missorgana · 4 years
like a tattoo kiss
pairing: karolina dean/nico minoru
fandom: marvel’s runaways
rating: general
word count: 4228
warning: swearing
summary: Nico doesn't get nervous. Except around pretty people. Especially around pretty people. (tattoo parlor AU)
(it’s been 84 years... Finally, i am writing!! life and uni has been extremely messy, so i’m just so glad to be creating again uwuu. this was meant for the @augustwritingchallenge but alas... i miss my alien and witch girlies!! thank you to my baby @griffinbellamy for beta reading <333 you are Everything. hope you enjoy this mess!!)
read on ao3
Nico doesn’t get nervous.
Or rather, she’s not the type of person to be nervous. Especially while working.
Her parents weren’t over the moon when she told them what line of work she was aiming for, not that she needs their permission or anything, but they’d warmed up to her internship over time.
Many times she had tried to explain why exactly she liked her art to be expressed through ink on skin, but parents just don’t understand some things. All hail rebellious teenagers, or something.
Amy’s always been supportive, because she’s an angel, Nico thinks, and her sister managed to get them along, somehow.
In the end, they were probably just happy to get her out of the house more.
By a string of luck she had found a local tattoo parlour, well, actually, the city’s best, and they were willing to take her on, along with her best friend, coincidentally.
And the boss kept an eye on her and Alex to make sure they didn’t misbehave, but just like herself, he wasn’t the type to mess around with the things he was passionate about.
They had always been excellent lab partners way back, considered each other their partner in crime, no less.
And over time, they both were allowed to work more freely. Even to the point of taking their own clients, albeit only walk-ins, for now.
This week, a little thing about Nico’s inability to get nervous might be changing, but she only knows that when a walk-in comes along late Friday afternoon.
It’s actually an hour and a half before closing time, that is, and they weren’t expecting much more people besides reservations.
But low and behold, when the bell above the door rings, Nico glances up to the sight of two young people, surely the same age as her and Alex.
And while the guy wears a leather jacket, messy brown hair that she isn’t sure which direction it was meant to go, the girl following behind him has her blonde hair in a braid over her shoulder, and is, unlike her companion, more appropriately dressed for the weather which has been abnormally hot this season.
The stranger tugs the cardigan on her shoulders over her white dress just a little. She looks impatient, poking the guy’s shoulder and saying something low and unintelligible.
Did Alex have to pinch her side to get the attention he wanted? Looks like it, yes.
Because holy shit.
Nico sort of feels like a deer in headlights, which is a joke, this is not anywhere near a situation like that, and a stupid metaphor, anyway.
But her previous string of keeping her cool, not letting her nerves overtake her entire being, is getting, well, thrown out of the window at this moment.
Alex likes to call this her “bisexual panic”. He’s a little bit of an asshole.
Well, they both are, but it doesn’t matter, because if Nico has to hear him tease her about “being a wreck around pretty people” one more time, she might just lose it.
It’s fine. She’s a customer, a civilian like herself, keep it together.
Thing is, this might just be the prettiest girl she’s ever laid her eyes upon. Sounds melodramatic, she knows.
This stranger looks like an extreme polar opposite of herself, in terms of fashion sense, anyway, but it wouldn’t be the first time.
She likes tall people, too.
Also, the blonde turns her head, seemingly surveying the parlour with a skepticism in her eyes that Nico’s seen many, many times, but it doesn’t faze her, because those eyes are the clearest blue possible.
She pushes a strand of hair behind her ear, and Nico notices a small cross hanging around her neck.
Again, not exactly the community she herself hangs around, which might explain why she’s, tragically, never seen this person before now, but Nico’s experienced far too much shit to be judgmental.
“You done staring?” Alex’s voice mumbles on her left side, swiftly passing by to greet the two potential clients.
Guess he’s just earned himself another eyeroll. Or a death stare, maybe.
Her voice of reason gets to her, despite the, ugh, panic, and if she just runs this on their autopilot measure of things, as usual, it’ll all be fine.
Yes, definitely.
This isn’t some fairytale land, Nico tells herself, it’s not like this is your moment finally meeting the love of your life, or whatever, and you’ll live happily ever after.
She’ll most likely never see her again. She’s just very, extremely pretty- no, beautiful. Can’t blame her for being a little dumbfounded, right?
Alex is the kind of person who could make meaningful conversation with a toddler, a parrot, or a brick, if he really wanted to, so Nico’s glad to let him do most of the talking, as always.
He usually explains the basics to the clients, asks them about the design they have in mind (if they have an idea to begin with, that is), and that’s usually when he pulls Nico out from her thoughts, especially in situations like this where there’s more than one customer in the parlour at the time.
Given that their boss has more or less left them in charge of the shop till closing time today, however, she decides to make her way into the conversation herself.
“We’re getting matching tattoos!” the brunette guy tells them eagerly, a smug grin on his face, and judging by the impatience visible on his companion’s face, Nico has a feeling this wasn’t her idea.
She still sports a fond smile, though, despite her still not looking totally convinced of her… friend? partner?’s idea.
Alex nods politely, his customer service smile put on like he owns the place, and makes sure to present her to their soon-to-be canvases, “We’re interns here, Nico and I, but we got plenty of experience, so you’re in safe hands.”
And now, the girl looks directly at her. She might just mentally combust.
