#might post a lil sum later...
jovenshires · 5 months
💛Smoshblr December Asks Final Day💙
We‘ve done it! We’ve finally reached the end of this lil ask game and also the end of 2023! 🥳 Thank you so much for joining in on this, I truly appreciate it so much 🫶! I wish you a wonderful start into the new year and that all your hopes and dreams for 2024 will come true! ✨💞
But, since the year isn’t quite over yet, I thought this might be a nice time to reminisce a little bit. Therefore, the final question of the Smoshblr December Asks Game:
What are your favourite smosh-related memories of 2023? 💖
(no specific amount required for this one; and you can ofc also include older smosh memories, if you want to 🤗)
oh my god........ im emotional fr. this was so, so, SO much fun and stella, i will speak for EVERYONE you sent these asks to when i say that we are all so grateful to YOU for organizing it. you brought the community together in such an amazing way, asking us thought-provoking and interesting questions, a lot of which i never would have thought to ask. and yet i got to learn all my mutuals' answers anyway!!! it made me feel like i really got to know everyone, even the people im too scared to start a convo with bc i am a Coward. i love you, we all adore you, thank you SO much, and i cant wait to see where smoshblr goes in the new year now that we are all closer than ever <3<3<3<3<3
okay so...... okay okay okay okay HERE we go. im gonna put it under the cut bc this got SO long but if you want a tl;dr summary, please by all means go check out this video i made at the beginning of the month bc. it sums it up tbh.
making all of my amazing friends: i am literally. an emotional wreck just thinking ab this. anyway. i've already been sappy enough this year (from my christmas presents to my many many personal posts and asks that are just. me talking about how much i love these people), but i would still be remiss if i didn't mention my beautiful, wonderful friends. im not gonna tag them all here - it'd be too many and you all know who you are <3<3<3 - but to everyone i've dmed for hours on end, or talked to in replies, or mutuals i've never even spoken to at all, or anons who come into my askbox and just have the most wonderful interactions with me, i am so, so eternally grateful. i made new friends; i reconnected with one of my best friends in the WHOLE world; i met some people who i never would have spoken to otherwise and found such an incredible community. i love you all so so SO much (yes ALL of you even if you think im not talking ab you if you're reading this i AM), and i am so excited to see what happens with all of us next. love you all. mwah. <3
domo day/my birthday: oh my god. OHHHH my god. literally the fic that brought me back to this fandom. i am not crying its fine im FINE. domo - aka dancing on my own - was a passion project from the very start. i thought, 'well, no one will wanna read this niche lil fic that im writing just to deal with My very personal trauma about an rpf ship that no one cares about.' (mind you i started it before i even posted right side, so, like, i literally thought it was just me standing on a deserted island.) and then five or six months later... there we were. i posted it on my birthday (bc i Live for drama !) and god. the amount of love and support i got that day was... everything to me. when i said this was a passion project, i mean that it was truly one of the first things i sat down and wrote For Myself, without giving a fuck what anyone else would think. it was something i poured my heart and soul into because i needed to read it. and when other people started to reach out - telling me how much they related, how much they got from it, how much it meant to them. then there was the analyses of it from everyone,,,, not to mention the birthday love. my birthday is a HUGE thing for me, and, as i told you at the time, you were the very first person to wish me a happy birthday stella (with that incredible moodboard that i think of frequently........ the rat.........). and then kit went and published bad idea and gifted it to ME which was such an incredible and treasured gesture and... truly some of my irls forgot to wish me a happy birthday so. im just so honored and i love you all so much. thank you for loving me and my dearest darling daughter domo <333333
shaynse day: this literally isn't even about me, it's honestly about nat, but this changed my brain chemistry and i think everybody's tbh. it was the way that the MOMENT the love is blind video dropped, we all gathered around my blog to hold hands, sing kumbaya, and all hail the shaynse anon (aka now shaynse founder nat). they had their third eye OPEN. and everyone had to come check on them to make sure they were okay. that meant so much to me. not only did it mean that enough people were reading my blog that an anon had their own niche subset of a fan base, but it was truly like. one of the best displays of fandom togetherness i've ever seen. we were all so united that day. god bless november 19th, aka shaynse day, my FAVORITE national holiday.
gedits: i really Dont think i have to explain this one. this is one of my favorite bits (but also its not really a bit and i genuinely wanna fuck that old man). making thirst traps for garrett? oh my god. stroke of actual genius. once again another day we all came together, held hands, and decided we were ALL gonna be garrett fuckers. long live gedits. they will never stop and im NOT sorry about it.
the bsf fan art: i have literally never had fan art made for my fic before...... i screamed and cried and threw up when someone made fan art for the bed-sharing fic. furry-jackson is my hero and this fan art lives in my mind RENT FUCKING FREE. it truly imprinted itself on my brain and i think about it all the time. thanks so much to them for loving i could be the reason as much as i do <3333
the top ten dynamics poll: !!!!! my baby!!!! i truly thank you all so much for indulging me by voting in that silly lil poll. it was so SO interesting to see the way the dynamics stacked up. not to mention, it also got me into gif-making again!! that was the first time i'd made gifs in ages, especially gifs i was proud of. but i love that silly lil gif series so much, one of my favorite projects of the year, so thank you all <3
smoshblr december asks: i mean. i said it all up top, but it's worth mentioning again. this was so, so, SO much fun, and it must have been such hard work for you, and i am honored that you did all this work for US of all people when you are so busy and talented and working so hard just in like. YOUR LIFE. honestly, this whole section could just be called 'stella,' bc i am so, so grateful for you especially coming into my life this year. whether we're working together on fic or just chatting about our lives or shouting back and forth about why EVERY taylor swift song is in fact a spommy song, i am just so lucky to have you and i love you so, so much. you always tolerate my shenanigans and i am SO incredibly lucky to have you as a friend. anyway. yeah i love you and smoshblr december asks so there.
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braisedhoney · 11 months
Question bc I totally forgot to ask like a dum dum 🤦
Is the crewmate number assigned by captain dearest or can I pick one cuz I have a number I tend tk favour hehehe and I need sum to put on the lil badge
i mostly let everyone pick their own numbers!! i can assign you one if you want, but everyone seems good to just pick whatever as long as it isn't someone else's lol. only real rule is that it has to be four numbers long, so if it's shorter just add a zero to fill the space :D (it's the iswm influence.)
i don't really enforce it bc the lore is kinda a meme more than anything but an example would be like... [CR1234]? might eventually choose specific letters/patch variations later on.
also crewmates have a little bee symbol on the right arm patch and a blank one on the HIVE patch on the left. my sona has a blank patch on the right with the numbers and a beehive on the left, so it's like a matching set! current uniform ref is here, and the little bee one is visible here on this older post lol.
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spaciebabie · 1 year
that post 100% sums up how i feel about springtrap's later designs like, you're telling me that the franchise's main overarching villain and antagonist, a sinister and menacing person who was genuinely terrifying (at least personally) with actions and a design to prove it (his purple era jsjs and ofc Springtrap), got reduced to THAT????
like this dude was a cold blooded murderer who built killer machines and after getting killed by his own creation, his corpse fused with it and was revived by sheer will. this mf who just refuses to fucking die turned into a weird looking burnt ass rat which at this point it's pathetic like bro was LIMPING, he's literally hanging by a thread and you want me to take him seriously?? lol
maybe this is a fitting end for him, an old rotting man who once was an ambitious and well respected man who used his talents for harm and got away with it for decades, now sits as a joke, a pathetic corpse who refuses to die due to his cowardness, completely powerless and not threatening, just a damn cockroach. serves him right
yah y'see i wouldn't have minded it as much (although i would have been disappointed) if it felt like they were going for that lol. the whole, "goodbye pathetic lil loser bunnyman uwu" thing. like there's a good way ta write an end ta an evil extravagant character like him where he fizzles out pathetically and make it GOOD,,,,but i just feel like there was no forethought abt it,,,,like they TRIED ta make him menacing in the bossfight and ending!! they built his miserable ass up!!! ugh
it happened just really abruptly like as soon as he came back he was gone, which is just. really pathetic. and if they wrote it better i might have enjoyed that but as of now? with security breach having little to know story as it is? its pathetic in a really embarrassing way. its like they didn't know what the fuck ta do w/him and just slapped something tagether
like i get that for ppl who hate him its like a fistpump in the air ta be like, "haha! fuck u man!! die again!!" but,,,,,putting aside my obvious thirst for him,,,,,,its just a really hollow end for a character that has so much chutzpah narratively yk? is there a term for the opposite of fan service b/c thats what it felt like lol. hater service? LMAO
like hello? pizza sim was his perfect physical end???? what they were doing next w/him infecting ppl's minds was really interesting why did they stop that!!!!!!!!!
