#only one for now because he still wants his s/o’s attention lol
sovereignjojoz · 1 year
Pairing: Illumi Zoldyck x reader
Summary: you miss your husband and find out he’s been thinking of a solution to remedy that.
Warnings: suggestive, minor angst?
Notes - sugar plum pookie bookie babe illumi😘
To live together in matrimony.
That is what was promised.
Matrimony itself was a subjective matter depending on the individual. The typical concept involved two spouses living with one another, engaging in domestic affairs, all normal commodities.
Yet the Zoldyck’s were never a family who valued normality.
Even now, you could hear the hollow creak of the renovated floorboards as the breeze beneath the cracks yearned to break free of the atmosphere of listlessness.
A gentle knock sounded at the door, ever so slight, you wouldn’t had noticed it had you not been brooding. Your feet ran across the cold floor as your night dress skimmed across your legs.
Immediately your hand dashed out towards the silver door handle, a sense of hope ignited in your chest.
You opened the door a centimetre as a dimly lit candle light illuminated the surrounding darkness. “Hello?”
“Good evening missus Zoldyck,” disappointment welled in your chest, of course you had been foolish in believing it might have actually been him. “I have brought the water you requested.”
“Thank you.” You drank a copious amount of the cool liquid, setting the glass back on the polished tray.
She placed the tray down just outside of the room, briefly stepping out of the room to retrieve something. “From Master Zoldyck.” A bouquet of white orchids was placed delicately into your hands. You brought it to your face and inhaled deeply, a soft smile plastering itself on your face. He never sent a card or anything of the sort, however you didn’t mind, you thought it was very illumi.
She pivoted on her heels, pausing at the door, “would you like anything else?”
“No thank you.”
She nodded and lightly closed the door. A sigh slipped past your soft lips as you crawled back onto the king sized bed, letting the splendid silky covers caress your body.
It almost felt like a hug although it lacked any of the warmth of being embraced, just a lingering sense of frigidity. For a moment, you thought of your husband and his embrace too. It was slightly frigid and he was usually cold too, however it was a sensation you could never truly forget. His return the manor was a mystery to you, you often wondered when he’d come back to you. The manor way by no means empty, far from it with all of the household staff and residents; in fact you frequently found yourself playing with his younger siblings of conversing with his father and grandfather.
But there was no company quite like your husband’s. Although his presence was quiet (and somewhat menacing) he treated you well and indulged your every need. You couldn’t deny that you missed h dearly, you were told prior to marrying Illumi of what being married to a Zoldyck entailed but that didn’t mean you couldn’t detest the lack of communication or the time that you barely had together.
But matrimony is subjective and this is how the Zoldyck’s perceive it.
You shifted in bed, turning to face the door as the handle rattled, thinking nothing of it.
Till you saw a slender silhouette silently step into the room. Reflexively, you sprung up and crossed the room, pouncing like a cat on the lithe silhouette sending you toppling downwards.
Your fall was softened by illumi who steadied the both of you by placing his hands on your hips.
“You’re back.” You cupped his face in disbelief, feeling his defined features just to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
“I-“ you could hardly formulate nor properly covey how you felt, all this pent up longing which flowed within your veins burst out as you hugged him tighter. Then you kissed him abundantly: once on his forehead, twice on his cheek and thrice on his lips (or perhaps a little more than thrice).’
“I gather that-” you pecked his lips interrupting him, “you missed me.”
“Dearly.” You admitted. “It’s not the same without you.”
He hummed, letting unspoken words transpire between you.
His nimble fingers played with the sheer fluffy ends of your night gown, “I don’t like it when you leave.”
The slightest curve of his lips could be seen as you puffed out your cheeks, a pout present on your face.
“You know I cannot do anything about that, this is what marrying a Zoldyck entails.”
You caressed just silky smooth hair between your fingers, “I know. That doesn’t mean I have to like it…” you grumbled, “I haven’t seen you for two months.”
“Yes. It seems like it’s been a while.”
You squished his cheeks together and mockingly glared at him, hoping your falsified anger would bring out some kind of a reaction; knowing he was teasing you. “That’s an understatement., Lumi”
He surprises you by abruptly standing up, lifting you into his arms and holding you close.
“-then we shall have to find a solution for that.” He told you, throwing you onto the bed as he shed his garments then moved till he was hovering above you.
You give him your full attention as curiosity overcomes you. “What are you suggesting.”
Obsidian eyes roam over every crevice of your face as he stared at you with unprecedented earnestness.
He picked your hand up gingerly.
“Perhaps it is time we have an offspring.” He went silent, partially to see your reaction however he was also thinking upon what a baby comprised of both your features would look like. He had found himself thinking about this topic quite often these days, about a baby girl with your beautiful eyes and his luscious hair. That would be nice wouldn’t it?
He pressed a soft kiss to the palm of your hand.
“Shall I make you a mother then? That way you won’t always be by your lonesome, what do you say?”
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grievedeeply · 8 months
Hello there :) I see you take BG3 requests now, if it’s okay please could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Dammon and Karlach falling for reader who always goes out of her way to help them with anything they need 💙💙
decided to take some liberties with this prompt and expand it out a bit to them just being super helpful overall as a person, but going out of their way to help them in particular lol. hope you enjoy anyways and thanks for the request! sorry if these are short I didn't want to be super repetitive
astarion, gale, wyll, dammon and karlach with a helpful s/o headcanons
he's used to you being incredibly helpful by now. helping out the tieflings in the grove, helping to rescue halsin from the goblin camp.. it's in your nature, he thinks
and with him, you acted the same. only your behaviors increased tenfold with him
you went out of your way to help him, and he isn't sure of why, really. but you won't see him complaining. the less work he has to do to make it by, the better.. and you seem happy to assist, so why not enjoy it?
you tend to offer your neck up to him whenever he's feeling particularly hungry. it's the first time you do this when astarion really realizes you're always a bit more attentive to him than with anyone else
still, he jumps at the opportunity for a free meal. it's not as though he doesn't appreciate it, but he'll always wonder what's going on in your mind whenever you decide to help him out in that way
he's used to being seductive and a bit flirty.. but he notices that with you it starts to feel different. he hates the thought of falling for you, feeling something real and genuine in that way wasn't exactly a familiar thing to him
but he knows you'd treat him well. after all.. you're already this helpful now. but if you were his? he could only imagine how things could change
he doesn't understand it. why you're so helpful
he's very thankful for your help, but he wonders why you always make the extra time to find an artifact for him. days before he needs his next one, it's already in his hands, ready for consumption and it's always because of you
he doesn't want to overthink it. but he will
do you think that he's not as capable as everyone else? is it just out of the kindness of your heart? whatever the reason, he tries to refuse any unnecessary help
even though he appreciates it, he wants to see you spending more of your attention on yourself. he loves that you care for people and especially him, but he wants you to take care of yourself first and foremost
he realizes he's falling for you relatively quickly. no one else in his life had really looked out for him in the way you have. you're special. you're kind and you're.. lovely, really
he adores you, and he'll return your helpfulness in kind!
oh... wyll
he's so sweet. he's always looking out for you, just like you are for him. you're so incredibly protective of him, especially when mizora is involved
you're trying to find a loophole in his pact whenever you can, and he realizes he's falling for you as soon as he sees how serious you are about this whole thing
he falls hard. no one else had really shown him this type of care before, and he feels appreciated whenever he's with you. you see him as wyll. not just the blade of frontiers
he sees how much you care about other people, too. he sees your heart and your kindness, and he just adores it. it's hard to come by people as genuine as you. he counts himself lucky to even be in your life at all
he doesn't think he needs the help
he enjoys your company at the forge. you keep his mind occupied and you keep him talking. sometimes he gets so lost in his work that he forgets to eat or drink
but he still doesn't think he needs your help. he's used to doing everything by himself, and he's not exactly the biggest fan of change
but when you start organizing the materials and metals laid about.. it's really nice. he won't say anything or bring it up at all, but he does notice everything you do for him
you'll make him a snack every now and then. you'll tell him to take breaks— things that he forgets to do sometimes— and spend time with him when you're able to
he likes you. a lot. he doesn't admit it right away, but he knows he does. he feels the ache in his heart. he would be a fool to not like you
he'll tell you eventually. hopefully
she's beyond appreciative of you in general
you're so sweet. it's a big change from her life with zariel in the hells, so she jumps at the opportunity to talk to you whenever it arises
she notices how you jump to help whenever you can as soon as she meets you. after all, you believed her about the paladins when she was practically a stranger
karlach tells you about her infernal engine, and you're constantly trying to find the infernal iron she needs. wherever you go you're looking for it
it puts a smile on her face, knowing that you care so much about her..
she develops feelings for you pretty quickly. you're kind, you're able to see her as more than a soldier.. and that's more than she's had in a long time
a little unrelated, but she's so happy when she gets to touch you. like... over the moon happy
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aly-writes · 10 months
Hii can I req for chishiya & Niragi with s/o who has low alcohol tolerance and gets flushed red very easily also wayy too clingy. thank uuuuu
i missed writing headcanons lol, but why is it so hard to get the motivation to do it? here is my attempt to get back in the groove (once more), hope it's to your liking
(these requests are SO OLD)
warnings: none
chishiya and niragi with a drunk s/o
chishiya shuntaro
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chishiya has never been one for nightlife, so he never had a chance to see how you act under the influence
just from what he did know about you though, he had a general idea that you probably weren't an experienced drinker
so imagine his surprise when his beloved s/o asks him to go to the bar after a rough game?
obviously he hides it well and just sort of goes with the flow
if it was his choice, he'd rather just have you stay back with him and so he could enjoy your company while he tinkered around
you were on the more quiet side so that's typically how your time spent with each other went
just silence between the two of you, basking in each other's presence
the bar was packed (as per usual) the moment you stepped in. it was peak hours, after all
you ordered a drink or two for yourself and offered to do the same for chishiya, but he declined. he took it upon himself to look out for you, and he couldn't do that if was drinking
he wasn't sure what had pushed you to want to come down here, but he had a good idea
the game you had completed was tougher than usual, and only two of the six people sent made it back alive
he held back a smirk as he watched you down your drinks
the way your face scrunched up was cute and he would definitely be teasing you about it
"can't hold your liquor?"
little did he know how factual that statement was
with how fast you guzzled down the alcohol, you were intoxicated nearly ten minutes later
your words started slurring and heat was rising to your cheeks
your whines caught his attention, which at the time was directed towards the many people dancing in the center of the room. he was kind of annoyed that his people-watching got interrupted, but the moment he saw your face he couldn't hold back a chuckle
"wow, i guess you really can't hold your liquor. and here i thought i was just joking around"
yeah lol he's a little shit. despite your obvious intoxicated state, he will still tease you to earth's end and back just to get a reaction out of you
fret not, he only does it because he cares about you and lowkey (highkey) craves your responses
at first you were just whiny, but then you kind of spiraled into something a little more. and by a little more, i mean a lot more
chishiya had never seen you so clingy during his entire time of knowing you
you were very hyper-aware of where his head was at during every moment, so you only initiated affection when you knew he was in the mood and the both of you were in a comfortable place to do so
spoiler alert? this was not a comfortable place
you were all over him
trying to kiss his neck, clutching his arm to your chest, rubbing your face against his shoulder. it was almost like you were a completely different person
your pda levels shot through the roof and tbh he really wasn't having it, so he lightly grabbed your arm and led you out of the bar
it took him a second to get you to his room with how drunk you were, and after only two drinks nonetheless?
you were stumbling into the wall, pointing out anything in the general area that caught your eye, and attempting to drag him around to these said things
after a good twenty-minute walk, yall finally managed to make it to his room where he sat you down on the bed
he made sure to provide you with water before sitting next to you, listening to you ramble on and on
don't be fooled by his cool exterior! you were still clingy as hell with him
except now that he was in the comfort of his own room, he didn't feel the overwhelming urge to push you away
he was still a bit hesitant, and for a moment he just sat still while you squeezed him to death
chishiya doesn't initiate things like kisses or hugs. he prefers to stick to the smaller things such as head pats, hand holds, etc.
