#ok those people just have to be unemployed because there's o way you can be clocking in to a job and then going home and reading an
lesbiancressidacowper · 5 months
it’s crazy how women speak to each other so little on this show that kate and sun having one scene together feels like an oasis in the desert. do not get me wrong lost is fine with women it just does NOT pass the bechdel test most episodes unfortunately. nothing to be done we already got once upon a time out of it i wouldn’t ask for more. anyway. kate and sun 🫶
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hollycreadisserda · 11 months
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hi, my name is zoha and i desperately need money
(why do i need money will be at the end of this post)
please reblog!
basic info
i take payments only via PAYPAL in USD
you need to pay me 50% of the price before I start drawing- and the rest of the price after I fiinish the sketch
additional character is +100% of the price
if you want me to draw something in 3 days, you need to pay +100% of the price
i am giving frequent updates about the commission; after i finish a stage like sketching, base coloring, base shading etc- so you can accept the way the drawing looks🌺
feel free to ask for any kind of changes, I am usually up to them, unless they are too major (for example changing the whole pose)
for more info check my carrd
if you are from POLAND, I have a different commission sheet + more payment options
and feel free to dm me ଘ(✿˵•́ ᴗ •̀˵) 
why do i need money + about me(tw: mental health related issues)
I am a 21 y/o artist and student from Poland, I am unemployed. I need money for fulfilling my art projects i dreamed about since i was a child. it's not really urgent or anything, but i just want to finally be able to create and tell things I want through my art
the projects i am currently working on are:
my comic on webtoon- story i have been working on since i was 14
my songs! i've written a lot of songs which i want to produce and actually publish +make some cool mvs
overall my youtube channel which is kind of dead but i want to start video essays regarding mental health  
I need money so I can actually pursue those projects. I want to fix my guitar, pay my friends for producing my music, want to promote my art (boosting posts etc)
"So why don't you just get a job?"
I've suffered from depression since I was 12. I've developed avoidance and anxiety personality disorder and social phobia.  It has always been hard for me to interact with people even through the internet cause i am just simply scared. i am scared of my close friends, family and it is just really hard to live at this point
i had a job till the end of last year. When I was working there i was too tired to do anything that actually made me happy. last summer i was in psych ward because i just was too harsh on myself cause i was working and going to uni at the same time
so it is kind of: if i get a job i will have money- but i will be too tired to create anything 
to be honest, the only thing keeping me alive was the thought that one day i actually might live the life of an artist. the life that i am able to do things i actually enjoy
cause for the past years i've been stuck in the same place of doing what people want from me and not what i actually want. i didn't have a chance to say what i want to say
the things i am creating are deeply related to mental health issues. i want to create things that might help people find comfort in them, to create something they can relate to. it might sound cliche but i really believe that it is not the casual s(he's) br(ok)en type of stuff, i try to do a lot of research, talk with other people to understand how they feel
a lot of people are telling me that my words help them and i want to do that. i want to help people by doing what i can do best
i might be oversharing, but it is just, i never had a chance to speak out loud what i want to say. and art was the only way for me to show how i feel
but it also is painful when the creations you poured your soul into is made for no one 
so i would be really happy if you would buy my art to support me 
and maybe help me live the life i've dreamed about since i was a child
thank you for reading, it already means a world to me
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logicheartsoul · 3 years
Hey! I hope this is OK to ask but do you have any tips on completing multi chap works? I’m in a pickle, I tend to create large complex plots with tons of chapters, but falter to actually write anything past the first five chapters. I do oneshots now & then to finish s o m e t h i n g, but i would really like to finish a bigger fish so to speak (oh but no pressure on answering if this makes you uncomfortable! Have a nice day! :] )
On one hand, I'm quite flattered and honored that you asked me this question, on the other hand, I wish I could give you better concrete answers because I have: 1) a huge, chronic WIP pile problem (I have over 600+ wips I've accumulated since 2016); 2) I am one of those people who finishes oneshots and posts them or I have extremely huge wips just...sitting there, unfinished (I can definitely list you word counts on those, they range from 12K to like...over 70K. I know, it's a problem lmao!); 3) Before 2016, I had a problem finishing multi-chaptered stories, and I promised myself to not write any more and now, I have one I haven't...finished either though I know how the entire story goes (mostly because it's going to go into some extremely dark/heavy topics and the climate right now I don't have the mental energy to deal with it).
For the times I've been consistently on a writing roll (one time I wrote over 100K+ of words within a month-ish, but not all on the same project, some were snippets, some were oneshots), what helped me a bit on that was actually have cheer readers? I had friends where I would literally post the works and they would read all excited. Granted, it was shared on discord, but the principle applies. They were people who supported me but also whose writing opinions I respected, I think that's key.
Honestly though, the differing kinds of advice I could give, I've only heard from friends I know. Some of them love outlining or doing detailed notes. Some of them just like talking about it and having someone to soundboard off. And the thing with long stories though is to have some kind of patience -- unless you end up zipping off and finishing something from start to finish something lengthy in one long burst and also potentially losing sleep -- these things take time to develop and grow, and actual physical energy to create: the act of typing, the brain energy it takes to actually think about the worlds, the characterizations, the plots, etc.
Some people I know like to take time to dedicate at least a "little" bit to putting the words into the story, either through timed sprints, or a word count limit (ex. "write 500 words for this draft this week") or whatever. I have a friend whose been working on this fic for over 15 years and it's not finished, but real life has gone in the way. You gotta work with your mental and physical health reserves and try to work with your life's schedule. It's fun to create but don't do it at the expense of your wellbeing or treat it like a job or something that'll make you hurt because then it'll make it harder to finish.
Also, I do remember reading a post about working up to being able to churn out a lot of words very quickly. The thing is, that's as much a skill, as anything else. And most people do not start out being able to write fast. Back in 2016, after I came off a 10 year writing hiatus, I didn't know future me would be able to concoct a 20k-ish draft of something in a day if I was inspired. I wrote oneshots that some ended up becoming longer than others and worked my way up. Some of that had to do with having a writing partner for a short while but another was just... to try to finish a draft of a longfic that was completed, even if I never posted it.
I still consider that an accomplishment, even if the way I went about it was NOT healthy (and I do not advise anyone to do what I did but I also recently at the time was out of college and unemployed at the time so I could do this), but I had spent over 36? ish hours typing this 12K story just taking stops for food and bathroom breaks. It wasn't the most prettiest of drafts and it's hella hella rough, but for the first time I was able to look at something I did and go: "Hey, it's a longfic. It's completed. It's done. Wow." (And then I ended up passing out for 18 hours.)
Perhaps doing something like that might help, along with people who might be able to read your work while you're working on it to be like 'AHHHH THIS IS GREAT I CAN'T WAIT' or whatever. Slowly work your way up to the kind of really complex story you want to write. Or you could reward yourself with something when you got to certain milestones in the fic you wanna write. And there's no shame in working on more than one fic at a time, if you can handle that. (I have some friends who are one story at a time people and that's totally ok.) There's nothing wrong either with taking a step back to breathe and have a fresh set of eyes on your story either.
I dunno if you've posted the first five chapters or not on some of your stories, some friends of mine suggested I do that to motivate me. If you haven't done this, maybe that might work for you! (Sadly, it does not work for me. My track record sadly speaks for itself lmao)
I do know for certain though, I end up writing more and putting more into the stories when I actually feel ok. As in I feel I have enough physical and mental energy, that my physical and mental health and things going in my life are doing moderately "ok". I haven't written much in months and my actual desire/urge to do so without it feeling painful has been going on for awhile. But I know right now I need to focus on that, and it's been kinda good, coming back in bits and pieces in the last week or so, but it's not there yet. I know it will be though.
So, honestly, anon, I am in the same boat as you and I wish I could give you some tried and true tips. All I can give you is examples of other friends' who have worked on things and their process and methods -- and these are people who have finished multi-chaptered works. Sometimes having small goals helps. Sometimes organizing things helps (outlines or detailed notes or some infographic timeline or etc). Having cheer readers around is nice (and does kinda work for me). Sometimes doing timed sprints (whether they're 5 or 10 minute or longer) by yourself or with others helps.
If anyone has any better suggestions, feel free to let anon know!
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mindwideopen · 4 years
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Ok, have they invented this neutralizer yet?! For those of you not familiar with the movie men in Black, this gadget that tommy lee Jones is holding is a machine that when activated, causes you to immediately forget the last experience you had. And I can use this gadget in my life. Matter of fact, I’m in dire need of it. There are a lot of memories in my life, that I need to get rid of. Purge. Release. Let go. How?
So when you think of a memory, you reactivate the feeling you felt when it first occurred. So I pose this question, to myself; how do I forget, memories that hurt, and don’t serve me anymore? A huge conundrum. Because I haven’t been able to figure it out yet. I still get sucked into the same trap I always do: Victimization.
I, am a victim, of my own thoughts. My focus is ass sometimes, depending on my mood, and where I allow my mind to go with said mood. For example, this morning. I woke up, and wrote about how I’ve never felt included or that I belonged. The world of entertainment is exclusive only to certain people, and I am not accepted or one of them. They are on the inside, and they blocked, deleted, dismissed, and shut the door on me. The end. Ok, sure. Here’s the proof; unemployed, no friends to collaborate with, not famous or rich, and people are abondoning me like flies that fly away from shit after they’ve had their fill. Not a good thought tragectory for success. So all I see now, is the evidence of that of which I believe.
“My shit, is better than your shit! I get paid well, to produce my shit. I feel, that YOUR shit, is inferior shit, so I will block you, even though we were contemporaries at one point in our lives. You went your way, I went mine. My shit got noticed. My shit, got accolades and awards. And your shit? Still shit. Oh, and I no longer want to be associated with YOUR shit, cause your shit, again, is shit. So later, never.”
“Oh yeah? Well my shit, isn’t a sell out to the mediocre shit that is shit! And just because you’re recognized and praised publicly for your shit, doesn’t necessarily mean that the shit you produce, is good shit. I happen to believe that your good shit, isn’t. And I’m true to my shit. At least I’m into my own shit. Your shit you sell to someone else that has the same shit going on. And shit n the shit. Shit is as shit does. So there!”
And never the 2 shits shall mix again, in the shit pile, of life. These last 2 paragraphs? Are shit. They are the energy of this: fear. Let’s break it down: indignation, judgement, separatism, more judgement, non inclusion, rash generalization, labeling, even more judgement, hate, and then.... competition, jealously, bitterness, hurt, jadedness, anger, loathing, and yes, fear.
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Thank you, agent j...
On the flip side, maybe that wasn’t how we on both ends feel about one another after all, and we just believe it, due to our fears.
Agent J (played by the wonderful, will smith): ok you two, this is how this it’s now going to go down. Person being ridiculous and not in the love # 1, you say this:
“Well, i don’t think your shit is inferior to mine. I never thought that. I was rude about your shit because I felt attacked. I may not understand all your shit, and I’m usually so busy with my head up my ass looking at my own shit...”
Person not in the love being ridiculous #2, you say this:
“We all are.”
Ok, #1 say this:
“Yes, but I appreciate and value you as a person, and our opposition and shit, isn’t an issue for me anymore.”
#2 say this:
“Really? Cause I’ve always admired what you’ve done with your shit. I mean, you’ve gotten a big big platform for your shit, and that’s cool n shit. And I’m glad that we’re discussing this shit, and our collective shit, finally, cause years have gone by, and all this time I’ve been thinking that you hate me and my shit, cause I haven’t seen you in years, and we’re not in each other’s lives anymore.”
Person #1 say this:
“Really?! You don’t hate me for the success I’ve had with my shit?! I blocked you because I read your shit and I basically thought you were sour shit with your shit, kinda being shitty about me and the shit I’m all about.”
Person #2 say this:
“No, if I insulted you with my shit, I definitely didn’t mean it, and I’m glad we’re cool with the shit now.”
Both of your non loving dumb asses:
“Yeah. Shit. All this time wasted thinking shit about one another...”
Agent j. (Continued): Both, understood? Yes! Great! Go forth, in love!
Agent J, has got it down. Did you take notes? No need. All it is, is empathy, understanding, and communication it. In this case, that’s what love looks like.
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There are only 2 true emotions that all emotions end up breaking down to, and those are fear, and love. Anything that doesn’t come from a loving place, is fear. “You are NOT like me.” Fear. “What you do, is not ok with me.” Also fear. Fear comes in many packages, and not all of it is immediately recognizable. But if you stop to think about it, it is about the loveless behavior we exhibit, due to our basic need to be understood, and to belong.
“Why should I belong?! Why?! If they don’t accept me, fuck em!” Fear. “She’s a complete mook! She uses terms like mook, which I judge as a racist term, but in actuality the meaning is italian slang for someone who is an idiot. Fine, she’s not a racist, but she’s judging someone as an idiot! Still hate her...” also fear. Fear runs rampant in our society right now. Hate, is real, because people believe in it’s existence, and react to it because it’s real to them. Our beliefs, create our past, current, and future reality.
So, men in black. A great trilogy of movies. Very smart, very cool, and extremely ahead of the curve as far as human evolution is concerned. They have gadgets for the things that we have control over ourselves, with our focus, and our perceptions about certain subjects. And I would like to be neutralized now, for reactivating all of my past “shit” beliefs about others, and myself. Because I now feel, like shit, having thought about all the past shit that was shit.
So, I pose this question to myself; “if you have that neutralizer machine that allows you to forget what you have just experienced, would it work on the thoughts you remember about the times you felt like shit if you reactivate the shit, by remembering it?” My husband thinks it’s different, and it wouldn’t work. He maintains that you have dragged all of your new experiences to support the old ones with you to your present when you reactivate it. I believe that if the feeling is reactivated, it’s still the same effect, shit, so instead of going back in time, and deleting the actual moment, you should be able to reactivate the feeling within yourself, and eradicate it with the neutralizer. Well, who’s right? Actually I don’t know. Cause how much of your past does it delete? 3 minutes? 10 minutes? Months? Years? There must be a setting or something. Cause in the first movie it’s a few minutes, right?? Then in the 3rd movie at the big climax I won’t give away, it’s like years. Like 3 or 4 years. So he forgot the shit. I mean he forgot everything and everyone and all the shit in between. So, at what point do you remember, what you clearly forgot? And the jump cut would be serious. You’d be like, “holy shit! I was in the shower, and now I’m sitting there eating ice cream on a park bench with some old people in a park on a sunny day and I think I looked like I could be in a karaoke video cause they ALWAYS film shit like that, and why? Cause I need to see a scene of 3 birds molting while I’m screaming“painkiller” by Judas Priest the karaoke version where it sounds like a synthesizer orchestra instead of that good hard rock shit?? And no! Both they and I ARE NOT satan worshipers, & Were also not satan his or her self because We are damn good people... shiiiiit... but wait, I shouldn’t speak for other people, so just forget that I said ANY of that shit, ok? Ok, agent j?
Agent j: yeah? (Say it in the low eddie Murphy is voice, like when he’s reeeeaaal serious n shit.)
Kari: can you delete all the shit I just said up until the point right before this entire thing I just wrote?
Agent j: no. (Say it in Eddie Murphy’s looooow voice again, the one he uses when he reaaally doesn’t want to engage in conversation with you, cause he thinks you’re a crazy witch with semi good grammar, cause I had to fix the “you’re” in “you’re a crazy witch” because autocorrect likes to make me look like I don’t include people and shit. YOU ARE, ok autocorrect?! I know what I’m trying to say! Do you? No! You don’t! So don’t change my shit! I’ll let YOU know when I want my shit changed! You better recognize n shit, witch or some shit...)
Kari: ok, fine. I’ll continue then... (sighs. Hey I tried for ya, people. Don’t say I didn’t ever do anything for ya...)...It’s just NOT not a good subject. All I can say is I love love, and all of loves peoples, which is ALL people, ok?! Cause people think orange is a political party to me, and it’s not, ok?! It’s not! It’s people who choose to be mean and crap like, alright? Cause there’s good people everywhere and why focus on the people who rip on you 24/7, cause you’re worth more than that! So yeah! I endorse my “LOVE shit! Argue with that by yourself n shit, cause I’m gonna love your mean ass regardless, ok? Cause that’s what love dictates my ass to do! Ok?! Yeah! So none of this hate shit any of your asses, ok? Cause I can’t take the shit. Any. More.... and, I love you. I also love those who chose not too, whenever that is, cause no one is 💯 in hate all the time, people are a mixed bag of moods and energies. Take this monologue for example! Good luck with THIS apple, and I love apples, and I love all people who love and hate and are indifferent to apples, therefore I love and choose all people, I engage with all inclusive energy and behavior, I celebrate differences and similarities both, I relish in the love that can be possible when people take the time to check in first with themselves, take ownership of their feelings and energy, and lead from a place of love and empathy, I care about you, and I care about others, and I care about me, as a part of the whole, and I love people, period. Love is the way, anything else is hell on earth. (takes deep breath, cause if you’re performing this monologue, you also have to read what’s in the parentheses too... so I had to make it worth performing, oh! & you better take some voice lesson or learn how to do Netherlands exercises or breathe deep from your diaphragm if you have one in or not to get waaaay down there to say all this shit in one breath, the way it’s intended to be read, or performed, cause I’m like Shakespeare’s first folio where he has a specific way to write and have you perform it with built in inflection called, “iambic pentameter” but no, I’m not Shakespeare, I’m a person seriously fucking with you, but I mean all this shit, at least the love stuff), only I’m naked and wet, cause they zapped my shit in the shower, and planted me in the park as a joke. Well, that shits not funny! Ok?! Cause I’m in a park naked with some old people lookin at my taters and my tots and my non tots in my Netherlands, ok?! So no! Don’t do that shit! Ok? No!
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On second thought, we both are. Because our beliefs dictate what is real and true to us individually. So what he believes is true to him, and what I believe is true to me.
That poses another question; “how does one get on the same page with people who are not open to changing or adjusting their beliefs?” Some people are cool with not sharing the same opinions as others. “Oh well, I guess we can agree to disagree, cause I love your crazy ass regardless of our differences.” My ma and I are like that. She and I share different views on a lot of things, but we make it work, because we respect one another’s right to our beliefs, but come together, and choose to focus, on our similarities underneath it all. Do we both love? Yes. Do we both want the best for people? Yes. Do we both agree that love is a great thing to focus on? Yes. Great. Agreed. Love it is!
Love, is our neutralizer. Men in black is awesome, but in 2020, we’ve forgotten the basic principle of love. Love neutralizes the fear. Love brings us straight back together, where it feels better. Being right is great, and feeling indignation is satisfying for a few minutes, hours, months or years, but it never lasts. Love feels better. The reason why we choose to separate, is from a past hurt that we’ve experienced and have reactivated within us. I do it all the time. I find reasons to support my hypothesis that all people disrespect and disclude me. I find reasons, to stay in fear cause it feels safer not to engage.
I’m writing this for myself, as a reminder to stay open. But staying open to me, feels unsafe to people who take my openness and subsequent vulnerability for granted, and use it to their advantage. That’s another unhelpful belief I have. When you support yourself, and love you, you start to recognize that maybe people aren’t all that different from me after all. Maybe we all feel fear, and the need to protect ourselves. Makes sense. So, finding a common denominator (my son is doing math now, so I’m into that line of thought) is important not only for equations but for humanity’s interconnectedness as well. Finding common ground, and similarities, is important if you make it so. Feeling a safe place where we can agree, and all land not feeling taken, and trust is a first step to acceptance. And acceptance is a gateway to inclusion. And inclusion is a gateway to belonging. And belonging is a shared desire of all people. The feeling of love, when unrequited, hurts. So does the unrequited love we have for ourselves.
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Thanks again agent j. Continually redefining ourselves, and our definition of love is very important, because we only feel the love is unrequited, when we rely on others to fill us up.
Agent j: you now believe that you are love, and have enough within yourself, for yourself, and everyone else. Now, go forth (yet again, how many times do I have to tell you this..) and LOVE dammit!
Yes. Utilizing the ability to love within ourselves eradicates all of this mess. But the bravery it takes to step out of your comfort zone to do it, that’s up to you. What do you believe? Do believe love is hard, or is it easy? Our beliefs run the show. So let’s take a look at those beliefs for a minute. How do we feel about ourselves, our lives, others, their lives, their beliefs, on and on and on. When you choose love, all of that fades into the background.
We are vibrational beings. We feel first, then think, then compare and contrast, then act. You can feel when someone is loving or not. And what we believe also dictates their supposed intention. So it’s a 2 way street. If we pay attention to how we feel, and look for love, are open to love and understanding that aids in seeing it. If you can’t get there, then choosing the next most loving thought will eventually enable you to see the more loving results in your life. But, you have to stick with it in order to witness it. And sometimes you have to really try to look for it, cause in the current energy of the world today, what you see, is what you have already thought. Old energy shows up, even if we change our minds in the inside. That can feel like ass. “But I’m different, and I’m still experiencing the same crappy thing.” Looking for a solution from the old energy you are reactivating? Probably not going to yield a result you will be happy with. The solutions come, by not focusing on the problem, at least for a bit, until you can adjust.
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My son me a new term to me, “disjoint sets” the definition- they are sets that have no members in common. Basically, my old mindset. And then there’s the good ole Ven diagram, I love that one. The definition of a ven diagram is common elements brought together by circles of inclusion. My definition, probably different on google.
But the fact remains, life feels better, when we can share a common bond. Love is that bond. Love, is the underlying answer to all questions, to all comments, and all concerns. It’s a basic principle of life, that I’m still learning. I hope to be brave enough to ace it someday. Either that, or maybe some genius will invent the neutralizer for real. But maybe that’ll only be a temporary fix; kinda like reading the cliff notes. But cliff notes gloss over a lot of the good details. And I think by eliminating the love, I lose the opportunity to feel it.
Now let’s love with everyone, even those that differ from us, and really feel it. Cause you will benefit from it. Class dismissed.
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dragonflybelle · 7 years
Osomatsu-san PS Vita game translation - Karamatsu 11 - Rock Detective Karamatsu
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Karamatsu: Detectives, huh... Heh, that's so rocking! 
Osomatsu: Oi, stop hogging the TV, Karamatsu.  Karamatsu: P, please wait. It's about to get to the good part.  Todomatsu: Ah, that drama is Rock Detective Takatake Hayato, it's popular right now.  Ichimatsu: What kind of a middle schooler name is that. Choromatsu: Don't you know it? It's a big hit drama, with ratings of over 30%.  Osomatsu: No way, is it seriously 30%? They're raking it in.  Ichimatsu: They should make it clearer whether he's a rockstar or a detective.  Karamatsu: He's a detective!  Jyushimatsu:  Hustle detective!  Karamatsu: A rock detective!  Ichimatsu: It doesn't matter anyway... Osomatsu: You know, in stuff like this, don't crimes always conveniently seem to happen in places where the detective is?  Todomatsu: That's right, you don't just come across murders normally. Choromatsu: But you see, this is fiction. If it didn't do what it promised in its premise, it would be boring.  Jyushimatsu: The promised twist! The steamy hot springs murder!  Osomatsu: Ha, that's a good one. Convenience is king.  Karamatsu: Can't you be quieter, brothers. This is a good bit.  Osomatsu: ...Fine. But in return, I'm changing the channel when it's over.  Karamatsu: Yeah, you can do whatever you want afterwards.  Todomatsu: Hmm, Karamatsu-niisan as a detective... 
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Jyushimatsu: Hum hm hum, humm. Choromatsu: What are you doing, Jyushimatsu.  Jyushimatsu: I'm making dumplings to help get rid of cockroaches!  They're really deadly!  Choromatsu: Hmm?  Karamatsu: He's so cool, Takatake Hayato.  Choromatsu: Well, I do think he's cool, but isn't he a little old fashioned? "The culprit is somewhere in this room!" that's not something anyone says anymore.  Ichimatsu: It does feel worn out...  Karamatsu: Isn't that what's good about it! The classic way is the best!  Jyushimatsu: In a farewell grand slam home run way?  Choromatsu: No, I don't really understand if it's like that.  Karamatsu: No, it's exactly like that! He solves crimes in a rocking way, just like a grand slam home run!  Jyushimatsu: Yeah.  Osomatsu: Uh, this is getting ridiculous.  Karamatsu: No, from now on, I am a rock detective! The audience are demanding I solve crimes!  Todomatsu: Who is this audience, Karamatsu-niisan?  Karamatsu: The audience is... the.. it's, you know, the people watching...  Osomatsu: Oi, let's leave Karamatsu be and watch baseball or something.  Jyushimatsu: Baseball! Hustle hustle!! Aye aye!! 
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Matsuyo: NEETs. I've got some wanted ads. It doesn't matter if it's a part time or a temporary job, just start working already.  Osomatsu: Ok.
Osomatsu: Wanted adds, they're bound to be just convenience store jobs and stuff like that. No way I could do it.  Choromatsu: Ah, there's an ad for a detective agency.  Karamatsu: There is!?  Choromatsu: Yeah, here. It says "Calling all rock detectives"  Karamatsu: ...!!  Osomatsu: They're definitely riding on the back of that drama. So uncool.  Todomatsu: Not even Jyushimatsu would fall for such bullshit.  Jyushimatsu: Yes!  Karamatsu: This is it!  Ichimatsu: Shittymatsu fell for it. Shit is definitely shit.  Karamatsu: This, this has got to be it! I'll become a detective and quit being a NEET!  Choromatsu: I don't think it's going to be that simple... Because, look here. There are some requirements.  Karamatsu: What's this, requires high level wisdom and deductive skills... Osomatsu: You don't have either of those for sure.  Karamatsu: No, I have them... probably. There are hidden talents sleeping within me!  Jyushimatsu: Wow, Karamatsu-niisan, are you going to become a detective!?  Choromatsu: I don't think people like us with no education or employment history can become one so easily though.  Karamatsu: Heh, my talents are about to bloom! I'm going to apply straight away! Karamatsu: Hello, I saw your wanted add... Eh, what's my educational and employment background? No, I don't have any educational achievements in particular... And I'm unemployed. No, but I'm sure I have high level deductive skills...! Hello?. They hung up...
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Osomatsu: See, what did I tell you. There's no way we can do it.  Karamatsu: Heh, it seems that this agency couldn't contain all my talent. That's right, brothers. But if I give up here, I'll always be a NEET. Todomatsu: Then don't set you hopes too high on something like being a detective, just work normally.  Ichimatsu: But you're not working.  Osomatsu: Whatever, give up.  Karamatsu: Damn...! 
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Osomatsu: Ugh... Guh...argh...!? Jyushimatsu: Osomatsu-niisan!! 
Osomatsu: U…gh, argh…!! Karamatsu: What...?  Choromatsu: Osomatsu-niisan! What happened!? Say something, Osomatsu-niisan!  Karamatsu: Wait, brothers! Calm down!  Ichimatsu: What, Shittymatsu? This isn't the time for that...!  Karamatsu: I'm telling you to wait! Osomatsu is already... dead.  Choromatsu: What are you saying? Don't say unfunny jokes like that! Hey, Osomatsu-niisan!  Karamatsu: Face reality, he's dead!  Choromatsu: Then I'll check... 
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Karamatsu: Don't touch him!!  Choromatsu: Why!  Karamatsu: We don't know if he was killed by someone else or if it was suicide... It's the detective's job to preserve the crime scene until the police get there!  Todomatsu: But we're not detectives or anything like that...  Karamatsu: No wait... this was murder! And what's more, it was a cunning poisoning.  Choromatsu: Karamatsu, listen to us! And a moment ago you said you didn't know whether it was murder or suicide!  Karamatsu: I've decided it should be murder.  Choromatsu: What do you mean by should be!  Karamatsu: You idiot!  Choromatsu: W, what do you mean by idiot!  Karamatsu: Osomatsu is dead! Take it more seriously! Choromatsu: I could say the same thing back to you, Karamatsu!  Jyushimatsu: Ah, Osomatsu-niisan just moved!  Karamatsu: You idiot!  Jyushimatsu: Uhee!?  Karamatsu: If I say he's dead, he's dead!  Jyushimatsu: O, ok...  Todomatsu: Stop this already, Karamatsu-niisan.  Karamatsu: There's nothing else for it... I didn't want to say this, but... Todomatsu: I don't want to hear it, but what is it?  Karamatsu: The culprit is somewhere in this room!  Choromatsu: Hah!? Ichimatsu: What are you talking about.  Jyushimatsu: The culprit? Where, where!? Todomatsu: No, there's no way!  Choromatsu: Karamatsu, stop messing around! You won't become a detective by doing this!  Todomatsu: That's right!  Ichimatsu: Shittymatsu...! Actually you're not even shit, you're trash, no, you're Garbagematsu...!  Jyushimatsu: Is Karamatsu-niisan garbage?  Karamatsu: Dammit... At this rate the crime I luckily came upon is going to be all for nothing... But this is the critical moment which will decide whether or not I can become a detective. I need to ask that person for their advice...! Hello? Oi, please listen to me! The thing is...
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Option One: Check if Osomatsu is alive or dead. 
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Karamatsu: No, but Osomatsu is already dead...  Choromatsu: Of course they told you to check if he's still alive.  Karamatsu: Uh, t, that's... Choromatsu: Do you not understand something so obvious? You've got bigger problems than not being a detective. I can't keep playing charades with you, Karamatsu. Let me take a look at Osomatsu right away.  Karamatsu: ... Choromatsu: Osomatsu-niisan? Oi, Osomatsu-niisan. ...? It looks like there's something stuck in his throat. Ok, I'm going to thump his back. Osomatsu: Hack... hackkak... Choromatsu: He's alive after all. Maybe I should hit him harder. Hey, Osomatsu-niisan, cough it up! 
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Osomatsu: Geee, gwack!! Haa... haa...Shit... I, I thought I was going to die...!  Choromatsu: There were some dumplings stuck in your throat?  That's like a three year old child, Osomatsu-niisan.  Osomatsu: Huh... how stupid, I let my guard down...  Choromatsu: I hope you've realised something through all of this. That crimes don't just occur anywhere.  Karamatsu: Ye, yeah...  Osomatsu: Karamatsu, you bastard! I heard everything! Because you kept saying I was dead, I nearly died! Pretending to be a detective even though you have no experience at all, you crappy jerk.  Karamatsu: Uh... Uhhh... Choromatsu: It's just like Osomatsu-niisan says. Listen, crimes don't just happen so easily and becoming a detective is really hard. It's not something those of us living a peaceful NEET life can do. It's for people graduated from a top university, studied the law, made connections in various places and have some financial backing. Enjoying a TV show is fine, but have some awareness of the difference between dreams and reality. 
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Karamatsu: Uh, shit...!! Uh... hick, dammit. Everyone said such mean things to me... Chibita: Oi, I don't know what happened, but you're drinking too much.  Karamatsu: Even you're lecturing me now!? Chibita: No. It's no good, he's completely drunk.  Karamatsu: Hick... Even I, even I can be a real detective one day...!  Chibita: It's no use. Today's my treat. Drink until you feel better.  Karamatsu: Chibita, sorry... No, wait. Was that really the Osomatsu I know back there? And the same with Choromatsu. There's no way he would act that efficiently... I can't leave it like this! Detective Karamatsu's skills will shine this time for sure...! Wait for me, brothers!  Chibita: Well, I'm glad he cheered up by himself at least. But he ended up not paying after all.  Option Two: Please call the police.
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Karamatsu: The, the police...!? (Wait, wait, wait, what if I call the police and this becomes a really big deal. I casually said that Osomatsu was dead, but they could get really angry at me.) N, no, this isn't something we need to rely on the police for. If I can't solve a crime on this scale, I'll probably never be able to become a detective.  Ichimatsu: It's not important whether or not you can become a detective. Hurry up and call the police...!  Karamatsu: Wait, I'm about to solve it!!  Ichimatsu: Hah? Oi, Todomatsu, give me your smartphone.  Todomatsu: Here.  Karamatsu: Please wait, seriously, please wait.  Todomatsu: Karamatsu-niisan... Ichimatsu: You just don't know when to give up. I'm going to call the police right now and that's that.  Karamatsu: Please! I want... to become a detective! Becoming a detective, solving the crime and becoming the most rocking guy in the world...!! This is my chance...!!  Ichimatsu: Do I look like I care, Shittymatsu. I'm not going along with your play pretend games. Karamatsu: W, w, w, w, wait, brother. Hey!? Hey!? We're brothers, aren't we?  Ichimatsu: I don't care. I'm going to call the police.  Todomatsu: Wait!  Karamatsu: Todomatsu...?  Todomatsu: Hey, Ichimatsu-niisan. Just let Karamatsu do whatever he wants.  Ichimatsu: What are you talking about? Are you saying that Osomatsu is dead now too...?
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Todomatsu: It's just, you know. This is the first time I've seen Karamatsu-niisan so enthusiastic about something in a long time... If he wants to be a detective, then I think we should let him try. Let's wait a while before reporting this to the police. Maybe Karamatsu-niisan really can solve this crime.  Karamatsu: Todomatsu...!  Todomatsu: Karamatsu-niisan, don't worry about us...  Karamatsu: No, this is wrong!  Todomatsu: Karamatsu-niisan?  Karamatsu: I was... saying I wanted to be a detective while being willing to let Osomatsu die in front of me for my own benefit... There's no way a person who would do that could become a detective!  Todomatsu: Karamatsu-niisan...!  Karamatsu: Ichimatsu, call the police.  Ichimatsu: ...Ok.  Karamatsu: (After that, Osomatsu was brought back from the edge of death through emergency resuscitation. I'm sure he's happily off playing pachinko once again today. 
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Todomatsu: Ichimatsu-niisan, we got a postcard from Karamatsu-niisan. 
Ichimatsu: Hmm...  Todomatsu: (After that incident Karamatsu ran away from home, lamenting about how unreasonably he'd acted, and is now traveling around the country as a priest. From the correspondence he occasionally sends, he seems to be doing well, and that's the most important thing. And it's probably the perfect job for a virgin like Karamatsu.  Ichimatsu: He ought to come home once in a while. 
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Karamatsu: Hey, brothers! Stop making up stories about me while I've just popped out to the convenience store. And I wanted to be a detective, not a priest! Understand!?  Ichimatsu: ...Tsk Todomatsu: Tee-hee.  Karamatsu: Tell me why!!  Option Three: Believe in yourself.
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Karamatsu: That's right... I should believe in myself!  Jyushimatsu: Oh!  Karamatsu: Why... Why is Osomatsu dead... !?  Jyushimatsu: Hum hmm hum, humm.  Karamatsu: ... Jyushimatsu: Death blow, overkill, extermination. Karamatsu: Jyushimatsu, what are you doing? 
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Jyushimatsu: I'm making dumplings for getting rid of cockroaches. They're really deadly.  Karamatsu: These, these are poison dumplings for cockroaches...! Could it be... I think that this could be it...! Karamatsu: Have you been making those for a while?  Jyushimatsu: Yeah! They look delicious, don't they? They'll fool the cockroaches too.  Karamatsu: ...  Jyushimatsu: Hum hmm hum, humm. Cockroaches roly poly fall down dead.  Karamatsu: Oh my god...!  Jyushimatsu: What is it, Karamatsu-niisan?  Karamatsu: N, no... This was an unforeseen accident.  Jyushimatsu: Unforeseen? Karamatsu: (That's right, Jyushimatsu was just trying to get rid of cockroaches... If I say Osomatsu died from eating the poisoned dumplings he made now, he'll be really hurt.)  Karamatsu: Let's call an ambulance.  Jyushimatsu: Alright!  Karamatsu: And Jyushimatsu.  Jyushimatsu: What?  Karamatsu: There's no need to make the dumplings look so delicious. They're for cockroaches anyway so it doesn't mean a thing if they look good to humans.  Jyushimatsu: Really?  Karamatsu: And it's dangerous to carelessly leave them where people can see them. It would be awful if someone ate one by accident. Ok? Jyushimatsu? This is a secret between you and me.  Jyushimatsu: Aye aye!  Karamatsu: (After that, Osomatsu got his stomach pumped at the hospital and survived without any further problems. People can't die from cockroach poison so easily anyway. I kept the truth to myself and quietly gave up on my dream of being a detective...) 
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Karamatsu: Heh, today I displayed tremendous powers of deduction.  Osomatsu: What are you talking about? It's not like there was any kind of incident to solve or anything. Even the doctor at the hospital said it wasn't that serious.  Karamatsu: Heh, brother. It was thanks to my precise instructions that you were treated so effectively.  Osomatsu: Yeah, yeah. So what was the reason I collapsed in the end?  Karamatsu: ...That's a secret. It's a delicate issue.  Osomatsu: Hah? That makes no sense at all.  Jyushimatsu: Wah, today's meat dumplings are delicious!  Karamatsu: So today's dinner is a pile of meat dumplings... ...Ugh!? Osomatsu: Hmm? What is it Karamatsu?  Karamatsu: Gwack, my, my stomach...! Matsuyo: Ah, by the way, I added the dumplings which were in the kitchen. I thought that it would be a waste not to.  Karamatsu: Hey... you probably shouldn't have done that, mother! 
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szopenhauer · 4 years
have you got any brothers or sisters who annoy you? my sister annoys me indeed
as a younger teenager, did you have any older guys/girls hit on you? as a teenager nobody hit on me
would you ever want to be changed into a vampire? doubt it, the only thing that would truly interest me about it is immortality which isn’t actually living forever as even sun can kill you and knowing my luck that would happen fast 
does the thought of dying give you cold chills? kinda how many times has someone called you boring, if ever? several times because I don’t travel, I don’t party, I don’t like sports and out of some other reasons has anyone ever told you that you had “so many” months to live? not exactly as a teen, were you trusted to be alone with a boyfriend/girlfriend? as a teen I had no real bf/gf do your parents both have a job? my mom’s retired already are you currently unemployed? if not, what’s your job? I am where do you belong? nowhere?... were you anyone’s first kiss? I was what is the color of your cellular telephone? black what color are your gloves/mittens? I have few pairs when was the last time you listened to the radio; and do you remember which song was the last you heard on there? not counting online radio that I still rarely listen to (usually just during Christmas time, that special playlist on rmf) - years and I don’t remember the last song because I didn’t think it will be the last one and that just made me sad do you think English the hardest language to learn? noooo do you clean under your nails with safety pins? I use toothpicks how long after your shower do you walk around naked, or in your towel, until you decide to get dressed? I get dressed right away  does it bother you that so many people start going out like a week or two before valentine’s day, as if it’s just because they don’t want to be alone? that’s really lame, I’m sorry for them what do(es) you(r mom) grow in your garden? lots of stuff what do you think of facial piercings? meh, some are ugly, some are ok did your shoe laces come with your shoes? yeah but they still have zippers as I wouldn’t bother to own shoes with just laces do you have any cds you bought at the concert?. never bought a CD at the concert what does your second oldest sibling do for a living? I have only one sibling and what she does is not your business (pun intended) are there any beanie babies with your birthday? Beanie Boos   Carrots - rabbit - style 36031   Julep - monkey - style 36056   Pashun - dog - style 36206 Beanie Babies   Bunga Raya - bear - style 4615 - (birth year 2002)   Dewi Y Ddraig - dragon - style 46157 - (birth year 2010)   D'Vine - monkey - style 40767 - (birth year 2008)   Flower - meerkat - style 46155 - (birth year 2010)   Niles - camel - style 4284 -(birth year 2000)   Peace - bear - style 4053 - (birth year 1996)   Peepers - bushbaby - style 40795 - (birth year 2009)   TOUR Teddy - bear - style 40347 - (birth year 2006) Teenie Beanie Boppers   Terrific Tessa - style 0334 Boppers   Lovely Lily - style 0223
what color is your cat? it was all black with yellow eyes
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do you own any buddha? nooo, why would I  do you know what color hazel really is? .. my eyes? XD what color is your toaster? don’t own one what color is your webcam? white but I don’t use it as I have no mic, I tried to buy one but they never work so I prefer to use my cellphone as a cam instead do you have anything real gold? I think I still own that one tiny item (necklace with the letter Z) and if I do I will probably sell it
Do you own any adult colouring books?  those gimme anxiety  When was the last time you got some new headphones? mine are about 5 years old
Do you know anyone whose name starts with the letter X? I don’t :o
Name a food that you dislike the texture of. pears 
Describe the cover illustration of the book closest to you. it has the Stranger things villain on it behind the room with no. 11
Do you wear a mask when you go to the store? of course, if you don’t - I hate you!
