#original text
get in loser, we're healing and falling in love with life again.
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wbfm · 22 days
Are you guys really not calling the ship between Gummigoo and Pomni Pommigoo?? Like come on yall it’s right there and it’s the cutsiest wootsiest thing
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qadmonster · 8 months
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"An effigy of hope. A false god."
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slyratex · 8 months
Sucked dry
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It was a complex spell. But when you saw me in the hotel I spent my vacation in your home town in, you instantly knew I was the right person to try it on. I had many of the attributes you were looking for to test your skills. A young student, an intellectual, an artist. Shy and benign. Slim, androgynous, smooth, naive and unseasoned. So you offered me a drink to lower my defense. Started small talking, nodding and agreeing with everything I said to make me incautious. You complimented on the four traits of mine you admired the most: My rather androgynous appearance, my intelligence, my gentle character and my youthful spirit. I didn’t even get suspicious that you might be after exactly these treasures of mine. And when I was intoxicated and my emotions were putty in your hands, you offered to bring me back to my hotel room.
As soon as the door was unlocked, you pushed me inside, threw it shut and me onto my bed. I stood no chance, dizzy and clumsy as I was, and in mere seconds you positioned me lying in front of you, legs spread open, ass up in the air, offered to you like an open door. You slid kneeled on my bed and slid your shaft inside me, filling my tight hole as far as it went.
Then you started humping me while wanking my cute dick off. I couldn‘t resist, not in actions and not even in words. Your spell had already begun to show its effects on me. You leaned down over me and gave me a forceful kiss, sucking on my mouth and tongue mercilessly to extract the attributes from your victim that you had been looking for.
First you sucked the feminine beauty out of me. As your skin became smoother and your main hair longer and thicker, you saw my hair thin out and my face being manned up by short stubbles. My face became sharper and more defined whereas yours softened. I lost the memories of being a girlish boy and suddenly remembered being a typical rascal in my youth, a misbehaved boy known for showing typical behaviour for boys.
You also sucked my innocence from me, turning me into a smoker from my early adolescence, and making me less naive and more keen. The boy you saw first slowly disappeared as his defining attributes went over to you, substituting him with the guy below.
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But you weren‘t finished yet. You sucked harder and the more you sucked, the more of my intellect you drained out of me. While your IQ rose by at least 60 points, making you a real master mind, mine fell by the same degree, leaving me with a brain so degraded it could barely handle simple math operations. You turned an all A student into a moron, a dim-witted idiot with sleepy eyes, not thinking about any complex or abstract ideas. As my memories were altered further, removing my great high school career and adding memories of bunking off school to meet with my friends in the woods experimenting with alcohol and cigars, my body transformed further, my beard growing, my style in clothes changing. Every thrust of your lower body against my ass banged away another piece of the puzzle that made up my once complex personality.
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There still was a way to go. You had to change my whole personality, as you wanted to have everything I had. The character so many liked me for would certainly be a nice addition to your curriculum. You stripped me of my gentleness, my generosity, my shy and reluctant behaviour, all the things which people found cute about me. As my lungs and my heart turned more black and my education was erased, I started to think of the many fights I had when I was a young adult. How many nights I had to spent in jail. My hair receded further and became thinner, leaving me almost bald, but my beard grew thick and long and gave me a fierce look. Nothing was left of my trustworthy face. Tattoos appeared on my skin, making my appearance fit my character. In this new person there was no room for creativity, for philosophy, for an interest in art and literature. All this became totally irrelevant to me, while you took my talents in these areas from me and added them to your own perks. You knew people would love you for your charisma from now on, while I had become a guy causing those who I held close before our encounter to change the side of the street to avoid him.
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One last step to make your spell complete. You still had one of my traits to steal. So you sucked and sucked, humping me more violently and speeding up your hand movements to jerk me off. I spasmed and cramped as my body underwent the hardest change of this transformation. Dizzily looking up to you and down on me I saw the traces of age the years had left on your body disappear. You became younger. How many years, I can‘t say. As many as separated you from the age of a college student. You felt your health improve, you became more athletic and more beautiful.
