#just realized I didn’t put the translations for what he said
bubblegump-1-nk · 2 days
Lost in Translation
pairing: Fem!Reader x Theodore Nott
summary: In which you and Theo are best friends, and secretly in love. But when Theo accidentally overhears a conversation between you and Enzo, he realizes you might not feel the same way…
Note: Ok y’all I’m sorry I PROMISE this will be my last Theo fic in a little while, I’m really going to try to write for other characters (and dw I won’t cheat and write for Lorenzo’s other characters ;)). On that note, I am going on many trips this summer and don’t know how much I’ll be able to write so I just want to get this story out before I leave for my trip tomorrow. Update: I didn’t finish in time and I’m currently halfway across the world writing this, having been awake for 23 hours straight, so if it stops making sense towards the end, pls forgive me 🙏🏼
It was a particularly warm day in March, so you and your friends decided to carry out your free period by the Black Lake. The sound of the waves lightly crashing onto the shore and the light breeze dancing through the trees was enough to make you want to fall asleep on the plush grass beneath you, but Pansy’s voice brought you out of your dreamy state.
“Y/n?” She spoke again, when her voice didn’t get your attention the first time.
“Mhm.” You muttered from where you were laying in the grass, a smile small placed on your face as the sun hit your skin so nicely.
“Dreaming of Theo?” Hermione inquired, causing Daphne to giggle due to your friendship with Theo being a little too “friendly”.
You shot up and glared at the girls. “How many times do I have to tell you, we are only best friends.”
This caused Daphne and Hermione to laugh even harder, and your cheeks flushed a bright pink.
“Ok, ok, whatever. Y/n, do you have the charms work?” Pansy asked, annoyed that her question had been ignored thrice.
“Yeah, I have it here.” You said, shaking your head to forget the altercation as you rummaged through your satchel.
“Speak of the devil.” Daphne said, causing you to look up.
Class must have gotten out already, hence why Theo, Enzo, and Mattheo were walking your way now.
You gave Pansy your homework and went back to resting on your makeshift grass bed.
“Forgot our invite?” Mattheo said, as the boys reached your group.
“You had class, idiot.” Pansy said, scribbling down your work.
“When has that ever stopped us.” Mattheo said, as he sat down and threw his tie off and gave Pansy a sassy look.
You felt your body being moved by strong hands you immediately recognized as Theo’s.
“Hey, you.” Theo said, as he looked down at you. He had moved you so your head now rested on his lap, a much more comfortable pillow.
“Hi Teddy.” You said, your eyes still closed.
“Theres other people here too, y/n”. Enzo joked, his mouth full with food.
“I know, I just don’t tend to say hi to people I don’t like.” You joked, making a face at Enzo.
He threw a piece of candy at you, but it was intercepted by Theo who put it in his mouth.
“What’s in the bag Mattheo.” Hermione asked, changing the conversation topic and drawing attention to Mattheo’s bag which was slowly and quietly jumping up and down.
“These idiots spilled some of our potion into my bag and it hasn’t stopped jumping since. You should have seen it before though, it’s calmed down a lot since then.”
Theo and Enzo began to laugh, and the rest of the group followed suit.
Theo’s hands were playing with your hair, like second-nature.
Enzo’s gaze burned down on the both of you, and you slowly made eye contact with him. You had drunkenly told Enzo about your feelings towards Theo after a party a couple weeks ago, when he brought you back to your room (a job that was usually taken by Theo).
“Careful, y/n, watch your step.” He had said, as he helped you back into your room from the Slytherin common room.
“Your the best Enzo, you’re really my best friend.” You had responded, turning to face him as you said it.
“Yeah you’re mine too y/n.” He said with a small chuckle. You two had known each other for ages, and your bond was like no other.
As he was helping you out of your clothes, you started to explain your feelings.
“Enzo, I can trust you right?” You asked, biting your lower lip.
He stopped momentarily, nervous. “Of course you can trust me, y/n.” He said, taken aback by your silly question.
“Ok, because what I’m about to tell you, you cannot tell anyone about. And I mean it. Not even your cat.” You said, turning to face him, your expression completely serious.
“O-ok, yeah. Of course.” He said, surprised by your quick change of tone.
“I mean seriously. If you told anyone it could ruin everything.”
Enzo gave you a skeptical look, what the fuck were you scared to say he thought to himself.
You took his silence as an invitation to speak again.
“I’m in love with Theo. And I mean really in love with Theo. I’ve thought about it for some time now and I just had to tell someone about it.” You rambled.
Enzo was silent for a moment, a small smile forming on his lips.
“Fucking finally you realize!”
“Mattheo, stop it! Do it yourself!” Daphne’s voice brought you and Enzo out of your shared daydream. Daphne snatched her potions essay out of Mattheo’s hands and slapped him with it, causing him to yelp out.
“Will you two stop it? Anyways, we better get going y/n.” Hermione said, collecting her stuff and getting up.
“Where to?” Theo asked.
“Harry and Ron are meeting us at Hagrid’s in a bit. We have to help him with some baby dragon he found.” You explained, getting up from Theo’s legs.
“Ok, see you at dinner then.” He said softly, helping you put your things away.
“See you.” You said to him, and then loudly to the rest of the group as you walked away with Hermione.
Theo stared at you as you walked away, his being consumed with you.
Dinner was quick, and as you made your way out of the Great Hall, you detached yourself from Hermione, Harry, and Ron, to grab Enzo.
“Come with me.” You said, pulling him by his arm and giving him no time to ask questions.
You pulled him into your dorm room and closed the door.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m gonna stop being a pussy and confess! I’m tired of being hopelessly in love and I want to do something about it.” You explained.
“Fucking finally!” He said, repeating the words he had said that fateful night.
“And you’re going to help me practice.”
What..?” Enzo asked, a confused expression on his face.
“I need you to help me practice what I’m going to say. Please.” You said, throwing the last word in there to make it sound more like a question than a command.
“Ok yeah. Anything to finally get you two together.” Enzo asked, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Ugh, I can’t do it! What if he doesn’t like me back, and then I ruin our friendship and I lose him completely. I’ll tear the group apart. I-I can’t do this.” You say, sinking down to the floor, your worries consuming you.
Enzo follows you down to the ground, and grabs one of your shoulders gently. His other hand lifting your chin to look him in the eyes.
“Y/n, I love you, but you’re being so fucking stupid right now. Of course he loves you, it’s so painstakingly obvious. I mean everyone knew before you two realized it. He practically crumbles at the sight of you talking to other boys. So please, just do this.” He explains, putting emphasis on the last sentence.
“You’re right. I- wait, he gets jealous when I talk to other guys?” You ask, diverging the conversation.
Laughter erupts out of Enzo, and it vibrates through out the entire room.
Little did you know, Theo had had a similar conversation with Mattheo the night of that party a few weeks ago, which was the reason for his absence in taking you to your room
He was sitting on the astronomy tower, smoking a cigarette when Mattheo appeared.
“Party’s down there, mate.”
“I’m not interested.” Theo had said, watching as the smoke from his cigarette mixed from the smoke created by his voice in the cold air.
“Why’s that?” Mattheo asked, sitting down next to Theo and taking a cigarette from the open pack on the ground.
“I can’t stand it anymore. Seeing her with other boys.”
“Y/n?” Mattheo asked, in which Theo confirmed with a small nod.
“My chest physically hurts when I see her flirt with other people. I’m physically hurting knowing I can’t be with her. Knowing I can’t love her.” Theo explains, tears brimming in his usually stole cold eyes.
“Then tell her. I assure you she would much rather flirt with you than those tossers.”
So now, Theo was on his way to your dorm, excitement and fear teeming inside of him. He was repeating the speech he had prepared earlier with Mattheo over and over in his head, but he knew it was useless. He knew he would forget all of it the moment he looked into your angelic face.
He ran up the stairs to your dorm room, pushing people aside and muttering apologies as he did so.
He ran down the hallway, excited to get to your door. He finally reached the dark oak, but was surprised by the laughter he heard inside. That wasn’t your sweet laugh. It was loud and boisterous, a boys. Theo waited outside your door, listening in. Had he misread the signs?
“Enzo stop it. Stop laughing.” You said.
Enzo? Theo thought, confusion clouding his mind.
“Ok, ok, yep, sorry.” Enzo said, laughter still slipping out of his lips.
“I love you, ok?” You said, after slapping the side of his head.
“Finally you realize. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids!” Enzo responded, and Theo’s heart dropped. It dropped and dropped until he was sure it was laying on the floor somewhere. His throat closed up and mouth got all dry.
You were in love with Enzo? How could he have missed that? How could he possibly have missed that? Tears threatened to spill, and he was damned if he let anyone see him cry. He ran out of there as soon as he regained feeling in his legs.
Theo wanted to crawl into the Black Lake and drown. How could the girl he’s been in love with since he was a child love someone else? One of his best friends for that matter. Why was his life always so unfair?”
“Ok, ok I’m ready.” You say, after having finished your little improv love confession with Enzo.
“Ok, so what are you waiting for?”
“Now? You want me to go now?” You ask, your eyebrows shooting up and eyes widening.
“Yes, now! Stop wasting time!”
“O-ok, ok, fine, I’m going now.” You say, reaching for the door. “Will you wait for me? In here, please.” You say, turning back to face him.
“Of course.” He said, a smile small on his lips as he crashes down onto your bed.
You finally reached Theo’s dorm, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you knocked on the door.
It was strangely silent on the other side, until you heard footsteps reaching for the door.
You fought back the urge to walk away, your stomach was flipping and your palms were lightly sweating. Wtf am I doing? You thought.
You were taken aback by Mattheo’s presence, even more so by his face. He looked almost, unhappy to see you. Something you had never experienced.
“Is Theo here?” You asked, eyes trying to dart around Mattheo’s body to see inside the room.
He gave you a look you couldn’t quite understand, but it seemed angry.
“Nope. I’ll pass on a message if you want.” He said, uninterested.
“Er, no it’s alright, I’ll just come back later.” You explained.
“Or maybe not.” He said, closing the door in your face.
You stood there shocked, had he really just done that? What was going on? Where was Theo?
You concluded that he had probably been with a girl, thus his urgency and blocking you from seeing inside. Whenever girls got with the boys, they were typically jealous of your friendship with them (although you never understood because they were all practically your brothers), so perhaps he wanted you out before the girl got angry.
You left, walking back to your dorm. The confidence dissipating out of you, and you decided you would just do it tomorrow.
Unbeknownst to you, Theo was actually in the room, wallowing over his lost love.
The next morning you slowly got out of bed, rolling around in your comfortable sheets as the sunlight seeped into your room. It was a slow Saturday and you had nothing planned other than a Ravenclaw party you were debating attending.
You slowly got yourself out of bed, reminding yourself of the large task at hand: tell your best friend your in love with him, no big deal. You got dressed and made your way down to breakfast, and you kept finding yourself wiping your sweaty palms against your shirt.
As you walked into the Great Hall and made your way over to the table, you noticed immediately that Theo was absent, and Mattheo as well. You quickly scanned the table to find Enzo and when you locked eyes, he gave you a sympathetic look followed with a shrug. You went over to your table and quickly ate breakfast.
The rest of the day was just as strange. You didn’t see Theo all day, which never ever happened. You two were practically attached at the hip. It was strange not having his presence around you, and you swear you were having withdrawal symptoms.
The strangest thing occurred towards the end of the day, when you were walking down the hallway and you saw Theo walking a ways away in your direction. But as soon as he saw he, and you swear he saw you, he turned sharply into the boys restroom, looking down.
“Cmon y/n, please come!” Pansy said, trying to drag you out of your bed to go to a party with Daphne and her.
“I’m sorry, Pans, I’m just not feeling it.” You stated. You had been crying for a while, coming to the conclusion that not only does Theo not love you, he hates you.
“Ok, ok. But, if you change your mind, you know where we are.” She said, finally giving up and leaving your room.
Enzo was leaning on the arm of a couch, drinking fire whiskey and laughing along to Draco and Blaise’s remarks.
The Ravenclaw common room had been expanded, yet it still felt stuffy with the huge amounts of people inside. Blue lights were dancing around the room and music was pumping loudly throughout.
Theo and Mattheo were sitting somewhere else, Theo stating he couldn’t stand even looking at Enzo or he would kill him. But eventually, he got enough drinks in his system, trying to numb the pain of his heartbreak, and got up to make his way to him.
“Wow, mate. Where you going?” Mattheo asked, grabbing Theo’s forearm.
“I’m not gonna lay a hand on him.” Theo said, glaring at Enzo and shaking his arm out of Mattheo’s grasp.
He took long strides over to Enzo, Draco, and Blaise, and his cup sloshed back and forth, liquid spilling over the sides.
“Hey mate.” Blaise said, him and Draco both unaware of any drama.
Theo nodded to him and Enzo shared a tight lipped smile, and looked down at his cup. The air was so tense it could’ve been cut in half with a pair of scissors.
“Where’s your girlfriend?” Theo asked, after beats of silence and staring daggers at Enzo.
“Uh- I- my girlfriend?” Enzo asked, taken aback. The fear emanating from his voice at Theo’s violent look.
“Yeah, your girlfriend. Y’know, y/n.” He said, his voice laced with brutality.
“Y/n? What are you talking about?” Enzo asked, his brows knitted in confusion.
“I heard you talking to her. Saying how much you loved one another. Ringing any bells?”
“Wait, Theo, what the fuck are you talking about?” Enzo asked, Blaise and Draco listening in intently.
“Wow, you are a shit boyfriend. I fucking heard you saying how much you love each other when I was outside of her dorm. It was two fucking days ago and now you can’t even remember?” Theo said, his face fuming with anger.
“Holy shit, that’s why you started acting all weird? Mate, that’s not even close to what was going on.” Enzo explained, Blaise and Draco were watching like it was a reality tv show.
“Oh, so your love confessions were just pretend, or?” Theo said, talking to his best friend as if he was scum.
“Yes, you idiot! She was practicing what say to you!”
“What?!” Blaise said, covering his mouth when he realized it was out loud.
Theo blinked, looking around to all the boys. Mattheo had appeared when he heard the commotion getting rowdy.
“What..?” Theo asked, looking intently at Enzo.
“She’s in love with you! She asked me to practice what to say to because she was going to tell you. But then you got all weird and stopped talking to her. Now she’s sure you hate her and she’s been crying for hours.” Enzo explained.
Theo looked at him with blank eyes, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Well? What are you waiting for? Go!” Mattheo said, pushing Theo towards the door.
Blaise and Draco cheered, and Enzo sat back releasing a breath, thankful that he hadn’t just been beat to death by Theo.
“Go away Pansy!” You said, after a knock was placed on your door.
You had been laying in bed practically all day and were wallowing over your lost love.
“It’s not Pansy.” Theo said shyly.
“Can I please come in.”
“Uhm, yeah.” You said, quickly sitting up and trying to make yourself look more presentable.
The door opened slowly, and Theo walked in, his face was soft and kind.
“Can we talk. Please.” He begged.
“Yeah.” You said quietly, eyes searching his face for a clue of what was to happen.
“I’m so sorry y/n. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I thought you were in love with Enzo and I- I just couldn’t handle seeing you.”
“What? Why would you think I’m in love with Enzo?”
“I came round to your dorm last night to talk to you, and I heard you and Enzo inside. You were talking about how much you loved each other. And I just, my heart broke. Because I’m in love with you y/n. I’ve loved you ever since I have known you and I couldn’t bear to be around you after hearing that you loved my best friend and that I would never have a chance to love you.” He ranted, tears coming to his eyes as he stood before you.
“Theo, I- I don’t love Enzo.” Was all you managed to get out, because your throat was closing in quickly now and tears were threatening to spill if you said anything else.
“I know that now.” Theo said, with a light laugh. “And I’m sorry if I’ve ruined everything between us but I want to make it up to you and if you still have any feelings for me at all, please, please tell me because I can’t go on pretending I wouldn’t burn the entire world for you if you asked any longer.”
You smiled, tears falling from your eyes.
“Of course I fucking love you! I’ve been in ruins thinking that you hate me, Teddy.”
He melted at the nickname and made his way over to you, sitting on your bed and wiping your tears from your cheeks. You both were smiling at each other, and after gathering yourselves for a minute, he asked, “Can I kiss you?”
You laughed at the silly question, because, of course you wanted to kiss him and answered by smashing your lips onto his.
GOD SORRY THIS IS SO LONG and the ending is super rushed because I didn’t want to keep writing
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thewriterg · 7 months
hush puppy
A/n: oh wow headcannons so cute I wrote this while I was half asleep so… —kinktober day; 23—
warning(s); SMUT, power dynamic, degradation, praise, dry humping, pegging, pet names, and language
secret subs! who probably told you they were doms the first time you even brought up sex in fear that you would think how they actually wanted to be treated was gross and we’re afraid you wouldn’t like them if so
secret subs! who used to make themselves nauseous when previous flings would cry under them begging on their cock while degrading phrases were forced from his lips burning his tongue and ended not enjoying sex for a while
secret subs! who gets hard from you calling them a good boy even if they were doing something harmless like washing the dishes that has them rushing towards the bathroom to take care of the growing tint in their pants
secret subs! who act very poised and carry themselves with confidence that you can break down in seconds by a few words and light feathery touches to… sensitive areas
secret subs! who look up fem doms and are aching soon enough face flushed skin hot until they finally slam the laptop closed a vowel to never watch something like it again for obvious reasons… the obvious reasons being a stubborn boner pressing against their pants bottoms while they squeeze their legs together trying to take the pain off their aching cock
secret subs! who start testing the waters with little things like seeing how far they can get with making you angry before you tip over the edge and put them back in their place where they should stay
secret subs! who let out rushed moans not realizing what they said as you bounce on their cock your cunt swallowing them whole “ngh- oh fuck miss please”
secret subs! who let you fuck your frustrations out on them after a long day or a situation that didn’t go how you wanted it to “name augh- please, please, please, name” long whimpers and whines that are loud and clear while you thrust your hips into his abused hole hitting his prostate over and over with your strapped cock
secret subs! who act out just for your attention even if it’s the wrong attention or very right in their mind “please mam I’m ahh! I’m s-sorry I won’t do it a-a- oh fuck! I won’t do it again” he sobbed his arms tied behind his back bare now red and bruising ass revealed to you to use at you disposal “no, you wanted my attention? you got my attention baby” You hummed before bringing your hand down harshly the air whooshing behind it coming down with a harsh sting that brought tears to their eyes
Secret subs! who live for degrading insults as much as they do your praise “dirty fucking slut couldn’t wait five minutes before your getting off on my shoe” You chuckle staring down at him his clothed cock rubbing against the tip of your boot under your desk as you ended your online meeting
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©2023 thewriterg spooktober do not copy, translate, or modify.
