#either way it’s nice to be welcomed in to another culture
iamoutofideas · 17 days
I honestly find it kinda interesting that just about every hip hop artist I’ve met has been super welcoming to me & just about every goth band I’ve met gets annoyed the moment they see me
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bonefall · 3 months
I LOVED hearing about the Ripwater episode!!!! Could you discuss whichever episode that would include Jayfeather‘s warrior training perhaps? If not I’d LOVE to hear about any other!
Jay's warrior training happens across lots of them! He only pivots to being a Cleric near the VERY end of the arc. He's considered fully trained after "saving" Hazeltail by secretly kicking Moleflight's ass.
Jaypaw -> Jayfang -> Jayfeather
Blackstar's Bog Project seems to be the conflict so far that's going to be featuring Jaypaw's training the most, though, the way that most of these episodes end up being centric for one of the three.
Jaypaw will be dominant in ShadowClan-related episodes because his first rival shows up here; Owlpaw, later called Owlclaw.
If you recognize that name, it's either because you know he's the secret brother of Kestrelflight and Harestar, or you remember that he's the father of Weaselkit and Happyface which causes familial problems within Violetshine's adopted family. Noteworthy recurring ShadowClan cat!
Head's up this one's way less organized than Ripwater's
Pre-Bog Project; The beginning of Jaypaw's apprenticeship Ableism and Longtail
Before Blackstar begins the bog project, I want there to be a decent amount of battle between ShadowClan and ThunderClan.
At the time, The Three are kits or young apprentices. For the most part, they're born into a world where they mostly know ShadowClan as this kinda distant, scary thing that the older warriors fight a lot.
When they become apprentices, it doesn't help that ShadowClan's presence is sharp. They have a very dry, dark sense of humor which can mask bullying. They cite the Warrior Code a lot and take blasphemy seriously. It's not always obvious when they mean what they say or if they're being sarcastic
This is especially bad with ThunderClan cats. Tawnypelt had a REALLY hard time adapting to this culture back in TNP.
there's one major fight Jaypaw takes part in between the two, as a young apprentice. Enter Owlpaw.
It's REALLY important that in this fight, Jaypaw gets his ass kicked.
Owlpaw is the third oldest lakeborn cat. He's big, mean, and vicious. He is a DIFFICULT opponent, he really is an Owl to a Jay at this point. Bad Bad Leroy Brown type shit
This curbstomp messes with Jaypaw baaaadly, shaking any confidence he'd gained in the short time where he's started training with Longtail.
When Jaypaw FIRST becomes the apprentice of Longtail... it wasn't actually welcome. Jaykit's ceremony was nearly delayed, as if Firestar was just going to pass over him.
An objection was raised, as it was wondered what would happen with Jaykit. The poor kid was put on the spot, when he'd just been expecting to get given a mentor the same as his siblings.
When Firestar and Brackenfur had an awkward answer, Longtail leapt in heroically, demanding to be un-retired so he could come and mentor his grand-nephew.
While most of the Clan saw this as impressive, Jaykit did not. It was humiliating and embarrassing!
It was like they were just going to skip over him, and "the only mentor I could get was another useless cat, like me..."
Jaypaw is dealing with a lot of shame through internalized ableism. It's that kind of sticky misery where you just end up hating everything you touch. NOTHING is good or okay. Everything is awful and if you try to tell me otherwise I will double down.
The type that you can't reason with. So Longtail trying to get through to this kid was already hell.
He was trying to be motivational and uplifting. "We'll prove them wrong, together!" and "Stick with me kid, I'll teach you everything." and "There's lots of ways to be a warrior, we'll find what works best for ya."
It does not work. Jaypaw is determined to hate him, dismissing him as being insincere and fake-nice.
And when that first fight comes up, Jaypaw's spent however long as an apprentice being difficult and his first real matchup is against ShadowClan's Youngest Blender
So of course, Owlpaw toys with him like canon. Keeps dodging and taunting him, making little jabs, commenting on how weak ThunderClan must be to put him out on the battlefield.
After the fight ends, Longtail tries to let Jaypaw mope for a bit about it, lick his wounds, recover.
But he just ends up at his lowest point, and snapping at Longtail that he'll never amount to anything anyway, "a blind warrior isn't worth anything."
And Longtail's LOST his patience. That's IT.
"Get up right now and fight me."
"wh... what?"
"Maybe you're used to everyone else just letting you say whatever dumb thing, but when you insult yourself, you insult ME. And I've got the Right to Challenge over my honor. So GET UP."
Over the course of this fight, Longtail uses it both to coach him on how to properly move, and also to let Jaypaw blow off steam. He taunts him to just let his claws out, while keeping his own sheathed.
And during all this, Jay can barely get a hit in. The fight ends with Longtail easily pinning him to the ground, and he reminds him,
"Don't wanna be a blind warrior? Fine. I can't teach what you don't want to learn, you tell me and we'll find other options, but if I EVER hear those words come out of your mouth again, it's personal."
And after THAT, it clicks for Jaypaw. It's personal. Longtail didn't need to do any of it, stand up for him, mentor him, he wants to.
When he insults himself, or when he thinks of Longtail like he was some cheap option, it hits both of them.
Longtail is an excellent warrior-- and a warrior defends their honor.
Still, Owlpaw remains, and these aren't just internalized thoughts only he has, "don't get mad at me for insulting your honor. I was just repeating what Owlpaw said to me. He said a blind warrior isn't worth anything at all. And it's like the whole Clan agrees, but they just don't say it."
"Then we'll kick his ass," removes his paw from his apprentice's back, "We'll kick all their asses. But you're not going to go around agreeing with them before you even learn how to fight."
The grand irony of this is that after making this promise to kick Owlpaw's ass, having this as a goal in-mind, Firestar begins the fruitful negotiations with ShadowClan which will result in a period of sweet peace. There aren't any battles to get into between them for a while.
So Owlpaw continues to be this sort of "goal" on the horizon. Jaypaw wants revenge against this specific person, while also being forced to work with him at various points, as ShadowClan is their ally.
Something interesting I plan to do is to secretly write Breezepaw as being a MUCH stronger fighter than Owlpaw ever was. Owlpaw is big and strong, but it's BREEZEPAW who's the truly vicious fighter of the Po3 apprentice generation. A cat that Jaypaw faces off with several times, and has a difficult time fighting because of Breeze's aggressive, straightforward fighting style.
Jaypaw fights best against cats who try to get out of his grapples, because he can turn it against them. When a cat is so ferocious that they don't relent at all, meeting him with even more biting and scratching, it effectively counters his unique style.
Between his brawls with Lionpaw and Breezepaw, Jaypaw has no idea how overleveled he is lmao
Bog Project
There's two times that I want to zoom into the Bog Project in Po3.
The first one is when they FIRST construct the dam that destroys the pine plantation, including an altercation with human plantation workers who come to try and dismantle the dam. The Clan cats run circles around them as the humans are too heavy to not sink into the mud. I want someone to jump off the dam, bounce off a person and knock them over with a SPLAT, and then jump back on the dam in one smooth movement lmaoo
(Switch over to the researchers for a second and they're actually scrambling to get the area turned into a different classification of protected site during this. Unknown to ShadowClan, they really do just have to buy some time.)
The SECOND time is when they're simply repairing some damage, Owlpaw starts a fight with Jaypaw and swings the first blow, and Jaypaw realizes it's time to take this man to Clown Town.
The fight begins while they're up on the dam, trying to figure out where a leak is or some other minor thing.
Owlpaw starts REALLY getting into it with Jaypaw. "I can't believe they put me up here with you. It's like they want you to have a little accident so I can say I have no idea what happened."
I'm REALLY TORN between Jaypaw either playing this as peacefully as possible, so it's completely Owlpaw's fault they got into it... or realizing he can totally goad this fight and then be able to say it wasn't his fault because Owlpaw threatened him first: "Bold of you to talk about little accidents. Ur mom"
I'm leaning towards Jaypaw goading it after Owlpaw started it, realizing that snark is a very useful tool. Thinking back to how he used to call himself useless, how Longtail used it to make him unload all his pent-up anger and aggression. It has a purpose.
and that purpose, right now, is making an opportunity to put this git in his proper place.
But either way, when Owlpaw starts lashing out at him, SO much like that first fight, Jay notices something REALLY interesting
Owl always tries to stay out of the line of his whiskers. The blows are hard clobbers, but he's not really scratching because he doesn't want to get close
Jaypaw stays perfectly still, UNNERVINGLY still, and takes one, two whacks. Then he knows that his opponent favors his right paw, and he's about... 2 mouselengths away.
Owl lifts his paw again, and in one, smooth move, JAYPAW LUNGES
Caught square in the belly, they roll back along the wall
Owl recovers, twisting onto his opponent, hissing and scratching to untangle, and they tumble right off the side in a clattering shower of sticks and daub
They make a SPLORCH as their bodies splatter the mud below them
"THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING" -Lionpaw probably
The entire construction crew gathers around. "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"
Owlpaw seems to be getting wise, trying to wriggle out of the grapple to win back distance, but Jay hears Longtail's words of wisdom echoing in his head
"To know his own limits,"
He never lets his opponent out of range of his whiskers, Owl breaks away only to expose his back to a vicious opponent
Jaypaw grabs his foe by the neck, rears up and dunks his face down in the mud. SPLAT!
Owlpaw screeches in rage, snorting muck out of his nose, blinded
The big bully has no idea to slow down and think about where the blows are coming from, or anticipate how his opponent moves.
Jaypaw's jaws close down viciously on his shoulder, and in a flash, he's wrapped around him like a snake.
Trying to buck him off is only causing Owlpaw to sink into the mud
Jaypaw only releases his lock long enough to command; "SAY UNCLE"
Terrified, like a rabbit with a weasel with its fangs dangerously close to its pulse, he obeys; "UNCLE!!"
Jaypaw disentangles and hops off, and it's only now that he registers the size of the crowd.
Hazelpaw, Poppypaw, Cinderpaw, both of his siblings, every ShadowClan apprentice, plus all the warriors who were assigned to the project
Most are cheering, others murmur with awe or hiss with frustration, Owlpaw's mentor is helping him out of the mud, asking him what the hell happened back there
Jay is GLOWERING. He can't help the smug smile that paints his face, or the pride that washes through his veins, though he nonchalantly flicks the mud off his tail.
but the gloating is cut short. Longtail's rough tongue passes over a swelling lump next to Jaypaw's eye, and a little cut he didn't realize he'd gotten had started to sting.
"Knock it off!" He grumbles, doing nothing to stop him, "you're embarassing me!"
"Embarassing?! I'm so proud out of my fur I just might cry about it and embarass you even more!"
In the aftermath, Owlpaw is the one who gets blamed for the fight on the wall. Though Longtail freely admits that his apprentice can be rude, Owlpaw is the one who escalated it to blows.
That said, no one really "gets in trouble" for it. It's written off by both Blackstar and Firestar as an "apprentices will be apprentices" moment. BB!Battle cats can have battles without holding a formal hearing in parliament about it.
What DOES happen that Jaypaw finds bizarre is that when he gets home and the news spreads, Bramblestar is one of the first cats to start gloating. He feels odd about how odd he feels about it.
But after his father has given his ear a proud lick and explains the situation to Squirrelflight who gives a proud lick to the other one, Jaypaw examines the feeling. He tries to think of other times Brambleclaw has been this proud of him, and that's when it clicks; there are none.
Lionpaw is an accomplished fighter at this point, having landed the fatal blow onto Ripwater. Hollypaw is at the forefront of nearly every diplomacy meeting alongside her mentor, Brackenfur. But Jaypaw.. well, most of his brawls have been little skirmishes. Not really "achievements."
It's not like Brambleclaw has been absent or anything, so... he's not yet sure what to do with this feeling. It's quickly buried as the other apprentices dogpile him, begging for the full details.
Assorted closing thoughts for other episodes and such;
Jaypaw's power is plane-hopping. He can move freely between supernatural realms-- dreams, heaven, hell, Earth. He can interact, physically, with anything on these planes.
No more magic empathy. Society has progressed past the need for magic empathy.
He's going to get several little moments in other episodes where he helps to heal others, especially when Cinderheart breaks her leg.
Becoming a Cleric is a choice that should have significant build-up, since he chooses it over Poppyfrost.
I think the REAL inciting moment that he decides to commit to the bit is that he ends up having some kind of dream where Moleflight (Poppyfrost's ill-fated brother) visits him, just after getting his warrior name, and Mole says, "you will be an excellent warrior."
