Then he looks back at the screen in front of him, remembering your mood today, and that hits him like a bucket of cold water. He curses the tears in your eyes from old insecurities popping up again. He has seen you become more and more confident in your time at the GCPD, learning to ignore the pigs that giggle at everything that isn't "normal" to them.
Ed knows that feeling, and especially the taunts from those cops, well. He's off, to them. He never quite knows when to start or end a conversation, and he injects his interests even when he knows people are tired of them.
And that's why he likes (loves) you. You always smile and try with his riddles. You even continue to talk to him after, and are interested in who he is outside of work! That's rare. And if he could return that joy you have given him every day, it would be worth it for the possibility of you figuring out his true thoughts.
Unfortunately, while he has a mind for riddles, analytics, and all things mathematical, he has not been as blessed with poetry. So he wants to type this out...if nothing else than to keep you from feeling like you owe him something.
He types and deletes and types and deletes, looks at the clock, drums his fingers on the desk, and then types slowly this time. Reading it over, he nods at what he has written. It's not amazing, but he hopes it will make you feel like there are people in the office that are on your side, maybe even a secret admirer.
And now you're soaking wet. You just wanted to escape your desk and get a simple sandwich and the sky decided that it was a perfect time to begin a deluge right before you got back to the GCPD building. Why? God hates you, apparently. There's no other explanation that would satisfy your overdramatic mind at this point in time.
Luckily you managed to keep your precious food dry by stuffing it under your coat, but the rest of you is definitely not so lucky. You huff and start towards your desk. Bullock sees you on the way, starts a sentence of some sort, (most likely to quip at your condition), but the glare you send his way shuts him up immediately.
You end up collapsing at your desk and peeling off your outer coat, feeling the air conditioning of the building start to combine with your wet clothes to make a chill seep into your bones. Trying to ignore it but unable to suppress a shiver, you place your food on your desk...wait...is that? It is! Someone left a little typed note to you under the bag.
You pick up the note, giving it a quick glance to see if there was anything to connect it to someone. There are no initials or name...hmmm.
Your eyes read over the words on the page once...twice. And your heart shatters. How could...why would...how could someone be so heartless that they would taunt you today of all days?
There is a group of those rude, awful officers that like to congregate together around the water cooler, gossiping and laughing at anyone who wasn't them. But right now, one of them is talking while looking directly at you, and when he stops he throws his head back in laughter, with the rest following.
Holding back a sob, you crumple the letter in your hand and get out of the room as fast as you can without running. As soon as you are out of their sight, tears start streaming down your face and you run to a nearby empty room. It doesn't even matter what it is, you just care that it's empty and safe and lock the door behind you, collapsing against a wall and trying to catch your breath as you gasp for air.
You hold that position for only about 30 seconds, trying to muffle your sobs so they couldn't be heard by anyone outside, but apparently you weren't quiet enough. A quiet knock sounds on the door.
Tap tap tap
You do your best to school your voice, but it still comes out shaky as you reply "Please find another room."
But the voice that filters through the door is one you recognize well.
"Y-you looked cold, so I brought you an emergency blanket. Oh! And a-also your lunch."
You let out a sob, unable to stifle it. "T-thank you, Ed." And you walk over to the door to unlock it, opening it just a tad so he can't see your state.
But Ed is observant, and even with what little you present to him, he can see you are massively upset. Your eyes are bloodshot, and you are trembling, whether from the cold or from your current emotions, that he can't tell. He tries his best to gather some courage.
"W-would you mind if I sat with you for l-lunch?" He holds up your bag of food and you notice that his own lunch is clasped in his hand behind it.
Quickly, you try to consider if you are ready to fully cry in front of Ed, but his kind, if nervous, smile and his own insistence on joining you made you certain that he wouldn't be too judgemental.
You turn your head to the side to try and hide it a bit more as you step back to open the door. Your arm sweeps over to gesture to where you were sitting. "Be my guest, Mr. Nygma."
This makes him let out a nervous chuckle, but he enters anyway. You close the door behind him and lock it.
"I hope you don't mind, I just don't want anyone to see me...well..."
He nods, "That is perfectly understandable."
You both stand awkwardly for a few moments, but you eventually feel the floor calling to you again, so you nestle against the wall where you previously had collapsed. Ed slowly settles down at a respectable distance from you, his gangly limbs shuffling until he finds a comfortable position.
