#for new fandoms I will still scroll through date updated
shawol-poser · 4 months
Hi are you taking requests??
If so can i get one with Taemin?
He and the reader used to date, she’s also a singer and recently made a comeback so Tae “accidentally” liked her posts on ig, fan edits of them and rumors emerged about them going back and fans going crazy over them…
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The soft glow of his phone illuminated Taemin's face in the dimly lit room as he absentmindedly scrolled through his Instagram feed. It had been a while since he last checked up on old acquaintances, but tonight, curiosity led him to explore what his closest one had been up to.
Your group’s Instagram account had posted individual teaser images for each member. Mood samplers, and hints of your comback’s album concept had been showing up on his feed more frequently which excited him. SM Entertainment was all about not reusing concepts within a group, but seeing one that he’s done fit your image so well surprised him.
He had always looked forward to updates about you on your group’s official account after having unfollowed each other’s personal accounts on the social media platform after your breakup. It was a mutual decision to do so. While the grounds of said breakup were on the pleasant side, you both figured that you would distance yourselves moving forward so as to have the topic of your relationship be of lesser significance.
You’ve heard of interviewers constantly bringing up the previous relationships of other idols that have dated within the industry and have decided to take the proper precautions to prevent it from happening.
You had dated when you were both so new to the world of being a performer. You had both been regular guests on a variety show that was shot over the span of half a year and bonded over your similar experiences of going to school while preparing for your debut and the freedom that you had missed to do things outside of the idol life. You were both such close friends, and Taemin has always been the type to fall for someone fast. It was only natural that you would end up dating.
And maybe that was a mistake. Taemin has already apologized for his behavior in his youth recently, but you had expressed that it was understandable. Being young, not knowing how to manage one’s romantic expectations while managing their partner’s, and constantly being jealous, he apologized for it all. You had also fallen short as your schedules just never seemed to meet anymore, but Taemin really wished it had worked out. Sometimes, he still does and occasionally talks about it to his other members or his manager.
There was truly nothing that either of you could have done for each other while maintaining a steady career, and so you parted ways but remained civil whenever you both had obligations to meet for various events. You stayed out of each other’s inner circle to help with the other’s “cleaner image.” 
And you had intended for it to stay that way, until that singular interaction caused an uproar in both yours and his fandom. 
Because he had liked a post from your group’s account.
Specifically the post that had featured you individually.
You’re not really sure how it happened so quickly, but it did. One liked post birthed many rumors and questions on Taemin’s sudden interest. Many fans weren’t even aware of the past you two had shared. It was only because this event that compilations and pictures of the both of you from your early debut days had been revived and revisited by many. Fans and those that weren’t.
It didn’t help that various fan accounts worked tirelessly to create mesmerizing edits of Taemin and you side by side, stoking the flames of speculation. The digital realm became a canvas for your imagined reunion, and before long, rumors began to circulate about the possibility of the former flames reigniting their romance.
Taemin, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing on social media, continued his routine. His manager hadn’t even informed him about the situation, and it seemed like none of his other members knew about it either until the start of their V Live.
Comments instantly flooded the platform that at first confused them all.
“‘Taemin and  Y/n are so cute,’” Key had read aloud as the comment was in English and immediately made a face at the youngest.
“Yah, Taemin-ah, what did you do this time?” He tried to play it off as a normal situation, fully expecting him to play along like he usually does when they tease Minho, but he saw no recognition in his face.
“Eh?” Taemin looked up at Key and had his normal smile and then looked at the camera with an innocent look on his face.
“They’re asking about Y/n. They’re saying you two are cute,  what did you talk about this time? You fool!” Key shot back with furrowed brows as he explained the question in Korean which only confused the maknae more.
Minho and Onew looked at each other for a moment before attempting to move closer to the screen to try and see what the other comments were saying, making Key and Taemin do the same.
After spotting a quickly passing comment, Minho let out a laugh. “Yah, Taemin-ah! W-What are you doing liking a girl-group’s post by yourself?” Minho laughed out as he smacked Taemin’s arm after reading the explanation from a stray comment.
He knew about him still liking you, but for him to make such a rookie mistake like that was so cute to the idol athlete as he continued to assault the younger one.
Taemin still looked shocked though as he can barely remember committing such an incriminating act. “I didn’t know!”
“How can you say that with such an innocent face when your like is still here?” Key showed your group’s post with just you on it after quickly searching it up. This evidence couldn’t have been doctored either as it was your official post with Taemin’s official personal account under, “liked by.”
“I didn’t know!” He kept laughing despite his shocked face and kept waving his hand as he looked at literally anyone who would meet his eyes in the room. Onew joined Minho as he laughed while Key just sneered and continued to read other comments that had nothing to do with Taemin at all. Those of which were scarce.
Deciding to embrace the situation, Taemin decided to send you a message while they were still live. In a lighthearted tone, he acknowledged the chaos unfolding online and expressed amusement at the fan-created narratives. You had responded similarly and apologized for the unwanted attention which he denied and said that it was fine.
This interaction did nothing to quell the rumors however.
Recognizing the need to address the situation, Taemin’s management team and yours had asked to hold a meeting asking about how the both of you would like to stir the news. They had suggested creating a joint statement clarifying the nature of your current relationship, but the other option seemed to catch both yours and his attention.
“Taemin is releasing a new album soon. Based on the fans’ mostly positive reaction to the rumor, why not just pretend like you’re dating? It will surely push the publicity of blth of your comebacks out there.” 
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charmsponies · 10 months
Guides and Resources for New Mlp Collectors
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A collection of resources I wanted to compile for fun and for easy access, in case there’s any new collectors who are interested
UPDATE: Since this post is so long and has been a little difficult to manage due to tumblrs editing tools, I am moving this "Resource Masterlist" to my Website Here, and will no longer be updating this post on tumblr. Thank you guys for sharing and supporting this post!
Disclaimer: i am still probably considered a relatively new collector, so im not an absolute fountain of information and there are probably tons of resources I have missed, feel free to add more in the comments and reblogs. I update this post when I can to add resources and give you the most accurate information, so please click on my blog to look at the most up to date version (it is my pinned post ^^)
Identifying Ponies/ Databases and Lists of Ponies
Mlp Merch Database- Visual list with pictures of pretty much every single release of Pony Dolls/merch for every single generation, in release order. Useful for if you want to scroll through a particular generation’s releases with pictures, very thorough and complete. If you make an account you can make checklists or wishlists for yourself.
Strawberry Reef- Visual list with Pictures of Pony Doll Releases. I feel like the pictures are slightly bigger (and thus easier to look at) than mlp merch database but that might just be my computer. G1-5, though I feel like the g4-5 sections are a little incomplete. For g1 and g2 you can sort by release date pretty effectively. This website is ESPECIALLY useful for quickly identifying ponies because you can sort by color, pose, or characteristics! However it’s not as complete a list as mlp merch database or my little wiki.
My little wiki- One of my favorite wikipedias ever (It’s an actual wiki, NOT A fandom wikia). Has lists of every release for every generation (Though the more recent gens might not have photos for every single release yet). The lists are NOT visual lists like the previous two resources so I use it less for identification, more for finding out more specific information about a certain toy. It will list pretty much every single variation/regional variant of every toy, as well as more information about their releases, which accessories they came with, backstories from the back of the box, ect.
Toy Sisters- I use this website less for identification and more for getting really good close up photos at every single pony and their accessories if you want to get some close up, detailed looks before you buy for example. You can sort generally by type, pose and year. As of writing this they do not have g5 info. If you collect other dolls or toys this website may be useful to you because they have more than just ponies.
Ponyland Press- Has photos and information on g1 releases in order, as well as country exclusive releases. Also has some information on certain accessories, ponywear or other merch. Also has some information on cleaning and some restorative information.
Restoration and Cleaning
(IMMEDIATE PSA IF ANYONE IS LOOKING AT THIS LIST TO RESTORE A PONY WITH MARKER OR HIGHLIGHTER ON HER: do NOT use acne cream like removezit or any other creams on her! This can lead to awful, permanent discoloration and staining! Instead I would look at what the mlp preservation project (linked below) says about sunfading!)
How to clean- Very basic guide on thoroughly cleaning toys, plus some styling tips
Hair Styling Tips
More Hair Styling Tips
Hair Styling: How to make twists and buns! This guide is intended for customs and talks about pushing pins into the pony and trimming the hair once you’re done but im sure it can be adjusted for non customs in a way where you don’t actually cause harm to the pony
MLP Preservation Project- One of the most useful guides for restoration, has sections on pretty much every major restoration need you might have. Links to so many different sources, tutorials and guides for fixing your ponies if something is badly wrong with them. godsend.
The Lavender Lagoon- A resource specifically for G2! Has identification and checklist materials but also has guides for hair matching and color matching eye crystals if your g2 pony's eyes have fallen out
Hair Matching Guide- A guide for closest hair color matches using dollyhair colors. Has g1, but it is a wip site. Looks like it will have other generations eventually too
Hair Length Guide- By no means complete, but has a bunch of the exact hair lengths for certain ponies g1-g3 written out, useful for looking for exact hair length measurements for rehairing. (Side note: If you can’t find how long a certain pony’s should be, ask around the community! I don’t bite and would be happy to measure a pony’s hair for you if I have the same pony, and I’m sure there are many other collectors who would be willing to do the same ^^)
Rehairing Youtube Tutorial: Using the main method most commonly used, in my opinion the easiest hairing method
Rehairing Youtube Tutorial: Loop And Lock Method: For if you struggle with gluing hair into the head
Alternate rehairing Method Tutorial
Rehairing with Yarn Youtube Tutorial
Little tutorial I made once about retailing (rehairing the tail)
Youtube tutorial for restoring g1 glitter symbols (Restoring non glitter symbols would be similar, just without the use of glitter)
Aikarin’s Custom Tutorials: A ton of tutorials related to creating custom ponies, also has some stuff that could be used with restoration
More Custom Tutorials: Intended for customs but techniques could also be used for restorations
Reflocking Youtube Tutorial - This video in particular shows reflocking small patches of missing fur. Be sure to look at the guide linked on the mlp preservation project as well
Materials for Restoration
Oxiclean- Good for cleaning ponies
Magic Eraser- Good for cleaning Stubborn marks on dirty ponies. Please be careful of cutiemarks, eyes or other painted symbols. For less stubborn marks or if you dont have a magic eraser you can use a toothbrush with dish soap on it :>
Baking Soda- I have heard that using this can help get rid of bad smells on toys, if your pony has a dirty odor! Have not tried this myself. Cover the pony in baking soda in a baggie for a few days. Similarly if you want to restore smells by scenting a pony you can use fragrances, though be careful because certain chemicals may damage your ponies!
Shampoo and Conditioner- Essential for washing and styling manes and tails. NOTE: If you have a pony with UV based color changing hair (like a g1 Sunshine Pony or something similar) Its recommended Not to wash it with soap or shampoo as it can damage the hairs ability to change color! be very gentle, water should wash it fine
Shimmerlocks- My personal favorite place to buy hair. They have close color matches for pretty much every single g1 (And have it set up for if you just search the pony’s name it will show you the closest hair matches for them!). Each (normal nylon) hair color is about 5 dollars, and they also have affordable rehairing tools and needles for only a dollar each. I’ve emailed them for color matching help before and they respond quickly and are very nice and helpful. They also have (slightly more expensive) color changing hair, glow in the dark hair, and textured hair (that are probably for other, non mlp dolls since i assume you need different hair plugs for them, but super useful if you’re a general doll collector, not just mlp)
RestoreDoll- I haven’t used this one personally but have heard people recommend it ^^
Dollyhair- A little controversial since the previous owner has had links to racist, antisemitic, and white supremacist sites, but the website is now under new ownership and is women and poc owned now! Wanted to get that out of the way since I was originally misinformed about the site and thought it was bad to use, it’s important to know about it’s past but also important to note the new ownership. They offer a lot of different hair colors, textured hair, Rehairing tools, Doll paint and even hair fragrances, with their (normal nylon) hairs being about 4 dollars each
My Little Customs- UK based nylon hair distributor, has a lot of nylon hairs but also other special hairs. They also have flocking and other materials useful for restoring dolls.
RIT Dye- The dye I use for pony hair (I have heard people also can use it for dying pony bodies for customs, but you have to be careful storing them because it could stain other ponies over time!). Good, high quality, long lasting and not fading. If you are repinking a pony with faded pink hair, I always use Petal Pink
Forceps- If you can find some online, wonderful tool for removing hair, rusty tails, or any object that might be inside your pony. Godsend, I use it all the time when rehairing. Tweezers can also work if you dont have.
Fabritac- Glue of choice for Rehairing and gluing heads back on
Fun Flock Cottonball white- Can be use to reflock or flock a pony. Visually looks similar to a g1 so soft, though the texture and look is slightly different. This is what I’ve used to restore a so soft in the past
Mod Podge- Glue of choice for flocking
Apoxie Sculpt- This is what many people use to restore broken or chewed off body parts. Durable, though may be a little more difficult to use and expensive than other basic air dry clays.
Model Magic- Personal choice for air dry clay to use to fix broken/chewed off body parts. You specifically need an air dry clay (as you cant really bake a pony body without it melting) and Model Magic doesn’t crumble and has a soft (? dunno how to describe it) toylike, texture when it dries. Just note you should avoid getting it wet. You could also use your own personal choice of air dry clay.
Rust Removers- I typically just use white vinegar to clean rusty bodys/tails/beddy bye eyes. Letting the rusty pony/hair sit in a white vinegar bath and scrubbing gently with a tooth brush will remove most rust. For harder to remove rust I’ve heard Rit Rust Remover works well, though this is more expensive and I haven’t tried it myself.
EcoStardust Glitter- I specifically sought out a biodegradable glitter for my restorations, and this is the one I’ve used. Has basic colors of glitter in various sizes. (Choosing the finest option they had) It isn’t exactly the same fineness as the original g1 glitters, but it was fine enough to work and look good on a complete cutiemark restoration. Here’s an example of what it looks like on an actual pony if you wanna see how it looks compared to the original glitter. Please note you can use whichever glitter you want, there are definitely better/closer matches to the look (And I’m sure normal glitter is cheaper/easier to get). If you don’t mind using a non biodegradable one look for “ultra fine”, I just specifically felt better using a biodegradable one ^^
Acrylic Paint- Good for custom work but also for restoring Cutiemarks!
Paintbrushes- You’ll need different kinds depending on what you’re doing. Get high quality nice ones if you wanna paint a custom or do detailed cutiemark work. If you have any of those cheapo, bendy, shitty dollarstore paintbrushes: those are great for gluing hair into heads because they’re bendy and can reach hard to reach areas, and you wont destroy an actual good brush with glue.