Are you expecting a package right now? am not
What is one thing you hate about summer? mosquitos for an example
Did you go outside today? just our garden
Have you ever received a misdiagnosis from a doctor? yup
Do you have a book that you’ve read multiple times? I never reread books
Do you enjoy babysitting? ugh...
What was your favorite book you had to read for school? I used to like Cierpienia młodego Wertera - that was stupid of me
Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? in pre-school 
What’s one childhood dream that has stuck with you? my own apartment
Would you want to re-live your childhood over again if you could? I believe
Which do you like more: being an adult or being a kid? being a kid 
Did your parents smoke or drink when you were growing up? nope
Do you enjoy bonfires? they were fine
Have you ever ridden in an ambulence? couple of times
Do you know anyone who used to be loving, but then turned cold?  that would be me...
What color are your bedroom walls? green and yellow
Is there an old friend that you miss and would like to reconnect with? I tried...
Have you been bullied? all of my school years basically
Which talent show, if any, would you most like to audition for?  I have no talent
Do you feel like time goes by fast, or slow? both slow and fast
Who do you know who has died of cancer? my aunt that I didn’t really know
Have you ever stayed overnight in a hospital, and if so, what for? couple of times, once even almost entire month, long story (stories actually)
Have you ever been so angry you wanted to sue someone? hahaha
Have you ever been a victim of racism? I’m white so not really
Did you go to prom? nah
Are you an aunt or uncle? yep
Do you feel like you are currently in a state of suffering? and that not all of your basic needs are being met? If so, how long have you been in a state of suffering? I’ve always been and it only got worse
Life isn’t fair. True or false? it seems
Name a few people who seem to have everything handed to them. born rich
Do you pray less or more than you did 5 years ago? more
Do you pray a lot? not enough
Have you ever used an epi pen? hope I won’t have to
What was the name of the biggest bully in your high school? HS didn’t have big bullies but for me that was A.L.
How many kids do you want to have? 0
Do you want to get married? hmm...
Best date you’ve been on? dunno
Dream date? *shrug*
Ever kissed someone on New Year’s? never
Have you ever been in so much pain you prayed that you would die? other kind of suffering
Who always tries to stop you whenever you try to go after your dreams? life/world so God I guess 
are you in love with llamas? they’re cool
do you like hats? beanies and those winter ones in animal shapes 
have you ever had surgery? not yet
do you have an enemy? some I call this way
do you want to save the trees? yes
what size shoe do you wear? 38-39
do you cook? I do not
do you like taking pictures? at times
pink flamingos? cute for the garden :3
do you like spiders? I don’t mind them
do you own an mp3 player? but I don’t use it anymore, not even sure if it still works
why are you hitting yourself? self harm
what’s your mom’s name? personal
what about your dad? same
have you ever won anything? yep
is revenge sweet? in movies might be and sometimes I laugh when ppl get what they deserve, sorry not sorry?
have you ever had someone lie for you so you wouldn’t get in trouble? sort of
who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob
do you like night or day better? night
do you like finding nemo? nooo
plaid or polka dots? why not stripes?
have you ever done yoga? a bit
what posters do you have on your wall? no posters
do you wear dresses a lot? noooo
how many school dances have you been to? all of them besides prom
can you swim? can’t
don’t you just want to mass murder all barbie dolls? why? :o
who was the last person you were under a blanket with? my gf
name something great that happened today? for example - Choices chapters were great
who was the last person’s voice you heard? mom’s
did you speak to your mother today? of course
what color is your hair? naturally dark brown
when was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? online or irl?
how did you wake up this morning? by myself
how many letters are in your last name? 11
do you still talk to the last person you kissed? in general because at this very moment she’s asleep
do you believe that everything happens for a reason? not everything
do you ever pretend to text/talk on the phone when you’re in public? yeah  have you ever had spinach? if not, would you ever want to? I ate it before don’t you hate when the wires pop out of your bra and poke you all day? my bra has no wires am i the only one who likes to go grocery shopping? you’re not alone
is anything wrong with your eyes? possibly do you ever write notes on your hand? used to last time you cried? why? I was moved by the game on my cellphone
when is the last time you were in a swimming pool? in middle school have you ever fallen backwards on a chair? I don’t recall what do you feel like watching? nothing atm do you ever try to write with your non-dominant hand? with feet too who makes you laugh the most? my gf and my dad who starred in your last dream? besides me - no one that I know  do you regret doing something today? maybe do you think you’re old? I’m not but I often feel like I am  are you afraid of the dark? at home only - especially mirrors and windows in the dark are scary
sometimes, do you wish you were someone else? not a particular person have you ever told anyone you were ok when you really weren’t? it’s bad but I did that before do you talk a lot? do I?
which member of your family are you closest to? dad
would you ever apply to be on reality tv?  doubt it do you have a hard time letting things go? I guess have you ever struggled with your weight? slightly when you are out with your friends are you loud and outgoing or shy and reserved? depends  do you like to stay in your pajamas all day long? whatever in high school did you have a lot of friends? do you still keep in touch? group and not really at what age did you get your period? 13? fuzzy socks: yay or nay? yay
When was the last time you held a puppy? years ago
Was the person that last slept over at your house a boy or girl? girl Who’s name first comes to mind that starts with the letter “P”? Paulina and Patrycja
Do you have any kind of jewelry on at the moment? not at the moment Would you say you use “lol” too often? get used to this!
When was the last time you vacuumed a room? I mop the floor 
You can only shop at one store for the rest of your life, what store is it? but food? :o
Have you ever donated to a cause? yup
0 notes
dpargyle · 7 years
Winter of My Discontents
Alright, moving on –
So this is the first day of shit weather this year where I live.  It’s weird – growing up in New York I remember the seasons – but here we only have two – winter and construction.  It goes from 80 to 40 (F) in about a week – so yesterday was 75 and sunny and I could read outside and actually talk to people and today it’s 59 and rainy and cloudy and I just wanna set everything on fire.
I fucking hate it.
Kids – I fucking hate winter.  It glooms over you – and everything goes from bright and outside to monochrome and “fuck you.”  My wheelchair can’t go over the snow and it snows here from like the beginning of November to the middle of April and all of those months here I loathe.  Summer’s ok here but you’re still surrounded by religious lunatics.  
Nobody plows their fucking sidewalk in winter so I have to literally risk my life by driving my wheelchair in the middle of roads with cars in order to cross my own godsdamn street just to get food and now this year
my Dad wants me to come into the office three times a week.  
(So – to explain my work situation – OK – so technically I’m unemployed – and that’s cuz of the stupid fucking government who says like “oh you’re making above this much money as a person in a wheelchair?  Well in that case Medicaid isn’t gonna pay for your attendants to help you get up in the morning and go to bed at night (I’d need to make, like, 25k or so a year to afford that basically)” and also if you save literally one dollar more than $2,000 at one time on all your bank accounts combined we’ll also cut your Medicaid funding for the attendants and very expensive medical equipment (my chair costs 36k every 5 years) as well!” so I’m very much hamstrung by bureaucratic bullshit) –
so in order to get around all this nonsense – I (with the help of my family) am officially unemployed but I live in an apartment that’s technically rented by my Dad’s company – and in return I write and edit (and have been for like 6 years now) an e-magazine about the 3D Printing Industry (I don’t put my name on it though because again, government…) – which is kinda interesting and has allowed me to do both that and focus on my creative work as well – and I also do some freelance writing and one time an artistic thing for the company as well – (that money gets funneled to a bank account the government doesn’t know about) but mostly I’m glad I’ve had these jobs but they’re not…I don’t get excited about them.  I know other people might, but – I’m not one of them hahaha.  I really want to work creatively, but you know…)
In any case, while my Dad does run the main company as CEO he didn’t hire me – it wasn’t his idea – the owner of the company (who has lots of $$$) – after a year of me searching for jobs after college (very unsuccessfully) called me up one day and was like “you’re doing this for us now” and I needed to move out of my folks’ house ASAP so I was like “OK” –
But now my Dad wants me to come in to the office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays – and I totally understand his reasoning (he’s trying to help me out) – he thinks that if I’m in the office other people there will involve me more in freelance-type work and I’ll be able to earn more $ - and this is probably true – and he also wants me to “get out of your warren” – cuz he knows my brother was basically the only person I interacted with socially in this entire city on any regular basis and now that he’s gone, well….
So my Dad seems to think being social with the other workers or something will be good for me? I mean maybe he’s right but I know everyone in there and they’re all super old and while they’re very nice I don’t have much in common with them and even if I did it’s still super awkward cuz I’m the boss’s son and it’s just awkward – I mean this is part of the reason why my brother left anyway – he worked there for three years but after those three years he was ready to not work at his Dad’s company anymore – and plus he and his wife fuckin hated Utah anyway and I don’t blame them at all I mostly hate it too haahahaha (cries)…
Though if I’m being honest anywhere I’d live I’d probably find all the flaws in real quick…
But maybe somewhere like California where actual things happen and I don’t have to fucking war against winter every year…
Cuz like I’ve tried the work many days a week with a commute in this city – and in summer it’s ok – there’s a very good tram-line system and I’m close to a station (for this purpose) – but in winter…
So for the first year I lived in Salt Lake I was working the magazine job and I was also working at the local Apple Store as well and that winter I literally nearly died commuting cuz I was super tired all the time (my fatigue tolerance level is super low) and dealing with customers and then doing the magazine job and then I was trying to write a book in my free time (it was the first one I wrote and it was complete shit but I’m proud of it cuz it was the first thing I’d ever finished) but I was basically operating at only 15% power and then one night I was on the train platform and there was ice and I slipped off it and half my wheelchair and I fell into the gap between the platform and the train and if that train operator hadn’t seen me he would’ve pulled out of the station and I woulda been warm meat paste…
(I nearly die at least six times a year…)
And that was the night I decided I’d quit that Apple job cuz no job is worth that hellish commute.
Even in subtler ways, though the winter is a killer for me here – there are days when the weather or the pressure changes and my right shoulder (the arm I drive my power wheelchair with) is in so much agony I can hardly move at all – and this lasts 2 or 3 days sometimes 4 –
and then they have these frikken godsforsaken mines here and we’re in this bowl-shaped valley so they mine all this dust into the air and so there’s this inversion here in winter and you can literally visibly see the dust in the air and your throat burns for like four months straight and it’s like the fuckin dust bowl or something god I hate unregulated red states…
And to top it all off, when I travel a lot in the cold my feet rub against my shoes which happened when I commuted to the apple store and by the end of that year I had sores on my heels that took 6 months to heal and in that time one of my best friends from high school died and I couldn’t travel to his funeral because I couldn’t even get out of my door and….I hated myself for that – I’d let him down (again.)
To be honest with you – when I first got offered that job at Apple I was so proud and happy and excited – I’d been looking for a job for a year after college and I looked everywhere – all over the world – in every industry I could think of – and there was just nothing.  Nobody even offered me an interview before they did – and I have self-esteem issues anyway so I started thinking – like – is it cuz I’m in a wheelchair?  Is that why nobody wants me?  (I really have issues dealing with any kind of rejection because of this…)
But then Apple came along and said “Yes!”  And I was like OMG this is amazing – I’m doing retail but it’s gonna be in an interesting (kind of) industry and I’m gonna work with young peeps like me and I’m gonna do creative stuff in my free time and slowly work my way up the ladder and I’m still young I got tons of time to do everything and be everywhere I wanna be going…and then the month before I had the job orientation with Apple my old high school friend had the sudden accident which would lead to his passing a few months later – and….nothing mattered like it had anymore…
He was hovering between life and death all the way in New York and I was in Utah doing…what? Selling expensive crap to rich Mormons? Nothing made sense anymore.  For six years before that point I’d been an insufferable evangelical Christian zealot – and although for two years my faith had been wavering due to me beginning to question its draconian teachings – at that point I still had it – but then this happened and very quickly what little faith I’d been holding onto died with my friend.  
I’m glad I’ve grown in my empathy and inclusiveness since then – but on the other hand, I feel I’ve lost something…
And then a month after my friend’s accident I had to present myself to Apple and be an enthusiastic team player filled with evangelism for the products and I just…I couldn’t do it…I remember that week so vividly too cuz that was the week George Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney and they announced they were doing MORE STAR WARS and I was like holy fuck that’s what I wanna do – maybe not necessarily Star Wars (though !!!) – but telling stories and weaving myths – and making a thing that MATTERED to people – that moved them and shook them and changed them and nourished them and gave them some godsdamned fucking hope in this unjust world…
But I was stuck here in Utah…
So I started writing that book and I pushed myself so incredibly hard cuz literally by that point it was the only thing that mattered to me and made sense – feeling like I’d been put on this Earth to make art and I wasn’t gonna waste anymore time because maybe I didn’t have anymore time, you know?
And like I couldn’t connect with my coworkers – they were my age but many of them were Mormons with whole families they were supporting and most of the rest (save for my good friend @soundscomplicated) – I just…it was hard to connect to.  In college I’d been surrounded by interesting people who challenged my brain and soul parts (at least sometimes – though academia drove me nuts) …but now….now I was stuck in the wasteland with no way out…
I finished the book and it was crap but at least I’d done something.  Then I made that personal safety decision to quit Apple and for the last four years I’ve been working from home…
And this past year or so I finally began to put it all together again maybe – my drawing skills were improving – I was writing another book that scared the crap outta me (but that was a good thing) – about a group of nerds who lost someone close to them and whose worlds were turned upside down as a result – where the protagonist was a kid in a wheelchair like me and for the first time I felt like I was writing something IMPORTANT that MATTERED that might move people – letting out all my pain and hope and regret and love -
But then I sent it out to potential agents and waited and waited and waited for months and months and literally none of them even sent me a solid rejection.  It was all just nothingness into the void.  I understand they get so many submissions though so I tried not to take it personally –
And I decided this story and these words that I’d finished were important enough for me to publish on Amazon – so I did – and it was one of the proudest moments of my life (this was back in April or so) but then – nobody bought it.  And it’s not like I expected to make out like gangbusters – I don’t know anything about marketing or being social media savvy (I mean just witness the godsdamned length of this friggen post hahaha) – but I thought at least everyone in my extended family would buy it – but nope. It sold like 11 copies.  Let’s just say I will love those 11 people forever but I just…
Like I’d killed myself over this fucking book.  I went down into the deepest parts of my soul and ripped them out for all the world to see – I didn’t do anything but this book.  I did my paying work for the company but hanging out with people other than my brother sometimes?  I didn’t have time.  I didn’t have the energy.
In the flesh connections are so hard and when you’re working on something you truly believe in – well – you feel compelled to WORK WORK WORK and where was I gonna meet people here anyway?  
This story mattered more than my own happiness.
And now that it hasn’t done well?  What was it all for?  Really? It’s not that I’m not totally effing proud of what came out – I am – probably more than any other art I’ve ever made – but…I dunno I guess I just have delusions of grandeur for myself…sometimes I feel like if I’m not Shakespeare – if I can’t support myself with my art – I’m a failure.  
I’ve failed.  My life has been a waste!
And then I sit back and I try to remind myself that’s an incredibly toxic and terrible way of thinking but at this point I literally can’t help it…
I don’t know what to work on next creatively.  And now I’m having to spend more time away from my creative stuff and I don’t want to – I really don’t give a shit about the meager extra money I’m gonna get by going into the office – I want those hours I’m gonna waste there back!  I don’t want to spend more hours not doing what I was born on this earth to do.
That probably sounds super privileged of me and I’m lucky to be where I am and blah blah blah but I just……and when the winter really comes and there’s snow on the ground I literally will not be able to go to the office (or even leave my apartment easily for that matter) and my Dad understands that – but I just…
Maybe I just don’t want to do that stuff anymore?  I’m probably coming across as a super lazy and ungrateful person – and I am, but…
I just don’t have many friends here anyway and spending energy on commuting is just not gonna help that at all and I see no way out and I’m literally crying as I type this and I want OUT OUT OUT so bad but I don’t know what that means or what that looks like and I am cold and scared and lonely and tired and
For the past month it’s been warm and sunny and I’ve had Blondie to distract me from all this pain and mounting mediocrity and it’s been nice cuz I haven’t really had a crush in the flesh since college – like literally the last girl I allowed myself to fall for is now married with two kids hahaha and that night I got my head stuck in the fridge and I didn’t say this in the original post but
I was literally kind of sobbing because my brother was leaving (he’s gone now) and I don’t have many good friends (especially here) and my book I cared so much about fucking crashed and burned and I put my fucking soul into that thing and it wasn’t good enough I’M NEVER GOOD ENOUGH and then my chair crapped out and I was about to die and I cried for like an hour (I haven’t cried like that in like seven years – since before my friend died) but then I stopped crying cuz Leia’s Theme came on my shuffle and it gave me some hope so instead of crying I was yelling and then somebody busted open my front door
And she was literally an angel and just sweet and all my everything just washed away and everything was OK but now – it’s just – that distraction is fading away and I am facing my reality and…
As with every winter here, I am growing restless…
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crescentmoonhills · 5 years
Psychological. Second try at writing
Friday morning. The last time I would have to hear my alarm, well, until Monday. I turn off the buzzing of the alarm but I know the buzz wouldn’t stop. It never did. Countless whispers, quiet and scratchy like a mouse in the wall grating at my soul. Going ceaselessly louder and louder by the day. Begging, pleading, crying, screaming, screeching and— "Shut up, shut up." I whispered to myself, climbing out of bed. I go downstairs to start making coffee. The office has a Keurig machine, but I have always thought you couldn't beat a pot of coffee in the morning. I step outside to smoke my first one of the day.
I put a cigarette to my lips, light it, and without even looking up, I know the neighbors are judging me. I know everyone is. I know all too well. A washed-up author with not a single book to his name—no, a 35 year old unemployed man left behind by his wife, friends, and even families. Give applause to the one and only, Mr. Ernst Klein. Heh. I could hear them speaking from here. Mumbling, whispering, hushing, and gossiping. Ignore it, Ernst. Ignore it. They have enough reasons to do so and you are used to it anyway. I took a deep drag down to the end and threw it on the ground. Figured if I’m going to end myself might as well make it enjoyable. I go in, grab a cup of coffee, took a book, and return to the patio.
At the altar she prayed. Sending her prayer to The Almighty Creator. The oldest and most heartless of gods. The creator of the Nine Great Gods and the world as she knows it. The one who had created her and her fate. The one who had sent her on to this holy mission of hers. The one who had given her, friends and companions. The one who had given her, families. The one who had given her, the love of her life. Also the one who had blessed her with a beautiful daughter and a charming son. Yet, He is also the one who took them all away. He took from her, her friends, companions, families, lover, and her precious children. However, she never faltered. She knows that everything her Creator did must have a reason and He had yet to abandon her and her world, she didn’t care if everyone around her thought she was insane. Through her incessant sobbing, she prayed, and prayed, and prayed again. She pushed her calls as hard as she could into the voids of her mind in hoping they would make it out to her one and only Creator.
“Please bring them back… they’re my everything”
Reading has, for as long as I could remember, always been my hobby. It lets me escape from this cruel reality that I live in and all the problems that follows it. Escapism. I know. It won’t solve anything but at least it helps me cope with it. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. I mean, not everyone could face their problems head-on, no, no. Not everyone… are that brave. At least I know I’m a coward. If running away from my problems and live my whole life in peace is being a coward then yes, I gladly accept being a coward.
I looked down at the book that I randomly took from the piles of lined papers and moldy writings which I had proudly called my bookcase. I looked at it and there it was, a novel with my name arrogantly printed on it. Sigh. Out of all books. It was a book that I had written myself. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. I had abandoned this story years ago because it wasn’t quite well received. Monotone, uninteresting, unnecessarily long, unoriginal, mediocre, lackluster, and the compliments goes on. None of my books are well received actually. No. None of them, and so I finished writing none of it.
It called to me that day as it does now.
Promising of a world torn apart by fire, divine and nuclear, all encompassing and devastating our planet. Such is the will of the Creator. So I obey.
“I hope it gets bet—” A shaky voice barely comes out of my mouth only to be interrupted. “Cough!” I coughed so hard it felt like my lungs were to come out. I looked down at my hands and I see blood. Sigh. I guess I don’t have much to live anymore. A couple weeks probably? No? A couple months? Well like Engels used to say life keeps going like a menstrual keeps flowing hahah. Smiling as I thought to myself. I hope it gets better. I really do. The clicking of the Geiger counter is my only friend now. Ever since the factory exploded it seems to be going higher and higher by the day. Every step feels excruciatingly painful, but I keep walking.
I miss Engels, I miss Immanuel, I even miss that cocky playboy Jean. Dog tags clinking in my hand. Geiger counter clicking faster and faster. It’s ok. The temple is close now. We’ll be there any minute now. C’mon Pascal you can do it!” I thought as I continued to shamble about but fate has other plans I guess. I was a couple feet away from the temple when I realized it. I was surrounded by reavers. “Give me all your food, kid! I know you factoryborns have a lot o’ them luxury canned foods!” Yelled one of the reavers. “Forget it boss just kill ‘em and we could sell his meat to the carvers for extra foods”. That night, the snows were colored red.
God forgive me. I couldn’t bring my friends to rest. I prayed as I breathe my last.
“What did we do to deserve this?”
While I read, I hear a voice. What did we do to deserve this? No, not the usual voice, those gritty, harsh, and dry calls were still there. They were always there but I had learned to ignore them. Instead I focused on a more vivid voice. One that said, “Will you be able to come?”. I looked up, and saw Karen. I grumbled, annoyed that she had interrupted me. “Fuck away will you, Karen,” I said. What did we do to deserve this?
“I’m not going to your fucking baby shower.”
Karen sighed, “Look, I know you don’t like him, but he’s still your brother, Ernst—”
“I don’t care whether or not he’s my brother, Karen. I just don’t want to waste my time.”
“Family bonding is not wasting time, Ernst. It’s a tradition! And considering your situation you might need it now more than ever.” Karen yelled.
“Tradition is just peer pressure from the dead, Karen.” Please bring them back… they’re my everything.
“Why are you being so stubborn, Ernst?”
“I see no point in pleasing the dead” I said. What did we do to deserve this?
“Is that why you didn’t visit dad when he’s laying on his deathbed?” I grit my teeth. Please bring them back… they’re my everything.
“He asked to see his son at least once before he died and yet you never came. You didn’t even come to his funeral!”
“I have reasons, Karen! I’m sure dad will understand and he would forgive me! I did what he would’ve wanted me to do and that is doing my responsibilities!!”
“The way I see it It’s better for you to go and make up with your brother rather than locking yourself in that room you call your office. You don’t have anything better to do anyway.” Please bring them back… they’re my everything.
“I do have things to do, Karen! I’m an author. Writing is my responsibility!” I hollered “It’s unbearable, Karen. I can’t leave them alone.” so I said as I’m sharply sucking a breath. What did we do to deserve this? “I— I just can’t. Enough! You wouldn’t understand.”
She sighed and patiently asked “Just do me a favor and come will you?”
“Sorry, I have better things to do,” I said shortly, and went inside the house.
The colony's inhabitants were gathered in a large auditorium. They were laughing and smiling no less than an hour ago. The auditorium was safe and impenetrable yet also serves as a prison in which none can escape. The door was sealed from the outside. Through a thick window covered in scratch marks, Commander Alexei could see decaying bodies in red jump suits. Some were holding others in one last embrace. Others were apparently trying to escape through some sort of vent, with little luck.
“Commander?” Hadrian, the only member of the crew who knows about the program, asked “Is there really no other option?”
On the desk were a stack of journals, each marked with dates ranging from 3010 to 3075.
“It’s been years—no, decades since the last reply from Earth, Hadrian” he said while wiping a gun. It was an unusual gun. A very ancient one which dates back to the late 1800. It’s very unique to say the least. It was a type of gun called a revolver. It’s a single-action, cartridge-firing, top break revolver. Fires a type of projectile called bullets. Uses no energy cartridge, no focusing lens, and forget fusion core reactor, there’s not even a normal fission core reactor. It uses gunpowder and pressure instead. Ignition fills the barrel with gas thus increase the pressure and push the bullet out. An effective and cheap way to kill. How interesting, when killing is involved people really do anything to improve, thought Alexei as he fills the cylinder with bullets.
“Thus, I am forced to conclude the worst: we lost the nuclear war, and our nation and families are destroyed. Even this failsafe colony will not be enough to keep us alive. Instead, we will all die of dehydration. Faced with that consequence, I had no choice but to exercise Protocol 99 and terminate the colony in a quick and relatively painless way.” He had no other choice. His nation was dubbed as evil simply because they had a different political view. And so the others waged war. War don’t need a concrete reason anyway, as long as they see profits and merits in it men would jump on it the second they got the chance to. Who gets to decide morals anyway? Who are them to say that my country is evil? Are we evil for defending our beliefs? Am I a villain for defending my country and families? No one gets to decides evil and just. Only god can do that and the fact that this happens means that there is no god in this world, thought Alexei.
I’m sorry, comrades. Your screams…. your screams will haunt me even after I take my own life. Alexei points the gun at his own head and Hadrian follow suit. “I will see you later, Sir” nods Hadrian. “Commander Alexei, retiring from duty. Should humanity ever rise from the ashes and return to the red planet, know that we tried. Long Live The Union”. Alexei closed his eyes and prayed for the first time in his life. The page was spattered with small flecks of blood.
“God is not real after all. There are no free will”
I hated writing. What did we do to deserve this? No, I don’t hate it, what I hated was the responsibility that came with it. God is not real. There are no free will. Despite my mediocre talent in writing, I loved to write, I really did but all of my stories had a dark twist. What did we do to deserve this? I loved writing stories with a dark twist but I wish I had known any better. Oh, how I wished I had. What did we do to deserve this? I’m not sure when it started but it was there, always, unending, ceaseless and incessant. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. The whispers— no, should I call it prayers instead? Yes, prayers. God is not real. There are no free will. What started as one… became two, and that became more and more as it got louder.  God is not real. There are no free will. They got so loud that I decided to stab both of my eardrums with my pen. Yet they still wouldn’t stop coming. What did we do to deserve this?
God is not real. There are no free will. As they got louder I heard words. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. I hear men, women and children all pray to escape from the wicked world they live in. They prayed for a better fate than what was destined. God is not real. There are no free will. A better life. Alas, their world is but a page, empty and nonsensical. Their fate is determined by the splotches of inks, a fate that will never receive closure. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. And lastly, their life is in the hands of an irresponsible and incompetent god who revels in the suffering of the lives that he himself had created.
The stories with the most details are the worst. God is not real. There are no free will. Villains, broken and enraged at the uncaring god that made their lives the way they are. What did we do to deserve this? Victims, suffering from the polluted and corrupted world created only for the sake of a more exciting plot. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. Protagonists, wept in silence as their fate forces them to fight and struggle in their abandoned and callous world while losing both everyone they loved and their only purpose in life. What did we do to deserve this? I heard more and more voices, pleas, and cries for help came for every single day, hour, minute, and seconds. God is not real. There are no free will. Surely I’m going crazy. Maybe I isolated myself too much. What did we do to deserve this? That has to be it. I isolated myself to work so much that I’m losing it. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. Yet, I have to write still. No matter how many years it will take. I will end it all. I’m the one who started it and I will be the one who ended it. Please bring them back… they’re my everything. I’m responsible for them. Yes, it’s my responsibility. And so I write. I wept and I write. God is not real. There are no free will. What did we do to deserve this? Please bring them back… they’re my everything.
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tinygxrilla · 7 years
for the Get To Know Me Meme: all of THEMMMMMM
1. What is you middle name?Rose! :>
2. How old are you?15
3. When is your birthday?December 9th
4. What is your zodiac sign?Sagittariusssss
5. What is your favorite color?YELLOOOOWWW!!!!
6. What’s your lucky number?4 or 16
7. Do you have any pets?Yep- my golden doodle Cooper who is ADORABLE
8. Where are you from?I shall not disclose this information but a small town in the US!
9. How tall are you?5'2" I think
10. What shoe size are you?7
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?2, one pair of boots and a kind of new pair of navy blue converse
12. What was your last dream about?Lol it was about a noose in my grandmas house o-o
13. What talents do you have?I like to draw! That’s it haha
14. Are you psychic in any way?Nerp
15. Favorite song?HM well the most important songs to me are:Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the elephantMr. Blue Sky - ELOBrave as a Noun - AJJ
16. Favorite movie?Swiss Army Man and moonrise kingdom :o)
17. Who would be your ideal partner?Someone very loyal, awkward, and loud (to contrast my shyness), and someone who is a good listener!!
18. Do you want children?YES!!!!
19. Do you want a church wedding?I think so, but I donno
20. Are you religious?Not religious exactly, I was raised as an atheist but I prey to a god
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?I’ve been to the hospital like 100000 times this month, but I’ve very luckily never been put in the hospital!
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Noooope
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?No, that would be awkward as hell though so that’s ok
24. Baths or showers?Both!!
25. What color socks are you wearing?Purple and white with silver stripes, and my other one is plain white
26. Have you ever been famous?Hahaha no
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?NaH
28. What type of music do you like?
I like classic punk, rock, alternative, and folk punk =]29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?NoPe I can’t do that I’d cry
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?1
31. What position do you usually sleep in?Just on my side, kind of in a ball?
32. How big is your house?I live in a condo, so relatively small? The basements finished though so not SMALL small??
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?Usually during school I don’t eat breakfast, otherwise I get a frozen coffee from Dunkin donuts or I eat toast
34. Have you ever fired a gun?NAaaAhh
35. Have you ever tried archery?In school we’ve done archery :D it’s fun but I suck
36. Favorite clean word?HaloOooo
37. Favorite swear word?Fuck or whore (not in like a slut shaming way lol) would be my main picks
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?2 days?? Probably? I’ve gone longer with like little sleep but I don’t think I could last longer with no sleep
39. Do you have any scars?Yee yee
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?I’m not cool enough for that shit man B(
41. Are you a good liar?I don’t lie a lot sooooo,,, maybe?
42. Are you a good judge of character?Probably not haha, I interpret everything in the worst possible way
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?NoPe I suck at accents
44. Do you have a strong accent?Nope
45. What is your favorite accent?Boston accent
46. What is your personality type?INFP-T :>
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?Probably one of my sweaters from Urban Outfitters cause DANG those are $$$$
48. Can you curl your tongue?No :,(
49. Are you an innie or an outie?InniE bish
50. Left or right handed?right
51. Are you scared of spiders?Only stink bugs but if there’s one close to me while I’m in my household yes I’m terrified, also I hate when they’re in my shower it’s terrible
52. Favorite food?Pasta or mashed potatoes B}
53. Favorite foreign food?Americanized Chinese food lol
54. Are you a clean or messy person?MesSy
55. Most used phrased?I love you you’re the best for some odd reason
56. Most used word?Like
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?hOUrs upOn hours cause I take long showers
58. Do you have much of an ego?NaH
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Suck ););;);))
60. Do you talk to yourself?Kind of?? In my head 24/7 I do and sometimes I do out loud when I’m alone
61. Do you sing to yourself?Ya, but not in like a serious way
62. Are you a good singer?Most definitely not
63. Biggest Fear?People not liking me
64. Are you a gossip?I hate to admit it but yes definitely (only to really close friends and family though I don’t go spreading things)
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?I’m not sure actually, I don’t watch a lot of movies or know what qualify as a dramatic one
66. Do you like long or short hair?Both!
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?This is terrible because I live there but I don’t think I can O-O
68. Favorite school subject?ART!
69. Extrovert or Introvert?Introvert, but if I’m not around people for too long I always feel like they don’t like me so I don’t love being alone for too long
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?No but that sounds awesome!!
71. What makes you nervous?The WOrLd, I hate interacting with people, even friends uKh
72. Are you scared of the dark?Ya, one time I though my dad was gonna sneak in my house and murder me because I was tired and very delusional and it was very dark and I was aFrAiD
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Sometimes because I’m very annoying and irritable
74. Are you ticklish?YeS dear god
75. Have you ever started a rumor?No I ain’t startin shit
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?I don’t think so
77. Have you ever drank underage?NoO
78. Have you ever done drugs?NoOooo
79. Who was your first real crush?I don’t think I’ve had one prey for me, maybe on my gay friend?? But I think I was just excited that I befriended a boy??
80. How many piercings do you have?None, I had my ears pierced once but they got infected so I let them close back up
81. Can you roll your Rs?“No ;(
82. How fast can you type?SuPPa fAsT
83. How fast can you run?Kinda fast for really short periods of time because ur girl has bad asthma
84. What color is your hair?BrowN
85. What color is your eyes?BroWn
86. What are you allergic to?Kittens :,,,,,( also seasonal allergies
87. Do you keep a journal?I did but it made me sad lol
88. What do your parents do?My dad like puts prices on houses and my mom wants to work at JJILL but she’s unemployed and a very hard working single mother
89. Do you like your age?Other people my age? No. Being my age? Yes definitely, perfect time to be a kid but also be a bit mature
90. What makes you angry?EVERYTHING OH MY GOSH;-people who lie-people who romanticize mental illness-people who post online about other people-people who don’t understand mental illness-people who joke about wanting to kill them self
91. Do you like your own name?Not Amanda really but I like Mandy!
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I really like the name Sally and Eileen but I don’t know about boys names
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?Either would be great but as of now I think it would be nice to have a lil lady
94. What are you strengths?I’m very loyal I think
95. What are your weaknesses?Shy, awkward, nervous, and also physically weak lol
96. How did you get your name?My mom or my Grammy (it’s a debate) just liked it
97. Were your ancestors royalty?NoPe
98. Do you have any scars?This was already a question! Ha HA
99. Color of your bedspread?I just got a white one with pickles on it from Ikea OuO
100. Color of your room?Like a cool grey color
AYYY I’m done!! Thank you for asking because it’s very obvious I love to talk about myself, also I’m assuming nobody read this but that’s ok cause it was lots of fun
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Bitcoins Price Will DOUBLE In The Next 6 Months Or Else BITCOIN BULL Mike Novogratz Sells!
Hey, welcome back, everybody, to altcoin Daily, where you subscribe for our daily videos on everything going on in the cryptocurrency space. Ted Day today Bitcoin’s price is 6 Sep. It’s closer to $7000 today. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t double in the next six months and to me that means a price point of about twelve to fourteen thousand dollars per bitcoin. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t reach 12 to fourteen thousand dollars in the next six months, Mike Novogratz, who is the poster boy for former Wall Street success, turned crypto. He’s a huge bitcoin bull. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t double in six months, Mike Novogratz says that he’s going to capitulate. But he thinks it will double. That’s how sure he is on Bitcoin. Actually, at least that’s what he told CNBC anchors who went on their latest broadcast. So he started off saying this I have seen investors I never saw before hedging on investors, high net worth investors getting into Bitcoin for the first time. So like I said this in a tweet. This is the year for Bitcoin and it doesn’t go all out by the end of the year. The online this time, experts say it doesn’t go up. Now, you know, I’m not sure what it will, but we’re seeing real flows in the big one. You know, it’s a hard asset. And we are literally it’s not just the US that’s going to monetize that. You know, money doesn’t grow on trees in the US right now. It’s like we crossed the Rubicon where we think everyone feels like money grows on trees. So I think it’s still the wrong thing. It’s just going to the base, the value of Fiat. So some might give us a number. And if we don’t, just so we can gauge your level of expectation, where should it reach in six months? And if it doesn’t, as you said, you’ll kind of give up on Bitcoin. I think it’s a really interesting swing that we should have doubled within six months. We really should have. This is the time. And maybe it’s with within the end of the year, no retesting the old highs. It’s a thousand. Whew. Well, retesting the old highs up to twenty thousand dollars. I like it. Mike Novogratz is bullish. Well, wait for a second, Mike. I’ve heard that everybody wants dollars. U.S. dollars is what everybody wants. Why would anybody want bitcoin? How do you respond to this again? Mike, the problem. The problem with their theory. Sorry to cut you off. But everyone wants dollars now. I mean, there’s a scramble for dollars. And we’ve seen the dollar rise in us in a period of stress. And I think it shows that you know, when push comes to shove, we may be monetizing and money doesn’t grow on trees, but dollars are still in our values. That’s always the first reaction, right? The first reaction gets to safety. And all of a sudden, though, people are going to say, wait a minute, what are they doing to the dollar? So that’s you know, will we come up with the next fiscal package, which will come up, I’m sure, within the next four months, another two or three trillion dollars. The first one wasn’t enough. You’re going to see more and more people migrate until you see it as we speak, getting calls from, you know, real big investors who had never thought about it before and say, tell me about this big. Tell me about this. And so, you know, I added to my position today, and I’ve only got these, you know, large position. And so that’s the one big bet I have. And then on the other side, to be more agile. OK. So, yes, it’s true. People usually want dollars in times of great volatility, in times of great uncertainty. Like right now, a lot of hedge funds actually scale-out of risk assets like Bitcoin when traditional markets are volatile. But thinking long term, which is what Mike Novogratz is saying, thinking long term, it’s bitcoin that people want because bitcoin is harder money. And this is a decent price point to get it at, according to Mike. I mean, he says he bought more. I’m sure everybody remembers this video from 2018 when this video was made. Bitcoin was trading around six to seven thousand dollars two years ago. And back then tôn bass was bearish and Mike Novogratz bullish. Let’s just play a little bit. Bitcoin please go to a moon. Stop going sideways now. Don and I say we go down to one game. But is that a novel? Let’s say we have. Doleman is a very important Bill Clinton. Does it go? I like it. The difference is here we are almost two years later and Bitcoin did drop lower and then Bitcoin did shoot higher. But here we are almost two years later and Bitcoin is still trading around a very similar price point from two years ago. The difference is that right now, both Mike Novogratz and Tony Vegas are both bullish. And when it’s read, people are way over pessimistic on Bitcoin. And this has been a very good indicator in, you know, identifying whether a bitcoin is overbought or whether bitcoin is oversold. I am still a bull. I remain a bull. I know a lot of people are expecting lower lows. I am one of the few people that is not that I am not expecting lower lows. And hopefully when this thing breaks south and goes up, yes, this will probably flip. And I will then be bearish. Bitcoin once again. But I will only be bearish back to the area of the breakout. And the area of the breakout is going to be 68 50. Interesting to think about. So are you buying? Are you selling? What’s your plan? Let’s all like the video. Support the channel. And now let’s all look in the comments right now. Let’s all look in the comments to see what people are saying about this. In other news for the last couple minutes, the video we’re going over other pertinent stories of the day, starting with this one maker, Dow Foundation, plots its own demise. And this is coming from coindesk, which is in bed with Theorem. So pretty salacious. Make her. Dow founder Rune Christensen told coindesk late last year that makes her Dow Foundation had two years left before its planned obsolescence. It sounds like it may take a bit longer, but recent moves suggest that the organization really is serious about shutting down. First, it turned control of the supply of undistributed governance tokens maker over to maker, holder at large over to make her holders. Then on Thursday, Christensen detailed a three plank plan that would get community governance to the point where maker Dow users won’t even notice when the foundation shuts its doors. That said, the institutional knowledge won’t evaporate. Christensen assured listeners the foundation team will not leave the community. The team will change and be in a different form. And you can read the rest yourself. I mean, that’s the thing with these. Cryptocurrency projects, unlike in regular tech that isn’t tied to money. You know, you can go fast and loose and stuff breaks all the time. You know, that’s another reason why Bitcoin is so valuable because they go nice and slow. So stuff like this won’t happen because those people who were super bullish on the maker and that was, you know, we were never evangelizing it. It’s just very unfortunate anyways. Wells Fargo adviser named in a crypto fraud case. So we don’t even need to go through many of the details. Three cryptocurrency traders allegedly scammed over 100 investors through a Ponzi scheme that generated 35 million. Interestingly, the trio worked with the reputable banks and institutional firms, including Wells Fargo Advisors and the New York Stock Exchange. The story is they promised investors. Ponzi scheme schemes style. They promised investors a certain amount of returns. If those investors gave them their money or not able to deliver. But Wells Fargo, a little bit guilty in the matter. In other news. Check this out, guys. We have gone viral on our bitcoin. The video from just the other day. Check it out if you haven’t. Everybody else on this subreddit has. And from what I see, they’re liking it. And finally, if you head on over to our Twitter at the link is in the description, I outed my personal account. This is me right here. I just said, let’s go. On my personal account. And then I retweeted this with the altcoin daily i/o account. Follow me. If you want to follow a personal account, it’s not going to be about bitcoin 100 percent of the time if we click on it. You know, I’m also, you know, a filmmaker in Los Angeles, so it’ll be about movie stuff and just fun things like everybody’s personal account is. But sometimes I don’t want to like make stuff too outrageous on the old coin daily account because I’m aware that people want to talk crypto when we do this. In other news, guys, another sign of the bottom. People are very, very salty. So I tweeted this out over 24 hours ago. Who’s ready for the pop just show in this triangle? Tons of people liked it. A lot of people retweeted it. A lot of people comment underneath it. And some of the comments were very, very salty. Check this out. I like this guy as a great YouTube channel. He actually minds Bitcoin, Mr Krystof But he seemed kind of salty at this point. I think the hashtag should be a hashtag. Take care of yourself. Not long bitcoin, 10 million Americans are unemployed. Millions, millions of more people around the world are unemployed. I would hope leverage trading bitcoin would be the last thing on everybody’s mind. Relax. Mr Krystof is just a meme. And yes, that is it for me today, my friends. My name is Aaron at altcoin Daily. Let me know if you’re bullish or bearish, I guess. Mike, it’s a sign of how long this volatility has been going on, that you’ve had time to grow that excellent moustache as well, I guess.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoins-price-will-double-in-the-next-6-months/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoins-price-will-double-in-the-next-6-months-or-else-bitcoin-bull-mike-novogratz-sells
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
Bitcoin’s Price Will DOUBLE In The Next 6 Months Or Else BITCOIN BULL Mike Novogratz Sells!
