#lovebird game studios
lovebirdgames · 15 days
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Hi everyone!
Here comes the long post that I alluded to recently: What's Next for Lovebird Game Studios. Buckle in!
You all know that I like to be very transparent when it comes to our game development. Sharing the journey with all of you has always helped me keep taking steps. So I’d like to share the decision we came to regarding which game to work on next, and I’d like to explain the thinking behind it as well. It may not be the news you were hoping to hear, but I hope you will also leave here with a sense of excitement and anticipation for what’s to come.
At this time, we have decided to not move forward with a sequel/fandisk of Band Camp Boyfriend.
This is a decision that does not come easy, especially since I know a lot of you were hoping for an Aaron route. We had a lot of fun ideas for the sequel we were excited for and it’s a bit of a heartbreaker to think they won’t come to fruition. I also adore our cast of characters and loved writing them, and will miss doing so. There are many different factors at play that went into making this decision.
Time. The reality is we both work full-time jobs and we have to choose our battles when it comes to this hobby. While the fandisk would be about half the size of the base game, we feel it would still take around approximately 3 years to release (I’d like to say 2, but let's face it: we are slow at game development). 
Money. We are incredibly grateful and proud to say that we made back the money we spent making Band Camp Boyfriend. We consider BCB a modest success. However, we don’t feel that the current player base is large enough to justify a sequel, especially since sequels do not typically perform as well as the base game. We have a feeling we would dig ourselves right back into the financial hole and not make it out the second time around.
Art. Particularly the backgrounds. Keep in mind that we commission the art for our games. Most otome games are easily able to pull off a fandisk because they have all of their assets from the base game. Since Band Camp Boyfriend took place in a bottle setting that the characters have now left behind, we would need a ton of new backgrounds for the school setting we had imagined for the sequel. Our background artist is no longer available, so we would have to shop around for someone with a similar style and buy a whole new host of backgrounds. And of course we would need new CGs, new outfits, new everything to really make it exciting.
Inspiration. During our “break,” the creative juices began to flow and we found ourselves gravitating to our next idea. I told myself I wouldn’t write or work on anything until making this choice, but I couldn’t stop myself. And I found myself writing the prologue for our next game and drawing concept art of the characters. Even while listening to music, the music videos that would play in my head shifted away from Band Camp Boyfriend and towards the next game. I guess after 8 years, deep down, I am ready to move onto a new story with new faces. My love for Band Camp Boyfriend runs deeper than the Marian’s Trench, but my heart is leading me into uncharted waters full of hammerhead sharks!
I’m happy to answer questions if you have them. Here are a couple that might be on your mind.
Q: Can’t you just make an Aaron DLC that takes place at band camp? Please, I will give you my left kidney!
A: I want you to keep your kidney, and I’m sorry, but the answer is no. I feel we have conquered band camp and there is no need to return to it. (We actually cut a route--the Leon route--and merged most of the ideas for it into the final route, because it was getting to be too much!) I’m totally burnt out on new ideas in that setting, plus it was wrapped up so wonderfully in that final route. I have no interest in doing another story there.
Another point - even though it would be easier in terms of art assets, we wouldn’t want to phone it in and do an Aaron Band Camp route, in case we were to change our minds about doing a sequel down the road. We would want to do his route as we envisioned it, so it’s best to keep that avenue open.
Q: Can you make a smaller game or just write new scenarios with what you have?
A: As we have learned about ourselves…we are not capable of making small games. Our ideas just keep getting bigger and bigger. We want to release substantial games with hours of playtime. So I guess the answer is no.
Q: If money is an issue, can you run a Kickstarter for the sequel so I can throw money at you?
A: We are probably not ever going to do another Kickstarter. It was a lot of work. It felt really bad when our first one failed and our motivation took a hit. However, I am glad it failed because we wound up releasing 3 years later than we had hoped for, but we didn’t have any pressure weighing on us from Kickstarter. We’ve seen a lot of successfully funded games get abandoned or delayed, and a lot of unhappy fans voice their displeasure and sour on a game completely. You never know what curveballs life will throw at you and these projects can easily face delays. We would hate to let you all down like that. We agree we would rather work at our own pace without that immense pressure. Also, I am kinda old fashioned when it comes to the trading of goods…you give money, me give you game! Unga bunga.
Q: So…that’s it? We’re never getting a sequel?
A: Ehh…all of this aside, never say never. If Band Camp Boyfriend unexpectedly blew up in popularity and had a mind-blowing amount of sales, then I would absolutely reconsider a return to Blue Mountain High School. But I don't really see that happening.
I really hope this news hasn’t made you too sad and I hope you’ll join us for the next game! Saying I am extremely excited for it is an understatement. I’d like to share a little bit of what we have planned and I hope it will get you excited as well, and you won’t leave here feeling too down.
If you loved Band Camp Boyfriend, you will certainly love our next otome game. It will carry the same elements of humor, romance, darkness, and drama you can expect from us—and this time, the stakes are even higher. (I know--what stakes could be higher than high school marching band?!)
The structure of this game will be a bit different. We’re dropping the crazy long common route because we feel like we’ve been there and done that, and it’s a huge headache. I love long common routes but now...I get it, I get why a lot of games have a short one or just have you pick a route, hahaha. This game’s common route will be much shorter (one whole day haha), but each romance route will be a beast in length with larger branches into various endings. The plot is so heavy that it would be best experienced in a specific order so a couple routes will be locked when you start up the game.
There will be heartwarming good endings, tragic bad endings, and somewhat bittersweet endings. And we shall once again have an original soundtrack and partial voice acting, so keep an eye out for that casting call! We plan to cast later in the process so we don’t keep our voice actors waiting around for light years on end.
There will be four main love interests to fall in love with this time around, though I’m certain you will fall in love with even more. This cast will be older, as well, with a 25-year old MC and LIs ranging from 24 to 30. I’m looking forward to writing a more adult story (not 18+, just in tone and perspective). I can’t wait to someday introduce you to them along with the rest of this memorable cast. Or maybe you’ve already heard of them…?
All of this means my social media activity is going to be eclipsed by writing and planning this next game for a while. Our platforms may be a bit quieter, but I will continue to check them of course, so don’t ever hesitate to reach out!
I’ll eagerly be anticipating the day we can start revealing the game and its amazing characters once we have something to show you. It was conceptualized way back in 2019 and been patiently awaiting its turn to shine. There will also be a free demo for you to meet the cast and dip your toes into the plot. For now, we gotta focus on the grind! But I know we have the perseverance to see this through because we’ve already done it once before!
Thank you so much for reading all of this. You deserve a yummy heart-shaped cookie with pink icing for doing so. We really appreciate you all so much! Please look forward to our next game.
♥ Lovebird Games
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therealcocoshady · 3 months
Recovery - Chapter 24
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Em and Reader have an argument at the studio. Later, she receives a bouquet of flowers that brings back painful memories.
Tags : Angst, Comfort, Fluff
Y/N’s POV 
Marshall leaving hickies all over your neck was, indeed, an efficient way to get people at the studio off your back on the topic of your dating life. Now, they had found another past-time : grilling you with questions about the mysterious person you were seeing. 
You still don’t want to tell us who the mysterious man is ? Porter asked with a grin. 
Nope. I’m keeping to myself on this one, you chuckled. 
Come on, Royce chuckled. Is he nice ? How long have you guys been dating ? 
He is, you giggled. We’ve been dating for a few weeks. 
Do you like him ? Porter asked. 
I do. I like him a lot. 
Is he hot ? Marshall chimed in with a smirk. 
You have no idea, you said teasingly. Hottest man I have ever dated. Hands down. 
Good in bed ? Royce asked with a grin. 
Meh, you said playfully. I think he’s got a lot to learn but he’s alright. 
They all chuckled, except for Marshall who shot you a faux death glare. The look he gave you was full of promises. Obviously, you would have been stupid to miss an opportunity to tease him. Besides, you had already told him countless times that he was your best, so you didn’t worry about him being sensitive on the subject. You felt your phone vibrate on your lap. 
From M : No sex for you tonight. 
To M : We’ll see ;-) 
From M : I can keep it in my pants. Unlike you. 
To M : You’re underestimating me, baby. I’m too irresistible. 
You saw him chuckle and shake his head as he stared at the text he just received from you. He obviously didn’t believe you. You were in a good mood and definitely wanting to show him what you were capable of. As the guys kept on working, you devised a plan so that you could prove your point. Thankfully, you were wearing just the right outfit : a white, flowy dress with tan boots and a cardigan. The weather was good enough so that you didn’t have to wear tights. The dress itself was pretty light, and showed a bit of cleavage, hence the cardigan that made the outfit more modest. You got up and went to the bathroom where you removed your panties and your cardigan. When you got back, you saw Marshall alone in the kitchen, grabbing a can of Redbull. You went to him and smiled. 
Are you alright ? He asked. 
Are you ? You replied with a grin. 
Yeah, fine, what are you-? He began asking as you put a hand in the pocket of his jacket and put your panties there. 
You giggled and got back to the couch where you played with your phone for the rest of the recording session. When Marshall came back, he looked a bit flustered. However, their work session kept going. Whenever he looked at you, you bended on purpose, pretending to grab something in your bag so that he could have a great view of your breasts. It was his right not to want to put out, but you also had the right to tease. You could see him staring, having more and more trouble focusing, which was unusual. 
Bro, are you alright ? Porter asked. 
Yeah, yeah, he hummed. 
At some point, you got the bright idea to stretch your arms, causing the dress to ride up. You didn’t flash anyone and it was not bothersome. At least, not to people you ignored that you were bare underneath. Marshall almost spilled his mouthful of Redbull. 
Alright, we’re done, he said calmly. Time to go home. 
Are you sure ? Royce asked with his brows furrowed. 
Yeah, he replied. I have a headache. You guys go home, enjoy the weekend, alright ? 
Still on for the Lions game on Sunday ? Porter asked. 
Of course. 
Porter and Royce left, while Jamal stayed with you and Marshall. 
Are you guys still coming for dinner tonight ? Jamal asked. Talia’s preparing her Masala Chicken. 
Sure, Marshall said. Go ahead, we’ll join you there. I just have to go to the office and sign some papers for Paul. 
Ok, Jamal said. See you at dinner, lovebirds. 
Once he was gone, Marshall got up and faced you with a stern look. 
I’m at work, Y/N, he groaned. 
It’s true, you said innocently. And I think you did a good job today. 
I would have done a better job if I had been able to finish the beat I was working on, he pointed out. 
Finish it, then, you said as you got up.
Later, he groaned. 
He grabbed your arm and took you to his office, where he slammed the door shut. You weren’t too sure if he was furious or not. His eyes were dark and he didn’t seem in too good a mood. Maybe your fun plan was starting to backfire. He made you sit on the sofa. 
You think it’s funny ? He asked. 
I was merely proving a point, here, you shrugged with a smile, trying to defuse the situation. 
How ? By interrupting my work and acting like a slut ? He asked coldly. 
Don’t say that, you said defensively. 
Then cover your tits and try not to flash our friends, he said as he threw your panties at you. 
You thought he was being unfair. It’s not as if you had been walking around the place naked. You were simply teasing him and no one had even caught anything. You understood that he was serious about his work, but you had meant to harm and, anyway, that didn’t justify the name-calling. You got up, faced him and silently left the room to get your stuff. You were putting your cardigan back and were about to leave when he came to you. 
See you, you said coldly. 
Are you leaving ? He asked. 
Are you apologizing? 
He stared at you and crossed his arms. 
Are you ? He asked back. 
You’ve got to be kidding me, you scoffed. You insulted me and I should be the one apologizing ? 
You started it, he said coldly. I was out of line but… 
But nothing, you cut him. You know I meant no harm. 
And you know how I am when it comes to work, he said sternly. 
Still, I’m not having anyone, especially not my boyfriend, calling me a slut, you said. 
Fine, he said. 
You looked at him and waited for the apology but he kept on staring at you. 
What ? He asked. I just said I was out of line. 
You really suck at apologies, Marshall, you scoffed before leaving the studio. 
As you left the building, he followed you in the street. 
Fine. I’m sorry, he sighed as you kept on walking. 
Good evening, Marshall, you said. 
Come on, we have to go to dinner, he said. 
Fine, you sighed. 
Now, the both of you were clearly in a bad mood, but you got back in the building and waited for him to grab his things. Then, the two of you went to the car. It was a silent ride home. Before you got out of the car, he gently grabbed your hand. 
I’m sorry, honey, he said softly. 
I’m sorry too, you shrugged. 
How about we go back to my place after dinner ? He offered. I’ll draw you a bath, give you a massage… Let me make it up to you, ok ? 
Sure, you said with a smile. 
He kissed you softly and you got in. The smell of spices had taken over the house and you were ready to enjoy your favorite dish. As soon as you stepped in, Talia handed you a big bouquet of flowers. 
These came for you earlier, she said with a smile. Good choice on the peonies, Em. 
You shouldn’t have, Marshall, you squealed. They’re beautiful though. Did you know they’re my favorite ? 
I didn’t send flowers, he said. 
You wondered who could be the one sending you the flowers. You checked the card. It was from Simon. It read : “It has been one year already. I am sorry I didn’t handle the situation better. I hope you are doing well. I would love to talk.  Love, Simon”. That’s when it hit you : today was the “anniversary” of your miscarriage. The one event that had led to your drug use, your overdose and the downfall of your relationship. Your heart dropped immediately. 
Baby, who sent these ? Talia asked. 
You gave her the card and you could tell she understood as she read it. “Oh”, she simply said as she rubbed your shoulder. 
What’s with those faces ? Marshall asked. Who died ? 
You couldn’t help but shoot him a death glare. It was probably a poor choice of word, but having him say that as you were reminded of the date you had learned that your baby’s heart had stopped beating was painful. You said nothing and took the bouquet to your bedroom. You sat on the bed as tears started to flow. In truth, you hadn’t thought of that at all, because you were too busy focusing on your relationship with Marshall. But now that you were reminded, it was like being hit in the face. You had done a lot of progress in a year, but you had spent so much time focusing on your sobriety that you hadn’t done nearly enough work on your grief. A few minutes later, Marshall knocked on the door. 
Baby ? He asked. Are you alright ? 
Yeah… I’ll come down in a minute, you said in a broken voice. 
You reached under your bed and found the box you had put together after the miscarriage, that you had not opened since you moved in with Talia and Jamal. You were thirteen weeks pregnant when you lost your baby and you’d had time to buy some stuff for him/her : a tiny pajama, socks, a little plush toy… The box also contained the few pictures that were taken during the sonograms as well as the pregnancy test you had taken on a gloomy Sunday morning after noticing that your period was late. It definitely wasn’t planned, but you had been ecstatic to learn that you were pregnant. So was Simon. The two of you thought it was meant to be and you were overjoyed to start a family together. You held the pajamas in your hand, taking in how tiny they were, how tiny your baby would have been. You sighed and put the box on the bed before going downstairs. By their faces, you gathered that they had talked and that both Jamal and Marshall were up to date on the situation. 
Sorry, you told your friends. I needed a minute. 
Of course, sis, Jamal said. 
Are you alright ? Marshall asked as he took your hand in his. 
Y-yeah, you lied. I’m fine. 
Talia gave you a hug and you sat at the table. The three of them tried to get your mind off things and talk about joyful stuff, but it was to no avail. You were feeling sad and guilty for even forgetting about this day. Deep down, you knew it wouldn’t change anything, but you felt selfish. After dinner, you went back to your room, with Marshall. As soon as the door was closed, he took you in his arms for a long hug. 
I’m so sorry, my love, he whispered. I had no idea. 
It’s fine, you said in a whisper. It’s just… Hitting me like a ton of bricks right now. 
Of course, he said as he stroked your hair. 
You sat on the bed and you began to put away the baby stuff that was laying on it. You had the plush toy in one hand, the pajamas in the other and you couldn’t help but burst into tears. Your boyfriend lovingly put an arm around you and pulled you closer to him. You were literally crying on his shoulder. 
I’m sorry, you sobbed. 
Don’t apologize, Y/N. Let it out, he said softly. 
It’s just… It’s been a year already, but also, it’s only been a year, you said. So much has happened since then. 
It’s true, he said. You’re in a really different place. 
Nothing’s the same. It seems so far away. Sometimes, I think it’s all been a dream, you know ? But then, I remember that it actually happened. That I was pregnant and that I actually lost that baby. 
He hummed and let you talk as he stroked your hair. 
The worst thing is that I can’t talk about it a lot, you know ? Because very few people knew. We were getting ready to tell everyone when… well…, you said with tears in your eyes. 
You can talk to me, if you want, he said softly. 
You probably don’t want to hear your girlfriend talk about having a baby with another man, you sighed. 
I’m not your boyfriend, right now, he explained. I mean, I am, but I’m your friend too. First and foremost. That’s what makes our relationship so great, you know ? Plus, everyone has a past. 
Thank you, you said softly. 
You don’t have to thank me, he said as he kissed the top of your head. I will always be here for you. 
I just… I never really had a family, and I was so excited to start one of my own, you know ? You explained. It wasn’t planned or anything, but it felt meant to be. As if I finally got my happy ending, the wedding, the little family… And now it’s… Gone. 
You can still be happy, he said as he stroked your cheek. 
I know, you said. I am happy. But thinking about how different my life is now, it’s a little weird. Now, I’m happy in a different way. But I guess I still haven’t fully processed the whole thing, you know ? 
Grief takes some time, he said. But you’ll get there. You’re so strong and you’re doing so good. 
You nodded and he kissed you tenderly. You put the baby things in the box and put it away, not without sadness. 
Sorry, you said. You probably think it’s creepy that I have this box. 
I get it, he said. You do what you need to do. I have a box of my own, you know ? 
You do ? 
Yeah. It’s a recovery box. Inside I have my hospital bracelet from the day I OD’d, a few things I have written when I was in rehab, drawings the girls made for me when I got home, a letter from my sponsor, my sobriety chips… I understand the need to hold on to these things, he explained. I don’t look at it too often. But I have it. 
I’m so sorry, you said sheepishly. I’m so selfish. Sometimes, I forget you’re recovering too. 
It’s alright, he said. 
I feel like a mess, compared to you, you added. I mean, you have your life together, you’re level-headed, you’re so strong… 
It’s apples and oranges, baby, he said with a smile. I’ve been sober for more than fifteen years. A lot of stuff comes with time. You’re just getting started on your journey. But you do have your life together. And you are doing good. But I’m still struggling, you know ? 
You are ? 
Yeah. I guess it’s always a work in progress, he shrugged. I always thought it would be over once I’ve been sober for a long time and I’m not tempted to use or drink. But there’s always something to work on. Like my emotions, my anger…
I think you’re doing a good job, you said softly. 
Thank you my love, he said with a smile. But still, I shouldn’t snap as easily as I do, sometimes. I’m still sorry about the way I talked to you at the studio, you know ? 
I forgive you, you said as you nuzzled his neck.
Do you still want to go to my place so that I can make it up to you ? He asked. Let me take care of you, honey. 
You don’t have to, you said. 
But I want to. 
You ended up agreeing and going to his place. He kept true to his word and took care of you, even more than he usually did. You were still sad, of course, but you knew you weren’t alone. He encouraged you to talk about your feelings and made sure you felt warm, safe and cozy. In moments like these, he felt like your safe space. You loved that you could talk to him about anything. Most people in your life usually danced uncomfortably around the subject of your miscarriage. Even Talia and Jamal. But Marshall, on the contrary, encouraged you to talk and even asked questions. It felt good and it felt like you were being even more intimate with him, giving him access to a part of your soul. Eventually, you switched to other subjects and he opened up to you about his grief about his uncles and best friends, as well as his mental health. Most of the time, the age difference didn’t cross your mind. But for once, it did and you were grateful for it, because you benefited from his maturity and experience. Serious topics aside, you spent the rest of the evening and the next day lounging, watching movies in his movie theater that had been turned into a blanket fort after you told him you had never built one in your life. You were cuddling under a soft blanket, mindlessly playing with his fingers. 
Do you still want to come tomorrow ? He asked. 
For the game ? Yeah sure, you said. Unless you don’t want me there. 
No, I’m trying to make sure you’re coming, he chuckled. But if you feel like avoiding the crowd, I understand. And if you need, I can even cancel the whole thing and stay with you. 
You’d cancel football for me ? You asked with a raised eyebrow, knowing how important it was to him - he had even canceled recording sessions in order to be able to watch some games ! 
For you, yes, he said with a smile. Special occasions only, of course. 
It’s not a special occasion, you shrugged. 
I just want to make sure my girl is feeling good, he said as he kissed your temple. 
I’m feeling much better now, you said softly. Thank you again. 
You’re very welcome, he said. I love you so much. 
I love you too, you cooed. No need to cancel. 
Your first meeting with my family, he mused. 
It’s just going to be your daughters, right ? 
Not really, he said. The girls will be there, along with their boyfriends. There will also be my brother, his wife, their kids, guys from the studio, guys from D12… 
You opened wide eyes. You’d watched games at his place before, but there had never been so many people around. You knew it wasn’t an official meeting with his family, but seeing as you weren’t the sociable type, it was enough to scare you. 
You’ll be fine, babe, he chuckled as he saw your face decompose. You know a few people already. 
What if your family doesn’t like me ? You asked. 
I told you, I’m sure they will love you, he said with a smile. They’re really chill and they know I’m “friends” with you so they already have a good opinion. They know how picky I am when it comes to people I hang out with. Believe me, I’m the most judgy person in the family. Just be your cute amazing self and everything will be fine. 
Easy for you to say, you scoffed. If the situation was reversed, you wouldn’t feel too confident. 
True, he chuckled. We’ll get there someday, though, I guess. 
I don’t think so, you shrugged. 
Why is that ? He asked. 
I just… Don’t have a lot of people in my life, you know ? You said sheepishly. Especially after this past year. I don’t really have family either. It’s just me, my father and his wife. You already know the people who matter : Talia and Jamal. 
I see, he said 
Sorry, that’s a little lame, you admitted. 
No, I get it, he said softly. But if you don’t feel like meeting all these people tomorrow, you don’t have to, baby. I’m just thinking it might be a good, chill opportunity. Take the band-aid off, you know ? 
Right, you said. 
Plus, the girls asked me if you’d be there. 
They did ? You asked confused. 
Yeah. Hailie told me she misses you and Alaina and Stevie are extremely curious, he explained. 
They know about me ? 
Of course, they know about you, he chuckled. They might not know you’re my girl yet, but your name has still been in quite a few conversations, you know ? 
Has it ? You asked, still surprised. 
Well yeah, he said. I mean, obviously, when they saw the pictures of us holding hands after that party, they asked questions, especially since they had never heard about you before. So I had to clear the air. They also know that you know Hailie and they figured that I care a lot about you, after that whole hospital incident. And I might have said that you’re a feminist, so they’re particularly excited. Especially Stevie. 
