#if you actually read it start to current chapter things flow very nicely
cinnabeat · 1 year
speaking of mairuma ive seen people complain that iruma should just reveal hes a human bc the author keeps teasing the will he or wont he and its apprently annoying which is just SO wrong on so many levels
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sysig · 10 months
Me while rereading: You should kill him
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They marriages hehe ♥
#Come closer Morinaga I hold no ill will towards you lol#It's playful ribbing :) Mostly :) Lol ♪#So I may or may not have come into the ownership of the entire currently-released collection of KoiBo manga in Japanese lol#It's so nice to own ahhhh <3 <3 It's so strange to finally hold it!#Also can we talk about manga prices in Japanese vs English? I get the whole translation and publishers thing but like#581円 for one volume? That's like four dollars USD! We average $10 here! How'd that happen#I mean I still didn't pay even that much for them since they were secondhand hehe ♥#But reading them physically is such a weird experience now haha - I've spent years reading them only digitally!#Previously there was like this continuous flow from one volume into the next - no physical delineation! No hard stops!#So now re-learning where the story beats are and how that affects the timbre of storytelling - it's interesting :0#Seeing that it took three volumes - or two depending on how you count it lol - it took til the third volume anyhow#For them to start to get on the same page and actually communicate and then all the middle-amble (preamble in the middle lol)#It's interesting! It's not quite like reading it blind again - especially since I can't actually read the kanji yet lol#But it does change a bit of the feel :) I'm excited to start to be able to put events to volumes rather than chapters! :D#The little bits of English that dot around are always very charming of course haha ♪#Since they got married in the US they put English on their wedding card! That's so cute!#That is an actual picture I took while reading haha ♪#That's another thing - reading in person really lets me see the toning as intended and ahhhh it's so pretty <3#The details really pop! That aspect is like reading blind again hehe#Happy :D#Koisuru Boukun
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My massive TSATS Review
Hi everyone. In this post, I will sharing my thorough review of The Sun & The Stars by Rick Riordan and Mark Oshiro. I don’t normally do thorough book reviews, but since I’ve invested a lot of time, effort, and money into the hype for this book, I feel like a thorough book review is the best way to top off the journey. In this review, I’m going to be going over my honest feelings, thoughts, and opinions on the plot, the characters, and the writing quality. I took notes as I was reading, so certain things may be repeated/out of order/etc. In addition, I only took notes on the things that stood out to me. Therefore, if it’s not mentioned in this review, it means that it’s a detail that I felt neutral on/didn’t care about. 
When I do reviews, I like to share details about me that may contribute to my perspective on the book, so that anyone reading this review is aware of any biases I may have. So here are some of the opinions I held prior to starting the book:
I am not a Nico stan. I don’t hate Nico, and I actually enjoy his character quite a bit, but I wouldn’t call myself a stan. I don’t worship or feel particularly attached to his character. 
I am not a Solangelo shipper. I like Solangelo as a concept, but have been particularly unimpressed with its execution thus far, especially its introduction in Blood of Olympus (BoO). 
As of ToA, I’m not a big fan of Will’s canon personality. I acknowledge and accept it as canon, and I don’t like it. Ever since Will and Nico’s first interactions in BoO, the way Will talks to Nico about his experiences has always rubbed me the wrong way. 
Not that it’s anyone’s business, but I am currently unsure of my sexual/romantic orientations. Therefore, I don’t know how much this book means to me in terms of “representation”, and I’m not necessarily nuanced on all aspects of queer relationships. \
I did not like the preview. I read the preview of the first few chapters when it was released/leaked, which Mark shared that they wrote. And yeah…I was not a fan. The writing wasn’t bad, but it did feel a little jarring, which was to be expected. However, the characters, jokes, and overall flow felt off. And I’m sure everyone is tired of hearing this, but it absolutely gave off fanfiction vibes. I mean, TSATS is essentially canon fanfiction given that Mark is not the author of this franchise. 
Lastly, the following arguments: “This book isn’t for you; it’s for kids!”, “It’s a kid’s book, it’s supposed to be cringey/corny/silly!”, “If you don’t have anything nice to say about the book, just shut up!”, and “If you think anything was wrong with this book, you didn’t read it right!” do not mean anything to me. Just because I’m an adult doesn’t mean I’ve suddenly lost the capacity to evaluate the quality of children’s media. If adults are allowed to create children’s media, then adults should also be allowed to analyze them and critique them. In addition, if adults are allowed to review a book and say that it’s good, then adults should be allowed to review a book and say that it’s bad. Positive opinions are not inherently more valid or morally better than negative ones. Negative opinions have their place in art and literature consumption and people are allowed to dislike things and share why. If you cannot handle the possibility that people thought this book was bad, then book discussion is not an arena you should be in. Lastly, I do not hold children’s media or diverse media to lower standards. Children’s media can and should be of high quality. Diverse media can and should be of high quality. 
Whew, okay! Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get started! Warning: There will be spoilers! And this post will be very huge/long!!!
So the basic gist of the plot is that Nico has been hearing this voice calling out to him from Tartarus and he believes that it’s Bob, so he and Will journey down to Tartarus to go rescue him. They stop by the Jackson apartment to get some advice from Percabeth, they spend some time in the Underworld with the troglodytes, and then they face off with Nyx in Tartarus, who is holding Bob hostage. As far as the overall plot, I was very “meh” on the whole thing. I already disliked the premise because A) I think Rick’s version of Tartarus is kind of lame and he always insists on turning things into a joke down there, and B) It felt kind of repetitive with Percabeth’s journey. In addition, Will and Nico don’t actually reach Tartarus until more than halfway through the book, which is actually ridiculous. As a result, the first half of the book feels like such a massive drag and around Chapter 26, I kept wondering “Holy cow, when are they going to get to main destination!!?!??” 
Before anyone comes for me, I completely understand that this book is more character-focused than plot-focused. In some ways, this is a welcome change, but in other ways, it really makes certain portions of the book feel like a slog to get through, especially if you’re not a diehard Nico/Will/Solangelo stan and you were hoping for an exciting story outside of the characters. Just because you’re spending more time with the characters doesn’t mean that your story should be lagging. You’re supposed to weave the character development into the main plot. 
Anyway, here are my specific chapter notes, arranged in groups: 
Chapters 1-5
- So it seems like not much was changed between the preview I read and the final version of the story. I’m kind of disappointed about that because as previously stated, I didn’t really like the preview. 
- The Darth Vader joke: I thought the overall joke was cute, but I think it’s the way it was written that makes it land weirdly. I think it went on for just a tad too long. 
- I’m not really buying the idea that there are zero kids staying at CHB for the year aside from Nico and Will. I understand the explanation that the book gave, but I find it very unlikely that every single kid at CHB has a happy home to return to, especially given Annabeth’s and Leo’s storylines as examples. 
- On a positive note, I am happy to see Nico’s Italian heritage being a stronger part of his character. 
- I really enjoyed Nico’s dream sequence in the beginning chapters. It felt nice to see dreams used not just as a plot device but in a way that says more about the emotions of the character. I hope you’re taking notes, Uncle Rick! 
Chapters 6-10
- I have mixed feelings about the Percabeth cameo. On the one hand, I feel like it’s tradition to have them cameo in books now since they’re no longer main characters and people like having updates on them. I also think receiving their advice about Tartarus made sense. On the other hand, their advice was kind of shitty and not very useful. There were so many practical tips they could have given, such as certain enemies (ie. Nyx) or certain locations (ie. Hermes’ shrine) to look out for, and they just like…didn’t. It kind of kills me because Annabeth in particular is supposed to be the “smart” and “wise” character, but whenever she has an opportunity to actually do something wise and helpful, Rick dodges that shit like the plague. 
- Speaking of WiseGirl, Annabeth’s “Why you, Nico?” line pisses me off and feels like a really stupid question that she should know better than to ask. Unless there are details that I’m missing, Annabeth knows that Percy’s relationship with Bob is quite strained due to the fact that Percy never visited him and Nico being the one to visit is the main reason that Bob was willing to help. Why would it surprise her that Bob would call out to Nico instead of them? Is Nico not the one who actually formed a friendship with the guy? In addition, why should it even matter that Bob didn’t call out to them? It’s not like she and Percy would have actually gone, given how traumatized they are by Tartarus and how they’re trying to live peaceful lives. So again, what is the motivation for asking a rude question like this? Did she actually want to lead the rescue mission? Would a call from Bob that she may have ended up ignoring make her feel validated> Is she offended or jealous or something? Sorry, but this question annoyed me so much and I don’t understand why Annabeth felt like she needed to ask it given everything she knows about Bob and Nico. 
- I appreciate hearing Nico make some positive comments about Percy, especially since a lot of Nico/Solangelo stans insist that Percy is the Devil Incarnate. Hopefully, the fact that their favourite character doesn’t hate Percy as much as they do will inspire some of them to chill. 
Chapters 11-15
- The nightmares/visions during the encounter with Epiales were pretty well done. In fact, I wish some of Annabeth and Percy’s encounters in Tartarus had gone a little more like Will’s visions in this scene; having nightmares about their insecurities regarding each other and questioning their relationship. 
- The troglodyte scene was really dragging. A lot of the dialogue at the beginning of Chapter 14 felt stale and unnecessary. 
Chapters 16-20
- The Nyx encounter in the Chapter 17 flashback was really good, and is everything Nyx should have been in HoH. 
- Nico’s Tartarus recall was a little…underwhelming. Like the Nyx encounter was great, I just expected for more things to happen to him, like more monster encounters and stuff. 
Chapters 21-25
- The ‘story time’ about Nico asking Will out on a date irks me for multiple reasons. 1) So ever since Rick decided to be more upfront about tackling social justice/deeper relationship topics in his books, his writing has developed this preachy quality to it where it feels like he’s just lecturing his readers through the voice of the characters and hand-holds them through his exploration of relationship/queer topics. I hate when Rick does this because the writing is way too on-the-nose and the characters sound awkward and not really like themselves; they sound like someone outside of the story is talking to you. This first date story time reeks of that on-the-nose quality and I don’t like it. 2) I have doubts about whether asking Will out in front of the entire camp (or being the one to ask for a first date in general) is actually in character for Nico. I think Nico could have opened up more as the relationship progressed, but making the first move in the beginning seems more like it should be a Will thing. 3) I am so sorry, but I do not buy for a second that no demigod at CHB felt comfortable in their queerness before Nico came along. It’s a Greek myth camp, for crying out loud. Not only are a lot of the Greek myths and mythological figures hella queer (including some of the Olympians!!!) but some of these kids are also products of queer relationships (ie. Kayla Knowles). Not to mention, one of the biggest narrative themes of CHB is that it’s a place where demigods who have never felt quite at home in the mortal world can  establish a sense of belonging and not feel like they’re weird or unusual. Now, I understand that CHB has shown judgment towards certain things (like children of Hades), but that’s mostly because of Hades’ reputation and misunderstanding from myths. And like I said earlier, those same myths also include some queer relationships amongst some of its more beloved figures, so I don’t know that being non-cishet would have been viewed as weird or unusual at a place like CHB if they’re following the myths so closely. Sorry, this argument is kind of disorganized, but overall, CHB is a camp where kids have all kinds of experiences, powers, interests, family backgrounds, monster encounters and more. A girl who likes girls or a boy who likes boys is probably one of the least notable things that they’ve ever encountered, and I just have a hard time believing that the entire camp would be homophobic to the point where no one was comfortable with being out. 
- So I actually really like the idea of Persephone and Will interacting and talking about how to manage being in the Underworld. However, something about the dialogue in this scene felt…stale. I understood the message that was being sent, but the actual conversation itself felt a little bland. I’m also disappointed to see that Rick/Mark fell into that same pattern that anyone who writes about Persephone does where they try to romanticize things between Persephone and Hades, and make Demeter seem like a bad figure. Like gee, your mother was protective of you and got mad when you were kidnapped and raped against your will; what a terrible mother, huh? And just once, I would like to read a story where Persephone rightfully bears a little resentment towards Hades for dragging her into a marriage that she didn’t actually want afaik.  
Chapters 26-30
- Shout out to the narrative for gleefully reminding us that we are not yet in Tartarus as of Chapter 26, which is more than halfway through the book. Goodness gracious! 
- Will & Nico’s “argument” is…okay. I was hoping that it would be moreso about Will’s comments seeing as that’s been the biggest issue so far. 
- The infamous Lil’ Nas X reference…not only is it kind of random, but I’m surprised that it’s even in this book. Is the ‘Montero’ video actually appropriate for this book’s target audience? (And when I say ‘appropriate’, I’m not referring to the queer themes, I’m referring to the sexual stuff, like the lapdancing on Satan and whatnot.) 
Chapters 31-35
- We are on  Chapter 32 of a 51-chapter book with about 160 pages left, and the characters are just now arriving to their main destination. I’m so sorry, but that is such a silly writing decision that I can NOT take seriously. 
- I enjoyed the Solangelo argument  in chapter 34. Wish it had been a little longer. 
Chapters 36-40
- Ah, the infamous aeternae. When I went to Rick/Mark’s TSATS tour, Mark revealed that their first draft of this scene had initially been super serious and scary, but they eventually felt like they had written something too scary. Mark revealed that Rick’s “strategy” for handling a super scary scene was to “cut the tension” with a joke. And so, Mark took the scary aeternae scene and turned it into a joke by making the aeternae a pair of himbos. Words cannot describe how much I hate this. Why can’t scary things be allowed to stay scary? It’s Tartarus, my guy. It’s supposed to be the most frightening place a demigod can be. Why should any aspect of it be turned into a joke? The unnecessary humor messes with the tone of the story and ruins all the suspense and tension that’s been built up. It also makes Tartarus seem less intimidating than it should be. 
Chapters 41-45
- Words cannot describe how much I hate the implication that Nyx and Nico produced “children” together. Yes, I know they’re not real children, but I still hate the implication. It’s creepy. 
- Now going into this book, I knew damn well that Will wasn’t going to get left behind. I also knew Bob wasn’t likely to get left behind because having them go  on this rescue quest only for him to not make it out would be a little pointless. But the cocoa puff thing felt like such a cop-out. Like how convenient is it that Nyx brought these demons to life at the right time so that they were just oh-so conveniently available for Nico to sacrifice in the most in-your-face symbolism for letting go of his demons? 
Chapters 46-51
- Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Nico tell us in Heroes of Olympus (HoO) that Bianca tried for rebirth? What is she doing in Elysium?
- The dream scene with Nico, Hades, Bianca, and Maria was very sweet. Probably my favourite scene in the entire book. 
- “What an ingenious way of fulfilling the prophecy” Chiron says. Good job, Rick/Mark. Way to not-so-subtly pat yourselves on the back there! 
- Shout out to Shel from finally graduating from being a plot device/narrative tool to being something of an actual character (this is moreso shade at Rick). The fact that she’s Native like Piper is really nice. 
- Nico’s conversation with Piper is fine, but I don’t like the way it’s written. It’s another heaping pile of that on-the-nose, hand-holding, social-justice-lecture, talking-through-the-character style of writing that I don’t really like. Again, I have no issue with the topic at hand. But the characters do not sound like themselves. They sound like Rick talking to the audience. It’s weird, and I can almost guarantee that there was a better way to write this dialogue. 
- Kind of sad that Bob isn’t sticking around, but it’s cool that he’s heading west. Potential reunion with Percy? Hope so. Maybe he and Percy can talk and Percy can apologize/smooth out their relationship. 
So in this section, I’m going to discuss the characters individually, and also Solaneglo’s relationship. I will obviously have the most to say about Nico/Will/Solangelo. In addition, I will only point out the things that stood out to me, and I will try not to repeat myself. So if this character section seems kind of short, it’s probably because my thoughts have been spread out in other sections of this review. 
Overall, I think I liked Nico’s character in this book. I liked that we got to learn a little more about his family relationships, his dreams, his solo time in Tartarus, and his perspective on certain characters and past events. However, his characterization did feel…off…from time to time. I think the reason why has less to do with TSATS in particular and more to do with how Rick has been handling Nico’s character ever since the end of BoO.  I think Rick was so insistent on giving Nico a healing/happy-ending romance as quickly as possible that he not only rushed through Solangelo’s introduction and glossed over their initial development, but he also rushed through Nico’s healing process. I feel like there are large chunks of Nico’s emotional healing that was skipped during all the time jumps between BoO/ToA and within ToA itself, and anything that’s told to us in TSATS can only be told in retrospect. As a result, Nico’s  joking/ flirting/ wisecrack nature in TSATS feels really sudden and maybe even OOC, because Rick never really showed us when and how Nico developed into this version of himself. To summarize, I believe this version of Nico could exist someday, but the transition needed to be longer, and more importantly, more of it needed to be shown to the reader. 
In addition, while we did learn a lot more about Nico, I feel like there were still major things that were missing. His relationship with Hazel was surprisingly absent from his thoughts, and Reyna was barely mentioned, if at all. This represents a larger issue I have with Rick Riordan where, as soon as a character becomes a couple with someone, he tends to shaft their non-romantic relationships in favour of the romance. Like how Grover and Sally lost a lot of narrative importance in Percy’s life in favour of Annabeth during HoO; I really hated that. 
Like I mentioned at the beginning of this review, I came into TSATS not really liking Will and not really thinking that he’s the godsend boyfriend for Nico that the fandom likes to paint him as. I was hoping that TSATS would change my mind about Will, and while his character was improved for me in some ways, I think I walked away from this book still not really liking him that much. 
So Will’s arc was mostly about accepting the darkness within Nico, the world, and within himself instead of viewing it as something inherently bad/evil or something he has to fix. As a part of this arc, he spends a lot of time complaining about the Underworld/Tartarus and associated concepts (ie. death, darkness, misery, ghosts, etc.) during the quest. Look. I understand the whole thing about Will being a child of Apollo and therefore not really vibing with the Underworld/Tartarus well. I understood and actually enjoyed his fear to some extent. However, I have some thoughts about the nature of these complaints. First of all, Will is not a newbie demigod. According to him and some of his background that’s established in this same book, Will has been at CHB for a while now, and he has endured 3 major conflicts in which numerous friends and siblings died. Will has had more than a lifetime of exposure to death and misery, so I don’t understand why this quest is being treated like his first rodeo with death and misery. I can’t really say it’s OOC for him given how limited his characterization has been before this, but still, it doesn’t really align with the established facts we know about Will. The themes of death and sadness should not be new concepts to him, yet this book is acting like he has never been exposed to this stuff before, despite the fact that the narrative literally acknowledges that he’s been through this stuff before. Again, I’m totally fine with him fearing monsters and total darkness and stuff, but loss and grief are things he should be more than familiar with. In addition, the narrative goes so far to even throw in that Will likes true crime podcasts. Now, listening to podcasts and being in the Underworld/Tartarus are two very different experiences, yes. But I just find it odd that Will can tolerate media about murder/kidnappings/etc. But the death and misery associated with the Underworld has him shaking for some reason. 
