#five probably straight up lives in the library for weeks
misc-obeyme · 7 months
Do you think Satan annotates his books? On one hand I can kind of see it… yet I’ve heard multiple people talk about giving him bookmarks or him also having way too many of them which suggests that he doesn’t dog-ear the pages... which can lead to (in general) less ‘vandalism’ of books. There is also the fact that his books are probably cursed, ancient relics, one really really really rare copy for a certain reason which are going to be kept in as pristine condition as possible.
Ok—well, the real question here is whether Satan thinks that books are shrine that has to be preserved and or a shrine that is to be lived in. I honestly can’t make up my mind on this answer and I feel like it can go both ways.
Yet I feel like it can be really funny to mess around with both these head cannons. I would love to just mess around with a Satan that makes sure that not a bit of ink gets spilled on his pages, and then just opening one of my own books and then highlighting or underlining a passage while looking him straight in the eye and giggling maniacally just to annoy him.
Or if he is for annotation, I can just imagine MC and him both starting a book at the same time. They are both too busy/impatient to wait until the end/ have different reading paces so they don’t want to spoil. So instead they annotate their notes and ideas in the margins, highlight passages and leave little notes for each other. Then in the middle of the day or whenever they pass by each other they just swap books and look at the other’s annotations and add comments to those annotations while still continuing to read from the page where they left off. So that means that in each book there’s one conversation going on…
Soon enough there’s not enough space in the margins so post-it notes start appearing in the books, and by the end of it all both books would have gotten thicker from the amount of post-it notes, the sides of the pages would’ve also started to turn neon from the amount of highlights.
And can you imagine how this would look to other students at RAD or the brothers? Like it’s a really busy week for some reason yet they can’t help but watch whenever MC passes Satan. They don’t even need to stop to swap books, they just do it like a fly-by and no words are exchanged because they’re already in the book.
-Anon (I am so tempted to have an anon name yet I’m still thinking about it lol)
Anon, you don't even need me. All of these ideas are perfection and I LOVE THEM. (Please feel free to choose a name if you like, but no pressure!)
Turns out I myself am a book person. I collect books to such a degree that I had to build a library in my house just to hold them all. And before I had the library, I kept them in stacks around the house, frighteningly similar to the stacks we see in the art for Satan's bedroom. Some of his stacks are taller and I certainly have never had any magical floating books, but man if it isn't reminiscent of my own book habits.
So I can tell you that I have opinions on annotation in general.
The thing about books is that most of them are worthless. Even really old books that you find at a used book store usually aren't worth anything, which is why they sell them for like five bucks. This means that their value exists solely in the writing they hold. It's the content that makes books special.
Now this isn't to say that expensive first editions or signed first copies or whatever don't exist. And certainly ancient books become more valuable due to their age and rarity. But that's like museum quality stuff. And since Satan likely does have magical books, that might change the value part as well. Since I would think magical books, especially rare ones, might be worth more.
However, considering how many books Satan has, I'm thinking the majority of them aren't super valuable. He probably has a different way of handling the books that are rare. He seems like the kind of demon who would preserve those types of books and I don't think he would annotate them. He might keep a separate notebook of notes, especially if they're like... scholarly tomes or something.
But novels? Or books that are pretty common that he could buy another copy of at any time?
I do think Satan could go either way with the annotation of those kinds of books. I think he would consider the content to be just as important as the monetary value, so he might see a book as a shrine to preserve, as you put it. (I love that, by the way.) However, I also think that Satan often has lots of thoughts about what he reads. He's also said in canon that he doesn't use bookmarks - not because he dog ears pages, but because he just remembers where he left off.
Solomon, on the other hand, strikes me entirely as the kind of guy who writes all over his books. And we know that Satan and Solomon have had discussions about books in the past.
So I kinda have a headcanon that Satan didn't annotate books before, but he does now because Solomon introduced him to it. Or somehow talked him into it. Convinced him of the benefits of doing it. Reminding him that these cheaper books don't need to be preserved, they're made to be lived in.
Now I love the idea of MC and Satan sharing books and writing back and forth to each other. I think a lot about the concept of people falling in love with each other through some form of writing and reading. Whether that's a letter exchange or a writer and their reader or through book annotations...
Even if you're dealing with a platonic relationship between Satan and MC, I think it's a fun idea. Like if they're reading a mystery together and MC writes something in the margins about who they think did it and Satan writes back with something like you're insane it's clearly this other character and the margins just devolve into argument.
Of course, the spicy book option is also a fantastic idea. Would they discuss it when they're finally alone? Or would they just pretend nothing was going on? Either way, the tension!
I kinda think if MC indicated that they wanted to discuss spicy stuff, Satan would be ready with a thorough analysis of it. Like if it was badly written, you can expect a scathing review lol. (I'm just imagining Satan's opinion of lines like "She breasted boobily down the stairs.") But if it was good well... that could very easily lead to a suggestion of attempting to recreate the scene, don't you think?
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shipskicksandgiggles · 11 months
dialogue prompts
for those who don't know, my life is bonkers and I cope by making prompt lists out of the more bizarre things I say/people say to me/I hear by being in proximity of equally weird people. send a number with a character/ship/dynamic of your choosing and I'll do what I can
“So I may have accidentally recruited your ex to help me move.” “I’m so sorry, was he awful?”
“How’s living next to a construction site?” “I prefer the sound of people playing pool.” “That bad, huh?”
“You’re the main character!” “Stop saying I’m the main character, I have been the snarky, comic relief my whole life and I’m not stopping now.”
“I can’t quit my job, I can’t quit my job-” “What happened?” “Some guy wanted to talk to me about his prostate.” “Don’t you work at a library?”
“So because I’m me, I made a spreadsheet about it.” “You’re incredible.”
“You signed me up for a job interview?” “Yeah.”
“You’re not going to believe what he said.” “I find that hard to believe, try me.”
“I accidentally gave you so many traits.” “Hey, I had autism first.”
“I let you kiss me one time-” “It has been more than one time.”
“Were you here for the male model thing?” “No?”
“Have fun!” “Kill me.” “Or just don’t kill anyone I guess.”
“If you call Latin a dead language one more time I’m going to throw myself across this desk at you.”
“I’m going to ask you a question and you’re going to feel attacked.” “Fine.” “Why does it have to be that way?”
“I just took a quiz for fun and accidentally did geometry by hand.” “Nerd.”
“I’d wear shorts.” “It’s snowing.”
“You have a very expressive face.” “I don’t like that you noticed that.”
“When do you leave?” “In like an hour, why?” “Can you build things?” “Yes, but I repeat, why?”
“So here I am, sitting and talking about amputations-” “I have absolutely no idea where this is going, but I love it.”
“Did the raccoon get into the attic again?”
“It’s 8:30 in the morning on a Saturday, something better actually be on fire.” 
“Is a potato a vegetable?” 
“Everything you do is calculated.” “You make me sound like a robot.”
“I’m so sorry, I’m going to be late.” “Everything okay?” “Yeah, no, I’m fine, I just may have broken my foot and I need to go to urgent care.” “That is… the opposite of fine.”
“Don’t question why I know how to pop the screen out of a window.” “Our fucking door won’t open, as long as we can get outside, I don’t care.”
“So Thursday was a bad day for you then?”
“You used to be buff.” “I thought you were going to say something entirely different, but I guess we’re going this way then.”
“How are you not freaking out right now?” “I’ve been living with this for months now dude, this is just entertainment for me.”
“I was elected most responsible at summer camp when I was five.” “Some things never change.”
“I had a chemistry teacher in high school who could write with both hands at the same time. She needed an exorcism.”
“The age of the child you hit with your car determines the number of points you get.”
“How’d the meeting go?” “I think I came out as gay to the entire board.” “What the fuck.”
“This is probably the only dick pic I’ll ever get and that’s okay.”
“Oh my god, I out-autismed the whole group chat.”
“No more kisses until you stop apologizing for being human.” “That’s not fair, you know that’ll work on me.”
“I can feel my bones.” “That’s not ideal”
“You dumb bitch.” “It worked, didn’t it?”
“Good news, you've just unlocked my niche special interest that I can and will talk for at least ten minutes straight about. Are you ready to learn?”
“You know what I’m talking about, you do not have the moral high ground.”
“I’m going to be so real with you, I literally hate this. Like this sucks.”
“I don’t think you understand that this is the greatest news I’ve ever been given. Like genuinely, this is the happiest I’ve been in weeks.”
“Good to know you would have died very early in the Middle Ages.”
“Is that a mosquito bite? Dude, it’s March.”
“You know you’re going to have a good day when the maintenance guy says ‘well that’s different’.”
“Yeah, I don’t know, the last time I cried I think it was December.” “It’s April?” “Hey, the time before that it was July, so.”
“No wait, turn up the music. Never mind, I thought it was the Law and Order theme.” “Do you think I have the Law and Order theme on a CD in my car?”
“Please don’t assault my boyfriend.” 
“Would you like a new best friend? Because I think I found your new best friend.”
“Guess who had a baby.” “No.” 
“What is the purpose of nipple rings?” “Decoration.” “Like a Christmas tree!”
“I honestly don’t know how to be a person anymore. Please don’t contact me for 3-5 business days while I sort that out.”
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modernmonkeymind · 1 year
We all want to be entertained, distracted from our lives. There's nothing wrong with a Netflix or YouTube binge, but perhaps its not so great that its become the default for us, or at least for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some TV, but watching the crew of the Discovery getting themselves into trouble, or the Click (wholesome though he is) making jokes about goofy memes doesn’t actually accomplish anything, and it takes time that could be used in more fulfilling ways.
Social media can be a great resource, and a serious distraction. I decided to back away from social media almost entirely once I realized I was letting people I didn't know piss me off, especially when I wasn't going to change their mind (hello Dunning-Krueger, didn't see you over there).
To challenge myself and get my head on straight, I'm embracing Cal Newport's Digital Detox for March, eliminating social media and all streaming video. I'm letting myself have access to a limited number of sites, primarily 84000, Suttacentral, and the Storygraph. I'm also planning to post to Mastadon twice a day (a poem and 3 good things), and Tumblr. I'm not restricting podcasts, audio books or music. I'll be using Basecamp, Meetup, and Zoom for personal development and to keep commitments I've made. I'm planning to revert my phone to something akin to what Steve Jobs originally intended, a sort of smart dumb phone that can make calls, texts, access messaging apps, maps, the app for my smart scale, One Bus Away, Streaks, audio, YNAB & my bank, and thats about it. In other words I'm making my phone a tool again. The question of course, becomes what to do without access to technological pacifiers. The answer really is most anything that doesn’t require a computer or smartphone, but some of my favorites these days include:
Meditation: I've been practicing based on the teachings of the Nalandabodhi, and Shambhala lineages recently and plan to meditate for seven minutes in the morning and/or evening, in addition to short sessions sporadically throughout the day. I'll also be single tasking for the most part, using activities like reading, walking, reading/composing poetry, and painting, as meditative practices.
Yoga: I got into yoga asana because I was stiff and not very grounded, and I decided to train to teach for similar reasons, since yoga is so pigeon holed as something only bendy acrobats can do. I've not gotten on the mat in a few years at this point, but want to get back to it, inspired by my teacher starting to teach again earlier this week after an extended health crisis. I'm planning to just do a couple minutes to start, probably just Sun Salutations/playing around.
Walk: A great form of exercise most anyone can do, and it doesn’t have to cost a thing as long as you have a decent pair of shoes and appropriate clothes for the weather. I've been taking daily walks more regularly recently, but most of the time this is a bookstore circuit that leads to lots of temptation. Going forward I'm planning to walk more in nature and go to libraries instead. I'm setting a 12k goal in Streaks, and shooting for 20k. I've already been hitting in this range most days which has helped with some serious weight loss.
Read: I’ve always got a couple books going. At the moment the list includes a commentary on the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, and Donut Economics by Kate Raworth. Books are magical things. You can learn most anything you might be interested in (I highly recommend Raworth's book), you can learn about another person’s experience of life in their own words (Montaigne basically invented the personal blog before the internet or computers were a thing when he thought up the essay format). You can also exercise your imagination and relax with a good novel (the human imagination has one solid advantage over TV & movies in that it isn’t restricted by a budget!) The plan is to dial back and do my best to only read one or two books at a time instead of the four or five I've usually got going. I'm also planning to read more poetry after my interest was reignited by Sister Jina's wonderful collection, which leads to the next item.
Write: Mostly when I say write I'm thinking of journaling and composing poetry by hand. I'm shooting for spending some time every day writing, but not worrying about getting a polished poem at the end. Just fifteen minutes of concentrated work.
Paint: I've taken a couple classes on watercolor and messed around a bit with acrylics. I'd like to spend some time each day painting, actually focused on having something to show for it each time, though that could be childish goofing around. I'd like to take a shot at using acrylics to recreate ukiyoe, get inspired by Zen/Chan watercolors, and take a shot at Sumie, though I definitely want to take a class in the latter at some point sooner than later!
PLAYING WITH MY CAT: Do I need to explain?
NOTHING: Seriously, we've become so obsessed with "productivity" and "getting things done" that as a culture its as if we've forgotten what it is to be alive as a human being. I'm going to try to do this more often, whether standing in line, walking somewhere, or just having nothing in particular to do.
I'm not expecting March to be easy, but thats kind of the point. I'm getting rid of some things I enjoy , but the fact that something isn't easy just means its more worth doing. I'll be journaling about it, and plan to post here once a week.
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Getaway Car (Thaluke)
In which a young Thalia and Luke steal a car and get into a high-speed police chase straight out of the movies.
It all began on a regular day. Or, at least as regular as things could be for two young demigods constantly running for their lives from monsters. Luke and Thalia had been at their latest safe house in Georgia for a few days now, and they were starting to figure they should get moving soon before the monsters found them again.
"Luke?" Thalia called. "We should probably stock up on food and supplies soon."
"Right," he said. "We'll move out this afternoon, go into the nearest town and steal some stuff."
"Good," Thalia said, wincing. "Because... I kind of think I might be dying."
"What?" he cried. "Why, are you sick? Because we haven't fought a monster since last week."
"I don't know," she said, pulling on her leather jacket. "But I woke up this morning and there was blood on my blankets and my pants."
"Do you know where it's coming from?" he asked. She looked down and mumbled something.
"Huh?" he asked.
"You know... between my legs."
"Oh-" his face turned bright red. "Did you climb over any sharp fences yesterday?" She shook her head.
"And there's no cuts anywhere, I checked. It's like it's coming out of my... you know. I think I might be bleeding internally."
"It's fine," he said. "I always have reserve ambrosia in my bag, maybe that will help whatever's wrong?" She held out her hand. Luke handed her a small square of ambrosia. She gnawed at it a bit, then handed it back to him and stepped out for a bit of privacy. About five minutes later, she peeked her head back in.
"Maybe you didn't eat enough?" he asked, confused.
"I'd rather not risk having too much," she said, grabbing a spare pair of jeans from her bag, these ones black, so less likely to show stains.
"Well, then what do we do? It's not like we can go to the hospital."
"The library," she said. "When we get into town. They might have a computer we could use to look up what's wrong with me."
"Okay," he said. "And if it's something bad, we can give you more ambrosia." She nodded.
"And if it's something ambrosia can't fix, then drastic times call for drastic measures."
"Good news," Luke said, looking up at Thalia from the computer screen. "It's natural."
"Natural? How is this natural?" She sat on a spinning chair with her legs carefully crossed. He grinned at her.
"It means you're becoming a woman."
"Great, what a rite of passage," Thalia said with a roll of her eyes. "If it's part of becoming a woman, you'd think my mom could've bothered to tell me this was going to happen before I ran away, but all she ever cared about was parties and booze." She sighed. "This is only going to happen to me once, though, right?"
"Um..." he squinted at the screen. "Yeah, once-"
"Oh, thank goodness," she breathed.
"-a month," he interjected.
"Once a month? Are you kidding me? Who even wants to be a woman if this is what it means?"
"Sucks to be you, I guess," he teased.
"Oh, shut up." She rolled her eyes. "So, I'm just going to bleed all over my pants every month forever now? Is that what's happening?"
"Until you're, like, fifty, yeah," he said.
"Is there anything I can do to stop it?" she sighed.
"I can't find anything, but there are products you can wear to absorb the blood so it doesn't get all over your pants."
"Good. Add that to the list for our supply run," Thalia said, standing up. "If this is going to happen to me every month until I'm fifty, there's no way I'm letting it stop me from doing what needs to be done. Let's go."
About fifteen minutes later, they entered the convenience store. Luckily, it was winding down hours, so there weren't many people perusing the aisles, just a few adults with small children. As usual, Thalia would act as a distraction while Luke swiped everything they needed. There was only one cashier tending the register, so Thalia's work was easy. She walked over and leaned on the counter, trying to make small talk with the cashier about prices with a bored look on her face.
Meanwhile, Luke perused the aisles with his backpack open. He stuffed it full of whatever snacks and toiletries he could find, including what he hoped were about two months' worth of pads and tampons for Thalia, along with some over-the-counter painkillers and a hot water bottle, since he'd read cramps could be brutal. By the time he was done, his backpack was stuffed full, and he'd shoved a few items into his pockets, too. He gave Thalia an it's almost time look and started heading for the door. He was almost there when an older woman standing in the snack aisle seemingly noticed he hadn't stopped to pay for anything he was carrying.
"Stop!" the woman yelled. "Thief!" Luke grabbed Thalia by the arm and they raced out the sliding door, running down the parking lot, looking for a chance to get away.
"There!" Thalia yelled, pointing to a silver car parked at the end of the lot. "Get in, get in, get in!" The doors were unlocked. Luke flung the driver's side on open and scrambled in and Thalia climbed into the passenger's seat. They slammed the doors behind them and Luke grabbed a set of keys from the dashboard, fumbling for the ignition.
"Buckle up," he told Thalia as he did himself while inserting the key to the ignition. A police car was already whooping down the street.
"Do you even know how to drive?" she asked him as her seatbelt clicked and the vehicle started to rev to life.
"I'm fourteen and I ran away from home when I was nine, what do you think?" he said as he tried to back up, ultimately slamming into the side of a black pickup, sending a jolt through them both.
"Oh my gods," Thalia said, putting her hands on the dashboard. "We're gonna die."
"Hey, at least if we do, you won't have to deal with periods anymore," Luke teased, then attempted to back up again. This time, the car shot out of the parking spot at a speed that had to be illegal and screeched onto the street, roaring past the police cars and down the freeway.
"How did you get that on the second try?" Thalia asked, shocked. He shrugged.
"My dad's the god of theives. Maybe I'm just good with getaway cars." That statement was immediately proven wrong as the car turned into the wrong lane, almost colliding with a forest green van that had a small family inside.
"Luke, brake!" Thalia screamed. He went to step on the brake, but swerved instead, bumping up over the curb and smashing through a storefront. Customers ran around screaming as they zoomed through the shop and smashed out on the other side. Thalia groaned. "I swear, we're going to kill someone if we don't kill ourselves first."
The sun was setting over an apartment complex as they zoomed through the downtown area- if it could even be called that. Two police cars were still on their tail. Luke swerved just in time to avoid crashing into a hot dog vendor's cart. The vendor, a short, squat man with a bald head, round glasses, and a handlebar moustache, shook his fist at them and shouted what Luke, being the son of the god of languages, could tell were obscenities in Spanish.
"Lo siento!" Luke yelled out the open window, then rolled it back up. Thalia rolled her eyes.
"This has been one of our most chaotic days in a while and there hasn't even been a single monster."
"Hey, sometimes it's a relief to take part in the mundane, mortal type of chaos," Luke shrugged as they careened through a tunnel.
"Where are we even going?" Thalia asked.
"Wherever we end up once we've shaken them off, I guess," he said. "Minor detour. Though I suppose it's not a detour if we didn't know where we were going to go in the first place."
"I suppose not." She rubbed her temples, then started digging through Luke's bag for food. She pulled out a chocolate bar. "I'm taking this."
"No, by all means, go ahead," he said. "I need to focus on driving anyway. Especially since I've never done it before." She sighed.
"Seriously, if we get caught we're going to be in trouble for theft, reckless driving, underage driving, and driving without a license."
"Thals, we never get caught," he said. "We'll shake them off."
"Before or after we total the car?"
"Oh, shush."
"Oh, yeah, and I forgot grand theft auto." She broke off a square of chocolate.
"I think that falls under the purview of theft, which you already mentioned."
"Yes, but when I said theft, I was referring to us stealing from the store." Luke swerved around another corner, the tires shrieking on the asphalt, nearly missing another car.
"Stop distracting me unless you want to get killed."
"You know," she said, "my mother would have never wanted me to be a criminal."
"So what you're saying is...?" he asked, confused. She grinned.
