#koi shifter
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Got asked by one player in the group what our character's last meal would be & I had to come full circle on what Neri ate when she chose to live.
✨ Persimmons ✨
So I had to wip up a little angsty piece.
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echantedtoon · 2 months
Ocean Deep Ch1 Premise
In a world where inhuman and human creatures lives side by side, sometimes it was difficult to navigate where things were. So there was rules EVERY human followed. Don't engage. If you left them alone then they almost always left you alone... Unfortunately it's difficult when a whole pod happens to be under the impression that you belong to them.
This is set in a fantasy world with very little tech. Think Howl's Moving Castle kinda tech world. Also more Bride concept cuz I like it.
This is heavily inspired by @firelillys on Tumblr merfolk au. Please support all artists linked/mentioned here with their own works!  I'll be providing important info for our mer cast and leave links for a better image of what they look like. I wanted to pick pretty fish for them all so some of the original fish ideas were scrapped from the first drabble.
Kyojuro would be a lionfish such as the one drawn by @yuki2sksksk on Tumblr linked below.
Tengen would be a white butterfly koi fish and would look like the linked post below except less eel and more butterfly koi also below.
Merman Tengen (minus the eel like features)
his tail would be more like this instead 
Hinatsura would have a tail that starts out red then fade to pink and would have sorta spotted like patterned semi flowing fins being a Strawberry Peacock mer.
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Makio would have an orange-gold tail with flowing fins being a Golden Dragon Koi mer.
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Suma would have a blue tail with more ruffled fins compared to everyone else being a (all blue) Halfmoon Betta fish mer.
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With this out of the way let's get onto the chapter.
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In a world where inhuman and human creatures lived side by side, sometimes it was difficult to navigate where the danger lied. No where was safe. 
The fae ruled the forests. Fairies and elves. Pixies and gnomes. Pans. Mischief makers. If not careful they'd whisk you away. Never to be seen again.
 The dwarves and dragons claimed the mountains. Proud and strong. If insulted they'd be incredible does to crush you.
The skies were never safe either. Run amok with harpies. The plains ran with herds of centaur. The night plagued with vampires, werewolves, and demons. The day ran with fauns and tieflings and shape shifters. So many dangers and so many things to look out for. Especially when it came to courting a mate. As they say
"Beware the monsters who lurk and live amongst the world. Beware of those who seek courtship from maidens. Do not engage. If you ignore and leave them alone then they'll almost always leave you alone."
You must learn to learn their language and not be tricked by anything. Stay alert. Stay aware. Always stay vigilant.
And never let your unmarried daughters near them alone-
The sky was beautiful today. That's all really you could think to yourself. The fresh scent of flowers filling your sense of smell as dead flower petals was swept away with the dirt and dust. With each step you took the sounds of distant crying was heard. F/c eyes only stared at the floor where bristles met the ground and pushed them all away... Eventually you did spare a look briefly over your shoulder and felt your heart sink. 
The Kocho family stood there. Or..what was left of the family.
The man hugged his wife tightly to his chest as she sobbed uncontrollably into his shirt. It was the most recent travesty really. Two months ago their youngest daughter, Kanao, had gone down to the river just down the old dirt road and through the woods a bit, to gather more herbs which they sold alongside the medicines in their family shop but she hadn't returned for a few hours. Then when their two older daughters went to go look for her, they two never came back. Panicked, a group of men including Mr. Kocho and the girls' grandfathers had gone out on a wide man hunt searching deep into the nearby woods and combing the long beach nearby for any trace of the missing sisters. Nothing ever came up. No footprints or scraps of fabric. It's like they've never even existed! Some say that they were claimed by fairies. Others say a ghost spirited them away. One person whispered that a flock of harpies might've flown them away.
Whatever the case, they were gone and it's unlikely that they were coming back.
The parents had already accepted that their girls were probably not coming back and was here to make flower arrangements for a memorial service the family was hosting in their honor and memory. Your boss was standing in front of them holding a few sample petals for them to choose from. In the middle of their talk, Mrs. Kocho had burst into tears, so the older woman gave the couple a moment to process their own emotions.
This wasn't the first time a young girl disappeared into thin air. 
When you were a little girl, your next door neighbor was a beautiful woman named Rei. Her pretty brown eyes and kind personality made her a favorite person to everyone. She loved going on night walks, but one night she didn't return from her walks. Her father moved his entire business three towns away a little after that. Another case was a girl your age who disappeared last year, Mitsuri. According to her brother, she ran into the woods to be alone after her fiance brutally broke up with her. As he went to find her, he saw her being carried away by a giant black and white naga, the boy had fled as fast as he could back but by then it was too late. Then later that same year, you heard rumors about a girl named Koyuki and her father disappearing from a boat ride near the river but since that didn't happen in your town, you didn't know if that one was true.
It wasn't always young women either. Sometimes it was young men that went missing. A famous case from up the mountains was the disappearance of Kagaya Ubuyashiki. The last anyone had seen of him was he was walking along a patch of birch trees. Witnesses said he was last seen speaking to a white haired woman before he vanished. People say she was a white birch spirit. Another famous case was Tokito. Again not in your town, but he was a lumberjack that often went into the mountains for wood but one day never returned.
Nevertheless it was both scary and tragic. 
Which was why there was a few unspoken rules your parents always taught you before they passed away. Never go anywhere alone. Never trust mysteries strangers. ALWAYS carry protection with you. Never go out late at night. Stay away from deep woods. But above all else-
They were all bad and will try to trick you. Don't trust a single one. Do not engage. Like clockwork you've always taken them to heart. Always looking over your shoulder. Keeping your guard up. Keeping a dagger on you at all times. Never going out at night for any reason. You weren't gonna be carried away by some lovestruck creature! It helped a bit that you loved in the middle of town and rarely went into the woods for any reason. 
"It's an excellent choice. These flowers are very beautiful. I'm sure your service will be beautiful." Your eyes finally turned away from the sight. Your sweeping resuming as your boss politely escorted the couple to the door. "Don't worry about the delivery. It's on the house. ...You both have my up most condolences." She bowed one last time to the retreating couple.
A sigh escaping from your lips. "It happened again..Why does this happen so much?"
"Because there are creatures who have become so fascinated by the easy prey of our kind. A human is seen as a trophy of sorts. A thing to show off what you have but others can't have..." The old woman slowly closed the door. "We must remember that as humans, there are those who will hunt us."...Old black eyes turned to yours. "You're a young, beautiful woman. Possibly the most beautiful woman in town now. I wouldn't forget to be careful during these times."
"Don't worry. I'm not allowing myself to be trapped by anything."
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I really like all the fantasy and medieval stories you do and I was wondering what roles the Baki characters might have in an AU like that? Like is Kataumi a prince? Is Hanayama some dark rouge king? Is Yugiro a TURD? I’d love to know where you think the characters fit in the best (feel free to do as many as you like). I hope to draw the results for everyone’s viewing pleasure.
So for fantasy creature head canons here is what I identify the characters with:
Baki, Jack, and Yujiro are either Orcs, ogres, or Onis. Something savage and powerful just like them. I’m leaning towards Orcs honestly
Retsu is a unicorn. He’s majestic
Kozue is a freshwater mermaid (she would be a koi fish)💕
Hanayama is a dragon shifter (he gives me dragon vibes. And he’s all black and covered in scars). Probably a dragon king
Shiba is a inugami (and he is Hanayama’s dog)
Katsumi is a werewolf… same with all the karate guys (they’re like a pack)
Jun is a merman (a bull shark specifically… maybe even an octopus)
Muhammed Ali Jr is a werewolf
Oliva is a vampire
Doyle is an incubus
Kureha and Kosho as kitsunes (or elves)
Sukune as a troll or orc
Shibukawa is a tanuki (little raccoon grandpa 😭💕)
Tokugawa is a bakeneko (little cat grandpa 🥹❤️)
Yanagi is a goblin
Dorian is a troll
Spec is from Florida. He is a fantasy creature already (he’s an ogre)
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macbetha · 2 months
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preview of four of hoards, a haikyuu au - kiyoomi x kenma (sakuken?) / ossaka - omegaverse / royalty / fantasy + shifters / dragon king omi / panther shifter kenma
As a dragon, Kiyoomi has always been warned about flying too close to the sun. With life comes bright, golden lies he’ll want to chase, but he must reign his focus on the gold in his hoard - for that is what makes the sun rise and fall in a world of dragons. But Kenma’s eyes are gold like sunstone and no dragon can fly higher than Kiyoomi. Or: A Hades and Persephone AU - what if Hades left the underworld to join Persephone in her springland home?
