#i stumbled across it the other day going through my tags and then realized some of it lined up
raayllum · 8 months
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—my first character assessment post regarding Callum, dated September 19th, 2018 (a few days after S1 came out)
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
omg i LOVED open the way u wrote tae was so 😩✊💦💯✨ i’m addicted to ur writing style!!! if ur still doing requests could u pls do taehyung x reader where he’s your aunt’s boyfriend and he’s really into you and lowkey flirts with you but you don’t realize how much until you two are left alone 🫣 ends with smut and can be yandere hehe the rest is up to you bc i trust you dear author!!
𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭:
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pairing: yandere! taehyung x f! reader
genre: smut || non-idol au || fluffy-ish but in a kinda dark way
summary: it’s wrong, but it feels so good.
word count: 4.5k
tags/ warnings: slight age-gap, stalking, infidelity, coercion, naive! reader, but she means well, anxiety, briefly mentioned panic attack, smut in the forms of: unprotected sex (this is fiction don’t be stupid), dom! tae, sub! reader, big dick! tae, ddlg themes, cry baby reader, thigh riding, fingering, dick riding, creampie, squirting, slight cum play, cockwarming
notes: yes! thank you for having so much faith in me, and i hope this lives up to your expectations :’)
request rules can be found here || my masterlist
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Taehyung remembers the exact day he fell in love with you. How he’d been mindlessly flicking through dating apps for a quick fuck; only to stumble across, well not you, but your aunt.
She was pretty. Conventionally attractive at most, a little plain, but seemed like she’d gotten around with enough men to please him for the night. The skimpy little lingerie pictures enough for him to know that she was somewhat desperate in her search for a partner and maybe all she had to offer was her decent body— by his standards.
And as he’d been scrolling through her other photos, mingled among half naked mirror selfies, there you were. The prettiest little thing he’d ever seen.
He’d found all your aunt’s social media before making the leap to message her, wanting to know just how close the two of you were and if this little plan of his would be worth it in the long run.
There were photos upon photos of you posted on every profile she had. Like a little trophy, your achievements now her own to flaunt to the world through the web.
You and your aunt were close. That much he had gathered from her social media. Peeved that he was unable to find your own, left to see your aunt’s grating face beside yours in every photo. Nothing a little editing couldn’t fix. He had already picked out a cute photo album for all the pictures he planned to take with you.
He later found out that his soon-to-be girlfriend was more your sister than auntie. With 15 years between your mother and herself, she’d always felt too young to be anything other than a sibling your mother was never willing to have, leaving you as an only child.
And only child who still lived home with their mother because the big wide world is too scary for some people.
That just gave Taehyung another reason to take care of you. While your mother bitched at you about finding a job, with him you wouldn’t have to lift a finger. The ground you stepped on too precious, hands too delicate, body a temple that he planned to worship.
Your aunt was a little older than he would usually go for, but anything to have you in his clutches, the sacrifice was worth every second.
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It’s easy to woo a woman who’s desperate. A few sweet nothings and a big dick can get you a long way with a pitiful lady whose self-esteem lays in the depths of hell. Luckily, he lurked that low, and now he had a prize he was trying to win, kneeling before the devil himself to have you as his own.
It wasn’t long before your aunt had invited him to dinner with you and your mother. Caring more about your validation than your mothers, but he wasn’t all that bothered about the woman anyways. A spitting image of you if you were to age 20 odd years. But it wasn’t her he was after.
And Taehyung could feel his cock throb under his slacks at the sight of you, fidgeting under his gaze as he takes a little longer than proper watching you from across the table; though neither your mother nor his girlfriend seemed to notice, too hung up in their own little catch-up to care.
He could see your fingers itching to pick up the crayons left by the last little family that had sat at the table, your eyes trained on the maze from the kids menu. Probably mapping out the way in your mind, squirming when he assumes you’d escaped the maze.
And Taehyung wants to coo when your mother tells one of the waitresses to clean up the mess; pitiful pout on your lips that you hide behind your teeth when she turns to you, asking what you wanted to order.
Your eyes flit to the menu, then to your mother, then over to Taehyung before blurting you’ll just have salad. Unbothered, your mother shrugs, calling over the waitress again when she asks the rest of the table if they’re ready to order.
Taehyung thinks the little dinosaur shaped nuggets would have suited you better. Maybe a pretty pink milkshake to match your pretty pink cheeks.
He wouldn’t mind feeding you spoonfuls of whipped cream between bites of french fries, and then buying you a cute strawberry cake for afters. You look like you might have liked the brownies and vanilla ice cream better though.
Maybe he could spoil you a little, buy you both and when you shake your head, claiming to be too full; he’d pull you over his lap, teasing the edge of your panties as he makes you lick the chocolate sauce off his fingers.
And oh how sweet you would taste after that. He doesn’t think he’d be able to stop kissing you until your lips are swollen with his love, sticky with his spit and left over ice cream that he would clean with his tongue.
His mood sours when his girlfriend runs a hand along the length of his thigh, lovestruck smile plastered on her face as your mother asks questions on how the two of them met.
His little fantasy of your perfect little date being shattered by the shrill voice of your aunt as he fawns over your new sweater that your mother informs them that you’d ordered online.
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He eased you into it. His own little game of how long he can keep up his flirty little touches before someone noticed.
Carefully brushing over your back as he walked past you. His arm slung around your shoulder when you’d be stood by yourself in the garden as the rest of your family gathers around the grill. More interested in the smell of food than one another.
But Taehyung found you didn’t like large groups of people, family or not, loud noises picking at your brain, like an itch that won’t go away until tears gathered on your waterline and Taehyung would have to sit in the corner of your room with you until you calmed down. Your head in his lap as he runs his fingers through your hair.
Because he seemed to be the only one who cared that you’d had a panic attack, worried to leave you alone, to cry until your head hurt. To then feel sorry for yourself as you curl up between the arms of your plushies that line the bed. Now why would you do that, when he could hold you tighter than your little bear ever could?
“Thanks for helping her. Poor thing, her anxiety has been worse as of late. Must be school” his girlfriend whispers from the door, heart swelling with happiness at the image of you two together.
“Having such large family gatherings isn’t helping” he mutters, tongue poking the inside of his his cheek as your aunt waves him off.
“We’ll get her to stay up in her room next week then”
Other times, his fingers lingering over your own a little longer than they should as he gives you gifts.
You assume Taehyung must come from money. If the shiny looking pearls that hung around your aunt’s neck were anything to go by. Her dead-end, 9-5 job could barely cover rent, you doubted she was splurging on overpriced rocks and fancy dinners that she flaunts when she comes over. Making you scroll through endless pictures of 5 course meals that you have no interest in.
He never spoke of himself much. You had never heard of his parents, nor did he ever seem busy with friends when it came to your weekly dinners. Your aunt didn’t seem to care either way; having won the jackpot with a rich, hot boyfriend that would fuck her like a common whore at night and treat her like royalty during the day.
Taehyung was very generous, you knew that much. He often came a couple of times a week to visit you with your auntie. And each week he would have a new gift for you.
“You spoil her too much” your mother had tutted one afternoon. You hadn’t said anything, too preoccupied with the paint set Taehyung had wrapped in pretty wrapping paper. Pink with scattered little red hearts.
You’d started to keep the wrapping paper Taehyung gave your gifts in. Gluing them in an empty notebook with the dates written in your best hand writing beside them. Because it felt like a waste to throw such pretty paper away. And it always left you wondering why he had so much wrapping paper to begin with. Maybe he just likes giving, and then you read online that it was a love language, did that mean Taehyung loved you?
Gentle touches had turned to your knees grazing as you sat beside one another on the couch. To you sat between Taehyung’s legs from the floor, while he sat on the chair as you both played a game on the TV.
Some evenings while his girlfriend helped your mother in the kitchen he would lay your thighs across his own, fingers skimming the bare skin until goosebumps prickled in his wake. And he’d hide a smile behind his hands as you squirmed over his lap.
He starts feeding you at dinner, disguised as him asking for your opinion on a new recipe he was trying out. To suggesting what you order when you go out for dinner together with your aunt who was in awe of how well the two of you got along.
Compliments had started off simple too.
‘You look pretty today’ turning to ‘My y/n is so beautiful’ while his arms wrap around your waist. Praise of your beauty never ending, it seemed Taehyung had a compliment stored away on his tongue for all hours of the day. Even when you’d just woken up, hair tangled and eyes a little puffy from eating ramen so late the night before. He had given you a gentle ‘good morning’ as he brought you into his chest for a hug.
His heart had swelled once you’d gotten more comfortable with him. Albeit still awfully shy, you had now started to approach him first. The years of dating your aunt finally paying off as you gift him your own paintings. Thank you cards decorated with the little stickers he’d bought for you and way too much washy tape.
His favorite of your little gifts so far had been the small cakes you’d baked after hearing him tell your beloved aunt that chocolate was his favorite. It wasn’t. It was yours, but he liked the smile on your face when he’d said that, and the fact you both had something in common, even it were as insignificant as your aunt had pointed out.
He’d tugged your chair closer to his own that evening. Aware of your eyes watching his every little move as he shoveled your cake into his mouth. Low hum of appreciation rumbling in his chest as he gives you a cheeky smile.
He adores the way your cheeks had flushed red when he’d carded his fingers through your hair, “So smart. It’s delicious, darling”
And you hadn’t been able to contain your smile.
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“Baby, can you take Y/n to the train station? I think she’s meeting a friend out of town but her mum’s gone for the weekend and I have work in the morning”
And of course he’d agreed.
And that’s how he found you, wrapped up warm in your winter coat in the passenger side of his car; nose red from the bitter cold morning air. Perfect for kissing, but he doesn’t want to scare you off when he’s so close to where he needs you.
“Meeting a friend?” he asks as you shut the car door. Leaning over to help strap you in, you don’t seem to mind, unfazed as his arm reaches over your body, and Taehyung thinks you really must be perfect; needing his help, needing someone to just take care of you in the way you deserve. In the way he knows you need.
“Yeah” you nod, voice barely above a whisper, but he hears you, attuned to how soft you spoke.
“A close one?”
You shrug. “We used to be, but she moved out of town for school and thought we’d catch up while she’s on winter break”
Taehyung’s lips curl up, “Must be nice to catch up”
You hum at that. Feet tapping against the floor.
“You don’t look very excited, baby” his eyes flit to look at your face, teeth digging into your bottom lip.
He’s moments away from touching your lips, ready to scold you that you shouldn’t chew on the skin until it bled, a bad habit he’d come to see you have; but the car behind beeps and he’s stepping on the gas, eyes-brows furrowed in annoyance.
“Just a little scared of taking the train” you admit, hands tucked under your thighs.
“Nothing to be scared of, i’ll be here when you get back” he smiles over at you, and you nod slowly at that.
“Is that really okay?” you ask him.
And Taehyung wants to coo, “Of course, baby. Just call me when you’re on the way home, and i’ll be here right as the train gets in”
“Promise?” you look up at him through your lashes and Taehyung feels his cock throb at your desperation.
“Pinky promise” he gives you his little fingers after he parks the car.
You connect your finger with his own, gentle smile tugging at the corner of your lips as he stamps your thumbs together.
“You got everything?” he asks, leaning over into the back seat to grab your bag.
“I think so” you nod.
You hum.
“What about my goodbye kiss?” he asks, and you simply blink up at him.
“Kiss?” you gape.
“Mhm” he nods, tapping his cheek.
“I thought kisses were only for family” you whisper and Taehyung’s head tips back against the seat.
“I am family, aren’t I?” he turns to look at you, and you think he looks sad, a pang of guilt striking through your heart at his disheartened expression.
Your head tilts a little, “I guess so”
You lean over the center console, hand landing on Taehyung’s thigh as you lean up to press a gentle kiss to his cheek. Taehyung turns his head a little, your lips pressing against the corner of his own, though you don’t seem to notice as you keep your eyes closed.
“Good girl, now be quick or you’ll miss the train” he runs his thumb over your cheek.
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As promised Taehyung was there when you’d gotten off the train. His arm wrapping tightly around your shoulder as he pulled you into his chest. The gentle beating of his heart through his thick sweater lulling your anxieties, fingers holding onto his arms like you would crumble if he were to let go of you.
“I got you this” you’d told him once you’d gotten home, inviting Taehyung in to warm up with a hot coffee before he left, “I got one too, so we could be matching” you rock back and forth on your feet.
You drop the little keychain into his palm, character from a game he’d seen you play many times carved out of wood and delicately painted.
“It’s beautiful, baby”
Taehyung thinks he can see the cogs of your mind start to overheat at the pet name. No more anxiety there to overshadow the term of endearment. Your cheeks flushing pink as you flop down onto the couch beside him.
“Come here and tell me about you day then” he pats his thigh.
You look up at him, eye brows furrowing in confusion.
“Need me to help you, hmm?” his hands hold under your arms, tugging you up your your legs straddle one of his thighs. You squeak at the sudden motion, hands grabbing onto his shoulders for support.
He feels your thighs clench as he stabilizes you, cunt throbbing as he holds onto your hips.
“Taehyung” you whisper, fingers clasped onto his sweater.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, gentle smile on his face. Expression so innocent you feel bad for thinking he had an ulterior motive.
“We’re not meant to be doing this” you squirm, pouting when his hands hold onto your hips tighter.
“Doing what?”
Your mouth stays shut, humiliation bubbling through your body as Taehyung watches your face. You shake your head.
“Don’t be shy, baby” he smiles, hand coming to cradle your face in his palm.
You lean into his touch. Hips stuttering forwards as he urges you on.
A chocked whimper drips off your tongue like honey as your panties brush against your clit.
“Like that baby?” he asks, shushing you when you open your mouth to protest.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you” he hums, rocking your hips for you. Your head falls onto his shoulder as jolts of pleasure wrack down your body, slick staining your panties.
A broken moan slips off your lips as Taehyung rocks you harder, slowly brining you to the peak of pleasure, moments away from tumbling into what will be your first orgasm of the night. You whimper against his neck, warm breath fanning his skin as you now rock your hips, Taehyung clenching the muscles of his thigh to help you get off.
“Go on little one, cum for me” Taehyung urges, hands slipping down to grab your ass as your hips stutter. Your thighs shake, teeth sinking into the skin of his neck as you fall over the edge. Little stars scattered behind your eye lids.
“Well done, baby” he soothes, pulling you into his chest.
Your breath comes out uneven, tears cascading down your cheeks in little pearls.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Taehyung pulls your face away from his neck, thumb coming to brush away your tears.
“I did something bad” you snivel, trying to pull yourself off Taehyung’s lap.
He hold you down, tutting. “You haven’t done anything wrong” he shakes his head, easy laugh reverberating through his chest and you just shake your head.
“You’re— you’re dating my aunt, we shouldn’t— I shouldn’t— I just- ” you squirm out of his lap.
Taehyung grabs onto your back, cradling your head between the junction of his neck and shoulder, rocking the both of you back and forth as you let the tears fall.
“You’re okay” he hushes, gentle hands rubbing down your back as you hiccup, “It’ll be our little secret, yeah? Just wanna make you feel good, you’ve been such a good girl recently”
Your shoulders shake as more tears dribble down your cheeks, “been good?” you ask, voice a little broken from the tears.
“Very good. The best even, don’t you think you deserve a treat?”
“Taehyungie always gives me a treat” you use the sleeve of your sweater to wipe your cheeks, hips rocking forward a little.
Taehyung’s hands smooth down your back, “I haven’t given you a treat for being so brave. Going on the train all by yourself, i’m proud of you, darling” he hums, bouncing the leg you were sat on.
Taehyung can feel your cunt clenching around nothing through his jeans, your hips rutting against his leg like a little puppy. He tangles a hand in your hair, pulling your face out of his neck and he feels his head tip back at the look of your tear streaked cheeks, a little blotchy, your eyes begging Taehyung to defile you.
“Has anyone ever touched you here, baby?” his hands slip between the waist band of your sweats, finger toying with the cute little bow on your underwear.
You nod, thigh twitching as Taehyung eases his hand into your panties. Fingers parting your slit, gathering your wetness before he slicks up your clit.
You fall into him, arms slung over his shoulders as he draws lazy circles on your sensitive pearl.
“Yeah? Did they make you cum?”
“No” you whisper, and Taehyung laughs. A daunting laugh that sends a shiver down your spine.
“That was selfish of them, wasn’t it, darling?” he frowns, and if you weren’t so drunk on the pleasure that consumed your body, you may have noticed how condescending his tone was.
“Let’s take these off, shall we” he pats your behind, smiling as you lift your ass high enough for him to slip both your sweats and panties over your thighs.
His fingers return to your clit, letting you buck your hips up to meet his fingers. You whine when he dips them lower, stimulation suddenly gone, the orgasm that was slowly building dissipating as he nudges the entrance to your cunt.
You roll your hips forward, wad of slick dripping from your hole onto his jeans as you wait for him to push a finger inside of you.
“Taehyungie” you snivel, another wave of pitiful tears glazing your cheeks in saline pearls.
“What, doll? What do you want Taehyungie to do?” he urges, blood flowing south at the way your mouth falls open in a pitiful whine. “I cant do anything if you don’t ask”
You take a hold of his hand, pulling it towards your sodden core, “here, please”
“Yeah?” he asks, sinking a finger into you.
You let out a breathy sigh as he adds a second, using your thighs to bounce on his fingers, you pull your sweater over your breasts, matching little bra on display for Taehyung to see.
“So cute, baby. And all mine” he croons, crooking his fingers, as he leans forward to press a kiss to the swell of your breast, your cheeks heating from the crude squelch your pussy was making.
Taehyung uses his free hand to tug your bra down, watching your cute tits as your bounce over his lap, your knee nudging against his cock.