"Gun it."
"I'm already gunning it as much as I can." They shot through another tunnel, scraping up against a stone wall and probably ruining the paint job on that side of the car.
"Okay," Thalia said, glancing out the back at the police cars behind them. "I've gotta admit, this is pretty cool. We're in an actual, real live car chase."
"Thank you." He tapped the wheel. "I try."
"Well," she said, "then try harder, because they're gaining on us." Luke nodded and slammed his foot onto the gas. The car shot through another storefront, this one empty and boarded up. "Oh, yeah, and property damage," she said, adding to their invisible rap sheet.
"Well, the joke's on them," he said, zooming down the highway, which lead towards Atlanta. "They can't say we did anything wrong if they never catch us."
"Okay, quit saying that," Thalia said. "You'll jinx it, you cocky bastard."
"All right, all right." He nodded behind them. "Look back, are they further behind now?"
"Out of sight," Thalia said, glancing back. "But I wouldn't celebrate just yet." The wail of sirens still pierced the air.
"Hope you don't get carsick," Luke said as they rumbled over a speed bump, going up in the air a little bit.
"No," Thalia said, though her face looked kind of green. "If I got carsick, I would have done that a long time ago now."
"True," he said. "If we survive this, remind me to get actual driving lessons once I'm old enough."
"I mean, I think you could start next year if you wanted to," she shrugged. "But I really wouldn't advise it."
"Hey!" She playfully punched him in the arm. "What did I say about distracting the driver?" he asked.
"You're no fun," she said with a grin. "Hey, I have an idea." She leaned over and turned on the radio to the local news station.
"...a car chase on the highway to Atlanta. The perpatrators seem to be a fourteen-year-old boy and a twelve-year-old girl, who robbed a convenience store in a nearby small town and then, upon being noticed by customers, proceeded to hijack a customer's parked car as a getaway vehicle."
"Smart," Luke said. "We can hear how it's going from their end of things."
"And this is why I'm the brains," she said with a grin, her electric blue eyes sparkling. He rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"Yeah, right."
"I am!"
"The police had fallen behind the perpatrators, but are reportedly starting to gain on them again."
"Okay, no time for arguing." He floored the gas again and shot off, slamming into several other cars and veering off the highway onto an exit that led to another city.
"Can they technically chase us into another city?" Thalia asked. "Is that legal?"
"I don't think so, but neither is this," Luke said as they shot through the streets.
"I'm pretty sure we're leaving permanent skid marks," Thalia said as they smashed through another store front, zooming past more screaming people. "And we better not get caught, because we do not have money to pay for all the damage we've caused."
"Definitely not," Luke said.
"And if we get caught, you know it's gonna be your fault, right?" she asked.
"How? You were the one who had the idea to steal the car."
"I said we should get in the car. I didn't say we should drive it."
"Then how else were we going to get away?" he asked pointedly.
"Touché." The car wove in and out of some scaffolding. Thalia was really starting to look like she was about to be sick, her face was a pale green and her cheeks were puffed out like she was trying to keep from barfing. And Luke wasn't sure he could go on any longer. It had been a crazy day and he was dead tired. He just wanted to lean his head on the steering wheel and go to sleep, but that would be stupid. His eyelids were heavy, but he turned the car radio from the news to a station that played loud, aggressive music, the kind Thalia liked, in hopes of keeping himself from nodding off.
Thalia looked pretty tired herself, her bag sat in her lap and she was hugging it like one might a stuffed animal.
"You go ahead, sleep," he said, yawning. "I have to stay awake and keep driving."
"No, I need to keep an eye out for- LUKE, WATCH OUT!" He had let his eyes close for a little too long and had swerved into the wrong lane. He swerved again, narrowly avoiding being hit by a semi, but this time the car smashed into the brick side of a factory with a loud crunch. The hood was smashed open and started steaming, the doors fell off and the roof had caved in, trapping them. The car was totaled. The whooping of the police sirens grew closer.
"Lay low," Luke whispered, slumping onto the dashboard as best as he could. "Maybe they'll think we were killed in the crash. Thalia nodded and slumped as well. She let her eyes roll back in her head, her head loll, and her tongue hang out. Her version of "playing dead" was disturbingly realistic. The dashboard was hard and uncomfortable, but he kept stone still, holding his breath. Then, the sirens stopped and voices and footsteps grew closer.
"Totaled," a young female police officer said. "Perps probably fled the scene."
"No, it looks like they're still in there," another officer, an older man, said. "But they're likely either dead or unconscious, or else they'd be crying for help or trying to fight their way out of there. Let's dig them out, and bring them in if they're still alive."
Luke and Thalia were scratched up when the police officers cut them out of the wreckage of the stolen car, however they still tried their best to pretend they were dead.
"They've both got pulses," the young female officer said as she held her thumb to Luke's wrist.
"Put 'em in the back then," the male officer said. Luke's eyes snapped open and Thalia's rolled back into place, and they started to fight their way free. Luke looked at Thalia's face, which was covered in bloody scratches and bruises. He knew she'd been hurt worse, but seeing her like that still upset him. He managed to wrench free from the officer's grip and pull her as well, and they started to run, but before long their tired legs gave out and they were herded into the back of a police car.
They spent the rest of the night in a holding cell, which was only slightly more comfortable than a car wreck. Despite how exhausted he was, Luke barely slept. He didn't do well locked up. It always reminded him of when he was a kid, when he would lock himself in his room to hide from his mom and her episodes, those fits she would have where her eyes would turn green and she would shake him and say strange things about his fate. It was terrifying. With stuff like that going on at home every day, it was no wonder he'd known he was a demigod for as long as he could remember.
They remained in the same holding cell for the next few days. The female guards were kind enough to provide Thalia with menstrual products, though the raging hormones made her even more moody than normal, so Luke couldn't exactly say he was glad to be locked in with her.
Finally, one day the guards decided to transfer them to a bigger cell, and they figured it was their chance to escape.
"You kids ready to go?" the guard, a tall bald man with dark skin, said when he arrived to get them from their cell. Luke nodded, as did Thalia.
"Now, we're going to try and get you kids a court date soon," the man said, as he took each of them by the arm with one of his massive, baseball mitt-sized hands. "There's a lot of charges to press."
"Oh, if only you knew some of the other stuff we'd done," Thalia said under her breath, just loud enough for Luke to hear.
"Huh?" The guard asked, and that was when Thalia took her chance. She twisted around, raised her right leg, and slammed her spiky combat boot right into the man's crotch. Luke winced in sympathy, but took his chance. When the man let go of him and Thalia to hold where he'd been kicked, he grabbed Thalia by the wrist and ran, pulling him along. Being extremely fast was another Hermes power Luke had inherited, and years of running from monsters and the authorities had made Thalia quite the speedster too, though Luke was still faster.
"Come on." He pulled her around the corner into the room where they kept the confiscated property and found the safe that matched the number on the tag he and Thalia had been given. "Help me shove that table over so I can stand on it to reach the safe," he said.
"Can do," Thalia said. "But first, can you lock the door?"
"Yeah," Luke said. He kicked the door to the room shut, then put his hand on the knob and willed it to lock with his powers. "I'll get the stuff, then give you a boost out the window, and then climb out myself."
"Sounds like a plan." Together, they pushed the table over, and Luke climbed on top, just able to reach the safe. It was a combination lock, so all he had to do was give the knob a little tap with his finger and it spun and solved itself. The knob to the door leading outside turned. Someone was trying to get in, to no avail.
"Got it," Luke said, pulling the safe open. Thalia hopped up on the table and he tossed her her bag. She took his too and slung them both over her shoulder.
"All right," she said. "I'm ready." They walked over to where the window was. Luke cupped his hands and Thalia stepped into them, the spiky treads at the bottom of her combat boots cutting into his hands, but he pushed up, just enough for Thalia to be able to scramble out the window and jump, landing with a thud. "I'm okay!" she called. Luke had no doubt about that. Thalia was like a cat- she always landed on her feet. As did he.
"Okay," he breathed. "Now comes the hard part." He took a deep breath and backed up to the edge of the long table, getting as much of a running start as he could, and then he jumped. His body slammed into the cement wall, which hurt a lot. But he had a grip on the windowsill. It was a shaky hold, but enough for him to pull himself up and jump out. He landed on his feet right next to Thalia, albeit turning his ankle.
"Okay." She tossed him his bag. "Now we need to go."
"Ya think?" he laughed.
That evening, they were back at the old safe house where everything had started. Thalia was gathering kindling for their fire, and Luke was gnawing on a little ambrosia for his ankle.
"Well," Thalia said, "that was a hectic couple of days."
"Certainly," Luke said. "And to think that it all started because you needed period products."
"Oh, so it's my fault now?" Thalia teased, rolling her eyes.
"I didn't say that," he laughed. "You can't exactly control that."
"Right," she said. "I still wish my mom had explained this whole bleeding every month thing to me when I was younger so I wouldn't think I was dying the first time it happened."
"Well, now you know." Luke put away his ambrosia and took a bag of potato chips out of his pack. "Want some?" She walked over, sat down next to him, and grabbed a handful.
"You know, I'd never want to steal a car with anyone but you." She kissed his cheek, causing him to turn a bright tomato red.
"I feel the same way," he grinned once the blush had faded. "You're the best partner in crime ever."
"To us," she said, raising a potato chip like she was giving a toast at a fancy party. He laughed and tapped one of his against it.
"To us." And for the rest of the night, they didn't have a care in the world.
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wildfoxes-spirit · 1 year
I'm going through some shit and just need to rant
Some history about everything: I have been in three different states and gone through twice as many schools. I started reading in preschool, I was in the younger class so around 3 years old. At first the teachers thought that I had just memorized the book but my mom got me a book from the library and I read it to her. Because of this I got to go and spend time with the 4 year olds for half of the day. I think this was when the troubles really started. I could have skipped kindergarten but that required doing all of the work in half of the year. My parents didn't want me to have to do that so we just kept me we're I was. I'm almost about to finish 8th grade and this is going to be really long. I had a speech delay when I was learning. I knew that my mom knew what I wanted so I didn't even try to learn and had to go to speech therapy for a year or two I think. And then I had a really bad British accent despite being from the United States.
The trouble with school started back in first grade when I was doing hybrid school. 3 days online and 2 days in person. My mom and I would get into fights over one subject in particular. Writing. It would take a good two hours to do 30 minutes of writing. This was when I was still practicing letters. Well we had switched schools so I wasn't in the same school that I was. This was a traditional school five days a week in person. Well this was when I got my first glasses. We had gone to the eye doctor before school started and I had no issues. But one day my teacher had a page up on the screen that we had to copy down and I couldn't read it. She zoomed in quite a bit and I even moved closer but still couldn't see. Yeah, my prescription is pretty thick now. Anyways the lines were redrawn in the middle of the year so I moved schools. The first year wasn't to bad but the third is when things escalated. I HATED school in third grade. Absolutely HATED it. I didn't ride the bus anymore because it was to crowded and I didn't like it. Also this was around the time fortnight came out and little me was very against it because, and I quote, "people are going to try to replicate it in real life and eventually they will use real guns instead" I had a good family, lived in a good area, I don't know where I got the idea. But that's always how I've been, even now I'm critical but I'll get to that later. I had really bad migraines had a child and had to learn how to swallow pills earlier because that was the only form the medication came in. But the migraines were so bad that I missed a lot of school because I would throw up halfway through the day because the lights were making it worse.
I had to get dragged out of my mom's car most of the time and I was left kicking and screaming. It was bad. I was also a biter during this time so my mom would have large bruises on her art from where I bit her. I sat in the principals more then once just so that I was in the building. What's stupid is that I was right by the door. I would reach for it from the chair but I probably could have made it if I just bolted. I knew how to get home to, the school wasn't that far. Eventually we developed a system: if I came in without a fuss I could spend some time building a Lego set, but if I gave mom a hard time I had to go straight to class. I think it was the special ed room and teachers that did that but I don't remember. I could also go there if there was an assembly of any kind in the gym. I was REALLY sensitive to crowds and loud noises back then, still am but way less. So it worked for a while but it ended up a struggle again. I didn't participate in one of the biggest assignments and just kinda... slumped. I'm actually crying as I'm writing this while laying in bed at 10:06 EST.
I got tested at the end of third grade before we left Indiana for Texas. They thought that I might have autism but further testing would be required. I don't remember when I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. So we move to Texas and I start fourth grade. It's a great start. Some days were rougher then others but there was one time when my mom came for lunch and I was begging her to take me home with her. Like lunch ended and I had to be pried off her and was placed in an isolated room with an adult to watch me. My teachers had never seen me like this before so they were shocked and disappointed. Everyone was disappointed. The next year I moved schools again. A school had been built on the hill behind our house. Things were mostly okay. There were two subs that I didn't like tho. It was a married couple and they did jack shit. I'm reading class one day we were supposed to be working on something in groups but the sub was telling a story of his time in the military. I was 10 at this point and I raised my hand and pointed out that we had shit to work on and his story was incredibly distracting and unnecessary. I don't remember what he said but when I got home I was in tears. There was one other time we're his wife was subbing for our math class while our teacher was in a meeting and I straight up left the classroom without notifying anyone. I took my work and I did it out in the common area. When the teacher came back, and only then, did I re-enter the classroom. Oh and before we moved autism was ruled out and I was diagnosed with ADHD instead (I have the mix version)
That brings us up to 6th,7th and 8th. 6th grade was covid, there's not much. I hated the program of the school I was at because I was doing virtual. Did I mention we moved states again? The program was reviewing stuff that I already knew so when I switched schools to be at the one that I'm currently at they were reviewing for the end of the year test. 7th was a rollercoaster but not to important. I dated for the first time (and last), got in official detention... Fun. What I really want to talk about is 8th.
How many of you remember your 8th grade year. Was it as shit as mine currently is? I find myself critical of everything. I hate when there's a sub, not only does it thow me off but it means that I'm most likely to sit out in the hallway to I don't murder someone. A lot of the subs are incompetent. They don't keep the brats in like and have even made it worse. If someone could meet the brats from doing shit they shouldn't be the maybe, MAYBE, my sanity wouldn't buy dropping. I find that I'm a lot more mature then most of the brats. It's like putting an adult with toddlers. I'm also a bit of a control freak sometimes. But more often then not I have wanted to disappear from the face of the earth because I can't put up with the . I would be a horrible parent. Good thing I'm not having kids. And I can't tell what sent me into depressive episode 54, I don't think ADHD, depression, and being on my period was a good combo and yet here I am.
I would roast some of them but apparently arson is illegal
Why am I still here? Is it really worth crying at 10:40EST about life? I mean does anyone truly believe in me? i don't. Why did I have to be such a fuck up. I was a pain in the ass from the moment I was supposed to be born. I didn't want to come into this world and I still don't want to be here. Do my friends ever notice when I'm there? Would they even care if I stopped talking? Why am I always an outsider no matter who I'm with. Am I even going to be able to survive out there? All I can do is draw and hide.
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learningnewways · 2 years
Week 5
Well, week 5 has come and gone. I spent a lot of time in bed sick, so not much time in the library. Monday was a public holiday here so schools were shut. I spent the morning in bed, my stomach still sore from the weekend. By the afternoon I was feeling better so I opened the library. Since Antonia has the day off, she came over to help me run the library which was so nice. I really appreciated the help and the kids all loved her. 
On Tuesday M and I went back to the government shelter to visit the girls we had met the previous week. Unfortunately one of the girls had run away from shelter the previous day, so there were just four out of the five left. It was sad to know she had run away, not knowing where she had gone or what kind of life she would be running to. It’s not uncommon for survivors to run away, which I understand much more after seeing their living conditions at the shelter and no hope in sight for any change of circumstances...
For the four that remained, we brought them ingredients they had asked for to cook a local meal they are missing from home. It had lots of random ingredients and certainly did not look appealing at first, but by the end it looked really delicious. They offered me some and I felt I couldn’t say no, so I took a small serving, but I have to say, it was actually really good! It was probably at maximum spice level for me to handle, but it was still really delicious! It had fish in it and the fish just fell off the bone, it was so yum, the best fish I’ve had in a looooooong time, even though I saw it at the market before it was cooked with flies all over it... Haha.
Tuesday’s visit to the girls was much more lighthearted than the previous week, and they seemed to be in better spirits, other than having their friend recently leave. We cooked the food together, ate the delicious meal and just chatted. M brought some nail polish and one of the girls did all the other girls nails while I watched on. We left our compound at 8am and didn’t return until around 3:30pm, so it was a full day! I always seem to get headaches after being out all day, might be dehydration or the sun or something, not sure... 
While at the shelter, M took me to see the babies briefly. We went into a room that has about ten babies and toddlers in it, all sitting around or sleeping in their cribs. Some shared a crib and others had their own. There were no toys or mats in the room, and it looked like they spend the majority of their time in their cribs. I picked up one baby who looked a few months old and straight away could smell it’s dirty diaper. M could also smell it and told the lady there helping, who said, “Yes I know, we’ll feed them soon and then change their diapers.” So the kids just sit there for who knows how long in their dirty nappies... Doesn’t sound super hygienic, but hey, this is a government shelter, so what do you expect? 
M said the babies are not often held or played with and that any chance I get while here I should come and play with them. I picked up one baby who was sleeping and she was so small. The lady who was helping picked her up literally by the arm, it freaked me out. I’m always so scared that I’m going to hold a baby the wrong way, but that made me realise that my way is much safer! Yikes... She told me that the baby was only five days old and that it’s mother had died in childbirth... Wow. The other baby had been abandoned a few months earlier. It was sad to see these orphaned and abandoned babies just sitting in a room by themselves, no one playing with them or snuggling with them, meanwhile next door there was about five staff all sitting around chatting and doing not much. I asked if they were on their break but M explained that’s just what they do. They work here but have no love or care for the kids... That is so sad... These kids need an extra dose of love! Next week I will make sure I visit the babies when I come to visit.
On Wednesday, M took me to the capital of The Gambia, Banjul, which wasn’t all that exciting... Not much to write home about! No tall buildings or anything, just much of the same... We visited a large market which felt like a maze. There’s hardly any tourists at the moment so everyone was eager for me to buy something, but all the shops sold the same thing, so it was a bit awkward... Can’t buy from everyone! Especially when I only brought carry-on luggage... We went through the food market and I saw a few cow heads and snouts... Now that was one thing I could not look at! Like yup, that’s a cow... For sure that’s a cow...
On Thursday I was supposed to be in the library, but woke up with a sore stomach again... It could’ve been the local food I ate the previous day... Okay yeah, it probably was! So I spent the morning in bed unfortunately... Then I was supposed to catch up with Annie and an American lady from church called Joan who’s been in West Africa for over 20 years, but sadly I couldn’t go as I felt unwell... In the evening M was going to take me to the brothels and streets where the girls sell themselves, which I was really fascinated about and looking forward to visiting them, buuuuuut, that got cancelled too... So what was going to be a full on day ended up being a sick day... Fingers crossed I’ll get to go with M to the brothels and streets to meet the girls at some stage. That would really help me to understand the full circle of sex trafficking and prostitution from on the ground.
On Friday I did the second presentation for the school I’d been to the previous week. Last week the kids were all so attentive and focused, and it was a breeze. But this time they would not listen! Nothing I said or did made them listen, they were very chatty and fidgety... Not ideal when you’re trying to talk to them about important topics like sexual abuse... Overall I think it went okay and at the end I got them all to write down a question for the question box, and I’ll answer them next week. I got some questions, mainly asking, “why do guys like to touch girls?” But I got a lot of statements from girls saying they’ve been abused or harassed, or that they’ve seen it happen. Statements such as...
I don’t like people telling me, “let’s have sex”
I don’t like people touching my private parts
I don’t like students who touch girls bodies
I don’t like having sex with someone
Someone touched my breasts
Someone touched my bottom
Someone touched my private parts
Someone touched my friend
I saw a man forcing a girl to have sex with her
A family member came to our house and touched my breasts and bottom
Wow... I’ve spent all of an hour with these kids who are intermediate aged, and I got countless confessions from students who have felt uncomfortable about sexual things that have happened to them or that they have witnessed... When I read that last one I felt sick, like I wanted to find out who this student was and go rescue them. Unfortunately the questions and statements were anonymous, so if they want help they will have to be more clear and identity themselves to me. We do have a phone number they can call or message which I put on the black-board, so hopefully those girls wrote it down. 
I have two more sessions with that class, so hopefully I can build trust with the victims in the room, and be a safe person they can come to to talk. Even just standing up the front and saying, “If you have been sexually abused, it is not okay and it is not your fault,” is so powerful, and is a message that unfortunately not many of them have heard. On the flip side I received lots of statements, practically the same number of statements as there were boys in the room, that simply said, “girls like sex”. 
