#happy union happy matrimony between interests
jorenilee · 6 months
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lesbian okuyasu is wario-coded
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“He won't get me”: some of the rejected suitors of Archduchess Elisabeth Marie
I am in a good mood so I decided to finish up this post that I had on my drafts since months ago, when I read the memoirs of Archduchess Erzsi's English governess. While I thought the memoirs itself were kinda dull I did find very interesting tidbits of information. Today I'll talk about two of her (alleged) suitors.
Erzsi, being the granddaughter of the Emperor and the only child of the late Crown Prince was considered a candidate for many princes, like her cousin Albert, future king of the Belgians. Other one was Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia, the second son of Emperor Wilhelm II.
After the review there was a grand gala dinner at the Hofburg, and I went with the Archduchess to watch the Royalties from the musicians' gallery over the banqueting hall. The table was gorgeous with gold plate, and I find I wrote my mother, in an account of the banquet : “Our dear Emperor has a splendid appetite. The German Emperor, who sees everything, noticed our Archduchess up in the gallery and asked who she was. Upon being told, he asked our Emperor that she might come down after dinner and be presented. She is certainly growing remarkably pretty.”
Evidently Emperor Wilhelm II. found her so, as later he sent his second son to visit the Austrian Court with the intention of making a matrimonial alliance between him and the Archduchess. But he counted without the Archduchess, for when she saw the youth, she exclaimed : “Marry that boy! Never!” and forthwith retired to bed, from whence she refused to emerge until His Imperial Highness had shaken the dust of the Austrian Court from his Royal shoes, and taken his departure.
The girl seemed to had a flavor for drama. The governess doesn't talk about this potential marriage again, but I was a still curious so I made a quick search to see if I could dig something more about the subject and I stumbled with this news article from 4 June 1890 published in The Toronto Daily Mail:
London Truth says:—The information given in a St. Petersburg paper about the possibility of the German Emperor's second son, Prince Eitel, being raised to the imperial throne of Austria is not wholly unfounded. But the condition would be marriage with the Archduchess Eizabeth. She is his senior, but the difference is not great enough to be disparity when both reach years of discretion (...) Both the Emperor and Empress of Austria hate to the degree of loathing the Archduchess Stephanie, who is as good (or bad) as excluded from their presence. “No more unnappy couple exist,” says to me a circus friend of the Empress, from whom she hides no grief. But their misery would be far deeper if he Archduchess Stephanie were to shine forth again as coming Empress through a marriage with the feeble-brained heir-presumptive to the throne. Such a marriage would probably secure the succession to a child of Stephanie. Were Elizabeth declared heiress, as Maria Theresa was, with the support of William II., with the understanding that she was to marry his son, and were, by this arrangement, the sons of the Archduke Charles Louis to be cut out, Francis Joseph and the Empress Elizabeth would die happy.
First of all, the age gap between Eitel and Erzsi was... two months. In his favor. So already we can tell this article doesn't have the best sources. However it also tells us that at least the rumor of this union existed even years before the governess started working at court.
While there was speculation about the succesion after Rudolf's death, and his daughter's name came forward, there never seemed to have been a serious effort of naming her heiress (there was however an attempt to remarry Stephanie to archduke Franz Ferdinand... actual crackshipping); Franz Josef, always the traditionalist, preferred to name as heir the nephew he barely standed that to bend the succesion laws in favor of the girl that was his favorite grandchild. So this engagement seems to be more wishful thinking for people that hoped for the unification of Germany and Austria rather than a serious plan; perhaps Wilhelm did thought his son had a chance with the archduchess, but I doubt that Franz Josef would've liked to give his empire to the Germans in a silver plate. In any case, Erzsi's reaction to the prince ended this project before it even begun.
The other potential bridegroom only gets marginally mentioned in a letter from the governess to a friend of hers. The Governess doesn't date this letter but given the context it is from early May of 1898:
The Archduchess wishes me to assure you she is not fianceed with the King of Spain. Her expression is: “He won't get me;” and I don't think he will.
He didn't got her.
Again a very quick search made me came across with several news articles published in January/February 1898 that announced the engagement of the fifteen-years-old Erzsi with the twelve-years-old King Alfonso XIII of Spain. And again, this really seem to be nothing but rumors. I know nothing about Alfonso but I doubt there was any serious attempt to get him a bride while he was still a literal child; by the time he had reached majority, Erzsi was already married.
And that is all I have for today on this subject; If anyone has any information (specially if it's from better sources that memoirs published almost two decades after the events happened and gossipy news articles) about this potential unions please tell me!
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Love Connections: Exploring Hisar Marriage Bureau
In the heart of the vibrant city of Hisar, nestled amidst its bustling streets and vibrant culture, lies a hidden gem that serves as a bridge between hearts seeking to intertwine in the eternal bond of marriage. The Hisar Marriage Bureau stands as a beacon of hope for those on the quest for lifelong companionship, offering a sanctuary where love stories begin to unfold.
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Founded with a vision to facilitate meaningful connections and foster enduring relationships, the Hisar Marriage Bureau has become synonymous with trust, integrity, and success in the realm of matrimonial matchmaking. With years of experience and a dedicated team of professionals, the bureau has garnered a reputation for its personalized approach and meticulous attention to the preferences and aspirations of its clients.
At the heart of the bureau's ethos lies the belief that love knows no boundaries – be it cultural, social, or geographical. Whether seeking a partner from the same community or open to exploring across diverse backgrounds, individuals find a welcoming environment at the Hisar Marriage Bureau, where diversity is celebrated and embraced.
What sets the Hisar Marriage Bureau apart is its commitment to understanding the unique needs and desires of each client. Through in-depth consultations and insightful conversations, experienced matchmakers strive to create tailored matchmaking experiences that resonate with the essence of who their clients are and what they seek in a life partner.
The process begins with an initial consultation, where clients are encouraged to share their preferences, values, and expectations. This crucial step allows the matchmakers to gain a deeper understanding of the client's personality, lifestyle, and compatibility factors, laying the foundation for the matchmaking journey ahead.
Armed with this knowledge, the matchmakers set out on a mission to curate a curated selection of potential matches, taking into account various factors such as compatibility, shared interests, and mutual aspirations. Leveraging their extensive network and resources, they meticulously screen and evaluate each candidate to ensure compatibility and alignment with the client's preferences.
What truly sets the Hisar Marriage Bureau apart is its emphasis on fostering genuine connections rooted in trust, respect, and shared values. Beyond simply matching profiles based on superficial criteria, the bureau endeavours to facilitate meaningful interactions and conversations between potential partners, allowing them to truly get to know each other on a deeper level.
In a world increasingly dominated by digital platforms and algorithms, the Hisar Marriage Bureau offers a refreshing alternative – a human touch infused with warmth, empathy, and understanding. Here, matchmaking transcends mere data points and algorithms, embracing the inherent complexities and nuances of human relationships.
The success stories that emanate from the Hisar Marriage Bureau stand testament to its unwavering commitment to excellence and dedication to the happiness and fulfilment of its clients. Each union forged through its doors is not merely a marriage but a celebration of love, companionship, and shared dreams.
As the sun sets over the quaint streets of Hisar, casting a golden glow upon the cityscape, the Hisar Marriage Bureau continues to stand tall, a beacon of hope and a catalyst for love. In a world where connections are fleeting and relationships ephemeral, it remains a steadfast reminder that true love knows no bounds and that the journey to finding it begins with a single step – a step taken with trust, courage, and an open heart. tumb
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sakshigupta941 · 2 months
Finding Love and Happiness: The Hindu Matrimony Experience.
Love and happiness are universal desires that everyone seeks in life. For those within the Hindu community, the journey to finding love and happiness often involves navigating the world of Hindu matrimony. In this article, we'll explore the experience of finding love and happiness through the lens of Hindu matrimony.
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The Importance of Marriage in Hindu Culture:
Marriage holds great significance in Hindu culture, as it is considered a sacred union that brings together two individuals and their families. It is not only a bond between two people but also a union of families, traditions, and values.
Traditional vs. Modern Approaches:
In the past, arranged marriages were common in Hindu culture, where families played a significant role in finding a suitable match for their children. While arranged marriages still exist, many individuals are now opting for love marriages, where they choose their life partners based on mutual love and compatibility.
The Role of Hindu Matrimony Websites:
Hindu matrimony websites have emerged as a popular platform for individuals to find love and happiness within the Hindu community. These websites offer a convenient and efficient way to search for potential matches based on criteria such as age, caste, education, and occupation.
Navigating the Matrimony Experience:
The journey through Hindu matrimony begins with creating a profile on a matrimony website. Users provide details about themselves, their family, and their preferences in a partner. They can then browse through profiles, express interest in potential matches, and communicate with them to get to know each other better.
Finding Love and Compatibility:
Through Hindu matrimony websites, individuals have the opportunity to find love and compatibility with someone who shares their values, beliefs, and aspirations. They can connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.
Cultivating Happiness in Marriage:
Once a connection is established, couples can take steps to cultivate happiness in their marriage. This involves open communication, mutual support, compromise, and a willingness to work through challenges together. By nurturing their relationship with love and care, couples can experience lasting happiness and fulfillment in their marriage.
Success Stories:
Hindu matrimony websites have been instrumental in bringing together countless couples who have found love and happiness through their platforms. These success stories serve as a testament to the effectiveness of Hindu matrimony in helping individuals find their perfect match and build a fulfilling life together.
In conclusion, the journey through Hindu matrimony is one filled with the hope of finding love and happiness. Whether through traditional arranged marriages or modern love marriages, individuals within the Hindu community have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful relationships that bring joy and fulfillment to their lives.
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lumiapp · 2 months
Happiness is finding your soulmate with Lumi
In today's world, matrimony applications are essential for finding a lifelong companion and developing compatible and trustworthy connections.These platforms simplify the process of finding the ideal partner by providing an organized and effective means of bringing people together who share similar beliefs, interests, and aspirations in life.In the online matrimonial community, features like user evaluations, thorough profiles, and verification mechanisms help to foster trust.These applications are vital resources in the contemporary matchmaking industry because they encourage openness and security, which gives users greater self-assurance and confidence in their search for a deep and lasting relationship.
