#nie huaisang/mo xuanyu
screechfoxes · 1 year
leaf subsides to leaf (2.0k words)
“Would you paint me?” “Yes. Why?” The immediacy of your answer isn’t a surprise to you. Mo Xuanyu’s suffering at the hands of his family is something that you’ve made no effort to spare him from, but there are some kindnesses you can afford to grant in the dwindling time before he gives up his life.
An angsty Nie Huaisang/Mo Xuanyu character study, set in the time before Mo Xuanyu's death, through the lens of a painting.
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kittycity · 10 days
Favorite Feral Lan Wangji Moments:
- Punching down several trees after kissing his crush (derogatory) for the first time because he has no idea how to process emotions normally
- Randomly biting Wei Wuxian in the cave because he has no idea how to process emotions normally
- Getting absolutely shit faced for the first time in his life and destroying a bunch of shit around cloud recesses before branding himself with the mark his crush from 10 years ago also had because he- well you get it.
- Writing an entire love song for his crush, naming it their ship name, and then only ever singing it out loud once to said crush without him knowing (this is an important tool we'll save for later)
- Generally enjoying being a little shit and then pretending he didn't do anything when people confront him about it
Please feel free to add to this because I know there is much, much more!
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domjiangcheng · 3 months
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The definitive, color-coded flowchart guide to Jin Ling's many uncles.
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tauremornalome · 1 year
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they sure are
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Some time ago, I made this post of a silly idea that came to me while reading a poorly written fanfiction where my flu-addled brain started imagining everyone as vegetables. The idea wouldn't leave me, I had to draw it.
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Yes, their clothes are a mix of TU, the donghua and other media bc I did this from memory and for giggles so I went with the details I associated the most with each character. No, I don't know how two leafy vegetables produced a pepper.
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lilapplesheadcannons · 7 months
There is a convoluted tangle of "jealous of other people's younger sibling".
Wei Wuxian: Lan Zhan is so adorable! I wish I had a cute didi like him!
Jiang Cheng: Hey!
Lan Xichen: Oh, Wangji is perfect, but I wish we were a bit closer to each other like the Yunmeng brothers.
Nie MingJue: Look at Meng Yao, just look at him! He can draw up an emergency patrol roster in his sleep!
Jiang Yanli: I love them, I do. But I wish they were a bit less... them and a bit more sensitive and tactful like that HuaiSang.
Wen Qing: The day Wen Ning can stand up for himself, like young master Jiang, is the day I can die peacefully.
Jin ZiXuan:(looking at Meng Yao and Mo XuanYu) They are perfect!
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mitchmotch · 1 year
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obligatory mdzs meme dump
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naehja · 1 month
Nie Siblings: *are ready to kill for each other*
Wen Siblings (Wen Xu and Wen Chao): *doesn't care for each other*
Wen Siblings (Wen Qing and Wen Ning): *are ready to do anything for each other*
Yunmeng trio: *are ready to die for each other even if one of them doesn't show it easily*
Jin Siblings: *one of them is going to get rid of his half brothers to become the only one heir and will marry his half sister*
Lan Siblings: *the big brother is a little too invested in his little brother's love story and is manipulated by the big vilain because he has probably feelings for him*
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scrivenger-grimgar · 2 months
mzds if they had tumblr 2
this is specifically for @ink-poison-blood because of the wonderful encouragement you gave me
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noisyenemyprincess · 7 months
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wangxianficrecs · 4 months
💙 Hold on to the reason that you stayed by tawaen
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💙 Hold on to the reason that you stayed
by tawaen
M, Series, WIP, 62k, Wangxian
Summary: Once, Wen Qing vowed to preserve the lives of others, to rescue all living beings from their sufferings. It's a pity the Jin sect killed her. Now, no vows restrain her. (Two years after her death, the ghost of Wen Qing flees Golden Carp Tower with her brother. They accidentally kidnap Mo Xuanyu on the way out. Then, they set about collecting the scraps of Wei Wuxian's shattered soul.) Kay's comments: This series absolutely gutted me. Like, the end of the main story actually left in tears and it's been a while since I cried over fanfiction. Absolutely loved it, 10/10, would recommend, very cathartic. I loved Wen Qing's POV in the main story, how her anger and her thirst for revenge transformed the story and the cultivation society at large. Everything about this felt very satisfying and I loved how certain minor characters got second chances (via kidnapping) as well. Resentful ghost Wen Qing and martial god Wei Wuxian is such an awesome combination as well and Wangxian in this story were very adorable as well. Excerpt: She uses memories of her family as a bulwark against