#roger harlan
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Making childrem have connectios for the only reason that it would be really funny to see their parents deal with that:
Roger Harlan first crush was ... Janice Palmer. And look at that: she also was his childhood best friend. And what is that? She didn't like him that way and was oblivous of his feelings most of the time. Now it was a first crush and Roger moved on. But we did have a specially taxing moment where Roger tried to confess when the whole Palmer familly (Cecil and Carlos included) where at the Torniquete and cringe failed as Janice called them good friends.
Earl got visibly upset about the whole situation wich was worse because it led to Cecil trying to cheer him up by saying "I know is hard to see your son upset, but is for the best it didn't work out because it would be kindda weird with she being my niece and the two of us being basically brothers just from different parents." and Carlos, who ofc was with his husband, also offering his emotional support and talking about how scientifically speaking most people move on from childhood crushes quickly and Roger would be fine and not even think about his previous feelings in the long run. It got to the point that Abby started feeling pity for him and interviened by asking to go personally thank the chef forcing her and Earl to go to the cerimonial chef greetings room as to remove him of the situation. Later Steve patted Earl's back sadly as Carlos was sharing his dessert with Cecil and being very coupley at the moment.
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cantheykillmacbeth · 8 months
Could Roger Harlan from Welcome to Night Vale kill Macbeth? He appeared after his father, Earl Harlan, aged from 19 to a middle age man, and Earl doesn't know who Roger's mother is, so he could apply to the Unconventional Birth clause and the Birth Parent Clause
Yes, Roger Harlan from the Welcome to Night Vale podcast could kill Macbeth!
((No image available))
He spontaneously manifested after his father aged from 19 to middle-aged in a very short span of time, with no memory of a spouse. Roger is said to look similar to how Earl did as a child. Considering the anomalous nature of literally everything in Night Vale, I think it's safe to say that Roger does indeed apply for the Unconventional Birth Clause and Birth Parent Clause.
Thank you for your submission!
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book0ftheday · 5 months
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Alone Against Tomorrow by Harlan Ellison, cover illustration and design by Brad Johansen, author photo by Roger Conrad, published 1971.
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philosophyofrachel · 11 months
While I love almost everything about Ezekiel Jones’ bogan Aussie family… having them talk about “pick up trucks” makes me sad 🫠
they had enough bogan/Aussie-knowledge to use “drongo”, but they didn’t know to use “ute”?
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buzzdixonwriter · 6 months
The Man Who Ruined Science Fiction (part 1)
That title is a gross exaggeration.  Roger Elwood in and of himself did not ruin science fiction, at least not all of it and certainly not permanently, but he did screw up a major hunk of it during the 1970s.
Let his tale be a warning to others.
Born in Atlantic City, NJ in 1943, Elwood seems to have been a primarily East Coast / NYC based writer / editor, conducting most of his business via mail though he did attend out of state conventions.
He began writing professionally soon after graduating high school.  I’ve found no record of him attending college (which I don’t hold against him; neither did I) or of any closely related family.  His earliest appearance in the world of science fiction is an interview with Joseph Stephano regard the then current Outer Limits TV show in Famous Monsters Of Filmland no26 (Oct. 1963).
It speaks volumes about my level of geekdom that I knew exactly which issue it appeared in without checking.
For FM it was an unusual article, one of the very few credited to an outside writer who wasn’t an already established pro giving an opinion of some classic horror film.  Elwood possessed a fair amount of skill as an interviewer, and for a couple of years in the early 1970s edited two wrestling magazines for an out of state publisher (The Big Book of Wrestling and Official Wrestling Guide), until he quit in a pay dispute according to some sources or according to others in dismay at learning wrestling was faked.
I can’t attest to the latter, but I will say it sounds in character for all I’ve learned about him.  Despite his interest in sci-fi and his professional publishing contacts, Elwood displayed a remarkable naivete throughout his career.
I don’t mean that in a positive way.
In the early 1960s he began packaging a series of reprint anthologies for various publishers, sometimes co-editing with Sam Moskowitz, a longtime sci-fi fan turned writer and genre historian, and Vic Ghidalia, an NYC based TV publicist (possibly the connection who arranged the Outer Limits interview?). 
His earliest anthologies appear pretty standard for the genre, collecting some of the better stories from the pulp and early digest era and reprinting them for new readers.
All that changed abruptly in 1967 when Harlan Ellison edited his groundbreaking original anthology, Dangerous Visions.
Dangerous Visions and its 1972 follow-up Again, Dangerous Visions provided a pair of sledgehammer blows that shattered the pulp era-sensibilities of science fiction that still hampered the genre in the 1960s.
They lit the fuse for a decade long controversy in sci-fi fandom called the Old Thing vs. New Wave feud. 
While today many of the stories in both anthologies seemed tainted with sophomoric iconoclasm, at the time they demolished long held publishing taboos in the field, in particular stories that questioned the existence or value of God.
This seems like middle school edgelording today, but at the time appeared absolutely unthinkable.  While the controversy around the two anthologies involved far more than that, in retrospect this couldn’t escape Elwood’s notice.
Just as the anthologies’ phenomenal success not escape it, either.
© Buzz Dixon
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pieroguy · 9 months
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I’m gonna throw up (in a good way)
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soup-is-here · 2 years
I'm listening back to the Earl Harlan episodes and I forgot just how jarring they are.
Like imagine you were born during the industrial revolution (based on the Steam Locomotive in his baby picture) then turned 19 and stayed that way for years only to suddenly be middle-aged with a wife and kid (who looks like a decomposing version of 8y/o you) and being narrated by the man on the radio who you're pretty sure you had a crush on and graduated high school with and when he invites you into his show you learn he doesn't even know how old he is let alone you
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prokopetz · 10 days
Do you happen to know the origin of the fantasy trope in which a deity's power directly corresponds to the number of their believers / the strength of their believers' faith?
I only know it from places like Discworld and DnD that I'm fairly confident are referencing some earlier source, but outside of Tinkerbell in Peter Pan, I can't think of of any specific work it might've come from, 20th-c fantasy really not being my wheelhouse.
Thank you!
That's an interesting question. In terms of immediate sources, I suspect, but cannot prove, that the trope's early appearances in both Dungeons & Dragons and Discworld are most immediately influenced by the oeuvre of Harlan Ellison – his best-known work on the topic, the short story collection Deathbird Stories, was published in 1975, which places it very slightly into the post-D&D era, though most of the stories it contains were published individually earlier – but Ellison certainly isn't the trope's originator. L Sprague de Camp and Fritz Leiber also play with the idea in various forms, as does Roger Zelazny, though only Zelazny's earliest work is properly pre-D&D.
Hm. Off the top of my head, the earliest piece of fantasy fiction I can think of that makes substantial use of the trope in its recognisably modern form is A E van Vogt's The Book of Ptath; it was first serialised in 1943, though no collected edition was published until 1947. I'm confident that someone who's more versed in early 20th Century speculative fiction than I am could push it back even earlier, though. Maybe one of this blog's better-read followers will chime in!
(Non-experts are welcome to offer examples as well, of course, but please double-check the publication date and make sure the work you have in mind was actually published prior to 1974.)
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krirebr · 5 months
More Than This 1
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x f!reader, Steve Rogers & f!reader
Word Count: ~4.1k
Summary: Arranged marriages have always been used to solidify business deals among the ultra-wealthy. Your stepfather wants to be in business with Harlan Thrombey, so now it's your turn.
Warnings: Heavy angst, age difference, adult themes, institutional sexism, a very brief conversation about the possibility of abuse, explicit language, the slooowest burn - Warnings will be added as needed for subsequent parts. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
A/N: And here we go! A huge thanks to @drabblewithfrannybarnes for helping me nail down some of the worldbuilding details and @paperweight91 for reading so much of this and especially telling me how to fix the scene that refused to be fixed. You're both the best!!
Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think will be greatly appreciated. Even if it's just screeching at me. As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
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It was uncommon to be called to your stepfather’s office. The high rise on the edge of Studio City had housed the heads of his family since the silent film era, give or take a remodel and expansion or five. You’d only been here a handful of times, mostly left out of the family business. When his assistant opened the door for you, you were surprised to see a small group of people, all in expensive business attire, surrounding your stepdad, Joseph Rogers, at his desk. Even more surprising was the figure standing in the corner, staring out the window – your mother. 
“Mom?” you asked, unable to hide your confusion. She just gave you a tight smile in return and turned her attention to her husband.
“Sweetheart,” he called to you. It’s what he’d called you since you’d first met him as a child and it had always felt patronizing and empty. You were well aware that you were an annoyance he’d been saddled with when he’d married your mother for her late first husband’s connections. Eighteen years later, you wished he’d drop the pretense already. “Please, have a seat,” he gestured to the leather chair in front of his large oak desk. 
You sat down across from him. “What’s going on?” you asked, an uneasy feeling building in your gut.
“Congratulations are in order,” he said, smiling at you. “You’re engaged.”
Years of experience at bullshit industry and society parties had you pasting on a benign smile. This was your fourth, no fifth engagement, the first one dating all the way back to when you were 10. They’d all dissolved for one reason or another, the business arrangements at the heart of them disintegrating too. But looking around the room at all the extra people in attendance, you knew better than to dismiss this outright. You were older now. Many of your friends from school had found themselves married as part of business deals in the last few years. Love matches were uncommon in the circles you frequented. There wasn’t much patience for love when this much money was at stake. But still, just because it was expected, that didn’t make you any more ready for your turn. 
“That’s wonderful,” you said, putting all your effort into keeping your tone even. “May I ask whom I’m engaged to?” 
“Ransom Drysdale,” Joseph said. “He’s the grandson of Harlan Thrombey, the mystery writer. We’ve been trying to secure the movie rights to his works for years and this should finally cement it. It’s fantastic news for our family and this studio. The joining of our families should create many opportunities for all of us. Ransom is one of the most eligible bachelors in Boston. You should feel very lucky.”
Lucky was the last thing you felt right now, but you kept your face schooled as you ran through your mental Rolodex to try to figure out if you had any social connections to this man. The fact that he lived on the other side of the country made it less likely but not impossible. 
“So,” he continued, sliding a stack of papers across his desk to you, “all you need to do is sign and initial the contract where it’s marked, and we can get started finalizing the details for the wedding next month.”
At that, all your poise disappeared and the smile dropped off your face. “Next month?”
Joseph nodded. “It’s important to strike while the iron is hot with deals like this. So go ahead and sign so that we can all move on to the next stage.”
Your heart thumped wildly in your chest. This was happening. This one was real. “Shouldn’t I read it first?” you asked, somewhat desperately.
He shook his head, “No need,” he said, gesturing to the man you recognized as one of the family lawyers standing beside him. “Julian has already gone through it with a fine-toothed comb. All of our interests are well represented. It’s all in legalese anyway. Impossible to understand if you aren’t a lawyer.” He chuckled and many of the people standing around the desk, staring at you, joined him. 
“I just–” you stammered. You didn’t know what to do, but you knew you couldn’t pick up that pen.
Irritation bloomed on your stepfather’s face. “Lydia!” he called. 
Your mother stopped staring out the window and stepped up to your chair. “Honey,” she said gently, putting her hand on your back. “This will be such a good thing. And then we can get to all the fun parts of planning the wedding!” She picked up the pen and held it out to you. You took a moment to look at her. Her features were drawn and her eyes looked exhausted. She’d looked that way as long as you could remember. It did nothing to reassure you. 
You glanced at the door behind you. You knew you weren’t getting out of this room without signing the contract. You took a deep breath and took the pen from your mother. There was nothing else to do. No other choice. You quickly flipped through the papers, initialing where indicated and signing the last page. Your hand was shaking so badly you weren’t sure any of it was legible.
When you turned over the last page, Joseph clapped his hands together. “Excellent!” He took a large binder off the desk and passed it over to you. “We’ve put some information together for you on your new fiance. Ransom will be in town next week to take you to dinner so that the two of you can get to know each other. Now, I’m sure you want to go celebrate, so we won’t keep you any longer.”
At the clear dismissal, you stood up. Many people in the room offered their congratulations and you nodded to them, forcing a strained smile. Then you made your way out on shaky legs, needing to see the one person who might be able to help you process what had just happened.
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You’d been six years old when you and your mother had moved into the Rogers mansion. You were terrified, already able to sense Joseph’s indifference towards you. But your comfort during that time, and all the time after, had been his son, Steve. Twelve years old, still reeling from the death of his mother and just as deeply lonely as you, he’d named himself your protector, shielding you from his father’s annoyance and your mother’s sorrow. He guarded you from monsters when you woke up in the middle of the night after a nightmare and would stare down your bullies on the playground. You were very quickly inseparable. 
When you became engaged the first time when you were ten, sixteen-year-old Steve had taken you out for ice cream, telling you not to worry too much, there was so much time before anything would happen and that everything would be ok. When the arrangement had fallen apart, he’d hugged you and whispered in your ear, “See? I’m always right.”
That was the memory you couldn’t stop thinking about as you let yourself into your stepbrother’s apartment, using the key he’d given you on the day he’d moved in. He wasn’t in his front room, so you moved all the way to the back, to the spare room he used as an art studio. You lightly knocked on the doorframe as you entered, trying not to startle him. He was standing with his hands on his hips, staring at a half-finished painting, but looked over his shoulder as soon as he heard you. There was a warm smile on his face, but it dropped as soon as he took in your expression. “What happened?” he asked as you flopped down onto his couch.
“I think I might be really fucked, Steve,” you said quietly, your hands still shaking. You couldn’t get them to stop.
“What happened?” he asked again, more forcefully this time, as he dragged a chair from the corner of the room so that he could sit right across from you.
“Your dad, he–” You stopped and shook your head. Steve’s face darkened. “I’m engaged,” you said with a helpless shrug.
“Okay,” he said evenly. “That might not be the most dire thing. You’ve been engaged before. Nothing ever comes of it.”
You sighed. “They’ve set a date this time.”
“Oh,” was all he could say at first, surprise on his face. “That’s new.”
“Yeah.” you nodded. “A month from now.”
That had Steve sitting up straight. “The hell?!”
“It’s happening this time. I can feel it.”
“Hey, no,” he said, reaching out to touch your arm. “Let me try to talk some sense into him. Buy you some time. He might listen to me.”
You shook your head. “Everything’s already signed. They made me sign. I don’t think there’s any getting out of it.”
“He give you a name?”
“Ransom Drysdale.”
Before he was able to stop himself, Steve grimaced.
“Fuck,” you muttered, briefly covering your face with your hands.
“No, it’s– I’ve only met him once or twice, ok? I don’t actually know anything about him.”
“But you don’t like him.”
“He’s–” Steve paused, clearly trying to find the words that wouldn’t upset you even more, “a strong personality.” He looked at you carefully. “And he’s older than you. Older than me, even.”
“I know,” you sighed, reaching for your bag and taking out the folder. “They gave me this.”
You handed it to Steve and he paged through it. “This is intense. Do you think they gave him one about you?”
You shrugged. “Dunno. Probably. Can’t imagine it says anything interesting.”  
Steve nodded, seriously. “It’s probably pretty thin. Just the story of that time you completely freaked out when you weren’t allowed to bring Mr. BunBun to school with you.”
You grabbed the pillow next to you and hurled it at him. “You’re such a dick!” you laughed. “I’m very upset!”
He batted the pillow back at you and cackled when it hit you in the chest. “He deserves to know the kind of person he’s marrying. The kind who throws a five-alarm tantrum when she’s separated from her stuffed bunny.”
