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Winteriron Bingo 2019 Fill, N3: "Free Space"; Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019 Fill, C5: "Tony Stark/Iron Man"; Fluff Bingo 2019 Fill: "Butterflies in Stomach"; Iron Man Bingo 2019 Fill, R2: "Bucky Barnes"
title: write me a kiss
Tony Stark is the bestselling author of Potts Editions, his mystery novels alone are worth about 12% of the company's growth so it doesn't come as a surprise when the CEO tells him the New York Times has asked to meet with him for their Bestseller special feature.
Tony is only mildly interested if he's honest. Talking about himself and standing up for pictures is so 2008, he's past that.
But then Pepper does this thing that means she's going to put her foot down and he thinks he should capitulate right away, he can't win with that woman.
But then she draws a file out of her desk drawer and pushes it across the wooden surface until it sits right in front of him.
Inside he finds both a picture of the man who's been assigned to writing his portrait and a list of his credentials.
Pepper is smirking when Tony looks up and he figures he still isn't very subtle when staring at pretty things or, in this case, men.
He doesn't have a choice either way, right?
Tony doesn't bother analyzing this pull he feels inside of him.
He has better things to do.
Like writing the story of a 1940s WW2 American Soldier declared dead after his mates saw him fall a distance no one could survive and yet reappears in the 21st century, unscathed and apparently enhanced.
There are phone calls and video conferences set up to organize down to the minute details of this project but it's all Pepper's business to handle.
Tony retreats to his cabin in Nowhere, Vermont to write. It's where they'll meet. Might as well show this James Barnes the whole deal, lion den and faulty pipes included.
Their first meeting arrives faster than Tony anticipated and he doesn't quite understand why he's nervous. The morning before the man has announced he'd arrive, Tony doesn't get anything written and Jarvis spends the whole time in the kitchen to avoid him.
When Mr. Barnes finally gets to the cabin, all SUV and brown denim-like duffle bag, sunglasses and black suit, Tony waits for him at the door and can't help but stare a little.
The man walks up to him and they shake hands, maybe a tad too long. Tony shows him inside and down to the drawing room. They sit in the leather armchairs set by the fireplace and Jarvis is nice enough to come say hi and bring them coffee even though Tony's been a literal pain for days now.
When he goes to step away and back to whatever he was doing he gives Tony his legendary eyebrow raise that has no right being so meaningful and Tony feels himself blush - what the fuck.
Mr. Barnes seems to be studying him for a while, sipping his coffee with a side smile stuck on his face.
God, why is he so gorgeous? Or maybe he isn't, maybe he's just a regular guy and Tony's been spending too much time alone with Jarvis. Yeah, maybe Tony's just horny.
They spend the next few days much as they've spent this first one - James asking Tony questions or demanding to hear a story or his opinion on whatever item he's selected. And Tony talks. And James listens.
There are gazes exchanged and laughter shared. Jarvis pipes in here and there to share some of his own stories-of-shame while Tony squeals in protest at the betrayal.
It's nice. It's warm. It's  nothing like Tony thought it would be and nothing like all those other interviews he's given over the years have been.
For all their careful planning neither the NY Times or Pepper specified an end date to James' assignment and Tony can't help but wonder how much of this he can still get away with; how long it will be before he's back to his lonely typewriter.
He loves his job and he loves his life, there's no doubts there. But the company of this gentle yet snarky man, of this mysterious Bucky as he's admitted he'd rather be called after a few days, it all gives Tony feelings he wasn't sure he still had it in him to feel.
It's a soft kind of wave they've been sailing on for a week when Tony catches Bucky's gaze, lost in his general direction as Tony is busy writing some of the novel he came here for in the first place, or pretending to write it at least.
It's a flurry of unsaid compliments and shy smiles they've been swimming in for three weeks when both men find themselves staring at each other in the dark of the kitchen late at night, insomniacs, the both of them. They don't kiss but Tony goes back to his bedroom feeling jittery with nerves and butterflies a middle-aged man isn't used to feeling anymore.
It's been a month since Bucky set his duffel bag in the guest bedroom of the cabin between Tony's and Jarvis' when they do kiss. Tony is sitting by the bench that faces the bird house and Bucky joins him. It's early so he's still wearing these red and grey plaid pants and the entirely too soft-looking heather gray tee. His hair is a mess and he's yawning as he sits next to Tony.
Tony can't bring himself to look to the side, or anywhere that's not this man. So he doesn't.
It's not sudden or ragged, it's tender and practically evident in its development. They kiss and Tony almost spills his coffee but he doesn't.
They smile against each other's lips and keep kissing till their lips are raw with it and their stomach grumble breakfast calls.
Jarvis looks through the window, sees them and smiles serenely. Sir will be okay now. Mr. Barnes finishing writing his piece no longer means he'll disappear from his life.
Jarvis makes sure their breakfast is ready and beautifully set at the table before retreating to his room. A cup of tea and a good book sound like a good way to make himself scarce right now.
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bruciewayne · 5 years
undercover marriage
for my 'undercover marriage' fill for iron man bingo
detective au, getting together, rhodeytony friendship
iron man bingo masterpost || read on ao3
“We have an update on the Fisk drug ring case--” Captain Fury starts, the second they all sit down in the meeting room.
“What, no ‘hello’, no ‘good morning, detectives, how was your weekend’? Not even a polite nod, Nicky, did you forget all that Mother Fury taught you about politeness?” Tony interrupts, fiddling with what looks to be a pen, but with him, they never really know. Rhodey passes him a cup of coffee, like clockwork, and he takes a pointed sip.
Fury gives him one of his trademarked, long-suffering sighs, “Mother Fury’s politeness,” he all but growls, “did not extend to loud-mouth detectives, Stark, and if you’re done insulting my bloodline, can we please get back to our jobs?”
He doesn’t wait for Tony to give him any go-ahead and calls Natasha up.
She flicks through a powerpoint, “We got word that he might be running a good majority of his operation through this, exclusively gay couple’s hotel/spa type thing uptown, ‘Vanessa’s’,” she flicks through a couple more pictures and lets everyone read through the briefs a beat-cop hands out, “we need two of you to pose as a couple, find out what they’re doing, get what we need to finally arrest him. Any volunteers?”
Tony’s half-tempted to put up his hand, and Steve’s with it, but he doesn’t hate himself that much. He knows that if he does, Steve will say yes, probably put some optimistic spin on it, if he knows anything about him, and play the perfect role, and get what they need, because while he can’t lie for shit, he’s fantastic undercover, and on top of all that Tony knows that he’ll have a great time.
In all the time they’ve known each other, ever since Steve transferred to the 616, they’ve been out to places together, the cinema, baseball games where Tony has no idea what’s going on, or who he’s meant to be cheering or booing, but Steve always looks like he’s having fun, Tony, in some type of retaliation, drags him to tech cons, but Steve seems to have a good time at those too, and seems genuinely interested in what Tony’s interested in.
They have coffee ‘dates’ every Friday, over at Timely, and go to the Italian diner, every time one of them closes a case, and if they added three more letters on to their current label of ‘friends’ then they all would be classed as dates, or at least, they are anyway, according to Rhodey, even though he and Steve aren’t dating, and probably never will.
He’s made his peace with admiring (Rhodey calls it pining) from afar, even though, according to the beat-cops, he doesn’t keep it subtle. He knows that the squad would know, or figure out, probably before he did. Because you can’t work with people, who’ve become family, for over a decade and keep any type of feelings hidden (Nat can tell the exact amount of caffeine he’s had at any given time).
Which is why he can’t do it. He’s not feeling masochistic enough this week to get a taste of what it would be like, to know exactly what he was missing out on. Because now, it’s all a fantasy, whatever he may or may not think Steve’s like in his head, as a boyfriend, may be well off the mark, but if they went through with this, he’d know exactly what it’s like. And he can’t give himself that, only for it to be taken away. Or worse, have Steve find out his feelings and lose him as a friend.
Tony’s well resigned to sitting in a stakeout van with Clint and Rhodey, while Steve and Sam infiltrate the hotel, and pretending that it doesn’t feel like a thousand tiny spikes in the heart he likes to pretend doesn’t exist, whenever he hears them flirting and acting like the perfect, head-over-heals-for-each-other couple.
Maybe if it turns out that he is, in fact, feeling more masochistic than he thought, then he’ll hack into the security cams and watch them be the perfect, head-over-heals-for-each-other couple.
He’s almost comfortable to be bitter and jealous, then made fun of, when Clint blows his plans to hell.
“I volunteer,” Clint says dramatically, from the back of the room, where he was shoving Bucky for no apparent reason, “Steve and Tony--”
“Absolutely not,” Tony says, the same time Nat says “Never.”
Tony shrugs off Rhodey’s exasperated look with a quick glance that says ‘we’ll talk later’, and misses the look of hurt that crosses over Steve’s face, and the comforting hand Sam curls around his unfairly big bicep, in favor of listening to Natasha and Clint argue.