You nodded nervously and he kissed you, reassuring you once again. You knew you shouldn’t, but you couldn’t help but think it was kind of a big deal. After all, you still wanted to make a good impression. 
Maybe you should take me home ? You suggested. So that I can have my beauty sleep and be pretty for them. 
Don’t you want to stay here ? He asked. 
It’s Saturday, you pointed out. 
Yes, but the kids are not coming for brunch. Plus, you’re going to be here anyway, so you might as well sleep with me tonight, he said with a wink. 
And you’re ok with sleeping with me seven nights in a row ? You asked playfully.  You won’t be bored ? 
I could sleep with you a thousand nights in a row and still not get enough, he said softly, making your heart melt. 
As he expected it, Y/N’s first meeting with his family went great. She seemed about to freak out at first, but she quickly relaxed. As soon as Hailie arrived, she gave her a big hug and told her how sorry she was that it didn’t work out with Josh. If only she knew… His girlfriend also seemed to get along with his brother and his wife, but especially with Alaina and Stevie. They laughed together and she truly seemed to enjoy herself. He sat next to her on the couch and, even though he was usually extra focused when it came to football games, he couldn’t help but glance at her. Everyone was focused on the game so he gently stroked her hand with his fingers for a brief second, making sure no one could see. He wasn’t really into PDA, but given the hard time she’d had in the past two days, he wanted to make sure she was alright. The contact seemed to make her smile, though she kept on staring at the screen. He was so in love with that smile he couldn’t help but smile himself. At some point, she seemed a bit lost when it came to the rules so he took the opportunity to get even closer and whisper in her ears. It reminded him of the very beginning of their friendship, when he took every single opportunity to talk to her, whether it was to explain something about hip-hop or make a silly joke. Looking back, he may have had a crush from the very beginning… 
After the game, which the Lions thankfully won, people stayed to have some pizza. Being busy talking to some D12 friends, he lost her for a moment. He found her in the garden with his daughters, playing with Nate’s kids. She was a natural with children and his nephews seemed to like her a lot. As soon as he spotted him, the youngest, who was about five, ran to him and jumped in his arms as he always did. 
Uncle Marsh ! I like your girlfriend ! He said. 
My girlfriend, huh ? He chuckled. 
We tried to tell him that Y/N is not your girlfriend, Alaina giggled, but he wouldn't hear it. 
What makes you think she’s my girlfriend ? He asked, curious. 
You talked to her during the game, the boy said. You never talk to anyone during the game. 
That’s because your uncle took pity on me and had to explain the rules, Y/N said with a smile. 
Exactly. Come on, bud, you really think I could get a girl as pretty as her ? He asked playfully. 
Yeah… Probably not, his nephew shrugged after a second of thought. 
There you go, Stevie giggled. 
That was… humbling to say the least. The girls burst out laughing and Y/N flashed a smile at him that warmed his heart. It took everything he had in him not to hug and kiss her. She was making him too soft for his own good, and he surprised himself thinking that he could not wait to be out with her as a couple. His brain was telling him to keep it reasonable, but the rest of him would simply not listen. 
Can we play video games in the movie room ? His older nephew asked. 
Sure, he said. I’ll help you set up in a second. 
Y/N, will you play with me ? The youngest asked. 
Of course, she answered. What are we playing ? 
We should do a Mario Kart tournament, Stevie suggested. 
Oh, I love that, Alaina said. We should do teams. 
Boys against girls ? Hailie chimed in. 
There’s only three boys and there are four girls, his nephew said. Uncle Marsh, can you play with us ? 
I don’t know, he shrugged. I have guests. 
Please ? His nephew asked with big pleading eyes. 
Yeah, Dad, people don’t need you to eat pizza, Stevie said. 
He’s probably just afraid to be humiliated, Y/N said teasingly. 
Oooooh, his three daughters said in unison. 
I like you, Y/N, Stevie said. 
I told you she was great, Hailie giggled. 
It’s on, he said. Boys, we’re destroying them, alright ? 
The eight of them went to the movie room and started their tournament. Obviously, he was teaming up with children so it wasn’t a piece of cake. His oldest nephew was pretty good, but the two younger ones were… trying hard. He knew that it was what mattered, but he was still very much a sore loser. During one of the rounds, he played against Y/N. 
Destroy him !!! Stevie encouraged her. 
I’m your Dad, Marshall groaned. You should be rooting for me. 
Go Y/N !!! Alaina yelled. 
She ended up beating him, leading him to groan. His nephews were looking at him with an attitude. 
You lost to a girl, the youngest said. 
He lost to a legend, Y/N said with a grin. 
Quit the attitude, he scolded her playfully. 
As the others were playing, he whispered in her ear “You’re staying the night and I’m getting revenge”, leading her to blush. 
A few hours later, everyone had left. Hailie had offered to give Y/N a ride home but he told her he would do it. He was intent on having his girl spend the night in his arms. 
See ? He asked as they were eating some pizza leftovers. You survived. 
It was great, she admitted. I had a good time. 
Even if you ended up babysitting Nate’s kids ? He chuckled. 
They’re so cute !!! She said. 
You’re good with them, he said. 
I can’t wait to have kids of my own, she said dreamily. 
These words cause him to freeze. He knew she didn’t mean she wanted kids with him, nor that she wanted them now, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit panicky. Because, even if their relationship was new, he was intent on being with her. She was amazing and he would gladly spend the rest of his days with her. That’s how in love he was. However, he had sworn a long time ago that he would never remarry and that kids were out of the question. He was done with all of it. Something in his gut told him that he would have to have this conversation with her at some point. And judging how touchy the topic of kids and pregnancy seemed to be for her, he knew it would be a tough conversation to have. 
He was spending the week-end with his girl, as usual. The plan was to spend a lot of time in bed, with as little clothes as possible. That is what she had suggested and he was happy to oblige. The only time they left the bedroom was to cook. They were in the kitchen, making pancakes. He was just wearing sweatpants and Y/N was in one of his tee-shirts, sitting on the marble counter, kissing him lazily when the doorbell rang. Being lazy, they had ordered some more food for their brunch. He grabbed a hoodie and put it on to go and get open the door to the delivery. Except it wasn’t a delivery guy. It was Hailie. 
Hey Dad, she said happily. 
Hay, he said in a surprised tone. What are you doing here ? 
Have you seen my headphones ? She asked as she walked in. I’m recording a podcast episode tomorrow and I think I forgot them here. 
Uh, maybe, he said. Look, right now isn’t a good time, I… 
Babe ? He heard Y/N calling from the kitchen. Is the whipped cream finally here ? I can’t wait to have you-
HAILIE’S HERE, he yelled before his girlfriend said something absolutely inappropriate. 
His daughter looked at him in a state of shock and walked to the kitchen before he could stop her. There, she found Y/N half naked. 
Oh my God, Hailie said. Please tell me it’s a prank. 
They all stared at each other in shock. It was definitely awkward, not to mention it was not how he wanted his daughter to find out about him dating Y/N. 
I should go, his girlfriend said in a small voice. 
Don’t you dare move, Hailie darted with anger in her voice and her eyes. 
Look, Hay, Marshall began. Y/N and I…
I don’t need you to explain it to me, Dad. I think it’s pretty obvious. She has some explaining to do, though, she said as she motioned to his girlfriend. Is this why you broke up with Josh ?! To screw my FATHER ?! 
Y/N looked like a deer in headlights. He wanted nothing but to appease the situation, although he had no clue how to do it. 
Did you cheat on Josh ?! His daughter asked. 
His girl didn’t say anything. Not that she had to. She was a terrible liar and the look on her face was giving her away. 
Oh my God, Hailie said. I can’t believe I even felt sorry for you !!! I thought we could be friends but you’re just like anyone else… You see fame, money and you can’t jump on it fast enough, can you ?! 
Hailie, that’s enough, he said. 
No, it’s not, his daughter said as she looked back at him. Is this why you broke up with Nicole ?! 
He sighed and pinched the area between his eyes. He knew it was going to be a tough conversation. 
Ok, let’s talk about this in the living room, he said. 
Please get her to put clothes on, Hailie said as she rolled her eyes. 
Yeah, I’ll… Whatever, Y/N mumbled before hurrying out of the room. 
Minutes later, he was sitting on the couch across from Hailie who looked at him. She was clearly mad. 
So… Your headphones are here, he said tentatively. You could have texted, you know ? I would have brought them to you. 
When I moved out, you said this would always be my home and that I didn’t need to ask before coming over, she pointed out. 
I did say that, he recalled sheepishly. 
They stared at each other some more. The anger in his daughter’s eyes was breaking his heart. He could not stand to have his kids mad at him. 
So… Are you mad at me for breaking up with Nicole ? He asked. 
You said you liked her, Dad. 
Yeah, she’s great. But I’m not in love with her. I’m in love with Y/N, he said calmly as he hoped she would understand that this was a serious relationship. 
You told me she was your friend, when I confronted you about the pictures, Dad !!! You lied to me. You never do that. 
I didn’t lie back then, he corrected. We started out as friends and it became… more. I was going to tell you girls eventually but it’s only been a few months and we wanted to take things slow. 
Months ?! She asked in disbelief. So it’s serious ? She’s your… girlfriend ? 
She is, he said. And she makes me really happy. 
I’m going to puke, she warned. 
What ? 
He thought that clearing the air would make things better but, by the looks of it, he was wrong. 
You can’t tell how wrong it is ?! She asked, almost screaming. My FATHER is dating someone MY AGE. 
Look, I know it’s a little bit weird, but… 
No “but”, Dad. It’s disgusting ! She said. 
I know it’s a shock, Marshall said, and I’m sorry that you had to find out this way, but I want you to know that it’s serious. I’m in love with her. She makes me really happy. 
So what ?! She scoffed. You’re going to marry her and we’re going to have to call her “Mom” ?! Are you planning on having kids too ? Because that wouldn’t be weird and twisted at all, right ?! 
Calm down, please, he pleaded. Is that what it’s about ? You’re scared that I’m going to start a new family and replace you guys ? It ain’t happening, Hay. 
I’m not five, she said as she rolled her eyes. I always rooted for you to find someone and be happy after Mom. Not someone creepy, though. 
You told me you liked her, he said. 
WHEN YOU SAID SHE WAS YOUR FRIEND. Not when she turned out to be a bitch who cheated on my best friend with my Dad ! You know she’s only interested in your money, right ?! 
I know you’re angry, but the name-calling is out of line, Hailie, he said as he slightly raised his voice. And I understand the concern, but I can tell people’s intentions. 
Whatever, Dad, she groaned. Are you paying for her stuff ? Are you her sugar daddy ? What’s her thing ? Handbags ? Shoes ? 
They heard Y/N come into the room, a look of hurt on her face. 
I never took a dime from him, Y/N said coldly. 
Hailie and Y/N were staring at each other. His daughter was mad and his girlfriend was clearly insulted by the implication that she might be a gold-digger. His daughter had always been protective of him and he understood that. But he wished she could see and understand that their relationship was genuine and how happy Y/N made him. 
If you have questions, I will answer them truthfully, Y/N said, but don’t you dare imply that I’m with him because of his money or status. It’s just not true. 
Like I can trust you, Hailie shot back. 
I would never wrong him, his girlfriend said. 
You being with him is wrong enough, Hailie scoffed. 
Why ? He asked. 
Let me think, his daughter said sarcastically. First of all, there’s the age thing. Obviously creepy. You’re old enough to be her dad. She should go to a therapist instead of dating. Then, there’s the fact that she made you break up with someone who was good for you. But let’s face the worst of it : she’s an addict. 
She turned to Y/N. 
Yeah, Josh told me about that, she continued. And if you think I’m going to condone a relationship that will put my Dad’s sobriety in jeopardy, you are sorely mistaken. I have been in the pits with him and I will not have you ruin him. 
I’ve been sober for months, Y/N replied in her own defense. 
And you expect me to clap for that ?! You’re still an addict. My father shouldn’t have to put up with your recovery and your mistakes. He has been through enough shit as it is. 
Hailie, Marshall warned. 
If you loved him, you would realize that you’re stalling him. And that it’s wrong. And I was here when you and Josh talked about kids and marriage. How you dream about having kids and being a wife. You know it’s not happening with Dad. I know it. He knows it, she continued. 
Hailie, Marshall raised his voice again. 
Dad, I love you, but I refuse to see you get used, or hurt, or both, she said as she looked him in the eyes. 
Y/N, can you leave the room for a minute ? He asked gently. I need to talk to Hailie alone. 
His girlfriend nodded and left the room. He looked at his daughter whose eyes were welling up with tears. 
What was that ? He asked, confused as to what tone he should be using. 
Dad, the idea of you relapsing is making me sick. Like, actually sick. I still have nightmares of the night I found you when I was 11, you know ? You’re my Dad. I can’t lose you. 
You’re not losing me, baby, he said softly as he took her in his arms. I know I’ve made mistakes, and I know I’ve been a lousy Dad, at times, and I put you kids and Mom through some tough shit, but it’s been fifteen years. I’m handling myself. I’m not relapsing. 
What if she relapses ? You’re going to be the one handling that. 
I know it’s scary, he said. I was worried about that too, at first. But she is strong and she is handling things very well. Much better than I did when I got sober. 
You don’t need to plead her case, she said in an annoyed tone. 
He sighed loudly. He hated the situation and the way he was handling it. 
I’m sorry, he said. You shouldn’t be worried about your 51 year-old dad. 
I forgave you a long time ago, she said. And I want you to be happy. That’s all I want. I want you to be happy and healthy for as long as possible.
I know you probably don’t want to hear that right now, but my relationship makes me happy. And it’s healthy too. I am happier than I’ve been in a long time. 
I know you’re going to need time, he continued. And you’re mad. I get it. But someday, I’d like to introduce Y/N to you guys as my girlfriend. Do you think you could be civil and give her a chance ? 
Hailie grimaced and rolled her eyes. 
I guess, she sighed. But just know that I will never forgive her for what she did to Josh. And if I’m civil doesn’t mean that I condone whatever is happening. 
Ok, he sighed. That’s better than nothing, I guess. Can you please not talk about this to your sisters, please ? 
Why ? 
Because I think I should try and handle the situation a bit better than this conversation, he said. Let me be the dad, ok ? 
If they ask, I’m not lying, she said. 
They both nodded in agreement. 
And I think you owe Y/N an apology, he added. 
Not doing that, she quickly replied. 
You called her a bitch and a gold-digger. And we both know your Mim and I raised you better than that, he said sternly. 
She groaned and she tried really hard not to chuckle. As unhappy as he was with his daughter’s behavior, he couldn't help but pick up on the resemblance with his own personality. He didn’t need a DNA test to know she was his. She was just as stubborn. 
I should go, she said. 
Don’t forget your headphones, he said with a slight smile. See you tomorrow ? 
Only if she’s not there. 
She won’t be, he assured her. Just us. 
See you tomorrow, then, she said as she walked towards the door. 
He walked her out and gave her a hug. 
I love you, Hay. 
I love you too, Dad. 
She left and he closed the door as she got in her car. He went to the kitchen where he found Y/N eating pancakes. 
Sorry I didn’t wait for you, she said sheepishly. 
It’s fine, he said as he sat beside her. 
She didn’t say a word and stared at her plate. 
We should probably talk about all of this, he sighed. 
Do we though ? She asked. I think it’s pretty clear : Hailie hates me, she thinks I’m an awful person and she made some pretty valid points. 
What do you mean ? He asked. 
She’s right, Marshall. On the fact that I might stall you and cause you to relapse. That I’m not age-appropriate for you. And… On the fact that you don’t want to marry or have kids ? 
She said the last sentence with so much sadness in her eyes that it broke his heart. He did not want to have this conversation, but somehow, he had to. That was probably the worst Saturday he’d had in a while. 
Don’t you think it’s a bit early to talk about babies and marriage ? He said awkwardly. 
Let’s be real though : it’s not something you want, is it ? 
It’s not, he confirmed. I’ve done the marriage thing, I’ve had my kids… I’m done with that. 
But I do want these things, she said. And I’m not saying I want them right now. But I guess that raises the point of where our relationship is going… Because I love you, and if we keep this going… I’m going to want them with you. 
Right, he said as a lump formed in his throat. 
I love you, Marshall, she said. 
I love you too, baby, he replied. I love you so much. 
She stared at him with tears welling in her eyes and took a deep breath. He pulled her in his arms and hugged her tight. He knew where this conversation was going and he hated it. 
Maybe we should break up, she sobbed. 
Don’t do this, he pleaded. Not now. Not ever. Please, Y/N… 
I love you but it can’t work, she whispered. 
Give it some thought, ok ? Hailie just left and you’re not in your right mind. And me neither. Don’t break up with me. Please, he pleaded. 
I’m sorry, she said as she burst into tears in his arms. 
He felt some tears rolling on his own cheeks. That was much more emotion than what he could handle. He held on to her, stroking her cheeks and her hair. She leaned into his embrace. 
I don’t want it to be over, she whispered. I love you so much. 
As long as you want to be here with me, it won’t be over, he said. 
Please, don’t make it more difficult than it has to be, she pleaded. Please. 
I’ll take any time I can have with you, Y/N. Whether it’s hours or years. 
He knew he couldn’t persuade her to stay and that she had her reasons. But he could not let her go. Not yet. Not now. 
It’s so hard, she whispered. 
You said you’re mine, he said. Do you remember ? 
I’ll always be yours, Marshall, she sobbed. I was yours from the moment we met. 
He kissed her passionately. If it had to be the last time his lips would meet hers, he would seize the moment and make it last. She kissed him back, hungrily and sloppily. They were about to part ways but their bodies seemed glued to each other. 
Let me make love to you, he pleaded. One last time. I need you. 
Ok, she whispered. 
He didn’t need more encouragement. He lifted her and sat her on the kitchen table where he started to undress her. 
Where do you want me ? She asked. 
In all his years of being sexually active, he never undressed a woman so slowly. He made sure to imprint every detail, every sensation in his brain. He wanted the memories to last forever. He kissed every inch of her skin, ran his fingers through every strand of her hair. For an amount of time that seemed infinite, he made love to her in every corner of the house. The kitchen, the living room, the movie theater, the home gym and even the pool. It felt as if he was making love to her for the first time, rediscovering her body, her sweet spots… He could never get enough of her but somehow, he had to. The lovemaking was slow yet intense, sometimes tearful. Overall, it was messy and beautiful. They were both panting, about to pass out. Tears were running on their cheeks, both from climaxing, sadness and exhaustion. They were in bed, intertwined. 
I don’t think I can go for any more rounds, Y/N said with sadness in her voice. 
He hummed in response before kissing her hair and holding her tightly against him. 
Don’t go just yet, he pleaded. 
I have to, she whispered. 
One last shower ? He offered with puppy eyes. 
Make it a bath ? She negotiated. 
It’ll last longer, he agreed. 
They silently went to the bathroom and cuddled in the warm water. He kept on kissing her chastely, burying his face in the crook of her neck. He wasn’t sure how he could be expected to let go of her. 
Thank you, Marshall whispered in her ear. 
For what ? 
For the past four months. For the past year. For indulging me. For… absolutely everything, he said emotionally. 
Thank you, she replied. 
What will become of us ? He asked. 
I thought I was pretty clear, she said, obviously unsure of what he meant. 
No, I get it, he chuckled softly. But… Are we going back to being friends ? 
I don’t know, she admitted. 
I can’t imagine my life without you in it, Y/N, he said. As hard as I try… I can’t. 
I guess we can give it a try. 
They looked at each other in agreement, sadness in their eyes. It was the weirdest breakup he ever had. 
You can still change your mind, he said tentatively. 
Marshall, she whispered. Please. 
Can’t blame a guy for trying, right ? He chuckled. For real though, call me in twenty years and I’ll be there, ok ? 
I’ll visit you in the nursing home, she chuckled. 
Brat, he said lovingly before kissing her shoulder. 
Don’t wait for me, though, she said. You deserve to be happy. Find a nice lady your daughters approve of. 
I don’t want to think of anybody else, Y/N, he said. Not right now. Not ever. I’d rather become a monk. 
Sorry I brought that up, she said sheepishly. 
The water started to get cold and she started shivering. They got out and he wrapped her in a robe before hugging her. 
I should go pack my stuff, she said. I have hundreds of things lying around here. 
I’ll bring it to you later, he said. Don’t worry about that. 
I think it might be easier to do it now, she said. For closure. 
I’ll help you, he mumbled. 
They spent about an hour gathering the many, many things Y/N had left at his place. Marshall had become so used to it that he hadn’t realized that some of the stuff wasn’t his. While she was busy downstairs, he hid her favorite hoodie of his in her bag. He wouldn’t wear it anymore anyway, so she might has well have it, to remember him by. He also shamelessly stole her bottle of perfume and hid it in a drawer in his closet, just in case he would need to smell her. He knew himself well enough to know he might get that sentimental. 
I think I’m all set, she said. I’ll get a cab. 
Don’t be stupid, he said. It’s the middle of the night. I will drive you home. 
He went to open the door but she grabbed his arm and faced him. 
As long as we’re in the house, it’s not totally over, right ? She asked nervously. 
It’s not, he said. 
Ok then. 
She got on her tippy toes and kissed him for the last time. It was a chaste, soft peck on the lips. He cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead. There it was. Their farewell as lovers. As he felt a knot form in his stomach, he was not sure how he would ever recover from this.
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
light on
The one where Y/N is the daughter of a legendary Team USA coach and used to attend the development program with the boys. 8 years after they last saw each other in person, a reunion brings Jack and Y/N back into each other’s lives... and hearts.
if you keep the light on, i'll keep the light on
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XVII XVIII - cage the songbird XIX
“Okay, so she totally ran out on you?” Luke asked, not taking his eyes off the flat screen.
“She left, yes.” his older brother replied.
“You must be a really bad kisser, bro.”
“Shut up.” Jack grumbled, throwing him a pillow.
Luke chuckled loudly in response, continuing to press down the controller’s various buttons, trying hard to beat the usual winner.
“You’re a weird dude.”
“You seem to be really calm about this whole ordeal. I’d freak if I were you.” the younger sibling shrugged.
“Really?” Jack smirked, raising an eyebrow. “And why’s that?”
“You do the whole big gesture thing, under the moonlight, dancing to a ginger dude’s song and she still decided to sprint like Bolt.”
“Jesus, Moose.” the Devils' player chuckled. “You’re such a drama queen.”
“No, I’m not.” Luke screeched, feigning hurt. “I just don’t get it.”
“I completely blindsided her with it, I’m not in a position where I can sit here and complain because Y/N didn’t tell me she liked me back. Maybe she doesn’t and I totally misread the signs. Either way, I’m not going to ruin everything between us even more by filling her phone with texts and calls.
