#i wish i had more regular hours but i do like my job
It's a Match! || 141 x reader
[ Chapter 8 ] || [ Chapter 10 ]
Pairing: Ghost x gn!Reader || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.2K~ Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: i think Ghost always steals Soap's hygiene products bc he cannot be arsed to buy some for himself.
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Chapter 9: Drinks?
The moment the helo touched down, the soldiers descended, each of them parting ways as they went about their regular business, returning their gear to the armory, debriefing, showering, eating…
Almost a whole hour after their arrival, Simon threw himself down onto his bed, his skin dewy from the shower, his hair combed to the front and dripping over his face.
He popped open the top drawer of his nightstand and fished out his phone and charger. He set the charger up and turned on the phone as it charged up.
Simon didn’t often use his iPhone. Sometimes he forgot he even had it. The only times he did was to check Soap’s and Gaz’s insta/snap stories (because he liked being up to date on what they were doing) and when they were all on leave and had parted ways, so he could check the groupchat. 
Once the phone turned on, he immediately beelined for Tinder and opened the app. The app lagged a bit at first but, open loading up, he saw it.
99+ likes, 99+ messages.
The big majority of them were girls, too young for him, thirsting for him, even with his face being hidden. He always knew he could attract people, so it didn’t exactly surprise him.
Rolling his eyes, he flicked his finger over the screen until he found your chat and clicked on it.
Simon: I’m back and in one piece. Simon: I think you need to wish me luck more often.
He didn’t expect you to answer him immediately, even if it was only 6 P.M. on a Tuesday and you’d likely be at home and free, considering the job you listed on your profile.
However, the Read notification popped up under his text almost immediately and your dm came right after without the app even announcing you were typing.
you: omg i was literally JUST checking to see if you had said anything you: welcome back!
The text made a smirk take over his scarred lips before he bit the bottom one and typed out a reply.
Simon: Have you been waiting to hear from me for 3 weeks? you: noooo Simon: That’s frankly adorable. Simon: Didn’t think I’d have gotten in your head that strongly. you: oh piss off simon. you: ur not that great. Simon: You’re still texting me. you: sooo???? Simon: So, I can’t be that terrible. Simon: Got your attention, didn’t I? you: oh piss off you: ur so cocky and for what Simon: Not cocky. Just sure of myself. you: no Simon. No? you: no 😤 Simon: Okay then. Simon: Suddenly not sure of myself because you deemed it so. Simon: I’m very insecure now. Simon: Is that better? you: stop being such a bloody smartass 🙄🙄🙄 Simon: You’re breaking my heart, sweetheart. Simon: I can’t take this. Simon: Going to go hug my pillow and cry some more. you: oh no you: i’m making the giant cry? 😱 Simon: Is that a dig at my height? you: YES Simon: My God, I’m going to cry even more. Simon: I’m being bullied. you: good!!! 😤 Simon: I’m making you pay for my therapy. you: pay for it yourself!!!! 🙄 Simon: How about I pay for dinner for the two of us one of these days instead?
You didn’t answer immediately after that. You always did that whenever he flirted with you and spoke about taking you out.
Simon had a shit-eating grin on his face, imagining that you were all annoyed at him behind the screen. He was right in guessing you were shy about going out, he assumed.
you: no. you: but you can buy me a drink tonight.
His jaw dropped and his eyebrows raised just a bit.
Simon: It’s a Tuesday night, are you sure? Simon: You know going out for drinks on a Tuesday is usually a sign of alcoholism? you: ur backing out now? you: wheres all that bravado of yours? Simon: Oh no, sweetheart. I’m not backing out, I’m asking if you’re sure. you: if i wasnt i wouldnt have invited you. Simon: Fair enough. Simon: Where? you: the same pub i met up with john at maybe? Simon: Rog. Simon: 30 minutes. you: i need longer to get ready. Simon: That’s fine. I’ll still be there in 30. you: are you going to be wearing the mask? Simon: 🤷‍♂️ you: SIMON you: YOU CAN’T BE PULLING OUT THE EMOJIS LIKE THIS you: YOU STARTLE ME EVERY TIME. Simon: Good. Simon: See you soon.
Setting the phone down on the mattress, Simon got up from bed and took off his towel, tossing it over the back of his desk chair before opening the top drawer of his tall dresser, grabbing a pair of black boxer briefs and putting them on.
Then, he rummaged through the other drawers looking for his one ‘going out shirt’™️ (which was actually a black long-sleeve compression shirt) which he put on along with a pair of dark jeans. It was a simple outfit. 
Then he slipped on some black boots. He threw on a leather jacket over that and tucked a black neck gaiter into the neckline of the t-shirt, hiking it up to cover his mouth and nose.
Barely a minute later, he was making his way into Soap’s room and across the small space that separated him from the bathroom. 
“Going somewhere, L.T.?” Soap probed from his spot at his desk, eyebrows raised and his eyes locked on the older man’s with intrigue. He rarely saw Ghost in civvies and even more rarely did he see him without a hoodie.
Unlike Ghost, Soap had made his officer’s quarters into his own living space, having brought in a gaming computer and chair, a small beanbag, and had plenty of knick-knacks around.
“Going out.” Ghost said simply as he grabbed Soap’s hair gel and squirted a glob of it into his hand before lathering them and using them to run through his blond locks which were exposed without the hoodie or signature balaclava.
“Out? On a date?” Soap asked Ghost as he quickly jogged up to the bathroom door, watching as Ghost fiddled with his hair.
“No. Just drinks.” Ghost replied as he tugged a bit as his hair to make it stand up straight. 
“Is this someone you found on Tinder…?” Soap probed as he leaned his shoulder on the bathroom door, a boyish grin on his lips.
Ghost looked over at Soap out of the corner of his eye as he finished fiddling with his hair and rinsed his hands under ice cold water in the sink.
Soap took Ghost’s silence as an affirmative response. “Pro’lly a shag too, hm?” He joked, earning him another glance out of the corner of his eye. “Bloody hell, L.T. tell me all about it later, yea?” He laughed.
“Fuck no.” Ghost added as he grabbed one of Soap’s cologne bottles and raised it up for a sniff before scowling at the scent and setting it down again.
“Aw, c’mon L.T.!” He pleaded. 
“Get your own date, MacTavish.” Then, he just made his way right out the door, forcing Soap to move out of the way, looking a bit like a wounded puppy. 
“I’m not getting anything interesting on there!” Soap lamented with a sigh.
“No? Well, I’m sorry for you, then, Johnny.” Ghost quipped as he opened the door again and stepped out into the hall, leaving Soap behind.
taglist: @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @xxshadowbabexx , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @zombie-freak , @wittleespur
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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indulgentdaydream · 26 days
I don’t know if you’ve done this yet but headcanon for what it’s like when reader and Jason get into arguments! (Fluff and angst please!)
coming right up!
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I feel like it's very divided in the community on how Jason is in an argument
Some say he gets angry and shouts, some say he'll just walk away immediately, some say something completely different
I feel like it depends on the situation really.
If it's something minor, like arguing over how the dishes should be done, then you guys are talking to each other normally again within two minutes (or at least he is)
if it's something a little more major, (example: either you not taking care of yourself properly or jason not taking care of himself properly) it may take a few hours to a day to resolve it
the most severe i think jason would go is maybe three days at most with no contact before he's reaching out to you again
okay I'mma write a blurb on that now
Jason couldn't stand it. He had been in his apartment, trying to clean his guns. It was routine. Disassemble. Organize. Clean. Reassemble. Test. Done. He'd done it a thousand times. But he just couldn't focus.
His mind was circling around your argument.
He had tried to bring up something about one of your bad habits. Something about your work and your schedule that he couldn't even remember the specifics of.
Thinking back on it, he shouldn't have brought it up when he had. You were agitated. Frustrated to begin with. Overwhelmed. It had been because of your schedule. Jason had commented on how you should look into it.
"You should take better care of yourself. I hate seeing you like this."
It was the wrong choice of words.
You had blown up on him, twisting his words back at him.
"I should take better care of myself? Really? Why don't you go take a look in the mirror before you come nitpicking my life, Jason."
He had gotten offended. He had only been trying to help.
"What the hell you yelling at me for?"
You spun around to face him, the two of you on opposite sides of the kitchen, "You tell me to take better care, yet what do you do for yourself? Everyday I feel like I'm asking you to be careful out there and everyday you don't respect my wishes!"
"It's my job!"
"It's not a job!"
Jason doesn't remember that much after that, either.
He shouldn't have yelled back. You were right. You were right and you were tired and frustrated and he hadn't been there for you like he should have.
You had stormed out shortly afterwards, saying more about how he didn't respect you or your wishes.
He hated admitting that you were right about that, too. It wasn't intentional disrespect, he just hadn't acted right.
He left the pieces of his gun on the table and stood up.
I need to apologize to the love of my life.
You were sitting in your apartment, watching TV, when you heard the doorbell ring.
You got up, not caring that you were dressed in your pyjamas still, your regular pyjama shirt replaced with one of Jason's.
In a way, you felt horrible about the argument with Jason, too. You shouldn't have snapped at him. You should've brought up your concerns about his vigilante work a different time in a more polite, adult-like manner. It was eating at you, yet you had no idea if he was ready to talk again yet.
You opened the door without looking through the peep hole first, something that Jason would've chided you for, only to find the man himself standing in your doorway.
He was dressed in his motorcycle gear, a helmet in one hand, a bouquet of flowers in the other.
"I'm sorry."
It's up to you to accept his apology or not i'm sorry but i don't know how to finish this.
add in the notes how y'all would apologize KEEP IT PG PEOPLE
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daughterofthequeen · 6 months
A New Diagnosis
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Pairing: Joel Miller x autistic daughter!reader
Summary: I have an idea. Joel Miller x daughter!reader, based in the camps they had everyone in after the outbreak(so a couple days after Sarah’s death technically) and the reader is a high functioning autistic who stims. So when they get to the camp and because of all the stress she has been under, it’s causing her stimming to flare up like crazy. So Joel and Tommy had to beg and plead to the soldiers, trying to let them know she is autistic and she wasn’t infected, that she just can’t control her stims.
Warnings: Angst, crying, cussing, stimming(not really a warning but its in the story), overstimulated meltdown, denial, most likely inaccurate chain of command about construction work or construction jobs in general, might be a little ooc Joel in one scene I’m not completely sure but it feels like it and I hate it😠😤.
A/N: the reader symptoms and preferences are based on my own, which is also where this idea came from. Ever since the show came out I just wondered what did they do to the people with ticks and stims at the beginning of the outbreak. I mean they eventually had to come up with a way to tell a difference in the beginning of the outbreak before they had the infection detector things, right?
I honestly might rewrite this because I don’t know if I like how this turned out. Usually I’m pretty good at picturing what characters would say in a certain situation, but there’s one part of the fic that I’m not so sure about( you’ll know it when you read it I’m sure). But it’s crazy because I’ve been living like this since the ages of 4 or 5 and it still extremely difficult to describe stimming, even harder writing about it. But I wish I had a Joel Miller parent so I guess I’m projecting a bit in this fic. And this may also be longest fic yet.
So I decided to make this into two parts because I want this posted today because it was supposed to be out yesterday and I don’t want to wait any longer.
Mockingbird (Part 2)
Taglist: @miss-celestial-being @ilovemydinoboi @taraiel @distorted-twink @geralallfandoms @your-shifting-gurl @daemontargaryenwhore @mihstar
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What started out as a regular day went to hell in the span of a couple hours. I mean homes being set on fire, families separated, innocents slaughtered due to the fear of a sickness they had no cure for. But I’m getting ahead of myself, aren’t I? Let’s start from the beginning. My name is (Y/n) Miller, and this is the story of how everything went to shit.
I was only 4.
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As a kid you’re oblivious to almost everything, but sometimes a child’s behavior can reflect the type of day the family will have whether they realize it or not. And my attitude had been off all that week, until my father’s birthday aka outbreak day. I called it the calm before the storm. That week I was in an overall bad mood. All of my senses had been on high, being overstimulated plus the struggle of always being alone in school. I mean don’t get me wrong I use to talk to some of my classmates, but most likely than not I would’ve been playing by myself either from trying to avoid the bullies or because nobody wanted to play with me in general. But hey, you can’t miss what you’ve never had. I never really understood people, I still don’t but I had my family and they always made everything okay. They never made me feel different about myself. Regardless of me being only four, I understood that the repetitive behaviors were definitely not normal. Along with the what I now know as stimming; physical, vocal, scripting, ticking, etc. I could go on and on about everything that makes me different, but my family had always helped me feel normal. To be honest I didn’t start realizing I was doing all that stuff until one day my dad sat me down and asked me ‘what are you doing’ and ‘are you okay?’, which made me more self-aware. And then there was school, the weird looks and the mean jokes came into play. I’ve rarely caught my family staring, but I knew they were. Growing up and remembering the past helps you realize things you might’ve missed or didn’t understand as a kid. Like the concerned/confused stares I would catch my dad or uncle Tommy giving me before I was diagnosed. I just didn’t know what the looks were for. But the day my father finally decided something was indeed wrong, that it wasn’t just a phase, had him making an appointment to my clinic fast. It was the first time my stimming caused me serious pain. Well, from what I can remember anyway.
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July 23, 2002 - Austin,Texas (Y/n is 3 years old)
The day started out like any other. I woke up in my sister’s bed, once I got my bearings I got out of the bed and headed down stairs to see my dad and my sister having one of their many daily debates
“I’m just saying your generations music has nothing on ours- (Y/N)!” After hearing Sarah saying your name, Joel turned around seeing you standing in the kitchen doorway rubbing your eye.
“Hey babygirl. Did you have a good sleep?” He asked as he turned off the stove top and went to pick you up.
“Mhm. I’m hungry, daddy.”
“That’s good because I just cooked your favorite breakfast.” He said as he kissed your cheek and sat you down in the chair across from Sarah, who got the two of you orange juice. Joel then went to grab the plates. There were eggs, sausage, french toast, and he sat a bowl of grapes next to you knowing how much you love them. You all started eating your breakfast. You went straight for the grapes and started eating them, until you spotted something that looked weird to you. Frowning, you push the bowl away and went to the food on your plate.
“Something wrong with your grapes?” Joel asked you noticing the way you frowned up.
“They dirty daddy.” Causing Joel to frown in confusion.
“Dirty? I just washed ‘em.” Joel leaned forward and grabbed the bowl and didn’t see anything abnormal about the grapes. The water in the bowl didn’t even black specs in it that grapes leave behind. “They look fine to me.”
“No. They dirty daddy, look.” Standing in your chair, you leaned over and pointed to a grape with a light brown streak on it and another where it was brown from where the stem was.
“Oh, that doesn’t mean they’re dirty, baby. Grapes just to look like that sometimes or because they’ve gotten older. That’s all.”
“Ew.” You mumbled.
“They’re gonna taste the same.” Joel said as he sat the bowl back down next to you.
“I don’t want them anymore.” You say pushing the grapes away.
“They’re fine, (n/n). I actually think the small brown areas actually make them sweater.” Sarah says trying to reassure her baby sister.
“No.” That was your final statement before you went back to eating the food on your plate.
“Ok, you don’t have to eat ‘em.” Joel states as him and Sarah go back to eating their own food.
“(Y/n)!!! Come back here!”
“We go through this every time you use the bathroom!”
Sarah was currently chasing you around the house. A daily thing really, but for the last few months you have determined on not washing your hands after using the bathroom. And not with just Sarah. With Joel and Tommy too. Joel usually would have to keep a firm grip on you that disabled you from moving away from the sink, and to keep you from running or flailing your arms around as an attempt to keep him from making you wash your hands.
The first time that happened you guys were at a restaurant. He would be surprised if that whole side of the restaurant didn’t hear you,
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“Daddy, I have to use the bathroom.”
“Ok.” Usually he would have Sarah take you but her and Tommy’s food had made it to the table. And since he was still waiting on his, there was no sense in stopping her from eating. He took you out of the high chair, and you two headed to the restroom. After the long process of putting toilet paper on the seat, he sat you on the seat and let you do your business. Once you were finished cleaning yourself up and him flushing the toilet, he waited for you to go towards the sink. But you headed towards the door instead.
“Don’t forget to wash your hands.” Joel said from his spot on the wall he was leaning on with his arms crossed.
Turning towards the sink, you clasped your hands to your chest, letting out a low groan of disgust.
“What is it?”
“I don’t want to touch it.”
“What the sink?” You nodded.
“You have to wash your hands, babygirl. Come on.”
“No.” You whined, and Joel knew then the two of you were going to have a problem.
“Babygirl, please.” He said in a pleading tone and tired tone.
“No!” Joel sighed then picked you up and held you over the sink as he usually would when washing your hands, but this time due to your decision of fighting and squirming in his arms, he had to get a gentle but firm grip on your hands to wash them himself.
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“(Y/n).” That caused you to stop in your tracks. The sound was unfamiliar until your mind put together it was your father’s voice. He never says your actual name unless you were in trouble, and even then it would depend. But him calling your name was enough time for Sarah to scoop you up and head to the nearest sink which was the kitchen.
Sarah sat you down after she finished washing your hands. After getting free you pouted and went into the living room to continue playing with your toys before your bladder interrupted you. So invested in what you were doing, you didn’t even hear your Uncle Tommy come in the house.
“What’s for dinner today?” He teased, rubbing the top of yours and Sarah’s head as he passed by each of you.
“I don’t know you’ll have to ask this guy. He was supposed to go to the store but surprise, he didn’t.” Sarah says with a sarcastic smile towards her father who was going through bills. Joel head turned towards Sarah giving a bored look.
“We’re ordering pizza.”
“Fine with me.” Tommy states triggering Joel to role his eyes.
“Of course it is.”
Sarah went upstairs for the book the two of you were reading. To ‘keep her ahead of her future classmates’. While Sarah was upstairs, Tommy eyes trailed over to you, he smiled as he watched you in your own little world playing with your toys while talking to yourself. He watched you for a minute until he saw you stretching your neck. Normally he would’ve thought nothing of it until he realized it was happening constantly. At first they were only seconds apart, then you would stop for a few minutes and start again. There wasn’t an exact pattern, but he caught the rhythm of it.
“Buns neck been bothering her?”
“No.” Joel answered absentmindedly, still invested in the papers he wished he could use as a coaster without consequence.
“You sure?”
“Yeah I’m sure. Why wouldn’t I be sure?” Joel asked, getting annoyed by the fact he kept getting interrupted with his task.
“ ‘Cause she keeps stretchin’ it like it’s bothering her.”
Joel looks up at Tommy who had a slight worried look on his face. Joel then turns around in his chair to see what his brother was talking about. And true to his little brother’s words there you were stretching your neck and shoulder in a way that looks painful if he’s being honest. Joel turned back around to his brother with an equally concerned look. He leans closer towards him and lowers his voice before he started talking signaling Tommy to do the same.
“I don’t know why she does that, and every time I ask her if she’s ok she tells me she’s fine.”
“Maybe she has a crook in her neck.”
“No, if it was a crook we would know. She would be a lot worse. She tends to panic when she has one of those, and doesn’t do a lot of moving around. To stop the ‘bouncy feeling’. This. This is something else. And it’s been getting more frequent lately.”
“Yeah, this started a few months ago. It’ll leave and come back after a few weeks, but like I said it’s been happening a lot more often lately. She does it with her hands and wrist too.”
Joel turned back towards his youngest. “Babygirl, you okay?” He said in a tone reserved for only you and Sarah when she’s upset about something.
You look up from your toys, bright innocent eyes finding your father’s concerned ones.
“You sure? Your neck not bothering you?”
“No.” You replied while standing up from your place on the floor and walked over to your father. When you got close enough he automatically picked you up and sat you on his thigh.
