#especially of the format “bad boy/girl who can fix him”
beevean · 1 month
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I love when the Writing is so Peak that it pretty much gaslights you <3
anyway N!Lisa may be a classist dick but not even she deserves to be married to a man she sees as a devil. what's with this show and trying to paint obviously unhealthy abusive relationships as the cutest thing just because there's some mild banter between them
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citydreamgrls · 4 years
yes, captain
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fred weasley x fem!reader
words: 2,675
a/n: thank you so much for all the love on ‘a christmas treat’ it’s been crazy how many of you enjoyed it <333
warnings: smut , 18+ 
“What do you mean he’s sick?” The twins cried out in unison. I had heard voices before I’d reached the common room, but seeing them shocked wasn’t what I had been expecting. In fact it was a rarity to see them surprised at all.
“What’s up?” I asked them both, just as Lee was leaving. George had his head in his hands and Fred’s lip was blatantly chewed up.
“Wood’s sick, he’s off for 2 weeks.” He explained.
“Oh shit, that’s not good. So does that mean you two ar-”
“Co-captains.” They groaned in unison, used to having people follow them but not usually having to be in charge of anyone.
I put my arms around Fred, who was still in his quidditch uniform from practice, and gave him a much needed hug.
“You guys will be great, I’m sure of it.” I promised the twins, letting them clean up before dinner.
“So… how does it feel to have a boyfriend who’s the quidditch captain.” Hermione teased me, finding this to be more interesting than her book of all things.
“Fred’s co-captain, remember, and besides they only found out today.”
Harry came and sat in front of us with Ron as his side, who was more bothered by his food than his older brothers.
“I think they’ll be great captains,” Harry said, excited to have the troublemakers taking charge.
“Well of course you’d say that,” Hermione scoffed, opening her book again.
“What do you mean?” I asked. Ron looked up, clearing his throat as though to speak but the girl beside me cut him off before he had the chance.
“Harry’s the team’s seeker, he just has to do his job. That’s easy. It’s the chasers that cause trouble, they’re always squabbling over who goes where and how many goals each of them scores.”
“Yeah, what Hermione said.” Ron rolled his eyes and carried on eating.
“Guess we’ll see tomorrow afternoon eh?” Harry sighed.
“Do you think you guys will be ready for the match against Ravenclaw?” I asked.
“Hard to tell, we’ve got some time… but we’re out of a keeper now Wood’s off sick.” He huffed.
Just on cue both Fred and George turned up, looking as confident as ever as people congratulated them on their temporary promotion. Fred sat down beside me, giving me a kiss quickly before any of the others could complain.
“Ron, we need you to be our keeper.” George told his younger brother without hesitating.
Poor boy almost choked on a mouthful of potato when he realised what the twin had told him. Harry had to slap his back to get him to look alive again, making Hermione giggle from behind her book.
“Yes you, come to practice tomorrow and we’ll see if you’re any good.” Fred added, giving my hand a squeeze under the table.
“So I guess this means you’ll be too busy with captain duties,” I teased Fred as he tried to write an essay on the common room sofa.
“Oh yes, too busy for girlfriends. Especially when I have so many.”
I rolled my eyes and mindlessly played with his long hair.
“You don’t have the energy for too many girlfriends, me and George are enough for you.”
“You’re not wrong.”
He closed his potions book with a sigh and threw it to his feet, finally able to relax a little bit and lay with his head in my lap.
“Are you nervous Fred?”
“About what?”
“About being captain silly, you do have a practice tomorrow remember?”
“Oh no it slipped my mind, because I really have so much more going on right now.” He huffed sarcastically.
“I’ll take that as a yes then,” I laughed and he nodded sheepishly. “It’ll be fine, I said I’d help Ginny with some homework tomorrow though so I can’t come and watch.”
“That’s actually a bit of a relief, I’d hate to embarrass myself in front of you.” Fred sighed.
“You’re the most confident person I know, not to mention the goofiest. When have you ever been worried about embarrassing yourself?” I pointed out, and he couldn’t help but agree.
The next day, after practice, the team filed into the common room kinda quietly. Making both Hermione and I frown at their sudden gloomy nature.
Fred and George were last and stopped at the two of us leaning up at them on the sofa.
“How was it?” I asked, still hopeful.
“Pretty bad,” George grunted before kicking off his boots and flopping into an armchair.
“Two of the chasers got into a fight and targeted each other any time we tried to play, it was useless!” Fred exclaimed as I played with his quidditch robes.
“Told you so.” Hermione hissed, but I just ignored her.
“They’re bound to be a bit unruly, it’s probably because they’re used to Wood.” I tried to reason with them, but neither twin seemed convinced by my theory. “It’ll get better.” I whispered to Fred.
It could’ve been possible that I cursed it, because things seemed to spiral from then on. Ron had doubts about being a keeper, Harry was always turning up to practices late and leaving early. The chasers refused to talk to one another, and things just took a turn for the worse when the twins started to argue over how to fix things.
It was 3 days before the match and the team was more divided than ever before. Making Fred feel responsible for the downfall.
“It was two weeks, that was it. And I couldn’t even control things for one day!” He complained aloud as I sat on his bed, hoping he would chill out a bit. I opened my arms, letting him crawl into them as if he was a child.
“I’m helpless y/n.” He huffed.
“No you’re not.” George walked in, saw his brother and immediately went to walk back out. They had been avoiding each other ever since their argument, and it was time for things to go back to normal.
“Oi stop right there.” Both boys froze as I spoke, I moved Fred off me and stood up. Not that it was intimidating to either of them, but it was worth a try. “You two need to forget whatever you were mad about and forgive each other, because nothing’s gonna go right if neither of you can agree.” I stated, their heads hung in the realisation that what I was saying was right.
“If we did things my way we could actually win.” Fred grumbled from his bed.
“I don’t care,” George seemed caught off guard that I wouldn’t immediately take my boyfriend’s side. “If you did win, it wouldn’t feel as good than if you did it together.”
“She’s right.” The boy by the door finally spoke up, holding a hand out to his brother. Fred shook it with an awkward smile. “Sorry Georgie.”
“Now. let’s figure out what to do with this team.” I sighed.
After a whole night of negotiating, Fred and George settled on a game plan and went to the last practice with hope in their hearts. Hermione  and y/n watched them fly about from the stands, unable to hear the boys talk, but unable to spot any problems as they played through the upcoming match.
Once it was over Fred came straight over to y/n. He was grinning wider than she’d seen all month.
“Better?” She laughed.
“So much better.”
“I like seeing you happy,” The girl told her boyfriend later that night, promising not to keep him up too late. They needed to be awake early of course. Her and Fred were standing at the top of the astronomy tower looking over the grounds as the sun went down.
“Thank you for helping us,” He whispered. He loomed behind her and rested his arms on the balcony in front of her, caging her in.
“Yeah well you owe me, big time.”
“Oh don’t worry, you’ll get a reward.” He smirked, making a chill run down her spine.
They’d had sex before, plenty of times, and many after winning games. But something more rested on this game, if he won there would be an even bigger feeling of achievement for the boy. Who was usually quite happy to take sidelines as one of the two beaters in the team. Now, he was a captain and it would look good if he won.
“Stay with me tonight?” He asked y/n.
“I shouldn’t distract you, rest is the only thing you need Fred.”
“It’s not what I want though,” She felt his body press up against her and she wondered whether getting fucked by him up there would be all that bad. However, she decided to wait, knowing it would be even better after they won.
“Fred. I’ll see you in the morning okay?” y/n smiled and slipped out from under his trap, giving his cheek a kiss and running off.
“Oi, that’s not a proper goodnight. Come back here!” He called out with laughter, a chase beginning on the twisting steps back down to the castle.
Hermione always claimed she couldn’t care less about quidditch, but as soon as she saw Ron as Gryffindor’s keeper she suddenly became yet another teenage girl screaming his name in support. Y/n laughed, seeing her friend switch up so quickly.
Then again, her voice always went hoarse after cheering on Fred and George so violently it sometimes felt like she’d never talk again. But she would never do it differently. Seeing the twins in their captain’s robes made her heart swell with pride, especially when Fred flew past their stand to give her a wink like he did before every game. It was practically tradition by this point.
“Go Fred!!!!” She screamed as he swung his bat around, sending bludgers flying through the air and towards Ravenclaw’s chasers. One of them almost fell to the ground trying to dodge it, and in turn losing possession of the quaffle to the Gryffindor chasers who had finally learnt to work together. They flew in formation, passing the ball between one another to throw off the other team. Then as one of them went to score, the other two held off opposing beaters so they could score.
To Hermione’s joy; Ron was amazing. He barely let a single goal in, kicking them off and thwacking them away with his broom. After a while he began to show off, but no one minded because he still managed to defend the goal.
Fred and George were working their asses off trying to hit off bludgers, not stopping for a single second to notice what else was going on. Y/n could watch her boyfriend work like that all day, his face laced with determination and joy whenever he hit one off successfully. Even more so whenever they scored another goal. Ravenclaw had never had a chance against them.
The match ended as always, with Harry just about catching the snitch before the other team’s seeker got there. He flew down to find the team hugging one another in joy, the rest of Gryffindor house racing from the stands to join the celebration. It wasn’t long before Fred and George were carried back to the common room, their names being chanted like gods.
Y/n caught a flash of her boyfriend’s red hair disappearing into the crowd as her and Hermione followed the flow of people into the castle.
“There you are!” Fred had called, finally finding y/n amongst the people partying later that night. “Thought you’d sacked me off.”
“As if, you’re the winning captain now I’m basically a celebrity by default!” She joked, taking the drink from his hand and sipping it hesitantly.
“Oi, what was that for?” He complained.
“I don’t trust my own drinks round you and George.”
“You’ve learnt then,”
“Yep, the hard way.” He smirked at my words and pulled me aside to talk quietly.
“Speaking of hard things, I’m on an absolute power high and really need you.” He said, never one to beat around the bush, well they’d done it once in a bush.
“Give me 10 minutes,” she told him.
“I’ll be waiting in the secret hallway, near potions?” y/n nodded and Fred disappeared off to wait for her, hoping no one would stop him on his way there.
Y/n went up to her dorm room, quickly knocking back a few shots before fixing her makeup and making her hair look less flat. Hermione saw her sneak through the common room and sent her a wink, making the girl blush as she slipped out into the main castle.
It was a Saturday night, and everyone would be gathered in their common rooms by now if there wasn’t already a party going on, so the castle was quiet as she walked through it. Footsteps sounded from somewhere in front of her. The girl slipped inside the transfiguration class, keeping the door just ajar to see filch walk past. Seconds past before she ran back out and straight to the secret passageway her and Fred had discovered a few months prior.
“Fred?” She called out quietly, not able to see him yet. He came out of the shadows with a smirk on his face and rested on the cold stone wall.
“Hello beautiful.” He said, as she took no time to jump on him. Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist, immediately enthralled in his kiss and the slight taste of licorice that seemed to constantly linger on his tongue.
“It’s been so- so hard not to just come f-fuck you right away,” She moaned admittedly between breaths, struggling to speak over the sheer lust coursing through her body.
Fred’s hands played across her neck, rough as always from the cold air, and travelled across her body. He didn’t dare waste time taking off clothes, and grabbed her waist to push her away. She gasped at the sudden lack of touch, but obeyed his every move as the boy laid himself down on the cold steps. Y/n knew what to do. Fred pulled out his cock as she took off her panties from beneath her skirt. She straddled his lap, letting him slip inside her.
In that moment, as their heads were involuntarily thrown back, both groaned out with immense pleasure. Y/n knew how cocky Fred would get after a quidditch win, this position being their own kind of celebration. But there was something different about the boy this time.
He was pounding harder, and deeper, and encouraging the girl’s sweet moans every time one slipped from between her beautiful lips. She could feel his grip, tighter than ever, leaving little finger sized bruises on her hips as she rocked back and forth.
The sheer size of his cock inside her made y/n tense up, Fred having no choice but to speed up.
She screamed, suddenly very appreciative of the passageways seclusion, her chest heaving as the girl had to take a second to adjust to the growing desire in the pit of her stomach.
“You’re close aren’t you?” Fred laughed, revelling in how good he was making her feel. Y/n could only nod in response, her lip tight in her teeth. The boy laughed again, but she could never feel nervous around him.
A hand came up to her neck, she felt it first before she saw it. He clenched the sides with his long fingers as y/n gasped out. He watched her moan lightly, almost begging incoherently as he got her closer and closer.
One last push with his hand made the girl scream, her pussy tighter than he’d ever felt it before. The boy struggled to hold back much longer, pushing her off so he could cum.
“Fuck,” Fred groaned.
“Please, promise me one thing.” Y/n asked, making her boyfriend frown.
“Never let anyone else be captain again,” She gasped, still worn out from how ruthless he’d been with her.
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heartcal · 3 years
“who do you believe?”; l.h.
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Disclaimer: i didn’t want to write sierra as a bad person because i personally cannot see that, and i know there’s some discourse about her within in the fandom but i don’t want any of that here! so i named the girlfriend after a girl who bullied me in elementary school lol (but another disclaimer: i do not want to see any hate towards the boys’ s/o! pls don’t send any asks that talks bad about them, i will not answer them!)
thank you for requesting! :^)
a/n: while transfering this from microsoft word, the formatting kept screwing up for some reason so if there are some janky paragraphs, i apologize! not too comfortable with this one compared to my previous fic (this feels rushed) but it is long and i did not mean for that to happen lol. enjoy!
if there are any mistakes, please tell me!
pairing(s): not really a mention of luke hemmings x reader but it’s mostly luke hemmings x named gf (rachel/oc) (gender neutral but if i slipped up, please let me know!)
summary: having known luke for years, it was bound to happen eventually. the crush you developed happened before you could stop it, and you did your best to keep it a secret. you told no one, did your best not to show it, so what do you do when his girlfriend finds out?
genre: angst, and mostly angst >:^)
warnings: swearing, luke’s gf being mean, bullying?
wc: 4,057 (she’s a long one)
my masterlist!
You don’t know when it happened, or frankly how it happened, but one thing is for sure: you don’t want to feel this way.
Was it when he bought you a stuffed animal version of a pet you had as a kid, one that you remember so fondly and still tear up about it to this day? Or was it when he would always bring back a certain candy you can only find in its country of origin, and bring as much as customs would allow? Maybe it was when he printed out every photo he could find from the beginning of your friendship to the present day (at that time) and made a scrapbook for your birthday since you cherish memories?
Whatever memory it was, you want to track it down and destroy it. It wasn’t fair that you developed such strong feelings for your best friend, knowing he doesn’t feel the same since he’s taken.
It’s not that he isn’t attractive – far from that because if anything, you wish you could draw just so you can draw him because there’s no way someone can look that good – but it’s more of the fact that he’s your best friend, someone you hold dear to you.
You two grew up together; saw each other’s worst phases, styles, and embarrassing moments (it was well documented towards the middle of the scrapbook). He was with you when you went through bad break-ups, and you with him. Throughout school, you two were inseparable, and when the band got big he made sure to keep you close and to never lose contact. It was hard in the beginning but you two managed.
Now finished with college, you’ve taken on the role of working with the team when they’re on tour and helping plan aesthetics for the next album. He offered the jobs after you struggled to find a job after graduation, and in the end, you enjoyed being with the guys and doing the tasks needed.
Tonight, the band was set to play their new album to an intimate crowd. It was to welcome back old fans and welcome new fans, introducing both sides to a new sound they worked hard on. You couldn’t be any more proud.
You sat on the couch as the guys walked around the room, pepping themselves up and hyping each other. You had finished doing your tasks with the crew and spent your free time watching the band prepare as the audience began to fill in the theater seats.
A nudge on your arm makes you direct your eyes from Michael styling his hair with a nervous expression to the person on your left.
“What’s up?” you asked, smiling at the curly-haired individual.
Luke shrugs, glancing around the room before his eyes land back on you. He has a small smile on his face as he leans back onto the couch, “Nothing.”
You scoff, shaking your head with a smile, “Yeah, sure, ‘nothing,’” you mimic, tilting your head to the side, “I doubt that.”
“What do you want me to say?”
You give him an incredulous look, crossing your arms as you turn to face him. You can tell he’s nervous, like the rest of the team and the band, but he won’t admit it. He’s always wanted others to view him as strong and unbothered, especially when those around him feel off.
He mirrors your position, a smirk on his lips because he knows you’re about to lecture him.
And he’s right.
“Your band has a new album out in a couple of days—an album you guys have worked hard on even when your management gave you shit, mind you—and you’re about to perform a majority of the songs in front of 500. Are you not nervous?”
He shakes his head, smugly smiling as he returns to his position leaning against the couch, watching Ashton dry the wet ends of his hair.
“Liar,” you mumble, uncrossing your arms and taking your phone out to check the time.
“Alright,” Luke sighs, giving in, “maybe I’m a little nervous, but I’m not a wreck.”
He’s still a liar. The success of their last album was astounding, so creating an album to reach that level and hopefully top it was hard enough. Playing it in front of an intimate crowd who may or may not like it was tough.
Luke isn’t cocky. He’s a humble man, but he likes to joke around in stressful situations. He’s used to concerts, so he doesn’t have any anxiety when it comes to performing. But when he is nervous for any reason, he won’t show it. He’ll act cool, completely collected with his head held high in confidence. If he needs to relieve the stress, he’ll either do it himself with a strong pep talk, or he’ll go to you.
“What are you nervous about?” You ask, wanting to make him feel better.
“Will they like it? Will it even chart? Is it too bold?” he continues listing out his insecurities about the album and the performance, finally lifting everything off his chest.
And you listen. The way his eyes stare into yours with slight confidence, covered by worry makes your heart sore. Luke’s kept everything inside and now that he’s listing his grievances, it makes you wonder just what else you can get out of him that he’s kept buried inside.
However, before you can give him your insight on this particular problem, “Luke!”
His head immediately turns to the door, the worry in his eyes fading out into sheer happiness and adoration. Something you’ve always wanted to see directed towards you.
Luke stands arms wide as he captures his girlfriend in his arms for a hug. Her arms wrap around his waist as his arms go around her shoulders, dipping his head down to kiss her on the head.
“I can’t believe you made it!” you hear him speak with excitement, expressing more words of happiness as he guides her to another part of the room.
You don’t miss the way her eyes glare in your direction, and you’re not afraid to give her a look back.
Rachel was nice when you met her. You actually liked her, despite your crush on Luke, and you were rooting for the two. But, a couple months ago during a stressful week, she turned on you. Her attitude towards you shifted, almost as if you had disrespected her and her bloodline. She would always act as if you weren’t in the room, and when plans were made with the boys, she would “accidentally” leave you out. It was embarrassing for you when you’d find out your friends went out, calling you to find out why you didn’t come. Due to the embarrassment, you would go along with it, making up some excuse as to why you were absent.
None of the boys, to your knowledge at least, have caught on to her antics, and you honestly hope they don’t. Whatever it is you did to her, you want to find out for yourself so you can fix it.
With a sigh, you stand from the couch, stretching your arms briefly before wandering to Calum, who stood in the shower room connected to the dressing room.
“Hey,” you greeted him with a warm smile.
He smiles back, finishing his drink before tossing the plastic cup in the trash. He grabs his bass, which was placed on the counter, and holds it out to you.
“You want me to see if it sounds out of tune?” you jokingly ask.
He nods, “Yeah, I feel like one of the chords might be flat.”
You chuckle as you pluck a random chord. His instruments are always tuned before it’s time to play. One of his pre-show nervous ticks was the constant doubt of his instruments being playable.
“It’s fine, Calum.”
The doubt shows on his face as he brings his guitar back to himself, putting it on and checking the chords himself, but it doesn’t last long as Ashton’s voice calls everyone to the center of the room.
Walking with Calum to where the rest of the crew was, you notice how attached Luke was to Rachel. Joint at the hip, arms wrapped around each other; it was annoying.
“Show starts in ten,” Ashton gains your attention, holding up a cup as Michael hands Calum a similar cup before doing the same to Luke. The three follow the drummer’s action as he continues, “let’s make this show fuckin’ awesome.”
The crew cheers, dying down quickly as Michael gives his thoughts, “We worked our asses off for this album, I don’t have any doubts about it. We got this, guys!”
The cheers resume as those with a drink take a celebratory sip before placing their empty cup on a surface near them.
Calum leaves your side to join Michael while Ashton heads to you.
“You excited?” he asks, putting his right arm around your shoulders with a large smile.
“Yeah!” you return the smile, “What about you? Nervous like the others?”
He shakes his head, crinkling his nose, “I’m not too nervous. I’m just happy to play again.”
You’re about to ask him what song he was the most excited to play, starting to get into the conversation but yet again you are interrupted by Rachel.
“Hey, Ash,” she greets him, Luke following close behind her as his arms make their way back around her shoulders again.
“Hi, Rachel,” Ashton nods his head at her – his eyes dance to Luke briefly before returning to Rachel’s, “didn’t think you’d make it.”
“Couldn’t miss your big show,” she smiles, looking up at her boyfriend as she pats his stomach.
Luke laughs, gently pushing her hand away from him, “I’m surprised, too—“ he grabs the guitar a crew member hands him, left arm lifting itself from Rachel’s shoulder as he slips the strap over his head, “—because her schedule did not look clear enough, but here she is.”
“Three minutes,” a different crew member rushes out, patting Luke and Ashton’s shoulders before rushing to tell the others.
“See you after,” Luke shifts his guitar away from Rachel before leaning down to kiss her on the lips – something you wish you didn’t see – and turning around to head out of the dressing room.
Ashton gives you a quick hug, “Excited for the lights,” he mumbles in your ear before turning to Rachel to give her a side hug.
It doesn’t go unnoticed how Rachel’s eyes glared at you by Ashton, but he doesn’t mention it as he heads out with the other guys towards the stage.
