#jiaoren wei wuxian
aline-the-cat · 1 year
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Once, a beautiful jiaoren fell in love with a human cultivator and was loved in return... but the mortal world wasn't allowed to interact with the sacred creatures, and so the heavens punished the merman, with only his lover as the witness of such a brutal act...
"Wei Ying! Wei Ying! Please!"
"Lan... Zhan..." the dying jiaoren made an effort to open his silver eyes. Lan Wangji always looked so handsome, his golden eyes were so beautiful... Wei Wuxian would never regret falling in love with the man nor giving birth to their child "take care.... of a-Yuan" he whispered "I... love you" his final words echoed in their cave as his mythical blood painted the blue water red
"I love you! Wei Ying! Please don't leave me!" Lan Zhan cried over his increasingly cold body, he knew his son was already hidden, but his beloved, his dear Wei Ying... "please... please"
In the sacred cave only the pained whispers of a broken heart were heard for hours even aftef the sun set
Hey! Here's a little piece I made for Mermay day 8: Heartbreak, WangXian inspired :3
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r95irth · 8 months
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New chapter of JIaoren is up ! Alongside the new art and Wen Qing's form reveal :D Hope you'll like it. As you can guess Wen Qing's form is inspired from Lord Satori in Zelda BOTW/TOTK, but also from Princess Mononoke deer god...I could not find the origin of that myth anywhere though uu except that deer are supposed to be god's messengers in Japan (a bit like moon rabbit in china?) so it fit her.
LXC is wearing purple because he had been given clothes from the Jiang sect...Also WWX's first appearance in the illustration!! Wouhou!! In the bakcground ! (it's to make up for one future chapter /illustration where he will probably be the star)
The more I write about due Yang the more I want him to have a beast form reveal like IZma in Kuzco.
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Hope you'll like this chapter and this illustration :D
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Wangxian Mermay 2023
Day XIII: Seashells.
Some light angst for Hump Day
It had been years since he'd seen the ocean.
Mama had taken them once, before her heath finally failed. Shufu had come with to ensure they did not overtax her, nor she pushed herself too hard for them.
That day had been gray, overcast, a light drizzle of rain kept everyone else away.
Lan Wangji had loved it.
A day with his mother and brother and uncle, for once not reciting a single rule about calm or moderation as they collected seashell after seashell to present to their mother.
She had left them soon after.
He understood it now, standing on the same beach, a box of seashells in his hands, better then he had at six.
"Lan Zhan?"
Wei Ying.
Upon meeting him Lan Wangji did not understand his alternating desire to push him away, and wanting to be close to him at all times.
Lan Wangji was a Clan raised Jiaoren, his life governed by order, routine, and rules.
Wei Ying was the opposite. Growing wild among the reefs and shallows, flitting between the humans and the Jiaoren like he was equally a part of both.
He knew how to twist, and tease, how to break every single one of Lan Wangji's restraints with heated looks and well-timed teasing winks.
Mama would have loved him.
He was brilliant. His rogue Jiaoren. As he knew how to be fun and delightful. He also had a capacity for gentle kindness Lan Wangji had not thought him capable of upon their first meeting.
He saw the look on Lan Wangji's face when they found the dust covered box during renovations. Knew it was important.
"We don't have to do this love." Wei Ying kissed his cheek, warm in affection even as he shivered when the cold wind cut down the beach.
Lan Wangji looked down at the box, then back to the slate gray ocean, white tipped waves cresting against the shore. The air thick with the smell of rain.
"I want to." He held the box tighter to his chest, the sharp edges of the wood pressing against his skin.
He felt Wei Ying staring at him, knew his brilliant mind was working up a way to make this easier. That is what he did. Somehow. He took heavy burdens and made them lighter. Easier to carry. It did not make sense. The burden was the same, but with Wei Ying it all felt…lighter. Easier.
He took Lan Wangji's arm, gently pulling him to the edge of the water.
Opening the chest he looked over the large assortment of shells, before he picked up one of the smallest ones.
He met Lan Wangji's eyes, searching him, silently asking for permission.
Lan Wangji swallowed and slowly nodded.
Wei Ying's gentle smile felt like the warmth of the sun across winter's frozen ground.
He turned to the ocean, crouching low, holding the shell between both hands. He treated it like a treasure. He treated everything important to Lan Wangji like a treasure.
"Mama Lan. From this humble husband, thank you so much for raising such a kind, and polite man." Wei Ying told the ocean where she had come from. "He is truly the best of this world. You have so much to be proud of. When you meet him again, and he is your son in that next life. I pray you both can walk longer together."