Unfortunately it’s not even a joke, it is literally what the boys think. Their culture and upbringing has conditioned them to believe that all girls are good for is sex and making babies, and all girls like sex. They don’t believe sexual abuse or rape is even a thing, because “girls like sex”. Well, that’s not what my comments from the girls in their class tell me! Their comments tell me they don’t want to be touched and that they don’t like it. So you have the boys who think all girls like sex and want it, and you have the girls who don’t like it and don’t want it! Wish me luck trying to explain to the boys next week that no, actually the girls you’re forcing yourselves on and touching actually don’t like it... Yikes.
My weekend was a quiet one. On Saturday morning I video called a friend back home and that was fun, we even managed to play a board game online together which was impressive! Technology is great. Then in the evening I called my parents, which was good. I updated them on all the details I can’t necessarily talk about on the blog... Ha. The real realities and struggles of life here and back home. On Sunday I went to church with Annie, then came home and decided to try making some good old NZ style fish n chips! Well, minus the chips, I’d made some of them earlier in the week. I went to the market and bought local fish for the first time, then made up some batter and got the oil out. It was okay, but not as good as the stuff you get in NZ, but still decent for an amateur! I did forget to take a photo sadly... Whoops...
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passerine-writes · 2 years
Symbols - Chapter 4
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, negative thoughts Word count: 1633
Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
The guilt settled in when I saw Bokuto the next day. He looked horrible, the dark circles under his eyes said it all. His eyes didn't shine as bright and he didn't try and talk to me. Akaashi hasn't either
A week and a half passed after the library incident and neither of them had made an attempt to talk to me. I was prepared to be alone permanently, after high school I'll go to some college and meet someone new. Right?
How terribly wrong I was to think that they had all given up when the most persistent person alive has yet to confront me.
From Kuroo: We need to talk
So much for a relaxing Saturday afternoon.
To Kuroo: No we don’t, I already told the others that they wouldn’t understand so just give it a rest. Sorry Mr. Chemistry, but I don’t believe in soulmates. I never have and I doubt I will.
From Kuroo: Who said soulmates can’t just be friends with each other?
He had me there.
To Kuroo: Fine, but I’m not doing this over text.
From Kuroo: I’m on my way over
To Kuroo: No, I haven’t had friends over since elementary school and I’m not starting now. Where do you want to meet up?
From Kuroo: The park that we all used to hang out at, I’ll be there in ten
I sighed dramatically and got changed. He can wait for all I care, it's a five minute walk and I haven't even fully woken up yet. I slipped on a pair on leggings, a long sleeve and a sweater, my hair pulled back into a messy bun as I checked to make sure I have everything. It was starting to cool off a little, but just enough that I did need to layer. Just enough that the wind is starting to chill.
Once I got to the park, it was like muscle memory took over as I walked to what we used to call our designated bench. Kuroo was already there, sitting patiently until he saw me. He sprung up and went for a hug but I stepped back, a discomfited look taking over his features.
“Sorry, I uh, don’t really like being touched.” My voice was awkward as I sat down, Kuroo sitting down a few inches away from me.
“You suck at lying.” My cheeks flared but I blamed it on the wind. “Physical affection is basically your main love language, platonic or romantic. You told me that you were touch starved constantly even if Koutarou would be all over you. You don’t have to lie to me, you’ve never been able to.” I swallowed the lump in my throat, not expecting him to be this forward about it. “So what changed? I see what those two mean, you’re different now.”
“A lot changed.” His head tilted towards me, not expecting me to be vague yet honest.
“Keiji has a theory,” my breathing halted for a moment, “he thinks you don’t like soulmates and run from talking about it because of your parents.” The lump in my throat swelled, they weren’t supposed to know about that. “Based off of your reaction, he was right. Him and Kou told us about what happened. But my gut is telling me there’s more to it that they don’t even know about.” Damn you Kuroo.
“You wouldn’t understand, okay? It’s not as straight forward as everyone wants to tell themselves. I get it, you all want to help or whatever but why won’t you guys just stop? You’re supposed to be mad at me because it makes it easier to stay away and feel less guilty about the choice I made.” He was silent and I looked away, fighting back the tears in my eyes.
“I never told you about my parents. They were soulmates, but they fought. All the time it was just constant fighting. So I started going to my Grandma’s house as much as possible, she lives next door to Kenma, so I would go there too. When I was nine, my parents divorced and my Grandma legally adopted me. I blamed the soulmate bond at first, thinking it would solve everything. But then I realized that it wasn’t the bond. It was the people. Both of my parent weren’t the best people separately but together? They were ten times worse. When I realized that, I was probably fourteen at the time. And I told myself that when I met them, I would do everything in my power to not make it turn out like my parents. So I don’t blame you for how you’re reacting and how you’re feeling. I don’t know what else may have happened but I do understand.” It fell silent, a thick blanket of nerves in the air.
“I’m sorry.” 
“What are you apologizing for?”
“For how I left, making Bokuto think you guys did something wrong, leaving without an explanation and causing Kenma to have more panic attacks because I was just being selfish.” I bit my lip and fiddled with my fingers. “I cope by isolating. I- I shut down. I shut everyone out don’t let them see what I’m feeling. But then, I go too far. I get scared of going back so I don’t.” Because I deserve it, I don’t deserve for them to come back to me.
“We all miss you, but I think it’s time you give them a proper explanation too. Plus, you being around will help your panic attacks, along with Kenma’s. But it’s gonna be harder not giving you any physical affection, so can we get the bonds opened and we can be four guys dating with their girl best friend? And if you change your mind down the road, then we’ll go from there.” I froze up and thought about it. The vulnerability scaring me. They would be able to know so much, how I’m feeling, when I’m not okay, when I’m hurt. Bokuto isn’t smart enough to put it together unless he really thinks about it but usually he’s going to dull it down to volleyball or “emo” mode.
“I- I can’t just yet. I’m sorry. With Bo, it’s one thing because he sorta accidentally found out and grabbed my shoulder. I just, I’m not ready to be that vulnerable.” Kuroo nodded and stood up.
“Well, let’s head over to Kenma’s house. We can swing by your place and grab your PSP and medication. My Grandma lent me her car today since I wouldn’t be out long.” With a deep, shaky breath, I nodded and followed him to the car.
The entire drive was nerve rattling, the closer we got the faster my leg bounced against the car floor. Kuroo kept sending worried glances my leg every few seconds, probably concerned I was about to drill a hole in the floor with my foot. But he didn’t bring it up. Once we pulled into his driveway, I felt nauseous and clammy as the realization that this was real punched me in the face.
“You okay, little atom?” My heart twisted at the old nickname he gave me in middle school. I just nodded and kept my mouth shut, not wanting to risk another word vomit. He sighed but lead the all too familiar way to Kenma’s room. He knocked on the door and smirked, his body hiding my own. “We have a guest today.” He moved and gave me a dramatic entrance. Kenma and Akaashi stared at me in shock, but Bokuto got excited very fast. Barreling forward and encasing me in a hug. Slowly and awkwardly, I hugged back, the familiar feeling of his strong arms making me feel protected eased my nerves a small amount. He abruptly pulled away and his head hung low.
“Sorry, forgot you don’t like being touched.” He sounded like a kicked puppy and looked like one too.
“You’re alright, Bo.” His head shot up at the nickname, clearly taking it as making progress and smiled brightly. 
“Alright, before he gets too excited. Say what you need to and set your boundaries. We won’t push you.” I nodded as my body buzzed with anxiety. The three of them watched intently as I awkwardly walked into the room and sat on the very edge of Kenma’s bed. The Kozume in question currently sitting in one of his bean bags, Akaashi on the bed a foot or two away from me, Bokuto opting to sit on the floor and Kuroo leaned against a wall.
“I’m sorry, for leaving abruptly, a-and with no explanation. None of you guys did anything. I just, I don’t believe in soulmates for me. After what happened with my parents, I can’t do it. I’m okay with being friends again if you all would be open to that. But, I run when I get scared. When I saw the soul symbols for the first time, I cried and I didn’t know what else to do, so I ran and it just got harder to come back. I’m sorry if any of you thought you did something wrong, I promise you didn’t. And I- uh, I’m not ready to open all the bonds yet. I’m not ready for it just yet but until I am, I’m okay with Bokuto hugging me and stuff since he already accidentally opened the bond.” Everyone was silent, but Bokuto nodded happily, liking that things were getting better. Akaashi and Kenma muttered a small okay and soon three of the boys were in a conversation. I pulled out my PSP and hesitantly invited Kenma to a game. His head snapped up, instantly meeting my eyes and allowed the smallest of smiles out before joining.
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quoteablebooks · 4 months
Tumblr media
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Rating: 0 out of 5
Content Warning: Ableism, Child death, Death, Death of parent, Alcoholism, Cursing, Bullying, Suicidal thoughts, Torture
The first book in Alyson Noël's extraordinary new Immortals series. Enter an enchanting new world, where true love never dies...
After a horrible accident claims the lives of her family, sixteen-year-old Ever Bloom can see people's auras, hear their thoughts, and know someone's entire life story by touching them. Going out of her way to avoid human contact to suppress her abilities, she has been branded a freak at her new high school—but everything changes when she meets Damen Auguste.
Damen is gorgeous, exotic and wealthy. He's the only one who can silence the noise and random energy in her head—wielding a magic so intense, it's as though he can peer straight into her soul. As Ever is drawn deeper into his enticing world of secrets and mystery, she's left with more questions than answers. And she has no idea just who he really is—or what he is. The only thing she knows to be true is that she's falling deeply and helplessly in love with him.
TL;DR - The villain should have killed both main characters and put us all out of our misery
Hello friends and enemies, we are gathered here today to talk about a book that I did not enjoy and probably has the most annoying characters I have read to date. The plot was nonsense, the characters were annoying, and somehow a book that was just over 300 pages was about 300 pages too long. The fact that there are six books in this series is truly baffling to me as I don’t understand how anyone cared about these characters enough to get through this novel let alone five more. My completeist brain is truly thrilled that I cannot easily find the rest to read for free anywhere so I can drop this book in a free little library and never have to think about it again.
I do want to provide one positive before I get into everything else I didn’t like about this novel. I appreciated the portrayal of Sabine and how kind she is to Ever, who is consistently a horrible person to her and everyone else. Sabine lost her twin brother, dropped everything, and moved so that she could take care of her niece who is now her ward. Sabine is nothing but patient and kind to Ever, a teenager who is constantly not talking to her, being mean, or getting expelled from school. Sabine is the true hero of this book for not smacking Ever into next week on a couple of occasions. I too would be working all the time if I had to live with Ever constantly being cagy, lying, and straight up ignoring her. Ava is also kind to Ever when she has no reason to be, so the adult women in this novel, for the small amount are present, have the patience of saints.
Ever is one of the most annoying main characters that I have ever had the displeasure of being in the head of. She is so self-centered and not in an “I am a teenager who is going through some horrible and confusing things” but in an “I care about no one and nothing but myself and I never let anyone complete a thought because I don’t want to hear it, even though I am psychic and read minds.” She is a horrible friend, an extremely clingy and toxic girlfriend, and almost too dumb to live. Ever doesn’t figure out anything that is happening on her own, she doesn’t do a single thing herself throughout this novel except breaking into her boyfriend’s house because…she’s mad he left after spending almost two whole days with her. She says that she doesn’t want her ghost little sister to cross over, yet is absolutely horrible to her every time she is present, is a shitty friend, and is just an overall bad person. When people do try to explain things to Ever, she gets pissed off and tells them to go away or says horrible things, but then is confused why people aren’t talking or lying to her.
The sad thing is that this could have been a powerful story about grief and dealing with the loss of family, but Ever never thinks about her parents except how she can’t see them, and only thinks about what her sister lost when it is convenient for her. She states constantly that her psychic powers are because she is being punished for the accident, but once Daimen is on the scene, she barely thinks about the family she lost or the life she no longer has. Instead of making Ever a complex character who is managing huge life changes and loss, she seems like a self-absorbed narcissist who is only upset that her parents are dead because the accident changed her from the most popular cheerleader into a “freak”. It is all so shallow that I have no sympathy for her. Then her two-day descent into alcoholism? I can’t even get into that.
Daimen is the king of gaslighting and every time he did something that was supposed to be romantic I rolled my eyes so hard I almost strained something. Daimen, a six hundred-year-old man, is obsessed with a seventeen-year-old. Usually, these types of age gaps don’t bother me in high fantasy novels, but in an urban fantasy in which Daimen is constantly dropping hints that he is so much more knowledgeable and sophisticated than Ever, it just felt weird. Sometimes I heard the start of the SVU theme song. He is also constantly using his type of magic in front of her and then denying that he is, making her feel as if she is losing her mind. A mind that he can read at times and knows how distressed he is making her, yet instead of trying to find a way to explain he continues to play mind games. He apparently loves her so much that he has searched for her in multiple lifetimes, but he also somehow never figures out that it is Darina who continually kills her. Even though Darina shows up every time she dies they get back together. This is a man who supposedly discovered the truth about immortality and he can’t see the two plus two make four? However, I completely lost it when Ever was upset and crying and his response, get on top of her and start trying to sleep with her. I hate him.
Let’s also take a little detour and talk about the fact that Darina made a point of telling Ever that she died a virgin in every lifetime she has had since meeting Daimen. Now, I have no intention of reading on in this series unless someone pays me money, but I can predict that when Ever and Daimen actually do sleep together there is going to be a whole thing of being her one and only partner, her first and only love, she is happy she saved her soul for him, etc. and I would have to throw up before continuing.
Darina is the most cardboard-cut-out villain I might have ever read. She is the stunningly beautiful woman that Daimen is with that gives off creepy vibes. That is the only reason why Ever hates her to begin with. Then she gets close to Haven for the sole purpose of killing her to upset Ever and make her feel like she is alone so she’ll just die when Darina finally decides to attack her all because she is in love with Daimen for some reason. Darina, who proves at the end of the book that she could have killed Ever at any moment, but just decides to play games because…plot? Then, after 600 years, she is easily confused and killed without much of a fight. While I wanted her to succeed because I hated Daimen and Ever and wanted them to stop existing, she didn’t have enough of a personality to really care about her one way or another.
Ever’s “friends”, and I use the word loosely, are stereotypes and also kind of the worst people. Miles is the less offensive of the two, he is just obsessed with his boyfriends to the point that he ignores his friends, but he at least says something when both Ever and Haven are being the worst. Haven, however, fucking sucks. Everything had to be about her and she called ‘dibs’ on a man and gets pissed when he isn’t interested in her but her friend. Remember, these people are Juniors in high school, and they are calling dibs on a real-life person. The whole bit where she joins anonymous groups and lies about having addictions or other problems because she is ignored at home is just wrong on so many levels. Then, Haven goes missing for days after another woman is murdered, and Ever is so self-obsessed she doesn’t even care, but is so extremely happy when she reappears alive. This whole town should have just been crushed by a meteor.
A major part of the plot, in which there almost isn’t any mind you, is that Ever feels as if she needs to punish herself because she believes that it is her fault that her family got into a car accident that killed them. There is this whole thread about how she has to forgive herself for the accident and thinking that she caused it, with multiple other characters explicitly saying this to her. In the final scene of the novel Daimen states that love heals and she finally forgave herself so the scar on her forehead is gone. Except, Ever never forgave herself because she found out that Darina caused the accident for the sole purpose of killing Ever. It was all just so frustrating. Ever doesn’t figure out anything on her own, Darina tells her in her evil monologue. Yet we are supposed to get this whole takeaway about love and forgiveness after Ever turns Darina to dust by accident. When Daimen started explaining that Ever hit Darina in her weakest chakra and that’s why she died I would have put down the book if I wasn’t so close to the end. Please, give me a fucking break. There had not been a single mention of chakras before this scene, not one. Also, the only other plot point besides Ever hating herself was figuring out why Daimen was acting so weird, that’s it.
I could go on for another five pages of everything I hated about this, but it would just make me angry. I would give this zero stars if that was a possibility. Save yourself the time and money and read literally anything else.
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haaninglee · 2 years
Casino Fundraising Night
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
Don’t forget October 3rd. Tua fma au???
I’ll be honest I only watched a chunk of fmab and everything else I know about the series comes from the fandom lmao
But this could be funny sO some tidbits from an au I will not actually write
AU where truth spots some weird anomaly in space time and picks it up only to almost get his face torn off by a feral five and is like “I know exactly where to put you!! :)” and all the hargreeves pop up in Roy’s office
Allison and Hawkeye get along like a house on fire
And by that I mean Allison and Hawkeye spar, Allison flips her like a pancake, and Hawkeye has to prevent herself from getting down on one knee on the spot
Allison sees Hawkeyes shooting skills and asks Hawkeye to teach her, like Allison doesn’t already know how to shoot a gun, and they have a way too sexually charged lesson
Havoc ends up with the biggest crush on Klaus but doesn’t KNOW about it for like, the equivalent of an entire season
Everyone has running bets on how long it will take Havoc to realize
(Klaus is winning)
Havoc keeps playing yearning music and keeps saying “I don’t know I’m just in the mood for it!” while he’s sobbing after seeing klaus for 1 second
Roy takes one look at feral thirteen year old five next to an equally feral fifteen year old Ed and is like “no absolutely not”
Five is a mathematical prodigy and loves the logic of alchemy and picks it up QUICK
Five and Ed are at each other’s throats like, full knives out sides are taken and buildings may not survive
Al: brother why do you hate the newcomer so much
Ed: hate him? What are you talking about this is the best debate I’ve had in years and I WILL prove that shit wrong about the application of soul alchemy in teleportation and make him EAT his fucking words
Vanya has such strong fade into the background energy that a dedicated cult pops up among the investigations office
Vanya speaks up and jump scares the entire room who completely didn’t realize or forgot about the existence of an entire person
Investigations: how do you DO IT?
Vanya: thanks it’s the trauma :)
Luther hangs out with the cool chimera people and also ends up as very weird friends with Major Armstrong
Major Armstrong cries a lot but is also a bizarrely good friend and also they are flexing buddies
Al can see Ben bc of fucked up soul alchemy reasons and they just trade snide comments about their siblings back and forth before going to bail them out
Diego runs around capturing criminals and also hanging out with the team Roy squad, somehow ends up being regarded as the second most competent hargreeves after Allison
Idk maybe truth is the reason why all those women had spontaneous pregnancies, like haha fun being a weird fucked up little god :)
The hargreeves and elrics shake hands over trauma surrounding father figures
Five: I’m going to kill truth with my bare hands
Ed, tearing up: you’re my best friend
Al: what about winry
Ed: winry is FAMILY, al. five on the other hand is a piece of shit who I will enjoy murdering in cold blood (affectionate)
Five: fuck you too, bitchboy (affectionate)
Klaus keeps making comments about five making friends while five and ed are rolling around trying to strangle each other and destroying Roy’s office in the process
Roy desperately keeps trying to get the hargreeves to care about going home so they can no longer be his problem
(None of them are that interested in going home sorry Roy sucks to suck)
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Not Your Charity Case
prompt: Harry is a frat boy - who doesn’t need sympathy from anyone. He makes Y/N feel a sense of home when they’re together. But is Harry just like every stereotypical frat boy?
word count: 6.2k 
warnings: minor violence, language, deaf!harry, smutttt
other: when Harry is talking to Y/N or any other characters - it is to be noted that he is signing. When Y/N talks to Harry - she is also always signing
Let me know if you’d want to see anything else from this verse:)
You were rushed - you really shouldn’t stop at the local coffee shop for a sugary, delicious mocha chip frappuccino.
Despite what people say, professors are much more lax and carefree in college.
It was about two weeks into the new semester, - your third here- and the seasons were changing - becoming autumn.
Chilled breezes, falling leaves, and vivid colors of nature made you happy.
When you arrive in line, there are two people ahead of you. A girl currently in front of the cashier and a tall male with a red and black flannel on behind her- typing away on his phone.
When she moves to the left, the broad man steps forward. His snapback facing backwards, brown curls dancing around his neck. You can’t help but notice how tall and lean he is, shoulders broad and straight.
You definitely haven’t seen him before on campus. You’d remember.
From what you can see, he shows the young girl behind the counter the screen of his phone without saying anything at all.
The raven-haired girl’s face pinches in annoyance. “We don’t accept orders like that. You need to tell me what you want.”
You’re a little surprised by both the rude cashier but also the man who doesn’t respond right away.
He attempts to show her his phone again but she shakes her head - annoyed.
You become interested in the situation when I watch him sign, a few gestures before pointing to his ears. In the most obvious form of saying “I can’t hear.”
The clueless girl gives him a blank look, “Listen, there’s a line. I don’t have time for this.”
