#respect copyright
esuemmanuel · 1 year
To you, shameless thief:
I hereby dare to let you know what I have been feeling thanks to the constant thefts of which I have been a victim, in any of the websites I mention, from your hand.
I have been affected, tremendously, by the lack, no longer of morals - because that seems to be absent in you - but of human integrity and decency, as you have been able to take as your own what is not yours and will not be yours no matter how hard you try.
While it is true that I am the author, creator and source of everything on both websites, it is also true that you are a vile, ignorant, brainless, soulless and spiritless ignoramus who needs to take what is not yours to feel special. Know that, to do what you do, anyone can move their hands, but, to create content - to burn your eyelashes, study and read in the wee hours of the morning, in a sleepless and insomniac mood, while you feel in your soul the burning of madness, the dismay of melancholy, the anguish of anxiety, the rapture of joy and the daring of love - not everyone does it. In fact, there are very few of us who dare to step out of the standards to break the paradigms and create something new; something that no one else has been able to do nor will do, least of all those of your lineage, obviously, since you come from a rotten tree, from an infertile branch, so much so that you are fervently dependent on us creators, because not only have you stolen from me nor will you steal from me, you have done it with others who, like me, take the risk of producing original content.
What do you know about it? Definitely nothing, because at home you were not taught, no longer to respect, but to be free. Your wings were clipped as soon as your mother gave birth to you and, as you grew up, instead of feeding your soul to make you aware of the creative power you carry in your entrails, they made you believe that you are useless, that you will never be someone in this life if you do not steal, if you do not kill, if you do not rape, if you do not take from others what you are not allowed to create. So pitiful is your life and your existence that you are a "nobody". Your mother gave birth to you for one purpose only: to be a copy of others, a leech, a piranha, a bird of prey, a dependent of the winners. You need to feel like a winner, but without making the slightest effort and hanging the medals of others. How pathetic and mediocre you are! And I don't even ask you if you are not ashamed of such truth, because I know you are not, you don't know about it, because, I insist, you were not taught.
I dare not say that you are a human being, since a human being has the capacity - in fact, is born with it - to be creative. You, simply, are a parasite brought into the world by another parasite; beings void of energy of your own, dependent on the energy of others to exist or, rather, to survive, since what you do is not living and you do it thanks to the theft of the divine breath of those we create. How sad it is to be you! You cannot and do not have the ability to give anything of value to the world, because you have to take it from others to feel valuable and satisfy your lack of spirit. Look that I, however you steal from me, if I decide to stop publishing what I write, you, definitely, will stop subsisting, because without me, who am the source, you will have no way to feed yourself, meanwhile I, who do not depend on anyone, but on my own will, strength and motivation, will continue to create freely in my notebooks and, perhaps, no one else but me can read me. It doesn't matter, just having the satisfaction of creating is enough for me. This is where the satisfaction of the creator lies, while yours will always depend on it, which leads me to confess to you that you are not free, but a slave of your own limitations, which you inherited from your mother and which you will never be able to get rid of. You are marked by nothingness, eternal laziness, perpetual emptiness and filthy ignorance. It is when I come across beings like you that I advocate abortion, because, a being that is born with the sole purpose of suckling its energy from others does not deserve to breathe. You don't help anyone with that, you only take away the breath, the air from those of us who need it to create, to be, to live and, consequently, to give something valuable to the world. Am I harsh? Am I? I think I only make you see the reality of your life (if that's what you can call what you are supposed to be doing in this world). Harder is having to feed leeches like you for free. You may wonder what is in it for me to tell you your truths if, after all, you will continue to commit the misdeed of stealing. Well, then, I am pleased with the satisfaction I get from spitting in your face, that's all.
You will continue to steal, because that is your destiny, that is what you were born to do, and even if you want to change, you will not; it is impossible for you to do so. In your genes you have the mark of evil, of brutality, of unconsciousness, of ignorance, of lack of soul, and nobody can be cured of these. However, I, unlike you, will continue to create, produce, write and publish because in Me lies the source of creation. I am the water, the ink, the sea, the sky, the earth, the fire, the wind… the ether… the force of life becoming word and action in every writing I do and in every step I take. You will continue to be a "Nobody" who steals and satisfies himself by receiving the applause of those who, like me, do not need that to feel satisfied.
Ah, how good it feels to tell you that you will never get out of your pigsty of mediocrity! While I, a born writer and poet (and yes, I say it with all the blessed pride I have in being one), will continue to bless my eyes with my creations at the expense of my tiredness, my time, my health, my money and my life.
Without further ado, I say goodbye with a tremendous satisfaction for telling you what I feel and knowing how to write it, something that you, in life, will be able to experience, won't you?
Esu Emmanuel G. Author, Writer, Poet and Human Being.
