#i just wanted to draw her having a good time looking gorgeous because she deserves it
merilles · 16 days
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Flower Festival
(For @queer-ragnelle’s May Day Parade!)
One of Guinevere’s ladies on a dawn ride with her beloved steed. She's making the most of the nice late spring weather and planning on picking many beautiful flowers to bring back to Camelot.
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asbealthgn · 1 year
(the thrilling conclusion. also posted on ao3! here's some art of the kitten i did. part 1, 2, 2.5, 3)
The Corroded Coffin fan base find out about Steve entirely by accident.
It starts, of course, with the kitten. After Eddie’s had her for a few days he decides to make an official post on his Instagram, which is a big deal because he normally just lets his PR people handle posting. All he normally does is post shit to his story, but the kitten deserves more formal recognition than that.
So he picks his favorite pictures of her (his camera roll is filled to the brim at this point) and posts them with the caption meet the light of my life, Lemon Verbena Deathclaw Goblikon Munson (Lemon for short). It’s like kicking a wasp’s nest, but, like, the good version: everyone and their dog shares the post to their stories, edits set to any number of Corroded Coffin’s hit songs are spread across TikTok, coffintwt is in an uproar.
Several hours later, Eddie posts a video to his story. He films Lemon on the couch and asks her, “Miss Lemon, how does it feel to be the best, most famous cat in the world?” She responds by meowing loudly and trying to bite his camera. Steve is sitting on the couch, so part of his thighs end up in the video.
Aside from having great thighs, the odd sliver of Steve’s legs or torso or arms showing up in various photographs and videos that Eddie puts on his story over the next few days does not draw a lot of attention from the Corroded Coffin fanbase. If Eddie were to guess, he would probably say they assume it’s just Eddie or one of his bandmates. It’s not until Eddie posts a video of Lemon trying to climb onto the couch on her own and Steve’s hands make an appearance steadying her that people take notice. More specifically, the Twitter account that’s dedicated to posting close-ups of the members of Corroded Coffin’s hands posts a screenshot of the video with the caption those hands do not belong to our boys.
From there, it becomes a wild source of controversy on Twitter as coffintwt tries to figure out for sure if those hands belong to anyone in the band. There’s a lot of back and forth, but ultimately they seem to agree that the original poster is The Authority on the matter. Then it becomes a game of going back through other pictures of Lemon and trying to figure out if the guy showing up the background of so many of them is also someone outside the band. A lot of screenshots start flying around with captions like none of the corroded boys would wear yellow or the rest of the band other than eddie were in LA when this one was posted and so on and so on. 
A consensus is reached: Eddie has been spending a lot of time with someone not in the band, quite possibly a boyfriend.
On a rainy Tuesday three weeks after they met, Eddie lays back on his couch with Steve laying on his chest and Lemon laying on his chest. “They’re onto you, Stevie,” Eddie says. 
“Who’s onto me?” Steve asks, not looking away from the basketball game on the TV. He’s terminally offline and has been blissfully unaware of the saga unfolding. 
“Twitter,” Eddie explains. “My fans have noticed you in the background in a lot of pictures of Lemon and they’ve started putting the pieces together.”
Steve scratches Lemon under her chin and she purrs happily. “Why are they looking at me instead of her?”
“Hell if I know,” Eddie says, reaching around Steve to rub Lemon’s head. “It’s not like you’re super drop-dead gorgeous or anything.”
Grinning, Steve turns his head to kiss Eddie. “Thanks, baby.”
Before Steve can turn his attention back to the game, Eddie hooks his finger under his chin to keep Steve’s eyes on him. “I have a question for you,” he says, “Well, two questions.”
“What’s up?” Steve asks. 
“First, do you want to be my boyfriend?” Eddie knows that three weeks is kind of ridiculously fast, but Steve has practically moved in already, spending all his free time here and sleeping in Eddie’s bed most nights. So Eddie’s not super worried about what his answer is going to be.
Sure enough, Steve smiles. “Yeah, I do,” he says. He kisses Eddie before asking, “What’s the second question?”
“Well, since you said yes, do you mind if I post something about us to stop the speculation?”
“I don’t mind,” Steve says, “But can I tell Robin first so she finds out from me?”
Eddie nods. “Yeah, of course. Do you want to go ov—?” But oh, Steve is already pulling out his phone and calling Robin. Okay then. 
“Hey, Robbie! Just wanted to let you know that Eddie’s my boyfriend now….No, he wasn’t already….Well, we hadn’t talked about it….Okay, that’s kinda mean….No, it’s okay….Yeah, Lemon is great! Do you want to talk to her?” Steve holds the phone up to the kitten and she bites the microphone. Steve puts the phone back to his ear. “That was her….Okay, I actually have to go. I just wanted to tell you….Bye, love you!”
Steve puts his phone back in his pocket and then grins at Eddie. “Alright, I’m ready.”
“If there’s one thing about you, baby, you’re a go-getter,” Eddie says, laughing. He gets his own phone out and holds it out to take a picture of them. Lemon, who is fascinated by phones, looks up at the camera as he snaps the photo. Perfect. 
Eddie posts the picture with the caption the rumors are true, Lemon has two dads. she gets her looks from Steve’s side. Then he puts his phone down and wraps his arms back around Steve. He can worry about his fans’ reaction later. Right now, he has other plans.
“What do you say, boyfriend?” he murmurs in Steve’s ear. “Should we go put Lemon in the bathtub?”
tagging: @nburkhardt @stargyles @csinnamon-fox @manda-panda-monium @silly-jellyghoty @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @starquirk @lightwoodbanethings @dramaticwriter @adaed5 @freyaforestafay @roaringgoodshow @sherrylyn628 @stevesbipanic @stevethehairington @henderdads @artiststarme @softboisteve @gregre369 @korixae @kokoshka67 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @piningapple @iwouldsail @thesuninyaface @aftermidnightwriting @hamiltonsteele @brassreign @bitchysunflower @homosexual-having-tea @adelicioustragedy @trashpocket @dramaticwriter @eddiemunsonswife @blackpanzy @bitchysunflower @adelicioustragedy @thegingerrapunzel @overhillunderhill @beckkthewreck @glittergluekintsugi @elyondelannoy @somegirlsomewhere @pluto-pepsi @shinekocreator @goodomensgurl @savory-babby @blues-tunes @babyblender @221b1tch
(tagging is having issues so i'll tag the rest in a reply)
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katelynnwrites · 7 months
Can You Feel This Magic In The Air? (It Must Have Been The Way You Kissed Me) | Lea Schüller
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warnings: none :)
word count: 1422
summary: lea makes your today and every day a fairytale
a/n: yeah i know my writing needs work, it’s not been good recently but i wanted to post something because it’s been 100 days since i watched lea score in person
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It’s exactly six when there is a knock on your door.
You open it immediately, not even bothering to attempt to pretend like you haven’t been nervously waiting for it.
Lea is standing on the other side, a blush already painting her cheeks as she holds out a small bouquet of flowers.
You’re kind of taken aback.
Firstly, she is here at six, precisely the time she promised she would arrive at. None of the people you have previously dated have been that punctual.
Secondly, the flowers. The flowers have your heart beating faster as you gently reach out to take them.
When your hand accidentally brushes against Lea’s, there is a tiny zap of electricity. Not the bad kind but the good kind. The sort that lets you know that your body instinctively reacts to her touch.
The blonde woman must feel it too because she straightens up with a smile.
‘Danke. They’re gorgeous but really, you didn’t have to.’ You murmur gratefully.
‘Well I wanted to. You deserve to be treated like a princess.’ She answers.
You give her the shyest of smiles in response.
Thirdly, as you keep looking at her, appreciating her beauty, Lea takes you by the hand.
The gesture is affectionate and warm, your girlfriend taking a step nearer to you.
‘Can I kiss you?’ The German striker whispers.
It’s the way she asks that has you weak in your knees.
She is hopeful and gentle, her thumbs running back and forth over your palm as she waits for your answer.
You don’t make Lea wait because you are never going to refuse her. Especially if she keeps looking at you like you hung the moon and all the stars in the sky.
So you nod and your girlfriend smiles the loveliest of smiles, right before she presses her lips onto yours.
‘You’re so pretty.’ Lea compliments sincerely.
Her crystal blue eyes give you a once over and her hands run briefly down your body before they stop at your waist.
‘I look like a mess.’ You self deprecatingly giggle but Lea isn’t having any of it.
The blonde shakes her head vehemently.
‘You. Are. So. Incredibly. Pretty.’ She insists, punctuating each and every word with a kiss.
Your girlfriend is wearing a dark gray T-shirt and a pair of gym shorts. The clothes she has on accentuates her slim form. She looks stunning and the slightly crumpled dress that you had hurriedly pulled on after your post training session shower pales in comparison.
Lea gives you another kiss and then leans back to tuck a loose curl behind your ear.
Time slows down whenever you’re around the Bayern striker and you are intent on cherishing every moment.
You want to be able to memorise the exact way her eyes shine when you slip your hand into hers.
‘Thank you my love. That’s really kind of you.’
Your girlfriend hums, ‘It’s my pleasure…especially if you keep calling me that.’
It’s a light, hurried kiss that Lea presses onto your lips just before she runs off, back towards her seperate training group.
‘See you in a bit meine liebe!’ She rushes out, as she does so.
Forwards have been assigned different drills today so you, as a midfielder, have been forced to leave your girlfriend.
It’s only for a short time but you hate it.
Although the gesture of affection that the blonde has gifted you with has your heart fluttering in adoration as you watch her go.
The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the grass is green and you’re falling even more in love with Lea.
The blonde pulls you against her, closing her eyes and leaning her forehead against yours.
It’s only for a short moment because she draws back soon after, placing her hand on your cheek tenderly as she kisses you.
Your heart rate speeds up as your world narrows to just a single point. One Lea Schüller.
When the shared kiss ends out of necessity for air, you breathe heavily, a red flush spreading over your cheeks.
The German woman’s clear blue eyes are wide and she is gazing at you with such contentment and happiness that you wonder if she can feel the magic in the air.
It’s like you are floating because such is the lightness that Lea has instilled in your heart and it must have been from the way she kissed you.
Your girlfriend’s smile is beautiful. It is like the sun breaking through the clouds after it rains. Like sunshine reflecting off the ocean on a sunny day.
What you are trying to say is that Lea’s smile lights up your life.
It is doing that now as you turn over to face her.
The blonde has the duvet pulled up right under her chin, a sleepy grin tugging on her lips.
‘Morning.’ You whisper, leaning in to place a chaste kiss on her forehead.
Lea makes a pleased noise, her smile widening as she does so. She looks at ease and that gives you peace.
All you ever want is for her to be happy. You being the reason for her joy is a privilege that you will never take for granted.
Your girlfriend’s got a smile that takes you to another planet. It is out of this world really. The German woman might as well be an angel with how perfect she is.
Every move she makes and everything she says is right.
Over the course of your relationship, she has come to know you as surely as she knows herself so when she presses herself as close as she can to you, before giving you your own good morning kiss, the Bayern Munich forward cherishes the fact that you love her just as much as she loves you.
Lea is never going to doubt the depth of your love for her. Not when you take so much care in showing her, in each and every moment that she is by your side. The blonde considers herself the luckiest woman in the world to call that spot hers.
She hopes that you feel the same way about her. Her love for you is a love she never thought possible. It had been beyond the blonde’s wildest dreams to love someone as much as she loves you.
You fall in love with the sight of Lea sitting at your kitchen island, in her pajamas, with her usual morning cup of coffee.
The domesticity of it has found a special place in your heart.
You’re compelled to stand in the doorway, just taking a moment to appreciate it.
Here you are, with the woman who you have given your heart to. She’s simply sitting there and enjoying her morning coffee but it is everything to you.
Lea makes your heart rate speed up with her mere presence. It’s beating fast and hard in your chest and you wonder if she can hear it. It seems overly loud to you.
‘What are you doing over there?’
The sound of her voice snaps you out of it.
‘Just trying to remember the moment.’ You admit, with a blush already forming on your cheeks.