Hydrogen Peroxide: Can be used with sunfading to safely remove certain stains, read more here
HQG1C- This is actually a huge, fan project creating a ton of “high quality g1 customs” they’re very cool. I’m putting them here not only for their customs but they also have cool stuff for customizers and collectors: Blank Pony Bases, Hair/rehairing tools, replacement shells for sea ponies, replacement cowboy hats for a big brother pony like Tex, ect. Here is Clipper’s website (Ships in USA) And here is a UK distributor and also another UK distributor
Sweetheart Sister Earring Replacements- (Sometimes I see these going out of stock, I’m linking someone who’s selling them as of writing this on july 28, 2023)
Flutter Wing Replacements and Windy and Summer Wing Replacements- (Sometimes I see these going out of stock, I’m linking someone who’s selling them as of writing this on july 28, 2023). Also worth noting the pony preservation project has a few tutorials on how to make some wings, these are just links for if you want to buy some.
Custom Flutter Wing Tutorial- This specific one is a custom look a little different from the original flutter wings, but looks gorgeous
Dress Ponywear Tutorial- A pattern I made myself of a basic ponywear dress, free to use. Works for g1 and g3 (have not tried to adjust it for other generations yet)
Pony nightcap sewing tutorial- idk thought I’d throw this in too, very simple sleepy nightcap sewing tutorial that fits ponies, free to use (I made it for a bbe)
Pony Blankets, Bandanas, diapers and other accessories patterns- To replace missing accessories if you wanted to sew them yourself
Community (Forums or Areas you may want to go to ask questions from others!)
My Little Pony Trading Post- A dedicated MLP forum, with sections dedicated to discussions (I often see people asking or answering questions about restorative measures for example), art, customs, or other topics. No profanity is allowed and you have to be over 16
My Little Pony Arena- I know this forum exists and that a lot of people discussed restorative topics on there and used it as a resource for stuff like that, and so I felt the need to mention it: but the site is quite literally unusable if you don’t have an account, you can’t access any pages, and to make an account you have to wait for it to be approved. I tried signing up but it has been awhile and I’ve heard nothing back, so I’m assuming this is one of those sites that are largely inactive in the modern day 😔
My MLP Discord Server- Figured I’d throw this in there: An MLP server I made for fans of all/any generation, not necessarily toy specific either. If you wanna ask me or anyone else a question or advice about toys or restoration or something or you just wanna say hi feel free to pop in :) Very Very causal
MLP Collectors Discord Server- Not mine but very fun, for fans of all gens, some nice people there :) Is a lot larger and more structured than my own server
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coldflasher · 24 days
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Tagged by @kitkatt0430 and @softboydepot - Thank you both for the tag :D
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
So I was about 13 years old, I was scrolling through my brand new One Direction tumblr, username "its-a-1d-world", soon to become "curly-and-boobear-stylinson", a harrowing username that genuinely makes me shiver like someone just walked over my grave. Like I'm sure this means nothing to someone who wasn't in the fandom AND an extreme larrie but let me tell you. Imagine the most intensely cringe superwholock url you could have. It's on that level
And I remember seeing what we would soon come to very derisively refer to as a "harry het fic" on my dash. So like, in 1D fandom, you had your standard self-insert Y/N fics, you had the queer RPF where you were shipping the boys with each other, and then you had the "het fics", which is where someone would make up a female character for one of the boys (usually Harry bc that man had and still has an insane chokehold on teenage girls everywhere) to date. If anyone has had the misfortune to read and/or watch After by Anna Todd... that type of deal
ANYWAYS I was totally unaware of fanfic as a concept, which is quite funny because as a little baby writer I'd been writing extremely derivative pseudo-fanfic for quite a few years by that point, like stories inspired by Young Dracula or Narnia or whatever without really knowing what it was. But this Harry het fic floated across my dash and a little switch went in my brain because I was like WAIT. I COULD BE WRITING STORIES ABOUT THE BOYS?? Like this was so exciting to me because writing is like probably my biggest eternal special interest and One Direction was my like, most intense special interest at the time, so I was like WAIT. I CAN COMBINE THESE THINGS. And also PEOPLE WILL READ THEM AND COMMENT ON THEM and I was sooo convinced I was god's gift to writing at the time so I was like well OBVIOUSLY everyone will read MY fics and I'll get super fandom famous instantly.
So I wrote an incredibly terrible Harry het one shot with an original character and literally got crickets. Nobody read it. Very embarrassing. I think I wrote a handful of these and nobody wanted to know, which is fair enough because I'm sure they were very bad. But THEN I was like okay fine, well everyone is obsessed with Larry, including me (though I very much liked it in a "bromance" way at the time, so I'll write a Larry fic instead. This is Louis and Harry for the uninitiated. It was the biggest fandom ship. We shipped all and every configuration of the boys but Larry and Ziam were the hard hitters. I think I wrote a few different one shots for various pairings but then I did my first Larry multi-chapter
ANYHOO the Larry fic was a big hit, I got all the outpouring of compliments and attention that my enormous thirteen-year-old head was convinced I deserved and that was kind of it really lmao. I was hooked. When I tell you I'd update my fics MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY because I was writing so fast and so obsessively, like god idk what the fuck was going on in my head but it was the greatest high I have ever experienced in my life. I also got incredibly deeply involved in the conspiracy theory about Louis and Harry's secret gay relationship and spent the next five years of my life tinhatting obsessively but that's a whole other story
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
In terms of what I've posted to AO3, only a handful—as mentioned, I started off in the One Direction fandom, I've written for The Flash and Legends, and dabbled in Doctor Who. In terms of fandoms I've written little bits for but never shared... so many lmao, the list (as far as I can recall) includes the following:
Batwoman, Supergirl, The Bold Type, The Devil Wears Prada, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, Torchwood, Twilight, X-Men, and bizarrely, The Witcher, apparently??? I have ZERO memory of that, but it's in my fanfic folder. No idea what that was about
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I think I started in 2011/early 2012, so upward of a decade at this point... eesh.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Definitely write. I do want to read more fic, but I have a hard time choosing what to read and I am very bad at using AO3's search functions to find what I want.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I've finally started finishing shit!! Big moment for me lmao
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I read an entire book on public defenders for a fic where Barry becomes a public defender instead of a CSI. I own a copy of a book called Forensics for Dummies which I'm slowly working my way through for fic reasons... I feel like none of these are that weird lmao
7. What’s your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Who doesn't love the mega long comments pulling out random lines the reader liked to yell about them. I sometimes get so excited reading these comments that I lose sleep over it lmao i love them so much
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Lmaoo this is a very odd one but I once wrote a Larry Stylinson fic where Harry was Slenderman and he was haunting Louis, and either Zayn or Liam was like a Van Helsing type who was trying to hunt Slenderman!Harry down and kill him. Or maybe it was Nick Grimshaw, the at the time host of the BBC1 radio breakfast show. He was the go-to fandom villain at the time
I never finished it but that was a cool time, someone in the fandom actually composed an instrumental piano piece inspired by Slenderman!Harry which is up there with the coolest things that have ever happened to me
In general I don't know if I necessarily go that fringe. I feel like it's somewhat obvious I have a bit of a thing for femdom, and also like. Coldwest/coldwestallen in general lmao, I guess that's fringe-ish
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Funnily enough probably pwp. I feel like smut is generally considered to be just an easy fun time but I feel like my line-editing process is not conducive to smut writing thing because I write the first draft in a haze of feral horny energy and then edit and revise it over and over to the point where I no longer find it sexy at all and am unable to tell whether it's even still hot or if I've totally killed the vibe in my quest to find the most poetic way of describing the way people fuck nasty. It's very frustrating ngl
10. What is the easiest type?
None of them. This is such a cop-out but everything I write is hard because I'm an insane perfectionist and everything HAS to be beautifully crafted so at this point everything is hard. But ngl I find multichapters easiest to draft in some ways just cos I can kinda cling to the high of "ooh a new idea" whilst also contributing to the same project because the "new ideas" are just new chapters, if that makes sense? It's fitting them all together that's the hard part lmao
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I use a combination of Microsoft Word, Scrivener, and a notes app on my phone called Penzu, which is where I scribble down all the random snippets and ideas and bits and bobs that come to me during the day. The bulk of my drafting and editing is done in Word and I basically only use Scrivener for its notecard function where you can move scenes around really easily, and then I transfer everything back into Word because of Tracked Changes. Does Scrivener have that? Probably. Scrivener has everything
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Honestly it's never really a case of "too nervous/intimidated" because I genuinely have never encountered an idea where I was like "hmm idk if I can pull it off", I have extreme faith in my own capabilities to an almost delusional level lmao, it's always just "I do not have time". But I do have this extremely long Coldwestallen fic that's inspired by Hades and Persephone, with Barry as Persephone, Len as Hades, and Iris as a soooort of Demeter figure which i know is weird because Demeter is Persephone's mother, but whatever, she more embodies the familial connection of the whole team rather than being an actual blood relative if that makes sense
So the concept is basically Barry as Persephone spending half his time with Len and the Rogues in the criminal underworld (I thought I was so clever for that one lmao) and the rest with Team Flash, and then the lines blur and it becomes coldwestallen-y eventually, but it's soooo long and basically split into four novels that I have written between 25 and 50k for each. It's gonna take me literal YEARS to tackle this thing so I've kinda put it on hold for now but I miss it so much
13. What made you choose your username?
So I wrote a joke in a fic that I genuinely have no idea whether I even posted it or not, it might have been in Aftermath. But basically Barry's suit gets blown up and he gets photographed literally streaking through the city totally nude (you can't see anything bc he's moving too fast but you can tell he ain't wearing any clothes lmao) and there's a newspaper headline that's like "THE FLASHER???" Let me tell you I was very annoyed the other day when I learned they already made that joke on Supergirl
And then I just added "cold" for Len lmao
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usamamoweek2024 · 11 months
Meet the Creators - Kaito Scarlett
What username(s) and platform(s) can folx find you on? (Please include links!)
Kaito Scarlett on FFnet, Ao3 and Tumblr (@kaitoscarlett) :)
(Fun Fact) What is your favorite kind of potato?
Tough question! I can't live without potatoes <3 Hm...I'd say the usual ones as fries or chips. Preferably spicy and crispy. I could write an essay, but I'll just leave it like that.
How long have you been creating works in fandom spaces? How long have you been active in the SM fandom?
Hm... When I was younger I drew pictures of my favorite characters, but just for myself. Does that count? But I posted my first (still unfinished) Sailor Moon fic in July 2021. It's actually the first fan fiction I have ever written and I never thought I would write one myself. But here I am :)
What type(s) of creative works do you usually make? (fanfics, digital art, cosplay)
Fanfics, but I do occasionally draw.
What do you enjoy about creating for the SM fandom?
Another tough question! Maybe because I still love the characters and while I re-read and re-watched the manga and anime as a grown-up, I kind of felt a connection to especially Usagi, that was very different from when I was a kid. And Sailor Moon will always a have a special place in my heart. It's so cool to see so many other creators who feel the same and get inspired to create wonderful stories and art.
Are you strictly UsaMamo or do you create for other pairings as well?
For now, yes I am. And I don't think it's going to change. I'm a sucker for their relationship (:
What inspires you to create works for Usagi and Mamoru?
It all started, because I dove back into fan fiction after rewatching the anime and I just couldn't get enough. So I scrolled through fan fiction and became a little bit obsessed with so many great stories. Especially the ones in which the characters are grown-up. I've often thought about writing myself, but starting to write is kind of hard. I get inspired when I read other stories or an idea suddenly enters my mind.
But lately life has been quite stressful and I lost my writing groove. We'll see when I get it back.
Do you tend to work on multiple projects (WIPs) simultaneously or try to finish one at a time?
Since I have three unfinished fics at the moment, I'd say I work on multiple projects simultaneously. But I try to concentrate on one at a time. That's why I haven't updated my first fic for over a year.
Do you prefer large projects (chaptered fics, webtoons/zines, highly detailed art) or small projects (one-shots or simple art)?
Hm...I do like to read multi-chapter fics or a long one-shot. I enjoy the excitement of waiting for a new chapter. As for writing myself. I haven't written a one-shot, yet. So I'd say I prefer larger projects. That way I can write a shorter chapter and publish it instead of writing one long story, that I would probably never see the light of day, because I'm a lazy writer.
Are there any common themes, situations, tropes, or mediums in your work?
Maybe a bit of angst? Self-worth is a big topic, I would say. Struggles with adulthood? But I havent't analyzed my fics enough to say there are common themes. Though I'd say the start situation of our beloved couple in my fics is mostly the same/ very similar.
Is there anything you haven’t explored artistically and would like to try?
I want to draw more. And write a fake-dating-trope-story. Nothing else comes to my mind right now :)
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i-want-my-iwtv · 2 years
Am I correct in assuming a chunk of VC fans left tumblr during the 2018 purge and then a bunch when Anne passed? It seems like the vast majority of VC accounts I’m finding are paused at Dec 2018 or Dec 2021 exactly. Like the last posts are the news of her death. (I’m new here and this place is like a ghost town but then there’s tons of old VC art to found)
Hello anon! Good question.
I would say that yes, there was a reduction in fan engagement/accounts at those times. It was also because of:
The news about the AMC adaptation of Interview with the Vampire, which has divided the fandom to some extent, and people have been hesitant to post about it for reasons I'll dig into a bit more below the cut. News about the adaptation has dropped periodically, but probably the biggest news was around Aug 25, 2021, when actor Jacob Anderson was cast to play Louis. For the next few months, the fandom reacted, and it intensified up to and through Dec 2021.
There have also been an avalanche of anonhate/mean-spirited comments on some of VC fandom's fics on AO3. It seems to have calmed down by now, but I'm out of date on that.
TL;DR: Anyway, this is all to say that there were several "events" that led to a quieter fandom, but if you go into the #vampire chronicles tag, or search for character names, you'll see content! We still have fanartists producing fanart, people doing meta analysis posts, and writers posting fanfic.
