#outdoor therapy
ecomehdi · 7 months
Natural Remedies for Anxiety: Finding Peace in Nature's Embrace 24
Life’s hustle and bustle can often leave us feeling overwhelmed and anxious. In such moments, turning to nature’s embrace can be a soothing balm for our restless minds. This article explores natural remedies for anxiety, providing simple yet effective ways to find tranquility amidst the chaos. Natural remedies Understanding Anxiety Anxiety is not your enemy; it’s your body’s way of signaling…
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vishalmarali · 1 year
7 Miraculous Benefits of Being in Nature | Heal with Nature | Self Heal |
These lesser-known benefits highlight the transformative power of nature on our mental and overall well-being, encouraging us to prioritize spending time in natural environments for optimal health.
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richs-pics · 2 months
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Female wheatear
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hope-fleeting · 2 years
If you've got time take the survery
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rebeccathenaturalist · 9 months
One of the toughest things I have to balance out as someone who is trained in and advocates for ecopsychology and ecotherapy is the use of the restorative properties of nature versus the impacts our time in nature can have on other living beings. There are scads of studies that support the many mental and physical benefits for us when we spend even a little time outdoors.
But I think this article (which you can read in full here) does raise some important points. Almost all wildlife are dealing with some level of habitat loss and fragmentation, and if sensitive species are being pushed out of what's left due to human presence, then that puts them at greater risk of extinction. There's still more research to do on this subject, of course, to include seeing which species are most heavily affected and which activities have the greatest negative impact. The results could help us to be more judicious in where and how we engage with the outdoors, especially in less populated areas.
I don't think we should just stop going to any place wilder than a city park. Part of how we ended up in our current situation with widespread ecological devastation is an increasing perceived separation from the rest of nature. The more time we spend in direct contact with other non-domesticated species, the more we learn about them and the more responsibility we feel toward them. And there's something very healing about the awe one experiences when seeing an elusive wild animal, even at a distance, or being immersed in a wild place that makes us feel we are a part of something so much greater than ourselves.
But we really do need to be paying attention to and asking questions about the side effects of our journeys into wilder nature, and then using that to help keep adjusting the balance between our needs and those of other living beings. I look forward to seeing more studies on this topic.
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androdconstruction · 11 months
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.
~ Alfred Austin
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mizar113 · 2 years
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kurtoutdoorman · 5 months
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oflgtfol · 2 months
i was talking to my therapist last week about how i'm kinda excited but also equally apprehensive about starting grad school this fall because yes, i so so desperately needed a gap year otherwise i think i literally would have killed myself and/or had a breakdown big enough to land me in the hospital, and even beyond that i just needed to figure out a more concrete plan of what i'm going to do with my life in general -- while all of that is true, and i'm glad i took the gap year for it, i'm also apprehensive because i genuinely feel like an entirely different person than i was even at this exact point in time last year, nevermind anything earlier than that. it's only been a single year of me being out of school but my life has changed so dramatically, mostly for the better, and my whole personality has flipped on its head, it's just going to be so fucking weird going back to the same school, the same campus, potentially seeing my old friends around. augh
#sorry i was trying to find a post in my music tag in my archive and i scrolled so far back i got all the way to april 2023#where i referenced sitting in a dining hall#and its like. DINING HALL ?!?!?!#im going to be sitting in the fucking dining hall again in just like four months. UGH#brot posts#it's almost similar to the separation between high school and college. where i feel like hs me was completely different than college me#and now only a mere year later i feel like. post-undergrad me is completely different than undergrad me#although now that separation is exacerbated by how short a time it was and just HOW drastic a change it was#like . a bitch goes on antidepressants suddenly theyre a whole new person.#like im lowkey excited to see my old classmates and friends again#but i also am dreading it bc like hi. hey. i have the same name and face as the person you knew but i'm someone else now. sorry#and also just the persistent fear that i'm going to regress or at least even just /feel/ like im regressing#just by being back in that environment again?#even if i'll be on meds this time and actually going to therapy and overall having so much more support than i did in the past#so as nostalgic as i am to be on campus again it's also like. hard to separate the present from the past#like despite it all. this bathroom was still the very same place i went to have a mental breakdown weekly#this bench outdoors was the place i sat by myself to eat lunch in the blistering cold bc i couldnt eat indoors during covid 2020-2021#this bench indoors was where my friends had an intervention with me and forced me to call the on-campus mental health services#just . idk. feeling a strange mix of nostalgia and also being haunted by bad memories#oh the woes of going to grad school at the same place you got your undergrad. While mentally ill#but alas i need to save money by commuting and having instate tuition
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honeycombhank · 3 months
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3.18 miles today
After we both had our separate therapy sessions, my love and I took Nelly along with us, she really slowed our pace but I’m happy she was able to experience the walk as well.
I think she will have good doggy dreams
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cycles-seasons · 2 years
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ira-evgraf · 3 months
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richs-pics · 6 months
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Male blackbird amongst rowan berries
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system-of-a-feather · 3 months
Dude I'm honestly so over California and it's polished Polly Pocket Barbie Mansion ass "environment" and the sheer lack of any authentic nature and environment. It's awful. Let me go back to Colorado where there are actual natural NATURE not this plastic ass place.
What do you mean I don't have to drive 15+ minutes out to see any remnants of the natural land a city was built on what?
What do you mean I don't have to settle for well polished lawns of artificially green grass and non-native trees planted to make it look like "nature"?
Get me out of this capitalist half-assed-liberal state.
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strathshepard · 5 months
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Klipsch outdoor speaker that looks like a rock. Works great in a small apartment too, such as mine.
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noshemybro · 2 days
Shooting in the rain, therapy session..
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