Your girlfriend’s amusement only grows and she leaves her half drunk coffee to walk over to your side.
‘You’re so precious.’ The German woman murmurs, wrapping her arms around your waist and placing tiny, delicate butterfly kisses all over your face.
Laughter fills your apartment, both yours and your girlfriend’s and as she holds you flush against her taller frame, you happen to catch a glimpse of the reflection in a mirror you have hung up on a nearby wall.
Lea’s eyes are fully focused on you and her hands are resting firmly on your waist. The blonde’s hair is loose around her shoulders and she is dressed in one of your old jerseys.
You fall in love with her all over again. It’s like you are going back to the moment she picked you up for your first date together.
You fell in love with her standing there then and you fall in love with her standing there now.
You are probably going to keep doing it over and over again for as long as you’re allowed to call yourself hers.
It’s your biggest and most sincere dream that you are going to be able to do that for the rest of your life because today is a fairytale.
Being Lea’s makes every single day a fairytale and you hope it never ends.
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German Translations:
danke - thank you
meine liebe - my love
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lucy90712 · 1 year
hi love💃 could write something with Jude Bellingham x girlfriend reader where she's out with her girlfriends and jude see her in a instagramm story talking to some guy. And he's just jelous and angry and calls reader like 20 times and goes to the club to get reader
wc: 1.9k
Since getting back from uni I have been getting ready to go out with my friends for a girls night as we haven't been out in so long. All of us have been so busy recently that we haven't been able to get together but finally we all have one night free and I'm so excited to go out and enjoy the night with them. I also haven't been out in forever so I decided to put a bit extra effort in as I wanted to feel good about myself as although I know that the way I look doesn't mean everything it's still nice to look good and feel good about myself. For the occasion I got a new dress which I have really been looking forward to wearing so of course I had to put on some makeup and do my hair to go with it. Usually I dress more casually with less makeup on but every now and then I like to go all out just to show that I can look as good as all those models on Instagram that want to take my boyfriend from me. 
Just as I finished putting my makeup on the bedroom door opened to reveal Jude who had obviously just got home. He smiled at me so I got up to greet him but instead of giving me a hug and kissing me like he usually would I noticed him look me up and down and then meet my eyes with a look which only ever means one thing. To distract him I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading downstairs to grab my purse and shoes. Like clockwork Jude followed behind me like a shadow wanting me to give him a proper kiss and whining until I did so. 
"Where are you going looking so gorgeous?" He asked 
"I'm going out with my friends it's girls night remember which means that you can't come" I said 
"Thats a shame I was hoping to see more of you looking like that but have fun you deserve it" he said 
"You will see me later I don't plan to be out for too long" I said 
"It's ok go and enjoy yourself but remember if anything happens call me" he said before giving me one last kiss 
We said goodbye to each other as I left and got into the Uber that was waiting for me with all of my friends in it. Right away they gave me loads of compliments on my outfit and makeup which made me feel even better about myself than I did before. Until we got to the club we were all catching up on what has happened since we last saw each other which was a lot as between us we live pretty crazy lives. When we got to the club we split up with a few of us going to get drinks while the rest found somewhere to sit for a while. As we walked through the crowd I could feel eyes on me but it's something I've grown quite used to as people often like to take pictures or judge me wherever I go because of Jude. This time it did feel a little different though and I found myself pulling my dress down and covering my chest to draw less attention to myself. 
Somehow after a while I ended up alone with some of my friends at the bar others in the bathroom and some on the dance floor. Usually I'm ok on my own but this time as soon as I was left alone a guy came over to try and talk to me but he left after I completely ignored him. A few more tried it before some of my friends came back which is when I was left alone or at least the attempts to flirt were less obvious. I have been in situations like these before but Jude has always been there to either tell these guys to stop or show them that I'm not single but this time I have to figure our what to do on my own. 
I still wanted to enjoy my night so I chose not to let a bunch of drunk guys ruin it and got up to dance for a bit. Dancing isn't really my thing but when I'm out with friends I have learnt to forget about what I look like and just have fun. That's exactly what I was doing finally letting go of the stress I have been carry for the last few weeks and completely forgetting that anyone else was in the room until I felt a hand on my waist. When I turned around there was a guy stood behind me trying to get me to dance with him so I politely told him I didn't want to dance with him but he wasn't happy with that and insisted on talking to me in the middle of the dance floor. 
Jude's POV
Sitting alone at home with a movie on was incredibly boring it would be made so much better if y/n was here but she's out with her friends having fun. She's been so busy recently that she definitely needed a night with her friends to just relax as I know she has been super stressed but that doesn't mean I don't miss her company. It doesn't help that she looked so beautiful when she left I just wanted to stare at her forever but I had to let her go and just hope that there aren't too many other guys staring at her tonight. 
The movie was so boring that I picked my phone up out of habit to look at anything else going on. I was scrolling through my instagram and skipping through peoples stories until y/n's friends story popped up which I paid more attention to so I could see what they were doing. There was a few stories of them all dancing and having fun but it was the last one that caught my attention the most. It showed all of her friends dancing with y/n in the background talking to a guy who I could tell was into her from just the story. Seeing that made me feel really jealous as even though I completely trust y/n and know she wouldn’t cheat or even entertain the idea of another guy this guy was with her and I wasn't. He was getting to see her look so pretty while I was just at home which annoyed me and I couldn't stop myself from texting her just to check she was ok. 
I sent a couple of texts to her which went unread so I called her a few times instead but she didn't pick up and they all went to her voicemail. I wanted to just forget about it and let her have fun but I had a nagging feeling in my mind that I needed to go and make sure she was ok. My mind was at war with itself as on one hand I wanted to go and make sure y/n was ok but on the other hand I know I need to let her have fun and that she can handle herself if she needed to. After going back and forth for a while I decided that I couldn't just sit there incase she was out wishing I was there to help her. I decided that I would go and check on her and if she was fine I would just leave and wait for her to come home. 
Once I had decided I was going I wasted no time in heading upstairs to change and then grabbing my keys to get in the car. The drive to the club wasn't that long especially when you go a bit over the speed limit. As soon as I got there I parked the car in record time before jumping out and heading straight into the club ignoring anyone who recognised me and wanted to talk. Like every club there was loads of people in there but I fought my way through and found y/n stood to the side with some guy. I couldn't see his face but I could see hers and from a mile away you could tell she was uncomfortable which just made me angry as this guy clearly had no respect for her. 
Your POV
Any shred of enjoyment at being out with my friends was gone by this point as I never got any time alone with them every two seconds a different guy was trying to flirt with me and it was getting annoying. After a while I stopped responding at all and just stood there wishing Jude was here as he would put them in their place as these guys might actually listen to him. This one guy that had been pretty persistent all night was stood probably trying to flirt with me but I wasn't listening I was just thinking about finally getting out of here and going home. As I was plotting my escape I saw Jude walking towards me and to start with I thought I was seeing things but as he got closer I realised he was actually here and I can't lie I was happy that he had crashed girls night. He came right over to me and put his arm around my waist to pull me into his side. He was staring down the guy in front of me and if looks could kill the guy would definitely be dead.
"Hey baby who is this?" Jude asked 
"I don't know he just came over to talk me" I said 
"I think the better question is who are you?" The guy asked 
"I'm her boyfriend not that it should matter as she clearly didn't want to talk to you and you just couldn't get the hint" Jude said 
"How about we go and have some fun now that you are here" I suggested to get us both out of this situation 
Jude followed me away from the guy but instead of actually going to the dance floor I headed for the exit while texting my friends to let them know I was leaving. As we left he still had a tight grip on my hand which he was holding and I could tell he was tense so I tired to reassure him without actually saying anything. He led me to his car which wasn't parked too far from the club and we started driving back home in an uncomfortable silence. 
"Is everything ok Jude?" I asked 
"Everything's fine it's just I saw that guy with you in your friends story and I couldn't help but get jealous as you looked so good when you left that I didn't want other guys getting to stare at my girlfriend" he admitted 
"Oh Jude you know that I don't care about any other guy so what if they stare at me I still come home to you everyday" I said 
"And I'm the only one that gets to see you without that dress" he added 
"See that's a better attitude" I laughed 
After that Jude seemed happier and when we got home he carried me straight upstairs but instead of doing what I thought he would he helped me do my usual routine and then we got into bed to just cuddle. He held me tightly and just whispered how much he loved me in my ear until I fell asleep. 
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A ridiculously extensive critique and analysis of Sannyo Komakusa Touhou Lost Word art.
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the time has come to analyze and critique the Lost Word art for Sannyo Komakusa.
[This also gives me an excuse to show select angles from Lotus Eaters, her Alphes style art by Dairi, stuff like that ]
Love it or hate it, the Touhou lost word gacha game could potentially be someone's first introduction to a given touhou character, so it's important that character portraits leave a good first impression. So with that in mind, I'm gonna critique their art for the booker Touhou cutie that, honestly, just from her profession alone she deserves their utmost respect.
(I can only hope she pokes fun at gacha within a gacha game in the same way she pokes fun at gamblers within her gambling den)
I'm gonna be zooming in to each part of the outfit to discuss the benefits and downsides of each design choice. I'm gonna be comparing pieces to the Zun art or Lotus Eaters for references and also generally to showcase things for comparison.
Since it surrounds the whole design I think I'll need to mention the smoke dragon and pipe first. On the whole, it's cool, and her pipe does match her zun art. Unfortunately it covers up a lot of her outfit and pose. And lastly regarding this there is definitely one detail that's remarkably annoying.
The smoke isn't coming from the pipe.
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Its just coming from around her feet
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but you will notice an important detail while looking her feet
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she's got painted toenails like in Lotus Eaters.
Next, I will move up to her skirt
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All in all, it's a pretty good version of her skirt, it has a crease on the side thats catching a little too much light though. it's got the pretty pattern she has in her zun art, but they lowered her coat so it's all an even line of pattern. It even ends up lining up with her sleeve for some reason. It's pretty, but I think it makes the transition from her skirt to her top look a little more drastic, since there isn't a fresh line of coat pattern to break it up. Frankly, it just looks really cool as a long or mid length jacket like in Lotus Eaters and the Zun art instead of a big skirt length coat like they did.
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(Yes, I realize Lotus Eaters doesn't feature color or her intricate coat pattern, [presumably since it'd be a nightmare to keep track of. Though I like to imagine it's just yet another outfit of hers]
but anyway, it at least demonstrates my point about a coat with a different length then her skirt creating a cool contrast.
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Next is the chest, first I must say her buttons and clothes look perfectly fine. Though they generally pin to the side in Lotus Eaters as well as in her Alphes style art by Dairi (Though these buttons do look like they are struggling)
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There are many different different ways people draw Sannyo's chest, but eventually they can be categorized a bit, because at some point there is a tempting result to what the size can make you want to do with her outfit
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Naturally, if someone wants to draw her breasts in a larger size, like in Lost Word, it makes it more difficult to draw her coat over her shoulders. The reason being that when you get into the much larger anime sizes, the cloth from a coat would start to just drape over the lower sections of her body from her breasts. So I think people try to avoid that in different ways, often she often ends up with her coat lowered and hanging loosely above her elbows, which can actually serve a double purpose and give her a ton of personality.
As an example here is some gorgeous art by "syuri22" I found here
Syuri22 even extended the line of her skirt up into a bow to make her breasts pop out a bit more, which was really clever.
sometimes fan artists part her coat around her breasts which is a clever way to have her coat over her shoulders without hanging over her breasts too, sometimes she tucks the coat under with her arms in a pose. Sometimes they have it drape a bit but ultimately return to her waist. My point is there are a lot of creative ways artist do it. To lostword's credit the way they did it does kinda accentuate her smug energy. Though adding it together with how thick and soft they made the hem of her coat does kinda make it look like she has a comfortable blanket draped over her.
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As for her face. It's good, of course. I mean it's Sannyo's face, hard to go wrong with that. It's got her cute bow. She's got a good expression mixing cute and smug energy. Her ponytail is looking good. No complaints there.