You hoped you weren’t overstepping your boundaries when you slide up next to him, tapping him on his shoulder to get his attention.
It is a bit startling how gorgeous the boy is. He was tanned with bright green-eyes and a defined jawline that was currently clenched in frustration.
You sign, “What are you trying to order?”
He studies you for a second with hesitance before his long slim fingers begin to move, slowly as if he thinks you may be inexperienced in the form of language.
He replies, “Large coffee with a little cream and two sugars.”
You squeeze in front of him, “It is not only rude but illegal to not serve based on disabilities. Refusing an order from a deaf person isn’t moral or acceptable.”
The girl has enough decency to mumble an apology and turned bright pink, “Sorry, he doesn’t look deaf. “You roll your eyes - how can you tell that someone is deaf based on solely appearance? This girls a fucking idiot, you think.
You repeat his order to her, along with yours - sliding your debit card towards her and give her your name for the order.
The man trails behind you to the small waiting area. “Thank you,” he signs simply. You nod and return the pleasantry. The. hand him his steaming hot coffee.
“Thank you again. I’m going to be late to class, so I have to go,” he tells me, seeming a little out of place signing with a stranger.
“Go ahead, I’ll see you around.” It was the first time in a long time you’ve signed to anyone outside your family.
Sipping your drink as you are only five minutes late and the class hasn’t even started yet. The man you just helped was sat in the back of the classroom, unloading his laptop.
With a little bravery, you wriggle your way through and plop into the wooden chair easily. Letting your backpack fall to the ground. Curly looks over at you with a frown, he signs, “Why are you sitting next to me?”
You blush, “I don’t know? Thought it’d be good to have someone to talk to.”
His hands are tense as he replies, “I’m not a charity case, so you can leave me alone.”
“Never said you were,” you huff when you tell him. Not appreciating how rude he was being. Signing had its own tones and expressions so to speak. For example, when someone is happy their signs and movements are different than when they’re sad or frustrated.
Harry seems to be the latter. You wrestle out your laptop to the PowerPoint that was going to be discussed today in class. You noticed Harry stared very intently at the professor to read his lips and expression.
You was surprised he didn’t have an interpreter with him but you’re sure he got special accommodations elsewhere. Even though that was absolutely none of your business.
His shoulders are tensed and he makes sure your arms don’t brush like you have cooties for the entire two hours. The nameless boy is up and out of his seat as soon as the professor shuts off the projector and turns on the lights - signaling class to be over.
Well fuck him then.
You don’t make the mistake to sit next him again. But that doesn’t mean you could ogle his strong muscular back and big hands.
It wasn’t your place to care but you felt twinges in your tummy when you noticed him struggling to keep up with the fast-speed class on certain days.
You were in the large, rustic library that smelled of old books and damp wallpaper. It was dead silent as people furiously studied or worked on papers due.
As you paced the shelves, you could not find the book you needed for your American Literature class. Fuck the Dewey Decimal System.
Part-time uni students probably just stuffed returned books in any open space they saw fit. But you need this book in particular, a discussion board post due by midnight and it was currently eight-thirty. They had ran out of copies at the on-campus bookstore.
After a valiant effort, you trudge up to the checkout counter. A little sign reads, “ring me if no ones here!”
You impatiently ring the silver bell. But no one comes. You give whoever is working a minute or two but nothing. Another ring it is.
Silence. No one. Of fucking course, luck is not on your side tonight.
You dramatically clunk your head onto the high counter top in front of you - groaning at the fact you may fail the assignment.
A tentative pat on your shoulder makes you snap your head up. To see the boy you’ve been constantly avoiding standing behind the checkout desk.
“Are you okay?” He asks. He had a name-tag on - Harry. He honestly looked a bit out of place. Harry appeared to be a frat boy. He was still had a boyish air about him but an intensity that was unmatchable.
He didn’t look like he would work in the library. He looked like...well he looked like he would be a beer pong referee or something.
You couldn’t see below his torso but he had a plain black snapback on and a vintage Elton John concert tee. A cross necklace dangling over the worn shirt.
You smile, embarrassed, but reply, “Just being dramatic. I can’t find a book and I was waiting here.”
There’s mirth in his eyes when he points to the bell,”Did you ring the bell?”
Your brows furrow, “I did.”
“Well I can’t hear it, I’m deaf,” he deadpans with a straight face and a dry sense of humor.
You roll your eyes, laughing nervously, “I didn’t know you were working!”
“What do you need?”
He helps you locate the book in two minutes flat before checking you out and you rushing home to finish the homework.
You felt bad ignoring your little sister’s FaceTime calls but you promised to call her back tomorrow. 
Though once again, you hadn’t interacted with Harry since last week - you constantly found yourself studying his stoic profile or fast moving fingers.
You would never befriend Harry because you feel bad for him - like he presumed. You enjoyed American Sign Language and it actually made you feel back at home.
You’re little sister was born completely deaf. She was much younger than you - eight years old. Fifteen years apart to be exact. You learned the language along with her and your parents.
When you were at home and your sister was there - you guys tried to only sign so she didn’t feel left out. So Harry felt like home - a little despite his completely off-putting demeanor. It made you a little bit more persistent than with any other frat boy.
The bulletin board in your advisor’s office caught your eyes. None of the little tabs ripped off in interest.
‘Student with ASL experience and above a 3.5 GPA needed for tutoring sessions - twice weekly. $16 dollars an hour.’
After your meeting, you tugged the little scrap of paper off and tuck it into your pocket. You couldn’t know for sure if it was Harry but you didn’t know of any other deaf students in the program.
You say ‘fuck it’ and type out an email to the advisor of academic affairs and accommodations to throw your hat in the ring.
You don’t hear back for three days - nearly forgetting about it in the mean time. Your eyes scan quickly over the email to grant you the position. They include contact information for no other than Harry Styles.
After psyching yourself out a little and a few paces across your kitchen tiles - you text him.
Hey! I’m your new assigned tutor. Would you like to set up a time and place? As well as what kind of help you’re looking for.
The reply text comes shortly after
Hello, thank you very much. I am just in need of hearing ears. I am deaf and have a hard time keeping up with the my professor. I have begun recording the lectures in hope that you can sign then to me.
Sure thing. That won’t be a problem!
I live in Alpha Sigma on 3rd street. I have my own room. I’d rather not have the tutoring session in public. However, if that makes you uncomfortable - we can figure something out.
You take a minute to debate. You understand why this would be a task too loud for the library and why he’d want privacy. You didn’t feel like I’d be uncomfortable with him.
I saw twice a week so does Tuesday and Thursday at seven work?
Sounds great. Thank you again x
Did he know it was me? Was he expecting it to me?
He was definitely not expecting you. You automatically knew that by the way his friendly smile dissipated into a frown when he opened the door for you.
You attempted to look nice today without trying too hard. A loose crop top with the university’s name, a pair of tight black leggings, bulky white socks bunched at your ankles, and white sneakers. Very 80’s.
You try to keep your composure, “Hi Harry, I’m going to be your tutor.”
He slowly nods at you, huffing out a breathe of irritation before inviting you into the frat house.
You’d only been here once or twice for a party so you had no idea what the house actually looked like when there weren’t bodies and booze everywhere.
He’s walking you past a group of boys playing FIFA on the flatscreen in the living room, white claws open everywhere.
“Y/N! Hey babe!” You look over to see Niall - one of your good friends from your part-time job at the bookstore - trotting over to you guys.
The blonde pulls you into an overexcited hug. He reminded you of a cuddly, soft puppy dog most of the time.
“Are you Harry’s little tutor?” Niall coos, leaning over to pinch Harry’s cheek. 
Harry- who was observing the conversation, focusing in on our lips, immediately bats his friend away. A small scowl forming on his face.
It automatically turns into a playful brawl where Niall tugs Harry into headlock. But he has no strength on the brunette.
Harry turns out of it quickly and pushes Niall to the ground. He straddles his stomach and begins to jokingly pinch and slap at him.
Niall hisses, “Ouch! You motherfucker! Big oaf!”
Then you don’t know why you find this endearing but Niall signs the word, “uncle” a few times to signal he’s accepted his lost.
The fact that they wrestle so much that Niall learned to sign how to give up made you giggle more than it should.
Harry crawls off of him, running a hand through his messy curls, his face a little flushed.
“I’ll talk to you later!” You tell Niall as your trailing behind Harry up a flight of stairs.
His room is extremely neat. A fluffy navy comfort decorated his bed with a few photos of flowers and nature on his wall. A tidy desk tucked away in the corner that had all of his school work loaded on top of it.
He chooses to sit in his desk chair, motioning for you to perch on his bed. You look at him expectantly when he pulls out the tape recorder and sets it on the surface.
He pulls his laptop into his lap and begins signing, “I need you to transcribe the lecture for me so I can follow it. We can skip through the bits where he is rambling or off topic.”
You nod, letting him know to begin whenever he’s ready. He presses the side button and the recording starts but it super unclear and garbled.
“Did you record this from your seat?” You ask, the professors words nearly inaudible and fuzzy.
“You need to bring it to the front of the room. Ask Dr. Morrison  to lay it on his desk before class. I can’t hear anything but static and mumbles,” You tell him.
He laughs and shakes his head. His movements rough and angry, “Of course its fucked up. I get you as my tutor and then the recorder is shit.”
You glare at him, offended as you haven’t done anything to this boy. “Excuse me? I’ve literally been trying to help since I’ve meet you. What is your fucking issue?”
“I’m not a charity case! I don’t need you to feel bad for me. I’m not helpless! You’re probably just a silly little girl who took ASL in high school because it was cool and trendy. Go back to focusing on psych.”
“Fuck you, Harry,” Your gestures getting sharper and your face sour, “You know nothing about me so don’t act like you do. I don’t feel bad for you or think that you’re helpless.” You put up a hand and tell him to not talk.
“I was just being nice because I thought you were handsome and at first, seemed friendly. It turns out you’re just like every douchebag frat boy I’ve met. What a disappointment,” You chuckle, swinging your bag on your shoulder and storm out of the room without another look.
The cafe was jammed packed - it was Waffle Wednesday. You had said waffles in your tray and were about to plop down on a stool when you hear your name being called.
“C’mere, come sit with us!” He hollers over the commotion of the crowd. Niall.
You’re about to decline when some dude slips behind you and snags the stool. Shit.
A bit unwillingly you slide into the booth next to Niall, cracking open your sparkling water. “Mates, this is Y/N, we work at the store together and she’s Harry’s tutor,” he tells them. “Y/N, this is Liam and Louis.”
“Hello,” you try your best to come off as friendly even though you can feel Harry’s glare on the side of your face. You ended up falling to easy conversation with the boys. Niall has a very limited ASL vocabulary but tries.
The boys are also trying to talk slower and more pronounced so Harry can watch and understand. A couple of times he taps Niall on the wrist to repeat what was going on.
Your phone begins buzzing and you apologize for the interruption. It’s your little sister, Mazie, FaceTiming.
You answer the phone with a frown, signing “Aren’t you suppose to be in school?”
Mazie looks upset, eyes a little watery. She gestures back, “I left early. I’m sick.”
“Are you really sick or where you getting bullied again?” You asks her.
Your sister hesitates before sniffling, “You already know. I hate my school.” 
Mazie has had other children bully her for her disability since she started preschool and it as still happening in fourth grade.
“What can I do to help?” You frown, never wanting to see your baby sister cry.
You chat for a few minutes to help her calm down. When the phone call ends, you don’t realize that all the boys were watching you in interest. Harry in particular, keeps his focus on you with a wrinkled forehead.
“My sister’s deaf,” You tell them. The whole time you’ve been sitting with them you’ve been signing and verbally speaking to help everyone be able to be included in the conversation.
“That’s sick!” Louis says, smacking Harry’s arm. “Just like our lad Harry.” 
Harry grumbles when Louis shakes him a little. It seems like the boys loved to physically interact with Harry which was endearing.
Harry allows him to for a moment before he flicks his cheek hard and laughs when Louis flinches. The conversation goes back to normal.
Harry jogs up to you after your group shares farewells and a few punches. You pointedly ignore him as you trek to the class you two have together so it’s not like he can’t walk this way too.
“Please, wait,” Harry asks. He walks in front of you.
“What do you want?” You huff, keeping my glare firm and directed alley at him.
“I’m sorry. I made the wrong assumption.”
“You made a lot of wrong assumptions. The fact that you think of me so lowly is sad. I’ve been nothing but nice,” You try not to focus on his large palms that curve over the caps of your shoulders.
“I’m not very trusting of people.”
You snort rather unattractively, “No kidding”
“Can we please start over?” He asks, stepping back to give you space. He didn’t realize how close he’d been standing to you until your hair wisps across his nose.
“One more chance, Styles.”
Harry lays a hand on your upper arm and squeeze lightly before signing the simple gesture of ‘thank you.’
It turns out Harry is very handsy and physically affectionate. It wasn’t creepy though or something that ever made you feel uncomfortable.
You were still tutoring him but you hung around the frat with Harry nearly everyday. The days you just wanted to lay in bed resulted in a grumpy FaceTime from Harry.
Harry once stated during a tutoring session, “It is easier for me to show how I’m feeling with touch than words. If I ever make you uncomfortable - please tell me and I will stop.”
You smile slyly at his words that sounded more like a question, asking if he can touch you. “I guess I’ll let you feel me up every now in again.”
He giggles and looks down wolfishly - like an entertaining thought is dancing around in his mind.
You tuck your finger under his chin to gaze at you. “In all seriousness, I give you my consent to show your feelings with physical touch. I trust you and know you won’t do anything to make me uncomfortable.”
The curly-haired brunette smiles happily, his hand cupping the side of your neck and brushing over your pulse point.
He hadn’t touched you here before and it seems like it was his first goal to do so once he got permission. You can’t help but take in a deep gasp of air. You prayed he didn’t notice but by the small lift of his lips he did.
The simple touch made a flame of arousal swirl in your lower stomach. You felt like you were about to start sweating.
“Anyways,” You clear your throat and snatch back up the recorder. It now had better quality after Harry listened to you about placement.
The frat house was ridiculously full of drunk college students. Everybody on the dance floor was sweaty and sticky with a variety of different substances.
Niall had invited you - so you were searching about for him. Pushing through the crowd and nobody was able to hear you say ‘excuse me.’
You finally found fresh air in the backyard where beer pong and cornhole were set up. Niall was tossing his ball across the table, trying to splash in Liam’s red solo cups.
Harry was sitting on a cushioned patio chair, watching the game commence. Maybe he was a beer pong referee after all. 
He looked so fucking good tonight. He had a yellow snapback taming his curls - backwards of course. A black Rage Against the Machine shirt and his signature black skinny jeans. **
You made eye contact and were about to wave when a girl plopped down in the seat across from him.
Awkwardly you turn away, greeting the other boys and taking a seat in a lawn chair to watch them start their third round of the game.
Your eyes keep darting over to Harry who is staring blankly at the girl. She starts stroking his biceps and tracing across the tattoos like they belong to her.
Harry is attempting to let her know he’s not interested. His signs uselessly as she’s staring at his lips and not hands.
You’re moving before you know it, without another thought, you squeeze in between the two - separating them. You dramatically slide into his lap, funnily enough one strong arm wrapping happily around your middle.
The pretty blonde pouts out her lips, “Is he your boyfriend?”
Before you’re able to reply, Harry signs the obvious signal for ‘yes’ to the girl. Then rudely makes the shooing gesture. She’s up with a huff and stomping back towards the house.
Harry turns you sideways on his lap so that you two can see each other’s hands, “You saved me.”
“You’re just such a stud, have to protect you,” You joke - but not really.
He raising his eyebrows and smiles, “You were jealous.” It was a statement not a question.
You blush wildly, avoiding eye contact which you know he hates. He hates anytime you cut off ways of communication.
Harry taps your lips until you look up at him, “it’s really fucking sexy when you are.” A perk of sign language. He could dirty talk just about anywhere and mostly no one would ever know.
His thumb drags on your full bottom lip, signing clumsily with one hand so you had to use context clues to piece it together “Don’t think I forgot when you called me handsome a few months ago.”
“I don’t remember, doesn’t sound like me,” You boldly lie, snickering and nipping at the top of his thumb
His eyes become a shade darker when your teeth meet his skin. He presses his thumb further in until it’s in-between your teeth. The moment is broken when Niall screams, “Styles! You’re up next!”
You and Harry become separated after you spent nearly two hours watching all these drunk boys play beer pong. Harry was ridiculously good at the game and only had to drink two cups from the table.
You had wandered back into the house where the party had died down. There were only a handful of stragglers left but mostly just the fraternity brothers and their close friends.
With a fresh alcoholic seltzer in your hand - you didn’t trust open bottles at parties like this - you gaze at Harry through the back window.
Harry was being jumped by Liam and Niall. He was snarling playfully as Liam toppled them all over into the grass. Niall tries to stand up but Harry’s hand wraps around his ankle and makes him fall right back on his bum with a girlish squeal.
Niall leans over to give Harry a wet-willy but Liam manages to throw a plastic cup directly at Niall’s forehead. Harry and the other boys dissolve in childish giggles. Faces red from laughter and liquor. You feel a smile painted fondly on your lips from watching them.
“Hey, Y/N right?” A voice interrupts from behind.
You spin to face a guy you barely recognize from a previous class you shared. You smile nonetheless, “Hi...”
“Jake, Jake from Social Constructs and Society last semester.”
“Oh yeah, that’s right,” You smile and allow him to talk your ear off because you struggle to say ‘no.’ He was fine, nothing special, typical business major who thought he was hot shit because his daddy owned a golf course he wanted to take you to.
It was a normal conversation until his voice gets lower as if he’s trying to be more seductive, “Want to head to a room with me?” He nods towards the staircase.
You chuckle in disbelief at his bold and forward question. “No thank you, I’m good.” You really had eyes for one person right now and he was currently cussing out Niall in sign language in the backyard before tackling him once again to the ground.
“C’mon, I can really show you a good time,” He persuades persistently, stepping into your space - causing your nervousness to spike.
“I said - no thank you,”You bite out, starting to feel scared when he blocks your way out of the kitchen and presses himself against you and the counter.
“You’re really something gorgeous, you know?” He asks, ignoring my struggles to get away from him.
“Stop touching me!” You scream, hoping Niall or one of the boys would hear your wail. He puts a hand up to your mouth to muffle you but that only results in you biting him.
“Fucking bitch!” He cries out, pulling his hand back and winding up to either punch or slap you right in the face. You prepare for the impact.
Then in a blink off an eye, it becomes a blur, a muscular figure is crashing into Jake with full force and knocking him straight into the linoleum floor with a loud crash.
It’s Harry. Broad shoulders and thick but lean tattooed biceps. He’s standing over the harasser and drops on top of him. It shouldn’t look as graceful and tactful as it does.
You’d never seen anything like this from Harry before. Once you really got to know him - he was a gentle giant who liked romantic comedies, soft blankets, and vanilla cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles.
Harry’s fist is repeatedly connecting with the dark-haired boy’s jaw with full force. The only noise is from Jake as Harry is dead silent but his eyes zeroed in on the target.
When blood begins gushing from the man’s nose - Niall and Liam decide it times to physically pull Harry up. Harry had a slight red mark on his jaw when Jake had managed one punch before being defeated quickly.
Harry signs to Niall, “Tell him.”
Niall places his foot on the dude’s chest to keep him down, “My mate wants to let you know if you touch her again we’re not going to pull him off and he’ll gladly beat you to a fucking pulp.”
Jake groans, clutching his nose to stop the bleeding, “Fuckin’ asshole.” 
You were still blown away as you watch Harry’s heaving chest as he glares down at the boy. His fist clenched and knuckle bloody and swollen. Harry’s attention turns towards you. His furious expression melts into worry. You can read his face so clearly. He’s afraid he’s scared you off.
It was hard to believe you had this drop dead gorgeous frat boy defending you past midnight on a Friday night. A boy who didn’t need to hear but just to see you needed help to step in.
All your desires and lusts after the man in front of you burst like a rubber-band and the urge to have him felt uncontrollable. “Take me upstairs,” you demand quickly, arousal creeping up your spine.
He doesn’t understand you’re extremely turned on. Instead he looks like a kicked dog who’s about to get in trouble again.
Nevertheless, he takes your hand and maneuvers out of the kitchen and up the stairs until his bedroom door is closed.
Harry lips are turned down unhappily as he begins, “I’m sorry, love. I...” he pauses a moment before continuing. “I just wanted to make sure you were safe. I hope you don’t think less of me.”
You look him dead in the eye and sign, “Kiss me.”
He blinks slowly at you like he just hallucinate the gestures.