Meanwhile I experienced the opposite. You drained all of my youth from me you needed to reach the age I had before, but I grew older and older. My face was marked by wrinkles, my beard grew thicker, longer and greyer. More smoke filled my lungs and my belly inflated until it fitted a middle-aged man who obviously had enjoyed his life. My personality, already stripped of my high intellect and my well-educated character, now completed the U turn as most of my conditioning changed, everything I grew up with in the late 90s and early 2000s was deleted and the millennial in me basically died. He made place for an early Gen X man or even a late boomer. And this changed everything for me. I suddenly remembered many years that had never been there before. I had grown up with far more conservative values, I had a wild youth and then settled for a more traditional life. I had spent decades working a blue collar job.
And as I realised what was happening, a gigantic orgasm built up inside me. I tried to stop it as I wanted to resist the transformation that had already happened, but it was too late. I started grunting with a deep, manly voice, rough from all the decades of smoking and drinking. Meanwhile the twink boy humping me let out a high and girlish scream. You released the last shots of spunk that were produced by your old self into my ass to give the last of the properties that you wanted to leave behind to me.
Simultaneously, I ejaculated the last remains of who I was into your hands. I cursed in my mind, but with the first shot, my anger over the transformation disappeared. The second shot I released released me from any other negative feelings about this, leaving me with a neutral attitude towards your deed. The third shot came and I started to like it. A fourth shot of cum turned that into joy and acceptance, as I realised it wasn‘t so bad after all. The orgasm continued with a fifth shot that awoke a certain gratitude to you. With the sixth shot the new personality and the evaluation of it as not only something acceptable, but even something preferable to what was before was completely embedded in my mind. And then the last, the seventh shot of spunk left me and with it went every last rest of who I was, including the memory of this evening. As the orgasm ebbed away, I didn‘t even know anymore I was transformed, as your spell was complete.
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I lied on the hotel bed exhausted, looking down on my body. I was fat, old, bearded, hairy, scruffy, rough, bearish, tattooed, greying, wrinkled, a full man. Well, the man I always was. Lighting up a smoke I looked at the twink kneeling in front of me. You pulled your dick out of my ass while licking up the jizz from your fragile hands. What a filthy millennial bitch you are! You gave me a horny grin and stood up. You put the money into your bag. Now that I tried the passive role for the first time, I knew it wasn‘t for me. „How about we do it the other way around and I show you how it actually works?“, I mocked you. „Sorry, but you didn‘t pay for that,“ you replied and gave me a wink, „I know you crave a beautiful young lad like me. But this was a one time thing and I think it is time you start looking for guys in your league again, gramps.“ Before I could complain, you left my hotel room. I stroked my hairy belly, and as soon as the door fell shut behind you, I started wanking my thick, manly cock again, fantasising about fucking the enviable young twink I will probably never meet again. I wonder what his life is like…
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zoeflake · 6 months
Forests are temples where ALL are welcome; where every 'God' man has ever imagined dwells.
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text-colourer · 7 months
you should kiss @i-remove-color-from-posts
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wishfulsketching · 7 months
Another text about Lu Zhen, Long Min and Dayi when they are still on their way to the Water Temple.
It's a small little moment that was written a while back, but after some editing, we decided it's good enough to post! Hope you like it!
Made some art for this fluffy text:
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bizarre-bait · 11 months
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A little book I made for final assessment in illustration (they said I went I bit to far with it lol)
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bridgetotheotherside · 8 months
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Inntar Rådhusteatret i Ski: – Drikk gjerne litt før du kommer
Østlandets Blad, 29.09.2023 [$] [video]
Ylvis spiller akkurat nå inn sitt nye tv-show i Rådhusteatret i Ski. ØB tok en prat med gutta underveis i øvingene. Se videointervju øverst i artikkelen, og le deg gjennom vårt møte med artistene.