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notafunkiller · 8 months
wait for hours
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Summary: Bucky and you have a small fight about making him attend a business dinner on your one-year anniversary.
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x secretary!reader
Warnings: 18+, oral (f receiving), org@sm denial/edging, teasing, pet names, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 1.9K
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: I wrote this blurb based on @marvelouslizzie’s prompt: “You want me to put it in you, don't you?”
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
You know he is mad. You could sense it right away at work and also in the car. But you don’t regret it, it had to be done.
“Why did you even bring me here if you aren’t gonna talk, James?”
Your head is spinning only from the way he’s pacing around.
He puffs. “You wanna talk now?”
“You are such a kid,” you say, sighing.
“I am the kid?”
You’re surprised by how high his tone is.
“Why are you so bothered? I did what I needed to help you.”
“I don’t care! You knew tonight is off limits. It was supposed to be about us!”
You take a deep breath, trying to calm down a little. You don’t want to fight. You never do when you disagree, and this is silly.
“We can do it another time. We both know how important this is, so why are you so mad?”
“Because this is our one-year anniversary and we always…”
You sigh, standing up. “He wouldn’t have waited, and I don’t care if you think: then his loss. This is your company! You need this investment.”
“You made this decision for me!”
“Good,” you snap. “Someone had to, I wasn’t going to let you waste a great opportunity just cause you are not in the mood for another business dinner.”
He steps toward you so fast you don’t even realize for a second. “Yeah, sorry I am not in the mood for a business dinner when I could be buried inside my girlfriend in our private jet as we fly to Europe.”
“Who said I wanted to go in the first place?” You look him in the eye, challenging him to answer you. You’re not gonna let him intimidate you. Not that he wanted that.
“Then I could have made you come on my tongue after dinner right here.”
You roll your eyes. “All you can think about is sex.”
“All I can think about is you, but you decided to-”
“To do the right thing.” You interrupt him immediately. He’s so stubborn sometimes!
Bucky sighs, bringing his hands to your cheeks. “Are you bored with me?”
What. The. Fuck.
“Are you drunk?” You ask despite knowing it’d be impossible. But how can he ask that?
“Are you bored of me, honey? Is this why you keep me a secret?”
“I wanted to make it official like what? A thousand times?”
You sigh, bringing your hands on top of his before leaving a kiss on one of his palms.
“I am not bored of you, Jamie. But work is work. He knows-”
“I want everyone to know!”
You understand, but at the same time there are more consequences to consider before making the decision to get public. “Know what? That you’re fucking me?”
Now this is a thing you regret saying. The expression he has on his face breaks your heart.
“That’s all you think this is?”
Oh, you fucked up! This is not what it is, and you know it. You both had been trying to fight it off, to ignore the tension for over a year. Until you just couldn’t anymore and gave in.
It was clearly more than sex from the start. He didn’t even try to seduce you, and you were only going out on dates for weeks. And if he wanted sex, why he’d make such an effort when you’re sure he can get a girlfriend or a one-night stand or even escort services. He didn’t try to buy you. But would the office understand?
“No, James.” You kiss his other palm, trying to show him how you actually feel. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“When would it be, then? Or would it ever be a good idea?”
He’s more than upset now, his chin is trembling and the way he keeps staring at you makes you want to cry.
Such a horrible situation…
“When I’ll change my job,” you murmur, stroking his cheeks. “This way, they wouldn’t call either of us names and your reputation would-”
“I don’t care about it, okay? About what they’d say about me, and I certainly wouldn’t let them talk shit about you. What you did for the company is amazing.”
You let out a humorless laugh. “I am your secretary, Bucky. My job is to please you and do the best to assure the company’s success.”
“Fucking bullshit!”
“Hey, it’s true. You know very well how people would talk about both of us, and rumors would spread, and sure, men would pat you on the back at first, but some might hate the scandal. And I would be treated like a...” You don’t want to finish your sentence; well aware he knows what you mean. “You cannot protect me from this no matter what you do. And you cannot ruin your company! Do you want to do this just for public claim?”
“I want to hold your hand so badly everywhere...” He sighs, moving his hands from your face to his own hair, pulling it a bit too harshly. “I want to be able to leave with you home and not make Sam wait for you on the parallel street.”
You know and you feel the same way. Sometimes you find yourself imagining how things would be if you gave in and just not care about it, but there’s about so much more than you. You know how important his partnerships are, how hard he actually worked. He might not be a billionaire, but he is very rich and affords many things. He pays everyone well, including you, as wrong as it might sound.
“I’m gonna think about it, okay? I love you so much!” You take a step closer, getting on your tiptoes so you can kiss him a little. “I am sorry for making you feel like this, you’re not my dirty secret. But I don’t regret saying yes to this meeting. You weren’t going to agree, and we both know this is really important. We can celebrate later or tomorrow night. We can go anywhere you want. Just know I love you.”
Bucky says nothing for a while, his face emotionless as he thinks about what you said.
“I love you, too. Now I want you to get your clothes off and get on the bed.”
You raise your eyebrows at the change in his attitude. What the fuck!
“Don’t act as if you don’t want it. You were teasing me all morning. And during the breaks!”
You cannot even deny it because it’s true. Yesterday you were both too tired to even eat when you got home, let alone have sex, and you woke up really horny.
“Don’t you need to get ready?”
He smirks in that way that you hate so much, and you sigh.
“You got one minute, baby.”
You quickly take off your shirt and pants before unclasping the bra and placing it on the nearest bedside table. You let on your panties, eager to see him tear them off as you sit on the edge of the bed.
But he, surprisingly, doesn’t do that after he drops on his knees in front of you and spreading your legs.
You get on your elbows just to watch him. He smiles cheekily, happy with the extra attention you give him, as he hooks his finger around your underwear and moves it to the side, holding it there as he starts to lick your slit.
“Yesss!” You throw your head back, knowing how much you’re going to enjoy this.
He’s a little too slow compared to the usual, but it still feels good, especially when he brings his tongue to your entrance.
You manage to hold back for a while, not letting your hips move until you realize he doesn’t intend to change the pace. With your fingers through his hair and another hand grabbing the sheets, you try to get his tongue inside you faster. But he doesn’t want that either, so you pull his hair a bit harder out of frustration.
“If you want it slow, at least use that tongue on my clit.”
He snorts, amused and does what you told him without protesting. But instead of feeling better because he’s licking your clit, it’s even worse.
You both know that you hate when he’s doing it slowly, so that’s annoying you even more. It’s like he’s doing it on purpose.
You try to tilt your hips more, showing him he needs to hurry up, but he places his right hand on your tummy and pushes your back to the bed again.
“Come on, Bucky! What is this?”
He smiles against your clit and suddenly starts to lick faster. And faster. And faster.
“Yess, yess.”
You pictured him like this before you got together. You imagined countless of scenarios with him eating you out on his desk or on the couch in his office, in the car or in the meeting room. You did that so often it became a habit, but you didn’t expect it to be that good. And he’s somehow getting better every time. Even when he’s torturing you.
When he starts sucking on your clit, though? You feel on fire. You let out the loudest moan before grabbing his hair.
“Yes, sooo c-close. Gimmie a finger, Jamie.” His eyes are on you as you speak. “Please!”
He stops sucking just to breathe on your clit, making you shiver. “Now why would I do that?”
You open your eyes confused.
Does he mean he wants to fuck you?
You’d love that, truth be told, so you push him away a little and get on your ass on the bed. You immediately move your hands down, trying to find his bulge over his pants.
Yeah, you totally missed that.
“I guess foreplay is done. You can fuck me now.”
Bucky laughs. He laughs! Then he brings his hand to cover yours and helps you get a better feel of his cock. Fuck, he’s so hard!
“You want me to put it in you, don’t you?”
“I’m still close.” You whine, surprised by your own body reaction. “Just get inside me, okay?”
“Why would I do that, honey?”
You give him the most confused look ever. “W-what?”
“You’re not gonna come tonight. Or well, until I get back from my meeting. Not on my fingers, not on my mouth, and definitely not on my cock. “
The world is spinning around you. He’s not serious is he.
“Aww, what’s wrong? Who’s the one thinking only about sex now?”
“You’re joking, right?”
He cannot do this. He can’t...
“I should get ready for the meeting.” He tries to get up, but you grab his hand.
“Are you punishing me for doing the right thing for the company?”
He senses you are close to tears so he leans in to kiss your forehead. “No, baby, why would I punish you for that?”
“I don’t know...”
“Maybe this is for thinking our anniversary is not important for me” He cups your face. “But I promise tonight will be great.”
You can’t even say anything, squeezing your legs together, still turned on.
“No touching either. You don’t get to come until I come back, okay?”
You sigh, pouting. “I’ll try, daddy.”
Bucky bites his lip before he kisses you properly. “You won’t try, you will do it for daddy, okay?”
You nod, staring at his chest. “Can I help you clean?”
“As much as I’d love that, if we go in the shower together, I don’t think I’ll leave.”
Damn it... now you have to wait for hours.
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lineffability · 10 months
Crowley froze, every atom of his body coming to a complete standstill. Aziraphale had appeared out of nowhere, just like that, and he felt like a fly in a spider's web, like he had just run against a glass door that he could not have seen. Oh, this was cruel. He did not turn around.
"Don't even use doors anymore?" He tried to keep his voice level, cold, unaffected. He failed considerably, but the message got across anyways.
"I'm sorry," Aziraphale said, immediately flinching at the words. The first time they were seeing each other again, after-- after that, and his first words were I'm sorry and he was apologizing for not using a door? Aziraphale felt like swearing, but could not. "I thought you wouldn't open if I-- well. I thought this was easier. Like a bandaid."
"Well, you were right. I wouldn't have." Steel was creeping into Crowley's voice, steel around his heart. With a forcing of limbs, he spun around, his gaze piercing through the armor of his sunglasses. Facing him.
"I need your help" Aziraphale said.
"What," Crowley said. He had possibly never put as much meaning into a single word. The glass door turned into a Great Wall. Aziraphale understood. But he was willing to climb.
The angel (oh, a true angel now, wasn't he--not his angel) fumbled, talking with his hands before his mouth even opened. Talking with his eyes, too, but they got lost in translation. Repelled by a black mirror.
"I know this is untoward. I know it's-- But Crowley, I don't have a lot of time."
"Nothing lasts forever, yeah," Crowley spat, hating himself the second the words left his lips. Unnecessary cruelty. Demonic, huh? Worse yet, Aziraphale accepted the verbal lashing. Don't forgive me, Crowley thought.
Crowley looked at him. He was still wearing his suit, there was tartan in it, but it had become polished, the worn edges returned to pristine, boring perfection. He looked prim. Proper. Perhaps this hurt most of all.
"Why are you here?"
Aziraphale glanced upwards. Then he looked intently at Crowley. I don't have much time. Right. He couldn't speak freely, Crowley realized. Of course he couldn't. This was exactly what he had been afraid of, what he had known would happen. His angel in chains. (Yet here he was. Here he was.)
"They don't know I'm here," Aziraphale mumbled, gesticulating weakly between them and Up. "I guess I can divert their attention now, for a bit. Comes with the new powers"--he shrugged helplessly--"but not for long. Crowley, do you know about-- about the-- what they're--"
"Armageddon 2.0? Sure."
There was an undecipherable look in Aziraphale's eyes. "Why didn't you-- well. It's not just. I mean it kind of is--it's. More than that. Crowley, I need you to do something for me."
"This is important." (This isn't about us.)
"I don't care." (There is no us anymore.)
"You do! You always have."
"Oh not this again," Crowley hissed. "You were an angel once. You can be forgiven. Shut up."
"That's not what I meant."
With two long, angry strides, Crowley closed the space between them. Menace, anger, hurt-- "Then what did you mean?" He spat the words. Like a weapon. (Then why was it a question?)
Aziraphale's face crumbled. He stood his ground nonetheless, not backing away. The angel's anger was less spiky, but it rose to meet Crowley's. It made his next words hit like bricks. "I mean that you love. I mean that you, Crowley, are the best person I know. I mean that I love you."
The words dropped like a lead balloon.
There was utter silence between them.
Why were they so close?
Why were his sunglasses so dark? Aziraphale saw only his own reflection. He couldn't bear that, and dropped his gaze. Oh, worse. There was his mouth, mere inches away.
Aziraphale looked at Crowley's lips, really really looked, and there was nothing more, now that he knew about the feeling of Crowley's lips and of his heart, there was nothing more he wanted to do than to kiss him. But he couldn't, he couldn't. Not like this. He needed the next time (he had to believe in a next time, in a time with Crowley, again)--the next time they kissed he needed it to be good and happy and an affirmation. He couldn't bear it otherwise. He would break entirely. He was sure of it.
But still, still-- Crowley was so close. He could smell nothing but him. Think of nothing but him. That weakness again, that soft spot inside him he had never known how to hold down. And with it, Want reared its greedy head. Aziraphal leaned in ever so slightly, felt their noses touch-- and then used all his strength to move away, to pull back. It was not the right time. Not yet.
He looked past Crowley, who might have as well turned to a pillar of salt. Crowley, whose face was a mask he couldn't let slip. The air flickered between them.
There were tears in his eyes when he finally forced his gaze towards Crowley's face, a silent plead to not misunderstand. Please, please. But he couldn't expect that of him. He was pulling away again. But not because he wanted to. No, there was nothing he wanted more than to pull closer. There was nothing more he wanted than to talk to him, to truly talk, to explain and apologize and make amends, but he was bound by Duty and Rules and Watching Eyes more than he ever had been.
This was his rebellion: he lifted a hand, the ghost of a touch, fingertips against cheekbone. The memory of holding on. Of never wanting to let go. Crowley flinched without moving, a shiver of his lips. Aziraphale let his hand drop, briefly, to Crowley's chest, holding it over his human heart. It was beating just like his.
This was his successful magic trick, when it counted: he drew away, leaving a crack in Crowley's steel-clad heart, and a note in his chest pocket.
"I'm sorry. I need to go."
"Of course you do."
"Oh, Crowley. I--" But he did not finish the sentence, knew there was no proper way how. So he said, quietly, softly, "Trust me, please."
And he did. Crowley hated it, hated it so much, but he did, he did trust him despite it all. But it did not erase the hurt. The festering wound. Now what was he supposed to do with that?
With one last pointed look, Aziraphale vanished.
Crowley was alone.
His defenses lay shattered at his feet, and he slowly gathered them back up. He did not mend the cracks. (That's where the light had gotten in.) He cleared his throat. Tried to banish from his mind the look in Aziraphale's eyes, the memory of his lips and of his tears.
And failed considerably.
I love you.
(Touched his cheek, and then his chest, and faltered.)
[this fic is now also on ao3 and being continued there]
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violetrainbow412-blog · 6 months
hii, I wish to request a Willy Wonka x reader 😭🙏 where reader doesn’t like chocolate at all because it’s too cloying, so Wonka tries to make the right candy (or chocolate) to give it to the reader at Christmas Eve (he wanted to gave reader a small gift before Christmas day, like a form of confessing his feelings to the reader). And reader also prepares a small gift to Wonka bc they also want to confess their feelings to him
Reader can be gender neutral, or however you want
English isn’t my first language so sorry any grammar mistakes, also sorry if I didn’t explain myself well
have a good day and thanks for reading 😭🫶💐
The Bittersweet Gift of Love [W. W]
Willy Wonka x gn!reader
word count: 1.8k
note: don't worry! English is not my first language either. I have to admit that writing with neutral readers is always a challenge for me because I translate my texts directly, but I think this time it's a decent thing. I hope you like it!!
taglist: @dyieying @reallysparklychaos [Timothée masterlist]
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What could a chocolatier give to a person who didn't like chocolate? That was the question Willy had been asking himself for the past few weeks.
You hadn't specifically said that you didn't like chocolate, rather it was a matter of not liking the excessively sweet or sticky taste that some had. That is, most of the chocolates he made.
“Maybe it's just that you haven't found the right flavor,” he had told you once, while the two of you were talking.
And he was quite convinced of that, even thinking that if he managed to make something special for you maybe he would earn some affection from you. It would be as if he gave you a certain part of himself, so that you could make it yours.
So it was that Wonka, after reflecting a lot, decided to try all kinds of combinations until he found one good enough to satisfy you. Christmas was approaching and he believed that the occasion would be perfect not only to give you the present, but also to take an important step for which he had not yet had the courage: he wanted to confess his feelings for you.
