#rediscovering passion for the ship and stuff
nonbinaryeye · 1 year
Lonelyeyes as a flavour of "what if they were absolutely unfit for any normal relationship but also were accidentally perfectly compatible to each other" is probably still my favourite.
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mindfulstudyquest · 2 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝗯𝗲 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿 ( 𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 !! )
𝟭. improve your writing skills ( ✒️ )
i feel that not everyone has the perception of how important it is to know how to write. you don't have to be a poet, nor the new emily brontë, but fluid, conscious, rich writing makes the difference. really. you could write a page without saying anything at all, but if that damn page is written good and smoothly, then you can be sure that you will get extra points. take the time to improve your writing skills, the best advice i have for doing so is reading. read as much as you can. read novels (non-fiction in this case doesn't help because the content is preferred rather than the form), read contemporary authors – you don't necessarily have to read sophocles' tragedies, but read quality stuff. expand your vocabulary, your knowledge of syntax, learn to use punctuation! and then write, tell stories, write love letters, write reviews of films, books, cultural festivals, open a blog on tumblr and write to practice, reread what you write ad nauseam, until it is perfect, until the form of your essay is pulitzer prize worthy.
bonus some of my favourite authors (tell me in the comments about yours!): ian mcewan, banana yoshimoto, haruki murakami, george orwell, josé saramago, albert camus, khaled hosseini, hanya yanagihara
𝟮. develop critical thinking ( 💭 )
if you have always studied passively by absorbing information and vomiting it onto a test sheet then you have wasted your time. taking on information is not enough, you need to know how to rework it and develop your own idea about it. especially in the arts and literature one may disagree with certain information provided by a textbook. developing critical thinking is not easy, especially due to the school system that teaches us to standardize thinking. always consult all available sources on a given topic, compare them, analyze contradictions. it might be difficult and tiring – our brain spends more energy processing two conflicting pieces of information than processing two pieces of information that agree – but it will be worth it. by practicing critical thinking and improving your argumentation skills, you will not only be able to improve in your studies, becoming able to present complex topics and make interdisciplinary connections, but also in daily life, you will become much less influenced and manipulated by external information.
𝟯. find yourself an interest ( 🌷 )
it could be anything, but find an interest that excites you and you enjoy and do research about it. watch videos, documentaries, read articles. it doesn't have to be school-related, it must be an external topic that you are passionate about and that allows you to rediscover the joy of studying and learning every time school seems to suffocate it. sometimes i'm not in the mood to study for exams, so i dedicate myself to my personal research and finally find my spark, my seek for knowledge. for example, my interest is true crime, it has always fascinated me since i was little, but yours could be wild animals, makeup, comics, ships, planes, ocean flora, literally anything. there is no constraint.
𝟰. analyze your mistakes and recognize your wrongs ( 🫒 )
there is no shame in making mistakes. everyone makes mistakes, we are human, but the real sin is getting bogged down in mistakes, refusing to acknowledge them, and continuing to make them again and again. we should be continually growing, continually discovering ourselves, both intellectually and emotionally. how many of you were the "gifted kid" when you were little and then grew up into burned out high school / uni students desperately seeking academic validation? there comes a time when talent isn't enough, you have to put in the effort, and this doesn't make you less intelligent or gifted, in fact, quite the opposite. dedicating time and attention to your personal and intellectual growth also means having to ruminate on your mistakes. it's scary, but it's the most effective way if you really want to improve. take a notebook and at the end of the day reflect on the highlights and the wrongs, what you could have done better, where you would like to push forward tomorrow, what you achieved today. did you make a mistake? first ask yourself why and then look for a way to solve the problem, make every bad moment a lesson, a brick on which to build the version of you you wanto to become tomorrow.
𝟱. don't be afraid of doing researches ( 🧃 )
the amount of fake news and misinformation online is appalling. opening any app like tiktok or instagram we are inundated with information that is often (not always, but not so rarely) inaccurate. don't be afraid to conduct your own research, if you have time to mindlessly scroll through tiktok you will also have five minutes to read an article regarding that information provided. don't know the meaning of a word? look it up before using it. not sure about a piece of information? check it before using it in your argumentation. in the age of immediate access to data we have no excuse to be superficial.
𝟲. master communication ( ♟️ )
mastering communication is essential in both personal and professional realms. it's the cornerstone of building meaningful relationships, whether it's conveying ideas effectively in academia or fostering connections in the workplace. developing strong communication skills not only enhances your ability to articulate thoughts but also empowers you to listen actively, empathize with others, and resolve conflicts constructively. ultimately, honing these skills cultivates confidence, credibility, and success in all aspects of life.
𝟳. push yourself out of your comfort zone ( 🧸 )
build your confidence. confidence is uncomfortable. don't be afraid of it. you are young, this is the right time to experiment, take risks, discover who you really are. this is the best time for you to do those things that you would otherwise never do, you don't want to regret later in life that you didn't accept that scholarship, that trip abroad, that job opportunity, because you didn't feel comfortable enough. do things that take you out of your comfort zone until everything becomes your comfort zone. go on solo dates, be a social butterfly, tell the girl at the bookstore you love her t-shirt, go to the theater alone, eat at a restaurant alone, take that trip. if it goes badly, you'll only have one funny story to tell.
𝟴. stay informed about the news (but not too much!) ( 🌍 )
this might be controversial, but: stay informed about the news, just don't overdo it. personally, i am an easily influenced person and i realized that being constantly exposed to the bad things happening in the world had drained me and made me terribly depressed. don't get me wrong, you need to be informed about what's happening in the world and in your country, just being constantly surrounded by horrible news repeated ad nauseam on TV programs is of no use. be aware.
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lumibye · 5 months
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˗ˋ ୨ - 𝒏𝒆𝒘𝒔 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒂𝒑 𝒖𝒑 : 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 - ୧ ˊ˗
holidays are my only opportunity to be unapologetically sappy on this blog , i think . . . . ( /j ) and since it’s going to be 2024 in like 20 minutes here in australia i wanted to get this out before it gets too late into the night hehe also ! i have a lot i want to say 
( also comm showcase because i thought that'd be cute )
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so it’s almost been a year since i properly ( there's no way to properly do it but you understand . . ) started self-shipping , i think ? and it's ( in all honesty ? ) helped me through much of the year i started this blog back in march i believe , but i consider our anniversary to be in may ( i thought it was august but a very silly girlie got dates mixed up with lore if you could believe ehe ; ) which . . is five months off but it still feels pretty close ! he’s become such an intrinsic and important part of my life now that it feels as if it’s always been this way i guess . i’ve said it before but his character is just so kind and gentle and caring but also he’s reminded be how lovely it is to actually romanticise life a little bit and how good it feels to embrace your passion/s i um . . i love him very much ? 🩵🥺
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he’s such a genuine source of comfort and so very dear to my heart , and I truly think he’s going to be my love favourite forever and i can't wait to do more ship stuff in the coming year hehe ! i’ve been with this series for sixteen years now . because i'm old . ( /j ) it was such a huge staple of my childhood and maybe i’ll talk about it someday - i'd like to ! - because many of my dearest memories are centred around this franchise. perhaps this blog was always inevitable in that way , i like to joke about self shipping with him is like a long term membership bonus . . but either way , in a sense i feel so lucky i get to express my love for it in this way if that makes sense ?