When he hands you your bag of food, he decides it's better to talk about what happened than sit in silence. "M-may I ask why you are upset?" You glance at him, and your eyes start to fill with tears again. He hurriedly starts to stutter through another sentence, "Oh! B-but if you p-prefer not to talk about it, t-that's ok!"
You shake your head, glancing down at the floor. "I just...I guess people like to take advantage of you when you're down sometimes, Ed."
You sigh, but begin feeling more angry than sad. "I mean, I've been in a bad mood all day, I got rained on when I was just trying to get some food, and then some asshole leaves me this."
You open your hand to reveal the crumpled note to Ed. He keeps his face as neutral as he can, recognizing it. Oh no, you fucked up, Ed! The voice in his head gleefully taunts.
Your sniffle brings him back, and you look down at the note, spreading it out so you can read it out loud.
"While you are not seen by others as a beauty
I cannot keep myself from glancing at your desk.
Your figure is full, and yet one word sticks truly,
I can only describe you as such: Rubenesque."
Ed ponders over the poem, while a bit rudimentary, it was full of his true compliments to you. But your face crumples when you get to the last word, stuttering it out.
Your eyes look to him, "I mean, Ed! How could someone write this?"
You see his face scrunch in confusion. "I admit, I do not quite understand. I see nothing wrong with the note?"
Feeling frustration well inside of you, you gesture with your hands wildly. "Nothing wrong? It's that word, Rubenesque!! It's an insult, I know it, especially with how those assholes were glancing at me as I read it, laughing once I was done."
Ed seems to be more confused now. "I was not aware it was an insult?"
You nod, and remember all of the times you have heard it in the past, "It's always been used by people who want to try and appear to be kind, but truly aren't. They call me Rubenesque in this snide tone, like it's something they can barely stand to spit out of their mouths."
Ed tries to interrupt, but you continue, softer now. "I just don't know Ed. The whole note seems to be mocking me...calling me full figured and not a beauty. Am I really that bad?" He shakes his head while you feel tears starting again, so you look down at the floor.
Now at a whisper, you barely get out the next words. "I just...I don't even want someone to like me anymore. I just want them to leave me alone." With that vulnerable confession, you sob, and bring your hands to your face, trying desperately to cover it. A shiver runs through you again.
After a few beats, you feel warmth around you, and you glance up to see that Ed has moved closer to cover you with the blanket he brought. His long arms stay in place in a hug after he positions it, keeping you close to him. You are a bit taken aback, as the most that Ed has touched anyone in the past was maybe a handshake.
He leans down so you can hear him, his voice more sure, now, even if it is soft. "Do you know about the painter, Rubens?"
You shake your head. "Is that where the term comes from?" He nods. Not feeling charitable, you grab the blanket and bring it closer around you as you grumble out, "Rubens can suck it."
He lets out a giggle at that, and you feel your heart warm at the noise. "I understand that you feel it is an insult...would you mind if I explain what it really means?"
You nod, because even if it is as bad as you make it out to be, at least you can hear his voice as he explains it.
One of his hands strokes the blanket surrounding you, right on top of your arm. "Rubens painted many different subjects, but the descriptor of Rubenesque usually refers to his nude paintings of women. Specifically, women like Venus."
You lift up your head to look at him. "Venus as in the Goddess of Beauty?"
He nods, gently. "Yes, among...other things." His eyes darken for just a moment before returning to his informative rant. "The women he paints are known to be full-figured, yes, but they are beautiful because of that, in my opinion."
You sit as still as you can, barely breathing, wanting to hear every word he says. A long finger comes under your chin and guides your face until you are looking right at him. "I wrote you that note. I think you are the definition of beauty."
And with that, he brings you gently forward, looking in your eyes the whole time. You let him, and lean forward to meet his lips. The kiss you share is sweet and short, but it fills you with a giddiness that makes you feel like a teen experiencing her first kiss again.
You separate smiling at each other, and Ed reaches up to kiss your forehead. "I apologize for upsetting you. I was trying to be a secret admirer."
You chuckle, "Yeah, well, it didn't help that I read the note as uncharitably as I could." You glance up at him, "I'm sorry for crumpling it up in anger."
He shakes his head. "D-don't apologize. I'll write you as m-many bad poems as you want." One of his long arms slowly moves down, and a finger traces your hip over the blanket. "Is this ok?"
