#is it hilarious? probably
outalongtheedges · 9 months
Tell me why I bought top gun the novel and they call my babygirl Maverick EVAN MITCHELL???
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On the back however, he’s Pete again
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idkaguyorsomething · 5 months
“apollo wrote the hamilton musical in pjo” “hermes wrote the hamilton musical in pjo” you fools. ¿have you forgotten who the greek god of theatre is?
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kokodrawings · 8 months
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Artober day 3!
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iwoulddieforienzo · 6 months
Personally I think percabeth is at its best when Grover is in it. I don’t necessarily mean in a polycule way I just think it’s great when he’s around
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introvertedx10 · 9 months
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And a barrel of cheese poofs that you have to roll to your car
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egophiliac · 8 months
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now that I can think semi-coherently again...whooooo's ready for Friday WEEHOO
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the-witchhunter · 10 months
DP x DC: Wait... this isn’t a gay bar??
I was just thinking about Danny as a bartender at a rogues bar and then it struck me...
Danny thinks he works at a gay bar
Why? Well, have you looked at the clients? Bisexual queen Harley Quinn, lesbian icon Poison Ivy, Two Face is clearly bi(two)sexual and has a thing with Bruce Wayne, Scarecrow is probably ace or maybe aro, Riddler is at the very least homo romantic, hell, even if Red hood comes by he’s bi/pan AND poly
What I’m saying is, based off the clientele, Danny would think he works at a gay bar 
and based on the evidence they have a hard time disagreeing with him
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lotus-pear · 11 months
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lore accurate chuuya canonically drives a 2006 sparkly barbie motorcycle
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puppetmaster13u · 6 days
Meme Prompt 12
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cactiaintracist · 6 months
petition to replace the burning room meme with this;
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chuchujellybean · 27 days
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Has this been done before?
Art belongs to @linkeduniverse
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adragonthatwrites · 1 month
A quick message to everyone out there who hasn't read TGCF, but is considering doing so; may I take a moment to pitch the series to you? Ahem,
An actual, canonical thing that happens in the books:
Our protagonist Xie Lian is on the run from a bunch of angry priests and monks. Said priests and monks are after him because his Ghost Boyfriend beat them all up in the past, and they've come to take advantage of the fact that this Ghost Boyfriend is stuck in the form of a child for reasons to get revenge.
At some point, they get cornered in a clothing store, and are about to get caught. Xie Lian's solution to the problem? Put on a dress, hide behind a curtain, and then scream really loudly while clutching at his skirts when the monks pull it to the side. The monks sputter at having peaked on a lady changing, and quickly close the curtain while apologizing profusely. As they're distracted, Xie Lian grabs his boyfriend turned child and books it out the back, getting confused for a mother and her child at least once.
I'm not joking, I'm not exaggerating, this actually happens in the book. A straight up Looney Tunes skit, starring Xie Lian as Bugs Bunny, happens in the book.
Thank you for listening to my pitch, have a lovely day!
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gayforcarstairsgirls · 11 months
destiel are on strike i get my news from sword grandma now
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aroaceleovaldez · 10 months
one of my favorite Percy headcanons is that even after he no longer has the Curse of Achilles, the small of his back is still his Achilles' Heel. It won't kill him but it's still his weakest point.
Like, he hates if anybody even brushes against there unless it's Annabeth because it's too sensitive and it basically physically hurts him. He has to be the little spoon Always because it makes him feel like his back is protected. If anyone hits him in the small of his back even without a lot of force, like a friendly slap on the back, he will crumple like wet paper. His friends poke him in the small of his back just cause every time he will immediately stumble and start complaining at them and they find it funny. If someone actually smacks him in the back with any amount of real force he will be on the ground immediately and stay there. If he gets actually scratched there he will be bedridden for days. The curse may be gone but he will always carry it with him.
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egophiliac · 3 months
What do we think, will we get Briar Valley Event somewhere in the future? And WILL WE SEE PRESENT PEEPAW ZIGVOLT? I wonder what Sebek meant that he looks older and I really wanna see Lilia and his relationship after retirement. What do you think?
god I hope so, I desperately want to see Briar Valley and whatever family member they throw at us. and if it's Baul I hope he's the exact same sprite but with, like, a mustache crudely pasted on. that's how he looks in my head and in my heart.
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my entire KINGDOM to see one or both of Sebek's parents though, they are the best characters in all of Twst and they haven't shown up even once. 😭 though I think I might prefer his dad, because 1) show me the noodley dentistman, and 2) Mrs. Z is such a mythical figure in my mind at this point that reality could never compare (w-what if she gets a canon design and she isn't a hundred feet tall and could crack the earth by flexing her thighs, how could I go on) (jk jk she's so great that I would love her no matter what) (but also...)
of course based on past Twst events if they go to Briar Valley it's just going to go basically like this:
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onesidedradiostatic · 3 months
Imagine the Hotel crew breaks into the V Tower to foil the Vees' plans and they grab a contract they think is Angel's but it's actually some random VoxTek employee that they free and this dude's now at the hotel with them like "it was awful. he made me clean his Alastor shrine every day and I mean that thing is HUGE. And he made me sing an Alastor version of My Heart Will Go On every morning before work. I had to dress up as the radio demon when I cleaned the shrine." Immediate silence. Entire hotel room stares at Alastor. Alastor's eye is twitching, the radio static is getting louder and he looks like he just malfunctioned.
LMAOOOOOO THIS IS SO FUNNY. this guy joins the main cast
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and he has a song number about his mistreatment from vox and how much he had to deal with his WEIRD alastor fixation. the deep cleaning of his body pillow. the radio demon cosplay he had to put on on some days. he's so traumatised by all of vox's weird alastor shit the very sight of alastor in the flesh causes him to spiral. it was a very emotional song number. it ends with alastor blank staring at him and then saying "what" with charlie sobbing in the background.
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