SKI: Denne høsten har Ylvis inntatt, eller skal vi kanskje si invadert, Rådhusteatret i Ski. Der skal de spille inn ti show for TV 2. Disse programmene skal vises på TV 2 til våren.
Allerede tidlig i mars ble Rand og de andre på Rådhusteatret kontaktet av Concord tv som står bak produksjonen. Etter en omvisning i teateret i Ski, ble valget tatt og til høsten kommer brødrene, sammen med et stort crew, til Ski for å lage TV-underholdning.
Til sammen 4750 publikummere kan få med seg disse innspillingene før det skal strømmes og kringkastes til våren.
Men hvorfor akkurat Ski? Det kommer vi nærmere tilbake til.
Men hva er konseptet?
ØB spør Bård og Vegard Ylvisåker om de kan forklare hva konseptet er.
– Det lurer vi også på. Vi prøver å finne ut av det, sier de to tørrvittig, for de fortsetter med konseptbeskrivelsen.
– Det er kort fortalt et slags musikkvissprogram, der jeg og Bård skal konkurrere mot hverandre. Vi får med oss en kjent gjest hver i hvert program, og den konstellasjonen med våre gjester blir to band, som skal oppstå i begynnelsen av programmet, og mot slutten stikker den denne av med gullplate, mens det andre badet oppløses og havner i rennesteinen, sier Vegard.
– Det gøye med programmet er at vi og de vet lite på forhånd. Det begynner med kostymer som vi aldri har sett før, og så er det rett ut på scenen og vi må finne på alt. Så det kan bli mye drit, sier Vegard.
Bård fortsetter:
– Dette er jo ikke Beat for Beat, men det er som vi liker å gjøre, nemlig å ta tak i et format og riste litt i det. Det er et musikkviss-format, men vi gjør det på vårt vis, sier han.
Publikum må nok forvente seg en del overraskelser. Ingenting er øvd inn på forhånd, og alt blir improvisert i studio.
– Vi må finne på mye der og da. Det blir et slags improbasert kvisshow med kjente gjester. Vi har hatt det veldig gøy og har laget en rekke innslag allerede. Det er en del latter, og vi håper det blir like gøy for seerne som for oss.
Bror mot bror
I brødrenes noe kreative beskrivelse av konseptet, tenker jeg vi bør videreformidle det som står i pressemeldinga fra TV2:
«Ylvis mot Ylvis» er tittelen på Bård og Vegard Ylvisåkers aller første programserie på TV 2. Det splitter nye programkonseptet beskrives av TV 2 som et humoristisk musikkprogram hvor Ylvis-brødrene leder hvert sitt kjendislag som skal konkurrere mot hverandre i elleville musikalske konkurranser. Ingenting er øvd inn på forhånd, alt blir improvisert i studio, så her kan absolutt alt skje.
Som programleder har Bård og Vegard fått med seg selveste Emilie Nicolas, som debuterer som programleder. Blant kjendisene som skal være med på moroa, finner vi Jakob Schøyen Andersen, Martha Leivestad, Calle Hellevang-Larsen, Natalie Bjerke Roland med flere.
Derfor valgte de Nordre Follo
ØB spør om hvorfor i all verden de endte opp med å velge Ski som innspillingssted.
– Det var internasjonalt press som førte oss hit. Folk i utlandet sier til oss: «You should try Ski, yeah». Vi liker jo å ligge litt foran. Oslo er en by i vekst, og snart er jo dette midt i sentrum av Oslo, så vi vil være først, sier de to med glimt i øyet.
ØB spør om de har hatt tid til å se seg om i «storbyen» Ski. Det har vært sparsommelig med det.