You feel a warmth spark through you again as he makes contact, and all you trust yourself to do is nod. He nuzzles into your neck, whispering in your ear.
"I want you to know, right now, so there is no doubt, I love your body. These hips, your plush belly...even your soft arms." You feel his warm breath on your ear, and it makes you shudder. "They all remind me of art, and they make me want to..."
He trails off, and brings his hand away from your hip quickly, as if burned. You miss his touch, already, and confusedly ask, "What? Ed?"
You can't tell anything from his neutral face, but he gets up, suddenly, grabbing your lunches together again. "Let's find a better place for lunch, more comfortable...maybe with a table."
You nod, standing up with him. As you position the blanket around you, Ed wraps an arm around your waist.
"A-and...if you would like...have dinner with me tonight. I'll cook for you and...tell you more of my thoughts."
Your cheeks heat up, and his do as well. "Ed, I..." You think for a moment. "I'd love to have dinner with you."
He grins at you, again-one of his sappy, closed mouth grins-and leads you out of the room in his embrace. The two of you chat and giggle, seeking out a proper place for lunch and ignoring all of the stares you get. If you have each other, the rest of the world doesn't matter.
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cannedbeefaroni · 3 months
I don’t know if you talked about it, but being roommates w edward and he’s sneaking into your room and licking your sex toys to even get a taste of you because he’s so depraved and desperate but he doesn’t know how to talk to you like a normal person
edward would be jealous upon finding out his crush uses sex toys. its would infuriate him knowing that you've been pleasuring yourself with a piece of plastic, instead of giving him a chance. he's incredibly insecure, that's why something that unimportant would bother him so deeply.
he'd steal and hide them away. He’d make you a toy himself and put it in your drawer without saying anything. If you’re gonna be a slut, at least fuck yourself on his terms.
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mikakuna · 3 months
moreee bats (+ various others) as text memes !!
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prev: one | two | three
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acapelladitty · 4 months
Edward Nygma/Female Reader: Surveillance
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Summary - Edward 'catches' you enjoying some 'self-love' (as those tiktok people are apparently calling it these days 💀).
As always, it's impossible to hide anything from Edward and as his voice rings out across the speaker which is situated up in the corner of his workspace you feel an immediate flush of arousal as your fingers slip free of your aching cunt.
“Tut. Tut. Tut. Pleasuring yourself on my couch?”
‘Caught’ as hell, you startle as a soft vibration alights on your chest and you glance down to your phone to see it ringing with a familiar number. Answering, you immediately put the phone on loudspeaker as you drop it between your tits once again.
“Hello, Eddie.”
“Do not ‘hello Eddie’ me,” Edward’s voice rings out, “not when you are debasing yourself on my expensive couch and attempting to divert me from my work.”
“I was not.” You lie. “I completely forgot that the western camera faces directly onto this sofa.”
"The video feed doesn't tell lies. You should know better by now." He scolded playfully, the anger in his tone not nearly enough to cover the smug arousal.
“Hey, I was just lying here…thinking.” Your fingers trail back down your dark tank top, past the phone, as they make the slow return journey to their original destination. “Thinking about this man I know.”
Sounding a little more strained that he had previously as he clearly watches your fingers tease along your pubic mound, Edward can’t help but buy into your little game. “Oh?”
Circling your finger around your clit in soft, gentle movements, it sparks a sigh in your tone as you continue. “Mmm-hmm. I think he’s very handsome and so smart that it makes me want to fuck his brains out.”
An interesting sound, almost like a zip being pulled down, slips through the phone and a wide grin tugs at your lips as you know you have him as you continue with a pout.
“I wish he was here.”
“And what – ah – what would you want him to do if he was?”
“I’d want him to tell me what to do.” You challenge, looking up directly into the surveillance camera as you wipe your wet fingers along your inner thigh invitingly.
Taking the bait, Edward’s smug voice came through a little rough – deepened by his obvious arousal – as he settled into his role.
“Would you want him to tell you to fill yourself with as many fingers as your wanton little body could handle?”
Thrusting two fingers within your cunt, the sudden fullness makes you moan as you rub the fingers along your walls, seeking out those little areas which send sparks flying down your spine. You feel warm and wet, your hole making obscenely damp noises as your fingers continue to follow his instructions, stretching yourself out deliciously at his command.
