rebel-author-chick · 4 years
Better Than That (Loki x Reader)
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@marvelbingo​ Square: Loki Warning: Smut Pairing: Loki x Reader Summary: You help to distract Loki after he see’s the Hulk on Sakaar. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22155904
A/N: This is my first time writing smut and I’m really proud of it. I want to give a big thanks to @winchester-with-wings​ for beta-ing this and giving me advice on how to write smut!
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“Hulk! Hulk! Hulk!” The cheering from the city below could be heard echoing throughout the palace. A celebration was being had in the streets of Sakaar for the Hulk’s victory over the Lord of Thunder, as your father had dubbed him. It wasn’t unusual for the people of Sakaar to celebrate one of their champion’s victories, but this battle had been truly spectacular. Unbelievably, the Lord of Thunder had actually started to win the fight before suddenly losing to the Hulk. It had been a wonderful battle and you were still basking in the glow of your father’s victory, even if it was only symbolic.
You walked through the party your father usually held after every tournament. Easily sliding past all of the party-goers, you spy the man you had been looking for. Loki was looking out of one of the many windows that lined the room, which was highly unusual for him. Ever since he had come to Sakaar, he had been the center of attention at every party. He was so beautiful standing there, the lights of the city illuminated his lean figure. You were so used to seeing him surrounded by numerous people that it worried you. Sliding up to him, you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind and placed your head on his shoulder.
“Something the matter, dear?”
Loki jumped at the contact, having been lost in his own thoughts, “Oh, Y/N, you startled me.” He hadn’t meant to get lost in his head, but seeing the Hulk again, so close and in the last place he thought he would be, left him with some bad memories. The only solace he had was knowing that his brother now knows exactly what he went through back in New York.
You watched his face as he spoke, dragging your eyes along the outline of his smooth jaw and resting on his eyes. His brow was scrunched up, and his eyes had a far off look in them. “That’s usually not an easy thing to do.” You moved around him, putting your chin on his chest and staring into his eyes. “Is something wrong? You’re not being your usual self.”
“I’m fine, love. I just have some things on my mind.” He looked at you, finally, and smirked. It was a look you knew well, but had never been on the receiving end of. He was lying to you. “Why don’t we go back to the party?”
If you were any other person you might have let it go, but he should know you better than that. You were the reason he had gotten into your father’s good graces so quickly after arriving on the planet. Your father, the Grandmaster, was an easy target for someone as sly as Loki. He'd fallen for everything Loki’s silver tongue would say to him, especially when they were compliments. Topaz, however, was less inclined to have Loki around. She would rather have thrown him into the dungeons with the other gladiators or just kill him on the spot.
That’s where you came in. You were usually the tie-breaker between the two, even if your opinion wasn't what mattered. Your father knew what he wanted to do, nothing would change his mind. Just another one of the games he liked to play.
Ever your father's daughter, you liked him, mostly his looks. He was one of the more attractive prisoners who were brought to the palace. Dark hair and green eyes had always been your weakness, and he was just so tantalizing. You had been getting bored with the other playthings you had, and if the things he was saying to your father were any indication, you could only imagine what else he could do with his tongue.
So, you asked your father if you could have him.
It didn’t take much for him to say yes, a pout here and a few battings of eyelashes there, and he was putty in your hands. That night, Loki confirmed your suspicions about how good his tongue was.
You hadn’t meant to fall for him at the time, but you had and he seemed to have fallen for you as well. It was because of the relationship you had formed with him that you knew he was lying.
“I have a better idea,” you said as you started to kiss up his neck. You sucked on the crook of his neck and smirked as you heard him let out a small moan. After leaving a satisfying mark, you trailed kisses up to his ear, nibbling on his earlobe. “Why don’t we go back to my room and have a little fun?”
Loki groaned and looked over his shoulder at the room. While your father knew what you and Loki did together, once you two had become an item he started acting more protective of you. You rolled your eyes and started to run your hands down Loki’s chest before cupping his half hard member. You giggled as he jumped, snapping his head back to you.
"Careful darling. Or I might just have to take you right here." You felt the cool glass of the window at your bare back as he pressed you into it. "What would your people think of their princess being fucked against a window, like a common whore?"
"You promise?" You teased, the thought sent a warm heat to your core. Loki's lips crashed onto yours. He forced his tongue into your mouth, not that you resisted. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him impossibly closer to you. You grind your hips onto his, needing the friction. Your body felt like it was on fire. Loki growled and in one swift motion, captured your arm; dragging you through the crowd and towards the exit.
You made it to your room in record time. The door had barely shut before Loki had you pressed up against it. You run your hands down his back, resting them on his waist. “So, are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?”
“Do you really want to do this now?” Loki ran his hand up your leg to cup your ass under your skirt. You moan as he kissed your neck, wrapping your legs around his waist.
You tangled your hands in his long black hair and ground down onto his dick. “Good point, we’ll talk about it after.”
He laughed and laid you down on the bed. “You’re not going to let it go, are you?”
“You should know me better than that.” Pulling him on top of you, you buck your hips into his, meeting his eyes, “Now, shut up and kiss me.”
“My pleasure,” Loki smirked at you before attacking your lips, causing you to let out a muffled moan. You tangled your fingers in his hair again, giving it a slight tug when he did something you liked. He moved onto your neck as he used one of his hands to push your skirt up. His long fingers started to rub you through your panties, already wet with excitement. He focused most of his movements on your pulsing clit, your moan so loud you were sure they could be heard back at the party. You buck your hips again, whining, “You have too many clothes on.”
With a snap, both of you were left naked. "Better?" You hummed in approval.
Loki’s fingers found your folds and he slid one inside you, slowly pumping his them in and out of you. His lips closed around one of your nipples and your arched your back, pushing your chest into his face. You tug his hair as he adds a second finger and starts rubbing your clit with his thumb, fast and hard. The only things that could be heard in the room were your moans and the squelching sound coming from your lower half. You felt yourself tighten around his fingers and arch your back, close to release. Loki added another finger and removed is mouth from your nipple.
“L-Loki,” you cried as your body gets closer and closer. “I-I’m going to…”
“Come on, sweetheart. Cum for me.” The deep and low sound of his voice pushes you over the edge and you let out a loud moan. He removes his fingers from you, before putting them into his mouth and sucking on the one at a time, his eyes staring directly into your own. You whimper at the sight. It takes you a minute before you can catch your breath. Glancing down, you see his cock, long and lean like the rest of his body. Pulsating and red, its tip dripping with precum.
“Your turn,” you tell him before pushing him down and putting it in your mouth, your hand wrapping around the base. You play with the head, tongue licking and sucking it while your hand pumps the shaft; Loki’s grunts and moans spurring you on. You take him deeper into your throat and you feel his hand gather up your hair in a tight fist. He thrusts up into your mouth and you pump your hand faster in response.
“Fuck!” He moaned, tightening his grip on your hair. “So close.”
You hum around him and pick up the pace. Loki’s thrusts became erratic so you used your arm to still his hips. A few more pumps of his cock and ribbons of cum shot into your mouth. You licked up any remains, relishing in the salty taste, and looked up at Loki. He was flushed, bright red and breathing heavily, one of his arms slung over his eyes. You slowly crawled up his body and sat on his lap before gently removing his arm. “Hope you’re not getting tired.”