Jayfang: "theres no way youre just being nice to me. What are you trying to stop me from doing."
He also really likes giving advice and listening to people. Enjoys a good little debate, but I kinda want to show him visibly sharpening his emotional intelligence as Po3 goes on.
It starts with Longtail, who whittles that aimless cynicism into something earnest and constructive.
I also want to work in some scenes where Longtail explains to Jaypaw how much he reminds him of Swiftpaw, his "uncle."
Sootfur too, sometimes. In the humor.
Jay: "Great track record, two dead kids."
Longtail, very quiet... only to break the tense silence himself, "Sootfur, no. Swiftpaw... yes. I should have been a better mentor."
Everyone knows a mentor is meant to teach an apprentice. But Longtail realizes that an apprentice is meant to teach their mentor, too.
And he wouldn't be worthy to guide another paw if he hadn't learned his lessons from Swiftpaw.
"I taught him to ignore his limits. I made him think that he had to "prove" himself to be worth anything. It was something my mentor taught me, which was something his mentor taught him. Jaypaw, there's going to be things you can't do, and when they come, you'll hate me for stopping you. But I'm not here to raise another brave fool who dies to prove a point."
Jaypaw also meets Rock at various points through BB!Po3, especially when StarClan isn't being straightforward about answers or they end up in the tunnels.
Rock is VERY gentle with Jaypaw, but no one else. If Jaypaw hadn't been in the tunnels that time the WindClan kits went missing, he probably would have just left them all to drown lmao
The first hint The Three discover about their powers, and the prophecy at all, comes through Jaypaw inadvertently ending up realm-hopping. I'm keeping it on standby for him gaining access to information through dreams.
Before he eventually pressures Dovepaw to spy on other Clans, he was using his own powers to gather what info he could.
Thankfully, he doesn't discover how much power this actually grants him, or what he can consciously do with this, until OotS.
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buryyourdoves · 2 years
Writing Jewish Characters (what not to do, according to one jewish gal on discord) (a probably incomplete list):
(For reference, because I say it a few times: goyische = not Jewish, or relating to non-Jewish things/culture/etc)
Many of these are things that some Jews do irl for various personal reasons, and that is 1000% valid and fine!! This is in no way dragging any Jew’s life choices whatsoever. When it comes to representation, there is a huge skew in one direction: the Jew-ish, bacon cheeseburger-loving, Xmas-celebrating, modern Jew whose nagging, kvetching Jewish family comes up for a special holiday or life event episode and is never heard from again. The implication is that Jewish traditions don’t fit modern people/society and that a non-Jewish audience can’t connect with a Jewish character who remains close to their cultural roots. All that to say, this piece is all about representation, not necessarily irl accuracy.
Jewish characters don’t have to be “religious,” and definitely not in the way you might conceive of a religious Xtian character. But being an irreligious Jew doesn't inherently mean they won't follow any Jewish rituals or holidays. It’s a culture as much as it is a religion, and there are a million reasons an atheist Jew (not an oxymoron!) might follow any of these rituals/rules, including but not limited to cultural heritage, community, and religious family/friends <3
Eating treif (aka never-kosher food like pork and shellfish):
They don’t have to keep kosher (altho that would be a very welcome change just one (1) time ksdjg), just don’t make them actively not kosher. I know it feels super innocuous to talk about Erik Lensherr grabbing a bacon egg and cheese from the bodega, but it sticks out to me every time because it is, in itself, a statement. If that's a statement you want to be making, think about why. What are you trying to add to this Jewish character by giving him bacon, or shrimp, or a cheeseburger, etc etc. And is it something you think is a positive addition, or is the implication just that not eating bacon is silly, or outdated, or only something super duper religious Jews could ever want to do? If so, maybe skip the shrimp. It’s a tiny thing that can really make a big difference.
True bonus points: actively have the character keep a semblance of kosher. A simple, 2-second choice for a character to turn down a bite of their coworker’s pork fried rice because they’re Jewish feels SO NICE to read in an ocean of Jewish characters eating treif.
A lot of media codes Jewish characters by drawing attention to the fact that they’re eating bacon, even though they “shouldn’t.” Very little media codes Jews by having them leave the cheese off their burger.
(And if you do write them eating non-kosher, a friendly reminder that Jews who don’t keep kosher don’t think about how disappointed their mother would be everytime they bite into a piece of bacon. They just eat it lol.)
Interfaith parents/“half-Jews”:
I feel it necessary to reassure with this one in particular that there is nothing wrong with this, and both matrilineal and patrilineal Jews deserve representation. This is common enough irl and if they identify with the Jewish side of their heritage to consider themselves Jewish, that’s great! Variety is the spice of life. Once again, I want to emphasize that I am not making any judgments on irl Jews in any of these complaints.
This is only up for representation discussion because this feels like another trend in media and fandom, where it seems like one parent is Certified Not Jewish™️ almost as an excuse to…have Jewish characters not have to be Jewish except in name. Interfaith families are almost always shown mainly celebrating Xtian holidays, with a tiny nod to Judaism: agiant Xmas tree with a menorah to the side, or an Easter episode with a throwaway mention of Passover (if anything). Mainstream media especially will do either this, or have both parents be Jewish and the main character be such a ~disappointment~ to their parents for being less so, and of course falling into lots of icky stereotypes along the way.
Basically just, don’t not write interfaith characters, but be careful with them. Please don’t use interfaith characters as your reason excuse to let them do the Goyische Stuff, like celebrating Xmas. And speaking of…
Christmas (derogatory):
My opinion on Jewish characters celebrating Xmas, my prayer hands and shameless begging, is just…please don’t do it. I get it, plenty of irl Jews participate in Xmas activities or even celebrate it with their friends and extended families, that’s fine, absolutely no judgment. But without getting into the whole shebang of christian hegemony and the myth of secular Christmas, that’s already EVERYWHERE. Almost every tv show, every movie that has Xmas in it, if there’s a Jewish character, there’s a solid 98% chance they celebrate Xmas too. Maybe even LOVE it. Maybe there’s even a confused goyische friend going, “aren’t you Jewish?” and the Xmas-loving Jew happily informs them why that doesn’t matter, or how actually only their dad is Jewish (and he loves Xmas too so woo!) so they get to do the whole Xmas shebang and maybe have a lil menorah off to the side for the token representation.
Jews who participate in or celebrate Xmas exist, but this is a reminder that those who don’t also exist, and they are not remotely uncommon. And we don’t feel deprived for not having had Xmas, I promise. Go against the grain! For lols you can even have your Jewish character be half clueless about Xmas traditions because he never had them! Ben Grimm who has no idea what a garland is and at this point he’s too afraid to ask. There’s so much you can do with it and have fun with in a way that still keeps your Jewish blorbo unassimilated <3
There Was Only One Jew:
Most content has one (1) Jew and that’s that. It’s almost like there’s a rule that there can only be one (1) Jew per friend group. If you have more than one Jewish character, then slay! More Jews are always welcome, and the more you have, the more leeway there is, imo. It feels less egregious for, e.g., a Jewish character to loooooove shrimp if you’ve got another in the story who’s never touched it in his life and never plans to. (Although, when deciding which characters to do this with, consider making the more observant one your main, instead of relegating them to the background and/or parental characters.)
In Summary…
Thanks for reading!! There’s no one way to write Jewish characters, but I hope this helped give you something to think about! I’m always happy to answer questions if you want to learn more. You can also check out the Jewish and Judaism tags on the Writing With Color blog if you want to hear opinions from other Jews. (Not affiliated, just love their blog, haha!) These are just my thoughts on these things after reading a lot of Jewish characters (canon or headcanoned) in fic. 😊
B’hatzlacha! <3
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random-kazakh-stuff · 9 months
Another interesting thing about how Russian Empire/USSR operated is in names. Both for people and places.
Exhibit A: The apparent Russification of all names. Names that are Kazakh, but you need to write the official documents in Russian so they don't come out quite right. One of the already mentioned examples is with patronymics: Russian -ev and -eva and etc. added to Kazakh names. There is also the matter of pronunciation, the "special"* letters of Kazakh cyrillic being omitted which lead to butchered names.
Exhibit B: The names of towns and regions. They were all either named from Russian language, or had their names bent in a strange way. Example for the first one is Tselinograd(modern Astana) which means "Town of virgin lands"*. The second one is Alma-ata(current Almaty) which written in this way means "Apple grandfather" while the modern one just means...appley(?). There is no adjective for apple in English so bear with me. There also examples of this where the meaning doesn't change, and the spelling is strange for no apparent reason. Example: Kzyl-Orda(nowadays Qyzylorda) which omitted a vowel and added a dash just because.
Both examples are interesting in a way that they don't really seem significant, but deny an ability to control a small part of life for the natives. Think of it. It's the names you give your own children, the name of a place where you live, being not completely yours, looking not right.
Edit: I am sorry, I forget to mention that this applies to all empires. In general, when I talk about some phenomenas or culture things, I am aware that they are not exclusive to Kazakh and Kazakhstan's history, but this is what I know. The additions are welcome though!
*the development of virgin lands(Tselina) is a time in 50s and 60s of XX century when USSR decided that actually, the steppes of Northern Kazakhstan are actually very good for agriculture, the natives were just stupid. The soil there deteriorated by 15-20%. The immediate results were quite nice though.
the natives are just stupid part is meant to be ironic btw
Also a reminder! Ask me questions. I am more motivated by them.
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thebreakfastgenie · 11 months
The Burma Shave Signs
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In order to understand the significance of the Burma Shave signs, we need to understand Hawkeye's emotional state when he returns to the 4077th. The jeep driver is chatty, and Hawkeye basically ignores him. He tells Sidney he's uneasy about going back, which makes perfect sense; who would want to go back to a MASH unit close to the front? Besides, we know he's anxious about performing surgery again. But Hawkeye has another reason, too.
He's anxious about not being accepted back by his friends and colleagues. This, too, is a perfectly reasonable fear; the contact he's had with them since being hospitalized has been awkward and uncomfortable at best. Potter, Mulcahy, Margaret, and BJ were all more or less disastrous on the phone, and even Klinger, who handled it better than the rest, didn't get a joyful reaction out of Hawkeye. Then BJ visited him in person, and that went even worse. Hawkeye is very understandably afraid that everyone is going to look at him differently, a fear that's proven largely correct. It's uncomfortable knowing the people you're close to have seen you at your worst, and that happened to him very recently. His breakdown and involuntary hospitalization were very public.
There is also the nature of his breakdown to consider. He made a scene in O.R. and very nearly harmed a patient, then drove a vehicle through a building. People at the 4077th who witnessed that might be afraid of him now. They might be angry with him, too, because he destroyed the Officers' Club, which was one of the few places they had to socialize and relax.
So all of this is going through Hawkeye's mind while this enlisted man who doesn't particularly seem to care is trying to make small talk. And then he sees the message:
The driver reads them and clearly thinks they're nice. And Hawkeye, Hawkeye smiles.
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This is one of the first times we see him smile in this entire episode, apart from the flashbacks. He smiles when he thinks he's going home, and then here. This one is different. It's soft and understated--not a manic grin--and very genuine.
He smiles because for all his fear and worry and anxiety about going back, he's just been given a welcome back. Not just any welcome, either, it's personalized. It rhymes. It's a pop culture reference. It's joyful. It's thoroughly Hawkeye. I think the red paint is most likely a reference to the color scheme on classic Burma Shave signs, but if you want to add an extra layer, you can consider it a callback to the red party. It's a nice touch, too, that there is no reference to them later, so we never find out who was responsible for them. It emphasizes, as the goodbye dinner scene does, that the entire camp is close, not just the characters we usually focus on.
The message here is We're glad you're back. We missed you. We love you. There is no promise it won't be awkward, but there is a clear, unwavering acceptance, which is exactly what Hawkeye needs.
And then this happens:
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Of course Hawkeye can't have nice things, but it's more than that. As I've just established, the signs are a symbol of the love Hawkeye's friends have for him. We know what the bus symbolizes. It's all throughout the first hour. "A bus, huh?" "Again with the bus? Why don't you subscribe to Arizona Highways and leave me alone?"
The bus is what happened. The bus is the trauma. The bus is the horrors of war. The bus is why Hawkeye had an ugly public breakdown and was committed to a hospital in the first place. The bus comes up from behind.