The man didn't know much about love, however, he knew that he liked you a lot and he wanted you to know it. It was just that he was pretty nervous about it and he hoped everything would turn out as perfect as possible, after all, you deserved it.
Christmas Eve came when he was least expecting it and then it was time to dress in shades of green and red to attend the party that the Smith family would throw, as a thank-you to everyone after Dorothy had heard what the entire group did for help Noodle when she needed it most.
Willy put a lot of effort into buying, with some of the few coins he had left, a cute outfit appropriate to the occasion that he combined with his characteristic coat. When he was in front of the library door he felt the little purple box in his hands extremely heavy and he thought it would be a better idea to put it in his pocket, or else you would realize ahead of time the surprise he had for you.
“Mr. Wonka,” Dorothy greeted, as she opened the door “Come in, come in. It's freezing outside”
“Good night, Mrs. Smith,” he murmured cordially, removing his hat and placing it on a rack in the entryway. Apparently he was the last to arrive, since everyone else was already talking happily in the room.
Of course his eyes went directly to you, who was wearing a green sweater that highlighted your beautiful skin tone and you already had a huge smile on your pink lips from the cold.
“It's good to see you, Mr. Wonka,” said Abacus, being the first to speak “Sit over here.”
He smiled internally at the good fortune that the place the man had left him was right next to you and when you gave him a look, he felt himself blush.
“Hi,” he murmured shyly.
"Hello! I'm so glad you could come."
“I would never miss it,” he responded smilingly. His knees collided with yours and suddenly your warmth seemed to invade him as well, perhaps because of the closeness, but also because of the overflowing love he felt for you “How are you?”
With this question you began a pleasant and private conversation, which developed between close whispers and giggles that made him increasingly nervous. The others didn't mind too much that you didn't participate in the general talks, as they knew that certain unresolved matters probably needed time.
You ate the delicious dinner that the family had prepared, you drank punch, you sang some Christmas carols and when the night had advanced enough you returned to your previous place, although now with fewer people around.
“This is so nice, I love Christmas. The atmosphere is always so homely and warm” you said, with your eyes resting on the simple tree that adorned the room.
It was almost midnight and the others were in the kitchen sorting through some of the cookies that Noodle had put there an hour ago, which only left you and the chocolatier in the living room.
“I guess I believe you, your eyes are literally shining now,” he said happily. He felt like sliding his hand into yours and this time, steeling himself, he didn't hold back. You flinched slightly when you felt that.
“What are you doing?”
“I have something for you,” he breathed, feeling strangely excited by what he was about to do “It's a gift.”
“Oh, Willy,” you responded, a bit incredulously, as you bent down to grab something from your bag on the floor. “I have something for you, too.”
He chuckled when he saw the box lined with bright red and a purple bow decorating it, since it was a pleasant coincidence that you had also prepared something for him.
“But don't tell anyone, because he didn't bring gifts for the others,” you added, quietly, and then he helped you up, still holding onto your hand.
"Come with me"
He led you to an empty room and he closed the door behind you, hoping he only needed enough minutes to not raise suspicions among the rest of the guests. You were nervously holding the gift, with both hands now that he had let go of you.
“Okay, listen. I wanted to do something special for you today,” he began to explain, as he pulled the box out of his pocket. “And I also added, uh… a note. You don't have to read it now or anything, but it says something in it that I want you to know."
“You're starting to scare me,” you stammered, obviously nervous. Willy was going to ask what you meant until he saw you take a small envelope out of your pocket, which you placed on the red paper. “Because I have the same thing for you.”
He stumbled a little at the second coincidence of the night and he wondered what your note could be about. He knew that he had written a little poem confessing how he felt about you, but... what if you were just wishing him a Merry Christmas? He was going to look like a complete fool.
“You can read mine in a more… private place if you feel comfortable. Maybe alone,” he suggested, though he knew it was more for his comfort than yours.
“Huh, how about we just open the gifts and leave the notes for later? I wouldn't want you to read mine now either” you murmured, just as shy as him.
Willy agreed and you extended your gift in his direction, hinting that he would be the first to open. He undid the bow, carefully, and then opened the box, revealing a beautiful scarf.
“Wow, I…”
"Do you like it? I made it myself”
“I don't believe you,” he said immediately, looking even more surprised. “It's beautiful, I really love it. Thank you so much"
He wasted no time and placed the garment around his neck. Curiously, it matched the rest of his outfit.
"It looks pretty"
“Mine is also a gift made by me. Feel free to tell me if you don’t like it, I… I’ll understand, okay?” you looked a little confused at that and then he took out the piece of chocolate, carefully placed inside the box “I know you don't like chocolate, but I don't think anyone should live without consuming such a great delicacy. So I made you this, because it doesn't have those things that you don't like. It's... different, but I hope you like it”
With some shyness he offered you the sweet and you put it in your mouth, under his watchful eye during the process. You tasted what he had offered you: it was a little bitter, but not in that way that makes your head hurt or leaves a bad taste on your palate, but with just the right touch. It was firm and didn't melt in your mouth, but decent enough to chew on. And finally, it had a touch of something indecipherable to you, but that gave it a certain exotic flavor that was pleasant to your senses.
He, without knowing everything you were experiencing, kept looking at you because he wanted to analyze your reaction to know what you really thought, and luckily your reaction showed agreement with what your chocolate lips said:
“It is the best chocolate I have ever tasted”
Willy felt that like the greatest compliment in the world and he couldn't help a smile crossing his face, satisfied with himself for having achieved his goal, but above all for seeing the happy expression on your face.
“You will never have to eat chocolates you don't like again, I have a jar full of these just for you. They will even bear your name."
It was inevitable not to take a step towards him to hug him and the boy, although at first he seemed surprised, soon responded to you.
“No one had ever done anything like this for me. I appreciate it a lot"
“Well, it's my Christmas gift. I wanted it to be something special,” he confessed, feeling his heart beating in time with yours “Merry Christmas, Y/N”
“Merry Christmas, Willy,” you said. The note in his hand felt extremely heavy and he was eager to read it, but he knew he would have to wait a while.
Suddenly you heard Noodle calling your names and you got out of there before anyone else noticed your absence, which worked because the girl was walking around the hallway when you were closing the door.
“It's going to be midnight, come here,” she said and you obeyed.
Dorothy revealed that she had a small present for each person and you began to look under the tree, eager to find out what would be in those little boxes. It wasn't something very ostentatious, but you were grateful anyway.
So, when no one was looking, you ran to the bathroom to finally read whatever he had written to you, hoping it wasn't as embarrassing as the confession you had made. You were stunned to learn the content and for a moment you feared you were dreaming, but you weren't.
When you left you knew well what your intentions were and your heart stopped for a moment when you noticed that Willy was nowhere to be seen, until Lottie told you that she had seen him heading to the kitchen. You rushed over and when you opened the door you noticed that he was about to do the same, with a bright expression on his face.
A second later he had already pulled you inside and without saying another word, he kissed you.
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multifandomgirl08 · 11 months
Change [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader (Established Relationship)
Summary: It's the end of the F1 season. Some things are changing for the Verstappen's.
Warning(s): Make out session (Non graphic), Time jump from Part 1, Google Translated Dutch, mention(s) of Christian Horner in passing, Mixed Media (Story + Social Media)
A/N: It's not August, but since Part 1 got 1k notes I figured this deserved to be posted early. It wasn't supposed to be this long, I got a little carried away in the end... Should have the next (mini) part up after Belgium. Please don't be afraid to fill my ask box with ideas for this series.
Words: 3.1k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
In the year that you met Nico, a lot of things changed. Most of them were changes for you. A change of job, a change of address, and a lifestyle change.
After two years of dating Max and spending time with Nico, you realized that you didn't want to be half in half out. It took a bit of time but you had found a job that let you work from home, so if Max needed anything you were only a phone call away. Moving to Monaco was a little tougher given that you were on a work visa, but it meant that you got to spend more time with Max when he wasn't working.
It was easier to pack a small duffle bag and go to his apartment than it was to get on a flight to see him for a few hours. And spending time with Nico was a joy.
He was quiet, but he had a way of expressing his emotions with his eyes. If you put food he didn’t like in front of him, he would pout and then he would scrunch his brows together in disgust.
It was nice though, Max would be stuck on his driving sim for a while, so you would take Nico and play with his trains or read him a book until he had to take a nap. Once Max was off the sim, it gave you a chance to answer emails and get through the tasks that you had to do that day. Then, in the evening, you would make dinner together and then eat before putting Nico to bed.
"Mimi," Nico had taken to calling you. You stood in the doorway of his room waiting for him to get into bed so that Max could tuck him in while you packed up your things to take home.
"Yeah, Neeks?" You asked.
"Can you and Papa tuck me in?" He asked. You were surprised that Nico wanted you and Max to tuck him in. He and Max had a routine and you didn't try to make yourself a part of it. You would watch as the father-son pair went about their nighttime routine.
Max would go and do the dishes while Nico went to brush his teeth and change for bed. It gave you and Max a few minutes to yourselves. A few quick stolen kisses before little feet started to run on the hardwood floor. Max would give you another quick kiss before picking up Nico in his arms and taking him into his room before tucking him in for the night.
You looked on into Nico's room to see him in the middle of his bed under the sheets waiting to be tucked in.
"Let me ask him. Okay?" You told Nico seeing the little boy nod his head.
You did need to tell Max, you didn’t want to insert yourself into a routine that wasn’t yours. You had only spent the night at Max’s apartment a few times, and it was mostly when you were too tired to go home. Those few times had been happening more often given that Max was back to traveling for work and the sitter that Max had hired was also moving back home.
You had made your way back into the kitchen to see Max closing the dishwasher before wiping his hands.
“Is he ready for bed?” He asked you.
“Yeah, he asked if… if we could both tuck him in.” You slowly said. You could see his smile growing wide. He already knew that Nico had asked that you both tuck him in.
“Why wouldn’t he, you tuck me in pretty well when you stay over.” You knew exactly what Max meant. So you just shook your head at him, you couldn’t help but laugh that he would be thinking about that now.
“Max!” You couldn’t believe him. You gave him a light shove before he started laughing. “Please come tuck in your son.” You jokingly pleaded before kissing Max on the cheek and feeling his hands move down to your waist. You moved to hold Max’s hand as you walked to Nico’s room.
“Ready for bed, kleine man,” Max said as you both walked through the doorway.
Nico gave a nod, “Ready, Papa.”
You helped Max turn down Nico’s sheets before tucking the covers around the little boy’s feet.
“Vergeet het haar niet te vragen.” Nico muttered before snuggling into his bedsheets.
Max spoke Dutch to Nico every once in a while. It was mostly simple phrases but Nico seemed to grasp the language rather well.
“Ik zal het niet doen.” You looked at Max and saw him lean over and kiss Nico’s forehead.
Both you and Max walked out of Nico’s room, “Night, Nico.” You said.
“Sleep well,” Max said before turning the lights off in Nico’s room and closing his bedroom door.
You knew that Nico would be out like a light once Max closed the door. You walked into Max’s living room and put your computer back into your bag. Once Nico was asleep you would stay until right before Max needed to head to bed. He did have a race the next day, so he wouldn’t stay up too late.
“Movie?” You asked him.
Max gave a slight nod, you wouldn’t finish the movie. You would get just over halfway through before Max would need to get some sleep.
You picked up the remote to hand to him before getting comfortable on his couch settling yourself in his lap. It was easy to snuggle up to Max. You both started looking through all of the options he had on Netflix, he stopped clicking at the remote, “I was wondering if you would want to come to the race next week.”
You were surprised. You had never gone to one of Max’s races, mostly because he had never offered so you never asked. You were okay with just being with him without all of the extra things that came with dating him.
“Are you asking for-” You knew that Nico was going to the race. He had been excited to see Max race in person. Max tried to keep Nico away from the track as much as he could, but that boy loved it just as much as Max did.
“No.” So he wasn’t asking just so someone would be there to watch over Nico. “We’ve been together for two years, and I’ve never asked you to come because I don’t want to pressure you into dealing with the fans and the media.”
In that regard, you were glad that Max understood that all of those things weren’t for you.
“But it’s the last race of the season and I would like both my son and my girlfriend there.” Max did have a point. It was the second season that you were together, and it would be nice to actually go to one of his races and be there to support him instead of sitting at home with Nico watching the race.
Flying to Abu Dhabi for Max’s race would be interesting, you knew that Nico had a passport but you have never spent more than a day or two with the little boy without Max present.
“Yeah, I would love that.” You would probably have to work from your laptop that Friday while Max was at practice but Nico would love watching qualifying and then the race the next day if he didn’t fall asleep halfway through.
Max looked at you and smiled wide, it was so genuine that you couldn’t help but reach over and kiss him. As your lips met, Max was quick to pull you under him on the couch, letting the tips of his fingers trace the bare skin that was just under the hem of your shirt. Your head met one of the pillows on the couch as he slowly laid you down moving between your legs. Your hands moved over the plains of his back which was covered with a thin black shirt that hugged his arms. It was unfair how good he looked.
It wasn’t long before Max turned off the TV and pulled you with him into his room to get some sleep. You wouldn’t be going back to your apartment tonight.
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One Week Later - Sunday
Before going to where you would be sitting during the race, You and Nico were on your way to Red Bull hospitality. Max had made sure to drop off your passes on Friday when you had gotten in after he was done at the track on your first day in Abu Dhabi.
“Well if it isn’t the next generation of Red Bull racing,” You heard from the one and only Daniel Ricciardo as you and Nico walked around the paddock before the race.
“Dan!” Nico said letting go of your hand and then ran to Daniel, throwing his arms around the older man’s shoulders as Daniel kneeled on the ground.
You had come to learn from Max that Daniel was with him the day that he found out about Nico. He had gone with him to see Max’s agent and offered to be there the first time that Max had met his son. Max was lucky to have a friend like him.
“Look at you, all ready to go.” He pulled Nico back a little to see his replica racing suit. “If your dad wasn’t in the car, I would think that you were after his job.” Nico had insisted on wearing the replica Red Bull racing suit that Christian had gotten him for his birthday a few weeks ago. Christian treated Nico like the grandson he didn’t have, which included getting him gifts that Max didn’t know about. He wanted to hide it from Max until this weekend, not wanting to jinx a third-world championship win for him.
Given that Max made Pole during qualifying you had unpacked the racing suit from your bag that was hidden in one of your sweaters in case Max ended up looking in your bag.
“Maybe I am.” Nico muttered at Daniel. You couldn’t help but slightly raise your brow at Nico before you saw Daniel shake his head. “Nico.” You warned.
“It’s okay Y/N. If he were any more like Max, he would be Max.” Daniel was used to it by now. He knew that Nico was just like his dad in so many ways. It wasn’t just that they looked alike.
“Very true.” You agreed with him.
“So you here for the whole race?” Daniel asked. Nico walked back to you before he started messing with your paddock passes.
“Yeah, hopefully, someone doesn’t fall asleep until it’s over.” You brushed your fingers through Nico’s hair.
You hoped that Nico would be able to stay awake long enough to see Max by the time the race was over. You knew when you got back to the hotel Nico would be dead tired and go straight to bed.
“Well, I’m sure him sleeping through one race won’t hurt too bad. Max’s been winning championships almost as long as this one’s alive.” That was true, Max had won his first championship just after Nico had turned 1. “Maybe, you’re his good luck charm. Ay, Nico.”
Nico gave a small shrug of his shoulders before pulling at your shirt.
“I should take him back to hospitality before the race starts.” Nico hadn’t eaten lunch earlier claiming that he wasn’t hungry. “Don’t want to get hounded by cameras.” You knew that it was going to be harder after the race.
“You and Max still haven’t…” Daniel didn’t have to finish his sentence for you to know what he was talking about. Both you and Max had agreed that you didn’t want the media to know about Nico yet. It was still too soon. Maybe once the season was over.
“Not yet.” Daniel just nodded in understanding.
“Alright, guess I’ll let you go hide Mini Max from the vultures,” Daniel said with a smile.
“Okay,” You lightly chuckled. “Have a good race.”
Nico quickly walked over to Daniel to give him a hug and a big wave before reaching to take your hand again.
It was a short walk over to where you and Nico would be sitting during the race.
It wasn’t long before the race started when Nico pointed down at Max’s car and muttered, “Papa.” while holding food in his little hands. Nico kept watch of the cars zooming around the track and made sure to pay attention when there was an announcement about something that happened.
Halfway through the race, Nico moved to rest his head against your arm, his eyes would close every once in a while. You leaned down to kiss the top of his head feeling him snuggle closer to your side.
The race seemed to pass by rather fast. Max made the next 20 or so laps around the track in record time. Nico had woken up with 10 laps left for Max to complete. Hamilton had tried to overtake at the start of the last lap but never managed to pass Max. It wasn’t long after that you saw everyone from the Red Bull garage walking out to the track watching as Max’s car crossed the finish line as the checkered flag was waved.
Just after you heard it over the speakers. “Max Verstappen wins the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and is a 3-time Champion of the World!”
You were quick to collect Nico into your arms giving him a kiss on the cheek, “Papa won.” The little boy threw his arms around your neck at the words. Max’s car was making donuts not far from where you and Nico were. Fireworks were going off as you moved out of your seat.
You were quick to grab your bag and take Nico down with you to the garage where you saw people hugging. It didn’t take long for you to see Max, he was still in his helmet but you let go of Nico’s hand so he could run up to his dad and gave him a hug. You watched on as the father and son pair embraced in their matching fireproofs.