“Well, yeah, that would take a ton of cool points from you. God knows your level of coolness is already below zero.” his brother teased. “Aw, damn it!” he moaned, realizing Jack had won the game. “Not fair, I want a rematch!”
“Sorry, Lukey. No rematches. You know you shouldn’t mess with the Mario Kart all-time champion.”
Y/N smiled as River's name popped up on her phone. She hadn’t heard from her brother since he had texted her to let her know they had arrived in Italy, safe and sound. Swiping her thumb over the screen, the doctor took her phone to her ear, holding it steady with her shoulder so she could continue doing Joey's hair.
“Hey, you!” she chirped, carefully brushing through her daughter’s soft locks. “How’s Italy?”
“Sunny, warm and dreamy. How’s New York?”
“Eh, you’re not missing much.” Y/N shrugged, earning a stifled giggle from River. “What’s up?”
Her brother took a deep breath, waiting a few seconds before replying.
“I need you to do me a huge favor.”
“Wait a sec.” the mother muttered, placing her phone on her wooden vanity. “Jo, sweetie, you’re ready to go. Why don’t you go pick out the pj’s you want to take to your dad’s?” she suggested, storing the pink brush back in the drawer where it belonged.
“Okay!” her mini-me chirped, nearly jumping up from the stool she had been sitting on while her zealous mother took care of her hair.
“Hurry before nana gets here, honey.” Y/N warned, picking up her phone again. “Sorry, have to get the kid ready. He insists on having her, again.
“Mmm…” River cringed, forcing himself not to make comments about the man Y/N had been in a relationship with for seven years. “How nice.”
“Yeah… Anyway… What can I do for you, lovebird?” the doctor chirped, quickly changing the subject.
“The wedding photographer e-mailed me about needing my approval for the final wedding album before finishing it up and making a couple of copies. I’ve seen the digital model, but there’s nothing like having the real deal in your hands, right?” River trailed off.
“Well, David's parents are out of town and mom has Joey and you’re pretty much the only person I trust to get it done perfectly. You’re organized and we have similar visions so… I thought you could swing by the photographer’s house slash studio after work, check out what he’s got and let me know so I can give it the thumbs up… Or not. You know, maid of honor duty.”
“Oh, wow. You really want to put me in charge of that?” the doctor asked in disbelief.
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re my sidekick, after all.”
“If anything, we’re a duo.” Y/N retorted, jokingly.
“Fine.” the older sibling conceded. “As half of the most magnificent duo to ever exist, you should definitely help your other half with this very important mission.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll go through it between grading tests. Text me the address. Oh, and get off the phone! Enjoy your honeymoon!” she demanded.
“You’re a life-saver, and I do love you so.”
“Yeah, I kind of like you too!” the coach's daughter joked. “Have fun! Bye!”
Y/N hung up, just in time to hear a knock on her bedroom door. Her mother peeked through the open crack, her blue eyes meeting hers while a sweet smile formed on her lips.
“How did you come in?” she inquired, giving the older woman a peck on her cheek. “Josephine, how many times have I told you not to open the door to anyone?”
“It’s nana, mommy.” her offspring replied coyly, hiding behind her grandmother’s legs.
“I can see that.” Y/N chuckled. “But you should’ve called for me anyway. You know what they say…”
“Better safe than sorry.” her mom and Joey belted out in unison, mischief evident on their faces.
“Exactly. Go get your things, baby.”
Joey hurried away, leaving mother and daughter alone, only to come back in a split second, nearly dragging her grandmother out of the house. She knew full-well that before dropping her off and leaving her in her father’s care, Y/M/N Y/M/L/N would buy her an extra scoop of chocolate ice cream.
Hugging her mother tightly goodbye, the little girl left, secretly worrying that if she’d stay a minute longer she wouldn’t be able to leave. Not that she didn’t like being with her dad, but nearly since she was born it had been Y/N and Joey against the world, so it wasn’t exactly easy to leave her behind, even for a week.
The doctor watched as they drove away, mentally preparing herself for the oddly quiet week ahead of her. No Joey, nearly no noise. Her heart clenched in her chest, but as much as the two of them were essentially one, the five-year-old still loved and missed her dad. Y/N never wanted to keep her child from seeing her father, even if it meant that she was going to feel like a part of her was missing for seven days straight.
Looking at herself in the mirror, she adjusted the white cami top she was wearing, noticing her outfit was missing a key element: earrings. Going out without earrings on was practically the same as going out naked.
Stroking Finn's fur one more time after putting food in his bowl, Y/N left.
She drove in silence, looking out the window from time to time to gaze at the view. It was a beautiful, sunny late afternoon in New York, her favorite kind, and she resisted the urge to call the person she had been avoiding for over a week, even though she really wanted his company.
Jack and the kiss the pair had shared at River and David’s wedding wouldn’t leave her mind. The doctor could push it far back into her brain, but the nagging feeling of longing and endearment always came back. What the hell was happening? Had she let it go too far to back out?
Cole seemed to think so. Somehow, her friend knew she wanted to take a step forward but was too afraid to admit so herself. The conversation they had had at her house proved exactly that. Y/N had to talk to him, sooner or later. She just had to find the courage to do so. To achieve a middle term, to allow herself to be free and feel whatever she felt without guilt washing over her.
Pulling up to a quaint house nearly hidden by Jacaranda mimosifolia and its hundreds of tiny purple flowers, she laughed to herself. Only River could find a photographer that happens to live in the most peculiar, yet aesthetically pleasing little house in the city.
As if he had guessed, Ferdinand, the famed photographer, opened the door, greeting her with a cordial handshake.
“Did you have trouble finding my humble abode?” he asked, stepping aside to let her in.
“Not at all, River is pretty good at giving directions. I mean, I don’t think he's bad a anything, so you’d figure he's like Google Earth or something.” Y/N chuckled, taking in the way the light came into the house, illuminating the large living room, decorated with dozens of old cameras and framed photographs, all in black and white.
“That he is.” Ferdinand agreed, carefully placing the large album in a wooden boox, lined with black velvet. “The pictures are all numbered, as well as the pages. Any changes, just write them down. Oh, and the grooms asked me to print out a few extras for you. They're in the envelope inside.”
“For me?”
“Yeah, River and David picked them out themselves.”
“Oh god, I love them.” the doctor gushed, her eyes setting on the framed photographs on Ferdinand's walls once again. “Do you mind if I ask you a weird question?”
“Fire away.” the photographer shrugged, handing her the slightly heavy box.
“Why do you have all of these photos in black and white? Is it for the aesthetic, or…” she inquired, pointing at the wall.
“Ah.” he smiled. “I think that color distracts you from what’s happening in the picture. Sometimes you are so fascinated by the bright colors that you neglect the moment that was captured. The smile of a woman, for example. It doesn’t matter if she’s wearing lipstick, or if she’s got yellow teeth. What I care about it her smile. The way it pulls at the corners of her mouth, the shape of a dimple forming on her right cheek as the lips are parted to show a glimpse of her teeth, stained or not. Black and white allows you to focus on what’s really important.”
Y/n nodded, not knowing what to say in response to such a beautiful way of expression.
The coach's daughter thanked Ferdinand for his time and promised to come back with the final version of the album figured out as soon as possible, only to store the box in her trunk and go about her day, paying her weekly visit to the farmers’ market and stocking up on fresh produce.
As she finally arrived home, she almost forgot about the wedding album that laid in the back of her car. Luckily, her shopping rested on top of it, so when she grabbed the topped-up tote bags to take them inside, Y/N was reminded of her mission and the pressure of having it look perfect for two of her oldest friends.
Opening the heavy faux-leather album, she immediately saw the large envelope which contained the pictures River had insisted she’d keep. Her curiosity made her wonder why, but, as the dedicated maid of honor she was, and a methodical one at that, she decided to get the work done first.
The brunette had only gone through a few pages, marking a couple of alterations to be made, when she saw it. A picture of the guests, in which she could spot herself with Jack, well focused right in the center of it. There was a huge smile etched on her face as she looked back at him. That didn’t faze her though. It was the look in his eyes and the grin she could now identify as the loving kind on his lips.
She remembered now. She had been pretending to know how to tie his bow tie mere seconds before.
“I thought you knew what you were doing?”
“I never said I did.”
Y/N glanced at the white envelope beside her, this time not losing time resisting the temptation and tearing it up, only to find five photographs inside. They were all in black and white. And they all featured her and Jack.
A photo at the gazebo, when her stomach had growled loudly, asking to be fed, and the pair had burst into laughter. A photo of them dancing excitedly to the sound of I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles), jumping up and down as pure enjoyment flooded through them. A photo of him, hanging on every word she said while they ate. A photo of her gazing into his eyes as they briefly swayed to a beautiful ballad. A photo of him, entering the log trellis with a bewildered look and a hint of hope in his eyes.
Ferdinand's words echoed in her head as she looked through the black and white pictures over and over again. Her heart banged inside her ribcage, ready to burst out and find its way to Jack. It wanted to let him know it was not his fault its owner had ran. It wanted to know if it could possibly open itself up to the possibility of love again. It… Was probably way over its head.
She took a deep breath. Maybe it was time to face her fears, to voice her concerns, to let someone in. Y/N knew she had been taking everything light-heartedly because once she let herself care for Jack, she would be exposed to the heartache and pain relationships bring along. But now, as her eyes scanned through every single detail of the photos se held in her hands, she wondered if maybe, just maybe, she’d take a chance on him, he could bring back love into her life. He had taken a chance on her at the wedding. Now it was up to her to decide whether she’d do the same.
The doctor got up, heading to the pantry to look for the hidden stash of sweets she always kept around for the times when she couldn’t think properly.
Reaching up to grab the old tin cookie container, she tripped on the canvas she had been considering throwing out ever since her brush stroked it with paint. Y/N kneeled beside her latest piece of art, carefully tracing over the outlines of her work with her fingertips.
“Can you give me Jack's address?”
“Hey Junior! I’m great, just had meatballs for dinner. Delicious. Louie is okay as well. What about you?”
“Hi. Sorry.” the petite woman muttered, cringing at her lack of manners, adjusting her hands on the steering wheel. “I need Jack's address, please.”
Y/N had left the house in a hurry, holding on to. The painting under her arm and her car keys in her hand, clinging onto every bit of courage she had in her to go to Jack's house and talk. The doctor had only neglected to remember the fact that she had never been to his house and had no idea where he lived. So, as a grown woman would, she called up one of the only two people she knew for sure at some point was a regular at the Hughes abode. When that person failed to pick up, she turned to Trevor Zegras.
“You really don’t know where he lives?” her friend asked, genuinely confused. “I thought you guys had been hanging out, like, all the time.”
“Yes, Z, we hang out at his place and braid each other’s hair.” she grumbled sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “We’ve been out together a couple of times, but never really been to each other’s houses. Not since school, at least.”
“How did that never happen? Even Tiffani with an i has been to your house.” he chuckled to himself, scratching the back of his head.
“Well, I have a child who would probably tell her father there was a man coming. To the house and we both know how that would go down with Charlie. Now, would you please stop drilling me?” Y/N moaned, driving around with no sense of direction.
“That’s what she said!”
“Jesus, Trev, did someone drop you on your head when you were a baby?”
“So the legend says.”
“Just give me his address, okay?”
“Why do you need it? Oh, are you going to his apartment with nothing on but a raincoat and stilettos? I’m here for that, you little mynx.” her friend babbled excitedly.
“Okay, I’ll just ask Jack tomorrow… Got get it, girl!”
“The address.”
“Right! I’ll text you. He’s probably watching Beaches and crying to the sound of Wind Beneath My Wings, though. Believe me, you don’t need to rush to get to him.”
Y/N Y/L/N was back on track. Grabbing the bull by its horns wasn’t as hard when the bull was him. So why was she no nervous? Probably because Jack had been her friend for the better part of two decades, watching out for her with small, yet meaningful, acts of kindness, year after year, even when they’d been kept apart.
His apartment was located on the third floor of a relatively small, but luxurious, complex, practically by the city limits.
The elevator ride, right after she convinced the doorman to open the door for her, was spent trying to figure out what she was going to say when or if he opened the door, but, as soon as he did, all that came out of her mouth was: nothing.
Jack wondered if he was dreaming, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. Was he seeing things or had Y/N Y/L/N just magically appeared at his doorstep as soon as his finger hovered over her name on his phone?
“Hi.” she managed to let out, with a slight wave of her hand.
“What are you doing here?” the brunette man queried incredulously while holding the door open.
“You know when you said you thought you liked me and that you might actually like me a lot? The whole speech that could’ve been ripped off from a Nicholas Sparks novel? Well…”
“I’m not taking it back.” Jack spoke, incredibly sure of himself.
“I don’t want you to.”
Her words confused him. She had told him, just a week before, that he shouldn’t have kissed her and had walked away from him after his heartfelt confession. Now, as she stood at his doorstep, with a rectangular canvas in her bare arms, Y/N Y/L/N’s words told him he was surely dreaming.
Stepping aside, he allowed the petite woman to come in, noticing that her hair looked silky and voluminous, just like it was the first time he had eve set his eyes on her. There wasn’t a hint of makeup on her face, and he could swear she’d never looked more beautiful in her life.
The doctor hesitantly opened her mouth to speak, waiting momentarily for Jack to gently nod, urging her to go on.
“I was cleaning up after dinner a while ago and I noticed most of my plates are slightly chipped. I mean, it’s completely normal, I’ve had them since I moved in with Charlie for the first time. They’re pretty old.” she began, as he listened intently, not wanting to say a word in fear she’d shut him out. “I realize I ran out on you and never really explained why. I know I don’t have to, and I know you’d never expect or force an explanation out of me, but I want to give it to you. I do. So…”
Y/N looked down at the painted canvas, tracing the boards of the metaphorical white china she’d spent hours working on. With another shaky breath, she showed him a small smile before handing him her most recent artwork.
“This is me. I’m a chipped dinner plate. It’s who I am now. I will never be the girl you met back when we were kids again. She’s been through hell. She’s been stomped on, pushed around, told to quiet down her voice. That force of nature handed her heart on a silver platter to a man who continuously made her doubt herself. A man who caused scenes because he was jealous of her coworkers. A man who made her feel tiny and like she wasn’t worth being loved for who she was. A manipulative man who wanted her to be some sort of fifty’s housewife who wouldn’t deny him anything or dare to speak up if she thought he was wrong. That girl isolated herself from her parents and friends because she thought that, by doing so, she was giving him proof that she loved him. But love is supposed to be patient and kind. Love isn’t easily angered, it doesn’t keep score. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. What he felt for her wasn’t love. He didn’t give her the love she needed and deserved. That girl, who had by then become a woman, managed to escape from an abusive marriage because of her daughter, a tiny human being who provided her the strength she craved to break free.
Jack's heart sunk to his stomach, aching madly as he was given an insight to what Y/N, the woman he admired and cared so deeply for, had endured during her seven-year relationship with her ex-husband.
He instinctively clenched his fists, forcing himself to refrain from reacting to what she was telling him. The singer could see how her face contorted, trying to conceal her emotions and how her previous relationship still weighed down on her chest. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her, but he knew better than to do that. He knew he had to wait for her.
“So she did. She let go of him and moved out. But she will never be the same she was before. A part of the person she was is gone. You can’t really do anything to recover the piece that is missing. I am chipped but I will never consider myself a victim of my circumstances. It happened, but I’m still here. I’m alive, I’m healthy, I have a beautiful, witty and kind five-year-old daughter whose love knows no limits. I fought long and hard to go back to the person I was before Charlie but, at the end of the day, it was senseless. She is not coming back. And you know what? It doesn’t matter. I needed the wisdom that came along with the heartache. I am different, but I am stronger. I’m chipped, but I’m not broken.”
The determined look on her face told him she meant every word she said. Y/N Y/L/N displayed her battle wounds fully and proudly.
“I’ve built a wall around my heart and I haven’t let anyone in since then. I tried to a while back, I swear I did… I think I wasn’t ready. I think that maybe, deep down, I wasn’t sure he was the right one, if he could handle all this insane baggage I carry with me. When you kissed me, I wanted to let my guard down. I wanted to stay there with you, under the summer sky, to tell you I also have something in me that tells I am slowly, but surely, falling for you. But my first instinct was to run. Eventually, I always do. I’ve been running for so long, Jack…”
“Y/N, I- ” he started, completely at loss for words.
“I’m afraid I’ll end up hurting you. I’m afraid things will go wrong. I have a daughter, I owe to her to be okay, to always be her rock. I can’t just close my eyes and go for it. She’s my priority, she’s my everything. You understand that, right?”
The doctor waited in silence as Jack gathered his thoughts and willed himself to speak.
“Of course I do. I would never, in a million years, ask you not to think of your daughter when it comes to anything. Joey will always be your number one. I am just asking you for a chance to be your number two. Or three. Or even five. I don’t care. I just want to make you happy. Walking-on-air happy. Singing-ridiculously-cheesy-love songs – 24/7 happy.”
She took one of his hands, which still held the painting, and placed it over her heart.
“Here. This is the effect you and your words have on me. And that honestly it scares me to death. I should probably be running by now, but-”
“I know, but Y/N, don’t.” Jack said as he laid his gift gently on his couch. “I know this is a big leap of faith and we have only scratched the surface on each other’s deep-rooted emotional issues and, trust me, I- ”
He was silenced by her lips, capturing his and pulling him in for a deep, emotional kiss. Both of her hands held his face close to hers, as if the world would end dared they lips move an inch apart.
“What does this mean?” he asked, regaining his breath as he watched her bite down on her bottom lip.
Y/N smiled softly, adjusting the collar of his plaid shirt.
“I don’t want to run anymore.”
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midknightwritings · 2 years
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"I Like You, I Love You !!"
Synopsis : Confessing your love for a certain orange-haired knight was a struggle in itself as you constantly backed out at the last second in nervousness. Noticing your struggles, your friends recommended that you should confess with a song instead !! With their support, what could go wrong ??
Era : Basic !
Warning/s : Swearing, mentions of feeling anxious / slightly panicked
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader [ Main POV ] / Leo Izumi / Arashi / Ritsu / Tsukasa / Anzu [ Supporting characters ]
A/N : "I like you, I love you" IS SUCH A CUTE SONG I COULDN’T RESIST !! So... *offers you a oneshot* The inspiration was too strong for this one wahaha~☆ I tend to struggle a bit when it comes to dialogue so I hope I was able to portray them decently orz
I mainly used the english lyrics from the wiki !! :)
“Hey Leo! Sorry for disturbing you but do you have a moment?” you smiled at the orange-haired knight, who was currently shoving his music sheets haphazardly into his bag in order to get ready for practice, causing the papers to crumple due to the force. “Ah~ [ Y/N ]! Why are you here so early~?” he asked, but when you opened your mouth to reply he immediately cuts you off, “Wait!! Don’t say anything otherwise our ever expanding fantasy will crumble before the cosmos~” With a hand on his head and a pondering expression, your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat at how adorable he currently looks.
Internally psyching yourself up, you took a deep breath in to calm your nerves before you finally answered. “I finished the paperworks early and was wondering if... If... You wanted to play a game while waiting for the others! Yeah...” you shyly explained, a light blush dusting your cheeks as Leo looked at you with a curious gaze. He immediately smiled and nodded in agreement, “Very well! This king shall dedicate his time to you until his fellow knights return~♪ So what game do you want to play~?”
“Wha-what about ‘Shiritori’?” you answered instantly without thinking, earning a curious, and slightly confused, expression from the said king. ‘Seriously [ Y/N ]?! Out of all the games out there, why did you pick the one that focuses on word play?!’ you internally scolded yourself; “I... I just thought that maybe it could help with writing lyrics since you know… S-Synonyms and stuff…?” you stuttered in an iffy tone. That seemed to convince Leo enough though and with a big smile he agreed.
“Uuu… [ Y/N ], you're sneaky! Giving yourself an advantage since you know my weakness? Well, you’re mistaken because as king I will rise victorious in this battle! Wahaha~☆” “Oh, my dear king~ It is I who will stand victorious on this battlefield today! Ready~? Shirito"ri"…”
“RITSU !!” you both exclaimed at the same time, earning a confused “Huh~?” from the studio door. As Leo looked past your shoulders, you spun around to be greeted with the sight of Ritsu, Arashi, Tsukasa, Izumi and even Anzu carrying towels and water bottles.
“Jeez, while we were out here busting our asses off to prepare for practice, you two lovebirds are playing a game? That’s so~annoying.” Izumi rolled his eyes as he placed the towels on top of an empty table.
“L…Lovebirds?!” you exclaimed in embarrassment but Leo just laughed cheekily at Izumi’s comment, seemingly unbothered by the nickname. “Sena~ If you keep your face scrunched up like that you’ll get a ton of wrinkles way~y before becoming an old man!”
Ever since you transferred to Yumenosaki, you've gotten close to the members of Knights after closely working with them after the DDD incident. Then, upon Leo’s return, you started getting close to him as well. The more you two hanged out, the more your feelings started to grow and eventually, you ended up falling for him… Hard…
Your ‘crush’ on the said king was so obvious to the other members that they would often tease you whenever they could. Offhanded nicknames and comments such as these were common at this point but they never failed to make you blush and internally cuss them out. You’re honestly surprised that Leo seemingly didn’t notice but you just assumed that he thought this was all platonic since he often says “I love you~!” to his friends anyways. This kind of upsets you but, at the same time, you’re very grateful as your feelings were still a secret.
• ━━°⌜ Timeskip ⌟°━━ •
After practice, Leo immediately jumped up and grabbed his bag before dashing to the door. “I’m heading off now! I gotta help my family with dinner~ Bye-be~e~☆” and with that, Leo was out the door in the blink of an eye. You waited for a minute or two and, when you were 100% certain that he was gone, you groaned loudly and sank into the desk.
“Your efforts are so pathetic that they’re comical at this point.” “Now now Izumi-chan, there’s no need to rub salt on their wounds... We all know [ Y/N ]-chan’s trying their best...” “Yeah Secchan, it’s not their fault their brain seemingly turns to mush every time they see anything remotely orange~”
“Guys, I get it…” you groaned again, grabbing your water bottle and taking a sip; “I just can’t help it! Every time I see him, I can’t seem to think properly!!”
“[ Y/N ]-san, this may seem quite bold, but have you ever thought about finally confessing? You’ve been pining over LEADER for quite some time now, and I believe that telling him your feelings can finally give you some CLOSURE.”
“I’m trying!!” you dramatically wailed, “Every time I think about finally confessing, I back out at the last second and come up with a super dumb excuse! Just last week, I planned to confess but got so scared that I ended up asking if we could play rock-paper-scissors instead!!”