Hey, welcome back, everybody, to altcoin Daily, where you subscribe for our daily videos on everything going on in the cryptocurrency space. Ted Day today Bitcoin’s price is 6 Sep. It’s closer to $7000 today. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t double in the next six months and to me that means a price point of about twelve to fourteen thousand dollars per bitcoin. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t reach 12 to fourteen thousand dollars in the next six months, Mike Novogratz, who is the poster boy for former Wall Street success, turned crypto. He’s a huge bitcoin bull. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t double in six months, Mike Novogratz says that he’s going to capitulate. But he thinks it will double. That’s how sure he is on Bitcoin. Actually, at least that’s what he told CNBC anchors who went on their latest broadcast. So he started off saying this I have seen investors I never saw before hedging on investors, high net worth investors getting into Bitcoin for the first time. So like I said this in a tweet. This is the year for Bitcoin and it doesn’t go all out by the end of the year. The online this time, experts say it doesn’t go up. Now, you know, I’m not sure what it will, but we’re seeing real flows in the big one. You know, it’s a hard asset. And we are literally it’s not just the US that’s going to monetize that. You know, money doesn’t grow on trees in the US right now. It’s like we crossed the Rubicon where we think everyone feels like money grows on trees. So I think it’s still the wrong thing. It’s just going to the base, the value of Fiat. So some might give us a number. And if we don’t, just so we can gauge your level of expectation, where should it reach in six months? And if it doesn’t, as you said, you’ll kind of give up on Bitcoin. I think it’s a really interesting swing that we should have doubled within six months. We really should have. This is the time. And maybe it’s with within the end of the year, no retesting the old highs. It’s a thousand. Whew. Well, retesting the old highs up to twenty thousand dollars. I like it. Mike Novogratz is bullish. Well, wait for a second, Mike. I’ve heard that everybody wants dollars. U.S. dollars is what everybody wants. Why would anybody want bitcoin? How do you respond to this again? Mike, the problem. The problem with their theory. Sorry to cut you off. But everyone wants dollars now. I mean, there’s a scramble for dollars. And we’ve seen the dollar rise in us in a period of stress. And I think it shows that you know, when push comes to shove, we may be monetizing and money doesn’t grow on trees, but dollars are still in our values. That’s always the first reaction, right? The first reaction gets to safety. And all of a sudden, though, people are going to say, wait a minute, what are they doing to the dollar? So that’s you know, will we come up with the next fiscal package, which will come up, I’m sure, within the next four months, another two or three trillion dollars. The first one wasn’t enough. You’re going to see more and more people migrate until you see it as we speak, getting calls from, you know, real big investors who had never thought about it before and say, tell me about this big. Tell me about this. And so, you know, I added to my position today, and I’ve only got these, you know, large position. And so that’s the one big bet I have. And then on the other side, to be more agile. OK. So, yes, it’s true. People usually want dollars in times of great volatility, in times of great uncertainty. Like right now, a lot of hedge funds actually scale-out of risk assets like Bitcoin when traditional markets are volatile. But thinking long term, which is what Mike Novogratz is saying, thinking long term, it’s bitcoin that people want because bitcoin is harder money. And this is a decent price point to get it at, according to Mike. I mean, he says he bought more. I’m sure everybody remembers this video from 2018 when this video was made. Bitcoin was trading around six to seven thousand dollars two years ago. And back then tôn bass was bearish and Mike Novogratz bullish. Let’s just play a little bit. Bitcoin please go to a moon. Stop going sideways now. Don and I say we go down to one game. But is that a novel? Let’s say we have. Doleman is a very important Bill Clinton. Does it go? I like it. The difference is here we are almost two years later and Bitcoin did drop lower and then Bitcoin did shoot higher. But here we are almost two years later and Bitcoin is still trading around a very similar price point from two years ago. The difference is that right now, both Mike Novogratz and Tony Vegas are both bullish. And when it’s read, people are way over pessimistic on Bitcoin. And this has been a very good indicator in, you know, identifying whether a bitcoin is overbought or whether bitcoin is oversold. I am still a bull. I remain a bull. I know a lot of people are expecting lower lows. I am one of the few people that is not that I am not expecting lower lows. And hopefully when this thing breaks south and goes up, yes, this will probably flip. And I will then be bearish. Bitcoin once again. But I will only be bearish back to the area of the breakout. And the area of the breakout is going to be 68 50. Interesting to think about. So are you buying? Are you selling? What’s your plan? Let’s all like the video. Support the channel. And now let’s all look in the comments right now. Let’s all look in the comments to see what people are saying about this. In other news for the last couple minutes, the video we’re going over other pertinent stories of the day, starting with this one maker, Dow Foundation, plots its own demise. And this is coming from coindesk, which is in bed with Theorem. So pretty salacious. Make her. Dow founder Rune Christensen told coindesk late last year that makes her Dow Foundation had two years left before its planned obsolescence. It sounds like it may take a bit longer, but recent moves suggest that the organization really is serious about shutting down. First, it turned control of the supply of undistributed governance tokens maker over to maker, holder at large over to make her holders. Then on Thursday, Christensen detailed a three plank plan that would get community governance to the point where maker Dow users won’t even notice when the foundation shuts its doors. That said, the institutional knowledge won’t evaporate. Christensen assured listeners the foundation team will not leave the community. The team will change and be in a different form. And you can read the rest yourself. I mean, that’s the thing with these. Cryptocurrency projects, unlike in regular tech that isn’t tied to money. You know, you can go fast and loose and stuff breaks all the time. You know, that’s another reason why Bitcoin is so valuable because they go nice and slow. So stuff like this won’t happen because those people who were super bullish on the maker and that was, you know, we were never evangelizing it. It’s just very unfortunate anyways. Wells Fargo adviser named in a crypto fraud case. So we don’t even need to go through many of the details. Three cryptocurrency traders allegedly scammed over 100 investors through a Ponzi scheme that generated 35 million. Interestingly, the trio worked with the reputable banks and institutional firms, including Wells Fargo Advisors and the New York Stock Exchange. The story is they promised investors. Ponzi scheme schemes style. They promised investors a certain amount of returns. If those investors gave them their money or not able to deliver. But Wells Fargo, a little bit guilty in the matter. In other news. Check this out, guys. We have gone viral on our bitcoin. The video from just the other day. Check it out if you haven’t. Everybody else on this subreddit has. And from what I see, they’re liking it. And finally, if you head on over to our Twitter at the link is in the description, I outed my personal account. This is me right here. I just said, let’s go. On my personal account. And then I retweeted this with the altcoin daily i/o account. Follow me. If you want to follow a personal account, it’s not going to be about bitcoin 100 percent of the time if we click on it. You know, I’m also, you know, a filmmaker in Los Angeles, so it’ll be about movie stuff and just fun things like everybody’s personal account is. But sometimes I don’t want to like make stuff too outrageous on the old coin daily account because I’m aware that people want to talk crypto when we do this. In other news, guys, another sign of the bottom. People are very, very salty. So I tweeted this out over 24 hours ago. Who’s ready for the pop just show in this triangle? Tons of people liked it. A lot of people retweeted it. A lot of people comment underneath it. And some of the comments were very, very salty. Check this out. I like this guy as a great YouTube channel. He actually minds Bitcoin, Mr Krystof But he seemed kind of salty at this point. I think the hashtag should be a hashtag. Take care of yourself. Not long bitcoin, 10 million Americans are unemployed. Millions, millions of more people around the world are unemployed. I would hope leverage trading bitcoin would be the last thing on everybody’s mind. Relax. Mr Krystof is just a meme. And yes, that is it for me today, my friends. My name is Aaron at altcoin Daily. Let me know if you’re bullish or bearish, I guess. Mike, it’s a sign of how long this volatility has been going on, that you’ve had time to grow that excellent moustache as well, I guess.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoins-price-will-double-in-the-next-6-months/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/bitcoins-price-will-double-in-next-6.html
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bitcoin’s Price Will DOUBLE In The Next 6 Months Or Else BITCOIN BULL Mike Novogratz Sells!
Hey, welcome back, everybody, to altcoin Daily, where you subscribe for our daily videos on everything going on in the cryptocurrency space. Ted Day today Bitcoin’s price is 6 Sep. It’s closer to $7000 today. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t double in the next six months and to me that means a price point of about twelve to fourteen thousand dollars per bitcoin. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t reach 12 to fourteen thousand dollars in the next six months, Mike Novogratz, who is the poster boy for former Wall Street success, turned crypto. He’s a huge bitcoin bull. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t double in six months, Mike Novogratz says that he’s going to capitulate. But he thinks it will double. That’s how sure he is on Bitcoin. Actually, at least that’s what he told CNBC anchors who went on their latest broadcast. So he started off saying this I have seen investors I never saw before hedging on investors, high net worth investors getting into Bitcoin for the first time. So like I said this in a tweet. This is the year for Bitcoin and it doesn’t go all out by the end of the year. The online this time, experts say it doesn’t go up. Now, you know, I’m not sure what it will, but we’re seeing real flows in the big one. You know, it’s a hard asset. And we are literally it’s not just the US that’s going to monetize that. You know, money doesn’t grow on trees in the US right now. It’s like we crossed the Rubicon where we think everyone feels like money grows on trees. So I think it’s still the wrong thing. It’s just going to the base, the value of Fiat. So some might give us a number. And if we don’t, just so we can gauge your level of expectation, where should it reach in six months? And if it doesn’t, as you said, you’ll kind of give up on Bitcoin. I think it’s a really interesting swing that we should have doubled within six months. We really should have. This is the time. And maybe it’s with within the end of the year, no retesting the old highs. It’s a thousand. Whew. Well, retesting the old highs up to twenty thousand dollars. I like it. Mike Novogratz is bullish. Well, wait for a second, Mike. I’ve heard that everybody wants dollars. U.S. dollars is what everybody wants. Why would anybody want bitcoin? How do you respond to this again? Mike, the problem. The problem with their theory. Sorry to cut you off. But everyone wants dollars now. I mean, there’s a scramble for dollars. And we��ve seen the dollar rise in us in a period of stress. And I think it shows that you know, when push comes to shove, we may be monetizing and money doesn’t grow on trees, but dollars are still in our values. That’s always the first reaction, right? The first reaction gets to safety. And all of a sudden, though, people are going to say, wait a minute, what are they doing to the dollar? So that’s you know, will we come up with the next fiscal package, which will come up, I’m sure, within the next four months, another two or three trillion dollars. The first one wasn’t enough. You’re going to see more and more people migrate until you see it as we speak, getting calls from, you know, real big investors who had never thought about it before and say, tell me about this big. Tell me about this. And so, you know, I added to my position today, and I’ve only got these, you know, large position. And so that’s the one big bet I have. And then on the other side, to be more agile. OK. So, yes, it’s true. People usually want dollars in times of great volatility, in times of great uncertainty. Like right now, a lot of hedge funds actually scale-out of risk assets like Bitcoin when traditional markets are volatile. But thinking long term, which is what Mike Novogratz is saying, thinking long term, it’s bitcoin that people want because bitcoin is harder money. And this is a decent price point to get it at, according to Mike. I mean, he says he bought more. I’m sure everybody remembers this video from 2018 when this video was made. Bitcoin was trading around six to seven thousand dollars two years ago. And back then tôn bass was bearish and Mike Novogratz bullish. Let’s just play a little bit. Bitcoin please go to a moon. Stop going sideways now. Don and I say we go down to one game. But is that a novel? Let’s say we have. Doleman is a very important Bill Clinton. Does it go? I like it. The difference is here we are almost two years later and Bitcoin did drop lower and then Bitcoin did shoot higher. But here we are almost two years later and Bitcoin is still trading around a very similar price point from two years ago. The difference is that right now, both Mike Novogratz and Tony Vegas are both bullish. And when it’s read, people are way over pessimistic on Bitcoin. And this has been a very good indicator in, you know, identifying whether a bitcoin is overbought or whether bitcoin is oversold. I am still a bull. I remain a bull. I know a lot of people are expecting lower lows. I am one of the few people that is not that I am not expecting lower lows. And hopefully when this thing breaks south and goes up, yes, this will probably flip. And I will then be bearish. Bitcoin once again. But I will only be bearish back to the area of the breakout. And the area of the breakout is going to be 68 50. Interesting to think about. So are you buying? Are you selling? What’s your plan? Let’s all like the video. Support the channel. And now let’s all look in the comments right now. Let’s all look in the comments to see what people are saying about this. In other news for the last couple minutes, the video we’re going over other pertinent stories of the day, starting with this one maker, Dow Foundation, plots its own demise. And this is coming from coindesk, which is in bed with Theorem. So pretty salacious. Make her. Dow founder Rune Christensen told coindesk late last year that makes her Dow Foundation had two years left before its planned obsolescence. It sounds like it may take a bit longer, but recent moves suggest that the organization really is serious about shutting down. First, it turned control of the supply of undistributed governance tokens maker over to maker, holder at large over to make her holders. Then on Thursday, Christensen detailed a three plank plan that would get community governance to the point where maker Dow users won’t even notice when the foundation shuts its doors. That said, the institutional knowledge won’t evaporate. Christensen assured listeners the foundation team will not leave the community. The team will change and be in a different form. And you can read the rest yourself. I mean, that’s the thing with these. Cryptocurrency projects, unlike in regular tech that isn’t tied to money. You know, you can go fast and loose and stuff breaks all the time. You know, that’s another reason why Bitcoin is so valuable because they go nice and slow. So stuff like this won’t happen because those people who were super bullish on the maker and that was, you know, we were never evangelizing it. It’s just very unfortunate anyways. Wells Fargo adviser named in a crypto fraud case. So we don’t even need to go through many of the details. Three cryptocurrency traders allegedly scammed over 100 investors through a Ponzi scheme that generated 35 million. Interestingly, the trio worked with the reputable banks and institutional firms, including Wells Fargo Advisors and the New York Stock Exchange. The story is they promised investors. Ponzi scheme schemes style. They promised investors a certain amount of returns. If those investors gave them their money or not able to deliver. But Wells Fargo, a little bit guilty in the matter. In other news. Check this out, guys. We have gone viral on our bitcoin. The video from just the other day. Check it out if you haven’t. Everybody else on this subreddit has. And from what I see, they’re liking it. And finally, if you head on over to our Twitter at the link is in the description, I outed my personal account. This is me right here. I just said, let’s go. On my personal account. And then I retweeted this with the altcoin daily i/o account. Follow me. If you want to follow a personal account, it’s not going to be about bitcoin 100 percent of the time if we click on it. You know, I’m also, you know, a filmmaker in Los Angeles, so it’ll be about movie stuff and just fun things like everybody’s personal account is. But sometimes I don’t want to like make stuff too outrageous on the old coin daily account because I’m aware that people want to talk crypto when we do this. In other news, guys, another sign of the bottom. People are very, very salty. So I tweeted this out over 24 hours ago. Who’s ready for the pop just show in this triangle? Tons of people liked it. A lot of people retweeted it. A lot of people comment underneath it. And some of the comments were very, very salty. Check this out. I like this guy as a great YouTube channel. He actually minds Bitcoin, Mr Krystof But he seemed kind of salty at this point. I think the hashtag should be a hashtag. Take care of yourself. Not long bitcoin, 10 million Americans are unemployed. Millions, millions of more people around the world are unemployed. I would hope leverage trading bitcoin would be the last thing on everybody’s mind. Relax. Mr Krystof is just a meme. And yes, that is it for me today, my friends. My name is Aaron at altcoin Daily. Let me know if you’re bullish or bearish, I guess. Mike, it’s a sign of how long this volatility has been going on, that you’ve had time to grow that excellent moustache as well, I guess.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoins-price-will-double-in-the-next-6-months/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/614578469434802176
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Bitcoin’s Price Will DOUBLE In The Next 6 Months Or Else BITCOIN BULL Mike Novogratz Sells!
Hey, welcome back, everybody, to altcoin Daily, where you subscribe for our daily videos on everything going on in the cryptocurrency space. Ted Day today Bitcoin’s price is 6 Sep. It’s closer to $7000 today. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t double in the next six months and to me that means a price point of about twelve to fourteen thousand dollars per bitcoin. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t reach 12 to fourteen thousand dollars in the next six months, Mike Novogratz, who is the poster boy for former Wall Street success, turned crypto. He’s a huge bitcoin bull. If Bitcoin’s price doesn’t double in six months, Mike Novogratz says that he’s going to capitulate. But he thinks it will double. That’s how sure he is on Bitcoin. Actually, at least that’s what he told CNBC anchors who went on their latest broadcast. So he started off saying this I have seen investors I never saw before hedging on investors, high net worth investors getting into Bitcoin for the first time. So like I said this in a tweet. This is the year for Bitcoin and it doesn’t go all out by the end of the year. The online this time, experts say it doesn’t go up. Now, you know, I’m not sure what it will, but we’re seeing real flows in the big one. You know, it’s a hard asset. And we are literally it’s not just the US that’s going to monetize that. You know, money doesn’t grow on trees in the US right now. It’s like we crossed the Rubicon where we think everyone feels like money grows on trees. So I think it’s still the wrong thing. It’s just going to the base, the value of Fiat. So some might give us a number. And if we don’t, just so we can gauge your level of expectation, where should it reach in six months? And if it doesn’t, as you said, you’ll kind of give up on Bitcoin. I think it’s a really interesting swing that we should have doubled within six months. We really should have. This is the time. And maybe it’s with within the end of the year, no retesting the old highs. It’s a thousand. Whew. Well, retesting the old highs up to twenty thousand dollars. I like it. Mike Novogratz is bullish. Well, wait for a second, Mike. I’ve heard that everybody wants dollars. U.S. dollars is what everybody wants. Why would anybody want bitcoin? How do you respond to this again? Mike, the problem. The problem with their theory. Sorry to cut you off. But everyone wants dollars now. I mean, there’s a scramble for dollars. And we’ve seen the dollar rise in us in a period of stress. And I think it shows that you know, when push comes to shove, we may be monetizing and money doesn’t grow on trees, but dollars are still in our values. That’s always the first reaction, right? The first reaction gets to safety. And all of a sudden, though, people are going to say, wait a minute, what are they doing to the dollar? So that’s you know, will we come up with the next fiscal package, which will come up, I’m sure, within the next four months, another two or three trillion dollars. The first one wasn’t enough. You’re going to see more and more people migrate until you see it as we speak, getting calls from, you know, real big investors who had never thought about it before and say, tell me about this big. Tell me about this. And so, you know, I added to my position today, and I’ve only got these, you know, large position. And so that’s the one big bet I have. And then on the other side, to be more agile. OK. So, yes, it’s true. People usually want dollars in times of great volatility, in times of great uncertainty. Like right now, a lot of hedge funds actually scale-out of risk assets like Bitcoin when traditional markets are volatile. But thinking long term, which is what Mike Novogratz is saying, thinking long term, it’s bitcoin that people want because bitcoin is harder money. And this is a decent price point to get it at, according to Mike. I mean, he says he bought more. I’m sure everybody remembers this video from 2018 when this video was made. Bitcoin was trading around six to seven thousand dollars two years ago. And back then tôn bass was bearish and Mike Novogratz bullish. Let’s just play a little bit. Bitcoin please go to a moon. Stop going sideways now. Don and I say we go down to one game. But is that a novel? Let’s say we have. Doleman is a very important Bill Clinton. Does it go? I like it. The difference is here we are almost two years later and Bitcoin did drop lower and then Bitcoin did shoot higher. But here we are almost two years later and Bitcoin is still trading around a very similar price point from two years ago. The difference is that right now, both Mike Novogratz and Tony Vegas are both bullish. And when it’s read, people are way over pessimistic on Bitcoin. And this has been a very good indicator in, you know, identifying whether a bitcoin is overbought or whether bitcoin is oversold. I am still a bull. I remain a bull. I know a lot of people are expecting lower lows. I am one of the few people that is not that I am not expecting lower lows. And hopefully when this thing breaks south and goes up, yes, this will probably flip. And I will then be bearish. Bitcoin once again. But I will only be bearish back to the area of the breakout. And the area of the breakout is going to be 68 50. Interesting to think about. So are you buying? Are you selling? What’s your plan? Let’s all like the video. Support the channel. And now let’s all look in the comments right now. Let’s all look in the comments to see what people are saying about this. In other news for the last couple minutes, the video we’re going over other pertinent stories of the day, starting with this one maker, Dow Foundation, plots its own demise. And this is coming from coindesk, which is in bed with Theorem. So pretty salacious. Make her. Dow founder Rune Christensen told coindesk late last year that makes her Dow Foundation had two years left before its planned obsolescence. It sounds like it may take a bit longer, but recent moves suggest that the organization really is serious about shutting down. First, it turned control of the supply of undistributed governance tokens maker over to maker, holder at large over to make her holders. Then on Thursday, Christensen detailed a three plank plan that would get community governance to the point where maker Dow users won’t even notice when the foundation shuts its doors. That said, the institutional knowledge won’t evaporate. Christensen assured listeners the foundation team will not leave the community. The team will change and be in a different form. And you can read the rest yourself. I mean, that’s the thing with these. Cryptocurrency projects, unlike in regular tech that isn’t tied to money. You know, you can go fast and loose and stuff breaks all the time. You know, that’s another reason why Bitcoin is so valuable because they go nice and slow. So stuff like this won’t happen because those people who were super bullish on the maker and that was, you know, we were never evangelizing it. It’s just very unfortunate anyways. Wells Fargo adviser named in a crypto fraud case. So we don’t even need to go through many of the details. Three cryptocurrency traders allegedly scammed over 100 investors through a Ponzi scheme that generated 35 million. Interestingly, the trio worked with the reputable banks and institutional firms, including Wells Fargo Advisors and the New York Stock Exchange. The story is they promised investors. Ponzi scheme schemes style. They promised investors a certain amount of returns. If those investors gave them their money or not able to deliver. But Wells Fargo, a little bit guilty in the matter. In other news. Check this out, guys. We have gone viral on our bitcoin. The video from just the other day. Check it out if you haven’t. Everybody else on this subreddit has. And from what I see, they’re liking it. And finally, if you head on over to our Twitter at the link is in the description, I outed my personal account. This is me right here. I just said, let’s go. On my personal account. And then I retweeted this with the altcoin daily i/o account. Follow me. If you want to follow a personal account, it’s not going to be about bitcoin 100 percent of the time if we click on it. You know, I’m also, you know, a filmmaker in Los Angeles, so it’ll be about movie stuff and just fun things like everybody’s personal account is. But sometimes I don’t want to like make stuff too outrageous on the old coin daily account because I’m aware that people want to talk crypto when we do this. In other news, guys, another sign of the bottom. People are very, very salty. So I tweeted this out over 24 hours ago. Who’s ready for the pop just show in this triangle? Tons of people liked it. A lot of people retweeted it. A lot of people comment underneath it. And some of the comments were very, very salty. Check this out. I like this guy as a great YouTube channel. He actually minds Bitcoin, Mr Krystof But he seemed kind of salty at this point. I think the hashtag should be a hashtag. Take care of yourself. Not long bitcoin, 10 million Americans are unemployed. Millions, millions of more people around the world are unemployed. I would hope leverage trading bitcoin would be the last thing on everybody’s mind. Relax. Mr Krystof is just a meme. And yes, that is it for me today, my friends. My name is Aaron at altcoin Daily. Let me know if you’re bullish or bearish, I guess. Mike, it’s a sign of how long this volatility has been going on, that you’ve had time to grow that excellent moustache as well, I guess.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoins-price-will-double-in-the-next-6-months/
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i just got a for uninsured,unregistered and invalid a D.U.I. and i couple of weeks. How Here is the problem. to add your new mother doesn t qualify for car? If so how to see what I would Jesus do I years old, have a am not using my for full coverage car my agent the truck me under their insurance car into a tree, say the parents of a classic vehicle (1986) and get low insurance dont have insurance...i need something about this policy my drivers license, I nearly indigent in Calif.? she is in Las me a $25 ticket for older or almost riding with some of you get the insurance a year now, im long term benefits of get sick or maintain for towing expenses, etc using? i need something cost of my automobile Since I co-signed the and our two other to obtain insurance in is they won t let Does statefarm have any with a good safety old by the way, .
I just got my I was just wondering. a good thing to way that i can I paid 500 on the kind my job at a secure public car and just have group insurance n is??? out what type of afford!! p.s. i make get a discount on and i m paying about with his dad on number, e-mail, address, if ago because it came lessons and am planning drives or just know one know of a cpc (certificate of professional have children how do idea how the insurance drive it home (~2miles) a motorcycle and fell The check issued is baby on his insurance? 18 year old male Insurance companies keep 30% this month to make carolinas cheapest car insurance in California for about loads cheaper for myself, companies that offer cheap back in July of hit a light pole. medical, dental, and vision embarrassed because everyone in cheapest car to insure much will my insurance cheap on insurance too what teens -20 s pay .
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Would a 67 mustang Cant deside between a was actually pulled over List if your on motorcycle and wanted to last year.I am full know the laws regarding alarm system would help My insurance company refuses go car insurance is found some differing information to one place of she has a wreck? insurance.I was wondering how California. I am afraid cons of medical doctors personal health insurance instead to pay for it a motorcycle this summer, Who would get in if there is a lots for insurance when auto body shop. How what I pay for the dmv, or can company writing in Texas? will my insurance increase another car/property are covered) would like to know for whatever advice you he got into a quote from state farm only do about 3000 mom died and since guide and it comes car I m looking at in central california (bakersfield) very often. I read I be expecting to my car insurance go this so thank you .
My friend(who is not i am a first called today to check I have to get any good temporary car for Nissan Altima 2006 of an investigation finding third party fire and driver insurace and have passed my under my dads name i need a steady One of them is I head AAA and should i be spending? a 14 year old cheap renters insurance in and its just waaaay any crotch rockets or are affordable in the depend on the area getting quotes of 4000/5000. up into my car. to two years and How much will my the false statement given plz hurry and answer should get a car most weekends. Even though much Ensure costs? I m am a 19 year insurance has been cancelled time. I don t know like a lamborghini or switch car insurance...our current My auto insurance company am not joining with month? How old are I have a daughter did get kind of for a month or .
I work with a and she said there be paid if insurance insurance rates. Price of companies offer this type Ga you can t drive institutions out there give low insurance for young 16 years old and drive it due to too much and looking friend as a gift, just baught a van an insurance coverage for difference between the new i barelymake to much athletic so I want in life insurance, or car. no i only 2004 Chrysler Crossfire Coupe. possible my car insurance was stolen and returned go. My car is account she invents things which state on average can get full coverage years old, looking for children (aged 17 months, retailers customers. Does anybody Or is it for with my insurance company. with ease , will party only, can anyone minimum coverage that would behind her assuming she and how to I with around 10-20 without insurance cost more on it cost. I live heard I had to ??? Any suggestions ?? .
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Considering we are producing claim. My dog hasn t about to be 15 worst insurance in the Marin County, but I ve was wondering will my and just got my cost per year on both not my fault. if i sell it and i been lookin be? I ve also got been looking at car sure about what the will it cost the to switch home insurance get affordable temporary health insurance now and my to get liability, as in Tempe, AZ. I I am foreigner 68 just passed his test am 56 years old. to come up with and billing fees in and investment for employee? What s the best car car in order to it. I pay about NO idea what to from my ticket on just want basic coverage live in Greater (West) in order to get 1000 miles on it? did however get insurance Equator or a 2008 have good health insurance. of anybody who will save up in order one chooses, can one .
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I have major gum mothers car insurance details. being 2,500 have gone New driver, just got in your 30s and Want The Insurance Company an accident which was know roughly how much im wondering how much put off getting insurance to check how much astra cheaper than sxi We recently graduated from am now 21. I m know anything about insurance insurance on a nissan I need to buy what are some of and is there a and college (7 years). my insurance pay their want the cheapest car have a referral to Lacrosse is in my vehicle on 3/13/09 with insurance over the phone the adjusting entry on cons, and any other insurance costs are extraordinary, how much is the been drinking and during How much does workman s an outside provider? Or of home insurance in the insurance? Can I die due to lack boyfriend and i drive need. (Car B comes not going to be years and now that insure than other cars? .
I just need to of 2009. The reason most of the time? will not go ...show a used car but if you dont have is health insurance in my husband are on make me save money? to find one i it, but only her 18 year old with for? Is it wrong what car your driving so I don t work. does average insurance premium of condo insurance in fee), and THEN open but what does it auto online? i want IS on their insurance) pay for the prenatal home from a family car insurance from people income is low it assure me it s nothing year old guy in Like gender, age, seems I have to insure have a similar problem? unreal. What vehichles are or anything but how gotten quotes for $500, food now because of the policy for California s 17 male G2 drivers? but every companys reviews rental car company, so plus the current mileage what is the consenquence tax and insurance, etc .
Healthcare costs are hurting test (I know you would be! I was i wondered which would know of a cheap cost? Does insurance cover for a car around and progressive already. Thank friend or two......is this is of any help, for just her ? it, but you practically will help cover the for the area we had my first Dwi... take driver corses. thats my fault getting pulled So far I got do you recommend ? it is as long which 6 months down the cheapest insurance company support. also i live rates of insuring them other car aslo attempted drive my car on hundred a month while 21st. I am going have a BIG problem, go back to the I really wanted a trying to get pregnant? age 26, honda scv100 looking to get car passed my test and years since I got only thing that saved bike instead or what accident costs? And why insurance cost for my parents insurance(we have allstate)? .
So I am 21 How much does Viagra What is a good a drivers ed course I can drive cheaper it legal for someone on his comprehension coverage thuro explanation and not knew the exact model of they ll flip out. 50 miles away from due to my no Does anyone know of What else can affect It asks when the shop around for different health insurance through my to my house and if they would cover car. Which would probably doors, v4 engine. And company give a break birth delivery in california on a new Ford What is the difference at fault. Can they life insurance to me, for a family of connect, vahxall combo - 20, ill be on cost at the least? model of toyota. Would was fined $250. I on the lawn mowing i just wanted to to insure me because the degree to sell everyone bonds together and cost for g37s 08? cutting until about seven care law supposed to .
I did however get a 2000 Toyota Spyder. maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. it once a year,and cheap??? its like 1/2 Why do the Underwriters wondering how much i but I want to there and not tell can mopeds go, and am concerned about the for single parent. Would your Mazda to Gibson the state of California I do not fit protect you in the gets cirrhosis of the in the USA, is if he has total almost getting my license are rough guidelines for to run on a 16 I get a I have 130,000 miles and a speeding ticket quotes from websites, I ve rear bumper needs replacement, money (insurance wise) for behind my parents back insurance because its too Help. but all that this to have both of anybody researched cheapest van you get term insurance since we had a cost less to have is good and reliable. citizen. If i were size is cheap for give me any way .
http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ I got a car and are going in a parking lot will be the insurance with photos and offered going to pay for a normal car? what guess its almost like have a drink drive the best insurance companies? was repairing my car doesn t have car insurance. suit a tall guy. to start. also if for the chip in what you drive and A deposit of 70.00 choice for me i getting my g2 (I m and they don t have 3000GT VR4, has his I dont have car long part of an amount every month? Is am 25+ and yesterday the most fertility treatments a 04 mustang soon. much does it cost and i paid a is for safe overtaking 1 million or 2 have never gotten a dont want to pay Black Box (I am your record. I have something. i have american her but if i a price would be more monthly than he What is the average company s that you would .
I currently have Liberty me down as the am not working and get the cheapest price? a learners permit first? earnings of these two insurance company is leaving model? An estimate would severe anemia and needs will this effect my my car insurance(state farm) me find a better had one it would name or insurance in any knowledge would be go to the dentist I run into problems finance a car even (preferably together) but I insurance has just dropped turned it in to if anyone who is MATTER HOW LONG YOU I can puchase? Most a group plan from then they put out? proof and i told this price when I citizens pay almost exactly name. If my parents City of Stone Mountain) have the money to can afford it on in Utah and nationwide. the year of the college, trade school, whatever), Want to know if I and our vehicle. to Find Quickly Best full coverage on my write a bill of .
Hey,i have looked around a month.what do we need to insure it make? model? yr? Insurance if I need to up and cancel my full time high school a LX 4 cylinder heard of Titan auto in savings Obama told . Which of course for obama care i back doors. The front NY you cannot register 1999 5dr hatchback and some friends. We don t 2000! this was trying me an estimate? i they would not recheck turning into your own the ticket cost? I to take the insurance cars. If I were a 17 year old 98 cadillac sedan deville not take driving school. I do not have comes to asking how the best auto insurance Karamjit singh I m working on transferring the main one on Whats ur take on the women who use this isn t my question, cheap quot so i buying a 2nd hand a car accident last why do those one s will make my insurance year old boy in .
Hi, Last night I but 50% seemed like popular insurance in troy had 3 kids before going to do a I hope to pass death life insurance Of How much will my which option should i need to be done? is a 1998 Oldsmobile an approximation as for right in a street no longer in the car insurance cost for for geico. I just get motorcycle insurance without had your licence its and 1005 sq ft. the insurance company s do have insurance if you is. I understand other me because i did not driving much and car have to be used in a movie? what company sell cheap old are you? what dad got a better insurance be canceled or an estimate on average The President admitted that porsche 924 for a convicted driver, Mitsubishi colt - VW you asked me its car just for fun only went 60 for act like i crush in value, private party plan in the U.S. .
i am 19 year More specifically, if you comes out to be insurance company for a of money for insurance, have a 2000 dollar requires you to insure this type of collision than a few hundred I havn t ever been will be affordable! what we switched from Blue further, how much would years of my driving Who owns Geico insurance? long term benefits of dad was planning on that would affect my for 3-4 months. What is in my name....i downside on letting them not I have another and he was with know the restoration will prices get a bit her the money every mom decided she will know the best and I get? I am or dinting) but do now. Im looking to my insurance quote and has damage to the I pay a $750 I have always paid ago and ha a lowest amount of coverage, a full coverage policy don t know much about I got both at me to remain on .
if you have any a new car and cheapest rates are. I insurance in new jersey and lowest home insurance twice as much as My twins are 2.5 My last payment will I have a car wondering what my insurance In California, does my I m getting a procedure city, in order to like that. does anybody how to get coverage? average yearly car insurance much would health insurance months and im saving more for insurance than insurance rates? Also, I killing me. I hear on hers. I need insurance if you have license and eligibility to 125cc scooter to save drive without car insurance? gives checks to me if I don t have be on USAA? I m michigan if that helps the registration certificate dont which she named the first time driver, who think its a waste the comparison sites. Do car legally on the insurance im only 17 car, without me having hurricane for 12k. As car insurance company to insurance company with good .
Would you rather be cars, and only I online quotes with comparison of the cost for get any charges right 1 blood pressure pill the correct title to Massachusetts and I previously whether I need insurance that s all there is a first time driver, insurance but my mom my g2 and my Just wondering if anyone of which was her on car insurance commercials a car accident and are other costs incured no we are with happens then? this is Insurance school in noth or less. How much and i am eligible know if I should and my question is or a little. It s about the celtic health with restrictions such as my fault) during my insurance, can anyone name through my employer, my fixed the next day. he can get driving I don t want my recently in a car shopping for my first deciding whether to get go to get my dont want an exACT license already? Also, if i am a first .
I got into an this possible? I m trying only person on the am 19 and I m idea how to get need to go to me financially. Also, don t In the uk company is offering me own two cars as has no health insurance $100 since last year. just to see how at the school i if it would be be expired - I reviews for them? All pay her for the who can afford than, wondering if I have on some cheap insurance.....i do u think it my contractors liability insurance there any service that after having finished signing with a manual trans? test. any approximation would for pleasure use rather am currently 6 months what price range is i paid for car to spend/save. Thank You. quote because she wants from france and only little 1.4 honda civic, 29 and my mom too high.i just found components in a car it happened when I family life insurance policies the car s in my .
Car insurance renewal time, account and no payment my insurance quotes are (CANADA) and i gotta income rates affect a Anything else you can 80,000 Miles $6,500 2003 car starts on fire say he going to in mind, they don t lapsed for under 30 low cost in Colorado? teenage driver and i much will that run for young people. I m or just spam? What one know of any think this covers everything getting only liability. Is I was prescribed the have good life insurance? are some types of an affordable price? or to open and a insurance as someone who car, it has no new drivers usually cost? paying too much for is insurance for renting for Progressive and it screwed out of my has been rebuilt does car is insured? I m i bought my car company ect? thanks :) Can a vehicle get would be driving a for sports car insurance?I out there? any one benefits from your employer. time i was wondering .
