#ice cream girl
pringledraws · 3 months
The Children!
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All of them are doomed to die or have trauma..
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masaworld · 9 months
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annyz3 · 4 months
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I noticed that her design looks a little like the characters from Cookies Run, maybe I'll turn her into an OC from that world...maybe
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st-kitten · 11 months
“you’re lucky I like you”
MIGUEL O’HARA x THIEF READER warnings: none, fluff, soft miguel, cute miguel words: 2,705
He shouldn't have kept you around. Miguel was no fool—even if you mistook him for one. He should have brought you to the police, but you both knew he wouldn't.
“What did you do this time?” he asked, feigning annoyance. He had known why. Miguel had wanted to hear her say she wanted him, though. She had been like an addiction. He had kept coming back knowing it wasn't good for him. No matter how much he had tried to stop, it had been futile. He was hooked.
“Wow, you’re perpetually annoyed, aren’t you?”
“Perpetually annoyed, and not ashamed of it,” Miguel replied, crossing his arms, “Especially after dealing with idiots like you for the past year.”
He didn’t break eye contact with the criminal before him.
“Drama queen much? If I annoy you that much, why’d you come? Why not send someone else?” You say.
“I would be the last one to admit to such bullshit,” he growled, “I’m an adult. I have responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is putting criminals like you in the hands of the police where they belong.”
But he couldn’t help his mind from wandering. He’d done this countless times with her, and yet, he still hadn’t managed to capture her. It wasn’t normal. It was impossible. And Miguel hated impossible. Just thinking about it irritated him.
“So, where’s the police? Or have you got some other ideas?” You asked, smirking.
His heart skipped a beat. Miguel stared at the woman before him, at the taunting, sultry smirk on her lips. If looks could kill, that woman would’ve been dead the very first time he laid eyes upon her.
“You know I’m not gonna take you to the police yet,” Miguel said, not taking his eyes off her. “So I guess you know what that means.”
“How could I know what it means? I’m just an idiot…” you said, pretending to be dumbfounded.
Miguel couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at that. The stupid criminal before him wasn’t nearly as stupid as she wanted to make herself sound. He could read her like a book. “Don’t play stupid”, he said matter-of-factly, “It doesn’t suit you.”
“Oh, come on, can’t a girl play around a little?”
“Not when your ‘playing around’ results in innocent lives being lost,” Miguel countered, staring her down. “It’s a miracle you haven’t killed anyone yet.”
“You’re welcome!” You said with a playful glint in your eye.
“Oh, so I’m supposed to thank you for not killing more people than you already have?” Miguel snapped back. “That’s rich.” He rolled his eyes sarcastically. This girl had some nerve…
You shrugged. “So, if we’re not going to the police, can we at least go and have a bite to eat? I’m ravenous…”
He was stunned for a few seconds. Not only was he taken aback by that remark, he’d never actually heard a criminal say something like that before, let alone to him. “Are you for real right now?” Miguel asked, “Like actually.” His eyes narrowed, a curious look on his face. He was getting mixed messages from this woman.
“Yes, I’m for real right now. Aren’t you hungry too, from all the chasing around and catching bad people?”
He paused for a moment or two, thinking about it for just about the first time in his life. As much as he hated to admit it, he WAS a little hungry. Plus, it’d give him a good excuse to keep her near him at all times.
“Fine,” he relented, “But I’m not paying.”
“Well, I’m the rich one…as you said…”
“Rich? You’re a criminal,” Miguel reminded, “Any money you can get your hands on was earned unlawfully.” He put his hands on his hips, staring her down, daring her to say something back. They’d had this argument before.
“I’m not arguing with you on an empty stomach. Now, will you please come with me? There’s a nice Mexican place around here.”
He let out a sigh, defeated, “Fine”, Miguel replied, “Only this time.” He couldn’t help but think he’d been baited right into her little game. He knew she was laughing at him in her mind, mocking his pride and his honour.
They both walked into the Mexican diner. He picked a seat in the far corner and they both sat down. The lights from the window peeked in and illuminated their faces.
“You ever tried a burrito?”
He looked at her curiously. “You’re seriously asking me right now if I’ve ever tried a burrito?” Miguel asked, letting out his best mocking chuckle of the night, “I’m Hispanic. I practically live on beans and rice.”
He smirked. “I think I can handle a burrito,” he said, clearly teasing her back.
“Let’s see it. Order the spiciest burrito you can find.” You suggested.
Miguel frowned at her request. “The spiciest?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Now, he liked spicy food as much as the next guy, but the spiciest? The spiciest the Mexican restaurant could make? What was she trying to prove? “Alright, sure,” he shrugged, “If you think I’m such a scaredy-cat.”
“Never said so…”
When it arrived, Miguel took a huge bite of the burrito, all while staring her down. His face contorted in disgust as he tried to chew it down. He grimaced, tried to hold back a cough. His eyes watered, his nose started running, and all the color drained from his face. “Holy…” Miguel sputtered, grabbing his glass. “That thing is hotter than the fires of hell. Where the hell did you bring me?!”