I also find it odd that Will’s regard to Nico’s struggles with darkness, death, and misery is not always consistent. He can demonstrate the kind, empathetic, snd understanding nature of a healer when he needs to (ie. page 144 when Nico is about to start his Tartarus recall) but somehow he can’t see the insensitivity in the comments he keeps making about the Underworld? Again, it’s okay that Will doesn’t personally like the Underworld, but how is he not realizing how uncomfortable it must be for Nico to keep hearing all these complaints about concepts that he, as a son of Hades, is strongly associated with? On page 185, Will asks Nico yet another question about how he doesn’t find the ghosts disturbing. Nico explains that the Underworld is his second home and Will’s immediate response? “I could never live here.” Like look, this is a totally valid and understandable opinion for Will to have, but it’s also a dickish thing to respond to what Nico said, and the context in which it’s being said makes it frustrating. How and why is Will still acting surprised about what Nico is comfortable with? Nico is a son of Hades, for crying out loud! Him being comfortable with darkness, death, ghosts, and other associated things should NOT be a shock to anyone, let alone his own boyfriend of 6+ months. During the entire book, I couldn’t help but wonder why Will was even dating Nico in the first place if Nico’s domain made him this uncomfortable.
 I’m glad Will and Nico were able to talk about this and smooth things over at the end, but by the time this arc was resolved, my annoyance with Will had already been solidified.
Another component of WIll’s arc is that he felt like he was a burden to Nico on the quest because of how much he was struggling with the lack of light and the fact that he kept getting injured/tired. This is fine and I actually like this. What I thought was a little silly was Will forgetting to bring a weapon or something to fight with. Yes, I understand that Will’s unpreparedness was a  part of his arc, but while I fully understand his unpreparedness for the darkness/lack of light, him not bringing a weapon is very stupid, and the narrative acknowledging it doesn’t make it any less stupid. Again, Will is practically a veteran as far as demigod things go. How he could make such a silly mistake is beyond me.  You’re going into the most dangerous territory in the Greek myth world for demigods, and you didn’t think you should have something to protect yourself with? Seriously? And the worst part is that Nico/the narrative literally mentions that Will has been in three major conflicts so far, but from the way Rick and Mark wrote him at certain points in this book, you’d never be able to tell.
Solangelo (as a pair)
I mentioned at the beginning that I am not a Solangelo shipper, so all the romance in this book didn’t have me leaping for joy as it may have for others. Overall, I still like the concept of their relationship and the themes associated with it, but I’m still not a fan of the way they're being executed. Will’s character arc made things a little harder for me, and the fanfiction vibes of the book were not my cup of tea. I have a smattering of different thoughts about Solangelo in this book, so I’m going to jump from idea to idea. 
First, some of the romance/flirting/bantering did come off quite cheesy in a way that’s unusual in Rick’s better books (part of what gives TSATS fanfiction vibes).. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that the two boys like each other and have fun together, but it started to feel excessive at some point. Like Will recalling how Percabeth said being cheesy helps, and then Nico responding “Lay it on me, Will. I’m your grilled cheese” (page 373) made me put the book down so I could take a break. And before anyone come for my neck saying “They’re teenagers, it’s supposed to be cringey”...I have read PLENTY of books involving teenagers in which the romance/humor managed to accommodate the age of the characters AND still be mature enough so that it didn’t feel corny. There are fun yet tasteful ways to handle teenage romance/teenage humor in books and it’s up to the authors to find a good balance, so please miss me with this argument. 
Lastly, this is going to sound rather bitchy, but I don’t want to hear the term “grumpy little ball of darkness” ever again. I know it was mostly a joke, but it was super corny the first time it was said, and it was corny every time after. 
Next up, the circumstances surrounding their first kiss…I don’t like it. I’m obviously not mad at the idea of Will trying to be a supportive companion to Nico in that moment. I’m more so annoyed at what this kiss represents in the larger context of the Riordanverse. To some extent in PJO and to full extent since HoO, Rick Riordan has developed a deeply irritating habit of using romance as the solution to the characters’ emotional conflicts, grief, and traumas. There are too many characters in this franchise whose running emotional issues are magically solved by romance and I hate it. I think it’s harmful messaging to be sending to Rick’s young and impressionable audience that romance is the healing antidote to all of life’s problems. Feeling unwanted and like you’re not sure where you belong because everyone and everything keeps changing on you?  Get a boyfriend! Feeling guilty about your past and like a 7th wheel amongst your friends? Get a girlfriend! Struggling with loss and grief and feeling like you’re always going to be alone? Get a boyfriend! Your ex just died in the midst of you trying to figure out your identity and you’re still in the grieving process? Get a girlfriend! It’s gotten sooo annoying at this point! Like no kids, getting into a romantic elationship will not solve all your problems. And viewing your significant other as the fixer-upper for your trauma is NOT actually a good thing, contrary to popular belief. Treating your romantic other as your only source of joy, hope, and happiness is a terrible approach to healing. Just once, I would like the kids in this franchise to work through their emotions in a way that doesn’t default to romance. Because should Will and Nico ever break up (not that they ever will, because according to Rick Riordan, most people find their soulmate as a teen), or something happens to Will, what will Nico do? Crumble? Fall apart? Waste away? 
This is part of why I felt like it was really important for Nico to heal PRIOR to engaging in a romance because things like the circumstances of their first kiss suggest a sort of dependence that he’s developing on Will for dealing with his grief and inner demons, and I just don’t agree that this is a healthy coping mechanism. Nico doesn’t deserve to be alone or feel alone, but he does need to learn how to heal and cope through his traumas on his own because using Will as his source of healing is not a good thing. It’s okay for Will to support him or give him advice, but Will should NOT be Nico’s primary source of hope and happiness; Nico should be Nico’s primary source of hope and happiness so that if anything ever happens to Will, Nico doesn’t break into pieces because he’s developed the necessary strength to move on and find happiness within his own self, independent of a romantic other. Romance should complement the happiness you’ve grown from and for yourself, not be the source of it. 
Next, Nico telling Will he loves him during the fall to Tartarus as a parallel to Annabeth whispering “I love you” to Percy is…not really something I like. I truly hate to compare a gay ship to a straight one, but let it be known that the critique that I’m about to give has nothing to do with Nico/Will being queer specifically, and more to do with the way they’ve been written. Anywho, with Percabeth, something about that “I love you” on their fall into Tartaurs felt more special given the long history of friendship that they had prior to their romantic one in the PJO series, and the fact that they had been separated so long just prior to the fall. The “I love you” between Nico and Will is sweet on a surface level, but the fact that it’s an obvious copy of Annabeth’s “I love you”, and the fact that we don’t have as much history with Solangelo as we did with Percabeth really takes away from the impact. I think this “I love you” would have held more power at the end of the book. For example, Will and Nico could finally have a discussion about all of Will’s struggles with darkness, and when Will finally accepts the darkness as a part of who Nico is (hopefully) and states that he loves Nico as he is, darkness included, we as readers can feel happy that Nico has found someone who accepts every part of him, even the parts that aren’t so pretty. Will then tells Nico that he loves him, a love that encompasses all of who Nico is, and Nico can say it back, accepting Will for all of who he is. All in all, I think the “i Love you” should have waited, and I don’t think it should have been a rehash of Percabeth’s moment; Solangelo should have gotten their own unique moment. 
Next, Will’s guilt over Octavian’s death and him calling Nico a murderer made me go back and reread the scene in BoO. I can understand and appreciate his guilt from a healer’s perspective, but him thinking Nico was a murderer as a deep hidden grievance is kind of funky. Yes, Nico saying that they couldn’t stop Octavian probably came off really poorly in that moment. But also…Nico wasn’t saying that because he was bent on seeing the guy die. Octavian chose suicide and no matter what Will/Nico did, Octavian would have fought to get on that onager. Viewing Nico as a murderer for this, even by mistake, feels a little…extreme. 
Lastly for this section, when Nico and Will finally had the talk about Will’s complaining, I liked the gist of the conversation, but I didn’t really like the conclusion that Will came to (or maybe it was the way it was written). Nico’s point was that death is amoral. Yes, it’s hard for the people who are still alive and left behind, but it isn’t an inherently evil process, and the place where the dead go isn’t inherently evil either. However, when Will reflects on this, he focuses on the entities that are alive/from the surface and are somehow thriving in the Underworld, which kind of misses the point. The takeaway shouldn’t be that there’s hope in the Underworld because of the living things that are present there. The takeaway should  be that death, darkness, grief, all have their importance and place in our world, and that things that are  associated with them aren’t inherently bad or evil. The Underworld doesn’t need to have life in it for it to be valuable. 
Here, I will talk about a bunch of characters who made important cameos, but weren’t present enough to have their own section. If there’s a character missing here, it’s because I had no significant thoughts on them. 
- I’m glad to see multiple characters acknowledge that Percy needs time off. 
- As sadistic as this might sound, I’m glad to hear that Percy is still having nightmares about Tartarus. I’ve always felt like Rick did a shoddy job of exploring the impact of Tartarus on Percy and Annabeth. This update on Percy doesn’t really make up for what could have been, but I’m glad to see the trauma being taken a little more seriously. 
- I already shared my grievances about Annabeth in the plot section. 
The Troglodytes:
- I kind of like the Troglodytes, but their presence in this story felt a little…long, almost like they overstayed their welcome.
- Mr. D feels off in this book, both at the beginning at the end. At first, I couldn’t really tell what it was, but by the end, I think I got it. So we all know that under Mr. D’s “I don’t give a shit about y’all” exterior, he actually kind of cares about the demigods. However, he’s always been subtle with it so that he never looks like he cares too much, and I don’t think this is something that he would suddenly change just for Nico, even as his pseudo-therapist. Unfortunately, the way he’s written in the book and his dialogue is a little over the top. His excitement towards Nico at the end especially feels OOC.
- I like Nyx a lot better in this book than in HoH. She feels less like a bumbling idiot, and more like a truly scary entity, although I was not glad to see that little tourist skit return. I wish we had spent more time with her. 
Writing Style/Quality
So for the last section for this review, I’m going to speak specifically on the writing quality of this book; I’ll be critiquing certain writing decisions made by both Mark and Rick.This section is also a smattering of thoughts, so I’ll be jumping again. Here we go! 
First off, the overall formatting of the story was kind of weird and disjointed. For example, choosing to stick with Nico’s POV for the entire beginning, but then suddenly jumping between Will and Nico’s POV after the encounter with Epiales was giving me a little bit of a mental whiplash. I wish they would have stuck to one POV per chapter just to keep things more organized. The interspersing of the story time with Gorgyra was kind of weird too, especially after I learned that it was taking place at a point midway through the overall story. It’s clear that this part of the story mostly exists to establish the canon version of how Will and Nico developed feelings for each other and hooked up, but I think there were better ways of just weaving this into the main story rather than constantly pausing the main story to do this weird kindergarten story time thing. I mean, the main plot was already taking its sweet ass time, and the Gorgyra scenes made it feel worse. I think the Gorgyra thing should have just taken place at its chronological spot. Lastly, I think Nico’s solo Tartarus flashback would have worked better as an epilogue, like ´oh, this is how Nico’s last trip to Tartarus went and now this book is about how different his 2nd trip will now that he’s not alone and  Will here’ or something like that.
Next, for the writing specifically, I have mixed feelings about Mark’s contributions to the book. One thing I appreciate about Mark’s writing is the heavier emotional weight of things. I’ve always felt like Rick’s writing was too “Go! Go! Go!” all the time and that he never let the emotions of the plot he was writing sit and simmer within the characters, making the characters feel a little hollow at times. I like that Mark is dwelling a little longer on the emotional aspect of the story and isn’t rushing right through them. However, there are certain portions of the book where the language is just a little too flowery and philosophical rather than just like…getting to the main point. This probably contributed to how long it took for the characters to move on from certain scenes. Also, there were portions of the book where the sentences just felt kind of clumsy and awkward, like Mark knew that they needed to write something but wasn’t quite sure what to write. 
Moving on, the pop culture references are definitely a little much. Now, to be fair, pop cultural references are not new to the Riordanverse, but I reread the PJO/HoO/ToA series a little while ago, and I recently read the Kane Chronicles for the first time, and I don’t think the pop culture references in those series occur nearly as frequently as they do in certain portions of this book (ToA might be an exception, but I feel like Apollo’s/Lester’s close relationship with the performing arts makes it more acceptable). In addition, pop culture jokes are not the only way to make good jokes. One thing I really liked about the Kane Chronicles is how Rick often used the mythology/local culture/circumstances of the specific scene as the foundation for jokes, because these feel a lot more organic and natural to the story, and are actually funny, and I wish TSATS had leaned into this more. It also didn’t help TSATS that some of the references felt forced amidst the conversation being had (eg. Nico’s ‘Single Ladies’ joke on page 12. Will makes a comment about not having any monsters to slay, and Nico responds with a joke about making skeletons do a choreographed dance to ‘Single Ladies’. A joke about making skeletons dance felt like a weird response to a comment specifically about slaying monsters, and it didn’t really fit in with the conversation). In general, randomly mentioning things that your audience might be familiar with isn't really humor; the references have to make sense within the context of what’s happening. Puns, play-on-words, sarcastic/smartass comments have been used before in the Riordanverse and worked fine when they were written properly. For example, Will’s “Noble McSacrifice”comment on page 45 actually made me chuckle, as grown as I am. So yeah, Rick has done better jokes in past books, and the try-hard pop references in this book is another thing that made it feel like fanfiction. I cringed very very deeply when I read the “#OnBrand” joke. 
Lastly, I’ve already mentioned my thoughts on Rick’s on-the-nose writing. It’s like he doesn’t trust the audience to connect the dots anymore on certain themes and social justice issues, and that they need it spelled out for them in the most blatant and obvious way possible. Like yay for Rick for wanting to touch on important topics, but there’s a way to do this without sounding like you’re making a social justice lecture post on 2014 Tumblr. Find a way to weave these topics and lessons into the narrative so that you’re showing your readers the lesson rather than just telling them the lesson. 
Also, if you’re going to use the characters as mouth pieces for these things, it would be nice if the characters could actually sound like themselves rather than just a vehicle for what Rick wants to tell the audience. Like, I really hate how the characters are literally just stating and  explaining their character arcs to us, as if we didn’t just literally read the book and can see the arc for ourselves.
Overall Impression
I think this book is pretty mid. It’s not the awful trash that some people think it is, but it didn’t really meet the hype for me either, especially as a non-Solangelo shipper. Certain aspects of it were nice, but many aspects of it annoyed me, and my opinions on Will/Solangelo haven’t really changed. I give it 3 out 5 stars.
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spicysix · 2 days
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by @missberrycake thank you lovely ♡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
115,027!!! that's so many words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently, only Stranger Things. before, i've written for a bunch of RPF - McFly, The Maine, One Direction. don't think i had ever written for a show/movie before
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
crush crush crush - steddie X reader
fuck-marry-kill - steve X reader
it feels like i'm going home - eddie X reader
now i'm ready to start - eddie X reader
love sneaked in with the smell of you - eddie X reader
i find it very funny that my top 5 (actually, my top 9!!!) it's all reader inserts. didn't think they'd be popular at Ao3 hah
5. Do you respond to comments?
i do!!! currently i have a lot of comments to answer to, because i've been a little away from fandom and specifically from writing since last year, and haven't found it in myself to answer them. but i will!!!!! someday
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
me and you (we can't lose) [eddie X reader] definetely. canon compliant. that's all needed to understand lmao but some of the drabbles for my Forever Halloween Challenge are also very angsty and gory
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
basically all my other fics have happy endings, so that's a hard thing to answer lol i think it's relative
8. Do you get hate on fics?
never did, thankfully!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i've only ever wrote one smut scene for going home and nothing else in english. in portuguese, i've had a series of three short smut fics that i never finished lol. it's not my thing and it's hard for me to do it because of the language barrier in english, i feel insecure about it. i just prefer writing pure fluff in general
10. Do you write crossovers?
never did, no, cause it's usually not something i like to read as well
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
also not that i know of but that would be so nice if done with permission!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
also no. i think i'd have a bit of a hard time, but wouldn't be opposed to it
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
i'll say that nothing has ever got me as much as Steddie before. i've always been a reader insert girlie, besides the first fics that i've ever read (Jemi - joe jonas X demi lovato) fics, i'm pretty sure Steddie was the only characters ship that i've read and got completely obsessed over
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
your sweater (up over your head) [stonathan]. this fic is very special to me and a personal challenge in many ways, and i'd love to finish it someday but i'm not sure i'll get back to writing ST, so it's a hard chance
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'd say dialogue! it flows very naturally to me
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
description. haaaate describing things, scenarios, clothes, faces, animals, whatever. i think i'm really mediocre if not entirely bad at it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
if it's through someone's specific POV, i'm in favor of writing as the character understands it - so if they understand the language, keep it translated and just describe that it was in another language; but if they don't understand, then don't translate either. then you can either put it on a note or make the character who said it translate it. but also, if it's too big of a text, i think it can be annoying. so, mostly short phrases it's good
19. First fandom you wrote for?
McFly rpf reader insert
20. Favourite fic you've written?
ahhh that is such a hard question, i love all my fics so dearly. but i'm gonna go with going home because it's my first and only finished long chaptered fic, and all the research i did for it and everything else involved in writing it that made it a bit more special
Tagging (no pressure): @marvel-ous-m @hbyrde36 @stellarspecter @starryeyedjanai and anyone else who sees it and wants to join in!
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lilacmingi · 3 months
I just re-re-re-read Living with Vampires again and for some reason I thought there were more parts I was missing because I thought there were like 8. I don’t know why
But regardless I just wanted to say I’m still very much in love with your Vampire! Seonghwa and I want one. Yeosang is cute too. 10/10 would romance both of them, but if I had to choose it would be the older one tbh because a bias is a bias and I am ✨obsessed✨
Ot8 is good too though!
I feel like the mental imagery for Vampire Seonghwa is like the new ‘Not Okay’ album red and black outfit because his whole look is on 👏 point 👏 (the long hair does it for me)
I’m curious how you actually picture the visuals of your vampire boys as you write about them, would you show us picture references for a better view? Maybe that might get some ideas flowing! If not, it’s still a fun idea to delve into
I was surprised you haven’t written a werewolf skz fic though, since in the Ateez vampire universe you had them as the wolfgang. Is that something you’re also interested in writing, or do you prefer to stick to writing vampires? No pressure! Just curious and love coming back to read your stuff
It’s nice to hear from you again 💫 anon!! Thank you so much for all the support!! 😭 I’ve worked a little on part 4 but since the last time you checked in I haven’t gotten much done. I do have a Fang Gang group chat chapter from a couple years ago that’s kind of a “bonus” but I haven’t quite figured out how I’m going to post it here, as I can’t find any good fake text apps to make a groupchat. I may just type it out.
I’m actually so excited you asked me this question because I actually DO visualize in my head when I write my vampy boys!! When pt 1 was being written, I was loosely basing them off Black Cat Nero, though I kinda decided to leave it up to the readers which is why there’s not too much detail to how they look besides some of their hair colors. It’s mentioned in part 1 that Hongjoong has dark hair and wears a white Victorian style blouse top with puffy sleeves and a gray and silver vest. These are some of the styles of clothes I imagine (below) the one in the middle specifically makes me think of San because I have a vampire San imagine that I haven’t shared here yet and I clearly pictured him wearing that outfit so that kinda carried over to LW8V lol
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This is going be a long response lol so there’s more below about how I visualize each member
Hongjoong has black hair and, like I mentioned earlier, wears Victorian style clothes—they all do, but I can imagine each of them wearing something more “toned down” every so often, (not Seonghwa lol) but I can picture Joong wearing something like he did for Paradigm!