– Det har vært litt lite foreløpig, men vi har jo vært rundt i Ski før. Vi har kjørt rundt her i en elektrisk bil og skremt folk med toghorn en gang. Det er mange lettskremte folk i Ski. Ellers så har det vært en del pendling mellom kulturhuset og storsenteret. Jeg har kjøpt noen lamper her i lampebutikken, men de ble ødelagt begge to. Det var dårlig kvalitet. Det er sørgelig, sier Vegard.
– Har dere testa noen spisesteder, da?
– Nei, egentlig ikke. Vi så stedet No. 4, så jeg kunne tenke meg å spise der, men vi har så dårlig tid at vi har måttet spise sushi. Men den var god, sier Vegard.
Alltid videre
Ylvis-brødrene har holdt på med underholdning i 20 år. Men hvor finner de egentlig inspirasjonen fra og kreativiteten?
– Kreativitet er det mange som bruker mystisk men ofte er det misnøye. Det klør, og man er ikke fornøyd, så man ikke har det bra, så man setter seg f.eks. foran tv-en og tenker «alt er bare dritt. Det er dritt på tv. Jeg må lage noe som er bedre enn dette», og så prøver man, og så får man det ikke til., sier Bård.
– Vi har laget et talkshow på fem sesonger. Men så begynte vi å kjede oss, og måtte gjøre noe annet.
Ber folk ta seg en pinne og komme
Brødrene har en klar oppfordring til folk i Ski og omegn:
– Bortsett fra det åpenbare, som å respektere hverandre, «God damn it», bruk sikkerhetsbelte, puss tenner, ikke drikk for mye, selv om det er lov å ta seg en pinne ei ny og ne. Det må være lov å kose seg i Ski òg. Men kom og se på oss, for Guds skyld. For blir det skikkelig drit, blir det bare denne ene sesongen, så ikke gå glipp av det.
– Vi håper folk kommer med en respektløs energi. De kan rope, nesten ta med tomater men helst ikke, for det blir så grisete, men hvis du kommer, drikk deg gjerne litt opp på forhånd. Det løser voldsomt opp i stemningen, avslutter de.
De ansatte ved Rådhusteatret i Ski har ikke fått noen konkrete arbeidsoppgaver ennå, men skal i første omgang bare være verter for både crew og publikum. Selve innspillingene vil foregå i løpet av tre uker. Selskapet bak produksjonen har leid Rådhusteatret mandag og tirsdag i disse ukene. Det vil bli to innspillinger de fleste av disse dagene og nytt publikum til hver innspilling.
Dermed er det bare å glede seg til programmet er ferdig innspilt. Enn så lenge kan du ta turen og være publikum. Ønsker du ikke dette, får du vente til programmet er premiereklart en gang til våren.
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nutterbutterdogger · 4 months
Thinking I should make some original posts to balance out all the reblogs. Got something juicy in the pipeline but if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.
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I wish I could be normal about affection but my love language is merging souls😮‍💨
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taminoarticles · 2 years
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— Tamino for ODDA Magazine, No. 23 / Fall/Winter 2022-23 / Spring 2023 (x)
"When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object," says Milan Kundera in his masterpiece, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being," Tamino's favorite novel. And it is that the music of this young Belgian-Egyptian singer cannot come from anywhere other than a heart that harbors feelings as pure as longing or melancholy. At 25 years old, Tamino has turned into a musical reference due to his complex themes and his deep and emotional voice that became known for the acclaimed song "Habibi," instant success in 2018. His first album, "Amir," was not long in coming to confirm his undoubted talent, capable of conquering even musicians like Colin Greenwood, a member of Radiohead and Tamino's frequent collaborator. Now, after taking a break from all this whirlwind of emotions, he returns to the spotlight determined to move us with "Sahar," his sophomore album, released at the end of September 2022, that shows us a more vitalistic and tender side of the singer, who takes us by the hand to guide us through the boulevard of broken hearts. Could there be a better company?
JUAN MARTI SERRANO. Hello Tamino, it is a pleasure to meet you! I'd like to talk a little about your past. You started in the music industry at a very young age, when you were only 14 years old, creating your own music band. Now, at 25, when you look back, how do you remember those years?