We did have a vibrant gift exchange in Dec 2021, too, you might want to check that out, and find some active VC ppl through that: @vcsecretgifts 😊
A bit longer response:
Yes, there was a purge, particularly of our more nsfw fanartists in 2018 😥
Yes, I think news of Anne's death divided fandom, too. There was a wave of "joke" posts about how we could now post VC fanfic, and the fandom found that somewhat distasteful (to varying degrees) bc we had been posting the fanfic for years; Anne had long since given up that battle. She had gained an understanding, if not support, of VC fanfic, years ago:
In 2012, Metro reported that Rice developed a milder stance on the issue. "I got upset about 20 years ago because I thought it would block me," she said. "However, it's been very easy to avoid reading any, so live and let live. If I were a young writer, I'd want to own my own ideas. But maybe fan fiction is a transitional phase: whatever gets you there, gets you there."[136]
Anyway. Hit the jump for more, cut bc the AMC series is still a contentious topic, and I am providing a way for ppl to scroll past, if they prefer to do so.
A major thing that divided the fandom was the incoming information about AMC's adaptation of Interview with the Vampire into a TV series, and the changes to canon that they have announced. On August 25, 2021, Deadline.com announced one of the major changes in the casting of Jacob Anderson:
There were/are a lot of accusations of racism thrown at people who were/are disappointed about this, causing a split in the fandom. Several other updates on the series increased this divide. I have some info about that in #IWTV AMC tag, and I think this post sums up my feelings that, in general, some people want a faithful adaptation with as little change to canon as possible, to see the story that they fell in love with; other people want to see the story updated and are eager to fall in love with a new version that breathes new life into it. The arguments over which approach is better led to a friction where it felt like no one could talk about their reasons without the conversation escalating into fights, so I think a lot of people chose to withdraw from the conversation. Fair enough, no one is obligated to engage in a discussion that they don't want to.
As I mentioned, there was also an avalanche of anonhate/mean-spirited comments on some of VC fandom's fics on AO3, which if I recall correctly, was right around that time, as well. Again, I'm not up to date on that, but it seems to have calmed down.
I'm hopeful that we're at a point now where people can see that there's plenty of space in a fandom, some people can be thrilled about the adaptation, and other people can be not thrilled, and everything in between. I'm going to watch the show, I'm curious about it as an AU, it'll be interesting to see how the showrunners handle the changes they made.
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antilocaprine · 2 years
Questions 9, 11, and 50 perhaps?
(Fic Writer Ask Game)
9. How do you find new fic to read? If it's a new fandom I'm getting into, my basic search is to find the fandom tag/pairing/relationship I want to read about, then sort by kudos and exclude Harry Potter and Genshin Impact from the fandom sort, because goddamn those are everywhere and in everything. And then once I start scrolling, I see what else I need to exclude or include in my search results based on what's most commonly popping up. I pretty much exclusively use AO3 these days because their search features are so good.
If it's a fandom I've been in, I'm more likely to search by date updated to find new stuff, or to find certain authors and read all their stuff. I also reread things a LOT. I'm big on comfort fics that I come back to again and again each time I cycle through a fandom (which is often seasonally).
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? I'm pretty basic in that I usually prefer to have one main pairing in each fandom that I prefer to read about over others. In HLVRAI it's Frenrey, in Star Wars it's FinnPoe, in the Witcher it's Geraskier. I guess I like odd couples who have to navigate their differences and seem like they would never work - except for when they work perfectly.
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about! Question 24 asks about Easter eggs in fics. A bunch of my HLVRAI fics have Red vs. Blue references in them - Some Stars, Exuviae, Sweet Dreams, Speechless, etc. The two series have similar vibes, and though RvB is very dated and is a product of its time and the environment in which it was made, the early seasons are still mostly a group of friends screwing around in a video game and making silly videos with it by exploiting some major glitches. I've had people comment on the references in Some Stars and Sweet Dreams, but I don't know if anyone noticed the one in Exuviae, and the main Speechless one hasn't come to fruition yet. So those are out there to be found.
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halfax-a · 1 year
Lin and tumblr
The past year has changed how i use this website quite a lot, and i have feelings about it.  Here, i’m writing a mini essay to help me make my mind up what to do about it all.
The first big painful truth i have to face is: i don’t like my dashboard anymore. I find it increasingly hard to sit and just scroll through and pay attention. I know that a few years ago it used to be better balanced - divided into fandom content, meme content and music content. 
This year, more than ever, saw the absolutely bonkers avalanche of fandom content, which cannibalised both music and meme side of things. I experienced genuine mass hysteria with the flood of people, and i don’t regret that or hate that, but all of it ended up feeling more like witnessing a group of friends having an absolutely insane party - through the front window of their hourse, having your nose pressed to the glass. 
Why it felt so much like that, can be anointed to how i chose to interact with tumblr - 2022 was the year i fully turned to blog-crawling. It ended up impacting me a lot - in ways you can see (7 fandom posts in a row reblogged from one blog), and in ways you can’t (all those hours reading and internalising and the r word). Waking up every day, obsessively searching up 5 to 12 different blogs and spending up to 3 hours just reading updates (combined with my brief stint on twitter in the summer) fucked me up quite well, i think. 
Well. Actually. This is not new behaviour for me. Obsessive checking of tumblr blogs, forum threads and twitter accounts dates back well into 2016. But this is the first time it has fucked with my enjoyment of this site, and i am at a loss what to do.
I feel trapped. My brain does not think it can go without tumblr, because twitter, instagram, even the mighty youtube have surrendered to this blue hellsite, and let it reign the supreme doom scroll hole of my life. 
At the same time, i recognise that i am not really truly having a good time on here(or at least as much as i used to). The more time i spend on specific blogs, the less i am on my dash, which means the less opportunities i have to make connections with my remaining mutuals, and to make new ones.
I feel trapped and i feel isolated. A few years ago i used to know at least 5 blogs that were guaranteed to appear in my notes at any given time. There were more tag games, more casual @/ing and more interaction. Nowadays i feel quite alone. Yes, i did bring this onto myself with 1. aforementioned blog crawling and 2. jumping into excessive fandom posting. I’m just afraid that getting out of there is not as easy as it used to be. 
I’ve seen a lot of people move on, or drift out of my circles over the years, which makes reconnecting with old acquintances/old topics of interest difficult or downright impossible. And as i get on in age (in my old age of 22), i get increasingly nervous seeing 16,15, 14-year-old on here, and interacting with their blogs.
I am also a bit at a loss for how to curate my dash to regain that optimal meme/fandom/music equilibrium. Meme culture has changed a dizzying amount since 2018, and i know i have been left behind. With music and fandom cannibalising and engulfing each other (in that shiver-inducing mass of conciousness known as “mcr fandom”), i am left to try and find some “general” content. But from where??????
All of these things combined has made me feel like i might have to ditch tumblr soon. Either i put in massive amounts of energy, overhaul my dash and find out what i enjoy (while being concious of how to keep the parts of fandom that are truly enriching for me, when the mass hysteria inevitably starts again), or i log off, block, and try to keep my doomscrolling urges fed on fanfiction and youtube shorts.
With my unfortunate mental state, i sure know which seems easier
Now. Why am i still here at this very moment then?
It’s because of drafts! 
See, in my mind, it is possible to Finish Tumblr. During my years here, i have amassed a significant amount of drafts - gifsets, link masterlists, audio, video and photos, and each of them serves a purpose - to remind me to Consume that thing. The day i listen to the final album, final song, the day i watch the final tv show, movie, the day i let that final draft go; that’s when i can say i have Completed Tumblr, and can log off with a light heart. 
So, i haven’t acknowledged it, but i actually have a concrete goal in mind here, and as long as i work on that, i’ll be shackled to this blue hellsite
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sonicenvy · 11 months
so I decided to update the fic rec sheet AND migrate it to google sheets for better sharing. Slow moving, but I have nothing but time while bed-bound due to a broken bone (and off work) so it seemed like an appropriate time. that said, it sucks that i have to one handed peck type ughhhhh.
update notes:
finish adding the missing word counts (mostly affects pre-2015 lcfanfic fics where word count was not provided. this means either copy pasting the text to a word doc to run word count or downloading the word doc when an option and running word count.) Mostly done with this now.
adding a year pub field to the records to better contextualize fics.
updating notes field where necessary.
going back and rechecking on fics marked as wips to get most up to date word counts and completion status.
adding links to author pages where applicable.
adding commentary on fics that don't have it and commenting this on the actual work when applicable.
removing any typos.
re-checking to see if links are still active and deleting if they are not.
added a column 1 freeze pane so the titles are sticky when scrolling through other fields in the record.
add & relationships (family/platonic) to gen fics in column G, now titled "Main Relationship" to reflect this change
add new recs from existing fandoms
add new & missing fandoms (pson, labyrinth, P&P, narnia, castle, sleepy hollow, x files, PJO, etc.)
separate out "DCU" into "DCU" and "TNAOS"
Update "Fandom" < "Star wars" to be something like "Star Wars - main media type" for further filtering?
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tittyblade · 3 years
tumblr etiquette 101
a list that is nowhere near exhaustive, from yours truly.
First off, welcome! Whether you’re a twitter veteran looking for anything but whatever twitter is, or a new user just done signing up, glad to see you in our ranks beloveds! Welcome home. Refer to this quick tour to make sure your fandom experience (or tumblr experience in general) is a positive one!
Disclaimer: I know it’s long, but please try to read or skim through til the end if you’re new here! This is by no means meant to be a rule book (for the most part lol), only a guide to help you get settled easier!
1) Your blog
This is where people will see and interact with you, so put some effort into it!
Try to choose a name (url) that’s simple. You can see it as your brand, it’s how people will perceive you and remember you. If you’d like to interact with other users here (and not use the site just for the content) it’s better to have something short and sweet, preferably without spaces. (Of course, these are only suggestions.) Rest assured, you can change it literally any time you want.
Have a theme. Utilize the tool that lets you edit your blog’s color or the font of your bio! You can make it match your profile picture, or your blog if it has a theme of its own. Make it feel homey :]
Fill in your bio. People will be checking out your profile probably more often than you think. Don’t leave it empty! Put in any information you’re comfortable with sharing and isn’t too personal (like your age if you’re a minor, or other TMI that can be found on other people’s carrds). It’s always better to add a name/nickname people can use to refer to you by, but feel free to use your blog description to shitpost still.
You can have an intro post. More often than not, you’ll see a blog have a pinned post, a post permanently appearing at the top of a blog until you pin another post or unpin it. You can make one of those, if you’d like to introduce yourself in more length, link any other socials or a carrd, and show others visiting your blog how you tag things so it’ll be easy for them to navigate. Not an obligation.
Keep your anonymity and your safety. It should go without saying, but there’s no harm in repeating it just in case. Your comfort, privacy and safety has the utmost importance. Don’t share any information you don’t want to. Don’t share your age if you’re a minor, or any other incredibly personal info. I’d encourage you to go by a nickname that’s not your real name, (blog name, your brand, remember?) since there’s safety in anonymity, and that’s lowkey one of the big deals of tumblr, but that’s up to you still.
Choose what you want to be visible. Your liked posts and who you follow are all things you can set to keep to yourself and hide from the publics eye, how handy! You should go through all the setting while you’re at it, set it to your comfort.
Side blogs are a thing. You can have multiple blogs that you can use for different things (see: different fandoms, art blog, etc) to keep them organized or away from your followers. Just remember that the replies and off-anon asks you send will be from your main blog, as well as where you follow other blogs from.
2) Interacting with others
You’ve set up your account, now comes the fun part!
Follow to your heart’s desire. If you care about others seeing who you follow, fear not! In tumblr, usually only two types of blogs keep their following visible to others: newbies, and big blogs using it to point people on other good blogs’ direction. Just turn it off, and go ham following people.
Customize your dashboard. Gonna mention just two things here: this is another reason why it’s really important that you follow blogs without sparing, your dash will collect dust otherwise; and you should turn off “best stuff first” in your dashboard settings, to have a better community here and all.
Follow tags. You can set it in your settings that posts with your followed tags appear on your dashboard.
You can check the og post for edits and context. When you see a reblogged post you don’t understand the context of (or don’t recognize the character in case of fanarts), click on the profile so it will take you to the original post. From there you can check the original poster’s tags to get the context, or see if there have been any edits made to the post, since when you edit a post it doesn’t update any past reblogs.
Send people asks... This is how you make mutuals, people! Do it off-anon if you’d like them to know your blog, or anon if you’d rather not! (You can still end your messages with a signature to show you’re the same person, -[name] is one example.) Send them nice messages, ask their opinion on something, discuss things, or just straight up shitpost lol. Go wild. The sky’s your limit and it’s definitely more than 280 characters.
...and let them ask you! You can set your preference in the settings, do it on desktop tumblr to access more settings tho! What you can customize on mobile is limited (like letting people ask you things anonymously, that’s only on desktop settings). In my personal opinion, it’s always better to tag their username (or a nickname you give them, if they’re a friend) on that post, since you wouldn’t want your interactions with your friends to get buried in your blog forever.
Comment on posts. If you have something to say but don’t want the post to appear on your blog you can add a comment. The owner of the post will get a notif for it, but for anyone else you need to tag them.
For the love of god, reblog. People will only see your liked posts if you have it visible to public and they specifically go on your blog to look at them. You like something? You reblog. It’s already hard for posts to circulate properly, if you don’t reblog them literally no one will see them. If not for anything do it for the artists. Just hold and drag on mobile to fast rb.
3) Your Posts
Finally here! Don’t be a lurker, post and engage!
Make use of “read more”. If your post is long, add it. That’s what you clicked on earlier to expand this post. On desktop leave an empty line and you’ll see three dots appear, and on mobile type :readmore: on that empty line.
Draft a post to come back to it later. Pretty self explanatory.
Queue your post. Whether it’s your own post or you’re reblogging, make use of the queue feature to a) not spam reblog and fill up the dashboard of people following you and b) keep your blog active while you’re gone. Mess around in the settings, it’s fairly easy to set up.
Schedule your post. Same as queueing, the only difference is you get to choose the exact time your post will go up. Handy if you want to schedule a post for certain dates like april fools, or 5 years in the future for some reason. 
Format your texts. You can do all kinds of fancy stuff here (that’s a link, try pressing on it). Twitter doesn’t have this, make use of it. Changes depending on whether you’re on mobile or desktop. (Desktop has less features.)
Check your stats. If you’re trying to understand the algorithm better or want to look at some pretty graphs you can get your data on that on desktop tumblr.
@ people in comments. You’ll get all the notifs when people comment on your posts but they won’t see your reply unless you tag them in your message.
4) Tags, and tagging a post
This is where my earlier statement “this isn’t a rule book” stops being applicable. It’s not a war crime to go against these, I won’t come chasing you (don’t take my word for this) but you’ll work up a bad rep. Just saying lol.
Do NOT crosstag posts. It’s really tempting to add unrelated tags to increase your posts’ interaction, I know, but that’s not what tumblr is about. Don’t be a dick and make other communities’ experience worse for them.