He looked back, his brows lifted in sympathy. Lan Wangji felt the bitter burn at the back of his throat. The heat in his eyes.
"He misses you mama Lan." He said softer, more reverent, "He always will."
He tipped his hands into the next oncoming wave, letting it take the shell from his hand.
It caught on the sand, swirling with the next two waves, as if it did not want to go yet.
Wei Ying stood, sliding his hand into Lan Wangji's.
When the third wave retreated, the shell was gone.
"A little at a time." Wei Ying wrapped his arms around Lan Wangji, hiding the box with his sleeves, "That's all. Just a little bit at a time."
Lan Wangji turned into him, hiding his face in Wei Ying's shoulder.
Around them the rain gently fell.
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sandupommelfrog · 2 years
Ive been cooking up some wonderful jiang family household dynamics for vampire xicheng au
Jfm and jyl r jiaoren and the fact that jc is not has always been a bit of an issue (possible cheating by yzy?? No, but it comes up in arguements ab wwx being jfm’s bastard :/) and jc is v insecure ab it
wwx is still in a horribly awkward position, but jc not being in direct competition w him and both jc and jyl loving and being doted on by their new brother helps things a lot
things get a lot better after the three take over the family apothecary shop and work really well together, each doing an essential role of the business rather than just one person taking the helm
they r still the closest three in the world ;_;
wwx feels v insecure and defensive re jzx bc like jc re lwj, he feels like hes being replaced and also jzx is a husky werewolf
jc convinces and accompanies wwx to therapy for his cynophobia later
Jc is trans and before his egg cracked, he was torn bt wanting to be a “tomboy” and be One of the Boyz w wwx but also feeling like he has to be like Yanli to get his fathers approval and love
wwx is super down w jc being a tomboy and is super protective of him, which grates on jc a little after he comes out but they talk ab it
wwx helps organize jc’s top surgery by wq (also does not realise that jc and wq dates for years)
Jc and jyl r in more direct comparison which and b/c of it, jyl feels like she should be more assertive and abrasive and jc feels like he should be more feminine and soft-spoken
Jc starts transitioning post vampire turning but just never tells his parents who r abroad/ is putting off coming out at all costs bc
A) jfm already has a son and theres no way jc could ever compare and itd feel like a confirmation of his failure to be a good daughter/child and earn his fathers love
B) yzy is proud of jc for being a strong, assertive “woman” and coming out would feel like letting her down or some sort of betrayal
the Jiang parents r going to marriage counseling during their absence bc after nearly losing everything they took a step back and were like our last memory of our children was almost a horrible argumentative family dinner and we dont want that and need to do better
Jc finds that he loves being a brother ;_;
when jc’s feeling sad ab being a vampire, jyl grabs his face to show his fangs and smiles, showing off her sharp jiaoren teeth and says ‘we match now!’
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weiying-lanzhan-fics · 9 months
Song of the River Rain by MajiLovePrincess
Super fun read. I love slow romance time!
There’s a new roof. Fresh wood. A chimney sending wisps of white smoke into the clouds.
Wei Wuxian bares his fangs. It has been a long time since he had last needed to drive a human away from his territory, but he knows this time will be no different.
Humans are all the same— vile, weak-willed creatures of superstition.
He fills his lungs with the stinging wind and weaves a song of suggestion. It brews like a storm in his core as he sings a fever of wanderlust. He has no desire to do harm if he can avoid it, but he cannot and will not permit a human to live within his territory. Never again.
Every day, when Wei Wuxian arrives, a plate of food sits waiting for him. Each time, he sniffs the offering carefully for sedatives or poisons. Each time, the fear in his heart unwinds a little further as he detects nothing but deliciously prepared meals.
They are properly into spring the first time he finds Lan Zhan sitting on the dock with two bowls in his lap.
Wei Wuxian swims around the man’s feet, eyeing him for a long minute. As ever, the farmer’s face gives away nothing. Wei Wuxian hauls himself onto the dock, uncaring of the water he splashes.
Lan Zhan holds the bowls safely away and gives a disapproving look. “The stew is better without river water.”
“Oh? But don’t you know all my food is flavored with river water?” He bats his eyelashes, giving the innocent look that made his mother pinch his nose.
Lan Zhan huffs and offers one bowl to him.
Wei Wuxian takes it and breathes in the rich, savory broth. No poison. He takes a sip and lets the flavor soak on his tongue. It’s delicious, but he’s noticed a pattern by now. “Not a fan of spice, are you?”