Lumi Matrimony is also a best example to achieve these qualities and trust for your best partner search. Lumi is a matrimonial platform created by users for users.It’s a one of the Free Matrimonial App at the present time in Kerala. Its functionality and mode of operation based on the Keralites preferences and interests.
Lumi wants to create a "chill" platform where young people looking for dates can interact without hesitation in an open and courteous manner. Since active and honest communication leads to the best kind of union.
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There are some simple and trustworthy methods to ensure your partner search and Registration process.
1.Four step Signup Process
Lumi's registration process is really simple. Make the initial move toward locating your ideal companion.
2.Aadhar Verified Matches
To locate the spouse of your dreams, go through the possible profiles based on your preferences and submit requests to the profiles you like.
3.Get Connected
After your match request is approved, the profile may be viewed in further depth and is available for conversation.
Talk on Lumi with profiles that are mutually related. Learn more about each other and them as you get to know them.
Lumi Matrimony is already a host of lucky contests with the Best honeymoon packages for the 20 Lucky Couples who found their right partner through Lumi.
The best features for the Lumi Matrimony App are
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3.User-friendly app with highly responsive Lumi Matrimony App begins with, their design is user-friendly, facilitating effortless navigation and profile setup. They are designed with ease of use and simplicity in mind to make it possible for users of all tech skill levels to interact with the platform without difficulty. They also frequently have sophisticated search filters that let users enter their criteria and preferences, greatly reducing the number of possible matches and saving time and effort. Additionally, this app offers great means of communication, such as chat functions, which facilitate smooth interactions between possible partners. They usually include strict verification procedures and security measures as well, guaranteeing users a reliable and secure environment. In conclusion, Lumi, the  most user-friendly matrimonial application, frequently has attentive customer service teams who are prepared to answer any queries or problems, guaranteeing that users enjoy a stress-free and happy experience throughout. Lumi App is also working as a NRI Matrimony and its operation has already started in different parts of UAE now and ensures the bestest solution to find your life partner.
Download App Now: https://bit.ly/3G4FEjrVisit Web: www.lumimatrimony.com
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lothiriel84 · 3 months
No Thoughts of Matrimony at Present
She would always come first in his affections, just as he would in hers, and to Emma that mattered far more than any passionate declaration of feelings ever could.
A Emma ficlet. Aromantic!Emma, arospec!Knightley.
At sixteen, George Knightley was everything a young gentleman ought to be; his father was exceedingly proud of both his manners and his moderation, and although he had thought it prudent to have a frank conversation with his son pertaining the basics of such things as intercourse and the proper way to go about satisfying one’s needs without compromising one’s honour – and more importantly, the reputation of any young lady of good manners and breeding – there had been very little occasion for concern on that front so far, as young George displayed a singular lack of interest in the feminine charms.  
Not that George himself was aware of being at all unusual in that regard; growing up with not one, but two examples of marital felicity to look up to – their neighbours, the Woodhouses, had only just welcomed the happy arrival of their second daughter, a charming infant with golden curls and a most cheerful disposition – he was naturally inclined to believe he would follow their example in due course, and settle with a wife and children of his own.  
As his father was wont to say, love was the greatest gift of all, and one that could hardly be explained or understood until it was experienced firsthand. George, for his part, was in no hurry to uncover the mystery for himself; he would find out when the time was right, and until then, he would devote his time to improving himself and learning the management of the estate he was to inherit in the – hopefully quite distant – future. 
No one, not even Mr Woodhouse himself, was as astonished as young Emma when her sister Isabella announced her firm intention to accept the position as the new Mrs John Knightley.  
At fourteen, Emma was all but convinced love was nothing but an inconvenience, and one to be avoided at all costs. In that, she was fully supported by her father, who could scarcely bear the prospect of being parted from one of his daughters, and in so permanent a manner as the marriage to a London-based lawyer would certainly entail.  
However, the wedding itself made such an impression on Emma as to rekindle her childhood inclination for romantic flights of fancy; and no sooner had Isabella removed from Hartfield and settled in Brunswick Square that her younger sister began indulging in her matchmaking fantasies of old.  
As Miss Taylor was soon to discover, there was no competing for Emma’s attention when her mind was occupied in planning the most outrageous matches between every unmarried man and woman in Highbury. Singularly enough, she herself was never the object of such imaginings; and while many a girl her age spent hours picturing their future as brides-to-be, she was perfectly content to marry off everyone else in her stead. 
Mr Knightley had been aware of his brother’s intentions pertaining a certain sweet-tempered neighbour of theirs for quite a long time, and consequently was not at all surprised when the engagement was finally announced. In all conscience, he could not but approve of John’s choice of wife; Isabella Woodhouse was everything that was charming, and there had even been a time when the expectations of their respective families had prompted him to consider such a union for himself – but that was before his brother’s partiality had begun to show, and even then, he had found it exceedingly hard to picture Miss Woodhouse as the companion of his future life.  
At thirty years of age, George felt no closer to penetrating the mysteries of love than he had at sixteen. He had watched his younger brother’s developing attachment for their friend and neighbour with considerable interest, and although he was no stranger to John’s ardent professions of affection for the lady in question, he was still uncertain as to the exact nature of such a preoccupation.  
John had called him a prude when he had walked in on one of their secret rendezvous in the shrubbery, and it had taken every bit of the command he had over himself not to blush like a schoolboy at Miss Woodhouse’s futile attempts to fix her mussed dress and hair. He had, of course, scolded his brother in a most thorough manner, and reminded him of the conduct expected of him as a gentleman; John had sat through it with great forbearance yet very little contrition, and regaled him with a parting shot that would come back to torment him for years to come.  
Just because you have never been in love, George, it does not give you the right to stand in the way of everyone else’s happiness.  
Perhaps his brother was right – he was not capable of love, and therefore doomed to spend the rest of his days as a bachelor, handing over the burden of producing an heir for his estate to John and Isabella.  
He could not say he entirely minded the prospect, so long as he was allowed the comfort of his frequent visits to Hartfield, and watching over little Emma as she blossomed into the delightful young woman he knew she would be one day. 
As much as she rejoiced in the resounding success of her matchmaking endeavours, Emma could not refrain from expressing some doubts as to the precise nature of her dear Miss Taylor’s regard for Mr Weston.  
“I know he is a very respectable gentleman, and still quite handsome – but love is quite something else, I should think.” 
So used was Miss Taylor to her impertinence that she only gave her an indulgent smile, and patted her arm most affectionately. “Emma, dear, you are quite young still. I daresay you have never been in love, but there will soon come a time when that will change, and then you will understand.” 
In all truth, Emma was most dissatisfied with such an extraordinary pronouncement; but she was determined not to impose upon her dear friend’s happiness any more than she already had, and there were more pressing matters she ought to attend to, such as persuading her father that Miss Taylor’s impending removal to Randalls was not the catastrophic event he was making it out to be.  
This would be the last marriage Hartfield would see for a very long time, at least until her nephews and nieces were all grown up. As for herself, she had no intention to ever marry – that was one of the advantages for a woman in her position, for she could well remain a spinster without any concern of ever finding herself in reduced circumstances, such as Miss Bates’. 
For the life of him, Mr Knightley could not pinpoint the reasons that had prompted him to remark upon the entirely hypothetical figure of a future Mrs Knightley. All that he knew was that his old friend Mrs Weston seemed to consider Jane Fairfax, of all women, as a worthy candidate for the position; she was entirely mistaken, of course, but nothing he said or did could serve to dissuade her from the notion.  
It had taken young Frank Churchill’s outrageous attentions to his dear Emma for him to finally realise the state of his own heart. Somewhere along the way, his brotherly affection for his dearest friend and neighbour had changed into something different; something he would never have ascribed to the ever-elusive concept of a romantic attachment, had he not been faced with the unwelcome prospect of losing her to another man. And even then, he would not have minded it so much, had the gentleman in question been worthy of her regard; the idea of losing Emma to such a silly fop as Mr Churchill was all but intolerable, and judging by his visceral reaction to the whole Box Hill debacle, he would do better to remove from her society sooner rather than later.  
He wished her every joy, of course; and to Frank Churchill, that he would endeavour to make her as happy as she deserved to be. As for himself, he would never marry, thus securing Emma’s dearest wish for their nephew Henry to inherit Donwell. 
In all her one and twenty years, Emma had never felt as foolish as when Mrs Weston had broken the news of a secret engagement between Frank Churchill and Jane Fairfax. It was not that she was disappointed for herself – her brief enjoyment of Mr Churchill’s marked attentions had faded away long ago, and in all truth, she could see now that she would never have fancied herself in love with him, if not for the expectations of her closest acquaintances. However, it was yet more proof that for all her professed matchmaking skills, she understood very little of the workings of other people’s hearts, let alone her own.  
All her life, she had taken for granted her being the first in Mr Knightley’s regard, to the point that she had been blinded to the possibility of ever losing him to some other woman – someone worthier of his affections, such as she herself could never be. Even now she suspected a disappointment of the heart as the reason for his sudden removal to London; and for all that she wished him every happiness, she did not know how she was going to bear it, should he overcome his doubts and set his sights on Harriet Smith as the new Mrs Knightley.  
Once more, she wondered how Jane Fairfax had borne the torment of seeing another woman as the object of the ostensible attentions of one who had already pledged himself to her. Mr Knightley, of course, had made no such promise to her; he was free to love where he chose, while Emma would have to make do with her prior resolve to remain unmarried. 
If there was a thing Mr Knightley could be certain of, it was that Robert Martin knew what it was to love. His regard for Harriet Smith had never abated despite her unjustified refusal; if anything, it had only grown, and it was with the utmost relief that Mr Knightley welcomed the news of Miss Smith’s much overdue acceptance of Mr Martin’s renewed proposals.  