“They’re basically dating anyway--”
“No, no no no, those two, playing husband and husband undercover? No. No-one would believe them anyway, if anything they act like new boyfriends, it’ll be easy to blow. And we can’t risk that, you know we can’t. It has to be someone else, someone…” she trails off, eyes darting around the room, landing on every person on the squad, before narrowing down on Rhodey and Tony.
“Yes, darling?” Bucky pipes up, sitting up straight and attempting to shove Clint off him, to no avail.
Nat throws a pen at him, “Not you, мудак, Rhodes, c’mon, you and Tony are basically old and married, I’ve been chasing Fisk for months, and you owe me for last week, with--”
“OK, ok, ok,” Rhodey concedes, lest Natasha tells everyone about him and Carol, “we’ll do it.”
“Hey hey hey, what about me, what if I don’t want to?” Tony asks, not even to oppose, just to wind her up.
“Tones, you’ll do it,” Rhodey says, fixing him with a look that very clearly communicated, ‘We all know you’re just being a little shit.’
“Honeybear, I love you, but not as a husband,” Tony grins up at him, “and anyway, it’ll be practically incestuous.”
“Then have fun in Alabama,” Fury growls, “Stark, Rhodes, say I do and be done with it.”
“What I’d give to be in the stakeout van,” Tony grumbles, straightening his robe to hide the wires and running his hands through his hair. They made it to the spa without a hitch, with many, many compliments on ‘how lucky there are to be together all these years’, upon mentioning that they’re here for their sixteenth anniversary. There’s some part of Tony that hates how believable it is, even though they’re saying that they got married young. There’s another part of him that hates how if he and Steve had done it, they could maybe get away with ten years.
“You hate the stakeout van,” Rhodey says, rolling his eyes and fixing his own robe.
“It’s growing on me,” Tony says, mildly, truthfully, he despises that van, he’s positive that it never gets cleaned out, it’s small and dark and almost everything in it is broken (he’s made attempts to fix something, anything, but every time he comes back, something else is broken), but it’s the only place where he can shamelessly sit in Steve’s lap, pulling his ‘growing up rich’ card as to why he can’t sit on the seats - Steve knows it’s utter bullshit anyway.
“Yeah yeah, it’s the van that’s growing on you.”
Tony, wisely, doesn’t say anything and just holds his hand out, palm up, for Rhodey to take, “Ready, husband?”
They’ve deliberately hit the place when it’s the least busy, a Tuesday afternoon, just before last-entry time, there’s pretty much exclusively older couples here, with maybe one or two younger ones, so the stand out a little, but not that much.
They think they know which backroom it is, based on the patterns of some of the workers, and some of the patrons, but it takes a while for the coast to clear, meaning Rhodey has the time to interrogate him, especially since they had to take the mics off for the massage.
“Sourpatch, no,” Tony groans dramatically, staring at the linoleum, the whole spa thing is comfortable, he should do it more often, maybe bring Steve along, he works too much anyway. He knew that Rhodey was going to ask him about Steve the second the masseuse left, and even though he knows Rhodey better than himself, he’d had some false hope that maybe he wouldn’t.
Feelings aren’t his strongest forte, and he refuses to let everything out in Fisk’s wife’s gay spa.
“Tones,” Rhodey says softly, gently.
Tony caves.
“He’s, he’s, the most stubborn, ridiculous man I’ve ever met, first time I shook his hand, he called me a rich brat, I called him useless, an hour later he saved my life, I saved his, turns out sometimes, when he’s not being stupidly sweet, he’s an asshole, godawful at cards, and cheats like a Hollywood star at Mario Kart and Monopoly, he refuses to put himself last, never stops working, refuses to admit when he’s hurt, or wrong,” he takes a deep breath, overcome with pure affection for one of the best people he knows.
If he was Steve’s boyfriend, he would try harder than he ever had for any of his other relationships, because Steve deserved at least that, because he can’t bear to let him down, because he can’t lose him, not to his own idiocy. Tony would rather never know what he’s like as a boyfriend, never know what he would be like to date and cherish and love than know and experience it then lose him.
Steve’s kind and funny, and hot, and so, so much better than him in every way, he wants to call him stupid things like ‘baby’ and ‘sweetheart’, he wants to take him out on dates and hold hands and kiss him on his absurdly pink lips, and wake up next to him every morning and tell him--
It dawns on him, slowly, not in a eureka moment, not suddenly, loud and bright, but like something he’s meant to have known his whole life, or, at least as long as he’s known Steve.
“Sugarbear, I think I love him,” he says quietly.
“About time,” Rhodey says, warmly.
“Rhodey, Rhodey, what do I do, this, this isn’t some tiny crush, because he does good-people stuff and looks nice and wears those dumb tight shirts, this, this--”
Tony sounds like he’s about to start hyperventilating, so Rhodey places a hand on his back, ignoring the awkward stretch, “Breathe, Tones, why don’t you tell him--”
That’s never happening, Tony can’t even fathom it, what if Steve never talks to him again, what if he thinks it’s creepy and weird - he knows, logically, that Steve wouldn’t, because that’s just not who he is, but what if he does. And how would he even say it, ‘Oh hey, by the way, I’m in love with you, have been for a while now, how wild is that?’
“Tony, what if he feels the same?”
“What if he stops talking to me?”
“Even if he doesn’t like you like that, you know he’s not gonna be mean about it, what if he really loves you, like you love him,” Rhodey says, logically, trying to telepathically send some of that logic to Tony.
It doesn’t work.
“Even if he does feel the same, which, I want you to know, is probably less likely than George Lucas making Luke Skywalker a villain, and we end up dating, you know that I’ll fuck it up in a week,” Tony doesn’t have the best run with relationships and commitment and all, but for Steve, he would try so fucking hard. But what if that’s not enough.
“Tones, what if you let yourself be happy for once?”
Tony thinks he’s about to say something else, but out of the corner of his eye, he can finally see that there’s no one by the doors.
“Rhodes, 5 o’clock, it’s clear, we have to go.” His mind snaps back into ‘Detective’ mode, drug lords first, Steve later.
“Let’s go, Detective.”
They get dressed - they’d asked for their clothes to be with them at all times and, thankfully, it had seemed like their least eccentric request - and quietly urge and escort some of the patrons out - Fisk and his men were known for being unnecessarily violent, and well equipped - there weren’t that many left, only a few older couples. They plug in and activate the comms.
“Detectives Rhodes and Stark,” Rhodey whispers into the comm, “we think we know where he’s operating, on my mark, infiltrate, third floor, red double doors next to the fuchsia plant,” he rattles off the orders completely seriously, but he refuses to look at Tony as he does, knowing that if he does, he’s going to crack up.
“Tones you ready?”
“Let’s find some gay cocaine!”
They infiltrate, call for back up and everything seems to be going smoothly, the rest of the squad arrive, Steve looks unfairly good, Tony refuses to look him in the eye, but he looks good, henchmen and labrats alike are being put in cuffs, it’s a little violent and very busy but it’s all going good until Tony finds himself held at gunpoint by none other than Fisk.
Fuck he thinks, as the muzzle presses roughly against his temple, Fisk’s fingers are digging into his bicep and he’s yelling at the other detectives, attempting to use Tony for ransom, this is how I die.
He’s been in dangerous situations before, shootouts, hostage situations, the like, but this is Wilson Fisk, one of the most dangerous men in New York, he could kill him right now and pay everyone, or blackmail everyone, into calling it an accident. Or denying that he existed in the first place. There aren’t that many people left in the room now.
He can barely hear what he’s saying, all just a rush of syllables, consonants, and vowels. Idly, he wonders if the last thing he ever hears is Fisk bargaining, his life for his drug ring. His eyes flit around the room, before, finally looking Steve in the eye. He’s scared. Tony doesn’t think that he’s ever seen Steve that scared, terrified.
He’s going to die (his training told him to think positive, but he’s not too sure how far happy thoughts are going to get him when he can already smell the gunpowder) he’s going to die without ever knowing what it would be like to wake up next to Steve Rogers.
Steve raises his gun and Fisk’s words finally filter in, “You shoot me, then your little pal here goes.”
It’s silent. Everyone is stood stock still, breathing shallow, hardly blinking.
Steve looks away from him, towards someone else, tilts his head and blinks, almost imperceptibly, and shoots.
And misses.
But that might have been the point, Tony realises, belatedly, as Fisk gets distracted and Rhodey cuffs him from behind, ‘accidentally’ jabbing him in the ribs. Steve rushes forwards and pulls him away from Fisk and out the room.
“Are you ok?” he asks, dropping his arm from where he’d held him around his waist.
Tony takes a deep breath, calming down his heart, he’s ok, he’s not dead, and Fisk’s in cuffs. But what about next time? What if it’s Steve who’s held hostage? What if he took a risk with his heart?
Steve still looking at him with concern, eyes bright, and all Tony can think of, is kissing him.
So he does.
Steve kisses the same way he does everything, putting his all into it, his hands wind around his waist and Tony feels so safe and loved, he just clings on to him, hands sliding into hair that felt softer than it had any right to.