Always tag your posts with “crit/critical/discourse/etc” if it calls for it. There’s no exceptions to it. This is the reason you see people migrating to tumblr. Let people enjoy things.
Don’t main tag a critical/negative post. If your crit post is about “Thing”, you add the “Thing critical” tag, but not the “Thing” tag. People block crit tags if they don’t want to see it, don’t shove it in their faces by main tagging it. 
If you don’t want to see something, just block it. Another reason why people are able to survive on tumblr. You don’t start discourse, you don’t make call-outs, you block. You can find something for every community you can think of if you go looking for it. The worst of the worst probably won’t ever appear on your dash, but if you’re worried or feel the need for it, you know where the block button is.
Feel free to shitpost or ramble. More often than not you’ll see people rb a post with a comment, and their elaboration will be in the tags. The tags are only visible on your profile and the notifications of the owner of the og blog. Just a thing people do.
Reblog artists’ posts with nice comments in the tags! Commenting on a drawing is usually done through the tags (Not an obligation, again, just a thing people do. Feel free to add your comment on the rb itself if you’d want other people to see it tho!) and leave nice messages for the artists! It’s a win-win for everyone involved. 
If you have more than a single follower, always use the common tw warning tags. You don’t need to tw everything, but tw’ing some common things is the bare minimum human decency. Keep it safe for others. 
Tag a post “long post” if it’s really long. Pretty self explanatory. Don’t make people scroll through all that please lol. 
You can use them to organize your blog. This is more of a pro tip, if you’d like to not miss a post in your blog, cause they will start pilin’ up soon enough.
#Liveblogging is pretty fun. If you’d like to talk to people during streams, don’t forget to add the relevant tags still! Again, you won’t show up on people’s dash otherwise.
Whew! That got out of hand. Hopefully I didn’t bore you too much. Check out blogs like @heritageposts and @hellsite-hall-of-fame to honor our past o7. @mcytblr-hall-of-fame too maybe :eyes:. Anyways, don’t forget the most important rule of them all:
Enjoy your stay! You’re meant to have fun on here while also making friends (if that’s your thing). Just be kind and respectful of others, you’ll get the hang of the rest! <3
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Kinktober 2021, Day - 21: Possessive.
A/n: Hey everyone! This time I come with a compensation for yesterday's mess of a fic. When I chose this prompt, I just knew that I had to do DiaBarb for this one. And I'm not sorry for this smutfest.
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Pairing: Diavolo x Barbatos
Rating: Explicit (18+ Audiences)
Content Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Pheromones, Possessive Behavior, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Shameless Smut
Summary: Alpha!Diavolo forgot that he "trained" his omega to react to his pheromones, with or without pressure.
Prompt: Bukkake | A/B/O AU | Impact Play
Word Count: 2,082
Note: Find the prompt list I am following here.
AO3 Link
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Barbatos took in a deep breath as he relaxed into the café patio chair, sipping on his bubble tea. Passersby continued on their merry ways as the green-haired man stared off into the distance, his mind blank for once. He stretched his legs outwards, knocking them into the alpha sitting across from him, earning a tiny grunt and not a single glance. He could care less if the other stared or not (okay, maybe a little).
Being outside was great.
Barbatos truly hadn’t enjoyed the outdoors for a long time with how gruelling his work had gotten recently. The same could be said for Diavolo, and Barbatos finally had some time to spare in his schedule for the two to go out on a date and do whatever they wanted for a few days. After a lot of ‘wrestling’, Diavolo was kind enough, for once, to spare his waist and legs so he could actually use them for their intended purpose: walking.
Diavolo’s phone vibrated against the table. From the look of his dark expression, it looked like it was his new assistant calling. Barbatos shooed him away to take the call, knowing that the red-headed alpha would otherwise ignore all messages until they got home, leaving his poor assistant crying on the side (or that’s what he thinks, anyway).
Absent-mindedly, Barbatos decided to focus on his phone, opening one of his favourite recipe sites to see if there were any new updates. With a bit of luck, his eyes caught sight of a number of new recipe updates in his notifications. He immediately started to go through the list, chewing and biting on the poor straw unconsciously as he scrolled.
“Hey there.” A voice called out.
The chartreuse-eyed man looked up. It was a voice he was not familiar with, and the man’s face that came with it didn’t register in his brain either. A total stranger, but at least his face and build were pretty nice. Decent clothes too. And based on his stance and expression, Barbatos was eighty percent sure this man was an alpha. He blinked a few times before looking over both of his shoulders to see if this man was looking somewhere else.
“No, I’m looking at you.” The stranger laughed, confirming Barbatos’s thoughts. He took a few steps forward and sat down in Diavolo’s seat. The omega frowned.
“And whyever would you be looking at me, kind sir?” He asked with a deadpan expression. He was very certain that there were no pheromones being emitted by him.
“Do I need a reason other than I’ve taken a fancy?” The man mused.
Barbatos continued to stare for a few minutes, unimpressed by what the man meant.
“I’ll have you know that I’m dating someone.” He clarified, finishing the rest of his drink. “An alpha, like you.” he further stated. He looked around – he couldn't see where Diavolo had gone.
It seemed like the man wasn't surprised by Barbatos’s statement, outing him as an alpha. “And what of it?” He asked. “He’s just accompanying you for the sake of it. You’re probably an omega, right?”
“And you’re trying to prey on another? That’s a little low, don’t you think?” Barbatos responded calmly, still sipping on his boba tea. He conveniently skipped the question about him being an omega.
“I won’t deny it.” The alpha admitted as he got up from his chair.
A whiff of pheromones reached the green-haired man’s nose, causing him to react. Instincts kicked off and Barbatos too withdrew from his chair, taking a few steps backwards. Suddenly, a large back came into his view.
“Leave.” Diavolo venomously hissed at the other alpha.
“Relax, won’t you? I just wanted to talk, that’s all.” The other alpha raised his hands in defense. Despite adopting a defensive pose, his pheromones did not falter one bit. In fact, they only got stronger.
Stupid alphas and their useless pride. Barbatos rolled his eyes, sticking close to his alpha’s back.
“Fuck off. Leave.” The redhead repeated himself, snarling back with his own pheromones. Others in the close vicinity started to react to the pressure emitted between the two alphas, pulling away before a fight broke out. The omega frowned, tugging at Diavolo’s coat. He liked this café and certainly didsn’t want to be banned from it for his stupid actions. 
He didn't want to be banned from another café, thank you very much.
But before he could say a word, his heartbeat started to speed up and his legs grew weak. The most he can do is utter an “ah” before pulling harder at his red-headed alpha’s clothes in an attempt to keep himself up.
It didn’t take long for either alphas to notice a new, faint but extremely alluring scent being emitted in the air. Diavolo immediately whipped his head around to find Barbatos lightly panting, his body slightly shaking and giving in to his own weight.
Diavolo, this bastard, had forgotten that he had “trained” Barbatos to react to his pheromones, with or without pressure. He hardly ever used his pheromones aside from the bedroom, so it had occurred to him late. The chartreuse-eyed omega could hear him swear under his breath.
Barbatos gritted his teeth as he felt his weight shift, finding a new place within Diavolo’s arms. He didn’t even need to see the other alpha’s reaction to know that the man in whose arms he was, was just about to go feral, his face dark and his aura burning with murderous intention. Being possessive was one thing, sure, but it was his own damn fault for making his partner turn into a mess in public.
Being outside was not great, what the fuck!
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Luckily, the café wasn’t too far from Diavolo’s place, so there was just enough time to spare before things got hectic.
Diavolo almost kicked down his front door, moving as quickly as possible to throw down his omega onto his bed. Barbatos’s ears and tail were already exposed at this point, with the tail unconsciously shifting to curl around the alpha’s arm. The omega can feel his grip tighten due to his tail’s ministrations before being abruptly dropped onto the soft sheets of the bed.
The alpha ripped away the omega’s pants, causing the other to whimper at the cool air hitting his lower half. He was leaking, his underwear soiled, his face flushed, and his pheromones still enticing. Diavolo’s heavy breathing and intense stare told Barbatos that this horny alpha almost wanted to thrust his cock into him right then and there.
Which was exactly what Diavolo did.
There was no exchange of words – hell, there wasn’t even any rationality left to consider. Neither could say anything other than irrational moans and grunts. Their body language and pheromones told each other everything, and their lips smashed together as they pried each other’s clothes off in a messy haste.
Hardly any fingers went inside before a monstrous cock forced its way in one thrust, causing the omega to moan loudly. It hurt, but the brief pleasure he felt and the feeling of being full was far more satisfying and gratifying than the pain. He eagerly thrusted his hips to meet Diavolo’s, wrapping his legs around the alpha’s waist to lock him in. The alpha answered by thrusting even harder and faster, his mouth now finding a place against Barbatos’s neck. The omega was reduced to an incoherent mess, spilling out garbled words and attempting to say his alpha’s name before being cut off with another thrust and continuous waves of pleasure.
Barbatos didn’t know how many times he came before Diavolo finally managed to come once. At that moment, the effects of the alpha’s pheromones kicking off his heat had faded, but from the look of the redhead’s lustful eyes, the omega knew that his partner had no intention of stopping. Shivers of excitement ran up his spine as he grinned back. In the spur of the moment, while Diavolo’s cock was still inside, the omega’s hand teasingly gripped the base of the pulsating length in a silent signal to tell him to keep going.
His view of the world shifted and his back met the wall with a thud. However, neither the omega nor the alpha cared enough to pay attention.
Forget the bed. The wall seemed to be a much better place.
Barbatos groaned as his arms struggled to cling around Diavolo’s neck, the weight of his own body sinking onto the alpha’s cock as the other grunted at the new depth and warmth. Their tails intertwined as the buff alpha continued to relentlessly pound into the other’s dripping and twitching hole, making the omega scream and cry until his voice became hoarse.
The alpha’s teeth sank into Barbatos’s collarbone, littering it with red, angry bite marks as his tongue slid upwards to tease his neck once more. In a way to further excite the other, the alpha growled and sucked on his neck, making his omega moan, his cat ears twitching in response. With only a simple bite near his scent gland, Barbatos’s mind blanked and the pheromones being emitted by both of them only grew stronger.
The omega really couldn’t remember what happened after that. His limbs were basically useless as the alpha had his way with his body, leaving no part untouched for what felt like hours. Suddenly, he kind of regretted his decision on enticing the alpha. He was pretty sure somewhere in his vague recollection that they had fucked for at least three hours (based on how many times Diavolo usually came per hour; not that Barbatos took the time to count, anyway).
The alpha’s body shuddered one last time before sinking into the bed, releasing his seed inside the omega’s body before collapsing with heavy breaths. His crushing weight on Barbatos's body stopped him from rolling off the bed, but the omega didn’t seem to mind. The weight was comforting in a sense, and the touch-starved omega greedily accepted it. Their tails had never untangled up until this point, though Barbatos could feel that it was on the verge of disappearing. Somehow, it felt just right to have their tails like this, intertwined and doing nothing else.
“Can you pull out?” The omega asked, his voice barely above a whisper. His throat was too sore from his whole vocal performance (aka moaning), but it was enough for his alpha to hear. The redhead grunted in response, pulling away to take it out. His eyes trailed from Barbatos’s head to toe, his gaze lingering on his “mark of possession” as cum spilled out of the omega’s gaping hole.
He smirked and the omega rolled his eyes in response. It seemed that his alpha was only satisfied when his insides were fully coated white.
The alpha opened his mouth to say something but hesitated. In the end, he shut it quickly and picked up his omega instead, heading to the bath. Barbatos had an inkling of what Diavolo was going to say, but he was too tired at this point to ask.
Although Barbatos struggled initially while Diavolo cleaned him out, the eventual entry into the hot water moved to relieve the fatigue from his body. His back rested against the alpha’s firm chest, a content sigh escaping from his lips as he closed his eyes. A pair of large, rough hands found their way to his hips and thighs, massaging and kneading the soreness away.
They still chose to speak no words, with the sounds of their breathing and the occasional swish of water being the only ones evident. To Barbatos, this type of silence where one didn’t feel the need to speak to each other to feel comfortable was something he never dreamt of obtaining.
But here he was, in another man’s embrace. Happy and content.
His mind slowly drifted off to dreamland as the two continued to soak in the hot bath. The omega could feel a light weight on top of his head along with a deep murmur from the other, but by the time Diavolo decided to say something, his brain was too sleepy to process it.
The alpha could feel that Barbatos had fallen asleep. With a bit of a sigh, he pulled the other out of the bath. When the omega was tidied up and placed into bed, the alpha stared down at the blissful sleeping face.
Forget it, he’ll propose in another, better way.
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bluebellhairpin · 3 years
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( Notice: OKAY - The pic there says ‘The Hobbit/LOTR’ but for times sake, and my own sanity, there is none listed thus-far (same goes for the ‘other’ category’). Merci for understanding! )
So I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, and I already have a blog for it ( @nemosrepost ) but that doesn’t get too much attention. Thus, here we are! 
(This was a nightmare to get done - it took weeks to get all the links and pics done up in my spare time - I hope you appreciate that.) 
They’re all sorts here, from Medieval Marvel AU’S, to Modern Attack on Titan one shots. They’re all organised via fandom, and I’ve tried my best to link and tag everything properly, but that is a difficult feat, so beware - for some it may not have worked too well.
Like my *actual* masterlist, this will be updated regularly with new fic recs, and even new characters and fandoms as I read them. All fic’s currently listed (as of November 26, 2020) are found on my reblog account. 
I’ve also tried to add in a ‘recommendation summary’ thing of each - so basically just my thoughts on the fic(s). But anyway, have fun browsing, and overall - enjoy! 
(AND also - LMAOOOO - Have fun scrolling lololololol!) - Nemo
( Pre - Warning: I am not tagging anything as NSWF, 18+, or triggering content. However some fics listed do contain such material. Please refer to the warnings or Authors Notes on each Fic before reading. Stay safe guys! I love you! ) 
Bluebellhairpin’s Masterlist 
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Bucky Barnes
Knight in Rusty Armour - Medieval / A/B/O AU! Series - by @revengingbarnes Honestly I binged the first eight chapters (+ prologue) in close to one sitting. That was mostly because that was all that was published at the time. It is completed now. I love both these AU’s, and I love Bucky - win, win! 
Flowers Bloom - Soulmate AU! Series - by revengingbarnes  Another great series, and honestly I’m a slut for soulmate au’s, so this author might be coming after my heart - keep up that good work, if you know what I mean. 