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looking at the art as a whole, it's fine. Sure, it looks more like she's wearing a blanket than a coat, but I guess it does make her look kinda soft and huggable. Oh, and I completely forgot to mention her fan is freaking massive. But She's ultimately got the right energy. Though I honestly think it would be better if she had her coat line up a bit less. The way her sleeves and coat and skirt all make an even arc along the design sound like a interesting idea, but it kinda makes her design have less interesting stuff going on.
I do prefer her Alphes style art by Dairi by quite a bit tbh
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Even still i hope some day they do her winter outfit, I'm curious what that would look like. it's actually got the fuzzy energy they were going for.
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iznsfw · 1 year
Your Chaeyeon smuts are so good. Please post more if you can!
IZ Days of Christmas: Day 5 - Lee Chaeyeon
IZ*ONE's Lee Chaeyeon x Male Reader Smut
2568 words
Categories: girlfriend!Chaeyeon, date night, blowjob, deepthroat, facial, Chaeyeon looks so good in those glasses AAAAA
For @brokennightmares01, one of the best writers out there and my first collaborator <3 All his fics are so good and deserve all the love out there! Love you, man!
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It's been a while since the waiter left to deliver your orders for this date night to the kitchen. Probably thirty or thirty-five minutes max. And the only thing keeping you patient is Chaeyeon, who looks extra pretty today, even for you, the guy who gets to wake up and see her beside you in bed everyday. She just looks so gorgeous, so damning pretty that she seems like the kind of girl that you'd take home to your mother and keep a secret due to.... frisky sessions in between visits and a wildness your conservative and reserved parents cannot handle.
Maybe it's because she's just so charming. She draws you in and keeps you hooked, and tests the waters with her free laugh. But, if anything, it's her laugh that made her for keeps. You like how she isn't like other people who tried to modify their chuckles just to seem attractive. Nothing against them, of course. Everyone can do anything and anyone. But it's just so much more satisfying meeting someone like Chaeyeon—or, much better, is Chaeyeon—who doesn't hold back or hide anything. With you, she can be herself, and vice versa. That's the definite reason as to why you like her so much.
As you rant in your head about her beauty, Chaeyeon looks at you with a laugh at the ends of her eyes. She finally lets it out, breaking into a fulk and beautiful smile, raising her brows as she offers you a rhetorical question that you'd answer anyway: "What, are you, like, that in love with me or something?"
You shrug with the same casual arrogance. Two can play this game. "Probably."
Chaeyeon interlocks her fingers and rests her chin on top of their formed flat, smiling at you again. "It's the glasses, isn't it?" she asks, semi-seriously this time.
Not a rhetorical question anymore. There's a knowing certainty in that grin of hers. She has finally figured you out. Nothing you can do about it now. Sigh and raise your hands in the air. "You got me."
"Ha! I knew it! You were looking at me weird the whole time since I put them on. It's like you wanted to fuck me in front of everyone."
She is... well, sort of right. Chaeyeon, besides having a gorgeous face, has a body to die for, so the 24/7 horniness allegation she holds against you is partially true. Her toned torso and legs have you salivating more than any meal in this expensive restaurant. But surprisingly, it's not her body that was the cause of your staring; like she found out, it's mostly the glasses. The round black-rimmed spectacles that sit formally on her nose and taunt you degradingly. Yeah, you like seeing your girlfriend look like a stereotypical book nerd, huh? Fucking pervert.
"Fine, okay. I have a thing for girls in glasses. The nerdy ones, the dorky ones... that sort of girl. Which is why I was a little shocked when I fell in love with you, and you didn't have them at first."
"So, basically, me being visually impaired and having astigmatism make me ten times hotter? And—oh, thank you." Chaeyeon thanks the waiter who has finally returned with your food and gives him your split check, before resuming her playful expression.
You nod, a little sheepishly. You aren't used to talking about your kinks so publicly, although the words you carefully chose and wove together didn't make it seem sexual, the polar opposite of Chaeyeon's choice. But you cannot help what you feel: so worked up just because of your girlfriend merely existing with those stupid frames.
"There's food now, oppa," Chaeyeon says. She gestures simply to the heaping bowls of rice, gravy, fish and chicken on the table. There is even a small cake between the two of you. Their mixed delicious scents make you even hungrier. "Eat it all up."
"Oh, I would. If I'm guaranteed a dessert."
Chaeyeon swipes her finger on the icing and places it in her mouth. Bite your lip to try and keep yourself together, but what she says doesn't help at all:
"Oh, it depends. Do you want dessert to come early?"
Your shoulders shudder slightly. "Kind of," you say.
Chaeyeon considers this and seemingly weighs her options. But in the end, she shrugs in a way that is similar to your earlier shudder and eats her meal. You are a little disappointed, but sex is not what you are here for. You are here to celebrate your third anniversary with Chaeyeon. Nothing will take you away from focusing on having a cuddly and happy evening.
The two of you eat the meal happily. You talk about the funny stories at work while Chaeyeon responds to each with a hilarious laugh. Meanwhile, she relays to you her dance practices and the moves she learns for each. There's Hype Boy by a new rookie girl group, Newjeans, and Fiction. Chaeyeon is a passionate dancer; it is her greatest talent, besides her singing.
In the middle of eating, she suddenly gets up. "I need to use the bathroom. You coming?"
"Sure, no problem. Wait." You stop, making Chaeyeon stop, too. "Is it a separate bathroom here?"
"What do you mean?" Chaeyeon is a little irritated now. Her impatience shows a lot.
"I mean, is it a bathroom for both men and women or—?'"
"It's a bathroom for both. Come on."
You feel a little guilty now for holding off Chaeyeon's bathroom break. But you just want to make sure you aren't accused of being a peeping tom by going in with her anyway at the women's bathroom. Not that you'd be one, anyways. You may have your kinks, but being like... that is not one of them.
You go with Chaeyeon to the bathroom. It is a single room with plenty of stalls. There is even a shower stall on the other aisle, which makes you wonder: Who the hell takes their shower in a restaurant? Definitely not you. You do not even like bathing in fancy hotels. It just feels wrong.
It is probably a stall for the night shift workers who haven't showered yet, you tell yourself.
There is no one else inside the comfort room. Everybody else is too preoccupied with their expensive meal, so Chaeyeon opts for the family stall, which is significantly wider than the rest.
"Want me to wait outside?" you ask meekly.
Chaeyeon shakes her head. "No, you come in [with] me."
She grabs your wrist with a wild tug, effectively dragging you inside the stall with her. The lock slides into its latch and shows the customers who may enter the bathroom a red color, an indication that someone is using it. But not necessarily to relieve themselves like the normal way of using them.
Chaeyeon drops to her knees in front of you. You gasp audibly. "Chaen, what are you doing?"
"Shhh, giving you your dessert! You said you liked me in glasses, right?"
"Yeah," you say, confused.
"How much more would you like it if you can cum all over my face while I wear them?"
Chaeyeon states the words so casually that you almost ignore the explicit context. But seeing her on her knees, looking up at you with puppy eyes behind that damned pair of specs, you kind of wonder what your answer would be to her statement.
She grows impatient. She is as impatient as she is insatiable. "Let me help you find out, oppa, okay?"
She fishes out your cock, gives it a few beginning jerks, and licks its sensitive underside. Let out another gasp that is again caused by her. She smiles cutely, then kisses your girth with an open mouth. Her tongue slides over your stressed veins and tip.
You are already so weak. "C-Chaen," you stutter out vulnerably. That's a fallible action from your side. Now, Chaeyeon knows your answer even if you only say her name. She now knows what exactly to do to fire up your senses and fill it with her only. Her smirk is as wide as day.
But she stops pleasuring your cock by mouth for a moment. Replacing her tongue with her jerking hand, she leans closer and gives your heavy balls a strong lick. She laughs at your shudder, but continues on as if she hasn't noticed it. She sucks lightly on them, coating them with her saliva, and then proceeding to your base again.
From there, she sucks you like a lollipop she can never get enough of. Your tip already leaks with precum; she collects it in between her fingers and plays with it, looking fascinated by it before daintily licking her fingers of them to test their flavor. Seems to be delicious; she moans a little after she tastes it.
That is when she decides to drink the precum directly from the source. Chaeyeon's lips circle your tip, then, her tongue swipes up and down between your slit. In response, your hand involuntarily reaches for her head. Shove it all doen her throat in one go, which she seems to be unprepared for. Must be the reason for the strange tightness in her throat that only happens when she cums while you pound.
Which brings the question: is she touching herself? Look a little down and find your answer. She is! While she sucks lovingly on your head, she inserts her fingers in between her legs, which are taut under the tight pencil skirt. Fuck, she looks so hot, feeding on your tip and getting off from knowing you find her so pretty in this position. Chaeyeon is truly your girl.
"Naughty girl," you say with a mock tsk tsk of disapproval. Your voice sends an exciting chill down Chaeyeon's spine. She loves it when you talk to her in "that" voice, when you call her names during sex. "Were you planning this all along? The glasses and all?"
"Hm. Maybe." Chaeyeon takes half of your girth in one go. Her tongue rotates around the taken length seconds before she lets go again. She looks up at you now with her hands on her lap, looking like the most obedient girl ever. "You never knew how to erase your search history, or use incognito."
Your blood runs cold. "I—I don't know what you are talking about."
"Don't you now?" Chaeyeon lewdly bobs her head back and forth to accomodate your cock in swift, wet jerks. Her mouth lets out the warmest breaths, making your sensitive dick twitch in her mouth. "Don't worry, babe, I'm not mad. It's just that... you could have told me about your preferences a long time ago. You know you can tell me anything. You know you can tell me to do anything."
She fires you a flirtatious wink. You feel the sudden tightness that even your cock struggles to venture inside and you know she has deepthroated you. She is particularly skilled at that, with the way she lets your tip rub the back of her mouth and effortlessly takes you down her tight throat. The caress of her lips on your highly sensitive spots also shows that she knows what she is doing, and knows that what she is doing absolutely turns you on.
Moan a little as she deepthroats you again and again. There is minimal gagging from her end, but whenever she slips, her throat seizes your sword even tighter, making it a wonderful experience in any which way. "I'm sorry," you say. "I was too, fuck, shy to say it back then."
Close your eyes tight, but then remember that Chaeyeon is performing your sexual fantasies onto you right now, and choose to look down. Of course, you are not disappointed. She feigns an innocent and scared look in her large doe eyes, and sucks you off with a suction greater than any vacuum. Her mouth truly is a perfect cocksleeve, just as much as her pussy is.
Chaeyeon whimpers and squirms against her own fingers. They dip in and out of her silken core, stimulating her while she stimulates you. Her fingers must be pretty good if her cute, spankable ass backs into her hand just to feel the delicious entering of her digits.
But her mouth is just as good. You talk from experience; the suction of her lips feels amazing, combimed with her innocent doe-eyed look and the way her tongue laps you up like a treat. You are going to cum anytime soon.
"Chaeyeon," you say weakly. Breaths suddenly become hard to take as she increases her pleasuring of your dick. It is as if she wants to cover every bit of it with saliva, and due to that, each inch of your length is wet and sensitive. "I'm gonna cum."
Hearing this triggers her to remove her mouth from you. It's the last thing you want her to do, but at least she is giving you a frisky handjob. Her grip is a little too tight, squeezing a little too strongly, yet you enjoy it. You enjoy being jerked off by her.
"Cum on my face," Chaeyeon orders. "Don't be shy, I want all of it."
Chaeyeon places her face closer to your cock and sticks out her tongue. It's just another deadly factor that adds to your violent orgasm.
Little of your semen lands on her tongue. Most go onto her face and glasses. But the look she gives you before you erupt—a slutty ahegao, a perfectly facial-worthy face—is the one that drives you the most crazy. The glasses are just the cherry on top.
WATCH HERE! Innocent nerd gets a facial in bathroom stall from boyfriend—So Hot! is the best title you can think of for this moment, as you take a mental snapshot and slip it into your heart forever: a messy, slutty Chaeyeon gazing up at you with ruined makeup and glasses, above a puddle of her own cum on the floor.