Preview below the cut!
Kiyoomi loathes regions of eternal summer with a special kind of repugnance, yet he’s the guest of honor at a mid-year wedding in the desert.
The desert sand at the stronghold of the Black Jackal seems to magnetize to him. This event also happens to be a Miya affair: a nine-day celebration, which is tradition in these parts. Nine days of nauseating comradery and glutinous posturing.
It’s all for the nine-tailed marriage goddess the twins and their people worship. Kiyoomi’s own physician will be one of those people soon. It’s hard to swallow.
Kiyoomi soldiers on for Akaashi’s sake. He has enough to worry about with final preparations and trying to persuade Osamu to save some things for their wedding. Osamu has already spoiled Akaashi as any king should when it comes to their intended, but Osamu is still an alpha.
Resisting the urge to bite is nearly impossible once an omega has given permission. Osamu is devoted to his regional traditions but the rule about waiting until the ceremony to bite might just do the fox king in. Oikawa has assured Kiyoomi it will be a delicious scandal.
Kiyoomi takes it upon himself to gather the flowers Akaashi wants at the ceremony. The gardens are indoors, and Kiyoomi feared he was going to step into a claustrophobic nightmare, but he shouldn’t have let the term “indoor” deter him from finding the gardens quicker.
Kiyoomi expected some flowerbeds, perhaps a fountain – not a landscape that rivals the size of a gladiatorial arena. There’s enough space for hills to stretch out pillowed by wildflowers. The air is candied, pure.
Clean waterways and spotless paths make Kiyoomi almost salivate; this trip has been nothing but sandy grime. To make matters more enriching, an oversized sundial floats midair. The dial ticks as sunlight moves through the glass ceiling.
Kiyoomi can admit he’s dazzled. Rainbow phoenixes soar overhead, teleporting across the gardens in a fiery burst, and his brain quickly stops feeling like a pulled muscle.
He tucks his basket at his elbow and follows one of the irrigation rivers with his list in hand. Koi fish trail after him, hoping for a snack. Akaashi was thoughtful enough to add rough sketches of the flowers he needs, but Kiyoomi has no clue where to find individual blooms.
He isn’t too concerned. This isn’t the worst place to get lost and better odds have tried to keep him from certain treasures in his hoard. He’s never failed in that category.
Hours pass in which Kiyoomi’s natural curiosity implores him to rest on the ground and study certain plants. He can’t name many of them. Some petals are so vibrant, it’s hard to settle on which color best describes them. These ponderings don’t weaken the happiness in him.
Gradually, he finds what Akaashi needs. Kiyoomi is quite disappointed as he reaches the end of his list. The light around him deepens with the sunset’s crimson flares. The glass ceiling opens with a mechanical groan and the phoenixes fly through for their nightly hunt.
Kiyoomi’s pointed ear twitches when music starts up somewhere outside. Dinner is about to start. He sighs profusely. His hold tightens on his flower basket, and he heads in the general direction of where he came from.
Kiyoomi tries so hard to commit all his senses to memory: the moonlight is soft and pearly, the breeze sharpening as it rips through the flowers to push Kiyoomi’s curls back. He stumbles to a stop and looks around, horns illuminating the night. Kiyoomi breathes in deeply.
His wings arc to attention. Kiyoomi studies the flow of wind through the flowers to track its path. He follows the push to the north section of the garden. Suddenly, all the perfumes around him are annoying. He can’t name the smell the wind brought to him.
He can’t even describe it or fully remember it from that initial whiff just a few moments ago. It was just… new, odd. Maybe even good. Something about it makes Kiyoomi hungry. He’s never eaten as indulgently as he needs to right now.
He wants to slash his arm across a table and push over the frilly centerpieces, wants to eat with the candlesticks overturned and the curtains burning. He wants to rip his teeth through fruit flesh and salted meat, wants to be so fucking greedy -
What is he even searching for? A particularly smelly flower? It wouldn’t be right to take one when it wasn’t on Akaashi’s list, and it wouldn’t live long. The air shifts in another direction and Kiyoomi breathes, tongue light on his bottom lip. His fangs ache in his jaw.
It's not a flower but by the gods, Kiyoomi wants it. He alters his path and walks up a steep hill. He can’t explain why he’s creeping along and being mindful of his steps while his heart urges him to hurry.
That scent clings to his open mouth. His wings move on their own, spreading to catch attention and impress. He drops the flower basket. Kiyoomi is passed deciphering these responses; he must train his eyes on the source of it all.
White flowers glow over the hilltop – moonflowers yawning awake and twisting in their search for nocturnal light. Kiyoomi finds it before the flowers do.
Cloud-cover allows only a blade of moonlight over the hill, yet an omega found it perfectly and decided to nap there. Curled up on his side with his arms folded under his cheek, he is incredibly small to have such powerful pheromones.
The skirt twisted up around the omega’s knees is patterned in golds and reds Kiyoomi should recognize as the colors of a certain noble house, but right now, he is missing the faintest memory that could remind him what the world was like before this moment.
He can’t describe the omega’s scent, but Kiyoomi eats it up with gluttonous vigor. This is what red would smell like, he thinks: warm, deep, disarming. That scent is melting into Kiyoomi’s very pores and his skin tingles as his own pheromones flare in kind.
The omega’s nose twitches as he sniffs. His eyelids flicker before bolting open. The omega loops to his feet quicker than Kiyoomi’s eyes can follow. They watch each other with abundant confirmation that the omega thinks he’s about to become some sort of prey.
Kiyoomi tips his head to the side, showing his neck as if he’s ever done it before. The omega’s breath rasps to a complete halt. His tension eases a bit, as does the warning in his smell. His sunstone gaze is calculated enough to leave Kiyoomi feeling dissected.
Kiyoomi is willing, keeping his neck arched with his head bowed in submission to ensure the omega no harm will come to him. Kiyoomi peeks up from keeping his eyes low to the ground. A flush pulses down the omega’s throat.
His small hands lower from their crooked defensive position to wring together. He combs through the long hair at his hip before tucking some behind his ear. The omega hesitates, lips parting as if he’ll grace Kiyoomi with an apology, a word, anything -
He darts away, fleeing so gracefully the flowers aren’t even disturbed. Kiyoomi’s wings fall as he pants, lightheaded. One hand finds the earth where he sinks and the other touches his chest. He feels the wardrum of his heartbeat through his shirt, his glove.
Kiyoomi rises to his feet and wavers. He walks closer to the omega’s napping spot and toes the plate of crackers and cheese. A sticky knife and spoon are nearby. Bloody fruit juice splatters the grass and Kiyoomi crouches, following the trail to an opened pomegranate.
Kiyoomi takes off his glove and scoops into it with two fingers. He touches them to his tongue, but the sweetness does not ease his frustrations - it just enhances the fact he could have handled that interaction better in a hundred different ways.
Motoya’s forcing their familial bond open like he’s trying to kick in a fucking door. Kiyoomi hurries to find his basket at the bottom of the hill. He struggles to gather himself. This isn’t the first time he’s needed to be alone to process something and can’t.
This won’t be the last time he doesn’t get what he needs. Kiyoomi’s snarl flashes in the moonlight as his wings beat and rip flowers from the earth. He launches toward the open ceiling. 
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aquaticaquamarine · 1 year
Hi! You don't know me, but I wanted to alert you to the user @mythicalsurvival. They claim to be a Koi-Merman shifter, and have stolen one of your posts and have been passing it off as their own. They also stole a post belonging to another merman shifter on Amino.
We appreciate you for letting us know!
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real-a-mental-freak · 8 months
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I have a new oc! These are just Pinterest photos that look kinda like him, lol. His name in Aoi Koi (Blue koi- hehe, like a koi fish, get it?) He's a dragon shape shifter. He can take the form of a sea dragon as well as a lightening dragon. He is 18 years old, his birthday is March 11th. He is 5'9ft, and has a pretty chill personality. In Aoi's free time, he paints and sketches, feeds/cares for stray cats and had a plant garden (which he tries to keep alive lol).
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jeztereddin · 5 years
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Arlise as a MerMaid [inspired by koi and guppys]
Used a Chibi art style for it
Sorta also inspired by @askmermanlevi their little chibi mermaid character's were so kawaii I couldn't help but draw my oc in a simular style 😅
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“Yin is the soft, the passive, the smooth…the content.