The Great Build Up - Modern / Firefighter Au! One Shot - by @thottybarnes  This ones goes from cute, to hot and steamy, to angsty, and back to cute again. A one shot rollercoaster, and I thoroughly enjoyed every word of it. 
Maybe This Time - Mob Au! One Shot - by @propertyofpoeandbucky Okay, so if there’s one thing I like more than an mobster au, it’s adding children into the mix. Something about big bad guys going all soft for this tiny human - and then making them - and that’s called perfection. 
Whatever It Takes - Biker AU! One Shot - by @sgtjbuccky He like’s to be loud, so what. He rides a bike, so what. I what to ride him and his bike, so what. 
(Un-Named) - One Shot - by @softlybarnes  I’ve never liked Bucky’s metal arm more in my entire life. Using it for a baby going through teething? A+ idea. 
Hero, Waiting - Medieval AU! One Shot -  by captain-ariel-barnes Sadly, this fic is unavailable now, and that - obviously - makes me sad. But I’m adding it her anyway because of how much I adored it. The love triangle between Bucky, Reader, and Steve was amazing, and the feelings? Phenomenal. 
Steve Rogers
If Walls Could Talk - One Shot - by propertyofpoeandbucky  I’ll recreate my original comment on this fic - ‘Ouch’. And that’s all I have to say about that. 
The End of the War - College AU! One Shot - by @redgillan There’s nothing quite like a enemies to lovers trope that’s well-written. But then throw in fight club, a jerk date, ice-cream and pizza - just read it. You’ll understand then. 
The Edge of the Water - Mermaid AU! Series - @floatingpetals I have to admit now, I haven’t read all of this yet. But I also have to say, what I have read was fantastic. Mermaids - and Mermen - they just hit different, you know? 
Pseudo Princess - Medieval AU! Series - by @shreddedparchment​ To date, it’s one of the best fics - nay - stories I’ve ever read. I’d dare to say it’s easily the length of a novel, so if you’re up for the long haul, I’d definitely recommend it. It’s worth the wait - trust me. Op obviously put a hella lot of work into it, and it shows. 
Loki Laufeyson
Loki’s Happy Ending - Series (?) - by @gingerwritess  Listen, I have been and forever will be a Loki girl. Nothing will change that. And every scrap of content Theo produces for Loki I will cradle in my palms and keep warm until they’re ready to go out into the world or whatever - point is, read this. 
Just One Quick Glance - One Shot - by @imagines-trashcan  After watching ‘Endgame’, and squealing at every moment Loki appeared on screen, only to not have him show up in the final battle - this was one of my comfort fics. 
thunderstorms. - One Shot - by @tarynkauai Naturally, Loki’s child would inherit his unease of thunderstorms. And naturally, seeing Loki as a dad makes me happy. 
Stitches - One Shot - by @lokibug​  Loki being nice. I like that. We stan. 
Quentin Beck 
The Curveball - One Shot - by @healingchurch​  Listen, this is on here for a reason. I didn’t really like Mysterio ‘cause of what he did to Peter, but hey, some people are good actors, and some write characters acting very well. 
Stephen Strange 
(Un-Named) - Imagine / One Shot - by @archieimagines​ A cocky bastard and a shy Reader, as far as I’m concerned that a one-way ticket straight to my heart. *wink wonk*.
(Un-Named) - One Shot - by @whirlybirbs​  Honestly, there are multiple fics of hers on this list, and that’s because she’s a damn fine writer, and her stories are just that addictive. This one is no different. I was preparing to read more and then it ended. But all good things, right?
Crash and Burn - One Shot - by @lilyswritings​  The angst, and the angst. I cry, you cry, everyone cries. Unfortunately there is only the one part, but much to my personal joy that means I can interpret the after-ending however I want! 
Frank Castle
(Un-Named) - One Shot - by @alexsunmners​ This is just cute okay? I have no other words except this was plain and simply very, very, very nice to read, and that it makes me feel very soft right here on the inside. 
Peter Parker
Super Smooth Genius - One Shot (?) - by whirlybirbs  Back at it again with the cute, awkward, friendly, neighbourhood, Peter Parker. 
Just Don’t - Soulmate AU! One Shot - by @papel-creativo​ What’d I tell you about soulmate au’s? I can’t resist them. And of course Pete being a caring bf with his hero s/o. So nice. 
Ronan the Accuser 
Make You Proud - One Shot - by @kayleighhalliday2203​ This is justifiable because I was going through a Lee Pace faze and I found it and loved it immediately. 
(Un-Named) - One Shot / Series - by @snarky-badger​ This I can also justify having read, because (and if you know me then you know) the robot thing ... Doesn’t bother me as much as it should. And I binged all of it on ao3, so. 
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Poe Dameron
(Un-Named) - Masterlist - by propertyofpoeandbucky Okay, I know there’s a lot on this list, and it could take you a while to get through it all, but trust me - it’s worth it. Lani likes Poe, and it shows. He’s written so well. 
Dashing - One Shot / Series ? - by whirlybirbs Birbs does it again. She’s got Punchy!Reader, and if there were a legal way to get all of this Poe thing down into a written book, I’d do it. 
You Can See Me? - Modern / Ghost AU! One Shot - by @tintinwrites​ I just this this one’s really cool. And what Poe does for the reader at the end? So sweet! He would totally do that! 
Across the Hall - Modern / Nurse AU! Series - by @starryeyedstories​  It’s cute, it’s fun, it’s got tension, and a little drama - plus a smidge of angst and Corgi!BB-8. If perfection were ever made into a Modern/Nurse au Poe fic - this would be it. 
Deepest, Lightest Secrets - One Shot - by @writefightandflightclub​  It’s got the humour and overall feel  you’d expect to come from something Star Wars related - honestly I had so much fun reading it, and I’ll happily do it again. 
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Levi Ackerman
Names for Him & You - One Shot - by @commanderserwin​ Again, op is one of my main sources for fic’s in this area - so there could be quite a few of them listed here. But this one? Cute as heck. 
Levi’s Secret - Modern AU! One Shot - by @theamberwriter​ This one was damn funny in my opinion. Nothing can ever be hidden from Hange for long. 
You Look So Beautiful In White - Modern AU! One Shot - by @alrightberries​ This fic, it carved out my heart, diced it, shoved it in a blender, then made it into an atomic bomb. I - I was not okay. That amount of angst shouldn’t be allowed. Read it. 
Abeille - Modern / Mafia AU! Series - by @ackermans-freedom-inc​ Honestly, this isn’t finished yet but, honestly, I’m not ready for it to finish. The heartache. The betrayal. The child. I can’t even. 
Lights - Modern AU! One Shot - by commanderserwin This was the first fic I ever read of op’s, and I couldn’t believe what I read so I went back and read it again. I can’t tell you how much I love it, or how I feel about it, so just go read for yourself and you’ll know. 
To Build a Home - Modern AU! Series - by @vennilavee​ If you’re a fan of Levi, you must go read this. It’s so detailed, and just so perfect - whenever a new part comes out I have a quick reboot before going to read it. 
Erwin Smith
One of Us - Modern AU! Miniseries - by commanderserwin I’m not going to lie, this one is here because I requested it, but also because I really liked it, and cried while reading it. So there. 
Reiner Braun
Service to the Crown - Medieval AU! Miniseries - by @present-mel​ It should probably be illegal to write Reiner or Medieval au’s this well, and yet here op is writing both. Like, McScuse me, where do you acquire such talent and can I have some? 
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Toshinori Yagi
Flirting with All Might - One Shot - by @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten​ Toshi. The great. The hero. The awkward. He’s a blond boy doing what blond boys do even if he’s a little older he’s still part of the crew.
Stitches - Villain AU / Mini Series - by @itsallmightbitch​  Okay, so I said above that I wouldn’t put warnings on these - but this time I have to. Nothing I’ve read in my whole life emmits such an amount of pure horniness - and I love it. 
Godless - Fantasy AU / One Shot - by @pleasantanathema​  Another ‘All Smite’ fic, yes, I know. But god. They’re so good. This one is another real horny one, so if you can’t tell there is a slight theme running here. And - sksksksks - this is actually from the same ‘general area’ as the Reiner fic listed above (Service to the Crown). There was a event. I read everything. 
Keigo Takami
Preening - One Shot - by @shoutaaizawas​ Literally the softest and cutest damned thing I’ve read for Keigo. No, I’m not just ‘saying’ that, it’s genuine. The feelings I get - or lack thereof due to them turning to mush - it too much for words. Honest. 
Seasonal Special - One Shot - by @keiqos​ I’ll say this now and I’ll say it first - any Hawks fics written by op are *chefs kiss*. They’re amazing. Secondly, rut!Hawks is my weakness - this fic is one of such weaknesses. 
Shouto Aizawa
(Un-Named) - Series - by @theamberwriter​ This is *technically* the second part in the series, but it’s the only part I’ve read and goddamnit, I’m in love. Hubby Aizawa. The disappearing Baby-Zawa. 
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I Miss You Texts - SMAU - Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou, Nishinoya Yuu - by @briswriting​ I miss them too. They ain’t dead. I just feel like I haven’t seen them in so long.  
Little Things - Headcanons - Karasuno - by @haikyuudreaming​ Every single one makes me feel so nostalgic, and I feel so much longing. I love. I loose. I pine. I want. And yet I cannot have. I only dream.  
Cheerleader - Headcanons - Karasuno - by @imagine-101​  I want to be their cheerleader. Now I am able to be. Op, many thanks for the feeding. 
Tsukishima Kei
Cherry Wine - Single Parent AU! Series - by @bakugou-jpg​  I’m gonna head out and say that Tsukki was my first favourite Haikyuu character - then I ‘character developed’ but that only went so far as to give me more favorites. But deadass - read this and you won't regret it. 
Ukai Keishin
(Un-Named) - Ballroom/Latin Dancer AU! Headcanons - by @imagine-that-haikyuu​  I know nothing about dancing. Or ballroom dancing. But I do know I’d love to dance with Ukai. So how’s that for ‘middle ground’? 
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d0llhousess · 3 years
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⇢ fandom: daiya no ace ⇢ pairing: miyuki kazuya  x f!reader ⇢ genre: angst ⇢ warning/tags: exes to friends to lovers, so much angst it’s ridiculous, angst w/ hopeful ending, mild language, pining, coffeeshop!au basically, pro player!miyuki 
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⇢ summary: you met him at the wrong time of your life, yet fate has awarded you a second chance to fall in love with him once again. ⇢ word count: approx. 3k 
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⇢ a/n: let me tell you, being hit with a massive wave of insecurity about your writing through the week you post the most is not fun but like yooo here we are. This is Day 3, and I hope you enjoy it! I’m not too happy with how this came out, but I do hope it reads well for you guys.
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⤆ Back to Week of Fic’s Masterlist
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It’s hard to recall the moment you first fell in love with Miyuki Kazuya. 
You were young, in your teens, navigating through highschool in the best way possible. He was just a mutual friend of yours; someone to just say ‘hey’ to  when you spoke to Kuramochi. You couldn’t quite remember what led to the two of you hanging out more and eventually going on a few dates, but you clearly remembered the emotions he elicited from you. 
Being with him made all your problems fade to the background, it made you feel, believe, that you were on top of the world. Being in love with Miyuki Kazuya was an experience like no other. Yet, you weren’t his first love. You didn’t hold his heart like he did yours, and eventually the dates faded. He stopped making time for you, and you stopped pushing to be a part of his life. In hindsight, your issues could’ve been resolved with a simple conversation, but both of you were young.  
So, instead of soft words explaining how neglected you felt, your feelings exploded into hurtful, sharp phrases that led to the demise of your relationship. Gone were the lingering touches in the hallways, the soft good luck kisses before a game, the playful teasing remarks between the two of you. He’d faded into a stranger, and when the both of you graduated high school, you stopped seeing him all together. 
There were nights you would replay your relationship in your mind, you would linger on your regret of never mending the bridge between the two of you, because him leaving your life left a slight hole in your heart. Yet, the loudest part in your brain never failed to remind you that communication was a two way street, and that if he truly loved you, he would’ve fought for your relationship. 
But that loud part of your brain didn’t stop you from scrolling though his Instagram feed in the late hours of the night. It didn’t stop you from lingering on the sports article that covered him going pro, and it definitely did not stop you from sinking into a deep funk when news broke of his engagement. 
If you were honest, you felt a bit pathetic. You were still hung up on your highschool sweetheart, and he was about to get married.     
Honestly, how pitiful could you get? 
So, instead of holding onto your dead relationship, you allowed yourself to relive the emotions the relationship elicited out of you. You allowed yourself to come to the terms that while Miyuki was terrible at communication, you were too. 
You both were too young, too immature,  for the seriousness of your relationship, and that was okay. It was okay that things didn’t work out. Sure, lighting doesn't strike twice in the same place, but you were too young to even realize that lighting had struck.  It was okay to have regrets because that’s how life was. It was rare to have the perfect conclusion to, well, anything, and with that realization you were finally able to move on. 
As the years passed, you chased your passions. You attended culinary school, and graduated which eventually led to you opening your own local cafe. It wasn’t much, but it was your own warm little abode that you’d built from the ground up. It was a physical representation of your hard work, and you couldn't be more proud of it. 
Through those years, you didn’t think much about Miyuki. You didn’t scroll through his feed for updates. When you saw a sport’s article with his name in bold letters, you’d turn away from it. He was a person of your past, and you were content with that. You didn’t need to know how he was doing, what he was up to, because you were over him. 
Well you were over him until he walked into your coffee shop. 
It was a normal winter day. The city streets have been recently plowed because of frequent snowfall; the air was bitingly cold, yet the warmth of your cafe brought in a decent amount of customers who couldn’t wait to get their daily fix of caffeine or sweet treat. 
Your mind had been occupied with getting each customer served, that when you heard the familiar chime of the front door’s bell, you only called out a light greeting, not looking up from the cash register as you logged in the current customer’s order. Yet, when you lifted your head, mouth parting to recite your practiced greeting to the next customer, you felt the words die on your tongue. 
Your eyes widened, gaze locking with bright amber eyes that you’d only seen in pictures over the past few years. Your heart speeds up in your chest, and it takes everything in you to still your shaking hands. Never in your life did you expect for him to waltz into your coffee shop, fixing you with that crooked smirk that always seems to make your thoughts stutter. 
You blink once, then twice, before you allow a professional smile to spread onto your face. 
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” You greeted, head tilting as you hoped  that he didn’t notice the way your brain short circuited just moments before, “What can I get for you, Miyuki?”
“I hope you aren’t saying I aged bad,” He immediately responded, drawing out a soft giggle from you. 