“An allergy,” Lan Zhan admits, his ears pinking.
Wei Wuxian lifts a finger and brushes the pink skin, making Lan Zhan startle. “Embarrassed?”
“There is no need to feel shame over that which I cannot control.”
“Well said.” Wei Wuxian drinks more of the stew, happily chewing through the vegetables and the small bits of meat. “My mother used to say something similar.”
E, 9400
“Jiaoren,” the man breathes, his voice soft and his golden eyes wide. Those strange eyes dart over Wei Wuxian’s sharp ears and nails before lingering on the bloody red of his tail.
“Human,” Wei Wuxian sneers. “You should have fled when you had the chance.”
When he wakes from his winter sleep, Wei Wuxian attempts to drive a farmer from his territory. He falls in love, instead. Lan Zhan's mysterious past does not do them the courtesy of staying buried.
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loosingmoreletters · 1 year
Mermay Day 3: Lake. Part 1 (Overview)
The Yunmeng Jiang delegation arrived on boat, traveling down the rivers to the lake at the foot of Lan Wangji’s home, making them the last sect to arrive. Lan Wangji hadn’t looked forward to picking them up, but when given the choice between them and driving to the airport for the Jin, he’d chose this every time.
Half of the disciples stood behind Jiang Yanli as she greeted him. “We thank Gusu Lan for its hospitality,” she said and bowed. She seemed sincere, unlike most other foreign disciples he’d met. They only complained about the summer lost to the stuffy rules of Lan Wangji’s sect as if their chaos was so much more preferable.
“We can depart in a moment,” Jiang Yanli said. “My brothers are just—”
A shout interrupted her. “You’re not fucking staying!”
For a moment, Jiang Yanli’s expression fell. “I apologize. My younger brother wants to stay but must return to Lotus Pier.”
“Jiang Wanyin is an invited guest,” Lan Wangji stated. The Jiang had yet to proclaim a sect heir, so it was to be assumed their children got the same education.
“My other brother,” Jiang Yanli clarified.
Lan Wangji hadn’t heard of a third sibling, but no matter their status, they ought to be invited as well. When he told Jiang Yanli that, she only shook her head. “A-Xian cannot learn as we do.”
“You fucker!” the shout rang out again. Lan Wangji frowned in disapproval, but before he could voice that such behavior would not be tolerated at the Cloud Recesses, a massive shadow turned beside them.
Water ghoul, his instinct said, but before he had the chance to engage in combat, the shadow emerged, revealing the head of a teenage boy. His eyes were big and his teeth looked sharp enough to rip out Lan Wangji’s throat.
“Shijie,” the boy whined. “I want to stay.”
Just as he complained, another boy dressed in regal purple emerged from the boat, although he was half-drenched. “Don’t listen to him, a-Jie. A-Die said he had to go back, the Lan don’t have the right accommodations.”
“That is very rude of the Lan,” the boy said before his eyes narrowed onto Lan Wangji. Many people glared at him, but this felt more like a tiger watching prey. “You! Lan-gege, won’t you let me stay because you think of eating my delicate flesh?”
The boy pulled at his collar, absolutely indecent, as Jiang Wanyin hissed for him to stop.
“We are vegetarian,” Lan Wangji replied.
“There you go! They probably won’t harvest my organs either. I can stay in a bathtub or… something!” the boy exclaimed and braced his arms on the pier before pulling himself on top.
It was then that the rest of him emerged and Lan Wangji was stunned into silence. While he wore a proper shirt the color of his sect, the rest of his body was decidedly inhumane. A long dark tail sat where his legs should be.
“Jiaoren,” one of the Lan disciples breathed.
The boy grinned, too-sharp teeth glinting. “Never seen one before?” No, where would they have? They’d been hunted to near extinction. To see one, they’d need access to the highly specialized facilities dedicated to keeping them alive.
Or be rich enough to afford to buy one, they weren’t commonly regarded as human, after all.
“I belong to Yunmeng Jiang, my name is Wei Ying, courtesy Wuxian!”
“You’re my annoying brother, that’s who,” Jiang Wanyin said, promptly stepping in front of Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji would think it rude if he didn’t see how Jiang Wanyin’s hand hovered above his sword.
“But Jiang Cheng!” Wei Wuxian complained and they were bickering again.
Lan Wangji had not expected this situation. He turned to Jiang Yanli. “I’ll have to ask my uncle what accommodations can be made for your brother.”