As a majority of the crew follow them out, you stay behind to clean up the empty cups and other trash, trying to occupy yourself as Rachel too stayed behind.
Her eyes followed you as you moved about the room, carrying the small plastic bag with you as it fills up with cups and wrappers. You could feel the glare burning into your side and back as you paid her no mind.
When it was just you two left, the bass from their opening song was heard and felt as you finished picking up the garbage.
“For how long have you liked Luke?”
You froze. Your head whipped towards Rachel, wide-eyed as you glanced around the room to make sure it was just the two of you.
“What…what are you talking about?” You can feel an extreme warmth rising up from the bottom of your back, all the way to your face, nervousness clouding your brain as she stares you down.
“Luke—,” she crosses her arms and moves to the couch, “how long have you liked Luke?”
“I don’t—I,” you stutter, your stomach dropping as you realize you’ve been caught.
His girlfriend knows you like him.
“Cut the bullshit,” she spits, “I can see it. You’ve been friends with him for years, you obviously caught feelings for him.”
You shake your head, standing up straight to give off the illusion of confidence. Turning your back to her and towards the door, “I don’t have to talk to you.”
You opted for walking out of the dressing room and go watch the band from the side of the stage, but you made a quick stop in the bathroom to splash cold water on your face.
You did what you could to avoid her during their performance. You knew she was watching you, seething at how you ended the conversation so fast.
Rachel wanted to break you down, find the reason why you like him and separate you two for as long as it takes to make him fall in love with her. She finds you a problem in their relationship because of how close you and Luke are, because of how long you’ve known each other. A threat to her and her relationship.
An hour and a half later, the show is finished and the whoops and cheers from the crowd indicate the album was very well received. That thought swept the interaction with Rachel from earlier under the rug as the boys’ adrenaline spread throughout the crew.
Ashton was first to greet you, sweaty and ready to envelop you in a hug but you’re quick to avoid it, ducking down just as his arms closed around the space where your head was. He laughs it off, heading for his next victim.
Next was Calum, who grabbed a drink from Andy and gulped it down. He had a smile on his face after, only growing wider when he saw you. “I think they liked it!”
“Bass in tune, huh?” you return, patting his back as he passes you to go to the next person.
Michael is the third, taking off his hat (which made you question why he was so worried about his hairstyle that he spent at least fifteen minutes playing with before the show). He stops in front of you, phone in hand as he takes a picture of the two of you: a tradition he started a few tours ago as a joke.
Finally, Luke makes his way towards you, ready to ramble about the show but is brisked away by Rachel. He doesn’t even glance over at you after he’s taken away towards the hall.
Entering the dressing room where the rest of the boys sat, you saw Michael talking animatedly on the phone, Calum laying across the couch with an arm over his eyes, and Ashton wiping off excess sweat with a towel. He was the first one to notice you.
“Ready for that hug?” he asks as you approach him.
“Why not.”
You hug each other, smiling as you pulled away. In the distance, over the cool-down music, you hear Luke’s laughter in the hall. Knowing he’s with Rachel makes you wonder if she’s told him about her suspicions, and that thought alone makes you clam up all over again.
Ashton immediately notices, tilting his head as he asks you what’s wrong.
“Nothing,” you quickly reply, eyes focusing on him.
He notices how jittery you seem, but he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable so he says nothing.
“Guys,” Andy comes in with his camera in hand, “we need to take a few photos.”
The three agree and follow the photographer out. You move to the snack table for a bottle of water, but before you can take a sip, someone clears their throat in the doorway.
You roll your eyes immediately because you know who it is. You don’t pay her any attention and instead take the sip of water you need.
“We need to finish that conversation you oh-so rudely ended,” Rachel moves into the room, keeping her voice down as she crosses her arms.
“We don’t need to finish anything.”
She scoffs, “I asked you a question, and you were so quick to avoid it. I think you’re proving a point.”
“What point?” you turn to look at her, “I know you don’t like me but I don’t know why, can we start with that?”
“Like I said before, I know you like Luke. He’s my boyfriend, and I don’t like how he’s close to you.”
“We grew up together,” you state, standing tall as you glare at her, “of course we’re going to be close.”
“Well I don’t like it,” she huffs.
You shake your head with a sigh, closing the lid to the bottle as you turn your back to her. You were getting angry at the fact that someone who didn’t know Luke as long as you did was hinting that you should stay away from him.
“Stop hanging out with him.”
A curt laugh escapes you before you can stop it, “Are you jealous of our friendship?”
“No,” she smirks, “but I know you’re jealous of our relationship.”
She’s right; you’re only a little jealous of their relationship, but it’s not something you want to risk your friendship with.
You open your mouth to defend yourself, but you’re caught off-guard when nothing comes out. The one opportunity to make her believe you don’t like her boyfriend and you can’t say anything.
Giving up with sinking shoulders, you glance at the door before looking back at her. Grimacing at her knowing smile, “How did you find out?”
She hums, “It was easy. I love him, so I know what it looks like to look at someone you love. You made it so obvious, I’m surprised no one else found out!”
You grit your teeth. You did your damn best to make sure no one, especially Luke or Rachel, know how you feel about him.
“I’m not intimidated by you,” she walks closer to you, arms uncrossing as her hands move to her hips, “but I won’t deny the fact that you and Luke have chemistry.”
“What will it take—” you place the bottle back on the table, “—for you to leave me alone?”
“Do the same to him.”
“Leave him alone, unfriend him,” she shrugs, “simple as that.”
“That’s ridiculous,” you walk around her to the door, ready to end the conversation.
“Do that or I’ll tell him,” with a harsh tone she walks towards you, grabbing your arm to stop you from walking.
“You wouldn’t.”
“Okay,” another voice from the doorway makes the two of you jump, “that’s enough.”
Ashton walks into the room, grabbing Rachel’s hand and removing it from your arm.
“W—” she stutters out as she watches the tall man move to stand in front of you.
“I came back for my drumsticks—” his eyes shift to the object sticking out of his bag before dropping down to Rachel, “—but instead I find you, what, threatening a good friend of ours?”
Rachel is speechless while you’re frozen. It was embarrassing enough for one person to find out about your crush on Luke, but now Ashton might know and you want to go into hiding.
“Let it go,” you tug on Ashton’s shirt to get his attention but he doesn’t move.
“Telling someone who’s known your boyfriend longer than your relationship to just abandon him is low, Rachel. Don’t think the way you’ve been treating our friends has gone unnoticed.”
You hear more footsteps approaching the room, and now you wish the ground can swallow you up. You don’t want all this attention on you.
“What’s happening here?” Michael says as he peeks into the room, Luke behind him as Calum leans against the other side of the doorway.
“Nothing—,” Rachel tries to deflect but with four pairs of eyes on her, it becomes too much. Tears start pouring out, and you’re in disbelief.
How can she be the one crying after she was the one who was rude to you?
Luke immediately rushes in, creating a beeline right to her side to wrap her in his arms.
His eyes dart to yours, an emotion on his face of something you’ve never seen, but you know it’s not good.
“What did you do?”
You’re taken back by his tone and the way his angry eyes stare you down. It hurts because instead of staying neutral and finding out what exactly happened, he immediately chose a side: a side of someone he’s known for only for a short amount of time.
“Mate,” Ashton speaks up for you, “I think you’re asking the wrong person that.”
“No,” Luke’s voice raises, eyes moving from yours to stare into his band mate’s, “I’m asking the right person.”
You swallow the lump in your throat, your eyes welling with tears as the weight of everything happening within the last ten minutes starts to bring you down. Your eyes move away from the ones boring into yours, and with a tremble in your voice, “I didn’t do anything. She’s the one who started—.”
“Bullshit!” Luke’s roar cuts you off, “Absolute bullshit, because if she started it, then why is she the only one crying?!”
The two other guys move in to the room to mediate the situation.
“Luke, calm down,” Michael’s hands raise to the motion of ‘calm down’ as he tries to get Luke’s attention.
“There’s gotta be more to the story,” Calum moves to your side, checking on you briefly.
“Don’t,” Luke states as he watches Calum grab your shoulders to move you out of the room.
“Don’t you think you’re overreacting?” Ashton questions. He watches Luke soothingly rub Rachel’s back, wiping her tears with his free hand.
“My girlfriend is crying and you two were the only ones in here,” Luke replies, gently grabbing Rachel’s arms so he can look directly into her eyes, “what happened, babe?”
“I asked them—,” Rachel sniffles, continuing her façade, “—if they needed any help cleaning the room earlier and they yelled at—at me and told me to go away. Then after the show when you guys went for your photos, I came here to apologize to her, even though I didn’t do anything wrong.”
She was selling it; the tears, the sniffling, the stutters, and hiccups. A great actress who knows what she wants.
“That’s not true,” you inhale, your ears feeling warm and ringing, “she has had a problem with me lately and I don’t know why!”
Luke scoffs, shaking his head, wrapping Rachel in his arms again.
“C’mon,” Michael mumbles, wanting to leave the room.
Ashton turns around, watching your face go from pleading to blank as the tears fall from your eyes. He turns his head to face Luke, “You’re unbelievable,” he grabs your shoulders and starts to move you out of the room, “let’s go.”
Michael is already out of the room, the tension too much for him and ruining the after-show vibe. Calum is waiting by the door ready to help lead you out. Ashton has you turned around, pushing you towards the door.
“Wait, Luke,” you mumble, getting out of Ashton’s hold and turning back to face Luke.
He doesn’t look at you, sighing as he rubs Rachel’s head as it’s against his chest.
“Please,” you plead, begging him to look at you and when he does, you ask, “who do you believe?”
“Who do you believe, Luke,” you gulp with a sniffle, “me or her?”
For a moment, you think you see hesitation. His jaw tenses as he stares you down, his best friend for years and someone he turned to when times got tough. He then looks down at the girl in his arms, someone he loves crying into his chest.
He sighs again, this time soft, before looking up to meet your eyes. He does notice the tears, the pain etched on your face as his other best friends watch them. “I believe Rachel.”
“This is fucking stupid,” Ashton mutters as he gently grabs your shoulders again to lead you out of the room.
You let the tears fall freely, not meeting any of the boys’ eyes as you kept your head face down.
You’ve lost your best friend. He chose someone else over you, a lie he chose to believe.
Whatever it was that made you catch feelings for your best friend, you wish you can find it and destroy it, along with any other memory you’ve made with him. After tonight, you want him erased from your cherished memories.
part two!
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remuswriting · 4 years
secret relationship; h. shouyou
Summary: Hinata and male reader boyfriend keep their relationship a secret.
Love Interest: Hinata
Format: Headcanons
Notes: This is my first time writing headcanons, so they’re probably not the best. I hope they’re okay!
When Yachi is asked to be manager-in-training, she asks you to go with her because she was scared about everything.
You go meet the team with her and have to calm her down from seeing all of the ‘scary tall’ guys.
She once told you that you weren’t scary because you weren’t tall like all of those people (5’5) and you were too pretty to be scary.
Anyways, you were best friends with Yachi through your mothers knowing each other.
She knew you were gay and had frequent fleeting crushes (basically you’d say you were in love one day and have no interest the next).
Well Hinata became one of them. (Or so you thought)
It started because she had asked you to help her tutor Kageyama and Hinata, and you couldn’t say no to her, especially when it was scheduled during the time you two typically studied.
Hinata made you feel excited and alive.  He was so lively and intriguing that you just couldn’t help forming a crush on him.
You believed it was a fleeting crush until you found out he helped Yachi with her self-confidence, and you were a goner for him.
“Yachi, I have a problem.  It’s really bad,” you said in the middle of studying.
“What happened, Y/N?  Do we need to call the police?”
Yachi is full on the verge of freaking out, looking for her phone.
“Yeah, you may kill me.”
She stops and stares at you as if she may be able to read you somehow.
“I may think Hinata is really pretty,” you say very quietly because you know you’re going to be killed.
Pillows are thrown at you.
“You’re not supposed to get a crush on one of the boys!”
Defensive mode happens because who said you had a crush on anyone? It was obvious though because you called every guy you’ve ever liked pretty.
“Okay, as long as it’s one of your usual crushes, Y/N.”
Sadly, it’s a real crush for once.
You’re pissed at how much you like Hinata, and it’s worse because he always compliments you for some reason.
“Y/N, you have pretty eyes!” He exclaims when he sees you during lunch.
“Y/N, your hair looks so nice today!” He exclaims at morning practice.
“Y/N, you’re getting better at understanding volleyball! It’s so cool!” He exclaims when he sees your journal of volleyball stuff.
It’s a new compliment every day and you can’t stop swooning, but you can’t hate him for it.
He’s just trying to be your friend, but of course your brain just has a thing for niceness.
Suddenly you’re confessing right before practice, you have him cornered in the club room.
You would’ve preferred it to be slightly more thought out, but you get what you get.
“I really like you, Hinata.  I understand if you don’t like me the same, sorry to bother you.”
You’re about to leave when he grabs you by the arm and looks you in the eye.
“Why wouldn’t I like you?  You’re so cool and pretty and funny and smart!”
Definitely not what you were expecting, but you’re not mad at all.
He tells you he wants to date in secret.
Goes into a ramble how he isn’t ashamed of you, but he just wants everyone to be safe because gay relationships aren’t really accepted where you live. He also doesn’t want to distract the team because they’d make a huge deal out of it.
You have to reassure him that you’re not mad at him because it’s a safety thing and he wants what’s best for the team.
You’re also used to not acting on physical things like kissing or hand holding with other people.  You’ve never really been in a relationship before though.
Neither of you act different and you realize that he has always been extremely touchy with you.
You really don’t know how you could’ve missed it.
There’s either an arm around your shoulder, him jumping to be on your back, arms brushing as you walk next to each other, etc.
You can only guess you missed these things because your feelings weren’t as strong when it was just a crush (you also weren’t AS close before)
You’re jittery when it happens now though, but you can’t do anything publicly about it.
Yachi figures it out before you can say anything
“Y/N, what do you think you’re doing!” She screams at you when you enter her home.
“Being in a gay relationship.” You deadpan.
Definitely got hit by a pillow for that one.
Hinata walks you home every night and it’s somehow actually on his way.
He takes you on dates on the weekends when you two are free.
You go to the park, lunch, museum, just anywhere to spend time together.
One day you study at your house and he rants to you about the stress he’s been facing because of Spring Interhigh Tournament because he wants to beat Oikawa and Ushijima so badly.
You comfort him with taking breaks to go outside and try to help him practice, and it does help him calm down.
He really likes you and you make him so happy
Hinata explains that he wants to be in a public relationship, but he’s still scared of how others will treat you.  He also still worries about the team
It takes you by surprise that he’s only worried about you because he says he just doesn’t care what others will think or do to him.
You’re fine with things being private for now until suddenly all you want to do is kiss him.
There hasn’t even been a first kiss, but it’s all you can think about.
Eventually, you just kiss him mid-sentence one night on the way home after making sure no one was there.
It wasn’t perfect, but he had no experience and you had ‘experience’ (kissed two girls during spin the bottle isn’t experience, but you’ll say it is)
You guys start having more affectionate when walking home, which helps the urge to just want to kiss him constantly die down a little bit
Tokyo training camp rolls around
It comes to find out that Hinata told Kenma about you two dating, which Yachi knew so it was fair for one of Hinata’s friends to know.
It would’ve been nice if you had been told Kenma knew though.
Kenma is a guy you’d definitely have a fleeting crush on if you didn’t have such a liking for Hinata, but you don’t say anything (Yachi later points it out though).
Kenma gives you looks when you’re too close to Hinata, as if you were being too obvious about dating.
If anyone was being obvious, it was Hinata with his tucking loose hairs behind your ears as he smiled at you.
Your heart was so full because of him.
Suga notices Kenma’s looks at the two of you and Hinata’s looks of admiration before anyone else does.
You’re not even sure how no one hadn’t noticed Hinata’s behavior around you, it really amazed you.
Suga pulls you aside and asks if you’re dating Hinata.
You think it’s a really stupid question and you know Suga isn’t going to discriminate against you, because he doesn’t seem the type.
“What do you think?”
Suddenly you’re having to explain everything to him and how you’ve been with Hinata for a while now (you think, you don’t actually remember the date you guys got together).
“Okay, just tell him to tone it down a bit, okay?  He’s being extremely obvious.”
“I’ll try, Suga-senpai.”
When you tell Hinata what happened, he gets extremely flustered.
“I’m sorry! Gaah, I thought I was being secretive.”
All you can do is kiss his temple because there’s not much to say.  You really don’t want to explain how obvious he is
He does back off, and maybe too much
Not too much for you, because you know if you ask for affection, he will give you some
The team notices how he isn’t as close to you anymore and Tanaka is demanding for you two to stop fighting
(You never realized the team paid that much attention)
You come up with a lie that you don’t want some sweaty guy rubbing up all over you.
Your worst lie yet
Everyone except for Suga (and maybe Daichi) believe it and you literally have no idea how
Kenma asks how you managed to get Hinata to stop being as affectionate, and you just say that one of the other teammates found out and that’s enough motivation you guess
Hinata gets back in being touchy with you after the training camp is over
He may be slightly even more touchy as if he has to make up for time he lost.
The tournament in November is exciting for both you and Yachi, but mainly nerve-wracking for Yachi.
You end up being the one who has to calm everyone down from their freak out, even if it’s not the best.
“This is a new tournament everyone.  You guys have improved, so just fix the mistakes you made last time.” You say as everyone is freaking out during warm-ups.
“What if I can’t?!” Yamaguchi asks and you wonder if he’s about to cry but go for the aggressive route either way.
“Well, you’re going to.  Get your shit together.”
You’re cheering for Hinata from where you’re seated with Yachi.  You’re probably cheering the loudest.
Yachi is trying to get you to stop screaming as much and being aggressive towards the other team.  It’s apparently not acceptable to say they suck extremely loud.
You’re with Kiyoko when Terushima is harassing her for her number, and you’re trying to get him to leave her alone.
“She obviously doesn’t want to talk to you, asshole.”
“This doesn’t involve you, brat.”
You are about to fight him when Hinata comes to save the day with his outrageously high jump.  Kiyoko also pulls you away from the captain, worried you’re going to start a fight when he walks by.
You’re the first one to tease him on his lunch cloth and Kiyoko teases him in front of the team.
They beat Aobajohsai and you have never been this happy in your entire life. Your team did that!! Your boyfriend scored the winning point!!  Yachi is trying to get you to calm down because you’re vibrating.
“Come on, Y/N, you need to calm down.  You’re going to do something stupid.”
She’s right, you’re going to do something stupid.
You see the team and immediately start running (Yachi is screaming for you to calm down)
“Y/N!” Hinata exclaims and he’s about to go on when you tackle him before kissing him.
You realize what you’ve done when everyone is silent and just whisper “Oh shit, sorry.”
Most of the team is actually surprised?? You’re not sure as to how because Hinata could barely keep it a secret.
Tanaka and Noya are upset that two of their kouhai are in relationships when they’re not.
“How dare you get a boyfriend before us!” Tanaka yells and Noya is nodding.
“We only both have boyfriends because we are each dating each other,” you say slowly, because you’re not sure they understand any of this.
Daichi and Suga tell everyone to talk about it when they get back to the school because everyone is tired.
Hinata and you finally get to sit next to each other on the bus without it seeming weird when he passes out on your shoulder early into the drive back.
Next day, you are probably the loudest person cheering in the entire gymnasium (besides Suga when he screams at the team) as you scream how that’s your boyfriend
“Number 10 is my boyfriend and he’s crazy!  Did you see that spike!”
Yachi is trying to get you to quiet down, but Hinata keeps smiling at you and Saeko is encouraging you being loud
Everyone at Karasuno knows you two are dating at this point (hard for them not to) and you’re bragging about Hinata now because you finally can
No one was ready but at least you and Hinata are happy though.
