#i wouldnt care if i didnt get that job if SHE didnt answer those questions perfectly with no struggle or stutter and such a big smile
urostakako · 10 months
im about to complain so hard about irl people u best believe it
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kindnessisweakness2 · 3 years
Delusional - Part 9!
When Delaney woke up she didn't recognize anything around her. One thing she did know is she felt like she had been hit by a truck. Looking around her, the dimly lit room was empty apart from a shabby wooden table a few feet infront of her with a camera tripod placed in the centre. Looking down at the uncomfortable chair she was sat in she silently thanked god she was still in her shorts and Jax’s T-shirt she wore yesterday. As her head pounded painfully she tried to think back to yesterday and how the hell she ended up here. She couldnt remember anything after crying in the bathroom as Jax left. Jax. Oh God. He was probably hauled up with Tara making up for lost time. he probably didnt even know she was gone. Tears welled in her eyes as she realised no one was looking for her. No one knew she was gone. Before she could let herself panic too much the heavy steel door to the right of the room was slammed open. Out walked Kevin and Delaneys stomach dropped heavily. Yes Kevin was weird but he couldnt be the matermind behind this. NO. Delaney was 100% sure there was something else to this. She didnt have to wait long to get her answer either. A few minutes later Alex followed Kevin into the cold room with a video camera held tightly in his hands. Delaney Knew she was right. Her Jaw fell slack as she made eye contact with the man that ruined her life and nearly killed her. The man she was convinced for years she loved deeply. “Hey Babe, Did you miss me?” Alex smirked at the shock that was still clear on he face. “What? W-why? H-how?” Delaney could barley speak never mind stutter the small questions she do desperately wanted answers to. “Oh sweetie ill explain everything dont you worry. But first things first-” Alex raised his finger dramatically and turned to the video camera that now sat firmly on the tripod. Pressing the ON button and connecting a cable it beeped to life. “ I dont think your little Biker Bitch will want to miss out on this.” Before Delaney could say anything a chain was tightly hooked to the handcuffs around her wrists and yanked upwards. In seconds she was hung from the ceiling with her arms suspended above her head. Gasping in pain she clenched her eyes shut tightly. Her shoulders were on fire immediately and her toes barley brushed the damp floor. Glaring at Alex as he came to stand Beside her Delaney scoffed. “So whats the plan? Kill me? Send the video to the club? You know they’ll kill you right? You kill me and Jax will come for your head.” Alex burst out laughing and shook his head. “Oh Baby girl, you’ve grown some balls since you were mine.” Grabbing her face tightly he yanked her forward on the chain so she was closer to the camera. “This is being streamed to the Clubhouse as we speak. Kevin here managed to change the connection at the last beer delivery and you didnt even notice.” Tutting at her sarcastically Alex let go of her face and smiled at her. “Kevin here is a sucker for a pretty face. He fell for you pretty quickly. I find it quite rude you weren’t particularly nice about the gifts he left for you. The notes were me ofcourse. Poor Kevin here doesnt have the same artistic flare as me.” Alex’s smile was sinister as he turned from Delaney to take a Knife from Kevin. Delaney’s stomach turned as he made his way back towards her and grabbed her neck tightly so she couldnt flinch away. The grin on his face made Delaney feel sick as he cut the navy blue SAMCRO T-shirt from her body. She could only hope that whatever it was he had planned for her, he would kill her quick. 
The slamming of the clubhouse door hinted at Jax’s arrival. Half sack had called him to explain what showed up on the bar TV and within minutes every club member and Gemma was crowded around the large screen. Jax’s heart broke as his eyes locked on Delaney’s fearful ones. She was hung from the ceiling in nothing but a black lace bra and black cycle shorts. “So this is what you’ve been planning for the year we’ve been seperated? Finding me a stalker and planning your revenge?” Delaney spat angrily. Kevin stood in the corner just staring ad her as she was suspended half naked in the dirty room and it made her want to vomit. Jax turned up the volume on the TV just as Alex came into view. Looking at his mother Jax’s eyes were on fire with anger. “I thought you said he left her and moved back to England?” Gemma glared at her son. “ And i thought you were meant to be protecting her? You left her and the bastard swooped in and took her! I’m not the only one with some explaining to do am i?!” Jax shook his head and turned back to the screen. Now was not the time to argue with his impossible mother. He needed to focus on finding Delaney. He focused his attention back on the screen just in time to see Alex put the Knife to her neck. “You were mine. You really think i was going to let you go that easy? We would still be together if it wasnt for Jaxon Teller. You didnt care about me anymore once you met him.” Alex Gripped Delaney by the Hair and pulled her head back exposing her neck more. “You’re wrong! About everything.” Gasping in pain as strands of her hair were pulled out by the roots Delaney had to argue. She couldnt let him blame everything on Jax. “You’re just upset you lost your fucking punchbag! You beat me almost every day i was with you for nothing. The day i got that Job at Teller-Morrow was the day i got part of my life back. I wasnt just your housewife anymore. I had my own money and i was saving up to leave you.” Alex stepped away from Delaney his face crimson red with anger, But with tears streaming down her face she continued to tell him the truth. Her Truth. He needed to know just how much of a monster he was. “Then i came home late from a club party late, they’d asked me to work the bar, do you remember? How you accused me of sleeping with every member? How you told me the only thing i was good for was being passed around? That no one would ever want me?! Do you remember Alex? How you beat me so bad my eyes were swollen shut for days. How i was unconscious on our kitchen floor for 2 days. How you stomped on my chest the next morning and broke 4 of my ribs because i physically couldnt get up and make you breakfast! How you made me clean ourhouse on my hands and knees because i was in too weak, in too much pain to stand!” Alex scoffed as Delaney sobbed. “You fucking deserved it! You were sleeping with Teller behind my back! you just wanted to get rid of me so you could be with him. you never paid me any attention and hung around him like a desperate whore. You think i dont remember those times i came to pick you up from work to see you flirting with him right infront of my face. Laughing and Giggling like a teenage school girl! You were practically begging for him!” 
Grabbing hold of the chain Delaney was tied to he spun her around. Delaney knew what was coming next and couldnt help but squeeze her eyes shut in fear. “You didn't waste any time did you you bitch? you got his crow tattooed across your shoulders. Isn’t that how that sordid little club marks women as theirs?” Delaney stayed silent and hung her head as she felt Alex press the knife into the middle of her back where Jax’s initals sat underneath the black crow in flight that stretched across her upper back and shoulders. “Its not like that.” Delaney muttered as tears welled in her eyes. “Oh did he mark you as his then threw you away like the cheap little bitch you always have been? Poor Delaney, no one ever wanted you so you throw yourself at the first man that looks your way.” More tears fell from her eyes as she Shook her head, “You know NOTHING about him. He’s more of a man than you’ll EVER be. He’s a good person, Hes loyal and he would do anything for family. You? Youre a fucking coward.” Alex’s face was like thunder. Pulling the chain hard making her yelp in pain as she was quickly turned to face him he punched her in the face making her swing backwards. Feeling the blood run down her lips Delaney grinned as she met Alex’s brown eyes. “Point proven! You’ll put your hands on a woman but you’d never hit a man. As a Great friend of mine would say you’re a Slimy Wee Bastard.” Her heart clenched painfully as she thought of Chibs he was like a father to her and she wouldnt even get to say goodbye. 
Back at the Club house the other members of SAMCRO couldnt hide their shock at the revelation that Delaney had Jax’s Crow. “You marked her?” Clay nearly exploded. “You marked her as shes not even your old lady?!” Gemma didnt even jumped to her sons defence as Clay shoved Jax hard. “Its not like that. It just happened!” Jax didnt bother trying to explain. There was so much more they didnt know about his and Delaneys relationship. “But what if she wants to be with another guy? Maybe another member?” Jax lunged for the prospect at the thought of his girl being with someone else. “O-or E-even a-another guy. J-just a normal regular guy?” Juice smacked Half sack around the head for his stupidity as Opie pulled Jax back from ripping the prospect apart. “Can we please focus on trying to find her? Every minute she’s with that psycho is another minute we are closer to him Killing her.” Gemma refocused everyones attention back on the screen trying to find anything that looked familiar in the room. The needed to work out where this Idiot would take her. Jax mentally made one promise as he watched Delaneys terrified eyes. Once he had her safe in his arms. There was no way he was ever letting her go.
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ganondoodle · 4 years
demise backstory (summary)
I didnt actually plan on wrtiting a summary of demises backstory (that i came up with, idk if its any good) but im realizing how long it will take me to draw it all, especially with job related things getting in the way all the time, so i guess im gonna post a badly summarised version of it right here right now, some things might change but thats always the case with my writing, nothings set in stone.
(please be aware that im not the best writer and didnt put much effort into this, it got longer than i thought but well meh :V ignore the typos, i wrote this at 1 am ;O; )
I didnt proof read anything, so this is a mess, anyway here goes nothin:
As far as i know, there have been multiple cases of hyrule having some sort of alternate mirror version of itself or just an alternate world somehow somewhere, so my personal idea about this is that demise WAS what hylia is for hyrule, a deity of protection. thats also where the whole inverted triforce symbols come from in my design for him, im not saying its lorule, but its definitely inspired by it to some degree. so they also had a triforce (here simply called "relics"), but it was split into the three pieces, for each of the three main nations/countries one, originally it was split like this as a way of sharing it equally AND to keep it safe, since if someone was to want the whole thing, theyd have to fight three different giant nations for it, which was thought as being pretty impossible.
as i said before, demise (might not have always been his name idk) was their deity of protection, he was there to keep the peace, to prevent the three countries from going after the relics themselves, tho he was always a cocky bastard he wasnt as destructive and hateful as he is now, back then he was still the servant of their gods after all. for a long long time he was successful at keeping everything as it was supposed to be, but of course, it cant go well forever, i dont have all the details yet but basically, those three nations started war after war, he was able to keep it from escalating for quite some time  but at some point, the people found out that if they destroyed his statues (just like hylias in canon) to prevent anyone from praying to him, he wouldnt know, at least, not immediately (my idea was that the statues are a sort of communication link to whatever their god was, so in ancient hyrule, if you prayed to one of hylias statues, and asked for her protection/help, she would know instantly and show up within seconds) 
alot of battles were fought without demise hearing anything about it, until someone found a statue that wasnt fully destroyed. when demise showed up however, the person had already died as they were wounded when fleeing from the battlefield. wondering how this all came to be he went to look for where that person came from, since if there was actual big trouble he should have known about it much sooner.  
he must have missed the biggest battle his world had ever seen, given the sheer size of it .. and the amount of corpses scattered all over it.
this only happened because of the greed of the people in power for the rest of the relics, which promised power, more power than they already had, plus who wouldnt want to know what happen if the relics were combined again, given how they've been seperated since the beginning. 
Fueled by anger and grief over how many people had lost their lives without him even KNOWING that a war of this size was happening, demise tried to ask the gods as to what he was supposed to do, how could he stop these needlessly cruel wars over something so small ? but the gods were silent. 
so he had to decide on his own, what was the best thing to do ? after careful consideration he couldnt think of anything else but to destroy the relics, after all, he could touch or use them himself as means to prevent him, as an already powerful deity, from falling for that greed for power, just like the inhabitants of his world did now.
the first one was the easiest, they didnt know his plan and let him wander their sacred halls with no second thought .. until he raised his sword once he stood in front of that cursed relic that led only to bloodshed and death. of course the news started to spread that their protector had apparently turned against them, some thought it was because they destroyed his statues, others because they thought he feared they would be more powerful than him once they gathered all the relics. on his way to destroy the second one he was met with resistance, but nothing he couldnt get through. the third one was a fight of an army against one deity. demise won, but not without killing some of the people he swore to protect .. and the only reason he was doing this, was for their own good.
after the deed was done, instead of everything getting better, it was getting worse. the people were more united than ever. against him that is. and the world fell apart. the oceans started to shrink, the winds would blow more harshly with each passing day, plants would wither away as if robbed of life before it began. demise was never overly beloved by anyone even back in the beginnings, but he could deal with them hating and resenting him, as long as they wouldnt go to war against each other, he was happy, more or less. what he couldnt handle was watching as his world started to die a slow and agozing death, right before his eyes, without him being able to do anything against it. and the gods stayed silent.
was it because he destroyed the relics ? were the gods mad at him for going against their orders and deemed it appropriate to punish him by having to watch the people suffer ?or was it that the gods that were bored of playing with this world and moved on to the next ?
he would never know the answer. 
the world died slowly over hundreds of years of painful suffering, desperately trying to to stay alive. even then the last remaining survivors knew him only as the destroyer of their world, responsible for their suffering. his former self wiped from memory, and only hate remained. 
after the last mortal died, the last tree withered and the oceans were gone. there was nothing left to guard, nothing left but the ruins of the past and the painful reminder of how this all came to be. the question of why it had to happen, was never answered, as the gods abandoned him and his world a long time ago.
in a fit of rage he sought to destroy the last temples, the once sacred places which inscriptions have long faded away and the place he once called his home, where he used to speak to his gods before they fell into this agonizing silence and as he drove his sword through the sculpted stones which once housed their voices, it split into two . ..
..and through the cracks blew a wind carrying the scent of a world that was still alive.
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fluffyglass · 3 years
you may be asking "Oh dear god what has Finn gotten up to this time?" well, that my friend, is a very valid question! The answer to which is as follows: He's rewatched every single TMMS segment with Mr. Rude in it to prove that he's done nothing wrong!
After many many hours of rewatching, I've come to some conclusions on the depressed tomato man. I'll give a quick rundown here, then throw my episode by episode analysis under the cut.
Season 1
Mr. Rude is in 30 episodes in Season 1.
In only 3 of these episodes does he do anything wrong.
In 4 of the episodes where he's innocent, Mr. Fussy yells at him for no reason.
Season 2
Mr. Rude is in 30 episodes in Season 2.
In only 6 of these episodes does he do anything wrong.
In 1 of the episodes where he's innocent, as well as one where he did do something wrong, Mr. Fussy yells at him for no reason.
In total, Mr. Rude only actually did anything wrong in 9 out of the 60 segments he's in, which is 15%. That's less than a quarter of the time. Even counting the three episodes I was unsure about, that's only 12/60. 20%. Still less than a quarter.
Why have I been bringing up Mr. Fussy? Because this experience genuinely made me not like him anymore. In only one out of Mr. Fussy's 7 appearances with Mr. Rude does he not yell at him, and in five of the times he does - it was completely unjustified.
Now, onto the episode by episode section!
Ah, you wanna see my episode by episode analysis? Well, I'll give you a quick color legend first.
Yellow - Mr. Rude does nothing wrong
Red - Mr. Rude does something wrong
Blue - Mr. Fussy yells at Mr. Rude for no reason
Pink - I have no idea what to put for this one lmao
Also, there's a ton of cursing in here because I wrote these notes as I went along and I don't feel like editing them to be more professional. You get what you get when it comes to Mr. Rude apologism.
Flying - He does nothing wrong, he just asked Mr. Grumpy to do his fucking job. Though, I will admit, he was a dick about it.
Music - He does nothing wrong, Miss Naughty is a fucking bitch and Mr. Fussy targeted him for no got damn reason even though he has fucking ears and should have heard Miss Naughty going off on her fucking cymbals. Miss Naughty also tried to poison him so
Farm - He does nothing wrong, those bitch ass crows broke his fucking robot I cant believe this.
Booboos - He does nothing wrong, he literally just wants some decent service while he is in the fucking hospital and Mr. Scatterbrain is a fucking moron about it
Mall - He's barely in it and I will admit he is a bit of an asshole in this one but he doesn't do anything explicitly wrong
Birthday - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to buy a birthday present for his homie Mr. Grumpy. In fact, he shows that he cares about his friend because he knows what he would want (and gets something he wouldnt like, presumably as a joke). Hes a caring friend but also a troll.
Superstore - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to return his shitty toaster. It ends up well for everyone involved :)
Books - He does nothing wrong, he is literally just neurodivergent and cannot read social situations
Camping - He does nothing wrong, he tried to warn everyone that they were going the wrong way, and then called out Miss Whoops on her fucking bullshit and putting everyone in danger. He then proceeded to fucking die. Miss Daredevil doesnt even give a shit about two of the raft riders fucking dying what the fuck.
Paint - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to finish his painting commission.
Jobs - This is the one I time I'll admit he does something really wrong. He commits multiple driving related crimes, as well as throwing his sandwich at Mr. Quiet, splashing Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small, and taking advantage of Mr. Scatterbrain's stupidity. He also crumpled up Mr. Scatterbrain's drawing of a hamster.
Trains - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Fussy's a bitch ass motherfucker, and he did more good than bad because he rescued Mr. Messy at the end.
Fair - He does nothing wrong, he got a fucking pie yeeted at him of course he wouldn't like it. He does put the pie in Mr. Scatterbrain's face though but he already got it in his face so it's just even now. He then proceeds to be pelted with pies. But thankfully it seems like they're both having fun by the end.
Movies - Yeah he's a bit of an asshole in this one. He puts too much cheese on Mr. Happy's nachos (and then throws them at him). He does get his karma though cause he gets fucking trapped in the popcorn machine someone please save him oh my god.
Dance - He does nothing wrong, he just has taste.
Inventions - He does nothing wrong, Miss Chatterbox just doesnt like him for the way he is which is super fucked up of her. What the fuck, man. He accepts Miss Chatterbox's invention regardless. He then proceeds to be abused by everyone around him. Hes totally justified in being mean at the end.
Amusement Park - Okay yeah he was an asshole in this one, cause he was rude to Miss Calamity about her supposed grooming habits. However, he was also abused a lot during multiple of the bumpers, which I guess counts as karma.
Adventure - He literally doesnt even do anything in this one
Rainy Day - Dude, his entire fucking family died. Give him a break.
Games - He did nothing wrong, he won the fucking game but Mr. Scatterbrain took the credit what the fuck he only had 3 POINTS MR RUDE HAD 4 MR. HAPPY YOU DUMB YELLOW FUCK LEARN HOW TO COUNT
Restaurants - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Fussy is so fucking mean to him I will never get over this he deserves so much better what the fuck
Cars - he's just vibin man
Canned Goods - He does nothing wrong, he just ate some beans man
Collecting - he's barely in it and just kinda vibes
Full Moon - He does nothing wrong, he legit just got kidnapped by some fucking aliens with his alien husband
Heatwave - He does nothing wrong, 6 gay men just casually committed acts of Home Invasion and are going to be arrested for their crimes against him.
Sleep - He does nothing wrong, and I doubt anyone would have even noticed he was asleep if Miss Chatterbox kept her fucking mouth shut. He cant control what hes doing if hes fucking asleep. Even after all that he still clapped for Mr. Fussy, who hates him, at the end. What a champ.
Carwash - He does nothing wrong, Miss Calamity technically fucking kidnapped him what the fuck.
Lawns - He does nothing wrong, he didn't want to take his lawn to begin with and then got his lawn ruined for literally no reason, even after warning Me. Nosey and Mr. Small that their invention was gonna explode. He even gave Miss Chatterbox the joy in knowing she "won".
Parade - He does nothing wrong, he legit just made a float and Mr. Fussy fucking bullied him for it. What the fuck.
Clean Teeth - Yeah hes a bitch in this one but Mr. Fussy was also a bitch so it evens out.
Airports - He does nothing wrong, he just wanted to go on his flight. Of anything, Miss Scary was more rude than he was.
Game Shows - He does nothing wrong like. Genuinely nothing, and then gets physically assaulted.
Hats - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Grumpy's just a fucking bitch and took credit for both his and Mr. Tickles hats. What the fuck, man.
Robots - He does nothing wrong, he legit just got his baguette burnt wtf
Up and Down - He's fine for the first bit but I will admit hes an asshole in the second one
Gifts - He does nothing wrong, he's just trying to keep Mr. Tickle from fucking assaulting people. Then his entire store is destroyed for no reason.
Sun and Moon - He does nothing wrong, he barely did anything at all
Telephone - I refused to watch this one I just know hes a bitch in it
Washing and Drying - He does nothing wrong, he just wanted his laundry done and he got assaulted at the end. Why is this a trend.