In this scene, his friends' love for him is flattened by his trauma, which has followed him all the way back to the 4077th.
I've never quite been able to figure out if it is indeed the same bus that Hawkeye finally boards after that shot where he hesitates and looks about a million years old, but this bus was approaching the 4077th for triage.
Potter says "Why don't you start on the bus?" the same thing Sidney asked him to do. He can't escape the bus. It follows him; he gets back on it. Because the war still isn't over.
The message on the Burma Shave signs still matters. He still got to read it. He still knows how they feel. And we him socialize among them and be loved and accepted, even as we also see him hanging back. The bus doesn't permanently destroy all hope, it just shocks him by barging in on a happier moment. We see throughout the second hour that though he's been released from the hospital, Hawkeye is still recovering, and the bus is a reminder of that. It's just an absolute gut punch of a moment to see it destroy those welcome signs.
Maybe it's not just about Hawkeye, either. If the bus is the war, maybe it's a reminder that any moment of joy or niceness will be interrupted by the war reasserting its iron grip on everyone's attention. Like all the way back in Bulletin Board, or the end of Movie Tonight, or Dear Sis. You can have nice things in a war, but only for a moment. But unlike in those other episodes, by the end of this one the war is actually over.
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tg-headcanons · 7 months
Thinking about ghouls as farmers/farmhands
I imagine that some types of kagune would be excellent for harvesting/ploughing with a nice bonus of no carbon emissions. I imagine ghouls, after criminalisation, would possibly even revolutionise farming/carbon footprint from farming?
(Although of course ideally a farm wouldnt till but even then for harvesting ghouls would be quite efficient.)
Ghouls have always been a part of society, and regardless of where they are or how accepted they are, they’ve always had some hand in farming since, especially before industrialization, it was a good field for them. Their strength, senses, and kagune make them fantastic at cultivating, protecting, and harvesting food
In old world cultures where ghouls were always ostracized, they couldn’t be open about why their crops grew so well, so they tended to make up myths and stories about some ritual or another that makes their harvests so bountiful. They had senses of smell and pressure detection that could help them sniff out blights and pests, as well as semi-accurately predict rainfall, letting them handle issues before they got too bad. That, and their strength that lets them handle the physical task of planting and harvesting, helped them produce a lot of plants. But telling humans how they did it is off the table, so it was common for them to have a plowing Ox just for show and to say they said some prayer that helped
A lot of why ghouls thrived in farming is due to their regeneration. It may not be talked about much anymore, but it is DANGEROUS. Not just the modern machinery, but the strain of lifting and carrying. The illnesses carried by plants and animals. The workhorses and oxen that can just fucking kick you to death. The PIGS. It’s all risky work, and back before antibiotics, just one cut and you’re done for. A person who can not only survive almost any cut, but take a donkey kick to the face and get right back up to finish plowing the field is one of the most valuable people any farming village can have
Farming animals is more hit or Miss, because a lot of prey animals panic when they smell ghoul. Some ghouls still kept them and after enough time, or enough animals born around the smell of them, they could get used to it. Historically ghouls have run a lot of butcher shops because it was one of the best places to hide human meat before dna testing became widely available, so some animal husbandry skill was a good thing
Ghouls tended to make good shepherds. In especially rural areas, a lot of humans would collectively decide not to talk about the fact that someone is obviously a monster because they’re simply so fast and strong and don’t let sheep and cattle go missing or get hunted. If you were in Cold Ass Nowhere Ireland in 1635 and you had a shepherd who not only never loses a sheep but also eats the English, you’d pretend you didn’t notice either
In areas and cultures where ghouls were more accepted, they were essential to hunting and farming. North and central american ghouls had traits designed for taking down megafauna to supplement their diets, and their human companions could depend on them to bring countless Buffalo and deer home. Jungle subspecies had traits built for climbing, and were central to the harvest of high growing fruits and beans. A now likely extinct species native to Canada had semi aquatic adaptations and a thick layer of fat who were designed to hunt seals and small whales, and shaped the way any community lucky enough to have some survived. In places where ghouls were welcomed, they were so efficient at harvesting and hunting that land rarely needed to be developed for monocultures at all
When ghouls are decriminalized in more parts of the world, their physical abilities are allowed to shine again. Stories of ghoul farmers through history arise. Plenty of American and Polynesian communities (who had been telling people about ghoul’s contributions to their land and cultures for years and were having that brushed off as myth) can legally reintroduce the old practices of ghoul hunting and harvesting techniques. Smaller farms hire more ghouls once it’s clear that they can do machine level work without the expense of maintaining machines, and it’s one of the biggest ghoul hiring fields at the start of their legalization
Naturally, ghoul farming unions are quick to form. They can do machine level work, but are not going to risk being treated like machines for it. As with any Union there’s some backlash, but when it becomes apparent just how much better ghouls are at crop maintenance and harvesting, demands are met. It’s become a well paying profession, and has been good work for ghouls that struggle with the human grade education they were denied when they were younger, or ghouls who simply prefer to work outside doing something that benefits people
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hobgobknowsbest · 9 months
So goblins, huh? Everything is coming up goblins lately. As a life-long lover of all gobkind, and all things creepy, it's nice to see them emerging from the underground, and slithering their way into the hearts and minds of so, so, so many people.
I feel like it is my civic duty to my little goblin community to pass on what I've learned over the years. Can't be a real community if we don't share with each other, right? So here's my two cents.
Let me start by pointing out that the word "goblin" itself is very much a blanket term.
Goblin (n.)
early 14c., "a devil, incubus, mischievous and ugly fairy".
This short definition alone includes three separate entities, which I would bet probably bring up vastly different images in your mind. I like to equate the use of the word "goblin" to common usage of the term "demon".
Demon (n.)
c. 1200, "an evil spirit, malignant supernatural being, an incubus, a devil," from Latin daemon "spirit," from Greek daimōn "deity, divine power; lesser god; guiding spirit, tutelary deity"
They're both vague blanket terms. Now, whether or not you believe in the existence of either of the above two things, remember that not that long ago, the majority of your ancestors did. These mere mortals did their best to put quill to paper and categorize things that were as alien to them as proper etiquette at the dinner table might be to the common rat.
Writers did their best to organize first-hand accounts, claims of hauntings, tales of frightening midnight encounters, and essentially take stories told exclusively by mouth for generations and make them palatable for the public. Their attempts to make sense of the senseless is what we now rely on as our guide to the other side.
Long story slightly shorter, as much as I do love the term goblin, take it for what it is: a term encompassing many different creatures all over the world.
Celtic tales bring us redcaps and púca. The Wampanoag have the pukwudgie, China has the tengu, Korea has the dokkaebi, Latin America has the duende, and some even consider the ifrit, of Islamic culture, to be a type of goblin. Just to name a few.
The common denominators here, all across the board? A love of the forest, general disdain for humans, appreciation of ruins, and a penchant for trickery and mischief.
The Leshy are another of my favourite "goblins". In Slavic tales, they were the protectors of the forest. Each of them were said to claim their own forest, and protect it jealously. Hunters would need to ask permission to enter and hunt, and if they strayed, disrespected, or overstayed their welcome, they would be punished or killed.
So, in closing:
Goblins are
Boisterous and loud
Wild and uncontrollable
Compulsive pranksters
Proud law breakers
Fierce protectors of nature
Potentially violent
Tricksters through and through
Stubborn and unruly
Concentrated mischief
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spaceorphan18 · 4 months
how come other characters are fair game but not kurt and blaine? it's okay for you to bash santana and call her terrible but not okay for kevin and jenna to not worship klaine?
Oh good lord - seriously?
I am just too old and too tired for this kind of shit. I feel like I’m constantly running my head against the wall.
1. If you’re here because you’re upset by other Nonnys or the people replying to my post(s) - directing this at me only is only going to piss me off and not really do anything to help your cause.
2. I believe I’ve said now maybe 8,472 times that Kevin and Jenna are always welcome to their own opinions and it’s completely fine if they don’t like Klaine. It’s their podcast they can do what they like.
I’m really not the one having any problems here.
3. No one likes seeing their favorite character shit on. Not me. Not you. Not that rando in the Supernatural fandom. There’s a reason why people should curate their own fandom experiences and be respectful when in mixed company. I don’t know why this is so hard.
4. If the Santana comment was specifically directed at me… I don’t know even what to say. I have a lot of thoughts about Santana - both good and bad. I would be happy to discuss that if anyone is ever interested- but it won’t be a black and white conversation.
5. I’m pretty sure I’ve been critical of Kurt and Blaine too - because fictional characters shouldn’t be perfect and it’s okay to have complicated feelings about things.
6. School of hard knocks time. This is the type of stan culture that drives me nuts. Either you’re here because someone said something mean about your fav and it rubs you the wrong way or you just want to feel like you’re allowed to be mean about someone else’s fav. I really do not care which it is. I really don’t.
My point is you’re here not because you want to have a convo but because you’re mad at a thing on the internet. And you’re not being any better than those you’re pointing fingers at.
So I’m going to say this not just to you but to all of you - Santana stans, Blaine stans, Glee stans, Supernatural stans, those weird Draco/Hermoine stans that have been hanging out in the corner since 2002 — Stop it. Just fucking stop it already.
Kevin and Jenna do not have it out for anyone. They’re humans with much different experiences. And they’re allowed to be that. That said - all of you disappointed that the podcast isn’t what you want it to be? That’s fine and those feelings are valid but stop listening — there is no conspiracy. And you Nonny - need to take your anger and find something more constructive to do with it.
I suggest taking up sewing.
For the love of god - play nice, be respectful, and if anyone would like to have a real conversation about Santana or Klaine or Glee or idk whatever - my in box is always open. But if you’re just here to argue than you really need to pick another target.
Have a lovely night.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Creature of root and wire? Folks gods? I am listening
GJLKDSJLKMK there's!!! not much thought that went into those doodles, honestly! i've just been listening to a lot of folk related stuff (and thinkin of my own n irish/scottish/sailor culture) mainly cuz it's connected to The OC Lore
but some thoughts that did spawn: the iterators are dieties of nature hiding away and just wanting to be more or less left alone (with possibly some meddling from other creatures, wink wonk ancients, this would take place from the perspective of slugcats again)
Pebbles is known as The Creature of Root and Wire. he hides in the dark depths of a secluded forest of dark oak. his place is protected by twisting branches and roots that seem to come alive, attempting to either guide lost creatures away or straight up kill them (The Rot are sickly trees that no longer listen to Pebs). Pebbles himself has skin of bark and moves around thanks to a living branch his body seems to be growing out of. within the bark are mechanications and his throat is made mainly of wires and some pipes, with a mask just kind of slapped on top of that to give the illusion of a head and a face
Moon is known as the Fallen Patience. she's hidden in marshes that the elders claim weren't always there, especially since the marshes are the domain of another (Nish). only the most daring or the most idiotic make their way to her. there's stories of her either cursing or blessing passerbys with knowledge, if they stay with her a kind little while. she kind of reminds me of a kelpie
going off of some slavic folk stories i know, a lot of iteractions with them revolves around being kind and hospitable. if one brings them offering of food (bread and salt is most appreciated since in my culture that is a way to welcome your guests!!!! :D) and is nice to them, they ought to repay the favor. if given gold and one is rude with them, they are gon either curse the beggar in some Folk™ way or just strike them down right then and there
Moon's domain used to be more or less plains with shores and bushes but because of Things like in canon RW shit went down. with time her place changed into a marsh and when it did, Nish found out about her condition since he just knows whats up in his own domain. purposing a little energetic glowing dragonfly, he sent his beautiful daughter (-cough- Hunter, she's pretty to me ok -cough-) to guide and protect the dragonfly all the way to Moon. Nish himself i'm thinkin would have similar stuff going on like a vodník (waterman??? lil green man that collects souls in cups) combined with the slavic deity Živa (goddess of life and spring, život translates to life)
oh! and neurons for Moon and Pebs are fireflies and for Nish they are dragonflies!