Loki smirked and bucked his hips underneath you. His cock was already hard again and rubbing against you, “Never.”
You ground your hips down on him in response, causing you both to let out a long moan. Positioning you above him, Loki grabbed your hips and teased your entrance with the tip of his cock. You whimpered, remembering the feeling of his fingers inside you earlier, “Stop teasing~!”
In one quick motion, he pushed you down onto him as he snapped his hips up to meet yours. He stretched your walls around him and he gave you a minute to adjust to his size before rolling his hips. It caused you to let out another moan. Loki thrust into you as you meet them with your own from above, his fingers were definitely going to leave bruises.The two of you get into a steady rhythm, hips meeting at just the right angle. Suddenly, Loki flipped you onto your back. One of his hands left your waist to rub your clit in slow, small circles. “Let me take control.”
His fingers speed up and his thrusts met yours causing you to let out moan after moan. It doesn’t take long for you to feel that familiar ball of fire in your lower abdomen. Clenching your walls around Loki, you feel his thrusts falter, letting you know he’s close too. You kiss Loki hard, sending both of you over the edge. You lay with Loki still above you, panting the only noise from either of you, as you both come down from your highs.
After a few minutes, Loki collapsed onto the bed next to you, both of you breathing heavy. A quiet silence falling over the room. You reach your hand out to grasp Loki’s, giving it a light squeeze. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
Loki turned to you and squeezed your hand back, “I know, and I am very grateful for that, love. Today just brought up some bad memories, that’s all.”
“Ok, just remember that I’m here for you. Whenever you need me.” Loki smiled at you before giving you a deep kiss. “Now, if those memories are still giving you problems, I know what’ll take your mind off it…”
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firebrands · 5 years
one day like this (steve/tony, fake dating)
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, T, fake dating, no powers AU, 4k words | also on ao3
Marvel bingo card fill for "fake dating" and also to a prompt Ferret left on the MCU discord: "fake dating au where the one who asks does it *expressly* because they have a huge crush and they want to show the other person how awesome it'd be to date them. Instead of being sad and pining the whole time, they spend the fake dating period (wedding or whatever) doing their damnest to get a real date out of it. Works either if the datee had never thought about them being more than friends until the fake date, or if they have been the one secretly pining, and the more the asker piles on the charm, the more depressed they get. Asker pov."
For @festiveferret who gave this prompt, and @omg-just-peachy and @valhqlla who wanted fake dating when I posted my bingo card!
The group chat is busy tonight, Tony notes with a wry grin. For some reason, everyone’s looking for ways to procrastinate, and the messages started flooding in as soon as Clint sent a video of a small dog falling down a few stairs. “Me, thinking i’m done with work,” he said.
Nat floods the chat with various stickers of cartoon characters in distress, Sam complains about the modules he has to go through, Bruce chimes in about the conference he doesn't want to attend, and then finally, Steve jumps in. 
ughhhh i want to get dinner but i don't have time i miss u all, he texts.
Tony’s eyebrows raise at the opportunity that has presented itself so neatly.
He taps on Steve’s name to send a message privately. 
Hey, wanna work together tonight? Gotta crunch some numbers and I’d appreciate the company
Steve responds quickly: Pick me up from my office and it's a deal
Tony smirks. This was almost too easy. I’ll sweeten the pot and buy you dinner, he texts.
He sets his phone aside and begins to pack up his things. His phone pings with Steve’s reply. 
If ur feeling generous then why don't we invite clint and sam
Tony groans. It was too easy, then. He bites his lip, and types out his response. He stares at the message for a second, takes a deep breath, then presses send.
Nah, just wanna be with you
He follows it up when he sees that Steve has read the message. Be there in 20 mins
Steve slides into the passenger seat, and Tony’s heart flutters when he Steve turns to him with a smile.
“It’s been a while,” he says.
“Yeah,” Tony says, trying his best not to sound too dreamy. “Two weeks, right?”
“Has it already been that long?” Steve buckles his seatbelt. “I’ve been really busy with work.”
“Me too,” Tony begins to drive, then realizes he doesn’t have a destination in mind. “Where do you wanna go?”
Steve shrugs. “Anywhere with a charging port?”
“How about that place with the ice cream you liked?” Tony hedges.
“Oh god, yes please,” Steve groans, “What’s it called again? I never got to go back because I forgot the name.”
“You would.”
Steve scoffs. Tony has never wanted to lean over and kiss him more, but he doesn’t. Not yet.
“So you remember Pepper, my friend?” Tony asks after polishes off the pasta from his plate. 
“Yeah, ‘course I remember Pepper,” Steve says, eyes still on his food, then he looks up as he takes the last bite of his burger. “Why?”
“Well, she’s getting married next month and well,” Tony starts, waving his hand around breezily. “She reserved two seats for me because she thought—well. Anyway. She reserved two seats for me and I really don’t want to tell her to cut it down to one, because I’m sure she’s already finalized her table arrangements and I don’t want to bother her with—so, the point is,” Tony exhales quickly, and flashes Steve his most charming smile. “Do you want to come with me?”
“What, like your date?” Steve asks, frowning as he wipes his hands on a napkin.
“Yeah, exactly like that.”
“Me?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, you.” Tony furrows his brow when he notices Steve is slowly, methodically, tearing his napkin to shreds. “Who else am I talking to?”
“Why me?” Steve asks, looking a bit helpless.
“Why not?” Tony asks, nonplussed.
“That’s not a fair response, Tony,” Steve chides.
“Do you not want to go?” Tony licks his lips nervously. “It’s okay, I can ask someone else, or something, it’s fine”
Steve opens his mouth to respond, but snaps it shut when a waitress arrives with his dessert. The silence stretches on and Steve shoves a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.
Tony balls his hand into a fist to stop himself from wiping at the small smear on the side of Steve’s lip, and digs his fingernails even deeper into his palm as he watches Steve’s tongue poke out of his mouth to lick it off.
“I just…” Steve pauses, then tries to nonchalantly hide all of his ripped up tissues under a napkin. “I don’t know, you don’t think it’s gonna be weird?”
“Why would it be weird? I’m a swell date.” Tony gestures to their empty plates, the ice cream melting in Steve’s cup. “See? I treat you right.”
Steve frowns again. “This is a date?”
“It’s whatever you want it to be, babe,” Tony winks. He’s laying it on pretty thick, sure, but that just means he can brush it off as a joke if Steve gets pissed. God, he hopes Steve doesn’t get pissed. 
“Tony, you’re scaring me. You have that face on,” Steve says hesitantly.
“What face?” Tony snaps out of his thoughts, smiles his most captivating smile. “My face is fine.”
“Your weird… pinched in face.” Steve waves around a spoon as if wiping his words away. “Nevermind.”
“So?” Tony wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Date me?”
Steve laughs, and Tony almost doubles over in relief. 
“Fine? God, I was hoping for some excitement! We get to dress up, eat great food—Pep’s got great taste in food, let me tell you—and you get the best date this side of the Hudson.”
Steve rolls his eyes affectionately. “You forget that I only have one suit, so you’ll have to deal with my award outfit.”
Tony throws his head back and groans with exasperation. “That thing? Does not highlight your assets.” Tony looks back and gazes at Steve appraisingly. “I’m thinking… blue.”