Nico has always hated those romantic traditions, and Valentine’s Day, and love at first sight, please, what vomit inducing bullshit.
She has to remember that, especially now, because a way too pretty girl looks at her up and down, very subtle and quick, so much so that it could be missed, but the bright smile she gives her makes her heart jump in her chest.
Nico smiles back, of course. She’s not an asshole.
“This is Chase and Karolina, by the way.” her best friend tells her, because administration, obviously, even though his voice definitely isn’t forgetting her and her panic, but fuck that.
She brushes another lock of hair out of her face, and Nico’s struggling to keep her attention on the transaction. She can’t be like this right now, nope, as sweet as the smile with pink lips staring her in the face is.
“So, you got a design?” Nico then inquires, once the pricing and everything is out in the open, knowing too well Alex will tease her more the longer she stares, and well, doesn’t know what to do with herself, so she might as well get on with it.
“A ‘C+K’ should do it, really, Oh! Can you do a heart?”
And Karolina sticks her tongue out at her companion, but he laughs nonetheless, like he can’t hold it back, bumping her shoulder.
They’re a couple.
Of course.
Nico should’ve seen it coming, she guesses, if she wasn’t so hung up on how pretty this girl was, it should’ve been obvious.
Ugh, it doesn’t even matter, anyway, because there wouldn’t even be a chance.
She’s a customer, she reminds herself, that’s like, the most unprofessional that could be. And even if they weren’t, and even if it was different, Nico could never tell if the girls she liked were into her or not. Or the boys, for that matter.
The partners previously always made the first move on her, which Alex explained by her being the most stubborn person he knows. Whatever.
Without Nico not realising much else conversation, it seems fitting that Alex takes on Chase’s shoulder blade, while her canvas turns out to be Karolina’s upper arm.
Alex and her cleaned the sketch up they brought, their clients both approved, and here they were.
It’s simple, really, a pink heart, with an added arrow through it because Alex likes to turn everything as extravagant as possible. And the initials, of course.
And Nico’s more than used to being close to total strangers like this.
Like, with most areas of the body, even. But those other people weren’t the prettiest girl in the world, so, you know.
And to make matters worse, once Karolina’s seated, and Nico’s sanitized the area, tracing the outline, the too pretty stranger starts talking. She knows this doesn’t sound like a bad thing, but Nico was already nervous, and far from an expert at small talk.
The blonde does seem to know how to lead a conversation.
Because the outline finished, glancing up to make sure the client’s still on it and not chickening out, wouldn’t be the first time, the pretty girl gives her another sweet smile, too sweet, really, and states, “I like the way you work.”
Nico has to blink a few times, because she’s not sure she quite understands what that means. Maybe she’s too used to lewd jokes from her peers that everything turns into an innuendo by now. Fucking hell.
So she opts for a, “You do?” as a reply.
Karolina nods. Gracefully, she has to describe it, not overly excited or eager, though the intention’s definitely there.
“I mean, you looked really concentrated a couple seconds ago. I don’t know. You’re gentle.” and she finishes her sentence with a shrug.
Gentle. Nico has never in her wildest imagination expected someone to associate that term with her. She’s never been called that.
Maybe her insides get a little fluttery. So what?
She’s not a giggling schoolgirl, she can keep her composure, and she does, but hopefully without the coldness she usually goes for when something doesn’t go as expected.
This girl doesn’t deserve that.
And honestly, this is feeling way too intimate way too fast.
The boys are already bantering about whatever video game they’re apparently both into, because, somehow, Alex manages to keep his lines straight while laughing at dumb puns and other ridiculous Alex-things.
Also, can this girl stop staring at her?
If Nico couldn’t control herself as well as she could, she might’ve been blushing. It’s only been ten minutes, come on, now.
Karolina seems a tad more… curious than most of her clients, anyway.
It’s like she’s observing every line she makes, at least, what she can crane her neck enough to follow.
So, inclined to distract herself from the thought of a pretty girl watching her, she asks, without thinking too much, “What are you studying?”
Nico’s got an excuse, cause her wrist is resting on the armrest, fashioned with an university pride bracelet, seriously.
The girl blows a hair away from her nose.
“Philosophy,” she tells her, in a shy, half-embarrassed tone, “Not my parents’ first choice.”
So Nico has to scoff. “Welcome to the club.”
The fact that they can have a laugh at this notion, a proper one, not as loud and bashful as the boys, but fuck them, this is like treading the deep waters of the pool, knowing someone’s holding your hand.
She doesn’t know where that comparison comes from.
It’s kind of excruciating, the way the session comes to a both disappointing and long awaited end.
The tattoo’s easy, and Nico’s nonsensical pining, or whatever it is, can’t just last here forever, she knows.
Karolina stayed quiet once they’d established their mutual bond of parents not trusting their decisions, besides the occasional humming, which she probably didn’t even realise she was doing, and offhand remarks to the boys about them being more serious.
The girl had seemed eager to get this thing over with when they came in, but once Nico announced her arm bandaged and in need of rest, she didn’t exactly miss the now anything but eager pout.
It’s not like she said anything, but Nico thinks her reading of people is improving. She’ll convince herself of that, anyway, to support the logic in her head.
The boys had fun, but she didn’t expect any less of Alex.