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jangofctts · 3 years
(sorry for the format i think but this is loNG WTF IS WRONG W ME ITS INCOHERENT I'M LOCKIN MYSELF UP OFF TO HORNY JAIL I GO) deadass when you nd the boys are days away from being back on coruscant and on shore leave for a minute bc the general got some weird jedi shit to deal with is when u become peak Brat™ like it is so bad even the resident brat fuse can't keep up, the whole squad is screaming, and no one can stop u (yet) like you love teasing the boys but this is next level annoying like lets say max asks u to do something to help him get ready to fuck off for leave and ur just like no💕 i will cause problems on purpose))) he isn't happy and keeps asking while doing other work, realizes he's getting nowhere, and starts w the vague threats “you won’t like what happens if u keep this up” or “you really don't want to do this right now" but u finally do a few things to help before u leave to annoy void bc that man doesn't deal w enough shenanigans apparently...
u help void for a bit but get bored when void is just doing inventory and requisitions asking you how much of this or that nd you start saying "not enough" or "a fuckton" and while he appreciates the honesty it's not helpful but you ask "can't a droid do inventory? they know how to count?" getting a snarky reply of "yeah unlike you" obviously fed up but u continue to annoy him maybe cause mischief w the boys if they're there? maybe get handsy? threaten stupidity? who knows but anything u do is gonna get an exasperated sigh and "i'm gonna tell max about this shit" but what is he gonna do? punish u? [narrator: he, in fact does just that] so this goes on for a while but at some point when you are like 10 hrs out from coruscant max herds u to his quarters but lo and behold it's not bc he needs someone to fix his datapad but bc ur in for the punishment of ur life lol this man must have been planning this since ur first bratty act bc he has a bunch of stuff laid out just for u))) seeing this, u turn on the sad puppy eyes/pouty face and the "but i can be a good girl for u" or "i'm sorry i was just antsy to get back let me make it up to you" but nothing is gonna work now especially when he puts u over his knee.
he's pulling ur pants down over ur ass, revealing ur going commando today and u give him the "whats wrong maxy?" over ur shoulder just before he starts ur punishment isn't he sweet? he only spanks you a few times bc ur real punishment is SO MUCH worse and u realize this when he ties ur hands together over ur head and ties ur ankles together too hmmmmm this was more than u bargained for and u keep pleading with max when he takes his armor and blacks off but he keeps saying "u did this to yourself baby" and that he "can't help now" because "u didn't listen earlier like a good girl" but once he gets situated on the bed u know ur in for it. he grabbed some lube from his drawer and slicked himself up while telling u that "u won't be enjoying this part but i think i will" as he takes a hold of ur legs and lining himself up with not ur entrance but between ur thighs right above ur clit bc surprise! this ass and thigh man is gonna go to town fucking ur thighs while just grazing ur clit every few strokes absolutely working u up but no where near enough to get u off just like he planned. max really does love a good thigh fucking and so do u but he's usually playing with ur clit teasing u until he hits home and fills u up right - this time none of that is happening. u keep whining which just eggs him on more to bully u with "good girls deserve my thick cock but u decided to be a brat hm?" and "brats don't get to cum last time i checked" until he loses his rhythm and shutters as he cums all over ur stomach. he slowly gets out between ur thighs and runs his hands through the mess but ur still whiny so he shushes u with cum slick fingers before he gets up to grab his comlink just leaving the rest to get sticky (so rude)
he calls up void nd hear him say "my hip is acting up could u come look at it later?" with "did ur dumb ass do something again? give me a bit i'll head over" in reply with no idea what is waiting for him when he comes through the door. u have no idea how long it'll b until void comes so u keep trying to plead ur case to max telling him ur "sorry for being annoying and bratty i learned my lesson can i cum now?" but getting a surprising "lets see what void thinks" in return. its at least half an hour until void opens the door to see u tied to max's bed and him hovering over u just taunting and playing with u as he sees fit but honestly at this point nothing can really truly shock void now but this peaked his interest. max tries to explain saying "she was being a br-" "a brat i know i didn't think it would end up like this but" void starts as he takes off his remaining armor and ur begging for SOMETHING since max was so mean not even going near ur pussy (again rude) but thankfully void isn't a sadist (today) and starts teasing u by running his fingers through ur folds, playing with ur clit, and starts opening u up for him.
once he gets u good and wet he starts slowly rocking into u while u keep begging for him to give u permission to cum but he says that "brats don't get to cum they just get used))))" and ur thinkin ur definitely not gonna be cumming anytime soon but this mf just goes straight to pound town w the week/month/whatever he's had and the bratting u've done lol and u start clenching trying to get a rise out of him or get him to say something, ANYTHING but void won't give u the satisfaction of hearing his usual dirty talk, no, this is his version of punishment just letting u hear and feel him fuck u faster as he approaches his orgasm not caring about yours (yet) just feeling u tighten around him until he can't handle it and cums deep inside u just staying there for a minute catching his breath and u think void is done but oh lord no he is very much not lol he unties ur ankles and goes straight for ur pussy eating u out and cleaning up the mess he made inside and out, rutting into the sheets and making u squirm like nothing else maybe max wanders back over to you too and helps him out idk i was just having thots (since everyone is whore knee for wrecker rn i remember sending a wrecker ask a million years ago i can send it again if u want also i have a short fuse thing for u so))))) love being a whore)
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ok bye im gonna be checking myself into the fuckin hospital THIS IS PURE GOLD IM
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bellaslilpapercut · 3 years
Eclipse reread part 2! This is gonna cover a lot of chapters because I forgot to include stuff from chapters 4, 5, and 6 in part 1 (in my defense your honor, this book is very grating to read). Awayyy we go:
1. so chapters 4-6 really could have been one chapter tbh since the plot is: Bella ditches work at Newton’s Outfitters to hang with Jake and then writes some graduation invites with Angela. She pushes her rusty old behemoth as fast as it can go through driving rain but then hangs outside with Jake the whole time so I don’t really know where the rain went. She also manages to hear Jake gasp through her closed car door! Super sonic! Anyway, Bella insists that Edward is a good guy, Jake makes Bella hold his hand, Jake explains imprinting (yuck we can skip that), and then Edward drives threateningly past Bella while she’s on her way to Angela’s house. Angela reminds Bella that, at his core, Edward is a teen boy who is Totally Jealous of how Ripped and Sexy her 16 year old best friend is. Then Alice kidnaps Bella. Fun times!
2. During the imprinting convo it becomes very apparent that Meyer thinks the worst thing that can happen to a girl is getting broken up with. Somehow Leah got the “worst end” of the Sam/Emily/Leah fiasco despite Sam turning into a “monster” and Emily getting literally mauled in the face. What’s worse is later in the book, during the “Legends” chapter, when Bella wonders if Leah thinks Emily’s scars are a form of “justice.” Yea, Bella, that’s justice. 
3. I love this Rosalie quote but hate the entirety of they way meyer writes her story. Others have mentioned it before but Meyer writes Rose's dialogue there as if Rose is an author and not like...a person telling a story. An easy fix would be to format Rosalie's story "flash back" style rather than have her narrate all the way through. Then you can include all the superfluous details of exactly what everyone's voice sounded like and all the excessive dialogue tags you want.
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I also Violently Abhor this quote here:
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Yea, meyer, the Hot Girl hates your self-insert because her stupid ass brother didn't have the hots for her. It just reads like weird middle school revenge fantasy "I only hated you because you were so Special!!!" Sure, sure. Also "all those females!" People don't talk like that @stephanie
4. I do love the scene when Bella “escapes” from Alice with Jake (I don’t know why i put escape in quotes, Alice could definitely murk Bella) but then that whole adventure ends with Jake telling Bella he’d rather she die than turn into a vampire. And yeah, fair buddy, but also you’ve known Bella for a long time. This should not be a surprise to you at all even a little bit. a) she mentioned it before, b) you knew she would never get over Edward even if your plan in NM had worked, and c) you’ve known that she’s fully obsessed with the Cullen’s since you started hanging out with her again. The last time you guys hung out she went on an impassioned rampage about how lovely and good and fantastic Edward is (footage not found) I really don’t know why you’re surprised that this hard-headed girl is prepared to commit to vampirism for him. She is not normal lmfao.
5. The legends chapter. Oh boy. Stephanie, Meyer, Smeyer. Honestly it might have been less offensive if she had just made up a whole new tribe to give these backstories to, for all that they have in common with real Quileute legends but actually that would still be offensive and terrible anyway. I don’t know how to describe this adequately but if you’ve ever seen G.I. Joe’s portrayal of indigenous people that’s exactly what meyer made Old Quil and Billy’s dialogue sound like. Just absolutely dripping with Mystical Native/ Magical Native trope from the content to the tone. https://mthg.org/ Because it can’t be plugged enough.  
6. The legends chapter ends with this Wuthering Heights quote:
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I have no qualms with it's inclusion, if you really want to push the Edward is Heathcliff and Bella is Cathy agenda, I don't believe it but fine, whatever. But those last two paragraphs are such a dumb way to end a chapter. Every chapter ending should make the reader want to turn the page: this makes me want to shut the book (actually I did take a long break after this lmfao). Anyway, just end the quote on "drank his blood," bold those three words, and end the chapter there. Don't go back and say "the three words that stood out were... Anyway it could have fallen to any page I believe in coincidence teehee!!" That's just annoying.
7. Okay guys I hate to say it but Edward does get a lil bit of ~character growth after the first few chapters. He comes home after having Bella kidnapped (she decides not to be angry, surprise surprise) and is all "so I've been thinking about it and you're right my Beloved Angel Face or whatever, please hang out with Jacob but also wear a helmet on your motorcycle my Beloved Dumb Idiot or whatever" (paraphrase). And he also says this in chapter 12:
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Which is like, man I hate when I agree with Edward but I agree with Edward here. Now I know from MS that he only wants Bella to stay human because he's creating an Unfolding Drama in his head but this bit of dialogue is really sweet. And it's funny that he thought Bella didn't want to marry him because she just wanted to use him for immortality but it's also a Dark Reminder that he's literally only romantic with her because he can't read her mind and can't tell that she's just as obsessed with his looks as the other Teen Girls TM.
8. uuuh Jasper’s Backstory Time. This is so infuriating to read for so many reasons. So we know that smeyer got Jasper’s name from a confederate memorial/ listing (from a New Moon Q&A but the link isn’t secure so I can’t share) so I know that his backstory was always meant to be Confederate Soldier which makes everything else about his characterization just baffling. Again, he was the only Cullen that was genuinely kind to Bella besides Carlisle for the entire first book and he’s still incredibly kind during Eclipse (which is another issue I have though because no one mentions again that Jasper tried to eat Bella and they stand close to each other and hang out and Bella’s never like “this is scary, this dude tried to kill me” but i digress). The point is: smeyer knew he was going to be a confederate from book 1. She never addresses that this was bad, she never has Jasper mention that he regrets his role in the war, he is the only Cullen that’s actually capable of empathizing with humans anymore (Carlisle cares but I would not categorize him as empathetic), it just... None of these pieces fit together. This is a fraught and bloody history that smeyer throws in with no thought to how it might alienate black readers (though tbh she constantly emphasizes “white beauty” throughout the series so I doubt she cares) and the editors don’t question it either. No one, at any point in time, said “Hey, steph, you know confederates fought for slavery, right?” Every black american deserves reparations. White women and men who glorify the civil war should be the first to pay up. 
9. I’m gonna jump back to chapters 9 & 10 here (target & scent, respectively) to say: no tension is being effectively built. I get it, someone stole your clothes. You’re annoyed because you have nothing to wear and Victoria is scary. But where is she? Where is the volturi? Move it along, please! This is one of the challenges of 1st person narrative because the author is stuck in the eyes of, usually, the person who knows the least. Meyer is not a talented enough author to make this interesting. Not to bring up THG again but Suzanne Collins really knew how to work 1st person. Everything that Katniss asserts with certainty throughout the series gets either confirmed or denied by the narrative, keeping it interesting. She assumes the worst of the people around her so we’re pleasantly surprised when people violate those assumptions. We’re kept on edge by how little Katniss knows and SC never gifts Katniss with more knowledge than she could be expected to have. Bella is constantly gifted with knowledge and her assumptions are rarely proven wrong. You can dig into the canon a little bit more, read the lexicon and the guide, and find all the examples of Bella being unreliable or making wrong assumptions. But within the narrative she is rarely incorrect. She doesn’t get opportunities to grow out of her false assumptions (while Edward does, at least in Eclipse). So to keep the Victoria debacle interesting, smeyer has to plant seeds like- during these two chapters- Bella thinking of Laurent and Victoria while the cullens discuss who could have been in Bella’s room. That just doesn’t cut it for me. 
This is hella long and I’m only halfway through the book. I probably should split the second half into two parts as well but based on how talented smeyer is at stretching out the mundane, especially just before the climax, I probably wont need to. 
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shinidamachu · 4 years
No Place I Would Rather Be
Summary: We're a thousand miles from comfort. We have traveled land and sea. But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be. Word Count: 3.617 Genre: fluff Fandom: InuYasha Pairing: Inukag Format: oneshot AO3 Link: 🌹 Fanfic.Net Link: 🌹
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Boredom was eating him alive.
Days had passed without a single lead about the jewel fragments. So much that their little group had disbanded for the time being. Sango went back to what was left of her old village. It had been a while since she last paid homage to their dead. Kirara, of course, was her loyal company — and also ride. Miroku was visiting Mushin’s Temple, as if the place hadn't been profaned enough, already. Shippo was still around, but keeping his distance due to InuYasha’s stormy mood.
The frustration of it all got him desperately wishing for some kind — any kind — of action. Something that didn’t involve sulking under a tree and watching time crawl. Every second of this idleness meant another second Naraku was out there, still breathing. Collecting the shards was a small mean to achieve a bigger, imperative ending. It gave him purpose, a sense of getting closer to his ultimate goal step by step. Waiting got them nowhere. It only granted him to be alone with his thoughts and the combination was nothing but disastrous.
Lucky for him, his private source of distraction was not too far away.
Kagome was humming a foreign tune, the same one she liked to sing whenever she was happy. Following the melody was almost mandatory. InuYasha didn’t realize what he was doing until he arrived to the other side of it, where the girl thumbed through her hair in a futile attempt to tame her hair, the lake’s surface a natural mirror at her convenience. InuYasha made his presence known before his own reflection joined hers.
“It’s no use, ya know.”
The girl glared at him and retaliated by splashing water on his direction — of which he easily dodged. InuYasha had to admit her reaction was justified, given his past tendency to be utterly unkind to her. This time, however, although his tone wasn’t devoided of casual teasing, he was being completely honest. When you spend sunrise to sunset with someone for so long, it was inevitable learning a thing or two about them. Kagome had a wild hair. Not in a bad way, but it sure had its own will. Especially in the humidity, which was definitely the case of that afternoon. To an outside viewer, the strands could pass as straight. Noticing the shy waves at the end and how they used to stand out after getting wet was a privilege for the few allowed to look closer — a privilege InuYasha cherished. She always had her hair down and he liked that she did. It was destined to be free, to go with the wind. And it had grown a hell of a lot since they first met. The half demon wondered if Kagome was aware of how much. He certainly was.
Then she got up, revealing clothes that were undoubtedly new to his eyes. It was one piece, all lime flowers and malleable fabric against her cream skin. A bit longer than what she usually cared to wear, but leaving her arms and shoulders at plain sight in compensation. The view was thrilling, until his eyes caught the yellow backpack laying by her feet, causing his grin to falter. He understood the implication behind it, even if the question had yet to pass his lips.
“What’s with the weird kimono?”
“Oh, this.” Kagome lowered her gaze, inspecting for herself. Her combative attitude swiftly turning into a cautious posture. “It’s a sundress. I’ve been meaning to ask… can you please give me a ride to the well? I’m going home.”
There it was.
Somehow, getting his suspicions confirmed did nothing to prevent the scowl from forming on his face.
“Thought the school thing were over for the summer.”
“Well, yes...”
“Then why the fuck ya going home for? We still have plenty of supplies!”
“Because I promised I’d go to the movies with Hojo and now that we’re on vacation I don’t have excuses not to go, anymore. My grandpa literally ran out of diseases I could have. And what’s the point, anyway? Jewel hunting is going through a dry spell, everyone left… and I haven’t seen my family in weeks.”
Half of what she said didn’t make any sense to him and InuYasha positively hated the half that did.
“What if something comes up? I can’t see the damn shards like you do.” He argued.
“You jump through the well and get me.” She shrugged, as if the idea was highly unlikely. InuYasha opened his mouth to list the many, many reasons her solution was flawed. She bit him to the punch. “Listen, it’s not a big deal. I’ll be back tomorrow. I bet Miroku and Sango won’t even be here yet.”
It wasn’t fair.
In general, storming off to her era was Kagome’s way of punishing him for being a massive asshole. He got that. To tell the truth, more often than not he deserved it. But InuYasha was in his best behavior — despite feeling rightfully entitled to throw a tantrum, given the circumstances — precisely because he needed her close. He needed her to stay. Picturing Kagome hanging out with someone else instead was the worst kind of self torture. Would she change her mind if he swallowed his pride long enough to say so? Would he ever get the guts to let it out? She hadn’t invited him to come along. Was this Hojo guy really that important to her? More than InuYasha was? Trying to talk her out of it was a dangerous move. He’d put his foot in his mouth, she’d put his face on the ground. That’s what they did.
Either his expression betrayed the turmoil inside or Kagome became too good at figuring him out. Whatever it was, her smile shined, reassuring and warm.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be so quick, you won’t have time to miss me.”
“Who says I’d miss ya?” He dismissed, his indifference unconvincing even to himself.
InuYasha perceived another presence approaching. Shippo. His arrival couldn’t be more providential. Kagome had a soft spot for the brat. If anyone could get her to stay, it was him.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s just the runt.”
Like he had been announced, the kid emerged from the trees in a hurry, Kagome’s bow and quiver looking gigantic on his tiny hands.
“Kagome! InuYasha!”
“Shippo-chan! What’s going on?” She asked, as soon as the boy reached them.
“There are rumors of a jewel fragment, two villages to the west.” He explained, with the pomposity the information called for. “Kaede sent me.” His chin was up high, like the statement added a final hint of importance to the message. “Here,” continued the kit, offering Kagome her weapon in a formal manner.
She hesitated.
“Kagome, let’s go!” InuYasha was prepared to move at the sound of the word ‘jewel’, their earlier argument happily buried and forgotten.
“Wait! Don’t you think it’s strange? For days we had no leads, and now, just when we splitted up…”
“Yeah, well, so what if it’s a trap? It wouldn’t be the first.”
Coward that he was, Naraku resorted to the nastiests schemes in order to get what he wanted. His disgusting fingers laid on every happenstance that had ever caused them harm. What choice did InuYasha have, though? Ruse or not ruse, he had to check it. Regardless of anyone else’s help, it was his duty to get vengeance on the bastard — for Kikyo, for himself — and Kagome knew that.
She sighed and took the bow and arrows from the fox’s hold.
“Thank you so much, Shippo-chan! Now can you do me another favor?”
“Go back to Kaede. Tell her InuYasha and I are on our way.”
“I’m not coming with you?” He whined, as confused as InuYasha. They never traveled without the child.
“That’s right. We don’t know how dangerous this may be. I need you to stay and if we don’t come back tomorrow by noon, get Miroku and Sango and send them to us. Can you do that for me?”
Shippo resolutely nodded .
“I won’t let you down, Kagome.”
“I know you won’t.”
And through the same path he had appeared he went. Kagome fixed a pleading glance at InuYasha.
“Can I at least change clothes before we g—”
“No time to waste.” He said, grabbing Kagome and her bag to leap towards west.
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Kagome was whistling that same song again.
It took him an enormous amount of self restraint not to whistle along.
He was happy. So wonderfully happy. It was astonishing, the effect that tiny, bossy human girl had over his humor. The fact they were following the possible whereabouts of a lost jewel piece also played a role on his attitude swing, there was no denying that. But even if this turns out to be nothing at all, it would be a small price to pay in exchange of spending more time with her.
“Weren’t you mad about not coming home just now?”
His curiosity was genuine. Kagome had been angry since they left and InuYasha would be the person to know. She had two kind of anger. The one he could hear and the one he could feel. Even though she had been unusually silent, her frustration was palpable at first. Mercifully, it seemed to fade away the more ground they covered. Her one complaint was the soreness that too many hours on the same position inflicted upon the muscles, which was why they were both walking. As a rule, he was strictly opposite to anything that might slow them down, and the human pace was unbearable once you had a taste of demonic speed. Running free, with trees and people alike turning into a blur on each side of him, was an unparalleled sensation, amplified tenfold whenever Kagome was riding his back. He didn’t regret giving in, though. They weren’t far from their destination, after all. In addition, her comfort came to be a priority, despite him still being unaware as to when or how.
“Well… yeah, but… what can I do, right? Besides, I haven’t realized how much I missed this.”
Clueless, InuYasha searched their surroundings, unsuccessfully intending to spot what she could possibly be referring to.
“Whatcha talkin’ about?”
“This!” She spinned around, open arms and face to the sky, chasing daylight like a sunflower, the movement bringing her garment to life. “You. Me. An adventure. Don’t get me wrong, I love Shippo and the others, I’m glad they joined us. It just feels like we haven’t had as much quality time together as we used to, after they did.”
“Y-you miss that?”
She shook her head up and down with enthusiasm and a content smile fought its way across his lips.
“I know we could hang out in Kaede’s village, but it’s not the same as going out. O-on a trip, I mean.”
Although InuYasha couldn’t make out why her cheeks were suddenly burning red, he did see the logic her reasoning, and the feeling was mutual. There was a certain level of closeness only the road could provide. No curious eyes. No sly comments. No need to explain themselves. InuYasha had missed that as well.
He often played with the thought of stealing her away, of placate his selfish thirst for her undivided attention. Not once had he imagined Kagome would be as eager to go as he was to take her. Regardless, the timing wasn’t right. It never was. From the moment they met, they were tossed into a mission and there was hardly space for anything else. So he settled for whatever he could get until it was over.
“Why would you miss those trips? It ain’t like I was nice to ya back then.”
It didn’t make sense to him that she would. His memories were of a spoiled little girl, complaining about the bugs and her aching legs and the fact she hadn’t bathed in days. There was no escaping InuYasha’s share of responsibility on the issue. He could have made her life easier, had he bothered to. But at the beginning he saw Kagome as a potential threat he would eventually get rid off. How could he have guessed, after the many betrayals he had endured through the years, that his heart would be safe on her hands?
Kagome limited herself to a shrug.
“You are now.” She stated, as if it made up for his unexcusable former behavior. Her unconditional forgiveness amazed him, no matter how regularly she had shown it to him. “Also, it feels like old times.”
“It doesn’t unless you get kidnapped, somehow.”
“It happened once or twice!”
“Keh! Stop kidding yourself.”
“Shut up.”
“You shut up.”
“No, shut up. I’m sensing a shard and it’s moving away.”
Wordlessly, InuYasha returned the backpack to her and offered her his back.
They raced at full gallop, Kagome guiding their course. The forest transitioned into arid highland, where dirt, thorns and rocky surfaces took place.
“Hey, you!” Kagome yelled at the youkai emerging in their camp of vision. Their target. Over his shoulder, the startled creature sneaked a peek at them and increased speed. Growling, InuYasha matched his rhythm. “Wait up! We won’t hurt you.”
“I’m pretty sure Imma hurt him.”
“Give the jewel fragment to us peacefully and you’ll be free to go!” She went on, his snide remarks as ignored by her as her plead was by the demon. InuYasha’s patience was wearing thin. Now that the rumors turned out to be true, his focus was entirely aimed at the task at hand.
“Are those fancy arrows of yours just for show?”
Kagome let out a deep breath. Shooting was her last ressource. She preferred to sort things out with words first. It rarely worked. Still she always tried.
