#it never did well before so i doubt it would suddenly do well now haha
nouearth · 9 months
blue current.
clark kent x male reader headcanons.
warnings: fluff, co-workers at the daily planet, maws!clark, soft!clark, intern!reader.
a/n: it's been a hot minute since i've written anything! i feel so bad because i've been swamped with school, so hopefully this will hold you guys over until i post my next fic! it's not much, but i've been feeling fluffy as of recent, and clark is the perfect candidate, HAHA. idk, i've been feeing low-key creatively stuck for writing, so hopefully this well get me out of the slump!
gif credits to: fukutomichi!
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—clark was smitten from the moment he first laid eyes on you.
—it had only been the fourth month into his internship, but it was no secret that the higher-ups, and even his colleagues, have been impressed by clark's rapid growth.
—it was enough to ensure their trust in clark to train the new intern as the lead journalist had taken a month off for vacation. while he had his doubts if he would do a good job, clark always loved challenging himself.
—his mother had always reminded him: one who feared failure will never achieve greatness.
—sure, you weren't being mentored by the best journalist in the city. though, you had to admit that you felt defeated since miss lane was the only reason why you chose the daily planet over other internships.
—but bitterness turned to throat-drying, cheek-flushing, and hand-flexing sweetness when you came in your first day and met the man who would be training you.
—for clark, it was the drowsiness in your gaze that suddenly brightened when he met your eyes. if he could have seen his own face, clark would reckon that his eyes lit up the same way yours did upon meeting you for the first time.
—he's so... handsome. maybe training him wouldn't be so bad after all...
—his blue eyes sucked you in like heavy ocean current, but instead of fighting back the pull like any sane person would, you allowed him to drown you in the gorgeous wash his gaze doted on you with.
—god, are you toying with me right now? have you finally come around to my reckless behavior back in high school? i knew you always would!
—it began with a handshake. when clark's large hand cupped into yours, a current of sparks flickered from the bone of your knuckles to his own, and you both released with a gasp.
—"sorry! it must be my vest or something—has a lot of... cotton, i think—" clark assured with a laugh, but cursed his lame excuse in between breaths.
—"no, you're fine! i guess your sweater vest knew i was half-asleep, huh?" you laughed with him, and almost as if it was choreographed, you reached back to rub at your nape when he does, and the discomfort left the collective laughter in a fleeting dance.
—"well, lucky for you, our first stop is the break room! i'll show you how to make a poor man's mocha if you get sick of the coffee here!"
—from then on, you two had quickly become close friends.
—where clark would teach you more hacks to spice up an ordinary roast of coffee, you would return the favor by surprising him on random days with lunch that you prepared the night before.
—on nights where you were too tired to function, you simply settled for sandwiches and prepared an extra meal for clark.
—whether he claimed he forgot his lunch, or was too busy to even take a glance at his lunchbox; eating lunch had become a rarity for him.
—unless it was with you.
—even before opening the brown paper bag, clark knew it was going to be delicious.
—you always remembered what ingredients he liked and disliked since the first time you had lunch with him.
—clark smiled to himself as he ate the meal you didn't have to prepare for him in big bites.
—and then laughed when you watched in amazement and mirrored him like a parrot with messy bites.
—somehow, the thought of cared for was more filling than the actual meal.
—in moments where clark suddenly felt guilt for liking you as more than a friend, he sat silently, staring blankly ahead, with the tissue crumpled in his hands.
—and you sat beside him on the bench, compelled by his silence, while the birds watched from their home of oak and birch.
—it had been happening more frequently: clark's sudden mood shift. no matter how much he tried to deny it, how much he attempted to pacify your silent worries with his handsome smile, it was clear that something was bothering him.
—at first, you tried to break him with a joke.
—"geez, was my sandwich that bad?! i guess i shouldn't have used that expired mustard..."
—you've studied clark enough to anticipate a half-hearted chuckle from him; weak, but still had the intention to please. to masquerade his thoughts.
—instead, the birds chirped in his absence, and your frown only deepened as clark maintained a fixed gaze to the pavement.
—"clark?" you nudged him once on the arm, and he immediately dropped his head in between his legs with a heavy sigh.
—"what's wrong?"
—"there'ssomethingigottatellyou..." he muttered into the crook of his elbow, and your brows knitted together in worry, despite your amusement at the fact that he was behaving similarly to a puppy throwing a tantrum.
—"huh? didn't quite catch that when your mouth is full of linen." you gently nudged him once more to vacant the space between his legs, then another with a gentler squeeze to his arm when he doesn't.
—"clark, come on. talk to me." you squeezed harder to the sound of his groans. "people are staring—"
—then another squeeze.
—"there's something..."
—and another.
—"i gotta tell you..."
—and before you could alert him once more, clark returned the pressure into your own palm when he suddenly took your hand into his, and held it as if it was a pirate's lost treasure.
—the warmth of your skin compelled him to sit back up, but he refused to look at you. instead, he gazed every perimeter that didn't involve your eyes.
—the birds again, the sky, the trees, anything to drown out the sight of potential rejection.
—but how you wished he would turn to you right now, because you smiled. wide enough to sting the apple of your cheeks, and as much as you wanted to yell out his name for him to do so, you wanted to let clark do it for himself.
—to take upon the challenge of potentially meeting failure or success.
—heat crept onto his cheeks as he stared at a couple who were charmed by chubby ducks floating on the nearby lake. for a brief moment, he could see you two walking hand-in-hand, while the other free hand threw feed at the eager ducks.
—he was lost in his imagination. a blink turned into a dream, and a dream turned into a desperate paradise.
—it wasn't until the trail of your hand that looped your fingers into his, tightly sharing the warmth of anxiousness with a sticky clamp, that clark opened his eyes again and finally turned to you.
—wet eyes and shaking blues, they told a story that you didn't need to read into.
—silence filled the space between the two of you, then groaned in annoyance when you scooted closer until your knee was pressed to clark's. you folded his hand into yours, still clutching onto him tightly, and laid the joined affection on your lap.
—"i like you too, smallville." your thumb ran several laps over his knuckles to calm the tremors clark had possessed.
—he watched, open-mouthed as if he was about to respond, but the shock trapped the remainder of his words within his throat.
—you lounged back and squinted at the radiance of the sun, the brights of the sky.
—the sunlight faded into the background as the beauty of your best friend came into frame once again. he absorbed all the color and light of the world until your focus was on him.
—"i really like you."
—the sigh on his lips told a different tale compared to the previous exhales. it curled his lips upwards and finally pacified the shakes that had been bothering clark for months.
—when he pressed his palm back into yours, folding his fingers over your own, you braced for impact as you felt the electrical current from the first day you met him return in stronger pulses. it nipped at your skin, then at clark's, in its desperate escape.
—but clark held tighter, as did you, until the shockwaves melted in his skin, into his veins, then into his blood, and became one with the victorious cheer of his heart.
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© nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. and if you like this story, please reblog and leave a like! feedback is also much appreciated!
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speedycoffeedelight · 3 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery:Where you meet your new neighbour and a new friend
CH-9: A new neighbour and a explosive friend
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The man's full body slowly came into your sight. He was wearing a hunting outfit containing breeches, high boots and a white shirt with black harnesses on top. With the rifle in hand, the black haired man stared up at you in confusion.
He thought that there wasn't anyone living nearby. At least that's what he heard. But now to see a young girl with the deer that escaped him behind her...that isn't something he expected. Did the deer not fear that girl? And what's with all these animals surrounding her?
"Hey there girlie! Fancy meeting someone like you here!" He shouted out while slowly walking closer to you. You flinched a bit hearing his shout suddenly but quickly composed yourself.
"Are you a hunter? Did you shoot this deer?" You asked still in defensive mode.
"Wow,no hi or hello? Haha, yes I am...if you couldn't tell by all of these" he gestured at himself. You now felt dumb for asking that question.
"And to answer your second question, yes I did shoot this deer. I never expected him to dodge it though... I usually never miss my targets" he said looking at the deer with an unusual glint in his eyes. But it quickly faded away as soon as it came.
"Though what's the deal with you girlie?
What's with all these animals around you? If I didn't know any better, I would think I'm facing a modern day Disney princess right now" he said teasingly while eyeing each and every animals around you. The snake surprised him the most. How could a sweet looking girl like you walk around with a venomous snake on her neck.
"They uh..they all live with me!" You didn't know exactly what to say about them. "And you hurt the deer" you said with anger in your voice. You now had to sew that poor deer's cuts again. You were grateful at least that it wasn't deep.
"Oh so they are your pets huh? I see.. Anyways, names Jake, William Jake. It's a pleasure to meet you..?" Jake said extending his hand. Both Husk and Alastor were furious with that statement. They refused to be anyone's pet.
"It's (Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n). " You said slowly shaking his hand. "And they aren't my pets. They are my... friends! Animal friends!" You quickly chimed in. Friends seemed like a better word than pets with this group.
"Say do you live there missy?" He said pointing to the cabin behind you. "I thought people didn't really live around here"
"Yes, I do. I actually bought this cabin a few days ago" you said sheepishly. "Well, I'll be! looks like you're my neighbour then. I live just a few minutes away from here!" He said while laughing.
"You're my neighbour..?" You didn't really know how to feel about this. You came here for peace and quiet. And now having this hunter as your new neighbour might mean destruction of that. You didn't want to hear random gunshots throughout the day.
"Looks like it! And I'm sorry for hurting your precious deer. I didn't know that thing had any friends. Maybe you should put a collar on your 'friends' so people know-"
Before Jake could finish his sentence, you saw the deer move up behind him. You quickly pushed him out of the way as you grabbed the antlers that was meant to swing up.
"No. I'm not letting you hurt a person on my watch" you said while gritting your teeth as you pushed to keep the deer's head lower. You could feel it's raw strength overpowering you. But you still held your ground and clenched your muscles. Your hand was hurting from how strongly you were holding the antlers. Without a doubt it was bruised by now.
Jake inwardly whistled in his mind as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. He made a wrong calculation. This sweet looking girl was actually strong as hell. Just looking at her pushing the ground with her clenched legs as she held onto that deer's antlers told a lot. With her dress's skirt swaying in the air, he could get a view of her thigh's muscles too.
"Now go to the cabin and rest. I'll come to sew you up soon, got it?" You chewed out last bits of your words. You and the deer stared at each others eyes for a few more moments. Then suddenly the deer pulled his head up overpowering you, causing you fall on your back with a thud.
Or you would fall on your back if it wasn't for a pair of muscular arms that caught you. "You alright there girlie?" Jake's blue eyes bore into yours as his hands gripped your back tighter. Embarrassment flowed through your veins as you quickly pulled yourself up.
"Y-yes, I'm alright, I'm sorry for that" you said while dusting your dress. "Guess that deer has it out for me huh? Can't blame him though. Thanks for saving me back there" he said glancing at your form. "Ah don't worry about it. I didn't think it would take it this far..." You said meekly.
"I think I should go patch up the deer right now. It's probably angry cause of it's wound" you wanted to end this conversation as quickly as possible. For some reason he gave you the heebie-jeebies. Though you couldn't explain why.
"Ah yes of course. Mind if I get your number neighbour? So we can keep in contact?" He said with a smile.
You quickly told him your number so you could get out of this. "Well then, I'll stop by soon with some treats next time, okay girlie? Stay safe now!" He said waving at you while going back in the forest.
"Yeah...you too.." you said while waving back. "God that was a mess..." You said as he went back to the forest. Meanwhile the whole thing happened so fast, the other animals could hardly comprehend it. It felt like they slowly came to their senses.
'That fucker...' Husk mumbled under his breath. He was glad you didn't call them your pets or put a collar on them. He already has enough of that from a certain someone.
"C'mon, let's go home.." you said shakily as you started to walk back. You looked at your hand to see it was bruised with black spots and some dried blood on it. You grimerced at the sight. That's gonna cause some problems.
When you got close to your cabin, Suddenly something fell and burst on your head. "Ouch! What the hell-" you couldn't even finish your sentence as more of these fell on your body. "Ouch, hey stop it!" You yelled out trying to get away.
The snake hissed from your neck as the moth flew over to the tree which you were being attacked from. Crouching down, you picked up the thing you were attacked with. It was a nut. A freaking nut. It was broken just enough on the outside so it'll brust when it hits something.
Vaggie flew up to find the culprit. It was a squirrel. 'let angel go bitch!!' It yelled as it prepared a another nut to throw at you.
'Hey hey stop! Are you a demon too?' Vaggie yelled at it. The squirrel looked up at her. 'Yeah! Name's cherri! I heard some fucker shooting when I was in the forest. I came as soon as I could. Now I see my best bud stuck with this girl!' she said pointing at you and Angel who was on top of Charlie.
'Don't worry I'll rescue ya..' Cherri mumbled as she prepared another nut to throw after chewing. 'Don't! She's actually helping us!" Vaggie started to explain the situation to her as briefly as possible.
Meanwhile you were quickly walking back to the cabin, not wanting to be hit again. As you opened the door to go inside the moth came back and sat on your hair. And then suddenly a squirrel ran past you.
You let out a sequel in surprise as it headed straight to the ewe which had the spider on it.
Cherri ran straight at Angel who was trying to climb down from Charlie. 'Cherri? What're you doin here?' Angel asked as he immediately got tackled by her.
'I was trying to find you bitch! I went to that shitty hotel but it was in pieces! And when I went inside I got sent here!'
You walked to the pair and rubbed your temple in frustration.
"Not a another one..."
But first you went to the deer that was resting. With needle and thread, you sat down next to Alastor.
"You shouldn't have done that you know..?" You said softly while sewing him. You didn't get any response from it.
The deer didn't look at your face during the whole thing. After you finished sewing, you tried picking up the first aid box. You winced in pain slightly due to the bruises on you palm and let it fall again.
Alastor's ears perked up at the sound of your pained noise. He finally looked at you and your palm. Blood was trickling down. You washed your hand before sewing but now blood was coming out again.
Suddenly you heard rustling and saw the deer was standing beside you staring at your face. Then it looked down at your hand. Then before you could do anything, the deer leaned into you bloodied hand and licked it.
Your eyes widened in surprise as you watched it lick the blood off gently. You didn't understand if it was trying to say sorry or it was just enjoying your blood.
But you guessed the second from how his ears were moving and his tail was wagging in behind. You mentally sweatdropped.
Husk entered the room alongside Pentious just then. Both of them being surprised as well seeing the sight of you two.
'I'm too sober for this shit' Husk grumbled before walking away from the room. Pentious began to blush seeing you guys. He quickly slithered on top of you and started to hiss as Alastor from your neck.
'Get away from her you perverted beassst!' Alastor's eyes twitched in anger in having his fun ruined by this snake. He stopped and looked up at the snake. He desperately wanted to the bite the snake from you and throw it away. But he has caused enough trouble for you today so he held back. Besides he already got a taste.
You took back your hands that was clean of blood now. You weren't sure on how to feel about about all this. But you decided to just put some ointment on your hands first.
After bandaging your hands properly, you went to your bed to rest for a bit. Charlie joined you by jumping on your lap. Vaggie took her usual place on your head. And Niffty went to rest beside you. You smiled at the lot. Then you saw husk come as well and lay on the end of the bed turning his head away.
It pleasently surprised you since the cat didn't usually hang around you unless it was time for eating. He was probably warming up to you finally. You smiled as you held the ewe close.
'Hey Vaggie..? I have something to tell you..'Charlie said with uneasiness in her voice.
'Yes Hun? What do you want to say?'
Charlie took a deep breath. Then she started to tell the thing that was bothering her for a while. 'I..I may have feelings for (Y/N).. It's not like my love for you is gone! I still love you lots but I just feel like I have a crush on her and I-'
'Shush, I know what you're talking about. I feel the same way' Vaggie said with a smile.
'You do? You feel the same way? You're not mad at me??' Charlie said with anticipation. 'No, I get where you're coming from and I would have brought it up if you didn't. I'm not mad at you Charlie. '
'Oh thank Lucifer! So we both like her right?' Charlie said excitedly. 'Mm-hmm' Vaggie nodded.
Suddenly both your ewe and moth began to grow in bright golden colour, startling you. Niffty who was already asleep. She jumped off from the bed in shock and Husk's fur stood up as he started hissing.
All the other animals noticed the bright light and rushed to your room. The light went out just in a second and your ewe and moth were gone with something or someone replacing them.
Embarrassingly enough, the first thing that went through your mind was,
'Why am I stuck between two hot girls?'
Master list
A.N:NGL, I didn't like how the beginning turned out so I stretched out this chapter to leave some good stuff.
So we got our first humans!! How're you all feeling?? Also Jake looks like a mix between rei from buddy daddies and aizawa from bnha in case any of guys wanted to picture him visually<( ̄︶ ̄)>
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asumofwords · 9 months
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on. Blood, grief, stabbing, death, PTSD.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Hello my babies! Well..... I know a lot of you prayed that the last chapter was a dream... It wasn't. And apologies for that haha. But we aren't finished just yet, we have 5 chapters to go!!!! I hope this satiates your little desires. Enjoy <3
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Chapter 105: A Crown Forged in Blood 
“When I’m Queen, we shall fly to Essos and eat as many lemon tarts, star fruit, and pies as we wish.” You had smiled at the older boy, sitting in the Gardens, hidden away from the searching eyes of the Septa.
Aemond grinned, both eyes creasing as you spoke, “When I claim a dragon, we can race there.”
“Syndor would beat you any day.”
The young Prince pouted, “We shall see if that’s true.”
“Yes, we shall.” You had said haughtily, lifting your chin higher as you tried to squeeze the smile from your face.
“When I’m Queen,” You had stood, looking down at him in mock regality, “I shall make you my knight, so that you may always be at my side to bring me lemon tarts.”
Aemond’s button nose scrunched, “Why not make me your King? Then we can make Aegon be our cup bearer.”
You snickered, “You’re right! How did I not think of that? Gods, I've been so blind, Aemy! I would have no other man by my side but you.”
The older boy blushed, looking away shyly. 
You sat down beside him again, nudging his shoulder, “What’s wrong?”
Aemond shook his head, “Nothing.”
“Don't you lie to me. It's a sin to lie. What would the Septa say? What would your Lady mother say?”
The young boy gave you a glare, to which you giggled lightly.
“You mock me.” The Prince whispered.
You frowned, “I don’t mock you, Aemy. Never you.”
“Do you think being wed to me would be a punishment from the Gods?” His voice was so small, so quiet, and your ears had strained to hear it come from his lips. 
But there it was, his ever present self doubt, lack of self worth, and constant state of anxiety. Aegon no doubt being the thorn in Aemond’s side, which continued to grow and press meanly into the wound, festering into the young boys confidence.
“Kepus,” You grabbed his small hand in yours, shaking it about between the two of you, “I think that being wed to you would be the greatest gift the Gods could ever give me. Who else makes me smile but you?”
Petrichor floated over the realm, the soft earthy smell of rain settling atop Kings Landing after the storm had finally passed, making its way further West, where it would eventually run out of its rage, and dissipate into the sky.
Your chambers smelt coppery, irony and thick, from the blood that had begun to coagulate beneath you, beside you, on you. Much like the blood that had begun to coagulate within his own body, that lay still and cold at your side. 
But the smell of rain lingered in the chambers, if only just so, as the sun slowly rose into the sky, the first glow of morning light filling the room.
Your hand continued to brush through his hair, soothing his silken strands whilst your palm cupped his cheek with each movement. Admiring his beauty, committing his image to your memory forever more.
His eye was now closed. For you had brushed it shut with shaking fingertips, and pressed another kiss to his lips. Just as the prophecy had said.
Another eye will close. 
And it had.
The tears on your cheeks had dried, and your sobbing had ceased.
The ache that had once settled deep within your chest had gone cold, and now a subtle numbness spread through your limbs, up your arms, all the way down to your toes. 
Shifting amongst the sheets, you looked down at the man you loved, the chemise against you cold and sticky with his blood, clinging to each and every curve of your body. Your love's blood. 
The man you had killed for. 
The man who had killed for you. 
And the man, you ultimately killed with your own hands.
His face was soft, and he looked at peace. Finally at rest.
No more sneers, or scowls, or frowns. No more anxiety, or worry, or anger.
Just him.
Your Aemond.
Sister, A voice whispered in the low light of the chambers.