“Want you to come over my cock, darling” he groans, fingers slipping from wet core.
You unzip his jeans, fingers a little shaky as you help his pull both his pants and boxers off before they’re discarded on the floor somewhere.
It felt wrong. Fucking in the living room where anyone could open the front door and walk in. You might have been a little more worried if you mum wasn’t gone for a couple of days, and you knew your aunt was at work.
You felt a pang of guilt at the thought of your aunt. What would she think if she were to find out.
But Taehyung just wanted to make you feel good. Surely there was nothing wrong with that.
“Up you go” Taehyung helps you straddle both his thighs, hard cock slapping against your leg, coating it in a sheen of his sticky precum.
He holds the shaft, one hand on your thigh to help lower you onto his cock. You whimper as the thick head pops through your entrance, your mouth falling open as a lick of pain shoots up your spine.
You stay with the tip sat inside you, your hips rocking a little to try and adjust to the size.
“Good girl, you’re doing so well for me” he shushes when you moan, trying to push in another inch.
Taehyung spits onto two of his fingers, bringing them down to toy with your clit. Your thighs quiver, sinking another inch of his thick cock inside of you. “Almost there, baby”
You pull up until the tip, dropping all the way so your ass meets his thighs. You wrap your arms around his neck, a fresh wave of tears dribbling down your cheeks.
“No need to cry” Taehyung eases his hands down your sides, tongue poking out to wet his lips as he feels your cunt convulse around his length.
“Feels good” you hiccup, “like feeling full”
Taehyung groans at that, hands gripping the meat of your waist, pulling you up his length before he slowly sinks you back down. You moan, breathy and cute and Taehyung wishes he could shove you against the couch and fuck you within an inch of your life but he supposes your first time together could be a little slower.
“Just like that” he praises as you start to bounce on his cock, wetness pooling around the base, coating your own thighs in your own heady arousal.
It was lewd, the noises your pussy were making as you dropped back down onto Taehyung’s dick. He uses the floor as leverage, fucking up into you, making sure his cock was as far into you as he could go.
You cry out, his name the only words you seemed to know as your orgasm slowly starts to build.
Your teeth nip at his neck, saliva painting his skin. “Wanna cum” you whine.
Your breathing stutters when his fingers find your clit, relentless as he flicks the swollen bud. Your thighs start to shake, leaving Taehyung to thrust up into you with all he had.
“Wait—“ you squeak, vulgar moan cutting you off, “feels like i’m gonna pee” you cry, trying to push yourself off Taehyung’s cock. He holds you down, continuing to fuck up into you.
“Just let it go, doll” he groans, head tipped back against the back of the couch.
“No” you cry, “I really have to—“ you’re cut off as you feel what you can only describe as an explosion of wetness leak from your cunt.
Taehyung’s cock slips out of you at the force of it, your thighs shaking as Taehyung holds you to his chest, fingers slowing down their figures of eight on your clit as he helps you ride out your high.
“Well done, baby. You squirted” he soothes, lazy smile on his face as he lines his cock back up with your cunt, “it’s almost over, i’m close” he tells you.
You simply lay slumped against his chest. Hips jutting forward in overstimulation as Taehyung slowly drags his cock through your walls.
“Too much” you try to pull away, only for Taehyung to bring his hand down, a harsh slap on your ass.
You hiccup at that, walls sporadically clenching around his length to bring him to his peak.
Taehyung’s hips stutter, thrusts sloppy as he nears his orgasm. You feel his cock twitch before he’s flooding your cunt with his thick cum, painting your walls white.
You cum again at the feeling as Taehyung continues to rock into you, his dick slipping out of your soiled hole before he’s pushing it back into you again, making sure his cum is as deep as it can go before he keeps you sat on his cock.
He slowly starts to soften inside of you, dick twitching in interest as your cunt continues to clench around his length.
And it’s not long before you’re dozing off, still impaled on his cock as he presses a kiss to the side of your head.
“My precious girl” he smiles.
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kyleoreillylover · 7 months
Jey Uso x Sami Zayn x Fem!Reader
Summary: As the youngest on the roster, you are used to the protective antics of the older members of the WWE- specifically Jey and Sami, who took you under their wing and see you as their little sister, who deemed themselves as your protectors- despite you thinking you can take care of yourself. But tonight, after wanting to experience being a normal teenager and sneaking out to a party you get ditched and stranded at, you call them for help. And Jey is not happy with you.
A/N: This is very self-indulgent. Not that I get stranded at parties, but I wish Sami and Jey were some of my college besties, especially as a first year, and could comfort me, don't we all 🥹 Hope ya'll enjoy!!
tag list: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav (if you wanna be added to the tag list just lmk!)
Word Count: 4,631
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The rational part of your brain knew it was a stupid idea ever since your friends suggested it- you had to be stupid to not think that -but the irrational part of your brain wanted to finally act your age and have fun with the friends you barely saw ever since being called up and constantly on the road 300 days a year. 
As a college student who also happened to be a WWE superstar and the hottest act on WWE.
And at a mere 18 years old.
Any other person your age would have jumped at the chance for a wild night out. And you finally wanted to live up to your age. 
Which is why you didnt tell anyone on the roster that you were planning to attend the party. Sneaking out from the tour bus was easy enough, slipping away from the watchful eyes of your older colleagues who often acted as your guardians whenever you were on tour. You were grateful for their protectiveness, but tonight, you craved a taste of freedom, and you weren't gonna get that with them breathing down your necks. 
But now, with the bitter cold air biting at your skin, and the distant sound of music fading behind you, you found yourself regretting your decision. You hadn't anticipated how quickly everything could turn sour. Your friends had scattered away a few hours ago to god knows where, leaving you stranded and uncomfortable in a sea of drunk idiots (there was no way you were trusting the drinks of a bunch of college boys) that were either trying to get in your pants or trying to get you into their friends’ pants. 
And to make things worse-you got recognized. An over-zelous frat boy took one look at you from across the room and literally screamed out your name over the loud music, which in turn made his other over-zelous frat boy friends turn towards you with recognition in their drunken-hazed eyes and run over to you and wrap their sweaty arms around you and beg you for selfies, which in turn made everyone else realize you were there and do the same thing. 
You quickly dipped before shit could hit the fan and managed to slip away and run far away from the house without anyone following you, but now you had no idea where you were, it was getting colder by the second, and you were nervous that a fan would eventually find you. 
You navigated through dimly lit streets, shivering in the cold, desperately trying to remember the route back to the main road to get the hell out of here. The unfamiliar streets twisted and turned, leading you deeper into a residential neighborhood you didn't recognize. Panic began to well up within you as you realized you truly had no idea where the fuck you were going. 
You groaned as as frustration mixed with the cold night air. You had two options now. Either suck it up and keep walking, hoping to stumble upon a familiar place with using google maps, or call one of your friends for help.
You started mentally weighing the pros and cons of each option to call. Cody was finally spending time with his family, you weren't close enough with Seth to ask him for help, Rhea would chew you up and spit you out for being this stupid and leaving without telling her, Bianca was spending time with Montez and busy dealing with Damage Control, Nia hated your guts…which left you with two options...
You reached for your phone, feeling the chill of the night biting at your fingertips as you dialed the numbers of the two people who you defineltey felt the most guilty about not telling about your plans because they were the closest to you and the most protective of you, but you had no choice now. The phone rang, each ring and every second you waited for an answer amplifying your anxiety. 
After a few agonizing moments, the phone finally finally clicked, indicating that someone had picked up. 
"Why the hell you calling at 1 am? I ain't getting you no food uce." Jeys groggy voice greeted on the other end of the line, sounding slightly annoyed at being awakened. "Hey...." You answered back nervously, knowing he'd be even more irritated. 
"Jey, be nice." You heard Sami's equally tired voice chastise Jey. Sami was always the sweetest between the two of them, even though Jey was also syrupy sweet with you and being protective hell over you. Sami was always spoiling you despite Jey's teasing and gruff exterior. You were like the little sister they never had.
"But why are you calling at this time, kiddo? Shouldn't you be sleeping or something, all that teenage angst catching up to you?" Sami teased lightly.
You let out a nervous laugh, the sound slightly shaky from the cold, your breath visible in the chilly night air. "Uh, yeah, about that...I kind of need your help," you admitted, rubbing your arms in an attempt to generate some warmth.
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Jey spoke up again, this time more alert. "What kind of help? What the hell you do?" Jey's voice was filled with concern yet tinged with a hint of scolding. 
You let out another nervous laugh, knowing he was going to get more angry. "Don't get mad..." 
"Don't get mad?" Jey's voice rose a notch, and you could practically hear the skepticism in his tone. "What. Did. You. Do?"
"Well, you see, I may or may not have snuck out to a party without telling anyone, and now I'm kind of lost in the middle of nowhere," you confessed immediately at his demanding tone, cringing at the admission.
There was a moment of silence, followed by a deep sigh from Sami. "You did what?!" Jey's disbelief was evident, and you could almost picture him running a hand through his hair, a habit he had when he was stressed or frustrated.
"I know, I know, but I called you now, shouldn't that count for something?" You babbled out in a rush to quell his frustations, your teeth chattering slightly from the cold.
Jey let out a frustrated growl. So much for quelling his rage. "You should've not done this shit in the first place, that would've counted for something! You know better than to do this shit-"
"Alright, alright, let's not make her feel worse than she already does." Sami interjected, his tone softer as he put a hand on Jey's shoulder, trying to calm his friend down. "We'll figure this out kiddo, okay? Just send us your location." 
You quickly fumbled with your phone to send them your location- hoping they wouldn't notice you turned it off, but Jey's angry growl indicated that he probably caught on. "And you turned off your location, didn't you?" Jey's voice was stern, and you winced at the disappointment you could feel emanating from him.
"I...uh, didn't want anyone else to track me down," you admitted sheepishly, knowing it was a feeble excuse.
Sami sighed. "Look, just turn it back on so we can find you. We'll be there in a few minutes."
You followed Sami's instructions, turning on your location sharing. As you waited for them to arrive, you couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and anxiety. Relief that you wouldn't have to be in these cold, unfamiliar streets alone and would have company soon and anxiety about facing the inevitable lecture from Jey and Sami. 
True to their word, Jey and Sami showed up shortly, wearing sweatpants and hoodies, looking more like they were ready to sleep than to show up and get you. 
Jey's face was etched with anger, disappointment, and concern, while Sami's held a more understanding and sympathetic look, but also had a tinge of disappointment in his face. They both stepped out of their car, and Sami pulled you into a tight, protective hug. The warmth from his hoodie was a stark contrast to the chilly night air, and you couldn't help but sigh in relief.
"Are you okay?" Sami whispered, concern evident in his voice as he pulled away to examine you. You were wearing a low cut black dress that was definitely not suitable for the cold weather, and Sami's worry deepened as he noticed your shivering.
"I'm fine, just cold," you replied, trying to brush off the concern, but the chattering of your teeth betrayed your attempt.
Jey, who had been standing there with his arms crossed, finally spoke up, walking over to you and giving you a jacket."We're taking you back to the bus. This was a stupid idea, and you should know better. Now get in the car."
You nodded solemnly, slipping into the jacket, but Sami frowned at Jeys stern tone. "You don't have to yell at her, Jey. She's already scared and cold." Sami shot Jey a disapproving look that Jey shot right back at him. "Then what the hell am I supposed to do, Sami? Be happy like you that she's almost a grown ass adult that decided to play hide and seek in the middle of the night in some random neighboorhood?"
Your frown turned into a glare as you looked between them, understanding where Jey was coming from but nonetheless still hurt by his words. "You're right. I am an adult, so I shouldn't have to listen to you yell at me like I'm a child," you retorted, crossing your arms defensively.
Jey scoffed, rubbing his temples. "Yeah, your such an adult that you got yourself lost in the middle of the night," he muttered under his breath, but Sami shot him another warning look.
"Enough, Jey. Yelling at her won't change what happened. Let's just get her back to the bus and talk about this when we're all in a warmer, less public place," Sami suggested, guiding you towards the car.
You were about to go into the car, but a voice yelling out your name made you freeze in your tracks. "Y/N!!" The three of you turned to see a big ass frat boy running towards you, phone in hand, with a wide grin on his face. 
"You didnt listen to me ask you for a selfie earlier!" he exclaimed, clearly still drunk. "So now that I finally found you, are you done being a bitch and will take a selfie with me?" He barely finished his sentence before Jey grabbed the collar of his shirt and lifted him off the ground, a low growl escaping his throat.
"You need to learn some damn manners, you fucking fool!" Jey snarled, his grip tightening on the guy's shirt. "You talk to her like that again I'ma stick my foot up your ass and make sure you can't talk at all, uce."
"Jey, let him go!" Sami intervened, trying to pry Jey's fingers off the frat boy. You watched, wide-eyed, as the frat boy stammered out an apology, fear etched across his face as Jey chocked the life out of him. "Nah, he gotta learn to keep his fucking mouth shut!" Jey's grip tightened on his throat as he pushed him against a nearby car. "You wanna talk that shit to her, you deal with the consequences, uce." Jey's tone was deadly serious, and the frat boy nodded frantically, struggling to catch his breath. 
"Jey, seriously, let him go. We don't need trouble," Sami pleaded, still attempting to calm his friend down. 
"Jey please, let him go. We don't need you getting suspended for hurting a fan over me." Your voice softened as you approached, placing a gentle hand on Jey's arm. He turned to you, his expression still filled with anger but softening slightly at your touch. He listened to you and released the frat boy, who stumbled backward, coughing and trying to regain his composure.
"Get lost," Jey growled at the frat boy, who nodded vigorously before stumbling away, casting frightened glances over his shoulder.
Sami shot Jey a disapproving look, but Jey just shrugged it off. "You didnt have to fight him. You could've just ignored him," Sami scolded gently, shaking his head at Jey's temper.
"I ain't gonna let anyone disrespect her like that, Sami. You know that." Jey replied, still seething but slightly more composed now. You took a step closer to Jey, looking up at him with a mix of fear and love in your eyes. "Thank you, Jey. I'm sorry for causing all this shit." You looked away from him guiltily, not waiting for a response as you crawled into the car, missing the way Jey sighed heavily, his anger slowly dissipating as he met Sami's gaze, who was giving him a knowing look. "Lemme guess, now you are feeling bad and wishing you listened to me?"
Jey sighed again, running a hand through his hair in frustration. 'I fucking know, okay? I shouldn’t have blown up on her like that." Jey admitted gruffly, his voice laced with guilt. 
Sami placed a reassuring hand on Jey's shoulder. "I know, man. But now, let's bring her back to the bus, make sure she's good, and then you can talk to her, okay?”
Jey nodded a mix of concern and remorse on his face as he got into the drivers seat, Jey's grip on the steering wheel tight and Sami sitting quietly beside him, occasionally shooting concerned glances at you in the backseat, where you were shrunken back into your seat, scrolling on your phone to avoid the tense vibes in the car.
The silence was thick, only broken by the occasional sigh from Jey and the sound of Sami shifting in his seat. You glanced up from your phone just in time to see you pull up to the tour bus.
As soon as the car stopped, you hurriedly exited, hoping to avoid the tension inside. You were met with the chilly night air once again, and you wrapped the jacket tighter around yourself, then felt anther arm wrap around you and looked up to see Sami by your side. He gave you a gentle squeeze, silently comforting you as you stood there, feeling the cold night air prickling against your skin. "You'll be okay," he murmured softly.
As you turned to head towards the tour bus, you noticed Jey lingering behind. His expression seemed torn between frustration and worry, his hand running through his hair as if he was battling an internal struggle. His eyes met yours briefly before he turned away, heading towards the bus after you and Sami, making your heart drop in guilt.
You sat down on the couch, pulling the jacket closer around you, trying to shake off the chill that had seeped deep into your bones, the heat emanating from the tour bus a welcome relief. You glanced up as Sami settled down next to you, offering a warm smile in an attempt to ease your n nerves as Jey stomped to the kitchen, his movements tense and agitated. He was trying to mask his concern with a facade of indifference, but it was evident in the way he kept glancing in your direction.
"I'm sorry," you murmured, breaking the silence, your voice barely audible. Sami's face softened at the sadness in your face. "I didnt mean to make you guys scared, or worry you both, or try to prove that I am independent. I just wanted to have fun for once."
Sami gently placed a hand on your shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. 
"It's okay, kiddo. We understand that. But you have to realize, sneaking out alone wasn't the safest way to have fun," Sami replied, his voice calm and understanding. "Jey and I were worried sick when you called. You are like our little sister, and we care about you, and we want you to be safe."
You nodded, feeling guilt weighing heavily in your chest. "I know, and I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble."
Sami paused for a moment, his gaze sympathetic and filled with concern. "I know. And I know the pressure can be overwhelming, trust me, I can barely handle it and I am twice your age. But are you not having fun? Are you not happy with Raw and Smackdown? I don't want you to crack under the pressure this young just because you feel like you have to prove something to yourself or others."
You sighed softly, feeling a mix of relief and guilt wash over you. "I am, Sami. I really am happy when I'm with you guys. I'm happy with everyone. I am happy with me life. It's just... sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on being a regular teenager. Everyone else my age is out having fun, and I'm constantly on the road, living this extraordinary life but missing out on ordinary things."
Sami's expression turned into an understanding and his eyes had a pensive glint in his eyes as he pulled you into a tight hug. "I get it, kiddo. I do. I know how tough it is, but I also know that you're strong enough to handle it. You accomplished so much that others can only dream of doing, and youre being a badass while dong it."
You giggled softly at Sami's attempt to lighten the mood, and he smiled back, happy to have finally made you turn back to your normal self. "But you shouldn't be worrying about what you are missing, you should be proud of what you've achieved. You're not missing out on life; you're living it differently, and that's okay."