“I suppose we have no choice.”
The arrow hit the creature in the calf and his groan of pain reverberated through the field. Not lethal, but enough of a nuisance to make him drop the run. InuYasha closed the distance between them within seconds. Kagome climbed off him and together they inspected their opponent.
On the floor, a possum demon hissed and exhibited his fangs at them, his ugly face twisting in agony while he pulled the arrow out. A cascate of blood immediately flowed from the wound. InuYasha was not fooled by it. Being a full youkai, he would be healed soon.
“Where is it?” InuYasha asked Kagome, not daring to leave the bastard out of his sight.
“His belly.”
“Step away, you filthy half breed!”
“Excuse me?” Kagome defied, any trace of courtesy forgotten.
“That was quite the damage she did on ya, there.” InuYasha released Tessaiga from its sheath as he approached the fallen man. “Think I can top it, though.”
“Step away, I said!”
His fear was palpable. InuYasha could feel it. See it. Smell it.
Smell it.
Faster than realization, the odor filled his lungs. It burned his nostrils, his throat. He could taste the toxic substance on his tongue. It was unbearable. And gasping for air only resulted in the pungent scent flooding him further, overwhelming his senses. A defense mechanism, he thought, his vision blurring, his knees giving in. I’m going to faint. No. No, no, no, no, no. Kagome. He had to protect Kagome.
There was a cry of his name.
And then an awful lot of darkness.
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InuYasha came to abruptly, uncertain and alarmed by the new reality.
In one minute, the sun was up and he was succumbing, his consciousness leaving him to drift. In the next, he was awake and crickets sang the night’s arrival.
It was tempting to think he had dreamt the whole thing. A stupid, ridiculous, crazy ass dream. However, the lingering smell left no room for argument. It happened. The scent was weaker. Fading. But was there, overpowered by a significantly nicer aroma. A familiar one, sweet on the nose and soothing to the soul. Kagome’s.
He was lying half naked in her sleeping bag.
Sitting up, InuYasha seeked for the priestess, desperate to make sure for himself she was safe and sound.
The fragile light of her modern lantern illuminated the cavern that sheltered them. At its entrance, a girl rested — her silhouette contoured by a starry sky. 
“You’re awake!”
She rushed to him, tripping over her own eagerness. Her beautiful clothes were dirty and a bit ripped at the hem. A small scratch cut her cheek, remnants of dry blood tainting her skin.
“Are you alright? What happened?”
“I’m fine!” Kagome kneeled in front of him, a gesture he appreciated. There was no peace for him without an up close inspection of her well being. “I purified the demon after you blacked out. Turns out it was a trap. Thousands of Naraku’s second-class demons came for the shard when I took him down. I tried to purify those too, but more of them kept coming and I ran out of arrows, so I casted a barrier and—”
“You casted a barrier?”
InuYasha was beyond impressed. Barriers required great power and discipline. Even from Kaede or the monk. Kagome had apparently done it all by herself. Effortlessly. On the spot.
“To be honest, I don’t know how I did it. I just… I saw you lying there and I… anyway, the barrier purified the ones who touched it. Eventually they all died or left. How are you feeling?”
InuYasha didn’t answer the question.
“I’m sorry, Kagome, that you couldn’t rely on me.”
Guilt pulsed within him like a heartbeat. Constant and compulsory, expanding the outcomes of its work through every inch of his body.
“It’s not your fault. Your nose is too keen, of course you’d be affected the most.”
“But you got hurt!”
“In the thorns. I was careless. Don’t worry about it, it’s not even going to leave a scar.”
“It shouldn’t have even happened. I’m supposed be the one protecting you, not the other way around.”
It could have been worse. InuYasha should be grateful for that. He wasn’t. It could have been worse. And he wouldn’t be able to help her, to save her from this insignificant peril while she had already saved him in every conceivable way there was for a person to be saved.
“I’m not as helpless as I used to be, you know? I’ve grown a lot.” She had a point. InuYasha himself had told her that much, once. Kagome had faced scarier dangers than that. And she could absolutely take them. But he didn’t want her to have to. “Not to mention, it was totally worth it.”
As a proof, she exhibited a jewel fragment, glowing in the healthiest shade of pink.
“You got it!” InuYasha captured the shard, glancing at every angle of it in awe.
“Don’t act so surprised.”
Kagome went for her backpack and came back, falling on her knees again. Her hand dove in and emerged holding the glass container in which they kept the other pieces. She opened it and tilted the receiver to InuYasha, hinting for him to do the honors.
It was as if she had been waiting for him so they could do it together.
As if it was their private, sacred ritual.
He did as she wanted, mirroring her satisfied smile.
“Where’s my haori?”
“Oh! I… I put it away.” Blushing, Kagome tore her gaze from his and InuYasha followed it to a corner of the cave, where a huddle of scarlet fabric laid forgotten. “I figured you’d heal faster with that smell gone and your haori is soaked on it. Sorry.”
“D-don’t apologize, stupid. It was the right call.” To feel useful — and to occupy his brain with something other than the image of Kagome undressing him — InuYasha searched her backpack for the first aid kit, a tool from her era he was sadly too intimate with. “Now let’s take care of this cut.”
“Okay. You have to g—”
“I know what to do. I’ve seen you do it a thousand times.” Her lips parted, and InuYasha added: “Don’t act so surprised.”
He cleaned the wound with cotton, water and soap, then used a different ball of cotton to carefully apply the content of a smelly little bottle to the extension of it. Kagome hissed, but he ignored it in favor of wrapping it all up with a band-aid. To ensure it was properly stretched, he gently ran his thumb through it, allowing the touch to linger more than necessary and his stare to go from her cheek to her eyes.
Her eyes.
The most stunning maze.
Let yourself get in, you are sure to get lost.
She blinked before he could, keeping them closed and leaning into his palm, her hand lifting to cover and caress his.
It would be so easy to grip her chin. To turn her face to him. To bring her to his lips. 
So easy to steal a kiss.
Why do the easiest actions have to carry the most difficult consequences?
Clearing his throat, InuYasha transformed present into a loving memory.
“Take some rest. We leave first thing tomorrow.”
“Sounds good to me.”
On the way to claim Kagome’s prior guarding position by the entrance of the cave, InuYasha collected Tessaiga while she busied herself with getting cozy inside the sleeping bag.
“Thank you.”
“InuYasha, I think we’re way past saying thank you for saving each other’s lives.”
“No, not for that. I mean, for that too, but... for coming. For staying by my side.”
“Stupid.” She mocked him, her voice lethargic as exhaustion finally caught up to her. “Where else would I be?”
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A/N: this was some serious self indulgent bullshit. I regret nothing.
@inukag-week​ here is another piece of contribution. Kind of merged the Loyalty and the Instinct prompts here. Oops.
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alderoo · 4 years
Veteran’s Lament
Okay, I’m back and this time posting a fic in a little bit of a different format. It’s been up on A03 for awhile now so I’ll link it below in a little bit.
Hyrule Warriors brainrot Hyrule Warriors brainrot-
Lol this was for the October Exchange on the LU Discord!
Description: Legend has a nightmare. Warriors talks to him. As it turns out, Warriors knows exactly who Legend’s ‘dream girl’ is.
A03 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27329764
Legend woke up crying, from another dream about the world that he had left behind. There was yet another fleeting moment of hope that this time he’d be able to stay there for good, no matter how much he told himself that it wouldn’t be possible. Because they were all dead. 
He hid himself under the covers of his bedroll, praying that whoever was on watch would just ignore him and his plights. But, of course he started to hear footsteps coming towards him. He had the hero’s spirit himself, he knew that he’d do the same thing to any of the other heroes if they were having an issue. Except the main problem was the pattern of steps that approached. Warriors. 
As the footsteps grew closer, Legend could feel himself getting more and more tense. He didn’t want to talk with anybody. Especially not the pretty boy. So when Warriors sat near him, all Legend did in response was turn over and try to fall back asleep. 
“Go away, pretty boy,” Legend growled from underneath the blankets. Warriors didn’t seem bothered by this, at least from what Legend could tell. But, of course, Legend was blocking anything from his vision at the moment. 
“Nightmare?” The captain asked, voice gentler than Legend had ever heard. It seemed like a tone of voice he’d use for the sailor. Legend cringed at it. 
“What’s it to you?” He answered, annoyance practically dripping from his voice. Warriors only sighed. 
“I just want to help,” The captain insisted, shifting slightly. “Contrary to popular belief I don’t hate you, vet,”
Legend hummed in response, not bothering to move. After a few more minutes of lying there, Legend finally accepted the fact that he wouldn’t be getting a lick of sleep for a while. So, he sat up, shivering at the night air, then silently walked over to the fire, Warriors following with uncertainty. 
The veteran hummed at the warmth of the fire, but flinched when the captain returned to his spot. Legend prayed to whatever goddess was watching that Warriors wouldn’t press the issue. The veteran had a reputation to uphold, after all. If they found out that he was hurting, they’d try to help, and he knew that he would get attached. Then they’d learn who he really was. A weakling. 
“I’m not going to let you suffer in silence, Legend,” Warriors stated bluntly, distracting Legend from his thoughts. Legend curled in on himself further, unable to look the captain in the eyes. “If there’s anything at all I can do, please tell me. I don’t like seeing anyone get lost in their head like that,”
“It was nothing, War. Just a dream,” Legend said, trying to put an end to further questioning, but that statement seemed to pique the captain’s curiosity even further.
“So not a nightmare. What was the problem then?” 
“I didn’t wanna wake up,” 
Warriors shut his mouth with an audible click, processing Legend’s precious words carefully. It reminded him of something, no, it reminded him of someone. Then it all made sense. He had seen the nights that Marin woke up crying in another tent, the way that she rubbed her eyes and insisted that it was nothing more than a dream. Until it wasn’t.
During the war, Warriors and Marin had become acquainted, and it was the captain’s job to make sure that his fighters were in their best shape, especially the powerful ones that had been brought from their worlds. Warriors remembered how one night he held the Skull Kid in his arms, sobbing about a nightmare of Majora taking his body again. And another night, but that time he had accidentally caught Midna staring at the sunset, hearing her mutter about the glowing skies of Twilight.
And most importantly, he remembered when he asked Marin about her dreams after a particularly rough battle. The songstress had been injured, a product of her own distractions. So she told him what had happened. How a boy in green came to her island. How he was perfectly imperfect, how he was her dream. 
Warriors snapped back to reality when he realized that Legend was staring at him. The captain sighed, and sat down near the veteran, ignoring the wide-eyed glance sent his way. 
“I met a girl during the war, you know,” Warriors started, drawing in a shaky breath. “She was beautiful, and she was dropped right off through a portal from her home. She had no experience fighting, but insisted that we let her help with the efforts, having heard tales of a beast named Ganon,” 
Legend listened intently, an inkling of feeling dripping through his cracked mask as a tear slid down his face. Warriors took off his scarf, and wrapped it around him.
“She was powerful. She knew songs that brought someone hope and joy, and she fought with a bell at her side, calling on a deity to help her in battle. We became friends, just like I had with everyone else from different eras. There was one night, though, I woke to crying from a nearby tent, and it was her. She didn’t elaborate past saying that it was just a dream,” Warriors paused, collecting himself before continuing. “The next day, she got hurt in battle. Got distracted, and didn’t dodge quick enough from a moblin’s swing. Broke her arm pretty badly,”
“I went to see how she was, and I asked her what was wrong, and she told me. She told me where she came from, a place called Koholint. Then she told me of a boy in green, with a hat like mine that washed up on her shores. How she found him and rescued him, and how they fell in love,” Legend was a few words away from the dam behind his eyes would break, so Warriors continued, keeping a comforting arm around Legend. “She said if I ever met him, to tell him something important,”
“Marin doesn’t blame you for what happened, Legend. She loved you. She still does. Please stop beating yourself up over it. You’re allowed to feel sad, to feel regret and to grieve for her. But that shouldn’t stop you from remembering a few happy times,”
After Warriors finished relaying the message, Legend let his face fall into his hands, and he leaned into Warriors’ stomach, clutching his tunic like a lifeline. The captain let it happen, wrapping his arms around Legend in response.
“I can’t stand to see you like this,” Warriors whispered, still holding his brother close to his chest. “Let yourself be loved for a moment, no matter how little it is. You’ll break yourself far quicker doing that than you ever could getting attached,”
“How- how much did she tell you?” Legend croaked, raising his head to look Warriors in the eyes. The captain smiled.
“Once she told me about you, she’d mention things. She told me that you liked embroidery while she was fixing up her clothes. She nearly cried when we made your favorite food,” Warriors took a breath, exhaling slowly as if to calm himself. “One time, it had been a bad few weeks, for all of us. She told me, and I quote, ‘As much as you like to separate yourself, you know the story of my island. I loved that boy with all my heart and he was as skittish as a rabbit at first, you’re not getting out of friendship just because you feel bad,’”
“She didn’t tell me everything, but I know enough to know that you must be hurting. And that’s why you’ve gotta let us help you, vet,” Legend’s tears didn’t stop coming, but he cracked a mischievous smile.
“Who are you and what have you done with our idiot captain?” He joked, getting a small laugh from Warriors, who had since faced the fire again. “Captain?”
‘What is it?”
“Thanks,” Legend spat out, finding it hard to say those words, his old attitude bubbling back up as his tears dried. Warriors raised an eyebrow. “No- really. Thank you,”
“Don’t mention it,” Warriors nodded, letting Legend lean into his side once more. The veteran still clung to his tunic like a child, but if he was feeling better, Warriors didn’t mind. “Do you think that you’ll fall asleep anytime soon?”
Legend shrugged. Warriors grinned, looking at the curled up veteran, who was suspicious of the devilish expression.
“Then do you wanna hear the time that Marin brought Ganondorf to his knees?” 
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imaginetings · 4 years
if you love me don’t let go - eggsy unwin
Y/N - Your Name
M/N - Middle Name
L/N - Last Name
M/O - McDonalds Order
Word Count - 2471
Requested? - Nope
Warnings? - Swearing, mention of dying and injury, flashbacks that may get you in feels
Notes - I’m in my feels okay :( also it’s formatted more space for paragraphs and i canny be bothered to fix it sorry. also would you guys want a second part of this in eggsy’s pov??
part two
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When they say you’re meant to see important parts of your life flash through your head before you die, they weren’t wrong. Yet after all that I’ve done there is one common denominator in these flashes, Eggsy. The man that has held a significant part of my heart for most of my life ever since we met in infants and he had that glimmer of hope in his eyes, we were the terrible twosome as Michelle loved to call us.
I never believed this would be the way I would go, alone in an alleyway, bleeding out because of a mugger or possible enemy of Kingsman. The details I didn’t care for, all apart from the fact that I didn’t have Eggsy with me.
Yet with the strength I have left, I reach for my phone and whilst my initial thought was to call Eggsy I know that if I am to get out of here alive, it’ll have to be the emergency services. After all, Eggsy is probably out with someone who’s most definitely not me. Best friends, that’s all we’ve ever been yet I love him more than that and I guess he’ll never reciprocate because it’s just plain old me.
Smearing blood on the phone screen as I typed in the one digit thrice I could only feel myself start to grow weaker as the time flew by. I can assure you that although time is flying, i’m not having fun.
“Hello, Emergency Service Operator speaking, which service do you require?”
“erm, the one with the ambulance thing. Yeah that’s it, ambulance please,” I ask and the operator who connects me instantly “Hello? I’m currently in an alleyway on Chiswick High Road and I was attacked and I’m bleeding really badly and I think they might have shot me, I don’t know it happened so fast and I just need help please,” I explain swiftly to the operator who keeps a calm tone.
“Okay miss can you stay on the phone? There’s an ambulance heading your way now. Can you stay on the line as I ask you questions?” The operator asks.
“I can try, but things are getting fuzzy.” I explain.
“Okay, so what’s your name miss”
“Y/N M/N L/N”
“What’s your age?”
“Oh erm what year is it again? Oh yeah 2015, so I am 23” I figure out.
“Okay miss, now what’s your blood type?”
“Red? I don’t know for the life of me Jesus Christ this is bad, i’m sorry,” I say to the operator as things start to fade in and out and I try to fight it, I really do yet black spots cover my vision and as I feel myself start to fall the last things I can hear is the operator on my phone asking me to stay awake.
“Okay class settle down today we are going to be doing work with partners so buddy up!” The teacher explains and I look around to see everyone buddy up with their best friends whilst i’m on my own. “Y/N, come here. Now you’re going to pair up with Gary okay?” I nod and we sit down at his table.
“My names not Gary, it’s Eggsy. It’s such a cooler name than Gary,” Gary, no. Eggsy says to me. I smile at him.
“Okay, Eggsy. I’m Y/N and you’re going to be my new best friend.”
“But you’re a girl.”
“So what if I am?”
“Do you pinky swear that you’re not gross like other girls.”
“I pinky swear.”
“Now we can be best friends,” Eggsy says with a toothy grin and I return it with him and we begin to work on the poster that the teacher had set for us.
“Wooo! Go Eggsy!” I shout in the stands next to Eggsy’s mum. Both of us cheering him on in his gymnastics competition.
“That’s my boy!” Michelle shouts and I shout alongside her cheering for my best friend as if the noise I make will make him win even more.
He pulls off the routine effortlessly as per usual and I sit there restlessly with a cheshire grin on my face, waiting until I can congratulate him because that’s some talent needed.
It was no surprise he won the competition, again, yet to congratulate him we went to the one place anybody goes for celebration, McDonalds. He orders a big mac whilst I get a M/O and we sit down and eat across from one another and Michelle is sat next to Eggsy with her meal as well.
“Well done babes,” Michelle says.
“Yeah, well done Eggsy!” I say with a mouthful of food and Michelle gives me a motherly glare. “Sorry.”
“Did you see me out there? I was flying like a bird and just swinging and it was amazing!” Eggsy explains rushingly which Michelle just chuckles at and I nod and carry on eating my meal.
“Oh come on Y/N what’s one night going to do to your study plan? We’ve literally only just started year eleven you’ll be fine, you’re a clever clogs anyways.”
“Eggsy, we had this conversation when it came to mocks in year ten and what did I do? I flunked it, so we are not going there.”
“Don’t be a spoilsport love come onnnn, you know you want to,” Eggsy eggs on with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Fine. I’ll take the day off and we can do what you want.”
“Oh you’re going to regret saying that now,” Eggsy chides and I roll my eyes at his antics.
“Are you trying to make me change my mind?” He shakes his head and we leave my room to go and follow whatever antics he had in store.
That night ended up with us in A & E because Eggsy got into a fight and I attempted to break it up and a for sale house sign ended up hitting me in the face.
A busted lip with a scar to remember it with since the sign managed to break through into my mouth.
The look on Eggsy’s face when it happened seemed to be one of pure anger and fear, but I could’ve been seeing things. Yet at fifteen I knew for definite after all the years I’d known Eggsy Unwin, I loved him. For the following weeks he was so protective of me that it was almost overbearing. Almost.
I managed to get him to watch some movies with me and we even ended up eventually on watching My Fair Lady which I fell asleep to within ten minutes whilst Eggsy watched the whole thing.
It was one of them nights, I instantly knew when the phone rang. It was Eggsy, Dean was being a dick again. He came over to my house and I put aside all of my a level revision and brought him into a hug. “Why did she pick him of all people Y/N?”
“I don’t know Eggs, it’ll get better eventually, I promise.”
“How can you promise that?” he asks and that’s when I know he needs a pick me up.
“Because i’m psychic okay, and obviously I can see your future which is extremely blinding to the naked eye that you’d need factor a thousand sun cream okay?” I explain to him with a sorrowful smile on my features, he simply nods and I pull him back into a hug although it’s an awkward angle due to the height difference.
“I was thinking about joining the marines.” Eggsy blurts out.
“That’d be great for you Eggs, I mean it’s what you want to do right?” I ask him looking into his green eyes.
“Yeah, but.” He stops.
“But what Eggsy?” I ask.
“I don’t want to leave you or mum.” He explains.
“Look, if you do just know I’m with you every step of the way regardless, and i’ll be there for your mum as well. I’ll look after her.” I explain and rub his back soothingly. He gives me a incredulous look. “Oi, don’t be cheeky. Need I remind you on how I got this scar?” I nudge him and he chuckles.
“Okay, you’ve got me,” he sighs and loops his arms around me and brings me in tightly. “How do you always know to say the right thing?” he asks.
“I’m an a level student, I’m smart what can I say?” I say cheekily with a wink and that causes him to tickle my sides and I have no escape. “Eggsy! Stop! Please!” I plead.
“Say uncle!”
“Neverrr!” I laugh out and it starts to pain me. Yet he is relentless in tickling me. “Okay okay! Uncle,” I relent and he laughs before launching himself on my bed.
“So… rom com or horror?” he asks.
“which would you prefer?” I return.
“Horror it is then,” I retort and he gasps from behind me. “Deal with it Eggboy, you prefer the romcoms and I like the horror movies I thought we had established this by now. Okay, now pick. Left or right.”
“It’s…. Saw!” I exclaim pulling the movie out from behind my back and he rolls his eyes at my excitement for the franchise. “Don’t worry, you can hide in my arms if you get scared,” I tease as I put in the dvd.
“Oi!” he shouts and throws a pillow which hits me square in the face as I turn around.
“What? It’s the truth and you know it,” I chastise.
Eggsy was halfway through training before his mum went mental at him not wanting to lose him like how she lost his dad and I could understand and so did Eggsy to the point that he dropped out.
When he returned home I had my final exam of my whole a levels. Three and a half hours of pure writing and by the time it was done my hand had cramped up into the position of how I hold my pen. Yet when leaving the building he was there waiting for me in casual clothes. “Eggsy!” I exclaimed as I ran to him to which he brought me into his arms with ease.