“I was eight, asshole!” You laughed again but then your brain caught on something Steve had said. “Holy shit, he’s marrying me. I’m getting married. I don’t know anything about him. He could be anyone. You don’t even like him! He could hurt me and–” 
“Hey, no!” Steve interrupted quickly. “I might not know much, but I know that. He won’t do that. I’m sure of it. And if he ever even tried, I’d be there so fast. They’d never find his body.”
“Will he be kind to me?” you asked quietly. He opened his mouth to say something, but you stopped him. “Be honest with me. Please.”
He sighed. “I don’t know.”
“Well,” you said, trying so hard not to cry, “I guess at least now we know exactly how your dad feels about me.”
Steve closed his eyes and quietly said your name. When he opened them, there was a resolved look on his face that was painfully familiar. His ‘I’m going to fix this’ face. He was intractable when he got like this. He set his jaw. “I’m going to talk to Dad.”
You shook your head. “Steve.” Your stepfather was just as intractable as his son. This would only result in a shouting match that wouldn’t go anywhere.
“It’s going to be alright,” he said resolutely.
All you could do was say “OK,” with a wan smile, knowing it was a lie. You lay down on the couch and curled up on your side. “Do you mind if I stay here for a bit?”
“Of course not. Lola good on her own for a while?”
You nodded. Your little dog was probably asleep in her kennel. “Yeah, for a while.”
“Do you mind if I keep working on this?” he asked, gesturing to his painting.
“I like watching you paint,” you said, trying to find comfort in the familiarity of something you’d done since you were small.
He stood up and turned back to his easel, and you did your best to focus on watching him paint and not think about how, if this went through, you’d have to move to Boston and you wouldn’t get to have this time with your brother anymore.
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As expected, Steve’s talk with Joseph yielded no results when it came to your future. The only thing it seemed to have any effect on was their own relationship, Steve announcing to you that he was no longer speaking to his father the next time you saw him. You hadn’t expected anything else.
For your part, you spent the next week vacillating between going overboard preparing for your first meeting with Ransom—pouring over your folder on him, making salon appointments, shopping for a dress that would make the right impression—and pretending your problems didn’t exist. As such, the day of the dinner still snuck up on you. You were a nervous wreck. 
The plan was for him to pick you up at your apartment, but an hour before he was supposed to arrive, you got a text from an unfamiliar number telling you to meet him at the restaurant instead. 
So now you sat at the table, alone, in a new dress with your hair done. You’d arrived ten minutes early, and he was now 20 minutes late. You took a deep breath, staring at the empty seat across from you. He would show up. He had to. 
Another ten minutes passed and, as you waived off the server for a third time, you let yourself consider what it would mean if your future husband had stood you up. You should go. It’d be pathetic to stay. And even if he did show up after you’d gone, it’d make a point. Show you had a backbone. You should definitely go.
Just as your hand began to inch toward your handbag on the table, the hostess came through, leading a tall, handsome man to your table. She stopped beside you and then ducked away. The man looked at you critically. He said your name like a question and, when you nodded, he sat down. He didn’t introduce himself, but he could only be Ransom. 
He was dressed nicely in an expensive sweater and slacks, but much more casually than you were and looking around the restaurant than most of the other people there, too. And when he sat down, you could see the places in his sweater where it was threadbare or torn. You tried very hard to not take it as a sign of how he felt about this dinner, felt about you.
You cleared your throat to say something, you weren’t entirely sure what when he glanced at your glass of water. “You don’t drink?”
“No, I do,” you said, but when he smirked you realized how that sounded. “I can,” you amended, but that sounded odd too. “I mean, I don’t have anything against it. I was just waiting for you.”
He snorted. “Well, aren’t you polite?”  His tone made it feel like the worst thing you could possibly be. He flagged down the server and ordered a glass of the Macallan 18, then huffed impatiently while you asked questions about their wine selection. You didn’t know how he could be half an hour late and make you feel bad for taking your time ordering. 
Once you’d finally made your choice and the server left, you tried not to squirm as he gave you a once-over with his eyes. You felt disappointing without really knowing why. You tried to shrug off the feeling, but then Ransom said, “How old even are you?” with scorn in his voice.
You cleared your throat. “Twenty-four,” you tried to say with confidence.
“Jesus Christ,” he muttered.
You did your best not to shrink in on yourself. Maybe he was just nervous too. It was a weird situation. But, “Didn’t they tell you about me?”
He snorted again and rolled his eyes. “Gave me a whole binder. I never opened it.”
You looked down at your empty place setting, embarrassed. You’d studied every inch of what they’d given you, hoping to show him how seriously you were taking this and he couldn’t care less. “Oh,” was all you were able to say. 
He grinned a little meanly. “You got one too, didn’t you? Don’t tell me you’ve memorized facts about me that you were ready to rattle off to impress me.”
“No,” you growled out. You weren’t going to let him make you feel small just for trying to show interest in the person you were going to have to spend the rest of your life with.
He swiped one hand over his mouth and chin. “My god,” he muttered, “this whole thing is fucking ridiculous.”
The waitress came back and set down your drinks. Ransom immediately took a large gulp of his scotch. You itched to do the same, but you suddenly felt like proving a point. Even if you weren’t entirely sure what that point was. 
You were ready to order, but Ransom hadn’t glanced at his menu yet. Just as you were about to ask for a few more minutes, he said, “Go ahead and bring me another one of these right away,” and gestured with his drink in dismissal. She nodded and left.
Fuck it, you let yourself take a large drink of your wine. “Do you know what you’re going to have?” you asked, nodding to his menu.
He shook his head. “I have dinner plans after this.”
Heat shot through your whole body. “I thought these were the dinner plans.”
He rolled his eyes again. “Getting a head start on the nagging?” he asked, dryly. “Wow, it’s like we’re already married.”
You opened your mouth to do something, you weren’t sure what. Everything in your mind had gone white. But once again, Ransom beat you to it. “Alright, let’s get this done. You’re moving into my house. Fine. But I already have everything we need, so I expect you to pack light. I don’t need your shit cluttering up everything.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. You didn’t know how to have a conversation with him. Someone who left no room for you and seemed not to care at all about anything you had to say. And then there was the voice in your head that kept shouting about how incredibly important this dinner was to the rest of your life. And now it wasn’t even dinner. So when you opened your mouth to speak, what came out was, “I have a dog.”
He stared at you for a moment, seemingly surprised that you’d spoken at all. “What? No. Absolutely not. You’ll have to get rid of it. I hate dogs.”
You didn’t even bother to try to think through the static in your head. “She’s coming with me. I don’t care what else happens, I’m fucking bringing my dog.”
Ransom just narrowed his eyes and stared at you for a moment, then, “Fine. Just keep it away from me. And if it destroys my house, you’re getting rid of it. I’m serious.”  
“She won’t,” you said, as sure of that as anything. “She’s a good girl.”
“Whatever,” he said, as the server returned with his second drink. He slid his empty glass to the end of the table, then said, “The bill,” without looking at her. As she took his empty away, he continued to you, “I don’t know why you want to deal with a dog and a baby, but…” he shrugged.
You just blinked at him, trying to catch up with the massive leap he’d just taken. “Baby? What? Who said anything about a baby?”
He laughed, loudly. “Oh my god, they didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?” you asked, harshly, panic starting to build up in your chest. 
“Of course, they fucking left that to me. There’s a clause in the contract,” he said, “requiring you to get pregnant with my child within the first year.”
You stared over his shoulder, you couldn't look him in the eye, horrified and speechless. You couldn’t breathe. How were you supposed to breathe?
“You seriously didn’t read your own marriage contract?” The judgment in his tone had you shrinking in on yourself. You couldn’t help it.
“They didn’t give me any time,” you said, quietly. “They just made me sign it.”