The fact that he’s made friends with multiple clients, or “established connections”, as he calls it, with the elder ones, seems exhausting to Nico.
She does envy him, though.
At least, she wishes she had that skill set right now, to have gotten a lot more meaningful conversation out of this meeting.
Don’t be fooled, she knows when a crush of hers is off limits, but who knows, maybe they could be friends. Not that they seemed to have much more in common, but, you know.
Karolina just seemed special to her brain, or heart, or whatever.
Doesn’t matter anymore, does it?
Chase proudly shows her their matching marks, which Nico would roll her eyes at if she could, and Karolina laughed with a sigh.
Nico’s got a sense that she’s, still, not all in on this. Too late now, she supposes.
And she’s never understood couple tattoos anyhow, because in Nico’s relatively short life on earth so far, she’s learned that most things come to an end.
It’s not necessarily pessimistic, or at least she tells herself that, because graduating was nice, and then she started an internship, so maybe endings really just mean that you’re ready for beginnings.
Sounds ridiculous when she thinks about it, but maybe they discuss that on Karolina’s philosophy course, who knows.
Besides, seems odd they would do it without mutual approval on both parts.
But of course, Nico doesn’t know these people at all, so who is she to ponder on their relationship?
And so the couple pay their bill, Alex exchanges numbers with Chase, because of course, and Karolina lingers just long enough that Nico suspects she might have something on her mind.
The blonde has a hand on her hip when she says, “He’s ridiculous.”
Nico doesn’t know if it was meant for her ears or the taller girl simply thinks out loud, but none or the less, she’d feel rude not to respond.
“It was nice meeting you guys,” is what’s coming out of her mouth, as casual as possible, emphasis on guys, “and hope you like the tattoo, regardless.”
Karolina scrunches up her nose, which is, um, adorable, like her words were troubling, but she still nods, more than once, “Definitely.”
And the girl looks to the side again, the boys fistbumping and Chase already snapping a picture of his mark. He’s stupidly proud of it, huh.
Nico can’t say he’s unlikable, can she? Maybe that’s part of his charm.
“You coming?”
And Karolina laughs again, sticking her tongue out, but starts moving when he almost bounces out the door, his attention immediately taken by a very important text message, it seems.
“Your art’s gorgeous, Nico.” she says over her shoulder, “See you around, right?”
And it’s said like a matter of fact, a law of nature, as if Karolina had searched for her work on the display walls, carefully eyeing the artist name labels.
She couldn’t have sounded any more sincere.
Nico nods, before she mentally combusts.
And the girl and her flowing dress are out the door in a flash, and if Alex’s laugh is any indication, Nico’s flushing beet red.
As if she received a small static shock, that’s how the weekend passes by for Nico.
Fast enough that she sits, on Monday, failing to remember anything noteworthy she spent her time with.
Well, she stayed over at Alex’s, since he swore to introduce her to Wolfenstein, whatever that word means. It turned out to be a game about killing nazis, so yeah, her interest was won soon enough.
Not that this is the point or anything. 
The point’s more like in the evening, when the boss has a family emergency and needs them to close up alone, which they are fully capable of, mind you, and a familiar face walks through the door.
It’s not the first time customers have returned, far from it.
Whether it be one of many patrons of the parlour, who they both have been introduced to by now, or the many new friends Alex is so brilliant at making.
Today, though, Alex does show off a knowing smile, but it’s pointed right at Nico, and she kind of wants to pinch him and his ever annoying smugness away.
And he doesn’t even stay to greet their former client or anything. Looks like his plan is to leave her to her own devices, spotting Chase outside and swiftly swinging out the door in one fluid movement.
And well. Nico’s one again faced with this girl, who made her blush too damn much for just one meeting.
Karolina’s wearing blue jeans this time around, and a crop top, damn, she cannot imagine that white leather jacket is giving much warmth on a foggy day like this one.
She waves. Nico has to wave back. It’s not like she was supposed to clean this chair or anything.
Seems like duties are put on hold around the prettiest girl ever.
Her smile comes off shy, but Nico can’t imagine anyone feeling shy around her. Well, she’s come off rather terrifying, more like, to the local school bullies back in primary school.
They made her sick, she had fists, and her all-black wardrobe was certainly helpful in that mission too.
Then, in the thought of punching bullies, Karolina’s in front of her, seemingly, consciously, leaving her some space, which she’s grateful for.
Common decency, Nico supposes, but also, a reminder that this infatuation needs to fade if she wants to remain some form of contact with the blonde.
Her very real, very annoying boyfriend laughs outside. Nico wishes she didn’t sound so bitter.
It’s fine, you know, they’ve met one time.
Nico wants her luck to be different, but since that’s out of the picture, she wants to be her friend. Very badly.
If she could just open her mouth, dammit.
“Hey,” she starts, finally, judging by Karolina’s hesitant silence that she expects her to put out the first word, “Good to see you again. And so soon.”
The last part with a quick laugh, would sound weird, or judgmental, otherwise. Not the perfect second impression.
Is the second impression even a thing?
Karolina chuckles herself, thank god, but squints her eyes a bit and scratches her arm, “The tattoo’s looking nice, I think.”
Nico doesn’t know if there’s a question laced into that statement, but the tall girl shrugs the jacket off just enough for her to view the work, and so she moves a tad closer.