You smiled into his neck, his words and warm embrace being exactly what you needed. Sami was always so sweet to you. "I needed to hear that. Thank you, Sami.”
Sami pulled back slightly, giving you a warm smile. "Anytime, kiddo. Besides, who else would I be able to spill drama and gossip about with you're not here? Sami chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood further.
You giggled again, nudging Sami playfully. "You have Jey to gossip with."
Sami laughed heartily, the sound echoing through the bus. "Ah, he's got his moments too, but you know, you're the one who keeps things interesting around here."
The two of you turned towards the kitchen when you heard a clang, seeing Jey, rummaging through the fridge with unnecessary force, his back tensed.
Sami turned back to you, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Look, we'll talk more, but I think Jey needs a moment. He's just worried about you, and it's his way of showing it. He needs you more than I do right now."
You nodded your head understandingly at Sami's words; Jey might've had a hard exterior, but underneath all that he needed you right now, needed to make sure you were safe.
"I'll go talk to him," you said softly, standing up from the couch. Sami gave you an encouraging nod as you walked over to Jey, who had his back turned to you, who was aggressively fixing things in the kitchen. You approached him cautiously, knowing he was on edge.
"Jey?" You spoke softly, hoping to get his attention without startling him. You saw his back stiffen, but he didnt turn around. You took a deep breath and continued, knowing he was listening to you. "I'm really sorry about what happened tonight. I didnt mean to worry you or cause any trouble. I just wanted to..." You trailed off, unsure how to express your feelings without making things worse.
Jey finally turned to face you, his eyes red and tired, but full of concern. He didnt say anything at first, just observed you with a mix of emotions flickering his face. His expression softened slightly as he took in your nervous stance, and he let out a heavy sigh. 
"Look sweetheart," Jey began, his voice surprisingly gentle despite the frustration lingering underneath. "I ain't mad at you because I wanna ruin your night or make you feel bad. I'm mad because I care about you. We care about you.
He gestured toward where Sami was sitting, still looking in your direction. "You mean a lot to us, and seeing you like that.." He sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "You're not supposed to be sorry, you know? You're supposed to be safe and sound, not running around in the middle of the night and scaring the hell out of us. And you like my sister, so of course I'ma feel some typa way about it." 
You felt your throat close up at the genuine concern in Jey's voice. You moved closer to him, reaching out tentatively to touch his arm. "I... I understand, Jey. I didn't mean to cause so much worry. I just... I wanted to let loose for a night, to feel like a regular teenager, " you admitted, your voice wavering slightly with emotion. “I won't do something stupid like that again, I promise." You looked up at him, sincerity shining in your eyes.
Jey's expression softened at your words, and he sighed, pulling you into a hug. "You better not, or I'ma beat your ass," he said, his tone serious but laced with affection. You giggled into his neck when he lifted you up slightly in a bear hug, your laughter easing the tension between you both. "Okay, okay, I promise! No more sneaking out without telling anyone," you assured him, hugging him back tightly.
"And no more partying alone somewhere you have no idea about."
"And no more hanging out with friends that ditch you."
"And no more stealing my snacks from my locker room when I go out for a match."
"Aye, now you doing too much!"
You both chuckled at your comment, and you pulled away from the hug to look up at Jey.
"I love your protective ass, you know that?"
Jey smirked slightly, a playful glint in his eyes. "Of course you do. Who else is gonna keep you in check, huh?" You nudged him playfully, smiling up at him. "You and Sami are the best. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."
Jey's smirk softened into a genuine smile, and he squeezed your arm affectionally. "We got your back, always. Just promise me you'll have ours."
You smiled back at him, your eyes softening with gratitude at having the greatest support system ever. "I promise, Jey. I'll always have your back, just like you have mine."
Jey nodded, a sense of relief washing over him, his demeanor shifting back to his usual protective yet playful self. "Good. Now go back and sit with Sami, your hot chocolate will be out in a minute."
You raised your eyebrows at his words, a grin creeping up on your face. "Hot chocolate? You're spoiling me now, Jey," you teased, feeling a sense of warmth spread through you despite the chilly air outside.
Jey chuckled, pushing you playfully out of the kitchen. "Yeah, yeah, just go before I change my mind."
You grinned and hurried back to the couch where Sami was waiting, a smile on his face as he watched your interaction with Jey. "I take it everything's okay?" Sami asked softly as you sat back down next to him.
"Yeah, everything's good," you replied, leaning against Sami's shoulder. "Jey's just being Jey, you know?"
Sami nodded, wrapping an arm around your shoulders comfortingly. "Yeah, I can tell." He paused for a moment before continuing, his voice filled with warmth. "Jey may not always show it in the best way, but he's fiercely protective because he cares deeply. We both do. You're like family to us."
You smiled gratefully, feeling a surge of emotion at Sami's words. "I'm lucky to have you guys. Don't tell anyone, but when I got called up to the main roster… I was scared. I didnt know anyone, and everyone was so much older and experienced, so I thought to just shut myself off and focus on wrestling. But you guys… you made me feel welcome, like I belonged."
Sami's smile widened at your confession. "Aw, kiddo." He pulled you into his arms again, holding you close. "You fit in right from the start. I saw potential in you from before Cody introduced us, and I knew you'd be something special. You've proved that and more. And don't tell Jey I told you this…"
Sami leaned in to your ear conspiratorially. "But he told me when we first met you that he thought you were the most talented person he had seen in a while, and that it was crazy NXT didn't capitalize on you when they had the chance." Sami pulled back to see the surprised expression on your face, chuckling softly at it.
"He really said that?" You asked, surprised and touched.
Sami nodded, his smile warm and reassuring. "Yeah, he did. But don't spill the beans, he has a reputation to maintain." You laughed as you leaned back onto the couch, smiling up at Sami gratefully. "Thank you for telling me that. And don't worry, your secret's safe with me."
Just then, Jey came into the room, carrying three mugs of steaming hot chocolate. He handed each of you a mug and settled into the seat across from you, a small smile on his face. "Here you go, kid. Don't burn your tongue," he said in a teasing tone.
You rolled your eyes at his teasing, taking a cautious sip of the hot chocolate, reveling in its warmth. "Thanks, Jey. This is perfect," you said, shooting him a grateful smile.
Jey leaned back in his seat, taking a sip of his drink and shooting a knowing look between you and Sami. "So, what'chall taking 'bout?" he asked casually.
You and Sami exchanged glances before chuckling nervously. The two of you were the worst liars on earth. "Oh, nothing, just catching up on some stuff," Sami replied smoothly, trying to cover up the conversation.
Jey raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "Ya'll were talking bout me, weren't you?"
You were a little worried Jey had caught on, but Sami was quick on his feet. "Of course not, man. Why would we talk about you when we have more important things to discuss?" Sami flashed a mischievous grin.
Jey squinted at Sami, clearly not convinced. "I know when you're lying, Sami. spill it."
You chuckled nervously, deciding to take the plunge. "We were just talking about this hot guy from school hitting on me at the show one time." you said, trying to divert the conversation with a playful grin.
Jey raised an eyebrow, looking between you and Sami skeptically. "Hot guy, huh? Should I be worried?" he teased, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
Sami laughed, playing along. "Oh yeah, definitely. He was so into her, it was unreal. I had to swoop in and save her from his charming ways," Sami joked, nudging you lightly.
You giggled, grateful for Sami's quick thinking. "Yeah, Sami's my hero," you said with a wink, trying to keep a straight face.
Jey chuckled, shaking his head at your antics. "Yeah, in your dreams, cause ain't no way mans took a look at Sami and got intimidated." Jey smirked, taking another sip of his drink. You laughed at the offended look Sami wore, his hand over his heart in mock hurt.
And as you sipped your warm hot choclate, your heart felt even warmer. You might not have been a regular teenager, but if being a regular teenager meant you couldn't have these friends looking out for you and having your back, then you didn't mind missing out on regular teenage normalcy at all.
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lady-of-endless · 3 months
Amor Fati (Sir Crocodile x Reader)
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
Author's Notes: Italics=Flashback!!! Surprisingly, this has to be one of my favorite fics I ever written.
If you want to go for the full experience, you can listen to this song I used to write it on repeat: https://youtu.be/4cfeGqMGIa0?si=ABbfS4SqOqYj7qgb
Warnings: descriptions of physical injuries and pain (Croco is suffering a bit).
Tags/tropes: old flame, new old flame, reunion, distressed Croco - as I mentioned in the warnings.
It is believed that across an infinite span of time, everything repeats endlessly in your life. Some events are like relentless echoes, whispers that can accompany the present.
Sir Crocodile did not believe in such philosophy, not when for him the past stayed dead.
His inner brows were raised in boredom as he watched some thief being brought into his office by two of his men. This thief stole supplies from his syndicate's stock and it seemed just a minor headache he needed to get rid of. He puffed on his cigar, blowing out a dense cloud of smoke as he looked at the person in silence. The one that was interfering with his work was unfortunately tied up, sitting on a chair in front of Crocodile's desk, with a hood on their head. He made a sign to his men to leave him alone with the culprit.
Crocodile sighed and walked to the person, his words coming out naturally because of how many times he used them.
"You should have known better." He started in a low tone, grabbing the dark cloth and getting rid of the hood to see the face of the victim.
There weren't many times a man like him got speechless in front of someone. His eyes widened and his pulse quickened as he recognized your face.
"Oh dear..." The man heard you say in a shocked voice from a triggered flashback.
Crocodile was too vulnerable to dismiss you, too exhausted and broken from his battle with Whitebeard. He was stumbling through narrow streets at night when you found him like that. There was blood in one of his eyes making it hard to see clearly and some on his face and he couldn't understand why. The pain in his arm was dominating any other pain from other wounds he had. He didn't even want to look down at his body, not wanting to realize the damage.
A stranger rushed to help him. You offered him help, stitches, a bath, a place to stay for a while and sort his thoughts.
Days went by and you stayed by his side until he was healed enough and until you finally knew his name and he knew yours. Possibilities of silent bonding moments were always neglected by him as he faked sleeping whenever you would check his bandages and temperature. It seemed like healing took such a long time for him but he was not alone. You were the one he was shouting at when the pain from his phantom limb was unbearable, shouting and clinging to you tightly. You were the one to patch the scar from his face over and over again when he took off his bandages too early in an ardent wish to get rid of them.  Every day, you were trying to come up with ideas for a prosthetic for his left arm and every day you tried to be there for him.
So many times, you witnessed his wrath, not because of his scars but because of his failure.
There was denial, then anger - lots of it, understanding of his situation followed by despair. You never got to see him go through acceptance, he passed that as he started planning his next steps with a furious determination. He was blessed with ambition but poisoned with rage. You listened to his grand plans until it was late at night because he wasn't the one to open up so when it happened, you always listened closely. He denied it but he wanted to change for you, he wanted to show you and everyone that he can get powerful and wealthy.
All until one morning, when he was gone.
Not a goodbye note, not a thank you, not a clue of where he might go. Only his used bandages were left behind like damaged skin that had been shed by a reptile. And old skin of the man he was before those scars.
His eyes were now analyzing your face, trying to assess what changed about you and what stayed the same but you did the same. Crocodile scowled as your eyes woke up useless nostalgia and caution in him. He saw you looking at the scar from his face like you haven't seen it before so many times.
"Don't worry about it." You said once as you fixed the last strap of bandage from his face. "It will look good on you." You added with a reassuring smile.
Now a ghost of that old smile he remembered played on your lips.
"It does look good on you." You finally talked, tilting your head and studying him more.
Immediately after that, your eyes followed his left arm, down to where his hand was destroyed in the past. Your breath hitched as you noticed a golden hook. The sharp replacement looked heavy, you wondered if it caused him pain.
"Do not look at me with the pitiness from years ago." He said in a voice that was intentionally cold, knowing how his eyes probably softened at the sight of you after so many years.
He was standing tall before you like he tried to prove himself and his growth to you, something out of his character, something he never did nowadays.
"I'm not." You tried to lie and change the expression on your face. "Just worried."
Crocodile sighed at your care. He wished that this trait would disappear from you in time, but it did not. He lit up another thick cigar and his eyes lowered on the bindings from around you.
"I cannot say that I am glad to see you again. Not like this." He started, regarding you messing up by stealing from his allies without even knowing. "But I am pleased to see that you are still alive so I can finally pay my debt. With this being said, I will let this minor incident pass without consequences." He explained in a monotone voice as he moved closer to untie you even if he knew he should keep his distance to maintain his composure.
You waited patiently, not being able to take your eyes off him. Crocodile was taller, broader, and sophisticated, with a deep voice and a few fine expression lines on his forehead that made you curious. His slicked-back hair made you want to run a hand through it only to remember how it looked messy. He tried not to look at you as he bent down slightly but his eyes met your lips and the curve of your neck, his favorite spots he used to look at in the past to calm himself down.
"You started smoking." You blurted out as he leaned closer to untie the knot from your back and smoke from his cigar invaded your nostrils. His moves stopped for a moment in which he looked at her eyes from up close.
"You started stealing." He muttered narrowing his eyes. "From whom you should not, even." He said with a calm intensity.
"I had to." You responded firmly. "You never know when you stumble across an injured man that you need to share your supplies with." You retorted with mirth, never breaking eye contact.
You could have sworn that you caught a glimpse of a smirk on his face at your ironic answer.
After he freed you, Crocodile walked straight to a cabinet where he kept his liquor and prepared two glasses for them. He felt like he needed it after the reunion with a face from his past, a face he could not get back to, and maybe try to thank for everything.
"So...Who did I steal from more precisely?" You finally asked calmly breaking the silence. You wondered what he had become in all this time he went missing.
The image of you standing in front of him now slowly made Crocodile allow himself to bring back old memories he tried so hard not to recall.
Little by little, Crocodile started to list every plan from those he told you in the past, the difference being that now those were already successful. For a few moments, it felt the same as it was years ago as you listened to him. As much as he changed, there still was a certain dangerous gleam in his eyes when he talked about his goals with you that remained the same. While he was narrating most of the horrible things he did to get where he was there, the sun was slowly setting in the desert, seen from the window behind him. Crocodile even went further and subtly conjured fine grains of sand around himself to show you the ability he has. You thought about how he truly looked like a Desert King.
The two of you, who seemed like you had never met before because of how much you have changed but yet somehow recognized each other at your very core, looked into each other's eyes and felt a sense of eternal recurrence.
You listened to everything he said, sipping his fancy alcohol and clinging to the nostalgia while he clung to the possibilities of this reunion. 
Perhaps it was a chance to start over and do things right this time, but it also meant a chance to repeat his mistakes all over again.
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sixhours · 3 months
One Day at a Time - Chapter 5 - Labor
Series Chapter Index | Read on AO3 | Complete
Rating: Explicit, 18+, here be smut Series tags: The Last of Us, The Last of Us (HBO), Joel Miller x f!OFC, Joel & Ellie, mostly follows canon, SMUT, gratuitous smut, dubious consent (drunk sex), unplanned pregnancy, fluff, references to past miscarriages, angst, hurt/comfort, romance, age gap (~21 years), childbirth, fluffy baby stuff, I've probably forgotten some so please let me know <3
Charlie and Joel find a new routine, stumbling around each other in the early days–passing each other in the hall with stilted greetings, overly polite glances, two lone wolves sharing a den.
The hardest part of having her around is her insistence on doing things . He finds the laundry hamper in his bathroom empty, the dishes washed and put away in the cupboard, the floor swept and the bookshelves dusted.
“You don’t need to clean up after me,” he grumbles after finding a bunch of his shirts folded and pressed and stacked neatly on the bed in Ellie’s old room. “Didn’t ask you here to be a maid.”
“I have to do something,” she says from her place on the couch. “They have me on reduced hours. All I do is water plants and sort donations, and there are only so many books to read. At this rate, I’ll be halfway through the library by the time the kid is born.”
“That’s the point. You’re s’posed to rest,” he says.
“I haven’t bled in three weeks,” she says. “The kid’s fine. I’m fine. A load of laundry isn’t going to kill us.”
He winces. “Don’t say it like that. And I can do my own damn laundry.”
In a vain attempt to get her to stay put, he brings home stacks of DVDs from the library and makes movies a nightly routine. If nothing else, it keeps her off her feet for a couple of hours, and he already knows they have similar tastes. Sometimes Ellie joins them, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the couch with a bowl of popcorn in her lap, and their weird little arrangement feels almost familial.
On one such night, Charlie is fast asleep when the movie credits roll. Ellie bowed out halfway through, claiming she couldn’t take the cheesy dialogue for one more second.
Charlie’s head is propped on a pillow next to Joel’s thigh, and he resists the urge to push an errant strand of silver hair out of her eyes. Instead, he draws a fingertip down her cheek until she stirs.
“You missed the best part,” he murmurs. “And you’re droolin’.”
She wipes a hand across her mouth and blinks up at him. It’s a long, lingering look that has him brushing the hair from her eyes after all, eager to have an excuse to touch her, if only for a second.
He realizes with a dull sense of shame that he wants to gather her in his arms and carry her to bed. The liquor that put them here may have acted as a lubricant, but at a different time, under different circumstances, he would have tried to get her to bed regardless.
The thought is pushed roughly aside as he stands slowly, stiffly, stretching through the low-level ache in his back, ignoring the creak in his knees.
He puts out a hand to help her up and she takes it, using it as leverage to hoist herself off the too-soft couch, overcoming her unfamiliar extra weight. Her hand lingers in his once she’s up, just a second too long, and he feels that familiar spark of heat low in his spine.
He fakes a cough and takes his hand away, grateful she can’t see the flush creeping up his neck in the low light.