You had caught Max’s eyes which were normally hidden by his visor and could tell that he was smiling. Max was holding Nico with one arm and stretched his other hand out for you. You walked closer to him and clasped your hand in his before he gave you Nico moving to take off his helmet. He pulled it off and you could see the lines from the inside padding of his helmet. You reached up passionately kissing him on the lips.
“Congratulations!” You had to yell over all of the other noise that surrounded the three of you. You could see a few tears falling from Max’s eyes as he took in you holding Nico.
“Mijn familie.” You had a pretty clear idea of what he just said, letting a stray tear fall from your eyes. Nico tried to curl up into Max’s chest but somehow ended up squashed between the two of you in a cocoon-like hug.
“Go, enjoy your podium. We’ll wait for you after.” You said into his ear.
“You sure?”
You nodded at his question. Nico had taken a nap during the race, you could wait to take him back to the hotel later. He should get to see his father achieve his dream in person. Nico gave Max another hug, and the older Verstappen kissed you quickly on the forehead before being dragged away by the men in navy blue. Charles found you not long after a small celebration with the guys in Ferrari having finished P2.
You watched from the crowd as Max got sprayed with champagne and then proceeded to cover Christian in it as well. You watched on as Max celebrated. You had to wonder. How often did someone get to achieve their dream three times over?
Max was on the podium with Christian for a little longer before being pulled off to go and answer some questions.
Christian had come over to you and taken Nico to get a few pictures with Max’s trophy. Geri assured you that she would bring Nico back. You trusted her, how could you not trust a Spice Girl?
You didn’t have to wait a long time after that to see Max again. The top of his fireproofs had come off and now he was just in the shirt that was underneath it. He was standing there covered in sweat and champagne with a dopey grin on his face.
You walked over to him, cupping his cheeks and pulling him down to meet your lips. You ran your fingers through his short hair feeling how sticky the sweet liquid was, and wanting him as close as possible.
“Move in with me.” he said as he pulled back from the kiss.
“What?” You questioned letting your eyes drop to his lips. “Move in with me, Y/N. Help me take Nico to school, and be there every day to see him grow up.” You knew that it wasn’t a marriage proposal. It was Max asking you to move in with him and help raise Nico. He wanted Nico to see you as more than just his papa’s girlfriend.
You met his eyes, seeing as he searched yours before nodding. You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes again, and your lips met his again, savoring the taste of champagne from his lips. You knew that you would be covered in it by the time you left the track.
“I love you.” You felt him mumble against your lips.
“I love you too.” You let your fingers sink into the fabric of Max’s fireproofs.
“Where’s Nico?” Max’s eyes looked around to see if he would find him anywhere.
“With Christian. Geri said that she would bring him back.” As the words left your mouth you saw the redhead out of the corner of your eyes holding your little boy.
Nico saw the two of you and started to squirm in Geri’s arms before running to both you and Max.
You couldn’t help but slightly stumble back into Max as Nico crashed into both of you, Max’s arms now around your waist holding you so you didn’t fall. Nico gripped you around your knees, his light brown hair brushed against the fabric of your jeans.
You leaned back a little to kiss Max, gripping the side of his neck. You couldn’t wait to have this every day.
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wagsoff1 Max Verstappen and his girlfriend Y/N L/N seen leaving a private party in Belgium for New Year's
fan40 Is she wearing Alexis Mabille?
fan34 Who is that man? And what had Y/N done to Max Verstappen?
fan80 It's official! She's met Sophie.
fan58 Is Mad Max gone?
fan29 Doesn't seem like it. He's still competitive when he's driving. Just because he cares about his girlfriend doesn't mean it's going to affect the way he performs in the car.
Jan 2, 2024
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kleine man - little man
Vergeet het haar niet te vragen. - Don't forget to ask her.
Ik zal het niet doen. - I won't.
Mijn familie - My family.
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lecl3rcw · 11 months
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pairings: Charles Leclerc x sister!reader
summary: Charles comforts his favorite sibling.
warnings: badly translated French, sibling fights, Arthur being a lil mean, just a little tho.
author’s note: this is a lil disappointing, also Thankyou guys so much for 50 followers💗
song recs: none:(
She didn’t know how a small comment of hers escalated to a full blown argument between her and Arthur.
“Arthur you know I didn’t mean it like that!” She tries to defend herself, “Oh cut the bullshit Y/N, you know how I feel when anyone compares me to Charles, you off all people should know” he yells really upset with his sister’s comment.
“I was just joking! I didn’t Intentionally compare you to him” she sighs out, putting her hand on her face, a little distressed. “No you always have to bring this up, and it’s funny because you’re probably the biggest failure out of all 4 of us, Enzo is starting his own business, Charles is a F1 driver, I’m an F2 driver, meanwhile you can’t even pass a grade 11 exam” he says, finally finishing his rant getting the anger and frustration of his stressful week out.
Her mouth was wide open as tears were visible in his eyes, sure her and Arthur exchanged insults but never had they fought this seriously. “Why are you crying? Cant handle it when it’s directed at you?” He says, “I’m sorry Arthur” she whispered before running to her room and locking the door.
She felt guilty, she wasn’t upset at him because he gave her a taste of her own medicine but it did sting, hearing someone she genuinely looked up to call her a failure was a statement she could never shake off. Although it hurt, it also made her realize that he was right. Once Arthur was cooled down, he did apologize to the girl and she did as well, but despite saying sorry, his words rang in her head. She vowed to herself that she was going to pass this test without anyone’s help no matter what.
“Do you guys know what’s been up with your sister?” Pascale asks placing food on the table, “What do you mean Maman?” Charles asks looking up from his phone, his next race was 3 weeks away so he was happy to spend time with his family, “I don’t know, she seems really distant” their mutters, “I heard she has a big test tomorrow , maybe she’s stressed out?” Lorenzo said, “yeah perhaps, but I would appreciate if you guys could talk to her and make her feel better” she says, the two sibling nodded their heads.
Charles was walking up to his bedroom but he noticed soft music coming from his sister’s room, curiously, he walked in only to find his sister’s head resting on the desk, the dim light of the lamp was the only thing lighting her room up, her papers scattered across her desk. He softly smiled at her, he placed a sweet kiss on her head before turning the light off and letting his sister sleep.
The next morning the girl jerked up in panic, she wasn’t supposed to be sleeping, she was supposed to be preparing for her test. “I’m so fucked” she says her hands on her head. She checks the time and she quickly gets ready to go to school.
“Hey Chérie” Pascale says, “Goodmorning maman” she says rubbing her eyes tiredly, “you alright?” Pascale asks the girl in concern, “I’m good ma, I was supposed to study but I fell asleep” she says, “Oh you’ll do great my love” she says as she goes to give her daughter a tight hug, being in her mother’s arms bright the younger girl a lot of comfort, “I love you Maman, I should be leaving” she says breaking the hug, she gave her a smile before heading out the door.
The rest of the day went by in a blur, after giving her test she actually felt confident, the smile that the past few weeks stole from her made its way back on her face, now all she had to do was wait till 5:00 pm for her results. Charles texted her saying that he could pick her up to which she happily responded.
“Hi Chérie! How was your day” Charles asks, “it was alright” she responds, the siblings talked about irrelevant things the rest of the way, jamming to music, Charles even bought Y/N some food as the two shared the meal. She felt really happy that Charles wanted to spend time with her as he was such a busy man. Unfortunately for her tho, her interactions with Arthur had died down since he was never home, either with his friends or with Carla, which made her really sad.
It was 5:03 when the siblings made it home, “I’m gonna go check my score Charles, I’ll be right back!” She says, “wait! Bring your laptop here, we will check it together” Charles says wanting to be as supportive as ever to which she was more than thankful for.
“Ok…so what did you get” He asks her, the minute she looks her heart drops to her stomach, she felt nauseous, the exhaustion of so many weeks of not sleeping and eating properly catching up to her, she was upset beyond repair, and Arthur’s voice calling her a failure started echoing In her mind.
“I’m a failure” she says mindlessly, before burrying her face in her hands. “What? No you’re not” He says grabbing the laptop. “Oh my god. I’m a screwup” she says as sobs start racking her body, Charles immediately wraps his arms around the girl tightly, her face still in her hands. “I’m so dumb, I studied for nothing” she says as places her head against his shoulder.
“Y/N you’re not a failure, who told you that” Charles says caressing her hair, “It dosent matter Charles, the test results tell me everything I need to know” she says tears still running down her face, “why can’t I be more like you, or Arthur, or Enzo” she wails out, “You’re not a failure Y/N, everyone has ups and downs, you can’t base your worth on test scores, or people’s opinions” he says tightening his hold on her, she stayed quiet wanting him to continue. “You can’t be perfect all the time Chérie, and whoever told you that you’re a failure is probably a failure themselves” Charles says getting a little mad that someone (Arthur) called his sister a failure.
“But-” “no buts, You tried Y/N and that’s what matters, you didn’t give up, everyone has bad days, but you can’t let a test score hold this much power over you” he finishes, she sniffles wiping her nose, “you’re right, I’m sorry, maybe this was a bit of an overreaction” she says, feeling a bit embarrassed, “No never apologize for showing emotions, you were disappointed and that’s ok, use this disappointment as motivation, you’re going to kick that next test’s ass” he says shaking her shoulders as she lets out a laugh. “ I love you Charlie” she mumbled giving him a final hug that he reciprocated, “I love you more” he says. “Now tell me, who said you were a failure? I’ll give them a piece of my mind, I’ll get Arthur on them too” he says confidently,
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mystsee · 8 months
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✦ about: you and simon were lovers, but simon´s duty drifted apart your relationship. 2 years later simon comes back after a long mission and reunites with his friends again, what he didn´t expect was seeing you again.
✦ content: afab reader, anxiety, blood mentions, graphic descriptions of violence, stalker ex, protective simon, pining, reunited love, civilian life, no mask, panick attack, eventual smut, psycho, no mentions of y/n
✦ a.n: an idea of the outfit i had in mind :]
STANDING before your mirror, cold winter air strokes your hair, you keep trying your best to conceal your puffy eyes with all the possible makeup you have. you couldn’t keep your thoughts in control, spiraling to the worst case scenario.
ever since you broke up with the crazy man, paranoia is all over you, triple checking your locks, telling your best friend where you’re going, until today.
lily bursts inside your flat “what the actual fuck is wrong with him?” you thought the same, not believing what you heard on the call “i don’t know if i should call the police, will they believe me? i have no actual proof of him calling me, the number was blocked” you said frowning, surprised how the situation escalated so quickly.
when you broke up with him it was crazy to say the least, he was becoming this crazy jealous boyfriend every time you travelled because of work. working for the government as a translator caused you to travel a lot. but every time you came back, he started making arguments out of nowhere, making you confused as into why he was so mad everytime you came back, slowly realizing he didn’t trust you.
he was following you everywhere on his phone, always texting you, practically exploding with anger if you didn’t answer in less than 5 minutes. god forbid if you were at a meeting with your phone on silence, hell would come when you came back to your flat.
when the breakup came, he started throwing all these false accusations of you, cheater, you don’t care about me, blah blah blah and threats, it took you a call to the police to get the bastard out of your flat. but that didn’t calm your nerves. his words on the phone call today resonating on your head:
“don’t think i forgot about you, ill get you back again” his sick voice making you feel ill, but you won’t let a man control you.
you agreed coming to the pub because if he dares to come close to you and do something, you would be in public, and there would be proof. what you never expected was seeing him again.
as soon as you walked inside, the cozy ambient put you at ease, it was a small pub, lightly decorated of christmas. it was saturday, so of course it would be full today. you saw lily approaching you, with a big mischevious smile on his face, finding it odd
"hey you!" you said to lily hugging her close "you won’t believe it! chris brought someone new today! said he’s an old friend from the military” said lily raising her eyebrows at you, making you laugh, you weren’t really interested to seeing someone new right now.
simon saw the interaction at far, wondering who was behind lily, she was covering her entire frame “got eyes on someone?” chris asked suddenly “what? no, just curious who’s behind her” the moment he said that, lily moved, making simon’s heart freeze.
he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. you. all dolled up, beautiful as ever, a long black coat not hiding your curves under the skin tight black dress at all, the all black outfit complementing your absolutely beautiful face, those black tights making your legs look lovely in those high knee boots, to say he was in a trance was the least, he didn’t even realize you were in front on him, a very deep blush covering your cheeks, your scarf not helping you at all.
“simon?” he missed your voice, your soft angelic voice that brought him comfort after the hell he endured in a long mission, your voice that assured him everyday that he was loved.
you heard him say your name, making your heart stop for a second, it’s been a while 2 years since you heard his deep voice. you just kept staring at him, a bit wide eyed.
he felt his voice thick with emotion, aching to touch you again and feel your soft hands on him “so you are the old friend huh” you said after simon didn’t moved at all he was shocked
what a small world you thought “you know him?” asked lily to you in a small voice “uhm, yeah! long time ago though”
you just parted ways and never contacted each other again you were scared you would bother him if you called to see how he was simon went to a long mission, kept small contact with you, but he could see the distance that was growing between you both. he understood the breakup, quite healthy actually, but that didn’t mean you didn’t love each other anymore, it was hard dealing with the distance.
2 years passed, simon thinking of you practically 24/7, wondering where you were, thinking if he should call you to see how you were, and 2 years of you trying to move on, never forgetting him, matter of fact, you kept thinking of the breakup over and over again, thinking maybe you made a wrong choice.
after a while you thought maybe dating again would help, but you accidentally picked a very wrong guy a psycho to catch feelings for.
you could feel his stare on you as you moved to sit next to him, the only seat left, even though the table was big, simon chose to sit on the side where he had no chairs beside him on both sides, so he could spread comfortably.
but now he had your knees on his left side, you bumped into them a little, muttering a small sorry, simon feeling warm inside after finally feeling you again
he was checking you out, similar to what you were doing, you noticed his arms got bigger, bulging from his hoodie, making your mind go to another complete direction, you hoped your scarf covered your cheeks.
as the night passed, simon saw the way you slowly passed from tipsy, to funny drunk, your scarf long forgotten, making simon eyes wander to your chest, he remembered that of you, everytime you drank, you literally became the embodiment of a comedian.
right now you were way too deep in a debate about cats, the wine making your head go back to what you usually debate when your drunk, cats plotting against humanity.
“i swear everytime those fur balls purr they get inside our minds” you slurred, confidently laying back on the chair nodding your head, “as soon as suzy makes that cute as hell sound, i’m on my knees for her, which is weird you guys! they are contrlling us!" grabbing your glass of vodka again, until you felt a hand on top of you
"okay okay! you know what?" chris's laugh was way too contagious, making you laugh with him as well "i think its enough for today, why don't we move this to your flat?"
after many failed attempts of trying to open your door, and laughing manically, you finally made it, inviting all in, you knew this was a good idea, chris and lily helped you plan all this, the closer they are with you, the less he could come close to you.
as simon passed in front of you, you made eye contact with him, all the memories came flooding back to you. you felt simon touch briefly your hand, making you feel warm inside.
everyone accommodated to your 2 big sofas in your living room, you had your small desk behind the sofas where you worked, and the kitchen on the right side, it was an open kitchen.
you, not wanting the party over, went directly to the kitchen to grab some wine “anyone wants a glass of wine?” they all said yes. the only ones missing were 2 of chris’ friends, they went to buy some beer.
after serving the glasses of wine, you remembered a talk you had with simon a while ago
“doll, you really need to make this posters, i bet people would buy them, they are way too original” said simon looking to you, locking his arms around you, you were on his lap finishing a design, and simon kept distracting you with his small kisses here and there, on your neck mostly
“maybe in the future i will print them” you said with a small smile, nervous to show your works.
you nudged simon on his arms with a small smile and moved your head to your left side, where your room was “i want to show you something” simon was up in an instant.
as you opened the door to your room, you heard simon inhale deeply behind you, the alcohol making you forget what you two did inside this room simon literally rearranging your guts every night, you grabbed his big hand and moved him to sit on the bed, simon was very confused, because why on earth is he in your room.
you went behind your bookcase, and grabbed a big poster on your hand “look, i finally did it” simon was at loss of words, it was a design you both made one night, it had a special meaning for you both.
you went to sit next to him “i print it to remember us” you said slurring a little, the alcohol was sure as hell making you very open to him. as you slowly put your head on his shoulder, simon freezed to the spot.
“i remember when we made it” his gruff voice said, giving you shivers down your spine, you were so close to him, feeling his heartbeat on you, wondering if he felt how fast was yours beating.
you moved your head up to look at him, and he could feel your eyes on him, not daring to move his eyes because he would definitely kiss you right there. you just looked so beautiful tonight. “i still do them on my free time, but this is the one i love the most”
your hand moved to his thigh unconsciously, you used to put your hand on his thigh anytime, you liked it. but you forgot you are in the present right now, and simon with his thigh tense “oh! sorry sorry! i think i drank a bit too much” you said laughing, standing up with the poster on his hand. “i-i need to go to the bath-bathroom, wanna join?” you said laughing and slurring way too much. when you moved to the door, your eyes widened, slapping your hand on your forehead “wait n-no, that’s when i shower, hah, for-forget my invitashion” you said nervously speed walking to your bathroom, leaving simon alone in your room, he laughed, he really missed you.
you grabbed your glass of wine after going to the bathroom, sitting next to simon on the sofa, he was really close to you, you could move just an inch and be on his lap, you really miss sitting there, your favorite spot, but your mind still has a bit of self control, so you just kept nudging him with your knee laughing, making simon feel warm inside for the 500th time tonight.
chris was telling a joke when you heard the doorbell ring, remembering the friends of chris went to buy beer, so, you stood up to go to the door alone, big mistake, you opened the door with a big smile on your face, until you saw him, on your door, with a deathly smile to you. any trace of alcohol in your body vanished, as well as your smile. you felt your heart stop for a second, fear coming all the way up to your throat.
your door had a small hallway, so your friends couldn’t see who was on your door, you just closed the door with any force you could “go away!” you muttered with a small voice, anxiety was making you not breathe well constricting your voice. simon heard that, making his breath stop for a moment.
you tried closing the door on him but he opened with a lot of force, almost breaking it. he started walking towards you.