“For being such a good girl I think he would tell you to tease your clit, just enough to make you remember how good he is at massaging it with his tongue.”
A groan slips free of your lips as you do exact that, rubbing the pad of your finger across the sensitive nub gently – picturing his mouth wrapped around it as he flicked his tongue and sucked at it until your legs were numb from overstimulation.
“I’d also,” you pant out through your bitten moans, “like to know what he was doing. If he was stroking along his hard cock, wishing that it was disappearing between my lips as I knelt between his legs.”
“Oh, I’m sure he’s enjoying himself just as much as you are.” Edward purred through the phone and you can imagine him sitting, cock in hand, as his face is pressed as closely to the surveillance monitor as possible. “In fact, I think he would pay you a visit when he was finished stroking himself off to the sight of your wicked little games.”
A bright smile sparking across your lips as your clit throbs in anticipation, you spread your lips with your fingers as you showcase exactly what he’ll be able to enjoy if he joins you.
“In that case," you purr back, “I suppose I’ll just continue to sit here and warm myself up until my prince in green armour arrives to give me what I’m needing.”
The phone hangs up and you give a throaty giggle as you drop it off to the side of the sofa.
All according to plan.
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arabriddler · 4 months
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I have a heart that never beats, I have a home but never sleep. I take one man’s house and build another’s. I play games with my many brothers. I am a king among fools. Who am I?
Point D’Amour by @dragonssecretarthoard
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zebrashavestripes · 4 months
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"I was just playing the game."
From the new chapter of I Gave You My Heart And I Don't Want It Back.
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punch-aholic · 11 months
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Ariel Variants!
This kinda came from the idea of ‘what if Ariel ended up with one of the other rogues instead of Harvey?’ I actually loved doing this I fucking love designing outfits!!
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This is critical and very important to me 💀 pls respond if you read on AO3
Like, should I be patient and publish the fic as a one shot when it's done? Or just post 4 2.5k chapters?? Help
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milkymooshi · 2 months
Someone write the sugar daddy Oswald fic or I will.
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evansdoodles · 1 year
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Oswald gulped, “ You would kill me, Riddler?” “ In a heartbeat.”
Fanart for @arabriddler ‘s fic Philophobia (I also put the link, go check it out :)) its making me emotional SOBS
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pekejscatbed · 7 months
fic idea:
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but it’s just different rouges trying to get into Batman’s pants
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cowchickenbeefpork · 7 days
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"“Just spit it out Edward, it can’t be weirder than anything you’ve said before.” He rolled his eyes at Edward, who quickly began to smile in glee again as he raised their intertwined hands next to both of their shoulders. The elbows of their suits brushed one another slightly from the action.
Oswald felt his expression…soften after Edward had done that. Any ounce of spite in his confusion toward Edward that came from this conversation was replaced with something else, something like hope. A hope that it could lead there, despite what Edward had said about it before."
hey uhm,mmmmm😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 drew a scene I wrote in the fanfic I made….. you should totally click on the link to it below here….. please please please pleas( you don’t have to the desperation in this is a joke, I would really appreciate it tho)
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28 notes · View notes
Gotham Characters' Reactions to the Reader Being Stressed Because They Have a Lot to Do Part 1
Reader: gender-neutral (without any pronouns) Warnings: mentions of illegal ways to get a good grade
Edward Nygma:
He's very intelligent, so if the subject is nothing too niche he will learn about it himself. You might think that he wouldn't find the time, but this man once rearranged an entire room of folders in his free time (much to Kristen's dismay), and he's ready to put in more effort for you. If you had to learn something, he'd love to quiz you by making small little riddles. .... "Almost. Do you need another hint? It ends with an e."...."Nope, silent e."
If all your time was taken up by your task, he'd make you meals or give you some dessert you like. Prepare yourself for a note on it, he'll write a related riddle on it.
If things get too far - that is, if you're too stressed, even if you mutter "I'm fine." - never leave your utensils lying around, because you will come back to find them gone, with him waiting for you, not giving them back before you answer the riddle, "You desperately need it to escape it becoming the verb that will happen to you if you don't take it, what is it?" You're too tired for this, "Please just tell me, Eddie." He puts his hands on your shoulders in a comforting way, and looks into your eyes, saying, "A break. You desperately need a break. You've been working for too long." Let's just say that he's good at hiding stuff.
