#pilea peperomioides
shadyufo · 3 days
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This is the time of year when I usually do a lot of work propagating some of my houseplants. My UFO plant I bought as a baby four or five years ago (the very tall one in the first photo haha) has produced at least forty or fifty children in the last few years. I've got about a dozen more smaller ones that all came from it (two pictured in the next photos) but I've also sold a bunch of them and given a few dozen away to family and friends too. Definitely one of my favorite plants <3 It's right at three feet tall and it takes a lot of scaffolding to hold it up now, haha.
Here are some of its children and grandchildren I repotted today.
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Also worked on this cactus family recently. All of them were crammed in that empty pot—they were so tight in there they warped the shape of the pot!
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And check out this itty bitty one. It's already grown a bit in the couple of weeks since I transplanted it.
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theroadtofairyland · 7 months
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Watercolor On Black Paper
2023, 11"x 14"
Pilea pepermioides, Chinese Money Plant
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los-plantalones · 3 months
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shadows | part 1
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fixaidea · 5 months
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Proof that some plants just want to be left alone:
This is Mina. Mina is a Pilea peperomioides. Last spring I chucked her, a stump with half a leaf barely hanging on, out into the garden and did not touch her all summer. This is how she looks like now.
(She's currently getting a bath and a pesticide spray as the spider plant next to her got scale. Thankfully no sign of them on her, but better safe than sorry.)
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lovericeart · 11 months
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Got to the stage in life where plants are a core part of my identity 😅
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learnasigrow · 27 days
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May 15, 2024
GUYS. I can't believe how much this has grown since my update 3 weeks ago. The flowers have gotten significantly taller, I swear there are more leaves, and there are new leaves about to come up from the center as well. And there's another pup coming up out of the soil (see second photo). It makes me so happy!
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trashcatsaladbar · 4 months
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catboy-a-day · 4 months
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catboy 6 ! pilea kitty :33
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seekdestr0y · 9 months
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my room in its natural state
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plus a mini Under the Red Hood reference :)
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chetom · 11 months
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🍓🌱 alcohol marker doodles to test color palettes ✨
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theroadtofairyland · 7 months
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Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise
Watercolor On Black Paper
2023, 11"x 14"
Pilea pepermioides, Chinese Money Plant
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omgplants · 10 months
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I had no idea it flowered!
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it's my birthday now i'm gonna talk about my new plants!!!
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Dracaena masoniana or 'whale fin' are probably my favourite kinds of snake plants, on account of them being literally 1 leaf. I've been wanting one of these for a long time so I have a little treasure trove of random facts already stored in my head.
Leaves can grow up to three feet inside, and are often grown as a single leaf plant, though as you can see this plant can grow multiple. contrary to what you might think when you see this picture, each leaf is actually very sturdy and thick.
the one I have is quite young but as they age they become darker (I seen an absolutely ginormous one when I was getting this one)
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Pilea peperomioides or Pass It One Plant (named for the fact this it always has little plant babies you can plant in another pot and give as a gift, which, cute)
This one has also been on the list of plants I want mostly because like all of my other plants, it looks a little weird. Adding to the weird look (or making it I guess) is the fact that the stem connects just off center of the leaf, while most plants have stems that connect to the ends of the leaves.
like many house plants this one is low light! (though most low lights actually tend to do well in indirect light) this one is also non toxic!
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Senecio rowleyanus or more commonly know as string of pearls is a vine succulent with some very neat looking orbs that they use to store water (these are the leafs and like all succulents they tend to store more water than other plants, making them a great choice for people who forget to water their plants)
These little guys are toxic so don't eat them and don't let your pets eat them (worry not. This on is wayyyy out of reach of the cats)
These funky looking plant vines can grow to two and maybe even three feet (under the right conditions) With better photos of the 'pearls you can actually see a translucent stripe that runs lengthwise. This stripe is there for optimized photosynthesis, but is also helpful to let you know when they need to be watered because then they're running low on water and the 'pearls' appear to pucker.
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Maranta leuconeura or Prayer plant
This unique plant gets it's name from that fact that during the day it's leaves stay open and flat as you can see here, but during the night they close like praying hands.
Like many of the plants I've been talking about, this one also darkens in colourization as it ages, and adds red stripes to the outside of the leaves. This amazing plant can also reach up to one foot indoors.
This plant is native to the Brazilian tropical forest but has been popularized as a house plant over time.
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Monstera Deliciosa or just Monstera
I actually already have one of these but compared to my little four leaf plant, this on is practically a tree. I don't know if you can tell from the picture but this thing is massive we're talking like 3 feet tall already with leaves bigger than my cats (even the fat one)
The size is probably also one of the appealing aspects of this plant, which can grow up ten to fifteen feet tall and eight feet wide, and leaves that can measure up to eighteen inches across.
These pants actually get the latter part of their name Deliciosa as they are actually a fruit bearing plant. it can take around two to three years for it to bear fruit, and then it takes the fruit ten months to ripen. You'll want to wait for it ripen too, because eating unripened fruit can cause serious burns to your throat. I've heard the wait and risk are well worth it though because it has been described as one of the best tasting fruits out there (often being called the fruit salad plant because the fruit tastes like many fruits all at once?)
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conallcurach · 8 months
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Two little plants I finished today.
First one is a mint and the second one is a Pilea.
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learnasigrow · 27 days
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May 15, 2024
Time for an update on my Pilea peperomioides baby! I cut this from my larger Pilea plant a couple months ago and repotted it on its own, and it's showing a lot of growth since then. I'm so happy!! I got a new planter for it (though I keep the plant itself in a farm pot inside the ceramic planter) and i think it's super cute. I think it'll be really fun when the Pilea grows taller and begins to look like idea bubbles or a brainstorm, or even some funky hairstyle for the planter. I'm enjoying myself lol
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nh-art · 2 years
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On my window sill I
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