Steve’s eyebrow is quirked up, unimpressed.
“Because of your eyes,” Tony says, gesturing to Steve’s face. 
“Groundbreaking,” Steve deadpans.
“Hey, I’m not the artist here, you are. All I'm saying is that now that you’re my date it’s only right that you dress the part. And I'd be remiss if I didn't help style my date, right?”
Steve rolls his eyes again, shakes his head as he bites down a smile. “Is it too late to take it back?”
“Of course it is.” 
“Should’ve known you had an ulterior motive for asking me to work together,” Steve sighs dramatically.
Tony pouts. “I thought you said you missed me.”
“I did,” Steve agrees, smiling as he eats another spoonful of ice cream. “And now, somehow, I’m your date to Pepper’s wedding.”
“I know!” Tony grins giddily. “Aren’t you excited? I’m excited.”
“Of course you are,” Steve laughs. “Are we going to make up a story about how I ended up your date?”
“Do you want to? I thought that would be too much.”
Steve looks up from his ice cream. “Too much?” He asks, “so you know the meaning, then?”
Steve grins devilishly. 
“I was thinking of just saying, you know. We kinda finally realized we’d be good together,” Tony says, and he’s being so honest that it hurts a little.
Steve’s grin falters for a second and Tony worries if he’s said something wrong, but Steve laughs it off. “That’s boring. We could come up with something about how we started dating, it’d be funny, right?”
“Yeah,” Tony says, smiling tightly. “Funny.”
They smile at each other for a second and Tony wishes he could just come out and ask Steve what he was thinking, but things don’t work that way. 
“How about,” Steve starts, tapping his nose as he thinks. It’s an adorable tic, and Tony relaxes a little has he takes in how Steve looks in the soft yellow light of the cafe.
“I have an idea!” Tony says, all of the sudden. “Let’s just keep making things up. Keep each other on our toes.”
Steve laughs. “That sounds so dumb,” he says. “Let’s do it.”
Steve’s jaw literally drops when he turns to look at himself in the mirror.
Tony, standing behind him, is looking equally guppy-faced in the mirror.
“Steve,” Tony says reverently, letting his eyes sweep over Steve’s new blue velvet jacket and black pants. “You look amazing.”
Steve lets out a shocked huff of laughter. “Yeah, I do, don’t I,” he says.
Tony gently lays his hand on the small of Steve’s back, taking the opportunity to look at him closer, then from different angles.
“You have outdone yourself, Luis,” Tony says to his tailor, who puffs his chest up in pride. 
“Of course I did, Tony. Can’t have you going on a date with someone who isn’t dressed equally sharp, huh?” Luis winks
Tony chuckles, then turns to Steve. “You like it, right?”
“I do,” Steve says, still looking at himself in the reflection. “Not so sure about my bank account liking it though.”
“I told you, I got this,” Tony says, patting Steve’s shoulder.
“I really can’t accept—I have the money, Tony.”
“I know. I didn’t say you didn’t. What I am saying is that this is part of the dating Tony experience. Wining, dining, suiting….” Tony pauses, then winks at Steve when he adds, “un-suiting.”
Steve giggles. “You’re wild.”
“Absolutely feral, my dear,” Tony says. He stops himself just in time from pressing a kiss to Steve’s cheek. 
Luis tells them that he’ll finish up the stitching and have it sent over to Tony’s apartment when it’s done.
“Why not to mine?” Steve asks.
“Because we’ll be coming from my place?”
Steve is quiet for a moment before he asks, “Why?”
“Because we’ll take my car…?” Tony bites his lip.
“Wait. Where is the wedding?”
Tony balks. “Hudson Valley?”
“What?!” Steve screeches.
“I thought I told you—” Tony starts, hands raised in a placating motion. 
“You did not,” Steve begins to fret, wringing his hands as he does. “All you said was a wedding next month, oh my god. I need to file a leave.”
“Sure, yeah,” Tony nods. “It’s on a Saturday though, and we have a room booked just for Saturday night.”
Steve relaxes, and the jacket highlighting how broad his shoulders are. The suit really does accentuate all of his best features. Which, Tony thinks, is all of them, but that’s neither here nor there right now.
“Oh.” Steve says. “What else do I need to know?”
Tony laughs. “I don’t know. I’ll look for the invitation and send you a picture. But it’s—whatever, I got you, okay? Don’t worry about it.”
Steve gives Tony a disapproving look and sets his arms akimbo. “When it’s you, Tony, I always worry.”
“That hurts,” Tony pouts and clutches his chest. “That’s hurtful.” 
“I’m only saying it because you haven’t proven me wrong,” Steve says with a smirk, and god, it takes every ounce of self-control for Tony not to get on his knees in front of Steve, standing like that and looking god-like. He always was weak for a big man in a suit.
“Fair,” Tony says, instead, and turns to leave so Steve can get undressed.
Tony adjusts his tie in the mirror and behind him, Steve is bent over tying his shoelaces. Tony spends a few more moments preening, and stops only when he sees in the reflection that Steve is fumbling with his cuffs.
“Let me,” Tony says, closing the short distance between them and batting away Steve’s hand as he deftly inserts the cufflink and locks it. He gestures for Steve’s other wrist, and Tony can feel Steve gaze on his hand as he tightens the cuff. “There,” Tony says, softly. “Need help with your bow tie?”
Steve’s frown deepens. “Is it that obvious?”
Tony smiles fondly at him. “No, but I’ve never seen you in a bow tie, either.”
Steve lifts his chin obediently as Tony takes the two ends of the bow tie in his hands. This close, he can see how clean Steve’s shave is, can see how his adam’s apple bobs as he swallows.
“You okay?”
“Fine,” Steve says a bit breathlessly.
Tony looks up at Steve questioningly, and bites back a smile when he sees the blush on Steve’s cheeks. He never figured Steve to be the one to blush when embarrassed.
This close, it would be so easy to pull Steve in, close the gap between them. But he holds off; they still have a whole evening together and a shared bed to boot. (Pepper had taken him seriously when Tony said he had a date, and she didn’t know how much she was helping Tony’s cause when she got them a room with queen-sized bed. Steve had laughed when he’d seen it, and made an offhand comment about how it was all par for the course, being Tony’s date and all.)
“All done,” Tony says, smoothing down the lapels of Steve’s jacket and giving him a once over. “You look devastatingly handsome.”
Steve’s cheeks brighten even more. “Thanks, Tony,” he says bashfully. “You look great, too,” he adds, after a moment.
Tony beams. “All for you, Steve,” he says, and he means it.
Tony spends most of the beginning of the reception program sneaking glances at Steve, startling only when he and Steve’s eyes meet as he was furtively checking him out again.
“This is fun, right?” Tony recovers quickly. 
“Super!” Steve says brightly. 
Tony only stops looking at Steve when Pepper finally makes her way to them, changed out of her wedding dress into an equally beautiful but much more sensible white gown. 
“God, Pep, if I knew you cleaned up this well I would’ve just married you myself,” Tony says, standing to press a kiss to Pepper’s cheek. “Congratulations, by the way,” he adds, then pulls her into a tight hug.
“I know,” Pepper says, pulling away and adjusting Tony’s pocket square. “That’s why I never cleaned up for you,” she teases.
Tony pouts, then remembers Steve when Pepper raises her eyebrows and looks at Steve pointedly.