“C’mon…let’s get you to bed.”
He plods up the stairs behind her, purposefully looking at his feet instead of the sway of her hips ahead of him.
“G’night, Joel,” she yawns, lingering in the doorway to his bedroom.
Christ, even her yawn is cute.
“Night,” he grates out, ducking into the spare room and closing the door behind him. He’ll wait until she’s settled, then he’ll go to the bathroom down the hall and take his second shower of the day, because there’s no fucking way he can jerk off in Ellie’s old room.
It’s different from what Joel remembers. There is no attempt to outfit a nursery, no crib or cradle to put together, no paint swatches smoothed onto the walls. There is no discussion of names, of gender, of a future beyond the current day; just a nightly mark in his pocket calendar, one more day in a long countdown. He doesn’t know if it’s a shared fear of losing the pregnancy or of making it too real; probably both.
Instead, they refer to the baby as a fruit, based on the list in the “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” book that someone, probably Maria, dropped on their doorstep.
“How’s…is it Avocado?” he asks, returning home from patrol. Tommy must have pulled some strings with the council because he’s been put on daytime shifts only, no overnights, and nothing longer than six hours.
“I think it’s Pepper now. No…wait,” Charlie frowns, reaching for the book and flipping to a dog-eared page. “We’re up to Sweet Potato.”
He wrinkles his nose. “How is that a fruit?”
“I dunno, but it’s making me want fries.”
He does his best to stifle the urge to follow her around and pester her to eat, to drink, to relax, but tonight the question slips out before he can stop it.
“You hungry? Did you eat?”
“I was joking,” she sighs, and he catches the tail-end of an eye roll. “But no, I haven’t eaten yet.”
“Heard it’s pizza night at the caf. Prob’ly still have the good stuff if we go now. No mushrooms.”
“Sounds like heartburn waiting to happen,” she smiles. “But sure.”
They walk to the cafeteria together, a diversion from routine. Except for their nightly movie dates, they keep separate schedules, more like roommates than future parents.
”So, uh, you didn’t tell me before. How’s ‘Sweet Potato’?”
“Active,” she says, rubbing her stomach. “At least I think it’s the kid. Could be gas.”
He snorts a laugh. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. It feels like…bubbles. Like fizzy bubbles, popping,” she says.
He nods. “You’re, uh, what, twenty weeks? Halfway.”
“You’re keeping track,” she says appraisingly.
“Don’t sound so surprised.”
Her lips quirk in a smile. “I’m not.”
He’s managed to keep his head down and avoid the rumors, but he feels eyes on them when they enter the cafeteria together; the old man and the reclusive widow. It’s almost enough to make him turn around, but her hand is suddenly warm in his, steadying him.
“Maybe we should give them something to talk about,” she whispers, arching an eyebrow.
“Pretty sure this is ‘something’ enough,” he says, gently poking at her stomach with the edge of his tray.
They find a table in the corner, someplace Joel can keep his back to the wall and glare at anyone who offers more than a sideways glance. Normally the caf’s pizza is good, but tonight it tastes like cheese-covered cardboard. He’s head down, focused on cutting up his food into little squares when a familiar voice pipes up.
“Hey, lovebirds!”
He looks up to find Ellie standing at their table, holding her tray and grinning.
“Not gonna interrupt your date, just wanted to say ‘hi.’ I’m eating with Cat and Dina,” she nods to the other side of the room.
“S’not a–”
“Have fun,” she chirps. Then she’s gone.
“Sorry,” he mutters, pushing his food around on his plate. “She’s…a lot.”
“How’s she dealing with all this?” Charlie asks, gesturing between them.
“Same way she deals with everythin’,” he snorts. “Bein’ a wiseass.”
Charlie looks over her shoulder to where Ellie is now laughing with her friends.
“How’d she end up with you, anyway? You’re a bit of an unlikely pair.”
“Made a promise to a friend,” he says roughly. “Then she…stuck.”
“The unwitting father,” she says, smiling a little, then frowns. “I used to wonder what kind of mother I’d be…before this. Now I just hope we make it out of this pregnancy alive.”
“You will,” he says quickly because he can’t bring himself to imagine the alternative. “And you’ll do fine. The first years, it’s mostly just about keepin’ ‘em alive…stop ‘em from doing stupid shit.”
He’s watching Ellie as he says this.
“Then you love ‘em and hope for the best,” he says softly. “Not much else to it.”
“Sounds like you speak from experience,” Charlie says curiously, and a pit of anxiety burrows deeper into his stomach. Sometimes he forgets she doesn’t know about Sarah.
“I took care of Tommy,” he explains, flushing. “Our folks weren’t, uh, around much. It was just me an’ him for a long time.”
She nods. She’s finished her pizza and he’s still moving his around on his plate. He pushes his tray over to her.
“Here. M’not hungry.”
“You sure?”
He nods, and she takes the tray and picks up one of the tiny pizza squares he’s carved out, popping it in her mouth.
“Well, she seems pretty happy, all things considered,” she says, chewing thoughtfully. “You must be doing something right.”
He winces, thinking of Ellie’s dead weight in his arms and the despair in her eyes when he couldn’t tell her the truth.
“M’not so sure about that.”
The moan drifts across the hall, and Joel is out of bed and at her door in an instant. He’s only half dressed, hasn’t even put a T-shirt on. Ellie hasn’t had one of her nightmares in months, but he’s operating on pure instinct, something drilled into him from the time Sarah was a baby. It’s a honed reflex; he does it without waking, without thinking.
He stops at the threshold, blinking away the sleep before he can knock on the door to his bedroom.
His bedroom. Ellie sleeps in the garage. Charlie is here now, not Ellie.
Another low moan, a gasp…a sigh.
His face gets hot as he realizes what’s happening. He stands frozen in the hall, her breathing carrying through the door. Panting, another moan. Arousal sends a tight knot of heat to his groin.
He turns on his heel, eager to put space between them, to give her some privacy, but his foot lands on the squeakiest floorboard, the one he’s been telling himself he needs to nail down before someone trips on the damn thing, and the sound is unmistakable and deafening.
All sounds from his bedroom cease with a tiny gasp.
Shit shit shit.
He’s fixed in place. There’s the sound of her soft footsteps on the other side of the door, the creak of the knob as it opens.
He turns around, fists clenching at his sides. “Sorry…I thought you were, uh…sick.”
She’s watching him intently, silver eyes burning into his in a way that takes his voice. She’s dressed in a thin tank top and underwear, the fabric clinging to her skin, dewy with sweat from the heat of the summer, or from…other things.
His brain goes fuzzy.
The lacy edge of the tank top barely covers her, swollen as she is, breasts and belly normally covered by an oversized button-down. His eyes are drawn to the naked swell of her abdomen over the crease of her thigh.
Then she’s reaching toward him, and he catches her wrist before her palm makes contact with his bare chest, but just barely. The heat radiates off her and he feels every single degree of temperature.
“I…should go,” he murmurs, but his throat has gone dry and it comes out as a croak.
He’s still holding her wrist when she moves toward him and presses her face to the center of his breastbone, her breath like a blessing on his skin. He can’t stop her, can’t turn her away, even as his hand holds her wrist steady and apart, the rest of her slides against him. Her forehead presses at the spot under his chin.
It’s so slow–so painfully, breathtakingly slow, this connection.
“We–” is all he can get out when he feels her lips on his chest, an open-mouthed kiss to his pec, and he shudders. Her tongue peeks out, lapping once at the tender skin, tasting him.
His other hand cups the back of her bare neck, intending to pull her away, but he’s entranced by the softness at her nape, the warmth of the skin, the way the muscles and bones shift under his palm. She has deftly extracted her wrist from his grip and is holding the hand that was meant to keep her at bay, fingers laced together and tucked between their bodies like a secret.
She tips her head back, waiting for the last vestiges of his control to break. It’s her eyes that do it, silver and shining with want…and sadness.
I’m here, I’m here, you can have this.
Oh, he really should turn away.
He kisses her like it’s the first time because he can’t remember the first time; only that it put them here. Maybe it hadn’t been the alcohol after all, because he’s lost himself to the first sip of her mouth. She tastes like chocolate, sweet and rich and deep, and he is so achingly hungry when she licks the taste of herself into him.
She’s pulling him, or maybe he’s pushing her, guiding her to the bed. His bed. Where she’d been touching herself not moments before–
He groans and separates himself from her just as she sinks onto the mattress.
“I need…I need a minute,” he gasps. He feels insane, primal, out of control. He needs this to just slow down and give him half a second to think, but he can’t fucking think because the blood is no longer answering to the part of his body that controls decision-making.
Charlie gets to her knees on the bed, swaying a little as she adjusts to her burgeoning center of gravity. “You asked how you could help. This is how. You can be with me.”
“Is that…really what you want?”
She blinks at him, slow and measured. Her voice shakes. “I want…I want to forget, just for a little bit. I want to…pretend.”
“I’m old enough t’be your father,” he grits out, even as he’s drawn to her, even as his hand finds hers and closes the distance. He watches their fingers entwine as if enchanted, her narrower ones sliding between his thick ones, the clutch of her nails skipping across the ridges of his palm.
“But you’re not my father,” she says evenly.
“The midwife said no–”
“It’s fine,” she soothes, placing his hand on her waist. She’s so fucking close and she smells like sex.
The catch in her voice dissolves what’s left of his restraint and his arm slips around her more fully, pulling her into him, his hand finding the soft skin under her tank top. He holds her close, feeling the thrum of his pulse at his throat when she kisses him there, licking at the scruff of his beard.
Then she’s urging him onto the bed, straddling his hips with her own, draping herself over him, her skin melting against his like warm honey. He feels feverish with want, with need, so lost in the sensations he’s denied himself for months that he might as well be drunk for all the control he has.
He nuzzles at one breast, cups the other, dark-tipped and heavy in his palm. She arches and whimpers when his thumb grazes a nipple, keens when he licks and licks and sucks it into his mouth, feels the pebbled skin tighten under his tongue.
She sits up on her knees, urges his boxers down over him before he fully realizes what she’s doing. He tries to still her with a hand to her hip.
“I don’t wanna hurt–”
“You won’t,” she says, and then she’s pulling her underwear aside and sinking on his length with a gasp and a whimper, fingers gripping his chest to steady herself as she rocks against him, taking him inside with slow, careful thrusts. A groan wrenches itself from his throat and he has to stop himself from thrusting up into her.
“There, there,” she whimpers, finding the right angle, pressing against him, rolling her hips until his cock is stroking and hitting that spot over and over. It doesn’t take long until she’s panting, whimpering, please, please, yes there, please, as she uses his body to climb higher.
He’s murmuring now, soft words of encouragement and praise and nonsense at her throat, her neck, wherever his mouth can reach. He doesn’t stop even when she kisses him, rumbling into her mouth, laying the words against her tongue with his own like an offering, yes, baby, just like that, so good, take it, take it, I got you, take it.
She comes with a final roll of her hips, pressing him inside her as deep as she can and grinding against him with a wail. He feels the pulse and flutter of her contractions around him, her eyes clamped shut, blunt nails digging into his shoulders. Her lip quivers and she lets out what sounds like a sob.
She slides off him with a whimper, tucking into the crook of his arm.
“Just…a sec,” she breathes.
He’s dizzy with her scent, her touch, still not entirely sure how they got here…again. But now her fingers are skating over his stomach and down, taking him in her hand and stroking him, watching his face.
“You don’t…have to,” he grits out, rolling to face her and edging backward to give her space. But she’s shimmying out of her underwear and hooking her leg over his hips, pulling him closer. She reaches between them to stroke his cock through her folds, then urges him inside with a sigh.
Pleasure sinks its hot tendrils into him as she rocks against him, her face pressed to his chest, soft panting at his collarbone. His free hand roams the landscape of her body, the hard swell of her womb pressed into the softness of his stomach, the weight of her breast in his hand.
He feels her fingers at the base of his cock, slicking herself, and his hand follows, covering hers.
“Show me,” he whispers.
She does, and he picks up her rhythm, swirling the pad of his finger around her swollen clit, yes yes, like that, more . He’s surprised when she comes again almost immediately, so sensitive, clamping tight and nipping at his clavicle. She grips his hip and grinds against him, forcing him to fuck her through it until he’s cresting.
“Gonna…soon…” he pants, trying to pull out, but she locks her leg tighter around him.
“Inside,” she whispers, grabbing at his jaw and pulling his mouth to hers.
He groans, pulling back to see her face. “You sure?”
“S’the worst that can happen?”
She looks down at them, at the swell just above where their bodies are joined, and then tilts her chin up and grins, a coy, fucked-out smirk that makes his cock ache and kick and throb inside her.
“Oh…oh fuck ,” he whispers, and then he’s pouring into her.
Her hand is splayed on his cheek when he comes to, her eyes closed, nose pressed to his jaw.
“Mmm,” she sighs, a tiny, breathy little thing. She’s already half asleep.
“Should I—“
“Stay,” she murmurs, leg still locked around him.
He does.
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xxavengingangelxx · 4 months
Like a Phoenix
Notes: This came from a request for a comfort/love fic @unicorngirly1! <3
It was inspired by this amazing, gorgeous work of art by @shadow0-1. It made me wonder if Phil would worry about his wife leaving him were he to get scarred on a mission.
Anyways, summary!: Graves is burned in an unexpected explosion and is scarred. He worries about his wife leaving him because of it but his wife more than reassures him his scars only make him more attractive to her.
Warnings for: SMUT! MDNI! No other warnings, just hot and heavy sexy times and brief descriptions of burns. Work has been insane and I was suddenly inspired to write this after a dry spell. Not much proofreading, sorry for mistakes! But I had to get it out to my buddies :)
Taglist: @bellgraves, @shepgurl, @sharksausages, @lily-lily131313, @candy616. Want on or off the tags? Let me know :)
You were the wife of a mercenary. Weirdly enough, you two had met in a bar. What a story to tell the son you shared, right? You’d always been attracted to soldiers and you had just finished college and you’d been having fun with soldiers coming back from deployment. You’d been hanging out there for a year while you worked a boring office job, that bar really being your only source of enjoyment in your otherwise boring life.
You’d met a couple of soldiers, some of them foreign. The ones coming off deployment were always…rough wasn’t the right word. Passionate was. But holy shit were those nights hot and heavy. There was one you hooked up with a couple of times before meeting Phil. What had been his name? Johnny? Sometimes if he was in a mood he’d have you call him Soap. Scottish men were something else.
And then, funnily enough, on fourth of July weekend, your eyes caught Phil’s. You didn’t know his name back then of course. But you caught him looking at you, his blue eyes catching the low light of the bar and glowing. He nursed a beer, typical Texan, and smirked at you. He was decked out in field gear with a vest that had an American flag, a tag that read B-23, and had wires running through it.
No name tag though. Nameless, handsome stranger.
That nameless, handsome stranger eventually excused himself from a group of men who were dressed similarly. The men had been checking you out, too and sneered at you as well. But the nameless shadow had called dibs apparently because they told him to “go for it.”
“’S your name, darlin’?”
And when he got closer that was when you realized he was tall and broad and built and he had this heat that emanated off him that was almost intimidating. He smelled like cologne, aftershave, gunpowder, and sweat. And the fear of his enemies. He’d killed people earlier that day you were sure.
So why did that make you even more attracted to him?
You stumbled over your name for the first time in your life as he eyed you up and down shamelessly.
A booth opened up near the bar and the man led you towards it before you really knew what was happening. He had to take off his vest, the Velcro ripping loudly in order to fit in the booth. As he sat across from you, you caught more of his intoxicating scent. He was all man.
You wondered what his war-torn body looked like naked and what he would taste like on your tongue. You wondered if he would stretch you when he pushed himself inside you. You pressed your thighs together under the table to ease some of the pressure.
“Caught you lookin’ and I was always raised to never leave a lady wantin,’” he said in that sexy drawl. “Names Phil. Phil Graves.”
You repeated your name, not stuttering over your words this time.
“What’d you want to drink?”
The rest was history. You stopped seeing other men and even though he had a way with the ladies he’d also stopped seeing other women. Before you knew it, he had you moved into his house in the span of a month. He’d made you quit that boring-ass office job, saying you didn’t need to work. He said no wife of him was going to work outside the home. Also, anything you wanted? It was yours.
And in the mean time? You’d fuck him, he’d fuck you, and everything in between. You hated when he went off on deployments but loved it when he got back. He had that scent that he had the first night you met him. So intoxicating.
You got married to him 6 months in. He’d said he just knew you were the one. You weren’t 100% sure but he’d certainly convinced you in the last 3 years. He was the man of your dreams and more.
He was on deployment now and you were expecting him back any day. While he was away, there were always 2 Shadows posted at the house to keep you and the son you shared with him safe.
You’d just had breakfast and had your son on your hip when one of Graves’s men approached you, satellite phone in hand and a solemn look on his face.
Your mind instantly went to the worst place.
“Don’t you dare tell me he’s gone,” you whispered. You had intended for it to come out harsher but you couldn’t. Tears prickled your eyes and your son poked at them curiously as they fell down your cheeks.
“No, thank God, it’s not that,” the Shadow reassured.
“Then what?”
“There was an unexpected explosion and—”
“And, and what?!”
“He was burned,”
“He might have permanent scarring,”
You sighed. “I don’t give a shit. I wanna see my husband.”
You’d left your son in the care of a "Shadow dad." That particular Shadow was your son’s godfather so you trusted him with your son’s life.
When you stepped into the hospital room, it was warmer than you expected it to be. “Phil?” You called out softly.
No answer. Just the beeping of the machines.
You gently pushed the curtains hanging from the ceiling to the side…
And there he was.
Peacefully asleep. The left side of his face had a white translucent bandage as did his left arm. His left leg seemed to have been spared and if you guessed, his chest had been spared because of his vest.