She seemed surprised. Whether that was the willingness to figure out a solution for the situation or the fact he accepted who, legally, couldn’t be more than a pet, as her brother, Lan Wangji couldn’t tell. He supposed it didn’t matter either as long as he got away from Wei Wuxian and his everything.
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twilightarc-gm · 1 year
WIP files game
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you to @fanfictiongreenirises for tagging me.
Technically, I have a lot of unfinished stuff from all over the place but my obsession these days is Modao Zushi, so only going to post those ✨✌💜
I'm making it a poll, the one that gets the most votes will get an extra 1k worked on it. Otherwise just ask if y'all want a snippet 😘😘 (I say like I have lots of followers. 😋)
As always, those tagged can feel free to ignore: @spriteofmushrooms @incarnadinedreams @the-forever-obsessed @demoiselledefortune @iri-vail @robinade @wei-meddling-wuxian @just-gals-being-pals-but-gay @cynical-harlequin @unabellaguerra
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mdzs-rabbithole · 10 months
Song of the River Rain
My Merxian x FarmerJi fic for the 2023 MDZS Reverse Big Bang @mdzsrbb is now up on ao3!
Enemies to friends to lovers!
Rated: E
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence
Springing from the riverbank, Wei Wuxian tackles the farmer, who makes a small, startled sound as Wei Wuxian knocks him toward the water. The small meal goes flying into the grasses as the farmer falls.
The man’s legs catch on the dock, and Wei Wuxian pins him down in the shallows as the drizzle condenses into proper rainfall.
“Jiaoren,” the man breathes, his voice soft and his golden eyes wide. Those strange eyes dart over Wei Wuxian’s sharp ears and nails before lingering on the bloody red of his tail.
“Human,” Wei Wuxian sneers. “You should have fled when you had the chance.”
Head on over to ao3 for read the rest and enjoy the gorgeous Merxian artwork from my partner, who can be found @IcyRiverLuo on Twitter ❤️💙🧜🏼‍♂️🧑🏻‍🌾💙❤️
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
Like Cranes We Soar and We Fall
like cranes, we soar and we fall by arianeverland
The Jiang clan has caught a specimen of one of the most elusive and rare creatures on earth: a jiaoren. The leader of the Jiang Clan, Yu Ziyuan, promises a reward to whoever is able to tame them.
or: Wei Wuxian tries his hand at taming the jiaoren but ends up falling in love instead.
(loosely inspired by the blue whisper but with less angst and with an omegaverse spin)
Words: 3504, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Yànlí, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Xiǎo Xīngchén, Sòng Lán | Sòng Zǐchēn, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Lán Qǐrén, Madam Lán, Yú Zǐyuān, Wēn Qíng, Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín, Niè Huáisāng, Luó "Mián Mián" Qīngyáng, Niè Míngjué
Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Alpha Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Omega Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, merman lwj, Interspecies Relationship(s), Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Slow Burn, Getting Together, First Time, Mutual Pining, No beta we die like wwx, Demisexual Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48211069
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
A cute prompt for you to make up for the angst: Merman Au. In a world where humans and mer are acquainted communities (trade and navigation partners), Mer-WWX sees human prince Lan Zhan and tried to get his attention! Splashing to draw eyes, making acrobatic jumps to impress, wearing his best jiaro silks, leaving cute trinkets on his windowsill in the hopes that he will like them, and singing enchanting songs for his Prince, all hoping that Lan Zhan will sing back and court him (mermaids court with music and gifts so write a completely smitten WWX and go nuts!)
Oh thank you!! I absolutely adore merman/jiaoren!WWX!! And this prompt is so nice! I really appreciate you giving me such a happy prompt since my grandaunt died two days ago from Covid.
It was a complete coincidence that brought them together. Wei Wuxian swam to the surface, intent on exchanging the jiaoren goods for coin and food, when he noticed the bright decorations around town.
As he handed the stuff over, red tail swishing every now and then, he asked the vendor, “What’s going on? Is there a festival I don’t know about?”
“Ah, Young Master Wei! You’re just in time! The second prince is coming here!”
“Second Prince? Why is he coming here?” 
“It’s just a yearly inspection.”
What? Wei Wuxian hadn’t heard about this in all the years he’d been here!
“Why haven’t I heard about this before?”
“Ah....the Second Prince doesn’t like crowded places or making a big deal about his arrival, so he takes some sort of alternate route to come here. Though, this year, that route was flooded.”
“I see.....”