“And you always do what you’re told, don’t you? Yeah, you look like a good girl.” He said it the same way he’d called you polite when he’d first sat down with you. Like it made you weak. Stupid. You’d never thought so before, but now you wondered if he was right.
“Fuck,” you whispered.
He chuckled humorlessly. “We agree on that,” he said. “This whole thing is fucked.”
At some point, without your notice, the server had returned with Ransom’s card and the receipt. He signed it quickly, then stood up. “Listen, now, at least, we can go back to our parents, tell them we met, chatted, got to know each other. Everything is hunky dory. And then do whatever we want for the next three weeks. Right now, I’m going to try to salvage my night. You go do,” he gestured vaguely at you, “whatever you need to do. I’ll see you at the wedding.”
And then he was gone and you were alone.
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You sat in the back seat of the car on the way back to your apartment, running over every moment of your evening. You kept thinking about the way he’d looked at you, talked to you. A baby. You were supposed to have a baby with him. A child that you’d have to raise. By yourself, judging by how invested in all this he seemed to be. Forty, fifty years of him looking at you like that, talking to you like that. And a baby. You leaned forward and asked the driver to take you to your parents’ house instead. 
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Once you arrived, you said you needed to speak to your stepfather urgently and were shown to his study. You stood in the middle of the room, too anxious to sit down, and waited. Everyone was making you wait tonight. 
Several minutes later, Joseph finally came in. “We weren’t expecting you tonight,” he said. “How did it go?”
You ignored his question, which you guessed was an answer in itself. “Please don’t make me do this,” you pleaded. 
“Sweetheart,” he sighed, disappointed, and moved over to his bar, pouring himself two fingers of decanted whiskey. “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
“It was. It was awful. He’s– I can’t do this. Please, please don’t make me.” Your voice broke, but you couldn’t be embarrassed about it, not when you were staring down an entire lifetime with him. 
“Everyone gets nervous before their wedding. You’ll be fine. This is important. To all of us.”
“It’s not nerves!” You were close to shouting, suddenly. “You weren’t there. You don’t know. There have to be other families we need things from. It doesn’t have to be this family, does it? It doesn’t have to be right now. Please, please, anything else. I’m begging you, don’t make me marry him, have a child with him.”
He chuckled lightly. “Oh, that’s what this is about. It won’t feel as scary once the baby is here. You’ll make an excellent mother.”
You just stared at him, agape. He wasn’t listening to anything you had to say. “How could you not tell me that was part of the contract? I deserved to know. I wouldn’t have signed!”
His face hardened at that. “You were naive to not expect it. Of course, children are part of this. I admit that the timing is a little fast, but Harlan insisted.”
“Joseph, please listen to me. I can’t. I can’t. Please. If you care about me at all, you won’t make me do this.”
“You’re being ridiculous. It’s done. Everything’s signed. You signed. Now,” he said and took a drink, “it’s getting late. It’s high time you went home. Hopefully, you’ll be able to calm yourself down there.” And then he left the room, ignoring you as your whole world fell apart.
As you left, you passed your mother in the hall. Neither of you said anything.
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When you got home, Steve was waiting for you, having already let himself in, holding Lola in one arm. “How did it go?” he asked seriously. You shook your head and finally let the tears fall. He pulled you into his arms, smushing you against your dog, and gently guided you into your home.
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Part Two
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met, out of curiosity (by your own personal standards of fame)?
Neil Armstrong. No questions asked.
And then, Roger Zelazny, Ursula K Le Guin, Samuel R Delany, Harlan Ellison, Frank Herbert, Anne McCaffrey, Naomi Mitchison, Gene Wolfe.
(And I had dinner long ago with Lou Reed.)
Everyone else comes after them. All the rock stars and comedians and movie stars and actors and politicians and what have you. All the other writers I've met.
If I'd met Jack Kirby, instead of just spotting him from across the room and realizing that if I stopped to talk I might miss my plane, he'd be on the list just after Neil Armstrong.
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royalsweetteaa · 1 year
I absolutely love your character HCs and would like your opinion on another: CE Characters reacting to random physical affection. For example, they're reading something and you caress their cheek, run your fingers through their hair, start scratching their back, or even a quick kiss on the cheek?
I’ve been sparing this for when I’m in a certain mood and I’m so ready to write out this HC now. 😌♥️
Steve Rogers
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Steve is sitting at the edge of your shared bed, getting ready to take a nap as he’s tired after days of hard work at S.H.I.E.L.D. You decide while he’s sitting there that you should get behind him and give him a back rub. He’s surprised as he looks behind, and that’s when you continue to do a back massage.
“Oh that feels really good, doll. Thank you…is there anything you would like me to do?”
He always wants to service you back, but this time you deny him other than have him stay where he is so you can show care to him. He appreciates it a lot and from then it becomes a frequent occurrence.
Ransom Drysdale
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Ransom is sitting on the couch, reading through a magazine about the nominated mystery novels, among those being Harlan’s newest book. He’s so into the reading of reviews that he doesn’t notice you getting behind him, and his head goes blank when your fingers run through the root of his hair. It’s unexpected but it feels heavenly to him, - but of course Ransom being Ransom ruins it as he gets defensive.
“What are you doing that for?” He asks, and you respond how you simply want to take care of him. He laughs as if he finds the idea is amusing to him, and dodges his head away from your touch, “I’m fine, I don’t need you to do that.”
Ransom later groans in frustration when you’re not there, realizing how much of a mistake it was to deny you because he knows he won’t have you touching him like that now unless he asks for it. He hates asking for things like that, but he has to learn from his consequences after all.
Andy Barber
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Andy is standing by the kitchen island, sipping on his hot coffee while reading the news on the news paper. It’s a morning routine, and that’s why he doesn’t expect anything other than a kiss as a usual morning greeting from you when you come downstairs. However, as he puts the paper aside and meets your lips, you hold his cheeks with the palm of your hands for a deep kiss.
His eyes widens a bit, not expecting something so intimate from you first thing in the morning, and he speaks when you break away, “Woah, honey. Does it happen that I have done something in particular to receive that kind of greeting? Because if I have I’ll have to do it more often.”
You chuckle, shaking your head as you respond something in the lines of you doing it because you love him.
Johnny Storm
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Slight NSFW
Johnny is in the living room couch eating his ham sandwich while watching WWE, unaware you’re right behind him. With the both of you being playful comes with shenanigans, and now you are given the opportunity to do something to take him by surprise. You give his hunched shoulder a kiss, and as he leans back to see your face with a dopey smile you grab a handful of his pecs for a squeeze, making him burst out laughing from the ticking sensation.
He puts the plate of food on the table before jumping over the couch, attacking you with physical affection and being grabby with your breasts as you laugh and push him away playfully. “Baby, you started it, it’s only fair I get to do it back.” He says, not letting you get away. You eventually give in to his embrace.
He loves surprises, especially of those being from you where you touch him in the most interesting places.
Jake Jensen
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Jake spends time playing video games mid afternoon on his time off, hoping to reach high levels before he inevitably has to go weeks without playing as he goes on missions again. You check on him, chuckling to yourself as you overhear his series of roasts to the team through the headphone microphone as he gets ahead of them. You decide you don’t want to disturb him, and walk over to place a quick kiss on his cheek which makes him stiffen from the sudden affection but he welcomes it.
“Aw thanks, babe…lemme give you one too.” He requests softly, and you get closer giving access to your cheek, receiving a gentle kiss from him.
He decides he hasn’t had enough and leads out to spend time with his girl, not caring that he’s loosing scores as the game carries on.
Bryce Langley
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Bryce has been watching tribe documentaries for hours at his place, to the point of having to lay down on the couch with his eyes getting tired. While he naps his eyes, you come by, placing yourself on the empty space beside Bryce’s head on the couch. You sigh, turning off the documentary and Bryce furrows his eyebrows in protest, but before he can say anything, he is given a massage on his scalp, making him relax again.