They break apart eventually, because neither of them have super-lungs, but they still stay close. Tony thinks he sees something akin to regret, or doubt, pass over Steve’s face and braces himself for the rejection. God, how could he be so stupid, all the adrenalin and the conversation with Rhodey left him thinking less clearly than usual. There’s a gay joke in there somewhere but Tony doesn't have it in him to make it. Because Steve may never talk to him again. Good going Stark!
“Tony, do you really want this, because if it’s just because of adrenalin, or something…” Steve trails off, hold slightly hesitant, posture tenser.
Tony tightens his, feeling Steve relax slightly and whispers, “No, I’ve, I’ve liked you, as more than a friend, for a while now, this whole thing, just the push.”
Almost all of Steve’s doubt is gone now, “I like you as more than a friend too,” he says, smiling a small, private smile. Something Tony wants to pretend is just for him. He looks so, so happy and relieved and that tiny quirk of his lips says it all really. Tony knows now that if he can make him smile like that every day for as long as they’re together, he knows that he’s done something good.
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deadpooly · 5 years
Iron Man Bingo 2019
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4 times Tony and Clint kissed each other as a joke and the one time it was definitely a real kiss.
“Hey Birdbrain, did you make coffee?” Tony asked the archer as he walked into the room and he smelled the bitter scent of coffee. Even though coffee barley has a scent.
“Yep, used a garbage bag as a filter and made it with dirt.” Clint said as he watched Tony take a huge gulp from his mug and basically ascend into heaven.
“I could literally kiss you right now.” Tony said as he continued to finish the mug. He obviously had a rough night.
“Well I mean, nobody’s stopping you right now.” Clint shrugged. He was turned around to the grill scrambling some eggs because yes, even though he puts up a dumb act he can very much function and live. Example would be making Tony coffee for once.
So Clint stood there scrambling his eggs when he felt lips touch his cheek and he nearly burst out laughing. It was slightly wet and soft on his cheek. Of course Tony actually kissed him. If you make the man coffee you would definitely get something in return.
This was the first kiss he received from Tony Stark and since those are rare nowadays he will cherish them and keep a count.
He was at one so far.
The second time Clint actually kissed Tony while on a mission, he did it as a distraction. Nat said it works wonders, so why not give it a shot.
Steve and Nat were in the right wing of the Hydra base while Thor and Bruce where on the outside. The main mission being to get intel and the required information before they tore down the base from the inside out. So far this has proved to be faster than their regular way of taking down a Hydra base and much easier. However the only problem being Tony Stark who was wearing as much of a disguise as he could to not be recognized.
So Clint was in a disgusting Hydra uniform they snagged off of some agent and Tony is in some scientists get up and those pants should not be able to make his ass look that good, but here we are.
Clint is also pretty confident that he wont be recognized because he likes to lay low with every mission he does regardless of if its on tv or not, that's the point of being a spy for a secret organization.
So Clint and Tony silently were walking side by side when Tony’s enhanced hearing technology heard a few agents and security mumblr stuff about suspicious figures lurking around the base, and of course descriptions perfectly matched what they were wearing.
“Hm, that’s not a good sign is it?” Clint asked pointing to a few agents rounding the far corner, they were far enough that Clint could definitely form some plan.
“Yep, not looking to good. Any plans Birdbrain?” Tony asked turning around to walk the other way while Clint followed them only to see a few more agents coming from the other end of the hall.
“Alright, I have an idea but you might not like it.” Clint started and he grabbed Tony’s arms and dragged him to the side of the hall into a small corner and they stood there. “Nat says it works wonders with Hydra.”
“Well? What is it? We appear to be running out of time here.” Tony whisper shouted at Clint.
“I'm gonna kiss you right now.” Clint replied and put Tony into the corner.
“Why? Not that im against the idea.” Tony asked he just let CLint push him into the corner and followed the archers movements because he had more experience dealing with Hydra face to face than he did.
“Because public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable.” Clint said before the Hydra agents got too close and he locked his lips with Tony.
Tony was shocked at first but he wasn't totally against the idea so he started kissing back, it was mild. Nothing to serious and they stayed stuck together until they were sure that the Hydra scumbags were gone.
Once Clint could hear their footsteps disappear he pulled away from Tony with a satisfied smirk and started walking down the hall to their original destination.
“Not too bad honey cakes.” Clint whistled and laughed because of Tony’s surprised face.
“Not that it wasn't nice, but did Natasha really tell you that?” Tony questioned once they got close to the main science and informations lab.
“Yep, she used it on Cap.” he answered Tony’s question as he watched Tony start to hack the door lock. 
“Hm, I bet Cap seemed to really like that tactic” Tony said with sarcasm lacing his voice.
“Oh yeah he loved it. Wanna try it again? Some Hydra asshole might be tailing us.” Clint joked the suggestion.
“Definitely wouldn't shoot down the idea, but maybe later little birdy.” Tony grinned at Clint while he blasted the door open to the lab.
The third time Tony and Clint shared a kiss it was because Tony just came in with a new upgrade idea and how else could Clint repay the genius. It wasn't totally out of character for Tony to randomly be bubbly and just have a huge invention spree so Clint didn't really mind and Tony didn't care what his teammates thought about him being happy. Honestly though, Clint never was objecting any time spent with the genius when he has his little science sparks in the lab that may need his assistance, since he seems to be the only one who would actually joke back with him and share the fun while on missions or just watching a movie on the couch.
Tony was just walking through the tower holding his stark pad and scrolling though some tech ideas and those kind of things. He saw Natasha with Steve in the gym, Bruce was in the lab and Thor just left to go visit Jane. So this leaves his favorite sniper and snark buddy to probably be somewhere either in the vents or the kitchen.
And as always, Tony was right. He found their resident archer sitting on the counter eating corn pops out of the box. Tony wanted to laugh at how childish it looked but it was also adorable so he just rolled his eyes and continued towards the bird themed hero.
“Hey birdy.” he greeted.
“My knight in shining armour.” Clint easily replied with a smooth tone.
“I just got a restock in my lab and can build a few more things and since you are my second favorite-” Tony started to talk before Clint cut him off.
“Hey, why not your first?” Clint complained.
“Because Captain America hero worship doesn't really change when you are a child no matter how hard you tried to grow out of it.” Tony stuck out his hand asking for some of the dry cereal Clint seemed to be enjoying and he pointed the box towards the billionaire and he stuck his hand in to take a few corn pops and pop them into his mouth.
“Makes sense I guess.” he shrugged and he jumped off of the counter top so he was looking over Tony’s shoulder onto his stark pad. “Woah, is that the new design for my bow?” he awed at the design on the screen.
“Yep, got a lighter frame and technology to make shots more powerful and accurate.” Tony said swiping through and typing notes on the screen. “Not that you would need that anyways right legolas?” he said and Clint rolled his eyes and squeezed Tony’s shoulders while giving him a peck on the cheek.
“Thanks for the stuff. I’ll probably come down to your cool toy zone in about an hour.” Clint grabbed a bagel from the bread basket that was sitting out and he walked out of the room.
The fourth time Tony was kind of expecting it, the joking kisses between him and Clint were fun and expected and loose with no arguments or awkwardness. They were playing games in the common room with the other avengers and it was Mario Kart so everyone was feeling super competitive currently. Tony wanted to scoff at Clint who still thought he was the best at Mario Kart. Of course to settle things they placed a bet. If Tony won, which he always does, Clint has to walk around in booty shorts that say “I love Tony Stark” across the ass and declare him as the best Mario Kart player in the world. Clint was totally joking about what he gets if he wins but he said “A big wet kiss on the lips and a custom made big golden trophy that said “Hawkeye owns Tony Stark's ass” which yes everyone knows seems immature but Tony just laughed and declared the bet to go on.
Natasha was on the floor leaning against the couch and Clint sat on the couch above her. Tony was on the other side of the long couch with his legs crossed and Steve, Thor and Bruce were scattered throughout the room sitting in random positions. 
“I swear to shit if you get the blue shell.” Tony started to threaten when he saw Clint hit a rainbow item box. Lucky for him he only got a red shell, which knocked a CPU out of his way. They were playing the rainbow bridge level and when Thor saw it he was amused and brought up the idea that they should sometimes go racing on the rainbow bridge in Asgard.
“Im gonna get a blue shell on the next one.” Clint said with determination on his face. He was in second and Tony was right in front of him but their speeds were matching and Clint needed to find a way to get in front fast. “Hey Nat, im gonna get a blue shell next right?” he asked the redhead who sat below him.
“Awesome!” Clint smirked at Tony. “Your gonna lose.” he taunted. “Everything Nat says is right.”
“Oh shit!” Tony yelled when Clint got a blue shell and launched it at Tony. Tony however had the horn and right before the shell hit him he activated the horn and it stopped the shell form hitting him. “Ha ha! Yes! You are so going to lose Katniss.” but right as he was about to cross the finish line one of the CPU’s must have gotten a blue shell because one second before Tony won his character was hit and Clint raced past him and won the game.
