#oc: adem yavuz
rockabully · 2 months
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more adem stuuuff!!!! doodles from yesterdaaay!!! first one was like going to be drawings for a meme i was gonna put her in but i got lazy. he has bpd and a bunch of other stuff btw.
and then the bottom imgs are sketches / concepts ish of adem's hobby wear. two of his hobbies (theyre not his only ones however) are racing (drag racing / illegal street racing) and boxing (unofficial stuff, like a company on its own under the radar that hosts matches n shit in the town).
uhhmm!!!! yeah!!! more info abt that soon i suppose
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sportscarbingo · 2 months
i'm going to hit you with my car
hi dom. can it be a sexy one. like a buick riviera
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satelliteburglar · 2 years
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some of my first screenshots or whatnot using pose player & teleport any sim :-9
i'm using @ratboysims's poses here!! go check them out, theyre all super nice.
the sim in these pics is my oc Adem Yavuz. he exists outside of the sims world ofc and isn't a sims-specific character. i just wanted to make him in the sims because i'm currently fixated on him, LMAO.
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americanvampyre · 1 year
breakup ...
written: november 11, 2022 cast: adem yavuz (oc), billy blair (bf's oc) count: 761 cw: break up, argument
  The buzz of the television became inaudible to Adem’s ears. The world curved and and shrunk around him, his stomach collapsing within his trembling body. He shook with a growing anger. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard.
“And, y’know, even if I did die, I was gonna die eventually right? I was just doing what I had to do.”
“Had to do?” Adem furrowed his brow, almost squinting, trying to digest every phonetic sound Billy made with his mouth.
“Yeah. Commie was coming at me, man—”
“—I’m not your man.” Adem suddenly interrupted, “Are you seriously downplaying the entire sequence of events that happened not even two full fucking weeks ago?” He gestured with his hand, a pointed finger in some random direction, emphasizing the little amount of time that has passed.
Billy looked uncomfortable, but nothing about how Adem was reacting was making sense to him. He didn’t understand why Adem was so mad. It was one stab, and the guy didn’t even mean to do it, right? He was fighting back, like guys do. 
“Hey now,” Billy said with a cautious chuckle, “I mean it was one stab. It didn’t even get to any of my organs.”
“William, you were bleeding to death.” Adem began to raise his voice.
“Yes, but I’m not anymore, right?” He threw out his arms in exasperation, “I don’t know why you’re acting like this right now!”
“Because I almost fucking lost the person I’ve ever actually loved in my entire FUCKING life, Billy. And you’re sitting here and acting like it was nothing. Nothing? Do you not understand how fucking awful I felt? How terrified I was to lose you? The only thing on my mind at that moment was to keep you from dying,” tears began to well up in Adem’s eyes, his voice became hoarse as he continued, “you’re so fucking stupid. You’re immature. You’re selfish. You throw yourself around like you’re invincible but you’re not. You’re going to do something so stupid one day and you’re going to fucking die, and I won’t be there to fucking save you. To keep you from leaving me alone in this god forsaken, piece of shit earth!” 
His chest rose and fell, breathing hard through his mouth, “being a fucking rebel doesn’t mean killing yourself, Billy. It doesn’t mean that you have to be fucking suicidal.”
Billy stood there in silence, hands clenched into fits at his sides. Every time Adem spoke, yelling, it stung. And yet it still didn’t penetrate his mind.
“Adem, it genuinely was nothing. I bet if it happened again, I wouldn’t die. I’m not dying anytime soon. Like.” He paused before starting again, “I don’t know. To be honest would anyone even care if I disappeared?”
“Care?” Adem said through gritted teeth, “CARE?” 
“Yeah, all I’ve been is pushed the fuck around, Adem.” Billy began to show some anger of his own in reciprocation, “the world wants me dead at this point, honestly. No one fucking ca—”
His statement was punctuated suddenly by the loud slap of a hand across his face. Immediately, it stung like a thousand needles poking at his face all at once, rapidly, stabs that hurt more than getting stabbed outright. His hand shook gently against the area of contact, mouth agape, stunned. He slowly pulled his hand away, and looked down at his palm, as if his skin could have fallen off and landed right there in his grasp. Billy’s eyes trailed back up to Adem, whose face was streaked with tears. He had seen him cry before, so many times before, but this cry felt different from others. 
“Ouch,” Billy said, rapidly blinking, processing what had happened.
“I care, William Blair. I’ve always cared. But it doesn’t seem like you do.”
And that’s it. The buzz of the television returned, accompanied by the sound of a chair against the floor as Adem grabbed his jacket and threw it on. He pushed his feet into his boots, footsteps marking his quick journey to the door, and as the finale, the door was slammed.
Billy hadn’t turned around to watch him leave. He had only moved his head around slightly when he hurt the door close, trapped in a silent, albeit loud limbo, the only sound remaining being the inanimate objects of the apartment; the clock, the hum of the refrigerator. Sounds that now Adem couldn’t hear. Sounds they shared now only kept to one. And almost delayed, he felt the sudden pang of loneliness, and understood why Adem became so mad.