“Phil,” you sighed, starting to cry. You cuddled up to him in bed on his right side and cried softly while you listened to him breathe.
The next year had been trying. Phil, the great Shadow Commander had been unable to join his soldiers in the field. He hated sending them out with him going. His men were like sons to him and losing any of them would have him sniffling while trying to hide the fact that he was crying.
Graves had healed. Skin grafts had taken and you and your husband had both come to terms with the fact that he was always going to look different.
His Shadows started calling him Phoenix because he had literally risen from the ashes of an explosion and lived.
And then suddenly, out of the blue it seemed, Phil started getting nervous about you leaving him, about his son being scared of him.
“That’s silly. Your son loves you.” You brought the now-sizeable four-year-old into the room, having picked him up out of his playpen and brought him to set next to his dad on the couch.
Father and son made eye contact, with Phil looking at his tiny (compared to adult Graves) son sitting next to him on the couch and his son looking at his hulking figure of a dad. The boy’s green-ish blue eyes met his father’s blue eyes.
The pause lasted forever and you started working up a line in your head that even if the tiny tot expressed fear, that it was nothing to worry about.
And finally, the toddler smiled and crawled into his father’s lap, running tiny hands over the left side of Phil’s face and his left arm. “You squiggwy, Daddy. Color inside the lines.”
And tears pricked your eyes as well as Phil’s when you all laughed.
“You should find someone better looking,” Phil said to you later than night when you came in from having put your son to bed.
“Phil, that’s ridiculous. I love you.”
You crawled in to bed with him and snuggled up to him. You then climbed on top of him. He had been lying down on his back and you straddled him.
“Phil, all this does,” you ran a gentle hand down the scars on the left side of his face and his left arm. “Is make you look hotter. You beat death. You’re a badass.”
“Can I tell you…ask you something?” Phil whispered, resting his hands on your hips.
“As long as it doesn’t involve anything about me leaving you,”
A kind smile touched his face.
“Can we have another?”
“Another one.”
Oh. Oh.
“You want another kid?” You asked.
“I really do,” Phil answered.
“How do we make babies again?” you teased, grinding your hips on his growing erection.
Phil easily tossed you off of him onto the side of the bed. Hard enough that you had to catch yourself so you didn’t fall off the bed.
“Shit, my bad,” he chuckled. “Ya’lright?” he asked, helping ease you under him, legs wrapped around his hips.
“More than alright,” you purred.
Phil had recently been able to be more active as his skin healed and he easily pulled your nightgown up and off you.
“No panties?” he smirked, eyeing you lustfully.
“Easy access,” you said coyly.
“Naughty girl,” he growled. He pushed his sweats and boxers below his cock, now hard and red and ready.
“Only for you,” you moaned arching up, feeling the hot tip of his cock kiss your entrance before Phil placed a hand over your belly button and tsked disapprovingly.
“So needy,” Phil gasped when he felt your own wet entrance touch him.
“Gotta get you ready, yeah?” Phil rumbled.
“M’ ready, m’ ready,” you pleaded, trying to arch up to his hot dick, now oozing precum.
“Could be more ready,”
And you gasped when you felt his lips on your entrance. His stubble on the right side of his face still scratched your inner thigh and you had to stop yourself from yelping at the sudden sharp sensation.
And he licked you from your vagina to your clit, making you quiver. You hands went to his hair, holding him in place. His hair had grown out slightly longer and it just made it all the easier to grasp it.
And when he sucked on your clit, and pressed his tongue against it, you moaned his name.
He withdrew suddenly, making you whimper at the loss.
“Phil,” you protested.
“I wanna be inside you when you cum,” he said darkly.
And so he pushed inside of you, slowly, so slowly that your breath caught in your throat when you tried to tell him to go faster. He suddenly bottomed out inside of you quickly, slamming home in a way that made you cry out.
“Don’t wanna wake ‘im, hush,” Phil whispered, his hot lips brushing your ear. “Don’t make me put something in there to make you be quiet.”
You moaned, softer this time.
Phil moved, pulling all the way out before again starting slowly and then pushing back in to hit your cervix.
You brought your hands up to his shoulders. You scratched his right shoulder with your nails. But not his left one. That one had just been kissed by the flames but the fire had spent enough time on that skin to scar him.
Phil groaned, grinding his hips against your clit as he hit your cervix and that gummy spot inside you. His hot lips now sucked a hickey on your neck before moving to your breasts. And that combination of sensations: his hips grinding against you, stimulating your clit, his long, thick cock hitting your cervix as his thrusts became harder, fast, and his sucking your breasts was when you surrendered to him and came.
He was quick to put his left hand over your mouth to cover any cries that might have left your mouth otherwise.
“Fuuuuck,” Phil gasped. He thrusted faster, his hips losing their rhythm as he got closer to his own high. He removed his hand from your mouth and instead used his hands to pin your wrists down on either side of your head as he chased his own climax, finally cumming inside you, filling you with hot, thick ropes of cum, right into your fertile womb.
Phil stayed inside you as you continued clenching around him, hearing him hiss as he was now overly sensitive.
“Never leave,” Phil whispered.
“Never will,” you promised.
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bitchlessdino · 1 year
MY BELOVED!! happy 3k you beautiful human!! ilysm <3333333
now, who would i be if i didn’t request multiple members and made it v biased? 😃 so i would like to request a woozi x seokmin x dino x reader fic in which they are all friends and maybe one or two of them live with mc and stumble across their dream-diary (woops) and see explicit dreams about them that they now want to make reality 🤭 make it as dirty and with as much degrading as you like giggles. i am normal!! i swear. LOVE U
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Pairing: woozi x seokmin x dino x afab!reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 1.6k
tags: heavy degradation, mentions of unprotected sex and creampies, choking, oral (rec.), hair pulling, foreplay heavy
author note: ILY MITCHIEEEE and thank you <3333. a little taste of what we're getting into this staycation. I'm also trying to get back into the format of writing less is more so I sincerely do hope whose reading enjoys. and remember asks are open!
Tag: @shiningstar-byulxx @misssugarlips @tommolex @hoeforhao @honglynights @homerunhansol @dkakapizzaboy @junhui-recs @svtup @buffhoshi @meowmeowminnie @caratochan @lovebot4han @6969lilithcat @wonuhour @camisun93 @tommolex @emmmui @toruro
You’re a vivid dreamer. Your dreams are so vivid you wake up the next day recalling them as if they were actual events in your life. They can get so overwhelming, mornings are defiled with built-up sweat and other bodily fluids that soaks through your sheets. Unfortunately, many of these dreams just happened to be some of the “not safe for work” variety, getting you into the habit of leaving a towel under you before ending your day.
To make matters worse, you would replay these images in your brain until exhaustion–not without some restraint–making you feel guilty for the familiar faces that involuntarily got involved. Eventually, you realize you had to deal with these dreams one way or another.
Over the past few months of these types of dreams, you’ve kept a dream journal. It detailed some of the most intimate and out-of-pocket occurrences within your subconscious and for a while, it has helped take control of the situation. The wet dreams never stopped, but there is a bit of that reassurance that you’re able to process these images in a healthy manner. But none of these notes were ever meant to get out. Not a single one.
“I’m home with dinner! If I hear you’ve already eaten without me, Seokmin, I’m fighting you. You know I don’t like eating alone–what are the three of you doing?”
You watch your roommate and neighbors next door, Jihoon and Chan, scramble to hide whatever they had earlier within the depths of the couch cushions. You narrow your eyes at their suspiciously guilty faces before setting the pizza box on the kitchen counter and cautiously approaching them.
“Are you hiding something from me?”
None of them look like they would talk, probably in fear of your wrath, that was until one understood better than the others that there was no point in hiding the imminent truth. “I told them it was invasive!”
“Lee Jung Chan, you snitch!”
You glare at Jihoon for the animosity in his outburst towards Chan and in turn, it made the man go shrink in shame. “We didn’t know what it was at first,” he admits in a timid voice, “Seokmin thought it was a diary of you shit-talking us.”
“Way to throw me under the bus, bro!”
Now your eyes are shooting through your roommate, the one with access to your room at all times to borrow something with only the condition of him giving you a heads up. It just had to be the one day he decided to not ask that you forgot to properly store the journal away when you were leaving the apartment in a hurry for work.
He shrinks just the same as Jihoon before pulling the bounded book out, open to a page dated a humiliating night: the first night you dreamt of Seokmin fucking over the fire escape. You rip the book from his hands, fuming both in anger and mortification and clutches it to your chest. You are prepared to be mad, prepared to scream at them, foam at the mouth, but nothing would come out.
Instead, you feel like curling up in a ball and hiding away from the world, only ever leaving your room to eat or use the restroom. You don’t know what to do. You just feel naked.
All three men can tell underneath your silent frustration is shame, and they could feel more at fault. Seokmin is first to approach you, which makes you quickly retreat a step seeing how closer he got, but soon enough calm down by the caress of his hand over your hair, hearing him quietly apologizing again.
What none of them didn’t expect was for you to apologize, standing still in abhor of yourself for having such thoughts and even having all three make an appearance more than occasion. You admit your actions make you sick to your stomach. That you know in no way any of that can become a reality for you, that these dreams were simply disgusting, and you loathe yourself for having them.
They all grow silent, the air charged with the harshness of your words. It shocks them, rolling over to a state of bemusement and utter astonishment at how little you thought of yourself.
Seokmin peers closer at you, fingers threading over your hair. His gaze may be soft but pierces through you like sun rays on dry concrete. “Do you really think that?”
You can’t help but confirm, ready to defend yourself once more until Seokmin's hands are on your hips and his forehead kisses yours. There is a look in his eyes you can’t explain and you can’t help but feel weak at the knees, almost buckling from their sheer tension. His name comes out so softly from his lips, Seokmin can’t help but smile. 
“I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation…you have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“E-excuse me?” You attempt back up from the bank but are pulled by the waist, meeting his hips incredulously.
“I said, you don’t have a damn clue what you’re talking about.”
You’re able to pry yourself from him only to be met with the bodies of the other men you only realize now cornered you, becoming a makeshift pair of walls behind you. They share the same gaze Seokmin, all exhibiting this subtle darkness that turns your stomach inside out. It steals your breath. It speeds up your heart rate. A wave of vulnerability overtakes you and you are now surrounded by men who all knew already have a physical effect on you.
“How can we make that clear for you,” Jihoon speaks up, gliding a hand over your shoulder.
“Maybe the way to do it is to make those dreams a reality,” Chan joins, lips dangerously close to your neck.
You aren’t sure how things escalated the way they did. All you know is that split second you were entangled in a situation beyond the comprehension of involuntary self-manufactured imagery. Jihoon has you by the throat, platting with your breath take in as he kisses your lips feverishly. Chan kneads the fullness of your breasts, biting in your neck with conviction and desire while the sweat of his toned chest rubs against your naked backside. And finally, Seokmin has taken your legs between his face, nose pressing against your clit harsher the deeper he delves inside you with his tongue, understanding what your downfall tastes like.
Your mouth is stretched open in gasps, whines, and whimpers, and Jihoon manages to swallow every one. You inhale the stench of pure animal instinct and merely melt against the body behind you, not minding how his tight pinches and descriptive narration cease your lungs from expanding (as if Jihoon wasn’t already doing that enough).
“Is Seokmin eating your dirty little pussy well?” Chan’s low tenor sends shivers down your spine, making you squeeze your abdomen tight in response.
“Your journal was so interesting we couldn’t help ourselves. Sorry again. But not that sorry.”
Chan has always had a mouth on him but hearing him speak while everything was happening was pure sin. That’s what made the situation differ slightly from the dreams. The dreams were pure sex and no dialogue. You would think that made it dirtier, but it was missing what real-life Chan’s voice is currently giving: the whole picture.
“We’re only sorry a dirty little slut like you didn’t get the treatment you deserved until now.”
You can feel Jihoon’s smile against your lips as you let out a loud moan, causing him to dig his fingers a little harder against your neck, cutting harsher into your breathing. Chan chuckles, lips now trailing over your shoulders. “You like that, don’t you? Being called a little slut?”
You nod frantically, his pinches only getting tighter until his palms are whipped across your flesh. “You like that too, slut? I bet you’d like anything we do to you. Are we making you feel as good as you dreamt?”
Jihoon finally pulls away from you to let you answer, forcing you to face the younger man and squeeze the response out of you. “Well? You’re not gonna keep him waiting, are you, whore?”
His hand releases your neck and relaxes against it, now favoring your hair, in which he’s already wrapped around his knuckles.
“N-no, sir.”
“Then tell Chan what he wants to hear.”
You swallow your nerves down, turning into a puddle under the dark watchful of the eyes of the man in question and utter a soft “yes” and crumble in front of them to see and hear. Ripples of arousal go through you, clenching around Seokmin’s tongue when he finds your sweet spot. You clutch your chest as if a line of pearls are dangling off your collarbone, releasing your ivory nectar lining his mouth and taste buds. He moans into your heat, caressing your thighs. “Our needy mess tastes so good…”
You look back at him longingly, tempted by the glossy sheen of his lips, and Seokmin is quick to realize it. He connects your lips, pulling you from Chan to fall on top of him instead. “Such a fucking mess,” he mumbles, “need you cumming all over my cock…”
Chan’s hand slips through your hair as Jihoon’s nails grated over your ass’s flesh, you clench around nothing when they join you. Although they’d made cum once today, you severely doubt that it’d be the last. “I’m sure they’d love to be filled up with all our cocks. Isn’t that right?” Chan questions.
When you let out another weak “yes,” they join your weak display of need, pressing against parts of your body that only ache to be filled, ache to be ruined, ache to be stretched and pulled until your body is fatigued beyond comprehension.
“I hope you can handle it,” Jihoon comments in feigned concern, “handle us reusing you and take turns fucking our cum back into you, that is.”
Part of my 3K Follower StayCation!!!
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snippy-tano · 1 year
What about a rex x reader where the reader works for the GAR (with the 501st specifically) and is often like really close to battles so Anakin wants them to get some training in combat so he asks Rex to train them and they end up falling for each other 👀
i am on a roll my friends. and i plan on riding this and getting as many requests done as i possibly can, so send any ideas my way!
this was is an older request so i apologize it has taken me this long to get here, but i hope you like it enough that you forgive me for taking so long to complete it.
warning: this is full of tropes. totally full of them. but i couldn't help it!
let me know what you think! thank you to all of you for taking the time to read this and sharing it! your comments and reblogs truly mean the world to me. thank you thank you thank you for reading this! :)
masterlist is here!
taglist is here!
tagging:@pro-fangirls-unsocial-life; @marvel-starwars-nerd; @mackstrut; @dissapointingpancake; @ahsokatano-thetogruta; @welcometothepedroverse; @lightningwolffe; @fractiouskat; @mandaloriandin; @lussyyung; @lowkeyodinsong; @str-wrs-fics; @bantha-shit; @badbatch-simp24; @katelynnwrites; @s1st3r; @leotatombs; @torchbearerkyle; @rain-on-kamino; @the-navistar-carol; @bombshe77; @arctrooper69; @social-mockingbird; @luna-schaf; @oh-delphinia; @dominhoe-squad; @kaermorons; @lucyysthings; @quizznag; @dangraccoon
Late Night Training
You’re not sure what you did to end up here, but you suppose you had only your horrible self-preservation skills and a serious lack of luck. 
By all accounts, you should not be anywhere near battle, ever. You were a mechanic and you practically lived in the hanger repairing ships and droids and practically anything else that breaks on the Resolute. You were the go-to if anything happened and you didn’t mind. You have always been good with your hands and you liked puzzles. It was a perfect match.
But somehow, you always seemed to find yourself in the heat of battle.
The first time was a total accident. You had forgotten something aboard a gunship and didn’t realize the ship had taken off until you were already enroute to the excursion. The second you did intentionally go down to the planet, but you did not intend to stumble across a lost battalion of droids. 
And the time after that. And the time after that. 
Basically, you were cursed.
Which is what prompted a few of the troopers to send a request up the proverbial flagpole asking that you get some training. Clearly their efforts to make sure you didn’t end up in battle were not working. 
General Skywalker approved the request and assigned “the best fighter in the GAR.”
Captain Rex.
You had met the Captain a few times, but your meetings were always quick and work related. He was pleasant enough and you admired his work ethic and how he managed to keep the 501st on track. The troopers you interacted with all looked up to him highly and it was easy to understand why they cared so much. Rex just seemed incredibly kind. 
You weren’t sure about this whole “training” thing, but you figured if Captain Rex was willing to teach you, it might not be so bad. 
Actually nevermind. You totally regretted this. 
Captain Rex was wonderful. 
He was patient with you, excellent at explaining things, didn’t treat you like you didn’t know anything (even though you didn’t), and you could definitely see that this training was going to help you. 
But you were dying. 
You were by no means out of shape. You were on your feet all day and were pretty strong from lifting heavy machinery. By normal standards, you were pretty healthy and took care of yourself, for the most part.
But the training Rex was putting you through was definitely going to kill you before you even got the chance to put it to use. 
“Come on. On your feet cadet.” Rex said and you had never wanted to hit him more. Too bad your arm was numb. 
You weren’t even sure your arm was attached anymore. 
You let out a groan. “Captain. I think I see the light. I think this is it for me.”
Rex chuckled. “That’s not going to happen. Now come on, up you come.” 
Muttering some choice words under your breath, you shakily climbed to your feet with a helping hand from the Captain. When you were on your feet, you let out a louder groan, head thrown backwards.
“Captain, I truly don’t see how I am going to get better if I can’t even lift my arms anymore.” You whined.
“If you can’t feel your arms, you are doing it right.” He said, almost sounding far too amused. “Now come on, back to your base.”