“Do you want to see him?” The vendor asked upon noticing Wei Wuxian’s thoughtful look. “He’s rumored to be a beautiful person, second only to his brother, the Emperor. We can get a few of my friends to carry a tub over so you can see him!”
“Oh! I couldn’t bother you all that way.” Wei Wuxian politely refused. “I have other errands to do, unfortunately.”
The real reason he was thoughtful was because of his and his people’s prior horrible experience with royals. They had fled Lanling, where the king had captured many of his people for the pearls they cried in place of tears. Gusu had been reportedly better, its Emperor laying down a law that bans the harm of mythical creatures such as the jiaoren. But Wei Wuxian didn’t want to risk any sort of attention to his people after they had just escaped. 
Wei Wuxian waved goodbye and dove back under the water. When he arrived at his home after going through a series of underwater caves, he found out his parents knew of these yearly visits from the prince and that it was fine to wander around since the prince doesn’t usually stay for long.
Wei Wuxian nodded along and decided to do make sure to distribute the food and coin around his community. 
Before he knew it, the sun had set. Wei Wuxian returned to the surface, considering he wanted to have some spicy human food for dinner. After eating on the edge of the dock, tail partially in to keep himself from drying, he heard music from afar.
Curious as to the owner of such a beautiful sound, he submerges and follows the sound towards a more secluded area of the dock. There, dressed in shades of blue, was a young boy, seemingly around Wei Wuxian’s age, playing the guqin with nary an expression on his face.
Something itched within Wei Wuxian and he had the urge to tease the boy into making a new sort of expression. As quiet as a mouse, he snuck close to the boy and burst out of the water, shouting, “Boo!”
As he expected, the white-clothed human became startled and nearly jumped in shock. Wei Wuxian cackled until he came face with a sword. He held his hands up in surrender even as his heart beat fast.
“Who are you?” The boy demanded.
Wei Wuxian lifted his head from the sword to come face to face with the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. The boy in front of him had the most entrancing pair of golden eyes. The boy narrowed his eyes and repeated his question, though the sword at his neck faltered a little.
Wei Wuxian took the opportunity to swim a little farther from the boy and pouted. “Gege, I just wanted to surprise you! You looked so serious sitting by yourself! You should look happier on such a beautiful night such as this!” The boy didn’t change his expression. “Also! Isn’t it rude to point your sword at a stranger?” 
“You do not know who I am?”
He’s probably some noble considering not many people own swords, but him specifically? “Nope! Should I know who you are?” He’s probably new or something. I haven’t seen him around before and nobles don’t usually come around these parts. ....Hmm, perhaps he’s here to see the prince?
The boy seemed to relax a little and put away his sword. “.....I apologize for pointing my sword at you. I was....unsure if you meant ill.”
“Why would I voluntarily bring harm to a stranger?”
“...” The human turned away and turned to his guqin, checking for damage.
“Hey, hey! Beautiful human with gold eyes! Don’t ignore meeee! Look at me, look at me!!”
The human merely sighed in exasperation.
Wei Wuxian’s pout became more pronounced and his tail splashed in irritation. The human’s eyes went wide with curiosity and shock and Wei Wuxian realized his mistake. “..Uhh....”
“A jiaoren?”
“Yeah! Do you have a problem with that?” Wei Wuxian said, guarded.
“No. I have never seen one before.”
“I see.” 
The atmosphere became awkward with the ensuing silence but Wei Wuxian could never stay quiet for long.
“So what brings you around these parts? I’ve never seen you before!”
“......I came with the prince’s entourage.” There was something odd in his tone.
“I see. You know, I’ve never seen the prince before. Is he as beautiful as the rumors suggest?”
“Vanity is against the rules.”
“Whose rules?”
“The palace’s.”
“Hmph. Well, this isn’t the palace. it’s fine to say something, hm?”
“....Gossiping is against the rules. Talking behind someone’s back is forbidden.”
Wei Wuxian threw his hands up. “Well, if I can’t talk about the prince, then tell me about you! That’s not against the rules, isn’t it?”
“A name! At least tell me your name! Mine’s Wei Wuxian, but Gege can call me Wei Ying since we’re already so close!”
“Shameless!” The boy hissed, ears red. 
“Oh come on!! I told you my name, it’s only fair that you tell me yours! Don’t be rude, Gege!”
“Lan Zhan.” He repeated.