“Hello love,” he states with a smirk on his face. “Pub?”
“Yes, you read my mind. Especially after that exam,” I state and we head to my car that I had saved up for with work.
All throughout the time I was in university, Eggsy was by my side. Even when I dropped out because the band that I had been working with was starting to take off and I decided it was for the best to drop out of my degree.
He was there when my family kicked me out after learning of me dropping out and helped me find a flat as well.
There were many lows and many highs. There was always the almosts. The almost love, the almost kiss. Yet it never happened.
And thus darkness, the only familiar thing throughout, when I was attacked it was dark and that’s what it’s like for me without him, dark.
Yet in the near distance a rhythmic droning beats. It sounds almost like a heart monitor. Wait. I must have made it to the hospital. I was found in time.
Fighting to open up my eyes was probably harder than it should have been but I was determined. Although it was bright, I soon adjusted and I’m met with the clinical space of a hospital bedroom. Flowers are dotted around the room and I notice a small teddy bear in a suit amongst them all. I smile at the gesture. Then the door swings open where two nurses are chatting amongst themselves and that’s when they notice i’m awake.
The next few days were a blur and before I knew it I was heading home, alone. Although the days were a blur, nobody visited. Lying in my bed for the first time in what felt like forever was luxurious yet it was interrupted by a knock at my door and a groan from my mouth following suit. I grab my crutches and hobble to the door, ready to tell the person to fuck off yet when the door opens I’m met with the familiar green eyes.
“You’re okay!” he exclaims and goes to hug me which I recoil against.
“Yeah, as much as someone who was attacked can I guess.” I say and hobble back in leaving him to follow me in and I head back towards my bedroom where my bed beckons me.
“Are you okay?” he inquires. I just nod and sit on my bed. “Okay now I know you’re not okay, talk to me Y/N.” Tears start to well in my eyes.
“I don’t know okay. One minute I’m walking from Amy’s and the next I know someone is attacking me and asking me about your job and then I was alone and it just felt so cold and it felt horrible, like I haven’t felt like that since my parents were screaming and shouting at me for dropping out of University. Yet I was on the verge of death. But the worst thing Eggsy, it was being there bleeding out in the middle of London alone. I don’t think I can be alone again if I’m honest.” He pulls me into his side gently and motions for me to carry on. “I realised that all of the best moment in my life are with you and I don’t know what I am going to do with myself if I don’t tell you that I love you Eggsy. I have done since we were kids and I mean in a romantic way, not a platonic way and if you leave i’ll understand but I had to say it.”
“Y/N, when I got the call from the hospital saying that you were there, I froze. I don’t freeze. I was with Merlin and Roxy and I broke down hearing that news because guess what, Y/N M/N L/N I am in love with you and I have been for years okay?” He confesses and we lean into one another, it was like it went in slow motion and then the next thing I knew we were kissing. “God i’ve waited years to do that,”
“I can bet I have been waiting longer than you Eggs,” I smirk and cock my eyebrow at him. That’s when he tries to lay me down. “Ah ah ah, nope mister. I’m not allowed to engage in any physical activity for six weeks until the stitches can be taken out.” I explain to which he huffs and decides to just cuddle me instead. “But this, I can get used to,” I mutter and lay my head on his chest.
“I love you Eggsy.”
“I love you too Y/N”
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halcyonnhood · 4 years
Ramen, Baking and Glitter || l.h
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Summary: Luke realizes he loves his best friend while on tour and confronts the feelings when he sees her again.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: possibly a few curse words.
Authors note: The italics are Luke's memories of her! After the asterisks (***) is when they're back in LA and in present tense. I hope the format looks okay, I typed this out on my phone. Also the OC is very special to me (more about that in the tags.) I may write more about her and Luke.
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The band 5 seconds of summer have travelled thousands of miles over the years. They've explored new countries, cities, and towns. They've met new fans, friends, and probably too many flirty humans. Luke enjoys every last bit of it, he thrives on the attention. Yet, no amount of love from fans manages to take his mind off one of his best friends waiting back in LA for him. Everything happens to remind him of Sarah.
When the boys stayed in Japan, Michael had demanded to stop for ‘proper’ ramen before they left the country. Of course, no one had the heart to deny him his love for traditional Japanese food. The four of them had been bantering and talking about plans when the longing had struck Luke. He was mid bite of his chicken ramen and all he can remember is the silly heated debate he and Sarah had before the tour.
Sarah tosses the bright orange bag back at Luke and scrunched her nose in disgust. She hadn't eaten all day and upon arriving at Luke's house, she decided she wanted to fix something easy. So naturally, she rummaged through his cabinets and made Luke reach the ramen shoved on the top shelf. When he handed the orange bag to her with “chicken flavored” printed across the top, she felt like she was going to have a brain hemorrhage. Now she just stares up at the top shelf in disappointment, as if red bags would magically appear instead.
“I want ramen.” Sarah tells him with pouted lips.
“You just threw the ramen at me,” Luke says. He points at the bag on the counter.
“Yeah, because that's disgusting.” She makes sure to enunciate the word disgusting. “It's chicken.”
“What do you have against chicken ramen? You like chicken, we literally just had some last night.” Luke questions.
“Ya, we had grilled chicken. It's the flavoring in the ramen, it's weird.”
“What kind do you like then?”
“Beef.” Sarah says. She gives him a playful smile when he rolls his eyes at her, “It is the only acceptable ramen.”
“It is not!” He argues. “You're just wrong, you monster. Chicken is a classic,”
She fake gags, “I have taste buds, you giant oaf. Now we have to go to the store because you're wrong.”
Luke spent the rest of the Japan trip thinking about Sarah. He thought about how much he missed her randomly dropping by his house and pretending she owned it. He thought about how she would've really enjoyed eating traditional ramen instead of the instant kind, she would never want to leave the foreign country. Lastly, he made a mental note to buy the girl all the beef ramen she could ever want and to find a restaurant that serves the real stuff. He knows something so small would make her whole day and he just wants her to smile.  
Japan isn't the only time Luke is reminded of the strong willed girl. They had met a fan in Munich who looked uncannily like Sarah and he hadn't been the only one who noticed. If Luke's being honest, he hadn't been paying much attention to the girl at first. She had won some radio station competition and the whole band had greeted her at once before she turned to talk to Michael first. He had taken more of a notice to her after catching Michael's not so subtle glance at the boys and the first thing he had connected was the hair. The fan had her hair honey blonde hair pulled back into a French braid, so what? It wasn't uncommon to see the almost brown hair color and the style was popular. It's not like he hadn't seen it on anyone other than Sarah, he had. It was just such a common sight around his household that he automatically associated it with her.
When the fan had made it to him and pulled away from the hug, Luke felt bad for not paying attention to anything she said. He wanted to, but he was captivated by how she could be a perfect doppelganger. Dark olive green eyes, freckles spotted across flushed cheeks, and a small button nose. All things that looked eerily similar and one look at the boys showed that they had seen it too.
“Holy shit,” Michael said as soon as she had left “That kid looked exactly like Sarah,”
“It's weird,” Calum added. “I mean, all of the features just matched,”
Ashton had chuckled at their surprise, “They do say everyone has lookalikes,”
“Still so weird, especially after not seeing Sarah in months.” Luke said with a shrug. He tried not to think about it too hard.
Three different shows went by without Luke being reminded of her. He thinks it's because he made more of an effort to facetime her at the end of his nights and fulfill his longing to talk to her. When they stop in Paris, he's proven wrong. Luke wishes he could be cheesy and say it's because he realized he was in love with her while in the city of love. Except he realized his love was more than platonic weeks ago.
Ashton had suggested that they go somewhere local for breakfast. So, the duo set out on an adventure for the best place that served breakfast. They ended up in a bakery, ordering an abundance of baked goods and iced coffee. The savory scent of bread mingling with the sweet scent of pastries and cookies reminded him of none other than the girl that he may or may not be in love with. More often than not, she'd spend her extra time using new recipes to bake cookies, cake, and bread. Most of the time she subjected the boys to taste testing, but none of them seemed to mind. There would be days that Calum would be sad to come over to Luke's and find no treats. It was even sadder on recording days when she couldn't make it to the studio to visit and drop off her baked goods. The best days were always when she stopped by.
“Booooys,” Sarah sing songs, “I made some cookies!”  
She sits the plate covered with aluminum foil on the desk and sits next to Michael on the couch. Ashton's listening to the producer play back their latest song while both Luke and Calum are diving for the plate to see who gets a cookie first. The sight just reminds her of how childish they can both be and it makes her laugh.
"What kind are they today?” Michael asks.
Luke sits back and looks at the cookie in his hand while waiting for her to respond with her normal rambles about the recipe. Usually she'll tell them all about how the website lied about the amount of butter or come up with an excuse to why ‘the first batch is bad’. He has to admit that he loves hearing her get so passionate over her baking skills.
“I made two. Can you believe it? TWO!” Sarah excitedly tells him. “I made salted caramel and raspberry with white chocolate chips. AND the caramel is homemade!”
"Wait, you know how to make caramel? This is so good” Calum says while waving around the half eaten cookie.  
"It's so easy, it's just cream, sugar, and butter. But it burns if you don't take it off the heat fast enough. I may have ruined a pan,” She explains the last part timidly.
Some time during her explaining how to make caramel, Ashton had also grabbed one of the cookies. He just shakes his head at the girl with a chuckle, “Sarah, you'd be a good baker if you didn't burn everything,”
"Says the man who is on his second cookie,” Sarah says with a glare.
"This is the third time you've burnt something,”
“I'm betting that other bakers have burnt things before!” She argues.
The other three stay quiet as the two go at it, both of them living for the argument. For a minute, Luke thinks that Ashton is enjoying it too much. That is until Sarah's expression softens from the furrowed brow to a relaxed and playful one instead. Sometimes he thinks they're both too argumentative and honest for their own good, but it always ends in good fun. He could never understand why they actually enjoyed arguing and often times egged each other on, but as long as no one ends up in tears, everyone let's them hash it out.
“The cookies are really good, Sarah.” Luke tells her honestly. His insides feel melty and gooey as her eyes light up at the compliment.
"Thank you, Luke!” She thanks him in an overly sweet tone, “You know how to be a GOOD best friend. That's why I love you,”
It's possible that Luke had fallen hopelessly in love, not that he'd admit it. He had spent the entire world tour consumed with thoughts about Sarah, always seeking out bits and pieces of her in every place they visited. He even associated her with ramen out of all things. Ramen. He knew he'd have to deal with the conflicting emotions eventually, but he still opted to push them away to have a clear head for the rest of tour. A mostly clear head. All he knew was that it was a future Luke problem.
*  * *
“Are you really bringing up the brownies I made in 2017?”
“They were MEMORABLE! Gosh, I remember how bitter they were. It feels like it happened yesterday,”
“Cocoa powder is bitter, you little shit!”
The argument can be heard throughout the hallway leading up to the dressing rooms in the Forum. Luke hadn't been expecting to hear the bright voice until later tonight, so naturally when he hears her, it makes his heart soar. Her words towards Ashton sounds harsh, but he can hear the playful hints in her tone. He isn't even to the door and can already visualize her darkened blonde hair falling past her shoulders, her usual makeup, and a smile tugging at her pink lips. He feels like he might explode with excitement.
Luke is right. He leans against the doorframe and watches two of his favorite people argue. She has half of her hair pulled back in a ponytail, purple glitter tapped onto her cheekbones, and the light catches on her shiny lip gloss. Neither of them acknowledge his presence, but Michael gives him a knowing grin from one of the chairs. He doesn't mind, he's just happy to see her again and admittedly he missed their playful fights. It gives him time to think about how he'd admit his love.
Girls are usually the ones to secretly fall in love with their best friends, at least that's how it's always portrayed in shows. Is it weird for guys to do that? Luke isn't sure how he's supposed to tell her, should there be some grand gesture? Just be straight up with no frilly things? He should've bought her flowers on the way here from their last promo video. He just wants her to feel appreciated whether or not she holds the same feelings towards him.
Luke is brought out of his daze by a smaller body colliding with his and warm arms wrapping around his midsection. He envelopes the smaller girl in his arms and gives her the tight squeeze that he's been waiting months for. She pulls back and he smooths down her frizzy hair with a small smile.
“I missed you so much, Luke.” Sarah smiles brightly up at him. The sight is enough to turn his heart to mush.
He just returns the warm smile, “I missed you more,”
“Now that you're here,’ Sarah turns around dramatically and points a manicured finger at Ashton before continuing, “You can protect me from bullies!”
“What's he bullying you bout’ this time?”
“My brownies! He can never be nice to me. I slaved all night for y'all and he brings up the disaster of 2017. I'm so much better now.” Sarah huffs.
She snatches the Tupperware bowl off of Ashtons lap and twirls around to push it into Luke's hands instead. He takes one out and savors the first bite, Sarah watching his every move for a reaction. She isn't wrong, it's much better than the first time when she forgot to add enough sugar. When he makes a noise of appreciation for the sweet treat, her face lights up and she sticks her tongue out at Ashton with a laugh. Luke swears that he could watch her soft features all evening, but he could settle for a bit of time before the concert. The last concert of the tour. Then he could spend the rest of his days talking to and watching her when she visits.
Sarah points her nose up in a mocking way, “See, Luke agrees that they are good brownies. I'm right. Now if you excuse us, I've got to paint Luke's nails!” .
“Luke's opinion doesn't mean you're right,” Ashton tuts.
"It does too! Accept defeat, Ash.” She calls out while dragging Luke out of the room with her.
Luke almost forgot that he had texted asking her to repaint his nails. Between potentially obsessive thoughts, promo, concerts, and trying to be a real tourist; Luke hadn't found the time to find someone to keep up with his nails. He definitely wants them done for the show, so he doesn't complain about their abrupt departure from the boys. Sarah leads him a few rooms down to one of the unoccupied dressing rooms and points at the lineup of polish bottles on the makeup desk.
"I didn't know what color you wanted this time, so I bought nearly half of my collection with me,” She says.
"You didn't have to bring all this, Sarah. You could've just picked one for me,”
“I wanted to have a choice! I think you should pick something new though. No black or red.”
“You're really going to do that to me?” Luke asks in mock distress.
It makes Sarah let out a giggle and roll her eyes, “I'm so horrible, I know.”
It only takes Luke a moment to narrow down which colors he liked best. He really wanted the sparkly red, but he couldn't ignore her opinion when he valued it so much. She wants something different, so he hands her the pastel  pink polish and gives her a sheepish glance. She doesn't react badly though, she just gives him a wide smile with her pretty lips and motions for him to sit in the chair.
Sarah gets to work with painting his nails, making precise strokes to avoid a mess of polish. He admires the patience and steadiness required to do such a simple task, because the last time he tried it looked like a toddlers handy work. After watching three nails being covered in pink, he turns his attention back to taking in her features. Her brows dip down into a tiny furrow as she concentrates and he notices the new freckles dotted around her forehead and nose. He figures that she must've been in the sun recently, he's always known that the spots darken with exposure to sunlight. He likes how it just adds more depth to her complexion.
Luke also enjoys the glitter. She tends to save the bold look for festivals and he wants to tease her about how their show must be important. He just finds himself fascinated by how it looks on her and how it instantly brightens all of her features. Of course he wouldn't tease her about it when he thinks she looks so effortlessly pretty. Although the thought of him being the reason for her flushed cheeks is tempting enough.
When Sarah sets the closed bottle back onto the desk, Luke notices her makeup sitting neatly in the corner, probably so she can freshen up throughout the night. He wonders if the glitter would have the same effect on him. Plus, he just wants her close to him.
“What's going on in that brain of yours?” Sarah waves a hand in front of his face.
“I was just thinking,”
She purses her lips at him, “No shit, sherlock. Elaborate,”
"You know how you do your makeup? I was thinking about if I'd look good in it and if the fans would like it” Luke tells her honestly.
“The fans would love it, lu. And we'd be matching!” She gushes. He can tell she's already visualizing the look on him.
"Can you do mine too then?”
"I don't think you could afford my services,” She answers, while already reaching for her makeup.
There's more steps to the makeup look than Luke had originally anticipated. She explains each and every step to him and somehow listening to her explain bb cream ends up being the softest thing in the world. She promised that it'd only even out the redness and he does like how natural he looks. After contouring and adding blush, she finally moves onto his eyeshadow and glitter. He catches a glance at himself in the mirror as she pulls back his hair into a half ponytail and he likes how pretty he looks. The glitter looks nice on him and he matches Sarah perfectly.
Sarah pulls out the gloss wand with a ‘pop' sound and smiles at the man, “One last thing.”
"Thank you. I almost look as pretty as you,” He tells her. He likes how her face flushes a darker pink at his compliment.
"Oh, stop that. You could rock it better than me any day,”
Luke studies Sarah's expression for a moment while she puts her makeup away and he's never wanted to kiss someone more. He's spent months away and he's been consumed by his newfound romantic love for her. Now that she's in front of him again, he wants to kiss her and take her out for authentic beef ramen like he had planned. He wants to watch her bake and compliment all of her new recipes. He wants to hold her tight and never leave her again. He's just afraid that she'll never see him as anything other than a friend. He'd accept any love over none at all, but he'll never know the difference until he tries.
"Sarah, can I be honest with you?” Luke questions.
She looks up at him with wide eyes, “Always. What's up?”
"I think I love you,” Luke tells her carefully. “Tour gave me a lot of time to think about how I feel about you.”
"Romantically?” Sarah looks at him in awe and points at herself, “Me?”
"Yes, you.”
“I'm really not sure what to say in this situation,”
"You don't have to say anything,” Luke rubs his sweaty palms against his pants, “We can just pretend this never happened.”
"No, I mean…I think I like you too. It's just that you're my best friend and you were gone. So I don't know how I really feel? It's easy to think one thing without the person around. Now you're here and what if I just missed you?”
"We can always wait to talk about this,” He assures her, “I was just going to ask you to go on a date with me after the show,”
She gives him a lopsided smile, “What kind of date?”
“I figured I'd ask you to a Japanese restaurant, but no weird seafood since you hate that. I thought you'd like some traditional ramen. We had it in Japan and it reminded me of you.”
"The real stuff? Michael talks about how good it is all the time!”
Luke smiles at her reaction, “Would you like to go with me?”
"You know what? Yes! It'll be fun.”
The boys are finishing up last second preparations backstage when Sarah joins them. Michael and Calum are talking with each other and she doesn't see Ashton with them yet, so she takes it as a chance to talk to Luke. He's fidgeting with his in-ear monitors when he notices her walking up to him, a sneaky expression across her features.
"Being a troublemaker?” Luke raises an eyebrow at her.
"You know it! I just took a break to wish you luck,”
"I always need that,” He chuckles.
The stage managers are rushing around and one speeds by calling out that they'll be on in one minute. Luke gives her a frown, sad to leave in the middle of a conversation. Sarah on the other hand just smiles instead and motions for him to lean down. When the tall boy does, she stands on her toes and places a soft kiss against his lips. His blue eyes widened at the unexpected kiss, but softened after the initial shock. She pulls her lip gloss out and touches up his gloss that she had messed up, not wanting to ruin his look. Luke didn't expect Sarah to make the first move, yet he's the one blushing.
“I-” He starts.
Sarah doesn't let him get a word in edgewise and pushes him lightly towards their other three friends, “I think you're going on now,”
"You look pretty. I'll see you after!” She adds again with a smile at the shocked man.
Luke is definitely in love with her, there's not a single doubt in his mind. All he can think about through the concert is the fact that he's never been so excited for noodles in his entire life. Noodles and his favorite girl.  
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themurphyzone · 4 years
104 Words for 104 Days: Dynasty Part 1: Princess
AN: Takes place in Doof Dynasty time period. Artistic liberties have been taken, and by that I mean a LOT of artistic liberties have been taken. Also, I really wanted to write something with Isabella as the protagonist and this seemed like a good place to do it. Since this turned out much longer than I expected, I decided to just divide it into two parts.
Dynasty Part 2 Coming Soon!
“Sir! Our defenses have been compromised!” General Carl shouted, rushing into the royal palanquin and collapsing into a dead faint in front of Regent Monogram.
Princess Isabella moved her ink pot before Carl’s head could smash into it. Sensing that the calligraphy lesson was over, she carefully put the materials away while Monogram waved a jar of incense in Carl’s face.
“General, don’t faint until you’ve given us the necessary exposition first,” Monogram scolded. “And especially not in front of the Princess.”
Carl nodded weakly. “Of course, sir. My apologies, Princess.”
“Accepted,” Isabella said. “What’s this about our defenses being compromised? Surely Master Perry wouldn’t leave our country unprotected.”
“Princess, are you sure you want to hear about this?” Monogram coughed. “You’re not much more than a ceremonial figurehead until you’re of age. Until then, it’s perfectly acceptable if you want to lavish in luxury and leave the worrying to the professionals.”
Isabella fixed him with an icy glare. “Regent, I respect you and your administrative decisions. But I’ve fought Doofus Khan in a terracotta warrior before and if you’ll pardon my unprincess-like language, kicked his sorry butt back to the steppes of Mongolia. Those commoner boys fought for the Tri-Province Area and me when they were hardly trained, and I intend to do the same.”
“How old is she again?” Carl whispered to Monogram.
“Older than a child but younger than a teenager,” Monogram whispered back. “It’s the bow, I think. Throws everyone off.”
“Your report, General,” Isabella demanded.
Carl stood up and bowed his head. “The commoner boys who saved the Tri-Province Area were building the northern tower of the Great Wall near the Large Bamboo Forest of Largeness when Doofus Khan kidnapped them. Master Perry is currently training at the Loud Waterfall of Loudness, which is notoriously difficult for even the most fleetfooted messengers to access. Doofus Khan left this scroll, most likely to demoralize us before swooping in for his conquest.”