“This is Steve!” Tony says, taking Steve by the arm and pulling him close. “He’s my date.”
“Congratulations!” Steve says, before kissing Pepper on the cheek.
“Thank you! I’m so glad to finally meet you,” Pepper says. “I have heard so much about you.”
Steve blushes, and Tony has to give him points; blushing on purpose was a skill even he hadn’t mastered. The ‘aw shucks,’ look sells it even more.
“Really?” He says, sounding strangely disbelieving, as if he’d never thought Tony would talk about him, which is dumb, in Tony’s opinion. “I’ve heard a lot about you, too,” Steve adds quickly.
“Good,” Pepper says loftily. 
Steve laughs.
“When did you start dating?”
Tony opens his mouth to respond but Steve is quicker: “Oh a few months ago. Tony took me out to dinner and held my hand as he walked me home.”
“He walked?” Pepper says, skeptical.
“I know.” Steve says, turning to smile at Tony fondly. He was really, really selling this in-love shtick, and Tony feels hope swell traitorously in his sternum. “That’s how I knew he was serious about me,” Steve says fondly, and then, in an inspired move, he takes Tony’s hand in his.
Tony is going to buy him a cake, after all this. That is, if he doesn’t get Steve to go out with him on an actual date. But those plans are for later.
“I hate you both and I regret this already,” Tony says faux haughtily, but keeps Steve’s hand in his.
“We were in a mountain climbing group and we shared a tent together,” Steve says to Pepper’s cousin.
“We fought over the last bagel in the cafe,” Tony tells Pepper’s other cousin.
“I bumped his car while I was backing out of a gas station.”
“I bought him sunflowers and it turns out he was allergic to them.”
"We were in the library and we were looking for the same book."
“Oh, Steve was Creative Director for the agency that did one of our campaigns,” Tony says to Nick, Pepper’s boss. “He was really brilliant, he had such great ideas, and I really liked working with him. So one day I asked him out to coffee.”
“Wouldn’t that be a conflict of interest?” Nick asks. “Since you were paying him?”
“By then the campaign was done and Steve wasn’t part of meetings anymore,” Tony says airily. “You really should see his work, Nick. He’s an amazing artist.”
Steve and Nick exchange numbers, and Steve steers Tony to the refreshment table by his elbow.
“You sounded really convincing,” Steve says, surprised. “I didn’t know you knew that much about my work.”
Tony shrugs and picks up an hors d'oeuvres. He scrutinizes the oyster so he doesn’t have to look at Steve when he says, “I pay attention, Steve.”
Steve pops a canapé into his mouth and then downs a glass of champagne. “That’s nice!” he says, and then wanders further down the table to eat more food.
Steve looks up at the speakers when a song begins to play. A soft smile blooms on his face and he says, “I love this song.”
“Dance with me, then,” Tony says, offering Steve his hand. He half expects Steve to decline, and feels his heart begin to sink when Steve merely looks at Tony’s hand.
The party is going through a slowdown, the DJ playing sweet, old people music. Of course this is the kind of music that Steve wants to dance to. If he does want to, that is. Tony’s about to laugh off his offer to save face when Steve takes his hand.
They join the few older guests on the dance floor and fumble a little to see who’ll lead. Of course, Tony wins, and he settles his hand into the curve of Steve’s spine, takes Steve’s hand in his. They sway slowly to the music, and Tony lets his eyes drift shut, enjoying Steve’s presence, the easy movements of the dance, being able to breathe the same are as him.
The song ends, and Tony blinks when he sees the small frown on Steve’s lips.
“You all right?” he asks, as they walk back to their seats.
Steve startles at the question. “Yeah,” he says, nodding effusively. “I guess champagne makes me a bit maudlin,” he adds, with a self-deprecating laugh.
“What’s there to be maudlin about?”
“Nothing,” Steve says blithely. “It’s nothing.”
Tony frowns. “We can skip out early if you want, okay?” 
“No, no,” Steve says. “Let’s stay. This is fun.”
“You just said you were getting maudlin.”
“So I’ll switch to whiskey,” Steve says easily. 
“Okay, if you say so.”
“Free drinks!” Steve stands up and buttons his jacket. He turns to Tony with a smile. “Celebrating love! Come on, let’s get drinks.”
“Okay, okay,” Tony acquiesces, and follows Steve to the bar.
It’s almost three in the morning when they stumble up the stairs of the old, Dutch Colonial stone mansion. They’re not drunk, not really; Tony stopped himself as soon as he felt the heady flush of tipsiness. He doesn’t trust himself to be drunk around Steve, especially since they were sharing a bed.
Neither of them bother to turn on the light, the full moon casting a glow about the room. Tony both loves and hates how romantic it is.
They both undress quickly, eager to get some rest. Out of everything tonight, this is familiar territory, both of them used to sleeping next to each other whenever nights out with the group got too rowdy and taxis were hard to come by. 
Tony brushes his teeth and watches Steve in the reflection of the mirror, only averting his gaze when Steve unbuckles his belt. He spits out the foam, then flops face down onto the bed wearing only his boxer-briefs. He listens as Steve putters about the room, brushes his teeth, then finally settles down beside him with a pleased sigh.
“Good night,” Steve says. Tony hums in response, then shifts so his back is to Steve. He shuts his eyes and listens to Steve breaths even out and the bed shift with Steve’s weight.
Tony turns again, and startles when finds Steve facing him, looking equally caught in the act. 
“Hey,” Tony whispers. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Steve smiles, but it looks tentative, so he isn’t.
“You sure?” Tony prods.
“Yeah,” Steve says, then turns to face the ceiling. Tony doesn’t miss the small sigh that escapes Steve’s lips.
Tony wants to touch Steve so badly, even if only to comfort him through whatever is causing this sudden sadness. But he doesn’t want to cross a line. Not that he hasn’t been crossing lines all night, trying to get Steve to see how good he’d be, how good they were together. So maybe he wasn’t scared to ask Steve to pretend to be his date tonight, but there are still a few things that do scare Tony, and he’s done being brave for the day.
Steve is standing by the sink when Tony wakes up. Tony yawns, stretches out his back, then ambles over to Steve. They brush their teeth in silence, then Tony playfully jostles with Steve over sink space.
“Stop it!” Steve snaps.
Tony throws his hands up and takes a step back. “Okay, wow, go shower first then.”
Steve sighs, runs a hand through his hair nervously. “No, it’s not that. I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Okay,” Tony says, and leaves the bathroom. He takes a seat on the bed and goes through his memories of the evening, trying to figure out where he could’ve done something wrong.
Then, Steve throws open the door of the bathroom and says, “I had a really good time last night, Tony.” His eyes are wide and he’s blinking like he’s shocked at himself.
“Yeah, me too,” Tony says, confused. “You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah,” Steve says, sighing. “I just had a really good time.”
Tony smiles. “I told you I’d show you a good time, right?”
Steve nods to himself, chews on his lip as he thinks. He opens his mouth to say something, closes it, then goes back inside the bathroom. 
Tony stares at the door, confused, worried, and wondering what he can do—what else he can do—to get Steve to finally fucking go out with him.
The rest of the morning passes without incident, breakfast and coffee and mingling with the other guests who spent the night. 