“Then why do you keep rollin’ it around honey?”
“I’m not.” Joel frowned in confusion. He’s clearly watching you do it so, either you’re lying for some unknown reason or you just don’t know that you’re doing it. But he’s always able to tell just by asking one question.
“Are you telling me the truth?” Simple, but it works. It was a question he would ask you every time he would think you were lying. And every time you answer you have a tell. When you tell the truth you tend to answer pretty confidently, but when you lie, you always fiddle with something whether it be your clothes, your fingers, or just bouncing your foot.
“Yes.” There’s no fidgeting. Covering up how even more confused he was in the moment he just nodded in understanding even though he didn’t.
“Ok baby, you want to go back to playin’ with your toys?”
“Yeah.” You replied getting down from your father’s lap before he even had the chance to put you down. Then you ran off to start back playing until Sarah came back down the stairs.
“(N/n), story time.” Hearing that you stood up and headed over to the couch with your sister. Before you sat down you picked up your stuffed bunny, Tommy got it for you when you were two. They used to use it to stop you from crying, but now you take it wherever you go. You laid down across the couch with Sarah and had your bunny in front of you in the same position you were to Sarah. She opened the book to where you two left off and started reading stopping at every few paragraphs to let you read.
Joel watched the two of you, his world. He would never understand how a mother would want to give this up.
“Have you thought about getting her checked out?” Tommy’s voice broke Joel from his thoughts.
“Checked for what?” Joel asked frowning at his brother.
“Joel, are you serious? Something could be wrong.”
“She’s fine, Tommy. She’ll grow out of it.”
“Grow out of it? Don’t you want to make sure?”
“Tommy, please.” Now Joel was lying. To himself especially. But that is understandable, what parent wants to accept that something may be wrong with their child. It was a scary thing to think about.
“What if it’s somethin’ wrong? Wouldn’t you want to get Bun’ the help she needs as soon as possible.”
“She doesn’t need help Tommy. I’m telling you she’ll grow out of it.”
“Just let it go.” Joel whispered in a hardened tone, trying to keep his voice down so the girls wouldn’t hear that anything was wrong. “Look, would you order the pizza for tonight. I’m trying to finish up these bills.” Tommy mumbled a ‘sure’ and got up to make the call. He understood why Joel didn’t want to talk about that kind of stuff, what parent does? But knowing his stubborn nature he won’t act on it unless something happens that causes him to. After hearing the voice of the pizza lady on the line, Tommy uses it as a distraction to get his mind off his niece and his stubborn mule of a brother.
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January 16, 2003 - 6:30am
Sarah sat up with a soft groan and stretches, when she heard whining. She turned toward her sister who was hiding under the covers.
“Time to get up (n/n).” Sarah was about to stand up until she heard you cry out. She pulled back the covers to see you in a fertile position, hands covering your ears, eyes squeezed shut. “Come on (n/n), we- what’s wrong?” Sarah asked starting to panic seeing a tear fall from your eye.
“Too loud!” Sarah was confused for a second before she remembered the alarm was still going off. She quickly reached over to turn it off, and brought you into her arms. She laid you on her chest, rocking you back and forth while rubbing the top of your head, and she softly shushed you until you calmed down. When Sarah heard your cries turn into sniffles and looked down at you.
“You okay?” She asked softly rubbing the top of your head. She was confused as to why you reacted this way but, whatever the reason, it had her extremely worried. After seeing you nod your head she was able to relax, but she knew she still needed to tell dad about what just happened. Sarah got you up so, the both of you could start your morning routine. Everything went semi-smoothly, but that’s to be expected after your reaction to the alarm clock she’s not all that shocked about your agitated behavior. Sarah had just finished fixing your shirt when there was a knock on the bedroom door.
“Come in.”
“Hey, you girls almost ready?”
“Yep, we were just about to head down for breakfast.” Sarah stood from her kneeling position in front of you, letting you know that she was finished. And after going to tuck your bunny in bed you walked over to Joel.
“Unfortunately, you two are going to have to eat breakfast at school.” He said as he picked you up.
“Ew, why?” Sarah asked.
“Well your Uncle Tommy called and said there’s been an emergency at the house we’re working on so, when he pulls up we gotta go.” He grabbed your book bag and started down the stairs since you had decided to fall back asleep, not that he blamed you if he could he would have too. A minute later Tommy pulls up and surprisingly the Adlers weren’t outside, then again they were leaving a little earlier than usual. But, either way they didn’t have time to stop and talk. Sarah was dropped off first, then you. And it wasn’t until Sarah sat down in her first period class when she realized she forgot to tell her dad what happened this morning.
Time Skip
Normally, when school gets out you would ride home with Denise, due to her daughter going to the same school and Sarah’s school getting out 10 minutes after your school does. Then add another 20-30 minutes of her having to take the school bus then the city bus to get home. When Sarah makes it to the neighborhood she has to pass by Denise house to get to yours which is when she picks you up, but today didn’t work out that way. It started when Joel got a phone call from your school.
Joel and Tommy were currently managing the workers that were doing the framework of the building they were working on. Well Tommy was, Joel was trying to keep calm while talking to the construction manger.
“Look all I’m saying is we should be getting paid more since we’re working more hours than what we were told we would be working, don’t you think.” The construction manger has been going back and forth with Joel for about 10 minutes now, way too long for Joel’s liking.
“No, I don’t. Especially since the reason we’re in this situation is because you guys didn’t do your jobs right in the first place. You’re lucky you’re still gettin’ paid the amount that was agreed upon.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that if you and your guys spent as much time working as you do talking and taking breaks you probably would’ve done your jobs right the first time, and we wouldn’t be in this situation, or behind a day.” The manger didn’t take too kindly to that statement, and Joel was so close to losing his nerve until he was saved by the bell, literally. Right before he was about to tell the construction manager that he can stick it where the sun don’t shine, his phone started ringing.
Joel sighed while taking his phone out of the carrying case to see it was the preschool calling much to his confusion. He didn’t even notice the construction manager was still talking.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Take it up with Tommy.” He said while waving him off and answering his phone. “Hello.”
“Mr. Miller.”
“This is Elizabeth, (Y/n)’s teacher. We need you to come to the school.” Joel immediately sighs, dragging his hand over his face.
“What’d she do?” He replies in an exhausted tone. He never gets calls from your schools unless it’s to let him know he needed to bring a change of clothes for you. All the preschoolers have to have an extra pair of clothes that’s to be kept in the classroom just in case the kids have an accident or something. But you’ve been acting out a lot lately, and he wouldn’t be surprised if it was for something like that.
“It may be better for you to come up to the school so we can explain it to you face-to-face.” Joel didn’t like the way this was sounding. It was hard for him to pinpoint the emotion that was coming off her voice, which worried him more.
“Okay, I’m on my way.” He sighed while hanging up the phone. He walked over to Tommy who looks like he actually did tell the construction manager to shove it, going off the look on the of their faces. “Tommy, I need you to watch over everything here for a while.”
“What’s goin’ on?”
“That was (Y/n)’s school, they need me to go up there.”
“Is everything okay with bun’?”
“I don’t know her teacher wouldn’t tell me anything. I’m sure she’s fine, she probably just got into it with a kid in her class again.”
“Okay, call me when you find out what’s goin’ on.”
“I will. Alright I’m off, and make sure they actually do their job correctly this time.”
“I got it, go on.”
After that Joel made his way to the truck. Even though he says he’s sure she’s fine, he couldn’t help but worry about you. The tone of your teacher didn’t sound good at all. She sounded worried. And sad? Were you sick? He could deal with a common cold, but your teachers tone indicated something worse than that. And there has been a deadly virus going around the world, it hasn’t made it to America yet at least that’s what they’re telling everyone. But what if it has made it over seas? There’s no cure for it, and what if you had it? That couldn’t happen, to you or Sarah. He wouldn’t know what he would do if he lost one of you. No. Stop. That’s not going to happen. That would never happen. He hates when his mind gets like this, but as a single father the need to protect the two of you is the most important thing to him, and that makes him worry even more because that’s something he can’t ever fail at, and he doesn’t even want to think what’ll happen if he does.
He gets out of the truck and speed walks towards your classroom. He had gotten into his own head, but there’s something inside of him that’s telling him this is as serious as it feels.
“Mr. Miller.” He turns upon hearing his name being called, seeing your teacher standing in the doorway of the office.
“Where is she?” He asks as he makes his way to her. Once he got close enough he realized the tone in her voice wasn’t sadness, but pity? Why would she pity him, and where were you?
“She’s in the principals office. But! But before you go in we should probably explain what happened and why.” She said stopping him from brushing past her.
“What did she get into a fight with another kid or somethin’?” Joel ask impatiently.
“Okay, then it can wait.” He moves to fast for her to stop and walks into the principals office to see you sitting in a chair with dried tear stain down your cheeks. He quickly kneeled in front of you gently grasping your hands in his.
“What’s wrong, babygirl. What happened?”
“I wanna go home.” You mumbled
“Ok, you want to tell me why?”
“Mr. Miller, we really need to talk to you.” The principal finally spoke up motioning to the officer hallway. He huffed as he stood up and followed the principal out, but not before he kissed your forehead and told you that he would be back.
“Okay, what’s so important that you had to drag me away from my daughter, who’s been crying? And why is she crying? I swear if that Richardson kid put her hands on her again-” He was annoyed with everyone at this point everyone besides you obviously, he just doesn’t understand why they couldn’t tell him while he comforted his daughter.
“We’re sorry, Mr. Miller. We just didn’t want to make her think that she was in trouble, we just got her to calm down.”
“So, she’s fine?”
“Physically, yes.”
“What? What does that mean?”
“Ms. Elizabeth?” The principal could he was getting upset so she found it best to let your teacher explain what happened.
“Mr. Miller.”
“Would y’all stop calling my damn name and actually tell what the hell’s going on with my daughter?
“Well (Y/n) has been in an agitated mood all day, but that’s not the problem. Uhm, the kids just got back from lunch about 30 to 40 minutes ago, and after they eat I usually let them have play time before I start their last lesson for the day before nap time. Today during play time (Y/n) had a little outburst.” Elizabeth knew she was beating around the bush, but that’s because she has heard this conversation happen many times with other teachers and parents and most often than not the parents don’t respond to well.
“Little outburst?”
“Well not really an outburst, but more of a meltdown. This is the special needs teacher, Ms. Thomson, and a friend of mine so I know what signs to look out for in a child. And (Y/n) has been showing these signs since the beginning of the year. They can be overlooked especially in girls and be seen as ‘normal’ and in a way it is. For her anyway.”
“What are you talking about? Signs for what?” Joel asked in frustrated tone.
Ms. Elizabeth look over at the special needs teacher to nervous to continue, and to make sure that she’s positive of (Y/n)’s condition. To which her friend responded with a nod.
“We think (Y/n) has autism. And before you say anything, the signs are all there. I’ve been watching her since her first day of becoming my student. And we highly recommend that she be tested.”
“What? She’s not autistic. I think I would know if my daughter had autism. Look at her, does she look autistic to you?”
“Autism doesn’t always have a look Mr. Miller, and just because she doesn’t have a physical disablement doesn’t mean she’ll be any less autistic than someone with one. That’s why we recommend getting her tested to find out how far she is on the spectrum.”
“You sound so sure that, that’s what it is. How did y’all come up with autism from her having a ‘meltdown’? And what do you mean by meltdown?”
“Well after I sent the kids to go off and begin playing I noticed (Y/n) hadn’t moved from the table, she just sat there, covering her ears with tears in her eyes. She had been in that position since they came back from lunch. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me the other kids were being too loud. But before I could offer a solution the students behind us started screaming louder than what they were, which triggered somewhat of chain reaction with the rest of the class, so I turned around make sure everything was ok but when I that’s when (Y/n) ran to the bathroom and locked herself in. I had to send the other kids to sit in a classroom with another teacher. (Y/n) was crying. Sobbing. When I unlocked the door she was sitting in the corner squeezing the sides of her head so hard it looked painful. All to try and block out the world because it was too much for her. It broke my heart to see her like that because (Y/n) is sweetest little girl I’ve ever met, and to see her in pain like, any child, it’s a hard thing to see. I had to wrestle with her a little to keep her from hurting herself, but I was able to get her calm enough to sit her in my lap and have her hold onto me while I called Ms. Thomson, who was able to calm her further until she reassociated with everything around her.
“Pain?” That’s when the special needs teacher finally decided to step in and say something.
“It’s called a sensory overload, Mr. Miller. It’s very common in the Autism Spectrum. It’s when someone on the spectrum becomes to overwhelmed with the world around them, and if they can’t find some kind of outlet from everything more than likely it’s going to cause a break down in one way or another.”
“That doesn’t mean she’s autistic-“
“Mr. Miller. Does (Y/n) walk on her tippy toes?
“Yeah, but all babies do that.”
“How does she act when she is in a large crowd or around someone she doesn’t know.” Ms. Thomson was completely calm while asking these questions. Knowing that getting agitated or saying something wrong could keep you from getting the help you need.
“The same as any other kid.”
“Does she get in mood where she doesn’t want to talk or just can’t talk in general?”
“Ok look, you’re only naming things all kids do.”
“Yes, but like every thing else on the spectrum there’s a line where it occurs more than it should. Let me ask you one more question Mr. Miller.
He doesn’t even reply he only took a breath to let her know he didn’t want to talk about the topic anymore. Still in denial, even after everything they just told him.
“Does she tend to twitch, or repeat her movements? Have you ever seen her stiffen or strain her body?” Joel didn’t even reply.
“Your silence speaks volumes Mr. Miller. Please, get her tested. It will help her make it in a society that wasn’t made for her. Giving her benefits she can use to even the playing field with neurotypicals. Don’t you think she deserves that?” Joel really didn’t want to accept this. Knowing that if you are autistic, you’ll face more difficulties in life. All because you were different. Difficulties you’re already facing, he just didn’t want to admit it.
“What do I need do to get her tested?” Joel asked after his little debate. All he can hope that the test comes out as negative, but that’s a long shot, given the special needs teacher already seems so sure, the test was just to confirm it.
Ms. Thomson who was smiling after hearing his agreement answered him. “Nothing, I already have an appointment set up for her with a neurodevelopmental pediatrician, who is also a good friend of mine. So, as soon as she finishes with the evaluation you will get the results. I just needed your approval.”
“Okay. Uh, thank you.”
“No problem.”
“Is it ok if I take her home?” Joel ask looking towards your teacher.
“Yes, I think that’s the best thing for her right now. Being in her safe space with all her things will help her get some much needed rest. I will write down the appointment information and what you’ll need for the evaluation and put it in her backpack for you.”
“Thank you.” After that Joel walked back into the office to see you playing with one of the pens on the principals desk in one hand and your head laying on top of the other. “Hey babygirl. You want to go home?” He asked as he kneeled in front of the chair, while making sure to keep his voice at a low level. Once you nodded he stood up, gently grabbed your hand, and the two of you went to get your bag and appointment information.
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January 20, 2003 - 1:00 p.m.
Joel and Tommy were on their lunch break at a burger place when Joel’s phone started ringing. He cleaned his hands and took his phone out it’s carrying case before answering. “Hello?”
“Is this Joel Miller?” A woman’s voice.
“Oh, good. This is Tonia, the neurodevelopmental pediatrician that did (Y/n)’s evaluation.”
“Right, so what were the results?”
“Well, the documents are ready for you to come and get them, and I will break everything down once you get here, if you want.”
“Uhhhh yeah, I’ll be there in about 20-25 minutes.”
“Ok, see you then. Bye bye.”
“Bye. Get up Tommy, we gotta go.”
“I’m still eatin’”
“Tommy, bring it with you. Jesus.” Joel mumbled as he rolled his eyes at his younger brother.
They made it to the building, and Joel was doing his best to remember the way to the correct office while also trying to calm his anxious mind. When they made it to the office, Joel knocked on the door frame of the open door before walking in Tonia’s office.
“Here you go.” She said as she handed the papers to Joel who noticed it was about 15 pages.
“Wha-what am I looking at?” He asked looking up at the pediatric who let out a low chuckle, she gets the same reaction from almost all of the parents she encounters.
“Well first things first, I’ve concluded (Y/n) does have ASD. She is what we call a high-functioning autistic, and I came up with that diagnosis based on her teacher’s observations, your own, and from the activities I had her to do. The evaluation explains everything of what that means in detail like her sensitivity to sounds, her not liking to touch certain things, lack of social skills, etcétera.”
“So, what does this mean for her?”
“Well, she can stay in Ms. Elizabeth’s class, there’s no need to move her to the special needs class permanently. But she does have special education, and all that means is that Ms. Thomson will take her in her classroom to help her find ways to calm herself when she feels herself getting overstimulated. Or if she can’t and Ms. Elizabeth sees she is getting overwhelmed or she tells Ms. Elizabeth she’s getting overwhelmed they’ll send her to Ms. Thomson class or a quiet place for her to calm down. And maybe she’ll even have better luck with making friends in the special needs classroom than she does in her regular class. And education wise it means when she gets test she can go to a different classroom to take it and she’ll be able receive more time on any tests she has to take as well.” She looked up from her notes, making sure she got all the main checkpoints, but when she did Joel’s face told her everything she needed to know.
“Mr. Miller, the worst thing you can do for her is to feel bad for her. There’s no reason too.”
“No reason to? The whole point of this was to make sure she gets the help she needs to keep up with everyone else.”
“No, the reason for this was to make sure she had the help if and when she needs it. Academically (Y/n) is one of the smartest kids in her class, actually in her grade. It might take more effort, but she’s keeping up with her classmates. Some of the worst things you can do is pity her, hold her back due to being overprotective, or use it as an excuse to make her seem more fragile. I’m not saying she’s not going to have challenges because she is, but all you have to do is stay beside and make sure she keeps working at it till she gets it. And stay way from describing her condition as ‘slow’ or ‘retarded’. And you can’t punish her because of her stimming or overstimulated behavior. Not saying that you would! I mean- you just wouldn’t believe how many parents would get agitated and angry about things their child can’t control, but I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’re attentive to her, and that’s something she’s going to need from you growing up.” Joel nodded in understanding still skimming through the evaluation packet.
“Thank you for doing this in such short notice.”
“No problem. She’s one of the sweetest kids I’ve met. And cutest.” That caused a smile to appear on Joel’s face. He hasn’t been able to smile much since Thursday, always thinking about you and the whole situation. Which has been weighing on his mind literally 24/7.
“Thank you for this, you have a nice day.” He said before turning around to leave out the office.
“You as well.” She replied also smiling at Tommy, who smiled and winked back, reaching his goal of getting her to laugh.
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Joel barely made through the door before Sarah hit him with a “what’d she say?”
“Uhhh- where’s (Y/n)? And how’d you know she called?”
“She called the house phone first. And (Y/n) is upstairs, I just got her out the tub, which she didn’t like, at all.”
“She didn’t want to get out?”
“No, she didn’t want to get in. But she should be finished putting on her pajamas by now.”
“Ok, go get her and I’ll tell y’all the results.”
“Ok.” Sarah ran upstairs to get you, when you both got down stairs and sat on the couch, Sarah sat on the right side of Joel, and he picked you up and sat you on his lap tucking you into his side.
“How was school today, honey.” Joel turning his head towards you.
“Good. Ms. Elizabeth gave me headphones to put on my ears when everything got too loud again.”
“Did she? That was real nice of her.”
“Yeah. How was your day, daddy?”
“It was really good, babygirl. Thank you for asking.” The smile you gave him made his whole day. He thought back to what the pediatrician said about not pitying you because that’s not something you need from him. Looking at you now he realized she was right. He’s going to do his best to give you what you need. Whatever it may be, and he knows you’re going to grow into a smart and beautiful woman. He reached down and kissed your temple getting laugh out of you, a sound he would never get tired of.