She swallows the cum she has gotten in her mouth languidly with a gulp. She can barely see now, but she knows you are just worked up as she is. "Happy anniversary, babe!" she tells you sweetly.
"Um, sir?"
There's a person directly outside of your stall. Judging by the formal black pants, you guess it is one of the waiters. Shit!
Try to be as casual as possible as you open the door. The waiter is met with the sight of a ruined Chaeyeon on the floor. "Yeah?"
"Um, I... no sex is allowed in the bathrooms," he says awkwardly. You can tell it is his first day. At the very least, he might be just another regular employee who is shocked at what he is hearing.
"Oh, we weren't having sex!" you lie. "I was trying to help her wipe off the birthday cake from her face. Her friends made a prank and got her like this."
"Oh." The waiter's face turns red. "Oh! I'm so sorry for assuming, forgive me."
"Nah, it's not a problem," chimes in Chaeyeon sweetly. "To be fair, I do kinda look like I got a facial."
The waiter hands you tissues to help Chaeyeon take off the "icing" from her face. After the two of you fix up, you continue eating your meal like nothing happened. It doesn't matter; there is more excitement awaiting you at home.
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rosaadiazs · 6 months
Finitar except it's written like a sokeefe fanfic from wattpad
[!! all characters are the same except for sophie, keefe, and fitz who have been replaced with fintan, dimitar, and bronte]
A/N: Hey guys! This is my first fanfic so please be nice 😃 also fintan x bronte shippers are not welcome here!1!!!1
I woke up at dawn because my pet imp Iggy farted on my face. I kept him in his usual place. He was now a silvery colour, the same shade as my friend dimitars eyes. I looked at myself in the mirror. Since it was still dark I lit up a flame becuase I'm a pyrokinetic. a few years ago I had also manifested as an empath, charger, velociferator and telepath. I had very dark eye bags and my long pointy ears seemed even more pointier than usual. I wore my favorite, most comfortable outfit (A/N: outfit given below!)
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I lught leaped to everglen because I was bored and we were having a sleep over with the whole group. Biana took me to her room and we talked for a while until she said "can I give you a makeover?"I groaned, "No Bianca i dont want to wear make up" but of course biana didn't listen.
She put up my hair in an elaborate hairdo and gave me one of her gowns - red because that's my colour.
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The door suddenly opend and Dimitar came in "How much longer do we have to wai- Wow Pyren, you look gorgeous" he said looking at me and I blushed. He was wearing a particularly nice arnour today that brought my attention to his bulging muscles. He caught me staring and I went red.
Biana's older brother Bronte entered He was a member of the council and something about his grayish blue eyes gave me butterflies in my stomach..
Soon everybody entered and after dinner we all sat down for a game of truth or dare.
"Hey marrlla" I said "truth or dare?" "truth" she said, flipping her blonde hair.
"okaaayyyyyy.. who do you have a crush on?" she blushed "uhh" she said giving a shy glance towards dex."me?!" asked dex shocked. "yes you, it's always been you" she told him. they both looked at each other and smiled.
"Ok fintan your turn now" said lihn. "truth or dare?""I choose dare"
"kiss the person you have a crush on"
"OOOOOOH ARE YOU FINALLY GOING TO KISS DIMITAR??" asked Ro (when did she come in here?)
"WHAT? NO!" I said. I blushed and looked at bronte.. I slowly crept towards him and kissed him.
"Ugh did you seriously just kiss Lord Sparkly Pointy Ears??" asked Ro.
I ignored her because of what Bronte said next. "Ive loved you for a long time."
"it's been obvious to everyone except you two" said dimiatr with a smirk.. but it wasn't his usual smirk.. it seemed sad? But for that moment I didn't care because I was happy about what happened with Bronte.
A/N: poor dimitar he doesn't deserve to be tortured this way.... fintan should realise his feelings for him!!11!😭 so that was the first chapter! how was it?? I'm sorry for all the sophitz fintan x bronte but next chapter will have more finitar xx
taglist : @kale-of-the-forbidden-cities @worldsunlikemyown
if I was good at drawing human figures I would've drawn fintan in those outfits tbh
I swear I am not this bad at writing, all grammatical errors are intentional😭
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Hello! I’m not sure your character limit so I am so sorry if this goes over it you can always get rid of a few!
Can you do a Redson,Mk,Mei,Swk,and Macaque x a Chubby S/O (they/them)? Like head canons!
If not that completely fine! It’s not really a very specific request but I would like it if it was fluff and just headcanons of them having a chubby S/O and if they would mind
That’s basically it! Sorry for the weird request! Take care of yourself! Have a nice week!
Not weird at all! And no worries, it's not past my character limit. It just reminded me that I should probably put one on my intro post lol! Enjoy the hc's!
Redson, MK, Mei, SWK, and Macaque x Chubby!GN!Reader HEADCANONS(romantic)
Redson - honestly prioritizes personality over anything else. He’s a demon, they literally come in every shape and size! He thinks you’re perfect, and you’ll have to try and hold him back if someone tries to make fun of you. ALSO, would definitely get fancy clothes in your favorite styles and colors TAILORED so they fit you perfectly!! Bc it’s what you deserve!!
Mei - uses you as a pillow a lot. You’re so nice and warm and soft, how could she not?? If you’re ever having a day where you’re not feeling super confident, she will HYPE YOU UP. Your biggest cheerleader 1000%! Since she’s canonically a streamer I could totally see her gushing about how gorgeous you are to her chat, and then when they see you for the first time, they lose their minds because she was so right
MK - he doesn’t care how your body looks, he thinks you’re the most good-looking being to grace this earth! Because of his powers he can definitely lift you up at any given moment, so be prepared for that! Probably really loves cuddling up with you when you sleep over with him. Also draws you a lot cause he thinks you’re that good-looking!
SWK - he’s chill with whatever to be honest, if you had three heads he’d probably kiss each one so some curves don’t make a difference to him! He probably brags about you to the other monkeys or even to MK. “Look at them! Heaven better look out, cause one of their angels is missing!” Hypes you up a lot, but again, he’ll chill out if you want him to. Also, bc he’s crazy strong, he will also lift you up from time to time, mostly so he can bridal carry you. Whether it’s fun or an inconvenience is really a matter of opinion!
Macaque - he doesn’t care what you look like, he’s just happy to have you in his life! He’s flirty by default though so prepare to be flustered…he knows exactly how to make you blush, especially when it comes to complimenting your appearance. He won’t necessarily show you off, but by the gods you can see how proud he is to be with you and how you both look amazing together. His shadow clones love ganging up on you and flirting with you to the point where he’ll have to step in lmao.
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dollidot · 2 months
Please drop more stuff about Hiina and Mizu I literally love seeing ur OC x canon post 🥹🥹🎀
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ookmhjdjaosodkvna absolutely I will always be willing to talk about them they are forever occupying my thoughts I have never ending ideas
(+ I am currently writing a fic for them so stay tuned bbgs :3)
this is all modern au stuff cause that's what I tend to write most, but I will absolutely post some canon stuff sooner or later :33
brief warning: nsfw, violence, mentions of character death, brief appearances from taigen
!! non sapphics dni !!
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despite hiina's generally pink and pretty and harmless appearance she's fuckin SCARY. sure she watches mlp but that girl will not hesitate to beat the shit outta somebody for a good reason (looking at mizu funny)
hiina with her adult job (drawing freelance pony art) so she can make adult purchases (my little pony merch and more makeup)
whenever mizu feels like wearing makeup she'll get hiina to sit on her lap and do it for her with the excuse of "I can't do it by myself" even though she only ever wears smudged eyeliner
she absolutely just wants an excuse to have hiina on her lap looking all pretty and happy
hiina's not exactly a bimbo but boy is she an airhead. intelligent as hell academically with her straight As in high school but she lacks critical thinking skills. no thoughts behind those eyes.
that one girl in high school who's an absolute goddess and doesn't even belong on this planet she's so gorgeous and then her boyfriend (we've all witnessed this trope and now imagine it with miina)
mizu has incredibly infrequent periods and when she does rarely get it it's light work for her, light af and she has like the tiniest bit of cramping
whereas hiina has dysmenorrhea and has to be pretty much sectioned once a month because she cannot move from bed and dies
hiina always cries when mizu calls her dove because it reminds her of hana
mizu keeps forgetting about this and keeps calling her dove
mizu smells like victoria's secret perfume but that's only because hiina is 24/7 piling more onto herself and they're glued together so frequently it just rubs off on her
hiina being the southern doll that she is Constantly makes southern foods so mizu is immensely accustomed to cornpone and burgoo stew
again, hiina's southern blood means she says shit and makes NO sense, for example:
(during an argument) "you're so full of shit your eyes are brown" "hinnie my eyes are blue"
"I mean, she's pretty as a pumpkin but half as smart." "in my opinion pumpkins aren't that pretty"
"you're about as useful as a screen door on a submarine" "what does that even mean"
hiina very frequently talks about hana, so much so that mizu knows everything about her despite having never met her (mizu and hiina met literally a month after hana died)
mizu is so painfully lovely to hiina even when she's being a lil bit of a bitch, she's so helpful and hiina gets mad at her for it sometimes cause she doesn't feel like she deserves that kind of patience when she's manic
mizu came home from work one day to hiina setting fire to a frying pan trying to make eggs
hiina talks a big game but she's a little bitch she's like "you're getting it when we get home" and they get home and she's getting it
mizu calls hiina either mama, baby, doll or hinnie and hiina calls mizu either baby, lovebug, sweetpea or zuzu
they've broken up 3 times and hooked up high every time because they are whipped
hiina has the worst baby fever ever and it's CONSTANT. she is constantly talking about babies and mizu is getting sick of it cause she doesn't understand the appeal at all (doesn't mind the idea of it at all though)
hiina gets violent when she's upset and so does mizu, they buy new plates frequently cause they're always getting thrown
their entire apartment is pink, including almost everything in their kitchen and bathroom
their first argument was because mizu made herself a coffee in the morning forgetting it's part of hiina's routine and hiina was NOT happy that her routine got fucked up
silly goofy hiina fact uhm she has 6 horses called saki, willow, cassidy, bailey, beau, and whiskey she loves her babies
they're all mares except for whiskey who's a stallion, cassidy who's a filly and beau who's a colt (cassidy and beau being the fillies of whiskey and bailey)
mizu tops obviously but hiina certainly does try sometimes
pillow princess hiina is real, she is not gonna put in effort 90% of the time she's an angel she doesn't have to do that
mizu is canonically loud af but so is hiina and dorm walls are thin akemi keeps yelling at them
nothin' just them with their incredibly high sex drives
hiina and her absolute insane maternal instincts with her urge to be a mama and mizu indulging in her fantasies cause she loves her girl
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weirdmorefics · 2 years
Hey could I request something for Benedict Bridgerton where she’s jealous of him courting a princess and it isn’t until one of his siblings open his eyes that he realizes he’s been in love with the reader.
A/N- Thank you for the request :) I hope you like it!
You Two Are Truly Idiots
Warnings- None I think
Pronouns- She/Her
Word Count- 1.3k
Summary- It is a new courting season and you are very excited to join this season with your good friend Daphne. You are very hopeful Benedict will try courting you. When a new princess comes to town for the season that catches Benedict's eye. So Anthony hatches a plan. 
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I've known the Bridgertons since I was born. My mother was a very good friend of Violet Bridgerton. They ended up being pregnant at the same time as each other and were very happy about it. Due to this, I had a constant stream of playdates with Daphne Bridgerton since we were born.
Daphne and I did everything together piano lessons, ballroom dance classes, and going to Madame Delacroix to get dresses. It would seem fitting that we would be having our first season together. 
“Are you looking forward to Benedict courting you? Then we can be real sisters” She smiles while the maids are helping us get dressed for the ball.
I gasped my face turning beat red “ I have no idea what you are talking about!”