Yang is the hard, the active, the rough, the restless.
There is soft within the hard.
And there is hard within the soft.”
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kadeu · 3 years
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Another beautiful day in Kadeu! Yes, the temperatures are spiking at 113 across the city at noonday but the sky is beautiful the flowers are everywhere! Rejoice anyway folks! Temperatures have been rising steadily but can that really take from the beauty of our fair city? No it can’t. Have people been passing out from overexertion in the heat? Yes but who wants to work hard in this heat anyway?
And it surely does not stop the rising fashion trends in Diamonds. Taking on Ace Miranda’s iconic eyepatch, the Diamond mood makers have been seen sporting eyepatches covered in pastel furs, gems and crystals. This reporter acquired one silk patch but after almost walking into traffic, has chosen to admire from afar. 
The heat has returned the need for Water Elementalists, though some, salty over Diamond taxes, refuse to be, as one yelled at this poor reporter, “used like an animal for coppers”. I suppose they want to pad their pockets fat off of the vulnerabilities of others, again. Maybe they should hop over to Hearts. That sounds like a very Heart thing to do. 
Fortunes are forever growing in Hearts with its businesses booming. The fresh designers and happening places remove any question of what to do in the borough. The highranked elite have been spotted celebrating the birthday of one reclusive Facecard within the clans. It was a who’s who event with the extended floral trains of exclusive courtesans bouncing from the Koi to Aka Ayao’s. It was invite-only and the mean shifters at the door couldn’t be be bribed with gold to let us in for a peak but we watched them leave with one thing in common: The gems on their bodies were otherworldly. 
Makes me wonder if I could get an eyepatch in the style . . .
Meanwhile, the heat is making the Clubs delirious and prone to more to violent releases of energy. Luckily, before the heat brings forth combustion, the construction directed by Ace Shah Mallick has been completed and details are now being shared. A headquarters for Club hunters, dubbed the Hunter’s Lair has been erected to house, recruit and offer relief for hunters within the faction. We expect more details from the Ace and his council closer to the grand opening.
Hope they keep it down though. We think noise may violate the 11pm shutdown curfew over in Spades. Never has a ship ran so uniform and efficiently. It’s frightening. Their  water elementalists, limited though they may be, seem to be doing a much more enthusiastic job of helping their faction out, though. Then again, they’re all kind of a big conscripted militarized family, now aren’t they? Whose gonna demand more pay from their boss-landlord-military superior? This reporter certainly wouldn’t.
A beautiful princess falls in love with a prince from another land, but an exiled ritualist who wants her for himself conjures up a spell to transform her into a swan- but only during day. Thus causing the princess to be assumed missing and the wedding to be called off. That is- until an evil copy of the princess reappears just before the prince is to pick a new bride. Forced to embark on a dangerous quest to reverse the magic, the princess must rely on her wit, wings, and some equally cursed new friends if she wants to stop the ritualist's evil plans in time.
Ace Moon Ara’s protégé from her inspiring Winged Theatrics stars as the villainous Dark Wizard and sly henchwoman Bridgette. Theatre darling Budrelda wows as the Prince’s mother Queen Uberta.
This is by far the best production of the year folks! Live animals and manabeasts, shifters transforming and the magical use of combined elemental skills, Ara’s hand is heavy at work guiding these young stars. Even with the heat, getting tickets to see this one will be hard, unless you own a box and has been to three showings already, we see you, your Lordship. Good luck folks and bless Osiris for this masterpiece!
Dragonfire Hotsprings shuts its doors! With decreased traffic and an increased number of guests having heatstroke, the Hotsprings has decided to close its doors until the weather cools off. The owner says they’re hopeful to reopen before October comes around but they’ll keep everyone updated on changes.
The Forge is seeing a record low for the number of blacksmiths at their fires. Where their work is normally out of the fire into the nice breeze, these days its more like out of the fire into a different humidor fire. 
Traffic to and from Umibe has become rather heavy. While the workers at Sencilo and the city itself seem to be pleased, Captain Tsai of the Driftwood Tavern seems fed-up with the increase in visitors, as do the sailors currently in port. The City of Umibe would also like to remind Kadeuians to pick up their trash should they rent camping spots on the city’s famous white sand beach.
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fixaidea · 4 years
idk if you've told us this already and i just forgot, but pls pls what does he xuan turn into in the shifter au?
That bit was actually @docmanda ‘s doing as we were bouncing this idea around - he’d be a big fuckoff grumpy black koi fish, that splashes and spits water at people he doesn’t like (so most people). 
(If I were left to my own devices and this wasn’t an AU centred around an animal rescue shelter - and covert clinic for injured shifters - I’d vote on some animal form with tentacles and too many teeth, but that’s not something you can fit into a pond.)
She was also the one to suggest a form for Shi Qingxuan: a crane.
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this-solaris-life · 4 years
#Jinyi/#Lingyi Master List
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Art Credit: @SKULLYSINNER || do not remove credit or repost! Follow the artist on twitter and/or contribute to their Ko-fi! 
This is a master list of Jin Ling and Jingyi fics that me and @ruensroad​ have co-written together! ♥ These fics have original characters that we’ve created and we hope you love them too.
A Second Chance is For Forever | Teen - Read AO3
   There was a moment when he realized he was going to die. Miles from Koi Tower and any help, defending a forgotten shrine statue from a shadow beast, Jingyi was going to die and no one would know, and as he felt the sharp claws cut into him, he could only wonder how this was it. All he’d faced standing with his friends, it would be the moment he was alone that he would die. Of course it would be.
Fate had been kind often enough; it was only right that it finally ran out now.
Digging Deeper For Your Love | Teen - Read AO3
  What was supposed to be a night of celebration for Jin Ling going to the capital to continue his public studies turns into a nightmare. As he gets cursed into a swan and through a twist of fate gets Jingyi cursed along with him. Can they find a way to break the curse or will they be stuck as swans?
Dim Sum Filled with Fears | Mature - Read AO3
  Jin Ling and Jingyi have just gotten married and as a newly placed magistrate of LeLing, Jin Ling and Jingyi are trying to figure out their relationship. And of course it wouldn't be just that easy. Immediately the day they arrive, there is a murder in Mr. Shao's silk shop and the two them work together to figure out what happened.
Hoof Prints on the Sand | Teen - Read AO3
   When Zizhen goes missing after being sent to the kelpies to have them review the marriage arrangements between Lan Jingyi and Jin Ling. So, Jin Ling goes after him only to meet Lan Jingyi and discover that they're fated ones.
Into The Unknown | Mature - Read AO3
  Jin Ling has been hearing a voice calling him. During a storm to sign a peace treaty with the deer folk shifters of Gusu, he hears the voice again leading him to safety.
Of Heart Songs | Teen - Read AO3
   Jin Ling wakes up after being badly injured during a night hunt with his sworn brothers. It's Jingyi who he finds nursing him and that he's JIngyi's fated one.
Pretty Broken Things | Mature - Read AO3
  He knew that he should have listened to Jingyi and not entered the cave. If he had then he'd still be in his human body instead of being trapped in a doll. Thankfully, Wei Wuxian made his curse work to where if they fall in love again wholeheartedly then Jin Ling will get his human form back.
The Promise of Blood | Teen - Read AO3
  This isn't what Lan Jingyi planned. He was supposed to stay in Gusu and be Lan Sizhui's guardian, but fate has a different plan. Now he's going to the golden court of the Lanling Jin Coven and the easy life is about to turn harder as the beauty of the court hides monsters.
The Truest Aim | Mature - Read AO3
   Jin Ling couldn’t help but enjoy how fast his heart beat to hear Jingyi say his name in that manner. It sounded perfect coming from Jingyi’s lips and he hoped to hear more of it. “And let me guess you are a horse? I can see it.” He mused then grinned showing all his teeth when Jingyi gave him a surprised look. “Oh Jingyi, this is going to be the start of a wonderful courtship.” or so he thinks, until his life gets unraveled after returning from the war.
Things You See In A Graveyard | Mature - Read AO3
   Lan Jingyi is sent to a town to perform a Ghost Bride ceremony. After the ceremony he finds Jin Ling there in the graveyard. Jin Ling was asked by the magistrate to investigate the mysterious suicides of grooms. Together they decide to find out the reason.