“YES! I'm the best!” Clint threw his arms up in the air and stuck his tongue out at Tony who only rolled his eyes with a grin and quickly moved across the couch so he was in Clint’s space.
Since Clint won the bet it was required for Tony to give him a big smooch of victory so that's exactly what he did. It was long, it was loud and it was probably much more enjoyable that Tony would have thought. So this bet was probably more of a win-win situation for him.
Tony was using the couch armrests to hold himself up and Clint just wrapped his hand around the back of Tony’s neck to keep him there. They both were laughing into the kiss and when they pulled apart their giggles turned into loud bursts of cackling.
Tony could always remember the fifth time they kissed. They were in his lab and Tony was finishing some work on the trophy and when he held it up to look at it he gave a satasfied smirk to Clint as he tossed the trophy over.
“Hm, maybe you do own my ass.” he decided to say.
“I sure would like to. Have you seen it?” Clint smiled at the trophy then at Tony and walked over. “I mean, I wouldn't mind wearing those booty shorts you planned on putting me in if I lost.” he suggested with a devious grin.
“Are you implying something Birdbrain?” Tony asked looking at him quizzically.
“Mayhaps. It’s been four smooches late hm?” Clint laughed as he leaned over and pecked Tony on the cheek. Tony totally thought that their game was going to end here and they would make it official so he was totally taken aback when Clint’s lips didn't land on his own.
“Hey! I thought you were a marksman!” Tony grabbed Clint’s arms before he could leave with the trophy.
“I never miss.” he replied with a cocky tony lacing his voice.
“Um, yeah you just did. Totally missed the only target that matters.” Tony said and his hand made its way to grasp at Clint’s shirt collar and bring him in closer.
“Impossib-” CLint was going to say before he was cut off by Tony pulling him in and laying a long kiss on his lips. Clint turned his head and started to kiss back and nip at the geniuses lips before he pulled back.
“Yep, im going to need those booty shorts.” Clint said before hoisting the trophy over his head and walking out of the lab.
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bruciewayne · 5 years
dear diary
Tony finds one of his diaries from 2015. (post-cacw)
read on ao3 (recommended for mobile)
Tony’s trying very hard not to think about St- Rogers at all, really, but especially now, when he’s meant to be clearing out his workshop. He could get someone to do it, has, for the most part, he is a billionaire after all, but it doesn’t feel right, his workshop is his sanctum sanctorum, the first place he went when he got back from Siberia, their bedroom too much. It’s the last place he goes through, a week before the official move upstate.
His therapist said that the move will do him good, that the new place might give him a better mindset. And that he won’t see him in every corner of his house anymore.
It still feels like betrayal, somehow, even though Tony knows that it wasn’t himself who was in the wrong, Rogers said so, in that letter. Rhodey suggested burning that bastard letter, and the flip-phone, but Tony still can’t bring himself to destroy it, despite how much he hates Rogers.
It feels like betrayal because it’s Rogers’ first home in the 21st century, it’s where he fell in love with him, it’s where he found more of his family. But he can’t hold on to memories forever, according to his therapist.
So he tries.
When he gets to the workshop, he finds most things already tidy, courtesy of FRIDAY (god, he misses JARVIS) through Dum-E, U, and Butterfingers, everything that isn’t password/lock-and-key protected is all packed and in the hangar, ready to be put on the quinjet.
All he has left, really, is the drawer, his servers, computers and the like.
He’s always been drawn to technology, so he tackles that first. It doesn’t take long, a lot less time than he wanted. He powers everything off, with a goodbye to FRIDAY. He doesn’t know if he wants to revive JARVIS for the compound, or keep FRIDAY, he’s lived his entire life with a JARVIS of some sorts, and in the year that he didn’t, everything fell to batshit. But he has to move on.
(But he misses JARVIS like a son and a father at the same time and he would go to the ends of the earth-- he would keep himself healthy, alive and safe for him.)
He banks the thought for another day and carries on cleaning out the drawers of his desks, finding mostly old drives and abandoned blueprints. All of that’s done faster than he wanted because now, that bastard drawer is the only thing left, mocking him.
The old, sharpie’d-on scrawl of ‘Steve’ has long since been scrubbed off - probably when he was drunk, or Dum-E - however, the carved-in ‘S.R.G’ is still there, albeit small, but there. When he opens it, slowly, like he’s expecting something to jump out, a snake, maybe, but to his relief, it’s no different to how it was months ago, with the very latest addition at the top. (Tony locked away the letter, after he managed to memorise it, on the advice of everyone around him, but he still carries the flip-phone with him. He made a promise and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t go through with it.)
Under that is drawings upon drawings, some on art paper, some on napkins, or the back of mission reports, all of them have something to do with Tony or the bots, all signed ‘S.G.R’. Tony’s almost ashamed to admit that burning them doesn’t even cross his mind.
It's not the last, or the only, thing he left him, but there’s something so fundamentally raw and human about them, qualities that Tony honest-to-god didn’t believe that he had back when they first met. Even the pictures, they make Tony look human, reachable, touchable, he doesn’t know how he did it (he does, he told him, but it feels all like a lie now anyway), but there’s more life to them than the actual, professional photoshoots he has to do sometimes. Hell, he even made the ‘bots seem more than decades old bolts and metal. (They are so much more than that, but only to Tony, and, seemingly, him.)
Under all of those is a black, leather-bound notebook. He takes it out and sits down, tracing his fingers over the embossed ‘Anthony E. Stark’ on the cover. It’s a diary. One that his therapist encouraged him to write in, properly, with a pen and everything, ever since he started the whole ‘therapy’ thing. Tony had been against it, vehemently, because of the Ol’ Stark Ideals™ but Charles convinced him to write in it at least a few times, when he felt like it, on important and mundane days alike.
This black one is his third, starting March 2015. He knows what most of the entries are about, dumb stuff that made him feel like he is reliving the middle-school experience he didn't have. There’s a big part of him that wants to burn it, or ‘accidentally’ let Dum-E have it, but before he knows it, he’s slipping off the elastic and flipping it open on a random page.
18th May, 2015 Steve’s a moron. I think I’m in love with him.
That’s all that’s written on that page, with a tiny drawing of Avengers’ tower stuck under it with tape. He quickly turns the page, only to be faced with another entry about Steve, and then one about the Avengers, and then more Steve and then something about Dum-E finally learning how to make good smoothies, and then more Steve, then Steve and Steve and Steve, all the way until last April, when his name isn’t written, in favour of ‘Rogers’, or, memorably, when he was drunk, ‘traitor’ and ‘liar’.
All it does is make him angry again, angry at what he lost, what Steve threw away, it brings back all the feelings he had for him, still does, however much he claims to not, but this time, tinged and overcast with bitterness. He wants to regret it so badly, he wishes he did, he wishes he could wish that he never met Steve, that Afghanistan never happened, or Steve was never found, or never picked for the super-soldier project, but he can’t. He knows, more than anything, that meeting Steve, knowing him, falling in love with him was one of the best, and worst, things to ever happen to him, and if anything happened in any different way then the world would be a very, very different place.
He’s lost in his own mind and memories, skimming over the pages of the diary, when something in his pocket vibrates, loud and obnoxious. The fucking flip phone.
Tony can barely get it out of his pocket, that’s how bad his hand is shaking, but he does and ‘Steve is calling’ flashes up on the screen.
Tony throws it across the room.
Dum-E catches it.
Tony waits until it’s stopped vibrating, and then another five minutes for good measure, before encouraging Dum-E to throw it back to him. Surprisingly, he throws it perfectly. “I’m gonna give you another upgrade, buddy,” Tony mumbles, smiling when Dum-E chirps happily and finally opens the phone.
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iron man bingo masterpost
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deadpooly · 5 years
Iron Man Bingo 2019
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Lmao im literally just only now posting these because im really bad at posting stuff.
Word count: 3250 words
During a mission debrief Tony finds out Peter was hit some truth serum and it comes to light in a rather embarrassing way. Then they find out that the only way they can get rid of the curse is to expose you deepest honest secret to someone out loud. Tony is there to support Peter, and Peter doesn't exactly know his deepest secret. When Peter finds it, it turns out it's not even true.
It started in a mission debrief. After they fought some green magical being and had him meet his fate a bit early, thanks to Thor. The team was fine, only minor injuries, a few bruises and cuts but nothing much. Tony sat beside Peter, or Spider-Man at the table and the kid had his legs resting on the top of the table. Everyone else sat around the table listening to whatever Fury had to say.
He was talking about anything that may have happened that can give S.H.I.E.L.D. more information on what exactly attacked and clean up precautions. The usual stuff these boring debriefs are filled with. Tony just kept glancing around the room every once and a while but he paid attention for the most part, only to set a good example for the kid. Peter looked relaxed and was nodding his head every few minutes and he looked like he was listening. His hands were behind his head and his feet on the table which put him in a comfortable position. They have been sitting around for a long time now and Tony has just been waiting for this to end.