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dreamg0rly · 1 year
Hiiiii!! so here’s a lil backstory (sorry if it’s too much). but basically i’ve known about not loa communities for almost 3 years. i started off with law of attraction but soon later found out about the law of assumption and switched over bc the first one caused a lot of limiting beliefs and overall the law of assumption was just way easier for me. and i manifested HELLA things with the law of assumption but ofc i consider dem “small” things so me wanting to get into the void is every big to me bc i’ve made a whole list of things that i want to affirm for in the void. before i had took months off from manifesting like all tg (didn’t happen on purpose) i had tried to get into the void once before. bc then i was one of those ppl that would switch methods every other day after it didn’t work the first time (obviously bc i wasn’t persistent in the fact and being consistent) and would just try sum new. but when i did try to get into the void i did a meditation and just affirmed for the void the first time i felt symptoms and almost made it but got to scared and backed out and the second time i didn’t feel any symptoms at all and i don’t rmb why bc it was like almost a year ago but i had gave up. and after i took a long ass break like i said earlier and i really improved myself in a whole lot of ways not only have i seen my progress but my ppl around me have seen it to. and i started thinking i’m finna be a mfn senior bc i am dis my last week of school and i want my dream life before we go back. so lately i’ve been looking into the void again and i have my list and a whole plan of what i’m going to do to get into the void; listening to delta waves every night while going to sleep while affirming my affirmations, affirming throughout the day and just persisting fr in the fact that i always wake up in the void bc i feel like it would be easier for me. also ofc i’m eager to get my desires but i’m not in a rush bc i want to do everything right and not disappoint myself by possibly failing so i’m really waiting for school to be over so i won’t feel stressed (from work and school) and can actually have time to relax bc ik dats what i need to get into the void. but i really have faith and believe my plan would work out bc of some posts i’ve seen on here (i tried to link it but it wouldn’t let me) and i’m really excited for it bc idk why but i just believe if i do everything thing that i feel like is right and that would work it will and i’ll have my dream life soon.
here are my affirmations:
i always wake up in the void aware
i love waking up in the void i can easily affirm for wtf i want and get right out
my affirmations are going to be some like those. i don’t really manifest using the same affirmations i really just be affirming how i think on a regularly basis like i just let it run naturally. but my main point of sending this was a lil fear that i have bc i’ve read ur “tips for the void” and it’s help me but i’m still kinda worried about one thing. i’m kinda scared that me going to the void and affirming in it i’ll just shift in a reality that has everything i want but it’ll just be temporary. like i’m scared it’ll feel like it’s fake like i’m living a fake temporary life. idk it might be confusing but that’s just how i can explain the fear i have.
no i completely understand! i recommend you read some success stories. in void success stories they usually detail out how they manifested their desires permanently through the void and how they are living their dream life in their cr. youll see the difference between void success stories and shifting stories super quickly. just set the intention you want your desires in your cr permanently!
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magnoliasmol · 2 years
I’m starting to enjoy writing theses kinda like have a place to but all the scribbles in my brain onto a lil note that someone might find funny.
Out there
On the earth
Or in the earth I dunno that demons get up to
I kinda have to make these blogs about art unless there will be just some random image at the end of each post without context and that’s just confusing..tbh everything I have written is probably somewhat confusing but we move on.
The art work I’m talking about today is one I made while having a mental breakdown
Sounds more dramatic that it was.
My partner was asleep and yk when your left alone with ur thoughts too long and ur really tried you start to think of
well I was doing that and not V I B I N
So I decided to draw some flowers as that usually gets the brain buzz out.
I did a few just seeing if anything I did hit the good parts of my brain.
I did one very quickly and as I was about to move on
I did by scanning of the drawing and realised I had drawn a woman’s face quite elegantly onto the top of the flower
subconscious STRIKES AGAIN
I felt like a fuckin genius I gave myself a pat on the back then promptly P A S S E D O U T
I wake up and forget about it.
I stumble across it a few days later and decided that I should get this shit SOLD.
Prior to this I have never sold any art work in my life, unless your counting the time I drew peoples baby photos in secondary school for £25. They were pretty good too I should have charged more looking back. They were pretty big too..anyway
I had never sold any artwork other than that as talked about previously but to sum it up it was basically because
or something like that.
So this was big, I colour balanced it and got rid of a few marks on the paper. I wanted it to still look like it was on paper as I thought that added a nice feeling to it and
No one has bought it but I’m happy it’s up there, I’ll add it to the bottom of the page.
Link probs here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/WhtsURpoint
You gotta make things sound good on Etsy, I swear they can smell weakness.
I think that buzz words are important but god if I know.
I have ran out of things to say so let’s check our word count.
Have a good evening :))
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simlinos · 4 years
it’s been a long time since I posted anything on here. I was having issues accessing my origin account and finally was able to fix them whew
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virghogh · 3 years
NCT Dream Birth Charts x Hexaco Results Analysis pt. 1
recently NCT Dream were on a new reality show called Mental Training Camp where they are doing a variety of activities and all of their behavior and interactions are being analyzed by professional psychologists.
ofc my virgo sun mercury ass was thrilled and I had their birth charts pulled up the whole time to cross reference.
I wanted to share some of my personal thoughts on how the 2 might connect!
part 1 // part 2 // part 3
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**key: in the hexaco charts the blue represents the Dreamies, the orange is an average result of 300 college students who took the same test**
Mark - “Workaholic Leader”
✨leo sun // aries moon // cancer mercury // virgo venus // scorpio mars✨
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they described him as a workaholic leader but quickly added that if he’s not now, he has potential to be in the future, although it seemed they all agreed he has workaholic spirit now 
this immediately made sense to me when you look at his chart i mean he’s being driven by a fire sun and moon and a scorpio mars (used to be ruled by mars) and virgo venus both of which are signs that have strong work ethics
the reason I like that they mentioned he could grow into it is because he’s still young and I agree that his placements could become more serious about work and life as he gets older, I think his leo sun/aries moon combo gives him very youthful energy but they’re still very driven signs
mark agreed that even throughout his trainee years when he was still very young, he was always practicing and was always called a workaholic. I see this in the intense drive, work ethic and perfectionism of virgo and scorpio but shining through with the warmth of his sun and moon
lets talk about this hexaco chart, what sticks out the most is Mark’s level of conscientiousness! (its so high like what even-) Conscientious people are careful, precise, detail oriented and in general care about doing their tasks well. I think this is directly connected to his scorpio mars! I always say that no matter what is in a chart, having a scorpio in big 6 will always have a strong influence and with a virgo venus, even though venus is considered a love planet it is also our value system, how we discern what is worthy and unworthy for us, and having virgo there makes him very practical. (as I mentioned though I think all of his placements together reflect a very driven person) (I also think mark is lucky to have a fire moon because if he had a water or earth I think his obsession and perfectionism of scorpio and virgo would make him d*pressed or too hard on himself) 
his virgo venus could even be why when they did the bag check they saw he’s quite “frugal” or practical and minimalist in the things he carries around. When you think about Venus, I mentioned it’s our values it’s also our aesthetics and it rules Taurus a materialistic sign, having virgo there gives me the impression of someone who is practical with their belongings, as we saw. 
We’ll see later in the post that there are a few Hexaco charts that I felt were a little unexpected but Marks imo was sooo spot on with his placements. With a fire sun and moon he’s very warm and open and has firey emotions. he’s not afraid to show them or be reactive and responsive (emotionality)! I think his honesty-humility reflects this too, he’s not too overly or underly honest, he’s just straightforward what you see is what you get and he answers in such a way too. His emotionality reflects the cancer mercury, the rashness of aries moon, and sensitivity of scorpio mars. 
tdlr; the human embodiment of driven, focused and hard working when it comes to his craft, but he loves to have fun in his outside life, and is practical in his inside life <3 his hexaco and birth chart align nicely
Jeno - “A scholar who gets hurt easily”
✨taurus sun // sagittarius moon // aries mercury // aries venus // taurus mars✨
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so right off the bat I’m very curious where the scholar part comes in ?? They didn’t really reference it again in that way but I’m assuming they mean he’s very diplomatic? Defcon rephrased it as “you get miffed but well-mannered” 
a recurring comment was that he gets annoyed easily but doesn’t show it, I thought that was really funny because I feel like it reflects his aries influence well; being a little hot-headed but he has the patience of his taurus sun and mars to filter it :’) 
they talked a lot about how he gets hurt easily and mark even shared a cute lil story that practically had me on the floor because i just think it shows his taurus sooooo much I’d really love to have his house placements one day I’m really curious where his taurus is
if you didn’t see the episode basically mark said one time Jeno was passing some seniors in a building and said hi but they didn’t say hi back ): and just ignored him. Mark said Jeno was really hurt by that and went on about it for a long time saying stuff like “I’m sure they saw me” )): but he never expressed/acted on that hurt. taurus is represented by the bull so they do have a fierce side to them but imo i think taurus can be a really gentle/relaxed sign too; taurus mars is a slow to be angry slow to react placement, and one of the things taurus is well-known for is being fixed, stubborn, holding grudges which explains why that moment hurt and he held on to it. Jeno even agreed he tends to hold in a lot of his feelings and remembers little things that hurt him for a long time!
speaking of his taurus... they had a whole baseball analogy for the group saying that Jeno is a strong catcher, you can have a good pitcher but without a strong catcher the team would fall apart. They also mentioned a lot about Jeno not being in the spotlight, he doesn’t stand out, but he silently strengthens the team. And if that isn’t the most taurus description you’ve ever heard.,,,
I’ve been talking about his taurus a lot but at one point they said Jeno has a strong perfectionist side but he’s also very flexible and it’s difficult to have both. I personally see this a lot in his Sag moon (mutable) in contrast to his taurus placements (fixed). Sag moon to me always seem happy go lucky, if emotions come they go quickly too, mutable gives him that flexibility because they just like when things can change freely. It’s ruled by jupiter and I feel a common theme with sag in big 6 is it’s easy for people to be drawn to their jupiter qualities. They give the same freedom they crave, they can be very easy going and positive. Similar to mark, I also think it helps Jeno to have this moon sign over another! 
as for the hexaco, I’ll be honest the level of introvertness/shyness was a little surprising from an astrology stand point. When we see Jeno in all the NCT content I feel like it’s obvious he is on the shy side but if I was looking at only his chart, I don’t think I was expect it to be to the extent of the hexaco chart! (plss i need his birth time) in the same thread, his emotionality is really low and I can’t say I’m surprised from an astrology view😅 it’s not that he’s not compassionate or anything because he does care a lot about not upsetting people, but as we saw he is not very reactive and receptive emotionally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  his openness is low too which fits what we’ve talked about above about his lack of reaction/expression of emotions, I feel like sag moons also don’t dwell especially with no water placements. 