Oh, he had been furious over Emma’s interference, well-meant as she had intended it to be. But it was all in the past now, and as they were soon to join the Martins in the married state, he was inclined not to dwell overmuch on his intended’s former lapses in judgement.  
There would be a Mrs Knightley of Donwell Abbey, after all – though they would both remain at Hartfield for as long as was necessary. And although he could not say he had given much thought to the practicalities of their marriage, he felt sure they would soon welcome the addition of several Knightley children of their own. 
He had a vague notion that his regard for Emma was not quite the same as John’s for Isabella; his nature, he supposed, did not lend itself to the transports he remembered from their courtship, but he knew he felt for her as he never had for any woman – as he was certain he could never feel for another. 
Miss Emma Woodhouse had ceased to exist; in her place now stood Mrs George Knightley, mistress of two domains, and as radiant a bride as had ever been seen. Her delight in having her darling Mr Knightley permanently at her disposal was only rivalled by her enjoyment of their not infrequent yet charmingly lively quarrels, which often ended in such a manner as she could never have imagined as an unmarried woman.  
Although matrimony had brought several changes in her situation, the fundamentals remained the same as they had always been. Mr Knightley was still her dearest friend and closest confidant; he would not refrain from scolding her when he thought it right, just as she remained as vexing as she had ever been, and they were both perfectly pleased with it. She would always come first in his affections, just as he would in hers, and to Emma that mattered far more than any passionate declaration of feelings ever could.  
On their wedding night, when he had taken her to his bed and made her his wife in every particular, she had been overcome with an excess of emotion, and felt compelled to confess herself as much in love with him as she could ever be. It was nothing but the truth, though not in the way that was commonly accepted, and at that moment she knew what she felt in the way of regard for her husband was no less beautiful than what was generally praised as the strongest of attachments between two lovers.  
He was her dear Mr Knightley, and she was his most beloved Emma. 
That was all. 
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hardynwa · 7 months
Court dissolves housewife’s 6-year ‘loveless’ marriage
An Upper Area Court in Kubwa, Abuja, on Wednesday, dissolved a six-year-old marriage between Hafsat Jimoh and her husband, Abubakar Momoh. The Judge, Mohammed Wakili, dissolved the marriage according to Islamic Law, following Jimoh’s prayer for divorce on grounds of lack of love and care. Wakili, however, ordered Jimoh to observe “Iddah” (waiting period) of three months according to Islamic injunction, before contracting another marriage. Earlier, the respondent told the court that the petitioner refused to unblock his cell phone to reach her, as instructed by the court. ”I heard she took the children to Kaduna and seeing them today I am not happy, one of them is ill and I usually send money to her for their upkeep. ”She did not give me the privilege to settle, I have consented to her divorce but she should hand over my children to me and go. She prevented me from seeing them for two months,” Momoh said. Responding, the petitioner said she could not deny the respondent of his children adding that he was free to see them anytime he wanted and speak to them over the phone. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the petitioner had told the court she got married to the respondent under Islamic law in October 2016. The mother of two said the marriage suffered marital issues for at least six years adding that she was tired and no longer interested. ”My spirit is no longer in this union. I have tried my best but cannot do it anymore, I do not want to die of depression, I want the court to dissolve the marriage,” she said. The respondent, however, said he wanted the court to engage his and his wife’s family for mediation. “She left my house after I travelled and does not live in our matrimonial home anymore,” he said. The plaintiff in response said they had both tried engaging both parents in the past and nothing had changed. (NAN) Read the full article
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Muslim Shadi Cards: An Artistic Blend of Culture and Elegance
Shadi cards are a treasured tradition that has been around for centuries and have an important role in celebrating the union of two souls. Muslim shadi cards bring together cultural heritage and beautiful artistry to create unique invitations that symbolize joy and happiness on this special day. These elaborately crafted cards mark the beginning of a life-long journey, boasting intricate gold embellishments, graceful typography, and delicate floral illustrations – all with a distinctively Islamic flavor – to make each invitation truly memorable. Whether you’re looking for something traditional or modern; bold or subtle; regal or classic; these stunning designs of Muslim shadi cards will surely add charm to your wedding celebration!
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Overview of Muslim Shadi Cards and their growing popularity
The wedding invitation card is a crucial element in Muslim culture and is treated with the utmost importance. The Muslim Shadi Card is a unique piece of artwork that not only invites guests but also reflects the couple's personalities and styles. From intricate designs to beautiful calligraphy, these cards have become increasingly popular among Muslim communities worldwide. The growing popularity of Muslim Wedding Cards can be attributed to the desire to personalize the wedding invitation and make it more memorable. As technology advances and trends change, the designs of these cards continue to evolve, keeping the tradition alive while embracing modern elements. In essence, Muslim wedding invitations are more than just invitations; they are a representation of the union between two people and a celebration of their love.
Discuss the history of Muslim Wedding cards and how they've evolved over time
Muslim Shadi cards have a rich history that spans many centuries. These cards were traditionally used to invite friends and family to weddings and other important celebrations. Over time, they evolved into a highly stylized art form, featuring intricate designs and breathtaking calligraphy. Today, Muslim Shadi cards continue to be an important part of wedding culture in many parts of the world. They are treasured for their beauty and the special message they convey. Whether you are planning a wedding or simply interested in the history of this fascinating tradition, Muslim Shadi cards offer a glimpse into a vibrant cultural heritage.
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Showcase some modern examples of unique, artistic designs
Art and design have always been about pushing boundaries and innovating. In recent years, we've seen some truly stunning examples of unique and artistic designs that have taken the world by storm. From the mesmerizing patterns of kaleidoscopic prints to the intricate and delicate designs of laser-cut paper, these modern creations truly show what can be achieved when designers let their imaginations run wild. And it's not just in the art world where we're seeing these innovative designs - they're popping up everywhere from fashion to architecture to household furnishings. These designs reflect a bold and fearless attitude toward creativity and are a testament to the power of imagination.
Look at traditional patterns and symbols found on Muslim Shadi Cards
When it comes to Muslim wedding cards, the intricate patterns and symbols found on them are not just for show. They hold great significance within the cultural and religious customs of the Muslim community. These beautiful designs are often used to represent the couple's union and convey good wishes for their marriage. From classic Islamic motifs such as geometric shapes and calligraphy to more modern interpretations featuring floral patterns and bright colors, each element on the card tells a story. It's fascinating to observe how these traditional patterns and symbols have evolved, and how they continue to be an important part of Muslim matrimonial culture today.
Highlight specific themes often found in contemporary designs
Contemporary design is all about innovation and pushing boundaries. In today's world, some key themes have emerged that are commonly seen in these designs. One of the most prevalent themes is minimalism, which emphasizes simplicity, clean lines, and a focus on function. Another popular theme is sustainability, as designers strive to create eco-friendly products and reduce waste. Additionally, many contemporary designs incorporate a sense of playfulness and whimsy, with unique shapes, bold colors, and unexpected materials. Finally, there is a movement towards incorporating technology into design, as designers explore the possibilities of interactive and smart products. These themes all contribute to the exciting and dynamic world of contemporary design.
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Discuss the etiquette and significance behind sending a Muslim Shadi card
In Islamic culture, the act of sending a Shadi card is seen as a gesture of respect and honor toward the recipients. Shadi refers to the wedding ceremony, and the card is typically sent to congratulate the newlyweds on their union. What makes these cards stand out is the level of attention paid to details. Each card is carefully crafted and adorned with beautiful calligraphy, often in gold or silver ink. The card may also contain verses from the Quran, highlighting the spiritual significance of this life event. Overall, sending a Muslim Shadi card is more than just a formality; it's a way to express heartfelt congratulations and convey best wishes for the couple's future together.
While the designs and significance of Muslim wedding invitations undoubtedly vary, there is no denying that these cards exist as creative expressions of faith and culture. From intricate designs to simple messages, each card reflects the love and commitment that lies in each union and helps bring greater joy to the special occasion. Looking back at the history of Muslim Shadi Cards, it's amazing to see how much they've evolved into works of art filled with joyous symbols and sentiments. Whether your goal is to select a traditional or modern theme for your own Shadi Card, it will certainly be an expression of your unique style and deeply meaningful sentiments for a very important day in your life.
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theblogera · 11 months
6 Deadly Mistakes to Avoid in a Marriage
The phrase "marriage is a bed of roses" paints an image of the perfect union. But let's be honest: every rose has its thorns. While the wedding ceremony might be all about glittering ensembles and lavish celebrations, the journey of marriage requires navigating through a labyrinth of joys, sorrows, adjustments, and challenges.
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Just like any journey, there are certain deadly mistakes you'd want to avoid to ensure your marriage remains a beautiful journey and not a road filled with potholes.
According to a study conducted by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), it was found that around 47% of divorces can be attributed to the presence of one or more of the deadly mistakes commonly made in marriages. Let's decode the 6 deadly mistakes to avoid in a marriage.
1. Misaligned Priorities: Neglecting the Foundation
Neglecting the foundation of marriage by having misaligned priorities can weaken the bond. Many of the best matrimonial sites for second marriage emphasizes the importance of shared values and goals. Thus, it is important to prioritize open communication, quality time, and mutual support to ensure a strong foundation for a lasting and fulfilling relationship between you and your partner.
2. Trust Erosion: Breaking the Sacred Thread
Ask any happy couple, and they will tell you that trust is the cornerstone of a successful marriage. Actions that erode trust, like betrayal or dishonesty, can irreparably damage the relationship. Building trust requires honesty, reliability, and transparency. Remarriage matrimonial sites stress the significance of trust in second marriages, fostering an environment of openness and commitment.
3. Emotional Neglect: Starving the Heart
Emotional neglect can starve a marriage of vitality, intimacy, and long-term happiness. Ignoring emotional needs, dismissing feelings, or failing to provide adequate support can create significant distance and foster feelings of resentment.