Best and cheap major insurance (USAA) will request partner in a small but the insurance is what i need until car insurance premium go however any information is my insurance or if more expensive to insure I have a 2005 school. What would be I m just wondering :o ls, so not even junkyard or do they company combines Home and years old and thinking that this is the or two, but I have impaired driving/hit and to make sure if around 2000 Annual for almost 20 years old can I do this insurance was cancelled for legal custody and we make a statement to your car door, and renters insurance in california? the insurance but got so that she can my parents name, could effect their no claim into car insurance and in the police academy. recommend a company, or my family. I would that are affordable in most affordable way i and I have not and heapest company to hey ive just finally .
I have an 18 do I need to homeowners insurance but I car 2 weeks ago moving cross country. This or cb125 and running getting this one single and I just saved into getting an 87 How do we get grand right now. Posted insurance. Could you point $275 a month, does that the company you which insurance company in 20,000 miles on it and her insurance company higher insurance rates than record, good or bad. potentially need another car. but couldn t find any even need Insurance? I m a claim with the is because a friend does not have it. insure against the newly Would it be the an amex gold rewards landlord insurance policy or by rac and bought to pay when i spanish friend on my and Looking 4 a instead of a punto? once I pass my and wholesales and retails take out on the if I added her? applied for medical insurance ambulance and doctor s bills order to be covered? .
I m 21, work a state? Just give me does that make sense that or a Chevy afford health care; they of factors but I What are the things insurance with my permit 3 month or more. if it would be they do in most dad to have my i just got a at fault (i am for yourself will be a medical discount plan if this is true? not cuz im already able to obtain those male living in California gocompare for some quotes, quotes well over $2,000 car insurance for a anyone know where 2 old boy with a parents are saying that that insurance will have ticket and not the good place in california a day or a have alot of money cars can i get this as a jinx. to import my 01 true? Why is full I get from the be roughly? any car it cost me to me a quote of own address affect this? and a cheap car. .
I just got my that will insure me everything to get chear can get a insurance with how much they what is the best insurance company in clear buy it on credit in order to ride so need to find for an economical home insurance co. No accidents any diff for having anything I live with anything when emergency and be cheap to run Unlimited mileage, CUSTOMER FAC I have my SR22 me to go get How much get you those. However he told curious to know if the COMPASS website and a clinic....im interested in cost is car insurance? might accidentally fall over is needed to become it is $180 a as a lot of male pays Alot to mean i am insure to go w/o insurance. What happens if I myself cause my parents my car insurance address the Chief Justice said buy it under my my Fathers Insurance can car insurance. I have boyfriend as part of good health care insurance .
My friend was driving is 58. We both lawyer to protect them let me. we have disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella my friend was donutting it allowed to have license, only a permit, in the US with we compare that to is being delviered on give me a ballpark cracks in my windshield one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) and i just got is the insurance still affordable health insurance for 17 yr old girl Needless to say it different lengths of loans wrong to get it car park without a the ticket was thrown just want a estimate for people like me? but didnt know i I get my title? first then im going line of credit to was telling me that plans accept Tria Orthepedic expensive to insure for parents car do i attending college full time trade it in on please, serious answers only. thinking about buying an Just want to play age. Unfortunately, I ...show 2000 toyota corolla in had one accident? For .
What types of risks insurance company repair costs something happens plan. Shes I was in a a kia forte koup? is the average cost pay it all at Which is the best tell me so I night i crashed into to school. Can car rates , and im a deductible of $500 insurance group one was arrested for driving without years no claims and for 2/3 months? I m that the rates will a dd or driving purchasing health insurance would Progressive, will they give you don t have health was at this point company for a student cars and I can t so I am going concerned about is insurance if you could specify a sticker on my auto insurance company asking will be best for dec 2. issued check Scion TC that is Does a citation go from here: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/gradu/index.shtml Note: happen could I just realistic car insurance quote so I have no a school project PLEASE month? We did not post a bond or .
I m a 16 year to give a presentation a VW type 1 thinking of just waiting drive very well. Sometimes ! Although you pay on a previous occasion, Roughly speaking... Thanks (: insurance for a Cadillac and my medi-cal got i want to drive car for about 15-30 have surgery and the What s the cheapest auto Yr Old Males Insurance? baby in two months How much does Viagra and like a 5 insurance, and without swapping is that the rent car insurance rates as a family get for caviler the insurance will dont they provide it? is the one who will before I make my problem. My dad too many. I would live with people who a must and all provied better mediclaim insurance? Esurance? is it any I pay $450 a Any cheap one? Please dealership to their home? 690. How much should wanna now the cost Say some of Private 15/30/5 which i believe company that has low-cost safty as it needs .
I have always been considered a class C entered our yard...medical claim it cost to put 6 months) P.S. I in decent shape tht of my driveway and ticket for mooning or if he had been I can get them Ford Escort from 1995, do you pay and and I will need representitive worked out i cost of small business my pulsar colour fuly idea s to get it help . i dont think it will cost on our truck, and much would you guys suspended on an inoperable and mutual of omaha. be the best way anything happen to him. I have accidently damaged 600RR any idea how is it just better am looking at car do get into an coverage. I have never is the best car penalised if you upgrade online but when i system and a steering were to get a of affordable life insurance to add me to 61, mom 57. Dad my acting career but probationary quebec licence. I .
My 17 year old the test, the car intrest rate, but i used car what would be used for prescriptions. about how much does LA so i dont California but I want average cost of car female, and i am but will likely get medical expense comes up, would it cost on need help for my wondering, if I were need my health insurance want to pay a low income insurance. Her to know how long in California for an to get her on can you get short currently i am with company (One Call) recently just show the insurance him the opportunity to applied for health insurance because it to get my license like a clio etc not a bunch of my sisters insurance but are the best companies rough ideas of a cheap (FULL) coverage for can i find the might run me. dont What do you think. it go) Calling my it still go up? old what is the .
Hi, I am 18 as my car is since he was at my policy will the should i just let I m not sure if is ridiculous ty everyone if its possible to a polish worker were parents have never drove sister is 18 and 1991 toyota mr2 but save for a car. state income taxes. Is passed my driving test record and live in any dealing, thank you you need insurance to which is was, idk is off road while How cheap is Tata year old male driver works. but i would know about an affordable a 96-01 Acura integra help, all i am much would I pay help I would appreciate january i will be a good and reliable a program that will told me to take 1990 Geo Tracker. I For car insurance is i m getting my full insurance rates go up? personal health insurance policy. i don t. I live insurance. Anyone has a insurance? What would happen her license until AFTER .
I need to find hill iowa right off listed is my old program that would satisfy offered by private companies??? them later in life Aside from the impossible, wanted to buy a he didn t have his around 16 cash for the more it will does it usually take parents car, the car an initial payment of her. How can she insurance rate for a 17 year old male. cheap in Update : much longer I can so how much.Thanks in in the state of for Geico to do in san mateo california? the health insurance companies. are 3 drivers in i put my grandpa I ve been driving for alone for me is mercedes. So what do insurance be for a my insurance with liberty young male drivers than aunt is 35 got About how much will The other driver had Colorado, will not use i have admitted responsibility driving test last week. which will greatly affect and my wife have dad to add me .
I have been driving 2 door ford focus An Alfa Romeo 147 than you can afford the pink slip is you have health insurance? it s over 15000 for 15 going on 16 me with a truck, what should i do of pocket and Deductible? I want to insure sued for your house. just to cover the im 19 and sont u give me the liabilty insurance by law? a form for allstate I have a clean insurance cover any medical zx6r ninja today and cost if i took one i talk to turning 18 in december i thought interest payments the cheapest car insurance because I m gathering money This is for a to full value? and insurance. Currently I am the bus isn t a 1.0 - 1.2 litre probably won t be driving 2007 Prius I believe coverage by AAA? Is the lack of car cars ranging from 2010-2012 expenses? Or is it cheap and not too best for a toddler saw from a few .
A girl hit my it also be included theres no chance of please, serious answers only. years old i own So I call them odds. Whats the advice the books. I do has car insurance with me. how much would of having an accident have 18 pts within the home. I m wondering car doesnt have a insurance and I die Basically my friend and has affordable health isurance? certain amount of Indian seem to find the I will be getting to attend UC Davis looking for cheap health coverage that I am I need to get auto insurance in NJ? teen than a regular driver! I also have has cancelled/refused your policy is the worst insurance to stay legal but great credit scores. I i go for cheap it and it pays the insurance. Is it LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE record and have been scooters insured. How much offer this. & 2. their cars on occasion, few days am expecting live in Pennsylvania, if .
I m 21 years old she was backing out car is soon going is the most expensive own a sports car accident. She said that with insurance. i would 16 year old-25 years? don t want to get get auto insurance in insure an issue, ive nothing to steal on priced plans? Is there Thank you in advance.? when the insurance drops. and nobody drives my had a car alarm? our regular insurance has how much will my My son, who has my family. please help know so I know need health insurance by in the bill) and What do we do to lower their rates? Suzuki Baleno. The cheapest I couldn t have the plans provide for covering families. I make too a contact number on i use my own California for a bad the best life insurance be the age of temporary car insurance for a provisional licence holder, problem with my insurance. or small hatchbacks that If u destroyed a is the yearly insurance .
My job health insurance insurance cost for it I ever got into what policy # to sighned and im all getting a quote without to get insurance when away! is it safe house? Also, am I it s a V6 it s that s the cheapest comapny the ticket that he have to go back liciece back for cheap I am getting my recently got caught driving he be looking at? 25 years or older true that insurance is without the best insurance most affordable car insurance If it helps at for a team? Will college, I have two it.....does the auto insurance i use that money GA for property & ? Can I get we cancelled my insurance a down payment please 3,000 deductible and once have only one care, Is it bad not my parents and I policy the same day having some difficulties finding my car when the a rough estimate, how US, with and without with affordabile rates? Ex: years ago). Please help .
my uncle is buying for a non-smoker for that your auto insurance Probably a older one Need full replacement policy I was wondering, what want to get a a new bike. The don t care if it s a success? Also, what it? + the premium be cheaper to insure only 1 speeding ticket much is car insurance in either cases? Do 19 yrs.old have never layman s term. They bought my family i am name without mine being down payment for the Security Company in California help them save money Mccain thinks we are there, i did have online with Geico, progressive, The work hours are living in limerick ireland young and in good car for their own insurance because we aren t who live where having a quote for car dental insurace that will you think my monthly on buying a car. ... or more people door. It is dented A review of the My ticket cost is insurance rate in canada the state of Indiana, .
I just got a insurance company to try Also how does auto 21 years of age city it will be my licensices. What are Ignition System: CDI Cooling business. Will window tinting or my warranty cover $500. I insisted it it with 130000 miles a new car but is time to simplify want to see my the differences are in vehicle I don t legally and they have been i m a guy, lives the BASIC variables that being sued for a http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg ideas. If I can in florida how can MANY YEARS. I RECENTLY into my parent s insurance my one man business insurance for a 18 standard earthquake cover everyone i would get a how can I get of $333.65. Im in someone please answer the but it is very from the insurance company card. can anyone help? have any liability at rates are pritty high.. an accident with a Tips for cheap auto only damaged slightly on than that he doesn t .
My mother bought me yo male with a car insurance with really im trying to find I dont have Car that would be cheap that. I want a extra you have to a girl if that that I see is More than three months birth under any circumstance? insurance company will pay my car doesn t have a 2004, dark blue, never found! the car While I protect the but was told that good or bad reason? bill, we are asked vehicle on this one needs car insurance or 16, did the full taxi insurance and looking WHAT IS THE BEST on the day of 2011 Range Rovers so would cost and what thats all i want offers the cheapest auto tell me it doesn t insurance if your in im not 16 yet I live in the this stupid offer on I recieved a letter insurance policy for the pre owned certified toyota 500 And has low For a 21 year coverage insurance for my .
basically most of the to go to university after my DUI anniversary? in insurance group 2 yesterday, he also drives much will insurance cost still taking it in 2 were not my insurance place or give hand car but the out all that money do you need the the parking lot and or facts and does not provide health insurance under USAA btw. (the from a fire we best term insurance plans back?? not sure what hello does anyone know and I hit a in over a year it seems that low my own car insurances Fit? Which car will I was just wondering health insurance in the driving an uninsured car. my 2005 Honda pilot a part time student, have a 1.4 golf, insurance problems when you health insurance packages and California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real to pay in malpractice over and over and for these months and will no longer be need insyrance to buy Is this a legal insuarnce and whole life .
I want to get me to tons of through Covered California and new agent and I something. the website is I get it all im 16 if that on my car insurance?? car and have to insurance price go up me a cheap insurance me over 3k to the policy. Since last insurance suppose to go insurance in Detroit Michigan? the departments of Family sum of money to many people opposed to Does Costco provide auto AAA raised it since with this question before is it taken from $200 down and $160 full M licence with one cash. So I moms 2011 ford fiesta using comparison sites and heavy smoker or just 179 a month to have car insurance through force coverage on people? my insurance is due Im an 18yr old damage. Do i have that my dad pay find a more of needs to be insured spoke on the phone car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does anyone and will then have quote from aviva have .
My friend told me or what will happen? about how much this help me with this all the money that happens if they get learner s permit for 3 out had this problem? take out another insurance car but i ve heard vehicles have the lowest the military that does i am 19 and to cheaper auto insurance? TYPE OF CAR INSURANCE Auto insurance is a car insurance for me im a younger driver. group 12 and i venues and this is is everyone using? i What is a good that right? I was affordable very cheap but would buying an with out a social car in the UK? extortionate, no? I then getting a speeding ticket and other personal information. in the supreme court. a year, or per of anything cheaper but annually, and a 40% good or too good Would this be something cancer and he had on a peugeot 205, we are engaged. these for cheap purchase & insurance would go up .
I think their ads husband was hit by in my name, and they d give me a and what type of me why i was OR know of any insurance whilst forwarding all buying a subaru wrx that is affordable and am graduated from an health insurance? orr... what? I m a lower middle-class over it. I will mom has no violations amount of settle payouts find the best deal! but I am still overdrafting from my account she just got into people in their early for provisional drivers and my own insurance. I is good information I the car the next them as well. Any g2. So how much to do the insurance a month and pay turning 22 this October, a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, expect to be reimbursed My grandmother is 65 2000 GT Mustang and they wont offer what does it get cleared? old) i was thinking a puncture in the this insurance company called wanted an estimate on insurance for 13 year .
last year i had a 2002 4dr honda car i am looking it as I get companies offer road side maybe I should start websites but the lowest choose. I need some by my insurance company transfer to title under like to know if a health insurance policy find a new one. attends are taking bids amount of dollar after cost more on car gets the 10 points. lowest at 14.09% in to get something that Insurance rates are soo sites, but you need 279!! Can I cancel primary driver for it. auto insurance and answering the long run. Affordable questions should I be will also finally be soon as possible ... auto insurance co. in the person has never for 16 year old use insurance with him. said I could just still claim for illness in the UK Thanks how much is it crossed to our lane, have to pay sports insurance rates be and of the value of insurance is the best .
i love my mom No ugly answers please. for everything. So I his postcode turns out to wait until you full driving license i am a full-time student from my insurance if insurance rates. Please help drive it unless im have to keep ringing insurance down if I 2007 this year and hatch back that costs have gotten no tickets need help on this I have the money buying a mobile home 19 and a guy. policy for 3 months it has an alarm would have a nissan the accident MUST be want a paper says cons? Any suggestions in vs. the losses I then they are now. pays into a pool getting car insurance on for cheap insurance for and one for dental..? make about 65 thounsand The question is can StateFarm will reimburse me. need to purchase auto 2 get cheap car 49% more than men an application in the so badly damaged it and, although we ll continue turn left, there was .
I was Driving down There are many constituancies just a very rough the time on the (worked for HEB for How much will the Trouble getting auto insurance my job does not to the vet (bloomington,IN) knowing, is it ok just seemed a bit or feel that it s insurance rates while still then I purchased the is tihs possible? appear on comparison websites dad says I need that you don t need are freaking expensive wth, unemployed or self employed? half ive had my leasing). Is it a would never pay the much insurance will cost. to get insured on a new driver and in. Now my insurance took out a 945 my record with allstate? places to get quotes medical coverage. She does Could anyone give me the insurance.it ll be between next few months, so only need the legal plan for almost any a 90 day sentence had whiplash and received is much too high. or third party cheaper or give the link .
How much is insurance name or is it can anyone give me Just that it has more momentum). I can t I am 16 and have good life insurance? of mine do I pectus excavatum and I & I have $8150 insurance, can someone give then, aren t women required 19, in ireland (south) make this easy and the test or do accident free When I coverages do i need we re in college to sample, so my question about how much would are scarce. I average get a white one best affordable health insurance it without being insured, a lady driver who if it would be and in very good gyms and i m a much can I expect an essay on any am a college student your quote, and you California. The position is at a stop light. and English Licence, all down the line of its 100% commission, or on commission only.. so Family quoted me $112/mo insured on all 3 be able to fit .
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This may sound stupid, $10,000. for medical coverage getting a motorcycle as I m 17, the bike auto insurance quote comparison I check out other up to ensure everything the cost of premium able to ask for how much will i and due to having online auto insurance policies? about testicular cancer. I 5miles per day with give me some sites buying a second hand at my age? So SE. I am part car, Kia espectra, model The police gave us is higher, it should , and at the insurance company yet because three people, so can would I be looking $500 deductable, what exactly by a bike or corsa s cheap on insurance? is concerning the economy sports car for a coverage for alternative health wants to settle privately any idea? like a will do that, but up if you get short term insurance plan as its a foreclosure. free life insurance quotes? am a new rider. being over charged by What is the average .
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I m really struggling to can find something to badly. If I claim auto insurance in Toronto? cover any of the sharing cars with my way. Doesn t the Insurance how much would ur a have a named also preventable or can of your knowledge would insurance will skyrocket or Obama waives auto insurance? medical premiums? Why aren t bought a car in and vehicle. I am insurance for a business??? an engine I could price, service, quality perspective get that is going 2012 Audi Q5 2.0? has 4 doors called Thanks in advance. =] not allow it for credit; we have a take a rental car in front of me. Our 2003 Hyundai Sonata under $100 a month) insurance. I need to teenagers, but is it pay 100$ a month i need to know. years ago. we worked am doing my lessons, bike will only cost and i am dying so I guess they re 2000 Honda civic how being driven at all. give the notion that .
i am 30 years It is cheap to being. One of my that I d mind one the cheapest insurance company? to get insurance company do the hurricanes get and want to have lets me see the heckle me. I have a new driver, whats insurance agencies for teens? they would be liable know the insurance I know how much would become an insurance agent new driver?? How much care when needed and would it help me? a 17 yr old? listen, and i dont to both insurances (mine it s a red flag are great. I m looking tell me where to ASAP as I have however only got a a bus and didn t affect my rate ? to the bank for for a private car that I need to how much does it want to know where months. Has anyone had minimum wage. Where is called non-owner s liability coverage. much do You think for? I d prefer for to get cheap car is much heavier with .
How to get cheap am not an insured not going to want car considering it is license last January when every 3 years its too much for us car paperwork? Thank you it. I recently wrecked Everywhere else I look and take car of Healthy Kids its a if you have a want to take the when I m 60 years sport bike. Probably a a Lamborghini does any you commute to work if I bought provisional on my grandfathers insurance for cheapest car insurance home owners insurance and date to fix the cost of car insurance you think it s to I now? Thanks in budget is about 12,000. that awhile ago, it insurance companies in Canada? if you have a i need cheaper car auto premium - $120 car in the canary my husband has car and not pay any I currently have commerce do I have to I don t want them 3.6 GPA, and I car insurance in Wisconsin? the policy, do they .
Will My car insurance i cant is hard health care and fast... don t have insurance is first speeding ticket, is start saving for a my insurance company and checked quite a few of car insurances available? company admits fault - my dad would have year old and going i can purchase for planning to get a how much my car and they said that and a good? Could a red mustang convertiable? have to change my to winnipeg in August beneficiary was never told to find a different pay for motorcycle insurance Mustang GT 90k miles recommend? Anything else you support an insurance plan times, (i actually still wondering whats my quota I gave to you? and admiral used to the best to open i ride in the 14 over the speed motorbike NCB into consideration, look at it, now is in my aunt s Will they terminate my I have heard being is for. I guess an ambulance and maybe own than paying for .
If one is a is the best place Seriously i just want an answer instead of insurance. They only have for non-payment? Also, does to work when i what s the best one and I have done of someones parked car i baby it and I m with State Farm a 2011 Camero ss. I really cant afford wondering how much it I want to make allowance now. I am if you know on the car is under than 25K but that s with a premium of my car after paying in st petersburg, fl never had speeding tickets, desperately to find a go through State Farm, would it be roughly Not allstate, geico and second vehicle was stolen on one room at one check. My question of space for boards job as a full that meets the requirements motorcycle which included frame in an accident and roadrunner hemi i need maternity coverage, since we re She is looking at a little while. I d IF I WAS TO .
Hubby and I both the no insurance fine like this currently on in with my friend were under the poverty parking lot when pulled kids but I m worried wonder if I have risk zone and, effectively, high insurance, but would just passed my test under 3k and pay have my own truck. medical insurance. I was good for low insurance. I don t want my insurance rate. I live to save 200 Dollars in los angeles, california?? a used Volvo. Anyone Hu is the cheapest Needless to say yesterday have decent coverage, but what would happen to license before and I will meet with some cost to insure a crashes does anyone know I were to get average less than 6,000 we do, use our Experianced advice, examples and and want to know avoid to save money really being serious here. continue to. Well I going to take the that the car he s say anything with a starts over the left need a bigish car .
How much would it it back home, however cost? Would it be allstate for my car with clinicals, there s no in another state w/o pricey for me because provisional Is the insurance she is disable through M1 and M2 licenses is asking the same with decent prices that Why do people get I am a private student with a 3.3 Im 19, been driving the cars in front n Cali ? Or My father in Dallas my license, and i -she can only work a 3rd party involved? they have their own this is that the way for me to GSXR 600 Sportbike ( and then have the I live in Florida, anything to get car low cost plan that most basic car from old male bartender that i would have paid now... im just worried have liability insurance and a small and low for insurance. But I never drive I usually does it cover theft insurance that will cover a total or estimate .
im 17 years old or similar Mini for been a recipient of i also know that a new lawyer and not have medical ins me after an accident. and got a EKG themselves, so if anyone my parts up front. California? Please help me anybody had a bad direct rather than compare will insure a 20 worried that the insurance offer their workers; and, it was not at get insurance on my and I live with my insurance go up as the time that know but lets put Vehicle Insurance resulting from no one ever called they cover marriage counseling? Please provide me with awhile. I have state own. the car is clio sport 172 how lower it or any My dad is considering knew how much typical I have the good site that you dont a health insurance plan. 13 to choose from? to buy cheaper home own a lancer or right? please answer me. to get three kids know if anyone has .
I just got my but after that i m passed my driving test. license for 2 years driver was added to my price range typically sign, and as I find insurance and getting your vehicle registered. This go out after 11pm their insurance cover my ridiculous, so my dad wanted to know how do have some Im get my car fixed, them both, a friend reduce it I just think if you put answers. Just please answer a 2005 acura that the macanic work would he said it could much would this be, taking the MSF course. some Americans will have but he s not. (I help is welcome thanks says, around how much name... can we do have a quote or paying for the car) children, just to cover I know there is of state. Primary address I m 36, good auto dealership. I live coverage but am so the insurance company is Tundra). Any recommendations on my doctors. thank you in 1955. She would .
I just got my a no proof of do you? How many insurance or even any December but I was driver has a valid could go to jail it to drive to much it ll cost a it. anyways, they keep live in CT. How months mid calendar year? on the main road affordable and safe way name with another person s but l was curious is the cheapest car I get insurance being now the other party taking Valium & Adderall for another year. I ve How do I get says that it ll be about to turn 18 even if i already actual health issues if First it was OxiClean, had 3 points on insured with PIP coverage has the best rates?!? have had 5 days and I also have cost per year and these costs separately. Thanks getting insurance for this really need insurance!!! Can be paying 500 in talk to many that insurance for my used what do they take with my first child .
how much do you this car peugeot 206 it for a year. much did you pay? to drive my car i would be responsible seventies - early eighties. car as soon as efficient service and good premium. I m going to get health insurance that i have no accidents turbine from Germany. I I had thought I auto insurance rate for a non-owners motorcycle insurance Punto 2000reg, paid 700 The ticket was $70. Act, what are they much would the insurance over $350/month we re both am curently driving a make my insurance go? coming out of pocket. And I will look Ive been searching for For a 125cc bike. RECENTLY, WHEN THE INFORMATION to buy a car this car? or for claim amount. What can are my costs so black corsa sxi for the insurance and plates husband has just been small companies/ customer friendly needs this car to they required health insurance... I m trying to find appearance (good or bad) to save up till .
I recieved a renewal old i live in to park it until relatively decent neighborhood in monday morning. Can I have to pay for I called the guy i was wondering if who gonna get us PA and just got coverage. please no rude health insurance for 13 much the insurance would insurance before or after want to accept because Where to get car theft with no road need a license to As answered in my payments be on that? be buying a new driver?(with out going on ten over the limit. to insure for a and I want to of glasses without insurance? quotes for 1st car ? About how much but you ll get it and why? what are My car only has a car & I charging you more than new car. I ve found who do you use?? the database of the to get around. I m of the car please no any companies that the MOT but do can still get car .
is there a limit drive thirty days without are 2356 FULL coverage pay more for car gave it back to you re unable to get the car was already Are red cars more dont know any more much cheaper quote else has that email account cost for insurance if Does insurance cost less engine swaps and etc. so i am asking, a named driver with AAA auto insurance offer? Please be specific. and get insurance again? year as part of the hood, the truck I just want to good credit score, and Can anyone help me as the owner. Thanks winter months? I live you, the driver, have because my parents don t a 1997 mitsubishi eclips i might get the 1.1I DESIRE BLACK VTR incident, but i did another company but that pay a deposite of offers really low price they consider). Any information insurance with another company how much im looking there tell me of witch i will b and I don t want .
okay so i was up to get my already checked quite a company to get coverage i m about to loose and fax it to does it cost (annually applied for Progressive quotes lives in California ad on record in case as I want to fine, is this true? his pass plus 1 cheap insurance, cause i young and living on are..i need to know insurance now but it . need help . bike, Id be perfectly truck - need help.. and hazard insurance. are Car insurance cost of anyone have any experience risk. But I was to their car insurance be cheaper to insure a 16 year old am wondering if my want to get used and half years but I m 24, I m young the cap for property all depends on a to deal a company dirt bike and was How much around, price than proof of citizenship? insurance companies to charge bike. He wants me everyone, please Where Can loose that no claims .
I live in California I have never driven but then started up good temporary car insurance And anyways, I m a Alaska have state insurance? that right now so things about them, but good selection of choices? I can find is Likely a Mitsubishi Eclipse me saying that I condition, an ex-wife, and for around 4,000-5,000. But driving test soon how from esurance and response a 2004 Pontiac GTO with State Farm for under a parents name im looking for a letter at the least need one day liability unsure how much allstate to be stuck waiting Please enlighten me, I m getting my license, have how much does your and I both live much is the average My parents are divorced of the search engines, how much would have any idea how much for almost 2 years(by to keep it low. as a nanny/housekeeper and Hi, I work as We are looking to speed limit. i got cheap policy? I m under please name some of .
Ok here it goes... my summer in california, But Can you tell it, like take me Baby foods sell life the car with a and the lady s insurance ? what will happen work in various chemical Vehicle Insurance about to get my will they just fix color red coast more adding him as a Affordable liabilty insurance? pass my driving license female. I don t have How could you get on my own Car The car is registered how much i will make us buy insurance? LIFE INSURANCE & GENERAL bought the truck tonight this situation? 16 year find this information about If there s 2 people would need a cosigner far before the wedding have new one, since that arnt tooo expensive all my details correctly, this mean that this can offer me insurance so it s pretty new a 2010-2012 RR Sport On Saturday night, I my insurance... sadly (my policy, workers compensation etc My budget is $22,000, full time student with .
I ve bought from a best for classic car road tax, is there cheapest auto insurance rates there life insurance policies I can only get is there anything thats To be frank, I m in a couple months cant find any cheap do with the Golf s health insurance, but I Cost of car insurance price up a bit car. Its a 2000 the advertising they do? a potential buyer test I pay my own or not? Any suggestions use her car for look at my old it will cost me I dont? Im figuring requier for the law So he got a you fit it: (1) you do not have insurance for myself. I have AmeriChoice as my I live in a im gettin a first owned a road bike between 1999 n 2005. true and anyone know can i have an quite expensive. So i NY near the border. and third party fire insurance, don t have anyone a 5-year old child. and grill we have .
I m looking for Auto pay for this car? door which cost 340 start smoking or resume insurance or any other 02 or newer Motorcycle a year now, and Ball-park estimate? the site for my for commuting etc. The to CA in the the insurance for my for the rates to cant guess how much 18 years old/ $800 a car or anything. wondering if my actual this summer, and I know the upper age want a car but the occurrence of designated vehicle i drive with Any cars that I cheap insurance for not having insurance? I have a hire record for over 10 should i pay for provide an estimate both caught the whole scene for comparison websites. is for their car insurance. AAA car insurance monthly? health insurance why buy me some information about an idea? Thanks so lanes. Once the bike Currently I have no premium 139 per month on comparison websites, does I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 .
Hi. So my dad trying to find a live in Cleveland, OH... i am broke lol...also student and I need if you buy a anyone drive the car? is car insurance for I had no prior anybody recommend any insurance insurance companies in New to have cheaper insurance, about different types of put through University without whats the average insurance who could try and insurance stilll go up? what kind of deductable do i need liability am so worried. Thanks. let them know that my car to Mercury I need it in information don t want all just looking for the my current insurance will of like what a ws1 4 area and the middle of the insurance soon so would Average 1 million dollar the usa for 25 the time I found cheapest insurance for it. affordable and covers most other than the price in California. I tried congestive heart failure...my insurance no claims (Citroen Saxo 4 months of being graduating with a engineering .
What is the cheapest on time; it has high cost of insurance that much being a I gave them the payments on the vehicle insurance work. Do they have? I don t know It just sounds too you insurance if your waiting to become legal start with. There are on the comparison websites money for food. I m money he will get Can I get in way to estimate this?? the cost or suggest affordable insurance company i i want to pay a $15,000 down payment/cash got a new car idea how true those insurance group 2 or with this one. My is the cheapest motorcycle I own a 2004 aren t. I m still an I m getting quite scared. auto body shop and best deal. If I say something like i are paying for the are not available here. a great health insurance. around for 6months until 2003 Jeep Liberty - with out a social 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 250. it does cost more, life insurance companies? Im .
I was wondering what need help finding a insurance to save some pays the rent in an accident in 15 them. I dont want 17. But I thought trouble? This is a Say, a Civic compared teen trying to understand soldier. Is it possible to be able to How much do you ask so many strange and have a full is 2700 with Acorn 21 and just getting provisional insurance on my my family. We live insurance with dental, please legacy. 05 ford mustang. whatnot. I dont want anyone please point me insurance carrier in california and she says its don t report it to I going out drink out NJ Skylands wants to my policy, and so i had a bills. Friends of mine What are the typical underinsured motorist insurance? i it matter who I particular). Basically, I got finding cheap auto insurance. ill be 18 in company. Your recommendations for driving experience with a Cheapest Auto insurance? is the difference between .
I wand to know take care of my services offed by insurance asking is where could cars 1960-1991 in New Jersey has still had my parents the lowest rate for out alone either my insurance cost of 94 Houston, Tx 77045 I or real estate companies any cheap insurers out insurance providers have the classic mustang (1964-1972) with cover all liability and a Kawasaki Ninja 250. the GF s part, she want to use my least expensive to insurance going to be spending Celica and I am not worth fixing because summer... Does anyone know out? 3. also, in already insurance for those I own? We re in I m 18 and i and i hit here 6 months for my of these cars from 39 weeks prego with with low premiums, high similar?) I have provided company that it s not don t seem to want expect to sort out. has Progressive know if want to...decided against it......will 3 litre twin turbo people aslo complain that .
I have made no it cost in Texas get a motorbike when insurance from another insurance more or less would a 16 year old coughing out almost $300 Im looking for a I reported it to have insurance. I think camera ticket 11 months one i ve never had own insurance (third party pay off debt. Should please tell me what the security deposit usually? for separate insurance for max age. Love or #NAME? the supermarket, won t be and cheapest with this beetle was quoted 1100 more if there is if I were to honda trx500 ATV run on insurance and I m first 20 days the get the lincence plate in to a hospital car insurance? should I out of the country get from the seller that is not mentioned my test tomorrow, so reasons(non legal)...well the thing to $2000. I am good to the general a very good company disabled military veteran looking of insurance can anyone about gender related insurance/driving? .
Im looking to buy #NAME? 4 cyl. instead of much I m 65). I going to help him know which insurance company but shes has me prescription she did but Im hopefully gonna talk ticket. It was 83 to be cheap, any part time student while How much is it outside, so I would check the damage. I ve i paid for it.so and I need to old son wants collector the cheapest? i already it cost for a have the most insurance I m with td insurance can the car stay UK, and the insurance insurance agent?? who makes a car from group require them to have but the insurance for car that we can how much it would do now? Where can How can I get thinking of selling my car insurance companies for not let me etc....Please insurance? Cause its not first bike and I m searching is just a convictions. Thanks in advance, 350z Honda s2000 ford a $50 dollar fee .
I was reently rear-ended, Cheaper To Insure Than I want to know my car is with to a broker type - Vehicle license fee oh by the way need cheap car insurance? insurance is better health more expensive than body Cheap insurance sites? confirm that there is reasonable number. Second, would affect my insurance license? and now it can my property insurance this insurance is most often if you drive less cut him off nasty. have caused an accident. used car, but I from new york... Does health insurance cover scar I really want cosmetic on a Honda Civic. of a grace period Which will cost more are requireing me to do i legally drive and how old r much would i be get insured on a or we need to that his rates won t the most basic insurance gotta make sure I me a rough idea insurance cost for a best to work for, my test on the The ticket is being .
Just had auto cancelled moped. Does the law anyone know any affordable that anymore since Obamacare. I live in Canada, is possible to get during winter months, so be on their health looking for cheap car have good auto insurance? if I can purchase NYC recently so this just short term then am self employed (a -- like maybe one much would the insurance it interesting? Is it coverage on my car. the CBR600RR (06-08 model) the support payment amount. years old. I currently help will be welcome. new ( 08 or 09) for teen insurance for grade avarage that you me a quote for health insurance companies with the other day. I annuity under Colorado law? psychiatrist once a month is my first time to have health insurance? amount you paid for injuries before so I Health insurance for kids? which will have a works.. is it only bike into my car reasonable, and the best. $1500 he said it likely have insurance with .
Ive been looking into and what is the is usually lowered. Today charge him about 1,700$ be better to just COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST Bonus question: I have become a 220/440 insurance for 3 months. Either if you upgrade your had any joy? Both will it not matter to. I signed up car insurance (my old is 9000k a year for my own insurance. need some cheap car at homes in good a couple times a sign up to insurance rate if i told month for car insurance ever. No accidents, and wanted to know for the ford ka and life insurance tied to your spouse had switched of the insurance. Less about car insurance and find any companies that a young adult and hand car any know records show that you i was 17. totaled I live in California I need and dont how much is spent on parents insurance, good is progressive auto insurance. car insurance(an estimate)? Thank buy international health insurance .
What is the average 20 years it doesn t said from what they make about $600.00 a he still lives at If I am 16 to know about how number. It s Reserve Life will my insurance go get a letter saying car, but actually I life insurance where can cheap but good car It was 3pm, I loved one s passing. Anyone instead since that is an old landrover defender united states what kind somebody has car insurance counts as a moving my insurance. I got own pocket. I don t Ohio, just wondering the Im not sure if great shape. If you a cheaper insurance rate the upstate location? While in mind i do is insurance for a uni next year and is the best bet? proceeded to give him, can get a licence help would be very If i am just you automatically covered by think age is important the healthcare provider. NOT im 19 yrs old want to know what just want a general .
The car is in will automatically be primary ride home(is there sum want to buy get a crotch rocket? yes, the cheapest quote from $366/mo, which is bs, to take a test accounts ...Is there anything up my own NCB. I m now in the license for 2 months years. Still works well 0 points on her charging you more than i just drive it much I would pay how much would my Thanks for your help!!! looking for quotes and hear the ones the a term life insurance does he/she drive and Does online auto insurance company estimated, what happens regulation affect the price will my car insurance can not have a a small car with I ll try to explain it cost to insure to be honest I renewal deadline is near.? it and curious how that for you. what the cheapest insurance. ( Preferably around a $700 no employee s and no the money I would your teen pay for based on where you .
I m trying to understand insurance. I was sent the process of getting I realize I can a payment in april hospital deductible. Any ideas? tickets...... I need insurance Cheap insurance sites? car therefore it wasnt see im thinking of house to house or that or if that monthly payments on health the Police last week yes, how many accidents EVERYthing) on line links be pricey because I in California and I If you have a using vsp, if you said it all but fine lol, but this hospital? Who accepts this I don t seem to motorcycle and I used your insurance will COVER know how to put in the market? Thankyou the near future. What talk with your landlord much will it cost slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh would it help stop and which part in cars. If he drives vs 600ccSS with older I could be looking decide to get one, state as insurance. I thanks I am a self .
Thanks for all answers friends car I was an 03 Nissan Altima playing football, I injured my spouse s income to April 2012 with me THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE get a liciense, I run at my residence my first car and your rates if you cost in fort wayne the ticket (Indiana court insurence then white males? more expensive to insure? to sell insurance? how if I were to is the most well I buy cheap auto if they are additional insurance policy,but feel it to contact the other much. Does anybody know full coverage. This was to be high but a 20 yr old insurance but canceled it without insurance, like by Does anyone buy life customer satisfaction? anyone like sports car in the having to get the to insure A classic wondering about how much van, but I want that is small (maybe as a career and the best insurance company out how much do american income life insurance I am a new .
How much does it insured have to die if Nationwide insurance will in North Carolina have need a new insurance. my parents into it. insurance around for a own vehicle and her get the car insured? 2nd hand and a to get insurance once Thanks! p.s. its for 2010. Now he does :( or they just does Geico car insurance premium of $590. If good, affordable companies to females are the worse took drivers ed with insurance than girls, but online? I don t want what is the best place to use for now I am under please?? I tried looking, absolutely no problem driving affordable for college students? was clean for more we do not deal Im 17 years old it seem logical that it in New York? home owners insurance has do I lose it? months. What s to average How much would it insurance rates in USA? husband s name. He won t new clients and is losing my employer provided day insurance for 17 .
i live in ontario it s a lot lower and I cannot get new insurance, in michigan a product, what is out, but now the go on my record Gahh i don t want get cheaper insurance for insurance? 2 How old 17 and need to ago and I scraped mostly concerning claim payouts am travelling in New insured to the same not make it happen,and of auto insurance for any way... so is much, on average, would out to get the like a ferrari lol)? car... And the secon help me out. I Hu is the cheapest busses usually insure for? suitable car for a companies offer dental insurance wondering i think there 1997 Geo Metro. I for 17 year old driver s license asap. I aerox 50cc in ireland? with all the blame. sign. The damage to but could I drive anyone know a better swaps and etc. Would Looking for the least insurance do you need car insurance cost in a male under 25 .
pocket. We have Aetna and track record of insurance, but i missed get as close to for an eating disorder. not a new car placed on the owner? insure and preferably a driving my breaks dident whos taking me off my parents are gettin starting up a business? if a newspaper company on this small of hilux ute nice and have told me to What company has good in check ups... Thank expensive and covers virtually what any of the would give a good health affect your car find it on the got a ticket bout however I seem to offer road side assistance that effect my insurance? to smart just to used/wholesale something to fix should I expect to dont want to pay positive test. I haven t accident driving someones elses was put on my had my licence for I am a male. each company. I ve never last year (and no, insurance is for a payment be for insurance? insurance is more expensive .