it's still the same in this case, even if your levels of affection are amplified by the alcohol
we cannot forget that this man works in the medical field, so taking care of people was his job. he's kinda good at that type of thing when he wants to be
he'll open the water bottle for you and make sure you drink it, even if he has to gently grab your chin and open your mouth for you
"'shiya i don't want to-"
"just drink the water, y/n"
after making sure that you're fairly hydrated, his next step is to put you to sleep
while he's sure you're having a great relaxed experience, he'd rather just get this all over with. and unfortunately, the easiest way to do that is for you to pass out
luckily he knows just the right way to do it because he has done it many times before ;)
while you hug him tight, he will pet down your hair and slowly massage your scalp. dear god does that do it for you, and before you know it you're sleepy
he lowers himself onto the mattress with you and after a few more minutes of the pure bliss that is a scalp massage, you're out like a light
chishiya can be a real asshole sometimes, but you'd be surprised at how sweet he can be when you're asleep
he tucks you in and wipes any excess sweat off of your forehead so you can sleep peacefully as possible. he doesn't really want you to deal with a hangover and a terrible night's rest, so he does what he can to make sure you sleep soundly
and lets just say he prepares the room for your hangover in the morning
he has painkillers, water, and is already mentally preparing himself to wake up early and grab your favorite breakfast
when you wake up and ask where all of it came from though, he will definitely pull the "kuina did it" card
because god forbid you have the knowledge that he did something nice for you
be prepared to never be able to let down that you're a total lightweight, he will relentlessly tease you for it
all is in good fun though, you know him quite well and are fully aware that this is how he shows that he loves you
he's a bastard but he's your bastard
when he makes fun of you for your clinginess you cannot stop apologizing, but you know by the way he's smirking he didn't mind too much
niragi suguru
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niragi goes out drinking quite often, but you were never really apart of that mix
he mostly just does it to have a little fun, but he gets quite jealous easily so he never really wanted to bring you around
just the thought of some random person eyeballing you pisses him off, so imagine how he would react if it were to actually happen
niragi doesn't purposefully prevent himself from getting into fights with people (if anything, he provokes people for fun), but when it comes to you he tries to keep your relationship relatively peaceful
it wasn't like that at first, but after some convincing from you (which took a very long time) he tends to avoid situations which he knows will put him in a jealous state
you were the one that asked if you could join him for a couple of drinks
you had wanted to spend a little one-on-one time with him and the thought of just hanging around in your room again seemed kind of boring, so you offered to go drinking to spice things up a bit
you were aware of the strings that were attached when it came to hanging out in loud public places with niragi, so you mentally prepared yourself for the overwhelming possessiveness you were about to endure for the night
he has his arm around you basically the entire time you're there
most of his time is spent giving dirty looks to anybody who dares breathe in your direction lol, so unless you tug his sleeve or tap his arm... you probably won't be getting much of his attention
that's until you actually start drinking
the first thing niragi noticed was the stumbling of your feet. you seemed awfully imbalanced for only being on your third drink...?
it was hard to ignore your clumsy steps, but even harder to ignore the way you gently pulled on his arm
after a while you got sick of waiting for him to face you and impatiently grabbed his chin, forcing his eyes to look at your own
LMAO the look on his face when he sees how flushed you are and the drowsy way you're looking at him
you were always so aware of what you were doing, so this version of you was a complete shock to him
and he's even more shocked when you pull him in for a kiss
your lips were hungry for his and there's no way in hell he would reject that, but you were never one for pda
just by being together with niragi, you're going to have to learn to love pda in some type of way simply because that's just who he is
typically, he was the one who initiated affection in public
you never turned him down or pushed him away, but you tended to prefer more simple things in public
which is why this felt a little... weird? niragi was practically addicted to your affection, but you being so clingy in a crowded place felt off
he's not one to turn down your advances, and in fact, he'd gladly take advantage of it
but because you are his s/o, he sometimes catches himself trying to be a little more mindful of what you would want
this is the reason he ultimately drags you out of the bar and back into his room
he still is getting plenty of enjoyment out of your spontaneous clinginess though, basically basking in it as you walk through the halls of the beach
he ends up stopping every few minutes to reciprocate your kisses. he really enjoys them and also doesn't want to leave you hanging lol
i don't really think there's such thing as being 'too clingy' when it comes to niragi
he loves to show you off, which is why he's so keen on pda. he adores when you're the one to initiate any type of affection, it makes him feel wanted and is a huge boost to his ego
is that a good thing or a bad thing? niragi doesn't think so because he's an ass, but lol i'll let you decide
when you do end up back in his room and in a more private setting, he stops holding himself back and allows you to shower him in every ounce of attention you give out
this isn't to say he doesn't take care of you tho, because he does
he's pretty aware of what you're comfortable with and while it's hard to hold himself back, he'd rather you do such things while you're completely sober so you don't end up leaving him
yeah he's a selfish bitch
he's a little less mindful of treating your hangover in the morning simply because he just never thought that far ahead, but he'll definitely cuddle you all you want if you're up to it
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S/O and skeleton are secretly dating but haven't told Skeleton's brother yet. Until one day, S/O comes to Skeleton's house and says that they forgot their underwear and give them to him, right in front of his brother. Reaction of their brother?
Undertale Sans - He does the dramatic slow turn towards Papyrus, completely in shock. You're dating someone and you don't even tell your big brother? Oh shame on you. Shame on your cow. You're getting a hundred years of teasing as a punishment. Papyrus refuses to meet his eyes. He KNOWS what will happen the second he will.
Undertale Papyrus - Today is Papyrus' day. Well, every day is Papyrus day but this particular day is the day of his absolute triumph over the tyranny of Sans' terrible jokes and puns as the universe had finally given him the power to retaliate by making Sans blush to hell with a single stare. He is going to abuse that power and flush Sans for weeks, not leaving him one second of peace anymore. Papyrus knows and he wants Sans to know he knows by any means possible.
Underswap Sans - He's in shock, he thinks. He suspected his brother was in love because Honey was not exactly hiding it, but this? This is a thing no big brother wants to know. Honey is devastated and won't stop apologizing but Blue is frozen. He thinks he hasn't blinked in the last hour, just staring at his brother in disbelief. What.
Underswap Papyrus - He's not that shocked actually. Blue is a charmer and he had a few partners already, some weirder than others. He just assumes it's another weird one lol. No big deal. He still tells his brother he will make sure he doesn't lose his underwear again by writing his name on them just to see Blue brutally flush. Little revenge, you know.
Underfell Sans - Red stares in disbelief, as his brother smooches his human. That's absolutely disgusting. He can't stop staring at the bag with the underwear. Disgusting, really. He has to snap his attention back at his brother as he starts to chuckle. Red gives him a dark stare. "WHAT IS IT BROTHER? JEALOUS MY BIG BONE IS MORE EFFICIENT THAN YOURS? DON'T BE, YOU'LL BE AS TALENTED AS I AM. ... EVENTUALLY." Red gasps, offended. Now he's not disgusted, he's mad!
Underfell Papyrus - He opens the door and screams "FINALLY MY BROTHER IS NOT A VIRGIN ANYMORE" before Red jumps on his back and starts to beat him up to make him shut up. Edge can't stop laughing hysterically at his misery, not feeling remorse for even one second. That's revenge for his endless teasing the first time he dated someone.
Horrortale Sans - .... He closes his eyes and begs his brain to forget what he just witnessed. Ironically, that's one of the few things he can't unsee. Like, never. Every time he sees his brother, he sees his underwear. This is a nightmare. Why does the universe hate him so much? Willow is wondering why his brother is looking at him in complete silence like a rabbit stuck in the lights of a car. It's going to happen a lot in the next few days.
Horrortale Papyrus - He says nothing when it happens, but is quick to escape the house. He runs to Toriel's house and tells her everything lol. He needs someone to fangirl with and Toriel has always been good for that. When Oak and his human get out of the house, he can only stare, confused, as Willow and Toriel are more or less hiding behind the bushes despite being ridiculously tall, spying on him.
Swapfell Sans - He rolls his eyes at Rus, annoyed. It's not the first time it has happened and it certainly won't be the last. He has pity for this new human who will have their heart broken eventually like the twenty or so before.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus chokes on what he was drinking, then slowly turns to his brother, who is bright purple. Nox is very secretive about his relationships and he for sure didn't expect that to occur. Rus is never letting him hear the end of this after that accident. Nox knows his peace is over forever.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He lost his inferior jaw, quite literally. Coffee is embarrassed, but actually not that shy anymore. WHAT?! What the hell happened? He has the best spying tools on the continent and he didn't see his brother was in a relationship. How blind he is? He's questioning all his skills right now. Also what the hell, his brother is in a relationship! That's terrible!
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee says nothing, trying to not let the thoughts win. But they won anyway and he suddenly screams "wait, does that mean you didn't wear underwear when you got home? how did you not notice????" before blushing furiously when Wine looks his way and teleporting out of panic into his room to hide in his wardrobe in shame lol.
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darkpeacemusic · 1 year
Stealing the slashers weapons and bedazzling it
For Eg, Freddy's glove, Michals knife, Bubbas Chainsaw, Brahms’s..Doll?? Jasons machete
Lol I love this request.
Slashers Reaction to their S/O bedazzling their weapons
CW: Cussing on Freddy's part, mentions of murder and blood
Characters: Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Bubba Sawyer, Brahms, Jason Voorhees
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Freddy Krueger
"Yo, bitch? Have you seen my glove?" Freddy yelled across from the bathroom before going to the bedroom to look for it.
He searched through all the drawers of his wardrobe before he eventually found his glove covered in all kinds of gems and colored pink.
"What the fuck is this?!" Freddy would yell after seeing what happened to his glove.
He would look all over the house for you until finding you in the living room.
"Did you do this?!" Freddy asked.
"Of course I did, Freddy. I thought your glove needed a little more color." you reply to his question.
"How the fuck am I gonna kill people now?! I don't want to go around killing people with this!" he screams at you.
"Well, how you try it on, asshole?" you said, calmly.
"Fine but you own me another glove!" he said before trying the glove on.
After he did that, he looked at his hand and somehow he didn't get sick to his stomach too much.
he then looks at you and says, "You're lucky I love you stupid bitch. Otherwise, I'd kill you by now."
He would probably use the glove anyways because how would you even find a glove like that? Whenever he will kill his victims, he will definitely brag about how he looked fabulous while doing so.
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Michael Myers
Michael looked desperately for his knife, praying to god you didn't steal it to kill people again cause it was his job only.
He eventually finds it to see that it has been covered in glitter and sequins.
He would be very confused about why his knife is now a beautiful mess only to notice you putting your bedazzler away.
He would come at you very aggressively scaring you a bit.
He points to the knife and points at you like he was saying "Did you do this?"
"I thought your plain knife to be too boring so I wanted to make it pretty," you say to him.
He sighs in anger before walking off to cool down.
You were afraid that he was mad at you again.
A few hours went by before he came back with the bedazzled knife that was covered in blood.
"You used it???" you ask to him as he was standing in the doorway.
He exhales in response.
"You like it?" you ask again.
He nods in response before pointing at himself and at you.
"it reminds you of me?"
He nods in response as he holds you close to you with the knife still down and you kiss him in affection.
"I love you, Michael." You say as he sighs lovingly in response.
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Bubba Sawyer
Poor sweet baby is panicking when he is looking for his chainsaw. He was worried that one of his brothers stole and hid it just to mess with him.
He went to his room to find it completely covered in sequins and glitter.
He would be very confused and worried about why his chainsaw was now covered in that stuff before he saw you walking by.
He grunted for your attention and you looked at him.
He showed you the chainsaw and grunted in a confused manner.
"Oh, I did that. I thought your chainsaw looked too ugly and decided to brighten it up a bit." you explain.