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marianne ( having been made this year ) is also important to me in a way that’s . . come to surprise me , honestly ? i haven’t had an ‘ oc ‘ in a very long while so perhaps i just forgot about how emotionally attached you can really become . it’s probably also no shock that despite being a self insert, she’s very personal to me . . as someone that admittedly struggles with quite a bit of negative self talk, being able to say i like these parts of myself that i implement into her character has been quite healing for me as well ! and being able to rediscover my love for collecting flowers and coffee was also something really fun to do ! to the person that designed her ( you know who you are hehe ) I’m so incredibly grateful you bought her to life. It truly does mean sm . . as well as to everyone that's drawn her of course hehe , im always so giddy to see my little beloveds drawn so prettyful !
i really can’t emphasise enough just how grateful i am for both the community and all of my really lovely moots. i’m rather quiet so i don’t talk a lot but the interactions i’ve had on here are soso special to me and i really do cherish them so much no matter how small . . i have so many fond memories this year of that alone and it makes me tearyy happy happy 2024 to you and your beloveds hehe - if you actually managed to sit through all this I’m actually spinning you around so so much you very lovely and sweet . I hope the new year is everything you want it to be ! sending you each and every one of my best wishes your waaay mwah mwah !
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Obligatory Kallus ofc 🖤 but if you already have an ask about him or want something more: Kanan and/or Rex?
Oh you're the first one to request Kallus so let's go!
One aspect about them I love: I love and respect that even though he was in the Empire for a long time and actually believed in its cause and that it was helping the Galaxy (not like probably some of the others who joined to gain influence, money or power) he was still capable of changing, he didn't ignore the new facts and point of view presented to him by Zeb (and I imagine ignoring it would be very easy), instead he took steps to actually ask questions, find out the truth and eventually had enough courage to defect (my baby's character development is something that can be so personal...)
One aspect I wish more people understood about them: No idea actually
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have about this character: BUCKLE UP IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE!
He grew up in the Underworld, probably surrounded by many immigrant families, so he grew up in a diverse environment and knows a couple of languages besides Basic (btw he taught himself that posh Coruscanti accent in the Academy)
He would probably have a good alcohol tolerance (an Eastern European one, you know)
He used to be super self conscious about his freckles, many said it made him look childlish and unprofessional, but Zeb loves them and thinks they're absolutely adorable
He loves to stargaze, since he couldn't do that in the Underworld as a kid (bonus points if he's always amazed by plants and forests and nature for that exact reason)
He has scars after Onderon (like on his chest, back and arms) and is very self conscious about them
He cannot, for the love of his life, take a compliment
He's got very pretty penmanship
One character I love seeing them interact with: Zeb of course, duh! They are my sweethearts and I love them and not only because it's an obvious ship, I genuinely love their interactions. I adore The Honourable Ones and the way they were able to find the way to relate to each other despite being on two different sides of the war and that Zeb was the one who opened Kallus' eyes (and also shoutout to that small part of part 2 of Zero Hour, where they get the coordinates from Kallus' escape pod and Zeb just looks so scared and concerned for his man, like yes!)
One character I wish they would interact with/interact with more: I would honestly love to see him and Sabine become besties, they have the potential, both being defectors from the Empire, I love the concept of them growing closer and becoming friends and bonding over stuff like gossiping about old Imperial bosses. I also feel like these two would be the ones who cook best out of the crew so maybe like, kitchen gossip sessions over making dinner? Idk, I love it (oh and btw he totally lets Sabine paint his nails when she's bored)
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have that involve them and one other character:
As above, I think Kallus can cook quite decent meals, he just never had the time and so when he's in the Rebellion, Sabine encourages him to cook meals with her and he rediscovers that passion (and is later able to enjoy it fully on Lira San)
I feel like all droids love him and he's the only one besides Hera, who Chopper actually respects and wouldn't mess with (also because Kallus is nice to Chopper and he loves to be cherished, my little war criminal)
He's an orphan from the Coruscanti Underworld and had to fight his way to the surface and to the Imperial Academy and later off planet and his backstory is something he bonds over with Ezra (bonus points if they exchange tips on pickpocketing and shoplifting, since they both used to do that to survive)
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nautiscarader · 8 months
Happy Birthday!!!, as for the ship and prompt, Starco 98. Risky, unprotected sex
Thanks! Hope you'll enjoy this.
Marco swallowed loudly, unable to utter a single word, as his brain was still trying to process the alluring sight in front of him.
He recognised the dress Star was wearing - the same red one she had during the Blood Moon Ball - but judging from the way she lifted its hem,it was the only thing she was wearing, perhaps aside from her seductive smile.
The princess uncrossed her legs, giving Marco another view at her bare pussy, glimmering in the candlelight from droplets of her heat oozing from it.
"Evening, Marco…", she whispered in low, seductive voice,as she stretched on his bed, "Care to join me?"
Marco was about to reply,when Star raised her hand and continued.
"But there is a catch. We have never been fully joined by the Blood Moon… so tonight… no condoms, no pills, no spells…"
She knew how important safety was for him - after all, they might have crossed the barrier of adulthood, but just barely…
"I mean, if-if you're not okay with that, I can-MMPH!"
It only took Marco a second to join his girlfriend, their lips founding each other in passionate, hungry kiss,while their hands dealt with pesky clothes that separated their bodies from each other.
Star wished Marco would just rip her dress off, but sensing that,he took an even more time sliding it off, first by visiting her pussy to lap some of those tasty droplets of desire.
Star moaned, her legs convulsing as his tongue worshipped her pussy, gathering more and more of her welcome drink, until the princess demanded the foreplay was over,and unceremoniously grabbed him by his scruff and lifted him over her.
For a long while, the two stared at each other, observing the glimmers of light twinkling in their eyes, until their desires have taken over their minds.
Star jumped Marco at once, sliding onto his cock, her arms and legs automatically locking behind his back, while he performed first of many gentle thrusts, each making her hearts on her cheeks pulse with light.
The young couple remained in this sensual position, Marco's hands trailing her back,from here ass to her delicate wings, sending more sensations across her shivering and writhing body.
And as if that wasn't enough, his lips peppered her breasts with butterfly kisses, causing Star to properly push his head against her bosom, while she slammed herself onto his cock, again and again, rediscovering every ridge and vein of his length every time.
She was losing her mind, especially knowing what was about to happen, and with that, she decided to tease him some more.
"Are you gonna burst? Flood my bare pussy with your load? It has been a while, I bet you've been saving up…"
Marco replied with a loud grunt, words losing their form as his climax came closer and closer.
"I bet you've been dreaming about this… taking the risk of knocking a princess up… Are you hoping for a boy? A girl or bo-"
Marco's mighty roar filled the room at the same time as he came, his tight grip on her waist ensuring his final slam pushed the tip of his cock as far as possible, making fountain of his cum erupt against the entrance to her womb.
The young couple collapsed, their joined bodies writhing and quaking with each spasm of Marco's hips,sending more of his virility up her core, Stars heart cheeks becoming redder and redder…
Neither of the two knew how long did it take for the two to recover from their joined climax, but hundreds of kisses later, Star was the one to utter first words.
"Hey there, hot stuff", she joked, shying away, "So, uh, listen, I know this-this was a little unexpected, so-so if you want, I can cast a spell, safe kid…"
"Safe kid?", Marco's quizzical tone gathered Star's attention. "I am not a safe kid, I am… a bad boy."
Star only had a moment to gasp before her legs were lifted up and her pussy was filled again, as Marco put her into a fierce mating press, determined to turn a possibility into certainty.
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theothervonkarmagirl · 6 months
The products of Maria's various ships on this blog! Some babies are canon, some are not, and some are more prominent than others (and this list will inevitably grow sigh), but I love all of them!
I'll keep it basic so it won't be a novel, but you can ask about them if you want!
CLARA (the OG)
Father: Maria's Unnamed Ex-Husband (Prosecutor!Verse), Leo (FE!Verse (when she's married to Leo), KNY!Verse)
Stepfather: Simon (@risingshine )
((I won't rehash her bio and personality since she has a page already! Go check it out~))
Father: Klavier (@legalbrats)
Bio: Maria and Klavier's oldest child. She caused quite a stir among Gavinners fans when she was born. She's played the guitar and volleyball since she was a young child. How does a teenager rebel against parents as over-the-top as Maria and Klavier? By being as basic as possible. Santana went to great lengths to fit in as much as she could, which caused her parents great distress. In her spare time, she composes and posts songs on social media.