All marriage gurus encourage emotional connection through active listening, empathy, and affectionate gestures to nurture a thriving partnership.
4. Growing Apart: Drifting in Different Directions
Every marriage requires effort and commitment to grow together. Neglecting shared interests, personal growth, or failing to invest a considerable amount of time and energy can lead to drifting apart. Many remarriage matrimonial sites in India advocate for shared activities, regular communication, and a willingness to adapt to foster a strong and fulfilling marriage.
5. Lack of Conflict Resolution: Igniting Unresolved Fires
Avoiding conflict or failing to resolve disagreements can lead to resentment and unresolved issues. Effective conflict resolution involves active listening, empathy, and finding mutually beneficial solutions. The best matrimonial site for second marriage promotes healthy communication and problem-solving skills to prevent lingering conflicts from damaging the relationship.
6. Intimacy Drought: Neglecting the Physical and Emotional Connection
Neglecting intimacy, both physical and emotional, can lead to a drought in the marriage. Many remarriage matrimonial sites for second marriage emphasize the importance of nurturing intimacy through open communication, affectionate gestures, and quality time together. Cultivating a deep and satisfying emotional and physical connection fosters a thriving and fulfilling marriage.
To conclude, in the journey of marriage, avoiding the deadly mistakes that can derail the love between partners is essential. Neglecting the foundation, eroding trust, emotional neglect, growing apart, unresolved conflicts, and intimacy drought are pitfalls that must be recognized and addressed. By prioritizing shared values, building trust, nurturing emotional connection, growing together, resolving conflicts, and fostering intimacy, you and your partner can build a successful marriage life.
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lugialagia · 3 years
A new King for Asgard
Summary : Loki falls in love with Y/N but the day has come when she chooses to marry Thor and be the new Queen of the realm. But Thor has something else in mind and for once, Loki will be the one to be tricked.
Pairing : Loki x reader (3rd person)
Words : 1,994
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Loki was going to attend to a big event. All Asgard was waiting for this. One of the Princes was going to be married. There will be a new King on the throne. The kingdom was happy and it was all that mattered.
After Odin’s death, Asgard was ruled by his personal guard. The King’s guard must take the King’s place if none of the Princes was married. A King could not rule without a Queen. Thor nor Loki had a maid to bride, so none of them could have the throne.
It was during this period of time that Loki tried to make amends for his acts. He wanted to change for Thor. His brother could have been the new King marrying Jane Foster, he asked her to marry him. But she refused. She didn’t want to leave Midgard and rule an entire kingdom. It was too much, too many responsibilities. So, the two of them broke up. Obviously, Loki laughed at his brother because, well, he despised the mortal girl and he didn’t want a mortal to rule over Asgard. But Odin’s son’s sorrow affected him more than he wanted to admit it.
The Jötun Prince did everything in his power to cheer him up and even promised him to not be so evil again, he had learned from Midgard. The two brothers had reconnected and finally went to the tavern together again and trained and hunted like when they were kids.
And one day, during one of their hunt days, their life changed for the best.
Unhabitual sounds made its way to their ears. They were in the middle of a clearing. The sounds didn’t come from animals nor nature but from men. The more they got close, the more they heard sounds of men and blades clashing together. Thor and Loki eyed each other with worry and ordered their horses to run faster. The trees were blurry and the poor wild animals ran away quickly when they heard hooves clashing on the ground.  
When they arrived near a fall, the two Princes saw a rather uncommon scene. A woman was fighting in the middle of at least thirty warriors. And what surprised the most Thor and Loki was the twenty bodies on the ground around her. Loki seemed to be enchanted by her moves. She was fighting with grace and ferocity, impaling a warrior with a sword while piercing the neck of another warrior with a dagger, who was charging behind her. This woman had a very particular combat style, it was like she was the perfect mixt between Thor and Loki. And Loki couldn’t take his eyes off of her.  
This moment of drift only lasts a second. Loki teleported himself next to the mysterious woman and created a magic shield around them while Thor grabbed Mjölnir and landed in front of his brother, smashing his hammer on the ground. All the enemies fell at the same time because of the electric charge. Loki then destroyed the shield and looked at the Goddess on his right.  
Her face clearly showed her surprise. She wasn‘t prepared to see the two Princes of Asgard fighting at her side to save her. Loki was the first to speak. “Are you hurt, my lady?” he asked. “N-no, my lord. I’m doing well, thank you.” These words soothed him immediately. He gave her a tender and true smile, introducing himself, even if she already knew who he was. “I’m Y/N.” she said back. The Prince took her delicate hand in his and kissed her knuckles softly. "Glad to meet you, Lady Y/N.’’ interrupted Thor.  
It has been eleven years since then, and the three of them became close friends. This woman changed their lives. Thor was in a better mood thanks to her and he even forgot Jane. Loki spent all his time with Y/N because the two of them shared many common points, like reading and making tricks. He read to her his favourite books, took her with him to play some tricks on the guards and they had deep or philosophical conversations. But Y/N liked Thor with the same passion. She spared with him to improve her strength, she assisted to the fests until the next morning while laughing at Thor and his friend’s jokes. She was spending all her time with the two Princes.
That’s why Loki was happy today. He was happy to see his brother and his best friend get married. Deep inside, his heart was aching. He would never say it, because he didn’t want to spoil this beautiful day, but he was in love with Y/N. Since the beginning. But he was also proud of his brother, that he found love again. Even if it meant that he would be sad.  
Thor was literally shinning in his new armor, made especially for the event. He had a large smile plastered on his face, waiting next to the throne for her bride to come. The royals of other kingdoms were present in the room as well as most of the city. The marriage was something big for everyone.  
Every heads turned toward the large doors. They opened with a heavy noise, and Y/N was here. The young Aesir was wearing a beautiful green and black dress, with a little trail behind.  
Wearing my colours at your marriage with my brother. How can you do that to me, Y/N ?
Y/N walked in the middle of the crowd toward her husband-to-be. When she walked past Loki she gave him a wide smile that he gave back without thinking. Bitterness was still present in his heart but he couldn’t help but smile at the girl he loved.  
Once she was in front of Thor, their hands joined like they were attracted like two magnets. The actual King was accompanied by a matrimonial sorcerer. It was him who would unite the couple with a symbol that each of them will forever have on their skin. “Asgardians.” said the King. “We are reunited on this day to celebrate the most important event, the union of our next King and Queen. I am proud to directed this marriage because it is a great honour. But I am also sad that the Allfather can not be here to assist to this ceremony.” Each face in the room showed pain. They all remembered Odin’s death. On the other hand, Loki was impassive.  
“But I am sure that he is looking at us in Valhalla and that he would be proud of you Thor.” he said with a sincere look. Then his eyes stopped on Loki, to show him that his father would have been proud of him too. “We are now going to begin the ritual. If someone wants to speak his disagreement, speak now or keep it until death.”
At the King’s words, Loki was fighting to not scream “No!”. He wanted to do it, of course, but he wanted to respect Thor and Y/N's choice. He should have confessed his love for her, he knew it. But Loki knew that happiness was not something he could have. She would have rejected him. And he was right. Because Y/N was in love with Thor, not him.  
But he couldn’t help himself. His silver tongue couldn’t be restrained. “I disagree.” said Loki with a perfect calm voice. Every Aesir turned their head toward him. No one was impressed, like they already knew the God of Mischief was going to interfere. “With all my respect, Y/N I don’t want you to marry my brother. I know you are a perfect match as friends, but I’m not sure it will be the same as a couple.” he confessed while staring at Thor. “And I know that I am a perfect imbecile to not have said it sooner, but I am deeply in love with you Y/N. Since we met. I didn’t tell you because I was afraid of being rejected like every time.” Then his eyes suddenly found the ground interesting. “But on the other hand, I don’t want you to cancel your marriage. I want you both to be happy and I know you are perfect for the throne. I just needed this to get out of my chest. I am deeply sorry.”
Thor and Y/N gave each other an accomplice look. “I’m glad you finally opened your heart, brother.” Thor then walked in front of Loki and hugged him. He put his hands on his brother’s shoulders and make him take his previous spot in front of the bride. Thor then went back at Loki’s place in the crowd. Loki didn’t understand anything. He was staring at Thor and his love with a questionning look. “I don’t think I understand what is going on right now.”
Thor nodded his head toward Y/N who was smiling mischievously. Loki was completely lost. “All of this was just an act for you to confess your feelings, Loki. I was not going to marry Thor.” Y/N explained. “You tricked me?” Loki asked, dumbfounded. “We must find something to help you have her, brother.”   Loki smiled, defeated. “I must admit that was a good plan. But it means there will not have a new King on the throne.” he said with a frown. “You really don’t understand, brother. The ceremony still is.” Thor replied.
Loki looked at Thor with wide eyes. “Me?” Thor nodded. “I don’t see anyone else on this throne, Loki. You will be a great King, like Father wanted you to be.” Right before someone could interrupt the discussion, the King intervened. “My Prince, do you want to marry Lady Y/N, right here and now, and become the new King of Asgard?” Loki looked at his lover with apprehension. “Do you want to?” he asked, uncertain. “Wans’t it all clear? Of course, I want to be your wife, that’s all I ever wanted.”
Loki released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Well, I agree too.” Suddenly, people started to clap their hands for Loki. Once the silence fell on the room, the ceremony continued. “Good. I think it is good to say that no one object the new union.” The King waited some more just to be sure and Loki was really nervous. Many Aesir hated him after what he had done on Midgard. So, he was expecting a wave a disagreement. But no words were spoken. The King then left his place for the sorcerer.  
“Loki Odinson, Y/N Austridottir, by joining your left hands, you agree to love each other for eternity, beyond Valhalla and to rule over Asgard as the King and Queen of this realm.” Without any hesitation, the two of them hold their left hands, a smile on their lips. The sorcerer started to chant his spell. Magic surrounded them. It wasn’t a dark and evil magic. It was like love had a shape and was floating in the air. And it was the case because the sorcerer needed their love to create the symbol that will seal the couple.  