“Lan Zhan?” Wei Wuxian murmured and Lan Zhan nodded. Hmm. It’s a birth name, not a courtesy name. Is he trying to hide his identity? He’s not doing a very good job though, considering ‘Lan’ is the name of the royal family. Perhaps he’s a relative of the prince’s? I wouldn’t expect a prince to be out here by himself without guards so he must be a guard or something. Hmm. It’s something to think about later. It doesn’t seem like he means harm even after knowing what I am. Regardless, it’s not like he could follow me back to my home even if he did mean ill. Humans can’t hold their breath for that long. “Well, Lan Zhan, now that we know each other’s names, you’re now my friend!”
“........We do not know each other.”
“That’s what we’re talking for, silly! We’re getting to know each other, right?”
“Hm.” Lan Zhan packed his guqin away. “I must go. It is late.”
“Late? We’ve hardly talked though! Don’t leave me here, Lan-gege!” Wei Wuxian whined.
“I have an older brother.”
“Hm? Oh.....oh! Okay, I understand! Lan-er-gege!”
Lan Zhan looked away, gripping his sword. “I will come back tomorrow night.”
“Huh?” Then he connected the dots. “Oh! Okay! See you later, Er-gege!”
Lan Zhan nodded and left. It was only when he couldn’t see him anymore did Wei Wuxian realize he could have just asked where Lan Zhan lived. If it was close to the water, he could just swim to him. That might put him close to the prince and other people from the palace which wasn’t a very comforting thought. He still didn’t know whether to trust the Gusu royals, despite possibly conversing with one.
The next few nights passed by in a similar fashion, with Wei Wuxian trying to get Lan Zhan’s attention and Lan Zhan hardly giving the jiaoren an inch.
Wei Wuxian, however, saw this as a challenge and began to do many things to get Lan Zhan’s attention. The most effective one was splashing him, though it earned him a glare as well as Lan Zhan predicting it and being able to dodge more often than not.
He moved onto trying to impress Lan Zhan by performing difficult acrobatic tricks. Lan Zhan looked amazed at this and Wei Wuxian was extremely smug, quickly turning an embarrassed red when Lan Zhan praised him, with a, “Beautiful.”
Wei Wuxian wailed, hiding his face in his hands, “Lan-er-gege, you can’t just say that!”
“It’s too embarrassing!!”
“Wei Ying calls me beautiful all the time.” Lan Zhan deadpanned.
Wei Wuxian peeked at him from in between his fingers, “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” He demanded. “You can’t just tease me like this! Where did the Lan Zhan who got so easily flustered go?” 
Lan Zhan said nothing, but Wei Wuxian could see the faint upturn of his lips that made his overall expression smug.
And Wei Wuxian didn’t know why, but it made his heart beat faster/
It escalated. Because of course it did. Wei Wuxian wanted to hear Lan Zhan praise him again and see that faint smile again - no matter if it was smug or not.
He wore his best jiaoxiao silks - ones he personally weaved -, danced, and....and even sang to him. Lan Zhan even joined him sometimes, playing on the guqin.
He returned every night, sighing into his parents’ embrace about his Lan Zhan and his parents shot him increasingly knowing looks until they laid down the truth. 
“You’re courting him, aren’t you, A’ Ying?” His father asked.
“Yes, A’ Ying.” His mother patiently said. “You wore the most beautiful jiaoxiao silks you weaved, danced a well-known courting dance, and even sang for him. If you aren’t courting him, if you aren’t in love with him, then I call bullshit.”
Wei Wuxian clutched his burning cheeks. “Courting?” Am I really courting Lan Zhan? I mean.....I like it when he praises me and calls me beautiful and plays his guqin for me and even plays an accompaniment when I sing!
......Oh god. Oh heavens! I really am courting him!!! How could I not notice???!!!! Ahhhh!!!!
The nature of Wei Ying’s gifts and music changed, Lan Wangji noted absently. 
When Lan Wangji first met Wei Ying, he was unsure of what to think but was quickly captivated by his smile and intelligence. It made Lan Wangji reluctant to return to the palace. Or maybe even bring Wei Ying with him.
He shook that thought away quickly. He couldn’t just take Wei Ying away from his family!
Back to the point, Lan Wangji noticed the shy looks Wei Ying shot him from time to time and how his songs gained a sort of.....longing tone. The gifts too......they were pearl bracelets and hairpins that had to be made from Wei Ying’s tears. Lan Wangji may be shy but he was not oblivious to what it meant to receive a jiaoren’s personally made songs and pearls. 
Perhaps.....Wei Ying might share his feelings after all?
That thought made his heart beat faster. If he remembered correctly, jiaoren court through songs. And Lan Wangji had the perfect one in mind.