Fruit - He stole Miss Sunshines fucking fruit and then proceeded to endanger everyone around him by driving recklessly. What the fuck, man.
Radio - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Scatterbrain is just a moron, and Miss Whoops is a dumbass.
Supermarket - ???
Cinema - He doesn't do anything wrong, and he looks very nice in his new hat.
Post Office - He doesn't do anything wrong, hes trying his best okay (he also gets covered in stamps at the end)
Pets - He doesn't do anything wrong, he doesn't do anything at all
Dance Dance Dance - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Fussy's a fucking bitch
Trees - He doesn't do anything wrong, someone free him
Library - He didnt even do anything man
Pirates - He doesn't do anything wrong, in fact he is the first to jump in and protect his crewmates from the aliens. He also saves the entire space crew in the end.
Trains and Planes - He doesn't do anything wrong, he barely does anything to begin with
Out to Sea - He doesn't do anything wrong, it makes sense for him to act in his own self interest because he was stuck on a deserted island with those three morons for 30 fucking days. He didn't intend to take the boat, because the tide rolled him out. He is now inevitably going to die.
Next Door - Yeah hes a bitch in this one, but he didnt deserve to get his fucking car crushed.
Lunch - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Stubborn drew first blood.
Machines - This is a weird one. Is he really in the wrong for wanting to go home? I mean, it's safe to assume Miss Giggles is fucking dead if she was taken by a dinosaur. He even vows not to doubt Miss Daredevil at the end and is happy to see Miss Giggles okay
Fairies and Gnomes - even though he thinks it's silly that Mr. Nervous is scared of a garden gnome, he still "arrests" it to make him happy :)
Home Improvement - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Stubborn is just a moron.
Birds - He doesn't do anything wrong, he was even nice enough to invite Mr. Nervous along for the birdwatching trip. He's totally justified in not giving a shit about Mr. Fussy because Mr. Fussy has been nothing bit horrible to him the entire show.
Parks - He does nothing wrong he just wanted a burger
Surprises - Refused to watch this one again, I just know hes a bitch
Wow, that's a lot. Anyways, as a proud Mr. Rude apologist, I conclude that he's an innocent man and doesn't deserve the shit he gets. I can get taking his drivers license though that man cannot drive for the life of him
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (5) | T.H.
Summary: Harry and Harrison made it to New York without witnesses. One secret is revealed and a relationship could be broken up for good. What will the future hold for Y/N and Tom?
A/N: Everybody buckle up and grab your tissues, we’re in for a bumpy ride. Lemme know how you feel after this! Was it what you expected??
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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It’s one thing to keep a secrets, but it’s another thing when you’re hiding it from the people you love. For Kate, she was becoming consumed in her own guilt as each day passed. Everyday her breaths would shorten, her heartbeat quicken, and her conscience relentlessy invading her inner thoughts. Kate tried to find all the possibilities to avoid the truth, and make everyone happy...but it didnt matter. One way or another, someone was going to get hurt.
Kate stood in front of Harrison and Harry at her doorstep. While she was relieved and excited to see them, a slight tinge of fear was present. “How are you going to find out the truth?” She asks calmly as Harrison and Harry made their way into the apartment. Kate picked up her phone, checking for an message. None showed up.
“Well, we might have found something. A clue maybe, but we’re not sure.” Harry explained as he picked up his macbook, turning it on.
“Is Y/N here?” Harrison asked, and as if on cue she appeared, heavy bags under her eyes.
The moment Y/N laid eyes on the two, she couldn’t believe it. Her hands quickly rubbing the sleep from her eyes, almost convinced it was a dream. “What? Harry? Harrison? What are you guys doing here?” Y/N excitedly asks. She made her way towards the boys giving them a long awaited hug. “I missed you guys.” She whispers.
“We want to help you.” Harrison says as he pulled away. “The unknown number? We might have an idea.”
Y/N looked at them suspiciously, checking her phone for cryptic messages. “Does anyone know you’re here?”
They both shook their head. “We didn’t tell anyone back home. As far as anyone knows, Harrison and I are going on a 3 day hike with little reception.” Harry reassured her with his boyish smile. Y/N look at him with admiration. He may not look like his brother, but his tone had Tom written all over it.
“Great. Just make sure your location is off on your phones..they could be watching us.” Kate warned as she checked her phone again.
Harrison looked at Kate with sympathy. In the years he’s known her because of Y/N and Tom’s relationship, she always seemed to be the sweetest most loyal friend out there. He was happy that Y/N had someone like Kate in her life. Not to mention it was also a plus that she was fairly pretty, even with the worry written all over face, she was still beautiful to Harrison.
“Hey.” Harrison spoke out for Kate’s attention. “We’re gonna figure this out. I promise.” While Kate nodded, she silently knew that this was not going to end well.”
“Wait...so Tom? Is he—?” Y/N asks the boys with anticipation.
Harrison knowing, exactly what Y/N was asking before she could even finished answered swiftly. “No! Of course not!” He laughs as if it was the silliest thing to answer. “Y/N, Tom loves you. He still does.”
“But the pictures..”
“Was a PR stunt set by Natalie’s publicists.” Harrison finished. “He’s doing a project that Natalie somehow got involved in, and they wanted a PR relationship to sell it. He didn’t want to at first, but then they showed him pictures of you and some div.”
“Hey he’s not some div! Matt’s a good guy.” Y/N defends. “Sweet actually, but I turned him down at the end of it. We’re just friends.”
Then it clicked. “Wait. You said that Tom saw the pictures?” Y/N asked trying to piece it together. “How did he get pictures?”
Harry and Harrison took a moment to think it through. “Well...Natalie’s publicist showed it to Tom.” Harry answered.
“But we don’t know where she got the pictures from.” Harrison added. “My money was on Natalie...still is.”
“Cmon mate. There’s no way she could have gotten pictures in New York and suddenly fly back to London.”
Kate slowly made her way to her own room, no longer wanting to be part of the conversation. They were getting too suspicious, and the more they questioned, the more nervous she got.
“Well maybe the unknown number sent it.” Harry said as he continued to be deep in his thoughts. “Or they found out on that fan account you found Harrison.”
“Wait? Fan account? They know?!” Y/N freaked out. Three years into making sure she was kept in the shadows, and it went all down the drain. If it there were fan accounts then it would only make it harder to finding out who really did sabotage her relationship. Let alone everyone’s lives.
“We don’t know yet, but Harrison found a fan account that was posting about Tom and you. Not together at least, but seperately. The weird part is...barely few people follow it, so we’re not sure what it means.” Harry explained, as he tried to pull up the account. “Oh no.”
“What? What do you mean ‘Oh no’?” Harrison panicked.
“I cant find the account.” Harrison said as he tried to pull it up, but the page disappeared.
In the nick of time, a message was sent to all three of them.
Looks like you’re back to square 1 ❤️
“Shit! How did they know?” Harrison questioned in anger. “We were this close!”
“It’s okay Harrison. I appreciate that you guys tried, but it’s a lost cause.” Y/N consoled him, rubbing his shoulder.
“It won’t be. We’ll find another way.” Harry encouraged as he hugged them both. “By the way, where’s Kate gone?”
All three looked up to notice she was missing. Y/N waved it off, assuming it was just one of those days. “She probably went to bed early. Kate gets tired easily, nowadays. It might be because of her new job on top of watching out for me. Its a lot to take on for a person.”
The reasoning seemed valid enough Harrison and Harry. Plus it was Kate they were talking about, she always had Y/N’s back from day one, she wouldnt blackmail any of them or ruin Y/N and Tom’s relationship..right?
Late in the night, Harrison had trouble sleeping because of the jetlag. Since it only was a medicore 2 bedroom apartment, Harrison and Harry slept in the living room on the sofa bed. Luckily it was big enough for the both them and they didnt have to resort to cuddling. Harrison lied on his back as he looked out to the NYC view, thinking about everything and nothing at all. He smiled, thinking about it all. For a very serious couple, a lot of shit has gone down and yet here he was with trying to save it. He cared about the two so deeply, they were his family and family never turns their back on the other.
Then he heard something, whispers coming from the hall. Harrison didn’t dare to make a move but he trained his ears to listen carefully at the voice.
“Im telling you they are getting suspicious.” The voice whispered into the phone. It sounded like Kate’s and Harrison continued to listen in.
“No.No. I sent the damn pictures to you for a reason. No one told me that they would come here. I wasn’t prepared for that.” Kate continues as she paces in the corner.
Pictures? Harrison was awake more than ever, as he quickly shook Harry, and told him to stay quiet. They continued to listen.
“Look I did everything I was told to do. She got what she wanted, now —” Kate stopped in her tracks as she saw Harry and Harrison in front of her. Immediately she dropped the call, her lips moving, unable to find the words.
“How could you?” Harry said his brown eyes glaring at at the girl who just betrayed her best friend. “She was your best friend! How could you?!” He spoke louder.
Kate tried her best to quiet them down, but there was the point. She knew this day would come. “You don’t understand.” Kate whispers, looking at the ground. “I was only doing this to protect Y/N.”
“Protect Y/N? Blackmailing her? Sending pictures of her and a guy to Tom, so he would turn against her? That’s protecting her?” Harrison questioned, hurt by her actions. If he was hurt, then surely It would hurt Y/N far worse.
Y/N comes out of her room as she sees the three gather together, glaring at each other. “Hey..w-what’s going in?” She asks nervously.
“Why don’t you tell her Kate?” Harry spits out as he gestures to Y/N. Kate looks into her best friend’s eyes tears welling up. Y/N had fear struck into her face, afraid of what she had to say.
“I’m so sorry.” She cries. “I didn’t have a choice. She would have ruined our friendship if I did.”
“Kate. What.Did.You.Do?” Y/N asks, emphasizing each word to the question.
Kate shook her head as she let out a deep sigh. “Im the reason your pictured with Matt got out Tom.”
Y/N shook her head, tears streaming. She didn’t want to believe it. “Please tell me you’re lying.”
“Im sorry Y/N. I swear I didnt mean for this to get out of hand. I was threatened that if I didn share them, then they would say something that could ruin our friendship..and...I didnt want that to happen.” Kate frantically explains, sobbing at her no good explanation.
Y/N shook her head, her face switching from sadness to anger. “Looks like you didn’t need them to ruin it at all for you. Now you’re gonna tell me what you know and then Im packing my stuff and Im moving out.”
Kate sobbed as she try to plead to her ex-bestfriend to stay. “Look I’ll tell you everything okay, but it’s not much.” She takes a deep breath before she continues. “I was the one that started the rumors and created the fan account Harry and Harrison saw.”
“Why?” Y/N asks, her disappointed face unchanging.
“I was jealous of you at the time. Y/N you had everything I could have ever wanted in my life. A job, a boyfriend that doesn’t leave you, a family that loves you, and the fame which you didn’t even want to accept with open arms. You were always a step ahead of me at something and I was tired of it. So when you told me you felt uneasy about Natalie when she first moved in, I sold that info online and twisted the story so that it looked like Tom liked Natalie and they were a potential couple.”
“Oh my god.” Harrison said as he let his head down. “You made Natalie think that Tom was in love with her secretly thats why she had become so persistant.”
Kate slowly nodded as she took another breath. “As for the fan accounts I can’t tell you much because I was just asked to create them by the Unknown number.”
“Wait so you’re not the unknown number?” Harry asked confused.
Kate shook her head. “I don’t who it is. Im just a vicitim as much as you guys are.”
“No cut that bullshit. It’s because of you that all of our lives are a mess. It’s because of you that I had to lose the most important thing in my life. So don’t say you’re a fucking victim when all you really did was try to save your own ass.” Y/N yelled.
“You didn’t have to if you were so confident in your relationship with Tom.” She spat back.
“I love Tom with all my heart, but I was referring my best friend. I never want to see you again.” Y/N states, emotionless. No one had ever seen Y/N like this. In fact no one had ever seen her mad as she was on this very day. The day she lost her best friend.
Y/N went to her room to quickly gather her belongings, stuffing them back in the bag. Her phone was ringing and she didnt hesitate to pick it up.
“Tom...” she answers, holding back her sobs.
@hollanddolanfangirl​ @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit​ @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco @racewife2004 @sleepybesson
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sammysnaughtygirl · 3 years
the way you treat me
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Fandom: Walker (TV 2021)Rating"R Warnings:adult content Characters: Cordell Walker (Walker TV 2021), Grace& Emily Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Walker Bingo, Angst, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Shameless Smut, Crossover Pairings, - Fantasy Summary: cordwell walker uses blackmail against rival Grace
Square Filled"blackmail,Angst cordell walker ,had had a bad day at work ,his face was smeared with redness as he had just bumped into an old friend and found out that she too was now a texas ranger and he couldnt understand what she was up to why she had joined the force why she had come back to town without informing him if made him fume with anger ,G race was cordy,s longtime friend but before she had left town without letting him know she was leaving they had become more than friends so he thought now he just didnt want to see her at all.his mind wondering what had sent her packing had also wanted to know what had brought her home cordell was so upset he just starting throwing things around the room shattering glass and smashing holes into the walls with his fist he was now in a new relationship with emily but if knew if he spent even just one moment with Grace he wouldnt be able to control himself because he knew deep down in his heart he wasnt over her so he made up his mind he just had to prepare himself for their reunion ,Emily had to be first he had to make himself keep her the focus of his agenda but he felt he knew it was gonna take all the power he had to do this. he snatched open the fridge and grabbed a beer before plopping into the chair in front of the tv he drank serval before heading off to bed his dreams were covered with images of Grace dancing thru out the night when he awoke he dressed in a hurry and dashed out for the office praying he was early enough that he wouldnt run into her as cordell was reaching for his assignment the door flung open and in a instant Grace came gliding thru it as if she hadnt a care in the world not even taking notice of cordell standing there glaring at her Grace stumbled into the bosses office and drapped herself in the seat asking what she needed to do for the day,she was handed an assignment the boss making it clear that she need to take charge and get to work immeditaly so she ripped the paper in half and stuck in her pocket ,out the door she went with no hesitation not looking to see her new partner might be as she reached the patrol car cordy stood beside the passenger side door with anger in his eyes omg Grace plurred out not you ,well im not happy about this either cordell shouted back to her its not my cup of tea to have to see you again. me, Grace was stung with his words why are you so mad at me ,cordell couldnt believe she would even ask him such a thing you left not explaining to me why or if you,d come back how was i to know you couldnt handle things what Grace asked she started to laugh at his gesture which made him grow angerier ,Grace could see hurt in him im sorry for not talking to you before i just took off but i didnt know how to deal with what was happening not just between us i had alot going on,so why didnt you come & tell me this did it make it better to shut me out to take the high road and just leave me in the dark? no it wasnt fair for me to leave without explaining to you why i had to im listening cordell said ,we cant do this now she told him we have work to do,oh i get it the old dodge the question routine, no it will just have to wait Grace said work has to come first sure cordell agreed as they both jumped into the patrol car this isnt uncormfortable at all Grace said cordell sneered at her without saying a word back the day grew long but they stayed silent after all they both were just not ready for real talk soon the day had come to end and they parted ways waiting for the right time to open the wounds she had left behind Grace didnt know exactly how much hurt she had caused. the next day she hoped things would look clearer but cordell wasnt going to make it easy for her he wanted answers he pulled her aside after arriving at work the next day ,we have to have to talk about it he said fine Grace followed him into
breakroom i need to know why you left he asked she looked at him her eyes were filled with tears i had to she told him but why ,why i dont understand he looked confused Grace nodded her head i know you dont ,Emily found out and she threatened you what,no way not possible cordell said she threatened me how ? she threatened to have your job she knew how much you meant to me still do actually ,stop it cordell pleaded i dont trust you anymore fine Grace told him ask her yourself she was afraid of the time we were spending togather she knew you had fallen for me too thats why she did it,she wanted to tear us apart and it looks like it worked your the one who walked away not me i would have never left you .i need to talk to Emily still dont believe me huH? cordell turned his back and walked out of the room,he stormed out of the building pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Emilys she picked up after just two rings hello ,Emily i need to see you now can you meet me at the square in an hour sure babe she told him what,s up nothing i just need to see you its important ok ill be there see ya soon bye she said,cordell got into his pickup truck and drove to the square where he waited for Emily to show up he sat in the middle of the square at a table directly facing the road so he could see her before she seen him ,the minutes went by quickly and before he knew it she was pulling into a parking spot he watched her as got out and started to walk over to his table he stood up as she approached him and he kissed the side of her check whats up anything wrong she asked him ,cordell shook his head you tell me he said why did you threaten Grace & me it was blackmail you know that right wait stop she nodded i can explain ,explain what how you took her away from me how this was all your fault?thats not what i meant Emily spoke i need to let you know why i did it i love you,no you just wanted what you couldnt have isnt that right you knew i loved her ,you knew how i felt about her and you didnt say a thing ,you probally knew she loved me as well is that why you did it ? i didnt mean to you didnt mean to what hurt me how did you think i was gonna react did you think i was gonna just fall into bed with you was that it ,Emily grabbed his hand i love you not her,cordell slowly removed her hand from his im sorry i dont feel the same yes you do i know you do she started to become violent and adutanted no i dont cordell tried to be calm with her as she was going off on him he decided it was time to just walk away as she tried holding on to him .you cant just walk away she cried as cordell fled,Grace was alone back at her moms old place and cordell knew he would find her there so he wasted no time after his meeting with Emily he knew now what had happened so he was headed to comfront her once again ,when he reached the porch of her house he started to feel those old feelings surface as he knocked on the door Grace peaked out to see who it was can i come in he asked sure she lead him inside i talked to Emily really Grace said howd that go i know what you told me was true i was just mad and hurt im sorry for the things i said to you apology accepted ,she told him he stood there learing at her what whats wrong she asked how could do that to me ,cordell i told you no i mean really how could you just walk away knowing how i felt about you i didnt want to cause trouble for you i wasnt sure if you felt the way i did ,so i just gave in to her demands it was easier than being rejected by you ,how can you say that you know id never reject you,he took a step foward and placed his hands around to cradle her face im in love with you how could you not see that he leaned down and softly kissed her pink lips she could feel her body clinging to his every word i want to be with you not Emily .Grace was so excited she threw her arms around him and squezed him so tight as if she never wanted to let go the tension was mounting the heat from his touch made her dizzy,maybe we should move this to your bedroom cordell implied catching her breath yes maybe we
should he scoped Grace up his his arms and carried her to the bedroom bringing the door shut with his foot he dropped her on the bed gently and drapped himself over the top of her and leaned in glancing her over before brushing a kiss against her lips ,standing to his feet he lifted Grace and slowly undressed her his hands once again found her mouth tracing the outline of her lips with his fingertips ,moving back on the bed cordell slide his hands down her body tracing her outline it made Grace tingle with every touch the two conitnued on to make sweet love and ended the night falling asleep moments later being at peace with one another embracing their newfound love .Grace dreamed that night the most beautiful dream ever .the way you treat me its the most beautiful thing i could ever imagine she had found what she was searching for cordell .
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Rockabye Royalty (One-Shot)
"I dont care! Just get out of my house! I'm not taking care of a stupid baby!" Virgil's head rang with the sound of his boyfriend's yells. He hadnt meant for this to happen. He'd been on the pill, there was hardly a time when he wasn't. Erin had promised to keep him safe, he'd promised that nothing was going to break them apart. Yet here he was with fury in his eyes, holding a stick with two lines on it.
"Erin you promised! You said you werent going to leave!" Tears were pouring from Virgil's eyes, his chest was tight, he could barely see straight.
"I never promised anything for a baby!." And then Virgil was on the sidewalk, leaning against the building with his head in his hands. He couldn't go back inside to get his things, that was for sure.
"I'm so sorry. . ." He whispered, holding a hand to his stomach. They were supposed to be a family, they were supposed to be happy together. He was only twenty, he couldnt take care of a baby.
Virgil waited for himself to calm down, staring up at the sky in the hopes that no one would look at him.