“Stark,” Fury addressed him. “Did you come in contact with anything odd that can give us information on the situation?” he asked and his hands were on his hips and his one eye settled on Tony in a very unsettling way.
“Well I did talk to Clint over the comms a bit, he’s odd.” he replied and when Fury rolled his eyes and gave him an unimpressed look, he still heard laughs from a few of the team members. He sighed and answered again. “Nope nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe the kid saw something though.” then all eyes turned to Spider-Man who was motionless still in his laid back position. “Spidey? You alive there?” Tony waved his hand in front of Spider-Man’s eyes to see if he was awake. When there was no answer he could hear Clint and Sam snicker from the other end of the table and he poked Spidey’s leg and he jumped up onto the ceiling.
“What the f-” the kid yelled as he jumped up. Then his lenses squinted and he realised the situation and stood up from the ceiling. “Oh, haha meeting. Right. I was n-” Peter started to say until his throat started to close up on him and other words were forced out of his mouth. “I was totally sleeping.”
“Yep, just figured that out kid.” Tony laughed at Peter who must be blushing hard under the mask. “Now get off the ceiling you're gonna get footprints up there.”
“Wait, I didn't mean to say that.” Peter said as he jumped down.
“Then why did you say it. Better question, why are you sleeping during a very important debriefing?” Fury questioned the boy, he still looked annoyed as always and it made Peter uncomfortable.
“Because it was boring. I closed my eyes so I didn't have to look at you. Because whenever I look at you I start to think of pirates and when I think of pirates I start to think of Spongebob and Spongebob is funny so while my eyes were closed, I fell asleep.” Peter rambled out and Tony just damn near about burst out laughing but he didn't want the Fury glare on him. Clint, Sam, and Bucky though couldn't contain themselves and started laughing their asses off at the back of the room. “Oh shit, sorry Mr. Fury. I definitely did not mean to say that.” Tony could feel Peter’s blush from under the mask and it was hilarious. 
“Anything else you have to say to me before I close this meeting because we obviously can't keep focused?” Fury looked at Spider-Man and narrowed his eye.
“Do you do your eyebrows just for the satisfaction of doing your hair?” and at that comment the whole room started laughing, well except for Steve because he wants to stay on Fury’s good side.
Fury also decided he was just done and left the room saying something to Steve as he was leaving but Tony didn't care enough to eavesdrop. He did care however, as to why Peter would say such odd things to Fury in an Avengers meeting.
“Oh my god, Mr. Stark I did not mean to say any of that.” Spider-Man said with his hands covering his mouth.
“I was wondering, why would you say that to patchy?” Tony asked a grin still plastered on his face.
“I didn't mean to I swear! I tried to lie for every question but my throat would close and I would say something I didn't mean to.” Peter rushed out, he obviously sounded worried and this made Tony pay more attention to the situation.
“Why is it happening?” Tony asked concerned, and by now the laughter was gone and the other avengers seemed to be trying to listen on their quiet conversation.
“I don't know! It's a truth curse of some kind.” Peter whined. “I'm pretty sure im cursed.” everyone's eyes were on him now and he could hear Clints snickers from across the table. 
“Maybe it’s magic, did anything happen to you during the fight?” Steve spoke up even though he or the others weren't even apart of the conversation but the suggestion helped. “Could we get Doctor Strange to help?”
“No thanks, Mr. Stark doesn't like him.” Peter said, his head still on the desk. “Also, I was hit with a green translucent beam that was heading toward citizens and got a few cuts and bruises but that's it Mr America sir.”
“It must have been the beam, maybe we can get a hold of Dr. Strange for more information.” Steve said. “The creature we fought was using a type of magic according to Thor.”
“Well, sorry kid but I guess we gotta wait.” Tony said before everyone started filing out of the room.
“I guess I'll go home until he can come then.” Spider-Man said before he opened the window and jumped out to swing home.
“Hey Pete, I thought you went home.” Tony told Peter as he saw the boy walk into his lab.
“Technically Spider-Man went home, so I can be here.” he replied and he pulled up a wheely chair and sat down across from Tony on the other side of his desk.
“We called the wizard while you were out. Unfortunately he will be making a stop here in about maybe an hour.” Tony said while messing around with holograms.
“As much as being cursed to tell the truth is really cool, I would like to be able to lie every once and awhile.” Peter had a bouncy ball and was throwing it against the wall and catching it when it bounced back.
“Oh really? And what is it you would like to lie about?” Tony questioned with a curious smirk on his face when he looked at Peter.
“The fact that I skip out on medical check ups and don't tell you my full injuries.” Peter’s mouth said without missing a beat. “Mother fudgsicles.” Peter’s ball bounced passed him when he didn't catch it.
“Maybe this truth curse is helpful hm?”
“Whatever, im going to make myself a sandwich.” Peter grumbled as he walked over to his lonely bouncy ball, picked it up and left the room while dribbling it on the floor.
“We are very much going to touch on this subject soon Pete.” Tony called out to him as the boy left the room swiftly.
“Oh hey Pete!” Clint greeted Peter when he saw Stark’s intern enter the kitchen. “Didja see the fight on tv?”
“Yeah, looked pretty intense! Mr. Stark told me Spider-Man got an honesty curse on him.” was what Peter wanted to say but different words found their way out.
“I was there actually so I didn't need to watch it on tv.” shit.
“Huh, really? Well, I gotta go to the main room. Gandalf is paying a visit and the Avengers gotta be present.” the archer said as he walked out of the room while grabbing an apple from a fruit basket on the counter.
“Kay, bye Bird number one.” the boy answered while pulling out the bread, breathing a sigh of relief that there aren't any more questions.
This time Peter was sitting on the couch in the main room. Clint wasn't here so he is obviously late. So Peter put on the tv and a few iCarly reruns were on so that’s the channel he chose. Currently everything seemed peaceful, he had his sandwich, nobody was there to ask him questions, and he is 96% sure he finished any school assignments that were due.
Tony was awesome as always and the avengers haven't connected the dots between him being and intern and Spider-Man yet, not that it really mattered. He was pretty sure he could trust the avengers with his secret identity since they all know each other well and hopefully won't be in any fights any time soon where they would out him. At this point it's just a fun game.
He also hope this truth serum thing won't have any negative effect on him or it wears off soon because this would be a pain in the ass to deal with at school. Also, according to the clock it has been close to an hour so he should be expecting the crowd to show soon, so Peter jumped off the couch and ran to his room to put on his Spider-Man suit. 
It was a rather short hour wait until Dr. Strange ‘teleported’ into the middle of the avengers living space. Everyone was alerted and were sitting around on the couches in seconds waiting to see what the problem was. Peter though wasn't really impressed because now his reruns of iCarly were being interrupted. But Mr. Stark, the show isn't even on Netflix anymore. Tony remembered hearing the boy complain one day, but he still seemed happy to see the wizard though. So that’s good, kind of.
“What is the issue now, Stark.” Strange asked Tony. Strange was just standing there doing nothing waiting for Tony to answer.
“Well long story short the kid got stuck with a truth curse.” he explained as simply as he could.
“Is that it?” he asked and when all he got as an answer was Tony saying ‘yup.’ Stephen rolled his eyes and just raised his hands and moved them in a pattern that made it look like he was doing some kind of spell. “That doesn't seem like anything serious so I should be able to figure out the issue soon. Do you know what happened that may have caused this?” he asked Tony.
“Pfft, I don't know. I think it was the wizard monster we fought. Spidey got hit with some translucent beam thing. Is it permanent?” Tony asked. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was obviously trying to annoy Strange. “Because that would suck. This is why I hate magic.”
“Are you incapable of shutting your mouth for one second while I try to do a reverse spell?” he questioned, his tone was exasperated and tired.
“Alright then, just fix the kid.” Dr. Strange’s hands were being waved in circles and motions that Tony couldn't follow and there was a yellow glow to his hands but that didn't matter. The other avengers were surprisingly silent as they watched from the couch, but every once and a while Clint would whisper something to Nat and make her smile, Thor looked like he’d rather be elsewhere and Steve actually looked concerned for Peter. Then Stephen dropped his hands and sighed.
“Well, what's the verdict Doctor?” Steve asked from the couch.
“Its an enchanted serum, there was a type of liquid in the beam that obviously touched Spider-Man’s skin,” he then turned to Peter (who was in his spidey suit) to address the kid. “It could have been condensation but it still affected you. It compels you to speak the truth when faced with an honest question.” he explained.
“Yeah, tell us something we don't know.” Tony scoffed. “Does it wear off?”
“Yes.” there were sighs of relief coming from Tony, Steve and even Thor but Clint whined jokingly towards Spider-Man. “But, it only wears off when you confess your deepest secret that is true to the person or persons it regards. If they are dead, then you have to ride out the spell.”
“What?” Tony’s hands dropped to his sides and he started walking towards the sorcerer. “You mean he has to tell someone his deepest secret? What kind of pointless spell is this?” he threw his hands up waiting for a response. “This is an invasion of his privacy!” Tony complained on Peter’s behalf. Peter however seemed to be unbothered on the couch. 