They’re packing their bags when Steve turns to Tony and says, “Tony, I think I need to stop hanging out with you for a while.”
“What? Why?” Tony sputters, and he’s scared of the answer.
Steve sinks down onto the bed, rests his head in his hands. “I—god, Tony, why’d you have to—” he pauses again, takes a breath. “I don’t think we can hang out for a while, at least until I’m over it.”
“Over what?” Tony asks, sitting down beside Steve and putting his hand on Steve’s knee. “What are you talking about?”
Steve stares at him through his fingers, then he shuts his eyes tight.
“I haven’t been really honest with you,” he says. 
“Okay,” Tony says, reassuringly. 
“It’s just that,” Steve pauses again, and takes a deep breath. He lowers his hands from his face and looks Tony in the eye. “It’s just that I’m I love you, okay? And I know that this was just supposed to be a fun thing but it’s—“
Tony blanches. “Okay, I’m gonna stop you right there,” he says. 
“Okay,” Steve says, looking chastened.
“No, no,” Tony shifts closer to Steve slowly, like he would a scared animal. He fights down the instinct to jump for joy, worried by the tremulous look on Steve's face. “Steve, oh god. I love you too. You hear me? I love you. I’ve been trying to ask you out to an actual date for the longest time and I thought you just wanted to stay friends so you were humoring me—“
“You MEANT IT?” Steve almost shouts, and jumps up from the bed as if burned. “All those times?”
“Why would I be joking?” Tony asks incredulously.
“Because you’re—“ Steve waves his hands around in a helpless gesture. “You’re you! And I’m just! I’m me!”
“Exactly! You!” Tony pauses. “Why are we shouting?” He asks, tone significantly softer.
“Because!” Steve continues, half-hysterical. “You’re Tony!”
“What does that even mean?!” 
“You’re my friend and I never thought you’d like me and you flirt with everyone and ask everyone out and get them dinner—“ Steve says all in one breath.
“No, I don’t,” Tony says, faltering.
“But you do! You do that!” Steve insists. He’s pacing around the room, now, which should be comical given that he has to turn every three steps, but it just makes Tony feel nervous.
Tony takes a deep breath, then stands and takes Steve by the shoulders. “Steve,” he says, trying to keep his voice steady. “I love you.”
Steve blinks. “You what?”
“I love you,” Tony says again, pulling Steve in close, nose to nose. “I love you, Steve Rogers.”
Steve laughs. “Oh my god,” he says shakily. “You mean it.”
“I do.”
“I love you,” Steve says, eyes wide. “And you—you love me.”
“Yes,” Tony says. 
Steve nods.
“Can I kiss you now?” Tony asks.
“Yes, please,” Steve breathes out.
Tony takes Steve’s chin in his hand and pulls him in—he smiles a little as he hears Steve’s quick intake of breath, right before their lips meet. It’s soft and chaste and tentative and absolutely wonderful.
“See? I told you,” Tony says as he pulls away, smiling as he thumbs Steve’s cheek. “Nothing to worry about, Steve. I got you.”
Steve laughs against Tony’s mouth. “Shut up and kiss me again already, Tony.”
“Yeah, okay.”
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mnemo-ink · 4 years
Aladdin AU Cherik
Wrote this for marvel bingo 2019 (free prompt) but I only posted it on ao3, not here.
Takes place in an Aladdin AU with alpha/omega (it's the reason Charles must marry and can't become King but it never really comes up so it can be pretty much ignored), no powers
            The day had been one long deja vu. More politics webbed behind his back, more talks about the necessity of his marriage. It was a trap made of gold, one he had no way to avoid.
Even Prince Magnus' grand entrance was doing nothing to change the monotony of his life. He paraded his wealth more literally than most. That didn't make him any different.
Charles was pouring himself some wine as the unknown prince finally makes his way to the throne room, exchanging greetings with the King. He listened in a dispassionate way, his back to the group, with no desire to join them despite knowing he'd have no choice. Delaying was the only power he had left.
"Charles will like this one."
"And I'm pretty sure I'll like Prince Charles".
The voice was nice, but with an undertone, some kind of untold joke that put him on edge. Yet his father sounded delighted. All Charles saw was a new suitor bidding for his hand without knowing anything about him but his supposed beauty, a propaganda well spread to soften the distaste at his paralyzed legs.
As if any of them cared as long as they got the throne.
The chancellor spoke up. Of course he would... After all, he was the one who really controlled the politics of the land, and he didn't want to let that power disappear. This time his manipulations involved a fake concern toward the Prince. Charles restrained a laugh. How dared he? That man whose eyes always seemed to burn into his skin. That man who killed...
The only hope Charles had left was to marry someone who'd get rid of that snake without being an even worse option for his country.
"What makes him think he is worthy of the Prince?"
It was rather fitting that they all pretended to care about him while ignoring him, just a few feet away from them, in a corner of the same room.
"Your Highness, I am Prince Magnus. Just let him meet me. I will win your son."
'Win' him. That... That was too much. Charles knew how he was seen. To hear it so bluntly was another thing. He rolled toward the group, all his anger spilling out of him:
"How dare you? All of you? Standing around deciding my future."
They looked embarrassed. It gave him no satisfaction. He knew they wouldn't change their plans in any way. The hypocrisy of it all... Before leaving, Charles let out the words that were bleeding into his mind, words he wasn't sure he believed in anymore:
"I am not a prize to be won."
He thought he'd get some peace, finally alone in his rooms, when Magnus broke the calm with some ridiculous attempt at seduction. Just more deja vu. Compliments, fake smiles, he knew it all. The only effect was reminding him how unsafe his rooms were, open to any slightly motivated climber.
There was something in Magnus, in some of his movements, that echoed... It only made Charles more bitter. That this man dared reminding him of...
For the second time today, he unleashed his anger at Magnus. Another suitor, like all the others.
Except. Except the man appeared sorry. Understanding. Charles was puzzled, unprepared for such a reaction. Where was the hurt pride? The insults?
Then Magnus jumped from the balcony and reappeared on what could only be described as a flying carpet.
All these years, Charles had prepared himself for the worst, but not for the magical.
As he touched the flying carpet, felt it react with some form of sentience, with some personality even, Charles smiled. The first genuine smile he had had in months. Or was it years? How long had it been since he felt anything at all?
His disbelief turned into wonder and it made him realize how everything had been muted until now. How his dreams were mere longing he couldn't really manage to be passionate about.
How could it be an different when he had lost all hope?
And yet now...
He felt, imagined, wanted. Oh, how he wanted...
What Prince Magnus was offering to him was something he never thought he could get. A sense of freedom, the ability to travel and discover and doing so without being stopped by the strict rules of the palace or by his unfeeling legs. It wasn't reasonable. In fact, it was even quite foolish of him, entertaining the idea of following a man he didn't know, knowing the country's future would be at risk if anything happened to him.
"Do you trust me?"
Magnus' voice brought his attention back to the present. Charles turned pale, sure he misheard the man, that his mind was playing tricks on him. He found himself truly looking into this new suitor for the first time.
"Do you trust me?"
The obvious answer was no, why should he?
But the words send him to the past, back to the market when he could still walk, back when he was a naive fool hoping to change the world. When he met a young man named Erik, filled with passion and anger and kindness. A man who died because of him.