“Oh fuck, that feels nice, baby. Keep going…” he requests with no shame, the feeling too good to deny.
Ending the evening with a head massage was certainly not in his plans, but Bryce can’t say he minds it at all. Your affections comes above his obsessions.
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A/N: Ari will be added when I have an original idea for him. T.T
Hearts & Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Big girls don't cry (2)
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Summary: You are no stranger to heartbreak.
Pairing: CEO!Steve Rogers x Plussized!Reader
Warnings: angst, strong reader, mentions of former heartbreak, arguments, heartbreak, almost violence
Big girls don’t cry masterlist
<< Part 1
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Steve’s whole world just exploded. His life lies in shambles because of one stupid mistake.
After he lied to his friends to make them shut up, he lost you. And now, the chairman of his company is yelling at him. But Steve doesn’t care.
He can only think of you, the only woman he ever truly loved. You didn’t answer his calls and sent the roses he ordered for you right back.
“I told you that I don’t want to use my girlfriend to get closer to Harlan Thrombey,” Steve yells back. “You pressured me into meeting her grandmother to charm her. Now my girlfriend hates me, and Harlan Thrombey will never agree to sell his company to you.”
“Mr. Rogers, must I remind you that your position and fate are in my hands?” Alexander Pierce sneers at Steve. He cannot employ someone weak who puts feelings first. “Do still want your job, or is some pussy more important to you? Did that chubby bitch cloud your mind—”
Alexander Pierce doesn’t know what hit him when he ends up on the ground. His nose was broken, and more so his pride.
“Fuck this job,” Steve looks down at Alexander, the man he used to admire. “I can’t do this job anymore. And I won’t. I hate my job, and I hate what you made me do. So many jobs…no not only jobs but lives ruined because of your greed. I’m out of this!”
Steve storms out of the office, cursing himself for ever wanting to follow in Pierce’s footsteps. He’s not the same man he was six months ago. No. You’ve changed his whole life for the better.
“I need to get her back,” he decides there and then to not give up until you are back in his arms.
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“Babydoll, I know you are in there!” Steve rams his fist into your door. “Please, I fucked up big time. But I love you, Y/N. Please…I need you.”
“Eat shit,” you yell from inside your penthouse. He can rot in hell for what he did to you. “Get away from my door or I swear you will taste my baseball bat today.”
“I won’t go. If I must, I’ll camp outside your home. It’s cozy out here,” Steve tries to sound confident. “I got food, and sweets, and a soft blanket.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” you open the door size Steve up. He looks like he hasn’t slept for days. His hair is a mess, and the suit he’s wearing has seen better days. “Get away from me and my home. There is nothing left to say.”
“I didn’t go out with you to get in your grandma’s good graces. I swear, until my boss brought it up, I didn’t know she was friends with Harlan Thrombey. I refused to use my relationship to get the deal.”
“You know, out of all the shitty guys I met in my life, you are the worst. At least the others had the guts to tell me that they only used me. They never spoke about love,” you huff when Steve dares to take one step toward you. 
“I love you, please,” he tries but you shove him away. “Y/N, it was stupid of me to say those things to get Bucky to leave. I swear on my mom’s grave, it’s not true. You mean the world to me.”
“If you don’t want me to break your dick with my baseball bat, you get out of my sight Rogers,” you point at his crotch. “It’s a nice dick, and it’d be a shame if he gets damaged because of the asshole carrying him between his legs.”
Steve would laugh about the way you talk about his cock. Sadly, you are dead serious about hurting him. “Please give me five minutes, baby doll.”
“The fuck no,” you shake your head. “I’ve got no time to waste on a man using me to make even more money. Where everyone has a heart, you’ve got a cold and rotten lump in your chest.”
“I quit my job.” Steve reaches out for you. “I never wanted to hurt you or use you. I swear this is all a misunderstanding. Bucky was nagging, and I wanted him to stop making fun of me for being in love.”
“You mean for being in love with the fat girl,” you snap at Steve. “I heard all of this before. You’re nice, and your face is pretty for a fat girl. If only you’d lose some weight we could be more than friends.”
“Whoa, baby! Where is this coming from?” Steve raises his hands in surrender. “Bucky is not that kind of guy, neither am I. I love you for yourself. Your size never mattered to me…or it does because damn, do you know how I love burying my face between your tits? You are perfect the way you are.”
How you wish Steve’s words were true. You know better than trusting a man with your heart. “No, I’m not. Not to you and the likes of you.” You shrug. “It’s fine. Not everyone can handle a woman like me. The difference is, you pretend to like, no love me, for a deal.”
“No-“ he sniffs. “Can we not talk, doll? Did you even listen? I quit my job and hit my boss for you.”
“Sure,” you sneer. “I want you to leave and never come back. If I see your face around here ever again, you will regret your birth.”
You slam the door in his face, locking it. No man breaks your heart and gets away with it. If he won’t leave you alone, you’ll make sure that he regrets messing with you…
>> Part 3
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liberalsarecool · 1 year
25 years of 'thoughts and prayers'.
Thurston High School
Columbine High School
Heritage High School
Deming Middle School
Fort Gibson Middle School
Buell Elementary School
Lake Worth Middle School
University of Arkansas
Junipero Serra High School
Santana High School
Bishop Neumann High School
Pacific Lutheran University
Granite Hills High School
Lew Wallace High School
Martin Luther King, Jr High School
Appalachian School of Law
Washington High School
Conception Abbey
Benjamin Tasker Middle School
University of Arizona
Lincoln High School
John McDonogh High School
Red Lion Area Junior High School
Case Western Reserve University
Rocori High School
Ballou High School
Randallstown High School
Bowen High School
Red Lake Senior High School
Harlan Community Academy High School
Campbell County High School
Milwee Middle School
Roseburg High School
Pine Middle School
Essex Elementary School
Duquesne University
Platte Canyon High School
Weston High School
West Nickel Mines School
Joplin Memorial Middle School
Henry Foss High School
Compton Centennial High School
Virginia Tech
Success Tech Academy
Miami Carol City Senior High School
Hamilton High School
Louisiana Technical College
Mitchell High School
EO Green Junior High School
Northern Illinois University
Lakota Middle School
Knoxville Central High School
Willoughby South High School
Henry Ford High School
University of Central Arkansas
Dillard High School
Dunbar High School
Hampton University
Harvard College
Larose-Cut Off Middle School
International Studies Academy
Skyline College
Discovery Middle School
University of Alabama
DeKalb School
Deer Creek Middle School
Ohio State University
Mumford High School
University of Texas
Kelly Elementary School
Marinette High School
Aurora Central High School
Millard South High School
Martinsville West Middle School
Worthing High School
Millard South High School
Highlands Intermediate School
Cape Fear High School
Chardon High School
Episcopal School of Jacksonville
Oikos University
Hamilton High School
Perry Hall School
Normal Community High School
University of South Alabama
Banner Academy South
University of Southern California
Sandy Hook Elementary School
Apostolic Revival Center Christian School
Taft Union High School
Osborn High School
Stevens Institute of Business and Arts
Hazard Community and Technical College
Chicago State University
Lone Star College-North
Cesar Chavez High School
Price Middle School
University of Central Florida
New River Community College
Grambling State University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ossie Ware Mitchell Middle School
Ronald E McNair Discovery Academy
North Panola High School
Carver High School
Agape Christian Academy
Sparks Middle School
North Carolina A&T State University
Stephenson High School
Brashear High School
West Orange High School
Arapahoe High School
Edison High School
Liberty Technology Magnet High School
Hillhouse High School
Berrendo Middle School
Purdue University
South Carolina State University
Los Angeles Valley College
Charles F Brush High School
University of Southern California
Georgia Regents University
Academy of Knowledge Preschool
Benjamin Banneker High School
D H Conley High School
East English Village Preparatory Academy
Paine College
Georgia Gwinnett College
John F Kennedy High School
Seattle Pacific University
Reynolds High School
Indiana State University
Albemarle High School
Fern Creek Traditional High School
Langston Hughes High School
Marysville Pilchuck High School
Florida State University
Miami Carol City High School
Rogers State University
Rosemary Anderson High School
Wisconsin Lutheran High School
Frederick High School
Tenaya Middle School
