#hanaki disease
saltfilled · 20 days
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That love is like a star~~
Hanahaki Disease (花吐き病) is a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated.
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citruslullabies · 3 months
dogday x reader where reader has hanahaki? (heavy angst, I want to cry 👍🏼)
I'm a little rusty with Hanahaki disease stuff but sure! Coming right up
Trigger warnings: blood, death, Hanahaki Disease, just the whole shabang.
Requested by: milkcookiekin
Romantic/platonic?: neutral?
Category: angst. Heavy angst.
Ship (romantic or platonic): Dogday x reader
Word count: 453
A Flowery Scent
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You hated it. You hated how much you loved Dogday, and how badly it hurt to know that he didn't feel the same. You adored his big eyes and his golden and orange fur, you loved the scent of vanilla he left on everything in his path including yourself. Vanilla was your favorite scent now.
You hated yourself for loving him, for making yourself experience the pain of flower petals growing inside your lungs and forcing you to hack them up just so you could breathe every time you thought of him and every time you were around him, it hurt so badly. Yet you couldn't blame him, he was oblivious to your feelings and your pain and it's not like he could take the pain away. It wasn't that easy.
He had a worried look in his eyes as he heard you hacking and forcing yourself to vomit with nothing in your stomach, looking up at you as he exited the bathroom with a flush to put it all down like your feelings. He spoke up softly. “Are you alright, Angel?” He asked, the petname making your heart flutter yet made it ache in pain as you held your breath to keep the petals down. “Of course, just a bit under the weather.” You brushed off.
You sat a few seats away from him, but close enough to where he wouldn't grow suspicious. The two of you talked before he sniffed the air and had an expression of puzzlement before he slowly got closer, sniffing you and blinking. “You smell.. different. Like, cherry blossoms. Are you using a new perfume?” He asked with obliviousness as your lungs tightened and swelled, yet you gulped down the feeling and chuckled dryly. “Yeah.. I thought it'd be nice to try something new. Y'know?” You cooed out softly, lying like a snake. He believed you and didn't ask further.
He wishes he did. Later that night, he was cleaning after dinner and heard you hacking again but this time in your bedroom. He grabbed a bucket with the quickness, assuming you didn't have time to make it to the bathroom to throw up. He opened the door and rushed over. “Angel, here. Are you..” his words drifted away from him as he saw the sight Infront of him, blood ruining the mattress and your clothes in heavy amounts. Your eyes cloudy with tears and your body still warm.
Vines crawling up your throat and around your face with cherry blossom petals stuffed in your mouth and face like a crime scene. He started panicking and ran towards you, picking your limp yet stiff body up as he shook you. “Angel? Angel please!”
His angel had fallen.
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Thank you for requesting!
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lavndvrr · 5 months
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awaitinganorphanera · 29 days
Who was going to tell me that in order to produce a fic I actually have to write it >:((((( ??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE WORDS DONT JUST APPEAR IN THIN AIR IF I STARE AT THE BLINKING CURSOR LONG ENOUGH WITH MY BRAIN FILLED WITH SO MUCH IDEAS RAHHHH !!!!
Anyway, I just wanted to share a small tidbit of a Hanahaki au CobyMeppo fic/draft/idea/prompt/shitty compilation of words that barely make sense that I've been working on since FEBRUARY but never fucking finished and am currently still struggling to even continue as embarrassing as that sounds because idk whether its cohesive or good enough to even share on Ao3 Its just the idea of Helmeppo developing and struggling through Hanahaki disease would be so neat imo due to how most CobyMeppo shippers head cannon Helmeppo's feelings being unrequited at first (or not at all) and how he just adores Koby so fucking much that he becomes so ruined. I cant. Apologies if the structured and the way it's told is messy and incoherent, I've added the lil space in the indent thingy to depict a different part of the fic since im not very good at transitioning. I haven't written anything in so long and I wanted to pump so much bits that I didn't even weave anything properly so, HERE IT IS: (a lot of it IS corny and a bit cheesy so be forewarned akjsjasjsa)
Koby always liked flowers. Surely then, Helmeppo thought, Koby would like him too. Helmeppo, who dwelled within his prickly walls, each barbed with Rose thorns. Helmeppo, with his muddled virtues, swelling and desiccated like stains from Poppy sap. Helmeppo, with a chest riddled with budding blossoms, all watered by his desolate, weeping heart. Could such qualities appeal to the man he grew to love? Perhaps, Helmeppo thought, and perhaps too, he should have known better.  Known when his feelings had begun to develop into something more than simple tolerance, more than respect, more than adoration and even more than intense attachment to the pink-haired boy. At least then, he would have prepared for the worst. Or at least… That's what he assumed when the worst began. It was a blur, how it started. Helmeppo was always self-aware, extremely conscious of his feelings. He knew of jealousy, anger, longing, all traits that contributed and resulted from his desperate and gnawing want to appease his father. His father, of course. His own blood and bones, the same person who probably caused the beginning of all– this. Was it really a surprise? Helmeppo couldn't think of any fucked up thing in his life that hadn't ultimately been caused by Morgan. He grew to learn how to read the room, read the faces, read the tones, he grew to know his father's thoughts without actually knowing anything about his father's feelings. Did he even feel? Feel for his son? No. Of course not. The only thing Morgan could feel for him was apathy.  Sometimes, Helmeppo wished his father hate him instead, wished that he was worth hitting. At least then, he would have experienced treatment that came with passion and effort, treatment that resulted from feeling, treatment that made him feel at the barest, like he meant something.  The lack of care and lack of anything that Morgan bothered to show to his son was barely even the surface of reasons why Helmeppo is even suffering through this. The cause that made Helmeppos brain chemistry rewire and for his damn neuromodulators to rearrange. To see something as small as a single act of genuine care be perceived as a trick, a lie, a dream that he’d so desperately want to fall into and relive despite the possible consequences. He should have recognized how unhealthy and apparently not normal these thoughts were, should have known that his emotions are unstable and too much, should have seen how horrific he grew to be. But even then, Helmeppo thought, would that have done anything to prevent the illness he'd eventually succumb to?