Personality: Santana is kind, sunny, and strong-willed. She is protective of her siblings and likes having lots of friends. Like her parents, she can be dramatic when bad things happen, and very flirty.
Physical Appearance: Blonde hair. A lovely smile. Powerful legs.
Father: Klavier (@legalbrats)
Bio: The second child of three, unlike her sister, she tries hard to stand out. She sings very well, and as she gets older, she becomes interested in charity work. Is known for making nasty faces at paparazzi. She often wonders if she should go into law, too.
Personality: Nyx likes to appear tough, but she is actually a big baby. She'll say "whatever" and then cry to her parents later. She is compassionate and artistic, and a little mischievous.
Physical Appearance: Her ears stick out a bit. Colored highlights. Likes leather jackets.
Father: Klavier (@legalbrats)
Bio: The youngest, and the only boy. He and his sisters are very close. He tagged along to one of Santana's ballet lessons when he was small and he loved it. He danced until middle school, where he was picked on for it. In college, he rediscovered his love for dance and continued. He wants to be a movie star, too.
Personality: He's passionate and confident, but he can be arrogant and shallow. In terms of self-improvement, he's unstoppable. When his ego is bruised, though, he'll spiral until someone reassures him.
Physical Appearance: Klavier's clone. He works out a lot. Has dimples.
Father: Takumi (@fjinyumi )
Bio: Maria and Takumi's long-awaited son, who was placed in a Deeprealm(a pocket dimension) when he was nearly kidnapped as a baby. He reunited with his parents during the war, and he enjoys hunting, where he can put his incredible eyesight to good use. Although he is a prince, he dislikes fancy clothes and prefers that people speak casually to him.
Personality: He's friendly and fun-loving and doesn't sweat the small stuff. He can be stubborn and very messy, though. Like biohazard messy. He often puts hunting before his studies.
Physical Appearance: Here he is!
Father: Kaneda (@sayonaradumbass)
Bio: Born in a timeline where Tetsuo did not get up to his Tetsuo business, and to the sheer horror of Maria's father. Her mom is a prosecutor turned fashion consultant and her dad owns a bike garage. Since her mother works crazy hours, she is often in the care of Kaneda, who is definitely the more lax parent. When she gets older, she becomes a punk, and Maria absolutely cannot stand it.
Personality: Shouko is outgoing and curious and a bit of a showoff. She loves to talk to new people. She goes to private school but she can be hood af and is not afraid to stomp somebody, which often gets her in trouble.
Physical Appearance: Fluffy eyebrows. Poofy cheeks. Her hair started out light but darkened as she got older.
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omends · 1 year
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okay but like, when and WHY did people stop doing these ? I remember feeling so excited every time I was included in one, and I remember all the cool blogs and people I discovered through checking them out. well, terrible graphic aside, I am here to hopefully continue the tradition of follow forevers. first and foremost, I love ALL of my mutuals and followers ! owo please don't be discouraged if you don't find yourself on this list, I'm doing this on the fly and we all know my memory is shit so I'm bound to forget someone. but I'm not lying when I say I love and appreciate you all ! thank you for following me and tolerating me on your dash. <3 you are always welcome here / with me.
first up, the MVPs of my dash !
@fortunefavours || mel is my absolute best friend, like. we have been writing for over 4 years ! I don't think I'd still even BE roleplaying on tumblr if it weren't for her. she has always loved and supported me unconditionally... humored my 3 am meta spews, shipped with me, written all the aus, celebrated our birthdays and holidays together. she isn't really active on tumblr anymore - we do stuff on Discord mostly - but I couldn't imagine making one of these without listing her first, so
@macveigh || another of my long-standing friends in the tumblr rpc. molly is so kind and passionate, her lore and worldbuilding are rich and morgan is just genuinely a great, heartfelt character. I know molly has worked really hard on her and I am so honored to have been a part of that developmental journey. just, another person I couldn't miss on this list. we love and support in this house.
@magioffire & @manenimittliv || you guys are getting put together because a) you've both been with me a LONG ass time and I appreciate that a lot, and b) because your characters fucking ROCK. you've both put so much time and effort and love into your muses and lore and it shows. I also know you've both had your struggles in recent years, but I'm glad to see you still kicking here on tumblr.
@mooneternyl || trahearne and kenzi are fucking ICONS and im still just ksjsjsj because we're mutuals and I feel so out of my league. but I love talking with them, plotting and shipping with them, and im excited to be able to write with them. a pleasure and an honor, it really is. we love and support in this house.
@touchedsky & @huntershowl || you guys are getting put together because I love you both and was so fucking happy to rediscover your blogs ! not only that, but joey and raine have been absolute inspirations for me. I aspire to have the level of creativity and writing skill that they do, I just really look up to them both as creators. and also I love their characters a shit ton, and my characters love their characters a shit ton. just a whole lot of love for these two.
now, for some quick shoutouts ! these are in no particular order, btw !
@luposcainus || absolutely fanatastic. im sorry I suck at plotting :,D im v excited to interact with you and love having you on my dash.
@frstwomn || just started following / interacting, but hi, I love you, thank you for bringing positivity and love to my dash ON TOP OF an amazing character
@cripplemagics / @hollowichor || thank you for bringing representation and awareness to the dash. you are doing good and probably hard work and I just want you to know I appreciate it a lot, so thank you.
@streetslost / @bloodcrave || I know you have more URLs but my memory sucks so... just know you are great and I love your characters
@celestieu || we love bunny and maddie in this house, that is all
@nezemnyy / @vtratasebe || you are cool af and I love your characters
@sanatoris || I know you have other URLs and that you aren't super active anymore, so just... I love your characters and miss having you on my dash
@defiantclairvoyant / @felinesensed / @thcyfight / @witchyheroines || we haven't interacted because I genuinely suck, but know that I see you and appreciate you and like seeing you on my dash. all the hugs, don't let the rpc stop you from sharing your creativity and loving your characters, okay ?
@thebestplayer / @lesoleilavole / @iblogaboutit / @liarincommand / @createsowndemons || super fucking quality right here folks !
@entersatan / @fromtower / @fromdreaming / @abandonroots || you are very creative and I love all your ideas and characters !
@breaksmen / @assumednothing || more quality right here ! I love having you on my dash, and I'm very excited to start interacting with illyana
@soleiltm / @miscxllany || you and your characters are icons, I love them all
@akeron & @rblgltch || your universe and lore is so fucking cool ! I am very excited to interact with you both and get involved in your universe and lore !!
@ghoststained / @gracesmuggled || we love and support in this house
@hebled || you are so fucking cool and quality, very excited to interact !!
@dehvils || firstly, thank you for being patient with me. secondly, we love and support in this house. very excited to write with you !
@nykrose & @immergrun & @batteredoptimist || idk you all have a similar nature magic / lowkey faerie vibe ? so just want to say I love and live for it.
@thxwxlf || you are both cool and quality. we love and support in this house.
@dutyworn / @smokedanced || you have just been so fucking nice and supportive and we haven't talked or interacted at all, and I really appreciate it. you just seem really chill and nice and you are a great and refreshing presence on my dash for it.
@vxctorx || okay but I love our plots and ship, and I'm excited to explore them more with you. also, you took and love a very unknown and underappreciated character which I respect a lot, especially since you're so passionate about him.
@griim & @unsnare || similar badass female muse vibe, we love and support you both in this house.
last but not least, a big thank you to all my followers, whether you've been here a while or we just started following each other. I appreciate you all. I know I am slow and forgetful, but I'm doing my best, and I look forward to interacting with you all in the new year.
also this is safe to reblog also also, more positivity like this in 2023 pls !