It does look nice. Still needs to heal, extremely fresh, but nice.
Definitely one of the better couple tattoos she’s done, Nico tells herself.
And she nods, and Karolina settles her jacket properly, and that subject is dealt with.
Now what?
Maybe this was all the blonde came to talk to her about. Makes sense, but also, a tiny disappointment settles in Nico’s stomach.
It’s not like she had high expectations though, hell, she didn’t even expect to see her just three days after the meeting.
It seems Karolina meant what she said. See you around.
But that’s just politeness, Nico figures. Artist and client. 
She doesn’t know if she can ever learn from Alex’s mastery of the social art, to be honest. Stupid Alex things.
“So-” the girls find themselves speaking at the same time, and Nico chuckles awkwardly, but the blonde smiles too warmly for it to matter. “You were saying?”
And Nico’s about to answer, only she notices a third person joining Chase and Alex.
A relatively short girl, pushing her glasses up her nose and purple-dyed hair in two small buns.
And she kisses Chase on the cheek. Which, of course, friends do that. Nico and Alex don’t, but then again, they fistbump and shove each other more than anything else.
She can’t help but furrow her brows. It’s probably nothing, she thinks, forget about it.
“I was just thinking, if you wanna see some of my non-tattoo art one day.” Nico shrugs, better make it as casual as possible.
And Karolina’s eyes light up impossibly, and her nose scrunches up again when she smiles. Nico didn’t notice her freckles last time, weirdly.
“I’d love that, Nico!” she says, of course, looking excited and adjusting her ponytail, “I figure Chase wanna show Alex some of his gadgets. Something like that. I don’t know.”
That they can both laugh at. Doesn’t surprise Nico, given that Alex has been honing his coding skills since he was like fifteen.
She wasn’t even surprised when he offered to hack the school system and change her stupid history grades. It’s not like she agreed. But oh, did she consider it.
Nico scratches her neck. She wants to escape the conversation, which she’s experienced too many times to count, but also, she wants to stay there forever. Not that usual.
“Honestly, Alex has been talking about him. A lot.” she tells the blonde with a huff, and she smiles fondly, “Be careful he doesn’t steal your boyfriend.”
Nico’s been organizing the table in front of her during the conversation, it’s natural for her to do something with her hands, especially, well, now that she’s able to be nervous, apparently.
But it’s like something suddenly shifts.
When Karolina doesn’t laugh at her remark, Nico looks up, and the tall girl is frowning.
It looks wrong on her face, even though her nose is still scrunched, just the way it was with that smile a few minutes ago, making her feel these weird flutters somewhere deep in her chest.
So, naturally, Nico’s about to ask if she’s okay, because she’s suddenly terrified she’s said something wrong, or implied what her thoughts, somehow, until, “Chase? My boyfriend?”
Okay, Nico doesn’t really know what to say now.
Given her tone, Karolina’s clearly not comfortable. Maybe she’s ashamed of Chase? But that can’t be it, they got tattoos together, for goodness’ sake.
“Yeah? Sorry, did I say something wrong?”
“Oh, no!” the blonde looks confused, but reaches her arm out, like she’s going to touch Nico’s shoulder, but she doesn’t, “Or I mean, Chase. He isn’t my boyfriend.”
Her tone is stern without being angry. Elegant.
It’s now Nico’s own turn to frown. Shakes her head at herself.
“I’m so sorry.” she says, and tries to form a longer sentence in her head, without sounding desperate, “I didn’t mean to assume anything. I just, well, the tattoo looked like a couples tattoo, is all.”
And she tries a small smile, unsure if this relation’s already gone to hell after a weekend, but luckily, the tall girl’s frown is gone as fast as it appeared, and she’s biting her lip.
Nico’s more relieved than anything that she’s smiling back.
Then Karolina shakes her head, “Chase is an idiot.”
Again, like an unspoken, mutual understanding, they both laugh. Nico cannot for the life of her tell where this conversation is going.
And so the blonde continues, “It was a stupid bet. The tattoo, that is.”
Now, it does take a second, but it clicks in Nico’s brain. This is also new, and she didn’t know she could be more nervous, but here we are.
“I see.” she replies simply, glancing out the glass door, and figuring the bright haired girl out there must be Chase’s girlfriend.
Karolina chuckles. “They’re adorable.”
They’re looking at the same thing, it seems, so Nico can only nod, and wonder, if this is all, and the blonde is going to step out the parlour, and if the misunderstanding will be forgotten or not.
And they stand there for what seems like forever, but Karolina doesn’t leave.
No, she turns back to Nico, licks her lips, and folds her hands in front of her, “I’m sorry. I mean, God, I must be bad at flirting.”
This is going a little too fast for her. And now Karolina looks nervous too, but continues, impressively not stumbling over her words, “I mean, boys aren’t my thing. I-uh, I wasn’t sure if I should come, but Chase insisted I should make a move.”
Nico knows what’s going on. And she can’t say Alex was wrong when he said the blonde was “totally into her”, despite her very concerned, real protests about the very real boyfriend. Or well, very not real, it turns out.
So, instead of thinking of the nerves still sitting right beneath her skin, Nico lifts an eyebrow, trying to make sure what’s happening isn’t some imaginary dream scenario that’ll end in a blink.
“A move?”