A scoff caused you to turn to the silver-haired knight who was seemingly holding back his laughter. “Izumi seems to think that was hilarious…” you sarcastically called out, causing him to raise an eyebrow with a small smirk on his lips. “At least I don’t go around asking people if they want to play rock-paper-scissors~” he teased, making you huff in embarrassment. However, just before you could retaliate, a quiet voice spoke up.
“[ Y/N ]-san, if you struggle with words then why don’t you confess to Tsukinaga-senpai with a song instead? Singing and talking are two very different things, so maybe that could help you.” Anzu recommended, making you stop and think about it. “Well if I sang, then maybe I wouldn't get so embarrassed...” you quietly mumbled to yourself; “Do you think it’ll work?”
“Don’t overthink it [ Y/N ]-chan~ That’s the perfect way to confess to ou-sama!”
• ━━°⌜ Timeskip ⌟°━━ •
A few days passed since then and, with the help of Anzu and the other members of Knights, you were able to come up with the perfect confession song! It wasn’t too complicated, as you decided to poke fun at your previous confession attempts as a way to shed light into how you truly felt at the time. The song was both light-hearted and serious, and you hoped to build up those emotions for the climax, which was at the end where you would actually sing your confession.
Anzu was kind enough to book a recording booth after class on Friday and, the moment the bell rang, you immediately hopped out of your seat and ran to the studio. Throughout the week, you spent time with Leo as if everything was normal. It was quite hard, because Leo is surprisingly quite observant, but you somehow managed to pull through.
Once you entered the recording studio, Anzu was already there, setting up the recording devices as you went inside to set up the microphone itself. Once you were both done, Knights, excluding Leo of course, entered the studio. They wanted to help guide you through the vocals since you weren’t used to singing for an audience.
Once everything was in place, the recording session began.
The session went without a hitch as you sang through the choruses and verses with ease. With the feedback you got from the knights, you were also able to fine-tune all the melodic and harmonic details! However, your heart started to quicken the further you were in the song because you knew the inevitable was coming. With that, you finally reached the confession section.
It was a simple line! All you had to sing was, “You know, the truth is that I like you! I love you!!” and you’ll be done! That’s what you initially thought, but your hands started to shake with nervousness as you held the lyric sheets tightly.
“Just one more line [ Y/N ]-chan and you’ll be done! You got this!” Arashi cheered from outside the booth as Tsukasa smiled and nodded in agreement. “Let’s just get this over with alright?” Izumi huffed, but you’ve been friends with him for long enough to decipher that he was also cheering you on. Ritsu lazily gave you a thumbs up and a soft smile, indicating that he was rooting for you as well.
“Alright [ Y/N ]-san! Whenever you’re ready.” Anzu smiled as she moved forward and pressed the "record" button on the large device. Taking a deep breath in, you saw the light inside the booth change from red to green, indicating that the device was now recording. Mustering up all your strength and against the loud, rapid beating of your heart, you started to sing the final line.
“You know, the truth is, I, ah-” you stuttered out immediately, your hands seemingly shook with such force that you couldn’t even see the lyrics anymore! Your mind started to spin as you began to imagine Leo in front of you, looking at you with his shining green eyes that held an excited, yet curious, glint within them; wondering what you were going to say next.
At that moment, you became a complete mess.
“I, um, um, you know… You, aah… I, sorry, wait, um, you know-”
You were so caught up with your internal struggle to, ‘Just sing the damn line [ Y/N ]!’ that you failed to notice everyone outside the booth watching you. Some in surprise, others in slight amusement. Seeing that you didn’t want to stop, Anzu signed at the others to stay quiet as she decided to continue recording. All they could do was watch from the outside as you kept trying to push yourself;
“Uuh, I… About you…! You know, I, you… You know, I, you- I, you… Li, li, li-li, li-li, li… li-”
At this point, you weren’t looking at your lyric sheets for guidance anymore, but rather, you were staring at them to avoid the gazes of your friends. You could feel them watching you with confusion? Maybe pity? Who knows because you sure as hell didn’t want to know either!
“Li-li-li-li, li, li, li, li… Breathe in, out…” you muttered to yourself as you tried to psych yourself up, but the moment you looked up at your friends, you finally saw their expecting gazes and just sighed in defeat.
“Sorry, just forget it…” you languished, waving your hand in defeat and signaling Anzu to stop recording. She looked at you with empathy, and understanding, as your gaze was down at your feet. Your mind started to fill with various thoughts running at once.
‘Am I really going to back down now after all the help they gave me? Am I really gonna allow myself to give up just like that...?’ you thought as you subtly glanced up at your friends once again.
You didn’t want to read into their expressions too deeply but you could tell that they were more worried about you. Anzu saw your gaze and gave you a small smile and a nod, but just as she was about to click the "stop recording” button, a wave of determination seemingly engulfed you. Izumi noticed this and quickly grabbed Anzu’s wrist, causing her finger to hover just above the button as you yelled out, “Wait!” at the same time.
As they all looked at you with encouragement, you took another deep breath in and tried again;
“Li, li, li-li, li-li-li-li. Li-li-li-li, li… li… li… li… Li, li, li-li, li-li, li… li… Like you, I love you!!”
The blush on your face was now a deep, deep shade of red as your heart was beating so hard that you genuinely thought that it’d break through your ribcage at any point now. Looking at your friends once again, you can see Arashi silently clapping with a smile, Tsukasa giving you a thumbs up, Izumi with a small smile and Ritsu mouthing “You did it~” as Anzu stopped the recording.
“I don’t think this is gonna work out after all…” was the first thing you muttered out when you exited the booth. “Don’t say that [ Y/N ]-chan! You were finally able to say it in the end! Plus, I personally find your stuttered singing to be quite cute, you know~” Arashi comforted you but it only caused you to sigh even more. “There’s no way it was good enough though…” you mumbled, fumbling with your thumbs as you started to feel self-conscious.
As the others tried to comfort you, their voices were drowned out by the negative thoughts that started to plague your mind. ‘Leo deserves better than this…’ , ‘This wasn't a good idea after all…’ , ‘I’m going to make a bigger fool out of myself with this after all, huh…?’ were just some of the ideas that clouded your thoughts. Finally packing up your bag, you turned to them all with a sad smile.
“Sorry for dragging you all into this and wasting your time… I think it’d be best if you just pretended that this never happened…” you choked out as you left the studio before anyone could say a thing.
• ━━°⌜ Timeskip ⌟°━━ •
That night, you started to overthink the entire situation, causing you to drown in self-loathing at the thought of wasting your friends' precious time. You spent so much time thinking to yourself, that the weekend seemingly passed by in the blink of an eye. Luckily, you were able to come to terms with the whole situation when Monday rolled around.
‘I’m ok with pining from a distance as long as we're still friends... It wouldn’t be that bad, right?’ you thought to yourself as you got ready for school once again. With this newfound sense of acceptance, you decided to find Anzu and the other knights to apologize to them; and that’s exactly what you did.
You entered the school gates and greeted everybody as if you totally didn’t have a mini breakdown during the weekend and, when you ran into Anzu and the others, you greeted them as usual before apologizing. You were glad that they accepted your apology, as they completely understood your perspective but, at the same time, something seemed off about them all.
You first noticed this from Anzu. She seemed excited about something. When you asked, she said that she got to mix a really important song during the weekend and she was super happy with the results! Listening to her happy ramble eased any worries you had so you moved on.
When you went to Tsukasa, you noticed that he was a bit jumpy but you didn't question it because Knights’ next live was coming up and you just assumed that he was nervous about that.
Ritsu was surprisingly more awake than his usual morning-self. When you teasingly asked why, he just said that he had to give something important to "someone" and moved on. He never told you who this "someone" was but you just assumed that it was a classmate.
Arashi was quite giddy and cheerful, but the wording of her teases made you do a double take. Subtle remarks such as, "[ Y/N ]-chan don't worry about a thing! I still ship you two so hard! Ah~ You will be such a cute couple~" in combination with her playful winks never failed to make you blush. Once again though, you thought that this was her way of making you feel better because she was acting like the recording session didn't happen in the first place.
Last was Izumi. He didn’t seem any different compared to the others when you went to him to apologize, but what caught your attention was the fact that he kept checking his phone every minute or so in rapid succession. You just thought that his schedule was packed so you didn't mind.
However, something else was off… Normally, you’d see Leo composing in the halls and greet him on the way to class but today... He wasn't there?
Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you entered your classroom wondering where he was. Taking a seat on your desk, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket before opening the message;
Izumi : oi, can you help me find ou-sama? class will start soon and his stuff isn't even there yet! So now I’m the one tasked with hunting him down this is so annoying… You : huh that’s strange… shouldnt he be finished vandalizing the hallways by now? Izumi : did you seriously think I didn't check?! jeez, I'm not stupid [ Y/N ] he must be somewhere else go check our studio and I’ll check the halls again You : you can count on me o7
Shoving your phone into your pocket, you hopped out of your seat, left your classroom and started your search. Looking around the halls curiously, you wondered why Izumi asked for your help in the first place. 'The studio huh...? Leo usually isn't in there in the mornings so why should I check there?' you thought to yourself as your eyes scanned the halls for a familiar shade of orange.
As you continued your way to the studio, you started to lose hope as the halls were seemingly void of any scribbles. ‘Where could he be?!’ you thought to yourself as you tried to rack your brain for any possible leads. Just as you were deep in thought, you suddenly stopped dead in your tracks as you heard a familiar voice humming a very familiar tune.
‘Oh fuck…’ was the only thought that crossed your mind as your heart sank. Turning towards the direction of the voice, you were met with the sight of Leo laying on his stomach on the floor in Knights' studio, holding an IPod and wearing earphones.
Quietly making your way towards the opened door, you slowly leaned in from the side of the doorframe and peeked in, trying to hide yourself. This seemingly worked as Leo didn't notice you and continued humming, even bopping his head to the beat of the song. Your song.
All you could do was quietly watch in horror as you even caught him humming a recognizable rhythm. Tensing at what you heard, you instantly knew that those were your stutters. Trying to hold back your tears, your mind was racing with so many thoughts.
‘Why is the stuttering there?! Didn’t I tell you guys to forget about the song-’ your thoughts were cut off by a surprised, “Ah!” from inside the room. You stared at Leo for a few seconds before your mind finally processed that he was looking at you too, with an unreadable expression. So, you gave him a small smile to try and hide your nervousness.
“Hey Leo… Izumi’s looking for you, he said that you need to go to class…” you explained in an uncharacteristically hushed tone as you tried to fight back your tears. You didn’t want him to see you cry, especially since the damage was already done with the song. ‘I don’t want to make things worse…’ you thought to yourself but, just before you could run away, Leo gave you playful pout.
“Uuu… [ Y/N ]~ Forget about classes! I-Aah, wait!! I cannot allow myself to forget~ This is su~per important so listen~☆”
‘Here it is…’ you thought as you braced yourself for the inevitable rejection, but you jumped in surprise when you felt Leo hug you tight. Without his smile faltering in the slightest, he pulled you in close and nuzzled into your face like a cat. A deep blush covered your cheeks as you stood there frozen in shock, your mind going blank due to the situation you're currently in.
“L… Leo?!” you were able to stammer out in confusion, causing the orange-haired knight to look at you with a happy glimmer in his eyes. Without breaking away from hug, he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and, with the same melody you know all too well, sang;
“I like you, I love you too~♪”
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this is the first gameplay ever in the Sims where my characters conceive twins "au naturel", so to speak, without anything that might influence the outcome.
bloody hell I am not ready to take care of twins, which is why I am going to age them up RIGHT AWAY. (also, this is hilarious because Unity!Dora doesn't have twins but Syndicate!Dora does lolol )
However, it seems that my two lovebirds are!! Like, look at them taking care of Bebe Lucien and Léonie <3
Also, do not mind the different lighting in the pictures, because I touched them all up in Clip Studio Paint, redrawing some stuff and colouring around. I particularly love the first one, tbh. It has that dreamy quality that I just adore to give to artwork in general. :D
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(and you can bet your hat that Mathias would be the sweetest of dads, fml. I am ready to bet my whole skills at drawing that he is the bestest of dads.)
Now I am curious to see how Antoine and Colette are going to be around the kids: I know Colette is the bestest of aunts, she will spoil those two rotten , but I am pretty sure that Antoine will be like a guard dog with them.
If she was protective of her brother, you can bet she will be even more so of his children.
I need to take more pictures once the little ones are aged up, this is going to be fun!
I swear, I need to talk about all the headcanons that playing at the game is giving me, but eh, when I have the time, maybe lol
for now, I will just go to sleep a little bit.
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englishotomegames · 10 months
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Band Camp Boyfriend
Release date (Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Steam) English: May 11th, 2023
"For the last few years, the Blue Mountain Bandits High School Marching Band has suffered from inconsistent directorship. Students are dropping out, scores and morale are at an all-time low, and the school doesn’t give the music program the respect it deserves.
Determined to turn everything around, Cadence enters her junior year as the band’s drum major, alongside brand new band director and Blue Mountain alum, Mr. Victor Wiley. Whipping the band into competition shape is easier said than done, but Cadence and Wiley have the drive and optimism to see the task through. To focus solely on perfecting this year’s field show, the band leaves behind society to spend two weeks at Camp Bearpaw, a sports compound located amidst the woodsy Pennsylvania countryside. It’s the perfect place to kindle friendships, make memories, grow as a leader, and perhaps even find love in between rehearsals...
However, band camp isn’t going to be easy. All choices carry weight and unexplained happenings wait in the wings of the camp. Will Cadence lead her classmates to victory--or watch the entire band fall apart around her?"
This is a game by Lovebird Game Studios! You can buy it or download the demo from itch.io, or buy it from Steam.
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karliahs · 2 months
Hi, lovebird!!! Hope you're doing well <333 For the crafter's ask game, maybe 🌟🌼 and/or 💖, perhaps??? Wishing you a lovely rest of your day!
ahhh thank you for the ask! here ya go:
🌟 What is your favourite type of crafting (knitting, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, etc) and why?
so crafts I've done are knitting, crochet, and very recently have been dabbling in pottery
crochet is definitely my favourite! I knit for a few years and the stuff you can make with knitting is really cool, but my manual dexterity is actually not that great and knitting never really felt natural even just in terms of like, the basics of holding the needles, even after a long time of working at it. plus crochet just feels soooo fast compared to knitting and I love that quicker gratification. and I love all the squares! satisfying to make and super pretty
I gave pottery a go bc I like tactile crafts and it's definitely fun! doing it at a studio is expensive and kinda stressful though bc I'd rather make stuff in private. I think I’m gonna try doing air-dry clay stuff at home and see how that goes. I do want to do a wheel class at some point though!
🌼 Do you have a project (current or a past one) you want to talk about?
my current project is kind of on hold while I give my wrist a rest/fuck it up in a different way playing persona 5 all the time, which is a shame bc I'm very close to being done. i'm making myself a jumper and it's nearly done, just gotta do more ribbing and attach it all together:
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I made my dad a jumper last year and it was somehow very easy, I had to kind of eyeball size but it came out fitting perfectly without ever needing to adjust
this gave me profoundly unrealistic expectations for how easy it is to make a jumper that fits. goddamn. I'm a gauge checking convert thanks to this thing but even after checking and measuring a lot I've still had to remake sections of it several times
but I looooove the yarn so much:
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all the river washed yarn colours are amazing and it took me a long time to choose one. I really love yarn with like semi-subtle variance in the colours, and yellow and purple is one of my fave colour combos. in subtle lighting it just kind of looks like a nice purple, but it goes super vivid and almost pink in lots of natural light
💖 Which one of your creations are you the proudest? Show off!
it's definitely not the most technically complex thing Ive ever made but I adore this bag I made for my sister:
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have never felt so conflicted about giving something away lmao. the colours work so nicely together and she gets compliments on it all the time
at some point I want to make a bunch more of these squares and try and make myself a cardigan
i'm also pretty proud of some of the stuff i made in pottery class that are not fired yet, gotta show those off once i pick them up next week
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
I was wondering if you can write something about reader x marvel cast where they go on the tour bus with James Corden. Maybe reader is dating a costar (you can choose who)
We Are Avengers
Pairing: Marvel cast x reader, Sebastian Stan x Fem!reader
Summary: Basically what happens during James Corden’s Star Star Tour😌
Warnings: None :)
Hello darling, thank you for the request! I apologize that it took so long for me to write, but I’ve been busy with school and I’ve been lacking motivation in general. But thank you so much for this request, it gave me the chance to rewatch one of my favorite Marvel cast videos so thank you for that as well, it never fails to make me smile. I hope you don’t mind that I chose Seb as the co-star you’re dating! Also, yes, I know I’ve been writing a lot of headcanons but writing this as a headcanon seems like the best way to write it for me😭 I’m gonna add in some pictures that the cast took with their disposable cameras, so enjoy😉
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(GIF from Pinterest)
✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
When it was mentioned that you and some other members of the Infinity War cast were going to be on James Corden, you were very excited.
You enjoyed making appearances on late night talk shows; Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel—they were always fun to be on. Though you’ve always loved making appearances on James Corden’s show.
When you first heard about being on The Late Late Show, you were expecting to do a typical interview in the studio that would lead to playing a game later on in the show.
What you didn’t expect was to be led out to the parking lot with the rest of the cast, only to be greeted by a double decker bus with James’ face plastered alongside it.
At first you were all a bit confused but one of the producers came up to you all and explained the segment you were all filming.
Everyone was buzzing with exhilaration waiting to get on the bus. One by one you were called up, you being paired with Sebastian.
Wait, he would make you go up the stairs first so he can stay behind you, making sure you don’t fall. Omg and he would place his hand on your lower back too😭🥺
“Wow—Marvel’s own power couple, it’s such an honor to have you both on here. Thank you for coming!” James greeted the both of you. Partially acting because the cameras were rolling.
You and Sebastian beamed at him, proud of the title the fans and your cast mates have given you both over the years. “It’s always a pleasure to see you, James.”
James gives you both your name tags, pausing mid way while he was handing Seb his. James’ gaze shifts between you and Seb, “I’m sorry, you’re just both so beautiful.”
Seb bashfully thanks him, pulling you towards the seats, as you giggle behind him.
You and Seb sit towards the back, behind Don and Tom.
You all sit tight, talking amongst yourselves as you wait for the bus to start. In the seats were disposable cameras and some Late Late Show merch.
The bus hasn’t started driving yet, but you were all having too much fun with the disposable cameras.
Everyone was just taking pictures of each other. You and Seb took a couple selfies and some stolen shots of the others, mostly Anthony.
You even got a cute shot of Don and Tom:
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Yes I know they used disposable cameras but I decided to tie in my ‘Polaroid’ series into this even though they’re not using Polaroids—just go with it😭
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Being the more social one in the relationship, you were going up and down the aisle talking to everyone.
Seb stayed towards the back with Anthony and Winston. While you were at the front talking to Lizzie and Chris.
Being sad when you were all told to go sit down because you had to leave Lizzie.
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Though it probably wasn’t shown in the video, I just KNOW that the filming for this segment was chaotic as fuck.
Chaotic in a good way.
But the whole bus was loud I just know it.
You could hear Mackie across from you talking loudly and laughing that contagious laugh of his.
You, Lizzie, Pom, and Zoe attempting to talk to each other from different spots on the bus over everyone else’s voice.
Chris and Paul can also be heard laughing all the way from the back.
James feeling like a parent because it felt like he was babysitting a bunch of toddlers.
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The whole thing was freaking chaotic from the start, I mean ya’ll started the ‘tour’ with Benedict and Chris rubbing sunscreen on James’ legs.
Everyone passing around the sunscreen after, because it was sunny as hell and no one thought of wearing sunscreen.
Seb being a cheeky asshole and ‘accidentally’ smearing sunscreen across your face.
“Sebastian!” You gasped before a flash of light went off on you. When your eyes recovered from the flash you see Seb holding up a camera at you, snickering to himself.
James began to act as your guide, pointing out things like a coffee shop and explaining what it is.
All of you being childish and pretending to not know what a coffee shop or what a line is.
Laughing at Don when he got out of his seat and took a picture of the coffee shop. Like how he got into an over exaggerated position just to take a picture was funny.
Everyone being childish and acting as actual tourist in Los Angeles. Like pointing things out and asking about them or taking pictures of literally everything you drove by.
When Reggie Watts began that sing along thing everyone joined in, bopping and dancing along to the beat.
Like you guys are just having a really great time, happy to be in each other’s presence.
You could hear Sebby singing along to Reggie beside you, and you couldn’t help but just adore him singing and having fun.
He’d notice your stare, he may have had sunglasses on, but you could see the crinkle of his eyes from behind his sunglasses as he smiled at you.
“Na, na, na, na, na, na!” Seb repeated, leaning towards you to press a kiss on your temple.
Throughout the whole ride, he’d have his arm along the back of your seat or have it across your lap.
After the sing along, James went back to acting as a tour guide. He pointed to a red building—whatever it was—and deemed it as “Barbra Streisand’s holiday home”.
Josh Brolin, who was sat along at the back of the deck, raised his hand. “Excuse me! I—uh don’t mean to interrupt, but I have to use the bathroom. Can I use the bathroom?”
James pretending to cringe and telling him that in order to use the bathroom you have to be in three or more Marvel movies to use the bathroom—end credits don’t count.
Everyone being childish once again and yelling “OHHHHHHH!” Like a bunch of school kids.
James points to Tom, “Tom Hiddleston do you need the bathroom?”
Tom, with his soft voice and a small shrug says, “I’m actually okay!”
James then points to you and Seb, “My lovebirds at the back, Sebastian, (Y/n), do either of you need the bathroom?”
You and Seb glance at each other, “Nah we’re good.” Your boyfriend answers.
“Yeah, I used the bathroom before we came here.” You look behind your shoulder at Josh, a smug expression on your face, “Unlike some people.”
Josh flipping you off while everyone laughs at him.
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Since Anthony and Seb aren’t sitting together, I just know that Anthony would be yelling at Seb from across the bus to get his attention.
No seriously, I saw them in the background of the video and even heard Mackie yelling lmao😭😂
“(Y/n) call Sebastian!” Anthony yelled at you from across the bus, pointing to the man beside you with a grin on his face.
You chuckle and nudge Seb, “Your boyfriend’s calling you.”
Seb would shake his head at you and turn his attention to Anthony; who just wanted to take a picture of Seb from his side of the bus.
James trying to get spoilers out of all of you but thankfully you all aren’t Tom Holland or Mark Ruffalo.
“Does anyone on this bus die in the next Avengers?” James asked. Suddenly you were all quiet, not a word coming out of any of you.
Until Paul began to scream his infamous line, “snITCHES END UP IN DITCHES!”
Getting confused when James suddenly asked the bus to stop and ran off the bus.
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Next thing you know, you’re all hopping off the bus and walking into a comic store with a Spider-Man statue at the front.
Seb motioned to the statue and looked back and Anthony, “We gotta get a picture with that.”