Lan Zhan had to leave today. He had to leave!!
Wei Wuxian wanted to cry, somehow. He hadn’t finished courting Lan Zhan! 
Fortunately, Lan Zhan seemed reluctant to leave too. “I can ask my brother to send me here soon.”
“Really? Really, Lan Zhan?”
Wei Wuxian’s tail propelled him out of the water and forward so that he could wrap Lan Zhan into a hug. “I knew you liked me! Oh! Uh-- I mean--!”
Lan Zhan’s arms came around him. “Mn. Like Wei Ying.”
Wei Wuxian squealed happily. Lan Zhan liked him back!! He pulled back to give Lan Zhan a bright smile which, surprisingly, was returned!!
Wei Wuxian’s tail swished happily, “Keep smiling, Lan-er-gege! It’s really pretty!!”
Lan Zhan huffed out a laugh and Wei Wuxian grinned. 
“Wei Ying, there is something I must tell you.”
“Hm? What is it?”
Lan Zhan hesitated and Wei Wuxian sat up, sensing it was serious. 
“What is it?”
“Wei Ying, I have not been entirely honest with you. My name is Lan Zhan....... courtesy name: Wangji.”
Wei Wuxian took a moment to let that sink in. Where had he heard that courtesy name before?
“Hey, Mom.” Wei Wuxian asked as they crossed the border between Lanling and Gusu. “The Gusu royals. Are they good people?”
His mother nodded. “I was acquainted with the current king’s uncle until we had a.....” She winces. “A fight. They are good people, regardless of our past differences. The current king, Lan Xichen, and his little brother, Lan Wangji, have implemented a law that ensures the safety of creatures like us.”
“You’re the second prince?!” Wei Wuxian gasped, dramatically flopping into the water. The prince?! He was courting the actual prince of Gusu???!!!
“Mn.” Lan Zhan confirmed as soon as he surfaced, shoulders tense.
“Well, shit. I didn’t know, but it’s not like you’re going to punish me for my rather shameless behavior, right? I know humans have different customs for courting.”
“Okay! Now that that’s out of the way, Lan Zhan - I can still call you Lan Zhan, right?” Lan Zhan nodded. “Then, Lan Zhan, now that I know you’re the prince, I know you must have a lot of business and I can’t push you to come here often. But do try to visit, okay? I’ll miss you a lot!”
“Mn. Will miss Wei Ying too.”
Then, a few years down the line, the two of them get together because this is a happy universe and they know how to communicate!
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wangxianficrecs · 2 years
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Follower Recs
Hi, I'd like to recommend 'impossible to stay away, impossible to stay' by dragongirlG. I feel like it's tragically underrated. It's a Shape of Water AU featuring LWJ as a Chinese merperson and WWX as the janitor who rescues him from the research facility. It really captures the vibe of the movie, and it's a masterpiece in storytelling across different genres as well as in characterization. The way the author integrated Chinese culture and language was also very impressive.
impossible to stay away, impossible to stay
by dragongirlG, Sixlayerhouse (sixlayerhouse) (E, 34k, wangxian, jiang cheng & wei wuxian, jiang siblings)
Summary:  Wei Ying is a downtrodden janitor at the Wen Research Institute, cut off from his former life due to a restrictive employment contract. By chance he meets one of the institute's experimental subjects: a captive jiaoren (mercreature) named Lan Zhan, with whom he forms a deep and unexpected bond. When he witnesses Lan Zhan's life being threatened, he takes it upon himself to free the jiaoren and take him to safety. After a brief honeymoon period of domestic bliss, Wei Ying releases Lan Zhan back into the ocean so that Lan Zhan can make his way home. Months later, both of them are met with a joyful surprise when Wei Ying gets lost in the canals of Suzhou.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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silver-snow-draws · 4 years
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Inktober Day 1, kicking off with Yiling Laozhu! Wei Wuxian as a somewhat monstrous merman/jiaoren. This was originally in red ink on white paper, but the red ink spilled and I decided to just do black over the red
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r95irth · 5 months
I was tagged by @evilhasnever to find paragraphs in my WIPs with the words gaze, neck, step.