“From what I can tell, its meant to tear loved ones apart, or destroy empires from something harmless, yet very dangerous at the same time. It’s a very easy trick that can work if you are not careful.” Stephen said before he backed away to an open space by the window. “I assume this is the end of our meeting, any concerns can go through to Wong.” then he raised his hands and used the sling ring to open a doorway to the Sanctum.
“Thank you Doctor, we appreciate the help.” Steve said earnestly from the couch, and Stephen gave him a nod before walking through and closing the portal behind him.
“Wow that was really quick, do you think he had a date he needed to get to?” Peter asked once he left.
“You seem really bothered that you have to confess your deepest secret to someone.” Sam said, he seemed amused. He was probably hoping to find something out about the boy he could use against him.
“Eh, I have a lot of secrets and some of them don't matter. Examples would be: My identity, the full fight with the vulture, dying etcetera.” Peter waved his hand around while he talked in a nonchalonce way as if it didn't really matter. “It all just depends on who im telling it to.”
“So we get to find out about your identity?” Clint asked with a lot of hope lacing his voice.
“I think I would rather leave that for you to find out.”
“What’s your real name?” Bucky asked he seemed bored because he was playing around on a phone and Steve elbowed his side and that made him let out an ‘oof’.
“Do not answer that!” Tony instantly yelled walking over to Spider-Man who was sitting on the couch still and he tapped him on the shoulder in the motion to follow him.
“Wait Mr. Stark, we should do a Q and A!” Spider-Man excitedly announced as he was walking out behind Tony.
“We are absolutely not doing that.”
“Alright kid, this needs to come off or unfortunate things will happen, so who are you going to tell.” Tony asked Peter, who pulled his mask off once they got down to his lab.
“I actually don't know.”
“Do you even know your darkest secret?” Tony asked raising an eyebrow.
“I can guess?” Peter shrugged sheepishly. “I mean, the majority of them are kept from yo-” Peter was about to ramble before he cut himself off. “Frickin truth serum.” he mumbled under his breath with a wince.
“Wow, okay take a guess then.” Tony leaned back in his seat and placed his hands folded in his lap. “I will not interrupt no matter how stupid or insane they are.”
“Okay. Oof I guess.” Peter started. “I broke one of your Iron Man suits and fixed it before you got back, I think it was the Mark 13, the silver one? I also spilled coffee on some of your paperwork before but I got help from Friday to replace it.”
“Wow okay, then tell me exactly what happened that gives you nightmares after the vulture incident.” Tony said waiting for a reply on whether it would be honest or not.
“First of all, how do you even know that? Second he dropped a building on me before we crashed the plane.” Peter winced. “Well I guess I didn't find my deepest secret yet.”
Tony stared at Peter with his eyebrows raised to his hairline and he was honestly surprised and kind of mad at how he only now found out.
“As much as I very much want to talk about maybe a few thousand things that you have done we need to get this done so continue.” Tony said after a while of just processing what Peter said. “Is there anything that you would not ever tell anyone else?” and after he said that Peter’s face fell and his eyes narrowed down to the floor.
“I- um.” Peter started and he coughed a bit from feeling his throat close up.
“Is this about superhero-ing? School? Maybe you could narrow it down for me.” Tony asked and he leaned forward and his voice was soft because he could tell that Peter was going to have a hard time about this. Peter shook his head at Tony’s suggestions and opened his mouth to try again.
“It’s um, about Uncle Ben actually.” his voice started to shake.
“Oh.” was all Tony said. He knew exactly who Ben was and his significance in Peter’s life. He also knew that this was definitely going to be really hard for Peter to say so he got out of his chair and made his way over to Peter and he bend down on his knees so he could be eye level with the boy. “Hey, you can tell me right? The rules say that right?” and Peter nodded and it looked like he was going to choke and his eyes were definitely watering.
“I- it was my fault.” and oh, Tony wasn't expecting that. “He died because of me Mr. Stark.”
“Peter, it wasn't your fault. I can tell you that right now.”
“But he was there and I led him out, I didn't do anything and he did but I couldt stop him and-” Peter’s voice broke and a tear streamed down his face. He could feel his throat clear up and he could breathe but this topic always made him feel like he was suffocating.
“Hey, Parker it wasn't you, I can't tell you that right now. Did you want him to die?” Tony asked and Peter shook his head. “Well then I can damn well assure you that you never would have killed him, and it wasn't your fault. He made that choice to do the right thing, and doing the right thing always comes with consequences.” Tony brought Peter into a hug and ran his fingers through his curls and he felt a single tear soak into his thin shirt. When he pulled back Peter seemed better than before, well as better as he could be after talking about a heavy topic.
“Hey.” he started softly. “Do you wanna go get some coffee flavored ice cream?” he asked. And Peter just nodded his head with a smile on his face and a small ‘yeah’.
Tony laughed and stood up.
“That’s a lie Peter. You hate coffee flavored ice cream.” Tony smiled down at the boy who gave a small smile.
“Well thank you for the offer I guess.” Peter told Tony as he stood up out of his chair and walked up to the billionaire to give him another shorter hug. “And for helping me too.”
“Hey Pete, it turns out that the truth serum made you confess a secret that wasn't even true.” Tony smiled and he ruffled Peter’s hair.
“Ironic isn't it?” the boy replied. “But can we actually go and get ice cream? Without Clint though?”
“Of course kiddo.”
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bruciewayne · 5 years
iron man bingo masterpost
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ao3 series
ao3 collection for all the other imb works!
[wizards/witches au] [steve rogers] [sharing a bed] [college roommates] [influencer/model au]
[peter parker] [superfamily] [hunger games au] [body swap] [dungeons & dragons]
[dear diary] [field trip] [undercover marriage] [las vegas] [team as a family]
[bucky barnes] [identity porn] [road trip] [kissing booth] [i did it for science!]
[librarian/author au] [swimming] [milk & cookies] [percy jackson au] [multiverse]
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deadpooly · 5 years
Iron Man Bingo 2019
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My second fill of many more that will be coming pretty fast.
Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Shuri
2 weeks ago
“So kid, your birthday is coming up.” Tony said casually picking up a socket wrench and flipping it in his hand before going back to messing around with the inside of a car. “Got any ideas for it?”
“Not really, probably gonna stay home with May or go to Ned’s house.” Peter replied scribbling down an answer for an equation on his homework. “What about you.” he said without thinking and Tony just laughed at him. “I mean no, um I didn't mean to say that.” Peter grimaced. “Force of habit.”
“So was your answer legitimate or was it just a force of habit as well?” he asked Peter still smiling from Peter’s mess up and the kid was still blushing and bent over his homework.
“Yes?” the boy looked at Tony who was still bent halfway into the car fixing the transmission and taking out the car battery. “Wait what day is it?”
“July 26th” he said standing up straight and tossing the wrench onto the table nearby. “And in case you don't remember your birthday is on Decembrurary 14th” he joked and he walked over the tool table and looked through them to find the tool he was looking for.
“That doesn't sound right.” Peter replied and pushed his chair away from the desk, since it was on wheels he rolled over to the car and was looking at it. “I'm pretty sure its in August.”
“Yes it is,” Tony fondly rolled his eyes. “And I asked what you’re gonna do on your birthday, I was thinking I could throw you a big party. You know the usual, get you a dirt flavored cake, rent a few alpacas, dump a bucket of frogs on you and hope you don't swallow any.”
“Sounds like fun Mr. Stark.” Peter smiled back at him.
1 week ago
“Okay Fri, the kid knows to be here for his small party, but what should I get him?” he addressed his AI hoping she would give him a helpful response. “Or should I just throw a bunch of cash on him so he can choose a gift himself? That usually seems to do the trick.”
Tony was searching statistics on what teenagers like to possibly help him choose a gift for Peter. He honestly doesn't want to mess this up because the kid deserves the entire world and this would be the first birthday of hopefully many more he would get to spend with him.
“If I may sir, but Peter seems to really be into memes and up to date trends.” Friday suggested. “There are a few that were and are trending today that he may like.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” Tony asked now interested to see what a meme is.
“A current trend seems to have a shirt that says “Creeper, aw man.” That he may like that has been trending with a music video sir.”
“I don't say this often but I am really confused.” he blinked up at the ceiling and dragged a hand down his face in frustration.”
“There is also a very popular meme to storm Area 51. However I believe it to be a bluff and that you will be able to handle that when the problem comes.” and that got Tony’s attention really fast.
“Has the kid been participating in this meme?” Tony asked and when Friday replied with a ‘yes’ then he decided he should probably keep an eye on the trends Peter follows.
“It’s been like two hours, where is the kid Fri?” Tony asked, pacing around the main room. There was a Spider-Man cake and a few gifts left around from Pepper and Rhodey and a small banner that said “Happy Birthday Peter!” and the usual decorations.
“I could attempt to contact Mrs. Parker if you would like?” Friday answered and Tony waved her off.
