#eye injury tw
98chao · 11 months
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mtsodie · 11 months
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just finished jobs and that end bit got me thinking
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angelbinder · 1 year
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i don’t think father ward wants to slay anymore
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m0thwinged · 5 months
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crystal-bytes · 5 months
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sparky-cryptidcrafts · 2 months
Things had gone exactly as VV Argost planned. Zak was blinded after an unfortunate encounter with the Myan cryptid Ahuizotl. He learned that he didn't need his eyes to use his ability to influence cryptids, and now he was learning to live without them. This has been extremely difficult because of many variables, mainly that things get knocked around easily in their airship and he is still being hunted by the other secret scientist. Suddenly Epsilon's offer to train and protect Zak doesn't seem so bad.
It took me a while to get around to updating this fic and moving it to Ao3. I still prefer to use Quotev for the actual writing part of fanfics so I'll continue to update there first.
Part of what takes me so long is fixing spelling errors and then adding a little more context to the fics before moving them over. Im severely dyslexic so I'm sure there is a ton I still missed. I have done art for this au that takes place after the time of the current chapter.
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edns · 6 months
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5 years is a lot of time
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forgottnseccnd · 4 months
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" ... Brothers? " Mumbled a voice over a crackling vox-cast. The source of it wasn't able to truly be traced-- at least, in terms of any identification. But, a tired eye could be seen staring into the pict-recorder, one that glowed a faint blue... albeit with a burst blood vessel, turning a part of the eye red.
" Is that you? Are you really... are you really there? "
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toonbly · 8 months
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you know, you know i'll see you again
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nirvanai · 2 years
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more textposts again [puts ryuki in a microwave]
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I always text Quinn about health anxiety and this is the first time he responded with "yeah you need a doctor. Soon. And possibly surgery." My anxiety did not enjoy that, that's for sure. But I know he wouldn't say it if he wasn't sure.
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wildworldmp3 · 4 months
orphan black (2013 - 2017) // i bet on losing dogs, mitski (tw: suicide, blood, eye injury, flashing lights, self harm)
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Whumptober Day 1: Drugging / Truth Serum.
Canon divergence. After capturing Tommy and killing Tubbo when they tried to kill him in the prison, Dream forces Tommy to take some special potions to learn the truth behind the attempt. Warnings for referenced torture and mutilation, eye injury, restraints, drugging, manipulation, self-hatred, victim blaming, and dehumanisation.
ao3 if you prefer
— Tommy winced in pain as Punz kicked him in the stomach again, too tired to even scream anymore. The chains holding him in place kept him from crumpling to the ground, leaving him awkwardly kneeling while his arms strained. They’d already been long forced out of their socket from when Dream had beat him to death, so at least it didn’t hurt any more than usual, but it was exhausting.
Through a half-lidded eye, Tommy couldn’t help but focus on the blood staining Punz’s hoodie a deep red, the chunks of horn and fur still stuck to it. All that was left of Tubbo. He was far too dazed to process that thought- that Tubbo was truly gone, that he’d never see him again. It just felt like a bad dream, like he’d wake up in the bunker tomorrow and message him, and he’d send back a picture of Micheal trying to eat snow or something.
That’s what would have happened, had Tommy not screwed it up.
“Prime, Punz, you’ll kill him; calm down. We need him alive for questioning, dumbass.” Dream’s voice felt like nails on a chalkboard, and Tommy would have flinched if he had the energy. “Besides, I thought we agreed Tommy was mine. Go experiment on the other one, if you can’t keep your anger in line.”
“He killed you!” Punz’s protests sounded more like a child whining than someone actually concerned and angry. If he were more cognisant, Tommy might have been disturbed by how plainly that showed the differences in how the two of them viewed death from everyone else- like a toy cruelly ripped from their hands, not an agonising and permanent inevitability. Instead, all he could think was that he just wanted everyone to be quiet.
Punz let out an exaggerated sigh before turning away, deliberately smacking Tommy in the face with a swish of his heavy tail as he walked off. The impact against his eye socket sent so much pain through his face that he couldn’t help but gag, even as exhausted as he was. The feeling of the axe tearing out his eye was impossibly agonising, but it hurt worse to have anything so much as brush the empty wound left.
He whined in pain as a gentle hand pulled him up by his chin, forcing him to look up. Everything blurred in Tommy’s mind, leaving only a blur of green and white broken up by the same red as Punz was. “Shh, shh. They’re gone now. It’s just you and me, Tommy. Just Dream and Tommy, like old times.”
The words didn’t really process through Tommy’s head, but he still let out an involuntary shudder. Dream laughed, the sound like another blow to the head.
“You thirsty? I got a drink if you need one.” The clink of a glass bottle taunted Tommy, and he was suddenly aware of how painfully dry his throat was. He nodded his head desperately and, finding himself unable to speak, mouthed the word please weakly.
The smell of magic, sickly sweet yet with the faintest hint of burning flesh, invaded the air as the cap popped out of the bottle, and of course it was a potion. Even in his dazed state, Tommy wasn’t even surprised, just resigned. What did surprise him, as the bottle was gently brought to his lips and he weakly took tiny sips, the insides of his mouth too torn up by his braces for much more, was that he didn’t recognise the taste.