Suns i GUESS could be something like Poludnica. a guardian being of the holiness of midday (poludnie means midday so u can see the connection!). i remember some stories about how if one would work in the fields during midday, a beautiful woman would appear in the tall grass and tempt them to come to her. once close, it'd be revealed that she's actually quite an ugly old thing and then would kill the guy cuz of course what else this is Folklore
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tocupid · 8 months
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synopsis. where an all korean high school finally gets an international student ... turned into a group of 5.
meet saeboms internationals and peek at their lives as they adapt to the new world their thrown in together!
warning. cussing, intentional lowercase and uppercase, ermmm idk what else but lmk if something should be added
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another year being the only one alone still struggling with this culture shock in this fuckass school. at this point he had set an alarm every 11:11 and prayed before bed for someone like him to show up the next school day. typing on his phone with a clear frown on his face, he just continued ranting and ranting to the closest online friend he had, chunhua. they befriended each other VERY quickly after she constantly agreed with his movie criticism, opinions against him would never be tolerated! reading the message she sent after the 10 sentence long paragraphs the smile disappeared instantly as he screamed a loud "FUCK YEAH" and ran as fast he could to the school office, choosing to ignore the judging stares because again, OPINIONS AGAINST HIM WOULD NEVER BE TOLERATED!!!
groaning internally, she fought the urge to roll her eyes as the principal continued to ridicule her for her grades. sure she wasn't the best student but she wasn't failing at least! "tch! a pretty face gone to waste, what's the point of looking like that when you can't even be smart!" what a fucking creep. looking down she did her best to discreetly pull out her phone to sent steph a message, fuck the surprise entrance for him. get in the fucking school office this principals coming at my shit grades. the read message tag was all she needed to see to know he was on his way, probably tripped on a few steps as well. the slammed open door approximately 1.43 minutes was enough for her to know this school year was going to be SOMETHING.
skip to a year real quick erm.
standing in the front of the classroom felt like fucking hell. a duo giggling their asses off in the back of the room didn't help either because were they laughing at YOU or at EACH OTHER. anxiety was taking a TOLL on you and it was absolutely terrifying, you thought your knee was going to start buckling noticeably. hands were clammy and shaky, jesus take the damn wheel. introduce yourself MY ASS, this shit was not necessary in [where ever the fuck you are] and you wish it wasn't here too. the differences were so overwhelming you almost slid yourself off your seat so you could hide under your desk. AND YOUR DESKMATE WAS ALSO A BITCH TOO LIKE... why did your entire class start oooing and screaming. all you knew was this guy was named lee suho or something and that you hated him because all you did was ask for the page on where the class was and he ignored your ass. when the end of the class came you still held in your breath, NO BREATHING NO BREAKS!!! god was clearly not on your side because the duo that was snorting and gasping for air came up to you and you almost collapsed from a heart attack. god they were fucking gorgeous too, pretty people are too terrifying. when the guy spoke up you almost had a seizure because damn he got a real nice voice, "you're not from korea right?" nothing was coming out your mouth and you knew that. sparing yourself that embarrassment, a simple nod was all it took for them to have silent joy, giant grins and clapping enthusiastically with both hands. the english response you received from the girl let you finally start breathing (thank the lord because damn you were probably gonna look like violet from charlie and the chocolate factory), "welcome to the school new int!"
skip to 2 months thanks.
awkward was all that could be described for how jake was acting. his words were stiff as he introduced himself and he looked like a barbie doll being twisted to be sitting in a chair. when break came around all he could do was sit up straight staring into space. his zoning out was very rudely disrupted by a girl who pushed someone into his desk, waving them along with another guy. even if it seemed more like they were getting bullied, all he could do was start praying they wouldn't bully HIM. the awkward land on his desk made them just try and act cool ... failing to be honest ... putting a hand on their cheek and other hand on hip, "so um ... how are the spiders back home" silence just fell between the both of you as jake simply didn't know how to respond. as i said, awkward. clearly the random stranger had given up on the small talk because all it took was the "we're also abroad just let us adopt you" for him to relax his tensed up shoulders because, well, how bad could this get?
ermmmm gimme a week and a half skip.
in all honesty, jen wasn't used to this fucking name change. all her life it was jennifer, jenni, jen, ferb even. now she had to get used to being called YUNJIN by everyone. god it felt like her parents were everywhere now, yunjin this yunjin that. every time someone spoke to her and they even said her name she had to hold in a groan. standing in front of the classroom, she wanted to sink into the ground so badly as she said her name and as someone shouted out "I USED YOUR YESSTYLE CODE!!!" like... NO YOU DIDN'T. who the fuck brings up the personal work to a first meet class introduction. when class was over one glance at a quartet with a random guy pointing at her was enough for her to put her head down into her arms and try to sleep through the 10 minutes she had. well the lord really said fuck your beauty sleep because the knock on her desk had her looking up, head still in arms up at a guy from the group of 4, the rest cheering him on as he stuttered through his (english) intro (which surprised jen... in a good way of course), "um like hi im uh jake- you know what fuck this. do you wanna be friends with us? we foreigners needa stick together anyways, no?"
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taglist. @junoswrlld @beommii @shotaroswifeyily @manooffline
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notes. for once got to 1k words 😱😱 anyways i think i did good on this added personality ykyk i did that ‼️
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Being Franks Daughter in Hawkins pt 13
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Gif Caption: Top Gif: The Avenger's from Marvel's the Avengers Bottom Gif: The classic Stranger things group from Netflix's Stranger Things.
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Reader: 18-19 | Female Reader
Characters Mentioned: Frank Castle (MCU), Stephen Strange (MCU), Hanniable King (MCU) Daimon Hellstrom (MCU), Morbius the living Vampire (MCU), Blade (MCU), Jennifer Kale (MCU), Steve Grant/Marc Spector (MCU), Johnny Blaze/ Ghost Rider (MCU), Brucer Banner/ Hulk (MCU), Matt Murdock (MCU), Tony Stark (MCU), Natasha Romanoff (MCU), Steve Roggers (MCU), Bucky Barnes (MCU), Loki Layfeyson (MCU), Thor Odinson (MCU), Vision (MCU) Eddie Brock/ Venom (MCU), Deadpool (MCU), Billy Russo (MCU), Steve Harrington (ST) Billy Hargrove (ST), Eddie Munson (ST), Max Mayfeild (ST), Joyce Byers (ST)
A/n: this more of eludes to relationships Y/n has had with other marvel character including almost all midnight sons, Moonknight's the only one that doesnt make a full appearance.
Warnings: Y/n's Past, past abuse, stress eating, Hellstrom being the biggest bitch alive,
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New York city
You're true home.
Though it didn't seem like that much anymore.
You Missed Hawkin's clean air and its tiny little single gas station
New York had gas stations on every corner it seemed like
With a grocery store down every street.
Though New York hsd good character from its immigrants, a new face and culture around every corner, Hawkins had a cozy feeling, it nice to see a familiar face everywhere you turned and though New York could have that same feeling you just had to know too many people.
"Nice to be home." Natasha spoke.
"Yeah." Y/n responded.
"I don't know. I kind of liked the Farm life." Yelena spoke, "No fancy cars and aliens every two mintues."
"Please. A relish in the fact if its just aliens." Steve told.
Y/n looked out the window, "Where's dad having you take me today"
"Tony asked for you."
"Oh great." Y/n spoke.
"For what?"
"You'll see."
"He's throwing you a party." Bucky spoke.
"Buck!" Steve complained.
"What!? She's not a partier!"
It was true.
So instead of just getting rest or simply dwelling on Hawkins
Tony Stark was throwing you a welcome back party
It was small supposedly
It was not small at all
Sure you were glad to see, every superhero Tony could possibly invite
But your just not into partying you never will be.
But its too late either way
What are you going to do? Jump out the moving car into oncoming traffic
Natasha can stop you before you too
So your stuck at this party.
You must be Honest It was nice to see Matt and Peter again.
But then they all started coming, Hanniable, Dr.Strange,
Who The f u c k brought Eddie and Venom all the way from SF just to be here
And the Gardians.
Half them didnt really realize you at first.
"In the flesh." Y/n spoke raising her glass half full with shirley-temple.
"Wow would you look at you." He contuined on, "Your so fuckin old now."
"Yes. Thank you Wade." Y/n spoke, "Hallujeah."
You actually see Tony for the first time when you go outside to get air.
"Mr.Party thrower taking a break. Never see that every day." Y/n spoke hoping up on the ledge and taking a seat.
"I knew you would follow." He spoke, proud of himself like he had make some crazy plan to get her out here.
"What did you do Stark?"
"You had quiet the semester in Hawkins. You and your dad." Tony told.
"Yeah well." Y/n spoke taking a drink of her soda, "Chaos always did follow me."
"My point exactly." Tony added, "wouldn't you like to deal with that Chaos. Legally."
"Okay you want something." Y/n told, "what is it."
Tony was silent, drinking his scotch in hand, great he had to drink befofe he told spilt the beans.
Y/n got up off the ledge, drink still sitting on the ledge.
He finished his drink.
"We need another Avenger-"
"Y/n! Come on kid! Its the highest honor!-"
Y/n rolled her eyes, throwing her arm out to her sides in anger, hitting her glass off the ledge.
The two looked over the edge, "Sorry!" She shouted hearing a car alarm go off soon after.
"A plus is I pay for shit like that." Tony defended.
"Im not becoming an avenger."
"Come on!"
He followed her from the porch, "come on! Give me a good reason why-"
"I've already kicked your ass once. Don't make me kick it again." Y/n argued, "thanks for the party."
You were quick to go back to the party in hopes of retreiving your bag and walking you way to Hell's Kitchen or even catch a train
Could you catch a train back to Hawkins?
Wouldnt be a bad idea
"If it isnt Y/n damn Castiglione- Castle- Russo?"
The voice stops her in the halls, "Whattya doin here Hellstrom?"
"Heard someone ran in with the devil."
"You heard Wrong."
He chuckled, "Well then. I came here to drink my soul in your name. Take a bottle."
A bottle of beer was shoved into her hand, "To hell!" He cheered pulling her along
Though you didnt drink what was in the bottle you were pushed into a crowd, forced to conversate.
Fuckin Hellstrom you swear
Luckily you ended up just standing near Vision near an open door to the balcony.
You guys made small talk here and there but nothing huge
Neither of you two are big talkers when it comes to small talk.
You also learned that Bottle Hellstrom shoved into your hands was actually a old fashion root beer, it was just soda.
Warm soda...ew.
So you went to get a different one
And the exits right there.
And you manage to waltz right out of the main room to go get your bag to go somewhere anyone but a party.
So with quick feet you make it out the tower going down on its various elevators.
Just to get caughtn by Bruce Banner- well Hulk technically.
"Sneaking away now are we?"
"God. Damn it." Y/n complained, "Please! Please don't make me go back! PLEASE!"
"Okay! Okay!" Bruce laughed, "You've convinced me."
"Oh thank god." Y/n sighed.
"Pizza or Chinese?" Bruce asked.
"What about that place that does a little bit of everything?" Y/n questioned
"Ooh! I like that place."
So. Instead of a party you, and the Hulk went to some tiny whole in the wall place, its once entrence down an Alley way.
Banner's tall and large form barely could squeeze through the door and into the small place with tacky decorations hanging from the ceiling hitting his head
There you both are sitting with bowls of ramen and a full pizza between you two.
"Okay Okay. So this. Kid. Opened a portal to another dimension and its easy to access?" Hulk asked, Y/n eating an absurbed amount noodles at once.
"So!-" Y/n spoke but stopped, chewing her food and swallowing, "Basically, the call it the Upside down...they basically broke the Acrobat Theroy."
"The Acrobat Theroy?" He asked, "What the hell is the Acrobat Theroy."
"Its similar to the String Theroy." Y/n replied.
"The existance of atleast 10 diffrent dimensions and they combined and unification of the energy they produce." Banner told, "We could go back and forth within time if mindkind was able to conquer said dimensions."
"Right." Y/n told, breaking the egg that sat in her broth, take in another chopstick full.
"Okay. So your telling. This Eleven year old-"
"No. No" y/n told, "Eleven is her name."
"Okay. So this girl. Eleven." Bruce told, "Created enough energy, to rip a black hole within time and space."
Y/n nodded, "and Had enough power to close it too."
"And you had no idea to call me." Bruce spoke in defense.
"I got busy." Y/n spoke in defense.
"Right Right. The flower head dogs."
"Is that like. A compound or-"
"Mhm!" Y/n hummed with a smile, "You'd love Dustin! You both and your compound shit."
So you two spent the night eating foods that shouldn't go together
Your salt intake is probally insane that night
Between Ramen, and Pizza. And a churro stand you guys found walkin around.
Okay you can't lie your stress eating.
You dont understand why, you're home, you're gonna be back in action, why be stressed? This is what you wanted orginally.