He handed the scroll to Monogram, who unfolded it and grimaced at the ink picture of Doofus Khan sticking his tongue out with a finger above his lip in an obvious mockery of his mustache.
“This means war,” Monogram huffed. “My mustache and beard combo is highly fashionable in this day and age.”
“There’s a message at the bottom,” Isabella said, placing her finger in the blank space to avoid smudging the ink.
Mwahahaha! If you want the boys back (lousy defense system by the way, do you guys really not have a militia?), send Princess Isabella to my Inescapable Fortress of Inescapableness! I wanted to call it the Inescapable Fortress of Doom, but my new scribe is defensive of his names. Just head due north. That’s all the directions I’m giving you. Don’t worry, you can’t miss it. Or do worry, cause I’ll be taking the Tri-Province Area soon enough! Have a bad day!
Wishing you all the misery in the world,
Doofus Khan
“Without Princess Isabella’s undeniable charm, our country will fall to ruin!” Monogram groaned. “We can’t abide by this fiend’s terms!”
“You aren’t stopping me,” Isabella declared. “I’m going to save my friends and the Tri-Province Area!”
Isabella held up her hand to silence him. “I appreciate your concern. But I can take care of myself.”
“Very well,” Monogram sighed, the scroll dropping out of his hands with a dull thud.
Carl raised a hand sheepishly. “Sir, I believe I have the solution. Lady Firesong has trained a squad of preteen girls in the art of bodyguarding, self-defense, survival, pottery, gator wrestling, and decorative cupcake making. This would make for an excellent training exercise for the girls. I’ll send her a message after I’m finished fainting for the second time.”
Then he fainted again.
“I still think we’re doomed,” Monogram muttered.
The training complex wasn’t anything grand, especially compared to what Isabella was used to, but they had enough equipment that would make an entire Roman army jealous. Many silkworm cocoons lined each plant in the garden, and Isabella plucked one off the leaf out of curiosity, slipping it into her flowing sleeves while Monogram’s back was turned. He led them through a lantern-lit path until they reached an ancient portrait, which depicted an elderly woman in a flowing purple robe.
To Isabella’s surprise, the portrait bowed.
“I am Lady Firesong. Welcome, Princess Isabella. I’ve received word that you wish to perform a rescue mission. The girls who volunteered to accompany you are highly skilled in many areas. I hope you’ll find their company adequate,” the elderly woman rasped, then turned and clapped her hands. “Alright, girls! The Firesong anthem for the Princess, just like in rehearsal! One, two, three!”
Five girls in matching orange robes hurried into formation, singing the cutest song Isabella had ever heard in her life.
“-and it’s not too terribly long!” they chorused with a banner of the Tri-Province Area in the background.
Isabella applauded, much to the girls’ delight. Monogram didn’t look too impressed though. “Yes, yes, that was great. Princess, will you be okay?”
“Failure is not an option,” Isabella replied.
“Good,” Major Monogram said, reaching into his robe and pulling out a ribbon-tied scroll. “Deliver this scroll to Doofus Khan, will you? I, uh, have a very important message for him.”
“You can count on me!” Isabella exclaimed, taking the scroll.
Monogram nodded in approval and left, confused at the angry looks that were thrown his way when he still didn’t acknowledge their song.
“Well, it looks like my work here is done!” Lady Firesong exclaimed, settling back into her chair. “I am so glad I can rest here and let children handle matters of national security.”
Isabella’s clothing was custom-made by a tailor who exclusively served royalty, so creating her own Firesong robe was an entirely new experience for her. If Regent Monogram could see her filling baskets of cocoons, he would be horrified at the manual labor that a princess of her caliber certainly shouldn’t be doing.
But if a princess could operate a terracotta soldier, then she could easily create a robe out of raw silk. Besides, it was a great opportunity for learning about the other girls. She committed Gretchen, Holly, Katie, Ginger, Millie, and Adyson’s names to memory, only mixing them up twice when she was too busy taking the silk threads out of the boiling water.
“-and that’s why Lady Firesong trains us from birth. As a result, none of us really know who our parents are, but the rewards are worth it,” Gretchen explained as Isabella removed the finished robe from the loom. “I’ve always been told I’m more of a second in command type anyway.”
“Are you sure?” Isabella asked, stepping behind a bamboo screen to try on the robe. It was shorter than what she was used to, just barely reaching her knees, but much less restricting than her royal clothes. “I wouldn’t want to take your leader position just because I’m a princess.”
Gretchen smiled. “No, I can give orders, but I lack the charisma of a natural born leader. I should know. I’ve been trying for the Charisma Patch for years.”
“Well, I can always teach you,” Isabella offered. “It takes skill, confidence, and taking advantage of our naturally cute dispositions, but I’m sure you’d be able to learn!”
“Thanks! So, what do you think of the uniform?” Gretchen asked.
Isabella pushed the screen aside, twirling in her Firesong robe. “It may look delicate, but it’s durable,” Isabella said. “Also, I never knew I pulled orange off this well. I’ll have to ask my tailor for more clothing in this shade.”
Gretchen nodded, then poked her head in the doorway. “Katie! Are the accessories ready yet?”
“Right here!” Katie shouted, hurrying into the room and handing an orange sash and hairbow to Isabella.
“These sashes are the most important part of the Firesong uniform,” Gretchen said, pointing to her own sash. Unlike Isabella’s, hers was decorated with several colorful patches. “They’re proof of our accomplishments and fairly useful in a fight. Plus, we pooled our silver pieces for a hairbow. We just thought it’d look good on you.”
“Aw, you girls didn’t have to go that far!” Isabella exclaimed as she put on the sash. She let Ginger tie the hairbow, since the girl seemed enthusiastic about touching her hair.
Now that she couldn’t be recognized as a royal, they were ready for action.
“Storm the base!” Adyson shouted.
“Bring lots and lots of weaponry!” Holly suggested, pounding her fist into her hands.
It seemed they didn’t have much of a head for strategy. But Isabella supposed that was what a leader was for.
“Our main objective is infiltrating Doofus Khan’s fortress and rescuing the boys so they can complete the Great Wall,” Isabella said, and silence fell instantly. “But we need to pack only necessary items because a giant desert lies to the north, and we’ll need to cross it in order to get there. In other words, no more than what a two-humped camel can carry.”
“Katie, fill the water flasks!” Gretchen barked. “Ginger and Adyson, grab the food! Make sure you include lots of ox jerky!”
Adyson groaned. “I really hate ox jerky...”
“It’s a start, but there’s a necessary stop we should take before heading north,” Isabella continued. “Master Perry is currently training at the Loud Waterfall of Loudness, so we’ll need to go there first and get his help. What do you girls think?”
“Let’s go!” Millie exclaimed. The other girls echoed her battle cry.
Ginger held up a lute. “I’m in charge of the travel music!”
The other girls glanced at her.
“What? Travel music and a montage are necessary items too!”
Ginger’s idea of travel music was playing ‘You Snuck Your Way Right into My Rice Paddy’ over and over again. Sure, everyone liked the song, but after two hundred repeats without taking requests from anyone else?
Not so much.
Everyone was relieved when the roar of the waterfall drowned out her lute. Unfortunately, it drowned out everything else too.
Relying on finger signals and other forms of non-verbal communication, they made their way through the lush undergrowth. Millie and Holly used sharp rocks to mark every tree they passed to make the return journey faster, Katie scouted ahead, and Gretchen and Ginger dragged Adyson between them, who was still recovering from a nasty fall in a ditch.
When they finally arrived at the riverbank, they found Master Perry meditating underneath a pounding waterfall.
“Master Perry! The Tri-Province Area is in trouble again!” Isabella shouted, but couldn’t make herself heard above the waterfall.  
Everyone except Adyson added their voices, shouting as loud as they could, but neither the platypus or panda were paying attention.
Isabella silenced them with a wave of her hand. It just wasn’t enough of a hook to nab Master Perry’s full attention. They needed something more.
Isabella inhaled and screeched in the deepest voice she could manage.
Master Perry’s eyes snapped open. He dove into the water, resurfacing with a topknot and traditional warrior’s outfit.
The group went back to the main road so they could talk without screaming over the waterfall. Adyson muttered something about salamanders, her head lolling against Gretchen’s shoulder as her sandals dragged against the leafy soil.
“How did you do that?” Holly demanded, her hair still frizzed from the waterfall.
“I’m excellent at breath control. Plus it’s great for scaring Regent Monogram,” Isabella said. She turned to Master Perry and bowed respectfully. “The Firesong Girls and I wish to accompany you to the fortress. It is my duty as a princess to protect my subjects, and I cannot do that from a palanquin. You’ve trained the boys well back when they rescued me from Doofus Khan’s evil clutches. I will repay the favor.”
Master Perry stared off into space, several vibrations rippling through the air.
“Is that an attack?” Gretchen asked. She pulled off her sash, looping it around her hand and twirling the other end in the air.
“Stand down,” Isabella ordered. “He’s having a flashback. Just wait it out.”
Gretchen reluctantly obeyed.
A few seconds later, the rippling dissipated and Master Perry bowed.
“He’s done, hopefully,” Isabella said. “Phineas mentioned he has a habit of doing this. So, guess we’re heading due north now. Do any of you know where we can rent some camels?”  
Master Perry gestured for everyone to follow him.
“Who’s ready for more travel music?” Ginger asked. She tuned her lute, smiling brightly as she strummed a chord.  
“NO!” Millie and Holly screamed.
“Hehe, the salamanders are doing opera,” Adyson giggled.
Turns out Master Perry knew a faster way to transport them to the fortress. One that involved a massive red dragon that resembled the ones at Chinese New Year (but since it’s China, they just call it New Year), but much larger, more metallic, and without relying on people’s feet for an energy source.
“Master Perry! So good to see ya! Finally come out of retirement, I see! ‘Bout time! Never approved of you giving up on saving China after one little incident,” a jovial woman exclaimed. “And you brought an entourage this time! Name’s Glenda, so don’t forget it! What brings you girls to the Dragon Train?”
“We’re going to Doofus Khan’s fortress to rescue our friends. But isn’t this a little advanced for 1542?” Isabella asked, pointing to the giant dragon that Glenda called a ‘train’.  
“Yes, yes it is,” Glenda said, her eyes widening. “Did you say Doofus Khan’s fortress, girlie? Don’t you know that place is inescapable? I deliver supplies there myself. Don’t look at me like that, a woman’s gotta make her living somehow.”
“It’s only inescapable because nobody’s ever tried it before. It’ll be completely escapable by the time we’re finished,” Isabella said.
Glenda slapped her knee and laughed. “I like your gumption, girlie! Climb aboard! It’ll take twenty minutes to get there, so just kick back and let the Dragon Train do the work.”
“Twenty minutes? That’s so fast! And I was planning on a day and a half’s hike,” Gretchen said.
“It’s coal-powered,” Glenda shrugged. “Convenient for us, but makes a heck of a mess in the air. Ah, well. Problem for a future century.”
“I’m game!” Adyson shouted, snapping out of her salamander delirium. “Never been on a train before, but who cares? Better than relying on ox jerky!”
“Man, I would’ve packed my mahjong board if I’d known we’d be taking a train,” Holly grumbled.
Isabella turned to the north, signaling Gretchen and Ginger to wave their fans behind her and produce a dramatic wind. “My name is Princess Isabella, and we’re going to defeat you once and for all, Doofus Khan! You won’t pillaging anything by the time we’re through with you!”
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Could i get a sick monoma who has a crush on reader who is in class 1A, and when he doesnt show up for class, she finds out hes sick and skips her classes to take care of him?
My boy Monoma! I love him! Thanks for the ask! Also sorry if its bad, its my first time writing for him! (Also the format is weird, gotta find out how to fix that.) -Bea
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Monoma is... well he’s an ass to be frank, and to most of 1A, and 1B for that matter, it is incredibly difficult to understand why he has this hatred for your class. It’s confusing to say the least. Weather it be his smartass comments or his constant competition with your class, it’s easy to say that class 1A dislikes Monoma. Well, everyone but you. Somehow, you of all people were able to weesle your way into his heart. He was disgusted with himself that he let himself fall for a member of 1A, especially you. You were just so... annoying. You were the definition of a mom friend... but like, a cool, funny, hot, mom friend. You were constantly fluttering around people, making sure they were taken care of. Perhaps he only liked you because he felt recognized by his competition when you talked to him, or the fact that you didnt care that his attitude was less than amazing. Or maybe it was the fact that when you smiled at him, the world felt like it disappeared around him. But unfortunately, a smile wouldn’t cure him. He had the flu, and it was caught far too late for Recovery Girl to heal. It was bad, really bad. His body hurt with the rise and fall of his chest, his throat burned every time breathed, and he had a dry, painful cough. And the hot flashes. Dont even get him started on the hot flashes. It felt like he
You, on the other hand, were in between classes, waiting outside the classroom door so you could walk to your next classes together. It was as routine as breathing at this point, with a set of unspoken rules that came with the tradition
1. Who ever gets out of class first has to wait for the other person
2. If the class is getting out so late that you will be late to your next class if you wait, just go ahead.
3. You always go to the closest classroom first.
It was as simple as that, so when his class was dismissed and students began to file out, you were surprised to see him missing. You stopped Kendo before she got away. “Hey! Where’s Monoma? He normally doesn’t go this long without yelling at us.” You joked lightly.
Kendo’s eyes widened, “Wait... he didn’t tell you?” You shook your head and Kendo, broke eye contact with you, “Oh... he’s sick so you probably don’t wanna hEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” You didn’t hear her, as you were way to busy running to the dorms, specially 1B’s dorms. Kendo already knew where you were going, and she also knows that Monoma will kill her when he gets better. Unfortunately for Kendo, Monoma specially asked the class to not tell anyone that he was sick, especially class 1A. Something about “Not wanting the enemies to know he can get sick,” or whatever. Not like it matters.
You had just arrived at the dorms. For whatever reason, Monoma gave his spare key to you, which was strange because you weren’t even in his class. It’s not like you were complaining, you loved that he trusted you enough to give you the spare key to his room. As you shut the door to the common room, you walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge, happy to find it stocked with ingredients. What were you making? Soup, a traditional sick day meal. You chucked the broth and vegetables in a pot, turned on the stove, and quietly placed the lid on top. It wouldn’t take long, but in the meantime, you decide to go see Monoma. You grabbed a bowl of ice and a cup of water, and hopped in the elevator. Standing in the empty elevator, you took the time to think. As annoying as Monoma was, the boy had carved a hole for himself in your heart. Under the mask of extravagance and disdain, he’s honestly a sweetheart. He doesn’t always show it, but he did care. It was normally shown with small actions, wether it be him packing a bento for you when he had extra food, or texting you good night and telling you how great you are when you had a bad day, he was a kind soul. That’s probably why you have a crush on him. Sure, his blonde hair and beautiful lilac eyes were a bonus, but it was mostly his attitude that made you fall for him. He was loud, angry, and passive aggressive, emphasis on the aggressive. You also admired his drive and determination. Even with a quirk that could be considered less than hero worthy, he worked his angry little ass off to make it into the hero program, and he succeeded. But he didn’t give up there, he’s continued to work hard to be the best he can be. It was incredible and very inspirational. The door opened, and you made your way to Monoma’s room. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door, hearing a grunt and a confused, “come in?” You opened the door and sighed at the scene in front of you. Monoma was in his bed, one leg out of his blanket, his other leg under, tissues surrounding his body. He had his fan on, filling the room with noise. His face was pale and gleaming with sweat, his hair stuckto his forehead. He looked up to you with wide eyes as you shut the door behind you quietly, walking over to him. You placed the ice and the glass of water on his night stand, then sat down on his bed. You just kinda... looked at each other for a few seconds, and then he tried to sit up. He groaned, his head pounding from sitting up to quickly.
You pushed him back down gently, when he finally speaks. “Why are you here?” He questions.
“Because you’re sick.” You say, grabbing the cup of water from the nightstand.
He furrows his eyebrows at you. “Yeah, so?” He states.
“So I’m taking care of you,” you hold the cup out to him, “Drink some water.”
He pushes the glass away, craning his neck in an attempt to look at the clock on his desk. “No, what time is it?” He looks back to you.
Checking the clock, you look back to him, “10:45, why?”
He sighs and rubs his face, grabbing a tissue to blot his face with, then throwing the tissue somewhere behind you. “You should be in class.” He grumbles.
“Yeah, well I’m not, I’m here taking care of you,” You shove the glass of water back in his face, beginning to become aggravated with him, “now shut up and drink the fucking water.”
He turns his head away from you and pouts, then mumbles, “Fuck you, no.”
You lean towards him, close enough to where he can feel your breath tickling his face. “Drink. The. Fucking. Water. Now.” You growl.
He turns back to you and crosses his arms over the blanket, then reaches out and grabs the cup. “...Fine...” He mumbles into the cup, taking a sip of the cold liquid. Honestly, it’s really soothing, like a dry sponge absorbing water for the first time, but he would never admit that to you.
He shoves the water back to you,“Good, now then, have you taken any medicine?” He stays silent and turns away from you, becoming fairly interested in the pile of tissues on the floor.
As you place the cup back on the night stand, you grumble, “Monoma...”
He doesn’t look back up to you, he just mumbles, “..no..”
You sigh and chuckle, “Christ. No wonder you’re sick. I’ll go downstairs and grab some. I’ll be right back.” You pat his head and he whines.
The one thing you didn’t think to ask was where the medicine cabinet was, so instead of just finding the medicine, you were forced to shuffle through the many different cabinets, until finally you found the holy medicine cabinet. You sifted through it until finally you found what you were searching for. You disided that since your down here, you may as well grab a bowl of soup for him. You take the bowl and the medicine back to Monoma.
“Ok, I got medicine and soup.” You say as you open the door. Monoma’s eyes drift from you to the soup
He crossed his arms and shivered, “Where the fuck did the soup come from.” He says, then coughs.
You put it next to the water on the nightstand, then open the medicine. “I made it, now take the medicine, then soup.” You put it in his hands.
He brings it to his nose and smells it, then grimaces and holds it as far away from him as he possibly can. “Ew gross what is this?”
You grab it from his hand and instead try a different method, “Medicine, now open up.” You say gently.
He turns his head away, “No.”
You grumble and press the spoon against his lips. “Monoma... open up.”
He shakes his head at you and turns his nose up, “Nope.”
You sigh, and realize you need to take desperate measures. You place your hand on his chest, or, the blanket over his chest, and lean towards him, putting on the saddest look you possibly can, and then whisper, “Neito... please just take the medicine... if not for yourself then at least for me?” He stares at you with wide eyes as you press the spoon full of the offending liquid to his face.
He finally opens up and lets you put the spoon in his mouth. As soon as he swallows, he grabs the water and chugs the entire things, sputtering, “Ugh, that shit is disgusting. Wasn’t there a better flavor or something?” You grab a tissue and wipe his mouth.
You pet his head lightly and smile at him. “Nope, but thank you for taking the medicine, you did a great job.”
His face brightens a little, and he turns his head away.“Tch, whatever, just give me the damn soup.” He makes grabby hands at you.
You chuckle and grab the soup, “Ok ok, fine. Here.” You pick up a spoonful of soup and hold his chin.
His face turns red, he’s probably having a hot flash, “I can feed myself.” He mumbles, but you still press the spoon against his mouth.
You grin at him and snicker, “Yeah, that’s true, but I wanna feed you, so here.”
He rolls his eyes and opens his mouth, and you feed him. Once he swallows, his eyes widen. “...did you actually make this?”
“Yeah, why? Is it the best soup you’ve ever had?” You teased lightly, giving him another spoonful
He rubbed the back of his neck“Uh, yeah.” He said sincerely... until that smirk of doom graced his face, “I didn’t know that you 1A losers can cook, but you know, I bet that 1B can-“ You put a finger to his lips and his eyes shot open and he tensed up, looking from the hand on his mouth, then back to you.
“Shh shh shh, less competing, more eating.” You giggle as he relaxes again.
You continued to feed him and talk to him for around an hour, until he looked like he was about to fall asleep. You decided it was probably time to leave him alone and head back to your dorm so he could relax and heal. As you got up from the bed, you sighed and looked at him, “Well, anyway, you have my number, so get some rest and call if you need something. Ok?” With no response for a second, you assumed he was asleep and made your way to the door.
“Wait...” You paused in your tracks, turning your head to him, “C-can you stay?” He stuttered as he gave you a sad look.
“Monoma,” you sighed “I’ll get sick.”
A look of confidence crossed his face and he grinned. “If you do, I’ll take care of you.” There was the unmistakable gleam of challenge in his eyes. He didn’t care if he was sick, he would chase after you and bring you back to bed if you took so much of a step out that door, and you knew that.
You shook your head and chuckled, pretending, and failing, to be annoyed, “Ugh, fine. Scoot over.” He did as he was told and made room for you behind him, then patted the bed. You climbed in next to him and he threw the blanket over you, then grabbed your arms and wrapped them around his torso. His shirt was hot, and it was wet with sweat, it was also... smooth?
“Monoma?” You questioned,“Are... you not wearing a shirt?”
He grinned and played dumb with you, “No? It’s hot??? Why the hell would I have a shirt?” He knew exactly what he was doing, and you knew too, so you just sucked it up and put your head on the pillow.
“...whatever,” you sighed, “just go to bed.” You closed your eyes and listened to his breathing in peaceful silence.
Until that silence was broken. “Is there still soup?” Monoma asked.
You groaned and mumbled a reply into his neck, “Yes. You can have some later, go to bed.”
“Ok.” He said happily. There was silence again for another five minutes, until Monoma decided to talk again, “Y/n?”
“What.” You snapped.
He was quiet for a moment, then spoke again, sounded much more drowsy than before.“...Thank you... I love you...” He didn’t say anything else so you assumed he fell asleep.
You took a moment to realize what he said. He loved you... he said he loved you. You barried your head into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent, grinning like a maniac. You replied in a whisper, “...Love you too... sleep well Neito...”