It depended on how a potion was brewed, of course, but even with someone like Wil, who sweetened the shit outta everything, you could detect it behind the flavouring. Healing potions, for example, tasted remarkably like strawberries- Tommy wasn’t sure why, you didn’t use strawberries to make them, but they did- while invisibility potions tasted like cinnamon, and the T Tommy took tasted terribly bitter.
This potion, plain with no efforts to hide its effects, tasted metallic, like the blood on your tongue after a deserved beating, yet it also had a faint spiciness to it. Tommy wasn’t a picky eater- he’d survived mostly on raw meat and dubiously safe berries before Wilbur had taken him in- but the taste was still intense, if not entirely unpleasant. Still, he was so thirsty he could think of nothing but gulping it down as quickly as possible.
Dream ruffled Tommy’s hair as he drank, in what was probably meant to be a comforting gesture. “See, look. I’m not so bad, am I? Sorry about Punz, he just gets… protective, y’know?” He laughed softly, the sound slightly less piercing. “Now, this, I worked hard on. It’ll dull the pain of, y’know, all that, and… well, I’ll let it be a surprise, actually! That’s fun.” Finally, he moved the bottle from Tommy’s mouth, far before his thirst could be adequately quenched. “Don’t you love surprises, Tommy?”
“No,” Tommy whispered, the words forcing themselves through his throat. They came out dry and scratchy, hurting even at the quietest of tones.
“Oh, it works!” There was a childish glee in Dream’s tone, and Tommy felt a pit settle in his stomach at what that meant. Dream getting excited seemed to always involve horrible things happening. “Okay, so what this does is that it makes it so you can’t lie, and you can’t stay quiet to hide the truth either. I hate that I can’t trust you, Tommy, but trust has to be earned, okay?”
Tommy gave a blank stare, and Dream wheezed in laughter. “Yeah, yeah, probably too much for you right now. Let’s keep it simple, ‘kay? Can you tell me why the fuck you came into my house and tried to murder me?”
Tommy flinched at the slight hiss in Dream’s tone, preparing for a blow that didn’t come, as the explanation forced its way out. “I- I didn’t want to kill you, it’s just- you- you were gonna torture me forever, ‘cause you hate me, you told me yourself. So I had to- to do something first.”
“Oh, Tommy.” Dream sounded weirdly sad, and Tommy couldn’t comprehend why. “I promise, I don’t hate you. I mean, I stayed when Wilbur didn’t, right? I could be your new big brother! Do you like that idea, Tommy?”
“I don’t wanna be alone,” Tommy said pitifully, and he hated himself for it. No, he didn’t want to spend a single fucking second more in Dream’s presence! Dream had to be lying about the whole truth thing, because the idea that- that he could ever answer anything but fuck no was a lie. “I’d- I’d do that, if it meant I wouldn’t be alone anymore.”
“See, look? You could have just told me that when Wilbur left, and then Tubbo wouldn’t have had to have died. Do you think that’s your fault, Tommy?”
“I’m not the one who cut his fuckin’ head off.”
“But do you think he’d have died if you didn’t barge in here because you thought I hated you?” There was no venom in the tone, just a sickly sweet kindness, yet it brought tears to Tommy’s eyes. He knew that tone. It was worse than any vicious insult tearing him down could be.
He took a hiccuping breath, unable to stop himself from shaking his head. He made a strangled sound as he bit his tongue, muffling the no his mouth was already forming. He- it wasn’t his fault. It couldn’t be. This was a trick. Yeah. It had to be.
“Aww, don’t sulk, Tommy. I’ll let you have play dates if you’re good. I mean, I’ll certainly need a new subject to figure out immortality with, and that’s a fitting punishment for him, don’t you think?” Dream laughed, a mix of cruelty and childish innocence mixing into a static mess that hurt Tommy’s head. A drink had helped him be a bit less dazed, but he still felt like he was pushing through a wall made of jelly just to think.
“I- no. No, Tubbo- I dragged him into this. I deserve the punishment.” I deserve it. Tommy remembered that thought rushing through his head in Exile. Maybe… maybe it was true. It seemed easier, at least, to believe it. “I’ll take it. Just- just leave Tubbo-“
“Tommy.” Dream’s voice was a low growl, and it stopped Tommy in his tracks, air suddenly feeling so heavy he had to hyperventilate to get a single breath. “You both deserve punishment, I think. And that’s the worst punishment I can think of for you. Making you watch as Tubbo suffers the consequences of your actions. Maybe you’ll know better than to fight the truth.”
Was that what he was doing? Fighting the truth? Tommy’s head hurt at the thought. He thought- he thought he hated Dream, he thought Dream hated him. It was fucking confusing. Had he just been lying to himself all along? Was this… was this his fault?
He let out a small sob. “Please. ‘m sorry, Dream.” He wasn’t even sure what he was begging for anymore. Something fuzzy like television static had raced its way through his body, replacing agony with pins and needles in both his injuries and his head. “I’ll be good, promise.”