influence from the tormented yin energy. She needs this energy to become hers... If she fails here, A-Ning will be destroyed. Her family will never be given a proper burial. They will suffer eternally, trapped in the blood pool at the Burial Mounds and left out of the cycle of reincarnation forever. The people responsible will escape their karma. The resentment tries to crush her, wants to influence her and consumer her power, but Wen Qing has an anchor – Wen Ning's eyes widen slightly, and he reaches out to her. Pupils have returned to his eyes. “A-jie...” Her brother is finally conscious. Wen Qing will not fail him, not ever again. She pulls, letting her own will clash against the sentient portions of the power. They have suffered longer, but her resentment is fresh and fully remembered. She is not a fragment. She will not lose herself to them. The spirits go dormant – Wen Qing absorbed all the resentment fueling them. Her hand closes around Wen Ning's. “A-Ning.” She reaches out and brushes his hair out of his face with her other hand. She can actually feel the strands under her fingers. She no longer lingers as an incorporeal apparition, full as she is with resentful energy. “I missed you so much... But we need to leave quickly.” He leans into her touch briefly before nodding and pulling away. As she turns to grab a bag from one of the shelves so she can stow away the shattered pieces of the Yin Tiger Tally, Wen Ning gasps. Which is nearly impossible, since he doesn't breathe. When she looks back, she also releases a gasping sound. Hovering over the broken shards of the Tally, a nearly transparent image of Wei Wuxian flickers. His eyes glow red, as his ghostly image lifts an image of the fully completed Yin Tiger Tally, but then he disappears back to a flicker of ghost flame, fading.
pov wen qing, pov nie huaisang, canon divergence, thirteen years of wei wuxian's death, ghost wen qing, ghost general wen ning, mo xuanyu lives, rebirth, yiling wei sect, eventual lan wangji/wei wuxian, pov outsider, families of choice, cultivation sect politics, wen remnants deserve better, martial god wei wuxian, jiang family dynamics, golden core reveal, revenge
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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extraterezi · 1 year
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been sketching a lot of mdzs lately~ its so hard to keep likeness when you stylize characters but I really think I'm getting better at it!
I'm taking sketch commissions!
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wiwiurikawa · 15 days
I observed that some people have tendency to see a character only as a victim or abuser. If they like the character they would overlook thieir negative impact on others and say that other characters deserved what the charcter done to them or say that the character done it out of love. I saw posts that say that (abused)characters ware not really abused.
On the other hand I saw also posts that compleatly disregarded everithing good that the character done. They say hi's an abuser and nothing else. Usually that are the characters who done something to the main character.
The thing is, I don't really like it when someone is only abuser/victim when it was shown in the tekst that they done bad/good things to. It bothers me becouse it asasinete their character. It's human to do bad and good, to make mistakes. So please don't do it to characters. They are more then just a victim/abuser.
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carrot-felisidad · 3 months
I know there are many (too many) tragic characters in MDSZ, but I just realized how tragic Lan Xichen is as a side character.
Imagine having a genuine bond with this random bullied guy who saved you during a war and you also have a childhood bestie who's well-principled but has chi issues, but your bestie died and his chi dissonance was caused by a poisoned tune rearranged by your new bestie from the tune you taught him. You thought yo besties getting along well, but they cat-fighting behind you. Then years later your childhood bestie's spirit is rampaging around, then your brother and his own new bestie (gay brother of your new bestie) investigates and eventually found out that YOUR NEW BESTIE is heinous and wretched but naauuurrr he's a good person I think he likes me really huhu I can change him so you about to heal him but then YOUR CHILDHOOD BESTIE 's brother, your younger brother's weak-ass former classmate, tricked you into killing your new bestie so now you have to live alone, probably with trust issues.
Also your brother's new bestie is just his old bestie/boyfriend who was framed for the crimes of your bestie. So there's that. At least one of the people you know got a good ending.
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raccoonmoon · 1 year
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Illustration for fanfic What happened to Mo Xuanyu
The 9th Chapter in which Mo Xuanyu meets Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang
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flu0rspar · 3 months
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I was experimenting with a new art style, so the piece is a bit messy, but I feel that also helps the tone of the piece, if you get what I mean?
I don’t really find a lot of stuff about them, which kind of surprised me (but not really considering they don’t ever really interact), but I decided to draw them anyways!
[Total Time Taken: 7h 53min]
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