“go away!” you screamed, trying to push him out of your apartment, but he had way too much strength. simon heard the scream and immediately stood up. in less than a second he saw your small frame pushed to the plant behind you making you hit your head. he saw this psycho push you even harder to the wall, making you whimper, and he went mad.
chris got there faster than simon, the sofa he was in was closer to the hallway, and tried pushing him out of you, but the psycho had more force than him, he just pushed him away to the floor.
you were on the floor, your nose bleeding, making you worried, even though your eyes were spiraling all over the room. you had your back to him making it hard to see his next move, a big punch on your left hip, making you scream.
the bastard stomped on your hip, a small crack was heard. your screams made simon see red. the man almost got on top on you, until simon grabbed him with all his force and moved him away from you, chris grabbed him and punched him in the face repeatedly, dragging him out of the apartment.
by then, you were crying hard, you couldn’t feel your leg anymore, there was blood on the floor, when did this happen? you felt the panick attack creeping up on you “simon?” you said in between breaths, lily was calling 911 near you. “i’m here doll, hey look at me, i’m right here” you tried finding him but you were seeing small spots on your eyes making you dizzy “fucking hell, lily we need to take her to the hospital” simon was panicked, you were about to go unconscious. who the hell was that guy?
“hey, doll, come on, look at me, yes just like that” you tried your hardest looking at him, but your leg hurted too much “my leg hurts! i can’t move it” you said between whimpers. simon tried to stand you up, but you just couldn’t “baby, you’ll be okay, try not to think of your leg okay?” you felt simon arms slowly carry you to the door, you were staining his shirt with your nose bleed, but he didn’t care, he just needed to get you to the hospital.
he managed to get you out of the door, until you started to see black all around you, the last thing you heard was your name from simon’s panicked voice.
hiiii, so! how was part 1? i just finished writing this, but i’ll start tomorrow writing part 2, there’ll be little to no angst in this story i get way too anxious with that xd im a sucker for fluff so there will be quite a lot of fluff in here hehe
as you can see, i like adding a pic of the outfit jiji, but! feel free to imagine it as your own! :P
i had this story in my mind for like 3 months i kept daydreaming about it and thought huh 🤔 why don’t i make it a story , i finally wrote it down! yay #proud! anyways idk how many parts this will be, i’ll write the plot as it goes, but it will be most likely centered between reader x simon so! hope you liked it!!!
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harlowsthetic · 4 months
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new comment from; @comehomeimissyou. can you do jack realizing he has met his soulmate?
summary. jack notices just how much he needs you in his life.
warnings. fem!reader + fluff. wc, 618.
a note from sisi. im happy to finally put out something, it is short but it still something. im also working on other requests so can't wait to get those out. — masterlist / previous fic / taglist.
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It was another late night at the studio where Jack was listening to tracks wanting them to sound perfect for his upcoming album.
You have been accompanying him to show him support, giving your opinion when it was needed, and you always did it with a smile on your face, reassuring him when he was way too in his head.
“But I remember when you used to be fanned out. I guess that when the whole world loves you. People only got one way to stand out. All that time in the kitchen finally panned out. I put some flavor in a pot and took the bland out,” Jack rapped while his fingers played with a toothpick, waiting for your input but silence met him.
“Babe?” His eyebrows furrowed together, confused on why you were so silent as you were just talking to him a minute ago but when he swiveled his chair to face you, he noticed you fell asleep on the couch.
A smile wore on Jack’s face as he got up from his chair, quietly walked over to you, putting his jacket over you to keep you warm before sitting back down in his chair.
Jack needed to finish this up so he can bring you home but he couldn’t help but to continue to look at your sleeping figure.
There was one thing Jack was sure of; if his career didn’t work out, he would have still had you by his side as you have always been there through everything.
You were his ride or die, Jack could not imagine a life without you. He was so into his thoughts that he didn’t notice the door to the studio open. “You good?” Urban questions as he notices how deep in thought Jack is as he sits in the chair right next to him.
“Yeah I was just thinking about something…” Jack trails off as something new pops into his mind, and before he goes to reveal what it was, he makes sure that you’re in a deep sleep so you wouldn’t hear the conversation.
Once he's in the clear, he takes a deep breath as Urban makes a blunt. "I'm thinking of finally proposing to [Name]."
"She has been there with me from the start,' Jack spoke as Urban listen quietly. "She always supported me even when there were times I doubted myself."
"About time," Urban blurt out, making Jack laugh. "I thought of doing it a long time ago but I didn't think I was ready and the thing with [Name], I didn't feel the need to rush into things which made me feel relax whenever I was around her."
"I don't think I can find another girl like her, nor do I think I can let her walk out of my life," he ramble as his eyes stay on you. "I want to give her my last name and then when it's time, start a family with her."
“I just need to get the ring and the perfect place to propose at.”
“Well you can scratch off at a football game, she thinks it cheesy and overdone,” Urban replies as he raises the spliff to his mouth.
Jack lets out a laugh at that. “Nah man it got to be special.” The sound of his laugh echoes through the room making your eyes flutter open, confused on what was happening and as soon as the sleep escapes you, you tune into their conversation.
“She’s definitely the one for me and nothing can change that.” A huge smile forms across your cheeks as you close your eyes back to make it seem like you were still sleeping and didn’t hear what he said.
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chat. @livsters, @itsyagirljaz, @j0hkiya, @harlowarchives, @bernelflo @iheartharlow + @jackmans-poison.
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— all rights reserved © HARLOWSTHETIC 2023-2024. all fanfics belong to me, do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend on tiktok any of the works seen here.
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intoxicated-chan · 2 months
𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧 𝐰/ 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐆𝐚𝐠𝐚 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬
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Summary ➳ Daryl is so Lady Gaga coded, her songs fit him so well. (I might expand more on this and I would love to see your guys interpretations!!)
(A/n) ➳ There is going to be a Assassin’s Creed Rogue content here and on my AO3!! I ain’t publishing any series until I finish JUDAS, that I can promise you guys. I also wasn’t sure if this isn’t a one-shot…
Word Count ➳ 500
Content Warnings ➳ Gender Neutral Reader/No use of (Y/n), EACH ARE SEPARATE SITUATIONS, Sexual content, oral (M), pervert Daryl, FWB Relationship/Toxic Relationship, consensual recording/photo taking, emotional affair, angst, mentions of death…
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Early seasons, Daryl refuses to communicate, he fears relationships. It’s during an apocalypse, you can’t be hoping onto false hope and you’re gonna have to face that your loved one(s), will die. There’s no if ands or buts.
But Daryl can’t notice (refuses to) how much you love him. You don’t care what’s going on in the world, you want his cold heart, his love.
Or as Lady Gaga said. “I want your love. I want your revenge. You and me could write a bad romance.”
Before the outbreak, you’ve had numerous of bad lovers in your past, and in the end, you always found yourself in the arms and bed of your best friend, Daryl Dixon. He was always up for the chance to get back at your exes and he enjoyed it.
Especially when he got the chance to record you taking his cock, of course he’d never share them without your consent. He’s happy that he’s the only one who gets to do it.
But Daryl catching feelings for you was something you didn’t expect and it made you realize that you didn’t want him as he wanted you. You tried to explain that it wasn’t going to work and when you tried to put some distance between you and him, he was having none of it. He wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
Or as Lady Gaga said. “And I know that you may love me but I just can’t be with you like this anymore.”
I know I’m already writing about JUDAS but hear me out!! You had a relationship with Daryl. You left and found someone better, you thought your life was finally on track until your ex appeared again and your feelings resurfaced. Daryl made it clear to your significant other who he was and you tried to remain strong for them but you couldn’t.
It was true that you still loved the man who betrayed you many times. You hated his grin, his hair, his eyes, everything about him angered you. But you couldn’t understand why Daryl had you wrapped around his finger.
Or as Lady Gaga said! “I wanna love you but something’s pulling me away from you. Jesus is my virtue and Judas is the demon I cling to!”
One thing Daryl enjoyed was a cigarette. Don’t matter when and where. He could be hanging around you and he’d light one up, taking a blow job from you, after sex, during sex. Name a time and place and he’s most likely done already.
And then when he was gifted a camera, he immediately knew how to use it, catching you in all sorts of poses. You smoking his cigarette, taking his cock, a clear photo of your chest and ass. The two of you have photos of each other and when he was able to find a working recorder, you know he enjoyed filming you.
Or as Lady Gaga Said. “Need that picture of you, it’s so magical.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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timetothirst · 1 month
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x GN reader
Inspired by this post that hasn’t left my head since I first saw it
Tags: Canon typical violence, you almost die, Ghost is soft in his own weird way, confessions, everyone needs therapy, i’m not British but i’m using British slang because it’s Simon’s POV, if i got any military stuff wrong no I didn’t, sad Ghost
Rating: M for violence and language
You were dying when Ghost realized he loved you.
It started the same as it always did whenever he had to meet someone new, with a quick handshake and a short introduction before he inevitably found an excuse to walk away as soon as possible. He didn’t dislike you, not necessarily, but he was no social butterfly. You were just another face to him, that was all.
Until you weren’t.
He was having trouble sleeping. That was nothing unusual, though. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d got a full eight hours without some kind of interruption, whether it be an owl outside his window that wouldn’t shut up, an inability to get comfortable because of the countless aches in his body, his thoughts just being too damn loud, or something else entirely. Whenever this happened, he’d make his way to the common room and find some way to kill the time while he waited for everyone else, maybe even get breakfast started or put the kettle on if he was feeling nice.
It was on one of those nights, after he’d finished rummaging through the fridge looking for a decent snack, that he saw you. He went to sit on the couch, and there you were. He didn’t realize it was you at first and tensed up, instinctively reaching for his combat knife (which wasn’t there, of course, since he was in his sleep clothes). At first he was baffled. How did he not notice you coming in? He wasn’t losing his edge, was he? Letting his guard down?
But then he saw the half-eaten packet of crisps in front of you and realized you’d been there the entire time, sitting in the dark, in complete silence.
“Fuckin’ hell…say somethin’ next time, yeah?” He told you, finally allowing himself to exhale.
“Sorry, I didn’t know whether or not you were going back to your room, and I didn’t want to bug you, so-“
“S’fine.” He interrupted with a wave of his hand, sitting on the opposite end of the couch and grabbing the remote.
“Am I missing something here? Why’s he acting so weird all of a sudden?” You asked, staring at the screen in confusion. This was the third question you’d asked in as many minutes, but Ghost didn’t seem to mind. At the very least, he wasn’t giving you death stares or walking away from you, so you figured it was okay.
“Pon farr.” He stated, not even glancing over.
“Am I supposed to know what that means? It sounds like a weird disease…” Ghost side-eyed you as you said this and scoffed quietly.
“No, it’s not a- look, just watch, will you? They’re about to explain it.”
You rolled your eyes, but did as he said anyway.
“Oh my god…so, he can only have sex once every seven years? And if he doesn’t, he’ll just…get really pissed off and fuckin’ die?” You laughed in disbelief, then ate the last of your crisps and tossed the empty packet into the trash.
“Nah, Vulcans can mate whenever they want. Pon farr’s just a biological thing that causes…well, s’ called plak-tow, but it translates to ‘blood fever.’ Means they’ll go mad if they don’t-“
You couldn’t help but snicker, slapping your hand over your mouth with a snort when Ghost’s head snapped toward you. He looked at you with an expression that could melt steel, which would have scared you shitless under any other circumstances.
“…Seen this one.” He grumbled as an explanation, looking away from you and back at the TV screen. He crossed his arms, his face hardening into its usual scowl.
“Yeah, I can tell.”
You spent the rest of the night asking Ghost increasingly complicated questions about the show, and despite his exasperated sighs and frequent eye rolls, he answered every single one.
He just kept running into you, it seemed. Sparring, target practice, and of course, your late night binges of Star Trek, whenever the two of you happened to be up at the same ungodly hour. You sat on your designated couch cushions and laughed at the awful special effects as Ghost told you to ‘shut it and watch,’ though he was sure you could see him smiling through the fabric of his mask.
As much as he hated to admit it, as cliché as it sounded, his days really were a bit brighter with you around. You filled the silence when nothing else did, joked with him, spent time with him…he’d even noticed a few little things you had started doing, things that were specifically for him. Like the night he’d taken out a pack of smokes, only to realize that he’d lost his lighter. He groaned in annoyance and went to put them away, but then, there you were, holding out a lighter of your own, the small flame reflecting in your eyes.
“The lads and I must be a bad influence, eh? I swear I remember you tellin’ me that you don’t smoke.” He’d said to you after rolling up his mask just past his lips and taking a puff of his cigarette.
“I don’t. But you do.” You replied casually, shrugging as if you’d just said the most obvious thing in the world.
“And with the way you keep losing your lighters everywhere, you’re probably spending half your paycheck replacing them!” You added, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder.
Ghost rolled his eyes and told you to piss off, but he never bought another lighter after that.
Price started pairing the two of you together on missions; citing the fact that you got along, as well as the way your combination of skills made you effective and deadly in the field. You were a good team, that was all. You got things done, and you got them done well, no matter the circumstances.
And then everything went to shit.
You had already suffered a dislocated shoulder and pretty bad slash wound, both to your dominant arm, so you were stuck clutching a pistol in one hand while the other dangled uselessly at your side. Almost all of the enemies had been taken care of at that point, but you were making a final sweep of the building in search of any stragglers.
Two seconds. Two goddamn seconds he looked away from you, but that was all it took. Five gunshots rang out in short succession, no doubt from an assault rifle of some kind. You screamed, shot a single round from your pistol, and two bodies thudded to the floor.
Ghost’s heart dropped. He charged into the room, looking around frantically. As badly as he wanted to rush to your side right that second, he knew he had to assess the situation first. He’d be of no use to you if he was dead, after all. The first thing he noticed was that you were breathing, and your attacker wasn’t, probably because they had a sizable hole in the side of their head. Ghost dropped to his knees next to you, trying to calm himself enough to properly check your wounds.
You looked so small lying there, curled up on your side with your face contorted in pain. A shudder wracked your body, blood beginning to pool as Ghost placed a hand on your shoulder. He gritted his teeth and turned you over. As expected, you screamed bloody murder, the movement causing your body to be jostled.
“Shit. Shitshitshitshit-” He muttered, his hands hovering over your body. Before he dared to do anything else, he reached for his radio.
“Bravo 0-7 calling for immediate medvac. Repeat, immediate medvac.” He spoke, unable to hide the tremor in his voice.
“Acknowledged. Requesting location.” A voice crackled over the speaker. He barked back your coordinates, along with an order to hurry the fuck up before disconnecting and turning his attention back to you.
“This is gonna hurt.” He warned.
He undid your vest, and his large hand immediately made contact with the most serious of your injuries, that being the bullet wound in your side. He pressed down hard in an attempt to staunch the bleeding as best he could, and your scream of pain was enough to make him feel as though he’d been shot himself. You seemed too shocked to speak, your breath coming out in short gasps, punctuated by anguished sobs.
“Shh. I know, I know…hey- look at me, yeah? Just keep lookin’ at me.”
Ghost couldn’t remember the last time he felt helpless. But here, now, as he stared down at you, it was the only thing he could feel. He wished he could be angry instead, but right now there was no one to direct that anger towards. Your attacker was lucky you’d managed to kill them before he got the chance to, or he’d have beaten them into a pulp with his bare hands and left them to rot where they fell as punishment for even fucking looking at you.
“Ghost-” You croaked out, your bleary eyes focusing on him momentarily. He shook his head.
“Simon.” He whispered, his own name feeling foreign on his tongue. You stared at him in confusion for a moment, but then your eyebrows raised and a look of realization appeared on your face.
“S…Simon?” You repeated. He nodded, tried to smile at you despite everything.
You smiled back through your tears and let out a laugh that quickly turned into a pained wheeze. “That bad, huh?”
Simon didn’t reply. He didn’t trust himself to. You’d see right through it if he lied, he was sure of it, but if he told the truth, he knew he’d break down on the spot. Instead, he gathered you into his arms and curled around you protectively, trying to keep your body warm to prevent shock.
With a start, he realized that this was the first time he’d ever held you.
“I think m’just gonna…rest for a few minutes, if that’s okay…” You breathed.
As he looked down at you, it was clear that you were struggling to keep your eyes open. He made a strangled noise in the back of his throat, clutching you tighter and burying his face in your hair.
“No, no, no…not you. Anyone but you.”
Simon Riley had never been a religious man, but he prayed then. He didn’t know to whom he was speaking, but it didn’t matter. He only asked for one thing.
“Don’t let them die. Not here, not now. I’ll do anything. Give them more time. Take me instead if you want. I’ll go in their place, just let them live. Please.”
He knew he didn’t deserve you. He always had, really, but that didn’t mean you should be taken away so cruelly. You should have something so much better than this, better than a cold concrete floor slick with your blood and a man like him trying to hold you together while he himself was breaking from the inside out.
Your voice broke through the haze, and he cursed under his breath, quickly wiping his eyes and lifting his head to look at you.
“Fuck. Sorry, I- i’m right here, love. I’ve gotcha. Nothin’ to worry about, yeah?”