Bethune-Cookman University
Pershing Elementary School
Wayne Community College
JB Martin Middle School
Southwestern Classical Academy
Savannah State University
Harrisburg High School
Umpqua Community College
Northern Arizona University
Texas Southern University
Tennessee State University
Winston-Salem State University
Mojave High School
Lawrence Central High School
Franklin High School
Muskegon Heights High School
Independence High School
Madison High School
Antigo High School
University of California-Los Angeles
Jeremiah Burke High School
Alpine High School
Townville Elementary School
Vigor High School
Linden McKinley STEM Academy
June Jordan High School for Equity
Union Middle School
Mueller Park Junior High School
West Liberty-Salem High School
University of Washington
King City High School
North Park Elementary School
North Lake College
Freeman High School
Mattoon High School
Rancho Tehama Elementary School
Aztec High School
Wake Forest University
Italy High School
NET Charter High School
Marshall County High School
Sal Castro Middle School
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Great Mills High School
Central Michigan University
Huffman High School
Frederick Douglass High School
Forest High School
Highland High School
Dixon High School
Santa Fe High School
Noblesville West Middle School
University of North Carolina Charlotte
STEM School Highlands Ranch
Edgewood High School
Palm Beach Central High School
Providence Career & Technical Academy
Fairley High School (school bus)
Canyon Springs High School
Dennis Intermediate School
Florida International University
Central Elementary School
Cascade Middle School
Davidson High School
Prairie View A & M University
Altascocita High School
Central Academy of Excellence
Cleveland High School
Robert E Lee High School
Cheyenne South High School
Grambling State University
Blountsville Elementary School
Holmes County, Mississippi (school bus)
Prescott High School
College of the Mainland
Wynbrooke Elementary School
UNC Charlotte
Riverview Florida (school bus)
Second Chance High School
Carman-Ainsworth High School
Williwaw Elementary School
Monroe Clark Middle School
Central Catholic High School
Jeanette High School
Eastern Hills High School
DeAnza High School
Ridgway High School
Reginald F Lewis High School
Saugus High School
Pleasantville High School
Waukesha South High School
Oshkosh High School
Catholic Academy of New Haven
Bellaire High School
North Crowley High School
McAuliffe Elementary School
South Oak Cliff High School
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Sonora High School
Western Illinois University
Oxford High School
Robb Elementary SchoolThurston High School
Columbine High School
Heritage High School
Deming Middle School
Fort Gibson Middle School
Buell Elementary School
Lake Worth Middle School
University of Arkansas
Junipero Serra High School
Santana High School
Bishop Neumann High School
Pacific Lutheran University
Granite Hills High School
Lew Wallace High School
Martin Luther King, Jr High School
Appalachian School of Law
Washington High School
Conception Abbey
Benjamin Tasker Middle School
University of Arizona
Lincoln High School
John McDonogh High School
Red Lion Area Junior High School
Case Western Reserve University
Rocori High School
Ballou High School
Randallstown High School
Bowen High School
Red Lake Senior High School
Harlan Community Academy High School
Campbell County High School
Milwee Middle School
Roseburg High School
Pine Middle School
Essex Elementary School
Duquesne University
Platte Canyon High School
Weston High School
West Nickel Mines School
Joplin Memorial Middle School
Henry Foss High School
Compton Centennial High School
Virginia Tech
Success Tech Academy
Miami Carol City Senior High School
Hamilton High School
Louisiana Technical College
Mitchell High School
EO Green Junior High School
Northern Illinois University
Lakota Middle School
Knoxville Central High School
Willoughby South High School
Henry Ford High School
University of Central Arkansas
Dillard High School
Dunbar High School
Hampton University
Harvard College
Larose-Cut Off Middle School
International Studies Academy
Skyline College
Discovery Middle School
University of Alabama
DeKalb School
Deer Creek Middle School
Ohio State University
Mumford High School
University of Texas
Kelly Elementary School
Marinette High School
Aurora Central High School
Millard South High School
Martinsville West Middle School
Worthing High School
Millard South High School
Highlands Intermediate School
Cape Fear High School
Chardon High School
Episcopal School of Jacksonville
Oikos University
Hamilton High School
Perry Hall School
Normal Community High School
University of South Alabama
Banner Academy South
University of Southern California
Sandy Hook Elementary School
Apostolic Revival Center Christian School
Taft Union High School
Osborn High School
Stevens Institute of Business and Arts
Hazard Community and Technical College
Chicago State University
Lone Star College-North
Cesar Chavez High School
Price Middle School
University of Central Florida
New River Community College
Grambling State University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ossie Ware Mitchell Middle School
Ronald E McNair Discovery Academy
North Panola High School
Carver High School
Agape Christian Academy
Sparks Middle School
North Carolina A&T State University
Stephenson High School
Brashear High School
West Orange High School
Arapahoe High School
Edison High School
Liberty Technology Magnet High School
Hillhouse High School
Berrendo Middle School
Purdue University
South Carolina State University
Los Angeles Valley College
Charles F Brush High School
University of Southern California
Georgia Regents University
Academy of Knowledge Preschool
Benjamin Banneker High School
D H Conley High School
East English Village Preparatory Academy
Paine College
Georgia Gwinnett College
John F Kennedy High School
Seattle Pacific University
Reynolds High School
Indiana State University
Albemarle High School
Fern Creek Traditional High School
Langston Hughes High School
Marysville Pilchuck High School
Florida State University
Miami Carol City High School
Rogers State University
Rosemary Anderson High School
Wisconsin Lutheran High School
Frederick High School
Tenaya Middle School
Bethune-Cookman University
Pershing Elementary School
Wayne Community College
JB Martin Middle School
Southwestern Classical Academy
Savannah State University
Harrisburg High School
Umpqua Community College
Northern Arizona University
Texas Southern University
Tennessee State University
Winston-Salem State University
Mojave High School
Lawrence Central High School
Franklin High School
Muskegon Heights High School
Independence High School
Madison High School
Antigo High School
University of California-Los Angeles
Jeremiah Burke High School
Alpine High School
Townville Elementary School
Vigor High School
Linden McKinley STEM Academy
June Jordan High School for Equity
Union Middle School
Mueller Park Junior High School
West Liberty-Salem High School
University of Washington
King City High School
North Park Elementary School
North Lake College
Freeman High School
Mattoon High School
Rancho Tehama Elementary School
Aztec High School
Wake Forest University
Italy High School
NET Charter High School
Marshall County High School
Sal Castro Middle School
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Great Mills High School
Central Michigan University
Huffman High School
Frederick Douglass High School
Forest High School
Highland High School
Dixon High School
Santa Fe High School
Noblesville West Middle School
University of North Carolina Charlotte
STEM School Highlands Ranch
Edgewood High School
Palm Beach Central High School
Providence Career & Technical Academy
Fairley High School (school bus)
Canyon Springs High School
Dennis Intermediate School
Florida International University
Central Elementary School
Cascade Middle School
Davidson High School
Prairie View A & M University
Altascocita High School
Central Academy of Excellence
Cleveland High School
Robert E Lee High School
Cheyenne South High School
Grambling State University
Blountsville Elementary School
Holmes County, Mississippi (school bus)
Prescott High School
College of the Mainland
Wynbrooke Elementary School
UNC Charlotte
Riverview Florida (school bus)
Second Chance High School
Carman-Ainsworth High School
Williwaw Elementary School
Monroe Clark Middle School
Central Catholic High School
Jeanette High School
Eastern Hills High School
DeAnza High School
Ridgway High School
Reginald F Lewis High School
Saugus High School
Pleasantville High School
Waukesha South High School
Oshkosh High School
Catholic Academy of New Haven
Bellaire High School
North Crowley High School
McAuliffe Elementary School
South Oak Cliff High School
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Sonora High School
Western Illinois University
Oxford High School
Bridgewater University
Robb Elementary School
Michigan State University
Covenant Christian School
***feel free to copy and paste, then share ****
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As Long As You’re Mine - Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader (Part 2)
A/N: Surprise! I’ll let you in on a little secret... I already had this written before I posted the first part! I just wanted to see how it would go down first and boy did you guys like it! So I hope this follow up satisfies your need!
