cruxymox · 1 year
Poetry prompt
Shallow hallelujah
a liturgy of slow breaths, sleeping so
sounding to the skies above
( & cries below, below, below )
the bellowing of the churchbell
some subway train
the corrupted engines
some lost rain
in this, the wind blows slow
like a sleeping breath
in the skies aglow
& we lie below
hurt our knees on hallowed floors
trying to find our [ sleeping; above / below; churchbells; trains; engines; rain; slow; breath, in - out - in - out - in ]
these whispering desires
our dying flames
these shallow halellujahs
our mindless games
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jonaswpoetry · 2 years
Hi. Same anon with the "any tips for new Tumblr users to get their posts seen." question. Sorry to bother you again, but would you have any recommendations for writing blogs to follow? I just posted a fic, a master list for characters I have, and one character post I did for an example, if you want to see it that way, on the new blog.
I write about my characters and a fic if I am interested in the fandom enough, although I won't have many fics as I don't have much access to that. I do have plenty of original characters I can work with though. One note I would have to list is the blog has to be LGBT friendly as nearly all of mine are LGBT. I have only 13 characters who are cis and heterosexual out of my entire list. So it's important that they are LGBT friendly.
Hey! Sorry for my delayed reply, I've just had little free time over the last few days.
Oof there are so many blogs on here I could recommend and I'd never be able to get them all into this one ask! I follow mostly poetry blogs, I don't think so many people posting fics. @fakesurprise comes to mind though! They be cool and talented. I can also recommend as talented and wonderful people (just a few of the large number I follow) @alexandraswritingblock, @simply-eno, @elvedon, @mikefrawley, @dhritkavya-rasayana, @meaningfallpoetry, @whereflowersbloom, @sagedigger, @definegodliness, @imperiallefty, @smakkabagms, @enslavedmind.
I'll admit I don't know the views of all these people regarding LGBT+ folks, but most if not all of them I've been mutuals with for years and have yet to notice any sentiments of bigotry towards any kinds of people. I wouldn't follow them if they did express those sorts of views.
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inkstay · 2 years
In the absence of everything we still roam the earth.
Stained by experience and wanting for nothing but a place to belong.
Believe in us friends, your words will not be left to fade.
Crawl, walk, run, whisper, scream, cry, laugh, lament...
Play with the ink in your veins and stay awhile.
- @imperiallefty
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For your consideration
Prompts will be returning soon
Thank you for your patience
- @imperiallefty
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anarchistpoet · 2 months
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the end must die, eternally spent and
just there. nothing, just ... there.
the landscape shifts and changes but
those don't matter. it too shall change.
the inside is withdrawn and hope is the illusion of being
always fresh with new things coming and going and coming.
but that death is always there. always waiting and
never giving an inch.
the respite that comes with it, may yet be a pause
in the long conversations that i must have
with myself
as we sit together.
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adamantseal · 2 years
golden lights and
ice cubes clacking
against glass
empty hands curled against
your thighs
the bells aren't just for Christmas
sometimes angels
don't get their wings
tonight the lights in the sky
reflect the lights in the windows
lonely bodies
glowing bright
Prompt: "Call Off The Bells" by Early November
Thanks, @imperiallefty 🙂
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universalmemoir · 3 years
i’ve been trying for years to disconnect but for some reason she seems to follow me wherever i go
all i feel is weariness, sadness, wanting to be free but feeling tied to her presence. i’m so ready to be done. to not feel guilty when i call someone else my best friend. she clearly doesn’t feel any remorse in losing my friendship, and that’s fine, but even though i wanted to be amicable, she made it very clear that she was done. so now her memory is bittersweet. disappointing.
i was always jealous of her. we were always compared to each other and i was always the one following behind. her singing was the melody, mine was a harmony. her musical talent was featured, mine was overlooked. she was the star, i was the cloud in her way. now that i’ve finally found my own moment, with people who appreciate what i can bring to the table, i still feel her standing behind me. and not in a good way. like i feel a guilt for being on a stage without her.
i don’t even know if she bought my book when it came out.
our years were spent slowly growing apart, never talking, never seeing each other on holidays even though we could have. it was a slow growth but it was meant to occur. we weren’t in high school anymore. depression and living alone changed me. hopefully for the better.
yet she was angry. angry that i was okay with the change that growing up makes. angry at not being among the first to know when i eloped. she was among the few months later crowd. because, after not talking for a year and a half...i didn’t consider her as someone in my support group. but suddenly, my marriage was about her. my happy moment didn’t include her. it wasn’t happy news anymore.
all this to say that i’m learning how to move on but i’m doing a poor job of it. i’ve unfollowed her but still stalk her page. i feel drained when she pops up on my story. she’s one of the reasons i’m growing more and more ready to log off, to disconnect, and yet...here i am, stuck in an addiction to old memories and the perceptions of others.
journal entry, april 25th | h.rae
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mleighsquickspot · 3 years
Allowed to Slip Through
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What do you allow to slip through your shadows...
Is there room for the light of a new day that can chase away your shades
Can you begin to see light at the end of every tunnel and around each corner
With this do your shadows then begin to simply slide further away into the recesses of your heart and mind, leaving you room to put on a good face until the night returns
In the light of day do your shadows plot to keep you awake in the night reminding you of all your faults as they dance in the darkness of your now lightless being...
Allow in the light, so much light that it leaves the shadows and shades of your life nowhere to reside
Make them flee from you in such away that they can only return as a passing thought that is quickly whisked away without any concern of their existence
What do you allow to slip through your shadows, there is nothing allowed to pass them by but the light you hold that makes them run away if you want them to...