The words were the same, the gesture too, even the flicker in Magnus' eyes. It was, in every way, heartbreakingly similar and in that moment he almost believed that Erik... Could he be? Wasn't it too little to hope again?
Perhaps Charles was still a hopeful idiot after all, or perhaps he was too tired of the stillness of his life and too desperate for change. In the end, it didn't matter why. He simply couldn't stop his smile, nor ignore the shiver that went through him when he took the hand offered. With a genuine belief that shocked him, he answered:
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cheermione · 4 years
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In which Thor is a redneck truck driver who meets Steve at a Truck Stop. Turns out he does things for money, and Thor is more than happy to take him up on that offer. Thundershield Truck Stop AU playlist, 80+ songs, 5+ hours Songs include: Midnight Rider - The Allman Brothers // Roxanne - The Police // Call me - Blondie // Cherry Pie - Warrant // Interstate Love Song - Stone Temple Pilots // Highway Tune - Greta Van Fleet // Lonesome Rider - Volbeat // Till the Wheels Fall Off - Blackberry Smoke // Hooker - The Sharks // This Old Heart Of Mine (Is Weak For You) - Cynthia Erivo // He’s A Rebel - Alana Da Fonseca //  @marvelbingo Square: Thundershield
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speckledcoffeecups · 5 years
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For the @marvelbingo fill of Starker
Mobboss!Peter, Bodyguard!Tony
Rating: Teen
Ship: Starker
Peter has been the leader of his small but influential gang for the past four years. It wasn’t until one of his best, Gwen Stacy, was taken out in a dangerous mission, that he decided he needed a bodyguard.
Tony Stark, Ex member of the rival gang, is his best choice. He’s smart, quick with a gun, and has no qualms about murder. Peter hires him immediately, and it becomes obvious that Tony will be more than just a bodyguard.
Despite having a bodyguard Peter can’t let Tony sit back and take all the damage. He still intervenes, butting in when he’s not needed, but the damage is less. Eventually both of them coming home with bruised knuckles and slowly swelling eyes becomes the new normal. Nights spent silently pressing ice packs to eyes turn to the other wrapping a broken knuckle, and eventually wrapping around each other.
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eleonorebirk · 4 years
Cross dressing
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Prompt: Crossdressing
Fandom: X-Men
 “I said it’s fine!”
Hank had to almost literally bite him tongue not to snap at Alex. They’d returned from their last mission successfully but injured, though luckily not too badly. Jean and he had taken care of everyone else already, leaving only Alex who refused to let any of them close even though Hank could see the cut high on his thigh was still bleeding sluggishly. “You need to get that cleaned at least,” he pointed out, trying to sound calm.
“Fine, I can do that myself.”
“Can you also tell if it’s so deep it needs stitched?” Hank asked.
“Alex, I really think you should let Hank take a look,” Jean said gently. 
Hank was confused by the way Alex’ eyes widened as he stared at her, then turned pleading.
“We’ll get dinner started and tell the professor how it went,” Jean said. “You can join us later.” He started herding the others out of the room. Just before she left the room, she glanced back at Hank. ‘Be gentle with him, please.’
Hank wondered what she meant. Still, there had to be a reason for her request, so he took a few deep breaths to calm down and get a grip of his temper. “Come on, Alex, just let me take a quick look. If you really prefer, I can let you clean and dress it yourself afterwards.”
“Fine,” Alex bit out. He turned his head to avoid looking at Hank.
He sighed again. “You need to push down your pants a bit so I can see the wound.” He frowned at the way Alex’ hands shook when they reached for the waistline of his uniform pants. Was the wound more painful and more serious than he’d thought?
He realized the actual reason – for both the shaking and Jean’s words – when he caught sight of Alex’ underwear. It was a pair of delicate, baby-blue panties, with lace at the top and decorating the sides. He decided to ignore it for now and concentrate on the wound. “It’s not as bad as I feared,” he said quietly, “but we should still dress it after we clean it.” His eyes kept getting drawn back to the panties as he worked but he stayed silent.
“Don’t tell the others, please,” Alex requested softly.
Hank glanced up at him but Alex had his head turned away, shoulders rigid and fists clenched. “Of course not.” Then, unable to help himself, he asked: “Do you often wear…?”
“No. Just sometimes. When I like to... to feel...pretty.” The last word was almost inaudible.
“It is. Pretty, I mean. You are.” Hank dared to gently run his thumb along the edge of the panties, just a bit above the dressing he’d just finished. The shiver and goose bumps running over Alex were gratifying.
“I have other things in my room.”
“Would you show me?” Hank asked and he’d normally be self-conscious about the animalistic growl in his voice but he was too distracted by the thought of Alex in only lingerie or some pretty dress.
“Yes. Yes, please,” Alex gasped out.
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tinaxpow · 5 years
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Prompt: Harry Potter AU for @marvelbingo Photographer: https://www.instagram.com/ilirea.cos/ Character: Lorna Sally Dane / Polaris
Bingoooo! <3
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disruptedvice · 4 years
Marvel Bingo 2019
Prompt: Angel/Demon
Peter's breath hitched as Gamora leaned in, a wicked glint in her eye. He could almost feel her warmth skating along his skin, so close, but not close enough.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to tempt me," Gamora murmured, a knowing little smirk playing at her lips. Something confident and sure of herself, something that said I see right through you, something that made his stomach drop.
His eyes were so deliciously wide as she invaded his personal space, close enough to taste him if she wanted to.
Temptation wasn't part of an angel’s job description, but that's all his flirting could be described as.
It's not as though his advances were unwanted.
She was just… waiting on something.
She was waiting until Peter deserved what she was going to do to him. Waiting until he earned it.
Peter licked his lips, throat suddenly dry. "Gamora."
Her eyes snapped back up to his. Abruptly, she pulled back, giving his chest a little tap tap, like she was just being friendly.
Peter was visibly thrown by her sharp change in demeanor, like she hadn't been close enough to hear his heart race, for him to feel her breath on his skin. Acting all casual like she didn't know the things she did to him, when they both knew better than that.
Gamora smirked. "Be seeing ya, angel."
And with that, she was gone.
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marvelbingo · 5 years
Calling all suggestions for 2020!
Hello, everyone! As we're getting to the end of the year, we've started to think about round 2 of bingo. We'd like to hear your thoughts! Are there any rules that you think need to be changed or added? For example, one change we’re thinking of making is letting people use fills for our bingo to fill prompts for other events too. And are there any prompts you’d like to see added to our list? For instance, right now we have Fantasy as a prompt, but if enough people want it, we could also make prompts for individual fantasy things like vampires, mermaids, etc. Just let us know what you’d like to see next year, and we’ll see if we can add it :D
We’d love for this to be a discussion, where all of you who are participating get to help shape the event, so please feel free to talk in the notes of any asks we publish about this (or the notes of this post). We’ll also be asking the people in the Discord server their thoughts on any suggestions submitted to this tumblr blog. Instead of the mods/admins voting yes/no on everything, we want to take into account your thoughts :) So let us know what you’re thinking!
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rebel-author-chick · 4 years
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After Hydra, Bucky had a hard time readjusting to everyday life. The being used as a human weapon and brainwashed repeatedly would take a toll on anyone after all. Steve had suggested he get something called a service dog, to help him. It’s how Bucky found himself at the animal shelter, staring at an adorable Siberian Husky. It was cute, he knew that, but he wasn’t sure if a dog was the right choice for him. At least, not until the cute volunteer at the shelter started talking to him because of it. Maybe a dog wouldn’t be so bad.