Anthony instantly agreeing—he was willing to do anything to tease Tom Holland.
Seb’s not that huge with PDA, but he always needs to be touching you. So he’ll be interlocking your hands with his the moment you walk off the bus and all the way into the comic store.
Feeling thrilled to surprise the people who were shopping at the store.
You all walked around, mingled with some fans, taking selfies with them, and signed a few things.
You were looking at some Funko Pops with Lizzie when you felt a small tap on your leg.
You looked down to see a small girl looking up at you with wide eyes full of admiration. In her tiny hands was a Funko Pop of your character.
You and Lizzie instantly coo at the toddler, crouching down to her level so you can talk.
“Hey, sweetheart!” You greet her, taken back when she suddenly wraps her arms around you into a hug. You laugh wrapping your arms around her small figure and hugging her back.
“I love you so much!” She squeals into your ear, arms tightening around you. Your heart swelled as she excitedly babbled about how much she loved your character and how you were her favorite.
“I love you too! Oh my gosh, you’re so cute!” You decide to carry the toddler, who you later learned was named Lila. Her parents scolded her for distracting you from the other fans in the store, but you brushed them off, your attention focused on your tiny fan.
You carried her around while you met other fans and signed more comic books and merch.
You even introduced her to your other cast mates.
Sebastian’s heart absolutely melting at the sight of you with a baby.
Homie wants to wife you up one day and seeing you with a baby made his baby fever sky rocket.
“Lila, this is Sebastian! You know who he plays right?” You ask the toddler in your arms. Sebastian ducking a bit so he could hear her over the commotion in the store.
“Yeah, he’s the wiener soldier!” She replied. Both you and Seb had to hold back your laughs at her answer.
Lila bragging about how she loves you more than Sebastian.
Seb having to agree because he doesn’t wanna make a toddler cry.
Before you all left, you took pictures with Lila and her parents and signed a bunch of her merch.
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^ the boys got their picture.
You guys get back on the bus only to come back to rolls of paper under your seats.
You all sang the “Avengers” song, singing screaming the lyrics dramatically.
Don and Anthony bringing on the vocals.
Before you guys get off the bus you all take a selfie together.
Leaving Chris Hemsworth on the bus and walking off the bus with your heart all warm and fuzzy because you had an amazing time with your boyfriend and your friends :)
This is so long holy shit
🏷 Tags ↴
*if there’s a line through your username, Tumbr won’t let me tag you*
Marvel Cast/ Avengers Tags
↪︎ @ximaginx @lozzypoz321 @sunwardsss @pokemonbong @pjokotlcmarvel201 @whoslili @111111111111111sblog @marvel-is-a-mood @blckyungblood @astroponyo @universemarvel @imthebadguyyy @roseke @bi-myself-forever @httpscarletwitch @millenniumloki @cristin-rjd @swords-are-cool @melaninfalconbucky @deamus-liv @elvish-sky @catsandbooksandsstuff @ellajoy419 @moonlight-babe99
Sebastian Stan Tags
↪︎ @theresnoplatypus @wintersoldierlover @peacelovehobbitness @milea @sunwardsss @thedenimjacket @roserose26
General Tags
↪︎ @quxxnxfhxll @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @thegirlwiththediary @agustdowney @bi-lmg @rqmanoff @sesamepancakes @stardustofreading @dracoswhore007 @swiftmind
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Stressful streaming [Corpse  x reader]
Paring: Corpse husband x Female!reader
Summary: “What if y/n isnt a good gamer (they do something else on yt and never really got into it) so they just really suck at being the imposter? And everyone is trying to make them feel better but they feel super crappy about ruining the game for everyone- especially when they get paired up with corpse?” Requested by anon
“can I request something where y/n and corpse are dating, she is the group's baby and everytime she kills everyone's like 'yeah, that's cute bUT YOUR BOYFRIEND THO'.” Requested by anon
Warnings: Idk, this took a complete 180 midway through, and even idk what’s going on anymore. Fluff?  Comfort? Cuddles???
Words: 2k
A/N: Open for requests. And a two for one, you know me at this point.
The two of you had been living together for quite a while now. And you had been public about your relationship for a long time, had it been up to either of you, nobody still wouldn’t know. But it’s definitely better on both of your nerves not having to tiptoe around each other when you recorded, or he streamed.
You really enjoy books, so that’s what you naturally made the topic of your YouTube channel, book reviews. You had always recorded yourself reading and made it into a time-lapse after, it was when easier now that you didn’t have to worry if Corpse said anything and you looked up to answer him. You weren’t really into gaming so it surprised you a lot when Corpse had sat you down yesterday and asked if you wanted join them in the game today. The other had been bugging him to get you on call for longer than just saying a quick hi and then leaving him again. You weren’t much of a people person, honestly neither of you were. But Corpse was still better at interacting with others. Both of your setups was already in the studio, due to you liking edit your videos when he streamed, so you could still be together. Despite you mostly reading whenever he streamed, because then there wasn’t a chance he accidentally got caught on your camera.
Your routines worked for each other, but this was new territory for you. Both being live and gaming. You were nervous. To put it out there you were straight up shaking of nerves. Sure you wouldn’t be live yourself, and it was just among us, you had seem him play it a million times, but it still scared you what if you said something stupid, or did something stupid. Then you wouldn’t be able to cut it out, everyone would know in an instant.
Corpse greet his stream, as you load up your game, you’re fiddling with the hem of his sweater, makes him feel like he’s closer than the short distance that’s between you, because right now he seemed like an ocean away.
He shows you how to join the call and you accidentally squeak in chock as someone yells into their microphone. You can feel Corpse moving beside you, as he tries his best not to laugh at you.
“Shut up.” You mumble, and lightly shoves his shoulder.
“Me?” A guy with an irish accent asks.
“No! Not you, I’m so sorry that wasn’t to you- Corpse stop laughing at me!” You cut your own sentence off. As he now is completely failing at keeping himself from laughing, inviting everyone and their mom to listen to his beautiful laugh. You sulk for a bit, before he composes himself.
“But you’re just so damn cute.” He pets the top of your head, and walks back to his own setup, where chat is going rocket speed. He tries to read a couple in passing, but he turns his attention back to you when you whine.
“I’m not a child!” you pout at him and sticks out your tongue. A smile right on your lips as he copies you. You just love this man with all of your heart.
“Never said you were.” He teases back, before he starts to greet the people in the call. You realise most of your nerves have disappeared, no longer shaking, you’re getting a bit excited to do this. You listen closely when corpse says the name of each of the people in the call. You only knew the names before joining, but not what voice that belonged to whom.
When you’re finally in the game, Corpse suggests you put on the white skin and a flower. Your reply?
You lean close to the microphone and goes. “No.” And picks the yellow skin with the plant hat, declaring you’re now a citrus fruit.
“Corpse, how in the world did you catch someone like her?” you think her name was Rae asked.
“I didn’t she caught me.” He admits, happily. “Still having trouble believing she chose me.”
Earning an awe from the rest of the call. Two lovebirds.
“Simp!” someone yells in the call, you’re not really sure who, in the sea of mixed noises. Earning a laugh from you.
Crewmate flash across your screen, and you didn’t totally mean to peak, but you saw the red flash from his pc. As the game starts up and your character isn’t moving you realise you don’t know what you’re doing. Corpse realises too when his character starts to circle yours and nothing happens.
“Babe you good there?” He looks over at you, as you’re pressing each key on your keyboard testing out what happens. He chuckles at the sight. “let me help you.” He gets up, and leans over you, as he shows you how to move. His own character standing still, as he helps you around the map and shows you how to do the tasks. You happily let him guide your hands, enjoying the warmth he radiates as he stands near you.
That’s when a warning flash over the screen. Emergency meeting. You think it said. A screen with a portrait of all of your characters comes up.
“Corpse you good there, you haven’t moved all game?” Felix asks.
“Oh, sorry, I was helping Y/N with how to play.” Corpse answers over your mic.
“Hey guys, how do I make my name red like Corpses?” you innocently ask, with a gleam in your eyes as you look up at Corpse knowing damn well why his name is red. He’s the bad guy.
Corpse furrows his eyebrows at you. Glaring at you, as the rest of the call is laughing, it doesn’t take long before his astronaut is floating across the screen ejected into outer space. He leans close to you, making sure to mute your microphone first.
“You sure you want to play like this kitten?” He whispers to you, you respond by smacking his shoulder, and once again telling him to shut up.
Corpse helps you through the rest of the game. He makes sure you’re good before walking back to his own chair and greets his chat, finally paying attention back to them. Another game starts and the two of you  are imposters together. Corpse quickly goes over the rules of impostors, and it doesn’t take long before you have made your first kill, not noticing Sean was in Nav together with Rae.  But before he’s able to report it,Corpse comes to your rescue by venting into the room and killing Sean. The relief is short lived as  Felix comes running into Nav and see the two of you standing over Seans body, quickly reporting.
“Y/N you’re doing good, but you need to press the report button when it comes visible.” Felix starts out. “Also, it’s Corpse, there was a body in Nav, Sean. Wait Rae and Mark is dead too.” You smile to yourself as you realise he didn’t discover Raes body in there too, you feel a bit of pride.
Corpse looks over to you grinning at him. “We walked in together I was showing her where the report button is and how to use it.” Corpse defends himself. “She never found a body in the last game.”
“That’s true.” You choose to ignore he fact you’re lying to these strangers, and tell yourself that you’re technically speaking the truth. You never found a body in the last game.
“I’m sus of you Corpse, but we have no other evidence.” Felix says,
“And we shouldn’t vote on 7.” Toast comments. Everyone votes skip, and the two of you live to see another round.
The next kill is by Corpse, and you immediately report it, stating you found it in… what was that room now called?
“We found it in… that room?” You try and look over at Corpse for help.
“Electrical, headed there for wires.” Corpse quickly takes over to cover for you. Knowing full well the rest very much knows it’s the two of you.
“I think it’s a self-report, Y/N you’re trying out some big brain strats, but I saw you vent from med bay.” Toast tells the rest. You curse underneath your breath; you are starting to catch on the rest are trying to be nice. But you get it, you’re ruining the game for them, especially Corpse. A few seconds passes as everyone votes and your astronaut is sent into the vacuum of space. You sigh.  You watch as Corpse, gets one kill before it gets reported.
“What was everyone’s last task?” Grease asks the group. He gets an array of answers, but all to him seems nowhere near the body.
“I’m still sus of you Corpse.” Felix says, “You either failed card swipe twice, or forgot you already faked it.”
“How could it have been me? I was with you the entire time.” Corpse responds.
“That’s not true, when lights went out I couldn’t find you, and we just split up before I found the body now.” Felix tells the other incriminating Corpse. It doesn’t take long before he gets voted off. He looks a bit annoyed at the outcome. Knowing it was a risky kill. But instead in your mind you take it as he’s annoyed you were his partner. You reach out for his hand, and he takes it, you stroke it a few times and he seems to calm down again.
“It’s been fun you guys, but I’m not really good at this, I think I’m going to get back to do some reading. It was fun though.” You announce to the rest, Corpse watching in confusion over the sudden need to leave. The others bid their goodbyes. You get off the discord call. And closes up the game and shuts off your pc.
“Hey chat, I’ll be right back, I’m taking a quick break before we continue.” Corpse mutes his setup and walks over to you. While doing that you’ve frustratedly put your head in your hands, and is onboard the blame train for ruining the game for the others. Corpse wraps his arms around you and brings you right back to reality and where you belong, in his embrace.
“Babe, are you okay? Do you need me to stop the stream?” He carefully asks.
“I’m sorry I ruined your game. I really tried my best, I promise.” You sigh, looking at him, and leaning into his hug and the warmth.
“You didn’t ruin anything, Y/N. You made it better, I had a fun time with you, even if we weren’t the best pair.” Corpse starts peppering you in kisses alround your face until you start giggling.
“There is my beautiful Y/N.” He smiles at you, he knows he’s so whipped, and he wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world when he sees that smile of yours.
“Thank you.” You mumble as you put your neck into his neck, cuddling up against him. “Can I stay for the rest of your stream?” He doesn’t need to answer, he just sits back down in his own chair, and you automatically and easily, swing a leg over him. You cuddle into his chest and listens as he starts talking to his chat again.
“Y/N says thanks for everything, but this is really out of her comfort zone, and I’m proud of her for having done it.” He praises you to the rest of the world. He looks down at you smiling. He mute his mic as he whisper to you. “You’re still my favourite impostor, kitten.” You giggle, and he turns his attention back to the game. Getting ready to be a crewmate.
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lovebirdgames · 5 months
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2022 was a rough year. I joked that I was owed a great 2023 and I’m happy to say it certainly delivered. A lot of that happiness came from all of you. Thank you all so much for playing our game. For the positive reviews in which you shared what the game meant to you. For sharing your own creativity with us in the form of BCB art, writing, video, cosplay, and more. Sometimes I just sit here in disbelief that our game meant so much to so many. You certainly helped make this a year to remember!
I hope 2024 is your year. I wish you and your loved ones good health and great times. And I know I’ve said it a million times, but thank you from the bottom of our hearts for playing Band Camp Boyfriend. We are so grateful for all of you.
Happy New Year!
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
May I request
Boyinaband x reader at is an animated YouTuber.
Of course dear! To avoid a long wait I'll write your request in headcanons format - if you'd like a full fic feel free to let me know!
Enjoy 💕
Pairing: Boyinaband (Dave) x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: None :)
Genre: FLUFF, Romance, RPF (Real Person Fic)
- Expectedly or not, the two of you met through Jaiden
- You had started out as her editor and then started making your own content on YouTube
- So, as your subscriber count went up and as Jaiden's convincing started becoming more and more effective, you ended up agreeing to go to VidCon
- That's where she introduced you two
- It was all shy interactions and awkward laughs until you found your shared interests in video games and movies
- That's when you both turned into chatter boxes
- And ever since then - aka VidCon 2019 - you've been a real power couple
- At the beginning of 2021 you moved in together and it was then that you really took in the fact that you were both workaholics
- Like, you knew from the day you met, but it never really struck either of you how much you had meant it
- You have a two bedroom apartment which has proven to be perfectly fit for two artists like you
- Your office is situated in the corner of your and Dave's shared bedroom which has ended up being perfectly enough big of a space with several outlets nearby for all the gear you need while making a video and the animation itself
- The other bedroom is Dave's studio
- You have great memories in it, soundproofing it was fun due to how much you'd goof around and get little to nothing done
- It's not the best sound isolation, y'all couldn't afford some a-class stuff with your small budget but it's doing you well
- The neighbors aren't complaining and you can always listen to his recording sessions while you draw
- Speaking of drawing, you get lost in it, losing track of time altogether
- Dave often has to come in and remind you that you aren't a robot designed specifically for that activity
- On a rare occasion it's the other way around, but due to his burnout it's been more of the first case scenario
- While on the topic of burnout...
- Being content creators, you experience it a lot
- And being both content creators and artists just amplifies it
- But luckily you have each other, both knowing what it's like and both knowing how to help the other get through and out of those dark woods as soon as possible
- It goes without saying that you're one strong support system and a lovely unit
- You're both affectionate people but express that side of you in small gestures and physical touch rather than words
- And of course, in your art
- You bet there are songs in Dave's drawer about you
- And he can bet you've drawn him a special character for your animations, always putting extra bit of effort into his design
- Your relationship became public soon after you moved in together and the overwhelming wave of support that hit you took a load off your backs
- Of course, there was also Jaiden over there like:
- "Knew I was onto something with you two. Thank me later, lovebirds!"
- You can't even argue, you owe her A LOT
@waterlilypat @iwillboilyourteeth @insanedeathwish @onceuponadie @loraleiix @smiithys @rottenroyalebooks @goldenstarofthunderclan @cosmicstorm19 @lam-ila
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lgbtpopcult · 3 years
December WLW Entertainment Rundown
Harlem available on Amazon Prime Video on December 3
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Under the Christmas Tree will debut Dec. 19 and it's Lifetime's first lesbian Christmas movie.
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Benedetta in theaters in the USA December 3 and VOD December 21
Comics, video games, music and more
Camp Palut
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DEC 28TH, 2021
You know those real cheesy rom-coms where two unlikely lovebirds lean in for the same book and knock heads in the poetry section of the school library and fall madly in love? Well, this story is nothing like that. For starters, Kevin met his new muse in the middle of Scarecrow attacking Gotham (how’s that for a meet-cute?). And second, despite his planning the most perfect and romantic date night with Ivy, it seems like she might have something else on her mind. Love is in the air—errr, wait…that might be toxic gas…this is Gotham!
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Harley Quinn the Animated Series the Eat Bang Kill Tour #4, December 14, 2021
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Nonante-Cinq is the second studio album by Belgian singer Angèle , which is scheduled for release on December 10 , 2021.
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sugasnote · 3 years
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word count; 919.
muses; yoongi x reader
a/n: edited my old writing and posting it here because why not. i want to get back to writing again, the whole process is cathartic to me. don't be a silent reader, feedbacks are always welcomed and feel free to ask/request. thank you for reading my writing <3
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the night was warm and windy, leaves ruttling against each other. soft glow of the moon sneaking past as the curtains swayed in the air. the city fast asleep from the day's exhausting activities, apart from the occasional late night lovebirds and friends. but now, it was only yoongi and y/n.
they were destined to be together after all. after meeting through a mutual friend and shy glances across the room yoongi finally asked her out three months ago. one of the best decision he's made for a long time.
a fair share of stolen kisses, frequent pining and sheepish smirks, he was in bliss. studio dates where she would simply rest on the couch, listening to his ramblings to rare fancy night out where both of them held hands on the table the entire night. his cheeks covered in a pink hue and a cheeky grin to show her effect on him.
some may call say they were in a "honeymoon" phase. the initial jitters of love; texting if their s/o reached home safely, coffee dates as an excuse to see their s/o, asking to stay over and whatnot. but something felt wrong. the whole going out at midnight, having secret rendezvous, forbidden kisses, quick glances of their s/o across the room was a spontaneous events one could imagine.
but is this what he wants? to be settled in life quickly? not being able to pursue more and more challenging games and being restricted to it from his significant other?
all these thoughts haunting his mind while being entangled by his love. her lips was slightly apart and soft snores escaped from it.
her chest taking in all the warmth and tranquil peace, heaving up and down slowly. her head laying on his chest so his heartbeat is a lovely lullaby to her. her cheeks glowing in the dark, his love was in ease.
after a long day of work, all y/n wanted was to be in the comforting presence of her lover. his one arm resting at her torso, her shirt exposing a small portion of her tummy while his other one playing with her hair softly. her hand gripping his shirt harmlessly, almost as if he would break if she gripped too hard.
maybe being in love is not at all wrong. maybe these thoughts are tormenting him because he has never fallen hard for someone, fallen in deep love.
maybe he doesn't really know what love is. maybe it's a feeling of homeliness he gets whenever he's back from studio after a good session. maybe it's a feeling of comfort knowing his love would really be there no matter what circumstance it is.
maybe it's a feeling of joy whenever he sees his love in pure happiness, just genuine laughs shared between the lovers.
maybe it's knowing that there would be someone waiting for you at the end of the day no matter what.
maybe that's what love is. hundred ideas of what love is filling his sense. maybe it's-
a soft voice interrupted him from getting his answer. her voice smooth enough to calm his worries and thick enough to bring comfort to him.
"yes, darling?"
"why are you awake? are you not sleepy?" she asks gently as she rubs her tired eyes with the back of her hand, she is glimmering even in the dark.
he let out a soft sigh, tightening his grip at her waist. pulling her closer to him if that is even possible, rubbing random patterns with his fingers under her (his) cardigan. y/n happily sighing into his neck as his body started casting more warmth, making her more sleepy and comfortable. he was the human embodiment of heater after all.
"i was just thinking about.. things. don't worry, love. go back to sleep." he answered back gently, cooing at how soft and plumpy her lips look. even with a slight drool, she is radiant.
"what were you thinking about? i want to know too," she was curious to know, even in her drowsy state of mind.
the fact that she is eager to know what is keeping him occupied and troubled on a late night even at her drowsy state made his heart warmer despite being the cold weather outside. is this what love meant?
"it doesn't matter now. go back to sleep, darling." he sweetly answers as he got the answer for his thoughts. his lips pressed against her forehead, lingering longer to make her worries go away. his hand coming up to craddle her cheek, tenderly stroking the nape of her neck.
he might not know what love truly is but he has an idea of it. maybe it's an abstract concept of powerful feelings gathered at his chest and heart whenever he sees her.
love is when everything around you looks luminous even when the sky is dark, sharing its tears with the lovers of the earth.
love is when the darkest of the days, you can see a hope with just your partner comforting you, whispering sweet nothings.
love is when you have a hope that in the end, that everything is will be alright.
love is terrifying, it's true. but it's more worth than a shot of try. love can be hopeless, cruel, brutal but it's worth in the end.
love is more of sweet joy of happiness than a ruthless game of enmity. love is a powerful feeling of endearment than repugnant. love has so much meanings.
so much interpretations. as they say, love is love.
"okay." she mumbled she goes to another sweet slumber.
and boy, is he madly in love with her.
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volleychumps · 4 years
I frfr forgot if I requested earlier but Getting matching tattoos with Kenma maybe reader getting a controller and Kenma getting a mic. Cuz both are famous ig like he’s a famous YouTuber and she’s a singer but there relationship is private but they are seen in public as friends so like ppl peep both tattoos and start speculating. And they accidentally get exposed when she comes on his stream not knowing he’s live
I love this concept?? So much?? And it’s my first Kenma single work???
The Secret (Kenma Kozume x Reader)
The one in which you’re a famous singer dating the pro-gamer on the down low and accidentally expose it to the public
Warning(s): like a TINGE of nsfw themes like super light 
“All done?” 
“It’s rare to see that you are.” 
You smile at the sight of your boyfriend leaning against the doorway of your in-home studio, humming contentedly as you slip your headphones off. As you turn off the recorder and fiddle with the buttons, Kenma approaches you tiredly, running a hand through his hair let loose out of it’s small bun. The red hoodie he was wearing was loose around his frame, the bags under his eyes signalling that the stream he had just finished up had been a long one as he unscrews the lid to a water bottle. 
“I heard you from the other room. Real pretty voice.” 
“Sure you weren’t scared your viewers would hear?” You tease, accepting the water as Kenma scoffs, rolling his eyes before you feel him approach you from the back. 
“Can we not just bask in this rare moment of freedom we both have? Please?” 
“You love gaming.” You protest, feeling Kenma push your hair to one side of your head to expose your neck.
“And you love singing, but it doesn’t make it any less tiring after hours on end.” 