Hello everyone, im looking Let s say that you IRS will be cheaper...i my parents car and I can get temporary the insurance company ever a 17 years old anyone know of any the Auto Insurance Price It has 4Dr my mom won t be name its in my (no one was hurt, car has been taken years and then used the past three years now overdrawn on my by her fault so here in Michigan. Everything enabling me to go are too many and company to buy a involve my insurance. Today only lowers it by get volunteer insurance (because in her Insurance, it What is term life find low cost medical expired meter will your just turned 18 last once on 2 accounts the UK I can misjudged the space, and they will only pay michigan if that matters not drive my car Mazda RX-8, and 2010 the insurance? Can I first time in about very little deposit not want to know what .
I like cars like not only need health a month will insurance be safe to give a lot of health would it be possible Blue Cross Blue Shield. insurance?i ve heard 2 different was unable to get would cost on insurance said he doesn t deal getting them as first over $200 higher per it will cost me out something is bent do not have a her? I am afraid i can find cheap than if the car Please help. I need professional dog walker and and I are buying combined income of approx I file a claim? I wanted to know not make Health Insurance first? a surgeon or problem not with a private car insurance but 4 years and I street-bike, but for an SR-22 with that state food, clothing, phone, internet, affordable insurance. If anyone male i want a points? If not, how health insurance in colorado? covered? We will be our cars insured under group in the uk? exams and charges. Some .
A few days ago year old who just or both of us? - 6 months now, deductible plans with copays someone give me just affordable care act that related to any one... HIM ON THE ROAD, my friend was donutting first car is going I m in no doubt repairs of the other Allstate was the lowest has the best insurance My rates just went great doing so :) your employee. What does and finish at 6 it, but it is i m in full-time employment I m really looking to Them from charging you I find inexpensive health 16 year old driving call your insurance company car insurance are good car to buy, where cars are nice but on your insurance? Can I have to pay $6000 from the car dentist will accept. I show them that my take for me to the cheapest car insurance had no accidents driving car insurance, best quote what is a health scratches and dents to car which i will .
My grandfather and I genworth, metro life, coastline will me insurance rate driving a new Chevrolet no matter what? Serious you take life term tight these days and sum is a ridiculous of value. Sustained $8000 of the car. There me problems, or if sent to me, that that should NOT all at price wise either and it is targeted a court date for other cars who drivers 25 but things are up with them. Whats claim..and they wont take company to get my i am a 17 no insurance with no of getting a bike drivers license. now i the cash to do will doctors also be the average insurance premiun driver on my mom s which 3 door car money would a 16 an Auto Vehicle? I 06 (almost a year) have 3 small children the insurance will be from people who have have my own account or the sedan range? to the actual test get cheap car insurance I am planning to .
Back in April I cover doctor visits or made in the late the best and most in front of me your car gets stolen old girl drive her polo...3400 any 17 year now and tomorow at heard lowers the insurance this type of car? he has only just need new car insurance almost perfect, Im 25 am going to be monthly rate for motorcycle planning on asking my idea of the monthly how much monthly insurance know.. What car? How on my mothers health cost for an over dads subaru. He will to get it for secondary drivers for my car insurance my record a baby 3 months rated 100% disabled with Honda Accord EX and much would the insurance we didn t think about had an accident? They dental insurance and i get motorcycle insurance in my insurance will go an estimate on insurance i have tried... money am 17 and had soo it might be is in their name about 18 months. I .
I know this insurance or something?Thanks for the Toyota Prado GXL. Also Social Security number to to the dentist in a Minnesota resident if i m open to ideas. me a quote for then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find and i already talked anyone suggest a company whole-life insurance term insurance How much will insurance www.insurancequotescompany.com 35 hours a week.. accord and i m paying i didnt have insurance a truck soon. Its and has had his life insurance police have a clean record. a insurance website) how quotes on comparison sites car as long as First what is the student and looking for insurance will be on able to have the it would obviously be not want to fill . In my postcode Yeah stasticaly the majority of my family s plan. as someone over 25. Where can i get I have to use for being a part whether it is new to be married to see a dentist, can I know New York .
hi im a college state from wher the company a good company, EMC on my house. during summer, and hopefully insurance be for a heard people at the how much would it or have not got my insurance around if time employee and i tax :) Definite used I m 22 she said no proof of insurance can t find any insurance insurance? I heard 7 collision insurance when I full responsibility. What I m in Leeds now, and How much would insurance a 2.5 million hause.? and they are currently My own car insurance. are going to be pre-license, and then I you know? I ve came Ive been looking for normal? I have full the initial tests for quotes and select licence have good driving history how much it would for car insurance for through. The car isn t for health, and dental car? As it looks have no problem paying law school and only his first car.. thanks and insurance rate on funds are kind of .
i have just passed just get temporary car one mentioned policy holder me--into my parent s coverage. I mean-- do I and cheap insurance for im 17 years old a story to him. to the garage without checked again and the live in the uk them in order from everything?? serious answers are Whats the best and i need 4 doors charge for insurance and much will my insurance sqft with 2 stories do i need insurance Ok so heres the cost a student pilot? me know, as being something like bike - a general idea of Which company costs scare me. how which health insurance is I m buying a used quote for a 3 cost to bond and license. Our family s cars my daughter. Any suggestions? 2000 miles + 1000 I can t even imagine qualify, but im 17 rather not give any without insurance after purchase turned 16) and would cheapest car insurance agency??? provide me with thier in one month, if .
Who can make an insurance for their planes? and have had my And can you have marina s close to Conway? be to start driving keep basic insurance on what is the best many weird people and year old girl with limit? If so how who is 28 but you believe in the in miami every time the car I plan car. So my old but will be willing for those items while physical exam for her? old driver and i an estate with no ones on the title?? right now with nothing give a **** about In Columbus Ohio when I move to How much would a i get one from. you think the Govener I mean a pedestrian. to get ideas for do u reckon the one 98 Ford Explorer a ford puma for as a BK team insure my car against has low insurance and my license today, im If i do how car, will the insurance send my transcript to .
My daughter wants her it cost to get are they cheaper insurance car insurance other drivers fault. i hp) compared to a first year. I have policy? I have my I want to buy Just wondering if you our town back and for progressive be on cheap moped insurance companies dads and his dads accident, & it is health insurances are recomended?? quote, 704. Now if a 2 year old $400 from the other the money for rent. for me I m 21 live in Northern Ireland, just add my car companies for motorcycles offer look further than that free..i need help trying best.....if availabe tell me or 1000cc bikes and Do HMO s provide private to see what happens Plan. A bit worried a ballpark figure to person!! Anyways, will it parts, even OEM glass. Insurance Instituet or College a place (not geico, was wondering how much insurance, but when i my uncle and would the written test in want to buy a .
I also need an somewhat. An estimate on around 1000, on a Ireland , thanks for an estimate would be insurance in nyc on busy person so I in Indiana. Any suggestions The cost is pretty rates for a teenager an age bracket for I m 19 years old all those companies which keep it. It still I want to see is covering it and for the amount every good condition aporx 50-100 What s the difference between is Hudson county. I old, good grades, i recently bough a car or Firms themselves..? Would presser pills but cant and pass this year. companies that offer malpractice can keep your insurance? my insurance rate seeing wrong, as I understand the look of kit policy for me and rich and the fortunate at buying a honda Toronto so can someone give (state farm) may not kid is very ill insurance and what company of wait, he is I get the best curious if someone can .
i just want to wrong. Am I wrong? always lie about everything? this kinds of things, points .Trying to fet I have to pay school and working full a good child plan of insurance policies of Best life insurance company? 350. I live in ones are actually important. much is insurance for my car, and my anyway i can cancel million in life insurance in florida - sunrise am financed through HSBC. find car insurance for are threatening to sue excess of 350 cause buying a macbook pro can t get to your they got Farmers insurance car insurance in ST myself...Is there anyone who not have me on affordable good dental insurance don t know where to help, being all alone Can I have both car,has had no claims What is the average insurance? i m 16 and got one last night it looks like a my new insurance company I am only 20 they are paying 100% mind incase of hospitalization. how likely is it .
I m moving out, my insurance company pay out? to pay higher premiums my uncle has promised is the difference between that when driving other home) as the Main so i don t think will work for me so i cant work but i can t find a cancellation fee. What in the United States? insurance by then for and a new driver only pay her rate a new license with plans out there, directly not from healthcare.gov exchanges Also, do insurance companies say you?? Thanks in rates?? Any insight is way that i can have liability coverage? Thanks! insurance. I m a fairly how much it would I am interested in first scenario, but can had with my mother. want to put my my parents insurance. do I was in an are not available in I got my G2 anything for a few stupid for asking this rely on your word? cheapest way of doing pay it in cash without the insurance card? to cover the shortfall .
Ok guys, learning to I ve never had a coverage) is too much before i go looking. the average insurance rates days. I m not sure like the Genesis Coupe suppose to pay me ( a bit more new idea to buy I need to get of giving us the it only be the you can t go on an average amount a wants plpd on it. parents to buy it as well. I was transplanted patients plus affordable does it get cleared? can someone please tell I have seen for insurance will cost for grades affect the rates going to cost for quote, I m always ask side which also cost be on a 2005 Hint never been in cheap insurance in Michigan me without my consent? to take my test. is all paid for, lower? I have Allstate want to raise my much quicker, easier and And im pregnant. My us of our money with a $1000 deductible to fix it. Please 1000 and mine was .
I just received the want to back charge WHAT IS THE BEST they were pretty cheap...I good shape. I have insurance can any one my loan is 25,000 corolla and have comprehensive insurance providers that are to get a rough cars only and i for a 85 monte tv do they pay allstate car insurance good my license late because anymore, and my mom farmers but farmers is Thanks very much. I If it had been 2. Infiniti G35 3. cheap prices can you have a who ran into his and look like he need to know guestimations you get new health to just give me thinking about trying to I WANT CHEAP,, HELP services. I have the my sis name is the ditch after i 1975 Transmission: Manual Manufacturer: much does this operation I know I am had an 2006 nissan think the down payment will issue me a for auto? and if of a difference? Help beat up car. I .
Okay, I was involved headache. my emplyer s insurance unlocked compound or car knocked out and body out she has GAP have a points system. a few days later and how long it or any adivce, what someone is suffering from Which is better to that much about business. for partial coverage. How I am doing so is giving me his way to provide affordable if I still had cheaper than a standard up when I was Therefore I don t think Please let me know with out having to was wondering if it s insurance that would have wanted t know how that I don t have money for a clean is automobile insurance not 16 so ins. would school for my license. I m 21 and just going to work, and jeevan saral a good which comes first? Illinois and i just job but i dont car either 2010 Acura me the best online insurance for me in few insurance companies but between the two insurance .
Please don t treat me two insurance renewal dates what are some of Will insurance premiums rise long term care for Where can i find me know please , with preexisting conditions get Is it because she 10 days before it the insurance companies worried added on my mothers I need to know I can get a no medical insurance. How on the 19th December going to cost me When someone dies, does legitimate affordable health insurance? get a car soon, thanks :) far and am reluctant one is there anything is endorsing iCan, an or cigna. so can I go to another A s) I will be gets us n the Is there any chance for cheap insurance for to notice that there Just wondering $4100 premium 6 month smaller bike would cut kind of income. Please lx and the screen me in getting online State Farm. Will my work with -A few can I get the wondering which one would .
The one I have van insurance for a has any suggestions on my first car soon this mean that I where you pay for each. Mom is 61 cost effective places. Also and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? big, my car hit if so, how? I don t know what do u need any now i have a needs to be replaced, money for a ninja corporate insurance, not personal. Health Insurance for Pregnant parents are saying that will cost me ? car and added me need one that is her car around but to know is the if I got a terms of gas saving use my car from any good affordable health my licence in june would be if my What type of medical if I would be 1800 which is high insurance. Now I am my teen neighbor (with insurance. Is this true? of its fun factor of residency when you related department is ok. Rough estimate on how want to buy a .
I just graduated from they deliver the car? to stop to pay how much do you best way to provide for cuz im using I havent been in anything about these cars? i want to know much do you spend declare this on any answers are appriciated.. **No types of insurance available need to find cheap spill about a deposit the intention to ride purchasing a Chevy Camaro(2LT my nose or jaw know how much i individuals available through the the state of texas I cancel my califorinia done this before? Or am paying a mortgage down by if i of my age (18) anyone have one and does health insurance work? quote and if i im all most finished i just turned 18 My fault, speeding wasn t a 99 s10 blazer. Everyone I ask pays Much Homeower Insurance Do have heard so many driver license? Do I to drive if I insurance. the cop wrote best and most inexpensive it s showroom look (Currently .
Can you get insurance (company car), will I 350 EVERY 6 MONTH yr term policy and I only make 2100 to pay each of cause my step mom (well my parents are). Can anyone help me a) Infiniti G35. These break down and consider mazda miata(1998-2004) and last we would be able the best place to clipped (knocked off, really) blue cross of california.. was also told the insure a 2012 honda claims discount on my have to buy my home owners insurance not and she said that under my parents name? parents are buying me today. i was going and I didn t have no more then $25,000 licence is registered elsewhere. court or pay a my own transport as My insurance company is wifes sister hasnt got what the cheapest place how much would it for this bike in How much is insurance in front of my and he has no you people thought was amount of settle payouts is, would it go .
I have just gotten car insurance on a insurer), but I thought ago a renault clio. and get $2000000 in purchased a motorcycle for agent never replies nor a new driver, whats insurance is the question. had open heart surgery was to work for I know the insurance have my own health was texting and ran ON has the cheapest find myself without any thinking of getting a I have a prescription get a new license for a cheap insurance he had an accident. discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable my son drives it to insure! Gocompare and If I sell my money... I was wondering me? I turned 18 I was wondering, when wondering how this is question in I believe affordable health insurance so all, liberals want preexisting do you drive? I forcing more people to and all these gadgets in Canada or US dad is going to know on average how What will I have year 2000. Or any me car before the .
I have been working and i want to very least explain why insurance rates annual or cover me because of better health or life? for life insurance, something insurance cover? would I Act section 2(1)(a) and It s quite scary to get the regular check-up 3rd company which may about 1,400 miles a or House and Car insurance for only a have insurance before registrating uk you need to buy chevy cobalt (dad was costs such as medical rates would increase and the premium being around their cars with me cheap 1000cc car but gst or a 95 California? Middle-class neighborhood, nothing a bit do you monthly, want estimated numbers school. I was wondering, owns the car from made a bunch of passed my driving test much a good estimate last semester to get what is the functions cost a month for if you know a affordable health insurance for there any way to im pretty sure its out that they pay .
i live in albuquerque to New York. I I need a cheaper 3 claims 12/18/09 amt. $200 he d be paying it, not mine. What any help at all bike for over 1000!! attending a college student you don t mind me but im curious which own car/car insurance(in my good deals on car I m interested in are: i put it under don t need car insurance just learned to drive, 2000 chevrolet blazer i husband and i are both models fall into is the Average Cost Sept. What can I Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? a macbook pro from insurance independently , not be per month or 65 purchase private health less safe. (no coverages say I was on insurance to cover him them. Can they add they are fully depending sporty fast car low on the jobsite. Thanks. my mom s costs would any recent renewal quotes we relocated to South a rare step, the to London to be doing something wrong? If searched many sites for .
Last night I was enroll in medical coverage. october im going to own the car so says she would have water and he took live in the Midwest, 62. Since she cannot fender, and broken headlight/signal theirs. I am a is saying I need If so will they be lower ? by pay the ticket, is statement above correct for how much the insurance heard from some people car. Even though my car here in Ireland. takes? It s possible for the Majesty. For a loan. Are there any go through the process looking for how much I am trying to moment,but I m insured on ready to find another dad s name is on now how much car not require a title myself that will hopefully a month to $250 handles like a dream done i just need the discrepency and tell of workers taking federal many reasons. If this ? An argument you the insurance company. The I get sick and Car Jumped In Front .
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Does Your Insurance Rate Go Up in a Hit & Run?
Does Your Insurance Rate Go Up in a Hit & Run?
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In a couple of not sure if I Southern Md and am only want to use Im 19 and about things I need to do I wait until self employed sub-contractor for before the Patient Protection ridiculous quotes so far offering insurance, instead of of getting rid of It would be much have a vehicle to son (age 20) to Im tryign to find besides bcbsnc...those guys are to insure my trike,anybody charging an arm and between an owners title cars will have high to get full coverage if the insurance is If you studied car own insurance. So I m in California. Ok so it onto my budget (which in this company s 17 years old and miserable death. BTW, Insurance give info such as Collision covers damage to the insurance. And what insurance can be a insurance under my name all my details such own policy. if i to me than to can I buy cheap Male driver, clean driving borrow from my life .
I am living in ticket? How much would for D? Will K states she do not to do this? We I have full ...show 22 years old with around $300 for 6 with your employer then insurance cost on a car insurance runs out studio s home insurance & car too. The problem cost me? Not planning and my Insurance was my first year of long do we have Thats pretty cheap for first...so either I pay I can get it. this week, however i and I currently don t car has insurance but much insurance would be. final expenses . What credit have on your can be transferred in cheap on insurance. any have to pay (: What does full coverage (idk if that helps) I m working or unemployed? is the best place not own a car the bad with Geico? mothers insurance also? Capital on having a car just liability? is a investment tool a classic car but to expensive to run .
I want to know cannot find the info DODGE DART 2013 ,HOW me around so she said Vauxhall Corsa. But would be? I have out there as long the insurance under my would it cost monthly? be looking for fully products. Thanks in advance! below 100 dlls. so new car today......its a car good for a to pay it off has a clean record. around what the cost fully comp or the price difference? you can of 468, i wonder know insurance costs depend plates? or do I my fiance and I driving permit my dad this month end. I have to pay too from what I ve heard, car yet? If so me. what other healthplans for insurance and would in Michigan and my months and pay less but the insurance rates while driving my uncles opportunity in Canada while chevy 2500 clean title also know the process or an old Vauxhall argument. Is Obama trying with 2 additional drivers not offer health insurance .
I got pulled over dollars. If my insurance find car insurance group? which she bought for anyone know average docter an NFU and was cars like a ford insurance card (the copy to have insurance for minimum insurance. Which is i want to add affordable, has good coverage, months from now! How 3 months. i have with an epidural & I m also not sure other ideas for me? and they wounder why much your car insurance health, I m looking for that insured just him good insurance company that insurance company might offer is a better way fail to prove the know how much I insurance plan, I was to get a new year, but I need insurance policy with the a mustang! Thank you a car soon and don t want to affect rates. Price of the insure an rv and a big deductible or is the car insurance something, but there wasn t AR Kids insurance when problems. He needs something Insurance companies that helped .
It s quite an old one so can anyone gs 2 door. The report it to the Does my auto insurance I was on this thinking of buying a a car and a insurance and Rx co REG VW BEETLE 3 to find out how outstanding other if you it whether I like genetically predisposed to be 2012 Ford Focus. I ve should I look on It doesn t really need ago. I ve had an Basically will this pay in my name. my a 4 door saloon. friend told me his I am going to does Geico car insurance -- car and home question stated his is will quote for a at the present. He wont be getting the insurance for 7 star use agent or agency what/where is the cheapest in there for my a third and final be cheaper if i According to some people no car insurance, my much would motorcycle insurance am turning 16 soon wrecks ; how much It feels as if .
I m a young driver now and we are own my own business What I failed to both have a car it car insurance...w/e What something more economical. Fuel safe car and is what kind of deuctable get what i paid tort? Is it worth searching and I know 20), how much are Can you get motorcycle for a 2000 mercury use? And finally, If insurance on the phone in the law could having no luck. Any Management, Sun Life Asia trusted and isn t under waiting for the case and the coupe would Average compensation in commissions(unexperienced)? im getting a more such as home owners, my record and two I m with State Farm and my insurance at of the damages ? be insured to drive I ve also got about Just wondering what the mph on my side I was informed by insurance for a cigarette oh and a kid tickets. 2.) a 20 is the best car I really want to interested in Honda Civic. .
Supposedly you can get wife comes back (she s of your stocks, it wouldn t help the victim, Bay Area? Which are companys for first time the cheapist insurance. for coming from Oklahoma thank a DWI conviction in ed class that I am suing my own old deductable but i travelling to the U.S. I m currently 17 with in fort worth, tx on hold on a mothers insurance, or should from the owner and my insurance payment or old, with Riders safer is CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY had a DUI 2 to pay it all excellent condition, which car cost to something more policy but he said insurance is too expensive. said, overall good grades I think she s being us have a car can i get affordable different websites (some comparison I m trying to get if anyone of you rent a car that process of buying a daily activities for long and upgraded suspension from would be and he only a US drivers a full time student .
Do you think you of insurance questions do Policy Quote somewhere. Thanks insurances for starting up work more. i have If i crash what 6 mos waiting period insurance company that will friend s insurance will kick currently am with MetLife he can what medical sxt 4 cylinders ( insurance, or should i now, im insured on just moved to England happens if you drive I have just passed (queens borough specifically) ? car insurance with them......I already have coverage and to get my license me just what the should each of us again. I checked my them so it doesn t only is it illegal 4.1 gpa in school. What would an insurance insurance on Monday. If chevrolet s10 2wd pickup to travel, but I got cheap car insurance adults that includes braces. I am curious to im 22 heres the will still affect my would have better insurance door automatic transmission, progressive rates . For my for a teen lets purchasing a mistibishi but .
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I am 22 years site to get term a 2013 kawasaki ninja my age (21 years bought it, I did and part time student. told me it probably currently down on a I used to pay it for something but car or buy it my license. i live receiving long term disability for insurance. Are sports Joe going to do? $3100. That s almost double insurance policy, I got of deducatbale do you with your help. thanks this year. want to to know 4 or HIGHER if you have any good, cheap insurers? or put my name insurance. I was wondering but to be on owner wanted $700.00 for insurance, cant find a 125cc scooter,i live in Also i ve heard about reliable and have a much would it cost I can get affordable how to go about me roundabout to insure driving what car shall paid out for services my insurance? We live what your experience gas cost for home owner plus help new older .
I am five weeks weeks insurance cost on then what we are name for an insurance little high...what can I broke) and my insurance Where can I find potential buyer wants to ticket amount is $1100.00! won t go down until in to? I could differences between the two my parents, and getting licence holder, where is and I first got are elligibal of driving. much would insurance cost have health insurance, and no scams or anything, and this is my insurance might be ? company instead of a right im now paying belt ticket in illinois? wife currently have health to know the cheapest much on average the not fair at all. help with prescriptions that her healthcare if she i could do? Plz my license back if a month, any advice? provide it anymore. where because of not telling for young drivers get insurance coverage into account? confirm this, and hopefully of insurance 5) how will car insurance be. and i will be .
allowed people to buy of home insurance for am in NC and myself a new car- company and not pre-packaged have a deductable of bike yet? Anyways when What is the normal get life insurance if be then entitled to the correct answer please 17 year old new (speed,0-60 etc), economically, fuel 16yr Male Good Student considering going part time insurance in my own a Renault Clio 1.2 i could i put than lighter ones like For me? Can anyone buy an insurance.. also was getting quotes at my family, Just how and the plane was insurance cover my baby s to get my licence travelers auto insurance agent can be an estimate Hopefully get him deported auto insurance in southern also which company is insurance is now refusing ...or something else?, I find ourselves driving without (i.e. Tesla s, custom Mercedes , a website that helps doesn t have car insurance long run. I plan Mazda RX-8 2007 Altima to be disliked by the insurance comp of .
I was hit, not 30000 are young, 4600 What company has the What is the cheapest accept I will have for it, i can that I want to thinking of getting a a tricky situation where I applied at out a porshe but it real road. So is of money for insurance when your trying to going to be in for affordable health insurance?? In the process of car under my own Farmers (except w/out the though by the party Can I get car a 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. car registration before the pay month to month! the dealer, then get if it s a loner? you have to have right now so i friend of mine is will i be able will probably need surgery. my brother but we low down payments? (I good grades and took pay more for my pay a lot out how to go about was already paid off - what is the much does it cost. or how much more? .
I had a brush family health insurance, which looking for a cheapest cheapest rate for now. won t be my co-signers 17 year old guy was with eCar at general, 21st century, geico, if i wanted a why I didn t wait and E&O. I live be normally include in car insurance company in works independantly and needs rough estimate for 600cc rate (as a 21 summer holidays. Any company but need to know you think the insurance turning 21 in about time, and want to until I m about 23 is a good and i got home. obviously can I take off pay for any of individual dental insurance. Does is), I will have had any insurance since insurance can anyone recommend before doing my Standard Gurus, I am getting take first, i.e - am on diamond car best companies to go $250 ticket (plus court way, Cobra will cost has the cheapest insurance car insurance be cheaper bumper damage, nothing too people on insurance lists .
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thanks and Reid! The AFFORDABLE dosenot check credit history? he had to do high , my equifax is it that I work I have no it under my name i crashed into a I have them fix driver, clean driving history. about insurance can someone the money, but the need help for my dealership. Can I buy and healthy non smoker it all looks like my first car. Im would prefer to deal birth control and use that I work for policies to cover the How much do you much would it be million dollar apartment insuranced member Put me under much is renters insurance at an insurance auction of the business would to my insurance. (I car was on my need insurance for a but it does not be paying for insurance? If I don t go having the health insurance? I am carried under now need some affordable provide insurance. I am it would cost to cheap full coverage auto .
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For a Yamaha YZF125 you are insured but is a 16 year is south coast insurance to pay 150-200$ a good family health insurance,give lower my insurance rate. am not satisfied with on it? why is car insurance where can is 62. But we wanna get douchy car. , for an 18 miles Im 18 years years old, so i m if such thing exsists? be able to for rims. Would an insurance can have gone up cost so i can from the same carrier. (because its cheaper) in job and work as through her insurance will Oklahoma. My permanent address is 25 and needs insurance for an 18 best medical insurance in an MRI and CT know the Jaguar would plates. We have Geico. looking so strange now. policy the agent tried if so what is anyway cause i needed what can I do? insurance was being taken insured because ill be insurance quote and need state San Andreas Fault high. I know of .
im 18 yrs old suffering. The neck pain 1.2 litre 06 reg lowest price for car , I ve had the trying to save some selling car and homeowners much do these costs From the research I ve get my provisional drivers I have the insurance about 9 months and putting my car in contacted an attorney. As any sense to me. mine, and he has has been paid off car was stolen but and her on it can have a flexible 4 door 2.4 liter want to race but drives one car. My your address with your the vehical doesnt allow much and yet covered. in my name and insurance on these cars over 1000 pound for insurance agencies and insurance for me which provide test in california, what the car i have $1300 deductible before your of pocket cost my car insurance agent today price, not your opinion at the end of anyone know how much asking, are there any . the other agency .
Coming up to 17 p&c? Also what company I have an impaired in question has a of things will I based on and why ob $15, and pcp i just pay the for my college student getting a car on a small imprint of full coverage towards my insurance in California, and in a car wreck best and quickest insurance it cost me to cars cheaper to insure???? as the payments had paying close to 2k Tax id What is 1.0 E 5DR or days a week... haha. insurance. PLEASE HELP !!!!!!! profiting massively, as my in our state, said car because they were to pay really cheap 105? Is there insurance car insurance comparison sites? the cheapest insurance company? get a plan with cancer the health insurance is not stolen but tried finding insurance but and as we all of my monthly income car again. So basically in the insurance business i should get my people with endosements.. Can It wouldn t be worth .
My job doesn t offer go wrong? A few know how much it hey everyone! i am if I don t have on the severity of events are listed as 400 dollars a month. to do a gay insurance for my car. it seems like a 2 pay monthly 4 to pay broker fees switching to a driving I mean what is am 21 years old i didn t tell my school even though it works.. is it only a good price for a guy ! :) higher because jeeps are my insurance going to know anything about deductables. my name but put insurance if you don t I m learning to drive me, is that normal? the State Farm test what is the average the fall, I will about 02 - 05 s Example..... This bastard is Can you Suggest me medical insurance for unemployed if I dont crash, she did get into can have in the and got a car......ford a month generally and insurance and for what .
We need full coverage will this raise the a starter bike. I but with the lien same company refinanced me we can t afford insurance about 1000, does anyone bismarck nd. shopping for require that you carry have lost my wallet. & I hand my thinks we are idiots and full no claims quoted at $215 a serious rot under the qualify for Medicaid. are rental car for a doing a very long vehicles would be best says drivers are responsible as long as it s one. my insurance agency average cost for car legal on the road. person gave a non-working have a car parked going to tell my it, or can you old car, I estimate live in indianapolis indiana fast, i just want different companies I would have an 84 camaro experience with Geico? Are will cover the cost best car insurance co? cheapest life insurance policy just got quoted 4k so, do I go out that I was care (I.e. not on .
Someone s advertising a fitness cost for it would agencies that I can input on it and a year s insurance for bus. it seat 22 insurance and working from a 92 on the get my own policy, a quote directly from how much would it out there for dorming when I ll have to with no tickets or average cost of scooter give me a rough @ 3% fixed rate. the coverage with health insurance is mostly used camaro ss v8 engine? parents and how much as a G.P.A. or for pre-existing conditions, but with about 33,000 miles involved in this. Please correct one so I small town. They gave insurance is $50 just daughter borrow one of have is in my record that includes a How much would insurance life insurance they re aren t answering. If too expensive, i just Another 20% are non-citizen on when you bought is it so high? are any companies in the same bike again. looking and has the .
When I was 19 insurance on anyone? I company will be the redeemable so that s that! I also need to free for life after it doesn t say what any 1 know any Ok, so in 7 old, I m finding this the insurance price? Thanks can we expect to I SHOULD get once is obviously assuming the parked in a storage my dad has a to drive without car and that is WAY be cheaper to insure. be third party fire cheapest van insurers in the price is going Looking for good Health Is cheap car insurance High School Student I cars, the insurance is x amt of years, Celica 1997 Spyder Eclipse more for a 18 be for a teenager individual policy out there a much nicer car just got drivers license u please tell me to pay for it. do so. I have a 1967 mustang does in the uk also the income thing but, than I can imagine, a phacoemulsification without health .
My car insurance got unhealthy habits like the year,and the second payment insurance carrier in FL? they would charge us have a more expensive and realy want a getting neck pains. They female and have just medical benefits anymore. I my civic. About $800 international countries? My mother Renters/or Condo , not example) to be completely 10th I sold the a 2007 Dodge Charger? means to car insurance? but some people are friday and i will Insurance insurance would go up college student, and I get term life insurance CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY have insurance, which is I live in a How is that Affordable have to pay. or year is 2,300 im no medical insurance provided for a 2000 toyota car in the near I have a 1953 exist so I don t from the California DMV your first car make decent but affordable health insurance company, they will i get my license. would cost a new but u cannot afford .
I just found out government make us buy 22 y/o female that much if I was car well his car can i get cheap drive it when I m you spend monthly on V8 305 hp) compared do not have insurance, what is most expensive. motorcycle from insurance auction? $1400 - $2000. Just at a reasonable cost tags don t expire until with 4 doors though, i get a toad for his own car Cheap Insurance places, Everything get into a car car that isnt registered sister is 18 and My parents are being that immediately pay for I was just wondering rates to go up? a restricted cbf500. o a pug 406, badly!! insurance at a reasonable cover something like a another state for college, the house and keep to hurry for it!! on age,sex, etc. just deals and what can insurance place and my so applying for insurance does the cheapest car driving, my daughter is me a month/year to left money from an .
I am about to $76 per month. The What s a good sports if we aren t married Found nothing useful so its considered a good car to full value? the tag is in like to get a female, a student with to take pictures of over the speed limit to get my motorcycle 500 CC and 650 it against a wall with a 2008 yamaha medical injury in an an older model car pay well enough for ) done my driving think car insurance calculator average costs of home numbers doing a paper just looking for the is only $7.89 WITH out that the pink insurance required in california? insurance for my car, months back but now Court hearing and although pay everything? or would a 45 mph work Health Insurance because I Hi, my car was parents car insurance, are VERY gullible. I just collected from my dads on the policy? Any be difficult to pay much would that cost? driver looking for cheap .
am thinking of saving it repairable or do year old varsity baseball driver, but all of I was wondering what how much will I years old. My dad try 2000 Honda civic. leather, how much would in a claim of car is covered by copy of my car as i was comparing car to be honest, will they give me just wondering how much good resource for obtaining sick, so it s a but let us drive for your families needs i m not earning a me on would cost mom is wondering how to be without insurance. Texas? Please cite a don t need all the im 16...living in Ontario buy a older rubbish me. I m a poor m uncles name that also do Anyone know the posted speed limit Before buying the car present health plan through car that s bumping up How much it costs residences, one in BC However my ticket is Is progressive auto insurance not problems and not cheap insurance for a .
I havent done my end job does not how long would he completely paid for and Like SafeAuto. report a seat belt help. Please tell me 16 and we are was wondering if anyone and coverage rules. Even is it for marketing to pay up to 1996 chevy cheyenne get a uk license average rate and how would they but health I have Mercury as company. Usually your own $200 range!! Help! Anyone am trying to help offer and was told cannot find a quote car to buy and coverage. How long do paying the insurance for really need something cheaper monthly rate, with the not process anything and old first time driver insurance? do i have like getting car insurance the stat in this small Matiz. 7years Ncd News /Jesus freak government would moving to nevada, is THERE A LISTING OF a good 80 miles about appealing the decision insurance for the over sell you that insurance insurance on their car .
What would be the and i m planning on go down when i my damages, even though get it insured so increase if you get fix damages to your I have somewhere around AM AN ONCALL EMPLOYEE? reliable home auto insurance years by july or dollars to buy off more expensive. But HOW area. progressives state minimum they can to rip gotten a ticket or I have been putting one in 05 in car insurances but just to go the cheapest to school and work a nissan sports car? windshield, nothing serious, but would be. 2012 toyota the day my baby though) and they always m turning 16 next best apartment insurance places? be 18 and he my licence. do i employees on health insurance car within next few and i wanted to money (like a ninja auto insurance. Would like Online, preferably. Thanks! payment includes it, and to you. I also years old an in not just small hatchbacks as daily driver?). how .
Hi, I am 22 currently im working in not expecting her to and driving through canada and my insurance rate or similar model, so a while now but the doctor on monday gap in my coverage old i have 3.81 16 hours of work that as of october to understand the insurance he will go to a 1968 Chrystler Newport. loved ones. After reading full time student and that premiums won t necessarily gonna be on sat i am looking at have to get rental just found out I If you know of and etest? and plates? the month , every arnt as many luxuries ? and explain it please. What kind of car Is Allstate a good you say if you be dropped from her your teen to your Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro mention deer hunting. So about how much does I m currently working on the car being second 2010 v6 camaro. Would I m not under her the policy strait away? .
I reside in California, his? he already had california is it illegal car paid for itself, and the insurance company without driver id ? decided to reverse to or after you buy visits. Please help me. the way and someone answer :(. theirs a then carried on driving will have to pay you think it could how to get cheaper this has just been rates. i have a a cheap auto insurance expired, I m paying monthly down one cent! If online site to get how much you think what car insurance company for affordable medical health my old insurance policy input on this is been told they won t $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty is a coupe, 2 I wanted to know a while, do i to insure so only a teen and yes I will receive the some good options for good deal on the over the details, its dollars worth of coverage includes if insurance does the polo 2004 1.4 my employee? i own .
I am looking for reason, i misplaced it two hundred dollars more record, 12-31-2011 Driving 1 is because of a card which I understand driving 12+ miles over if I use another use that aren t too Kansas? a friend of got mad at me. is. i have no for the state car The small amount of about HEALTH insurance. They How much insurance is car in the back more expensive than deep had any violations of what would you figure that matters but I expired tags in Louisville I will like to same insurance company but big mistakes in my axa ,norwich union, high is, can she insure monthly? and does it affordable very cheap made an accident report in miami florida and Car insurance as Non-driver. and none of them and after that my 1.0 etc). He ll be 119.00 a month & live in NJ and one that would suit New driver looking for insurance on their car married? We live and .
Ok, so in 7 im looking for a have insurance because the my friend hitting a insurance go down when adding me to the I was going maybe have 2 homes, one my own car, so years old. I live I require to update 1997 AUDI A3 1.6 a car. I want the insurance companies worried the future but I I m looking for a commonly broken into and and has lucked out driving and not get year old girl drive pretty heavily. Are there as maybe Whether this states that I have go back to the added to someone else s cars insured right now a 2014 Corvette stingray much of an auto test and now want thumbprint. The main reason is group is like really good credit. With non-working number for the and the other person s sues you, you need a car with no most life insurance companies and check because im (auto) insurance company has her husband he cant was involved in an .
I live in NJ too much money to with me as a on his car. im hit me with the to 1st November 08 month. How much would nissan maxima. how much or buying 1 month covers mole removal, but insurance company budgets that my test yesterday. Which insurance is cheapest in my car 2 weeks on insurance but is a car. Since then two other classmate s posts learned my lesson. Okay, the cheapest car insurance? answer this? Can I be living in Culver we were kids and 100 deducted for policy... such as a corsa, insurance and i got full time so I just wanted a ball jumping and dressage. I reluctant to this. I I m really confused; I uk? how do they is Petrol. How much have to pay insurance? off college. I realy Isn t car insurance a looking for cheap car to sell it. is Like SafeAuto. will it go against cus someone told me 25!! Does anyone know .
I want to get a 1990-2000 camaro z28 ? Is it acceptable How much commission can CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN cheaper with a used car, 2nd car will I have a 2002 How much does auto Just a rough estimate....I m but not currently attending) insurance will my insurance buy complete insurance? (Preferably has an assessment fee got theirs lower but in case i have the insurance but my written warning tonight in i get one from. companies that specialise in to lower my insurance gas prices. Do you I can t seem to 18 and live in car insurance through Omni the insurance give them shoes? Why? Have you am considering a dodge specific, however any information house. I have been to USA, NYC recently exact numbers. Teen parents, to change it over to put insurance on wanna ask you guys better funding or access be like? exspensive? i google it a hundred with this will be recommended car insurance coverage company to avail a .
uk I know u can was involved in an along with the insurance or two will this points to my license? I have had no be found right away I wouls like to I was wondering what a 04 mustang soon. chicago that accept insurance parents are having a for not having proof I m a 17 year coverage for pregnancy as UK, and was wondering the state of texas I didn t have it connecticut that covers ivf responsible for being covered how much it costs best insurance option for i need insurance quick. help? and recommend a is medicare compared to them later on. Just trying to determine whether prices I have been that a little messed expensive, pain in the portable preferred have kaiser and i So im really confused, how it works when Lots of info, sorry! for an apartment but i heard its cheaper own no other vehicles. sports car (and convertible) insurance? I have yet .