So you repeat your motions, slow and with intent, “Kiss me, touch me, do something.” No more time is wasted as he is stepping in front of you and cupping your face in his hands.
Without any hesitation now, he pressing a bruising kiss to your lips - taking your bottom one between his and sucking.
Your hands are immediately tugging at the hem of his vintage shirt, pulling apart to bring it over his head. Dark ink decorates his torso, for some reason something you weren’t expecting. A butterfly on his abdomen, two fern branches, tattoos on his side.
Harry chuckles, “This is new to me.”
Your eyes go wide and you sign, “You’re a virgin?”
Harry snorts and rolls his eyes before telling you, “God no. I mean I’ve never been able to really communicate during sex.”
Then before You can speak, he cuts in a bit frantically, “I’ve always gotten consent - not like that. I mean-“ You cut him off with a kiss - knowing he would never do anything you didn’t want.
You wanted everything from him.
“If you’d believe it, I like a bit of dirty talk when I fuck - but no one understands what I’m saying,” He tries to crack a joke but for some reason seems insecure and nervous.
“Hey,” You take his chin so he shyly meets your eye, “I can’t wait to hear it - you’ve already made me so wet.” His eyes light up like a kid on Christmas.
“You’re such a good girl,” he signs before tugging off your shirt and instantly finding your lips again. His hands are skillful as they unclasp your bra without any struggle and tosses it.
You tugs a bit as his hair to show your enjoyment as his tongue finds your nipple - lapping before taking it between his teeth. As good as it feels, you want him to feel even better.
You push him back until he’s sitting in the edge of the bed, legs spread and hands behind him on either side holding him up. Jaw clenched with arousal and restraint.
He’s pressed against the zipper of his jeans. And all you wanted to do was see him in all of his glory. You’re quick to undo the button and determined to get the finicky zipper down as well.
His fingers come beneath your chin until you’re looking at his sparkling eyes, a look of lust made his lids a little droopier and his mouth slack from heavy-breathing.
“Are you sure you want to? You don’t have to - I want to eat your pussy either way, pet,” He signs, leaning in for a slow, wet kiss.
You sign back with a pout, “Shut the fuck up.” He huffs out a laugh, letting go of your chin and wrapping a hand in your hair to keep it out of your face.
As soon as he’s helping you wriggle his briefs and jeans down his narrow hips, you’re met with the prettiest cock you’ve ever seen.
When you make eye contact with Harry, he raises a eyebrow and grins cockily, “Is it nice enough for your liking, love?”
You nod breathlessly - wasting no more time before ducking down to take him to your mouth, a slight burning in your throat from how big he is.
His hands keep ahold of your hair, thumbs pressed against your temples as you bob down his length with sloppy, warm licks.
Harry’s moaning as you pop off to kiss and suck at the underside of him, hands coming to cup and roll his balls. It is a few moments later when he taps your cheek to get your attention, one hand leaving his hair to sign that he’s close.
Your mouth speeds up, wanting to give him all the pleasure you could. Your hand coming to stroke at what couldn’t fit in your mouth, pumping quickly.
Before you know it, Harry’s rutting his hips upwards and coming with a long, deep moan from the rumbles of his chest. He’s pulling you up into his lap, pressing appreciative kisses to your cheeks and jawline.
Big hands palming at your breasts before slipping down into your leggings, brushing softly over your mound. 
You whine and hitch forward to grind against his palm as soon as he cups you. He smiles widely at your desperation, pressing the heel of his palm harder against you to create more pressure.
You were already so wet and turned on that it wasn’t going to take much. The ball of your climax was burning low in your tummy. However, you wanted him to taste you like he said he would.
You sign, “I’m close. Please, I want your mouth on me.”
With that, he’s flipping you until you’re laid out on the bed. His hands tugging off your leggings and underwear with no further ado. “Holy shit,” He gestures, gazing all over your body and not stopping on one spot for too long.
“What?” You ask, fishing for the compliments you know he’s about to shower you in.
“You’ve got such a pretty pussy,” he signs, dimples popping in his cheeks and a curious finger traces your entrance before dipping in.
You lightly kick at his stomach, “Get on me.” He pouts, crooking his finger against your spot before pulling it out. Fucking tease.
Then his face is disappearing between your spread thighs and a strong lick is delivered from your clit all the way down to your bum.
Since he can’t hear you, you grabs handfuls off his hair. Tugging at the roots, scratching your nails into his scalp to let him know how good he is. So fucking good.
When you accidentally buck your hips hard against his mouth, you curse and run a apologetic hand through the locks. He doesn’t look up at you but lift a hand and signs, “Again.”
You absolutely whine, begging to ride him with determination - climax on the brink. He hums causing vibrations on the sensitive nerves. With that, your hips are meeting his tongue and you’re coming. His face dampening with your release - happy as a clam when he pops back up.
You can’t remember the sign for condom, so you sign, “Protection?” Harry understands right away, rustling through the drawer until he finds a stray packets, “It’s been awhile.”
“Same,” You gestures - watching as he slides it down his length and crawls overtop of you. He was pink and swollen - having to be a bit sensitive from just coming a little while ago.
“Ready, love?” He asks, pressing soft kisses to your jawline. You nod, reaching down to guide him in.
And you weren’t lying, it had been a while and he was big. The stretch wasn’t uncomfortable, just a lot. But his wet, open-mouth kisses made you stay grounded.
Harry’s moans were absolutely obscene as he slide all the way in before stopping to give you a moment. His arms strong, holding himself over you. The cold metal of his necklaces brushing against your tight nipples.
When you have him the okay, he begin giving you deep, hard strokes on each thrust. His noises so loud they had to be able to hear them downstairs. They were deep and low - rumbling in his chest with pleasure.
Then his hand is coming to your throat. For a wild moment you thought he was going to choke you but instead he rest it lightly, palm flat.
It takes you a moment - then it hits you.
Holy fuck. He is feeling the vibrations of your moans - erupting from your vocal cords. Feeling out the movement from your throat so he can feel how much you’re enjoying it.
You should be embarrassed but you can’t find it in you when you come again right on the spot. His fingertips nudging into the skin to feel the intensity as it wracks through you.
When you’re done riding out your orgasm, he reaches for the headboard behind you with his other hand, gripping it tightly as he begins to pound in with all his strength.
The bedframe is hitting the wall so loud that the whole house must be able to hear it. Hitting with every directed thrust until his mouth is dropping down into a long, timbred moan and he’s coming.
Later, when the two are you have settled for the night in the warmth of his bed. Harry seems a little nervous, once again. It takes him a moment to meet your eyes and brushes a strand of hair off your forehead.
“What is it?” You ask, tucked into his side. His body so solid and comforting.
“It’s corny,” Harry frowns, eyebrows furrowing as his eyes flash across your face.
“Tell me,” You insist, bringing his hand to your lips to kiss his fingertips.
“I feel like you were made for me. Like...we were meant to be together,” Harry signs, hesitant to share his thoughts. But it doesn’t scare you away. You can’t help but agree.
“I think so too,” You reply before pressing another kiss to his puffy pink lips.
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visionofhope04 · 3 years
Hii I was lowkey wondering if you would do something maybe like a one shot of neglected where reader is older (18-20) and dipped out of the house and became a singer and one of her songs basically exposed them for how they treated reader and in like an interview she full on tells them how she doesn’t even talk to them and like only Jason
This is literally perfect. I love this idea! I was planning on making a singer batsis reader anyway so here you go! I'll be making this part 4 of the series instead of a one shot. There’s a bit of angst. Btw, thanks so much for your support everyone! I'm glad you enjoy this series! Feel free to request anything you'd like besides smut as well!
This is the longest thing I have ever written so there will be a part 5. I planned on this being the last part but it's just so much. It’s not proofread and neither are all of the other parts because I post at 1 am most of the time lol. Hope you like it!
f/n = friend name
Y/G/N = your group name
N/S = news station
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (Current) Part 5
You were sick of it. Sick of how even after confronting them about how you felt and almost dying because of it, they still neglected you. You couldn't wait to move out at the age of 18, even if it proved to be a struggle. You had taken mini jobs since you turned 15 and saved up since then. You just couldn't see them anymore as it would remind you of how they treated you that day at that hospital. None of them apologized either. They just pretended it never happened and continued to ignore you. The media had a field day with speculation of what had happened but eventually stopped because Bruce had claimed it was “just a bad case of the flu” which they believed.
Jason was always the only one that would talk to you. He was the only one that actually cared enough to make sure you were taking proper care of yourself and that you wouldn't have a repeat of what happened. He took you places, spent time with you and gave you advice. You even had a tradition where you'd always meet up at the manor's library every week at the same time that same day every week and just have a mini book club together. He always made time for you and never bailed on you.
So on your 18th birthday, he helped you move out. You managed to rent a small apartment in Star City with the money you had saved up. It wasn’t that close to the manor which was a good thing. The neighborhood wasn’t good but it wasn’t as bad as Gotham’s neighborhoods so you would be fine. You could handle yourself with your assassin training if needed. You also managed to get hired at a cafe which was about a five minutes walking distance from your apartment.
It had taken a while but eventually, you had packed all of your belongings into color coded containers and moved them into Jason’s car with his help. You didn’t say goodbye to anyone as you had no friends to say bye to and you knew that your so called “family” couldn’t care less about what you did with your life. ‘This is it, hopefully the last time I’ll ever be near this place.’ You thought. You didn’t plan on stepping foot in Gotham ever again after you left. It would bring back too many memories you prefer to keep buried away deep inside your mind.
The car ride to Star City was entertaining. You and Jason conversed the whole time, telling jokes and listening to his funny tales with the radio playing softly in the background. Eventually, a song you both loved came on and you both started yell-singing along to the lyrics. You wished those moments could be permanent. You were both so carefree and nothing else mattered besides having fun and enjoying yourselves.
You now stood in the doorway of your new apartment, admiring your new home. Jason and yourself had just finished unpacking all of your belongings. You really liked how it looked and thought you both did an amazing job at designing the place perfectly according to your style. Jason, unfortunately, had to leave in order to avoid raising suspicions. Once you both said your byes, he left you to your apartment.
Jason drove back home in silence. He hated to admit it but he would miss you dearly. You were always there for him and helped him with anything. You tried your best to always comfort him and make him feel better on his darkest days and it would always work. Somehow you seemed to always have the right words to say or knew exactly what to do to help him. Out of everyone he was closest to you. He assumed it was because he could relate to you the most. More so how you felt. He’d felt like the black sheep of the family before you came, and he was. When you came, you took that role from him. It pained him to see how much their insults would affect you, even if you were good at hiding it. He could just tell.
Jason made it back to the manor after a while and went straight to the library. He didn't want to deal with the others. After the whole hospital situation, he'd never really bother interacting with them. He hated how they treated you as if you didn’t exist and hated how much pain they had caused you and that they didn’t even care. He guessed that they'd probably be doing something for Damian's birthday and forgot that you were his twin. They probably couldn’t even remember that Damian had a twin.
He made it to the library and pulled out one of his favorite books. He’d read it so many times you’d often joke that he could probably recite the whole book by heart at this point. Sitting down in a chair, he started to read. However, he couldn’t bring himself to stop thinking about what it would’ve been like if they treated you how they did Damian. The both of you were Bruce’s real children. You both even looked like clones of him! At first, Jason thought you would’ve been the favorite twin due to your personality. Even though you were twins, your personalities were polar opposites. You even refused to kill! You were trained by the League so why didn’t you kill as Damian did?
Jason knew you would benefit them greatly if you joined. You had self control, didn’t kill, could act perfectly, lie perfectly, do well under pressure, and not to mention your skills. Being raised by the League may have been torture, but you managed to gain incredible skills out of it. You could take on at least ten guys who doubled you in size and beat them within five minutes. You even bested Damian in spars and he was supposedly dubbed the “better twin” by Talia, so why hadn’t they let you join their nightly crusades like they had let Damian when the both of you first arrived?
Damian passed by your room but noticed something was off. He decided to take a look. He twisted the doorknob and pushed. The room which was once occupied by you now looked extremely plain and bare, stripped of all of its accessories. The only things left were the bed itself, multiple dressers, and a vanity. It looked as if it had been vacant the whole time. It might as well have been. Damian couldn’t really remember what it had looked like since he’s never paid much mind to it but he could tell there was a drastic difference. He knew that you disliked just leaving your room plain unlike himself and wanted at least something to make it look less boring.
He couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. Had you finally been kicked out by Bruce? Did you get shipped off to a boarding school like he had been suggesting to your father for years? He decided to go ask. He exited the room and closed the door behind him, taking off for Bruce’s office. Walking down the hall, he suddenly remembered that he had seen you leave with Jason. This meant that you were not at a boarding school like he had originally thought. But then why was your room vacant?
Instead of going to see Bruce, he decided to go see Jason and bring up the matter with him instead. He changed directions and headed to the library where he knew he’d find Jason. It was no secret that Jason was a book worm so Damian had a fifty percent chance of finding him there.
He entered the library and was immediately greeted with the sight of Jason sitting comfortably on a chair, legs crossed with a book opened in his hands. Jason didn’t bother to look up from his book as he spoke.
“What do you want Demon Spawn?”
“I’ve come to obtain the whereabouts of my sister.”
“You mean my sister?”
“She’s not your sister!” Damian exclaimed.
“Well I act more like a brother than you do.”
“Where is Y/N? Her whole room is bare.”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
“Just tell me, you imbecile!” Damian said, growing increasingly frustrated by Jason’s blunt answers.
“She’s not here.”
“Then where is she?”
“Not here.”
“Just tell me already Todd, I have no time for your foolish games!”
“She moved out.” Jason said, giving in.
“What?! Where.” Damian demanded.
“Why would I tell you?”
“Because I demand to know!”
“Okay and?”
“Tell me!”
“Why not!”
“Because you don’t even care.”
“And you do?”
“Yes, I actually do Damian! I’m there for her when she needs me the most. I’m there for her while she’s watching you live the perfect life that she’s just a background character in! While you and the others ignore that she even exists! I’m there for her when she breaks down and has panic attacks! And what were you all doing to try and help her? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” Jason snapped.
“Y/N’s fine, I know my twin!” Damian screamed.
“Do you even know what her favorite color is?” Jason questioned in a harsh tone.
“...” Was Damian’s reply.
“Exactly! You don’t! You and the others have never cared about her, so why all of a sudden do you care now? You don’t know anything about her so don’t act like you do!” Jason then stood up and walked out of the room in a fit of rage.
Damian stood there, shocked. Had Jason just refused to answer his question? He was about to follow him but decided against it. Why was Damian going to chase Jason down just for her? She was just an annoyance, a mistake, imperfect. He had been wanting to get rid of her for so long, so why doesn’t he feel relieved? Why does he feel guilty? He decided to stop dwelling on it and get on with life. He figured it would happen eventually if it hadn’t happened then.
It had been a year since that day. The day you left your old life behind and started a new life, a better one. One where you weren’t constantly ignored. One where you actually had more than one person care about you. Instead of seeing yourself as a failure and disappointment, you now saw yourself as an amazing person (which you always were). You had been going to a community college in Star City. You made many friends there and started up a music career with three of them.
Their names were f/n, f/n and f/n. You all started off by taking random gigs anywhere you could. You performed covers of songs and would receive standing ovations all the time. Seeing as your group was well liked, you decided to write and produce your own songs. At the age of 19, Y/G/N released their first album. It went viral within a day and everyone was talking about it. After a week, several articles were posted, praising your work. News Stations talked about all the records Y/G/N managed to break. People started to stream it like crazy, and you couldn’t be happier with all the positive feedback you were receiving.
You had been a Wayne once, meaning you had experience in dealing with the media. Since you had already been used to it, you knew you’d all eventually be invited to interviews. So, when you had received an email stating how N/S wanted a one on one interview with you, you weren’t sure how to feel. You weren’t looking forward to interviews with your whole group, let alone one where you would be alone. You knew how unfiltered interviewers could be and didn’t feel comfortable with it.
However, you decided it would be best to go. So here you were, sitting in front of the interviewer in an uncomfortable chair preparing for the interview to start. You had somehow managed to keep a smile plastered on your face the entire time while you were a nervous wreck on the inside. You hoped none of the questions would be sexist as they usually were towards women. However, you had no more time to think about that. You heard clicking, signaling that you were about to go live. Once you heard the last click, you knew you were live and the interview had begun.
“Hello everyone, welcome back to N/S. My name is Jerald Tangleberry and I’m here today with songwriter, singer, and celebrity, Y/N Wayne! How are you?”
You waved to the camera and then answered, “Hello everyone! I’m doing good, how about you?”
“I’m doing great, thanks for asking! So by now I’d assume everyone knows that you’ve released an album with your group. How does it feel to gain more fame?”
“It doesn’t feel any different. Fame wasn’t our goal when we released the album. It was to express ourselves.”
“Mhm, well Ms. Wayne, what inspired you to write songs?”
“Well we know people may be in a tough spot in their life right now and want them to know they aren’t alone.”
“That’s so true. Some fans have been speculating that every member has three songs that specifically relate to them since there are twelve songs in total and three of the songs have the same group member as the introduction part of the song. Is this true?”
“Yes, it is true.”
“So all three of your songs relate to family issues of some sort. Is that hinting that you have family issues?”
“Yes, actually. My family isn’t the best. They ignored me all the time, even when they weren't busy. The only person who didn’t was Jason.”
“You’re saying it in the past tense.”
“I moved out about a year ago. When I was around 14, I suffered from anorexia. My family would always ignore me since they were either busy doing work or hanging out with each other. The only family member that acknowledged me was Jason. I assumed it was because there was something wrong with me. I started to hate myself so much to the point of starvation. One day, I passed out right before a gala and my oldest brother Dick found me passed out on the floor. They took me to the hospital and when I woke up, Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian started fussing about how I’d ruin their image if the media knew what actually happened. They started to yell at me and told me how I was a useless burden. I started to have a panic attack so I kicked them out. Jason stayed behind with me and comforted me. Ever since then I made a planed to save enough money so I could move out when I turned 18, which I did.”
“Oh, wow. So Jason was the only one who interacted with you?”
“Looks like the Wayne family isn’t as perfect as they seem.”
“No family is actually perfect.”
“Did your family try contacting you at all after they found out about Y/G/N?”
“Not yet. They’re probably too busy or don’t care.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s alright, I got over it. What’s the next question.”
“Oh-” He cleared his throat and continued the interview. (So basically I don’t wanna bore you all lol)
Jason had woken up late into the afternoon that day. Patrol that morning had exhausted him. There was a huge breakout at Arkham they had assisted with. They successfully locked up every escapee, so today, Jason just wanted to relax until it would be time for patrol again. Even though he was exhausted, he knew he couldn’t take a break. The others wouldn’t and it would be unfair to them if he did.
He headed over to his couch with his phone and a bowl of popcorn in hand, ready to watch random movies the entirety of the day. He set down his phone on the coffee tables and grabbed the TV remote. When he turned on the TV, he almost dropped the popcorn and remote. You were sitting on a chair, giving an award winning smile while you politely answered the man’s questions. He was baffled. He didn’t know why you were being interviewed, let alone on TV at all! You made it clear you didn’t want to have any relations with your family any longer and you couldn’t stand publicity, so what were you doing?
He placed the bowl down and snatched his phone off the table. Unlocking his phone, he quickly dialed your phone number. However, he realized that the interview was live and that he would be interrupting it if he called you then. Deciding to wait, he placed his phone back down, picked up the bowl, and then got comfortable.
Tag list: @fake-id-69 @pepelachanel @loxbbg @what-0-life @yoongi-holland @omnivorousfangirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @sexysamsungl @iceddonuts @buginetye @portrait-ninja @azazel-nyx @alculai
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frostedfaves · 3 years
Dark Paradise
Pairing: dark!WandaNat x fem!reader
Summary: You meet the infamous Avengers on spring break with your best friend Peter, and two of them seem to adore you more than expected. Requested here by my lovely 🐞anon.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY!!! dark themes, manipulation, mind control, blackmailing, age gap (reader is 21), dubcon (saying this just to be safe because Wanda uses her powers for evil a lot here), smut: oral, fingering, penetration/sex toy use, voyeurism (kinda), edging, overstimulation (if I forgot something please let me know!)
A/N: hi this is 6k words, which is the longest single fic I’ve ever written/posted here haha. also the end is not technically the end, if you know what I mean. anyway this took forever to write so enjoy this super far from canon fic and please tell me what you thought!! (also if you’re on my taglist and you weren’t tagged it’s because your age wasn’t in your bio)
“Here, let me take that for you,” Peter offers when he notices you headed toward the car, and you hand your suitcase to him with a smile.
“Thanks, P.”