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cellphishthekaiju · 4 months
Sapphic BDSM romance novella working on, off and on, for better part of a decade now (thanks to my annoyance with Fifty Shades of Grey). Would really mean a lot to get more feedback on it. It's still very much a work in progress.
I'm in quite a Baldur's Gate 3 phase now and have been writing fanfic on it. I, originally, started with my OC Tav, a Tiefling Bard name Hestra (that I also play in a D&D campaign) who romances Lae'zel. The character and pairing has really grown into a fun exploration of D&D lore and just smutty nonsense.
I've been sucked into the Shad'zel (Shadowheart / Lae'zel) ship. I started, for a silly experiment, writing an Omegaverse with a bit of a twist; Shadowheart is the Alpha in the relationship and Lae'zel the Omega (most stories I've encountered seem to have it as Shads = Omega, Lae'zel = Alpha... which is totally cool). Most of the writing is all smut. Shadowheart is also a full-fledged lycanthrope cause... who doesn't wanna do naughty things with werewolves?
I also started writing just 'normal' Shad'zel stuff in a separate collection but still pretty new to it.
I restarted writing my Dragon Age 'main' fic as well as trying to write, rediscover my passion for this game series. It's a F.Amell (OC) / Leliana
Please check out my stories, I put a lot into them, even the silly, smutty and fanfic stuff.
I like sharing the stuff I make and having so many people see it, tell me what they think... it means a lot as creativity (at least me) can't grow in a vacuum. Admittedly, I am really struggling creatively I feel like, especially with trying to get back into other media I used to enjoy, like drawing.
I appreciate your time and apologies for the long drawl.
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evaofkonoha · 6 months
2, 10, and 30 please!
Yay!! Thank you for playing along I appreciate it sm 🥰😘
2. Since starting my new AO3 account, 26 of my 27 works were added to/worked on this year! I have so much unpublished stuff I worked on this year it would honestly be hard to count 😅 so let's just say 30+ and call it? I hand write so much and have a tendency to start stuff and never do anything with it. Maybe I should just start publishing it? haha idk, needless to say I think I write a decent bit honestly!
10. Oh god this is toughie! Different fics brought me joy for very different reasons. My Love For You Will Never Die was an incredible, super collaborative process that is so silly and goofy I think I will always love it. It was born from me sharing a prompt and then goofing off on discord until I decided I might as well write this nonsense down! It is my best (and kind of only) true comedic work.
Very Good Lives was a whirlwind to write, and I poured so much of myself into it. I am proud of it, even though I currently can't return to it due to some conflicting emotions and stuff. I hope to return to it one day and feel content and proud of it completely.
Finally I think I Need You Tonight in a big way! It is so self indulgent in just about every way, but I am so happy that I am leaning into the self indulgence. It's also really fun, because I feel like I am starting to interact with others in the ShiIta/ItaShi community a little bit. While I still feel very new to the ship and am still finding my footing, the kind comments and interactions and everything have really encouraged me and made the process insanely fun. I am really glad others seem to love this story.
Okay, super long and probably not a very good answer! So sorry for that, but it's so tough to narrow down to one honestly.
30. So many things!!! I hope to continue writing into the new year, now that I have rediscovered my passion for it over the course of this past year!!! 🥰 Specifically though, I want to ofc finish up INYT, I have a Naruto shinobiverse masquerade thing I really want to tackle, and there's an SNS manga cafe brain worm I plan to write out at some point.
Thank you for the ask, it honestly does mean so much, I am such a hoe for these kinds of games 😂 It has been a wonderful writing year, and I hope to keep up the good energy into 2024~
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lunar-insanity · 2 years
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So! I’d like to introduce you all to some old characters!
These guys started out as Mario ship children: Luigi/Rosalina and Mario/Peach. They were inspired long ago by Nintendrawer on DA and their own kiddos. And I liked Rosalina far better.
So at first they were sketched as smol babies, and it was only the first two. Then I decided to redraw them as teens [ https://sta.sh/224m0lrisof8?edit=1 ]
I made them their stories, and absolutely inflicted trauma on them xD And I loved them. But over the years I... I didn’t really want them stuck in the Mario universe anymore. So I tried redesigning them.
It... didn’t really go well? I wasn’t happy with my work and I’d only worked on the first two and didn’t finish the second. Basically I tried too hard with them. So I dropped it.
And then years later, I was talking about them again with a friend and felt the urge to revisit them again. And this time?
I got it >:3
Instead of being in the Mario universe, it’s now... More Mario Adjacent? The main bits are a pair of heroes, and a vast land full of varied kingdoms. Just enough changed and kept so they were themselves, and I could keep their stories!
Been doing world building for said world too, came up with stuff for their powers (”Affinities”) and the basis of their world (Built upon the ruins of a past era, so the land is rich with history to be rediscovered)
Anyway, allow me to properly introduce you under the cut!
We’ll start with the older pair!
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This is Twyla and Aaron! The Star Twins. Heirs to a semi-technologically advanced kingdom in the stars.
Twyla’s a mechanic and builder enthusiast, with a Magick and Gravity affinity! No she’s not missing an arm. In her and her twin’s major adventure, she damaged it badly and narrowly avoided needing it amputated. The arm isn’t as strong as it used to be, so she built an aid!
Twy is the speedy magic glass cannon of the 4. She’s in an out fast with magick spells, and is VEEERY floaty. Gravity is her bish.
Aaron is the defensive knight, with a Majora Lightning affinity, and a minora Gravity affinity, enabling some floating but not to the level of his older sis. He’s also an Aviator.
Aaron, in their major plot adventure, got Super Paper Mario’d, which was a fun time. Absolutely. Definitely didn’t force his reckless sister to get her act together. Nope.
They are roughly in their early 20s in this ref (not too sure yet of exact ages). At 16, Twyla was far more reckless, impulsive, and carefree (Sure in the knowledge her brother would always catch her) and Aaron far more anxious (terrified his sister will end up in serious danger) and entwined in a co-dependency that really wasn’t healthy for them. Their fire cousin did his best to mitigate but it took an explosive argument, a forced separation, and one hell of a dangerous reality check, for them to start doing better.
Now, Twyla’s reigned in the worst of her tendencies and sometimes her elder nature comes through in her making the serious decisions needed. Aaron’s gotten a grip on his anxiety and works on trusting others with their lives, and now sometimes makes the split second decisions to turn the tide.
Twyla also salvaged her father’s busted big robot (//points to Brobot) and has made it their main mode of transportation aaaaand something to fight with. She calls it Starbot. She drives (Really fast, imagine if you learned how to drive on Rainbow Road) and Aaron flies.
Next up!
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Etzio and Cardinale! Royal brothers and heirs to a Nature kingdom that’s had some on and off beef with a growing turtle dragon kingdom. It’s fine though, Etzio is besties with said Kingdom’s heir.
Etzio is an Adventurer! Driven by a passion for history, wanderlust, and a drive to enjoy his youth before taking on the responsibilities as next in line, Etzio is a ball of firey sunshine. And I do mean firey, as his affinity is Majora Fire. Ironic for the son of a Nature affinity, but apparently he took after his father’s gained affinity.
Etzio is their big bruiser. Strong as hell and able to dish it out as much as he takes. And as if he wasn’t strong enough, his cloak is one of invulnerability! A test of character he passed as a wee one granted him this valuable piece of cloth. It didn’t gain the flames until an event when he was 16.
As for Cardinale, he could not be any more different to his family. A family full of heroes and adventurers, and here he is. He’s not an adventurer, he’s not even strong as one. But the residents of his kingdom expected that of him, and it caused for a lot of teenage angst that... Is mostly his fault. And he knows it now that’s he older.
