#no hate is tolerated on this blog
livia-dovehallow · 1 year
Im glad people are starting to see grace was abused and is complex, once I asked cc a question of Grace and people responded my tweet saying they hoped he was killed or what was I doing asking for a rapist :(
EESH. this is a prime example of what i call toxic fandom or fan toxicity. being so convinced your opinion is the right one that you condemn anything that differs from it to the point where the fandom becomes a miserable place instead of a fun space
I'm sorry that happened to you! it was most definitely UNCALLED for. for one, this moral-warrior mindset some anti's have about grace is so ridiculously miscalculated.
it's one thing to not like grace or not feel anything toward her character, but what happened to you and many other grace fans is just something i cannot condone.
calling grace a rapist is just mind boggling to me. and i remember i had an ask about this a long time ago that also called her that and it just rubbed me the wrong way. i'm not saying what she did wasn't wrong, but let's be perfectly real here, shall we? grace is not a rapist. she did not rape anybody (and she isn't a murderer either, she never killed anyone)
she did manipulate multiple people using sexual/romantic tactics. that is true. she felt pressured and threatened to do it, but that is an explanation rather than an excuse. she did apologize for it and her actions following that are those of someone who truly does feel guilt and remorse for what she had done. no one is required to forgive her but she is entitled to trying to make things right and apologizing with actions to back it up.
this "grace doesn't deserve redemption" hate is just so insane to me. nearly every tsc character has had a redemption arc of some kind. gabriel in cp2. will in cp. alastair in choi/chot. matthew (tho i think it was a cheap one i won't get into that). but what do all of these characters have in common with each other and not grace?
they're men
i can obviously go on and on about this but i can't stand the pure level of hatred thrown at grace for reasons that aren't the least bit reasonable. like or dislike whatever characters you wish, but do not spread hatred to those who have differing opinions from yours!!!! that is NOT what a fandom is or should be!!!
and im gonna put this out there now, too, for those reading this and feel like i'm attacking them: do not come into my ask spewing pure hate about any character. pure hate will just be deleted. reasonable asks and personal feelings about characters that do not condemn other fans are perfectly welcome. but this blog is a safe place to be a tsc fan and i will not give platform to hate of any kind
i'm almost 24 years old. i really do not care about whether you like me and my blog or not. but people who feel comfortable here and are respectful to me and each other will always be safe here and i welcome as many tsc fans as can be!!
thank you anon for sharing and i absolutely agree with you that grace is a complex character and she was MEANT to be that way!!
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sillymille · 2 months
Every time a homophobe and biphobe post that the show is ruined because Buck is bi, Oliver Stark is living his best life, happy that he can finally play Buck with 100% honesty and joy. And knows that in doing so, he's giving a majority of the fans joy.
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asimplelobsterhat · 1 year
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Dum-E in literally every fic ever:
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fattributes · 10 months
Can people please stop swearing at me on my polls? I don’t know you and I don’t think it’s funny to get a dozen people yelling at me over something that’s meant to be fun. I will stop making polls outright if this behavior continues.
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kaeyx · 19 days
Ok let me be serious for a moment. If you have this carrd as your "basic dni criteria" or support it I do not want you on my blog. Also please remember to read it thoroughly because I constantly find that the people who use it are in violation of it.
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ikstina · 1 month
I got a like and reblog from blog with THAT description
Bro what the hell is wrong with you???
Like, what did i do to you???
I am just drawing cute pics thats all
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ask-dr-kujo · 5 days
Polnareff seems so annoying how did you not kill him
He's not that bad.
He's an old friend now. I wouldn't kill him.
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kagrenacs · 7 months
Ever just feel the mental illness come on as the days get shorter?
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jurassic-cunt · 23 days
gabrielle wasn't a great mother. she sold heirlooms to help lestat escape but that's because she wanted to live through him. it was all she could do. and yeah it sucks for lestat and his siblings to have a mostly cold and indifferent mother, but what about her? that's why people who don't want kids shouldn't have them and it was forced upon her. she was used as a baby machine, and giving birth that many times contributed to her poor health. if anyone deserved a second chance at life with some power, it was her. and goddamn did she use it well. exploring the wild, sleeping beneath the earth. once she was dead and free she was able to connect with nature and find herself
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sylksheeeee-a · 9 months
i'm remembering the time that someone told me ani wasn't realistic because she was soft and defenseless and something something feminism and that's not how women are. and i just want to like , reiterate IF YOU DO NOT SUPPORT SOFT GORLS WHO JUST WANT TO EAT RAW FISH ALL DAY AND SWIM WITH THEIR SEA CREATURE FRIENDS AND FALL IN LOVE AND GET THEIR HAIR BRAIDED , then you have zero place on this blog , for real for real. SOFT WOMEN EXIST.