The sweet baby would be so happy that you thought of him. He wouldn't even focus on the fact that his chainsaw was ruined and hugged you tightly, snorting in happiness.
He would most definitely use the chainsaw cause it would make the killings more fun. Of course, he would have his parents permission to do so.
The brothers will taunt him endlessly when he chooses the bedazzled chainsaw until you glare at them do stop and they do.
Bubba would do everything to clean the chainsaw in between killings as he doesn't want to ruin your work. He loves you and the work that you do.
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"Y/N, have you seen my doll anywhere?" Brahms asks you before you quickly put away your bedazzler.
He soon notices his doll with his clothes covered in beads and sequins.
"Y/N, why is my doll's clothes different?"
"I wanted to give your doll a bit of color. Do you like it?" you ask him.
"I.... love it." He says.
"You do?" you ask.
"I think it looks beautiful just like you." he says honestly.
He will definitely keep it but like Bubba, he would do everything to keep it clean so he can continue to be a good boy for you.
He would hug it every night he would go to bed because it would remind him of you much to your happiness.
It would even make the trespassers of his home be too distracted by the doll before he kills.
He's basically grateful that he has someone like you in his life.
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Jason Voorhees
Jason grunted in anger as he looked all over his shack for his machete.
After finding it on the table, he sees that it has been bedazzled in bright colors.
He turns over to the bedroom where you were putting the bedazzling kit under the bed before he kicks the door down in anger.
"Who got away this time?" you asked nervous.
He will grab you by the shoulder and pulls you to face him.
He pulls his machete out and exhales in anger.
"Umm, yes I did that."
He growls lowly.
"But I just wanted to brighten up your machete. Like come on Jason. Your mom would agree with me that it's time to change your weapon up a bit."
He growls before he walks away in anger with the machete in his hand.
"Wow, such a grumpy pants." you thought, rolling your eyes.
He would probably try to throw it away before his mother would yell at him not to do it.
"Jason! Don't do it! She did it for you!" His mom would scold.
Jason looked at the machete before sighing and nodding.
He would probably try to use it on the first set of victims until he realizes that this may not be so bad.
After killing all the teenagers, he walks back home and puts his machete on his stand.
"You didn't throw it away?" you asked from the doorway to the bedroom.
He shakes his head no and turns to you.
He hugs you tightly and you hug him back as he gives you that loving gaze before kissing you.
He may have not liked what you did but he always will love you for thinking about him.
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allisonlol · 2 years
May i request Fyodor x fem!reader ( when they on their period ) 😳 ? Add some nfsw is the best ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ .I rlly love your words you writing cuz its easy to understand (for me). Ignore this is okay. Have a good day ( ╹▽╹ )
a/n: ur so sweet, i'm answering this SO LATE and feel rlly bad lol. i went and added other characters to compensate perhaps <3 this post ended up being super long lmao!! also don't ask me wtf happened in fyodor's part, y'all it's about to get nasty in a good way
warnings: fem reader, periods, blood, nsfw at the end of each!! i've partitioned the sfw & nsfw sections for those who wanna skip :)
(Fyodor, Dazai, Chuuya) When Their S/O is on Their Period [Sfw & Nsfw]
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before you, this man had never felt the touch of a woman (or anyone) so his knowledge on periods is quite limited
knows what they are from a scientific standpoint, but not really a sympathetic one
therefore u have to teach him a few things lol
gets the hang of it after awhile and ends up taking decent care of you when the time of month comes around
fyodor tends to shut himself off in his office for most of the day, which obviously doesn't help you
so, he now allows you to curl up in his lap while he types away at his computer
but if i'm being completely honest, he gets lowkey annoyed from ur whining and will kick you out of his office after an hour( ̄ー ̄)
this is fyodor we are talking about, after all
for the most part, he is attentive and plays the role of a supporting bf
makes you tea, showers with you, plays with your hair to help you fall asleep when you're kept up from the pain
copes decently with your mood swings etc. usually if you'd ever spoken to him in a rude tone unprovoked, he would be aggravated to say the least (◡ ﹏◡) but tries to have more patience & understanding since he knows ur going thru it lol
oh lord, where do i even start
so surprisingly, he was the one to suggest the idea of period sex first
but then...did not act on it? literally talked about it in DETAIL and then left you hanging
now, he did this on purpose tho. wants to see you desperate and begging for it, and you did
fyodor is a smart cookie so he knows that your hormones are all out of whack, and that you want nothing more than for him to help you out
however, it's only when you are begging him with tears of frustration in your eyes that he finally agrees
won't really comment on it but he's not a fan of the blood, and only uses it to degrade you
^will finger you but then stare blankly down at his blood covered hand, before roughly wiping it across your face
pace wise, fyodor will start off gentle and "caring" before quickly switching to rough and demeaning
rails you so hard there are blood splatters up both his torso and yours
the whole time he glares down at you with a look of disgust and almost contempt while you're practically crying from overstimulation
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LMAOO good luck
jk, he's not that bad. well...at first he was
but gradually dazai realizes that he can't tease you and be his usual annoying self when ur on your period
because you WILL burst into tears
after the fact... he is quite a doting boyfriend <3
probably asks yosano for advice tho LMAO
always stops at the store after work to pick up snacks for you or anything else you may need
but do NOT ask this mf to buy pads for you. because he WILL come home with like...diapers or some shit 💀💀
dazai still doesn't always grasp the concept of mood swings so when you snap at him or start crying he just looks at you like 0-0??
quickly learns to just agree with everything you say and NOT tease you as much during these times
ok but listen up. if you wanna use this to your advantage, just manipulate him into doing things for you by guilt tripping him <3
^ "ugh, i was supposed to run to the store but i'm in soooo much pain, i wonder who could do this for me instead..."
consider it payback for all the times he's made YOU run errands for his lazy ass
actually refused for the longest time out of fear it would hurt you
^literally the ONLY time this man has ever said no to sex. would instead give u a head pat & say "you should rest instead :)"
ok well what if we don't want to, dazai? what then??
you'd ended up giving him a pretty good speech on why it is GOOD to have sex while on your period and how it can alleviate pain and then he's like (¬‿¬)
after you've convinced him of that, dazai is down for it whenever <3 but only when YOU initiate it first & make it clear that is what you want
relatively gentle; prefers to go slowly and focus on hitting all the right spots deep inside you
loves watching the relief on your face as the pleasure overcomes the pain you'd been feeling nonstop
doesn't really like seeing the blood get on him tho...? not cuz he thinks it's gross or anything, but rather cuz it's your blood and it would make him think he's hurting you or something,,,idk but either way it would make him spiral
^so yea, the only side effect of this is that y'all must keep the lights OFF
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isn't super educated on it at first, but after getting into a relationship with you he put in the work to do some research
treats you like a mf queen!!! (albeit he already does...but it's even better during this time)
has a period tracker on his phone so he can prepare in advance
isn't afraid to buy pads for you...and he's smart about it too. actually knows which size and type to buy
^walks straight into the feminine hygiene aisle and you best believe that if anyone even looks at him funny for doing so, he's breaking their jaw
stocks up on your favorite snacks & carries them in his pockets so if you're ever out n about and need some, he'll already be tossing one your way
surprisingly, chuuya puts up well with your mood swings and tries his best to not get angry or argue back lol <3
sometimes he may forget and snap back with something rude, which of course sets you off more
but dw, he makes up for it afterwards by giving you snuggles
plus, who needs a heating pad when you can just have chuuya lay on top of you??
ngl the first time you asked he looked at you like 🤨
but after seeing the way your face fell at his reaction, he sighs and goes "well i guess we could try..."
dw, he very much WANTS to, he's just another one that needs to be sold on the idea out of worry it will hurt you
all you had to say was "it helps with the pain-" before chuuya is agreeing & pulling you towards the bedroom
after the first time he becomes lowkey addicted to it tho??
^it's the way you melt into his every touch, your voice cracks from the overwhelming pleasure, you're so much more wet...
yeah, he'll never get tired of seeing you this way <3
if you're worried about his reaction to the blood and all that, don't be because i promise he does NOT care. it's a normal bodily function and chuuya is the last person to judge that
^lays towels down on the bed to cover the sheets. wouldn't really mind if blood got on the sheets tho (he's rich anyway, he'll just buy more??)
OH and btw...yes he still gives head when you're on your period <3 when i said this man does not care, i MEANT it
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @irethepotato @serenareiss @ashthemadwriter @mrsdostoevsky @clovcly
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chrismcleanswife · 1 year
Hiiii I luv your blog! I was wondering if you could do some hcs for mal, chris and Duncan with a s/o that has age regression and their little age is about 3-5ish if u dont know what agere is look it up im bad at explaining. Ok byeeeee
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🐠🎀 𝐌𝐚𝐥, 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫! 🎀🐠
(ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ'ꜱ ʀᴇɢʀᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ ᴀɢᴇ ɪꜱ ɪɴꜱɪᴅᴇ ᴛʜᴇ 3-5 ʏᴇᴀʀꜱ ᴏʟᴅ ɢᴀᴘ)
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A/N -> The reader's attitude when they are on their little space is based on my best friend's who's also an agere and also on some researching I did by myself, so sorry if this is not accurate in some point of the headcanons, thanks for reading ^^
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♥🔥 -> Despite him being a full-on maniac with other people, with you, his beautiful partner is definitely more caring and calm, even if it's hard to see to the outsiders.
♥🔥 -> So, when you are finally able to open up to him about your age regression he is calmly telling you that he doesn't care about it, not in a negative way, but instead in a way of telling you he'll still love you and care about you the same.
♥🔥 -> Let's now move on to his behavior when you're age regressed, okay? <3
♥🔥 -> He is very gentle with his movements, not wanting by any chance to scare your little mind.
♥🔥 -> His resting bitch-face is still on but you can tell by his actions and body language that he means no harm, so you are relaxed on his presence.
♥🔥 -> If you like playing games when you are in your little space then he is all for playing hide and seek.
♥🔥 -> Just don't expect him to be all excited when trying to find you because he'll be rolling his eyes almost all the time and will walk slowly and with some sort of mumbling you can't understand lol.
♥🔥 -> He'll also be like ❝Oh, where'd did Y/N go? I can't find them anywere!❞ with the most deadpan face you'll ever seen and the most sarcastic tone of voice while you're hiding behind a lamp.
♥🔥 -> If you are more of a cuddly agere, then he'll gladly sit in the sofa watching the TV while you curl into his side, his hand sometimes going to ruffle your hair slightly.
♥🔥 -> If you draw or do little handcrafts when you are in your little space he will compliment them with a little genuine smile, and If you happen to gift something to him he will out your drawing on the fridge or put your little hand made gift on top of one of his bedroom shelfs.
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♥✨ -> Chris McLean it'd be eh?
♥✨ -> We all know that he is internally a child and by that I mean that when you are in your little space it is going to be an experience to remember!
♥✨ -> He'll be grinning smugly while he picks you up and gives you piggyback rides (only if you are comfortable with that ofc).
♥✨ -> He'll also love playing with you.
♥✨ -> Nothing too much, but maybe a bit of tag or hide and seek.
♥✨ -> He'll probably get tired after 10 minutes or playing but at least he tried lol 💀
♥✨ -> He will play dress up with you and sure as hell will bring Chef along lmao.
♥✨ -> You will watch as the two of them get dressed like women and start chatting with that high-pitched voice and pretend they're in a tea party with you.
♥✨ -> The two of them will be having the time of their lives while doing so lmao 😂
♥✨ -> He'll also let you do his makeup.
♥✨ -> Please, and I insist, PLEASE use blue coloured eye shadow and barbie pink lipstick, you can also add rimmel and brush.
♥✨ -> He will keep the makeup on for a long time, probably until he hears someone knocking on the door on smth, and then he'll rush to take it off in two seconds because he knows that whoever it is will tease him about it for EVER.