Your head moved slowly, sluggishly, as though your body had been frozen in ice, or as though you were moving through thick layers of snow in winter. Winter had finally come for you.
At the side of the bed, stood the young boy who had been taken first. The first loss in the sea of losses. The first life to have been taken in this war. The first person to pierce all who had been close with grief.
His dark brown curls were dry atop his head, cow-like eyes blinking at you gently, long lashes fluttering against his cheeks, and atop his lips was a small and sad smile. His robes were no longer wet as they had been during the night, and his cheeks held the soft rosy blush that they used to.
It’s time, Lucerys spoke again.
You blinked.
Three times.
It’s time.
With one last glance at Aemond, lips pressed against the cold of his forehead, you slowly stood from the bed. Joints aching and sore, but only just. The chemise stuck to your flesh, and the coldness of your hair that had settled in his blood sent shivers down your spine.
But it was time. 
And you had been waiting for this moment since you first arrived.
Every move you had made had come to this, every piece of the board you had meticulously placed had finally fallen to where it had needed to be. Every hour of suffering, of agony, of isolation, was so that this moment could come to fruition. From the moment you had stepped back into the Red Keep with Aemond, the pieces had been moving.
As you started to walk across the chambers, almost in a dream like state, you turned one last time, in the hopes that you would see his chest rise and fall, the colour come back to his cheeks and the violet of his eye open to look at you. 
Hoping to see him sit up in the bed, sheets tucked around his waist as he looked at you in disappointment, for him to chastise you, mock you, call you to him. To give you a lecture, tell you were a fool, tell you that he forgave you.
To have him hold you, and kiss you, and feel him against your skin. To plan a future together, more children, and convince him, truly convince him to flee with you. To leave Kings Landing and start anew, somewhere far away.
To say, 'See? This is what would have happened. Now we know what we must do. Now you can see I was right. Now we can leave, be together.'
But he didn’t, and he was still, and he would be still forever more. 
The glinting of the blade on the bed caught your eye, and so with fingers dried with his blood, you picked up the Valyrian steel and gold dagger, red on its blade and hilt, splashed against the emerald stone of one dragon. You spun, taking slow steps across the chambers towards you brother.
Lucerys turned his head, looking to the table.
And there it was.
The Conquerors Crown. 
Sitting where it had been placed the night before, in wait for Aemond to rise that morning with the sun and place it atop his head. But the Targaryen man would not rise that morning, nor would he rise ever again to place that crown atop his head, or rise to place a kiss against your lips. 
Nor would he rise to see the suns gentle warmth or feel its rays. Nor would he reach out and grasp it with his long fingers. Nor your hands, not your face, nor your body, or his goblets of wine. Not his tomes that he loved reading, or his quill that he spent countless hours writing with, nor the reins of his dragon he had lost an eye for.
Aemond Targaryen; a son, a brother, an uncle, a nephew, a lover, a husband, a King, was no more, and grasp, or hold, or sneer, or kiss, or smile, or breathe he would not. Never again.
The crown of Aegon the First.
Valyrian steel that had been passed down generations, its sharp edges and points curved to its peaks at the front, and smaller ones at its sides stared up at you. The ruby in the centre, a blood coloured stone, round and perfect sat at its front.
The last one left. 
No more were the others flanking its sides and around the entirety of the crown.
Were they plucked by greedy hands, or lost to falls or breaks? Or did they never truly exist in the first place?
Fingers wrapped around its rim, small smudges of blood smearing atop the steel, you turned it in your palm. It was heavier than you had remembered, the weight of the crown balanced in your hands. 
But the weight of the crown atop your head was barely felt. 
Some say, the weight of the crown can drive men to madness and cruelty, or impassivity in the face of adversity, but was it the true weight of the physical crown, or the weight of what it represented. The weight of the duty that it carried alongside. The weight of the realm at your finger tips.
But to you, the weight was both overwhelming and not there at all, and it was only when Lucerys whispered your name in your ear did you look up, catching your reflection in the mirror of the vanity at the far wall. 
The chambers were filled with an amber glow of the early morning sun, a warm orange that touched all inside, casting shadows atop the furniture and art, illuminating the ruby at the front of the crown. 
And there you stood, bare except the blood stained chemise that clung to your curves and the crown that sat atop your head, smeared in the blood of the King. Silver white locks were clumped with blood on one side, whilst a smear of red appeared across your cheek, where Aemond had held your face in his dying palm. 
But it was your eyes that truly caught your notice. Not the crown, or the blood, or the dagger that was still clutched in a loose hand by your side. It was the violet of your eyes that had seemed to darken, seemed to have dulled, in the way Aemond’s had.
It was as though you were looking at a stranger.
They’re coming, Luc whispered again behind your shoulder, head turning to look at the door.
And there, at the entrance, stood Helaena. Dressed in an apricot gown, hair pulled away from her face in the braid she wore every single day. Never changing, never evolving. She stood and watched.
Your throat felt dry as your aunt stared at you, her face void of any emotion, ghostly white and silent. Her lavender eyes were locked on you, never once straying to Lucerys or Aemond.
And she stood where you knew you had to go.
She stood where you knew you had no choice but to.
She stood in the room alongside her only niece and deceased nephew, her younger brother still, and bloodied on his bed. The last of Alicent's children to fall. The last of her brothers to meet the same fate as her.
All gone.
All lost.
Taken by the stranger.
Hand on door, you pulled at the handle, slowly sliding it open, the weight of the wood against your stained palm, bare feet pressed into the cold stones of the floor. Your heart thumped steadily in your chest as you stepped out.
You looked down the wing, eyes searching the walls and space before you. The corridor was quiet, no maid nor servant moving through your wing of the Keep as they usually would. 
The knight at your door was gone. 
He knew.
And so you left, leaving your chambers behind you, the corpse of the man you loved, bloodied and cold in your bed. Leaving it behind to do what you knew you needed to do. Like an invisible string pulled and guided you, down the corridors, down the halls, the many stairs and steps, with not a single guard present. 
Not a single knight to be seen. 
Nor Lord.
Nor Lady.
Nor maid.
Too early for the morning rush of the higher Lords, racing to their duties.
Too late for the maids and servants to not be racing about.
But none were seen.
As though the Gods had cleared you safe passage, ensuring you go undetected for as long as inhumanly possible.
They were helping you, you thought, after all you had done.
And so you kept on, toes having gone numb from the cold stones below, and all feeling in your body disappearing; like you were floating. Hovering above the stones, body as light as a feather as you moved. The feeling of being foreign in your own skin, bones not feeling at all like your own, thoughts lost to the cool morning air.
And then suddenly there you were, standing in the large chambers of the Iron Throne alone. 
You stared up at the mangled and broken swords, crafted to create a monstrous throne that would and should spark fear into any enemy in its presence. Into any man who dared to defy it.
The embodiment of the Targaryen dynasty. The legacy of fire and blood. A promise of dragons and death.
A silent tear fell from your cheek.
“Your Grace?”
You blinked, brows twitching, the hand holding the blade at your side tightened, hidden amongst the folds of the chemise that was caked with Aemond's blood.
A noise came from behind, a thumping against the stones. 
It seemed to echo in the space around you, jolting your brain with each step as it became louder and louder behind you, coming nearer and nearer. 
Closer and closer until it was right behind you, and a large hand had reached to press itself against the flesh of your shoulder, fingers curling over you gently, a position that could shoot back quickly if needed.
You slowly looked over at the hand that gripped your shoulder, nails were cut neatly back to the cuticle, and a singular gold ring upon its forefinger. 
A bee engraved in its centre. 
You followed the hand up its wrist, to its elbow, then all the way to his face. 
Larys Strong stood behind you with caution in his Strong brown eyes.
Eyebrows knitted in concern. 
He took in your appearance, eyes roaming down your bloodied body, chemise clinging to your skin, stiff backed and quiet, crown atop your messed waves of silver white hair.
“Where is the King?” He asked, voice quiet as he looked at you.
You breathed in audibly, throat rasping as you parroted him back, “The King.”
“Where is your knight?” Larys Strong’s voice became sharp, prickled, as he looked about the chambers in search of the man who had known, who had fled, who had most likely had warned others to go with him.
You shook your head, body still facing the throne, hand tightening against the blade as your knuckled creaked. Eyes unblinking as you took a shallow breath.
“I must-“ Larys began, but the words were halted in his throat.
You had spun.
Quicker than you thought you would have. 
Not unsure of what you were truly doing, but following instincts.
The instinct to survive. 
His cane fell to the floor loudly, rolling away from him, as his brows pulled down in agony.
A cough of pain bubbled from his lips, spittle laced with blood dribbling down his chin. His deep brown eyes finally dropped down, your fist pressed against his stomach, the blade of your dagger thrust deep within his gut.
He opened his mouth to cry out, but you jolted the blade upwards, using all the strength you had left, his hands gripping your shoulders painfully as you held onto one of his, keeping him on your blade.
You looked into his eyes and leant forward, whispering beside his ear, “A dragon devours the sheep and wolves whole, Lord Larys. I warned you of this. And I always keep my word.” Your voice came out smoothly, softly, as though a coin had been tossed, and the shock of Aemond’s death had fallen away like a curtain, drifting down to the stone below.
“I- you have-“ He gasped, one hand moving to grasp your wrist, to try and pry the blade from where it was nestled in his flesh, blood spreading outwards on his green and brown robes, the soft dripping of the thick, viscous liquid hitting the stones below.
“The King is dead, Larys." You pulled back to look at him, "And I am the Queen.” You yanked the blade from his gut, stepping back as you watched him stagger backwards and fall to the ground with a thump, his iron foot scraping against the floor loudly.
“You-” He coughed, blood dripping from his lips, and overflowing from his hands where he clutched desperately at his robes, “Y-ou have p-layed the ga-me well.” He praised brokenly, another pathetic cough falling from his lips, a thin string of bloodied saliva dangling from his chin.
“I have not played the game, Larys. I have won it.”
You turned away from him, and slowly made your way up the steps of the Iron Throne, Lord Larys Strong watching weakly from the stone floor where he bled heavily against the grey stones, his crimson spreading across it rapidly.
They would be fed once more.
Blood dripped from the blade with every step you made, a long trailing path following you up to where you finally stood, eye to eye with the monstrosity.
The Iron Throne.
You thought of all the blood that had been shed for this throne.
All the suffering that had been endured.
All the loss.
For, Aegon the Conqueror, who slayed each man and took their swords to create it. To Maegor the Cruel, who was destined to flood the Keep with blood from those who defied him, and the men who built it. To Viserys, your Grandsire, who let blood be spilt in his inaction. In his complacence. Incompetence.
To Aegon.
To Aemond.
And now, you.
And in that very moment, as you stood before something you had desperately craved as a child, which you had thought you would be promised, which was yours by birthright, it caused nothing but hatred and despair.
A throne which had taken so much of you. So much from you.
But when you fight for the Iron Throne, you either win, or you die. 
The Greens had declared war.
And you were still standing.
After all odds, you were still here.
You turned to face the room, looking out at the many large stone pillars, the stained glass windows, the unlit torches, and slowly sat atop the throne, looking down at Larys as he lay on his side, chest rising weakly as he blinked sluggishly up at you.
It was cold, the throne.
The sharp edges beneath your flesh poked at you threateningly, but it did not break the skin, nor tear at you chemise. A reminder of the threat of sitting atop it. Perhaps the true intentions of Aegon the First when he had the throne made. Have a throne that reminded you of the threat that was sitting atop it. A reminder of the enemies, the usurpers and turncloaks alike that would nip at your heels and back when you blinked.
The dangers of even your own self.
And yet even still, you were not cut. As if the Gods had made it so. 
And they had.
You sat and watched quietly as Ser Larys Strong, The Master of Whispers, took his last, dying breath against the stone floors of the Iron Throne chambers. You watched as his head rolled limply against the cold floor, and the hands clutched at his stomach loosened.
You let yourself smile, an angry smile, and rage filled smile, small on your lips as you looked at the corpse below you. A man who had done so much damage, who had taunted and teased you, mocked and provoked.
A man who had whispered in Alicent's other ear, whilst Otto purred in the other, pushing her to choices which started the pieces that would fall. That would start the pieces of all her children dying.
To her being alone.
The blood beneath him pooled thickly, reflecting the ceiling of the chambers like a puddle.
They were coming. 
And you would wait. 
Dagger in hand, crown atop your head, seated upon the Iron Throne, you would wait. 
And so you did, for a time, until the familiar screech of a dragons flew over the Red Keep, and the deep rumble of another crossed closely by. Shadows sweeping across windows, distant screams, men running, and the sound of dragon fire. 
But you could not pull your eyes away from the doors as you waited, not as you saw men run past the Iron Throne chambers, nor when you heard rumblings from Flea Bottom. 
You were to wait. 
And wait you did. 
As though you had gone into a dreamlike state, a meditative state, no worries, nor cares, nor thoughts within your head. No feeling but the cold numbness that creeped through your pores and crawled through your bones.
Time moved differently.
And the noises became louder.
Until there, at the far end of the room, stood a pair of silver hair and violet eyes. 
One much larger than the other, taller and broader, the other smaller and dainty, a golden crown atop her head. Their eyes were open in shock, in relief, in fear, heads snapping from Larys and then to you.
Daemon and Rhaenyra had returned to the Red Keep.
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solomons-poison · 10 months
Lucifer x reader
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: ̗̀➛ A/N: Well it only took ages but I finally have a Luci fic finished </3 I don't usually like miscommunication as a trope but I do really like the idea of there being such a big mixup about what's going on until everyone goes "ohhhhh" with a happy ending. This is very self-comforting... Anyway enjoy~
: ̗̀➛ Warnings: implied fem reader; poor/lack of communication, mutual pining, confessions, reader is a little bit dumb haha, talk of anxiety and self-doubt, angst to fluff, first kisses 💋; barely proofread, just take it
: ̗̀➛ Word count: 5158
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You never put much stock in finding the "tall, dark, and handsome" ideal in real life. Sure, there was the occasional person that somewhat fit these characteristics, but they never really caught your eye, somehow always being more generally attractive rather than truly attractive to you. But the moment your eyes landed on the Avatar of Pride, suddenly his face clicked into place in your little visual dictionary.
The demon was gorgeous, and he knew it. Long, lean body with broad shoulders and a slim waist, combined with his deep crimson eyes and dark hair streaked with gray; he was visually stunning to you, and certainly drew the eye of many an admirer wherever he went. You often found your gaze wandering to him when he was in the room, his presence alone sending your heart stuttering. It also didn't help that he knew exactly how to trip you up in other ways, the way he’d surprise you with a suggestive comment and the rumble of his deep voice making your heart pound for other reasons. He was particularly skilled in giving you the most brain-melting bedroom eyes you’d ever seen.
Besides his looks, he also knew how to act like a gentleman. You two had had your rough moments in the beginning, of course. You had quickly discovered his powerful anger and defensive nature, but you couldn't fault him for it when he was simply protecting his brothers. Once you broke through that shell, though, a loving, softer nature was apparent, one that enamored you and knew how to romance the hell out of you.
Unfortunately, that's what was tripping you up now. Ever since you'd gotten closer to Lucifer, the demon seemed to have some personal agenda out to charm you as much as possible. It started simple, giving you more compliments on your hard work than you thought necessary, paying attention to small details in your outfits, or bringing you little treats from his meetings with Diavolo. As time went on, the gifts increased in both number and value, as well as more time spent together. He would bring you more expensive or rare gifts such as perfume and limited-time baked goods from the Devildom's most popular bakeries. He began to invite you to the music room for what became weekly sessions of Demonus and a musical record, late at night when it was just the two of you. It was a rare moment where his walls came down and he openly talked with you about anything and everything, reminiscing on occasion about things his brothers would do in the Celestial Realm or passing on something funny that Diavolo had said. He even invited you to sit with him as he did his paperwork, the gentle sounds of pen scratching on paper filling the air when you couldn't think of what to say. It didn't matter that you had nothing to talk about, he assured you, he just enjoyed your company.
You couldn't begin to guess what you'd done to deserve this treatment, or how you managed to get so close to this powerful demon. Although you appreciated every gesture, it also left you nervous. It was almost inevitable that you developed feelings for Lucifer. Somewhere along the line, your respect for him and feeling of friendship had developed into deeper feelings, ones that made your chest ache and your heart beat faster when you thought of him. But you'd dealt with rejection before, and even worse, you'd been misled before, made to think someone liked you back only at your expense. Despite how close you'd gotten to Lucifer, you still couldn't tell what he was thinking sometimes, or how he felt. Perhaps he was only being nice, every gesture in good friendship simply for earning his and his brothers' trust. It also didn't help that your last relationship had ended after a long term, leaving you essentially new to the dating scene and completely out of your element. How were you supposed to move forward when you felt like you just essentially ended a marriage?
The final part that truly puzzled you was the "dates'' he would take you on. He seemed to dance around the word, always using some kind of synonym with you, which was why you were hesitant to label them as such yourself. Sometimes the “dates” were to restaurants, other times they were to the local shopping district. And when he took you out, he was always polite and the utmost gentleman, never touching you more than a guiding hand on the shoulder or upper back, pulling out your chair or pouring your drink, and conversation kept light and pleasant. Then, at the end, he always made sure to walk you to your door, thank you for indulging him, then give a satisfied smile before leaving for his own room. It was almost frustrating, trying to understand his intentions, and the last thing you wanted was to put a reason where there wasn't one, or overthink things that weren't actually happening.
But tonight, Lucifer had truly pulled out all the stops. He invited you to see a ballet in the Human World, La Bayadère, which in itself should have been a sign to you. The story was one of vengeance, justice, tragedy, but also fate and eternal love. Your doubts got the better of you, preventing you from fully absorbing the clues left around you. Perhaps if you’d thought longer on his choice of show, his true intentions would have been obvious to you, especially combined with what followed next.
Your heart almost stopped when he insisted on gifting you a fancy dress to wear to the occasion. It didn’t matter how much you complained that it was too much or that you could buy the dress on your own, the first-born wouldn’t stand for it. And for the icing on the cake, when he came to your door to fetch you, he gifted a bracelet that complemented the style and color of your dress, along with a bouquet of three roses. Although the number of roses seemed a little odd, you were too enamored by your companion’s looks to think more on the subject.
Lucifer himself was dressed in a gorgeous tuxedo, the lapels decorated with his signature peacock feathers, their rich blue and turquoise coloring setting off the redness of his irises. Another rose matching yours was placed in his breast pocket, and he'd also styled his hair a little differently, swept back out of his face. It was strange seeing him out of the usual fur-lined cloak and waistcoat, but certainly not in a bad way. You felt nervous being so dressed up, especially with someone as handsome as the demon beside you was, but a sweet smile lit up Lucifer's face as he took you all in, helping to ease your feelings a little.
As you two made your way to the ballet, finding your seats and settling in, you couldn't keep your eyes off of him, something he certainly didn't miss. To be honest, you were worried you'd be too distracted by his looks to watch the ballet. But as the show began, you thankfully got lost in the tragic yet romantic story, Lucifer leaning in occasionally to clarify parts of the story when you seemed confused, or telling you facts about the dancers themselves.
By the end, your mind was swirling, thinking of everything you'd seen and heard, reliving the evening for as long as you could. The two of you had arrived at the doorstep of the House of Lamentation faster than you would have liked, the outside lit up by the moonlight in the late hour. Neither of you could make a move to open the door beyond unlocking it, knowing the moment you did, all peace would likely be broken by the rambunctious brothers. And honestly, you didn't want to leave Lucifer's side just yet, wanted to find some reason to stay close to him like you were now, enjoy his presence and his attention a little longer. But you simply couldn't find a good excuse, at least not one that didn't make you feel needy and childish.
Little did you know that the tall demon beside you felt the same, though, his mind preparing his next words oh so carefully. For Lucifer felt the same, deep in love and trying so hard to figure out the words to make you stay by his side, to grace him with your presence for just a second longer.
He felt ridiculous sometimes, having lived for millennia yet these feelings made him feel young and inexperienced. It was embarrassing enough to have been found out by his colleagues so easily, Barbatos guessing his feelings in mere seconds when Lucifer had brought up the idea of the ballet in order to request the portal, and of course Diavolo instantly catching wind of the situation from his trusted butler.