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Seonghwa obviously wears ruffly blouses and sometimes embellished jackets and tailcoats. At first I imagined his hair like Wonderland era, but now I more so imagine him with his current long black hair (it’s my favorite 🥴)
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Yunho is blonde and I specifically imagine him with his hair styled like it is in the pic below. It fits him well and that’s also what my brain decided to picture so I’ve stuck with it! For clothing, Yunho kinda just wears stuff similar to what’s pictured below
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Yeosang is blonde in the series with his hair from Black Cat Nero and/or Inception era. Though while writing part 3 I started to imagine him with his long black hair instead 😩 some other outfits I think Yeo would wear are like the one I added on the left from Halazia era
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San has black hair and I picture him in a tight fitting gothic style vest and a white dress shirt underneath, though I can also see him wearing more “modern” things like a black silk top and of course I mentioned he was wearing a lace up shirt in part 3 of LW8V during the Medieval Times segment
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Mingi has brown hair. In my mind, it’s usually unstyled and fluffy and I can see him wearing something like from Paradigm; a loose-fitting white shirt (untucked) with a few buttons undone and a loose gothic vest over the top
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Wooyoung has long black hair because I’m attached to it and I have a thing for long hair. I imagine him wearing fitting gothic vests and a white dress shirt with small ruffles along the collar or something. When he goes out I can imagine him wearing black trench coats or something like that
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Jongho has brown hair and, like the others, wears Victorian style clothing and coats, but he also has some more casual(?) tops like this one from Halazia era which I’m still in love with to this day. I wish the stylists would put him in things like this more often because he looks STUNNING and so pretty
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As for your last question, it’s actually crazy you mention that because over the last 3 days or so I’ve been on character.ai messing around with some werewolf AU ideas I had for Chan just seeing if I could flesh out some ideas and I have two REALLY GOOD ones that I’d like to write!! I also have one that’s been sitting in my drafts for a couple years that I haven’t touched because I don’t really know where I’m going with it just yet lol. As for Chan in LW8V you can expect him to make a return with some extra buddies. I have so much planned for them for part 4 😈
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mammameesh · 1 year
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Rules: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
Tagged by @lizzie-bennetdarcy I'm in a funk today so MAYBE this will help?
5 works (in no particular order)
Kinktober 2022 This was my 2nd "fic" in the SC fandom. I wrote it to prove I could write it? I did SO much research on this series in a very short amount of time. YAY For hyperfixation!
Not like a "Sleepover" Sleepover I think this fic will always be special to me because it's my first in the SC fandom.
Trunk or Treat I really just wanted to make a cheesy Halloween fic because I don't watch horror, and horror is hard for me to write. People loved me including Teal Pumpkin and Friends: That is LITERALLY part of my everyday (or every year) life. It's had to put into words how encouraging that is?
Boxing Day Texts I started writing Ruth, and then really liked writing Ruth?
Underwater This is the Patrick Drabble that got away. Patrick has been 'sitting' with me lately, telling me to be brave. Until then, I thought I would tell his 'orgin' story the way I saw it. Underwater flows (XD) nicely into two Wips in that series.
Shake it Off and (probaby) Edge of Midnight. That's all I can give you on those for now.
Five Nights at Rays and One day away. Someone tell this fic to write itself. I actually do think I know what happens in the last chapter. I also started writing it M and then was like Explicit that.
A grinder/crack fic?
MAYBE one Autistic fic. I feel like I need someone to hold my hand for that to happen because writing is typically my escape.
Three big improvements?
I can now write a drabble in about 100 words
I think its getting easier to write Alexis/Moira ?
It's getting (easier) to write poetically?
Two Resolutions
Write in one tense, please?
Write one multi chaptered fic
One Line. Why does it have to be one? Here's one that is on my mind right now.
Bravery is its own reward.
I never know who to tag on these things @tyfinn, @apothecarose, @carolrain, @beaiola, @statueinthestone if you want to play or just tag me because then I can go back and read your fics XD
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animanightmate · 2 years
A Novel(la) Feeling
Yet again, I am writing a new fanfic which is completely off the arc of the massive War Series WIP.
Yet again, it has taken off in directions I never expected. (Long post follows.)
For one thing, at current calculations, it’ll be about 40,000 words by the time it’s finished. That’s novella-sized. I only started writing it four weeks ago… For another, I’m writing it even more non-linearly than usual. I started with a scene halfway through what has now become Chapter 10. I then wrote a massive chunk of Chapter 11. Then abruptly wrote the opening chapter and posted it. Then Chapters 2 and 3 (which split when they got too chunky). The only one of these that I actually started writing from the beginning were Chapters 1 and 11. And then I lose track, because of the whole amoeba-like quality of various chapters, while I hurled chunks of notes and dialogue at the Google Doc like someone who’s got hold of some cans of word paint and is dashing out a spirited impersonation of Pollock.
It’s also Mature rated rather than Explicit which, you know, fine, I can do that, but it has only a touch of it (haha) to kick off Chapter 4, then nothing much apart from some very heated/ confusing flirting and innuendo until Chapter 10. This is very far from my roots.
Talking of roots, Athos insists on talking cryptically using imagery from Greek and Roman literature and mythology. And it’s very much set around 1627/28, so there are important political elements to take into consideration, but I never say so explicitly except alluding to that in the end notes. Which are, even by my standards, HUGE. Because everyone’s being so subtle and era-compliant and referencing a lot of Greek, and I don’t want to spoil the flow, the end notes turn into infodumps of encyclopaedic girth. At least that way people can skip it, and I don’t have to go ham on exposition, which irks me at the best of times.
And stylistically, I’m leaning ever further into “Anima likes doing awkward and realistic dialogue,” but snappier than usual, with fewer explicit clues as to who’s speaking, and so it’s coming across more Dumas-like (I flatter myself), but even cheekier. It’s banter-heavy pretty much from the get-go. And yet it’s packed with internal rhyme, so is even more prosodic than my usual standards.
Oh, and despite being a slow burn Athamis fic, I appear to have inserted Porthos into pretty much every chapter until they get some time to themselves in Chapters 10-15 inclusive. But I miss him, so he’ll be back in several others. Also angst. Did I mention the angst? Athos is even moodier and more confusing than usual, not least because this is all from Aramis’s perspective.
And it’s getting some lovely feedback and subscribers and all that. The Musketeers continues to be a teeny fandom, so “good numbers” on this aren’t exactly what those of you creating for Marvel/ OMFD/ SuperWhoLock fandoms probably take as a baseline, but it’s nice, and people are gushing, either on AO3 or in the discord sever where I’m sharing snippets as I go. I’m thrilled, to be honest.
I’m also TERRIFIED. Because there’s a twist coming that only a handful of people know about, because they were there on the server when I said WAIT, WHAT IF...?! and... some people currently reading are going to be shocked, others appalled, many confused, and I, being more invested than I anticipated, am braced. (And what if I lose momentum, and what if I don’t live up to my initial creative vision, and what if it’s actually too preachy, and what if, and what if...?!)
My brain’s churning. 
So I’m doling this out twice-weekly on AO3, building up a healthy buffer (some of which is as a result of being on holiday BUT ILL, which is a shitty combination, I don’t mind telling you, but at least has given me the time and conditions to write in), and planning. Actually planning. I have a spreadsheet that works out when the Athos of this timeline was born, along with his brother, and acts as a tracker that plots how complete everything is (about 76% written, apparently!) and which Ovid quote is going to be the title of each chapter (good job he wrote a lot, as we’re up to 21 chapters at an average of about 1650 words each so far). I have notes. I have many, MANY open tabs of research.
And I’m loving it. I’m obsessed, and I’m loving it, and I’m finally seeing how my various professional writer friends who churn out four novels a year can actually do that. You basically write about 500-1000 words every day, no matter what, and you keep the flame lit (or dopamine secreting, however you want to put it) by sharing bits and woes and notions with good, invested friends.
So that’s it. And somehow I’ve written close to 800 words to talk about how I feel about writing a long piece of fanfic. There’s a theme developing. But I’m also having to resist that voice (of my ex, actually) that keeps saying: if you’re writing this much and it’s going well, you should be monetising this somehow, as if that were the apogee of creative endeavour, or any endeavour. But no - I’ll not be filing off the registration numbers anytime soon. I’ll take the lessons I’ve learned, maybe, and the sheer amount of practice hours and surprising amount of discipline poured into this craft, but no, shitty ex, it was never, and will never be about the cash.
Thanks for listening.
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1, 6, and 20 for the ask game!
this is my first ever ask!! thank you friend :)
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
I only really have one project right now, besides stuff I do for dnd! and that ties in, anyway, so whatever lol. but the working title—and this is extremely mutable atm—is Sunshine All the Time. the reason it's probably not sticking around is that I came up with that title very early on in the planning stages of writing this novel, and just about everything but the names of the characters has changed. so the title doesn't really fit the plot or the themes anymore, at least not the way I'd originally intended it to. but hey, maybe I'll think of a reason why it's actually brilliant and end up keeping it anyway?
but uhh anyway. I do still plan on making a bigger introductory post for this, but I'll introduce it informally here! SATT is a novel centered around two siblings—one adopted, one biological, but twins nonetheless—who swore a blood oath to each other in childhood and have telepathic powers because of it. super creative premise, I know (/s), but bear with me here lol. their names are Aryaea and Immerlias, and said spell that they used was banned (they weren’t aware at the time) so this is a big secret. and the reason why it was banned is because it drew upon the power of two gods that were sealed away for the world’s protection. and now they’re loose again because they cast the spell. whoopsies! so the plot of the book largely deals with the aftermath of that some 44 years later. Immerlias is an elf and Aryaea is a half-elf, so when the book starts, they’ve only just come of age and are going on a backpacking trip across the world to celebrate, but the whole thing with gods and shit comes and fucks everything up when Immerlias is kidnapped by Auresmus, who is one of the gods they freed. its more detailed of a plot than that, with other plots going on besides that one, and more follows from there, but that’s all I’ll say for now. I’ll probably talk more about it later tho :)
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
probably Immor? but I've also just recently started writing from Auresmus's point of view for the first time, and I'm really enjoying that as well. Immor is nice because he’s just a very tangible character in my brain and something about his pov just flows very easily compared to my other characters. he’s a very deep, thought-out character with both a wonderfully simple and incredibly intricate personality at the same time, and I love him a whole lot. (Immor is Immerlias and Aryaea’s dad, by the way.) As for Auresmus,,, ze’s just one hell of a guy. one idiot of a deity. gets a kick out of being powerful and mysterious but is actually pretty pathetic honestly. something about writing from that point of view is just enjoyable to me, I don’t know lmao
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes)?
oh boy this is a question where I'm almost suffering from the amount of choice I have here but also extreme object impermanence bc as soon as I read this question every infodump I have ever infodumped about this very topic fled my mind. it's also hard because I'm. a chapter into my manuscript. so I have nothing solid to go off of, just daydreams lmao. BUT I did just remember one thing I want to ramble about which is about Immerlias's character arc and his sort of personal little theme of freedom versus safety. at the beginning of the novel he's just had an argument with Immor about this very topic—we have Immor who's frankly seen some shit and just wants to make sure his son is safe in his travels, but honestly doesn't really want him to leave on this trip at all, because he's worried about his son and about protecting him from the less beautiful parts of the world he hasn't seen yet, who doesn't want to see his son's energetic, incredibly positive demeanor ripped away as soon as he's come of age because he got himself into a preventable, dangerous situation that changes him forever—and there's some trauma on Immor's end that's influencing all that too, of not wanting what happened to him to happen to his son but for entirely preventable reasons. and then we have Immerlias, who is wonderfully naive at this point in time and thinks his dad is being overbearing and controlling for the sake of it, who's just come of age and desperately wants to experience everything the world has to offer because even though he's only 50 and will live for seven more centuries barring an early death he's incredibly afraid of missing out on the beautiful and exciting things the world has to offer. and he's incredibly reckless and impulsive with very little common sense and has a knack for getting into trouble, but he doesn't see yet how any of that could be a problem, and he doesn't understand yet that the world, while beautiful, actually can be a dangerous place. and so later when Auresmus kidnaps him and sequesters him away in a tower far away from the rest of the world where war could very well break out soon along with a lot of other nasty stuff thanks to upheaval both in the divine pantheon and in the physical world, they hide Immerlias away for his own safety, and Immerlias, who's always been a very free spirit, doesn't do well in that sort of environment even though this whole tower is designed to be appealing to him and to be a safe space for him to wait out what's happening in the rest of the world, we see this parallel between the conflict he's already had with his dad and now between him and Auresmus too. and so idk if any of that was comprehensible but there's your ramble, friend :)
this was fun! thank you for sending me an ask, and sorry it took me so long to answer it
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javier-pena · 5 months
Hi! So this is looooonnng overdue but I'm just really shy and there's a couple things I wanna say so bear with me 😅
Firstly I wanna thank you and @danidrabbles for writing Triumvirate. It's of the best Javi P fics I've read and one of my favorite series ever. I cannot tell you how often I think about Javi, reader, and Katie like they're constantly on my mind, and as a bi-curious girlie let's just say this story made me have some realizations... 🤭 The way you guys write flows so naturally, the smut is so hot but the tenderness and angst are right on par. The characterizations and plot development are exquisite. I seriously can't wait for the next part(s) and for Javi and Katie to break a certain rule 👀 But also, bring on the heartbreak!!
Secondly, since you said you're open to requests, I'd die for another Javi one-shot like you did with Marks. Perhaps something with a secret workplace romance vibe where reader is also in the DEA? Or something in the TEU (that's Triumvirate Extended Universe) like the night Javi used handcuffs on the reader? Or whatever you want honestly anything you come up with is bound to be 😙🤌
Thirdly I just wanna say I love your blog and your tags in particular; I can almost always tell when a reblog is yours just from the tags lol. You were the first blog I followed in the Pedro fandom iirc because of the JPHM gifs (iconic btw) and I'm so glad I did :)
P.S. Your love for all things western is so endearing considering you're not American haha but you should listen to the song Wild West Hero by ELO I think it's very much your vibe
Okay that's all for now 😌💋
hi!!!!!!! thank you so so much for sending this, it literally made my day!!!!!
triumvirate is so important to me, you have no idea, because i started writing it around the same time i was finally willing to admit to myself that i'm bi, and it actually started out as this hungover idea that quickly evolved into so much more, mostly thanks to dani @danidrabbles. we're currently working on the next part but i think it's still gonna take some time. but i'm screaming about you saying it made you have some realizations!!! it sounds like a true reader-insert moment for you 🤭
i would love to write another javi one-shot because he's one of my favorite characters to write for!!! i'm either gonna make it a stand-alone one-shot or something that's part of the TEU (i'm obsessed with that abbreviation btw i'm gonna use it all the time from now on)!! so i will definitely keep the office romance and/or the handcuffs in mind 👀 i'm currently in the middle of writing a multi-chapter joel story though, so it might take me some time to get to the javi fic (however, i can promise you if you enjoyed triumvirate you will also enjoy the joel fic very much, it's also about how to navigate complicated relationships)
i love that you can recognize my blog from the tags alone, that's really funny!!! but wow jphm was such a long time ago 👀
thank you for the song rec, i will definitely listen to it!!! and being into westerns when you're not from the US is so hard 😔 like i'd love to buy some good cowboy boots and a nice hat but no ...... guess i'll have to wait until i make it to either the US or canada one day ....
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Hi! I saw that requests are open, if it's not a problem could i request Satan reacting to MC coming to him with new books every time they hang out because they want him to read them out loud since they have a short attention span? Like, Satan would be reading said book while MC is drawing or doing something else.
I have adhd and reading books that are not digital is a nightmare for me, so him reading out loud would be pretty relaxing.
Btw it's up to you if you wanna do headcanons or a oneshot!
ABSOLUTELY!!! So this is actually my first request and I'm super excited because as someone who also has ADHD I can totally relate! I hope you like it!
Too Still, Too Quiet
GN!MC with ADHD Summary: Satan notices that MC seems to have a hard time hanging out with him; he's determined to get to the bottom of the issue and find a solution.
After living in the House of Lamentation for nearly a year, you've grown accustomed to the many quirks that came with living with the seven Lords of the Devildom. You had gotten close to the brothers, and as they picked up on your symptoms for your ADHD, they each found their own ways of being helpful. Lucifer had always known, as it was written on your file, and made a point of sending you subtle reminders throughout the day to keep you organized and on task. He brushed it off saying that it merely prevented him from having to go after you later on if you forgot or did something incorrectly.  Mammon was no stranger to having a hard time prioritizing and staying focused and took pride in lending you some of the different tools he used to fidget with. After all, his human deserved the best, and you couldn’t get any better than using something that belonged to the great Mammon. Leviathan’s room provided a relaxing atmosphere with just enough stimulation to keep your brain satisfied enough to focus on your school work and tasks. The sounds of the aquarium provided a fantastic back ground noise, and Levi always took caution in wearing his headphones when he gamed if you were working in his room to not add to the distractions around you.  Asmodeus had a good eye for when you were growing too frustrated by the regular chaos that tended to fill the House of Lamentation and would pull you aside to his room for some self-care to help calm you down. There was nothing like a head message and face mask from Asmo as he happily gossiped about the latest drama in The Fall to help ground you.  Beelzebub, on the other hand, was great at noticing when you were starting to grow restless. In those moments, he’d not-so-subtly state that he was heading to the gym and it’d sure be nice if he had someone to join in before very obviously making eye contact with you. At first you had a hard time figuring out a good balance between a work out that satisfied Beel while also not killing you. But now the two of you easily worked with each other until you were both sweating, smiling, and happy. He also made sure to remind you to eat through out the day whenever you went to a round of hyper-fixation on something. Belphegore wasn’t particularly helpful when it came to your forgetful spells or disorganization as, being the Avatar of Sloth, he would normally encourage such behavior. Instead, he did what he did best, and helped put your wandering mind to ease whenever you were trying to sleep.  The only person, and not for a lack of trying, that you just couldn’t seem to find a flow with was Satan. 