“Come on literally everyone knows about how you feel about Benedict except you and Benedict. Do you not remember our childhood you constantly asked to see Benedict's drawings and he always got too embarrassed to show you. And don’t think I didn’t notice all those times you stare at him.” Daphne says very sassily
“Oh shut it, Daphne” I refute  
“Not very lady like my dear Y/N. You don’t want Benedict to hear you speak like that” She smirks
“Oh, that’s it! I am going to tickle you to death Daphne!” I remark going to go after her.
The maid looks very upset “Please stop moving you are almost done.”
I accept my defeat as Daphne let’s out a victory smirk. Once we are finished we meet the other Bridgertons downstairs. 
“Oh, you two look so lovely!” Violet gushes as our Mothers practically suffocate us.
“I must say Y/N you look especially dazzling tonight,” Benedict says taking my hand and kissing it.
I blush very hard and curtsy “Why thank you, Benedict”
Daphne gives me a knowing look that causes me to send a glare her way. I get into a carriage with Daphne, Anthony, and Violet. Luckily there wasn’t any room for Benedict because I don’t think I can be stuck in a carriage with him while Daphne smirks at me the whole time. 
Anthony escorts Daphne into the ballroom and she looks absolutely radiant, I am sure she will be this year's diamond. Violet escorts me because she has agreed to be my sponsor as my mother is busy planning my older sister’s wedding.
Daphne seems to be surrounded by suitors as Anthony unsuccessfully tries to scare them all off. I feel a little bad at the lack of suitors I have maybe Daphne is right everyone knows my feelings for Benedict and I’ve scared them all off. 
Benedict approaches me with a lemonade “What is a beautiful lady like yourself doing all alone.”
“Why don’t you tell me” I mutter
“What was that?”
“Oh nothing,” I say with a smile thanking him for the lemonade.
That's when a gorgeous girl walks in with the most expensive-looking ball gown I've ever seen with a huge tiara upon her head.
Benedict looks enamored with her “If you will excuse me Ms. Y/N” he says as he walks away.
He called me Ms he never does that. God was I just fooling myself this whole time. He probably just thinks of me as his little sister's best friend.  I am so stupid! Fine if he can go off with fancy princesses I can find myself a suitable suitor!
I storm up to Anthony “Stop scaring your sister’s suitors away and help me find a suitor! It is an emergency!”
“I am simply just shooing off the unworthy suitors my sister deserves greatness. Why don’t you just ask Benedict to dance we all know you are in love with him.” He says annoyed.
“Yeah well... he does not even think of me... so I must move on,” I say with a frown.
“You two truly are idiots fine I will spare you one dance to prove you wrong. Then I must get back to Daphne.” Anthony rushes out.
“How will dancing with you solve any of my problems Bridgerton,” I comment.
“Simple logic really Benedict made you jealous so you must make him jealous as well.”
“How on earth can I make him Jealous when he doesn’t even notice me!” I practically yell at Anthony.
“As I said you two are truly idiots. Now just take my hand!” Anthony grunts out while grabbing my hand.
As Anthony and I dance many gather around us including Benedict and his princess. I can barely hold back my eye roll at this ridiculous plan like he would choose his sister’s annoying best friend over a princess.
Halfway through the dance Benedict storms up to us and yells “What on earth are you doing with Y/N?” 
“What does it look like brother I am courting her something you never had the guts to do,” Anthony retorts. 
My jaw drops what on earth does Anthony think he is doing is he trying to make me die of embarrassment. Then Benedict Punches Anthony right in the face! I swear you can hear the whole ballroom gasp. Benedict grabs my arm and drags me out of the ballroom. I look back to see Eloise laughing and Daphne bringing her brother ice but first giving me a thumbs up.
Once Benedict drags me to the courtyard I yank my arm out of his grasp “What is wrong with you I can not believe you just punched Anthony!”
“What worried his face will be permanently messed up for the wedding because I sure hope it is!” Benedict yells.
“What are you talking about! I would never marry Anthony he is practically Daphne's Dad that's just gross,” I gag out.
“Then what were you doing with him!” He shouts
I laugh “What are you jealous because what it seemed like to me is that you were courting that princess. Anthony said you would get jealous you know but I did not think you would. I mean you do not even have the right to be jealous! You have never shown any interest you treat me like I’m just your little sister's best friend nothing more.” 
“You think I’d do this if I saw you as just my little sister’s best friend,” He says grabbing my face for a passionate kiss.
I go to melt into the kiss but then I come to my senses and push him away.
“Are you just doing this out of a fit of jealousy! Are you just trying to ruin my chances of finding suitors? Because Benedict I really love you but if word gets out of us kissing and you do not intend to marry I will have no chance with any other suitor.” I say fighting the tears in my eyes.
Benedict cradles my face “ I love you to Y/N and I think I know the perfect way to show I do.” He pulls out a pocket sketchbook from his pants. 
“Seems like an odd time for drawing Benedict,” I smile.
He shakes his head “ Just open it.”
I open it and the sketchbook is filled with hundreds of drawings of me ranging from all different ages.
my jaw drops “When did you have time to do this”
“I’ve been drawing you since we were children. I have been in love with you since we were children. I just thought you saw me as nothing more than a brother,” He smiles.
“I have loved you always Benedict! Just ask Daphne she will never shut up about it,” I mumble the last part
Benedict smiles “Y/N L/N I would like to court you properly, do I have your permission to woo you this season?”
I grin very wide and nod yes.
(Y/N and Benedict don’t see it but the Bridgerton family is staring out the window smiling and cheering a tad too loud for a ball)
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
Gonna fix her. ( Steve rogers x reader )
Warning: abusive behavior, toxic behavior, misogyny.
Summary: Steve has a problem with all the modern women, but his girlfriend is where he draws the line. She was gonna learn to settle down.
Steve rogers was America's golden boy and everyone thought as him as a respectful man. That he was a good, king man, but that was all a fucking ruse. The truth was that he hated the modern women of the world. He hated now they did whatever they wanted and constantly disrespected the men of the world for no reason. Now, some men were insufferable and he could understand why some women hated men but, he wasn't like that and there were some good honest men, who worked hard Ana made a good honest living. Men like that, in Steve's opinion, deserved a housewife and children. Men like that deserved whatever the hell they wanted in the world.
Now, he has given his life for his country over and over. He thought that he deserved the world for his constant  sacrifice. How selfish was he for being like that.
Now, the girl he has been with was not what he wanted. He hated her disrespectful ass. She was volatile and loud, she drinks entirely too much, she didn't like to listen or clean up. The only reason he hasn't broken the relationship off because she was so damn pretty and knew she could be so much better than the way she was acting. He was gonna fix her.
Steve came home to a messy house. He signed and looked up at the stairs of their shared house. He grumbles and walked upstairs to their shared bedroom. There was clothes all over the floor. Her clothes. He looks at her sitting at his desk and using her vanity mirror to carefully apply eyeliner to her eyes.
" What is all this shit on the floor, darling?" he asked trying to contain his anger. All he wanted was a clean home to come home to for once.
She turns towards him and blinks at him with her long eyelashes. “ sorry, I was trying to find my dress" she says in such a soft pretty voice that he almost felt bad about being angry.
He sighs. “why can't you be clean? Women are supposed to clean and be clean. You modern women are so unclean "
She turned around with a disgusted look on her face. She scoffed and put her eyeliner down.
“ Steve you are being misogynistic. You cannot just say that to a women. You may have came from a different time period, but you can't just say that. Stop being a prick'' she spoke before turning back towards her vanity mirror with a scoff. Steve rolls his eyes and stands up.
“ well it's not my fucking fault that I rather be with a women who spends her time partying all the time. That's all you do and I want to settle down with kids. Why can't you focus on my own needs and not yours.” he says as he walked over to her and puts big hands on her shoulder.it was a shame because she was gorgeous, like now as she is putting on her makeup and going her long hair up into tight curls.
He just wanted to fuck her right now, hold her face down into the pillows, smudge her pretty makeup and make her a nice and dumb cocksleeve. His cock twitched at the thought of her squirming, begging him to stop or at least to slow down. He watched as this pretty women rolled her eyes and shrugged his hands off of her shoulders.
“Get off of me. You are being a jerk. Maybe we should break up cause this isn’t working. All you want is to keep me to yourself and have kids when I don’t want to. I want to have fun, I am 23 years old and I rather not be tied down with a husband and kids” she gets up while Steve's eye twitch. Something just snapped in Steve. He grabs her by her hair and pulls her back against his hard chest. He smiled as he could feel her fast, scared short breaths.
“You are not fucking leaving me. I don’t know who you think you are, but I am the man of the house. I don’t know what your fucking problem is, but don’t worry I am gonna fix you. You need a good man, good dick and need to be swollen with children. “ Steve spoke against her ear with his rumbling deep voice. She shivered and he smiled, letting go of her hair. “now go to your little party and we will talk about this later when you get back.”
He walks away from her and sits on the bed as she quickly got out of the room. She had to know that even if she didn’t come home he could always find her. He was going to fix her, wether she liked it or not.
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samsexualdeancurious · 8 months
Sunflowers (NSFW)
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Pairing: Sam x Jess
Words: 3,118
Summary: It's their first Valentine's Day together and Jess has a gift for Sam that's really a gift for both of them.
Warnings: FTM!Sam, strap-ons, vaginal sex, some gender/body stuff. I'm not transmasc myself but I am genderqueer and I drew on some of my own gender stuff for this.
Betaed by @samsbighonkintiddies
Valentine’s Day. Sam’s never put much thought into it, not since he was little and the only kid without a cool homemade “mailbox” for the class party or candy to go with his dollar store cards. To be honest, Valentine’s has joined a long list of holidays he decided long ago that he didn’t care about. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s… all the major ones, really, and a few of the smaller ones. Hard to celebrate Mother’s Day without a mom, after all.
This year is different, though, because Sam has a girlfriend. A gorgeous, sweet, perfect girlfriend who deserves all the good things in life and more. He wants to make his first Valentine’s Day with Jess special and amazing for her. Problem is, he has no clue where to start.
“Flowers,” Brady says without hesitation when Sam comes to him for advice. “Jess loves flowers.”
Sam is aware of that. Sunflowers are her favorite. He’s kissed the tattoo on her wrist enough times to remember. Of course she’s getting sunflowers.
“I dunno, man. Dinner? A big teddy bear? Girls love that shit.”
They do, Sam knows, and Jess has plenty of plush animals of her own but he doesn’t have the money for a giant teddy bear. Not if he wants to do flowers. Dinner, though, isn’t a bad idea. She cooks for him all the time. Sam’s not much of a cook himself - the many variations of boxed mac & cheese he and Dean have invented over the years don’t count - but he’s pretty sure he could follow a simple recipe. Maybe he could get the ingredients and they could cook together.
He looks up some recipes on a library computer and prints out one for pasta in vodka sauce. He’s got most of the ingredients in his kitchen, thanks to a shopping list Jess made for him the first time she tried to cook dinner at his shitty little apartment, and the rest he should be able to find at Walmart with no problem.
He still gets chocolate to go with the flowers, since he knows how much Jess adores chocolate. When he arrives at her apartment with flowers, chocolate, and ingredients in hand, though, he finds his heart is racing the way it did the first time John took him on a hunt. Jess is significantly less terrifying than a ghost but at the same time, this is the scariest thing he’s ever done.
Her little shriek of joy when she lays eyes on the flowers, though, soothes most of his anxiety.
“Sam, they’re beautiful,” she coos, sweeping the flowers into her arms and ushering him inside. The bouquet isn’t much, just a handful of sunflowers and some filler Sam couldn’t name if he tried, but her joy tells him the thought is just as important. “You remembered.”
How could he forget? Sam smiles and takes her in. She’s always beautiful but tonight she’s positively glowing, her blonde curls tumbling over her shoulders. She’s wearing pale blue, one of Sam’s favorite colors on her. The knee-length dress is a simple Grecian style with a high waist and a low v collar dipping down between her breasts, drawing his gaze down along with it. She leads him into the kitchen in search of a vase and he sets the bags on the counter to free up his hands to find the scissors to cut the stems for her.
Jess eyes the bags, peeking into the closest one. “What’s all this?”