TAMINO. When I was 14, I started out playing in bands very locally in Belgium so I wouldn't call it "the music industry yet," we were performing but not making any money. That period of my life taught me a lot about band dynamics and sound checks, some stuff you have to learn. At 17, I went to study in Amsterdam and I started performing just by myself. Suddenly, when I created my first song in 2017, stuff started happening, I was 19-20 years old. Those years were quite crazy, a rollercoaster, a lot happened in a short amount of time. I was never home, touring all the time...
J.M.S. What was more fun, those old days or just now?
T. I couldn't say. There are aspects of it now that are more fun and there are aspects of before that are also more fun. The weird thing is that I've always taken this very seriously, in that sense nothing has really changed. If I would play in a small cafe show when I was 17 in Amsterdam I would take it as seriously as I am taking the show now. I don’t allow myself to go crazy like drinking the night before or whatever. I'm quite boring in that sense, I'm very dedicated to the shows and what I’m doing, I always want quality. I guess the scale is the only thing that has changed.
"I'm an introvert so that's where I get my energy, when I'm alone, I recharge my batteries." - Tamino
J.M.S. What lessons have you learned during all these years?
T. That I don’t really like traveling! [laughs.] I mean, I love being in other places, I love meeting new people and cultures but I don't like traveling itself. I know some people like flying, but I really hate it, I hate all the waiting around it. At the same time, when you are on tour with the same people all the time, sometimes in close spaces, I concluded, "Yes, I’m an introvert." I need time for myself, I need to read, to have space. That's the main thing that I have learned.
J.M.S. Have you ever thought about a life not linked to music? Have you ever contemplated a future detached from your role as a singer?
T. First, I really loved acting and directing. I was always making these little theater plays and forcing my little brother to participate in them. That was actually my first passion, I really, really loved it. I took it very seriously as well even though I was fucking eight years old or whatever. I acted until I was 15 or 16 along with the music but music eventually took over. The funny thing is that now my brother is an actor and a director. That was basically the only other aspiration I ever had.
J.M.S. Have you ever thought of revisiting your acting passion?
T. If I do anything with it I would really need to take it as seriously as music. It couldn't be a part-time thing, it would require a lot of my time and effort. I should just be able to give it my everything.
J.M.S. You consider yourself a composer before a musician. I would like to know what inspires you the most when creating your sound and your lyrics.
T. I really don’t know! [laughs] I think that’s the beauty of songwriting, you simply don’t know where it comes from. If I think about books or other music, yes. I can tell you about several people that inspire me the most. I really love reading a lot because it’s sort of this in-depth perspective of someone else’s life or whatever which is super inspiring for me. Something about reading a book makes me want to write a song as well. But the biggest thing of course is just living. The main thing behind my songwriting has always been finding a sort of inner world, also to work through things. I don't want to call it therapy because it is an art form and not every song must be autobiographical, it is just a place where I can let my emotions be and refine them in a way.
J.M.S. Now I am very curious to know what your favorite book is...
T. I really love "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera.
J.M.S. And tell me, when it comes to composing the narrative of your music, I would like to know if they are based on your own experiences or on the experiences of others. Do you find more inspiration in your life or in the lives of others?
T. I guess it's always a combination. You go through life experiencing whatever comes across your path but you are also an observer. It is always a little bit of both. I have to say that when something impactful happens to me there is of course an inner tension that wants to get out of me. That's the most natural state of being when wanting to create something. If that isn't there, life can be sometimes very still or dynamic, then it’s more a craftsmanship thing. I couldn't say if one stage is better than the other. I don't necessarily think that the best song comes from this struggle and tense state of being or maybe of the observer state of being. Both influence each other, it's like a dance.
J.M.S. Don't you think that many times writing music forces you to constantly immerse yourself in your memories and experiences as if it were an eternal and exhausting spiral of introspection?