♥✨ -> He is also up to just get into bed and cuddle while the TV plays your favourite or comfort show for a while.
♥✨ -> He'll probably be reading stuff on his phone or chatting with Chef but he will pay attention if you ask him to.
♥🍏 🄳🅄🄽🄲🄰🄽 🍏♥
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♥🍏 -> Okay, this boy is definitely more laid back than Chris but not as deadpan as Mal.
♥🍏 -> He would love to play hide and seek with you.
♥🍏 -> Like LOVE.
♥🍏 -> But, you know, not the classical version, that one version in which you play with the lights off.
♥🍏 -> Of course if that makes you scared he will stop.
♥🍏 -> But if you enjoy it then he will gladly seek for you in the house and then yell "boo!" when he finds you, tuckling you in his arms.
♥🍏 -> If you want, he can take you to the nearest park so you can play in the swings or enjoy yourself in the monkey bars.
♥🍏 -> If there is any food you like especially he will try and make it, or buy it in case it's a sweet/pastry/dessert, and you both will enjoy it after lunch.
♥🍏 -> If you are a more calm agere, then he'll gladly put a blanket on the living room floor and lay there with you.
♥🍏 -> You two can play palm/clap games if you like them!
♥🍏 -> If you want to sleep then he'll gladly tuck you in bed and then get in with you.
♥🍏 -> He'll probably rest as usual, his arms above his head in a comfy way, and you can curl up to his side resting your head on his chest if you want.
♥🍏 -> He can also tell you stories from when he was in JUVIE, obviously changing the dark/gory parts and changing the context slightly so you think it's just a very unusual and funny fairytale.
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justwritedreams · 1 year
Now you know | Chanyeol
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Idol!Chanyeol x Idol!Reader Word count: 2035 Genre: fluff, kinda crack Author: maari  Warnings: none Note: I loved writing this so much oh my god 😫 thank you ateez for giving me the perfect scenario lol Request: may i request a fluffy chanyeol fic where his s/o is also an idol (94L) and theyre “secretly” dating but theyre bad at acting subtle so the fans know whats up + ships them lol ⫷ Exo Masterlist
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"So, what do you think?" Y/N asked her boyfriend curiously, she was lying on his chest, the two of them in bed spending the weekend doing what they so deserved, resting.
After all, both would have long weeks ahead of them and they would hardly have the chance to see each other or be together.
She was holding her cell phone, after showing him one of the intro tracks from her upcoming album.
"I loved it, it has a very cinematic fantasy vibe." he replied, with a proud smile as he stroked her hair.
"I told you the concept of this comeback is going to be like this, right?" the boyfriend nodded in agreement. "And we're going to have a collaboration with that American producer."
"You seem quite excited." he concluded, he didn't look at her face because his position wouldn't allow it, as she huddled in his embrace like a koala, but he could imagine the glint in her eyes. “I’m!” she said, raising her head to look at him better, as he predicted there was the sparkle in her eyes of pure pride and happiness. "It will be the first time I get to show my more mature side to fans."
Chanyeol laughed and the hand that was stroking her hair went to his girlfriend's arm. "Should I be jealous?" he raised an eyebrow and she laughed softly.
Y/N held the phone with one hand and the other brought it to Chanyeol's cheek, stroking his skin slowly.
"No, you're the only one who knows all of my sides."
He lifted his chin, a rather proud look knowing he was the only one and Y/N smiled before she leaned closer to kiss him, she had been doing this all day but it wasn't enough, when the lips were a centimeter away from touching, Chaneyol even had his eyes closed Y/N's phone vibrated not just once or twice but five times. She complained and threw her head on her boyfriend's chest who still had his pout to kiss her. Y/N took her head off Chanyeol's chest and brought her phone closer, seeing what was going on through the notification bar.
"Is my leader." she said "Why does it seem like she always does it on purpose?"
Chanyeol laughed heartily and his girlfriend wanted to bite his cheek but she held back and unlocked the phone. "You shouldn't talk about your leader like that." Chanyeol joked.
"I'm older than she is, have you forgotten?" Y/N glanced at her boyfriend, Chanyeol now resting his arm behind his head, his biceps got bigger in the black t-shirt he was wearing.
She opened the twitter link that was sent in the message, along with the phrase 'you have to see this. ASAP'.
Y/N felt her jaw drop when she saw the tweet and tensed up all of a sudden, this didn't go unnoticed by her boyfriend who now wiped the smile off his face and frowned.
"What?" he asked, analyzing his girlfriend's expression.
"Look at this." she turned the phone screen towards Chanyeol who focused his attention on the tweet, he gulped when he saw the picture of him and his girlfriend.
There was nothing much but from what they wrote, the suspicions were there.
Chanyeol and Y/N had gone to NCT 127's concert the night before, to support the boys from the same company and because she was a huge fan of the boys, they hadn't gone alone of course. Two members of Y/N's group were on her right side while Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun were on her right side, exactly in that order.
In one photo they were just looking at the stage while in the other Chanyeol had his arm around Y/N's neck and the other was up. They were just enjoying the show, nothing else.
But fan comments came to the same conclusion: they were dating.
"Oh come on, it's not even that compromising!" he said and Y/N turned the phone's screen towards her, while bringing her other hand to her mouth to bite the nail. "We were just singing Dreams Come True."
"But it's not what the fans think, there's even a video of you hugging me." Y/N said, watching on her phone.
It really wasn't compromising, mainly because afterwards, Chanyeol hugged Sehun in the same way.
"Oh give me that." he took his arm behind his head to grab his girlfriend's phone.
"Hey!" she complained but he started swiping the screen. "Look, there are a lot of people thinking I was just being me." he glanced at Y/N who eyed him suspiciously. "I'll read it to you: 'lol he literally leans on Sehun afterwards, so they're dating', ew no!" Chanyeol stuck his tongue out in disgust and Y/N chuckled lightly.
"Good thing they were at an NCT show because if it was a comedy Y/N would probably be without an arm"
"Yeah, you do that with people when you laugh."
"But hey, there are a lot of people who shipp us."
"Really?" Y/N asked curiously and tried to snoop through the phone.
"They even made a thread about the two of us." he replied calmly and Y/N widened her eyes.
"What? You're kidding!" she said and slipped between her boyfriend's arm to see the phone too, he hugged her while opening the tweet.
The compilation had photos, videos, gifs of interactions between the two in events of all kinds. 
Y/N was never subtle in hiding what she felt for Chanyeol, it was no wonder he discovered the not-so-secret crush she had for him.
So the pictures of them looking at each other meant more than it should, she always smiled broadly when she saw him, it wasn't common to do that with anyone. 
And a photo in particular that she never actually explained, taken by a fan with low resolution, Y/N holding her phone and her backpack at the airport, accidentally her phone had been unlocked by fingerprint and it was possible to see that her boyfriend was the wallpaper, although couldn't quite see his face the fans had found similarities.
Chanyeol was always looking for her at SM concerts, whether to bow when greeting her - even though he had seen her backstage before - or to hold her hand at the end.
At award shows, they always seemed to talk with their eyes when they were at nearby tables. And they always danced and sang louder when one was performing.
She repeatedly praised the group's songs on her social media just as he did, and although it was vague, fans took it as a sign.
The interviews where she described her ideal type, someone like him.
The similar clothing and accessories. Which in their case wasn't similar, the hoodies Y/N took were actually Chanyeol's but no one could prove it. Anyone on the internet could buy the same model and size.
"Nothing that hasn't happened to other idols." Y/N spoke after a while.
If they didn't deny it and didn't confirm it, it would just be internet theory. Right?
"Ah, but this is interesting." Chanyeol stopped at one of the tweets with a wide smile.
"Oh no."
"Oh yes!" he chuckled before reading it aloud. "Y/N bubble update: 'I'm watching Descendants of the Sun again. Oh what? How many times have I watched it? Probably like 5 lol I really like this genre. And Dr. Kang is right, girls really fantasizes about the army uniform.' You said that the day I sent you my uniform picture." Chanyeol accused and she felt her cheeks burn.
That comment had been days before official photos of Chanyeol serving it were released on the internet, another clue for fans.
"I told you that on that video call." she tapped him lightly on the chest and he laughed.
Chanyeol dropped her phone on the bed and rolled over her, resting his elbows on either side of her body and glaring at her mischievously as she brought her hands to his shoulder.
"Actually you said something a lot worse, do you want me to repeat it?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and she laughed shyly.
"It's not necessary!" he nodded and leaned down to kiss her forehead, making her sigh at the contact.
Chanyeol then kissed Y/N's nose, cheek and chin, she just laughed lightly as she caressed his shoulder.
With her eyes already closed from the previous caresses, Y/N felt her boyfriend gently place his lips on hers, it was enough to melt her completely, no matter how many times they kissed even after so much time together, she felt the same things from the beginning, as if she were that dreamy little girl.
One of Chanyeol's hands went to her face, the big warm palm caressing her skin as they kept the same slow rhythm. Y/N took the opportunity to bring a hand to the back of his neck and caress the short strands of hair.
She felt him smile between the kiss and pulled away, causing her to complain.
"Hey, baby." he spoke softly and she opened her eyes, staring at him. "Don't worry, we'll be able to hide our relationship long enough."
Chanyeol was live in his study on Instagram just over 15 minutes ago. He talked to the fans, answered questions, sang, showed some demos of songs he was working on.
All because he was bored that afternoon, his girlfriend was too busy with her own schedule and would probably be late, it was enough time to interact with the fans for a while.
A week had passed since the leaked photos of the concert they went to together and some fans were still asking about Y/N in the chat, he smiled sideways but pretended not to see.
They had agreed to hold back the relationship news for a longer time, for the sake of Y/N's group promotions, anyway the company had already released both of them to announce it whenever they wanted but Chanyeol wanted it to be special, they had been together for a long time it was true, but he wanted to take a new step with her.
He was so busy with his guitar, playing as he always did in his spare time, that he didn't hear the studio door open.
Y/N walked on tiptoe so as not to make any noise, smiling mischievously without noticing that the camera was on.
"Hi, love. I'm home." she hummed and the boyfriend turned around completely shocked, his eyes looked like they were going to pop out.
She didn't understand why he stood there with the guitar in his lap, usually he always dropped everything and ran to hug her and kiss her all over her face.
However all he did was point his head back to where the camera was and Y/N followed with her eyes, feeling her heart race when she saw her boyfriend's screen.
"Is it live?" she asked quietly and shyly as she saw the chat going crazy.
"Yes." he replied, laughing nervously.
"Huh… I'll leave then, I'll let you do what you're doing." She stuttered and a nervous laugh came out. Chanyeol chuckled, scratching his head and looked at the screen. He could even keep track of the comments because they came in so quickly. "I'm so sorry! Oh my God."
"It's okay, babe." he chuckled again and looked back to see Y/N shake her head in disbelief and she clumsily closed the door.
He took a deep breath before looking back at the camera, his eyes lowered to the comments and he chuckled at the comments. Most were freaking out over Y/N's surprise appearance, but the other half were all the same 'Are they dating??'.
"Yeah guys, I guess now you know." he shrugged, and propped his elbow on the table and put his face in his hand, moving closer to the screen to read better, and to hide his huge smile.
Chanyeol laughed when he read a comment and had to agree.
They suck at hiding lol that's what makes them perfect for each other.
Note: I just wanted to say this is the face I pictured him making when Y/N walked in the room 👇🏻 BYE
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lightlycareless · 5 months
What would say would be the easiest and fastest way to fluster Naoya? I was reading your work on the one with having an s/o who’s to shy to ask for anything(it was something along those lines but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about :D) and he was such a tease so I’m curious to how Y/N could get her revenge lol
For anyone wondering btw, this is the ask anon was referring to ❤️
Aww this was kinda cute ngl but it also got me thinking, how do you even get back to someone as Naoya??? that man is like, idk, prank proof and such? Like I feel you'd need to go to extremes in order to really hit him where it hurts, but even then...