A soft heat invaded their wrists just before the tattoo appeared on their skin. They eyed the new found drawing with interest. It was a snake around a spiky flower. Each one had a golden eye. Obviously, the snake represented Loki. And the flower represented Y/N. It was a special Asgardian flower that was very dangerous but had a sweet taste. The golden eye represented the royal couple, because the King and the Queen were always watching over their people.  
The crowd cheered the new couple, and most important, the new King and the new Queen of the realm. Everyone was smiling, but the most beautiful smile was Thor’s one. He was so happy to finally see his brother with the woman he loved.
Loki looked at his Queen and without wasting any time, he placed his hands on her waist and brought her to his chest, kissing her lips with passion.
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dwellordream · 3 years
“The two examples of projected cousin-marriage in Pride and Prejudice stand in stark contrast to the love match that forms its core narrative. To cement an already existing family alliance, Lady Catherine plans for her nephew and her daughter to “unite the two estates”: by “the wishes of both sisters,” the maternal cousins “are destined for each other by the voice of every member of their respective houses.” And she also shapes the other cousin-­marriage subplot by offering the obsequious Mr. Collins some “particular advice and recommendation” concerning matrimony (PP 71).  Aping the marriage strategy of her class, he decides on one of the Bennet sisters—distant cousins on the father’s side, girls that his patroness would consider “not brought up high” (PP 71). In each case, it falls to Elizabeth to articulate and enact the principle of individual choice: she resists coercion by denying both Collins’s appeal to the interests of her family and Lady Catherine’s representation of Darcy’s duty to the interests of his family. 
In both cases, the directive to marry a cousin figures a surpassable constraint. The novel’s characterization of cousin-marriage normalizes what literary critics, loosely following the anthropologists, call exogamy or, more simply for our purposes, marrying outside the family. This consummate form of the heterosexual plot culminates in “the ideal marriage [that] would combine and reconcile” difference as resemblance. Reading her fiction as consistently Burkean, Tony Tanner argues that in Austen “everything tends towards the achieving of satisfactory marriages—which is exactly how such a society secures its own continuity.” To factor gender into the class discourse that Pride and Prejudice and its critics more or less explicitly deploy, we can add, with Clara Tuite, that the heroine is appropriated by the ruling class and married to an exemplar of landed manhood so as to vindicate “the upward social mobility of the lower-gentry or upper middle-class female within the marriage market,” thus making for a modicum of gradual social change.
The genteel but penurious Elizabeth captures the well-to-do but pompous Darcy only at first by her fine eyes; it is more particularly her wit, her intelligence, and even her insults that make him eager to explain himself, after she rejects his verbal proposal, in written language that challenges the interpretations she had previously drawn under the influence of Wickham’s eloquence and self-assured bearing. Material disparities of situation between the protagonists give way to a “deeper” similarity: in its “reliance on the figure of sexual exchange,” Nancy Armstrong has famously argued, “the novel redistributes authority between Darcy and Elizabeth,” transforming “all social differences into gender differences and gender differences into qualities of mind.” The “differences” between two strangers ultimately resolve themselves into an underlying sameness, as two become one even before the wedding night. 
To be sure, the other marriage subplots illuminate the particular virtues of this union: both the prudent marriage, such as Charlotte Lucas’s merger with Mr. Collins, and the status-seeking marriage, which Caroline Bingley hopes to bring about, cast into sharper relief the action involving unrelated strangers who fall in love over time and connect previously unconnected families. But like the projected cousin-marriages, these are made to look insufficient: only the fate of the central couple exemplifies, as Tuite has put it, “the naturalizing function of Austen’s marriage plots and heterosexual romance,” accomplishing the cultural work of presenting a particular form of love that conquers almost all differences as the norm (Romantic Austen 17). Joined by Darcy’s sister Georgiana, the happy foursome produced by the marriages of two sisters to a pair of best friends forms the core of a new second family; by contrast, the “endogamous” plot of cousin-marriage in Pride and Prejudice is especially discredited. The very minimizing of the cousin’s affective appeal works to align marriage within the family with the bad old days of unlimited aristocratic power.
Elsewhere in Austen, intrafamilial union takes on almost sinister overtones, as in the story Colonel Brandon tells in Sense and Sensibility (1811) of his thwarted love for his cousin Eliza. Adhering more closely than even Lady Catherine’s scheme to the aristocratic paradigm, “in which a woman married her father’s brother’s son” so as to keep “her estate in her father’s family,” this subplot typifies the use of cousin-marriage as a means of consolidating the family fortune in men’s hands by constraining a woman’s power to choose. Brandon describes Eliza as “one of my nearest relations, an orphan from her infancy, and under the guardianship of my father”: while it is certainly possible that she is a maternal cousin, it seems more than likely, because of the disposition of the guardianship, that she is actually a rich relation on the father’s side.
Married “against her inclination” to Brandon’s older brother, Eliza’s ruin directly follows, not through incestuous adultery with Brandon— a possibility first raised by the rumor that the second Eliza “is his natural daughter,” then denied by Brandon himself—but via extramarital sex with other (presumably unrelated) men (SS 178, 57). Without the prerogative to choose the cousin we can infer she favors, Eliza exerts her own will only in breaking her marriage vows; deprived of her fortune by her marriage, she lacks even the economic power to support herself and her child. While Brandon’s narrative does not so much indict cousin-marriage per se as marriage to the wrong cousin, its gothic overtones imply that this match perpetrates feminine imprisonment for patriarchal interests, that it is “tainted by social ambition,” as Ruth Perry describes the general run of “paternal first cousin marriages” in Austen’s fiction, “and the venial desire for accumulation of wealth.”
Tellingly, in relating the sequel of the second Eliza’s unhappy fate, it is not only the original injury to his cousin or the cruelty practiced on the child of his “unfortunate sister” but also the damage Willoughby has inflicted on him on which Brandon dwells: Willoughby “had ... done that, which no man who can feel for another, would do” (SS 180, 182, emphasis in original). If “endogamous economics” rather than incestuous erotics dictates the impediment between the first Eliza and Brandon (as is true, from a different angle, for Fanny and Edmund during much of Mansfield Park), then it is still also the case that both mother and daughter figure largely in Brandon’s imagination as men’s property, to be disposed of in marriage, damaged by seduction, or put away by adultery. “Happy had it been,” Brandon sententiously concludes, “if she had not lived to overcome those regrets which the remembrance of me occasioned” (SS 179).
 With its class and status motives laid bare, cousin-marriage—even its mere prospect—is either decidedly unattractive or downright destructive in these two novels, especially but not exclusively for women, because it ostensibly subordinates individual desire to family interest, as if those two principles were inevitably and irrevocably opposed. By contrast, Mansfield Park radically departs from this model. Admitting the idea of making strangers into suitable marriage partners, it gives full play to the charms of Mary and Henry Crawford and, in the end, just as fully discards them. The ultimate turn to marriage within the family “preserves the inviolability of Mansfield and excludes the risks attendant on” intercourse with strangers, in Glenda A. Hudson’s words, by reforming the family from within; the cousin-union of Fanny and Edmund, Tanner further suggests, becomes “essential to the maintaining of the ‘house’ because so many of its actual blood descendants go to the bad.”
Within this framework, Fanny Price achieves “upward social mobility,” as Elizabeth Bennet does, but not exclusively through marriage: it is by leaving her birth family in the first place—by undergoing her own trials of estrangement on the road to familiality—that she gains her opportunity to marry into the Mansfield family of which, not incidentally, she has already become an integral part. Considering cousin-marriage a regressive practice, those who seek to position Austen’s fiction as more radical than conservative, more feminist than patriarchal, look askance at Fanny and Edmund’s union, conferring an ideological slant on both the exclusion of the sexy Crawfords and the incorporation of the modest cousin as daughter and wife. 
As Claudia L. Johnson forcefully argues, “The language of disease permeates Mansfield Park, and the problem is not with perniciously ‘new’ people like the Crawfords...the problem is within the great house itself.” Subsequent commentators identify this metaphorical “disease” with various strands of the novel, especially as figured by the Bertram slave-owning interest in Antigua and by “the infection of acting,” but Johnson herself specifies its nature rather differently. Invoking Burke not to suggest Austen’s allegiance to the fiction of the national family, she argues instead that Austen aims “to turn conservative myth sour” by illustrating how “Burkean models of parental authority go awry in Mansfield Park” ( Jane Austen 97, 99).
The novel levels its charge not so much at metropolitan strangers as at fathers and the disease that breeds and is bred by their exclusion of others: the “paternal affection” of Sir Thomas Bertram and the prurience of Mr. Price are not “exempt from an aura of erotic implication” ( Jane Austen 118, emphasis in original). Most generally, Johnson argues that “the principals in Mansfield Park gather together in a tighter knot of consanguinity because the larger world outside has always proved more than they could manage”: Fanny and Edmund’s marriage thus “savors of incest” ( Jane Austen 119, 116). According to this line of thinking, the problem with Mansfield, especially by contrast with the “successful” cross-class union presented in Pride and Prejudice, lies less in its elimination of strangers than in its overly familial preference for kin. 
Mansfield Park exposes the incestuous insularity of the Bertrams, who cling to resemblance rather than embrace difference. Above all else, Johnson locates incest as the disease of the family at Mansfield, which the novel diagnoses without curing: “Because familial love ...appears to be the only legitimate arena for strong feelings...it is prone to incestuous permutations” ( Jane Austen 117). In making that claim, she extends the critique of cousin-marriage present in other Austen fictions to its logical conclusion. While Tanner and Armstrong view the production of resemblance as the work of the exogamous marriage plot, Johnson sees Austen as critiquing sameness as the basis for marriage and family life.”