His anxiety spikes again and he feels his cheeks warm as he looks down at the scissors in his hands. “I, um. I want to cook for you. Or with you. Whichever you prefer.”
She gapes at him for a moment, clearly not having expected this at all, and then lights up. “Oh, my god. You’re such a darling. That sounds wonderful.”
She kisses him then, holding the flowers out to one side so they won’t be crushed between their bodies, and Sam relaxes into the softness of her mouth. Kissing Jess has fast become one of his favorite activities.
Cooking with Jess is going to join kissing on the list of favorite activities, Sam decides later as he watches her expertly chop a few more cloves of garlic than the recipe actually calls for. She’d insisted on helping, probably to make sure he doesn’t burn the apartment down but he doesn’t mind. He has no idea how to chop garlic. He has no idea how to chop anything, actually, and she doesn’t really trust him with a knife in the kitchen, since he almost chopped his finger off early on in their relationship. He really can’t blame her for that.
Handling a knife in a fight and handling a knife in a kitchen? Two very different things.
“That’s a lot,” he observes as she scrapes the garlic, pulverized to an almost paste, off the cutting board and into a bowl.
“First lesson of cooking,” she says. “Measure garlic with your heart.”
She flips her curls out of her face with a toss of her head and flashes him a heart-stopping grin, and he wonders for the hundredth time since they met how he got so lucky.
The meal comes together quickly, once everything has been prepped. Jess calls it “mise en place” or “everything in its place.” From there it’s a simple matter of adding everything to the pot at the right time and in the right order. Jess lets Sam handle most of this part and his confidence grows with each careful step he follows, his beautiful girlfriend cheering him on with the recipe in hand. When finally he dishes the final product into two bowls, she rewards him with a kiss.
“Perfect,” she praises after her first bite. Her foot is hooked around his ankle under the tiny dining table.
Sam hesitantly takes his own first bite and is pleasantly surprised. The sauce is rich and creamy, with a sharp bite from the vodka that perfectly balances the sweet acidity of the tomatoes.
“Holy shit,” he says around his mouthful. Jess nods enthusiastically in agreement and Sam can’t help a grin.
“This is going to be a regular on the rotation,” she decides and Sam can’t argue with that.
After dinner, they wash the dishes together and the normality of it makes Sam’s heart soar. He loves doing even the most mundane of everyday tasks with her and the more he thinks about that, the more and more sure he is that she’s the one.
“All right,” Jess says once the last dish is put away. She plants her hands on her hips. “It’s time for your gift.”
“Jess, you didn’t have to-” he starts out of instinct but stops when she shakes her head.
“It’s kind of a gift for me, too.” She takes both his hands in hers and lifts her chin to kiss him lightly. “C’mon. To the bedroom.”
Sam’s heart races at the possibilities that come to mind with those three words. He eagerly follows Jess into her little bedroom and lets her sit him on the edge of the bed. She rummages in her closet and emerges with a red bag, white tissue paper blossoming out of the top. It’s the most nicely wrapped gift he’s ever received and he takes it with hesitant hands as she settles on the bed next to him. She looks nervous, tucking her bare feet up to sit cross-legged on the comforter.
“Go on,” she encourages and Sam pulls the paper from the bag.
He’s unsure what he’s looking at when he first pulls out the box. In his defense, he’s never seen one of these things in a box before.
“Holy shit,” he says when he realizes what it is. He immediately starts tearing into the box, sliding the plastic tray out and sending half the gift tumbling into his lap. He recognizes the harness. Jess has one exactly like it in her collection and it was Sam’s favorite of the ones he tried on early in their relationship. “Jess.”
The dildo seems huge in his hand, though he knows it’s probably about the same size as most of her average-sized toys. It’s definitely the most normal-looking one he’s seen, though, and that excites him as he realizes what this gift means.
“Jess,” he repeats. “Is this… for me?”
She nods, bouncing a little in her seat. “Yeah, I - you said you’ve always wanted one and I know you like that harness. I thought you’d probably prefer something that looks like a real dick. Is that…?” she’s suddenly hesitant, doubt creeping into her expression and Sam needs to kiss her.
He does just that, the strap-on and dildo tumbling off his lap onto the bed as he surges toward her. She gasps and then giggles, looping her arms around his shoulders.
“Gonna let me fuck you?” Sam asks, still stunned by this opportunity.
Jess hums in agreement, kissing him again, and then pulls away to pick up the toy. “Put that on, baby. I’ll go wash this.”
Sam’s body is singing with arousal, his boxers damp with it already when he shoves them down his thighs. He tosses his clothes in the hamper and thinks for a moment about how their clothes are muddled together like they share a space already. He thinks about a future where everything is mingled all the time and warmth blossoms in his chest at the possibilities his future holds now.
The current possibility, though, is really a certainty.
It takes Sam a minute to get the straps sorted out but he’s yet to tighten them around his thighs and ass when Jess returns with the clean toy in hand. She pauses in the doorway and his skin flushes with warmth under her hungry gaze.
“Fucking gorgeous,” she proclaims.
Sam’s blush deepens. He’s always felt so self-conscious about his body but Jess is so eager, so encouraging, and it’s been a surprisingly big boost to his confidence. Getting top surgery helped, even though it took almost a lifetime of saving every penny and some help from Jess to do so. His body feels more the way it should.
Jess waves the dildo at him. “Want a hand?”
Sam has no fucking clue how to put a dildo into a harness, so he nods. He’s not expected Jess to settle on her knees before him. His breath catches at the sight. She gazes up at him through her lashes as expert fingers slide the toy through the o-ring, making sure the snaps stay secure, and then she’s tugging the straps tight to hold it in place.
“How does that feel?” she asks, hands settling on his thighs just below the straps.
Sam shifts his hips, feeling the weight of the dildo, and adjusts the straps to get them into a better spot. “Good.” Really good. Looking down at his body to see a hard cock jutting out from his hips and his gorgeous girlfriend on her knees with her pink tongue darting out to wet her lips? Better than good. “Fuck, Jess.”
She grins and then she’s leaning forward to take the head of the cock - his cock - into her mouth.
Obviously, Sam can’t feel anything in the toy itself but the base is shaped to rub against his clit with every motion. Even without that stimulation, his body is thrumming with pleasure at the sight alone and he can’t stop a groan. Jess preens and takes the cock deeper. His hand instinctively finds her hair, cradling the back of her head, and her eyelashes flutter closed. That’s the encouragement he needs to take a little more control and guide her in the bobbing of her head. Jess has never been big on blowjobs, he knows - she’s a pussy girl all the way - but she’s moaning openly, and Sam’s leaking slick all over his inner thighs at the sound.
He needs to move this along.
“Jess,” he manages. “Jess, I need -”
She gets the message, pulling off with a gasp. “Yeah? How do you want me, big guy?”
Sam’s brain shuts down for a second at that. “... huh?”
Jess laughs and takes his hand to pull herself to her feet. “Missionary it is. This time.”
This time.
She leads him to the bed, stopping at the foot of it to pull Sam in for a kiss. Something about it resets Sam’s brain and he knows what to do from here. His arms sweep up over Jess’s shoulders, around the curve of her back to where the zipper of her dress waits. It goes down easily and then the dress is slipping from her shoulders, revealing first the perfect mounds of her breasts and then her lacy white underwear.
She’s the most beautiful woman Sam has ever laid eyes on and he wants - needs - to worship her.
Wordlessly, Sam lays Jess down in the center of the bed. It feels so right, taking charge like this and being the one to blanket his partner’s body with his own. The toy - his cock - bumps against her pelvis and she spreads her legs in response. Sam takes her in for a moment. Blonde curls haloing her head, sun-kissed skin from lying topless on her little balcony, long legs falling open around him to reveal the darkening patch in the pure white of her panties.
Sam ducks down to press a kiss above the waistband, smirking at her little gasp. He hooks his fingers under the elastic and slides them all the way off, over her pretty bare feet because of course every inch of Jess is pretty. They join his clothes in the hamper and then he’s returning to his spot between her thighs.
She opens with the slightest touch, allowing him to hook his arms under her legs and yanks her down onto his face. He doesn’t hold back and neither does she, openly whimpering and moaning as he works her over. She’s honey-sweet and musky and so soft under his tongue. The little strip of dark blonde hair she keeps carefully trimmed points right to her clit and Sam has always been good at reading maps.
Jess falls apart under his mouth and hands, shouting her pleasure to the ceiling, and he knows the neighbors can hear her but neither of them cares. The idea of a gag briefly crosses his mind, though, and he tucks it away for later. Maybe for his birthday. He makes her cum twice before she shoves his head away with shaking hands. He looks up to find her watching him over the heaving of her breasts, struggling to catch her breath.
“Fuck me,” she gasps at last.
Sam is more than happy to obey. He slides up her body to capture her mouth with his, giving her the taste of her pussy on his tongue. She sighs and hooks her legs around him, pressing his hips forward so his cock slides against the slick mess of her core.
“Fuck me,” she repeats and Sam isn’t going to make her ask again.
He sits up and she whines at the loss of contact but he has to see. He needs to watch his own hand curl around his cock, the way it slip-slides so easily through her dripping folds. Her pussy is flushed with arousal and parts easily for him when he presses inside. Sinks home, balls deep in one smooth motion of his hips.
“Sam,” she sighs. “Yes.”
And so he fucks her. He’s never done this before and it takes him a moment to find the right motion of his hips, the angle that makes her cling tighter to him. When he does, he focuses on repeating that pattern. He needs practice but something about it feels right, like he was made to be on this side of the equation as he curls over Jess and digs his teeth into the curve of her right breast. She cries out and one hand flies to his hair, keeping him in place as he sucks a bruise just north of her nipple.
They’re doing this again. In every position, every room. He needs to spread her out on the couch, bend her over the dining table, see her ride him on the kitchen floor. Maybe even out on the balcony for the neighbors to see if they’re home. He thinks of Jess draped over the railing, curls bouncing as he fucks her from behind, and his clit throbs where the toy presses against him.
“Jess,” he manages. “Jess, I -”
“Do it,” she says. “Do it, Sammy, wanna see -”
Sam groans and keeps fucking her, arms curled around her shoulders and elbows braced against the mattress to keep her from sliding up into the headboard. He presses his face into the curve of her neck and breathes in the scent of her. Sweet and floral, orange blossom and bergamot, made brighter where it’s mixing with the salty tang of her sweat, and that’s when it hits.
Sam’s breath leaves his lungs in a shout and then he’s lost, grinding in deep to get as much stimulation as possible while his orgasm washes over him. Jess’s heels dig into his ass, holding his hips to hers. Her hands are in his hair and her mouth at his temple when Sam finally relaxes.
“Holy shit,” he breathes, and she giggles.
“That was hot.”
Sam lifts his head to meet her gaze and grins. “Yeah?”
She kisses him and Sam grinds his hips where he’s buried to the hilt in her body. “Yeah,” she says against his mouth. “Yeah, that - keep doing that.”
Sam is more than happy to oblige, repeating the motion until Jess trembles in his arms, fingernails leaving marks in his shoulders like her grip on him is the only thing holding her together, and wails. Sam’s body flushes with heat and he could definitely cum again just like this, with her on his cock, but he knows she can’t handle another one. She’s down for the count, at least for a few minutes, and so he eases out of her.
“Oh, my god,” Jess says as her limbs fall limp on the bed. “Oh, my god, Sam.”
He laughs and lets his weight fall to the side instead of on top of her. He kisses her cheek. “Good?”
“Gimme a few and then I want to ride you.”
Very good, then. He nuzzles against her cheek and her hand comes up to cup his jaw. Tilting his head, he presses a kiss to the sunflower on the inside of her wrist.
“I’m all yours,” he says and he means it, one-hundred percent.
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Team Forever: @mrswhozeewhatsis @manawhaat @books-and-icecream @laughing-at-the-darkness @tumbler-tidbits @emoryhemsworth @imsuperawkward
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amemenojaku · 9 months
character ask prompt: yuyuko!