T. It's the other way around [laughs.] It's not being a musician that makes me think about all those things all the time; it is just the fact that I always think about those things that probably made me into a musician. That it's just how I am and how I've always been. There is this beautiful song called "I Watched The Film The Song Remains The Same" by Sun Kil Moon. In this song, the singer thinks about his childhood and compares his friends to himself and how he always was drawn to the melancholic aspects of things and how things never leave him. He once had a fight at school and how that event is going to haunt him forever. I really relate to that emotion, to that song. That's probably the main reason why I make stuff.
J.M.S. Being a melancholic and nostalgic person but at the same time young and sensitive, have you ever stopped to think about what the hell you really know about life?
T. Of course! [laughs.] When you are a bit younger you think you know everything, you think you are invincible but of course, that grows out of you quickly normally when you grow into adulthood. I don't think being a songwriter is about knowing things, it’s more about exploring them and accepting the fact that you don’t know anything and you are just figuring it all out. I think that figures out all-out aspects of it that people relate to in a way because at the end if you look at songs from whatever era, you find similar things. Human experiences are not very different from each other.
J.M.S. Are you hoping to figure things out?
T. Yeah! You are always trying to figure things out I guess.
J.M.S. Your single "Habibi" made you reach fame back in 2018, a song that was highly applauded by the public and critics. How do you feel when you listen to that song? Do you still recognize yourself in those lyrics?
T. I recognize the boy who wrote it at the time. I was 18 so I have a lot of love for that younger self. It was a very courageous song to release especially at that age. I'm super happy that I did that at the end. It is still a song that I love performing. The beautiful thing about songs is that they evolve with you. When I'm singing it now,the feeling I get from the  song is different. There are so many memories attached to the song that come back and give me a similar feeling as it did back then, but the song changes a bit with you. It keeps on surprising me.
J.M.S. The same year [2018] you released your first album, "Amir." How do you remember the moment of releasing that first great work?
T. I was definitely nervous but at the same time, I was feeling like I had made something you really believe in and you are fully behind it. You feel that whatever happens to this, whatever opinions it can receive, this is what you wanted to make so it doesn't really matter. Well, it matters but at the same time it doesn't [laughs.] Let’s say hypothetically if I would have made an album that I wasn't proud of and I would release it feeling that it wasn't what I wanted to do, the bad opinions would have made me feel broken because I would be thinking "I knew it wasn’t good!" If I really like the work and someone doesn't like it it’s fine, I'm still going to like it. The curse of writing albums is that the moment you finish it a couple of months later you totally like hearing all the flaws and it’s very motivational because it drives you to start writing again and to try to make a follow-up with fewer flaws [laughs.]
"Right now I'm super focused on music, I really want to make a third album. I want to write a lot of songs in the next few months even though I know that's going to be super busy." - Tamino
J.M.S. But the reception of your album was really great!
T. I know [laughs.] But I can hear all the things I could have done better or just differently. One work drives the other.
J.M.S. In one of her songs, Spanish singer, Rosalia, mentions that fame is a bad lover. Nowadays, being famous entails enduring an intrusion into private life and overexposure to social media. How has your experience with fame been after gaining attention through your songs?
T. Fame is a very subjective term. In some sorts of bubbles, you can be famous, but in others, people don’t know you at all. Before social media, if you were famous, you were really famous. But now it’s like a big group of people know you but then a bigger group of people have never heard anything about you, so I wouldn't be able to call myself “famous.” I have experienced aspects of fame when I’m performing, because a lot of people who know my music have come together and maybe want to meet me in person after the show. And it can be overwhelming because suddenly there are a lot of people who have heard your music and want to express their love. But if I’m just walking on the street there are not enough people who really know me, rather it would be annoying. I feel really happy with my level of fame or whatever you want to call it, because it is really spread or very concentrated when I’m performing. Otherwise, I have a very normal life.
J.M.S. Look, I think if you have your own Wikipedia page, you're famous!