The honesty and humility makes a lot of sense to me because i feel like taurus, aries and sag(!) are very righteous signs too! They care about integrity, they certainly might have their own idea of what is truth,.. but whatever it is, they believe in it! 
last note I want to make is on the whole “jeno isn’t funny” bit since they mentioned it. He said it hurt his ego when they first started the joke but it’s been going on for so long that I think he adapted to being able to take it as just that, a joke! It’s also funny to me that it started in the first place because earth signs are often called boring (it’s okay I’m an earth sign too lol) and I also have sag influence and I know people find me quite funny but I never try to be funny and it usually comes after my earth walls are down with close friends. 
tdlr; doesn’t ask or need spot light, gets annoyed easily but it doesn’t last, when something does hurt he remembers, slow or unlikely to be reactive and responsive, positive, comfort creature, loyal🥺
Chenle - “Friendly Guardian”
✨Sagittarius sun // Aquarius moon // scorpio mercury // scorpio venus // aquarius mars✨
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there is something about chenle’s personality that I’ve always loved, he comes off as very warm, care-free, curious, friendly, caring. I like the personality title they gave him because I think it sums him up well. The members had all laughed when they saw it and enthusiastically agreed.  I also love his hexaco chart and think it reflects him really well, with most of it being just outside of the average :’) as far as how it reflects his birth chart, let’s get into it
I do want to disclaim that Chenle was born on the sag/scorpio cusp and to be a sag he would have had to be born after 3pm (!) but I think we would all agree he’s definitely a sagittarius sun anyways
Before this show when I watch nct dream content it always fascinated me how easy going chenle was in chaotic situations, he never seems too demanding or controlling, and sometimes i wondered if he was holding back for the cameras and was actually really frustrated but based off the hexaco it seems like he is actually just that agreeable, from looking at just his chart I don’t know if I would have guessed his agreeableness was that far. I know sag suns can be very easy going and aquarius is a more chilled sign but he has 2 aquarius and 2 scorpio placements they’re both fixed signs and quite like to be in control😅 (can we get a birth time pls) 
One argument could be the combination of sag sun with aquarius moon, since we have to look at all of it together. it does give me the impression of someone more easy-going possibly because there is the comfort of confidence! I feel like sag sun/aqua moon + mars would give someone a high opinion of themself (go chenle). this combination could create someone who is easy going because they don’t dwell and aren’t emotionally fueled nor do they fret over people that are. I’d say easy-going or maybe even just cool headed? He’s always laughing things off too, showing he doesn’t take himself too seriously! 
Speaking of taking things seriously, I think we can see this in the conscientious part of the hexaco, it was the lowest and I think it can be explained by what I mentioned above. It’s not that he isn’t driven or doesn’t work hard, he’s a full time idol they all work hard but I think it represents that work isn’t the focus of his life but rather people, connection, community, and just being happy is? 
they talked about how Chenle is the type of person that you meet and already feel like you’re friends. He could be the youngest in the room and talk down to you and you wouldn’t even think twice. This is huuuuge aquarius energy! I remember one of the first things I learned about aquarius was that they make friends everywhere. They talk to a stranger on the street for directions and next thing you know they’re “friends”
I also want to add that they mention he’s friendly but he gives off “big brother vibes” i feel like we’ve all seen that in other nct content too and would agree. This is interesting to me because sag and aquarius is not the same kind of friendliness as we see with marks leo sun aries moon. Leo and aries are “younger” signs, whereas aquas and sagittarius are towards the end of the signs, they’re considered “mature” signs which I feel contributes to chenle’s “big brother” energy. He has that aqua/sag energy where he seems really sure of himself, and wise and people look up to that.
I want to talk about his scorpio placements real quick because even though I just made a case for how open and easy-going he is, I’m still confused about how the scorpio fits into all of this. scorpio isn’t known to be one to be super open, agreeable or extroverted. I personally see his scorpio come out a lot in his realtionships. you can tell he cares deeply for his members and yes his aqua makes him get along with everyone but I feel like with the dream members we see that scorpio possessiveness and jealousy come out more. Lastly, I do want to add a little mystery to this, although his openness is high and it’s clear he is a very authentic person,,.. I definitely would not call him an open book👀
Chenle wasn’t able to be in the recording of this show unfortunately so all we got was a brief description of his hexaco chart and we won’t get any further analyses ): 
although I do agree that his hexaco chart reflects how he comes off in shows, I don’t think it completely reflects his chart so I’m going to say the house placements would help create a better picture! 
tdlr; fun and realtionships are a priority, he’s comfortable and confident in himself and people are drawn to that, v friendly😌but he has secrets👀
feedback, thoughts and clarifying questions are always welcome!
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cosmiccandyangel · 3 years
💝✨cute/kewl lil zodiac things✨💝
***remember loves to take what you will and leave the rest! it’s just a fun lil post! MOSTLY APPLIES TO UR SUN SIGN/identity, ego
♈️Aries: getting SO excited about winning/completing their fav/a new game, scalp massages that’ll make em purr, they give the warmest kisses
♉️Taurus: they LOVE their blankies ;p, summer sundress picnic dates, theyre the BOMB.COM with home decor, like damn I luv the rustic look we got goin on in here bb, they talk good reason into anybody!
♊️Gemini: ugh LUV how they got such quick minds, they already know the answer before ur finished asking!, theyre the sweetest with giving hugs, total cerebral nerds that get ABSORBED into fun activities and also love tf outta playing games
♋️Cancer: they give the sweetest love when they open up to you and will give u the clothes off their back just to help anybody, their space is cozy and welcoming, they give me cute old hippie lady vibes hehe
♌️Leo: drama queens/kings in SOME sort of fashion hehe but only cuz they’re so cute n interesting they just want sum of that good luvv, a silly sense of humor, always servings looks 24/7 💅🏻
♍️Virgo: always wanting to better themselves but fuckn party at the same time 😂 your nurse professionals during the day and a maiden of the Whiteclaws at night. they do no sugarcoat shit cuz they love themselves too much to talk bullshit 🤷‍♀️
♎️ Libra: they give the sweetest kisses that have their own personality I s2g. sexy nights ft. lace lingerie and some booze 🤷‍♀️ they got style and they got charm 🍀 they just wanna enjoy the fine things in life and YALL R VALID 👏
♏️ Scorpio: amazing people to confide in, there’s more to em than meets the eye which I think is why they’re so great to talk to. scorpio can endure some intense emotions yet are the Kings/queens of Keeping it Cool.
♐️Sagittarius: a lot of them do not stay in the same place 4ever, I love their openness and how much belief they have within themselves. They’re ur go-gettas and I love when they show their sweet affectionate side which is full of adoration and showing someone u basically worship them
♑️ Capricorn: BIG SISTER/BROTHER energy, they’re the friends who want you to make good choices and see u at ur best! Hard workers by day but would rather be earning money in their pjs and then splurge on online shopping later 😋
♒️ Aquarius: I find it cool seeing how different their communication can be, one aquarius might be a total chatterbox while another mumbles but still has a lot to say! They’re cute lil scientists and chemists and philosophers cuz humanity has got em feeling wack and they wanna figure it out!
♓️ Pisces: sweet baby angels(or demons 🤷‍♀️) who want to help others but gotta remember to help themselves too!! they may have big sparkling eyes, and a huge heart im talkinG HUGE. fantasy land is their safeplace as reality gets overbearing AF sometimes lolol ✨
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rev3rb · 3 years
Hi!! It’s me again asking about the new chapter. Literally every other page had me like 😳 from either the gayness or just the plot points like wtf. I complained last time about being confused from lack of info and now I’m confused from too much info but very excited to see where this goes lmaoo
I think the illusion part was a fun lil twist. Sometimes it can be annoying when a high stakes situation turns out to be fake all along, but the way it was done sorta short kept things interesting and added to Rigr’s sly behavior. Also just Rigr bantering with Urd by being oddly sweet and saying how he was planning to come back and work together was such an intriguing 180 flip. Urd already considering the offer & being on the same page with the hostages was kinda gold. I feel like he’s already sorta accepting his fate, I’d honestly be surprised if he doesn’t decide to team up with Rigr next chp.