What The Water Gave Us | Teen - Read AO3
  Lan Jingyi has been cursed as a child to turn into a horse by nightfall. Only a few know about it and when he gets sent to be the magistrate of a small town he finds someone he just might trust with that secret. However, on his first day there he meets Jin Rulan, a lawyer that seems set on hating him.
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“That’s a daffodil.”
‘And that’s a peony.”
Malgam smiled, watching his daughter look closely at some flowers being sold by a street vendor. She carefully moved her hand over the soft petals, brushing the flowers as she studied them. Malgam knelt down next to her.
“Should we get some for papa?”
Nodding excitedly, little Koyali answered her father, her big blue eyes shining in the afternoon sunlight. Malgam chuckled, and he paid the vendor handsomely as they allowed the red-haired tot to pick which flowers they would present to her life-giver. 
Moments later, Malgam oversaw Koyali’s trek to the town square, hefting the bouquet, which was almost as big as she was. She caught the attention of passerbys as they stopped to coo and chuckle, but she didn’t break her stride. Malgam nodded at his people as they smiled at him, and he ensured Koyali’s safe travel as he found a picnic table, and he retrieved the bouquet from her as she sat. Malgam sighed, looking around the square. 
It was a beautiful day in June. Citizens were out in full force, having dates and picnics in the square and the parks. He sighed. While his heart was full; there was a piece missing.
Koysov was Sleeping. He’d made his leave nearly four years ago; and Shifters typically needed a full ten years to recover from their hundreds of years of activity. Somewhere, a human housed Malgam’s husband, and Malgam wanted nothing more than to hold Koysov as he slumbered, to hear his sleepy breathing, and to watch him curl in to get cozy. 
But it wasn’t just Koysov. In the same year, after dealing with a sudden illness, Floralis required rest as well. They were worried they would lose her; but a healthy human host was found in time; and she made her leave as well to recover the strength the illness had stripped from her. Hers and Koysov’s hosts had no interaction; and it hurt Malgam that the Hierarchy was stripped of two members at once. 
Both he and Boxrom were parted from their ring-wearers so quickly. It had taken them both by surprise. Following the aftermath, Malgam and Boxrom kept their doors open for each other. Boxrom in respect for his king, who dealt with chronic nightmares that Koysov was a pro at chasing away. And Malgam’s door remained open for Boxrom, who sorely missed his wife, and would wake up remembering her deathly pallor as she fought away infection; and the grief that his medical prowess hadn’t nearly been enough to save her. She nearly slipped through his expert hands.
The weeks turned to months, and within a year, Boxrom and Koysov’s room-sharing became frequent. Then the room sharing became a bit more.
Thus resulting in Koyali. 
A normal routine of a shifter’s slumber, their spouse (if they had one) would often welcome a new child into the Hierarchy to keep bloodlines going. Boxrom soon delivered his and Malgam’s daughter; not their first child together.
Her third birthday was tomorrow, and little Koyali as the pride of her fathers. Koyali was Malgam’s first new child in nearly three decades; and he smiled as she hummed to herself. Boxrom and Floralis’s most recent child was self-sufficient, and had already been making plans to travel across the sea to put his mechanical talents to use. He’d promised his mother that when she woke up, he would have already made a name for himself.
Koyali, however, had a playmate in Nadlia and Belisia’s son, who was only a year older than her; and Tuvra’s daughter with Ev’Elle, who had just turned two, had taken to mimicking little Koyali, and the girls often enjoyed bouts of well-meaning destruction around the palace.
Malgam, sitting across from Koyali as he scrolled through messages on his phone, often looked to his daughter as she investigated the bouquet contentedly. 
“Daddee what’s dis one again?” She asked, pulling out a long stem with a cluster of blue and white flowers orbed together.
“That’s a hydrangea.”
Malgam chuckled as she fought to make the name work with her little voice. She sang what she could make of the three syllables to herself as she picked at the petals before Malgam looked up, and from the crowd waved their person of interest.
“Koyali, look,” he grinned, pointing to the crowd. The tot saw Boxrom, who froze in place playfully as he spotted his daughter, and she cheered and rushed to Boxrom, who did the same to pick her up. Malgam beamed as Boxrom hefted Koyali into the air before letting her latch on tightly.
“Hey there, kiddo!” Boxrom said, hugging his daughter as he walked to the table. He planted proud kisses on Koyali’s forehead as she squealed. He looked up to see Malgam smiling, and the flowers on the picnic table. “What are these?” 
Malgam presented them. “They’re for you. Koyali picked them out.”
Boxrom gasped dramatically for Koyali, and he held up the bouquet. “For me?!” 
Koyali then reached over, the plastic encasing of the bouquet crinkling loudly as she picked a daisy from the bunch. “Okee now dey are.”
Laughing heartily, Boxrom hugged his daughter, kissing her hair before setting her down to inspect her flower. He looked to Malgam, who stood to greet Boxrom with a kiss. 
“How did everything go?” Malgam asked, still holding Boxrom in his arms. Boxrom smiled, looking at the flowers; a definite mishmash chosen by a child.
“Business as usual. We oversaw a shipment of humans to start researching some cures. What Floralis caught is still eluding us; and it’s still making rounds around the other kingdoms. It’s treatable now, but Floralis was lucky that she can rest with a host; others can’t, and the damage to their bodies is substantial. We’re hoping immunizations will prevent it.”
Malgam nodded, seeing the yearning in Boxrom’s eyes.
“She’ll be proud of you.”
Smiling, relieved, Boxrom pressed his forehead to his king’s before they looked down to see Koyali, trying to put the daisy in her hair. She smiled up at them, and they knelt down to help her braid the flower into her red locks. They then set her loose to go play with other children in the square as they sat together. 
“... Stars; I miss her,” Boxrom heaved a sigh. “How are you holding up?”
Malgam allowed a slouch to his posture for a moment, feeling the weight of Koysov’s absence.
“I’m holding up with you and the others,” he finally allowed himself to say. “I have held up through worse. I will continue. It hurts; but sometimes it feels like there’s nothing inside.”
“That’s the worst part,” Boxrom said. He watched Koyali smile and play, often following the group as they ran amok. “I can’t wait for her to meet Floralis. I know Koy’s gonna love her too.”
Smiling, Malgam reached over to put his hand over Boxrom’s. “Each day is a step closer.”
Boxrom’s hand held tight to Malgam’s, and he regarded his king fondly; icy blue eyes meeting rich golden. Boxrom pulled his king’s hand to his lips, kissing Malgam’s knuckles.
“Thank you for giving me this time.”
Malgam smiled warmly. “My time is yours to take; as it is for everyone.”
Boxrom grinned. “Then, may I take some of your time tonight?”
Eyeing Boxrom coyly, Malgam’s smile turned into a wry smirk. “Take all the time you need.”
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rebellect-writes · 4 years
[SIZE=1] [b]Name:[/b] Jess. [b]Age:[/b] 21. [b]How did you find us?:[/b] I blame Danni AND Joe.
[b]Name:[/b] Victoria Eden Moreau. [b]Nicknames & Aliases:[/b][LIST]Eden Morrison; Fake ID, obviously. Tori Babe. Vicky. Toria. Psychotic Hell-Bitch. [/LIST][b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Date of Birth:[/b] August 7th, 1977. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Heterosexual. [b]Occupation:[/b] High school PE teacher, former supernatural and occult hunter.
