#gay jewish bucky
bigfootboyband · 11 months
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Inspired by a post by @gay-jewish-bucky about Bucky in the kitchen with Alpine, hair wrapped in a tichel and an apron around his waist as his husband sketches nearby. Not a direct depiction, but I defiantly had this post in mind while drawing.
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buckymilf · 1 year
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"Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haolam , who gifted me the love of a steadfast friend, as Jonathan was unto David.”
commission made for oneeyedbossman and secretfandomstories' fic on ao3
my commissions are still open and you can support me on ko-fi
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 month
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🦾 buckorogers🌕 Follow
save me pride shabbat
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🦾 buckorogers🌕 Follow
pride shabbat 🏳️‍🌈✡️
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🦾 buckorogers🌕 Follow
pride shabbat... save me...
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holypowell · 1 year
this is so funny
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kentucky-fried-thea · 2 months
Passover is a really important time for Bucky, not just because of the freeing of the Jews, but also because he uses it to really reflect on how he was freed from Hydra.
During the Seder, he holds Steve a little closer, and he thanks God a little more, and he cries just a little, because just like Moses in Ancient Egypt, he has helped to free his people.
(@gay-jewish-bucky )
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rillils · 2 months
no bc why does it look like he's getting fingered or something 😭
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agdjshsjksk well, we've all seen how he ends up riding Steve in this scene, right~? 💕
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it only makes sense that Steve would spend some time lovingly fingering him first~ 🥰
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duchessonfire · 1 year
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New Hands on Deck - Stucky, Explicit, AU: restaurant, Chef Steve, Waiter Bucky
Some people might call Bucky a shameless flirt.
They would say that just because Bucky knows Chef Steve is attracted to him doesn’t mean he should lap it up and squeeze it for everything he’s got.
And maybe they would be right. Maybe spending two hours at the gym and running late for work every day just so that his uniform will hug every single one of his muscles is in bad taste. Maybe preening at the way Steve clearly favors him over everyone else in the restaurant is tacky.
Too bad Bucky doesn’t give a shit.
Veteran Bucky Barnes slowly adapts to his new life as a civilian in NYC when he gets a job working at one of the finest luxury dining establishment in Brooklyn. The restaurant staff quickly becomes an extended family to him, but his relationship with the handsome and heavily-tattooed Head Chef Steve Rogers is more complicated...
For the @allcapsbingo March adoptable: AU - Chefs
A huge thank you to @sparkagrace for betareading and helping me brainstorm this story :)
Read chapter 1/7 on AO3:
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yesand87 · 1 year
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fruitlicense · 2 months
I succumbed to the lure of boop laundering in search of the third badge and with seconds to spare I did not succeed 😔
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bigfootboyband · 10 months
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A quick sketch of Bucky in a sundress accompied by a line (translated into yiddish) from Rosa Emma Salaman’s Future Happiness:
Oh! with what ecstatic pleasure
Shall the righteous, like a stream,
Overflow with that lost treasure,
Happiness! no more a dream.
Earth in beauty! earth in gladness!
Flowers in eternal bloom!
All that was of grief and sadness
Buried low within the tomb.
See, the loving and the lowly,
See, the patient and the meek,
Clad in garments pure and holy,
Walking forth their G-d to meet.
Fragrance through the air is stealing,
Sighing as an angel sighs,
Beauty to each eye revealing,
Beauty of the earth and skies!
Now the birds, in joyous chorus,
Flap the bright exulting wing;
Rainbow-hued, they hover o’er us,
Upward to the heavens they sing.
Now the vine, luxuriant growing,
And the palm-tree, spreading wide;
Every brilliant blossom blowing,
Rose and citron side by side.
Here the bud, so soft and tender,
There the fragrant brier green,
Trees of most unearthly splendour
Wave the graceful branch between.
‘Tis the land where beauty shineth,
‘Tis the land of perfect love;
Peace and joy here intertwineth,
Crowned with glory from above.
None are desolate and lonely;
Tears will never more be seen
In those radiant eyes, where only
Melancholy grief hath been.
Wealth and grandeur of the nations!
High and mighty of the earth!
Where are thy exalted stations?
Where the places of thy birth?
Gone for ever! and forsaken!
They were but an empty dream;
Like the highest boughs, when shaken,
Or the false and shallow stream.
But the blessed and the tender,
They who had no wealth to give,
Heart and soul they did surrender,
And for this their souls shall live;
They who sought the poor to cherish,
And rejoice the breaking heart,
When the soul was nigh to perish,
And the tear of woe to start.
See, the glorious light is spreading,
Dawn of everlasting day!
See! the silver orb is shedding
One expansive, endless ray.
Hark! a voice—the dead awaking,
With the sound of that great Name;
Earth within its centre shaking,
G-d, its maker, to proclaim.
Through the earth a thousand voices,
Through the air angelic strains,
Every distant sphere rejoices,
G-d alone in glory reigns!
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chaossmagic · 2 years
the idea that a rich, white upper-class woman and the chronically ill and disabled son of irish immigrants, who was raised dirt-poor in a single-parent household in the slums of brooklyn, who probably got told every day that he was a drain on resources and society just for existing (eugenics and eugenicist doctrine was reaaaaallly popular in the 20s and 30s, jsyk), who was derided and snubbed and spat at and beaten on for his illnesses and his heritage and social class, who nearly died so many times in childhood because of his chronic conditions, who had to fight every day to survive and be taken seriously in a world that didn’t want him to be alive-
are in any way comparable is laughable and quite frankly just an offense to everything that steve is, what he represents, and how he rose from being the impoverished sickly child of a mother who doted on him when nobody else thought he was worth giving a damn about, to being a paragon of courage, freedom, justice and individual worth and rights
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jamesbukkakebarnes · 1 year
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he is simply unbeatable
no but seriously, he is truly unmatched. those thighs?? that super soldier stamina?? the way he can just grip onto steve's huge tits if he gets even a tiny bit winded?? UNMATCHED.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
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Faygeleh • פֿײגעלע • Yiddish.
noun (Slang.) a homosexual man
This usage of Faygeleh (diminutive for 'Little bird') emerged during the early 20th century from within New York's Yiddish-speaking Jewish communities. While initially derogatory, many queer Jewish men choose to embrace this definition of Faygeleh as an identity label or an endearment.
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Bucky re connecting with his faith, religion and sexuality after all the years of trauma and finally finding peace with it can be something so soft
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frecklenog · 2 years
yes the mcu is incapable of gay rep even if thor and hulk have anal sex on screen for 45 minutes. yes steve and bucky invented being trans disabled men in gay interfaith love. i will not elaborate
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kentucky-fried-thea · 2 months
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@@gay-jewish-bucky hath decreed it and so it shall be
whose ready for a storm of buckyyyy
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