Although he thought he was doing a good job of concealing his emotions from most others, his excitement over the date had given him away, something he never thought would happen. And now here he was, feeling the date was successful but lost on where to go from here, or better yet, how to make things progress. He hadn't spent all this time courting you the best way he knew how, just to fumble at the last second like an amateur.
Finally, Lucifer steeled his nerves and his eyes caught yours as he turned to look at you, admiring the way the moonlight lit up your features. There was a nervousness in your eyes that wasn’t there before, and it relieved him a little to know he wasn’t the only one affected by their nerves.
“Thank you for coming with me to the show, MC,” Lucifer said, a warm smile lighting up his face.
“Of course! Thank you for inviting me, it was amazing,” you gushed, a combination of nerves and excitement over the show causing you to speak faster than usual. “The story was so beautiful and sad, and I loved the music. I’m so glad we got to go.” It was impossible to keep the grin off your face, your cheeks hurting from smiling so much during the evening.
Lucifer couldn’t help but chuckle over your excitement.
“Good, I’m glad it was to your liking. That helps me decide on where some of our next outings should be. It certainly made for a very good end to this night.”
His implication made your cheeks warm. He wanted to go on more “outings” with you? Oh god. Was this a date? Did he see it as a date? Or were you overthinking things like usual, seeing something that wasn’t there? He probably just saw it as a fun time with a good friend, simply an enjoyable evening with someone whose companionship he tolerated, rather than some romantic venture. Of course he wouldn’t want to date someone like you, right?
As you had your silent breakdown, Lucifer pursed his lips for a moment before opening his mouth, taking one of your hands into his as a soft blush filled his cheeks.
“May I kiss you?”
You’d barely registered his touch on your hand before you realized Lucifer was speaking to you, the tall demon already leaning in a bit in preparation. A kiss? Of course you wanted him to kiss you, wanted to do that this whole time, if you were being honest. But as his query finally registered fully in your mind, registered what exactly that would mean, something snapped in your brain and you were reacting before you knew it.
As Lucifer’s face drew closer, a gasp tore out of you, all your nerves suddenly firing at once.
The sound echoed in the air– it came from you, you realized belatedly– as you snatched your hand back from his.
The force of your outburst caused you both to freeze, and your hand automatically came up to cover your mouth as you simply looked at each other in stunned silence. That certainly wasn't what you'd intended, but the damage was done. Lucifer looked shaken, obviously taken by surprise by such a forceful rejection. As he started to open his mouth, you couldn’t help yourself, the urge to flee the scene taking over all your senses.
“I— I’m sorry!” you exclaimed, before yanking the front door open and running inside.
“No, wait, I— MC! MC!!” he yelled after you, starting to follow you into the foyer. But you continued into the house and up the steps, not even turning back to look at him as you moved out of sight, leaving Lucifer to simply watch you vanish.
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Lucifer couldn’t help but lean back against the wall by the front door, looking in the direction you’d run, and a sharp ache filled his chest as he absorbed what had just happened.
Your loud “no” was ringing in his ears, shaking him to his core. To be honest, despite being known for his pride, he knew rejection was always a possibility. Many things were predictable in his life; he could often predict the actions of his brothers: when Mammon would pull another money-scheming stunt, or when Satan would try to pull some kind of curse-prank on him, or even Leviathan’s freak outs over his video games and idol events. Hell, he could often predict the actions of Diavolo, as unpredictable as the Young Lord could be sometimes. But humans seemed to be a different sport all together, as you always left him guessing. Still, it surprised him just how much your rejection hurt.
It was also just the adamancy of your rejection. He could expect to be turned down, but to that degree? He knew he’d made a mistake, that it probably seemed like he’d expected a kiss from you, and he was fully prepared to formally apologize to you later for it. But for you to yell like that, when you never even raised your voice to his brothers before… had he been misreading the situation the whole time?
He forced himself to get up and make his way to his room, eager to get out of his suit and make some tea to calm his nerves. But he couldn’t help but linger on the thought that it boiled down to: you didn't love him back. Why else would you have shut him down so clearly? He had thought he'd been making progress in courting you, had thought you'd even been receptive to it. He'd never felt more like an idiot.
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A week passed, and Lucifer still didn't get the opportunity to apologize to you or confront you. You kept communication to the bare minimum, short sentences or one-word answers where possible. If you two ended up alone together, you ran off as soon as you could. You'd even missed your weekly session of music and drinks, and it was telling when Lucifer didn't text you to check on you. You could tell your avoidance of him was hurting him, a resigned sadness lingering in his eyes anytime you saw him. You knew it was childish to keep avoiding the issue, but what were you supposed to do?
The others could tell something was up. It was obvious in the way they suddenly ceased most of their troublesome behavior, cautious in the way they approached either of you and otherwise left you to your own devices. Even Diavolo and Barbatos suspected something, sending separate messages inquiring if Lucifer was okay and if something happened, and you didn't know how to respond except requesting to give some time to explain later.
While Lucifer believed you declined the kiss on account of rejecting his advances— not that you knew this— the truth was that you were nervous. Nervous about exposing your feelings and becoming vulnerable, and nervous about realizing Lucifer may actually share your feelings, or at the very least sought something more than just a casual friendship. The realization completely hit you without warning when he'd asked to kiss you, and you'd reacted poorly because of it, unprepared to face your fears.
You needed to come clean to him, apologize for your outburst and be honest about why you'd run away. But the anxiety and the "what-ifs" filled your mind and overtook your reasoning. It haunted you to think that he may still reject you in the end, treat you like a toy or a joke like people have done in the past. Or what if this ruined your friendship? You'd spent so long earning his trust and gaining this level of friendship, so what if it was lost forever?
You couldn't help but sigh as you realized avoiding him now was ruining your friendship already.
It was too much to think of currently, and as you got ready for bed, you decided to head to the kitchen for a glass of water, something cool and refreshing to distract you for a moment. You turned the corner to go into the room but stopped in your tracks as you saw none other than Lucifer already standing at the counter, tending to a steaming tea cup. Your heart hurt just looking at him, and you immediately turned, hoping to get away before he saw you. But Lucifer's sensitive hearing picked up on your steps, and he instantly looked over in your direction.
He called your name, and your body stopped on its own, as if on command, to the sweet call of his voice. Your fight or flight response was itching to activate, and you did your best to ignore it. It was now or never, you couldn't keep running away. But damn if it wasn't so nerve-wracking to think about.
Steeling yourself, you slowly looked back at Lucifer. It was evident on his face that he was relieved you decided not to run away, at least not yet.
"MC, I apologize–" "I'm so sorry!!"
You both stopped, not expecting an apology from the other. Before Lucifer could continue, the words just burst out of you in a rush,
"I'm so sorry for the other night, I didn't mean to yell at you like that. I just wasn't expecting a kiss and it caught me off guard, but that's not your fault and I'm so sorry for yelling at you," you said, struggling to breathe at the end.
Lucifer shook his head, placing a rare uncovered hand to his chest in an act of sincerity.
"You have nothing to apologize for, MC," he said. "It is entirely my fault. It was my understanding Human World dates often ended with a kiss, but I shouldn't have assumed anything and checked with you first that you wanted as such. Instead, I made you uncomfortable with my assumption, and for that, I deeply apologize and hope you can forgive me." He bowed forward, the very image of chivalry.
“Oh, no, that wasn’t–” Date. Of course he would choose to use that word now. It echoed around in your brain for a moment before you could formulate a sentence, desperately trying to piece together the puzzle between you two and make sense of things. "Wait, ‘date’? Was this a date?"
Lucifer looked up from his bow, his brows furrowing together in mutual confusion.
"Uh, yes," he said slowly. "At least, that was my intention."
All you could do was blink owlishly at him.
"What— But. You never called it a date before."
Lucifer thought back on the times he'd invited you out and realized that may have been true. Perhaps he'd been self-consciously avoiding the term, to lower the chance of outright rejection? He never was the best at being direct when it came to you, and now it was all backfiring on him. Despite his age and his experiences, he still found himself acting like some young teenager around you. 
"For that, I apologize again. I should have been more transparent about my intentions, then," he said, a feeling of embarrassment creeping up on him that he tried to suppress. One thing still didn't make sense to him, and he wanted to address it while his wits were about him. "I do have to ask, have you not seen.. any of our outings as dates? Including the ballet?"
"Well… no, you never seemed to use that word and I thought maybe you were just being nice." Heat was filling the entirety of your face, your voice shrinking in on itself as you responded. Your feet had never felt so restless before, eager to run you straight out of the room.
Lucifer couldn't help it as his eyebrows quirked up. "Even when I brought you the bracelet and the roses?"
You never wanted to crawl into a hole more than you did now, especially as you heard a deep sigh across from you. You couldn’t even look at him.
"This will be the last of it that I bring up, and then I won't bother you anymore, but… was there a reason you didn't see them as dates? Were they not to your liking? Or perhaps… it’s me you don’t like?”
Your head was shaking before you knew it, vehement denial on your face, and your gaze snapped back to his.
“No, that’s not— I was just nervous!” you exclaimed. “The dates were fine, honestly! I actually really liked them!”
“So then why–”
“Because you’re hot, okay?!” you blurted out, the words now rushing out of you like a dam burst open. “I haven’t been asked on a date in years, so I got nervous, and I’ve been pranked before, and I didn’t want to get my hopes up and get hurt again or make things weird with you–” You realized too late you were rambling, your mouth snapping shut as you realized in horror what exactly you were saying, but there it was. All you could do now was wait on a response.
Lucifer couldn’t help it, a burst of pride erupted in his chest that you thought he was hot, and he had to stop himself from smiling like an idiot. More importantly, he caught the other part of your ramble. His protective side rose up immediately, angry at the thought that others deliberately tricked you with something so shallow, hurting you to the point that you had to doubt yourself and others on their true feelings. No one deserved such treatment, and he couldn’t help how defensive he got when it came to you.
He tentatively took a step forward and, not seeing you prepared to run, slowly drew closer to you.
“I’m sorry that people have been so awful to you in the past,” he said. “The people that did that were undeserving of your attention and your affections, I hope you know that. It was cruel what they did to you, and you never deserved that.”
You could feel your eyes start to burn, vision blurring slightly, but you fought the urge to cry in order to listen to him. The rational part of your brain knew he was right, knew that you hadn’t done anything to warrant being used and mocked like that. But your anxiety still ate at you, used those experiences to sour your expectations.
He took your hand, and when you didn’t take it back, his heart thrilled a little. What he was planning was a gamble, but he hoped it would be worth it as he took a deep breath and continued speaking. “Words cannot describe the influence you’ve had on my life since I’ve met you. You’ve had an incredible impact on my brothers and myself, helping us reconnect in a way that I feared was lost long ago. You've been reckless and fearless in your decisions, to the point that I’ve worried about your sanity.” His lips curved up when you pouted at him. “But that same recklessness and fearlessness may be what saved my family, and saved me. I don't think I will ever meet another human that affects me the way you do."
He gave you a moment to absorb his words, watching the gears turning in your head.
"I can understand now why you've had reason to doubt me," Lucifer continued. "But I promise to you that everything I have done, and everything I feel, is sincere. I will do whatever it takes to assure you of that."
"I-I believe you," you replied meekly. Your hand felt warm in his, but the presence was comforting. Maybe, just maybe, you could afford yourself this vulnerability. Lucifer's thumb began to rub across your knuckles, slowly at first, like he wasn't sure, but continued as you watched.
Lucifer couldn't help but smile, seeing you come around. He wasn't sure what he would have done if you'd run from him again, if his pride could have taken that, but now that he had you, he needed to seal the deal in the hopes that you'd stay for good. As he rubbed soft circles in your skin, he began the final move to secure you, just a few steps to take, really, but massive in scale, his racing heartbeat waiting to expose just how nervous he was.
The first step.
"Do you remember the number of roses I had brought you the other night?" he asked.
The question caught you off guard, the number of roses? You thought for a moment.
“Um. You brought me three of them, I think?” Lucifer smiled immediately, pleased about that. “Why?”
The second step.
Lucifer drew your hand up to his lips, pressing a single soft kiss to your fingers now. The action caused heat to spread in your chest, and you struggled to avoid staring at his lips as you anticipated another kiss, already distracted from the question you had asked.
“Do you know what three roses means, in the language of flowers?” he asked.
You couldn’t muster any words, simply shaking your head in response.
This time, a soft kiss pressed to the top of your hand, raising goosebumps on your arm. Lucifer’s eyes met yours, and the warmth and love in them took your breath away.
The third step.
“It means, ‘I love you’.”
The sound left your mouth before you could stop it, wobblier than you’d like. Those three powerful words sent goosebumps all throughout your body, your eyes widening and your mind going blank. Your brain was too busy short-circuiting to respond appropriately, your words temporarily lost to you. But Lucifer was okay with waiting for you to recover; he’d always wait for you.
His next kiss fell over your wrist before he leaned up, leveling himself with you. One of his hands holding yours intertwined with your fingers, and his other hand came up to cup your cheek, his thumb stroking the skin gently.
The final step.
"May I ask if you return my feelings?"
You couldn't catch your breath, simply nodding your answer before realizing the poor demon was owed a better response than that.
“I do. I love you, too,” you replied, a grin working its way onto your face.
You wish your voice wasn’t so weak as you said it, but it made Lucifer smile regardless, a relieved sigh escaping him as his eyes briefly shut. The demon wasn’t even aware of the tension in his body up until that moment, and his shoulders relaxed, feeling like a weight had left him. He opened his eyes again to look at you once more.
“Now that we are, perhaps, on the same page, would it be alright if I kissed you?”
This time, a nod was suitable. Lucifer leaned forward, but hesitated just a moment before his lips could touch yours. Although your earlier rejection had been cleared up, hell you’d even accepted and returned his feelings, Lucifer’s wounded pride was still healing and making him second guess things. And you knew this, knew this mix-up was mostly your fault. And if you didn’t get to kiss Lucifer now, you’d always regret it.
You closed the gap before your anxiety could tell you to do otherwise and pressed your lips to his. Butterflies erupted in your stomach, but you stayed strong and were quickly rewarded as Lucifer relaxed against you and leaned into the kiss. After a moment, you prepared to pull away, but clearly your new lover's hesitation was gone as he pulled you back in, deepening the kiss and setting a fire in your belly. If you could have melted in his arms, you would have.
When Lucifer was finally finished with you– only because you really needed to breathe– your legs felt like jello, making you hold onto his body for support, and you couldn't help the giggle that came out. A product of your nerves, you supposed. But your sweet demon didn't mind, supporting you in his arms for as long as you needed. If the soft blush on his cheeks was any indication, he was much in the same position as you, anyway.
One of your hands was still in his, Lucifer’s fingers rubbing over your knuckles again softly. It was almost like he was memorizing the feel of your skin on his, as if he was afraid it would leave, before he stopped and looked at you. Never in a hundred years did you think you'd be here, in the arms of a demon and so deeply in love. Funny how life works.
“So, you think I’m hot, do you?”
Lucifer's question broke the comfortable silence, the demon watching you with a smirk on his face like the cat that got the cream. You clicked your teeth at him, pouting. Of course he’d pick up on that part of your panicked explanation.
“I knew I shouldn’t have said that,” you said, your face burning in embarrassment. Warm fingers gently took your jaw, tilting your head up to face Lucifer.
"Don’t be like that. I'm always happy to hear your honest opinion, my darling," he said, the pet name not helping your racing heart, and especially not the quick kiss he pressed to your lips as he held you there.
“I’m going back to bed if you’re just going to tease me,” you joked, starting to pull away. Truthfully, you were also a little unprepared for just how much sweeter Lucifer was being, the way he looked at you and casually slipping in a pet name being a fatal combination on your mental health. Bedtime seemed a good enough excuse to give your heart a little time to recuperate. But before you could make much progress, strong arms suddenly wrapped around you from behind, keeping you captive once more, and it was impossible to suppress the shiver in your body as warm breath touched the edge of your ear.
“Oh, love, you’re sorely mistaken if you think I’m letting you go anytime soon.”
You’re not sure your heart could take much more.
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As always, reblogs and comments are appreciated! 💜
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tinyinvadr · 7 months
I’ve got another chapter of my TADC story! This one’s pretty short, but there’ll be more to come!
Here’s the link to the first chapter
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Chapter 2
“I dunno… I’m just saying Caine shouldn’t have let Pomni pick the adventure. Where’s the excitement? I’m already getting bored looking for her.”
“But it’s only been ten minutes.”
“And? You think I have the attention span for that?”
I could hear the others looking for me. It sounded like they were all traveling in a group, so at least it would be easier to avoid them than if they had split up. Either way, I wasn’t looking forward to any of them finding me.
“Caine did say she would be somewhere unexpected. Maybe if we split up we’ll have an easier time finding her.”
A wave of panic came over me at Ragatha’s suggestion. I knew one of them would have to find me eventually, but there was a part of me that was hoping they never would, and Caine would just call the whole thing off and change me back. But realistically, this game could go on forever.
Maybe it would be better off to let someone find me and get it over with.
Of course, that raised the question of which person would be the safest option. On the off chance that Caine didn’t come back right away, I could be stuck with that person for a while.
Definitely not Jax.
Out of everyone else, Ragatha was the one I talked to the most, but I still felt so awkward and guilty around her. Being even more vulnerable with her would just make me feel worse.
My best bet had to be Gangle. She seemed harmless enough, and with her having ribbons for hands, I doubted she would be able to easily pick me up. I’d just let her find me and hope for the best.
That was the plan at least, but nothing ever works out the way you want it to.
I was about to go plant myself somewhere for Gangle to find me, when suddenly, a tall shadow fell over me.
“Oh! Everyone, I found an insect!”
Guess I was going with Kinger.
“That’s great, Kinger. Though, last time I checked, I’m pretty sure Pomni’s not an insect, so I don’t think that’s relevant to what we’re doing here.”
Ragatha sighed. “Leave him alone, Jax. And you never know, it could be a clue. Kinger, come show us what you found!”
Before I could even try to run, Kinger’s hands clamped around me and lifted me up.
I was completely enclosed by his hands, and my claustrophobia was out in full force. I wanted to try and squirm out, but I knew he would probably drop me if I did that, so I just curled in on myself instead.
He opened his hands, and I was met with the sight of the other circus members, all gathered around to look at me. Realization hit them all one-by-one, but Ragatha was the first to notice.
Kinger let out a startled shout and unintentionally tossed me in the air, but quickly caught me afterward.
“Ah! Sorry, sorry, just got a little surprised there!”
I struggled to catch my breath as everyone looked at me. I didn’t want to imagine how pathetic I looked in that moment. Somehow, this was playing out even worse than I expected.
“Well, I take back what I said earlier about this adventure being boring. Heh, and just when I thought you couldn’t get any shorter.”
Ragatha glared at Jax as she moved closer, and I slowly inched myself back, trying to create a distance between us. Though, there wasn’t much I could do with Kinger still holding me.
“Hey, don’t worry. Now that we’ve found you, Caine should be here any second to change you back to normal.”
As if he had just been summoned, Caine appeared behind everyone else.
“Congratulations, my superstars! You’ve completed another adventure! Wow, and in record time, too, haha, that was fast. Is there anything you all want to do for the rest of the day? Another adventure? Activities? Mini games? Spontaneous musical numbers?”
I raised my arm, waving it back and forth to get his attention. He noticed right away and flew right over, once again taking up way too much of my personal space.
“Uh… before we do anything else, can I go back to my regular size?”
Caine chuckled, then flew backward with a dramatic flair.
“Of course!”
He snapped his fingers, but nothing happened. He snapped them again, nothing happened. He started rapidly snapping at a rate that no human could ever achieve… but nothing happened.
“That’s odd… but don’t you worry, Pomni! I’ll get to the bottom of this! Until then, you’re all free to spend the day however you’d like! Just reach out to me if you need anything!”
Just as I had come to expect at this point, he disappeared before any of us could ask any further questions. Not that I could’ve formed a coherent sentence. My mind went numb the moment I realized I wasn’t going to change back.
Not only was I set to be trapped in this digital world forever, but I was doomed to be tiny and even more terrified of everything while I’m trapped here.
It just kept getting worse… I couldn’t keep this up much longer…
My vision started to blur and slowly fade to black as I heard the voices of the others incoherently talk over each other. It sounded like they were worried, but I couldn’t process any of it. My mind was done, and I passed out.