[b]Species:[/b] Lion. [b]Description:[/b] [IMG]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ERJonp0xx1s/Tnqd6kffXjI/AAAAAAAAArE/NWtjP-3SVXo/s640/002-LIONESS-RESTING%2540body.jpg[/IMG][LIST]If it looks like a lion, smells like a lion and growls like a lion, it’s obviously a domestic house cat ready to bite your face off. Victoria’s animal form is pretty average, there’s nothing remotely distinctive about her. She may look a bit ragged at time, but the large tawny gold cat is hardly going to blend in with the UK scenery no matter what. In her feline form, she weighs in at 400lbs of muscle and tamed aggression and stands at 3’6 at the shoulders. From her nose to the tip of her tail, Vic’s a pretty average 8’3. [/LIST][b]Do you have a hybrid/alpha form?:[/b] [URL=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/136/b/b/__Lioness_Line_art___by_sirius_spirit.jpg]Indeed she does.[/URL][LIST]Her hybrid form is more for show than anything else, just something to give her a little extra kick when her full feline form doesn’t provide her with it. She doesn’t turn into some raging half beast, half woman form either. Standing a little taller than her human form at 5’11, and weighing in at 280lbs, she’s covered from head to toe in golden fur and looks like the perfect mix of feline and human. She has claws in this form, never forget that, and fangs, and oh! She can talk even though it’s a lot more growly than her human voice is. [/LIST][b]Rank:[/b] Adwar. [b]How long has your character been a lycanthrope?:[/b] 24 years (infected at age 9). [b]Mind-Set:[/b] Dominant. [b]Power level:[/b] Alpha. [b]Abilities:[/b] [LIST] [*] [b]Speed:[/b] Like all lycanthropes, she’s fast on her feet and can move faster than the human eye can see if she uses her alpha speed. [*] [b]Strength:[/b] She’s stronger than your normal human. She’s not the strongest lycanthrope out there due to her size, but she can go head to head with a vampire and with a bit of luck, over power them. [*] [b]Durability:[/b] Victoria can heal almost any wound like most shifters can, bar decapitation and wounds caused by fire and silver. Wounds caused by more dominant lycanthropes and vampires heal slower. Almost human slow. [*] [b]Senses:[/b] Vic has extremely acute senses like most shifters. She can sometimes tell when someone’s lying to her face by the change in the other persons scent. [*] [b]Partial Shifting:[/b] She can shift hands and teeth into those of her animal or focus on shifting into a full blown hybrid form instead of a full shift from human to lion. [*] [b]Block A Vampires Call:[/b] It takes a bit of energy on her side but she can block out the call of a vampire up to 900 years old and extend that shielding to weaker werelions. Anything over 900 hurts her too much to block. [*] [b]Shield her Beast:[/b] She can lock her animal aura away and pull off the human vibe to most lycanthropes except from stronger alphas, and in some cases, stronger Master vampires since from her experience, they can force her lion to show itself. She does this on a day to day basis when it comes to her job. [/LIST][b]Face Claim:[/b] Charlize Theron. [b]Description:[/b] [IMG]http://www.topnews.in/light/files/Charlize-Theron5.jpg[/IMG][LIST]Victoria isn’t that outstanding to tell you the truth. She’s almost you’re typical blonde – though she’s got a thing for dying her hair other colours at times. She’s got the curves and the legs but the eyes, they’re not human. As a result of staying in her animal form when she as younger for longer than she should, her eyes are those of her lion’s. Of course, she hides them behind hazel green contacts that she never takes out unless she has to do so, she knows better. She’s pretty slim; and only 5’9, and a half inches tall, weighing in at 140lbs of toned muscle, that it’s pretty easy to work out that she’s fond of working out and keeping fit.
She’s not one for style; Vic just doesn’t understand the appeal of having the latest fashion accessories. Of course that doesn’t mean she doesn’t splash out on things like makeup now and then, but that’s purely for work interviews, she finds it works a hell of a lot better being ‘appealing’ then being herself. Whatever works huh? She’s more comfortable in reliable jeans and t-shirts; a nice pair of boots doesn’t go amiss or a leather jacket. Since she’s hung up her hunting gear though, there are fewer holsters for weapons. When she’s at work, its sports gear. Tracksuits for when it’s cold out, shorts and polo-shirts when it’s warmer.
Identifying marks are a little easier to describe. She has her fair share of scars, though most are long since faded. The most notable ones are what look to be claw marks curving down over her right hip. They’re just three jagged lines really, and she doesn’t talk about them ever. Her second most notable scar was given to her by a hunter that thought he was being clever and had all the time in the world, he put a silver hunting knife through her shoulder and left it there so it burnt her after he’d incapacitated her. Now, she’s not a fan of big tattoos but she does have two small ones of her own. A koi fish above her right ankle, and a small flower on the top of her right foot. The flower was gotten on a whim, but the koi is supposed to represent strength, determination, and persistence in the face of adversity. The only other thing that comes to mind is that her ears are pierced twice on both sides. [/LIST][b]Weapons of Choice:[/b][LIST] [*] Fangs, claws, full blown lion form. It’s fun to get messy! [*] She rarely hunts these days, so she’s hung up her holsters. [*] She does have a butterfly knife she carries regularly. [*] Has a necklace with a small vial of holy water attached. Just in case. [*] A white gold charm bracelet with holy items from different faiths. [/LIST][b]Special Skills:[/b][LIST] [*] She used to – and still does if a hunt crops up that tickles her fancy – ingests holy water to stop vampires from taking a bite out of her. Since she hasn’t hunted anything since late 2008, it’s not going to bother any vampires unless she starts up again. [*] She knows how to fight, mostly brawling and that’s what she relies on. However she’s dabbled in Krav Maga (grade: G1), and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (grade: Purple belt) over the last 10 years. It always surprises people when they learn this. [*] She can speak French and Italian, not fluently but enough to get by, she’s also learning German and in the future, hopefully Spanish unless she forgets. [*] Gets and knows the basics when using guns. She’s more a blade kind of girl anyway. [*] Not a half bad thief, - when she needs the money - if she does say so herself. [*] Did a three year “general” sports course followed by her PGCE and QTS. She’s pretty proud of that, so don’t knock it! [/LIST][b]Personality:[/b]  [LIST]Victoria isn’t actually that loud of a person in most respects, she’s the type of person that would rather sit and wait and have something to say rather than open her mouth and spew a bunch of pointless words just to hear the sound of her own voice. Then again, she was an ‘attack dog’ for a long time, and when you’re beat as a kid to learn how to hold your tongue, things sort of stick to you. When she speaks, she doesn’t raise her voice in anger unless it’s to get a point across – and when she does need to get a point across it’s normally accompanied by a blunt object of some sort if need be -, but she does get listened to. It just another part of whom she is, people just think she doesn’t have something to say when in actual fact; she’s just watching and waiting for a chance to pounce. She knows that she’s not the most relaxed of people, that’s for sure. However when you get past the creepy silence, she does brighten up a bit. She’s a loyal lass and keeps her word, even though she has her trust issues, but she doesn’t always think things through fully. She’s used to bulldozing her way through issues in her life, and then dealing with the fallout afterwards. Protective of what’s hers. Practical and strong willed she’s not likely to be cowed by someone playing mind games; in fact the last time someone tried that, she broke their arm without blinking.
She even smiles, though it’ll often be accompanied with a wiseass remark or comment. It is almost like she’s care free and forgets about all the crap she’s gone through to get where she is today. She’s loving and caring, hell she even cares though it doesn’t normally come off as most would expect it from a she-cat that could snap at a moment’s notice and become a big cat. While it may look like she has no control over her animal side, she’s got it, people have assumed that she has next to none and that has been their downfall. Oh yeah, she’s more than a little mental! If you push her, she’ll push back, only most people seem to forget she’s more on the animal side then most shapeshifters are and she loves that. She’s not afraid of her animal instincts and embraces them to the point that sometimes she doesn’t want to be human anymore but then she sees what she has and pushes to be normal.