I will go with the Jiaoren AU, since it's my most advanced WIP. Thank you for tagging me <3 And here is the joke...the three words you picked i used them all in one same scene xD Which is this one :
It takes an hour or so for A-Yao to finally emerge from his slumber. Lan Xichen is busy cleaning Jingyi’s egg when he stirrs, but he is by his side in only one step. He looks better than yesterday, even if still pale. He blinks a few times as he stares at his pair of legs.  Lan Xichen remembers the joy on A-Yao’s face the first time he had shifted, his beaming smile, his dimples.There’s nothing of that today behind the exhaustion, his lover simply moves them slightly, then stares at the floor with caution.  His heart breaks a little, and he offers his hand to his lover.   “Do you want help getting out?" At least there is some joy when A-Yao’s gaze meets his, and a small smile as he takes the offer. Lan Xichen puts Jingyi back into his basket.  Wei Wuxian’s crow immediately flies back to it, and in its hurry pushes A-Yao’s back. Lan Xichen moves forward to catch him, A-Yao wraps his arms around his lover’s neck and in the same movement, gives the crow a very efficient kick, sending him away from his egg. 
But i will be playful and say this one only counts for step and pick the next word in another scene is for NECK :
“Is anyone here?” He asks, his voice getting low. “Wen-guniang?” A-Yao moves slightly to get a better view but Lan Xichen puts a protective hand over him and orders in a whisper : “Arms around my neck.”  A-Yao’s blood runs cold and he obeys, looking at Lan Xichen’s back to protect him from surprise attack. All his senses are up, as Lan Xichen puts his now free hand on his sword’s handle. What happened? Is Jingyi okay? He wants to ask back but he can’t, and it does horrible thing to his stomach. Nausea filling his throat and filling the empty space in his mouth. My egg, I didn’t protect my egg, i’m a terrible father I left them- It echoes, it explodes with a certainty that hurts more than everything he ever experienced : I left them alone! And then suddenly it pops, and someone yells in the back :  “LET US PASS!!”
And finally the word GAZE :
A-Yuan frowns again, his gaze going between Lan Wangji -as if to check if he is being serious- then Wei Wuxian, then the crow, then the egg. Eventually he drops all these complicates stuff and asks the real important question :  “When are they going out? I want to play with them! They like butterflies? I have 2 butterfly toys. I can share one! We can make them kiss!” Lan Wangji shakes his head : “It is very kind of you to share your toy. But I am not sure when they’ll be here, it will hatch eventually-” He doesn’t finish his sentence as he notices Wei Ying going behind the vanity screen, and his heartbeat raises up. Maybe Wen Qing is behind the vanity screen, after all, it is her room! He pats A-Yuan’s head, and follows Wei Ying, only to find him looking around an empty bed.  “Sorry, i was checking if Wen Qing was here. I thought she would like to know A-Yuan did his first trip on his own. From what I gathered it’s like a huge thing for her family.”
Hope you'll like it UU° I didn't think i would have used those three words when i first saw the list but apparently i do use it. It's a fun game :D
As for tagging people so they could play too...@thefrogwitch @swaglexander-the-great and @wishthefish and with the words...huh...hug, cat, and stars ! Don't feel pressured to play though if you don't want to :D
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
For cultivation baby au! Sizhui, he's mostly quiet because he's more resentful energy dependent before he gets his core. But in dragon!NMJ au on the other hand, do canon events still happen? If not, then may I propose cultivation baby! A-Yu? And the pregnant shenanigans that will bring? More peanuts! WWX is confused cause he doesn't like peanuts that much?
A-Yu is adopted baby and not cultivation baby, because WWX no longer has a core! Wei Wuxian still ends up eating excessive amounts of peanuts after he arrives, though. XD
Re: dragon NMJ au, canon events do not happen. The Wens and Nies are both celestial creatures and don't mess around with mortals, while the Jins, Jiangs, and Lans are human (though there are rumors about the Jiang being descended from jiaoren.)
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sandupommelfrog · 2 years
Jiang Cheng tries to take life one day at a time as those he loves the most remain distant both physically and emotionally. Searching for an escape from its ghosts, Jin Ling leaves Yunmeng. Wei Wuxian comes back to a world where his little brother is dead and Yunmeng Jiang is long gone.
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sweetlittlevampire · 3 years
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Merry early Christmas, @fleetofshippyships !
I’ve missed those two, so I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed them to flex my jiaoren-drawing-muscles a bit.
I hope that next year will only be looking up for you, that you will be able to get into recovery and steadily recover, and that you’ll be able to fulfill a few of your dreams. Thinking of you, my friend!
(This particular merperson Lan Wangji is from @fleetofshippyships ‘s fic series Tears of Pearl. It’s super sweet; give it a read if you can.)
Wei Wuxian / Lan Wangji / The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi © Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
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