Read Part 1 here!
Summary: Following your engagement to Drysdale there’s one last twist in the tale
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Mob Elements! Language! Mention of Arranged Marriage! Fluff! 
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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It had been a month since you learnt of your engagement to Drysdale. Every night you savoured every moment you had left with Steve. Clinging onto him whenever you could, praying and begging this was all a nightmare that one day you’d wake from.
But right now you were waking up alone. Steve had returned to Brooklyn a week ago, said there was a family emergency he had to deal with. He promised to be back as soon as he could, that every night he’d fall asleep thinking of you.
You were just walking towards the sunroom when Romero stepped into your path “your brother needs to speak to you immediately” he states.
You let out a long sigh “sure whatever” you muttered turning in the opposite direction back towards your brother’s office.
As you walked inside you could see how tense your brother was as he braced himself against the desk. You didn’t say anything, just sat down and waited for whatever he had to say.
“Drysdale and the rest of the Thombeys are dead, the entire family has collapsed” Bryce finally states his fists clenching in anger.
“What?” You mutter in disbelief.
“They’re gone, completely crumbled over some stupid inheritance” Bryce scoffs “Drysdale got word that he was getting written out, so decided to kill Harlan before the will got changed, it all imploded from there, family turned against each other until they were all dead”
“Whoa” you muttered in disbelief, you always knew Drysdale would cause the Thrombey empire to fall but you didn’t expect this.
“Yep, so looks like you get your wish after all, you don’t have to marry him” Bryce states in frustration.
“My wish was to choose who I got to marry not have it decided for me!” You snap.
“Well, you might not have any choice now! The options are dwindling and you might be stuck with Hansen!” Bryce roars.
“Don’t you even dare” you growl launching from your chair in anger.
“Boss,” Romero says interrupting the two of you.
“What?” Bryce snaps.
“There’s someone here to see you” Romero answers.
“Send them away, I don’t have time to deal with anyone, I’ve got to fix this bullshit” Bryce states gesturing at you.
“She says she’s a representative of the New York syndicate” Romero pushes.
Both you and Bryce freeze, you’d heard a lot about the syndicate from Steve. And by the look on Bryce’s face, you gathered your father told him a lot too.
“Send her in, Y/N go back to your room I’ll deal with you later” Bryce orders.
“She wants to speak with Y/N too” Romero adds.
You and Bryce exchange a glance and before he had a chance to argue you gave your order “send her in”
Bryce glares at you but his attention soon shifts when the redhead walked in. Her hips swayed as she went, exuding confidence that made it feel like she owned the place. You watched as she first surveyed Bryce before looking at you a smirk growing on her face as if she already knew all your dirty little secrets.
“Bryce Langley,” Bryce says holding out his hand.
“Natalie Rushman but just call me Nat” Nat smiles shaking his hand “let's cut straight to the chase, I’m here on behalf of the New York syndicate boss, who has decided to offer you a deal,” Nat says pulling out a file and placing it on the desk.
“Why?” You question as Bryce picks up the file and sits down.
“I’ve learnt its best not to question my Boss’ motives,” Nat says, despite the clear warning her tone was amused.
Concerned that your brother was about to walk into a trap you walked around the desk and started reading the contract of the deal over his shoulder. It was a trade deal, one that would allow your brother access to the New York harbours. There were a lot of restrictions and contingencies that ensure the New York syndicate remained on top but it was still a good deal. One that all the Boston families would kill for.
“This is a very generous offer” Bryce hums.
“What does he want in return” you question, a deal this big would come with a heavy price tag and you needed to know all the details before agreeing.
Nat smirks as she looks over at you “the only thing he wants, is you as his bride” she answers and your blood ran cold.
You had only just been freed of one arranged marriage, and barely half an hour later another was being discussed.
Nat must have read the horror on your face “and let me just warn you when my boss wants something, he’ll stop at nothing to get it. His enemies learnt that the hard way” she warned.
“Bryce please” you begged.
“You’ve got yourself a deal” Bryce agrees completely ignoring you, grabbing a pen and signing your life away before you could stop him.
“What the hell Bryce,” you say your voice cracking.
“This will be good for you Y/N, would you rather marry Hansen?” Bryce points out.
You scoff shaking your head at him as you fought back your tears “when do I have to leave?” You whisper turning to Nat.
You were shocked to see a hint of sympathy in her eyes as if she wasn’t the one who just condemned you “we have a private jet chartered for lunchtime, my boss wants you in New York before the end of the day”
“This is ridiculous” you mutter under your breath.
“Go relax Y/N, I’ll have someone pack your belongings,” Bryce says gently.
“No I’d rather do it, at least the essentials, they can do the rest,” you say shaking your head, only you knew where all the secret sketches you and Steve did were hidden.
“I’ll be back at 12 to take you to the airfield” Nat nods before turning away and walking out of the office.
Once she was gone you turned to face Bryce “you’re a monster” you whispered “you can lie to yourself about it but you’re exactly like him” you saw the flicker of hurt in his eyes as you turned and walked out of that office for the last time.
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As the town car drove through the city you wished you could enjoy the view but you couldn’t. It has been a dream of yours to live in New York, you should be happy right now. But the reason you were here was the worst possible reason.
You were about to marry a complete stranger, you knew nothing about him, and he could be a monster worse than your father. What hurt the most was that your time with Steve had come to an abrupt end. He’d return to find you long gone and there was no chance your new husband would let you hire him.
You were surprised when the car drove out of the city and upstate. You were even more surprised when the car pulled outside a large house. You’d expected him to live in one of those large penthouses in the city. Not a house in the suburbs.
“Let's go,” Nat says climbing out of the car, and waiting for you to follow suit.
You followed after her as she led you into the house, you looked around in amazement at how understated it all was. It didn’t look like a mob leader's house at all.
“This will be your room for the time being,” Nat says opening a door for you.
Stepping inside you were surprised at how much you liked the decor. You were expecting to hate every single thing about this place, but you were struggling. The house had the views like your old home had but was close enough to the city that you could still enjoy the life of it all. You thought everything would be garish and horrid but it was understated and cosy.
“Dinner is at 7, enough time to freshen up and relax,” Nat says before walking out and leaving you all alone.
You took a deep breath as you looked around the room. Taking everything in, you tried to find something you hated but you couldn’t. There was even a folded-up easel in the corner. Running your hand down your face, taking another deep breath before deciding to have a shower to freshen up.
At 7 pm you made your way downstairs and towards the dining room. Once again you were expecting something grand where your soon-to-be husband would be miles away but it was once again understated. It was A table that would seat 8 people maybe 10 at a push, and the places set weren’t at opposite ends, one was at the head of the table the other sat right next to it.
You turned when you heard the door open behind and you saw your soon-to-be husband for the first time. He was tall and muscular, clean-shaven and had short blonde hair. Your breath caught when you saw his eyes, his piercing blue eyes that somehow held warmth in them. You realised with a start that you recognised him, but it couldn’t be him.
“Hello, sweetheart” he smiles walking over to you.
“Ste-Steve?” You mutter in disbelief.