Peter was supposed to be here, he specifically arranged a lab day on his birthday, and told Peter he would get him a cake and invite some people. Peter said he would be there on his birthday, and Tony assumed that Peter would of course remember that. However, here was Tony shaking his head and taking out his phone.
He found the kid’s contact and clicked on it and waited for the line to connect.
“Hey Mr. Stark, what’s poppin’?” Peter’s voice filled through the phone.
“First off, please don't say that again.” Tony shook his head and sat down at the table where the cake was sitting. “Secondly, where are you right now?”
“Oh, im in Wakanda!” Peter said cheerfully and Tony’s jaw dropped. “I got in touch with Shuri,”
“Shit.” Tony quietly muttered.
“And I went over to visit for a week!”  Peter finished. “We started working on this really cool thing tha- aw fuck, I cant believe you’ve done this.” he said halfway through the sentence before he was cut off with a rather loud ‘whack’.
“You can't tell people what we are working on idiot!” ah yes, that was Shuri, with her young voice and thick accent.
“Peter did you just curse?” Tony asked incredulously bringing the subject back to whatever Peter just said in a horrible British accent.
“Sorry Mr. Stark, I had to do it for the vine.” he replied sheepishly and he could hear Shuri laughing in the background.
“Anyways, do you know what today is?” the older man asked the boy.
“August 7th? I have only counted six days since I have been here.”
“August 10th actually. Ring any bells? How long have you been awake?” he questioned the young boy.
“I have went to bed six times?” Peter said through the phone, Tony could tell he went back to working on whatever he was doing before he answered the phone. “Wait, did you say the 10th?”
“Oh, shit! Mr. Stark im so sorry! I lost track of time and then we found a breakthrough in the technology and I forgot about my birthday and the days-”
“You forgot your birthday?” Shuri’s voice came back and she started laughing loudly in the background. “That is awesome!”
“Well, I just realized that my birthday is the same day I was born…” Peter started     in a weird voice before Shuri yelled in and finished the vine
“Life is crazy!” and the two were back to laughing with Tony still listening to the conversation.
“I mean, it's still your birthday if you manage to make it back in time”
“Oh right, sorry Mr. Stark! I’ll figure something out, I promise!”
“Alright kid, see you soon.” Tony said before he clicked the end call button and started laughing at the kid and his antics. “This didn't go as planned.” he said to himself before he went down to the lab to mess around.
The Next Day
“Sir, Peter has arrived and is approaching your lab.”
“Kay, just let him in.” he told his AI, and a few seconds later the lab doors were being opened and Peter was slowly walking in.
“Hey, Mr. Stark.” the boy said, fiddling with his jacket sleeves walking closer to Tony’s desk. “How’s it going?”
“Come on kid,” Tony just laughed and stood up to walk over to Peter’s side. He pulled places his arm over his shoulders and began to guide them to the main room upstairs. The walk was short and the elevator was quick and then another turn around a corner and Peter’s birthday setup came into view. “Happy belated birthday I guess.”
“You didn't have to do this Mr Stark.” Peter said with a smile on his face. “Wow, look at that, a Spider-Man cake.” he laughed.
“Oh, it's nothing. Besides kid, you deserve it. Happy, Pepper, Rhodey and even Nat left a few gifts on the table for you whenever you are ready to open them and then I thought we could go do something fun.
Peter just smiled as he looked at the big banner, rather large cake, pile of gifts and red and blue streamers and he wanted to cry. Of course he always had very nice birthdays with May, but this meant a lot because it was Tony and the fact that a man as busy as him remembered.
“Thank you Mr. Stark. This means a lot to me, really.” Peter said as he gave Tony a long hug.
Tony smiled and replied something to Peter as he ruffled the boys hair and he also pulled out a letter envelope and held it out for Peter.
“The others are on their way, they should be here in a few minutes to have cake and celebrate since they couldn't do that yesterday.” Tony started and Peter ducked his head with an embarrassed blush. “But for now, why don't you open up the card and see what I got you?” he suggested. Peter just looked at the envelope and smiled.
“Wow, you really didn't have to get me anything, the cake and decorations and the fact you remembered my birthday is enough Mr. Stark.” Peter told Tony as he started to carefully open the envelope with an appreciative smile on his face.
“Nonsense, you deserve the world kid.” he ruffled Peter’s hair again. “Now I really struggled with what to get you but the little stunt that delayed plans yesterday gave me some time to think and...” Tony watched Peter’s face looking for a reaction. “Something wrong?”
“Holy shit.” was all Peter said, reading the papers that were inside the envelope. “What the- Ned’s not gonna believe this.”
“So is it good?” Tony asked, his brain processing a hundred thought a second on whether he liked it or not.
“Mr. Stark.” Peter hesitantly said.
“Yes Mr. Parker.”
“Did you actually give me joint ownership of Area 51?” he asked staring at Tony.
“Um yes.”
“Holy shit, this is the best day of my life wow thank you so much Mr. Stark, this is awesome because now I don't have to wait until September to storm it and I can basically go there without being shot and oh my god, Ned’s not gonna believe this- wait.” Peter stopped his rambling. “How did you do this?”
“Peter, you do know that I own Area 51, right?”
“Not anymore!” Peter said laughing and running off with the paper to go get his phone from his backpack that sits in the lab.
“That, definitely didn't go to plan.” Tony said with a laugh, shaking his head.
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deadpooly · 5 years
2019 Iron Man Bingo Masterlist
My 2019 @iron-man-bingo fills!
1. MIT Era: “Tony! I swear to any god out there if you do that I will kick your annoying ass out into the outer rings of Saturn!” people out in the hall could hear a pissed off James Rupert Rhodes once again yelling at Tony Stark. Probably saving the kid’s life from what it sounds like. But they didn’t know that Tony was hovering his finger over a switch that would set off his newest project on magnetic fields, and most likely cause a problem.
2. “This didn’t go as planned!”: Tony tries to plan a birthday party for Peter, but Pete forgets and isn't even in the country to celebrate it.
3. Truth Serum: During a mission debrief Tony finds out Peter was hit some truth serum and it comes to light in a rather embarrassing way. Then they find out that the only way they can get rid of the curse is to expose you deepest honest secret to someone out loud. Tony is there to support Peter, and Peter doesn’t exactly know his deepest secret. When Peter finds it, it turns out it’s not even true.
4. IronHawk: 4 times Tony and Clint kissed each other as a joke and the one time it was definitely a real kiss.
5. “It was the clown!“ Tony was many things, but gullible was not one of them. He shouldn’t have been scared or startled. Especially after hearing the trademark giggles of Peter Parker and Shuri. But honestly what was he supposed to expect? Those two are like mystery boxes filled with gummy worms rolling around in actual mud.
So it wasn’t really his fault that this happened, and according to the two teens, it was their fault either. It was the clown. Yeah okay, whatever. Blame the clown.
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deadpooly · 5 years
Iron Man Bingo 2019
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Word count: 1222
Tony was many things, but gullible was not one of them. He shouldn't have been scared or startled. Especially after hearing the trademark giggles of Peter Parker and Shuri. But honestly what was he supposed to expect? Those two are like mystery boxes filled with gummy worms rolling around in actual mud.
So it wasn't really his fault that this happened, and according to the two teens, it was their fault either. It was the clown. Yeah okay, whatever. Blame the clown.
In hindsight, it was mostly Shuri. It was her idea to hire the clown, somehow break it into the tower and have it act like a statue that magically moved to scare the living shit out of Tony. Peter was there to laugh at Tony and record it so that's the part he played.
It started when Tony was slowly walking into the  kitchen like a zombie to get coffee because it was like 5 in the morning and he saw the clown standing in the corner. The clown didn't move it just stood there. 
“What the hell?” Tony grumbled as he turned around to the kitchen counter to finish getting coffee. He was probably hallucinating. Scratch that. He was definitely hallucinating, probably from lack of sleep, and lack of coffee. When he turned around the clown was sitting at the table and what the hell, why is a statue clown switching places and in the tower in the first place? “Yep, not awake enough to deal with this.” Tony said as he turned around and started walking towards the stairs to go up to his lab.
As he was leaving he didn't hear the small quiet snickers coming from the vents, nor did he see the clown moving to his next move.
Tony was gradually coming to life while walking up the set of stairs to get to his lab and once he got there he was awake enough to put in the lab code and navigate his way through his tech to get to his main job so that was good.
Except once he got there the clown was sitting crossed legged on the floor by the vent and the air coming through the vent was blowing his big rainbow afro. He had jean overalls and thos big stupid clown shoes and a red striped long sleeve under his overalls. Of course there was also the trademark happy clown make up on his face. Tony did a double take and just stared at the clown. What. The. Fuck. Why is there a clown there and wasn't it just in the kitchen?
At this point Tony ignored it and moved on, assuming it was a hallucination and he was going nuts or something.