Of all the horrors in Helmeppo’s life, he would have thought that seeds growing inside his lungs would have been the most and hopefully (though doubtedly, considering his luck in life) last traumatic event that would truly, bring him to ruin. But of course, the world, just like how Helmeppo always found himself to be, would never have enough, and just like the breaths he was left to breathe, would leave him dwindling in the years to come. It started as a blur, again, just like any day in the ship he found himself settled in. A gift. He thought, better than what life offered him when he woke up back in shells town. Or at least that's what he’s been telling himself.  Morgan was cruel, sure, but at least he was familiar. He was easier to navigate, easier to chart and read and hide from.  He couldn’t do this here, when things still felt new. He knew of Garp and his capabilities, but he didn’t know the limits of his patience, he had no clue what and how many things would warrant the usage of his fist. He knew of the shady business of the Navy and the World Government, knew of its structure and how it works; the tutors paid by his father made sure of that much, but he never got to live through it.
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luv-4-mimis · 6 months
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
Hanaki Polin prompt
(Today on another episode of Polin fics I really want to read. But can't write because I lack both the time and the creativity to do them justice.)
Hanaki disease Soulmate au
The Bridgerton live in a world where Hanaki disease exists, the unrequited love illness, Whereas if you find your soulmate and don't bond with them, you automatically contract the deadly and dreaded Hanaki. Here's the catch, depending on how big or small the potential for true love is in the separated soulmates, the disease can accelerate or slow. So, some people may meet their soulmates in passing once, and live with Hanaki for the rest of their life. Some may die the next day if the bond isn't completed. Penelope is the first case, she knew Colin was her soulmate ever since she came of age. Sadly Colin does not 'see' her as anything more than his little sister's best friend.
So, since there was never anything more than 'pottential love' on his part, Penelope's Hanaki disease was slow to advance. In fact Penelope could hide it really really well for years, it's existence even emboldened her to keep writing LW on the assumption that she is going to be alone for life. She's made peace with the fact Colin will never realize she's his soulmate and that she's going to have to live life constantly inconvenienced by Hanaki. And then all of the sudden, after she reaches age 28, and gives in to ask Colin for a kiss before she retires LW and goes off to live her spinsterhood in the countryside. The Hanaki disease suddenly starts getting worse. And what Penelope thought would happen in years to come, may actually happen in a few weeks.
She doesn't understand why she's vomiting more flowers, why she keeps coughing them up more and more, it's terrible that Colin looks more and more concerned about her. She is fine! she is not...dying. She's not. Because if she were in fact dying, that would mean Colin loves her and he's just too stupid to complete the soulmate bond. Which is ridiculous because he doesn't even believe he has a soulmate!.
Bonus points if you add that Kate almost died of Hanaki in Anthony's arms because he kept denying the soulmate bond, courted Edwina and even went as far as marring Kate while insisting he wasn't capable of loving her. And Benedict had to live with an erratically advancing Hanaki for two years before he found Sophie again and have a terrible time convincing her that she was reaally his soulmate after botching everything by asking her to be his mistress.
This is not me, thinking that the worst thing that could possibly happen to Colin is to find out that he's slowly been killing Penelope for eight years and she's been letting him, because she doesn't think he will love her enough to complete a soulmate bond.
yes, I was feeling angsty with a happy ending today. you guys should write this. I am dying to read more polin soulmate aus.
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dillydallydove · 1 year
I torture them because I love them+ Virgil
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I think some good old hanaki disease would fit this one
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sonofthemoon2 · 2 years
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i don't know who was the person that talked about mike sufferin hanahaki disease buttt you're a genius I love you.