Image: Google.com/ slip through the shadows pics
Let me know what you think and pass the thought along my friends.
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thespiandrummer · 3 years
In your eyes the eventide above
the moon’s grey somber
etiolates the light
           of Light
the stuttering of wind, capturing them
           in a pallor of sun,
           causing their color (a sanctuary
To reveal your heart in uncounted
           numbers of life and death
           We, no longer afraid,
           no longer refrain where
Voices echo in the long canyons,
           the amulet golds
and Moroccan umbers
Discovering your blush
           in a contemplation of hues,
           befalling all my love for you.
© K. James Ribble / Eventide
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drmorbius12 · 4 years
and thus we pass over
our only earthly chance
to know who we really are
and how we arrived
at this ghastly jagged edge
of fate and the
absurdity of ignorance
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imperiallefty · 4 years
Performance by Richard | Poetry | Mitti Ke Rang | 12 Hours Non - Stop fu…
Listen to me perform “Wolves steeped and howling ” and “Better off…”
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heartofmuse · 4 years
To start again
Broken souls still calling
Broken streets can’t stop brawling
Our hearts they skip the beat
This world it just don’t
Won’t stop taking
Memories all repeat
and yet, here we are my friend
Battered, bruised, tremulous, confused
All we know is this aching
It’s okay to break
Everything breaks in the end
We fall apart we fall apart we fall apart
and then?
Look around
Get off the ground
We start again
In you, I found healing and a new faith,
Here I am, starting to believe that I can be whole again.
Scars are fading with each passing day,
with every smile of sunshine you pour on my day and
though pain and trauma connot be unlived,
an understanding of what is to be fragile and to break
is what binds us together as few things can,
That has now evolved into a joy
at the mutual acceptance, care, and respect
that brightens up each others day.
You held me when I was in pieces,
Now you get to hold me radiant and whole,
healed by your love.
Matt @voidlightmoon and e.v.e.@heartofmuse
Thank you Matt for sending me this to cheer me up. It ended up as a collab. I am most blessed to call you my friend. Love you always! ❤
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cruxymox · 4 years
What was your most genuine moment today?
ooh. good question.
i haven't had much of a day yet... hmm. currently i'm investigating potential poetry plagiarism (non-tumblr-related) & i realized that intentional plagiarism really pisses me off. & that it's ok that it pisses me off.
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Round Trip: From Knoxville to Philadelphia
A promise between poets
Let me wander north, toward better moments
and rest within your gaze as you appraise
my gentle touch upon your shoulder--
a moment of clarity, but my eyes show
a need for more.
Let me wander your streets, your halls,
your tombs within hand's breath,
and always in sight of you.
Let me swim through blue grass, and blue notes, and bruised mountains.
Let me take a deep breath, deep and drowning with the fragrance of your change.
Let me trace your finger with my wanting and never shed the weight.
This is wanderlust in miles and air and enduring.
I demand to know the haunts you creep
and paths your soles carry you through.
Let me live your forward momentum,
lead me by hand and voice and intention.
Take me through your city, through experience
and whisper how you wish to view me
when I take in your secrets. Then
let me know you-- and trace your words
with my tongue, your stanzas with my teeth.
I demand you recognize the face reflected in muddy puddles.
The fallen arches and arched spines of a city enraged.
I demand blood from full lips and names from full eyes.
I am a walking secret, the embodiment of a skyline at night.
I am light in the distance, a beacon unbecoming of hope.
I demand your tongue on a silvered platter, wet and waiting.
Take it. Take it all,
my attention, my focus-- the very buzz behind my eyes
that lures me to your grip, your ferocity
and hold me in place with palm
planted firmly upon my collarbone, my neck.
Give me permission to taste the crisp air,
and take away my privilege to stand.
You may have every gasp I make,
each made for you--
but only if you let me taste yours.
Red lights, red eyes, and late flights. You have my permission to run to them all.
There is already too much air between us, so swallow it all. Fill your lungs and float on.
I can only take what you give me.
I can only give what you ask for.
I can only be what you see.
Then let me be the waking desire,
while you retain the command.
Let me be the footsteps
betwixt your teeth.
Until our futures intertwine. Happy memories.
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creedatelier · 4 years
Guess what?
We're active again.
More details tomorrow!
@creedatelier - @imperiallefty
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silveringofrose · 4 years
Heaven Is Broken
Have you ever seen heaven? she asks. I have, and oh it’s beautiful. You stare at her, disbelieving. How is that even possible? you scoff. Her eyes close - remembering... I’ve seen it in his eyes she says. So many times. All the time. I saw it when that smile curled her lips and it felt like coming home. It was reflected, her voice dropping low, in the unbidden tears that sparkled as they clung to their lashes. I’ve glimpsed it, almost a whisper, between the cracks where we barely hold it together... Clumsily patched with hopes and dreams and prayers and promises. Wishes yelled at wide, open spaces and whispered in dark private places.
Then heaven must be broken, you mutter. Her eyes snap open. Startling, burning gaze locked on yours. Heaven IS broken she agrees. But I think heaven looks a whole lot like You.
And I. And Him. And Her. And Them. Like Us.
Broken. But oh so beautiful.
~MLB (@silveringrose)
For @imperiallefty
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and I’m sorry you had to wait for your gift this year! This was inspired by a number of your prompts but mostly by this one.
You seem to be struggling with some things, but still doing alright. And so I hope that you continue being able to be strong and stand steady next year, because we all deserve a little happiness and a whole lot of peace.
Broken is beautiful in my opinion and I’m always here to remind you of that if you start to wonder.
Have a wonderful New Year, and take care of you.
Love and Light,
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