LETTER TO THE THIEF. © 2023 by Esu Emmanuel G. is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit Creative Commons
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Copyright Certificate in India at a glance
Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, photographs, Paintings, a speech, movies, songs, source codes of software programs, the binary executable file, Website, Mobile App, and architecture.
Its registration with the IPR Authority essentially ensures that any creative work cannot be copied without the permission of the author or creator.
Benefits of Copyright Registration:
Legal Protection
Legal Action against others
Legal right Established
Holding rights since application filed
Right to use, Re-Use & Reproduce
Free to Create derivative work
Economic benefits
Enables moral rights
Gives economic stability
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authorajalexander · 9 months
The Tree Imps - Written By Marie Smith
Picture courtesy of Marie Smith      I watched too much 50’s television as a child.  I especially loved “The Donna Reed Show” where a character named Donna Stone was a model of mid-century motherhood perfection.  Week after week I saw her solve everyone’s problems while fixing meals, doing laundry and dusting the house in her pearls and high heels — all the while smiling!  I never saw my mother…
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View On WordPress
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news4nose · 9 months
How to Protect Your Online Identity and Reputation
Whenever you’re using your bank account, emailing a colleague, or sharing a photo on social media, each action you make could put your online safety at risk. Identity theft has been a big problem lately because many people don’t pay enough attention to their online security. What we do on the internet can cause big problems in our real lives.
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 It’s essential to control and take care of your online identity because it can impact your real life. 
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just asked two artists if i could tattoo a piece inspired by their work. are they big? no. would they ever find out if i didn't tell them? also no. would it change much? no. but it made them so visibly happy and flattered that i asked first. respecting copyright and respecting artists is so sexy. please do that more often.
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apas-95 · 1 year
The idea that many people have about socialist ownership is often, basically, 'everyone is a small business owner'. The phrase 'workers should own the fruits of their labour' is fine, if referring to the working class owning those products and using them, as a class, to their benefit - but more often than not, it's meant that individual workers should own what they produce.
This idea is especially prevalent among the middle classes, and those who fantasize about joining them - what they want is to own capital, to be their own boss, to make profit through their ownership. They present this, profiting from their ownership, as 'compensating workers' - and argue that anyone that wants to do away with that ownership is stealing from workers, forcing them to labour without pay. But, that's the thing - those making their money from selling the fruits of their labour already are labouring without pay. They don't make their money through waged labour, they make it through profitable ownership - which is to say, capital. The system they describe, of small, collective ownership of the means of production, is not one that involves the working class - it is a system of the middle classes.
The proletariat, rather, publicly own the fruits of workers' labour. Does the scientist, who creates a new medicine, need to be compensated through ownership of patents or copyrights whenever that medicine is produced in a factory? No! They are paid for their labour, and that is that. The medicine belongs to the people. It is absurd to claim that 'using their intellectual property without their consent' is somehow a strike against a worker, as if the worker should expect to make profit through ownership, rather than be simply compensated for their labour directly. No, the expectation of profitable ownership comes only from the middle class, and those who fantasize about joining them.
Marx said: "You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property. But in your existing society, private property is already done away with for nine-tenths of the population [...] In one word, you reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so; that is just what we intend. [...]
By “individual” you mean no other person than the bourgeois, than the middle-class owner of property. This person must, indeed, be swept out of the way, and made impossible."
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ligbi · 10 months
I think we should be allowed to burn corporations to the ground
even aside from all the current residuals&streaming availability fuckery, I was looking at  978-0786847655 one of the Disney Fairies books with some lovely illustrations and the artists listed are
The Disney Storybook Artists
That’s nothing. That’s less than nothing. I want names and proper credits. SO many books are published by the mouse with only this catch all name listed for worlds of work. What if I want to track down the artists and support their individual work? Do you keep them in a cave and not let them see the sun? Or do you just not believe in proper crediting.
‘oh but there was probably a contract and they were surely paid’ yeah and ???? paid how much what about residuals are the artists even allowed to put these books on their work history since without their name credited anywhere. The contract or job listing or internship clause or whatever tactic disney uses to get away with this is scummy while sure this type of thing should be low on the list of priorities on how to de-shitify the world, it should be on the list.
yes some of the artists who have worked on the franchise are listed on the artofdisneyfairies tumblr, but that’s a fan account and it’s incomplete. A book should have full proper credits in it
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The corporation may own the art but they didn’t make it and they shouldn’t hide who did the work as neither artists nor ‘consumers’ benefit from that.
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the-owl-tree · 4 months
related to my tags but i can't get over how many of those "how to spot ai art!!11!" tutorials are just "see this mistake? there's no way a human being can make a mistake!!!' like fuck off. you've got to learn a better way to grapple with this shit it's getting annoying.
