#it's tough love
mistmarauder · 2 months
Me @ me: You're not allowed to post any more polls today. Do something else!
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snzinite · 4 months
SNZ STATLINE: 5/10 wetness, 10+/10 mess, 4/10 pitch, 6/10 volume
i've decided as i study sneeze sounds that the english alphabet fails me, and i don't really care to get creative with bolding or italics so i'll just describe what it's like
it's short and somewhat explosive, has a sort of cough vibe to it/the short of chest/throaty sound in the release if you know what i mean. if anyone has a way to spell that sound hmu
very messy, but that isn't the worst of it
folks shes a squid. her snot is inky.
it's sticky and stains everything black except her own skin, but it's still extremely visible against it
if she were to spray it would aerosolize some of it
thankfully she always, ALWAYS sneezes into her gloves or her black handkerchief, which she pretends is an oiling rag if it ever comes up (they look equally as stained and dirty)
oh god she is mortified of sneezing in front of almost anyone. anything but that please she begs you
she's slightly more comfortable in front of other aegir like the aby/ssal hunte/rs etc
but in general she thinks of her sneezes as messy and gross
she doesn't even let her guard down when she's on her own, she'll just try to blow whatever's irritating her out of her nose incessantly to the point of rubbing her nose raw. something something the devil you know is better than the devil you don't i guess
hates being blessed because it means she has to confront the fact that she sneezed in front of someone all over again
she's super sympathetic to how other people feel about sneezing and whether they want it acknowledged or not as a result
buildups are breathy and last for around ten seconds. she has a lot of false starts because she figures better safe than sorry
stifling still causes her to drip so she figures there's no point
she holds back and fights off sneezing for as much as humanly possible
she's totally the person who is always sniffling wetly or scrunching/rubbing her nose every ten seconds when she's sick
allergic to most tree pollen, but it's nothing drowning herself in allergy meds can't stymie
not photic per se but bright light makes her nose a lot more sensitive to everything (in addition to her eyes being sensitive to bright light in general)
immune system is torn between being strong for an aegir and being worn down by land-dwelling illnesses so it nets out to being average strength
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perrypixel · 2 years
You know I love a show when I start becoming critical of it
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fesenmoon · 1 year
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no fucking way
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greykolla-art · 4 months
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My favourite thing about Alastor is his hoard of gal pals!
He’s just a cool and charming dude that women feel comfortable around…And is also a power hungry eldritch horror.👌👌👌
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 2 months
just started the X-Files after years of Pop Culture osmosis, parody, references and memes
But holy shit did none of you prepare me for the pathetic wet cat rizz of Fox Mulder. Puppy dog eyes every other scene. He loses every stand off with every other government agent, military op, co-worker he bumps into. Sassy little quips in between getting his ass kicked and the puppy dog eyes. he's deeply traumatized. he has no social life. he never knows whats going on. he's one of the smartest people in any room he's in and knows more than most what's going on.
This guy is just sopping wet vibes, desperate need to believe, and love for Scully. Character of all time.
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sugarlywhispers · 8 months
Just thinking about Bakugou falling to the floor, laughing –silently, shoulders shaking– as you try to ease your son's sadness over his own dad crying in laugh at an awful drawing the kid did of you. Artistic, you called it, which made Bakugou loose it completely.
"It's ugly," your five year old son says, pouting and looking deflected.
"Oh, no, honey... it's b-beautiful!" You're trying so fucking hard not to laugh too.
At least you have the decency to hide it, trying to be as kind and gentle with your son as possible. Contrary to your husband, Bakugou Katsuki, who is almost laying on the floor, not hiding his laughs at all. The bitch.
Your son sighs in sadness. "It's good, honey, I promise. You just... You just have to keep it up, okay? If this is what you like, do it. Keep drawing and practicing until you feel good, alright?"
"But daddy is laughing..."
That makes your husband laugh louder and harder, now completely laying on the floor.
"DADDY DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING, ANYWAY. DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!" You yell over the strenuous laugh of Katsuki, before throwing one of the pillows of the couch at him, successfully hitting him on the face.
"Do you like it, mommy?" Your son's pretty wet puppy eyes makes you melt.
"Of course I do. I'm going to put it over the fridge door, like I do with all your drawings, baby," you promise as you hug your son. He hides his face on your neck as his little arms hug you back tightly around your neck.
Your eyes found Katsuki's, who is still on the floor, crying. His eyes then find again the drawing that it's forgotten on the floor and he begins laughing again.
You are so gonna kick his ass.
But you have to admit... the drawing is funny.
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ace-lemonade · 3 months
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and people wondered why chilchuck charged high prices
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wazzi2ya · 4 months
Angel: I love your bigass, unkempt eyebrows.
Husk: I love your small flat ass.
Angel: I love how you cough a hairball every morning as soon as you get up from bed.
Husk: I love how you clog the shower drain with all the hair you shed every day.
Angel: I love how you own one pair of pants and never wash them.
Husk: I love how you use every pot and pan in the kitchen when cooking and never clean up after yourself.
Charlie, watching from afar: Hey, uh, are they alright? Sounds like they're fighting.
Vaggie: Nah, they're good.
Vaggie: None of them have ever dated anyone who they could be honest to, so they're unloading.
Vaggie: They do it once a week.
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savagegood · 11 months
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"We're closed' ma'am." "Thank you, sir. I was looking for some old, mean so-and-so named Tina." | THE BEAR SEASON TWO
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happyheidi · 3 days
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to everyone who feels underrepresented, misrepresented or unrepresented; everyone who can’t express themselves, their gender and/or sexuality in a manner that feels comfortable to them; to everyone who experiences dysphoria, who is misgendered and deadnamed every day; to everyone who’s closeted because they’re not ready or they don’t feel safe; to everyone who’s flag isn’t on this post: I see you. You are loved!
𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 !!
Happy Pride! 🌈
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flag collage source
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extrashortshorts · 1 year
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Big hands for big potatoes
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cherriiramen · 6 months
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Whenever I think of the Harley/Joker queer besties dynamic, I picture this
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hermajestyimher · 1 month
Toughen up. Yeah, I said it. It's time you stop expecting the world around you to bend to your feelings. The harsh reality is that other people don't care about you and only you are responsible for your well-being. Stop taking what others say personally and stop placing so much value on the opinions of nobodies. So what if they don't like you? Do they even like themselves? Do YOU like them?.
Once you've mastered the art of detachment from the perception of others and lower your expectations of people who haven't made any pledge of commitment towards you, it will become easier to develop a thicker skin, to become more laser-focused on you and your own well-being, and to disregard that and those who do you no good.
In a world of snowflakes, be a diamond, which never breaks or bends under pressure.
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greykolla-art · 2 months
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Dropkicks this thing out of my Procreate gallery before I ruin it with more filters.
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g4rdensofb4bylon · 6 months
y'all remember when dante wrote a fanfiction of the bible and then hozier wrote a fanfiction of said fanfiction?? iconic if you ask me
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