You turn off your ring light as Kenma’s arms droop lazily around your waist, the gamer digging his face into your neck tiredly while breathing against your skin. Your fingers find one of his hands resting around your middle, stroking the ink on the skin of the side of his thumb with butterflies in your stomach at the sight of the simplistic microphone inked on his skin. 
“I still can’t believe we went through with it.” You whisper, feeling his lips curl a little against your skin. 
“How’s yours healing up?” Kenma murmurs into your neck, lifting his head slightly to catch your own hand and examine the tattoo of the controller on yours. You wince a little bit when he rubs his thumb over it distractedly, the skin still risen a little bit from how fresh it is. 
“Stinging. Yours?” 
“The pain is worth it.” 
“Shut up.” You laugh, turning to face him as Kenma clicks his tongue, murmuring something about how that wasn’t what he meant before you place a kiss on his temple sweetly. 
“Dinner? We can order in.” 
“Right. Like we can actually go out.” Kenma rolls his eyes as you nudge him slightly, feeling a twinge in your chest. The idea to keep it a secret had been your initial thought, but Kenma still agreed that the two of you needed to play your cards right for the sake of your careers. 
“You know it would be a hassle if our viewers knew. And since when do you ever want to go out?” 
“Have you not been on your phone? They’re already kind of on to us after someone digitally enhanced our recent photos to see our tattoos.” Kenma ignores your little jab at his indoor tendencies as he arches a brow. 
“What?” You blink, a surge of panic rushing through your chest as you go to grab your phone. “Already-?” 
“Hey.” Kenma tightens his hold on you, and you still as the setter places a quick kiss on the top of your head while attempting to ease your worries. “Let’s not freak out. Not now, at least. Just...hang with me?” 
You relax, Kenma’s rare words of affection making the panic replace with warmth as you turn in his hold, arms wrapping around his middle tightly as his clasp at the small of your back. The scent of him fills your nose as you mumble into his chest, a wave of tired washing over you as Kenma hides a small, relaxed smile into your hair. 
“Alright, love. Sushi okay?” 
“Order me ramen.”
“Right! My viewers sent me in some apple pie, I almost forgot- Kenma, wait for me!” 
“You should have said so sooner.” 
The TV was still blaring on some random episode of a netflix series when you wake up, Kenma’s hoodie hanging around your groggy figure as you wake up warm yet alone, tiredly sitting up to switch off the TV. You blink once, and then twice again before smiling to yourself. 
Kenma had applied petroleum jelly to your tattoo for you, an open bottle of water already unscrewed and waiting on the clean living room table. 
The plates from dinner had already been taken and now laid on the drying rack along with the apple pie neatly put away in it’s box next to it. You had to hand it to him, Kenma made it hard for you to be annoyed about waking up alone. Wiping your eyes with the loose sleeve of your boyfriend’s hoodie, you check the time only for your eyes to widen a little bit. 
It was now nine in the morning, meaning that you had slept through the night without even realizing it. You sigh, going through your phone while still waking up before frowning at the influx of notifications and messages blowing up your device, the dms in particular being the most annoying. 
Are you dating Kenma Kozume?!
Back off, hoe. He belongs to his fans. 
Omg omg is my ship sailing??????
From: Asshole 
Are you two lovebirds trying to get found out?
You narrow your eyes, shooting a text back. 
-Kuroo, it’s too early for your bull. 
Listen lovely, it’s never too early. And matching tattoos? He wouldn’t get any with me:((
-Wonder why.
You snort before stretching tiredly, putting your phone down and wandering into your spacious bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth, a giddy feeling in your stomach at the fact that Kenma was supposed to finish up his live in less than twenty minutes. However, you stall, gaping at the mirror in disbelief. 
A groan slips your lips as you raise a hand to your neck, eyeing the dark bruises littered up to your jaw as you hang your head and sigh. You couldn’t believe you had forgotten that Kenma had gotten a little carried away last night, your heated makeout session on the couch turning into a little something more, hence the hoodie you now adorned. 
You blush as you begin to remember, shaking your head of such thoughts before tying your hair up. Oh well, nothing some concealer and color corrector wouldn’t fix- maybe a scarf or two. You begin to make breakfast after clambering into the kitchen, a nutritious breakfast of soup and fish with rice being carefully plated onto a tray almost half an hour later. 
Hey, is Kenma done with his stream? 
You sip some soup, tasting it as you type away on your phone. 
-Should be, Kuroo- why? 
Oh, his fans were blowing up his comments asking about you and I’ve never seen the poor boy so flustered. Hug him, will you? 
-Bringing him breakfast now. 
I’m so glad he met you:’) 
-Buzz off:’)
You ignore the snarky response from Kuroo before lifting the tray, not even bothering to knock or say you were coming in as you push the door open to Kenma’s gaming room after ascending the stairs, figuring that the stream was supposed to end ten minutes ago- 
And oh boy did you wish you had knocked. 
You almost drop the tray, stilling at the sight of Kenma’s stream still ongoing, the cat-like boy pushing back from his monitor in shock as he whips his head to look at you from his gaming chair- 
You, his hoodie draped hanging off your figure with no pants underneath, simply exposing your bare legs and your hair tied back messily, a tray of breakfast in your hand that signalled you had spent the night together-
and not to mention the hickies ever so evident on your neck. 
You squeak, stepping out of the door and slamming it shut behind you just as Kenma’s comments explode across the monitor. You were in for it now. 
The tray gets slowly lowered in front of the door before you make a mad dash to your shared bedroom, ignoring the now increased influx of notifications on your phone from Kenma’s hoodie pocket before throwing it across the room and face-planting onto your bed. 
How could you have been so careless?
Heat tinges your eyes as you muffle a scream into the sheets. 
What’s gonna happen now?
You flinch at the sound of someone else entering the room, refusing to look up from your spot as a familiar figure sits next to your teary one carefully. A feeling of guilt and wishing you could turn back time weighs on your chest as Kenma strokes a hand through your hair. 
“Don’t panic.” 
“Don’t panic?!” You sit up, Kenma eyeing you evenly as he watches frustrated tears brim your eyes. “I just walked into your live!” 
“I know, I was there.” 
“Kenma!” You whine, and surprise etches onto your features when Kenma stifles a laugh into his palm, looking off to the side before taking your hand in one of his carefully. The other one wipes moisture from your eyes as Kenma stops teasing you, looking at you seriously through golden irises. 
“We’d have to let them know eventually, you do know that- right? Or did you want to keep us a secret forever?”
“I know, but...” You sniff, Kenma using his finger to tilt your chin up slightly to tilt his head. 
“I don’t want to...ruin your career.” You finish quietly, and you gasp when you suddenly find yourself on your back, Kenma now looking at you with a hard edge to his eyes as he stares down at you from his position on top. 
“Well, isn’t this familiar-” your cracked voice tries to joke. 
“Shut up.” Kenma rolls his eyes before leaning down so his nose is almost touching yours. 
“Would I have gotten this ink permanently drawn onto my damn skin if I thought you’d ever ruin anything for me?” 
At your loss of words, Kenma sighs before taking one of your relaxed hands- the one with the controller on it- and bringing the side of your thumb to his lips so he can mumble against it. 
“And this? This tattoo of yours means that you’re mine. Didn’t we get these tattoos because we knew we’d reveal it anyway?” 
“Kenma, you’re speaking too much calm down-” 
You stop with your antics as Kenma’s voice softens, eyeing you seriously. “Don’t you...want to be together?” 
“God, what kind of question is that?” You frown, lifting your hands to cup his face as you look up at his pretty features. “You know I do.” 
“Then I’m happy you walked into my stream.” Kenma turns his head into your touch to kiss your palm. “Because now all those damn pretty boys in your dms know you’re taken.”
“Kenma, they saw hickies.” 
“I can’t with you.” You roll your eyes before releasing a breathy laugh, glancing at the phone screen from the floor across the room as it turns off and on, lighting your screen up with notifciations. “I’m taking it the press is eating this up?” 
“Like a damn buffet.” Kenma sighs, lazily beginning to trace patters into your exposed thighs. “You know what I can eat up though?” 
“The breakfast you stepped over on your way to pursue me?” You blink innocently, laughing when Kenma shoots you a tired stare. 
“Sure. Let’s eat breakfast.” 
“Kenma-” You begin to whine, only for your boyfriend to kiss your lips in a chaste manner, lips lifting ever so slightly when you blink doe-eyed up at him in response. The phones become ignored as Kenma throws his behind him, the press now forgotten as two phones now blow up beside one another.
His thumb strokes yours as the ink on both of your skin traces over one another, the slight sting of the tattoos unnoticeable as Kenma’s hands slide further up his hoodie. 
“Use that pretty voice of yours and tell me what you want then, princess.” 
“I’m starting to think you did this on purpose.” You murmur against his lips as Kenma scoffs in the midst of trailing kisses down your neck. 
“There’s a reason my stream didn’t end when I told you it would, love.” 
General Work taglist: @takemetovalhalla @savemesteeb @dreebbles @kasandrafaye @yams046
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teamhook · 3 years
Always, Always a Bridesmaid :: 27 Dresses Birthday CS AU
Hello! This is the final installment of my birthday fic for @ultraluckycatnd
Thank you to my beta @demisexualemmaswan
Much love and thanks for the help from @veryverynotgood and @karlyfr13s and the CSMM discord ladies that help with sprints and their encouragement.
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The newly engaged couple wanted to share the joyous news right away with Mr. Goldman. The doting father was elated at the prospect of having his younger daughter back in town permanently. Emma’s obvious discomfort went unnoticed by her family. Midas without thinking passed down the bride-to-be her mother’s wedding gown, completely missing her fake smile. He was just happy at the thought of his little girl finding a good man and moving back to the States.
“Thank you, Daddy!” Kathryn said.
Graham smiled lovingly at his fiance as she showed him the gown.
Sitting across from the couple, Emma’s heart sunk even further. Not only had her sister swiped away her dream man but her mother’s beloved gown as well. She shouldn’t hold Graham against Kathryn because she didn’t know...but the dress was a different story.
Emma took a deep breath as she entered the bar. She still couldn’t believe she had taken the guy up on his offer for a drink. Who was she kidding? The moment Kathryn and Graham’s eyes met she had increased her alcohol consumption. She was not an alcoholic yet but she was enjoying the drink a little too often.
Killian waved at her from the bar.
Emma plopped down at the chair next to him.
“Hello, love.” Killian smiled widely.
Emma forced a smile. “Hello.”
Killian took a long, scrutinizing look at her. “I can’t help but wonder what deity I owe the pleasure of your company. Don’t get me wrong, love. I’m ecstatic, but you had been dodging my calls, and you suddenly called me to invite me out for a drink.”
Emma grimaced. “My baby sister is getting married.”
“Ah, before you.”
“That is not why I’m upset,” she defended.
“I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
Emma sighed and ran her hands through her hair. “You don’t know my sister. Kathryn is going to want me to do everything for her. I will not just be her maid of honor,” she said with exasperation.
“I don’t see the problem. You ‘love weddings’.” he reminded her.
“I do love weddings but I’m going to have to take care of everything .”
“Alright. How about you simply say, ‘No’?”
“What?” she asked confusedly.
“Love, you have said, ‘No’ to people before haven’t you?”
She scoffed. “Of course I have!”
Killian’s raised his eyebrow skeptically.
“Many, many times before but not in this situation.”
“But you want to say no this time?”
She nodded. “I wish I could. But I can’t; it’s my sister.”
“Alright. We are going to play this little game to practice saying ‘no’.”
Emma stared at him.
Killian took a big breath. “Emma, love, give me 50 dollars.”
“NO!” Emma said with a smile.
“Emma, darling. It’s only 50 dollars. I promise I’ll pay you back,” he said, holding his hand on his heart.
“No,” she said, proud of herself.
“Emma, love. I need you…” he said, licking his lips seductively, leaning closer to her, “To give me 50 dollars.”
“ No ?” she said hesitantly.
“Eh, not bad, darling,” he said proudly. “May I have your drink?”
“Yeah, sure,” she said as she pushed the drink to him.
He grabbed it and with a smirk.
“Wait, I meant no!”
Killian tsked. “You were doing so well. That's terrible,” he said as he enjoyed her drink.
“Mmhmm,” she sighed disappointedly.
The night came to an end not long after for the pair after the game.
Kathryn and Emma shared a walk through Central Park as they talked about wedding plans.
“Ems, did you go to the flower shop and order the favors?”
“Yeah.” She nodded.
“And the invitation mock-ups? Did you get those done?”
“Yes. Done.”
“This is so much fun!”
The girls kept walking.
“Oh, and I want you to ask your friend to be my bridesmaid. The rude one.”
“You want me to ask Ruby? My best friend.”
“Yeah, she is really pretty and she will not throw off the aesthetics. You know that I don’t have girlfriends. Girls, they don't like me.” Kathryn shrugged. “I just don’t understand why.”
Emma gave her an incredulous look with a raised brow.
Kathryn rolled her eyes. “Fine. I know why. Just ask her.”
“Of course.”
“I was thinking you should do a slideshow for the rehearsal dinner with pictures of Graham and me together and say funny things.”
“Okay, I will get the photos from Graham. I have our family photo albums.”
Kathryn squealed. “Before I forget, guess what.”
“You know that writer you stalk…well, he called me because he wants to do a whole Commitments column on us for the Journal. Can you believe it?”
“Of course, at this point, I absolutely can. Why not?”
Kathryn stopped across the Boathouse. “I have been thinking and I think you are right. It would be a lovely wedding if I got married where mom and dad got married.”
Emma gaped at her sister for a second. “I didn’t think that was your style.”
“It isn’t but why not? I’m wearing mom’s dress,” she shrugged.
“You are always going on and on about how perfect it was. Tada!” Kathryn enthusiastically waved her hands in the direction of the venue. “We are getting married in three weeks.”
Emma gulped, “Three weeks?”
“Yeah. When I called they didn’t have any availability for 18 months. Then they called me to say they had a cancellation. So I had to take it. I know you can pull it together quickly. I don’t want to wait.”
Emma just forced a smile.
“I don’t get it. Emma, you could at least try to act like you are happy for me.”
Emma resorted to an old nickname from their childhood to appease her sister. “KitKat, you know I am…”
“I know that you wanted to get married at the Boathouse wearing mom’s dress but I’m really happy and I thought my big sis would be happy for me.”
“I am. I just didn’t know that’s what you wanted…”
“It is and you will get the dress after. Okay. Now can we talk about more important stuff?” Kathryn said as she resumed walking.
Emma stood on ceremony.
“Come on. Emma, you have a lot of work to do. I don't like the linens, and I think you need to rent new ones because they do not go with the color scheme that I picked out.”
The next day she met Ruby at the Yoga studio for their workout and she shared the news. She had to beg her to say yes to being a bridesmaid. She couldn’t be alone in this mess.
Finally Ruby relented only after being kicked out for talking.
“You want this cake in three weeks? Emma, I don’t know if I can do it. It’s just not enough time for what you want.”
“Tiana, I know you can do it. I wouldn’t ask otherwise. Do you remember the beautiful six-tiered heart-shaped cake that was commissioned by the Fisher’s or the tower of edible gifts for the Page-Booth outdoor fiesta. You can do anything, and we both know it.”
“ Three weeks?”
“Do it for your favorite maid-of-honor, please?”
Tiana caved with a smile.
“We have a cake.” Emma turned to her sister and Graham with a wide grin on her face.
The sudden clapping from the door alerted her of the newcomer.
“What are you doing here?” Emma asked, already exasperated by his presence.
“Hello. I’m James Rogers,” he said with a gleaming smile.
Emma’s mouth opened but nothing came out.
“Oh, yes. I’m Kathryn and this is my fiance, Graham.”
“Congratulations! Lovely to meet you both,” he said as charmingly as possible.
“ Thank you,” Kathryn and Graham replied together.
“Oh, and this is my sister, Emma. She is obsessed with your stories. She’s your number one fan. She is going to make a wallpaper with all your articles.”
Killian smirked at Emma. “Is that so?”
Finally, Emma found her voice, “Wait, you said your name was Killian. I’m confused.”
“Aye, my name is Killian. I use James for the byline so I don’t get stalked by the crazy brides,” Killian answered Emma.
Kathryn’s attention was focused on her phone.
Killian turned to Kathryn. “How did you lovebirds meet?”
Emma scoffed, “You are an asshole.”
“Emma!” Kathryn hissed.
“What? He is! He told me his name was Killian.”
“Wait, you two know each other?” Kathryn asked.
“We both work the wedding circuit,” Killian replied.
“Kathryn, can you give us one second? Tell Tiana what you want,” Emma urged her sister in the direction of her friend.
“I can’t believe it. You lied to me,” Emma accused.
“Ah, ah. Love, I told you I was a writer. Where is the lie in that? I just didn’t tell you what I wrote.”
“But…you write the most beautiful things. Which one is it? Do you only pretend to be a cynic… or are you a cynic who knows how to spin romantic crap for girls like me?”
Killian scratched behind his ear. “The second one, the spinning crap one as you so eloquently put it.”
“This is just great. I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written about a sandwich.”
“James, can I steal you away for a second so we can talk about Graham and me?”
“Of course. That's why I'm here.”
Kathryn and Killian chatted away as they walked towards Graham, leaving Emma behind.
Killian walked with an extra pep in his step. He knew this story would get him out of the dreaded Commitments. He found the address that Kathryn gave him.
He knocked eagerly.
On the other side of the door. Emma groaned as she saw through the peephole. She opened the door just wide enough for her unhappiness to see him be on display.
“Kathryn is not here. You can go now.”
“I’m afraid I’m not here for her. I’m here to interview you for the piece.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “Just go away, I’m not in the mood to talk to you.”
“Come on, lass. For Kathryn and Graham?” he asked, pouting.
Emma hesitated for a second. She knew Kathryn would be angry if she messed this up for her.
“Fine, let’s get this over with.” She opened the door wide for him to walk in.
Killian got his phone out and set it to record. “The maid of honor, although a lovely lass, is a little prickly. Emma, how do you feel about Kathryn’s whirlwind romance?”
Emma took a deep breath. “She’s my little sister. How do you think I feel? I taught her how to tell time, and how to ride a bike. I raised her. Please, don’t print that. It would break my father’s heart but to answer your question. I couldn’t be happier.”
Killian nodded as he listened to her but his attention wasn’t completely on her. His eyes roamed the apartment until they landed on the slightly opened closet. Love, what are those?”
Emma’s eyes followed his gaze and answered as she tried to make her way over to the closet to close the door and keep him away from her prized collection. “That’s nothing.”
Killian was giddy with excitement as he trailed right behind her. “Are those…”
“No!” Emma tried to keep him away by pushing him away from the door but she wasn’t able to keep him from opening the door.
“Bloody hell! Are these all bridesmaid dresses?”
“None of your business.”
“Good God, lass. Why? The closet is so full you can barely close the door.”
“I just have a lot of friends and I like keeping them,” she shrugged.
“Makes perfect sense because they’re bloody beautiful.”
“Some of them are not that bad.”
“I’d like to see one that is not bad.”
“Fine.” Emma started looking through the dresses, muttering not that one, or that one.
“Aha, this one is not bad.” She showed him a greenish dress.
“Love, we need to have those lovely eyes checked because that is the very definition of bad. What color is this? Vomit?”
Emma rolled her eyes. “No, it's an "olivey" green. The color is super flattering. I’m telling you. It looks great on.”
“I disagree. Love, that dress is one of the worst instruments of torture I have ever seen because the bride wants you to look ugly.”
“No, no. Ariel picked it because it looks good on everybody.”
Killian rolled his eyes. “The lass is delusional and believes anything anyone tells her,” he spoke to the recorder.
“I’ll prove it to you.” She grabbed the dress and headed to her room.
Killian kept skimming through the dresses, grimacing as he took them out to look at them. He kept taking pictures of the packed closet.
Emma came out of the room.
He had to agree the dress wasn't that bad but perhaps it was her .
“See?” she said, twirling.
He smiled. “You are right. The dress isn’t that bad but what about the color? He said as he took a picture and showed her the photo.
Emma groaned. “It’s your camera. It’s defective or something.”
Killian looked at her, unamused.
Emma sighed. “Okay, it’s not that good. Are you happy?”
“You look like a very beautiful shiny mermaid. You should be flattered.”
Emma bit her bottom lip. “It's really not the worst one.”
She went on to show him every dress in the closet and he took a picture of each one. They laughed and made fun of the themed weddings and the accessories.
“Love, you have twenty-seven dresses.”
Emma smiled and shrugged.
“I don't understand. You attend the wedding, why not throw the dress after? This is a huge closet.”
“I know you don’t believe me but I’ve had really good times in those dresses.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“It’s not about me. It’s about supporting them.”
“Alright, but how much time do you spend doing this for others? What about you?”
Emma sighed, “Someday… It will be my day and those people will be there for me.”
Killian’s camera flash took her by surprise. He couldn’t help capturing the image. The look in her eye spoke to his cynical soul. He thanked her for the hospitality but made his excuse to leave.
Emma arrived at Graham’s apartment. She could hear the loud music through the door. Emma rolled her eyes, Kathryn was too busy for the gift registry but she was okay taking full advantage of the fact Graham was out of town for business. She only hoped her sister wasn’t doing anything she would regret.
She rang the doorbell.
Kathryn opened the door enough to give Emma the list. “Here I thought you were going to wait for me downstairs.”
Emma knew her sister well enough to know she was trying to get rid of her.
Emma pushed past her. “Kathryn, what is going on here?” Her eyes landing on Henry vacuuming the living room.
Kathyrn scoffed. “What? He was looking for a part-time job to buy a new computer. He wants an Apple MacBook Air because he wants to be a writer.”
“You have a kid cleaning your fiance's apartment. Graham adores him. He has been his big brother for years.” Emma said in disbelief.
“It’s our secret. Henry’s and mine. Ems, don’t worry about it, okay. You should go, it’s getting late.”
Emma left, grabbing the list. She wondered if she told Graham the truth about Kathryn, what he would say. At the park, she had tried to make him see her sister’s lies but he was blind by his attraction for her.
Killian was looking through his notes and the pictures with a faint smile on his face.
Cora appeared at his cubicle suddenly, as if transported by magic.
A startled Killian snapped up from his computer screen. “Cora, did you need something?”
“The bridesmaid story you pitched, what do you have so far?”
“Ah, yes, it’s still a little rough. I’m working on it.”
“I want to see it now . Email it.” She said and walked away.
“Cora, it’s not ready! Bloody hell,” he muttered, Killian got up from his chair to chase after her after sending the email. She was a heartless woman and people had been fired for less. He had been lucky she had found value in him.
Cora was sitting down behind her desk when he arrived. “Cora, the email was sent with the draft. I hope you let me know what you think and just keep that in mind,” Killian said.
She just nodded a silent way to dismiss him.
“Hello, love. Did you miss me?” Killian whispered in Emma’s ear as she scanned the cookware.