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corvidayyy · 1 year
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me and @bullything's ocs as aliens 👽
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rockabully · 3 months
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no one gaf abt oc shit on tumblr but i dont care here is stuff from my rp server (which is pretty public btw u just gotta dm me and ask if ur interested) of my oc adem (it's like the modern au and this rp server au smushed together version of him) who got turned into a weretiger (like a werewolf but instead of a wolf he's a tiger) (long story). here are some things i did.
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rockabully · 11 days
finally finished it holy shit. finished it like 2 days ago btw i just forgot i was gonna post it here. might make edits to this post later!
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close ups!
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hey hey heyy
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rockabully · 3 months
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adem in high school. about 16-17 here.
- didn't smile with his teeth showing because he wore braces until his senior year.
- often was teased for looking more effeminate / androgynous, having immigrant parents / being second gen, general racism (it's the late 40s to early 50s, cmon), and being a little "obviously" queer in some way (in other's eyes)
- early childhood signs of bpd. erm!
- got expelled from a school once for a violent lash out on another student. kid was being racist so he deserved it.
- not only was (and is) struggling with developing bpd (and later full blown), he deals with adhd, gad, clinical depression, body dysmorphia, and dyslexia. dear god. basketcase.
- he was really angry in middle and high school but eventually chills out by his senior year a little more. still angry, just less so.
- had a boyfriend once. quite a few girlfriends.
- played basketball, did wrestling, and theatre (obviously)
ok notes over.
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rockabully · 2 months
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wow look at them
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rockabully · 2 months
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i really like how this came out so i'm posting it here.
adem's character and story is very heavy in terms of symbolism for like ambition, passion, creativity, and adaptability, as well as survival especially that of life's natural hardships, and ones brought on by man itself.
guys i tooooootally don't think about this guy every day of my life whaaaaat lmfao...
link to the song because i think it's important
- yt alt link if you don't have spotify here
original template by pumpkincrepe on twt
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rockabully · 2 months
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just some goofy selfies adem took and sent to the groupchat in my rp server, new zinnowitz. in the bottom two he's cuddling with his roommate domingo and for some reason she licks his face? i don't know what's wrong with her, don't ask me
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rockabully · 8 days
you like her
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rockabully · 3 months
adem appreciation post... also sort of an intro post?? this is my oc adem yavuz. he is a 20 year old greaser (at least in 1956) and he eventually becomes a famous method actor (think brando, dean and clift, but maybe not THAT that famous. but famous). he's an amalgamation of all of my interests (the 50s, old method actors, actors from the 50s and 60s... old hollywood. greasers. rockabilly. theatre. OK U GET IT). he's an impulsive, mean turkish-italian ashkenazi jewish new yorker (i know it's a lot. he's also egyptian) greaser who likes cars a little TOO much and is extremely and super emotional all of the time. he's a total manwhore, wears a lot of leather and is honestly one of my fave ocs of all time. he ends up falling in love with his best friend he meets in college, billy blair, who belongs to my beloved friend @corvidayyy. we've had them for like 2 years now. their shipname is called bildem btw, i love it. a lot of his story has to do with his relationship with billy, trying to achieve his dreams, and his struggle with mental health (he has a lot of disorders. ask for specifics if you want), trauma, racism, queerphobia, etc. a lot of that great (sarcastic) stuff. he starts off as a total delinquent (while also trying to complete college with a bfa in theatre) in a gang called "the bats" (which is a total inside joke for them, they don't actually call themselves that). he works up to becoming an actor, with his first movie as a main character being in '57.. methinks. here's a timeline i drew a year ago on his aging or whatever :^)
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and here are some of my other fave drawings of him that i think showcase his personality well or are just. fun.
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he's actually pretty athletic; he boxes, does a bunch of other fighting stuff. and i mean he also has the occasional street fight. because he's a greaser doing greaser things ofc. at some point he starts to embrace and explore his genderqueerness (he uses he/she/any pronouns btw!), but not as openly as he would wish due to the time period. it's mostly around friends, family, etc, where he'll show his transness a little more. there's honestly so much i could write about this guy. if you have any questions about him, please ask. not even kidding. i could go on for hours, and questions give me the greatest starting point to sharing my passion with you guys. if you want to read more about him, here's his toyhouse profile. it's a little unfinished because there's so much more to his story that i need to write there, but the general stuff is out.
ANYWAYYYY lol. yeah. thanks for lending an ear
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rockabully · 2 months
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la la la
adem's issues with self destruction and self sabotage. shes a little kooky
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sportscarbingo · 2 months
have u ever broken a bone? which one? how?
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i broke my ankle
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rockabully · 2 months
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42 yr old adem in 1977 doodles + wip (the "you've grown" one, where she's looking into the mirror)
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