When he finally calmed down he made his way to the nearest hotel he could find, he supposed it was lucky he'd always remembered his friend's advice of keeping the large bills in bras, Erin had always hated looking at those. Virgil pulled out a few before walking inside, covering up with his hoodie so it didnt look strange.
"How many nights can this cover?" Virgil said to the woman at the desk, placing a few twenties on the counter. He bit his lip, not really expecting an answer.
The woman looked him up and down, a sympathetic look in her pale green eyes.
"Stay as long as you need sweetheart, I'll cover it for you," Virgil let out a sigh of relief, he felt like he was about to start crying.
"Thank you thank you thank you-" he stopped himself from adding anymore thank yous at the last minute.
"Do you need anything special in particular?" Asked the woman, Virgil scanned for her name tag, Mrs. Evans.
"I uh-" he paused, shuffling his feet. He wasnt sure this would count as special arrangements or get him turned away. Subconsciously he pulled his hoodie further over his stomach.
Mrs. Evans' eyes widened, a look of realization dawning on her face. She ducked under the counter and thrust a key into his hands.
"Here you go, room 13, and dont you worry about meals or anything, it's all free," she pushed a few magazines toward him, a quick scan of the covers showed him a few job opportunities. Virgil merely nodded, scooping up the magazines and rushing off to the room, he heard Mrs. Evan's making a call in the distance, she sounded worried, he felt a twinge of guilt in his chest.
The room was larger than he'd expected for only having one bed. There was a tv, multiple appliances, including a coffee machine, and of course, a bathroom. Virgil sat down in the couch at the corner of the room, opening the blinds slightly before holding his hands to his face.
"Oh gods what am I going to do for clothes? I cant go looking for jobs yet! I wouldnt even be able to stay that long!" He didnt really know who he was talking to, there was no one else in the room.
He got an answer to his question a few days later when what seemed to be a trash bag full of clothing showed up on his doorstep. He picked up the card attached to it, but all that was there was the image of a heart bursting into flames, with a crown around its middle. Virgil shrugged and dragged the clothes into the room. It was mostly hoodies and overly large t-shirts, but there were a few outfits in an appropriate size as well. He set to work on hanging them all up, ignoring the pain in his stomach.
The real problem started a few months later. He'd been laying on his bed watching the tv and flipping through a magazine when he felt it, the baby was coming.
He didn't think he'd have time to get to the hospital, but he remembered an offer Mrs. Evan's, or Cassira as he knew her now, had made a few days after he'd gotten there. He buzzed the front desk quickly and in a matter of minutes, there she was.
Virgil didnt remember much else, if he was being honest with himself he'd probably passed out. When he opened his eyes he was laying in the bath tub, a mess of towels and a pair of underwear and sweatpants discarded on the floor. He blinked a few times, and then he heard crying.
"Shhh, shhh, it's ok little one,look, daddy's awake, its ok," Cassira was holding something swaddled in Virgil's hoodie, she passed it over to him and he held the small child in his arms.
"Its a girl," Cassira said, not putting much emphasis on the last word.
"Hi," Virigl said softly, looking at the mini version of himself swaddled in the jacket. She had the same soft face, and the same purple and green heterochromia, though her hair was a more jet black color, like Erin's. She smiled as she looked at Virgil, letting out a laugh somewhat like wind chimes.
"You let me know if you need anything," said Cassira. Virgil nodded and watched her leave.
He sat there for a while, watching the bundle in his arms with a fond smile on his face.
"I think we'll call you, Olivia," Virgil said, holding her close.
It took him a few minutes to finally get out of the tub, clean up, and redress himself, all the while keeping Olivia safe.
About six years had passed, Virgil was working full time at a retail job, the only thing he could get while he was working on a degree in Education. When he wasnt working or studying, all of his time went to Olivia. While they were still living at the hotel, Virgil had finally started earning enough to pay for her clothes and schooling and at least a few toys. He was looking into houses as well, he couldn't live in Room 13 for the rest of his life, even if it was free.
Virgil watched Olivia play with a rubik's cube he'd bought her as he wandered the aisles of the shopping center, uncomfortably aware of the people around him.
"Remus I'm just saying! It's not that bad of an idea!" Virgil stopped the cart just moments before a tall man with dark crimson hair and green eyes walked out in front of it.
"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Virgil growled.
The man stopped "Remus I'm gonna have to call you back," he said, hanging up the phone.
"Sorry about that," he said.
"And who is this little princess," the man turned his attention to Olivia, who was sticking her tongue out in concentration over the colorful block in her hands.
"'m Olivia," she said quietly, giggling.
"And we were just leaving," Virgil said, anxious to get out of the aisle. Whoever this man was, he didnt want to be near him for to long.
The man opened his mouth to speak, but Virgil was already pushing past him.
But that wasnt the last time he'd meet the man. The two started seeing each other at nearly every store, on the way to the movies, and eventually, at the hotel itself.
"Ok, can you just admit you're stalking me like some freak or are you just going to act all innocent every time we bump into each other," Virgil said, covering Olivia's ears.
"I'm not doing it on purpose!" Said the man, Virgil took a step back.
"Wait- I didnt mean-" the man paused for a second, looking at his hands.
"Look, I'm not intentionally trying to meet up with you, though you seem like a nice guy, my name is Roman Prince-Duke, I run a modeling agency with my brother," Roman said, tapping his fingers together.
"Oh?" Virgil raised an eyebrow slightly.
"I wasnt taking pictures of you! I mean I'd like to- but like as a job! Not in a creepy way!" Virgil's face went red. This seemed to catch Olivia's attention, as she finally stopped fumbling with his hoodie strings to look over at Roman.
"Daddy's gonna marry a prince," she whispered, causing the blush on Virgil's face to grow even further. Roman let out a small chuckle, covering his mouth.
"Ollie that's not how it works sweetie," Virgil said with a laugh.
"So how much would I be paid? What are the requirements?" Virgil asked.
"Fifty dollars per photo, and you get to make the decision on outfits used and pose adjustments," Roman said.
"Alright, I'll bite," Virgil said, if he was honest, he'd do anything to get out of his current job.
It was about a week before he could finally make the shift. He'd decided to bring Olivia with him to the building. It was large and ornate, posters of attractive men and women were smiling down at him. But it was different, the people in the photos were dancing, singing, they were acting like people. Virgil pushed the door open, snatching Olivia out just before she started spinning it in circles.
"Daddy look!" Olivia pointed upwards towards a fountain at the center of the room.
"I see it Ollie," Virgil said, smiling. He walked to the front desk, where a short man with light brown hair and round glasses was typing away at a computer.
Virgil was about to open his mouth before the boy looked up, and noticed Olivia.
"Oh my gosh look at you! Arent you just the cutest thing!" Olivia giggled as the man ruffled her hair.
"You must be Virgil then? Roman's been absolutely raving about you," said the man.
"Did I hear my name Patton?" Roman said as he walked into the room, and then he noticed Virgil.
"Virgil! Lovely!" He clasped his hands together.
"Come with me, Patton can take care of Olivia while we're at our meeting," Roman said. Virgil stood there for a few seconds, looking between Patton and Olivia before finally letting go of her hand. She rushed behind the desk and stood on her tiptoes to stare at the computer.
Roman's office was covered in decorations of mythical creatures and outfit designs. In the center es a desk with two large and comfy looking chairs in front and behind it. Virgil sat down in the one in front, watching as Roman made his way to the opposite one.
"So, first things, you seem to be more into comfort yes? Overly large sweaters, t-shirts, sweatpants, that kind of thing?" Virgil nodded.
"Anything you absolutely wont do? Any aversions to skirts? Dresses?" Roman continued.
"As long as it's not form fitting and you cant see anything on my chest or below my waist I dont care," Virgil replied. Roman nodded and wrote something down.
Virgil had been at the job for about two months when he noticed the changes. He'd already known that he thought Roman was hot, but now Roman seemed to want to be around him more as well.
They went out for ice cream after photo shoots, Roman came with Virgil to pick out a new house, if Virgil needed a break Roman would let Patton watch Olivia so they two of them could have spa days.
Virgil had been suppressing it for a while, he didnt want to believe he was falling in love again, or that a boy was falling in love with him. He was afraid, afraid Roman would become the new Erin. But fate seemed to have other plans.
They were relaxing in a hot tub, Virgil's back pressed up against one of the jets, head resting on the outer rim.
"Virgil, I've been planning on this for a while, and I think now might be the best time to tell you," Roman spoke softly, but Virgil could still feel his limbs tense.
"You can say no if you want, I wont mind, but I think- I think I want to go on a date with you, like an official one," Virgil looked up, clutching the edge of the 'seat'.
"Well- I uh- I mean you're very nice but I-" Virgil could feel tears forming in his eyes.
"Oh no no Virgil- dont cry- I understand, you dont have to, we can just be friends," Roman pushed Virgil's hair out of his face, worried evident in his eyes.
"I-I do want to be more than friends- but I-" Roman's eyes widened suddenly, his hand instinctively moving to Virgil's side, his thumb brushing against Virgil's stomach.
"I wont, I swear, you have my permission to chuck me off a building if I do," Roman said, earning a laugh from Virgil.
Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman's neck, pressing their foreheads together and smiling.
"Then yes, I will date you," and Roman pulled Virgil into a kiss that would only be rivaled by the one they shared ten years later, with Olivia by Virgil's side, and her girlfriend by Roman's, as Virgil finally realized he'd found the man who would keep him and his daughter safe for as long as the family lived.
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randomsevans · 4 years
Part 2
Chris Evan's x Reader
@jtargaryen18 30 days of chris 2020
summary: following the news of Chris's engagement you find your way back down memory lane . To the finding and first crack in your love for Chris that would only lead to the current pain you are in
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The part couple of hours have been a blur ever since Lisa had announced that Chris was getting married to his actress girl friend ,Minka . You feel like your mind was somewhere as your body floated around not releasing what was going on , feeling numb . You dont know how or when but you laid on your bed under the covers in the pitch black . Finally letting the tears fall . You knew this day would come , but it doesnt stop the pain , the constant stabbing in your chest . You always knew loving Chris was bad for you , but you did it anyway, you still do . And you know deep down no matter what the future holds for you or who you have in your life you will love Chris . And you will always love the joy and pain he brings into your life , without anyone knowing, well apart from Scott now . And you know no one , ever , future ,past , present will have the same effect on you as those blue eyes do . You will always love chris , different love no one could ever be able to beat or match or even go higher But you kept it a secret long enough and it will always be . It's not like you expect somewhere down the line you two might end up together, that was never gonna happen . His to good for you , and his sees you as a sister . An Minka is perfect for him in every way . You are happy for him truly getting the life he has always wanted . But that doesnt stop the pain. You cant help but remember to the day you realised you love him and how he could never be yours , you never would allow it .
'The dickhead , errrrrrr knew it was too good to be true , I bet his getting a proper kick out of it ' 14 year old you was standing outside the cinema. The movie you were ment to be seeing playing, probably half way through now . Your date never turned put and to be honest your not that disappointed, he seem like an asshole anyway . Your just annoyed he probably thinks it's fun and thinks your crying. (You wouldnt allow your self to cry over something so pathetic in your eyes ) But you can't help on single tear roll down your cheek , this was ment to be your first date . You didnt want to go , you wasnt interested, but Scott kept pushing you to give it a shot. At least one lesson was learnt , dont listen to Scott but it's a lesson you already knew all to well .
To make things worst Scott wasnt picking up his phone . Probably to busy was something stuiped as always . Once you called him the 10th time you started to become stressed . How was you gonna get home ? You felt more teare escape due to the stress .
Scrolling though your contacts you came across Chris . You held your thumb over the name of awhile debating whether to call him or not . He was Scott's older brother ,you didnt want to make a fool of your self and seem like a little girl who cant look after her self but at the same time he said he you ever needed him he was one phone call away .
So that's what you did . With your phone now up to your ear you waited to see if he would answer. 'Hes probably busy with his new girlfriend '
But to your surprise he answered
"Hello "
"Hi " your voice cracked and tears began to run down your cheek at the sound of his voice.
"Y/n are you okay ?" You could hear the panic in his voice , you just let out a loud hiccup as your tried not to cry "... tell me where you are I'll come and get you "
"But ... a... arnt you .u busy ?"
"I'm never to busy for you . Now where are you ?" He demand as you heard on the phone and loud slam you could only assume a door and a seconde later you heard his car engine.
"Umm Chris it's fine, I should of called "
"Sweetheart tell me where you are ,or I swear I'll look on every street in Boston. "
"Umm but "
"Y/n " he warned
"I'm at the cinema 15 minutes away from your and Scott's "
"Okay I'll be there in 5 " he ended the call .
How can he be here in 5 , its 15 minutes away . Unless he is going to speed . He better not. Maybe he already knew where I was . Oh who iam kidding his nee girlfriend probably leaves 5 minutes away .
And with that you waited ,not much else you could do . Your tears died down . Still feel stuipid of crying over something or someone or somewhere you didnt even want to be
As if in a blink of an eye a battered dirt coloured trunk pulled up in front of you . The windows rolled down to show a very conserndier Chris showing lines on his youthful face as he frownd . "Get in " he muttered by in a tone that was not to be argued with . So you step forward hesitant at first but then you remember you did call him . As as you open the car door and I one footed jump into the truck , shuting the door behind you placing your bag in front of you , inbetween your feet as you fiddled with the seat belt .
"So ... " he began " why are stranded at the cinema "
"I was... um "
' Why am so nervous '
"I was ment to be on a date ..." it was then you final met Chris eyes that showed a flash if emotion as if he was almost hurt at the thought of you on a date . But it was probably because you interrupted his own . But you still felt a need to explain as if to avoid hurting his feelings.
"He ..he stood me up.. its not like I even wanted to go it was all Scots idea ." To quickly finished quite nervous as if you did something wronge .
Chris raised an eyebrow "Scotts ha ?" You nodded
"I tried calling him but he didnt pick up "
"So you called me ?" You nodded " so why was you crying if you didnt even want to be on the date ?"
"I was not!" You never like showing your emotions it made you feel weak and you are anything but weak .
"I heard you on the pho..." he chucked trying to lighten the mood
"I was just stress I didn't know how I was gonna get home "
"Well iam here now "
"So can you take me home ?" You questioned
"No !" You were shocked by his sudden answer.
"What ?"
"I'm not taking you home, not yet anyway " he said with his sights smirk .
"So where ?"
"Surprise!" He said starting the engine
"But ... but dont you have to get back to your girlfriend?"
"Pfff girlfriend?" He looked confused.
"Yeah Scott said you had a girlfriend "
"You shouldn't listen to Scott "
"I know that " you giggled now looking out the widow watching the world pass away. Unaware of certain blue eyes keep glancing at you with a smile only for you .
" you didn't have to do this you know " said while manching on your fries in a dinner Chris brought you to .
" I did !" He agreed with a mouth full of his burger ." I couldn't make you go home with a frown " he said with his mouth. You blush at his words but disgusted by his manners .
Throughing a scrunched up napkin you giggled playfully " dont speak you your mouth full "
He raised an eyebrow and smirked a little sorry .
"Why do you care anyway , why do this just to make me smile " you giggled certainly in a better mood , his blue eyes stared into your in awe and a quite mutter you just about heard " if only you knew " but you swear you heard him wrong some you moved on to your next question . As those also familiar butterflys return to your stomach when ever your around Chris .
" So is that your job to make me smile " you ask while putting another frie or two in your mouth .
"Among other thing "
"Like ..?" Your curiosity getting the better of you .
" Give me the punks name ? " he glared at you but still in a soft manner as if to tell you his anger wasnt towards you
" what ?"
" the idiot who stood you up I want his name " he demanded as if a man on a misson .
"Why? "
"Because he made a mistake standing you up "
"And whys that ?"
Because he stood up the best girl in Boston, I know I wouldnt if I was him" the last part came out a bit shaky and quite .
"It doesn't matter anyway " you felt the butterflies raise to your chest as your heart began to faster .
"Because it does "
You couldn't argue anymore , abit scared by his tone you gave him the boys name . But you were still under the spell of his blue eyes . And it was at that moment everything your mother said as a child when you ask about love , princess and prince, clicked in your head . She expain how the flurry feeling never goes away as their around, how theirs a smile on your face always. And how their a feeling. A feeling only there can make you feel . It was at this moment you realised
Holy shit I'm in love with Chris
As you stared at those blue eyes surrounding a 17 year old Chris you knew you always had a little crush on him . You were pretty sure half of the girls in school did . But it never accrued to you just how far those feelings ran .
"Why do you care ?" You titled your head .
"Because your Scotte best friend " he smirked with yet another mout h full of his burger. You giggled at his terrible manners .knowing full well he was doing it because he knew it annoyed you .
And it was in this moment you knew
'He will never be your y/n and keep it that way to keep both Scott and Chris in your life '
You put on a small smile , as the first crack appeared on you new found love for Chris that will forever be on you heart . If only you knew it would be the first of many. Leading to the one big hole you feel currently. But that's the pain of being in love
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erikismybitch · 5 years
Waiting In Vain : Chapter 16
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Bad Day.
Months had passed by. And the duo’s relationship had only went up from the beginning. Marley was surprised that she was not tired of Erik, there was never even a point where she wanted to be away from him. Of course they both had to live their separate lives , but being together was euphoric . Marley had never felt quite like this before , even with other man that she loved . This felt different.
Yes, she knew that it was love .
That’s what she told him, and even though he hadn’t said it back yet , she felt content . Marley couldnt hold how she felt about him in . She had to let him know she loved him one night , while there were laying on her couch . “We good , Marley” was all he said . He just held her tight until she fell sleep in his arms.
Erik showed her how much he cared for her every day. Flowers because it was Wednesday , foot massages when she was tired . Food whenever she was hungry and he even helped her find a new job . Marley was no longer faced with irritable complaints from consumers over the net . And no more slaving for the drunk men down at the bar with Becky.
Marley was now a proud employee at Steinway. Steinway was a global company . A trusted billion dollar business who created technology that controled security systems for some of the worlds most prestigious places . Mass museums, federal reserve, and most of all, protected government agencies .
Marley had a degree , but her major in Liberal arts she knew, would not get her in the door. Erik made her apply anyway .
“They might not even know they need you, always go for the job you think you won’t get” He encouraged her one night , while eating those famous tacos and watching Game of Thrones.
One resume, an exceptional cover letter written by Erik, and two interviews later...Marley was hired to assist the head of public relations. Her duty was only to serve the person who protected the brand of the company . Marley had been there for a while now, and was making a good amount of money.
It was her birthday on this day. She never made a big deal about it . Marley hadn’t had a party since her mom died . So to her , it was just another day . Most people in her life didn’t know when it was, just the few who were close to her . Becky knew and called her early in the morning with a long drawn out version of the birthday song . In the past , Tiana and her aunt didn’t even acknowledge her birthday. Trey would always buy her something expensive, but nothing memorable or noteworthy.
Erik knew that it was her birthday. Of course he was away for work, or whatever he did . Erik admitted... or hinted that his job wasn’t exactly what he told her before . She didn’t press him, but at times she questioned if what he did was legal . The gun was still in his dresser . “It’s not necessarily illegal” he’d toy with her mind whenever she asked him . She was no stranger to crime, seeing as Trey was the poster child for that . But he wasn’t as secretive as Erik . Nor was he as well paid .
Marley hadn’t talked to him all day . After numerous attempts at calling him, she figured he was busy . Until it came to the end of her work day . Her stress level was through the roof , constantly staring at her cellphone. Hoping that the next notification would be from Erik. That’s all she wanted . No party, no gifts , just Him.
Marley had received a birthday card signed by most of the employees . She knew it probably was company policy, but she was thankful . Marley had been there a little under two months , so most people didn’t know her well . To who she assumed was the head of the employee committee, walked by and wished her happy birthday . Marley had just finished typing the notes from the meetings her boss had. It was almost five , and she was off at four thirty .