Her views on vampires are slightly [i]skewed[/i] however. Having been used by a lion calling master for years, she has a distaste for anything over a hundred years old, sure she can curb her tongue and be civil to the creatures but present her with a lion caller – even Mikhail got snapped at – and she’ll do everything in her power to make it clear that she won’t become another and she won’t allow anyone in the Pride to be one either. This can be displayed in sarcasticness, threats and violence and promises of death. She just doesn’t like the creatures that can bend her like a crazy straw if it suited them. It’s driven by fear, something she’s not exactly sure how to react to and falls back on her more comforting animal nature to deal with it. As far as the rest of the supernatural world, well, as long as they don’t try and harass the Pride or start something they can’t finish with the people she cares about then she won’t bother them. [/LIST][b]Likes:[/b][LIST] [*] Swimming. [*] A good strong drink after a hunt. [*] Taking to the country roads on her bike and just driving until she can't. [*] Making known bullies fear her. Doesn't matter if they're kids or adults or anything else. [*] Spending time in her lion form, she doesn't do it as much as she used to do so. [*] When she can surprise someone by doing something. [*] Reading when she can get five minutes peace, normally during first break at work. [*] Not being dragged into supernatural turf wars, she joined the pride to stop that. [*] Protecting the Jackford pride. Bradon Mackenzie gave her a home. [*] Chinese food. Don’t ask her why, she just does. [/LIST][b]Dislikes:[/b][LIST] [*] Getting a ticket because she’s left her bike in the wrong place. [*] People that don't pull their own weight. You either sink or swim. [*] Being touched in lion form by people she doesn't know. She tends to bite [*] Having to clean her apartment. If it doesn't bother her, she doesn't bother it! [*] Parent/Teacher night. She'd take a feral shifter over that. [*] Doctors and medical types. Being poked and prodded? No thanks. [*] Being cornered. Have you ever seen an angry lion cornered? It's not nice. [*] Vampires that force themselves on others. It's not so bad when it’s voluntary. [*] Poor weapons maintenance. What is wrong with some people? [*] Being told she's over emotional just because she's female. [/LIST] [b]Strengths:[/b] [LIST] [*] Very familiar with her feline form, she shifts quicker because of this. [*] Doesn’t care if she gets hurt. In fact, she’d put herself in the firing line to save people she cares for. [*] Good tracking skills, urban or otherwise. [*] Isn’t easily backed down with threats and tends to laugh when they’re given. [*] Trusts her gut instinct rather than follow others unless she trusts them. [*] Loyal to people she trusts. Sometimes, even to those that just put up enough money. [*] She can hold her tongue and temper in check if she wants. [*] Knows a bit about witchcraft and the herbs used in most healing balms.   [*] Very fast and agile, good for when she’s working with heights in the gym. [*] Still has a fair few contacts from her days as a hunter that she calls up when needed. [/LIST][b]Weaknesses:[/b] [LIST] [*] She has a bit of a one track mind at times. [*] Doesn’t always notice when she’s treading on thin ice. [*] Silver. She may’ve been a lion for a long time, but that stuff still hurts. [*] Comes off antisocial at times. [*] Her anger issues tend to put a crimp in certain things. [*] She doesn't have a good grasp on that 'relationship' thing. It's been [*] Practical in a way, she won’t blink twice at putting someone down if it means protecting others. Even if she's seen as a monster afterwards. [*] Doesn't trust many people at her back. There’s like four people out of billions. [*] Tends to spend a lot of time in her lion form, pushing the limits. [*] Can rarely tame that persistent stubborn streak. [/LIST][b]History:[/b]  [LIST]Thomas and Natalie Moreau never took another hunt once they found out that they were due to have a baby together. They were hunters by blood, marriage and by trade; they did everything to stop the supernatural from infecting their ‘world’ and to keep people safe, but they would not endanger their soon to be daughter and in the august of 1977, their baby girl Victoria was brought into the world kicking and screaming like any normal babe and her parents officially hung up their weapons holsters and retired as hunters. Thomas took on a new job as a property developer that worked in and around Lancaster where they lived, and Natalie worked full time as a house wife. Together they doted on their child as Victoria grew up, giving her anything and everything that she wanted. Like any princess, she even had a pony at one point.
The happy little family however was torn apart just before Victoria’s ninth birthday, as the small farm house that the family owned was torn apart by rogue werelions and wolves, headed by a particularly vicious vampire who seemed to know all about her parents who were shocked by his apparent survival. The scariest thing of all for Victoria wasn’t that lions were everywhere or big werewolves; it was the Asian vampire Khan. The right side of his face was thick with holy water scars, the eye socket a gaping hole and mouth a jagged gash. Khan was one of the very few vampires that had ever escaped her parents, and he delighted on tearing through her mother’s mind and body as a werelion held her father back. When Khan was done with Natalie, he turned his attention to Victoria and forced a rather nasty looking lionman to tear into her young body before simply snapping her father’s neck. She should’ve died, would’ve died except werewolf alpha Jacques Rousseau had other ideas.
The wolf didn't take pity on her, far from it. When Victoria regained full consciousness now and again, she was told that she was Khan's new 'pet'. What better way to scare off hunters than by using the spawn of two fairly vicious hunters against them, it was put to her, before she was told that she had only survived because she'd contracted lycanthropy. Being a young lass, she didn't believe it. She screamed and raged and howled for her parents thinking it was a bad dream. It was only really brought home when Jacques, sick of the whelps screaming brought in a lion to teach her a lesson. Miranda was only slightly less cold than the werewolf, but under orders, she tore the beast from Victoria's body. Over and over, and over. Eventually, Victoria started to submit and forget about being who she really was and it was exactly what Khan wanted. Oh he had his pride and pack of bumbling misfits that had been thrown from their various clans for treasonous acts or for having broken the law, be he didn't have one animal at his command that would do simply as he asked, no if's buts or maybes.
By age 14, Victoria was a feral but suitably tamed little lion. She would sit pretty for Khan when he wanted to make a point in a business deal and she’d attack when given the order. Her first real kill wasn’t a goat or even a chicken; it was a frail old woman that owed Khan housing rent for staying in a housing complex he owned. Victoria snapped her neck and left her body where it dropped much to Khan’s displeasure and as a punishment she was put in the fight rings that one of his acquaintances ran. She tried her best, she really did. She’d gone from a pampered princess as a human, to a killer. Her fall from grace was bloody and violent and was brought to a sudden stop when she was put face to face with a full grown adult and alpha lion in the ring. She survived, but was sold on for being a failure to Master Khan and everything that she had been trained to hold dear.
After being past from vampire to vampire, and even the occasional knowledgeable human that knew of the supernatural and dabbled, Victoria ended up on a black market of sorts, nothing but a lost cause. She was stuck in a small cage for days, surrounded by other troubled souls such as herself, left to starve and in filth. Supernatural species of all shapes and sizes came and went sold off to the highest bidder as slaves that worked, fucked and various other things or prey for something else altogether. She even had a plan; she was going to attack the first handler she could get her hands on and hopefully have one of them kill her. Except, instead of a handler that came through the backstage area, it was something else entirely. He was young enough if a little older than herself, he was scared going by his scent, and he was…attractive for a human stumbling around in the dark. He changed her life the moment she had his scent. He left her alone in a loading bay however, such a hero for being forced into a nightmare of a fairy tale.
Free of the life she knew, Victoria did something that went against everything that had been beaten into her. She ran. For over two years she lived wild and on the move, most of her time in lion form and when she had to return to human form, she stole what she needed to survive on her own. Clothes from washing lines, food from market stalls if a hunt failed and the like, she even went as far for a while as to steal and fence property for money even though she never really needed it. However it worked out for her, though when she noticed that her eyes had stuck as those of her lions, she made it a personal mission to stay in human form more and more to get used to that form again. She even tried to talk to people; mostly farmers or hikers that crossed into her ‘territory’ at the time.
Once she was happy that she could return to being around people, Victoria ended up in Cardiff where she befriended a young couple that had lost their children to supposed gang violence and were so down on their luck that she couldn’t not help them even though she was barely considered an adult herself at the time. What the couple didn’t know was that it was supernaturally related violence that lost them their kids, so Victoria being the stereotypical cat riddled with curiosity looked into for them while she helped fight off bailiffs and other idiots that wanted to break her friends down more. She followed her gut instincts and tracked down the people that had been known as suspects in the community. It was teens mostly, desperate to rebel against the rules that their parents had set down but then she hit a lucky break, a werefox informant came forward to talk to her. Well, it was more warn her away from snooping because things would get ‘unpleasant’. She threw that fox out of a second story window… and then went back to searching.
It took her a year and she was roughly eighteen when she found the person that had ordered her ‘friends’  children be removed – her cat had claimed them as Pride even though she hadn’t known them long at all – and was marginally surprised to find out that it was a werelion male. The dominance battle was brutal; she was only a young woman and not used to the fighting the male easily won and inserted his dominance over her, claimed her as his ‘mate’ even though she’d clawed on of his eyes out with her own fingers. It was a huge leap and all that was really expected of her was to open her legs, be a submissive little waif of a woman that cowered behind the big bad lion. Well, she did as what was expected of her and after he was finished removed his head from his shoulders using the element of surprise. She disbanded the males operation – yes, in some cases she used violence – and the money that had been going towards other things, she sent to her friends before vanishing.
Bouncing around the UK for the next four years, Victoria picked up odd hunts here and there. A fey running a coven of witches and assuming Godhood over a town was dealt with, a Naga in Devon was told to move on because he’d started a turf war with the local snake clan. It was silly stuff really but the payment was ok. She managed to grab a job on an international freighter headed for America, and by the time she was 22 she landed her rear in Flordia. No papers, no money that she could spend easily, she was effectively back to when she was released from that cage by the scardy cat of a boy. It didn’t last long, America was so different and there was a lot of supernatural activity as well as human crime. She made her way as a supernatural bounty hunter of sorts, and not the legal kind most of the time. She was a monster hunting monsters, ironic huh?