You shook your head, denying his claim, because no matter how much you did not want to admit it, he became even more handsome with age. You allowed your gaze to roam over his features as he gazed over the menu that hung above your head. 
You noted how he’d grown just a bit taller, how despite years passing he somehow had the same style of black frames that he had in high school, and how his features seemed to be more pronounced. Before you could linger over his face any longer, you quickly snapped your gaze to the digital screen of your cash register, because you could not be caught checking out your high school ex. 
“What do you suggest?” You hear him ask, and you lick your lip as you thought about your answer, recalling the seasonal drink options and your usual menu. 
“Well, what are you in the mood for?” You eventually respond, turning your gaze back to the man on the other side of the counter, “If you’re feeling festive we have an array of cinnamon or ginger based drinks, yet if you’re a fan of more simple drinks, we have your basic cappuccinos and lattes.” 
 Shifting your stance, you watch as he mulls over your response, eyes still firmly locked on the menu before he waved his hand in an indifferent manner. 
“Just make me your favorite drink.” 
You nod, immediately logging in the order, refusing to allow yourself to think too deeply about the request. He was just here to get coffee. He was just another customer. He was just Miyuki. 
After you told him the total and he paid, you began to work on his drink. You ignored the way he seemed to watch you buzz around behind the counter. You refused to glance at him again. No, you solely focused on the task at hand. 
Once you finished his order, you handed it to him over the counter, ignoring the slight sting of electricity that shot up your arm as your fingers brushed against each other. You watched as he brought the cup to his lips before taking a small sip of the drink, eyes fluttering shut briefly before they met your gaze once again. 
“Oh this is good,” He mummers, and you open your mouth to explain what's in the drink, yet he holds up his hand to stop you. 
“I don’t need to know what’s in it.” He explains, causing your brows to furrow in confusion. 
“But how will you order it again if you don’t know what it is?” 
Miyuki is quiet for a moment, bright eyes roaming over your face as he leans against the counter, “How often are your shifts here?” 
You blink at the question, a bit confused at what he was getting at, “Uh, I’m here nearly everyday.” 
The smirk that spreads onto Miyuki’s full lips and it lets know that you’d fallen for something, yet you’re still unsure of exactly what that something is. 
“Perfect, then you’ll just have to take my order every time I come, right?” He chirps, taking another sip from his coffee cup. 
“Um,” You begin to say, but before a full sentence leaves your lips, he’s already bidding you goodbye, leaving just as fast as he came. 
Throughout the rest of your workday, you’re plagued with thoughts about Miyuki and why on earth did he come to your cafe. Fuck, how did he even find out about your cafe. You attempted to push the thoughts away from your mind, yet they still plagued you even after you’d closed. 
The next day, Miyuki comes into your coffee shop again, but this time he lingers. 
It was a slower day for the cafe; your usual morning rush wasn’t that heavy so you knew who he was the moment the bell chime rang through the nearly empty coffee shop. Immediately, you began to go through the process of making his drink, handing it to him as you began to ring him up.
“Slow day, innit?” He commented, and a small smile played onto your lips.
“Yeah, but that gives me more time to do other things besides just making drinks,” You responded before telling him the price of his drink. 
He handed you the exact amount of money you’d said, causing your brows to raise in slight surprise, but you don’t comment on it. Instead of leaving right after he received his coffee, he remained in your cafe, eyes lingering on your form as you cleaned up your work space. 
He asked you questions, seemingly catching up with all of the things he missed in the years you’d grown apart, and fuck did this puzzle you. Why on earth did Miyuki just randomly breeze back into your life? Why was he behaving as if the last conversation the two of you held didn’t end in scathing words and tears? 
You wanted to ask him this, to demand answers on how he learned about your little cafe, but you didn’t, you couldn’t. You were afraid of the answers to those questions, and seeing him again, even for a few minutes, brought a sense of peace in your life. 
When you gazed into his amber eyes, you felt as if it was the very first time you’d seen him all those years ago. You’d missed the banter he brought, you missed his jeering, you missed him. You wished you could press rewind on the clock, to go back to the very moment of your relationship’s demise, yet you couldn’t. 
Besides, you were getting ahead of yourself. To him, you were sure he just viewed this as catching up with an old classmate. He was happily engaged, and just engaging in a purely friendly conversation. At least, you thought he was engaged until he informed you that he’d broken off the engagement nearly a year ago. You don’t have much time to respond to him after this confession, because he’s wishing you a goodbye. 
Yet, just like the day before, your thoughts are riddled with him. 
You can’t help the bubble of curiosity in your chest. Did he seek you out for a sense of familiarity after a failed engagement? Was it purely chance that he’d walked into your cafe? You didn’t know, and frankly you were slightly afraid of the answer, but you knew that you needed to ask him these questions. 
It takes weeks for you to build up the courage to ask him the questions that swarmed in your mind the moment he left your eyesight. 
Sure, he still came to your cafe, ordering the same thing nearly everyday, engaging you in light conversation topics that filled in the gaps of the years you’d miss of his life. He told you about university, about the pro league, about how he was in general. Yet, his engagement was never brought up. 
He’d ask you about your life, and you’d found yourself telling him about it rather candidly. You told him about the slight funk you fell into after graduation (of course you didn’t tell him the reason for the funk), about culinary school, about opening the cafe. 
The unspoken questions linger in the air between the two of you, and though you find yourself tentatively growing closer to the man that visited your coffee shop nearly everyday, there was something actively holding you back from him. 
So, when he walked through the door of your cafe after nearly a month of being your number one customer, you decided that this is the day that you’d ask the questions that’d been causing you to keep him at arm's length. You fall into the routine of fixing his drink, and as you hand it to him, instead of giving him your usual playful greeting, a question falls from your lips in a jumbled up mess. 
 “How on earth did you find out about my cafe?” 
Miyuki’s gaze widens behind those black frames, and his usual smirk is dropped from his face. The pair of you look at eachother, minds filling with unspoken words, and the nearly empty cafe is so quiet that you’re sure he can hear your heart hammering away in your chest. 
“How about we talk about this after you close?” He offers, and you nod as he paid for his coffee (the exact amount of cash like always), and bid you farewell. 
The rest of your day is spent in an anxiety induced haze, until you’re flipping the open sign closed. Nursing a cup of your favorite warm beverage, you wait for Miyuki at one of your window seats and a mere five minutes pass before he’s walking into the cafe, discarding his snow littered coat. He sits beside you, thanking you for the drink you’d prepared for him as well. 
The two of you are quiet, unsure where to start. Years of tension hang in the air, and you can feel your leg begin to bounce out of sheer nervousness. You hear Miyuki chuckle softly and your eyes shift to his grinning face. You raise a  singular brow in question, and he shakes his head. 
“It’s just funny how you still do that,” He comments, and you then halt your bouncing leg, soft laughter breezing through the warm air of the cafe. 
“You know what they say,” You responded, facing him fully with a soft smile, “Old habits die hard.”
Miyuki’s grin melts into a smile that mirrors your own, and just a bit of the tension dissipates. You open your mouth to apologize for the rather random question that led the both of you to your current position, yet before you can even utter a word, he begins to tell you about the events that led him to your cafe. 
He told you about how devastated your breakup left him, about how you broke his heart, about how he knew he broke your heart as well. He tells you about how thoughts of you plagued his mind all throughout your time apart, about how he yearned for a simple “do over.” Then, he begins to tell you about his  engagement. A part of you wants to tell him to stop, because you don’t want to hear about the man you’d loved for years falling in love with another person. 
Yet, you allow him to continue because he needs to get this off his chest, and you need to hear it. 
You listen to him as he recounts the engagement, at how the relationship deteriorated into something toxic simply because he refused to let go of his love for you. Your hands began to shake around your coffee mug as you listened to him admit that the reason called off his engagement was because of you.
You nearly begin to cry. 
You don’t know what to think, what to say. 
A part of you wants to throw your arms around him, to weep into his chest about how much you missed him, but another part needs him to finish recounting his tale. So you anchor yourself to your seat, encouraging him to continue. 
Finally, he tells you about how he heard about your little cafe. He tells you about how Kuramochi mentioned it in mere passing when they were catching up, and about how he couldn’t resist seeing you again.  By now, your heart is beating so heavily in your chest, that it’s nearly hard to breathe. 
Here he was laying his heart out bare for you to judge, to even reject. He wasn’t the boy that you’d turned your back on all those years ago. He didn’t brush off your questions with jokes, no, he answered them truthfully. 
He was being vulnerable with you, and never in a million years would you have expected Miyuki Kazuya to approach you with his heart in his hands. You exhale shakily, hands removing themselves from your now cool mug, before you placed a soft hand over his larger one. 
“Kazuya,” You breathed out, facing him fully, if he could bare his heart to you, then you could do the same, “I never stopped loving you.”  Your confession fills the air between the two of you, and your hand squeezes his closed fist that rested on top of the table.
 “Even after all these years, Kazuya,” You whispered to him,“I’m still in love with you.” 
A mere second passes before his lips are on yours, and the same electricity you felt clap through your body from your very first kiss with him, strikes through you. Goosebumps littered your forearms as you melted into his embrace, pressing your body even more closer to his. 
Apparently, lighting did strike in the same place twice.
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dearingbooks · 3 years
The Difference one Woman can make.
Late Friday night in June, we had stopped for a burger on the way to the cinema, we used to do family movie nights at the cinema when a new film came out that the majority of us wanted to watch, this time I was the one who was reluctant to go, sadly we do this significantly less now.  So, stubborn 2015 me, rolling her eyes and dragging her feet up the cinema steps to find our seats to watch the new Jurassic World movie. Pathetic! I thought, why pay money to watch a movie about a dinosaur theme park! My parents had completely lost it! Huffing and puffing I took my seat on the aisle and sipped my blue raspberry slushie and looked up at the big screen. Ugh! I wanted it to be over, quickly. I sat down and shut my mouth, despite not wanting to watch it, I wasn’t going to spoil it for the others; but I didn’t get why they would want to watch it, I watched the trailer before going, was not impressed, it looked dumb!
However, as much as my pre-Jurassic self would not like, I found who I was during that movie, I discovered a whole new admiration for actors and movies. I found that I related to the main female protagonist, Claire Dearing. She did not need a man, or children, she was so focused on her career and let no one boss her around. She was top dog, and I completely fell for this fictional character. I evolved through that movie with her character, I felt content with being a strong female who put career over family. I wanted to embody this fictional woman; I wanted to be her.
On the journey home I typed ‘Claire Dearing actress’ into google and saw this stunning redhead- Bryce Dallas Howard. I immediately recognised her from movies I had watched prior, and I was completely astounded at her range of characters she can portray and portray them well. After scrolling through her Wiki page and reading news articles about her, I learned that she is the daughter of Ron Howard, one of my parents’ favourite people in film.
“Dad, that woman in the movie is Ron Howard's daughter”, I needed to inform my family that my now favourite woman in film is the daughter of my parents’ favourite people in film. My parents were shocked that I enjoyed the movie despite my loud vocalisation of not wanting to watch it.
Googling ‘Bryce Dallas Howard’ became my new after school routine, learning that she applied to acting school as Bryce Dallas to avoid people knowing she is the daughter of an already famous actor and director, and she had met her true love at nineteen and is still happily married to him. Yet what most stuck out to the self-conscious, body hating 2015 me, was that Bryce wasn’t a skinny twig of a woman that you see in most movies, she had classy curves and promoted body positivity despite some backlash the media gave her. I made a connection with this woman I had never met because I too received negative comments about my figure, yet Bryce took that on the shoulder and learned to love herself. I wanted to feel that self-love about myself that she acquired.
After watching Jurassic World, I explored many more fandoms, and from there I became obsessed with movie franchises and TV shows, actors and directors. I could not give you a full list of all of the fandoms I am in, there are too many to count, and they have all played a role in helping me evolve to who I am today. All because I latched onto one character from one movie I did not even want to watch, one film got me hooked on this life: it’s like a drug. I cannot stop. I also went back and forth with my hairstyle due to this woman; in the movie Bryce has a stunning ginger graduated bob with a fringe, however I never had the guts to go ginger until now; shame the hairdressers are all shut.
Now, almost six years later Bryce Dallas Howard has had great success in directing two episodes of The Mandalorian. Over the Christmas break I watched the show with my dad, sat on the sofa, fire lit, the chocolate Labrador curled up between us, peach vodka and diet lemonade in my hand, hot cup of tea in my dad’s. We binge watched both seasons in a week (it’s amazing) and he was shocked to see ‘Directed by Bryce Dallas Howard’ at the end of one, let alone two episodes. “Shit, she’s come far in the past few years” he said putting another episode on.
Bryce allowed me to find my best friend, Iz, through Instagram; Bryce has brought so many people together it is so surreal. And when I found out that Iz was going to Southampton University in 2019, a 20-minute drive from my house, I was finally able to meet her, because of one woman we both adore. I was friends with Iz for three years before I was able to meet her, I asked my school friend to come along with me so she could film the moment Iz, and I met! We got pancakes and watched the second Maleficent movie at the cinema, it was one of the best days of my life. I was so thankful that I met a truly hilarious and loving girl through this one actress! Because of Bryce Dallas Howard, I have made so many other friends from all over the globe as they too idolise Bryce and together we have created the ‘BDH online family’. A small group of us do regular zoom calls to catch up and chat about the recent photos and updates that Bryce has posted on Instagram, talk about Covid-19 and the types of restrictions and lockdown rules each of our countries has. During one of our calls, we had the craziest idea- Invite Bryce to one of our zoom calls. Bryce said yes! And after a few months of organisation, we had the date. The date was-
The day came around and I was so nervous, it was 11pm exactly. The Wi-Fi had cut out fifteen minutes before the call. I was in tears. Mascara down my face, puffy eyes, I joined the call with a few minutes to spare before Bryce joined it. My mum hung around off camera for the first 5 minutes to double check the Wi-Fi was stable, luckily it stabilised. The other girls had never been so glad to see me, everyone was panicked for me; I could not miss it for the world (despite telling my parents, in floods of tears, that I cannot join and that it’s the end of that).
“Kat! You’re here!” “Happy birthday!” “Are you okay? The Wi-Fi sorted?”
They all chimed, happy to see my little face in the bottom right corner of their computer screens. Luckily Iz was there, otherwise it would have been extremely awkward with only one of us since we are known as a duo in the online family, we have to do everything together, we come in a pair and there can’t just be one of us.
“Shit girls, that was stressful”
I hadn’t realised I was holding my breath until I exhaled the large breath when my    Wi-Fi settled, and I was on the call, I fixed my makeup and was ready to meet Bryce.