You just nodded. Your eyes were barely open now, your chest still slowly rising and falling with your breaths. You felt around for his hand and grabbed it, the silence seeming to last forever as you considered your next words.
“…I’m really glad I met you.” You finally said.
“Don’t. Don’t start sayin’ shit like that. Makes it sound like you’re-“ He exhaled and squeezed his eyes shut.
“I can’t fuckin’ do this, alright? I know I can be an ass, and I know i’m not the best at sayin’ it, but…I need you.”
Simon looked down at you. You weren’t moving.
His time spent waiting for medvac to arrive was a blur. He held you tight, begged you not to leave him even though he wasn’t entirely sure whether or not you could hear. And when the medics did finally show up, they practically had to wrench your limp body out of his grip.
He had to take a separate transport back to base. he sat alone and stared at his hands, watching your blood slowly dry.
Simon lurked outside the door to your hospital room like- well, a ghost. When the doctors finally deemed you well enough to take visitors, he was at your side, like a loyal dog lying at its master’s feet. He held your wrist in a loose grip the entire time he waited for you to wake up, his thumb pressed against your pulse point so that he could be sure your heart was still beating.
It felt like ages that he waited for you. He didn’t even know quite how long he did, actually. He only left your side once, and that was for a shower in freezing water where he scrubbed his skin raw because he was unable to stop seeing the red covering it.
When you finally stirred beneath him, Simon thought he was dreaming. He stared at you with a mixture of disbelief and blind hope, and then you finally opened your eyes. After days, he finally felt like he could exhale. He let himself fall forward, his head coming to rest on your shoulder as he shook ever so slightly.
“God…don’t you ever do that to me again, got it? Thought i’d lost you.”
You reached up and started to rub circles into his back, choosing not to mention the fact that your hospital gown was damp with tears.
“Simon, I-“
He shushed you, rolled up his mask and pressed a lingering kiss to your temple.
“You made it, that’s what matters. You made it back t’ me.”
“And I always will.”
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
Can you write a mini story of Jack and the reader. And can the trope be a fake dating for the media. Also can you the reader as an actress as well. And during their fake dating fling, they developed their feelings for each other but weren’t that sure to admit. So Jack calls it off and starts dating another girl. Later on, he realizes he still has feelings for the reader. And you can write the ending, please surprise me!
hi! i love this trope😫 hope you enjoy it🤍!
lost in translation — jack champion
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word count: 2,944
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n and jack are working on a rom-com together and are asked to fake date. feelings bloom and jack calls it off, breaking y/n’s heart and, as collateral damage, their friendship.
author’s note: this is me claiming my love for louis partdrige (he’s so pretty😫) and lynn painter (read her books she’s amazing)
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Y/N HAD ALWAYS BEEN A BIG ROMCOM LOVER, SO WHEN SHE GOT THE ROLE OF LIZ ON THE ADAPTATION OF BETTER THAN THE MOVIES, SHE WAS ON CLOUD NINE. She met Jack (the boy who was going to play Wes, her love interest) on the chemistry read and the director instantly fell in love with their dynamic, and that’s how they got the role.
During the shooting, Y/N and Jack developed a close friendship. But the fans of the well-known rom-com book started shipping them even when the content the community managers shared was very scarce—just a few pictures of them on their breaks or during the filming, and some bloopers. The whole media kept talking about them, about how good they looked together, how their chemistry transcended the screen; and so the people involved in the publicity of the movie made a decision.
“You want us to what?” Y/N asked dumbfounded.
“To fake-date. The press tour is about to start, and we think you two dating can really boost the excitement for the movie” the head of publicity stated. “We can’t actually make you do it, as it wasn’t originally in the contract, but we think this is a great idea. The people love you”.
Y/N looked at Jack, who hadn’t moved a muscle ever since the suggestion. “Jack? What do you think?”.
“Can we talk about it? Alone?” he asked to the man in front of them, who reluctantly nodded before leaving the office. “I honestly don’t know shit about publicity, but if they think it’s going to help, then we should do it”.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
Jack nodded “It’s you the one who doesn’t seem sure”.
“I don’t have a problem with fake dating you, I just don’t want our friendship to become weird or anything, because I value it a lot” Y/N told him. Jack’s heart broke, knowing how hard it was for her to establish friendships after her old friends started acting weird and became more interested in the events she could take them to rather than in her well-being and life. He knew he was one of her only real friends and now felt bad she had been put in such a spot.
“Hey, no. It won’t, it’ll be just like when we were filming, right? Just that we will do it in public” Jack tried to reassure her, pulling her into a hug.
“Okay… let’s just promise that if we get uncomfortable or if it’s becoming too much, we’ll be honest with each other and call this thing off, okay? Our friendship is way more important that the publicity” she said, looking him in the eyes.
Jack smiled, and showed her his little finger “I pinky promise”. Y/N laughed, wrapping her pinky with his.
And so their fake relationship began, not knowing that no promises could stop the feelings that were meant to evolve.
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THEY COULDN’T REALLY TELL THE EXACT MOMENT EVERYTHING CHANGED. The shift in their relationship was so natural and gradual that they almost didn’t notice.
Everything was done more often—dates, kisses, hand holding—, physical touch seemed to be a need now—it could be just intertwined fingers or his arms wrapped around her shoulders and hers around his waist—, longing glances when the other wasn’t looking, eyes drifting to each other’s lips everytime one of them was talking. They even had dates out of the public sight—even though none of them called it a ‘date’, they simply convinced theirselves it was a friendly hang out. They slept at each other’s houses, waking up the following day with Jack’s arms draped around her waist while her back was pressed against his front or, their personal favorite, Y/N’s head on his chest and arms around his torso while Jack’s was wrapped around her shoulders pressing her more against his chest.
So yes, it was so slow and felt so natural that it took them time to realize they had fallen for each other. Both of them had completely different reactions—while Y/N decided she was going to take a risk and confess her feelings, Jack’s fears blinded him. It’s not that he didn’t want to admit his feelings, but everytime the option of confessing crossed his mind the words she spoke came to him: “I just don’t want our friendship to become weird or anything, because I value it a lot”. Y/N had been so scared of their friendship being ruined because of the fake dating thing, Jack knew keeping his feelings hidden was the best option. But also, he couldn’t keep hurting himself and that was exactly what he was doing by pretending to be her boyfriend when he wanted it to be real.
Friday came around, meaning it was their sleepover day. They had just finished eating the spaghetti Y/N made, and were about to choose a movie to watch when Jack decided to speak up at the same time Y/N opened her mouth to confess.
“Oh, sorry. You can tell me” Jack told her. Y/N shook her head, signalling him to go ahead. “I have been thinking and I think we should call the fake dating thing off”.
Y/N’s mouth was open, yet no words came out of it. She had been thinking for days what the best way to express her feelings for him would be. She had a whole speech planned and was now left speechless.
“Oh… okay, if you feel is the best thing” she faked her best smile, while trying not to fall apart right in front of his eyes. “I just… need to ask, is everything okay? I mean, this is very sudden”.
“I just feel this is becoming too much, and you said we should be honest with each other” he simply answered.
Y/N nodded playing with the remote control in her hand. It was clear, he felt uncomfortable being her fake boyfriend because he only saw her as a friend. “Right, yeah. Thank you for telling me, then. We should talk to the head of publicity tomorrow. The press tour is almost over, so there shouldn’t be any problem”
“Cool” Jack nodded. He should’ve felt relieved that she took it so well, but instead, he felt sad. Maybe even disappointed in the fact that she didn’t fight the decision. And he also felt angry at himself for expecting so much of her part when it wasn’t her fault that he had fallen for her and she didn’t feel the same.
Jack had wanted to save their friendship so bad, he didn’t realize that the conversation had been the first crack in the glass.
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Y/N REALLY DID TRY TO NOT LET THE CIRCUMSTANCES INFLUENCE THEIR FRIENDSHIP, BUT THEY WERE SLOWLY DRIFTING APART. The texts were becoming less frequent and drier, the hang outs were brief and filled with awkwardness and so were their conversations.
The publicists thanked all the gods that the press tour was over, because they had never seen two people have less chemistry than Jack and Y/N. It was so hard for everyone to comprehend how two people whose eyes used to spark when they were around the other suddenly became lifeless.
But their breaking point came a few weeks later, it was the thing that made them stop talking for good. No more texting at all, no hanging out—alone or in public—no conversations, no looking at each other, no interactions at all.
Y/N was watching a movie with her friends, Millie and Louis, when Millie suddenly gasped. Y/N and Louis laughed “Mills, if you are with your phone while we’re watching a movie at least be discreet” the girl said, but Millie didn’t laugh or apologise, she just stared at her with saddened eyes, which made Y/N frown. “Is everything okay?”.
“When was the last time you opened social media?” she asked, while Louis took her phone to see what she was looking at.
Y/N saw him clench his jaw, which made her feel more confused “Um, I barely use my phone anymore, just to text… why? You’re scaring me, guys” she laughed nervously, trying to take a peek at the phone but Louis hid it quickly “Lou, give me the phone”.
The boy sitting next to her shook his head “It’s not the best idea”.
“Tell me what is going on, please. You’re making me anxious” Y/N’s voice was almost begging.
Millie sighed “It’s a picture someone took of Jack… he’s with a girl. They are… holding hands and exiting a restaurant”.
“Let me see” Y/N said extending her hand, but Louis just refused to do it. “Louis. Phone. Now”.
“Come on, Y/N/N, don’t be a masochist” Louis told her.
“I’m just going to see it on my phone later, so what you’re trying to do is useless” Y/N pointed out.
Louis sighed in defeat and gave her Millie’s phone. Y/N stared at the picture—Jack was looking as gorgeous as ever and her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. She missed him so fucking much, she hadn’t heard his voice in days (now she knew why, he was too busy). And then her eyes trailed to the girl holding his hand. She was very pretty—tall, long legs, blonde, muscular, stylish—and Y/N couldn’t help but compare herself with her.
“Stop it, I know what you’re doing and just don’t” Louis said, turning the phone off. “You’re gorgeous and way too good for him. It’s his loss, and he doesn’t deserve you”.
Y/N broke down for the first time in weeks, her feelings had been bottled up and the glass that held them inside finally exploded. Louis quickly put his arms around her, and Millie joined them in a heartbeat.
“I still have the fucking premiere” she cried harder when she remembered “What if- what if he goes with her? I can’t go”.
“Are you kidding me? You’re not going to miss the premiere. You work so hard for this! It’s your favorite rom-com and you are the main protagonist!” Millie said. “This is your dream. And you’re not going to let this ruin it”.
“I know, Mills. But I won’t be able to handle it. He’s going to be there, and even if she’s not there, I know he’s with her and looking at him knowing that will kill me” Y/N said, brushing away the tears. “Besides I can’t face that alone”.
“You’re not going to be alone. I’ll go with you” Louis offered.
“You actually had a great idea for once!” Millie exclaimed, making Louis roll his eyes and Y/N let out a little laugh. “Lou will be there for moral support, and you won’t feel alone. But you are definitely not going to miss your premiere”.
“Thank you, guys. I love you”
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JACK’S MIND HAD BEEN A MESS LATELY. Y/N stopped responding his texts, it’s been two weeks with no signs of her. He would’ve been worried if he hadn’t seen the instagram stories her friends, Millie and Louis, posted with her. So it didn’t take a genius to realize she was ignoring him on purpose, and he didn’t have a clue why. He missed her so much, it was driving him insane. Jack wanted to go back to that night and take back everything he had said, they still would be fine if he hadn’t opened his mouth.
Jack thought that by cutting off the deal, they would go back to being friends and his feelings would have eventually faded away. He even started dating a girl he meet at the gym, but Y/N lingered on his mind all day, every day. And when the day of the premiere came, his eyes searched for her figure as soon as he arrived to the red carpet.
Jack’s smile widened when he saw her. She looked absolutely breathtaking—as always—but then his smile fell when he realized she was with someone else.
“Can you at least be a little less obvious?” Kate asked.
“Sorry” Jack apologised. “Thank you for coming with me, even after our breakup”.
“It isn’t a break up if we weren’t really together. It was just a couple of dates to benefit the other. You needed to get your mind off her, I needed to get my mind off my ex” she answered. “Although I have to say, I don’t know if me coming was the best idea”.
“Maybe not” Jack said, stopping for a picture “I just couldn’t face it alone”.
“He’s with her” Y/N said to Louis, faking smiles as the photographers flashed their cameras at them.
“I know. I’ve been feeling his stare ever since we arrived” Louis replied. “He’s totally jealous, I can feel it”.
Y/N shook her head “You’re speaking nonsense”
“Nope, I know what I’m talking about. And I get it, you’re looking incredibly stunning and you have an eye-candy with extremely good bone-structure on your arm”
“And with a big ego” she added with a laugh. “Let’s go, eye candy”.
“Don’t you need to take pictures with him?” Louis asked in a whisper as they approached Jack and his date.
“Yeah” Y/N sighed, chest tightening as they reached them. “Hi” she greeted, looking at Jack—who looked beyond handsome—and then set her eyes on the girl next to him. “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you”.
“Kate” she greeted with a smile “And we both not that’s a lie” Kate laughed, surprising her. “It’s okay. Just, take the pictures and please, for the love of god, talk to each other!”
“Hi, I’m Louis and I’m very confused” the tall boy next to Y/N spoke up. “But I agree with the last part” he added, then looked at his friend “I’ll see you later to see the movie, okay? Let’s go…”
“Kate” the blonde girl reminded him as they walked away.
The two teenagers looked at each other, not knowing what to say. “We should… pose for the picture maybe?” Y/N broke the silence.
Jack nodded nervously “Yeah, yeah”.
He put his hand on her waist, and they both tensed. It had been so long since they were this close, their skin felt like burning and their hearts were beating at a dangerous rhythm. They only posed for a couple of seconds, yet it felt like an eternity. But once it was over, the awkwardness came back.
“Let’s go inside, our dates are waiting” she spoke up.
They entered the place, but as Y/N began to walk away, Jack’s hand grabbed hers making her stop in her tracks. “No. We need to talk first”.
“Jack, the movie is starting in a few minutes”
“A few minutes is all I need. I—we—can’t go on like this” Jack said. “I’m sorry. If I’m being honest, I don’t know exactly what I did, but I’m sorry for not trying hard enough to save our friendship”.
“That’s the thing, Jack. It isn’t your fault, it’s all on me. I’m the one who drifted apart because I didn’t know how to handle my feelings” Y/N let her guard down, willing to be completely honest. After all, their friendship was already dead.
“What do you mean?” Jack asked confused.
“I love you, Jack. I- I wanted to tell you. In fact, I planned on telling you during our last sleep over but-“
“But I called our deal off” he finished, cursing himself.
Y/N nodded “I understood that acting as my boyfriend was too much for you, because you only saw me as a friend. But I just couldn’t go back to being just your friend, I tried for a while but it was really hard. And then, you started dating her and… it killed me. I just couldn’t talk to you knowing you had someone else”.
Jack shook his head, wanting to laugh at the situation “The reason I called it off is because I fell for you, Y/N/N. I didn’t think you felt the same, and I knew how important our friendship was to you. I wanted to protect it, but instead I messed it up”
Y/N looked at him with her mouth open, and then laughed drily “Really? All this time we felt the same thing and we ruined it because we got lost in translation?” she said in a tone of disbelief “And now it’s already too late”.
“What? Why?” Jack asked surprised. “I still love you… you don’t love me anymore?”
“Of course I love you Jack, but you have a girlfriend”
“Kate is not my girlfriend. She never was” Jack told her.
“I saw the pictures, Jack”
“We went to a couple of dates, we both needed to get our minds off the people we loved. But we stopped once we realized how silly it was, we’re just friends” he explained. Jack took one step closer to her until her back touched the wall behind her “I love you and I want to be your boyfriend… that is if you aren’t dating Louis”.
Y/N laughed, her smile now impossible to erase “No, he came as a friend”
Jack smiled in relief “So…”
“So, boyfriend, we should get inside, our dates are waiting” Y/N said, a teasing smile on her face.
Jack laughed “Can I kiss you first?”
“I’m begging you” she said, grabbing the collar of his suit to push him down. Their lips met in the middle and they both smile through it “I missed this, I missed you”.
“God, I missed you too. You have no idea” he said, kissing her harder.
“Hey, this is a family friendly place” Louis’ voice interrupted them “Get inside, love birds, your movie is about to start”.
Jack and Y/N looked at each other with lovey smiles and, hand in hand, they entered the theatre to see the movie that brought them together.
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firstdivisiongirl · 2 months
Hello! I saw your request were open so don't mind me.
I would love to see headcanons of how big men in TR (Taiju, Mocchi, South, Muto & Keizo, You don't have to write for all of them, just who you're comfortable) with a strong, fem! Reader who realizes in a spur of a moment she can carry them? How would they react or interact with her from now on with this new info? Would they be into that or just be flustered?
I hope this doesn't bother you, have a great day and take care(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
Hi. So I did some research on each of the boys to see how much they weigh. I was shocked at who was the heaviest and lightest. So I did include their weight in pounds at the beginning of each one so you kind of get a reference. Please enjoy!
Taiju, South, Muto & Keizo w/ a Strong, Fem! Reader Who Can Carry Them
Keizo “Benkei” Arashi:
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Shockingly really light at only 187 lbs.
So, you are Waka sized
You wanted to be a member of Brahma so badly, but no one thought you were strong enough
So you picked up your boyfriend and held him over your head
No problem
Everyone was shocked and they let you in instantly 
Benkei never looked at you the same again
Before you were is cute, little, quiet girlfriend 
Now you’re his cute, strong, menace of a girlfriend 
Waka laughs at him for being the weak one in his relationship 
Muto Yasuhiro:
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Boy weighs 190 lbs.