And then on top of all ~that~ the stuff about all versions of Yu being made for Mika?! We get it, they’ve been destined to each other for thousands of years, they’re soulmates, it’s gay 🙄 I haven’t been super onboard with Mika becoming Yu’s demon bc I want him to stay himself & have a role on his own, but now I’m more excited for how that works/messes with the First’s plan.
Oh, and I enjoyed seeing Byakkomaru + Raimeiki despite being worried for Shinya + Kureto. I feel like all the demons/progenitors relationships to the First get more complicated each chapter and I would really like a better breakdown on where loyalties lie at this point lol
Hello once again anon! I was wondering if you'd crop up!
Ho boy. This chapter. A lot happened. I can see why you're confused. While this chapter did give us quite a bit of information, we can still only speculate as to how everything fits together. There's really no right or wrong right now. I have a feeling that starting next chapter, we'll finally be able to start fitting things together. If not then we'll at least be getting back into some action I imagine. It'll be nice after the last handful of chapters.
In that same vein, I agree with what you said about the illusion. It was fun to get some action even if it did end up being fake, but not only did this serve as some fun, it developed Ky Luc and Lest Karr as well as what you said about Rigr. While we've seen Ky Luc fight before, we didn't really see him with his back against the wall. As Guren and Shinya put it:
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(They tied as Guren said shortly before this but this is funnier)
It was nice to see how Ky Luc fights in a tough situation. It speaks to his character quite a bit. On top of that, there's Rigr's comment about Ky Luc being strong enough to kill a 3rd Progenitor. I'm sure that will be relevant later, possibly even explained, but likely not for a while. Not only that, but, and correct me if I'm wrong, we haven't seen Lest Karr fight before. This was a cool insight into what his battle presence is like. I imagine that both of these things will come into play sometime later. Plus! It's like Rigr said:
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At the very least it tells us Ky and Lest will side with whoever Urd does.
I ish made a post addressing Urd and Rigr, but god, yeah. These bitches gay, Rigr especially. Good for them. It makes me think that Rigr always intended to return to Urd's side (in a gay way or not). After all, as he said, this is all according to plan apparently.
It's interesting to think about, but I think Urd is as much a pawn in this game as the likes of Guren. He has his own view/side to things, but he's going to get swept up in other people's messes/plans whether he wants to or not. Given his history with Rigr and it being unlikely (at the moment) that Rigr will betray him again, I imagine Urd and Rigr will be on the same side going forward? Allegiances change like the weather though so who knows. This is just the feeling I get at this point in time, and you alluded to it too.
I'm left a little unsure about how to feel about the whole Yu and Mika situation. None of what was shown really comes as a surprise. The eye being a doorway to the past was something I didn't expect, neither was The First being able to affect that vision, but pretty much everything else was. We'd already been basically told that Yus were somehow grown/created, so now we just finally get to see what the exact method is. Can't say I understand how that works, but there you go. It wasn't much of an explanation, but it's something I guess.
Mika becoming Yu's demon/weapon also doesn't come as a large surprise. Ever since he "died" back in chapter 90 (91?), this is pretty much what I expected. I'm not even that surprised that it was something that Mika ultimately chose. It's not quite something I would have speculated back when Mika first died, but after we started getting chapters that showed off demon Mika, it was something I suspected might happen. And maybe it's just me, but I don't think Mika will become any less important now that he's Yu's weapon. I wouldn't be surprised if he took a role similar to Mahiru going forward. Mahiru is one of Guren's demons, but she's still her own character and can sorta do her own thing. I don't see why Mika couldn't be the same, even if their situations are a bit different.
SHINYA!!! I, like many others, have been waiting for this moment. Never would have guessed that he ended up getting captured, but what surprises me more is that Kureto was also captured. Last we saw he was directing troops. It seemed like things were going well for him. I wonder what happened that resulted in both of them getting captured. Is the rest of Guren squad okay? Who's running the Imperial Demon army now? I hope it's not Seishiro. Hey, maybe that's what happened to Narumi. He's running the army now :) In all seriousness though, if Guren squad is okay, I could actually see them running the army, but again I digress.
I made a post talking about what I think will happen to Shinya and Kureto (and by extension, Byakkomaru and Reimeiki) here. While I too am worried about them, I think that they'll be okay. If Rigr or Urd wanted to kill them, they probably would have done it by now. That's not to say that they couldn't be harmed though. I'm just hopeful that being hostages means that they'll stay alive.
Maybe it's a weird thing to say, but because of Guren's attachment to Shinya, I'd actually say that it's likely that Shinya has some thick plot armor in this instance. I'm confident that Shinya will remain alive at least until Guren is around him again. As for Kureto... well. I don't think there's as much plot armor for him. Again I think he'll be okay? He's the representative of normal humanity in all this and there's no good replacement for him (there's lit no other character that cares about humanity as a whole), so I think he'll stay alive for at least a little while longer.
And that pretty much sums up my thoughts! Sorry this got long, but as I said at the start, a lot happened. There was a lot to analyze and process. Thanks again for the ask! I hope you enjoyed hearing my thoughts.
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teresa-moyocoyotzin · 3 years
short recap of my thoughts on 5x09
okay so i was gonna rewatch the whole episode and do a blow-by-blow reaction post but i’m not sure i’ll have time and i kinda wanna focus on watching my fave scenes from the show before tonight. also, everyone else’s reaction posts p. much sum up my thoughts lol 
nonetheless, i just wanted to give my main takeaways on the episode a week later, in case anyone cares where i’m at going into the finale! gonna go over the things i liked first, anyone who wants to just remain positive and not see any salty takes might wanna just stick to reading the first part b/c i definitely rant a bit at the end lmao. we’re still having a fun time tho 😂
- i mean... i think we know LOL
- obviously. i loved james and teresa’s i love you scenes, and kisses, and OOF THAT SEX SCENE. if someone had told me we were gonna get that scene back in like 2017??? i probably would have started literally floating. i totally respect that people had very specific ideas of what they wanted out of those scenes and could have different feelings about it but NOT ME BABES I AM ECSTATIC!!! i did go into the episode with a ~feeling~ that we were gonna get at least one ILY in the episode, and i just had a feeling it would be james, or at least that he would say it first. i’ve already explained in my meta about the scenes why i think it makes sense that he said it first and why i love it that he did, so i won’t go into that here. but i went in having really no expectations for it other than that it was gonna happen! i was debating about whether it would happen really casually while they’re talking, or in like a big action scene, or really dramatic or what, and what i would prefer, and i came to the conclusion that i would love it no matter what lol, but i was really into the idea of james just. fucking. saying it. while they’re just talking about something really casually. so therefore i was pretty happy with it when we got sort of a mix! they’re talking about teresa’s insane death trap of a plan so there’s that drama of “i don’t want to lose you esp. not before saying ILY” kinda thing, but it’s also just. so simple and sure! and then teresa’s i love you is like the perfect scene for me where one character is super focused on something else (in this case, trying to protect the woman he loves! agh!) and the other is just like.. i love you!!!! SO GOOD
- let’s see, what the hell else happened in this ep?
- oh okay i really liked james and teresa’s vibes this episode, they were so focused on each other and had this very ride-or-die feeling about them like they knew that each of their plans was increasingly stupid and desperate and might not even get them where they wanna go, but they were IN IT TOGETHER no matter what 😭i wish we had gotten a callback to that line but at this point, i’m p. sure they Know they’re in it together, and we do too. so it’s okay. i love that teresa still asks his input and considers his opinions even if she does her own thing anyways haha 
- oh on that note, i LOVED the moment where their plans to kill Kostya aren’t working and Teresa says something like “If I can meet with him in person, I can kill him myself” and James just has this LOOK that just is the epitome of the “I am in love with a women who is DESIGNED TO STRESS ME OUT” meme lol, it made me giggle, v classic QOTS moment 
- oh and of course, I LOVED that scene with devon and james at the end!!!!!!!! i was also confused about how james was showing all his emotions in that scene esp. since he tries to be stoic about his feelings for Teresa around Devon, but now that i’ve read a few people’s thoughts about, it i’m fully on board w the theory that james and teresa already knew this was coming, b/c they’re smart, and b/c james knows devon wouldn’t have let him walk away to save Teresa at the beginning of the season without motivation (like having him in place to kill her when she’s no longer useful to the CIA) and THEREFORE james was sort of “overacting” to make it believable to devon (and the audience lol) that he didn’t know this was coming, didn’t want to do it, but felt like he had to, rather than the fact that they were already plotting a fake death. that makes a lot of sense to me and makes me really love all the layers to that scene. it does give me a little bit of hope that the finale ~teresa’s not really dead~ reveal will be at least a little well executed and not just shoved in at the very end. we shall see though! 
- alright i think that’s what i loved about the episode, if u don’t wanna hear me bitching about the little things then u should probably stop here!! just have to get out some of my saltiness lol 
- i’m just gonna get it out of the way, yes, i too was supremely annoyed at the amount of KA and Pote take suburbia; it was all 1000% predictable down to the raccoon and the cookies, and the point could have been accomplished in exactly 1 scene, maybe 2, certainly not like 10 or however many we got. whatever. ugh. 