Joel turned his towards Sarah, about to ask her how her day went stopped him before he started.
“My day was fine, the same. What did she say?” Joel paused for a second before he chuckled at her before pointing to the where he sat the evaluation.
“That’s the paper, she gave me that explains everything.” He blinked and Sarah had the papers in her hand, while she started reading he turned back to you to explain everything to you somehow.
“Ok babygirl. Do you remember test you had to take with the lady a few days ago?” After you nodded he continued. “You remember she told you it’s going let us know if you think differently than everybody else?”
“Well, it turns out you do.”
“Is that bad?”
“No! No, no, no. It’s not bad at all, and don’t let anyone tell you that it is. Ok?”
“All it means is some things may be a little harder or more overwhelming to you than other people, but it also means better at other things too.”
“Like what?”
“Like being artistic, and solving puzzles. But it also means you can be smarter than others in your class. You may have to learn some things in a different way, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be smarter. You already are. Ms. Elizabeth told me you were one of the smartest people in your grade.”
“She did!?”
“She did.”
“Wow.” You whispered in awe.
“Yeah, that’s a big deal, and daddy is so proud of you. You remember that, ok? No matter how big you get.”
“I promise, daddy.”
“Good. I love you babygirl.” He said, pressing another kiss to your temple.
“I love you too, daddy.” You said placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Awwwww, that’s so sweet. What are we eating for dinner? I’m hungry.” Sarah interrupted and Joel huffed out a laughed placing a quick kiss on her temple as well.
“I’m proud of you too baby.”
“I know, dad.” She said softly smiling.
“How about we go out for dinner? I really don’t feel like cookin’.”
“Fine with me. Come on (Y/n), let’s go put some clothes on.”
“Okay!” You said as you jumped up from Joel’s lap and ran off to catch up to your big sister.
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A/n: Long story short the story was too long🤭🙇‍♀️😭 so I decided to split it into two parts. I hope you guys enjoy, sorry I took so long. But I love you guys for being patient, I really appreciate it.
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chloegirlgay · 4 days
Cold Sloan Creamery
A charming cutie steals your attention at your boring coffee-shop job. Turns out they've got a food service gig as well - a much sweeter one. Modern AU.
Another experiment I did with first-person stuff. Sex is alluded to but not present. Word count: 2253. Enjoy!
Five A.M. Entirely too early to be doing anything, let alone having to drag myself into work for another day; yet here I was, miserably reading the back of a shampoo bottle in the shower. Mornings like this, I would idly wonder if it was worth quitting my job. Technically, I could probably survive college without it if I took out more loans. There were benefits to working at a coffee shop as well. I just had to push through it.
I turned off the water and grabbed a towel. Working on campus was pleasant at least, even on the weekends it felt like I was part of a community. I had a few regulars I knew and enjoyed talking to. I was hyping myself up as I dried myself off, hoping to make the day a little less miserable. It worked slightly, as I was at least able to muster up the energy to get ready and make it there.
The lights were already on, and I mumbled “good morning”s to my coworkers as I kept preparing myself mentally for the day ahead. I made myself a small coffee - one of the perks of the job was a free drink per shift, and I needed it now - and drank it entirely too quickly for something that hot. With that, I was finally ready to start the drudgery of commerce. It was Saturday, so there was no rush of people coming to class, but there were still a few customers. Just get into the groove, it’ll be fine. I thought to myself.
I was able to dissociate and lose myself in filling orders and making drinks, and by the time I looked at the clock again I had made it to eleven. Not too bad so far, just a few hours to go. The next customer came up, looking a bit frazzled, and I couldn’t help but notice how cute they were. Cute brown hair, an eyebrow piercing, a dazzling smile - they had it all. And they would have their caramel latte with extra whipped cream they ordered in that beautiful high-energy voice.
They took their drink and sat themselves on one of our tables, pulling out a laptop festooned with stickers. A few pride stickers, including a nonbinary flag in a cute heart, as well as a litany of representations of historic places. A column from the Parthenon, a pyramid from Giza… this was clearly someone who was well versed in the wonders of the world. Exploring sounded nice right about now, trapped in work. At least it was lunchtime. Maybe I should talk to them? No, that was weird. I took another small coffee - one small coffee plus another still added up to one free drink, right? - and sat down at a table near enough to the mysterious cutie without being so close that I’d be anxious. It didn’t work. I was still anxious, hearing them tap-tap-tap away at their keyboard. I hadn’t had an infatuation this powerful or instant in a long time, and it had me sweating.
“Howdy!” They’d directed their attention to me. I was careful not to get my hopes up, but there was an outside shot that this was my chance. “That latte was really good. You seemed kinda down so I figured I’d uh, swing by?” They had taken their laptop over to my table, and were smiling that adorable chipped smile at me again. 
“Oh, thank you.” I said. Don’t fumble now, I thought to myself. “I was just thinking about an assignment I have due next week.”
They nodded. “Ugh, I feel that. I was actually working on a paper about the classical structures of Rome, which I love, but the writing still gets to me.”
“That sounds unique. What degree is that for?”
Their eyes lit up and they started to ramble a bit. “Archaeology! It’s been one of my favorite topics… well, my whole life! It’s been so fun to study. Still not into the writing though.” They sighed. “I wish I could get out of the classroom and out into the field, but digsites won’t take you without the degree. Lame.”
“Where are you hoping to get to work at once you get the degree?”
They paused for a moment in thought, then continued with their mile-a-minute responses. “I mean my favorite place in the whole world is Cairo, and I’d love to get to find an undiscovered part of the Pyramids, but I worry that staying in one place will mean I miss out on all the other places I could explore! I guess my answer is that I want to travel a lot? It would certainly be better than now, where the farthest I travel is from my dorm to the gym.”
Their figure did look as if they were into working out - not too much, but they certainly looked like an arm wrestling contest with them would not be particularly close. Hot. Averting my eyes, I checked my watch. Three minutes left on my lunch break. “Well, I’ve gotta get back to work. It was really nice talking to you…” I realized I hadn’t got their name.
They realized too. “I’m Sloan! Nice to meet you too! Hopefully I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah! Best of luck on your paper. When in Rome and all that.”
They stuck their tongue out playfully as they packed up their laptop, and left with a wave. I spent the rest of my shift hoping I’d see them again soon. That said, I think I was the only one who was going to drink two coffees in one day, so I guess it’d have to wait…
Two P.M. I was finally free from my job for the day. Most of the time, I only worked weekends, so in a way I was already halfway through the week. Despite this, I was still willing to spend a bit to get myself a little treat. A new ice cream shop had opened near campus, and it did sound relaxing to get a cone and relax in the courtyard in the summer sun. 
A small bell rang on the door as I entered, and I heard a surprisingly familiar voice greet me. “Welcome to Lindholm’s Ice Cream, where sweet treats are always…” They trailed off. “It’s you! Hello!” Sloan was there, on the job, dressed in a cute but admittedly somewhat tacky red and white striped outfit adorned with a hat and bowtie.
“You work here? I promise this is a coincidence.” I said sheepishly.
“Aw shucks, I mean you’re allowed to come visit just for me.” They said with a grin. “What can I get ya?”
“Oh, um…” My order was suddenly gone from my mind, lost in their eyes. “Whatever you recommend? Dealer’s choice.”
“Not something I hear often, but I can dig that.” They said, getting a scoop out and taking a hunk of pink dessert. “This one’s a simple combination I like. Strawberry and vanilla.”
“That sounds good. Thanks!” As they took the second scoop and placed it into a cone, I took the treat. “Is it alright if I hang out here? I’m not sure how busy you guys get.”
“Of course you can! As for business…” They put their hands on their cheeks in exaggerated disappointment. “You’re the first customer we’ve had today. I don’t know if the owner doesn’t do any advertising or what, but it gets pretty boring.” They perked back up a bit. “I still get paid the same either way, so I guess it doesn’t matter.”
“So how long have you worked here?” I asked, taking a spoonful of ice cream. The strawberry flavor was really refreshing after today.
“Like a month. It’s honestly not that bad. Nobody comes in, so I’m not bothered. Plus, they let me mess around with my own uniform for, uh, gender reasons. Let me wear this snazzy bowtie.” They stepped out from behind the counter with their own ice cream and sat down across from me.
“This is good! My compliments to the scooper.”
“‘Course! My taste is always good.”
The next few weeks, stopping by the ice cream shop on days when Sloan was working became something of a ritual. It was always nice to give them some company, chat about what was going on in our respective classes, and just… soak in their energy. Their bright smile, their cheery laugh, even down to their regularly changing nail polish, they just exuded positivity and light. Soon, they started coming to get more coffee more regularly, and we spent my breaks there talking as well. It turned my feelings on work around to know I’d get to see Sloan around midway through the day.
It was about a month before during one of our conversations over ice cream that I noticed Sloan was acting kind of strangely. Their eyes wouldn’t quite meet mine, their hands trembled a bit as they served out our desserts, and they nervously tapped their fingers on their side. They sat down across from me, eyes staring straight at their ice cream. There was no one else in the store, as usual - I’d seen maybe two other customers in the last month. 
“You okay, Sloan?”
“Yeah. Yeah!” Their downward gaze still didn’t change. They muttered under their breath. “¡Demonios!”
“If something’s bothering you, I’m happy to listen. Professor being a jerk again? Argument with someone?”
“No, no. Nothing like that.” They breathed in deeply. “Could you come with me to the back for a second?”
“I know I come in here a lot, but I don’t actually work here.” I said with a laugh.
“It’s fine, nobody else will come in anyway.” They grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the storeroom in the back.
“Did you need me to like, do inventory?” I said, befuddled.
“Will you go out with me?” They said, finally meeting my gaze. “I know this is sudden, but I just can’t stop thinking about you.”
I stood stunned for a moment, overwhelmed by what had just happened.
“This was a bad idea. I knew it. I’m sorry. I don’t want to cause trouble-”
“Of course, Sloan!” I interrupted. “I’d love to, I just - I’ve thought about this for so long, ever since we first met. I was just afraid to ask too.”
Sloan smiled, a big grin showing off their chipped tooth, and pulled me into a hug. “Thank you. Thank you so much!” They mumbled into my shoulder. It was so comforting, their frame wrapped around me, the warmth of their body making the momentary anxiety fade away, their eyebrow piercing shining in the light, their goofy paper hat sliding off as they leaned into me.
“Do we need to go back out front? I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“Nobody’s going to show up, and I want to go further. I need you.” They cupped my face in their hands.
“Okay. Take the lead then.”
Sloan took a moment to summon their usual optimism and courage, freeing themselves from their earlier fear; then, they pulled my face in for a kiss. Their lips gave in to mine with ease, and I melted into their embrace. I could taste a hint of sweetness on them. They reached an arm around me and gently lifted me, letting me fall deeper in. This was bliss. My tongue met theirs and my mind started to go blank. The rest of the world seemed to fade out; I was focused on them exclusively.
After an amount of time - I couldn’t tell how much - we pulled apart a bit, still in an embrace but not quite as close. “Still doing good?” Sloan panted out.
“So good.” I said. “If you want to go farther I’m willing.”
Sloan thought for a second, then shook their head. “Not here. That’ll have to wait for after my shift. I don’t want to get THAT much in trouble with my boss.”
I laughed, managing to get to my feet. They did as well, and I helped them smooth out their uniform to try to hide the evidence of our little escapade. Their hair was well mussed from my hands grasping through it, so I attempted to fix it. With a few brushes of my hand in a more orderly fashion, it almost worked. 
Sloan took out their phone to look at themselves. They laughed too. “Sloan Cameron, back in action, baby!” They mimed finger guns at me.
Clutching my heart in faux pain, I blew them a kiss and headed back out to the front. Just as they predicted, the ice cream shop was barren. “Looks like your job’s safe, Sloan.”
“Of course! You didn’t doubt me, did you?” They said. 
As the flood of emotions faded from me, I suddenly started to notice one thing that I can’t believe I hadn’t up until now. I was freezing. “How cold is it back there?” I said, starting to shiver.
“It’s an ice cream freezer! I’m just used to it.” They said with a smirk. “I’ve got an idea, though…” They threw their jacket at me. “Just bring it back to me later! I just keep it here just in case, I’m not using it much anyway. It’s hot out.” Grabbing a scrap of paper, they quickly scrawled in messy handwriting a note and handed it to me. It was their dorm room, their phone number, and a heart. “See you soon!”
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onlyjaeyun · 2 months
i’ve been following ur writing for some time now and i do have to agree with that anon who said you did CH dirty. you are a very talented writer so it’s just hard to watch.
you started off CH so strong with the lore and little chapters here and there but as it progressed you kind of just got lazy and it shows. when important events happened in the story, they weren’t conveyed through writing but through the texts (ie the riki and yn fight, that was definitely worth a written chapter) and it was honestly disappointing.
the ending isn’t much to say about either. yn and hoon barely go through development after the letter incident and all of a sudden they’re dating and married with a kid like two chapters later?
idk, if it was a mental health issue then i get that but even then you should’ve just gave it a break and thought everything out more. you could do so much better.
thank you for the feedback!
i wanna put you through the progess of a piece of writing from the POV of a writer okay? now keep in mind: i work two jobs, am a fulltime uni student and the daughter of an immigrant household with two parents who still work most of the day just so you know what else i have to deal with, besides my mental health okay?
now, i started off CH strong right? yes. i uploaded on the daily, fine i chose that. a chapter usually takes me around one hour if i actually sit down and focus on nothing but the chapter itself, which includes IG stories, editing, formatting etc. alright
on top of the daily chapters, i constantly replied to 40+ asks a day, a blessing in disguise because no matter how much i enjoy talking to you guys, the pressure does get worse the bigger that number of my inbox becomes, i hope this makes sense
now, i started CH back in october, right when my semester started, thats why i started off strong but as time went on, my assignments and private life got too busy and i guess i felt entitled enough as a writer to skip a few certain chaps and make life a little easier for me by making them regular chapters instead of written ones.
and this is gonna be my main point: i'm not a machine. i wrote a minimum of 5 THOUSAND words per written chapter, MINIMUM. we're talking about a 5-9 THOUSANDED worded chapter EACH WEEK. which usually took me about 6-7 hours, even allnighters.
yes, i chose to do that and maybe my time management wasn't the best but i had to create a compromise where i wouldnt have let you guys wait for over two months which would have resulted in me losing my motivation completely, and yet still focusing on EXAMS. because you know, i'm a fulltime uni student with TWO jobs 😮‍💨
if YOU think i did CH dirty go write an alternative ending yourself but it should be a minimum of 15 chapters including 5 written ones, with at LEAST 9k words each yeah? i wanna see you manage it all, pls prove me wrong snd show me you're better than me i'm genuinely begging bc it might inspire me to do "better" next time.
as a writer/artist/creator, and i can tell you probably arent one yourself or havent been one for long, the longer smth takes to come to an end the worse the pressure becomes which results in a blockage i dont wish upon my worst enemy i'm being deadass. i dealt with some of the worst writer's block ive had since i started writing literally 12 years ago and you're telling me i should have just "taken a break" and do "better"
i never, ever expected anything from anyone but some of you are so entitled to a writer's time and skill it's giving me a headache. maybe you didn't like the timing and writing of the last few chapters of CH and i guess that's unfortunate but this was so unnecessary because you completely dismissed everything else that could have been going on in my life and even belittled my mental health issues like im some fucking AI writing machine
do better, be nicer, write it yourself if you don't like it i'm so fucking over this
if i had gotten out of my own comfort and wellbeing and have actually written another set of written chapters i would have burned myself completely out. ive been in this fandom for not even a year and have already finished FOUR smaus with 50 chapters each, you do NOT get to tell me what i should or could have done better because you dont even give a fuck about me as a person this is just about receiving what YOU think YOURE entitled to but this is MY art and I will do what I see fit even if it's not what was expected of it because i'm a fucking human being with a life before i'm a writer on tumblr
oh, also: i do this for free ㅤ:) just a reminder :) this is my HOBBY :)
and don't you EVER call me lazy again when it comes to writing because i'm not gonna pour my heart and soul into a fic just for you to call me lazy when i literally wrote 50 THOUSAND words for this fucking fic just for the written chapters
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Hello, I miss the show and everyonez writtings help keep the essence of it going. What if: x and Sam lose Dean as in the show and they fight their feelings as to not betray Dean but atlas the give in and little Dean is born. Just a thought. Thank u.
Or Dean meeting his gf parents for the 1st time, that be cute.
Always You
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Word Count: ~2,058
In which Dean meets the reader’s parents for the first time.
A/N: This has been in my inbox for wayyyy too long and I’d like to give a formal apology for that. It's a short fic, but I hope you enjoy it!!
Relationships between hunters didn’t last forever. It was something that all hunters knew, which is why relationships were something that most hunters avoided. It was an unspoken rule. 
Dean Winchester had never been a fan of rules.
At the moment though, he couldn’t help but wish that he had followed the rules. If he had, maybe he wouldn’t be in this situation, on one of his most important missions yet.
Meeting his girlfriend’s parents.
He looked in the mirror, frowning at his reflection. He was wearing his usual flannel button up and pants, his hair a bit mussed.
You had insisted that the gathering was completely casual, and that your parents would like it a lot better if he showed up as himself instead of playing a part to try and impress them. But as he continued looking himself over, he couldn’t help but start to second guess your judgment, even if he knew by now that you were always right.
He heard the door to his room open, his eyes finding yours in the mirror. You were dressed in casual clothes as well, a simple shirt and pants, looking more at ease and comfortable than he’d seen you in a while.
Not to say that you were never at ease. But most days, the two of you were in your hunter gear, or at least carrying concealed weapons on you. Even when you had a day without hunting, when you posed as regular civilians, you had a look of caution in your eyes and a hand near your knife. You were never really at rest, even when you were asleep, with one hand on the gun under your pillow. But today, he silently thanked your parents for inviting the two of you over if it meant he could see you in a calm state for a few hours.
You smiled lightly as you looked him up and down. “You ready?”
He shook his head, still looking at you in the mirror. “You sure I shouldn’t show up in a suit?”
You laughed as you walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, your chin resting lightly on his shoulder. “No way, they’d think you were totally pretentious. And kind of a jerk.”
“We’re hunters, being pretentious is part of the job.”
“Maybe with regular civilians, yeah. But not with each other.”
Dean’s eyes softened and he turned, gathering you up in his arms. Being a hunter had taken everything from him. His friends, his family, and even his brother more than a few times. It had taken you too, once.
He gripped you tighter. Those few months without you had been absolute torture. He’d gotten more reckless, more aggressive. He’d tried to push Sam away, and isolate himself from the rest of the world. But Sam hadn’t let Dean give up on you. The two of them had worked tirelessly to find a way to get you back.
Multiple failed attempts had worn Dean out quickly. But Sam never tired, and never quit. He knew he would have given anything to get Jess back, and he wouldn’t let the same thing happen to his brother.
And then one day, their efforts paid off.
Dean snapped out of his thoughts as you pulled back. You tilted your head, looking up at him with concern. “You okay?”
Dean smiled, leaning down to press his lips to yours. “Yeah, I’m alright. You ready?”
You nodded, a grin spreading across your face. “I’m ready.” You walked towards the door before turning back to look at Dean, a smile on your face. “You coming, Winchester?”
He grinned. “Lead the way.”
The two of you stood side by side, Dean tense and rigid. You looked over at him and nudged him gently. “You’re going to do great. You brought me back to life, remember? Literally. They already love you for that.”