Both you and Monoma fell asleep with huge smiles on your faces.
“Fuck you, like, actually fuck you.” You mumbled from under your blankets.
“Oh honey, is that an insult, or an invitation?” Monoma teased.
You thought about it for a moment, and decided it was definitely an insult, but you didn’t reply. He just snickered and grabbed something off your nightstand. “I told you I would take care of you if you got sick,” he grinned manically, “now.. open up and take your medicine.”
Please send requests and follow for more! See you next time!
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purrincess-chat · 5 years
In your opinion, what are all the things that ML writers could do to fix the show and make it better?
Oh, Lord, how much time do you have?
I don’t even know how to begin gathering my thoughts for this, so if this ends up being a big incoherent brain dump then, uh, I’m sorry. XD
So, first and foremost I guess, they need to balance their main characters better. Why is all of the plot tied to Adrien? Why does Adrien have a more fleshed out backstory than Marinette? This is supposed to be a girl power show, and yet it revolves more around the boy’s life from the girl’s perspective basically. Marinette really doesn’t have a dog in that fight outside of the fact that she was asked. 
Marinette needs some kind of tie into the plot that doesn’t revolve around her love interest which is basically all they are willing to give her in this show. Everything about her has to relate back to the boy somehow, and if girl power is their message, then they are kind of defeating the purpose. Sure, they have episodes that are supposed to depict that the girl doesn’t need the boy, but then when you pile on top of that dozens of other instances where she gets pushed aside in favor of the boy, including words coming out of the creator’s own mouth (or off of his two thumbs onto a screen) then it doesn’t exactly hold the same weight. 
If your protagonist doesn’t have a tie into the plot, then why are they the protagonist? Take other shows, for instance: Avatar: the Last Airbender, Aang is the avatar and it’s his destiny to keep the balance in the world, She-ra, Adora was destined to become She-ra, it’s in her blood. But you have Marinette who is Ladybug because….the greater good? Some fairy sprite bug thing asked her to be? 
The villain isn’t personal for her, there is no mark of destiny that deems that she must be a hero, she’s just kind of there. Even her family barely gets fleshed out in comparison to Adrien’s. I mean, her parents are just blindly supportive of her meanwhile Adrien’s mom is in a magical coma, his father is cold, distant, and neglectful, which for some reason turns his assistant on and makes her want to sacrifice her fucking health even though Gabriel looks like a dried up soft pretzel. They canceled the special where we were supposed to learn about Marinette’s family, and I think that about sums up my point.
Secondly, I think they need to abandon the idea that Adrien is perfect because it’s not doing his character any favors. Thomas is so far up his ass about Adrien being a perfect example to boys that he has actually looped back around and made Adrien a poor example to boys. He gets away with all of his bad behavior because Thomas just covers his eyes if you call it bad behavior, he refuses to take no for an answer from the girl he likes, he thinks standing up for yourself is being unkind to the other person regardless of how unkind they are being to you, he conveniently turns a blind eye to the abuse of his friends, but god help you if you try to assert yourself against your aggressor because “you should just be nice to them and eventually they’ll change” like um, and maybe they won’t, in the mean time, I don’t want to put up with their bullshit! 
By insisting on this perfect image, they prevent Adrien from growing because you can’t improve perfect. I have said it before numerous times, but Adrien reeks of amateur fanfiction author’s self-insert OC. He’s described as being perfect, he’s good at a lot of activities just because, he’s wildly attractive, charming, smooth, can generally do no wrong, everything revolves around him, the narrative is constructed in a way that usually puts him above the everyone else. The fact that more people don’t realize that, especially the creator himself, is laughable. 
“But Cat, Chat Noir gets mind-controlled and thrown around and is goofy and-” Okay, but when Chat throws a tantrum about Ladybug not returning his feelings, who apologizes sincerely? Who is painted as being wrong in that situation? When Chloe puts a train full of people in danger just to play hero for a day, who does he scold? And of the two, who does the fandom adore more? Bonus: who do the Chibi specials revolve around and pity? 
Thirdly, they need to actually delve into shit more. It’s season 3, they’ve only been greenlit for 2 more seasons, and what plot do we have? Gabriel wants to bring his wife back from her magical coma, Master Fu messed up something in the past that led to two Miraculouses being lost as well as their temple to be destroyed where presumably everyone else but him died making him the last member of that magical society. That’s it. We don’t know how Emilie got to be the way she is. We have suspicions, but nothing explicit in canon yet. Same with Fu. We don’t know what his mistake was, only that he made one. We barely know any lore about the Miraculouses, the origins, how they were made, when they started working with humans, why they were created. 
If you want my honest opinion, with how slowly they’re dragging out this Agreste plot, they could have accomplished it in two seasons if they actually made every episode count and mean something. We get like maybe 1-2 minutes of actual plot relevant information once every few episodes, if that, and sometimes that “plot relevant information” is just the villain learning that there’s a guardian. Hang onto your asses, guys, they’re really laying it on thick for us. 
Seriously, they give us breadcrumbs of plot, and they don’t even go into any of the cool shit (like fucking Master Fu and his ancient magical fight club perhaps??) because obviously the villain’s assistant being in love with him despite the fact that he’s married, has a kid, and is doing all of this to resurrect his comatose wife whom he loves and devotes everything to is WAY more interesting and important than all that froufrou magical ass Chinese bullshit, right? Like, this show has all of this Chinese lore and a biracial lead, and they still somehow manage to make it all about white people. but ya know, the French are proud of themselves I guess
Fourth, chunk the status quoyo out the fucking window. I get that this decision may not have been the writing team’s, but in fact a higher up decision, but it’s still a stupid ass decision. For a show that is trying to introduce deeper plot, you cannot progress anything if you constantly have to set everything back to the way it was at the end of the episode, and that much is evident. The relationships are getting stale, characters aren’t developing, plot is moving at a snail’s pace, all because they are so bound by this idea that everything needs to be right in the end to maintain an episodic format. If they wanted to keep the series episodic, they shouldn’t have gone in for all of this lore and backstory that they say exists, but never tell us what it is because that just leaves a lot of people unsatisfied. 
Fifth, for the love of god learn how to write dynamic characters. Not everyone needs to be dynamic, but your main cast should probably be. Adrien, I love him to bits, but he is static as all fuck. Which, again, see point number 2. One of the biggest complaints floating around about Stormy Weather 2 is that the characters haven’t changed. With the exception of Marinette, none of the other characters have really learned anything. Adrien hasn’t, Nathalie doesn’t have enough focus to learn shit, Nino and Alya really haven’t, Chloe sure as hell hasn’t, and Gabriel can’t decide if he’s an abusive piece of shit or a sympathetic, heart broken sad man, so I barely count him. 
In fact, 3 of those characters’ “development” just revolves around being in love. Nathalie’s “change” is that she for some reason wants to fuck Gabriel (I guess the whole gray-ass pompadour, candy cane aesthetic really does it for her), and then Alya and Nino’s “change” is that they fuck love each other now which them being a couple has basically just become their entire character. They’re barely separate anymore, particularly in Nino’s case more than Alya’s. I’m sure that Chloe’s bit about having changed juxtaposed with flashbacks of her not being nice coupled with how she wasn’t nice in this episode was just for humor because they like to make the point that mean people will never change, but for some reason they still feel the need to teach the protagonist a lesson about being nice to mean people so that they can change, but they don’t do that, they just think that you should keep hoping. :) :) :)
I honestly think that the writers don’t know what “character development” means, and Stormy Weather 2 was just proof of that. All they did was show that the characters have been in a number of different situations, but none of them have really learned anything or grown from those situations, so it’s kind of a weak argument to say that they’ve changed when they’re all intrinsically the same. Except for Marinette because she is constantly the writing teams’ punching bag in all of these morals of the day cause can’t teach shit to perfect boy cause he’s perfect, but of course they don’t reflect on all of the lessons they forced her to learn, what are we, stupid? No, her only importance to the plot is the fact that she loves the boy that the plot really focuses on, so of course her only significant development of character is that she can talk to him sometimes without foaming at the mouth. Not a peep on how she has learned to overcome her jealousy and hotheaded nature, gained confidence in herself, and learned to maturely accept when someone doesn’t return her feelings, a lesson that a lot of us wish good old perfect boy would fucking learn, but he can’t because he’s perfect. :) :) :)
Another part of the problem with characterization in this show, is that often times characters behave in such a way to push the moral of the day rather than giving them established characters. It’s why Alya only questions Marinette’s sources in Chameleon while she just lets Lila claim a bunch of wild shit without batting an eye because she only cares about journalistic integrity when she can use it to beat down her friend so she can learn a lesson about turning the other cheek. :) :) :)
Sixth, pick up a fucking romance novel every once in a while cause hot damn is their relationship progression a heaping pile of hot garbage. Their love drama is so forced and there’s no real development because of the #status quoyo because they must drag this shit on until we’ve all basically lost interest. I’ve seen more people dropping off the love square in the last half season than I’ve ever seen in any other show. Part of that has to do with Adrien becoming a real “nice guy™” but a good chunk of it also has to do with the fact that they don’t really know how to write love drama or romantic tension in a way that makes you care. We all pretty much know that Adrien is never going to figure it out, even if someone grabs him by the shoulders and screams it in his face that Marinette is in love with him, so why should we care? We know that Chat Noir is never going to stop loving Ladybug, but Ladybug is never going to stop loving Adrien so why should we care? We know the show is never going to break the square because they’re endgame so why should we care about the love rivals? 
Seriously, Captain Hardrock didn’t give me a reason to care about Luka or ship him with Marinette. I still stand by my opinion that their chemistry was incredibly forced and inorganic, and it still is, and as much as I love Kagami, I wasn’t convinced that she was interested in Adrien at the end of Riposte either. The only reason we know Luka likes Marinette is because Winny said he “fell in love with her at first sight” on Twitter (which the whole love at first sight trope is bullshit, but that’s a post for another day). Somehow in Frozer Kagami was randomly into Adrien all of a sudden, and no one likes to bat an eye about the fact that she told him to change targets because the girl he likes doesn’t like him back and then at the end of the episode when Adrien admits that he still likes the other girl over Kagami, Kagami is all “well, it’s fine. I’ll wait.” like bitch, again on characterization. A strong and confident character like her would know her worth and would show that boy the door. But of course she would contradict herself because they need her for #love drama later even though we all know it doesn’t matter. 
I love the love square, and I live for soft moments between them, but I’m ready for them to turn up the heat and give me some actual drama and tension that doesn’t revolve around Chat being a pouty pissbaby or Marinette fucking up another love confession. Cause when you do that too many times, it stops being interesting. You have to throw us a bone somewhere or else we’re gonna stop caring, and lots of people already have.
Seventh, can we please stop pitting all of the girls against each other while the boys just get to be cool with each other? For a show that promotes itself as being a “girl power” show, there are a metric fuckton of misogynistic undertones to this show. See: why does the plot revolve around the boy even though the girl is the slated protagonist. See: why does the girl learn all the lessons while the boy gets to be right all the time. See: why two teenage girls are “the worst things I can think of” while an actual neglectful father gets to be sympathetic and “do anything for his family” uwu
Seriously, I think making Kagami and Marinette rivals while Luka and Adrien are just chill dudebros is so tired. Girls fighting over boys is tired, especially because we have it not once, not twice, but three fucking times in this show. Chloe and Marinette don’t often fight over Adrien, but in Despair Bear Chloe sure as hell didn’t want them dancing together. Marinette initially follows Lila because she’s hanging off of Adrien, and even at the end of Chameleon, Lila makes it known that she is still gonna try to steal Adrien. Kagami basically tells Marinette that she better stop hesitating or she is gonna steal Adrien away, and we have Backwarder where Marinette is basically plotting to cockblock them even though we had Frozer where she decided she wasn’t going to be jealous of them because Adrien liked her. Again, see: characters behaving in a way that is convenient for the plot of the episode. All of the drama is between girls. All of the women in this show are described as being terrible, the worst things they could think of, never going to stop being mean. Seriously. Chloe and Lila? Worst things Thomas can think of. Audrey is constantly shown intimidating her husband who is extremely corrupt himself, not that anyone bats an eye at that. Nathalie/Mayura was described by Jeremy as “making Hawkmoth look like a baby.” Any time they show a man being problematic, they have to bring in a female to be ten times worse, and the worst part is: they don’t even know they’re doing it. #girl power, am I right?
Eighth, speaking of making people bad, can we stop half-assing redemptions? Honestly, they’re so back and forth on whether or not they’re going to redeem Chloe. First it’s “mean people will never get a miraculous” then dingdong, who’s that? Queen Bee, motherfuckers. Then it’s talk about how they’re not going to redeem Chloe then bam bitch, “why don’t you love me?” But even after that they reset the status quoyo and have her go back to being mean. Even after they give her a second chance to be a hero and do good, she still goes right back to being her nasty self. I think they really highlighted in Stormy Weather 2 how much they haven’t changed her at all, and yet somehow she still gets to play the hero. 
Additionally, now we have them trying to make Gabriel sympathetic? Boo fucking hoo my wife is in a coma so I terrorize the fucking city on a daily basis, pity me! Also I neglect my son, verbally abuse him from time to time, and I don’t even let him see his friends or feel any happiness, and even though my superpower revolves around feeling people’s negative emotions, I never seem to care about my own son’s unhappiness, but hey, I’m doing it for his mommy, so that makes me better than the 14 year old girl. :D
Shit or get off the pot, Zag. Either you’re going to redeem these characters, or you’re going to leave them the way they are. Make up your damn mind.
Ninth, be diverse in more than name only. For a show that prides itself on its biracial female lead and its ties to Chinese culture, uhh, they spend a lot of time focusing on not those things. I said it before, but they focus all of their plot attention on rich ass white people drama more than the vastly more interesting Chinese lore they have going on. Their black characters were paired together just cause, and their only real important quality now is that they love each other. Their ship is basically their character now, and we barely have a reason to root for them outside of the fact that they’re canon. They have such shallow relationship development that my feet wouldn’t get wet if I stood in a puddle of it. Can we have more on them, please? 
This show is diverse only on the surface. They use diversity as decoration then fill everything else with less interesting shit, and even then they get a lot of shit wrong. It drives one of my Asian friends nuts that Sabine’s neckline is facing the wrong direction. (for those unaware of what I mean, it should look like a y. hers is backwards) They use diversity to pat themselves on the back and say they are diverse, but they have no intention of doing anything meaningful with it. It’s just a gold sticker they wanted to give themselves to draw in an eastern market. It’s cheap, and several of us see through that shit. 
And last, but certainly not least: Shut the absolute fuck up on Twitter. Just shut the fuck up. Every time Thomas opens his mouth, he just pisses off more people or makes everything more convoluted. Shut the fuck up. Please. 
Now, I know a host of you are going to be like “buhhh, it’s a kid’s show, go outside, hur dur, I’m so smart and mature,” but like, honestly that’s a weak argument. Yes, Thomas’s audience is young now and they may not be able to see all of this shit, but when they get older and decide to go back and watch one of their favorite childhood cartoons, all of that shit is gonna come out. They’re not gonna be so naive forever, especially if our generation is raising them, and just because they can’t see all of this shit now, doesn’t mean that it’s not still there just because they don’t notice? That doesn’t make it any less problematic. One thing I love about several shows I used to watch as a kid is that they aged well. When I go back and watch them now as an adult, I find things that I missed as a kid that I appreciate now as an adult. I can’t say that the same is going to happen with Miraculous, especially in this day and age. 
Additionally, kids learn a lot through media. I never believed that I was any less than the boys growing up because I consumed a lot of media that taught me that, and going back and watching it over now, I still get that from those shows. Clearly, if you apply two ounces of logic to this show, it falls apart, and that’s not because it’s a kid’s show, it’s because it’s bad writing. I can always see what they are going for, but they always miss just a little bit. sometimes a lot
A lot of us complain because we are concerned with the message being spread to the next generation because those kids are going to grow up one day and be influenced by what they are consuming now. If we teach our girls that the perfect boy is going to chase after us no matter what we say to them and if we teach our boys that in order to be the perfect boy we have to continually chase after the girl until she says yes, how are those kids going to approach relationships? That mentality is actually something that we are trying to combat in the world. That mentality is why rape is so prevalent because we teach boys that they are entitled to a woman’s affection if they’re “nice” to them, and if she doesn’t give it to them, then she is wrong. 
Media has an impact on kids, whether we like to admit it or not. Yes, parents can still teach them, but sometimes things get into your subconscious and it can determine how you see yourself and the world. Lots of kids engage in make-believe play where they put themselves in that character’s shoes and play pretend. I just think it’s important to give them the right things to look up to. 
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 18: Noah’s Dad Decides he Doesn’t Love His Son Anymore When Noah Gets Way Too Into Petz Hexing
I was hanging out with Bro and he made me look at a lot of bad Yugi wigs that were 600 dollars each, and because only like...4 good Yugi wigs exist in the world, I decided to help him get out that Yugi itch in a healthier way, by copy editing these posts and fixing the way I spell Gozaburo wrong about 400 more times before this arc ends.
So last we left off, Noah decided to reference that one part of the Bible he knows.
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He’s gonna change the playing field to kind of run through the history of the Earth, showing us that in every period of history his outfit was never acceptable.
Also he got the history a...little bit wrong. You had to have people before Noah’s ark but...whatever. I took astrology, there’s a lot about planet formation we’re still kind of guessing on, so do whatever you feel like, Yugioh. It’s not like any kids watching this got real pissy about how Noah was totally botching the Archean period.
He also decides to dump on us how he got so smart. See, Kaiba got smart by studying a lot, surrounding himself with people way dumber than him, and then just bossing everyone around him until they agreed with him that he was very smart. In Noah’s case, it’s because he’s literally a computer.
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I’m really glad I get to find another anime that’s all ham about this tree. In this case just slapping it on there for a few seconds, long enough for me to say “WHAT THE HELL, KIDS SHOW?” before it vanishes again.
Good on you, Noah. You just...casually slipped that in there.
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Ah, but unfortunately, the AI who is like...not even human and is *pretty sure* He’s Noah Kaiba is still kind of attached to his Dad. Maybe it was a part of his core code that he couldn’t reject his Father? I dunno, just seems weird that he achieved enlightenment and was like “So uh...I guess I’ll play cards and take over a mindless corporation. Good use of my time.”
(read more under the cut)
Kaiba’s reaction to hearing that his brother stores all of human knowledge was “well, it can’t possibly be that difficult. I’ve done way more than that. I have a homeschool degree and half a high school diploma so go to Hell, bro.”
Yo how many people would sit down, turn to their computer, and just start shouting at their core processor about how they’re waaaay smarter than it? Remember that during this entire conversation, Kaiba is shouting at a literal computer.
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So anyway, we finally get to see why they bothered showing us spider room a few episodes back. Youknow, that room with the baby in it? Turns out...there was never a baby in this room, since Noah was a kid when he first woke up here.
Before it was covered in spiders, it was covered in blue and off white. This is a very boring Martha Stewart room in different shades of robin eggshell. You can tell this kid is a Kaiba because oh boy that is a...really boring 50 yo housewife look, ain’t it?
I’m sure it’s symbolic for the fact he is hella dead and innocent at this point but like...every time we see Kaiba interior design it’s just the last type of design you expect from this high octane family.
Anyway, Noah’s kind of surprised to be awake because, last he remembers, he was very much hit by a car.
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Ya, I mean, if you have to tell your son you Frankenstiened him into a horrible crime against humanity, might as well tell him as quickly and bluntly as possible, I guess.
Anyway, because Noah existing breaks the most basic moral human laws in every country on Earth, they kinda can’t let him go anywhere, which means that to prevent the loneliness, Kaiba gives him...a pet?
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So Noah and the dogcat decide to travel through Domino and realized very quickly that there were only like...five NPC’s. There’s like an ice cream girl, and like a couple walking people, and that’s about it.
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Noah’s words were something like “man this place is full of glitches!” because his dogcat wouldn’t stop barking and he threw a rock at it and it didn’t care. Glitches.
I guess it’s one way to look at it?
It feels like Noah got somewhat cursed like Pharaoh did, just a little bit. Like not completely it’s just that I can’t help but notice both are trapped in some sort of basic geometry shape--Pharaoh’s is a pyramid and Noah’s is an orb, and both have untold superpowers matched with some heavy depression that goes with having said superpowers. Not to mention, both have a host body all set up for possession, it’s just Kaiba is a little bit youknow...unwilling to participate. They’re very different obviously it’s just...way to trap your characters in shapes.
Anyway, last episode I felt like maybe Noah liked being an orb, this episode he’s made it a little more clear that it is kind of not great being an orb...but only because he can’t throw any rocks at dogs or have real conversations with anyone but his own Dad.
Anyway, Noah got a little bored. So his Dad sent him to virtual Mars.
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And now Noah only finds joy in hacking his digital pet. Relatable.
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Now I know a good chunk of you are my age--that good Jenna Marbles age--and will know exactly what I am referring to, as for the rest of you, turning your digital pet into a hell creation was just a thing we all did in year 2000ish. All of us did this.
And I was like “I bet you, that someone out there has made a robot Hex, I guarantee” because I spent...I want to say 2 years of my life downloading modded breedz of Catz 4? I even tried to do it myself but I wasn’t any good at it because I was super young and bad at computers, I never actually got Robbie William’s Millennium as a Catz meow (though trust me, I did try. It was my life’s dream when I was small.)
But the closest I found to a Robot Petz was this?
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Dang. Look at that thing. This one is actually pretty good because it does resemble an animal. I admire it a lot. Trust me, I spent like days moving my bunniez feet around trying to make a dragon and just ended up downloading someone else's dragon.
And then, from the same page I saw this gem right above it.
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HELL YES........