You continued to whine, but your legs and arms did slowly move into the base fighting position Rex had taught you all those weeks ago when your training first started. The first few training exercises happened in the main training facility and occurred in the middle of the day. But it was clear it would be hard to get anything done with all the men watching, so you moved your training to the middle of the night. It wasn’t ideal, but you were a night person by nature and Rex just never seemed to sleep. The arrangement worked out.
And you were starting to enjoy your time with the Captain. 
Before, you never really had the chance to speak with him. But this training gave you the chance to speak with him more regularly and chat about nearly everything. You learned a lot about him in the weeks since your training began and you found yourself waiting for training (despite dying every time) because it was uninterrupted time with the Captain. 
Rex fell into a ready stance as well and you took a deep breath.
Come on body. Don’t fail me now.
He began to move and you started to move too, countering his attack with moves he taught you. Rex moved slower than you knew he could, probably so you could get used to recognizing attacks and beginning a counterattack. You went through a few sequences with him, able to keep up despite your aching body. 
Then he moved faster, catching your arm in a hold you hadn’t seen before. Your eyes snapped to his and you could see a smirk playing on the corner of his lips. 
Fine. Two could play at that game. 
Using the knowledge he gave you, you moved, shaking him off your arm and managing to knock him off balance, just for a second. Rex regained his balance and watched you drop into a stance with a smile on your face.
“What? Did you think you were my only teacher?” 
Rex laughed once before lunging forward. 
Your body moved on autopilot. He was attacking significantly faster than you had practiced and despite that, your body adjusted almost immediately, matching his tempo. Every muscle was screaming at you, but the adrenaline was keeping you moving. You dodged his fist, kicked out your leg, took a hit to the ribs (that would definitely bruise later), doled out a hit to his stomach. 
Blows were being traded and you were honestly surprised you were still standing. Normally he had taken you down by now. 
As it turns out, you spoke too soon. 
Rex managed to grab your arm again and with a jab to the side, you were off balance. Which was the opening he needed to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you into him, placing you in a headlock. He wasn’t actually cutting off your air supply, but you were not getting out of it.
“Do you yield?” He asked, just as out of breath as you were. Which was comforting. 
You tried to get out of it. Tried to step on his feet, he kept them out of reach. Tried to elbow him, he’d move and the blow would not carry the same weight. Tried to wiggle, no luck. 
“Come on, yield.” Rex said again and you almost caved. Almost.
But he was far too pleased with himself and that made you angry. 
So, you cheated. 
Well, technically you cheated by the standards of sparring, but in an actual fight, tricks were on the table. And you were shameless in your desire to win. 
You bit his arm. 
Not hard, just enough that he was startled and loosened his hold for a second. You yanked yourself out from his headlock, spun on your heels, and threw your shoulder and body against his center. Normally it wouldn’t be enough to knock him down, but he had been surprised and off-balance which is exactly what you needed. 
He crashed to the floor with you right behind him. Without thinking, you scrambled for purchase and pinned him to the worn mat with your hands and legs. You were grinning when you looked down at him. Rex blinked a few times before his eyes focused on you. He didn’t say anything at first, just assessed the situation. 
Then he chuckled. “I’ll admit, that was clever.” “Really?” You gasped, still grinning. “I thought for sure you’d be mad because it’s against the rules, but you also taught me that if I had an opening I should take it, no matter what.”
“I did teach you that didn’t I?” 
You nodded vigorously as he let out a sigh. 
“You didn’t technically win because you cheated, but you have improved beyond what I expected at this stage.” Rex said and you rolled your eyes, releasing his arms and sitting back. 
“Oh come on!” You whined. “I totally beat you.”
Rex sat up, fixing you with his gaze. “You cheated, so it doesn’t count.”
You groaned. “Fine. But next time, I will win fair and square.” 
He smiled and it was only then that you realized just how…compromising your position currently is. Rex seemed to realize this at the same time because he froze. Throughout your training, you had gotten closer to Rex, both emotionally and physically. But that was very much in the heat of the moment while sparring. This was something different. And you found that your stomach fluttered at the thought.
It happened a few times before, a situation similar to this, but both of you were always quick to step away, letting whatever was happening fizzle. You weren’t here for that. And besides, there was no way the Captain felt any sort of similar affection for you that was now constantly bubbling under your skin. So if he didn't notice the glance at his lips that you snuck, that was perfectly fine with you.
Rex seemed to stay frozen in place, but he didn’t move away, like you had expected him to. You felt your heart start to accelerate for an entirely different reason and felt yourself sway just a bit closer. It was then when your brain caught up with what was happening and you quickly scrambled off of him, not making eye contact while you waited for him to get to his feet. 
“You did good tonight and I think someday, you might just have a shot at beating me.” He said and you looked at him.
“Just a shot?”
“Just a shot.”
You crossed your arms and let out an annoyed huff. He was probably right, but it still hurt your pride just a tad. 
Rex looked at the time displayed on the wall before looking back at you. “We haven’t done this yet, but we have some time before the end of the session. What do you say to learning how to shoot a blaster?”
The slight wound to your ego was immediately forgotten at his words. You’d been begging him to teach you to shoot since your training started. You learned as a kid once, but it was so long ago that you didn’t trust yourself to have any semblance of aim. 
“Yes! Kriff Captain, teach me!” 
Rex chuckled at your enthusiasm and motioned for you to follow him. You practically floated the entire way across the training room to where there were targets lining the walls and training blasters. He approached a target and a blaster and you waited, hands clasped in front of you to keep you still. 
He held up the blaster and began pointing. “This is just a training blaster, but this is where you would change between the blaster and its stun setting. It’s important that you have a good grip on the handle and a steady hand.”
“I’m a mechanic, Captain. My hands are some of the steadiest.”
He let out a breath before carefully placing the blaster in your hands. You let him position your hand and you did your best to commit it all to memory. When he was sure you had the grip down, he stepped back and motioned to the target. “Take a shot. I want to see your form.” Rex stated, crossing his arms. 
You turned towards the target and raised your arm with the blaster. You cocked your head to the side and squeezed an eye shut, focusing on the target. Then you fired.
And it missed by an embarrassing amount. 
Your face crinkled as you stared at the slight seared mark on the wall. 
“Alright. Not bad for the first try. Let’s fix your stance.” He said, stepping a bit closer. He tapped the side of your head and you straightened it. “Don’t close your eye, you’re limiting your vision that way. And keep your head level.”
His foot tapped yours and you moved your back foot a little further so your feet were shoulder width apart. 
“Do you mind?” He asked and you turned to see him with his hands raised, hovering near you, but waiting for your permission. 
You felt your cheeks warm as you quickly looked away. “Go ahead.”
He stepped right behind you and you felt your breath hitch. His hands were gentle on your hips, pivoting you until you were in the correct posture. Then one hand lifted, pushing the shoulder of the arm that held the blaster down. Then his hand moved slowly down your arm, making the fluttering in your stomach return with a vengeance. His hand eventually reached yours and enclosed your own. 
“Take a deep breath.” His voice was in your ear and it was sending a shiver down your spine. 
Easier said than done. You thought. 
You had no idea if he was aware of the effect he was having on you, but this was quickly becoming the trickiest part of training yet. And it wasn’t because it was difficult. 
It was entirely because of Rex.
When you didn’t take a breath like he had instructed, his hand gave your hip a squeeze that caused you to gasp more audibly. You swallowed it quickly, forcing your lungs to take a deep breath. 
“Good. Now look at the target and focus on where you want the blast to hit.” You focused entirely on what he was telling you, it was the only way you were getting through this without completely embarrassing yourself. “When you’re ready, slowly pull the trigger.”
The blast sounded and you watched as the blast hit the target. It wasn’t dead center, but it was pretty kriffing close. 
“I did it!” You gasped, turning to look at Rex with a large grin on your face. “Captain, I did it!”
Without thinking, you turned in his arms and threw your arms around his neck, squeezing tightly. He hesitated for a moment and it was enough for you to realize just what you had done. 
“Oh. I’m sorry, I just got excited. Forget-” You stammered, your heels hitting the mat as you began to unwind your arms from his neck. 
But you stopped when his hands tightened on your waist. You looked at him, his face inches from yours. His eyes slowly opened and the gaze he fixed you with had you holding your breath. His eyes scanned your face and you just waited, wanting to see exactly what he was thinking. 
While you may have surprised Rex earlier by biting his arm, it was his turn to completely surprise you.
Rex tipped his head forward and just like that, he was kissing you. It was clumsy, your own surprise evident. But almost immediately, you were over the shock and absolutely melting against him. It was almost embarrassing how quickly you sagged against him, arms winding back around his neck to pull him closer. Rex’s hands fisted in your shirt and you still wanted him closer. He obliged and there was practically no way to tell where he ended and you began, but that’s exactly how you wanted it. 
You did have to pull away, when the need for air became too great. You didn’t stray far, your nose bumping against his as you tried to catch your breath. Rex’s forehead thumped lightly against yours.
“Is this your way of one-upping me Captain?” You asked and he let out a low chuckle. 
“Did it work?”
“Annoyingly, yes.”
His eyes opened to meet yours and you shared a smile. “Call me Rex.”
You lifted a hand to cup his cheek, your thumb brushing against his skin. “Alright, but you better do that again when I do.”
He nodded and you looked him in the eyes.
True to his word, Rex captured your lips once again and you followed willingly. This was your favorite training exercise so far and you hoped that it would continue for many rotations to come. 
Who knew that your uncanny ability to constantly find yourself in battle would lead to such an interesting outcome. But honestly, you’d do it all over again as long as you ended up here, in this exact moment with Rex by your side. 
[And the very next time you accidentally ended up in battle, you had been able to hold your own, taking down a few clankers along the way. Rex had never looked prouder.]
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suhjihanma · 8 months
☩ 𝕰𝖈𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖘𝖞 ☩
(Master list tag) - ☩Kink (4) : Drugs / Gunplay ☩Word Count: 1,899 words ☩Pairing: Kisaki Tetta / Shuji Hanma / Female!Reader ☩Content Warning: Gunplay and gun kink, mentions of drugs, alcohol intoxication, mentions of drug use, fellatio, intercouse with replacement of object, threesome, characters under the influence, mind-fuck, fear play. ☩Author's Note: Thank you tumblr for hiding my shit. Minors and ageless blogs do not interact. This story might contain triggering content. Another story is done. This was supposed to be written for day five, but I skipped yesterday since I was out with friends yesterday (and I was tipsy). Promise that I'll do two stories for this Saturday coming. So, apologies for my stories being out of order. Also, Tokyo Revengers Season Three is out. Rejoice. It's been so long since I wrote for Tokyo Revengers, I miss you guys. I think I had too much with this. Reblogs and likes are appreciated.
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Two arms were gently wrapped around you. 
One arm felt more warm to the touch, tender-like, while the other copied the same body warmth. By the hands, one metal piece was holstered to fingers idling across the trigger while the other hand traced circles lazily across the cheeks brazen with slight redness. 
You don't know how in the world you got yourself in this situation with these two men.
Granted, they've always got themselves in bizarre situations where you question their sexual gratification. Captivated by their interests, you wonder how the average female would present her interests. A tail between her stiffened legs would gain a reaction as she heard about the interests that both men played in the bedroom. 
And a good play at that.
Some might place the blame on alcohol imports, specifically more related to Belvedere, and a few undisclosed pills that might have been improperly pressed, still the ravaging effects of being in your drunken stupor became more heightened as the sense of fear presented itself in the spotlight. A damn was less given as your body now squirmed briefly underneath their warm arms, making its absence known as the cold weapons being placed against your face. Protests awakened as the piece was now placed on your lips. The possibility of them being trigger-happy while under the influence was approximately slim, then again the remaining conscious that you had realized that acting under intoxicated stupidity was more than enough to get your head split across an expensive bedroom. Eyes glossed over fear as you looked over at both men. It was difficult to remain focused. The sense of reality became crumbling down as a warm feeling that felt like a hug was engulfed through your body. Visions of the two men become more heightened as you stumble out for words. Words that used to have meaning were now more or less scrambled with coherent phrases. 
You didn’t know what you wanted.
 How rude of these men to be teasing you in a state of weakened vulnerability. How dare one of them trace the barrel between thighs and have it lined towards your exposed sex. Looking downwards, you see the barrel tracing the opening of your folds, prying the opening of your vagina with the success of secretions decorating the dull, darkened metal that was etched beautifully in handcraft. 
“You can take a gun better than you can take a dick, huh, baby?” Hanma laughed before a familiar weight was pressed against your lips. As your mind carelessly wandered, so did the actions of what was going on. You knew there were lips pressed against yours, you knew that a tongue was forcing itself to intervene with your tongue. 
Did I take more than one pill? 
Were there even guns to begin with as we chatted over drinks?
Why does everything feel so fucking good right now?
 Questions rot your drugged brain as you find yourself reaching to one of the men that hovered over your body. A body that was heavily intoxicated with the sense of fear, pleasure, and hallucinations, your hands began to wonder over Kisaki. The hands drenched in sweat began to mix with his body above you, appreciating the structure of his lanken body that inhaled and exhaled ever so deeply as each moan pried from your lips. As to question why you were moaning, you couldn’t fully explain. Contradicting yourself can be considered an understatement, as you are now reaching out to questions that don't have answers in your drugged stupor. Your hands now reached to the exposed cock that was facing in front of you. Everything seemed so fast from the time that Kisaki was helping you unfasten his pants and well-designed buckle. Pants and huffs were all too present in the fast pace of it all.
Everything was suddenly going fast, yet time was moving slowly.
“I wan- I want.” The words couldn’t complete a full sentence as Kisaki above you guided your head to his well-endowed cock. A small hiss escaped from his mouth as he entered himself inside the walls made of warmth. Of all the times you were reluctant to take him, you were grateful that he showed patience as you babbled out nonsense. Granted, Kisaki wasn’t a man of notable patience yet, doped up women were an exception to sexual matters. 
Kisaki shushed you as he now grabbed a fist full of hair from under you, a muffled scream was let out as you sloppily bobbed your head, whimpers of gratitude were now present as the salted weight of his girth now began to produce small amounts of precum. Either the screams or muffled cries were an absolute turn-on to this man as he continued to thrust himself inside your mouth. Curses and grunts highly encouraged. 
“I know what you want, baby.” Kisaki grunts out before gently placing the barrel of the gun on the top section of your forehead. 
“No teeth.”
The cold tip sends a nervous chill throughout your sensitive body as you look up at him with fear in your eyes along with a dick in your mouth that's aching for a quick release, silencing the pitiful pleas that murmured from your occupied mouth. Kisaki could almost describe the scenery as embarrassing. The man overlooked you with haughtiness as he forcefully pressed the gun deeply against profusely sweating skin. You drunkenly contemplated Kisakis’ next move until your eyes closed tightly shut, small tears forming at the corner of your eyes. The coldness underneath was now penetrated towards your sex, another muffled cry was let out in response as the gun moved slowly inside of you. The twisting and turns grew to be nauseating as the effects were slowly beginning to wane. The foreign object that was being penetrated inside something that needed more made you want it even further, deeper, just anything that would satisfy strunged-out hunger. 
“A possibility we might add this to your toy collection. Keep fucking yourself on my gun,” Hanma jokes in front of you as he continues on with his thrusts, ones where they became out of rhythm that made you sigh and wriggle out of frustration. 
“Yo, Kisaki, is there a way we can preserve pussy juices on a gun? She is soaking my gun like crazy.” Hanma starts to laugh again before continuing with his unforgiving thrusts. Kisaki looked at him with eyes glossed over with pure hunger for sex, the well-attached mind not fully breaking from the continuous warmth that engulfed his cock. The man’s words of choice broke his concentration for a moment before sighing out in exhaustion.
Like a parent dealing with a child’s antics. 
“Why do you always say the most idiotic shit?” Questions Kisaki before looking over at you. His eyes were now looking over the endowed breasts that bounced from each thrust that came from Hanma’s thrusting underneath. One curse word slipped out of the man as he looked over at you again before holding the grip of hand more rough, almost causing you to slip away from the cock in your mouth. 
“Fuck”, A prolonged word dragged through his deepen voice as Kisaki came down your throat. No heed of a warning. You felt him twitch from the muscle contractions, that along came the saltiness and warmth of his cum reaching the back of your throat as you hungrily swallowed every drop. You continue your drunken ravish as you greedily wrap your tongue along his head, gently cleaning the opening of the tip before running your tongue on every visible vein that was present on his skin. It was either the lingering effects of drugs or alcohol, or it could have been the urge to want more pleasure as you wanted to take Kisaki whole. The heaviness of Kisaki dwindled as you opened your mouth. His cock slowly came from your mouth in a slight bounce. Your mouth grew from a sigh to a whine as the familiar coil was suddenly about to break. Time was of the essence as you looked over at the man that was continuously fucking your face, and also at Hanma in front fucking you with his gun. As your body reached its climax, nerves were singing through blissful peace. While they screamed of peace, you screamed out in pleasure. Several things intensified your high, yet the feeling of a drugged out orgasm was nothing more than being God in a falsified heaven. 
More than likely, the doped out feeling grew to be intense as your hips bucked to the motions of the gun that Hanma held in between your weakened legs. He couldn’t help but smile at the state that you were in. Once he recognized that you were satisfied about how much of a mess you made on his gun, he placed one of his fingers against your slickened folds. With fingers now laced with the orgasm you gave on yourself, Hanma places your wetness across his tongue, licking off each digit of his contaminated fingers. You whimpered and closed your eyes. Exhaustion soon gets the best of you, as you enjoy the false scenery of colors dancing across your eyelids. The visions that hit across your closed eyes became woven with the heightened sounds around you. The sound of heavy breathing becomes more plentiful as you enjoy the debauchery of the afterglow. That is until you hear a click.