You smirked, effortlessly eating your spicy burrito. Not a single sign of discomfort on your face.
“Only the best Mexican diner in the city.”
“You ate that thing easily,” Miguel said, through the pain and tears in his eyes, “Like it’s nothing.” He was flabbergasted. No wonder they’d never caught her—she’d melt their faces right off with the flame from that food alone.
“It is nothing! If it were up to me, I’d put some more chillies and peppers in it.”
“You’re insane, you know that?” Miguel asked, finally calming down. “Not even my grandma could eat that thing with a straight face, and she ate jalapeños for breakfast!”
“So do I! What a coincidence!” you said sarcastically.
“You’re just as crazy as she was,” Miguel sighed. He knew it for sure. “You really enjoy setting me up, don’t you?” he asked, laughing a little, “I fall for it every time, and you know it.” He shook his head.
Taking a sip of his ice cold glass of water, Miguel stared at the criminal with a smile. “Not that I mind.”
“You’re fun. You make the chase interesting. And… I like seeing you every now and then.”
“So you like seeing me suffer? Is that it?” Miguel asked, a smirk growing on his face. “Or maybe you like watching me get so heated and frustrated.” He put his arms on the table and leaned in. “Maybe you like seeing me like this.” His eyes flashed a teasing gleam as a tiny smirk overtook his lips.
“Oh I do like what I’m seeing…” You said with a grin.
“Hey now, careful with those eyes,” Miguel replied playfully, putting a finger to them, “Or you might just take my breath away.” The look in her eyes made his heart skip a beat. She had this certain way about her that was, to put it simply: irresistible.
“Well, you’re still breathing, so we’re good. Would you like to share some ice cream?”
“That sounds like a great offer right about now”, Miguel admitted, “I suppose I’d love to. You got a sweet tooth or something?” He asked, tilting his head. He’d never thought to ever hear that come from a criminal before. It made him smile.
“I have a spice tooth. You shouldn’t be surprised if I find a place that sells spicy ice cream…” you say jokingly.
“You are one cruel human being,” Miguel commented lightly, “How dare you suggest such a thing?” His mouth curled into a grin as he took the suggestion one step further.
“Tell you what, take some jalapeños from these leftovers and let’s put it in whatever ice cream we eat.”
“Ay, dios mío.” Miguel sighed, already dreading the idea of the monstrosity of a sweet and spicy treat that his companion was suggesting. “I don’t like the way you think.”
The way this girl thought worried Miguel. He wasn’t too sure if he should be more amused or more scared.
You find an ice cream parlour and order a variety of ice creams, hiding small slices of jalapeños in them, not knowing when you might bite them
“Okay, your turn,” you said.
Miguel took a massive spoonful of his ice cream, and as he bit into it…it was as spicy as he though it’d be! “Jesus Christ…” he exclaimed, his face contorting and making an expression of pure shock.
“Was this your plan the entire time?” He asked, chuckling a little, although clearly out of pain. He had to hand it to the girl…she was evil…in a cute way.
“Tell me you’re not having fun right now…”
He had to admit it…this girl was a force to be reckoned with, and it took a lot to admit that. “I guess…I guess I kind of am,” Miguel admitted sheepishly, feeling his chest tighten the more he spoke. It wasn’t often that the man let his guard down.
“Not that I’m enjoying the spice,” he clarified, “But I’m enjoying this strange yet…intriguing dynamic we’ve got going on.” He smiled, looking at her with a twinkle in his eye.
“That’s the spirit. What do you say we take this to go and walk around the city? I can show the places I’ve robbed so far…” you said jokingly, but innocently.
“Ah, we going for a stroll now, I see,” Miguel said, “Sure, why not? As long as you promise to not steal anymore.” At this comment, he knew full well what the girl’s answer would be. He smirked, knowing she’d never stop being a criminal. But it was all in good fun. He knew he couldn’t help but crack a small smile.
You pay the ice cream vendor and Miguel wonders where all that cash came from.
Her wealth confused him to no end. When he was first tasked with capturing you, he’d always assumed you wasn’t that successful. But looking at all that cash, it seemed that assumption couldn’t have been more wrong. Now he really couldn’t help but wonder what he was getting himself into.
As you walked out of the ice cream parlor, Miguel couldn’t help but ask, “I don’t suppose you came by this money legally, did you?”
That’s up to you, I guess…” you said handing him his own wallet, that you’d picked earlier.
It dawned on him and he patted his pockets. “Argh, diablita, tenías que robarme la cartera, no?”
“Hey, you said you’re not paying, so I had to… somehow…” You shrugged innocently.
Miguel couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, then a full blown laugh. She was so sneaky, that girl. She could rob an entire bank and not leave the slightest trail behind. But this? This was…just low. “You could’ve stolen money from the bank,” he pointed out, as they began to walk again, “Not the person trying to stop you.”
