#light story
hazel-of-sodor · 2 years
Day 27-Boulder:Little Problems
Day 27-Boulder
Other Stories
Little Problems
Eustace sighed, pinching her nose. She was ready for this day to end. James had been sprayed with mud, Henry's valve gear had jammed, and the sound of construction work had given Murdoch a migraine so bad the poor engine had been reduced to tears.
At least the day was almost over. A sharp frightened whistle put an end to that happy thought, followed by a barely audible clink. Any hope of the situation resolving itself were dashed when Tyto's whistle sounded in reply, calling for help. The station master sighed and walked into the next room. The large 47xx starred in through the window worriedly.
"Please hurry Ms. Eustace. She's hit a boulder!
 Eustace glanced over to the problem. A large n-scale layout took up the majority of the space, facing towards the window so the engines in the station siding could look in. On the mainline of the layout a small pacific lay on her side, a pebble on the track the obvious cause. The normally sweet little engine was deeply upset, letting off steam and swearing at the 'boulder'.
Eustace walked over the scene of the accident, and gently lifted the small engine back onto the track. The miniature C62 wheeshed sadly.
"I'm sorry Miss Eustace. By the time I came around the corner It was too late to stop. She sighed, "and we were going so well too."
Eustace gently patted her, "Not your fault Yōsei, someone must have put it on the track. Are you alright?"
Yōsei rolled back and forth experimentally. "I'm fine, just embarrassed." The pacific glared at the 'boulder' with venom. 
 "The line was clear a few moments ago."
Eustace picked up the pebble and tossed it to Tyto, who destroyed it between her teeth with a great crunch.
"I told you those boys were up to no good," Tyto growled as she chewed, referring to a particularly rowdy set of children that had been through the exhibit earlier.
"We don't know for certain that it was them," Eustace privately thought the engine was probably right, but knew better than to let the engine know that.
 All of the engines disliked that tourists had access to Yōsei's layout. Initially she had thought they were being over protective, but this wasn't the first time someone had messed with the layout. Each time the engine's frustration with the situation grew, and she wouldn't put it past them to extract retribution sooner rather than later
Yōsei backed down on her train again, and slowly set off.
Eustace glanced over to the 47xx, who had a calculating look on her face. "Tyto."
"Yes Ms. Eustace?"
"Whatever you're planning...wait till I'm off the clock."
The massive 2-8-0 grinned in anticipation, "Okay."
Eustace took one look at Tyto's grin and decided it was the next shift's problem. Instead she settled down and watched as the miniature live steam engine raced down the line with her express.
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cinematicasmr · 2 years
Cinematic SCI FI ASMR 💇 Cyberpunk Sneaky Classroom Haircut - Shhhiela ASMR
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fairydrowning · 1 year
"Well, let it pass; April is over, April is over. There are all kinds of love in the world, but never the same love twice."
– F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Short Stories
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hugs-and-stabbies · 16 days
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The self-awareness on this guy 😞 someone pls send him an "are you bi?" quiz STAT
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nerdpoe · 8 months
There's a level of Hell that Constantine loves and hates in equal measure.
The Level of Lust and Debauchery.
He loves it for what it is, but he also really, really hates it. The beings in it are unhinged at best, completely insane at worst. Stronger than Demons, but weaker than Gods-it's always more stressful than fun dealing with them.
So needing to summon the King of that level is...well. John can already feel the exhaustion.
But instead of exhaustion, he feel rage. Disgust.
The King that shimmers into existence is a fucking child.
And John honestly loses some time after that.
He comes back from ranting with the tiny King forcefully yanking him to a stop.
"Wait, you thought the Infinite Realms were what?"
Turns out, that wasn't the Level of Lust and Debauchery at all. Turns out, the Infinite Realms has a Red Light District.
Turns out, that is a very, very small part of the Infinite Realms, and this tiny child King had no idea it was there, and now he has to explain what a Red Light District is to an increasingly mortified Royal Teenager.
All around, it's not a fun time for anyone present.
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yandere-writer-momo · 1 month
Yandere Head Canons:
Love After Death
Yandere Skeleton x Fem Reader
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I’m obsessed with Kate Bush’s song ‘Army Dreamers.’ So I decided to write a story about a soldier who died during a war, but he came back to life just to fulfill his promise of coming home to his lover…
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There was a Great War many years ago between monsters and humans. A war that took countless innocent lives all due to the human’s greed. A war that took the life of your lover, Zered. Your childhood sweetheart.
Zered was a young sorcerer from the magic tower. A prodigy and pioneer of magic with a heart of gold. He was the man you had planned to spend the rest of your life with. You wanted to run your fingers through those blonde curls until the two of you were balding and wrinkly. To look into those sea foam eyes until you couldn’t. To press soft kisses against his full lips until your lungs burned. You loved that man more than anything in this world… but the war took him from you.
Zered may have died a hero of the empire, but you couldn’t help the bitterness that seeped its fingers into your heart. Your beloved was no nothing more of a war story. A great sorcerer who was able to take down the dragon enemies to give time for reinforcements to arrive. A war hero. And they couldn’t even bring a single remain of him back to you…
You sighed as you sipped on some homemade ale. Your eyes glanced at the sun’s rays that danced across the hay fields in sorrow. This was the cottage the two of you were going to live in for the rest of your days. The one you’d start a family in that was now cold and empty. It didn’t matter that the sun hit it perfectly each time, Zered wasn’t here.