Dean nodded stiffly as the door in front of them opened. He immediately relaxed his stance and watched as a big smile broke out over your mom’s face.
She stepped forward and held you in her arms tightly, tears streaming down her face. She pulled back and brushed your hair away from your face. “My baby, my baby,” she mumbled as she pulled you in again to pepper kisses across your face.
You laughed and pulled back against her grip. “Nice to see you too, mom.” You turned towards your boyfriend and motioned towards him. “This is Dean.”
Your mom smiled gently. “Hello, Dean.”
Dean plastered on a charming grin, reaching out a hand politely. “Nice to meet-”
He cut off as your mom stepped forward and embraced him, her arms wrapped tightly around him. 
Dean froze. 
It had been so long since someone other than you or Sam had given him any time of physical affection. It was…..nice. He could feel a warmth in his heart. A warmth that felt almost familiar. One that he hasn’t felt in a very long time.
He slowly wrapped his arms around your mom, allowing the tension to slowly ease out of him.
Your mom held him tighter. “Thank you,” she whispered. “For bringing her back.” She pulled back and set a light hand on his cheek before nodding and turning away.
She grabbed onto your hand and started to pull you inside the house. “Hurry up, you two, before the food gets cold.”
Dean steadied himself against the bathroom sink, his fingers clutching on to the edge so tightly that they were turning white.
He had expected many things when he had come to your house, and had even prepared for many worst case scenarios. Maybe the group of you would be ambushed by demons, or jumped by angels. Maybe your parents would hate him and he’d never be able to show his face in front of them again. 
What he hadn’t expected, though, was for your parents to be so kind.
After your mom had dragged the two of you into the house, you had been engulfed in another hug by your dad, his eyes wet and his grip tight even as you laughed and reassured him that you were here, and you were okay, and you were alive. 
When he had finally let go, your father had turned his eyes on Dean, straightening up and walking forward purposefully. Dean reached out a hand once again. “Nice to meet you, Mr. -”
For the second time in only a few minutes, Dean was cut off and pulled into a warm embrace. Your father was silent, but his hug was warm and strong, one of his hands on the back of Dean’s neck, almost as though he were cradling him gently. 
The warm feeling was filling Dean’s heart again, but this time, he could remember where he recognized it from. It was the same feeling that he’d gotten every time Bobby would pull him into a hug after a bad hunt. It was the feeling he’d gotten when Bobby had taken him out to be a regular boy for a few hours when his dad was off on a hunt. It was a feeling of safety and security. 
It was a feeling that he’d thought he’d never have again.
As soon as he’d been released, Dean had excused himself and asked for directions to the bathroom, pretending that he didn’t see your worried expression as he hurried away.
Now, as he braced himself against the bathroom sink, he couldn’t help but curse under his breath. What was he doing? He was Dean freaking Winchester. He’d killed vampires and ghosts, fought angels and demons, and crawled back from Hell itself. So why was it so hard for him to face your parents?
He took a deep breath, releasing his death grip on the sink and stepping back, looking up at himself in the mirror. It was only for a few hours. He could handle this for a few hours.
A light knock sounded at the door, causing Dean’s head to swivel quickly. He ignored his pounding heart as he walked towards the door and opened it, coming face to face with you, a worried smile on your face. 
“Hey,” you said, your eyes scanning his face for any indication of what was bothering him. “You okay?”
Dean forced a smile on his face, nodding once and giving you a wink. “You couldn’t stay away from me for more than a minute, huh?”
You tilted your head, still staring. You’d been worried that something like this would happen. You had voiced your concerns to Sam just yesterday, asking if maybe introducing him to your loving and huggy parents was a bad idea, since Dean was the first to admit that he wasn’t big on ‘mushy crap’.
Sam had understood what you were really asking almost immediately. “It’s definitely been a while since he’s had to do something like this,” Sam admitted. “But I think it’ll be good for him to finally feel like a part of something like this again.”
You had smiled softly. “He already has that with us.”
Sam had smiled back at you, choosing to wrap you up in a tight embrace instead of responding.
Now, though, you couldn’t help but with that you’d listened to your anxious mind and kept Dean far away from your parents. 
His eyes were darting behind you, as though afraid that your parents would walk in and see him in this state. You pretended not to notice his nervous glances as you reached a hand up and gently cupped his cheek. “We can leave if you’re ready. I’ll say that Gar called with a new hunt.”
Dean pulled back, a mask falling over his face as he gave you another infamous Winchester smile. “You kidding? I can smell the pie from here. Come on, let’s go,” he said as he grabbed one of your hands and gently pulled you forward.
You dug your heels into the ground. “Dean.”
You waited until he turned to face you, a grimace taking the place of his false smile.
“The fact that you even tried,” you said as you took a step forward. “Means the world to me. You mean the world to me. If you want to head out, that’s okay. Honest.” You tilted your head again, a smile slowly forming on your lips. “And if you want to stay, I promise to let you eat all the pie you want. My mom is a gracious server.”
Dean let out a slow exhale at your words. You could practically see his mind working, trying to come up with a solution that would be beneficial for the both of you. Not that you wouldn’t support whatever decision he made. Spending time with your boyfriend without an angry Spirit chasing after you was already a perfect day in your book.
After a moment, Dean looked back down at you, the corner of his lips twitching. “All the pie I want, huh?”
Your smile grew. “And I won’t even tell Sam.”
Dean stared into your eyes, his heart slowing and the fear in his chest dissipating. And he was hit once again with a fact that he always seemed to forget in the face of his hardest battles. He could face anything, as long as he was with you.
The hunter exhaled slowly as you looked up at him with love in your eyes. “Well, how can I turn down an offer like that?” Dean asked with a grin. He reached out and grasped your hand gently, pulling you after him as he made his way back into the dining room.
Maybe this wouldn’t be as easy as he had hoped. Maybe it would be one of the hardest things he’d ever done. But as Dean looked back at you, joy and hope in your eyes, he knew that he would go through it over and over again if it made you happy.
You met his eyes, a spark of amusement dancing over your features. “I knew I could win you over with pie,” you said, a laugh bubbling out of your throat.
It wasn’t the pie, Dean wanted to say as the two of you entered the dining room. Your parents greeted the two of you with broad smiles and plates full of food. It was you.
Always you.
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lifeiskentastic · 10 months
pls pls pls i need more sebastian fics hes my babygirl
as you wish ;)
Sebastian visits the bartender gn!Reader
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Gif by @cinematicsource
A/N: I'm only happy to write more about this man (he's just everyone's bbygrl);
Summary: Every evening, Seb visits a bar where the Reader works as a bartender. The real reasons for his constant visits have never been known to the Reader, but it looks like they will finally be revealed today;
Song I recommend: Stray Heart by Green Day;
Words count: 640 word's;
Thanks for the request!
Sebastian sank heavily into a stool at the bar. You could see drops of sweat slowly trickling down his temples. Well, sometimes he looked even worse after a whole day of job with piano, so you wouldn't be surprised (especially after the time he came in with a vinyl player and scared the hell out of the customers with his jazz. I mean, who comes to a bar when they're already drunk?!)
You smiled kindly, wiping down the glass for your regular. You did this every night, something as routine and ordinary as brushing your teeth or turn off the light before going to bed.
"As usual?"
Seb's head hit the table with a thud, and he mumbled something unintelligible right into the table surface. You innocently laughed at your unfortunate friend, ready to listen to another story about the injustice of this world, music, obnoxious bosses, movies, music in movies and movies in music... The topics of your conversations were limited only by your linguistic abilities.
"You drank already, aren't you?"
Sebastian looked up at you sluggishly, putting his hand under his chin as if he were going to fall asleep right there in the bar (which, to be honest, had happened several times before).
"No, no... I'm just really, really… Really tired. I'll have the usual, if you please."
You quickly took out the golden whiskey you had prepared especially for Seb's visit and filled a clean glass with it.
When the drink appeared in front of Sebastian's face, he must have used all his last remaining energy to push the alcohol down his throat.
At such moments, you didn't understand him. He doesn't need to come here every night, especially when he's in such a bad state. And you're not going to hold a grudge against him for one missed visit!
"Why do you come to me every night? I mean, literally every single night."
Seb thought for a moment, but he was obviously overacting.
"It's just that this place inspires me."
You looked at the client in front of you in disbelief. And from your expressive gaze, it was easy to tell that you would never believe that someone could be inspired by old, shabby walls, one customer in a few hours (and it was usually Seb), a constant draft, and ancient, flooded furniture. There wasn't even a stage for musicians in this feeble bar!
However, Sebastian seemed to realize that he didn't sound convincing at all, so he continued:
"Just looking at this bar, I know for sure that my future club will be better in any way."
You both laughed. Now that was more like the truth.
Seb's eyes, exhausted but still somehow full of enthusiasm, were fixed on you. Which made perfect sense, because looking at anything else in this awful place was unbearable, and it was the only explanation for Sebastian almost falling over the bar trying to get as close to you as possible. At least that's what you thought.
"And as well... I come here to imagine a skilled bartender like you working behind the bar in my establishment."
You were a little confused by this sudden statement and decided to make sure you understood it correctly. It couldn't mean what you thought because it would be…
"Well, then I hope you find someone as good as me."
Seb smiled playfully.
"I don't think I need to look."
... Too good.
You were puzzled, surprised, and excited all at once, and you just couldn't decide which one was more important. However, you knew for sure that your guest's words had made your cheeks involuntarily flush.
"Well, you open it first... But, uh, I have to admit, I wouldn't mind if you invited me to work there."
"You bet I will."
You smiled at each other, believing with all your heart that you two would succeed.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
i am so in love with your comfort one shots. Can you write one about reader's mom is sick and y/n is worried and chris is there for reader because y/n is scared?
Going through that right now with my mom, she is in the ICU right now ;(
Forever by my side
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PAIRING | Fiancé!Chris Evans x Fiancée!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Your mom took a nasty fall down the stairs, and you're rushing to get back home. You don't have a way of contacting Chris, but when he shows up at the airport to be by your side, you know exactly why you said yes to this man when he asked you to marry him.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Hurt/comfort, mentions of a bad fall, broken bones, lots of tears and even more tooth rotting fluff at the end.
A/N | I'm so sorry to hear about your mom being in the ICU; I wish I could give you the biggest hug! (Or send Chris your way for an even bigger hug 👀), I hope she will quickly recover and be out of the ICU soon! Hopefully, this will be the comfort you are looking for right now, and I wish for this to make you feel a little bit better 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs would be very much appreciated 🩷
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist
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Today is just a regular day at work filled with meetings, lots of paperwork, and even more meetings. This all changed when you suddenly got a phone call from your Dad because he only calls you at work when it's an absolute emergency.
You run out of the meeting room after excusing yourself before picking up.
''Dad? Is everything okay?'' you say when the door behind you is closed.
''Hi Darling, I'm sorry to bother you at work, but your mom just had a terrible fall down the stairs after she slipped, and she got taken to the hospital with an ambulance,'' he says, and the words don't seem to get through after ''bad fall''.
The world comes to a stop all around you, and your breathing gets quicker while the world around you seems to go in slow motion. Your phone drops out of your hand, shattering as it hits the ground below.
The only sound coming from you was a broken sob as you sank onto your knees, and your colleague rushed over to you to comfort you.
''What happened?'' she asks, but it sounds like you're underwater, and her words don't really register with you.
''M-my mom...'' you croak out, and you completely break down right then and there, not caring who sees or hears you. The woman you love and adore shouldn't be in the hospital, yet there she is right now.
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''Y/N?'' your Mom asks as she walks into your room. ''Are you awake, Honey?'' she asks, and you stretch as she walks in.
''Mornin' Mom,'' you say, followed by a yawn.
''How was your last night in your parents' house?'' she asks with a big grin and a small tear. This afternoon you're moving to the other side of the country for a new job opportunity.
''Weird, but overall, I slept okay,'' you tell her as you sit up. You love these conversations in the morning, and your Mom was there every single morning without fail.
''Good, I'm glad to hear it. Now, shall we head down for some breakfast before your flight?'' your Mom asks, and you nod. She leaves the room, and you pick up the outfit that you laid out the night before, stepping into it.
''Is our girl ready for our last breakfast before moving to Boston?!'' your Dad asks, and you chuckle. ''Yeah, I am! Hit me with those waffles!'' you say as you sit down.
The conversation over breakfast is light and exactly what you need right now. The tears and heavy conversations would be saved for the airport.
Your parents decided to drive you to the airport to say goodbye to their last daughter, who would officially move out of the house in a few hours.
It wasn't too bad when it was time to say goodbye to your Dad; a few tears were shed, but nothing compared to your Mom. 
''Honey, please promise me you will take care of yourself and that you will call me as soon as you land, okay?'' she says as she pulls you into a bone-crushing hug.
''I promise, Mom, please don't worry about me. You know I'll be fine,'' you tell her, trying to fight the tears - without success.
''I love you so much, Honey, and I wish you all the luck in the world in Boston,'' she says, unable to fight back her tears.
The two of you fell into each other's arms and sobbed loudly until it was time for you to leave, and you waved goodbye with tears streaming down your face.
This is definitely the hardest goodbye you have ever had to go through.
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Somehow you made your way to the airport in one piece, already waiting on the first flight home. Suddenly it occurred to you that you must inform Chris; you can't return to your parents without him.
You realize what has happened to your phone and can't reach him at that moment. When you started panicking about how to call him, you heard his voice through the airport.
''Y/N!'' he shouted, and it echoed through the airport. ''Y/N, where are you!'' he said again, and you quickly stood up to follow where the voice came from.
''Chris? How did you-'' is all you say before he reaches you and envelops you in a big hug.
''It's okay, Bubby, everything will be okay,'' he shushes you as you rock back and forth while you completely break down in his arms.
When you had calmed down a little, Chris went to grab a water bottle and got recognized by some fans, but he politely told them that now wasn't a good time for a photo, but he did sign some quick autographs.
He returns with 2 bottles of water and hands one to you before twisting the other for himself.
''What happened?'' he asks as he sits beside you.
''My Dad called and said she was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, she had a nasty fall down the stairs and broke many bones, and she was unconscious when the ambulance arrived,'' you tell him as he pulls you in for a big hug.
''She's going to be okay, Bubby. She's a lot stronger than she looks,'' he tells you, and you know he's right.
''I'm glad to have you by my side, and I think they would be pleased to see you again,'' you tell him, thinking back to the first time they met Chris.
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''Are you ready to meet them?'' you ask, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
''As ready as I'll ever be,'' he sighs as the two of you head into your parents' house. You have been together for nearly 6 months, and they invited both of you over for a family dinner.
''Good afternoon, I'm Chris,'' he says as he introduces himself to your parents.
''Oh, Y/N, you didn't mention you're dating the famous Chris Evans!'' your Mom joked, knowing full well you told them to prepare them.
''Just kidding, Chris, Y/N has told us all about you. It's nice to finally meet the man who makes her look like she's glowing,'' she says, and you have the widest smile on your face.
''I told you they'd like you!'' you say as the two of you walk out to the garden, ready to meet the rest of the family too.
''Yeah, yeah, you were right!'' he says before leaning down and giving you a soft peck on your lips.
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The flight went on without a hitch, and before you knew it, you were in your Dad's arms, crying as you finally felt the release of being back home and back with your Mom.
''Darling, thank you so much for coming, and you too, Chris,'' he says as he nods to him.
''Anything for Y/N, and of course, you and Lily, too,'' he says. He walks over to both of you and softly brushes your hair out of your face before kissing the top of your head.
''When can we go see her?'' you ask, and your Dad tells you it should be soon.
''I believe she's coming out of surgery at any moment now,'' he says, and you nod before sitting down with either one of them on your sides.
You reach out for both of their hands, and your gaze is fixed on the door; Chris strokes your hand softly with his thumb.
After what seems like an eternity, she gets wheeled through the doors, and you shoot up, practically running to her with tears streaming down your face again.
''Mom! Mom, I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you when you fell. But I'm here now, and I won't leave your side until you're all better,'' you ramble, even though she's not even conscious yet.
''Bubby, come on. Let's sit by her bed until she wakes up, okay?'' Chris says, and you nod, letting the nurse put the bed into place.
Chris sinks into one of the chairs beside the bed and pulls you onto his lap so you're sitting sideways on his thighs. Your head is leaning against his shoulder, and after all the stress and not knowing, you slowly drift off to sleep in the warmth and safety of Chris' arms.
''Bubby, wake up,'' he says softly after about 2 hours; he and your Dad have been wrapped up in conversations the entire time you were asleep, careful not to wake you.
''Honey? Is that you?'' you hear, and suddenly you're wide awake and next to your Mom's hospital bed.
''Mom, I'm here. You're okay, you took a bad fall down the stairs, but you're going to make a full recovery,'' you tell her while you hold her hand.
''Chris is here too, and Dad as well,'' you tell her, and she slowly turns her head.
''Hi, Lily; I'm sorry about what happened”, Chris says as he walks over to hold your Mom's hand.
''You have always been my favorite son-in-law, you know that?'' she says, and all three of you burst out in laughter. ''What's so funny?'' your Mom asks, and you're just happy she can still joke.
''I missed you so much, and I love you, Mom,'' you tell her and give her a soft kiss on her forehead.
''I love you too, Honey. Thank you for coming all this way to see me,'' she says, and the rest of the night is spent in light conversations and laughter until it is time to go home.
''Do you two want to sleep in your old room, or will you book a hotel?'' your Dad asks.
''We will stay with you, but only if we get waffles in the morning!'' you tell him, and he agrees.
''Deal,'' he says, and all three of you walk out of the hospital and to the car, all in dire need of rest.
''I love you, Chris. Thank you for being here with me,'' you say as he hugs you again.
''There's nowhere else I'd rather be,'' he says before kissing your lips passionately, lovingly.
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haydenlovers · 2 months
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Stalker Anakin ⚠️
I was inspired by the amazing @xzaddyzanakinx please be sure to go check out their writing, it’s incredible!!
Warning: 18+, being stalked, swearing, smut (getting watched while masterbating, p in v penetration, hand job, slight edging, cream pie, slightly sub Anakin, slight oral (m receiving) - I think that’s all
Not proofread - I was going back and forth adding more between diary entries and y/n pov, and I’m hoping that it’s in order and makes sense.
Word count: 6.9k
Y/n pov
17th February
You have been living in New York for about 6 months now, working at a cafe. And it wasn’t the greatest job but it kept you going financially. You would have days where customers would come in to get there usual, and other customers would verbally abuse you because they didn’t get their coffee 2 minutes after they ordered at busiest time of day. But anyway there would always be people that would come and go, only recognising a few of the regulars.
But him! Oh him.
He was perfect. The way he would tilt his head as he admired at you with a smirk. Making you not want to break eye contact. The way is soft lips moved when he talked. The way his voice made your knees weak. You wanted him bad.
You remember the first time you saw him. Oh my god. The way he smiled at you with such kindness and warmth and his deep voice left your ears ring, wanting to hear him speak more. He came into the cafe about a month after you started working there and you hadn’t stop thinking about him since. And every time his face would light up with a smile as soon as he saw you.
Though you didn’t know much about him, he’d only come in once a week to order from you. And some days being especially busy you didn’t have too much time to chat. You knew that he worked at as bartender a few streets away from where you live. He would almost always say that you should come over to the bar to say hi, but you were never able to work up the courage to actually go.
But today was different. You finally felt confident enough to go. You asked your friends Sam and Tara to tag along for support. They were so excited for especially because they had also been trying to convince you to got to the bar. They knew what knew about Anakin, you could not stop talking about that man. He was driving you insane.
As you got home from work you got ready to go out. You curled your hair and decided to keep it down. You did your makeup how you usually do when you go out. And then slipped on a mini tight black dress with a small slit, and a leather jacket to go with it. As well as some black dr martens. Wearing a lacy red matching lingerie set underneath.