Your eyes widened as you looked over at Hanma still in front of you with his gun still inside of you. Hanma’s fingers wrapped against the trigger and a cold sensation flew across your body. The effects of everything were now starting to wear off as you looked over at him with a blank-written stare. Thoughts were at a standstill as you looked over at him in complete awe. You didn’t know what to do as you finally shifted your body to the left, gathering what just happened.
The man above you smiled softly and patted the front of the barrel to your still-slick sex.
“There’s no bullet in here. I'm just fucking with you.” Hanma chuckled.
“Quite, literally,” Said Kisaki above you, his words of choice growing from a joking remark. “Still, the drugs that Sanzu gave us were intense.” Looking over the leftover pills scattered across the table, one of his free hands mindlessly rubbed the front of his forehead as he looked over at you with a gentle smile. 
“Still, you were really out of it.” Kisaki's eyes wander across your body pooled with shock laced with sweat and then towards the man in front of you. A smirk oversees the soft smile from earlier. You knew that smirk of his read nothing but trouble, but curiosity was going to kill you in the most brutal way possible. For what it’s worth, both men could do this all day with their sadistic tendencies. As submissive as you were in front of them, the fearfulness of it was steadily lurking at bay once the man in front of you nibbled against your ears, causing you to weep out from the sensitivity. His voice longed for honey and venom as he continued while suckling gently at the earlobe. 
“Then again, you would be more out of with our powder supply. Want to try it while we’re balls deep in you?”
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adriancatrin · 11 months
Best Zukka fic recs and/or Azula centric fics (bonus points for both!) I'm desperate for more content.
(digging thru my bookmarks) hoo boy ok let's see
i'm gonna put a cut because this might be long!! idk what all of the zukka 'classics' you've read so i just included 'em if they're my faves. list is in no particular order, pls heed warnings/tags on AO3 as some include potentially triggering content ~
like the sun inside of you by ofherlionheart: Zuko is sixteen years old when he’s handed a crown, a throne, and a hundred-year ancestral legacy of colonial imperialism. He’s not scared of the work; he’s scared of being consumed by the responsibilities and burdens he’s claimed. What Zuko doesn’t quite realize, yet, is that he’s not alone in this. Still in progress, one chapter left to go. Very slow-burn Zukka, and some great Azula stuff
To Cleave These Roots We've Made by Erisenyo: Sokka and Zuko have been roommates and best friends through college and graduation, through first jobs and new jobs and promotions, through friends getting married and sisters being pregnant and everything in between. But that all ends in four days. Four days to pack up an apartment. Four days before Zuko goes to law school and Sokka stays behind. Four days to untangle two lives that Sokka and Zuko have spent ten years weaving together. Can you call it a divorce, if you were never actually together in the first place? I don't remember Azula's involvement in this, but gosh darn it's a good one
i won't stumble as i follow down this path (cause words that are spoken are just other things to have) by jublis: It takes Zuko one year to visit his sister again. Featuring birthday weeks, struggling with your own goodness, and a future. Pretty sure this is a Zukki, ft. Azula very heavily
Destiny in the details by salytierra: Sokka heard that story before. Of course he did, the turning point of Zuko's destiny, the single bravest and most noble (or stupid) thing he's ever done. He retold the thoughts that went through his head back then, the repercussions... but he left out a single detail. And it's that detail that changes everything.  I need to see his soulmark. Sokka thinks, heart hammering in his chest. Fantastic post-canon soulmate AU. Azula's not in it, though
Divine Intervention by AggressiveStress: Sokka has had a lot of dates but they never stick around and he doesn’t know why. Literally everyone else knows why. Honestly I don't remember much about this one I just know I really liked it hahaha
Maybe I Don't Want Heaven by inkfingers_mcgee: Zuko does not realize that he wants to break up with Mai until she says, “We need to talk about us,” with an unmistakable finality, and the candles around his meditation mat don’t even flicker. // Five years after ascending the throne, Zuko reaches yet another crossroads of self. Sokka helps him through it. Mai incites national legislative reform. Azula is listed as a character in this one but I don't remember her role. The fic is great though. slow burn in case u haven't caught onto the trend of my fave fics yet haha
Of Tea and Turtle Ducks (and the Turtle Duck Guy) by Erisenyo: Sokka is nothing if not enthusiastic about his interests--Learning. Campus traditions. The campus turtle ducks. The guy who's watching the ducks so intently this year.  Zuko is nothing if not intense about duck watching. (It's not really about the ducks.) (Is it ever?) No Azula again but gosh darn it this fic is so cute. (expect more erisenyo on this list whoops)
this ultraviolet morning light by GallifreyanFairytale: sokka and zuko break up, make up, go undercover, thwart a rebellion, watch the sunrise, and change the course of fire nation history. not necessarily in that order. I don't remember the level of Azula's involvement in this fic, but I do remember she's in recovery and Zuko thinks about her a fair amount.
Empty Bodies, Empty Smiles by attackfish: Zuko sorts through the wreckage of his childhood and comes across a doll given to his sister. Not a shipping fic, just a character study of sorts of Azula as a child. It's... very sad, but incredibly nuanced in its understanding of her as a very unhappy and unfortunately disturbed child
Will We Last the Night by CSHfic/VSfic: Chief Arnook never assigns Sokka to protect Princess Yue, so he goes to fight the Fire Nation with the other men. When the moon dies, and the ocean spirit takes its revenge, Sokka is caught standing on the deck of a Fire Nation ship. Sokka should have drowned… and he would have drowned, if not for a certain Fire Nation raft fleeing the North Pole. An enemies-to-lovers season 2 rewrite, where Sokka is separated from the gaang during the Siege of the North, and travels the Earth Kingdom with Zuko instead Azula is just S2 Azula w/o redemption I believe, but my goodness the Zukka is just so. SO sweet
Burning Bright by Erisenyo: On a particularly hopeless night, Zuko sends out a messenger hawk to nowhere. He didn’t realize that his messenger hawk is deeply committed to completing the job. And that Sokka happens to be traveling straight through nowhere, at the time. I'm currently rereading this series for the umpteenth time, it's amazing, highly recommend, Azula is hyper intriguing in it too w/ a very complicated relationship with Zuko
All's Fair by Lovely_Elbow_Leech: Book one ends with two major diffrences: 1. Sokka went on the mission with Hahn (it did not go well) 2. Zhao survives the North Pole and that proves unfortunate for everybody (except Zhao, obviously)  Imprisoned on Zhao’s war ship, Sokka and Zuko have to work together to survive. They are not very enthusiastic about this prospect.  And they argue. A lot. Another of my top faves. Book 2 is in progress
Real Slow by surveycorpsjean: “I see.” Zuko closes the scroll. “Is the Water Tribe sending a replacement?" “Uh yeah,” Sokka gestures to himself dramatically. “You’re looking at him.” No Azula I believe but heckin' slow burn
this is a gift (it comes with a price) by WitchofEndor: There is a ghost on the Wani. But the crew have grown used to - even fond of - Prince Zuko. And no matter how many times General Iroh tries to gently explain the boy’s predicament, tries to suggest that he might attempt to move on, Prince Zuko can always be found watching the sea. There is a prisoner in the palace. Not Zukka, but the relationships in it are fantastic, including Azula and Zuko.
 While Mighty Oaks Do Fall by WitchofEndor: The newly-crowned Fire Lord Ozai offers his firstborn son to service in the temple. This turns out to be a catastrophic mistake. Wacky crazy fic. There's something funky fresh happening with Azula, but it's an in-progress fic so. who knows where it'll go
I probably don't need to include The Art of Burning but it's in my fave bookmarks so. Same for Blue
Also in retrospect I have a lot of issues with this fic, but here's my post-canon Zukka w/ Azula redemption fic: New Heights
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back4kink · 2 months
Hello~ I'll probably ramble a bit, I'm sorry
Anyways, I found your blog like maybe only a few days ago, because I made a side blog wih the purpose of it being an outlet for my dirty thoughts and when I started setting everything up (like rules and stuff) I realized that I don't know what tags to use. So I kinda looked through different tags and looked if the posts from other blogs match with what I'm going for and stumbled across your blog.
And I'm feeling so submissive when I read through your posts and it's kinda weird but also kinda comforting??? And now I'm questioning my kinks, because I didn't think pet play and/or ddlg was like a thing for me, but now I don't know?? And now I don't know if I should change the tags and like the entire introduction post or not and ahhh
Yeah... I'm done rambling now. Again, sorry.
Could be that I'll slide into your ask box more often, so I'll just pick some random emoji and hope no one else uses it yet
- 💕 or that one 🐰
Haha well welcome to this side of kink then glad I could help open your eyes and broaden your horizons! And you don’t have to change anything if you don’t want to! It’s your blog stick to a theme! Trust me I have all sorts of hard dom fantasies and such but I don’t vent them here cuz this is a safe place with a touch of hard haha at least that’s the vibe I go for. But yeah you can have the hearts! And my DMs are also just as open as my asks! So don’t be shy!!!
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rosenongrata · 2 months
solitary solidarity – iii
Summary: A selection of writings that explore the early days of the odd relationship between Doctor Veritas Ratio and Missus Kagome Ikeda.
A/N: c.ws for chapter: Kagome punches Ratio so fucking hard in the face that she accidentally broke his nose, blood, implied unspecified trauma for Kagome. uhh i think that's it? she fixes his nose tho so it's all good /j
c.w/s: varies on what part, but i'll make sure to mark each addition with the proper tags in the a/n. OC-insert.
w.c: ~1k
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Kagome does this in the middle of her rest – quite often, actually. Her head turns away when a bright light flashes across her face, and then she drags her arm up to her face to cover her eyes. Her other arm lay limp – her fingers caressing the floor of her office as one foot rests crooked nearby, her high heel nearly falling off from the awkward position. Even her other high heel is hanging on for dear life as it dangles from the tip of her foot while her long leg rests over the armrest of the sofa.
Despite how uncomfortable it may look to anyone else, she’s perfectly content and at ease with her current position on the sofa. Not like there were many other positions to choose from, anyway.
Soft footsteps creep up to her side – the sound of sandals echoing through her office. And then a distant, warm breath fans one side of her face – she can feel it acutely, but it’s not enough to stir her to full consciousness.
“Is this how you greet all of your visitors?” Dr. Ratio asks lowly in a grumble, he bends down slightly and pokes her shoulder, “Perhaps you are less of a copycat and more of a sleeping cat—”
“DON’T TOUCH ME, SHOTO.” Kagome yowls and instinctively punches Dr. Ratio square in the nose – enough to make him stumble back and hold his face. When she comes to realize, she blinks on repeat while he glares at her, “Oh– Oh, I’m so sorry, Doctor—” She jolts up into action.
“You’re sorry?! For punching me – in the face, no less!” He growls at her regardless of how muffled he sounds. “And you called me…some name that is not my own—”
Kagome bolts across the room after kicking off her shoes – she then rips open a drawer in her desk, taking out a gauze pad and pain medication. She rushes over to him, forcibly taking his hand away from his face to – most gently – place the gauze under his bloody nose.
“Here…” She sighs, “I really am sorry,” She glances away as she repositions his broken nose back into its rightful place, regardless of how loud and sharp he gasps at the pain, “I…I thought you were my husband.” She admits softly.
“You…Your husband—” He groans, swatting her hands away to hold the gauze to his nose by himself, “While I appreciate you putting my nose back into place, I cannot say I forgive you for punching me—”
“You aren’t wearing your plaster head…”
“…Do not change subjects.” He sighs, “I am curious, though – why in Aeon’s name would you mistake me for your husband?”
She looks away.
“I can tell the higher ups about this little…altercation, if you’d like.” He threatens – he’s going to get his answers one way or another.
“P-Please, don’t—” She sighs, “I truly did mistake you for my husband, Shoto Watanabe,” She stares down at her hand – covered in the doctor’s blood, “You two aren’t all that similar, but he…” She winces, fist clenching, “He’s usually the one to wake me up. I must’ve subconsciously realized I slept in my office all night…and he came to punish me for not being at home yesterday—”
“Punish you? Are you a child now?” He interrupts, his face warped into a grimace mixed with disgust and pain.
“…I’m sure he’d love to inform you that I may as well be,” She shakes her head, “Anyway, come here—” She grabs his thick bicep and drags him to the bathroom, “You don’t have to forgive me for punching you, but at least let me help stop the bleeding.”
“Ugh,” He scoffs, “I can handle it just fine. But fine, if you dare insist.”
A while later – after washing her hands and his face – his bleeding begins to finally stop. She lifts his head up from the sink, dabbing away the rest of the blood on his chin and mouth with a damp rag. She then glances at the mirror, eliciting her to sigh softly.
“…You have quite the pretty face for someone so invasive.” She comments offhandedly before walking away, leaving the rag on the sink.
“Pardon me?” He cringes and stalks after her, “What kind of backhanded compliment is that?”
“Don’t worry about it, Doctor.” She pulls a bottle of cold water from her mini-fridge, “Here. You’ll want to drink as much as you can to make up for the blood loss…” She hands it to him after prying it open, “If there’s anything I can to make up for this, please tell me.”
“Anything, huh?” He takes a seat on her sofa with wobbly legs – the blood loss beginning to kick in, “…Tell me more about Tetra—”
“That again…? Why that?” She murmurs as she sits next to him, but refuses to meet his critical gaze.
“Because you are allegedly the only person who knows about it – I have not been able to find much information about it, but I know you have all the details.” He explains, crossing his arms as he carries the cold bottle in one hand.
She sighs as she deflates, “Alright…” She readjusts her posture – sitting upright and with her hands resting over her lap, “I will tell you once you’ve recovered.”
“You are not trying to worm your way out of this again, are you?”
“No, I’m not. It’s a long story, too – so, I’d prefer to take this a day at a time.” She meets his tired and unfocused eyes, “…Rest in here on the sofa for a while and drink that water, Doctor,” She stands up again, “Are you hungry? I can get you something.”
“…You do not need to pamper me, Kagome.” He rolls his eyes, “Do whatever you want, I will relax until this dizzy spell goes away.”
“I… Alright.” She nods, leaving him to his own devices as she moves around the office and the jointed bathroom nearby to clean up whatever blood there is on the floor.
He watches her with one eye open, and she does her best to pay his staring no mind.
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hershelchocolate · 3 months
do you wanna talk about why wally (or any of your other Huge Faves) are so beloved to you
I honestly think a lot of it came from the fact that, at the time I made them, I really really related to them on a personal level
Wally was the first one, and he was just a design for Wally Franks from Bendy And The Ink Machine for a while. Kinda silly kinda stupid and everyone thinks he's always annoying and in the way, but he's a good kid! And he was fun to draw. So when I needed another filler character to round off a 10-character group, I just shoved him in there so I'd have a chance to draw him more.
But his personality in this environment suddenly gave him an all-new character and all at once he was the kid who came from a rough home, one that always wanted him to be smaller, out of the way, less of himself, but the one thing they couldn't take from him was his unending desire to be kind. Sure he has problems defending himself or setting boundaries or saying "no" in any scenario, but all of that comes from his desire to be kind to everyone he meets.
At the time I could really relate to that because I struggled with a lot of the same things, and as I've made more and more versions of him he's gotten a lot more confident than the original kid hiding scared behind his friends. He still has problems with setting boundaries, that's consistent, but he no longer has problems taking up space
I, on the other hand, am still working on that part 😳
I think the next big obsession was Lyf and the funny thing was? I didn't really care for them at first. They were just the narrator to my favorite Mechs album but they didn't really feel like a character to me.
Then I read Wayfarers
The concept was pretty simple: Lyf stumbles across Nastya post-Out and the two just. Travel together. But something about that made them click in my brain and suddenly I really really loved the concept behind their character.
Someone who was doomed from the start to be part of something they didn't understand, set up to lose everything and everyone they ever cared about, but who pushed through it all, survived, made a friend, and was thriving. There were setbacks, consequences of what set them on this path in the first place, but they had someone there with them who understood what they were going through and offered unending support.
I discovered the Mechs during March 2020. I'm sure you can see how I might have related to the concept of "my entire life is falling apart at the seams and nothing will ever be the same again but at least I can rely on the people around me"
I rediscovered them during my thesis year at college and became even more obsessed with Lyf, but this time in a slightly different way. I think the idea of graduating college was a whole new "my life is falling apart and will never be the same again", except this time I had a better idea about how rough it was going to be. The fans were always so kind in the tags of my silly notebook doodles, and looking forward to making and uploading those got me through a lot of really rough days at school. I wish I had the time to draw them more often.
It took me a really long time to connect with Finch, actually. At first I was even disappointed that I had to talk about them a lot solely for being the protagonist, because I found a lot of the side characters to be more compelling (Lorelai specifically for reasons I do not have time to get into).
And then I started writing the outline.
They're just a kid, man. They don't know what they're doing. The world is so big and they are so, so small. Everyone else seems to have a handle on things and for some reason refuses to tell them. No one is giving them the home-life support they need, and they have to figure it out themself, and everyone gets mad at them for getting it wrong.
And then suddenly I would protect them with my life
I saw a lot of myself in them all of a sudden when I realized just how lost and afraid they were to be navigating a world they didn't understand and no one seemed to be understanding how to help them in the first place. The fact that they were so young and childlike just meant that instead of relating to them, I wanted to protect them. It actually hurt to write a few of the scenes in Whisper Court because I wanted to go in there so bad and tell them they were loved, that they were fine existing the way they were, that there was nothing else they could have done.