Emma jumped a bit and almost dropped the crystal glasses.
She glared at Killian. “What are you doing here? I didn’t invite you. Go away, please?”
“Kathryn did.” He smiled. “I’m just doing my job. I have to see every aspect of the wedding.”
Emma rolled her eyes as she kept scanning things off of Kathryn’s list distancing herself from him.
“Your sister wants so many presents that she physically cannot register for them herself?” he asked when he caught up with her.
Emma stopped scanning and turned her attention to Killian. “It’s a short engagement so she is pressed for time.”
“How many casserole dishes does a person need? Kathryn doesn’t strike me as the cooking type,” he said as he trailed behind her again.
“This isn't just another vahze ." Emma turned to face him, annoyed at his comments.
“It’s called a vase,” he said matter of factly.
“You just don’t get it. These are the things you build a life with.”
“No, love. This is useless crap that the 70-billion-dollar-a-year wedding industry has conned you into believing that you need to have or you won't be happy.”
“No, you know what I think? I think that all your theories are just a smokescreen.”
“For what, darling?”
“Your secret, whatever it is. Maybe you haven’t found the right girl and you're afraid you never will.”
Killian sat down on a display couch. “And I think that you love weddings so much because you prefer to focus on everyone else’s Kodak moments rather than make memories of your own.”
“What do you want me to say? You're right? You are crazy. Weddings are the worst place to forget you are single.”
“Love, you want a wedding, not a marriage, a bloody wedding. The dress and the special day.”
“What is your problem, asshole? Let me guess you had a fancy wedding and your wife left you for someone else?”
Killian’s jaw ticked. “Aye, with my college professor by the way. They lived happily ever after with their son.”
“What? Oh, shit. I’m sorry. Killian, it was just a guess.”
“A good one,” he laughed bitterly. “For someone who has no insight whatsoever into herself, you nailed me right on the head.”
“Hey, do you want to find the ugliest stuff in here and register Kathryn for it?”
“Aye, let’s do it. I saw the most hideous crocodile gravy boat on the counter back there,” he said with a devilish smile on his face.
Killian walked to Cora’s office.
“Hey, you wanted to see me?” Killian asked as he opened the door and sat down.
“Wow,” she said.
“Cora, I told you I wasn’t done with it. I need to do some edits.” Killian said.
“Relax. I like it. It's a decent story. I have to admit, I was shocked. It’s smart and entertaining.”
“Thank you,” he replied.
“You really nailed this girl. We’re running the story Sunday, front page.”
“No, no. It’s not ready,” Killian insisted. “I still have some things to add and I know it will make it worth the wait.”
Cora crossed her arms over her chest and raised her brows. "You have been begging me for months for a chance. How about some gratitude?"
Mind reeling, Killian searched for any reason to stall Cora's decision. “I really want to get this right. Can you give me a week to make it perfect?”
“If I didn’t know you any better I would say you care for her. Did the girl get under your skin?”
He scoffed, “Of course not. I’m just trying to do my job. She’s more than this perpetual bridesmaid. There’s more to her tale. Just give me a week and you will not regret it.”
“Fine. Get out.”
Killian called Emma to see if they could meet to talk but was greeted with Kathryn’s voice instead. Kathryn had told him that Emma was meeting Graham to pick the menu for the reception. He truly wondered what she was doing for her own wedding. She was always doing something for her instead of for the wedding preparations. He understood what Emma had meant when she told him she would need to do everything.
Killian showed up at the restaurant and stopped in his tracks. Even from his spot, he knew the signs of a woman smitten with the man she was talking to. Emma was in love with Graham. Bloody hell, his stomach dropped for some unknown reason. She was smiling freely at something he said. He hadn’t dared to get closer to them. How could anyone else miss the obvious signs? How could he have missed it?
Emma and Graham were so busy in their conversation that they had not noticed Killian’s arrival. So he started to walk away.
After hearing Graham praising Kathryn, Emma wanted to tell him the truth. She is not who he thinks but stopped herself because he looked so happy. She will not be the one to break his heart.
“Emma, tell me what is your favorite part of a wedding?” Graham asked.
“My favorite part of the wedding is watching the groom’s face when the bride is walking down the aisle, and seeing the pure love on his face,” Emma said.
“I think it’s easy to look at your bride with love if she is like your sister. Kathryn is wonderful and I am very happy I found her,” Graham said with a loving gaze.
Emma smiled at him then lowered her gaze to her plate.
Graham turned away to get the waiter’s attention but noticed Killian walking away.
“Rogers, Is that you?”
Killian winced but forced a fake smile as he turned to face the table.
Emma glared at him as he approached them.
“What are you doing here?” she asked through gritted teeth.
“I have some more questions for you,” he said simply.
“You could email me the questions and I will return the email.”
“Where’s Kathryn?” Killian asked.
“She’s busy and couldn’t make it so she asked me to come in her place,” Emma said.
“Hmm. She couldn’t come to pick the wedding meal?”
“Emma is just helping out. Kathryn had a hair appointment; we are having dinner with my parents later,” Graham replied.
“I’m sure Emma was happy to oblige,” Killian said.
“Should we leave now?” Emma asked Graham.
“We should we're heading up to Rhinebeck to pick out
some linens from an antique store,” Graham said as he waved the waiter over.
“I have an idea, How about if I go with Emma in your place? I imagine you have things to do before your dinner.”
“No, no, that’s okay. We can make it back in plenty of time,” Emma answered quickly.
“I don't mind,” Killian said with a smile.
Graham nodded. “It would be a great help.”
“Mate, I insist,” Killian said.
Graham paid and went on his way.
Emma and Killian got in her dad’s car and drove away.
Emma was driving with a scowl on her face.
Killian laughed, “Of course you’re angry at having to plan your sister’s wedding to the man you love. The second I saw you mooning over him while you had your meal. It was like a bloody anchor was dropped. You won’t say anything because you are too used to facilitating others' happiness instead of your own.”
Emma scoffed. “You don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Hmm. You are miserable and unwilling to do anything about it.”
“You are crazy! I’m thrilled to be planning their wedding. She’s my baby sister like I have for every wedding that I've been a part of. You wouldn’t understand because you are cynical, mean, and dark. That’s your problem, buddy, not mine.”
“Buddy? Did you call me buddy?”
“I could have called you an asshole! Just shut up!”
“I understand you’re vexed. I ruined the day of you pining for somebody that will never be yours!” Killian roared.
“Stop!” Emma yelled back.
Killian’s attention turned back to the rainy road. Perhaps it wasn’t the best time to antagonize her.
“Love, you need to slow down so I can read the sign.”
The car kept picking up speed.
“Do you think you could slow down? Ease your foot off the accelerator.”
“Don’t you ever shut up?”
Killian checked his seatbelt. He should have waited to say his thoughts but she had given him the cold shoulder since they left the restaurant. He hadn’t noticed when the weather had gotten that bad. It was as if the rain was mimicking her mood.
“Emma, love. Slow down, we’re going to hydroplane,” he said in a soothing voice.
Emma rolled her eyes. “We are not going to hydroplane.” Her fingers squeezed the steering wheel tightly as she made a slight correction and the car started swerving out of control. “Shit, shit!! We are hydroplaning!!”
Killian hissed as he grabbed onto the armrest and gripped it as if his life depended on it. In a way it did, he supposed.
“Bloody hell! I told you to slow down! Lass, just calm down and ease your foot off the gas--”
“Shut it! I know what I’m doing.” She eased her foot on the break as she eased it off the gas like Killian suggested and maneuvered the vehicle to safety. “This is your fault if you would have stopped talking for a moment like I asked, I would have been able to focus on the road.”
Killian glared at her.
The car was stuck and they couldn’t get it out. It was too late for a tow truck and there was no cell phone service.
Killian spotted a bar not too far from them. “Come along, lass. Let’s see if we can get some help or at the very least get a drink.”
Emma hesitantly followed him.
The place was a small hole in the wall bar.
Killian found the payphone right away.
“You got anything?” Emma asked.
He shook his head no. “Mate, your phone doesn’t work,” Killian said to the bartender.
The man shrugged. “Nice detective skills. It has been out of service for a while.”
“Our car broke down and we have no cell service,” Emma told the bartender.
The man pulled out a phone from beneath the bar. “You will not find someone to come help you right now. The rain is bad and it’s getting late.”
Emma groaned.
Killian approached the bar. “Rum, three fingers, no ice, please.”He pulled a stool and sat down.
“What are you doing?” Emma asked, annoyed as she followed him.
“You heard the man, we are not getting a tow anytime soon. I’m going to enjoy a drink. There’s nothing you can do. You should have a drink.”
The bartender handed Killian his drink.
“Thanks, mate.”
Emma sat down next to Killian. “Fine, I’ll have one, let me have the same.”
After several drinks, Emma eyed him carefully.
“Jones, I have to know something. You once wrote a column that was so beautiful it made me cry.”
“Aww,” he mocked.
“The Zimmer-York article was full of emotion. It was the anniversary of the mother's death. The brother flew home from Afghanistan.”
Killian remembered the article but he would not admit it. “Sorry, I don’t recall.”
“How can you not remember it? You cannot fake emotion like that.”
“A talented writer like meself can.”
“You’re not that good.”
Killian signaled the bartender for another round of drinks.
“Be honest with me for once. What is your favorite part of a wedding?”
He stared at her. “My favorite part of a wedding is an open bar.” He smiled and waggled his eyebrows.
“No. Everybody likes that.”
Killian laughed. “Alright. The part when the bride is making her grand entrance. I like to glance back at the wanker getting married. He looks happy even though he is willingly entering into the last form of slavery.”
Emma’s eyes widened as he finished talking.
Killian scratched behind his ear nervously. “Why the bloody hell are you looking at me like that?”
“Are you serious? That’s my favorite part! I can’t believe it. We have something in common.”
“Aye, that must make us kindred spirits. Love, it was bound to happen.”
“Just admit you are a big teddy bear that the whole cynical thing is an act so you can seem wounded and mysterious… and sexy.”
“I’m sorry love, what was the last one?”
“ Huh ?”
“You think I’m sexy, love? I'm startling, aren't I? Some people say striking, but I will accept sexy.”
“No, I don’t. I think you think you are sexy.”
“Mhmm,” he said with a wide smile.
Emma’s cheeks blushed bright pink.
Benny and the Jets played loudly, filling the moment of silence between them.
“I love this song,” Emma said, swaying to the beat of the song.
“Aye, it’s a great song.” Killian hummed in tune then broke into song, “ Hey, kids shake it loose together… That's been known to change the weather.”
Emma snorts in an unladylike way. “Those are not the lyrics,” she giggled.
“Those are the lyrics. Alright, lyric police. What are the correct words?”
“You're gonna hear a handsome music… So the walrus sounds.”
Killian laughed. “Walrus sounds?”
Emma grinned and continued, “Say, Penny's no longer in a cement jet… Ooh, but you're so laced down.”
He shook his head, but joined her in the next line. “Buh, buh, buh, buh Bennie and the Jets…”
Emma continued belting out the lyrics, “O oh, in the wind and the waterfall… Oh, baby, she's a "revocaine"... She's got electric boobs.”
Killian laughed so hard with tears in his eyes. “Boobs?”
Sometime after, Killian found himself singing alongside Emma on top of the bar, dancing and enjoying the moment.
The crowd had become a rapt audience to the pair cheering them on after an encore performance.
Killian helped Emma get off the bar table. Once she was at eye level she was so beautiful. He blurted out, “I wept like a babe at the Zimmer-York wedding.”
Emma’s eyes widened at his confession and without thinking she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him to her, melding their lips together. The kiss escalated fast as they found themselves in the back seat of her car fogging the car windows with their heavy breathing.
The sunshine woke up Emma from her sleep. She was trying to shake off the kinks. She looked around the scenery and decided that there are worse places to end up stranded.
“Morning, love. The tow truck is on its way,” Killian said as he handed her a cup of coffee.”
“Thank you, I just want you to know I never do this.”
“I know, lass, you kept saying that last night over and over.”
Emma groaned, her head pounded. Why was everything so loud? While Killian acted as if he was a two-hundred-year-old pirate with an endless supply of rum.
“I was wondering if you would like to grab something to eat while we wait for the tow truck?”
They found a small diner just down the block and placed their food order when one of the patrons from the bar last night approached them and reminded them of the rendition to Benny and The Jets. Emma grimaces at the thought of singing in public. The man left with a smile on his face while humming the song.
“Oh, why didn’t you stop me?” Emma asked Killian.
“I’m sorry, you looked so free.”
“Hey, you’re that girl! You’re famous.” A customer approached her with recognition in her eyes. “From the newspaper.”
Emma looked confused at the lady. “What paper?”
Killian groaned and muttered, “ Bloody hell .”
The woman had gone to find the newspaper for her to see.
"Always, Always a Bridesmaid by James Rogers? What the hell is this?” She asked, throwing the newspaper on his face. Emma got up from her seat and walked out.
Killian followed her after he paid the bill.
“Emma! Swan, please let me explain. I told my editor not to run it. Lass, no one reads it,” Killian said as he caught up with her and grabbed her arm to get her attention.
Emma whipped around and slapped him. She walked away toward the car leaving him behind.
Killian knew better than to try to talk to her again.
Killian stormed into work to confront Cora, she had lied to him. He had been blindsided when the article was mentioned. The look of betrayal he saw in her eyes made his stomach sour.
Cora’s door was open.
Killian didn’t even bother with any sort of civility. “What the bloody hell happened? I thought we agreed to hold it,” Killian accused.
“I thought the story was ready and I make the decisions here you don’t,” She said coolly.
“Cora, you don't understand. I didn't have time to warn her.”
“In case you forgot. You work for me, not the other way around. You should kiss my feet. I gave you 24 inches in the Sunday paper. Get out !” she said unamused.
Emma arrived at her place to be greeted with a string of shrieks and screams. “How could you let this happen?”
“I didn’t know he was writing a story about me,” Emma said.
“You?! Did you read it? If Emma is the typical, accommodating bridesmaid then her sister, Kathryn, is cast as the overbearing, overindulged bride-to-be who might start stomping around Manhattan at any moment."
“I’m sorry.”
“Emma, he called me bridezilla in the New York Journal!”
Emma stayed quiet as Kathryn scolded her, missing the hurt in her eyes. The phone rang interrupting her tirade.
“What?” Kathryn answered the phone.
“May I please speak with Emma?” Killian asked.
“Are you kidding? The only person you will be speaking to is my attorney! Asshole!” Kathryn yelled at the phone and slammed it down.
The week had started horribly for Emma. Kathryn hadn’t stopped her complaints about the article when all Emma wanted to do was forget about it. Not once had Kathryn shown her an ounce of sympathy there had been so many embarrassing pictures of Emma on the front page of the section. Kathryn had only been mentioned but no one knew what her face looked like. Emma however, was the damn star. Her head was starting to pound. She still had to face Graham. What if he felt like her sister?
Killian had been relentless with the calls and messages. Of course Ruby tried to cheer her up by making light of the situation but it didn’t help.
Graham called her to his office and was so caring and understanding that it made her feel as if someone had her back. He was right, no one read that section.
Emma had to rush to the bridal shop for her meeting with Kathryn.
“Johanna, can you hem this part? Emma, is that you?” Kathryn called out from the fitting room. Johanna went to do the alteration.
“Yeah, it's me,” Emma said as she walked to the back.
Emma sat down on one of the chairs.
“Emma, I have been thinking that it wasn’t your fault. You are just too trusting. I guess,” Kathryn said as she checked her list.
“Thank you. Wait. Is that your enemy list? The one from high school. Are you checking me off the list?” Emma said dumbfounded.
Kathryn gave her a small smile alongside a paper. “About the slide show, I want you to say that. Exactly as I wrote it, that is the script. Graham said he will give you all his photos.”
“Okay,” Emma said as she read over the script her sister gave her.
Johanna walked back in with the altered dress, “Hi, Emma.”
“Hi, Johanna,” Emma said with a welcoming smile and returning her attention to the scripted paper her sister gave her.
“Kathryn, here it is. Step in.” Johanna said as she helped Kathryn with the dress.
“Emma, what do you think?” Kathryn said, twirling in the dress.
Emma finally looked up to see the dress, expecting to see her mother’s dress with some slight changes but instead finding a completely different dress. “I thought you were wearing Mom's dress.”
“This is Mom's dress. Parts of it anyway. It was just too old-fashioned. We could just use a few pieces here and there,”
Kathryn said as she smoothed the material.
“I’m sorry... what ?” Emma asked as she approached her sister wearing a dress she no longer recognized. “You cut up Mom’s dress ?”
“Isn’t it pretty? You can wear it too. Technically Johanna cut it, not me.”
Emma didn’t think her sister could be any more selfish; she was proven wrong. “ No. No, no, no, no. No! God, you don't care. You only care about yourself, don’t you? I have made excuses for you since Mom died but enough is enough!”
Kathryn rolled her eyes. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“I can’t fix the dress but I won't let you hurt Graham. He thinks he knows you but it's all a lie. You even had Henry keep a secret from him. Tell him the truth or I will.”
“I don’t have to tell him anything and you will not either. You are my sister, you definitely wouldn't do anything to hurt me.”
“No, today you're just some selfish bitch who broke my heart and cut up my mother's wedding dress. You didn't even have the decency to ask me about it! You knew how much that dress meant to me but you just didn't care. You could have easily just picked a brand new dress to match your taste. Kathryn, you only get this warning, tell him the truth or a will.” Emma left her sister just staring at her back as she walked away.
Kathryn just groaned as she made her way to change her clothes.
On the day of the engagement party, Emma had been jittery all day but she wouldn’t be deterred from what she had to do. She gave her sister a chance to do the right thing, to be honest. She hoped she had come clean with Graham.
Emma had been getting pitying looks, and dealing with passive-aggressive comments about how terrible it must feel that her baby sister was marrying before her.
The last straw had Emma replying with, “ Yeah, but at least I still get to have hot sex with strangers .”
The stunned look on the old woman's face had been priceless.
The night progressed and it soon would be time for the slide show. Emma had kept trying to talk to Kathryn but her sister avoided her feigning she had to play host.
Ruby arrived fashionably late as always but quickly found Emma, a drink already in her hand. “Hey, you clean up nicely! You look hot! I might be persuaded to change sides,” she said with a wink.
Emma didn’t react with a quip of her own, making Ruby since her friend wasn’t holding up as well as she thought. “Emma, how are you?”
“I’m okay,” she said with a tight smile, grabbing the drink from Ruby’s hand while drinking it in one gulp.
“Hey, that is not water,” Ruby said as she saw her friend finish up to the last drop of her drink.
Emma turned to the guy helping her set up her computer for the slideshow. “It’s under Kathryn and Graham.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yep, I’m fine,” Emma insisted.
Graham approached Emma with a reluctant fiance on his arm. “Emma, thank you for a lovely party. You have gone above and beyond. Hasn’t she, Kathryn?”
Kathryn nodded her agreement while avoiding Emma’s eyes.
Emma got the confirmation she needed with her sister’s attitude. “You guys should take a seat. I’m going to start the slideshow.”
The restaurant was packed with family and friends. Emma gave a lovely introduction as the images played in the background. It started with oohs and awws which morphed into gasps as Emma unmasked Kathryn from her preferred food to her dislike of pets which included Graham’s beloved dog Hunter. The final straw was Henry’s sell pitch for the cleaning business Kathryn was helping him, in which Graham’s home was the first customer.
Graham furiously got up from his seat and left with Kathryn following close behind trying to explain herself.
A crying Kathryn returned alone, walked up to Emma. “I hope you are happy. He broke off the engagement. The wedding is off.”
Emma saw as her sister walked away. Ruby nudged her shoulder. “What happened?”
“He deserved to know the truth.”
“I agree but perhaps you could have told him face-to-face when this mess started. I know that my moral compass doesn't exactly point due north but if I can see there’s something wrong, there’s a reason.”
“Ruby, you’re the one who is always telling me to be brave and stand up for myself,” Emma said, hurt at her friend’s attitude.
“Emma, hun that's not what you did. You unleashed years of repressed feelings in one night. I admit it was entertaining but if you were sure you did the right thing you'd feel better right now,” Ruby said honestly.
Emma walked out of the building, she heard footsteps approaching causing her to turn.
“Oh, my God. What do you want? Can't you take a hint? Why are you here?” she said, rolling her eyes at the intruder.
He shrugged, “Love, you wouldn't return my phone calls.”
“Haven't you ruined my life enough? Let me guess, you want another picture for your paper?”
“Emma, I’m sorry.”
“Please, Stop! You used me to advance in your career. At least have the decency to admit it but don’t try to act as you care about me.”
“I just saw what you did there and all I can say is it’s about bloody time!”
“Stop, I'm not doing this with you again.”
“Do you want to know the truth, why I came here? Alright, I knew this would be a difficult day for you, and for the first time in a long time, I wanted to look out for someone else. I know I was a damn fool. I’m sorry. I will vanish from your life but I want you to know that I think you are amazing, a marvel, and I think you deserve so much more than what you settle for. You deserve to be taken care of like the princess you are.” He turned to walk away but stopped mid-step. “Sorry, love. I forgot to give you this.” He hands her a package. “It’s just something to make your life easier. A new beginning.”
She took the gift hesitantly and watched him walk away.
Killian stared at his computer screen. He had hated walking away from Emma but it was clear she was not ready to forgive him.
“Killian, your little bridesmaid story got a phenomenal response. Looks like you finally did it, you got yourself bumped from Commitments,” Cora said.
“Lovely,” Killian said with a depreciating smile on his face.
“Killian, you should be happy. Isn’t this what you dreamt of?” Cora said as she walked away.
Killian knew she was right, he should be happy. He should be celebrating but it was a hollow victory.
Emma was surprised when her father called the day after and invited her over.
“Emma, you have got to work this out,” Midas said as he hugged her to comfort her pain.
“You two need to talk and fix this. Remember you love each other,” Midas said as if talking to two little girls with pigtails.
They stood stubbornly at opposite sides as their dad gave them privacy.
Emma had grown up looking after her sister. She had no idea what had caused Kathryn to become as selfish as she was. Kathryn had become the person that only looked out for herself. Emma had let go of her hurt over Graham because she had no idea of her feelings for him but the dress. The wedding dress was part of her dream wedding and she took it knowing so. Not only that but she shredded it without concerns about her feelings. But as Emma stared into her sister's eyes, she recognized the pain that had reflected in her own. She had done the unthinkable and caused pain to the one she had protected all her life.
“Kathryn, I’m sorry. I feel terrible.”
Kathryn’s mouth opened. “Sorry? You humiliated me in front of everyone!”
“I know but --” Emma stammered.
“Just admit it! You have always been jealous of me!” Kathryn yelled as she threw bags of chips and anything she could find at Emma.