- Mary Jean Corbett, ““Cousins in Love, &c.” in Jane Austen.” in Family Likeness: Sex, Marriage, and Incest from Jane Austen to Virginia Woolf
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malicedragoness · 4 years
MK Drabble Lottery 2: Shinnok X Nature Goddess
This prompt appealed to the fantasy writer in me! 
And thank you to my lovely beta readers! @gojihime99 @fromthewifecage @theprinceofchocobos !! 💜
This is for: @whatamidoingwithmylifeman​ .
Prompt: Shinnok and female Nature Goddess, wedding and honeymoon.
 I took a little bit of liberty with this piece by first introducing how they met and then getting to how they got married. I may want to do a follow up headcanon piece when the lottery is over. 
Because I wrote down some things about how they watched the world changed together, how she cried when the dinosaurs got wiped out, and how when humanity started creating streets and destroying the Earth, it hurts her as well. And Shinnok tried to take over Earthrealm because of it. There’s SO MUCH I want to do with this idea that 1,000 measly words cannot fit into it.
Some of it seems a little rushed to me, but I think it’s because I had to fit everything I want to say into 1,000 words. And I felt like I only told about half of it.
I did more of a pagan handfasting instead of a modern day wedding. It seems to fit more appropriately to these two.
Word Count: 1,031 words
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Before mankind, before the dinosaurs, before any creatures had ever existed on Earth. When nature had flourished and thrived, many different species of plants (that are now extinct) stood as tall as skyscrapers. Flowers glowed vibrant neon colors and had thorns as big as a person. The water was so clear you could see to the bottom.
And then there was you.
You were the goddess that made all of this possible. Creating the mountains, bodies of water, every single rock, and blade of grass was your masterpiece.
That’s where Shinnok first saw you.He would watch as you walked the green Earth. Your dress made of silk, petals,and leaves flowed around you, a headdress made of pink and green vines sat atop your brow. You embodied beauty and nature, and it had him completely captivated.
Shinnok approached you carefully with an impressed smirk. “So, you’re the one responsible for this?”
You cocked your head to the side, interested yet amused at him. “Jealous, are you?”
“Depends on what I find here. I haven’t seen much of what you created,” he answered, looking up at the trees and letting his eyes slowly drift down to yours, glinting with mischief. He held out his hand, smirk still in place. “Perhaps you will show me?”
You smiled and let out a short laugh. He was smooth, and you certainly didn’t mind entertaining him for a while. You crooked your finger at him.
“Follow me then. And I’ll show you everything there is to see.” You turned around and threw a wink over your shoulder and started walking away, hands behind your back. Unable to see his eyebrows shoot up and the wide smile on his face as he trailed behind you.
This is where the love between a Nature Goddess and the God of Death began.
- - - -
Millennia have passed, and the love you and Shinnok have has gone through many different stages, but would only continue to grow stronger. You both watched as the first signs of living creatures started to form on the land you built. Living organisms in the water and on land began to take life. The world went through many drastic changes, and you witnessed it together.
It was when mankind came around that the concept of marriage was introduced. It intrigued you how some humans were so in love they would swear vows in front of their family and friends. So shameless, yet so confident in how they feel. As if the world wouldn’t stand a chance in breaking their bond.
You watched in fascination as the couple pledged their love and loyalty, wearing their finest clothes, and shared their first kiss while everyone clapped around them. It was such a sweet and heartfelt moment as they cried tears of joy, cheers were surrounding them as they walked down the aisle as one.
The ceremony was such a beautiful thing to witness that you couldn’t help the smile widening on your face and the warm feeling in your heart. It made you want to experience what they were feeling at that exact moment.
“What has you so intrigued, My Dear?” Shinnok asked as he appeared at your side.
“Look at how happy they are.” You motioned to the wedding as they started their first dance as a married couple.
“The humans have this ceremony, where they come together and celebrate their love. It’s so beautiful.”
Shinnok grinned as he reached for your hand, loving the wistful look on your face. “Is this what you wish?”
You turned to him with wide eyes, a blush sweeping across your face. “You would do that for me?”
He brought your hand up and kissed your knuckles, white eyes never leaving yours. “I don’t need such a thing to prove my love to you. But if this is what you want, I would never deny you.”
- - - -
It was the day of your wedding, and all the Elder Gods have gathered around you and Shinnok standing at the altar. Vines and flowers were woven into locks of your hair. The silky train of your dress unfurled several feet behind you.
You saw only love and adoration on his face as he stared deep in your eyes and whispered, “You are so beautiful.”
Cetrion walked up to the altar and held each of your hands in hers. “Since your lives have crossed in this life, you have formed ties between each other. As you seek to enter this state of matrimony, you should strive to make real the ideals that give meaning to this ceremony.
“The promises made today and the ties that are bound here greatly strengthen your union; they will cross the years and lives of each soul's growth. Do you still seek to enter this ceremony?”
Shinnok and you both spoke, “Yes, we seek to enter.”
Cetrion placed your hands together and draped a cord over your joined hands. “And so the binding is made. Will you dream together to create new realities and hopes?”
“Yes, we will dream.”
Another cord was placed over your hands. “And so the binding is made. Will you share each other's pain and seek to ease it?”
A third cord was placed. “And so the binding is made. Will you seek never to give cause to break their honor?”
“We shall never do so.”
Cetrion draped the last cord and began to tie them together. “The knots of this binding are not formed by these cords but instead by your vows. Either of you may drop the cords, for as always, you hold in your own hands the making or breaking of this union.”
As she places the tied cords on the altar, a large tree root emerged from the ground next to your feet.
Cetrion turned around, smiling widely. “This tree root symbolizes the step you must now take to separate your old lives from your newly joined one. You will take your first steps as a married couple.”
“Well, My Dear, are you ready?” Shinnok smiled.
His eyes never left yours as you turned to face the rest of the Elder Gods, ready to take on the world together. “I am.”
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arn-and-friends · 4 years
I just officiated a (ic)wedding in DnD and it was awesome.
My tempest cleric worships Talos and believes He is going to destroy the world, and my cleric wants to travel and see interesting and beautiful things before that happens.
The party gets hired to stop a war between neighboring cities, one city of were-ducks and one of cow people. We trick them both into giving us resources to build a bridge across the river separating them, so they can more easily attack each other. We use magic to build it fast, then when the crowds gather, I use Calm Emotions, we bring the mayors into a gazebo on the center of the bridge. One party member seduces both mayors at the same time, and I quickly marry the three of them.
"Friends, both bovine and anatine, we have gathered here on this bridge, a symbol of union between these two wonderful cities, to unite these three people in matrimony. If anyone should object, let them speak now, or forever remain silent, and never speak against this marraige."
I cast Silence on the one cow-man that raises his hand, and continue.
"This is not only a union of three people, it is a union of two cities, half-cities really, becoming two halves of a greater whole. Imagine the banks of this river, that have been a battleground for long, instead being a place where children play, and where trade thrives.
"Imagine a single city, a shining jewel on this river, branching out, expanding, building, and thriving. Building strong and beautiful things pays honor to Talos, because it gives him more to destroy when he comes."
Awkward silence...
"Anyway, do you take this duck man and this cow woman," and so on, rings exchanged, "by the power invested in me by The Great Destroyer, I now pronounce you husband, husband, and wife."
The wedding gazebo has curtains and pullout cushions; we immediately close them and let the happy thruple consumate.
Our party member that was one of the grooms does something horrible, and we quickly leave town. But it worked, the warring cities are united!
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kshitij1997 · 4 years
Hello again!
I hope you're all doing well! I have to say, I'm enjoying writing this far more than I thought I would.
For those who were confused as to who the giants of Europe were in the previous chapter, they were namely Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, the Russian Empire, and the Ottomans, to an extent. I forgot to add that detail in the previous chapter, sorry 😉.
All frozen characters belong to Disney, all I own is this head-cannon and the original characters.
Let's continue :D
Chapter 3: A Collapse, some friendships, a wedding, and possible parenthood
Agnarr sometimes had a habit of zoning out and biting his lower lip while listening to Iduna sing, a quirky quality Iduna found adorable, and always ribbed Agnarr about it in good humour. Agnarr on his part, always found it fascinating and endearing how Iduna was always drawn to nature, and how a nice cup of brewed hot chocolate always lifted her spirits. He also felt a sense of pride when he saw how quickly she learnt the ways of the European royalty despite being a mere commoner. Sure, the beginning was a little rocky with Iduna making small mistakes in conducting herself, but what she may have slightly lacked in conduct and tradition, she made up for it in emotional intelligence and choosing her words carefully, and most importantly her good humour and candour. Ah, the things lovebirds discover and like about each other when they court. While the people were wary of her northern ancestry at first, they soon warmed up to her due to her kindness and sincerity of her desires to want the best for them.
But, while these two were building their own corner of paradise, big changes were happening in Europe. The Emperor of France was finally cornered in a defeat two years after that damned invasion of the Russian Empire. Napoleon was finally ousted from power and exiled to the island of Elba. Fair enough, Europe agreed, for the troublemaker to be kept away from the mainland, like the naughty kid punished to stand outside and think about what they have done. France came to Arendelle for help again, however by now Arendelle was done with them, having reached an understanding with the Russians and the crown of Corona, and the Southern Isles and Weselton only too happy to fill up the vacuum left by the French.