Luckily, there is one way :> and it's all detailed right below hehe.
Warnings: none. it's fluff. Naoya is slightly miserable, good. shouldn't mess with his wife that much.
Happy reading!
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So, first things first, do not try to out-tease him.
You will not win against Naoya, because no matter how much you try, or the lengths you go to fluster him back, you’re quickly reminded that he excels in just about anything he puts his mind to…
Thus, the best way for you to get your revenge, and perhaps the only that works, is to simply…
Ignore him.
Don’t see him, don’t talk to him, don’t engage with him—nothing. You are to be ice cold with everything that pertains to him, and soon, you begin to see how easy it is to make him regret his decisions. (a bit)
It starts quite simply: by not giving him his usual good morning kiss.
Naoya immediately notices there’s something amiss, and when he eventually finds out what it is, he doesn’t say anything, hoping to see if you notice it too…  
Until he becomes desperate and takes the initiative.
He initially thought you had simply forgotten, an innocent accident; but when you don’t respond to his “good morning”, even going as far glance away when he tries to kiss you, Naoya immediately knows it was intentional.
Your husband is going to be in a terrible mood from that point forward, evident by the way murmurs sprouted amongst the staff of his highly irritable (yet gloomy) attitude—yet, this does not sway him from trying to get your attention.
“Well, guess I won’t be buying your favorite sweets if you’re going to keep avoiding me.” Is one of the many ways he tries to coerce you into speaking to him. Surprisingly, it doesn’t work. However, he is not out of ideas just yet.
“You know what? I’ve been wanting to go to this amusement park now that I have a few days off… but I don’t know, I still have to think about it. See who I’ll take with me and all that…” He’d say, his ace up his sleeve, while discreetly looking over to you as to catch your reaction, since he knows you’ve been dying to travel for months now.
Yet, nothing. Not even batting an eye, going on with whatever activity you were doing at the moment instead of acknowledging him.
And that’s when he knows it’s something serious.
“Y/N, talk to me.” He’d finally insist after a long, silent, but heavily uncomfortable dinner.
“Why are you upset now?” Naoya asks.
“Is that’s how it’s going to be? You’re not going to talk to me anymore?”
“…Can I at least know why?”
That would be the only instance you’d react, with a look on your face that lets him know there is a reason for your behavior, but most importantly, that he should know about it. But you continue to refuse to tell him, extending what he considered to be his punishment, even after he tried to force you to do so.
“Stop avoiding me!” Naoya says, grabbing your face and forcing you to see him—he thinks this way you won’t be able to do anything else but talk to him, and yet, your eyes are literally anywhere else but on him. “Seriously?!
And you were determined to remain oblivious of him…
Until Naoya begins to tease you yet again, by using his fingers to purse your lips up to a smile.
“Aw, don’t be like that, Y/N—give me that cute smile you always do.” He chuckles, hoping to ease this situation, with the same technique he’d used in the past. “See? Just like that, come on now, I know you want to laugh too—”
But you weren’t having any of it, not when he still took you as a joke, swiftly freeing your face from his hands and taking a step away from him, all with a frown that makes his heart sink to his stomach.
“Stop making fun of me!” you cry. “Seriously, that’s all you ever do…”
“That’s not true!” he immediately responds, attempting to defend himself. “I’m nothing but nice with you!”
Nothing of what you wanted to hear. So, after realizing he has yet to give you want you need, you decided to leave him alone, yet again, to either cool down or hope he’ll get the memo by this point, much to his remorseful solitude.
Naoya wouldn’t let this situation die, of course, not when your words still resonated inside his mind, quickly identifying there was a much bigger problem at hand and going off to figure out what you meant, what is it that you needed, and maybe vent as well, with the one person he knew he could always count on.
Receiving a reality check he didn’t precisely like, but indeed much needed, because after a few moments of reflection alongside Ranta, Naoya finds that indeed he hasn’t been as nice as he proclaimed, if anything, his behavior had gotten a bit worse these past few days, seemingly out of personal enjoyment to seeing you all flustered—careless of how you might perceive this, or how tiring and awkward it had become for you… and the rest.
“I obviously didn’t do it to make Y/N angry, I was just joking!” Naoya would say.
“Don’t tell me that, tell her!” Ranta responds—he guessed it was only a matter of time before you snapped.
And so, that’s what he mentally prepares himself to do at the end of the day, when alone in the confines of their shared bedroom, deep into the night.
Naoya is happy that even through all this commotion, the two still sleep in the same bed. Although the thought of you avoiding him even there is one that occasionally creeps in the back of his mind… fearing that this might be the next step if he doesn’t mend his mistakes.
“Y/N.” He eventually begins, sitting by the edge of the futon. You don’t respond, as expected.
It’s always hard for him to place his heart on his sleeve and admit that he was wrong, given his… background.
But he’s long learned that he loves you far more than anyone and anything in this world, and for you, he’d go to the end of the time just to see you happy. Something so redundant as shame would never stop him from doing what he needed to do.
“I brought you something.” He says, and through the corner of your eye, you manage to see there was indeed something in his hands. “I saw it the other day at a store, and it reminded me of you…”
Naoya then hands you a plushie, a white chubby duck—something you would’ve normally seen as adorable, but after all the things that have been happening, all you could do is frown as you look away.
“If you’re here to still make fun—”
“I’m not.” Naoya sternly responds. “…I thought you knew I would never do anything to upset you.”
“… but you did.”
“When I tease you, it’s only because I want to make you… blush, or laugh, nothing else.” He explains. “But, if you don’t want me to do it anymore, then I’ll stop.”
“That’s not the problem—I really don’t mind when you act that way.” You say. “It’s more that I don’t like it when you do that with important things. I don’t enjoy having to repeat myself a thousand times for you to do what I want you to…”
“Does it make you feel I wouldn’t do it?”
“No. It makes me feel like you’re not taking me seriously, at least to do it by the first time.”
Naoya presses his lips together, feeling enormously regretful for having planted those doubts onto you.
There’s nothing, no one, not a single person in this world, more important to him than you; and while it was always in his nature to react so… sardonically, he always complied when needed, especially with you.
But now that you mention it, he understands that perhaps he might’ve abused your willingness to take whatever he gives you—because more than his friend, you’re his wife, the woman of his dreams, and should treat you as such.
“I’m sorry.” He says. “I love you too much to ever want to make you feel that way, and it pains me to know that I have. …Will you ever forgive me?”
Your lips tremble slightly as you slowly turn around to see him, with teary eyes telling him that you didn’t like being away from him like this, but you didn’t know what to do in order for him to understand how unhappy you were.
Naoya surprises you yet again how different he’s become from the man you met all those years ago. Reminding you how much he’s grown, matured, done his part to make this relationship work…
And why you loved him so much in the first place.
“…With one condition” you begin, taking the plushie from his hands. “… if you promise me to stop being so playful with serious things, and… if you take me to the amusement park you were saying—it’s been a while since we went out on a date—…. I’ll forgive you.”
“Consider it done.” He says, leaning closer to you, intending to place a kiss on your lips, but you stop him by placing the ducky in-between the two, he raises an eyebrow. “Hmm?”
“And if you give me all the kisses I was supposed to get these days.” You murmur, a slight pout on your lips. He chuckles.
“You really are a spoiled princess, did you know that?”
You blush at the nickname, Naoya smirks.
“Ah, so you do like it when I tease you!”
“What? No!” you gasp. “I mean… maybe, when you don’t use the weird ones…”
“Weird ones? What are you even talking about?” he laughs, wrapping his arms around you and snuggling his face against yours, giving you a kiss, and another, and another, and another. “Little ducky”
“There you go again, naming me everything that crosses your sight!” you giggle, ticklish by his kisses.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, mochi.”
“Really? I didn’t even notice, pumpkin.”
“Stop it…” you whine, hiding your face against his chest out of embarrassment, he just continues laughing before placing a kiss on top of your head.
Naoya certainly tries his best to not tease you as much, however, he does fall back into old habits from time to time—but could he be blamed? It’s not his fault that he loved so much just how flustered you got… Or how easy you made it for him.
Sometimes you even wonder how you could tolerate him; one of the many mysteries of your relationship with him.
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now add to that 5 kids. y/n has the patience of a saint. DaMN.
Anyways, thank you for sending in this ask!! it's the small things that develop naoya's and y/n's relationship more and more :') kajfhjaghfjka we need more domestic fluff ngl 😭 luckily, I have two more things in mind hehe + pending asks 😏
I hope you have a wonderful week, take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Painting your nails with the demons | Fluff
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Content: Akaza x gn!Reader, Kokushibo x gn!Reader, Douma x gn!Reader, Gyutaro x gn!Reader (all separate)
Warnings: Douma LMAO
Notes: I just painted my nails after a breakdown (I'm fine lol dw) over college and suddenly got the urge to paint their nails too. These hc's are incredibly short, I apologize <3
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❥ Akaza
Akaza had walked in on you painting your nails a (color), and looked at his own pink nails
Turning to see him after you finished the first hand, you gave him a little smile
"Wanna join me, Aka?"
He'll happily sit with you, letting your hands hold his steady while you paint the same color on him
He loves matching with you, so this just makes him excited
Absolutely demolishes Douma if he makes any kind of comment about it
But the bastard just begs for more pain. He's got the fucking "Wow...your punch really turned me on!" energy going on (please tell me SOMEBODY gets that reference...)
Whenever you take the nail polish off, he's gonna wanna be there so he can take his off too. Then will probably ask if you're going to put on another color or not
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❥ Kokushibo
His multiple eyes scare the shit out of me, but I'd rather them be freaky than not utilized at all
I still love him tho <3
Koku's nails aren't painted like some other demons, but he suppose he'll do one hand in black if it'll make you happy
He's silent and keeps a neutral expression as he sits beside you, allowing you to paint his right hand and you can paint your left, so that when you hold his hand, it seems like you're joined together
He just likes the subtle domesticity
"Well, what about my other hand?"
"Do whatever you want." Koku spoke slowly.
"And what about your other hand?"
He only wants one hand painted, slightly questioning if Muzan would disapprove of his nails being painted in the first place
But then he remembers Douma's, Akaza's and Gyutaro's nails are painted, and then he suddenly doesn't care that one of his hands are painted
Wont do anything but direct a cold, neutral look at someone if they make fun of his nails only being painted on one hand
They were done by his s/o, eat shit and die, peasant
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❥ Douma
Is ecstatic
Immediately takes off his own blue nail polish to math whatever color you're putting on
Gives you kisses as you paint his nails, sometimes making you mess up and get the polish on his skin
"Not to worry, darling! I can always take it off my skin, you just keep painting!" Douma grins, continuing to kiss you
Parades your matching nails around like it's the greatest gift ever
Brags to Akaza about how he has "such an amazing s/o" and how Akaza doesn't
Of course he gets hit, but Douma then salivates for more negative attention from Akaza
Once the polish begins to chip away, he's going to sit you down, take off the polish from both of you and then paint your nails again himself, in a different color
"We should switch turns every time!" Douma exclaims
"Oh, maybe we could even mix and match depending on the upcoming holiday! How fun! Oh, this is the best idea you've had, darling~!"
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❥ Gyutaro
Okay, Gyutaro probably needs a serious manicure (and this is coming from someone who never gets manicures, but at least has a nail filer)
Would also probably do his skin some good to have his nails filed down, cause then it can't...y'know...COME OFF
But I do think the gray color on his nails is the natural color they are now, but I also like to believe that sometimes he paints his nails black to feel better <3
When he sees you painting your nails, he immediately wants to join. Ume is probably not too far behind, so she'll probably join in before Gyutaro
If the color you're painting your nails with isn't black, then he'll paint his nails himself while watching you and Ume match your colors
If it is black, then he'll happily let you paint his nails for him (the teasing from his sister later on is so worth it, because you touched his unworthy hands!!!)