....I freakin love this period of the internet so freakin much. I was only ever really a part of a couple of fandoms as a child and the Petz fandom will forever hold a little part of my heart. I mean, look at this. What’s not to love?
Like, Catz is probably number 3 on my list of best games ever made. Not so much because the game was any good, but because none of the files were protected in any way so even kids like me could hack in there and make the weirdest abominations and post them all to their Angelfire pages.
Well, other kids could, I was so baby that I was still using my Mom’s email address and did not know how to put a damn thing on my webpage. Which I did have. But it had like...only frames. It had like 3 words and just me splitting the page into 50 frames because I did not know what I was doing.
I apologize to all the kids in the room who have never seen a web page covered in ugly ass frames. You lucky bastards.
....but Petz...Noah was into PETZ. I can respect him for that.
I still think he’s a little creep-o, but knowing that he hacked his pet has given me a lot of appreciation for his work.
Anyway, it was after Noah changed the boring ass simpleton dog into a much better dog that Gozoboro decided “I have made a monster, I am abandoning my boy.” Which uh...this was the thing?
I mean as far as body horror goes, Litterbox up there is way worse. As far as body horror goes, we also have, Jinzo over here, but the digital dog with a cute robot head was the thing that made Gozoboro say “What have I done!?” The dog is digital, it’s not even alive.
Especially since I feel like the follow up question Noah made was like way more frightening than the dog thing?
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Kaiba glazes right over this entire conversation. Like full stop, he didn’t even seem to blink. No part of this story even slightly surprised him, although I will admit, at least Seto has decided that Noah...exists and might in fact be a robot his Father made once. This in itself is a big deal for Kaiba, who has a goldfish memory and denial wider than the sea he’s trapped under.
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First of all, congrats to the storyboarder/animator for drawing a hand in that angle, mad respect.
Second of all, this is pretty close to the actual line from the show, Kaiba legit thinks that his Dad wanted Kaiba to be the president, after he knows full well that his Dad was like “Don’t Take Over My Company, You Little Twerp” and then like tried to even send Seto back to the orphanage whence he came. Kaiba’s pretty sure that his Dad wanted that whole thing to happen exactly the way it happened. No regrets. Just family being family.
And Moki’s still chilling on the Moki couch, just kinda taking this all in before he’s summoned unto the field like a playing card.
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Ah, yet another person who is like “KILL MEEE” on this show. It’s been kind of a while. Like, who’s left that hasn’t stood in front of a loaded card-gun like this? Duke? Is Duke the only one who hasn’t sacrificed his body for the greater card-good at this point? Is this why Duke is our amoral Chaotic Neutral? Is this why Duke is still the only one who hasn’t died yet (and I’m crossing my fingers still that he’s gonna be our death 169, it can happen, I can believe)?
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I feel like this is the season of weird hugs. Like everyone on this show that has hugged has gotten a little weird. The only not-weird hug was when Yugi attempted to hug Joey once and then Joey dodged the hug and wrestled him into an arm-distanced noogie instead--which is technically still not a hug, but the closest we’ve gotten to something a human would do. It is so lucky for our art team that all the huggers are supposed to be hella weird anyway.
Anyway, next episode we get to find out if Noah also had an AIM username or got really into Jelly pens. I can see him getting suuuper into Jelly pens, with hair like that.
Anyway, here’s a link to Season 1 Ep 1 to read in Chrono order, in case you just got here and you’re looking for that.
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lampsabout-moved · 5 years
hhhh awakening rewrite reboot
info under the cut
Alright so forever ago I had an AU called “Fire Emblem: REAwakening, which was a novelization/rewrite of awakening, to in general let me do whatever i want with the plot, while keeping in the same basic structure, and changing character details, the works. But then I realized my writing was bad and forgot about it, and now I’m revisiting it. fixing the bad shit in Awakening, like Henry, Robin, and Tharja all being plegians (a darker skinned people), but because they join your party and are good guys, they are lighter skinned. Same thing with Olivia being of Feroxian descent. since this is in fic format, the characters would have unique designs, and still use only a few weapons, but be able to branch out more and more. Some characters have changed classes, or are pre-promotes, etc, etc. Lucina never pretends she’s a guy, she introduces herself as Marth, and uses she/her right off the bat. She also never drops her Marth persona until she reveals herself as Chrom’s daughter. because i’m me, i’d prolly write some supports? idk which though.  Emmeryn kind of comes back? Like, not in the weird way it happens in canon. Emmeryn is revived by Naga, but it’s really just Naga’s spirit keeping her alive, so she’s a lot more Naga than Emmeryn.
Tharja! My Girl Tharja was dONE SO CRIMINALLY DIRTY! In this AU, Tharja is actually a bit of an aristocrat in Plegia, being high up in the Grimleal, despite not believing in their teachings at all, really only there to fuel her real passion, Dark Magic. Because of that, she is FASCINATED with Grima, a being made of pure dark magic and despair. Because of that, Tharja can sense Grima slumbering inside Robin, and that’s why she follows him around. She is in no way interested in him in a romantic way, but more of a “hey can I study your heart and maybe like, see if you’re harboring a dark god?” which also gives her more plot relevance!
this is kind of a nitpick, but lore to explain why Falchion looks different in different games? Like, Falchion takes different forms depending on who is wielding it. It takes the classic Awakening look when Chrom wields it, or a spear styled weapon when Lucina has, etc, etc, GRIMA ROBIN SHOULD HAVE FANGS, SIX EYES, HORNS, AND WINGS, ATLUS YOU ARE FUCKING COWARDS-
kids are:
Lucina: The oldest of Chrom and Robin’s kids, and future exalt. Has Chrom’s blue hair, with streaks of Robin’s light pink. Has the Fell Brand and Mark of The Exalt in opposite eyes. (I do what I want)
Marc and Morgan: Chrom and Robin’s other kids, twins! Marc has the Exalted Mark, while Morgan has the Fell Mark. (Marc = Male Morgan, Morgan = Female Morgan). Morgan has blue hair while Marc was Pink with blotches of Blue. Owain: Maribelle and Lissa’s younger kid, wanted to be a dark mage as a kid, and now has dark markings over his face and arms because of botched curses.  His personality is virtually unchanged form canon. Owain’s already perfect.
Brady: Maribelle and Lissa’s older child, pretty similar to canon, except he’s a troubadour, because I headcanon him as GNC! AlsobecausehelooksuptoMaribellealotandwantedtopursueasimilarpathasherbutshhhhh Kjelle: Daughter of Flavia and Sully (because i do what i want). Similar to canon, but some of her supports mention her being technically royalty. She hates it Severa: The rebellious daughter of Sumia and Cordelia. She’s one of the class changed characters, this time being a horseback mage. She specializes in Wind Magic (get it cause wind magic is good against pegasus knights), and dyes her hair a lot to defy Cordelia, even though Cordelia really doesn’t care. She’s also Lucina’s self appointed Retainer. Cynthia: Sumia and Cordelia’s other daughter, pretty similar to canon in personality, but what was i supposed to do? NOT give her a cheesy medieval super-heroine outfit? C’mon! Inigo: Son of Olivia and Panne, and yes, he’s a taguel. Consider for a moment, a taguel dancer unit. He’s a dancer who uses beaststones because not only is that metal as shit, but provides a really interesting class idea! He’s pretty similar to canon in personality. ALSO GeroAzu rights
Yarne: Son of Olivia and Panne, pretty similar to canon because i have, few ideas about our bunny boy Noire: We all know that Future Tharja was a massive dick to her family, and especially to Noire. Basically, Libra divorced F!Tharja, and they lived seperately. F!Tharja’s curses were still deep-seated into Noire, and created a bit of a specter haunting Noire. If you’ve seen BNHA, imagine Dark Shadow, but it looks like Tharja, is Noire’s shadow, and constantly feeds her insecurites. because of this, Noire has taken up being a kick-ass priest/light mage, in order to undo the damage her mother did. Reclaimation and Redemption babeyyyy
Gerome: Son of Anna and Cherche because I do what I want?? Not much but he’s also a big fan of merchanting. get it? cause dragons? he hoards gold? haha? Also he’s apart of the justice cabal fuck you Laurent: Son of Miriel, other parent unknown. I don’t really pair Miriel with anyone that often? So I left her spouse ambiguous. Laurent is still Laurent, and shares all of the child units brain cells with Lucina. Nah: Similarly to Laurent, I left her parentage ambiguous because EW! Nowi does not enter a relationship, because ew, and it’s implied Nah is from another timeline where an older Nowi had her. Maybe Manakete’s produce asexually? THe world may never know! Her hair color is a green-purple gradient, because it’s pretty I’m also considering adding more kids? Specifically for Kellam/Henry, Tiki/Say’ri, and Frederick/Gaius, but we’ll see. --- this got out of hand, so like, hmu if you have questions! i’d be happy to awnser.
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littleliv1 · 5 years
39’- Brian May One Shot
A/n: a new series I’m starting y’all. It’s going to be in this type of format, I’ll figure out a way to post all of the stories in this series. I worked really hard on this so I really really hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what other songs I should do this with! Much love<3
WC: 2.4k
Summary: Earth is dying. And Brian takes the opportunity to help try to save you and his now growing family.
Warnings: it’s real sad ngl. Contains suicide, so please if that triggers you, don’t read!
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The year was 2238. Earth was dying, and it was inevitable. The air was unbearably hot and sticky. The last clear sky was recorded in the 2100s. There are records from hundreds of years ago where kids got out of school for snow, something kids nowadays only read about. They could never imagine it. They got out of school for things like if the temperature was over 50°C, even then, you never missed a day of school. Not after the newly designed school head set. Sick? Put it on and enjoy your day at school. Heat day? Even teachers had one.
In 2200, the government in nearly all countries had failed. The world leaders came together to creat the SSA; the Synchronized Settlement Act. From then on, the world wasn't split into countries. It was one, though physically separated, everyone was one. The Earth was labeled by direction.
You had married the love of your life, Brian May in 2330. Every couple was allowed one child, due to over population. You and Brian decided to wait as long as you could to have the child, especially with the rumors of a newly born world that was possibly near. Alas, those were only but rumors. With Brian's musical talent and his knowledge of space, he had scored you all a nice shack on the beach. It was small, but nicer than most of the southern homes.
This night, you were sitting on the beach, looking at the cloudy sunset. You were surrounded by trash, and the ocean was black is was so dirty. But you were used to it. You all were. Your thoughts were interrupted by a body sitting close to you. You could tell it was Brian by the shadow. "Doing what you do best," He stated, sitting next to you. "And what's that?" You asked, looking over to him. He smiled, pushing your hair behind your ear. "Looking absolutely breath taking. Looks like tonight is clearer than most nights, that's good," He said, pointing out to the coast. You nodded your head disappointingly. "Yeah, I only wish I could see a real sunset. I read once that people used to see the sun, and it wasn't just a mush of colors." You said. He pressed his hand against your neck, rubbing it slightly. "I know, my love," he whispered to you. It absolutely killed him how much he could see you hurt when you talked about how the way things used to be. "I come with good news and bad news," He said, wrapping his hand around yours. You smiled. "I could use some good news." He smiled back, showing his perfect teeth. "The newly born world is real, and they leave to find it in ten months," you smiled so wide, you had never been so happy, besides your wedding day. "Oh Brian! That's fantastic! How could that ever have something bad?" You said, hugging him. "Well, they asked for volunteers, preferably ones with knowledge of space," he quietly spoke. Your heart sank, as did your arm that had been resting on his shoulder. "And, you volunteered?" You asked, your face flushing from the sadness. And he nodded.
A few months had gone by, and it was months full of fun, crying, and passionate love making. On this particular night, you had been feeling weird for the last few months, so you went to the doctor while Brian was away at training. You find out that you're four months pregnant. You sat in your car crying for hours. You couldn't tell if it was out of the happiness that you'd have a part of Brian with you while he was gone, or sad because you'd have to do this alone. Once you returned home, you found Brian at the table reading a book about space. He looked up at you to smile, taking a second before noticing your tear stained eyes. "My love, what's wrong?" He said, pulling himself up and hugging you. "Bri, I'm," you started, unable to find the words to finish. So you showed him the paper work. "You're pregnant," he stated, you nodding your head in response. He hugged you tightly, and you couldn't help but to sob in his chest.
In the year of 39' assembled here the volunteers, in the days when the lands were few
The day he was to leave finally arrived. They were together, holding each other for what felt like hours. He pulled back, holding your left hand. “This ring binds us. And it will for as long as we will,” he said, kissing your hand. “When you wear it, look at the sky and close your eyes. You’ll know what I mean soon,” he continued.
Here the ship sailed out, into the blue and sunny mourn, sweetest sight ever seen.
Your moment was interrupted by someone yelling that it was time to leave. He grabbed your face and kissed you for as long as he possibly could. “I love you Brian Harold May!” You yelled as he was being forced into the rocket. “I love you too (y/f/n)!” His muffled voice yelled. Within an hour, the rocket was gone and had taken off.
That was the loneliest night of your life. You laid there, looking at his side of the bed. You vowed that never in your life for as long as you live, no one, not even you, will lay there. You looked at your wedding band, remembering what he said. You got out of bed, your feet hitting the cold floor, and walked to the front porch. You saw the silhouette of the moon, but you could tell it was full. You closed your eyes and did everything you could to feel him.
And the night followed day, and the story tellers say, that the score Brave Souls inside,
6 months had passed and your baby was born. You birthed a beautiful baby boy, who you named Brian Harold May Jr., Harry for short. Harry was only a few weeks old. One the media, they name the volunteers the Brave Souls.
For a many lonely day, sailed across the milky sea, ne’er looked back, never feared, never cried.
A year had passed. They had very little contact with the volunteers, at this point they could only receive messages. But, the Brave Souls, as their name implies, they were brave. Strong. Not one wanted to turn around. They weren’t afraid. They wanted to fix the mess that the past had made, and restart for their families. Even though they so dearly missed them.
Don’t you hear my call? Though you’re many years away, don’t you hear me calling you?
It’s been five years since the volunteers left. You began to question when they will return. Harry was turning five in a few weeks, and for his present he wants his daddy. It broke your heart. At night, after you had your dinner, washed up your son, and put him to bed, you’d spend your nights out side looking at the sky. You began to feel his longing for you, you felt it at first in your stomach, the same warm feeling he gave you, but as time went on, you felt it in your head, then your heart. You knew he was calling for you. And you called for him.
He could feel it, too. As he looked out of the window, he held his wedding band, closed his eyes, and focused on you. They had been gone for a few weeks now, and man did he miss you.
Write your letters in the sand, for the day I take your hand, in the land that our grandchildren knew.
Harry was ten years old. It had been ten years since you’d seen Brian. You were close to loosing hope that he was still alive, but you wrote him letters every night. Every night for ten years, not to mention the ones Harry wrote when he started to write. You all glued and pasted them to pages in a scrap book for his return, waiting patiently for him.
Harry wrote about how he wants to meet his daddy. You and he watched the news together, looking at the group picture that the Brave Souls took. You always pointed Brian out. “There’s daddy,” you’d say, holding your child. At night, you always looked towards his side of the bed. You hadn’t kissed, slept with, or even touched another man that wasn’t your son. His side of the bed had gone untouched for ten years. Harry liked to draw pictures of space, he’d show his friends at school. Only they weren’t his friends. He had come home with a black eye one day, they had teased him mercilessly that his dad was dead and that he should just face it. That was the last time you sent him away.
You home schooled him for the remainder of his school years.
Many many years had passed, and you had to face the fact that you may never see Brian again. You were old. You were dying. You were at the age of 65 when you were old you had cancer, it was at stage two and spreading fast. But you fought for 20 more years. Harry was 58, with a child of his own, and she with a child of her own. Harry’s wife died at child birth. His daughter was in her 30s, her daughter was almost 9. You adored your grandchild and your great grandchild. Soon, at the age of 89, you passed away peacefully.
Harry was devastated over your death. He lost his wife, Emily, when she had Aliyah. All he had was his daughter and his grandchild, Millie. Aliyah and Millie took care of him. He told them the stories of his father, Brian Harold May Senior. Millie loved the stories. He showed the girls the notes you and he wrote together, it always brought Aliyah to tears.
40 years later, Harry is 98. He’s getting older, and he can feel his body giving out. Aliyah is in her 70s, Millie is in her 40s with a son of her own who is 18 and expecting. The story’s of yours and Brian’s love never once left the family line, each new generation swearing to give it to Brian if the day ever came. Harry died at 100, one of the eldest men to have lived in the south side. Brian’s
In the year of 39’ came the ship in from the blue, the volunteers came home that day.
The family titled the book of letters you and Harry wrote ‘The Book of Love’. It was now in possession of his great great great grandson, Brian Harold May III. On a cold, September morning, their favorite show, The Moonies, was interrupted. “Damnit! I want to see what happens to Jill! What is this shit?” Millie said, angrily. She was visiting Harold was and his pregnant wife. Aliyah died in a plane crash a few months back. Harold was adding to the Book of Love, when he heard Millie shouting. “Mum, what is it?” He asked. He looked at her with a gaping mouth. “They-they’re-“ She started, standing to her feet as Harold realized what was happening. “They’re home,” he whispered. “Janet! Janet! They’re home! They’re home!” He said, shouting to his wife, now 7 months pregnant. “That’s great love! Go! Go meet him!” She said, kissing him deeply.
They went to the launching pad where they could meet Brian May Senior for the first time. They had a sign with his name on it. The door opened, to only six men. “I thought 16 had left?” Janet whispered to Harold. “No, yeah, 16. But there’s only six,” He said back. They were welcomed with applause. The captain of the ship came and took ahold of the microphone.
And they bring good news, of a world so newly. Though their hearts so heavily weighed.
“Greetings, friends and family. We thank you for this amazing greeting.” He started. The year was 2339. It had been 100 years since they left. “It’s been a long, hard few month, but we are glad to be home at last.” He spoke his words slowly, but everyone knew it was no few short months. A few hours later, they were released to be with their family. Brian found the family, with his name on the sign. “Brian May?” Harold said, look up at the tall man. He nodded his head. Brian just wanted to see you, though you had been dead for quite sometime now. They figured he would have known that by now. They greeted him with wonderful gifts, foods, everything. “My my, this is all so wonderful, but I’d like to see my wife, (y/n). She should be a few months pregnant, maybe 8 or 9 months?” He said. Harold and Millie looked at each other, sadness filled their eyes. “Come home with us, will get everything sorted out there,” Millie said, quietly. He nodded.
For the earth is old and grey, little darling well away. But my love this cannot be!
As they entered the house, Harold ran to get the book, sitting Brian down at a chair. Over the many years of its existence, it was filled of pictures from previous generations. “I don’t know how to tell you this, so here,” Millie said, handing him the book. “It’s from (y/n). She and her son Harry made this for you before they,” she paused looking down. Brian looked up at them, smiling. “What on earth are you talking about, who’s Harry?” He said. He opened the book, seeing all of the letter you and Harry had written to him. He was quite confused. “I don’t, I don’t understand. These are dated 20, 30, 40 years from now? I’ve only been gone a few months,” he said, looking over the dates. “Oh dear,” Janet said. Everyone looked at him in sorrow. “It’s the year ‘39, 2239, correct?” He said, failing faster through the pages, as he got to the family tree with dates. They were birth and death dates. “‘M afraid not, it’s 2339,” Millie said, holding his hand, trying to calm him. He started to panic as he saw your name.
(Y/f/n)-May: Born 2208-2297
“Oh, God, no,” he whispered. He gently ran his finger over the picture of you and Harry when he was 7.
For so many years are gone, though I’m older but a year, your mothers eyes from your eyes, cry to me.
Brian locked himself in his old bedroom for 3 weeks, reading all of your letters. And then rereading them, taking in all of the pictures that they gave to him. You made it a point to take plenty of pictures of Harry while he was a child, at his wedding, with his first born. Brian was too sad to cry. He only ate once a week, and they were a few crackers. Depressed was an understatement of the way he truly felt.
Don’t you hear my call? Though you’re many years away, don’t you hear me calling you. Write your letters in the sand, for the day I take your hand, in the land that our grandchildren knew.
It had been a month since he got home, and he hadn’t spoken more than a few sentences to anyone. He laid in bed at night, staring at the ceiling. He couldn’t handle it anymore. The sadness he felt.
He grabbed a case, and went to the beach. The same beach you two sat on, 100 years ago. Even though his entire line of family was promised a spot in the newly born world, as was he, he didn’t want it if it weren’t with you. He didn’t want any life without you. He opened the case, and pulled out a gun.
“Brian Harold My Senior took his life in 2339 due to grief of his lost wife, (y/n) May. Loving husband, father, along with many generations of life. Rest easy, Brave Soul.” His tombstone read. His family was heart broken for him. They wished that they could have gotten to know him, but they understood why that couldn’t happen. He didn’t belong here.
Don’t you hear my call, though you’re many years away, don’t you hear me calling you? All your letter in the sand, cannot heal my like your hand, for my life, still ahead, pity me.
In the distance of the sunset funeral, you could see Brian watching from afar. You approach him, taking his hand in yours. He could be shocked, but he knows it’s you. He turns to face you, taking in the same beautiful face that said her goodbyes too soon. “My love,” He said, resting his forehead into yours. “Together at last,” you replied, smiling. A single tear rolled down his face. “There’s no life I would want to live if it meant I couldn’t see you,” He said. You kissed him once more, deepening the kiss. “Would you like to meet your son?” You asked him. He nodded smiling. “You can meet him, if you’re ready,” you said, holding his hand. He nodded his head again. You both knew you mean if he was ready to cross over and be with you and your all’s child again. You smiled again, walking towards the sky, the clouds seeming to part for the two of you.
Millie, Harold, Janet, and Harold’s new daughter looked up. “To the most beautiful love story anyone will ever know,” Harold said, Brian forever resting next to you underneath a tree.
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