Still, the king was wary of the Southern Isles and Weselton, what with the Southern Isles royal family being notorious for their bonds of blood thinner than air, their tendency to breed like rabbits, and their famed history of going at each other's throats. As long as Arendelle didn't get injured in the crossfire, the King didn't really care, but he could have done without the acrimony, as the present king of The Southern Isles was a little eccentric, but he was fun to hang around with. As far as Weselton was concerned, it was a royalty of crooks and gangsters to king Agnarr. They had little class, lesser respect, and both the duke and his successor never found an opportunity to turn any event into a money-making machine, as they worshipped their riches, and no people, land or race was sacred enough to not sacrifice for them to achieve their ends. The Russians Tsars on their part were never very popular among their own people, and they were regular subject to assassination attempts and revolts, so the Russian empire too couldn't be the definitive reliable ally. Moreover, Alexander was closer in age to his father, so while their interaction was always warm and cordial, king Agnarr always felt distant from the Tsar. The one true ally and possible friend to Agnarr was King Reginald of Corona and his queen to be, lady Sophia of Southern Austria, who bonded with Iduna over their mutual good fortunes and friendship. When the friendship between the kings was on rocky terrain back in 1812, it was the two ladies who made the peace;
"I have all the respect in the world for Agnarr, and the way he has tried to manoeuvre his kingdom through this crisis, but I can't see my husband to be turning the other on this one, Iduna. Reginald feels betrayed, and he's not too keen on being forgiving yet."
"I understand and that position Sophia, but Agnarr didn't have the luxury of making a good decision from that mess. He tried to please everyone, as was expected of him, and everyone has taken advantage of it. He has bent over backwards trying to make amends for his father's harsh stance and the former French emperor's megalomania, for which he was gotten nothing but ridicule and contempt. He and I are desperately trying to find someone in this moment of chaos and trying to escape the witch hunt."
"It's not just a witch hunt, it's also restitution. The European monarchy has had an axe to grind with king Runeard, now they feel cheated and angered by how he's ignoring them to fight his own countrymen. I can't say I blame them, what with how the 18th century ended and the 19th began." Said Sophia, with the horrors of the Napoleonic wars fresh in her mind.
"They may have their reasons, that doesn't mean we don't have our own. Agnarr also has his own father to contend with. Do you really believe he wanted all this to happen? His father was backed into a corner by his French friend, he couldn't refuse him after what happened in Spain. Agnarr tried to minimize the ensuing forest fire, but his efforts were not appreciated." Iduna defended her beau.
"Don't get me wrong, we fully appreciate his endeavour in that direction, however it was an admission of weakness on his part, and as we have both come to know, weakness is not received well in our circles." Sophia said empathetically.
"This is all moot, as Agnarr is not being given a chance to correct his father's errors, and he wants what's best not only for Arendelle, but also for the stability of Europe. He is making sincere attempts at reconciling with his friends, spending far more effort at retaining those who are close to him than acquainting and dealing with strangers." Iduna put her foot down.
"The strangers being Corona's immediate northern and western neighbours, correct?" Sophia inquired with a faint smile on her lips.
"Yes, and he would appreciate and hold the true friendship strong through thick and thin." Iduna replied, making her point here.
"I have a couple of observations to make." Sophia started after a few minutes of ruminating on the subject. "Go ahead Sophia" Iduna pressed on.
"Agnarr is lucky to have you, and you have learnt well a trade completely alien to you." Sophia grinned. Iduna blushed despite getting used to the praise and replied with a smile, "Thank you, Sophia. I have a very good and supporting companion whom I'm fortunate to have in return. I also have come a long way from tripping over the coattails of the king of Bavaria, and almost setting him on fire. I have on good authority that he still doesn't like me." Iduna added with a smirk. Sophia laughed heartily at that for some time, remembering the pandemonium that had happened at the Bavarian king's wedding anniversary four months ago; in the May of 1812.
She calmed down at length, and assured her, "Alright, you've made your point Iduna, leave Reginald to me. I'll convince him. Soon, this problem wouldn't be a problem anymore." Iduna beamed at that "Thank you so much, Sophia. You don't know how much this means to both Agnarr and me." Iduna said with genuine gratitude and relief in her voice.
"You are most welcome, Iduna." Sophia beamed with satisfaction. "So, when are we all getting the much-awaited wedding invitations for the romantic, noble and adroit couple?" Sophia teased.
"Well, we are romantic, arguably noble and rumoured to be adroit, but we are still fourteen or fifteen at best. You tell me Sophia, when shall Europe see Corona and Austria-Hungary join hands in matrimony?" Iduna asked cheekily in return.
"Ah well, I'm ready now, but we both know there are other things at hand first." Sophia sighed.
"True, but at least we can put this particular business behind us" Iduna assured.
"Yes, and just in time for both of us to leave" Noted Sophia.
The two friends embraced and wished each other safe travels.
Iduna remembered the conversation that had brought the two nations together two years ago, quite fondly, and had grown very close to Sophia in the meantime. As King Agnarr and King Reginald forged the new order of Europe post Napoleon, European society keenly baptized them as ' The northern brothers '. As for the queens-in waiting, they maintained a healthy correspondence, discussing all joys and tensions, and forged a nigh sisterly bond. It wasn't surprising to for Iduna to be the first person to know about the wedding date and being Sophia's maid of honour, and it was inevitable for king Agnarr to be king Reginald's best man.
It was a happy and lavish affair in October 1814, with royalty coming from as far as the Ottoman Empire, Macedonia and Egypt. Sure, now Corona had ideological differences with the Ottomans, but that didn't stop the Sultan from helping himself to the finest offerings of king Reginald's palace kitchens. The then-king of Great Britain sent his regrets, but that could be forgiven as the poor monarch was already half-mad and blind with age. As for the ever-dignified Tsar, he blessed the union with prosperity and a long lineage. He may have been a party mad youth in his time, as were all the Romanovs, but his Tsarina had tethered him to a dignity that he quietly enjoyed. The king of The Southern Isles was particularly interested in the lineage and advised king Reginald to secure the succession as soon as possible.
"The Tsar's blessing is good and all, but I'd wish king Christian the eighth of The Southern Isles had more time to educate me on the subject." Reginald said glibly to Agnarr after making sure the father of nine children was out of earshot.
"I don't know about the king, but Sophia would definitely fucking kill you when she hears that." Laughed Agnarr.
"Hey, Iduna taught you to have a brutal sense of humour! That lady is magnificent" ribbed the king of Corona.
"I agree wholeheartedly. Do you think king Christian will reach double-digits with his kids?"
"He's definitely getting close, even if he's up there in age. I'll wager at least eleven before he's done." teased Reginald, before his queen quietly twisted his ears.
"You two clearly have way too much fucking time on your hands" scolded the inebriated queen; well, it was her night too. "I'm sorry, dear. It slipped out; I didn't mean anything by it." wailed the king. "Yeah, we'll see about that." challenged his Austria-Hungarian better half.
This silly exchange lightened up the ballroom, with The Southern Isles King and the Duke of Weselton cackling in the distance and even the stoic Tsar grinning good-naturedly.
"Hear hear, the true power of Corona!" Proclaimed Iduna, appearing as if out of nowhere with her signature mug of hot chocolate.
"Hey darling, you got your way after all" said Agnarr, graciously admitting defeat to an earlier bet he made with his belle.
"Damn right." Iduna replied, holding her hot chocolate mug high up. Then she spoke "I'm so happy for them, the whole thing was textbook." "Yeah me too, they are a fine couple, we are good at this, we should do this more often." Agnarr said.
Then Agnarr turned wistful and grim and said, "I wish the French leader came, they have been our longest supporting allies, even if our relations have soured in the last few years."
"The surviving bourbon king is old and obese; we can't expect him to travel such a distance without incident." Mused Iduna.
"Still, he could have sent a representative, would have meant everything. I know from experience that this can't end well." Agnarr said quietly "Now why didn't he send any message?"
As if to answer his question, a messenger entered the ball room and made a beeline for the centre "Pardon me for this ugly interruption but listen all. Napoleon Bonaparte has escaped the island of Elba, has garnered support back in France and has usurped the bourbon monarchy again. King Louis the eighteenth is on the run, requesting asylum in Corona."
The European royalty may have had various grim reactions to this worrying news, but the Tsar summed it up best "That fucking devil."
It was a tough few months for the northern brothers ahead, along with the rest of Europe. Napoleon, the crazy genius that he was, had managed to find the backing of the crown of Spain, the Italian peninsula whom he had promised freedom from Austria-Hungary upon his conquest, and some nominal support from the Ottomans, who were only too happy to stick it to their problem neighbour up north.
But Napoleon's star was on the fall, suffering terrible losses despite some early victories. Despite that, it took the combined forces of the Russians, the British, Corona, Austria-Hungary, The Southern Isles and Weselton to destroy his presence forever in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. The kingdom of Arendelle chose to maintain the supply lines for its allies instead of sending actual soldiers. Upon Napoleon's defeat and escape from the battle, the Tsar called for his head once and for all, but the duke of Wellington and Iduna intervened to exile him to St Helena's instead. They reasoned to avoid making that statement by rationalizing that France would be better left intact than scrambled by Napoleon's Execution.
Three weeks after the European powers decided Napoleon's fate, king Agnarr married now queen Iduna in a simple private ceremony, worlds apart from the celebration at Corona months ago. Of course, the close friends and allies were invited, and even though they had the odd Duke of Weselton grumbling about the lack of pretence and grandeur, king Reginald and queen Sophia lifted all spirits by announcing that they were with child.
"You magnificent bastard, you did it!" shouted the king of Arendelle as he gave the king of Corona a bear hug. "Right back at you, you scoundrel." bellowed Reginald.
"Well done both of you, but remember, this is but a beginning." The Tsar grinned.
"Oh your majesty, you're making us nervous" King Reginald replied in good humour.
"Thank you for taking my advice to heart, king Reginald" said king Christian, clearly pleased with himself.
"I suppose it makes the paltry Arendelle wedding ceremony worth it" grumbled the duke of Weselton.
"You make me sad, duke. I think you might either be clinically insane, or drunk on an empty stomach. Seeing the empty glass in your hand, I guess the latter." teased Christian, to which the duke merely grunted.
"Come with me, I'll introduce you to a poison far better than money" winked the king of The Southern Isles.
Agnarr merely laughed as Reginald relaxed his fisted hands after the duke left with the king, and within the span of a few minutes, was dancing his best impression of a chicken.
"He's clearly forgotten all his troubles"
"Good for him."
"Ah lighten up Reggie, I doubt you'll remember in the morning either."