Jim Gordon:
He's almost too good at giving you time and space. If you throw yourself into work, he'll do the same, and might end up having more work to do than you. However if your work overload was caused by someone, he'll have a word with them if possible. He'll give pretty much anyone hell, from the normal office worker to some rich guy from higher up. The only scenario in which he wouldn't call them out is if your boss was one of the big players...not that he wouldn't yell in Oswald's face.
Oswald Cobblepot:
Speaking of Oswald's pretty face, it would look very displeased if you of all people were being bothered with too much work. He didn't work his way up just to see that the people he cares about are unhappy, or in your case overworked.
He offers to let someone else do your work or bribe someone to change your results, that's just what he thinks of as a solution: the person he loves wouldn't be stressed out, which is the only thing that matters. Regardless of your decision, you'll be showered in supportive hugs and/or gestures, as usual. Your smaller tasks will be taken care of, and if the root of your work problem is someone, they will be intimidated.
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acapelladitty · 11 months
It's been a hot minute since I posted Dano Riddler smut. Please enjoy some overstim and pathetic sub Eddie with a f!reader 👀💦
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Also posted to AO3 Commission Info
Tugging the small chain which lay within your grasp, it forces his collared neck to jerk forward an inch as he gives you his full attention.
"You're getting so good at this game, Eddie. Last time you almost made it to two minutes before making a mess."
Seated on his long legs, your knees pinning his lower half into place, the position gave you wonderfully free access to his aching cock as it lays hard against his stomach.
"Do you think you can try to last three minutes for me today?"
It's a mean ask; one which you both know will be almost impossible given how riled up he already is from your earlier teasings but his head nods with enthusiasm as his eyes meet your own.
Palming the chain with open threat, you give him a slight frown.
"Words, Eddie. Remember?"
"Yes, Mistress." He agrees, a bit too quickly.
His words are low and almost pained with how aroused he is and the unashamed need in his tone makes your core clench around nothing as it remains pressing against his legs.
Keeping your left hand wrapped around the metal chain of the leash, the fingers of your right hand dance along his hardened shaft with a teasing softness as you smirk.
"Let's see how you do."
It is pleasant cruelty at its finest, the way you run your hand along his shaft; teasing and pulling at his skin in the many ways you know drive him absolutely wild. With barely two minutes passed, you force him over the edge again as his cock twitches within your grasp and spurts a pathetic release across your fingers.
"I am very disappointed, Eddie.
Shame burns in his face as his arm comes to rest across his nose, blocking his eyes from your gaze.
That won't do.
Bringing your thumb and forefinger to his cockhead, you rub along the skin there with a pressure which is borderline torturous against the ultra sensitive skin. It has the desired effect though, as his arm drops from his face to fist into the sheets while his body jerks under your touch; bucking both into and away from your fingers as they torment him, a pleading whine slipping free of his bitten lips.
"There's my handsome man." You purr, enjoying the mixed look of arousal and desperation which is playing in his watery eyes. "But you know the rules, Eddie, and you didn't last the whole time. So what does that mean?"
"I deserve to be punished." He answers without hesitation.
"Yes. But given just how lovely your little show was, I'll go easy on you."
Snatching up the small rubber cockring which lay on the other side of the bed, you bring it to his lips.
"Get it nice and wet for me."
His tongue is messy, sliding along the material as he also brushes the tips of your fingers in his eagerness to do a good job; pulling away after a moment as a string of saliva connects from the ring to his lips.
Slipping the cockring over the head of his cock, he stiffens in place as he forces his body to remain still to allow you to slide it down his length, all the way to the base as his eyes crinkle at the discomfort. The ring does its job, keeping his cock swollen and hard as you run a finger along it playfully, letting it bob against his stomach as you press at it.
"There. Now, let's see. Three minutes." A look of alarm crosses his features. "Three minutes and I will not be stopping."
Cutting off his spluttering reply before he can vocalise it, your hand wraps around his cock and strokes along him with a rough finality. The velvety weight of him within your grasp, mixed with the keening noises which slip from his lips as his fingers scramble desperately against the bedpost, is intoxicating.
Three minutes.
And you are merciless in your punishment.
After all, a lesson had to be learned.
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arabriddler · 4 months
Body positive old gays and stabbing (gay stabbing) is your trademark imo
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What’s my trademark?
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