Turns out, keeping quiet and hoping others would notice your inner turmoil and constantly shoving away your brother is an easy way to create a rift between you and your family. Whodda thunk it. (Card was a very stupid teenager)
But enough of that. When that all got cleared up at 15, he came into his own proper. Turns out, he’s just as much as a history buff as his brother (Which Etzio knew) and loves untangling a kingdom’s past and learning the languages they spoke.
And his affinity? Well they didn’t know it for years until an experiment in ice skating showed he was a natural on the ice may have given them a hint. It wasn’t until an adventure took the quartet into the frozen reaches where he was more at home in the cold than ever that they finally discovered it. Yep. An Ice Affinity!  (Even more ironic being born to a Nature affinity) And it also turns out that he has his family’s adventurer reflexes. Just... on the ice.
After years of being shown the door, angst, and a growing rift, a mutual adventure and a setting where Card couldn’t run away from Etzio anymore finally mended the bridges.
(Etz is also a year younger than the quartet and Card a couple years younger than him)
Etzio is a big lovable sweetheart who has learned to really stop trying to mitigate so much and actually confront issues (If pushed harder with Card earlier, they may have avoided a lot of hurt) and Card is his cool self but with a lot more confidence and smarts.
Aaaannyway Imma stop here before it gets too long xD I haven’t stopped creating their stories though, ever since I put them in their new world, I’ve come up with new ones.
Plz talk to me about them ;w;
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List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!!
I'm counting this as part two of the things I like game.
Social work and community outreach. I started off volunteering for programs right out of high school and loved the work. I did blood drives, health awareness programs, local neighborhood clean-ups and pro-environment stuff, whatever I could. It became my passion and I recently graduated with my MA in sociology so I could qualify to work as an organizer for a program very dear to my heart. I'd love to say which one but I never stopped internalizing the rules of the Internet all of us 90s kids learned about being careful about sharing too much info and in the age of doxxing just out of revenge for what fandom you're in or character/ship you enjoy it seems a good policy.
Thoughtful meta, especially that meta that really makes me think about a character or plot point in entirely different ways I wouldn't have on my own.
Thunderstorms and rainy days on weekends when you don't have anywhere you have to be and you can just see the lightning out of your window and hear the rain on the glass.
That feeling when you find new favorite fandoms and characters or rediscover older ones you used to really love and you find yourself going down that rabbit hole again where you search for every bit of content you can.
And of course PRIDE MONTH!!!!
Thanks so much for thinking of me!
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
Your fanfic output is crazy! (And omg, so appreciated!) Do you have any tips on how to get more stuff written/finished?
Do you think writing in multiple fandoms helps? And did you start slow and have to build momentum with certain characters/ships? Or jump into writing a bunch of stories about the same ship/character? Would love to know more about your writing process 💖
*laughs* Thank you, I love feeling appreciated <3
Well, mh. That's a good question and one without a clear, definite answer, I suppose. Let's start at the beginning and work our way through it. xD
Tips on how to get more stuff written? For me, that is my schedule, actually!
I'm a writer with too many ideas - I have so many ideas in my head and I have the attention-span of a goldfish. I used to discard a lot of my ideas and leave stories unfinished with half a page, or a bunch of pages written, because a newer, shinier idea caught my attention and I decided to write that instead and "get back to the other one", but after it, there was another and another and--you see the problem? So I would never get back to the first story that I had paused on, because by then I lost interest in the idea.
My schedule helps me with that, because for one, it organizes all of these endless ideas. As of right now, only oneshots and not the repetitive motion of my weekly multi-chapter updates, I have 50 oneshots on my personal updating schedule. All of them ideas I want to write - some of them ideas I have already written now. If I had only that, only all of these ideas, I wouldn't even know where to begin.
My schedule gives me an... order to follow. This year, it got revamped! Since I have more fandoms that I'm working with. I set it in tune with the four multi-chapter fics I currently have, since I have four fandoms that I am writing oneshots for. So there is this set scheme to my schedule - Shadowhunters, Percy Jackson, DCMK, DC Comics. And it rotates through in this order, plus my Magic Mondays for the shorter DCMK ideas flooding my brain. Now with the skeleton of my schedule set, I assign the masses of ideas I have a date based on that.
And then I work through it. Start at the earliest date that comes up and only move on to the next story when that is finished.
It's hard to keep focus on one story when you have too many that you want to write, so organizing my ideas like that allows me to put my focus onto only one story, knowing the others will only come after. And unlike how it used to be, where a story would be abandoned for the sake of another newer idea, said new idea becomes an incentive to finish the old first, because I do not get to write the shiny new thing until the other one is finished.
Which may make it sound like a task, but the idea that is currently being written too was the shiny new one at one point and it makes me no less enthused about it just because a newer one is grabbing my attention! I still want this story to exist too, after all!
I'm not sure how far this is helpful for you or other people, but I know it has helped me tremendously in prioritizing and in actually getting the stories written. I've also always been a person who works better with a deadline than with a "do whenever" though, so that's a part of it too.
I'm unsure how far multiple fandoms help. I'd say they help and hinder, both in equal parts? Yes, due to more fandoms, more things are happening, but it is currently leaving me all scatterbrained, in a way? I am currently in the most fandoms I've ever been active in - I have five fandoms that I'm right now actively writing for, if we do count BtVS since I have an ongoing multi-chapter fic for that too. It's very jumpy and all-over-the-place right now though, my mind I mean. On the one hand, there are all these DCMK short stories that my fingers are itching for, but then I'm so deep into DC Comics that I really want to explore my own Earth on it much more and just focus on that, and untimely so I have rediscovered my passion for PJO and keep coming up with more, new ideas for that - something that had been... less prominent in past year and allowed me to mainly focus on DC Comics and Shadowhunters, really. It's the different vibes of the different fandoms that are also not entirely helpful, in my experience at least, because it leaves me kind of dizzy? To jump from one fandom into the next and the next and the next, switch between very different worlds and different characters back and forth, instead of focusing mainly on one world and its specific characters.
But that too, I suppose, is a matter of preference. If you're a good juggler, you may find joy in it. If you need total focus, it might throw you into utter despair. Which is what I am currently verging at; I've been distractedly writing for the past two weeks now and am in a bit of a slump because my mind and thus my focus keep jumping from fandom to fandom and refuse to stay on just this one thing for the sake of me finishing it.
At which point the prompts I've taken two weeks ago come into play. Also as a part of the advise. Because regardless of just how many ideas I am already having - or sometimes even because I'm having too many ideas and feel like I'm drowning in my schedule and am being dragged under by it - I like breaking my routine. Take the prompts and just sit down and write something wholly new, wholly unplanned, just in the moment. Helps me easy my mind and get the antsy feeling out of my brain some. I usually use prompt lists to break writers' blocks of any kind and it usually works, for me at least.
Now the question about building momentum around a character/ship!
I'm absolutely writing my stories around characters. A character is why I'm here, usually. For Shadowhunters, that is Jace, for Percy Jackson, that is, well, Percy Jackson, for DCMK, that is Shinichi. I'm a notorious multishipper so you'll find a lot of ships on my profile, but you'll also find that nearly all of them are centered around one of these characters - I say "nearly", because if I am very, very invested in a fandom and have spent a lot of time in it, I will branch out to explore my side-pairings a little more in their own stories. But generally, all is about that one fave I latched onto.
I'm unsure what you mean about "building momentum", to be honest? You mean as a writer? I suppose I am doing that, though not necessarily... intentionally? As in, I never really intended to make up a tenth of all Nico/Percy fics on AO3, for example. It's just something that... kind of happened, over time, because I'm obsessed with the ship and think it deserves more love.
Though I'm a multishipper, I do always have my... flag-ships, as I like to call them. The one ship that I love just an edge more than the others. And I tend to write the most for it. Because I love the ship so much that I want to see more content for it, thus I create said content. And with my love also comes inspiration - the more I love something, the more inspiration I get for it.