You're lucky you and Bruce are able to catch a midnight train
More of like a 2 am train
You two just talking
He understands what its like to get what you want just to realize you dont know what you want
He ends up taking you back to the Avengers Complex where the party is still goin on.
You suppose you have to crash there, everyone's been drinking.
"Y/n!?" Thor asked, he hadn't seen her the first round about.
"Hey Thor-"
"Move." Loki spoke dragging her along, "We both have much to talk about."
Loki drags you away to safety on a balcony.
"So. Hows my little red head shit disturber?" Loki asked, "Max!"
"Max Mayfeild?" Y/n questioned.
"Well yes." Loki spoke, "She is the only red head there I stole quaters with."
"You Loki Layfeyson king of the Frost Giants-"
"Ah. Ah ah. God." Loki corrected.
"Point is." Y/n commented, "You care? About someone besides yourself?"
"Haha." Loki mocked.
Y/n leaned back in the chair, letting her feet rest on the edge of the balcony.
"She's good." Y/n spoke, "Shes good yeah."
"You're goin back soon Im assuming." Loki spoke, "I am hoping to accompany you, after all the winter months are upon us."
Y/n was silent, drinking her drink.
"You're not going back?" Loki questioned, "are you?"
"My dad sent me away here for training I don't know how long it'll take." Y/n answered, "Seeming Im at a party right now. It seems like a while."
You and Loki fall asleep on the loveseat on the porch, talking back and forth
You do alot of talking.
You wake up the next day and your in a bed.
You dont recongize this place at first
"Well. Guess we should get this shit show started then?"
"Ah. Dr.Douche. its just you." Y/n sighed Stephen leaning against the door fram with two mugs in hand.
"Slightly hurtful but I'll allow it." Stephen spoke walking in the room sitting next to her on the bed, "After all. Im gonna hurt you alot more than you'll ever hurt me."
Y/n raised a brow taking the mug, "what?"
"You're training?" Stephen responded.
"Already? Does that mean I get to be done quicker?"
"Theoretically." He spoke, "Though. We have choosen to join train you-"
"We?" Y/n asked.
"There she is!"
"Ah shit its Hellstrom." Y/n complained.
"He's here to break you." Strange spoke.
"Im sorry-" y/n defended.
"Part of his training."
"Now. Shall we take a trip to hell?" Hellstrom smiled
"Breakfast first?" Y/n asked, "Please?"
"I control a part of hell. Im not evil."
So why you're about to take a walk to Hell, Hawkins was. Well Hawkins
Munson often was seen by your locker, it now empty and free to open and close as pleased due to the lock no locker being there.
Though you called him a Freak, it was in all good fun, he liked it. Like receiving a nickname.
You were actually one of the few nice to him.
When Eddie wasnt there Billy was often there.
Yeah his locker was right besides Y/n's at one point but he cant help but expect some snarky commented to come from the closed locker door.
"Awe. Missed me Hargrove?"
Thats what he expected, snarky and full of confidence.
And the kids were the same way, often wanting to call you at the end of there days, to ask who you defeated. Who you teamed up with.
A cork board being set up in the AV room often peices of newspaper clipps focused around articles they thought assumed to you or any art someone had done in the paper that looked like you
Steve took it hard. He took it real hard.
Dating just didnt seem important anyone.
Wanting a lady on his arm seemed...unimportant
He rather be carried bridal style in your arms out of class at any given day.
Nancy had gotten closer to him, but played too much, after all she did and said, she was still kissing on Jonathan
So it just pushed Steve's buttons more.
Then there was Frank.
Frank Castle. The big bad Punisher
Had sunken into work, it was easier to be distracted than dwell
But within doing so. Not facing a heart breaking decision, he left everyone behind, locked the door to your room and threw away the key.
Bringing you home is what he wanted most. And he knew if he just faltered the slightest, he would cave and you'd come running home.
Like litterally you'd run home, barefoot if you had too
So. No contact with you was best
But in response to those surpressed Emotions: Joyce was unfortunately sandwiched between
And arguements started, multiple, but just because Frank was the Punisher didnt mean she was leaving him alone.
During one of these said Arguments at his place, the phone rang, and Joyce answered it despite being told not to.
It was you, you sounded exhausted, tired, desperate to even talk to him, but before Joyce could say anything Frank just grabbed the phone not with anger, not snatching it out of her hand, but softly grabbing it and hanging it up
That explained alot to Joyce.
Meanwhile Y/n's litterally suffering during this training.
Sure combat was combat fighting came easy to her.
But it was the mental training.
The litteral mental torture while she tried not to break.
"Let me out."
Hellstrom sat in a chair, across from hers the chair backs touching each other. Both sat in said chairs facing one another.
"Let me out."
"I'll let you out when you face this-"
"Fuck you!" Y/n shouted.
Shouts and glass breaking could be heard from the other room. Her younger self shouting for her brother. Who Y/n knew had been knocked unconscious.
"I can't fuckin' train you if you don't break!" Hellstrom shouted back.
"Break?!" Y/n asked getting up, he following suit, "You want me to break!? Well it aint happenin! I've survied this! I conquered this! I won! So let me go. Now."
She pushed past him, he grabbing her by the bicep but she turned around quickly grabbing the half empty bottle on the table, pulling away from him.
"Hit me again. And I'll drop it." She threatened.
"I didn't hit you." Hellstrom defended himself.
Y/n looked at the bottle in hand, "I didn't-"
"Didn't what?" He asked, "Direct that towards me?"
Y/n set the bottle on the table, "I'm leaving. Be you like it or not."
Hellstrom watched her walk away, "so you dont want to the bottle of alcholol to go with that?"
"Fuck you Daimon!" Y/n argued walking towards the door seeing the Sanctum hallway infront of her, "thank you for not putting me in hells hallway."
"Yeah of course." He sighed, opening the bottle she once threatened to break, "Ask Strange to portal me some ice would you?"
Y/n walked out the room, closing it behind her with a slam. A pentagram branding the door almost as a in use bathroom sign.
You walked you way past Strange, who was telling you what needed to be done in training.
"Im leaving." Y/n told him walking into her room packing her bag.
"And where are you going to go-"
"Anywhere. But here." Y/n told, "Fuck your midnight sons, fuck magic and Fuck You."
"What good is doing you running away?" Stephen argued.
"Gets me away from New York. Im going to Hawkins-"
"You're not ready-"
"Im ready when I say Im ready." Y/n told turning to him, "Im ready."
"Very well." Stephen spoke, "go stay with Blaze for the rest of the day. I'll take you home tommrow."
Y/n grabbed her things, quickly packing her things.
Johnny Blaze was at the sanctum within the hour.
Thank god for him
He was quiet, and was a good listener while he usually worked on his bike
So you were more than glad when he picked you up on his bike
Just to take you back to his place where you both sat in a garage, he fixing up his bike, he never did stop working on.
"You can sleep wherever." He explained, "My bed is free."
Y/n sat on the futon, Johnny getting back to his bike.
"There's some pizza rolls in the freezer if ya want them."
"Thanks." Y/n spoke getting up.
"Get me a beer while your at it please.'
So you made pizza rolls and grabbed a beer and a old fashion creme soda.
Bringing it over he thanked you, and asked for a wrench on the table
Johnny Blaze was a quiet character compared to other midnight sons and despite his appearance when litterally a burning skull that worked with Hell flames he was a decent dude that liked the silence and working on his bike.
Often the listener of you retelling yours and Frank arguements
So he was quick to pick up that you were angry when he even picked you up
"So where did you and Frank hide out?" Johnny asked.
"Hawkins, Indiana." Y/n responded, handing him the beer he taking one of the pizza rolls from her plate as well, she taking the initiative to simply sit next to him.
"How was it?" He asked, holding a bolt between his lips, "Nothin like the city eh?"
"Yeah..." y/n spoke, "nothin like the city."
"That a good thing? Or a bad thing?"
"Im not sure..." y/n responded.
"What's so great about Hawkins then?"
Y/n laid back, knees up, plate on her stomach.
"You'd love it. Road. The road it just. Goes on. And on." Y/n told him, "and its just dead set in the middle of no where with trees beyond what you'd assume is the horzion. And a Quarry. Oh it's a beatiful sight..."
Johnny listened intently. Her drag off seemed...off, like there was suppose to a 'but,' and a long slew of bad things about Hawkins.
"But?" Johnny asked.
"But what?" Y/n questioned.
"But nothing?" He probed, "Nothing. Bad."
Y/n sat in thought, he looking down at her, "There's this. Guy."
"There it is..." he mummbled going back to work on his motorcycle, "Does this Guy, have a name?"
"Steve. Harrington." Y/n told, "he's. Something else...he's...sweet...like the color blue..."
She chuckled, "he's one hell of a baby sitter for sure."
"And whats this guy look like?"
Y/n thought, "he's got these beatiful brown eyes there dark usually, yet when they glass over they lighten, it's really a sadness in beauty thing, cheesey crap."
Y/n popped a pizza roll in her mouth, "Well don't worry. You're goin back tommrow, enjoy love while you can. You can't protect it once its gone."
Y/n was silent and probbed over Johnny's words, she looked up at the ceiling. He made a good point. She wanted to protect Steve.
"You've lost." Y/n explained sitting up, "before."
"Lost?" Johnny asked.
"Lost. Battles. Fights ya know....people." y/n told.
"Yeah... I have." He answered, "At the end of the day it's yourself that holds you back."
Y/n hummed in response.
The next day come, you knocking on the door to the Sanctum.
Stephen's surpised you came back on your own to get portaled back home
But you tell him you're staying, and just want to finish this training as quick as you can.
That includes Hellstrom's training in your own little hell
From that point on, you've vanished from Hawkins
No more Letters to the kids, Billy or Steve
Postcards are rare and so are newspaper clippings
Calls stop all together, especially to Frank
He catches himself staring at the phone sometimes thinking your going to call
But you dont
You want to get back to Hawkin's as soon as you can
And the only way to do that is to do this training.
7 days a week almost 24 hours a day you're busy.
Except for sleeping, they do make you sleep
You were busy just with mental training with Hellstrom and Strange
Until you started opening portals.
There not strong yet, but good enough for now
And because you can portal yourself places Training with the other midnight sons become a weekly thing.
Luckily trainning often happens in pairs or in a group
Especially the vampire group: Hanniable, Blade amd Morbius often come at you in one on three in combat training.
Sure you can handle one, maybe two. But by youself your getting floored every three seconds.
By the time you could actually dodge and actually fight the three at once it's nearing spring
And with constant training, you're able to fight, take down each one
You thought yes! You did it you were fucking done!
Here comes Jennifer Kale.
"I thought I was done!" Y/n complained, covered in bandages and bruises, "I thought this was the last one!"
"Come on. Sure they could train you but lets be honest." She spoke, "you need a woman to train you."
"And thats suppose to mean what?" Morbius argued.
"Well with that response it means I ticked you off." She spoke with a smirk, "Just like I wanted. Plus I mean look at her."
"I think im fine-"
"Sweetie you're covered in bandages with baggy chlothes and Blades old vest." She told, "You could use lady time."
So there she was dragging you away, you mouthing "help me" to the men who stood there
They did nothing
And you're off to do some "girl time"
Which is litterally go and eat with somewhere
"So hows it go?"
"Im tired." Y/n explained.
"Well you are trying to squeeze every Midnight Son training you before Summer starts."
"I'd like to be with my dad for my birthday." Y/n explained, "since I didn't get christmas with him."
She smiled, "So. What do you want from me? You know training wise? Johnny's letting you build a hell on wheels bike, I know You've beat Marcs ass before. The Vampire gang is beatin the shit out of you and you them, Strange and Hellstrom got the mind part. What do you want from me?"
"Magic." Jennifer told.
"Right.." Y/n mumbled eating some of her food.
"Yet you're still bothered." She explained, "What is it?"
"I've done the training. I've cut everyone off to focus on it. I beat the trio more than once. I can open portals and read every book in the libary. I've watched and accepted what Hellstrom's put infront of me. My own past, what I thought I conquered," Y/n explained, "So why am I still struggling."
"Well. Hellstrom is essentially using magic on you." She explained, "Magic gets deep inside you."
"But I don't get it. Hellstrom has been using his damn devil door the whole time. It's the same thing! Over and Over! It's the same damn day every damn time. Im there. In. In that room Billy and I-"
"Billy?" Jennifer asked, "You're brother? Billy Russo?"
"Yeah." Y/n explained.
"Ever think it's Billy in your way instead of yourself?" Jennifer infromed.