The few minutes we had before Bryce joined were intense, two of the girls left to get a drink and we weren’t sure if they would be back in time, luckily they did return.
“No way!” One of them, Anna who was hosting the call, gasped “Bryce is in the waiting room!”
We all freak for no more than 10 seconds, we compose ourselves then our faces are reshuffled, and we see this stunning glowing face that we all admire smiling at us. Omg, it's her.
“Hi girls!”
I have never smiled for so long in my entire life, my cheeks hurt afterwards. Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining at all, it just hurt as I thought I would only be smiling for half an hour, since that is how long we were told Bryce had. However, we were speaking to Bryce for nearly an hour and a half, she just kept talking and asked us questions! She was so lovely to talk to, so relaxed; it was if I was talking to a friend that I had known for years!
“Before we go I want to all sing Kat a happy birthday!”
My idol wanted to sing me a happy birthday! The other girls were really ecstatic for me, I still can’t believe to this day that The Bryce Dallas Howard wanted to sing to me!
It was both the best and the worst happy birthday song that has be sung to me. It was the best because, well my idol was singing to me! And proposed the singing! It was the worst in terms of the actual song as they were all out of sync and lagging, it was bloody hilarious!
At 10:27pm the next evening, watching a rerun of Game of Thrones on Sky, I got a notification ‘Brycedhoward just posted’, I clicked the notification then see our smiling faces on her page, she posted a screenshot of our call on her social media! The call was supposed to be a secret so other fans weren’t upset. There’s a few snotty comments on the post, but they’re just jealous and to be frank, I don’t care! My smiley face is on her page forever! All ten of us have printed the screenshot of Bryce’s post off and put it in a frame, one day all ten of us hope to congregate somewhere, most likely in America, and sign the backs of all of our photos. I’m still in utter awe and shock-  How many celebrities have you seen that would do a free zoom call with some fans? Not a lot, and that amount is even slimmer when they talk for an extra hour than scheduled. Bryce truly is one of a kind and the best idol anyone could ever hope to have.
Compared to a zoom call with Bryce herself, the few times she has liked my comments on her posts feel like nothing in comparison! I remember being so excited, running downstairs to my parents.
“Mum! Dad! Bryce liked my comment! She knows I exist!”
“Was it actually her? Remember when you got a Facebook request from Robert Downey Jr and it turned out it was a fake account?”
I rolled my eyes at her, it was Bryce, it was her verified account. The comment was a book recommendation I had for her, she posted on her hashtag BDHbookshelf and I thought I’d take a chance and comment a book recommendation I had for her, and the chance paid off.
I cannot wait to see what the future holds with Bryce, she has been such an inspiration to me for the past few years, and she promotes such wonderful causes and body positivity! I hope to one day meet her and thank her in person for changing my life for the better, and I think I’ve come up with the perfect opportunity to meet her- Iz and I have decided to travel up to London for the Jurassic World Dominion premiere in 2022 (if Covid lets us!), we’d get a hotel and actually meet Bryce in person, as well as meeting other members of the online family!
Words cannot fully contain the admiration that I possess for Bryce, her soul is utterly and truly exquisite, she has been such a visionary while I’ve been transitioning from a girl who had no idea who she was with no dreams or aspirations, to a woman who has now found so many new friends and now knows who she wants to be.  
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katyobsesses · 3 years
I've decided to do that fic ask thing that's been floating around even though I haven't been tagged <3
how many works do you have on AO3?
22... apparently? three of those are fic book covers though.
what’s your total AO3 word count?
139,883 words
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3? 3. In general? 4 or 5 i think? I currently write for Glee and Marvel on my AO3 (there's also one Yuri On Ice fic) and I've previously written (and published) for Harry Potter on FF.Net. I do also have a few outlines/ideas for Merlin fics floating around my google docs but I've never posted any, and I used to write Twilight fics back in the day.
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ain't No Grave (Can Keep My Body Down) Book Cover with 222 kudos (Marvel published 2016) --A book cover for a popular Stucky fic
A Punch In The Face with 101 kudos (Marvel published 2014) --A Young Avengers drabble of sorts, Teddy/Billy meet cute
Express Your Love with 81 kudos (Marvel published 2014) --I cannot remember what this is, I think it's Stony? Something about Tony never saying 'I Love You' to steve but instead showing his love through actions?
In A Previous Life with 77 kudos (Marvel published 2014) --A drabble of sorts. Billy and Tommy talk to Wanda about their life with her before they were reincarnated.
Putting a Punching Bag in the Workshop was Tony's Best Idea Ever with 64 kudos (Marvel published 2014) --Basically what it says on the tin. Stony. Tony is distracted by Steve's arse as he boxes.
Annoyingly these are all fics I'm not that proud of, but they're older so the kudos amounts make sense i guess 🙄 the next most Kudos'd is one I am proud of though - “You took EVERYTHING from me.” with 58 Kudos (2019) - Basically a little oneshot of what I thought could have happened in the 5 years everyone was dusted and how I thought they might have introduced Billy and Tommy into the MCU, it was going to create a whole 'verse but then we got confirmation on things like Kate Bishop and Cassie Lang and Spiderman Far From Home came out and I dropped the ideas. But I still like this fic.
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
most of the time, yes, though sometimes I leave them sitting for too long and then feel awkward about replying to them and i don't (*cough* most of my comments on WTNY(ibwfy) *cough*)
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
probably In Paris With You which I'd forgotten about until scrolling through my fics! I wrote this, orginally, way back in like... 2011 based on a poem of the same name that got stuck in my head as i studied it for my English GCSE. but it's been updated and changed like 3 times since then.
Also my fic As long as I'm here as I am, so are you is rather angsty. Basically Kurt is listening to Ben Platt's album Sing to Me Instead and one song reminds him of Finn. (because it reminded me of them)
do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I've never written a crossover, though I think I once toyed around with some sort of Harry Potter crossover that never made the light of day, I can't remember what it was with though... maybe Merlin?
have you ever received hate on a fic?
not on AO3! But I did have someone call my OC in One More New Direction a Mary Sue on FF.net which wasn't nice, and someone else said they hated my characterisation of Mercedes in a chapter which was weird because Mercedes wasn't even in the chapter it was just my OC talking about her and her impression of her.
do you write smut? if so what kind?
I've tried, multiple times, in my 10+ years of fic writing, but i just can't do it. Maybe it's because I'm Asexual? it just always feels weird even after I've read smut as, like, revision. I feel like a lot of the characters are, like, ace by proxy because i don't know how to write characters being motivated by sex.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! Not that I know of anyway
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
not that I remember? I vaguely remember being a Beta for someone like 10 years ago though.
what’s your all time favourite ship?
I honestly don't know! I've definately written mostly Klaine, but I'm such a multishipper that I have no clue. I'm really loving writing Hevans rn mostly because we are lacking Hevans content which is criminal. actually, fun fact, my fic Welcome To New York (it's been waiting for you) was originally going to be Klaine, but as i was writing the outline I fell back into the Hevans hole and decided to switch it up. I'm glad i did because it would have gotten nowhere as a Klaine fic!
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
If i don't think I'll finish something I don't post it. I have a graveyard of fics half drafted.
what are your writing strengths?
I honestly don't know. I like writing dialogue and I know I'm good at portraying something with a small amount of words but you'll have to ask my readers 😊 (in fact, if you've read my stuff please let me know what you think my strengths are! I'm honestly curious!)
what are your writing weaknesses?
I'm terrible at stretching a scene into something bigger if it warrents it. Like i said I'm good at portraying something with few words but sometimes I feel like that throws the pacing off. I use a lot of paragraphs because of that, to make the reader pause and reflect until the next line or to show that the character is pausing and reflecting. idk man. I also hate writing dates, which is annoying because WYNY(ibwfy) is mostly dates. I've been on one in my life and it was shit so i have no idea how to write one lol.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think that, unless you don't want the reader to know what is being said or the words used are obvious in context, that you should write it in english EG: --"Merci!" Kurt said.-- is fine but if you want to write something longer I would do something like --"hello my name is Kurt Hummel and I love scarfs" Kurt said in french-- or something, it depends on the context.
Actually, going back to In Paris With You. Kurt is french in that, and it's from Blaine's POV so when Kurt speaks french it's in french with Blaine translating what he can in the narration. He's not meant to be able to understand Kurt perfectly, so the audience doesn't either. But if I was writing, say, Kurt and Sebastian talking to each other in French from Kurt's POV I'd write it in english so that audience can also understand that Kurt understands.
(does that make sense?)
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. definately Harry Potter! It was how i got into fanfiction, and how i got into glee <3 JKR is a horrible person, but her books - and especially the fandom surrounding them - mean a lot to me.
what’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I have no idea. I'm really liking my Love and Friendship series right now, and I love One More New Direction because it got me through - is getting me through - this crazy couple of years. so probably them? I also really love (that makes you) The Scarlet Witch which is kind of like a character analysis of Wanda that I wrote after watching WandaVision.
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shannonwrote · 3 years
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Summary: Set five years in the future in 2025; Sam, Robin and Olivia’s lives are a lot different than they had planned or expected. Follow their stories from their past and their present.
Characters: Sam Dalton, Robin Flores, Emily Davenport (OC), Kamilah Sayeed (mentioned, flashback), Sofia Russo-Dalton (Pictagram), Olivia Schuyler (Pictagram) & Cassian Keane (Pictagram)
Fandom(s): The Nanny Affair, Witness: A Bodyguard Romance, Blood Bound
Warnings: I do not like Sam Dalton. This is not a fic that likes Sam Dalton. This is not a Sam Dalton love story. This is a “I’m Sam Dalton and I’m royal fuck-up and don’t deserve half the shit Choices has granted me so Shannon has taken them all away and made me miserable and everyone around me happy” fic.
Notes: You’ve probably read or skimmed through this fic before. It’s not new. It’s just been updated with a new mood board and a few other sprinkles of newness here and there, so please, feel free to skip, scroll pass, move along, if you so desire.
If you’re still reading -- I appreciate you and greetings!
Few things to note: I’m writing under the assumption that TNA Book One happened during 2020, and as such, have now dated the “present” in Metamorphoses to be 2025 and beyond. Moving forward, all chapters will be dated with a month and a year.
Lastly, if you stick around to the end of the chapter, there’s a post script and request waiting for you.
**Some characters and plot lines belong to Pixelberry. Photos do not belong to me.**
September, 2025
Sam stood in line at Starbucks, typing feverishly on his phone. Even after five years of successfully co-heading Dalton-Russo Incorporated with his wife, his father still deemed it necessary to micromanage every single decision they made. He had half a mind to tell his father to shove it, but knew he never would. Mickey and Mason’s future depended on his complacency in business, as much as it did in his personal life.
A coquettish giggle from behind Sam, pulled his attention away from his phone and he sighed. The sound a mixture of annoyance, jealousy and longing. He didn’t have to turn around to know who had laughed or why, he already knew. The comedian was his brother and his audience was his fiancée, Emily. Ever since the pair had gotten together, it had been nothing but secret giggles and stolen glances, and a love that had Sam’s stomach knotting in sadness and regret.
Sam wanted to hate his brother for choosing love and happiness above all else, but he couldn’t. It wasn’t Robin’s fault that Sam chose to walk down the aisle that day, to profess his love for a woman he hardly liked, and to not chase after the woman he truly loved. Sam only had himself to blame. He had made a choice that day. Where Robin had chosen love and happiness, Sam had chosen loyalty and legacy.
The overly cheery voice of the Starbucks barista dragged Sam away from his thoughts. Placing his order, he stepped to the side and turned his attention back to his phone, his eyes instantly rolling at his fathers words. Cursing to himself, he slid his phone into his pocket.
Sam had known it would be hard for his father to step away from Dalton Enterprises -- it had been his life’s blood for the entirety of Sam’s life. And yet, he claimed to have handed the reigns over to Sam and Sofia the evening of their wedding, wishing them luck and happiness. Only he hadn’t really let go. Five years later, and he was still questioning every move Sam and Sofia made.
Releasing a frustrated sigh, he shook his spiraling thoughts from his head. Grabbing his drinks from the counter, he moved his way through the crowd and back to his table, sliding into his seat beside Robin.
Robin raised an eyebrow at the look at Sam’s face. “Trouble in paradise?” He asked, a slow smirk lifting his lips.
Sam grumbled, taking a long sip from his coffee. “Dad.”
“Still can’t let go, huh?” Robin commented, his smirk falling from his face.
“Apparently a lifetime preparing me to take over wasn’t long enough.” Sam shrugged sardonically. “Are you sure I can’t convince you to come back?”
Robin laughed, smacking his hand down on Sam’s shoulder. “Fuck no!” He shook his head, laughter still alight in his cerulean eyes. “I love you, but no. Never.”
Sam huffed his brothers hand from his shoulder. “You honestly prefer running Kamilah Sayeed’s Twitter account over everything you had at Dalton Enterprises?”
Robin slung his arm around Emily, pressing a kiss against her temple. “I don’t run Kamilah’s twitter, I run Ahmanet’s Twitter — which happens to be in a loving relationship with the New York Islanders twitter — as well as all their other socials.”
“You’re just a glorified Millennial.” Sam grumbled.
“Don’t blame me for your misery, Sam.” Robin said softly, his voice tipped in venom. “Kamilah gave you an out too, one that would’ve let you live your life - your way, and you didn’t take it.” His fingers traced small circles on Emily’s arm, as he stared down his brother. “Your misery is of your own making.”
Sam’s hand tightened around his coffee cup, hating that Robin was right, and hating himself more.
Kamilah Sayeed had approached Sam, at Robin’s suggestion, with a tempting offer before Italy. Before the impromptu wedding. Before Olivia left. Kamilah had offered him the COO position at Ahmanet Financial, wanting to take a step back from the limelight and decision making and boardrooms filled with needy and demanding board members.
“I know you have a legacy you think you have to uphold, Samuel.” She had said in her soothing, enchanting voice. “But who says you can’t start your own legacy? Follow your own dreams? Bask in your happiness?”
The offer had been more tempting than Sam would ever admit to himself. It was the opportunity to finally live for himself and his sons and no one else. To be the man he wanted to be, the one Mickey and Mason and Olivia believed he could be.
But fear of the unknown, of disappointing the man he grew up idolizing, of facing his feelings for Olivia head on with nothing standing in their way — had him turning down Kamilah’s offer.
She smiled a serene smile at him, and promised that, if he should ever change his mind, Ahmanet would be honored to have him.
Instead of chasing his dreams and reaching for happiness and love and forging his own destiny, he chose what he knew. He chose complacency, imagined loyalty and the Dalton legacy.