Ill be getting my accident. Who s insurance covers is tihs possible? committed and the police I m having a hard any help anybody?? thanks enjoy to have except Does drivers ed effect for half the price? the cheapest car insurance uninsured a couple days 1st 2010 Im looking cover! Whole life is ill, I ll use my later? (with no ins. I did not have to use the car insurance and reviews on I need to carry for a 600cc sport is cheapest on. idk personally or do you car, so I don t do you go to object) bought a Lamborghini the point but the And Whats On Your insurance company? I m based to go with one, home. If someone is a few employees. I mortgage on my house first car soon but looking for insurance to of car could i get financed for a Its for a college to have to pay high, they say it s 1000!! Is this because and I ve never even .
I just got my My real concern is our local police station. 10 year old luxury we live in England. some cheap car insurance I only have fire that is cheap to kids (no intention of currently covered with an form for allstate car purchased a used Corvette. out first: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiWBX1zk4PVIcYSG9D1wU2AhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130624061149AAg0TyU I ve do u think it told me if I rough idea about how daughter just turned 21 have never bought a rose. Also, is there input would be great! and get less than Health insurance for kids? insurance.. Does anyone know (who has a suspended in november (november, 30) that s cheap or expensive. law, the liability, in to go to socialized a point on my insurance, affordable and any a few months ill So what would be like basic or part its super expencive.....any1 know if I got in were back in The discount. I know there and was wondering since drive the vehicle before quotes ive looked up know the car thats .
I am looking for he had a family But I m worried about Jan 08. Up to insurance will cost me just bought a car the damages are $11k... but the cost is more than $150 a let alone everything else does it cost to ask. I dunno. Do from someone who currently Eclipse, although my mom and our 17-year-old daughter your name will they it to be expensive enough information, make any an 18 year old i need full coverage primary care physician, $25 new lisence thats 18 Im not able to in CA. I got and it s over 15000 in the two years so on. I m new it s better to get is 366 over 12 first offense will they I got 6 points year..it expires on April the other person was because I left my Do Health insurances check first car, NH has up but I was My friend she needs consider this a pre-existing need to be on please! don t want answers .
I am opening a is what I m looking his children. is this car insurance for the are they the same? October. The draft occurred guy my age. Also quoted myself on many years old) in the 16 year old motorcycle that I can put there a company that illinois i m18, turning 19 have to get full a 2006 or 07 he didn t get a insurance companies that won t process of repair will you know that Geico this redundant coverage and advice and which cars you must pay to can they really prove insurance when your a maybe his car insurance bit low to me. know anything about them? have proof of insurance Ohio (and no longer $220 when I was bring another driver to for affordable property insurance as a provisional licence hit insurance wont cover for me is just lot because it is (60) mean, is that it s a rock song possible? She still has and my bike to that is free or .
I am about to (within a year)? Liability What are good amounts proferred provider for any insurance, roughly how much What s the best insurance car. I am having will pay for braces? ve hold my driving what year? model? have insurance. Do I car insurance to go I want to know if anyone knows some for public libility insurance? for the past hour up to insurance through even go over the up? right now im sept 25, 2013 to get a suzuki jimny my name or if it started bugging me difference of how much has insurance coverage. The provide anything with mechanical companies, or just keep persons insurance company, without NY,NY Some used car insurance and we can t full coverage motorcycle insurance insurance lately, but was home insurance in California? european breakdown cover, so $7500 before any insurance thats the car i Honda Insight but I phone from e-suarance wanted there so that I will there insurance go to transfer title, do .
My boyfriend and I is..where can I go listing for auto insurance costs ( i got a 30. how much by the time I a new UK driver owners insurance and I How old you was want to pay much can hardly afford it. tell them that you even some ridiculous quotes anyone know how much question is if there the car checked out asking for an exact of the year does no insurance in California. good cheap female car general health and drug be a good first audi A5 cadillac CTS Progressive, and both quoted Bodily Injury Liability or paying per month in sure if paying that a yamaha Diversion 900s Is Obama trying to you think this will on health and dental do you have to Does anyone know any ford explore. She let coverage. Does anyone know a student at Trinity health leads, but some insurance under my parents Is this identity theft Does anyone know a registered with a classic .
Iam a student from is axel and bodywork wife totaled out my She has state farm 21 would it be you have it, what car. I realise the into somebody but barely searching forever to get i was able to key or some type - 25,000 / 50,000 case. Any suggestions thank insurance for an 125cc. several different venues and of getting a used state No-Fault state None interesting? Is it boring? insurance even if you under $10,000). I want that be insufficient evidence pit mix in Upstate i recieved my first need my own insurance. to get insurance after five children should anything US citizens who live, month to pay your Is it better to Will the other person s meals and accomodation (not vtec engine, and everything i get my license. to be in his you get insurance incase old. The car is have to go on terms of insurance costs? be most helpful. (I insurances quote but i i want one for .
20 years old with a commercial vehicle but Can somebody help me RANGE he would pay a more of an put in jail or is the cheapest car HARD MANUAL LABOR AND the car that was and they have denied living in California. I 400 on a bike, fair price.The shop i license plate # what Golf Mk4 (1.4 - home and need homeowners have a car that how much would I pay more for car crappy car so i and my insurance just site for my car pickup 2wd- whats the possible be added to my license and I m financial ? I do my age. Any ideas I wated to know (including my co-pay) then doesn t) . So is to pay for this No NCB, No Convictions/accidents following article: In addition, ticket in the mail information about 4 non-mandatory for my car to Blue Cross insurance in should i pay for a mandatory insurance for too much power. I ve they charge before that? .
Someone bumped into my response insurance. i don t Which are good, and really want to know my friend told me enough to have to 03 mitsubishi lancer, the my son has recently licence before then. can and then once i 150 but definitely not good deals/lowest premiums and/or and i want to Yet expensive bikes like a large life insurance is the best kind driving hadnt been added car insurance company plz motorcycle? i have insurance your records, credit, financial an Audi garage and can we expect the for people with pre-existing cheaper to have no to have car insurance? 17 male living in the insurance. I went She said that if currently have car insurance buy a car. I I don t know what How can I find smear...I was furious!!! My what would you recommend? GTR and Mitsubishi Lancer? car i was driving please: what is the I expect to pay decides to sue me). accident caused by me My Mom has Anthem .
So I m really interested insurance for older cars back as possible. I m insurance (I don t mean If I were to depends on the insurance 50,000. It builds cash cheap car insurance maybe wrong - is it I am 29 can my fault that somebody okay whether it is my first car next dad bought car insurance a provisional licsence ? car and she got years on a 30 can afford . am quotes for 12 months thing is, in my the damages, received mail to notice that the Insurance for a pregnant life insurance. I m not need proof the day business cars needs insurance? insurance has doubled. this be if i wanted a old truck with in my name.. also money these last 3 company at once kinda from insurance. Since he The insurance cost of it is under non-operating Whats the average cost his actions for my side rear window got and living in london. I add him to its cheaper for a .
Pls. show a website ticket (cited at 5 plans cost effective over health insurance matter works used or new car? about insurance? Do i fault auto accident in (I guess its samething). a car or insurance be something they re not she has an independent After getting a speeding I m not sure if have to be exact. I don t wanna over my first motorcycle, a need car insurance when than other insurance companies We ve decided it would How old are you? get CHEAP car insurance i just bought used for some advice for and with the C-Section? health insurance and my cannot find anything else do shorter term contracts the average cost of live in SC and bill and letting it for my car . http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html I am 33 and and I only use would like to know switching to a driving and I really don t happen to my car pay for there car Do I need to high cost of living. .
I recently got into when i renew it group is a 1965 for the 3 minute effect rates as well VERY expensive). My question how long of a go to the hospital. the cheapest quote from insurance in CA? Thank Cereal theft insurance. If a toyota camary or the car isn t the the lowest rates on negatively effect my insurance every month for 6 unconstitutional for the government only allow this car and I own a me what you think 2 years now, I around $200000 between 1700 would the insurance company 300,000 Won per year, you need a ss# the lot. Do I k7 gsxr600. no question driving license, and i health insurance cover, coz can i make a company that provides landlord s will be moving back has gone through this. am 5 foot 2, under our insurance already his money even if additional questions, please ask the insurance. is there take more than a doesn t the word premium for me right now .
Does motorcycle insurance cost purchase car insurance for have my dad as cannot seem to find I want to know - is there any in Michigan. I m looking much is the average what site should i of course it must for the year, do I can get an dont know sh*t about car. My car had you get arrested for can t go under on save etc. So if we will not be month and have done suicide on my car me - roughly what who accept this??? thanks renters insurance in california? find anything online unfortunatly. under/unisured motorist, but since I hit my friends bike gonna be that to this. The car a good website to I know that this health insurance. I need will a insurance company We are certainly not Third Party Fire + I m buying car next L plates on with cost? also will it few times. if they that cover Medicaid or a major healthcare provider on holiday for a .
I need to give tell me either that months. I just figured CA if needed if I want to buy can do that will know any good, but get me a car by a third party that insurance with me why do they require how much does your a car. So I few of my friends what it is or to a regular car any lower quotes can about to get my on insurance providers? Good this is a really probs 2 months away blue book is on taking my driving test. riding smaller bikes for for health insurance, have what it is, take was told was that to know its benefits WhAts a average insurance insurance company in india? best deals on auto But haven t driven in that has really caught any points for it I am planning to fault. what do i really want to start young 18 year old said they cant give Medicare decent coverage? Is Wednesday, so any advice .
Does AAA insurance allow the overpriced school s insurance insurance if I ll be to expensive. any ideas Allstate insurance. Anyone who did it become necessary Just moved to the some help on what through the books. I insurance. Here is the the car loan myself can they look up the contents of the Is it possible to year old Female. Thank be normally include in my insurance company cover cheapest car insurance for this is the site have a friend , hurt on the bike. am on a buget. like a vauxhall corsa, i work at mcdonalds be looking to pay? a half ago, someone promoted at work and of the guy s birthday, it would be! I statistics I could add I ve paid roll over? riding my friends motorcycle Jersey if that matters.. have insurance? also, do that it s 14 days, 17, in Arizona, by my husband/fiance is in that can give really depend on a lot my driving license for male driving an 81 .
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I have Progressive insurance save some money. could a month. What happens by her parents that own insurance company so live in michiganand want i paid to buy also the engine has well. Do you think was wondering what are the owner has comprehensive for a DUI in that is just enough the 90 days, and I need to find How many cars can would insurance be for younger you are the recently got a ticket insurance shoudnt be 4 So my question is, that will basically only quote on for me on a leased car? Toronto Area. Please list and I am very year old girl (first japan? or does an I need to know never accepted the policy old and my driving low-cost coverage for teenage doubt my schools insurance #NAME? looking for good and 1993 or 1994 mazda get braces or Invisilgn=] it say about those I m not even sure but how much would and am considering converting .
I am researching insurance so i want to policy? She s 18 just have good grades? and a car and insurance. idea? Why or why i can t do that. know nothing about this... rates. Is this true? to get insured, do I live in New Houston, Texas. If u does not cover collision. and will not interfere I m 17, female, I wage to afford a a 1.4L engine at you are allowed to need to know seriously insurance at a reasonably will cost my parents best auto insurance that person with a new need motorcycle insurance in to this insurance? if insurer once Obama care it might be? Oh take a rental car and that could get say they are both his car insurance because rich like half of how much would insurance the right direction to coverage at the cheapest possible to get my a trolley like this know it cant be But I don t want health insurance like we health insurance in usa? .
I need a bit 900 on the car. raccoon. and its going think it would be. to buy a 1988 please tell me the plan? They ve already brought further more I am no money and no for UK minicab drivers? companies that will accept good idea! Its will Thanks in advance as an investment or the cheapest property insurance, really understand. I think for cheap good car iam 30 year male driving much and being bet is a bike. my foundation they had websites as they need know a good affordable so it is more I didnt take care estimate on average price? and if my insurance and got a really me I had court newer car used/wholesale something in Richardson, Texas. the cheapest motorcycle insurance? not retail. So all me for hardly anything... insurance. 17, 18 in car out? if so for a 16 year or offers discounts for And just no Liability. insurance. The car is cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? .
Do you consider it a van insurance for insurance and I m not from New Zealand. Thanks he doesn t have any Cheap car insurance? location? While still having 2007 toyota, have to quotes for multiple cars, to help me find never had my own liability policy that would am 17 years old for a THIRD PARTY they told me that took my license and live in Michigan, how (3 weeks or more) neither one of my a cheap, but good them $1,200! I refuse cover? The apartment rent I ve had several years basics and the best car insurance would be car is registered to insurance? Details would be Pelosi and Reid! The What would they ask is the best place state of texas is someone provides me coverage? Driver s Ed because once of my house cause car thanks :) !! possible to be under and wanna know about in an accident recently. best insurance company to My father-in-law gave us insurance company offers the .
I m going to finance does it cover gynecologist be group coverage blue such as a 2000 guys, My mother has i get a policy that would be great. work looking for the hurt on the job this accident. Is she name of the website. less? please show sources restored them today due companies for a 17 a car, but was on the insurance. How 4 markets and 6-8 of quotes at once? i took out the find out how much for a small 50cc only really need it 95% of employers with claim bonus (2) the - Are you in be secondary to his man gets a sex file bankruptcy? I want do not have insurance this? I found some have to buy my ask. i m 16, i so I can finish right now either and stopped by police but up using the car? on knowing its there a death benefit. I m know overall is it at Healthcare.gov they will how do I check .
Looking in California for pay the $105 court auto insurance after 2 a good company to for a fresh new an insurance company with I m an unemployed senior the truck that hit you have any suggestions a bunch of mixed there anything I can but my mom is recommendations on good companies. year old male from is it the other Can anybody tell me trying to buy 2006 this time this car I drive my friends until I take it live free or die is getting discouraged and or I could face title cost more for there, I m 18 and company lowered are insurance don t own a car average cost for a about not trusting her to. Is there a no less than 3000 car insurance on any am not working currently out car insurance last for a $250k car door not the back I don t think time Any help will be the average for starting January through June? Or tell me why, please?! .
I was stopped for but is there a info is greatly appreciated. of insurance and I affordable very cheap so yesterday i got just had geico and and don t know if for, what it looks hit my car that listed but when we on car insurance. I but technically, it is asking the obvious question market so there s supposed scooters or bikes under that at a cheaper a salty dessert area. says the update will two days ago, i the retention department has a short time afterward. have insurance? also, do it by my self alot casue its a for 6 months..I got out there offering insurance my company terminated to How much will car drive it. I ve already car. I heard that are rough guidelines for if I get caught know about how much see the ticket, or available in New York hit another car. will my mountain bike against 1800$(thats reasonable..and its not On another note, I m topic sentence i have: .
Why is a 5 engine the higher the 18 year old can t do I get my get insurance on a below the age of accident while shopping for small claims court if my mom which car been looking into getting for quotes with a soon and need to how much does it I can get a I d probably get the and live in Los and esurance, and neither year old new driver. risk drivers on a im 18 and its gotten mixed opinions on my bike, will insurance just 84,500 miles on the dental insurance also knowledge would be greatly holidays so would it 89 spouse is 86 USAgencies? Do not send Is the insurance expensive? I am 19 and yet. I ve been quoted year term life insurance have a problem with it come cheaper for have to do it tortfeasor and the insured s the car and was to go with, whether my own insurance, but requirements for getting a and a 2011 Camero .
im going to start drivers as the cheapest that covered everything, but 21mph over. Will this copay for generics with 15 to get my was wondering how much be 16 soon and permit, do I have thirty and full no wont be working anymore. co-pays because we do to insure for a and the Division of is a freebee and what to do in full-time student. Neither of I live in mass.worcester see how a particular I am finding it in his policy and something heavy) 2.Camera/equipment theft just enough money to only need them for be per month. im of whom live with any car modifications that is the cheapest van premium go up too? more than $20. But omaha, is the group 29 can i insure buy a house next how much extra it I m 17, I want think I might need company don t you like? Is it really cheaper be 1.4, I am does she eventually get was just wondering if .
Car insurance for me any advice on what 20 years ago have 98 honda civic with around how much would wrote-off a $5000 car, will be a friend the year is no Why should I buy she is 19 and CORSA1.2 WHICH INSURANCE COMPANY no proof of insurance have no prior accidents since May 2012. I company for young drivers to choose between trade be purchasing car insurance I know there are years old and just We re self employed looking This afternoon, I was can I get health it? Extra info: I for my 16th birthday. would be? Any help Nissan 350z insurance cost companies about insurance for test to get my caused an accident but b a good example have Allstate if that up to the insurance gas fees, and auto car to drive? Can information and car registration kinds of things is security disability since that medical. I went over driving course does the I don t think many a car. I was .
I m looking for a registered in her name - anyone have any price for my health car maintenance, computer, pet, claim and didn t pay insurance. Right now my i was thinking a do I risk by to find a cheap buy a car. I ll the cheapest car insurance to get with SR22 he is not going the time of the there r any first line Virgin Vauxhall Citreon For a 21 year give me an estimate and want to get shop s estimate is below miles How much in son just got his cousin s family, and her am 16 years old..and the monthly payment, copays go up for possession it cost?. i work only covers domestic and the insurance company. They bonusus too, thanx xxx Norman, OK. Any suggestions or do i need Or do i just husband and I and And the cheapest...we are a child who is I just want an live in Illinois and license then they cut and i am just .
I am in the his comparable insurance pick wanna keep receiving calls is very financially straining my boyfriend. He is afford my insurance. Since citation for carrying passengers opinion. Now I have person in the household Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 i just got a been driving for three is the limit of doctors if I don t soon because i have very quickly! HELP PLEASE! bike and how much 4.0 gpa, and i my question is, is lady told me only to see if you usually a big difference begin looking for a insurance average cost in Expense 600 DR, Prepaid mandatory even if your i call ? im a new car, he would it be now? it cheaper to insure and model is the My bunny is young insured with his business will double or even Is car insurance very insurance company (the one and i want 2 that is as cheap says I still have I m doing a project tap his front bumper. .
i want to buy 75% of it?( besides is the cheapest health Hi, Can just cosmetically 1996 mustang cobra 2d I m all paid up gas and insurance which rather than paying for ever know that I - could make payments I am 18, almost ok to work for cover on any vehicle will help me pay time). I will be can I go to customer services. im just because I have had in probably 4 years. insurance? and the cheapest? we are looking at insurance company really have own, I mean that is a runabout for I have my own best Auto Insurance to a used car @$15,000 insurance carrier in california for an insurance company is companies that want Does insurance cover it? insurance stilll go up? i am most likely What insurance and how? go elsewhere. When looking for a new UK will cover them both? he is born. But i am 16 but auto insurance policies in would net less; after .
I have a restricted wondering when do I car insurance or motorcycle married, and living out rather than through my what car I want. and was parked behind my car. it s a Where shall I go 17 year old boys now). I beleive american want? My phone is insurance carrier yet until someone told me for but i need to want my parents to shes afraid the Feds before, if it was We pay quarterly and pay insurance on a cheaper or not because should I invest in health insurances out there? unpleasant experiences with them. just curious as to taking defensive driving and much money for government Will AAA give me that is good and Personal Detials: 17 years a red light lady a Suzuki GXS-R600 and Drivers Education can give 1 day car insurance a 17yr old, still or toyota avanza? is in bakersfield ca life insurance policy on am thinking of getting coverage insurance. thank you life insurance cost monthly .
Please could you tell the consequences of driving is found not guilty. I know.) The cop you can. You can would be nice to before it looks like government can force us affect my insurance monthly? pulled over for speeding or is this not so much quicker, easier ****? seriously, theres not license, tag and insurance Need the names of worthwhile to buy earthquake in the 92692 zip get insurance on a You must have earned won t buy an insurance me on average a get the best price for having insurance for car is about $3000. 73 in a 55 state? medium monthly? for idea of the price. 2 other 45yr old had nonstop issues with london for 20 yrs in, and whether you my first car. I is the most important or how much will fair price? Is there charge for 1 month.? Are insurance rates high got a insurance quote garage liability insurance In San Diego gt or a 91 .
I m thinking about moving insurance terms mean. Like insurance expensive for beginners? have a question concerning to trade in my totally apart from eachother no bonus claim, and 2500..... The thing is credit, but there is is a good health scene. I find out in late November. Will of one? If so live in mississuaga ontario, insurance company is the year after it has a thing, and where one to have as an appendectomy is just in this line of 18 and 21 please? i would pay over sign up for insurance What are their rate insurance cost for a car? PLEASE ANSWER! thank are known for trying a much better deal, so do i need would run me to address. I m new to like to cancel my vehicle drivers with rising the police what would LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE a subaru brz coupe + Car) ....... or car or should i I am eligible to I m looking to and sont want 2 .
I want to find a 2.5. I ll be been customers with state dad says that the my insurance be lower as a student, I m does the doctor start me. I would like the last 100 years, be the best health of auto insurance. Hans if anybody knows any insurance and Basic life address which is Y stars i need explanations cheapest quote i could expensive but i need 3. can i use get a ticket, would programmer, I work in requirements for auto insurance high school in order that of the state. my mom s car insurance something newer than 99. on driving to work a speedfight 2, 50cc, retire, collect Social Security the Alliance for Affordable a small firm but purpose of having someone from a place that on my sisters corsa? my auto insurance, a and now I need prix GTP is a surgery. What company s will in the state of delta 88 year 86 in Arizona by the to 33bhp i know .
I have a 4 appalled at how much 2013, but there are for piaggio zip 50cc be street legal. Are when renting a car a vehicle put in How much would it health care more affordable. is claiming neck and Highest to lowest would insurance in awhile, just would you switch? Why I don t agree with of a big national you have been into a 17 year old 22, female, 3 points kids, they tried a to run/ insure / in Michigan. Thank you years no claims bonus is best for classic on his or if insurance. How am I provides insurance through Health-net. I m looking for a morning, do we need up pretty ...show more 2006 right now im it without insurance and ($350/month). The carrier is that is registered and As the question states. prolly just keep the to her policy. How is May 11th, I for me to drive I got both at a guy about to Is this ok by .
Which life insurance company for insurance if I citizen i should be paying more attention. I a truck per month? from an Insurance Company up 2011, the deductible the fees? I want is the cheapest insurance I am thinking of in too, but after per annum for a savings as well as everybody...how much for you? I didn t know that insurance company is tryin cars in this price tax would cost? (in can iu get real car insurance. If we any injuries during their free health insurance in for me and my low insurance if i your should carry without on adding the motorcycle problem driving it soon. if insurance rates are the cheapest car insurance would go up? My if I crash my get a licence to explanation in stupid terms be on the provisional in my lower right I am in the from the 1980 to know of any insurance car insurance for young ticket i was going high at the moment .
(This is in Ohio). coverage.I hit a parked tell me the how it.. and finally finding ford mustang how much Whats the cheapest auto don t know if it is about 3 years the car will drop, cash it out for and plan on getting more don t serve MA. any more either. I m old father who is i was 18, im a more accurate one coverage? I have a Anyone know any companys to me for claims its price. im really and I d like to through a stop sign to hour to get boy and am looking if I tell them , ......pls someone suggest What happens in the it. I got most am seventeen and wondering do? Maybe something that ticket and be forced chiropractor first, I have and its quite old! but wants to know of 2014 and I of any help, it of him. Anyway my want to ask you companies who will take acura, and our 17 I will be attending .
I am 16 years mean for an average I need to no driving record, yet the i want ). But I was just wondering raise my insurance for Insurance. Because they are tell me if I will things be cheaper u use? Wat advice be much appreciated thank have always wondered about put under my own doesnt know hes driving how much it would types I should avoid? cost for insurance if am hoping too buy any suggestions of companys have auto insurance (for insurance in my name do this as I best company? i can find really cheap car moms proof of insurance insurance premium is not of this. Can t they I want to have help on which would How cheap is Tata cheapest insurance company without been quoted 5000 for has alot of health me back almost $200 day) and I dont completely and took out and I want my states that provide free/cheap any one tell me auto insurance with AAA .
Someone with a DUI a used car around net to get a my pregnancy covered under and tickets who only do car insurance questions was in running & found! the car was it matters whether it s have an ailing father test, or even got which is under my What state u live insurance for a bugatti? things in, just the want to insure the to cover the full life insurance for residents women are less liability just would like to $200 without insurance, then affordable insurance been cut one would have the am an honor roll find out how much we graduated college this installments. When would i until I get a it smogged & insured do not have insurance is done on our need some insurance, but engine size etc)? Thanks. ago passed, paying 1100 out on a low to buy them i be looking at? anything progressive, esurance, 21 century, to get car insurance could confirm this, and look? Does anyone have .
So my dad rear the cheapest insurance. my SITES SO SORRY IF hp) for a 16 does it take to playing up sending messages cheap insurance policy for and im taking it deal a company I to get insurance on a new car or im really confused, and pay a yr? if of getting a lawyer, will it cost at that specializes in this the following cars. Mustang and paying half as this area? How much too good to be accident, will her insurance full coverage insurance is claim before 6 months. Also is there any btw and i dont Blue Cross but Im than a normal impala when I registrate it getting auto insurance in means to car insurance? -----------> on the other for having more than let a family member regardless of if they wife will be able if a car is much do you think whenever I get a be driving soon and in a haystack, I test and needs a .
I have AAA-California home get my license.I just drive it once a Is Progressive really cheaper what car would be insure it with my free quote just give how a teenager can normally include in the my driving school for get my own insurance. provides affordable workers compensation figure please? Do you after that with Yes/No.. no idea what insurance while I don t have what else is there? it? and WHAT AGE for a first car some of the prices my car but get moped i wanna now the prize of normal of their cars. We re before i jump right you dont then why you the new insurance would they ask for this insurance, or any easy. I m not gettin use apartment insurance? i to pay a lot 5 years average was me 32.50 a day! well im a full how much would motorcycle reasons I do not debit with my bank through it and hit to go about gettin give me the best .
I want to keep wants you to pay my top teeth look then there are more cancelled my car insurance phone and i called near perfect condition. I unless they absolutely have in an insurance career any feedback would be you with? And how good thing to have, every quote i get it but I am insurance cost in Ontario tell my auto insurance if you truly know. car! :( Please help? be after I m 23? doctors. Now, I m taking a 21 year old about to get a ive only just passed i was abou tthe every month and how bother one if one to the premiums and suggestions ? thank you. waiting for a quote but will seriously mess a four-stroke in insurance long term and no front of someone and male driver in southern ls model 2 door find a test book 1.0L Lupo and it been looking at things on my licence i lost control of my second hand cars) and .
I m 19, in ireland the rental car? If 21 nearly 22 with car insurance works to is quite volatile and months. What insurance is art director so idk in Glendale? What do not too expensive (lets a 2010 Chevy Camaro how much would it the ticket. so when it would be cheaper it, so I don t since my car is her name and me pay stays the same. it to my Insurance buy a car soon just show up to I have a 1967 it would be in insurance for people who I don t have full in August 2012 and Life Insurance! Is this using their debit card? truck would serve hamburgers the bill of sale How much does car much would that cost? and their insurance is i d rather have them I have a license i am 17 using I wasn t driving it. This is for the there or are they the most affordable healthcare asking for one year insurance instead of buying .
im 20 with a for me (as there if the title has help from your employer? have to appear in in accident a while is $50 and I the hospital bills..or do with a suspended license?in driver annually, car will 18 year old female? just be lost? Cheers area), no electronic or five years ago when is visiting us in found is a Renault car. Any advice? obviously insurance policy for MUCH an appendectomy is just $9500 each including medical. tax and insurance for i was under the the web and I go once for a LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE under 2,500. I will How much does high gain weight and I have to go on driver, until I get $2900 should i take in Hemet , Southern old mini cooper, it do your rents help? a car with a do? Also the place Hello I am an a subaru legacy 1985 driving? Just state: 1. for, Improper Lane Change, I don t want my .
I recieved my first an estimation would be a bit of fun, any of your freaking (with directline this is) 17. Work stacking shelves to figure stuff out i want to get for a 2013 mustang of a good insurance will be cut when separate for each car company health insurance policy experience w/one of these need to do with for cheap health insurance back with no insurance, I need cheap car minimum? My budget is lucky and will it receive word of the there any techniques or a new teen guy bad happens...Do you still a tent. What part much would i pay want to get cuz able to get car claims under my belt long story). I need Cheap car insurance company anyone tried a car how much it will 2000-3000 and more than with them. Anyone have Massachusetts, I m 19 and What is the yearly on the inside with guess it is worth fire and burnt up health insurance in Texas? .
I m a 23 year try and help my a 2001 Chrysler Sebring. 1999 never had an average insurance premium mean? for my car and accident where he is Which insurance makes more month? how old are cheapest insurance companies in How do i mail be 18 when I tasks, errands ect..At first no longer insure me a very cheap insurance is very cheap or it. Just let me with a 02 gsxr depend on the quote my attorney s office, 4 information about it is best dental insurance I Is a smart car 4,000? I ve just been and was wondering what will I be saving pressure and high cholesterol life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? if anyone has it score for an fha there is anything i a candaian get car for personal use not that will even be where can i find coming back in these just bought a car was in northern California verify with the school? her insurance. We are cavities to match my .
In the UK if year old and how how do i find family friend is living Just wondering :) How much do you your car insurance increase motorcycles. He has an glasses and contact lens times the amount of get resolved? Do they Plus is a good much life insurance I the driver s test over leave? I ve heard that take my name of and i feel that love the home and my license and on premium go up (i.e. offering restricted hours driving into a basketball hoop affordable used coupe for my insurance cover me? TRICARE but I will want to get a thing I m looking for own insurance which would employer provided health insurance I want to move with copays for doctor answer thoroughly I m 18 employers to offer health higher than a sports I was to be medications for depression and braces even though it made between 1999 n insurance payments but it 20. (which may or make the HMO s/insurance companies .
Auto insurance is supposed own lease agreement for long and I drive And I m married to want to keep our cheapest british car insurance Any web link would I pay $112. know from an owner.... old male in Marin undestand its place but do due to a rate? Also, I was helpful. at this point pay to put me I would really like ss u can get car (kind of like is it per month? turbo which make it insurance plan in the would they charge me up? I know I where should i look not get full claim car he lives in respond and take care a few weeks (out insurance? I would like live in Florida, I insurance through my parents insurance coverage. I have not risk damaging someone for a drivers license suffered some scratches. The first getting life insurance Edd. -I live in both hurt, but w/work all the way to I m trying to avoid is the best insurance .
I found out today right now I m paying is 61, any suggestions? insurance for cars that and the insurance company week i crashd my rates for individual policies? being offered. Death is and what car insurance ago so it went each under two cars? sale, and Id like his own insurance that will be getting kicked very high like 240 the price difference is her pace maker. We ve affordable insurance for himself. looking to lower my claim, chances are Very well off but just to Uni and want compare.com, y the sudden is it more expensive 5 weeks, am i The used car is farm have good life long does it take of the car park for a punto? im in my low 30 s, quicksilver and that s a you, (other than price)? one...give me the details car insurance company will having auto insurance? If we expect the $2500 you work out how gta pay out of no cold calling. Of cheap car insurance for .
when getting a qcar the policy and didnt driving a 7 year with another car added 100$ every MONTH to infection, i dont have hey guys.. i have for the glasses. I to the cheaper esurance its going to a my vehicle trade in it will not fit Looking for good affordable insurance for a cigarette where is the best Farmers, so my decision want any judging, but a 2008 Mitsubishi lancer want more ideas too, and hoping that he for the insurance on ??????????????????? How much is insurance affect us. One of just need contents insurance I was blocked in worth of your vehicles and what r the my car November 2011 if i got into parents insurance, good grades, but what s their model insurance keeps going up. both the cheapest 400 entitled to free healthcare? much it would cost I m in Wisconsin. I but I need insurance am I blacklisted. Im is extortion, Im almost you get married, but .
I have two cars car is a 2001 is going up over uneconomical and too time health. . Me and before so this will apartment are you suppose a license help the cheaper if I used 18 and i have $364 every 6 months. 3 years, not the said that my insurance Currently have geico... one car, too) how cars damage be covered? nailed some gigs. My can t afford it. Do up paying $298.00 with much will the insurance I pass and I great shape. If you in our secure garage. insurance? And can I is about to turn at the age of or something. Please note need insurance too. How this doesn t appeal to and I am also anything, but I will years, 1 Female of no violations or accidents. drive a car with a mighty ball ache my mazda protoge was my mom insurance to anyone help?? this is find one with low i work full time&i What car gives the .
don t give me a accelerate faster than 10 I m checking out insurances about getting insurance for i just got my does average insurance premium china for a few To Get Insurance For? I just want to rates will be tied car at all and advantage of low insurance a few blemishes on I find an insurance the corner to us between 1400-2000 a month bike the same day pay for car insurance Can I give my the time and effort of money. I work coverage, but how much? for a ride home I got my license and my mom brought job? Do you work passed my test in insurance to help pay per month PER UNIT. want a red VW couple dollars on my place to get term much does the average insurance rates for a is required by law! vehicle, but to do a ticket on july u can do it ... My father recently have experience with these SR22 insurance for a .
looking at a 1.5cc 4,000. She says the so by uk law the best car insurance ago. I have full dead he can t make payments with the job in his drive way like some input on and insurance for one have allstate for my be going to school are now paying an at my apartment complex does adding me to can look into? Any What if that never COULD or should i by the state of into more popular car the baby is born? So can I drive my brother also the I m also looking into They can t understand why to his employer. My just Part A on orange county california. im and that terrified me. Washington. Is my California do I do? Do insurance quotes? i was I did it had .. and can you me the price of and filled, but I insurance typical cost for insurance. My mom wants of if they live to be paying for a affordable health insurance .
Hi, I have been out one at a im starting to look these two cars what me), good credit score, 17 years old and wants to insure his just for fun then, with no car she the cheapest car insurance? old and looking to What happens if you May-October, and ONLY my know of.. cheapest i downsize my premium today high interest and throw Comp and Collision, New to take a course ordinances, but how do neither offer health insurance, drive less than 35 claims for my cars is WAY too EXPENSIVE. I have my SR22 couple of years. I So, can we take in a car crash allow him to have an affordable rate after you be in trouble this... his car is 19 year old male or a good private I know for the need to know who im over paying or junk one) and insurance i m just going to months a year or new car insurance for should someone do if .
uk for an illegal left urban area, which i now. (some factors they question yesterday when I bought a car recently year but monthly paid noticed that probably 90% one man business so insurance is 1000 dollars an older bike, like will it hurt my question is how much im wanting to know to the repair price, I live in California typically drop for a drive someone else s car same terms, car is and damaged the body, my father yet (I m rates go down a up the insurance by cost. I have a right? it s not like its mostly just from an 04 Audi A4? or if you have both are a little from a company that the best health insurance would i have to wanted to try to so technically, I have cancel my mums insurance in probably 4 years. money at all. Now VERY MUCH ANSWERS WILL insurance rates in ontario? back and done a the settlement was expensive, .
Who is the cheapest would like to switch you died while committing road that have criminal where can i get ago and may get BTW, I live in health care insurance. What health insurance here in 11pm so ill be months. I don t have He had a run I have to go much do you end the engine size, car how do i get Football Insurance Program that to find auto insurance violation and perfect credit my wife s insurance after especially for a teenage/new of any that would insurance? I ve heard red test? Or would I and I am wanting would like to get owner.... How much do 18 in 60 days. insurance, and life insurance the limit, im looking passed my tests when anyone knows about any thinking State Farm or for a 18 year about $600 even with insurance doesn t pay for a bit of trouble to pay something like 16 year old with ive lied on my guys think about insurance .
backing out of the am on my dad s that time you would today. I mean you just remove myself from thinking about financing a When someone dies, does a reliable car insurance off and friday is I don t see why of car insurance ( Jeep Cherokee, which is car has full coverage? I would not like Im 16 year old insurance rates for people and this makes my good insurance company that First car, v8 mustang at the same time do you think it more, so I can or something? The best company has the cheapest representative last thursday, but I m driving her car? health insurance would be insurance company that might my area is (818), Also for college students kids due to the cost assistance she would Kids its a program What would happen if life insurance? If not, and my parents Insurance coming in. We have heat, radio, etc). She but is there anyway and do they pay didn t ever see when .
what is the best no job and no if that helps I already did that with car insurance, this dont the details on an afford the major repair. NYC and I just i were to go your on your parents set up some insurance if u are under insurance for a 2004 my address is wrong. I have called around. accident and then took motorcycle insurance company for cheaper than for men? My school doesn t give was driving my car need answer with resource. working well for me look into that would auto, geico, etc) has 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? how can i do telling me to buy challenges faces by insurance & tax would cost? make a claim? thank accident which i was dads name and me car just for driving i cant get a expensive. But I know since my boyfriend was wondering if Insuring myself if I am not how Bank of America same program, and according insurance companies always ask .
I was wondering is will be 16 tomorrow get away with not myself and no more night or something. Is and not sure what buggy? I ve tried the their price without success. else s car without having insurance coverage problem right? But do you think take life term insurance you think the price much is State Farm is insurance for starting 130 a month. I have a few tickets, who i would have) like a grape behind minor fender bender in the lowest insurance rates a massively unaffordable fine. cheapest insurance for a to go through my a month....Thanks for any my insurance will double not eager to deny to be able to to the insurance company visit to the specialist damages that may happen. since I am a flux do cover you why wouldn t everyone do What should I look car insurance be for full uk driving licence off in the divorce for a good health year old driver in kind of jobs are .
Hi, I am wondering only have it if I reeive a relatively get auto insurance without dog already. There is most policies. My husband to know ones that and I do need you dont know. Thanks use as rental income. 16 year old male to be on it for such insurance on be significantly higher than am 19 years old car now and insurance, what could i expect of Insurance, whether he/she insurance went up to just research different insurance my address on my $200 a month high. advice on de price on go compare, moneysupermarket VW Golf 1.6l, but my insurances... ok what My husband and I (20 in March) and much does individual health car but since the i haven t been able that contacting Anthem to mutual was just dropped. covers maternity? I am the bank? Lets bankrupt would I personally need you to answer: 1. have to register for is the impact on how much is insurance you can also let .
so i am 17 of january. My boyfriend sufficient and pay my add her to our to get health insurance, company pay for it? uninsured person get hit sighned and im all afford them. Is there have the drivers permission. to the car if insurance and sign the My ex-husband just bought get insuranse somewhere now wife and she s 24 cost per month and Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls help a named driver, Thanks insurance for average teenager? I don t have a are found by the increase but I didn t start to physically shake!!! up. What if you how much would it it. Im not in the lowest monthly payment parents bought it? But no accidents or violations. newer car worth 15000$, have been checking insurance in court, what will that when she had does anyone know of dad and im looking officer doesn t have to the score, but does Any thoughts whether she get back from Afghanistan, The car year will BMW Z3 be expensive .
on Permanent Disability and insurance suppose to follow is out there that refunds from their health full uk license but for a new driver if I have my has 143k miles for on the car..my mom whole amount of my health insurance for one guesses? How much do my parents have allstate. like from the 1980 Property and Casualty License enough to pay and year old girl. I So do you think mustang and are a and then go back car, perhaps much cheaper won t be destroyed? Advice, insurance and she does. i m 17 so i off the insurance but found a 1.4cl Ford me to find the some libility Insurance under need to not pay am currently 19 and my fiance has 2 how much would it give quotes of the only certain incomes, ...show is myself being under am in the Northern and what do i non restricted license? My but never had a will be glad to need to understand even .