"No..he left....that same day. I watch him walk out that door 24/7 when Im in that damn hell hole." Y/n defended.
"You ever follow him out the door?"
"What?" Y/n asked, "no. Why would I? It's just generic hell beyond that point."
"Hellstrom's got a way with his doors." Jennifer informed, "He's arrgoant and an ass. Won't give you advice, rather you scream and shout at him. Till you cry. He's brutal. Try the door trick- Hey are you gonna eat your peice of cheesecake?"
"No here take it."
"Oh. Love the leather jacket by the way. Never liked brown to much myself."
"Yeah. Thanks."
So while you guys ate you talked about other things.
Nothing too big
She's said she teaching you in blocking magic and it's spells rather than teach you magic itself
So that training starts as soon as tommrow.
But what She had said about following your brother throughout what Hellstrom had set you in was something that plauged the back of your mind.
So you sit back at that crummy table, filled with alcholol and old mugs.
Hellstrom's smoking at the table reading a paper.
You got up, walking out the room the area familiar to you from the past. Its easy to follow the shouting, but before your even in the room, a young Billy Russo is rushing past you to leave.
Following him, he opens the front door despite the screaming and shouting in the background.
His steps are quick and almost hard to follow, you tripping over the tipped over hallway table.
He closed the door with a slam before you could get to him, you rushed to open the door after him hoping nothing had changed.
Yet when you open it and stumble out it the door closing on its own behind you and your left in a New York Alleyway.
Going to turn around to go back the door was gone
"Wait! Wait! Hellstorm! I don't have my sling ring! Hellstorm! Hello!?" Y/n called, unknown if she qas in a diffrent section of hell or in the real world.
She walked out of the alleyway. If this was hell or a diffrent part, Wow. The devil has been busy rendering and mapping out New York.
Y/n looked around, its night outside, and there's a bar across the street it' open and mildly busy.
Checking her pockets she had some cash on her. She walked across the street, jay walking like it was no ones bussniess. Walking inside she went to the bar.
"Can I help you kid?"
"Yeah. You sell food?'
"Cool I'll have the cheapest thing on the menu." Y/n explained, "and change for the phone booth."
He took the money from her, she taking a seat next to a man in black.
"Hey Billy..."
Y/n was quiet, "How'd you know?"
"I. Its a hunch." Y/n spoke softly, "We're siblings arent we?"
He took a drink of his beer, "If you found me this easy. Frank must he with you."
"No." Y/n responded, "Just me..."
"Ricardo." Billy spoke up catching the bartenders attention, "Get her a rootbeer float would you?"
"Thanks." Y/n spoke with a smile, the man walking off to go make the drink with a nod.
It was silent for a moment, Y/n looking at the wooden bar.
"So. What have you been doing?" Billy asked, Y/n shurggung.
"Just the usual..." Y/n answered, "Im in highschool now...was."
"Wow." He spoke, "didnt work out for you?"
Y/n shrugged, "I..it was really...I really liked it."
A smile fell onto her face, "I really loved it."
"Where were you going then? To school?"
"Yeah." He spoke, Y/n slidding him the untouched root beer.
"Right. Sorry..."
Y/n thanked the man who set a bowl of chips and a rootbeer float infront of her, along with change.
"I wish I could...I shouldn't even be talking to you-"
"You could come with me any time. You know that." Billy quickly intruppted, wanting nothing more than to be with his sister once again.
"I...I know." Y/n responded, "Billy. I. Can't trust you no more. Not like I use too."
"I know. Me and Frank-"
"No. Its. You. Just you." Y/n responded, "You left me at Walsah's-"
"Don't say his name."
Y/n was silent, "Alright. You left me there. And I went back. And I killed him."
"It was you..."
"It was me." Y/n responded, "I did that because I love you. Because I thought that would make us close again. Maybe you'd come running. But you didnt. You ran. Again. But this time. You ran from me-"
"Me? You ghosted me. I'm your brother-"
"Is it bad that I needed time for myself?" Y/n responded, "I spent all my life, trying to grow up so when you see me again you'd be proud of me. But you werent coming back- you never did. So I killed Arthur Walsh and I did that for you. You Billy. And despite what you did. To me. To Frank. I still love you. You're my brother. But I betray the people who love me and have my back, just so I could be selfish and see you. So. Russo...next time I see you. Be ready for a fight."
Billy was shaking with anger, and tears glossed over both of there eyes. A final goobye.
Y/n got up, thanking the bar tender and walking away from Billy and out the door.
"Well I'll be damned." Daimon spoke up leaning against the glass, "Someone finally broke. Welcome to the Midnight Sons."
✧▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬✧
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sidesteppostinghours · 6 months
Hewooo, good morninggg!
ask game time ✨
For Caine: Philia 4 + Storge 3 in the context of tbe farm or tia elena
For Cyrus: Eros 1 + Storge 4 (sibling au ✨) + Philautia 4
im probably a few hours late when i finish answering this, but morning idle :D! hope you had a good one
Philia 4. Is your OC able to build close friendships with people very different from themselves? Perhaps in terms of culture, age or personality?
i was thinking about this yesterday on my way home from uni actually. the answer is yes, but with one baseline requirement: anybody they become close with needs to be able to ground them in one way or another. mortum and argent are possible, he appreciates their bluntness and strict boundaries. he likes to listen to mortum and occasionally bounce off ideas with her. he already holds respect for argent, and given time, she couldve grown to be a trusted confidante. however, they want to keep mortum as a purely business relationship at the moment, and argent already scared them off before anything could happen. heralds not getting any further than coach or "he seems nice", they like him but they get a headache whenever theyre in a room with him for too long. other than that, anybody goes. hes not picky.
Storge 3. How far does parental approval (imagined or expressed) impact upon their current sense of self-worth? What might they sacrifice or attempt to achieve in order to ensure the approval of their parents?
the answer varies wildly for either, so ill answer for both. in the case of tia elena, parental approval is a bit shocking to him, like with most relationship dynamics. they like it, they just cant fathom the fact that theyre getting percieved, much less in a positive light. hed do a lot to get more, its fascinating to him and it makes him feel like hes doing a good job. but its something they can easily give up if the situation calls for it (aka theyre my only step tia elenas 'im-not-mad-im-just-disappointed' look wouldnt work on).
the farm is...a very different story. they were made to be a tool, and if its a tool they want, a tool they shall get. before their escape he was very single-minded when accomplishing missions. get the job done in any way possible. consequences arent for him to worry about, he only needs to worry about if they mess up. which they wont. they make sure of it. after their escape he leans less into that mindset, but its difficult to let go of, and still bleeds into his relationships most of the time. they dont like to think about the fact they wouldve sacrificed anything for the farm back then, and that theyre not sure they wouldnt sacrifice anything now if the right people asked it from them.
Eros 1. Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
nobody but him is allowed to be romantic. thats it thats the answer were moving on
in all seriousness, he does do traditionally romantic things alot, though most of them are for the reaction, not courtesy. roses and flowers are a common way for him to try and fluster his dates, and the two people hes dated are both sappy suckers so its worked most of the time. the exception is gift giving, because most of his gifts are handmade, so he tries not to make a big deal about it. unfortunately, his partners always do.
receiving romantic gestures should be something hes used to at this point, but hes not, so it always catches him off gaurd. its embarrassing, but the most embarrassing part is that he gets strangely touched by it. he probably still has a teddy gifted to him thats never seeing the light of day. oh, and chocolates are always welcome. thats just good food.
Storge 4. Does your OC have any siblings? If so then did their parents have a favourite growing up? Has their relationship with their sibling changed in adulthood? If they don't have any siblings then do they perhaps feel they have missed out on an important relationship? Do they have any especially close friends who go some way towards filling that role?
sibling au time✨
does the farm have the normal version of a favourite?? no. do they have a favourite 'im gonna fuck them up for fun' sibling? yes and thats fawn. north is a bastard and he frequently makes cyrus dream of murder. as for how their relationships all changed, cyrus used to be closer to his siblings. a Lot closer. of course, the farm changed that. he became cruel and harsh, which fawn couldnt connect with. even with river who wants to be evil, cyrus became obsessive about control after heartbreak, which i dont think river appreciates. his mental imprint changed extremely, and he started shielding around them. needless to say their relationship was estranged for a good while, but cyrus can never stay away from the people he cares about.
Storge 5. Which of your OC's qualities makes them the most proud? Do they think more people should be like them in this regard? Or do they quite like being rare in possessing it?
hes proudest of his ability to stay logical and composed, unaffected by emotions. that last part isnt true btw, but he gets to believe it to feel better about himself. hes able to think things through and do what needs to be done without external influence. he thinks itd be easier for everybody if they were more like him, but secretly, hes relieved that theyre not. itd get less people hurt, but the poison is addicting, yk? if people were as logical as he wanted them to be, ortega and herald (and maybe mortum, the verdict is pending) wouldve dropped him by now, yet persistent assholes that they are, they stay with him anyway. he likes the trade-off.
questions are from here!
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geometricalien · 9 months
I have this HC where on Seijūrō's & Kōki's 1st, 2nd & 3rd dates, the former took the latter to fancy, 5-star restaurants, either at a posh, upscale hotel or just the place itself. But then Kōki learns that Seijūrō never experience what most people had, so on their 4th or 5th date, Kōki initiates it, treating Seijūrō to fast food restaurants, izakayas, ramen shops & best of all: street foods.
!!!! This has "I'll share the best of me, just like you" all over it. Very classic people from 2 different cultures meeting and exchanging, all that is left is to merge and create a new. They could make something together on their 6th or 7th!
I think akashi has had these types of foods before but it's. Few. And sparse. And only a couple of times are they gold in his memory.
There is no doubt in my mind that he was force fed some "street food" by his classmates at the cultural festival in Rakuzan- especially when oreshi came back. "The school body president is coming! Quick get a stick of takoyaki for him to try!" And he is way too nice and conscious of how bokushi might have acted that he can't say no. And. It's decent. But it's overshadowed by the expectant look of 6 girls waiting for his praise. And that happens like 20 more times that day alone.
He definitely heard about the hijinks the rest of gom got into after practice- getting ice pops (and stopping a robbery) or grabbing maji together (kuroko wanted to see who could eat more- aomine or murasakibara- murasakibara lost to their surprise) and akashi laughs at the retellings since he always has a car to catch and lessons to go to after practice. Except one day when akashi asked his dad if he may help midorima study for a semester final coming up (the midorimas have been associates of the akashis for years, he couldn't say no to just one study session if midorima's tutor was "sick") and instead of studying the gom went to maji, insisting akashi try this and that until the only thing akashi remembers being the salt left on his tongue, the smiles of his friends, and the light feeling in his chest.
As Bokushi I imagine the uncrowned kings took him to an izakaya as a victory meal which he explained to his dad as "a necessary upkeep for morale" but oreshi only faintly remembers that as he finds being around a team he doesn't entirely remember stressful. That is until after another victory they ask him if he wants to go out to eat and celebrate- he says yes. And they expect him to order the same thing bokushi always did- except he doesn't. They then redouble their effort in welcoming and embracing akashi to the team.
In this sense, I do truly believe akashi would treasure going out to these hole in the wall - "common food/restaurants" since he is with Furihata and furihata is sharing this with him- for him.
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downthepub · 9 months
The people I used to engage critically (or at least not always 100% along company lines) with in GMM fandom are now mostly gone, either from the fandom, the show altogether, tumblr, or just not interested in talking to me anymore. I think I felt like once if we were just articulate enough, respectful enough, personal enough (aka it's just "my" feeling / impression / read on this or that), it would someday be okay, the fandom would someday have room for people who don't toe the line. It would someday be okay to talk about things openly even if you didn't end up agreeing. It would someday be a place where there was room for both pure squee and gif love, for headcanons, and for engaging with critical thoughts, personal experiences, etc etc.
Instead what I see again and again is: you're going to get mocked, talked over, looked down on, nudged aside, or just generally made to feel like a stain on the fandom. And this is by design. This is not a place for that. People like me aren't fucking welcome here. And I want you to know: I resent every one of you that goes along with that.
I hate that caring about this show and these guys means I have to either turn off my brain, keep my fucking mouth shut (on my own blog too), or just be prepared to be a pariah. Shame on you. You don't want to discuss things that aren't 100% rosy, or you disagree? That should be OK. But to just continually nudge out people who don't see things the Exact Right Way and engage in the fandom the way YOU want them to - fuck that. It's just a pattern at this point, all through the fandom.