The tall girl shrugs, biting her lip again. “Please tell me if this is crossing the line. I just…. you’re very pretty, is all.”
That’s fucking adorable.
“You think I’m pretty?” Nico replies, feeling her smile grow too stupidly bright. It’s not long before the girl in front of her mimics it.
Fuck, Nico, you’re going soft.
Alex is going to tease her for weeks after this. But she’ll worry about that later.
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schmiidt · 6 years
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get to know me meme: [1/5] favourite female characters ⟶ Elektra Natchios
this is what living feels like
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poedameron · 6 years
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holiday graphic giveaway [2/?] → finnpoe for @finnsreypoe
want one?
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marveltvnet · 6 years
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for the heroes and those who wish to become one
Must be following the S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, the Defenders Leader, the Mutant Underground Leader and the OG Runaway as well as marveltvnet
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What we’re looking for:
Friendly and active bloggers who have watched at least two marvel shows
A clean tagging system and people who can contribute to the blog
Multifandom blogs are ofc welcome but you have to post at least some marvel tv shows content
You’ll get:
New friends!!
A discord groupchat and a blog to share the love and discuss the newest episodes and anything else really
A space on the members page
The tag #marveltvnet where you can share your creations
Other information:
Applications will be open indefinitely and we will accept new members as they come
Track the tag #marveltvnet for updates
Message us if you have any questions
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marvelfriendsnet · 7 years
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after careful consideration, i have decided to reopen applications to this network. it sort of died off, and i want to give it a bit of a revival, which means all new group chat, all new members. we will be posting anything and everything marvel related! in addition, i’m going to leave applications open indefinitely, and accept people as they come.
to apply:
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if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me here :)
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raeamor · 7 years
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sdfhjagjkfsadgsfd · 7 years
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“you need to stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.”
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directedbyford · 6 years
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@marvelfriendsnet gtktm event 1: favourite character ▷ peggy carter
I know my   v  a  l  u  e 
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yassentheassassin · 6 years
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Few hours early where I am but I just wanted to say happy new year to all my wonderful followers! As I can’t tag all 5k+ of you I want to say that I love you all so much <3
I also want to do a shoutout to the podsquad for being like a family to me, you’re all so wonderful and amazing I wish the absolute best year ahead for you!
@serpent-princess @southsidepea @sweetpca @ssouthside-serpentss @randomnesss-of-fandomness @while-knowing-nothing-at-all @allison-rosewood-maximoff @kneesheee @becca-in-the-southside @crazyandromantic @rivedale @southsidequeenie @sprinklesandsugarcubes @cinn-rawr @kytty27 @riverdale-bitch @allipeavy21 @alyital @king-sweetpea @pea-pod-squad @beckywiththeserpents @riverdaleserpents04 @blackstarryroses @stilinskikissme @southside-sinner @southsideangel @melancholicserpent @bby-simone @sweet-peas-serpents @half-and-halfxx @cultreggie @sweetpeasnecktattoo (i’m so sorry if i’ve missed anyone it’s hard to remember 58 urls lmao)
And to those mutuals who I don’t really speak to but always bring a smile to my face when I see you on my dash <3 also most have you have stuck with me through soooo many url and fandom changes and I want to say thank you for putting up with me as long as you have
@laurenkmyers @ororo-munr0e @mantleismagnificent @soldatka @beanie-betty @ohkingsteve @serpentsweetspea @theserpentsqueen @pussycat-of-colour @southsidenoodle @gaynasas @sweetapea @chickadiii @221bee-slytherin @inappropriateexplosions @southsidepussycat @snowybbarnes@archiefuckingandrews @octaviasblake @fredheads @marblenarwhal @jinglejanglejones @jazon-todd @starsandsupernovae @marvelatthis @peppermintweasley @wjnterbucky @peonytony @james-alianovna @allthingsbuckynat @miliiimoi @milii-moi-bucky @thewiintersoldier @bluepink-y @bettybetty223 @ootcs @tashabucky @soviet-lovers @thatpastagirl @lollimonkey @cherrycheryls @jugandbettsdetectiveagency @shining-rey-of-sunshine @calicoskatts @solovalker @blackwidow-romanoff @blackiechan114 @kingofwiinter @thorfromwork @apensivelady @buckydurinson @sharonsburger @akidura79 @boltouttheblue @myotherbrotheraegon @sebstanmoviesandtv @taralkariel @whostheblondegirl @barbrichards @aint-that-kind-of-blog-bruv @agarwaenel @boyoshock-infinite @dogfromfallout @corkyholmes @maxiekat @buckynatism @coffeebean87 @wynterwydow @alwayslabellavita @buckymychild @jezza-corbyn
Special shoutout to @n0rrie and @lizardsyee for putting up with me irl too <3 
To everyone in the marvel fiends and @marvelfriendsnet chats too! (honestly I’m just to awkward to involve myself at this point but I appreciate you all the same <3)
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missorgana · 5 years
pride and prejudice and robots
pairing: bruce banner/thor (marvel cinematic universe)
rating: general
word count: 2333
summary: Thor makes the (questionable) decision to follow his brother's advice, and for once, things actually don't go all that bad in the end. (aka a thorbruce high school + library au no one asked for cause i'm a mess)
(my birthday gift for my love Elijah / @nevillelongsbottom happy birthday perfect!! ilysm and hope you enjoy this mess 💕)
read on ao3
Today is the day. What day, you ask?