He was too quiet and organized for you to be able to stand being around him for long periods of time. You had tried hanging out with him a couple of times, but after a few minutes of him silently reading or him explaining whichever text he was currently studying, you would grow restless and distracted.  Which brought you to your current situation.  Satan had invited you to come relax in his room with him, as the rest of his brothers were dealing with the aftermath of their most recent dilemma. It wasn’t so bad at first, some light conversation here, some banter there, but soon your mind started to wander off to the spines of the endless books around you as you pondered on what might be inside them.  “MC?”  Your attention snapped back onto Satan, who stood frowning at you. You blushed and scratched the back of your neck. “Oh, I’m sorry. I got a little distracted. What were you saying?”  Satan sighed as his frown deepened.  “I’ve noticed that tends to happen a lot with you. Not that there’s anything wrong with that!” He quickly amended raising his hands in defense. “But it seems particularly bad when you’re with me. You get quite jittery and I don’t think you’ve ever stayed in my room longer than ten minutes,” for a second his eyes almost looked sad as he looked over at you, “Is it something I’m doing? Do I make you uncomfortable?”  “No! Satan, no, it’s not you I promise!” You quickly reassured moving closer to him. “It’s just well I have a hard time staying still and focusing on things and when it gets too quiet it bothers me because then my brain is like hyper fixating on the smallest noises in the room, even though I’m supposed to be focusing on what you’re saying or my work, and it’s like, is that a page a turning or a something scratching at the door and then I start wondering about what kind of things could be in here and-”  “MC.” Satan cut off, though he didn’t seem annoyed. In fact, his eyes now gleamed with a sense of understanding. “Do you happen to have ADHD?”  “Yeah, I thought you all knew? Lucifer told all of you when I arrived right? That’s why everyone is so-” you moved your hand in a vague gesture that even you weren’t entirely sure what it was meant to symbolize.  Satan huffed and shook his head. “Lucifer did no such thing. I imagine he would’ve told us if it came to be a big enough problem. But you know him. He takes pride in being the only one to know certain things. “  You frowned and tilted your head in confusion. “But then what about the others? They’ve all been helping me out for months now.”  Satan placed a hand under his chin in thought, “They most likely took note of individual symptoms and decided to help. Belphegore, and possibly even Leviathan and Asmodeus may have put two and two together, but the rest probably think you’re just forgetful or that you’re restless,” he smiled reassuringly at you, “but that’s besides the point. Now that I know, I can help make you feel more at ease when you’re with me. What’s the main issue that you-” “It’s too quiet!” You quickly cut off, causing Satan to raise an eyebrow. “When we’re in here relaxing and you’re just reading and I’m supposed to be reading too, it’s too quiet. I try to focus on the book, but my mind keeps jumping around to other things. And I want to read all those books you’ve recommended to me, I really do, but I start feeling bored after a little while and next thing I know I jumping sentences without noticing and then I’ve gone an entire chapter with no recollection of what I’ve just read because I wasn’t really paying attention to the words at all I was just flipping pages without realizing it, so I have to go back and re-read the whole thing all over again!” You throw your hands in the air in frustration. “Is exhausting and makes me feel dumb, so I get up and do something else instead.”  Satan nodded, taking in every word carefully. “Well first of all,” you yelped as he flicked your forehead.  “Ouch! What was that for?!”  The demon smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. “For calling yourself dumb. Just because you have more difficulty with literature than others, does not mean you’re dumb. You simply require a different reading strategy than what most consider “usual”, and I believe I have a solution that would suit both of us,” you perked up at his words. “I recommended those books to you because I greatly enjoyed them myself. How about, when you’re here, you can choose a book you want to read, and I will read it out loud for you? That should help, yes?”  A light airy warmth filled your chest at just how accommodating Satan was willing to be. “But what about the books that you were reading?”  The demon shrugged, “I can always read them in my spare time.” He moved closer to take your hands into his, silently demanding your full attention. “I want to spend more time with you and get to know you better. I want you to be comfortable and be able to be yourself when you’re around me without feeling stressed. This is honestly the least I could do for you, MC.”  Blushed rushed to your cheeks as you felt your heart flutter in your chest. You awkwardly cleared your throat and took your hands back, rubbing them on your legs as you noted how clammy they were. “I think I-I would like that a lot” The grin on Satan’s face widened as he took one of your hands and lead you deeper into the bookshelves of his room. “Splendid! Then why don’t we get try right away? Take you pick, MC, I will be your narrator for the evening and for as long as you wish.”  ***** I hope this was something along the lines of what you were looking for! It is a little short, but I hope you like it. Thank you so much for the request, I loved it! Requests are OPEN and I would definitely love to complete some more if anyone has any ideas or prompts that they’d like me to complete. Just send in an ask and, if I feel comfortable with it, I’ll do my best to make a fic for it!
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Lesson #2: Girl, Get A Hobby!
Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking, "how the hell does this have to do with learning how love yourself?" Well let me explain. Something that I'm learning about myself is that I am so bored with myself. One of the reasons that I hate myself is because I'm so boring! I don't have a hobby - you know something that makes me forget to look at the clock, eat, or even get up to use the bathroom. The last hobby I remember having was back in middle school, and that was ballet dancing and video gaming. I remember the absolute joy I would have coming home from school, running up to my room and playing the Sims 3 all afternoon until it was time to go ballet class. Another hobby that I had - which probably isn't surprising - was writing. I remember staying up late at night and writing a fanfic about the youtuber that I had a crush on that week. Then whenever I was tired of writing, I would open up Wattpad and read fanfics written by other middle school girls that also had too much time on their hands. Now I am admitting this not because I want to completely embarrass myself on the internet, but because it correlates to the lesson. When I was younger I didn't find myself to be boring. As a matter of fact, I thought I was pretty interesting and well-versed. I would go to school the following day and tell all my friends how much I progressed on my Sims family or described my next chapter of my fanfic. This is something that I have lost over the years. I quit ballet because my family was moving to a new city, I stopped writing fanfic because it became embarrassing, and I stopped playing sims because my computer crapped out. Ever since then I never tried to pick up those hobbies again or even try new hobbies. I want reignite that spark and love I had for those activities. Whether I pick up those activities again or try something new, I want to do something worthwhile and fun.
Again, my partner was able to pick up on this issue - I think he truly is my personal therapist - but he pointed out to me that when we first met one of the questions that I ask him was, "what do you like to do?" He was able to answer that question with no issues - because he is REALLY into video gaming - but when reciprocated, I wasn't able to answer the question. I quite literally said, "I don't know, I'm kind of boring." Like who answers like that?! Anyways since we've been together I still haven't picked up a hobby, if anything sitting in my boyfriend's apartment and not doing anything but watching TV has become my new hobby. And to be frank, I am not okay with that. Now that's not to say that TV watching can't be a hobby, as a matter of fact TV analysis is an actual career - but it's personally not something that I'm into. In order to beat this boredom and get my spark back I came up with a list of hobbies that I would like to try, or get back into.
Unfortunately, we weren't warned as children that a hard truth of growing up is that we can slip into this self-destructive and vicious cycle of everyday mundane life. We all watched movies as children thinking that being an adult is fun, you can drink and party and travel and buy nice expensive things - but the harsh truth is that unless you have a rich daddy funding your lifestyle, you have work... a lot. I was not fortunate enough to be born into a rich and successful family where I can do all those things with ease, I was born and raised in your average and everyday middle-class family. Therefore, I was forced into the work force... like basically every other adult in America, and much like most adults, I absolutely hate my job. Okay, maybe not hate, but it's not something I can see myself doing for the next 30+ years until I retire. However, I need to make the most of my current opportunity until the next great venture comes my way. Meaning, I can't necessarily change my actual job or what it entails but I can change and control what I do in my free time. Afterwork, I have this tendency to just sit at home, watch TV, and eat very unhealthy until it was time to shower and go to bed. It drives me absolutely crazy and it needs to change. My life is becoming so bleak that I almost hate coming home from work. I'm at work all day upset because I don't like my job and then I come home just as upset because I have nothing to look forward to. I want that joy back that I had when I was younger, the excitement of going home and playing my game or writing or going to ballet, I want that back.
As I mentioned earlier, I made a list of all the hobbies and activities I would like to try. I will admit it is a very long list, and I need to be realistic - one thing at a time. Hobbies can become very expensive, but is it worth it if you are doing something you absolutely love? I think so! Anyways I will share my top five that I am working on now:
Aerial Yoga/Meditation
Learning Spanish
Painting/Calligraphy/Photography/Customizing Sneakers
Now I know this seems like a lot more than five different hobbies, I just categorized them based on similarity. My idea behind doing this is because if I try one and I don't necessarily like it, I have something else I can try within that category. For example, if I tried painting and I realized its not meant for me then I can move on and try photography. It's still similar where it gets the creative juices flowing, but maybe I don't like painting and photography could be more of my muse. Now, I'm currently focusing on these five but my list can change - I am open to different options, who knows I might be more interested in something that isn't even on this list!
I highly encourage all of you to get a hobby, it's a form of self-care. Try something new, or jump back into something that you forgot about. Having something that you are passionate about and that you look forward to doing everyday will bring you closer to yourself and it will make you happier. I know that the few days that I've been writing and blogging again I can see a significant improvement in my mood and attitude. I have always had a passion for writing - even if it started as writing fanfic - and I can't believe that I ever stopped this. But I happy to be doing this again, and I'm excited to start exploring new hobbies!
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lansyuan · 4 years
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do you love fics where wei wuxian and lan wangji parent the crap out of lan sizhui? do you want to read accidental baby acquisition fics until your eyes bleed? would you die as your heart slowly turns to mush from the softness of this family? bitch the fuck, me too. here are some of my personal favourite fics of wangxian ft their turnip son a-yuan. its a range of canon divergence, post canon, thirteen years of inquiry, raising a-yuan at the burial mounds au etc - there’ll be something for literally everyone. enjoy!
the kite string and the anchor rope by fleurdeliser (38k+)
When A-Yuan gets sick and Wen Qing doesn't have the supplies she needs to properly treat him, Wei Wuxian can only think of one place to go for help. 
a crying shame by thunderwear (16k+)
Lan Wangji gets emotionally blackmailed by a toddler. It somehow fixes everything.
to recollect and long for by wonderlands (22k+) *2/3 works posted at time of posting this rec list.
a 3-part series about best boy lan sizhui and his wonderful dads who love him and each other very much.
forgetting envies, remembering your loving hold by cosmicfuss (3k+)
The first time Zewu-jun plays for him he is five and the man is trying to comfort him, playing soft songs good for soothing children. It works to a degree but he wants his gege, he wants his gege to play his lullaby. Zewu-jun apologizes and tells him that his gege is hurting right now, and needs to be alone to get better.
When he plays the xiao, A-Yuan says, "you're holding it wrong!" When he turns fourteen, he learns to play guqin, and is many years ahead of his classmates in that regard. A large factor in that is how much he has practiced Inquiry. He has grown up hearing snippets from the jingshi, of Wangji attempting to reach a spirit that never answers.
When he's sixteen, he hears a familiar tune played in the forest, he and his fellow juniors battling a stone god. It's been years since he's heard it, and he wonders why this man, Mo Xuanyu, knows it so well.
Or, Lan Sizhui grows up and learns, and remembers.
five times wei wuxian tried to embarrass lan sizhui by blackelement7 (6k+)
(and one time he realized just how badly he'd played himself)
or: In which Wei Wuxian starts a fight but Lan Sizhui (with some meddling from Lan Jingyi) ends it.
inquiry by incendir (10k+)
Sizhui cannot fall asleep for a long, long time that night. He hears the ever-familiar melody again. He thinks perhaps he has memorized it by now.
storge by respira (9k+)
Lan Sizhui is a lake.
as the warren grows in number by kore_fics (3k+)
Before Sizhui could take another step he was surrounded by black and red, loud laughter in his ears and warm fingers running through his hair, messing it up. Palms squished both his cheeks together and Lan Sizhui let out a laugh.
Lan Sizhui was home.
tell some storm* by qurbat (31k+) *the moments with Sizhui are in chapter 2, however I highly recommend reading the whole fic, it’s adorable.
"We were raised as a generation of war, A-Yuan," Xian-gege said to him. "If your generation choses to be one of love - well, I don't think any of us would be opposed to that."
In the aftermath of the events at the Guanyin temple, the cultivation world scrambles to understand their current reality. A man roams the countryside with a string of white in his hair. Another sits on the highest seat of power with a ribbon of red around his forehead. The younger generation turns out to be full of romantics. Nie Huaisang is to blame for everything, always. Jiang Cheng realizes that happiness has been more that 16 years overdue.
Wei Wuxian declares that it's time that bitch pays up.
After a generation of war - much to the consternation of the elders, much to the delight of the young, much to the pleased shock of the subjects of the tale - the world welcomes a love story with open arms.
guess we're not eating leaves today by missingnarwhal (2k+)
Baby A-Yuan has cooked up a feast, but only one lucky gege will actually get to taste it!
Set in an alternate timeline where everything is okay after Wei Ying + Wens started living in the Burial Mounds.
response by aki_no_hikari (12k+)
What if Wei Wuxian hadn't been silent to Lan Wangji's Inquiry?
love, in all its small pieces by ynvel (4k+)
Ah Yuan is brought to the Cloud Recesses and exchanges the sun and its ashes for the clouds. Lan Wangji brings a boy home, calls him his son, and renews the promises he made.
Or: Lan Sizhui is adopted by Lan Wangji and learns about his new life. Lan Wangji in turn learns about hope and living again.
child surprise by ariaste (4k+)
He huffs a sigh. “Fine. Just - let’s just make it the law of surprise, shall we? That’s nice and simple, eh? Leave it up to destiny what will bring us back in balance. Let it drop something of yours into my lap, something small, and we’ll call the debt paid.”
Three debts, three repayments.
there's a lunatic in mo village by bastetcg (11k+)
There's a lunatic in Mo Village! And to Lan Sizhui's surprise, Hanguang-Jun has decided to bring the madman back to the Cloud Recesses! How embarrassing!
A mostly canon-compliant look into Lan Sizhui's thoughts and childhood.
on being a big boy by emberloey (1k+)
“My little A-Yuan,” Dad had said the next morning, kneeling down to A-Yuan’s height with a smile, “all grown up now. Soon you’ll be hunting without your poor old dads.”
“Never!” A-Yuan shook his head and latched onto Father’s leg. He smiled up at Father, who smiled back and nodded his head. “A-Yuan always needs Dad and Father!”
in all these shades of blue (i think we found you) by fleetling (5k+)
5 times Sizhui thought about his father's white robes, and 1 time Lan Wangji wore blue.
(Or: Lan Sizhui had never seen his father in anything other than white robes.)
this is when the feeling sinks in, i don't want to miss you like this (come back, be here) by mischievousmurmurs (6k+)
Just now… the butterflies’ conversation. Where did you learn that from, Ah-Yuan?
Ah-Yuan pats his chest. In here, shushu. I feel it in here. And in here, too, he adds, pointing to his head.
Sizhui has never quite been able to remember nor forget the memory of seeing people who he knows loved each other, loved him, and whom he loved in return.
or - a wangxian story, as told by their adopted son.
yours, mine, and ours by casecous (2k+)
When they have both mostly recovered, and A-Yuan is back to his smiling, playful self, Lan Wangji presents him with a forehead ribbon. A-Yuan’s little fingers bump into Lan Wangji’s thumbs as he traces the cloud motif along it.
“You are Lan now. This is very important,” Lan Wangji tells him and A-Yuan looks away from the ribbon to meet his eyes. “You must not take it off as you please. Only family may touch it.”
A series of wangxian family moments.
innocence by snowberryrose (8k+)
In which Wei WuXian gets to raise A-Yuan.
Canon divergence from episode 31.
to recollect and long for by mme_anxious (4k+)
Lan Xichen is there when his brother becomes a father. Lan Sizhui is there when his father's heart breaks, again. Wei Wuxian is there when his son gets drunk for the first time.
Or, the GusuLan forehead ribbon, in three parts.
our little one by writedeku (6k+)
A-Yuan is here. A-Yuan, who Wei Ying loved so much. A-Yuan, who was taught to laugh just like him. Wangji hugs him to his chest and curls over him, ignoring the way the wounds on his back pull and tear. “I have to take care of you,” he says. “I will not leave you.”
(Or: Lan Wangji comes back from Yiling with a child he does not know how to care for and a black hole in his chest. Somehow, he makes it work.)
gathered herbs & sweet grasses by hansbekhart (19k+)
Later, when he’s older, it’s this that A-Yuan will remember most: the stretch of silence, the two of them both dirty and shaking with fever, as he looked at Brother Rich, and Brother Rich looked back at him.
the sacred homeland by particulate (8k+)
He has many names, and some are mouthfuls of blood.
[Or; a chronology of Sizhui, in which he does not forget.]
to the act of making noise by words-writ-in-starlight (19k+)
His father in white plays the song late into the night, and when A-Yuan wakes up confused and afraid, the guqin lulls him back to sleep.
Lan Sizhui hears his father play the same song every night for his whole life, and never, ever get an answer.
when he comes home to you by kika988 (2k+)
Home is Cloud Recesses now, and that's a thing Wei Wuxian is still getting used to. He still feels like a guest here, most days, though Lan Wangji has done everything to make him feel at home. He stands out like a sore thumb amongst the serene disciples and flowing white fabric.
Cloud Recesses has been home to Lan Wangji and Sizhui for years. It is their home, where they've built their family.
The thought warms Wei Wuxian even as it sits a little ill with him. He's an intruder here, in their homes, in their lives, the same way he had been in Lotus Pier.
five times people didn’t know sizhui is lan zhan’s son and one time they did by trilliastra (3k+)
“A-Yuan.” He repeats, reaching out for the boy, growing restless when he can’t touch him. “A-Yuan.”
Oh. Lan Xichen closes his eyes as the tears start to fall. Oh, Wangji.
Carefully, Lan Xichen takes the boy and lays him next to his brother on the bed, Wangji holds him protectively against his chest and A-Yuan stops his little cries immediately.
“Wangji,” Lan Xichen tries again, running a hand through his brother’s hair softly, “who is he?”
“He’s my son.”
5 times the lan head disciple broke the rules by liji (6k+)
“I am not aware of any rule forbidding falling in love,” Hanguang-Jun said at last. There was a quiet sadness in his eye, like he was watching a scene from far away. The novelty of it gave Sizhui the courage to ask his next question.
“Have you ever been in love, Father?” he asked.
(or, five times that Sizhui broke the Lan sect's rules growing up)
the seasons change (but i love you the same) by kdkdkd (7k+)
When did you stop calling me Bàba, A-Yuan?
Lan Wangji had always promised himself that he would never become a poor father like his own had been.
Unfortunately, it feels like he has failed to keep that promise.
✨ bonus round ✨ uncle jiang cheng and nephew lan sizhui
tintinnabulum by respira (8k+)
A small bell chimes, the sound soft and pleasant like the water crashing against a pier, like low whistles in an empty cave, like a guqin playing a lullaby.
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cacoetheswriting · 3 years
champagne problems, ch.3
Spencer is in love with you, but you’re engaged to someone else.
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Chapter Three: When I’m Over You: Spencer’s desperate attempt to move on from you doesn't quite go as planned. A/N: chapter titled after this song if you want to listen while reading. Word Count: 1.7k Warnings: mild cursing, heartbreak, unrequited / unreciprocated love, very angsty, jealousy, this series is a real slow burn babyyy
series masterlist
A/N: omg thank you for the kind kind feedback to the last chapter! i’d love to reply to you all under each chapter but unfortunately this is not my main account.. but i am so glad you like the series so far, it genuinely it means a lot to me!! 
A large window exposed the handsome brunette gentleman not only the restaurant goers, but also the world outside. Any average passerby could detect that he was nervous. Leg shaking underneath the table. Fingers tapping the surface. Quick glances between the watch on his wrist, and the entrance of the restaurant. 