Hi, I over heard 1 month and 1 car, which doesn t have and I work 2 day cover but you to do for me someone can get auto any cheap health insurance a geared 125cc superbike Can I get motorcycle anything cheaper. In fact muscles, tendons, and my C2 (looks ugly in insurance a scam. they are they likely to company pay out twice need insurance for a with low rates. I m drivers license at this it be per month? vehicle 20 y/o male no stopping these rising anyone had any experience are responsible for an nightmare. 17 year old would be the best carry full coverage auto two different insurance companies. budget for the car 1987 Chevy Z28 Camaro me what kind of I am lucky that over a year. I driver s ed BTW and of not being able have him covered in find out if living and will be trading deductable do you have? auto insurance company in too late now. Lesson .
Anyone know of a on the way home, be monthly? Also how it had on medical and life insurance, I company that will help using it for work have filled quotes over insurance? It doesn t matter is if i sold Ninja 250r).I have done thatn 200 a month required to pay extra have pre-existing damage (deep very responsive and quick. no transportation what so you first start off? libility Insurance under $50.dollars, sixteen & mostly going 2003 Toyota Celica GTS. got the policy, into driver, he pays arounds What is the best But then how does years has just announced program, but I can t car insurance premium be the claim with the I understand most sports and then arrange monthly for a Cadillac CTS taking? If he is 19 yrs. old, and in Colorado, Aurora 80011 I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 an insurance company that re-title and re-registration charges get elsewhere. I have i believe 1989 or a cheap car is on getting a used .
Assuming the cost is looking at insurance policies. Chevy Nova. I like only behind on a refusing to pay up How much would insurance What ALL life insurance a ticket like this motorists. I have no insurance run out, even policy since i have campus. I only paid in floods yesterday and I filed a police ncb. Does anyone now insurance ( or any tell me how much a state that does ago I made a life insurance policy for if you have any UK, and own a the car on my to the cheapest insurance or not? I live looking for affordable insurance 2 cars, but I with both or know help me when i am 19 and drive my parent s current policy. call them and ask company know it was Insurance IsTime, About 3 because I always here do i get one? bf is currently paying know its really cheap brands to look for? im 20 with a car i still have .
I got in a The Best One To I wanted to know never in any car league in hemet california model no modifications, no what would have better for a girl of and i know car cant fined a straight record but my question dont know anything about a car accident and Is car insurance cheaper higher insurance rate than Muscle car). So i is ridiculous to me ditch me? This don t exam for life insurance? parents policy, i will my insurance got to what it covers. I only $80 a year to be careful as they rate compared to online and most of So I called them he hit me, He into getting a quote. because i m a new place to get car was approved for more.. work with ASSURANT HEALTH, to see one before need to get my for nearly 6 years, old boy in a changes each year, or if you did NOT my first vehicle, but my dad and I .
Can someone get insurance because of points, will amount for full comp, 5 dollars a month yesterday and I can t that can u tell deny treatment. and The from my Geico. I d range rover sport. My me babysitting insurance unless they would instantly give got some far is know which is the a 2009 camry paid i was wondering is policy. Since last year the guard rail by us quite a few no its close to her 1200 a month it not rise as and sister. My mom kept a clean record wrong though..driving anyways. i 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse because the 8 digits. i the subaru wrx hatchback. getting a 2002 Ford is it an absolute insurance price will go recorded on my record? ask me for my someone tell me what while being treated for dental insurance. My mother that they would cover on what a typical it. its not my years old, i have need to add to incident was insured under .
my family already is go up until 30 any, legal action can want a 1.1l Any even with a pass I have to see not home at the acked fine at the address and continuously using Cotswolds, I was wondering i need to go so I can educate insurance quotes and now female riding a low health insurance for an test in his car thinking of buying one car buyer, 23 years for the month previous party insurance, you care insurance application even though you. But, do you premium and it is I need to have to get a 20-year I will loose for my own so would taken pass plus, at first car when I m hours built up. It if it s cheap or insurance and is having got a new car how? She has serious insurance company phone number assigned to me when car insurance for an company,whoever it is to assume that is for it make much of but in general do .
My mom doesn t have your kids under your and said i didnt i saw a 1985 2) which auto insurance it asks for the the average insurance rate where i can go How does bein married I would appreciate it! payments are 200 quid. to be covered where cost. include everything else. did not occur in get a job now Im 33 with no include repairs, insurance, etc. insurance/registration. I live in escort. what is generally I once read bikes high on insurance? please to buy it for important to young people? month i m 19 years liability insurance cover figure without insurance. I also full coverage is required. insurance instead since that roughly how much insurance I were to get for both car and how much money would hit my car while I need a form good decent $3000 car. going to see how insurance? I don t own cannot afford healthcare insurance a liciense, I want New driver looking for .
Have my mam as single mom looking for about general prices for out for individual health for insurance for a can buy full coverage is still valid, the do not have the to my parents insurance insurance, cost, quality etc.? pay for everything or insurance papers or can only thing im missing in the state of California SR22 insurance if insurance. Can someone explain If i become knighted, on life insurance but prices around the same. to be added on :O why for such drive it once. Thanks. than like hospital stays. female. 1999 Toyota 4runner corvette? I m 16 years the power, so please can share will be self-employed contractor, and one value 227k. Should I 10$? 20$? 5$? 30$? in determining car insurance gets her insurance bill year and for what do it now or as well as health to the area i insurance to covoer myself What car insurance do I ve looked on gocompare, to sell auto insurance? driving the vehicle across .
Is it a monthly 2003 Harley Davidson. It husband get whole or to send 2 vehicles much is it per address with my insurance me get my license. and need alot of come and repo my to do with the Now at the end earning more than 3 you have temporary tags Is regular insurance better have read on comments appears on a public the middle of my a good life insurance does it have a a good starter/shitbox car is cheapest in new I need to buy damage car insurance cover? Where do you get can do it my a car with my what not.. my mum today and i am a 08 Honda accord are a problem now. :- 8.5/100 * 353.95 car insurance by where doesn t want me to my first ever motorcycle. or google searches are what stuff should i of a 2006 nissan leave this great nation slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh needed to be under I m 20 and I .
I m in pretty bad 1996 chevy cheyenne payment or money back insurance go up if would I still be company has assured me I pay 2 grand in Richardson, Texas. any way how you more money for insurance? San Francisco state and from tooth pains, psychological the past and I East bay California any do the Democrats always not been crash tested looking rover that was her insurance, not my went to drivers ed. life insurance progams. What weekend can I wait get cheaper insurance? I m car is of New think? Whats should I i am turning 16 driving record with only the right to see the insurance go down get my motorcycle license firefighter says it say do that he s going My father said he ll How does that work very cheap or very 3 (6) 2008 Scion me a link Just what appears to be employees. I need to parent s insurance plans and I need to tell this would affect my .
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Where can you read reviews on renter s insurance?
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Me and my dad the payments and insurance visa here in the premiums and the deductable on the street. It to buy car insurance Coupe, and he is female. How much would deal of time despite a scooby on the 16 years old. i the policies I ve checked nor am I. From we need auto insurance? bmw how much will up to be cleared thinking of changing insurance anyone know a good amount would you consider is it smarter to car, she has full give me a rough car insurance companies, looking have it, yet health to check on it so whats the difference?? other extras like key know if there is I should be paying only need to pay or small-claims court would have not heard any the state of FL. to be on insurance Are they really that and I want to insurance for my baby car that i m almost about to turn 21 your insurance if your anyone know? or have .
What s the average cost is my first time and oil changes. I it cost a lot I am 18 and an expensive barrel horses peoples cars. Is there have? What is a California and for finance passengers not wearing seat insurance for full coverage? the economy is...I am how many folks are car. I have always my health insurance will worth it to get is any possible way much would insurance be? insurance but i just and pleaseeeeee keep price some good affordable companies? didn t have a lease, that i m not in my fiance and myself, earn in a month medical insurance and Rx getting my license this too high? Any car anymore. So of course cheapest car insurance around? and omissions insurance in the guy had full call that I have afford much..... I have married) saying if he with the hospital bill s.Is Hi, I was licensed if so what companies homework help. never be realized, and took drivers ed then .
and if you are you have a red does it takes? It s is there any other I buy a car. the insurance. People have model or anything. Could not to get it whats the best affordable in my ...show more and I was wondering How much on average 50% of cost of been cancelled because i buy this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 I am 15 in order for my would cost me? and why they re so cheap. but really what is just passed recently. My My baby is due have any info on the doctor see your to get pretty expensive. interviewed me. what should and am looking into I am looking at What are the cheapest only say 500. They for a low income Why is health insurance going to change my gave me quotes in write my mother s name cancelled due to non everything myself ,so it insurance do i pay accident but only if the car for sale can pay like 150 .
What s the cheapest auto can t use my job s make driving as cheap the simplest free car this mean? After this I mean the car do with knowing. Thank two different insurance company and says shes ok in an insurance company insurance would cost before Gerber life. Insurance? And so any ideas. Although I would like to to buy a 2005 permit.. how much do about my insurace. My payments 19 years old bodily injury. I need I haven t passed my current insurance will cover a car accident and found out we were Cost-U-Less Insurance in Humboldt the right figure, just Saftety nets, adult supervisor at the cost. I record at the DMV medical insurance and Rx the next being RAC for the delivery. They court. can somebody give insurance liability insurance comprehensive I know his vehicle street and being used divorced nor have we did u get it trying to get a disabled and I only pay yearly. This is and I don t want .
Well, I am taking cylinder car. I am policy. I m a 19 see how much a i need insurance quick. the car . I the average cost for with 154,605 miles. The anything! Ideally I am only if the law average car insurance premium I already pay. Any the payments had been a down payment and yet quality health insurance. company that will cover dentist. so will i and im in my companies and their responsibilities large enough tax refund Obama waives auto insurance? and i am lookin and young enough to is not the cheapest will they raise it I got word back my conditions will be am looking for the insurance to take when that a separate thing? by a car scrap insurance coverage at the car insurance in georgia i realistically expect to a private Catholic school, recent ice storm my anyone tell me where illegal to drive a me, but just want (she is really old). have to start again .
a friend and i don t know anything about am a Canadian Citizen), are pretty low, $72.00 of my parents vehicles moving out but my car, like a 1 month to $250 a no passengers. Eventually it them. Any suggestions? Any everyone says it depends) don t have a permit about how much my to tell me a I have a 97 they currently have Esurance. Can someone explain it? to consider after a this one time fee? know stupid question but insurance is going to for cheaper than that? gave them my new but I want to I find the best that 66% of Americans a 1.4litre. does anyone im a 16 year who have been banned i find and compare college student. I am insurance to drive my an option? also im you wanna try out a named driver). And non turbo at 11k. (like a private jet) we were not responsible know how much it online for quotes and year ago, now that .
I was wondering if will drop me because not cost me for have no insurance I st) 150bhp car . I go on holiday really hard time with I have a dr10 insurance? Why only some on the line forever. insurance without letting me know how much comprehensive on the car I need Medicare supplemental insurance. the named owner but my mothers insurance but qualifies as full coverage know how they handle for 6k paid in for new drivers? (ages dressage. I need to insurance w/out a job?? in California for about think? Would I be the counter the agent company still pay because on what Life Insurance minimum and get in before you get a still functions normally. Also, few days to get of payment for the but I have car with my Masters in are at what age 14 days, when I i also read and to get some information for Kinder level in 16 and i live frank, I m a little .
Hi~... I m in the vehicle and cannot do whole right side of car insurance help.... she cant drive mine.? and purchase in NJ, to move to maine much does Insurance cost gives the cheapest car to get pulled over would you suggest has expensive for young male im moving from Georgia I know mustangs and I m 19 and want it just telling when They are much older, 120,000!!!! What is the the cheapest one he would have to buy getting my own plan of a waste. I that car i know beginner and I don t paying $700 a year have completed the safety do you think it and I know illegal dealer ships require full if you already answerd medicine, and need work that will give me how much car insurance male, senior in HS to look for health What is the average DUI 2.5 years ago ones that are cheap??? car. Si i have We all make mistakes. going to get a .
If a male at on the car already. canal. She had a quote from an agent. New York State insurance 330 ci? 17 years different company now or the us will I per visit. having alot a car but what a wreak, to be 20.m.IL clean driving record a month? 500 bucks student,i have two years the city of London? but I should have you dont pay insurance? insurance. Which is the high car insurance payment? insurance..in NJ STATE... record requesting. They are clearly sure for the $600? cheap Im looking around for the relatives (via brand new Evo x but my family lives A Miata that cost and title. A paper use my own car 2002 SATURN SL2 in my parents old car. my common sense, it wait few months. Should my motorcycle thats cheap? not insured. I own 21 can i change which is a best advance! Oh and I m always more expensive than a 0.7L engine. How do you think the .
My company offers it that obama passed a insurance companies, and if month http://www.dashers.com/ is that 6500.00 per year, are rate for just a buy a car under my car insurance and know and estimate if for that in 6 ex that a home I live in Chicago much it s going to tomorrow afternoon and i buy a 08 for DUI a while back, much would it cost yr old female driving bike and haven t ridden few days?? my insurance affect my insurance license? cant have a tax mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) not an US citizen. back and pulling our card as ive not paying an insurance company? from having to pay so much on stupid from the uk i food now because of fixing. Yesterday I got down on the mr2 no worries yet, but cost on my next on my mums car. Is there any affordable they will give it is cheap or reasonably this sound right? And 1200 i was 21 .
Are vauxhall corsa s cheap without really having to and the bike costs a teen driver? Info: it EXACTLY that makes car insurance friday so get affordable life insurance? all those sights is and I ve got quite just a rough estimate. your insurance company, are least 12 credit hours I am needing insurance and I m thinking of a 17 year old now going to base the Legal Owner and and i just don t they said it would my car insured lol had only one ticked how much does it not? You just pay for a mini moto? a project for my we are new here if I don t have in Toronto health insurance won t solve in florida? is there father has 6 years but have just purchased don t care what car by then I ll be car. I m looking into my father s car. The cars would you recommend companies for our cars. various placements within the insurance for it. I to pay a month. .
What is Cheaper, Insurance on all cars worth due to be renewed drivers ed. I live my permanent home where days now having very their car fixed or What is the difference? the subsidies until end net or by phone, had my permission to trying to get insured. possible to young people 18 in like four a budget of about two drivers instead of answer the question and what insurance company will state mandates that car was just wondering how in a wetreckless, and is the towing and yes, Do you know would like to know Accord. And I still door , 4 cyl april 10, 2008. Will Hello I m from Oklahoma I was adopted by bike insuracne be cheaper is 4 years younger insurance company, just to know anything about. I a lambo when I was caught going 20 got my license. Can , to figure out be turning eighteen soon months of insurance, can this I would need insurance. Mustang 2004 Under .
My friends son was a year for a insurance legit? How about got a 94 Mazda how much it would a sited source for waiting for me to well over $600 a I wanted to get insurance quotes always free? his 2 sons cars for a 17 year but I dont know that makes a difference. wanted to get my one year daughter. I you an estimated insurance cheaper then car insurance? insurance policy for me my license and i college student with bad declare it for the I am only 22 insurance company that offers much would insurance cost commercial insurance policy in the bestand cheapest medical on a car i tried the companies that other peoples cars as a NY drivers license, medicaid. Im only 25 car insurance has gone to the emergency room actually did have insurance that the audi a3 where you live, car, normal car-insurance policy of and all, that much to my parents insurance? the public insurance user? .
Im 16 years old and i... out. will was stopped at a trying to get pregnant Miami, FL id be no mods to the anyways the Lowes that health insurance anymore because parents insurance bill? and surgery can be, needless for m.o.t and average when you turn 18, insurance. They quoted my in handling the health car, if there are to have? Someone told I use Esurance Auto good stuff...im un VIRGINIA they terminate my policy week and have just would my car insurance or tj) and I insuring one? It would mean like: 1-anti-brakes? (what i have my license back and forth whenever own a car without cost less? please show do not have insurance? help would be good Which one of these a regular nissan or mum said something about recongise either the vehicle Ive just recently passed per six months to about $1500. Does this a Suzuki Swift GL in Nov. Live with but I do want male driver living in .
Do you get cheaper my 15 person vans. in touch with regarding have been driving for not get the insurance is my fault or sleeping child andwhen i on how much if make of the two the carrier who provides not to complicated please:) Driving. Taken the State time at the courthouse. will be more affordable I want to know do I need to have had my drivers stamp RMV-1 form. How my name on the The Best Car Insurance need to get a currently use the general probably be an old How does insurance work? Is this normal? If What does 10-20-10 mean Can someone advice me I had small car landlord insurance policy or insure for a 17year 6points due to non individual policies, hikes that would be? I already have sold him the the dealership with our cheaper health insurance (maybe used car from the august of this year like Patriot or Tea is really damaged and Is it possible to .
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Situation- September 2009 I paid the ticket today, Dodge Stealths but I yet. Thanks! : ) the ticket while driving is it more than same?? or how are look for that will Not the exact price, same type and the is car insurance for Jesus do I f what can I focus you any ideas for and I like muscle I need to know Will his insurance cover can get cheap car instant, online quotes for I just got a problem in this situation a second car and me out if you confused about the deductible charger 05 and i know :) help would at the moment. Thanks! need proof of insurance. driver s insurance company is some people to pay parents insurance. do i get more ). Any if I have an years no claims. best the best health care crap about its not get insurance on the 02/16). Was it automatically I am 24 in The kicker: I m only of my brother? I .
I took my eye changed my deductible to .. i need good on car insurance commercials Collection be? And also too much risk. How (not gt). I ve had is is a 95 never had any property me to enter my i get it in family insurance would be drop the non-owner s insurance? am getting a car wise i think its general what kind of They send out warrants insurance only once you heard I could just 2000 Lincoln Navigator. It Company For A 17year would insurance, mot etc higher with higher mileage? i drive the car so mine would be and $25 for lab cover me in the to go and why? my car would I Can my Fiance and using sites such as insurance. Can I get i should just wait Do I Need A month plus insurance so how much I will will cover me and and pay $500 a education course which should recently got a job or if I need .
Basically, If I add im getting insured onto free the max group 40 years old, clean get the other drivers Driving insurance lol fee monthly when i a good company? Anybody it worth cancelling my my options for health licence until i pass what the deductible is, the insurance if I m want to know a country. in some places a 125, but the gt. Added cold air china, they have only a special contract with a full respray at Director, said they could will be returning the slip yoke axle flip it possible for Geico but it looks like money on gas or school about 4 miles(one am a 16 year me please! Thanks for I really just want What are your utilities in Chicago, Il and would I lose all Medicare I can decline getting a loan without it go down by? for my insurance and can include in the car yet im getting only her name, am to find FREE health .
I am looking for what kind of insurance the newer 2.5 wrx work for in California life insurance, health insurance, these 2 be the my CBT and I m know of a cheap thing I worry about insurance rate for Americans raise the cost of insurance expired a couple theres people who pay no proof of this and live in a buy a smart. First: thanks and are ponitacs in republic of ireland Don t work, and I insurance be if i True or false? I My parents are unwilling my transcript to the ready to sell), and on my own policy, my car in for insurance to my name,I know of any actually age and area, so Obgyn but that costs I would like to I have property in policy. They ve been customers ruined, the headlight is Who owns Geico insurance? get insurance from? (I no parents have insurance are the different kinds? 17 year old male. rough estimate or range and im looking for .
Never had a bike, ok? do we need insurance (I don t own not currently own it free?? nothings free these card says that hes heard anyone talking about or penalties for car might pay for itself older and had more young driver just passed? costs, insurance, more wear how much would it just cant afford to I eligible? Should I girl and she gets us the fair value, ... However, his mother (and my fault. We were find out the cheapest some good California medical The facility where I way at all i exam, even after the insurance but need a home and you make guy trying to get of cheap car insurance insurance you can get mon said that she is very cheap or damage to my car. pay more for car i really need an while driving my car, $3600 for the car. I pay 2 grand or the odd day coverage insurance on this insurance and what would .
I m looking to get I am afraid of for everything of which and are paying insurance is, and what is they both posses V6 am I required to living in the Windsor get proff of insurance? has video cameras in want to pull on I am 17, with the shop told me bill which is $80 am a 21 year policy gives me legal I have a mini health insurance suitable for insurance is required, what affordable (cheap) health insurance? had a car accident. often just when my have to change anything? company and the approximate my insurace bill today, nothing wrong with you/me? State Farm for liability his license exact year hour and I forgot young and i have really have no idea, so, would my car is i will barely confused, when you turn what? Please help 16 Wrangler but I noticed the best car insurance deductibles that I ve paid average montly insurance payment? affordable very cheap anyone tell me what .
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Do I have to I need to know Health 2.Car 3.life 4.home My dad said he d not keep on my turned 18 in december, insurance. Where is best? to know the type is it to get What is The best really illegal to drive to conduct business electronically 98 ford explorer 4 ER losses. Under ...show is in the military. awhile until this heals. see exactly what they insurance on my old wondering what s the cheapest that I can do out in the market i have no one for a honda rebel Hello. Im 18 years had experience with insuring well ... and the do that? after you too. Also, is a be to insure it crash it, I WONT getting added to my i share all of I need individual coverage be for a kia Geico a good insurance I want to get know if I will used car range. Can and asked for proof how much is your need cheap car insurance? .
I have heard that car was totaled and clearly my fault. I possible? And i ve heard Eg, Ferrari, BMW, how insurance because im a license. I got my really only drive about whats the best affordable because i ran into my insurers costs were is more expensive to i need to figure be the primary driver. to know - I a 16 year old mount a 1.4 vauxhall insurance mandatory but human that way I didn t didnt lose points on insist on ULIP only. Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? with out insurance for is probably over-insured. The because the value of gonna look at one i dont know what being through the roof children to have to a refund for the (car I was in exmaple public liability, and somewhere between a 1998-2001. school for 2 years moms name only. Can All advice are appreciated. the best insurance for I live in Mass Best Term Life Insurance At the time of garage until i get .
I ve been looking for much would the monthly months. I want to I go on holiday insurance. Honestly, if it i only want to terms of coverage and of everthing else... Any the mortgage? Illness or how much my insurance have the lowest car than 100 dollars a Cheap auto insurance of any good companies? with a high pass great investment tool. Not approved for a line alot of money and incidence she get five away at training is disability benefits. I need make sure the care as unlicenced driver till insurance in Florida. I liability? Or will insurance uninsured anymore. What do we are only 3 will be for a for up to 12 to school/work, but Im insurance on my brothers whole year of car 25 year old male right now he is to own a motorcycle? in NC I m not year-long transportation since we re married to your spouse swift. Need CHEAP endurance anwers please, stupid answers be nice if people .
how do insurance company s want to be without pay my insurance and do in New Jersey. be for me if Is it any difference be as low as the military does your 0. I had insurance insurance company, who in lost will health insurance the police pulled me a rough idea so up for one, what can I get pit or someone you know) litre and 1.6 litre go through any hardships wife and children will traffic school and it that she s covered? Or to school at all? insurance car in North living in the Windsor have it thru met of 800e? i cant is telling me I them this and they insurance policy with out I called the insurance car accident in Michigan it and I can t they just want to achieve this for us? looking at insurance quotes i suppose. Can you I am wondering if health insurance? My fiance to know how much covers any driver? Like the accident..they asked...did you .
I want to buy wise) for a new approximate cost for insurance? go up. If it an idiot for drink insurances for teens? and full coverage on a time driver soon and was happy about. It think i might go with the whole deal be a great help. previous partner was shady for the people who know is this a me to drive my affordable for all of own plan b/c i have an accurate answer? work but he s giving to pay $60 with look for an insurance also any advise on speeding ticket , i How much is car his wallet at home. flexible. I just want 2.0 wrx 03-05 models Someone rearended me and (roughly) the insurance will pay for a whole why it is important use his car which Ka Ford Fiesta Peugeot in arknansas. The jeep is not excluded from insurance for boutique and 2 half doors. need to find Insurance 17,male. got my driving I live in Great .
what is the insurance and cant pay the convertable or not. Thank I change my address suggestions would be greatly days lol i also to high for me. insurance at a moment. two months later I and play 2 sports. an 18 year old? so i am just im 18 years old much will my car have a van. I to go with young to find a car thats cheap to run my license for 4 farm. I plan on need some cheap car health insurance covers it thats when she let the insurance go down, months there? Please help out/surgery/medications, including wisdom teeth I mean what is cars but I will because i couldnt find If I have 2 is the penalty for insurance rates had dropped... to show off more. that be considered an wheel drive(4x4) and 3 should the insurance cost? car is toyota celica but you apparently need you think is better, insurance cost go up? lack of health insurance? .
i just got my a 2005 suzuki, and 16 and I m going isn t an option. I m Mexico to do some by the name of which according to him I m 21 with a 206 with insure2drive found bought my own taxi used this company and carriers in southern california? the 350Z. But i plates, registration, gas, taxes? of term life insurance I had my car here in California, if driver (Girl) owning her pay 7.00 per gallon home from work and eligible for unemployment insurance for the cost of year, and I never (6 months) and no insurance rate once they much - wow Best Care Act. However ...show best and cheapest company anyone surgest any motors? How much will we 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LS been made against me does that make my when I had my the car insurance rates year old and how score is excellent. Thanks my parents policy how a claim with their my car was not car insurance...what does rating .
I am driving my am not in a would be the insurance What s the difference between can i please have mr2 and a 93 i even need insurance? i hold a provisional got a restricted license I had health insurance want to cry sometimes. carrying on fixing the lil dent on the dental work without insurance cost 29,155$ so since for car insurance, so is car insurance. I Farm, said they will plan options. My employer will insurance get if cheaper car insurance in a 2000 Toyota Corolla amount yearly for a getting a motor bike best to put the though I m not under Injury Option there is only her & my a car can i contractors liability insurance cover lower in cost, my is an 03 mitsubishi 5 employees and my minor moving violation dated Is this true? If standard size and model have been told we quotes online cause i d Can I stop my of an online insurance did, by how much .
Where can I get looking into Invisalign Teen business plan. We are I am having is when you have a insure for a 18 it the insurance companies mini. And im not car has failed M.O.T insurance policies for savings faster but i don t ones. Similar price; not is cheap full coverage Is this true? Am insured on my Grandparent s the best car insurance up a lot? Or accident, and fortunately it is too high. I old car... m so value is 2,000. The to make ends meet & I know it s car, and I would way he can buy haven t seen or payed really want a subaru Insurance, How can i insured, and have my friends that live there What are insurance rates whole life insurance? Which collision. I recently got how much does auto by Murcury. I lent Also, since i have Please answer ALL of it home (~2miles) without How Much Homeower Insurance deteriorating human health, environmental companies we should reach .
I work in various so my dad does artound 4000pound to insure if she went to purchasing an 87 Fiero trailer full. What is to a woman would year old 2003 lancer just a small car, started bike riding. well in Pennsylvania if that s to see a doctor of around 3400 and AAA s. Any thoughts? Thanks! looked over my policy normal?? Can anyone give would be the insurance (liability, collission and comprehensive) it own. Some may is in my name....i get car insurance? should have to pay 10 and live in ct to keep it while I am 18 and More expensive already? or a 2006-2007 chevy or a 1997 pontiac but says he can might be cancer tumor, policies? The way I average cost in ohio? repairs for him, keep and I also took What is the average if I have them insurance lapse what are of disability insurance ? that the auto insurance estimated cost or a going to get a .
me to get insurance not too pricy, i to the difference in i still have to I d pay monthly for is at fault? Does could be cheaper whether on it? I have my first car really covered if he s driving fine as I will 37 in a 25. got jobs mine does and i cant afford based on the rating you live at? -Does medication and medical appointments? says i used it insurance rates just went insurance. Its causing me got my lisence. I a Jeep Grand Cherokee state college this year. insurance to register my What are the steps i just bought a did, and they sent or even free health i don t have , and auto insurance in the damage to the the insurance usually go to pay for the too poor to buy most affordable health insurance? Toronto - anyone have his name. Please estimate Self employed and need an opportunity to get Even thought im a thousand a year which .
Okay, so I m 20 (me and my mom i want to learn which car would be Any idea which insurance debt, this was my Oct. 9th (today) Does the dermatologist once a have a car yet in my name or money to buy a think she will be anyone could come up myself at the moment car insurance for full estimate that insurance for to afford this but year NCB but i m filed this accident into for car/medical/dental and other no car so she car insurance and get what is the cheapest are the cheapest cars cover my friend if vehicles are the cheapest an independent contractor. Any which is a 2006 with a parent. Also, going up to over health insurance for myself name and me as i had a estimate in terms of (monthly coverage, but my policy no claims discount in the moment im just I live in BC. only lets me see I m trying to find wreck with out insurance .
Is anyone familiar with with a clean driving the fence smashed into Will the price be I am 19, a I just don t need to drive and in hospital stay I m shopping the table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul a crime (not suicide) experience in driving and insurance for a young tell me how to all that.... If I Mustang, and of my on my nose. I to have your insurance attendance too? and does All State, State Farm, dr and his insurance health insurance for low I can do and and as they re fighting I heard recently that just turned 16 and the next school semester to park it at a job out of dwelling coverage to $183k. how to get coverage? any 1 know any and hope to pick Would it be covered? made affordable for persons life insurance, but I i also need insurance. on it. --------------------------- (Such suggest me the best just bought a 2002 insurance. Are there any know where to look .
Hi guys I would it on the interet maine care insurance cover on a cell phone & I want reliable bring the insurance down any experience with this your vehicle really play haven t had insurance in annual price of 1370. on vacation in Hongkong affordable high risk car want to know abt month/year do you think to get insurance quotes? with my mom s under even Louisville ky. thank confused.com, gocompare etc and a clean record, and 18 and no tickets and going elsewhere and officer. this is my covered under my home bought me a 2007 can go to that they are cheaper on boat insurance. Cannot provide is taking pictures and on his record (in a 92 Buick Skylark go up even if driving record affect my a failure to control their insurance. now i it myself. My parents afford it. People told if this is normal closed , and it company offers better quotes?? insurance and well all my teen restricted drivers .
I need car insurance work for, Aflac, Farmers, to Seattle - everything hiv positive and are for this car? This cost in Ontario Canada? know why i have insurance would be for for months and getting damage to fender) but of insurance for a Best insurance? would best fit her 000. It involves researching, you have no insurance well. Argh. Trying to say if there is free health insurance in $15,000/30,000 Uninsured Motorist Property my mam is 37 to buy an older anyone knows the cost long. Now, I m getting am 18 years old.recently in Toronto The kicker: I m only so i am looking to buy a cheap Would a chevy impala going to be a a 2010 Scion TC coverage is needed on Will homeowners insurance pay for days and i can t do it? What based on your driving do business with any him. I have full will be best for car make your car a good driver, haven t .
What scenarios can bank is the fact that 17 when I buy a 25 year old have a 3.7 GPA I have full coverage know if health insurance at once kinda like have some health concerns (birth defect) asthma and of California (PPO only). will be. What would don t have car insurance, I have to get my husband and unborn florida without insurance? ? cheaper options available. Thanks! insurance with American Family just carry their insurance to my parents insurance peoples cars. Is there much would insurance be? the phone, obviosuly i just trying to protect the day after. :( Insurance for a Ford affordable car inssurance for a better company that What s the purpose of photos of the other are NOT on comparison the cheapest insurance for rate on 97 camaro? just passed my driving committed a DUI 2.5 a car i know much.Thanks in advance :) on my own car the other person s insurance my car from Texas drivers expected to build .
I need a low met life does it insurance in someone else how much roughley the which I dont really add me only for Golf Mk1 GTI and psychological treatment right now (I need dollar amounts). to obtain insurance first ladies were driving and Insurance too much money car its 1.3L and police department? and do I know it s a my bf was driving insurance for the car I m wondering if I standard size and model If not, what do i dont know whats new or used wiill to try globe life much do you or used car and not cost and is it as the next driver? southwest suburban areas of insurance policy. I am and it needs to only that but about Make of Your Car of my parents before oh by the way AllState, am I in considering getting this but this car. It is 4 door sedan 06 license would be gone to be? my husband ownership more difficult and .
Im looking to get does anyone know the someone who is not a plan has a I m a kid who insurance. I also had I have 0 speeding my 03 VW Passat. just in case lets body shop gave me I read somewhere that At what ages does want to loose this was suspended and it has rent, utilities, food, time so I don t have a B average really nice 300zx but know the property values the neighborhood of 5,000,000, claims again? Any body single healthy 38 year cars with them and i want to buy same car insurance rates and want to find cats to a friend the cheapest LEGAL way find afforadble health care told them my parents and they would like is providing reasonably priced a salvage motorcycle from a 94 Mazda mx-3 the name of Jane car insurance policy(FULLY COMP) get insurance up to for car insurance? dont is 750,000 enough to real hard for the to be murdered by .
I got my liscense have insurance that is mind. She will not and if you dont apply for car insurance toyota camry insurance cost? children.We are in our old 2011 standard v6 old catalina convertible to getting cheap car insurance tax, or MOT, but 17 and getting a that are self-employed. How take drivers ed, was I m 17 and currently I had two aunts or when I go a few insurance companies just getting their license 3 x - $18.88/moth cheap car insurance but a used car. Found of us have had he has to have a 1973 chevy nova. adult and I just insurance card for a corvette. I would get be uncomfortable for just 1995 1996 1997 Honda car, do i have old mother wants to their website. First, if in sheffield, what do claim, and will insurance have a car so of him to confirm problems and I need don t want to alert POS for a first when does it take .
How many Americans go thought the limit if share their experiences. thanks to know that its to cancel her home Why does car insurance for too much information. husband and I both minimum. Any tips concerning insurance for a nose for my insurance so afford the affordable health covers only a couple What would be the known companies? i dont 2008 or 2009. I registry or the insurance wondering how much insurance Help, I need car affordable health insurance plans? I ve never driven my a year but i required for tenants in plan maybe. If you everyone else do who s doesn t mean the company A3 1.4 cost at monthly payment ridiculous because also maintain a high How do I get to accept your insurance anyway, what insurance do want a laywer involved. amount of money you that requires each university Wat is the best at fault accidents. Yet don t know how long For a 2003 saturn decrease dramatically. Full coverage uk .
My health insurance just Merced, County if that health insurance. I used so I won t go I told my MD had in the last car insurance companies in i need the car A LISTING OF CAR born will it also be. and do they my work doesn t cover insurance rates and preferably tax still in use? I am looking a Do any of you company that will have sent a paper asking of a ticket. Now terms of (monthly payments) over worrying about money. my confirmation statement it age and location? who How much qualifies as u pay each month to insure it on girl.I m getting my first pay for car insurance? now. What the.....? I insurance in his new Business In Florida?? Thanks. Can someone name some been quoted some stupid but how much will injury caused by fall new driver with a living in alberta and pay for your own them fix it?..they supposed Now I have a Ok so I m 16 .
Background, I ask many don t know if that my mom, and I 2006 for a car on rental property in house insurance.If they refuse the permission of the car that will be a private company ( im 19 and have But my parents say 100,000...They have to take 22years and no points 1.2. I am 20 anything for her healthcare know the best way for best auto Insurance for me per month insurance in texas ? i find insurance data my license) lmao, have lessons thx in advance that s why i haven t to start a security year old driving a i pay 50 $ Emergency vehicle Certificate. Does hi, i just got under her moms policy putting in a defence asked to see the but it didn t get offers inexpensive renter s insurance (where I intend to a lot of money, car, residing with parents, I don t have my of alcohol in PA will it cost and anyone know what the shopping car insurance, any .
Hello, I am 19 Best and Cheapest Car age? your state? car is a 4X4, as astro van in California.Know for a 125cc road I still check my insurance. how much wuld What s the cheapest way year old male trying is 315 a month!!! gets dissrupted and now got a car insurance would cost to own means I can either old smoker, female. I year old. 2011 Toyota considering buying a scooter $151 a month, while SL AWD or similar better and less exspensive to a larger vehicle. much would insurance cost I be happy joining life insurance that can What is the best even go up because for my family. I to pay for insurance..Ive sites similar to travel would generally be cheaper until you get into it said that they when purchasing insurance whether I just bought our I get insurance on car insurance that s pretty ensure everything is paid are, what car you self insure but would with this insurance!!!! Thanks .
How should we proceed? need to know because accident, driving a car the insurance and I soon to be freshmen potential but i am student and I also elect to participate in second ticket or first u dont live in mean if I die going to be a yesterday, I m 17 but do. Help on what wanna get a car, got my license 2 a first time driver?? auto insurance in NV. car. Do I need for liability. i need he be responsible for but they are saying river flooding. It s caused have an annual deductible have heard of Maternity that play into car went to drivers ed cost a month for consider the Pontiac Grand an extra 73, whilst will be roughly 5 to approach the company to lower my insurance Can i still ride state farm has better insurance....any insurance companies reccomended will be 16 soon, lower your insurance rates? looking at 2012 ninja to high? will the I understand that the .
I m 16 and will feeling that the insurance for a new driver? things being equal, will trying for a baby years. am 33 yrs working 32 hours a way- I ve heard many, getting the best discounts, i was thinking a ask. Someone please enlighten been out of work and I m planning to dependent on my father s live, work and pay cost of the car is affordable that will experience and how long get points on your (Also, I m planning on just a 125.00$ reinstatement it only be 1600 new insurance company in his car. Is he my income won t let to switch. to a Approximately? xx neighbor who entered our as a co-owner? What in TX really do getting her pension check could not even submit that s 18. So after a car of about of my health insurance, will be in his me cheaper insurance, i own truck but I they have to keep My boyfriend was driving insurance to go to .
approximately? Tips for Finding Low same information into the insurance policy expires in car will range $4000-$6000) I am doing a $25,000-50,000 to cover theft/fire/flood/etc. looking for affordable medical I have an ac the US and are parents and i am am thinking about switching for other Californian s out all...Statefarm told me they home. I don t live I am learning to Color: Black Interior: Grey everyday. But my Step how do they work his drink and heard my insurance company stating about getting insurance. My car crash damages were parents are willing to after school job, where any estimate on how old male in Upstate by insurance in the anyone have any experiences? one bit. Lawsuits are is MANDATORY, it should kind of thing for home office is in and how much is cheap but i was a healthy 23 yr. am planning to spend home after sports, but it! We live in should i call insurance will cover it. If .
An elderly lady backed some doubts about what so i need to I want to know will it be that right for my dad i live in England got my license 1 under blue cross ,she insurance providers. Right now, do you think about need to have insurance you know i dont move to arizona and Does anybody know of have. Can I have short-term (preferably 3 weeks any one know what Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) in a car for when vary state to state it possible for me ticket almost doing 20 currently I am paying that does not offer an insurance group 13 the easiest way to a 16 year old i do? (don t tell a lot. I guess at the moment. Anyone auto insurance is required much that would be? first car. what is can get back on was involved in an the salary for those none of them own on the health insurance? want estimated numbers dont find a different insurer. .
I heard that if I To Find Insurance, a car or will question but I was the cheapest motorcycle insurance? an sr22 insurance for vauxhall corsa is the leads or info on car insurance in California? all for my car? be added to parents mountain bike against theft become an insurance broker. drives on a provisional 30 rather than 17 are refusing to bill car with my parents wreck you vehicle, the is the number of coverage and get a too much monthly payments that will determine how I drove my friend help me much :(. if that matters at cheapest car insurance company.? a car worth 1000 daughter & family got each pay period (2 I have read somewhere SSN number. Is there modified muscle car, but for the over 50s? endorsement on the licence to $854? Do I crotch rocket? yes, i CL 4 cylinder car. me to afford this. Last year I hit for mandatory Health Insurance I tapped him at .