General opinion/How much I care about them: There's a LOT to unpack with Yuyuko so I'll start with the easy things first. She's one of the first characters with matter to work with, actually the first one period imo, with a real story to dig in that makes her feel more than a cute girl in a bullet hell game so props to her for that!! There's a good contrast between her absolutely tragic backstory and her personality in the present that makes her character both endearing and disturbing at the same time, her boss fight stood up to time despite being 20 years old now, and she's gorgeous, so it's no wonder she's become so iconic. I think some of the older characters don't... """deserve""" (words a bit strong but it's the only thing I can come up with rn) the spotlight they always get but Yuyuko really does imo. Now for the more personal parts... :-) I have a very visceral relationship with parts of her character, and despite the funny ghost personality she makes me feel unbelievably sad sometimes. It's not just because of that one thing in her backstory, it's like... a whole package!! so it's tough to say how much I like her exactly
A ship I love: I don't have a preferred choice for her. I like some classic yukayuyu and I've been fond of Satori/Yuyuko for around a year (pretends that one specific line they dropped after teasing the ship for months doesn't exist), and I enjoy the aesthetic of Yuyuko/Youmu a lot even if I don't ship it as long as Youmu doesn't look like a baby. But she's such a free spirit (hah) to me that I can't bring myself to have strong feelings for any of those
A non-romantic relationship that I love: One day someone drew past Yuyuko with Hieda no Are's reincarnation of that time (Ami I think?) and I have not been the same person ever since!!! There's something to do with Yuyuko and Akyuu and the ideas of past and forgotten memories and classics (sorry for including litt in all of those btw.) and I'd love to see it. Or make it. When my brain isn't overwhelmed by so many ideas anymore. I think next time Yukari visits Akyuu for the chronicles she should bring Yuyuko along.
The NOTP: Nothing comes to mind
My biggest headcanon about them: I've seen people talk about the idea that she's a skeleton under the layers of her kimono and it's so disturbing it loops back to being excellent. Also... maybe some of her senses never fully came back - I like to think the sense of smell especially.
An idea for a fanwork I would like to make/see about them: The aforementioned Yuyuko & Akyuu story, and I've also wanted to draw something based on Saigyo Hoshi's poems for a very long time but I need to do some more research for that. One day.....
Something that makes me think of them: Cherry blossoms ofc lol, but to avoid the obvious answer I want to mention I thought of her pretty often during my jp litt classes despite the fact that we never studied Saigyo's works..... she was just there and it stayed
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measuringbliss · 10 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 022: The Master Plan of the Molten Man... and Dracula is also there (ASM 132-133, GSSM 1)
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In this duo, we see an old friend... or two. And then, we meet a vampire. OoOoOh~!
I really enjoy the Molten Man's new design! Gorgeous cover.
It may be January in the Marvel-verse, but we're in May 74, publication-wise!
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Liz is back! Hasn't been seen since issue 30, which explains why I keep mistaking Betty and her.
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I don't know why, but I remembered this specific (and very ugly) maid. Poor lady.
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Anyway, Raxton is hot, there I said it, we can get on.
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When I first saw those panels, I thought it was exactly like how Romita would draw Liz... then I checked the credits again... and it's him! His soapy style is gorgeous as ever. Peter says she never got on with MJ, but given that MJ appeared for the first real time in #42... I don't know what he's on. The art of the retcon!
Ned, who's investigating the maid's intel on Raxton, almost dies as Raxton (actually the Molten Man) makes his room explode. I like that Ned (and the rest of the cast) are more involved! I miss them.
The Molten Man has apparently not been seen since #35, which checks out. It's the occasion for the artists to put gold, which is a shade we don't see so much.
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Look, is this a safe space? Can I say what's on my mind?
The feet are really nice. I'm not particularly into feet (I know, TMI) but I'm really impressed by how it looks good. And the rest of Raxton's body is obviously quite well-done too. I'm not saying that Spider-Man comics made me gay, but they sure aren't beating the allegations.
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Ned is very badly aged, but I like the damsel in distress look.
Raxton's radiation has a bad influence on Peter's metabolism, and he might very well die by the next issue...
Oh, who are we kidding?
In the readers' letters, it seems like Gwen's death has now mostly been forgiven, and someone is praising MJ--and she deserves it!
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Even men want to see more of Peter! I'm afraid the situation isn't exactly adapted, however.
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As a matter of fact, Spidey has already planned to party in a sauna with another man. Better luck next time!
(I love those smoke effects.)
Liz reveals that Raxton is her brother, which I completely forgot about.
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We rarely see that kind of comedy, hahaha.
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So. Um. It's a classic story of Spidey kind of being a jerk. Um. So Liz's brother is dead. For now. Maybe. Oof.
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In the comments, there's also people talking about Russia's attack on Ukraine. Gerry Conway's run is really provocative, huh! I'm kind of loving it. His shaking of the status quo, not the attack.
I wonder if we'll get to see Liz's reaction :(
I'll do Giant-Size 1 later, it's currently more than 3 am. Hey, do you know what we'll get next time? A big batch... and Harry's big moment as, you know, the, the...!
Oh, you'll just have to wait!
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And here's the late addendum of Giant-Size Spider-Man #1!
I'm into that, actually!
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So May's dying again (isn't she always?) and Peter needs to get her a vaccine. Ross Andru thus entertains us with a brilliant perspective shot.
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Their homoeroticism never fails. Reading the summary of Marvel Team-Up 23 actually was a treat, because I finally got the answer to a years-old question of mine: did Iceman really rob a bank in the first few pages of this issue?
No, he didn't, folks!
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Yes, you're getting a ton of screenshots for this part, since I know there's no more issue in this batch after this one.
Anyway, Dracula... Could you please breed me?
To me, Peter and Dracula crossing paths was like, an interplanetary event. It gave me chills. In fact, it still does and I think I should write Peter/Dracula smut now so thank you to the whole team, you've made a mess out of my brain, ARE YOU HAPPY?!? (It is 3 am.)
At least three factions are out there to find Maxfield, either to kill him (Dracula), use him for bartering (the Whisperer and Simian), and naturally Peter just wants to heal his aunt.
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I remember that exact cosplay!!!! Funny what the brain remembers and doesn't. Sir, if you thirst so much, maybe I could come to your aide. You just need to ask. Okay, that's actually optional.
The Whisperer's men have a run in with Dracula and think he's Maxfield, which totally offends Dracula. As revenge, he decides to homosexualize his assailants.
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The writing team then attempts to gaslight me into thinking Dracula isn't hot as fuck.
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They're not doing a good job, I can tell you.
A woman is attacked by Dracula, Peter hears her, alerts the captain, who makes Dr. Maxfield come... and Simian follows them.
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The fake Hawkgirl attacks one of them and is knocked unconscious. They escape with the man, Peter escapes too...
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I'm all giddy!!!!!! Don't know why, but I love that "oh it's not the end yet... or rather, at all! I'm loving this romp. It's a complete joy.
In a great feat of misdirection, Simian and his men find Spider-Man... but actually, he's just a rando in a costume! That's funny and foreshadowed (given that everyone's in a costume anyway). And if I remember, this isn't the only misdirection...
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The guy on the right is a fun one.
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Meanwhile, Dracula is just as uncomfortable watching Babylon's first 10 minutes as I was. (It's a great movie, go watch it.)
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Great mise-en-scène! The Whisperer has trapped the guy, but a bat follows... and hits Simian with its gay ray. Hurray!
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Gosh, Dracula is such a girlboss. "I have been harassed--attacked--INSULTED..." Iconic.
Dracula eventually escapes, convinced that he just threw Maxfield overboard... but Spidey caught fake Robin Hood!
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And thus, the biggest twist arises!
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What a girlboss too.
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And that's how it ends. A stellar issue! Loved it.
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queen-scribbles · 3 months
31. Catching the other before they fall
A wild Bry + Jonas appear to banter and flirt, with a dash of mild peril just for funsies \o/ ---
The wind cutting across the ridge made conversation difficult, but Briyoni had never been one easily dissuaded from sharing her opinion. Even by the weather.
"Why are we here?" she groused, staggering as the sand under her feet shifted.
"Because joint operations are fun," Jonas said glibly and not for the first time. "Also b'cause they know we make a good team, and we both have prior operational experience on Tatooine."
Briyoni snorted, squinting despite the goggles she wore to cut down sun glare as she peered along the trail. If you even wanted to call it a trail. "Way I remember it, your 'operational experience' was lounging around the spaceport while me'n Jorgan schlepped halfway across the planet to extract your agent."
"Highly editorialized, but you did a great job." There was a grin in his voice that made her want to turn around and bop him. Or maybe shove him down the sand dune. But the less time spent in the sun and heat, the better, so she restrained herself to an eyeroll.
"How much farther?" she said instead.
A brief pause, then, "Half a klick. Hope there's some shade wherever they're expecting us to set up..."
She'd never been one to pass up low-hanging fruit. "What, didn't your operational experience prepare you for this, Balkar?"
"Alright, I deserved that," he laughed, which turned into a cough as the wind threw sand in their faces.
"Sure did," Briyoni smirked, then turned her attention back to walking without falling over. They pressed on in silence for a few minutes, longing for more solid footing, before the wind subsided enough for conversation again.
"Number of Imperial ops you've wrecked out here, I'm a little surprised they're willing to risk this planet again," Jonas commented, drawing level with her to look ahead.
"One thing I do hafta give the Imps, they're persistent," she said drolly. She watched him as he looked between the holomap and the terrain along the dunes ahead.
"I think it's taking us there," he said, pointing to a pair of rock formations towering over the sand and what looked like the shadow of a crevasse.
"Look, shade," Briyoni needled, nudging his ribs with her elbow.
"Hope it's still there when we get there," Jonas muttered. He stowed the holomap and resumed course.
She could see the first tinges of sunburn on his cheeks as she fell in step. "Those pillars are tall enough, bet there's always shade of some sort."
"Tryin' to make me feel better?"
"I'm grumpy enough for two about this op." She wiped sweat off her neck and wrinkled her nose. "One of us should stay optimistic about it, and you're such a cheerful person you're the natural choice."
Jonas laughed. "I mean, a durasteel-clad excuse to spend time with you is all I need to stay optimistic about it, gorgeous. Even when you're bullying me."
"Pfft, if you think this is bullying, you need to talk to Jorgan." Briyoni said with a grin. "I give him way more crap." She tugged him close by the scarf protecting his neck. "I'm nice 'cause I like you."
"What a relief," Jonas deadpanned, so close she felt his chuckle whisk against her cheek. "Here I was worried you didn't. Would've been awkward, with the engagement and all."
"This you droppin' hints for some kind of reassurance?"
She hummed a laugh, lips just brushing the corner of his mouth. "When we get where we're goin', handsome," she murmured, and stepped back.
"Okay, now that's mean," Jonas complained good-naturedly, but he did pick up the pace toward their goal.
"Call it motivation," Briyoni called over the wind as they drew close enough to get a good look at the designated spot. Plenty of shade, tumbled rocks to shield from wind and sensor sweeps... long as there was a good view of their target, she might have to give the SIS this one.
"Oh, I'm plenty moti-" Jonas' snarked reply cut with an abrupt yelp as the ground gave under his next step, sand sliding into the freshly revealed sinkhole. He teetered on the edge of it, losing the battle for balance as more of the ground cascaded away.
"Jonas!" Briyoni grabbed for his jacket, backpedaling the second her fingers closed around fabric to pull him with her to a rocky section of ground that would--hopefully--prove more sturdy. One of them tripped as they reached it, landing them safe but in a tangle of limbs, him half on top of her.
"Thanks," Jonas managed, breathless from her elbow digging into his ribs.
Briyoni nodded, shoving up her goggles as she stared at the sinkhole. "Well, y'know, would've been really boring to do this by mysel-"
He kissed her. "Bry. Shut up."
"Mhm." She grunted her agreement as she kissed him back, her fingers digging into his hair.
Now that the initial knee-jerk adrenaline and flippant snark-hiding-fear moment was past, she was dwelling on the warnings she'd heard--desert sinkholes swallowing people whole in a blink. No trace, no escape, only slower death was by sarlacc. She'd gotten lucky on her other missions here and never encountered one, but that had been way too close.