If you are an author who thrives from feedback like me, then yes, I would recommend you build momentum around a certain thing that you love, because therein lays a fanbase - if someone reads your story about ship x and things you did splendidly on it and wants to read more and clicks your profile to find you have twenty more stories about ship x, chances are they'll be excited and give it a read and with each story, you'll gain more loyalty and love from them. If they however click your profile and find that sure you have a hundred fics but actually this was the only one in this fandom even and mh no they weren't really in the mood for any other fandom, or aren't even into any of your other fandoms, they'll move on. Yet on the other hand, if you gave that reader a lot of the thing they already like... they may even follow you into new fandoms. That's my experience, at least.
Dedicated and kind readers are what can really fuel you as a writer and that too can help you finish stuff. That multi-chapter fic you're writing will write itself so much easier if you get comment alerts from people expressing their excitement about the latest chapter and eagerness for the next. Knowing that people are actually excited for a oneshot idea I had makes me want to write it even more, because I know there is someone who shares my excitement.
So if you're a young writer, who's still finding their footing, I would advise you to not immediately dive head first into ten different pools in the deep-end. Go slow and into one. It's how I started out too, with one fandom, trying things out in it, making connections with other writers and with my readers, exploring my... identity, as a writer, exploring what I want to write. It's easier to focus on you and figuring yourself as a writer out if your focus isn't torn between all of the different characterizations and lore and stories that you'll have to try and get right and pay attention to too.
But generally? I really gotta say that you have to find what works for you, because everyone is so different and what's a magic trick to someone might be a cursed chore to another. Try one thing out and if it doesn't work for you, it's okay to abandon the concept and try something else - give the schedule a try, if it's too constricting for you, leave it behind, start with one fandom and if you find joy in focusing on that, keep focusing on that one fandom, but if you feel the itch for another, then don't let anything hold you back, always follow your passion because that really is what dictates a writer above all else. Write what has you the most passionate - if you're passionate about a certain character, make them your center-piece, if it's a ship, then that, heck it can also be a certain trope that you enjoy writing so much you want to play with it in all variations.
TL;DR - Try organizing your thoughts and ideas, in a manner that speaks to you, and try to prioritize, so you don't end up with 50 stories you are trying to write simultaneously because chances are that in that case you may abandon 48 of them, always follow your passion.
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otomates-aa · 3 years
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soooo ... hi there KJNMEKRJHNM
i don’t really owe the internet anything but i do have friends here so i feel like updating what exactly has. happened. 🥺 nothing bad, i haven’t been awol bc of some tragic circumstances this time around lol.
actually my life has kinda entirely changed. i, uh, drove to my partner’s house a bit back and more or less helped them run away from their abusive household and now we’re living together, figuring stuff out, having to work through Life tm and stuff like that. honestly it’s just a huge change and i was already so airheaded about roleplaying before that even happened and then that became a thing and `everything changed` KJNERHM also i graduated college and i have a job and we’re talking about marriage and it’s jUST A LOT happened at one time
tbh i’ve lost muse for most of my characters here, i think that was p obvious before all of this happened... i’ve been floundering with threads for a while now. i still want to roleplay, but as much as i love characters from otome and having a multimuse and being able to focus on w/e muse has my interest in that moment... tbh i really miss having a single character blog where i can just pour ALL of my heart into one character and have everyone interact with them. it is a little disheartening being so split up on a multimuse sometimes bc i have so much passion for certain characters that just aren’t that popular to interact with, or ppl have more passion for interacting with characters who i have sorta fallen out of love with? and it’s really hard to keep up motivation for writing like that, esp when i’m juggling life things in between. i don’t have the time i used to and i don’t have as much of myself to split up between 9347937497 different characters AND fully flesh them out.
writing juliet and kuma where i met a lot of you, i had enough passion for them that i stuck with that one singular muse for YEARS before i lost interest and had to find love elsewhere. i’m... currently in a place where i’d like to try to find that love again. not necessarily with those muses, as much as i loved juliet and mono/kuma, their times have passed.
i want to pick up a singular muse. one single blog. pour all of my devotion into that character. not make the same mistake i did ages ago where i’d make 500 blogs. not make the mistake i did this time adding 100 muses.
i want to come back to roleplaying and rediscover all the passion i had for it  bc it’s always made me happy, i don’t really want to leave when i still do have free time i can devote to writing... 🥺
i’m going to spend some time thinking over characters that i actually feel attached to beyond just a passing interest. sdv alex and foodfan sweet tofu are the biggest contenders. louis from code vein too, just having the one blog maybe i could actually focus on DEVELOPING him and being happy w my portrayal. maybe i’ll do something brand new and whip out a random muse even i don’t see coming idk KJNEKRJHNM i need to consider.
whatever i decide to do, i hope i’ll still see some of you around when i figure out what muse/blog setup and all of that. in the meantime, i’m sorry for all the threads that have dragged/dropped while i’ve been trying to figure things out. and i’m sorry to my ship partners, i’ve kinda let y’all down big time kejnrhm. i’m going to take time to consider things.
thank you for reading, sorry for the long post !! nice to see some of you still on my dash <3 i’ll see you soon, i hope? 🥺
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Fic Writer Questions!
Thanks for the tag @venhedish dont mind if I do darlin'! Loved reading your answers too!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
17 and I started May 2020
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
84,430! Sooooo close to that 100k milestone I just need to get off my writing hiatus since I have a beefy one shot WIP and a couple kink-meme prompt fills started that will get me to the finish line!
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On Ao3/as an adult, just Supernatural.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Well Jung – This was my first and I’m still super surprised it took off so well considering all the head-hopping. I also hadn’t written fiction since high school so it’s pretty technically rough!
I Can’t Forget the Time and Place Where We Just Met – Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned double amnesia fic! This was a SPN Masquerade fill and it was super fun to write!
Kiss the Cook – Another SPN Masquerade fill inspired by Dean in an apron in S15. Kitchen fucking is fun fucking!
Iodine and Stitches – 3/5 SPN Masquerade fills that I did fall 2020. Seriously such a fun event to participate in I cant recommend it enough. This is one my only fics with a serious tone throughout which is tough for this clown.
Double Jeopardy – Written for my buddy after finding out she has an intelligence kink! Cut to us giggling about Sam losing his damn mind when he plays Jeopardy with clever Dean!
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Listen…I can’t fully express how much comments give me LIFE! I want to know what you liked about my silly musings, I want to know your fav part, I want to know that I gave you a boner! I'll take a button smash, I'll take an emoticon. Anything, everything! I make a point to always respond back to show my appreciation for people taking time out of their day to make my day.
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Without a shadow of a doubt Yesterday Don’t Matter if It’s Gone about what would happen if Sam and Dean hooked up during Mystery Spot and exacerbated Sam’s downward spiral during the months of Tuesdays. I write a lot of humour and this sucker is humourless PLUS has an unhappy ending! Weeee!
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
Never have but not opposed to the idea.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope, I’ve been pretty fortunate but I also write pretty tame shit. So if I start dabbling more in the archive warnings it may change. I do have a fun multichap wincestiel non-con WIP in the works 😈
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
AHAHAHAHAHA I’d say a good 90-95% of my 84k wordcount is smut! All M/M all explicit! Fun times over at Casa Scissors 😏. I do have some upcoming stuff that’s more plot heavy though which I’m looking forward to.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I fucking hope not that would be a big bummer.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! And as a noob I had to pinch myself, it still fucking blows my mind! A lovely Ao3 user Yigelulu translated I Can’t Forget the Time and Place Where We Just Met into Chinese. It was so incredibly cool to see my words in another language and a great honour that they liked my fic enough to put in all that work!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yup! Turn Your Head and Cough with my budbud Wearingdeantoprom. Dean gets his prostate rubbed for the first time at the doctors office.
