#i tumblr for myself and myself alone
samarqqand · 10 months
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Lord Byron the ur-Melkor/Maglor understander. thank u
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raineandsky · 28 days
The villain slips out of sight, and civilians crowd the hero before they can think to follow. Several microphones materialise half an inch from their face.
“What does it mean for the city when villains get away like this?”
“Why is this villain so difficult to catch?”
“[Hero], this way!”
They can see one reporter elbowing his way to the front of the crowd. He nudges his glasses up his nose awkwardly, a clipboard in one hand and a voice recorder in the other. He looks like an old school nerd, in a way.
He manages to wrestle his way to the front of the mob, miraculously. The hero isn’t convinced even they could do that. He clears his throat, adjusts his shirt against his neck, and presses a button on his recorder.
“What are your relations to [Villain]?”
The hero could’ve not spotted him and it would’ve been the loudest question of them all. Their gaze snaps to him traitorously before they can stop themself. He stands there expectantly, his voice recorder raised slightly towards them.
“My relation to them is that they’re a criminal,” they say carefully, a response well-practised, “and I am the person who will put them behind bars.”
That prompts a flurry of more questions, but the hero can only watch this one reporter. He nods, and they’re not sure if he’s trained to stay neutral or if he doesn’t believe them. Their stomach flips uncertainly.
“Can you really be the one to put them away if they keep evading you?”
The hero wants to smite him where he stands. They try to force a confident smile that probably looks more pained. “Then the victory will be all the sweeter when I finally catch them.”
“Are you helping them?”
There it is. The other reporters go quiet, curious. The hero’s aware they probably look like a cornered animal, but they can explain that away later. They were worried that the masses are losing faith in them, perhaps. They can throw a speech together tonight.
“Why would I be helping a criminal, sorry?”
“I’ve done some of my own research.” The reporter pushes his glasses up again as he looks down at his clipboard. “The villain’s getaway car looks alarmingly similar to yours.”
Another flip. Would it be bad to claim they have somewhere to be? They don’t have any answers prepared for this. The reporter’s watching them with an intensity that’s making them feel sick. Avoiding the question is worse, surely.
“It’s not my fault if [Villain] has impeccable taste.” They glance out over the sea of people, trying to seem distracted. Fuck it. Time to go. “Look, guys, I’ll answer everyone’s questions when I’m not actively chasing a criminal. Job first, interviews second.”
The hero flees like the fury of god is chasing them. They can feel eyes on them as they go, that little pain in the ass watching them the most intently.
They practically throw themself into their car, slamming the door like it’ll hide them from the outside. “Took you long enough,” the villain says from the backseat.
“Reporters,” the hero explains shortly. The villain hums thoughtfully.
“Always is.” The villain sighs, tearing their gaze from their phone and up to the hero. “What’s this week’s conspiracy?”
The hero turns the car on to ignore the question for a moment. “They think I’m working with you.”
The villain barks a laugh at that. “Can you imagine?” Their eyes turn back down to their phone amusedly. “A’ight, let’s get outta here.”
Gladly. The hero pulls out of the little alleyway, checking the streets for reporters, unexpectedly nervous, and onto the road. They always take the back roads like this. They don’t need any more reason for people to get suspicious. One reporter putting the thought in people’s heads is enough.
“Don’t get any ideas, by the way,” the villain pipes up after a bout of silence. The hero was quite content to listen to the rumble of the engine all the way back. “You work for me, not with me. Let’s keep it that way.”
The hero nods. The less they have at stake in this stupid little charade, the easier it’ll be to get the hell out at the first opportunity anyway.
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systemrestart · 1 year
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"The New Planets" — Heaven Will Be Mine
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thelifelessgirl · 2 years
Hold back the tears is a horrible thing: the throat burns, the nose too, you breathe badly and you repeat yourself "not here".
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scrimblyscrorblo · 7 months
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K hear me out right, demon giyuu au BUT
He’s his lil kid self running after his sister sacrifices herself and winds up freezing in a cold forest. Idk muzan takes pity on him or smthn? I hope
Anyways, he’s a lil demon kid who uses his blood demon art to create apparitions of people’s loved ones to lure them to the forest, convincing them to just be happy and join them there. Giyuu just doesn’t wanna be lonely guys
Big scary demon king told him to stay there and “make friends” and he doesn’t even remember why the frosty kimono around him matters so much but it still does
Anyway, tanjiro probably is the one to kill him and smells just the overwhelming sadness and fear in this kid, permanently stuck replaying seeking for others alone in the forest for a very long time
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trickstersaint · 1 year
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i don't want it queerplatonic either // april 12 2023
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antariqsh · 1 month
i am tired of seeing the tone deaf posts by people who are rich. the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer, it is nauseating.
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carnation-damnation · 2 months
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Without you
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enii · 1 year
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Slowly, learning to love myself💕
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katsy-kitty · 24 days
I'm going to vacuum my apartment, which means I'll be out for the next few days.
Keep me in your thoughts.
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leheckajiri · 2 months
Next commenter to call jannik boring or slow you are getting hitwith a bus
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riemmetric · 9 months
metallica songs about being haunted by something you can't outrun
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where do i take this pain of mine // i run but it stays right by my side - until it sleeps, load (1996)
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run away, the past will bite again // no matter where you dwell - am i savage?, hardwired... to self destruct (2016)
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on i run, still my shadows follow - shadows follow, 72 seasons (2023)
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mihrsuri · 4 months
I need to make a list of reasons to continue to be here on this earth and forgive me, I’m doing this on tumblr because it seems to help (feel free to skip)
[redacted private Jewish Thing]
more swimming to do
rings of power season two
need to leave flowers for Anne Boleyn in England
have to get some more pretty dresses
might make people sad
listen someone has to have a bisexual crisis over Natalie Dormer and James Frain Lil
promised yourself chocolate chip cookies
taylor swift album
the cup of tea you are going to make
writing your fanfiction
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thelifelessgirl · 2 years
Pain is when you’re slowly dying on the inside and you’re way too weak to speak about it so you keep silent and suffer, alone.
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coffeesnorter · 6 months
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I was trying to make a quick drawing but like I'm chronically a perfectionist AND lazy.
Next time, I'm using a timer (:
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fvkedupgirl · 2 years
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“mimimi byler isn’t canon” “oh blebleble byler is unrequited” LOOK ME IN THE GODDAMN EYE-
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