We've had people who had a bad experience be told that they shouldn't mind, shouldn't care, shouldn't give a shit (they ended up leaving of course!), we've had fans with social justice issues they *dared* to bring up being talked over, talked down to, and nudged aside (they're gone now too! don't worry!). And we've just had people like me get so fucked up about it they can barely enjoy the fandom after while, but are too stubborn to completely leave. This is not a nice place, this is not a "be your mythical best" place. This is just another terrible fandom culture.
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lingthusiasm · 1 year
Transcript Episode 75: Love and fury at the linguistics of emotions
This is a transcript for Lingthusiasm episode ‘Love and fury at the linguistics of emotions’. It’s been lightly edited for readability. Listen to the episode here or wherever you get your podcasts. Links to studies mentioned and further reading can be found on the episode show notes page.
Lauren: Welcome to Lingthusiasm, a podcast that’s enthusiastic about linguistics! I’m Lauren Gawne.
Gretchen: I’m Gretchen McCulloch. Today, we’re getting enthusiastic about the linguistics of emotions. But first, thank you to everyone who recommended us for our anniversary episode!
Lauren: We’ve enjoyed sharing six years of Lingthusiasm with you. It’s always nice to see you share it with other people who need a little more linguistics in their lives.
Gretchen: Our most recent bonus episode was about using pseudo olde-y time-y English for fun and vibes.
Lauren: Hither thee to patreon.com/lingthusiasm to listen to all our bonus episodes and help keep the show ad-free
Gretchen: Lauren, I have a sort of philosophical question. Do you think emotions are things like numbers, like things that sort of exist at some level out in the world, or things that are more like food where what constitutes food is really culturally specific?
Lauren: I’m gonna answer your philosophical question with some linguistic data.
Gretchen: Amazing.
Lauren: There is a really great paper that has looked at how different cultures carve up the emotion space in terms of the words they use for different emotions.
Gretchen: That sounds like a really interesting way of answering that question.
Lauren: This was a project from Joshua Conrad Jackson and a whole team who looked at how different languages group together different emotions into a single word – a process that they call “colexification.”
Gretchen: If we take a non-emotional, more concrete example of this to start, for example, a word like “pueblo” in Spanish could be translated into English with either “people” or “village.” This suggests that these two concepts may be more closely linked in Spanish where “pueblo” can mean both of these things versus in English where you have two words and treat them as more distinct concepts.
Lauren: Or Japanese has “shima” for “community” or “island.” Again, two things that we have as separate words in English put together in the same word in another language.
Gretchen: The inverse can also be the case. There’re things that English puts together as one word that another language might split.
Lauren: Oh my gosh, in terms of emotions, the one that I think feeds a lot of the English romance novel tradition is the fact that the word “love” can mean so many different types of love, which causes all kinds of confusion in romance novels, maybe daily life.
Gretchen: You have romantic love, familial love, things like – so in Spanish, you have “querer,” which is more like love you have for your friends or family, and “amar,” which is more like I’m “in love” with someone. English doesn’t really distinguish between these.
Lauren: Indeed.
Gretchen: I think Ancient Greek distinguishes between “agape” and “philia” and various other types of love. Again, English isn’t distinguishing between these at a lexical level, which isn’t to say that English speakers aren’t aware at some level that there’re multiple kinds of love, just like speakers of other languages can be aware that there are different kinds of other emotions even when there’s one word for them.
Lauren: It’s just what emotions tend to be closely associated with each other because they share a word as a label. In Persian – to move beyond “love” – Persian has a single word that encompasses the concepts of both grief and regret, whereas if you turn to a language like Dargwa, grief is more closely linked with what we would translate as the concept of anxiety. You can see how grief might relate to both regret or anxiety, but these languages have grouped those together in different ways.
Gretchen: That’s a really interesting thing about this study that they’re drawing these maps at the level of a language family showing that certain language families have certain tendencies in terms of which concepts they’re associating with each other. They’ve got a map of Austronesian languages, which are spoken in the South Pacific and Southeast Asia, and they’ve got fear and surprise as linked together on their emotional map.
Lauren: Whereas for the languages of the Nakh-Daghestani group, which is in the area of the Caucasus which runs down from Russia through to Turkey, they have fear linked with anxiety and grief.
Gretchen: Right. Which is a different level of, maybe, positivity when it comes to what you’re associating fear with, whether it’s grief and anxiety or whether it’s surprise. Maybe you have a bit of a different cultural association around fear.
Lauren: One of the things I really appreciate about these maps is that you tend to find that languages will have very similar maps of emotions in this way to other languages that they are related to historically but also other languages that are just in the geographic area, and it makes me feel really positive about the possibility of understanding your neighbour because there’re these tendencies that happen within particular regions.
Gretchen: Aw, that’s really charming. Even if you don’t necessarily speak languages that come from a common ancestor that people seem to converge on emotion words when they’re in contact with people who speak something that’s in their area.
Lauren: But the authors are very clear to point out that even though we see these tendencies, there’s still so much variation between even related languages in how we carve up the emotion space and that each language does things from its own particular perspective.
Gretchen: And like we saw with “love” in English, just because a language uses the same word for two concepts that are distinguishable doesn’t necessarily mean that speakers aren’t distinguishing between them in other ways.
Lauren: Indeed.
Gretchen: Ideally, it seems like it would be really cool if we could do this from a historical perspective as well because if we’re finding languages that are historically related or geographically related have similar emotion words, then it seems like looking through history would be a fun way of looking at that.
Lauren: You would be correct in thinking that is a fun thing to do. But one of the biggest challenges that we have is that, historically, people weren’t really focused on using labels to talk about emotions or to interrogate emotions in written records, which is unfortunately all we have left until we figure out time travel.
Gretchen: Definitely something I’d do with a time machine. You get historic texts with something like a character weeping or wailing or tearing their hair or wailing and gnashing of teeth, but you’re less likely to get something like “felt surprise” or “felt angry” or this sort of detailed psycho-analytic parsing of emotion.
Lauren: Yeah, if we look at historical records, a lot of written records were just, “These people did these things at this time,” and then if it is something about a myth or a story of people, it is very much about the performance of actions. Those actions might be associated with emotions but not a lot of talking about the emotions or the internal states themselves.
Gretchen: It’s interesting to think of how that changes as literary traditions change. You have going from “This character was wailing and crying and tearing their hair out,” to maybe a Shakespearean character giving a soliloquy, to characters in novels or things that have stream-of-consciousness style where it’s actually trying to replicate what’s going on in terms of someone’s emotional state. That’s a fairly recent development in the history of literature.
Lauren: Unfortunately, it means those historical perspectives are still very open questions.
Gretchen: Again, something to put in the linguistics time machine box.
Lauren: It does make you realise just how culturally mediated our experience of emotions are and how we might label them and we might talk about them. That’s something that kids have to learn as they are growing up in the languages and the environments that they are being raised in.
Gretchen: There’s this really fun paper about how kids learn emotion words and develop their emotional expressions, and I think the thing that’s the most fun about this is that it puts into academic words what is probably familiar territory for a lot of people if you’ve met a few kids. Here’s a few quotes from this paper. It says, “By the time language begins, towards the end of the first year, emotional expression is already well-established. Children do not need to learn the names of the emotions in order to tell other people what they are feeling.”
Lauren: So, as a translation, just because kids don’t know the word for “sad” doesn’t mean that they can’t be very, very sad at you by screaming in your face.
Gretchen: [Laughs] Yeah, I think that’s basically what it’s saying.
Lauren: Hm, yeah, that makes sense to me.
Gretchen: “But they do need to learn the language to tell other people what their feelings are about. Language does not replace emotional expression, rather children learn language for expressing and articulating the objects and circumstances of their emotional experiences while they continue to express emotion with displays of positive and negative affective tone.”
Lauren: Kids can laugh and cry.
Gretchen: And throw screaming tantrums on the floor, yeah.
Lauren: And throw absolute meltdowns. But they have to learn to talk about these things as well, which is why so many children’s books spend so much time talking about the emotions and the feelings of the characters because it’s a really great space to practice doing that in.
Gretchen: There’s so many interesting spaces for figuring out what particular emotions are. I think one of the tools that’s also used for adults is an emotion wheel. You have this round circle that has – on all of the different spokes around the wheel in often various fun colours – different names of emotions. They try to categorise them by major emotions, or major emotional categories, and to minor and more refined bits of different emotions.
Lauren: Oh, I’ve definitely seen one of these emotion wheels for sure.
Gretchen: I think therapists use them sometimes or teachers or educators to try to help scaffold people into talking about emotions. But the thing that fascinates me as a linguist is that there are many emotion wheels, and they’re not all the same.
Lauren: Because you would expect that there are some really prototypical emotion categories that we can break down into more complex or nuanced emotions.
Gretchen: Right. But which categories different emotion wheels think of as “prime” categories or “primitive” categories that everything else is a refinement of seems to vary depending on the emotion wheel. I saw one that has “happy” and “sad” and “angry” as your basic emotions, and then another one that has things like “peaceful” and “powerful” and “joyful” as your basic emotions.
Lauren: Oh, wow. They’re very different. I feel like those people are trying to aspire to some kind of abstract synthesis of different emotion types.
Gretchen: Right. It’s kind of like are you starting with the kid emotions that maybe you learn really early or are you starting with an abstract synthesis. A lot of them end up in fairly similar places. Both of these wheels have “proud,” but one of them puts “proud” under “powerful,” and the other one “proud” under “happy.” I mean, you could also think of “proud” in some contexts as a negative emotion, so putting it under a particular overarching category is making a theoretical statement.
Lauren: The thing I find interesting about these emotion wheels is that they often try very hard to have half the wheel be positive emotions and half the wheel be negative emotions. I was thinking about this, and there is one study I’ve tracked down that’s looked at English and Spanish in terms of how many positive and negative emotion words there are. They find for both languages that there are negative skews in terms of the number of words that we have and the number of words we use to talk about negative emotions, which makes sense because if things are going fine, it’s fine, and if things aren’t going fine, you need a lot more words to explain that.
Gretchen: I think there’s a Tolstoy quote about how every happy family is the same and every unhappy family is different in various different ways.
Lauren: Or maybe it’s just that they have more words to explain their unhappiness.
Gretchen: But maybe you need words to talk about exactly the precise degrees to which you are unhappy. Also, like with the pride thing, I don’t know if all emotions can be strictly characterised between being positive or negative or being good or bad. Our negative emotions are still there to tell us something. An emotion like “Schadenfreude,” which is pleasure in someone else’s misfortune, is that a positive emotion or a negative emotion? Emotions can also be complex.
Lauren: I think that’s one of the important things to understand about emotions is that it’s not just kids that have to learn labels for emotions. Coming to understand them and coming to find words to express them is really a bit of a lifespan project. I think about how, as I’m getting older, I’m coming to understand really nuanced and complex emotions like one that I can only describe as “happy crying,” which is a thing that, as I get older, I find myself doing more. I’m like, I’m very confused because this is not an emotion I learnt in a kid’s book or I learnt early on or I have a go-to label for but is definitely part of my life as I find myself in more situations where I’m, like, happy but weirdly crying about it.
Gretchen: I feel like as a kid I would sometimes see adults doing happy crying and being like, “What’s going on here?” And now I’m like, “Oh, I know what this is.” The same thing for emotions like nostalgia. The depths of nostalgia that I can arrive at continue to grow as I have more things to be nostalgic about.
Lauren: Indeed. That one is gonna be a real lifespan project, isn’t it.
Gretchen: I think it’s also good to point out that there are different routes and paths and paces to the process of figuring out emotions and how to label them. I recently learned the word “alexithymia,” which is a condition where you have difficulty connecting with and labelling your emotions. I think it can be validating to know that there are words for even the very process of finding it difficult to put words to your emotions.
Lauren: “Alexithymia” is a new word for me, but I feel like it’s something that could help people make a lot of sense of the way they experience the world and process emotions.
Gretchen: There’s also some interesting research on bilingual people and their experience of emotion terms.
Lauren: I guess we talked earlier about how different languages carve up the emotion space, and so having access to emotion vocabularies in different languages that do different things might help with different perspectives on that.