14) What's your all time favorite ship?
Wincest wincest all the wincest! My brain is infected and there is no cure! I am a pro-shipper though ship and let ship my dudes. I also dabble in wincestiel and LOVE any combination of winkline and may write it one day. I don’t really read much from other fandoms. I’ve read some George/Fred (I like brother fucking ok?) and I love me some Jess Mariano/Dean Forester over in the Gilmore Girls camp (the perfect enemies to lovers) but its unfortunately such a small ship. Any souls reading this who like those ships, please drop any recs into my box!
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Anything I am passionate about I will finish. I’ve only killed one thing because I got bored with it but I posted my fav part for a fic challenge. I hate not having something to show for my spent time (I know it's a hobby but it's the principle damnit!) and I hate unfinished things. Those damn little ao3 red circles haunt me 🚫
16) What are your writing strengths?
Christ uhhh I’ll say I’m most consistently praised in comments for my dialogue and it’s what always flows the smoothest for me. I think my humour is also a strength, it comes very naturally when I write which is why I have a hard time keeping it out of my fics! Times are tough I just wanna make y’all giggle ok?
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Frankly, my greatest weakness is that I don’t take it seriously enough to look at my past writing critically for improvement. I also write (non-fiction) for my job and had extensive training to do so, so when its for this hobby I honestly whip it out, edit a couple times, and slap it up ‘good enough’ styles and I don’t go back to re-read once posted. I think if I looked back, I could see lots of opportunities for improvement and could go from a fine writer to a good writer. I’d also say that I’ve written pretty fun fluffy cracky smutty stuff so I guess another weakness is a lack of depth of plot and subject matter. I do want to explore this stuff more though.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
My concern is if you don’t speak the language fluently, then native speakers reading your fic might feel a big disconnect if you get colloquialisms and euphemism etc. incorrect. It could take them out of your fic if its not authentic enough. I don’t speak any other language fluently so it would END BADLY. I can speak and read French VERY POORLY and that’s it so no, I will never write in another language unless its jibberish I invented myself!
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The only fanfic I wrote before SPN last year was a handful of super cracky, gen Gundam Wing fanfiction in high school!! They are on a broken USB stick which kills me I want to read them so badly! All my other creative writing was original fiction mainly horror/thrillers. I stopped when I started my undergrad cause...that shit is a lot of work yo.
20) What's your favorite fic you've written?
My first love is my first baby Well Jung. I love the plot, I love the humour in it, I love the heart, and it’s still some of my fav sex I’ve written. And the title makes me giggle too who doesn’t love a bad pun? I'm so thrilled it was so successful but it would still be my favourite even if 3 people read it. It made me rediscover writing as a hobby and helped me explore this wonderful (yet insane) fandom. I love all my babies and I even think the writing is stronger in other fics, but he will always be #1 in my heart.
OK this was fun I love talking about fic writing! If any of you read my stuff and want to know more, hit me with an ask; I love making new frans! Tagging @oddsocksandstuff @samanddeaninpanties @raidens-realm I think my other writer mutuals have been tagged by Ven!
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fuckitup-in-style · 4 years
Hey guys, so I just finished watching JATP and I am absolutely obsessed with it! The songs, the characters, the plot - it’s just beautiful how the creators have brought to life this light, whimsical but also very heartfelt and warm show and I am so glad to see the wonderful reception from the fandom here on Tumblr and other social media outlets because the more reception, the more likely the show will come back for season 2 - which, I think we can all agree is something we all want to see (OH, and the TOURRRR)
But I couldn’t help but notice that there is some budding tension in the fandom concerning the controversy over shipping the characters Julie Molina and Luke Patterson, which I have noticed makes a lot of people uncomfortable (and I understand).
But I got some red flags when I saw words like predatory and sickening were labelled to the ship, and specifically to Luke as a character (and the casting team). I also noticed people attacking others for shipping Luke and Julie and I felt like I needed to say something.
So, as you probably can tell, I ship Juke or Jukebox as some people have started to call them (which I think is really cute). I only ship Juke, I do not under any circumstances ship the actors because 1) I dont ship actors as a principal because too many times have actors and the relationships they have held with others in their life been damaged because of people taking the chemistry they demonstrate with their onscreen relationship out of context 2) Maddy is underaged and I don’t ship child actors at all especially with 3) their co-actors, especially if they’re over 18 like Charlie is because 4) they have a very controversial age gap.
Now that I have gotten that out of the road, I was to explain why I ship Juke - and I can’t believe I feel so anxious about defending myself for wanting to see the relationship/friendship explored with Julie and Luke over the seasons but I understand. 
1. The characters themselves are 2 years apart. It’s an interracial relationship and I love the representation with Juke as well as with Willex. Maddy has promoted and publicly shipped the idea of Julie and Luke as a couple on social media and I think that if she was okay with it, than it shouldn’t be a problem (we’re the same age and i could see how, as a actress who would have the emotional and mental capacity to consent to acting out romantic scenes, it would be ok - keep in mind, it is a G-PG teens show so it would be limited to kissing. Wishing for anything beyond that to be presented as canon is wrong and I can admit that without any shame or regret). Julie canonically has a crush on Luke and Luke has canonically confirmed strong feelings/ chemistry with and for Julie. I love seeing this demonstrated when they are singing, songwritng, performing and dancing and even during really soft or playful moments like Unsaid Emily and Edge of Great and would like to see more of these really powerful moments between the two characters as the show progresses.
2. Be that as it may, I don’t want the characters to get together in the second season. I still believe that this show is primarily about Julie and the Phantoms, a band of friends consisting of a girl rediscovering her love and passion for music and continuing to do what she loves in her mom’s memory and three boys who died before they could make their dreams come true. The Orpheum was their first step to becoming legends and I don’t believe that’s over yet.
3. I also love the idea that Charlie and Maddy both have implied that they want Luke and Julie to build a strong, formidable friendship in the show before they even consider acting on any romantic notions and I support this and would look forward to seeing it! It would be great to see how their friendship, and she friendship she has with Alex and Reggie, grows and evolves over the show. Some people might argue that this will be boring and would slow the seemingly fast progress of the bond that has been shaped but I don’t think so.
There is so many subplots for the show to explore based off of what the show creators gave us in season 1:
- The obvious, Caleb possessing Nick. I have seen the Juke shippers jump right onto this one and saying how Caleb (as Nick) trying to get closer and make moves on Julie would make Luke jealous but I think we have seen a bit of that already from when Luke first interacted (kinda) with Nick when he and Julie were talking by the lockers. I think that the Caleb subplot would not only be a good idea to show how Luke will be conflicted with how he feels about it, but it would also show how Julie might be conflicted with her own feelings if she sees Nick presenting a different attitude. As to Caleb’s true motives, this presents the opportunity for some advenutre kind tropes where Julie and the Phantoms have to stop Caleb and save Nick from possession. Both Caleb and Nick have demonstrated an affintiy for performing (Nick with guitar and Caleb with singing) so that will be interesting to see. Also Willie is still under Caleb’s thumb so that will cause some angst and tension between himself and Alex.
- Willie and Alex’s relationship has a chance to develop. The last time they saw each other, Willie thought that Alex was crossing over so I think it will be super cute to see their reunion. (Boo Boo Stewart is a cutie) so I’m interested in seeing him and the Phantoms interact. Also - I kind of want to see him and Julie meet. I want to see if Julie’s ability to see ghosts extends to all ghosts or just the boys (this can relate back to the Phantoms connection to her mother and that can be explored).
- I want Reggie and Alex’s backgrounds to be developed and explored with music and with their friends. They didnt get much bonding moments with her and I want to see their friendship with Julie grow like Julie and Alex talking about relationships and Willie and Julie and Reggie talking about how he sees Ray as a father figure and how this might relate back to his own family history. 