Well, you probably wouldn’t believe it when you looked at him, but Thor enjoys spending time at the campus library.
Sports is a large part of his life, and he wouldn’t trade that for anything, but even he needs some peace and quiet, after all.
Well, as peaceful as a library full of anxious and/or sweaty high school students can be.
When Thor first learned Shakespeare was on the curricular, a collective sigh could be heard through his class.
But Macbeth was far more thrilling than he could have ever imagined.
Once he finished it, he spent many free periods in the nooks and corners, in the trashed, weird smelling beanbags scattered throughout the library, devouring Romeo & Juliet.
That is, until he found a distraction.
Said distraction wears a nametag marked Bruce, and is a student from the science department who works in said library part time.
Thor first spotted him from his reading corner, during the mundane act of shelving books from a metal cart.
Why would this boy be a distraction from classical literature?
Because he’s cute.
The kind of cute that creates a weird knot in Thor’s stomach and makes him think of said boy all day, instead of homework.
Bruce wears glasses and odd sweaters that are slightly too big.
Bruce has a mop of curly, dark hair that jumps up and down as he wanders through the corridors.
Bruce taps his left foot and scrunches up his nose when he can’t find what he’s looking for.
Maybe watching a person this much without actually interacting is unhealthy.
That’s what Val told him.
“Quit being weird and just tell him he’s cute.” was her exact words.
“But what if-” Thor would start, until she interrupted him, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?"
“I could die!”
This earned him one of her signature eyerolls.
Okay, maybe he had been a little, tiny bit melodramatic. And he understood her point.
So today, he has decided, is the day.
He’s going to talk to Bruce.
Thor’s grabbed a copy of Sense & Sensibility to check out, cause he might as well kill two birds with one stone.
That’s what Loki says, anyway.
Jane Austen’s works has become his newest obsession, after discovering Pride & Prejudice.
Steve, Sam and his other friends from the football team didn’t really understand his endeavors in literature, but supported him nonetheless.
They’d probably be ecstatic if they knew Thor has a crush, cause they’ve tried, and failed, to set him up with someone for ages.
Guess romance isn’t really his strong side.
Bruce gives Thor a polite, indifferent smile - which he returns, nervously, of course - before lifting his brows in mild confusion.
“Jane Austen, huh?”
Thor feels like screaming, but he has to remain calm, goddamnit, say something and don’t stare at him like a weirdo!
“Uh, is uh. Yeah, uhm. Is something the matter?” he manages to stutter out.
If Val was here, she would slap him.
“Oh no! I mean, sorry.” Bruce replies, seemingly just as awkward as Thor is. “I was just surprised. You don’t really look the type to read romantic novels. No offense.”
Thor finds himself chuckling, a bit more relaxed, and shrugs, albeit a bit stiffly.
He bites his lip before saying, “None taken.”
Bruce doesn’t reply, but simply checks out the book and returns it to Thor.
“Thank you!”
That was too excited, calm down, it’s just a book.
Bruce smiles warmly, readjusts his glasses, “Uh, no worries. I mean, it’s my job, so.”
Thor nods awkwardly.
“Yeah. Of course. Uh, I’ll see you another time, then.”
He doesn’t give Bruce the opportunity to answer, but simply turns on his heel and walks out in embarrassment.
Val isn’t going to be happy with him.
But hey, that was a start. Right?
So, Thor may have asked the infamous Tony Stark, who he’s learned is Bruce’s best friend, about what literature said cute boy enjoys.
This idea came from his brother, and really, things usually don’t go well when Thor follows Loki’s advice.
But this doesn’t involve fire, breaking and entering, or nudity, as most of his other ideas do.
So it can’t be that bad, can it?
And Tony had been more than willing to lend Thor the information.
“My Brucie’s got an admirer! Thank fuck, finally!” he all but yelled in the middle of the hallway.
Thor’s used to Loki shenanigans, but it always surprises him to see traits similar to his in other people.
So today, Thor’s on a quest, searching for something called Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Not exactly a catchy name in his opinion.
But he’s learned to never judge a book by it’s cover. Or title. Or resumé.
“You looking for something in particular?”
Thor jumps and tries to play it off casual, which just ends up making him look like an idiot, he imagines.
Bruce is looking at him with brown eyes and a semi-awkward stature.
To be honest, most of him comes off as awkward.
Which is in no way a bad thing. In fact, it just makes him even cuter in Thor’s mind.
When he expressed this to Loki, it was responded by an exaggerated “ugh” noise.
Most of what he says has this reaction, really. Typical Loki.
“Oh, uh Bruce!” Thor says, probably a tad too loud for a library, but Bruce doesn’t mention it. “Well, actually, yes! You know where I’ll find this title?”
Bruce’s mouth turns into a shy smile when he reads the paper slip.
“I sure do.” he replies, and releases something similar to a giggle.
God, he’s adorable. Thor’s mind needs to function normally.
Get yourself together!
“Come with me, it’s in the science fiction section.” Bruce says, already walking, with Thor in his heels, “It’s one of my favorites actually.”
“Really?” Thor exclaims dramatically, like he totally hadn’t snapped up this exact information from his close friend to get this awkward boy to notice him.
The things he does for love.