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sunyr · 1 year
lil secret
summary: jack drops his new album. you were in a secret relationship with him for two years now so he showed you knew every single track and were by his side through the entire process of creating the album, but when it drops there is a lil surprise waiting.
warnings: i don’t think there are any
genre: fluff
requests are open!
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a loud ringing filled your apartment. you got up from your couch and walked into the kitchen to find your phone on the counter. you picked it up and as soon as you did, your best friends voice sounded through the speakers: “y/nnn i heard jacks album drops tomorrow?”
you and jack have been in a relationship for two years now and its been really great, the only thing that makes it a little bit complicated is, that. nobody knows about you. jack likes to keep his private life private, therefore you kept your relationship a secret. he always said that your relationship was the only thing in his life, he could keep private and brought him joy and he wouldn‘t let some journalists ruin this. it was fun in the beginning, but now its really annoying.
you didn’t like being the center of attention and it was never in a million years your intention to be with jack just for his fame and followers, but you would like to support him on his concerts. you were desperate to do thing that normal couples do, like going on walks together or having a date night out. you couldn‘t even hug or really touch him when you were out with friends. your close family and best friends with jacks team members were the only people who knew about the two of you.
your best friend sarah (change name if your name is sarah :) always supported you. she knew jack was a good guy and only wanted best for you, but she still wasn‘t holding back to tell you what she thought about this whole undercover thing. she thought that jack should make your relationship public. she just didn‘t get it in her head that there weren‘t only people who adored and loved yours and jacks relationship, but also awful people who hated and would start rumors and god knows what to break you up. as though you knew her opinion about that you were thankful, that she accepted it and wasnt‘t always vocal about it.
„yees, it‘s been such a long process and it‘s finally out tomorrow. i‘m kinda sad it‘s over i mean now he‘ll have 5 interviews a day and the tour starts soon as well. i hope i‘ll even see him once a week“ you told her about your concernes
„y/n you know how i think about that, he should take you with him to this kind of appointments.“ sarah answered. „you know that doesn‘t work out, what if somebody sees us? the rumors would start in no time.“ you whined
„and? what about it? you two have been together for years. omg y/n isn‘t your anniversary in like a week? do you think he‘ll get you something special?“ sarah suddenly got excited. you chuckled, you were so thankful how supportive she was, in spite of her thoughts about the whole secret thing.
„like what? he‘ll just get me some flowers and chocolate like the years before. it‘s our third anniversary not our 10th“ you laughed. „oh y/n you‘re so young and dumb. hopefully he‘ll get you a ring, stupid“ sarah told you.
„a ring? we can‘t even get groceries together, i don‘t think he‘ll get down on a knee then.“ you doubted. „don‘t think so negatively. this anniversary will be special i just feel it and i don‘t care what you say.“ sarah said determined.
„okay okay whatever you say. listen i gotta go now, i‘m meeting jack in like 30 minutes.“ you answered with a smile. „alright, have funnn, but not too much fun“ she said. you laughed, you shouldn‘t even laugh anymore, she always said this when you told her that you met up with jack. „haha, bye now, love you“ you hung up laughing.
next day
you were getting ready for jacks release party. you were doing your make up, while jack was waiting for you in the living room. you choose a natural makeup look and a rather basic black dress, it did have glitter all over it, so you would shine through the entire night.
you were lucky, you could even attend. when you two started dating jack was strict and didn’t want the two of you to be seen together, but after a few months he suggested to go out in public, never alone though, his team or your friends always joined in.
„y/n you ready?“ you heard jacks voice from the living room. „yees, just a minute“ you yelled back. you looked into the mirror one last time. you touched up your lips and left the bathroom. as soon as you stepped into the living room and jack took notice of your presence, his attention left his phone and was on you. he looked you up and down, while a smile curled on his lips. he got up and walked towards you.
„you look phenomenal mamas“ he said while pulling you to his side by your waist. you returned the smile and mumbled a quiet mm„thank you“ before kissing him. after you broke the kiss you took notice of his all black suit, it made him look so mature. „you don‘t look bad yourself, harlow“ he chuckled and pulled you in in embrace again.
the two of you left to drive to the party and met the rest of pg and the crew there. „there they aree! jack man you hyped?“ urban greeted you and jack, when you got into the club. „yeah, dude this is so crazy“ jack answered and was immediately wrapped up in a conversation with urban. after you greeted everyone else, you and jack went to a small room in the back of the club, because jack was told he had go go on stage soon. „jack, you‘ll be on in five“ one of his team members told him, before shutting the door behind him.
he nodded and turned his attention back on you. were thankful you could have even a tiny bit of privacy before the big night. you fixed jacks suit jacket and brushed a few curls out of his face. „you‘ll do amazing jack“ you broke the silence. he looked you in the eyes. „thank you baby. thank you for supporting me like this.“ jack said to you. you smiled at him. „always“ you gave him a quick peck and patted his chest. „now go rockstar, i don‘t want you to miss your moment“ he kissed you one last time, before leaving the room.
you made your way to the table, infront of the stage, where the rest of jacks team and friends were sat, while jack was getting ready for his performance . jack wouldn‘t tell you what song he was performing tonight and you didn‘t get to listen to every single finished studio version, so you were really curious on what song he chose to present the album.
you were just catching up with neelam when the lights were dimmed and the spotlights drew the light and attention to the stage. jack was getting on. he searched for your face in the crowd and smiled at you when he spotted you. he winked at you, before an unfamiliar beat started rushing through the speakers
„i know that you sick of bein my lil secret
„i know that you hate the fact that i‘m famous
i know that you sick of bein my favorite“
jack started rapping. you were rather confused, you went through the process of the whole album with him but this was the first time you heard this song.
„spend the time with somebody else and i get the wishing, that she was you
any girl can be beautiful but not any girl can just be in tune“
after he was half through with his song something in your mind clicked, it was about you. your eyes got wide, you couldn‘t believe jack actually wrote a song about you and that he was very much performing it in front of a crowd with cameras all around him. he performed the whole song without taking his eyes off of you.
„cause you confident that we soulmades
i told my therapist about you
she always takes your side
ain‘t nobody i love more
i just need more time“
when the music was fading, the loud sound of applause filled the club. you gathered yourself and also started to applause for jack. a big smile was plastered over his face. when the loud sounds slowly grew faint, jack brought the mic to his mouth again and started speaking.
„this was lil secret, it’s a song from my new album come home the kids miss you, wich drops tonight. this album means so much to me and i‘m so thankful for everyone who was a part of creating this. i wanna say a special thank you to a very special girl though, who is actually sitting right in front of me.“
your jaw dropped. he couldn’t possibly-
„my girlfriend y/n was the inspiration for lil secret. i‘m so grateful to have her by side for the last years . she supports me every single day and i don‘t know how i could ever thank her for that nor how i deserve her. i‘m confident that we are soulmates too. i love you y/n“
tears were welling in your eyes, daring to fall any second. where you dreaming? this had to be a dream. you couldn’t believe what just happened. never in your entire life had somebody said something so touching to you. you were shaking. the entire clubs eyes were on you, but you couldn‘t care less. as soon as jack left the stage and came towards your table, you got up, pulled him to you and gave him the most loving kiss he ever got. he pulled you in his embrace and kissed you like it was the last time, he had the chance to.
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liked by urbanwyatt and 753 784 others
jackharlow: three years of being my lil secret
view 3564 comments
urbanwyatt: damn yall cute
neelamthathani: babys 🥹
y/n: 🤍
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setagaya-division · 7 days
ARB Birthday Special: Mina Nakayama
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~~ May 26th ~~
"We should not be upset that others hide the truth from us, when we hide it so often from ourselves."
Login Lines:
You are suddenly grabbed by the neck and hear a threatening voice in your ear. "You've two choices: either tell me what it is you want, or be shown your own beating heart. Choose now."
"What is this? ...A birthday present? ...Wait. It's... it's my birthday? ...Ah, yes. The day I chose as my birthday. I see. ...My apologies for that. Thank you for this. Truly."
Voice Lines:
"Both Elliot and Yorii seemed ecstatic when I told them that today was my birthday. But... they also seemed a bit sad. Probably because I never had a birthday before. ...Or if I did, I can't recall. But then again, can't the same be said for them? ...What am I saying? Of course not. They're different from me. They probably had a life before Chuohku... Me though? Ha, I doubt it."
"A lot of the people in school sent me emails saying 'Happy birthday'. Many of them were upset that my birthday fell on a weekend. They promised to make it up to me on Monday morning, though. A lot of good it'll do since Summer break is right around the corner. Many of them are thinking about what they'll be doing over the next few months. And it certainly won't be throwing some strange girl a birthday party. ...Besides, I don't really crowds much..."
"Hey Elliot. Thank you, that means a lot. ...It's alright. Truthfully, you and Yorii don't have to do anything, you know. I mean, I'm not even sure when my exact birthday is. Even if its wrong, it's still... ...Sorry, I don't mean to sound dour. It means a lot that you went out of your way to do this. So, thank you again, Elliot."
"What's this? ...A keychain? Oh, and it has a message on it that says... ...Oh. Oh, Elliot. Thank you so much for this. ...What? No! I don't care if its cheap! I love it, regardless! This... this chain says more than any other gift you could give me. And... the message speaks the truth. I don't like living in this world at times, but... knowing you're in it is what gives me hope. So, thank you again, Elliot."
"Hello, Yorii. ...'Old'? I'm only 20... I believe. Need I remind you that I don't even know my own age. I just call myself that because you and Elliot know how old you are. ...Whatever, Yorii. Did you come here to make fun of me on my own birthday?"
"Oh great. And what is this now? ...A hoodie? ...Well, it certainly fits my style, I'll say that. But... oh, it's meant to protect me from the sun? ...Yes, I suppose that makes sense, though I know people will be staring at me even more than usual. ...True. What's one more look or stare? Thank you, Yorii."
Elliot Lines:
"Happy birthday, Mina-oneesan! I sincerely hope this day has been going well for you so far. I know you probably don't do birthdays much since they're technically for getting older. I-I mean, not that I don't want you to get older or anything! It's... I'm sorry, I'm making a mess of this, aren't I? ...No, Mina-san! Don't say that! To me, it doesn't matter what your date of birth is. I'm just... just glad that you are here. I'd rather you make up a birthday than not ever have one."
"So... I know it's kinda cheap, but I saw this one day, and thought it look really good. I thought about buying it for myself, but then I realized... it would probably suit you more. ...Like I said, I know it's cheap. I'm sorry. I should have... Oh. Oh! I'm glad, Mina-oneesan! I'm glad you like it! Thank you, and happy birthday again!"
Yorii Lines:
"Happy birthday, Big Sis! How does it feel to be old now? Yeah, but you said that you were '19' before, but today marks you as '20'! One more year, and you'll be a full-grown adult, which makes you old! Haha! ...Okay, okay. I'll stop."
"Anyway, here's my birthday present for you! ...You like it? I wanted to make sure it fit your Gothic style. Plus, it does a pretty job of concealing your face and head, which will protect you from the sun. ...Bah, so what if people stare? Let them! Just means you have their attention, is all. ...Glad you like it, Big Sis! Happy birthday again!"
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hibiscusheir · 1 year
hi!!! What are the reactions of Bakugo and Midoriya to a childhood friend y/n who has no quirks? She always defended Izuku, because she was physically strong and agile, y/n said that she could become a hero and prove that a hero is not someone with a strong quirk, but someone who is strong in spirit and ready to help people! And when Bakugo and Izuku get into Class A, they see y/n coming into class. It turned out that she scored the same number of points as Bakugo.
hi!!! What are the reactions of Bakugо and Midoriya to a childhood friend y/n who has no quirks? She always defended Izuku, because she was physically strong and agile, y/n said that she could become a hero and prove that a hero is not someone with a strong quirk, but someone who is strong in spirit and ready to help people! And when Bakugou and Izuku get into Class A, they see y/n coming into class. It turned out that she scored the same number of points as Bakugo.
"Haha! I see fate itself tells us to be heroes together!! "
A/N: okay i'm actually so sorry this took so long to post when I just wrote this all tonight- I've had such bad burnout and trying to write things I love but then end up deleting them. this was actually supposed to be posted a few days ago but my computer crashed and deleted everything :,) I hope you still enjoy this!!
Reader: she/her pronouns used, could still be interpreted for all genders if ya want🤷
cw: cursing, bullying, discrimination, violence?
Y/N had known Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya since the three of them were small children. All of their parents were close friends before they were born, so naturally, they would spend a lot of time together.
Bakugo was always a hot-headed, arrogant, and stuck-up child. He "playfully" belittled Y/N and Midoriya. The green-haired boy was much sweeter, albeit much quieter. The trio explored the outdoors a lot and were usually spotted by each other's sides on a daily basis. They were best friends.
That is until Bakugo received his quirk. His cockiness and pride shot up and suddenly he no longer wanted to be friends with quirkless people like Midoriya and Y/N. A flip inside him switched. Now, he was downright cruel to both of them. He even began to refer to Midoriya as "Deku".
One day, months into this childhood torment, Y/N spotted Midoriya at the playground, surrounded by Bakugo and his new friends. She ran right up to her best friend and defended the boy who had been shoved down onto the ground.
"Leave him alone, Kacchan! Stop being so rude to us! Just because we have quirks doesn't mean we're any less of people." she watched as Bakugo laughed and sneered.
"Hah, stupid Y/N, you two are so worthless. You'll never be heroes without quirks!" Everyone around him laughed.
Midoriya stood up and grabbed Y/N's hand. "Let's go, Y/N." She almost protested but complied when she saw that he was bleeding and would be bruised.
"Fine," she walked him to his home.
*Twelve (12) Years Later* (also switching over to hcs for their reactions, hope that's alright<3)
-He knew he would get into UA, there was no doubt about it. After all, he was Katsuki Bakugo.
-What he didn't expect, however, was to see Y/N and that weak Deku in as well. Both of them were quirkless losers! How had this happened?!
-"What the- how the hell did you both manage to get in? You're quirkless weaklings!"
-Y/N smiled and winked. "Guess I'm just that strong! I actually managed to score 77 points. That's how many you got, right? Maybe reconsider the 'weak' part. You don't need a quirk to be a hero!"
-He grumbled and stomped away. He was pissed. More than pissed- he was livid. But there was nothing he could do about it now. He was stuck training to become a Pro Hero with two quirkless 'losers'.
-He couldn't believe it. He had a quirk. Albeit, it wasn't his own, but still! And, he passed the entrance exam!! Things just couldn't get better for him.
-Until they did.
-He saw Y/N in her uniform on the first day and practically jumped on her out of excitement.
-"Y/N!!!!! Oh my goodness, are you really here?! Are you in my class?"
-"1-A! We're going to be heroes, Midoriya!" She put off her questions about his performance in the entrance exam. I mean, what was that power he demonstrated? Did he finally receive a quirk?
-"Haha! I see fate itself tells us to be heroes together!!" He giggled and hugged her again. He couldn't be more happy.
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Water Boi
Genshin Masterlist | Snezhnaya Masterlist
In which Childe is lowkey a simp. Implied Fem!reader, I don’t think it’s explicitly stated. TW: Swearing
You stand in front of the mansion as music drifts into your ears. Nervously, you glance at your friend and grip your bag harder.
“This is his house?! Is it really ok to-“
“Of course! I was invited and I’m allowed a plus one. That’s you!” She grins at you grabbing your free hand. “We’re going to be seniors and you haven’t come to a single one of his parties. Actually, you haven’t gone to any parties since we entered uni. Now that I’ve finally convinced you to come, I’m not letting you escape.”
“I’m not sure I wanna do this anymore.” You attempt to back away suddenly intimidated by the sheer size of the request you’ve fulfilled. “I knew he was rich, but this is too much! Think of all the people that are going to be here! I’m not popular like you. Lumine, please.”
“Oh, no you don’t!” With a burst of strength you didn’t think your friend had, she pulls you through the door. “You damn well better believe I’m not letting you get away this time! You’re going to party and drink and have fun!”
Lumine drags you through the house, clearly having been here more than a few times, and closer to the thumping bass. With every step you hear more and more of the music and slowly, you begin to make out the chatter of dozens of people before stumbling into the kitchen.
Groups of people crowd the room in various states of dress and a number of bottles and cans litter the counter along with cups. You nearly trip over the doorway as you’re led out into the backyard. Lumine stops for a moment on the back patio and scans the open area, never letting go of your hand.
You take this moment to observe the area. The outdoor kitchen is nearly as impressive as the indoor one and the yard is enormous, filled with even more people than inside. You can only assume they’re all students who were either invited or snuck in. You doubt anybody actually kept track of that sort of thing, though.
You spot a large stone fire pit on one side of the yard and as your eyes finally land on the pool, also filled with bodies, you gawk. You’ve only ever seen pools like this one on those reality TV shows. It’s massive, split into multiple sections. Man-made waterfalls and rock formations give it a more natural look. On either side are what appear to be hot tubs and holy shit, is that a slide?
You barely even register that you’re being pulled once again until you bump into Lumine as she stops. She drops her bag on one of the open seats and turns to look at you, laughing at your awestruck face. “He lives here?! This-“ You gesture aggressively at everything “This isn’t even a house anymore, it’s a fucking resort!” She laughs even harder and a few curious eavesdroppers join her.
“Relax! It’s literally just a house. Now close your mouth, you look like a dying fish.”
“Bitch! If I so much as breathe on something wrong here I’m gonna wind up in even more debt!”
“Oh, shut it and strip already. Your suit is cute as fuck.” She opts to ignore you and you reluctantly drop your own bag on the adjacent seat. Carefully tugging off your top and bottoms, you set them aside as well.
“What the- Is that Professor Zhongli?” You glance in the direction she’s staring and your eyes go wide. “Holy shit, it is. HEY PROFESSOR!”
You gasp as he looks over at Lumine. “NO! Stop, stop it! Put your hand down before he. . .oh no. He’s coming over, why would you do that?!”
“He’s young, hot, and smart. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because he’s our professor!”
“Lumine, Y/N, it’s good to see you both. Did you just arrive?” You awkwardly attempt to hide your figure from him in embarrassment, and glance at Lumine. She only grins at you, clearly choosing to leave you hanging and forcing you to speak to him instead.
“Haha. . .yeah. Why are you here, Professor?”
“Please, just call me Zhongli outside of the classroom.” You nod. “I’m actually here because Childe is a good friend of mine, one of my GA’s, actually.”
“He is? I had no idea. I uh, don’t talk to him much. . .obviously.”
“I take it Lumine coerced you into coming?”
“Yessir, I did! She works too much and doesn’t play enough.” They chuckle at that.
“I’m honestly not surprised. Y/N is very studious.” You blush at his words and glance down.
“Oh yeah, Zhongli! Where is Childe? I haven’t seen him yet.”
“I’m right here!” A voice from behind you causes you to jump and whirl around. You make eye contact with the host of the party, Childe. You aren’t sure if anyone actually knows his real name, everyone just calls him ‘Childe.’ But damn does he look good. His tall figure looms over you and you can’t help but drag your eyes up his exposed skin. His toned muscles flex as he shifts. Realizing you’re staring, you snap your eyes to his face and take a step back. Mischief glints in his ocean eyes.
“Relax, I don’t bite. Unless you want me to?” You choke on air as your little group laughs at your reaction.
“Anyway, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Y/N. Lumine won’t shut up about you and even Zhongli mentions you sometimes. You might be his favorite student this year.”
You snort at his words, “He just likes me cuz I don’t ogle at him every lecture.” You glance at Lumine. 
“Even if that is true, the fact remains that you’re def at the top of his list. By the way, you look great. That swimsuit seriously suits you.” He winks at you. During your small interaction, you fail to notice Lumine and Zhongli slipping away, leaving you and Childe alone together.
“Oh. . .I um. . .thank you,” You’rr caught off guard by his comment, “Y-your. . .uh. . . swim trunks are very nice, too.” He blinks for a moment before laughing loudly.
“Come on, we should get you a drink.” He leads you back into the kitchen as he continues to greet people, doing his best not to get dragged into too many conversations.
“You’re very popular. I mean, I know this is your party and house – which is very beautiful, by the way – but to actually see you interact with everyone. . .” You trail off unsure of what to say, “I suppose I’m a little envious.” He eyes you carefully as the two of you step into the kitchen together. You note it’s cleared out a bit as more people have moved into the yard and pool.