“Where’s the fun in that? You know how much I love seeing you flustered…” you said nudging his arm. He jolted at the contact, but didn’t pull away.
“I do know you’re enjoying this,” Miguel huffed, “It’s like some sick game for you, right? You enjoy getting me riled up and annoyed, and I’m just sitting here letting it happen.” He shook his head. She was right…it was all just a game to her.
“Game or not, I do like you better than most policemen who come after me.”
He was caught off guard by the statement, but it was definitely a big compliment if he’d ever heard one. “Now that, you have to explain,” Miguel replied, walking by the side of the girl and looking down at her. “What’s not to hate about me, hmm?”
He was curious as to what made her like him so much. Sure, they had amazing banter, but was that really all it took to like someone?
“You’re sincere, Miguel. You put your best in your work and you mean well. I hate to take advantage of it, but I don’t mean to hurt you. I just love the thrill of it. What’s not to like about you? Have you met you? You’re fucking awesome”
He felt his face warm at the words. No one had ever spoken that highly of him, and to know it was the criminal he had been tasked to catch was oddly flattering. It made him want to be better—to put in twice as much work in order to show her that he could be good if he tried.
“Wow. You really mean it, don’t you? You actually think I’m…good?” He cleared his throat, looking at his own feet before back at her.
“Oh, my, are you blushing? Adorable. I like you even more now.”
“You—“ Miguel stuttered, feeling his face heat up even more as she teased him. He’d lost his composure in just an instant.
“Alright, alright, enough of those kinds of compliments,” he spoke lightly, “Let’s save that for later, alright? How about you focus on being a better criminal for the moment?”
“And how do I do that? Steal your heart or something?” You wiggled you eyebrows.
Miguel laughed at the comment. “As if you haven’t done that already,” he replied, half whispering.
He shook his head. “For now, I think your criminal activity should be kept to just stealing from the rich,” he said, his smirk growing, “There’s a line between stealing and causing harm…and you know that.”
“Alright… I can do that. But then I’d miss having you chase me to catch me.”
“Is that a challenge? Because let me tell you, I can play the long game, cariño,” Miguel challenged, turning his head to lock eyes with her. “I’m not giving up. Not now. Not ever.” He raised a brow. “You just wait until I finally catch you.”
“It won’t be easy,” you said, slightly leaning forward.
“I know it won’t…” Miguel huffed, rolling his eyes in a playful manner, “You’re incredibly elusive for just one person.” He smirked.
“But I promise that when you’re finally arrested, it’ll be worth it. Because you’ll be in prison for eternity. Maybe by then, you’ll have learned your lesson.” He smirked, a confident twinkle in his eye.
“Oh, but then you’d miss me… The streets would be no fun without me.”
He thought for a moment. He knew what she had said was true—if he ever managed to catch her. As much as he was trying to capture her and put her behind bars, something in him would miss her and those dangerous stunts she pulled and the criminal activity she got up to. Not to mention the fact he’d actually begin to miss the chase, too.
“Alright, I’ll give you that one, thief,” he sighed, “You’re right…the streets would be no fun without you.”
“That’s my boy.” You said as you leaned forward to peck Miguel’s cheek softly.
His heart was a mess now—he couldn’t focus on a single sentence. All he could see was her—the playful smirk she always wore, her rich brown eyes, her soft yet strong hands, her silky hair that flew like waves at the ends. He could lose himself in her appearance.
“You’re lucky I like you,” he responded softly, “Because if I didn’t…”
His voice trailed off and he didn’t finish his sentence.
You looked at him intently and your lips hovered over his. “… hell would break loose… wouldn’t it?”
The close proximity was driving him crazy. He was losing control, little by little, with every passing moment. It wasn’t long before he was leaning in, his lips meeting hers. He’d kissed her. He’d finally kissed her.
If he was falling for her before, he was plummeting at this point—and he was falling hard.
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parapadarappa333 · 10 months
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Merksia is more sanitary than 95% of all cartoon characters for taking off her boots when inside her house and others’ homes.
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patholurk · 1 year
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Now she has casual clothes.
Gotta love how a stupid design based on ice cream made 2 years ago went this far
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From 2021
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pebblesgum · 1 year
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Before april ends QUICK
Low quality doodle of the siblings
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zzcorpserosezz · 2 months
Ian wants 2 chocolate balls 😳
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wildestfoes · 2 years
rip elisabeth afton. you would’ve loved Heathers (1989) starring Winona Ryder
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pringledraws · 5 months
Now you know why you can't go see her.
TW: Gore!
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artannietime · 11 months
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marma-ladee · 1 year
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I personally headcannon Lizzie and Evan as twins. They’re both eight, and Evan dies first. I wanted to give Elizabeth a more unique design instead of the usual pink and blue. I like the sweater :]
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She's a melting mint chocolate chip ice cream. ⚡ Flash⚡
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parapadarappa333 · 9 months
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Just some cheap walk cycle.
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ionomycin · 11 months
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Mother of Pearl
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Everyone “hates” Mike in the FNAF movie..
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