The days leading up to her birthday were always filled with anxiety . She knew she would cry , she cried on her birthday every year . From loneliness, feeling like she was aging and yet so far behind in life . Most of all, she cried because it was another year without her mom. All day she had been fighting back her tears with fake thoughts of being happy . It was working, for now but she knew that eventually she would break . Becky begged Marley to come to the bar around seven that night . Before the sports crowd packed the bar . Becky wanted to give her gift before her work shift . Marley figured she’d eat fatty bar food and take a few shot alone. Or with some of her old co-workers. Ones who actually knew her and would be semi-genuine .
Since she was leaving later than usual, she was in a rush . The Steinway building was half an hour from her apartment . With traffic she would get home around six, that didn’t give her much time to get ready . Marley logged out of her work computer , gathered her belongings and rushed the halls to the elevator. She dashed through lobby to get to her car . Her phone buzzed in her hand , excitedly she glanced at it , praying that it was Erik . Marley didn’t even see the burly white guy walking towards her . She ran right into him and almost fell to the ground . He seemed to be in a rush much like her . All Marley could see was the back of his red slick hair and the flag of the Netherlands on his arm. Marley knew that because her old college roommate was from the Netherlands and had a flag on her side of the wall .
“Excuse you, fucking jackass!” Marley shouted . The rude guy was already outside of the building. Being the only black women in the lobby, everyone’s eyes were drawn to her already . Even more now since she shouted. She wanted badly to yell at them too for not addressing the man who almost knocked her down .
But , it was her birthday. She had some place to be.
She made it to her car , but she was still boiling with anger . Especially after she gave calling Erik one more shot . He didn’t pick up. “Fuck it!” She screamed , then punched her steering wheel . It honked abruptly, scaring an old woman who was walking by. A groan escaped her lips and she rested her head on the seat . She took a breath, the lump in her throat wanted for her to cry badly . Her lip trembled . Marley missed her mom right now , more than ever . She would make it better . Probably go fight the man who knocked her baby down. Marley laughed at the thought of it . Of those people thought Marley’s outburst was bad , they probably couldn’t have handled her moms .
Marley got herself home, late but it was nothing she could do about it now . She got ready to go to the bar , nothing special but she was cute enough. Her phone buzzed when she walked out of the door . It was nothing but a message from Team Snapchat , probably wishing her happy birthday . She giggled a little because that happened every year . Marley didnt bother to call Erik again, him not answering would only make her more upset.
She made it to the bar . A few cars were parked in the lot. The lights werent on. The windows were tinted but there was a small window space at the top of the building where light would shine through . Which wasn’t odd . Marley had worked shifts when the bar opened late . It was a family owned business and sometimes they were unprofessional and opened when they wanted to . Customers still came though . Marley would even get paid under the table some weeks , so they could avoid tax issues and healthcare costs .
She yanked on the door. It wouldnt budge , it was locked . She knocked on the door hard and announced that it was her.
“I’m coming!”
Becky’s voice rang through the closed door . Marley could hear the tampering of the lock . Becky opened the door wide , exposing the few co-workers who were waiting for Marley to come inside.
“Surprise!” They all shouted at the same time. She couldn’t believe it. A party, for her? She was important enough for them to go out of their way and do this. Becky walked towards her , holding a small chocolate cake with lit candles .
“Chocolate, my favorite, thanks guys!” Marley Jared chocolate cake, but she wouldnt tell them that . Everyone looked so pleased .
“Please don’t cry” Becky playfully rolled her eyes at her friend . Who seemed to be getting emotional
“It’s just-“ Marley began to speak, but got choked up . Her voice shook . She didn’t want to cry in front of everybody, so she quickly sucked it up with a deep breath. Becky couldnt help but laugh . She took her into her arms and hugged her . “I just hate my birthday, that’s all”
Not being able to cry was killing her . She looked around at everyone , overwhelmed at everything . Surrounded by people, she still felt alone . Nobody who loved her was there . Yes , these people cared but not in the way Marley needed .
“Do you want us to stop this ?” One of the other co-workers asked . He could tell by the look on her face that something was off. Marley shook her head quickly
“No, I’m thankful for everything” Marley put forth effort to place a smile on her face.
Marley took the time to hug everyone and thank them individually. They all started off with a shot of dark and they sang the birthday song to her . Which was always awkward. Then Becky did her renditioned version of the birthday song , where she twerked across the bar to brighten the mood .
Marley made a wish in her head, something she thought was so silly . When she was a teen she always wished that her mom would magically come back from the dead . Now that she was older , she knew it was impossible . But she still made that same wish . Then she wondered , if she could do two . There were no actually birthday rules because all of it is fake... right? She thought about something that would make her happy . Erik. He was real . And she wished that he would remain that way . Marley blew out the candles and they cheered .
“I’m sorry he’s not here” it was as if Becky could read her mind “And I had no way to tell him , I figured he would be with you” Marley ignored her. She gave Marley a small gift box , with a bow on top . It was from her . She opened it right away .
“No you didn’t” she said quietly. It was a pair of AirPods . She had just told Becky that she wanted a pair but didn’t want to spend the money on them. The fact that she was such an attentive friend really meant a lot to Marley . She could not stop hugging her .
“Tonight is not about him, it’s your birthday” Becky didn’t want the absence of Erik to ruin her special day.
“What if he’s dead?” Now Marley was being dramatic . Becky raised her eyebrows, she figured Erik couldn’t make it because of work stuff . Not anything this serious . “I haven’t heard from him all day”
“Doubt that” Becky casually handed Marley an envelope with a card inside . She figured it was a card from the bar staff.
“But still, this is not like him” she managed to rip it open while holding eye contact .
“He’ll call “
Marley pulled the card out if it’s envelope. Shockingly it was from Trey . She looked at Becky who was purposely avoiding eye contact . A few twenty dollar bills slipped from the inside before she caught them in her hand. They had not spoken since that last week of her living in the hotel . And when she found out about his child , she was completely done . “Trey came by before you got here, he wanted to catch you but I told him it wasn’t a good idea” Becky aligned a few shot glasses on the bar and filled them with Tequila . That always got Marley drunk , and her plan was to get her friend wasted .
Happy birthday beautiful
I miss you , call me.
He had hand written those simple words in the card. Along with some passage about how important the birthday person was. Marley skimmed through it, then slipped the twenties in her purse and put the card in the trash .
“No thank you” Marley spoke just how she would if Trey was actually standing there .
It took Becky pouring six shots to get Marley to finally stop checking her phone . And then seven shots to make her start talking about Erik. He always left the toilet seat up and in the middle of the night she would fall in. No matter how many times she told him not to, he would always forget . He always thought he was right , and could never admit that he had gotten something wrong . Marley was not the type of person who yearned for the last word . And it didn’t kill her if she didn’t get her point across. Not even knowing that it was what made them a match . He snored loudly when he slept, so if Marley didn’t fall first ... there would be no sleep . Then when he woke up , he never ate breakfast. Which freaked Marley out because she couldn’t function without breakfast each morning . Marley started to drag on about how much he worked out and perfected over his body . But at the same token, he’d scarf down a whole family sized meal of carbs . She was about to rant about his messy home but Becky stopped her . Even Becky couldn’t help but think about how Marley felt when she talked about her husband .
Becky had listened for long enough , the bar was now open to the public and she had to work . “Sounds to me like you guys have no real problems” she slapped the bar counter twice , Marleys head flew back .
“What!” She slurred, then swayed to the sound of Sicko Mode playing from the bars speakers . Drunk was exactly what she was now.
“Don’t sweat the small stuff , Erik is all you have... besides me of course”
Marley pondered on that statement for a while . She seemed to get lost into the view of her feet for a long time . The floor was spinning, she held on to the bar stool so she wouldn’t fall . She blinked a few times to try and sober up , it didn’t work well enough. Then , she got back to thinking about what Becky said . How Erik was all she had . Marley looked up to ask her what she meant by it, but Becky had walked away . Marley figured she had been out of it for a while . She was uncomfortably drunk , and really needed to go home .
Everyone was back working , and she didn’t have the strength or good balance to say thank you to everyone again . Maybe she’d send out a mass text in the morning, or maybe she wouldn’t. Marley just needed to leave. She snuck out of the bar . Becky would have stopped her from leaving if she saw her . Refusing to allow her to drive home drunk. Marley just knew that if she drove really slow, she’d make it .
So she sat in her car , took a deep breath and started the ignition . Thanking god that she lived close enough . Even though she knew god was not happy about what she was doing . Marley pulled out of her parking space slowly and made her way on to the street . She was doing great at pretending to be sober . Until she couldn’t , swerving in other lanes and unnecessarily pumping her breaks with caution. Tonight would have been a great night for the police to pull her over and actually do their job. They were probably harassing innocent people Marley thought, Insted of handling true crimes ... like the one Marley was committing in this moment .
She made it home safely , by nothing but pure luck . Her car was crooked , and slightly crossing the line of her neighbors spot . Marley would deal with it in the morning. Her apartment light was on. Since she was intoxicated , she didn’t see this as cautionary. Struggling with getting the key in the door, she managed to let herself in . It wasn’t until after she closed the door and began walking towards her room , that she seen Erik sitting on her couch . He stood up , holding a bouquet of flowers . Marley stepped back with her mouth wide open.
“Happy birthday baby” he smiled and walked towards her . She wanted to speak . She wanted to yell at him for not being there all day . She wanted to ask him how he had gotten inside of her apartment. But as soon as she felt his strong arms wrap around her ... she finally let out the cry that she had been holding in all day . Marley’s tears seeped into the arm of his shirt . He let her cry . “You had a bad day?” He asked her calmly. He felt Marleys head nod . The hand that was flower free rubbed against her back . He was trying his best to calm her down.
“I hate my birthday” her voice cracked , tugging on Erik’s soft side .
“I got you , and I’m gonna take care of you”
He pushed away from her , allowing the space between them . He kissed her forehead twice , then took a chance on her lips . “Wanna talk about it?”
Marley drew away from him and walked to the kitchen for a paper towel . She released with a deep sigh and giggled shortly.
“Nah” she wiped hers tear stained face then tossed it in the trash . Erik told her that he lost his phone this morning , and couldn’t find time to get another one today .
“How did you get in here?” They settled down on the couch. Close enough for Marley’s left thigh to wrap around his lap . She faced him .
“I’m from the projects . Breaking in to shit is like a right of passage” he admitted, nonchalantly he massaged her thigh.
“You broke in my house” she stated what was obvious, there was no reason for her to be upset . She knew Erik to be a man that did whatever he wanted to do.
“Ain’t nothing I can’t get into” he observed her for a second , she rested her head against the couch . Her eyes fidgety and unable to focus on one thing . “You drove home drunk like this ?” He asked , seemingly worried about her .
“I see you do it all the time” her fingers toyed with his dreads . He was so cute to her when he got serious. He was cute to her when he did anything honestly.
“Yeah but you ain’t me”
“The hypocrisy!” She shouted in dramatic form.
“So you using big the words tonight”
“Hypocrisy is not a big word, you’re just from the projects” Marley braced herself for his rebuttal, she knew he would have a comeback to match her witt.
“Don’t forget who helped you write that letter to get you that job. A nigga from the projects”
“You right , daddy” she gave in, even though they were only joking .
“I know I’m fucking right”
Marley rubbed her thumbs against his cheeks and moved in closer to him . “Just a minute ago , I was crying my eyes out” she mumbled , so close to his lips that he could feel her words . She kissed him , sweet and soft . “Make sure I never cry on my birthday again”
“That’s a lot of pressure” Erik told her .
“Can you handle it?” She toyed with him but Marley was being completely serious.
“I can handle you”
Erik yawned , and like clockwork Marley yawned too . It was contagious. Somehow his position changed to him laying completely on his back . Marley beside him still, one leg wrapped around his waist . They liked it that way . No matter where they were , they always came back here . Erik thought Marley had eventually fallen asleep, on account of her hard breathing . Until she spoke again.
“All you got me was flowers?” She thought back to when she first cake in. Marley eyed the beautiful bouquet on her coffee table . He busted out laughing , so hard that Marley had to laugh too .
“I was waiting for that question”
“So answer it then”
“I got you shoes”
“Where they at?” She pouted like a bratty child . Erik kissed his teeth .
“Where the birthday sex at?” He asked , as if she owed him and it was his birthday.
“I’m too tired , how about birthday morning sex?”
“I’ll give you your shoes after that” he rubbed her butt gently , in hopes to turn her on . It just made her more comfortable with the idea of sleep .
“I’m not a prostitute” she yawned again .
“You’re my prostitute”
“You know I am” she boasted proudly .
“The best one I got” he yawned too .
“The thickest one too”
“You such a bad bitch”
“Good night Erik , I love you”
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seungyovn · 4 years
How and why did you come out?
i slept on this ask, debating if i wanted to answer it or not.
but i’ve had some coffee and time to process and i feel comfortable sharing it. so this is going to be v long and i am going to put it under a read more. 
but just a warning, there is a massive amount of homophobia and transphobia and just terribleness in general. so please take caution before reading.
alright, so i grew up in a typical white chicago suburb. people think illinois is a democratic state but that is literally just because of the city of chicago. if chicago didnt exist, the state would be read. not to mention the fact that my dad is very conservative politically and my mother was raised in the deep red neck south (her family claims the term and are very proud of their terrible colonist slave owner history. gross i know).
my dad never really made homophobic remarks, at least from what i remember. but it was my mother who would always make a snide comment here or there. and when i was a junior/senior in high school, i befriended a v feminine gay man who worked at the ulta in my hometown. and she would make these homophobic remarks and i would be like uhhhh what about anthony? and she would always go “well he is the exception” and ya know that didn’t make me feel great. 
but even before that, i realized when i was 15 that i was attracted to women. i remember standing in study hall and looking at my best friend smiling at me and my heart started to pound in my chest. and i knew immediately what that meant and i was just like oh fuck, no no no this can’t be happening. 
so i suppressed it. i ignored my growing feelings for women and people who didn’t identify as male or female for a very long time. yet online, i was seeking lgbtq communities and friends. i never posted in them. but i read them. i didn’t really understand why i kept being drawn to that side of the internet until very much later. 
so fast forward to when i was in college. i met my first long-term boyfriend and we dated from when i was 18 to 21. our relationship ended for a lot of reasons. but one of the biggest ones was when i realized that i could no longer hide who i was or who i was attracted to. and i was going to india to study abroad so i just wanted a clean break. i wanted to leave the country and to start over when i came back. 
that trip happened in nov/dec. but it took me until feb to start coming out. i remember sitting on the couch at my mom’s house the day after my birthday and writing up a long text message that i sent to three of my closest friends. i was fucking terrified. i was scared. i knew those people were amazing so i didnt have to worry that much, but it was still exhausting. it was one of the most hidden secrets i’ve ever had and i just remember lying to my mom about why i was crying when my friends sent me back messages of love. 
so after those three friends, i slowly started coming out to everyone around me. my friends at school. my classmates. people i trusted. they were all respectful and knew that i wasnt out to my mother and probably never would be. so they respected my privacy and never posted images of me on social media or tagged me in things that could out me. 
fast forward again to june. i was moving out of the dorms at my uni to my first apartment in chicago. i had been lucky enough to have a job that allowed me to afford rent and i was kind of financially stable, but not enough to actually survive. 
i had gone home to get furniture for my apartment and to get some things from my childhood home. my mom took me to dinner and we were sitting in the diner and she started hounding me with questions about my roommates. asking me if they were gay because they both had short hair. and then she looked at me and asked me if i was gay (she would do this when i didnt show interest in dating). 
and normally i was very quick to deny it. and i would always shoot her down. but this time i was just so fucking exhausted and i felt like i was backed into a corner. so for the first time i couldnt answer her right away. i stuttered. and i dont really remember what exactly i said, but my mother flipped out. she ordered our food to go. stormed out of the diner. and lost her shit on me in the car. 
i stayed the night because at this point i was literally trapped. and she kept going back and forth with apologizing and verbally abusing me. saying how i just want to fit in with my friends. and that i just want my friends to think i am cool and all this other bullshit. 
so i finally get back to my apartment and its ironically chicago pride weekend. so i spend the weekend going to dyke march, parties, going to the parade. surrounding myself with the love and support of my friends. i didnt know at the time but my mother had found my tumblr, my instagram and other forms of social media and had made profiles to stalk me and keep track of me. 
and when she saw i was going to pride she decided that she would out me to everyone. she sent mass emails. texts. facebook statuses. she did everything in her power to humiliate me. all at the same time sending me horrible text messages and e-mails about how she wishes her brain cysts had killed her. how she would rather have cancer than have me as her child. she wished that i got aids from the “orgies” i would be having (i had had one sexual partner at the time). she went after my friends who werent cis. calling them perverts and insane. and that they had all brainwashed me into being this way.
and i was a fucking mess. i cut off all communication. she cut me off financially. my life was in fucking pieces. 
but i had an amazing support system. i had friends that loved me. and helped me. took care of me when i could barely take care of myself. i got to work and couldnt stop fucking sobbing and my manager pulled me aside and asked me what was wrong and i told him. and he just hugged me in the back for like 10 minutes. and told me it was going to be okay. and sent me home to rest.
and if it wasnt for them, i know i wouldnt have survived it. i eventually cut off all contact with my mom and the last time i saw her in person was 2 years later when i went home for a night to get the rest of my stuff.
my dad and i have had a difficult relationship for a lot of reasons, but he and i have been slowly mending our relationship. and he has never said anything to my face about not approving of how i love. my step mom is openly supportive and her nephew is gay and loves him to pieces. so at least i have that to hold onto. 
but yeah, my coming out process wasnt fun. a lot of it was taken away from me. but i will spare some of those details. 
this is really long so if you read this whole thing, damn.
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tangerineflowers · 5 years
spaghetti and stargazing (brian may x reader)
the early days of queen, you're a friend of freddies from school and he recruits you to be the hair and make up stylist for queen while also obviously setting you up with brian. which leads to a really cute date
warnings: freddie meddling abhaha, kissing, pressure, awkwardness,
you took a decompressing breath as you stood up from the floor after packing your hair and make up tools to use on the boys. you were excited but nervous you knew it wouldnt be a hard job but the thought of tending to freddies band was alittle daunting. if they were all as flamboyant as freddie she'd need a lot more time pre show to do their hair and make up. she shook those thoughts away and glanced at her outfit in the mirror before walking out the door. you walked to the venue it was quite close to your apartment which made the small treck help you get your mind off things.
you entered the pub and snuck backstage knocking on the dressing room door freddie answered and gave you a big smile pulling you into a hug.
"oh hello y/n!" he cheered and pulled you inside the dressing room before announcing.
"boys meet our new hair and make up stylist!" he gestured to you and you gave a small wave quietly saying.
"hello there." as you spoke the blonde on the couch perked up and smiled at you smacking a curly haired brunette's arm to get him to look up from his book as a wavy haired ray of sunshine came up to you and shook your hand.
"john deacon, bassist, nice to meet you." he gave a toothy grin and the blonde came to his feet walking to you and shaking your hand as well.
"rogah taylah drummer." he took your soft hand in his calloused one and smiled at you you looked over his shoulder seeing the curly haired one waiting his turn to introduce himself hurriedly whispering trying to rehearse his words. roger walked away from you and the curly haired one shook your hand a nervous smile on his face.
"hi brian may...guitarists!" his face flushed and freddie laughed from next to you which made you giggle slightly.
"so y/n who would you like to start with?" he prompted and you looked at him unsure.
"who wants to go first?" you asked turning the question onto the band and freddie immediately jumped on it.
"i'll go!" he laughed rushing over to a vanity and sitting on the chair he flipped his long hair. you smiled walking over to freddie and beginning to work on his hair fluffing it and adding more volume. unknown to you the guitarist returned to his seat but instead of reading he watched your every move studying the way you did freddies hair and shamelessly admiring the concentrated look on your face as you finished with his hair quickly and began on his make up giving him the most flamboyant and out there winged eyeliner and letting him choose the lipstick. when freddie finished up in the chair john came next and you did the same thing to his hair as with freddies but spent extra time on his bangs. finishing and applying a generous amount of make up not taking too long you kept your eye on the clock. you and john talked a little making small talk until you finished.
roger got up before brian even registered that deaky was out of the chair and he mentally cursed himself. roger sat down in the chair and you looked at him trying to figure out what look you wanted to do on him.