Gyu would also probably keep re-applying the nail polish whenever it got slightly chipped, believing you'd grow angry and upset at what he deemed as "decimation to your art"
Whenever he sees black nail polish he thinks of you now, so have fun with that lol
Probably keeps a shit ton of black nail polish on standby cause he keeps stealing yours
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
Hi! If you don't mind taking requests, could you write headcanons for Brett Hand with a shy s/o that has crochet as their love language? Lol himbo lives in my head rent free and I'm always like "Hey I heard you offhandedly mention this is your favorite color, have a scarf I made"
No worries if you don't want to, thanks!
Brett Hand x GN!Reader:
Warnings: SFW, GENDER NEUTRAL, canon aligned depictions and material, BRETTS SIX PACK MAKES AN APPEARANCE, brett cries but it’s happy, food mention once, about coffee that Brett’s pouring no actual consuming of food or drink
Contents: SO PAINFULLY SWEET YOURE GONNA NEED TO BOOK A DENTIST APPOINTMENT, istg it’s so cute and y’all two are fools, brett needs love and cries when he gets it
Author note: this is so precious as a concept and thank you for submitting this request I literally fell in love with the idea when I first read this ask. Muah — all the kisses for you
Brett had always been accustomed to giving more love than recieving it. From his siblings, his parents, childhood friends and fraternity brothers. Even coworkers. But working with Cognito Incorporated opened his heart a bit with how he got to receive love, true affection back.
The one who cracked that well-guarded heart was you.
He was not immediately enamored by you. Not so say he didn’t find you incredibly awesome and cool, someone he immediately befriended and got along with. Brett just hadn’t fallen in love with you immediately.
That’s not to say it didn’t take long for him to actually develop feelings, strong ones, that had him pining after you wistfully in a manner that irritated the fuck out of each and every member of the gang. Andre was this close to just throwing a bunch of illicit drug recipes together in attempts to create a love potion or something adjacent.
He was this close to being nothing but a literally lovesick puppy, trailing and tripping over your feet and eager to get any meagre amount of attention and affection from you. Brett would literally lie his head on your knee or lap while you worked at your desk if he could, and just beam up at you.
He’s sick in the head. The good kind. Lovesick.
Throughout all of this, he thinks you’re just oblivious to him or don’t really know him. Think of him as a stranger. The truth is quite the opposite, with you being incredibly interested and intrigued by the man. Finding him charming and sweet, complete package looks and personality wise. No one’s got a bad word to say about him.
That and he’s the type to lend you an umbrella when it’s pouring when he’s only got the one between the two of you. That’s because he did.
You had stayed late working on a report for your department that got lost in the shuffle and needed to be expedited, forgetting the time and hurrying out only to find the parking lot in a down pour. While mentally bracing to make a run for it, you catch Brett Hand extending his umbrella and offering it.
“You can have it! My car’s closer than yours is, makes sense that way.”
And you’re about to offer just sharing it and walking together but the man carries on, rambling about how you can even keep it if you want and he flushes before dashing out, drenching himself in a mad dash for his car truly not parked to far away. Sadly, rain still dealt harshly on his button down.
Luckily for you, you got a glimpse of his shirt when drenched, understanding the appeal of wet t-shirt contests immensely now that you fell into a stupor just looking at his chest.
He tucks into his car, seating himself in the drivers seat and buckling before taking a second to check his mirrors — he’s that great of a driver? Where did he come from, an L.L. Bean catalogue?— and starts the radio before turning back to glance at you, sitting underneath the lip of the building entrance and shrouded from the rain. He waves.
You wave back.
Brett doesn’t pull out of the parking lot and he gets confused looking at you standing there before you realize with one of those “oh shit I’m being stupid” moments that you need to go to your own car, go on home, and he’s waiting to make sure you get out okay. As you unfold the umbrella and lift it overhead and step out into the rain, you make a note of visiting the cloning department to ask about Brett and whether he’s real or not.
You lose yourself in thought but make it to your car, stepping into the drivers seat in a mirrored motion similar to Brett and do your routine, turning the car on and checking the mirrors and backseat, turning the radio on then pulling up navigation. And as you tuck the closed umbrella against the shotgun seat, you glance back and see Brett scrolling through his phone and glance up to catch your eye and he smiles, waves again cheerily.
Good lord he’s not real. Did Hallmark start back up their cloning company again? It’s not Christmas yet.
You put the car in drive, passing his in the parking lot as you pull out to the main road leading to the highway for your route home. You try not to think of him when you sing along to the radio when the lyrics of love songs catch your throat.
Brett sees you alone the next week, not catching an eyeful of you between the rainy day and now. He can’t take his eyes off you and he nearly overflows the coffee cup in his hand in the communal kitchen.
You look so lovely and he’s trying to figure out what you have done with your hair and then the next he knows you are already on your way and walking up to him.
“Hi Brett.”
He’d shoot himself in the foot if he could.
You look amused at how his tone lifted in pitch when he saw you, bright smile unwavering and shift on your feet. “I wanted to thank you for the other day and wanted to make you something — and it’s completely fine if you don’t like it! I won’t be offended.” You’re lying through your teeth.
Brett flushes crimson, pretty pink on his tanned cheeks and tugs his lip between his teeth, smiling like a child and his eyes get wide with joy, thinking you at least have to like him somewhat to make him something.
“You didn’t have to do that! Going out of your way and everything, but I’m sure I’ll love it. I don’t know how there could be anything you could make that I wouldn’t love.”
While he’s berating himself for almost just confessing all his feelings, you’re trying to not let your heart unravel and pool at your feel like an upturned spool of twine.
You shift and remove your hands from behind your back, revealing a bundle of fabric in this lovely apricot shade. His favorite color — orange. It’s tied with a big bow, one of those wired ones from the craft store, something personal about it that has his tummy seizing and twirling at the same time. God he could cry.
He tunes back in, eyes glancing between the bundle of fabric in your palms and up to your lips that move, and he’s just entranced. Bewitched. Ensnared.
“- like to crochet sometimes, it’s fun and it keeps my hands busy and my mind empty. But I hope you like it, Gigi told me it was your favorite color and I wanted to repay you.”
“Can I hug you?”
You quite nearly drop the scarf you made for him when you hear Brett speak and hold yourself back from screaming yes but just manage a nod and a somewhat timid smile, muttering a sure that makes both of your grins wider.
He smells like old spice and old fashioned cologne, like hand cream and coffee, feels like a dream and his arms wrap around you and you want to cling to them and beg him to never let go.
Instead you don’t, you hug him back, and say nothing about the tears that flick at the collar of your shirt’s neckline and how he tugs you so close. You just run a hand through his hair and hum, unworried about the scarf pressed between you and your worries for if you’d ever get to be close to him.
You already were, and with the strong arms wrapped around you, you felt tied and strung to him, utterly hooked. With his head on your shoulder and feeling his watery smile there against your pulse, you had no worries. No loose threads.
You just felt him.
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anonslash · 1 year
Helloo, Freddy's on your whitelist? And you write for male readers?? Omg I found a new fav blog then!
Could I request Freddy (and whoever you want of course) with a s/o that's literally a sunshine, like always smiling, giggling and seeing the beautiful in anyone
Uuuntil you harm his beloved burnt man and turns into a scary and deep-voiced protective bf
Extra Asa content because I felt like writing it, sorry it’s been like a year since i got this ask lol
General slasher content warning, also there’s Asa so there is kidnapping.
Slashers with a sunshine s/o
Honestly? He’s got mixed feelings on the cute aspect. He thinks it’s hot but mostly because of the potential for corruption. He would never admit it, but your cheery personality makes him feel a teeny bit sappy.
You’ll get into some arguments with him if you have the same “good in everyone” mentality towards his victims. He’s stubborn and that’s one of many things he refuses to change for you.
But when you talk to him like that he adores you. He thinks it’s naive, but he can’t help but love the attention. Nobody has ever thought of him like that. Not once when he was alive, and definitely not after he died.
He’s only fueled by your laughter. If you thought he made a lot of jokes before, just wait. He’s constantly going to try to make you laugh. He loves it.
But then all of a sudden when he gets threatened and you get protective? He’s going to be even more obsessed. Again he finds it hot. Will give survivors the upper hand every once in a while just to see you do it again.
And he WILL let you know what he thinks. A lot. He’ll try and provoke you to get you to be tough and scary around him.
He loves both sides. He really wants to get you to kill someone for him. He’ll ask you about it a lot. If he could convince you to even just be bait, he’d be thrilled.
Asa Emory
Your bubbly personality is what made him take you. He saw your smile and heard you giggle and all of a sudden he was planning another kidnapping. You’re special to him, he doesn’t see anyone like that very often.
Carves bugs into the trunk he’s going to take you with. Fireflies, butterflies, grasshoppers, you name it. He gives you the nickname “Bee”.
You’re by his side a lot of the time. He doesn’t want to risk letting you out of his sight in case you slip away.
He’s pretty upset that you’re not as cheerful an addition to his collection. He expected it, but he’s still mad about it. He treats you more like he treated Abby. You have your own room, he brings you nice clothes and gifts. You get treated less harshly once he decides he wants you to smile again.
And it tugs on his heartstrings hard when you try and see the good in him. So naive, so easily misled. So foolish. But he loves it. It only furthers his obsession.
If he sees you get defensive over him after you finally open up to him, it’s over. He’s keeping you forever, end of story. He already decided that he was, but this just furthers it. Now he takes you out just to see if it’ll happen again.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
A httyd request with a yandere dagur wirh a s/o who has a boneknapper ( possible platonic yan dragon )) 👁👁
This is like the second Dagur request where he has to compete with a dragon for your attention and I'm here for it- Sure! I hope I wrote Dagur right :) Cockblocked by a damn dragon, LOL-
Not finished with Race to the Edge yet so bear with me here, cool?
Note: Wrote this late at night, originally to start it off and finish it in the morning. Then I just... didn't stop so- here you go :)
Yandere! Dagur with Darling who has a Boneknapper
(Ft. Platonic! Boneknapper)
Pairing: Romantic (Dagur)/Platonic (Boneknapper)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective dragon, Dagur's obsession is nearly immediate, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Forced relationship, Clingy behavior, Jealousy, Kidnapping, Implied murder, Delusional yandere, Isolation, Violence.
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You were the one that helped your Boneknapper perfect their armor, making them docile and extremely friendly to you.
Your Boneknapper has stuck by your side as your dragon ever since you helped them out.
This was a new development for the Dragon Riders as Boneknappers are so rare they used to be considered myth.
Now they have one at The Edge commanded by you.
The dragon is usually like a puppy around you.
They're incredibly affectionate and watch over you like a hawk.
So when Dagur comes into the picture...
Can you really blame the dragon for being overprotective all that much?
Boneknappers are usually solitary dragons and everyone knows Dagur's past-
Even if Dagur reforms or meets you before, your Boneknapper doesn't care.
Your dragon wants him out of their sight.
Let's be honest, Dagur finds the fact you train a living myth cool as hell.
When he reforms to join forces with the Dragon Riders or at least be allies, he's interested in you.
A possible crush blooming within him.
Really, why wouldn't he get a little flustered?
You look so cool with a literal bone dragon at your side.
Now let's be honest, Dagur is still a bit unhinged (it's in his title).
He'd be one to come off strong with his affection, openly trying to flirt and obtain your approval.
He isn't getting the approval of your dragon, however.
Dagur finds it hard to act on his crush or obsession at all with your Boneknapper.
This dragon is very protective and dedicated to you it seems.
The armored beast often waits for when Dagur tries to come near before wrapping around you and growling.
He can't get near you, your hut, nothing.
It just about drives Dagur mad.
You may even catch him arguing with your Boneknapper early in the morning when you wake up.
An example of this would include Dagur just wanting to greet you with a Good Morning since he likes you so much... only for your Boneknapper to block the way to your hut.
It's funny the first time it happens.
While your Boneknapper prefers you have nothing to do with Dagur, he's persistent.
As a result you often have to call your dragon off in order to speak with Dagur.