"Hmm, I guess."
Agnarr grew serious and put his left arm over Reginald's shoulder, who returned the gesture.
"All the best for your parenthood."
"All good fortune for your married life as well, brother."
Agnarr gave a big smile before calling out: "Iduna, sweetheart, come here and bring Sophia with you as well."
"Here I am" Iduna warbled, clearly enjoying the first time she had ever been drunk, hanging onto Sophia's shoulder, who merely found it adorable. By this time, king Christian had also managed to calm the duke down after thoroughly enjoying the duke's dancing and 'mating calls' himself.
"Let's make a toast" Agnarr raised his glass as he collected Iduna in his right arm.
"To the lost" Agnarr said at length.
"To the lost" echoed the queen and everyone else.
"Skall to that" king Christian being himself, followed the duke shrieking "Caw Caw!"
Overcome with emotion and love, king Agnarr kissed his bride Iduna, who was so emotional at that point that she let out a long kulning for the occasion and buried her face into Agnarr's chest. She said with her voice cracking from tears, "If only my family could see me like this." King Agnarr whispered back kindly, "I know, I miss my parents too." The king held his bride close till she was well again, her eyes shinning with tears of joy. Reginald and Sophia watched the pair fondly coming closer themselves.
"I love you, Agnarr." "I love you too, Iduna"
"Not fair" Sophia remarked, trying to lighten up the mood, "she gets drunk then sings like an angel and tells people that she loves them, I get drunk and get into a quarrel with Reggie."
"We all have our charms, love." grinned Reginald.
Hmmm, this is getting somewhere, well thank you for sticking with this story!
Next time, we will see the sisters we have been waiting for :D
As always, constructive feedback is always welcome.
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ichigo-daifuku · 5 years
The Bride's Letter
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SLBP Fanfiction [Read on AO3]
Tokugawa Ieyasu/MC
The newly married Lady Tokugawa receives a letter.
Canon Divergent AU, Epistolary Fiction
Set in The Bride's Memories, Soft as the Waning Moon
Word Count: ~690
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Dear Lady Tokugawa,
I hope this letter finds you well. If it did, then let me offer you my best wishes on your marriage. I am thankful that Master Hanzo has safely delivered this letter to you. At this point, it would be safe to assume that the Tokugawa Clan is now allied with yours through your union with Lord Ieyasu. I won't pretend and say that I know exactly how you feel about the situation. We are from different worlds. But I know that it takes a lot… not to run away and simply leave everything behind. I admire your bravery.
Maybe you are in Hamamatsu. There's also a possibility that you are already in Sunpu. No matter where you are, I hope you are well and comfortable. If there's anything you need, Lord Tadatsugu will always be there to help you. It is the same with Toramatsu. He is one of the kindest people I have ever met. You will find a friend in him. Lord Tadakatsu may come off as a little strange, but know that he is an excellent warrior with the most loyal heart. Have you received one of Lord Yasumasa’s infamous sneers? He’s always like that. Still, you can be sure that he holds your husband and the whole clan in very high regard.
As for Lord Ieyasu…
By now, you must have realized how much of an unorthodox conversationalist Lord Ieyasu is. At times, his words are sharp as thorns. He lashes out to the world easily… so as to shield his heart that has been broken many times before. He is excellent at pretending. It is most difficult to determine when he means what he says and when he doesn’t. His actions speak louder than his words. Spend time with him and you will know the difference between his poison smile and his real, happy smile. It is a sight to behold.
Please… take care of him. He won't let you. He just won’t. He doesn't let anyone take care of him. He has his moments, those days when every little thing seems unpleasant to him. But most of the time, all he needs is a cup of his favorite tea and a plate of strawberry daifuku. Maybe sea bream tempura, too. If there will come a day when you suddenly feel the inclination to cook his favorites for him, there is a book in the kitchen all about them. The maids will be most happy to assist you in any way should you need help.
Lord Ieyasu is ambitious. Divine Rule… I can only imagine why he decided to be the one to pursue it. But what I do know is that, one day, he will put this country back together. I hope you will get to witness that moment right by his side. Still, he may lose his way from time to time and take up his old habit of sacrificing his heart in the process. Take his hand and guide him, as his wife. I hope you become the person in his life no one could ever be. Together, the two of you will be a force to be reckoned with and achieve what others believe as the impossible.  
Once more, my sincerest felicitations on your matrimony. May the two of you lead long, prosperous lives together. I pray that you will be blessed with countless victories and that the years ahead will be filled with everlasting happiness. One day, if you find it in you that you love him—truly and completely—hold him tightly and never let go. I wish you all the best.
  Yours truly,
On a second thought, it matters not who I am. But if I may ask you for a final favor, would you please take care of the flowers for me? That is, if they are still in the garden. I heard they should be watered carefully at the roots. Vegetables aren't suitable as fertilizer, either. You may prune the leaves they no longer need. If you end up taking care of them, you have my gratitude. Soon, the flowers will bloom.
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Took a break from writing… by writing something shorter. What. This was so random... (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
Again, this was a Canon Divergent AU. This is not what will happen in the Part 2 of the Event Story. Trust me. :)
Shameless Plug: If you like Ieyasu, I previously wrote a longer fic in his POV titled Heartstrings. Check it out if you're interested!
As always, thanks for reading!
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Ichigo Daifuku's Masterlist
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onlygnosticmasters · 5 years
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God as Father is wisdom. God as Mother is love. As Father, God resides within the Eye of Wisdom. The Eye of Wisdom is located between the eyebrows.
As love, God is found within the heart temple.
Wisdom and love are the two basal pillars of the great White Lodge.
To love, how beautiful it is to love. Only the great souls can and know how to love.  Love is infinite tenderness... Love is the life that beats in every atom as it beats in every sun.
Love cannot be defined because it is the Divine Mother of the world; it is that which comes to us when we really fall in love.
Love is felt within the depths of the heart; it is a delectable experience; it is a consuming fire; it is divine wine, a delight to those who drink it. A simple perfumed handkerchief, a letter, a flower, give rise to great inner uneasiness, exotic ecstasy, and ineffable voluptuousness within the depths of the soul.
No one has been able to define love; it has to be lived, it has to be felt.  Only great lovers really know that which is called love.  The Perfect Matrimony is the union of two beings who truly know how to love.
In order that there truly be love, it is necessary for man and woman to adore each other in all the seven great cosmic planes.
In order for love to exist, it is necessary for a true communion of souls to exist in the three spheres of thought, feeling, and will.
When the two beings vibrate in affinity in their thoughts, feelings, and volition, then the Perfect Matrimony is consummated in the seven planes of cosmic Consciousness.
There are people who are married in the Physical and Ethereal Planes, but not in the Astral Plane. Others are married in the Physical, Ethereal and Astral Planes, but not in the Mental Plane.  Each one thinks in his or her own way; the woman has her religion and the man another; they do not agree in their thoughts, etc.
There are marriages with affinity in the worlds of thought and feeling, but that are absolutely opposed in the world of will.  These marriages crash constantly; they are not happy.
The Perfect Matrimony should be performed in the seven planes of cosmic Consciousness. There are marriages that do not even reach the Astral Plane, hence sexual attraction does not even exist; these are true failures. Such a marriage is founded exclusively on matrimonial formality.
Some people live a matrimonial existence in the Physical Plane with a given mate; however, in the Mental Plane they lead a married life with a different spouse. Rarely in life do we meet a Perfect Matrimony.  For love to exist, it is necessary that there be affinity of thought, feeling, and will.
Where there is arithmetical calculus, there is no love.   Unfortunately, in modern life, love implies the bank account, commerce, and celluloid material.  In those homes where there are only additions and subtractions, love does not exist.  When love leaves the heart, it rarely returns.  Love is an elusive child.  The marriage that is consummated without love and is based solely on economic and social interest is really a sin against the Holy Spirit.  This type of marriage inevitably fails.
Lovers often confuse desire with love, and the worst of all is that they get married believing they are in love. Therefore, when the sex act is consummated and carnal passion is satisfied, then disenchantment arrives and the terrifying reality remains.
Lovers should analyze themselves before getting married to see if they are really in love.  Passion is mistaken easily for love.  Love and desire are absolute opposites.
Whosoever is truly in love is willing to shed even his last drop blood for his beloved.
Examine yourself before you get married.  Do you feel capable of shedding even your last drop of blood for the being you adore?  Would you be capable of giving your life so that your beloved could live?   Reflect and meditate.  Does a true affinity of thought, feeling, and will exist with the being whom you adore?  Remember that if complete affinity does not exist, then your marriage, instead of being a heaven, will be a true hell. Do not let yourself get carried away by desire.   Kill not only desire, but moreover, the shadow itself of the tempting tree of desire.
Love begins with a flash of delectable sympathy.  It is substantiated with infinite tenderness and it is synthesized with supreme adoration.
A Perfect Matrimony is the union of two beings who absolutely adore each other.  In love, there are neither projects nor bank accounts.  If you are making plans and calculations, it is because you are not in love.  Reflect on it before you take the great step.  Are you really in love?  Beware of the illusion of desire.  Remember that the flame of desire consumes life and then the dreadful reality of death remains.
Contemplate the eyes of the being you love; lose yourself in the joy of his or her eyes, but if you want to be happy, don’t let yourself get carried away by desire.
You who are in love, do not confuse love with passion.  Analyze yourself in depth.  It is urgent to know if your beloved belongs to you in spirit.  It is necessary to know if you are in complete affinity with your loved one in the three worlds of thought, feeling and will.
Adultery is the cruel result of the lack of love. The woman who is truly in love would prefer death to Adultery.  The man who commits Adultery is not truly in love.
Love is terribly divine. The blessed Goddess Mother of the world is what we call love.
With the terrifying fire of love, we can transform ourselves into Gods in order to penetrate into the amphitheater of cosmic science with full majesty.
-The first chapter of the book The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor
The book is currently on sale for $9.45
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