Ducking and dodging various items being flung at her from the shelves, Emma became aggravated by Kathryn's child-like tantrum, but once she picked up a family-sized can of vegetables to throw, Emma snapped. “Stop it! Kathryn, I’m sorry but you could have been honest with Graham from the beginning. We wouldn't be standing here if you had. Did you even love him or was it just convenient?”
Kathryn huffed, “Get off your high horse. Sweet Emma, kind and smart. Perfect Emma. You always thought my life was perfect. The truth is you resent me because you had to braid my hair, go shopping for my prom dress, and make my Halloween costumes.”
Emma sighed. “No, Kathryn, I never did.”
“You think my life is so easy.”
“Kathryn, you never had a care in the world. You did as you pleased, never caring for the consequences. You are beautiful and fun. Your life is perfect.”
“You have no idea, Emma. Do you want to know the reason why I stayed home? I got fired from my job and James dumped me. Then I met Graham and he was nice to me. I just wanted to be someone worthy of him. I was trying to be you.”
Emma asked, confused, “Why would you want to be boring me when you get to be you?”
“Emma, you have taken care of me since Mom died. You stopped being my big sister and became my surrogate mother."
“I had to. You are my baby sister.”
"No, you didn't. I'm sorry about mom's dress. I know how much that dress meant to you. I wasn't thinking," Kathryn sighed. "I was too busy enjoying my happy moment. I didn't care about you or anyone. You were right calling me selfish. I just never thought I would hear those words coming from you. I will not lie and say it didn't hurt. In a way, I'm happy you finally started saying what you feel. I will always be your sister and I think it's time for you to stop taking care of everybody. It’s time to focus on you.”
"Kathryn, I am sorry for what I did. I never wanted to be the one to cause you pain."
The girls hug and start cleaning the mess.
Emma was at home cleaning out her closet. Finally taking the advice she had been given. She decided to start fresh.
The phone rang several times before she answered it. “Hello?”
The familiar voice on the other side greeted her warmly.
“Hi, Graham. I can do that. No problem. I'll be right there.” Emma rushed to get ready and meet Graham at the office. It was the least she could do after her stunt at the party.
Graham was sitting at his desk trying to find his speech for the benefit. He looked up and saw Emma walk in. She looked beautiful. He was not blind but he never wanted to cross that line.
“Emma, you look--great. Wow!” Graham said.
“Thank you,” Emma replied. “Before we go, I want to say sorry about last night. I shouldn't have done that.”
“Emma, you did me a favor. I was about to marry a woman I didn’t know. It’s not your fault I got swept away. Let’s forget about the whole thing.”
“Only if you’re sure.”
“I hate to ask for another favor but I need to print up my speech for tonight. I looked but I couldn't find the file.”
“Sure no problem. I can get it for you.” Emma walked to his desk to find the file.
Graham sighed in relief. “Emma, I’m so thankful I could call you tonight. I love that I can always count on you to never say no.”
Emma froze and looked at him. “What?”
“I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?” He asked, concerned.
Emma sighed. “Oh--”
Graham approached her with concern.
Emma stared at the computer screen. “Graham, I quit.”
Graham’s face turned confused. “What do you mean?”
“You hired me right after college. I was so blown away and caught up by the company and you. I never bothered to get my own life. Then I couldn’t leave because I was so madly in love with you.”
He takes one fluid step into her space. His right hand sliding to the back of her head pulling her into a kiss.
Emma froze for a second waiting for the fireworks to explode but it was a dud.
Graham noticed her reaction and backed away. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
She looked at him with understanding. “It’s okay. I always wanted to know what it would feel like.”She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, but that's not what it's supposed to feel like.” Her phone ringtone to Benny and the Jets went off interrupting them.
He smiled warmly as he saw her face brightened up with realization.
She smiled and left him behind.
Emma found the building easily enough. She approached the receptionist's desk interrupting a group of people deep in conversation. “Excuse me. I’m looking for Ki-James Rogers.”
The person that replied was a classically handsome man with a boyish quality and fair complexion with a bright smile. “He’s at a wedding. Wait, aren't you the girl from the article?”
Emma rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’m famous.”
Emma had been pleasantly surprised at how accommodating the guy, Victor, had been. He quickly provided the information to her with a smirk.
Emma ran out of the building hailing a cab.
The taxi came to a screeching stop.
Emma opened the door and got in. “Pier 17,” she said looking forward while waiting for the car to move.
The face of the cabbie that drove her the night she met Killian smiled through the rearview mirror. “I only have one dress tonight.”
The man grumbled in disappointment as the possibility of some extra cash disappeared and started driving.
They arrived shortly at the destination. Emma rushed out of the cab noticing the venue’s wedding sign, and asked the two valet workers to point her in the right direction.
Emma easily found the wedding on a ship and it was about to depart. Emma didn’t think twice and just jumped landing on the gangplank.
She landed safely, taking a deep breath and she started her search for Killian. The wedding was lovely. She was amazed by the magical feel of it.
“Hey,” a voice called out from behind her, Emma turned to face the voice.
The tiny blonde with a big smile greeted her. “I know you from the article. What are you doing here?”
“Yeah, that’s me.” Emma grimaced; she only hoped the bride was a romantic. “Long story short. There's this guy and he is here and I ...” Flustered at her own boldness Emma confided her story to the pixie bride who eagerly helped her.
Emma took the microphone nervously at the encouragement of her new friend.
“Hello. Good evening, I’m sorry to interrupt such a happy occasion. I promise this won't take long. I’m looking for someone, Killian? Killian Jones?”
The groom arrived and stood next to his bride, “Love, what’s going on?”
The bride said, “Shhh. Don’t worry, this is a good thing.”
Killian heard his name in a familiar voice and muttered, “Oh, bloodiest of hells…”
The Bride grabbed the mic from Emma’s grasp. “Can we have a spotlight, please? Killian Jones, come forward.” With an encouraging smile, she returned the microphone to Emma.
Killian begrudgingly stepped forward. The spotlight landed on him as the bride pointed him out.
Emma’s eyes met his and she continued to lower her armor. “I just wanted to say you were right about me. I wasn’t ready to hear it, especially not from you. I waited all my life for my prince charming. Then you showed up, a scoundrel, a pirate. The truth is, fighting with you is the best thing that ever happened to me. I think the chances of me falling in love with you are very good. That's all I had to say. I'll go now.”
Emma made her way through the crowd to meet Killian in the middle.
Killian smiled as she hesitantly arrived a few steps in front of him. “It’s about bloody time,” he said, pulling her as close to him as possible before he kissed her soundly.
After a few minutes of enjoying their kissing session, they are separated after hearing someone clear their throat.
“Little brother, I thought I taught you better manners. How about introducing me to the lovely lass that crashed my wedding to profess her feelings to you?”
“Leave them alone, Liam. They have a lot to talk about.”
“They can talk all they want but I feel like we deserve at least an introduction.”
Killian rolled his eyes as he hesitantly made space between Emma and himself. “Emma, this is my elder brother, Liam Jones. You have met my new sister-in-law, Olivia, but you can call her Tink.”
Emma’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry I interrupted your wedding. I wasn’t thinking. I never do stuff like this.”
Tink laughed, “It’s okay: you’re family.”
Killian shook his head. “Tink, I didn't know you were so intent on helping me find something as precious as my happy ending.”
A year later…
After quitting her job, Emma opened her wedding planner business: Savior Weddings. Soon enough, she found herself planning for a very special day.
You are cordially invited to the union of Emma Swan and Killian Jones.
Kathryn was the maid of honor, she smiled at her new boyfriend Frederick. A kind man that she met at her father’s store. He sat on the bride’s side.
Graham and his date Elsa arrived at the wedding with an excited Henry who happily tagged along for the special occasion. They were seated in the bride’s section.
Tink sat excitedly on the Groom’s side. She was so happy her brother-in-law found happiness.
Ruby smiled widely as she guided guests to their seats.
“Excuse me, what do you think makes this wedding special?” a voice got her attention.
Ruby turned to the source and smiled wolfishly. “And who are you?”
He smirked. “I’m the new writer of the Commitments column for the Journal, Victor Whale. I was hoping I could buy you a drink later.”
She laughed, “You do know it’s an open bar, right? I'll buy you a drink.” She winked and walked away. It was almost time for the ceremony to start.
Liam was happily standing next to his little brother as the music started. He joked saying he earned being the best man since his bride crashed his wedding.
Emma glided down the aisle. Her father proudly escorted her.
At that moment she didn't care if everything was perfect or not because the only thing that mattered was the way Killian looked at her, full of love. She looked at her bridesmaids. All twenty-seven of them were there to support her.
Once she arrived at her spot next to Killian he smiled lovingly as he asked her, “Is this moment everything you had hoped for?”
She beamed with happiness.“It’s so much more.”
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Emma Swan and Killian Jones in holy matrimony. Marriage is a cause for celebration… I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
The 27 Brides:
1 Lily/August
2 Alice/Robyn
3 Astrid/Leroy
4 Victoria/Flynn
5 Mary Margaret/David
6 Ariel/Eric
7 Aurora/Phillip
8 Ashley/Sean
9 Belle/Gaston
10 Anastacia/Will
11 Anna/Kristoff
12 Merida/Mulan
13 Gwen/Lance
14 Marian/Robin
15 Zelena/Hades
16 Tiana/Naveen
17 Regina/Daniel
18 Jacqueline/James
19 Nimue/Merlin
20 Jasmine/Aladdin
21 Wendy/Felix
22 Megara/Hercules
23 Cruella/Isaac
24 Fiona/Malcolm
25 Tamara/Greg
26 Ivy/Henry
27 Priscilla/Jefferson
@allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 @andiirivera @anothersworld @apiratewhopines @artistic-writer @batana54 @beckettj @bethacaciakay @bixisarusher @branlovestowrite @brooke-to-broch @captainodonoghue @carpedzem @chasedancer17 @cocohook38 @courtorderedcake @darkcolinodonorgasm @deckerstarblanche @demisexualemmaswan @djlbg @donteattheappleshook @dovelyheart @elizabeethan @gingerchangeling @gingerpolyglot @holdingoutforapiratehero @hollyethecurious @hookedonapirate @hookedonaswanprincess @hookedonhiddles​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @imlaxdris71​ @itsfabianadocarmo​ @jarienn972 @jennjenn615​ @jonesfandomfanatic​ @jrob64 @justanother-unluckysoul​ @k-leemac​ @karlyfr13s​ @kday426 @killian-will-do​ @klynn-stormz​ @kmomof4​ @kwistowee​ @kymbersmith-90​ @laschatzi​ @lassluna​ @let-it-raines​ @lfh1226-linda @lonelyspectator12 @mariakov81 @motherkatereloyshipper​ @officerrogers​ @ohmakemeahercules​ @onceratheart18​ @pirateherokillian​ @purplehawkcaptain​ @queen-serena88 @resident-of-storybrooke​ @revanmeetra87​ @rumdrum91 @sailtoafarawayland​ @sals86 @scientificapricot​ @scribomaniac​ @searchingwardrobes​ @seriouslyhooked​ @shardminds​ @shireness-says​ @snowbellewells​ @spacekrulesbians​ @spartanguard​ @stahlop​ @superchocovian​ @swanslieutenant​ @tehgreeneyes​ @the-darkdragonfly​ @thejollyroger-writer​ @therealstartraveller776 @thesschesthair​ @thislassishooked​ @thisonesatellite​ @tiganasummertree​ @tomeandflickcorner​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @veryverynotgoodwrites​ @wefoundloveunderthelight​ @wellhellotragic​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @winterbaby89​ @winterbythesea​ @xemmaloveskillianx​ @xarandomdreamx​ @xsajx​ @zaharadessert​
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
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Requested by Anon: “Can i make a request for Blackpink RoséXFem!reader one shot/imagine where y/n always thought she was the one that said I love you first but she realizes rosé said it in korean when y/n was first learning it the first few months they were dating. like rosé says it and y/n is like wait what does that mean? and rosé teases her and doesn't say anything (holy crap this is long, sorry. i hope that makes sense. I asked someone else if they can write it but I dont think they're going to) thank you very much if you do🥺❤️”
Pairing: Rosé x Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~ 2,300
Warnings / Misc. -- Fluff, Happy Ending
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: To the anon who requested this: Thank you! This is actually a really sweet ask, so hopefully I did it justice. I stuck with the gist of the prompt, but I added a little twist to it. I hope you enjoy; let me know what you think. Happy reading, everyone!
~~~ Flashback: A Few Months Into Your Relationship ~~~
“Baby, come grab the door, please!” You request, your hands busy holding the two steaming cups of hot cocoa you prepared for Rosé and yourself. At the sound of your voice, she sets down the notebook that she had been writing in, and makes her way to you. She appears in the doorway with a wide smile, her face lighting up when she spots the drinks. 
“How’d you know I wanted some?” She takes her mug from you, being careful not to move too quickly and spill it, and lays a kiss on your cheek -- her way of thanking you.
With a nonchalant shrug, you make your way across the room, saying over your shoulder, “It’s my superpower, duh. We’re just in sync like that.” The giggle that leaves her lips makes your heart flutter, and you can’t help but smile back.
Now armed with your beverages, the two of you sit back down on the floor next to each other, getting prepared for your mini lesson. The fluffy material of the carpet comforts you, and you settle in.
Rosé repeats the phrase one more time, slowing it down for you, enunciating the words as clearly as she can. Your gaze is set on her lips, taking note of how they purse and pout with the different syllables. You try again, albeit incredibly slow and choppy, but eventually the words manage to come out intelligible. She celebrates the win, quickly standing and pulling you up along with her for a victory dance; after all, it was a pretty tricky phrase for someone just starting out. She knows how competent you are though, and she wanted to give you a challenge. 
As the two of you stand there, doing a little dorky jig together, she takes a second to think. She is totally smitten with you: these past few months have been some of the happiest times of her life, and she owes a lot of that to you. There’s no one she’d rather have by her side like this, staying up well into the night to teach Korean to. She loves that you’re eager to learn more, and she’s ecstatic to be the one that gets to help you on that journey. It really is a special thing to her, and she doesn’t take it for granted. Time spent with you is heaven, regardless of what the two of you are doing. 
Rosé is pulled from her thoughts by the quiet sound of you yawning. Her heart nearly melts at the sight of your face all scrunched up, paired with the little wiggle that you do. She pulls you in, smiling as you nuzzle your face into her neck sleepily. “Rosé, I’d love to keep practicing, but I’m about to pass out.” Her hand comes up to run through your hair, the other one wrapped around your body to keep you close. “We should be going to bed anyway, babe. We can pick back up tomorrow, if you’d like.” She kisses your forehead tenderly as you just simply nod, your body too tired and brain too fried to do much of anything else. 
Once she’s tucked you in, making sure you’re comfortable and warm, she crouches down next to the bed. The lights are dimmed now, the only source of illumination being the moonlight that glitters in through the blinds, kissing your skin just right. Sitting there, face to face with you, she realizes that you’re her person. The one that she wants to wake up next to every morning and fall asleep wrapped around every night; the one to go on late night drives through the city with, stopping wherever your hearts desire; the one to hold through the bad times and comfort through the sad. You mean the world to her, and she can’t help but declare it.  
“사랑해, Y/N.” 
Despite only being half conscious, you’d never ignore the sound of her voice. “Mmm?” You mumble groggily, the noise making her laugh. She makes a mental note to add that to her list of favorite sounds. “Nothing, angel. Rest now.” With that, she goes to stand, but you catch her wrist before she can go. “No, tell me. Pleaaase?” Your eyes are open now, but just enough for her to see that beautiful sparkle in them. “Tomorrow. Now shhhh.” She leans down, placing a hand on your cheek to caress it, as she presses her lips to yours in an attempt to silence you. Her plan works, and she gives you a few more pecks before going to pick up and organize the books that were still strewn about on the floor. Not even a minute later, the sounds of your soft snores carry over to her ears, and she just shakes her head in amusement. 
~~~ The Next Day ~~~
“Alright, ready baby?”
“Do your worst.”
“Next up is… 사랑해.” Her eyes hold a hint of mischief, and you furrow your brow as you try to place where you’ve heard that. 
“Wait, wait, wait. Have you said this one before? It sounds familiar…” Now, deeply confused, you rack your brain. She plays innocent, though, having no intention of bringing up what happened the night before. With you being none the wiser, she’s content with teasing you for now. 
“Oh, that’s gonna drive me insane. Roseanne! What does it mean?” She chuckles at your frustration and use of her full name, but she doesn’t give in. Clearly, she gets a kick out of this. 
“Just start guessing, babe.”
~~~ Present Day, At The Blackpink Dorm ~~~
“Guys, I have the perfect game for tonight! Somebody was talking about it at the studio today: it’s called the Newlywed Game. I wanna see how well the lovebirds can do.” Lisa informs as she walks through the front door of the dorm, making her way into the living room where you and the girls are sitting. 
“Oh you’re on, Manoban. I know Rosé like the back of my own hand.” A smug expression takes over your features as you smirk at Lisa, standing up and playfully challenging her. 
“Oh yeah? Jennie and I are so gonna beat you.” She matches your energy, coming eye to eye with you, and she struggles to mask her grin. With the way she’s moving her lips to hide it, she kinda looks like a fish. 
Jisoo is next to speak as she goes to stand between the two of you, pretending to hold you back. “Hey, hey, break it up. Save it for the game.” Lisa sticks her tongue out at you, which prompts you to brush past Jisoo and tackle her onto the sofa. Jennie shouts, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” And soon, all of you are piled together in a heap of fake punches and throws, laughing loudly. 
{....} The Game {....}
“It’s neck and neck as our couples head into the final round; whoever wins this, wins the game.” Jisoo announces to no one, gesturing and looking to imaginary cameras around the room. “Contestants, are you ready?” Everyone nods in affirmation, and you give Rosé’s hand a loving squeeze. 
“Who was the first to say, ‘I love you’?”
At the question, you look to Rosé with a cocky expression on your face, absolutely convinced that you’ve got it in the bag. She scribbles her answer down on the white board -- yes, surprisingly, the girls had a few of them laying around the dorm -- and looks up at you with a smile. 
“Reveal your answers in 3...2...1…” Jisoo calls out in her best host voice, successfully creating suspense as she holds onto the numbers, dragging the count down out. 
Everyone flips their board around, and it seems as though time stops for a moment. Lisa and Jennie have the same answer, and you look to see what Rosé put -- despite being confident that you already know. Your jaw nearly drops to the floor as you read her name on the board.
“WHAT??” You exclaim, utter disbelief coursing through you: your whole life is a lie, it’s official. The other team is cackling by now, and you send them a mocking smile. 
Eyes now focused back on your partner, you say, “I totally said it first. Remember, that night after dinner with your parents back in Melbourne?” You hope something will click at that, her memory magically being jogged. Alas, that never happens. Everyone gets comfortable on the couches in preparation for the story she’s about to tell.  
“We hadn’t been dating super long, but it was when I was teaching you Korean back at your place. We cut the lesson short because you got sleepy, so I put you to bed. I couldn’t help myself though; you just looked so cute all cuddled up like that. I hadn’t expected for you to actually hear me, since I thought you had already passed out, but you asked me to tell you what it meant. I was stubborn and didn’t, of course,” You narrow your eyes at her, ready to stick up for your past self, but your heart secretly soars at how precious that story is.
“I love you, a lot, Rosé; but I hardly think that that counts, considering I was practically unconscious,” you say, putting emphasis on the word. The inner gamer in you is on full display, and you’re not ready to admit defeat yet. 
“Nope, we won, fair and square.” Lisa declares, exaggeratedly tossing her hair over her shoulder. You look to Jisoo, hands clasped together, eyes pleading, but she hands the victory to the other team. 
With a roll of your eyes, you tut at the loss; in no time, though, the feeling of Rosé’s arms snaking around you has you abandoning your little pity party, opting instead to smile at her. You pull her in for a kiss -- there’s no one you’d rather lose with, after all. Her lips turn up in a smile, and you can taste the cherry gloss on them. Eventually, the two of you decide to spare the others from your love-fest, and pull away. You keep an arm around her, your other hand busy being held by hers, and she lays her head on your shoulder. 
The playful atmosphere still stands, and Jennie goes to rub it in. “How’s it feel to lose, Y/N?” 
Dramatically, you look off into the distance, pretending to be in deep thought, before looking down at Rosé, and say, “With you, I can never lose; you’re the greatest prize I could ever ask for, Rosé.” The other girls let out a chorus of boos at your cheesy line, and Rosé lets out a little squeal as she scrambles to hide her blushing cheeks. With each laugh that she lets out, her body shakes against you, and you laugh right along with her. 
“Have I told you how adorable you are?” She asks, gazing up at you through her lashes. 
You purse your lips at her own cheesiness, and say, “Once or twice, I think. But tell me again.” 
Over the course of the night, she does just that -- multiple times, might I add -- and the 5 of you revel in each other’s company. Given their busy schedules, the opportunity to spend multiple hours with each other can be pretty rare; so, all of you thoroughly take advantage of the night. Karaoke sessions, Netflix binges, dance battles, food breaks, tickle fights -- anything you can think of, you guys probably did it. 
As things wind down, everyone is nodding off, and you take that as your cue to go. You remove your arms from their position around Rosé, the action drawing a whine from her, and you lay her back against the couch so that you can bid the girls goodnight.
“Sweet dreams, Y/N.” Jisoo says, voice laced with exhaustion, as she flips the small pillow in front of her over to the cool side. 
“Night, loser.” Lisa’s grin can be heard through her words, and you lightly smack her as you go by.
“Sleep well, Y/N. We love you.” Jennie is the most awake of any of them, and she reaches up to give you a hug. 
“Goodnight guys, we’ll see you in the morning.” Arms are thrown up into the air as a sign of acknowledgement to your statement, and you make your way back to Rosé.
She’s curled up against the side of the sofa, her hair falling gracefully over the armrest. Not having the heart to wake her up, you opt to scoop her up into your arms, smiling as she drapes hers around your neck. Her skin is warm against your own, and you take comfort in the feeling. Somehow she always manages to be so, so perfect, without even trying. As you make the journey back to her room, you’re careful to not bump into anything. She shifts a bit in your arms, and your heart nearly stops when she lazily mumbles your name in her sleep, a cute smirk on her lips. Nothing feels better than this.
Now in her bedroom, you slowly lean against the door until it shuts, and the soft sound of it latching behind you echoes across the silent space. You lay her down and pull the sheets up on her -- just as she had done that day, all those months ago -- and press a kiss to her cheek. “사랑해, Rosé.” As you climb into bed next to her, she rolls over to face you. A small smile plays on her beautiful lips as she says, “I heard that; I love you, too, baby.” A content sigh leaves your lips as you beam at her and pull her into your embrace. You wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world right now.
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Thanks for reading!!!
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