"take a picture why dont you?" he joked and you rolled your eyes.
"i'm just trying to decide what to do with this rats nest." you joked back lifting his blonde locks and smiling softly. brian's blood boiled as he saw the two of you flirting. he tried to plan what he was going to say to you once it was finally his turn.
"so y/n do you have a boyfriend?" roger asked as you brushed out his hair for the first time in god knows how long.
"no i do not." you laughed gently yanking his hair as you brushed through it he smirked before saying.
"seems like you have a bit of a hair pulling kink hmm?" your face flushed bright red and you stammered out.
"no i-i-i just like doing hair." you mentally slapped yourself for making such a fool of yourself in front of him. roger sensed your discomfort and backed off.
"just a joke, love." he reassured aa you finished up his hair applying alittle bit of make up. he really didnt need that much.
"you're all done." you smiled at your work before glancing over at the final member. the mysterious, quiet, awkward, tall, cute guitarist, brian.
"you're up." you smiled at him feeling yourself begin to relax as you got to know the boys and in turn they got to know you. you stared at brians hair for a while lifting strands here and there trying to find a place to start. he felt alittle nervous as he watched you try and figure out his hair like a math equation he broke the silence.
"sorry my hair is unruly." he bit the inside of his cheek and you laughed gently running your hands through his hair.
"unruly is an understatement." you giggled and grabbed a spray bottle getting his hair alittle wet before ruffling the curls and wrapping the ones framing his face around your fingers to give them better shape. his face was red hot as you did his hair and ran your soft fingers through it almost massaging his scalp he glanced over at freddie who was whispering to deaky and glared at him knowing exactly what freddie was talking about just by the look on his face.
you finished up his hair giving it a couple bounces you walked around his chair and grabbed your make up studying his face for longer than you did the other boys. he tried his best to stay still but everything seemed to get itchy and he brought his white painted fingernail up to the side of his jaw scratching nervously before dropping it back in his lap. you smiled softly nodding and grabbing your eyeliner pencil.
"shut your eyes for me." you mumbled and he complied you leaned very close to his face dragging the black color along his lashline he felt your breath on his face and his hands started to sweat. you finished one eye and moved to the other smiling softly you leaned in closer to him than was necessary. you finished up his eyeliner and leaned back.
"open your eyes please." you said and your smile grew noticing how his hazel eyes now popped.
"alright now look up." you said and he tipped his head back. you giggled reaching and tipping his chin back down.
"just your eyes." you smiled seeing roger, deaky, and freddie all whispering on the couch behind the two of you.
"oh sorry." he laughed nervously and you came closer to him beginning on his lower liner you smudged it out complimenting his eyeshape you leaned back and nodded looking at your make up you grabbed a lip brush and a nude pink lipstick gathering some cream on your brush.
"part your lips for me." you mumbled hearing roger giggle behind your hands started to shake and you rested your wrist on brian's jawline as you applied his lipstick slowly. you finished and he looked in the mirror.
"woah.." he said looking at himself before looking at you. you blushed and smiled proud of your work on brian.
"thank you." he smiled standing up and walking over to the boys to grab his book you watched him before packing up your things. just as you put your hair tools away you felt freddie grab your hand and hurriedly pull you out of the room quickly shutting the door and smiling like mad at you.
"oh my darling!" he laughed playfully pinching your cheek you looked at him confused.
"you've gotten bri wrapped around your finger!" he laughed and you looked at him shocked.
"i do not." you insisted
"do to!" he laughed.
"do you like him?" he smirked and you waited a moment before giving him a wordless nod.
"great i'll convince him to ask you on a date after the show tonight!" he cheered and pulled you both back into the dressing room before you could say another word. roger saw you reenter and quickly sat down. freddie rushed over to the only other open seat which just left the loveseat meant for two only occupied by brian at the moment and you looked at freddie who had a grin on his face gesturing for you to sit.
you rolled your eyes walking over and sitting down next to brian. the seat dipped and suddenly your outer thigh touched his and your shoulders pressed against eachother.
"so y/n what else do you like to do other than hair and make up?" roger prompted breaking the peaceful silence of the room.
"i like to read.." you paused and thought or more things you enjoy. "cook, i love animals and sitting on my balcony at night." you said your voicing gaining more confidence. brian perked up as you spoke setting his book down and listening to you he smiled as you mentioned two things he also loved and roger laughed.
"well how perfect! bri loves animals and the stars!" he looked at deaky raising an eyebrow and you smiled at brian.
"what's your favorite constellation?" he asked fully nerding out you looked nervous at the question.
"i dont really know any of their names but there's this really bright star that i do love to look at." you admitted and he looked at you with so much care in his eyes you flushed. during this conversation freddie hurriedly gathered roger and deaky pulling them out of the room and quietly shutting the door you quickly turned noticing they left you laughed gently and brian took an unsteady breath.
"i dont know why they just ditched us like that." he brought his hand up to the back of his neck rubbing it you turned back to him and smiled nervously.
"well they probably did that so you could ask me on a date without an audience." you smiled knowingly at him and his eyes went wide staring at you.
"am i really that obvious??" he laughed and you nodded. he sighed softly putting his face in his hands groaning.
"i've never really been that good with girls i'm sorry." he said and you pulled his hands away from his face turning his chin so you could look at him.
"are you free tommorow?" you asked holding one of his hands still. he nodded and you grinned at him nose scrunching.
"great then its a date." you leaned over kissing his cheek before standing and walking to the door you opened it revealing that all three of them were leaning against the door attempting to hear your conversation. you laughed and brian stood up laughing as well.
"really guys?" he asked picking up his guitar and slinging it over his shoulder.
"we were just curious what you two would talk about." deaky laughed walking in and grabbing his base.
"you two are so awkward its perfect." roger laughed walking over to his drum sticks.
freddie smiled at you,
"so? what did you talk about!" he laughed
"well i'm taking y/n on a date tommorow." brian interjected before you spoke and smiled at you.
"oh thats absolutely perfect!" freddie cheered and pulled you into a hug whispering.
"you better get ready with me or we are not friends!" you laughed insisting that you would let freddie pick your outfit.
"now go out there and give them a show!" you said excitedly watching the boys exit the room brian lingered before finally going up to you.
"may i have a goodluck kiss?" he asked wringing his hands on the neck of his guitar. you laughed softly and nodded going up on your toes and kissing the corner of his mouth resting a hand on his chest.
"good luck." you smiled and he hurriedly rushed out of the room following the band adrenaline already pumping you tidied up the dressing room before watching them play from the wings.
the next day you woke up to your phone ringing. you picked up the reciever and groaned softly and in your groggy hoarse morning voice mumbled
"who the hell is it?"
"sorry did i wake you i didnt know you'd still be asleep? its-uh- brian.." brian said worriedly and you quickly smacked yourself on the forehead sitting up.
"you did wake me up but its.." you paused clancinf at the clock
"jesus it's noon...i'm sorry." you apologized and he quickly picked up what he rehearsed.
"it's alright i hate waking up as well, i just wanted to know what our date was for today? am i picking you up and taking you somewhere or are you or is it a night in?" you smiled listening to his voice and melted back into bed
"i think a night in would be nice, do you want to come over at 7:00 i'll cook you dinner?" you smiled to yourself thinking of having him here with you.
"that'd be lovely is there anything you want me to bring?" he asked looking around his room contemplating bringing flowers.
"just you." you said softly your voice beginning to wake up to be its normal tone.
"it was nice talking to you." you add feeling all warm inside you hugged your pillow close to your chest.
"you too y/n, i'll see you then." he smiled not wanting to hang up you stayed on the line for a while until he finally hung up.
brian turned away from the phone and glared at freddie who was now burtsting out in laughter.
"what's so funny?" brian plopped down into his couch crossing his arms.
"just you and y/n, i knew you two would hit it off but wow.. you are like the same person." freddie smiled and brian leaned back into his couch.
"in what way?" he asked
"you're both awkward with sudden brave moments which i think is absolutely adorable because you each stand marinating in awkward until one of you makes a small move and the other responds just as giggly and scared."
rog came in from the kitchen rolling his eyes at freddies description.
"it's more frustrating than cute." he sat next to brian turning to him.
"your both so shy you probably wont even kiss til the 3rd date." he joked teasing brian was always funny. brian felt his cheeks heat up.
"hey we've kissed!" brian protested looking at roger unconvincingly.
"the cheek doesnt count." roger raised an eyebrow at him.
"alright fine, but i like to take things slow so that's what i plan on doing." brian mumbled standing up. the phone rang and he darted over. luckily it was you he smiled hearing your voice again.
"hi bri, could you put freddie on the line?" you asked playing with the phone cord as you waited for your kettle to whistle.
"sure but-uh- how did you know he was here?" he asked glaring at freddie who was walking over and listening in.
"i heard him laughing while we were talking." you giggled softly and that giggle carried over to freddie as brian handed him the phone but he didnt walk away wanting to listen on and what you two talked about while also hearing your voice.
"freddie what do i wear?" you asked exasperated.
"i think you should wear the red dress." he smirked at brian.
"i don't know fred... i think that ones too fancy for tonight.." you looked for any reason not to wear the red dress. it was your best dress and you looked amazing in it but it wasnt the most comfortable thing in your closet.
"oh pish posh brian'll love it." he encouraged and you flushed.
"if you say so.. what's his favorite meal?" you asked staring at your kitchen brainstorming what you could make.
"just make some spaghetti and be done." freddie laughed
"fine, could you hand the phone back to brian for me?" you asked the warm feeling returning to your hands.
"you asked for me?" brian smiled into the phone leaning on the wall.
"yeah i just wanted to say goodbye and that i'm excited for tonight." you giggled and he let out a small chuckle.
"i am too, i'll see you then." he looked at freddie then hung up.
"you are so smitten!" freddie cheered as the phone was hung up and roger laughed from across the room.
"it's quite cute." roger said standing.
"i've got to head out, dont do anything i wouldnt do." he winked and left brian's flat.
freddie spent the rest of the day coaching up brian on everything he knew about you and dressing him.
brian stood outside your door for a few seconds before he finally knocked on the door. you were still hurriedly boiling the noodles and heating up the spaghetti sauce that when you heard the knock on your door all you could do was yell.
"please come in!" you glanced at a mirror in your kitchen quickly fixing your hair and lipstick before returning to your boiling pasta and warming sauce.
brian opened the door walking in slowly he looked around your apartment until his eyes laid on you in the kitchen leaning over the stove multi tasking he clutched the flowers he brought and entered the kitchen smiling.
"am i early?" he asked startling you, you quickly turn around and gasp at the flowers and the well dressed man before you.
"you're on time, i'm running late." you smiled taking the flowers from him and grabbing a vase you fill it with water and set the flowers on the counter turning the heat off you drained the pasta and put it back in the pot. you grabbed the plates putting a normal amount of spaghetti on each plate and adding sauce. you turned around to find him still there watching you finish up he took the plates from you.
"i'll set these down is there anything you need me to do?" he asks.
"grab the bottle of wine from the fridge and bring that to the table please?" you ask taking the dirty dishes to the sink and untying your apron he left sitting at the table and waiting for you. he poured you both glasses of wine and when he glanced up he saw the full red dress and his breath caught in his throat. he quickly set down the wine pulling your chair out for you.
"you look beautiful y/n" he said staring at you. you couldnt help but blush quickly sitting down and smiling at him.
"thank you so much, you look great too." you said softly and began eating. he started eating as well and you sat in comfortable silence until he spoke up.
"this is really good." he smiled at you. he had a bit of sauce on his cheek and you laughed reaching over and wiping it off his face he blushed.
"oops." he smiled taking a sip from his wine. you continued eating and he brought up stories freddie had told him about you and you just laughed giving him your side of the stories as well as a couple extra anecdotes from both him and you being thrown on the table. when you had both finished dinner the sun had gone down and stars had began appearing. you smiled looking out the window and he stood up clearing both of your plates you heard your sink turn on and you quickly got up to find brian doing the dishes.
"brian you don't have to do that." you said walking over to him to try and nudge him away from the sink and start doing the job yourself.
"you cooked dinner let me at least help you?" he smiled and you couldnt resist.
"fine." you giggled and began drying the dishes after he washed them you putting them away as he worked quickly.
"after the dishes do you want to sit outside with me?" you asked and he smiled at you.
"i'd love that." he said as he finished the final dish, you dried it off and put it away turning to find him behind you. you took his hand pulling him to your small balcony you opened the door and stared up at the night sky. he did the same before letting go of your hand and wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm in the cool night air. you nuzzled into his chest and turned so you were hugging him, you stayed like that for a long time. brian's heart had slowed down and he relaxed holding you close to him running his hand up and down your arm he kissed the top of your head. you looked up at him and smiled softly going up on your toes and pulling his head down to kiss you. you held onto his neck as he hugged you closer your hair tickling his face as you kissed.
"let's go inside." you suggested after pulling away from him. he nodded and pulled you inside. you lead him to your couch sitting down he joined you wrapping his arm around your shoulders you leaned into him and sat there in silence for a while. you felt your eyelids get heavy and you fell asleep your head slowly falling down his chest to lay in his lap. he looked down at you trying to figure out what to do. he picked you up bringing you up to your bed he layed you down but you didnt let go of him. you muttered something half asleep about him joining you. he smiled taking his jacket off and climbing into your bed with you. you wrapped your arms around him and held him close as you slept. he quickly fell asleep.
the next morning you were woken up yet again by the phone ringing but before you could even open your eyes it was gone. you opened your eyes taking in the situation before you. brian was in your bed you were both in your clothes from last night and he was now on the phone.
"who is it?" he asked his morning voice sending chills down yours spine. he noticed you were awake and smiled at you.
"freddie what the hell its 8am talk to her later." he laughed hanging up the phone and wrapping both of his arms back around you and your shock immediately melted away and you shut your eyes again cuddling into his button up shirt your hair a mess and make up everywhere. there was lipstick all over his shirt and face and you laughed.
"we look like clowns." you mumbled and brian smiled running his hand up and down your back.
"we can deal with that later let's sleep a little longer." he suggested and you nodded cuddling up to sleep more.
two hours later freddie deaky and roger came bursting into your apartment. you slept through it and so did brian. it wasnt until you heard a bunch of impatient knocks on the door that you and brian both sat up groaning.
"who the hell is it?" he called pulling away from you and getting up from the bed. you followed suit pulling your dress down and making sure everything was covered before brian opened the door groaning. all the boys burst out into laughter looking at the scene before them. brian's shirt was covered in lipstick marks as well as his lips and you looked like you'd been in a blender.
"wow, what have we walked in on here?" deaky questioned and you rolled your eyes.
"i fell asleep with make up on." you groaned fixing your hair.
"that's not the only thing you fell asleep on." roger chortled and you laughed. brian blushed and looked down at his lipstick covered shirt smiling, he wouldnt be washing this.
"alright love birds we need to take brian to rehearse," freddie said.
"we'll wait in the kitchen while you pulls yourselves together." deaky smiled.
"am i coming?" you looked at him confused
"of course." freddie beamed and pulled roger and deaky down stairs. you looked at brian and giggled walking over to your bathroom and getting a warm wash cloth to remove your make up and freshen up. you handed him a washcloth to wipe the lipstick off his face and you both got ready in soft quiet silence. while he was washing his face you quickly changed your clothes and looked around your closet for atleast a shirt he could wear instead of that one. you found a white button up your ex had left and pulled it out turning to brian.
"this is the only mens wear i have." you said walking over to him.
"do you want to borrow it for today?" you asked and he wordlessly nodded taking it from you and pulling his stained shirt off he put the new button up on. it wasnt exactly a perfect fit but it covered him where it was supposed too.
"thank you y/n" he said softly as he finished buttoning it up and turned to you with a bright smile. you walked over and wrapped your arms around his neck kissing him gently he rested his hands on your waist smiling into the kiss.
"let's get downstairs or they'll think we're shagging." you joked pulling away from him and walking out the door brian following you. you entered the kitchen to find the boys eating your left overs from last night and arguing about whether or not brian 'got some' last night.
"they were both fully clothed they totally didnt!" roger argued.
"you dont need to be naked to do it rog." deaky retorted lifting his eyebrows and you laughed walking in the boys faces turning bright red. brian walked over to the kettle stepping on rogers foot and flicking deaky in the head on the way. freddie smiled at you raising his eyebrows to ask you. you shook your head and giggled following brian to the tea. he handed you a cup and made his own.
"we have to leave in 10 minutes to go to the studio to practice." freddie declared taking a bite of cold pasta and smiling at you. you grabbed an apple handing it to brian so he could have at least alittle bit of breakfast.
"thank you." he said softly and you began making toast for both you and brian. rog and deaky ate some of your left over pasta as well and you all headed out of the apartment to go to rehearsal your hand in brians the whole way to the van. when you climbed in he wrapped an arm around your shoulders holding you close to him as roger drove the band and you to the rehearsal space.
haha shitty ending i suck
i hate editing so i wont edit enjoy
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That Girl Will Never Be Mine (Taehyung x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: I always feels Tae is a possesive lover too. I always feel that because he is so good looking and also an incredible person, he (or people) might think that he will get whoever he likes but I think he will somehow fall in love with a girl who didnt fall for him at first sight like most and had to actually work to get her. So, I love your idea of "shes so beautiful, she has a lot of suitors" because a little competition andd a jealous tae? Well, that sounds like a plotline to me ❤ and I am sorry if this is not my best work
Also,this is inspired by this  drabble with the same title. You can read the drabble here first or just continue reading this story 💜
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here and you are in no way obligated to do it but if any of you like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
Taehyung waves off to the screaming fans one last time before the stage recline down, hiding all seven members from the crowd, his face etches from smiling.
"Good job guys! Another successful show, I am proud of you," Namjoon patted each of their backs and ruffles Jungkook's hair before bowing and thanking the rest of the staff, crew and their team for another successful concert in their tour. The other six members, including Taehyung did the same and retreats back to the dressing room, slumping hinself on the chair. Taehyung took out his phone as the others starts chit chatting, discussing about whether they should take a shower now of wait until they are back in their hotel room while some are already removing their makeup and changing out of their stage outfits. Taehyung glanced at his phone.
Of course.
Dozens of texts and misscalls, hundreds of notifications, but none from that one person that he actually want to hear from.
None from Y/N.
Taehyung lets out a frustrated sigh as he scrolls emotionlessly through the texts.
"Oh wow, hyung got a lot of booty calls," Jungkook laughs as he reads Taehyung's text over his shoulder. "Baby, call me after your concert. Taetae, my room number is 801, Tae, remember me?" Jungkook read the texts in a girly voice, mimicking the flocks of girls who left the texts.
"Shut up brat," Taehyung roll his eyes and tossed the phone on the dressing table.
"Why are you so grumpy? Maybe you should take on one of those invitation then, to ease up a little hyung," Jungkook laughs and went over to his station.
"No thanks. Not interested,"
"Kookie, you should know by now Tae is only interested in girls who is not interested in him," Namjoon laughs out loud. Taehyung glares at the leader through the mirror.
Fine, make fun of him. He dont care.
"Why is it so hard to even reply to any of my texts? I left her multiple before we started the show!" Taehyung grumble.
"Shes just not interested in you Tae. Wake up already!" Jimin chimes in. "Dont you ever think that you didnt see her because shes practically hiding from you? Shes not interested, move on already,"
"She might not be now, but I'll make sure she will be mine soon enough," Taehyung greeted his teeth with determination.
"We just finished a good show. A bunch of girls just passed out because you look their way and Y/N is the first thing you can think about?"
"Shes always what I'm thinking about Chim! I dont care how many girls want me, all I want is her. Urghh, what is it about me that she hates so much anyway?" Taehyung leans towards the mirror and examine himself. Why wont Y/N like him? What is he lacking? "Thats it, I'm calling her!"
"Suit yourself. We all know theres no point in stopping you anyway," Jimin shrugged and walks away.
Taehyung immediately reached out for his phone that he tossed earlier and press speed dial number one.