“It’s not all it’s chalked up to be, ya know? Gotta keep up appearances and all. Actually, I wish I wasn’t popular at all.”
“But you know so many people and have all these connections. I literally only interact with like, five people; you’re number six.”
“Maybe that’s true, but how many of these people do you think would help me if I needed it?”
“I-I don’t know. . .” You admit this quietly as you serve yourself a drink, so you don’t have to look Childe in the eyes.
“If I had to guess, at most, three.” You stare at him wide eyed. Three?
“Out of the hundreds here, there are three people I know I could count on when things get rough – Zhongli, Lumine, and Aether.”
“I see. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize-“
“I’m hoping to make it four.”
“Four?” He nods at you.
“I uh. . .I know this is going to sound a little. . .odd,” you can see his cheeks flush pink as he awkwardly scratches his neck, “But I want you to be someone I can trust.
“It’s just, Lumine talks so highly about you as a friend; Aether too, although I know you aren’t as close with him and Zhongli really enjoys having you in class. And when I see them interacting with you, they just look so happy. I guess I sort of just fell for that?”
For a moment your brain stops working. Did you hear him right? 
“I’m sorry. What?”
“I-I like you. I know I don’t even know you, but I want to. I want to get to know you and have you as a friend. If that leads to something more, that’d be amazing, but even if it doesn’t, I’d be content just as your friend.” He’s obviously flustered as his eyes glance everywhere but you. 
You're quiet as you watch him, seeing just how much he wants this. When his eyes finally land on you again, you get lost in the blue for a moment, lost in his ocean eyes.
“You know what? I think I’d like to get to know you, too.”
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whenthechickencry · 4 months
Umineko EP6. Replay Part 2
Rosa still has conflicted feelings about Maria's dad.... which is quite sad. You are in your entire right to hate him Rosa common, but she hates herself so damaging her is ultimately something she can forgive.
These scenes make me sigh out loud so often. It wasn't a trial of love Rosa. You never deserved it and you are never going to get rewarded for it. It's just so sad to me to see how stuck she is.... but like she says she doesn't have the privilege to just forget. She has Maria and her debt as constant reminders. "If she was able to succeed in paying back the loan, ...he might acknowledge her usefulness as wife" God damn it Rosa aaaaa.....
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Rosa talks about how she sees Kyrie as an inspiration... after 18 years of waiting in hell her miracle succeeded. Of course, as we just saw, Kyrie is not in fact remotely happy. I think it's easy when you are in a shitty situation to see someone who is, from your perspective, just doing slightly better than you with jealously or goals, because truly happy people don't trigger admiration, they trigger resentment and sadness, since true happiness seems so impossible to you.
Again, the way the Umineko women always see themselves or other women to blame for their misfortune, and not the actual men literally doing it, is so sad. Rosa would rather see herself at fault and hate herself than put the entire blame on the man who caused this. Rosa then talks about how she feels guilty about dragging Maria to hell with her and wishes she was dead.
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Zepar Furfur and co start talking about how winning or dying during love is better than staying in between. In other words, you either get with the person you want or you kill that love or else you will suffer, as Sayo did as well. Also, narration describes her youth as the most blissful part of her life... hahahaahah ahhaa ahahaha..... god damn it that's so sad. Diplomatic Immunity? In other words, Kanon is a fictional character in Mariage Sorciere, so he is not allowed to attack other members of it. I forgot how blatant they were here.
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Shannon jumps in and still can't attack Maria directly but just kind of crushes Shannon to death with her barrier. Also she needs permission from Maria and she's like "oh this will fuck with Erika" so it can be read as the fake murder plan being explained to Maria, if taken out of meta, haha. Beatrice chooses Natsuhi monologues about how uh, the misogyny her mom faced gives her strength to face the misogyny from Krauss when Beatrice begins immediately talking about the baby she couldn't bear(....). Narration makes the argument she is choosing this because she thinks she made Battler's life hell but uh, no I think there is a simpler reason. She wants her own answers. Beatrice, the human, possesses a weakness to mirror, meaning that isn't part of the Beatrice mythology, the was before meaning Sayo hates seeing her face in the mirror....
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Something about how Natsuhi is wielding the mirror - the representation of Sayo's self-hatred and damaging her with it, and how Natsuhi launched the wheels of fate that eventually ended up with Sayo's own fucked up views about herself.... Beatrice was about to lose in her love trial, the part of Sayo that loved Battler was about to go extinct..... when he suddenly comes at the moment that fills her with the most self-doubt in her head.
Battler realizes grooming is bad, it's at least good to see how fast he realized he was hurting her and changes his behavior compared to the other 5 games of torture.
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Hachijo and Ange have a talk about how often love is repeated on the tale and how it almost certainly means something - in other words please don't ignore all of these scenes and look into the deeper reasons, why Kanon can't attack Sakutarou, why only one of Shannon/Kanon/Beatrice can find love, why Beatrice doesn't like mirrors, etc. It is the thickest book of answers by now. Erika was literally sleeping through it which maybe shows why her answers suck and why she's kind of a shitty detective. Erika is stripped of the identity she so treasures in order to go along with Bernkastel's trap to screw Battler over.... something she clearly doesn't want to do but. Ange and Featherine really are giving reading comprehension 101 classes lmfao.
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Dlanor and Erika lay it pretty thick that the issue with Erika last game was that she didn't check the corpses, aka they were playing dead, Dlanor warns Erika that her eyes can e fooled now so Erika knows she needs to murder everyone later. Haha, I mean, yeah.
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The fact this game wouldn't incorporate Sayo's truth at all and would be pretty easy to see through if Bernkastel and Erika didn't get up to their tricks.... yeah that was definitely an intentional play on Battler's part. It wouldn't be a game to prove that he understood the game if he never played with something that required his knowledge of Beatrice, you know? So the fact that the solution after being 'tricked' by Erika DOES require that.... They were 'culprits' aka co-conspirators in the plan, but still, he probably could have gotten away with that red truth -it would just be a little unfair.
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How much the narrative talks about Erika controlling the narrative because of this and that.... it's really funny to think all of them are only listening to her bc they are doing an epic prank on her.
This scene is really tender.... the roles are reversed and Battler is waiting for a miracle, which as we know will happen in this game, actually. So unlike the harrowing versions of this scene that were Beatrice trying to coach Battler it feels a lot more positive and tender. Also sets up that Battler probably did the logic error in order to bet on Beatrice solving it for him...
Bern makes it obvious she really, really, hates Beatrice specifically and starts her fooling Battler plan.
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They start acting really obviously when Battler gets into the room, haha, Erika starts playing the poor little victim that just needs some help card, and Bernkastel uh, honestly acts around the same she's being extremely abusive but that's normal for her she's just using harsher words and less mental manipulation.
Dlanor is actually the one that lays down the trap.... which ends up being a trap for Erika and Bernkastel you know but.
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Erika: Thank you so much for assisting with my performance
Bernkastel: ...Plus I wasn't acting.
Damn. Bernkastel just like nw i was abusing youf for reals lol, bye. Dlanor berates Battler for such a fatal move... it's very fatal for Erika alright.
Jessica talks about how it would be nice if everyone's love could be fulfilled and Zepar and Furfur mention the Golden Land.... George rejects it harshly and Battler speaks of it on a sort of sad note, it is sad that's what Sayo ended up choosing for herself...
The room splitting begins and Erika walks to her tomb throughout all of this,,, kind of sad to have Battler acknowledge her skills when she's walking into the biggest mistake of her life.
That's uh - flying a little close to the sun Battler! Like yes that's what happened but that's a very big hint!
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Erika can't help but start gloating as soon as Battler was forced to say everyone, even when, again, that will be her downfall.... everything she does in this episode is leading to her failure it's kind of sad to see.
Yeah, pieces such as Sayo and her characters.... he's foreshadowing the move he will pretend to be the thing that 'saves' him from the logic error already.
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Ange and Featherine start explaining what a Logic Error is. Ange starts freaking out and Featherine can point he can just change the trick... which is what he's going to do after a while, actually, but in a4d chess way. Oh no, she is Lambda, you have far too much faith in her, Battler is betting on Erika to be a smug loser and she absolutely is a smug loser. Lambda kind of shits on him for playing with luck, which he absolutely is, but it's consistent with how Erika acts, so....
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Battler denies Battler not being anywhere in the room, that fucks up his trick so of course he is going to force her to look before he says anything. Erika makes the fatal mistake of trying to be smug and leave the closet for last in order to own Battler in a fancy way which is going to be her downfall. Erika gets epically pranked, giving Kanon plenty of time to jump into the room and for Battler to set up his Logic Error-Redemption and be saved by Kanon. Battler confirms he was betting on this exact course of action.....
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Battler begins talking about hoping for the greatest miracle. Just as Beatrice had trapped herself in an endless torture game in order to get Battler to realize an answer, it is time for Battler to set up endless torture on himself to guide Beatrice to the answer....
Lambdadelta can't help but warn Battler against locking himself in endless torture haha.... there's a reason why they get the power of certainty in EP8!
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Battler talks about his games with Beatrice and tells Beatrice that believing will bring about a miracle, in other words, Battler is now Beatrice and Beatrice is now Battler. Erika is so fucking Normal in this scene.... she's so scared that there won't be a logic error haha.... she's just fucking squirming here.
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We do the fake fanfare with even Ange joining in, and then Bern and Erika cut him out... also we have a monologue of Lambda being impressed by Battler and accepting defeat. Which is kind of funny as 1. it's crashing down 2. the real miracle hasn't been summoned. These guys are playing so many layers of tricks lmfao. Erika reveals she killed everyone after this.
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I do think Battler's disgust at this was probably a bit real though - I am not sure he would enjoy his prank game being turned into a real murder case especially since he's probably trying to come to terms with his family as complete people ala what he was doing in EP8 for Ange but for himself. Even if he suspected it was coming.
Erika is cute when she's excited and happy that her murder and torture plan came through.
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Battler is prompting Beatrice to create the answer - I don't really believe Battler can't figure this out on his own. If you already understand the logic that Kanon and Shannon can be there while not physically being there due their nature, it's not hard to extend that logic.
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Beato swears he will come to save Battler, and Battler has to wait for his thousand years for the miracle.
We get a ton of details on Sayo as a person here, actually, and Lambda is a sweety and can't help but help someone waiting with certainty for the impossible.
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"I still believe he will come back"..... obviously, the love trial is currently representing the years in between Battler leaving. Hahaha, yeah, ahahaha.
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Faetherine plays the role of R07 to a very annoyed reader-ange. Also, it's kind of impressive how even smaller lines like this work so well. Neither Takano nor Satoko counted the years during their hell. Rika, of course, wasn't the game master of Higurashi.... a lot of this went over my head when I first played because I hadn't played Higurashi before.
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They don't have a lot of nice things to say about Hanyuu in this house, it seems.... Hanyuu is a very interesting character with a fucked up relationship to Rika, as well, but that's not really for right now...
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This scene is so interesting as an exploration of trauma from all parties.... Erika shoots back at Lambdadelta for this by saying it's not that time spent in hell but the depth of that hell that counts, and that her hell is no less meaningful than hers, their hell was escapable, her hell isn't. She can only accept the truth but can never escape it. She brings up Bernkastel's past to her and she snaps and Erika pities her for having to always be escaping her hell and never being able to accept it....
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Erika monologues about how much she will enjoy being the one defiling Battler and Beatrice by getting in between them instead of being the one that is being defiled.... Would suck to hear that if, say, the person you love disappeared entirely from your life, wouldn't it. If Battler isn't coming it's because Sayo doesn't have enough love.
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Zepar and Furfur hammer more that the love trial is the hint that we are getting and Shannon and Kanon decide to have the duel, Zepar/Furfur point out that they thought George Jessica would have the duel - but obviously, the one with the body, Sayo, has to make the actual choice. No one else can make that choice for her. God this scene has such a feel.... just the tense feeling leading to the duel, the hints they are dropping such as Sayo's age.... ......
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If they both die, both of their loves will be made complete... and it's very sad to think of how Sayo must have felt to reach that answer....
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Gaap, Ronnove, and Ronove reconstruct the locked room, and Gaap says "It doesn't matter who's here. We need to find out how to escape" which is.... exactly wrong. We get the red truth confirming that Kanon's room window was in fact intact. They use bureaucracy to dodge Gaap's questioning about Shannon's room window seals, which the answer won't, technically, use.
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Featherine blurts out the answer after saying she doesn't have it, ahaha. Featherine points out this solution will reveal the heart to Beatrice's heart and may never be used again.
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Bern bets on the fact Erika will win because Battler wouldn't use a trick that reveals so much of Beato's heart and Lambda calls her naive and affirms that Battler will lay her to rest. The fact Battler is being sold off as property and literally being forced to serve Erika until the end of time with the ring exchange is very interesting to me. Zepar and Furfur giving talks about how incredible love is is very ironic here, In other words, Sayo needs to let go of their personas and become one, full person in order to be loved and to love.... the wording of sub-human still makes me sad even if I know what is meant though.
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Furfur and Zepar really are hammering the answers though.... The fact Kanon loses of course represents that Sayo had already chosen George over Jessica.... and that Battler fucked things upby coming back. Jessica's cries are so sad.... Chick-Beato was so close to disappearing.... so close to being able to move on.... and yet....Reading Sayo's monologue on why she created Beatrice is so sad "You are to love him in my place, and if fate allows it, be loved by him."
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bondew · 4 months
lmao imagine not having friends cade, and imagine ur friends leaving u for sport dazz! losersssss!!
Cadence Lane.
As the professer walks in i fix my posture and move my gaze from the window to him. My laptop is already open on fresh word doccument, along with a second tap with the project. I've already emailed it so I doubt we will use it, best to stay prepared though. He begins to ramble and the 60 people in the room are visibly bored. I end up doodling on my pale hand with a black pen, still paying attention but just keeping myself occupied. I've forgotton about the idea of taking actual notes and I'm just remembering everything important. It may sounds like I dont like what I do but when you have the same chatty teacher each lecture you just eventually get sick of it. I can't stop thinking about that boy from the library, I wonder why he didn't stay with his friends, I mean they looked like they were having a great time. He was weird, reading about bugs instead of being with your friends. Like if I had friends I would spend as much time with them as possible, and I'd feel pretty shit if they were having a bunch of fun without me. Not that I want friends! That's so stupid. Maybe they're mean to him? I wouldn't be too surprised, they seem very different to bug boy. Two hours later half the class are dead asleep, the rest are bored out of their minds and a couple weird students are all bubbly and awake. To be honest they are probably survivng on caffine. I pack up my things as we get dismissed, sliding my laptop and pencil case into my black messenger bag. Shoving on a white coat over my turtle neck I step out into the hallway, just a couple steps out i run into someone. "God! Watch out!" I say by instinct. I stare at the persons as they beg to be forgiven, "Oh! I'm so sorry sir!" They smile sweetly and looks at me. "Bug boy?" I accidently say aloud. "Oh yeah! Haha!" He holds up the heavy book. "Oh shit- um I didn't mean to say that out loud, sorry!" Wait why the fuck am I apologising- I never do that! I look back up and he's just laughing while walking away.
Bug Boy.
For some odd reason as we practice my first scene, which Juliet isn't even it I'm shaking- like I may get nervous sometimes on stage but never during rehearsal?! Despite this I think I did an ok job, it's just weird how I'm so nervous today, when I woke up I was fine! God.. I spot my friends walking down the hallway as I exit the auditorium, running to them I instantly just start smiling and joking away. My friends complain about their classes and then before I can even start on mine, they all excuse themselves so they can go to training. My smile fades but I wipe it back on and just keep walking. Suddenly I bump into someone. "God! Watch out!" They snap, and I start apologizing continually. "Oh! I'm so sorry sir!" "Bug boy?" They say and I stare into their emerald eyes before realizing that they sat in front of me in the library, I hold up my book and start laughing. "Oh yeah! Haha!" I start to walk away but I still hear them say something and then mutter to themselves. I make my way off campus and find a ramen shop, I actually see a couple of my friends outside of the group but decide to just eat by myself. Swiping my card I buy a bowl and sit down at the bar seats. They don't come over to me so I assume they didn't see me. The food comes out quite quickly and I start slurping. I wonder why that guy remembered me, am I that memorable. Well it was only a couple hours ago- and I did wake him up. Oh shit- Now I've woken him up and bumped into him! He probably hates me.. I hang my head and the front of my hair touches the soup in the bowl, I pull up my head and wipe the tuffs with my sleeve. Picking up the bowl I slurp down the soup and pay before leaving. My couple friends are still in there, they were probably just talking. Luckily my literature class got cancelled since my professor is sick so I can just go back to my dorm. The streets are quite empty as I cross back to the UNI, suddenly a cast of grey storm clouds shower me in rain and I am forced to run back. Slumping down on my hard mattress I grab a towel and aggressively shake my head. Pulling off my wet clothes, I hang them on the windows and change, leaving my shirt off. I sit down at my desk with a blanket wrapped around me I check my emails just in case my professor uploads any work. Sadly she did and I'm forced to write. I begin to thoroughly read the email and I'm shocked when it's free writing. She never lets us do free so this is quite exiting. We have to write at least 10,000 words, my current work in progress has around 8,000 so I just continue that. Around an hour later it's finally at just over 10,000 and I can submit it. I make sure to replace all the swear words and recheck my spelling and grammar about a million times.
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fickleminder · 2 years
careful what you wish for
You and Satan find out that sometimes magic wishes have unexpected consequences.
Based on Satan’s Wish-Granting Charm Devilgram. I haven’t replayed a Devilgram so many times in ages; can you tell I’m a sucker for MC whump? 🙃
“I wish upon the moon of my heart...”
The cheesy-sounding spell makes you cringe internally (not to mention a certain pose comes to mind), but there’s no doubting its power when a black cat appears in the library, meowing loudly for attention.
Satan looks equally surprised. “I was just thinking about a cat, but I wasn’t really trying to summon one...” he says in wonder, reaching down to scoop the little kitten into his arms. It squirms slightly in his hold but eventually settles down without fuss. “If Lucifer sees this cat, we’re in trouble. Let’s take it to my room for now.”
Despite unexpected visits from several brothers, you and Satan manage to convince them to keep the feline a secret. You even make a quick trip to the kitchen for some milk, and the two of you watch as ‘Munchkin’ drinks its fill.
“If this little guy was summoned by my wish, then does that mean that the magic spell actually worked?!”
“There’s only one way to know for sure.” You shrug. Who would have thought that a spell from a storybook could work in real life?
“You’re right. Let’s try it again.” Satan’s eyes gleam with excitement. “Let’s see if it will grant one of your wishes. What do you want to wish for?”
“I want a holiday,” you say without hesitation. Satan laughs at the deadpan expression on your face. “What? We’ve had a lot of exams to study for lately. I want to take a break.”
“Okay, now say the magic spell.”
Crap, I forgot about that. But with Satan looking at you expectantly, there’s no way around it. You do your best to keep a straight face as you mutter the spell, but seconds pass and nothing happens.
“Well, I suppose with this kind of wish, we won’t know if it worked or not right now.” If Satan is disappointed, he doesn’t show it. “Let’s wait and see.”
It’s not your first time spending the night in Satan’s room, but you wake up the next day feeling groggy and lethargic.
Falling sick isn’t unreasonable; your immune system’s probably shot to hell and back after exam season, but you’ve never come down with an illness so suddenly before. Something’s not right...
“What? You want me to scratch behind your ears?”
You pry your eyes open to an endearing sight: Satan in his RAD uniform crouched on the floor, almost mimicking Munchkin’s pose as he speaks eye-to-eye with the cat.
“All right, all right. Come here. I don’t give special treatment like this to just anyone, you know? Just you.”
Not even me? You want to ask. Your throat doesn’t feel like cooperating though.
“Haha! You’re a cute little thing, aren’t you?” The rustling of his sheets finally catches his attention, and Satan quickly bolts upright, his cheeks a lovely shade of crimson. “...?! G-Good morning! Did you see that? It’s not what it looks like! I was just making sure it wasn’t injured anywhere.”
The shit-eating grin on your face speaks volumes.
“What?!” The demon’s indignant scowl fades into a worried frown as he notices your pale complexion. “You should probably take the day off. We finished the last of our tests yesterday. Why don’t you go to your room and rest?”