“One day,” Robin’s voice echoed into his thoughts. “You’re going to wake up and find your life filled with nothing but regrets, Sam, and by then, it’ll be too late.”
Before Sam could do more than wave away his brothers advice, a happy gasp from Emily had both brothers turning their attention to her.
Emily grinned, turning her phone to face Robin. “She said ‘yes,’ Rob!” She exclaimed, excitement glimmering in her slate blue eyes.
Robin’s mouth dropped open, the same excitement shining in his gaze. “Took him long enough!” He chuckled, shaking his head. “He fights bad guys for a living, you’d think proposing to his woman would be a walk in the park.”
Emily bumped her nose against Robin’s cheek. “Leave him alone. He did it, and she said yes, the end justifies the extremely long wait.”
Robin shrugged, twirling a piece of Emily’s blonde hair around his finger. “I should’ve taken that bet a couple years back. I would’ve won.”
Emily pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Assuming they don’t beat us down the aisle.”
“Touché.” Robin nodded, a small grin lifting one side of his mouth.
Sam cleared his throat, subtlety reminding them he was there. “Who’s getting married?”
The pair shared a pointed look, before glancing at Sam. Emily held her phone out to him, and Sam took it.
The photo was a close-up of a woman’s hand, with what was clearly an engagement ring centered on her left ring finger. Behind her hand, was a sky splashed in the purples and blues and pinks of a sunset, and the shadowed figures of a man and a woman kissing. The caption read: C.Keane: She said yes! #TwoKeaneOnLove #luckiestmanalive #myforeverstartsnow #ihatehashtags
Sam smiled at the photo and the happiness that radiated from it, until he read the first few comments, and his smile fell from his lips.
ollieollieoxenfree: how long did it take you to come up with that hashtag? #TwoKeaneOnLove
ollieollieoxenfree: what would you have done if I said no? #OneKeaneNotInLove
ollieollieoxenfree: thanks for choosing me, and letting me choose you. I love you.
Olivia was engaged.
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And have a few photos from Sam and Sofia’s wedding too!
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Post Script: Thank you for sticking with me, standing by me, and not abandoning me -- even though I am anything but consistent with posting/writing/reviewing. I’d blame it all on life and COVID and a resolution to read 100 books in a year, and it is mostly all of those things, but it’s also a healthy dose of lazy. Please know (and believe), my laziness does not mean I love you or your words any less, it just means a I suck as human some of them time, and I’m sorry. I know I don’t deserve you, but I am so-so happy you’re still here.
Request/Favor/Plea: Let me preface this, again, by saying -- I am not consistent. Seriously. If you look up antonyms for consistency, you’ll find my mugshot. HOWEVER! I am looking for a beta(s) for any writing I do in the future (and those writings won’t always include Choices books). I’m trying to get back into the groove of writing, so hopefully (maybe, I’d like to believe it’s possible) I’ll feel inspired enough to go back to writing my novel. And I 100% believe having someone to talk my ideas out with, someone to edit my horrible grammar and run-on sentences and scenes and dialogue that don’t make sense or need a little more UMPH, will help in more ways than I can even begin to fathom. Please don’t feel obligated or like you may owe me something, but if you’d like to help this human out, send me an ASK!
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cheryyori · 4 years
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SK8TERBOY - Skaterboy!Yeosang/Soft!Reader Social Media AU ft. side pairing: Seonghwa/OC
Genre: Pure fluff (possible smut has yet to be determined)
A.N. Whoop, new update, not a lot of Yeosang bc Y/N is a bit of a mess rn. Also italics is Japanese. Also a bonus chapter about Seonghwa and Sumire’s date from the last two chapters will be coming soon bc I’m soft for them.
Chapter summary: It was supposed to be a nice evening between roommates/friends until Y/N gets an unknown text from what might be Yeosang and starts freaking out on what to do. Aka Y/N is still up to her usual clownery.
Taglist: @philosopher-of-fandoms @mangobee @mingiibabieee @yourbunny-xxii @angelichris-b97 @yeosatinyngz @kimtae-bae​
(let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
Masterlist.  prev.  next.
Chapter 4. You’re Pretty Cute
Once Y/N returned home, she dropped her bag onto the floor and kicked her shoes off before flopping face down onto the couch. A muffled loud groan left her lips as she recalled her clownery.
“Oh god, she’s finally lost it,” a voice mutters, followed by the sound of a slap to the shoulder. Yusung, Y/N thinks as she recognized the deep voice of his.
“Yusung, don’t be rude!” another says in a harsh whisper. Y/N knew that it was Suzaku who was berating the younger.
“What? It’s not our fault she’s an idiot,” Yusung said. Suzaku smacked his shoulder again, only this time harder than the last one, “Ouch, will you stop that, you bastard!”
“You know that said idiot can hear you, right?” Another chipped in. Junho had been sitting on the other couch, adjacent to the one Y/N flopped onto while scrolling on his phone for anything remotely interesting.
“I have such great friends,” Y/N huffs as she looked up to see the three boys. She could see Yusung stand tall (the bastard being the tallest out of all of them and using his height to make many short jokes at both her and Sumire’s expenses) besides Suzaku who had a concerned look on his face.
“Again, not our fault that you’re an idiot sometimes,” Yusung said once again. Suzaku elbowed him but used one hand to cover the small smile on his lips.
“This is bullying! I will not stand for such slander!” Y/N cried as she sat up, a pout on her lips as she glared at the boys. Junho remained unfazed by the whole exchange, ignoring his group of friends as usual. Yusung, on the other hand, stuck his tongue out at Y/N.
“You two are being loud, shut up!” A female groaned. Emerging from the kitchen, Sumire had a tired looked on her face. Her hair a mess as she walked into the living room, apparently she had been sleeping before the commotion.
“Sumi!” Y/N whined, “They’re bullying me again!” She said as she pointed to the boys, standing up as she went to Sumire’s arms. Sumire only sighed and placed a small pat on Y/N’s back in a weak attempt to comfort her.
“Sumi, you can’t blame us for Y/N’s own clownery!” Y/N heard the soft snort that escaped from Sumire’s lips and pulled away, staring at her in betrayal.
“Sorry,” there a small smile on her lips, “but it was kinda funny to read the whole thing,” Sumire explains. Y/N groaned as rest her head on her shoulder, wanting nothing more than to forget this moment.
“Don’t remind me,” Y/N whined, “I was so excited to see him again and thinking about what nonsense you three idiots were spamming in the chat that I totally spaced out and forgot to ask for his number!”
“Disappointed, but not surprised,” Junho mutters to himself but Y/N’s ears perked up at his words.
“Nam Junho! You are rude!” Y/N fumed. Junho merely shrugged and continued scrolling through his phone. Sumire sighed and decided that since she was up now, she might as well get started on dinner.
“I’m going to make dinner now, feel free to join me if you’re bored─no, not you Yusung!” She gave Yusung a pointed look as he started heading towards the kitchen, “Don’t think you’re still off the hook from the rice cooker incident last night.”
“Oh my god, it was an accident, how was supposed to know you plug the damn thing in?”
“How do you burn rice without having it plugged in?” She replied, raising a brow at him. Yusung opened his mouth before promptly closing it, not wanting to be judged more than he already was by his best/childhood friend.
“Fine. I’ll go play with Iroha, at least she’ll appreciate me!” He grumbled as he stalked over to the small ragamuffin kitten that was settled in the corner. “Iroha-chan! Come play with uncle Sungie!” He cooed as he picked up the small kitten and the toy that had caught her attention.
"I think I’m gonna be in my room for a bit,” Y/N said, “Today was quite eventful,” she mutters as she slowly dragged her feet to her room. Sumire almost felt bad for her friend. Almost, if she didn’t recall the texts she had with Seonghwa earlier. It will only be a matter of time when Yeosang will text Y/N.
“Alright, I’ll call you when dinner’s ready,” Y/N nodded and went inside her room, flopping onto her bed. Y/N closed her eyes, her mind constantly replaying her time with Yeosang and felt her cheeks heat up. Her heart suddenly picked up as she thought about him in general and let her thoughts wonder if he was dating anyone. Would he want to date her-
“AH! Y/N stop thinking like that!” She shrieked as she smacked her warm cheeks lightly again. “You don’t even know him! And you didn’t get his number! Maybe this is a sign that you’re going to be forever alone,” she scolded herself before letting out a dejected sigh.
It was then that her phone went off, Y/N figured that it might have been either one of the boys or Sumire and glanced over at the message before she let out a scream when she saw who texted her.
Meanwhile, in the living room/kitchen, everyone was doing their own thing to pass the time before dinner was ready when they heard Y/N’s voice coming from her room.
“What the fuck is going on?” Junho was the first to ask as he looked up from his phone. 
“So it’s begun,” Sumire muttered to herself as she ignored Y/N’s scream and continued to cook. Suddenly Y/N rushed out of her room and into the kitchen, her phone in hand as she held it out towards Sumire.
“H-he─” Y/N couldn’t even make the first words out as she slowly started talking nonsense. This ruckus caused all the boys to walk into the kitchen (surprisingly Yusung wasn’t kicked out this time) to figure out what the hell was going on with their roommate.
“What the hell is going on with you?” Yusung asked, carrying Iroha in his arms. The ragamuffin kitten was oblivious to what was happening around her as she started to paw at his fingers.
“I-I, he─!” Y/N continued to babble before Sumire shuts off the stove and went over to take her phone.
“Oh,” she says, “He texted her.”
“Who did?” Suzaku asked, going over to Sumire’s side as he peered over her right shoulder while Junho peered over her left side.
“Her skaterboy friend,” Sumire replied.
“I thought you said you two didn’t exchange numbers,” Junho asked with a raised brow.
“W-we didn’t,” Y/N said.
“Then how the hell did he get you number?” Junho continued, skeptical of the idea that this was really her skaterboy crush who was texting her.
“U-uh, I don’t know,” Y/N mutters.
“Hey, here’s a crazy idea,” Sumire started, “Why don’t you, you know, ask him,” she suggested, handing her phone back.
“B-but that’s scary,” Y/N mutters, thinking what if it some stranger or worse. It actually was Yeosang, how the heck was she going to text him?
“Can’t you do it for me, Sumi?” Y/N asked, batting her eyes at her wife.
“No,” Sumire replies, “besides, it’s not that hard it’s just a text, you can text him. Also take a deep breath before you do, you look like you’re going to pass out,” she told Y/N, who was looking rather pale at the moment.
“I think Y/N rather die than do that,” Yusung snorted.
“Shut up, Yusung, don’t make me hit you,” Sumire glares at her childhood friend, eyes narrowing at him.
“As if you can reach me,” The boy mutters. At this, Sumire kicked the back of his knees, causing him to fall onto them.
“Ah, thank you for continuing to brighten my day, Sumire,” Junho smiled brightly at the sight.
“Dammit, Junho, you bastard!” Yusung grumbles as he sets Iroha safely on the ground and rubs the back of his knees.
“Anyways,” Sumire continued, glancing back at Y/N, “Just text him, trust me, it’s not that hard.”
“O-okay,” Y/N said as she took a deep breath. Just a text, she told herself before going replying to the unknown number might or might not be Yeosang.
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“Oh my fucking god, Y/N,” Yusung muttered over her shoulder, apparently reading the text she just sent to Yeosang.
“S-shut up, Yusuck!” Y/N exclaimed with a red face before reading Yeosang’s reply, turning away from them all.
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“So? Did he say how he got your number?” Suzaku asked curiously.
“He said that his roommate Seonghwa gave it to him,” Y/N replied, causing the boys to have a surprised look.
“Seonghwa? Like Sumi’s Seonghwa, Seonghwa?” Yusung asked. At this Sumire went back to cooking dinner, missing the suspicious look Junho cast her way before turning back to the conversation at hand.
“Yeah, I guess I must have given Seonghwa my number and he passed it along to Yeosang when heard about our situation,” Y/N concluded, earning a quiet snort from Sumire.
“Huh, that’s kinda anti-climatic, I thought skaterboy started typing in random numbers until he got your number right,” Yusung pouted before cooing at a mewing Iroha. Junho gave Sumire another glance and hummed to himself.
“Well, at least you have a way to get in contact with him,” Suzaku said, “And the fact that he texted you first means he likes you!”
“Oh my god, Suzaku, I barely know him!” Y/N sighed.
“But you think he’s cute, right?” He pressed. Y/N bit her lower lip because yes, she did think he was cute. And she hates how these little heathens knew that she thought he was cute.
“I mean yeah but─”
“Then why not ask him out?” Yusung chimed in, leaning forwards slightly, “I mean let’s be honest, we’re all sick of you complaining to us about wanting to go on cute dates whenever Sumi leaves the apartment to meet Seonghwa.”
“I-I─” Y/N’s cheeks were tinted pink as she gawked at Yusung, “I-I do not complain! I just think that going out with someone would be nice,” she pouted.
“Ah, you’re complaining again!”
“Shut up, Yusuck!” Y/N snapped before turning her attention back to her phone.
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“CHO YUSUNG!” Y/N shrieked as Yusung stole her phone from her hands and replied to Yeosang. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the text he sent before she started hitting his chest with a red face.
“Ouch, ouch! Dammit, woman! You should be thanking me, I just secured you your future boyfriend!” Yusung whined as he grabbed her arms to stop her from hitting him anymore. Y/N will not be thanking him if anything she felt mortified.
“More like secured your own death,” Sumire comments.
“As much I would love to see that,” Junho drawled out, “I think your skaterboy called you cute as well,” he said as he swiped her phone out of Yusung’s hand and read the newest text.
“WHAT?!” Y/N took her phone back and stared at the screen, feeling oddly giddy as she read the text.
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“Oh god, you’re already sending him cute love memes? You’re so whipped for him,” Yusung teased, beside him was a snickering Suzaku.
“Shut up, Yusuck! It was an accident! And Suzaku! How could you betray me like this!”
“Sorry, sorry, it’s kinda cute though,” Suzaku cooed, “This is the best and cutest entertainment since Seonghwa paced around the living room and asked for our permission to try to ask Sumi-chan on a date last week.”
“Anyways, dinner’s ready,” Sumire says, clearing her throat when her name was mentioned and placed five plates on the table they were all gathered around. The three immediately quiet down as everyone took their seats to enjoy dinner, a few teasing remarks from both Suzaku and Yusung as they poked fun at Y/N and her crush on Yeosang ( “It’s not a crush, you two!” “Aw, look at how red her cheeks are!” “Aw, how cute!” )
After dinner, they all went into their room to retire for the night. 
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