Said man often responds with relief and sticks by you as much as he can.
He's taking advantage of your chats because next thing he knows your dragon might come back to remove him.
Dagur is quick to obsess due to his poor mental state.
When he has the ability to be near you he sticks to you like glue.
He's a man who prefers to express his interest through physical affection... but can't because dragon and he doesn't want to scare you off.
It's probably not too hard to tell he likes you, though.
Those green eyes of his often stare at you like you're the most beautiful scenery.
He's impulsive... often saying information he shouldn't-
Dagur really wants to date you even if it is too soon...
He just wishes you fell for him just as quickly.
Your Boneknapper is cool but annoying to him.
Your dragon ruins the fantasies Dagur has of you and him.
It's hard to even watch what you do without the dragon's eyes glaring at him.
Your dragon tries to keep the overly erratic and impulsive man in his place.
It somewhat slows his obsession but Dagur still falls for you fast....
To keep his crush and obsession at bay he has to watch you from afar.
Physical contact is typically out of the question as your dragon would pluck him away from you.
Although... if Dagur had Sleuther, his dragon could distract yours.
Your Boneknapper does like to play... Dagur could just have his dragon occupy yours while he swoops in to swoon over you.
Dagur gets desperate to be your partner.
He is quite lonely due to his past of violence and tries his best to be close with you.
It's just difficult to convey his agonizing obsession over you when he wants to do it through physical contact.
Dagur is probably touchstarved.
When your dragon is away, Dagur tries to coax affection out of you.
Even if you aren't partners he still wants to at least hold your hand... maybe have a friendly hug?
He'd much rather you kiss him but he'll be patient... maybe....
Dagur tries his best to make his obsession slower...
But all he wants to do is smother you in affection and tell you how much he loves you deep inside.
You two could live in isolation!
You two could be happy!
He just knows you two would be perfect together...
So pardon him if he holds a bit tighter... and forgive him for leaning in with hope that you'll kiss him....
He craves you... you drive him crazy.
Not as much as your damn dragon, however, who quickly learns Sleuther is a distraction.
Your dragon can quickly sense if Dagur is making you uncomfortable.
Which makes the dragon peel Dagur off you and toss him aside with a snarl.
Dagur used to think your dragon was cool!
Now your dragon is nothing but a stupid bodyguard who's in-between his love for you.
Dagur is still somewhat of a Dragon Hunter.
He knows hurting your dragon would make you sad... it would make loving you impossible...
But a dormant feeling within him stirs... he should get rid of your dragon.
After all, this dragon is in the way of his love for you.
It's like they knew about his "crush".
It stood in the way of your future with him....
You may not like it, but Dagur would be willing to plan an elaborate idea to get rid of your dragon.
He could kill the dragon... or make it turn on you somehow.
Either way, Dagur wants them gone.
Afterwards he can steal you away with Sleuther!
Then you can love each other to your heart's content!
You may be distraught at what he's done, blood on his hands or not, but that's fine!
Now there's no dragon to pester you both!
Dagur knows you love him deep down somewhere...
Surely when you realize you can't resist all this love he has for you... you'll feel the same, won't you?
"You're all mine now... it's like we were meant to be! Stop crying about the dragon already! You have me... all you need is me!"
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
Please only do if you want to, but I loved the imitating your SO a bit too much and I’m a shit stirrer. What would the other guys from One Piece do if you were imitating them? 👀
a/n - dw I’m gonna cause as much trouble as I can for you lmao- and I’m assuming ace is a good choice because of your pfp 👀 tysm for requesting! (I’m so sorry if I didn’t end up writing the character you wanted originally 😭)
Warnings ⚠️ - not proofread, g/n reader
Mocking Ace + Corazon + Luffy
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- this boy is a really sweet guy! All he wants is for you to be safe and sound :)
- being the s/o of fire fist ace was pretty cool other than the fact that whenever you cuddled with him- you’d get pretty hot quickly lmao
- he gets sad whenever you have to take a break from cuddling him and turn the ac on in the summer 🥺
- “y/n come back-“
- “ace you’re really warm.. I’ll be back in five minutes ok?”
- “🥺 I need cuddles though.”
- you had to slightly laugh at your boyfriend’s cute little sad face he made
- “I need cuddles tho-“ you said, trying to make the same puppy dog eyes he was making
- I think you made him cry.
- … I’m not in a shit stirring mood anymore bec these characters are rlly sweet and soft 😭
- you even imitated his voice just to poke fun and tease his little needy self
- You didn’t expect to make him feel bad and sulk while hugging a pillow- !
- he turned away from you and silently just- (broke down) inside while cuddling a cold pillow which he thought was a poor replacement of your cuddles
- the poor boy was so hurt by your actions, and you didn’t even mean for it to be that way 😭
- you had to apologize and give him plenty of hugs and kisses to get this golden retriever energy boy back on his feet lol
- “Ace it was a joke- I’m sorry! I love your cuddles-“ You tried to say, wrapping your arms around the man, cupping his cheeks in your hands
- “… I don’t make that face.” He mentioned softly, burying his head in your chest like a little baby needing attention
- “Pft- you do through.”
- “do not.”
- “do too.”
- “… do not.”
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- this man is the definition of a gentle giant :)
- 9’7 (ty @ewfilthymundane for telling me cuz I thought this man was 6’0 for the longest time-) and all he needs is you 🥺
- The problem with being so large is that sometimes he can suffocate you when he lays on top of you while hugging your torso
- So maybe it’s better for you to lay on top of him instead of the other way lmao
- but you still let him cuddle you because his cuddles are the best ✨
- he sometimes works for days on end, so when he returns, he literally just- collapses into you like a pile of mush 😭
- you’re on the sofa, and he just- bleh
- “Rosi, welcome home..” you said, kissing his forehead, ruffling his fluffy blonde hair
- man was kinda drowsy- so he looked a bit hazey
- “Mmm.. thank you baby..” His arms subconsciously just wrapped around you, his legs curling up underneath yours
- he was snuggling closer to you as you were just watching some tv, but you decided to poke some fun (bec yes. Shit stirring mood)
- you grabbed his old beanie, putting it on your head and quickly trying to put on the lipstick without your sleepy boyfriend noticing
- (this is at a time when he’s a marine now :)
- “What are you doing y/n?..” He asked drowsily, slightly opening his eyes to check what all the commotion was about
- His eyes immediately widened when he saw your whole new look
- “Silent.” You said, snapping your fingers like he would always do
- man was shook
- but also extremely confused because when he’s tired like this, his brain isn’t functioning lmao
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- “wh- why are you wearing my beanie…?”
- “You don’t like it??”
- “No-! It looks good on you- but why are you- wait. WAS THAT ME YOU WERE IMPERSONATING?!”
- … Cora 💀
- “YES YOU-“
- cut him some slack lmao he sets his shoulder on fire everyday
- man was shook x10
- omg he was actually kind of scared, and embarrassed 😭
- “Y/n- please don’t impersonate me..”
- “Why?? You’re so cute!”
- You pinched his cheeks together, and it made him feel a bit better that you thought of him that way :)
- I mean he still didn’t enjoy being impersonated but- you ended up giving him kisses later with his lipstick on lmao
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- you dare to try and impersonate the absolute KING of impressions?!
- nah nah nah hold up
- “GOMU GOMU NOOOOOO!” You shouted, throwing your fists forward in front of Nami and Chopper
- “HAHA! You sound just like him!” Nami cackled, struggling to breathe
- it was like Luffy SMELLED the mocking going on like- he was there in front of you guys within seconds
- “Y/n. Was that me??”
- “Yes Luffy, who else says that.”
- “You’re the one who’s always telling me not to jump into the ocean! dOn’T jUmP inTo tHe oCeAn! YoU aTe a dEvIl fRuIt aNd CaN’T sWim-!” He said, trying to imitate your voice and movements
- you were offended
- “… Nami- will they stop?”
- “Once Sanji makes dinner they’ll settle down.”
- “OI! Dinner!” -Sanji
- “… I’ll race you!” -Luffy speeds to the kitchen like a madman
- god he was a handful. But you love him 😭
- “see? all Luffy needs is food.” -Nami
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a/n - hehe these were funny 😭
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spacexseven · 1 year
yaaaay tuna time tuna time. ok so the manga is I Love Amy and its about a yandere girl making friends with the lesbian mc to get closer to her male crush but finds herself really enjoying spending time with her. very good stuff highly recommend. anyway I will be scalping this whole plot for my brainrot! as I'm basing this off a wlw manga please read yan and darling as being the same gender (ex: dazai with a male darling, higuchi with a female darling) thank u.
so, following the aforementioned plot, darling actually starts out as yans TARGET instead of yans crush, accidentally getting on their radar by being seen talking to yans current obsession one too many times during routine reconnaissance (stalking). obviously they need to get rid of them! theyre getting in the way! crush shouldn't ever talk to anyone else but them!!!! 
when local freak loner weirdo yan suddenly asks if you want to hang out with them, alone, it occurs to you that you should be a little more cautious- but, truth be told, you've had a crush on them for a while... and you know its probably impossible that they swing your way, but couldn't hurt to give it a shot, right?
with this in mind (and lowkey kinda entranced by how pretty they are up close), you agree. 
lucky for you theyre perceptive enough to sniff out that ur a fruit and thus a complete non-threat, so you live another day! and, to their surprise, they find themselves kind of enjoying hanging out with you. 
yadda yadda yadda, the two of you strike a deal to help them get in good with their crush, theyve had pretty bad luck with this so far, but they seem to like YOU, so you can get them some one-on-one time! you're pretty bummed you were right about the person you like not being interested, but hey! theyre still your friend! as long as they can be happy, you’ll be happy for them! on their end, theyre just using you (or so they think). sure, you’re ok to hang out with or whatever, but your companionship doesnt mean anything compared to their crush. once they get what they want, youre pretty much donezo. 
i wont go on for too much longer about this here but im sure you get the idea, over spending time with them as friends and dedicating so much of your time to trying to help them find their happiness, yan starts turning their attention on YOU instead. they find themself getting irritated when they catch you talking to other boys/girls, what did you suddenly get a s/o or something? are you gonna stop hanging out with them? you cant DO that youre their ONLY friend! or they’ll surprise themself by desperately wanting to pass up spending time with crush to go stay with you instead. or getting REALLY REALLY mad when they see people being rude to you when they used to not care. little things like that. i feel like this concept could be really good for soft yan stuff but you COULD make it darker if you wanna. 
characters i think would work with this: bsd - dazai (specifically pm dazai cuz hes a freak with no social skills), akutagawa, poe, ranpo, sigma, higuchi, gin, lucy. genshin - childe, scaramouche, albedo, cyno, eula, ei (i feel a modern au would work best for ei here), rosaria, shenhe
- 🩹
something about the holidays has fried my brain but i cant let your asks go unanswered any longer !!!!! p.s i love amy is just wonderful thank you for the rec ^^ im just gonna go over this with childe because you deserve genshin content from me :< spoilers for childe's real name (tho i think everyone knows it by now lol) unedited!
context: X is the person ajax likes (as you can tell i am very good at coming up with names :>) some things here are taken from i love amy so give it a read !! it's totally worth it i promise~
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at the time, you couldn't come up with a single reason why ajax had approached you all those days ago, accompanied only by a menacing look. in fact, you could still recall how the malice in his eyes deepened once he caught sight of you stumbling your way over in his direction.
you had heard the rumors about him (like everyone else had), and while you didn't want to judge someone because of what others had to say, you couldn't deny the fear that consumed you when he stared at you with thinly veiled distaste—right after interrogating you about your relationship with the person you had just been conversing with. it occurred to you far too late that ajax had witnessed the conversation between you and X, and now you were about to be at the receiving end of the terrors you had only heard of in passing.