Title: Husky Love
@marvelbingo Square: Animal Shelter
A/N: I might actually write this as a story, who knows. I had a lot of fun making this and it inspired something.
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firebrands · 5 years
skkssjjaja OkAy so. Steve's stealth suit, Tony loves it alright? And they're in a relationship but it's the first time he's seen it ok and he's comPLETELY whipped because what the fuck his boyfriend just got hotter and... how is that even possible???? Also 'your fingerless gloves are doing so many things to me rn please keep them on while we have sex thanks' basically Tony just thirsting over Steve because we can never have enough of that now can we 👀
steve rogers/tony stark, explicit, 1.7k of pwp
fill for my marvel bingo card for “steve rogers/tony stark” 
i hope you like it, ash!! 
tony’s thirty pages into his merger when steve steps into their bedroom.
“did you just ‘harumph’?” tony teases, not looking up from his paperwork. he offers up his cheek for steve to kiss, eyes continuing to scan the page littered with legalese. steve harumphs again before pressing a quick kiss to tony’s cheek, then he sighs and sits down on tony’s desk. tony hums in response and pats steve’s knee. “gimme a second, i’m almost done,” he murmurs. it’s hard enough to get into the headspace to read contracts like this, so he’s doing his best to make the most of it.
steve makes a soft, plaintive noise, and rests his hand on top of tony’s as he waits.
tony notices the difference in texture and looks down at steve’s gloved hand, then gives his boyfriend a once over, his mouth going dry at the sight: steve’s hair is a bit mussed from the helmet he’s just taken off, his eyes are shut and eyelashes are dark against his cheeks, and his lips are parted open as he takes steadying breaths. but the suit–that’s what makes all the blood rush out of tony’s brain and down south. tony slides his hand up steve’s thigh, watching the way the material moves under his fingers. he sets the papers aside and slides his other hand up steve’s arm..
steve blinks at tony. “done reading?” he asks, smiling a little. tony’s head snaps up to meet steve’s eyes and tony melts into the deep blue of them.
“guh,” he says, eloquently.
steve cocks his head, and he raises a hand to gently cup tony’s jaw. the mix of leather and skin makes tony’s head spin. tony lets his gaze drift down from steve’s face and back onto the new suit. “you’re hot.”
steve chuckles softly. “thanks, tony.”
tony stands, but keeps his hands on steve’s thighs, spreading them open as he situates himself between them. he leans forward, hands sliding up to rest on steve’s hips, and presses a quick kiss to steve’s lips. tony peppers kisses against steve’s cheek, and slowly licks at the short strip of exposed skin of steve’s neck.
steve shivers against him, breath coming out quick and short.
“i want to suck you off while you’re wearing this,” tony whispers, before nipping on steve’s earlobe.
“yes, please,” steve moans.
tony sinks down onto the floor and steve shifts forward, barely even sitting on the desk at this point. tony palms steve’s thighs and presses his face against steve’s cock which is straining against the material of the suit. tony presses kisses up steve’s thighs, smiling at steve’s sharp intake of breath when tony gently cups steve’s balls through the suit.
“god, you’re so fucking hot,” tony says, letting his hands roam everywhere he can reach: steve’s legs, steve’s ass, steve’s stomach and chest. tony reaches for steve’s belt, fumbling only for a few seconds until he figures out the zippers and velcros of the suit. tony lets out a soft moan of appreciation when he finally gets steve’s cock out. “so fucking big,” he murmurs, taking steve’s cock in his hand and licking a stripe of spit up the length.
tony is momentarily distracted by the sound of something breaking.
steve raises his hand and dusts off flecks of wood from his suit. “sorry,” he mumbles, looking embarrassed.
tony looks at the hand-sized gap in his desk. “holy fuck,” he says, and takes steve’s cock in his mouth.
he never really expected himself to love sucking cock the way he does, but god, it feels heavenly to have steve’s cock heavy against his tongue like this, steve’s musk invading his senses, making him lightheaded with pleasure. he angles his head forward and continues to move until the tip of steve’s cock is pressed flush against his throat.
tony startles, but keeps his mouth on steve, when he hears the same sound of wood breaking, again. “christ, tony,” steve moans, voice low. “you’re so good at that.”
tony preens at the praise, and looks up at steve.
steve’s breath stutters when their eyes meet. “fuck,” he says.
tony closes his eyes again and continues to suck steve’s cock, reaching out blindly for steve’s hand and placing it on the base of his skull. he lets his tongue trace along the thick vein on the underside of steve’s cock as he slides up until he’s only sucking the tip of steve’s cock, letting his tongue run over the slit and tasting steve’s precum.
steve moans, breathy and deep, and tony smiles a little as he lets steve’s cock fall out of his mouth with a soft pop.
“pull my hair?” he asks, smiling sweetly, knowing full well how he looks–how his lips are swollen and glistening with a mix of his spit and steve’s precum.
steve nods jerkily, and tony presses a quick kiss to steve’s hip before taking steve’s cock back into his mouth.
tony takes all of steve into his mouth, taking him so deep that he has to hold his breath. steve’s fist tightens in his hair, and tony moans around steve’s cock. the world always gets quiet and small when tony’s sucking steve off like this, his focus honing in on steve’s breaths, steve’s pleasure.
steve tugs hard on tony’s hair, and tony knows what it means. he stands up on shaky knees and presses up against steve, kissing him messily.
steve’s hand trails down the front of tony’s suit, stopping at tony’s belt.
“let me,” tony whispers against steve’s lips, and pushes steve down onto the desk. he quickly shucks off his pants and underwear, searches around his drawer for some lube, and climbs onto the desk to straddle steve.
“didn’t expect this reaction when i came in,” steve says, laughing a little.
tony shakes his head. “you’re gorgeous,” he says, “but this suit… god, steve, who should i send a christmas basket to?”
steve laughs, loudly now, and pulls tony down for a searing kiss. steve makes quick work of tony’s tie and the unbuttons his shirt, pushing the clothes off tony’s shoulders and onto the floor. “that’s better,” steve says, letting his hands roam around tony’s naked chest.
tony shudders at the contact, surprised by the feeling of steve’s gloves, of skin, and leather, and heat.
steve reaches over and clicks open the bottle of lube, spreading some on his fingers. with his other hand, he pulls tony down for another kiss, his hand warm on tony’s nape.
tony moans into steve’s mouth when he slides two fingers into him, rocking back against steve’s fingers in anticipation. “more,” he begs, and steve obliges him, slipping in a third finger.
tony keens, breaking away from the kiss and throwing his head back with pleasure at the feeling of being stretched open, surprised by the sensation that steve’s gloves bring.
“like it?” steve whispers against tony’s skin, pressing open mouthed kisses against tony’s neck.