Steve smiles warmly down at you as he comes to a stop right in front of you, his hand reaching up to cup your cheek “I’ve missed you so much sweetheart” he whispers softly.
“I-I’m so confused” you mutter shaking your head.
Steve gives you a warm lopsided smile “I know I’m sorry for all the cloak and daggers, but I promised I’d set you free”
“You’re the boss of the New York syndicate” you state in disbelief, Steve hums in confirmation “but what were you doing being my bodyguard”
Steve lets out a long sigh his hand slipping into yours “I’ll be completely honest, because I don’t want there to be anything between us, not anymore” Steve says shaking his head “I was there because I was trying to find weak points, your father had been poking around too much and I needed to take your brother out before any secrets got out” Steve explains your jaw dropping in shock “but I never expected to fall in love with you, so when I discovered your brother knew nothing I switched targets”
“You took out Drysdale and his entire family…. Why?” You question.
“For you, to free you from that marriage” Steve answered squeezing your hand gently.
“But the contract” you mutter shaking your head.
“Was only to get you here and away from your brother, you aren’t trapped here, you don’t have to marry me if you don’t want to, you could leave and do whatever you want to do”  Steve explains.
You were speechless, you couldn’t believe what Steve had done for you. What he’d save you from. You hadn’t even realised you were crying until Steve cupped your cheeks and began to wipe away your tears “please don’t cry, I’m sorry I wanted to tell you everything but I couldn’t risk it”  he pleaded.
“Thank you” you cried launching yourself into his arms and hugging him tightly.
You felt Steve breathe out a long sigh of relief, hugging you back with equal vigour and kissing the top of your head.
“I still can’t believe you’re the head of the New York syndicate,” you say still in shock “who else knows?”
“Only a select few, Nat who you’ve already met, my best friend Bucky, and the rest of the Avengers” Steve answered brushing some hair out of your face, his fingers brushing against your cheek.
You snort with laughter “the Avengers?”
“Tony, another member of the inner circle coined it,” Steve said with a bashful smile.
You couldn’t help but chuckle “it's a good name,” you say reaching up to finally kiss him “I do have to admit this all wasn’t what I was expecting”
“I know, having no one knows who I truly am means I get to live an ordinary life outside of work” Steve explains “it means so do you, you can do what you want when you want”
“This is amazing Steve, all of this” you confess shaking your head in disbelief.
“It's all yours sweetheart, if you want it it’s yours” Steve promises.
“I want it, I want it all, I want you, I want everything” you smile up at him.
Steve beams down at you “I love you so so much”
“I love you too Steve” you grin your hands running up into his hair as he kissed you deeply “but do you mind growing the beard back?”
Steve barks out a loud laugh “anything for you sweetheart, anything for you”
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
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I think we're all collectively sleeping on Earl Harlan as a character, because while the concept of "guy in love with Cecil who has the mystery 19-for-decades" syndrome may seem like someone's OC, he's so much more than that. It would be easy in any other story to make someone with such significant characteristics a more important figure, especially he's voiced by Will Wheaton. But instead he's more of a throwaway gag character who sometimes shows up to do his cooking segments.
I'll be totally honest; I don't really like Cooking Time With Earl Harlan. But I do like the Night Vale boyscout concepts. It just makes more sense to me that there would be a scout program meant to adapt to the strangeness of life in Night Vale than that there would be weird and inedible recipes i Night Vale all performed while actively broadcasting on the radio. To ME. I know everyone else and their mom loves Cooking Time With Earl Harlan. I am sorry for the discourse that this post will undoubtedly cause. However, TO ME I would rather know about how Earl's experience as a boyscout leader impacted his ability to parent Roger.
The concept of Roger is also intriguing because there are a lot of implications present. Waking up one day with a child would be without a doubt, traumatizing. Does he remind Earl of his childhood self? And what else about Earl's mystery childhood with Cecil would this bring up?
This is what's fascinating about Earl - there's so much about him, but so little of it is elaborated on, leaving lots of room for speculation. What we do know about him, though, contributes to the overall world building of Night Vale. And of course, it wouldn't be right for me to mention Earl without bringing up the fact that he is a canonical cannibal. He has consumed human flesh. This is an actual thing that happened in Night Vale. It just shows what a devoted Scout Master Earl really is.
This post is dedicated to @mississpissi
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ashbrat488 · 28 days
Ashbrat488 Fanfic Masterlist
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Chris Evans
Ransom Drysdale - State of Grace - Complete
Grace Carson was friends with Ransom Drysdale throughout school. Best friends actually, but only in private, their friendship breaking apart after graduation. She went to college, coming back to Boston to work at Harlan's publishing company as an editor. But when Harlan dies, she's thrown back into Ransom's life at the bequest of Harlan himself. Will they be able to get along well enough to carry out Harlan's wishes or will their differences just be too much, leaving Ransom without his inheritance.
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Henry Cavill
Henry Cavill AU - Foul Play - Complete
Millicent "Milly" Bailey loses her mother just before her high school graduation and decides to move to England with her newly found father, Darren, she didn't know about until she turned 16. Now she's an American from a small town in Iowa, thrown into a new country and a new culture at one of the most prestigious colleges in the world. She's quiet and mostly likes to keep to herself until she catches the eye of a handsome rugby player, Henry Cavill. Henry thinks it's funny to tease Milly, bullying her with the help of his friends. That is until his last year of school where he really needs to buckle down and obtain the proper grades if he wants to be scouted for the England Rugby Team. Neither of them are happy when the dean, Milly's father, puts them together in their last year for Milly to help him graduate. Can they learn to see eye to eye and get along or will everything fall apart before graduation?
Captain Syverson - Flower In The Desert - Complete
Violet Becker is the daughter of the Major General, and despite her ranking, she refuses special treatment when she gets sent to the middle east in the midst of war. Constantly underestimated her whole life, she finishes medical school and is itching to put her new skills to work. She is left under the command of Edward Syverson who has sworn to her father to protect her. Can he keep his promise or is having to take care of a woman in the middle of a warzone too much for even him?
August Walker - Candy - Ongoing
August Walker, the CEO of a renowned Security Firm located in the bustling streets of Washington DC. His life is a constant juggling act, burdened by the weight of stressful responsibilities. The strain on his marriage is palpable, with his relationship barely holding itself together. However, he remains tethered to his wife primarily for the sake of their son, whom he adores dearly. To find solace amidst the chaos, August forms a unique bond with an escort who goes by the name "Candy." Their clandestine meetings become a refuge for him, an escape from the pressures of his daily existence. For over nine months, their encounters grow in frequency, and August finds himself becoming increasingly possessive of Candy's time, although he strives to keep their interactions as casual as she desires. However, their relationship takes an unexpected turn when August accidentally discovers Candy's true identity. Intrigued by this revelation, he begins to interfere in her life and even meddles in the affairs of her boyfriend, who coincidentally works for him. As August's feelings deepen, he wrestles with the idea of whether he can make Candy choose him over her current life.
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Calahan Skogman (Baseball AU) - Sliding Into Home
Sebastian Stan AU - Hope In Love
Bucky Barnes - Torn Pages
Cole Turner (Chris Evans) - Codename: Turtledove
Ransom Drysdale - Speak Now
Steve Rogers - Happy Birthday Captain
Jake Jensen - Dessert
Ari Levinson/Steve Rogers MFM - Pure Smut
Lloyd Hansen/August Walker MFM - Pure Smut
Sherlock (Henry Cavill) - Sherlock And His Cane
Ewan McGregor - Better Than Revenge
Author's Note: I only write for readers over 18. I write a lot of smut. Please do not engage or read if you are under 18. I *do* take requests... I also have a lot more stories on Wattpad (including a lot of Chris Evans) if you would like to check them out there.
Also, all my female characters are always original. No, I do not write y/n or reader stories. I prefer to create actual characters. Just my preference
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