“Day off sounds good...” you manage to croak out, wincing at the hoarseness of your voice. Guess I’m getting that holiday after all...
Satan lets you pet Munchkin one more time before helping you to your bed. You sigh happily as he tucks you in and presses a kiss to your forehead, and you’re out like a light before he even leaves the room.
You wake up from your nap feeling much better, albeit not quite at 100% yet. A quick check of your D.D.D. tells you that there’s still about an hour before RAD’s classes end, so you have at least half a day to chill.
After making yourself some lunch, you prepare a saucer of milk and bring it to Satan’s room, knowing that Munchkin must be hungry as well. The kitten greets you enthusiastically and you spend some time relaxing with it, running your fingers through its soft fur as it laps at its meal—
A loud growl is all the warning you get before something big and heavy crashes through the door. Gone is the peace and quiet as one of Cerberus’ heads pokes into the room, snarling in your direction. 
“Cerberus? Easy boy, it’s just me...” You raise your hands slowly, trying to calm the angry beast down. You may not have Lucifer’s level of control over it, but the three-headed dog has never bared its fangs at you with such hostility before. “What’s wrong?”
Munchkin leaps between you and Cerberus with a vicious hiss, its hackles raised and claws unsheathed. It looks so tiny in comparison, and you scramble to your feet with fear as the rest of Cerberus enters the room.
A wave of nausea slams into you, causing your knees to buckle. What’s happening, you wonder hazily, struggling to string coherent thoughts together as your body starts to heat up dangerously. Did I stand too fast? No, this vertigo isn’t natural...
“Stop... fighting...” you slur, feeling every last drop of energy leave your body. Something is sapping your strength, forcing you to rest—
Just as your mind latches onto a theory, the world turns sideways and everything goes dark.
You blink in and out of consciousness, finding yourself cradled in Satan’s arms on the floor of his room. But he’s not alone: Beel and Asmo are flanking you worriedly, while a furious Lucifer stands next to his loyal hound.
From what you can make of the ensuing argument, it turns out that Munchkin is actually a demon in the form of a cat, and the first and fourth borns are back at each other’s throats about keeping pets in the house.
Your heart almost jumps out of your chest when Lucifer uses magic to forcibly get rid of Munchkin, but Satan counters by sealing the cat-demon inside a protective cage that deflects the spell.
“We need to get out of here. Beel, carry the cage!” Satan doesn’t bother helping you up and simply scoops you off the ground. You instinctively loop your arms around his neck as he hoists you into a bridal carry, and the four of you hightail it out of there with Cerberus hot on your collective heels.
“I think we lost them,” Beel says.
“I need to catch my breath…” Asmo whines, doubled over and panting heavily.
Satan sets you down on a nest of cushions, no doubt one of Belphie’s given that you’re seeking shelter in the planetarium.
“Are you alright? You passed out on the floor.” He presses a hand against your forehead. It feels blessedly cool to the touch; you close your eyes and lean against him. “Your fever’s gone up. I should’ve stayed with you today instead of leaving you by yourself.”
“S’not a fever…” you mumble, still feeling somewhat dizzy. It’s the spell, you try to rationalize while you’re still lucid. It makes me weak when I’m stressed…
You take some time to gather your strength as the others discuss amongst themselves. They correctly deduce that Munchkin had gotten into a fight with Cerberus in an attempt to protect you, but before you can share your side of the story, Lucifer appears at the doorway.
“That demon is controlling you, Satan.” He growls, marching into the room. There’s no sign of Cerberus, but no doubt he’s waiting outside and blocking off the only exit.
Tensions rise again, as does the pounding in your skull. Satan raises his voice as he defends Munchkin’s actions, and you’re too out of it to try and calm him down.
“You agree with me too, don’t you?” Satan finally turns to you, but by then it’s too late.
Your eyes roll back and you crumple to the ground again, barely registering a frantic Asmo patting your flushed cheeks before the darkness drags you under.
“Please, open your eyes for me…”
Your vision swims at first, but it gradually refocuses to the sight of Satan hunched over you. You’re back in your bed and tucked snugly under the covers. No one else is around.
“Are you awake? You still have a fever. Don’t try to get up.” Satan fusses, adjusting the damp cloth on your forehead and pulling the blankets up even further. “Are you hungry? How about something to drink? Let me know if there’s anything you need. I’ll go get it for you.”
“Just need you…” you murmur, reaching weakly for him. The demon immediately laces his fingers with yours. “Where’s Munchkin and Lucifer?”
Satan’s expression darkens slightly at the mention of his brother, but it’s quickly smoothed over. “Munchkin is safe. I worked something out with Lucifer, he won’t bother us anymore.”
Good, that means you should make a steady recovery. Then again, with all the chaos in this household, you might as well be terminal.
Satan listens intently as you explain your theory behind your sudden illness, and you can practically see the metaphorical light bulb go off over his head when all the pieces fall into place.
“In that case, I want to use our final wish right now,” he declares, squeezing your hand firmly. “I wish for you to get better soon.”
“Thank you.” You smile at him sweetly, delighting in the rosy hue of his cheeks. “I’ll get better just for you.”
The last of Satan’s restraint finally snaps, and he leans forward to hug you, careful not to crush you under his weight as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. “I was almost sure that I lost you for good, until you finally opened your eyes,” he admits quietly. “I was worried sick. I needed to make sure you were still with me…”
“I’ll always be here with you,” you promise, pressing a light kiss to his hair. With your heart overflowing with affection for your beloved demon, you can’t find it in yourself to cringe at the next part. “Now come on, time to say the magic words.”
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(I usually have a hard time anyway when it comes to keeping up with character birthdays, but Spinner is the hardest for me since my grandma’s is Aug 6th, my best friend is Aug 7th and Spinners is Aug 8th. I missed it but I actually really wanna do something special for him since I love him so much and don’t show him enough attention. Anyway, I’m done rambling!)
-Sidenote: I’ve been trying lately to add read more lines for some posts that are a bit long. I don’t want everyone to have to scroll so long to pass by it if they needed to haha.
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Friends, just friends. At least that’s what he felt like when he looked at you. You’d been around for him more than anyone else so why did he always feel so clammy when it came time to talk to you? Whenever you get super close to him during movie or game night and he felt the heat creeping along his cheeks, or when you laughed at something stupid he did or said. It was all too much for him sometimes. You had to have noticed by now right? The way he reacts with you? Well maybe you must’ve thought of him as a brother or something. He let his thoughts wander as usual when you suddenly entered his bedroom without knocking and stole all his attention. He grunted and glared at you nervously. “You...you can’t just keep walking in here like that. What if I was doing something-”
“Oh what? Something scandalous?” You took a seat on the bed with a bounce and laughed. “Pleeease, you’re always in here either sleeping or playing games. I doubt I have anything to worry about when I burst in here. It’s different if I were to walk in on Dabi or Tomura.” He chuckled and shook his head. “What do you want anyway?” 
“What??? Did you forget what today was already?!” You grabbed his shoulders and shook him. “Huh? What? Let me go!? Stop shaking me, fuck!!” Once you let him breath for a moment he gathered his thoughts and took a second. It was a real lightbulb moment when he realized it. “Figured it out eh? It’s your birthday Shuichi!” He rolled his eyes and looked away from your cheerful smile in the hopes he wouldn’t get flustered by how amazing you looked in the moment. “Don’t give me that! Every year I have to fight you to let me celebrate it. This year I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer, now get up, change your boxers, and let’s go!” Just like that you were out of his room and on your way to gather whatever the hell you had planned. He sighed at the way you never closed the door after you left. As he got up to close it and get ready his mind wandered once more to what the day would hold. With you it was unpredictable. Last year you’d taken the man to a petting zoo of all places. The year before that you scared the shit out of him with a surprise party. His favorite year was the go-karting/arcade date...
“Wait, did I just call it a date??? Fuck, get it together Iguchi...” He grumbled under his breath and smacked himself in the face. “It’s best to not keep having these thoughts.”
Once he was fully dressed down (in disguise if you will), he went to meet you outside of the base. You being one of the only people there with a car had its merits when you weren’t busy doing gas station runs for wanted criminals lol. He quickly got in and re-adjusted the passenger seat. “Was Toga in here again? She sits too damn close to the dashboard. You don’t have to worry about her being arrested or caught by heroes because she’ll fly out the windshield and die before that happens.” You laughed at it. “Okay, you may be right, but you sit back way too far in the car. That’s why no one wants to sit behind you because you crush their knees.” You teased and he blushed lightly. “Whatever, just tell me where we’re going. It better not be somewhere ridiculous this year.” He said as he secretly hoped it wasn’t sky diving or something like that. “No way, it’s a surprise.” You winked at him (causing him to internally melt down for a second). The two of you chatted and listened to music the whole way out while he secretly tried to guess what you had planned. To his surprise you decided to tone it down this year and have a simple movie date. It worked out since not many people could recognize him at this point yet. Also it was fine since you’d be in the dark mostly. If anything that damn petting zoo date was more risky than this.
‘There you go again calling it a date, you idiot.’ 
He shook the thoughts from his head while you ordered snacks at the concession counter. You turned to him and smiled warmly. “Anything for you, birthday boy?” He would’ve felt the world around him slow to a stop when you smile at him like this. He can barely form the words. “...” You tilted your head in confusion before shrugging and turning your attention back to the worker. “I’ll just get a hotdog for him, a large blue raspberry ice, and a pack of peanut chocolates.” As the movie started he was still fighting with his thoughts while you were ooo-ing and ahhh-ing at the trailers. For some reason (for the sake of this ask) you seemed to love catching trailers at the movies. You kept spouting off about what you and him should go see together when it came out and what you should totally pirate because it wasn’t worth paying to see. You spoke about your favorite actors and actresses, and you brought up the soundtracks to other movies all while his heart started to race more and more. About 8 minutes into the movie all he could think about was you and the way you made him feel. He’d never had someone try to celebrate his birthday with him every year for 5 years in a row. He’d never had a person smile so warmly at him, or come to his defense even when he didn’t need the help. He’d never had a person fall asleep on his lap late nights when playing games together, or have a person annoyingly steal his favorite jackets and hats so often. He’d never had someone take such gentle care of him when he got sick, or the way you just seemed to hold him a little tighter than anyone ever did. 
‘God why keep fighting it? I’m in love...’
When the movie ended he quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the room and into one of the hallways. Without a single thought he stopped running from his heart and decided to risk it all. Sure this was no romantic comedy and a cliché like this might not cut it. Sure you could push him away in a heartbeat and he could ruin your entire friendship, but he couldn’t help but to try. Much to his surprise, he kissed you. Even more surprising is when you kissed him back. It was like fireworks going off in his stomach and warm ocean waves crashing wildly in his heart. His head was fuzzy static, finally silenced by the what-ifs of the moment. When he finally pulled back you smiled the widest you’d done in a long time. “How’d you figure out the rest of the birthday surprise?”
“Ha...I was actually going to confess how I’d been feeling about you for a while.” You looked down and twiddled your thumbs a bit. Now it was your turn to finally be nervous for once. “I really like you Shuichi. For a while I was worried I was embarrassing you or overwhelming you with my emotions so I kept them somewhat concealed. Today was going to be the day I confessed to you. I literally got it printed on the stupid cake back at the base for your birthday. Who told you? Was it Toga? What about Compress???” 
“No one, I had a hunch.” He lied haha, but he was grateful to know you felt the same way about him. This had to take the cake for the best birthday you’d ever spent with him. No present in the world could beat having you finally by his side. 
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crystalninjaphoenix · 2 years
Fantasy Masks AU: Chapter Sixteen
A JSE Fanfic
I missed last week because I got sick :( It sucked, but I’m all better now and back with another FMAU chapter :) Chase is even more ready to go out after having another strange dream last night. Luckily Marvin is awake again so he can ask him if he wants to come. But before that happens, Marvin and Jackie have a lot to talk about. Annnnd...yeah, that’s it for summary. Have fun haha
“I’m telling you, it’s strange.” Chase tapped his fork against the edge of his plate, unable to eat at all. His stomach had been doing flips ever since he woke up that morning. “I’ve never had the draísling two nights in a row, and I’ve never gotten as close to the well as I did last night. It’s got to be some sort of sign or omen or something.”
Jackie and Henrik, across from him, stared at his face intently. Chase had found them as soon as he was able to, and now the three of them were sitting on some of the smaller dragon leg bones, quite a distance from the other Phantoms having breakfast. Jackie and Henrik also had plates of food, but just like Chase, they sat on their laps, abandoned. “It can’t be a coincidence at this point,” Jackie said. He glanced at Henrik. “Right?”
Henrik nodded slowly. His initial skepticism about the dreams had disappeared shortly after Chase started talking about the one he had last night. “You...said you wanted to leave soon, yes? To look for your family? Perhaps this is connected.”
“That’s exactly what I thought,” Chase agreed. “I think I’m doing the right thing. I must be.”
Jackie laughed a little. “Well, if you suddenly stop having the draíslings, then you’ll know it was the wrong thing. Nothing to worry about there.”
“I would not say that,” Henrik said slowly. “We still do not know what they mean or how they work. Perhaps if they stop, then it means there was a missed opportunity?”
Chase felt his stomach flip again, and he slowly moved his plate from his lap to his side. “I-I hope that won’t happen,” he said quietly. “I—I think the draíslings must be coming from the Horned Elder One. They want me to do something. And I think if I started going against their plan, they would correct that.”
“Elders,” Jackie muttered. “And I mean that literally. Having dreams sent by a deity. No pressure or anything.” He must’ve noticed the way Chase went suddenly pale, because he hurried to add, “I’m sure you’ll do well, Chase. The Horned Elder One wouldn’t choose you for no reason.”
“Right,” Chase muttered. He looked down to where his deer-headed mask was resting against the ground, and leaned over to pick it up. For a moment, he stared into its hollow eyes, running a finger along the plaster antlers. He wasn’t one to doubt the Elders, but...could they make mistakes? As powerful as they were, they weren’t all-knowing. What could he have to offer an Elder? He was a normal man. A normal man who just wanted to find his family. The only connection he could see was that he was a hunter, one who spent most of his time in the wilderness where the Horned Elder One reigned. Perhaps it was simply...convenient.
“Maybe the Elder chose him because he has a mask like their face,” Henrik said jokingly, snapping Chase out of his thoughts.
Chase chuckled a bit. “Actually, I chose a deer because of them.” He had seen them twice before making the mask, but for some reason he didn’t want to share that fact with the others. Nor did he want to talk about how he thought he kept seeing signs of deer everywhere, during a season when they would rarely be seen wandering about.
“Well, there you go, then,” Henrik said, poking Chase with the handle of his fork. “Clearly it was a good call.”
“Clearly,” Chase repeated, smiling in spite of his continuing nerves. “But...I’m still not sure what the draíslings mean. And hearing that voice last night just confuses things even more.”
“Well,” Jackie said, picking at the fur on the end of his cape, “this is how I understand it. You’re constantly trying to reach a destination in these dreams, right?”
“The well, yes,” Chase said, nodding.
“And last night, you reached the well, and you heard someone’s voice inside. To me, it seems like you need to go somewhere, somewhere that will probably be hard to get to, and find someone. What you’re supposed to do when you find them, I’m not sure. Maybe that will also be revealed in the dreams.”
“Hmm.” Henrik pursed his lips, looking thoughtful. He reached down and grabbed his medicine flask from the pouch on his belt, took a quick drink, then said, “You would think the Elder would know how to give clear directions.”
“Schneep!” Jackie gasped.
“Ah, I can say it, the Elders have nothing over me,” Henrik waved away Jackie’s shock.
“Oh, is that how it works?” Jackie rolled his eyes. “Alright. In that case, you would think the Celestial Sisters would actually come down in person instead of sending a thousand different messengers. They’re powerful enough, right?”
“That is different!” Henrik protested. “First, there are only one hundred alserai, not a thousand! And the Sisters cannot just ‘come down,’ they belong in the sky! That is like asking why we do not regularly go visit fish in the ocean.”
“Exactly, see, there’s always a reason,” Jackie insisted. “Deities aren’t like people, they work differently. The Elders don’t speak like we do, so the Horned Elder One needs a different way to give instructions.”
“Well then why not show Chase where he is supposed to go and who he is supposed to see?”
“Because if it’s a place that Chase has never been, then he has no idea how to get there!”
“It is better than showing a random well in a garden!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, you’re right, the Elder should just insert directions into Chase’s mind, I’m sure they would fit perfectly and not just confuse him!”
Chase watched the two of them bicker, amused. He didn’t even mind that they were talking about him when he was right there, it was much more fun to watch them get into it. For a moment, he forgot all about his own worries.
It was around noon when Jackie got the news. He was busy inside the dragon’s skull, reviewing the placement of Phantoms across Glasúil with Ana. They had to be sure their notes were accurate, and that meant a long process of looking over reports from other Phantoms and comparing their encoded locations with the information they already had. It wasn’t Jackie’s favorite part of leading the Phantoms, but it had to be done, and Henrik had done it last time. Now it was Jackie’s turn.
“Bad tidings,” Ana was saying, looking over a scroll of vellum. “The camp at Kerrulean had to move because a group of King’s scouts found them.”
“What?!” Jackie glanced over at her in alarm. “When?”
“About ten days ago, judging by how fast their messenger bird got here,” Ana said.
“Damn it,” Jackie muttered, returning his attention to the map laid out on the table. “That was one of our longest-hidden camps. Where did they go? Did they lose anyone?”
“Three were killed in the skirmish with the scouts, two injured, and the scouts got away,” Ana reported. “They moved to a spot on the banks of Scálaith Avon. Here.” She handed the vellum to him, noting a rough map drawn on the lower half.
Jackie took the vellum, compared the sketchy map to the much more detailed one before him, and figured out where the location was. “Great,” he muttered, dipping his fingertip in ink and marking the spot with a finger-sized dot. They were getting a lot of reports of King’s scouts finding or getting close to Phantom camps. Not to mention their own close call. It gave Jackie an uneasy feeling...
“Excuse me? Mr. Fionason?”
Jackie turned around and saw Nemet had entered the skull at some point, her ibis mask pulled down over her face. “You don’t have to call me that,” he said, despite knowing that Nemet would never stop calling him that. “You can call me Jackie, like you call Henrik his name.”
“Right,” Nemet said, nodding. “Your friend Marvin. He is awake now.”
Jackie immediately dropped the vellum he was holding. “He is? Since when?”
“Since just a few moments ago.” By now, Jackie noticed the way Nemet was slightly out of breath, as if she’d just run a fair distance. “I told him he still needed to rest, but he might have started walking the moment I left.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Jackie muttered. “Did you tell Henrik?”
Nemet shook her head. “I thought he would be here.”
“Check his tent. If he’s not there, check storage. He could be messing with concoctions or something.” Jackie stood up. “I-I’ll head over there right away. Almost right away. I need to get something first, but I can be there in two minutes.” As he spoke, he was already hurrying towards the entrance.
Ana, meanwhile, sighed and unrolled the scroll she’d just grabbed. “I’ll finish this by myself, then,” she said, just loud enough for Jackie to hear as he slipped through the gap between the skull and the spine and disappeared outside.
The moment he was out, Jackie broke into a dead sprint. He made a beeline for his tent, where he spent perhaps five seconds finding and grabbing a folded sheet of paper, then ran right to the infirmary. Any Phantoms who happened to be out walking jumped out of his way as soon as they saw him approaching. By the time he reached the cavern entrance, he was panting. Alright, maybe he’d gone a bit too fast. But he had to get here before Henrik did, so that he could talk to Marvin alone.
He pushed aside the canvas flap hanging over the entrance and walked inside. The infirmary was empty. He half-expected a whole bunch of people to be here to greet Marvin. Well, Nemet did say he just woke up. But the news was bound to get out sooner or later, so he had to take advantage of the moment while he could.
Marvin was sitting up in bed, with his cat Draco curled up and sleeping at the foot. At the moment, he was looking at the focus around his neck, holding it up so he could see. The amulet was gently glowing white. But after a few seconds he glanced towards the entrance and saw Jackie standing there. He immediately dropped the amulet, not taking his eyes away as it fell down to his chest.
No more putting it off. Jackie took a deep breath, squeezed the folded paper in his hand, and walked over to Marvin’s bed. “...Hello,” he said.