your brain went into overdrive thinking of an answer. childhood friends? what if he got jealous that you spent so much time with X, time he couldn't have? but if you lied about not knowing X, he'd come after you anyway if he found out the truth, right? so you tried to come up with a lukewarm answer, something to show that you weren't trying to meddle with his…potential relationship. whether you said the two of you were partners for a project, neighbors or family friends, whatever it was, it worked in convincing him that you weren't interested.
but it worked too well, as you soon came to realize, after noticing how ajax was attached to you constantly. at your response, he had lit up and quickly pulled you closer, declaring you would help him by gathering information and helping him plan for the perfect date (and of course, there was not a single moment of consideration for your say in the matter)
even though you insisted over and over again that you'd be no help, with no experience in dating or flirting with anyone, let alone someone as popular as X, and claiming you weren't close enough with them to ask such detailed questions, ajax was far from bothered. perhaps, in his eyes, you were the perfect sidekick—obedient enough to drag around like a sulking pet, but not so compliant that you weren't of some use, at the very least for entertainment. and maybe, just maybe, because he was starting to feel a little lonely.
what he didn't know at the time was that you, despite all the warnings and whispers, had a crush on him. you reasoned with yourself that most people would fall for him, if not for his fixation with X. and although you knew he was 100% infatuated with someone else, you had foolishly thought it wouldn't be the worst idea to be his friend. you had hoped that hanging out with him and being faced with the reality that he would never look twice at you would work as a bitter yet effective remedy to the flustered racing of your heart and the fluttering sensation that seized you.
surprisingly, ajax made for decent company, disregarding the pain of unrequited affection. all your time together was mostly spent talking about X, which you never complained about, but you also learned a little about him, like the fact that he had younger siblings and that he participated in a lot of archery competitions. it occurred to you for a moment, that given his track record, ajax being so well-versed with a weapon probably wouldn't end well, but you shut down that thought almost immediately. he may talk about wanting X all for himself and may have some concerning fantasies, but even he wouldn't go to such lengths, right?
the more time you spent with him, however, the fewer opportunities you actually had to talk to X. still, despite how little use he had for you, ajax still kept you by his side. maybe it was, in his eyes, a good thing that you were staying away from X. some part of you itched to tell him that you wouldn't betray him like that...not like it mattered to him. you knew he was only using you, either as an information source or a test subject, and even if it hurt to know he'd never care about you like he did X, you never once considered distancing yourself from him
you liked to think that he liked your company too, at least as an acquaintance. after all, since that first encounter, he hadn't threatened to snap your arm if you didn't tell him everything you were talking to X about. maybe that time he dragged you away mid-conversation with your friend should have been alarming, or maybe that other time when you woke up tied to a chair in his basement ("don't worry," he had brushed off your concerned look, "i only did this because you kept saying you were too busy to come over. anyways…") should have sent you running, but you justified it to yourself as his odd way of watching out for you.
or more likely, the warning signs just flew over your head because you couldn't imagine that he would be as creepy as the rumors said. you did idolize him to an extent that you tried to justify all his strange habits. it didn't matter much, anyway, since you were well aware this arrangement was temporary—you were only serving as replacement company until he finally got with X, and then your presence in his life would instantly be shut out.
because you were under the impression that it was all temporary, you didn't mind, even when he started overstepping into your personal matters. more than once you had to cancel meet-ups with friends in favor of spending time with him, and the few times you did manage to be away from him, ajax would interrogate you about every detail of your day without him, and at the very end would demand you tell him if you enjoyed being away from him, scowling until you placated him.
and then, the 'practice dates' started feeling a little too real. with him insisting on feeding you spoonfuls of dessert and latching onto your hand uncomfortably tight. but honestly, you couldn't complain, even if you knew something was wrong. going out with X didn't seem as much of a priority as it was a way to convince you that he desperately needed your help in 'practicing'.
all this while, you were under the impression your role was simply to be a good friend to ajax. naturally, when you had an opportunity to talk to X again after such a long time, you jumped to take it. what you didn't expect was for ajax to come up behind you, gently moving you aside to instead tower over X, glaring at the person he'd been pining over so desperately. the words that left him next were similar to the ones you heard all those months ago, except, these were the last words you expected him to say.
"you," he spat out, "what the hell were you talking to [name] about?"
bonus because i have too many thoughts about this :>
you getting an s/o. ajax is upset for many reasons. a) you never told him that you liked someone b) were you really going on weekly dates with your new partner?? you never even hung out with him that consistently! what, were you throwing away your friend just for this new guy? and c) how could you leave him behind like this?! suddenly, your new s/o is bombarded with the sensation that someone was constantly glaring at them, and then at every corner, ajax is standing there...just...watching. maybe he was just shy?
you manage to convince X to give him one chance. one date, so he can try to win them over. what you don't expect is for ajax to try stalling. he comes up with reasons for more practice dates, asks you for more 'tips', and if he absolutely has to go, he doesn't do anything that he was supposed to. the date is a fail, despite all the practicing he did. to you, he claims it was the nerves that got to him. come on, comrade! you gotta help him practice more now!
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qsphyxias · 1 year
ꜱʜᴀᴍᴇꜰᴜʟ, ᴘᴀʀᴋᴇʀ! ꜱʜᴀᴍᴇꜰᴜʟ!
if you fetishize mlm/nblm relationships, get the fuck out of here!
synopsis ; you + pete are dating, and you're about to have the house all to yourselves— but peter has to wait to do so, and he gets impatient. basically.
warnings ; m! reader (he/him), cussing, suggestive, a bit unorganized, unedited so probably typos, you have parents (lol he doesn't), also tom's spiderman
note ; this was going to go so much more different than i wanted it to!! i wanted it to be like peter was texting you and he was outside your window and like, frustrated bc he did not know if you liked him, and then you told him to come over or something and idk WHAT IS THIS . inspidered by the song below
words ; 1.2k +
⊱ ───── {⋅𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕠𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 - 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕚𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤⋅} ───── ⊰
It was a nice, warm winter evening— or at least, it felt warm to Peter considering how much he was sweating that day. With a disgruntled string of curses, Peter whipped out his phone as he balanced himself on a lamp post, ready to text Ned and ask him if he remembered how to turn on the air conditioning in his suit.
Despite the gross feeling of his suit sticking to his thighs and pits, Peter continued to hesitate on sending that shameful text message. Not because it was the middle of December, or how Peter could not (or would not) tell Ned the very irrational reason why he needed those puffs of air in his suit— no, it was because of love, that's why! That's why he was sitting on a lamppost, worriedly watching you outside your house awaiting your incoming text message.
"God, I sound like an idiot. Oh god, I probably look like an idiot too." Peter grumbled, with his hands resting on his face and fingers set strategically, so he'd still be able to see through them, and into your bedroom window. Not creepy at all, no.
Before you harshly judge Peter's actions, (and rightfully so,) let it be known why he was doing it in the first place!
Just a couple of minutes ago, you two were texting (passionately)—as hormonal teenage boys do—until all of a sudden, you sent the following;
"My parents are about to leave to go check out some real estate property. They probably won't be back until 10 PM, at the earliest— wanna come over? I've gotta beat someone at Smash Bros."
What!? Peter was ecstatic, he was just about ready to go—having already slung on his pants and T-shirt with his webbing with one hand as he watched his phone screen with the other, like a hawk.
"Oh but, maybe wait a couple of minutes because my mom lost her phone and she'll probably take a few. I'll get you back with an update."
Oh, you. You... Evil, teasing, handsome, mischievous, terrifying you. If only you knew what you had just unleashed.
Despite your friendly reminder that Peter had to wait before he could smash you- I mean, play Smash with you, he did not care. Instead, he decided that a couple of minutes in the cold, waiting outside your room would be nothing to the spectacular Spider-man.
Also, because he made a giant webby mess in his room and he did not want to be home when Aunt May sees it.
And now we're back here; back to Peter sitting and waiting out on a lamppost, alone, and sweaty in the cold—which was ironic because he thought that his major problem of today would be the weather, not his hormones. He thought the latter would come easy, and oh boy, to say it did not.
"Ugh, come on S/o's mom! Find your damn phone already!" Peter moped as he watched your mom roam your room, searching for her phone helplessly—
—until, he saw it.
Her phone! Peter near jumped off the lamp post to try and catch your attention and point at the phone resting on the window sill, until he luckily realized that that was not a good idea.
Instead, Pete opted for whipping his phone out, texting furiously with his cold, but clammy fingers. "S/O!!! TELL YOUR MOM TO CHECK ON YOUR WINDOW SILL!!!!"
Wait, no, try again.
"Hey, you know I lost my phone last week and I actually ended up finding it on my window sill hahah, maybe check there?"
Nice and smooth.
Peter internally high-fived himself as he watched you pick up your phone from his angle. Followed by your sudden diversion of your attention to your window, then your gasp, and then your funny reaction of rapidly pointing at your window sill like a crazy person, where your mom's phone rested. With a relieved smile, your mom kissed you on your cheek and waved you goodbye, to which you turned red and—to Peter's dismay—closed the curtains. Gee, looks like you really hoped no one saw that exchange of mom kisses.
"Fuck!" Well this sucks. Now Peter can't watch you from your window like a— Ding!
A notification from you! Hooray! Who cares about the window, now he'll get to see the real thing!
"Thanks for the tip, bro! turns out her phone was in the exact location you just sent me— isn't that funny? Anyway, she's leaving soon, so you should probably start getting ready to leave."
Peter sighed, "If only he knew."
The familiar sound of an engine revving up caused Peter to perk up, now paying attention to the car that just pulled out your driveway which could be no other than your parents. Mission complete, Peter could now take action and tame his hormonal tendencies.
"All clear!" You quickly sent him, thinking there was no possible way he was as excited as you were-
Until a knock interrupted your thoughts.
You opened the door, shocked at the sweaty man you saw before you. "Peter?"
"Hi." With a smile like that, you could never have known he had just stripped himself naked and stuffed his suit into his backpack in seconds flat, prior to meeting you.
"But I just sent you the message? How did you get here so fast?" You laughed exasperatedly, ushering him in quickly before your parents could come back and kick him out.
"Love... finds a way?" He chuckled awkwardly, hoping he wouldn't have to explain his stalker-ish tendencies.
You could only shake your head, and laugh as you wasted no more time to pounce on him, letting him pick you up and bring you to the room he was just staring into not long ago. "Wow, strong too." You commented, to which he reacted bashfully.
You patted him on the arm, signalling your desire to descend from the soft pillows Pete calls his biceps. "Okay, this is getting demeaning— put me down."
The bed gave a good tiny bounce as you both settled onto the bed, with you getting comfortable just sitting on his chest. ""Love finds a way," huh?" Peter could only shrug, "Yup." not wanting to say anymore.
"So you love me?" You paraphrased his once thought-through quote, and replaced it with "disastrous gay blurbs."
"Love? Oh, did I say love?- I just meant- I mean, if you want- but I thought we were at the "like-like" stage? But I mean, if you're uncomfortable I can totally just-"
You interrupted him with a cackle, "Like-like stage? You did not just say that." A deadpan expression rested upon your features, something that screamed, "You are better than that." —causing Peter to flush even more than before. "Shut up." He muttered dejectedly, flopping face-first into your pillows. "I thought you were actually offended!" his words were muffled, but the true embarrassment laced in his words still came through.
In your defence, "I was!"
"No, you weren't," Peter corrected, "No, I wasn't." You repeated.
"You're mean." He stated, getting up from his fetal position and throwing one of your pillows at you. "But you love me." You reminded, a shit-eating grin decorating your features, laughing before getting a mouthful of pillow and suddenly, not laughing anymore.
"Correction, I "like-like" you." Peter climbed on top of you, you who had been pillow-beaten to death. "Ugh, back to the "like-like" stage, so much worse than the bro stage!" You feigned despair, a ghost of a smile still peaking through your grimace.
It only took seconds for Peter to make the decision he usually has trouble with— the decision to kiss you.
And let's just say, thank god your parents decided to overnight it at the real estate building.
⊱───── ❝ thank you for reading! ❞ ─────⊰
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