- Carlos knows about the boys being ghosts and I want to see how that will play into everything. I know that Reggie has shown to be playful and indulgent in his ‘Ghost Hunting’ hobby so maybe they can have some fun playing pranks on Aunt Victoria. 
- I want to see Flynn’s character become more involved in the Phantoms and helping Julie reach her dreams but I also want Flynn’s dreams to be introduced and to be explored because she is such a fun and relatable character - and her and Julie’s friendship is pure - and she deserves to have a storyline independent of that or dominant and explored.
- I want more flashbacks too of Carrie and Julie’s friendship, of the boys when they were still alive, of Julie’s mom and how her connection with Sunset Curve was forged. I just think that would be super cool to see.
- Bobby has now seen the boys perform with Julie, finally achieving their dream performance at the Orpheum so I wonder how that will go on. I want to see the boys confront him and I want to see like some real shit going down on why and how he could cheat them out of their music. They were his friends and they died and he stole their dreams, their musics, their very souls laid bare on paper and I feel like that’s some good angst.
- Like I said before, it’s a show about Julie and the Phantoms and they want to make it big. After the Orpheum, it will be interesting to see them go on to play at other venues, tackle getting involved in the music industry and making more songs. I WANT MORE SONGSSS BRUH.
- Guys, if Julie and the Phantoms are going to become stars sometime in the show, they’ll be pretty famous. Like maybe they’re going to be on TV and they’re supposed to be dead and what happens if Luke’s parents see him like Bobby did? WHat will ahppen then?!
- As for romantic relationships (besides Juke and Willex) I want to see Reggie have a love interest or maybe even come out as Bi. That would be so cool! As a fellow bisexual, I think that would demonstrate a lot of representation to not only have a openly gay character (maybe two bec Willie’s sexuality hasn’t been confirmed yet but fingers crossed) but also a bi character. Maybe another ghost ? I want to see more ghosttss.
As for how I want Julie and Luke’s relationships to be explored:
- MORE MUSICCCCCC (because I feel the safetest bet right now considering, I feel everyone agrees that their music chemistry is A+ and gives their performances some fire😉)
- Some shenanagins with them and the rest of the Phantoms (+ Flynn) like them being actual teenagers (the boys were 17 when they died and I think that’s pretty sad as a 17 year old) and showing up at school and Alex dancing with Carrie when she throws Dirty Candy performances. I think it would be funny if the two of them ever met.
- Luke making fun of Nick (jealoussyyy) and him and Julie bickering like they always do. Maybe Flynn and the boys making fun of them both. Flynn will definently want to protect her friend after seeing what a wreck she was before the performance when she thought the boys might have crossed over or gotten destroyed by Caleb’s curse, so she might convince Julie to keep her distance like in ‘Edge of Great’. Alex and Reggie will make fun of Luke def. No questions. It’s what they do best but they love each other.
- Guys, they can’t just ignore Perfect Harmony like - come on. Like, if Luke goes snooping inside Julie’s dream box (because, let’s face it, it’s sitting right there and it’s full of LYRICS people and he loves MUSIC and he loves JULIE’S MUSIC and - yeah, come on.) I also think it would be funny to see more of Julie saying Luke’s name by accident or daydreaming because I thought - ACTUAL TEENAGE GIRL REPRESENTATION!
- More fighting because her and Luke have such strong, dominant personalities and I can see them clashing in the future over the direction they want the band to go in and, more or less, petty teenage stuff.
- Possibly being more diverse with their style of music like in Perfect Harmony and Unsaid Emily. Maybe exploring some really deep and emotional lyrics and changing it up with their performance (although, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE THAT BIT WHERE JULIE DOES THAT HIGH NOTE AT THE START OF THE SONG AND THAN THE BOYS JUST ROCK IN LIKE LEGENDS AND - ) but yeah, I want to cry again like I did in Unsaid Emily so. 
Anyway, feel free to add what you guys most look forward to but the whole point of this was I want this fandom to be a fun, free and safe environment. So don’t ship actors, I don’t support sexualizing child actors and don’t expect Luke or Julie’s relationship to go past the soft, chaste, fluffy kisses you see at 16/17 because it is a kids show and once again because Maddy is underage and her and Charlie’s age gap is controversial. But shipping Juke isn’t predatory because Luke isn’t a predator, the character is 17, 1-2 years older than Julie. It’s a kids show and it’s very tender, very pure and very sweet. We have seen nothing to contradict this so don’t make it something it’s not.
Anyway that’s my two cents so don’t @ me to yell at me, okay?
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ebisama · 3 years
This might have been it, then.
Maybe this needs a bit of context, so prepare for a longer, somewhat ranty post. 
I was 13 years old when I entered into a GW shop for the first time. My first set was the Battle for Macragge, some paints a few brushes. From that day on out, I was hooked on the hobby. I built and painted whenever I could, did some first conversions. My first factions after the initial Space Marines were Chaos Space Marines and Necrons. 
After a few years, my interest in the hobby waned. These were the dark times of GW: even worse communication with the community then now, prices were too high for my non-existing income, and the only store close to my location permanently closed its doors. Rules were mismatched, specialist games were dying out, White Dwarf issues were void of fan content and creations. Around 2013-2014, I had barely any interest left in the hobby at all.
That was until the period following the resignation of Tom Kirby. After the disastrous year of 2014, GW had been trying to turn their ship around. Community engagement was on the rise, specialist games were being brought back, starter boxes started appearing which offered genuine savings. 
Maybe it had also to do with me starting to earn a bit of side income, but the main two things that got me to dive back into the hobby, into the Unvierse of Warhammer 40k, were me joining the Warhammer RPG sessions of a group of friends, and TTS. 
If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech device was such a burst of fresh air. It went on to become such a huge phenomenon that basically half of all Warhammer memes and headcanons can kinda be traced back to the show. For me it reinvigorated a passion for the Warhammer universe I did not know I could still have. This was the height of my Warhammer obsession: I dove back into the lore, started immersing myself in Warhammer Fantasy and AoS when I had been a pure 40k fan before. I learned so many things about everything pertaining to the hobby, wrote stories for my friends, created one homebrew army after the other (on paper at least). And I purchases a LOT of GW stuff (too much, but reselling it was always an option). 
That is until recently. Several price hikes. Imho somewhat mediocre new stories. Things like the Cursed City debacle. Disastrous handling of scalpers on so many levels. Warhammer +. The scandals surrounding the payments (or rather the lack thereof) of GW writers and game developers. And now the final nail in the coffin for me: the new zero tolerance policy and the shelving of TTS. 
That is... too much for me. Our hobby is an inherently creative one. We see and read these stories, we experience these universes and we add to them. We put our own spin on things, create our headcanons. We imagine where these things might lead and what could be done with them. We put so much of ourselves into these world that we explore.
Fan creators were a major part of me rediscovering my love for the hobby. Be it TTS to start out with, or Inquisitor, Hellsreach, and Astartes to name a few. Seeing creators being forced to stop their projects which they made with such passion, combined with everything GW has done recently, has entirely soured my relationship to Warhammer for now. That is why I have decided that I will no longer purchase from GW anymore. Not because I think that the universe has become unenjoyable, but because I think I can no longer give my money to a company that seems to have so little concern for its fanbase, or the people that helped make GW this successfull in the first place.
So yeah. That might indeed have been it. I will keep painting from time to time, try to work through that backlog. I might purchase some minis from other companies. Maybe even a GW mini if I can find a preowned one off of Ebay which I need. But I fear that just like in the past, my interest will wane until I move on to something different. Because this zero tolerance stance, which basically kills off fan made content and locks the rest behind a monopolized paywall, is basically the death of creativity in the hobby. And without that, what is there left?
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