“y-yes,” tony stammers out, his mind blanking out and bursting into stars at every movement of steve’s fingers. “let me fuck you,” he grinds out, and it’s taking all of his concentration to say words and not just groan gutterally.
steve slides his fingers out of tony’s hole and tony whimpers softly at the loss. he takes a steadying breath, feeling overwhelmed in the best possible way. he lifts himself over steve’s hips, and slowly guides steve’s cock into his ass, hissing a little as steve’s thick cock stretches him open.
steve’s moan starts low, and soft, and he likely doesn’t even realize he’s making any sounds as tony’s sliding down onto his cock, which is probably one of tony’s favorite things about steve, and there are so many, and tony’s thoughts all stutter to a halt when finally, finally, finally, steve’s cock is fully inside him.
tony takes shallow breaths, pleasure zinging around him like a wild current. he rolls his hips forward slowly, and steve slams his head back onto the desk sending a loud bang reverberating through the room.
“you okay?” tony asks breathlessly.
steve is breathing hard. “fuck me,” he whispers.
tony smiles and moves forward to press a quick kiss on steve’s nose, before sliding back down on steve’s cock and rolling his forward more forcefully now.
steve’s hands snap to tony’s hips, aiding in the motion, and only then does tony realize that steve’s still fully clothed.
“you look so fucking good in this suit,” tony moans, hands braced on steve’s chest, grabbing uselessly at the fabric of the uniform.
steve nods, swallows, opens and closes his mouth, and moans.
tony can’t help but be proud of himself, getting steve to react this way. he snaps his hips against steve’s, shifting a little until he finds the right angle and - oh.
“oh, god, oh, yes,” tony groans, his mind nothing but sparks of pleasure as the head of steve’s cock rubs against his prostate.
steve tightens his grip on tony’s hips, fucking tony against him, and tony’s hands move uselessly from steve’s arms, steve’s shoulders, steve’s chest, not really thinking about why, only knowing that he needed to be holding on tight.
“right there, right there,” tony chants, his mouth just needing to move, pleasure requiring verbalization. beneath him, steve is breathing hard, small, soft moans spilling from his lips.
tony’s hands slip from steve’s shoulders to rest on either side of steve’s head. he raises his hips up as steve fucks him, and he can feel beads of sweat sliding down his back, down his forearms, down the tip of his nose. steve turns his head and sucks at the skin on the inside of tony’s wrist just as he wraps a hand around tony’s cock.
tony comes almost instantly, stuttering and shuddering against steve as the orgasm rocks through him. steve’s other hand, still on tony’s hip, continues to rock tony forward on steve’s still-hard cock.
tony takes a few seconds to catch his breath, feeling dazed, then he wipes the sweat off his brow and presses a quick kiss to steve’s lips.
“i want to make you come for me,” he says, as he straightens up, and begins to ride steve’s cock in earnest. he knows that steve’s close, which is why he’s confident in going hard, and true enough, steve comes after a few strokes, groaning tony’s name as he does.
tony rests against steve’s chest as he feels the last of steve’s orgasm pulse through him, humming a little as he feels steve go soft, and feels steve’s cum leaking out of him.
“tony,” steve says, sounding more lucid, now. he doesn’t have to say anything else.
tony smiles against steve’s chest. “welcome home, steve.”
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mnemo-ink · 4 years
Marvel Bingo - Slow Burn
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hawksonfire · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Jarvis (Iron Man movies) Additional Tags: Marvel Bingo 2019, steve gets arrested, This is not the first time, nor is it the last, Deaf Clint Barton, naps, Protective Bucky Barnes Series: Part 15 of oh, the good ol' days Summary:
In which Steve gets arrested, Bucky gets annoyed, and Clint gets tired.
@marvelbingo Square B5 - Handcuffs.
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speckledcoffeecups · 5 years
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Fill for @marvelbingo prompt Dark Au
Paring: Starker
Rating: Mature
Warnings: serial killer!Tony, Manipulative!tony, violence against women(MJ)
Peter was pulled in too deep. He knew it from the moment he saw Tony sitting across from him at the bar, the cocky grin and cigarette hanging off his mouth. He knew it was wrong to get too chummy with the suspects, but he had to get an answer.
Who the hell had killed the 20 people between 1996 and 2000, including Peter’s parents. He hadn’t started the Spider’s Web to find the answers, but he’s been pushed by MJ to do it. She knew how important it was to him to find the answers.
He didn’t know that he would end up here, middle of the night wearing a wire and a body cam, watching as the very person who urged him to investigate this for the season, was tied up, naked, and covered in blood.
“What are you doing?” Peter asked, his throat thick, but too scared to move to MJ’s side.
“Exactly what you’ve been predicting. Come on baby boy, you’re smart. You had to know,” Tony said, the same pep and joyfulness in his tone. The same Tony who bought him coffee and offered him information on a suspect as he claimed to be framed for the murders.
“You don’t have to do this.”
“No. But I want to. And what are you going to do about it?”
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eleonorebirk · 4 years
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Prompt: Angel/Demon
Fandom: X-Men (Cherik)
 Erik was preparing for his regular meeting with Charles. It’s something they had agreed on centuries ago, shortly after they’d agreed that, as the only two representatives of Heaven and Hell permanently on Earth, it made more sense to cooperate and keep one another up to date. He frowned when a letter appeared on his desk. He hated it when orders from Below interrupted his time with Charles. He grabbed it to take a long. Hopefully it could wait until tomorrow or even later. His expression darkened as he read.
We have your angel.
Charles didn’t like it. It just wasn’t like Erik to not show up, at least without letting him know. They’d never spoken about it but he knew they were both looking forward to each and every one of their meetings, of their dates. It’s why he was now standing in Erik’s home, the first time he’d been here uninvited. He looked around carefully but nothing seemed to be out of place, no signs of a struggle or anything. Then he almost slipped on a piece of paper. Now this was unusual. Erik normally wasn’t one to leave things laying around. He picked it up, hoping it would give him a clue to Erik’s whereabouts.
He needed to re-read it to be sure he wasn’t imagining things, then balled it up. So Shaw thought he could use their feelings for one another to trick Erik? Well, he better not have hurt Erik or nothing in Heaven, Hell or in between would safe him from Charles’ wrath.
Erik glowered at Shaw from where he was bound. He couldn’t believe he’d let himself be captured this easily. Charles must be so worried about him by now. He just hoped he didn’t do anything stupid.
Like show up here. Erik cursed to himself when Charles appeared in a flash of light.
“How sweet,” Shaw mocked. “Have you come to-“ That was as far as he got. A flaming sword appeared in Charles’ hand and he threw himself at Shaw.
Erik could only sit there and stare. It was silly, really, but over the centuries, he had forgotten that Charles was a warrior too, that he was Heaven’s agent on Earth because he was one of their best.
He should probably be embarrassed by how... appealing he found the ease with which Charles smote Shaw.
The moment Shaw was gone, Charles was kneeling in front of him. He’d moved so quickly Erik was pretty certain he’d flown. “Are you okay, darling?” Charles asked as he freed him. “Are you hurt?”
“Yes, yes, I’m okay. He didn’t hurt me.” Just his pride.
“Are you sure?” Charles fretted, running his hands along Erik’s arms and sides to check for any injuries he might be hiding.
Erik quickly captured his hands, hoping Charles couldn’t tell how flustered his touches had made him. “I’m sure.”
Charles scrutinized him, then nodded himself. “Good, if you’re sure you’re up for our date.” He held Erik up when he stumbled. “I think it’s time we stopped pretending, isn’t it?”
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tinaxpow · 5 years
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Prompt: Polaris for @marvelbingo
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