You close the car door behind you after getting in on the passenger side, instantly reaching for his phone resting on the dashboard once you were buckled in. The two of you had an unspoken rule that you controlled the music whenever you traveled together, so his library was filled with various playlists you’d created simply because you didn’t trust him not to listen to the same five songs for the rest of his life.
“This is different,” Peter comments as he gets in on the driver’s side and catches the opening notes to an upbeat song. “I thought you were going to go with something calmer to help you sleep, like you usually do.”
“Well, I’m not usually going to meet the Avengers, so I’m too nervous to sleep.” You turn to pout at him as he drives off. “Is it too late to cancel?”
“Don’t even think about it. If I show up without you, everyone will think you’re imaginary.”
“Do they think you can’t make any friends outside of Ned?” you question as you open a bottle of water. “Because they’re not wrong.”
“I can make friends!” Peter whines and a quiet snorting sound escapes you. 
“You can’t use me as an example.”
“Why not?”
“Because we’re not actually friends.”
He picks up on your teasing nature and rolls his eyes, causing you to laugh as you lean back and settle into your seat more. You had well over three hours to stress about spending a week with the world’s most popular superheroes, and you’d rather be comfortable while you do so.
“Wake up, we’re here!”
Your eyes fly open at the sound of Peter’s voice, and any of the nerves that left long enough to let you sleep made a U-turn and hit you again, full force. Sitting up straight in the seat, you practice breathing properly while stretching and taking a look around as he pulls into the garage.
“Are you okay?” Peter asks once he parks, placing a hand over yours as he meets your gaze and you smile.
“I’ll be fine, P. I’m not gonna miss out on hanging out with you just because your super family is super intimidating.”
“Good. Besides, it won’t even be that bad! I’m willing to bet $1 million that they’ll love you.”
“I appreciate your optimism,” you tell him as the two of you get out of the car. “But you’re going to regret that bet when I use your money to retire early in some faraway rural town.”
Peter carried both suitcases as you made your way to an elevator, and you jumped when you suddenly heard a male voice.
“Welcome, Mr. Parker and Ms. L/N.”
“What is that?” you questioned as you faced Peter with wide eyes and he chuckled. 
“You’re hearing Jarvis, Mr. Stark’s AI. Hey Jarvis, can you take us to the common room, please?”
“Right away, Mr. Parker.”
“This is so cool,” you comment as you look around the suddenly moving elevator. “How does it know my name?”
“Knowing everything is kind of its job, I guess.”
“Underoos!” a voice calls as soon as the doors open, quickly revealing itself to belong to Tony Stark as his gaze lands on you next. “So she is real.”
“I told you!” Peter defends as you step off the elevator together. “Mr. Stark, this is Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, kid,” Tony greets you with a shake of your hand. “I’m glad he found you. I was starting to worry that he’d build a robot to spend the rest of his life with.”
“I’m just his best friend, so it’s still possible.”
“Is this your friend, Peter?” Steve cuts off Peter’s response as he enters the room, moving to shake your hand next. “I’m Steve. Nice to meet you.”
“Okay, I’m going to show her to our rooms and then we’ll be back for dinner,” Peter tells everyone once you’d been introduced to Pepper, Bruce and Clint as well, and you’re about to head for the elevator again when someone interrupts.
“How about we take her down to her room instead?”
Your eyes widen as you watch none other than Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff enter the room hand in hand. Natasha’s hair seemed much longer than the last time she’d been in the public eye, but her all-knowing smirk was just the same and her green eyes were even more piercing in person. You noticed a bit of red glowing in Wanda’s eyes, which faded as she probably realized you’d seen, and you couldn’t help but wonder if that meant she hated you already.
“I know what you’re up to, Red.” Tony seemed accusatory as he pointed a finger at the pair. “You can’t bribe her into helping you cheat tonight.”
“Maybe I planned on giving her tips for surviving this testosterone filled tower.” 
Natasha steps forward and grabs your hand with her free one, and with a flick of her wrist, Wanda has your suitcase floating in front of you as they lead you into the elevator.
“Sorry to whisk you away like that,” Wanda apologizes as the doors close with her head tilted to see you past Natasha. “We’re just excited to meet a new woman here.”
“No, it’s okay!” you insist breathlessly, your nerves slowly returning as Natasha lightly squeezes your hand. “I’m actually really excited to meet the two of you.”
“You know who we are?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that I know you personally, but I know that you’re one of the original team members.” You make eye contact briefly with Natasha before turning to Wanda. “And because the news stations somehow get ahold of everything, I know you joined after you helped everyone stop Ultron before he could create that indestructible body and destroy the world.”
“Yes, that’s true. Although I wish I could’ve saved my brother, too.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you lost him...or that you even had a brother.”
“It’s okay,” Wanda assures you with a smile as she lets go of Natasha, shifting to the other side of the elevator to grab your free hand. “I asked Fury to keep Pietro a secret because I didn’t want to see or hear any negative opinions from people that never even met him.”
“And we have plenty of time to get to know each other,” Natasha chimes in as the doors open to reveal a new setting. “This is our floor. We set up a spare bedroom here so we can spend time together away from the boys...when you’re not with Peter, of course.”
“Yeah, that’d be great!” 
They lead you past their living room and kitchen, and you shamelessly admire the simple decor with little personal touches spread about. Turning into a hallway, Natasha walks ahead of you and Wanda to open a door to a bedroom.
“What do you think?” she asks with a smile that widens upon seeing your expression. “I’m guessing it’s good, then.”
“It’s perfect!” you cry out as you walk past to enter the room, immediately noticing the eggshell colored walls trimmed with your favorite color along the borders. “Wow, this is four times the size of a normal bedroom. Wait a minute.”
“Do you like it?” Wanda asks when she sees you pick up the glass figurine on the nightstand. “Peter mentioned your love of this animal and I have a whole collection of them from different places.”
“Like it? I love it! I have the same one in my dorm room!”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I can get you a different one.” She steps forward as she brings your suitcase to the floor beside the bed and you hug the small object close to your chest. 
“Like I said, it’s perfect,” you assure her with a grin, which brings one to her own face.
“Well, I’m glad you’re happy with the set up. When you’re ready to head up to dinner, we’ll be waiting by the elevator. Also, if you ever need anything, our room is right across the hall.”
Natasha points to the closed door a few feet away, and you acknowledge her statement with a nod before they leave the room, closing your door nearly all the way behind them. You flop down on the bed with a dreamy sigh as you gaze up at the ceiling with a night sky painted on it.
“I don’t think I’ll ever want to leave this place.”
On the elevator ride up to join everyone for dinner, Natasha and Wanda take turns asking you questions about your classes and any friends you’d made, what you liked to do when you weren’t studying. You had to admit that the level of interest they had with you was shocking but flattering, especially when they insisted you sit between them at the table to continue your conversation.
“You don’t seem to be nervous anymore,” Peter acknowledges as you sit down, and Wanda faces you immediately.
“Were you nervous about meeting us?”
“Well, yeah,” you answer timidly, avoiding catching anyone’s curious glances by directing a glare toward Peter. “You might be normal people in here, but to the rest of the world, you’re portrayed as powerful and untouchable beings.”
“Maybe when they’re not talking about how much damage we’ve caused,” Bruce mumbles under his breath as the elevator doors opened again. 
“I’m here, I’m here!” a voice calls as footsteps hurry toward the dining area, and Sam Wilson is revealed as he rounds the corner. “Sorry, I’m late. I was--”
“On a date, we know. You only told us that 500 times.”
“Don’t be jealous, old man. You’re married.” Sam grins at Clint as he sits next to him before his attention turns to you. “Do we have a newbie?”
“No, Mr. Wilson. This is my best friend, Y/N.”
“Call me Sam, kid.” He smiles at you as he goes for his silverware, and you’re just about to acknowledge him when his expression suddenly turns serious. “I’m sorry. You’re not a kid. You’re an independent and capable adult, and I should address you as such.”
“What the hell was that?”
“I don’t know.” Sam clears his throat and shakes his head as if he was clearing his mind. “I just suddenly felt the need to correct myself…You have any powers we should know about, Y/N?”
“No!” you quickly respond with widened eyes. “I wasn’t going to say anything, actually. I’m pretty used to older people calling me kid by now.”
From your left side, Natasha asks Clint to recall an embarrassing tale for you and the table livens up again, but you can’t seem to move past the unsettling way Sam shifted gears from calm and casual to uptight and disciplined. The image stayed with you through the rest of dinner even after he seemed to fully recover, until dishes were cleared away and replaced with games, and you suddenly had a lot more to focus on.
“I just don’t think it’s fair that he gets to be on your team again when I haven’t had him once.”
“Is anything fair with the guy who could use his personalized AI to cheat for him?”
“Could I do that? Yes. But have I done that? Maybe.”
“Wanna grab some fresh air with us?” Natasha suddenly asks you, causing you to frown.
“Aren’t we about to play another game?”
“It’ll take them another half hour before they finally decide something,” Wanda assures you as her fingers thread through yours gently. “We have plenty of time, and they won’t even notice we’re gone.”
They lead you by the hand to the elevator once more, going up a few floors before leading you out onto a balcony. Because you were so much higher than most of the surrounding buildings, there was an incredible view of the sun that was probably minutes away from disappearing to the other side of the world. The air is chillier than when you’d arrived, but you had to admit that standing in the cool breeze is worth a few goosebumps on your skin. Your hands are released as you reach a bench near the ledge, and you climb over it to sit as the other two women settle on either side of you.
“Why did Peter decide to share his secret with you?”
“Technically he didn’t,” you recall with a laugh. “He’d gone out to deal with something that activated his spider sense or whatever and I came to his dorm room to sleep after an exam because I was too tired to walk all the way to my place. Anyway, I walk in at the same time he’s coming back in through the window, and I swear we both sat there for a full two minutes before either of us could think of anything to say.”
“It’s still very nice of you to keep such a big secret for him,” Natasha praises, and your laughter quiets down as you take in her words.
“I guess I just know what it feels like to not want your life to change drastically because of one thing.” Your gaze shifts between the women for a moment. “That reminds me, I wanted to ask--”
“Wait, look at this!” Wanda quickly cuts you off with an enthusiastic grin. “You’re about to witness one of my favorite things about living here.”
She directs you to lean over and look at the streets as the sun finally disappears over the horizon, and you can’t help the small gasp that escapes you. Street lights begin turning on at what seems to be the center of the city and quickly spreading, increasing the radius of well-lit neighborhoods by the second. It was a mesmerizing sight that--until every lamp was on--nearly made you forget the question you were building toward.
“That was so cool!” you express honestly before clearing your throat awkwardly. “So I wanted to ask if the two of you were dating...or in a relationship or whatever. I mean, I don’t want to assume anything of course, just wondering because you share a room and floor, and you seem to be really into holding hands.”
“Well, I’d never really been into holding hands or a lot of other forms of affection before I met Wanda, but she seemed to flip some switch inside of me.” Natasha admitted with a bashful chuckle as she glanced at Wanda before turning to study you. “And your hands are so perfect to hold.”
“To answer your question, we are together.” Wanda rests a hand on your thigh and casts a sweet smile in your direction when you face her again. “Natasha was the first to give me a chance after everything with Ultron, and initially I thought I was just feeling grateful to receive some type of positive attention from someone other than Pietro. It wasn’t until Tash called me out on staring at her lips that I realized I wanted more than friendship.”
“The only reason I did was to confirm she was feeling the same things I’d finally come to terms with myself.” Natasha chuckles as Wanda sends over a bit of red mist to squeeze her own thigh. “What about you, love?”
“What about me?”
“Do you think you’re feeling more than friendship for Peter?”
“Oh no,” you quickly denied with a chuckle. “He’s the perfect example of a great boyfriend, but not my boyfriend. Plus I’d rather not have the same experience as MJ did.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know, the ‘close friends to a relationship that ends with each person pretending the other doesn’t exist’ experience. I’d rather not.”
“Yeah, that does sound messy,” Natasha sighs as she subtly rests her hand on your other thigh. “So you’re not looking for a great boyfriend. What are you looking for then?”
“Nothing really, at least until I finish school, but having a girlfriend would be nice. I’d like to be with someone that respects me and can take care of themselves when I’m not around, because I tried the ‘caring for someone’ thing and it sucks when they don’t put in the same effort that you do.”
“Maybe you should try someone older, more mature,” Natasha suggests as she shifts to squeeze your knee lightly, and you start to feel a bit nervous about where she’s going with this. “Maybe two people that already have their shit together and would go to the ends of the earth to please you.”
“Okay, um…” You push both of their hands away with a bit of difficulty. “You both seem great and you’re incredibly attractive, but I’m not really interested.”
��Don’t worry about it, detka.” Natasha pushes your shoulder down as you try to get up, and Wanda cups your cheek with her hand.
“You may not be interested now…” She stands with Natasha and leans in to kiss your forehead, letting her lips linger on your skin as she continues. “But you will be.”
She pulls away and winks before lacing her fingers through Natasha’s as they leave the balcony, and you gasp in air as the tension they’d built seems to exit behind them. You finally decide to head back once you’ve taken a few minutes to catch your breath and calm your shaking limbs, but you wonder how long the calm will truly last.
You found yourself waking up suddenly and practically flying into a sitting position as if someone had pulled you up, but luckily the room is empty. You sit for a moment to catch your breath and survey your surroundings to assure you’re truly alone, and you notice your door is cracked right before you hear an unidentifiable sound.
Despite every fiber of your being screaming at you as one would do to a character in a horror film, you decide to climb out of bed to investigate what you were hearing, justifying your actions with the excuse of seeing if your floor-mates were in danger, as if you could save them. A few seconds after opening your door fully and peeking out made you realize that they were more than okay.
“Fuck! Right there, please don’t stop.”
“Such a dirty mouth, malyshka.”
You’re quick to return the door to its cracked position, leaning against the nearby wall with wide eyes as you attempt to process the image across the hall. The bedroom door sits wide open, giving you the chance to examine every inch of bare skin of the two women spread across the bed, Wanda resting on her arched back with her hands in Natasha’s red hair buried between her legs. Her moans seem to raise in volume, pitch and frequency as she’s brought closer and closer to the edge, and you ignore the warm feeling in your lower abdomen as you hurry back to bed and throw a pillow over your exposed ear.
“Good morning.”
Your free hand quickly shoots upward to catch your water glass as it slipped through your fingers in your moment of shock, and you try not to make a deal of hearing two sets of footsteps headed toward the kitchen.
“How’d you sleep last night? I know how scary it can be to rest your eyes in a new place.”
“I think I did pretty well,” you answer quietly as you step away from the fridge and lean against a section of the counter that faces out into the rest of the room. “The bed’s really nice.”
“You’re lying,” Wanda accuses as she crosses the room, eyes turning red and hands lifting toward your face.
“What are you--”
“Couldn’t sleep because of us, right?” She chuckles when you go limp under her touch, and Natasha ducks between the two of you to save your glass for the second time. “Did you enjoy hearing us that much?”
“You did sound really good,” you tell her with a drowsy smile as she pins you against the counter to keep you from falling.
“I bet you wish you were in my place, don’t you?” Her tone is light and teasing at first, becoming a bit stern as she shifts to push her thigh between your legs and you instantly roll your hips against the pressure. “Or maybe you want to taste me while Natasha fucks you?”
“No?!” she fires back immediately, leaving a red mist around your temples as she grabs your waist with both hands to keep you grinding against her. “You mean you don’t want to cum right now?”
“Well, now that you mention it…”
A breathy moan escapes you as your eyes flutter closed, and if your head wasn’t being forcefully held in place, it would’ve tipped backward. You feel what must be Natasha’s fingertips grazing along your jaw and tracing a line down the side of your neck and toward your shoulder, repeating the gentle motion as goosebumps appeared all over the exposed skin.
“Is everyone decent?”
The fog behind your eyes seems to clear in seconds, and you blink in confusion when you open your eyes to see Natasha and Wanda making coffee nearby. You try to recall even coming into the kitchen, but everything from the moment you stepped into the bathroom to get ready is a blur, so you shake your head and reach for your glass of water on the counter as Natasha responds.
“Come in, Peter.”
“Morning, everyone,” Peter greets cheerfully as he enters the kitchen, his grin falling when his eyes land on you. “Are you okay?”
You open your mouth with the full intention of telling him that you are not okay, not when you were missing at least an hour of memory, and bits of last night were slipping away from you too. But before you could speak, a cold feeling seems to pass through the back of your skull to slip into your brain, and a switch flips.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you respond with a chuckle. “You worry too much, spiderling.”
“The world’s a stressful place,” he grumbles when you playfully ruffle his hair. “Anyway, are you ready to go soon?”
“Where are you headed?” Natasha quickly asks with a frown. “Y/N hasn’t even had breakfast yet.”
“We’re meeting Aunt May, so we’ll eat with her.”
“I just have to grab my bag,” you explain before heading down the hall to your temporary room, feeling the chilly sensation leaving you as you get further away from the kitchen, and it thankfully doesn’t return when you head back. “Ready.”
“Have fun!” Natasha calls as Peter heads for the elevator again, quickly grabbing your wrist once he’s out of sight. “See you tonight, printsessa.”
Her hand quickly shifts to grip the back of your neck as she leans in to kiss your cheek, and the two women are wearing sweet smiles as you turn away from them to catch up with Peter, attempting to shake the shell-shocked expression from your features.
“You sure you’re good?”
“I’m fine,” you insist as the doors close, in hopes that you really would be fine.
Meeting Peter’s aunt was much more of a pleasant experience than you expected, and it was obvious she adored you by the way she spoke to you, although part of you felt she was just happy Peter had more people around to love him. Your day was cut a bit short when MJ unexpectedly approached Peter, requesting to talk to him, and Aunt May offered to drive you back to the tower so you both could escape that awkward mess of a conversation.
“It was so great to meet you today,” you tell her with a grin as you take off your seatbelt.
“Likewise, honey. You have my number so just call me if you ever need anything, okay?”
She pulls you into a hug over the middle console and you thank her again for the ride as you get out of the car, trying not to seem too nervous when you notice Natasha and Wanda standing in the lobby. Your plan was to walk past them without speaking, but you should’ve known that wouldn’t work.
“Why was she hugging you?” Natasha asks coldly as you enter the building and you sigh.
“She was just saying goodbye--wait. Why am I explaining myself to you?”
You keep walking until they’re no longer in your peripheral, stopping abruptly as a red mist surrounds your legs, and your eye-rolling is cut short when Wanda appears in front of you and grabs your chin harshly.
“If Tash asks you a question, you answer.”
“Without attitude,” Natasha adds, which makes you want to roll your eyes again.
“Sorry, I didn’t get the rules handbook when I arrived. Can I go now?”
“You know what?” Wanda cuts off Natasha’s angry response with a smirk. “You can go.”
The red mist surrounding you disappeared, and despite the suspicious feeling that washed over you, you continued on toward the elevator with your head held high. You refused to let them get to you.
It was subtle at first. A slight tingling between your legs that you couldn’t seem to get rid of. In the very beginning, you were worried that something was wrong until you realized where the feeling was coming from when it turned into slow circles around your clit as you caught up with Peter in his room. By dinner, there was the added sensation of fingers curling inside you at a steady pace, and you hoped no one would notice your hips slightly bucking under the table as you attempted to repeatedly chase a release that never came.
A movie follows dinner today, and you make sure to cover yourself with a large blanket because you were still being edged and you couldn’t stop moving at this point. You even try to slide your hand into your sweatpants to finish the job yourself, and your jaw clenches in anger every time your fingers lock up because you know who’s responsible.
“Okay, you win!” you announce as you walk into the kitchen on Natasha and Wanda’s private floor, not missing the look shared between the two women. “I’m sorry I was rude earlier. Can you please just stop teasing me?”
“How about we help you finish instead?”
You should decline. You should just say ‘no’ because letting them finish you off tonight will turn into an attachment that you know you don’t want, nor are you ready for. Inviting them in will be equivalent to selling your soul, and you’re not sure you want to put a price on it. But the ache below your stomach is persistent, and if they won’t let you touch yourself, someone has to do it.
“Don’t be so grumpy about it,” Wanda teases as she grabs your hand and starts leading you toward their bedroom. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
She pushes you back onto the surprisingly large bed as soon as you’re close enough, instructing you to take off your shirt and bra while she watches. Once your top half is completely exposed, she leans forward to run her hands from your shoulders down toward your nipples, circling them with her thumbs until they harden.
“I don’t like being teased.”
“Oh, you don’t?” she asks in a mocking tone as she reaches for the band of your sweatpants and pulls them down, placing her palm over the wet spot in your panties. “Then what’s this?”
“Please,” you beg through a quiet moan, bucking your hips again when she presses her thumb against your clit through the fabric. “Please just fuck me already.”
“Patience, detka.”