Tony kept being startled whenever the clown was. He would run into it and let out a rather loud squeak, because now it was freaky. Why was he still hallucinating a clown. Also, every once and a while he will hallucinate the sound of very familiar giggling that belonged to only two people, but apparently this wasn't enough evidence for him to believe he wasn't hallucinating. Because this shit was just crazy. It happened all day, it was in the kitchen, living room, his lab, literally everywhere he was going to be. He was just lucky that Rhodey or Pepper wasn't there to make fun of him for not sleeping enough and saying “oh we told you so” in his face. However that didn't stop Peter from coming in at about 4 in the afternoon. 
“Hey Mr. Stark!” the boy excitedly greeted when entering the lab. “Anything exciting happen today?”
Of course Peter couldn't see the clown. Tony was finally going crazy. Or maybe he installed a clown statue into each room? He was so confused right now and had no idea what was going on.
“Nothing really, just the same old things. Except maybe I didn't sleep enough last night.” he said but started grumbling towards the end.
They were in his lab and Peter came in and set his suit on the table and went over to the book shelf to pull out his binder of blueprints. Tony had holograms set up around him and he was looking at some of his plans for the Spider-Man suit. Peter was smiling wide and really bubbly today so that was nice. Must have been a good day at school. And the clown was standing against the wall by the bookshelf. So there was no way Peter could see it if he didn't react to it. 
Tony was using all of his will power not to react to the clown in front of Peter, because that would not set a good example and it would be very embarrassing.
“Wait, isn't it a Saturday? Why have you not been here all day?” Tony asked Peter, who’s face went blank for a second before he answered.
“Spider-Man stuff and I had to clean my room.” was what Peter said before he turned away. But as Peter turned away he didn't notice the clown walking up behind him.
So he was looking at holograms when he heard a very loud, unsettling shout that scared the shit out of him. This also made him drop the coffee he was holding and let out a very loud curse.
“What the hell!” he shouted loudly and when he turned around the clown was standing behind him and very much in his space. Tony backed away and turned around to see Peter laughing his ass off.
“Oh my God.” the boy was on the floor pounding a fist into the concrete as he laughed. “You should have seen your face!” he pointed and him. It was at this second he could hear laughing in the vents and the vent screen opened and Shuri crawled out and fell on the floor beside Peter. Except, she was holding a camera. The third thing he saw was the clown shut down like it was some kind of robot.
“This is priceless!” Shuri said, she was still screaming with laughter beside Peter. 
Tony was still wondering if the clown was real, why Shuri is here and is it a Saturday, also why is Shuri holding a camera? Tony’s heart rate was still racing and he dropped into a nearby chair and let out a long suffering breath.
“Okay, what the hell is going on.” he asked still shaken.
“We,” Peter started but he broke out in laughs again. “Built a clown and,” the boy couldn't handle himself and took a deep breath so he could talk.
“That was amazing.” Shuri said beside him. “We built a robot clown and made him follow you around all day.” she was still giggling but she was sitting up on the floor now.
“Okay why?” Tony was still shocked and his head was resting in his hands.
“Because we thought it would be hilarious to watch a clown follow you around all day and see how you would react.” Peter said and he settled down.
“Okay but now I cant trust you guys anymore.” he said, jokingly of course because he is not a poor sport.
“What! But it wasn't me, it was Shuri’s idea!” Peter whined was starting to laugh again.
“Hey! It wasn't me! It was the clown!” 
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deadpooly · 5 years
2019 Iron Man Bingo!
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“Tony! I swear to any god out there if you do that I will kick your annoying ass out into the outer rings of Saturn!” people out in the hall could hear a pissed off James Rupert Rhodes once again yelling at Tony Stark. Probably saving the kid’s life from what it sounds like. But they didn't know that Tony was hovering his finger over a switch that would set off his newest project on magnetic fields, and most likely cause a problem.
He has been working on it for a month or so with Rhodey and they have been studying the strength of different magnetic fields.
“Not gonna lie, that sounds fun.” Tony said dropping his hand by his side “but,” he continued. “This might give off a strong enough field that we can get some results. The estimated Tesla count is pretty high for a fun garage band project. Hey Rhodey-bear?” Tony looked at some papers flipping through and resting his hand on the switch.
“What? Tony no! This room isn't big or secure enough for that!” Rhodey said rushing towards Tony and maneuvering around tables and other projects.
“Come on Rhodey, results!” he replied and inched his hand right as Rhodey reached him and shoved him away from the machine.
“It’s not secure!” Rhodey scolded Tony, who pulled himself from Rhodey’s grip and started walking back to the machine. This is a really small lab that we have to share with other people and we can't have you blowing stu- TONY!” Rhodey yelled as Tony pushed the switch and nothing happened. 
“What? It should have given off at least a-”
A loud crackled interrupted Rhodey and the machine that was in the chamber had an unhealthy amount of purple energy erupt from it.
A small forceful explosion set off in the lab, it wasn't very collateral but it was loud. Multiple metal projects fell off their stands, from being affected from the contained magnetic pulse. Also, the machine was totally demolished and there were small sparks of purple energy calming down.
“Yess!” Tony laughed as he brushed himself off, he ran over to a computer and a couple devices. He started mumbling numbers and writing things down.
Rhodey straightened up and marched straight over to Tony slapping him over the back of the head, satisfied with the small thump it made. Tony just flinched and rubbed the back of his head.
“What was that for?”
“Are you an idiot?” Rhodey yelled at Tony who just shrugged his shoulders.
“I mean maybe-” Tony just started mumbling going off track.
“Someone could have gotten hurt! Look at the projects you destroyed!” he continued to scold Tony who was scratching the back of his head. “Come on man, you broke Connor’s thing he was working on.” he groaned in sympathy for the guy. Tony once again just ignored that.
“We are going to be in deep shit! I don't know how you are not kicked out of this school yet. With all of these dumbass dipshittery things you pull!” Tony just waved him off, grabbing a random rag and wiping off some dust on a random part.
“I don't know either? Like i'm obviously trying to get out of this school.” Tony said sarcastically. “The pulse also hit 1,200 Teslas by the way.” he finished turning back to his desk with a smug smile on his face.
“Wait what?” Rhodey stopped.
“I guess that's cool?”
“It reached about 500 more than we originally expected! That's something good we can report.” Tony said.
“Yeah, if we get to report at all.” Rhodey said as the door opened behind him.
“Now, I wouldn't suppose that either of you would tell me what happened here.” a deep male voice asked from behind the two. “Heard a big commotion in here, i'm not surprised that you are involved Mr. Stark.” he finished, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor.
“Um, sorry?” Tony said scratching the back of his head. Rhodey just looked at him slapped him in the arm and gave a deep frustrated sigh.
“Sorry, Mr. Durran.” Rhodey said stepping forward. “We were working on our project when it went off, the eruption was contained and none of us were injured.” he immediately told the professor.
“I see.” the professor analyzed the room with a brow raised. “And the unfortunate projects you have damaged?” Tony snorted and leaned back on the table, his arms holding him up from behind.
“Those were damaged before I had anything to do with them.” he joked with an eye roll and ignored his professors unamused look.
“Well, I hope you intend on apologizing to whoever's projects you have broken, they will also be given an extension,” Mr. Durran told the two students and Tony mumbled a “whatever” and started scratching at his wrist. “Well, clean up I guess. Accidents happen and I believe your little stunt did achieve something at least, this room better be impeccable before you leave.” and the teacher went to his desk, grabbed a few papers and left.
“Oh man, you are so lucky we didn't get suspended or anything, otherwise I would have murdered you.” Rhodey turned to Tony and held his hands up mimicking a strangling motion.
“Relax Honeybear, he’s a cool guy and all we did was science.” Tony grinned and went back to checking numbers on a screen. “You need to kick back, don't be so uptight.”
“My uptight-ness is what saves your dumbass a lot so you need it.” Rhodey replied and Tony just called him a “buzzkill” in return.
After that they stayed in the room setting “damaged” projects back on tables and just making things look nice, “They aren't even damaged it just a small magnetic pulse on them it did nothing but knock it off the table” Tony defended to Rhodey. Since the small explosion happened in a chamber nothing was really damaged, it was just a dampened magnetic force. They cleaned some tables and everything looked as if nothing touched it.
It didn't take long to clean everything up and do some small fixes on the machine. Tony doing something stupid is almost an everyday occurrence and this wasn't much of a difference from other times. 
“Well technically, we didn't touch anything.” Tony told Rhodey later when they left the room.
“Tony, one of these days you're gonna pay for all the shit you pull.” laughed as they made their way to their next classes. “If I wasn't there Mr. Durran totally would have given you something I know you wouldn't have enjoyed listening to.”
“I wouldn't have enjoyed it because I would have to listen to it,” Tony shoved Rhodey. “You know listening isn't my style.”
“Can't argue with that, besides, you are like the only person with a sense of style in the school.” Rhodey sarcastically said returning Tony’s shove, but Tony bumped into the wall this time.
“Come on, you can't diss my band shirts and jeans with the occasional long sleeve! It’s a classic look platypus!” Tony defended as they rounded a corner and continued walking to their class.
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