T. Oh, man! Then a lot of people can be considered famous! [laughs]
J.M.S. Singer, Lykke Li, declared that “sadness is a blessing.” Do you think that for artists it is totally true when it comes to finding inspiration?
T. Definitely. I've found many emotions inspirational. I guess sadness and joy are quite connected, they can’t be without each other. You can only be joyful because you know what sadness is like. The same thing goes for sadness. I like the yin-yang of that. That's basically everything. Everything comes down to that.
J.M.S. You say that you don’t like to explain your own songs, you prefer that everyone interprets them. So if we go by that idea there is not just one Tamino, but many versions of you for every person who listens to your songs, right?
T. Yes! I think people do that anyway. Life happens inside our consciousness so everyone has their own perspective. There are many versions of you because in everybody's mind you are somehow a bit different. There would never be one singular vision of a person.
J.M.S. This makes me think a bit about the mystery and how overexposed artists are today because of social media. You have managed to stay out of all that madness and remain very enigmatic. Do you think it’s important for an artist to be somehow untouchable and unreachable?
T. I do like some mystery [laughs.] In the first place as a fan of other artists I like it when they are not too revealing because I don’t want to know everything about them, I just want to experience their work. At the same time, I read for example a biography about Leonard Cohen because I was interested in his life. I do like some mystery and I think it is important for people to be able to experience the work as pure as possible.
J.M.S. After having listened to “Sahar,” I am left with the feeling that one of the main themes is loneliness. I would like to ask you, do you usually feel lonely or do you consider yourself a solitary person? Or otherwise, have you learned how to embrace loneliness and be comfortable with it?
T. Rather a solitary person than lonely. I don’t really feel lonely because I have really good friends. Loneliness is more about a state of being that you can feel from time to time and when you feel it you can dwell in it or call a friend and hang out. I do that when I feel lonely but I'm also very ok with being alone because it’s the only way I'm able to create. I’m an introvert so that’s where I get my energy, when I'm alone, I recharge my batteries.
J.M.S. One of my favorite songs on the album, “The Longing,” talks about letting go. Do you think you are someone who holds on to people or even memories or is it easy for you to let go?
T. I'm still figuring that out. I don’t know yet if I’m a super sentimental person who is very nostalgic and dwells in the past or someone who is quite always moving forward. Maybe I’m someone in between.
J.M.S. In “Sahar” through songs like “The First Disciple,” you talk about love and desire. At 25 years old, do you think our generation correctly understands what love is about?
T. I wouldn't be able to say what love is about, I don’t even know. That's a difficult question to answer. There is something about the whole dating app era that is a bit weird but at the same time, I have a lot of friends who found love, even myself. I would never say that we are a lost generation, we are very capable of love, finding it, and maintaining it. It just takes some work.
J.M.S. In both records, “Sahar” and “Amir,” you can perceive that the great influence of bands like Radiohead is prominent. Actually, a component of the band participated in a single of your first album, “Indigo Night.” I would like to know your personal and musical connection with the band led by Thom Yorke.
T. Colin Greenwood, the bassist of Radiohead, was the one who played with us in that song, then we started touring together a bit, and then I asked him to play again in the new album so he plays in seven songs! We spent a lot of time in the studio and we already did a big concert in Istanbul in June. He is super.
“I guess sadness and joy are quite connected, they can’t be without each other. You can only be joyful because you know what sadness is like. The same thing goes for sadness.” - Tamino
J.M.S. Ok, we spoke about music, your “personality” as an artist… Tell us more about who Tamino is.
T. Well I can tell you that my favorite movie is “Phantom Thread.”
J.M.S. That movie in which the fashion designer lets himself be poisoned by his girlfriend in a kind of psycho-emotional game?
T. Yes! Love that movie! When I was a kid my favorite movies were “The Lord of the Rings” and they still sort of are.
J.M.S. Love “Lord of the Rings”, so homoerotic!