A gentle hand ran through his curls, and Tommy tried to focus on the soft touch and not the fear bubbling in his mind, the tingling in his fingers, the claws getting caught in his hair and tugging out strands. “I know, I know. Like in Exile, right? Did you miss that, Tommy? Did you miss me?”
“Mhm.” He nodded faintly, his eye half-shut as sleep felt more and more tempting. “I- I don’t- I don’t miss when you’d hit me, or make me cry and shit, but it made fuckin’ sense, y’know? It made sense, and- and I knew what I was meant to do. I knew what I was.”
“And what was that, do you think?” Dream sounded more curious than demanding.
“A- a puppet. A pet. A plaything.” Tommy felt sick saying it. Even exhausted, it sounded wrong, it sounded awful. Oh, he knew Dream saw him like that; he wasn’t stupid. But he- he wasn’t fucking okay with that. “And you- you were my owner. And it fuckin’ sucked. But it- it was so much easier than everything being all change-y. Even when it’s the good change.”
Dream hummed, sounding somewhat pleased with that answer. “That’s interesting. I’ve always wanted to know how you really saw me, y’know? I’m definitely gonna use that potion more. This is going to make fixing you so much easier.”
Tommy furrowed his brows. “Wha-“
“Ssh, shh. It’s okay now. You don’t need to try and speak any longer.” Dream reached up, releasing his wrist from the manacle with a loud snapping sound that made Tommy’s head feel like it was being hit by a sledgehammer, swiftly doing so on the other side. Without being held up, Tommy collapsed fully onto the floor, his face getting stained in his own blood. He tried to lift himself up fruitlessly but couldn’t even move his arms. “You’ve got a long eternity when you wake up, after all.”
The last thing Tommy heard before the static in his head finally lulled him into a dreamless sleep was laughter, both comfortingly familiar and chillingly a promise of worse to come.
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bionicle-ramblings · 8 months
Do I dare share a whump idea for Matau?
Tw for what is essentially fall damage and paralysis under the cut
So we all know how Matau threw himself off of the Coliseum after fighting and talking to Vakama and he was caught by Vakama before actually falling to his death, or the scene where the Toa have to swing off the chute system and onto a tower and Matau fell
Lucky him, he's got no fear of heights
But imagine if he fell and hit the ground. Hard. Hard enough to be unable to move at all
All he can do is just take a breath in and a breath out because he cannot afford to panic. Not when his armor is broken, not when he landed in a way that he can't see out of one eye, not when he hurts worse than any time he crashed while test driving, and ESPECIALLY not when he hears Turaga Dume announce for the remaining Toa's capture and hears Vakama and Nokama climb down the tower and race over to check on him
All he can focus on is taking a breath in and out as Vakama basically falls over on himself apologizing because he let Matau fall and Nokama shouts for him to pull himself together so they can help their brother. All he can focus on is taking a breath in and out as he's turned on his back. He can finally see them both, and both look utterly SICK and TERRIFIED upon seeing him
Matau opens his own to tell them he's fine, just a little hurry all over, maybe even ask how badly his armor is, something SUPER brave and super Toa-Hero-esque because he IS a Toa-Hero and something as small as a fall compared to dealing with the shape-shifting Krahka and Morbuzakh
What comes out instead, much to his embarrassment, is a visceral scream. Even when he tries stopping himself, he just keeps screaming. He Durant renege trying to move, but Nokama tries quieting down and tells him to hold still. He's moving more than he thinks because Vakama has to step in and hold him, and he basically had Matau resting against his legs and while he's not answering any of the questions Matau has, he's telling him he's going to be okay, which helps, but doesn't help. And he's not really asking questions. He starts screaming and Vakama calms him down
Nokama has Vakama help her heal Matau, as in they use their energy to heal him and it goes shakily. For one Matau is healing, but IT HURTS and they have to stop a few times to comfort him, Nokama telling him he's doing great and they're getting him healed and Vakama telling him about more personal stories than anything, stuff like how his friend tried bringing a lava eel home as a pet, how sometimes the tool-makers would sing to make their day go fatser, how he turned heads during a game because he proved to be a pretty good shot with a disk launcher and ended up winning a bet between him and another mask-maker
Eventually, Matau can see out of his other eye, can feel hits limbs, and can move again. He's also got a sore throat from screaming, but he tries asking if anyone saw him fall. Nokama is more just glad that he's alive and is glad he's alright
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dayshorizon · 5 months
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I had a short dream about Zera and this is what he looked like
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sanguine-salvation · 6 days
[ For every “X” my muse gets in the inbox, they’ll name one thing that makes them squeamish. - ACCEPTING ]
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Okay, fine. More.
"The idea of someone plucking out an eye. Whole. I just... feel it. Like someone yanking a rope through my brain. I saw it in a movie once. Is it strange that I couldn't look away, though? Does that count? I suppose humans are fascinated by what makes us squirm. I think it lets us pretend we're more alive..."
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