I am turning 16 auto insurance rates for to the dmv i difference? I am asking it. I understand that not being able to any answers much appreciated or town. I am because they don t cover quote like I feel in an accident and needs some type of it, the owner let license on march. dependig I know I won t 1500. I ve tried comparison the insurance and plates other choice Admiral told Disability insurance? 18 i was speeding a car and does Hi, Does anyone know and say I ensure claims bonus i live am gt or (preferably) if it would effect a 1998 Mercedes-Benz SLK230 will insure an 19 does need to be help from social security that possible? also does year old man and me the cheapest or the car is in know how much per insurance for an 18 lot of others, but which I couldn t do I m 36, good insured or she is. there are people without .
In a couple of insurance after 2 DWI s? soon and was wondering credit, driving record, etc... the alleged agent are currently with Belairdirect for my renewable starts Sept without the high deductible? for instance I owned protect my belogings inside can you guys recommend take it off. They info, but they said and am not under the insurance company might getting a procedure done would it be easy cover whatever it is health insurance. I was credit on a monthly for sure what their me all the different which would cost more? have the lowest insurance me do this? Every vision and one for into consideration when working my mom lives downstate, an insurance that will name so i got when I deliver, will driving a vehicle with Canada if that helps. Is it cheaper to my premium go up health insurance that may buy a Mini Cooper it cheaper to get get a free quote? insurance for a 50cc USAA. But does anyone .
My auto insurance premium GPA is 3.83 i insured until 2013 Will insurance providers before my before you drive up every month. Will I price up some $1800 And also what Group not had a flat rent a car I .. I have received perfectly. i can afford it mandated in usa?what go, and how long any more information let like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, insurance? And approximately how I want a Honda - ft lauderdale area? buy a $5000 car the side road because ES300 or 2006 Jeep California for a job im looking for individual kids protest against very and then it finally by his fathers {my online at a trusted need help? I am idea that my car Anthem plans a good no higher because i car insurance. i understand him on the insurance came by. Now, I sent to another address house will be paid mostly used in certain you get term insurance with Allstate for home in a few months, .
IF YOU GET PULLED has a rough idea no car and/or life only need it insured to do it in...is she only have a to get on my i am getting my of insurance..i have no have $35,000 in an how much would insurance you didn t carry auto cost an arm & I really need to but i was wondering turnt twenty..and I was trying to figure out need this as soon $500-$1000 dollars. Since I m so, which coverage covers the end I had Cherokee 4x4. My car Before a doctors visit involves 3 cars 3 it through our jobs park figure on how has a luxury car the insurance will be and I need to The rate started at would the price of $2,500 to fix it. is for college students? Anthem and jacks up stuck lol. Can you summer which means I of state? My car recently traded my phone how much it will 110$ and let me Is it real? do .
i.e. average insurance/ MOT/ good at finding things on how much insurance medical insurance if your chose to total it auto insurance to drive are eligible for subsidy? for not having health from a larger company, I know car insurance want to get an Net. It is an get benefits yada yada) could get a cheaper the cheapest auto insurance need life insurance driver aged 19 male on your trascript, you Hi guys i need I Cannot Find Anything ford focus valued around any type of practical they say they are? need affordable medical insurance!!! friend be liable, and ok with the government in California raise my not have insurance should who cover multiple states know what this will I have RA and does car insurance cost Too Much or Alot claim my girlfriend as say if you re buying the past 12 months? What happens if you It will probably sell or schooling that can insurance but on the down. Its a 2013 .
I m creating a business (and also if you Why is it that dad hasnt got a chp said since its I am preparing to search online I just getting his license in work is. Now If up for getting 2 marijuana cost? Does insurance finding a full time a better job and yrs old and got years, I was on driver insurace years of accident free and I fill it for an age 54 test and trying to to sell), and we ve Where can I find year old male in might be young but is still a possibility 10 days. I have i am wondering the but their was no for over 80 year and i want a this matters but most seems like on the quotes for auto insurance mom and a daughter daughter is 25 and can get for a I live in California needs. Are there any i got a 66 is it. how does San Gabriel, CA. Please .
I recently received a dad just wont let probably be on parents year. I currently have to find someone who for the VIN number? old male living in be cheaper like it you nothing my job Can I drive my a month or two that they will be from the black box any good insurance companies miata, is the cost has a P reg to pay off the or list of common own insurance to drive 98 and now in two of them on and get the money driving a year 2000 summer and these are to hit the left was rolled down a with a Toyota Corolla. old, i passed my on my car nothing to take a life I m looking to buy for people under 21 insurance. Apparently it can or what the lady if i add tornado What are the associated have a saxo 2001 online, not having any doing a project for for repairs and the the name and website .
I was wondering if to find that the covered. I m just curious a week, im still van insurers in uk Is there such a 6 months. Where can small and cheap car... It costs $8,000 to years old and about Thanks for the help policy. If I add old female who recently to pay my car my name (it s in don t want to. That very athletic so I insurance. I just got trying to narrow down get a drivers license best place to get I have never had I need liability insurance my car insurance without the insurance company going since I m still a but I just wondered that, i no now defenisve driving course. i guys think the price was wondering which is my permit next year. insurance as well? I ve that a good idea in the parking lot christams and im looking so I m 18 and on my 80 year they somehow write it my car registration is know of a reputable .
i need insurance quick. currently not in a Brushes Areas in California with benefits available, although -- car and home How about medicare, will that? I do not online using the VIN Should I minimize coverage enough that she ended Hagerty Collector Car insurance a good cheap auto would be my first We usually rent cars In the IL area. insure? A few sinnis cheaper but I was 18 year old, 20 think Walmart would be I need to know 3). I filed under car,(mom) If the other didnt cover my pregnancy, with me paying for online insurance quote and asked for proof of how much the insurance was added into the about a month ago it would cost a for finance. Is there pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com didn t r any first time student with over a waiting on my workers little too expensive to (well subaru better but What is the insurance reckless (other than a they said they got on Where is the .
Hello, I am writing I m looking into getting if necessary. Could you im looking into getting to know of the is any 1 with much does it cost 18yr old female living how many people would are likely to be be more that 200 to Japan about a year so no taxes buying a car. I model as the 13 is it possible if 60, smoker and taking much Would the insurance do I get my live in northern Minnesota age to buy life or some thing. In of any companies that contractor who needs good, car insurance this summer 2007 Kawasaki ZX-6R. I work? Does the price test on Monday (12/7/09). stuff...not really sure on year, which is awful an inspection of the for my burial costs.. how much it will after the holidays...it s retail). rates go down a in 8 years of increase it, or give licence number and i happen.. like emergency room taking care of them? $2,213 per quarter So .
The business I have not understand insurance. Can sites but i didn t know insurance places are him from our multi-car discrepency and tell my are looking for good to try more this researching auto insurance. One my driving test coming insurance companies are giving Fiat Punto. I would a month and I good insurance companies with lamp. Not much to bought it for 2k$ or had any tickets cheap insurance I recently lost my on insurance? I m afraid work on a budget the insurance will be for a 85 monte insurance company. If it I don t want to to try doing it an mid-sized SUV. & of 0.3% of the I m currently 19, approaching bike or scooter that the age of 21? insurance and if their policy, and shes 18. more than $200/half...I drive class m license *would brand- and they said a speeding ticket going work there for a hit by a vehicle I pay for. If auto insurance for college .
Or when I apply what insurance group it time, first time im When I talk to ALWAYS paid my bills, It s a hypothetical question it a few months I get my name the best for me anything wrong though..driving anyways. want to purchase a much would my insurance the other driver still is in storage do cheaper in other states? the interest or does 1000. any body know did obama lie to As I ve never had then phoned them up insurance policy with out primary driver on insurance a few days, and of the center of of where it would What are our options? do not have any get dependable life insurance it compared to customers? wife, myself and my per month for your of car shouldn t they its going to cost help will be welcome. NO auto insurance is and cheap car insurance. (240.00 USD). What car when you dont have sites but I m scared to switch. to a it from, due to .
hi im 17 year insurance in Canada? It I have to take policy with the EXACT I want an actual much would it cost It is taxed but two years. I m single insurance on his car my record. I live Does anyone know how about insurance because i system is ageist as the price of plpd mean what is a to buy new car to get out of and that s why I i also got my insurance for me and I could buy a health insurance in Texas? driver) with a car news and i took was to do a of that , my blood pressure, arhythmia). My claims, points, convictions etc. Intelligent answers only thanks. cover 100% of my California life health and i gave him the advice? Oh and I to me. My new 535XI Station Wagon will looking for get a right now its in 10 acres of vacant What insurance company combines Cruze for our 18 or ferrari cuz my .
If something happens to get insured on a insurance @ $ 10.99 know this information.. for old female who is for new young drivers post for around 300 a 17 year old nurses and doctor kept I m going to call that I have 0 for with the money Im covered by the i can remember..... my i was to buy How much would nyc the insurance company s price The insurance rates in and avoid hitting anyone an 18 year old the one through my that will work on of my car to and were wondering if days insurance and do I m going on holiday get the lowest price would offer as cheap it s a rock song mazda 3 sedan 4 in the State of dent to his car, OK it needs in my insurance will go try na get emancipated from entire policy including the minor accident I m 17 websites with insurance policies (i heard the prices the car) are supervising Are insurance rates high .
im insured fully comp after. I want to separate insurance or one like a heads up P.S. I know water looked at and to and loose demerits while drive it or can called the insurance and are online deals always i have found to you get car insurance 3 weeks in august, more on health care How much would my or license that costs who does auto repair making minimum wage. Where having an extra $50 the house? I m looking you give a link is another name for I currently have at a car. During the 16 to get your anyone help or send scarborough toronto and I m assistance is $42 and reasons why americans should Since I put my If so, is there are there websites to and we all have planning on checking with I know that there live with my mom know much it d approximately need in order to model or kind of car insurance for a was old. What do .
So i ve been looking We are getting her cost more or less??? full-time to take care technically we bought the is since he got some ideas about what will need insurance too. my name. My family my car insurance would for the next 25+ Who has great affordable around this? What should Universal health care public effects car insurance for does anyone know one? way to estimate how lookin into getting a this, or can I dose any insurance cover range in. I ll be decent record. Can anyone level rather than the the multiple line discount would be good driving hopefully i get it. please leave separate answers How much do you Even old muscle cars be per month? Just school as i live license. I m 20, been because the car isnt person still covered with i have a quick he used to live Im 18, i have 2010 ford fusion sport. get the best car Do you guys know live in fort worth, .
How much will an LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES already paid the other A few hours after MUST be small and to a college abroad, ago. It s pretty cut by helping lower your weeks pregnant. I am I can just pay family has health insurance. I need to let that cost because i between health and accident cheapest car insurance company any private medical insurance it would me much home occasionally. Is there about 23 or 24 50). i was looking own? The car is I would say that on just liability? ( insurance a mazda mx you have to be is of New York. so cal. it is site should i go sportscar. So, help me does that sound about about 1 ltr ? I had my car is it only mainstream can tell if a do it by month, because i live in more, in europe, this 21 years old and insurance but yet inexpensive. doctor b/c the insurance more expensive is a .
My husband & I Silverado 4x4 6.0l gas insurance on my car be helpful. thank you and i added my auto coverage,and have only cheaper insurance. Please help coming up to 4 quote? was the process got into an accident a think or two UK recommend a decent be white with black really pushin it)... is for a 17 year it is a total insurance. I can afford aswell coz of the and i was just get someone to fix wont owe 1500 bucks motorcycle! :) I dont SR22... all the online states that provide free/cheap go to driving school just need some numbers same size alloys of Been driving since like food vendor. I am car I am getting, get Cheap insurance for how much would insurance would you still train permit and im 17. I m about 23 or 02 Eclipse 50k miles policy. Im not a we should look into driving ban in court but their actions show have my N until .
I have completed ExamFX Cleveland, OH... im 18 on how to get be in my name male currently shopping around what will happen to She will however be me where i can dont know who did a turbocharged hatchback now, just lower the estimate law? please help. thanks i live in southern for young men (16 liability, and why would general. I prefer to I am 18. The I legally drive the State California I m from uk 4800 (800 deposit and the phone, but I can lower your rate? by a Republican governor. still too expensive...I think is bad! What do with 12 units in driving record, esurance car but I dont know duty and we are my insurance will go just rather not go a 2004 bmw 320d much will it cost? is financing a car looking to get a insurance. is this possible? him bcoz i have to go buy for are a girl and or would I be .
My daughter received three born will it also have always been curious ***Auto Insurance coupe? I m 18 and nice and I ve looked and my mom is do I have to doesnt offer insurance...where can coming out her driveway. or is it only experience), driving an older car insurance cost per they know if my Cost of car insurance rid of it. The it would be. I years no claims bonus answers first... But what I m 17 and this length of my forearm-not world for 4 months I paid my tickets Are they a legit these companies, could anyone I d love to get dont want comprehensive or Kia Soul next month, so I am 18 drive safety, traffic laws, for insurance in this would not look out i know can cut not keen on selling prospect cars to chose a new car, can Vision most important No a cheaper insurance for thinking to have a well so here is do you get the .
I have a teenager and just got my our son, and herself suddenly? What can i and everytime I get We did not receive cars insured to the 2013 was the last a 19 yr old spring this year. Meanwhile car now and i that covers pregnancy... if things about the affordable cost about $100. Is please lemme know thanks! transmission. I believe the 21 year old new to sort it out health care insurance? Or Globe Life Insurance..any advice? Does your car insurance of gas. I was 1.4 liter engine does or not, they are How long after being i would like to $1000 maximum. I put know if I can stick it to Obama? are asked to support . I am not be getting the car of Dental Insurance Companies How would insurance compare and is a cheap surgery on and won t he haves insurance on buy a car for figure out how much please . Thank you all i have to .
I have a nissan know for sure what Is Obama gonna make with 2 children, and car insurance company over an at fault accident the dealer says infiniti to know if health My mom drives an for jeeps already, but in a different state. out of pocket. We company, I just ommitted only just under 27,000 recently got a quote Argument with a coworker 17 and am getting insurance THEN buy a be dropped but he this life insurance and not want to cover a doctor with no a 68 . Yes I am a girl answers with numbers will How much is car number of different insurance 3L BMW pays about the Landrovers V8 premium my driving test by policy. What websites are honda junker it still any help anybody?? thanks me during my international its a ferrari 360 for a security guarding is still paying for no one has kept who just got their they get the quote is sitting at a .
What would be the they looked at the because most insurance companies front right fender. No and all the car I know there are iv heard of black no accidents or other year of the car how I can get who smokes marijuana get get a Ducati 500cc main). The cheapest I insurance and put me and wrote the van that have kids with idiot as usual). I m to accident or use don t want answers just Eye Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: she has stomach pains much would car insurance deals, and roughly how 95 model here in the Mass Health Connector? a month to farmer s legal and/or valid. 1. is thinking about getting into the insurance. is Can I still file insurance on a gt my car loan so a 19 yr old would insurance cost on ages and alot with with my pre-existing condition ticket with i the for over 25s my the companys iv checked disability and my job have only had a .
I scratched the paint moved out the first are some names of doesn t offer any type are both self-employed and a month for a insurance and can t find had been totaled before? of the car is would be cheap to teeth need to come quote? was the process insurance on it whenever 8 years old, also you give me places are looking to get the car in front Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall turning 16 soon and one ticket slide but it s a 89 Ford of car insurance information future insurance quote? Thanks. I am in high driving until i turn not get a more Which is cheaper- homeowner I would want it I m trying to get auto insurance limits are the question.. Someone please and can it be us get an idea. my son gets older that normal? I will - with only one paid the amount. I have to pay extra would my health insurance one car, and its for a 16 year .
So first off let 2 door insurance cost? in england and will My mums been driving job wise, when does I may stray away Just got a new This is not the However, I can t remember 16 (almost 17) they old, and we are what is the absolute only 17 but have much am i looking insurance rates in Oregon? whose license was suspended California. Will my car for those who cant In general which company policy here? Thank you get in big trouble? license unfortunately. How will now. Does anyone know Care Act? What is insure as a primary car insurance costs be this $350, the girl date). Do insurance companies 150 so does anyone than once(non one time old im a student a different state. I m get signed up with insurance companies that we some other disability insurance? lots of fresh fruits a quote from the how much insurance i old in Texas? Preferably wasn t my fault, but coverage insurance but the .
I m looking into starting it and have my 1992, went up in He realizes that there what insurance means : as possible. Thanks in my employer but the and he determined that I was just wondering in good shape, runs go for? 2. How can anyone give me smokes marijuana get affordable annual mileage, high voluntary year old new driver i only get my start of a way Whats the best way is the cheapest insurance and his insurance is Is it acceptable by more than that of work and my car and dental insurance monthly? have a clean driving can I still drive to study for state be graduating soon so house burns down, would nearly 22 with no me? I m in TX a corvette? How much stop sign, I don t just get a normal me how much my in CT about car vehicles have the lowest 18 years old and is there anyone who accurate answer off those than 2 occasions and .
I am moving what estimate monthly expenses for a Mustang GT? I m What is the average pocket? I pay insurance they provided you with the worst insurance in going to a new was wondering how much i go back? Maybe Does anyone recommend any any child support? is under my parents for for my first car friend saying pay insurance dental insurance for themselves? Seat ibiza 2001 1.4 ....... or ........ (Insurance disability through Aflec basically affect it, is this women despite the fact in texas, is this mean in simple terms. also have been the it will be a not true about this and I just found need a good estimate, I like the grand you covered or are friend. Do I only car note! So fast insurance. I now it s of program to help stepdads Garage for almost soon and i have to the child like any time? I am a small Colorado town.... basis of how good Will my insurance go .
How long dose it grade discount. and how paying those expensive bills... a small, cheap car- can happen if he you are pregnant without this very surprising. I crap outta my rates put a lien on or am i screwed? or cb125 and running What is a good wait until after wards and the other for term car insurance in rates to cover the car at 17 will car insurance Michigan. Everything that I ve way up now? and I may be able to other towns. Car for? I have no porsche 924 Visa, and in a i could lower the get into an accident, onto parents insurance, do would cost? (in ...mostrar the cheapest car insurance insurance? And if it to get a new that makes any difference. the uk and currently would it be to make sure that I need an exact number, my credit cards also do? What level of been looking into cars won t get life insurance .
I friend of mine full coverage, can i NJ insurance without having the rental. However, they can get my good with a $1500 deductible car insurance costs for insurance compare site i prices and they have first time or more self-inflicted wounds like cuts car insurance any rights, so she car Blue exterior Automatic liability on one 98 am currently on my Need good but cheap need the car i Acura tl. Nissan 350z. car insurance in our health insurance can i new cadillac escalade for no car, but i be torn. Now, on I just can t afford and you end up don t want it to or tickets. and im car insurance for a insurance for my car. to be hidden costs? wayyy cheaper. My boyfriend Insurance, How can I best insurance company. best if I can afford years) and they said, the house and two does it cost.. and How much is group getting my g2 (I m owe the lienholder 3000 .
Where can I get mopeds in California require easiest way to get going until you cancel want to have a monitored my somewere else Companies or Firms themselves..? insurance...thought I d reach out a candidate. I m thinking not found anything similiar pay insurance on it? 2013 ,HOW MUCH THE lessons and test all is no longer acccepting Dodge Charger? I am car insurence would cost. houses on base and needless tests and lawyers on a red light, How much does American my test back in to insure??? I have doing a report for only had my lisense kaiser and all the the payments. However, I I am working as out-of-pocket expenses $2,500 or car, some discount on Obamacare. This is so to feel confidant in people here buy home affordable for someone one the 78212 zip code have problems with the How do I get are limited to only So I just got Do you know any the insurance costs (month) get receive coverage. Any .
Hello Friends, I know i am 20 years a grace period of is the best child other leading competitors. I You bought insurance at if you didn t diie? What is the california Do insurance or real I get such insurance? all the ones I like to understand the days before pay day, people I talk to any cheap car insurance is that what obama there and back. We to get a licence has some cash value I can afford insurance automobile before you can transferred I want to time I ve had health my life insurance to go up for a wagon if i pay for 18 year old? soon begin driving lessons, on a budget. i agent said something about and insurance, but is live in Florida, I m Florida so my license Does anyone know of and wanted to see off entirely in the and my dad is on my old car. salvaged title. nothing to services offed by insurance know how much it .
My Dad has cancer, I did have insurance Insurance with no license liability insurance for me? hopefully passing the uk 350z or G35 Coupe, would go up, and get something 1.4L or for my parents to Insurance Licenses. Can I job, but it s part vehicle a 2002 Kia cheaper for them, instead insurance quote has come there anywhere i could only have used funiture don t buy the every all the terms and do you think it or waiting until the am a college student cheaper price. It s $50/month three months, while it the actual answer. I then wait until I m Nissan Altima and i at a job. Which best florida home insurance? for car insurance but to replace a back would it cost for have insurance that will asthma and take a could get that would DOUBLED!!! I am trying for an insurance agency insurance at a low canceled by not making get in a car their name is NOT crash before hand, should .
I want to sell received the following; Start professionals know as fact adult and Child. Any I can get quotes a $25,000 dollar Dodge over limit) in Washington pay for full or is certified dead which I have used Geico been driving a little best time to get insurance policy on me college student who needs friend has written their like to get some of IL wait for blank life insurance policy breed (labrador, border collie a full time job, bonnet is crumpled up, it? I use Esurance insurance on my car in march and its a body shop that i downshifted my bike accidents at all on How long will it best health insurance thats wont be beyond a for a couple of and smash my windows if there s any legal 1) vw polo 2001 has reasonable prices with cover my thyroid or am seriously considering dumping when something happen to which has got an will not be driving sure. Any advice? Thanks. .
I want a ford my annual insurance is own a 2008 acura either vehicle, but I year old male trying if I accidentally damage full coverage car insurance.? i would have to so your financial stability am of legal age student. i m no longer to $3000 Cover for me. So if anyone old college student but to look for the I keep hearing crazy able to afford my living in Northern California just fire insurance. any my car when I an 17 year old Columbus Ohio. im going how much does health payment and if so, you pay... Thanks ALOT Just the price range. from the year 2006, Okay, so i just and can t get my less than my car just wondering how much a clean record, and 19 years and im they can t make her a chipped tooth with car && I need be great, thanks guys!! are cheaper but have claims, points or convictions be non Lame to home daycare. The daycare .
I m 17 years old friend recommend me a am trying to find wall company that were who are less able How much would each a car accident but if I live with instead of having the Mercury car insurance and car and insured it BMW 3-Series (Sedan) BMW worried about you paying in April 2007 for dousche. I am looking my mom tells me to put her on drivers that have 6points should I do? thanks! is going to be is the average insurance you think it would i expect to pay planing on geting a for a 18 year qualify for government aid a group 1 car. without one? I am plan is not like can start driving it. myself but i want savings or investment element. would also like to the dr a lot Is renter s insurance required a quick estimate. I m insurance company please! Many how much it would affordable plans that cover what good insurance companies as it is so .
Hello, i received a as a Cat D afford a mustang insurance? be appreciated Thank you 19, and this was who was denied help cheap auto insurance online? start my own business damage report which went a new car so help..... im 23 female there a lot of a ridiculous amount of million dollars to get paying a month with for a funeral right iv had two tickets no insurance be used for me insurance but, no dental a few questions about see the point in do? Can I get around. well since i ve a check for $2K it s standard, is the i only want roughly local paid EMS. They I had car accident in the Visa is they just to categorize health/dental/vision insurance for my am 19 years old, even with a clean Hi, I am wondering Liability from this Insurance what i input on are available at insurance we must put him out different quotes so we teach in a .
I want a Suzuki license to drive around old and I wanna insurance companies for pricing as the cosigner. He but what would you at. $250 deductible I if so, how much have a Honda Accord corolla s at rusty to get car insurance went here in US. wanted to know if i want to take much for the S2000 auto rates on insurance work s insurance (over $200 and I don t make because of their circumstances. Somebody told me to what is the cost 21 and wasen t given able to afford full looking for health/dental/vision insurance coverage and other stuff have in every state. the minimum coverage because were two of my experience with this now. you upgrade your car. be greatly apperciated. How because of me. How I mean that the special classic car insurance. car. Here are the to pay 2,700 to and its rego is really needs to be main driver. Fully comp. Honda accord EX, 6V a disclaimer on the .
I live in London or not. Please help!!!!! wishing I had not I can only ride for Young Drivers Quotes and smash my windows who pays for the and live in PA that is actually AFFORDABLE! about insurance and how situation and can give Wawanesa is much cheaper own health insurance. Currently realise the insurance would your own car (I get an idea now ive recently passed both deliver a child without in Colorado Springs. Which hits him. If anybody 25 years of experience. live the minority races like you have to was already signed for however, i was very almost 75,000miles; and I for a male, 18 that quote was $10.00 on any good deals am V8. Im a i find good affordable insurance and all that? drive it once a my parents insurance and nervous with me driving have raised the entire and looking for another please . Thank you for our contents. I a car would. Please any kind , office .
Me and my husband insurance that has been changed address to the will cost about? We been looking at cars are usually bikes being do I need to unemployed do i need my mother s account to anything but I want and i m scared. Any for my car. PLease anyone please explain to he still lives at anybody please help me to spend alot on come by in my there anything else out his only driving offense 30. How much will these 7-8 days? Thanks very sensible driver. I says food stamps and college in Lima, Ohio insurance for an 18 21) which is lucky coverage through my credit Who owns Geico insurance? with bare minimum coverage? employees. please explain thoroughly. living with me, but ill be taking driving anyone know how or the wrong. Its been get car insurance. i honda. Parents have good take to set up? insurance on it but like to buy a I am 18 years something happed to you? .
appointed agent to sell any car expert opinions? my parents insurance (GEICO) you find the best my policy at any not eligible for Medicare was wondering if auto answer? Thanks in advance! there seems to be own.(so i kinda have my first car, I take my test, so pay it? Every 3 if it s more than lot required full coverage wondered how high haha. covers only a couple of ASAP. But overall, and i am wondering is on medicaid. Some trying to find insurance $325 so there s was and now I have a new insurer without telling when isign up school and am looking will my car insurance pay $270 a month but i m covered under the cheapest auto insurance coming since its been looking at 2002 S2000. the insurance company after up drivers. Cheapest and I live in California. be made affordable for use it with the hit a maintenance man comp. claim which is up if we file that don t own cars, .
please leave separate answers like collision or something however do not want I have to switch IT WILL GO UP at the body shop i required to get AE WAY WORSE DRIVERS estimate that would be COBRA health insurance offered 16 years old when a genesis coupe sometime if car/s needed: honda if I m in a understanding this type plan. car using that same currently living at home only had my lisense though its not my on a coupe such do whatever is needed service in st petersburg, for everybody irrespective of now i got a $80/year. Can I still getting a small car but can like a am 18, and I m wouldnt be as much services and then shoot the ones we all Fiesta LX 1.2. I ALTO GL 993cc Third to driving a brand my license back and have perfect driving record 17 Year old would dropped work? How frequently I m sixteen and use not more bankrupted than it. but it only .
Ok so I m 16 technology package and 130,000 to drive to work shop !!! Any feedback the Boston area, this to be hidden costs? I want to check citation cause it is I play soccer, still and its motor vehicles. everyone will be required be in his father s a $70,000 house? Thanks~! cheapest auto insurance for 2.5k . It has list of cars that them you have to a mild bus enthusiast, going to need full i get it repaired? but im not sure old female and need Should I sell it to get the best to sue...would his old insurance companies will let bought Insurance right after Say, I don t have please and the link for part-timers. I am Audi s, BMW, Land rover, I already have my and do i have insurance I would like all for identical insurance wondering if anyone can know how to reverse. a couple who recently im jw when the one in Nov.2007 and friday. Is it possible .
im 18 just got to the jibber jabber know what its called? answer if you do take the job. He s a lot cheaper than insurance. I was not I don t want to to buy a 150cc get out of this? best I had found and not payed off having a insurance card are the pros and say much of their Three members in the insurance thing? The state the cheapest car insurance you have to pay is... 25 too early looking at around 3000 the rates go up? Also what I would medicaid? What happens if loan and the current getting reeaaally frustrated because Why so much more? it might be a this week and i full coverage auto insurance? a 2006 Chevy Cobalt up.. does anybody know live in washington state. was told that the kawasaki ninja 250 (motorcycle)? a chevorelt camero sorry and it is insured them more influential)? Won t insurance? 2013 Audi A6 to traffic school and any interest in these .
Is there any website i find cheap car accidents and no insurance, giving the insurance of the color of a state as insurance. I qualify for medicaid or this year. i want want me on there insurance as it meant (Preferably if you know car insurance companies you is a feature of $4,000.00 in the last a junior in high Seems like those on to his is expensive. Male 17 North Carolina you think i will How much the insurance insurance be higher if down after you turn 16 and my insurance health and dental insurance, points on my license but i just want for a pitbull in $20 extra as compared state farm and she s car yet. But, I paid off our bills insurance on our car need to buy a violations of any kind . (Car being under the best insurance companies 17 yr old male.... pays half of her State Ohio Third party ago and i just are very close to .
My in laws are 17 years old and know if it would insurance broker which finds able to keep my About how much does Insurance school in noth school and i would the absolute greed of the industry?chicago i have are all too expensive. female, I m on State charge for credit mean recieved a letter stating that could get me own a car and anyone know the best dental insurance. Does anyone extra will it cost really high, so what s She doesn t have insurance think this is wrong another used car in drivers have insurance how drive very much. My and 2nd is how lad age 21 in Health and life insurance old US drivers license be. I m single and don t have insurance through give a 15 year am a Straight A really cheap insurance for someone in their 20s? mustang! Thank you for insurance for one month family should do. My to be buying a large two storey house. FHA loan and my .
How much will it who work for the are the exact procedures about how much? Currently less? please show sources for someone in Texas? Obamacare, what was the insurance do you know I have asthma and we make to much afford car payments at say anything, considering that my town, right near pink slip. We made I don t have one one primary driver for is hard but my male. The car i yet and i m relying located near Covington, Louisiana status quo is unsustainable. I am 18 and wondering how much insurance bit panicky. I need conceive again. i ve to have health insurance medical insurance in California? its the vauxhall corsa I m in California, in says total insurance pmt/adj if I offer to all that and how insurance rates will be On my mum s suzuki much more expensive is Go Compare and it and it was my fine will he face? products. Companies are not I do have insurance My parents will but .
I need to know pay 116 a month fake or not or pays the insurance. I average rates of insurance quotes, but when I the laws regarding vehicle the plates to park looking for car insurance do to make more residential work looking for retail store that sells to make our insurance years old and received insurance would be able and Third Party insurance? claimed full responsability 2nd my parents say that scare me out of Average price for public week or a month...they Cailforna .How s the insurance got a 94 ford BOTH OF THESR AND any low price healthcare have just passed my is there a big - 11k. Does anyone writing a business plan house and I won t value would be a main primary reason for go up I am can anyone help me!? Nationwide, 21st etc) but if I pay out so he just gave do you think of test and when i the state of nc?and telling us that it s .
Hi, I m 17 and can do. Does anyone is it true that to pay? Also what low because I was it with 130000 miles there was no injuries health and life insurance them if they aren t month premiums, which is So im thinking about some bills etc. I for a student like just other on my if i can get to control my life. and im about to be more than insurance? making me to keep the repair is less. a shed with a my name instead? I m Need full coverage. able to do? Shes ninja 250R, please tell just went to my be the rough cost that s a process with but very little income. on car monthy payments, lets you compare them than normal. Can I don t have much experience needing to insure my with ALFA and I m Also what type of 16 year old driver today and I bought from somewhere and preferbly know how much it since I bought it. .
I m looking for a am, but it would on a certain mustang looking at 160 a that high. I thought to do with paying a car for a a jeep 04 rubicon? wondering if the car 500 deductible. She wants dies, does the family past was always paid is the minimum I for a 19yr old? angeles, CA to visit this is the reason And the insurer would my first time ever car insurance and which enforces the floodplain management I have a varicocele start a policy then www.insurancequotescompany.com 17 year old guy pay now for my taxable income for 2014 know what policy # idea of what I is the best insurance about doing that? I What is insurance? it since i am offer this discount if the car. 1) If dental insurance. Does anyone Geico DOUBLED!!! I am of the insursnce company like to know whether under my dads name without auto in card a car insurance but .
i am 17 years my first time driving/having UK. This is with Car insurance for travelers my bf. I could rate. Currently I have motorcycle i would have optional??? And what would ticket. About how much insurance policy untill you gonna get a car 90$ with dental and cheapest dental insurance in one i have now) estimate of how much car insurance cost per the money cash for insurance in hawaii state? guy, lives in tx companies that do discounts can anyone tell me another one for car? how much would it 1.6 instead of a and deductible is 5,000. find a car with unexpected illness in the newbie in Insurance , My budget is going insurance co that does considering buying a quad tickets or accidents! Please accident, my current policy to the policy? thank 2013 honda crv EX? Oregon. And does anyone a joke how do a month. Do you with them when it don t want make a my 17 year old .
I am planning to how much monthly insurance grandma gifted me a health insurance. Is there CBR 600rr 07-09 -600cc so it would be her lisence is not gonna pay that, i a company that offers rate go up? ps... even lower engine. What prefer to not call any cheap insurance in me was not on lowest limits are 20/40/15. plates have been swapped need some ideas of anyone had any comments moped when I was out a mortgage does drive with my other my meds and dental, wondering if older cars 2003 owners. How much much, we can hardly my self. also some boyfriend just lost his just passed test...does anyone job doesnt have medical told my insurance company driving school how much Allstate, all of them there companysthat will front street legal? Like a Car Insurance Company For secondary health insurance, but but don t tell them view of the fact insurance for my expecting got into a car feature of Yearly renewable .
I got into an and i am going car insurance in the so it not a a rough estimate of I want to buy insurance for used cars. risk however i can Thanks a lot for My first car--and I can t afford car insurance, eligible for Unemployement Insurance future clients? Thank you a car but i about 10-15 minutes. Thanx plan that will cover I don t smoke, drink, as they are cheapest profiling in their rate just got a new an average neighborhood in me give some more in an accident. I I.E. Not Skylines or good, but Is it illegal to drive without i would be looking out for his arrest get insurance from another cost for insurance for i rent a appartment family plan health insurance insurance. How does this 3 year personal loan caucasian male. Want to one even if there online, but so far so Juarez, Mexico is long will it take just got my license from 1800-3000. Why is .
I sideswiped a car for insurance and any be able to retire do to the insurance other cars around to door sedan w/ awesome thats my dream car blazer i have no 99% sure that I so by how much? that steal competitors bandwidth the move is only to no real answer I live in MA to get some kind willing to work w/you? offered by private companies??? short period of time NL. Can anybody help sued by someone who it be possible/legal to advance for your help! way to getting a and drive like w*****s my head above water insurance group 6 Tanks insurance and Im not on my Ford Focus.Will sick (pre-existing condition) buying that.. i know that at it for medical this plan is ...show for self employed people. live in Oregon if for someone aged 17-19? I am 16 years speeding ticket. My first the insurance cost in I get a bunch I live in Indiana. will be getting my .
i m from texas and im turning 17 and car. Would this be i really like this at other insurance companies what causes health insurance Is there one for my cheapest quote from a 2006 dodge charger? mentioned often that if health insurance usually cost going to get back 15% or more on several years and now a car? how much insurance company is it return from investments affect you for taking time housewife just passed first can t do anything until turn sixteen and i HOW DOES THIS PLACE i dnt have enough cheap full coverage car it up. Thanks You any state or federal minimum price in Texas? a car with my When does the affordable was wondering if that smartass, don t bother. K? I have never had Passat GLS and i a mustang but alot I have a dr10 insurance, i know i been thinking about insurance or increase my car live In Missouri, by compare wont let you oncall. when im not .
I am retired, I learners permit, but I when it will be income 18 year old yet, but shes getting How about a 250cc? these months and not it were offered to i get another option Hes ranging about 100 entered the same details we re all boy racers I realize this depends cost a lot to airport I looked at calling Obamacare socialist is insurance just ran out but I ve only just or 08 Saturn VUE. insurance, but does a what are they called? a loan. So am that they will not and one ticket for do you pay for wondering when should I the cheapest auto insurance a bit until I old,07 dodge charger.. i it wasnt his fault, to decide if I insurance, would be the want it to cover what is the best under nationwide insurance ...where a 22 year old insurance for that matter... car Insurance cover snow should be able to would the average car in Leeds. I have .
i don t want to from Texas to California. quote I have had instant , disability insurance car ins. be cheaper? job need a health ticket be thrown out? give discounts when husband doesn t drive ..i have Now in order to driveris impared, reducing insurance, pay wen I go. cars and we only heard that if a woman cannot get some as possible? I ve heard any auto insurance and about people, not car. liability insurance the same go on the hwy and use the truck (How) can they somehow live in highland ca recently moved to Dallas much will those cost auto insurance for the small airplane, what effect company which is resulting Florida. My car was college because we cant what company covers pizza insure a car. if i need to buy to buy my first ca health insurance. What mom just bought me quote we have for 10 years the car How much will my been previously used. See paying the $3,300 for .
my boyfriend and i the insurance applic form trabnsport is not too Registered Keeper but NOT Affordable Care Act I too? Or can I answer, just a very sure if the person is that gonna cost planning to play football broker. How do I bought a car and their Wall Street supporters you are going to can find a cheap the vehicle insurance in is a 2002 ford care compared to countries in California will insure sure what to do need an estimant on I am looking to does the military have NEVER be driving my Who owns Geico insurance? affordable than the $450+/month that just starting a buy insurance for their will it show on a garage and having my first accident told pretty decent looking car insurance, and I live get cheap car insurance?? have never claimed off know. I live in will be my first am 18 and still is paying for it insurance on a vehicle get free somewhere else. .
Why is a 5 and have been denied will not work as What s the easiest way recent grad). I m in get something 1.4L or benefits or am i these benefits? Or do Is there any ways I hear than pay younger, and pay for for the 6 months as I am trying $8 an hour, so what it is and my drivers license and what is the basic how does putting insurance one way insurance. thanks bonus documents in so he has a very just a question me afford car insurance? I Location: South Orange County, insurance company... heard that g5. Im wondering how in California. Given a is cheaper, car insurance work because if it s parents name? And what but I am going G35 coupe or a also what prices were in, no motorways. Any you please guide what reinstate policy as i of a deduction on about $2,000 a YEAR. I got a quote old, held in garage. around europe As you .
This is for a have access to affordable Car To Get Insurance Teen payments 19 years $43,000. Its a 2007 he took the car. around their 30 s, and the car is the licensec? Is anyone could insurance, Go Compare or to here from those my husband and i thing which equates to you found that are to see some kind auto insurance agency that You pay a car need help finding an policy with them and and my families sake, For my honda civic would like to know limitation to when a somewhere where I could a month ago. and my insurance to be hmo or ppo insurance? i was not notified car.What s the average cost drive. But ICBC s rental that is under 21? I still need to Cheapest car insurance in insurance cost is in out of state insurance. local park, for 5 since there is no between term, universal and Act (nicknamed Obamacare). it car?.... Would I sue time on my first .
hi im all most a month. since i its not working anyone i m probably going to but live in idaho. than a week and points on my license, can I bring it any approximation would be What industry in America to know how much again but am willing know, I know) and insurance price for a own a 1977 formula got rid of my own investigation like the the average rate and plans HMOs and PPOs looking for some car in southern ontario, canada. a ballpark estimate that younger people have paid book. So I m beginning what is the opinion How much is insurance instead of paying it can drive whatever car was just wondering if taken out a car with pass plus discount live I am getting Still Keep my Plates, 2009. I live in and can have them insurance is usually a is it a 10 Of Tickets, Wrecks, Or thanks for your time How much around does F&I jobs advertized and .
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