Twenty three years old, she was still roaming the USA like she had done in the UK. Only this time she was more well off; and while she wanted to settle down somewhere she couldn’t unless she contacted the Pride that controlled that area. From what she’d seen since she’d actually come to the States, was that most of the USA Lions were a mite traditional, meaning that it was the woman’s job to do all the work. Since she had no interest of being a Pride gofer, she just spent her time on the road, staying in motels for a week or so or squatting in old properties. That’s when she got an interesting hunt, and came across someone she’d never thought to see again. Jothial Chapman. The little boy that had freed her had filled out, he was a man now and if she hadn’t got up close and personal to catch his scent, she wouldn’t have really known that it was him.
Stubborn male pressed her buttons though, and rather than outright kill him, she threw him through a wall and opened herself up to attack from the beast that she was hunting. She almost lost her life that night, and would’ve done so if her lycanthropic healing hadn’t worked its wonders on her battered body. She watched as Jo blasted the creature to nothing but ash and cinders before she even hinted that she knew him. Of course, it came out that she was a werelion and a hunter, and he was a bit iffy about the fact in her mind. Victoria expected him to kill her for being evil, instead they teamed up together and took on the evil that thought it could get past the Witch and the Lion.
They were together a year, hunting monsters that broke the laws of various things, putting themselves in the line of danger. What she failed to act on was the feelings that had stirred in her by being in close quarters to Jo. She never acted on them because she didn’t know how even though they were pretty intimate. She gave him and his creepy familiar the space and time they needed and Jo gave her the same thing. Honestly, Victoria would’ve said something sooner if she hadn’t made herself visible to a vampire that could control lions in the area. The last time she saw Jo was he was drooling into his motel pillow and that marked the end of that. She vanished without a trace using every means necessary to avoid detection. She hadn’t left him out of anger or anything; she’d left him because she was scared that the vampire would use her against him.
She ran from one vampire and lions and into another vampire, and ironically it was another lion caller a year or so later. This one was different though, he was older than anything she’d come across and Mikhail seemed just as surprised that she was a lion working as a bounty hunter. Victoria found herself drawn to this one, he didn’t abuse his people and he claimed New York as his city. Rather than run off again or try and kill him, Victoria struck up a bargain with the vampire master. She’d work for him as security and a hunter if she was needed as long as he didn’t try to call her and bend her to his will. Mikhail agreed and they went their separate ways for awhile. While in New York City, Victoria settled down in her first real apartment. She didn’t want to run anymore, but she had no idea what to do. Making that apartment as her base of operations, she spent the next few years learning how to be normal. She got a job, went to night school, made a few friends that weren’t anything that she was used to. They were simply normal. She did get called in to do some hunts for Mikhail every now and then, but they were neither here nor there.
Then in 2005, she returned to the UK after saying goodbye to Mikhail and the lions that she’d grown used to more confident in herself and happy enough. There was an ulterior motive for her return though; Mikhail wanted her to pass through a place called Jackford every now and again to make sure one of his fledglings in the local Kiss was doing ok and rather than argue or brush him off with a smile and a nod, Victoria agreed on the understanding that she wouldn’t tie herself to one place for so long unless he helped her out finding a reason to stay. By the end of July ’05 she was studying to become a Physical Education teacher after a brief course as a teaching assistant at primary school in York - which wasn't that far from Jackford so it suited her - but maybe she should’ve been clearer in what she wanted huh? She didn't stay there for long and by the end of 2010 she was a full-fledged teacher working at Jackford’s comprehensive high school teaching children about sports and how to stay healthy three days a week and spending the rest of the week bouncing between Pride duty and her own time, which she used as time to search for the odd hunt to keep her claws sharp and she's stayed there ever since ducking and dodging the crazy that was worse than her. [/LIST][/SIZE]
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a-marlene-s · 5 years
Fanfic Accounts and Stories~
Fanfiction.net Account: https://www.fanfiction.net/~amarlenes or https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5329546/
Ao3 Account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/A_Marlene_S
WattPad Account: https://www.wattpad.com/user/A-Marlene-S
Diviantart Account: https://www.deviantart.com/a-marlene-s
My fanfics: (Fanfiction.net has it all in one place. The other places are.. well, not all of them are on there.)
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Title: Mending Fandom(s): Soul Eater Rating: T Genre: Hurt/Comfort Type: One-Shot Summary: This is the first angsty thing I have ever wrote. Maka dealing with the loss of a love one.
Title: My (so many greats) great-Shaman King Fandom(s): Shaman King Ships: Anna x Yoh Rating: T Genre: Humor Type: One-Shot Summary: What if Anna were to make sure a descendent of hers were to become Shaman King.
Title: Alchemy Fandom(s): Harry Potter & Fullmetal Alchemist Rating: T Genre: Hurmor/Drama Status: One-Shot Summary: The One-Shot that started the Alchemy Series. Edward Elric has had enough. There is no hope for teaching Alchemy in a place where magic overrules science in everyone’s mind and heart. No one has the heart to study Alchemy…or is there?
Title: Alchemy: Magic vs Science Fandom(s): Harry Potter & Fullmetal Alchemist Ship: Edward x Winry, Alphonse x Mei, Ling x Lan Fan Rating: T Genre: Humor/Friendship Type: Multi-Chapter/Complete Summary: Magic and Science, are they the same or are they completely different? It just takes one person to point out all up and downs. Along with breaking the stereotypes that come up with being a wizard, alchemist and most of all being human. Part One of the Alchemy Series.
Title: Alchemy: Tiny Steps Fandom(s): Harry Potter & Fullmetal Alchemist Ship: Edward x Winry, Alphonse x Mei, Ling x Lan Fan, Severus x Charity Rating: T Genre:Humor/Friendship Type: Multi-Chapter/Complete Summary: Part 2 of the Alchemy: Magic Vs Science. Politics. Either you love it, hate it or you live it. For Alchemy Teacher Edward Elric, he lives it, hates it and loves it when he gets the upper hand. Here is to another year of teaching Alchemy and dealing with conniving politicians and idiots in general.
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Title: A Long Search For Happiness Fandom(s): Yugioh 5D’s Ship: Yusei x Carly Rating: T Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort Summary: How could someone have everything yet feel as if they have nothing? Yusei has the dream job, a good home and yet friends nowhere to be seen. Carly lost her dream job, close to losing her home and surrounded by people who care for her. Could one and the other compensation for this?
Title: A Shadow’s Touch Fandom(s): Naruto Ships: Naruto x Hinata, Shikamaru x Temari Rating: T Genre: Family/Friendship Summary: What would have happened if a certain Uzumaki made friends with a certain Nara. Someone that had stuck by him, even when times got troublesome. This Nara showed everyone that he is not your typical Nara. Let's see how one Shikamaru Nara helps out his friend without completely breaking his non-troublesome persona.
Title: Alchemy: Little Brother’s Turn Fandom(s): Harry Potter & Fullmetal Alchemist Ships: Edward x Winry, Alphonse x Mei, Severus x Charity Rating: T Genre: Humor/Adventure Summary:  Part 3 of the Alchemy Series. Now it is Alphonse's turn to taking over his brother's position at Hogwarts. He quickly began to realize how much...stuff... Edward left behind to figure out on his own. Like, The Boy Who Lived, Sirius Black... and a Philosopher's Stone you say?
Title: Casper High Magic Fandom(s): Danny Phantom & Harry Potter Ships: Danny x Sam Rating: T Genre: Humor Summary:  What if Casper High teaches magic in secret? What if they were invited to the Tri-Wizard Tournament? What if they help or makes things worse in the British Wizarding World? What if...
Title: Corpse Groom Fandom(s): Cropse Bride Ships: Yet to be seen... Rating: T Genre: Romance Summary:  Like how the title states, it a swap from what it would be with several twists and turn. Emily is about to be married off to Lord Barkis Bitter in order to pay off her father's debt to the man. Not wanting to be put up with an arranged marriage Emily runs off and to only end up marrying someone from her past. Someone who's outlook looks rather grim.