You watch with wide eyes as Natasha and Wanda both strip away their own sweatpants, revealing the toys tied to their legs. Natasha goes to untie hers while Wanda uses her powers to rip away your ruined panties in one fluid motion.
“There she is.”
Natasha puts her hand on Wanda’s back and forces her to bend over, and you bite your lip as her eyes flutter closed and mouth falls open while Natasha thrusts into her. You’re just about to grab Wanda’s hand to lead her where you want, when her eyes open suddenly with a glowing red surrounding her pupils, and your wrists are bound together over your head by an invisible force.
“Did you forget who’s in charge here?”
“Don’t get too cocky, malyshka,” Natasha reminds her as she grabs a fistful of her hair and slams into her, causing Wanda to moan and giggle at the same time.
“My apologies, Tash.”
You couldn’t help your sigh of relief as Wanda finally slid two fingers inside of you, her thrusts deepening each time as Natasha fucked her toward you with her hands on her hips. The sounds coming from your mouth and between your legs were embarrassingly loud, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as she brought you closer and closer to the edge, until a loud whine escaped you as she removed her fingers and delivered a slap to your glistening folds.
“Tell me who this belongs to,” she orders through her own moans, holding you down when you begin grinding into her hand. “I’m gonna cum regardless of what you do, so you’d better answer. Be a good girl like I know you can.”
“Yours!” you cry out finally, sighing when Natasha leans into your line of sight with a brow raised. “It’s yours and Natasha’s.”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
She slips back into you without warning, and your back arches off the bed as she finally brings you to orgasm. She continues to thrust into you as you whine and squirm away, luckily slowing down and finally stopping as Natasha makes her cum a minute later, leaving the strap inside of her as they both catch their breath. Wanda pulls out of you and sits up to lean against her, holding her hand up between them as they both clean your cum off her fingers with their tongues, and you sit there clenching around nothing as you watch.
“You seem tired,” Natasha comments as her eyes land on you again.
“Too bad we’re not done.”
Wanda flips you onto your stomach with a quick motion of her fingers, using her hands to pull you by the waist until you’re on your knees at the edge of the bed, and she holds one side of your waist as she delivers a slap to your ass this time. Her touch lingers as she pulls away to free her own strap, and you nearly fall over when you feel the tip of the toy rub against your clit.
“Wait, let me fuck her this time.”
You hear their soft laughter as they switch places, sharing a kiss in the process, and you gasp when a hand wraps around your neck and pulls you up against Natasha’s chest.
“I like having you this close to me, printsessa,” she whispers in your ear, chuckling when you melt against her as she pushes the tip of her strap into you. “How many times do you think I can get you to cum?”
Her grip on your throat is loose as she allows you to adjust to the size, tightening suddenly when she slams into you once, twice, until every thrust is at a rough pace that you wouldn’t be able to handle if she wasn’t holding you against her by the waist. You feel that same tingling circling your clit again, occasionally traveling upward to tease your nipples as well, and it wasn’t long before you were releasing a strangled scream as you climaxed.
Natasha eventually stops thrusting into you as your legs shake, and you breathe out another sigh of relief when she allows you to fall onto the mattress. However, the relief is short-lived when you realize that she only paused to let Wanda push into her from behind, and it wasn’t long before the two of them found a rhythm that was pleasing them and ruining you.
Your wrists are freed as Natasha pulls out of you some minutes later, and you collapse onto one side of the bed with your body aching a bit from a third orgasm, your eyes only halfway open as you watch the pair. They remove the straps from their waists and set them aside, and you become a bit more alert when you notice Natasha grab what seems to be a double-ended dildo.
“No more. I can’t,” you mumble tiredly as your wrists are bound by Wanda’s power again.
“One more, and you can,” she tells you as she flops onto the bed beside you, and that red mist surrounds her fingers again as she guides you onto your knees to hover above her face. “You wanted to cum, so you don’t get to run from this.”
Her hands grab your waist and pull you closer, and you release a shuddering moan as her tongue runs past your hole and over your clit, teasing it a few times with the tip of her tongue before diving in to wrap her lips around it. She alternates between sucking your clit and slipping inside you as Natasha climbs on the bed behind you to position herself with the new toy. 
“Fuck,” Wanda attempts to say once Natasha begins thrusting, and you fall forward as the vibration of her moans become too much, whining when Natasha slides her hands over your breasts and pulls you back up again.
“Take it all like a good girl.”
She keeps pulling until your head drops against her, and she moans against your neck while she kisses and sucks on your skin, bouncing faster on Wanda who groans loudly in response as she attempts to match each thrust. The hums of her voice has you grinding against her tongue, and you yelp when Natasha bites down just as Wanda brings you over the edge. She keeps going despite your protests, managing to get you to cum once more before they finally do.
You lie there with your bones feeling like jelly as you’re covered with a blanket minutes after everyone’s bathroom trip, too tired to even fight for sleeping in your own bed as Natasha and Wanda slide in on either side of you.
“You did so well tonight, detka,” Wanda praises as she strokes your cheek with a loving stare. “I can tell you’ll be a great addition to our relationship. I knew it from the moment I saw you.”
“I’m not doing this again,” you insist as the smile fades from her expression. “I’m not getting in a relationship with two women that don’t take ‘no’ for an answer, and I’d prefer sleeping in my own bed.”
“You’re already in a relationship with us, printsessa,” Natasha growls as she shoves you back down when you try to get up, and you push her hand away.
“There’s nothing you can say that’ll make me want to be with you.”
“It’s not about what you want to do. It’s about what you have to do.” She grabs your phone from the nightstand, and you’re somehow not even surprised when she unlocks it on the first try. “Because it’d be a shame if someone was to tell Peter about all the nudes you have of him.”
You snatch the phone from her grip, eyes widening as you scroll through your camera roll, finding naked pictures of Peter scattered throughout it. You check the date on the oldest one and began to feel nauseous when you saw it was taken not even a month after the two of you met.
“Don’t think you’ll be deleting those either, because we can replace them and make things worse.” Her smile was falsely sweet and troubling as she grabbed your chin to force you to make eye contact. “We’ve gone this long without having you, and we’ll do whatever it takes not to lose you.”
Tags: @cordeliaswhore @egotisticalstoner @muralskins @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @madamevirgo @teenwonder @honeyvenable @slut-for-nat
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warmau · 3 years
☆ [nostalgic] summer romance! younghoon had to do something for his late bday because i adore him others: juyeon
the disappointed look jacob gives you as he pulls into the parking lot beside your school is that of a parent, deflated with the rowdy actions of their only child
you hold your physics textbook in your lap in the passenger seat and try to smile at him as some sort of compensation
kevin chuckles from the backseat
"can't believe you're stuck in summer school the year before you graduate."
"shutup kevin the only reason you passed physics is because jacob lives down the street from you and let you copy all his old notes. otherwise, you'd be in there with me."
kevin shrugs and motions for you to get out of the car, you stick your tongue out and thank jacob for the ride
"waterparks gonna suck without you."
he says before he rolls up the window
you groan and mutter a "don't remind me about the waterpark dude" before turning to head inside
the room is barely air-conditioned and your summer physics teacher is some old lady who tells you all to read for the next hour and do the exercises on page one hundred and three
she then puts on an ancient pair of headphones and seemingly tunes you and the other summer school students out indefinitely
she doesn't even notice when the door opens half an hour later and in the frame is the tall, almost infuriatingly handsome figure of kim younghoon
you blink back in surprise - i thought he was a pretty good student?
younghoon notices you too, smiling as he passes your desk to sit in the one behind you
you look down at your textbook and suddenly don't know the weird feeling that washes you over
the room is pretty empty, he could sit anywhere else....
five minutes later, you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder
you turn and younghoon smiles again - his teeth are blindingly white and he doesn't have one acne scar on his pretty face
"do you know if the teacher took attendance?"
you shake your head, "she's basically been comatose since i got here."
he chuckles softly enough that just the two of you hear it
"got it. so we'll just be sitting here in silence for two hours?"
"looks like it."
he takes a pause and looks at you as if he has something else to ask, but it doesn't come out
the first day then drags its feet until finally it's over and you drop your worksheet off on the desk
the teacher mutters that the homework for tomorrow is the next chapter and you give the fakest smile you can muster before trying to beeline for the door
before you can leave though, younghoon calls out your name and you turn to see him standing in the empty hallway
"if i need help with the homework - can i text you?"
you reluctantly make your way back toward him, you take your phone out and hand it to him
"sure, add yourself to my contacts. god this summer is gonna be so boring."
younghoon takes a moment before handing you back your phone, he nods in agreement
"at least we'll suffer together."
you don't think much of it when he says it - actually you don't think about it at all
the only reason it finds its way back into your head is because later that night your phone vibrates and it says you have a text from 'hoon [seven different flower emojis]'
you open it and see that's a long message whining about the confusing chapter you were assigned. you giggle because you've been whining to yourself while reading it too
but as you start to type out a reply you wonder.........
'at least we'll suffer together'.........we barely even know each other? is it really normal to say that - what about being together with a stranger makes summer school of all things better?
your hand hovers over the send button - you close your phone instead and go back to reading, forgetting about the text and falling over yourself in physics terms you should have remembered when you first were taking the class
the next morning, jacob doesn't drive you to school - you walk there and bump into younghoon whose on his way over too
he somehow manages to look tall and unaffected by the sweltering heat
he waves at you with another one of those priceless smiles
"did you do the homework?"
he asks as you fall into step with each other
"barely - i had to look at cobi's old notes."
"cobi?" younghoon tilts his head and you explain that it's a nickname for jacob
something on younghoon's face is confusing, it's like there's a twinge of sadness but you assume it's just a reflex squint to the glowing sun
"you didn't text me back - so i thought you might have given up on it!"
he laughs slightly and you clasp your hand over your mouth
"oh right! sorry - i must have spaced out and didn't hit send. but i totally agree - fluid mechanics could put anyone to sleep."
before you realize it you and younghoon are in the classroom again, sitting in the same seats
you're early so the teacher isn't there yet and younghoon flips to a page from the chapter to ask you if you know what its talking about
you explain what you think it means (from the information you got from jacob's old notes)
and the entire time you're maybe inches away from each other
when you aren't actively thinking about it, it's fine - but then your hands brush and suddenly it dawns on you and you sit back in your seat suddenly
younghoon senses the shift and opens his mouth to say something when the door swings open and a monotone voice tells you to open up to page one hundred and fifty-seven
like what younghoon said and his text, you soon forget about the momentary skinship
your brain starts to melt of boredom as the class drags on and you get past a note from younghoon when the teacher isn't looking
'do you know the answer for problem #3?'
'it's 23.56 m/s'
'woah you're so smart'
'more like the person who used this textbook before me wrote the equation on the page'
'lucky - let's trade textbooks?'
'in your dreams :P'
another long day comes to an end and you wave a goodbye to younghoon, he smiles and waves back and adds a - "reply to my text this time, ok?"
you nod and only again do you think about what he says when you're home and thinking straight under the graciousness of your AC
does that mean he's going to text me?
and like yesterday, younghoon does text you complaining about the reading
you answer and a conversation that comes almost way too easily starts
this cycle starts anew the next day, and the day after that, until at some point you realize you are forming a sort of summer friendship with kim younghoon
and that's normal - that's fine
but there are moments where you look up at him when you're paired together for a makeshift lab or when you've agreed to stay behind some extra hours to study
that you see younghoon in all this detail up close and he's undeniably handsome but also you see something more
for all the years you've been in the same school together, passed each other at parties, probably even stood together at assemblies
you've taken him at complete face value. perfect proportions, always someones crush, the pretty and popular boy who somehow hasn't added complete selfish jerk to that title as well
he's just - kim younghoon - untouchable, out of anyone's league
and now he's more real.
you see the mole on his neck, the way his eyes crinkle when he finds something really funny, the pickiness of his eating habits and how he can't hold a pen properly with his left hand.
they're things that make him human and they're things that you can't help but notice because like anyone, you are instantly attracted to younghoon
it's just crazy that beyond that face there's a boy who you could easily see yourself falling for
of course, you end the thoughts right there.
even though sometimes, you get a weird kind of feeling that younghoon is noticing something about you too.
it really starts to eat at you after you guys are at the halfway point of summer classes - and you have your first test.
you're both panicking about it, because if you don't pass this one - you probably won't pass the final - which means physics again when autumn comes around
so you and younghoon have been spending a lot of time in the library after class with your textbooks, snacks, and jacob's old notes
of course you're both grinding, but distractions happen and you end up taking a break to toss candy into his mouth and doodle cartoons of your boring teacher in the margins of your notes
giggling like maniacs over the inside jokes about class and school you've both come up with, getting scolded by the ancient librarian if you're just a little too loud about it
and then younghoon asks you: "do you have plans after the test?"
you huff and cross your arms
"yeah, to go home and curl up on my bed and forget it ever happened."
he chuckles, puts his hand on his neck and then pauses - what you think is a light pinkness starts to dust his skin
"same, but if you want instead i though-"
your phone goes off just as the words string together - you pick it up and try to wave an apology to the librarian who rolls her eyes at you
with a whisper you turn your head to answer
"what? jacob? what - no i don't know where kevin is i thought he'd be with you."
younghoon's lips thin out and you barely react as you duck under the table you're studying at to keep your voice low
you finish the call and come back up with a sigh
"what were you saying by the way?"
younghoon shakes his head
"nothing, is kevin ok?"
you get back in your seat and you don't want to comment on the weird thin blanket of tension that seems to undertone the question
"he's fine, jacob will find him over at eric's or something."
you look at younghoon and he doesn't return your gaze, he's pushed his chair in closer to the table and picked up his pen
you do the same and try to break whatever this weirdness is
"should we go over chapter five again?"
that moment replays in your head for almost a week straight, it almost distracts you during the test but thankfully you and younghoon both pass
you flaunt your 84 versus his 82 but the happiness of it seems to wash away any excess awkwardness from before
at least for him, for you - you somehow can't stop analyzing it in your head
to make matters worse, more pocket-sized interactions like this start to pop up
younghoon is always seemingly on the verge of asking you to hang out with him outside of class but he never really does
something always stops him
and you kind of start to wish he just would, or if the question that's always on the tip of his tongue isn't that - then you really want to know what it is
you overthink and it frustrates you more than you admit, but at the same time younghoon had been right when summer started
the fact that you have each other to suffer together actually doesn't make this whole thing worse than it originally was going to be
the only reason you're having a tolerable summer is because of him
you don't want to ruin it by prying him with questions
wanting to know if he wants something more than just a physics class-based friendship
because it gets to a point where you don't know what to do, you ask your best friends
when you explain that you and younghoon just click - and it seems like he might want to be around you more, the way you want to be around him -
jacob and kevin give you the same look
jaocb's just nicer when he says "why don't you ask him to hang out first?"
while kevin just laughs and calls you a big dummy - popular pretty boy or not, that's crushing behavior you're describing
you think about it
what's stopping me from asking him first? seriously - am i going to be that person who needs to wait around for prince charming to pull the first move?
so you decide you will, it takes jacob giving you a pep talk before you go into class the next day but you are resiliant
and when younghoon comes through the door - you stand up
"oh, a standing ovation did i do something right?"
he jokes and you have to tell yourself not to focus on how cute he is and get straight to the point
"do you want to hang out after class?"
younghoon's bag drops from his hands and you both kind of startle at the noise
oh shit. here it comes. the big 'oh i hope you don't think this is something more than it is....' line
"oh - i - sure, i mean i saw jacob's car in the parking lot is he not gonna pick you up later?"
you blink in confusion
"no, why would jacob come pick me up?"
younghoon and you have a moment of complete silence and then
"you're dating him, right?"
you're pretty sure you let out a sound that's a mixture of a little yell and an attempt at a laugh
it's embarrassing and before you can backtrack it, the door opens and the teacher snaps her fingers for you and younghoon to sit
as you do - you realize your entire body has gone kind of numb
is that the reason he's been dancing around me this summer, because of jacob?!?!?!
you turn before the teacher can even write the pages to work on on the board
you exclaim and younghoon blinks those big, brown pretty eyes at you
"i am definitely not dating jacob bae!"
a sense of relief seems to wash over his face, but you can't even enjoy the way he looks happy because the teacher clears her throat
"the matter of who you are or are not dating is not the topic of this class - physics is. so pay. attention."
you nod, looking down at your textbook as the other students snicker to themselves
halfway through the class younghoon passes you a note
'how about we go see a movie or something?'
your first date goes well.
actually it goes really really well because it turns out younghoon is scared of horror movies and you're not and when he nearly jumps into your arms with fear you just laugh and hold him close
by the time it ends he's got his head completely in your neck and you have your arms wrapped around his waist
it's actually insane how comfortable you two are with touching each other despite the fact that all of summer you would knock knees and it would set both of you into a state of petrification
and when you text your gc after, jacob sends a thousand loving emojis
and kevin replies with: but is he a good kisser tho?
turns out he is, although he kisses with a shyness that is unexpected considering how loud and fun he can get around you
he lets you take the lead, which is nice, and when you kiss him right on the jawline he inhales sharply and you figure out the part of kim younghoon that gets him all worked up
a secret you're sure the rest of the student body will be jealous of you for knowing
the summer goes from tolerable to magical in the snap of a second
your classes finish, you and younghoon both pass the final and celebrate with ice-cream and a trip to the amusement park
you end up on the ferris wheel and younghoon sheepishly admits he had always been a little sad thinking about how you were doing these fun things with jacob and not with him
and you scrunch your nose up and tell him the last time you and jacob were on a ferris wheel together you were comforting kevin for his random fear of heights
speaking of moonbae, they both really like you and younghoon together
jacob thinks he's a mannered young man and kevin is just like soooooo you're nice enough to put up with them (you) you must be a saint
the four of you finally get to go to that water park you missed out on in the beginning and while you and younghoon are holding hands on the lazy river sharing little cute kisses
kevin is splashing jacob to a point where the lifeguard on duty has to intervene
younghoon still sometimes dances around what he actually wants to say or do - and so you coax it out of him with the threat of complimenting him
which you learn is your greatest weapon, you call him pretty and it's practically game over
but seriously he just tucks you into his arms and mumbles something and you're like hmmm and he's like mumbling and you're like younghoon words or i will list the top five things i like about you and he's like
"oK i just wanted to ask if you wanted to stay over........."
you do :) and when you take the liberty of stealing a big flannel of his younghoon hides his face in his hands for like ten minutes straight
before autumn finally comes around for good - you and younghoon talk about how you both flunked physics
you explain that you just did not put the effort in at all and skipped more times than you could count, but younghoon just says he thinks he just messed up pretty bad on the final
"why did you do bad on the final?"
he looks away and you scoot closer, "younghoon?"
"well remember how we all took the final with our seats switched ..... the teacher put me next to you and it was distracting...."
"no way - are you saying im the reason you were in summer school?!?!"
you sit up and younghoon does too with a laugh
"maybe - but it was worth it. i got to spend a whole summer with you."
years down the line you still bring the story up as a fun meet-cute
everyone thinks younghoon is 100% joking, there's no way he failed a final because he was sitting next to his crush
but younghoon swears it's the reason why - he's sure if he could find his original test paper he could show everyone that where he was supposed to have written out the equation he just wrote your name down ten times
jacob accuses him one day for flunking it on purpose since he probably knew you were going to end up in summer school
you turn to your fiancee and ask him is that true, did he really fail it on purpose to spend more time with you?
younghoon's ears turn pink and the whole room erupts into laughter
"younghoon, why would you do that!"
you push him gently, your hand on his chest with the glittering band he gifted you
he shrugs back with a big smile
"i really really really liked you - and hey, it worked out didn't it?"
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
“would you still love me if I turned into a worm?” | blurbs
🌱 pairings: reader x blaise zabini, cedric diggory, draco malfoy, fred weasley, george weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, neville longbottom (sorted in alphabetical order)
🌱 warning tags: language, probably
Tumblr media
Blaise Zabini
“A what, now?” your boyfriend asks, halting the movements of his quill to look up at you; brows furrowed as if it’s the most absurd thing he has ever heard in his entire life.
“You know, those wiggly things that—”
“I know what worms are, (y/n). But what the hell?”
“Dunno,” you shrug. “I’m bored.”
“So you thought about what it’d be like to turn into a worm?” his eyes narrow out of pure bewilderment, blinking once, twice, as he finally turns back to his unfinished essay. “Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of yours.”
“Not my fault you’re taking so long with that assignment,” you grumble as you begin to shift on the puffy couch, feeling somewhat annoyed by how cold and empty it is without the other boy in it. “And besides, you love me.”
An amused chuckle escapes his lips. “Can’t say that I don’t.”
“Even as a worm?”
“Will you stop asking if I said yes?”