Mine ❤
After a few rings, Y/N picks up. Well, she kind of have to. They are friends. Its not weird for her to answer his calls  Although Taehyung wants nothing more than to be more than friends ever since he met her that first day BigHit sent him and Jimin to their new highschool. Just a shy, absolutely beautiful, art student. Taehyung who was usually easy going and friendly suddenly turned tounge tied when hes around her, but someway, some how, he managed to be friends and the two of them and a few other friends become a whole group of besties. That was way back, and what Taehyung hope to only be a highschool crush develop into a full on feeling of in love.
Kim Taehyung is in love with Y/N, and its either she didnt know it or pretended that she doesnt.
"Hello? Y/N?" The line was noisy on the other side. Is she outside? If she does, with who? Not with men right? Why didnt she tell him shes going out? He texted her all the time to tell her what hes doing. Eating, praticiting, shooting, recording, everything!
"Tae? Taehyung! Hiiii! I thought you are busy on tour! Why are you calling?" Y/N's voice sounded chirpy, and it immediately melts his heart. All thoughts of anger melted away. Thats how big of an impact Y/N has on him.
"The concert just finished..." he grins. Baby. Urghh he wanted so bad to say those words to her, to call her that, but he knows he cant. Y/N only sees him as a friend. For now. "Didnt you read any of my texts?" he questioned out loud, wandering why didnt be received any reply from her.
"Oh sorry Tae. I'm outside with the gang and I didnt expect you to call, or text me, since you are on tour and all," Y/N giggles. "Oh my god, you should have seen Jae hyun! What he did was so funny! He-"
"Why is it so noisy? Iant it late at night there? Are you at a bar? Are you out drinking? Since when do you even drink?! When are you coming home?" Taehyung cuts her off, not interested to know about Jae Hyun or any other guy for that matter, especially one that is making her laugh. He should be the only one who makes her laugh!
"Well, the gang are. You know I dont drink Tae," Y/N giggles. "Why are you calling?"
Her question turn Taehyung's mood turned sour immediately. Here he is, missing her like crazy even in the middle of tour, in the mjddle of a super busy schedule and she dont even bother to read his text on the account of being outside having fun with some guy? Sure, Jae Hyun is one of his bestfriends too. In fact, he is sure Y/N is hanging out with their usual gang, but its not fair how they are outside living their normal life with Y/N and he is here, stuck performing. He wants to go out with Y/N too!
Yeah, people say hes lucky. To be debuting, to have a great career and awesome brothers as his band members and sure, Taehyung is happy and grateful too. But if only Y/N is his, then his life would be perfect. Y/N and him used to be the closest duo in their group but all that changes after he debuted. Packed, busy schedules take his time away from his friends, and Y/N and little by little they drifted apart, and now, with his packed schedule all year round, he dont know if he can recreate the closeness between him and Y/N again. Oh, how he wished his longing and feelings for her dissapeared just like their closeness.
Its true what Jungkook said. He can have his pick from the various girls in his phonebook, but none of them can even come close to how Y/N makes him feel.
"I'm just calling my best friend. Is that wrong?" Taehyung snapped. "If that best friend bothered to checked and replied my texts, hundreds of them, I wouldnt have to call now would I?"
"Tae... I'm sorry. I really didnt noticed, and I was just asking," Y/N's sighed sadly. "Why are you angry at me? Please dont be ang-"
"Just forget it! Have fun with the boys!" Taehyung angrily hangs up the call, huffing.
He knows he shouldnt be mad. Heck, he has no right to be mad, they are friends, and Y/N is not obligated to reply lr answer his calls if she didnt want to, but thats how it always is. He got angry when he thinks about how she is fine without him. He gets mad when he thinks about every second shes with someone else and not him. He didnt talk to any of his friends for a month once when Y/N has a boyfriend for two weeks before.
Afterall, he is Kim Taehyung. Theres nothing he hates more than what he cant have. and right now, thats Y/N.
Y/N sighed and slipped her phone back in her bag.
"Is that your boyfriend?" Her best friend giggles, knowing how uncomfortable Y/N will be when she calls Taehyung that.
"He is not my boyfriend!" Y/N denies quickly. "But yes, its Taehyung,"
"I really dont get you Y/N. Kim Taehyung wants you. The Kim Taehyung! And you rejects him? Boy, you are really something else," her friend shakes her head. "The best friend turned idol slash international superstar and still madly in love with the best friend from high school only happens in fan fictions Y/N, and yet here you are. Happening right to you, and you rejected him? What is so wrong with Taehyung anyway?" She looks straight into Y/N's eyes trying to find and answer. When she find none, she shrugs. "Just, I dont know, think about it okay? Maybe its not such a bad idea, to be with him,"
"What are you even talking about? Taehyung is my best friend. Our, best friend," Y/N looks at her in disbelief. All of them hangs out together since they were teenagers doing homework together, its not possible for Taehyung to likes her. Especially now when he practically owna the world. Most of their friends had said that Taehyung harbour feelings for her, but that couldnt be true right? They are just friends. Have been for a long time even before Taehyung debuted. Sure, he was a trainee when they met and Y/N enjoyed being his friend. Sure, they were the closest duo before, maube Taehyung is a bit fond of her rather thab the others, but in love? Y/N chuckle to herself. It cant be.
She cant deny that Taehyung is really good looking, funny, charming, attractive and owns all the others positive things about him. and at one point in their friendship, she did have a crush on him. The two of them were so close when they first met. They did everything together, they are the typical high school bestfriends that are inselarable. But after Taehyung debuted.. well, thats when things starts to change for them. Is it his busy schedule or is it his changing attitude now that he is an idol that makes them drift apart, she cant tell, but one thing is for sure, the feelings she thinks she had before has dissapeared.
"Yeah, a friend. To us, not to you Y/N. I am pretty sure he wants to be more than that," Soo Young grins.
"No he doesnt! You know Tae is nice! He treat all his friends nicely," Y/N shrieks, but she knows its no point. They jabe had this argument a million times before.
"He is nice but I dont see hundreds of text from him in my inbox. Or sudden anger when I hang with a bunch of guys," she smirks. "Just face it will ya? Kim Taehyung loves you, and definitely more than just a friend,"
"Stop it Soo Young, he does not!" Y/N tries to deny it, but looking at the text Taehyung just sent her, Y/N got a feeling that somehow maybe her friend is right.
I'm sorry for snapping at you Y/N. I am just tired with tour and I miss you. I miss you very much and it just.. you know.. affect my mood. I'll call you early tomorrow morning okay?
Xoxo, Tae
Taehyung woke up early the next morning, which is unusual for him, especially the morning after a full blown concert. But sleep is not an option when all he can think about is Y/N and how he unnecessarily snapped at her last night. Granted, he did this so many times already. His jealousy always takes over and he always ended up snapping at her, which leave him with a big sense of regret later.  But he just cant control himself. Taehyung just wants Y/N all for himself.
Sure, he sent her a text saying sorry. And he waited for hours for her reply. Just a simple OK would do, but none. Y/N didnt reply anything. Is she that mad at him? Did his jealousy finally blew his relationship, if there was even any, over?
Taehyung sighed and ran his hand through his hair before reaching up for his phone.
1 new message.
With excitement and sheer hope, Taehyung quickly click it open, hoping and praying that it would be Y/N.
And sure it is, there, the name he waited so all night to grace his screen appeared.
Mine ❤
Even better, it wasnt just a text, but a photo. A photo of her beautiful face smiling at the camera, which looks like shes inside a plane, with a ticket held up covering half her face, showing the destination. Taehyung scrolled down to read the caption, heart racing.
Sorry Taetae, I fell asleep lastnight the moment I got home. Me and the gang are on our way to you ❤ we are attending your tour! Surprise! See you in a few hours.
Is this reall happening? Shes not angry at him. She coming to see him!
Y/N is coming to see him perform! Taehyung grins widely to himself, letting out a deep chuckle without realizing. He has never felt this happy in his whole life.
Y/N is coming to see him! Nevermind that shes coming with the whole gang, that part was long forgotten by Taehyung already. This is finally going to be the best tour ever!
"Hey Tae, I think your schoolnates are here. They managed to pushed through and be at the front," Hoseok turns back to Taehyung after peeking through the curtain from the backstage. Its minutes to their concert for that night, at the crowd is packed, expected of another sold out concert, but Taehyung cant seems to stop talking about how his "gang" from school is coming tonight, so Hoseok cant resist but to give it a peak.
"Hobi, I think you got it wrong. Tae doesnt care about his friends. What matters is, is Y/N there?" Namjoon chuckles as Taehyung gives him a glare.
"Yah, I care about both my friends and Y/N hyung. Okay fine, I care about Y/N a little more," he grins. "Is she there Hobi-hyung?"
"Cant see really clearly, but I think so, yes Tae," Hoseok rolls his eyes. All of the boys knows what Y/N looks like by now. Well, they should, with how much Taehyung talks about her, showing her pictures to them. "This is going to be the best show you will ever give dont you Kim Taehyung?" Hoseok smirks.
"What are you even talking about?" Taehyung shrugs, feigning ignorance. "I always give my best performance hyung,"
"Yeah?" Hoseok looks at the younger man, who is grinning from ear to ear and laughs. "If you say so Tae. But I can tell tonight is going to be better," he chuckles.
Its obvious to everyone, Kim Taehyung is absolutely whipped by his own classmate. A girl who he will never get.
Taehyung felt giddy all over. He cant wait to start. He have all this energy in him and he just cant stop smiling. This is the first time Y/N actually came and see him perform live. Sure, she and the gang has watched his performances on tape and videos before, but shes right here, in front of him, at the front row of his concert. There might be thousands filling up the stadium tonight, but Taehyung already knows that his eyes will only be seeing one person throughout the night.
His eyes search the crowd the moment they entered the stage, followed by a huge roar of shouts and applause from the crowd. But nothing can distract him from locking his eyes on Y/N tonight. He expects to see her looking at him, smiling and waving, cheering him on, fueling his energy and passion more, but what did he see?
Y/N is not even looking at the stage.
In fact, shes busy talking, no, giggling, like a school girl in front of their crush with some guy who is standing beside her.
What the actual hell?
Taehyung is pretty sure he dont know him. He must be some random fan attending the concert. But why is he obviously flirting with his girl? Just like what he intended to do, Taehyung cant stop keeping his eyes of them, although its more glaring at the two of them rather than looking at Y/N now. And seriously, those two just wont stop laughing and talking. Why does this always happen? Why does she have to be so freaking beautiful? Attracting guys anywhere she went?! Taehyung growls to himself.
This is not a coffee shop for them to have a date! Its a damn concert.
So watch the damn concert already!
"Tae!" Namjoon hissed at him backstage as the 6 of them retrieve back to give space for Jungkook's solo. "What the hell is going on?"
"What do you mean hyung?" Taehyung sighed and plop down on one of the couches, gulping down a bottle of water  . He knows exactly what Namjoon is talking about, but there is no way he is going to admit that.
"Oh please, you know exactly what I am talking about. Keep your head in the show Tae. And stop screwing up!" Namjoon huffed and walked away. Taehyung sighed. He knows he should focus on the show, its only for two hours, but how can he when the girl of his dream is right in front of him, and shes not even looking at him?
Taehyung tried to concentrate for the rest of the show, but failed miserably. He missed a lot of the cheography, accidentally hit the other members on stage, causing them to stumble and even forget a few of the lyrics. All the while, glaring and shooting daggers at Y/N and the guy's direction. Sure, his fans thinks its cute and assume that its part of the performance, some even say Taehyung is giving off an angry vibe which is considered hot and sexy, but the other members knows better and by the end of the show, all of them shakes their head and shot him a look of dissapointment.
Taehyung sighed, dissapointed at himself for letting a girl mess with his head as he takes off his makeup and change out of his stage costumes.
"Taetaeeee! Your performance is amazing!"
Taehyung whipped his head around to see the girl that is haunting his life  smiling and beaming cheerfully at him. Shit, how can he forgot he invited her to backstage later. He even offered to take Y/N out for coffee after the show and send her home and why is it he suddenly feel his anger start to dissapear just from aeeing her face?
No, keep your ground Taehyung. She should know what she did!
"Really?" Taehyung snickered. "How can you know?"
"Huh? What do you mean Tae?" Y/N took a step forward and looks at him with confusion.
"You said my performance is great. How did you even know? You are so busy selling yourself to some guy you just met!" Taehyung is full of anger now that the image of the two of them flashes back into his mind.
"What? Taehyung. Why are you saying things like this? He is just a new f-"
"I dont want to hear it," Taehyung raised a hand to stop her. "Know what, just go home Y/N. Im tired and Im going to have some rest," Taehyung starts to pick up his bag and start to walk out but Y/N held back his hand.
"Tae, whats wrong? You said we can go out to coffee to catch up or something remember?"
"Do you think I'm in the mood to have coffee right now Y/N?!" Taehyung pulls backs his hand aggressively.  "Just go home! Ill see you later,"
"But Tae. I-"
"Just go. Bye," without listening to another word from Y/N, Taehyung walks out, slamming the door behind him, missing what Y/N said next.
"But Tae.. I have asked everyone else to go back and I have no way to go home now.." Y/N sighed and slowly makes her way out into the dark night, figuring her way back to her hotel and why Taehyung is acting that way.
"Where are you going hyung?" Jungkook stretches on the couch and look at Taehyung whos wearing his jacket, ready to go out.
"I am having lunch with all my friends who came to the show last night. Ill be back before dinner. See you Kookie," Taehyung gives a small give, which is reciprocate by Jungkook and start the small walk towards the restaurant they had booked.
His mind starts to reel back to the night before. He immediately went to bed when he reached the hotel last night. When he wakes up today there was no message or misscall from Y/N. What does he expect? He is the one who rudely asks her to leave, she wouldnt be textiing him to ask him how he is doing. He should be the one doing that. Until when will he realized that he has no right to get jealous and even when he does, Y/N wont understand why.
Taehyung sighed.
Y/N's surprise and sad face from last night filled his mind again. Is he too mean? He picks up his pace, wanting to see her faster. She will be at the restaurant right? She wouldnt bailed on their group lunch just because shes mad at him.
Entering the restaurant, Taehyung spotted the long table filled with the familiar faces of his friends, laughing among one another. His eyes grazed each seat but Y/N is no where in sight.
"Oh Tae! Come on over!" One of his friends who noticed him spacing out at the door calls him in, breaking him out of his thoughts.
"Theres our superstar! Good show yesterday," another slapped his back and motioned for him to sit. Taehyung gives out polite smiles before asking the question he dreadfully want the answer to.
"Wheres Y/N?"
"Y/N? Oh you didnt know? She has a high fever. she was caught up in the heavy rain last night," Soo Young answered and eyed him skeptically. "Arent you with her? I thought you two went for coffee?"
"Wait. Fever? Rain?" The question immediately went passed him. All he can think about is how Y/N is sick right now. "Arent you guys together? Why are you guys all okay?"
"Together?" Soo Young raised an eyebrow. "But she told us to go on home first to meet you backstage. She said you are taking her out to catch up and you are going to send her home?"
"What? She-"
"Are you telling me you let her went back alone? In the middle of the night? In a city she never been to before?" Jae Hyun interrupt from the other end of the table. Just the fact that Jae Hyun is concerned and also he himself is looking like a real jackass right now sets Taehyung on fire.
"Shut up. Just.. where is her hotel?"
"Why?" Jae Hyun glares. Taehyung ignores him and turns to Soo Young. After a few seconds of intimidating glare and Y/N's whereabouts in his hand, he quickly say goodbye and ran off in her direction.
Good job Kim Taehyung. Not only did you get angry at you dream girl for no reason at all. You snapped at her, insulted her,left her alone, and you even make her sick. Great, fucking job. Maybe the boys are right, Y/N will never be yours.
"T-tae?" Y/N open her tired eyes to feel the wet cloth on her forehead only to be met with Taehyung's handsome face etched with worry, looking over her.
"Hey.. you are awake. How are you feeling?" He smile. A smile so beautiful that Y/N cant helped but smile back, although in her heart she is still deeply hurt by his action last night.
"Why are you here? How do you know where I am staying? Is this a dream?"
Taehyung laugh. Oh Y/N, how can anyone be this adorable?
"No, you are definitely not dreaming princess. I am here and I am going to nurse you back to health,"
"Okay, I am dreaming. You are calling me princess, thats weird," Y/N laughs. Taehyung realizes what he had slipped and give back a small smile.
"Just take a rest okay? Your temperature is going down, you will be better soon. I have also ordered you food. Ill feed you. Lets eat okay?" Taehyung helped her sits up and starts feeding her slowly. There is nothing he wont give to take care of Y/N like this every single day. Why cant she just let him?
"Thanks Tae. You really shouldnt have. You really are the best friend in the world," Y/N smiles as she keeps eating the food. Taehyung swallow the bitter truth and give her a small smile. Best friends. Of course, thats all he will ever be.
"Y-yeah of course. What are best friends for right?" He smile and swallow before uttering his next words. "Hey Y/N?"
"Yeah Tae?"
"I am really sorry about what I said to you last night. I dont have any right to get mad at you. And to leave you walking home alone? That is j-"
"Hey, dont worry about it Tae," Y/N smiles and patted his hand. "You must be tired and there I was yapping away aboit coffee and wanting to catch up," she giggles. "Sometimes I forgot that you are this huge world star now, always busy. You are no longer the same boy who is always around walking me home from school, buying ice cream on the way,"
Taehyung kept quiet. He didnt know why her words hurt him so much. Is that what she thinks of him all this while? That he has become too big to even hang out with his best friends? Is that why she is never interested in him, not at all?
"Y/N.. is that what you thought? All this while?" Taehyung look at her face, looking for answers.
"Well.. yeah. Isnt it? I mean, I know you are busy. Arent you?"
"Well, yes. But not-"
"Maybe someday when you finally have free time. Maybe 100 years from now," she giggles more at her own joke, " we can finally catch up. We can bring my children to an amusement park or something,"
Taehyung clenched his fist tight. He knows shes just joking around, but now he cant stop imagining Y/N happily married to some guy, with their kids running around. Oh hell no, he is never going to let that happen. Y/N is his, and he will make sure of it even if its the last thing he needs to do.
"Why wait a 100 hundred years then?" Taehyung flashed her his infamous smile.
"What do you mean?"
"What do you say, if your fever is better of course, that we go out to the amusement park tomorrow? Just us two? I heard they have a big one nearby. And we have an off day this whole week. So what say you?" Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.
Y/N looks at him and a smile alowly crept up her face.
"Its a date,"
"You are going to a god damn amusement park Tae, why are you fussing with your clothes so much?!" Jimin huffed for the hundred time as Taehyung rumnage through their closet for the thousand times.
"Chim, I told you. She said it herself! Its a date. A freaking date! I need to look good! God why is everything so ugly?! We dont have time to shop for bew clothes. I an doomed!" Taehyung sighed and slumped down on his bed, buried by a pile of clothes, frustrated.
"I think Y/N only meant it as a matter of speaking..." Jimin mumbled, because he knows its no point explaining it to someone as love struck as Taehyung is right now anway. "Tae, you already look good in anything. Just pick whatever okay. And if she does like you, it wont matter what you wear anyway,"
"You are right Chim. Y/N is not that petty to judge someone by appearance anyway," he smiled at the thought of her.  "Shes just perfect,"
Jimin chuckles at his lovestruck friend and shake his head, pulling the blanket, ready to sleep. Taehyung can day dream all he wants, buried in the pile of clothes. Hes going to bed. Jimin was about to drift off to sleep when he last heard what Taehyung said.
"I am so in love with the perfect girl Chim. I just wish shes mine already,"
"S-so which one do you want to ride first?" Taehyung stammered, nervously wiping his sweaty hands on his pants. He is finally on a date with Y/N. An outing, just the two of them. Sure, Y/N might think this is only outing between friends, but who cares, its still a date to him, and she look so beautiful Taehyung cant think straight.
Shes dressed so casually in shorts and an oversized jumper, hair flying loose and looking so happy eating a cotton candy that she was so excited to buy the moment she saw it. And looking at all the other eyes staring at her, Taehyung knows that he is not the only one who thinks shes looking absolutely beautiful today.