T. Which character makes you think those movies are homoerotic?
J.M.S. Most of them. All those sweaty and dirty men sleeping together in those dark and mysterious forests with voyeuristic trees with eyes spying on them...
T. Maybe I should rewatch them!
J.M.S. And Frodo and Sam, of course! Something between them was going on!
T. Oh yes! I can understand that!
J.M.S. And favorite musician?
T. So many! Anouar Brahem’s “Blue Maqams” has really inspired me for this album. The typical ones I have mentioned so many times like Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan, Fairuz... I think when I really like something I always go back to it, that’s probably something that is very present in my personality. I have loyalty to those kinds of things. I rarely have anything like this new thing that I’m super into. I like a lot of things but I don’t love a lot of things. If I love something, it is with me forever in a way. There are a couple of books and movies that I would always go back to and I probably always talk about.
J.M.S. Any TV shows?
T. “Better Call Saul!” Just brilliant!
J.M.S. Let's talk about fashion, an industry that has been seduced by you since we all got to discover your music. Some houses such as Missoni included you in their advertising campaign and many others requested your presence in their shows. What is the meaning of fashion for Tamino and how do you go through your style?
T. I like just wearing clothes that make me feel I would say “I like myself,” but it depends on the day. Sometimes I like to wear a suit, sometimes I like to wear a t-shirt. What I'm wearing needs to make me feel aligned with the mood I'm in because then I feel that my interactions with people are better. I think that wearing what makes you feel comfortable that day makes you more connected to yourself.
J.M.S. Do you pay attention to the clothes you wear?
T. I definitely pay attention to what I wear. I love well-made clothes and good fabrics and designs. I really appreciate the quality. There are some brands that I'm really into like Yohji Yamamoto.
J.M.S. Would you like to participate actively and frequently in the world of fashion?
T. It’s funny because it was never an ambition when I was younger. It was something that just happened. It’s super cool but I’m very sober in fashion. It’s not like I’ve ever had a deep desire to make it in fashion, if something comes along and feels right like I really want to do it, then for sure!
J.M.S. Now that you have a well-grounded career in music and the support of specialized critics and your fans, what is the next step for Tamino?
T. First, we have the tour coming so I hope I will be able to enjoy it more this time, to be more at the moment. Right now I’m super focused on music, I really want to make a third album. I want to write a lot of songs in the next few months even though I know that’s going to be super busy. I want to spend some time in New York or anywhere else that can feel inspired. It’s time for something new.
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qadmonster · 8 months
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“through madness comes clarity. it is not a descent, it is an ascension beyond the mundane and material. eyes that see only truth and a tongue that speaks the divine language beyond the veil shall let it be known that godhood is obtainable and there is no return.”
That is what is written.
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Egy ember kivérez, és a vére pipacsokat fest az utcakőre. Törött autóvázból és csillogó üvegszemcsékből kápolna emelkedik fölé. Ki akarod próbálni, mert az hallottad, a pipacsból ópium készül, álladon a bőr hólyagosra ég. De a máknak nincs íze, és előbb-utód ott kell hagynod a tett színhelyét, fanyalogva és grimaszolva a szembejövőkre, akik visszagrimaszolnak, szemük téged nem lát. Kevés értelme van, ha még a sárga útra sem jutsz el. Az ég kék vásznát ma lejjebb vonták. Lassan kitakarja a horizontot.
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text-colourer · 9 months
Uhh... hey? What's going on here? Oh! This is Tumblr! Uh, hello! I'm kinda... I don't know. But. I have these highlighters! I think posts should have a bit more colouration to them, so I'll do that! Yeah!
Tags: #original text - My original posts! #coloured post - Not my posts! #rp stuff - What it says on the tin! #asked and answered - Asks!
Enjoy the blog!
dw for unreality i'll tag it
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wishfulsketching · 7 months
Another(shorter) text of Lu Zhen and Long Min! This time of them in the future, when they're still having their adventures and being very much in love....but not everyone finds it adorable.
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