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hawkmothdiemotte · 1 year
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It’s supposed to be like holding down the urge to cough up flowers in hanaki fics
Yes the flowers are roses because of briar
because I have a cough rn and I don’t want to disturb anyone in class or the library or something
Couldn’t be bothered with clothes
I much prefer the petals in the second one but I didn’t save them on another layer and I’m too lazy to redraw them
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boinky-spoinky · 8 months
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Hanahaki Disease: The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from unrequited love, where the patient’s throat will fill up with flower, they will then proceed to throw, and cough up the petals, (sometimes even the flowers). One of the only ways for the disease to ‘disappear’ is if, the said person returns the feeling (it can’t be resolved with friendship, it has to be genuine feelings of love). The infection can also be removed through surgery, though the feelings disappear along with the petals. If they choose nether options, or the feeling is not returned in time, then the patient’s lungs will fill up with flowers, and will eventually suffocate.
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the-legend-luci · 8 months
Garroth with hanahaki disease
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Ver 2 :3
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Hanahaki Disease:
is an illness born from. unrequited love, where the patient's throat will fill up. with flower, they will then proceed to throw, and cough. up the petals, (sometimes even the flowers)
I LOVE TV GIRL SO FUCKING MUCH AJGSHWJWKWLGHAHJAKQ (also I did the "the blonde" because garroth is blonde I'm so clever :3)
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sketch-pencilpoint · 8 months
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Cringetober day 20 : hanaki disease
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nostxlgiax · 15 days
love me (like you promised) | kty
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title: love me (like you promised)
pairing: kim taehyung x reader
genre: angst, drama
word count: 766
status: complete
synopsis: when weather cools, earth’s bloom falls to rest – it’s a shame she does too.
warnings: mentions of sex, implied cheating, stalking, yandere reader, age gap, teacher/student relationship, hanahaki disease
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they spare minimal glances in the open, trading touch, and then some behind narrow doors. 
she knows she shouldn’t, but doesn’t stop. 
he tells empty promise with a bruising mouth, recants any[thing] with lingering hands. he memorizes the curves of her flesh, tastes the salt of her skin, and walks away with ease. he assures her, her best work’s with film, and she agrees.
in shot–everything stays as it was.
© copyright ciani jayde 2024
Keep Reading on AO3.
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how-to-humaning-401 · 3 months
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i put time of my life into making this
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multilevelwriter-blog · 3 months
Friends or More?
"You know, you act more like a boyfriend than one of my best friends," Kamisese says as he leans on the railing of Lavrenti's balcony. Lavrenti looks surprised and a little uncomfortable as he responds, "Don't talk about me like that. It makes our whole friendship sound weird." Lavrenti crosses his arms and looks displeased, while the moon shines down on them. "Oh... yeah, of course, dude. It was just a joke," Kamisese quickly responds, slightly hiding his face behind his hand. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he adds, avoiding Lavrenti's gaze. Lavrenti scoffs slightly and studies Kamisese. "It's fine. You don't have to apologize, just don't say stuff like that," he says. "Got you," Kamisese mutters as he pushes himself up from the railing. He sighs and hurries back inside the high-rise apartment, with Lavrenti following after him.
Kamisese rushed to the bathroom with almost a sprint in his step, shutting and locking the door behind him. He felt like he was going to throw up as if something was stuck in his throat. Initially, he thought it was due to his intense emotions, but it turned out to be much worse than he had anticipated. As he coughed violently, he felt orchid petals enveloping his throat. The petals fluttered down into the sink, along with blood splatters. Kamisese was horrified when he saw what had come out of him. He had only ever read about this sort of thing in romance novels or seen it in movies, and he never expected it to happen to him. He continued to cough and hack up petals and blood in fear. Lavrenti grew concerned when Kamisese didn't come out of the bathroom for a long time. He approached the door, tried the doorknob, and knocked on it, asking, "Kami, are you okay in there? You've been in there for a while, and I'm worried something happened. Can you let me in?" "No! Don't come in here! I... I think I'm a little sick," Kamisese replied, coughing and hacking. "That doesn't matter. You sound terrible," Lavrenti said, listening to Kamisese's coughing from outside the bathroom door.
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natarenas · 4 months
Síndrome de Supernova
Autor(a): LitaCakes
Idioma: Inglés
Izuku se negó a aceptar la verdad. ¿Qué sabían los médicos de todos modos? No hay absolutamente ninguna manera de que Izuku haya tenido... lo que sea que fuera este 'Síndrome de Supernova'. No había absolutamente ninguna manera posible de que su alma gemela pudiera odiarlo tanto como para estar dispuesto a dejarlo morir.
O: El alma gemela de Izuku lo ha negado, pero Izuku aún no sabe quién es. Él va a morir si no lo descubre, entonces, ¿cómo reaccionará cuando descubra quién es realmente... y cómo reaccionará su alma gemela?
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