Table for two yet he currently sat alone, most likely waiting for someone. A date. 
Yes, Spencer decided it was time to put himself out there once again. To really try and get over you. Unfortunately, he couldn’t ask his friends for advise on how to go about moving on because they would instantly figure out it had something to do with you. So instead he was forced to turn to a source he usually tried to stray from - the internet.
After hours of browsing Spencer decided majority of the tips were, for lack of a better word, shitty and didn't really apply to his situation. Don't torture yourself. Purge your pictures. No contact rule. Allow some fantasising. Visualise your future. 
He was about to give up when one word caught his eye. Rebound. Although the concept seemed cruel at first, it was quite frankly the only viable option. Plus from conversations he overheard at work between his colleagues there was nothing wrong with a little causal dating.
Fast forward a couple of days and here he was, patiently waiting for his date to arrive. 
Spencer was feeling anxious. He hadn't been out to dinner with a stranger like this in some time. He also couldn't help but wonder whether this would actually work.  
Back when you and Ethan first got together, the brunette doctor did go out a few times. Dinners, drinks, coffee meet-ups, museum outings etc., nothing worked as effectively as he had hoped it would. Honestly, it didn't work at all.
Although, to be fair, Spencer didn't try as hard as he could have. He deliberately picked people he knew he wouldn't hit it off with. Self-sabotage. Majority of the dates he went on were cut short by him, and the ones that made it to the end... Well, there was rarely a second and never a third.
The brunette agent looked in the direction of the door once again. For a brief moment he considered walking out, texting his date to cancel - ‘Something came up. Can we reschedule?’. No harm, no foul. 
He should have done that. He should have, but he didn't. Instead the person he was supposed to meet did. And as his phone buzzed on the table, an apology message illuminating the screen, Spencer’s eyes found themselves focusing instead on the last person he wanted to see right now. 
The air caught in his throat. His instincts told him to duck his head down yet he found himself unable to move. Eyes fixated on you. Wondering why you were here. Wondering whether you were alone. Wondering whether perhaps he should try and get your attention. 
You noticed him just as you were about to leave. A kindhearted smile spread on your face the second your gaze landed on him, and Spencer waved awkwardly from his seat. Without hesitation, you made your way toward him. 
“Fancy seeing you here doctor.” You said warmly. 
Spencer cleared his throat. “You too.” He responded, nervously smiling back at you. “What are you doing here Y/N?”
You directed his focus to a rather large paper gift bag you were holding. “Just collecting some things that were left behind after our engagement party.” 
The brunette agent facepalmed himself mentally. Of course. How could he be so stupid to overlook that this was the same restaurant as your party. 
“How about you? Are you waiting on someone?” You asked, glancing briefly at the empty seat across from him. Spencer nodded slowly. “I was yes, but they just cancelled.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” An apologetic look graced your features but the brunette doctor shook his head. “Don’t be.”
You glanced at the seat once again before lifting your hand over your shoulder and pointing back to the exit. “Well, I should go. I have a bottle of wine at home with my name on it but I will see you bright and early on Monday doctor.” 
Shooting him one last warm smile, you turned around and were about to walk away when he grabbed your attention one more time. 
“Would you like to join me?” Spencer asked causing you to spin back on your heel to look at him again. “I’ve been sitting here for the last twenty minutes, holding up the table, so I kind of feel bad leaving without ordering anything.” He explained. 
“Only if you promise we split the bill evenly in half.” You grinned as Spencer chuckled. “Fine, I promise.” He responded. Satisfied with his answer, you placed the paper bag next to table before taking off your jacket. The brunette doctor sprung to his feet and took the garment from you. He walked up to the nearest coat hanger as you made yourself comfortable in the empty seat.
“Where is Ethan tonight?” Spencer asked sitting back down. He signalled the waiter to bring over the menus. “I don't want to be keeping you if he’s waiting at home.” He said, even though it was a lie. 
“Ethan is working.” You replied, a sad tone to your voice that Spencer detected instantly. ��Which is why I’m glad you asked me to stay because otherwise my dinner would consist of frozen pizza.” You added. “Don’t forget the bottle of wine that has your name on it.” Spencer jokingly reminded and you couldn't help but let out a soft giggle.
The waiter appeared shortly after. They handed you each a menu and asked whether you would like something to drink in the meantime. Since you had to drive home later, you only asked for water. Not wanting to drink alone, mainly in fear he would blab the reason he was really here in the first place, Spencer did the same. 
Soon enough the two of you were lost in a naturally flowing conversation. Each of you took turns filling every breath with more interesting topics. It wasn’t strange since Spencer and you never particularly had any difficulties in that area. 
You placed your orders briskly, eager to return to whatever it was that you were talking about. Even when the food arrived, if one of you paused to take a bite the other would jump in and start rambling off. It was nice to say the least. 
“Can I ask you something Spencer?” You enquired while finishing your meal and placing the cutlery on top of your empty plate. “Anything.” Spencer replied before taking a sip of his water.
“Do you think I'm making a mistake?”
Spencer wanted to lie and say that you weren't but no matter what way he looked at it, as an ex or as a friend, it just didn't seem fair. Therefore the silence that enveloped around you was answer enough. Slowly, you nodded your head in understanding.
You looked out the large window next to you and let out a quiet sigh. It didn't come as a surprise that Spencer felt this way. It hurt just a little however, mainly because you couldn't bring yourself to admit that sometimes you felt the same way. That there were nights you lay awake thinking that you should have said no. 
You loved Ethan, and he loved you. He made you laugh, he cared for you. If one day you’d have kids you knew that he would make a great father and that your children would get everything they could ever dream of; they wouldn't even have to ask. All of that should be enough to want to spend the rest of your life with him. But there were days, moments, where you couldn't help but feel like something important was missing. 
“Y/N...” Spencer’s voice brought you back to reality. You looked back at him. Meeting his inviting gaze, you pursed your lips into a gentle smile. 
The brunette doctor leaned forward. “Do you remember that case we worked in Missoula a few years back?” He asked, changing the subject. 
Before he got a chance to elaborate you cut in politely, knowing exactly which case he was talking about. “Of course I remember doctor. It was my first case with the team.” You said, fondly remembering the memory.
“Hotch asked you to play Prince Charming to the unsub, which looking back at it now makes a lot of sense to me. You do have a lot of Prince Charming qualities.” Spencer smirked softly at your comment. “I have Prince Charming qualities?” He raised a curious brow.
“Are you kidding me? Charisma, smarts, kind heart. The perfect hair, warm smile, and just overall good looks.” You chimed. The small smile on your face grew a little bigger. “You tick all the boxes my friend. Disney could use you as a blueprint.”
Spencer laughed. “Good to know.” 
The two of you sat there for a second just smiling at one another. 
“Why do you ask though?” You asked reaching for your water; breaking the comfortable silence.
Spencer licked his lips before taking in a quick breath. “You said something to me on the plane back home that I think applies now; ‘Meant to be isn't real. It’s a concept. You can’t know if something is meant to be unless you live through it, therefore you can’t know if something is a mistake unless you give it a go. Fairy tales and happy endings are made only by people that live them.’.” 
Your eyes began to gloss over with tears. Trying to fight back the floods, you chewed down on your bottom lip and swallowed your breath. You couldn't believe he remembered. Yes, he has an eidetic memory but you couldn't believe he remembered.
“You will get your happy ending Y/N.” Spencer stated confidently. “I know you will.” 
“Thank you.” You whispered loud enough for him to hear. 
Slowly, you wiped your cheeks for any tears that escaped your eyes and smiled kindly. “How is it that you always know exactly what to say doctor?”
“Years of practice as a profiler.” He answered. “Plus having an eidetic memory helps.” He joked, shrugging his shoulders.
You giggled, your eyes once again locking with his. This time however there was a sort of shyness surrounding it. When your heart skipped a beat, when the palms of your hands began to sweat, when you couldn't bring yourself to look away, well, that should have been an indication that you were in trouble.
And while you played off the warning signs as nothing more than a friendship bond, Spencer realised that any efforts to ‘find a rebound’ would be wasteful. 
There was no-one on this planet that would come remotely close to you. 
Someday, someday Some way, some way When I'm over you
A/N: hello friends! i hope you liked the third chapter!! i’d love to hear your feedback and what you think will happen next! if you would like to be added to a taglist, please let me know. thank you for your continuous support. with love, mal. x
story taglist: @girloncorneliastreet, @haylaansmi, @rexorangecouny, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything, @aperrywilliams, @sassy-hades, @rainsong01​, @reverdevivre​, @dracomikaelson, @softieekayy​, @lunaofcrows
spencer reid taglist: @no-honey-no​, @calm-and-doctor​
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Show Pony
Chapter 2: Legends Never Die
Read on Ao3
Billy was watching porn when Steve texted.
He’s never clicked out of a video so fucking fast in his life.
The message just read hey, this is steve :) which like, of course, the fucker uses little emoticons. Of course , he types out little smiley faces. It’s so dumb. It’s so cute.
And Billy just stared at it. One hand still on his dick, the other hovering over the keyboard.
What the fuck does he reply?
Obviously, Steve knows it’s Billy. Like. Duh.
So he just tapped out a little Hey.
Steve texted back almost immediately.
you have a good day? Billy found himself grinning maniacally, so he rolled over to hold his pillow close to his chest, burying his chin into it. He didn’t wanna deal with the fact that this stupid adorable cowboy was making him smile and flush. Stupid.
Yeah, it was nice. Way too hot, but nice.
lol try wearing jeans in that heat. sweatin through my damn saddle. Billy laughed into his pillow.
Jesus, you’re such a fuckin hick. Billy bit his tongue when he pressed send.
And Steve just sent back >:(. And God. He’s so cute. Billy. Hates him.
And then Billy’s phone buzzed twice, another brand new text from Steve.
One that made Billy’s heart fucking stop.
i have the day off tomorrow. no tiedown on the schedule. you should come by and we could hang
Which sounded like. A date. It sounded like a fucking date. And Billy wanted to ask. If Steve’s invitation was for a goddamn date.
But like, he can’t just ask. Can he? Is that weird? Okay, maybe he’ll just-
Should I bring Max?
Right? Like if Steve says to bring his little sister, then there’s no way it’s a date. Because, who would want their date to bring their little sister? People who are just hanging out as friends, that’s who.
was hoping it'd just be you and me
And hoo boy. Hoo boy. That’s. That’s a fucking. That’s a date.
Then yeah. Just you and me.
And Steve sent him another little :) because the fucker loves his emoticon smiley faces. They’re not even, like, actual emojis. Steve doesn’t take the time to use fucking apostrophes, but he does type out little faces.
And maybe Billy’s spending too much time thinking about the smiley little shits.
But, like. It’s just. It’s Steve. And it’s a cute fucking thing that Steve does.
Billy’s pretty much obsessed with him by now.
And maybe Billy should ask for, like, a time to meet. But he was halfway through a video and his cock’s still hard and kinda starting to ache, pressed against the mattress where it was. He rolled over, slid his hand back into his shorts, and wrapped his fingers around the base of himself.
So it’s easy just to, slide it up. Run his fingers along his length. Pretend his rough hand is Steve’s rough hand. Pretend the tight vice grip is Steve’s mouth. Hot and slick around him.
He could picture Steve, on his knees in the dirt, those tight fucking jeans beginning to stain at the knees, those big pretty eyes looking at him so reverently, so softly.
And he came all over his hand, pictured those pink pretty lips covered with cum. Imagined scooping it on his fingers, pressing them into Steve’s mouth, making him lick them clean.
It wasn’t even the most depraved fantasy Billy’s ever had. But it was for sure in his top five best orgasms. No doubt about it.
He wiped his hand on the sheets, turning onto his side, staring at the short little conversation with Steve.
Thinking about their fucking date tomorrow.
Max was on his ass the second he woke up.
She cornered him as he was coming out of the bathroom, making him startle and nearly smack her.
“The fuck you doing out here, Shitbrid?”
“What are we doing today?”
“ We aren’t doing shit all. I will be heading out. Soon.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, jutting her jaw in a way he absolutely knows she learned from him.
“Are you going to the rodeo?” she hissed through her teeth at him. “Are you going to see-”
“That’s none ‘a your fuckin’ business.” He pushed past her, lumbering down the hall, almost making it into his bedroom before she slipped inside with him, slapping his elbow and kicking the door closed.
“Are you going on a date ?”
Billy glared at her. He clenched his jaw, speaking through gritted teeth.
“Pretty sure we agreed not to fucking talk about this shit here.”
She pursed her lips, shifting her jaw.
“Just nod or shake your head.”
Billy kept his head very still.
She kicked him once in the shin before stomping out of his room, nearly slamming the door, catching it at the last minute, and closing it quietly.
Neil didn’t approve of doors slamming in his house.
It was rule number. Three probably. First rule was don’t be a smartass. Second rule was don’t be Billy. That was kind of an unspoken rule. But it was there.
And Billy was faced with his newest dilemma.
What does he wear?
Because it’s gonna be another hot fucking day, and his typical date outfits have more, more.
He’s got one clean pair of cut-offs left. Okay. Yes. And he puts on a printed button-up shirt. Leaves it almost all the way unbuttoned, because, like, of course, he does. He’s got a good body. He wants Steve to see it.
He’ll be mostly cool, and he looks better than he did last time he saw Steve.
Black Converse complete the look, and he maybe spends more time than he usually would putting his hair into a ponytail, using one of Max’s bright scrunchies.
She’ll get pissed if she notices it but. Whatever. He steals them from her all the fucking time.
He hasn’t looked at his phone all morning, figured he could head over to the rodeo, and whenever Steve texted, he’d play it cool and act like he wasn’t already there.
But, cowboy hick Steve was obviously an early riser. As the most recent text Billy has is from that cowboy hick Steve. At six. In the morning.
you wanna meet up around ten?
It was currently just past nine.
Does Billy head up there now and wander around the grounds for a bit?
Yes. Yes, he does. Because frankly, he looks gay as fuck in this outfit and he should probably dip before his dad sees.
He sends Steve a thumbs up and the three dots show up almost immediately, showing Steve typing.
you got a car right? can you pick me up outside of the parking lot? i gotta get outta here
And Fuck. Billy knows that feeling.
No problem. You wanna get breakfast? I know a good diner if you’re into that kinda thing.
hell yeah im into that :)
Ah, yes. There was that little happy face just in time to give Billy lots of nice heart palpitations.
Great. That’s what he needs. To get sappy and gross over Steve’s emoticons. Again.
He slipped out of his house without interference, taking a lap around the block just to kill time before setting off to the fairgrounds.
He was trying to make his car look presentable, shoving the few gum wrappers Max left by the gear shift into his pocket, brushing off any stray cigarette ash with one of the baby wipes in the glove box.
And by the time he reached the fairgrounds, he saw Steve skulking along the front of the parking lot, hopping over cracks in the sidewalk like the cutest little bunny.
It was the most adorable thing in the fucking world.
Billy pulled up next to him, blaring the horn and watching Steve startle at the sound.
He was wearing cut-off denim shorts like Billy’s, and a goddamn crop top. It had the silhouette of a horse on its hind legs, its mane flowing in the wind behind it, and Harrington American Rodeo brandished across his chest. It was cut just at his waistline, where his body nipped in right above his hips.
Steve smiled his pretty smile at Billy, just about skipping around the front of the car to slide into the passenger seat.
And Billy tried not to think about how fucking good Steve looked in the passenger seat of his car, those long fucking legs all on display, his thighs, thick and pale, covered in dark hair.
“Hi,” Steve was leaning with one elbow on the center console, putting himself in Billy’s space, and Billy was thankful for his dark aviator sunglasses, as his eyes went wide and probably panicked with Steve moving in so close.
Because if Steve was leaning in to kiss him, that kinda feels like a lot. And Billy’s not a prude, not by any means but he's, he’s got lines, and rules, and-
Steve just knocked his head into Billy’s shoulder, leaning back to buckle his seatbelt, like headbutting Billy’s shoulder was casual and normal.
And fuck.
Billy’s in so deep for this guy he barely fucking knows.
All he could do was push the car forward, and will away the flush on his cheeks. And pretend like he hadn’t jerked off to the person sitting next to him less than twelve hours ago.
“So. Billy. Tell me about yourself.” Steve shifted in his seat, turning to look right at Billy. “All I know is that you’ve got a kid sister, a cool car, and that you’re really hot.”
Billy smirked, turning to look at Steve over his glasses, found Steve biting his bottom lip demurely.
“Well, there’s not much else to know .”
“Oh, come on. Where are you from? How old are you? Shit, probably shoulda asked that sooner. Please, tell me you’re not fifteen or something.”
“I’m literally driving, right now. And relax, Pretty Boy. I’m eighteen next month.”
“Okay. Okay, good. I’m eighteen, by the way. Just so you know, that I’m not fifteen.” Billy shook his head, rolling his eyes with a smile. “But I still want answers to the other questions.”
“Well, I’m from here. Born and raised in San Diego. Uh, I graduated high school in May. And I work at the diner I’m about to take you to, which might be the lamest shit in the world, but they have good pancakes.”
“I like pancakes.” Steve was fiddling with some of the knobs in the car, turning the air conditioner up and down. Billy was just resisting slapping his hand away.
And then he reached for the volume knob on the radio, turning up the Ratt Billy had playing, and audibly scoffed.
“God, I should’ve known you liked this .”
“Yeah? What about it?”
“Just, you know. Sex charged drug-fueled hair metal.”
“Oh my God. What in the fuck ?” He gave Steve as incredulous a look as he could muster. “Are you a housewife from the fifties?”
Steve gave one of his excellent bright laughs at Billy, and Billy’s gut got a little bit gay and a little bit fluttery.
“Alright, Stevie. I’ll bite. What kinda music are you into? And if you say country I’m blowing my fuckin’ brains out.”
“Well, unfortunate then because, yeah. Fuckin’ country, man. Although, I prefer folk.”
“See, you call my music sex-charged and drug-fueled, at least I’m not listening to posers rant about their tractors.”
“Oh, no. I hate that shit as much as you do. I mean like, Johnny Cash. Willie Nelson, you know? Emmylou Harris, Marty Robbins, Miss Dolly. The good stuff. There’s like, a few modern artists that are doing the same kinda thing that I like. It’s all just stories and good music.”
“That’s all my music is. Stories set to music. And, you say my shit is drug-fueled, you do know that Willie Nelson is famous for being a stoner? And that Johnny Cash publicly dealt with addiction and all that?”
“Well, yeah, but they’ve got class.”
“Okay, Cowboy. I’ll let you die on that fuckin’ hill while I party it up on mine to some eighties metal.”
And Steve reached out to shove Billy lightly, laughing while he did it.
“Agree to fucking disagree then. Just take me to pancakes and don’t try to reason with me about shitty music.”
“Then change the subject. Tell me other things about you besides your terrible music taste.”
Steve leaned back in his seat, blowing out a puff of air.
“Uh, I mean. Jeez. I don’t do much besides the rodeo, you know? Just movin’ all over the country.”