“Yeah” he replies, in a quiet voice, but his eyes are lighting up, as if he feels he should be hiding his excitement.
Why would you ever hide your passion?
“Anyways, here you go,” Bruce interrupts his brain blabber, “You wanna stamp that out right away?”
“Oh well! Now that you’re here, maybe you could help me with some other titles?” Thor hesitantly ends his sentence, and proceeds to rummage his pockets for the rest of his sticky notes.
Bruce simply nods and eyes him curiously.
“Ah!” He finally says, hands Bruce the notes and tries not to fidget with his hands too much.
Bruce’s smile grows in size, lifts an eyebrow, and responds, “Lucky for you, we’re in the right section now.”
He turns around and pulls out one book after the other.
It’s quite mesmerizing, the way this boy clearly knows the many shelves like the back of his hand.
Once he’s done, he hands them to Thor and pushes his glasses up a bit, scrunching his nose.
Oh god, can he get anymore adorable?
“You have a strong theme going on here,” Bruce says with a chuckle, “All classics.”
Thor tries to act casual.
He likes to think he’s succeeding.
“Well, uh, I’m trying to be more cultured, you know?” he finally says, mentally slapping himself two seconds later. Cultured?
Val will be extremely disappointed in him.
“But uh, uhm, I’d like to check these out then!” he continues, and quickly turns to the desk before Bruce can get another word in.
This is what he gets for taking Loki’s advice. He acts like an idiot around the boy and then flees instead of doing anything about his feelings. What Bruce must think about him, not good things surely.
Thor should've known better.
It’s been two weeks since the incident.
The incident being his last interaction with Bruce.
Thor’s decidedly avoiding going to the library now, his place of comfort, cause his anxiety about the shorter boy is getting the best of him.
Besides, he’s got plenty of reading to distract him now.
That’s a good thing. Right?
Loki doesn’t think so.
In fact, he’s just been all but thrown out (from his own room) by his younger brother.
“I can’t concentrate with you moping around! And reading those weird ass books!” he yells behind the slammed door.
Thor wonders how much concentration is needed to listen to that sad music Loki’s so fond of.
But he also makes his own costumes - cosplays?
They’re quite cool, Thor thinks, and he knows Loki appreciates his compliments on them, as much as he tries to hide it.
“But I need to study!” he answers his brother, “My laptop’s still-”
The door’s opened once more, the dark haired boy pushes the laptop into Thor’s arms, then says, “You can study in the library. And take that guy out, what’s his name, Brian?”
“Bruce,” Thor mumbles as an answer, “But he doesn’t-"
“Don’t you dare.” Loki says, giving him a cold glare and shutting the door in his face. “How would you know?! You can’t say he doesn’t like you when you haven’t tried!”
Thor wants to say more, but ultimately gives up with a sigh.
If there’s anything he’s learned from their childhood, it’s that Loki will never, ever let him win an argument.
And he does have a point, admittedly.
So ten minutes later, the blond boy finds himself at the library front desk.
It feels almost nostalgic.
After two minutes of slightly uncomfortable, silent waiting, Bruce emerges from an unmarked door behind said desk.
Ugh, he’s still cute, Thor decides. No change there.
The curly haired boy looks slightly startled by the sight of him, but relaxes once more.
“Thor.” he states, flashing a small smile. And boy, he can’t help but smile back fondly.
“Hey! Hi, I mean… You know my name?” Thor ends up saying.
He’s met with a faint chuckle.
“Yeah, I do. You showed me your library card, to check out, remember?”
Oh, right.
Thor can imagine Loki and Val giving him a double eye roll.
“Right!” he exclaims, shaking his head at himself, “That, uh, that was a stupid question.”
Bruce shakes his head, but switches the subject, “So, you enjoying the books you got last time? Haven’t seen you in a while.”
He noticed he hasn’t been around?
Thor almost wants to blush. Get yourself together, you fool.
“Oh, yes! Science fiction might be my new thing.” he chuckles lamely, trying to be funny, “I’ve finished the book about androids, actually. It’s quite fascinating”
Bruce nods, “It really is. I’ve always liked that stuff a lot, robots and that.” he pauses. Lifts his shoulders, sinks them again, seems like he doesn’t know what to say, but tries anyway, “You know, the note you showed me? With all the books we found?”
Thor nods hesitantly. Should he flee now, like he always does? He can’t really say what’s coming.
“They’re all favorites of mine. And I, uh, told Tony - Tony Stark - my friend, about this, cause I thought it was funny you suddenly wanted to read all these. Cause it’s not your usual genre.” he pauses again, licks his lips.
Oh no.
“Bruce! I, uhm, I’m sorry.” Thor says.
Might as well admit to his stupidity before the short boy goes any further, save himself the embarrassment.
“Sorry?” Bruce asks, raising both eyebrows in confusion, “What are you sorry for?”
Thor takes in a breath, “I kind of, sort of, asked Tony for a list of your favorite books. To impress you.”
He frowns at himself. Bruce frowns.
“Why would you want to impress me?”
“I like you.”
A moment of silence.
“You’re cool and smart and cute, fuck it, you’re adorable, and I’ve been too scared to talk to you, and Val’s told me for three months now to talk to you, and I thought this would start conversation, and now-”
“Thor!” Bruce exclaims, quickly realising his voice is far from the level appropriate for a library.