You rock back and forth in the rocking chair. The birds weren’t singing their melodic tunes like they normally did. Which was odd. Why weren’t the birds singing- you almost screamed when you see a dark figure slink through the meadow towards your cabin. What on earth was an undead doing here?!
You quickly sprang up from your chair and fell over since you were a bit tipsy. Crap. Crap. Crap! You needed to head inside before that creature got to you.
You let out a shrill shriek of terror when the skeleton stood in your porch. Its red eyes stared into your very soul as it tilted its head to the side. Oh god… this was it. This was the end. You were going to be ripped apart by this hideous creature-
You went still when the creature threw itself into your arms as it released weeping noises. The skeleton whined and shook as its arms wrapped around your body in a tight hug.
“H-home. I… home.” The skeleton’s voice was a spin chilling rasp. A small tuft of blonde on its head showed that it was once human.
What did it mean by being home- wait. This cousin possibly be?
“Zered?” You gasped when the skeleton pressed its teeth onto your cheek like it wanted for press a kiss against your cheeks. “Zered, what happened?”
“Home… home.” Zered was barely to rasp out legible words. The skeleton cupped your face in its palms. “Love you… I home.”
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metamorphesque · 2 months
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"Good morning, Jack. How was your night?", Vardges Petrosyan (translated by metamorphesque)
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shorthaltsjester · 10 months
watching the sdcc panel and i am just very :) about how sweet their answers to “what are some of the micro moments from the game that have stuck with you the most over the years?” are. taliesin saying what the fuck is up with that which was the first like The Party Gets To Know Each Other moments of c3. travis saying asking his wife if he could kiss her in campaign. marisha going way back to the cannonball competition in campaign one. ashley choosing the beauyasha date but also just the silly goat noise matt made. liam adding onto that to compliment matt roleplaying grass so well and then saying his favourite moment was writing a story for laura and reading it to her as caleb for jester. and then matt saying that was his answer, and that his favourite moments of the game are when they find ways to give gifts to each other whether tangible or not. and sam saying his favourite moments have less to do with the story and is more so when he can just. see his friends across the table from him. when marisha perches and when laura and ashley are (badly) drawing dicks and liam saying he loves when sam sneezes and ashley tells him to stop it and just. yeah. they Are an extremely popular online powerhouse, but i’m so happy that they’re also friends building a world together out of gifts to and love for one another.
like i Am so enamoured with the characters and the world of exandria but the moments when you can feel the love that those people have for each other reach out from behind the stained glass of their performances (to steal a metaphor from brennan lee mulligan) are so extremely special and i am endlessly grateful that they decided to share their silly little home game with the world.
#it’s just the. laura and travis’ characters always being supportive of one another when they’re facing hardship#taliesin and marisha consistently making characters who challenge one another and still protect each other relentlessly#all of them being so fond of ashley’s characters always and literally seeing them light up in c1 episodes when ash got to join in person#sam and liam always making characters who offer one another reprieves into kindness that they don’t always get in the campaign setting#liam making orym after falling in love with keyleth as vax#marisha making laudna after matt’s storytelling with delilah and choosing vex as her body double#ashley using ‘i would like to rage’ and matt having kord ask her where she finds her strength#laura and matt always weaving these deeply complicated and emotional interactions between a daughter and a father#the gasps and yells and clapping when matt makes cool sound effects or reveals a map or breaks/ends on a cliff hanger#them ending both campaign 1 and 2 with ‘what a great/nice story’ and travis saying ‘let’s do it again!’#and it’s like. yes yes i love the comics and i’m a fan of tlovm but . seeing this well produced thing that somehow mimics#the feeling i get sitting in my living room laughing with my roommates about my ranger’s giant rat failing to climb stairs#it’s very special it’s very sweet#critical role#sdcc 2023#taliesin jaffe#travis willingham#marisha ray#ashley johnson#liam o’brien#matthew mercer#laura bailey#sam riegel#cr cast#critical role cast#my posts
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achillean-knight · 5 months
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and-corn · 7 months
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flowerytale · 11 months
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Angela Carter, from "The Lady of the House of Love", The Bloody Chamber & Other Stories
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
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Wow. That could not have turned out worse.
Part 23 || First || Previous || Next
--Full Series--
This comic will be on Holiday Hiatus this December and January! While on a cliffhanger? What a scam! >:/
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cinematicasmr · 1 year
Korean ASMR | Fantasy🧪Perfume Workshop(Making Perfumes. Perfumer)/Roleplay Eng sub - Pumpkinbell ASMR
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freakbullet · 6 months
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he has his doctor who moments :]
something from like a year and a half ago. silly stuff's always good for practice!
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bread4innie · 6 months
me: i love reading angst
me reading angst:
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typewriter-worries · 1 year
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the fallen angel becomes a malignant devil
Fallen Angel, Alexandre Cabanel | The Fallen Angel, Willem de Zwart | Angel of Grief, William Wetmore Story | Fallen Angel, Roberto Ferri | The Lament for Icarus, Herbert James Draper | Art & Lies, Jeanette Winterson
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