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onceuponaraceweekend · 8 months
I will say this: Perez out in the first corner of his home race makes me unbelievably happy.
Oh, you believe women do not belong in F1? Well, apparently you shouldn't be in F1 either
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Hmm okay love Mike and all but we do not talk enough ab the parallels between Walter betraying Jesse and him betraying Nacho… or ab what an incredibly dick move that was… like Mike was actually the og blueprint for projecting all of your shit onto someone younger than you who trusts you and then betraying the absolute fuck out of them bc you can’t let things not be ab you… not to mention how Waltercore his delusions ab his culpability are like when he said to Manuel “there will be justice” my jaw was on the floor like yes there will be bc you die!! You who set him up and beat the shit out of him and condemned another man, a better man, to lose his child knowing better than anyone how that would tear his world apart you and the Salamancas and Gus, yes, you, you have to die for any measure of justice to be served… in sentencing himself to watch Matty die over and over to be complicit in Matty’s death Mike exhibits the same degree of selfishness as Walter, because his self-hatred takes priority over anyone else’s wellbeing it’s just another form of utter selfishness just an equally harmful inversion of Walter’s egotism… he uses people like Walter does, not to prop himself up but to remind himself and remind himself that he isn’t the good man Matty thought he was, and he reminds himself by killing and betraying and half measures and never trying to change that and to hell with anyone caught in the crossfire
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
anon asks have been turned off again because apparently we can’t have nice things on this blog 🤠
To the rude anons I've been getting: please don’t come into my inbox with the intention of shamelessly slandering other indie visual novels just because you think they’re copying me or my game. If that’s something you feel so passionately about: grow up, do it off of anonymous, and send it to my DMs instead.
If I had an issue with someone copying my ideas or the vibe of my game, I’d personally bring it up with the dev myself. But I won't because I don’t see how they’re copying me or my game in the first place.
I don’t own the "self-aware character" trope. I don’t own the idea of hiding lore behind cryptic posts. I don’t own the glitchcore aesthetic. I don’t own the "soft boy = goth boy" trope. I don’t own Ren’Py (this one was the dumbest argument I’ve ever read). I don’t own the “xyz character responds to your asks” trend. I don’t own the idea of putting a smut scene into the demo. I don't own "tall characters with large d*cks" trope. And oh my god, I literally don't own the idea of creating a yandere visual novel and publishing it on itch.io.
I’m more than capable of defending my own game. I’m also capable of forming my own thoughts and opinions. I don’t see the similarities between 14DWY and any of the games you mentioned at all, and even if I did, I’d be happy knowing that there’s more content for the things I’m into — rather than it staying niche and unnoticeable.
I’m making 14DWY because it’s something I’m interested in. If that's something other people enjoy too — to the point where it inspires them to do the same — I see no problem with it.
Don’t come to me with the intention of publicly shaming other indie devs. Don’t come to me expecting praise for putting down other amazing visual novels for my sake. Don’t come to me and insinuate that certain game devs are only befriending me for fame/“clout”.
Miss me with that white knight bullshit. Get a life and fixate on something normal.
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altruistic-meme · 3 months
If wille is king there is no Wilmon that’s why there aren’t many. I love Simon so much that I don’t want him near wille if he is king
i think this is one of those times where we will have to agree to disagree on certain things! i believe that there is definitely still a way forward for Wilmon even if Wilhelm doesn't abdicate, but that's my own personal opinion and thoughts <3
besides, being royal isn't what is causing Wilhelm to act the way he does; the issues with his behavior would still need to be addressed even if he DID abdicate. it's not like abdication would magically fix every issue he has, every problem between him and Simon, between him and his family, or between him and himself. there is a lot of work that he needs to put in to become better.
and further, I truly doubt Wilhelm will be king any time soon anyway, which gives him the time to figure all of this out and to become a better person. which is what he really needs.
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Friendly reminder that my askbox is always open, and I'm always happy to help no matter what! Come say hey!
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helaenasaegon · 11 months
Feeling miserable because I swear I’m the only bitch in the Hot D fandom with my very weird and mismatched specific: Armada of ships, favorite characters, hated characters, hated ships, hot takes, general opinions, and who is also Pro Team Black.
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