It happens by complete accident
You couldn’t find your glasses and were looking everywhere
You thought you were picking up just a chair
But you didn’t realize your boyfriend was also sitting on that chair
Didn’t even faze him
Next day he treats you the same
You did fine your glasses
Just not under your boyfriend
Taiju Shiba:
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Second heaviest at 214 lbs.
Man likes a good fight
But this wasn’t your usual fight
Some guy bet that his sweet and loyal girlfriend aka you couldn’t lift 50 lbs.
You said I can lift 214 lbs.
Everyone was questioning why so specific but they said sure
So you grabbed Taiju and picked him up
Taiju was shocked at first
Like what the heck?
But after you collected your money and left he was proud
He asked how you got so strong
You said it was pure adrenaline
Like when moms lift cars up to save babies under the cars
He was speechless after that
South Terrano:
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Weighs the most of this group at 297 lbs.
He met you at a music shop
You were new to music so he helped you learn
While at this shop one day, he was trying to get something off a very high shelf
I know he’s not short but this was tall and far in the back
Seeing him struggle, you picked him up and put him on your shoulders
He grabbed it but was speechless 
You explained how before music you were a bodybuilder
He thought you were even cooler now
Cute, strong and musical.
He was never going to break your heart
Probably because you could break him
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Please do not copy, modify, translate or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs and likes are highly appreciated!
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primaviva · 11 months
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PAIRING: gwen stacy x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: how you met, confessions, and relationship headcanons for your favorite ghost-spider. gwen stacy.
WARNINGS: me rambling about gwen, kissing, some suggestive but no smut ofc, height difference, some angst but mostly fluff, gwen is so fine and pretty and 5’7 that’s not even a warning she’s just sooo?? also not spell checked
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this all started out as a hallway crush.
she saw you in the halls and thought your style was cute but she never got a good luck at your face
you were a new student and was getting the rundown of the building and where your classes were
so when she walks into class the next day and sees you sitting next to her? with a better view of your face?
she folded.
CAN YOU BLAME HER? you’re so beautiful she literally forgets how to put words into proper sentences
gwen can be socially awkward in situations she’s not prepared for but she’s never acted shy talking to others and always acts like such a tough and cool girl… just not around you
she was acting mad dumb i can’t even lie to you
her words always came out and in the wrong order like yo you would have to get a descrambler to translate her whole sentence because she would just get caught so off guard looking into your gorgeous eyes and your cute smile and your- she could go on.
“gwen? earth to gwen? hello-“ peter kept calling to try and get the blondes attention. his annoyance soon turned into a smirk as he realized just what has her full attention. you.
“you know if you actually talked to her you, guys would probably become friends and you wouldn’t have to admire the back of her head every day” he teased which brought gwen right back to reality.
she didn’t really know you yet, but she wanted to. she just got so shy around you it was uncommon. gwen blushed at the sound of peter's teasing words. she knew that he was right - if she just talked to you, she might actually have a chance to get to know you. but every time she tried to muster up the courage to approach you, her nerves got the best of her. she couldn't help but feel self-conscious around someone she admired so much.
as peter continued to make jokes at her, gwen ouldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and frustration. she didn't want to be known as the girl who couldn't talk to her crush, but she also didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of you. taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she made a silent vow to try and talk to you the next chance she got. Maybe with a little bit of practice, she could get over her shyness and make a real connection with the person who had captured her attention.
little did gwen know that you thought she was cute herself and wanted to get to know her
even luckier for her that YOU wanted to make the first move
today's class was more boring than ever, but when did you ever have high expectations and the word fun in the same sentence about a math class. you kept noticing gwen looking at you every other moment and decided it was time to “break the ice.”
“hey, i like your eyebrow piercing! it’s really cool…and cute,” you said, smiling warmly at her.
gwen was taken aback by the compliment and also your sudden interest in her, her heart raced as she felt the familiar fuzzy feeling in her chest grow when you looked at her. “o-oh? this? thank you. i got it a while ago,” she replied, feeling her shyness begin to melt away.
“it really fits-” you tried to finish but the teacher yelled at both of you for speaking during her lesson. you both quieted down but glanced at each other and let a snicker out.
“do you even know what’s happening right now?” you asked in a hushed tone.
“no clue, and im pretty sure it’s been a decade or two since she’s last picked up a protractor,” she joked, making you giggle so hard you had to cover your mouth.
gwen thought update? I MADE HER LAUGH I MADE HER LAUGH
best believe she was so proud of herself that day
and she still feels a warmth spread to her cheeks when you slapped her shoulder telling her to stop making the witty comments before you piss yourself or you two get in trouble
gwen and you eventually got closer
so close that you guys begun to hangout outside of school with the plus one of peter to ease gwen into it
but those group hangouts turned into solos…and those trips to the mall turned into you hanging out in her room in her bed…
and the tension was thick.
the way you two brushed shoulders, how your hands would touch when you reached for the same thing, looking at each other for longer than needed
you could imagine how painful this was for peter to watch. IMAGINE HOW BAD IT WAS FOR GEORGE TO WATCH
even her dad caught on to the way gwen would look at you when she invited you over to her house for dinner with peter that one time and she was staring at you so hard while you talked to him that he thought his daughter was gonna have hearts come flying out of her eye sockets
in order for gwen to like somebody and want be in a relationship with them, she needs to have a emotional connection with them too
she wants somebody who puts up with her, who understands her, who accepts her, and a shoulder to lean on to.
especially with her living her double life as the heroine of new york?
it definitely caused problems as the two do you got closer and reached the best friend mark
she began flaking on hangouts, not answering calls or texts, acting mad sketchy with her lying which you so easily noticed
but you didn’t force her. you didn’t make her explain when you saw her face drop at your questions.
you understood it was personal and instead just gave her a hug around the neck whispering in her ear that you’ll always be a shoulder to lean on and be there for her
she wrapped her arms around your waist tightly and reciprocated the hug as she buried her head in the crook of your neck as an attempt to try and stop the strong urge to cry…that’s when she knew you were the one.
one of the common things you both bonded over was music and that’s when she found it fit to tell you bout the band she’s in
when she told you about how she was in the mary janes and was their drummer you couldn’t lie and say it didn’t make her 10x cooler in your eyes and attractive
gwen decided it was time to tell you about how she truly felt about you. she has played the drums for years, so when her band got the opportunity to play at a venue, she was thrilled to tell you about it.
she invited you, peter, and her dad to the show. before she even went backstage to prepare she saw a glimpse of you in the front row all dolled up for her and her heart skipped a beat at what she was planning.
the show was spectacular. song after song after song the music was catchy and addicting and you couldn’t help but stare at gwen so in her element. if only you knew the struggle for her to not glimpse up at you and see you dancing and smiling to the songs. when it ended and everybody got the chance to go up to her they all praised her. you went up and hugged her, telling her how amazing she was but before she could reply to you she was called backstage by her band for cleanup. the last thing she saw was you waving at her with a smile.
she wasn’t going to back out if this tho. she was going to to confess to you. you ended up going backstage after seeing the rest of her band leave but noticing she didn’t leave with them.
“i really did mean it when i said you were amazing, gwen. i had no idea you were that talented,” you complimented, making her jump a little at the sudden sound of your voice. she turned around with a flustered look as you just giggled at the reaction you got from her. ‘there goes that feeling again’ she thought as the familiar pounding in her chest started and heat began to rise to her cheeks.
“you doubted me before?” she teased, getting herself back into reality. “nah, not at all.”
you were gonna be the death of her.
“look, i don’t know how to say this but i didn’t just invite you here to watch my show. it’s not like i didn’t want you to come it’s just- ugh..” she signed, glancing up from her fidgeting hands to meet your eyes, you were watching her intently, listening to what she has to say.
“i know we’ve been friends for a while and i don’t want to ruin what we have and i just need to tell you that…that i have a crush on you and i really like you,” she confessed, her voice lacking it’s usual confidence and barley above a whisper.
in her nervousness she ended up blabbing on saying how she understands if you don’t feel the same way and sorry she did this to you and it’s completely ok if you don’t want to talk to her again- meanwhile she can’t hear you saying you like her back.
that’s until you grab her by the hands and forcefully grab her attention. her eyes stare into yours confused at the smile beaming on your face.
“gwen, i like you too.”
gwen was frozen in shock she didn’t even believe her reality even tho it was happening right in front of her
she was literally baffled when she looked down at you and saw how close the two of you were
she didn’t ask you to be her girlfriend right away
she took you on a date to a pizza place because she wanted it to be casual and then after you guys walked around going to corner stores
y’all walked into a radio store that had a bunch of vinyls, cds, literally everything and you saw gwens eyes light up at the sight
she would tell you about certain bands, how they compose their music, etc and even if you knew the band you would still let her tell you because you loved how happy she looked talking about her interests
she def recommended you new songs for your playlist and said she would play them on the drums for you sometime
anything you saw in the stores that you liked gwen would buy for you in an instant
the night would come to an end and she would walk you to your house or even go on the commute home with you if you took the bus
if only gwen checked the weather because none of you came with an umbrella for the torrential raining that was waiting for you both
gwen ended up giving you her jacket because you were cold and she didn’t want you getting sick
as she walked you home after your fate, the rain began pouring down. “here, take my jacket,” gwen said, slipping out of it and putting it around you.
"are you sure?" you asked, knowing damn well you wanted it.
"yeah, i don't want you to get sick and catch pneumonia," gwen joked as you both laughed.
you both continued walking down your block until you reached your place. before you could say your goodbyes, gwen stopped walking and held you by the hand which made you stop as well.
"hey, before you go inside, there's something i really want to ask you," she said, taking a deep breath.
you looked at her curiously, "hm, what is it?"
gwen took a moment before finally blurting out, "can i be your girlfriend- or er..will you be my girlfriend?"
your eyes widened in surprise before a smile spread across your face. "for real? gwen, yes i would love to," you replied.
a big, dumb smile made its way onto gwen's face at your answer. you wanted to make her smile even bigger.
you walked up to her and cupped her cheek, lowering her down to your height so your eyes met. you leaned in, giving gwen a gentle kiss on the cheek as your cold lips met her warm skin.
she was on cloud 9, so much so she didn’t even care that you took her jacket.
you kept that jacket of course
and she LOVES seeing it on you.
gwen is so loyal and loving to you
she’s not the best at affection at first but she gets better at it
her love languages are AND IN THIS ORDER : acts of service, physical affection, words of affirmation
like i said, she isn’t the best at first with affection and don’t even get me started on her fear of initiating kisses…
to compensate for that she shows that she loves you through giving you her jacket when she’s cold, bending down to tie your shoes so you don’t have to, buying you things you want (this includes if you take certain meds like for my pcos people: birth control, iron, etc if she can she will pick it up for you so you can relax at home), and sm more
if you mention a place you wanna go? you both are there INSTANTLY
it’s just part of how good she listens to you
with physical affection it starts off slow with hugs
she may be tense at first even if you guys hugged as friends it’s just so different now for her
but she’ll slowly go from hugging you back, to your waist, and get comfortable enough to put her hands on your hips
she’ll rub circles on your thighs, back, arm and won’t even notice
she’s a big spoon.
she doesn’t mind being the little spoon, especially after a long day when she just wants to throw herself onto you
gwen was tired patrolling the city as spiderwoman. she had been on her feet all day, and all she wanted to do was see you, collapse on your bed, and rest. since you weren’t aware of her secret identity yet, she did a quick stop at her place to change close before she went to see you.
she knocked and you opened the door in an instant as she had texted you beforehand she was coming by and you were waiting impatiently to see your girlfriend. you took gwen up by the hand to your room and laid on the bed asking her about her day as she set her bag down with no reply.
without a second thought, gwen padded over to the bed and climbed on top of you, laying her head on your chest. you giggled and wrapped your legs around gwen’s waist, pulling her closer.
“tired girl had a rough day?” you teased, looking down at her head buried in your chest. "mhmm, you have no idea. i just need to rest for a little bit,” she replied, snuggling closer into you as if you guys weren’t skin to skin already.
you guys sat there for a couple moments enjoying each others company and the warmth you both provided to each other. that was until gwen’s weight became too much for you.
you tapped her back a couple times, "okay, okay, you're crushing me. get off!"
gwen, feeling mischievous, refused to budge. she flexed her muscles and held her ground, playfully messing with you and refusing to move.
"what, you can't handle a little weight? come on, show me what you've got," she challenged, her voice raspy and low from being tired.
“you’re such a menace gwen! if you don’t get your 5’7 goliath self off of me-” you groaned out, pretending to struggle. but it was clear that gwen's muscles were too strong for you. “fine, fine! you win. you’re too strong for me… and heavy,” you admitted in defeat.
"that's right. you better remember that,” she joked, shifting her body to make it less heavy on you. “i will, damn. just come here.”
gwen relented and got off you. an hour after tho.
she also likes words of affirmation because sometimes she has self doubt of if she even deserves to have you or if she treats you right
the last thing she wants is for you to feel neglected or unloved because of her secret duty as spiderwoman
she’s not a fan of super cheesy pet names and plus you both are teens going into young adult so she def ain’t pulling no “honey where’s my super suit” frozone shit on you
she doesn’t like using baby, she thinks it’s cringe
her favorite n most common pet names for you beside calling you your name is babe, my girl, beautiful, gorgeous and anything that doesn’t sound like a middle aged couple
random but she fidgets with your hands like she plays with them when she’s cuddling with you and in deep thought or when she’s just bored
gwen also isn’t too big on pda
in public she’ll hold your hand and give you quick kisses but never will she ever start eating your face at lockers before class im sorry to say this to you
gwen is super protective tho she’ll hold you waist and guide you through a crowd
like she will walk you to class and give you a quick kiss but major pda is just cringe and uncomfortable for her
trust she’s all over you in private, public just isn’t for her
but this girl is the EMBODIMENT of wlw hand placement
you like how calloused and rough her hands feel because it reflects her personality being a drummer and all but also her love for music, the reason for why her hands are so tough
y’all could be cuddling or just sitting next to each other watching tv and all of a sudden her arm is around your shoulder and her hand is laying on your chest inches away from your boobs
or another time she let you sit on her lap and while you’re there she’s rubbing her hands up and down from your waist to your thigh to your knee and back up again where she’ll caress the curves of your waist and all around
and trust she will have a firm grip on your hip to hold you down closer
she doesn’t mean it in a sexual way tho she wouldn’t mind it getting suggestive and turning it into a makeout if you love her touch that much
it’s just that she’s a touchy person and loves to have a hand on you just to feel you there
speaking of kisses…gwen loves them
she’s just too shy to initiate.
you just make her nervous like she’s very secure in your guys relationship and is comfortable but you’re just so pretty and she loves you sm she doesn’t want you to hate it-
as you two got closer you saw glimpses of into her life you never would have seen before. but you also saw glimpses of gwen’s other life, which she didn’t want you to see. not just yet.
you and gwen had a date at the park, you just wanted to do something peaceful with her since she seemed bothered with something lately, and whatever it was she avoided telling you in the slightest.
it didn’t help that when she finally showed up she had a black and blue at the side of her lip with bruised knuckles.
you went up and hugged her tightly, her hands running up and down your back as you pulled away and sat her next to you on the bench. “gwen, what the hell? are you ok? where were you?” you questioned.
gwen just scratched the back of her neck anxiously ready to spew out another excuse to you. “my dad needed me to pick up some groceries last minute. but me being stupid trying to rush, i tripped and fell down some stairs haha,” she lied through her teeth. “what’s crazy is that you think im stupid enough to believe that,” you answered, eyes squinted as you stared into her.
as the moments passed in silence, gwen's heart raced with anxiety. she knew that she had messed up by lying to her girlfriend, but she couldn't bring herself to reveal the truth about her secret life just yet. finally, she spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper.
“i’m sorry," gwen said, her eyes still fixed on the ground. "i shouldn't have lied to you, but k just… i’m not ready to share everything with you yet. It's complicated."
you took her hand and squeezed it gently. "i understand that, gwen. i don't expect you to share everything with me right away. but just please, don't lie to me. i just want to be here for you and support you, no matter what. i can wait for you as long as you need me to until you're ready.”
gwen felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. she’s never felt so seen and understood by anyone before. she was so grateful to have you as her girlfriend.
"thank you," she said, her eyes meeting yours for the first time since she arrived at the park.
gwen squeezed your hand back, looking down at your lips and the beautiful smile displayed on them, then back to your eyes.
without a word you both started to lean in. when you both were inches apart and you felt her breath on your lips, she locked eyes with you as you felt the anticipation before closing her own and kissing you passionately. it was soft and sweet, but there was an electricity between them that made gwen's heart race. when you both pulled away, you looked at each other with wide eyes and big smiles.
"wow," gwen said, still feeling a bit breathless. you chuckled softly, "yeah, wow…you have such a way with words.” gwen laughed, feeling a sense of lightness and joy that she had never felt before.
"i can't believe we just did that," she said. "me neither," you replied. "but I'm really glad we did." gwen felt a sense of warmth spread through her chest.