They receive a judgmental look from a group working at a nearby table. He collects himself, “Hold up, three months?” he asks, now almost a whisper, “You… like me. You’ve liked me for three months?”
Thor nods, not daring to look the brunette in the eyes.
Bruce smiles. A huge, wide smile. Looks like he’s going to burst out laughing.
It’s like looking at the sun, almost.
“I like you too.”
Thor can’t help but widen his eyes at that statement.
Bruce continues, “Thor likes me. One of the school’s top players likes me!”
“You like me?”
“Yeah,” Bruce says, almost like a happy sigh, “I’ve liked you since, like, first semester.”
Thor can’t believe this.
He feels like pinching himself.
Surely, he’s going to wake up from this dream to his brother trying to shave all his hair off. Again.
“You have?”
“Yes, you idiot! I mean, I… I never thought you’d notice me, really.”
Thor shakes his head now.
This can’t be real, but it is.
And now he returns the bright, wide smile to the shorter boy, feeling like he might combust.
“Bruce,” he says, taking the boy’s hands in his, giving him the most serious look he can muster, “Will you go on a date with me?”
He nods to himself, looks to their hands, up to Bruce’s face once more, lets out a tiny “Please.”
“Of course. ‘Course I will, you know that.” the brunette replies.
Thor literally jumps and does a weird, excited dance, which earns them more looks from the other students, but he could honestly not care less.
“Great! Perfect! I- Yes! Thank you.”
Bruce chuckles, grabs a sticky note, and puts down what looks like a phone number.
Thor gladly takes it.
“I like ice cream.” he tells him, and Thor nods eagerly.
“And robots?” he guesses, feeling proud when Bruce nods and squeezes his hands.
“And robots.”
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schmiidt · 6 years
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@marvelfriendsnet gtktm event 1: favourite character ⟶ elektra natchios
“I guess I have a way of pissing people off sometimes.”
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targaryenswolf · 7 years
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
I got tagged by lovely @drogontamer and @ashavgreyjoy thank you so much!
1. nicknames: just “Giuly” lol i don’t have a real one! 2. gender: female 3. star sign: Taurus 4. Height: 1,70m 5. time: 13:11 6. birthday: may 2nd 7. favorite bands: ohoh i listen to metal so children of bodom, slipknot, metallica, iron maiden and much moooore! 8. favorite solo artists: i don’t follow one in particular! 9. song stuck in my head: alvaro soler - Yo Contigo, Tú Conmigo lol such an happy song i love minions :D 10. last movie I watched: i believe it was passengers! *chris pratt* 11. last show I watched: game of thrones ep 4! (and tonight episode 5! i can’t wait!) 12. when did I create my blog: i have no idea, it’s a long time but i didnt use it for years... at the beginning i just watched other blogs LOL! 13. what do I post: mostly game of thrones, marvel, lotr, star wars, the walking dead and vikings! 14. last thing I googled: marvel’s the defenders :D 15. do you have any other blogs:i just have some saved urls...no sideblogs! i do not even have time for this one 16. do you get asks: sometimes! 17. why did you choose your url: because of got, the new season is airing now and i love dany, my queen! 18. following: 301 19. followers: 6852 (thank you so much) 21. average hours of sleep: now that i’m on holiday 8 :D 22. lucky number: 2! 23. Instruments: none! i wish i could play teh guitar 24. what am I wearing: green t-shirt and shorts (it’s really hot) 26. dream job: maybe what i’m studying for? (biomedical engineer) 27. dream trip: northern europe, thailand, indonesia, south america! 28. favorite food: i like everything, but pizza and desserts eheheh 29. nationality: italian! 30. favorite song right now: l don’t have one
I’m tagging ALL of you but here are some of my new friend from @marvelfriendsnet :
@pcteparker / @tonystarkd / @bravethor / @delacourr / @softspidey / @observantmj / @wjnterbucky / @bucknat / @avengerspeter / @ohrogers / @peonytony / @dragonsqveen / @cheekybarnes / @peterparkher / @thanksspiderman / @ohpeteparker
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marvelfriendsnet · 6 years
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our first get to know the members event is here! we’ve been thinking about doing this for a while, and we’ve recently reopened applications indefinitely, so now seemed the perfect time to start!
how it works:
make something, be that an edit, gifset, fic, etc. based around your favourite character
caption it: @marvelfriendsnet gtktm event 1: favourite characters [your caption]
reblog it to the net blog with the tag #gtktmevent1
you have until january 31 to complete!
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raeamor · 7 years
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☆ Marvel + Color
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sdfhjagjkfsadgsfd · 7 years
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is this graphic just text over a stock photo? hell yeah. doesn’t mean i’m not excited as heck to have hit 100 followers (or really, 140 now, whaaaat??). anyways! blogrates! lets go!
r u l e s ;
follow me
vote here
(check out my saved urls?)
send me what you voted for + a heart emoji for a blograte
blacklist ‘amy does blogrates’
rate format under the cut woo
r a t e s ;
url: /10
icon: /10
theme: /10
content: /10
overall: /10
following: no / now / yes / forever
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likeabloodstain · 6 years
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@marvelfriendsnet gtktm event 1 —  Favourite Characters: Frank Castle
“One batch, two batch. Penny and dime.”
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