“That must be. Exhausting.”
Steve reached out to brush his fingers against the dashboard mindlessly.
“It’s not so bad. I try to make friends in the towns, you know? Makes it kinda fun.”
“Where were you born?”
“Indiana. Really small town. My mom and I stayed there for three years while my father traveled around. I’ve been on the road since.”
“Holy shit. Since you were three? Did you, like, go to school?”
“No. Uh, I actually have a tutor that’s on the road with us, and I’m. You know. Supposed to get my high school diploma soon. I’m behind schedule since,” he waved his hand flippantly. He was staring at his lap, playing with the frayed hem of his shorts. And Billy was grasping for another subject as Steve’s cheeks went red. Because obviously school, had struck a nerve.
“What kinda horse is June?”
“She’s an American quarter horse. That’s the usual type for most rodeo events. They’re good ranch horses because they’re a little more compact. I’ve been with June for five years now, and she’s a beast. I’ve got two others with me, on rotation so that none of them get too tired doing the shows over and over. June, Patsy, and Loretta. They’re all quarter horses, and each one is only about fourteen and a half hands tall. I like my horses a bit smaller for tie-down.”
“I understood, honestly, like, nothing of what you just said.”
Steve tossed his head back, laughing loudly over the radio at Billy’s confusion.
He laughed a lot.
Billy liked it.
“Don’t worry, I’ll teach you rodeo slang. You’ll be a natural,” Steve said, reaching out to where Billy’s right hand was resting on the gearshift, wrapping his finger’s around Billy’s wrist.
“What about their names?”
“All ladies of country. Loretta Lynn, Patsy Cline, and June Carter. Carter-Cash, I guess. She married Johnny but had a career in her own right.”
“Jesus, you’re a fuckin’ hick.”
“You’ve said that before. Just because I’m in the rodeo-”
“No, it’s because you’re in the rodeo, and listen to country music, and wear fucking cowboy boots -”
“They are literally made for riding horses, okay? That’s why they were invented .”
Billy rolled his eyes again, but he was smiling brightly as he pulled into the diner parking lot.
It wasn’t too busy for a Sunday morning. Billy bets it’ll pick up in an hour or so for the brunch crowd.
He began working at the diner three years ago, bussing tables and washing dishes, getting paid under the table because technically, he was too young to work. He was a server now, usually taking the evening dinner shifts to miss that time when his dad was home from work.
The bell jingled above their heads as Billy held the door open for Steve, and Billy stuck his tongue out at the kitchen staff, leaning over the counter to swipe a few menus from the stack.
He led Steve to a booth in the back corner, waving at Lorraine, the older woman who was working their section, gesturing to the booth for Steve to take a seat.
“Wow. You’ve totally got this place on lock.”
Billy grinned at him, leaning against the wall to stretch his legs up on the booth next to him.
“I’ve worked here a few years. Kinda done all the staff positions. It’s a nice place.”
“Well, then what do you recommend?” Steve carefully opened the laminated menu, his big eyes flicking over the pictures on the side of every dish.
“Pancakes are good, so are the waffles though, if you’re into that. I like the full breakfast. Eggs, bacon or sausage, hash browns, pancakes, or toast. Kinda the best of everything.”
Steve snapped his menu shut, smiling softly at Billy.
“I’m trusting you with my breakfast here. It better be good .”
Lorraine approached their table, already pouring Billy a cup of coffee and sliding it to him along the table.
“You really love us that much you find your way in here on your day off?”
“Only you, Lorraine. Everybody else can fuck off for all I care.”
She shook her head, rolling her eyes at Billy.
“You want the usual cook-up?”
“Yes, please.”
She took his unopened menu, turning and smiling brightly at Steve.
“What can I get for you, Darling.”
Steve’s eyes were wide when he looked up at her, his cheeks starting to flush.
“Uh, just, the same as Billy, please.”
“You want a coffee?”
“No, Ma’am. Just a water for me please.” He handed his menu back, giving her a bright smile, his cheeks a soft rosy red.
Lorraine winked at Billy, nodding her head once in Steve’s general direction. Billy waved her off before she could say something embarrassing.
“Sorry, I get kinda weird sometimes.” Steve had pulled a napkin out of the dispenser on their table and was looking down at it, tearing off little chunks and rolling them into balls.
“That’s okay. Lorraine gets it. Plus, you were polite, and that’s all that matters. I wouldn’t be caught dead with you if you were an ass to servers.”
“Oh, God. My dad is such an ass when it comes to, really any staff. Like, servers, or, frankly, most of the people that work for him. Don’t even get me started on the animal carers. I mean, that’s probably the most important job at the whole rodeo, and he’s been trying to dock pay left, right, and fucking center.” Steve rolled his big eyes, huffing like Max.
“Wait, so your dad is like, the head of the whole operation?”
“My name is Steve Harrington,” and Steve pointed at his shirt, the name Harrington emblazoned over the horse.
“Oh damn. I thought that name was familiar when I saw the shirt. Figured I had just seen the rodeo name or something.”
“Nope. That’s me. A whole Harrington. My great-grandpa started the rodeo. He was, like, an actual ranch hand. Started one in the town we’re from. My grandpa was the one who got the idea to take it on the road. My dad came up through it like I did. He was in steer roping. And basically, his end goal is that I start running the whole show in a few years. Take over for him.”
“And, you don’t want to?”
“Nah. I don’t really have a brain for business. Don’t have a brain for much other than riding and tie-down, honestly. Don’t know the first thing about how to run a traveling rodeo.”
“Yeah, me neither.”
Steve smiled at him, but his eyes seemed sad, and his smile was tight.
“You got plans for next year? College or anything?”
“Nah. I think college is, on the horizon, but I’m taking a gap year. Saving up to move out and pay for school and everything. Probably gonna go to community college to save some money. And then maybe grad school?”
“That’s smart, you know? Finding ways to save up. My dad is debating pushing college on me. Like, if I do run the business, there’s some shit I should know going into it, right? But I think he also sees that I’m way too dumb for college, and, like, I don’t need a degree to get hired. I’ll just,” Steve made an upwards sweeping gesture with his right hand. A gesture that Billy understood to vaguely mean nepotism.
“What would you rather do? If not run the thing.”
“I like tie-down, and I could feasibly do it for a long time. I could branch into other events, too, like steer roping and all that. Same idea as calf roping but a different animal. Literally. It’s a steer. But I’d be content just doing the events until I croak. I have absolutely no desire to rise through the ranks, or whatever.” Steve rolled his eyes, balling up the little napkin wads he had made into another napkin from the dispenser. Billy appreciated it. He’s had to clean up crap like that from this very floor. “I just love being around the rodeo. The animals and all the people. I don’t really wanna be anywhere else.”
“At least you have something you love. Like, you’d be happy to do that for the rest of your life, and not in an I’ve got nothing better to do way, but in an, I’m passionate about this way. A lot of people don’t really. Get that.” Billy included.
It’s not that he doesn’t have passions, it’s just that they’re not necessarily sustainable to him.
He knows he’s dangling by a thread with his father. Knows after his eighteenth birthday, he should be ready to be kicked out or asked to pay rent at any time. He needs a career that’ll get him some fucking money if he wants to get out and cut off his dad entirely. He can’t be forced to go crawling back to him because he wanted to self-publish his gay ass poetry that never took off or drum in a rock band that went nowhere.
To name a few.
“Yeah, I mean. Sometimes I think that I probably would’ve never set foot in a rodeo if I wasn’t literally born into one, so I kinda wonder who I’d be if this wasn’t everything I knew, but I still really love doing it, and it’s something that I’m actually good at, which speaks volumes.”
They were interrupted by Lorraine returning, placing two identical plates in front of them, a glass of water for Steve, and pulling hot sauce and ketchup out of her apron pocket.
“You two let me know if you need anything else.”
Steve beamed at her, thanking her softly and Billy’s heart fluttered like a stupid idiot.
They tucked in, Steve shoving food into his mouth until his cheeks were bulging, chewing aggressively. It made Billy laugh and nearly spew coffee all over the table.
“I figured you’d have better manners, being the heir to a rodeo dynasty or whatever.”
Steve pulled a face, showing Billy the chewed-up food in his mouth.
“How’s that for manners?”
It was actually fucking funny watching him try to swallow everything stuffed in his mouth.
“It’s borderline painful watching you eat.”
Billy laughed as Steve flicked a piece of scrambled egg at him. It landed on his shoulder. Billy slurped it right off his shirt.
“See! Now, who's the one with no table manners?”
“Still you, Sugar. Still you.”
Breakfast was, like, actually fun.
Not that Billy was expecting it to be shitty, but he wasn’t expecting it to be as carefree, as easy, as it was. He and Steve just, kinda, clicked.
Steve was easy to talk to. He was easy to listen to, easy to laugh with, and even easier to look at.
He’s kinda, everything Billy has ever wanted in a person.
He slid his hand into Billy’s as they were leaving the diner, smiling shyly at Billy when he looked over at him.
And Billy stopped in his tracks, right there in broad daylight, tugging Steve by his hand closer to Billy’s body, sliding his hands up his arms, feeling over Steve’s shoulders, and down his back to settle on his hips. Steve wrapped both arms around Billy’s shoulders, leaning closer to him, almost pressing his whole body against Billy’s.
And it was easy. Kissing Steve was just as easy as talking to him, as laughing with him, as looking at him. It was simple and nice and made Billy feel something he really didn’t want to put too much thought into.
Something that was decidedly not easy.
They pulled away from one another, both their lips red and slick.
Billy opened the passenger door, and Steve folded himself into the seat with a ridiculous amount of grace.
And as Billy drove them aimlessly through the city, he tried not to think of the expiration date on this whole thing, on the dates listed on the back of Steve’s t-shirt.
They’ve got a little under a month together.
And Billy was determined to make that the best goddamn month of both of their natural lives.
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mahizli · 3 years
Still Learning (There Is No Ignorance, There Is Knowledge)
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Art by tallterror and second chapter of Threading The Way (Jedi June).
32 BBY.
“Thank you, Anakin.”
Master Ti’s voice was gentle, and Ani met her warm, brown eyes before he bowed, like Padawans were supposed to, like Obi-Wan had taught him at the very beginning of his stay here, almost a month ago.
“It’s okay.”
His voice sounded strange. Like there was not enough air in is lungs. And his heart was beating all fast, too. It felt like… like the day he had left Mum, and Ani did not want to go there in his head. Instead, he followed the other Initiates out of the door and into the corridor.
“Hello, Master Obi-Wan…”
It sounded like a song, all his fellow-Initiates greeting his Master who stood there, leaning against the corridor walls, waiting for him. But Ani didn’t join in, didn’t say a thing: he knew just how eager they were to catch a glimpse of him, the one who lost his Master, the one who killed a Sith and was training him, him whom Qui-Gon had called the Chosen One. They were still wary of him, and he had not made any real friend, save Senior Padawan Quinlan who was going to become a Knight very soon and was actually Obi-Wan’s friend. And Master Luminara and Master Kit, who were also Obi-Wan’s friends.
Ani loved spending time with Master Quinlan, because he knew Tatooine and understood things even Obi-Wan didn’t know. And he loved Master Luminara because she had been there, with him, when Obi-Wan had started bleeding from his nose, talking funny, and had fallen down in the training grounds. She and Master Quinlan had taken Obi-Wan to the Halls of Healing, and there, Master Vokara Che had told them the bond between him and Master Qui-Gon was still bleeding, because it had been broken and not closed, and because Obi-Wan had pushed everything tight behind his shields.
Master Che, Master Yoda and Master Billaba had brought Obi-Wan back into the Force and had closed the injury in Obi-Wan’s mind. And Master Quinlan, Master Luminara and Master Kit had tried to help him with the sadness inside, even though Obi-Wan was still missing Qui-Gon fiercely and would still go very silent whenever he was thinking of him.  
Ani watched his fellow-Initiates swarm through the corridor, and checked out his Master, because it had only been a week since Obi-Wan came back from the Halls, all thin and still somewhat shaky. A week since they had cleaned and tidied up Master Qui-Gon’s stuff, and Ani still had a hard time to believe how much steadier Obi-Wan felt in the Force now.
He was no longer pale, no longer looking like he would be gone any minute, vanishing like the images people saw when they got sun-sickness on Tatooine. Obi-Wan was better now, Ani could feel it through their bond, but he still grabbed the hem of Obi-Wan’s robe, just in case, rubbing his thumb against the rough fabric.
Hello there, Padawan.
Ani didn’t smile, because people were still around, and because he still felt weird from what he had just managed to do, during Master Ti’s class. But inside, it felt like something opening up, and when Obi-Wan started to walk them back to their quarters, Ani quietly slid his hand into his and squeezed.
“How was class, Anakin?”, Obi-Wan asked, once their doors slid shut.
Ani took off his boots, shrugging out of his bag.
“Okay, Master.”
Obi-Wan never asked many questions. He never pried, like some Initiates did. He just let it go, waiting for Ani to find him. And Ani wanted to tell him, about the way he had listened to him and accepted to tell Master Ti and the other Initiates about Tatooine, about why he hadn’t been taught to read and write, about the way slaves were forbidden to do some things and to enter some places.
But Ani also knew it would make Obi-Wan sad to talk about such stuff, and he didn’t want him to be sad anymore, he just wanted to hear him talk and marvel about the way he felt so smart and quick and witty through their bond.
And he never seemed to be bothered, when Anakin asked him questions, not even while he cooked, chopping off tubers, and cutting odd orange stuff that was called pumpkin to mix them together in some kind of soup that had a nice, sugary flower.
And so Ani got to know all about Obi-Wan’s day. About the subjects he was still studying, despite no longer being a Padawan, about the way he had trained with Master Luminara because they were both specialising in a form called Soresu. About the people in the Temple Obi-Wan had talked to, and that Ani still struggled to remember.
“I like that soup, Master. It’s nice.”
Obi-Wan smiled at him.
“It’s the nutmeg. I think you have a weak spot for spices, Padawan.”
Obi-Wan knew so many things. Ani didn’t have a clue what a nutmeg was, but Obi-Wan showed him the small, brown nut, and let him grind a bit of it into his soup – and it was delicious.
They talked some more, and then Ani was sent into the fresher to shower. He knew how to use the taps and the pressure now – it wasn’t complicated, actually, much less complicated than the ventilation system on the back of Watto’s shop, or the ignition of his old speeder. But Ani still tried to be quick, because it was no sonic – no carefully harvested water from a moisturizer, but water flowing like springs from the very faucets, and it still felt like such a waste.
Obi-Wan loved showers, though. He wasn’t long about it, but sometimes, Ani heard him hum quietly through the fresher’s door, and he always felt relaxed in the Force afterwards.  
That evening, Obi-Wan didn’t shower, though. He was sitting cross-legged on his bed, barefoot yet still wearing his leggings and tunics, and Ani crawled up next to him, looking at the green picture that hung across Obi-Wan’s desk. It was a landscape from Stewjon, Obi-Wan’s planet, and Obi-Wan had painted it some years ago, because his Master was very skilled at drawing, and had filled whole journals with his sketches.
“What are you doing, Master?”, he asked, his tooka-doll Spikes closely tucked to his chest.
Obi-Wan sighed, turning tired grey eyes towards him.
“I’m trying to make sense of an essay of a currently very famous yet completely unintelligible philosopher, Padawan.”
Ani lifted a very puzzled face towards his Master, and Obi-Wan smiled again, deftly carding his fingers through Ani’s loosened braid, undoing it before he started braiding it again for the night.
“Because he claims to be an expert about the topic I’m supposed to study, and write an essay about.”
“But why do they need you to write essays and to read boring stuff? You’re no Padawan anymore, Master. You’re one of the best Jedi ever – everybody keeps talking about you in the Temple.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes clouded for a moment, but when he lifted his face towards Anakin, his gaze was clear.
“Because the only thing I know, Padawan mine, is how little I do know and how much I have still to learn.”
Ani hung his head, letting Obi-Wan closing his braid, watching the way his Master’s knees melted with the rough fabric of the sheets.
“I know the feeling, Master”, he whispered.
I feel like that all the time.
Obi-Wan’s hand travelled from next to his cheek to his shoulder, and soon enough, Ani was pulled against his side, breathing in the smell of clean linen, of soap and Obi-Wan.
“I did it, Master. I told them. About the slaves, on Tatooine. About what it meant, to read ‘no slaves allowed’ or ‘keep out’. About the dangers out there. They didn’t ask any questions, though. I don’t think they understood much, anyway.”
Obi-Wan stayed silent, for a while, data-pad and reading forgotten.
“I am not sure one can truly understand, Padawan. I still struggle. And sometimes… sometimes I think about what you have been through, and I wish…”
His Master didn’t go on, words ending into something that was both a breath and a sigh. There was no need, though. Ani understood.
“But, Anakin… I think that the reason the Initiates stayed silent was… because they were in awe. Because they felt very ignorant, compared what you were forced to experience.”
Ani shrugged, face still buried into Obi-Wan’s side.
“I’m very proud of you, Padawan.”
Obi-Wan’s voice was even softer, and Ani wrapped his arms around his waist, wordlessly. For a while, he listened to the quiet way Obi-Wan was breathing, focusing on the way Obi-Wan’s belly was meeting his forearms, whenever he was drawing in air or letting out a sigh.
His Master had resumed reading, and it didn’t seem to make him happy, because there was a thin crease between his eyes Ani had learned to recognize. What was more, Valentine, Qui-Gon’s old plant, was hissing quietly on the windowsill, flowers turning an electric form of blue and getting all spiky. Ani closed his eyes and sent a soft Force-tendril towards her, trying to stop her hissing.
Valentine’s projections in the Force were always really helpful with Obi-Wan, and Anakin sent back Okay-Got It-Thank You-Calm Down.
“Master… I think you should stop reading. I don’t think that feel-low-something is worth it.”
Obi-Wan’s eyebrows shot up, and he turned towards Ani.
“He’s making your head ache. And I think… I think anybody who writes stuff that is so hard to understand that even you don’t manage it, well… it’s not someone who cares about sharing what he knows.”
“Anakin, I’m not the standard by whom you should… I don’t think you… It’s not supposed to be difficult, it’s just that I…”
“Master, I don’t know much. I know I don’t. But… But I know you’re so smart that every teacher here loves you. There’s not one who’s hasn’t spoken about you, and I’ve only been here four weeks. So… I don’t think you should read that stuff. I think you should stick to those who want to share what they know, not just… show off or something.”
Obi-Wan stared at him for some seconds, and then his Master did something very unexpected. Ani watched Obi-Wan’s shoulders start to shake in silent laughter, until it broke out of Obi-Wan’s very signature, in quiet bubbles of amusement.
“Oh, I think that fellow really wanted to show off…”, his Master sighed. “I’m not sure I read anything that dense for… I don’t know, probably ever?”
Anakin started to giggle as well, watching Obi-Wan close the data-pad, leaning against his headboard, still laughing quietly.
“It was… I kept reading the same page over and over, wondering what in the Galaxy was wrong with me – it felt like… it felt like… Oh Anakin, you are so right – it is some incomprehensible, self-satisfied babble, and it is positively useless!”