Sam and Tara were waiting out in your living room waiting for you to finish getting ready. You walked out of your bedroom serving cunt. Their jaws dropped, when they saw how you look.
“Girl if you don’t get laid tonight, I will do the honours,” Tara claimed as she hyped you up.
“No seriously, she’s right.” Sam assured.
“Really.” You hesitated
“YES!” Both of them cheered
You all took off and headed to the bar. Your heart was racing. And your mind was running 100 miles an hour. You finally arrived at the bar and followed your friends in.
There he was. Holy fuck.
He was wiping a glass with a towel, and how his hand was going in and out of that wet glass made your knees weak. Oh how you wished you were that glass. But your thoughts were interrupted by Tara pulling your arm and taking you to the bar. You all sat down and Hayden looked up at you and smiled. “I thought you’d never come.”
It took a second to process what he had said. “I’d come for you anytime.”
Your friends snickered quietly. Realising what you said, you felt a bit flustered, but I was true. He smirked
“So what can I get you guys to start.”
“What do you recommend?”
“I can do good sex on the beach, if you’d like.”
“Yes please” You lightly whimpered.
Another smirk revealed on his face as he lightly chuckled.
“And what about you two.”
“I’ll just have a Diet Coke please, I’m designated driver tonight.” Tara stated
“And I’ll have margarita please.” Sam said
“Alright, I’ll be back with your drinks in a minute.”
Anakin left to go make your drinks, when Tara and Sam turned to you.
“Holy shit, do you see the way he looks at you. You are definitely getting that dick tonight.” Tara said
“Shh, what if he hears.”
“Oh please he wants you bad.”
“Yea there’s no way that man hasn’t got a thing for you.” Sam ensures
A minute later Anakin comes back with the three drinks.
“Alright here you are.”
“Thank you.”
“So what made you decide to come visit tonight.” Anakin asks
Sam grabs Tara’s arm and drags her away so you and Hayden can talk.
“Uhm, I just wanted to see you. So maybe we could get to know eachother better”
“Well you came in on the perfect night, it’s not too busy.”
You blushed at the lustful eye contact you held with him.
“I’m glad to see you here princess” he smirked
A couple hours later
Time had flown by as you two had been talking for over two hours now, things just really seemed to click between you two. You got to know him, and he got to know you. He actually asked you questions about you, instead of just blabbering on about all the stuff he likes to do, unlike all the other guys you had met. Anakin actually seemed like he wanted to get to know you better. Suddenly Tara taps on your shoulder.
“Umm, hey I don’t mean to bother you but Sam is currently in the bathroom puking.”
“Oh fuck, ok well we should get him home soon.”
You looked up at Anakin and he smiled.
“I’m sorry we should take him home, he gets pretty out of hand when he’s drunk.” You murmured
“It’s okay, no need to apologise. Not a lot of people would care for their friends like you do.”
You smiled at him and said “well thank you so much for drinks they were so good. We’ll have to do this again someday.”
“Yea definitely…” he said before Tara interrupts.
“Y/n” Tara yells
You look over to see that Sam is on the bathroom floor screaming that he wants to nap.
“Oh shit, I better get going.”
“Alright, well I’ll see you next week.”
“Alright, can’t wait.” You said excitedly
You paid for the drinks and went to get Sam out of the toilets, when he comes busting out the doors yelling “I-I’m fine guys… really.”
“No come on, we gotta get you home.” Tara says while trying to help him stand up straight
“Ugh, but y/n hasn’t got that dick tonight.” Sam yells pointing in Anakin’s direction.
Red flushes over your face as you turn to Hayden. He tilts his head in your direction chuckling with a mischievous smirk. You got nervous and ran over to Sam to help him up.
“Alright time to go” you reinforce.
You smile at Anakin while exiting the bar. “Bye.” You whisper. He gently waves goodbye to you as you leave.
Tara drops you off and lets you know that she’s gonna stay the night at Sam’s so she knows he not choking on his own vomit.
You walk into your apartment and set your bag on the kitchen counter, and taking off your boots and chucking them on your bedroom floor. Taking off your jacket and dress to reveal the unseen lingerie you were hoping to get torn off you tonight.
You took a quick shower to freshen up before heading into bed. You wore nothing but crop top and underwear.
You stared at your roof and sighed when all of a sudden you hear a loud clank coming from across the street. You got up and opened your curtains to see what it was.
Is that?
No it couldn’t be?
Holy fuck!
What was he doing?
He looked up and you made eye contact for a split second and immediately knew it was him. You only got a glimpse of the shadowed figure before he disappeared behind a bush.
Is he watching me?
No don’t be ridiculous, he lives in this suburb he’s probably just walking home.
But…his house was in the opposite direction of yours from the bar.
Your heart dropped, this couldn’t be. Why was he here? You were so confused. Why didn’t he want you to see him?
You thought that you were overthinking and that it is probably just your imagination and that it’s probably just someone who looks like Anakin. Maybe it was one of your neighbours and you thought it was Anakin because that’s what you were hoping.
You closed your curtains and tried to go to sleep. Still thinking about who that was. But the thought of it being Anakin turned you on, you slipped you hands down your panties and toyed your clit while thinking about him.
Anakin’s Diary Entry
February 17th
What a surprise. You actually came to the bar today. I didn’t think you would actually come, especially since you have been saying that you would for so long and never did.
Unless that was just part of your plan to get me all riled up and make your appearance at the bar unexpected.
My darling I’ve been watching you making sure that you are safe. I walk you to and from work everyday. And you are so oblivious. It’s been nearly five months since I first saw you, and nearly four since I’ve kept my eye on you. Making sure that when you are walking home late at night no one is following you. On days that I’m working and can’t walk you home I ensure to keep checking my phone to see where you are. I have your location 24/7 in the palm of my hands. I need to know that you are safe because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anything happened to you.
I want you. No… I need you!
I crave your touch and love. I want to make you feel good. I want to make you laugh, I want to be there for you when you cry, and I want to make you cum so fucking hard.
But tonight…fuck. That tight dress had me weak. I could see that you were planning on getting something from me, when you leaned over and I could see the top of a lace bra. I would have taken it off with my teeth if you let me. Everything you told me tonight. I already knew. My sweet girl, I love you too much not to know about your life. And then when your friend yelled that snarky comment, I knew for sure that you wanted me.
I got off my shift half an hour after you left, so I came to your house to see what you were up to. Your curtains closed as usual, but the soft very soft shadows in your room gave me an idea of what you were doing.
As I went to my usual hiding spot, a fucking cat came out of know where and scared the shit out of me, I ended up tripping over and knocking a bin over. I got up to see you staring out your window at me I immediately hid when we made eye contact. Hoping that you didn’t see that it was me. I looked up from to see that you had gone back into bed and the curtains were closed.
But that light in your room allowed for a shadow on your curtains to show that you were playing with yourself. I could see your back arch and the sheets move swiftly. I knew you were thinking about me, with what you were wearing. I bet you were wearing a matching set of panties with that bra. So desperate for my touch.
But nothing will ever feel I good as I will make you feel. Not today but another day my love.
Y/n Pov
25th February
It had been about a week since your encounter with what you thought was a hallucination. You were coming home from work and were held back yet again, it was around 6:30 by the time you got to leave. The street lamps were lit up and the sky was dark. You walked home with your music blasting as usual fully unaware of your surroundings. You were too tired to care, usually you would be paranoid walking home and would just have music playing in one ear. But after a long day you couldn’t give a fuck.
As you got home and took a shower almost immediately to try and relieve your stress. But that didn’t work to great, so you put on your favourite show you binged watched too many times on your laptop and cuddled up in bed with your favourite hot beverage.
Several hours went by and it was now 12:00. You still didn’t feel a great deal of stress released, so you closed your laptop and grabbed your vibrator out of your draw next to your bed.
You slipped off your panties, turning on the vibrator and placing it against your clit. The pleasure vibrated through your whole body. You thought about Anakin. As if it was him telling you that you were so wet, while pressing the vibrator harder against your now throbbing clit. Telling you that you were a good girl, and that you were doing so well. Oh how the thought of his voice alone made you wanna come. After finally reaching your climax, you felt that the stress had been reduced significantly, but it wasn’t enough. If Anakin was actually there it would have been better.
After cleaning yourself up, you heard yet another noise coming from outside . You got up quickly to open the curtains. You look out the window trying to see if you can see anyone but no one was in sight. You head to bed curious yet again.
Is there someone watching me or am I going crazy?
You fell asleep, dreaming about Anakin’s touch.
Anakin’s diary entry
26th February
You scared me today baby.
I thought you would have seen me again. You looked out your window and looked disappointed when you didn’t see anyone. But I was right there. You couldn’t see me of course, I was hiding. Your eyes seemed desperate to see me.
The thing is I don’t want to startle you. I just want to protect you. This suburb isn’t exactly the safest in New York. But it is the best only because you’re in it.
I could see you toying yourself again, when I got closer to your window I could hear the gasps that left your mouth. And the shuttle moan of my name. I knew you were thinking l about me. I know how much you need me. But trust me I’m going to make all this waiting worth while.
Y/n pov
March 1st
Anakin come in on his regular days to order his usual, but you were to anxious to ask him to hang out again.
It was just another day, you got off work on time and decided that you were going to the bar tonight. But Sam and Tara couldn’t stay, Sam got called into work and Tara had a family dinner. You asked Tara for a lift there and back. And to help you choose an outfit. She ended up picking a mini red dress that sat low on your chest, red heals and a necklace that fit perfectly between your breasts. You never usually wore heals and you wondered if it was too much. But she insisted.
Tara dropped you off and they were on her way, wishing you the best of luck. You entered the bar and it was fairly crowded. People playing pool, groups of girls doing shots and heaps of people in a group. Which was the first thing that enters your mind, you were at this crowed bar by yourself. You walked up to the bar where another bartender smiled at you.
“Hi.” You say shyly.
The bartender turns around
“Hi, can I get you a drink.”
“Umm, I was actually wondering if Anakin was here.”
“No sorry, he called in sick.”
“Did you want a drink?”
“No thank you, um I’ll probably just head out” You said awkwardly
“Well next time he’s in I’ll let him know you popped in. .”
“Ok thank you.”
You went to the bathroom to call Tara, but remembered that she was at the family dinner and she wouldn’t be able to come pick you up till at least 10:30 and it was only 8:02. Fuck it. You’ll just walk home. Yep walk home from a bar alone with a bunch of drunk men wondering around. Plus it was only a 55 minute walk. You had walked further before at night, but you were also with Sam and Tara when you did.
You left the bar and started heading home. You felt uneasy, you felt like you were being watched. You kept turning around to ensure you weren’t being followed. And in heels what if some was to run at you. You would trip just trying to take them off. You were now only a few blocks away from your apartment, it was the final stretch. When you suddenly hear light foot steps. You stop and look around, and the steps stop. Your heart drops and you immediately feel uncomfortable. You freeze not knowing what to do.
I need to get home now.
But what if they follow me home and then know where I live. And that I live alone.
Your hands began to shake. You took off your heels, and started walking home again. Your head was spinning and your heart was racing. Only two more blocks you said to yourself. You hurried towards your building and finally got to your door. Quickly going inside and locking the door behind you. You through your heels on the ground and ran into your bedroom slumping yourself onto the bed in relief that you were finally home. You texted Tara to let her know that she didn’t need to pick you up anymore as you were at home. You sat on your bed staring into nothingness for a few minutes before you heard a knock on your door. You strained your hands and they began to sweat as anxiety consumed you. Shit.
“Was someone actually following me?” You thought
You peeped your head from behind the curtain to see who was standing at your door. It was a tall man, you couldn’t seem to make out his face.
Another knock occurred, and you hear “y/n it’s Anakin.”
You sighed in relief, you got up and went to your door. He knocked again before it was interrupted by you opening the door. His tall figure stood over and he smiled.
“You left your purse at the bar.” He states as he holds up your purse.
You looked at him confused
“Wait I thought you weren’t there.”
“No I was I was just getting ready to leave, my shift had just finished. I’m guessing you asked one of the other boys where I was.”
“Usually when we just finish our shift, we’ll just tell whoever is asking for us they we aren’t in or are sick so we don’t have to stay back longer” He chuckled
“That’s fair, I know how it is to have to stay back longer than scheduled.”
“But I would have stayed back for you.” He smirked “Any day.”
You smiled at his comment. And he hands you his purse and his hand lightly brushes against yours as you take it. Your face turned red like your dress.
“Wait. How did you know where I live?” You asked
“Drivers license.”
“Oh of course,” you laugh.
“Maybe one night we could get together and hang out.”
“Yea I’d love that, I’ll give you my number.”
“Ok.” He seductively whispered
“Let me get a pen.”
You quickly ran to the kitchen to grab a pen and turn around to see Anakin desperately looking you up and down. You slightly grabbed his hand and wrote your number on his palm.
“There you go.” You said tilting your head slightly.
“I better be on my way, I’ll make sure to text you.”
“Yea, ok” You smiled
“I’ll see you later alright.”
“Ok, bye.”
He left your door as he got to the foot path he turned around.
“You look beautiful in that dress by the way.”
You had your head leaning against the door frame and covered your smile with your hand, then waving him goodbye. He smiled and continued walking away from your house.
You then closed your door and locked it before jumping up and down and squealing. You placed your bag on your table and you ran straight to your room and grabbed your vibrator out of your draw and got straight to it.
Thinking about how Anakin would talk you through it, how he would edge you to make your orgasm feel even better. And how big and veiny his hands were, compared to your small hands. How he would be able to pin you down with one hand while his other played with your clit, all while he fucked you. After coming to your release you get out of bed to stretch your back.
You went for a quick shower to remove your make up and freshen up a bit. After getting changed you opened the curtains slightly to see a man’s silhouette in the bush. You immediately closed your curtains and got too scared to look again. Quickly jumping into bed covering yourself with the blanket, trying to go to sleep.
Anakin’s diary entry
1st March
You came to see me at work again, but of course I had finished early. But fuck… you looked so beautiful. The way your hair sat. The way the dress sat low on your perky breasts, and how it snatched your waist. And you wore it for me, I mean that’s why you came to the bar.
And I did follow not just because of your purse but because I needed to make sure you got home safe. I could tell you were nervous and I was going to go up to you to walk you home but I just loved watching that tiny dress ride up slightly every so often. Even when you were talking to me you were nervous, but I promise you don’t have to be nervous around me. I’ll always be here to comfort you.
And fuck I knew you were desperate when I came back to your window I could hear your soft whimpers and your vibrator. Couldn’t even wait five minutes after I left, I promise just my hand alone would be better. I know and you know it. The desperation in your voice when you speak to me is so loud. Yet your voice is so soft. When you tell me you want me, will be the day that I give it to you.
Sit on my face, devour your pussy, finger you, fuck you from behind, sideways, standing up. Anyway and anytime. I’ll make your legs shake they never before. I’ll have you begging for more, I’ll have you come so hard. That’s a promise my princess.
No one will ever love you the way that I do.
Y/n pov
March 9th
You hadn’t heard anything from Anakin, except for when he came into your work. But you were expecting a text to ask you out.
Fuck what if I wrote the wrong number down.
What if he’s out in the wrong phone number
Maybe it rubbed off before he got home
You needed to stop overthinking, you laid in bed after calling Tara and Sam to tell them what happened. You guys had been so busy that you hadn’t had time to catch up in person. After the call ended you put on your favourite show again. You stayed up in bed for a few hours. But you had this feeling like someone was watching you. You kept getting up to look out your window to see if anyone was there. From what you could see no one was in sight. Until about the 7th time you checked your window you see a man sitting behind the bush across the street. His head pops up and.. wait Anakin?
You couldn’t believe it. You rubbed your eyes to ensure that what you were seeing was actually him or if you were just hallucinating. But it was him at sat across the street with a cigarette between his lips. He looks over at your window and immediately ducks down as he’s realised that you’ve seen him. But he didn’t run, you opened your curtains completely you made it seem as if you were looking for something else outside your window, as if you didn’t just catch him. You popped backed into bed trying not to glance over. He was still watching you, you could feel it.
Well if he was watching you, then why not give him something to watch maybe he was as desperate for you as you are for him. I mean your curtains were almost always closed. You didn’t even think to ask any questions about the fact that he was just across the street watching you. It made you feel released that you weren’t just going crazy. The thought of him watching you touching yourself, made you wetter. The lighting was dull, but still put on a show for him, while trying not to glance across the street.
Anakin’s Diary entry
9th March
I thought you saw me for second. You scared the shit of me. I guess that you thought you heard something again. You looked yet again disappointed to not see anyone, more specifically me when you gazed out your window.
I looked up to see that you had gone back into bed, but the curtains were open and the room was dull, but I could see your face and white sheets. You got back into bed and I saw your hands slowly remove your panties.
Were you? You were playing with yourself, with the curtains open. The light from the lamp across the street lit up your face slightly, I was able to make out your facial expression, I could see the lust and desperation in the way your mouth moved. I could feel my cock twitch when your back arched and when you got up and rode your pillow, pretending that it was me. Weren’t you?
I want to be the one to make you feel pleasure in way you’ve never felt. Seeing you like this did something to me. It felt so wrong I wanted to give you privacy. But you opened your curtains and then started playing with yourself you were basically asking me to stay. But not to long know before I’ll have you.
Anakin’s diary entry
2nd April
Silly girl. You keeps leaving her curtains open. My darling y/n. What if someone was to walk past and see. You have no problem playing with yourself for everyone to see. That’s why I am here standing across the street from you making sure no creep is perving in you. Your legs spread with your hand between your thighs, wearing only a bra. I can see the blankets move softly as small gasps exit your mouth. Your legs spread with your hand between your thighs, wearing only a bra. Craving that release. But I promise you princess if those were my hands down there you would be a moaning mess, begging me not to stop.
I could give you the release you need, I would make you cum so hard, that your eyes would roll back as far as they could. I would make your swollen clip so sensitive that your legs would shake. Look at you, hands down your panties softly rubbing your clit in a circular motion for the world to see, but you’re mine. The things I would do to you, I would make you feel so good princess.
Anakin’s diary entry
April 20th
You got held up at work again, and we’re late to arriving at home. So I made sure to stay back and wait so I could make sure you got home safe again. I followed from a distance as usual, but didn’t have a care in the world. Just blasting your music through your headphones and not even looking around once. You don’t know how many sickos are out there, you need to be more careful.
But that’s why I am here. I can see you had a hard day, slumping your bag on the counter as soon as you got home. Your bedroom curtains were closed as they usually were throughout the day. I could see you looked tired. You opened your curtains after your shower and I see you. Just standing there staring out the window. God, look at you, hair damp, water glistening on your chest and only wearing a towel. Your lips slightly parted and eyes looked lustfully across the street.
Only if you had taken it off right then-
But you did.
You just dropped your towel. Revealing everything. What if someone was watching. I would have to do something about that. But seeing you like this made me feel full of adrenaline,I wanted to run over to your house and have your begging for my cock.
Did you want someone to see, or are you just hoping that just so happens that I come over and fuck you senseless to make you feel better?
Fuck. Everything about you makes me so fucking hard. I crave your body and seeing you like this made me want you more. You only stayed for a few seconds, before turning around and turning off your light. The room was dull but I could still see your blanket move swiftly, you were desperate.
Y/n pov
April 24th
You knew. You knew he could see you. He had been doing it for about 2 months. At least that I know of. I make sure he’s there. Watching you when you play with myself. Sometimes you would tease him and just have the curtain open slightly, which is what you did most nights because you were scared someone else was going to see. You can’t stop thinking about him when you do it. You knew he was there when you dropped my towel. You wanted to see if you could see him but you got too nervous, you didn’t want to scare him off. But you’ve considering trying to confront him.