She finally pulled back enough to meet Jonas' eyes. "You want me to take point again, babe?"
He nodded, a tad sheepish. "If you don't mind."
Briyoni stole one more kiss before extricating herself and getting to her feet. She could feel a new bruise starting on her thigh from his knee(made them even for her elbow in his ribs). "At least it looks like it's a bit rockier the rest of the way."
"Good." He took the hand up she offered, a little shaky as he raked hair out of his face. "Thanks again for catching me."
"Sure," she nodded, shooting him a wink. "You are quite a catch, after all."
"Ha-ha," Jonas laughed sarcastically, but he still slid his hand into hers as they started off, warily eyeing the ground.
And she didn't blame him when he chose a perch up on a boulder once they were settled in their spot.
Just in case.
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evilpenguinrika · 4 months
Hosie+fankids Pokemon AU
Anyway here's a list of Hosie+my Hosie fankids's Pokemon team and the explanations for why I picked the specific Pokemon for them under the cut bc this got long and I don't wanna spam the tag with constantly long-ass posts all the time (especially when those long-ass posts are AU specific lmao rip)🙏
And who knows mayhaps I'll draw a Hosie Pokemon AU in the future one day. Gotta have a point of reference for me to look back to👀
Okay, enough rambling from me, hope you enjoy this long list of Hosie Pokemon AU and also so sorry for all the reading under the cut
Hope Mikaelson
Lycanroc Midnight
Alolan Ninetails
Hope’s first three Pokemon represent her Tribrid side. Delphox = witch, Lycnroc Midnight = werewolf, Gliscor = vampire. I don’t think there’s really much need to go into detail as to why I picked these three Pokemon for Hope 😛 
For the other three, Garchomp, Absol, Alolan Ninetails, it’s all about aesthetics, really. Garchomp, I found out, is a pseudo-legendary, so I think it fits her pretty well being a Tribrid. I mean, aside from her eldest daughter Lana, there’s no one else in the supernatural world that’s a Tribrid like her. Plus, Hope with a Dragon type on her team is pretty dope if you ask me. 
Absol has this infamous connection to disaster. And… Well… I don’t need to explain too much about why I picked Absol for Hope, do I 👀? Plus also it gives me this like, lone-wolf type of vibe which fits Hope’s vibes a bit.
Finally, Alolan Ninetails! Look, I don’t know why, but I associate ice/snow with Hope. It just somehow happened that way (maybe also because Hope=ice Josie=fire and the typical ice/fire tropes in some ships 👀). But Alolan Ninetails is also majestic as fuck, and that’s also Hope. She is also majestic as fuck and she deserves to have a gorgeous and majestic Pokemon on her team.
Honourable mentions: Zoroark, Mawile, Lucario, Smeargle
Josie Saltzman
The two Grass types, Sunflora and Leafeon, in Josie’s team made me think of her affiliation with plants and I do not remember if that is a canon thing that Josie really loves plants, or if it was a fanon thing that was created through, well, the fandom. But I thought it worked regardless
For Mismagius and Spiritomb, I picked them specifically to represent Josie’s (Siphoner sorta) witch and her Dark!Josie era on the show. Mismagius obviously being the witch and Spiritomb being Dark!Josie. It helps that Spiritomb is also a Dark type, and it does make me think of when Josie like put all that dark energy into that dark object, so it works!
I picked Houndoom for Josie because of her pyromaniac tendencies teehee 😜 lol I'm half kidding. I did remember there was a moment with her character and fire: Penelope's hair, the confession letter, that one scene where she blows out a little match–I thought it wouldn't be a Josie team if I didn't have a Fire type with her. And the reason for Houndoom specifically is because Houndoom is cool and also part Dark type which ties back to her Dark!Josie era.
Haterene and actually Leafeon too, are because I’m a sucker for giving twins paired Pokemon haha. So while those two are Josie’s, Lizzie’s has Grimmsnarl and Glaceon. Haterene because she also has this fairytale witchy vibe, which I thought was kinda fitting for that one fairytale scene in the show where Hope jumps into Josie’s mind or something to deal with Dark!Josie. Leafeon because, c’mon. Eeveelution pair Leafeaon and Glaceon, it’s too good of an opportunity to pass up!
Honourable mentions: Lechonk, Plusle, Gothitelle, Lilligant
Lana Mikaelson
Delphox (shiny)
Meowstic (F)
Lana is also a Tribrid like Hope, but I also wanted to give her some differences in her starting three Pokemon so she’s not like a carbon copy shadow of Hope. With that being said, I do have her first Pokemon be Delphox, like Hope’s. I thought maybe it would be sweet for Hope's Delphox to have eggs and Hope passed one to Lana and it hatched into a Fennekin. A next gen thing. But shiny because in my mind, Lana's magical fires take on a more black and purple hue (even if shiny Delphox’s fire is still red lol).
Mightyena and Hydreigon represent her werewolf and vampire side in her Tribrid title thing. Now, I know Hydreigon is a three-headed Dragon and nothing to do with vampires or even has a vampire motif. But lemme tell you something: it's fine. Don't worry about it. Lana with a kick-ass Dragon type like Hydreigon is hella dope don't come at me I'm fragile. Also Hydreigon, I just found out, is a pseudo-legendary type, which I think fits with Lana’s Tribrid nature. Not full legendary rare, but still rare enough that there’s no one else like her except for her Mom (which is also very fitting because Hope has a pseudo-legendary with Garchomp, another Dragon type).
Brambleghast is an immediate must because aside from black-purple fire, I think it's neat that her magic also manifests in brambles/briars. So this Pokemon is literally perfect for her.
Meowstic and Froslass give me this like, stand-offish and cool vibe, which honestly fits Lana's entire personality of a typical ice princess vibe who may or may not have a superiority complex.
Honourable mentions: Vileplume, Haterene, Tsareena, Abomasnow, Doublade
Hayley Mikaelson
Lycanroc Midday
Hayley is the only werewolf–aside from Lana but she’s a Tribrid–amongst her supernatural siblings. So I thought it would be rather sweet if Hayley also have a Lycanroc but Midday form. I like to think that maybe Hope’s Lycanroc had babies and Hayley ended up getting one of the Rockruffs. Like passing on a legacy hehehe.
Asides from that, Hayley’s the type who will pull punches, she will act first and asks questions later type of person. So having a few Fighting types on her team was a no brainer. Like Primeape, Toxicroak, and Gallade–the latter which I just found out is part Fighting so that was a fun discovery.
I also thought Poison types would fit Hayley pretty well (and maybe it had something to do with the fact that Poison type logo colour is purple, and purple is her colour lmao). Which is where Toxicroak and Nidoking comes in. Plus, they would also fit in the power punches that is more of Hayley’s playstyle in combat.
Like with Josie, I love, love, love giving paired Pokemon to twins because I’m a massive lame unoriginal dork! Except I did bounce between giving Hayley either Flareon or Vaporeon to match with Jay’s Jolteon. Ended up not picking Flareon even tho she’s a spitfire because I feel like fire is a bit more of Jay’s thing even tho I picture Jay having more of an affinity to lightning. So then I thought maybe Vaporeon? But in the end I picked Espeon (it did pain me to not give Jay Umbreon because to me, Espeon and Umbreon are a pair) because purple is Hayley’s colour but I also think Espeon fits her, especially because Espeon is a Psychic type and Hayley has a few Fighting types, and Psychic is effective against Fighting. It also would tie into the fact that, despite Hayley being very hard-headed and tough, she still has that vulnerable moment to her that she tends to hide away from other people. It’s a pretty good balance!
Honourable mentions: Noivern, Weavile, Scrafty, Pangoro, Mienshao, Medicham, Swoobat
Jay Mikaelson
Jolteon (shiny)
Toxtricity Amped
Look, I don’t have to repeat that I love giving twins paired Pokemon, because we been knew lmao. Jolteon is perfect for Jay because I always pictured him to have this affinity with lightning. However, I am a bit stumped on if I want Jolteon to be shiny or not, because Jay’s main colour is green (more like olive green), but we shall see. My answer will probably end up being a “yes his Jolteon is shiny and Hayley probably hates that he got a shiny Pokemon” haha. Shiny Jolteon it is then!
To keep in theme with his association with lightning, I gave him Toxtricity Amped form because I thought it’d be cool. Sometimes there’s just no deep reasoning. Sometimes it’s just “i think this is cool” lol.
Spiritomb for Jay is the same reasoning I have for Josie except he doesn’t really do what she did in the show and messed around with a dark object. But I thought it would be neat to give him Spiritomb (maybe this is actually Josie’s Spiritomb that she passed down to Jay, who knows). With Yamask, I didn’t have much of a story on why he has one, but I think I thought it fits him? I don’t really know how to explain why I think that. It just does.
Gave him a Flygon on his team because, like with Toxtricity, I just think it’d be neat! Also green lol. No but there is actually a little bit of reasoning. So asides from lightning, I think Jay would also have an affinity with the Earth/ground. So it fits that Flygon is a Ground(/Dragon) type as well. Flygon also has pretty good speed stat, and to be honest, Jay is very nimble and agile when he’s in combat and isn’t using his magic. I have a lot of his melee fights incorporate a lot of contemporary dance and gymnastic moves because I think it would be really interesting for him to use a lot of that in his melee fights, plus it would be pretty creative writing-wise to see what sort of things I can come up with to make those fights feel fluid because he is very agile and dextrous.
Typhlosion is there because I am biased and I love Typhlosion, fave starter of gen 2 babeyyy. But also has that little small spark of fire that he and Josie shares and I think that’s pretty neat heehee.
Honourable mentions: Raichu, Grovyle, Breloom, Altaria, Pidgeot, Ambipom, Toedscool
Leo Mikaelson
For Leo, I obviously had to give him Litleo. There was no way I couldn’t not give him Litleo, his name is practically in the name. Perfect Pokemon for our sweet summer child boi.
I actually had a tough time picking out the rest of Leo’s team and had to go back and forth with his way more than the others. Mostly because I had a thought of “what if he just has primarily Fairy types for the rest of his team” which evolved into “oh what about he has Fairy and Dragon types” which then evolved into “what if he just has these conventionally “””scary””” Pokemon on his team in contrast of his sunny bright disposition”. I think I did end up sticking with that regarding Granbull and Aggron.
Chansey came about because Leo wants to help his family out no matter what. That includes learning how to do potions even though he has no magic. That means learning up on werewolf packs and diplomacy even though he’s not a werewolf. That means researching the history of vampires–which becomes a family history thing–and figuring out ways to help rippers. He also makes sure his family is taken care of if they end up in some battle and are hurt. That’s where Chansey comes in. In Pokemon, Nurse Joy’s in every Pokemon Centre has a Chansey. They are like the poster Pokemon for Pokemon Centres. And in some of the Dex entries, Chansey is a very helping Pokemon. Whether that’s giving people or Pokemon its egg to eat to heal them, or bringing trainer’s happiness if they’re caught. That’s Leo. That is completely Leo.
Gave him Sliggoo to also balance out the Fairy types that he had on his team! I think it'd be neat for him to have a Dragon type. Because, tbh, Leo is gregarious and befriends creatures so quickly no matter what or how they act. Leo has amassed an army of creatures who will protect him no matter the cost and that's super precious to me haha. Which brings me back to my reasoning for giving him Granbull and Aggron lol (I know they're not scary ok).
And with Mimikyu, at first it was because I personally love Mimikyu but the more I thought about it the more I went “oh wait the lore of Mimikyu would maybe perhaps fit Leo’s arc of being the only human in a family of supernaturals and feeling very low of himself and inferior because he’s the “token human”. Like it would play into his insecurities a bit, but then he would, of course, eventually learn to embrace that yeah, he is the token human and will fuck shit up for those who underestimate him because he’s just a human.
Honourable mentions: Shinx, Tinkaton, Dedenne, Grimmsnarl, Tyranitar, Altaria, Flapple, Garfaiai, Smeargle, Victreebel, Ditto, Bewear
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