“Hello,” Marvin answered. “What are you doing here?”
“I...wanted to talk to you.” Jackie walked around the bed, sitting in the chair by its side. His back was stiff and straight as a fencepost, and he resisted the urge to squeeze the paper in his hand.
“About what?” Marvin asked. There was absolutely no tone in his voice or expression on his face. Perhaps that was just Marvin being Marvin, but Jackie couldn’t help but squirm, thinking he was deliberately being cold.
“A-about...various things,” Jackie said carefully. He looked down and unfolded the paper. On it, he had written a letter. But he hadn’t decided if he wanted to just hand it to Marvin or read it out loud. He hesitated, considering each option.
“What if I don’t want to talk to you?” Marvin said.
Jackie looked back up at him. “You don’t have to. You just have to listen.”
“What if I don’t want to listen, either?”
“Well, then—!” Jackie bit back the snappish remark. This wasn’t the time to point out how childish that was. “Well. Then. Just don’t say anything until I’m done talking.”
“What if—”
“Just.” Jackie closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “Let me say this, okay?”
Marvin tilted his head curiously, but said nothing more.
Jackie let out the breath he’d been holding and looked down at the letter. His mouth felt a bit dry and his stomach was twisting. Why was he so nervous about this? He slapped his leg a couple times to focus, and began to read. “Marvin. I realize that you’re angry with me for good reason. When we last talked, over a year ago, I called you terrible things and ended it by hitting you. I held a grudge against you for a long time, and when you showed up at camp again, all that came up again—which wasn’t really that fair of me, to help arrange a rescue and then shout at you when I saw you. I’m...sorry. For all this.”
That got Marvin’s attention. Previously only mildly listening, he now sat up straight. His stare grew more intense.
“But,” Jackie continued, “I still think my actions don’t excuse yours. You said terrible things as well, not only to me, but to Henrik. You two have made up, so it’s none of my business, but I don’t understand why you can’t do the same with me.”
His eyes were fixed on the sheet of paper, so he didn’t notice the way Marvin’s own eyes narrowed into a glare.
“You’ve been very careless of others’ feelings, and I became defensive as a result. And you don’t really acknowledge it, either, which only makes my blood boil further. It’s more than just our fight—honestly, I don’t think I care as much about that anymore. It’s also about your behavior, about how callous you’ve been acting for the longest time now. I don’t—”
“Oh, Elders and Sisters, just fuck off already,” Marvin grumbled, folding his arms.
Jackie looked up at him. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
“I don’t think I did, if you said what I think you said,” Jackie said carefully.
“I thought this would be a proper apology,” Marvin continued. “With the right amount of actual remorse. But no, you’re just trying to make yourself feel better. ‘See how good I am? I’m making up with you! Even though I still don’t like how! Love me!’ Ugh. You—”
“I am trying to be nice here,” Jackie interrupted. “It took me a long time to put all this into words.”
“Well you can take those words and shove them up your—”
“What happened to you?!” Jackie clutched his letter in one hand, balling it up. “When did you become so damn selfish?!”
“When did you become so high-and-mighty?!” Marvin rebutted.
“Me?! High-and-mighty?! That’s rich, coming from—” Jackie stopped himself right before saying that, knowing it would just open the floodgates for worse insults. He closed his eyes, breathed deeply in and out, then opened them again. “What’s the problem with my apology? Huh?”
“It’s all about you, that’s the problem!” Marvin shouted. “All about what you think I should do, about how you want me to act! If you really cared about apologizing, you would at least try to make me feel better. Instead, you’re just insulting me over and over! Oh, how dare I not make up with you when this is how you talk to me!”
“I-I—I’m not—you—there—” Jackie spluttered. “I’m trying to explain why I did what I did!”
“You’re just doubling down on blaming me for everything that’s ever gone wrong!” Marvin reached up and grabbed his focus. The white light surrounding it sank into his skin, and he looked a little more energetic than he did before. “It’s all because of me, all the time! I’m not the one who started that fight! You did!”
“No, I didn’t,” Jackie reflexively denied.
“Yes, you did! When I wanted to kill the King, you said that the people wouldn’t allow the royal line to be broken, I said they would learn to adjust, and you said ‘of course you wouldn’t understand the common people.’”
“I—that was the start?” Jackie did remember saying that, but he could have sworn it came later in the fight. “I—I don’t remember—”
“You don’t even remember saying it?!” Marvin interrupted, shocked.
“No, of course I do! I just thought it was...I don’t know, not the first remark thrown? It’s been a year, I can’t remember every detail!”
Marvin laughed. “Oh, of course. You don’t remember starting it, but I bet you remember everything I said. Isn’t that convenient?”
“No, I don’t remember everything you said, I don’t remember everything I said! It was a damn year ago, Marvin!” Jackie resisted the urge to throw the now-wadded-up letter in Marvin’s face.
“Well you sure kept that grudge for a year, despite not recalling all the details,” Marvin said bitterly.
“I did, and it was awful of me, and I want to make up for it!”
“Why now, then?!” Marvin demanded. “Why now?! No, I know why. It was because I magic’ed myself to exhaustion defending Wyvernlair, isn’t it? You say me do that and realized I could have died using all my magic, and wanted to make up before your chance passed. Just to clear your conscience.”
“No! I—well, it did have to do with what you did that night,” Jackie admitted. “But—”
“What, did you remember how useful it was to have a wizard on your side? Do you want me to cast spells for you? Do you think I’ll do any magic you want if you apologize? Do you—”
“It was the first time I saw you act like yourself again!” Jackie suddenly screamed.
Marvin went silent. Confusion clouded his features. “Like...myself again?”
Jackie realized he was leaning forward, his face inches away from Marvin’s. He backed away, moving the chair back as well just to be sure. “Like yourself again,” he repeated. “Like...like the man Henrik and I started the Phantoms with. The man who cared so deeply about the kingdom despite never leaving the city he grew up in. The man who...” His voice cracked. “...who snuck two small children into his family’s manor just so they could all play together, despite knowing how angry his family would be. Who—who cared much more about people getting hurt than the danger he’d be in, if the King found out he was going behind his back.” He breathed in shakily. His eyes felt wet. “What happened to that man, Marvin? When did it happen? I...I miss him.”
Marvin turned away, breaking his stare. He didn’t say anything for a while, and Jackie waited, barely daring to breathe. Until...“I’m not good with this,” Marvin said quietly.
“With what?”
“With...” He gestured vaguely. “I don’t know. Putting thoughts in words. I think it’s a feytouched thing. So, I...I don’t know if I can answer those questions.”
Jackie nodded. “Well...can you try?”
“It’ll take a while.”
“I’ll wait.”
Marvin sighed. He looked down at his hands, feeling the texture of the blanket as he ran his fingers over the fabric. Jackie said nothing, waiting quietly as he promised to. “When we started doing this, it all seemed so simple,” he finally said. “Almost...childish, even? We’d undermine the King’s evil efforts and save the day. But...as time went on, I realized...it was more complicated than that. I know you noticed, too. You were in the King’s army at the time, you must have realized how many of them loved him. Adored him. It was the same with the nobility. I mean, they must have known what happened with the Jairsolas family. It’s awfully lucky that the family most outspoken against the King’s efforts all met a vague, unexplained tragic end. But nobody said a word about it. Nobody doubted him.”
Jackie nodded slowly, but still said nothing.
“It was everywhere I looked, Jackie. It was absurd. And...I can’t say exactly when it occurred to me, but eventually, I realized we couldn’t just dethrone the King. Because there would be people out there who would seek to return him to the throne. A-and the nobles who supported them have the power to make things difficult for whoever we crowned in the King’s place. We...we have to get rid of him. We have to make sure he can’t rally any support.”
“It...makes sense,” Jackie said. “But that still means people might rally around his dead image.”
“True, but that seems easier to deal with,” Marvin said. “But this is about more than the King. Did you...do you really think I’m heartless for wanting to kill him?” His voice was quiet. Fragile, like his words might shatter into glass. Combined with the way the magical exhaustion still lingered on his face, Marvin looked suddenly vulnerable.
“I...did,” Jackie said, equally quiet. “I think because...because I couldn’t understand how you could suddenly...I-it didn’t match up, in my mind. You’re a kind man, Marvin. I know you’re also angry and vicious and prone to shouting, but underneath it all...well, I still remember that time you cried when that little girl dropped her doll in the gutter.”
Marvin groaned. “Oh, Elders, I hoped you forgot about that.”
“How could I ever forget about it?” Jackie smiled. “You wanted to buy her a new one, and thought that a doll would cost three gold pieces.”
“It seemed reasonable at the time.”
“To be fair, that would buy a doll. And about a hundred spare ones as well.” Jackie laughed briefly, then sighed and returned to the matter at hand. “I didn’t think a man like that could kill someone.”
“Well...I might’ve agreed with you, years ago,” Marvin admitted. “But...that’s...just too optimistic. We can’t afford that optimism. Not with this king.”
Jackie moved his chair closer to the bed once again. “I’m sorry that my apology was just insulting you. I-I didn’t mean it to be like that. I just...felt so angry with you. I felt...dismissed. As though you didn’t care about my feelings, o-or Henrik’s feelings, or...well, I know now you do, but at the time, I was...doubtful. And I shouldn’t have been.”
“You thought I was some pretentious prick?” Marvin asked.
“I...wouldn’t put it that way,” Jackie said delicately.
“No, I understand where you’re coming from,” Marvin sighed. “I come from a family of pretentious pricks. And honestly? That ‘apology’ from you just now? It...reminded me of them.”
“Oh.” Jackie felt his heart sink. “I really messed up then, didn’t I?”
“I am so, so sorry.”
“Was that your first draft of the letter, or...?”
“No.” Jackie looked down at the crumpled-up letter. “Maybe my earlier drafts would have been better. There was less of me trying to explain my actions and more...asking you questions.”
“That would’ve worked more.” Marvin nodded.
“Ironically, I was trying not to hurt your feelings with this,” Jackie said.
Marvin laughed. “I don’t think you’re any better at wording things than I am.”
“Apparently not,” Jackie said, laughing as well.
The two of them giggled for a little bit, sounding not unlike a pair of young girls. But eventually, it faded. “I...I am sorry as well,” Marvin said. “Earlier, you said you got defensive. I think...I did, as well. I didn’t...want to be hurt. So I...fought back.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Jackie whispered. “Even when I was insulting you deliberately. That...probably doesn’t make any sense.”
“No, it doesn’t. But I understand anyway.”
The two of them fell silent for a moment. Then, Jackie held out his hand. “Are we...okay?”
Marvin looked at his hand, then took it, shaking it once. “We’re alright.”
Jackie withdrew his hand, and the silence returned. They stared upward, at the lanterns hanging from the rocky ceiling and the patterns they cast on the rough walls. Draco woke up—or maybe he had been awake for a while and was just now moving—and walked up to the two of them. Marvin proceeded to pet him, running a hand along his back. “So...are you still going to leave?” Jackie asked.
“I’m not sure,” Marvin said quietly. “I—I would like to help up here. Judging by that scout party, we might need more defense. But...Jameson.”
“I don’t think he wants to be here,” Marvin elaborated. “It scares him. I think...I think he thinks that as long as he’s here, his presence could betray us. And I promised to protect him. So...if he wants to leave, I’ll want to go with him.” He paused. “Also, I...I’m just more used to wandering around at this point. I know what I can do out there, not as sure what I can do up here.”
“You were always like that,” Jackie muttered. Back when they first started the Masked Phantoms, Marvin was always the one constantly leaving, while Henrik and Jackie worked on the logistics back at their headquarters. “Well...hold onto that.”
“Hm?” Marvin glanced at him, confused. “What do you mean?”
“I mean...there might be more information coming,” Jackie said cryptically. “That will help you decide if you want to leave.”
“...Alright, then.” Marvin looked away again, back up at the ceiling.
“Tell me and Henrik after you decide,” Jackie said. “There’s...stuff we want to fill you in on. But it might be affected by your choice.”
“That’s noted.”
The two of them fell silent for a moment more, and then Jackie got up to leave. He had more business to take care of today. After all, he did just leave Ana in the middle of working together. Marvin bade him goodbye and watched him go.
As soon as Jackie left the infirmary, he ran into Henrik. Almost literally, as Henrik was lingering right outside the infirmary entrance. He looked at him, eyes intense. “So...did you two talk?” he asked.
“Yea,” Jackie said.
Jackie gave him a small smile. “Don’t worry about it. It...worked out.”
Chase peeked behind the hanging canvas blocking the infirmary entrance. Phantoms had been in and out all day to see Marvin, many of them thanking him for using his magic to shield them from the scouts. It was moments like that that made Chase remember everyone here had known Marvin at least a little bit before he left the group. Only now, when almost everyone was at dinner, had the stream of visitors dried up.
Well, there was still one visitor. Jameson. He was sitting by Marvin’s bed, in the same spot he’d been yesterday. The only difference was that Marvin was now sitting up, leaning back against the headrest. The two of them were speaking in hands. It looked like Jameson was helping Marvin with some of the gestures. Meanwhile, Draco was lying across Marvin’s lap, stretched out and sleeping.
“Um...” Chase stepped into the infirmary and coughed quietly. “Is this a bad time?”
Marvin looked over at him. “Hi, Chase,” he said. “No, it’s alright. I just asked Jair to help me review handspeak.” Jameson waved at Chase, giving him a small smile.
“Great.” Chase walked over, sitting down on the other side of the bed. “So...how are you feeling?”
“Tired,” Marvin replied instantly. “In all ways. Physically, mentally...emotionally. Spiritually, too, but it’s been that way for a while.”
Chase laughed awkwardly. Even though he was sure that was a joke, he still couldn’t always tell with Marvin. “Well, sorry to hear that. I...was wondering. Are you still planning on leaving?”
Marvin stared at him for a moment. “Everyone keeps asking that.”
“To be fair, you did start to leave before coming back,” Chase said slowly.
He has you there, Jameson added.
“He does,” Marvin agreed. “My answer’s still the same one I’ve told everyone else: I’m not sure.”
“Oh?” Chase asked. “Why?”
“I don’t know,” Marvin said, shaking his head. “I...I can’t put it into words.”
“That’s fine, you don’t have to.” Chase sat there silently for a moment. Marvin continued to stare at him.
Before the awkwardness could truly fill the air, Jameson cleared his throat. Chase, didn’t you want to ask Marvin something?
“You did?” Marvin said, surprised.
“I did,” Chase said, shifting in his seat. “I...You remember my strange dreams, right?”
“Your draísling? Yes.” Marvin nodded. “Did something happen with them?”
“...Yes, but that’s only slightly related,” Chase said. “The more important thing is that...because of the draíslings, I...also want to leave Wyvernlair soon.”
“Oh?” Marvin leaned forward a bit, unable to hide the intrigue in his wide eyes. “Why?”
“I realized...that...I can’t just stay here and wait,” Chase said slowly. “I don’t think I’ve told you this, but I have a family. My wife, Stacia, and two kids. Our...” He hesitated, then pressed on. “Our village was attacked and burned down by the King’s warriors. Anyone who wasn’t killed disappeared. They were probably taken by the warriors. And that included my family. I joined the Masked Phantoms because I wanted to find them, a-and I thought they could help. Because the King did it, after all. I found a lead recently, and I want to pursue it, so...so I can find them. If...” He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. “If you were leaving anyway, I wanted to ask you to...help. I-it would be easier to search with a group.”
Marvin continued to stare at him. His eyes had narrowed, and Chase wasn’t sure he liked the new expression. He felt like he was being examined. “Why me?” he asked.
“Huh? Oh. Well.” Chase thought about this. “I figured it would be easy to come along. I didn’t really want to bother anyone with my own business, but...if you were leaving anyway, then...it wouldn’t be too much trouble. Um, does that make sense?”
“I suppose,” Marvin said slowly. “Anything else?”
“Uh...Jameson wanted to help,” Chase said, glancing over at Jameson as he said so. “And considering the two of you were going to leave together, I assumed you would still want to.”
“Really?” Marvin turned to look at Jameson. “You want to help him look for his family?”
Jameson nodded. You’re probably going to ask me why. I’ll tell you later, it’s...a long story.
Chase didn’t think it was that long, but Marvin accepted that answer. “What leads do you have, then?” he asked, turning back to Chase. “Or are you planning on searching the whole kingdom square by square?”
Chase straightened, encouraged by Marvin not turning him down yet. “Jackie told me about this town that might’ve seen them,” he explained. “Miryfern. I-I can ask him for a map to get there. But apparently there was this group of travelers that came down from the mountains and passed through this town at around the same time. I’m thinking it must have been the survivors from my village.”
“Sounds likely,” Marvin agreed. “Then, when you get there, what else? Are you just going to ask around?”
“Probably?” Chase said, uncertain. He hadn’t thought that far ahead.
Marvin laughed. For a moment, Chase’s heart sank, as he thought the wizard was laughing at him. But then he shook his head and continued, “Well, clearly you need someone with experience in these matters to come with you. I suppose I’m just as good as anyone else.”
“Really?” Chase asked, perking up.
“Really,” Marvin confirmed. 
Jameson grinned. That’s wonderful, Marvin! he said excitedly. I suppose it’ll just be the three of us. Unless you were thinking of anyone else, Chase?
“Well, it depends on if anyone else wants to come,” Chase said. “I-I know Jackie and Henrik might, but they have other business, so they might not be able to.” He then fell silent, remembering the state of things between Marvin and Jackie. Would Jackie coming along sour the journey? Or...had Jackie finally managed to talk with Marvin?
Luckily, Marvin didn’t seem to notice the concerned look on Chase’s face. “Ideally it wouldn’t be a large group,” he said. “For something like this, we’d want to draw as little attention as possible. Burning down an entire village...the King will do everything to make sure nobody knows he was behind something like that.”
“Oh...not just one,” Chase said slowly. “Early on, Henrik told me that a lot of other mountain villages suffered the same fate.”
“What?!” Marvin shouted, immediately full of anger. He tried to sit up straight, but didn’t have the energy and ended up falling back. “Why in the damn world would he do that?! Did he just decide one day that the mountain villages were too much trouble?!”
“I-I don’t know,” Chase said honestly. “But we might find out his reason if we find out what happened to my family and the others.”
Jameson had gone very pale. The news of the destroyed villages clearly unnerved him. It’s...very unusual, he said, gesturing shakily. Was there anything...else? Anything in the burning that might say why the King did that?
“...Wait a moment.” Chase cast his memory back. “Yea, I remember something. Everyone who the warriors killed—deliberately, I mean, not just dying as a result of the fire—they were all men. And not boys or elderly men, they were...around our age, I suppose.”
Jameson’s eyes widened. He turned away, covering his mouth. His expression had become ghost-white, and he looked sick.
“Are you alright, Jair?” Marvin asked, momentarily forgetting his anger.
I’m alright. Jameson waved him away. Just give me a moment.
“Oh. Right. Not a problem.” Marvin sighed, and looked back at Chase. “Well, it’ll take me another day or two to fully recover from the exhaustion. And I’m assuming you want me fully recovered and ready to cast spells at any moment.”
“That would be ideal,” Chase admitted. “And we do need to do some preparations. Get supplies and such.”
“So we should plan to leave in...three days, maybe?” Marvin said. “Does that work for both of you?”
“Works for me,” Chase said. After a second, Jameson nodded as well, straightening his neck bow.
“Great.” Marvin reached up and rubbed his eyes. “Now. Chase. Jair. If you don’t mind, I’d like to go to sleep early. We can finish reviewing handspeak later, if that works?”
Jameson nodded. Of course. He stood up. I’ll come see you again tomorrow.
“Me too,” Chase said, standing up as well.
“Mmm. I’ll remember that.” Marvin sank back against the pillow and closed his eyes, abruptly ending the conversation.
With nothing else to do, Chase and Jameson left the infirmary. The sun had sank beneath the horizon by now, and Chase could see the distant orange light of the cooking fires. “I think they’re still serving dinner,” he said to Jameson. “Do you want to go eat?”
No thanks. I’m not particularly hungry right now, Jameson said. I’ll just go back to the tent.
“Okay. I’ll...see you tomorrow, then.”
Jameson nodded, and wandered off. Chase stayed where he was and watched him for a moment, just so they wouldn’t continue walking together after saying goodbye. Then he headed towards the cooking fires for dinner.