I think it says a lot about me that these specific characters struck a chord with me and made me relate to them
But I think it says more about me that my instinct in every single one of these was to find a way to let them be happy and loved. Because maybe then I want myself to be happy and loved too
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xexiar · 11 months
Ao3 >> https://archiveofourown.org/works/49061290
FF >> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14263083/1/Sorry
On Saturdays like these, where even my favorite All Might movie is pointless to me, I just let the world pass me by. But unlike many Saturdays before, I am not home. As impressive as it was to dorm at the school of my dreams, not even those thoughts can push through my thoughts. In fact, being reminded that I’m constantly surrounded by people is making my mood worsen.
As I twist and turn in my bed, trying hard to keep the emotions at bay, I stumble on viewing my alarm clock. It was then that I realized I had been in my room all morning and pushing past 3:30. Then the thoughts about whether I had used the bathroom or eaten today came to mind. At first, I would rather let the day pass before stepping out of my room if it meant complete solitude. But at last, my stomach decided now it would let itself be known.
So, as I finally sit up and put on my All Might house slippers, I try to take deep breaths. Maybe I would be lucky not to come across anyone today. I genuinely hope that everyone was at least in their respective rooms. Or the very least, ignore me as I roam to part take in some form of food. With one more deep breath, I step out of my room.
Just my luck. The moment the elevator opened on the first floor, I was given a view of everyone in the common area. I silently hoped they kept to themselves as I walked toward the kitchen. But today, indeed, was unlucky. When Mina spotted me, I had yet to make it two steps from the elevator.
I was practically frozen in place as my pink skin classmate rushed over to me. “Midoriya!” No! I desperately tried to see if there was any way out of this interaction, but it was too late. Mina grabbed me by the wrist and practically dragged me toward the others. “Come on. You should play truth or dare with us.”
“That’s ok. I should…” I fanatically tried to find the perfect excuse, but I was coming up short.
“Come on, Midoriya! Even Bakugou is playing.” At the sound of that name, I just wanted to run. I can’t do this. Not today of all days.
“I can’t. I should get back to studying.” I hope nobody saw past my bluff as I tried getting free from Mina’s grip.
“Nonsense. Think of this as a fun break. So, come on.” That’s when everyone started cheering for me to join them. But all I wanted was to run back to my room. It was a grave mistake to dare leave the safety of my isolation.
“Leave the nerd alone.” At the sound of that voice, I turned to face him. And when I saw him, I regretted it immediately.
“Oh shh, Bakugou. You just don’t want Deku to play with us.”
“Let the nerd go.” As I watched everyone argue with Kacchan, the room slowly became silent. The last ounce of my resolve was gone. It was then that I accepted my fate and sat between Ida and Todoroki.
“All right, Deku!” Even though I could faintly hear everyone around me now, it was still unsettling. Especially as I tried to keep my focus on looking down at my hands. “So, how about it? Truth or dare?”
Without a thought, I automatically answered. “Truth.”
“Ok. How about you tell us something about you that nobody knows about.”
I finally looked up and stared directly into Kacchan’s eyes. “I sometimes wonder if I should have taken someone’s advice and taken a swan dive off our middle school roof.” The laughter around stopped automatically, and I took that as my chance to leave. And as I was near the elevator, I felt something was coming towards me. Without looking, I grabbed it and slammed it to the ground. After that, I got on the elevator and returned to the safety of my room. I even made sure to lock the door.
I still can’t believe shitty hair got me to tag along for a stupid game. One after another, they either shared stories or were made to act like idiots. It wasn’t long until I noticed the elevator had opened. When I saw who stepped out, I was automatically enraged. That was until I saw the look in his eyes. I recognized that face.
It was the same face he would get when he no longer could hold a smile. A look that screamed to be left alone. I hated that face when we were younger because I knew where it came from. Many times, I was there to comfort him. While other times, I was the cause. As long as he was left alone, he will be fine. I know he’ll get through this.
Damn, Pinky! I know what you're trying from what shitty hair has told me of you. But at this moment, you’re going to make it worse. “Leave the nerd alone.” The way everyone looked at me, I didn’t care. They even tried to say how I just didn’t want Deku to join us. But they don’t understand. And from the looks of it, Deku wouldn’t tell them. This was bad. “Let the nerd go!”
Again, everyone argued with me. And then I watched in horror how Deku sat down. This was not going to end well. “Ok. How about you tell us something about you that nobody knows about.” Oh no! That’s the wrong thing to ask him at a time like this.
I knew what was coming as I watched Deku lift his head and lock eyes with me. Damn it. “I sometimes wonder if I should have taken someone’s advice and taken a swan dive off our middle school roof.” I knew immediately that he was referring to something that I told him. Even when the idiots around me became silent, I could only hear my words that day. All I could feel was the instant regret of how badly I had messed up. Even remembering how hard I ran to the school’s roof in hopes that Deku wasn’t there. How desperately I wanted to apologize but never got the chance.
I now watched as Deku slowly walked towards the elevator. I didn’t get a chance to move as shitty hair rushed over to him. We all witness Deku grabbing shitty hair and body-slamming him hard on the ground before stepping over and entering the elevator. And as those metal doors closed, I saw it. The broken look still haunts my very core.
“What was that all about?” I quickly got off the couch and rushed to the stairs. I needed to make sure he wasn’t going to do it. When I reached the roof, I was relieved to see no trace of Deku. With that, I went to my room and grabbed a few things.
As I made my way to the floor where Deku’s room was, I saw that our classmates were there. And from the looks of it, Deku had locked the door and shut everyone out. That brings back unpleasant memories. With a deep breath, I opened the hallway window and stepped onto the ledge. I carefully used my quirk to get to Deku’s balcony and waited.
Thankfully I didn’t have to wait long when I noticed Deku’s door stopped moving. At that, he took his blanket off his head. Which meant everyone had given up and left. So, I took that as my chance and opened his balcony door. I was somewhat grateful he didn’t lock this, at least.
The look Deku gave me once he noticed someone was with him had me rethink my resolve. But there was no time to take it all back. “What do you want?” And there it is. I grabbed his desk chair and set it before him as I sat down. “Go away.”
Now I couldn’t help but look down at my hands as I tried to find the words to say. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you dare!”
I quickly put a hand up as I finally looked him in the eyes. “I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I know I don’t even deserve to be anywhere near you. But just this once…” I saw the anger and pain in his eyes, and I knew I did that. “I’m sorry.” I removed my book bag and pulled out one of the items I had gathered. “This is the letter I wanted to give you that day but never got the chance. I know it’s too late, but please.” I now fought back my own tears. “Please… read it.”
I handed him the letter and watched him hesitantly take it. It felt like time froze as Deku slowly opened the letter. I could hear and feel my heart racing in my ears as my nerves took over. The emotionless face he had didn’t make it any better. After everything we had been through and our recent heart-to-heart fight, I wasn’t sure if I could ever be forgiven. There are times when even I wish I could just disappear. But then, who would be there for Deku?
The guilt and shame I had been carrying for so long weighed heavier as the days passed. My thoughts were then interrupted when I heard the faint sounds of sniffing. I blinked a few times and saw how Deku was crying as he hugged my letter. With that, I grabbed the other items from my book bag. “Do you want to watch your favorite All Might movie together?” The way he nodded gave me some hope.
I set my laptop on his desk. But before I set up anything, I threw him my All Might hoodie. “What was that for?”
“Put it on, nerd.” I stuck my tongue at him, and he chuckled. There’s the nerd I knew. As the movie played, I sat next to him on the bed. A part of me wanted to hold him, but I wasn’t sure if that was possible. Hence why I brought my hoodie. Would that even be considered enough?
I couldn’t believe what was happening, especially after reading the letter from Kacchan. I know how much he struggles to talk about his feelings, but this was very touching. To learn how he waited on the rooftops in hopes of stopping me. The fact is that’s why he would always block the stairs to the roof during that year. Even when we came to UA, he always got in my way of certain things.
In fact, I still was in disbelief at the parts where he stated he couldn’t think of a world without me. Even knowing how he also had thoughts of committing the act himself. Then mentioning how, even though our friendship was unstable, he still cared. And now, here he is, watching a movie with me. I still haven’t stopped crying from how sad and happy I felt.
It felt nice to wear his hoodie, but something felt off. And whenever I looked up at Kacchan, I couldn’t help but spot the shade of pink that crossed his cheeks. Was he blushing? At that thought, my face started to burn. I tried to stay focused on the movie, but my thoughts kept returning to him. After all, this was the first time we were this close in a long time.
What was I supposed to do? That’s when it finally hit me. Kacchan went out of his way to check on me. That had my face burning even more as I felt my heart racing. Kacchan cared about me. The thought alone had me instantly smile. Without much thought, I hugged his right arm. Before I could take back my reaction, Kacchan pulled his arm away and brought me into a hug. If my body burns anymore, I think I might melt.
“Are you feeling better, D—Izuku?” He said my name! At that, I wrapped my arms around him in return hug. And I nodded my head as I felt him tighten his grip. “I’m glad.”
At that, I tried my best to look up at him. “Thank you so much, Kacchan.” Then he went and did something surprising. He lightly bit the tip of my nose. “That felt funny.”
“Oh, yeah?” Kacchan smirked before lightly biting my left cheek. Before long, I found myself sitting on Kacchan’s lap as he would occasionally bite my cheek throughout the movie. As heavy as this Saturday started, it took an unexpected turn for the better. Even more, so that night when Kacchan agreed to snuggle as we slept.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
21 - The Dark Clouds You
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Part 22
Kenobi's Future
Tag list - @supernaturalgirl30 @nanagoswife @lycaonpictusphotography @bigbendyhorns @foundationsretail @abaker74 @haideehaids @sassycowboygoatee @jedi-archives @iifloweringnightsii @ocappreciationtag @just-dreaming-marvel
Obi-Wan's POV
Twirling my lightsaber I killed someone running from the stormtroopers that we're looking to secure this planet in the name of the Empire. The boy falls at my feet and some others dropped to their knees seeing my golden eyes. Turning my back to the children who get taken by the troopers as I walked up the ramp. Sitting down in the Captain’s chair I run my fingers over my chin sensing someone entering my mind space. "Defying your life's training have you, Master Kenobi?"
"Master Yoda, where are you. How can I hear you now?" I asked looking around the room not physically seeing his prescence in the room which doesn't make sense.
"Where you left me I am. Darkness I sense in you. Something terribly wrong has happened to you, yes?" He questioned me through my mind.
Running a hand through my hair I could see families screaming and running from the stormtroopers. Vader had sent me to gain control of this small planet. Over the course of two days I have caused pain to a bunch of planets all in the name of the Sith Lord. When Y/n had told me that Sidius had lived I couldn't believe it. "Lord Sidius came after my family...he threatened to kill my children. I didn't have another choice, Master. I'm not even sure it's safe to be talking with you or my own wife. I'm...I'm lost Master Yoda.."
"Know of my location they do not. Believe I am dead they do." Yoda spoke as I felt tears starting to fall down my face. Twirling the ring on my left hand I hate to admit that I could feel the difference and how stronger the darkness made me feel. I hadn't created lightning yet but it was Vader's goal in the end most likely. "Speak with your wife I will, Obi-wan."
Closing my eyes the ship started up as the stormtroopers enters on the ship with some prisoners ready for take off back to the unfinished Death Star. At least that's what the Empiror called it. "Master, send a message to them please...I love them." I whispered before making the trip back to their star system. Walking down the ramp Sidius and Vader were waiting for me. But before I could say anything I felt a lightning bolt slash across my cheek underneath my left eye causing me to wince sharply.
"Tears are a sign you aren't one of us, Kenobi. Do I need to remind you the terms of our agreement. You devote your life to the Dark Side or I hurt your family. Maybe we should kidnap your youngest Padme. I think she would give a good fit of screaming wouldn't you say Lord Vader?" Sidius tapped his chin looking up to Vader who breathed heavily.
"Don't touch my daughters or my wife!" I shouted seeing that the Empiror is gasping for air reaching for his throat. Glancing down to my right hand I realized it was open and slightly raised so I was the one choking him. Shaking my hand he dropped gasping for air and simply started cackling as he walked away with Vader. Staring at my right hand I felt my heart beating out of my chest where I stumbled backwards into my quarters. Closing the door I slide down hugging my knees to my chest mumbling to myself. "Did I just...what am I becoming?"
Y/n's POV - hours later
Someone knocked on my bedroom door where I heard Kiera's voice speaking on the other side. "Mom, there's dinner on the table. It's been two days and you haven't eaten or left the room. Are you alright?" Concerm was in her voice when I called back in a shacky breath. "I'm fine honey...I'm not hungry go away."
Laying with the covers thrown over my head I grasp my lightsaber in my hands needing something to cling too. Tears stained onto my clothes where I rolled over staring at the door locked until a tiny figure appears in front of it. His little green form where he gives me a weak smile walking over to my bedside in a blue hologram form. "Master, what are you doing here?" I sniffed through tears running down my face.
"See Kenobi you have. Feel your sorrow I do my old padawan. Forced to the Dark Side he has been." Yoda slumped his shoulders appearing underneath the covers laying beside me with a sad expression on his face.
Wrapping my robe tightly around myself I shake still picturing the scar across my husband's face. His eyes held that tired and horrified look in them. It breaks my heart knowing that he is weakened by such actions. We both have our share of trauma thanks to Order 66 and then when we learned that Darth Vader in fact was alive. We didn't need anymore pain but now that's exactly what we got. "I saw him Master Yoda...the scar across his face. His eyes had been glossed over with tears. He was my Obi-wan but much more broken than when Anakin betrayed the Jedi. I'm lost...I don't know what to trust in anyone. What if we're broken, Yoda..."
"A difficult path your husband is in. Fall into the dark you must not. Trust in the Force. The Force that brought you two together. It shall guide you two back to each other." He explained staring me directly in the eyes seeing my confusion still. "After all led me to you it did indeed."
Moving to lay on my back I pulled the covers I stared at the ceiling and he does the same with a heavy sigh. Sometimes I am happy that my sister didn't live to see what horrific things came after her children's birth. That she'd never have to face Vader with a broken heart knowing it was her husband. That he would cause suffering for thousands upon thousands of people across the galaxy. Twirling the wedding ring on my finger I closed my eyes praying that this wouldn't be our reality forever. That someday I would get my Obi-wan back safe. "I love him Yoda...that's why I'm afraid to lose him.."
"Loves you and the girls he does. Sent me to deliver that message he did. Worry not my former padawan. Find his way home he shall." My master replied before I drifted to sleep and he disappeared back to his hut.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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dogmomwrites · 2 years
Find the Word!
So excited to be a part of this game! Thanks @houndsofcorduff for tagging me!
My words were hand, show, missing, clear, and stumble, and the excerpts are under the cut! The tag is open to everyone, but I'm gonna do some targeted bullying at @fearofahumanplanet, @penspiration-writing, @marinesocks, and @breath-of-eternity
Your words are fall, glare, horizon, start, and apologize
Hand, taken from Castle in the Ice
A loud, rumbling growl drowned out Raavi’s words. He froze. The beast had turned to him and now its rancid breath washed over him, almost knocking him over with the sheer force of its reek. The stench of rotten fish filled the air in a sudden, powerful rush.
Raavi covered his mouth, tucking his nose into the crook of his elbow. It didn’t help much and the smell still made his eyes water. “Can you get up?” he asked, jumping when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“What are you doing so close?” Seen whispered in his ear, dragging him back. “You could get yourself hurt.”
Show, also from Castle in the Ice
Hank turned to them when he heard his name, and the rodent horde flooded over to them, chittering and squeaking in excitement. “Well, it’s about time you all showed up.” He looked as exasperated as Raavi felt. “Where’s the rest? Magic Hands?”
“We don’t know.” Seen stared at the crowd of rodents and added in a hesitant tone, “What’s going on here?”
“And why weren’t we invited?” Blue demanded.
“These are skakoree. That’s Mochta.” He pointed to the cat. “He’s a cat, he talks, he’s a jerk.”
Mochta flicked his tail at Hank, but didn’t deny it.
Missing, taken from my secondary main WIP that doesn't yet have a proper title
“Avalanche!” Jimmy squinted in the bright sun.
Either way he looked, the street was empty. No sign of the dog. Two days since Aaron had left him in charge of her. Two days, and the only way he could keep her inside was by bribing her with Balto and chicken nuggets. Any time she went outside, she was gone, running off to wherever her nose led her.
He considered preparing missing posters for when she inevitably got herself lost.
I should fix my fence, Jimmy thought. Then he realized he didn’t actually have a fence. I should get a fence.
Clear, from Castle in the Ice
“Those wolvins are very interested in what they are after.” Aero didn’t bother to look. He couldn’t read, so he wouldn’t be much help anyway.
The wolvins clawed at the ground in a frenzy. The ice cut their paws open and the snow grew dark as blood soaked in. Despite their clear injuries, none of them stopped or even slowed down.
“Do you think Arial or Marrick would know what is down there?” Aero asked.
“I don’t know, but I’ve never seen or heard of wolvins doing anything like this. I didn’t think they were smart enough to be so organized.”
Stumble, also from the unnamed WIP
Riley stumbled into view, falling heavily against the doorjamb. He was bleeding from multiple wounds, the most serious a bullet hole in his shoulder. The others all appeared to be grazes or through-and-through shots to the arm and leg. He grimaced, his face a mix of pain and anger. He turned his face to Aaron without looking at him. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Look at me,” Aaron said.
“I told you, we don’t have the fucking time for that!” Riley yelled, baring his teeth against the pain, but then he gasped, doubling over. New blood spread out across his stomach. He began to slide down the jamb, his grip on his gun quickly weakening. Another bullet hit his chest, missing his heart by an inch. “Why?” he asked Aaron.
“You’re in Michigan,” Aaron said, watching him die.
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