Y/N has always been beautiful. That is one of her traits that caught his eye the first time he saw her in school.  But sometimes her beauty is too much that she attracts everyone wherever she goes, and that is not a good thing for Taehyung. Especially when he is so easily consumed with jealousy and he went crazy when he does.
Why? Why does she have to be so freaking beautiful?
"Lets do the teacup! Then we can ride the pirate ship anddd that huge rollercoaster!" Y/N points to all the rides while jumping excitedly. "Hey, you okay? Why are you stammering?"
"Uh... nothing. I am just uh.. scared of scary rides?" Taeahyung gives a crooked smile, hoping she would believe him. There is no way he going to admit why he is so nervous being around her. And come to think about it,  what he said is true. He is scared of scary rides, rides to his heart and its scary as hell.
"Dont worry. I will protect you!" She giggles and hold his hand. Taehyung almost fainted the moment they touched. God, keep yourself together Kim Taehyung! You are Kim freaking Taehyung! Heart, stop beating so fast. Its just hand holding. You held way more hands during fanmeets! "Lets go!" Y/N drags him to the long line of the teacup, where the staff handling the ride is oogling her with no shame. Taehyung clenched his hand, wanting nothing more than to scratch his eyes out.
"Wait here in line Tae, I'll ask him how long the wait is going to be," before Taehyung could stop her to approach the guy with the beady eyes who is still staring at her, Y/N is gone. Taehyung kept his eyes on them, watching as the guy smile and getting too friendly for his liking. What are they even talking about? Shes only supposed to ask how long the wait is!
Y/N suddenly waves at him excitedly to walk over and Taehyung came by.
"What is it?"
"This nice guy said he will let us cut the que. Isnt that nice?"
"Really now?" Taehyung looks at the guy up and down, who is looking back at him, smirking.
"Yes sir. You and your pretty girlfriend c-"
"Oh he is not my boyfriend! He is my best friend!" Y/N cuts him and Taehyung felt like his gut has been stabbed.
"Oh really now?" The guy raised an eyebrow. Taehyung swear he really feels like punching him now. "Well, then you can go on as many time as you want," he smiles and winks, offering hia hand to helped Y/N up the platform. Y/N laughed, totally oblivious of how every single guy is flirting with her, like always.
"Yeah. How can someone that handsome be with me right? Have you seen him?" Y/N laughs. "And thankyou, maybe I'll come back again if we have time after trying all the other rides," she bowed and enters the ride, sitting opposite from Taehyung. Taehyung smiles at her and ponders on her words.
Oh Y/N, if only you knew that you are the only one who owns this supposedly too handsome man's heart.
Taehyung's mood drop from extremely happy to worse than sour in a heartbeat. The same thing with the guy at the teacup ride happen all over again. And again. And again and keeps happening. Its as if the whole park is after his girl. Y/N gets to cuts all the line, gets free drinks, win a teddy that Taehyung tried so hard to win for her for free and the popcorn guy even gave her his number on the box. To make matters worse, she keeps denying they are in a relationship and keep stressing that they are just friends. Taehyung knows its true, they are not in a relationship, but must Y/N be so against it? Is being with him appalled her so bad?
Y/N was chattering happily, eating her free popcorn, talking about how everybody is so nice, not noticing Taehyung's sulky mood and how he is already consumed in jealousy when he saw someone he knew.
Y/N looked up from her popcorn to see a beautiful young girl smiling and waving at Taehyung. She recognized her immediately. She is an idol too, must be Taehyung's work friend.
"Oh. Is that your friend? Let-"
"Mia, hi!" Taehyung immediately walked over to the girl, leaving Y/N behind. Well, Y/N has been flirting with everyone in the park with no regards to his feelings, maybe he would return the favor. Okay, he knows its not her fault, she dont even know the guys are flirting with her, but Taehyung knows he gets crazy easily when it comes to Y/N and jealousy, and this is one of the moment.
"Kim Taehyung! What are you doing here? Are you even allowed to wonder around an amusement park with this..." she looks at Y/N up and down with a disgusted look. "Person?"
"Oh uh hi. I-"
"Dont care," Mia shrugs and hold Taehyung's hand, dragging him away from Y/N as Y/N followed a few steps behind. "So I just finished a shoot here and my manager said I can spend the rest of the day enjoying the rides. Want to play with me?" Mia hugs his arms, leaning her head on his shoulder. Taehyung take a peek behind to look at Y/N. He wanted to pushed Mia away, tell her that hes spending the day with the girl of his dreams, but as he looks at Y/N, she is smiling at him, as if his close relationship with another girl doesnt effect her at all, and thats when he snapped.
He will always only be a best friend to Y/N. Nothing else, nothing more. Y/N will never be his.
And suddenly his heart is filled with jealousy and anger and the feeling of just... hurting her. To make her feel how he feel all this while.
"Yeah, sure Mia. Why not," he gives out his charming smile.
"Okay great! But what about... her?" She points to Y/N behind them.
"Oh her? No one special. She can follow us around," Taehyung shrugs and turns back. Y/N was surprised with his answer. Whats wrong with Taehyung now? Why is he behaving like last night again? Did she do anything wrong? Y/N decides to just follow them around for a while. Maybe they havent seen each other long, so they just want to catch up? Taehyung wont just ignore her for the rest of the day right?
Y/N's hopes dissapeared when hours passed and Taehyung didnt even talked or looked at her once. They didnt even ride the rides with her, taking a private car together, leaving her alone, riding with strangers. So much for an "amusement park date to catch up" Kim Taehyung.
Y/N sighed, but still follows them around.
Little by little, fans has started to gather as they realized that Taehyung and Mia are together, at an amusement park and at what look like a date. And soon enough, the crowd had gathered and followed them around to the point Taehyung's manager have to come. In the midst of the increasing crowd, Y/N being tiny and fragile got pushed by the fans who is trying to approached the couple and take photos before the moment is over, resulting in a scraped knees and bruises over her body. She tried to gets up and calls out for Taehyung, running behind them to catch up but was held back by the security.
"Sorry miss, please back off,"
"No. No. I am his friend. I was with him the whole day!" She points to the two celebrity.
"Yeah right, everybody said that," the security laughed and rolled his eyes. "You and these thousand other girls. Go home and study girl, stop chasing cleebrity around,"
"No. I am serious. He is my friend. Look, I have his jacket!" Y/N points to Taehyung's jacket that shes wearing. The one he gave her earlier because of the chilly evening air.
"Wait, are you a saseang?!" The security eyes her up and down.
"What?! Me? No! I am-"
The security ignored her and spoke into his walkie talkie and soon after a few more came and pushed her back.
"Miss, you have to stay about 1 kilometres away from Mr. Kim or legal actions will be taken against you. We dont tolerate saseangs,"
"But I am not.." Y/N sighed as she looks at Taehyung who is escorted away, not even looking back. "Nevermind. I'll back off," Y/N plop down at one of the benches and think about the way to go back to the hotel. Maybe she can just ask Jae Hyun for help.
"We heard what the security said," Y/N looks up to find a group of girls standing in front of her, circling her, hiding her from public sight. "You are a saseang arent you?"
"What? No! Its a misunderstanding. I am actually Tae's high school friend. I-"
"How dare you call him Tae you crazy stalker! Leave our oppa alone! He and his bandmates deserve some privacy you crazy bitch," the first girl shove her shoulder hard.
"No. Wait. I am not a-"
"Bitches like you deserve to die!" And before she can start defending herself the girls start shoving and hurting her, pulling her hair, slapping and punching her all over. Y/N is pretty sure they are the crazy one here.
Almost losing conciousness and bleeding all over, Y/N can only smirks to herself. I cant believe this is the way I will die. By being punch by Taehyung's fan.
Who the hell is that guy?!
Taehyung paced around in his room. Before he was ushered back to the car by his manager at the theme park, he managed to sneak a look behind the crowding fans, and he saw, far away at the back some guy carrying Y/N bridal style. She is hugging his neck but Taehyung cant see her face or anything else.
Who is he?
Why is she letting him carry her like that?
And after what happen yesterday, Y/N is still not even a bit jealous?
Taehyung huffed and continue to pace around his room. His mind is going crazy. Y/N didnt contact him after nor did she reply to any of his texts and calls.
Maybe he really did it this time. Maybe Y/N is truly mad at him.
Taehyung didnt see any of his friends after that anymore. They didnt answer his calls or his texts. They also didnt attend any of his shows anymore. Taehyung was confused. Is Y/N that mad at him for ditching her the other day? To the point she asks their friends to stop being friends with him? Doesnt that mean she has feelings for him then?
Taehyung needed answers, so he keeps on calling and texting. Plus, he misses Y/N lile crazy and he is starting to regret what he did the other day. After a few weeks of trying, Soo Young, fed up with his relentless effort in calling finally answered.
"What the hell so you want?!"
"Well, hello to you too. Is this how you talk to a friend?" Taehyung asks, confused on her behaviour.
"A friend?" She scoffed. "After what you did to Y/N, do you think you can call any of us friends again?!" So he was right. Y/N is pissed that he ditch her the other day.
"Wait. Just because I left Y/N at the amusement park you guys are not going to be friends with me anymore? Look, I know what I did was wrong. But I am s-"
"Left her at the amusement park? Its more like left her to die you asshole! And here I thought you actually love her!" Soo Young screamed out.
"Huh? D-die?" Taehyung stammered. what is she talking about?
"Y/N was in a freaking coma for a week because your crazy fans beat her up at the park you asshole! And you did freaking nothing to help! You think just because you are famous now you are better than your friends?! Just stop calling and stay the hell away from her!" Soo Young screamed at him but Taehyung is no longer listening as the phone he is holding dropped to the floor.
What has he done?
Y/N opened her eyes to the smell of sterile and medicine, her eyes adjusting to the white walls around her. She tries to move but she cant, everything hurts.
Where is she?
The last thing she remembered after getting beat up is a guy's voice shouting at the girls who is assaulting her and carrying her before she passed out conpletely.
"Hey.. you are awake," Soo Young's voice spoke softly to her ear and her friends friendly face entered her vision.  Soo Young explained what happened. How she was in a coma for a week already, and how a stranger at a park save her and how they are all no longer friends with Taehyung.
No matter how hard she tries, she cant figure out why Taehyung did what he did and Y/N finally give up in trying to figuring it out.
Y/N focuses on recovery, putting Taehyung to the far back of her mind. After a few weeks, her bruises and cuts got better but is still very much visible and she no longer needed a wheelchair, only crutches to walk. On a lazy weekend while watching her favorite drama and inhaling a carton of ice cream, a loud knock comes from the door. With her bad leg, she hopped to the door.
Y/N opened the door to find Taehyung looking straight at her, a huge bouquet of flowers in hand.
"Y/N. I-"
Panicking, Y/N immediately slammed the door shut at his face, tears starts to stream down her face. She doesnt know why shes crying. But seeing Taehyung again, after everything that happens... it just bring out the emotions that she never knew she felt.
"Y/N?" Taehyung calls out softly, while knocking on the door. After a few minutes he realizes that Y/N is never going to open it, atleast not today, and decide to just say what he wanted to say from behind the door.
"Y/N? I know after what I did I dont even deserve to see you. And I know you hate me so much that you cant even bare to see my face. I know I am a few weeks too late but I came immediately after I found out. Y/N, I am sorry. I didnt know why I did what I did. And if I could turn back time I would, but I cant. I am sorry I ruined what could have been the happiest day for us and turned it into this... tragedy. I am really sorry. You dont know how badly I regretted everything. I will give up everything Y/N, just to take it back. I swear," Taehyung sighed. "I'm... I'm just going to leave this flowers here by the door. Its for you. And I will come back every single day. You dont have to see me. But I will come back and wait for you until you are ready. I am sorry Y/N," with that Y/N heard his footsteps slowly went away, leaving her alone with her tears.
And true enough, Taehyung came back every single day for the next few months. Y/N found out from the news that he skipped his tour just to do this. He must really be willing to do anything like he said. Everyday he will leave something for her. Flowers, cookies, teddies, books, anything and he will sits on the floor by the door and talk about his day and how sorry he is and how he misses her. And slowly, Y/N find herself waiting for his daily visits and the tears stopped, replaced by a smile and a few giggles.
After 4 months, Y/N decided to finally open the door and ask him one final question.
"Y-Y/N? You opened the door!" Taehyung smile, surprised and immediately hugs her. "S-sorry. I just miss you so much," he stares at her longingly, backing away.
"This doesnt mean I forgive you Tae,"
"Of course! Of course! But its progress! What do you want me to do Y/N? I'll do anything, even if it takes forever," Taehyung smiles and she knows he means it.
"Answer me this one question Tae. Answer me with honesty. No bullshit, no lies, no excuses, and I will decide if I want to forgive you,"
"Of course Y/N. What is it do you want to know? I'll answer anything. Anything at all,"
"Why?" Taehyung looks at her, confused. "Why are you always mad at me for no reason? Why are your mood always changing? Did I do something wrong? Do you hate me? Do you not want to be my friend anymore? Why?"
"Well... thats not one question," Taehyung chuckles.
"Okay, okay. Kidding," Taehyung smiles and takes a deep breath. Its now or never. Its time to tell his dream girl, the truth.
"You want to know why? Its because of you Y/N. You are driving me crazy. from that first day I saw you in high school, I have been crazy about you, over you. I cant sleep, I cant think straight, I cant even be myself, all I can do is think about you and how to make you mine. How it feels if you are mine. If you love me back. I want you Y/N. I want to take care of you, to love you, to be the only face you think about every single day, to be the last face you see at night, the first face you see in the morning. Every single day I wonder, why cant I be that person for you? I love you L/N Y/N. I have been madly in love with you for years and I am sorry I have been acting crazy, but I just cant help it when I see other people looking at you or laughing with you. You are just so beautiful, so perfect to me, I am afraid that someone else will steal you away. I dont know how I will live if that happens. Jealousy is my best friend when I am around you and thats what happen that day. I knew now that you will never be mine, and I accept that. But I will take care of you from afar. And to answer your question, no, I dont want to be your friend, because I want to be so much more. But Y/N..," Taehyung smiles. "I have accepted it Y/N, that you will be the girl who will never be mine,"
Y/N feels her mouth dropped opened. Is Kim Taehyung really finally confessing to her?
"T-tae, I didnt know-"
"Hey, its okay. You didnt know. Atleast you didnt ignore my feelings on purpose," he smiles. "I am so sorry Y/N. I love you and I will do anything to make things right again. I regret everything I did,"
"Wait," Y/N stopped him. "So you are saying, that everything you did to me before, the mood changes, igboring me, getting angry, everything, is because you are jealous? And because you cant have me?"
"Well, yeah," Taehyung gave a small smile. "I love you too much that the thought of not having you drive me crazy. And you are just so beautiful, guys are always all over you,"
"But you said this will never happen again. Because..?"
"Because I finally accepted that you are the girl that I love, but you are also the girl that at will never be mine Y/N," Taehyung smile, a sad smile. Y/N giggles and took a step forward and held his hand.
Oh who is she kidding. She might have denied it to Soo Young and the rest of the gang, but who could ever resist Kim Taehyung?
Obviously not her. Because she is fi ally admitting to herself that she is desperately in love with her best friend. From that first day in high school. And how lucky is she that her best friend is Kim Taehyung.
"But Tae, whoever said that I will never be yours if you never ever asked me?" Y/N grins and the happiest smile slowly crept up Taehyung's face.
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low-budget-mulan · 5 years
Hi! How often do you run into psychiatric patients during work as an EMT? I'm doing psych right now and we had a 12 yo girl whose mom had her in porn at 6mo-9mo and I just want to scream at 1. these people who are pro-porn and 2. the mom is clearly mentally ill, but still what the effffff. So how do you deal with these patients?
I'm going to start this off by saying that those parents should be reported to CPS. That is absolutely disgusting and I would not let those monsters anywhere near a child. If you have not contacted the proper authorities yet then please do so now because their child (children?) Are being abused and absolutely nobody deserves that. Especially an innocent child. If you have actual evidence of the abuse and the evil things that the parent did then those kids should be taken away and locked up never to see the light of day again. Pieces of shit.
We run into psych patients on the regular. Whether it is a person who is having a psychotic episode, a person who is suicidal, a person who cant take care of him/herself, or a person who just has some sort of addiction where they are self medicating to forget about their problems (either drugs or alcohol. Sometimes both). It is all part of the job. Each patient is different. I've had psych patients who wanted complete silence. I've had psych patients threaten to harm/murder/rape me. Hell, just a couple days ago one tried to attack me in the back of the ambulance on the way to the hospital. I've had psych patients who just wanted someone to talk to. And I've had psych patients that I didnt even realize were potential psych patients until after the call was over. You have to be able to assess the situation and from there you can move forward in patient care. I'll give you a couple examples of times situations were handled well and times they were not and how I decided to act/treat my patient.
We had a 911 call for a behavioral overdose. Sheriffs were already on scene (good). We get there to find a high school aged girl. She was alert and oriented (AO). Her whole family was around plus the sheriffs, plus the fire engine, plus the fire medics, plus me and my partner. There were too many people. We are trying to talk to our patient and figure out the whole story but she isnt really talking. I turn to the fire medic (they technically are in charge of medical calls, so what they say goes even if it's wrong and stupid) and say let's get her loaded up and he agrees. We walk her to the gurney and load her into the ambulance. Typically we allow one family member/friend to ride along with a patient especially if the patient is a minor. Unless the patient is a psych patient. And heres why. Once the girl was in the back of the ambulance and away from the hoards of people she started answering our questions. She told us everything that happened leading up to this point and why she did it and how she was feeling. I gained her trust by talking to her and separating her from what was causing her anxiety and other feelings that werent good. During the transport I realized she just needed to be distracted. I was monitoring her closely with the medic and got all the medical information I needed. So we just talked about school and plans for college. We talked about her favorite tv shows and how I spelled my name wrong for 13 years. That's all she needed. But not everyone needs that. This is an example of a good call.
I will start this off by saying I can be sarcastic. Which is not always a good thing. Okay so. This was a transfer call for a man on a legal hold. We were taking him from an emergency room to an actual psych facility where the remainder of his hold would be carried out. This guy was extremely tall like over 6 feet and used to be in the military and still worked out a ton so he was pretty muscular. I just so happened to be driving this day. While my partner was getting his report I went to go get a set of vitals to make sure he was stable and nothing was wrong. Before I can even get them this dude is making all sorts of racist remarks and how he doesnt want to go to whatever psych hospital we are taking him to because "its associated with a certain kind of people if you know what I mean." Then goes on to say hes not going (which tbh if you're on a hold it doesnt matter if you want to go or not. You have to go until you are psychologically cleared). I explained that because he was on a hold he had to go and I wasnt the one who set up the transfer. I literally am just the driver and I go where my dispatch sends me. He then responds with "well what if I fight you" I realize I wasnt going to get my vitals and that this guy was going to be a problem. I walk over to my partner and tell him what's going on and that we need to use restraints (which I rarely use because who wants to be restrained?). At this point we now have sheriffs there to help us get the guy on our gurney and to protect us if this guy freaks out. We get him on our gurney and I put the restraints on. After putting on restraints you have to check for a pulse in the extremity and make sure they can still wiggle their fingers/toes. So I ask him to wiggle his fingers and he flips me off. Me being the sarcastic person I am and without thinking I responded with "oh thanks. I havent had that in a while. Could I get another?" The dude then threatens to rape me and becomes very agitated. I messed up. We de-escalated the situation thank goodness. But I could have handled that situation better. I knew he was already agitated and a dumb comment like that could have easily been the breaking point for him. Dont do something stupid like that.