Halfway through camp, though, he stopped. Suddenly, it all seemed so real. Three days. In just three days, he would leave Wyvernlair to go search for his family. Stacia, Amabel, Quinten...he hadn’t seen them in a whole season. Were they alright? Were they scared? Would they...notice how long it had taken him to find them?
He would find out soon. 
Shaking his head, he continued onward.
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
undesired gift. [ diluc x reader ]
prompt: donna gives diluc a bottle of mysterious, alchemic liquid. much to everyone’s surprise, diluc tries some. unfortunately, it has some results neither diluc, donna, or you expected. diluc’s part of my love potion series! pairing: diluc x f!reader warnings: none? implied that the love potion evokes true feelings, but if such concepts make you uncomfortable, this is your warning! :) word count: ~1.5k words
a/n: this was originally just gonna be short scenarios but i got pretty wordy with ideas for everyone, so it’s been extended to a full series with independent parts for each character! ... i’ve written a lot of diluc in such a short time HAHA
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“where’d you get that?” you ask, gesturing to the bottle that rests on the back countertop of angel’s share. you, one of diluc’s long-time bartenders and one of the few people he would actually consider a friend, had no recollection of ever seeing such a drink within the establishment. it appeared to be pink moscato, but the way the liquid glimmered in the light warned you otherwise.
“it was a gift from his favorite person,” kaeya joins in from his seat on the opposite side of the counter from you and diluc. you raise your eyebrows at him in confusion and amusement.
“you?” you ask kaeya and both kaeya and diluc let out a huff of air at your question. 
“not quite. donna.” kaeya corrects you and diluc looks mortified as laughter bursts out of you. you look at the drink once more and are sent into another fit of giggles, all while diluc glares at kaeya for telling you such a thing and kaeya only smirks smugly back at him.
“donna? why did she think sending you a drink from a competitor was a good romantic strategy?” you ask. diluc wants nothing more than to crawl into a hole and avoid this conversation, but he knows how you and kaeya work when you’re together: a duo created of chaos and destruction. after all, the three of you had grown up as childhood friends, with you being the reason kaeya and diluc even acknowledge the presence of the other anymore. 
“we are talking about the woman who likes to moan diluc’s name in the street like it’s a holy mantra,” kaeya shoots back and diluc can’t help but envy kaeya for how easily he makes you laugh, even if it is at diluc’s own expense.
“right, right,” you turn to diluc. “so, are you going to drink it? what if it’s poisoned?”
the genuine concern in your voice, combined with the way your tone becomes gentler when speaking directly to diluc has his stomach erupting into butterflies. meanwhile, kaeya pops diluc’s little bubble of infatuation with his next comment.
“maybe it has laxatives in it so diluc stops looking constipated all the time,” kaeya interjects. the corners of your lips twitch and diluc only sighs in response, choosing to ignore his estranged brother’s comment.
“i... doubt it’s poisoned. out of all of us, donna likely irritates me the most, but i doubt she would try to kill me with a drink,” diluc says to you, doing his best to ignore kaeya, who takes a drink from the glass of wine he had been carefully nursing for the last half hour.
“well, there is one way we can find out. you should try some!” your tone sounds like you’re just trying to be a supportive friend, but diluc knows you far too well to fall for it. despite this, the redhead has never been able to say no to you, which is something you are well aware of.
“fine,” diluc says and before you or kaeya can stop him, he uncorks the bottle and takes a swig, leaving you and kaeya to gape at him, wide-eyed. you half expect the redhead to fall over as if the alcohol wounded him, but he just winces at the aftertaste. after recovering, diluc just stares at you, bewildered by your bewilderment.
“h... how was it?” you finally ask. diluc glances down at the bottle in his hand.
“i would never sell nor supply anyone with this, even if i was paid extra to do so.” diluc responds and he feels the tips of his ears warm at the way you give a light laugh in response.
the night continues as normal, with kaeya eventually getting booted out at closing time with all other patrons. this leaves you and diluc alone, who seems to be in a strangely good mood, but you fail to say anything in fear of disrupting the soft smile that seems to be a permanent fixture on his face for the night. such happy nature on his behalf hadn’t started until he took a drink from donna’s gift, but you were fairly certain from the smell that it was non-alcoholic. plus, even diluc wasn’t that much of a lightweight, right?
instead... was he happy with the gift? did he like the attention donna gave him? he had never gave an indicator as to such a thing beforehand, but he had willingly consumed her gift under the smallest provocation from you. did he desire to court her? the sickening feeling of jealousy begins to gnaw at your stomach and you quickly attempt to ignore it, in the same way you had done your best to ignore your blossoming feelings for diluc over the last few months. the two of you were friends and that’s all you ever would be. you had no right to get jealous over a romantic gesture when you weren’t even brave enough to make one yourself.
but archons, you can never stop yourself from speaking, can you?
“what’s got you in a good mood?” you ask as you wipe down the counter while diluc wipes down the tables. cleanup duty was often one of the few times diluc engaged in small talk, but you couldn’t help but to curse yourself for breaking the comfortable silence that lingered between the two of you. diluc looks nonplussed by the interruption and looks up from his towel to smile at you.
it’s wide and his teeth are bright and it contorts his face in the most beautiful of ways, but it’s so uncharacteristic that you’re thrown for a loop, heat rising to your face. in all the years since his father’s death, you had never seen diluc smile in such a way.
what was in that drink? you ask yourself, but before you can think too much about it, diluc’s voice is interrupting your racing thoughts.
“i get to spend this time with you.” his words are honest and true, but they only result in the widening of your eyes. bewilderment consumes you whole as he sets his cleaning supplies down on the table. who is this and what did they do to my diluc?
“what’s with that face? do you not believe me?” diluc asks, walking over to you and slipping behind the bar, standing only a few feet away.
i must have passed out, you determine. there’s no way in hell-
“why wouldn’t i be happy when i get to spend time with the person i’m in love with?” diluc’s words are spoken simply, innocence interwoven into every word. you stiffen in response to them, staring at diluc blankly as your mind struggles to catch up with the sudden turn of events.
“w... what?” you breathe, absolutely terrified by the fact that mr. grumpy pants, the one whom you had fallen in love with, was suddenly knocking down every single one of his walls to tell you that he loves you. he loves you, the one who pesters him every time the two of you are on shift together. the one who would pester him when you were kids, insisting that the two of you should play knights together if he really wanted to become one. the one who stood before him now, tired and stuck in a disheveled bartender uniform. 
diluc closes the distance between the two of you and stands before you, lifting his hand to cup your cheek gently. the pad of his thumb sweeps back and forth on your cheek and you hate yourself for leaning into his touch. this isn’t him. there’s no way. she did something to that drink. the redhead deciphers your hesitation with ease and smirks at you.
“do you want me to prove it?” diluc challenges as his ruby eyes flicker downward to glance at your lips. 
shimmering pink liquid. where had you seen it before? you wrack your brain as diluc leans in and you immediately pull away as you retrieve your answer, leaving him to frown at your rejection.
“this isn’t...” you begin, stumbling over your words as you feel your head spin. archons, diluc got so close that you smelled his cologne. “what you drank earlier. it’s from the souvenir shop, it’s a love p-”
“love potion,” diluc interrupts, finishing your words for you. “i know. i read the bottom of the bottle beforehand. i did not necessarily expect it to work, but i figured that, at the worst, it would motivate me to confess my feelings to you.”
“oh.” you respond, voice hollow. “oh.”
he... knew?
“now that such misconceptions have been cleared, i suppose i should clarify my question as well.” diluc looks at you with an intensity you had never seen from him before. it sends a thrill through your body as his arms pin you between him and the countertop. “i would like to kiss you. may i?”
you nod. 
you swear you taste the love potion on his lips.
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roguerambles · 2 years
Daughter of Olympus
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Blood of Zeus Fic 
Image from Google.
I’ve been insanely busy and a little starved for muse, but I wanted to do something a little silly to try and get the creative juices flowing. One of the many possible beginnings for “Hera’s Daughter” haha
It was many years before you set foot on Olympus.
Mother had made you out of clay, she said, because she wanted a child of her own without Zeus – her husband and King of the Skies – because he had a daughter named Athena who had sprang from his head in full armour. You were not sure you fully understood, but Mother told you she had breathed life into statue of clay and dirt, and in time it became divine flesh and blood, and she now had a daughter of her very own.
She had kept you a secret for many years, but now it was time for you to come live on Olympus properly. There was a celebration in the King’s honour, she had told you, eyes lit up with a strange kind of excited glee that made you wonder if she was planning some kind of practical joke. She would announce you then, but you had to wait in her Sanctuary until she came to collect you. Nobody would enter without her express permission, so there was no risk of you being discovered.
…but it had been hours and you had been dreaming of this day for so long that you couldn’t wait to see the golden palaces of Olympus up close. Nobody knew your face, so surely you could sneak a peek? You could pretend you were a nymph or a servant of some kind. It would only be a few minutes, you promised.
Your feet carried you outside the Sanctuary with slow, cautious steps. One of mother’s raven’s watched you carefully, giving one high-pitched, rather judgemental sounding screech, but you ignored it as you pushed through the door.
Music and laughter assaulted your ears from every direction, more Gods and nymphs dancing and playing in one place than you had ever seen in your entire existence. You wandered through the halls and gardens, eyes wide with wonder, drinking in every sight and sound. You were so distracted that you did not notice someone barrelling towards you until they were practically on top of you.
“Apollo, be careful!”
You froze in place as a tall figure rolled from the marble staircase, sliding in front of you. He whirled around in a flash of golden hair and skin, eyes bright and warm like sunlight.
…was he glowing-
“Apologies!” He raised a hand in greeting towards you, before quickly looking back up the stairs. “Artemis! How about that time? Did I win-?”
“Of course you didn’t.” Another voice came from behind you and you startled, looking around to see another God, his smile playful as he eyed the other. “You’ll never be faster than me.”
Apollo huffed, running a hand through his hair. “Yes, well, some things are not meant to be quick, brother dear.”
“Oh, be quiet, you ass-“
“Please ignore them.” A silver haired woman appeared at the bottom of the stairs, giving them both exasperated looks, and it took you a moment to realise she was talking to you. “Fools, both of them.”
You stared at the three, your eyes growing wide. Mother had given you a rough description of the various gods and goddesses of Olympus, so you were fairly certain you knew who they were, but actually seeing them up close felt…unreal.
“It….it is no trouble…” You finally forced out, inwardly cringing. Your voice sounded high and unnatural to your own ears, your nerves suddenly frayed. Nothing had even happened yet! “It…it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
That felt like the wrong thing to say. All three were staring at you now, and you realised you had just unintentionally drawn attention to the fact that this was the first time they had ever seen you. Artemis’s eyes narrowed slightly, and you rather felt like a deer about to meet one of the Goddess of the Hunt’s arrows.
“…yes, I suppose it is.” She said slowly, her gaze flickering over you. You doubted much escaped her eye, and from the small, puzzled frown that formed on her lips you knew she had instantly pegged you as unfamiliar. “…what is your name-?”
“Lovely to make your acquaintance!” Apollo cut across his sister, his hand suddenly grasping your own and raising your knuckles to his lips. His eyes glowed warmly as they trailed over you, playful and golden. Artemis shot him an annoyed glance while Hermes snorted in amusement.
You flushed under his gaze and stammered slightly, before another figure appeared behind him. “Must you block the hallway? The next match is beginning soon.” A deep voice grumbled, and yet another God with bright red eyes and clad in imposing black armour approached, a deep frown on his otherwise handsome face.
“Ares!” You blurted before you could help it. Mother had told you all about her son with Zeus, but you had never actually met him. He glanced at you with puzzled eyes, and it occurred to you Mother may have kept you a secret from him as well.
“Do I know you?” He asked shortly, looking you over briefly, his frown deepening. You scrambled for a reply, feeling your cheeks burn as everyone was looking at you again. Fates, you were not used to this many people!
“N-no!” You stuttered, desperately scrambling for some kind of composure. “I…you were very formidable in the arena!”
It was the first thing that came into your mind, but it seemed to appease Ares. His frown lessened slightly, his red eyes trailing over you thoughtfully. “…you think so?”
You nodded quickly, and a slight smile took shape on Ares lips, and beside you Artemis rolled her eyes, mumbling something that sounded vaguely like “and I thought Apollo was easy…” He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Apollo abruptly moving between you and the God of War, his cheerful expression filling your vision. “We were just returning to the arena for the next match. Perhaps you’d like an escort?”
Ares made a deep, rumbling sound, and peeking over Apollo’s shoulder you saw him glowering at his brother’s back. “She was talking to me.” He growled, and you noticed even among the other Gods Ares was a towering figure.
Apollo waved his hand dismissively over his shoulder, keeping his smiling gaze on you. “Yes, yes, we’ll see you later, Ares.”
“Do not ignore me, you little-“
“Children.” An amused voice rumbled across the hallway, and yet another God joined the fray, his eyes bright, sky blue. “Playing nicely, I hope?”
Oh no.
It was Zeus. It had to be. He had a certain regal bearing about him – almost like Mother in a way. She had of course told you of her husband - sometimes dismissively, sometimes fondly, which you had always found confusing – who ruled Olympus with her. You had expected to meet him when Mother was there – standing here on your own you felt completely out of your depth, even as his friendly grin turned in your direction.
“You are certainly popular.” He noted with an amused chuckle, glancing at his still bickering sons. “You are looking for an escort to the arena?”
You blushed slightly, rubbing the back of your neck with a flustered laugh. He smiled and held out his arm. “Ah, the burdens of kingship.” He sighed dramatically, a playful gleam in his blue eyes, before holding out his arm slightly. “I suppose I’ll have to be the one to escort you.”
Apollo groaned loudly behind you. “Father-“
Ares made an indignant sound. “That hardly seems-“
You cautiously hooked your arm around Zeus’s and he began to walk, smiling cheerfully at his sons grumbling protests. You waved a little nervously at them as you trailed beside him, out onto one of Olympus’s many marble walkways. The arena was nearby, you were fairly certain, you just had to avoid saying anything foolish until then…
“You seem curiously uncoordinated.” Zeus spoke casually, leading you through hallways and banquet halls, filled with celebrating gods and goddesses. “One would think this was your first time on Olympus.”
By the River Styx, you were doomed. “I…I do not get the opportunity to explore much.” It was not technically a lie – Mother did not allow you to reveal yourself, after all.
“Oh?” Zeus hummed. “I always thought nymphs were curious by nature. I would think being cooped up somewhere would drive you mad.”
You tried to play along. You just needed to make it to the arena, then you could slip away. “Well…not all of us. Some of us do not mind the quiet…”
The King laughed then. “My dear, you are no nymph.” Zeus said, giving you a side-long glance, his smile playful. “That much is obvious.”
You could feel your cheeks turning red. He did not seem angry, but you doubted you would get away with it for long.
“I am sorry.” You blurted out, halting in place. You squeezed his arm anxiously. “I…I’m not supposed to-“ There was a flutter of movement among the gathered Gods across the way, a flash of long raven hair and a parting in the crowd. Mother?
Your heart leapt into your throat. What if she’d gone back to the Sanctuary and seen you were gone? Would she be angry? Seized by a sudden panic, you lurched backwards, darting for the hallway door you’d only just passed, rather unceremoniously dragging the King of the Skies with you.
“Wait, what are you-?”
You barely heard him as you darted into the room, slamming the door behind you. Your heart pounded in your chest as you struggled to decide what to do. Should I go back? Maybe I should just go to her and apologise. Was that even her? What if-
Your stumbling thoughts were interrupted by a tall, muscular frame pressing into your back, large hands and toned forearms coming over your shoulders and bracing against the door in front of you. “Well, well….” Zeus purred in your ear. “…and here I thought you were shy.”
You spun around, coming to face Zeus’s wry smirk, his eyes sparking playfully as he leaned over you. “What?” You said, mind spinning as you noticed you seemed to have dragged the King into a bedroom of some kind-oh Fates he was close-
You stammered uselessly as Zeus’s warm fingers reached over to brush under your chin. “If all you wanted was to get me into the closest bed…” He grinned wickedly. “…all you had to do was ask.” He gently tilted your head upwards as he leaned down towards you.
“I-I-I that, I-“ Zeus’s lips pressed against yours, turning your words into a high-pitched squeak. His tongue ran along your lower lip and you made an embarrassingly flustered sound as he slipped into your mouth, his large hands coming to cup your face. He kissed your lips before moving slowly along your jaw, leaving you to gasp out in bewilderment. “Z-Zeus…I mean Your Majesty…I mean-“
“Zeus.” He pulled back slightly, his gaze full of heat that made you flush from head to toe. “I rather like how you say my name.” He returned to pressing hot, lingering kisses along your skin, chuckling low and deep. “I plan on giving you plenty of reason to repeat it.”
Oh sweet merciful Fates-
“We….ahhhhh….the…the celebrations-“ Zeus’s teeth grazed a particularly sensitive part of your neck and you instinctively grabbed his shoulder as you whined out loud, body jolting at the sensation. With a chuckle and a low growl Zeus bent slightly, his arm sliding under your thighs to lift your feet off the ground, pressing you against him as he moved you both towards the bed.
“How about we get more comfortable-?”
You didn’t see the raven as much as you heard it. Zeus lurched away from you suddenly, nearly dropping you, his hands raised defensively as a raven screeched and clawed at his face, a furious flapping of wings blurring in your vision.
You jumped backwards, gawking as Zeus cursed and swatted at the bird, sounding just as bewildered as you felt. “What in the name of Gaia-“
The door swung open and Hera stormed into the room, and you couldn’t decide if you were relieved or horrified. “Zeus!” She bellowed, the air around her pulsing with power.
“Hera!” The King yelled back, swinging his arm as the raven continued its assault. “Call off your damned-“
“Mother!” You blurted out, and Hera spun to face you, her eyes growing wide as she saw you standing there.
“Mother?!” Zeus asked incredulously, momentarily forgetting his duel with the raven and getting a sharp scratch across his cheek for it.
Hera looked between you and Zeus, her expression growing dark and thunderous. “ZEUS!” She roared, the room around almost quivering as she whirled around to face him.
“Dionysus!” A cheery voice declared outside, followed by a pained yelp as someone presumably elbowed them in the side. You buried your face in your hands, desperately wishing the ground would swallow you.
Fates, this was a disaster.
Sometime later, you stood in the throne room. Mother sat upon her throne, back rigid and expression stormy. Zeus sat in his, gingerly nursing the side of his face.
Delicately, Aphrodite cleared her throat from the side lines. “A daughter, Hera?” She asked conversationally, her gaze running over you thoughtfully. “Well, quite the well kept secret! Giving Zeus a taste of his own ambrosia? I approve.”
Zeus grumbled something under his breath, while Hera looked affronted at the suggestion, and you hurried to try and salvage this situation before another fight erupted. “She made me out of clay.” Now everyone was looking at you and you rather wished you hadn’t spoken at all.
“Truly?” Hephaestus sounded genuinely curious, looking over you as though you were some kind of machine to take apart and study.
“Remarkable craftsmanship then, I must say.” Apollo gave you a playful smile, one which quickly vanished as Mother gave him a look that would have killed a mortal man where he stood.
“And why was this a secret in the first place?” Zeus asked, sounding genuinely puzzled. Hera huffed beside him.
“I do not have to answer that.” Her grand surprise had been spoiled, and so had her mood. “She is my daughter, and she is here now. I trust that is acceptable to you, husband?”
Zeus did not look satisfied, but after frowning at her for a few seconds, he directed his gaze to you with a sigh, before smiling slightly. “You are more than welcome here.”
Mother’s stance relaxed just a little, and her smile turned warm as she looked in your direction. “We will have to get you your own rooms-“
“Say no more!” Aphrodite’s arm was around your shoulder, her smile so radiant it was almost blinding. “It’s not every day we have a new face, darling. There’s so much for you to see-“
“Like the arena!” Apollo said cheerfully, appearing at your side with a grin. “You can watch me wipe the floor with Ares-“
Ares scoffed loudly. “Are you drunk? You have never been able to-“
Artemis rolled her eyes. “You are both hopeless.”
You found yourself being pulled along, surrounded by voices and laughter, the quarrelling from earlier seemingly forgotten, being shown around this place that was to be your home.
Despite a rocky start, you had a feeling you would like it here.
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