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faunandfloraas · 1 month
Nothing funnier to me than a fansite that horrifically white washes pics of the guys until they genuinely look like walking corpses but then will have DO NOT EDIT in all their captions like baby.... if there's anyone here who should have the editing software taken away, it's you...
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secretmellowblog · 11 months
Whenever I see people defending ai “art” like its some revolutionary artistic tool instead of the thing it actually is, which is a tool created by Silicon Valley millionaires to sell to megacorporations like Disney in order steal the entire life’s work of artists so they can produce a glurge of generic algorithmically generated content without fairly compensating their workers…I just feel like:
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utilitycaster · 1 year
The thing about Zehir's pact is that he very clearly says it is to ensure that the party isn't lying, and it lasts for as long as they have interest in his mind. Now consider.
Fjord is telling the truth: he was involved in the breaking of the first two seals, but came to the temple to protect the final seal, and now intends to track down Uk'otoa.
Fjord made a pact with Uk'otoa in desperate straits and then broke it.
Fjord also has an intact pact and oath with Melora, Zehir's nemesis, and declines to give up her vestige nor does he take any of Zehir's boon for himself, and he expresses a preference for the mountain over the shadows.
Zehir is evil but he is not a fucking idiot, and there are way easier souls to corrupt than a guy who demonstrably will break a pact and re-seal you.
Yeah I'd probably also lose interest immediately once Uk'otoa was dealt with.
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bluewritinghood · 6 months
I absolutely love Icemav so I made a fan edit of them, this song fits them so well!
I do NOT own Top Gun, or Top Gun Maverick, nor do I claim to. I do not own any characters in this fan fic or from Top Gun. This transformative
work has been created purely for
entertainment purposes. No profit is
made or sought. No copyright
infringement is intended. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the respective owners. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I don’t own Anything to do with the Top Gun franchise.
DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Hozier or any of his music nor do I claim to. I do not own anything from Hozier in this fan edit or from Hozier. This transformative
work has been created purely for
entertainment purposes. No profit is
made or sought. No copyright
infringement is intended. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the respective owners. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I don’t own
I am purely a fan and this is purely a fan edit shared for the enjoyment of others and no profit is sought in any way or form.
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wiser-girl · 8 months
I love how we did technically get "Lucius survived" and "Hide the supposed to be dead person from Blackbeard in the secret rooms on the ship" but. Not like that.
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sheryl-lee · 6 months
im sorry but the foolishness of being on a gif-dominated website that is barely functioning at all times and telling the users who have been making and posting those gifs for YEARS that "actually i know better about this than all of you" while saying things that are entirely false and laughably untrue. and making a fucking PSA like you're a genius for it like be fucking serious. be so for real.
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commander-gloryforge · 8 months
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Please welcome: Operation Copyright Infringement Turned Violent.
or, the worlds worst found family, a ragtag group of mercenaries and lost souls following one grumpy asura into chaos.
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starting off with Jopp ("Boss" "Captain" "Jopping") who put this group together in the first place.
he/him, 46 years old, asuran thief, inquest, grumpy as hell, hired a couple of mercenaries from all over tyria to get revenge on his inquest rival, who's been stealing all of his ideas for the past 20 years or so
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Ayili ("Ay"), the first to join Jopp in his adventures together with their twin.
they/them, 16 years old, sylvari mesmer, formerly nightmare court, violent and mean and horrible but they used to be worse. joined the nmc when they were maybe 4 or so, left during the campaign against mordremoth and has been trying to redeem themselves ever since by doing "community work" with their twin.
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Iliya ("Il"), joined along with their twin Ayili.
they/them, 16 years old, sylvari revenant, preacher of ventaris teaching. has always had a strong connection to the dream, unlike their pod twin. welcomed ayili back in an instant, gentle, smart, filled with nothing but love for their kind and their twin.
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Enika Thunderborn ("Child of the Storm" "Prince of Thunder"), looking for work after her crew was no longer safe.
she/they, 18 years old, norn engineer, pirate, strong, wild, knows her worth. child of two famous pirates, last survivor of her crew after the attack on lions arch. joined another crew after, but things got- out of hand. thinks jopp is funny because hes so fucking small lol
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Lucien ("Luc" "The Lost"), last to join the group because his auntie told him to get a job.
he/him, ??? years old, human elementalist, priest of ???, a sad wet cat if ive ever seen one. came crawling out of a cave a couple of years ago, doesnt remember much except for his name and the fact that hes a follower of some god, cant really tell you which one though. was taken in by a priesthood of dwayna, but they kind of kicked him out because he was a bit useless to them.
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arbitrarystrawberry · 5 months
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so I just found out Steamboat Willie is public domain this year
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