Obi-Wan sounded both amused and amazed by his own defiance, and though Ani had no clue about what his Master truly meant, he could feel how relieved and lighter he felt through their bond.
“I’m not going to read that”, Obi-Wan whispered, eyes growing somewhat wide, and Ani couldn’t help hugging him again, because he looked like the way Kitster did, whenever Ani convinced him to do something he was afraid of yet kept dreaming about.
“I’m going to… I’m going to focus on ignorance and knowledge instead. About the way they are sometimes mistaken for the other. There are very knowledgeable people out there who still manage to stay very ignorant, Padawan. And there are others who think themselves ignorant and who are so wise they make the world a better place.”
His Master’s hands rubbed gentle circles into his back, and Ani hugged him tighter, feeling his heart swell because of Obi-Wan’s words.
“That’s wizard, Master”, he whispered – and then he lowered his head back on Obi-Wan’s chest, because it was warm and comfortable there, and because his Master was the best Master ever.
And on the windowsill, Valentine curled on herself, flowers in the hue of a soft, tender green, projecting soft contentment into the Force – and turning still once more.
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Title: Lovebug (3/10)
“It might be a bug.”
“A bug?”
“Sometimes the developers of this application make mistakes. This is our first time meeting I’m sure so…Isn’t it a bit weird that we just met for the first time and it rings like this? And for two strangers to coincidentally ring each other’s alarms?“
Levi is the developer of the Love Alarm App and Hange is married to Zeke.
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Other Chapters: 1 2 4 5
Notes: So I was really planning on my posting the next chapter tonight and wahhhh right on time @renrampant posted this beautiful piece of art inspired by lovebug. I hope this chapter satisfies <3. I hope the zekehan kiss which will be coming in a chapter or two does justice to the art too.
Levi was a man of his word and he always had been. The night he created his tinder profile, such a penchant had turned out to be more than just an inconvenient truth.
Something so ideally simple as to create a tinder profile, shouldn’t have taken him more than a few hours. Yet, Levi found himself searching, grappling for the right words to say, finding some way to make himself more attractive than he actually was. It turned out with his own meagre attributes, drawing the right person was an altogether daunting task.
Maybe he was overthinking that night. Overthinking had been enough though to leave him exhausted, retiring for the night even before he even noticed he had forgotten to place the phone by his bedside.
When he came into his senses again, sunlight was streaming through the room, turning even the dimmest corners a little less black and a little more gray. The phone was a warm heavy weight vibrating on his chest.
He had to leave for the office soon.
His sleeping schedule only provided him a generous hour and a half to shower and to commute. Frustration at not being able to complete his bio the night before had him sluggish. It had him unwillingly reaching towards the back of his mind as he showered, as he shaved and pulled his light sweater on.
He considered extirpating that nagging thought. All you have to do is put a bio right? Levi thought to himself as he made his way to the subway station. He memorized the way to work like the back of his hand, all the way until the train platform He took the risk of walking straight ahead, eyes completely glued to the screen in front of him.
How it had taken him so much focus to decide on a bio. How it had taken him so much energy and thought. He didn’t know.
Levi though was a man of his word and thus, he had ended up clicking save after typing only a few simple straightforward words.
'Currently software testing. If interested, please swipe right.’
“So Levi, you’re a software tester?”
Levi found himself stifling a surprise snort at that question. The sound had come out as something he managed to disguise as a clearing of his throat. Hopefully it worked.
They had just settled on one of the corner seats of a chain coffee shop, a conservative choice for a first date. That is, if he were planning on impressing her. The date felt more like an obligation than an actual passion project. And obligations always had Levi’s mind running on overdrive, even with things as simple as ice breakers.
He didn’t expect that to have been the first line of conversation. He didn’t even know how to pronounce her name yet. The woman was looking expectantly though, bending a little forward. Whether she had been feigning interest or whether she had been genuinely interested, Levi couldn’t really tell.
Technically he tested software for a living and he didn’t need to really expose himself as the head engineer of the software so he settled for a nod.
“Oh, what kind of software do you test?” The woman in front of him pressed.
Levi snuck a glance at his phone under the table. Lynn. But was it pronounced ‘lint?’ Or was it pronounced ‘line?’
He was overthinking again. But when the woman had pronounced his own name correctly, it seemed almost criminal to have to mispronounce her name. Maybe he could table that question for a while.
Or never go on a date with her again. Levi thought to himself as he looked back up at her with the most casual face he could muster. “I test biology related software,” he answered. He purposely kept it vague. He had to note she was also a love alarm user. She had mentioned that part in her bio. Bringing it up in a conversation though was another issue altogether. If he brought it up, she might ask. If the conversation continued, she might ask more.
Did he want to expose then that he was the one who had designed the actual application?
“Biology sounds very interesting,” she commented. She didn’t seem interested in Biology though.
Not as interested as Hange. That quick comparison came like an uninvited visitor and Levi found himself just slapping the phone on top of the table on impulse. The clack of the phone on the table, the metal on hardwood rattled him enough to drive those thoughts away.
Lynn jumped in surprise. “Are you okay?” she asked.
Levi felt the blood rush to his face. When he was thinking longingly about someone married, and comparing her to Lynn, his date for the day, blushing seemed like an almost welcome sensation. “I heard you use the love alarm,” Levi started. When he was already making a fool of himself, might as well go straight to the point.
“You would like to check if we’re attracted to each other huh?” She asked. “But I don’t think we’d find out by the first date…”
“I said on my profile, I wanted to test a software so that’s why I’m here now actually.” Those words forced themselves out of Levi and they came out as a disturbed flow, as guttural sounds that burned in his throat. In the end, the honest man inside him prevailed.
“Test?” Lynn had been nice enough at least to mirror him and put her phone on the table. “You wanna test the love alarm now?”
Levi nodded as he fixed his eyes on the screen in front of him. He was familiar enough with the banner in the front of the screen to know with just a quick glance. The love alarm was active.
He didn’t have to open the application or pull down the banner to know the result. He was all too familiar with how the application would work even when placed on silent mode. The banner should at least appear, with the words ‘Someone nearby is in love with you.’
If there were at least two people around them then, if somebody else rang it, Levi would have been compelled to check. Both applications were void of hearts though. Levi closed the application and pocketed his phone. “It looks like we aren’t attracted to each other.” He only realized as those words escaped from his lips, how awkward or maybe how rude of a comment it came out as.
Lynn’s eyes were wide for a second before she furrowed her brows, framing those brown eyes. “Of course, we just met. I think attraction is something that can be built over time right?” Lynn answered.
“You’re not wrong,” Levi said. Really, he didn’t even believe he could be someone who could rattle off facts about love. Hange had said it herself, he was a little inexperienced.
He wanted to be right about it though. He wanted to believe attraction could be built over time. By extension, he wanted to hold on to the possibility that attraction could also dissipate into apathy. After all, all those emotions should have been in the same ballpark.
“So what do you think?” Lynn asked. She had said some words before that but maybe Levi had reflected too deeply to have processed anything more than the face of the woman before him.
If he blinked and squinted a little afterward, he could pretend that same wavy brown hair was Hange’s. Hange’s hair though was a little shorter and a little messier and when bright light shone at it from certain angles, it came off as a little red. Hange’s eyes were a little bigger and her face was a little rounder.
Lynn was just too different from Hange to ever be Hange.
When Levi let his vision blur though, let it focus on her features slowly then all at once, he could play pretend. When looking from his peripherals, settling for blurs instead of clear pictures, he could pretend the brown hair was Hange’s, the waves that fell on her shoulders as just another layer.
He didn’t even notice it, even after they had split the bill and when she turned down his half hearted offer to take her home. That was until her last greeting came out as they parted ways along the main street that led up to the train station.
Her last greeting was a long way off from a conventional goodbye but it had done its job to get Levi’s attention.
“By the way Levi, my name isn’t Hange.” She unmatched him on tinder after that.
Levi decided to put a small note under his name.
Software Engineer. Currently testing software. If interested please swipe right.
It turned out though, there were people who never read bios. “So, what do you do for a living?” The woman in front of him asked. His case in point.
Hange likes reading. An invasive thought tore through him then and Levi wondered how that could have ever been related to the situation at hand.
When he questioned himself, he found out why he even reflected on it in the first place. Right, since Hange likes reading, she wouldn’t have overlooked my bio if she found me on tinder.
Of course, she wouldn’t have tinder. Levi took a deep breath then, reminding himself for the nth time that he was going to have to settle for people who weren’t married to billionaire business tycoons.
He was going to have to settle for people who weren’t Hange.
But he didn’t have to settle for her either. She was underwhelmed yet underwhelming at the same time and Levi was starting to miss Lynn already as the more desirable option.
He quickly shook his head. You don’t have to see any of these people again. All you have to do is turn the love alarm on and watch it ring. But he was feeling so underwhelmed, so disappointed with the turn out of the date in front of him just minutes into meeting her. He had entertained just the thought of cancelling their food there, the only thing stopping him being the wasted food and the poor waitress who would have to clean the mess. So he decided he could at least stay long enough to at least try.
“So, have you heard of the love alarm Nanaba?” Levi asked. He may have put just a little more emphasis in her name. After all, he didn’t want the Lynn-Hange incident happening again.
“Of course, who hasn’t learned about the love alarm app? Actually I have it with me right now.” Nanaba pulled out her phone and dropped it in front of him.
Ten years of hard and stressful work made Levi immune to even the slightest compliments. “You wanna do some testing?” He asked. “Don’t you want to see if we’re compatible?”
Compatible. That was a complex word and Levi started to doubt the applicability of that application in determining compatibility. It was a love alarm, not a compatibility alarm.
Nanaba grinned. “Sure but I have to tell you, I don’t think it actually works.”
Levi raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. He hoped it seemed genuine though. “Really?” When he momentarily thought back to the numerous support tickets logged just within the past two weeks thought, his expression may have turned just a little genuine. It was a mess of an application after all.
“I’ve been using it for a few months already... And it hasn’t rung, not even once. .”
Maybe nobody likes you. Levi had some ironclad rules about testing, always start with user errors, not with application errors and that had him instinctively blaming her but he had to note, most people had one to two matches, Nanaba didn’t look particularly unlikeable either. Just with the thought of statistics, it should have at least rung once if she kept it on regularly.
Levi quickly switched from his engineering hat to his much more empathetic yet still very shitty customer service persona. “Maybe you just haven’t found the one who could ring it for you?” The words tasted so sweet they almost instantly clabbered into sour milk in his mouth. He felt like he was in some sappy Korean drama.
“Well, it rang with my friend Mike once but we don’t see each other that way…”
“Oh, really? Then why did you say it’s broken?”
“Because it rang with my best friend and that doesn’t count...” Nanaba wanted to say more. It was all over her face and her tone.
Levi was in no mood though to play love counselor. But he wasn’t an asshole enough to cancel the food and ditch a seemingly sad woman either. The food came at the right time when Levi was entertaining the prospect of just leaving.
Nanaba looked very much in the mood to speak, speak about something a little more emotional, a little more serious than hobbies and Levi found himself hesitant to force the conversation elsewhere.
Levi came out of that date with no second date, no results. Nanaba on the other hand came out of that date with new found confidence to confess her feelings to her long time best friend.
By the time they had exited the shop, Levi was already swiping again, grumbling obscenities about how testing wasn’t supposed to be that hard.
“Rico Brzenska,” Levi said. There were only too many ways to mispronounce ‘Rico.’ Still, two failed dates had him careful about names already. “So what do you do for a living?” And careful about other things as well.
“I’m a student.”
Levi almost spit his tea out at that. He should have been more careful. He had read her bio, she had mentioned something about a love alarm app and that had him swiping right already. He was sure if he had seen any indication of a minor, he would have swiped left. “Really? What kind of student?” He asked, having gone subtly for his phone and pushing it further under the table.
“A graduate student taking business and commerce.”
Levi only had to take a quick glance at his settings to be sure, there were no chances of him dating a minor, as long as nobody was lying about their age on tinder. Being an honest man though, Levi had a harder time looking through white lies.
Such awareness had him studying her round face, her large blue eyes for a little longer. She could have been a minor. Or he could just be paranoid.
But when dating a minor could actually mean jail time, Levi didn’t want to take any chances. “Do you have any ID on you?”
“ID?” Rico frowned. “Why would you need an ID?”
“You said in your bio you wanted to test the love alarm right?”
Rico nodded. “Yes, I just wanna make sure before I start dating someone, we already have the initial attraction. I don’t wanna waste my time with people who aren’t attracted to me or I’m not attracted to, if you get what I mean?”
In response, Levi hummed in understanding. He did get what she meant. The last thing he wanted to do though was inadvertently ring the love alarm of someone a good many years younger than him and risk jail time. He probably wouldn’t ring it anyway.
But just in case. Levi put his phone out on the table, leaving one hand outstretched as if to wait for an ID.
No ID. No Love Alarm. He was sure that was the sign he was giving.
"Wait you don't think I'm off age do you? You think I'm lying on my profile?"
"No, I don't think you are," Levi said. Maybe his expression betrayed his words.
Rico eventually let go of an ID, a school ID from a familiar university logo Levi was sure he had seen a few times. And her face then had been one of pure irritation and maybe a hint of fury.
She narrowed her eyes at him. "There? Legal enough for you?"
Still a student, still too young to be engaging in anything with an older man, at least by Levi's standards. Still, he found himself almost obligated to just test the alarm in front of her.
Rico didn't look happy at all to be heavily scrutinized, or doubted. When she activated her application, Levi saw it as a cue to activate his own.
All you have to do is press the button. Levi told himself. He knew it wouldn't ring. He felt no attraction to her but paranoia had his brain going in all sorts of directions at once. Maybe the blood that rushed through his cheeks then was love. Maybe his hands shaking then were nervousness and excitement at meeting one's destined partner.
Also Rico wore glasses. For some reason, that had him thinking back to someone else with glasses, he wondered for a second if her eyes were much larger without those on. And he wondered if it was similar for Hange.
How such a long train of thought could have occupied him in such a short frame of time, interrupted by a quick sleight of hand, Levi didn't know.
But it had ended so abruptly, almost violently with the familiar cacophony of two love alarms ringing at once.
For a second, Levi sat frozen on the table as his mind went ahead, racing over theories and potential testing methods to deduce the root behind the outcome.
Do I have a glasses kink? That had been Levi's first thought. He looked down at his own phone to see the one heart and the bright message on top.
One person nearby is in love with you.
His second thought had been a little more objective. It's a bug. He told himself. I'll just have to do further testing.
Rico’s eyes were wide in shock. For a few seconds or so, she struggled to move and he couldn’t blame her. After all, the ringing of multiple love alarms in such a silent place like a cafe on a weekday morning was a scene that definitely had the potential to catch some people’s attention.
Levi couldn’t be too sure. He didn’t want to survey his surroundings either so he narrowed his view to just his own love alarm and back at Rico. The latter went for her phone.
From his own angle, Levi couldn’t see her interface but he was familiar with the way she had swiped it, to know she had turned it off. The two love alarms continued to ring in the silence. Even with the tension and awkwardness so thick that made it difficult to slog through, his brain was still moving.
He was blessed with at least enough deduction skills to quickly figure it out for himself.
He was in love with someone else in the room. But who? He surveyed his surroundings, keeping his view closed to only one person at a time. That gave him enough time to brush away the rest of the stares that surfaced from having made such a scene with the harsh ring of the love alarm.
Only after scanning for a second longer did his spatial awareness catch up to him. The other ringing was coming from behind. Levi turned behind him, quickly enough to catch the mop of chestnut brown hair. Fortunately, he had been slow and careful enough to pull away at the last second, missing her forehead by a hair’s breadth.
“Watch where you’re fucking going!” That had been Levi’s first instinct. After all, he was still seeing red, just imagining their heads slamming into each other in the middle of a very silent cafe.
The brunette in front of him, put one finger to her masked mouth, pointing at one of the old fashioned signs just above her seat.
In silence, there is eloquence. It read.
Hange was a very eloquent person. Levi had read enough messages from her and stalked enough of her works to know that much. Any other day, maybe any other minute, he would have been happy to listen, learn a thing or two from the master of diplomacy.
But Hange had virtually come out of nowhere. In the middle of a date.
Giving her a onceover though, noting her masked face. The only two things that made her recognizable then was her mop of brown hair tied in a ponytail and her masked mouth. Still, that had been more than enough for Levi to have seen through it.
She had settled on the seat behind him. The way she looked back at him and the way she had seemed a little too relaxed with a half finished cup of coffee just in front of her, Levi was sure she had been there for a while.
How much did she hear? Levi couldn’t ask just yet. The alarms were still ringing and as soon as Levi turned it off on his end, it stopped. Yet people continued to stare. More importantly, Rico was still staring from behind him.
“Do you two know each other?” She asked.
The answer didn’t come as quickly for Levi as he would have wanted it too. They knew each other, they’ve met at least twice. They’ve eaten out together once. But technically, did it count as ‘knew?’ Did Hange feel the same way?”
“We’re colleagues, working on the same project,” Hange answered for him.
Levi almost instantly realized he liked that answer. Colleagues. It was definitely more intimate than ‘knew each other.’ While at the same time, it held more respect in one’s skills and talent than the word ‘friends.’ And it implied in its own little way that Hange cared about the project just as much as he did.
It had been difficult to muster a straight face then. Still, he pushed forward, nodding when he struggled to stifle the motions of his mouth and the blood that rushed to his face then.
“But the… the love alarm… it…” Rico continued to speak. She shifted her eyes quickly between both Levi and Hange. “And you…” Her eyes fixed on Hange then.
Levi followed her eyes instinctively. Did Rico recognize Hange? He couldn’t confirm it for himself. Soon after that, Rico didn’t say anything in response. Instead she blinked back surprise. She started to clean out her things and place them into her bag.
“Wait, you’re leaving?” Levi wanted to pull her back. For a split second, he had reached out his hand, grasping his hand before pulling quickly back. He didn’t mind losing the chance at a second date. Just the thought of putting someone in such a tight and uncomfortable position had his stomach turning. He couldn’t for the life of him tell what she was thinking but he at least felt the tension.
Rico didn't have the most eloquent response either. “Sorry about this… I guess on my end it just feels wrong meddling in somebody else’s relationship… I don’t wanna be the one who’d stop people from getting together.”
Levi was quick to understand though. His thoughts flew back to Nanaba just a date ago and the long one sided counseling session which consisted of Nanaba’s long drawn monologues and Levi’s own grunts of understanding. The date which eventually ended with Nanaba finally figuring out for herself the best course of action.
You know, you’re right, Both of our love alarms rang. And that’s the whole point of this app right? If they both ring, it’s a sign, we should act on it.
And that was the whole point of the love alarm. How many times had he reviewed marketing material, love story commercials which ended with that same message?
Levi opened his mouth ready to speak up. By then, Rico was already out the door, any evidence of her presence just a second ago disappearing within seconds of her leaving. The chimes by the store entrance gradually slowed to a weak dance, the people who watched her leave eventually fell back to whatever they were doing beforehand, and Levi’s own protests had deadened into a light whisper.