Gretchen: Another thing that seems to really affect people is the order and context in which they learned different emotional words in different languages. It often seems to happen that when people learned a language young or with family, they have stronger emotional associations with that language’s emotion words, like I think with swear words where if you’ve been exposed to that swear word in its context a lot, you have a stronger emotional reaction to it. This can be either helpful in the context where, if you’re trying to be extra affectionate with someone, like say you’re having kids, and you wanna talk about particularly affectionate words, you wanna do that in a language that feels very intimate and affectionate for you, but then also sometimes it can be helpful for people to use that second or third language and have more emotional distance from a concept and make it easier to talk about without getting overwhelmed by emotions.
Lauren: There’re absolutely advantages in some contexts to feeling a little bit less of an emotional punch when you’re using these big emotion words or having big conversations about emotions and feelings. I can see how it’s both a useful thing sometimes and a bit of a, like, the distance is unhelpful sometimes.
Gretchen: There’s one quote from somebody who says, “I have a preference for French. When my children were born, I wanted to use English just so they would be accustomed to it from an early age, but I just couldn’t. It sounded untrue.” That’s the sort of affectionate side.
Lauren: Then the flip side is a Russian speaker who was reflecting on the fact that saying, “I love you,” in English is somewhat easier than when they were trying to say, “I love you,” in Russian. I’m just like, “Oof.” As someone for whom English is the most easy-to-access emotion language for me, the idea that English is an easy language to say that in does not work in my model of emotions at all. Which language you have more emotional access to, I guess, really depends on your upbringing.
Gretchen: I think that’s something that is difficult when it comes to trying to teach computers about how to understand emotions.
Lauren: Yes, given that they, as far as we can tell so far, have access to no actual emotions regardless of which language they start with.
Gretchen: You give them a whole bunch of data, give them a whole bunch of emotion words, but then if they’re trying to understand something that requires a bit more context like sarcasm or being hyper-negative for emphasis, they fall apart.
Lauren: This weird thing we do with language as humans is play with it, and part of playing with it sometimes is – we talked about some things are ambiguously positive or negative depending on context, but we can actually use highly negative language to be positive because we’re trying to get people’s attention. For example, I could say something like, “That puppy is disgustingly cute. I hate it.”
Gretchen: I know not just from the context of “puppy” and “cute” but also from the way you’re saying it, your tone of voice, your context, that you’re actually very positive about this puppy.
Lauren: “It’s so cute!”
Gretchen: “I can’t handle it!” This gets to another facet of talking about emotion which is how the emotions come out from our tone of voice not just from the words we label them from.
Lauren: It’s not just what we say, it’s how we say it.
Gretchen: There are some acoustic studies about the effect of smiling on various physical parts of the sound signal.
Lauren: Ah, okay, because I feel like there’s always this advice to smile to sound upbeat, and I just thought that was someone trying to be annoying. But you’re saying there are actually observable features that happen if we smile while we’re talking.
Gretchen: Well, why don’t we try something. If I say the same sentence twice – and I’ll try to say it as similar as possible – but one time I’m smiling, and the other time I’m not, and you can see if you can guess which one I’m smiling on.
Lauren: Excellent. Very handy this is a podcast, and we can’t see what you’re doing with your mouth.
Gretchen: Exactly. Number One: “This is an example sentence.” Number Two: “This is an example sentence.”
Lauren: Oh my gosh, you were smiling on the second one.
Gretchen: I was.
Lauren: There was almost nothing else that was different. It was exactly the same intonation.
Gretchen: I was really trying so hard.
Lauren: You were a very good experimental sentence-producer, but there was something different about that second sentence.
Gretchen: Yeah, and that is that smiling seems to increase the pitch a little bit – for all speakers – and then for some speakers, it also makes things a little bit louder or a little bit more extremes between the highest and lowest pitch, and that they seem to be heard as smiling because smiling does change the shape of you mouth, and it changes the sounds as it comes out of it.
Lauren: I guess when people say you should smile to sound like you’re more enthusiastic, I should actually take that advice. It’s pretty good advice. It checks out.
Gretchen: I guess so. Do you wanna hear what some other acoustic correlates of emotions are?
Lauren: Sure. Let’s start with “anger” to go for something very different.
Gretchen: Right. First of all, there are two kinds of anger. You have cold anger and hot anger.
Lauren: So, icy rage and spicy rage.
Gretchen: Oh, I think so. Cold anger, that’s a very stern anger, is produced with a lower pitch, higher intensity, and more energy, whereas hot anger, which is a blowing-your-top-off, losing-your-temper-type anger –
Lauren: That’s our spicy rage.
Gretchen: That’s our spicy rage – is produced with a higher, more varied pitch, rather than being a low grumble is a higher, more varied pitch, and even greater energy than cold anger.
Lauren: I never really thought about the fact that anger – again, thinking about what emotions we pack into a single word, I never thought about the fact we have two very different things that we label as “anger” but are expressed in our tone of voice very differently.
Gretchen: Even though we’re calling them both “anger,” we have this sense of what these two varieties are and how to produce them differently. Then, fear is produced with a higher pitch, less variation in terms of up and down pitch variation, and lower energy, and a faster speech rate, which makes sense to me because you sort of [higher pitch] “Uhhhhh fear.”
Lauren: Yeah. I like that it’s a higher pitch like our hot anger, but it has lower energy. There’re all these different parameters that we are manipulating when we show emotion in our voices.
Gretchen: Then sadness is also produced with a higher pitch, less intensity, but more energy and more pauses of longer duration. But this seems to be English specific because there’s also a Japanese study where speakers, especially female speakers, use a lower pitch for sadness. There may be also culturally specific aspects to some of these acoustic correlates of emotions.
Lauren: Just like we learn different words and different associations for those words across different cultures we also learn to express our emotions in different ways.
Gretchen: And in ways that are legible to other people in our culture so that they recognise, yeah, this is spicy rage, or this is icy rage, or this is fear, or sadness, or something like that.
Lauren: I assume even with the cultural differences, for spoken languages, we’re still all operating with the one vocal tract, and signed languages, we’re still all operating with the one body that’s gonna respond to emotions in particular ways. I assume even though we’ve been mostly talking about English for those previous emotions, there are some patterns that occur across languages.
Gretchen: Yeah. There’s another study that compared how people identify emotions in three languages – English, German, and Arabic – and found that speakers of the other languages were still pretty good at identifying which emotion was being expressed in a phrase in a language they didn’t understand. There’re certainly some levels of cultural comparison here for sure.
Lauren: I feel like I can watch a film in a language I don’t speak and know if someone is in a fit of spicy rage. That checks out for me.
Gretchen: Yeah, I think so. The study that I find both very validating and very disturbing about how emotional tone of voice affects people is also based on how people perceive particular tones.
Lauren: Okay, so we’ve talked about how there’s this tendency to produce emotional tone of voice in a particular way, but that has an effect on the people that we are speaking to or that hear that use of speech.
Gretchen: Right. This study was a very classic psych study paradigm, you know, you come into a lab, you have a computer screen, you have a voice telling you to press a particular button, one of two buttons, and the commands to press a particular button were said with either neutral prosody, happy prosody, or angry prosody.
Lauren: Oh, no. No. that sounds very stressful.
Gretchen: The angry voice tells you to press the red button, and you’re like, “Oh no!”
Lauren: I feel very stressed thinking about this research paradigm.
Gretchen: And then sometimes they would just vary up whether they give you the happy voice or the angry voice or the neutral voice sort of randomly, and then sometimes they’d give you the angry voice after you’d messed up pressing the previous button.
Lauren: Oh no, this is very stressful.
Gretchen: This is so stressful. Like, you’ve brought your participants into the lab to yell at them. They found that, sure enough, people do have slower responses to the angry prosody, and even slower responses when the angry prosody was given after they had previously messed up, and they actually thought the computer was kind of angry at them.
Lauren: People really are affected by tone of voice.
Gretchen: Right. On the one hand, I find this study very stressful because, yeah, you’re gonna bring your participants into the lab to yell at them. I hope they debriefed them and gave them a cookie afterwards or something.
Lauren: The thing that reassures me about university research is that it has to be cleared by a committee that look at the ethical implications of it. Doing this kind of work does require you to make sure your participants are okay afterwards.
Gretchen: That’s really reassuring, actually. But also, I feel kind of validated by this study because I think you do have an emotional reaction when someone says something to you in angry tone of voice that it’s nice to know that other people are also feeling that, and you can measure it this very psychologically validated way. It’s not just this feeling in the pit of your stomach, or this tightness in your chest isn’t just “Oh, this is me, and I shouldn’t be having this reaction to this emotional tone of voice.” It’s like, no, this is a normal human way to feel when someone is having an emotion at you is to feel an emotion in response – and for that to affect your ability to respond to things.
Lauren: I guess, also, a good reminder that when you are in a fit of spicy rage that you’re having an effect on the people who are around you.
Gretchen: Absolutely. That’s one of the things that I find really validating about talking about emotions from a linguistic perspective. The fact that there are all these words for emotions reminds us that we’re not alone, that other people have had and labelled and shared feelings like ours before. Sometimes, it’s finding the right life experience or the right labels for our feelings, and sometimes just thinking about the linguistics of emotion words reminds us that we don’t have to be alone with our feelings. We can feel more connected with other people by talking about them whether that’s in a private journal or diary, whether that’s reading about other people’s emotions or experiencing them through media like movies and music, or simply by thinking about the words that we use and how they connect us with other people who’ve also used them.
Gretchen: For more Lingthusiasm and links to all the things mentioned in this episode, go to lingthusiasm.com. You can listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube, or wherever else you get your podcasts. You can follow @lingthusiasm on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr. You can get IPA scarves, “Not Judging Your Grammar, Just Acquiring It” baby outfits, and other Lingthusiasm merch at lingthusiasm.com/merch. I can be found as @GretchenAMcC on Twitter, my blog is AllThingsLinguistic.com, and my book about internet language is called Because Internet.
Lauren: I tweet and blog as Superlinguo. Have you listened to all the Lingthusiasm episodes, and you wish there were more? You can get access to an extra Lingthusiasm episode to listen to every month plus our entire archive of bonus episodes to listen to right now at patreon.com/lingthusiasm or follow the links from our website. Have you gotten really into linguistics, and you wish you had more people to talk with about it? Patrons can also get access to our Discord chatroom to talk with other linguistics fans. Plus, all our patrons help keep the show ad-free. Recent bonus topics include a chat with Liz McCullough about linguistics and SciComm, a world tour of children learning languages, and playful ye olde-y English. If you can’t afford to pledge, that’s okay, too. We also really appreciate it if you can recommend Lingthusiasm to anyone in your life who’s curious about language.
Gretchen: Lingthusiasm is created and produced by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Our Senior Producer is Claire Gawne, our Editorial Producer is Sarah Dopierala, and our Production Assistant is Martha Tsutsui-Billins. Our music is “Ancient City” by The Triangles.
Lauren: Stay lingthusiastic!
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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ffjj5 · 2 years
Colour me intrigued and call me David.
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Possibly showing my age here but The Lost Boys is my vampire movie of choice always.
Jungkook's photo is dark and gothic, and I am loving the dark era BTS.
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It looks like we could be seeing the return of JK's other passion, taking pictures/filming and editing and he is damn good at it.
As a stand alone project or as part of his album release we don't know but either way I am excited. He has an eye for photography, filming and editing and with the lack of GCF's recently this will be a welcome gift.
Jungkook's art is always there to say something, it is intentional with its look and sound.
The similarities between Tokyo and Osaka, Japan is a special place for Jimin and JK.
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And Saipan was beautiful 🥰
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Now before anyone starts throwing their toys out of the pram I am aware Jimin wasn't the only one in the Saipan and Osaka G.C.F's but this is a Jikook blog so....
Plus Jimin has said himself he is the main model in JK's work
And I'm not 100% convinced by Jungkook's attempt to say that Jimin isn't his main model but a nice try JK 🤣.
There are A LOT of examples of Jimin being JK's main model over the years but that's for another time.
Anyway I digress, whatever is coming our way from Jungkook I am excited, he is a very talented and intelligent young man who, dare I say, is often underestimated by parts of the fandom. I feel he has a lot he wants to say and things he wants to address. When you can't say something outright then art is the perfect way to express it 🌈
Vampires and sexuality have a history, they are seen by some as an embodiment of the cultural fears of the time including homosexuality. In times of extreme repression and fear for gay people, authors and artists have used their vampire characters as a metaphor for their own hidden sexuality and as an outlet for self-expression.
I may be reading too much into this but that's my nature, I'm curious and I want to know more.
Jungkook I am ready for whatever your wonderful mind has created for us.
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