We had a transfer for a woman who was on a hold. This was out of one of the worst hospitals I know. Literally the hospital that killed my grandpa. I already hated being there, but how the staff treats patients both medically and professionally (if you can even call it that) was absolute shit. I hated this hospital even before my grandpa was a patient there because of how incompetent and rude the staff was. Sorry I got distracted and ranted, but the backstory is relevant. I go to try and get a report from the nurse who knows absolutely nothing about this patient. Cant give me any history. Doesnt know what meds (if any) were even given. And gets annoyed when I ask for an actual report. Not just the "oh yes that lady is on a hold. She can talk but is being selectively mute. And you're taking her to this place. K bye." At this point I realize I'm going to get nothing from this 'nurse' and I just look through the packet. I go over to the patient who is just sitting there on the bed staring off into thin air. I realized that any loud noise or sudden movement scares her. So I slowly inch my way to her and introduce myself. I tell her I'm there to take her to a different hospital where the staff will be able to take care of her better and where she can get the help she needs. In that whole interaction I got her to say maybe a couple words. And they were basically what's going on. I realized the staff at this shit hospital did not tell her what was happening. Nobody told her she was being transferred. They literally just left her to sit in her own feces because they couldnt be bothered to do their job. Before I even touched her I told her everything that would happen. I walked her through the entire transfer process and let her know what was going on. Then once we were ready to actually start getting her onto our gurney before I made any movement I told her exactly what I was doing. She was completely fine with me. Once we get her to the psych place we finish up our transport and are about to leave she grabs my partners hand says "are they going to be nice and take care of me here?" My heart broke. I told her that yes she would be taken care of and that she wouldnt be ignored here as I know this hospital has great staff. She smiled and let us go.
By assessing the situations and the patients you are able to figure out how to handle your patient. Ive learned from my mistakes and I've learned from my coworkers who have been around longer than me. But always be cautious as a patients mood can change at any time. Even if you dont do anything to trigger it. A patient will go from happy and smiling to trying to punch you in the face. Know your surroundings. Be ready to react because things can change in an instant.
Addition: any sort of illegal activity I will report to the proper authorities. I have reported hospitals, families, and nursing home for neglect and other forms of abuse. If you are sure then ask someone who knows more. I usually ask the supervisor I trust or my coworker who's been doing this for 20 years.
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masosade · 5 years
A Second Chance
“I would’ve dropped  you off at Neil’s, but he’s been trying my patience lately. So why bother? I am sure someone will come pick you up eventually.” Alice smiled coldly as she watched formerly half-of Maso take his first shaky steps out of the grimdark Office. The body she had salvaged from another unfortunate Stellan - one whose soul had been reincarnated after his young demise – had been patched up and handed down.
"And remember! If you ever come back to cuase trouble in the grimdark Office again, your death will be an exceptionally long and painful one!" Alice chirped, her fingernails digging into Stellan's shoulder painfully. He jerked back, wincing, and averted his eyes.  
“Perfect! I am glad we understand each other. Now, off you go, shoo!”
Stellan turned down the hallway. It was unfamiliar, looked like every other Office they’ve been to. With a sinking heart, he remembered he wouldn’t have Bradley here to guide him. He wished he would’ve paid more attention to their previous travels.
However, the things out there were most likely much better than what he was leaving behind. He felt Alice’s gaze linger a few seconds longer as he limped away, before she vanished back in her Office.
And then Stellan was alone.
His new body ached and stung from the stitches Jagger had put in after it had been rescued from a grave. Its eyes felt weak and its feet clumsily stumbled over each other. Either they had given him a second rate body to sit in, or he had to get used to having a body on his own for the first time in years.
It was ironic, actually. Stellan had dreamed of owning a very own body for himself on many occaisons, one where he could do what he want and go wherever, with no one else there to tell him what to do. Now he just felt cold and empty. He wished Bradley were here to fill the silence. When he reached out for that presence at the forefront of his mind, he felt nothing but hollow numbness, like tonguing a missing tooth.
Finally free and Stellan was fucking miserable.
He made his way down the hallways, taking random turns in whatever direction felt like it could lead him somewhere better. The Lounge sat empty, its seats covered in thick dust and the vending machine leaking with unidentifiable fluids. Not an abnormal sight to see, if rare, but some Offices shut down after their Stanleys and Narrators leave, or are killed, or kidnapped, or fall in love and move to another one, abandoning their original Offices.
It felt like the Universe took great joy in mocking Stellan, reminding him of how utterly alone he was. For the first time in years, he wanted to find a bottle that smelled as strongly as the juices drenching the Lounge’s carpets and drink it until he forgot everything but the burning in his throat. He had curbed his alcoholism nearly a decade prior, dreaming without it he could hold a good job, pull himself out of the mess his life had become and afford starting again in a better community.
Ever since he took the first step for change, accepting an office job promising to uphold a decent lifestyle, things haven’t stopped spiraling downwards.
‘Maybe I should’ve stayed a drunkard,’ Stellan thought bitterly as he focused on placing a foot in front of the other. Both the pain and the fogginess in his mind made it difficult to walk straight.
‘Ending up with liver poison and a friendly face per night would’ve been a much better fate. Hell, I could’ve met someone nice and spent an average life with them. But noo, I had to become a better person and start dreaming. And look where that got me.’
So wrapped up in his self loathing, Stellan didn’t notice another Stanley standing in the middle of the hallway until he nearly ran straight into him. In a flash, his thoughts had vanished and he couldn’t help stare.
The other Stanley...looked normal enough. He had the typical brown hair parted in the middle and messy with a morning look, warm brown eyes, and freckles scattered playfully on his nose. His employee outfit clean and nicely ironed; the nametag which read 'Hi! My name is Stanley!' looked new.
He looked normal but he didnt feel normal. This Office was abandoned, no doubt, so where had he come from? If he were a new Stanley, surely he would be frightened with the change of scenery and lack of directions.
Yet he simply stood there and smiled at Stellan, like they had agreed to meet up and Stanley was happy he came.
"Uhh?" Stellan tried and his vocal cords cringed at the unaccustomed strain. He coughed awkwardly and tried again, this time managing a hoarse mutter.
“H-hey, can you help me? I think I’m lost.”
"Of course I can help!" The Stanley said, his voice surprisingly gentle. He offered his hand for Stellan to take. "Come with me, I can take you somewhere safe!"
His eyes gleamed brightly in the dim hallway and for a moment Stellan wondered if he had stumbled upon another illusion of a Jonathan. Maybe it had been abandoned after the Narrator left and was never taken care of. But when Stellan hesitantly took his hand, it was warm and human to the touch. Not even Jonathan could imagine an illusion that felt so real.
The other Stanley beamed with joy and Stellan glanced away.
The Office looked even worse than Stellan had expected. Beyond the Lounge, as they headed back towards room 427, he noticed some rooms had their ceilings caved in, others with windows shattered. The left door was blocked completely with some filing cabinets but his mysterious guide didn't bat an eye at the havoc.
They turned into another hallway past room 420, and headed deeper. Stellan gave up trying to make sense of where they are going so he focused on the warm hand clutching his. It felt so foreign to be holding it and comforting at the same time.
“You’ve got a long journey behind you, don’t you?” The other Stanley said, sometime after they passed through another portal finally, into another Office. It smelled warm like a heated kitchen and no matter how hard Stellan looked, he couldnt find even one piece of stray paper on the ground.
“You dont know the half of it,” Stellan muttered. He tried to focus on walking, grateful for the hand clutching his. Without it he would’ve surely tripped over his own feet.
“I think I might,” Stanley said, smiling. Stellan shot him a questioning look, but he didn’t offer to elaborate.
“...did someone send you to get me?”
“This way.”
It’s been barely an hour, they couldn’t have known the exact moment I was released, could they?
Whoever they were. Countless of people around the Offices stuck their nosy noses in other people’s business. Stellan could name ten on the top of his head who may have had even the abandoned Offices bugged, grimdarks and the laboratories of one certain evil Narrator included.
Maybe it was desperation talking, or his inability to care about what pain could be further induced on him at this point, emotional or physical. But the other Stanley didnt feel evil. Even if he was mysterious, came out of nowhere and now held a tight grip to his hand as they wandered further into the hallway’s mazes.
If he wanted to hurt Stellan, he could have done it by now.
Unless he is taking you back to the laboratories, a tiny voice quipped.
I’m useless now. Bradley has the body, not me.
You’re not useless. Their whole experiments were centered around pain, werent they? Maybe they’re trying to see how far they can break you.
… then let them. I don’t give a shit anymore, and if they want to fuse me with more Bradleys. I’m tired. I don’t care.
Stanley stopped suddenly in front of a door. He turned back to Stellan and, while he never stopped smiling, it brightened when he looked at him.
“In here.” Stanley said.
“What…?” Stellan glanced at the door. “What’s in there?”
“Oh, didnt I already say? It’s a second chance for both of you.”
Both? Stellan stared in bewilderment and got a knowing smile as an answer.
“...Bradley….Bradley is in there too?” How did he get past Alice and her security and her monsters to get him out? She was very clear in what she wanted to do with his other half and how she would maim anyone who tried to free Bradley of his ‘punishment’. Even if the ‘good guys’ wanted to save Bradley, it wouldnt make any sense. Stellan’s own alternate, one of those self proclaimed Office Heroes, even he took part in their capture.
“Life is more than hurting and getting hurt.” The other Stanley continued, infuriatingly vague. “We all have done things we regret, but it doesnt mean we need to suffer for the rest of our lives for it.”
He reached out and cupped his hands around Stellan’s face, and Stel startled at how warm they were. Ever snce Maso – no. Ever since the Office, the hands touching him had been cruel, painful. Cold fingers of scientists prodding, Jagger and his scalpels, agony created by Alice and his very own hands. And yet Stanley’s were so gentle, soft and merciful. Stellan leaned into the touch unconsciously.
His chest stung with an unwanted tightness.
“You’re going to be okay.” The Stanley said. “You and him. I promise.”
Stel was tempted to bite back with sarcasm, but it felt ungrateful to spoil his optimism with bitterness. Instead he hung his head, ashamed.
“We dont deserve a second chance,” he muttered. The hands withdrew from his face and even in the surprisingly warm Office air, Stel felt colder. He waited, but no reply came and when he looked  up again, the hallway was empty.
The other Stanley had vanished.
Stellan sighed and turned back to the door. It looked so simple a few minutes ago and now it seemed more daunting, at the thought of seeing him again. Bradley might blame him for leaving him alone, but Stellan was more afraid he wouldn’t hesitate a second if Bradley offered him a chance to come back.
Anything was better than suffering alone. At least Bradley understood him.
Stellan gathered up his nerves and reached out for the door handle. It stuck, forcing him to rattle it a few times before he managed to get it open. His heart beat hard in his throat.
Now or never, he thought. The door swung open and Stellan stepped inside.
A single desk lamp struggled to light the room, though its glow couldn't reach past the cramped corner in which the cot sat. On the cot, wrapped in a few dozens blankets crouched a figure. Stellan couldn't make out its features so he hesitantly tried a,
The figure shuddered. As Stellan took another careful step inside, letting the door swing shut behind him, it shifted and a tired, tear stricken face peered out from underneath the sheets.
Stellan froze and he could feel his heart sink to his stomach.
That wasn’t his Bradley.
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Hey! Do you think you could tell us about mic's bio parents?
{{Most definately my loyal Listener!}}
File on Biological Parents of
Nakamura Hizashi (age 7)
Arrest report: completed
Mother: Amelia Nakamura
Appearance: blonde, green eyes, 5'8".
Quirk: Charismatic Voice - able to draw attention to herself and keep focus on her by using voice.
Job: Model
Age at time of arrest: 29
Father: Kenji Nakamura
Appearance: black hair, green eyes, 6'0"
Quirk: Emotional Tone - able to manipulate another's emotions/feelings with his voice in any way he decides.
Job: Opthalamologist (eye doctor)
Age at time of arrest: 32
Arrest report: subjects were arrested after investigations into allegations of child abuse were proven correct. Elementary teacher notified police a month earlier when she suspected child was being abused due to bruises and peculiar actions by said child. Many home visits by social worker Hana Kane revealed the child in question to be severely underweight, covered in various bruises, scars and some cigarette burns. Hana Kane approached the house with officer for final home visit and both found the child wearing an illegal muzzle to cancel out said childs quirk. Child was immediately moved from the home and into foster care. Parents promptly arrested and have been put into prison to be processed under charges of child abuse, child neglect, child endangerment, and use of illegal quirk canceling devices.
Statement by Elementary Teacher Sumi Ito
"Hizashi has always been such a pleasure to have. I always requested him to be in my class the next year due to his smiling nature and positivity. He always wanted to help out and oh did that boy love to talk. His...his parents seemed fine at first. They smiled and nodded, asking what they could do to improve. I noticed they never outright praised their son... but I thought that was just them being overachieving. I did find it odd that they never hugged or even...or even touched Hizashi... I should have know. I should have said something sooner. These past two years I've noticed him getting quieter and quieter. Soon he started flinching away from contact and that worried me. But I began to see bruises and all the pieces started to fall together. I tried to ask him about it but he wouldnt say a word. He would just smile and apologize.... hes such a lovely boy. He really is! I dont want to think about what those...those monsters have been doing to him"
Hana Kane: Social worker Report
Parents would always avoid answering questions about Hizashi. They would be condescending when describing their childs behavior and often diverted the conversation back to themselves. They talked about their jobs, love life, accomplishments, and anything having to do with themselves. They had seemingly no interest in the lives of their child.
I noticed hearing aides on both parents and that the father had glasses. When I inquired about both and if hizashi shared the same the father commented
"Who do you think blew out our ears? That damn kid"
Both froze at what was said but didnt apologize for the statement. Hizashi was born with his quirk and records do show that both parents were deafened by his voice. Seems like both parents resent Hizashi for their 'condition', and I believe the only reason the child has hearing aides is because of teachers persistence in the matter .
Parents are very concerned with their public image.
Reccomendation: remove child from home, investigate parents further.
parents arrested, restraining order put through and form filed to prevent them from contacting Hizashi until he reaches 18.
Hizashi will be placed in foster care and be ready for adoption pending parents sentencing.
Hizashi needs new hearing aides and requires glasses due to impaired vision that was never treated.
Therapy recommended, therapy animal recommended, contact therapist specialized in child abuse
Child appears skittish, withdrawn, terrified of failure and genuinely unhappy. Have seen him smile and interact kindly with other kids, fear seems to be rooted in parental figures
"Reports indicate that both subjects seem to be oblivious to their wrongdoings and hold characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder. Not suitable for visitation rights with parents"
{{So sadly Hizashis parents weren't the best and left him with a lot of mental and physical scars. It took him a long time to get over that. His birth surname is Nakamura, changed to Yamada when he was adopted. Adoptive parents information to come if people want it! Thank you again!}}
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misstring · 5 years
It All Started With an Alpaca (Damian Wayne x Reader) pt. 1
Reader Gender: She/her (If you don’t use those pronouns then I believe in your brain power to change it as you read)
Warnings: Alpacas, confusion with llamas. Other than that, none.
Synopsis: Damian brings in an injured Alpaca into what he thought was an abandoned warehouse to treat it. Oh boy was he wrong.
Other notes: KCC are your pseudonyms. Damian is 14 ish? You are also about 14 ish.
Other parts: (To be continued)
(Y/n) lies down in the makeshift bed in the corner of the warehouse. It was quiet, away from the busy streets of Gotham, the screeches of the idiotic people getting robbed, gunshots, and most of all, away from her mother. It was the furthest she could get from home that she felt safe. Then again, who was she kidding, nowhere is completely safe in Gotham.
She sighs out as she recalls the argument she had with her mother. Despite the fact that they could barely afford to have a roof over their heads, her mother was pushing her to enroll into Gotham Academy.
It was her dream school, but with the way her family was financially doing, it made more sense to drop out of school and get a job. Her mother kept insisting that she got all the costs covered. That would set off alarms in anyone’s head, especially those in Gotham. No single mother that graduated from high school and didn’t go to college had any chance of making enough to keep the house, even though it is rather old, pay the bills, pay for food, and also pay for the tuition for the private school without dabbling in the crime world.
Not that this was new.
(Y/n) sighs. She doesn’t want her mother to be carted off to prison or somehow manage her way to Arkham Asylum, like her father did.
The door opening made (Y/n) stop her thoughts and look over to the door. They couldn’t be back that quick, unless they got caught. She puts on a surgical mask to conceal her identity without a second thought.
A dark figure of a boy no taller than 5 feet, her estimate may be off, walks in pulling an alpaca with spots in behind him. He turns on a flashlight he pulled from his belt and shines it on the alpaca. The dark spots were blood red; the metallic scent of the blood started to waft towards her.
She gets up from the bed and the boy stands straight up, looking around for any movement in the dark warehouse. He doesn’t say anything before he goes back to tending to the animal. (Y/n) sneaks towards the light switch.
She turns on the light and a pair of batarangs flies towards her, pinning her shirt to the wall.
“Who are you?” the boy asks whilst walking over with a sword in hand.
“You realize that that is the question I should be asking; afterall, you are the intruder here,” (Y/n) says unfazed by the weapon that is pointing towards her neck. “It’s also better to take care of any injured llama with the lights on,”
The frown that was already prominent on his domino covered face deepened. She looks over to the animal and realizes her mistake.
“It’s not a llama,” his blunt response only cemented it.
“An alpaca? Here? In Gotham?” her exclamation only grew as her eyes started to sparkle but then revert back to a neutral state. “He’s injured, probably bleeding. Let me go so I can bring out the med-kit,”
He puts down the sword and before he could take out the batarangs from the wall, she had ripped her shirt and field towards one of the corners and lug out a huge white kit with a red cross on it. She opens it up and puts on a sterile pair of gloves working quickly to spot the injury and treatment even before the boy was able to get out of his shocked state and join her.
She shaved the portion of the fleece around the wound to find a gash that was still bleeding heavily. She brought up a clean cloth and put pressure onto the wound while the boy tried calming down the animal to prevent it from kicking her. The bleeding stopped and she brought out alcohol, cleaning her hands with the gloves before disinfecting the cut and starting to suture it. After two stitches, she put her arms down and disinfected the area again before bandaging it.
“Whose alpaca is this?” (Y/n) asks while cleaning the materials, sterilizing it to the best of her abilities with alcohol and putting it away.
“I found him,”
(Y/n) takes a look at him for the first time without any distractions. “You’re Robin,” she says with a slight inquisitive tone. She looks at the yellow ‘R’ on his chest and the cape and takes a look at his face. He was slightly shorter than she was.
“Yes, I am Robin,” he confirms.
“Do you realize where you walked in?” She asks, never hearing his answer as the door opens.
“Hey, KC. We finished–” someone says while the group enters the warehouse before stopping in their tracks to see Robin. They were quick to pull out their weapons, which consisted of poles to strange contraptions that Robin has never seen before.
“Stop, he’s not here to bust us all,” (Y/n) says, stepping in between the group and Robin.
“Last time we saw him, he almost killed my grandmother,” A smaller boy carrying a long metal pole says.
“That was because of the building structure; she wasn’t even injured. At most she was startled,”
“An alpaca!” a girl, no older than ten from the back of the group, pushes through the older kids to run towards the alpaca. “Can we keep him? KCC?”
“That raises a good question, what were you planning on doing with the alpaca, Robin?” (Y/n) turns to face Robin as the others in the group lower their weapons to gawk at the docile animal in the middle of the lit warehouse.
He looks at the 10 year old to see that she already bonded with the animal and looks back at the girl with the surgical mask covering the bottom portion of her face.
“Are you able to care for it?” Robin asks.
“Hey, any of you able to care for the alpaca?” (Y/n) says to the group.
A chorus of no’s and nopes come out.
(Y/n) turns to Robin, “If I had enough money, my mother would not mind, and lil’ ALie,” she gestures to the pouting 10 year old as her brother was telling her why they couldn’t bring it home, “wouldn’t be as pouty,”
“Money won’t be a problem,” Robin pulls out a roll of cash, “This is to start you off in caring for it. I’ll send you some more later,”
“All this for an alpaca? Robin, you are crazy,” (Y/n) accepts the cash and sticks out her hand, “I’m known as KCC in this group. The intel and strategist of this group,”
He accepts the handshake, “Robin. I’ll be leaving the alpaca in your care now,” he runs out the door, disappearing into the night.
———-To be continued…
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