You nod happily, giving him the answer he needs— or well, wants, really. Even though Blaise couldn’t quite understand the pointless question, he knows it’s significant to an extent.
“Yeah, alright. I would. Now give me five minutes and we can get out of here. Deal?”
A glint of satisfaction flashes through your eyes as you give him a hum in return, thinking to yourself that maybe the silly questions could be more useful than you thought.
Cedric Diggory
The moment the words leave your mouth, Cedric's first reaction is to laugh. He didn't mean for it to come out in a condescending way. He hadn't even meant to laugh, to begin with. But judging by the way you pout with both arms crossed, that might just have been how it came accross.
"I'm sorry," he offers sheepishly. "you were saying?"
"You heard me. I said what I've said," you grumble, despite not being genuinely upset at the hufflepuff boy you've grown to love.
"Wait, I need to get this straight," he takes another breath of air. "You're serious?"
"What do you think?" you pout once again, turning away slightly from your boyfriend. This only seems to ignite his amusement as much as it does his guilt. A second or two later, his arm finds its way around your shoulder, the other brushing a few strands of hair behind your ear.
"You really haven't figured it out yet?" he asks with a genuine grin on his face. You begin to eye him curiously, appreciating the charm of his pearly white teeth as you wait for the boy to go on. Soon, he pulls you into his lap where his arms craddle you lovingly.
"Sunshine," he begins. "I'm surprised you still have to ask. But if that's one way of putting my love for you, then yes. You'd be my favorite worm in the entire world."
"Promise?" you present your pinkie finger as a final means to seal the deal.
With one last chuckle, he wraps his fingers around yours. "Promise."
Everything that happens next is a flurry of innocent pecks and kisses planted along your skin, coupled with the security of two warm arms holding you in place.
Draco Malfoy
"And what exactly do you expect me to say to that?" comes his first response after a long moment of trying to figure out just how in Merlin's name your mind came up with that question.
You, on the other hand, can't help but giggle at the slytherin boy's confusion. "Whatever's on your mind right now will do."
"Well, to be honest with you, I can't quite stomach the idea of my own girlfriend turning into a bloody worm." he nearly spits the words out, softening his edge only when your eyes meet once again. "If you were expecting a different answer, I suggest moving on to the next bloke."
Draco wasn't lying about that first bit. Worms have always been an insignificant, unseen creature in his world; wiggling in the muckiest of places where they could easily be stepped on. Hence, he doesn't like to imagine you—someone so perfectly ethereal and quintessential in every single way; the only source of light shining into his pathetic excuse of a life—to be compared to a dirty worm, of all things.
"That doesn't mean I don't love you, though," he adds in a bit of a guilty tone; voice much, much softer this time. He brings your hand to his lips, dropping a few kisses on its skin. "I just much prefer having you as you already are."
You snuggle deeper into him, indicating that you already know exactly what he means.
Fred Weasley
“A worm!” Fred exclaims, nearly forgetting the food on his plate altogether. "What a brilliant idea!"
A few seats away, you can already see Ginny clamping her mouth shut as to not burst into fireworks of laughter. You mirror her gesture, eyes now on Fred once again, watching him announce this idea of yours to your entire group of friends.
Ron, who's not that thrilled to see his brother's public displays of affection, lets out a groan. "Wouldn't have asked him that if I were you."
"You think so?" comes your reply. "He seems to be having a lot of fun with this." you both glance at Fred, who is indeed already coming up with some sort of thrilling plot.
"Did you hear that, George?"
"Sure did, Fred."
"I reckon we could come up with a potion for that," he muses, turning back to look at you. "Give me a week or two and we can start living out that worm dream of yours, love."
"Wait, Freddie, you're getting it all wrong," you begin explaining, tugging on the boy's sleeve slightly to keep his attention on you, "It was just a silly little question. I don't actually plan on turning into a worm or anything like that."
At this point, you half expect his enthusiasm to die down from the grounding effect of your words. In reality, it doesn't.
"S'that so?" he replies, earning a nod from you. "Looks like you're missing the bigger picture to me, (y/n). Isn't that right, George?"
"Right you are, Fred." the said boy affirms. "Sorry, (y/n). I'm with him on this one."
With a sigh, you turn back to Ron, who's busily stuffing his mouth with a look on his face that says I told you so. You shake your head with a small smile at your boyfriend's shenanigans. You're not sure how you can both dread and anticipate the day of his worm adventures.
George Weasley
"That's a new one," he asserts with an amused laugh. The boy rests his head against one of his palms, feeling instantly intrigued by your proposition. "Now tell me more about this worm business of yours."
"That's about it, actually." you admit sadly.
George frowns at this, wishing he could hear more worm stories and whatnot. Mostly he's just happy to see the way you talk about things passionately. Makes him feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside in a way he can't ever get enough of.
"That's quite alright. I'll do the talking, then." he offers, rubbing his chin to think of what to say next. You light up in your seat, eyes wide in anticipation. Now it's your turn to eagerly wait for his response once again.
"I've got an idea. We could run off and start a new life— as worms!" he beams all of a sudden. You raise a brow for him to go on, not exactly complaining about your boyfriend's excitement towards the topic. "I'm only turning into a worm to make sure I can properly take care of you, of course. Wouldn't want to—er—squash you between my big human fingers, now do we?"
You both erupt into a chorus of laughter at the conjectured image, melting into one another like two fitting puzzle pieces. When you finally catch your breath again, you pose the main question once more, "So I'm concluding you're still going to love me, then?"
"Love you?" he repeats. "Oh darling, I'll be marrying you in a grand worm wedding!"
You can't hold back the gasp that escapes your lips, more than thrilled to have the first mention of marriage between you. Not too long after, you transform into a complete fit of giggles when George continues. "Then we'll happily live our worm lives, 'till death do us apart. Or when, you know, some bloke accidentally steps on us. Whichever comes first."
You lean into him lovingly to steady yourself after all the laughing. Taking a deep breath in, you mumble a soft, "You always know how to make me laugh, Georgie."
And the truth is, he wouldn't have it any other way. Worms or not.
Hermione Granger
"I'm sorry, I don't think I understand the point of this question."
"Which part, exactly?" you inquire, watching your girlfriend pull out another book from the wooden library shelves.
A few seconds pass before you get your answer. "You're not a worm," she states simply, eyeing you up and down as if to prove her point.
"Yes, thank you for pointing that out, 'Mione," you follow her to the next section. "Which is why I said if I turned into a worm."
The girl looks at you again, analyzing your words and expression briefly before coming to another conclusion. "I still don't understand." she pauses to think. "Unless you might be interested in becoming an Animagus? Even then, opting for a worm wouldn't be very... effective."
You roll your eyes, speeding up to block the girl's way. She lets out a non-committal "Hey!", only for you to quickly muffle it with a warm kiss. A moment or two later, you pull away with a smirk that makes her heart melt. "Just answer the question, would you?"
Still slightly caught off guard from the contact, Hermione finally caves in. "Alright, you cheeky flirt. I love you. Even as a notional worm."
Satisfied with her answer, you plant another peck— this time on her cheek, before announcing a gentle "I love you, too."
Harry Potter
The way his lips purse into a straight line tells you that Harry doesn't exactly understand the question. Not really, at first. Aside from being an entirely foreign concept to his ears, it also seems like an odd thing to ask someone, unless— "Oh! You're an Animagus!"
The smile on your face instantly drops at this. "What? No—"
"Why didn't you just say so, (y/n)?" he begins what—at the time—you don't know is going to be a nearly endless ramble. "I was planning on telling you this for a while now, but I know someone who's an Animagus, actually. In fact, I think you two would get along fantastically!" he lights up at the sudden idea, flailing his arms in the air out of excitement. "Yes, maybe I can try getting the both of you to meet up. No promises, of course, but what do you think?"
"I think you've got it all wrong," you frown; knowing you would have to disappoint your boyfriend and how you're not very fond of the idea.
"What do you mean?" he asks, albeit barely giving you a second to reply. "(y/n), it's alright, really. You know you don't have to hide yourself from me. Besides, I think it's brilliant!— what you can do, I mean."
The smile he gives you is the epitome of love itself, and now you're not quite sure how to handle the messy situation without pulling out the rug underneath Harry's feet. All you can do is squeeze his shoulder with a guilty smile, promising to talk about it again after dinner.
Luna Lovegood
"Of course. Worms are lovely, don't you think?" she says with a dreamy smile. You gape at how easily the answer could be pried from your girlfriend; no questions asked. But then again, it's not like you hadn't expected this exact outcome already.
"Mhm," comes her gentle hum as she begins to stir her honeyed chamomile tea. A soft smile stays glued on her features, as if she's enjoying the conversation. "What kind of worm would you like to be, (y/n)?"
"I haven't really thought about it that far," You admit. "Are you sure, though? We won't be able to hold hands or anything like that."
You can't tell if you had just imagined the almost-frown tugging on her lips, because when she looks back up at you again, her sweet signature Luna smile is back in its place. "I suppose you're right. But I could carry you around everywhere with me. Wouldn't that be lovely?"
"It would be," you nod. "but can a worm even fit into that pocket of yours?" you question, noticing how hers are stuffed with unknown items; blades of grass sticking out ever so slightly. Flowers, perhaps.
"Oh, there's nothing to worry about. See?" she pulls out a couple of daisies and fairy foxgloves to reveal a now empty pocket. "Now, would you like some tea?"
You eagerly join her on the table, snuggling against your girlfriend ever so slightly as you both begin to talk about your day. The entire worm ordeal is slowly slipping out of your mind already.
Neville Longbottom
Neville stops in his tracks at your question, taking a moment to toss the idea back and forth in his mind before he can give you a proper answer. You nearly giggle when his face scrunches up, brows knit and lips parted as he innocently asks, “But why would you turn into a worm?”
"Neville, love, no. It's a hypothetical question."
His entire body relaxes at this, releasing what you assume is a breath of relief. "Oh. I thought you were being serious for a moment there."
You shake your head with a giggle, taking a step closer to adjust the scarf around your boyfriend's neck. "I'm just curious is all. Would you still love me, then?" you ponder.
"Yes! Of course!" comes his instant reply, hands balled up into fists that match the determination on his face. "I would get you a nice worm house with all your favorite flowers in it," he bends one of his gloved finger inwards, beginning to keep count of this hypothetical to-do list. "Would you still be able to have human food? Well, either way, I promise to feed you every single day!"
He pauses, only for a second or two. "Oh! And I'll sing you worm songs! Or maybe we can sing them together? I don't know if you would still be able to talk as a worm though."
You swiftly pull him into an affectionate hug, effectively bringing his rambling—as well as the entire worm topic—to an end. His hands sheepishly find their home around your waist, where he places them softly as if it's his first time hugging you. After all the months of being together, it certainly isn't.
"What was that for?" he dares himself to ask, avoiding your eye contact shyly.
"For being the most loving and adorable boyfriend I could ever ask for," you lean in to plant a soft, gentle kiss on his cheek. You don't miss the way he pulls up his scarf to hide the blossoming blush afterwards.
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I have no idea why I wrote this either lol <3
🌷 draco taglist: @arossebyanyothername @kawaii-angelanne @thefandomplace @yuosmi @bbeauttyybbx @mywellspringoflife @slytherinsunrise @avatarbeeb @scarlet-says-hi @lunars @coldlilheart @beiahadid @justmimithings @soundsquid27 @youknowiloveyou-so @n3ssm0nique @ochrythum @explxsion @yaanasluv @autumnpleaves @booksmione @drxcomvlfx @the–queen-of-hell @aspiringsloth20 @runninglownad @snitches-at-dawn @badfvith
🌷 harry taglist: @teheharrypotter @badfvith
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izukus-sugar-baby · 3 years
Checked out!
WARNINGS: fluff-ish, eventually will be smut, mentions of getting sick twice
word count: 2k
Heres my first writing for tumblr! Hope you all like it!
Part Two, Part Three.
"Hey Miss!!" You peered down at the smaller voice, simultaneously feeling a book slip from your hand and onto the ground. The bookshelf was at least 5 rows high, and you had been standing as far as you needed to reach the top. You were dusting off and replacing the books on the shelf, which... hadn’t been so pleasant with children running around before their daily read. Regardless, you had a job to do. It wasn't gonna stop for a ton of kids. You had been rearranging the books in alphabetical order before the kid startled you. Thank god it didn’t fall on their head.
"Are you gonna read to us today? Or is Miss Maggie?" The kid didn't look over six years old, blue eyes and long brown hair with freckles littering her face in a wonderful way. She wore a small dress full of sunflowers with bright pink shoes on her feet. She had been here before... Although, her name wasn’t ringing a bell.
"I wanted to read one of those pigeon stories you read us last time!" You let out a sigh of relief that the book didn't smack the kid on top of her head prior to climbing down to the ground and leaning down be eye-level with her.
"Pigeon stories?" You've read dozens of books about dozens of creatures and characters. What on earth would relate to a.. pigeon? Leaning down a bit farther to snatch up the book you had dropped, she pushed another book into your arms. The title read The Pigeon Needs A Bath!
"This book is pretty thin, You sure you want me to read just this one book, sweetheart?" You stood up straight, handing the girl the book back before cocking your hip to the side and placing your hand onto it.
"Me and Emmie can go find some more!" She hurried off to find her.. friend? Knowing it had been a child, it could be a stuffed animal! But she sure did leave too quickly to ask any questions about it. You sighed, climbing back up to finish your organizing. Thank goodness I’m already close to being done. You thought to yourself, dusting top to bottom and moving onto the 4th row. Their reading wasn't for another.. what? 20 minutes? You had time to knock out another shelf. Time flew by as you finished the 4th row. It was already time to read.
"I have to stop by Goodwill and get some more books. I also gotta stop at the post office and some.. other errands? You got this reading?" The owner of the store, Maggie, looked over to make sure she had gotten your attention before naming off a few things that needed done in the shop before you closed up shop.
"Yeah! What time will you be back?" You climbed down the last step of the ladder, patting off the dust from the bookcase that had gotten on your apron. It was some cutesy hello kitty apron you wore so the dust wouldn't ruin your clothing but it really just made it look like it was some mini cafe. None the less, you wore it.
"I'll be back in time for that uh, Pro hero guy. I don't know- my wife wrote him in. Ask and she'll tell you!" You weren't too involved with all that hero bullshit, the whole who can save more lives?! You get the most money AND an award. The system in itself was ass and it wouldn't make a difference in your everyday life for one of those snobby people to stop by. You walked around the shelves, watching Maggie leave as you sat down on a small rounded couch. A small chime rang through the shop as it called the children over for their reading, a few already sitting and ready to hear you.
It wasn't a big library, it seemed like a corner store had gotten torn down and then completely renovated into a library for children. The second floor had been where the owner and her wife stayed. It was a cozy little place where about 8-12 kiddos would visit for a read. There were bookshelves in the walls for more book space and 5 separate shelves more towards the middle of the place. They held less books than the ones on the wall. Only two of the five reached over 3ft. Parents would come in just to rent a few books. But more often than not, the owner would go out hunting for new books for everyone to enjoy. Along with cute little toys and those foam floor mats to sit on. All of the children in the shop had sat right in front of you, including the girl from earlier who held 4 books in her hands. A few other kids held thin picture books in their hands as well, but only having 15 minutes to read to them, it might be hard to get around to all of them.
“Alright, Who's first?" You asked, smiling down at them. Every single child raised their hand, some even raising both so your attention was on them. Of course this wasn't going to be easy. You thought to yourself as you put a hand over your eyes, pointing to some random kid. He held a small book, standing up slowly and handing it to you.
"My mom reads me this sometimes.." Poor boy was only about 5, and seemed pretty shy. You gave him a reassuring smile before he went back to his seat. You began to read and in no time at all you finished reading the few books children selected. Thank god it was a Friday, Most children would be picked up right after the reading for afternoon preschool etc. But it seemed like no one wanted to leave. Was it that hero Maggie had mentioned? You sighed, hopping up and heading to the check out desk where you saw a few children wanting to check out their books you previously read to them. You leaned down over the desk to reach for the book, scanning it and doing so for each person. The store bell jingled, as if the creak of the door didn't give away someone walking in.
"Welcome to 'Children's Magical Bookshop,' You paid the person no mind as you spoke, handing the last child their book and letting your gaze fall upon the... very tall man in front of you. Noise filled the small shop, children running up to him screaming-
"Deku!" As loud as their little lungs could. He gave a flashy smile, leaning down to hug the children that ran straight for his legs. He laughed and lifted a few of them in his.. very strong arms. Was it hot in the bookshop? Was the AC fucked up? You force your eyes from the tall man.. Was he looking at you too? Your mind screamed at you to introduce yourself, Quickly walking towards a shelf to do something. Anything bust stand there and gawk at him.
"Are you Maggie?" There were hopping children behind him, playing with his gloves and such as you turned to him.
"No- I'm y/n. Are you that.. pro? She had been talking about.?" You huffed through your nose, turning to him. He extended a hand, nodding with a cheesy grin on his face as soon as you had taken his hand into yours. It wasn’t like you never saw him on the news, but you sure did skip the channel as soon as it was some bullshit hero chart over who had been number one. He was so much hotter in person..
"Yes! I'm sorry I'm a bit early, I finished patrol sooner than I thought! I hope I'm not interrupting anything? The woman on the phone said before six, I told her I was sure I could make it around five!" His eyes traveled to your lips for a moment, listening to you speak back to him.
“You’re fine, There’s plenty of time for you to hang out and sign all of their t-shirts and such. Make yourself at home big man. You can sit in the reading area,” The kids dragged him to where you were just moments ago.. But he couldn't get you to leave his mind. You were beautiful. He needed to make you his.
The poor hero stayed until about six o’clock to talk to you, since all of the kids finally left to go do their summer homework or whatever they had to do. Deku had been leaning over the counter for almost an extra hour to make some conversation with you, he just couldn’t help himself. You cant blame him either! You had this smile that he couldn’t resist. And quite frankly, he wasn’t used to this feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He fought some shit villain every day! What's a few butterflies? Especially as pretty as you. Why wouldn't he want to stick around?
“I really didn’t think it would be so chill this week! It feels like I've done nothing but catch up on papers!” Izuku scratched his neck with his index finger, shaking his head lightly. “I guess I really am doing a good job!- Of course other pros are doing their jobs as well!” He let out a relieved chuckle, looking at you with a big, sincere, smile on his face. “How has work here been? It must be so nice working with so many children!”
You feel your eyes involuntarily roll, shaking your head and leaning against the wall behind you. “It’s nice until some kid gets sick on themselves and their mother isn’t here to help. We have extra clothing in the back because it’s happened more than once.” You groaned as your eyes trailed to the door leading to lost n found, clothes, and other things. You had an unamused look on your face talking about it. He noticed and let his eyes follow yours until feeling your eyes rest upon him once more. Maybe texting would let you come around to him a bit more? Were you bored?
“Yikes- I’ve seen adults get sick after villains show up. But I probably should head back to my agency.” He looked out of the store window before right back to those beautiful e/c eyes of yours. “Do you have a number I can text? I would love to talk to you more y/n..!” He was already prepared for rejection. It was kinda weird to be hitting on you after dealing with kids wasn’t it? Maybe he should take it back. Was he coming off as some sleazy ass hero?
Your eyes widened in the slightest- Enough for him to notice. “Sure, Let me see your phone,” You stepped closer to the counter, seeing him fumble on the pouch of his belt before unlocking and giving you his phone. You went to his contacts, making yourself one of them and handing it right back to him. He had an even bigger, cheesier, grin on his face after he took it back.
“Thank you, y/n!” He bowed his head before quickly leaving out to his agency. Finally, you could go home as well. Not that he was a problem, but that man sure could talk. It was endearing. Maybe I can put enough of those stutters in mind tonight. You joked to yourself, grabbing your keys and walking out to lock up the small bookshop. There was no doubt that you were attracted to him. Every woman in America and Japan was attracted to him in some way.
You let out a small sigh, driving home and turning your radio up until hearing your phone ding. You glanced over at the screen to see an unknown number texting. Assuming it was Deku, you waited until you were home to answer him. By the time you had texted him back, he was quick to reply. You two made plans to hang out soon and have dinner together. You talked for hours until one of you had fallen asleep. He was ecstatic. You really enjoyed his company.
taglist: @tenyaiidasslut @hi-rubi @devilsbooksworld @flamingpastapotatoes @arleneeene @blacklotussai @akam4recs @prinvilmain
a/n: I fucking hate tumblr KWJCHDH ive had to re-write this more than once because they changed the layout if the save and post. Its not my best work and was mostly edited on here instead of Google docs. Learn to edit the first version first i guess 💀 The second part will be much better!
Please Reblog!!!!
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