- okay. OKAY. chicho. we need to talk about chicho. i for one, am not mad that he called pote, my boy was stressed. I AM HOWEVER, mad at the writers for making pote come back after saying he trusted chicho to take care of teresa now. like. it totally devalued THE WHOLE THING!! imo, pote shoulda stayed his ass at home where we had to watch him settle all episode, and chicho should have gotten THE HERO MOMENT HE DESERVED (esp. cuz he’s on first name basis w teresa now??) which ALSO WOULD HAVE MADE THE SCENE WHERE TERESA GIVES CHICHO THE DISTILLERY AND THE BAR SO! MUCH! MORE! MEANINGFUL!!!!! or just made it make sense at all? like .... i’m just so confused by that whole plotline like what was the point? chicho does nothing but call pote and gets T’s whole legacy in NOLA? 
- and don’t even get me started on how it makes ZERO sense that pote would have had to charge in at the last minute to save teresa when JAMES THE SNIPER W AMAZING AIM WHO IS LITERALLY. IN LOVE WITH HER. is standing outside like. ur telling me james and chicho (who again, is supposed to be her #2 after james now) just stood there like “oh hey pote yeah you go ahead we’ll wait here good luck” like WHAT also.. how did pote get past all the guards that made james stay outside? are we meant to believe pote is that sneaky? y’all. it just. doesn’t make sense. this whole plot situation maddens me more than anythings tbh UGH JUST MAKE IT MAKE SENSE 
- oksana’s daughter..... what’s her name again? idk b/c we only MET HER THIS WEEK....okay this amuses me but i’m also annoyed b/c like. there were so many other women who could have taken that spot in the opening sequence... Lil T, Castel, hell even Isabela??? Like idk how they could have done it but they put so much effort into her plot in the first seasons that i really thought she was gonna end up w/ Teresa in the end.. idk that would have been kind cool, Camila’s two “daughters” eventually working their way out of the life together..again idk how they could have realistically done it but i really do wish it had been someone we met before. if it had to be someone new this season, they could have introduced her earlier instead of one of the seemingly dozens of random guys we knew for 1 episode before they died... like.. give her some depth please. is she even gonna be in the finale? honestly she better be after making us listen to pote welcome her into the family... like the family u were supposed to leave so u could have an actual baby pote? the family that’s literally dispersing as we speak? also.. since when did pote love oksana so much anyways? also...... just.. if teresa’s gonna have some sort of daughter figure or whatever she’s supposed to be, wouldn’t it make sense to have her be the one to give the big welcome to the family speech? idk y’all..... i’m amused but also baffled at the sheer lack of planning behind this. did no one realize they needed someone for the opening scene until like. halfway thru the season? did they plan to have it be castel but they couldn’t get her for filming (hence all the weird castel plots?) INQUIRING MINDS WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. it’s whatever tho lol 
- i just hope that what’s-her-name gets a lil bit of plot in the finale esp. since otherwise it might just be pote running around being pissy (i don’t actually think that haha but i am a lil nervous that teresa won’t come back until the last few mins and i’ll have to spend all episode looking at boaz and devon and pote and KA.. i haven’t looked at any spoilers tho so i’m still hopeful! i will probably make a post about my hopes going into the finale a lil later, both realistic and unrealistic :) 
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novantinuum · 5 years
On the corrupted!Steven theory...
So, originally when I mused on this yesterday I was just playing around with random possibilities.
After combing the series for info about corruption, though, I’m mildly spooked at the increased potential for this to... perhaps be a thing? I’m not saying that this is what I for sure believe will happen- to be honest, I’m not even sure Crewniverse would go this direction at all- but just for funsies, let’s see what kind of “evidence” or “foreshadowing” exists that might support this potential story path in the context of canon.
(EDIT: 10/7/19 
I honestly no longer think this creature is a worm at all whatsoever, it’s either more akin to a horned caterpillar or potentially has limbs. Either way we can see so little right now that it’s hard to tell. I’m not editing the rest of this post because I want it to exist in its original form- but do keep this in mind reading the rest! XP)
1) The design of this worm creature.
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Let’s start simple. Let’s start tangible. 
For future reference and simplicity, I will be henceforth be referring to this creature as... “Wormy Boi.”
So, let’s see what we’ve got here. I’m definitely not the first person to point out this fella’s pink nature, and the jarringly human-like nose they’ve got. (Compared to other corruptions, which have had distinctly non-humanoid features.) In the photo above, we also have Wormy Boi sporting glowing pink eyes, which then send out a flare of pink light/energy. So, seemingly a powerful entity.
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If you watch the short segment before they sit upright, you’ll see that Wormy Boi is super, super big. They’re in the background, but BOY do they loom. The shadows cast upon them especially push that sense of size. They’ve also got a whole bunch of spikes on their back and framing their face.
So, then. What evidence could be made for this being a corrupted!Steven, as opposed to some other run-of-the-mill monster?
Steven Universe Future is a limited series, described as ‘tying up loose ends.” To me, as a viewer, it would make far more sense for the antagonists/conflicts to deal with big concepts that have already been established since there’s such a limited amount of time we have left with this world. Introducing a completely alien species in the last act of the show would feel offbeat from both a writing and a viewing perspective. Corruption- on the other hand- is something we don’t have full answers to yet.
We don’t see any gem, yes- but Steven’s gem is- of course- on his belly. If this theory were to be true, that would translate to the gem being on Wormy Boi’s underside, far out of our sight in this shot, due to how massive they are. As an addition to this, not showing the gem gives an air of mystery to this creature’s true nature- which makes it seem like there’s something surprising to discover here.
A corrupted diamond would surely be MASSIVE. Also, very powerful. The beam of pink light hints at Wormy Boi being quite a powerhouse.
The spikes on Wormy Boi’s back and around their face highly resemble rose thorns. We all know how much the Crewniverse loves their rose symbolism, and design wise, this aspect would make a lot of visual sense for a corrupted Steven. Running off of that:
The face/nose shape and the five horns on this creature’s head give off a very Steven-like silhouette. 
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The nose, of course. The face has a very Steven-like shape to it, overall- although noticeably more angular and sharp. The mouth is reminiscent of the Watermelon Stevens’ mouths. And as for the horns, there’s five of them positioned equidistant around their face, just as Steven’s hair is always formed from five lil’ bumps at the same positions.
Okay, moving on.
(Read more under the cut!)
2) We do not yet understand the true nature of corruption.
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“I guess it’ll take more than a kiss to heal damage from the Diamonds…” -Pearl, Monster Reunion
Corruption is still- bafflingly- a huge mystery. The Gems we’ve watched the CGs bubble since season one have been healed, yes, but there are still many gaps in our understanding of it. With Steven Universe Future’s promise to address some lingering story threads, it would make sense if corruption was on the plate for further discussion. So, what DO we know?
We know it’s something the Diamonds can do. Interestingly, it doesn’t seem to require all four diamonds. Three of them together were able to cause all the damage to Earth. There’s also no statement made that more than one Diamond is required to cause effects like that. 
In Legs From Here to Homeworld, Blue and Yellow Diamond weren’t actually aware the corruption was something they were capable of producing. They seemed to assume they obliterated the Gems on Earth. Corruption is then, even a mystery to them. That’s... odd, isn’t it?
Pearl states that it’s “something nearly impossible to describe.” Garnet goes further to say... “It’s sorta like... if MC Bear-Bear didn’t tear the fabric of his arm, but the fabric of his mind.”
"A sound… A song?” There’s a lot of association between corruption and music.
It causes Gems to lose touch with their usual forms, instead warping into a more outwardly "monstrous” version of themselves that appear to be “just a bundle of fight-or-flight reflexes and survival instincts.” As seen by Centipeetle in Monster Buddy and Monster Reunion, it appears as if corrupted Gems try to regenerate with their original forms if unbubbled, but are simply not in a state where they can maintain that.
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As seen with Jasper in Earthlings, extreme emotional distress very much seems to speed up corruption’s effects. This is less of a stated fact and more of my read on that episode, but I believe it to be an important tidbit, especially since Garnet states that corruption’s damage is mental rather than physical, at least at its core. This can also be seen in Monster Reunion with how Centipeetle’s partial healing backfires when she remembers the trauma of being corrupted and reacts strongly.
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Now, when it comes to healing corruption, Steven tries to heal Centipeetle himself, and does make some nice progress... helping her regain a hold on herself as he treats her with love and compassion and understanding... but it’s ultimately not a healing that can occur in isolation, helping her on his own. She needs more support before she can heal from this corruption to a state where she can truly be herself again.
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And that eventually comes in the form of the other Diamonds. So, all four diamonds can help relieve the corruption if they help these Gems all together. 
3) How could this theory potentially fit into the story anyways, you nutter?
Well, here’s the part of this post where I make some broad conjectures. I honestly am shooting fish into a barrel here because again- we know barely anything about how corruption actually happened initially, and my thoughts are very jumbled. Please forgive me.
"I don’t really know how the corruption works. It’s like they’re sick. They don’t remember who they used to be.” -Steven, Gem Hunt
So, corruption seems to be a mental ailment of Gemkind, turned manifest. It also seems to have a deep connection to a Gem’s emotions, with Centipeetle growing smaller and slightly calmer upon feeling more secure in Steven’s presence, and corruption speeding up as Jasper grew more and more emotionally overwrought and self-deriding about herself. 