You still have our regular chats at each other’s work, and last week you even got drinks together again. You had gone out with him at least once a week since you gave him your phone number. And every time he would bring you flowers. The sexual tension, was killing you slowly, it was his eyes and the way he smiled at you, that made your stomach fill with butterflies. You still didn’t have the courage to ask him to actually come over to you’re house. You weren’t sure why though. I mean he’s literally seen you play with yourself. And you were becoming too desperate for his touch and wanted to do something about it. You wanted more than just the subtle hands brushes, like how he would caress your hands when he spoke to you. Or when he would tuck your hair behind your ear. You needed more.
Today after coming home from work it was late, got held up by some customers that decided to order 13 hot chocolates 3 minutes before we closed. Like where is the respect for fuck sake. Anyway I got home and showered, and waited for Hayden to show up.
Around 1:00 he showed up, which was later than usual. You looked at the window trying to avoid looking at where he was hiding. You were wearing a matching set of lacy black lingerie. You closed the curtains and dressed in a hoodie and some sweatpants and walked out of the house. Hayden’s figure quickly scurried down the street, as soon as you opened my front door. So you followed him.
You followed him for about a mile without him noticing, making sure to keep your distance and hide when he looked in your direction. You finally reached his apartment, where he entered his house in a hurry. While you hid behind a tree across the street. His apartment was the first floor making it easier to see in between the slightly opened curtains.
You could see slightly into his bedroom as it lights up, he enters pulling off his hoodie. You hurried across the road, and climb up to his window. And knock on it lightly. He jumps and opens the window to see me glaring into his eyes. He opens the window with a frightened look on his face.
“What are doing here.”
You enter his room as he helps you up. You stares at you with a blank face, unsure of what’s going on.
“I know what you’ve been doing” you whisper as you move closer to him.
“I don’t know what you’re taking about.” He hesitates
“Mmh, you sure?”
He stands closer to you, now towering over you looking down at you full of desire.
“What is it exactly you think I’ve been doing?”
“You’ve been watching me do some naughty things.”
He couldn’t help but smirk.
“What naughty things,” he teased as he lifts up your chin with his index finger as his stare softens and you feel your panties become wetter.
“You’ve been watching me play with myself while I thought about you, and you never even offered to help me. Because I know that I could fulfil your desires and you could fulfil mine.”
He tilts his head and lightly bit his lip. You pushed him onto the bed and slowly climbed onto his lap while running your fingers up his bare chest, sending shivers through his body.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you ever since I first saw you.” You said as you took off your hoodie revealing your lace bra. You felt his half hard cock turn fully hard beneath you. His hands slowly moving up your thighs to your hips caressing your soft skin with his thumbs, rubbing them gently across your soft skin.
You slowly started grinding against his hard on in his pants. He gasped softly. You stopped momentarily and took off your sweatpants chucking them across the room. Leaning down to his ear and begun to unzip his jeans.
You whispered “I gonna make you feel so good.”
Before he had a chance to say anything you pulled down his pants, along with his boxers. Revealing his long, thick hard cock with pre cum resting in his tip. Shock flooded your face when you saw the size of it. Hayden smiled at your reaction. You went down and licked the pre cum of his cock, sucking the tip of his dick made it twitch, as your hand wrapped around the bottom slowly stoking as you teased his tip with your tongue. Small whimpers left his mouth, which made you hungry for his cock. But you wanted to tease him more than ever now that you had him.
You removed your mouth from his cock, and leaned back over to his ear. You licked your hand before bringing it down to his dick. Stroking ever so slowly. His chest now moving up and down from breathing so heavy. He caressed your body with his hands moving them from your hips to your tender breasts. The way his mouth slightly parted made you soaking wet.
“Tell me what you want.” You asked
“I want you.”
“You can do better than that.” You started stroking faster. Whimpers left his mouth. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want to fuck you so hard, I want you to cum on my cock and show how good I can make you feel” He spat out.
“Mmm, really.”
“Yes, i want to be inside you so fucking bad.”
You stopped stroking his dick and he moaned at the loss of your touch.
“Don’t stop.” He whimpered
“Why should I keep going.”
“B-because I want you so fucking bad please.”
You started jerking his dick again as whimpers started escaping his mouth with every stroke.
“Tell me again”
“I want to make you cum so fucking hard, rub your clit until it’s so sensitive and your legs are shaking, fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk in the morning-“
You cut him off again by stroking his cock faster. He became a whimpering mess.
“Uuuh, f-fuck.”
You could feel him twitch him your hands you know he was close. So you stopped.
“So needy” you laughed “Show me. Show me what you want to do to me.”
Without a second thought he grabbed your hips and flipped you over so now he was on top of you, he shuffled his pants and boxers all the way off. Before slamming his plump lips into yours. The kiss was unimaginable, so messy and sloppy, yet so gentle and lustful. His tongue was fighting for dominance and won easily, slipping in and out. He lightly bit your bottom lip and pulled away slightly and you moaned at the sensation.
He started kissing your neck leaving small hickies all over.
“You’re mine and I’m gonna show everyone that.” He said with his lips pressed against your neck.
He started moving down to your breasts where he lifted you up to unclasp your bra. Be for you knew it he had taken it off and thrown it across the room.
Leaving hickies all over your tits. He grasped one breast and lightly twirled your nipple between his fingers while sucking on your other nipple. He lightly bit your nipple making you moan, he did then moved to the other one to do the same thing. Your breasts felt tender and your nipples were hard.
He moved down your stomach leaving love bites all over while caressing your tits. Before he reached your panties. He ran his fingers along the brim of your panties and teased at them. You could feel your pussy throb as he got closer.
He bit on your panties and grabbed the sides sliding them down of your ankles. He came back up and spread your legs, and kissed your inner thighs leaving more hickies all over you. He leaned moved up so his face was inline with your pussy and placed a gentle kiss on your clit.
“Please Anakin.” You moaned
“Now look who’s the needy one” he snickered
He leaned in and placed another kiss on your clit, sloppier than the last. Before his tongue between your folds. You squirmed and whimpered at his touch.
“You’re so wet for me baby.” His said against your sopping pussy. Sending vibrations through your whole body. His voice and those words together made you feel so weak.
He moved back up to your level and smashed his lips into yours. You could taste your residue on his lips.
“Ready baby.”
You nod as he begins to align his cock with your entrance.
“Use your words darling.”
“Please fuck me Anakin.”
“Good girl.”
Before you could say anything he slammed into, and began pounding into. Tears filled your eyes while moans escaped your mouth, you had felt nothing like it. How his big dick filled you up completely making you feel light headed. You swear you could feel it in your stomach. He tilted your body up to get deeper inside you, while his hands rested on your hips moving to and from your ass. While your hands explored his hair yanking it slightly and him moaning when you did it.
Pleasure coursing through your whole body as he would almost pull his cock all the way out before slamming back into hard. Leaving no room for you to form words. Just moans that echoes throughout the room. Hayden’s grunts and moans becoming more aggressive as he sped up.
“You’re taking me so well, you feel so fucking.”
You moan louder at his words, his voice did something to.
“Yes…Hayden,” you moaned as he hit your g spot.
His thrusts began to get sloppier and you could feel his dick twitch inside you. You knew he was close and you were too as your pussy clenched.
“Fuck… Hayden I’m gonna cum.”
“Me too princess.” He moaned
He moved his right hand to your throbbing clit and started rubbing circular motion over it bringing you to your climax. Your juices spill all over Anakin’s cock as you moaned his name, stars entered your vision as the pleasure coursed through your whole body. As Anakin was about to pull out you spat out desperately “No cum inside me.”
Anakin smiled and only took a few more pumps before his cock twitched and his warm seed filled you up as he moaned. It oozed out of your swollen pussy. He pulled out and laid next you as you both tried catching your breath.
“Holy fuck. That was incredible.” You managed to spit out
“I told you I would make you feel amazing.” He smirked “You took me so well darling.”
You squirm at his words and lay your head and his chest. Simply at a loss for words for what just happened.
Please let me know what you think, I’m sorry if it isn’t great this is my first time writing smut :)
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spooo00oky · 6 months
Siren’s Spell
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Chapter Four
Paring: siren!Wooyoung x reader
Genre: fantasy, eventual smut, romance, fluff
Word Count: 6k+
Warnings: swearing, suggestive themes, Thalassophobia, cliff hanger! (again I’m sorry I can’t help it)
Author’s note: SURPRISE!!! I’m so sorry for the wait on this chapter, my life got unexpectedly busy with a change in jobs on top of my other job as well as doing a bridal party’s makeup. Phew! This chapter also had a good chunk deleted so this is as much as I could salvage in order to surprise you all with my original update plan. It’s going to be shorter than what it normally is but it’s a good one I promise! I hope you all enjoy this update and as always please consider reblogging my works and let me know what you all think! I hope you all have fun this holiday season and be sure to not get sick!
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Wooyoung’s Current became a regular appearance at the den. Whether it was a singular member or all of them, they would drop in for a visit whenever either Wooyoung or I were home. Their presences surely livened the place up, and it truly did start to feel like a home the more they came around. Wooyoung seemed happy with the change of atmosphere as well, a seemingly permanent smile on his face whenever I’d catch his gaze from across the room. Maybe he was also happy to see his mate and his friends getting along so well. 
Seonghwa came around more often than not to the point where Wooyoung made the comment that he might as well have his own room here. I didn’t mind the frequency of his visits. Yeosang and Seonghwa were quickly becoming close friends of mine. Seonghwa would ask me many questions about fashion and Yeosang would ask me his own array of questions. It was a give and take relationship between us and it gave me something to do while I was home. Wooyoung tended to whine when my attention was away from him for too long, but I knew he didn’t truly mind that much. I could feel the contentment rumbling through him at seeing me laughing and smiling. Plus he was easily appeased with my head resting on his shoulder, despite his friends’ teasing remarks. 
Though I loved to see them all, it wasn’t quite the same as being with my own friends. Wooyoung seemed to pick up on my change in mood one day and asked me about it. Despite my assurances that I was fine, he was persistent that he knew what was wrong. 
“My friends and I would get together a lot at my apartment and now we can’t really do that anymore. I love having your friends here, but I wish I could still have that with my friends I guess. It isn’t like they can come here whenever they want, with the water pressure and all,” I explained. 
Wooyoung frowned. “Do you wish the den was on the surface like your old home was?” 
I had quickly shaken my head when he said that, knowing that if I wanted it he would move everything up to the surface without a second thought. Yeosang had explained that while sirens could shift to walk on land they couldn’t stay up there forever. They had to return to the water eventually. If Wooyoung moved the den to the surface, he would only get to enjoy a few hours of our home before having to return to the water. He would be the one that was unhappy even if he said otherwise. I could live without seeing my friends outside of work if it meant that he didn’t have to be miserable. 
“I’m happy with it here. It’s just going to take some getting used to, that’s it.” 
Wooyoung thankfully didn’t press the issue more but it clearly didn’t sit well with him because a week later I had walked into our bedroom to see him tapping away on my phone. His eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion before he looked up at my entrance and tried to hide it behind his back. He tried to deny it when I asked him about it, pulling me down onto the bed and into his arms to try and distract me from it. I had pushed him off slightly to reach and grab it before his hands could stop me, and I was greeted with my text messages pulled up and a greeting typed into the search bar. I gave Wooyoung a questioning look and he gave me a sheepish one back. 
“I don’t know how to work it.” 
I couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled out of me and it made him groan and hide his face in the pillow. “Why can’t you land dwellers use sprites like everyone else does?” 
“Because we don't, that's an outdated form of communication, Wooyoung,” I told him with a smile. “Plus sprites don’t like us much and half of the letters we’d ask them to deliver would disappear entirely.” 
“Sprites are always nice to me.”
“You’re a siren. You have the power to make them obey even if they didn’t want to so they were probably intimidated by you. Plus sprites are part of the sea kingdom, they’d be willing to help you more than a surface dweller any day.” I purposely left out the part that sprites were notorious flirts and every siren I’ve met so far has been beautiful. Pretty privilege was definitely a thing when it came to sprites. 
“What were you trying to do anyway?” 
Wooyoung’s ears tinted pink before he pulled his face away from the pillow and I saw that his cheeks were the same shade. “You still seemed upset that you couldn’t see your friends as much, so I was going to invite them all out along with my friends to dinner. It wouldn’t be a permanent solution, but I thought it would be something.”
That was the first instance of when I felt like I could kiss him. The feeling had hit me so hard that I had to check that I wasn’t leaning forward to do so. I mentally shook myself, blaming the bond between us for the sudden urge to do so. I couldn’t stop the wide smile from spreading across my face however, and I did lean forward to give him a hug in gratitude. He immediately accepted it, pulling me in even closer with a smile. 
“I appreciate it, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Would your Current even want to meet my friends?” 
“I’ve already discussed it with them and they want to. Some more than others of course,” he added in. “I was more worried about your friends refusing because I didn’t make the best first impression.”
I felt my heart swell as I pulled away enough to look him in the eye. It was hard to think of what I wanted to say, too many thoughts running through my mind. One of the most prevalent being that I think Wooyoung was making me fall in love with him and fast, and the other being that I really wanted to kiss him. I ignored the second thought and settled on pulling my phone out again and sending out a message to my friends for dinner with everyone. I felt Wooyoung’s gaze on my movements and I went slowly enough so he could see how to do it in case he needed to know for future events. 
A week later we were all gathering for dinner, the Current certainly standing out among the crowd. They had eyes on them since they entered the restaurant but they didn’t pay any attention to it, focusing on my friends who were trying to start a conversation with them. San and Mingi thankfully acted friendlier with Wooyoung unlike their first introduction. They were a little tense when they greeted him but slowly relaxed as Wooyoung began to crack jokes with his friends. Wooyoung wasn’t even using his ability but he was warming everyone up to one another. It was mesmerizing to see how easy it was for him, and as we settled down for dinner I felt my body relax. The Current and my friends got along like they’ve known each other for years. I was so worried that dinner would be awkward but I realized that I had nothing to worry about. 
“Are any of you coming to the fashion show?” Mingi asked the table. 
Seonghwa immediately perked up, a bright smile lighting up his face. “Wooyoung and I are coming.” Even a blind man could see how excited he was. 
“Would this be your first one?” San asked as he sipped from his glass. 
“It would. Y/n told me that I would enjoy it.” 
San grinned at me. “Are you going to introduce him to Hongjoong?” 
“That’s the plan,” I told San with a smile. 
San smiled at Seonghwa. “Mingi and I will make sure you have fun. Y/n’s cousin Hongjoong is coming as well, so you’ll really like it. He owns his own label so he’ll be another person you can talk to about these things.” 
San and Seonghwa started chatting about the upcoming show and I was so lost in watching everyone else around us I nearly jumped when Wooyoung spoke into my ear. “You should eat more.” 
I glanced down at my barely eaten plate of food. My appetite hasn’t been the best lately and I knew it was because of the upcoming show. My nerves were getting the best of me, this happened every time. “I’m not that hungry.” 
Wooyoung narrowed his eyes. “You’ve barely eaten anything the past two days. You need to eat more.” 
“I‘ll eat something later if I’m hungry. I promise.”
He wasn’t having it and he picked up my fork and scooped up some food. “Open.”
“Wooyoung, no. We’re in front of our friends.” 
“They can watch, I don’t care. You need to eat.” 
I blushed as my mind instantly went into the gutter. “Wooyoung please.” 
“Say ‘ah’.”
“Glad to see he’s making you eat. You do this every show we have a show,” Mingi said with a smile as I opened my mouth. Wooyoung had a small smile on his face as he fed me a forkful of food before he was scooping up more. 
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” I whined as I took the bite he offered me and chewed. 
“Not on this one. You lose weight every show we have because you nearly stop eating. Someone has to make sure you do.” 
It was a losing fight, so I let Wooyoung feed me a few more bites before I held up a hand and took the fork from him. He raised a brow but relaxed when he saw that I was feeding myself now instead. I could hear the soft purr coming from his chest and I rolled my eyes with a smile. 
“Wooyoung can be a little rough around the edges but he has the best intentions,” Yunho commented as he chuckled at our antics. “Sorry if he’s upset you both in the past with his mouth.” 
San laughed. “It was a misunderstanding. Mingi and I are protective of our y/n and after hearing how they came to be, we might’ve overreacted. It’s all water under the bridge now though.” 
Wooyoung seemed to settle at that and gave San and Mingi a grateful smile. My own smile mirrored his as we eased back into conversation, all tension gone now.
We stayed at dinner for much longer than intended and it was late when we finally parted ways. I followed the sirens back to the docks and they quickly jumped in before resurfacing momentarily to say their goodbyes. Yeosang promised to come and visit me soon, as did Jongho and I waved as they ducked beneath the water. 
Wooyoung jumped in and slapped his now wet clothes onto the dock and began to fold them up as I sat on the edge. I waited until he finished before I lowered myself into the water. Wooyoung was quick to pull me in close. Even though it wasn’t as bad anymore, my heart did leap into my throat whenever I hopped in. It didn’t help that the water was freezing at this time of night. 
“Hold your breath,” Wooyoung murmured and I took a deep breath before I felt the water move over my head and I knew we were moving. 
The trip was just as quick as it always is, and in no time at all we were resurfacing in the den. I could tell there was a change occurring in me because I wasn’t nearly out of breath as I usually was from the trip. I could’ve been under for a few more minutes before needing air. 
I crawled up onto the ledge and watched as Wooyoung hopped up as well. I quickly turned around as he began to stand up straight, remembering that he was naked. “I’ll go put your clothes in the bathroom to dry out,” I called over my shoulder as I walked away with pink cheeks. His laughter followed after me as I retreated to the bathroom and hung up the clothes.
I wasted no time in undressing and hopping into the pool, my muscles relaxing as the warmth eased all tension from my body. It did nothing to ease the ball of nerves in my chest. I sighed and sunk into the water until only the top half of my head stuck out. 
I knew what was happening. It was all I could think about anymore, and I wanted to put all of the blame on the bond but I was slowly but surely falling for Wooyoung. Did I find him attractive when I first met him? Of course. Were romantic feelings developing more now that we were living together? Definitely. Were things moving too fast though? Was all of this normal for a bonded pair? My only experience outside of human relationships was Logan and that wasn’t much of a pleasant experience. 
I shook away those thoughts. Yeosang said that feelings developing was normal over time, and that I would experience some changes. But Wooyoung was a good male, he had charm, a good heart and an infectious laugh. It was hard not to love him, bond or not. 
So why did the thought of letting go and falling for him completely make me beyond nervous? 
“You’re going to experience some changes, but growing gills isn’t one of them.” I jumped at the sudden sound of Wooyoung’s voice. I turned to see him leaning against the doorway in only a pair of sweatpants with a smug smirk on his face. “You should probably get out of the water before you start to get pruny.” He chuckled as I scowled at him before he left. 
Once I was sure he was gone I dunked my head beneath the water and groaned. Maybe him knowing exactly what he did to me was part of why I felt so nervous. 
Feeling a little better once I was clean and changed into comfy clothes I made my way back into the room. Wooyoung was already in bed and smirked when I crawled in next to him, but he didn’t say anything if he could smell my emotions. I was grateful when he motioned with his hand and the wall sconces turned dark, plunging us into darkness. 
It was silent, the only sounds in the room were our breaths and the sounds from outside echoing in. After a while I had thought that Wooyoung had just fallen asleep and I shut my eyes to try and do the same but his voice had me opening them again. 
“Why are you so afraid of the water?” 