It’s a bug. Besides, she’s married. The words had settled in his tongue like a familiar friend and he was sure if given the chance, he would have managed to say it loud and clear.
Levi looked back in his phone to see Rico had unmatched him, just a little too quickly.
“I think we should get that bug fixed soon,” Hange whispered. She sounded like she was stifling a laugh.
"For someone who's worried about the bug, you looked like you had a swell time ringing our alarms just a while ago," Levi said bitterly.
"Zeke's on a business trip and I'm bored and lonely."
“Well, don't take it out on me.” Levi took out his wallet and dropped the cash by the side of his drink, counting enough to pay for Rico’s drink too. He didn’t think too much about the receipt or the change.
The murmurs around him were more than enough to have him hurrying out of the cafe. Did they recognize Hange?
He thought it an appropriate time to satisfy his curiosity when they were both a good distance from the shop. “Do you think people recognize you as Zeke Jaeger’s partner?”
Hange put one finger to her mask. “I saw you outside the shop and when I thought of ringing your love alarm, I did what I could to prepare." Her eyes were still smiling though and Levi was sure there was a laugh behind that mask. "Besides, even though most people recognize Zeke, I don't think they'd notice me. I don’t join the interviews or events as much as he does,” Hange said.
Levi noticed though that Hange was the type to just get lost in her surroundings. Ort hat was at least what Levi had picked up on her the first few times they have gone together. She quickly relaxed after that short and quick question and answer, and in the way that she navigated through the crowds a little too clumsily yet a little too playfully, Levi found evidence backing up his mini theory.
Even if anybody did recognize her, she probably wouldn’t have noticed. And that little realization had made it much harder for Levi to stomach what just happened in the cafe. They needed to get the bug fixed fast. “Let’s go back to the office, maybe do some more testing.”
“Isn’t that why we’re here now?” Hange asked, pointing towards the general direction of their building. “I visited your office this morning because I didn't have much to doand I thought I could be helpful. You weren’t there so I asked around and one of the people from the support team told me you were out. She said probably in your favorite tea shop.”
“You met Petra?” Levi asked. “Redhead? Short?” He soon added, noting her confused expression.
Hange snapped her fingers. “Yes, that’s her name.”
“Yeah, she knows my favorite tea shop. Gets me my favorite mix of tea leaves every year for Christmas,” Levi said, more to fill the air with at least some conversation on the way back.
It took Levi a while to notice Hange had peeked at his face even as he averted his gaze, looking elsewhere.
She spoke up. “Say… Have you ever tried testing your love alarm on her?”
Petra was one of the newer employees, a little shy but particularly mature for her age. She was notably competent and had a particularly better handle of her emotions than most of the other colleagues. Her most important asset had been her level headedness even under the pressure of scrutiny. Petra was the type of person to know when she was attracted to someone and she was the type of person to admit it for the sake of a smoother testing process.
Thus, she was one of Levi's favorite volunteers when testing the love alarm.
And Levi was sure, to some degree she could have liked him. If he were to consider her words as truth, and the hearts at the bottom of the screen as some indication.
When they were testing every release on fifty employees over a one week period, putting results side by side with checklists and biometrics tests, they were as thorough as it could be. It was always the case that when it was the two of them testing with each other, Levi’s love alarm always rang, Petra’s didn’t. Every single time, Petra would tag that instance as ‘QA passed.’
It could have been a placebo effect or it could have also been just an admittance to get the testing process done just a little faster but Petra never seemed like the type, breezing through the awkward scenes that came with testing a love application like they were part of a job. If it ever bothered her, she never showed it.  
Levi’s alarm never rang in any of the tests he had ever taken anyway. When he double checked though, lining up the results side by side with checklists of what to look out for when one was in love, he found that it never had been a big deal. He had never been attracted to anyone in particular anyway.
“So, I’m the only one your love alarm rang with huh?” Hange asked.
Except maybe Hange.“Yeah, when doing QA work, I’ve had to test with the other employees and it never rang with any of them,” Levi admitted.
“How does QA work?”
“We test with employees, users… All on a volunteer basis if I may clarify.” Levi added that last part for just a touch of professionalism. “We have acceptable ranges for biometrics, checklists and we have a certain number of results which need to fit there to consider a release viable.”
“Why don’t we test using the QA procedure?”
“Because the QA process is a logistical nightmare. We plan a venue. We plan a schedule and we have to get a certain number of people to show up.”
“No, I meant… What if we try it, just the two of us. We answer the checklists, we take each other's biometrics and see if that falls in the exact range for ‘love'?” Hange suggested and her excitable tone only made it seem like she was suggesting something almost revolutionary.
Levi sighed. “I’d rather we use QA testing as a last resort.”
Hange’s face fell. “Why?”
“Because…” Levi would have liked to leave it at that. As he looked at Hange who had leaned on the wall, crossing her arms and staring back at him expectantly, he remembered, it was a professional relationship. If the partner of their very important investor demanded answers, she would get answers so he settled for something seemingly acceptable yet very pathetic in the grand scheme of things. “We’re going to have to answer standardized psychology quizzes and take some physical tests.”
“And I’m sure you’d have a few samples lying around. Let’s see what information we can get,” Hange said.
There were other reasons Levi had been hesitant to suggest such an exam in the first place. It had been difficult to grasp for the exact reasons until they arrived in the conference room Levi had reserved.
The room was a vacuum that had the special power of just drowning out voices, footsteps from just outside the hallway. The tables were empty, the white board put away towards the side of the room. It was clean, empty, void of any presence or even trace of it. It made Levi just a little more painfully aware of his heartbeat, his moist palms and his wild uncoordinated breathing.
He might just fail the physical exam. More specifically, he might just fail if he took it then, at the exact moment.
Grasping for some win, or at the least some comfort in that situation, he had half the mind to run through the ‘Am I in love?’ checklist or at least what he remembered from it. If he were a little honest, there might have been some things he would have checked.
But it didn’t mean he would fail it right?
“What do you think?” Hange pressed. She had settled for one of the chairs in the room.
Levi had answers, but he couldn’t share it just yet. Inviting her to take that meant that he was entertaining the prospect that they might just be in love with her---a cursed prospect.
“Or do you have any other ideas?” Hange asked. She cocked her head to one side in thought.
“If you give me a little more time to come up with something…” Levi said.
“Petra told me you have a week or two before they release the next fix. You’ve done most of the coding work. You just need to fix this bug right?” Hange was very talkative. It turned out Petra had been just a little talkative too with the right prodding by Hange. “Why don’t you wanna just test it now?” Hange's face darkened then to something almost threatening.
And maybe Levi was a little intimidated. He quickly turned away, unable to control whatever expression would force itself out of him then.
“Levi?” Her voice was grating. The echoing in the room didn’t do much to help alleviate it. “Come on, please? I want this investment as much as you do.”
If the partner of their very important investor demanded answers, she would get answers.
But it didn’t have to be the correct answers. “Fine,” Levi said. “You know, maybe the way we test this application… the way we test for love might actually be flawed so maybe some feedback from a researcher like you could be useful.”
Hange grinned from ear to ear, the ominous face of a while ago just a memory Levi could probably forget. “So where do we start?”
Testing for the biological numbers was quick with the right tools.
Heart rate. Hormone levels. Stress Levels. Pain Sensitivity. They had all the right test kits on hand with a document detailing the acceptable range.
All reasonable levels, albeit a little too far from the midpoint that Levi held on to the possibility that maybe they could log it all in as some coincidence. The checklists were just a little more difficult and maybe Levi was just thinking a little too far off that he had started to have a mini identity crisis.
I think about my partner a few times a day.
Partner: Referring to the person one tests the application with. Levi was aware of that much having tested the application long before. Yet for some reason, he had to loudly remind himself of that, even within the confines of his mind.
He entertained hypotheses. If Hange were his partner, that would be polyamory and that could even start the scandal of the year, or even the decade. He didn’t want to be part of that.
So he ticked ‘never’ because technically Hange wasn’t his partner anyway.
I want to be with my partner everyday.
Hange was Zeke's partner. Just the idea of getting in between a married couple had Levi's stomach turning and it had been easy to tick never right next to it.
My partner trusts me.
It was too early to tell, or so that was what Levi told himself then.
The word ‘partner’ had been a convenient term. Zeke had been a convenient presence in his mind. And that had him ticking all the 'nevers' towards the edge of the page just a little more confidently.
Technically, Hange wasn’t his partner. Technically they just met, so words like trust, amicability, happiness, charisma, compatibility and charm, didn’t have to apply to them just yet. A few minutes later, he had checked enough ‘nevers’ to have armed himself with the confidence to look her in the eye.
Hange though wasn’t reciprocating, looking deep in thought with whatever question she had been answering. She bit her lip.
Hange eventually met his gaze. Instead of being just a little more satisfied, Levi was a little disappointed, more in himself than in anyone else. For that few seconds that Hange bit her lower lip in thought, her cheekbones had seemed fuller, her hazel eyes held an almost imperceptible yet still very enthralling glimmer, and regretfully, he didn’t take the time to relish it when it was right in front of him.
“How’s the test?” Levi asked.
“It’s fine,” Hange said.
Levi slid his own answers towards her. “We just have to calculate the number of ‘always,’ the number of 'sometimes,' the number of ‘nevers’ and just match it on the document over here.” He turned his laptop towards her.
“I can do it,” Hange said, pulling the laptop towards herself. The next few minutes passed in silence. Levi stared at the ceiling, trying to keep his heartbeat in time with the clack of the keyboard. Hange typed fast and chaotically but in a way, there was rhythm and order and that had helped him get into a position where he could just drop his shoulders and fall back on the chair behind him.
“You don’t think I trust you?” Hange asked.
“It’s too early to tell right?” Levi said. That answer had been scripted and it slipped out of his mouth easily.
Hange’s let out a light sound, a cross between with a hum and a chuckle. “Well, to tell you the truth, I put here that I didn’t trust you either.”
“Well that makes both of us, I guess,” Levi said.
Hange continued to type, filling the room with some predictable rhythm, a predictable rhythm his own wild heartbeat failed to provide. Eventually, it stopped, with one loud clack on the ‘enter’ button or at least, Levi guessed it was the enter button.
Soon after, Hange leaned back on the backrest of her own chair. “Biometrics all fall in the acceptable range. Test results all fall in the unacceptable range,” she said, her tone unreadable. Too professional but Levi surmised it could be her usual ‘research’ tone. He hadn’t known her long enough to be certain.
“Maybe we should get to know each other first and try to answer again?” Hange suggested. “We just met so I can’t fully trust you yet but I think, we could get along with the right…”
Environment? Amount of time? Mutual Processing? Levi couldn’t be too sure of the answer. She had said something else after the word ‘right’ or maybe she didn’t. Still, there was a problem that needed to be solved, there was an issue that needed to be addressed that extended beyond the need to resolve the feelings between two strangers.
Or two colleagues. Levi decided he liked the word colleagues better. “So what do you suggest Hange?” Levi asked.
“I wanna do further research with this application. We can tweak whatever processes you’re using now to QA, whatever processes you’re using to determine whether people are in love. Maybe we just have to fix that a bit.”
“This application took years to develop. It’s gonna be difficult to overturn a lot of the processes.”
“Without the right funding…” Hange said. She wagged her finger and gave Levi a knowing look.
Levi narrowed his eyes accusingly at Hange. “So how’s convincing Zeke been going?”
“That’s the caveat,” Hange said. “He’s not a very techy guy. He’s an investor and scientist more than anything and sometimes, even with the right proposition, he’ll stick to some really weird reasons why he wouldn’t invest in something. I don’t blame him though since millions of dollars are usually on the line with each investment.”
" So, I’m guessing you tried to convince him?”
Hange nodded. “I did. And it looks like he won’t budge unless you fix that ‘bug.’”
“The bug which caused his love alarm to not ring around you?” And the bug which is causing our love alarms to ring. Levi added silently to himself. “Can you explain to him that we need the money to continue improving the system?”
“I’ve been with him for years, Levi. I know how he is.”
“So what do you suggest we do?”
Hange hummed. “I don’t know how programming works but...Maybe you can program the application to make it work just the way that Zeke likes it... For the time being?”
No. Just no.
Those were the words written all over Petra’s expression. Levi only had to look at the other faces around him to be very much sure, everyone agreed with Petra
For posterity’s sake, he repeated those words. “I understand that the regression test is done but unless I am able to get to the bottom of this bug, we won’t be able to release the fixes,” Levi said. He kept his words soft, yet still loud enough to echo through the conference room. He said it slowly and clearly. Just in case it was a bit harder to hear through shock and surprise.
“Sir, a lot of the fixes in this release have been promised for months,” Petra argued. The professionalism in her voice was still admirably apparent.
“Erwin’s orders. I’m just repeating them now,” Levi said.
“Is there anything we can do to help?” Gunther asked. “Have you found the reason behind it? I’m guessing if you do… we might have to make some changes to the code and go through regression testing again.”
“If ever that happens, I’ll handle the testing on my end,” Levi said. “It wouldn't be too hard, it’s just a blip in the code.”
“So you’ve found the cause?” Eld asked.
“Yes.” If Levi didn’t open his mouth to speak then, he was sure no one would have for the next few minutes. There was something festering in the silence, some common sentiment that he sensed among them, among those doubtful faces tinged with irritation and confusion.
He had always told them before. Always assume a user error first. And there was an apparent user error which he was sure everyone was entertaining.
What if Hange just didn’t love Zeke? A prospect that was ambrosia to Levi’s lips but at the same time a piece of ambrosia that he was sure was laced with poison. He couldn’t chew it, he couldn’t swallow for fear of just letting go for a few seconds longer, letting a smile curl up his lips during the most inopportune times.
Levi turned to Oluo in particular who he guessed would have been the one most likely to bring it up. The latter remained begrudgingly silent. It looked like no one else wanted to bring it up either. After all, Zeke was a huge opportunity for company growth, a huge opportunity for investment.
Eld spoke up.“If there’s anything we can do, just please ask. It might be too difficult of an investigation to do for one person.”
Levi shook his head. “I think this is an investigation I’d rather do alone.” There were parts of the investigation he hadn’t admitted to the team yet. All they had gotten in the report from Erwin was that Zeke’s alarm didn’t ring with Hange there but the scandal of their alarms ringing together was something he didn’t want circulating around the building.
And more importantly, there was another plan he and Hange have been entertaining, an almost unscrupulous scheme and he didn’t want anyone else involved.
It felt like he had run a marathon and he had been doing that slow jog for at least three days already. Or maybe it felt like he was trudging through a dessert and had been trapped there for the past three days.
He couldn’t tell for sure but his throat was constantly dry, his heart was constantly beating fast and any notification from Hange was either a water break or an oasis.
Three days ago, Zeke came back from his business trip. Four days ago, Levi sent the apk file to Hange.
“It’s a test build,” Levi said as soon as she confirmed she received it. “A test build I hard coded just for Zeke’s use.”
“Just say it’s a test build. Say I’ve fixed the code.”
“I hardcoded his data and the expected result. If he opens the alarm around you, his phone will ring," Levi explained. "It’s just a quick fix for now.”
Just a quick fix. Levi told himself multiple times. He had changed the code drastically enough though that the love alarm wouldn’t work as an expected love alarm, having customized it just to fit Zeke’s desires. For just long enough to get the money and long enough to find the actual cause of the bug.
“And tell him we’re asking for feedback before we release it,” Levi had added then.
The last time he had met her was three days ago when he dropped her the file, explained its use and when she had promised to download the apk file to Zeke’s phone.
She sent intermittent updates over the four day period. He liked it. He was enjoying it. He had confidence in the application.
Levi had to ruefully note though that the conversation never strayed too much from work. As expected from colleagues, as expected from business partners working towards the same goal.
Maybe a few times he had asked some vague questions just to get a hint of her daily life.
How’s Zeke? How are you guys?
Still, the answers always went back to updates on the application. When he was trudging to the desert or while running through some dirt track in his mind, even when the water tasted too artificially like plastic---too professional for his taste---he settled for it.
That was the only water he had after all.
Hange limited herself to ten messages a day, mentioning something about being bad at replying, apologizing for late replies. Levi had to admit though when he was working, he was guilty of a similar thing. Yet he found himself just a little irritable, a little desolate at such an outcome.
A week after he had last seen Hange, he decided to start reading the books about love again.
Love is a choice. Overused.
To love others, one must love themselves. He got that already.
Levi dropped his reader by the side of his bed and stared at the blank ceiling above him. The books on love were biased. They created for themselves an assumption, an assumption that she was his and whatever he had to deal with was some inner turmoil inside him, an inability to love. But what if he was willing to love? What if it was just a matter of circumstances just not letting him indulge in such an emotion.
He had entertained that for just a second before brushing away the nagging thought and the annoyingly sticky guilt that clung to it. Maybe there was merit in just turning off his emotions then, just discarding the overall idea of love. He deleted the books Hange had sent him from his ebook reader.
If the company got the funds, if Hange got the greenlight on her research, he would see her again, he would be forced to read those books and they would be forced to work together.
Then and there, he didn’t need to think about it just yet. He didn’t have to put himself through the pain of analyzing circumstances and emotions that left a heavy weight and an ache in his chest.
He could forget Hange until then. He could ignore her messages and maybe focus on something else like an action movie or a video game. He had streaming service subscriptions, he had game emulators on his laptop. Soon he discovered, with the right combination of focus, willpower just getting through slow starts, it was easy to immerse himself in something as mundane as a city building game.
He was halfway through building one of his farms and was already attached to the regular city goers of the small city he created for himself when his phone rang. That abrupt and grating sound had been enough of a reminder, Levi still wasn’t completely over being sad. He quickly reached for the phone on the side of his bench in an ungraceful and seemingly desperate chain of motions that had him almost ashamed of himself.
His laptop had been one of the victims, toppling over to the side of the bed but by god’s grace it had only skimmed the edges before laying flat on its side.
Levi muttered a soft curse. This message better be worth it. And the only message he decided would be worth it, would be a message from Hange which didn’t involve that stupid application.
Leviiiiiii are you free? :))))))))))
Free when? Levi was quick to reply. Now? Tomorrow? Next week? Really, he was always free, it was just a matter of asking for a leave and opening his schedule. He didn’t want to seem so pathetic as to tell her that though
Long weekend this weekend so Zeke offered to take us south to one of our country clubs.
Erwin is coming too. Levi didn't’ know whether to feel relieved or disappointed at that exposition. Before he could reply though, the messages kept coming.
Think of it as a thank you for the app ;)
And a start to a great partnership ;)
Hange had too many smileys, too many winky faces but recently, she had started to pepper her messages with just a little too much. They were colleagues, very friendly colleagues. For a second, he wondered how many smileys Hange used when messaging Zeke.
Still, Levi saw some glimmer of hope and optimism in the fact that they were creating a special bond in their own way.
And who would he be to turn down a special invite from a special colleague. I’ll see you there then :) He added his own smiley in the end, trying to forget the fact that he had wasted a good few seconds vacillating between the winking smiley face and the normal one.
Hange’s reply came quickly and maybe a little more enthusiastically. Okay! We’ll pick you up Friday night at the office :D
Levi was grateful at least he had something to look forward to.
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