When it comes to the Diamonds and how they perhaps caused it originally- without fully realizing- we know that at least Blue and White have abilities focused on causing others to act in certain ways. Blue has sway over one’s emotions, and White has a knack for forcing her thoughts and self upon others. (I’m not sure how Yellow’s ability would play in here.) Mayhaps, mixed with their grief and guilt and anger, their power simply pressed all of that hurt emotion onto all the Gems on Earth in one whole fail swoop...? Tearing their minds in the process of it all?
The question I still have, though- is whether a single diamond could produce effects like this. And whether a diamond could turn that ability on themself.
Could Steven accidentally corrupt himself? Why might that happen?
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Well, let’s look at our boy here. 
He’s got a wide circle of support at this time in canon, but notably, he’s notorious for bottling up his emotion and not letting others in to help him- instead dropping everything to help them with their problems. Just to name a few examples (a few):
The Test. He feels betrayed and hurt at the Gems for a moment about the way they’re babying him with the rigged test, but instead of admitting the hurt he feels about the scenario, bottles that up to help them feel more like good guardians.
Joy Ride. He opens up to the Cool Kids about deep, incredibly troubling stuff that’s long been on his mind, but he’s never once talked about it with his family.
Mindful Education. The perils of bottling one’s emotions is literally the whole plot of the episode. The kid has a full out sobbing breakdown while he’s plunging to his death. Connie gets through to him a little here, but later episodes show that the resolution we see here is merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Steven’s internal issues. 
Storm in the Room. Externally, Steven tries so hard to put on a guise of content and positivity, but once alone in Rose’s room feels safe enough to let the full brunt of his emotional trauma come out in an almost explosive manner. Geeze, get this kid some hugs. 
Gemcation. Steven actually fails bitterly on putting on his customary smile in this episode, simply because the weight of his problems have become such an impossible burden to him. When the other Gems are trying to help him open up, he isn’t immediately responsive to their efforts. 
What’s Your Problem? Amethyst spends the whole episode trying to cheer Steven up and find out how he’s doing, and instead Steven downplays his own feelings on the matter and ends up helping her sort out her own emotional issues.
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So to sum: Many an Emotional Issue, a chronic tendency to avoid outwardly addressing said issues in favor of helping everyone else instead... and to avoid accepting other people’s help.
Even if he’s surrounded by all these people who love him, the fact of the matter is that Steven still feels as if he has to face his own inner demons alone.
Now, let’s look at the lil’ teasing synopsis that was given for Steven Universe Future:
“After saving the universe, Steven is still at it, tying up every loose end. But as he runs out of other people’s problems to solve, he’ll finally have to face his own.”
Blatantly sounds like we’re gonna finally get some addressing of Steven’s emotional state, now doesn’t it?
4) A concept on what could, theoretically happen
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“Maybe… it IS a guy in a monster costume. I don’t mean literally, silly! What I mean is... there might be a conscious Gem still inside there, somewhere. What if the monster is turning back and forth into its original form? If it is, it might not be as corrupted as we think! There might still be a chance to save it!” -Steven, Gem Hunt
Suppose Steven- by some as-of-yet unknown means- ends up accidentally corrupting himself. His sorry emotional state only further amplifies the effects of this corruption, and makes it really hard to retain control. Wormy Boi as a form could be like... all his inner demons made manifest, a metaphoric mirror into his current mental state. But- as he is half-human- he’s not entirely unaware of what’s happening. Perhaps... as the quote above could be sneaky foreshadowing for... how he’s turning back and forth between this corrupted form and his normal form. 
He likely wouldn’t want everyone to see him like this, doesn’t want everyone to visibly know the sheer depth of how much he’s hurting. But just like the corrupted Gems were only able to be helped in community, with the support of the CGs and the Diamonds in preparing the fountain, Steven can’t fix this on his own. 
He can no longer face the dark alone.
At some point, everyone has to take a brave step. Reach out. Accept help. 
Steven’s helped so many people, and surely he deserves that same love and care in return, too.
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And perhaps, when he’s eventually healed from this- and has gotten the opportunity to be open with his family and friends about the hurt he’s facing- he’ll be left with “corruption scars” as well. I think it’s an important thing to address, that no one goes through experiences like these without lingering effects. Stuff stays with you. Healing is not always linear. But life is a continuous journey, and with the support of people who love you surrounding, you too can make a change... can continue to live to the fullest at every moment possible.
I think the above would be a lovely moral for Steven Universe to tackle in its last run of episodes, no matter how they approach it- daft corruption theory or not.
Now, in the end- a reiteration. This is just a wild theory. I’m not trying to be any authoritative voice saying that this is for sure what will happen, because in reality I have no idea what Crewniverse is cooking. However, I do think it’s fun speculation, and I am kinda spooked at how well things fit. 
Whatever happens, I’m sure it will make me weep like a baby, though. Hoh boy. Grant me sanity in these coming months as we wait for answers.
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aerixlee · 3 years
Hi, I love After Sunset and have reread it multiple times lol. I wanted to ask if you had any particular method to writing Azula for the fic? I usually don't like the more off the rails depictions of her in fiction but something about the way you write her is viscerally enjoyable to me.
*shows up 3 months later with no hesitation bc getting this ask made me vibrate out of existence with excitement* hello :)
the timing for this ask couldn't have been any better - it genuinely made me so unbelievably happy to read? this exact topic is one of the main things i was (am?) worried about in after sunset, specifically that i wasn't doing it right. i've been nervous since the very beginning that i was writing azula in ways that was difficult to read but fuck this is such a fantastic question and i'm so excited to answer it - this is going to be.... a really really long answer. i definitely got a little (a lot) carried away. sorry in advance lmao
(also it never fails to make me emotional when i hear that people are still rereading) (i might've cried a lil) (just a bit) (i can't believe people haven't forgotten about this fic) (to everyone who has stuck around: i love you more than anything)
for context, i put like..... a lot of thought into how i was going to go about writing azula. like i have pages and pages of notes analyzing her so i could write her character properly and do her justice - i still think i could've done a better job, but it was important to me that i at least do my best. my main thing when i was writing azula was keeping in mind that she is a 14 year old, a child, one who has been the victim of an extreme amount of abuse and emotional manipulation. i posted a response to a comment under chapter 15 back in january that asked for writing advice regarding azula that i think sums up my thoughts fairly well if you want to take a look at it. azula is a traumatized teenager first and foremost; she's not going to accept help easily or trust anyone easily, and i planned her arc out in a way that has multiple ups and downs. it really does get worse before it gets better, and if i end up writing more for this fic, i can promise that the worst has yet to come. we're nowhere near the height of azula's arc yet, and i don't even mean that in a dramatic breakdown sort of way. this has been part 234978 of me wishing that i could skip ahead in my own fic so i could post the scenes that were written months before we even reached the search......... kill me
and i said this in my comment: progress isn't possible unless the person who needs to heal is willing to heal. force doesn't work, coercion doesn't work - it has to be a decision that the person in question makes in order for them to actually take steps forward. healing isn't linear. neither is progress. that's the most important thing to keep in mind.
azula's breakdowns were definitely the most emotionally taxing parts about writing her. i personally tend to avoid reading fics that show azula's breakdowns to the extent that i wrote them for some reason? and i was very hesitant to write it myself, so i was really really careful in how i approached it. i didn't want to take things too far, but i also knew that i had to push the boundaries of what i tackled a lot more than i already was. i needed to show how bad she was getting, not just tell it, and i needed to justify the reason behind each moment of her behavior. not sure if i did it right, but i tried.
(as a side note, i wrote a lot of this fic during a time in which things were uhhhh not so great mentally for me, so azula and zuko are written in a way that is very very close to my heart. that could also have something to do with the way scenes are written, so i thought it was worth mentioning.)
azula is an incredibly calculated individual. her breakdowns, by contrast, show her doing things out of pure instinct, doing what she "wants" to do rather than what she's put a lot of thought into doing. and that fascinated me to no end when i was reading the comics; i thought the authors' approach was really interesting despite some of the less favorable aspects of her portrayal. in other words: catharsis!!!!! i wrote those scenes to be cathartic to azula specifically!!!!! not for the reader, not for me as the writer: for azula, the character, and what that meant for her in the scene and the moment - especially within a larger context. and it was so so so fucking emotionally draining to write, but that's what it was. i did my best to ramp up the emotional intensity to the max, and i also tried to make sure that every single thing that azula said or did had that element of reasoning behind it. because yeah, she's not thinking everything through like she would if she wasn't in full breakdown mode, but she's still azula. and azula doesn't do anything without reason, even if those reasons are superficial and weird and vaguely questionable. i tried to make sure that nothing azula did or said was without motive, and i'm not quite sure if i managed to pull it off, but hey, that was my goal.
hopefully all of that makes sense? i'm not quite sure if it does or not but i could genuinely talk about this fic for hours. i might be writing other things now, and i might be mortified by the absolutely horrible writing of the earlier chapters, but i will still talk forever about literally anything with this fic. that's a threat and a promise.