This was a question I was expecting to come up eventually. I’m a little surprised it didn’t come up sooner.
“I nearly drowned in a frozen lake when I was a child,” I told him softly, almost afraid that if I spoke too loudly it would ruin the moment. “Hongjoong had to drag me out.”
Wooyoung was quiet. I waited for his next words, wishing I could see his expression just to get a glimpse of what he was thinking. Could he see me? I never thought to ask, but it would make sense if he could with it being so dark in the river. I fixed my expression into a more neutral one. 
“That’s a pretty good reason to be afraid of it. I thought it was because you didn’t know how to swim. I was going to go and get you a life vest and teach you.”
I snorted and lightly smacked his chest, making him chuckle as well. “I appreciate the thought but I’m actually a pretty good swimmer. I made sure I was in case something like that happened again.” 
“You’re missing out on learning from a pro.” 
I rolled my eyes. “You are built to be in the water. Me? Not so much.” 
Wooyoung went quiet again, and I began to worry if I had somehow upset him by refusing his swimming lessons. His voice was much quieter when he spoke next. “Are you sure you’re fine with being down here? We can move to the surface, I wouldn’t mind it. I’d have to ask for your help with finding a place up there though.”
I leaned up onto my arms, hoping I was looking at his face in the darkness. He didn’t laugh so I’ll take it as I’m doing a good enough job. “Where did this come from? I told you I was happy being where we are now.” 
“I could smell your anxiety when you were in the bathroom. I assumed it was everything finally catching up with you.” 
I sighed and rested my head against his chest. My cheeks began to burn as I began to think of ways to explain this to him. 
“It’s not that, I promise.” 
He was quiet, waiting patiently for me to continue and I internally groaned. 
“It’s just that I’m nervous about if we’re moving too fast and maybe I’m worried about what others will think. I’m also worried that my feelings for you are ingenuine and it’s only the bond that’s making me feel these things,” I struggled to get out. “It has nothing to do with where the den is.”
Wooyoung took in my words quietly, waiting patiently for me to get everything out that I wanted to say. Once I was finished he began to soothingly run his thumb up and down my arm until there were goosebumps forming on my skin. He was processing everything I confessed and I gave him time to do so. 
“You should stop worrying your pretty little head about what others think.” I opened my mouth to snap something back but his next words had my cheeks burning and left me sputtering. “By siren standards we’re taking things at a snail’s pace. I should’ve already marked you and started a family with you if we were moving at the normal pace. The only opinions that matter are yours and my own, and I’m happy with the way things are now, so don’t worry about that.” 
He did have a point.
“Also, the bond can’t make you feel things that you don’t already feel. It only intensifies them over time.” He paused as if something just occurred to him and I was about to ask when he was suddenly pinning me to the mattress beneath us. A squeak left me at the sudden motion before his lips were at my ear, his breath tickling me. “Which means you were attracted to me from the very beginning weren’t you.” 
My eyes widened in shock and I knew he was grinning, knowing he had me right where he wanted me. My tongue was tied as I felt his lips graze my cheek, my heart hammering in my chest. My mind had been turned to mush in the matter of seconds. A part of me wanted to deny it just to spite him, but what was the point? He knew I would be lying. And maybe this could also be a conscious step forward with coming to terms with my feelings for Wooyoung. 
“And what if I was?” I asked, deciding to be bold instead. 
His chest rumbled against mine and I felt him pull away just enough to look at me. The lights dimly lit themselves again, just enough for me to make out Wooyoung’s expression above me. My breath hitched at the raw yearning I saw in his hooded gaze. It was a look I had yet to see on him before, much less be on the receiving end of it. 
A grin slowly tugged his lips upwards, no doubt in regards to my reaction. He was going to hold this over my head for a week. I already knew it. “I’d say that I was attracted to you as soon as I laid my eyes upon you, and that it really pissed me off to see you with another guy you obviously had no interest in.”
My heart fluttered in my chest at his confession, and warmth spread through me like a fire. My mouth opened and closed for a moment as I struggled to think of a response; as I struggled to even process what I was feeling and what I wanted right now. His presence was dizzying, my mind fuzzy. His fingers trailing up and down my sides didn’t help, it only distracted my thoughts and jumbled them even more. 
Finally I managed to settle on one thought that was circling in my mind, and I had a feeling it was shared with him as well. 
“Kiss me.” 
The movement of his hands paused momentarily as the grin on his face grew. I could practically hear the “I told you you’d beg for me to kiss you” in his mind but thankfully he didn’t voice it. Instead he leaned in closer so his breath fanned over my face. “Are you sure?” 
My lips curled up into a smile and I rested my hands on his shoulders. I rubbed my thumbs across the smooth skin there in reassuring circles. 
“I’m sure Wooyoung. Please, kiss me.” 
He didn’t waste another moment as his lips connected with mine, a content sigh slipping from him as we melted into the kiss.  Despite the slow pace it was dizzying, and nearly stole my breath. My hands found their way into his hair as his tongue teasingly traced along my bottom lip. I granted him access as my fingers played with his hair, holding him even closer to me as the kiss deepened. My mind was so swept up in the kiss that I didn’t even realize Wooyoung was purring until we pulled apart for air. 
I couldn’t stop the breathless giggle that bubbled out of me as we pulled apart, the vibrations from his chest still being felt. He let out his own chuckle before pressing a kiss to my forehead and lying down beside me. He pulled me on top of him in the same movement and I didn’t even try to remove myself from my new spot, instead cuddling into Wooyoung’s warmth. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for awhile now,” he said softly, the lights turning off once again. His hands trailed lightly up and down my back and I hummed.
“So have I.” 
Finally it was the day of the fashion show. To say I was nervous was an understatement. Wooyoung knew it as well, his nose would subtly scrunch up whenever he was near me, smelling my anxiousness. No matter what I did to ease my nerves I couldn’t completely shake them. He did try his best to help me, going as far as making me my favorite breakfast and rubbing circles into my tense shoulders and doing things to try and make me laugh. I could see the tension leave his own shoulders when I laughed at something he had said, and I doubled down on trying to relax when I realized that Wooyoung was worried. I appreciated the effort, and once this day had passed I’d find a way to make it up to him. 
I distracted myself by helping Wooyoung with his outfit for as long as I could. Despite how put together he usually looked he was struggling with what to wear for the show. Part of me thinks that Wooyoung did it on purpose because when I went to help him with his shirt he snuck in a kiss on my forehead. His laughter sounded out above me and I hid my face in his chest. 
Seonghwa arrived some time after that and I was delighted to see that he didn’t need help with his outfit, looking handsome in a velvet suit. I said as much and heard Wooyoung grumbled something unintelligible as he moved past me to get ready to leave. Seonghwa gave me a pleased smile despite Wooyoung’s pouting and thanked me. 
“You look lovely tonight as well,” Seonghwa said as he followed me towards the exit, where Wooyoung was already waiting. 
I thanked him as I sat on the ledge of the pool and slowly lowered myself right into Wooyoung’s waiting arms. I took a deep breath and we dove beneath the water and began to head to the surface.
Minutes later our heads broke the surface of the water and I quickly pulled myself over the edge of the dock. I took in a deep breath of fresh air as I waited for the males to shift and put their pants back on. Thankfully no one was really paying attention to us as they walked the busy streets, most of the attention was drawn to a new street performer that had set themselves up on the sidewalk. From the small sparks and streamers flying through the air and the delighted cries coming from the nearby children it sounded like it was a good show. It might’ve been a wizard if they were able to put on such a display. 
Finally the males made their way onto the dock, fully dressed now. Seonghwa’s eyes shone with pure excitement and it was hard to not be affected by it. Wooyoung came to my side and with a wave of his hand the both of us were completely dry. Seonghwa rolled his eyes and waved his hand, removing the water from his person as well. “You could’ve extended the service to me as well, you know.” 
“My mate takes priority,” Wooyoung said and dodged the hand that reached out to grab him. 
I rolled my eyes at their antics, a smile on my face before I began to head towards the venue. The males were quick to fall into step beside me, Wooyoung’s arm snaking around my waist. I caught Seonghwa’s eye at the action and we shared a smile. He has also been a great help with accepting the bond and offering advice when asked, and the happiness he felt for us shown in the smile he sent our way. 
The venue was buzzing with excitement upon arrival. Not many of the guests had arrived yet as we were early to help with preparations, but the staff of the label and additional help were seen bustling about. I easily spotted San and Mingi at the far side of the room and made my way over there, hanging onto the two males with me so I wouldn’t lose them. 
My friends looked like they were in a tense conversation before they spotted me. They broke out in smiles at my entrance and pulled me into quick hugs. “You’re just in time. Bell was about to start doing a toast with everyone and was wondering where you all were,” San told us. 
“There’s nothing for us to help out with?” Seonghwa asked, having been prepared to be hands-on with the setting up part of the show. 
Mingi shook his head. “Nope. Belle hired additional help with setting up and everything’s run smoothly. There hasn’t been a misstep with anything and everyone has been on time. I think this has been the easiest show we’ve had yet.”
“Don’t say that yet the show hasn’t even started,” I pointed out with a smile. “You’ll end up jinxing us if you keep saying things like that.” 
“I’m sure they’ll love it all,” Wooyoung said, giving my side an affectionate squeeze. 
I opened my mouth to thank him but was cut off by a squeal of excitement and Belle suddenly appearing in front of me. “You’re all here! I’ve been looking for you, here, have a drink for a toast,” she said and with a snap of her fingers a floating tray full of flutes of champagne appeared before us. We all grabbed our glasses and watched as Belle called out to gather everyone’s attention before standing in the center of the room. She smiled once everyone had quieted down before raising her glass in the air. 
“I’m not one for drawn out speeches, so I’ll make this quick,” she started. “I want to say thank you to everyone that has made tonight happen. Thank you to all of you who have worked tirelessly the weeks leading up to this to make sure everything runs smoothly and that everything was planned properly. Today wouldn’t have started off as well as it did if it wasn’t for you.” Her eyes roamed until they had gone over every one of her office staff members, sending a warm smile our way. “I also wanted to thank my team for working hard for months leading up to today. I know how stressful things can get working in this industry and I thank you all for pushing through and seeing it to the end. I know it’ll all pay off in the end.” 
She raised her glass in the air and we mirrored her reactions. “To everyone here, thank you!” 
The room erupted into echoing sentiments as we all took a drink from our glasses. With the preparations done and the only thing left to do is wait for the rest of the guests to arrive, conversations started up as the people mingled with each other. Seonghwa began talking with Mingi and San, asking questions that my friends readily answered. I was happy to see them getting along so well, but it still didn’t make the feeling in my belly disappear. 
I turned to look at Wooyoung. His gaze met mine and he burst into laughter. “I can see the panic in your eyes. They’re going to love your designs, you don’t need to worry.” 
“I know but I can’t help it. I always get nervous like this before a show. No matter how hard I work on something I can’t help but feel that it’s just not enough,” I explained. 
He looked towards our friends before he guided me away from the crowd and into a more secluded corner. I didn’t fight it as he shielded me away from any wandering eyes with his body, looking down at me with concern in his gaze. “Why do you think your designs aren’t good enough?” 
“Well I feel like a few of them might be similar to another designer’s ideas, so I feel like they can be repetitive.” 
Wooyoung thought about it for a moment. “Have you thought about seeing your designs from an audience member’s point of view?”
My brows scrunched in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Well everyone has their own take on things and has their own unique way of doing things. The way you design clothes is not and will not be the same way another designer does it,” he explained. “People in your audience love your designs for the way you do them because it’s your spin on something, if that makes sense.” 
I gazed up at him in wonder for a moment before breaking out in a warm smile. The weight in my belly had all but disappeared after his words sunk in, and I felt more than heard his purr when he smelled the difference in my scent. “See? There’s nothing to be stressed about. They’re going to love a design because it’s your unique way of designing something.” He gently smiled before pulling me in for a hug. 
I buried my head into his chest with a sigh. I felt most of the tension leave my body after that, and I relaxed into the embrace.
“And if they don’t like what you have to offer I’ll eat them.”
I lightly swatted his back at that causing him to laugh. He rubbed a soothing hand up and down my back to further ease any tension away before we pulled apart slightly at the sound of someone clearing their throat. 
“You lovebirds need to get a room next time.” I heard Mingi say, laughter in his voice as we looked to see who was trying to get our attention. His smile widened when I rolled my eyes before he half turned to motion behind him. “There’s someone here to see you.” 
My gaze went behind him and I gasped when I saw who was standing there. 
“Hongjoong!” I squealed in excitement as I ran into his open arms. 
He laughed as I pulled him into a tight hug, his familiar warmth surrounding me. “Nice to see you too, y/n. I’ve missed you so much.” 
I pulled away with a smile up at him, noting the high end fashionable outfit he wore. “I’ve missed you too, I’m so happy you could make it today!” 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. You’ll have to introduce me to whoever you were hugging a minute ago, but that can wait until after I introduce you to someone special,” he said and turned to someone I hadn’t noticed standing behind him before. She was a beautiful brunette, but not dizzyingly like Wooyoung or Seonghwa were. She was prettier than any normal person, so she definitely wasn’t human. Maybe she was a vampire? 
I was about to reach out to introduce myself when Seonghwa caught my eye, and I realized that he was watching the woman before me like a hawk. His gaze didn’t waver from her, and his stance was tense. He looked like he was ready to jump in between us, to attack her or to shield me, I wasn't sure. I looked back at the woman and realized she  hadn't even looked at me, her gaze focused behind me. I turned to see Wooyoung rooted to his spot, glaring at the woman. I hadn’t seen him this upset since that day with San and Mingi, and even then he didn’t look as hostile as he did now. 
“Maggiore, I’d like you to meet my cousin y/n. Y/n this is my girlfriend Maggiore. She’s a fan of your work so I thought I’d bring her with me today for you both to meet,” Hongjoong introduced us and it was like the spell was broken. 
Her cold expression broke and she smiled warmly at me, holding out her hand for me to shake. “‘It’s a pleasure to meet you. Hongjoong talks about you a lot so I just had to meet you!” 
She took my hand and shook it and I saw Seonghwa flinch, like it was taking everything in him to not separate the two of us. If Seonghwa was reacting like this I could only imagine how Wooyoung was fairing behind me. Just who was this woman before me that made both males react so tensely? 
I winced as her grip tightened on my hand momentarily and I looked up to see her eyes not even on me but on someone behind me. I didn’t dare look behind me at Wooyoung, instead I glanced towards Hongjoong for any possible answers but he had been swept up in conversation with Mingi and San some feet away from us. 
“You need to leave.” 
I turned to look back at the woman who had yet to release the death grip she had on my hand. Her expression was menacing as she glared at me. She seemed to be waiting for something to happen, and I raised a brow at her. “Excuse me?” 
That seemed to be the wrong answer because her eyes widened in pure rage and she took a step closer to me, her aura turning threatening. I bit my lip to hold back the cry of pain as I felt her grip on my hand tighten. Any more and she was going to break it. “I said leave.” 
There it was. It was there, trailing after the last syllable of each word she said. There was power behind her words, interwoven in the smoothness of her voice. A power that I felt roll off of me like water droplets on a window. Siren. My eyes widened and I looked back at Wooyoung to see his face scrunched in fury as he stormed over to us. By the time I looked back to Maggiore, Seonghwa had already pulled her away from me and was leading her away from Wooyoung and I. “You’ve got a lot of nerve for pulling a stunt like this.” I heard Seonghwa mutter to the woman as he casually led her away.  If I hadn’t heard his harsh words I would’ve thought they were old friends catching up; keeping up pretenses for the sake of everyone present. 
“Are you alright?” Wooyoung asked, gingerly taking my hand in his. He frowned when he saw the flesh there was already beginning to bruise. “I’m so sorry about this, I never thought she’d make an appearance here today of all days.” 
“Who even is she?” She was a siren, that I already gathered from the way she tried to compel me to leave and it didn’t work. I remember Wooyoung mentioning before that a siren’s powers won’t work on me anymore now that I was bonded to him. 
He sighed, looking down at me with a mixture of concern and sadness. I hated seeing him like this. “That is Maggiore, my ex.” 
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stylesharrys · 1 year
Can you do a blurb where reader has to go back to work after maternity pls I am also pregnant and would love to see some realistic pregnancy stuff x
Also this is a Tom request.
A/N: excited for all these pregnancy stuff that’s in my inbox, love a good tom blurb too!
// You’ve been putting off having the conversation for a little while now, not quite knowing how to approach it where part of you just doesn’t want to. 
It’s been almost eleven months since you left work for maternity leave and there’s only a couple of weeks left before you’re expected back at your wonderful job to resume your executive role. 
And you love your job, wholeheartedly. It’s an entire career you’ve invested years of your life into, something you’re incredibly proud to have accomplished so far for yourself. 
But things have changed. You’re not just a marketing executive. You’re also a mother to a ten month old baby girl, and the idea of leaving her home so you can go back to work is tearing you apart.
You’ve grown so attached and accustomed to your lazy mornings together and hectic afternoons trying to get the house in order. You’re going to miss your early afternoon walks and snuggles on the sofa, and the spontaneous naps when the day seems to be dragging a little more than usual. 
Staring down at her little face as she sways herself in her bouncer, your heart begins to clench. You don’t want to leave her, not to go into the office for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week again. 
Of course, Tom’s tried to reassure you that you don’t have to go back to work until you’re ready, but your bank balance says otherwise along with the fat OVERDUE stamp on your water bill. 
Tom has a very well paying job, four nights on, two off, travelling a lot but the money is good. Money was even better when you was still at work, you both had a very comfortable salary to live on. 
But with the comfortable money comes the expensive things. Like Tom’s new car and your new house. It was easy when you were both working, but being on maternity meant Tom was only one able to provide financially. 
You managed to get two months full pay at the start of your maternity, and then the rest was barely a quarter of your regular wage. It’s safe to say that financially, it’s been tough and Tom’s had to work extra shifts to pick up the financial slack that you can’t. 
He’s overworked, that’s for sure. It only seems fair that you return as quickly as you can, when he’s provided for the last eight months with little rest or days off. 
But the idea of leaving her… of allowing your mothers to take turns in caring for her while you’re off at work isn’t something you want to think about. 
“Babe, it’s fine. We can make it work for another couple of months or so.” 
You could cry. You love him, truly, but you just wish he’d be more honest with how much he’s struggling to keep up. 
You shake your head, pulling your laptop back from him. “We can’t make it work for another couple of months. We’re barely making it work now.”
Tom doesn’t say anything, just purses his lips and folds his hands on top of the table. He doesn’t want you to feel forced to go back to work, but he could also do with a hand or a day off. 
“I’ll put a request in for 30 hours a week, rather than my regular 40. At least then, my pay will be doubled and after she gets in the swing of me being back at work, I can up my hours again in a couple months time.”
Tom reaches for Paisley, bringing her to sit on his knee as she smashes her teething ring on the edge of the table. 
“Do you want me to speak to Mum about set days with Pais, split them between your Mum so they both get time with her?” Tom suggests.
You let out a sigh, nodding. “Maybe invite them both round for dinner tomorrow to sort it out, it might be easier with your Mum's shift work.” 
Tom nods, setting a kiss to the top of Paisley’s head. 
“We’ll make it work, darling.”
You smile, reaching for both their hands. “We always do.”
