#little nightmares fandom
kelpermoosee · 2 years
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This is false advertising, I haven’t gotten any nightmares yet :((
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fae-sodapop · 1 month
The Little Nightmares Kids #Two
Here I'll be sharing my drawings & headcanons!
This is an AU where all the kids live.
Reference at the end
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Spoon (spoon girl) : 11 years old, ginger hair, green eyes, She/her, 🇮🇪/🇺🇲, Item: spoon. Spoon is very fast & feels the need to protect everyone in her group. She's a bit sassy and rude at times often lashing out if she believes someone may endanger the rest of the group, how else would a traumatized kid react in a hell scape? She butts heads with lots of the other kids in the group but she only wants to keep them safe. Wasn't happy when West took over their little group.
Sweetz (lollipop kid): 8 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, he/him, 🇬🇧/🇺🇲, Item: Lollipop. Scared and fearful, not as fast as the other kids, often lags behind. He only really attacks when extremely frightened (as with the bullies). He felt really bad for hurting the bullies in the school because they resemble kids (whether or not they actually are) he'd never want to hurt another person.
Ghost: 12 years old, pale blonde hair, golden eyes, they/it, 🇨🇦. They're mute, using sign language to communicate. They saved a baby rat and named it phantom. It fights w/ spoon a lot saying she's very bossy. They're good at climbing.
Tyke (The toddler): 2 years old, Brown hair, brown eyes, He/Him, 🇺🇲, Item: knapsack.
Bleu (Blue overalls boy) : 6 years old, black hair, brown eyes, he/him, 🇺🇲, Item: large nail. He was in an orphanage with Mono (while in the Nowhere) he didn't escape unharmed however, he has several burn marks on his body. The kids at the orphanage were all close friends he's worried about what happened to the rest of them. He found Tyke in the forest while running from the hunter & had been trying his best to keep him safe until he found the rest of the group.
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West (Sou'wester girl): 14 years old, Brown hair, blue & green eyes, She/her, 🇨🇦, Item: Sou'wester hat. The oldest kid of the group she's been running around the forests near the pale city but she never intended to become the leader of a bunch of kids she barely knew. She escaped an encounter with the hunter after trying to take food from his cabin but she escaped, losing her hat in the process. She's quite tall due to the side effects of the signal tower even though she's been able to reduce its affects while staying in the forest.
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The bullies
Prim & Proper - 11 years old (?), Twins
Rough & Rowdy - 9 years old (?), Twins
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1 & 2) Kids from LN2 comics & their models
3) the bullies
4 & 5) Sou'wester girl model
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mimisdreamland · 4 months
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fae-only-reblogs · 18 days
Chara Dreemurr 🤝 Six (little nightmares)
Poor traumatized child getting demonized by a fandom
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Bruh i still can't believe they're making a little nightmares 3....like, on one hand i can't wait for it to come out and for my brainrot for LN to come back but at the same time, i'm kinda worried that this game is gonna muddy up the lore a bit. Like, the whole story the games already had with six, mono and the signal tower and whatnot already felt complete in and of itself (in my opinion at least) so i don't really know what else they could even add
But i mean....hey, now that the MCs' names have been revealed it makes me really happy that the names i chose for my LN OCs STILL fit in with the rest! We got six, mono, low, alone, myrtle and rue!
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snowbanshee1313 · 11 months
RCG: (Annoyed with the pretender) I honestly hate her so much right now
Six: Why are you friends with her if you hate her so much?
RCG: I don't Hate her like that!
Six: (mildly confused) Uhmm
RCG: (flustered) No I like her. However her friendship often causes the urge....to high five her....
Six: In the face?
RCG: With a crowbar
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deneiorr · 3 months
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Ill draw Sombra or Chrysalis next :3
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batshaped · 5 months
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wane, little crescent, and i'll be the moon
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captainzigo · 4 months
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i drew this because my best friend said nightmare moon is her favorite pony. it’s specifically from the alternate universe episode where she won and rarity was her silly boy toy
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darkmuffinstudios · 5 months
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A silly art I did for @underneb and their favorite pair of evil-doers >:)
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messerpando · 7 months
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Another old art. I also consider it one of my best artworks.
I love this game very much, I have completed both parts of the game. I did a lot of theories with a friend :)
By the way, the third part will be released soon. And soon the first part will be released on the phone. I can't wait to enjoy this great game again :D
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floralcavern · 7 months
Traumatized kids in yellow raincoats
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fae-sodapop · 1 month
The Little Nightmares Kids #One
Here I'll be sharing my drawings & headcanons!
This is an AU where all the kids live (I do love my children doomed by the plot but let me be delusional & give them semi happy endings)
Reference images at the end!
LN 1
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Six: 9 years old, Black hair, Grey eyes, She/her, 🇯🇵, Item: Lighter, Powers: Shadow manipulation. 5th & 6th lady in the cycle. Sharp teeth.
Seven (The runaway Kid): 10 years old, Brown hair, Green eyes, He/they, 🇯🇵, Item: Flashlight. Powers - Water manipulation. Friends w/ Torch. Saved during a time loop & doesn't get eaten.
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Torch (The flashlight girl) : 13 years old, she/her, Brown hair, Grey eyes, She/Her, 🇯🇵/🇬🇧, item: Flashlight (previously). The daughter of The Lady ex heir of the Maw. Was caught by the janitor & locked up accidentally, if he had known it was her he wouldn't have done it. She escaped the maw w/ the help of The Mirror Monster.
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Ration (Bread kid): 14 years old, he/him, 🇺🇲, Gray hair, Brown eyes. Former prisoner on the Maw. Always very kind to the younger kids sharing his food & such.
Mono: 10 years old, he/him, 🇬🇧, Brown hair, static eyes, Powers: teleport through television, . Future thin man.
Reblogs > ❤️
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1) Reference models for Torch & Ration - Child prisoners on the Maw
2 & 3) Reference images for Torch
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I'm watching danny gonzalez' newest video rn and i genuinely can't get over the fact that this one game straight up copies official art of six from little nightmares
Like i get that they probably thought it was georgie from IT since both clowns in the game seem to be based on pennywise but like....still, this genuinely caught me off-guard...
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lockley-spktr · 4 months
People who don't understand or respect Marc Spector get on my nerves.
The whole show showed the characters in it and the audience that you can’t have one without the other. I’m pretty sure it’s Steven who says they’re a package deal.
I understand feeling connected to one character more than another, but that doesn't mean you can treat the one(s) you don't feel connected with like they don't exist or that they're bad when they're not.
I also get that Steven may be an “easier” character for people to connect with or whatever, but that doesn't mean Marc is any less deserving of love.
Anyway, I find the treatment of Marc Spector by fans and even the people who worked on the show kind of strange.
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deepseaspriteblog · 4 months
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And on that note, Six and Mono as themselves
Putting that paper bag over the awkward head of a homestuck sprite took some fiddling but you know what, it turned out better than I thought it would
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