i reread some comments and looked through my inbox bc of this ask and now i'm emotional lmao wow i miss this fic and you all sm. also specifically to anon: i hope this answered your question! and if you wanted clarification on anything, feel free to shoot me another ask - i know a few things here are probably a little confusing lmao i was rambling a lot out of excitement. and thank you again for the ask!!
anyways. love yall <3
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turtle-steverogers · 4 years
I Watched TWS for the Millionth Time So Let’s Over-Analyze This Shit
-TFA theme at the beginning 🥰 (that theme is so fuckin good)
-Sam’s lil jogging route around the Tidal Basin/Mall
-Steve being sassy , just as a general
-Steve’s sadness errands
-Sam relating to Steve on the soldier front and making him feel seen
-Just. Sam Wilson
-The way that Steve’s to-do list in the movie varies from country to country (For instance, the UK list has Sherlock instead of I Love Lucy and The Beatles)
-Also I wanna know Steve’s thai order
-The fact that this whole exchange is happening at 6:39 am
-Natasha drives with all the recklessness of a 16 year old that just got their license
-Stealth Suit Stealth Suit
-Steve deflecting Nat’s date suggestions
-Steve’s aversion for parachutes...reckless endangerment ✨
-Steve speaking/understanding at least a little french
-Tony having designed the Helicarriers to have arc reactor power instead of turbines because “he got a close up look at the turbines” in The Avengers 2012 when he got caught in them
-“This isnt freedom, this is fear” aka the embodiment of Steve’s character
-Steve’s exhibit being in the Air and Space museum even tho he flew a plane once and crashed it
-Bucky’s display having two different birth years (1916 and 1917. the correct one is 1917)
-In the little video of Steve and Bucky, Sebastian Stan was saying “We *are* friends” after the director told them to “act like friends” for that shot
-Steve acknowledging Peggy’s family and therefore acknowledging that their relationship with each other, while still close and special, is not romantic anymore and Peggy telling Steve to move on and start over wtf endgame
-The parallel of Peggy losing her memory as Bucky regains his
-Sam Wilson willing to show vulnerability and not being ashamed of his PTSD and treating Steve like any other attendee and hoping Steve will open up too if he sees that it’s okay to
-Steve’s face after “it was like I was up there just to watch” cuz he gets it and both sam and him had to watch their other half fall
-“What makes you happy?” “I don’t know”
-The Winter Soldier theme is just Bucky’s scream pitched different and made to sound mechanical because Henry Jackman wanted it to sound like a man trapped in a machine
-Why is Steve a lucky bastard that has his own laundry machine
-STEVE’s APARTMENT I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS (i might make a separate post on that)
-The fact that “A Long, Long Time” is playing when he sees Bucky for the first time in the future and the song is about lovers reuniting after the war i’m not saying it’s gay but i am
-He calls Fury “Nick” which really indicates theyre not close in the slightest
-Steve is excellent in adapting under pressure (him immediately catching on and using Fury’s code story: “who else knows about your wife?”)
-Steve is Awful at lying but hes also Excellent at lying
-How tf did Steve get the flash drive in the vending machine without the vending machine dude noticing i-
-“Captain Rogers” “Neighbor >:(“ petty little shit
-Steve’s observation skills are A+++++ as we can see in the elevator scene
-More reckless endangerment like imagine just going through your work day and captain america falls through the ceiling
-Steve stole someones gym clothes after escaping SHIELD. let that sink in
-Natasha has about a billion masks on at all times (“I only act like i know everything, rogers” “the person that programmed this was slightly smarter than me. slightly” “the truth isn’t all things to all people all of the time”) also she’s quite insecure, especially when it comes to being perceived as a good, trustable person
-Meanwhile, Steve’s consistently himself even if it costs him
-Bucky trained Natasha in the Red Room (at least in the comics) so theres a good chance she made the connection between him and Steve and withheld that information
-The honeymoon in New Jersey😭😭
-Steve and Nat both have very different, but entirely valid approaches to situations: Steve’s is that of a tactiction, Nat’s is that of a spy’s. We see this in the scene at Pentagon City Mall
-Steve’s looking for someone with shared life experience and bucky has that
-Bucky killed JFK
-When Zola tells him that his death and life both amount to that of a zero sum, he punches the screen with his bare fist, not his shield, indicating just how much that upset him
-Pierce offers Bucky milk cuz he knows “the asset” can’t refuse or accept offers. He’s taunting him
-Sam drinks orange juice straight from the bottle and also doesnt refrigerate his mustard. There’s also a baseball trophy in his apartment so,,,,, baseball player sam anyone?
-Sam is also a gem who immediately helps out Steve and Nat with no judgement in his tone so they don’t feel ashamed
-Nat straightened her hair somewhere in Sam’s house
-“Cuz thats really not your style, Rogers” “you’re right, it’s not” *rubs sitwell’s arm* “it’s hers”
-Steve and Nat banter Steve and Nat banter
-Sam is just *clenches fist* so cool
-Nat immediately knows where Bucky’s gonna shoot when he lands on the Sam’s car and later she knows how to affectively fight him best because he trained her so she knows his fighting style
-Steve alone saying “Bucky?” was enough to break Bucky’s conditioning the slightest bit
-Sam met Steve like 36 hours ago and he’s already being arrested and made into a government fugitive with him and it won’t be the last time
-Steve is the only one entirely restrained
-“Even when I had nothing I had Bucky”
-Everyone meets Sam and is just like “aight let’s trust him with the highest clearance security information”
-Steve looks super nauseous all through the scene where Rumlow is handcuffing him and later when he says, “he looked right at me, like he didn’t even know me” he sounds sick and choked up
-Steve carries a lot of weight on his shoulders
-Steve’s “Bucky?” after the highway battle and Steve’s “Bucky?” in Bucky’s memory in the Vault Scene being different (in Bucky’s memory, he looks more heartbroken)
-Sebastian’s acting. Just all of it. And the way Bucky just opens his mouth for the mouth guard before he gets wiped....heartbreaking
-Steve realizes an organization that was meant to protect the people has become its own antithesis so hes like “aight. get rid of it” damn that’s the right mindset right there
-In the memory scene after Sarah’s funeral, Steve is so out of it and distressed, that he can’t find his key but Bucky immediately knows exactly where it is and what he’s lookin for
-Bucky was vain as shit and also had money: tailored suit, hair w shit ton of brylcreem in it
-The big breakfast Steve had was at Sam’s house
-The whole scene on the helicarrier between Steve and Bucky is incredible here are some highlights: Steve never backing down from a fight until it’s Bucky he’s fighting, Steve dropping the shield for him, Steve being ready to die if living means he’s living in a world where Bucky’s alive and doesnt remember him
-Their acting in that scene is so genuine and heartbreaking i can’t- i can’t-
-Steve’s got a comm i’m so chances are Nat, Sam and Maria can hear a portion of what’s going down on the helicarriers
-“I’m with ya to the end of the line” is basically “til death do us part” so the equivalent of wedding vows between Bucky and Steve is what ultimately broke Bucky’s conditioning
-When bucky fell, steve didn’t jump after him but when Steve fell, bucky went after him even tho he’s brainwashed. don’t think about steve’s guilt surrounding that. youll only get sad
-Bucky waited until Steve took a breath to leave him
-Sam waited by Steve’s side in the hospital
-In the end credit scene, Bucky and Steve originally were supposed to make eye contact, but the writers didn’t want it established that Bucky remembered Steve until CW
Every time I watch it from here on out, I’m gonna add a lil more as I notice hehehe
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yumi-hakoi · 3 years
Just an Apology! & TW MANIPULATION, ABUSE (In all ways, Pretty much...)
Please read at your own risk, It has a lot of stuff which might make you uncomfortable...& it is mainly devoted to @oh-my-hashirama Not hate of course, Just an apology...I'm not on anyone's side. I was very hasty and said stuff thrice which made people uncomfortable and hurt and that does not mean I hate @heisperfect or I'm against her, I hope you understand that! And please do not send hate to any of them!