"me too.”
you both sat in silence for a moment, still holding hands. gwen's mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts and emotions, she didn't know how to articulate them all. but what she did know is that she would come clean to you about her double life, just when she’s ready. like you said.
her kisses are gentle and sweet
at the beginning of the relationship they were quick or just pecks on the lip but now? she loves to just hold you in place while deepening a kiss and she doesn’t mind if it gets sloppy she just wants to feel your love every way she can
she’ll kiss all over your body
kisses to your legs, kisses littered on your thighs, kisses down your neck, kisses to your temple, a soft kiss to the forehead, you name it she will press her lips against it and kiss it
she likes to make out…like a lot
it’s not in a way where she wants to do it every time she sees you, she just likes how slow you two can go and revel in each others company and how she can feel her lips on yours and her tongue kissing the inside of your mouth
bonus points if she gets you in her lap or straddling her waist so she can hug you, feel you, push your back forward with her hand to press you closer to her
she can get flustered about it, especially that one time she was so into it that when she pulled away a thin string of saliva kept the two of you connected
but that’s a fic for another time
she’ll lick your bottom lip for entrance and when she feels like messing with you she’ll bite it
and she does love kissing your neck down to your chest and plenty multiple kisses on your chest
i don’t think she would do hickies tho unless by accident but when she does it’s not anywhere visible because she does NOT want her father seeing allat
ANYWAYS she eventually tells you about her secret identity and she really stresses out about it
like she’s crying on the verge of violent sobs and you tell her that you love her for the first time even if it’s as mind baffling as it is
the “i love you” bit doesn’t make it any better considering she’s now an even more emotional wreck
gwen took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to tell her girlfriend the truth about her secret life as the ghost-spider.
she knew it was a risk, but she couldn't keep lying to the person she loved.
"i have to tell you something," gwen said, her voice shaking slightly. "i'm spiderwoman. i fight crime and protect the city. i know it’s hard to believe but it’s true. and it’s who i am."
your eyes widened in surprise, but then she smiled. "i had a feeling there was more to your life than you were letting on," you said. "gwen if you think this is gonna make me run away from you im almost offended. i didn’t even know you were taking this up all on your own and im definitely not letting it stay that way. im here for you, always. gwen i… i love you,"
gwen felt a weight lifted off her shoulders as she saw the acceptance and love in her girlfriend's eyes. "thank you," she said, feeling tears of relief and joy welling up in her eyes.
it was like gwens ghost astral projected into heaven and came back down. she was in disbelief and immediately pulled you into her arms, telling you how much she loved and appreciated you too. the tears threatened to fall. and they did.
you’re relationship after that was just as strong
when she got hurt as spiderwoman, she would visit you through the window for you to patch her up
just in general now that you knew, she would pull up to your place anytime if she wanted to see you
she would shoot you a quick text about it tho…it just may be while she’s already outside
and the text may read “babe open your window pls”
she’ll even come during the middle of the night if she can’t sleep but for this she will actually text you to see if you’re up. she’s not gon break into your home and sneak into your bed she is not miguel on some daddy daycare meets freaky friday type foolery
she loves sleeping with you because you provide her so much comfort and clear her mind
there is nothing that could bring her to sleep faster than her holding you in her strong grasp, hands around your waist, and her head in the crook of your neck while you string your fingers through her hair
she’s just so whipped for you like she may not act like it in front of you but to others it’s very clear that you have her wrapped around your pretty finger
she literally spontaneously combusts when she sees you in her clothes
because of you being the height that you are and gwen basically being a giant compared to you, her clothes tend to be big on you
which she loves
you just look better than her in her own clothes
and DONT think she doesn’t take your clothes too, because she does
sweaters, shirts, pants, SHOES…she’s a thief and she knows it
bonus points if the clothes she take still smell like you and your signature perfume, it makes her blush
sometimes when you two plan a date she stops because she likes to see the thought process behind your outfits and help you with your look if you ask
truly she’s there to admire you
one time she came and your guardian answered saying you were upstairs so she opened the door and you weren’t even fully dressed it was a skirt and your bra on while you were in the mirror deciding between a pink shirt and another
gwen freaked out and slammed the door muttering like eighteen apologizes but you told her it was ok for her to come in but when she did she couldn’t look you in the eye for too long and stared at her feet so she didn’t die of embarrassment
she chose the pink top.
but she loves when you wear her clothes out like not even as pajamas so you can sleep soundly to the smell of gwen
especially if you two are on a date and you wear one of her jackets it just feels like you’re truly hers
and it lets others know too
“hey ladies, mind if i join?” the guy asked, sliding onto the barstool next to you both.
gwen leaned closer to you as you turned to her with an awkward smile, a clear sign of discomfort that she didn’t like one bit.
"actually, we do mind. we were just enjoying some alone time," your girlfriend snapped at the guy.
the airhead didn't seem to catch on, and instead turned his attention to you. "so, what's your name?" he asked, leaning in a little too close for comfort.
gwen felt a twinge of annoyance, but tried to remain polite. "i’m (y/n), and this is my girlfriend," you said, nodding towards her. “yeah im gwen, her girlfriend,” she said in a low, rough tone, her eyes dark with frustration. gwen ightened her grip on her girlfriend's waist, silently daring the guy to make another move.
silence fell at the info drop of you two being together.
then he finally got the hint.
"oh? ohhhhh… didn't realize you two were a couple” he replied blankly, still not leaving.
"yeah well, now you know," gwen said firmly, placing a protective arm around your shoulders. "but we're going to go back to our date now, so if you'll excuse us…”
when gwen is jealous she immediately gives to person glares of death like literally staring daggers into them
her jealousy doesn’t even stem from another person just talking to you like don’t get her wrong, she loves your attention! but she’s not gonna side eye anybody just because they shook your hand in told you good job or if a classmate needed help with something
no, her jealousy comes from when she KNOWS people want you
she can’t blame them you’re literally gorgeous in every way and you guys aren’t a “in your face” type couple but you never deny being together
so when somebody starts trying to flirt with you or make any advances she usually goes quiet because she trusts you know how to take care of yourself and handle a weirdo or two
if she’s there she’ll put a hand on the small of your back or around your waist
she gets involved only when you start showing signs of discomfort at the person talking to you
she won’t stand for it.
she’ll tell them off and if worse comes to worse she WILL fight a mf for you and accept the consequences later
it just all comes from a place of wanting to protect you
you mean so much to her and after everything she’s lost she doesn’t want you to be one of those
that’s why she tries to keep you out of her spiderwoman lifestyle as much as possible because if she found out you got hurt or she put you in danger because you were dating her, gwen could never forgive herself even if you could
overall, gwen is the most loving girlfriend, wants to give you the world, and will try to. you just understand her so well and are so patient, who can blame her for looking at you like you hung the moon and stars? because to her, you did.
A/N: hey so this is my first time posting on tumblr because i noticed the drought under gwen x reader and decided imma feel this shit up so im writing a oneshot next and my requests are open <33 ty for reading i hoped it quenched y’all thirst
© 2023 primaviva
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psychostxr · 1 year
𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐬𝐭 | close one
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PAIRING. wally west x female! reader
WARNINGS. suggestive, wally and (y/n) are of age
KEYS. (y/n) - your name e.g. paige, sam, etc.            (l/n) - last name e.g. cole, thomas, etc.
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"You're such a cheat!" you exclaim, twisting your body to lay on your stomach across the floor in your bedroom.
Wally sits beside you, his grip on the game controller tightening.
Wally laughs. "I think you're just bad as this game."
Pouting, you watch the redhead beat your character, his fingers pushing buttons at the speed of sound. Suddenly smirking, you lift yourself, kneeling beside Wally. His gaze is locked on the TV screen, ignoring your stare. Lifting your chin, you move closer to Wally's ear and lightly nibble.
Wally groans at the sensation, dropping the controller from his hands. He gently pushes you off him, watching you with a face as red as his hair.
You giggle. "You're cute when you're flustered."
Crawling over Wally, you straddle his waist. His hands trail over your sides, resting on your hips.
"You're a sore loser. You know that?"
"You're the one that's dating this sore loser."
Your hands cup Wally's cheeks, and you pull him toward you into a kiss. Your eyes close peacefully, your tongue tracing his lower lip for permission. Wally's eyes flutter close, allowing himself to get lost in your taste.
Wally tugs you closer by the waist as the kiss gets more heated, more sensual, needing to feel you closer each second. The hand on your waist suddenly disappears, slipping under your shirt to trace nonsensical patterns on your skin.
Pulling away from Wally, you grab the ends of your shirt and pull it over your head, tossing it on the floor. Wally's breath hitches at the sight of you, his gaze flickering back and forth from your face and the valley of your breasts.
"You like what you see?" you tease.
Wally looks up at you, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
"And what if I do?"
"Maybe you'll get a closer look."
Reaching to unclasp your bra, you nor Wally hear the keys jingling in the front door and the woman that walks inside. Her heels clink against the tiled floor, dropping her bag on the counter.
"(y/n), honey, I'm back!"
Your eyes widen.
"Oh my god!" you whisper, scrambling off Wally's lap.
"I thought you said she wouldn't be home?"
"Well, she obviously changed her mind."
"(y/n), are you here?" you hear your mother call.
Grabbing your shirt, you quickly put it back on.
"Yeah, I'm in my room!"
"What am I supposed to do?" Wally questions.
"Take out my workbooks. Make it look like we were studying," you whisper.
Wally grabs a few books from your bag, scattering them on your bed while hiding your gaming equipment. Your mother's footsteps creak against the stairs as you tidy yourself to look like you didn't come out of a makeout session. The door to your room opens, and you and your boyfriend quickly sit on the bed, watching your mom enter the room with surprise.
"Oh, I didn't realize you had company?"
Wally waves at your mom. "Hi, Miss (l/n)."
"Hello, Wally." She looks between the two of you, glancing at the books on your bed. "Are you two studying?"
"Yes!" you exclaim, internally cringing at your keen tone. "Wally was just trying to teach me science. You know how smart Wally is."
"Well, I'll leave you to go back to studying," your mother says, "It's nice to see you again, Wally."
"You too, Miss (l/n)."
The moment your mother closes the door behind her, you fall back against the bed, hand clutching your chest.
"That was a close one," you mutter.
Wally looks down at you. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we have a problem."
You sit up. "What?"
"She knows."
Tilting your head in confusion, Wally points at your books. Eyes scanning the books, you realize there's no science book in sight.
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© psychostxr — all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, translate, or claim any of my works as your own.
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 3 months
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✧ Summary~ the boys show you how much trouble your attitude is gonna get you into
✧ Warnings~ Oral (m receiving), thigh fucking, lotts of degrading, praising, readers a smart ass but teyam shuts her down, dom! Teyam and So’lek, soft(ish)dom! lo’ak, choking, size kink, fingering, marking, mentions of punishment, cliffhanger, foursome, polyamorous relationships, and I think that’s it. Lmk if I missed anything, and enjoy <33
✧ Translations~ Yawntutsyìp- Darling, little loved one, Tìyawn-love,
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Your mates were all too familiar with your little “bratty episodes”, as lo’ak liked to call them. So familiar that over time, they figured out how to deal with them. But whenever you pushed too far, they would just give you a look. A look that told you to run.
So you did.
Your lungs were burning, limbs growing fatigued and weak with every step. You don’t even know how long you’ve been running for, but obviously not long enough for them to lose sight of you. Even if they did give you a 20 second head start.
The ruffles and creaks that came from the trees above you told you that two of the three of your mates were above you. Your legs pushed you faster at the realization of the only two footsteps you picked up on. ‘Where is he?’ Your mind wandered, scanning the area around you before making a sharp turn towards a nearby tree that lead to a secret path that you thought no one knew about.
You thought no one knew about it.
But that’s when you were proven wrong because of the all too familiar chest you collided with as you turned that corner, a sharp hiss leaving you at the pain stinging at your nose. You turn your gaze up slowly to see who you hit, but apparently you didn’t have to, since the ikran claw necklace that was staring right back at you told you all that you needed to know.
“Hey,mamas” the most cocky grin covered his face.
Tears filled in your eyes, not because of fear, but because of frustration. Your attempts at trying to outsmart them failed,and you knew they were going to push you to your absolute limits until you realize why you’re wrong. “Let me go. That wasn’t a fair chase and you know that, Lo’ak. You-“
“Enough.” The thick, roughness of Neteyams heavy accent made you jump, his presence startling you slightly. Lo’ak turned you around quicker before you could protest, pressing your back snug against his chest so that you were facing the two men infront of you.
They had the same smirk on their faces, making a mixture of anger and heat bundle in your core. No matter how much they irritated you, they turned you on all the same. “You put up quite the chase, yawntutsyìp, too bad we caught you so fast though.” Solek taunts, walking closer to you so he can run his fingers over your heaving chest, pinching and squeezing your breast roughly.
You bite back a whimper at the feeling, instead settling for a witty little comment instead. “Awh, do you want a sticker? Or do you want me to make you guys some cookies for being such good hunters?” Lo’ak giggled quietly at your response,but So’lek and neteyam? Eywa. You swear you could see steam coming out of their ears.
You open you mouth to say something else but you’re stopped by neteyams hand on your neck. Your faces were inches apart, his braids fell effortlessly over his shoulders and there was a deep scowl that was embedded in his features. “I said that’s enough, did I not?” His question was rhetorical, but you nodded ‘yes’ anyway.
He yanks your face somehow closer to his, growling lowly. “Use your words, babygirl.”
“Yes, you did, teyam..” you whimper.
“Hm. That’s what I thought. On your knees, now.” You aren’t even given time to respond before lo’ak takes his hands off of your arms and pushes you down onto your knees, now standing infront of you and not behind you.
A mixture of nerves and arousal pooled in your belly at the sight of all three of their huge bulges infront of you. “Relax, mama. You’ll be fine.” Lo’ak coos as he places his hand on the top of your head, the other slowly untying his loincloth. Just the sight of them looking down at you has your loincloth a mess, the hunger in their eyes awakening something primal in you.
You felt neteyam snake his hand under your jaw before he turned it towards him, rubbing the tip of his now unclothed dick against your lips. “Open.” You followed his orders automatically, sticking your tongue out and opening your mouth as wide as you could so he could use you.
Every moan and whimper that came from you made him shudder, making his thrust get sloppier. “Mhm, still can’t keep quiet even when I’m using you like this? What a noisy slut.” He murmured, eyes never leaving your tear filled ones. You glance over to the other two to see they were slowly stroking themselves as neteyam used you, tips giving a never ending stream of precum the longer they touched.
You whine softly at the sight, wanting so badly to taste their bittersweetness on your tongue, but instead you opted for (barely) wrapping your hands around them and repeating their pace. A low moan came from the both of them when your soft hand closed around their leaking dicks, making the coil in their stomachs tighten.
“Such a pretty little whore for us, yawntutsìp. Just one cock isn’t enough for you, hon? Always need three to make you satisfied, hm?.” You heard So’lek whisper before he closed his hand around your own, using it how he wanted, lo’ak doing the same to your other hand.
A muffled, “mhm..” leaves your throat, but it turns into a broken sob when Neteyam pushes his whole length into the hot, tightness of your mouth sitting there for a moment to rest into the feeling before slowly continuing his thrusts on your sensitive mouth. The sensation of him trying to get as deep into your mouth as possible has your whole body going warm and pussy leak, causing you to tighten your grip on So’lek and Lo’ak.
Each of your ears were filled with the all the little soft gags and whimpers, squelching noises, that left the four of you. You could tell they were all close because of how rough they were getting with you, and how each of their bodies seemed to grow needier and needier.
“Fuck, mama..squeezin’ me so tight..this how you want me to fuck you, tìyawn? Hm?” Lo’ak questioned, making Neteyam pull out of you mouth reluctantly and turn your face towards his brother, all three of them groaning and speeding up their pace at the sight of the spit that flowed out of your mouth and connected you to neteyams cock.
You leave soft kisses all over Lo’aks weeping tip, sucking whatever else of his juices came out of it greedily. He damn near sobs when he feels the warmth of your mouth around his tip, threading his long fingers through your hair and tugging harshly so your lips had no choice but to leave his cock.
“I asked you a question, pretty girl..” he whispered, taking your hand and wrapping it around his girthy cock, fucking into your palm mercilessly. “..this how you want me to fuck you? Hm?” A lazy, ‘yes,sir’ leaves your lips, earring you a quiet ‘good girl’ from him before he lets go of your hair, giving you the chance to put your mouth back onto him.
“Then make all of us cum, and I will, mama. You’re already being such a good girl for us, you can do it.” He coos, encouraging you to take all of him into your mouth, setting a deep, steady pace before you feel his hot, thick cum shooting towards the back of your throat. The feeling makes you moan loudly(or as loud as you could get with Neteyam in your throat.) as you closed your thighs together only to be stopped by So’lek holding your hips up so he can fuck into your already closed thighs, sending you a few more thrust before covering your thighs and the ground beneath you in his cum. The same warmth sliding down your back as neteyam came with a broken moan.
All that could be heard was heavy pants and quiet curses/praises that left each of their lips as they came down from their highs. Once they fully relaxed, Lo’ak and So’lek pulled away from you as neteyam picked you up and place you on his lap. The warmth of his body was lulling you into sleep, feeling your body already giving out on you, and almost forgetting the throbbing that was coming from your legs. Almost.
Until lo’ak rubbed small circles on your clit, sliding one finger into you effortlessly as Neteyam bit down on the soft skin of your neck. Yelps and whimpers fell from your lips with every suck and nip they left on your body, causing So’lek to let out a pleased hum before cupping your face lovingly.
“Don’t fall asleep on us now, yawntutsyìp. You know we can’t let you fall asleep without knowing you’ve learned your lesson.”
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A/N~ I’m so so soooo sorry this took so long, I didn’t mean to keep my babies waiting, I’ve js been spending time with all of my pookies. But it’s time to spend time with my pookies on here, so this is my lil im sorry gift for yall😚 I hope you guys enjoyed this!! Stay safe and hydrated babies, love you!!
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