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bejeweledsims · 2 years
the aesthetics challenge: a ten generations legacy challenge
i've always loved to play challenges in the sims 4, i find that they push to gameplays that i otherwise would probably never try, so i decided to try to create my own challenge.
while creating the requirements for each generation i was looking at the aesthetics wiki, so feel free to check it out if you have any doubt as to what an aesthetic means or what it should look like. also, i'm aware that some of this may not fit what some people think about certain aesthetics, but this was my own interpretation of them with the resources provided by the sims 4 gameplay to the date i'm posting this, so be nice pls <3
while making this i realized that someone else had already made a challenge with the same idea, though there are only two aesthetics that appear in both challenges and the requirements are different.
general rules:
though some generations do require you to live in a specific place, i only added the world part as to give you an idea, but you're welcome to have your sim live wherever you wish if not necessary.
given that it's a challenge based around the idea of aesthetics, you should probably create your sim based around the designated aesthetic
unless stated otherwise, you can marry/get together with any sim with whatever traits
use the #aestheticsims4challenge tag if you decide to play this challenge, i'd love to see what other people do with it :)
generation #1: witchcore
growing up you always loved to read about magical worlds and fantastic realms, so you used to stay away from other people and with the company of your beloved books and a cat. but when visiting a mysterious town you meet an strange man who claims to be a spellcaster, you witness all of your dreams come true and beg him to teach how to become one.
traits: cat lover, loner, bookworm
aspiration: spellcraft & sorcery
job: freelancer, writer branch
world: glimmerbrook
start as a regular sim, become a spellcaster
move into glimmerbrook as soon as you become a spellcaster
complete the spellcraft & sorcery aspiration
marry a human
learn all the spells of at least one type of magic
complete at least one of the perk trees
maximize the medium, herbalism and fishing skills
generation #2: plant mom
your parent may have been able to cast actual magic and all that, but ever since you were little you knew that the only magic you could do was with plants, and so you commit your life to learning everything you can about them and how to take care of them, but when you're not doing this, and unlike your parent, you love to hangout with other people and your dogs on the outdoors, though you mostly like to talk about plants.
traits: loves the outdoor, dog lover, outgoing
aspiration: freelance botanist
job: gardener, botanist branch
world: any world
this heir must be human
reach the top of the gardening career
always have at least one dog
complete the freelance botanist aspiration
spend at least 2 hours every sunday in a park
have a gardening club and have at least one gathering each week
maximize the gardening, herbalism and logic skill
generation #3: clowncore
while your parent was all about plants, hardwork and research, you're more of a joker and would much rather spend your time with other people making them laugh, so you decide to devote your life to it. you try to always see the bright side of things and will always make a joke even in the saddest of times, but that has caused to lose some loved ones along the way.
traits: goofball, outgoing, cheerful
aspiration: joke star
job: entertainer, comedian branch
world: any world
complete the joke star aspiration
reach the top of the entertaniner career on the comedian branch
marry and divorce a proper sim
have a neutral relationship with your parents and child
maximize the comedy, mischief and carisma skills
generation #4: cottagecore
it's not that you didn't like your parent, it's just that they could sometimes be... a little too much when it came to their jokes. you always felt as though you got along better with animals than with other people, so you prefered to spend your time in the outdoors surrounded by them, so when you are old enough you move to the countryside and buy a farm where you take of many animals and attend the farm festival, where you fall in love with a local sim.
traits: loves outdoors, good, animal enthusiast
aspiration: country caretaker
job: no job
world: henford-on-bangley
never have a job
complete the country caretaker aspiration
live on henford-on-bangley
be close with your grandparent and garden with them
be closer to your proper parent, but live with your goofball parent
marry a sim from henford-on-bangley
maximize the cross-stitch, herbalism, cooking, baking and gardening skills
generation #5: downtown girl
your parents always loved the countryside and it's animals and plants, but that lifestyle was just never for you, and when on a family trip you visit the big city you make a decision: you'll move there as soon as you become a young adult. once there, and with no more company other than a cat you adopt on your first day on the city, you decide to follow your dream of becoming a musician and start from the bottom.
traits: music lover, cat lover, loner
aspiration: city native
job: entertainer, musician branch
world: san myshuno
complete the city native aspiration
have a part-time job as a teenager
reach the top of the entertainer career on the musician branch
adopt a cat on your first day on the city
have no more than 3 friends, excluding family members
maximize the singing, charisma, guitar and piano skills
generation #6: dark/light academia
you’ve always have a passion for knowledge and learning, so much so that you prioritize it above anything else, you dream of becoming the first person in your family to attend university. you are always surrounded by books, and you prefer their company to that of other people, which is why many consider you a snob.
traits: bookworm, loner, snob
aspiration: academic
job: writer, on the autor branch
world: any
go to university, it must be britechester
join a secret society
maximize writing, research & debate and logic skill
marry a fellow academic with the snob trait
read at least 3 books to each of your kids
reach the top on the writer career on the author branch
generation #7: old money
"some people are simply better than others" it's a phrase that you wholeheartedly believe and live by. you love art, music, books and everything sofisticated, so you choose a career that will allow to enjoy of such things, but when your parents decide to make a call to boost your admission chances to your dream university due to the being alumnus, it makes you forever question whether you truly deserved it or not, so you work harder than everyone else to prove you're worth it.
traits: snob, proper, over-achiever
aspiration: successful lineage
job: business, management branch/acting
world: san myshuno/del sol valley
go to university, and major in either economics or communications
reach the top of the business/acting career
complete the successful lineage aspiration
graduate high school as an b student, graduate university with honors
if you choose the acting career, you must win at least 1 starlight accolade and become a 5 star celebrity
marry a famous and snob sims
maximize the gourmet cooking, charisma, parenting and painting skills
generation #8: that girl
they say like parent like children, and they're right. growing up you always saw just how hard your parents worked and how much they managed to achieve due to that hardwork, so you decide to be just like them, except for one little thing: you want to be an internet personality. so you go to college and at the same time become a simfluencer, at least until you graduate, but you still keep updating your social media everytime possible. you are always concerned with becoming your best self in terms of mind and body.
traits: perfectionist, over-achiever, neat
aspiration: renaissance sim
job: simfluencer part-time job as a teenager, style influencer on the trendsetter branch
world: any
complete the self-care self-care specialist aspiration
reach the top of the both of your careers
become at least a 3 star celebrity
go to the gym at least three times each week, go to a spa at least once a week
graduate as a a student and valedictorian, graduate university with honors
maximize logic, fitness, wellness, cooking, parenting and baking skills
be close with each of your children
get at least 6 other skills to level 8
generation #9: coastal grandma
you grew up watching your parents constantly working, and while that never stopped them from being as loving and doting as possible, seeing their frantic lifestyle made you realize that you want nothing to do with that lifestyle, in fact, you want to just relax and enjoy life in a beach while drinking your favorite drink. so you work all of your youth and once you become an adult you move to a beach, quit your job and enjoy the rest of your life with your loved ones.
traits: child of the ocean, foodie, insider
aspiration: beach life
job: culinary, chef brand
world: brindleton bay, tartosa, sulani
complete the beach life aspiration
move to a beach once you become an adult
marry a good sim
practice wellness
have a good relationship with your child
maximize the cooking, baking, mixology, parenting and knitting skills
generation #10: cryptidcore
a family rumour claims that one of your ancestors wasn’t… precisely human, but everytime you’ve tried asking anyone they just laugh and deny it, saying that no such things exist. well, you’ve decided to prove them wrong, and you will dedicate your life to prove it
traits: loves the outdoors, socially awkward, genius
aspiration: strangerville mistery
job: scientist
world: strangerville
befriend a witch, werewolf, vampire, alien, ghost and a mermaid
marry a sim that is one of the previous life states
reach the top of the scientist career
complete the strangerville mistery aspiration
move to strangerville
maximize the vampire lore, photography and logic skills
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fushiglow · 5 months
If JJK characters were in Non- Curse world, what would their job be if not become Jujutsu Sorcerer (in your opinion)? Why? Please pick your top 5 fav characters...
I love you for asking this, anon ♥ It's an opportunity to wax lyrical about something I've given a great deal of thought! These are my instinctive answers, although I could make arguments for a number of other professions for each of them depending on the life choices they made in this hypothetical non-curse world — but we don't need to get into that! So, here I go (in no particular order):
Yūta is an emergency paediatric surgeon
When he was young, he made the decision to become a trauma surgeon after losing his childhood friend in a car accident. He spent some time in hospital as a child and he knows what a scary place it can be for children, so he always does his best to make his patients smile when he's checking in on their progress.
He's brilliant at what he does — a once in a generation talent — but that doesn't mean he can save everyone. It's heartbreaking work on a good day, but when he's been at work for approaching 30 hours and he feels like he wants out, he looks at the photo of Rika in his locker and finds the strength to go on.
Kenjaku is a performer
If the average Japanese human enjoys at least 80 rotations around the sun, why waste them by playing the same role every time? That's Kenjaku's outlook on life — which is why they chose to go into acting. However, they quickly became bored by other people's narrow view of the world, dissatisfied by the limits of everyone else's imagination.
Nowadays, Kenjaku marches to the beat of their own drum in a one-person show. There are more than ten roles available, all of them played by Kenjaku — who is also the writer, producer, and director. Critics can't decide whether it's madness or sheer brilliance.
Megumi is a vet
He's grumpy with humans, especially if they're irresponsible pet owners. However, he's soft as anything with the animals, and his regular clients trust him implicitly with their beloved furry family members — because it's obvious how much they love him.
Megumi is really good at his job, but he's guilty of taking his work home with him and finds it difficult not to get emotionally attached to the animals he's treating, even after years in the profession. Although he'd never hesitate to make difficult decisions, the unique ethical dilemmas his job presents take a toll on his wellbeing — especially when human cruelty or indifference come into play.
Suguru is a school teacher
Teaching is neither recognised nor appreciated by most people. However, although Suguru had the brains to follow his friends into their highly respected fields, he couldn't imagine anything more rewarding than doing his part to ensure that the next generation have an easier time of things than he did at the same age.
He tries to be the person he needed when he was at school: a pillar of support for struggling children who have no one else on their side. Unfortunately, the school system seems determined to hurt the very children it's supposed to support, and some of the parents go out of their way to undermine any positive developments he makes with their child — not to mention the terrible pay and working conditions!
Satoru is a physicist
But he could have done anything he put his mind to. In fact, that's the only thing Satoru ever really found difficult in life: choosing one path to follow. Sometimes, he wishes he'd become a musician or a historian or an athlete, but in the end, nothing captured his imagination quite like the limitless bounds of the universe.
He's younger than most of his peers in the field, and his revolutionary ideas (alongside his casual disregard for traditional academic hierarchies) get him in trouble more often than not. However, he's a certified genius, and popular with the media, too. He's doing a lot to improve the image of physicists among the general public — which translates to more funding for research. That keeps them out of his hair, most of the time at least!
These are too obvious, but I thought I'd mention them anyway:
Yūji is a firefighter who remembers the names and faces of every single person he couldn't save.
Shōko is a pathologist who devotes herself to improving the diagnosis and treatment of disease, often at the expense of her own health and wellbeing.
Because they're *also* huge nerds, I imagine Sukuna and Yuki as physicists in slightly different fields to Gojō:*
Yuki is a brilliant mind, but she doesn't live up to her potential because she hates the oppressive nature of academia. In fact, she vocally criticises it and goes out of her way to undermine it, to the chagrin of all the old stuffy professors who try to discredit her at every opportunity.
Sukuna, like Gojō, is a genius who's fascinated by what he doesn't know, shaking up the field with his cutting edge (lol) ideas. I like to imagine the pair of them getting into heated arguments at conferences, though they both have enormous (albeit grudging) respect for each other.
*As long as Sukuna is, you know, ~normal~ in this hypothetical non-curse world. Otherwise, he'd be a chef that moonlights as a sadistic serial killer lol.
Thank you for the extremely fun question, I had the time of my life! I hope you enjoy my answers ♥
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niennanir · 17 days
I make it a stern practice not to air my laundry. If I have a problem I can take it to a close friend whose council I trust, there's nothing to be gained from shouting it at the internet. But every once in a while something happens that I feel I can't go without bring up, usually because I think it impacts more than just me.
My mother, whose sharp wit features on my blog with regularity. is nearing eighty, is still working part time, is hard of hearing, and isn't terribly good at being on her feet for long periods of time.
Which is why sending her cross country to visit her grandchildren is always worrying.
I almost always fly her on Delta. This is because when I request wheelchair assistance from any other airlines they have never, ever delivered. Delta manages to have a wheelchair for her about 70% of the time, not good, but statistically better than 0%. Keep in mind that in the US, wheelchair assistance is required by ADA law and based solely on my experience this means that there are multiple violations of accessibility mandates on a daily basis.
Normally even if the airlines don't do their jobs this isn't a problem because I schedule her a longer than average layover so she has ample time to request skycap assistance from the courtesy desk. Always fun because her hearing aids work poorly in loud echoing spaces like airports. Yesterday was not normal.
Her departing flight was delayed, she missed her connecting and was automatically rebooked. Delta should have had someone to assist her but with all the passengers needing to schedule new connections they shuffled her to the side and told her they could help her in four hours.
And that would be the end of my story, and the beginning of my complaint if it weren't for Wayne.
I don't know Wayne's last name. But I know he works at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta. I know his job involves escorting unaccompanied minors to their connecting flights through one of the largest airports in the country. And I know he saw my mother, undoubtedly stressed at a long delay, an even longer layover, and the ring of a loud airport in her hearing aids.
Wayne stopped to ask if she was alright. He got her safely to the proper gate for her new connecting flight, he stopped by regularly over the next five hours to make sure she was fine, she was hydrated, she had her phone charged. He made sure she had a seat assignment and an updated boarding pass. It wasn't his job. I'm sure he had to snatch moments between tasks, probably on his break. There were other families relying on him to protect what was most important to them. But because of Wayne my mother made it to my brother's house safe and sound.
It wasn't his job. But the people who should be doing that job just didn't do it. And I'm sure there are excuses that sound good but when we're talking about the safety of a disabled, elderly person those excuses are hollow at best. We can do better, Wayne could do better when it wasn't even his to do.
I can't thank Wayne, I wish I could. I wish I could contact Delta and tell them Wayne in ATL needs a raise, he's stepping up and making you guys look better than you deserve. Knowing the current state of stupidity, they'd probably write him up for not focusing on his assignments anyway. So all I can do it air it here.
Thanks Wayne.
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neuromedical · 3 months
I keep wanting to write about my Saturday shift, because it was the most traumatising thing I've had to deal with in medicine so far and I keep thinking about it and it keeps haunting me... but I just don't know how and I don't feel like writing the entire day out. It was all about one single patient that underwent an aortic repair surgery after a Stanford A dissection. By the evening I saw hot, bright red, arterial blood pouring like some damn waterfall out of their open chest and all I could think of in that moment was "we have heartbeat! good sign!". The utter chaos in the OR while resuscitating them. The pools of blood everywhere. The ECMO. It was... a nightmare. We brought them back to the ICU, but at what cost...
And then in the morning we ran to another ward to resuscitate a patient who after the initial CPR felt good and talked to us... and then was dead in half an hour because their abdominal aortic aneurysm ruptured. And we tried and the surgeons came but all they wanted was a fucking CT scan instead of running to the OR. The bloody cowards.
I spent Sunday in bed. I teared up multiple times thinking about it. And even thinking about my coworker, because I know how hard it was on her and I wish, I really fucking wish, I could've helped her more, but I'm just a stupid resident who graduated two years ago and... yeah. I came from another shift this morning and I have to say that I felt like dying yesterday. I didn't think I could get through it, but fortunately this one was peaceful and I even helped some patients and my work wasn't completely useless. And it felt good to leave in the morning.
Thankfully I'm still on my neurosurgery placement so I had some time away from my regular job to deal with this shit, but... it's been awful. I do feel it in my bones. I've spent a lot of time in bed this week...
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writerwhowritesao3 · 3 months
What Is And What Should Never Be Chapter 5: June, 1985
A crack of lightning lit up the sky. The accompanying thunder rumbled immediately after.
"Billy. Can you just get in the car, please?" 
Billy pressed his lips together, like he was about to keep arguing. But then, thank God, he opened the passenger door and got in. 
They sat in silence for a few minutes. Billy shivered in his seat; he was completely soaked, from his head to his shoes. Jim wished he had a towel or a blanket or something to give him, but he didn't. Billy reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled and flat pack of cigarettes. It was, predictably, also wet. Billy opened it anyway. When he saw that the cigarettes inside were ruined, he sighed and let his head fall back on the headrest. 
Jim pulled out his own pack of smokes from the center console and held it out to Billy. He mumbled a thanks and accepted one. Jim handed him a matchbook and took a cigarette for himself. 
In the grand scheme of things, was giving a teenager a cig really that bad?
"You know how stupid it is to be out here like this, right?" Jim asked. 
Billy kept his eyes on the windshield, watching the rain hit the glass. 
"Coulda gotten hit by a car," Jim continued. "Coulda slipped and broken your ankle or something."
Billy still gave no response. He kept puffing away at his smoke.
"What if something from the Upside Down came through and attacked you? Did you even think about that? What was the plan if that happened?"
"Run fast," Billy finally said with a shrug. 
Jim sighed and started the car. 
"So," he said. "Just decided to take a walk, huh?"
Jim knew in his gut that that was a load of horseshit. He wanted to ask Billy directly if something had happened at home. Something that made him run out, even in the middle of a storm. He didn't have any bruises, at least. Not visible ones anyway. But that didn't mean anything. 
"Haven't seen you in a while," Jim said casually. "Been keeping busy?"
"Yeah. I've been taking a lot of shifts at the pool," Billy said. "Need to save up for college and stuff."
"That's great! How are things at the pool? You like it?"
"It's alright. I mean, it's a job, you know?"
"Sure, I get that," Jim nodded. 
"My coworkers are total dicks. Except for this one girl. She's pretty cool."
"Oh yeah?" Jim asked. He decided to tease him a little. "You gonna ask her out?"
Billy snorted. 
"Aren't you not supposed to shit where you eat?" he said.
Jim laughed. 
"Smart," he said. "That little life lesson usually takes a few years to learn."
Billy didn't respond. He took a final drag of his cig, stubbed it on the inside of the top flap of his ruined pack, and slipped the butt inside. Jim remembered that he didn't just toss the butt like most people did.
"How's everything otherwise?" Jim said, desperate to keep a conversation going. 
"It's fine."
"You get to hang out with your friends more now that school's out?"
"Not really," Billy said. "I'm scheduled during the day and weekends a lot. And Nancy and Jonathan are at the Post every day. And Steve's been scheduled for a bunch of evening shifts. So. We've only been able to hang out a couple times, like, as a group. Sometimes Steve and I have the same day off though. But, like, sometimes there's family shit we have to do."
Jim nodded. He didn't want to tell Billy that finding the time to see your friends only got harder as an adult. The kid seemed glum enough already.
"How is your family?" Jim asked.
"Annoying. But fine. Isn't she, like, always at your house?"
"Yeah, but I'm usually at the station when she's over," Jim said. "Your stepmom? She's doing okay?"
"And your dad?"
"He's fine."
"I think I overheard Max mention to El that his hours were cut?" Jim asked with a carefully casual tone.
"Oh...yeah," Billy said. "It was a union thing. It's done now, though, so he's working regular hours again."
Security guards had unions. Labor unions had disputes all the time. It was certainly plausible that Neil Hargrove's hours had been cut because of a union thing. Logically, Jim had no reason to not believe Billy. 
"Gotta stick with the union, right?"
"My dad isn't a scab," Billy said.
Billy was defending his father's honor. It was entirely possible that Neil Hargrove was the type of parent who taught his son about labor unions and fair wages, and who imparted values like 'don't be a dirty scab'. It was possible that Neil Hargrove wasn't the type of parent who beat his son—or if he was, it was possible that he didn't cross the line between legal corporal punishment and abuse.
But it was also possible that Neil Hargrove was abusive. It was possible that Jim's gut feeling about him was spot-on. 
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