Yes, It's me who said or replied to that hateful anon (oh-my-hashirama shit? One, Which I said in that call-out OMH posted and she hid my username because I'm not an adult and didn't wanted to hurt me or get me any haters.) I meant as in, That stuff going on between OMH & the others. I'm sorry, I'm not an English speaker but I did learn it since when I was 3 or 4 years old or maybe before, Idk- I don't remember. But still I'm not perfect at it still because where I was raised in kind of Asian place even though I my birth parents were from whole different somewhere else. (Click here to read that whole thing, Please keep in mind I was hasty and stupid!) I thought it meant OMH because I never interacted with hate with anyone as long as I remember because I was a very inactive person logging in only twice a month or so, I don't remember when I started the blog but I pretty sure remember it was for DL (Diabolik Lovers) But I deleted those posts sometime later since they were hardly 4-5 posts and started a 18+ writing blog for Naruto after I started watching Naruto Shippuden and got an obsession with Madara, Lol. So, Yeah...I only remember saying hateful twice to those hateful anons on @heisperfect account. I don't really take sides or sum but I don't tolerate anon hate no matter which side I'm on because they should rather keep their judgement to themselves and not be so anonymous to hide their identity and to keep their account safe. So, I'm sorry if that really hit you hard...I have anxiety problems and kind of PTSD...And I get kind of anxious and angry when I get hate because I kind of had bad stuff in my past. I read @heisperfect call-out post perfectly but I'm still reading yours (OMH) and I kind of realized some stuff...I'm sorry, I skipped some stuff from both of your call-out posts (I mean read them fast or sum) because I have a really bad past with Discord and their emojis. It makes me very anxious and not being able to breathe...I had a lot of weirdos (Pedos) on my Discord who stalked to me to a level I can't even say...They had my address and my pictures and they blackmailed me with it, & manipulated me in $exual stuff and made me suicidal since I already had $exually abusive past...& writing 18+ stuff makes me get over it...I know it's a very unhealthy way to cope but everyone is different...(Sorry to make you feel uncomfortable!) So I get very anxious with it and you both used those discord emojis which made me remind of those stuff in the past...And it made me think of OMH a lil bad. (I know that doesn't make any sense but if you were in my shoes and went through stuff I had to go through, You would get it.) I believe you both had some misunderstandings and you both maybe in the bads or goods at some stuff. (I hope you get what I mean...) And that truly doesn't mean that I'm against any one of you. (Sorry for repeating it!) I can't really say...Because I was never there to see what actually happened and was just a follower of both of you...And was never related into these stuff... I'm truly sorry, And that does not mean I'm on OMH side or DeeDee's side or against any one of them! Please do not send hate and keep your judgement to yourself and not let this issue drag on! We will end this right here and keep living our lives and not cause issues for anyone who got involved in this matter! And please Anons...Just stop it, I don't care on which one's side you are on but please do not send hate! It can affect them in various ways like it affects me! And I'm sorry for mistaking OMH & @elenyafinwe pronouns. I know they said to not drag this on but I just want to apologize and get this off my chest and not leave it as a regret...& who I included in this post, You do not need to reply or reblog it. I'd be more than glad to just to know if you read it by just commenting "Yes or Okay?" Thank you for reading this and have a good day, While I go take a rest as well since I was busy past 2-3 days...& was not able to see what was happening in this matter. (That was off-topic, I know...)
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Any upcoming fics in the making? 👀
Gah, what a beautiful and exciting ask to get 😍😍
Yes, so many, always too many 😂😂
Some of my current faves include, but are not limited to:
* The Bear and the Maiden Fair - Jaques Le Gris x RC, where Count Pierre and your father broker a peace by marrying you off to the happily widowed Le Gris. He's a scoundrel, you hate him and of course, a passionate romance ensues, what else? (I've been feeling these tense, feisty romances recently 🤩)
* Bad Liar - Al Cody x RC, fuckboi Al and RC have a casual thing and she catches feelings and needs to learn that she can't change him. He might fall in love by the end, too late to fix things, just to twist the knife.
* Coyote Ugly - Jude x RC, where Jude is dragged out to a Coyote Ugly style bar and, one thing leads to another, he gets a lap dance and a lil sum sum more, based on a prompt by @thanossexual from a million years ago that I just never managed to get to before, but looove.
* Royal Hades/Persephone Kylo AU, just some good brooding, Ben being Kylo's wingman and Rey tryna beaver dam you, but you can't stop that crazy powerful love.
* Toby ruining your wedding like the little shit he is.
* Maybe some possessive post-ruined wedding boys ruining something else 👉👈
* Hitman!RC x Gucci, where he hires a hit on himself, but starts to really enjoy his time with his intended killer. And perhaps the ex wife has a similar idea and now you gotta stop the other assassin? We'll see, but definitely a dark romantic comedy, ripping on the Gucc man and slowly falling for him.
* Undercover with dorky Flip, inspired by my queen @safarigirlsp. His name is Vernon and you're Bev. It's a mess and you best believe he hates it all, except his fake husband role.
* Dark Room - Rick Smolan x RC, where you develop photos in your own dark room and maybe something else develops too, if you catch my meaning.
* Your Brother's Keeper - Clyde x RC, where you're Mel's bff with a long-standing crush on Clyde, but she keeps you apart, thinking it would be weird if you did anything. But then you move and later return for a visit and guess who won't be deterred from climbing that somber barkeep like a tree? I just miss writing something super sweet with Clyde, so this has that vibe.
There's a bunch of other ones, as well as updates for Seafairy, Modern!Garupe, Clyde Practical Magic AU, For Whom The Sun Shines and wow, I'm exhausted just writing all that down 😂😂
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AssClass Recon Team AU
Otherwise known as a team I made up
I was looking at my super old AssClass docs from 2019 and found one of my favorite ideas that I somehow forgot 😭
Basically: I made up a team consisting of the students with the canonically highest stats in scouting and info-gathering
These students are Takebayashi, Kimura, Itona, Okajima, and Okano. I left out Nagisa and Ritsu on purpose (I’ll explain later)
Under the cut has all the info. Please humor me guys haha
Okano technically doesn’t have a 5 like the others do (she has a four), but I pretended she does because my girl needs SOMETHING ok??? She can’t just be good at kicking people ahem canon ahem. She’s the only female student who doesn’t specialize in a category so I gave her this.
Anyways moving on.
Karasuma put these kids together, but it was technically Irina who came up with the idea in the first place. She was talking about how she nearly got into trouble with a recon team once on a mission, and how efficient “those damn bastards were.” Then she offhandedly mentioned how 3-E might be good at that. Then Karasuma was like 🤯 big brain time
Then he assembled Class E’s Recon Team.
I know in canon, the Art Trio sort of are shown to have this role.
But I’d to emphasize that this group of kids are better suited for information-gathering, scaling and sneaking into places, taking out security ok that’s a lil intense but you get the point lmao
They kind of do the prep-work in a sense. And then other members of the class follow out commands, lead, etc
Leader, Medical Expert, Explosives Expert, researching skills
(Yes, Leader Takebayashi because I genuinely believe he has the potential. And it would lead to a very nice arc about gaining confidence in himself.)
He pretty much handles anything science-related, as well as finding info on anything. He also can retain information the best.
Hand-to-Hand Combatant, stealth skills, ability to scale a wide range of surfaces, sneak into places, disarm anyone
She handles much more of the physical aspect of things on this team, given that she’s an amazing fighter and without a doubt the best amongst them. She uses her gymnastic skills to get to places, and climb anywhere. Also has amazing night vision, which comes in handy.
Scout, fastest runner, acts as a diversion, good agility, stealth, dexterity, knowledge of how to use radio equipment and basic weapons
Listen I know this sounds bad lmfao. “Knowledge of weapons” dhdhhdjejdd but both his parents are police officers so he definitely has learned some things. He absolutely might be one of the best when it comes to handling radio/transmission stuff. And he can use his basic knowledge of weapons/combat so he’s prepared to avoid/dodge it somehow.
Kimura is definitely the best when it comes to diversions. He can outrun basically anyone, and he’s so naturally annoying he can provoke people lmao.
Mechanic, Engineer, Inventor, knowledge of how things work/are made, able to create helpful tools like a robot, can fix things, etc
We already know this boy is so talented at what he does haha. In canon, there are plenty of examples alone. But yeah, his main job is to invent things that can infiltrate anywhere and gather info like that.
Spotter, knowledge of how security cameras work and how to avoid them, stealth skills, wide range of view and focus
Listen in my AU, Okajima gets a good arc where he has grown from using these skills to be a perv, and instead is a valued member of the class and talented assassin.
So yeah, I’m sticking mostly to canon with this one. He’s mainly a spotter and is tasked with catching anything, like hidden cameras. He can also lowkey hack into them, if needed. He’s like their watch guy, of sorts. He’s also very sneaky and is good at not being caught, when he’s really concentrating.
Honorary Members:
I know Nagisa and Ritsu both have a 6 in this category, and are the best in the class. And that’s kind of why I didn’t include them. I think both their skillsets are different and more advanced than these kids. Also...
Nagisa kind of works better on his own. That’s like his whole Assassin thing. He gathered info on Koro by himself, he handles most things on his own because it’s his style. It’s how he’s most efficient. So he’ll help out the team from time to time, but yeah. Also he specializes in body language, which is different than them.
Ritsu is just so knowledgeable and skilled in a lot of things. I think her abilities would be spread across the class, helping everyone in some way. She wouldn’t stick to a particular group if she’s able to do so much more. So yes, she’ll help them a lot but she’s there for the whole class.
And...I know Mimura’s stand-out trait in Civil War was labeled as “reconnaissance” but he has a very low score in this category compared to the other kids. And that’s why he’s an honorary member, but not really apart of them.
Team Dynamics:
I will make a longer post about this, but to sum it up kinda:
Itona is in charge of the one braincell they all share.
Kimura and Okajima are clowns and usually the ones who lighten the mood
Okano has beaten them all up and she’ll do it again
Takebayashi is the quietly chaotic one, usually makes backhanded remarks which only Itona with catch lmao
They are one short as hell group. Takebayashi takes a lot of pride in being the tallest...until Okano and Kimura tag-team to knock him down
Itona and Okajima.......yeah, don’t worry, Okano is there to beat them up if they say even one perverted word
When Okano and Kimura are on the same page, everyone is scared
They don’t really respect Takebayashi as leader lmao, in fact he’s the number one teasing target.
Itona isn’t treated as baby as usual in this group and he loves it
Ok I know this was a lot haha. But it’s one of my fave ideas and I really wanted to share it with you 💜
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