Title: Floating White Lotus Fandom(s): Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: T Genre: Humor/Adventure Summary:  Water Floating White Lotus, a former fire nation ship that was converted into a traveling tea shop. The shop is led by the rumored the Dragon of the West, (No knows if this is true or not… yet) and his nephew who wishes to forget the ever lasting war. Well, until a certain someone decided he'd be the perfect fire bending instructor. Au inspired by @captainkirkk​
Title: He Just Ninja’ed us! Fandom(s): Naruto & Young Justice Rating: T Genre: Humor/Friendship Summary: Superboy wasn't the only one they saved form Cadmus that night...Robin, Kid Flash, and Kaldur found a rather Youthful...ninja tucked away in Cadmus. Far too youthful for their own taste.
Title: Kit or Fawn? Fandom(s): Naruto Rating: T Genre: Family/Humor Summary:  Shikamaru isn't the type to allow whispers or glares bother him, but it does become rather troublesome when it becomes known the reasons for it all. Should he let it get to him? Maybe? But that would be too troublesome. "How is it I repeatedly get defeated by a mortal in this pathetic game!" "You're just mad you got beat by a three-year-old, Troublesome Fox." Jinchuriki!Shikamaru.
Title: Koi-Koi Fandom(s): Naruto & My Hero Academia Ships: Shikamaru x Temari Rating: T Genre: Friendship Summary:  A cover-up, to cover-up the actual cover-up. Might as well make this a game on who can figure out everyone's secrets. Konoha experienced a heavy blow for the superhero community. So much so, that everyone that attended Konoha Shinobi Academy had to be transferred out to different schools until further notice. Now let's see if U.A. can play a game.
Title: La Red Fandom(s): Miraculous Ladybug Ships: To be seen. Rating: T Genre: Drama/Salt Summary:  Marinette was not Lila's first, let alone last victim. Let's see how Marinette decides that she needs outside help to take down one Lila Rossi. Salt. WARNING: Lot's of salt coming from Lila, Alya, and Adrien.
Title: Legend of the Miraculous Seas Fandom(s): Miraculous Ladybug Ships: Nino x Marinette Rating: T Genre: Adventure/Drama Summary:  One moment you are laughing and giggling with your friends during a time of peace. What was once a peaceful country all thanks to the Book of Peace, now it appeared someone had taken the book and used it to their own devices, thus leaving a wave of chaos behind. When the book went missing and the person being blamed has a close connection to one legendary pirate.
Title: Past vs Future Fandom(s): Fullmetal Alchemist Ships: Edward x Winry, Alphonse x Mei Rating: T Genre: Supernatural Summary:  Winry Rockbell had inherited a home out in the country from her late grandmother. She moved into the home to get away from the city and all the problems that came along with it. Old problems only seemed to double as she moved into the old home.
Title: Phantom or Fairy Fandom(s): Fairy Tail Rating: T Genre: Friendship Summary:  Lucy ended up finding a couple off Phantoms when she ran away from home… maybe this could be her new start in life.
Title: Shikadai One-Shots Fandom(s): Naruto Ships: Shikamaru x Temari Rating: T Genre: Family Summary:  The Uzumaki family were not the only ones dealing with the affect of having one of their primary family member being gone for long periods of time. Shikadai never verbalized how disappointed he would get when his father would be nowhere to be seen due to his obligations of being the right-hand man of the Hokage. The reason? He knows what is needed to be done for the village.
Title: Shikamaru’s Adventure: Sinnoh Fandom(s): Naruto & Pokemon Rating: T Genre: Humor Summary:  After much debate, (and his mother nagging), Shikamaru Nara, the son of a famous frontier brain, starts his own journey. His main goal, challenge his father without it being such a huge drag.
Title: Shikamaru’s Fairy Tail Fandom(s): Naruto & Fairy Tail Rating: T Genre: Friendship Summary: Shikamaru just thought it was just any other day while babysitting three-year-old Mirai. Too bad for him, the past is coming back to bite him in the butt. An old form of unknown magic that may have helped him but it is far too much of a drag to figure out what got him and Mirai out of one problem into another one.
Title: Silent Moments of the Past Fandom(s): Naruto Rating: T Genre: Humor/Drama Summary:  We are back! Back to this hell hole, we call a Tea Party that is run by Death's himself. Several people woke up after meeting their end, they work up to be invited to a tea party and a chance to change their past for the better or for worse. (Grammar. It's an old fic that was over 70 chapters long. Give me a break.)
Title: Then, There, and Where? Fandom(s): Dragon Age Rating: T Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Friendship Summary:  He messed up. Solas severely messed up. He and the world are suffering for his mess up. Despite how horrid the world became, there is still some hope left. Hopefully, they can fix his past mistakes. Or better yet... prevent it from ever happening. Time Travel Fic. Original Characters.
Title: Uncle ‘Itch Fandom(s): ROTBTD Ships: Many. Rating: T Genre: Humor/Friendship Summary: Pitch Black, The King of Nightmares, everyone's favorite enemy, friend, uncle, and confidante. Multi-Crossover. ROTBTD AU.
Title: I’m a Scholar, Not A Knight! Fandom: My Hero Academia Ships: Izuku x Ochaco, Katsuki x Eijiro, Shoto x Momo Rate: T Genre: Humor/Adventure/Fantasy Summary: Izuku knew he wanted to become more than a simple peasant. He plans on becoming a scholar. A simple scholar that is repeatedly being told otherwise. Somehow, he found himself in the company of a retired knight, a squire, a witch-in-training, a runaway prince, a barbarian king, a human/dragon hybrid and a frog shifter… All of whom start to assume he’s the Lost Hero of Legend. Yeah… there goes his goal of becoming a scholar. Fantasy Au.
Title: Unknown Realty Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug & DC & PJO & Greek Myths Ships: Jason x Marinette, Dick & Kori, Rate: T Genre: Hurt/Comfort Summary: Jason, or as many know him as… Hades.He lost his luster for the living and nonliving, just a constant repeat. That was until he met someone that tug on his heartstrings just the right way. He takes her. Without a second thought.
Title: Futuristic Miraculous Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug & Batman Beyond Ships: Terry x Marinette Rate: T Genre: Drama Summary: With her childhood friends close by, Marinette knew she could take on the world, even when dealing with a certain lair. It all first started with taking a job for being Jagged Stone’s personal designer and that resulted with her being in Neo-Gotham. All the while Terry is facing the fact he is the new Batman and dealing with all the past Robins wondering what Bruce was thinking in taking in a new kid into the cruel world that is of Superheroes.
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I’ll post the AU’s I have written here on Tumblr on a seperate post.
Permanent Tags: @mewwitch @runestarchild @souleateralicestein @multishipper1needshalp  @mochinek0 @princesskitomi @someone-ev @crazylittlemunchkin @darkshadowguardian @emeraldpuffguide @vixen-uchiha​
Unknown Permanent tag: (Those that wanted to be tagged, but hasn’t specified to which one... You are going to be on the permanent tag until further notice.): @unmaskedagain @vivilakitty @poshplumcot @slytherinqueen2432 @actual-disaster-human  
MLC: @northernbluetongue @its-stevonnie-bitch @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thequestionablyhuman   @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @mystery-5-5 @bamagirl513  @dawnwave16 @call-me-paxton @shizukiryuu @naclychilli @virgil-is-a-cutie @saltier-than-the-dead-sea @persephonebutkore @krispydefendorpolice
ML Alone: @northernbluetongue @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thequestionablyhuman   @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @mystery-5-5 @shizukiryuu @bloody-no-kissu @nobodyfamousposts @kelelamentia @shaismall @caffeinetheory @falling-electricxangel @miraculousl4dybug @dawnwave16 @a-kpoet @legendaryneckjudgestudent
ML/DC: @northernbluetongue @its-stevonnie-bitch @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thequestionablyhuman @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @bamagirl513 @mystery-5-5 @dawnwave16 @call-me-paxton @shizukiryuu @virgil-is-a-cutie @zalladane
Fairy Tail: @bamagirl513
Harry Potter: @dawnwave16
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It’s been like 9 million years but I finally finished this piece from our session zero like…half a year ago.
Anyways. Them 💕 I’m obsessed
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
What's the tea about the OCS though
Koi is a merman (merdolphin? His tail is a dolphin tail) and he gets caught in an oil spill and washes up on shore with serious injuries but he's luckily found be Terra who takes him in and treats his injuries. Koi then meets Miguel, a werecat/panther shifter, who Koi instantly becomes smitten to because he's a Soft Boi who doesn't know any better.
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